Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Discussion Thread: Puppies & Poconos 12/13/2016

Poconos here we come! There's plenty of competition, chaos and family fun when Kate and the kids take on archery tag, tubing and new puppies! 60 Min. | PG

784 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Jamesvader1194 said... 1

Unfortunately for Kate,she'll probably have a low tweet week since Milo's AFK from her eye surgery.Oh well guess she'll have to miss the show as well.

Over And Out said... 2

lol!! Looks like the sheep need to tell each other when the show is beginning. What doofi!

CarleneMarie ‏@CarleneMarie_1 2m2 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Here we go!

Siobhan R ‏@SiobhanR111 4m4 minutes ago
#KatePlus8 episode #PuppiesAndThePoconos starting now! @TLC @Kateplusmy8

MrDanaCovert82 ‏@MrDanaCovert82 2m2 minutes ago
Watching @Kateplusmy8 right now. Hope y'all are too. If not, you should be. It's an AWESOME show.

Turn out the lights... said... 3

So Kate was filmed driving the van and pulling a large trailer?
I'm sure that was for show. I bet it was the crew daddies' stuff.

How ya'll can watch this shitshow and not get sick to your stomach baffles me...(unless you have a grifted tv in your laundry room so you can lay on the floor)
Have your bucket at the ready!


Sad but true said... 4

The deadliest tweet party in history. The first 10 minutes, 3 tweets from Kate, maybe 25 from randoms.

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 1m1 minute ago
I see Clark.. Our producer! :) #KatePlus8 @TLC

Is Clark the new Steve? And he's one of at least EIGHT, Kate, not the lone ranger.

Ooh, burn!

Kristine peterman ‏@kristine_krsp2 1m1 minute ago
Kate talks nicer to her puppy than she does to her kids @Kateplusmy8

Wowser said... 5

Ugh. Just glanced in while channel surfing...she's complaining to the horse riding instructor acting like she's such an authority on horses and he's an idiot ...I swear she would argue with God. I changed it the second she's droning awn and awn about how she had to show the horse she was the boss. She's such a horse's ass.

Sad but true said... 6

I think she's beginning to get it.

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 54s55 seconds ago
For heavens sake, what's that woman on @TLC yelling about? Oh... It's me! #EarPlugsNeeded #KatePlus8

Sad but true said... 7

Oh here we go, exhausted.

Tammy Miller GAC ‏@GACTrippin1970 3m3 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 I don't know how you do it, you must be exhausted at the end of the day #KatePlus8 @TLC

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8
@GACTrippin1970 @TLC exhausted is probably an understatement 😉
Siobhan R ‏@SiobhanR111 6m6 minutes ago
The kids are good riders! @Kateplusmy8 @TLC

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8
@SiobhanR111 @TLC they've ridden a lot! 🐎

Only when being filmed, though, right?

Jamesvader1194 said... 8

@Over and Out I still honestly think this SiobhanR person is a paid TLC employee.Just for the fact that she doesn't tweet about anything but Kate and also she only tweets when either Kate tweets or when the show is on.Its just so odd,at least Milo sometimes tweets about other things where as this person's been on twitter since the day Kate started twitter and has only 6,164 tweets that all have to do with Kate.

Sad but true said... 9

Commercial and channel-changing time. Oh but K8 has anticipated that! When everything is the best/most fun, no one believes you, K8.

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 47s47 seconds ago
Coming up.. THE MOST FUN ACTIVITY WE HAVE EVER DONE, HANDS DOWN! Archery tag @SkyTop #HungerGamesGosselinStyle @TLC #KatePlus8

She's answering this one a lot tonight---plant?

Tammy Miller GAC ‏@GACTrippin1970 1m1 minute ago
@Kateplusmy8 Is it weird to see yourself on tv? #KatePlus8 @TLC

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8
@GACTrippin1970 @TLC not after 10 years no... :) it's fun to watch our adventures... Still! ;) #KatePlus8

NJGal51 said... 10

kyle rutherford (@@kyle2688): @Kateplusmy8 are the kids watching show with you or are you watching by yourself

Kate Gosselin (@@Kateplusmy8): @kyle2688 Mady is here! The little kids will watch it the next day...
I guess Cara doesn't watch. Who can blame her. Attendance at her Twitter party is dismal.

localyocul said... 11


Annie Altman ‏@aaltman66 2m2 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Girl your website is severely out of date. Went to check it out and it says preorder a book that was released in 2013 😂

Sad but true said... 12


Annie Altman ‏@aaltman66 42s43 seconds ago
@Kateplusmy8 Girl your website is severely out of date. Went to check it out and it says preorder a book that was released in 2013 😂

Sandi said... 13

I have watched the first half. Have not seen the kids in a few years. If I had not known those children were Kates, it is like she is taking charge of strangers kids. Not one hug, touch,or smile towards those kids. Come to think of it, the kids treat her like someone just there to give instructions! Are they not allowed to touch or hug her? I laughed at the beginning of the show when Mady was speaking between ums.LOL

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 14

kyle rutherford (@@kyle2688): @Kateplusmy8 are the kids watching show with you or are you watching by yourself

Kate Gosselin (@@Kateplusmy8): @kyle2688 Mady is here! The little kids will watch it the next day...
I guess Cara doesn't watch. Who can blame her. Attendance at her Twitter party is dismal.


Cara's the next to go. They're dropping like flies.

I'd be mortified by all this at that age, not even counting Kate. Even assuming you have wonderful parents who are very good to you, being in the public eye would tick me off and embarrass me.

I was much more like Cara as a child, than Mady. There's no way I could say anything on the Today show, I wouldn't want the crew in my room, and I'd be pissed as hell to be "tricked" into chores. There's just no way a child like that, once they realize they don't "have" to comply, is going to keep complying. At a certain point you start not to care about a dumb vacation to Alabama. Who cares. Kate is out of leverage.

NJGal51 said... 15

@aaltman66: @Kateplusmy8 Girl your website is severely out of date. Went to check it out and it says preorder a book that was released in 2013 😂
I'm going to hazard a guess and say that TFW is going to ignore this tweet.

NJGal51 said... 16

Not watching but loving the tweets.

@kristine_krsp2: Kate, it's just a game for fun. Y u overdramatize and ignore a crying child? Time to change the channel.@Kateplusmy8

Sheepless In Seattle said... 17

Anything from The Gladys?

Ingrid said... 18

Actor Alan Thicke dead at 69

Sad but true said... 19

Kristine peterman ‏@kristine_krsp2 49s50 seconds ago
Kate, it's just a game for fun. Y u overdramatize and ignore a crying child? Time to change the channel.@Kateplusmy8

Auditioning for Milo's job.

MKBrownlowAuthor ‏@MK_Brownlow 2m2 minutes ago
If you're not watching #KatePlus8 you're missing out!! IMHO this is the best season yet! Thanks @TLC WE LOVE @Kateplusmy8 👏🏻😊👏🏻
Oh blech.

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 38s39 seconds ago
The babies... Aww! I meant my puppies! #LoveMyBabies @TLC #KatePlus8
Polling the dwindled masses?

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 29s29 seconds ago
Whatcha think of this #KatePlus8 #Poconos on @TLC episode?

HspncElvis ‏@HspncElvis 2m2 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 You don't swim? You do know HOW to swim, right? @TLC

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8
@HspncElvis @TLC um, 'ish' .. Like maybe enough to save myself if needed?! #NotAWaterBaby

But maybe not? :)

Sheepless In Seattle said... 20

Good grief. How low do they set that bar?

Terry Huffstickler
@Kateplusmy8 simply some of the best family entertainment. Thank you.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 21

So the piecing-and-patching single mom of 8, who doesn't have a steady job, has shared that her kids have ridden horses often? How on earth is she supposed to be some sort of ambassador for typical "Mom Life?" Please tell me she hasn't had the chutzpah to utter the words "rare treat" about anything lately. Her sons could probably use that phrase if they ever get a hug from her.

Sad but true said... 22

This seems to be the minority view tonight.

Tammy Miller GAC ‏@GACTrippin1970 1m1 minute ago
@Kateplusmy8 Wow, this hour went by fast. I could watch for another 1, I love your adventures #KatePlus8 @TLC

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8
@GACTrippin1970 @TLC same.. Is that strange? Love reliving our summer memories!

You just love watching yourself, K8, admit it. It's not like everyone doesn't know, lol.

localyocul said... 23


FlimsyFlamsy said... 24

Turn out the lights (#3), sorry -- I agreed with a comment on the previous post that was yours, but I put Tucker's Mom's name instead. I saw the "Tu--" and I guess I didn't read the rest!

Yeah, my stomach can't tolerate TFW anymore either. And yet she finds herself utterly adorable. She's her own biggest fan.

grandee4 said... 25

Ah,Kate doesn't swim. Give it a few more years and one of those kids will tip the boat and yell back to her "you're done, goodbye". Must be nice, 3 trips all on TLC's dime because we know she would never spend a penny on those kids for vacations.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 26

Sad but true (#19), so TFW told Hispanic Elvis she could barely swim, "Like maybe enough to save myself if needed?!" How irresponsible to have 8 kids and no other adult at home, and not have the ability to save one if heaven forbid she was needed
to do so. And how revealing that her first thought was about needing to save herself, and not her kids. She's just not that into them.

GollyGee said... 27

Wow, did she ever throw the water rafting guide under the bus from the RV road trip episode!

