Monday, January 30, 2017

Recap: Kate Plus 8 "Puppies & Poconos": 'Now on TLCgo i.e. TLCno!'

Coming up on Kate Plus 8! They're taking a family vacation to Kellerman's! Oh wait, darn, it's just the Poconos.  Also, they get some puppies. What does this have to do with the Poconos, you ask? Well, they both begin with "P", so some producer somewhere thought it would be cute to lump the two story lines together.

Sometimes it's interesting to pause and read what you can find on the screen that isn't shown long enough to read at normal speeds. For the heck of it I pause on the clapperboard, which reveals that the Tup girls' couch interviews were filmed on 9-18-2016, which was a Sunday. Kate really is getting to the end of the line here when kids are going to cooperate with giving up even a portion of their weekend to doing work like this. I predict a lot of bribes will be necessary in her future.

Why is Kate yelling and clapping at her kids? Apparently she wants them to put their bags out by the van. Well, then ask them to do that in a normal tone like a normal person, what's with all the hollering? It's never more prevalent how much snipping and sniping she does to her kids. I've commented about it several times, and it just never lets up. The kids are going to resent it, and resent it very deeply, if they don't already. How awful to constantly have someone speaking to you in such a high-stress, negative tone. I couldn't stand it.

Mak and Nanuq are the puppies, and Kate's cradling one like a newborn. Ha, and he loves being babied as puppies, and even grown-up dogs often do. Aww, doggie babying. It's just so fun.

They just got the puppies so they decide to take them along on the trip. More yelling about diaper bags and getting in the car. They pile into the car and are ready to go when they suddenly realize they forgot to load the puppies. Ha, my parents did that to me once, when I was maybe two months old. They piled themselves and all my crap and all their crap in the car and nearly got a block down the road before realizing they didn't have me. They burned rubber getting back home to the baby. Apparently when they found me I was just quietly sitting in my carseat on the kitchen table contemplating what I would do with myself now that I was all alone in the world. I was fine. They laughed it off and still tell the story today. Instead of taking it in stride, Kate freaks out, doesn't see the humor in any of this, and yells and screams at the kids to go get the dogs. Good grief, it was just an honest mistake. Something got lost in the communication of who would load what into the car. With nine people it's bound to happen. At least you didn't arrive in the Poconos without the puppies you intended to take with you, now that's a problem! Interestingly enough, the boys are the only ones to explain how this happened. Hannah was supposed to be watching them and I guess she flaked. It's just one of dozens of examples of both the girls likely covering for each other, as well as Kate not pinning the blame on who was the real offender as long as she is one of the girls or has some kind of favored status.

They arrive at their spacious lake house rental. The puppies got car sick and have diarrhea, which Kate claims makes her feel bad. That's fine to have a little empathy, but at the same time, I really support bringing puppies along wherever you go if at all possible, even if they are young and getting sick (as long as it's safe to do so, like they have their shots). Not only is it an excellent opportunity for socialization to get them out of their comfort zone, but you can begin to get the pups used to traveling, which in my opinion is one of the most enjoyable things about having a dog, taking him along on your adventures large and small. The diarrhea and car sickness will mostly likely go away once the pups realize that traveling is the time of your life and nothing to fear.

Ha, does this count as a humble brag? The vast house, which has stone fireplaces and gorgeous hardwood flooring, has a difficult layout for Kate. I'm so sorry your vacation is hard.

Oh my god, the kids need to grow the F up already, especially the girls. They're immediately bickering over Kate's selection of bathrooms for them. For all the nagging Kate does, she so rarely corrects them over the major stuff, like frankly, being spoiled about the stupid bathrooms. It's like she can't issue spot when it comes to her kids. Do the girls have any idea that when most normal families take vacations you are very, very lucky to even have more than one bathroom to fight over? Try getting a family of four or five showered and ready for a busy day on vacation with just one Red Roof Inn shower and sink and the T.V. only gets four channels and the ice machine is out of order. It's no picnic. Another failing on Kate's part, not impressing upon them that nothing about most of their vacations is average or normal.

Once unloaded, they head to the lake, which looks just like pretty much every lake I ever camped at as a child. Classic East Coast summers. The kids play on rafts, paddle boards and with squirt guns. Shockingly, Kate remarks that she can't swim. But she has a pool at the house, and frequently takes the children on vacations that involve lakes, oceans and pools. Irresponsible and reckless, pure and simple.

Next up, some fishing from one of the docks. There's a brief shot of some guy in a red shirt and shorts who appears to be helping them fish, but they never explain who he is.

The next day, we begin with a sweeping shot of the house rental, and it's gigantic. It doesn't even fit in the frame. What an amazing vacation, and one that not a single one of these people seem to really appreciate.

Kate screaming and hollering at the kids, from inside, asking whether the puppies peed and pooped, really interferes with enjoying how absolutely adorable the pups are. Shut up, Doofus. If she really must know right then, why can't she walk outside and ask the children in a calm, normal volume tone whether the pups went potty? I don't understand it.

Next they head to Triple W Stable, where we will get to watch other people's kids ride horses. Lol, Kate, who clearly has no idea how to ride, is giving instructions to the kids about riding, like don't let go of the horn. That's what she said.

Great edit by TLC, where they cut to the riding instructor who tells them never hold the horn. This is a place where they hold the reins together with both hands. Heh, Leah and Hannah roll their eyes at each other. Kate, because she is an asshat and a terrible example to the children, proceeds to tell the instructor she will hold the horn. I'm at best an amateur horsewoman, I ride a handful of times a year and have ridden with my friend's cattle in Wyoming.  I have ridden at places where they want you to hold the reins together and move them left and right to steer the horse like how Triple W wants it, versus how I prefer to ride where you hold each rein separately (what the instructor calls "split reins") and sort of pull one side or the other back to steer. I do know because I tried it, if you try to steer split reins when the horse is used to the reins being together, or vice versa, the horse doesn't understand and won't respond correctly, can even get agitated. I can see the instructor getting a little more adamant as he firmly tells Kate you cannot hold the horn as that sends a message to the horse you're incapacitated. (And that, use your common sense, could be very bad.) Kate is probably too dumb and uninformed to realize this, but horses are extremely sensitive to a rider. How they sit, how they hold the reins, their level of confidence. Something as simple as threading the reins through your fingers correctly can make all the difference in the world to your control of the horse. So, when a riding instructor tells you to do something a certain specific way, and you think it's dumb or wonder how something so seemingly minor would make a difference, just f-ing do it the way he tells you. It's for your own damn safety, actually.

