Friday, December 9, 2016

Recap: Kate Plus 8 ''Sextuplets Turn 12!": Beef Mommy

Coming up on Kate Plus 8, I flat out refuse to say " the little kids." It's the sextuplets' 12th birthday and "Kate" decides to make a scavenger hunt for them and their friends. Maybe they'll finally find her soul. Is it me or is Kate speaking really slowly, with long pauses in between, as she explains soon she will have eight teenagers. Yawn, soon I will need a drink. Or maybe production slowed down her speech a little to fill up the full 45 minutes?

The girls introduce us to the new additions to the family, two gorgeous puppies. They're cute as a button of course. Aw, puppy burps! They look like cartoon characters. Let's hope they're treated well. There's some of the hired help Kate doesn't have, working there in the background doing things only Kate does all by herself. It's Andrea, I think.

Kate is in what I think is her office or possibly just a second living room, which is cluttered full of way too many pieces of furniture, papers, and other crap everywhere. There is a lot of pressure on the next birthday when your kids say that last year was the greatest birthday party ever, she explains. Oh, so this is just about her own ego.

Oh, nice, an intern came up with a cool animated graphic for us explaining how two vehicles will transport the two teams (boys vs. girls, of course) to the various clues with the final destination being the party. But for that visual I would be lost, so thank you, good intern.

Kate finally explains where the heck Collin is. Her explanation is that he is "struggling" and she is "not able ... to meet his needs." He is learning skills and insights to be the best that he can be. She's right, she can't meet his needs, she's awful with him and all her kids. Long story short, the birthday party will be "tough" without him.

So, that's it? It'll be tough? Goodness, you would think she's talking about an unfortunate bunion on her toe really putting a damper on her day, rather than her own child. They show some old clips of Collin which are slow motion and oddly really desaturated, like the kind of clips you would find in someone's funeral montage or something. Creepy. How come they can't go to his placement and have the birthday party there, at least for part of the day. The heck?! This whole thing is tragic, sad, and terribly disconnected.

Moving right along! Kate and the twins go party shopping on the company credit card again, and I smirk at Mady's comment that they should buy anything Mady finds ugly because the younger girls seem to love whatever she finds ugly. Heh! She's a brat, but she's funny at times. Mady explains that they weren't asked to help, they were ordered to. I totally understand how annoyed a teen feels when they don't have a choice in things, and it's too bad Kate can't employ better parenting techniques to help them feel like things are more collaborative in this family, instead of them just always being her slaves. At the same time, it's not unreasonable to be expected to help out with your siblings' birthday party even if you're complaining the whole way through it. You'll live. If Kate had asked them for help as Mady wanted, there's a good chance they might have said no, because she's lost their respect and good will so they're not feeling it. So then she would have had to order them anyway, which just makes anything you "ask" them to do seem like a sham. She has so much rebuilding of trust to do with these girls, who have, like Dr. Markham explained, hardened their hearts toward her. The sad thing is Kate doesn't even seem to know it.

Cara complains the whole time that this is taking forever, while Mady often finds herself going down random rabbit holes playing with irrelevant toys and decorations they're not going to buy. They finally leave the party store with an absolute motherload of crap. Apparently they're stocking up for the end times as envisioned by Alex Jones, not a simple 12th birthday party.

Kate goes on and on about how she has so much prep work to do ahead of her that day and the next. Now imagine having a job and throwing your kids a nice party, too.

Often this show goes into an incredible amount of unnecessary explanations about things that are happening, I guess to fill up the time. And once in awhile they explain nothing, leaving viewers completely confused. Suddenly Kate and the twins are at goggleWorks downtown decorating for the party. So, the party isn't at the house? It's off site? And what is this place? They never say. Cara doesn't want to be a part of this. The twins go into a rather telling explanation about why Cara was so annoyed, and that is because Kate sprung this decorating on her once she got there, and never once mentioned up until this moment she wanted Cara to stay and spend her time decorating. She does this often, explains Cara.

Kate sounds like one of those mothers who know they have no control of their kids when they just parent normally. For instance they know if they let them know in advance they'd like them to help decorate, they'll get a huge fight and maybe even a refusal to go into the car, and it might never happen. But instead of learning better parenting techniques to get more cooperation out of your teens, they resort to trickery. If Kate springs this project on Cara suddenly once she already got in the car, got to the venue, and has no way to get back home, Cara will have no choice but to help. Withholding various information from children who are plenty old enough to be kept in the loop is manipulative, pure and simple. As well as rude. More and more, I have a very clear picture of exactly why her kids don't respect her, and that was exhibit A.

Naturally the decorating comes with various degrees of bickering from Mady and Kate about differences in decorating. Who cares? At least your teen is willing to help. Does it really matter whether the prize table goes over there or over there, and whether Mady hangs streamers over the door or over the windows? Talk about learning to pick your battles.

Ha! Mady says, "Kate, please don't yell at me." Yes, Kate, please stop yelling at her.

Mady explains that Kate is trying to replace yelling with just acting disappointed in her. Ah, so, replace outright hollering with just some good ole fashioned immature passive aggressiveness. Did an online parenting class teach her that?

Mady further explains that Kate denies she yells. That's typical. Kate admits the kids have often actually asked her to stop yelling. Wow. Though, not surprised. For God sake, Kate, this should be a wake up call. Your kids are pleading with you to stop yelling at them. As I went on at length in the previous recap, yelling is as damaging to kids as physical abuse. Your kids instinctively know that, and they don't like it. They've asked you, apparently on multiple occasions, to please stop parenting them that way. Her response? "No, I wasn't yelling." Heh. And, nice to see Mady's comment verified. Kate does in fact deny she does this, even when it's right there on film that she in fact does.

The twins somehow find a bit of motivation to get back into the decorating and it's looking like a real party now, with treasure chests, maps, and balloons. Fun if you were seven years old. I hope the sextuplets enjoy this juvenile set up and don't think to themselves, wouldn't it be way less nerdy, and more grown up, to just invite some friends over for pizza and go see a movie?

Commercials. They are really stretching to fill this episode. The "coming up" segment is nearly 30 seconds long! Maybe I should just recap that, and skip the real segment, eh? There's lots of screaming and yelling, Kate messes up the scavenger hunt because for all her claims at being all about organization, she's actually just an airhead, and more yelling follows.

The party day is here, and it looks like at least a few friends are there, which makes things seem so much more normal. "Do I have to attend this party?" Kate asks. I don't find the teasing she does like this cute. It's mean. Kate begins the scavenger hunt. Kate corralled Andrea into driving one of the vans, and I guess she'll drive the other. Eh, I wouldn't want that liability as a nanny, not with a ton of other strangers' kids. Kate gives a boring lecture on safety.

Eventually Kate realizes she's a doofus and forgot to plant the second clue. After all her show over the planning she did, how the heck does that happen? This feels like a scripted plot device. I can picture the storyboard, and plot point A is uh-oh, Kate forgot a clue! Will the party be ruined? Stay tuned! Either that or she's even more disorganized that I thought. Instead of coming up with a clever way to distract the kids, she ever-so-obviously herds the kids back behind the house so she can fix her mistake. The kids know exactly why they were herded out back but to their credit they just let it go with a few snide remarks.

The kids have noooo respect for her. It's almost comical, though rather sad. She's trying to explain the scavenger directions and various kids of hers are interrupting her, jumping the gun on the next direction, asking questions before giving her a chance to explain, and being so freaking rude. None of the kiddie extras are doing that. Not interrupting people when they are talking, especially when someone is trying to give directions to a large group, couldn't be more basic.

I understand better now that the kids don't know the location of the party, and the clues will lead them there. Girls vs boys of course. It could be editing, but it seems to me the girls are figuring these clues out at lightning speed. This party could be over pretty quick for them. The girls kind of just fly through the riddles shouting out ideas left and right until they hit on the answers. Oh, and there's three more of the girls, so they have a better chance of someone figuring it out sooner. The boys in contrast are taking longer with the clues, being more diligent and careful as they work through the riddles collaboratively, and having patience with themselves, which I find very typical for boys their age. They seem more concerned about solving it correctly rather than quickly. It's just a different style of tackling a puzzle, but unfortunately this is just going to validate their inferiority. Sigh.

Kate gives the boys a head start handicap since there were more girls than boys. I count four boy friends, six girl friends. So the teams were six boys versus nine girls. Kate laments she is always getting blamed for things being unfair. Maybe because things are unfair? The girls complain about the boys' head start, explaining that even though they have more people it takes them longer to load and unload the van. Seriously? They had just three more friends! That should barely make a difference. They really are a pain, I hate to say it, and very divisive all the time. It's getting ridiculous. The boys are so awesome, laughing at themselves when they couldn't figure out this clue that said another name for cow, and a word for someone being not so nice. Hm. Beef Mommy?

I guess the clue led them to a beef jerky shop, a location Kate knows because she knows the owners. I thought she was organic and eats lettuce, and avocados. She pals around with beef jerky makers? The last place I would ever think to take a 12-year-old for his birthday is a beef jerky place, although the kids seem to think this is the coolest thing ever, so it worked out. They get to see how jerky is made and help out a little.

Do the girls have different clues or a different order? I didn't pay attention to the intern's graphic and now I'm confused. The girls end up at a food truck first instead of the beef jerky place. They know those owners too. This episode is really weak on explanations. You cannot convince me production didn't coordinate this all in exchange for free advertising on the show, this is way too involved. Kate can barely stuff nine peppers all day let alone arrange something as complicated as this. Ohhhh, Kate reveals that the couple that owns the beef jerky place? Their daughter Maggie is at the party. Well, that explains how the girls' team is flying through this. Kate, that's why you're unfair. I wonder if the sextuplets honestly know their daughter, or if that was just a perk for the jerky place participating in the show, that their daughter would be a part of the party.

For no particular reason, I'm going to show a beef jerky map, because it's just pretty cool.

The girls were just "owwn" it, says Kate, because you can't take the PA out of the girl. Well of course they were owwwn it, they had insider trading information.

The boys are pulling away from the beef jerky place just as the girls arrive. Haha, good, I hope it makes the girls panic and I'm rooting like crazy for the boys to stick it to them and win this. I wish they hadn't gotten such an obvious advantage, because even if they do win, the win will never be "real" to the petty girls. Like puppet governments.

It is getting a little more clear that the teams are pursuing these clues in different orders. Good god, the girls are unbelievably smug about the fact that they've realized the girls are actually starting their "second" clue at the beef jerky place when the boys are just finishing up their first, which was the beef jerky for them. I don't know how the boys stand it. They should have never even opened up their van door to talk to them and just gone on with their game without making contact. Even the boys are like, they're being "sassy." That's putting it kindly.

What's really telling from the boys, although I think they're just trying to be funny, is that the envision if they lose the penalty is going to be no cake. No cake?! Aww, just like when they didn't get their birthday cupcakes when they were toddlers? See, these things scar kids for life, Kate!

It's just Aaden and Joel on the couch explaining all this. It feels wrong somehow, though they're two pretty cool kids. You know what else is too bad? That Jon's not here. The kids are having fun, despite Kate. A blast, really. It would have been awesome for him to go with one team, and Kate the other. They would barely even need to see each other. Or he could at least be waiting at the final destination. Many divorced families put aside differences and spend birthdays together for the sake of the children. This one can't, and it only hurts the kids.

The next clue leads them to a salon where they have to get a red X painted on one nail and let it dry before they can leave. That's sort of neat. I like the boys' friends, too. They seem fun, chill, and game for everything. Exactly the cool friends I would expect they have. Back at the jerky place, the girls have lost interest in running around like crazy. They've calmed down a bit and are enjoying some soda and hot dogs.

Kate says that she didn't rush the girls along because she figured the boys are going to be way behind anyway this whole time. She is such an ass. She is constantly putting them down and doesn't even seem to know she is. The girls too confirm they're sure the boys are way behind. Sounds like a huge mistake to me. Never assume someone is way behind unless you know it for sure. I couldn't be rooting more strongly for the boys. 2016 is the year of the underdog, and if you happened to be rooting for one or more of them, it's been an incredible year for you. The Cubbies, Brexit, Trump, Penn State (go State, see you at the Rose Bowl!). And now, the boys, I hope!

