Saturday, November 19, 2016

Kate on Good Morning America on Monday

In a promo clip tweeted by GMA, Kate talks about Collin's whereabouts being a secret.

ABC Breaking News | Latest News Videos The full interview can be found here: 

Longer version of the video: 

389 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 389   Newer›   Newest» ~ Administrator said... 1

Am I the only one that finds Kates statement, her knowing where Collin is but the world doesn't, kinda scary? I feel like I should be taking a shovel to the compound!! No kidding that gave me chills!


It's creepy, I agree. I also think it's an attempt to change the narrative, to bait and switch.

Excuse me, no one is asking for the boy's address. What was said, is, is he okay? Is he close enough for frequent visitation? Is he in a placement that's appropriate for his needs? Is this a dumping because he's becoming inconvenient to filming, or is this really what is best for him?

By turning it around as if everyone is clamoring to know his GPS coordinates, she muddies the waters.

Why is she even talking about this???

ncgirl said... 2

To play devil's advocate, maybe Kate is saying the world doesn't know because she respects Colin's privacy(yeah, right). She just comes off like a horror movie villain saying, "I know something you don't know."

And her picture on this post reinforces the horror movie villain. Yikes.

Layla said... 3

Even if Collin is close to home, that doesn't mean that his family is visiting. The other kids don't know where he is, which means they are not going there to visit. Sounds like Kate shipped him off and didn't look back. ~ Administrator said... 4

To play devil's advocate, maybe Kate is saying the world doesn't know because she respects Colin's privacy(yeah, right). She just comes off like a horror movie villain saying, "I know something you don't know."


I think a lot of what she does comes from a place of mirroring an action she wants to emulate, such as "I respect my child's privacy so fiercely and I'm such a good mom that NO ONE knows where he's at."

But because nothing about her is genuine and she is devoid of true emotion, due to the narcissism (or even, sociopathy, at this point) it often, almost always, comes across as very, off, creepy, bizarre.

Tucker's Mom said... 5

Odd that Kate never says she visits or is in constant contact with his caregivers at this point.
I don't think Kate visits. Maybe for mandatory meetings, but I don't think she misses him one bit. I think Kate's relieved.

NJGal51 said... 6

PA Dutch Mom said... 151
Kate's red face...

When she's nervous or anxious about something or about to tell a whopper, her cheeks seem to get hot red, and flushed, and she breaks out in red spots on her neck, but it's not really hives. I've seen it happen. She can't control it.
I brought this over from the other thread because PA Dutch Mom is absolutely correct about the neck splotches. Maybe Milo should advise her to start wearing turtlenecks. I don't know who did her make up for this but she looks really, really harsh. I'm ready from my close up....

kris said... 7

I bet ol' Stevie knows where Colin is! She's a real piece of work.

NJGal51 said... 8

Maybe the hashtag on the Twitter feed (or Facebook) Tuesday night should be #WhereIsCollinGosselin. InstaGram? Not so much because she can delete those comments. I'm guessing that she doesn't want that trending.

Tucker's Mom said... 9

kris, Steve probably took Colin to wherever he is.

Sad but true said... 10

Both ROL and InTouch have put out synopses of the Extra interview. Wish they'd waited for the GMA clip, but there'll probably be new stories after that.

ROL has this in their story. Does anyone remember where these specifics (about when he left and how far away he is) came from? Was this info in the People article?

"As Radar previously reported, Kate, 41, sent Colin, 12, to a treatment center for “special needs” in August. The facility is two hours away from their home, and his dad John insisted Kate was “locking away” their son."

Kylie said... 11

Good holy grief, what in hell has she done to her face?? She looks positively awful.

Rainbirdie said... 12

It's painfully obvious that Kate doesn't have a stylist. ~ Administrator said... 13

Good holy grief, what in hell has she done to her face?? She looks positively awful.


I think her hair is worse. It looks like a wig, and the receding hairline makes it look even faker.

Why do I keep thinking of Dorian Gray?

Anonymous said... 14

Admin @ 13 - because you can see her inner ugliness.


Jeanne said... 15

It doesn't matter what questions they ask her on GMA. Kate will never tell the truth about what happened with Colin. I'm sure she is ecstatic that she can send Colin away and Jon can't find out where he is. Of course Steve knows. Steve probably set the whole thing up. At this point no one cares about Kate except us and her few sheeple. The interview will not cause her any problems. She can do anything she wants with those kids and never have to answer for it. She will still have custody, will still have a tv show, will still have all the money to spend on herself. ~ Administrator said... 16

The interview will not cause her any problems. She can do anything she wants with those kids and never have to answer for it. She will still have custody, will still have a tv show, will still have all the money to spend on herself.


Oh I think there's going to be some real backlash from casual viewers much like there was when she trotted the twins out and Cara wouldn't speak. There will be some tweets and articles from casual viewers who can't believe what they're seeing. But, you're right, it won't make a different in custody or anything like that. And since Kate really doesn't seem to care when people are appalled, you're right, it won't do anything to change anything.

It's on Jon to go to court now. It really is. I'm not going to sit here and speculate that he's failed in some way. Maybe he has tried. Regardless the reason, if he can't or won't go to court, nothing will change. Or if he has and the judge has denied his attempts to fix this, then things really aren't going to change. So many times I've wished he was in front of some of the judges I know, who understand parental alienation and will crack down on it before it ever gets to this point. You don't have to spend a ton of money because you only need to go to court once or twice to get the orders you need.

Tucker's Mom said... 17

It's on Jon to go to court now. It really is. I'm not going to sit here and speculate that he's failed in some way. Maybe he has tried
If Jon has gone to court and failed with a judge or judges, he really hasn't elaborated, which is odd. If he's being unfairly treated, I would think he'd say so.

cathy59 said... 18

Haven't posted in a long time but since hearing that Colin was in a treatment facility and that CPS had been involved now I suspect that Kate placed Colin as a way to stop CPS from continuing their investigation. I have worked as a school social worker for years in NY and can say that children are not residentially placed unless their problems are severe and their home environment is dismal. I have never known any child to be placed that came from a loving and supportive family as these families do everything in their power to work with treatment providers to keep their children at home. So I believe Kate dumped Colin, either out of expediency or to save her self from further investigations as a competent parent, (and she would have been endangered of losing all her children and of course her income) I have not been following this saga closely in years but I can also say that there is absolutely no excuse for Jon to not pursue with any and all legal remedies involvement in the lives of his children. He clearly knows what kind of a mother they have and what their life is like. There is not a family court judge in the world that would condone his not knowing the whereabouts and not having contact with his son, unless he was guilty of heinous abuse. Even then there are usually supervised, therapeutic visits. Jon has deserted these kids-it is too expensive perhaps and no fun to keep battling Kate in court. So these children, all 8 are really left with no-one in their corner, no parent they can count on. To say they are all at risk is an understatement.

Sideline Observer said... 19

TFW looks like the subject of one those true-crime shows CNN runs on the weekends.

Either that, or she looks like she'll start melting if one throws a bucket of water on her.

Sad but true said... 20

Kylie said... 11
Good holy grief, what in hell has she done to her face?? She looks positively awful.

I think that was by design. Clearly she knew this was going to be a more "serious" interview than Extra. And so she dressed the part. I don't think she realized just how plain and unattractive she was going to appear on camera. Downright scary, in fact. I wonder if she's regretting it now. She definitely doesn't look like someone who's enjoying "chaotic fun."

FlimsyFlamsy said... 21

Sad but true (#20), that's like when they had the yard sale and TFW dressed down. Playing the part of piecin'-and-patchin' mom so the customers would fork over the dough.

Mercifully, my computer isn't even showing me her picture. The box above this post is black, and says, "The media could not be played." Funny, TFW has been playing the media for more than a decade.

Wowser said... 22

Interesting observation from TamraTattles on Collin with the last special the Shrew was on....can't wait to see what she writes after Tuesdays show. She calls it like it is. I also agree with whoever said unthread that she wants to get a shovel and dig in the yard to look for Collin. Something is so off there...I wonder if she is being kept from him and that's why she doesn't visit...I can't believe they don't see PTSD from child abuse in him plus Collin is pretty honest and vocal about things

Tucker's Mom said... 23

cathy59 said... 18
Haven't posted in a long time but since hearing that Colin was in a treatment facility and that CPS had been involved now I suspect that Kate placed Colin as a way to stop CPS from continuing their investigation.
I think you have a really good point. No one would be the wiser and Kate could spin it as being a wonderful mother, being selfless and looking out for her child.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 24

Many times I have typed a harsh comment about TFW, only to erase it before I pressed "publish." I try to stop and think that she's only human, and that maybe she truly has her children's best interests at heart.

But this interview (I've only read the transcript, and the comments here) reveals so much darkness and deception and denial, coming straight from the horse's mouth, that I fear TFW is even worse off mentally than I had suspected. I think those children live in an unstable, unhappy, unsettled, unwelcoming environment, with a selfish, attention-seeking woman in desperate need of psychological help. What a horrible situation for those innocent kids.

Wowser said... 25

Anyone pick up on the GMA interview how the question was asked to her about regrets?? The emphasis was on the word "do"... as in shock that she couldn't have regrets (a typical narcicist) ..question was asked "how DO you live with no regrets"? Because anyone who has seen her show knows that any normal person would feel guilty as hell at how terribly (and publicly) they treated their children if they were her.

Tucker's Mom said... 26

To say they are all at risk is an understatement.
Look at the outcomes to date! 2 kids expelled. One child placed out of the home-a drastic measure. Half the kids have fractured relationships with their father. One is openly vitriolic and scornful.
This outcome is poor at best, yet there's Kate with her shit-eating grin on the cover of People magazine.