She beefed about him and she said he teased or tortured her? and it showed him throwing water in the boat and a huge shot of the name of the business on the raft. As a producer, did she request this so he could lose business?

MAN, she was so horrible to the kids on that raft! Didn't she tell the boys that they couldn't have supper or something to that effect if she got wet or they got her wet, IIRC.

She was SO NICE to the rafting guy on this trip.

AND thanked him!

Sad but true said... 28

I don't know if my last comment made it, but she is late getting off tonight. Compared to past tweet parties, this was a disaster.

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8 5m5 minutes ago
Thanks for watching #KatePlus8 on @TLC See you next week! 🚀🚀🚀🚀

And you gotta love this exchange---blaming it on TLC, K8? Is that wise?

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 9m9 minutes ago
Space Camp is SOOO much fun! Watch with us next week! Super fun! #KatePlus8 @TLC #SpaceCamp

Julie Patel ‏@JuliePatel3 8m8 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 @TLC Doesn't seem fun with Alexis screaming "I quit" and you saying, "I don't think this family should go to space."

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8
@JuliePatel3 @TLC it's actually one of THE funniest episodes yet! Can't help what clips they use for the promo 🙈

FlimsyFlamsy said... 29

How can Brownie call this the "best season yet," when one of the cast members is GONE? That young boy is away, being treated for emotional problems. What is wrong with these people?

GollyGee said... 30

There was absolutely no reason for TFW to infuse herself into EVERY GAME that the kids did! The Space Camp preview looks even worse.

TFW says: Houston, we have 100 problems!

It was sad to see that Collin didn't get to enjoy all of the activities that they did. The birthday party, the scavenger hunt, the Poconos.

Did you see how TIRED TFW was went she sat down at the table to eat? She looked rough! I didn't think her fork was going to make it up to her mouth!

All I know is that, all of the activities that they all did cost a TON of money. The horses, the 2 boat rentals, the tubing, the archery, the rental house, the food, the transportation costs.

GollyGee said... 31

Wow, that is a shocker about Alan Thicke.

That is Robin Thicke's dad and Gloria Loring's ex-husband.

GollyGee said... 32

At the archery game, TFW turned and whispered to Cara, Mady and Marley, This is like the Hunger Games.

Cara rolled her eyes in disgust. She WAS embarrassed.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 33

At the archery game, TFW turned and whispered to Cara, Mady and Marley, This is like the Hunger Games.

Cara rolled her eyes in disgust. She WAS embarrassed.


The thing is, true cool moms don't "try" to be cool. They just are.

She tries so hard to be one of the teens, to be cool. It's a lost childhood thing or something, I really don't know. I think she does think she had a lost childhood because like tens of millions of Americans her parents couldn't afford elaborate vacations. But the kids are seeing right through it and are mortified. She will alienate them, they will harden their hearts toward her. Her attempts to be close, bests, sisters, is going to backfire. In that sense I ALMOST feel bad for her, because she wants this so bad. How many psychologists have to tell you that kids don't need a friend at this age, they have plenty of friends. They need you to be a parent. Her kids will wake up one day in their 30's and resent her inability to be their parent not their friend. What a freaking disaster her life is.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 34

"It's actually one of THE funniest episodes yet!" Remember how TFW ripped Jon a new one, and said never to refer to their life as "seasons?" But it's swell to identify your family's trips as "episodes." When are they going to get a Cousin Oliver to fill in for the departed cast member?

FlimsyFlamsy said... 35

Sheepless (#17), I think Gladys has been MIA since last week. She was supposed to have eye surgery the day after the last episode, with a long recuperative time. So perhaps she wasn't able to watch tonight.

Sad but true said... 36

I guess my earlier comment didn't make it (my Internet cut out just when I was hitting send).

This was the Titanic of tweet parties. About 30 comments from Kate, and maybe 175 tweets to her. Very few new names, and 5 or 6 regulars accounted for a good number of those 175 comments. Of course some of the 175 were from non-fans, but not as many as last week.

Clearly, Milo being sidelined is not a good thing for K8.

Not a good showing by any means. And she knows it, too.

Sad but true said... 37

Outside of the horseback riding and the paint ball, I'm pretty sure clips of every other activity (and why so many?) were released by TLC ahead of this episode. Almost like they're telling people not to bother watching. Hmmm.

Sad but true said... 38

Even though she said she was signing off, she hung out for another 10 minutes.

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8
Goodnight, Twitter friends! Time for this momma to 💤💤💤! See you next week! Can't wait to go to the moon w/ you!😉 #SpaceCamp @TLC #KatePlus8

Hana Shusterman ‏@hanabanane6
@Kateplusmy8 @TLC have to wait til tomorrow "because I'm not allowed to watch w/out my 12 yr old daughter" We ❤️watching your show together!

Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@hanabanane6 @TLC haha! That's adorable! I totally get the '12 year old daughter rules' 😉

amber ‏@_Ambuurrrr
@Kateplusmy8 I've always been curious... do you keep up with your nursing certification or did you decide not to?

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8
@_Ambuurrrr absolutely!!!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 39

Admin (#33), and TFW's whole BFF deal is even worse when you consider she has kept the twins from their father. So who is their authority figure? Who disciplines them? Who can they look up to?

Sheepless In Seattle said... 40

How can Brownie call this the "best season yet," when one of the cast members is GONE? That young boy is away, being treated for emotional problems. What is wrong with these people?


I think she's still waiting for Kate to pick up the stale cereal and have a Starbucks coffee with her.

Sheepless In Seattle said... 41

Did you see how TIRED TFW was went she sat down at the table to eat? She looked rough! I didn't think her fork was going to make it up to her mouth!


Doesn't she eat with her fingers?

NJGal51 said... 42

I guess someone clued TFW in on the whole C you next Tuesday thing because she's now saying "see you next week".

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 43

MILO! Alert. Kate is trending on Yahoo. Of course, so are Crocs. Nothing, though, on muumuus Is that the plural of muumuu, or is it muumuui?

JustMissy said... 44

Not a single mention of Collin. Shameful! Lots of yelling and the girls were as unpleasant as ever. The boys were cute. Who watched the puppies when they went horseback riding?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 45

Why does Kate have to be on every G-D team? Sorry, Kate, you're childhood came and went without all of these things. Let your kids enjoy them without you inserting yourself and trying to grab back what you THINK you lost out on and undoubtedly deserved.
It's pathetic.


I noticed she has lately really been inserting herself in things they are doing.

It's not even a Kate thing. It's just a parent thing. At this age parents need to step back and let the kid figure things out and enjoy things on their own and with friends and siblings. It's weird to be always sitting right there with them, like you're also 12. You're not 12, never will be 12 again. Let them be 12.

Leslie said... 46

All I know is that, all of the activities that they all did cost a TON of money. The horses, the 2 boat rentals, the tubing, the archery, the rental house, the food, the transportation costs.
Don't forgot the rock climbing too. Yes a very expensive local trip for nine people. I did not see Steve anywhere. They do not need him. And I thought the same thing about Kate driving the van with the U-haul attached. No way in hell did she do that. I think they just let her pull out of the different driveways making it look like she drove it everywhere. I wonder what her kids think of that.

I think it is so funny they blur out the Mercedes emblem on the front of her van. She obviously doesn't want the public to know she drives a Mercedes. I noticed when they rented one out for last week's episode that the rented one did not have that gray thing on the roof. Does anybody know what that is for? I was thinking the air conditioning but certainly the other van had air.

I hope her ratings go down even more for this episode.

Jeanne said... 47

i would have been more like Cara as a child, too. Even now. I would have detested having cameras in my face all the time and those couch interviews would be a nightmare. But Kate's kids have to be identical. They have to do all the same things, like all the same things. Sad. Real parents expect their kids to have actual personalities. Kate needs robots.

Sad but true said... 48

On both the TLC and K8 FB pages this morning, comments are overwhelmingly negative. Instead of being charmed, most people are confused by the puppies. They remember that she got rid of the dogs before and only one came back. And they're asking why, when she clearly can't manage her children without acting like she's having a breakdown, she would introduce more dogs into the mix. To which the only answer is, it's for TV purposes, people.

One comment from her FB page:

XXXXX Wathching this 40 year old woman compete with her teenage daughters is embarassing. The two remaining boys have apparently been whipped into submission by their dominering mother and sisters. She does nothing but yell, roll her eyes and make herself the center of attention. There seems to be no joy in their lives and their existence is more a routine than a life. It was her direct decision to have multiples, not an accident or an unexpected occurance. For her to pretend to be the exasperated, overworked, single mother is an insult to those mothers who had no control over their situation like this woman did.

The wheels are coming off the bus.

Vanessa said... 49

She tries so hard to be one of the teens, to be cool. It's a lost childhood thing or something, I really don't know. I think she does think she had a lost childhood because like tens of millions of Americans her parents couldn't afford elaborate vacations. But the kids are seeing right through it and are mortified. She will alienate them, they will harden their hearts toward her. Her attempts to be close, bests, sisters, is going to backfire. In that sense I ALMOST feel bad for her, because she wants this so bad. How many psychologists have to tell you that kids don't need a friend at this age, they have plenty of friends. They need you to be a parent. Her kids will wake up one day in their 30's and resent her inability to be their parent not their friend. What a freaking disaster her life is.
I think it's more than that with a narc. It's the inconsistencies, the dramatic mood swings, the flip flopping behavior, the "best friend" this minute and the "raging dictator" the next. She wants to be their besties when it suits her or she has to put on a show.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 50

Sad but true (#48), yowza, that is a scathing FB comment.