The boys don't seem to be getting most of these clues but Andrea is giving them giant hints until they solve them. Great, another reason the girls won't legitimize their win. Andrea tells the cameras that the boys need help sometimes, and she thinks they're going to lose. The hell? Andrea always walks around with a sour expression on her face and I really don't appreciate a nanny making fun of her kids and being so negative. She must have pre-ordered Kate's book, How to be an Asshat. Aw, even Aaden and Joel know that everyone thinks they're clueless, but at least they find this amusing. Poor boys. It's not even true! They are getting painted just like she painted Jon, the clueless dolt. What a lie. She really hates men. Get therapy.

The clues look like they are on that old treasure map paper you dip in tea and burn the edges. There's no way Kate did all this set-up work herself. How would she possibly squeeze it all in between all the stuffing peppers and loads of laundry?

Oh, wow, even Mady is explaining how the girls are competitive and think the boys are dumb, but in fact the boys are quite smart. That warms my heart that Mady of all kids would give these boys some freaking credit for once. And, I've observed the same, they are quite smart, and not only that, but socially intelligent. Geez.

No, no, not a clown! No! "I'm scared of clowns!" one of the boys says. Well heck I am too after this year's most bizarre phenomenon, clown sightings. This is kind of like Amazing Race only more disorganized. They get the next clue from the clown.

Cut to the girls. Leah has their next clue. Hannah reaches for it too, but Leah snatches it away from her pretty aggressively. The girls act five years old, and oddly, no one ever calls them out on it. It is absurd, just absurd, for a 12-year-old to behave like that, even with her sister, and get away with it. I almost can't blame them for how nasty they come across, because no one is telling them to knock it off when they do immature things like that. After initially doing really well, the girls are now off track on the next clown clue, thinking it means a party store. Kate isn't helping them at all, other than to look constipated when they have the totally wrong idea about the clue. Her shutting up for once is one of the few things I like about how she's handling this. The fun, and challenge of this is figuring it out on their own. They don't need an adult's help, they're not toddlers. For that matter neither do the boys. It's good for them to be on their own in so many ways. I don't like all the big hints Andrea gave the boys, it encourages them to be brain-lazy.

The boys race to the food truck. The girls are headed, incorrectly, to the party store. Kate obliges, but purposely drives by the clown, hoping they will notice. Hannah does indeed notice somehow, and they get their clue. Can the clown go home now? She's creeping me out standing on the side of the road there like she's looking for a john. Gross.

The girls for some reason still think they've crushed the boys. It sure is annoying when people who in reality have no clue where they stand are sure they've won. Shut up. The girls are really just trashing the boys all day. They're obsessed with them, and it's weird. The boys don't talk about them nearly as much as they talk about their brothers. In a strange way, it reminds me of Kate and Jon, with Kate absolutely consumed by him, and Jon hardly ever mentioning her unless asked. I wonder if that's something the girls have subconsciously picked up from her, a preoccupation with the men in the family and all up in their business.

There goes Andrea making fun of them again for wanting to take two freaking seconds and get something to eat at the food truck after all this running around. Not everyone cares that much about winning so much as they care about enjoying the experience itself. Good grief. Andrea is as unlikable as the girls in this family. Is it an estrogen thing?

I'm getting a little lost again, but I think they're at a hair salon now. They don't seem to do anything here but get a photo of the group. The next clue involves an old school phone book. I have no idea what that's all about, it's hard to follow. The boys seemingly end up at the hair salon just seconds after the girls, but that could be clever Amazing Race style editing. I remember this one season of Amazing Race pretty early on in its tenure, where one couple was literally hours and sometimes even days ahead of all the others. They would only catch up at one of those challenges designed to throttle all the teams, then get way ahead again. There were multiple ways to tell how far ahead they were if you paid attention. But the editors tried not to let on they were that far ahead outright, and employed lots of editing techniques to make it seem like the other teams would arrive at the challenges just seconds after the first team left. Only it would be like, pouring rain one second and bright and sunny the next. It was funny.

Nail salon, hair salon, LOL, sounds like Kate couldn't get any more creative with these locations than her own little pea brain. What's next, Nobu? Joel figures out lickety split they need to look in the phone book. They seem to be grabbing an address from it and heading there.

Kate seems to have a major advantage over Andrea in that she knows all these locations and how to get back and forth easily. Andrea in contrast needs a GPS, and is getting so stressed she asks the boys to please be quiet so she can hear the GPS. Aw, Andrea is the preverbal sucky taxi driver who has never heard of a Main street in his own city, who shows up on every last episode of Amazing Race, drives around in circles all over town eventually taking them to the Bay Bridge instead of the Golden Gate and crushes the best team's dreams.


Somehow the boys arrive at Goggleworks first, they don't explain how or when they passed Kate especially with Andrea acting so confused and tight-fisted behind the wheel. Did Kate take a wrong turn she wouldn't admit to? Odd. The twins are waiting for them. The twins are happy for them and are very nice about congratulating them. That's cool. Here come the girls, and I predict an incredible amount of sour grapes about to happen.

For Kate this really is so much about the competition, about who will win and who will lose. It's bizarre, the hyper-focus on this. It's just a silly birthday party for 12 year olds. Goodness. This is practically all she's talked about this whole episode. The girls, too. In contrast, the boys talked so much more about how they figured out the clues, and the things they said and did along the way, and what they enjoyed. It's obvious they appreciated the experience itself so much more than who won or lost. Sad thing is, they would have taken a loss so much better. The win doesn't matter all that much to them. You almost want them to just give it to the girls, just so they'll shush up for once.

Yep, here we go. The boys "cheated." No one ever gets the better of a Gosselin girl without "cheating", apparently. I honestly think they believe this. If they were politicians they would still be recounting votes after all this time, refusing to believe somebody could actually have gotten the best of them fair and square. An extreme desire to win and a visceral, conspiratorial reaction toward anyone else who gets the best of you is narcissistic behavior, as painful as it is to point these things out in children, I think we have to start being honest about that. After all, a narcissist is perfect, so how could anyone get the upper hand on a narcissist unless they did so through errant means? It makes sense that a narcissist would teach narcissistic behavior in the children, and that at least some of them would pick up some of the traits even if they never end up actually developing the diagnosed personality disorder. Incidentally, how do the girls know whether the boys "cheated"? They weren't there with them and didn't see what happened along their journey, what hints they got or didn't. They have no evidence whatsoever anyone cheated, but they've immediately decided that if the boys won, they must have cheated somehow. They're so bitter, and terribly unfair. Also, so what if they had a little help? Let them have a little bit of glory once in awhile. Let them win once in awhile. The girls have the upper hand on so many things, can't they find it in their hearts to let their brothers, who by the way are a man down, to have this one? Take one for the team here and just let them have it? A pity.

Speaking of Collin, not a word mentioned of him since the start of this episode, nary a tear. No one seems the least bit upset he's missing out on all this good fun and a special birthday. It's not healthy to just cut him off like this and go on with life like nothing happened.

The boys did have a lot of help from Andrea, but the girls had their advantages too, like three more heads to mull over the clues, a better driver, and the jerky store's daughter in their group who helped them get that clue quick. Sounds like a draw to me in terms of advantages. They also chose to dilly-dally around at the jerky place eating hotdogs and drinking sodas for what seemed like a really long time, and they really struggled with the clown clue even when Kate was giving them a clear face that they were way off in their guess about the party store. Judging by the way the editing makes this seem, had those two parts of the puzzle moved along more quickly for them, they probably would have won. That's on them. The glaring lack of personal responsibility for their own shortcomings and missteps along the way, is very unhealthy.

Ha, the boys are all dressed up in various costumes and shout at the girls as they come in. Good, they deserve a chance to gloat for once.

Andrea admits she's glad the boys won and they're smarter than the girls bargained for. My only question is whoever gave the girls such a firm idea that their lovely brothers (who by the way, everybody here seems to like just fine) are complete idiots who know absolutely nothing? I can't imagine.

The party has a photo booth, and a money booth where fake money blows around and you have to grab it and then can use it to buy party favors. Ridiculously fun, and it's practically all the kids want to do. At the end of the day I have to give Kate, er, production, a solid A minus for this party. Other than a few babyish aspects of it, and the weird erasing of Collin from it all like he never existed, it's a big hit, and all in all the scavenger hunt was pretty good.

The party segment is going on much too long now. There's a tortuously long part with a piñata complete with flashbacks, which seems pretty juvenile. Anyone can find a 12-year-old's birthday party to go to at some point if that's what interests you, you freak, so I don't see a need to recap that. Piñatas are a tradition. Kate will have these kids hitting a piñata on their twenty-first birthdays, half wasted.

Cake time. Mercifully, Kate opts out of singing happy birthday to them six times. So she's finally let them grow up a little.

Can I ask again, is there a reason she can't visit Collin and bring part of this party there? Having worked in foster care for nine years and seen my fair share of children who are in facilities, I'm struggling to recall a facility, even a terribly high level of care placement, that did not permit families to see their children, especially on their birthday. Contact with your loved ones is such a fundamental component of modern treatment, it's hard to imagine why they couldn't include him in this party in some form.

Kate bookends the episode with, oh by the way I missed Collin when we sang happy birthday. Oh good I'm glad she gave him a passing thought, by the way. Sounds like they've filmed almost every single birthday. Weird, and totally Dionnes, right?

I imagine the question to Kate from the producer was, what's different then and now? Her response is, the kids are taller and older. Heh. She really is a sociopath who struggles to identify personality traits in her children, and more substantive aspects of their beings she can chat about. When all is said and done I actually know very little about her children as people because she rarely explains much about them. I can only observe their personalities directly when they're on camera, without help from Kate. I don't think she is able to see these things, really. In a strange way, she has unwittingly protected them from further violations of privacy by being unable to truly know them as people and share who they truly are with the world.

The party comes to a close and Kate says she didn't wear them out. Wear them out? Because her kids just turned three years old. It was the best party yet, the kids say, giving Kate, and production, a new one to top. Oy vey, they're eating donut-y things in New Orleans next time. Mardi gra me into a coma please so I can skip that one.

256 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Jeanne said... 1

It is really sad that the girls constantly put down their brothers. It means they learned it from Kate. The party actually sounds kind of fun though. Good job production! I am really surprised Kate drove into the city. Was Steve in her car? I guess having the camera daddy along helped her. Remember when she needed that policeman's help to drive to the radio station in town?

Sherri said... 2

From the previous thread:
Not only does Kate have to be in the middle of everything, but she knows she's going to freak out with a bug on her hand. SHE KNOWS IT!


And, so do her kids. The kids also know that she'll freak out and they know how she'll do it and they're alright with it. They're so conditioned to accept her behavior, they laugh about it, but they're old enough now to know that it's inappropriate (and rude when she does it in public). I think deep down they're embarrassed by her screeching and reacting that way. What a burden to put on kids to have a parent who draws such negative attention to herself. smh

Tucker's Mom said... 3

Does Kate still deny the twins have social media?

TLC stinks said... 4

Production came through AGAIN. Another party courtesy of TLC. Nothing new.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 5

Admin, thanks for the speedy delivery of this second recap! Thoroughly enjoyed it. I found myself thinking something, and then reading your exact same thought in the next sentence.

Oh, for the love of Mike, you KNOW TLC was responsible for 99% of the thought, planning, and execution of this complicated extravaganza. How can TFW take credit for it with a straight face? Maybe because she's a lying liar who lies, and no longer registers the feeling of insincerity when the words tumble out of her botoxed face?

GollyGee said... 6

Admin, this recap is great.

Yes, the kids were very embarrassed about how their mother acted. Jon would never do something like this, even in public!

She was in the middle of the group and she blended in with the kids maturity level. She is stunted and her parenting style is unfortunately making them stunted too!

Except the boys. They are more grounded and mature than the 3 tup girls. They are vicious.