Joyinvirginia said... 27

OT I need some recipe help folks! I have a new CROCK POT which autocorrect keeps trying to make CRACKPOT ARGGGH! and I am searching for the best crockpot turkey breast recipe. I'm putting the turkey on Wednesday morning since the kids are coming over Wednesday evening. On Thanksgiving day one goes top her mother in laws, the younger is invited to the Boyfriend 's big family get together. The dh and I are going to the movies!
Anyway, who has a tasty turkey breast recipe you can recommend?

TLC stinks said... 28

cathy59, BEST EXPLANATION I have heard thus far. Makes total sense. CPS was investigating and it must have looked bad for her.

NO DOUBT, the kids have been threatened by her that they could be sent away too if they do not cooperate. She's just that sick.

Layla said... 29

Tucker's Mom (26)
Don't forget that one of the kids refused to go home due to her mother's abuse and her treatment of the child who later was institutionalized.

Actually, it gives me hope to know that H was so concerned about C. C has been the scapegoat in that family practically since birth, yet she has a big enough heart to have empathy for him instead of going along with her mother's contempt for him. She has always been her mother's favorite, and could easily have turned into a mini-Kate, yet she is capable of compassion when it comes to C.

CC said... 30

All I know is Kate didn't send Collin away in his best interest.

She either did it because she was given an ultimatum by child services, or she just didn't want him around anymore. Or child services took him and Kate's making it seem like it was her choice.

Layla said... 31

Joyinvirginia (27)

There is a great recipe for cock pot turkey breast on Just rub your turkey breast all over with poultry seasoning (about 2 tsp), then place in the crock pot, and add 1-2 cans of chicken broth ( make my own broth, so I add about 2 cups). You can add a couple bay leaves, some chopped onion, carrots, garlic--whatever you like--to the broth for more flavor. Cook on low for 8-10 hours, turning once after 5-6 hours and adding another cup of broth. Once it is cooked through, remove from the crock pot, rub the breast with butter, and place under the broiler until it is crisped. Then let sit for 15 minutes, slice, and serve. You can strain the broth left in the crock pot to make gravy. Very yummy, and it doesn't end up dry like turkey breast so often is.

GollyGee said... 32

Does CPS in her county not have the power to investigate while Collin is in the facility or wherever he is? I agree, Steve is a huge factor in this. He probably took him there his self. I don't see her going unless she got a alone time weekend out of with Steve after dropping Collin off.

She does look like a CNN investigation or 20/20 investigation! She really looks bad in the picture where the video starts.

How did she get on GMA? I wonder if Julie May helped her? I wonder if TFW BEGGED HER to help her get on a morning talk show, (as a long time friend who made millions off the kids) any morning talk show?

I agree with Admin. This is not going to go over well with regular casual viewers. I hope and pray this opens a huge can of worms and huge backlash.

You think Mady and Cara on the TODAY show was bad, how about Collin on GMA?

I know where Collin is but the world doesn't.

Does that world INCLUDE JON?!?

I can't wait to see how she responded to that!

I wonder if they told her they (GMA) could ask anything and she was SO DESPARATE AND MENTALLY ILL that she AGREED!

I think Jon should be able to get a judge to compel TFW and STEVE into court to force them to tell the court where Collin is. If they don't, hold them in contempt of court and lock their greedy selves up!

just wondering said... 33

Could CPS remove Collin from Kate? In other words, was Collin taken away or was he sent away?

And can't Jon just go to court & charge Kate for all court costs? I don't see any judge allowing a woman to ignore visitation rights to this degree.

Is CPS hiding Collin or is Kate hiding him? And why? It's like he's in witness protection!

Sherri said... 34

cathy59 said... 18
Haven't posted in a long time but since hearing that Colin was in a treatment facility and that CPS had been involved now I suspect that Kate placed Colin as a way to stop CPS from continuing their investigation.
I think you have a really good point. No one would be the wiser and Kate could spin it as being a wonderful mother, being selfless and looking out for her child.


CPS wasn't involved until AFTER Collin was already in the treatment facility. Supposedly he told someone there and they reported it and an investigation was started.

TLC stinks said... 35

Sherri, I know that was reported about Collin speaking of his treatment at home, but CPS had been involved PREVIOUSLY investigating her treatment of Collin. My understanding is that they investigated when Hannah refused to leave Jon's. She was very upset about the fighting at the house and Kate's treatment of Collin. And I could be mistaken, but I thought I read there was a previous investigation prior to the incident at Jon's involving Collin. The timing of all that has gone down seems to jive with Collin being sent away. There's a scandal brewing here. The pattern is that she has, since Collin was a baby, singled him out for abuse. In fact, her keeping him from Jon was most likely, in my opinion, keeping him from telling Jon about her abuse and/or Jon seeing any physical injuries. Remember, Jon reported in an affidavit to the court that he discovered bruise marks on one of the tup girls during a visit.

Blowing In The Wind said... 36

CPS wasn't involved until AFTER Collin was already in the treatment facility. Supposedly he told someone there and they reported it and an investigation was started.


How is that known? There were reports of them being called long before that. Didn't Robert mention in his book that they tried to investigate but Kate wouldn't let them into the house? This was some time ago.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 37

Interesting that TFW's shpiel didn't note anything about C returning home. "Chugging along" doesn't say jack -- as much as Gladys tried to spin it that way.

You'd think TFW might say something like, steps are being taken to get C help, so he can come back home as soon as possible.
Or, we're looking forward to when he's well and happier and he can be back with us, because we miss him so much. She couldn't even muster anything warm or compassionate, like, he's such a wonderful, giving, loving child, and he deserves to have the best life possible.

Good lord, I've read most of you comment about your dogs with more love and affection than TFW can muster up for her son. And as Jon put it, C is an intuitive child, and you better believe he's aware of just how little his mother cares about his welfare.

TLC stinks said... 38

Right, Blowing. Over the years it has been reported via tabloid leaks that CPS has paid Ms. Gosselin visits. Robert did call CPS in regards to Collin many years ago.

Sad but true said... 39

FlimsyFlamsy said... 37
. . .
Good lord, I've read most of you comment about your dogs with more love and affection than TFW can muster up for her son.

For that matter, we've seen KATE comment with more affection about her NEW dogs than she's ever expressed for her absent son.

Sad but true said... 40

When all else fails, just keep pouring on the pups. Gee, think #NookiePookie is someone's favorite?

kateplusmy8 She's watching 'chick flicks' on my iPad with me on a lazy Sunday afternoon... Now that's a sure sign that a dog is a girls best friend😉! #Nanuq

pc08 We wanna see pics of your real kids! Lol

kateplusmy8 Haha! I know, right? My kids are SO picky about what I can post but my dogs aren't lol! I'll let them know you're requesting them in hopes they'll oblige! @pc08

Sherri said... 41

CPS wasn't involved until AFTER Collin was already in the treatment facility. Supposedly he told someone there and they reported it and an investigation was started.


How is that known? There were reports of them being called long before that. Didn't Robert mention in his book that they tried to investigate but Kate wouldn't let them into the house? This was some time ago.


Robert wrote in his book about making two CPS reports, but I honestly can't remember if anything else has been reported other than the Life&Style article. It does make sense that if a report was made after the Hannah incident that TFW may have been trying to get ahead of trouble brewing for herself with CPS and placed C thinking she was going to have the upper hand.

Joyinvirginia said... 42

Layla, thanks for sharing your turkey breast recipe! I'm excited about trying this. I've always cooked a big turkey in the oven. I always use the Alton Brown /food network recipe for brining the turkey first, and it's never been dry.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 43

Sad but true (#40), I think she's getting a little manic in anticipation of the show Tuesday.

Yes, TFW, by all means, ask your children on a lazy Sunday afternoon if they'd be willing to pose for pictures for the enjoyment of strangers. Perfectly normal and appropriate.

My question is, if the kids are so fussy about approving an occasional still picture, how is it they're fine and dandy with a freaking camera crew shooting HOURS of footage of them? TFW really needs to get her stories straight.

NJGal51 said... 44

Joyinvirginia - We use the Alton Brown recipe also and have never had a bad turkey!

NJGal51 said... 45

I think there may be a wee bit of favoritism going on with the puppies. Nanuq in the house on the bed and Mak on the deck (that he missed when he was at the groomer). I guess she'll say that Mak takes after Shoka in that he doesn't want to come in the house and always wants to be outsidewatching over them and the property. Let's see, another puppy picture within 24 hours of the last one, hmmmmm, she must have seen the promo for GMA and knows that she's coming across looking like a douche. Look at the pretty puppy on my bed! I'm such a good mom! Collin who? Let's see if she promotes her appearance on GMA.

Winsomeone said... 46

Doesn't it seem odd that Kate would say that she knows where Colin is at? How could she not know unless he had been kidnapped or ran away?

Sad but true said... 47

NJGal51 said... 45
. . . hmmmmm, she must have seen the promo for GMA and knows that she's coming across looking like a douche.

Douche would be a kindness compared to the psycho she's likely to be stuck with after that interview airs.

Anonymous said... 48

Not only is she manic about the show on Tuesday, she is likely very worried about the backlash she is about to get for the GMA interview. I would think far more people will respond to that than the under a million who will watch the Tuesday show.


Sad but true said... 49

NJGal51 said... 45

Within the first few minutes after she posted, someone on IG asked her if she was going to be on any shows to promote the premiere. Crickets. And now I see that she has deleted that comment, which was from one of her most slavish fans.