There's a lot of liability when you run a horseback riding place, and the last thing you need is a defiant customer. This guy is well within his rights to kick Kate off this ride right here and now and be done with her. The hilarity in all this is that Kate, in an attempt to try to help herself feel safer by holding onto something, is actually going to make her ride more dangerous. She's an idiot.

By the way, this is my first time trying out TLCgo, their streaming service. This episode mysteriously disappeared from my DVR so I found it on go. TLCgo is just like HBOgo, only HBOgo was here first. Hey, can they sue?

I have a major complaint I'd like to put in the comment box though, in that when you watch episodes on TLCgo and pause them, as I have to do a lot to write the recap, the video starts over when you press play again. You have to then manually pull the slider back over to where you last left off, if you can remember. What the hell, TLC! Less Duggars, more fix your streaming.

Nothing happens on the horseback ride, and pretty soon some of the kids are complaining and wanting to go back. The instructor just sort of sits there, listening to the whining. Kate soon allows half the group to go back, where apparently lunches are packed for them. I can't be the only one who finds this very rude. If you're going to quit halfway through the horseback ride, don't go in the first place. But I get Kate not wanting to pick her battles with this one. It's just not worth it. But I would have said from the beginning unless you're sticking out the whole ride don't go, we're not stopping in the middle for someone to take you back absent an emergency, as this is very rude to our instructors and the rest of the group.

Well, the children who left missed out on a beautiful view of a vast green meadow and spotting a baby deer. Their loss. Kate makes a comment similar to what she said last episode in that it's nice the kids are old enough at last to do these sort of things. Huh? The kids were old enough to ride horses at least six years ago, what in the world is she talking about? She really works hard to try to age them as slow as humanely possible. You would think they just got out of their pull-ups so now they can really take on the world without being bogged down having to carry around baby wipes.

Back at the house that doesn't even fit into the camera frame, they're not taking the puppies out enough, because one just peed in his pen. Kate passes him off on Aaden to walk. Well, it's too late to walk him now, isn't it? Kate complains they're like infants. Sort of. You do have to usually attend to them every hour with something, usually taking him out, much like it feels like you're constantly nursing a baby every hour those first couple months. I would say puppies are more like 2-year-olds, if I had to put a human age on them. In any case, doofus here is going to piss TLC's security deposit away at this rate, pun intended.

Kate has her typical freak out walking out onto the dock. It's one of those docks that is small and moves. I think they're floating docks, which explains the movement. Movement is thus normal, though unsettling if you're not expecting it. The kids think she's dramatic. Yes. One really has to wonder whether a lot of her water-related freak outs would improve if she just got herself some swimming lessons. Then at least you know you probably won't die if you slip off the dock. I don't know what kind of lessons could improve all her other freak outs, though.

Cara really is picking lint, I'm not making this up. A big piece of lint there!

Some of the kids, especially Alexis, are reluctant to get into the boats. When asked on the couch why they don't like boats, the girls say, not at all surprisingly, they don't like boats because they get sick and their mother forces them to get on anyway.

Their mother is cruel and hateful, period. Obviously their repeated nausea wasn't an anomaly or something they have outgrown now that they're older. The Tups are chronically seasick when they get on boats. With the dozens of other fun activities you could do at this place why force them? It's mean. Scientists think that seasickness and nausea actually stem from the brain, ears and eyes, not the stomach. I'm kind of curious if anyone has looked into whether preemies, who are often born with underdevelopment in those areas, are more likely to develop sea sickness as they grow older. It would be interesting to know, since all the Tups have it, yet the twins don't seem to at all.

Wow, Alexis is really refusing to go! She's sat down and crossed her legs on the dock like a regular sit in. Go Lex! This is really B.S. It's not like Alexis is refusing to go because she's a brat. She doesn't want to go because she pukes. I mean, anyone should understand that. Geez, can Kate cut her a break here? Have the nanny stay with her, or somebody? Finally Mady somehow persuades her to get in. The kids don't have much of a chance with both Kate and Mady bullying them into doing things like this. Hey, how come Kate is permitted to freak out and make a scene over anything under the sun that upsets her, but sweet Lexi here can't do the same when she actually has really good reason to? Surely the kids have noticed the hypocrisy.

Mr. Captain Man?? Can we punch this woman in the face now? Golly!

It's pouring rain and Mady says it's cold rain. How miserable, but production has a schedule to keep and tubing is today, so. The boys love tubing and make sure they get to go first. One of the boats has a fun slide that dumps you into the lake. They love it. Thankfully, Alexis is enjoying herself and not sick. I hope someone explained to the poor child that it's really unlikely she's going to get seasick the same way she does when they deep sea fish because this is an extremely calm, flat lake. That might have helped reassure her. Rather, they seemed to just be trying to bully her in it with threats that she was going to ruin everyone else's fun if she didn't get in and get in now. Poor little beaten down thing.

Another complaint about TLCgo, the commercials every ten minutes or so are at times absurdly long and they push their fat shows on you, and peddle the Duggars. I don't know how many times I've seen that Whitney chick panic over her not-a-pregnancy now, I can't get away from it even trying to avoid her at this point, too.

Cara picks more lint from her pant leg as Mady explains that Kate was dramatic when she went tubing with Joel. Joel is a good sport, just focusing on working his goPro and enjoying the ride despite his mother. And when I say tubing, it's not even really tubing. It looks way safer and more stable. It kind of reminds me of one of those circular life rafts for commercial fishing boats, with tall sides, only built for just two people. There's no chance you'll fall out unless you're an idiot who doesn't listen to instructors with vast expertise when they tell you to hold things a certain way and not the way you stubbornly would like to do it. Kate is grateful for parentified Joel, who comforted her on the ride.

The kids aren't the most articulate folks in the bunch, are they? "Fun" is about the extent of their description of that activity.

The next day, archery tag at Skytop Resort. A friend told her about it i.e. the producers set it up. This has to be hundreds of dollars to play, especially the way they've reserved the whole field just for them. This sounds like basically paint ball only with foam-tipped arrows. Looks deliciously fun. I'm sure Kate will spoil it somehow. "It's like Hunger Games!" Kate jokes to the teens, because she thinks she is also a teen and their BFF. Cara basically looks away at that, sort of like the looks the Obama girls had on their faces when their dad was making dumb turkey jokes at the turkey pardon, hehe, because what else can you do when your mother won't act her age.

The kids are five years old and can't figure out what the teams will be. Mercifully the instructor says either figure this out or he'll just do a count-off and pick them himself. I think I'm in love. So much whining and drama over something so simple, it's nice to see someone shut it down right away because Kate sure won't.