In the recap, you said that the girls bother the boys. When they showed last week's show, they showed one of the boys trying to use the computer and one of the girls aggravating him trying to get to it for herself.

She has taught those girls to be superior to their own brothers and the male species in general and despise their own father.

GollyGee said... 7

I was to rooting for the boys to win!

I was really surprised how nice Mady and Cara were to them when they outplayed the girls.

The girls deserved this defeat, especially, after they way they taunted and threw coins at them during and after their magic show.

GollyGee said... 8

I can just hear Mady and Cara now.

Mom, if you want us to film the birthday party, we are getting back on social media.

I just know she gave in.

There will be a day when they all get together and refuse to film. Maybe soon.

Upstater said... 9

Wow. The group picture of the kids next to the Dionnes says it all, doesn't it........

FlimsyFlamsy said... 10

Very significant that TFW is already gaslighting her kids. "No, I wasn't yelling" -- yet we've seen years of footage to refute that.

When some of the 8 leave and never come back, she will swear up and down the abuse never happened. As I've said before, it is a blessing that the G kids can walk into therapists' offices as adults, armed with DVD's of the trainwreck that was their childhood.

TLC stinks said... 11

I am 99% positive the twins are on Snapchat. ~ Administrator said... 12

Very significant that TFW is already gaslighting her kids. "No, I wasn't yelling" -- yet we've seen years of footage to refute that.


The only positive I can think of when it comes to filming is at least they will have proof she did the things she did. That might be important to show a therapist.

Wowser said... 13

Flimsyflamsy 5- you just have to know that production comes up with the idea, TFW jumps on it with excitement and begins to add all her ideas for THEIR idea, expounds on what SHE thinks it should look like and the freebie add-Awns she can get and voila! It's HER idea

FlimsyFlamsy said... 14

I find it sickening that this whiz-bang, super swell, awesome party-of-a-lifetime went on with 1/6th of the tups missing. Talk about being marginalized. If anybody missed that sweet boy being there, it sounds like it sure didn't show on film.

Even if TFW was against the idea (insert raucous laughter) of having the party without C, but it was some kind of contractual obligation to TLC, then, shame on her for having signed away her children's childhoods for a TV career. She is a
horrible mother.

GollyGee said... 15

Yes, the unscrubbed, unwashed, nothing to see here deflection editing of the original DVD's are going to be collectors items.

GollyGee said... 16

Saw this:

Don't cha know TFW loves it? Poor Jon.

FYI said... 17

One of Kate's fans is questioning why Kate doesn't tweet more often. Maybe a light bulb somewhere is finally turning on.

Shari ‏@Shari_In_Pa 11h11 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 So, any reason why you only tweet during the show now? You used to always be on Twitter before. Just curious. ~ Administrator said... 18

The logistics of all the locations, the somewhat complicated route and clues, not to mention getting permission and releases from all these people and places to film? Watching her laziness on Celebrity Apprentice I just can't believe she coordinated all this.

Like someone said, she would be so much more likable if she were just honest with people. I'm sure she helped with the party, but she didn't do it all. Why can't everyone who helped make it happen get credit? WE organized this party for them. Not just "me."

TLC stinks said... 19

I believe production does a bare bones script but predominately the filming has always been an experiment...surprise the kids and tape their reactions. That's what was done to Cara. Kate knew Cara would bitch.

The kids are not actors, so their reactions are real. Sad, so sad. Not polite at all and the girls are mini-Kates.

Kate, on the other hand, thinks she is an actress and plays it up with the screeching, faces and voices. She was in the drama club in high school so that says it all, LOL

That birthday party was probably not filmed on their actual b-day, so there is the hope she visited Collin on the actual day if she's allowed. However, filming such an over-the-top party ignoring Collin was in poor taste. ~ Administrator said... 20

Very significant that TFW is already gaslighting her kids. "No, I wasn't yelling" -- yet we've seen years of footage to refute that.


You're right, that's another reason Kate withholds information from her. It makes better TV to surprise the kids on camera and watch their reactions.

The twins dutifully hanging directions without any conflict because she's already done the courteous thing and prepared them for what their day will entail? That's not good TV. Zzzz.

This really is messed up.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 21

The open-endedness of C's disappearance is also troubling. Doesn't seem like there's been any sort of optimism on TFW's part about his recovery and/or return. She showed more concern about Steve getting germs on his pizza than her poor son being sent away from home at the tender age of 12.

FYI said... 22

So, the party isn't at the house? It's off site? And what is this place? They never say.

This is the Goggleworks website:

From the "About" page:


Celebrating its 10th anniversary this year, GoggleWorks Center for the Arts consists of a 145,000 square foot, five-story community arts center in what was formerly the Willson Goggle Factory Building.
GoggleWorks features six large teaching studios in ceramic, hot and warm glass, jewelry, photography, and wood; 35 juried artists’ studios, exhibition galleries, and houses the offices of over a dozen arts, culture, and creative economy organizations.
The complex also includes a 131-seat theatre, which presents art house films daily, a café, and STORE, which retails the work of over 200 individual artists from around the country.

They also rent event space for weddings, parties, etc.

I wonder if when the kids found out where they were going that they thought they would be doing something fun like taking a craft class or seeing a movie, and all they got was a party in one of their events rooms.

TLC stinks said... 23

Yes, the kids are not told much about what is to be filmed. I'll always remember ruining their Xmas with the fake Xmas morning. So much for the magic and the memories.

Speaking of Xmas, will she imply with a photo Collin's return for a visit? I say yes, just like the empty b-day party table picture.

GollyGee said... 24

GollyGee said... 16
Saw this:

Don't cha know TFW loves it? Poor Jon.


My post should of read, Don't cha know she used to LOVE it?

I wonder why (because Jon is not her Juan Valdez anymore) the reason for the coffee bar in her bedroom, mere inches from her bed because Jon is making coffee for someone else and she is too lazy to get up and go down to the kitchen and make a pot.

I wonder if the coffee pot is digital and has a timer on it or is it a Kerig?

JoyinVirginia said... 25

Thanks for the recap Admin! So much more entertaining than actually having to sit thru the show.
Weird no comments about the missing child from the siblings, I suppose Any comments from a sib about "I'm sorry he is missing this" were edited out. No comments about how they would take a cake to him, nothing? Very sad.
I'm sure somewhere there is an editor with all the film of TFMJG (The Former Mrs. Jon Gosselin) behaving VERY badly, just waiting until the twins are old enough to negotiate their own contact and participate in exploitative, whoops I mean "explosive tell-all" of how living with TFMJG REALLY was. A sure fire ratings grabber for TLC.

CC said... 26

Great recap!

Admin asked:
Can I ask again, is there a reason she can't visit Collin and bring part of this party there? Having worked in foster care for nine years and seen my fair share of children who are in facilities, I'm struggling to recall a facility, even a terribly high level of care placement, that did not permit families to see their children, especially on their birthday. Contact with your loved ones is such a fundamental component of modern treatment, it's hard to imagine why they couldn't include him in this party in some form.

ANSWER: My educated guess... Because the facility would not allow cameras in to film the birthday party. Kate chose to film the birthday over including Colin in it.

CC said... 27

I think Kate cheated more than Andrea. The girls were headed to the wrong place and Kate said she purposely drove past the clown because she knew they would see it and realize that is where they were supposed to stop.

I probably would have done the same thing, but I would have let them know that they had help too.

I can't believe Kate told them they can think all the horrible things they want about the boys winning but have to verbally congratulate them. Why couldn't she teach them that they should be genuinely happy for their brothers?

I personally think Kate pits the boys against the girls because she wants the drama. She has created an atmosphere in their life that the boys are always the underdogs.

And what did the boys win? Was there actually a prize? I don't remember.

CC said... 28

I thought they showed scenes of the kids on snapchat. Wasn't that the app they used to turn Kate into a rabid bunny?

Also I think I recall Kate saying they use snapchat but only between them. Something like that. I think she tweeted that. ???? ~ Administrator said... 29

I think Kate cheated more than Andrea. The girls were headed to the wrong place and Kate said she purposely drove past the clown because she knew they would see it and realize that is where they were supposed to stop.

I probably would have done the same thing, but I would have let them know that they had help too.


What strikes me writing the recap and even now is that the girls had NO IDEA what Andrea told the boys or didn't. The only thing they knew is the boys had a ten minute lead. But their minds immediately go to a very sinister place where they are sure the boys cheated.

But what the girls DID know, is that they had three more girls, they had a girl in their party who knew the beef jerky place, and if she didn't Kate should have told them she drove them by the clown instead of letting them go on a wild goose chase to a random store and waste even more time. If Kate had just gone to the party store like they told her to, the 10 minute lead surely wouldn't have mattered anyway, because the boys would have blown them out of the water. It's just as fair to say the girls "cheated" but lost anyway.

And yes, she should have told them not to be bitter, but to find it in their hearts to be happy for their brothers. She has fostered a very ugly competitiveness in them that is not going to serve them well, and what's more, seems to think this is a good trait! Can you imagine behaving like this as an adult at work? You get a promotion and you prance around dancing on tables, in your face everybody! Or your office mate gets promoted and you don't this time, and you sulk and claim they must have somehow cheated their way up? My God, she is setting these kids up for absolute failure. Absolute failure.

Tucker's Mom said... 30

Whoa, the side by side of the Dionnes and the Gosselins, gathering around their cake for a photo op for the adoring masses just says it all, doesn't it?

jolie Jacquelyn said... 31

"Kate will have these kids hitting a piñata on their twenty-first birthdays, half wasted."

I can see it now :) Great recap Admin.

Tucker's Mom said... 32

What strikes me writing the recap and even now is that the girls had NO IDEA what Andrea told the boys or didn't. The only thing they knew is the boys had a ten minute lead. But their minds immediately go to a very sinister place where they are sure the boys cheated.

It's always boys pitted against girls, and Kate calls it team building and bonding.

TLC stinks said... 33

CC, they did say that about using Snapchat between them but I am confident the twins have a private account too they use between friends.

CC said... 34

TLC stinks said... 32
CC, they did say that about using Snapchat between them but I am confident the twins have a private account too they use between friends.

Oh I believe those kids snapchat with their friends for sure. I don't know anything about snapchat... Do they need a separate account to snapchat with friends? Can't they use the same account to snapchat with friends without Kate seeing them?

Either way I'm sure those kids are on social media. I just think Kate doesn't want the fans knowing it because she doesn't want their fanatical fans trying to contact her kids. I don't blame her for that. No kids should have social media accounts that they can interact with strangers.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 35

TLC stinks (#32), whatever TFW claims to have shut down on the twins social media wise, I bet they were back on the same day. These girls have been smarter than their mother for years, and a little tech know-how will make it super easy to get around her.
The younger girls may be in on it, too.

TLC stinks said... 36

Actually we do not know if she visited Collin on his birthday or not. I guarantee you the scavenger hunt was not filmed on their actual birthday, May 10. That was a TUESDAY. Their final exams in school were during that time frame. If you believe the scavenger hunt was filmed on their actual b-day, you fall into TLC's time machine trap.

RoxyHelen said... 37

What strikes me writing the recap and even now is that the girls had NO IDEA what Andrea told the boys or didn't. The only thing they knew is the boys had a ten minute lead. But their minds immediately go to a very sinister place where they are sure the boys cheated.


Hasn't it always been this way? Kate taught them this. Remember the Easter episode, when the kids were racing to see who can find the most eggs and Collin filled two baskets so Hannah went to Kate, whined that "Collin is cheating" and Kate took one of C's baskets and started DUMPING HOS EGGS then said "problem solved"? I was like wtf, she'd never do that to H if C was the one complaining, she'd call him a sore loser and tell him to move on.

CC said... 38

I don't believe for a second that Kate visited Collin on his birthday.

One... I think if she visited Collin should would have said so.

Two... There was an article online stating that Kate has not visited Collin. I believe that.

As for the filming ON their birthday, I believe it was filmed on a weekend. Their birthday, May 10th was a Tuesday.

