Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Discussion Thread: New Orleans, Here We Come! 12/6/2016

New Orleans, Here We Come!
The Gosselins take on New Orleans! They enjoy the food, culture and learn some southern etiquette along the way.

337 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Sad but true said...

I don't know if any of my comments from the last thread will make it over here. The comments on this episode on TLC's K8 page were pretty bad, I c/p'd some of them. But the comments on the TLC FB page are scathing. Absolutely gutting. I'm sure TLC must be happy The Little Couple is filming again---it can't happen soon enough to curb this trainwreck, though.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

I actually think it's a good idea to bring dogs along on vacation. It's great socialization for them, especially when they are young. As long as you can make plenty of time for them and they're not crated the whole time while you go out and have fun, it's a win win. My dog is such an easy and comfortable little traveler happy in a variety of environments, and I think that's because I took him with me everywhere when he was little, including vacations.

Nicky said...

Ugh - choosing to watch This Is Us instead. I will find out about this train wreck from everyone else's insightful comments.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

"This show should be called Kate makes 8 excuses, she always says 'but I'm the exception'..No, she's not!"


Whoa, she is so onto her. It may be all ha-ha now, but that pretty soon is going to become beyond intolerable to teens and young adults.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

I seem to remember Louisiana is one of those states production runs to to film things they can't film in any other state. Like Dakota Fanning naked, things like that.

Anonymous said...

Her skin is soo bad... and the spackle just accentuates the blemishes....

You'd think with all the other vanity procedures she would see a dermatologist.

Do you think that SHE THINKS her shrieking and ugly faces are attractive or 'good acting' that will get her a movie contract?

LOL - her kids really called her out for 'drama'.....

What a waste of an hour....


Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Back to Admin's recap...so TFW stands there and has each kid kiss and hug her goodbye at the bus stop? That, my friends, is called damage control. I don't believe this ritual for one second. C already busted her when he said he likes to hug his mother, but she won't let him. Nope -- don't believe it for a second.


Sits there. She sat in the driver's seat and they all hugged her one after another from behind. It seemed forced to me, and terribly inconvenient to have to squish between the seats with all their stuff to hug her.

Even in the most loving families I can't imagine this is the regular routine for 12 year olds.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

A good seafood place should nave a neutral odor, unless they're doing a bunch of frying, and then you're gonna smell frying. I don't like the smell of frying oil. But really good fresh seafood has very little odor.

A seafood restaurant that starts to smell LIKE seafood could be serving old stuff. Yuck.

CC said...

Kate was at the table while her children were being taught manners and she's talking with food in her mouth stuffed inside her cheeks. Gross. And then she has food in her mouth and drinks her drink. She has terrible table manners.

She has terrible manners in general.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Does Kate have any understanding of the very marked differences between boys and girls at this age in terms of maturity? I sure as heck noticed it when I was in Australia last summer with 12-13 year old boys and girls. The girls did so much better at packing their things and remembering what they needed. The boys would never be packed on time and would always forget things in the room, and never had a pep in their step.

It doesn't make girls superior. It's just child development. Girls are usually ready for more responsibility sooner than boys. Boys catch up! Boys have their advantages too. The Australia girls were so much more emotional and full of drama than the much more easy going boys. I preferred being around the boys for that reason alone.

CC said...

I wonder what Kate promises Cara, or threatens her with, that she sits through the couch interviews. She is mute and looks bored the entire time.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

I think many of us had kind of speculated that perhaps someone in the family had been hurt and that's why Collin was removed from the home.

I'm very sorry for whoever that happened to, if it happened. But it never should have gotten to this point. As others have pointed out, the warning signs were there and there were so many services that could have been put in place for him at an early age. It's pathetic that Kate as a nurse did not recognize the issue. Or maybe she did and purposely downplayed and ignored it, for fear it would interrupt filming. If the latter is the case she truly is selfish.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

I don't believe that Kate always does laundry, or is even the primary doer of laundry.
She says she is without help when she doesn't have a FT employee. Do I think she's got no one helping in that how now that Andrea is gone?


I think she exaggerates everything she has to do so that she can justify hired help if anyone noticed it. She made such a show out of stuffing peppers and loading a couple loads of laundry. Those were her activities all day! Geez, you don't have to personally plunge them and scrub them anymore (Tom Cruise joke)! Just set it and forget it.

I think not having help is a lie and one she's told before. They showed several of the notes up close and many were clearly addressed to the "masses". The lunch giver, whoever that happens to be that day, and I'm pretty sure one of them said something like "to everyone". Kate continued to lie and played it off like notes are just a reminder to herself. Gimme a break!!! Some of the stuff the notes said would never be something she should need reminders about, like where to throw out the diapers. And if that's true then why aren't they all addressed "Dear Kate"? Got ya there, doofus.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I've read but not posted in a long time. My dog also is exceptional everywhere and with people and animals. Never a problem. I am so proud of him. People always comment on his eyes or how beautiful his coloring is, but his real attraction is a fun personality and great nature.
Was it Colin in Mexico who bought his mom a gift and she mocked him? I felt so awful for that little boy. How could she have done it, and so naturally on camera. One would think you'd want to hide you were a shithead while on tv.

CC said...

Did Kate have 6 to 8 Brita pitchers on her countertop? Does each kid get a pitcher!?! And Andrea obviously doesn't just help Kate with the kids. She does everything in that house. Kate just checks it off her master Andrea-Do list.

FYI said...

Kate didn't mention Collin at all during her couch interviews, but sort of mentioned him on twitter.

Jacky Abrams ‏@jacky0218 2h2 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 @TLC do I see Colin in This episode?

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 2h2 hours ago
@jacky0218 @TLC yes! They are being aired 'out of order' so it is good to see him on this trip isn't it?

Good to see him? Sounds like she's talking about some mere acquaintance rather than her own son. Of course, watching this episode is probably the first time she has seen him since she sent him away.

FYI said...

Some comments about tonight's show that were posted on the Kate plus 8 FB page. All about Kate.

"It would be a great show if Kate wasn't on it. No matter what the situation is she needs to be the center of attention. She either screams, panics, gets grossed out, whatever, just to upstage the kids. She talks to the children like they are idiots."

"Why did she have to tell at them at the restaurant at the end of the show? That was all I watched cause i wanted to watch Outdaughtered. The kids don't need her to yell at them all the time. That's why I quit watching it." (I think this poster meant “yell” instead of “tell”).

"Does Kate even watch the show to see the ugly faces she makes ? She's a piece of work. What a shame, she was so cute when the show started and the more popular it became the more of a show off she became!Just watched, but I don't normally watch it anymore. Kids have grown up for sure. Um, ...center of attention is always Kate herself, as usual. It was nice they did volunteering, but the last night "etiquette" dinner .... Kate was her usual controlling self. The only two things lacking ...was no grace was said before dinner, and fun conversation between the kids themselves, which was saddening. The dinner conversation was instructional, by Kate of course. Sigh. Her usual uptight OCD."

"kate needs to be sent to behavioral school, she is the one that acts out. The boys are well behaved the girls not so much....."

Jeanne said...

Wow. I just got caught up on comments. Kate is not alone for 6 hours. She is alone for 8-9 hours, depending on late bus. She must sleep all day since she only really has to cook dinner and it appears the kids do that a lot. The notes are for the help and that help is not even consistent or she wouldn't need the notes. If you always have the same cleaner, she learns you always want the lamps dusted counterclockwise or whatever. My sister has someone come to clean every two weeks and she only needs reminders when one woman quits the agency and another starts. High turnover job so maybe once a year. Kate must have higher turnover.

I'm sure we discussed this at the time but how did the crew get there for the snowstorm? It was a big problem here and they asked people to not be on the road. Did Kate call before the storm and beg for a crew to stay in the garage apt to film? Did the crew drive on the roads in dangerous conditions? She is such an ass. The poor crew members might have wanted to take care of their own families during the storm. I guess Gina didn't need her husband.

I don't believe Colin broke Hannah's arm, either accidentally or on purpose. I believe he hurt Kate and that is why he was removed. Of course she's saving that information so she can go on tour and cry about it for sympathy if necessary. She has always hit the kids and maybe C hit back. I can't even blame him. He was never taught coping skills. His example screams and hits. I just don't see Kate caring that much when they fight with each other. Although there is a small possibility that C broke H's arm in a fight, K had to take her to the doctor, H told the truth, and CPS showed up. I looked up the Fairmount place. They take CHIP as insurance. I don't believe Kate cares if it's a good or bad facility as long as he's kept away from her. You have to try to think like Kate in this situation. Assume you feel no love for the child and see his care as an annoyance. Cheap is good, no phone calls is good, far away would be better. At least he's not home all day anymore. I wonder how much she drinks these days.

Jeanne said...

At Fairmount, according to the FAQ, the average length of stay for a child is a little over 2 weeks. Colin is going on about 7 months and is really screwing up their average. How do they justify to insurance that he is not making any progress and has to stay? Kate is also supposed to attend a family session every week. Hahaha. Visitors must be over 16 yrs old although siblings of any age are encouraged to come to family group. I wonder what the social workers think of Kate. (Yes, I know a facility like this doesn't necessarily comform to all the rosy promises on its website but all insurance companies require some report to continue to pay for services like this.) http://fairmountbhs.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Child_Adol-Info-Sheet-FINAL-0910.pdf

Vanessa said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 2h2 hours ago
@jacky0218 @TLC yes! They are being aired 'out of order' so it is good to see him on this trip isn't it?