Yes, bringing 2 new puppies into that household seems like nothing more than a desperate attempt at revitalizing the show. I also think TFW is going overboard with all the puppy love because this could very well be her last chance at an image rehab. And, of course, the main reason they're on the show is to deflect from poor C's absence.
Didn't we all wonder what was up when she started tweeting about these new dogs? A woman who is very clearly not an animal lover (or a kid lover, for that matter)?

Has anyone fan dared to wonder yet why someone who claims to be piecing and patching would add the expense of 2 new puppies into her tight budget? Yet TFW is casually babbling about all their gifts, and the organic dog treats in their stockings, when there are people out there who cannot even afford Christmas gifts for their children.
Her tone deafness may be a big part of the wheels coming off the bus.

TLC stinks said... 51

Those poor boys. I hope they don't hate women when they grow up.

So Mady is queen and gets to watch the show with mom in her boudoir. Yep, Cara is disgusted but is still walked on by mom and sis.

TLC stinks said... 52

She wants to appear young and hip and it's about camera time. She is obnoxious.

TLC stinks said... 53

Her fans noticed Shoka was missing too. Almost all negative comments on Facebook.

NJGal51 said... 54

A FB comment: Xxxxx, I was thinking the exact same. Kate even set aside her fear of water for those kids. To all of Kates kids... You are disrespectful brats!
I didn't watch the show last night, but I've got to question her fear of water. What about her apparent love of deep sea fishing? What about swimming with the dolphins? What about walking out of the ocean in scuba gear? This new found "fear of water" seems to be just another attention grab for TFW. I'm SMDH over the comment about the kids being disrespectful brats. TFW leads by example and she made them that way and she's got no one to thank but herself.

TLC stinks said... 55


Kate Gosselin’s worst nightmare is becoming a reality. Her bodyguard and rumored boyfriend Steve Neild may be forced to divulge all her dirty secrets under oath as part of custody proceedings against her ex-husband, Jon Gosselin.

Sources exclusively tell In Touch that Jon’s lawyers will call on Steve to testify because he “knows everything that goes on behind closed doors in the house” — especially when it comes to the couple’s children, Mady and Cara, 16, and Aaden, Alexis, Collin, Hannah, Joel and Leah, 12.
Despite Steve’s assumed desire to protect his client and rumored girlfriend, he has no choice but to be honest.

“But he has no choice but to be completely honest about everything,” the source tells In Touch exclusively.

And a source says Jon hopes that includes his suspicions that Kate was physically abusive to Collin.

“At this point, Jon doesn’t even care about Steve and Kate’s relationship,” the source notes. “He just wants to make sure his kids are safe.”


How does his CA figure into to being subpoenaed?

capecodmama said... 56

Vanessa...always love insights on narcissism.

Tucker's Mom said... 57

Again, it sounds like a ton of filming for 46 or so minutes of a show.
I bet the sheep believe kate pulled it all together herself.

Tucker's Mom said... 58

Mady appears to be done with it all. I wish she would reconnect with Jon and get the nourishment she's not getting at the compound.

Tucker's Mom said... 59

Sorry. ....meant to say Cara,of course! !

FlimsyFlamsy said... 60

Vanessa (#49), I see what you mean about TFW. I think she just does what she has to do at any particular moment to meet her needs. If she needed to tweet a picture with the 7 kids on her bed last night, poof, there they would have been, and she would have looked to all the world like a doting mother having a cozy TV night with her brood.

Susan1956 said... 61

Sorry, couldn't make it clickable. Change the circumstances a little and I think several of the Gosselin children will do this in the future.


FlimsyFlamsy said... 62

TLC stinks (#53), if the show is canceled, it wouldn't surprise me if Shoka and Mak suddenly disappeared, and only Nookie Pookie was allowed to stay at the compound. Which reminds me...where is Zorro?

kris said... 63

Thing about this season being multiple trips is no one wants to watch other peoples vacation videos. As a matter of fact its been (jokingly) used as a punishment, 'If you don't behave, I'm taking you to Aunt Sylvia's to watch her slides from her trip to The Alamo this summer!'

I have to say although it was another snorefest, it was more of a kid friendly vacation. All the activities were geared toward fun, summer kid stuff. I work at a camp where we hold 7 weeks of sleep-away summer camp and we do all those same activities they did...Rock climbing, behind-the-boat, archery (we're looking into the archery tag like they did), horseback riding. I think they'd love sleep-away summer camp and it's a shame they can't go. The counselors certainly don't suck the fun out of all the activities like Kate does.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 64

amber ‏@_Ambuurrrr
@Kateplusmy8 I've always been curious... do you keep up with your nursing certification or did you decide not to?

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8
@_Ambuurrrr absolutely!!!


Notice how she answered this question all so evasively? What does "absolutely!!!!" refer to? Absolutely she kept up with her nursing certificate? Or absolutely she decided not to. She's a clever one.

If she did keep up with it, what is the POINT? She hasn't nursed in ten years and she hasn't given the slightest indication she would be willing to go back. I don't understand that.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 65




He was at some kind of Christmas party event just yesterday and my dear friend was hanging out with him. Oh my god, she's in shock. She posted on social media, he looked great!

I haven't heard a cause of death yet. What the heck happened?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 66

This is the biggest fleecing since Pizza gate. This is bad.

Casual viewers who might otherwise have enjoyed this show and overlooked a lot, are stunned, just stunned, at her behavior.

Susan1956 said... 67

Some observations---Kate looked rough(er) in the vacation sequences (with the exception of the shots packing and leaving the house) than she did in the couch interviews, but even there her make-up was far from flawless.

A lot of the outfits Kate wore during last night's episode were not flattering--she really is thick figured--and she should lose the short shorts as I think I saw a little cellulite. She's what, almost 42?

It is ridiculous and infantile that 16 and 12 year kids are still calling her Mommy. But she probably insists they call her Mommy or else.

"The rental house was difficult" (due to the layout, lots of stairs). Way to throw your employer's travel department/interns under the bus.

A diaper bag & wipes for puppies? "The puppies are napping so I can join in now"--really? She is trying so hard to go back to the 'baby days' whether it's puppies or children.

Last, but not least, I was thrilled to not see ads from Disney, Toys-R-Us, Olive Garden, Hershey's, Nestle, and Macy's during last night's show. Advertising is probably not as big a controversy as it was with the Duggars, but I hope that the advertisers are making sure their ads do not run during her show.

FYI said... 68

When Hannah was rock climbing, Leah was giving her tips, and then she said "I did it twice and you're still not up there", which I didn't think was bad. At least Leah was trying to help Hannah, because Leah had climbed it earlier.

BUT, Kate then shushed her and said "we encourage, we don't discourage". Then in the couch interview she says "my kids often tear each other down. I say we encourage, we don't discourage. Be a problem solver, not a problem causer."

I had to laugh at the hypocrisy of this statement, especially coming from her. When has she shown any encouragement to her kids? She's the first one to point out when they do something wrong.

And the way she was putting down the boys to the girls during the scavenger hunt, how was that supposed to be "encouraging"? The only thing she encouraged them to do was to complain that the boys somehow cheated.

Like Mady basically summed up in the New Orleans episode, with Kate it's "do as I say, not as I do".

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 69

Why GPS trackers? Wouldn't an electric fence be safer on that big property?


Absent a rare situation like a really clever escape artist, most responsible pet owners do not and should never need a damn GPS. Your dog is in the house or other enclosed building, on a leash, or in a closed area SUPERVISED, and that's it. Do you need a GPS for your toddler? No, you freaking keep track of your own toddler yourself. Good grief.

TLC stinks said... 70

Alan Thicke---heart attack.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 71

When Hannah was rock climbing, Leah was giving her tips, and then she said "I did it twice and you're still not up there", which I didn't think was bad. At least Leah was trying to help Hannah, because Leah had climbed it earlier.

BUT, Kate then shushed her and said "we encourage, we don't discourage".


I agree, that was encouraging. She was basically saying, I did it, you can do it too. It's a little tough love, but really, if Kate's going to nitpick THAT she's really missing the boat on all the truly nasty things these kids have said. How come Leah didn't get punished for SNATCHING away the clue from Hannah like Leah is 5 years old? Come on, Kate.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 72

Parvo is a HUGE risk when you take puppies out too soon. You either put them through hell trying to get them to survive it, or put them down. F-ing irresponsible pet owner.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 73

By the way I think we pretty much had twitter sightings from all these places over the past several months. You just can't blow off those sightings as a plant. More often than not, they pan out.

FYI said... 74

He was at some kind of Christmas party event just yesterday and my dear friend was hanging out with him. Oh my god, she's in shock. She posted on social media, he looked great!

I haven't heard a cause of death yet. What the heck happened?

He was playing ice hockey with one of his sons apparently suffered a heart attack.


Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 75

Ugh, so sad. So he was at that xmas party my friend was at then ran off to spend some time with his son I guess. Or maybe the xmas event was the day before.

He seems like the type that never slowed down, though wouldn't have it any other way.