FYI said... 39

As someone pointed out on the previous thread, you can see the flag decorations in the driveway. So the episode probably was filmed Memorial Day weekend.

I wouldn't be surprised if Kate had ALL the kids, including their guests, place the flags before they headed out for the party.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 40

CC (#38), I agree that if TFW had seen C around his birthday, she surely would have shared that info. We know the couch interviews were done way after the fact -- she could've brought it up then. Or when she received those critical tweets about going on with the birthday celebration without C. That would've been the perfect time to say, "Luckily, we were happy to be able to spend time with him around his birthday!" Why withhold that, when it would make her sound like she actually, you know, cared?

Anonymous said... 41

Thanks to Admin for putting yourself through that torture for the cause - great recap! I still think it was horrible that she allowed the family and friends to be part of this filmed charade to commemorate what was Collin's 12th birthday too, with hardly any mention of him. But hey, it was all fun and games and she gets paid so all is good in her world.


Formerly Duped said... 42

What was that business with all three tup girls annoying Aaden when he was trying to do homework? Why was that allowed? Then they get extra computer time for their own schoolwork?? The boys then get up at 5 a.m. to complete their work?

amc said... 43

I don't think the party was filmed until June. If you believe what Kate said about Hannah hurting her arm during the last week of school ~ Administrator said... 44

What was that business with all three tup girls annoying Aaden when he was trying to do homework? Why was that allowed?


I don't recall Kate being there for that. I think she was in the kitchen cooking dinner. The boys just ignored them, but good grief, what pests. I wish she were more aware of things like this happening, though even if she were she probably wouldn't do anything about it. It's amazing how cool the boys are despite all this treatment.

PA Dutch Mom said... 45

I guarantee you the scavenger hunt was not filmed on their actual birthday, May 10. That was a TUESDAY. Their final exams in school were during that time frame


Final exams were the first week of June, not in early May, but I doubt that filming was done on their birthday, May 10.

Formerly Duped said... 46

Yes, I like the boys, too, and that includes Collin. The tup girls annoy e as do the twins and I hate how they treat one another. Alexis at times is cute.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 47

Are the Church Ladies always sloshed, or did they just get a bad crop of weed?

"Ghost hangs out in bathroom. Think it same one @PattyParsonsPat seen. A chubby gal with a pilgrim dress n pug tails hike a corn cob dollbaby"

"She play hopscotch in hallway over to bathroom just grin n giggle look like a doll baby"

"Seen heavy set ghost gal in pilgrim dress again this morning she sitting on the commode and just grin when I walk in. I scream suh durn loud"

One of them wants to learn how to knit patchwork Africans, and she likes Jonny Depth.

njay said... 48

Please, please watch this youtube clip. It will take you to an emotional place that Kate will probably never know or ever experience. Just her reaction to C's gift tells you she just may not be or ever can be capable of experiencing such a wonderful place of emotion and love.

NJGal51 said... 49

One of the church ladies (Barbie/Barbara) apparently has cancer which is why she's gone silent/private on Twitter. They're dropping like flies.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 50

Sarah ‏@saralllen 17m17 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 I've always been a Mady supporter but she just amazes me more and more as she gets older!! ❤️❤️❤️

lol! What exactly is a Mady supporter? Is that like support stockings, or an invisible bra for "the girls"?

CC said... 51

When the girls were bothering Aaden while he was doing homework I think I remember seeing Hannah look at the camera. She does that a lot. She looks at the camera and then does something or delivers a line. I've seen her glance at the camera as if to make sure it's going to catch what she does next.

I think she was definitely playing it up for the cameras when she was bothering Aaden. It didn't seem genuine.

Turn out the lights... said... 52

The church ladies fessed up recently that their accounts are PARODY.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 53

The church ladies fessed up recently that their accounts are PARODY.


I thought what they fessed up to was that whole abduction/cult thing, with one of them escaping an explosion and some of them being killed, was a parody, as well as photoshopping pictures.

I really think that their grammar mistakes, and some of the scenarios are real. They are too consistent in their spelling and mis-use of words for that to be a parody, and that's what is really funny. If everything is a parody, then they are very good at maintaining a profile that never changes, unlike Kate, who can't remember what lie she has told.

NJGal51 said... 54

The church ladies fessed up recently that their accounts are PARODY.
You mean there haven't been all those murders, kidnapings, clowns etc. in that small town that never made the news? Say it ain't so!

Deliverance said... 55

I really think that their grammar mistakes, and some of the scenarios are real. They are too consistent in their spelling and mis-use of words for that to be a parody, and that's what is really funny. If everything is a parody, then they are very good at maintaining a profile that never changes, unlike Kate, who can't remember what lie she has told.


I think they were pretty darn good for a while, but they went over the top, then it wasn't entertaining anymore. I don't think they could pull off good parodies if they were as clueless/ignorant about spelling, mispronunciations, etc. as they appear to be.

NJGal51 said... 56

On Christmas morning, two twins simultaneously open their gifts and are elated to find Google Pixel phones on Verizon's network, which features no surprise overages. When an identical pair of girls enters the room, it's revealed that the twins are actually quadruplets, and all four of them are taking advantage of Verizon's deal on four phone lines with 20 GB of data. The siblings can't stop complimenting each other's outfits -- despite the fact that they're all wearing the same thing.
If TFW sees this commercial her head might just explode.

Sheepless In Seattle said... 57

You mean there haven't been all those murders, kidnapings, clowns etc. in that small town that never made the news? Say it ain't so!


Maybe the names have been changed to protect the innocent!

You mean that Old Boots didn't father little Hope Alice with the ex-girlfriend of his gay son?

Dang. I was worried about the baby in the NICU. After the baby's mother recently died in a tragic car accident, Boots took off and turned over all rights to his ex. Little Hope, apparently, is still in the hospital and in need of preemie onesies. The Church Lady tweeted "Hope" off of (sic) Days Of Our Lives and told her the story and that the baby was named in honor of her character. I figure the "Alice" part of her name is in memory of Alice Horton, the matriarch of the Horton clan. I haven't watched that show since college days!

It's true, I tell you. Ladies of the Church would never lie.

Anyone care to join me in some really good piping hot Christmas Wassail?

swingsandroundabouts said... 58

I wonder why (because Jon is not her Juan Valdez anymore) the reason for the coffee bar in her bedroom, mere inches from her bed because Jon is making coffee for someone else and she is too lazy to get up and go down to the kitchen and make a pot.

Jon was Juan Valdez and Kate was his donkey.

Wowser said... 59

I was thinking about Andrea and how she gas left TFW ...maybe TFW needs to read her journals again and reflect on how unappreciative she is to the people who help her. She might actually realize that SHE is the problem and why "everyone leaves her". Found this little ditty in her journal. What an ungrateful bitch.

When I got back from school conferences, jen was doing okay with the five I had left her. (I had given Hannah the choice to go to Aunt Jodi’s or stay with Jen and she chose to go to Aunt Jodi’s and take Collin with her and I sent Mady too and I left Cara with Jen to help her) Jen did not have to change any ‘poopies’ so that was very good! Before I had left though, I had showed them how I wanted the dust to be vaccumed as it was happening so that I didn’t have a mess to clean up. It was such a bigger job than I had pictured and they were there bugging me and in my way til 5:15 pm!!!!! I was trying to be patient but it was hard….and I was really relieved when they were gone!

Wowser said... 60

And we don't need to wonder why Collin has PTSD and other issues

Oh I wanted to mention my stress melt down today. After dealing with insurance companies all day due to being sideswiped by the old lady in the Shillington farmers market parking lot and having to file those reports, then having Heather stop by unannounced and it was the girls first day back to school after vacation, then Alexis and her ear pain and trying to make her an appt to see the doctor at a retarded practice, I let the kids play for the first time in the water table that had beans in it instead…. Collin decided to pour the beans all over the floor while I was inside peeling potatoes, so the girls told me and I sent all the offenders inside. Well Collin didn’t like that I sent him in and when I was out in the garage, I heard three large bangs…I went inside and three highchairs were on the floor literally. I was instantly so SO angry, that I grabbed him and spanked him as hard as I could and thought I may seriously injure him so I sent him to his crib…. And whipped him into it very hard! I for the first time thought I may really lose it and am glad that I just let him in his crib til Jon came home! I have never felt that I may really seriously injure a child but today was that day!
I don’t know what it is about Collin! He is usually kind and caring and nice and tender but when his temper flairs…. Watch out! I don’t like that he doesn’t know how to handle his frustration and anger! I didn’t even get a chance to have him apologize to me because I had to drop everything and take Alexis to the doctor!

GollyGee said... 61

Wow, Wowser, she really is a Massive Monster.

Did she bribe Jen with,You don't have to change "poopies"? In order for her to stay?

Sound like it was pretty stressful at that moment! Kids to Aunt Jodys, Jen and Cara with some kids and having to take Alexis to the R dr.

Then why in the world would you super focus on freaking DUSTING?

Who cares! She has always made things SO HARD, at every juncture.

When Jon was helping the kids carve the pumpkins is a classic example of her mental illness. It is not normal to force him to stop doing it because she thought it was going to be a big mess.

A normal person would be happy and think, hey, I have plenty of time to go take a hot bath while he has them occupied for a while! But, no, not her. Mental illness kicks in, Jon is forced to stop carving the pumpkins, upsets the kids.

Good job! TFW!

She is truly mentally ill.

GollyGee said... 62

I don’t know what it is about Collin! He is usually kind and caring and nice and tender but when his temper flairs…. Watch out!


When she says watch out, she is not talking about Collins temper!

She is talking about herself and how she is going to react in response.

Her pride falleth can't come quick enough!

Mel said... 63

but when his temper flairs…. Watch out!


I was instantly so SO angry,

And she fails to see the irony in this?
Any question of where C gets his anger management issues??

FlimsyFlamsy said... 64

Mel (#63), absolutely. And worse -- she's the one who has TOOLS to help her control anger! She's an adult who should know other options: take a deep breath, step away for a minute, count to 10, remember words and actions have consequences, etc. Yet a tiny child, instinctively lashing out from anger and frustration, was expected to know better? And was doing bad things to p*ss her off? And should effing APOLOGIZE afterwards? Was a verbal apology good enough, or was she also expecting flowers and candy? An interpretive dance? A haiku?

TFW needs to start writing her next book: I Just Want To Tell You I'm Sorry. Dedicated to the 8 little childhoods she stole, and is continuing to ruin for all the world to watch.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 65

Reading about Jen and Jodi reminds me of TFW's ridiculous claims that she was the most exhausted, overwhelmed mother of all time, and didn't leave the house for 2 years.
When we know darn well she had Jen, Jodi and Kevin, Beth and Bob, Nana Janet (whom she was kind enough to ridicule on camera), Beverly, and who knows how many other volunteers and helpers. Not to mention the children's loving and caring dad, who had a full-time job away from home, but still came home and handled bath and bedtimes for the 8.

What is missing from TFW's soul that she needs to lie to get pity, acclaim and attention from total strangers? Wouldn't it be better to actually do esteemable acts for that attention? Or, better yet, to do them just because it's a wonderful way to live?

Turn out the lights said... 66

Don't forget the tax-payer funded full-time nurse the entire first year...
poor Katie, even though she claimed her 1 year old kids were 'disabled' (at 1 couldn't feed themselves, wtf), she still had an army of volunteers. She wanted ANOTHER year of state funded care.

MabelD said... 67

I wonder if Kate ever considered hiring a Collin look-alike from Central Casting and never have to mention his absence at all? ~ Administrator said... 68

When the girls were bothering Aaden while he was doing homework I think I remember seeing Hannah look at the camera. She does that a lot. She looks at the camera and then does something or delivers a line. I've seen her glance at the camera as if to make sure it's going to catch what she does next.