Good to see him? Sounds like she's talking about some mere acquaintance rather than her own son. Of course, watching this episode is probably the first time she has seen him since she sent him away.
And there's the disconnect again. Here's another reminder how she has no maternal connection to her kids.

CC said...

Collin always has an appetite (per Milo) because Kate starves those kids at home.

Did you notice after they ate the "donuts" for breakfast Kate said it was a lot of "sugar" or something along those lines but she seemed to hesitate while talking about it a few times. It seemed like she kept wanting to say CALORIES because she kept hesitating and saying "energy" instead. She said she wanted them to burn up the "uh energy." Who burns off energy? It was breakfast. They have all day ahead of them. Wouldn't they WANT energy? She took them to a park to walk and get exercise. I think she focuses a lot on the kids' weight. Some of the kids aren't skinny little things anymore. I think it kills her. She definitely controls their calorie intake.

CC said...

Kate was taking pictures of the kids at the park. None of them wanted pictures taken but they are so used to having to pose for Kate's set up family memories.

People always comment that the kids look so happy smiling in the pics, meanwhile Kate screams SMILE! (and I mean YELLS at them) and they all snap to it. I love the few family shots where one of the kids (usually Alexis) refuses to smile.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

"Why did she have to tell at them at the restaurant at the end of the show? That was all I watched cause i wanted to watch Outdaughtered. The kids don't need her to yell at them all the time. That's why I quit watching it." (I think this poster meant “yell” instead of “tell”).


It's interesting other people are really noticing the yelling. I noticed it more than ever this time around. I don't know if that's because she's doing it more or it's gotten more and more petty. At least in the first episode, which was a lot more present-day clips than I expected, I never saw a single time when the whining and yelling felt justified.

Here's a thought, why don't you get up, walk over to the kids, and say, in a normal tone of voice, hey kids the driveway was just plowed do you mind not dragging a bunch of snow into it?

Here's a thought, ask your children in a normal, adult tone to please slide down a different snow hill so they don't slide right into the igloo and ruin their work.

Another thing I didn't mention in the recap is that when a parent yells, a child quickly learns that they don't have to listen to their normal tone. They can keep doing what they are doing until the yelling starts and their parent actually means business. Terrible cycle.

So by yelling, you've completely undercut your normal tone of voice.

She has a massive amount of work to do. She has to rebuild her authority from the ground up such that they might actually listen to her when she's speaking normally. A parenting class and therapy with a parenting expert could do wonders, and her kids need to step up to the plate too and do their best to listen to her when she asks them to do things, and not wait for her to start yelling before they comply. I don't know, it's a hot mess.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

If it's true Collin hurt someone and she wants to protect that whole situation from becoming public, then why risk it by putting Collin's situation out there in the first place? She's laid down some breadcrumbs, and that set Radar and other sleuths on a mission to uncover what is going on. How can she not know that would happen? Of course it did. She is so transparent. As has been said the only reason she put this out there is because SHE wanted to keep filming and exploiting the kids even if Collin wasn't there, and she'd have to explain his absence somehow. So she threw him under the bus and gave the public 20% of the story, and now the public's going to get the other 80%. She put filming before her son's privacy and well being.

If they were on hiatus right now we would know nothing. This all falls on her shoulders.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

It was nice to see him, sort of like how it's nice to run into some old neighbors who moved away? Sheesh, he's your child!

NJGal51 said...

TFW had better get busy with the Swiffer. Here are some comments from her IG account (their spelling, etc., not mine):

Sorry Kate but as a mother myself I will never understand how you could send a way one of your children to an institution that's going to so call "fix" him. I don’t know what his special needs are but I think what he really needs is the love and support of his family and mostly his mother. He must feel so alone. I assume that a mother with a child with special needs has to give a little more cuddles, kisses, love and attention, they need it just a little more than the others, but that's just me. Go save your child, take him out of there. My heart break for him.

I live 20 min. from her, my daughter was in 2 nearby facilities for her mental health, they in FACT ENCOURAGE VISITS if the child is coming back home! They actually have the parent fill out 'home visit' reports to see how the child is doing at home during the visits. The better the visits, the more visits the child gets and gets to go home earlier and continue with outpatient. Insurance WANTS the child home also because outpatient is cheaper. UNLESS she put him in therapudic foster care, but visits home are STILL greatly encourgaged unless the parent doesn't want any. She can't lie about it if someone has 'been there and done that'.

Cannot watch without Collin. It was heartbreaking to see him excluded from his birthday.

The show was great when it started then the divorce an now all you r is a gold digging .... Why not get a suger daddy and you will be OK

TLC stinks said...

Is someone tying Hannah's arm to Collin hurting her? Speculation by us? I'll jump in and say that someone in that family must have been physically hurt by Collin, but IMO, I could completely see him lashing out at Kate (maybe because I dislike her myself). Collin hurting a family member would certainly justify him being removed from the home. Now it's just figuring out who. What's the timeline on Hannah's injury?

Absolutely agree she decided to come out first about Collin missing from filming so filming could CONTINUE. People would notice and ask questions. It's also obvious this was out of her control because Cara and perhaps Alexis do not like filming but they are forced to by her. She has for years kept Collin under her thumb and hid his issues but some calamity happened that took away her control.

For him to be institutionalized for such a long period has me worried as to his future. The best outcome would be Jon accepting responsibility and raising his son away from Kate. Collin could continue his therapy in a safe, loving environment. Unfortunately, a few of the other children who are not coping well may need intense therapy also and help from Jon too.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Admin (#25), whoops, you're flattering TFW.
She didn't say "nice." She only said "good."
That's worse than something you say to a neighbor. It's like someone spotted a ficus
on the show that they knew had subsequently died, and TFW said, "It is good to see it, isn't it?" She's glad C's gone.

NJGal51 (#26), if anyone tried to explain those home-visit rules and benefits, TFW would only hear blah-blah-blah. So she might as well just leave him where he is until they fix him. Or until he turns 18 and he can be on his own. Like literally.

I'm feeling particularly uncharitable towards TFW this morning. She is a horrible mother.

Sad but true said...

TLC stinks said... 27
Is someone tying Hannah's arm to Collin hurting her? Speculation by us? I'll jump in and say that someone in that family must have been physically hurt by Collin, but IMO, I could completely see him lashing out at Kate (maybe because I dislike her myself). Collin hurting a family member would certainly justify him being removed from the home. Now it's just figuring out who. What's the timeline on Hannah's injury?

She claims it happened the last week of school, so end of May. I guess it's possible, but I don't buy it. We have no idea, really, when he left, we just know it was after this trip some time.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

CC (#21), oh, I absolutely believe TFW worries about the kids' weight. Remember how she pushed Jon to start working out, and reminisced about how skinny he used to be, and that she wishes he'd be that way again, um, for his sake? He didn't care -- SHE just liked him better that way, so she projected that on him.

Tucker's Mom said...

I've always thought that the snow episode was ad hoc. There was very good agreement in the snow models that pretty much guaranteed a big snow event. That would have given time for the crew to be dispatched so that they could film 12-year olds filling block molds with snow- and snow days of course need to be filled with working for TLC.
Why let kids just have the fun of having a bonus day to do anything they want when there's money to be made?

locaylyocul said...

CC said... 15
Did Kate have 6 to 8 Brita pitchers on her countertop? Does each kid get a pitcher!?! And Andrea obviously doesn't just help Kate with the kids. She does everything in that house. Kate just checks it off her master Andrea-Do list.


I saw that and couldn't figure out what it was. I thought it might be those jugs of water you can buy for the refrigerator that have the spigot on them.

Tucker's Mom said...

As someone who's worked in healthcare for a many years, progress notes which include "plodding" and "chugging along" would not show evidence for continued treatment.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Border Collie (#14), it's so nice to see you!
It's been quite a while since you've commented, and you've always been a favorite poster of mine. I hope things are well with you.

Yes, TFW was surprisingly harsh to C about his gift, and you'd think she'd have censored herself with the cameras on. But what was even worse was when she had a chance to "walk back" that comment, she made it worse by repeating in her couch interview that the choice of gift was odd or weird or something (I didn't watch it -- haven't tuned in since they got the new house). She can blather all day about manners and etiquette, but she is a staggeringly awful role model.

RoxyHelen said...

I still think id Collin lashed out at someone,it must have been Kate. Kids have been whacking each other for years and Kate didn't care and I don't think she'd care even if the injury would be more serious. The only person Kate cares about is Kate. That said, I hope no one ever finds out if Collin did something since it will forver be taken out of context and used to villify him by lots of people starting with his own mother.

Tucker's Mom said...

For him to be institutionalized for such a long period has me worried as to his future
The length of Colin's absence is getting very worrisome.
When I think of sending away a 12-year old, and for this long, I think of a child that has a very serious psychiatric diagnosis which manifests in violence and danger to life.
It's that drastic to me.
Plus, the longer Colin is away, the more I believe he's never rejoining his siblings.

Did last night's episode show Kate having any meaningful interaction with Colin?

Sad but true said...