At the end of the day these teams end up being ridiculously unfair, with the twins and their friend Marley with Joel and Leah, who they observed doing some practice archery and determined are the best at it. We can bet Kate will suck, and that's only one older person with the rest of the tups who aren't as good at archery. What the heck! If I didn't mention it Collin is nowhere to be found and not even mentioned. It's truly like he never even existed. So, wouldn't it be much more fair to split up Joel and Leah if they were the best, or better yet, make them captains for a school yard pick? Instead, Mady gets to hand pick her entire team and Kate gets the leftovers. That is not fair. It's really a shame for everyone, because games are almost always more fun when teams are even. Why doesn't Mady have any empathy for how unfair this is to the other team? It's bizarre.

Notably, Hannah seems genuinely annoyed that she has to be on Kate's team, and snaps at Kate that no one wants to be on Kate's team. And you know what, that's normal at that age. You don't want to play this cool game with your mother. Sheesh. Why can't Kate be like every other mother and just watch?? And, if Kate watched, the numbers would be even. The way it is now, one team gets someone extra, which also isn't fair.

Not shockingly at all, Mady's team wins, to which even the usually affable Aaden bursts out how unfair the teams are.

Kate, who ultimately is bullied by and afraid of her own children, finds herself shut down by Mady when Kate suggests they mix the teams up for the next game. Kate, you are the parent, she is the child. You've become aware how unfair, and thus un-fun, these teams are. Mady's team is taking disturbing glee in absolutely killing Kate's team, and Kate's team is not having fun because they don't even have a chance. Be the adult and tell Mady, don't ask her, that the teams are going to be shuffled up for the next game. Pathetic.

In round two, Mady's team creams them again. Hannah actually seems close to tears. She's had it and walks off. I remember that feeling as a kid her age when some kind of competition or game was so unbelievably mis-matched and you were getting humiliated so unbelievably badly you just wanted to cry.  Like a shut out of your Middle School basketball team. It's just terrible. Unlike normal people who can remember stuff like that from their childhood, I don't think Kate can remember how she felt when that happened to her, or remember how much more deeply a twelve year old kid feels "unfair" and "losing." It's much easier for a mature adult to just shrug something like this off. To a kid, it's like the end of the world, and yet it's so simple to fix this problem by just mixing up the teams.

It's unclear whose idea this is, but mercifully they finally decide to mix up the teams for round three and draw names out of the hat. I still think schoolyard pick would be most fair, with the two best players as captains. Drawing from a hat has a good chance of creating unfair teams again by pure chance. But at least it's doing something to address the current cluster-F.

The new teams are Kate, Leah, Marley and Aaden, versus Mady, Cara, Alexis and Joel. That's better.

Kate's team finally wins! Sweet Aaden says I just wanted to win once. Aw. Wouldn't you know it, now that the teams are more fair the kids seem to be getting along better. The losing team is even high-fiving the winners. That's what a little help from reasonable adults will do in resolving stupid conflicts kids find themselves in and don't know how to get out of. Otherwise, Kate, it's Lord of the Flies, it really is. If kids didn't still need adults at this age, we'd set them free at 13 and be done with them.

Kate pats herself on the back for how much she loves teamwork and seeing them get along. No she doesn't. She loves conflict and divisiveness.

Rock climbing is up next, and paintball? And this is all on the same day! This is starting to get a little tiring just watching it, and feels intentional from production.  The more they cram into the day, the more stressed everyone will be, the more conflicts that will occur (see Hannah) the better footage they will get. See the glaring conflict of interest there? Production can't possibly be in charge of protecting children if their number one goal is good T.V.

Watch other people's kids rock climb. Then watch other people's kids play paintball.

There's some competition in the lint picking department. Alexis is slumped on the couch, getting bored talking about all this, picking lint off her pants. Heh.

Leah gloats, to Alexis of course, that she did not have nearly as much trouble rock climbing as Lex does. Kate remarks about how it's all about encouraging, not tearing people down, to which Leah gives her a gigantic eye roll. It's astounding how little respect the children have for her, and it's equally astounding how little control she has over how they treat their siblings. Frankly, as much as poor Lexi is picked on, I'm not sure Kate is capable of stopping it even if she wanted to. What a shocker, the authoritarian parenting style doesn't work after all in the end.

I feel like I've been binge watching Big Fat Fabulous Life just by watching the commercials on TLCgo. I know Whitney is I guess a lesbian now, and pregnant, but most likely not really, and also overall still a hot mess.

This episode is disintegrating into more like a really well-produced home video, with the cheap canned music in the background and no real plot, just some paintball and rock climbing. Almost like something you pay 80 bucks to the paintball place to produce for you and they send it to you a week later watch it once then throw it on the DVD shelves never to take out again.

You know what's kind of a head scratcher is they haven't done much activities that are at all suited for including your dog. No long hikes, no picnics, no relaxing by the lake and throwing a frisbee at the shore for the dogs. The pups don't even seem to be around most of the time. Who's watching the little puppies during all this people fun?

Ha, they flash back to the last time they went white water rafting on their trip out West and the instructor was "taunting" Kate. I vaguely remember that, and had to check my old recap to recall exactly what happened. A quick break to look at my recap from that episode, which reveals that Kate started it by disrespectfully talking back to their instructor, undermining him when he told the kids what they could do, ordering him not to get her wet, and shouting at him about how he should angle the boat straight (Actually, you don't necessarily always want to go down the river straight, certain positions of the rapids and other anomalies in the river mean sometimes you will steer the boat in other ways.) I think the one thing most glaring about this is that contrary to what Kate often says in that she's grown as a person over the years, she's actually the same exact nasty person she ever was. This time around, it was their riding instructor she was terribly rude to, outright defiant to the point of jeopardizing her and everyone else's safety, and tried to tell him about both his job and himself. Same shit, different year with this piece of work.

So, the truth is, the rafting instructor from the RV trip was pushing back a bit on Kate because she started it all, and was being a very rude and disrespectful customer, and was spoiling everyone else's fun. But yes, Kate, he taunted you just out of the blue, just to be cruel and make your experience terrible. Kind of like what you do to people so no surprise you see it in others. I leave you with his final line of the night: "We're gonna give out an Academy Award at the end of the day and I'm nominating you." Ha!

And, speaking of those awards, let me steer you in the direction of one of the probably unlikely winners, a dark horse. Hell or High Water. See it, cherish it, and understand why Manchester by the Sea is actually just manipulative Lifetime drivel and overrated as hell. I think Hell is going to gain some momentum this month.

Also, did I say Kate went white water rafting but insisted she not get wet.

The "Jesus rock" is cool, looks like you're walking on water because it's buried so close to the surface. But wait, what does Kate need a rock for?