Ingrid said... 76

@Kateplusmy8 I've always been curious... do you keep up with your nursing certification or did you decide not to?
I recently talked to a friend about her daughter who has been a pediatric nurse in a hospital for over 10 yrs now. We talked about how many nurses quit because they don't like the shifts and working on holidays. My friend's daughter refuses to switch to working in a clinic setting (Mon-Fri) because she is afraid she will lose many of the skills that she uses in the hospital.

It made me think of Kate and how many years she has done almost nothing except decide if her kids need a doctor or not. Even with a current nurses certificate she wouldn't have any of the skills she used to have to properly care for real patients.

Sad but true said... 77

TLC stinks said... 55

How does his CA figure into to being subpoenaed?
I am certain the subpoena trumps the CA, especially in cases where abuse is alleged, but I am also certain that with money on the line for him, he will not be truthful. Hopefully, the kids will be questioned sufficiently (and answer truthfully) to make his testimony unreliable.

And the hits just keep on coming, don't they? Bottom line, though, I think no matter what happens with the custody case, TLC is through with K8.

GollyGee said... 78

JustMissy said... 44
Not a single mention of Collin. Shameful! Lots of yelling and the girls were as unpleasant as ever. The boys were cute. Who watched the puppies when they went horseback riding?


I hope Steve got puppy duty.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 79

GollyGee (#78), and I hope Steve got
puppy doody!

GollyGee said... 80

I laughed out loud when I read that Steve is going to have to be in court and answer questions about his knowledge of TFW and her abuse to the kids.

He has to obey a court order. If he has a CA, and we know he does, the abuse he knows about will give him immunity from the CA penalty.

If by some fluke it doesn't, WHO CARES?

Let TLC fine him. He has made plenty of money off the kids backs FOR YEARS!

The wheels on the justice bus are finally turning in the right direction!

GollyGee said... 81

She was definitely rewriting history with the encourage, don't discourage speech!

All I could think about was how she talked to Collin about Hannah's hair and THE GIFT he gave her!

And there are thousands of other examples too.

What a hypocrite!

GollyGee said... 82

So hilarious when the horse riding instructor told them to NOT HOLD THE HORN right after Miss National Velvet told the kids to HOLD THE HORN!

She did not like that!

I think she kinda liked the rafting tour guide at the Poconos and she made dog gone sure she let the rafting instructor on the RV episode PAY for slighting her!

They showed his raft with the name of his company and she said something to the effect that he had teased or tortured her. If she doesn't want to get wet,

I am still reeling that she told the kids if anyone got her wet that they would not get any supper.

She is nuts!

GollyGee said... 83

I think she likes to deep sea fish because in her mind that is what the rich and elite do. The mediocre fish from the docks. When they showed the kids fishing from the dock, she wasn't out there with them and it was SO MUCH QUIETER!

She looked SO SILLY sitting on the blanket with Nookie Pookie on a leash, babysitting her. A diaper bag with baby wipes for the pups? Someone said she is wanting babies.

You got that right.

GollyGee said... 84

I thought the same thing about the See you next week on twitter.

Someone told her. I hope it wasn't one of her kids!

GollyGee said... 85

Don't you just hate it when the kids are getting a little loud and she demands, Silent Dinner?

SAD! Why not say, Hey, guy's, a little too loud. Please talk quietly. She needs one of those red traffic lights that they have in elementary school when the kids get too loud it goes from green to yellow and then the noise does down or if it is too loud goes to red and then there is quiet.

If she had her way, it would be on red forever.

She is so messed up.

GollyGee said... 86

I agree with the poster that said that she couldn't of have driven the entire way to the Poconos.

She didn't even get gas at the pump with Jon. lol

I think they filmed her doing some driving and she stopped and Steve jumped in and took over.

But that show last night had a huge VOID and that void's name was Collin. It is like he is gone forever and they have just sucked it up, like buttercups and MOVED ON!!

kris said... 87

I wonder if Steve in his capacity as security/bodyguard would be a "mandatory reporter" of any abuse he's seen, so I'm not sure he'd be so quick to rat TFW out when he could maybe be in trouble?

Also, why is she so hung up on showing her kids she overcomes her fears? If you're afraid of the water that is nothing to be ashamed of. Sit on the shore and let them do it. I have a tremendous fear of heights. So I stand under the roller coaster and watch as my kids ride. I'm not ashamed. I'd rather admit my fear than ruin the experience for my kids by screaming and crying the whole time. She's so weird about stuff like that.

NJGal51 said... 88

A diaper bag & wipes for puppies?
Considering that she took the puppies on vacation two weeks after bringing them into the home she probably needed the wipes. At 10 weeks of age puppies don't have much control and when they have to poop, they have to poop and can still pretty loose at that age. Additionally, their tummies are very delicate at that age and any change in their diet (even in the water) may cause diarrhea. As I said in the last thread, those puppies shouldn't have been taken anywhere at that age because they haven't had all of their shots. Taking those puppies along was stupid and irresponsible on her part but if it makes for good TV, f^ck the risks.

Layla said... 89

NJGal51 (54),

Didn't she say (I thought no,it was on the New England trip) that if they lived near water, she'd be on the water all the time? She has also talked about she loves the beach, loves deep sea fishing, and I think sh said she wants to retire at the beach. So how does this fear of water fit in to all that? And if she can barely swim, then who is there to act as lifeguard when her kids are in the pool?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 90

People seem forever confused about confidentiality agreements which is probably why people try to do them when they have no authority to do so. You cannot use a confidentiality agreement to protect yourself from the court of law. Period. If you could everyone would put anyone who could possibly be a witness against them someday under a confidentiality agreement. Of course that is absurd and not permitted. It's obstruction of justice. So yes Steve could be compelled to testify and he cannot claim confidentiality. Using confidentiality agreements to prevent people from going to the press is an entirely different matter.

kris said... 91

Layla #89 said...And if she can barely swim, then who is there to act as lifeguard when her kids are in the pool?

My guess is the not-a-nanny? ;-)

NJGal51 said... 92

The question is, if called, would Steve perjure himself for her? There is spousal immunity but I don't believe that extends to bodyguards or road managers even if they act as a spouse (snark). I guess he could always plead the 5th. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out. I wonder if TLC is in shred mode getting rid of everything that hit the cutting room floor.

TLC stinks said... 93

If Steve lies under oath, he'll get caught because I bet some former nannies will testify. It's about time this guy gets called out. He damn well knows she's an abuser. TLC should cut him loose too. Looks like Jon is going for it.

fade2black said... 94

I think her fear of water is actually a fear of exposing what lies beneath the spackle and perfectly coiffed straw.

Tucker's Mom said... 95

TLC stinks said... 55

Kate Gosselin’s worst nightmare is becoming a reality. Her bodyguard and rumored boyfriend Steve Neild may be forced to divulge all her dirty secrets under oath as part of custody proceedings against her ex-husband, Jon Gosselin.

PB needs to be squeezed for all he knows. I think he's been the puppet master just about from the beginning.
Kate was smitten with PB and he damn well knew it. Maybe he felt the same way, what with a younger blonde model and plenty of opportunity to work Kate on every level.
There no way in hell that Steve hasn't been privy to the abuse those kids have endured, from harsh corporal punishment to neglect, to dumping them with babysitters and nannies so he could abscond with Kate for hours, days and weeks.
I hope Steve Neild is compelled to testify.

Ingrid said... 96

Maybe they will have Ashley, Jamie, Deanna and Andrea testify too.

Blowing In The Wind said... 97

Layla #89 said...And if she can barely swim, then who is there to act as lifeguard when her kids are in the pool?

My guess is the not-a-nanny? ;-)


Steve? Oh, wait. He's only there to tell her when there is a storm brewing.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 98

Layla (#89), I said the same thing about the kids and the pool! Jon has been gone for years. If she claims to be the only adult there, who supervises them while they swim? It's not enough to be a nurse if you can't get to the patient who might need your help. She thinks it's cute to bat her eyes and seem helpless, but what the heck is she teaching her daughters?

Tucker's Mom said... 99

“At this point, Jon doesn’t even care about Steve and Kate’s relationship,” the source notes. “He just wants to make sure his kids are safe.”
That I believe 100% and I think it's incensed Kate that Jon has been SO OVER her for years and years now. The surgical enhancements, botox, blonder than blonde, extensions, teeth, contact lenses etc.
Kate's a woman who thinks looks are the be all, end all. Lots of men don't think that way and are repulsed no matter what the outside looks like.

Blowing In The Wind said... 100

SAD! Why not say, Hey, guy's, a little too loud.


We say, "Please use your quiet voice." Most of the time, it works!

FYI said... 101

kris said... 87

Also, why is she so hung up on showing her kids she overcomes her fears? If you're afraid of the water that is nothing to be ashamed of. Sit on the shore and let them do it.

But then she wouldn't get her mandatory camera time.

She always talks about overcoming her fears, but she never overcomes them, does she? She's been rafting before yet she does it again and still acts the same--screaming and complaining.

Last summer, we did the tubing thing they did, but I stayed on the boat and just watched my grandkids enjoy themselves. That's what it should be about, being happy the kids are having a good time--not trying to pretend you're one of them.

I'm sure the Space Camp and the beach vacation episodes will be more of the same, especially when they go parasailing.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 102

NJGal51 (#88), and yet seeing TFW with baby wipes beside her doesn't convince me she was the one doing the wiping. Wouldn't surprise me if the not-a-puppy-nanny was right off camera, waiting for TFW to summon her with a clap to take care of the dogs. TFW has mad skillz when it comes to delegating things she doesn't like to do. Like parenting.