It's interesting to see, as they get older, how the kids react in different ways to filming. A few of them really do seem to get validation from the cameras. Hannah and Mady, namely. And Kate.

localyocul said... 69

Remember in the finale of the original K+*, the RV episode, how mean Cara was to Cole? I have a theory that she was mortified by it )or SOMETHING she said) afterword and has vowed to say as little as possible as a result.

localyocul said... 70

Wowser said... 60
And we don't need to wonder why Collin has PTSD and other issues


And he was, what, 2? When all those actions are developmentally appropriate...and she had 6-7 year olds watching the toddlers in the garage....

localyocul said... 71

Before I had left though, I had showed them how I wanted the dust to be vaccumed as it was happening so that I didn’t have a mess to clean up.


That's when they were getting their FREE renovations! And the crew mocked her in that episode showing how they made her use a dusbuster under the drill. What a nut!

Andrea said... 72

I wonder if any of the kids will link their behavior problems with Kate. Collin is the main victim. I think his problems stem from the abuse he suffered.

Rainbowsandunicorns said... 73

I was instantly so SO angry,

And she fails to see the irony in this?
Any question of where C gets his anger management issues??


What's the old saying...a fox can't smell its own hole?

Jeanne said... 74

Wowser, your book quote reminded me of something. On the last thread, someone asked about regular checkups for the kids and what the doctor saw in Colin. Your quote says she needed an appt at the "retarded practice." There was other stuff in the book about how the doctors refused to listen to her or refused to do what she wanted. I suspect even if a doctor saw Colin and told Kate to get him help, she would have dismissed the doctor as stupid.

Wowser said... 75

Anyway, today marks the fifth day of Aaden’s potty training and I thought he was doing extremely well UNTIL…right before lunch, I was in the kitchen making lunch and Hannah announced that ‘Aaden pooped on the floor’….and sure enough, he had pooped on the dining room floor in front of the sliding glass door!!! Tons of poop, squooshy poop and pee and had trailed it making heel prints on the wood floor! You know, that floor that I can’t clean with antibacterial stuff!!!! I screamed at the top of my lungs as I picked him up and another plop of poop rolled down his leg onto the floor!!!! I scrubbed and scrubbed and even used soap and water and toothpicks in the grooves to clean that nasty stinky crap up! I spanked aaden after all was clean because we are not dogs and by five days, I felt that he should be able to handle his functions a tad better! What a gross day!!!! And it’s not even over yet…. I am at the point where I dread what they will do next!!!! ~ Administrator said... 76

She has no patience for a baby with no bowel control. I can't imagine she somehow has some kind of saint like patience with a puppy with no bowel control.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 77

Admin (#75), and I found it weird that TFW would think her children not having any poopy diapers while the babysitter was there was some success story worthy of posting in her journal. Did she see pooping as some sort of failure or weakness? Her violent reactions during potty training seem to suggest that.

Wowser said... 78

The nerve! Toddlers who don't have the decency to act contrite when they do something wrong....WTF!! TFW is certifiable! If a judge doesn't see through this witch and save those kids...if it's not already too late..then I really fear for their futures. Collin may be the only one with a chance just because he's been removed from that house of horrors.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007 When I came up from nap, I found a site that only a burglar should make!!!! The one tall dresser was toppled, lying on its’ face. The lamp was scattered, the light bulb shattered with shards of glass everywhere. In addition to that, there was a two foot long and one foot high section of the wall that was peeled down to the brown part (into) the drywall!!!! Those pieces were strewn everywhere in the room. Then, the 'locked' box of lotions and potions was opened and on the floor with the contents smeared everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How do you like this day? This all happened while I was downstairs listening on the baby monitor thinking 'oh well, if they aren't going to sleep, at least they are playing nicely.'
Amazingly, no one was cut on the light bulb glass and the dresser didn't land on anyone!!!!! And they came down from ‘nap’ and acted like nothing had happened!!!! What nerve!
I am so exhausted, I don't even have energy to clean the kitchen!!!!! (I called Carla- who is helping me this summer- and we left for bible school and she cleaned the room for me! God bless her!!!!)

Wowser said... 79

What the hell does she have to be exhausted from!? The kids are in their beds for hours and she's listening on a monitor ...she should have "rented" her children for filming purposes and paid someone else to raise them because that's all they are to her...commodities

Localyocul said... 80

She's lucky that dresser didn't kill a toddler it happened near here a few years ago leading to the IKEA recall ~ Administrator said... 81

She's lucky that dresser didn't kill a toddler it happened near here a few years ago leading to the IKEA recall


She's very lucky a heck of a lot never happened to unsupervised toddlers.

I'm sorry if this disturbs anyone, but one of the most common kinds of deaths we see in foster care are a direct result of children being unsupervised. Toddlers killed by various things falling on them, getting stuck in tight places like between the bed and night table, drowning, eating laundry packets, wandering into the street. She is very lucky.

Deliverance said... 82

What I've never been able to figure out is how she could NOT hear a dresser fall over, especially with a baby monitor on. Even on a carpeted floor, I don't think a dresser falling over would not be heard.

I rather doubt she had the baby monitor on. She said in her journal that at least they were playing quietly if not sleeping. Six toddlers bringing down a dresser, a lamp falling to the floor, peeling wallpaper and they did all that without making a sound?


Anonymous said... 83

" least they are playing nicely" @ 78. The dresser fell over, the light bulb from the lamp shattered, glass everywhere and the wall damaged and with the monitor on she didn't hear a thing?..she must have been into the wine.


kris said... 84

Deliverance said #82...I rather doubt she had the baby monitor on. She said in her journal that at least they were playing quietly if not sleeping. Six toddlers bringing down a dresser, a lamp falling to the floor, peeling wallpaper and they did all that without making a sound?
Especially in a 2 story house. I lived in one and if downstairs, we could hear someone just walking across the floor upstairs, nevermind a DRESSER toppling over. If she didn't hear it, she was probably sound asleep. And how she did that, I don't know. I didn't sleep soundly until my kids were probably close to teenagers.

laurajean said... 85


Collin spilled the beans THEN....let's hope he's continuing to spill the beans NOW.

laura jean

FlimsyFlamsy said... 86

Laurajean (#85), wow, that was a good one! ~ Administrator said... 87

Unless you are paying your babysitter and also paying them extra to do housekeeping it's very rude to start asking them to do things outside the scope of normal babysitting duties.

Even if she is hellbent on them doing this, there were much nicer ways to word it, emphasizing she knows how difficult it is to watch 8 little ones, IF they can squeeze it in she would love it if this or that could happen. If not, no worries. Thank you for everything you do.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 88

Admin (#87), your comment just reminded me of something TFW said which makes sense now. She referred to people like Beth, and maybe Jodi, as "loving them (the G family) for all for the right reasons." Knowing what we know about TFW now,
I think that translated to, "do and do for us, and give and give to us, and expect nothing in return, because that's all you'll get."

Kylie said... 89

She is so lucky none of the toddlers were seriously hurt or even killed when that thing fell over.

laurajean said... 90

Thanks. On rare occasions my brain sometimes connects the dots, lol.


jamezvader1194 said... 91

Does anyone here think that the DrunkeninHines person on Kate's TL is a sock account?This person hasn't twitted anything since April 2011 and she comes back randomly to defend Kate from Concerned Chick on twitter.Its kinda odd and of course she deflects all of CC's arguments.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 92

I'm still trying to figure out how a bunch of toddlers MacGyvered their way into a
"locked" box of lotions and potions. I'm guessing it involved matchsticks, olive oil, and dental floss.

Anonymous said... 93

According to TLC Tuesday's show is about their visit to the Poconos. I think the Pocono area is less than 100 miles from the mansion. It's a beautiful area of the State and, being so close to home, I would have expected that they would have visited there before. Is this their first time there, or only the first time TLC is picking up the tab.


FlimsyFlamsy said... 94

Has Gladys checked in since her eye surgery? Did any of the fans ask how she was doing? All teasing aside, I do hope she's okay.

Rainbowsandunicorns said... 95

And how she did that, I don't know. I didn't sleep soundly until my kids were probably close to teenagers.


LOL!! I know what you mean. I haven't slept soundly or gotten a full night's uninterrupted sleep for quite some time, and I don't have to get up for nighttime feedings. I think it has something to do with that maternal instinct and internal clock. You just wake up and have to check on the kids!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 96

bm (#93), I think you answered your own question. If the cost had to come from her own pocket, I can't imagine TFW would have taken them there yet.

GollyGee said... 97

Laurajean (#85)


Comment of the Day!!!, um...the weekend!

Team Collin

Rainbowsandunicorns said... 98

The WV Church ladies are reporting that one of them has cancer and is going through chemo. I hope that's not a parody or a joke. There's nothing funny about that.

Kirkland said... 99

I hate to say this, and I've been reading this site for quite some time, but I have no idea what you all mean when you refer to the "church ladies". Obviously I missed something when they were first mentioned, and ever since, all I can do is wonder about the church ladies!

I must be the only one, everybody else seems to know about them. But can I ask, pretty please, for someone to clarify. Thank you kindly.

Rainbowsandunicorns said... 100

She has no patience for a baby with no bowel control. I can't imagine she somehow has some kind of saint like patience with a puppy with no bowel control.


With that stick and Gladys up hers, I'm just surprised she is able to control her own.

PA Dutch Mom said... 101

and the wall damaged and with the monitor on she didn't hear a thing?..she must have been into the wine.



Something much more potent than wine, like maybe an entire keg of Rumspringa.

Lynne In RI said... 102

A silly sheep asks:

欧阳明哲 ‏@Superman678123 3h3 hours ago
@kateplusmy8 When the kids were 3 and 6 you had a Christmas special. What do you think about doing one this year?

Oh, yes. Kate will be sure to cram that into this week's schedule. Of course, it may air at Easter if she's lucky, but what the heck.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 103

Lynne In RI (#102), maybe TFW can do a re-enactment of the Christmas special when she and Jon went around to the neighbors to deliver treats and thank them for their help, but with Steve instead. Except this time the neighbors will be sure to pull down the shades when they see her coming.

That was one of the unrealest reality moments: when J&K went to people's houses to surprise them, and, lo and behold, there were all home, and wearing their nicest clothes, and with hair and makeup done. Oh, and it was probably September. Merry Labor Day!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 104

Has TFW mentioned Christmas yet? The wrapping paper? The lists? The anticipated squeals of delight, times 8 -- oops, I mean, 7?

locaylyocul said... 105

I just saw a different commercial with different quads for a windows tablet LOL

locaylyocul said... 106

FlimsyFlamsy said... 104
Has TFW mentioned Christmas yet? The wrapping paper? The lists? The anticipated squeals of delight, times 8 -- oops, I mean, 7?


I'm hoping they are having to at least split the day this year

Sad but true said... 107

My posts don't seem to be making it through the last few days. So not sure if this will work.

The K8 FB page is being actively swiffered by TLC. There are three posts from last Tuesday (the 6th) that had well over 100 comments each---all the comments are now gone. I haven't seen them doing this before, I wonder if K8 demanded it.

As for K8, well, where the heck is she? No IGs whatsoever since the picture of the kids in a tree. And of course nothing on Twitter. TLC actually posted a preview clip yesterday on her TL; it got no RTs and only one like. Does the silence mean she's been cramming for her psych evaluation?

Turn out the lights said... 108

Speaking of Christmas, i wonder if Collin will be allowed to visit his family?

TLC stinks said... 109

There will be a photo of the mantel with 12 stockings (dogs included). So obvious. She likes to always do that photo every year to show what a yuggggge family she has. And Collin's will be there too even if he's not home. ~ Administrator said... 110

I just saw a different commercial with different quads for a windows tablet LOL


I swear I saw one with quad girls who were maybe 14. I can't remember what it was for though. I don't watch commercials that closely.

Sad but true said... 111

I spoke too soon, LOL. Pic of Hannah and #NookiePookie sleeping on Kate's LEATHER couch.

kateplusmy8 ALL NEW #KatePlus8 on @tlc TOMORROW at 10/9c #PuppiesAndPoconos #FirstVacationWithMakAndNanuq #SneakPeakPic #HannahAndNanuq

She really is clueless as to hashtag use, isn't she? And it's #SneakPeek, not Peak, you dolt.

kris said... 112

Lynne In RI said... 102
Of course, it may air at Easter if she's lucky, but what the heck.
Easter of 2018 - maybe! lol

Formerly Duped said... 113

Wow, Kate must keep her house hot if Hannah is in shorts and a tank! And I think the photo is cute but only to show off the child, dog and LEATHER couch!Definitely posed.