I've noticed most of what Kate talks about when she blah-blahs about the activities is her. How she felt to do the activity, the stupid thoughts that went through her mind, her opinions and observations. Very little has anything to do with the children and perceiving and enjoying these activities through their lens like a normal mother would. There's something terribly wrong with her.

I will say this, what a beautiful glimpse of the wonders of Pennsylvania. The gorgeous, peaceful river, the bright green foliage, the vast forests, the good and patient people. What an opportunity this show has missed out on over the last decade to really embrace Pennsylvania and show why I fell in love with the state when I lived there for four years. They spend so much of their time elsewhere. A shame.

Kate can't resist making sure that everyone knows the other tour guide from freaking over five years ago was not fun and that she enjoyed rafting this time because this guide was fun. And by fun she means, puts up with her. Oh, I don't know, I thought her previous tour guide was a real riot. What did we tell you? Narcissists never move on, never let things go, remember the minute details of minor transgressions forever as if it were yesterday. I can't remember a darn thing about the handful of rafting trips I've been on other than they were great fun, but Kate recalls exactly how he crossed her by getting her wet and steering the boat a certain way and what's more wants to make sure she sticks it to him. Lol, as if he's watching this or cares. Might I say this again, five years later, folks.

Well this is telling, Mady remarks that dinner is usually chaotic and she prefers to go up to her room for that. Is she talking about on vacation, or generally? What the hell? That's not healthy at all. The puppies are attacking and biting the children to the point of tearing Joel's shirt, which is not funny or cute and sure as hell won't be funny or cute when they are adult dogs. They're eating absolute garbage for dinner, hot dogs, mac and cheese from the blue box, canned beans. The salt level must be heart attack levels here. Of course, that's fine on vacation especially, but why does Kate think she's so health conscious when they eat all this crap?

God, I leave this recap hating TLCgo. The commercials are five minutes long and pop up the second you even so much as think about touching that little slider. Curses. All in all, too much Poconos, not enough puppies. This was one of the worst episodes this season if not the worst one so far. Kate and the kids were as ungrateful as ever for the experience and somebody was always upset, hollering or complaining. There was just no plot at all, nothing developed no matter how hard they tried to stress out the kids, it was all about being tortured with another family's boring vacation which is the whole reason Betty White has stayed off Facebook in the first place.

I think this was one of the lowest rated ones too, if I remember right. Until next time when they take another once-in-a-lifetime vacation to Space Camp.

877 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 400 of 877   Newer›   Newest» ~ Administrator said...

@GeeWhiz__ @MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 It's a damn shame that if Kate can't discuss sh*t because of the trolling witches.


I guess it doesn't occur to Milo that, trolls or not, discussing your already very public son's mental health issues with a bunch of fans is just about as inappropriate as you can get, and terribly exploitive.

I do find it ironic that Kate was the one to splash this all over People, make a pretty penny off it, but the second anyone wants her to go off script with a legitimate question or two about this, she clamps up.

Jamesvader1194 said...

@Admin That was Goody who said that.In another tweet she said that IF Collin has autism that Kate shouldn't be afraid to discuss it and that she could use her celebrity stats to make people more aware of the affects it has on both children and adults.While i don't know if Collin has Autism,either way it would be exploitive of Kate to use whatever Collin's issues are to gain publicly

NJGal51 said...

@MiloandJack: @MsGoody2Shoes33 @Kateplusmy8 She is firmly determined 2protect him as much as she can. I respect that. Just want 2hear he's getting better!
WTF Milo! She's the one that splashed the fat that he was gone on the front page of People magazine, discussed it during verious TV interviews and then went on to film without him declaring every party and trip to be the "bestest" ever.

Tucker's Mom said...

TLC stinks said... 192
I don't know how many Marleys there are with a graduation date of 2018 from LCDS, but a "Marley" (no last name only initial on school awards site) won an audition and participated in the NYC Rockette summer intensive dance program for teen girls. Kind of explains why the kid has been getting some tv exposure on K8 show and why her parents allowed that. Her goal is showbiz. Although she's in the background, it looks good on a resume. She may be the twin's buddy, but she benefits from the relationship, IMO.
Bingo. That explains why her parents have no problems with allowing her to be exposed on tv, associated with all things Gosselin, good and pretty terrible.
Marley is tall and thin and looks like she could be a Rockette. Good for her for having ambition and that kind of courage.

Someone here, was it Admin, maybe? Someone mentioned that appearing on Kate's show could count on an acting resume.

Sad but true said...

Anonymous said... 194

He's been saying crap like this for several years now. I can't imagine why he just won't shut up and continue to pursue the DJ thing. And I can't imagine being even vaguely interested in whatever he thinks he's going to put on TV. Nevertheless, there is a little smiling devil on my shoulder that's saying, oh boy the look on K8's face if he makes it happen! I'd PAY to see that, lol.

Layla said...

Goody, Milo and the other sheep need to understand that Kate's not about to share any info about C. unless she's getting paid for it. Why give out information for free if she can get money for it? She had sextuplets so she could make money off them. So unless they are willing to pay, the fans need to keep their questions to themselves. ~ Administrator said...

Goody, Milo and the other sheep need to understand that Kate's not about to share any info about C. unless she's getting paid for it. Why give out information for free if she can get money for it? She had sextuplets so she could make money off them. So unless they are willing to pay, the fans need to keep their questions to themselves.


Oh absolutely. She's saving it, in case People wants to do a follow up for more dough.

Why milk the cow for free when you can sell the milk, or something like that. ~ Administrator said...

Someone here, was it Admin, maybe? Someone mentioned that appearing on Kate's show could count on an acting resume.


I don't know if I said that. I still don't think this show has any value to any resume other than if you're trying to work in reality TV. It might open up your own IMDB page for you, which some people like.

A friend of mine who is an editor worked on the show Intervention for A&E but didn't want it to show up on IMDB because it was a reality show mixed in with scripted shows. He felt it tainted his IMDB. He was able to finagle it off somehow. ~ Administrator said...

@Admin That was Goody who said that.In another tweet she said that IF Collin has autism that Kate shouldn't be afraid to discuss it and that she could use her celebrity stats to make people more aware of the affects it has on both children and adults.While i don't know if Collin has Autism,either way it would be exploitive of Kate to use whatever Collin's issues are to gain publicly


Oh, like people want Trump to talk about his son's obvious autism?

Jesus, it's up to the parents and children if they'd like to make their child a poster boy for some cause. If the child is in the middle of intensive treatment especially, it doesn't seem prudent to add publicity to the game and I can't imagine service providers would recommend it. It's none of anyone else's business.

This is the thing, the sheeple don't want Kate to talk about it because they are supportive of some cause. They want Kate to talk about it because they are NOSEY.

Kirkland said...