And speaking of slavish fans, guess who just got the alert.

miloandjack2016 OH MY...that attentive look there! Clearly she gets the #ChickFlicks. LOL. #Nanuq...your new #BFF. Non judgemental ever faithful ...content to be at your side! Isn't is amazing how this. #Furbaby has bonded & tuned into YOU?? @kateplusmy8

Look, Milo, Kate just likes her because they have the same color hair---she's an accessory, just like all those fancy shoes, chandelier earrings, and cocktail rings. Oh, and she's NOT a boy.

Layla said... 50

If Kate deleted a question about shows to promote the premiere, then she does not want her fans to watch it. At least she's self-aware enough to realize that she did not come across well. GMA definitely did not have to have their questions approved beforehand, and Kate doesn't know how to handle and interview with real (not softball) questions. Of course, GMA could have taken it a lot farther, but I'm sure they didn't want to come across as bullies. They handled it well--showed a glimpse of the real Kate without giving the fans ammunition to attack them. Well done.

I am even more convinced that she was on her own when it came to promotion. The absence of ads on TLC and ID is glaring. It is not oversight. It has to be deliberate. There is no other explanation.

Jane said... 51

I'm pretty sure the comment being referred to is still there. Unless there's another one that hasn't yet been deleted.

Leslie said... 52

Is Colin in a special boarding school or is he in a treatment facility? I can't remember what Kate said in People. Would that make a big difference between the two?

Sad but true said... 53

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 2m2 minutes ago
Reminder to #PupLovers & #Dogs...#KatePlus8 is back Tues.10pm #TLC & #KingShepherds are in the mix! :) @kateplusmy8

Oh, I see. Now any #PupLover (and #Dog) needs to tune in to see Kate. In fact, it's the 10-year special, so who knows if there will even be any dogs (besides Shoka---oh and maybe they'll revisit Nala?) featured. Really stretching there, Doofus.

Sad but true said... 54

Jane said... 51

The one I'm talking about was from XXXXXXsnyder. I just looked again, it's not among the ones I see.

Tucker's Mom said... 55

My question is, if the kids are so fussy about approving an occasional still picture, how is it they're fine and dandy with a freaking camera crew shooting HOURS of footage of them? TFW really needs to get her stories straight.

I think it's because the kids ALL know that filming is working, and they have a job to do. Outside of that, there's nothing in it for them.
The kids know what WON'T happen if they refuse to film; trips, birthdays, gifts and even Kate interacting with them.

Jane said... 56

Sad but true said... 54
Jane said... 51

The one I'm talking about was from XXXXXXsnyder. I just looked again, it's not among the ones I see.

Yes, that's the one. The comment is there under "view all 26 comments." I'm not at all versed in IG but I see this member has a locked account but apparently even comments from those accounts are visible. Perhaps you're blocked, if that's even possibly on IG.

Tucker's Mom said... 57

Of course, GMA could have taken it a lot farther, but I'm sure they didn't want to come across as bullies
That's the thing. You want to yell at your screen, "Stop the softball questions and make her answer, and NOT in jibberish!". But, guests on all of these shows are just that; guests. The shows are loathe to really take anyone to task, no matter how nasty they are.
They're in the business of cross promotion with all their "sister networks".

Sad but true said... 58

Jane said... 56

I'm not on IG and I am confused by it at times. I am not getting a "view all 26 comments." When comments start to pile up, I get the "load more comments" prompt. The only reason I remember that one is it made me laugh. I'm still not seeing it, so clearly there's a difference between what you see and what I see. :)

Sad but true said... 59

Milo has pledged her undying love and allegiance to Kate on her own IG (though she didn't @ Kate). This one (not original, obviously) reads:

"Making a hundred friends is not a miracle. The miracle is to make a single friend who will stand by your side eve when hundreds are against you."

I do believe that just brought a tiny tear (dab dab) to my eye.

Jane said... 60

LOL Sad! Maybe someone can figure out how to c/p the comment, I sure can't. I don't really want to invest more time in another social media platform! It could be that if you had an IG account you'd see it all differently. It wasn't hard to set one up and lock it.

Tucker's Mom said... 61

"All I can say is that a lot of people try to pigeonhole you and say reality TV led to [the demise of my marriage]," she revealed.

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"The writing was already written on the wall."

She adds that "I always say it [would have] ended the same way, except the world wouldn’t have known about it.

"I think that along the way, the signs were there and it’s unfortunate regardless," Kate reasoned.
So, the signs were there before they became reality tv stars? Interesting.
Then why did you renew your vows with "Mommy and Daddy will be together forever"? I mean, if you knew it was going south, why have your luxury Hawaiian in the first place, let alone take your kids along to watch, and broadcast it to the world?
Lying much?

Sad but true said... 62

Jane said... 60

I've copied plenty of comments from there to here, that doesn't seem to be an issue. But I guess you have to get 'em while they're still visible, LOL. I thought that particular comment was intentionally leading, in order to get Kate to engage and/or provide a complete list of her appearances. If it's only those two segments (Extra and GMA), that's way fewer than normal.

jamezvader1194 said... 63

@Tucker's Mom (55) To be honest,the only gosselin im shocked that doesn't want their pictures taken is Mady.We've always thought she was a mini Kate and yet no pictures of her.Heck she was the one that said in the trailer that Kate is crazy when Kate was yelling at the twins at the fridge.

Sad but true said... 64

Tucker's Mom said... 61

Yeah, she really does just make it up as she goes along, doesn't she? She forgets how much stuff is out there, and how much she herself put out there.

Tucker's Mom said... 65

It goes to what a liar Kate is. When it fit the narrative, Kate swore that she indeed meant her vow renewal and thought that she and Jon would be together forever.
That justified the outlandish trip, right?
Now, what fits the narrative is that Kate knew her marriage wasn't long for the world even before they were reality tv stars.

Uh huh.

localyocul said... 66

Nobody has stated another thing that gets me in that stupid grocery scene. She's yelling at the to hand her the (commercially made frozen) waffles. What happened to her bread maker and organic meals? ~ Administrator said... 67


Oh my god did SNL ever hit the nail on the head. Incredible. ~ Administrator said... 68

That's the thing. You want to yell at your screen, "Stop the softball questions and make her answer, and NOT in jibberish!". But, guests on all of these shows are just that; guests. The shows are loathe to really take anyone to task, no matter how nasty they are.


And people wonder why Billy Busch got caught up in what he did.

It's not journalists' jobs to ask the tough, right questions anymore. It's their job to make sure guests keep wanting to come back and also to see if maybe they can get a good celeb's phone number and get invited over to their summer pad on Long island.

For this journalist to even push her a bit on Collin is totally unexpected. ~ Administrator said... 69

"Making a hundred friends is not a miracle. The miracle is to make a single friend who will stand by your side eve when hundreds are against you."


Who said that one, Heinrich Himmler?

FlimsyFlamsy said... 70

Tucker's Mom (#65), and don't forget the crossover episode on another series, where she got a free dress, and more airtime. I suppose she was still giving her marriage the ol' college try, hiding her breaking heart, while she got more exposure, money and freebies. No -- the marriage was over, and she knew it. Deplorable. ~ Administrator said... 71

They handled it well--showed a glimpse of the real Kate without giving the fans ammunition to attack them. Well done.


You're right, I hope anyway. Hopefully the rest of the interview is more of the same. They opened the door for her digging some shallow holes and she fell straight into them. She has no idea how to answer such questions competently.

I don't think they let her dictate off-limits subjects this time around. GMA is way too big to let word leak out they go along with manipulating interviews to please the guests. Plus with the recent scandal on pre-approved questions during the election, I don't think anyone wants to go there right now. Kate's timing is bad here. It was either go on the show and take any question, or not go on at all. TLC may have had something to say about her going on whether she liked their terms. ~ Administrator said... 72

But this interview (I've only read the transcript, and the comments here) reveals so much darkness and deception and denial, coming straight from the horse's mouth, that I fear TFW is even worse off mentally than I had suspected.


Flimsy, I'm with you. I thought she was just a nasty narcissist. But something much more sinister and harmful is going on here. It's become clear over the course of the last 12, 18 months how deranged she really is. A lot of it is manifesting itself in the kids, in that the exhibit the kind of parentification and other behaviors one would expect of children of the mentally ill.

NJGal51 said... 73

Sad - I can still see his comment. When I hit "load more comments" it's the second from the top (after her post) and it was 6 hours ago.

The only way TFW can answer off-the-cuff questions is if she's got an earpiece in. I'll be at work tomorrow but I'll be looking forward to reading what everyone has to say about her appearance.

Anonymous said... 74

"The writing was on the wall" but, if I'm not mistaken, around the time of the divorce I think she said something along the lines of she was surprised because she thought Jon was in it "for the long haul". What exactly did she mean by the "long haul"; the marriage or the TV show, if "the writing was on the wall"? She really can't keep her story straight.


High Sodium Content said... 75

cathy59 said... 18 I wonder, if things were so bad at home that CPS intervened and had C removed from the home, what does that say about the safety of the other 5. I'm not worried about the twins, they are old enough to know better and speak out, but have been bought by Kate. Kate has brainwashed them into the hatred of their father. Remember all the time Mady spent w/ Jon when she was little, she worshiped her daddy. Kate ruined that for the "little girl". Little do they know, that if they lived w/ him their life would be so much different; a world of freedom, friends of their choosing, activities. I believe the twins remember the abuse of the younger kids and Kate has bought their silence. I don't look at them as victims anymore. At 16, they are not stupid, but they own Kate.

I have seen other comments about Kate needing to prove to at least Jon that his son is still alive and safe. Who is to say that she didn't go off on him and one good clobber to the head and he's buried in the back yard. Yes, Kate is that unstable. Especially is he has been kept separated from sleeping w/ the other boys, eating and going to school w/ them. Kate makes me sick.

All This Is That said... 76

Why does Kate look like she has Silly Putty stretched on her face? Is Deanna still doing her make-up? It looks terrible.