Not Christmassy at all.

Tucker's Mom said... 114

Turn out the lights said... 108
Speaking of Christmas, i wonder if Collin will be allowed to visit his family?
What possible reason could exist for Colin not to be home for Christmas? Can you even imagine being 12-years old and away at some facility for Christmas? For the holidays?
As a mother, you'd have to shoot me down to fend me away from taking my child home for Christmas.
If Colin isn't home for Christmas, then I think we pretty much know that he was taken from Kate, and not place voluntarily.

GollyGee said... 115

As a mother, you'd have to shoot me down to fend me away from taking my child home for Christmas.
If Colin isn't home for Christmas, then I think we pretty much know that he was taken from Kate, and not place voluntarily.


I hear you, Tucker's. Me, too!

Maybe he will be able to come home but go to Jon's house.

You know, the normal, non-mentally ill parent.

TLC stinks said... 116

Old picture, folks. This is what Kate does.

GollyGee said... 117

On Jon's IG, he had a gig this past Thursday at a club in Philly called, (seriously), The Gaslight!

There were several acts, I think 5 and the acts started early and worked their way up to Jon. He was the act right before the main act, his dj mentor.

I think he is doing great.

GollyGee said... 118

I pray Collin gets to come home to Jon's for Christmas.

You know she will hang a stocking for Collin to deflect that he is not there!

Deliverance said... 119

The photo of Hannah and Nanuq was taken when she (Nanuq) was 8 weeks old. She says that in the IG.

Tucker's Mom said... 120

I saw a brief snippet preview of tonight's show in the Poconos. Jeebus, there's Kate SCREAMING AND SCREECHING again. Heaven forbid she's not the center of attention

SaraMRN2010 said... 121

TLC stinks said... 116
Old picture, folks. This is what Kate does.
Definitely look how small Nanuq is. I have a theory about why Cara is so silent. She strikes me as the type that told H8 "You may be able to make me sit on that couch but you can't make me talk!" Just like she did on the Today show and the View. Besides C and now A I feel really bad for Cara. She was the one who seemed closest to Jon. They had similar interest. When she went skiing with him she seemed like a different happy child. M on the other hand has always acted like a mini H8. It is a sad situation all the way around for these children. Their gestational carrier has always found and picked out their faults. I remember on one episode she made fun of the way C dressed. I thought it was odd because she stated he wanted to wear nice dress shirts and she told him he couldn't. Does anyone else remember this?
And my guess will be that C will not be home for Christmas, however, as usual she will say they were able to visit him and had the most awesomeness time and he loved all of his gifts. Or she may just post a picture of the stockings hanging and a statement that she can't wait to have all of her babies home at Christmas.
I really also hope that she decides it is time for A and J to get braces. There is no excuse now because most kids have them by age 12. Just another way that she treats the men in her life. And what a shame it is because having been blessed with a girl and a boy, and I love my children equally, I love my relationship with my son. He and I are very close. My daughter and I are close but it is certainly a different closeness than I have with my so. She really has no clue what she is missing out on..........

NJGal51 said... 122

Here's the link for the commercial with the quad girls. I posted this @56 above. They are really pretty girls.

On Christmas morning, two twins simultaneously open their gifts and are elated to find Google Pixel phones on Verizon's network, which features no surprise overages. When an identical pair of girls enters the room, it's revealed that the twins are actually quadruplets, and all four of them are taking advantage of Verizon's deal on four phone lines with 20 GB of data. The siblings can't stop complimenting each other's outfits -- despite the fact that they're all wearing the same thing.
If TFW sees this commercial her head might just explode.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 123

Aww, look, TLC viewers, TFW is back to tweeting! The day before the new eppy!
And, oooh, there's "#HannahAndNanuq!"

To paraphrase Jeff Foxworthy, you might be a famewhore if you find yourself hashtagging your child's and dog's name. #MomLifeNOT

Sad but true said... 124

NJGal51 said... 122
. . .
If TFW sees this commercial her head might just explode.

Especially after she ruefully Twittered everyone last week that her 6-pack don't have phones becuz they're too expensive (as if). Look, K8, Verizon made a package just for you!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 125

I think bringing C home for Christmas could be disaster. Is TFW capable of putting his needs first, around the swirl of holiday excitement?

I would be thrilled to hear C was able to leave the facility and spend some time with his siblings and dad at Jon's place. I don't care if Jon is living in a refrigerator box on a curb somewhere -- I am confident it will be warmer than TFW's house.

Dmasy said... 126

I am in the Midwest visiting family for the holidays. Extended stay.

My widowed sister got re-married yesterday. A Great Nephew will be born on Thursday. Add to that several Christmas celebrations.

I am staying in my youngest sister's home. (It is equal in size to Kate's house.) The little fellow who will be born this week will be her 19th grandchild. The twentieth is due in March.

She served an impromptu dinner to 8 adults and 6 children last night.

Yes. There is noise, but no yelling. There is chaos, but it is happy. There are kids playing, but no hitting, pushing or bully behaviors.

I will be the child care provider for 7 children (ages 13 to 3) on Thursday while the important players are at the hospital for the birth.

No one would want to watch a TV show about this family. Although there are so many of us here, we aren't very exciting.

Kate is selling a "messy" arrangement that does not seem healthy for any of them. Stress and yelling and unkind behavior should not have to be a part of raising a large family.

My sister's family goes on a vacation all together every year. Hilton Head. Last year, they traveled and recreated with 32 bodies -- varying ages.

There also cats and dogs (no birds) involved in the individual homes.

How do they manage with out cameras and a network and lawyers and not-a-nanny-helpers?

I have more sympathy for the Gosselin family than interest in them.

Montrealaise said... 127

I don't know how reliable Radar Online is, but the gossip website is reporting that the facility that Colin is in has been the objects of several complaints and lawsuits, with one former staffer claiming it is understaffed and has seen patients escaping from the supposedly secure facility. He also says that the patients include recovering drug addicts and former convicts, and fights have broken out. Radar won't identify the facility, for privacy reasons, except to say that it's in the Philadelphia area.
Two questions: what is a special-needs child (yes, at 12, Colin is still a child) doing in a facility for adults, including drug addicts and ex-cons? And why does a gossip site know where he is but his own father does not?

FlimsyFlamsy said... 128

Dmasy (#126), I so appreciated your thoughtful comment. And it's gotten me thinking about the difference between a warm, functional household and the G compound. And, heaven help me, the best answer I can come up with

Again, I have no doubt that TFW loves her children. But for her, other things always seem to trump love. First and foremost, her own needs and wants. It's all well and good to be a narcissist, but when you have 8 souls who need nourishing and nurturing, well, it ain't gonna work.

I haven't watched the show in years, but it sounds like the overall vibe in the G house, and actually the family in general, is CHAOS. Stress, dissent, competition, challenges, unmet needs, disappointment, and generally negativity. Where is the warmth? The humor? The joy? The camaraderie? The stuff that truly makes memories -- not the golden platter nonsense TFW is always crowing about. I, too, sincerely have pity for those children.

NJGal51 said... 129

Sad but true said... 124
NJGal51 said... 122
. . .
If TFW sees this commercial her head might just explode.

Especially after she ruefully Twittered everyone last week that her 6-pack don't have phones becuz they're too expensive (as if). Look, K8, Verizon made a package just for you!
I'd forgotten about that! Maybe she tweeted that because she's already seen the commercial and is hoping for an endorsement deal.

Tucker's Mom said... 130

My sister's family goes on a vacation all together every year. Hilton Head. Last year, they traveled and recreated with 32 bodies -- varying ages.

There also cats and dogs (no birds) involved in the individual homes.

How do they manage with out cameras and a network and lawyers and not-a-nanny-helpers?

I have more sympathy for the Gosselin family than interest in them.
With so much going on with big families, of course there's a bit of chaos. But it's the energy that's different.
Kate puts out such negative energy, and so do most of the kids, with yelling, fighting, hitting and just being all around prickly.
That house always seems cold to me.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 131

Montrealaise said (#127), I think you're new here -- if so, welcome!

Yes, that Radar story, if accurate, was disturbing. Especially since I think, on some levels, C seems to be a "young" 12. Not criticizing him at all -- it just seems like having the kids in a pack restricted and/or inhibited the tups in some ways.

I do hope by now Jon has found out where C is, and is taking steps to have things work out better in the future -- whatever that looks like.

Tucker's Mom said... 132

She served an impromptu dinner to 8 adults and 6 children last night.
Did she make everyone line up and slop food onto their plates?
How were the kids' manners compared to the Gosselins, who still don't understand basic etiquette and chew with their mouths open?

Tucker's Mom said... 133

Especially after she ruefully Twittered everyone last week that her 6-pack don't have phones becuz they're too expensive (as if). Look, K8, Verizon made a package just for you!
The ONLY reason the tups don't have phones is so that Kate can control them-mostly from being in touch with Jon whenever and wherever they wish.
If Kate can pamper herself lavishly with spas, tanning and trips to NYC just to get her hair done, her kids should not be without phones AND computers.

Susan1956 said... 134

Sad but true said... 107

As for K8, well, where the heck is she? No IGs whatsoever since the picture of the kids in a tree. And of course nothing on Twitter. TLC actually posted a preview clip yesterday on her TL; it got no RTs and only one like. Does the silence mean she's been cramming for her psych evaluation?
I think her absence is a combination of sleeping, meeting with her lawyer(s), and transporting herself and the kids to the psych evaluations. A good psych evaluation is not done in a day and I hope the doctor(s)spend several sessions with her.

Dmasy said... 135

Tucker's Mom -- you probably weren't asking for a serious response!

Sister manages with a casual and efficient style. She had smoked a turkey earlier in the week. She added the left over meat to a savory home made broth.

As more people arrived, more rice noodles were added to the large pot.

Three of us helped her make the steamed sides. Thin sliced radishes, chopped leeks, edamame, mushrooms and fresh carrots were put onto attractive platters.

Everyone was served a generous bowl of the Asian noodle soup. Individual choices were made from a family style array of additions.

Did a mention there are two bread makers here? (They don't slice!) We had chunks of bread from loaves made the day before -- two different recipes.

Brownies and fresh fruit for dessert.

Easy. Lots of helping hands. The conversation was the best ingredient!

GollyGee said... 136

Dmasy, your family "recap"', lol, was so precious and dreamy!

If the Beasto Maresto would have took her meds, behaved, didn't abuse ANYTHING or ANYBODY, did a birth special then update like the Dillys or Bobbie M's kids did, (rarely), worked as a RN, let Jon work, put the kids in public schools, let the ones that needed to be held back when they should have and the ones that needed to advance, go to the next level, put them extra activities and sports, negotiated a contract for the birth special and one update special per year till 18 and in exchange for that, TLC actually buy the house for them outright and give them a deed for it, a small salary for filming the specials, she would of had it made.

SaraMRN2010 said... 137

While it is true she would have been very well taking care of, I don't think the majority of her money came from the show itself. She had a lucrative speaking contract thanks to JMC and a best selling book thanks to Beth. Also, I think she got some good financial advise regarding investments. At the height of the show her mug was everywhere. I know she did several Southern Women shows (although I do not know if one gets paid for that) and let's not forget all the love offerings and photos they sold.
She certainly sold her children out for the show but after the 2nd season she didn't need to film them anymore because "people" loved her or I should say how TLC portrayed her, as the do it all mother with no help.
I really wish one of the news programs would get in touch with Robert about his book. She needs to be brought down for her abuse.

Tucker's Mom said... 138

I really wish one of the news programs would get in touch with Robert about his book. She needs to be brought down for her abuse.
The fact that she abused Colin has me in agreeance with you. I don't rule out that Colin might have closed head injury from Kate hitting and tossing him. ~ Administrator said... 139

Oh, definitely. There were many people who commented as such when that Today show disaster happened. People thought the girls, especially Cara, were telling their mom to "shove it", in a passive way.
Those kids will find a way to control their lives, on way or another.