Here's the link to the Jon article:

Yes, he says he's working on three TV shows, as quoted below, but he also says they are not reality shows. Very interesting!

"He’s currently working on three new television shows, set to debut in late summer or during the fall sweeps.

“It’s like second nature for me to be back on TV again,” Gosselin admitted, although he can’t yet give specific details or name the shows because of contracts. “These aren’t reality shows though, so I have to study scripts and memorize lines. It’s a totally new thing to me.”

localyocul said...

GollyGee said... 196
Cara G. and Mady G. SENIORS THIS FALL!

Tick Tock.

Tick Tock
Creacher Kredier ran up the clock
To turn back the hands of time
Film, film, film the kids
All on TLC's Dime!


I'm pretty sure they will by Juniors. They will be 16 in the fall. My daughter has a fall birthday. She was 16 at the beginning of junior year, 17 beginning senior year

SaraMRN2010 said...

Kirkland said... 10
Here's the link to the Jon article:

Yes, he says he's working on three TV shows, as quoted below, but he also says they are not reality shows. Very interesting!

"He’s currently working on three new television shows, set to debut in late summer or during the fall sweeps.

He better watch out because if he is successful and I hope he is K8 will have him back in court so fast insisting on child support. Even though it is rumored that he doesn't pay support.

FYI said...

I'm pretty sure they will by Juniors. They will be 16 in the fall. My daughter has a fall birthday. She was 16 at the beginning of junior year, 17 beginning senior year

Back in September, Kate posted on IG that the twins are currently in 10th grade and the tups(minus Collin) are in 6th.

kateplusmy8Say it ain't so.....The momma misses them. The dogs and bird miss them. #BackToSchool #Nooooooo #10thAnd6thGrade

So, yes, they will be juniors next year.

BTW, the twins are already 16. They will turn 17 this fall.

Layla said...

localyokul (11)

Mady and Cara are already 16. Their 16th birthday party was filmed and shown last season.

Layla said...

KIAT (13)
Ooops, you beat me to it! Yes, the twins are already 16.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

I do find it ironic that Kate was the one to splash this all over People, make a pretty penny off it, but the second anyone wants her to go off script with a legitimate question or two about this, she clamps up.


This is so totally off-topic, but we've always used the phrase "clams up." Is it clams up or clamps up? Just biggie!

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

I guess it doesn't occur to Milo that, trolls or not, discussing your already very public son's mental health issues with a bunch of fans is just about as inappropriate as you can get, and terribly exploitive.


There is just something really wrong in their heads, or the way their brain is wired that they can't figure this out. There is no cognitive thinking there, no logical reasoning ability, and that in itself is pretty darn scary. Yet, I guess in their own little world, devoid of being able to think things through, or seeing the whole picture, they're happy little campers.

TLC stinks said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TLC stinks said...

Sorry, I went back and checked. You guys are correct... CLASS OF 2019.

TLC stinks said...

Marley K. ’19 trained with the Rockettes for a week in New York City this summer, and participated in a final performance.

Anonymous said...

The Daily Mail has pictures of Sugar Bear's recent wedding. Honey Boo Boo is now almost as obese as Mama June and what's with her yellow teeth....the poor child.


Tucker's Mom said...

Peg DeGrassa did a really nice job on this article. It's not fawning, and gives the most comprehensive glance at Jon Gosselin that I've seen.
Great that there's a very brief mention of the kids, but nothing more.
I would love to know what tv projects he's been working on.

Jon sounds very, very busy and he's taking his reality tv celeb status and working it.
REALLY working it.
The man knows how to bust a hump.

localyocul said...

Layla said... 14
localyokul (11)

Mady and Cara are already 16. Their 16th birthday party was filmed and shown last season.


Right, they will be 16 at the beginning of junior year (for a month or so) which is this fall.

localyocul said...

They were only 15 at the beginning of this school year (for a month or so) until their birthday. The cut off is September. Like my daughter, they are among the older ones in their class.

FYI said...

Hmm, this is interesting==

The season finale of Outdaughtered was on Jan. 17. Two days later, on Jan. 19, both the TLC and Outdaughtered FB page announced that the series will be coming back for a 3rd season!! The Busby's also announced it on their It's a Buzz World page.

It was also posted on on Jan. 19:

I've never, ever, seen Kate plus 8 get an announcement like that--especially TWO DAYS after the current season ended.

Sorry, Kate, it seems like Outdaughtered is now the new darling of TLC. ~ Administrator said...

Not as nosy as some of the regulars on your blog who have demanded information about the child as if they are entitled to it.


Wondering whether a real little boy viewers have grown to care about is okay, what's going on, is VASTLY different than contacting his mother directly and demanding she disclose information.

They are not one in the same, one may wonder and be curious, without actually thinking it's appropriate for such information to be disclosed. I certainly wonder how he is doing, but I also don't want anyone to disclose anything else about him. They are not mutually exclusive. Nice try to lump this blog in with the sheeple though, a favorite pastime.

Yes, it's clam! The P got stuck in there.

Gigi Be said...

Wanted to share an interesting article about emotional abuse. Many points that are listed here remind me so much of things we've seen.

-Shaming a child can be accomplished sotto voce or even with physical gestures like eye-rolling or laughing at him or her to convey contempt or making him or her the butt of jokes. This particular variety of bullying can become a team sport in some households, if siblings are asked to join the fray and make the child a scapegoat. Controlling parents or those who need to be the center of attention often use these techniques to maintain the dynamics of the household as they want them. Once again, damage can be done without a raised voice.

4. Switch and Bait: Gaslighting

This tool of manipulation is aimed at having the child doubt his or her perceptions. (The term derives from a play which was then made into a movie about a man who tries to convince a woman she’s losing her mind.) Gaslighting doesn’t require shouting or yelling; all it takes is a simple statement that something that actually happened didn’t. Given the imbalance of power in the parent-child relationship—and the fact that a young child accepts the adult as the last word and authority on most things until she gets old enough to begin questioning her mother’s judgment–gaslighting is relatively easy. Gaslighting not only makes a child worry about being “crazy” but erodes her confidence in her own thoughts and feelings in a profound and lasting way. Again, keep in mind that children don’t have conscious defense mechanisms.

In many households, both the loud and the quiet kinds of verbal abuse are rationalized by the need to correct perceived flaws in the child’s character or behavior. Hypercriticality—nitpicking and then magnifying every misstep or mistake—may be “justified” or “explained” by having to make sure the child “isn’t too full of himself,” “doesn’t let his successes go to his head,” “learns humility,” “knows who’s boss” and other self-serving statements that are just excuses for cruel adult behavior. Delivered in a quiet tone, the barrage of criticism makes a child believe she’s unworthy of attention and support because she’s worthless.