Whatever happens with this show, people in general seem to be done with Kate. She has overstayed her welcome in so many ways. But now people seem to be seeing her for what she is, a loud-mouthed, uncouth, bossy and pretentious ringmaster who seems not to have much genuine feeling for her children except as co-members of the cast. Far from "hitting it out of the park" on this go-round, she's managed to impress those watching with her hypocrisy ("do as I say, not as I do") and detachment towards her children. And the outcome of whatever trial is coming with regard to custody is not likely to improve that perception. It may well make it worse.

If there's not another book ("I Just Want You to Know I'm Not to Blame") or YouTube series in her future, I'd say we're not likely to see much of her when this season finally limps to a close. I am 99% certain TLC is done with her except for maybe an occasional special. Sure hope she can get used to her new life "staring at the four walls."

Tucker's Mom said...

I live 20 min. from her, my daughter was in 2 nearby facilities for her mental health, they in FACT ENCOURAGE VISITS if the child is coming back home! They actually have the parent fill out 'home visit' reports to see how the child is doing at home during the visits. The better the visits, the more visits the child gets and gets to go home earlier and continue with outpatient. Insurance WANTS the child home also because outpatient is cheaper. UNLESS she put him in therapudic foster care, but visits home are STILL greatly encourgaged unless the parent doesn't want any. She can't lie about it if someone has 'been there and done that'.
You bet. Kate unfortunately is able to fool enough people to keep the shit show filming.
This parent has her number, with a child who's been through treatment. Very good insight, especially about how children are encouraged to visit home so they can progress towards discharge.
I'd like to know exactly how long Colin has been away. I assume at least 6 months. At least.
I also assume he hasn't seen his sibling, or been home.

Tucker's Mom said...

. So she threw him under the bus and gave the public 20% of the story, and now the public's going to get the other 80%. She put filming before her son's privacy and well being.
Kate keeps pushing her luck, trying to dole out little nuggets of truth, while concealing or lying about the rest.
I remember when A+C were expelled from school. We heard and read stories about how severe the behavior was, and "you don't know the half of it". But Kate counted on the fact that people either couldn't tell the truth, or wouldn't out of deference to the kids' privacy.
Like Robert. I think he knows and still has his finger on the pulse.

CC said...

Mady really takes after Kate personality wise. She loves hearing herself talk in the couch interviews and she is rude when she speaks to people, but she seems to think it's cute.

When the waiter asked them if they knew what beignets were Mady just says What?! and when he repeats it she again just says What?! It wasn't as if she couldn't hear him. She was just being rude, thinking it was cute. If you want to play the cute, rude reply thing, at least say Excuse me?! It's just not cute.

Also, when they first met "the bug man" (as Kate called him), he asked who likes bugs. Some of the kids raise their hands and Kate feels the need to yell out "I don't! But this was my idea!" She just always has to be the center of attention.

The boys also ratted out Kate for always using her phone during dinner. They didn't say it directly but they said that it must have been really hard for Cara, Mady, and Mommy to not have their phones at the table.

What did Kate say at the table to Aaden? He kept giggling during dessert so she didn't let him eat it. She said something like You have to put your spoon down. You're "flagged." ???

FlimsyFlamsy said...

CC (#27), you mean A didn't get to have his dessert? He's the poor little dude who was deprived of his birthday dessert treat (along with his brothers) for not finishing dinner, while the girls got help finishing theirs. I remember him saying incredulously, "I don't get my CUPCAKE?"

kris said...

This episode seriously rates as one of the most boring episodes to date. It had no 'storyline' so to speak, unless you consider going to etiquette class one day and then using what you learned at another meal at the end of the week. The kids looked pretty bored through most of the show. I did miss the bug museum because I wasn't going to watch her scream and act a fool. Colin wasn't spotlighted in any way. At etiquette class, they only showed A & J interacting, Colin just sat off to the side. I don't remember him saying one word the whole episode. A & J are darling young men and Kate really should be proud of them.

One funny part was at the final meal she was barking some orders and then rubbed her nose with her hand then took a plate from the waitress. This coming from the woman who screamed at Leah because she moved hair away from her face during the baking part of the Hodge Podge episode. Kate literally wiped her nose with hand at.the.table.

It'll be interesting to see the ratings cause this episode was a snorefest for sure.

TLC stinks said...

I know that whenever you take a child to the ER with injuries, the doc will question the child as to how the injury occurred. If Hannah were truthful that her brother broke her arm, it would then be reported and CPS gets involved. Maybe that's the scenario?

TLC stinks said...

As to the Brita pitchers, everyone knows if you drink water before a meal it fills you up so you eat less. Would not put it past her to limit their calories but seems a few are sneaking more food at school.

TLC stinks said...

Kate is too ignorant to call the "bug man" his true description: entomologist. It's important she not use such simpleton terms around teens. Her screaming is ridiculous too. She then makes her kids afraid of insects. Idiot.

TLC stinks said...

You're flagged=locked in room?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

It's fascinating watching this play out. I'm actually not surprised that some people who seemingly were giving her the benefit of the doubt all this time aren't going to do so when it comes to Collin. I think a lot of sheeple actually do genuinely like the kids and are here for the kids, Milo not part of that group. They like the package, her and the kids. They also truly identify with her as a stressed mother. But it's one thing to be frazzled mother, quite another to institutionalize your son and then keep on filming? Everyone has a line, and that was apparently there.

She overplayed her hand this time, big time. She actually took her fans for granted, thinking there was nothing she could do that would cause them to defect. What a gross error.

Sad but true said...

LOL, don't believe he'll get an answer to this.

David Gomez ‏@gomezdr
@Kateplusmy8 @TLC Do you have ADHD? You seem to need to be the center of attention all the time or are you playing it up for the show?

CC said...

For whoever asked, I don't think there was any interaction between Kate and Collin. I don't think Collin said a word the entire episode. I don't think they focused on him at all, except that they showed him eating. He was always just there in the background. And when they were showing the kids the little alligator he kept trying to get in front to touch it and see it but seemed to just get stuck behind the other kids. The younger girls seem to monopolize everything.

CC said...

I find that most of the Kate fans on Twitter aren't aware that Kate has been found to be abusive to the kids. They are always surprised to see Kate's words in her copyrighted Mommy Journal.

Also, I don't think Collin hurt Hannah. Hannah was very upset about how Kate treats Collin.

I don't think Collin is in the Poconos episode, but the puppies are. I really think Kate got the puppies to "replace" Collin.

Sad but true said...

TLC stinks said... 44
As to the Brita pitchers, everyone knows if you drink water before a meal it fills you up so you eat less. Would not put it past her to limit their calories but seems a few are sneaking more food at school.

Or at Dad's. Another reason to discourage visitation: "You'll get fat!"

kris said...

I don't remember what Kate said to A about the dessert but he really didn't seem to mind not eating it, he was in a major giggle fit and did seem like maybe he'd had enough sugar. He just set his spoon down and kept laughing.

CC said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 41
CC (#27), you mean A didn't get to have his dessert?

Nope. I think he had one bite and then starting giggling and couldn't stop. Kate claimed it's because he had too much sugar and told him he was done and to put his spoon down and was "flagged." I guess there's a penalty. Kate learned something useful from watching football.

Leslie said...

Kate mentioned that she thinks giving back is so important. I would love to know what giving back this family has done other the two things we saw filmed. And that is NOT giving back when you receive a large paycheck for it.

Also Kate freaking out and screaming was so, so over the top. The kids even know it. What a crappy role model she is.

The show is plain boring. BORING! They went several places to garner more interest but it is blah.

Kate wrinkles and 11 lines between eyes was so bad UNTIL the very next scene and she has a face full of botox and her forehead is shiny and does not move. And I think she got a little of it or fillers under the chin too.

Tucker's Mom said...

When the waiter asked them if they knew what beignets were Mady just says What?! and when he repeats it she again just says What?! It wasn't as if she couldn't hear him. She was just being rude, thinking it was cute. If you want to play the cute, rude reply thing, at least say Excuse me?! It's just not cute.
Yes, they are ALL old enough to know that "what"? is what mouth breathers say. Try, "excuse me, could you repeat that please?", or, "I beg your pardon?".
Mady is very disrespectful to adults, and being rude to your waitperson is particularly uncouth.

Tucker's Mom said...

Also, when they first met "the bug man" (as Kate called him), he asked who likes bugs. Some of the kids raise their hands and Kate feels the need to yell out "I don't! But this was my idea!" She just always has to be the center of attention.
OMG, she's still doing that? How about, 'the gentlemen who works here"?

localyocul said...

Tucker's Mom said... 36
For him to be institutionalized for such a long period has me worried as to his future
The length of Colin's absence is getting very worrisome.
When I think of sending away a 12-year old, and for this long, I think of a child that has a very serious psychiatric diagnosis which manifests in violence and danger to life.


I hated to say it, but I know of a young man who as a Serious Mental Illness, one of the most serious, organic mental illness you can have. I read his history and he had been oppositional and defiant from a young age and was sent away to an alternative school. The blank look on Collin's face / flat affect scares me for him.

Leslie said...

She overplayed her hand this time, big time. She actually took her fans for granted, thinking there was nothing she could do that would cause them to defect.
I just wish the show is cancelled either for low ratings or because of Collin's issues. If Kate overplayed her hand then it should be reflected in the ratings. It seems nothing takes this woman down. I would love it if this was the time it actually does.