Wowser said... 103

Was it reported that Steve would have to testify or is it conjecture here?

TLC stinks said... 104

There have been rumors for years that TLC has been complicit in hiding Kate's relationship with Steve. IMO, TLC is in deep with Collin also. All of this just confirms to me that whatever happened with Collin was out of Kate's control.

Sad but true said... 105

Wowser said... 103
Was it reported that Steve would have to testify or is it conjecture here?
It's in the new InTouch article linked above.

Tucker's Mom said... 106

Wow, thanks for posting this. It's hell to have to be the parent to your parent your whole life.

It is ridiculous and infantile that 16 and 12 year kids are still calling her Mommy. But she probably insists they call her Mommy or else.

We've discussed this before, and I'm with you- I find "Mommy" to be childish. However, some people always refer to their parent as Mommy or Daddy their whole lives, and that can be endearing.
However, I think at some point, in conversation, parents should be referred to as "my mother" or "my mom", not "Mommy said this and Mommy did that.
That sounds immature to me.

GollyGee said... 107

Sad but true said... 77
TLC stinks said... 55

How does his CA figure into to being subpoenaed?
I am certain the subpoena trumps the CA, especially in cases where abuse is alleged, but I am also certain that with money on the line for him, he will not be truthful. Hopefully, the kids will be questioned sufficiently (and answer truthfully) to make his testimony unreliable.


If Steve tells lies at the trial, or deposition, and gets caught, he is in contempt. He will get charged with perjury. I don't think he wants to shower with the other inmates and accidently drops the bar of soap.

He won't go to jail for her. I think he will get immunity from prosecution and sing like a bird against HER!


GollyGee said... 108

It makes sense for TLC to show previews of her acting like a banshee. It makes it look like TLC is doing this to turn off viewers.

Thank goodness, the tide seems to be turning on Facebook with the negative comments and every tabloid.

NJGal51 said... 109

Flimsy - I agree 100% that she probably wasn't doing the hiney wiping. I wonder how many beatings the puppies got for not having better control of their bodily functions after 5 day s of training.

Tucker's Mom said... 110

BUT, Kate then shushed her and said "we encourage, we don't discourage". Then in the couch interview she says "my kids often tear each other down. I say we encourage, we don't discourage. Be a problem solver, not a problem causer."

I had to laugh at the hypocrisy of this statement, especially coming from her. When has she shown any encouragement to her kids? She's the first one to point out when they do something wrong.
"We don't hit" either.

InsanityReigns said... 111

It was mentioned years ago that it would be great if the Family Court Judge could interview each child separately to see how they are doing and how they feel about filming. With the current situation involving Collin and the wear and tear these kids have taken while filming, the Judge would be wise to watch an episode or 2 of this insanity with the maniacal mouth-gaping mother.

The majority of these kids are showing wear and tear from filming for years and have more than earned their right to say whether they want to film or not.

Leaving a narcissist to decide whether the kids must continue filming is ridiculous at this juncture. It is all about keeping momma happy.

locaylyocul said... 112

The shade in this FB comment (it's about the dogs but refers to C as well)

Sarah Gray-Moore She sent them both back then made a big thing about getting one back again! She doesn't seem to have a problem about splitting siblings up!!

kris said... 113

Another thing I'd like to note: Alexis spent a lot of the time on the couch, propped up on her arm, was pretty quiet and looking very either tired or bored. The couch interviews are very much all about Hannah and Leah.

Layla said... 114

Did anyone notice who the advertisers were for last night's show? Apparently there were 4 Toys R Us ads during last week's show, but none of their ads on last night's show. Sounds like TLC got a complaint. I'm wondering who is left. I don't contact companies, but I do applaud the ones who refuse to run their ads during a child-exploitation show.

Tucker's Mom said... 115

Do you need a GPS for your toddler? No, you freaking keep track of your own toddler yourself. Good grief.
I was just thinking this today. Dogs should be treated like children. They do not know right from wrong, how to cross a road, what's dangerous and what's not.
Given that Kate let's her dogs roam for hours, if not days, outside, I guess a GPS might come in handy.
However, your dog should be secured and supervised.
I have no doubt that there are various risks to dogs where Kate lives, including cars and predators that could either severely wound or kill them.
If I have fox and coyote/coywolves in my burbs, I'm sure Kate has them out in the country. These wild animals can be found everywhere nowadays.

Tucker's Mom said... 116

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 72
Parvo is a HUGE risk when you take puppies out too soon. You either put them through hell trying to get them to survive it, or put them down. F-ing irresponsible pet owner.
December 14, 2016 at 6:44 AM
If your rental allows dogs, anything that dogs carry can be there. If the puppies were not fully vaccinated and immunized before she took them afar, she's an idiot.
Why am I even qualifying?
Kate would use anything for ratings. Anything.

Tucker's Mom said... 117

My friend's daughter refuses to switch to working in a clinic setting (Mon-Fri) because she is afraid she will lose many of the skills that she uses in the hospital.

So true. When I worked in a private practice I felt like I was losing brain cells, in comparison to working in a large teaching hospital.
It was crazy, and hard, and there was a lot of pressure, but damn, I was the sharpest ever and learned to much.
Kate's clinical skills are severely lacking. Hell, even going back to practice and understanding HIPAA laws, Medicare guidelines, JCAHO, OSHA, Coding, Billing etc, etc, etc...
Just that would make your head spin trying to catch up with the times.

Tucker's Mom said... 118

Also, why is she so hung up on showing her kids she overcomes her fears? If you're afraid of the water that is nothing to be ashamed of. Sit on the shore and let them do it. I have a tremendous fear of heights. So I stand under the roller coaster and watch as my kids ride. I'm not ashamed. I'd rather admit my fear than ruin the experience for my kids by screaming and crying the whole time. She's so weird about stuff like that.
Kate has mastered none of what she's made such a fuss over doing.
Except flying, but of course, there are meds for that.
You're right. There's no shame in passing on something that scares you. I'm also fearful of heights and I wouldn't ruin others' time by having a freak out when I KNOW it will happen.
My life is complete without going on a roller coaster, thank you.
And jumping off a building.

Susan1956 said... 119

Layla said... 114
Did anyone notice who the advertisers were for last night's show? Apparently there were 4 Toys R Us ads during last week's show, but none of their ads on last night's show. Sounds like TLC got a complaint. I'm wondering who is left. I don't contact companies, but I do applaud the ones who refuse to run their ads during a child-exploitation show.
I've got a list of advertisers along with the number of times their ads ran from last night's show if anyone wants me to post it.

I did tweet some of the advertisers last week and watched with interest last night to see if their ads were shown. I'm not taking credit by any means as I think a tweet or two won't make an advertiser pull their ads. But I do think that TLC is still trying to pull a fast one re: ads as they did in the case of the Duggars when it came out that advertisers weren't aware their ads were being shown during the Duggar shows. So the absence of Toys-R-Us ads and others last night are probably due to increased awareness on their part, the decline in ratings and the negative articles in the press, comment on FB, etc.

jamezvader1194 said... 120

I was reading through Kate's TL and OMG this one fan is insane and sounds like Msgoody and these are just 3 tweets. anitampantoja8h8 hours ago
@GoodyTruther @Sassccha @Kateplusmy8 @TLC Does Jon know his groupies are dumb asses?
anitampantoja 7h7 hours ago
@Sassccha @GoodyTruther @Kateplusmy8 @TLC I encourage slapping the attitude out of disrespectful little bitches like Cara, Maddy & Leah.
anitampantoja 7h7 hours ago
@GoodyTruther @Sassccha @Kateplusmy8 @TLC You piece of shit, cowardly loser. Go suck Jon Gosselin's toothpick dick. Now you unblock me?

Tucker's Mom said... 121

Also, why is she so hung up on showing her kids she overcomes her fears? If you're afraid of the water that is nothing to be ashamed of. Sit on the shore and let them do it.
Or, work with a swimming instructor and get lessons. Learn basic strokes, floating and treading water.
Especially if you have a pool and children!

Tucker's Mom said... 122

. Additionally, their tummies are very delicate at that age and any change in their diet (even in the water) may cause diarrhea
We've had that happen with grown dogs when taking them on vacation. We make sure to have filtered, bottled water for them now, and that's worked well.

Vanessa said... 123

The shade in this FB comment (it's about the dogs but refers to C as well)

Sarah Gray-Moore She sent them both back then made a big thing about getting one back again! She doesn't seem to have a problem about splitting siblings up!!
Wonder if Collin will magically reappear from behind the garage door like Shoka did?

GollyGee said... 124

I came across this and I think that it is true about the situation with Jon and Collin and the kids and finally TFW having to be held accountable for her decade of actions!

Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see. Hebrews 1:1

Vanessa said... 125

Didn't she say (I thought no,it was on the New England trip) that if they lived near water, she'd be on the water all the time? She has also talked about she loves the beach, loves deep sea fishing, and I think sh said she wants to retire at the beach. So how does this fear of water fit in to all that? And if she can barely swim, then who is there to act as lifeguard when her kids are in the pool?
Its the phobia du jour. She jumped into a steel cage to get up close and personal with some sharks for Pete's sake. She's a walking talking contradiction.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 126

Susan1956 (#119), good for you for tweeting the advertisers. I don't think it's ever a waste of time to make your feelings known!