All This Is That said... 77

Flimsy, I'm with you. I thought she was just a nasty narcissist. But something much more sinister and harmful is going on here. It's become clear over the course of the last 12, 18 months how deranged she really is. A lot of it is manifesting itself in the kids, in that the exhibit the kind of parentification and other behaviors one would expect of children of the mentally ill.


I know nothing about the legality of it, but is there any way that anyone can require a psych/mental health evaluation? Can CPS do it? Something needs to be done for her own good and for the welfare of her kids. Her sheeple enablers aren't helping matters at all. I think this goes beyond just wanting fame and fortune, although she is addicted to that. This involves some very serious issues of hatred for Jon, for seeing her kids only as a means so that she doesn't have to work, and a fear of being forgotten and neglected by the media and all of those sheep who were once fans, but now have seen the light.

I wonder, too, why Milo and the scant fans that are left, can't figure out the reason for all of the negative press, comments, and such. Do they honestly believe that everyone is jealous and out to get her? We know that there is no logical thinking ability with any of them, but do they ever sit down and ask themselves why Kate generates such negative press and comments? If she were a pleasant person, kind, giving, generous, with a wonderful personality, none of them would have to worry about defending her against tabloid rumors, innuendos because she wouldn't be seen as the monster she is.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 78

bm (#74), she also said something like, the marriage ended because Jon changed overnight, which contradicts other things she's said. I guess it's tough to keep your stories straight when you're a lying liar who lies.

Jeanne said... 79

I would be surprised if Kate answered any direct questions on GMA. She has done tons of evasion and double talk before. I think she believes she is too special to answer. Probably Steve was right there to mouth answers. There will be no scandal and no help for the other kids. Kate has been Teflon all along and I don't see it changing. Sad.

There are no kid pictures because it's her only way of getting people to watch on Tues. See the kids! Up close and personal!

NJGal51 said... 80

@csnyder5: @Kateplusmy8 Just saw a commercial that you'll be on GMA tmrw so I'll be tuning in!! You gotta tweet this stuff so everybody knows to watch😎
This is the same kid that asked if she was doing any pre-show publicity. He just posted this on Twitter.

Tizzie said... 81

Comment from Twitter:

speakup ‏@nochanceofrain Nov 20

@WomanSTale how disgusting to do a media tour to talk about your child who can't defend himself OR see his dad? @Kateplusmy8 sucks
0 replies 3 retweets 0 likes


Whenever I see the word "disgusting" used in reference to Kate, it reminds me of Pizza Gate when she said "Oh my gosh, that is disgusting!"

Wowser said... 82

Omg! She is a psychopathic parental alienation bitch! That interview definitely highlighted that. She's toast!

Sad but true said... 83

Wowser said... 81

How long was she on? Anything else interesting beside the Collin quote?

Wowser said... 84

AlienaTOR...stupid autocorrect

CC said... 85

Thanks for writing NEW POST! Much appreciated.

reader said... 86

"Jon said that Kate, his ex-wife, won't answer his texts asking for specifics. He said that while Kate "says that Collin is in a special school for special needs kids with behavioral problems," law enforcement officials have told him otherwise." - Pennlive
My opinion, PTSD, and the child is speaking up.

Wowser said... 87

She came right out and said she doesn't care what Jon thinks and doesn't take anything about him into consideration. She's such a fool

TLC stinks said... 88

Here is the interview:

Terri said... 89

When asked about Collin telling the staff at his undisclosed location that Kate was abusive towards him and that CPS was called Kate's answer to that was because she's in the public eye she gets reported. She is totally insane. I don't hear about other mothers that are in the public eye getting reported to CPS.If she is being reported on that much there has to be a reason. As far as her look on GMA I think she looked awful. Maybe Jon is doing a lot behind the scenes and she is stressing about what's to come out.All in all I thought this interview made her look really bad.

TLC stinks said... 90

Pre taped interview, probably done on Friday. She looks very skinny, much older.

Jon's attorney is Kirsten Doleva-Lecher according to statement to GMA.

When asked about CPS, says all the investigations are unfounded.

"We are both court ordered not to speak about the care and custody of our kids" so did not answer about Jon not knowing about Collin's location.


TLC stinks said... 91

Also she said it was up to his doctors that Collin needed to be sent away.

Wowser said... 92

Same old's so hard
She had to do what's best for Collin. He's trudging along. They have contact. She says she doesn't know her old self anymore and has wisdom now. She said it was no choice for Collin that the doctors advised her to do this for him. She'll go to the ends of the earth for her kids (eye roll) ...reports that staffers said collin said he was abused. She said she's been investigated many times because she's in the public eye and they are all unfounded...she dodges questions about Jon saying he doesn't know where Collin is. She says she's been court ordered not to discuss anything in regards to custody. That she's known all along where he is but the world doesn't...reporter digs that Jon is in that world. Kate looks pissed. She's says she's lost track of how many times jon has said he's going to court and she doesn't listen really to anything he has to say...then starts gushing about having ten years of videos of her kids on the show. Famewhore

SusanNH said... 93

You can watch the clip for this nasty narcissist here.

Sad but true said... 94

Thanks, TLC Stinks. So unless they're planning to run more of this at some point, they clearly cut out the "How do you live with no regrets" question from the interviewer.

She looks like she's made of wax. Still droning on about memories--why not just say, this was my only path to fame and fortune? Because it's clear to anyone watching. The opening scene in the big-box store---was that Collin? It really didn't look like him. But OMG, was she her usual annoying self, being snippy with the kids and pretending that she, and not the camera crew, is in charge.

Amy asked tough questions, but no follow-up, really, as per usual. I don't think this is gonna help her much. She says she was investigated by CPS "many many times." And she sure sounds like she doesn't think the family court is gonna bother her about letting Jon know where Collin is. It was good of GMA to end the interview with a comment from Jon, which had no possibility of rebuttal from Her Smugness. ~ Administrator said... 95

t CPS was called Kate's answer to that was because she's in the public eye she gets reported. She is totally insane.


Wait, wait , wait. What is she trying to say here? That she is a "target" because she's a "celebrity" and therefore people report referrals on her? Huh??? Does she understand the vast majority of celebrities go through life raising their children without any referrals ever called in? I know because they come through my court. We get one, maybe two celeb cases a year. No one is out to get celebrities. If anything they probably get special treatment and more of the benefit of the doubt for the simple fact that they are often very wealthy and can afford things like a live in nanny, the best treatments, or to have grandma move in as a safeguard to protect the children.

What's more, does she understand that calling in a false or even exaggerated report to CPS is a crime? I would be so furious if I called that in in good faith. She's basically slandering the reporter of this abuse. Suggesting it's not true and they were simply targeting a celeb. I wouldn't go there.

She's gotten more and more brazen. She's REALLY unhinged. She used to at least make an effort to make it seem like she's trying not to alienate Jon. Now she just flat out admits she alienates him. ~ Administrator said... 96

Investigated many, many times? I thought Milo said that was a nasty rumor. It's not normal to be investigated many, many times. That is NOT normal at all. Most people will go through life without a single call to CPS ever made on them, celebs included.

She's so cavalier about it, so smug, no introspection at all. No pausing to say huh, why is it I've gotten so many CPS referrals? Could it be the people around me have genuine concerns about me and my parenting?

I hope Kendra called in one of those referrals.

Wowser said... 97

She was very red and blotchy...uncomfortable anxiety from lying or actually being questioned about her parental alienation? She really hung herself. Less softball than usual. ~ Administrator said... 98

I'm calling it. CPS made her send Collin away or they were going to detain him and involve the courts. This had nothing to do with what she wanted and was certainly not her idea of how to cope with this. He was removed by them under what we call a family maintenance plan, which is just one informal step away from the judge brandishing you a child abuser.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 99

i just found a link on my MSN homepage to an article: "7 Signs that you may be a Sociopath." Guess who got a perfect score?

I won't be watching the interview, but appreciate the comments you've all been leaving.

TLC stinks said... 100

I have to wonder what crap she told Collin's doctors (and I include stuff not only about Collin's behavior but lies about Jon). I was glad to hear Collin felt safe enough to reveal that he had been abused by Kate. I hope he says he wants to see his dad because you know she has been lying to him about Jon. I can't help but think (based upon her physical appearance) that she is stessed out about what will be revealed. The fact that Hannah got stressed out and Kate accused Jon of being inappropriate with her, absolutely confirms she hates Jon with a vengeance and will say whatever it takes to alienate him from those kids. Collin probably was told Jon doesn't love him nor wants to see him.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 101

Whoops -- that sociopath thing was on AOL, not MSN.

Jeanne (#79), like you, I cannot allow myself to think that this will be TFW's undoing. She's never going away.

Wowser said... 102

I agree Admin. The advice was from the dr. And the court/treatment center. There's no way she'd let him go and ruin her image unless it was forced. I also think Collin may have gone after her physically (just like Nala) because he had had enough!! ~ Administrator said... 103

She said she's been investigated many times because she's in the public eye and they are all unfounded


Oh I bet they were unfounded but you can bet I raise an eyebrow very high when a case comes in with a long history of "unfounded" referrals.

A bunch of "unfounded" referrals is in many ways worse that substantiated referrals, because it tends to indicate that someone is telling the kids to STFU when CPS finally gets out there to investigate. Several unfounded referrals suggests manipulative, clever parents willing to lie cheat and steal to get out of it. I'm sorry, where there's smoke there's fire, and a string of unfounded referrals almost always means there's abuse going on.

In my eyes as a children's counsel, you're better off having a couple substantiated referrals on your record, and saying this is what the problem was and this is what I did to correct it--rather than looking like you're sneaking by the system time and time again. ~ Administrator said... 104

The advice was from the dr. And the court/treatment center.