Vanessa said...

One funny part was at the final meal she was barking some orders and then rubbed her nose with her hand then took a plate from the waitress. This coming from the woman who screamed at Leah because she moved hair away from her face during the baking part of the Hodge Podge episode. Kate literally wiped her nose with hand at.the.table. 
Oh really? Why am I not surprised? She's just gross period. But she'd be the first to screech at one of the kids if they were to do the same.

Anonymous said...

Collin only said one thing the entire episode and that was "my favorite part was the cooking" or something like that.

Kate also said something to him when they were eating at the restaurant along the lines of "Collin, that's not proper etiquette".


Vanessa said...

Also, when they first met "the bug man" (as Kate called him), he asked who likes bugs. Some of the kids raise their hands and Kate feels the need to yell out "I don't! But this was my idea!" She just always has to be the center of attention.
OMG, she's still doing that? How about, 'the gentlemen who works here"?

Or how about she just in general shuts tfu?

Sad but true said...

localyocul said... 51
. . . The blank look on Collin's face / flat affect scares me for him.

I think that's the drugs. Collin has had so-called "issues," based on what we have heard from K8, since he was a toddler. But what has been shown on the show over the years really does not support that in any consistent way. Yes, he's different, but many children with Asperger's or the like look different and present themselves differently, usually by comparison with the other kids. And they are no more dangerous or mentally ill than anyone else. I won't rely on any information about Collin that comes from K8, since I think any child who doesn't perform exactly as she demands has "issues" from her point of view.

CC said...

Being rude to the restaurant staff isn't just uncouth, it's "dangerous." They control what goes in your food. Eek.

Mady thought it would be cute to not understand the word he was saying. Obviously he knew you wouldn't know the word, that's why he asked if anyone heard of them. It just irked me.

CC said...

Anyone else notice that Collin just kept staring at Kate when everyone else was eating their dessert st the final dinner?

Leslie said...

That tweet of Kate's that said she can't afford the tups phones and she can't afford the plan either makes me sick. Of course she can and she will. I guess she was hoping a company may see it and feel pity for her. Or maybe that was for TLC's benefit.

If does not film anymore she still have enough cash to pay for all 8 until they graduate for college.

CC said...

I think those kids just know not to argue. When they are "flagged" they know the next thing is a beating probably. It's become the norm for them since cupcakegate.

Vanessa said...

Also, I don't think Collin hurt Hannah. Hannah was very upset about how Kate treats Collin.
It's really odd that the broken arm was not discussed on the show whatsoever. It's unlike h8 to not exploit something like that. How could she miss an opportunity go on and on AND ON about the burden and hardship she endured?
Something is fishy

kris said...

Leslie #54 - My husband looked at her and said 'What is wrong with her face? It doesn't move! I can't imagine what she's going to look like when she's old.' I said "Botox baby." He was like "Yikes!" lol

TLC stinks said...

She even asks the group, "If I faint, though, will you guys take proper care of me?"

TLC stinks said...


Here we go...Alexis left out.
The teacher of the class told the Gosselin clan that the “cardinal sin” of etiquette is using a phone at dinner, just as Kate was texting under the table. She made an excuse that because Alexis was back at the hotel and sick, she should get a free pass.

CC said...

I think the cameras zoomed in on Kate and the kids during the final dinner to show that they didn't follow the rules of etiquette. They didn't spoon their soup away from them, several of them spoke with food in their mouths, and even after Kate said to wait until everyone had their dessert two (at least one) of the younger girls took bites anyway then put their spoons down.

Tucker's Mom said...

CC said... 49
For whoever asked, I don't think there was any interaction between Kate and Collin. I don't think Collin said a word the entire episode. I don't think they focused on him at all, except that they showed him eating. He was always just there in the background. And when they were showing the kids the little alligator he kept trying to get in front to touch it and see it but seemed to just get stuck behind the other kids. The younger girls seem to monopolize everything.
Thanks. Sadly, not surprising. I think the editing elves had to be particularly creative this season.
I think Kate filters all their drinking water from the well. I would go nuts with all the crap on my counters. Why not get whole-house filtration?
It's so odd. All that money and opportunity when they did a complete gut and redo of that kitchen, which was the time to do it.

Tucker's Mom said...

The blank look on Collin's face / flat affect scares me for him.
His countenance is often blank, like nothing's really registering. Not sure if that's medication or organic.

CC said...

I think Collin seems like such a sweet, intelligent little boy. I think the problem with him is Kate broke his spirit. He seems withdrawn and introverted around her like he's in self-preservation mode.

CC said...

I don't believe Alexis was sick. I think she refused to go to etiquette class. Remember she's the "problem" girl.

Jamesvader1194 said...

I must say,one good thing about Goody getting suspended is that now the haters on twitter can convince people about Gosselin book without goody intervening and policing Kate's TL about how the journals were MODIFY and STOLEN like her usually argument is.

Tucker's Mom said...

kris said... 68
Leslie #54 - My husband looked at her and said 'What is wrong with her face? It doesn't move! I can't imagine what she's going to look like when she's old.' I said "Botox baby." He was like "Yikes!" lol
The weird raised eyebrow/eyelid droop looks very odd.

Jamesvader1194 said...

Thats kinda creepy Milo. Fired Up 4 Kate
@Kateplusmy8 Love watching Collin eat...he always has such a good appetite! :)

Tucker's Mom said...

Leslie said... 65
That tweet of Kate's that said she can't afford the tups phones and she can't afford the plan either makes me sick. Of course she can and she will. I guess she was hoping a company may see it and feel pity for her. Or maybe that was for TLC's benefit.
Bull. She can afford phones for each one of the kids. She doesn't want them to have the ability to call anyone, least of all Jon.
I bet she still listens in on their conversations with him.
Control, control, control.

Kathy said...

Doesn't she see what a complete jackass she's making out of herself...this screaming and those faces are just ridiculous...she loves to slap it on thick for the cameras....so damn phony...is that her idea of entertainment?

locaylyocul said...


Here we go...Alexis left out.
The teacher of the class told the Gosselin clan that the “cardinal sin” of etiquette is using a phone at dinner, just as Kate was texting under the table. She made an excuse that because Alexis was back at the hotel and sick, she should get a free pass.


Why can I never find the comments on US Magazine articles? There must be some because it says: Tell Us: Do you think Kate was overdramatic during the family vacation to New Orleans?

And yes, very interesting the Alexis is the one who was "sick". Just like C used to (well, still is) be the missing one. Wasn't she the same one who missed swimming with the dolphins because she was sick?

Kate's Fetid Soul... said...

Hello lovely people :o)

I did not watch last night- or care to ever watch Kate's "real-est of reality shows". Judging by the comments here, I would say that her crappy show is dry, moldy toast.

The countdown to her cancellation has started!

Have a good day

Tucker's Mom said...

Jamesvader1194 said... 76
I must say,one good thing about Goody getting suspended is that now the haters on twitter can convince people about Gosselin book without goody intervening and policing Kate's TL about how the journals were MODIFY and STOLEN like her usually argument is.
December 7, 2016 at 8:28 AM
The last time I saw Goody's tweets on Kate's TL, she was dropping F-bombs right and left. F Jon! F Robert! Yada yada.

Tucker's Mom said...

Why can I never find the comments on US Magazine articles? There must be some because it says: Tell Us: Do you think Kate was overdramatic during the family vacation to New Orleans?
I never see a comment section either.

Sad but true said...

More comments from the TLC FB page. Ouch.

XXXXX it is very obvious that Kate loves money and all that it brings. She is stuck between a rock and a hard place now! If she would just back off and not hog the camera we all might like her better! That fake blonde hair, the phony eye lashes, the French manicure, etc is NOT what makes a mother! She never shows anyone any affection, none, zilch. She does not know how to love!!

XXXXX Last night show: those kids were embarrassed by her,over dramatics,its just sad for those kids.

XXXXX This woman is a monster created by TLC. If you watched the very early episodes of Jon&KatePlus8, they were a down to earth, happy family. She very soon fell in love with the camera and thought herself to be of celebrity status. NOT. Think back also to Dancing With The Stars. Even her partner said she was difficult. Sadly, she does have a following and will continue to exploit her kids for money and "fame" for as long as TLC allows it to go on. I feel bad for the kids.

XXXXX Yeah but she needs the show to support them. She will not get a nursing job ever again. She thinks it's beneath her since she sees herself as a tv Star.

XXXXX I just watched the clip (haven't watched this since her divorce.) What is the premise of the show now? See how a mom takes a big group of children on various trips? Count the times Kate rolls her eyes and mugs for the camera? Interesting....not.

Tucker's Mom said...

Is Alexis the skinny one who was sitting left on the couch?
(not that the other girls are heavy or anything...I know how Kate must get on them about any "growing out" instead of "up").
Which ever girl that was, she seemed over it already.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Tucker's Mom (#79), anyone who can afford a monthly spa trip for HERSELF can afford monthly phones for her kids. What utter nonsense. Yes, it's about control.

Sad but true said...

locaylyocul said... 81

Why can I never find the comments on US Magazine articles?

You have to click on the comment icon to get to them.

Kathy said...

Alexis is sick .....my ass!! She's the next domino to fall...this woman is systematically ruining these kids lives...can't wait to hear her excuses for Alexis...this is gonna be a doozy...is she on her way out too? Totally disgusted!!