Anonymous said... 127

Dr. Oz show, Thursday, "Kate Gosselin Opens Up About Child Abuse Allegations and Life After Divorce".

FlimsyFlamsy said... 128

Just read in the NY Post that TFW is going to be on Dr. Oz tomorrow. She talks smack about Jon. There's a clip, but I can't bear to watch it. If anyone wants to post a link, go for it. She is a disgusting human being.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 129

I wonder if Dr. Oz will warn TFW about the physical damage that can be done by harboring resentments and not letting go
of the past. Not only to her, but to her children, who must live in the path of her toxic cloud of anger.

Tucker's Mom said... 130

Wonder if Collin will magically reappear from behind the garage door like Shoka did?
I wonder if Kate will declare herself the best Mommy in the world for bringing Colin back home.
All cured, of course.
But seriously, I hope that Kate is forbidden to throw Collin back into the spotlight with filming and splashing him and his PRIVATE life on the cover of People magazine.
I really hope she's ordered to keep him and his private life, private.

And none of this "But, but..there was wailing and banging of fists on the kitchen table when I told him I wouldn't be filming anymore!!"

GollyGee said... 131

From Paul Peterson about Alan Thicke.

Alan Thicke, Our kid actor Champion

Our deepest sympathies to our “Growing Pains” members. Losing your TV Dad is excruciating, as too many of us remember.

It was Alan Thicke who intervened with Tracy Gold when this young actress melted down to 90 pounds, and forced everyone surrounding her (her Dad, an Agent, the costumers, producers and all the crew) to recognize that this 140lb artist had lost a third of her body weight. Tracy got the help she needed.

It’s pretty simple: Death was around the corner, but the bottom-feeders were just looking at the Size-Zero model of Hollywood. Alan Thicke should always hold a position of honor in our councils on just how important an adult co-star can be to a kid actor.

Paul Petersen

Layla said... 132

Oh, I bet she's dying to unload on Jon in front of an audience. She has to be seething over the fact that he dared to take her to court. And that she has to pay a lawyer instead of spending that money on herself. I hope that anything nasty she says about him is used in court. She asked for it.

Life after divorce? Their divorce was finalized 7 years ago. Time to get over it.

Tucker's Mom said... 133

Anonymous said... 127
Dr. Oz show, Thursday, "Kate Gosselin Opens Up About Child Abuse Allegations and Life After Divorce".
December 14, 2016 at 12:18 PM
FlimsyFlamsy said... 128
Just read in the NY Post that TFW is going to be on Dr. Oz tomorrow. She talks smack about Jon. There's a clip, but I can't bear to watch it. If anyone wants to post a link, go for it. She is a disgusting human being.
Please, Jon, get someone, ANYONE to slap a gag order on this crazy famewhore!!
I'm just.......exasperated!!

Tucker's Mom said... 134

So, Kate had an emergency trip to NYC, and now she's working Dr. Oz, peddling her bullshit on his show.

GollyGee said... 135

There is a 30 second clip of TFW and Dr. Oz and when he says, Your under investigation for child abuse, the look of EVIL is in her face.

The man's voice over says, Nothing is Off Limits!

Then Dr. Oz asks her about Jon and she starts to pity/cry.

Then she says, All I know is, being a mom!

What about a NURSE?

What makes me mad is she says, Dear God!

Oh, yea, right! She's basically told Him to hit the road! How dare her!

All this is, is DEFLECT, DEFLECT, DEFLECT for sympathy to the masses because the court date is coming up really soon!

WOW, she looks B.A.D.!!!

FYI said... 136

Kate did the Dr. Oz interview the same day that she did the Extra and GMA interviews. She's wearing the same clothes. Also, her hairdresser posted a picture on IG showing her on the Dr. Oz set, the same day as when the Extra interview was taped, Nov. 18.


She'll probably just spew the same BS that she did in the GMA interview.

US Weekly has an article about the interview. She's using the "old daddy, new daddy line".

From the article:

"Kate Gosselin opened up to Dr. Oz in an interview set to air on Thursday, December 15, saying that her eight kids have been through a lot with their parents’ divorce and they just want a little bit of stability.

“They want a dad who’s there for them,” the 41-year-old mom tells the talk show host of ex-husband Jon Gosselin in an exclusive clip obtained by Us Weekly. “If I’m gonna be really honest, there was kind of the old Jon and the new Jon and none of us can quite understand, like, what happened there. So we struggled together. I mean, they coined it years ago, old daddy and new daddy. That’s understandable, but, like, hard to kind of digest for all of us.”


Just another "throw Jon under the bus" article. She did nothing wrong--it's all Jon's fault!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 137

Tucker's Mom (#130), and would it surprise anyone if TFW got an effing BOOK DEAL out of all of this? Complete with poke-and-dab talk show appearances? Oh, please let this circus be ready to leave town.

Sad but true said... 138

Dr. Oz show, Thursday, "Kate Gosselin Opens Up About Child Abuse Allegations and Life After Divorce".

It's SEVEN frickin' years after the divorce. When does everyone just stop talking about it? I guess since she's allowing this line of questioning, it's still ever-present in her life, despite all her "I don't care what Jon thinks" protestations. Whatever is going on with the kids NOW, K8, has very little, if anything to do with your divorce. It's ALL on you.

GollyGee said... 139

Could Jon get a emergency gag order to stop OZ from showing the show? Or use the gag order that is allegedly might be already in place to get her in contempt of court?

Her makeup/hair looks AWFUL, unless this is a strategic move to get sympathy of the, I do it all alone mother of 8 and getting ACCUSED of child abuse, because all I have EVER BEEN IS A MOM!

Yes, she has been a mom, alright for 16 years.

16 years of a abusive, heartless, monster mom that won't even learn how to swim just in case one of the kids start drowning in the salt water pool.

Sad but true said... 140

Tucker's Mom said... 134
So, Kate had an emergency trip to NYC, and now she's working Dr. Oz, peddling her bullshit on his show.

For all we actually know, she was there last night, tweeting away with good ole Stevie (instead of Mady) by her side. That's the thing with this woman: she LIES.

Sad but true said... 141

So, last night's ratings: 622K viewers! That's a nice 200K drop from the week before. Key demographic of 0.19, the 44th-ranked show of the day. Please let this be the end.

Jane said... 142

Not sure if this has been posted.

Kate Gosselin Says the Tabloids Are Affecting Her Health


FlimsyFlamsy said... 143

Sad but true (#136), and if TFW was sincerely as crazy busy as she pretends to be, how would she even find time for all this anger and resentment? Isn't it hard enough to just get through the day being a struggling single mom with 8 kids -- oops, I mean, 7 -- at home?

Jon is SO over his ex wife. But TFW will
Never. Let. Go.

Anonymous said... 144

I just hope the Dr. Oz interview isn't more of the 'old Daddy, new Daddy', crap.


Layla said... 145

I watched theDr Oz clip and her face is all lumpy! Too much Botox!

Tucker's Mom said... 146

“They want a dad who’s there for them,” the 41-year-old mom tells the talk show host of ex-husband Jon Gosselin in an exclusive clip obtained by Us Weekly. “If I’m gonna be really honest, there was kind of the old Jon and the new Jon and none of us can quite understand, like, what happened there. So we struggled together. I mean, they coined it years ago, old daddy and new daddy. That’s understandable, but, like, hard to kind of digest for all of us.”
The kids coined "Old Daddy, New Daddy" when they were like 8?.
C'mon. You'd have to be freshly of the turnip truck to believe that.

She's still insisting that Jon isn't there for his kids and they're all suffering because of it.

'If I'm really honest...'

Like, that means, like, you're lying.

Sad but true said... 147

Jane said... 142

Aw, poor Schmoopy! Can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. Unbelievable. I see she's going with the "understated" look again, trying to look more like a real mom than a fake Barbie.

And this quote? O.M.G.

"She also says Jon’s alleged lack of parenting hasn’t helped, either.

“Having an ex-husband who doesn’t see the value in uplifting his children and his family, whether he chooses to be on the show or not, is extremely difficult,” she adds. “But I can’t change those things. All I can change is me and my response and what I teach my children about it.”

Sad but true said... 148

Outdaughtered at 9 p.m. had 1.023 million (ranked at 28th), so 400,000 viewers switched off Kate at 10. LPBW, 1.094mm, but ranked at 32.

Layla said... 149

Holy smokes, 622,000!! That is the lowest of any K+8 episode ever, except for that 3-hour looking back thing last year. And I don't think Kate even narrated that one, it was just a bunch of clips (correct me if I'm wrong).

So, even cute puppies can't help this train wreck. So far we have:
10-year anniversary. 890,000
Sextuplets Birthday. 860,000
New Orleans. 736,000
Puppies and Poconos. 622,000
Average: 777,000

I'm feeling all warm and fuzzy inside after seeing that

FlimsyFlamsy said... 150

Tucker's Mom (#146), like, if I'm really honest, I feel like my head is going to explode. Can you imagine what Jon feels like when he sees a clip like that, maligning his parenting to the entire planet? While he knows the ugly truth about his children's mother -- as do so many of us?

FYI said... 151

Ratings are in--How low can you go?

Kate Plus 8 - 622,000 viewers

Outdaughtered - 1,023,000 viewers

LPBW - 1,094,000 viewers


For comparison, these were the figures for last week:

LPBW - 1,363,000

Outdaughtered - 933,000

Kate plus 8 - 736,000

Tucker's Mom said... 152

You won’t catch Kate Gosselin reading up on the latest drama with her eight kids or ex-husband Jon Gosselin because she says the tabloids affect her health.