6.Utter silence: The absence of praise, support, and love

The power of what it isn’t said cannot be overstated because the void it leaves in the child’s psyche and heart is enormous. Children are hardwired to need all the things that the abusive parent neither voices nor demonstrates in order to thrive and develop normally. In truth, words that articulate why a child is worthy of love and attention are as essential as food, water, clothing, and shelter.
It’s a sad truth that a child’s world is so small that he or she thinks that what goes on in it goes on everywhere. Most children attribute verbal abuse to their flaws and “badness;

Tucker's Mom said... ~ Administrator said... 26

Not as nosy as some of the regulars on your blog who have demanded information about the child as if they are entitled to it.


Wondering whether a real little boy viewers have grown to care about is okay, what's going on, is VASTLY different than contacting his mother directly and demanding she disclose information.

Exactly. There's a difference between contributing to a board where we wonder what's happened to Collin, vs. contacting Kate via twitter or email.
I still say it's beyond ridiculous to keep filming and acting like nothing is wrong, and not pressing the question about Collin.
You can't foist this on the public without them noticing a little boy is missing and God knows where, doing his plodding along...

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Gigi Be (#27), thanks for posting that article. I am still digesting it. Wow, those emotional abuse methods are things we've seen with our own eyes on the show. I can't imagine the extent of it when the cameras are gone.

Sherry Baby said...

Not as nosy as some
of the regulars on your blog who have demanded information about the child as if they are entitled to it.

I thought that the resident troll was a "regular on this board," but what do I know? #lol!

I didn't see any demanding going on, but I guess I missed it. I did, however, notice quite a few who do not want to know, and said that we have no idea what is going on with Collin, nor should we ask, nor should we make any assumptions or speculations.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

I still say TFW is going to try to squeeze a book deal out of C's situation. That may be what she enlisted Brownie to help with. Perhaps she's just waiting for C to get "out," so she can tack on her happy ending.

Layla said...

Not only did TLC announce another season of Outdaughtered just 2 days after the last season ended, but they promoted the heck out of it and also the season was very long. 12 or 13 episodes, I think. Kate could barely squeeze out 8 episodes, got no promotion, and TLC has nothing to say about her show. The Busbys win!

I have never seen anyone on this blog demand any information about C's actual condition. Several here are probably in positions to find out more about it, but none of them have ever crossed that line. Nice try, little troll. But you failed again.

Wowser said...

It would be awesome if Jon ended up doing well in his endeavors on tv and TFW couldn't get would CHAP her ass if John got HER dream job. Lol.

Sad but true said...

This is what MsGoody said to Milo:

@MiloandJack @GeeWhiz__ @Kateplusmy8 I agree. I wasn't thinking about trolls. I thought Kate could use her celebrity to raise awareness to autism. It affects so many children and adults. I meant no harm.

Once again, the thinking here is All About Kate. First of all, "celebrity" is a relative term, and there are surely much higher-profile people available for this sort of effort if such is needed. Second, it sure sounds like they're looking more towards this becoming a job for K8 than raising anyone's "awareness." Third, given that there is quite a foundation for thinking that K8 is actually the cause (or, at the very least, an exacerbator) of whatever "issues" this child has, it's beyond ironic to think she should run out and try to make hay with it. And that's why she won't. Too many people KNOW the truth, and if she were to attempt to use this as a platform for her greater glorification, I guarantee it would come out.

So, nice try, Goody, but let K8 go out and find a real job if TLC is through with her. She's used that child---ALL her children---enough.

Tucker's Mom said...

Kate speaking out on any condition Collin has, that has led to learning disabilities and behavioral problems, is fraught with peril. People have seen and read too much.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Tucker's Mom (#35), good point about TFW keeping things vague. All someone would need to do is post her journal entry about whipping poor C into his crib by the hair and beating him to the point she was scared she'd actually seriously injure him. Her own words.

GollyGee said...

From IG.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx It's interesting to see how much you love on these puppies. Thinking back you to used to love Zoro so much that you took him arround in your clothes. BUT have never saw you show/tell your kids the love that you do to these animals. Its sad that you have turned mandy into a kid that people hate and talk about like she is trash. That you dump a little boy like trash out the window of a car and just drove away. And that you treat your other 2 sons like they are slim that you want to walk around. And lets not forget your 2 mean girls that pick on the other little sister and you don't step in and stop it. Then there is cara I bet when she gets out of the house she will never come back. Wonder how long it will be before you find something else to love on.

This is on the pup/finger video.

localyocul said...

Sad but true said... 34
This is what MsGoody said to Milo:

@MiloandJack @GeeWhiz__ @Kateplusmy8 I agree. I wasn't thinking about trolls. I thought Kate could use her celebrity to raise awareness to autism. It affects so many children and adults. I meant no harm.


Geeez. First of all, Kate never said he had Autism. Second of all, that's the same thing Rosie O'Donnell said about the Trumps and she rightly got her ass kicked on Twitter for it. Neither set of parents have said either child has autism and it's their business. Unfortunately, Kate has MADE "issues" public leading to speculation.

GollyGee said...

Just saw a commercial for Counting On.


The are doing the Escape Room. Battle of the Sexes!

Boys vs. Girls. I should say grown adults who have no jobs, who depend on the Duggar father and father in law and TLC for a paycheck without furthering their education or normal, outside employment.

At all.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

I have never seen anyone on this blog demand any information about C's actual condition. Several here are probably in positions to find out more about it, but none of them have ever crossed that line. Nice try, little troll. But you failed again.


The little troll is a pot stirrer from another blog. Problem is that time and time again she or he fails miserably at stirring. I can't imagine anyone finds any kind of entertainment or amusement in this kind of thing, but I guess when one has anger issues, or their shoulders are weighed down with chips, you do what you gotta do to make yourself feel better. Pathetic, actually.

Jeanne said...

The real problem with Kate being a faux-celebrity spokesperson is her total and complete ignorance. She refuses to study and learn anything. What would she say? "Colin has X condition. First you threaten to sue his school so they deal with it. Then you hire guards/nannies/tutors to keep him locked in the basement. Then you send him away." Or whatever she actually did. It's worse than 3 cars and a pool on a coupon blog.

Midnight Madness said...

It's worse than 3 cars and a pool on a coupon blog.


I forgot about that. You buy three cars and depending on how far you need to go and the current price of gas, you choose the car that gets the best gas mileage. What was it about the pool? Have an in-ground pool constructed to save money on community pool fees? I forget!

TLC stinks said...

Pot stirring here gives the other blog something to talk about. They must be bored.

Sad but true said...