Cara has learned she can sit on the couch but Kate can't make her speak. Soon Cara will learn she has to live with her mother but Kate can't make her sit on the couch. Eventually she will learn actually Kate can't make her live there either.

Kate's method of dealing with her is only going to make her go all the faster. Like I explained in the recap the only way she can force compliance out of her is to ambush her. I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't tell her about filming until they're knocking on the door. This method will BACKFIRE.

Layla said... 140

I just saw an ad for this season of K+8. There were clips of Kate (yelling or making her "I'm so stressed" face) and the kids, interspersed with clips ofq a cartoon mother pig with dozens of little piglets. Turn out it was a joint advertisement for K+8 and a move called "Sing". Very, very weird.

I also see that there is no 6pm episode of K+8 tomorrow. Here was an episode at 6 last week, it tomorrow there is a show called Long Lost Family instead. ~ Administrator said... 141

Here was an episode at 6 last week, it tomorrow there is a show called Long Lost Family instead.


You sure that's not the same show?

GollyGee said... 142

Admin said...139


I couldn't agree more!

It will happen and we will see TFW AND Mady on the interview couch together, chatting and drinking like
Kathy Lee Gifford and Hoda. Mady will be 21, of course!

Tucker's Mom said... 143

Kate's method of dealing with her is only going to make her go all the faster. Like I explained in the recap the only way she can force compliance out of her is to ambush her. I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't tell her about filming until they're knocking on the door. This method will BACKFIRE.
I get the feeling that Cara isn't fully on board with rejecting her father. I bet she feels that if she's out of lock-step with Mady and Kate, her life will be a living hell, with punitive measures taken. ~ Administrator said... 144

So the purpose of your ridiculous recaps is to "explain" things to others. I guess you think people are too stupid to figure things out without your "help" and reach their own conclusions.


No, I explained what happened because many people who read the recaps aren't even watching these episodes. I do not go into the recap assuming you have watched and can see for yourself what Kate is doing to that child. If you have watched, you're free to have a different opinion.

TLC stinks said... 145

I am sure she is quite well off financially. That's why the coupon thing failed. She hasn't a clue in real life. Her poor mouth pleading is insulting to anyone with half a brain.

TLC stinks said... 146

When Cara matures, she won't put up with Mady controlling her. The best thing she can do for herself is not go to the same college as Mady (if Mady goes to college but instead is talked into some career to benefit mom). Cara is one girl that will leave and will never look back.

Tucker's Mom said... 147

Half support this terrorist group? Am I understanding this right?

Yes, they do. They think America is imperialistic and represses Muslims through the world, and support sharia law -- and these were the Hillary voters... The ones against Al-Queda voted for Trump. Needless to say, those two groups were not verbalizing their positions to each other... Yet both groups love their freedom of speech here...
OMG. Please, we don't need you to fend for us, troll. Admin's recaps are fun and often hysterical. Really a blog highlight.
Always have been!
The recaps capture the essence of each show and those that don't watch get a good feel for what was shown.
Admin has a knack for the funny bone.

This season, more than ever, I look forward to the recaps because not only did Kate continue to soldier on and film the crap out of the remaining children, without Colin, I think we're seeing the manifestation of years of using them for fame and money, abuse, neglect and the destruction of their family.

localyocul said... 148

Didn't TFW subscribe to this?

pym said... 149

Thank you for your ridiculous recaps, Admin. Heaven knows, I don't want to watch it myself and I enjoy your take on it all and also for the other posters points of view (or is it point of views?) Sounds like someone can't quite grasp the whole point of this blog.

jamezvader1194 said... 150

@Tucker's Mom I hope so to.Like someone here said,Cara was so close to Jon and i think during the People interview Cara didn't really say much about Jon.I don't know about Alexis and Collin though.Its odd how Hannah and Leah picked up on Kate's competitive attitude yet they still go to Jon.I would think they'd be the ones not going but thankfully they do. ~ Administrator said... 151

Wow, and you call Kate fans "sheeple?" People should watch for themselves and form their own conclusions, not rely on someone else to "explain." (I have not watched this season and therefore have not formed an opinion. Why would I want to rely on you or anyone else to do that for me?)


You are taking a WAY too literal definition of explain. Calm down.

It's not meant to say "let me explain something to you" as if the other party doesn't or can't understand or has the wrong idea. I am using the word more informally, to mean, simply, to tell. Like many words in the English language it is used to mean various different things. One more literal, one more interchangeably with more general telling. If you are taking it in such a patronizing manner and refusing to accept its other well known meanings, that's on you.

Tucker's Mom said... 152

localyocul said... 147
Didn't TFW subscribe to this?

She took away the magic of Santa Claus because heaven forbid that she not get personally thanked for putting presents under the tree. Heaven forbid Santa take the credit.
If and when Kate does what moms are supposed to do, like feed their kids, she darn well is going to need a robust thank you.

Tucker's Mom said... 153

Wow, and you call Kate fans "sheeple?" People should watch for themselves and form their own conclusions, not rely on someone else to "explain." (I have not watched this season and therefore have not formed an opinion. Why would I want to rely on you or anyone else to do that for me?)


You are taking a WAY too literal definition of explain. Calm down.
IF I watched, I'd still look forward to Admin's recaps because they're hysterical My God, go yuck someone's yum somewhere else.
Why come here just to antagonize?

Sad but true said... 154 ~ Administrator said... 150

Wow, and you call Kate fans "sheeple?" People should watch for themselves and form their own conclusions, not rely on someone else to "explain." (I have not watched this season and therefore have not formed an opinion. Why would I want to rely on you or anyone else to do that for me?)

Wow, has this person never read anything that qualified as snark? FYI, I don't watch because, having seen K8 + 8 puppets in any number of clips and talk shows over the years, I know that I find her repulsive and feel very sorry for the kids. And what the "cast and crew" do in these farcical semi-scripted episodes is of no interest to me, EXCEPT insofar as it may or may not reflect changes in the family dynamic. Or more Botox on K8's face. If you're reading Admin's recaps thinking she's "explaining" the episode to anyone, I'd have to call you disingenuous at best and a real fun-sucker at worst. If you can't be somewhat light-hearted here, I don't think this is the blog for you.

JustMissy said... 155

Admin - I watch the show (you know... For the good of the blog...) and I love your recaps. Don't let this troll get to you. The show is incredibly boring and repetitive and sometimes I feel like I'm taking crazy pills when I watch it. It's good to hear another person's take and I find myself saying "oh yeah, I forgot about that part. That was truly awful!"

FlimsyFlamsy said... 156

Pym (#148), I also love the ridiculous recaps!
Ridiculous Recaps for Bitter, Black-hearted Busybodies! Now there's a blog title. Kinda has a Dr. Seuss feel to it, no?

One day I'll figure out the reasoning behind spending hours and hours reading and dissecting a blog someone hates, with an administrator they despise. But I'm enjoying some Starbucks hot cocoa right now, so I don't want to harsh my groove.

Over And Out said... 157

I think that one or more of the sheeple trolls was suspended, is bored, and once again found his/her way here. Pathetic.


How can you not cry after reading this?

Sandi said... 158

Ima thinking the troll wears a very fishy santa hat!
Such a lonely troll with so much to say and nobody around to listen.

PA Dutch Mom said... 159

One day I'll figure out the reasoning behind spending hours and hours reading and dissecting a blog someone hates, with an administrator they despise. But I'm enjoying some Starbucks hot cocoa right now, so I don't want to harsh my groove.



It's not worth the intensification of it all. It's much more satisfying to simply enjoy seasonal Gemutlichkeit with good friends, family, and a cup of Starbucks hot chocolate, or a hot spiced buttered rum.

ncgirl said... 160

I enjoy the recaps and we need the humor because the show is so boring. Snarking on bad TV is something people on the Internet enjoy. I haven't watched a show since Jon and Kate divorced.

MamaC said... 161

fyi Admin. ...I for one appreciate NOT having to watch the train wreck anymore, but am grateful for knowledge on how those kids appear to be doing. Not so well from the sounds of it. Thank you for the updates.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 162

ncgirl (#160), I stopped watching around the same time as you did. I think my official last episode was when they moved into the new house, and TFW cleaned the refrigerator for 4 hours instead of helping her 8 kids acclimate to their new environment. Because as we all know, what's most important to children's emotional well being is sparkling appliances. Oh, and golden platters.

JoyinVirginia said... 163

Troll person, the recaps are funny! The Interwebs are a big place, you can certainly find somewhere else to hang out that will be more top your liking. How about the Free Jinger site, all about everything Duggar? They criticize lots more people over there! And they have lots of snark! So fun!
Our you could always spend time with the real life children in your family, if there are any. There is lots to do top get ready for the holidays, go drive around and look at lights or something else fun!
Admin, please keep up with the recaps. ~ Administrator said... 164

Admin, please keep up with the recaps.


No, I'm stopping the recaps because a sheeple enlightened me that I need to stop explaining the show to people and just let people form their own opinions about this hot mess and stop being my sheeple. Thank goodness that was finally pointed out to me. All this time.

Sandi said... 165

Lets back up a bit! You do not explain the show to us, you give it life! That show died long ago! The recaps are so fun!

njay said... 166

This nursery rhyme hit me while I was reading. It really cracked me up. It's so perfect. There was an old woman who lived in a shoe.

Sad but true said... 167

I wonder if this is some sort of calculated back-door way of drumming up interest in tonight's episode. I.e., planted by K8/TLC. Interesting how all these articles use the word "spanked" when even K8 (IIRC) uses the word "beat" in her diaries. I think there's a qualitative difference there.

localyocul said... 168

I saw the commercial again! They are the Hulford quads and they are 14

They are identical quadruplets! Not from engineering multiples

Layla said... 169

Admin (163)

But what about those of us who don't watch the show? Your recaps are far more entertaining than that craptastic display could ever be. I think the steeple are just in a panic about the ratings and hope that we will watch the show if you don't do recaps for us. It's all about desperation (on their part). Well, that's not going to work. We want recaps! And even if you stop doing them, there are lots of us who won't watch.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 170

Layla (#169), I think Admin was just teasing her fangirl with that comment. I'm afraid she's stuck writing the recaps, what with us saying we like them so much. If they were lousy, she'd be off the hook.

So, will the ratings continue to plunge tonight? Is TFW getting nervous yet, or is she impervious to the regular emotions of the non-narc world?

FlimsyFlamsy said... 171

I'm still shocked at how casually TFW dealt with the child abuse question on GMA. Oh, well, sure, that's just part of being famous. She was perfectly comfortable pretending that a big ol' D-lister like herself has sparked a laundry list of fake investigations in Pennsylvania. Why bother with superstar moms like Jennifer Garner, Gwen Stefani or Gwyneth Paltrow, when you can hound small-potatoes Katie Irene Gosselin and
drum up fake news to try to take food from her babies' mouths?

And let's say TFW really and truly believed she was being framed, and that people erroneously believed she was a "monster mom." Wouldn't THAT be reason enough to shut this whole awful circus down?

Tucker's Mom said... 172

FlimsyFlamsy said... 171
I'm still shocked at how casually TFW dealt with the child abuse question on GMA. Oh, well, sure, that's just part of being famous. She was perfectly comfortable pretending that a big ol' D-lister like herself has sparked a laundry list of fake investigations in Pennsylvania. Why bother with superstar moms like Jennifer Garner, Gwen Stefani or Gwyneth Paltrow, when you can hound small-potatoes Katie Irene Gosselin and
drum up fake news to try to take food from her babies' mouths?
As I watched that interview, I saw a woman who is very pleased that she's gotten away with it for so long. She was pleased as punch to offer that, nope, she hasn't been charged with anything, despite numerous investigations.