Tucker's Mom said...

XXXXX This woman is a monster created by TLC. If you watched the very early episodes of Jon&KatePlus8, they were a down to earth, happy family. She very soon fell in love with the camera and thought herself to be of celebrity status.
This is so true. Kate fell in love with being on tv, being famous, being in the tabloids, getting free stuff, having far more prominence in society than her prior station in life could ever have afforded her, and of course, money.

Sad but true said...

BTW, that US Weekly story is showing only 5 comments anyway, and it's been up for 12 hours. She's not setting the world on fire anymore, that's for sure.

Sad but true said...

Go into the light, FB people!

XXXXX They are no longer toddlers, daycare isn't needed. Maybe some after school programs or a few Grandmotherly neighbors to supervise them a few hours until Mom gets home from work. What was her grand plan to support them all if the tv show didn't employer her? She could downsize to a regular 4 bedroom home in a more affordable area and probably be mortgage free. For all the years that she has been getting paid by TLC , she should be sitting on a very good nest egg and not need to be on tv anymore. I think it's more about the perks of celebrity life for HER more than supporting a family of 8 kids. I live in a farming community where some families have as many as 16 children and they manage to raise well fed, well dressed, happily adjusted children. Some of these women have done it alone too!

Sad but true said...

She must have gone back to bed this morning. Not keeping up with deleting IG comments.

XXXXX SAD kate has treated COLLIN like CRAP all HIS LIFE. She wrote about it in her diarys, watch old shows see how she treats him.... then feel sorry for her

Tucker's Mom said...

So, Kate walks in the insectarium, chewing gum LIKE A COW. Mouth open, chomping away.
And the bugs are gross?
Well, Jeezus, that was worse than I even imagined. Kate needs help, she really does. The children were GREAT in that place, and Kate, knowing damn well she's not going to control herself, made an awful, embarrassing scene.
People 30 feet away were like, wtf???
The tups girls are once again parenting Kate. Mady thinks it's hysterical and records it, and Cara seems to be looking at the camera guy like, "yeah, here she goes again with the drama crap".

Tucker's Mom said...

Brittany ‏@_banise 2h2 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 if you don't mind me asking, do you and @jgosselin10 get along besides coparenting? #NowWatching #KatePlus8 👩👩👩‍❤️‍👩💑👨‍❤️‍👨
Besides co-parenting?
You give Kate WAY too much credit!
North and South Korea will peacefully reunite before Kate co-parents with Jon.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

CC (#74), that poor child has been beaten down so much that he must live in terror that his next move/thought/word will be criticized, mocked, torn apart, and/or ignored. So maybe it's safer for him to feel and do nothing. And I find that nothing short of tragic.

Tucker's Mom said...

So, who is this Chef Boudy? Was she a big part of the show? Looks like she's out to get some Twitter love via Kate.

Blowing In The Wind said...

That is the problem with them showing the episodes out of order-an episode filmed in May, followed by an episode filmed in March.


I really don't think the fans understand this. They would be confused no matter when it was filmed.

Anonymous said...

I read on the earlier post that TLC showed a repeat of last week's show at 6:00 pm last night (which is supper hour for many people in the Eastern time zone). I know it's still early to learn of last night's rating but, from what I've been reading, it doesn't sound like any sponsor would like to be seen as supporting last night's total disaster.


kris said...

Tucker's mom - She was the Chef at their cooking school. She's was great with the kids, tons of personality.

Sad but true said...

TOTALLY about the control. She doesn't have to worry about the twins anymore, as they don't visit Dad and he's "toxic." But the four who do visit, well, just look what happened with Hannah. If they have the power to call him themselves, they just might ask him to come and get them when it's not custody time, and then the roof will come off. Better just not to let them have one, right?

Sad but true said...

Blowing In The Wind said... 98
That is the problem with them showing the episodes out of order-an episode filmed in May, followed by an episode filmed in March.


I really don't think the fans understand this. They would be confused no matter when it was filmed.

And it's so obvious that these episodes have been "pieced and patched (hah!) to avoid the Collin issue. Having couch interviews 6 months after the trip? Ridiculous. I wonder how many weekends the kids had to give up to do this right after school started.

Sad but true said...

I wonder if K8 would go so far as to bring Collin BACK from wherever he is if TLC told her they couldn't film K8 Plus 8 anymore with only 7. Hmm.

Tucker's Mom said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 87
Tucker's Mom (#79), anyone who can afford a monthly spa trip for HERSELF can afford monthly phones for her kids. What utter nonsense. Yes, it's about control.
Coincidence that the twins have phones and don't see or speak to their dad?

Tucker's Mom said...

I live in a farming community where some families have as many as 16 children and they manage to raise well fed, well dressed, happily adjusted children. Some of these women have done it alone too!
Oh, sane, enlightened one...that's....mediocre.

just wondering said...

This woman is a monster created by TLC. If you watched the very early episodes of Jon&KatePlus8, they were a down to earth, happy family......................................

They were happy because their shopped around home video was picked up. They taped everything themselves & sent the videos everywhere. You bet they were happy back then! They got the show they wanted!

But Kate always wants more. Always has & always will.

Tucker's Mom said...

kris said... 100
Tucker's mom - She was the Chef at their cooking school. She's was great with the kids, tons of personality.
December 7, 2016 at 9:36 AM
It seems like TLC pays for and films a TON of stuff, just for 44 or so minutes of airing in ONE episode.
Like, poof! All that money and labor is put into one episode that's not going to be seen by that many people.
Really getting shades of RV time.

Tucker's Mom said...

And it's so obvious that these episodes have been "pieced and patched (hah!) to avoid the Collin issue
It's like Whack-A-Mole. When's Colin going to pop his head up? Here? There?
All the sleight of hand to keep viewers unaware of exactly when Colin was sent away.
First he's there in New Orleans, and poof! he's gone for the couch interviews.

Katykat said...

I think Collin either tried to hurt Kate or himself. She's such a bitch. 10 years of nothing but yelling at her kids...all on film. The ONLY loving moment I can remember was when she got a painting/picture of their old house.Nothing in the form of a maternal instinct has ever been shown for the kids. You know when the cameras are gone, it's Lord of the Flies in that chaotic hell hole those kids have to call home.

Tucker's Mom said...

Sad but true said... 103
I wonder if K8 would go so far as to bring Collin BACK from wherever he is if TLC told her they couldn't film K8 Plus 8 anymore with only 7. Hmm.
December 7, 2016 at 9:46 AM
It would be shocking if Colin filmed K+8 again. From a professional standpoint, I can't imagine any doctor or social worker who would think it therputic, or even palliative, to put Colin back on television and make him even more fodder for public speculation and derision.

TLC stinks said...

I AGREE...Alexis is NEXT.

TLC stinks said...

Alexis appears doped up and missing in some show segments. Way to go Kate. Another one down. Beast!

Vanessa said...

think she refused to go to etiquette class. Remember she's the "problem" girl.
More like khate refused to let her participate. Punishment of some sort

FYI said...

So this week they went to New Orleans, next week they go to the Poconos, and the following week they go to Alabama. This is the synopses for the next two episodes.

Puppies & Poconos
Poconos here we come! There's plenty of competition, chaos and family fun when Kate and the kids take on archery tag, tubing and new puppies!

Gosselins in Space
The Gosselins travel to Alabama to go to Space Camp! Kate and the kids explore all NASA has to offer and become astronauts for the day. Will the family get along long enough to complete their missions?

I can just imagine Kate at Space Camp--more shrieking, etc. Too bad NASA couldn't sent her into space with a one-way ticket.

This whole season is more trips than anything. I think there is also supposed to be a beach vacation, since the season preview shows them on a boat. Unless that's part of the Poconos vacation.

The only 2 episodes left that aren't vacation trips will be the twins' birthday, and the "family game night" episode, which I assume will be the finale. That show will probably include look-back clips, since the "game" is supposed to be a trivia game about the last 10 years of the show. How much more confusing for the fans that Collin appears in the final episode?

FlimsyFlamsy said...

You know, I think part of TFW screaming at the kids all the time is to create the illusion that they are soooo hard to handle. Just so darn unmanageable that the only way to restore order is by raising her voice.
Another way to garner pity and praise from the masses. She doesn't realize it makes her look like a lazy, piss-poor parent.

But in her daily life, I have a feeling TFW spends very little time with those kids. And least of all away from the compound. Let's face it, there'd be no "bugs and beignets"
(hey, that would've been a good episode title) on their schedules if the cameras weren't rolling and TLC wasn't footing the bill.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

You know, I think part of TFW screaming at the kids all the time is to create the illusion that they are soooo hard to handle. Just so darn unmanageable that the only way to restore order is by raising her voice.
Another way to garner pity and praise from the masses. She doesn't realize it makes her look like a lazy, piss-poor parent.


Absolutely. And, I believe with all my heart she fears a show about a calm, sweet mother and eight calm obedient children would be boring. She absolutely does it to ramp up the drama, create artificial conflict. Some of the kids won't go there with her, like the boys, but enough do that it's good T.V., in her mind anyway. If you think about it, it's really sick to mess with a child's psyche and emotions just to try to get better footage. This is why she won't make any effort to try to parent them differently and more calmly. What's the advantage there? (Other than, you'll be a better parent and have a better relationship with your kids) She really has been destroyed by fame.