You say advice I say ultimatum.

I bet you part of this ultimatum was to get him away from her because she is awful at handling his needs, and I don't think she takes any ownership over her role. We've seen him on camera several times, and he is clearly high functioning enough that I'd be surprised he needs to be placed out of the home. As we discussed some months ago, the priority these days and the "trend" is to keep children in the home with WrapAround or other intensive services. The fact that they have moved to something so drastic, an out of home placement, is a huge red flag it has more to do with her than him. Even if he would hypothetically do well in the home with a decent parent, if your parent sucks, that's not going to work.

TLC stinks said... 105

Admin, I agree. She abused Collin and brainwashed him against Jon.

Now let's see what happens with the rest of the kids. Obviously Mady is echoing Kate's hate. She's been bought.

Kate's not a target because of her celebrity, she's been reported on multiple occasions because folks have witnessed abuse. And besides, she has not sued anyone for making a false report or targeting her.

I bet she pulled him out of school because of a teacher's concern.

RoxyHelen said... 106

She's says she's lost track of how many times jon has said he's going to court and she doesn't listen really to anything he has to say..

For the first and last time, I agree with Kate.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 107

Admin (#103), and how can TFW act all "victimish" about unfounded reports when her freaking JOURNAL was published, detailing physical abuse? If she'd ever copped to it all being true, and said she'd changed, and received help, and would never, ever hurt her kids again, she might've come out the hero. She could've written a book, had a lecture series, a ton of talk show appearances, and the world would've forgiven her.

CC said... 108

So Kate was asked about Collin's report that she abused him and she said it was because she is a celebrity and it was "unfounded."

So she's saying her son reported she abused him, and he did that because she's a celebrity, and that he lied.

She went on national tv and called her troubled son a liar.

When she was asked about Jon not knowing where he is Kate replied that she's always known where he is. That's not what was even asked. No one thought Kate had no idea where he is.

It's amazing how she doesn't answer any questions. Why bother interviewing her? ~ Administrator said... 109

Agree, there was an angle for her to play of the reformed child abuser who came out on top. She blew it. The fact is, she's still abusing the kids.

The good thing about Collin's placement is obviously they are both trained to recognize abuse and report it. If they're worth their salt, they'll be able to recognize parental alienation too. It's easy to spot. Does a kid hate their parent, but is unable to explain why, or their explanations shouldn't reasonably cause a child to hate their parent? You've probably got an alienated kid on your hands. I think Jon should give serious thought to using this time to rebuild his relationship with the child without it being as easy for Kate to interfere, as well as to consider having him in HIS home with WrapAround, at some point. We always look to the other parent as a possibility when dealing with issues like this. It's just standard. He will have to step up and take some initiative, though. If you don't ask for it or indicate you're open to the possibility, we won't waste our time doing any big investigations on whether such a parent-placement would be appropriate. Kate's not going to set this up for him.

And yes I agree with Kate, his crying wolf about court is old. And sadly it's just emboldened her. She knows he doesn't follow through on court, and every time he doesn't, she gets more brazen.

TLC stinks said... 110

Unless something was going on with Collin behind cameras, I absolutely saw a very high functioning sweet child. I've known children of several friends who had similar issues who have remained in the home from birth. One boy was way, way worse than Collin. She has never had the patience to deal with those kids. Collin is the whistleblower!

RoxyHelen said... 111

Collin is the whistleblower!
Damn, I had money on Alexis.

In all seriousness, I hope Jon gets his act together and soon.

TLC stinks said... 112

I think Jon is selfish and that's why he has not followed through in court. Maybe this episode with Collin will wake him up. This little boy needs him. ~ Administrator said... 113

So she's saying her son reported she abused him, and he did that because she's a celebrity, and that he lied.


LOL. When you put it that way. Yes, Collin is reporting her because she's a celeb. She's NUTS.

The last people on earth who care who the F you are are your own children. They.don' And I doubt Collin was even trying to get her in trouble, he was probably upset and something came out in therapy when questioned. At his age, he might not even have the first clue that if he says something it gets "reported." It's absolutely deplorable that she would make no effort to be supportive and understanding of his disclosures. Instead, she implies it's lies.

Does she understand the moment Collin discloses abuse, they HAVE to report it? It' They can't sit there and say well hmm maybe I won't report it because the mother is a celebrity and celebs are unfairly targeted. Is she insane? Has she heard of Penn State? Nobody in PA wants to be that mandatory reporter who looks the other way, not ever again.

Sad but true said... 114 ~ Administrator said... 104
. . . We've seen him on camera several times, and he is clearly high functioning enough that I'd be surprised he needs to be placed out of the home.

Certainly high-functioning enough for TLC to have him sit on a couch and be interviewed for The Show countless times. If he was really having so much difficulty, you'd think it would be apparent during those sorts of moments.

TLC stinks said... 115

Right, Collin is a crazy liar and Kate is not. Bizzaro World. ~ Administrator said... 116

I think Jon is selfish and that's why he has not followed through in court.


I'm not sure what it is. Lack of motivation, inability to follow through on things. Quite honestly, he reminds me of a lot of people I know growing up who had a lot of big dreams in high school but never left town in the end. I've posted this before several times, but there are two kinds of people, do-ers and talkers. When a do-er says they are going to do something or want something, they don't say that unless they are actually going to go out there and make it happen. But a talker who wants the same thing seems content to just talk, muse, dream about it, but will never take any serious steps toward actually making it happen.

In Kate's defense, she's a doer. When she says she wants something she actually goes out and gets it, for better or worse.

I think talkers and do-ers are generally completely incompatible. In that sense yes, the relationship was doomed.

I get the sense most people here are do-ers, and that when someone like Jon says I'm going to court, we fully expect him to be in court within the week. It's become clear to me that's not the type of person he is.

Another example, that person who says they're going to quit their dead end job, but never does, is still there ten years later saying they're going to quit.

When I say I'm quitting, I mean it. I don't say that unless I'm packing my bags.

locaylyocul said... 117

You know I watched the first season of Outdaughtered and caught the repeat of the new episode, and though I don't like that they are putting their kids on TV, there is nothing that would make me think to call CPS. And they both show genuine emotion, wiping away tears about one child who has eye problems and may need surgery. I have never seen this kind of emotion from TFW.

She says she has been investigated many times because she is in the public eye, and yet admits being investigated after C revealed things at school. That has nothing to with being public, it has to do with being a mandatory reporter and hearing about abuse!

AR said that we see C in these clips so they must have been filmed prior to sending him away. IMO he made filming difficult.

She so smugly said she's heard many times that J is going to go to court, that he's "just a member of the public"...and his lawyer had a statement saying there is more to the story. So. He does have a lawyer. Why isn't she demanding something? TFW MUST have something she is holding over his head to keep him from going to court. She must!

Sad but true said... 118

FlimsyFlamsy said... 107
. . . If she'd ever copped to it all being true, and said she'd changed, and received help, and would never, ever hurt her kids again, she might've come out the hero. She could've written a book, had a lecture series, a ton of talk show appearances, and the world would've forgiven her.

Oh god Flimsy, please don't put ideas like that out there. I can already see it being "written" on her 252nd pink iPhone, "I Just Want You to Know How to Deal with a [_______]-Challenged Child . . . Plus 7."

Sad but true said... 119

CC said... 108

She went on national tv and called her troubled son a liar.

He learned from the best. ~ Administrator said... 120

I guess TFW never stops to think how it comes across calling your own child, a child with special needs, a liar.

She's something else.

Who called it about 7 years ago? She won't hesitate to turn on and throw her own children under the bus. Not for a second.

TLC stinks said... 121

So it begs the question, were all the CPS investigations "unfounded" or did the last one start the ball rolling in getting Collin out of the home? That's what I think.

If she's been investigated many times, wouldn't that normally affect her employment? Why the hell is TLC keeping this woman on their payroll?

RoxyHelen said... 122

I honestly think Kate meant the staff is lying about Collin disclosing abuse, not that Collin is lying about abuse.Other than that, I agree, if say Alexis rights a tell all book someday, Kate won't hesitate to say she is lying.

kris said... 123

Kate, do you know how many kids die of abuse every year after their parents have had numerous CPS investigations that are 'unfounded'? Just because they didn't find anything, doesn't mean it isn't or hasn't happened.

And yes, she called Collin a liar on national tv. Along with the fact that her own journals documented the abuse when he was a baby. Gawd, she's such a POS. ~ Administrator said... 124

I honestly think Kate meant the staff is lying about Collin disclosing abuse, not that Collin is lying about abuse

Maybe. Whatever she was trying to imply any scenario is insane.

One of these days she's going to run into somebody like that guy who went after Bullyville. Someone who is not going to just take it when she slanders them. Someone who will fight back until the courts shut Kate down.

Mandatory child abuse reporters take their jobs seriously, this is serious business. To accuse someone of making up a report or targeting someone is a very, very serious accusation and goes to the heart of ones integrity as a professional who works with children. I'd be fit to be tied to be accused of that. She has no right to do it, and what's more, seems totally clueless as the gravity of the accusation she is implying.

TLC stinks said... 125

Well, there are professionals involved now and it is comforting that Collin can speak openly without fear. The fearful one now is Kate. Maybe this is the karma we've been waiting for all these years!

And I got the impression when asked if she visits Collin, she gave a non answer. Maybe she is banned from visiting?

Carole said... 126

locaylyocul said... 117
AR said that we see C in these clips so they must have been filmed prior to sending him away.


Who is AR?