“I could live my whole life without them,” the 41-year-old mom shares on Thursday’s episode of “The Dr. Oz. Show.” “I’m a very visual person so your emotional and psychological energy, like, I do actually, picture it as like a barrel of energy, this stuff just eats — it drags you down. It eats away at you. It drains your physical energy.”
She's nuts. Crazy. She splashes herself, her children and ALL of their private issues on the front of People magazine. Do producers and hosts not know this?
C'mon, now, you know Kate has Google alerts and has been keeping track of EVERYTHING said about her for YEARS.
Remember "bad blog"- the file on Kate's computer?

FlimsyFlamsy said... 153

I don't know if TFW is a Springsteen fan, but she may look at those ratings and want to sing, "I'm Goin' Down, Down, Down."
Couldn't happen to a nicer shrew.

Sad but true said... 154

She's not doing herself any favors with these interviews, because no one can reconcile what they see on their TVs when her show is on with how she's trying to come across with Dr. Oz. And rightfully so. She's a FRAUD, and she's scammed too many for too long. ALL of the comments on the US Weekly article are negative. She should shut up before she really screws up the rest of her life. Not to mention, her kids' lives.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 155

Holy smokes, 622,000!! That is the lowest of any K+8 episode ever, except for that 3-hour looking back thing last year. And I don't think Kate even narrated that one, it was just a bunch of clips (correct me if I'm wrong).



It's the average, casual viewer who is making these ratings tank and she FINALLY ticked off the casual viewers. FB comments and other social media chatter is a direct reflection of why viewers are tuning out. They do NOT like what she did to Collin. They do NOT like that she went ahead and left him out of filming anyway. WOW.

just wondering said... 156

They remember that she got rid of the dogs before and only one came back........................................

She got rid of one kid, too. Does anyone think he will be "trained enough" to return to the Kompound??

Layla said... 157

Last night LPBW took a big drop, to 1.094 million. Outdaughtered went up to 1.023 million. That means 401,000 people turned off their TVs when K8 came on. 40%. Ouch. Lowest rated regular episode ever. I bet Kate is in a panic right now. And not answering her phone.

Tucker's Mom said... 158

“I mean, my life is my kids and there just wouldn’t be Kate Gosselin if it wasn’t for my kids. Everything I do for them. I mean, being on TV is not easy. Having tabloids written about you constantly is not easy.”
And no one will have Kate's kids but Kate. Not even their father.
Poor, poor Kite. Tabloid victim.
Yet, she puts her kids out there and just. won't. stop.
She admits how bad it is, but will never stop.

This is pathetic.

s said... 159

Anonymous said... 144
I just hope the Dr. Oz interview isn't more of the 'old Daddy, new Daddy', crap.

It is EXACTLY that, check out the US Weekly piece. Clearly, this is the new script. How does she get away with this.

FYI said... 160

From the Page Six article:

“I mess up, yet it’s out of love for my kids that I say, whooo, I messed up. I need to get better at that,” Gosselin confesses to Dr. Oz. “I mean, my life is my kids and there just wouldn’t be Kate Gosselin if it wasn’t for my kids. Everything I do for them. I mean, being on TV is not easy. Having tabloids written about you constantly is not easy.”

Well, she is sort of telling the truth with that quote. If she didn't have those kids, no one in the world would have ever heard about Kate Gosselin.

localyocul said... 161

Sad but true said... 141
So, last night's ratings: 622K viewers! That's a nice 200K drop from the week before. Key demographic of 0.19, the 44th-ranked show of the day. Please let this be the end



Tucker's Mom said... 162

“Having an ex-husband who doesn’t see the value in uplifting his children and his family, whether he chooses to be on the show or not, is extremely difficult,” she adds.
Ah, there it is. This all about filming. Period.
Kate's fine with Jon not on the show, but hell will freeze over if he's going to have any say in filming them for money, destroying any privacy they might have and putting out there for ongoing stress.

Tucker's Mom said... 163

Kate's response to Jon is to cut him out of all of their lives, as much as she possibly can. What has SHE done to reach out to HIM. What has she done? Has she tried therapy? Counseling? Has she tried to co-parent with him?
You can't co-parent if you won't even speak with him!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 164

Admin (#152), I wonder if TFW is scared yet.
Those numbers are abysmal. And even worse for her on the families-with-multiples front, Outdaughtered's numbers were up almost 100,000 from their previous week's airing.

Westbrooke said... 165

They want a dad who is there for them? What?? She allows them to choose whether they see their dad on any given week., She hasn't fostered squat. Does she think people forget her parading the twins on the Today show to throw their under the bus. SHE NEEDS HELP from a psychiatrist!

just wondering said... 166

Why GPS trackers? Wouldn't an electric fence be safer on that big property? ............................

Agree completely with Admin. And fencing may keep your dog in, but does nothing to keep coyote packs out. Your dog could easily be trapped in his own yard..

Tucker's Mom said... 167

Sad but true said... 141
So, last night's ratings: 622K viewers! That's a nice 200K drop from the week before. Key demographic of 0.19, the 44th-ranked show of the day. Please let this be the end.
Good trajectory. If Kate can't get the eyeballs, TLC has no reason to give her another season.
Enough is enough, TLC. There's no there, there.
Kate's not a mystery- her full-on crazy has been out there for years and people are just tired of her (and her kids, in many instances).

What else is there to tell? To film?
Another vacation? More shopping? School? Cooking?

It's so over, there needs to be a new word for 'over'.

localyocul said... 168

And she says "it isn't easy being on TV".. So we're supposed to feel sorry for Miss One Percent? Let me pencil in some time to do that in between the 56 hours a week I work

FYI said... 169

It's the average, casual viewer who is making these ratings tank and she FINALLY ticked off the casual viewers. FB comments and other social media chatter is a direct reflection of why viewers are tuning out. They do NOT like what she did to Collin. They do NOT like that she went ahead and left him out of filming anyway. WOW

I think it's not only the fact they are filming without Collin, but that they also are showing how much fun they are having without him with the birthday party and the vacations.

They're probably also getting tired of the travelogue episodes. Two more of them coming up in the next 2 weeks.

Tucker's Mom said... 170

an you imagine what Jon feels like when he sees a clip like that, maligning his parenting to the entire planet?
Flimsy, that is EXACTLY what Kate is doing.
I don't know if this rises to the level of slander, but the character assaults are blatant and detrimental to his children.
What about the kids who see Jon? Whose relationship hasn't been tainted by Kate? Why not STFU for their sakes?

Sad but true said... 171

The thing that makes K8 in her martyr mode so unconvincing these days is that we now see, in her own TV show episodes, how embarrassed and even at times repulsed by her her own children are. It's very hard to give credence to someone when her own family is looking at her sideways, on TV, and going, WTF. And it doesn't only happen once or twice---based just on the clips TLC puts out, that reaction is there in every single one. Maybe that's editing, but if so, why?

She's really lined up her own inevitable demise with this latest PR schtick. I don't think there's a person on the planet who's buying her act anymore.

Tucker's Mom said... 172

They do NOT like what she did to Collin. They do NOT like that she went ahead and left him out of filming anyway. WOW.
You bet, so cry me a river, Kate. She's trying to garner sympathy and play the victim, while Collin is God knows where (could be great, could be awful, no one knows) and his OWN FATHER is kept in the dark.
Not to mention, we have an inkling that the other kids have no idea where Collin is, and have not seen him, nor has he been home to visit.

Anonymous said... 173

Saw the Dr Oz clip. She is a horrible liar. You can see when she's lying as she tries to hide her smirk. I've noticed it for years.


Kate's Fetid Soul said... 174



[Cue the world's smallest violin....]

Who cares, Kate.

Going on t.v. and playing the victim is not working. You are not cute enough to be tolerated by anyone.

Nobody really cares what the hell you think anyway. Your "problems" are tiny compared to what is happening in our world.

How about concentrating on what YOU are going to do with your life when your children finally leave the Gosselin nest.

If the tabloids are affecting your health, you can always try disappearing from t.v...... That would be a pleasure to witness.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 175

Localyocul (#168), amen, sister!

And if it isn't easy being on TV, TFW, why don't you get off of it? Did you sign a life-long contract with TLC? You just said you've "absolutely" renewed your nursing license. And there's always that rumored McDonald's job. Get out there and hustle yourself some work!

Tucker's Mom said... 176

Does she think people forget her parading the twins on the Today show to throw their under the bus. SHE NEEDS HELP from a psychiatrist!
That's the problem. People are not forgetting that disaster of an "interview" or the twins throwing their Dad under the bus, or Kate admitting she doesn't care who sees Jon and who doesn't.
Most of all, Collin. I think his being sent away, now for who knows how long, who knows where, who knows why, who knows when or if he'll return, is a bridge too far.
Splashing his being sent away on magazine covers, and filming without him?

jamezvader1194 said... 177

@Admin Hell its not just casual viewers,even some of Kate's loyal fans who've been around forever don't seem to be watching.Ziggy,Msgoody,some of the other fans who are still on twitter but haven't tweeted about watching the show aren't watching.Are some of them finally opening up?