NJGal51 said...

@Xxxxxxxx: @xxxxxxxxx @Xxxxxxxx @Kateplusmy8 I have a 7yr Aspie boy. It sucks, it's hard, HE'S worth it. This isn't the 50's. Be a parent!
Spoken like a true parent.

High Sodium Content said...

Regarding advertisers, from those that I've contacted, they do not necessarily know what shows they are signing up to appear on. Seems they sign w/ TLC and don't always pick and choose what shows they "sponsor".

I peeked a few times at the show last night, has anyone mentioned how zoned out and drugged up C looked? Also noticing Kate's control over every bite of food seems to be backfiring, because some of them are clearly gaining weight. Her skin and the twins are horrible looking, despite all "Deanna's" magic.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Admin (#104), and TFW has been manipulating these poor children's emotions and psyches for more than a DECADE. All in the name of a paycheck and her beloved
non-mediocre, "posh" lifestyle.

The fakery has become second nature to TFW. Doesn't seem to bother her in the least. And the children are just pawns in her game. She is a horrible mother.

Tucker's Mom said...

Debi Tew Tamsett ‏@TewTamsett 11m11 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 @mumlvs2run @BarbGilmer @HspncElvis @TLC Hopefully entire season is not filled w/your theatrics, your children's behavior Great
Kate's constant upheaval of otherwise perfectly calm circumstances isn't going unnoticed.

TLC stinks said...

I agree that the yelling is ramped up for drama, but make no mistake, she's a yeller naturally because she has a temper as evidenced by her journal. It also explains why the kids yell because that's how they have been raised. And yes, it's worse with the girls because girls at that age are highly emotional creatures anyway. I feel bad for the boys getting ganged up by all the females in that household. Those two boys will leave at 18 and never look back.

swimgirl said...

And the ratings continue to slide. This week had 736,000 viewers, a drop from 933,00 for Outdaughtered and 1,363,000 for Little People. Not looking too good for TFW.

Tucker's Mom said...

Puppies & Poconos
Poconos here we come! There's plenty of competition, chaos and family fun when Kate and the kids take on archery tag, tubing and new puppies!

Gosselins in Space
The Gosselins travel to Alabama to go to Space Camp! Kate and the kids explore all NASA has to offer and become astronauts for the day. Will the family get along long enough to complete their missions?
I wonder- do other reality shows focus so much on chaos and discord? It seems like they go out of their way to emphasize the dysfunction, immaturity, lack of getting along, fighting etc. with Kate Plus 8.
It's so unpleasant that I can't imagine anyone watching this for pleasure.

Terri said...

Ratings are in and they are worse than last week. 736,000. I think she is FINALLY done.

Tucker's Mom said...

despite all "Deanna's" magic.
Did Deanna even respond? She's been MIA, and I've wondered if she was issued a C&D after she had the gall to speak out against Jon and interlope in his relationship between him and his children.

FYI said...

Ratings are in. 736,000 viewers.

Outdaughtered had 933,000 and LPBW had 1,363,000.

All 3 shows fell from last week. Could be due to the holidays. I remember last year, the lowest rated shows were the ones aired before Christmas and viewership increased after they were over. However, she still has the lowest number of viewers of all 3 shows.

These are the ratings from last week:

LPBW 1.604 million

Outdaughtered 1.107 million

Kate plus 8 860,000

Tucker's Mom said...

. Those two boys will leave at 18 and never look back.
They'll be joining Cara, I believe. She looks so over it.

FYI said...

Forgot to include the link to the ratings:


Winsomeone said...

Some one on Previously Tv said "736K viewers and a .22 rating.." Hope that is correct.

Layla said...

Ratings in! 736,000!!!!!! Moving in the right direction if you ask me.
So far:
10-year special 890,000
12th Birthday 860,000
New Orleans. 736,000

Average so far: 828,666

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

And the ratings continue to slide. This week had 736,000 viewers, a drop from 933,00 for Outdaughtered and 1,363,000 for Little People. Not looking too good for TFW.


OUCH. I think this Collin thing really is upsetting viewers more than anything ever before. He was a fan favorite and this has struck a nerve. No more, finally.

Localyocul said...

How timely

Locked On The Psych Ward


Localyocul said...

Just realized the link I just posted is about the parent company we were speculating on the last thread . The links someone posted took us to the records for this company UHS

Vanessa said...

If you think about it, it's really sick to mess with a child's psyche and emotions just to try to get better footage
It would be a sick mess with or without the cameras. Chicken or the egg? A narcissist is born a narcissist. She would have treated those kids the same, dare I say WORSE if there wasn't a camera rolling. There would be the same treatment, but with different types of shame or threats. Abuse is abuse, but the script would have been different for them.

GollyGee said...

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 122
And the ratings continue to slide. This week had 736,000 viewers, a drop from 933,00 for Outdaughtered and 1,363,000 for Little People. Not looking too good for TFW.


OUCH. I think this Collin thing really is upsetting viewers more than anything ever before. He was a fan favorite and this has struck a nerve. No more, finally.


And a spirit broken child shall lead them.

God bless you, Collin. Stay strong, young man. Change is coming soon.

NJGal51 said...

And the ratings continue to slide. This week had 736,000 viewers, a drop from 933,00 for Outdaughtered and 1,363,000 for Little People. Not looking too good for TFW.
It couldn't happen to a nicer person! Maybe next week she'd better promise a follow at the #notsowellattended twitter party. C you next Tuesday....CHECK!

Sad but true said...

So at 736K, she's down almost 125K from last week. I wonder how far off the show is from its lows of the final season in 2011; for some reason, 680K sticks in my mind as her low point then. Interesting that Outdaughtered was down but LPBW up, and pretty significantly, from the previous week's numbers.

Well, I hope she's got a back-up plan, because I think this is the end of her network TV career.

Tucker's Mom said...

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 122
And the ratings continue to slide. This week had 736,000 viewers, a drop from 933,00 for Outdaughtered and 1,363,000 for Little People. Not looking too good for TFW.


OUCH. I think this Collin thing really is upsetting viewers more than anything ever before. He was a fan favorite and this has struck a nerve. No more, finally.
Ouch, and wow (wow in a good way). thought that perhaps the numbers would increase a bit since TLC aired a rerun a couple hours earlier and her Tweet "party" was a tad better populated.

What was her lowest episode?

It's obvious that Kate's brand is seriously old, tarnished and worn out its welcome. On top of the show being SSDD, episode after episode, there's Colin sent away.
The allegations that have gone unanswered are nightmarish and we know in real life, what's going on post-divorce is among the worst possible outcomes any family would live in fear of happening to them.
Now, if TLC and the advertisers have any common sense, they will stop the damn cameras and let this family attempt to live their lives privately.

Layla said...

The lowest episode was 681,000 in 2011. It was the Philadelphia episode. There was that 3-hour special last year that only got 615,000, but I don't think Kate narrated or anything. It was just clips. I hope this season keeps dropping. It's the only way those kids will ever get off TV.

Suzieq said...

Uh, oh, someone is on Blind Gossip again and if this is true, shame on her! The story claims that a reality mom had a choice of continuing with her reality show or sending a blessing away. She signed court documents to send a blessing away so she could continue filming.

jamezvader1194 said...

@Tuker's Mom (125) Someone here mention that Deanna was doing make up for some other discovery show.I forget which one but it seems she's not on Kate's show anymore which makes me think she got kicked to the curb after that whole twitter thing.I guess she can no longer claim to know what goes on in the gosselin house anymore considering she's not there anymore.

Sad but true said...

I imagine Kate will justify her rapidly dwindling popularity as all about Collin, that her step in sending him away was not one accepted by her audience but that she had to do it in order for him to improve (martyr mom that she is). But the fact is, while there are certainly people who said they don't want to watch without Collin, there are many many more people who are just fed up with her attitude, her preening, her hyperbole, her disdain for regular people, and her attention-hogging.

I would like to think that this might give her pause to really re-examine why and how she's come to this pass. But I think that's the very last thing she'll do. And, unfortunately, the kids who are home are going to catch the brunt of her manic personality.

TLC stinks said...

What do we have? Four more shows? The downward trend continues. Even if TLC is waiting for the outcome of any custody trial before renewing her, surely her abysmal ratings will convince them the show is not worth their expense. Besides, I expect more leaks and bad publicity for TLC and Kate.

BTW, I do not believe Andrea's leaving as nanny was coincidental. She either was fired or left voluntarily with disgust. You can't tell me Jon's attorney has not spoken with her. Her CA would not be enforceable if there is a crime such as child abuse?

Sad but true said...

Suzieq said... 140

Sadly, this doesn't surprise me in the least. But the show only continues if people watch it, so . . .

FYI said...

These were the ratings for last season's episodes:

12/8/2015 .955 - School's Out
12/15/2015 .736 - Florida Fun
12/22/2015 .787 - What's Old is New
12/29/2015 1.159 - Green Thumb Gosselins
1/5/2016 1.186 - Deck Party
1/12/2016 1.289 - School Prep
1/19/2016 1.079 - Blind Date
1/26/2016 .907 - Kate's Advice

Last year, the show aired at 9pm and then switched to 10 pm on Jan. 5.