Midnight Madness said... 42
. . . What was it about the pool? Have an in-ground pool constructed to save money on community pool fees? I forget!
Yeah, you forgot that converting it to salt water saves on all those yucky chemicals.

T said...

I think it's very interesting that in her latest intsagram photo, Hannah is using an iPhone. I thought that Kate said that she couldn't afford them for the sextuplets?

Sad but true said...

T said... 45

I wasn't sure it was an iPhone, thought it might be a tablet. Either way, it wouldn't be the first time that what K8 says and what K8 does don't look the same.

TLC stinks said...

Kate is a liar. She said in Instagram "our" devices. My guess the boys don't have iPhones.

InsanityReigns said...

TLC stinks said... 47
Kate is a liar. She said in Instagram "our" devices. My guess the boys don't have iPhones.
Nor computers to do their homework at night; boys gotta get up at 5:30am TO DO THEIR HOMEWORK! WTF is wrong with her?

GollyGee said...

InsanityReigns said... 48
TLC stinks said... 47
Kate is a liar. She said in Instagram "our" devices. My guess the boys don't have iPhones.
Nor computers to do their homework at night; boys gotta get up at 5:30am TO DO THEIR HOMEWORK! WTF is wrong with her?


I'll tell you what is wrong with her. She is a brutal, mentally ill woman that has gone unchecked for years and has beaten, belittled, raged at, screamed at, verbally, mentally physically abused the children for over a decade who refuses to take her meds.

Jon has to prevail this time in court.

Murphy's Law has to kick in sometime.

Formerly Duped said...

TFW said the boys get HER up at 5 am. and did homework before she ordered more computers, but now they are the lunch-packers. The girls sleep till 6 am. They don't have to pack lunch anymore now that the chickens(boy chore) are gone. I really think making school lunches the night before is a good idea. Kate said as Andrea loaded the dishwasher, after dinner all she thinks of is going to bed.

No mention of a #SuperfunSuperbowl#partytime ?

FlimsyFlamsy said...

InsanityReigns (#48), those poor little dudes are absolutely second-class citizens in that house. I'm surprised she's not charging them rent to live there.

I was at Dollar Tree yesterday and saw a young mom with a boy of about 3. And she was just crazy about him. She thanked him for being so patient, and for being a good listener. I saw them in a few different aisles, and there was just such a sweet vibe between them. He was babbling on and on in this adorable, loud, little-boy way, but she just let him.

And it made me wonder if the G boys have ever had any one-on-one time with their mother that wasn't part of the show. Just to have loving attention lavished upon them, and to be made to feel they matter to her, and are special to her. Not for being her ticket to a TV show, but just for being themselves. And I couldn't help but wonder if C had gotten that sort of love, that his behavioral challenges might not have reached the crisis point that necessitated removal from his home.

Anonymous said...

...who refuses to take her meds.

Do we actually know if she's on meds or is this just speculation? Just because Robert or someone said it's so doesn't make it so. Does she seem manic at times? Yes but that doesn't mean she's refusing to take her meds.


FlimsyFlamsy said...

Formerly Duped (#50), so TFW admitted she's ready for bed after dinner? Her kids are gone 8 hours a day, and they're finally home, and she's ready to disappear? She really just not that into them, is she?

Turn out the lights said...

Flimsy, the boys don't pay rent- they pay the mortgage.
As far as getting one-on-one time, that's a nope-- she went on all the girl's special days but couldn't be bothered with going to 1 boy's special days.
She simply doesn't like them.

TLC stinks said...

Super Bowl pics tonight? I vote yes she will!

GollyGee said...

Anonymous said... 52
...who refuses to take her meds.

Do we actually know if she's on meds or is this just speculation? Just because Robert or someone said it's so doesn't make it so. Does she seem manic at times? Yes but that doesn't mean she's refusing to take her meds.



An immediate member of her family said years ago that she was bi-polar and that she refused to take her meds.

jamesvader1194 said...

@Formerly Duped Im surprise Milo isn't fantasizing to Kate of the party.You know the one that will have great food,8 hungry kids and a handsome man name Vann?

Sad but true said...

kateplusmy8When the Super Bowl spread is done... that means GAME ON! We are ready!! Come on Falcons, you can do this!!! #SuperBowlLI

Right on time. Lots of food, could there be guests? She must've picked up the "decor" on the last TLC-funded trip to Party City.

Anonymous said...

Re her Super Bowl Instagram spread - someone asked, "which team is Collin rooting for".


Anonymous said...

An immediate member of her family said years ago that she was bi-polar and that she refused to take her meds.

I don't remember that. Who was it? I'd like to look it up. Thanks.


FlimsyFlamsy said...

Jamesvader1194 (#57), I sure remember that tweet last year from Gladys -- a-peepin' in the windows as usual. Only 7 kids now -- more cheese cubes and crackers to go around...

TLC stinks said...

There it is!!! Her IG Super Bowl picture sans kids...the food looks, ummmm, interesting.

SaraMRN2010 said...

Since we did mention Taliah earlier, just to change the subject a little, although K8 and Beth are no longer friends I did a google search on Beth and she is doing great since she left the Gosselin saga. She is a grandmother and has a great business in painting. I always liked Beth. I wonder what was the deciding factor for her to finally step away............ After the skying episode she was gone. I wonder if she finally wised up and saw K8 for the fraud she was or if the skying episode is when the "you only get 1/3 of the book profit came to light".

TLC stinks said...

Not that many forks so I'm guessing it's just her and the seven.

Anonymous said...

All comments re Collin have now been swiffered from her Instagram Account. Just like the sweet little lad himself, missing from the annual Gosselin Super Bowl party. She had better not refer to this event as being the best ever.


TLC stinks said...

I think she and Beth split when Kate tried to cheat her. Also, Kate took all the credit for the book and Beth was gracious enough to not make a stink.

GollyGee said...

After the skying episode she was gone. I wonder if she finally wised up and saw K8 for the fraud she was or if the skying episode is when the "you only get 1/3 of the book profit came to light".


Skying. I thought you were talking about her sky diving off the tower in AU! lol

Yes, something happened when she was there with them on the skiing trip. And thank goodness Beth got it in writing about payment for the book. Thank goodness TFW thought of adding Jon AFTER she signed the contract with Beth.

TFW thought she could just say, hey, they can cut 2 checks, one for me and one for Jon. She thought that she would be able to get away with it and I am so glad that Beth or her attorney whipped out that little ol' paper that she signed when she asked for double dipping!

Beth is very successful and she has done it without hurting people or businesses like TFW has.

Beth has class.

GollyGee said...

For those who have followed Kate’s public life closely, you will already know that her words and actions show her to be an emotionally disturbed woman. She displays all the traits of a textbook narcissist and has been officially diagnosed with dbipolar disorder, according to two members of her family.