Sad but true said... 127

Very interesting to see almost no reaction on her Twitter feed at all after this interview. And no new comments on her IG either. It sure looks like very few people give a f--- about her anymore.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 128

I find it sickening that TFW would refer to her children's father as just a member of the public. How wildly disrespectful to her kids. They are HALF of him. How can she not see how destructive that mentality is to them?

When the kids finally embark on romantic relationships, I think they will run the gamut, and all in unhealthy ways. From "oh, that person is nice to me -- I think I'll get married and get out of here." To one who dates and dumps and dates and dumps. To one who never finds anyone who can measure up. To one who lives at home with Mom forever out of guilt, and doesn't ever pursue a romantic relationship.

Oh, but according to their mom, the good news is they have a decade of footage of their childhoods. Which they can take with them when they start therapy.

locaylyocul said... 129

.then starts gushing about having ten years of videos of her kids on the show. Famewhore


Guess what I have over a dozen years of my kid on was called a camcorder. I recently converted them all to digital and gave a memory stick to my daughter's father (my ex) for his birthday and one to my mom.

RoxyHelen said... 130

Maybe. Whatever she was trying to imply any scenario is insane.

Oh absolutely. I hope someone pins her for something soon and those kids' lives change. Saddest thing is, most of them will perceive the change as bad, most likely. They've been taught ipads and mansions and trips and money are what matters in life, having all that take away will seem horrible for them, at least at first. I'm worried Jon won't want them full time and they'll end up in foster care...honestly I don't even know what's worse or better for these kids at this point. They seem so doomed.

TLC stinks said... 131

It did not occur to me she'd accuse a staff member of lying. If that is what she meant and that's what she said to CPS, she needs a mental evaluation. That is simply not the case with these professionals (I have a couple of these in my family). Kate makes me sick.

locaylyocul said... 132 ~ Administrator said... 98
I'm calling it. CPS made her send Collin away or they were going to detain him and involve the courts.


That's a good theory. She clearly picked him to be the major victim in the household. Even Tamaratattles noted that in that excellent recap linked above (please please Tamara do another one this week).

FlimsyFlamsy said... 133

Localyocul (#129), surely your camcorder footage can't be as interesting as a TV show. Did you do couch interviews? Did you have plinky-plunky acoustic guitar music in the background? Did your child have crew daddies? How much did you get paid?

But lovely that you gave your ex a copy of the videos. Obviously you love your daughter more than you hate him.

locaylyocul said... 134 ~ Administrator said... 112
So she's saying her son reported she abused him, and he did that because she's a celebrity, and that he lied.


LOL. When you put it that way. Yes, Collin is reporting her because she's a celeb. She's NUTS.

The last people on earth who care who the F you are are your own children. They.don' And I doubt Collin was even trying to get her in trouble, he was probably upset and something came out in therapy when questioned.


He probably had no idea that what he was describing was abuse. He has nothing to compare it to. It's his normal.

locaylyocul said... 135

Will he be home for Thanksgiving? Fun!

locaylyocul said... 136

TLC stinks said... 112
I think Jon is selfish and that's why he has not followed through in court. Maybe this episode with Collin will wake him up. This little boy needs him.


YEP. Nothing could keep me from my kid like that. I'd sell everything I had and go deep into debt if i had to

Sad but true said... 137

locaylyocul said... 135
Will he be home for Thanksgiving? Fun!

Aw, come on, you can do better than that---SUPER FUN!!!
(She actually says that in the Extra interview, lol.)

locaylyocul said... 138

Carole said... 126
locaylyocul said... 117
AR said that we see C in these clips so they must have been filmed prior to sending him away.


Who is AR?


Amy Robach the interviewer

FlimsyFlamsy said... 139

Sad but true (#137), yes, I remember reading that part -- that building an igloo was super fun. She's 12.

Anonymous said... 140

A lady commented on one of the news articles that was just released about the updates on Collin. She basically stated that her husband works at the unit Collin was placed in (yes, it is a mental psych unit). She said he's also the "baddest kid in the unit" and that Kate hasn't visited him since she placed him there. Here is the comment. (Not sure how reliable it is but it's interesting it was said)

"his nowhere for "special needs" she has had him in a mental Physc unit since the summer, where my husband works and never visits him...he's the baddest kid on the unit!!! he's fucked up in his head from the horrible parenting!!! big difference between bad parenting results n special needs!! she couldn't handle him not obeying her like a dog so she put him away!!"


locaylyocul said... 141

FlimsyFlamsy said... 133
Localyocul (#129), surely your camcorder footage can't be as interesting as a TV show. Did you do couch interviews? Did you have plinky-plunky acoustic guitar music in the background? Did your child have crew daddies? How much did you get paid?

But lovely that you gave your ex a copy of the videos. Obviously you love your daughter more than you hate him.


LOL no sadly I don't have any of those things. I do have video of her scooting backwards as a 1 year old and accidentally going under a chair. GIVE ME A SERIES!!

You know, she offers up her non-communication with Jon as proof she has "moved on". That's not moving on. That's revenge and spite. Being friendly with your ex is moving on. ~ Administrator said... 142

He probably had no idea that what he was describing was abuse. He has nothing to compare it to. It's his normal.


That's very true. Most children under a certain age do not think about abuse in the way an adult would. They don't have the thought process of being able to identify abuse and identify it as wrong and something that should not happen to them.

Kids will just talk freely about it because they're not connecting A to B. I.e. if I say dad socks me, he will get in trouble. They don't get it because they don't understand it's wrong. They may have a nagging feeling something is off, they may feel sad or uncomfortable, but they're still not able to think about it in the way adults do.

It's even worse for sexual abuse. Kids who are victims of it usually don't even know what it is that is happening to them and although they recognize it hurts and they didn't like it, they are clueless as to how awful it really is until they're adults.

And that's partly why child abuse is so terrible, because it doesn't usually really hit kids until their teens or adulthood, when they're just starting out in life and suddenly get hit by a freight train with their past and processing what happened to them. ~ Administrator said... 143

I don't think a spouse of someone who works with Collin would disclose that. Workers and their families have a deep respect for confidentiality generally. I don't believe that comment. Unless she fancies herself a whistleblower, I guess. ~ Administrator said... 144

It did not occur to me she'd accuse a staff member of lying. If that is what she meant and that's what she said to CPS, she needs a mental evaluation. That is simply not the case with these professionals (I have a couple of these in my family). Kate makes me sick.


Agree, that's not in their wheelhouse. They have enough to do all day without scheming about how to "get" Kate Gosselin.

She's insane. What is her idea for what their motivation is for "lying"? She implies something about celebrity, but that makes no sense. Mental health professionals are just wandering around all day thinking, what celeb can I pick on today? Yes, we have got to GET Kate Gosselin! What's in it for them other than ruining their careers and subjecting themselves to a massive lawsuit? When you're going to be nuts, at least try to make sense.

I'm not sure she understands all the paperwork and red tape that would come with a mandatory report like this. You're required to carefully document everything that was disclosed to you, accurately and thoroughly. Where, when, why, how are all required.

She is the first person in years I've heard ragging about reporters OVER-reporting, rather than what we've heard so much of lately n PA--under-reporting.

Her mental illness includes a component of paranoia. In that she really thinks people are out to get her.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 145

Admin (#130), and poor sweet C may think he's deserved all the horrible treatment. Look at TFW's letter to him in her book.
She practically said, you've challenged me at every turn and I don't know how I put up with you. I can't help but think that part of his helpful nature was an attempt to combat her negativity towards him. If I'm being good and helpful, Mommy won't hit me.

Sad but true said... 146

Anonymous said... 140

Wow. I guess we'll never know if this is true, but if it is, O.M.G. You gotta wonder, again, how much of this TLC knows. And whether they give a damn.

RoxyHelen said... 147

his nowhere for "special needs" she has had him in a mental Physc unit since the summer, where my husband works and never visits him...he's the baddest kid on the unit!!! he's fucked up in his head from the horrible parenting!!! big difference between bad parenting results n special needs!! she couldn't handle him not obeying her like a dog so she put him away!!"


I call fake. It makes no sense, it's contradictory. First it says Collin's the worst kid in there and he's actually mentally ill and then she says Kate dumped him there because she couldn't control him?

Anonymous said... 148

I thought it was interesting it was said. Probably not true though. She could just be someone who strongly dislikes Kate and made it up. Who knows. Also, her grammar through me off a bit.

I do however believe Kate has not visited him since then. She stated that there is contact between she and Collin however. I don't know.


Jane said... 149

nochanceofrain@jgosselin10 after seeing gma interview I think Kate takes your seriousness of going to court not serious... it's now or never...seriously
jgosselin10@nochanceofrain can't say much but all is good

Anonymous said... 150

RoxyHelen (147) that's what through me off as well. So he's there because of Kate's horrible parenting and she couldn't control him or...? Idk but the more I look into the comment it sounds really fishy. Even though the lady and her husband are from Philly, PA, it just doesn't seem too realistic.


Anonymous said... 151

Carole (150). Comment appeared on a Radar Online Facebook article link to the article titled "Is Collin Ok? Kate Gosselin Reveals Status of Son's Treatment". I can't provide an exact link but if you scroll through their Facebook page and look for their post from November 19, then you will find it! It is the first comment.

-ajw ~ Administrator said... 152

Regardless of whether the post is true I do think it's true that she doesn't visit or doesn't visit much. I think she would be shouting it from the rooftops that she sees her son ALL THE TIME, just to shut people down. Instead, she hedged around that topic, didn't commit to anything concrete. Didn't she say something like, we have contact. That could be anything. Contact could be she took a call from his therapist once last month.