Sad but true said... 178

localyocul said... 168

I know, that one had me LOL. She really is a piece of work. And I'd like to know just how she is "uplifting" with regard to her kids and family---by having TLC pay for numerous lavish vacations cuz she won't? And by quite consciously making them uncomfortable with her behavior for the cameras and in public? I wonder what her definition of "uplifting" is. From the handful of photos of Jon with the four who see him, I think they define "uplifting" as something else altogether.

FYI said... 179

Tucker's Mom said... 162
“Having an ex-husband who doesn’t see the value in uplifting his children and his family, whether he chooses to be on the show or not, is extremely difficult,” she adds.
Ah, there it is. This all about filming. Period.
Kate's fine with Jon not on the show, but hell will freeze over if he's going to have any say in filming them for money, destroying any privacy they might have and putting out there for ongoing stress.

You left out the rest of that quote by Kate:

“But I can’t change those things. All I can change is me and my response and what I teach my children about it.”

I can just bet what she "teaches her children about it".

In simpler terms--"Daddy is bad. Filming is good."

GollyGee said... 180

Wow. Just reading the last 20 or 30 posts show how mentally ill she really is.

I hope Dr. Oz can see through her BS!

So funny! I was listening to my music in my headphones and the song, It's Too Late by Carly Simon came on right when I was reading Kate is a Twit's post about her going on about her messing up.

Well, have you even thought about going to counseling?

She is just horrible. When the graphic came up on Dr. Oz, you could see her from her eyes up and she was scanning the audience with her eyes and the way it was timed it was after Dr. Oz said, Your under investigation for child abuse.

I think she was looking for the reaction.

Bet a dozen Dunkin' Donuts Steve went with her!

Tucker's Mom said... 181

Kate is a twit said... 160
From the Page Six article:

“I mess up, yet it’s out of love for my kids that I say, whooo, I messed up. I need to get better at that,” Gosselin confesses to Dr. Oz. “I mean, my life is my kids and there just wouldn’t be Kate Gosselin if it wasn’t for my kids. Everything I do for them. I mean, being on TV is not easy. Having tabloids written about you constantly is not easy.”

Well, she is sort of telling the truth with that quote. If she didn't have those kids, no one in the world would have ever heard about Kate Gosselin.

It's more than just the kids being her life. Most moms feel that they live for their kids. BUT, Kate's whole identity has become Kate the Stah, the Reality TV Stah. I think she needs a professional help to find out who she is without cameras and crews and media junkets.
I think is gives her terrors to think of all of it going away, I really do.
I think she reinvented herself and the old Kate and all of old Kate's life is terrifying for her to even think about going back to.
She's gone to such crazy lengths to hold onto fame and will stop at nothing.

FYI said... 182

"I mean, being on TV is not easy. Having tabloids written about you constantly is not easy.”

Hey Kate, I've got a solution for that. Get off TV.

That's a no brainer.

Tucker's Mom said... 183

Anonymous said... 173
Saw the Dr Oz clip. She is a horrible liar. You can see when she's lying as she tries to hide her smirk. I've noticed it for years.

Yup! When she's in control of the spin, it makes her giddy.

FYI said... 184

Also from the article on Page Six:

"The reality TV personality adds that she gets frustrated when people can’t tell the difference between the real her and the tabloid stories created about her life. “That angers me and it angers me even more when it affects my children and it talks about them,” she says."

Do those tabloids also include People magazine? Last I checked, that is also a tabloid.

If she didn't put herself out there, especially with the last People article, there would be no reason for any tabloids to write about her.

She fanned the flames--it's all her fault if she gets burned.

Tucker's Mom said... 185

She's really lined up her own inevitable demise with this latest PR schtick. I don't think there's a person on the planet who's buying her act anymore.
December 14, 2016 at 1:50 PM
I wonder if TLC is on board with this latest stunt. Kate's appearances used to be carefully curated, orchestrated and managed. She was under close supervision and handled all the time for her media appearances.
Every move was calculated.
What manager or PR person would thing Kate doing a victim tour would play well?

FlimsyFlamsy said... 186

What just makes me bananas is that TFW continues to act as if her hands are clean, and that Jon is the one who bad-mouths her in public and can't respect his children's privacy. The hypocrisy is staggering.

Sherri said... 187

Re last nite's show. The boys were on the couch doing a little interview and they held the clapboard with the episode title, etc. The date they filmed that part was November 12. IMO, that's quite a long time after the vacation to the Poconos for them to have to remember details about their impressions of the trip and talk about them. 11/12 was a Saturday and the previous episode where the boys held the clapboard which showed the date was also a Saturday. The kids are in school 5 days a week and then also work for TLC on Saturdays. smh

Leslie said... 188

I have been keeping track of the ratings this season:

Nov. 22 - 890,000
Nov. 30 - 860,000
Dec. 6 - 736,000
Dec. 13 - 622,000

She lost 30% of her viewership is in just 3 episodes. Man she must be panicking. Especially when the Roloffs are basicallay killing it.

Tucker's Mom said... 189

dena merick ‏@demer123 23m23 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 hey stop reading the tabloids!
The tabloids are like crack to Kate. She'd mainline them all day. Roll them, huff them, smoke them, boil them and wake up the next morning, shaking, and get her hair of the dog and do it all over again.

localyocul said... 190

WEll at least she's providing some more evidence for Jon's parental alienation case. Should play well in court.

Sad but true said... 191

Kate is a twit said... 184

Do those tabloids also include People magazine? Last I checked, that is also a tabloid.

And more tabloid-y than ever, what with all the free promotion they are now doing for TLC.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 192

Does she consider Jon not supporting filming as not being "uplifting"? Just because someone has a reasonable disagreement with your life choices does not mean you're not uplifting. Good grief.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 193

GollyGee (#180), I have no doubt Steve went to NY with TFW. How would she have functioned without him? Can-Do Kate does not exist. It's just another fake persona.

Tucker's Mom (#185), I don't think TLC cares what TFW does anymore. Mama Busby, maybe, but not TFW. Her ratings aren't even mediocre. They're low.

FYI said... 194

From Jon's twitter timeline:

speakup ‏@nochanceofrain 26m26 minutes ago
@jgosselin10 what happen to the GAG ORDER?? Dr oz show tomorrow ... your ears will be RINGING REAL LOUD!! #SOSORRY

Jon Gosselin ‏@jgosselin10 29m29 minutes ago
@nochanceofrain I know

At least Jon is aware of it. Hope he or is lawyer will be taking notes.

Sad but true said... 195

Sherri said... 187
Re last nite's show. The boys were on the couch doing a little interview and they held the clapboard with the episode title, etc. The date they filmed that part was November 12.

Yeah, THIS is deplorable. And if I'm not mistaked, is it not against the PA regs? Are kids that age allowed to work weekends after they've put in a full week of school? I wonder how many times they've had to re-shoot the couch segments in order to try to steer the narrative K8 has clearly lost control of.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 196

Sherri (#187), good eye noticing that filming date. Is sitting on a couch with cameras trained on them, asked to regurgitate details about a trip they took 6 months earlier -- what those 12-year-old boys really wanted
to be doing on a Saturday? And I don't care if there was only 5 minutes of footage aired. Those things take hours to film.

InsanityReigns said... 197

Let's face it, this woman never takes responsibility for anything. It is always someone else's fault. The problem is she refuses to accept that she has serious flaws and points the finger at everyone else. The fact that she must trash Jon after she has accused him of "inappropriate" behavior with Hannah speaks volumes of her character. She should be in the psychiatric ward as she is unraveling quickly. It is ALWAYS someone else's fault. We all saw this coming but now she is hopefully going to be held accountable by the Court.

Tucker's Mom said... 198

The kids are in school 5 days a week and then also work for TLC on Saturdays. smh

I think it's interesting that TLC is putting it out there that these kids have to work to get those episodes in the can. Their interviews take who knows how long and who knows how many takes. What they could be doing instead of making tv is vast.
Yes, it's work. Lots of work.
People just don't realize how the sausage is made. The end product is slick and they think, "well, that was only 44 minutes, how hard can filming be?"

Sad but true said... 199

FlimsyFlamsy said... 196
Sherri (#187), good eye noticing that filming date. Is sitting on a couch with cameras trained on them, asked to regurgitate details about a trip they took 6 months earlier -- what those 12-year-old boys really wanted
to be doing on a Saturday? And I don't care if there was only 5 minutes of footage aired. Those things take hours to film.

And you know that Mommy Dearest--oh excuse me, Executive Producer--is sitting right behind the cameras guiding their comments in the way she thinks they should go. So now they're not only working, they've got the added stress of having to perform up to Mommy's expectations on what is supposed to be a rest day for them. She's out of her mind.

I wonder if they're STILL re-shooting couch segments for the remaining episodes. Why doesn't anyone ever ask her questions like that? Maybe she won't bother, as they'll probably be too late (hopefully) for the custody hearing. Wish we knew when that has happening.

Westbrooke said... 200

Yes the world got to see her "uplifting" comments every week. I guess one person' s uplifting is another person' s verbal abuse! She just doesn't understand, well then get help. NO ONE pitches a hissy fit over the smallest thing like you do Kate. You have said things to those kids that will scar them forever. I wonder what she will do when the children are old enough to reason and realize what she did to their childhood and relationship with their father and relatives. She doesn't need to cry to Dr Oz, she needs the real professionals, the ones that work hard without fanfare, that aren't fellow fame seekers.

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