Tucker's Mom said... 173

And let's say TFW really and truly believed she was being framed, and that people erroneously believed she was a "monster mom." Wouldn't THAT be reason enough to shut this whole awful circus down?
Yes. Most moms would be at least a little upset, but Kate isn't at all. She's defiant.

Sad but true said... 174

New IG.

kateplusmy8 'Santa's helper' overseeing the workshop!:) #Shoka

Kate threw some wrapping paper on the floor and Shoka's watching from the couch. Scintillating.

Sad but true said... 175

Re the new IG, it's interesting that most everything in Kate's house happens in her bedroom. Reinforcing the notion that she spends most of her time there.

TLC stinks said... 176

Because she wraps gifts, that makes her a good mom? Her sheeple are pathetic. Same thing as last year, a picture from her bedroom with wrapping paper.

As far as not being charged with anything, that may have happened in the past and accusations were deemed unfounded because there was no proof, but now there is a child speaking out. She should not be so smug.

Sad but true said... 177

We're trying very hard today. See, TLC?

carleneigras1 He says, "Which one is mine, Mom?"

kateplusmy8 Um. I'm embarrassed. There's an entire box of pet gifts to wrap too... Kinda feels useless to wrap them except my kids LOVE opening them with them!:) And I get them stuff they 'need'! This years main dog item? A gps unit for each! Great sale and I need to know where they are!:)OH! And stockings too for each of them, filled with treats (lots of good sales this time of year on organic dog treats so I stock up!) :) @carleneigras1

Well, of course the dogs will have stockings! She's had Shoka for 8 years, and he needs a dog tracker now? Maybe in order to know when he's almost under the wheels of her BBB. Because if he's off property, she's surely not going to get off her butt and go find him.

TLC stinks said... 178

Because PA won't release information regarding past and present investigations, she thinks she can get away with acting unconcerned and saying she is a target because she is a celebrity. She can play it her way. At least Radar is investigating.

Layla said... 179

FlimsyFlamsy (170)

I know admin was teasing. You just have to wonder why the sheep get so bent out of shape about this little ol' blog. They are obsessed. Now that ratings are tanking, there's obviously some desperation there too. I find it rather funny.

I don't know about tonight. This is the puppies episode. If puppies can't help, then what will it take? The next 3 weeks will be interesting. First the puppies, then two weeks during the holidays when people can stay up later. If these 3 weeks don't see a major jump, then the show is done (for viewers, at least).

Jamesvader1194 said... 180

@Layla (169) I was thinking the same thing.Honestly none of us have to watch the show to form our own opinions.I've seen some scenes that people here highlight such as the Collin gift to Kate to see if it was as bad as people say it is and of course it was.Also i don't think people here are suddenly going to change their minds about Kate if we see a scene where she does something good.

Jamesvader1194 said... 181

@TLC stinks In the last picture of Hannah and "Nookie",some of the fans thought it was a picture taken yesterday and that Hannah was sick even when Kate clearly said in the description that it was an old photo.SMH at least Kate knows that when she uploads a picture her fans will believe it was a recent picture.

FYI said... 182

I found a list of the remaining episodes.

Season 5 - Episode 3 : Puppies & Poconos
Dec 13, 2016
Competition, chaos and family fun abound when Kate and the kids take on archery tag, tubing and new puppies in the Poconos.

Season 5 - Episode 4 : Gosselins in Space
Dec 20, 2016
The Gosselins travel to Alabama to go to Space Camp; Kate and the kids explore NASA and become astronauts for the day.

Season 5 - Episode 5 : Beach Time!
Dec 27, 2016
Kate and the kids explore the Alabama beach shores during summer vacation, with kayaking, parasailing and a family Segway tour; back at home, the family trains their adorable puppies.

Season 5 - Episode 6 : Sweet 16
Jan 3, 2017
Kate allows Mady and Cara to plan their own sweet 16 party, and tensions run high; Kate finds the moment bittersweet, while the twins are just happy to be with their friends.

Season 5 - Episode 7 : Game Night
Jan 10, 2017
Mady hosts a family game show where Kate and the kids answer questions about past episodes and adventures.

So they filmed not one, not two, but THREE vacation episodes-New Orleans, Poconos and an Alabama beach trip.

Just your "average" American family.

Collin will be in the last episode so expect the fans to think that he is back home.

Layla said... 183


Agreed, it's like they think we'll change our minds if we actually watch the show. As if we'd suddenly realize that nonstop screaming and fighting is actually chaotic fun! Eye rolls are drama at its finest!
Fat chance.

Tucker's Mom said... 184

Because if he's off property, she's surely not going to get off her butt and go find him.
Exactly. When your dog is running off property, in the street or co-mingling with coyote and wolves/coywolves on your property, it's already too late.
I hope her dogs are chipped.

Tucker's Mom said... 185

Collin will be in the last episode so expect the fans to think that he is back home.
Yeah, that's no coincidence that Kate and TLC bookended the season with Colin. He's not home, folks. Gone for about half a YEAR now.

Layla said... 186

Only 7 episodes? I think the 10-year thing was suppos to be a special, but they must have just added it on to make an 8-episode season. Out of ideas, perhaps? Why not another trip? Or did someone at TLC finally caught on to the fact that people are sick of watching the Gs go on trips. And have birthday parties. And go shopping. And "look back". And they realized that there was nothing left to film. Now what are they supposed to do?

Kate's Fetid Soul said... 187

You know, reading that up and coming episode list reminds me of a saying:

If you take a big pile of sh*t, place it in a beautiful box, wrap it with lovely paper, and a gorgeous big bow- in the end, it's still a big pile of sh*t.

TLC stinks said... 188

LOL. I called it because now she admits there are stockings for the dogs...a picture of ALL the stockings hanging from the mantle is assured. Including Collin's, I assume, and I hope he is home at Xmas or with Jon.

My son attended Space Camp many years ago. He went for an entire week. A one day dash for filming will accomplish nothing if any of those kids have interest in space. I don't blame Space Camp for allowing the filming because it is publicity, but the real deal with Space Camp is to enjoy it away from home. It's A CAMP for CAMPERS. God forbid any of those kids ever get to go to a camp for a week.

LOL, the EIGHT episode season must be in her contract. If she's still making $40k an episode, that's a nice salary plus the freebies. Is she worth it? We'll see if she's renewed.

Tucker's Mom said... 189

Kate's Fetid Soul said... 187
You know, reading that up and coming episode list reminds me of a saying:

If you take a big pile of sh*t, place it in a beautiful box, wrap it with lovely paper, and a gorgeous big bow- in the end, it's still a big pile of sh*t.
December 13, 2016 at 9:14 AM
It's the old lipstick on a pig scenario. Amazing that TlC and Kate are still trying to spin silk from a sow's ear.
Love your screen name, btw!

Tucker's Mom said... 190

My son attended Space Camp many years ago. He went for an entire week. A one day dash for filming will accomplish nothing if any of those kids have interest in space. I don't blame Space Camp for allowing the filming because it is publicity, but the real deal with Space Camp is to enjoy it away from home. It's A CAMP for CAMPERS. God forbid any of those kids ever get to go to a camp for a week.
If that camp wouldn't allow Kate to stay over and be the center of attention, those kids wouldn't be staying there.
Interesting that it's a week experience. If they're there for just a day, what a shame.
Set up the shot, film kids. Cut and scene.

Sad but true said... 191

Kate is a twit said... 182

So basically, FOUR episodes in a row are vacation? Or HALF of all the new episodes this "season"? Bet that wasn't meant to happen like that, but since Kate had to monkey with the timeline in order to deceive people about Collin's presence/absence, you end up with three vacations in a row. Yeah, that's some realest reality right there.

Sad but true said... 192

So TLC has finally posted a clip of tonight's show on the K8 FB page (not quite an hour ago, lol). Only two comments so far, one of which was this:

XXXXX my dream came true kate on a inflatable.!!!!!!! gatta see the bikini.

Viewers will get TWO episodes full of rockin'-bikini-bod K8 this season. Yuck.

Sad but true said... 193

And People is AGAIN acting as a promoter of K8's show this week. Unbelievable. And once again, Kate is "facing her fear"---of what? WATER? I guess there must be some truth to the Wicked Witch of the West theory after all.

"She may have her hands full, but even mother of eight Kate Gosselin enjoys a wild ride out on the lake!

In an exclusive sneak peek at Tuesday night’s episode of Kate Plus 8, Gosselin enjoys a boat ride with her kids and joins in on the fun of tubing.

After observing her children ride an inflatable tube at the back of the family boat, the TLC star decides she wants in on the activity.

“It was genuinely exciting to watch Kara and Marley take the wildest ride in the whole wide world and still be like, ‘Yep, we’re okay,’ ” Kate, 41 says in the clip. “I was definitely nervous to go after watching them, but I knew the boys didn’t tip and get lost at sea, so I figured I had a chance of surviving.”

Kate proceeds to face her fear and enjoy a ride next to her son, Joel — but not before releasing a few squeals about the temperature of the lake.

“Ew, it’s cold! It’s like you peed yourself four hours ago,” she says upon entering the inflatable tube that is filled with water.

And what do the kids think about their mom enjoying the boat waves? “Um, how she does everything: over-dramatically and screaming,” twin Mady says of how her mom did on the ride.

“I went with mommy tubing and she screamed the whole time,” Joel explains in the clip.

But although she was loud, Kate was thankful for her son by her side, who endured the loud screams with a laugh.

“I was so thankful for Joel. I screamed at loud decibels and thought maybe that I injured his hearing for life,” Kate admits. “But he was a good sport and he was actually very comforting to me.”

Who are "Kara and Marley"? Stand-ins for Cara and Mady? The nannies for this episode? LOL

Sad but true said... 194

Season 5 - Episode 4 : Gosselins in Space
Dec 20, 2016
The Gosselins travel to Alabama to go to Space Camp; Kate and the kids explore NASA and become astronauts for the day.

Umm, the Space Camp in Alabama has no connection with NASA besides some alumni. Besides the routine spelling errors on the K8 FB page, you'd think those danged interns could check Wikipedia before posting something like this. NASA would surely disavow any connection to K8 Gosselin.

Deliverance said... 195

Kate and the kids explore NASA and become astronauts for the day.


That should be interesting. Kate couldn't figure out what was in an insectorium even after she "researched."

I wonder what she expects to see at NASA and will there be anything screech-worthy? Maybe she can go into a zero gravity chamber. Surely she can screech or whine or make some kind of an ass of herself. Can you chomp and pop gum in a zero gravity chamber?

Deliverance said... 196

I guess that's the big draw now, Kate screaming. "Pop a Valium, tune in and watch Kate screech like a banshee."

FYI said... 197

Another preview clip from tonight's episode. It shows them playing archery tag.

I noticed that Marley is in this episode.

Layla said... 198

Space Camp is for kids. Poor G kids could only go for a day because their shallow-as-a-pie-pan mother simply cannot allow any filming to be done without her. She just could not let any activity be done without her. Perhaps she was afraid that the kids wouldn't scream and hand-flap enough to keep viewers interested.

I am predicting that the twins' 16th b-day is going to get the worst ratings this season. People deliberately avoid watching because of the twins, and TLC thought it was a good idea to make a whole episode about them? What genius came up with that? Probably Kate. Oh, and the family game is going to have low ratings, too. You can call it a game, but it's just another looking back episode and people are pretty sick of those. It's up to the puppies to save the show. The pressure's on you, pups.

Anonymous said... 199

With three of the episodes taking place in the South it makes me wonder if they only took one big trip. You've got Space Camp in Huntsville, AL; the beach in Gulf Shores, AL; and the trip to New Orleans, LA which is only a couple hundred miles away. Nice, easy driving time of about three hours between each of the stops. It is just a little too coincidental.

I remember the sightings in New Orleans, but do we have any idea when she was in AL? If it was all at one time it sounds like TLC may have tried to get by on the cheap and knock out three episodes at once. It will be sad for the kids though. They would have had to work nonstop the whole time.


Anonymous said... 200

Sad but true (193),

Marley is their friend who has been on trips with them in the past. "Kara" just seems to be a careless typo.


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