If I were her I would be saying I spend as much time with him as possible, usually every weekend and I call daily. That's what a normal mother would say and do.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 153

Admin (#153), yes, she would've given specifics if she knew it would make her look better. Like, I saw him 3 days ago, or, he's looking great, or the people there are terrific with him, or any kind of detail. Heaven knows she's never been interested in protecting his privacy, so that wouldn't have deterred her.

kris said... 154

Yes, she seemed very nonchalant about how often she sees him. She's like, 'oh yeah I've seen him'. Not 'we are absolutely in touch as often as possible, I get daily updates, the kids send him notes, we all miss him terribly, we're doing everything possible to get him home ASAP'

Remember, it's just a 'bump in the road' to her.

CC said... 155

RoxyHelen said... 122
I honestly think Kate meant the staff is lying about Collin disclosing abuse, not that Collin is lying about abuse.
I don't think that's what Kate was saying. I think she did her "Kate speak" and said what Collin claimed was unfounded.

If that place she claims she sent Collin (based on the "suggestion" by his doctors) LIED about Collin saying he was abused, you really think Kate would leave him there? No way.

She was calling Collin a liar. She claimed HIS claims were unfounded.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 156

It's also a little laughable for TFW to blame these accusations on her celebrity status. She's a D-lister at best. It probably boosts her ego to think of herself as someone people would be clamoring to malign.

Nicky said... 157

Oh she'll get back at C in the future. Remember how she said she was making an "investment" in him, and this was just like going away to college? I would bet that he won't be afforded the same opportunities as his siblings in the future, as she has already spent his college fund on this treatment.

Dmasy said... 158

I watched the clip.

She certainly has a slippery way of answering a question with zero information. That has to be a practiced skill.

Sad but true said... 159

Opus Fairchild ‏@OpusFairchild 1m1 minute ago
Recent news got you down? At least @Kateplusmy8 is back on the air!

And what if the "recent news getting you down" IS Kate Gosselin being back on the air?

Jamesvader1194 said... 160

Hmm,not sure if anyone seen this but Jon replied to 1 of the haters who said speakup ‏@nochanceofrain 1h1 hour ago
@jgosselin10 after seeing gma interview I think Kate takes your seriousness of going to court not serious... it's now or never...seriously Now here is Jon's reply to the tweet Jon Gosselin ‏@jgosselin10 1h1 hour ago
@nochanceofrain can't say much but all is good

Sad but true said... 161

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 2m2 minutes ago
Pity the #Trolls w/no life! Nothing better to do! Meanwhile continue your journey #ReachForTheStars @Kateplusmy8

I guess even Milo thought she sucked on GMA. Here's the platitude du jour:

Haters gonna hate.
Usually because
they don't participate
and will never be great.

Oh I see. It's all K8 being gr8 and reaching "for the stars"? It's all about HER journey? Again, kids as props, nothing more. Thanks for the heads-up there, Milo. You're a pip.

Sad but true said... 162

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 3m3 minutes ago
Cheers it's finally HERE! #KatePlus8 sweet treat 10yr anniversary special on #TLC 10pm Tuesday! Not going to miss this! :) @kateplusmy8

NO, Milo, it's not finally HERE. It's HERE tomorrow. Careful now, you're going to confuse the sheeple, and you know how that annoys K8. Why don't you ask her when the Tweet Party will begin, hmm?

NJGal51 said... 163

Maybe "married to a pap" is back. That sounds like her type of comment.

Thanks for the link to GMA. TFW has had so much Botox that her face is as frozen as her heart. Maybe if she had a little more expression in her face she'd come across better. The comment at the end of the segment was attributed to Jon's lawyer so maybe he really is doing something this time. At least his lawyer seems to be read-in on what's going on.

Anonymous said... 164

She admits sending Collin away "was not even really a choice"; it was based on Dr.'s advice "it had to happen", but it was the best "she" could do for Collin.

I'm not buying it - it had to happen because it was an order and the only thing she said that had a ring of truth about it was, it "wasn't even really a choice" (for me ... I had to do it because I was ordered to).


locaylyocul said... 165

Jamesvader1194 said... 161
Hmm,not sure if anyone seen this but Jon replied to 1 of the haters who said speakup ‏@nochanceofrain 1h1 hour ago
@jgosselin10 after seeing gma interview I think Kate takes your seriousness of going to court not serious... it's now or never...seriously Now here is Jon's reply to the tweet Jon Gosselin ‏@jgosselin10 1h1 hour ago
@nochanceofrain can't say much but all is good


I'll believe it when I see it but fi

FlimsyFlamsy said... 166

NJGal51 (#164), I thought the same thing about that comment. We old timers have heard it all, and get suspicious easily. Especially since the comment had conflicting messages.

locaylyocul said... 167

locaylyocul said... 166
Jamesvader1194 said... 161
Hmm,not sure if anyone seen this but Jon replied to 1 of the haters who said speakup ‏@nochanceofrain 1h1 hour ago
@jgosselin10 after seeing gma interview I think Kate takes your seriousness of going to court not serious... it's now or never...seriously Now here is Jon's reply to the tweet Jon Gosselin ‏@jgosselin10 1h1 hour ago
@nochanceofrain can't say much but all is good


I'll believe it when I see it but fi


That was supposed to say fingers crossed. I says "all IS good" so I hope he has already found out and/or has had a chance to see him.

Tucker's Mom said... 168

I'm sorry, where there's smoke there's fire, and a string of unfounded referrals almost always means there's abuse going on.

No way, just no way this is all smoke, no fire. No way, just no way this is all hat and no cattle.
Not buying it.
I'm trying to think of ugly celeb parent feuds and nothing matches this.
Charlie Sheen took Denise to court because he didn't want his kids filmed.
That crazy actress (Kelly something?) and her French ex had a knock-down-drag-out fight over custody and where he son was living.
I'm racking my brain trying to think of ONE actress who has been investigated many, many times for child abuse.

FFS, OCTOMOM hasn't had this history of people accusing her of abusing her 14 kids. I remember concerns about neglect due to her lack of resources, but never abuse.

TLC stinks said... 169

That comment has to be from one of the crazies on Twitter. Sure sounds like that. Don't believe some anonymous ranting like that. If you got that kind of info, you'd think she'd go to the tabloids and make some bucks. Geez. Sicko whack job.

I agree that Collin was just relating what went on at home and that was his normal. He was unaware it was abusive. He probably thinks the way he was treated was deserved. When I was a kid, I had no idea getting spanked with a belt was abusive but now I realize it was. I thought that is what happened when you disobeyed.

We have heard he was ostracized and treated differently so hopefully he'll open up to the therapists, who are PROFESSIONALS. Would not be surprised there could have been beatings in addition to the mental abuse. And that film crew witnessed plenty, so TLC is up to their eyeballs in trouble. Jon needs to follow through this time! He needs to have Collin live with him.

I really hope this busts open an investigation involving all the kids' treatment.

Jamesvader1194 said... 170

@Sad but true (164) Perhaps Milo is angry because Kate called her/him a liar,since milo claims all the CPS reports were rumors and never happened,yet Kate admitted that the reports are true,but because she's a celebrity they go after her.It still amazes me how someone like milo is so devoted to protecting and defending someone like Kate.

Tucker's Mom said... 171

You say advice I say ultimatum.
I say Kate didn't have a choice, and interestingly enough, that's just the way she put it.
I don't think Kate tried everything under the sun, with 100% effort, to keep Colin home. Just the way she talks about him makes me just sick.
Colin is "plodding along". WTF kind of progress update is that after MONTHS of being away in a treatment center. SO many short-term/intermediate goals should have been met. Plodding and chugging make me think that he's actually not in some hospital, but maybe in protective care.
It's just now how you answer a question about medical progress.
If you were in a car accident and had to be in inpatient rehab for this long, I'd say, "well, she's walking on her own and the bones have healed and she can dress herself..."
After weeks of treatment, the answer would not be, 'eh, metz a metz".

Tucker's Mom said... 172

For the first and last time, I agree with Kate.
Amen, Roxy. That and Kate saying she didn't have a choice with regards to Colin's situation.

Tucker's Mom said... 173

Just the overall tone of Kate's interview was frightening. She was smug and devil may care about everything.
Jon? What, talk to the father of my children? Pffffft. Next question.
Tell Jon where our son is? Pffffffffffft. Next question.
Have I been investigated by CPS for abusing my children? Many times! Hellz yeah! Whadaya nuts? I'm a celeb! It goes with the territory. Pfffft. Next.

The utter gall of that woman to sit there and act like the victim in all of this just goes to her lack of sanity.

Tucker's Mom said... 174

Who called it about 7 years ago? She won't hesitate to turn on and throw her own children under the bus. Not for a second.

Years ago, I remember not being able to fathom it. Not even with Kate.
Now, I do.
My bet is that Colin never settles back into the compound.

Layla said... 175

Tucker's mom (169)
Octomom apparently had a child who is so severely autistic that he cannot even communicate, and I think a second autistic child. 14 kids, a true single mother, and she now works a normal job to support them. None of the kids are placed outside the home, not even the most severely autistic one.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 176

Tucker's Mom (#174), this interview is bizarre, even for her. A traumatic event happens in her household -- her 12-year-old child needs to be removed from his home for emotional issues -- and she's all "whatevs," and that it's the way you handle things that matters, and not the things themselves. What happen to, "I BREATHE for my kids!" Nope -- just shove a coupla new puppies in the mix, and get the cameras rolling. She's so much more unstable than I'd suspected.

Tucker's Mom said... 177

TLC stinks said... 121
So it begs the question, were all the CPS investigations "unfounded" or did the last one start the ball rolling in getting Collin out of the home? That's what I think.

If she's been investigated many times, wouldn't that normally affect her employment? Why the hell is TLC keeping this woman on their payroll?