So her pre-Christmas ratings this year are averaging about the same as last year. I think after the Dec. 27 episode airs, we'll get a better idea of what the ratings really are.

Sad but true said...

Here the Blind Gossip item:

"This reality mom claims that her divorce crucified her family — but secretly knows that she is to blame.

She testifies that she loves her babies — but her own signature reveals the truth. Legal documents spelled out an ultimatum. She had to choose between a priceless blessing and a reality career. Fame came in first, so she crossed out her own flesh and blood.

Her ex-husband could publicly nail her for her sin but chooses to keep the peace.

The star forgives herself with distractions and soulful tears but the pain she has caused others cuts deep.

Her weighty choice has been legally etched in stone — her better reflection sacrificed for TV fame."

I don't know, I can't imagine H8 crying "soulful tears," at least not without a camera there. Anyone?

Kate's Fetid Soul said...

Layla said... 130
Ratings in! 736,000!!!!!! Moving in the right direction if you ask me.
So far:
10-year special 890,000
12th Birthday 860,000
New Orleans. 736,000

Average so far: 828,666


Ugh! I'll be happy when only 10 people are watching.

What is TLC waiting for? Come on- cancel that pathetic train wreck!

I wish the Gosselin kiddies peace, love, a normal life away from cameras, and freedom to live their lives without being treated like a group of performing monkeys.

God bless, and protect C_ _ _ _ _, and his siblings.

Localyocul said...

Suzieq said... 140
Uh, oh, someone is on Blind Gossip again and if this is true, shame on her! The story claims that a reality mom had a choice of continuing with her reality show or sending a blessing away. She signed court documents to send a blessing away so she could continue filming.


Between the last one and this one there is no doubt who it is

Sad but true said...

I looked at the comments on the Blind Gossip item posted yesterday ("First Do No Harm") and a majority picked Kris Jenner/Kanye West! Bizarre.

TLC stinks said...

That Blind Gossip snippet...wow. It also says her ex decided not to publicly nail her to in order to keep the peace.

Perhaps TLC said no Collin if you want to keep filming because he is such a disruption? Would explain them allowing her to continue filming with the seven ignoring the contract stipulation that ALL eight must film.

Sad but true said...

LOL, the newby clearly doesn't know who he's talking to! Really, "crazy people"? LOL

nick_moy vdunigan3 Hi.. if i recall in my working days of comouters some people may deliberatly be trying to suspend your account by trying to login and using the wrong password many times.. Also if Twitter feels like your account had been compromised they will lock your account also. You never know the crazy people that are out there..

Tucker's Mom said...

Suzieq said... 140
Uh, oh, someone is on Blind Gossip again and if this is true, shame on her! The story claims that a reality mom had a choice of continuing with her reality show or sending a blessing away. She signed court documents to send a blessing away so she could continue filming.
Makes it sound like "mom" signed him away.
I've no idea how serious to take Blind Gossip, but it does sound like Kate and my growing suspicion that Colin is never coming back.
Think about it. Kate could eke out another season, maybe two, before peoples' heads started to explode over Colin.

Kathy said...

Oh no now she'll blame Collin for being cancelled....just like she blamed Jon because he wouldn't film anymore...I'm sure C will be alienated and banished from her life just like everyone else....do you think her alienations stop with her kids?? Since she got rid of every other member of her family...they're next!! It's already begun....you can't or won't film .....flush em!!!!

localyocul said...

Sad but true said... 146
Here the Blind Gossip item:

"This reality mom claims that her divorce crucified her family — but secretly knows that she is to blame.

She testifies that she loves her babies — but her own signature reveals the truth. Legal documents spelled out an ultimatum. She had to choose between a priceless blessing and a reality career. Fame came in first, so she crossed out her own flesh and blood.

Her ex-husband could publicly nail her for her sin but chooses to keep the peace.

The star forgives herself with distractions and soulful tears but the pain she has caused others cuts deep.

Her weighty choice has been legally etched in stone — her better reflection sacrificed for TV fame."

I don't know, I can't imagine H8 crying "soulful tears," at least not without a camera there. Anyone?


It's also categorized under Reality TV

Tucker's Mom said...

BTW, I do not believe Andrea's leaving as nanny was coincidental. She either was fired or left voluntarily with disgust. You can't tell me Jon's attorney has not spoken with her. Her CA would not be enforceable if there is a crime such as child abuse?
Well, interesting that Kate mentioned Andrea coming along to New Orleans, and how that's not always the case to have an extra adult (which is bs...Kate always has Steve and the crew). Foreshadowing, maybe? The couch interviews were obviously done much later than filming.
It will be interesting to see if Andrea is there when it's obvious Colin was already sent away.

localyocul said...

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 13

I don't believe that Kate always does laundry, or is even the primary doer of laundry.
She says she is without help when she doesn't have a FT employee. Do I think she's got no one helping in that how now that Andrea is gone?


Wait..what did I miss? Andrea is gone?

Layla said...

Yep, the blind gossip is Kate. They said she signed away a precious blessing (the first book was Multiple Blessings) and mention of her better reflection refers to how she has said her kids are reflections of herself. They like to put hints in the story.

The mention of legal documents she signed makes me wonder if she signed away custody of C. Maybe made him a ward of the state? Or. hold there be other legal docs she would sign to send him away? Somehow I do not doubt that she would sign away custody. If she can't film C,then he is worthless to her. But did she think Jon would never find out that she did such a thing?

Maybe Jon has found out the truth in court, but has kept quiet. I'm sure the gag order is the reason, rather than keeping it secret out of the goodness of his heart. I also wonder if Kate requested the gag order to keep him from talking and letting people know the truth about what she has done.

This has got to be the last of K+8. Between the low ratings, the news of C being sent away, Jon taking Kate to court for shared custody, and the knowledge that the whole truth will become public, TLC can't possibly think it's a good idea to keep the show.

Leslie said...

I think Kate filters all their drinking water from the well. I would go nuts with all the crap on my counters. Why not get whole-house filtration
I had mentioned this a while ago. Why doesn't she just use the water filter on her NEW refrigerator door. I know she has one. Yes, water filters for refrigerators are not cheap but but neither are six Brita water pitchers' filters. Also filling all those pitchers everyday is a headache.That would drive me nuts having all those pitchers on my counter too.And it makes her beautiful kitchen look like crap too. She does like to make life hard.

And I wanted to comment on Alexis eating ALL the time with her mouth open.Plus the other girls commented that she is the messiest eater at home and after dinner her area and the floor below her are a mess too. Why doesn't Kate correct that.Certainly Kate must have noticed it by now.It is a gross habit for anybody to have...especially on camera.

Leslie said...

Oh, look at the US magazine photo used in the article. The entire family is very happy and there is Alexis sitting down pouting and sad. I would have thought TLC would have destroyed that photo.

Sad but true said...

But who would have forced her to sign anything banishing Collin?

"She testifies that she loves her babies — but her own signature reveals the truth. Legal documents spelled out an ultimatum. She had to choose between a priceless blessing and a reality career."

As morally bankrupt as TLC is, I cannot imagine they would demand this of her, or anyone. They'd cancel her first. And as for her ex not going public, that's just not true, he's said plenty to the tabs. I'm just not convinced this is her.

Sad but true said...

Layla said... 157

The mention of legal documents she signed makes me wonder if she signed away custody of C. Maybe made him a ward of the state?

How could this be legal when he has a living father who is not incarcerated and lives 20 minutes away from the compound? How??? And WHY would the state accept this without putting the father on the hook? This part cannot be true.

But I agree you must be right about her being the topic, the "blessing" is a solid clue.

Tucker's Mom said...

Wait..what did I miss? Andrea is gone?

I'm pretty sure Kate said Andrea left in May???? I had not put that together with when Colin is surmised to have been sent away, but maybe they are connected.

Susan1956 said...

Hey Admin---I think my post last night re: the # of times some ads were shown (Toys-R-Us ad was shown 4 times) & whether the advertisers are aware of this got lost as it never showed up under this post.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

So happy to see the ratings down again! TFW really thought no one would care that one of the "cast members" left the show. It was only an icky, dirty boy anyway, so, whatevs. She's glad he's gone.

If she's canceled, she will immediately work on figuring out another way to get them all on screen. She will not go gentle into that good night. She may have to pry open her pocketbook to get someone's help, but she will never disappear. Never.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

If Deanna is really gone, that lowers TFW's local friend count to zero. Until she finds someone else to bleed dry.

FYI said...

The latest blind item includes a link to this article:


Most comments seem to think it's about Tamra Barney Judge.

Remember her oldest daughter didn't want to film anymore and there was a custody battle? That daughter now lives with her father, Tamra's ex.

In another article from that same site, it says that "according to Sidney, Tamra chose a trashy reality television career over her daughter."


So although the scenario fits Kate's situation, it also fits this situation.

Sad but true said...

Leslie said... 159
Oh, look at the US magazine photo used in the article. The entire family is very happy and there is Alexis sitting down pouting and sad. I would have thought TLC would have destroyed that photo.
This is actually one of the promo photos that TLC has used widely---on the K8 FB page, on their own website, etc.

TLC stinks said...

Sad but true, Jon has not publicly accused Kate of making a choice between TV and Collin, just that Kate kept Collin's whereabouts from him. That is how I interpreted the Blind Gossip.

I don't put anything past TLC and particularly Kate.