Well, I think the answer is money. Kate can still generate viewers, with the kids and all.
But I wonder if the reason she still has those kids is because of all the trappings.
Me? An abuser?
Look at this house! Private school! Trips around the globe!
Kate has the superficial appearance of being the greatest mom, giving her kids life on a golden platter.
I think her abuse, however, is insidious and esoteric.
More along the lines of emotional than physical, now that the kids are getting bigger.
Even with the physical, a parent can get away with a whole lot under the guise of corporally disciplining their child.

njay said... 178

Now here is Jon's reply to the tweet Jon Gosselin ‏@jgosselin10 1h1 hour ago
@nochanceofrain can't say much but all is good
Do you think it is possible that C really is getting and that Jons statement "all is good" could be that C will be returned to Jon when he is doing better?

NJGal51 said... 179

You've got to analyze the Kate-speak. When she says "I've known where he is all along", that translates to "I didn't place him anywhere they took him away and told me where he would be." If she had placed him somewhere I'm sure she would have worded it differently. I don't think she's ever said that she placed him anywhere she's always phrased it like "he's in the best place possible for him", etc. Who knows, maybe as some have said he finally had enough of her and hit back and she called someone not realizing that he to be taken away.

FYI said... 180

Jon's lawyer gave a statement to ET.

"Jon Gosselin isn't taking too kindly to his ex-wife Kate Gosselin's recent remarks.

The Kate Plus 8 star sat down with Good Morning America on Monday and responded to claims made by her ex-husband to ET that she would not disclose to him the whereabouts of their 12-year-old son, Collin, but only said that he was "in a special school for special needs kids with behavioral problems."

"We are both court ordered not to speak about the care and custody of our children in detail," Kate said on GMA. "I've known all along where [Collin] is, but the world doesn't know, and I'll leave it at that."

Jon's lawyer confirmed in a statement to ET that there is a gag order on the former couple's custody case. "Unfortunately, Kate has shown very little regard to the order, choosing to ignore it if it suits her," attorney Kristen Doleva-Lecher said. "Jon will strictly abide by the order unless and until it is lifted."

According to the statement, Jon is also "very upset by certain statements made to the press" by Kate, and feels "the whole story is not being told."

"My client is a loving and caring father who is acting within the scope of the law to do what is best for his kids," Doleva-Lecher concluded."

This makes it seem like there is a CURRENT custody case going on.

One can only hope. ~ Administrator said... 181

Jon's lawyer confirmed in a statement to ET that there is a gag order on the former couple's custody case. "Unfortunately, Kate has shown very little regard to the order, choosing to ignore it if it suits her," attorney Kristen Doleva-Lecher said. "Jon will strictly abide by the order unless and until it is lifted."

According to the statement, Jon is also "very upset by certain statements made to the press" by Kate, and feels "the whole story is not being told."

"My client is a loving and caring father who is acting within the scope of the law to do what is best for his kids," Doleva-Lecher concluded."


Well that sounds promising, and she sounds aggressive, in a good way. One can only hope things are happening for the better it's just that Jon is respecting the order not to discuss it.

I hope they take her back to court and hold her in contempt for her violation of the gag order. Otherwise she'll never stop.

Tucker's Mom said... 182

And I got the impression when asked if she visits Collin, she gave a non answer. Maybe she is banned from visiting?
When Kate said that it's not the same as having him home, I think we can rest assured that Colin has not been home, and I bet his siblings haven't seen him since he was placed away.
It's funny how whenever Kate is asked about Colin, she gives a non answer as to how he's doing, then diverts the conversation back to herself.
She's so evading and hiding things.

NJGal51 said... 183

The gag order may be why TFW is not posting pictures of the kids. Maybe it's not that the kids won't let her it's that the court order won't let her. She may have just screwed herself by saying that she doesn't listen to anything Jon says about custody, etc. especially since his lawyer is making a statement about it.

Starlight starbright said... 184

If C physically harmed a family member within the household, I think Kate would have handled it (poorly of course).
The only way I see authorities getting involved is something happened at school-- a teacher saw bruising, or he confided in someone there about something happening at home.
I also believe the authorities removed him from the home and placed him, whether in a facility or a foster home-- but my question is, why wasnt Jon notified ?
I don't think Kate has visited C once. Nada.
It's also my belief she got the new dogs to offset C being away remaining siblings-- she sees they are upset he's gone, so she gets them new exciting puppies, something to distract them,something new for them to love. Yea C was removed from my abuse but look!! I got new puppies!!!
Hopefully C will move in with Jon. He won't be the last, I'm sure.

Tucker's Mom said... 185

Guess what I have over a dozen years of my kid on was called a camcorder. I recently converted them all to digital and gave a memory stick to my daughter's father (my ex) for his birthday and one to my mom.
You and how you've handled your co-parenting situation is always a breath of fresh air and sanity!
Such a lovely gift and such a gracious mother ;-)

Localyocul said... 186

But when was this order issued? Jon was just on ET last week no?

Tucker's Mom said... 187

You know, she offers up her non-communication with Jon as proof she has "moved on". That's not moving on. That's revenge and spite. Being friendly with your ex is moving on.
Bingo. It's the polar opposite of moving on. She is very much stuck in the past.
Moving on as an adult does not mean pretending people are dead.

Tucker's Mom said... 188

Sorry if this has been asked before, but can someone tell me if it's possible for a court to order Kate to NOT tell Jon anything at all related to the "care and custody' of the kids?
I mean, would a judge really tell a mother that they are ORDERED no tell tell the father the whereabouts of a child, such that the father couldn't find him, ever?

RoxyHelen said... 189

Is anyone watching the show tomorrow? Not asking in a judgemental way or anything,genuine question.

Admin, are you going to recap these new episodes?

FlimsyFlamsy said... 190

Radar just posted that Zach Roloff and his wife are expecting. More TLC competition for TFW. Babies trump puppies every time. Poor Schmoops.

jamezvader1194 said... 191

I hate to say this but sometimes i have to wonder if some of Kate's fans had or have a bad relationship with their father to continue supporting Kate even after she pretty much admitted she alienates the kids from Jon and some how that's entirely his fault.NOTE,im not saying that hes a saint but at the same time if Kate was this mother who puts her kids first,then why does she not do anything to heal the relationship btween her kids and their father? MsGoody2Shoes21

I said it before and I'll say it again.

Fuck Jon. @Kateplusmy8

Tucker's Mom said... 192

Jon's lawyer confirmed in a statement to ET that there is a gag order on the former couple's custody case. "Unfortunately, Kate has shown very little regard to the order, choosing to ignore it if it suits her," attorney Kristen Doleva-Lecher said. "Jon will strictly abide by the order unless and until it is lifted."
My non-legal head is exploding! I understand that parents can be told to not speak publicly about their custody and care arrangements. But am I to believe that a judge ordered Kate to not tell Jon what she's doing with his children?
Kate would be defying some court order if she told Jon where his son is?
I can't wrap my head around that.

TLC stinks said... 193

Seems like both have violated a gag order since both talk to the tabloids.

Kate hasn't physically seen Collin. Of that I'd bet a million bucks.

something is up said... 194

There have been numerous complaints to CPS over the years. Robert called, the school called, nannies may have called. They were called when the children cried and screamed about being returned to their mother. It appears to me that the show and Kate's fame was always made the priority by people who are entrusted to help all children- not pick and choose based on the wealth and fame of the abuser. IMO, Jon has a rock solid lawsuit against PA Dept. of Public Welfare. I hope he goes for it and I hope he achieves justice for Collin.

Vanessa said... 195

Of course she called Colin a liar. When anyone goes against the script she fabricates in her delusional head, they are lying. In her head it will never ever be abuse. She is "made" to do these things because he doesn't comply. He leaves her no choice. And he isn't swallowing the Koolaid, that HE'S to blame, that she only loves him and wants what's best... she actually wrote those things. I hope he bitch slapped her into the next week.

Susam1956 said... 196

Oh my god, what a liar.

Admin--IF Kate would be found in contempt of court, what are the possible penalties? If there is a fine, she'll just pay it out of Colin's trust fund. As I'm sure she uses the trust funds to pay any lawyer fees when Jon takes her to court.

Sad but true said... 197

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 20m20 minutes ago
@msgoody2shoes21 @Kateplusmy8 @GMA @TLC @YouTube Kudos to Kate for handling a sensitive subject w/respect. #CourtOrders #Privacy #KidsFirst

How do you get THAT from what she said? Sure, Doofus, #KidsFirst. #AFTERKate

FYI said... 198

MsGoody2Shoes21 ‏@msgoody2shoes21 3h3 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 Good @GMA interview Kate! Looking forward to watching show tomorrow on @TLC.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 19m19 minutes ago
@msgoody2shoes21 @Kateplusmy8 @GMA @TLC @YouTube Kudos to Kate for handling a sensitive subject w/respect. #CourtOrders #Privacy #KidsFirst

If Kate had respected Collin's #Privacy and put her #KidsFirst, there would have been no need for Kate to even talk about such a "sensitive subject". And if she is under #CourtOrders NOT to talk about it, she shouldn't have said anything at all.

I wonder if Kate would have even gotten any interviews about the show's return, if it were not for the situation with Collin. His situation is the draw--not Kate or the new shows. That's about all that was talked about in both of her interviews with Extra and GMA.

CC said... 199

Tucker's Mom,

I'm pretty sure Kate was saying she can't answer the questions asked her about Collin's location. Not that she can't answer Jon's questions. Kate just can't answer a question without doing her Kate speak. She talks about Collin as she sees fit but when it comes to where he is she is sayjng it's considered "custody" so she is gagged.

CC said... 200

Yes Jon was on tv last week. He ended it with he's calling a lawyer. So they must have gotten the gag order after the interview.

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