FYI said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 165
If Deanna is really gone, that lowers TFW's local friend count to zero. Until she finds someone else to bleed dry.

I don't think Deanna is gone. She was listed in the credits in the shows that aired so far. Plus there were these tweets last night.

Tara Hembree ‏@TaraHembree 21h21 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 what type of foundation do you wear? Your makeup is gorgeous.

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 21h21 hours ago
@TaraHembree thanks to the amazing @deannatweeting .. She will know... She knows ALL the makeup tricks..😉

pym said...

Or, could it be that Collin did something to the crew daddies and their equipment? Since whatever it was that precipitated his removal happened after this season started filming, who else was around at that time? Or maybe one of the crew saw something done to Collin and finally found the moral fortitude to report it. Either way I think it is significant that whatever it was occurred during the filming of this season.

Sad but true said...

Kate is a twit said... 166

I was wracking my brain trying to think of who else besides Kate this could be, and since I don't watch any of these shows, I was getting nowhere. So thank you for posting that, and that is dead right---she was fighting for custody of her daughter, and then that suddenly stopped. Her ex was vocal at the beginning, but hasn't been heard from in quite a while. So this could be her.

Sad but true said...

Susan1956 said... 163

I did read it, though. Maybe in last thread.

TLC stinks said...

Kate said in her tweet Andrea was the babysitter until this past June.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

So happy to see the ratings down again! TFW really thought no one would care that one of the "cast members" left the show. It was only an icky, dirty boy anyway, so, whatevs. She's glad he's gone.


I think she so smugly thought the same when she kicked Jon out of her life. The show will go on without him and it'll be just as good, better!

Only it was never the same once Jon left, and this is eerily reminiscent of that, with people wanting to see Collin way more than she bargained for, and ratings tanking.

Sad but true said...

Tucker's Mom said... 162
Wait..what did I miss? Andrea is gone?

I'm pretty sure Kate said Andrea left in May????

She tweeted this during last week's show:

Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@csnyder5 family friend.. She was our babysitter til this past June! Now I'm help-less! :( #KatePlus8 @TLC

Jen said...

I very much doubt Kate is considered important or interesting enough in the celebrity world to merit a BlindGossip item ;)

FlimsyFlamsy said...

KIAT (#169), whoops, I didn't know Deanna was in on a tweet last night! I thought someone said she hadn't been in the loop since she lambasted Jon. That'll teach me to make assumptions! Sorry about that.

Sad but true said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 164

If she's canceled, she will immediately work on figuring out another way to get them all on screen.
But that only works if you can get people to watch. And as is becoming clearer by the minute, people are seriously over K8, they can't stand to watch HER. So unless she were to agree to them being filmed without her (when pigs fly), I can't see this happening. Though of course she'll try. Anything to avoid having to be one of the mediocres again.

Tucker's Mom said...

Interesting that LPBW has such staying power. Amy and her husband continue to film, even though they're divorced, or getting divorced?
I don't know how anyone can watch and think Colin's problems are not at all influenced by the fact that his parents' divorce and post-divorce animosity has been beyond the pale, and only getting worse. Not better.
No one thinks about how much better the kids' lives would be if their parents would grow the eff up and coparent. It's like watching a train wreck and enjoying it.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

So many negative comments from viewers. Guess it's not just us blackhearted busybodies complaining about TFW this time.

TLC stinks said...

She promoted the tups as a SIX PACK since birth and now that one is gone, it's very upsetting. Not only that, but Kate and the kids act like Collin never existed. That is disturbing to any "normal" mother. It's just plain odd. She made an error that fans would just accept a child being sent away because it's best for him;yet, his behavior on TV did not indicate he was violent or a threat so we are confused. Fortunately, most people are shocked by her lack of concern that a child is in such a bad place he must live apart from his family. I cannot understand those that stick by her as a great mother.

jamezvader1194 said...

@FlimsyFlamsy (177) It might be possible she left twitter because why would milo ask where Deanna is if she's still on twitter?Plus i don't see any reply from the person who asked her. Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 21h21 hours ago

@Kateplusmy8 @TaraHembree @deannatweeting We have missed #Deanna...where has she been???

Sad but true said...

Milo just posted on her IG she's having surgery tomorrow. Sounds like outpatient (more eye surgery?), but she had to let people know why she's not out hacking through the Khaters with her machete.

Over In TFW's County said...

This has got to be the last of K+8.


We've said that before, but she always comes back swinging. I'll believe it when it's really over for good.

Anonymous said...

Someone commented on the Inquisitr site that Collin was supposed to go home for his 12th birthday party but "acted out" because he didn't want to go home to see her.


FlimsyFlamsy said...

Did someone say Gladys tweeted that she liked watching C eat, and commenting on how much he eats? Good grief, woman, he's not one of the family pets. Your observation is neither cute nor funny -- especially when you know good and well he's GONE.

Over In TFW's County said...

And I wanted to comment on Alexis eating ALL the time with her mouth open.Plus the other girls commented that she is the messiest eater at home and after dinner her area and the floor below her are a mess too. Why doesn't Kate correct that.Certainly Kate must have noticed it by now.It is a gross habit for anybody to have...especially on camera.


That's an easy one. Kate won't correct her because Kate has no table manners. She does the same thing, chewing with her mouth open and shoveling food. The kids see how Kate eats and they follow suit.

Sherri said...

Susan1956 said... 163
Hey Admin---I think my post last night re: the # of times some ads were shown (Toys-R-Us ad was shown 4 times) & whether the advertisers are aware of this got lost as it never showed up under this post.


Your comment is on the previous thread. I remember reading it there.

Sad but true said...

Yeah, so if Deanna did the spackle for last night's show, she was also in New Orleans. As an oft-featured "player" on the show, how can Kate claim that she's the only adult on any of these trips? When you get right down to it, with production and crew, there are probably more adults than children traveling with them.

Over In TFW's County said...

What kind of surgery is Milo having? Will Kate be there to hold her hand? Has Kate tweeted her "be well" sediments to Milo?

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Notice TFW called Andrea their "babysitter."
That makes it sound like an occasional,
as- needed gig. A babysitter conjures a picture of a middle school girl making some pocket money to buy Frappucinos at Starbucks, or the latest Taylor Swift song on iTunes. Andrea was a nanny.

Tucker's Mom said...

Anonymous said... 185
Someone commented on the Inquisitr site that Collin was supposed to go home for his 12th birthday party but "acted out" because he didn't want to go home to see her.

Eh, not believing that one. Going home for visits should be carefully structured to be calm and therapeutic for Colin, not a tight filming schedule where he's expected to work.

Tucker's Mom said...

It's pathetic how those fans don't pick up on the fact that Kate travels with an entourage, including someone to do her hair and makeup.
So real!!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

For all their faults I feel like if I happened to know the Little People in real life, I would end up friends with any of them. I can see having Amy over to dinner, I can see hiring Jeremy to take photos, I can see doing a business deal with Matt, and being very happy.

I think feeling some kind of connection to reality stars however fanciful, is very important to their longevity. People are invested now, and they want to see the kids get married and have babies.

Kate really doesn't have that bond with the average viewer. People don't really see themselves having her over for dinner, they can't picture what kind of conversation they would have with her if she were their neighbor, and while some of the kids are all right, they could take it or leave it at the end of the day. More and more, people just can't relate to her parenting choices, even sheeple. She is really missing that spark of a connection and it's going to do her in.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Notice TFW called Andrea their "babysitter."
That makes it sound like an occasional,
as- needed gig. A babysitter conjures a picture of a middle school girl making some pocket money to buy Frappucinos at Starbucks, or the latest Taylor Swift song on iTunes. Andrea was a nanny.


And for that reason, it diminishes and disrespects her role, all for her own ego to not take away from her own role. I am of the opinion it is very important to call your nanny your "nanny" because like you said, a babysitter can very easily mean the 15 year old you phone up who comes over and watches TV and texts the whole time.

There's the guy who can tie a string to your tooth and pull it, and there's your dentist. There's dad and a plunger, and then there's a plumber. Professions should be respected with the titles and names they are. It's unfortunate she refuses to do so.

Lynne In RI said...

Sad but true said... 183
Milo just posted on her IG she's having surgery tomorrow. Sounds like outpatient (more eye surgery?), but she had to let people know why she's not out hacking through the Khaters with her machete.


If it's eye surgery and it's successful, will she be able to see Kate for who and what she is?

PA Dutch Mom said...


Don't you love misplaced modifiers with a holiday theme?

"Teen gets bonus after losing wallet dressed as Santa"

Sad but true said...

Lynne In RI said... 196

If it's eye surgery and it's successful, will she be able to see Kate for who and what she is?
Not for a while, apparently, she's having something done to both eyes. I have no idea. Good golly, will she miss next week's crapisode? Lordy be!

Sherry Baby said...

I'm not sure why the ratings make any difference. They had dismal ratings before and TLC cancelled, but came back with no official announcement that they were rescinding the cancellation.

So they cancel this time around. It doesn't necessarily mean that she's toast and they will never resurrect her. Does it?

Layla said...

FlimsyFlamsy (180)
That's Bitter Blackhearted Busybodies, 'member? Cool, we're a club! The 3B's. I'm rather proud of us. We really bent that steeple out of shape, didn't we? What will we accomplish next?

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