She would never, ever admit to being a narcissist – what narcissist would? – And she chooses not to take medication for her bipolar disorder, dismissing the doctor’s diagnosis as nonsense.

For those who know little about this woman, you will come to understand more as you read further. Kate reportedly suffered a violent and abusive childhood, which may have triggered her severe narcissistic behavior. In her words, she was “very overly disciplined.”

Several people close to Kate, including a sibling, told me that her childhood behind closed doors was a house of horrors for her. I have also been told that, in addition to being regularly beaten by her father, Kenton, she was also “sexually abused by a family member.”

While in high school, Kate became pregnant. This will probably be surprising news to everyone who bought her oft-repeated story that she could not conceive naturally. It was just one of many very public lies she told to solidify her carefully crafted image.

The sad truth is that Kate’s father forced her to secretly abort the baby, which left her empty and hollow inside, and very angry. She left home at the request of her father, who could no longer tolerate her rebellious behavior and sexual promiscuity.

Kate didn’t have any marketable skills or a work ethic, but she was driven by hate and resentment toward her father. While still in high school, Kate decided that she would become a nurse so she could marry a wealthy doctor and have children of her own, and would never have to work again.

This was her original master plan, and anyone who knows Kate Gosselin knows that, once she gets an idea in her head, there is nothing that is going to stand in her way.


Sad but true said...

miloandjack2016 Nice food/snack spread as always! Im proud you remembered the game and know who's playing! LOL #FootBallMom @kateplusmy8

Good grief, she's "proud"? Is she projecting herself as K8's Mom? Something is so off about this woman.

its_me_debb Looks great .. We had a "celebrity DJ" here in Ridley,PA ,,, last nite ...

Oooh, don't go THERE! LOL

Formerly Duped said...

Petty, but I notice her ginger ale and root beer are not diet! lol Her food does not look too appetizing, not sure exactly why...

Sad but true said...

christiansnyder If Lady Gaga performs paparazzi during the halftime show are you gonna get up and do the tango moves from DWTS?? Hehe kidding ๐Ÿ˜‚

LOL, the tango? You mean the Shopping Cart Shuffle? Fortunately, Gaga left that one out.

Lynne In RI said...

Golly (49): "I'll tell you what is wrong with her. She is a brutal, mentally ill woman that has gone unchecked for years and has beaten, belittled, raged at, screamed at, verbally, mentally physically abused the children for over a decade who refuses to take her meds."


We don't know that she has ever been on meds, or is on meds now, or is off meds now, or for what reason she would be on meds. Just because a "source" may have reported it, it's just mere speculation and not confirmed.

Lynne In RI said...

Sad (34): "And that's why she won't. Too many people KNOW the truth, and if she were to attempt to use this as a platform for her greater glorification, I guarantee it would come out."


I kind of had to laugh when read Goody's tweet and thought about Kate having autism awareness as a platform. It sounded like she's a beauty pageant contestant and needs a platform when she makes her speaking rounds.

Layla said...

Sad But True (58),
there's a lot of food there, but only a few paper plates and plastic forks and only two or three 2-liter bottles of soda, so probably no guests. The kids get to eat finger foods off paper plates while sitting on the basement floor, just like every other year. Funny, but there's never been any mention of anyone in the family being a football fan. Do they even enjoy it? Do they watch the game and root for a team, or do they eat and then wander off? My nephew, who is 8, is a huge football fan. He plays in a kids' league and follows his favorite NFL teams. I doubt that the G boys do any of that. Sports have no place in their lives. It's all about being available for filming. Gotta pay the mortgage!

NJGal51 said...

Formerly Duped said... 70
Petty, but I notice her ginger ale and root beer are not diet! lol Her food does not look too appetizing, not sure exactly why...
LOL! I noticed the same thing. It's also not organic. Her potato skins look....interesting. I guess she's not making her famous lemon hummus any more sine she's got a couple of store bought containers on the table.

GollyGee said...

I kind of had to laugh when read Goody's tweet and thought about Kate having autism awareness as a platform. It sounded like she's a beauty pageant contestant and needs a platform when she makes her speaking rounds.


She would snag the Miss Congeniality, wouldn't she?


Susan1956 said...

Geographically speaking, shouldn't she be rooting for the New England Patriots? I always think of Kate as being from the east coast, but it seems she identifies more with the southern states. Warm weather and all that. Has the Gosselin traveling circus ever been to Georgia?

GollyGee said...

Not only do they have to work to pay the mortgage, but pay for her cars, mani-pedis, spa trips, tanning trips, private chef, housekeepers, maids.

Her lifestyle that her kids made her accustomed to.

When they turn 18, is she going to sue them for refusing to film and deny her the lifestyle that they got her accustomed to?

GollyGee said...

There is a Collin comment on the Superbowl picture that she didn't swiffer.

All This Is That said...

She would snag the Miss Congeniality, wouldn't she?



Plus walking away as winner of the talent competition...Grifting,

TLC stinks said...

carijo42I hope wherever Collin is, he is enjoying a great Super Bowl party! Because he sure isn't at home enjoying it!

Jeanne said...

I had assumed Kate started treating Beth like another servant and not a friend. The book payments were probably part of it. You remember the time Jamie came to vist. She came that whole way, is supposedly a BFF, and has to spend her time cleaning the hood above the stove. Like Kate couldn't get an actual paid maid to do that. Kate's friends need to know where they stand. Who knows what she expected Beth to do. Babysit my kids! While you do that clean the bathroom and the kitchen and spank the boys! Or on the other end. Take me to the spa every week and dinner and shopping and pay for everything. I can see either scenario or both. With no thank you, ever. I think Beth just decided she didn't need Kate in her life. Why do I suspect Kate is still jealous of Beth?

All This Is That said...

christiansnyder If Lady Gaga performs paparazzi during the halftime show are you gonna get up and do the tango moves from DWTS?? Hehe kidding ๐Ÿ˜‚


Doofus. It wasn't the tango. It was an insanely embarrassing paso doble.

Sad but true said...


kateplusmy8 Paparazzi was my Paso Doble, not my tango, thank you very much! ๐Ÿ˜‰ lol @christiansnyder

christiansnyder@kateplusmy8 Haha oops, guess I shouldn't be poking fun then! ๐Ÿ˜‚ what did you think of her halftime show though?

Doesn't matter what you call it, K8, they all looked the same: beyond pathetic.

Sad but true said...

Aw, Milo's a sore loser. She's more like her idol than I realized.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack
@CarleneMarie_1 Well, #Falcons choked...threw the game away! I'm so disgusted. We just quit scoring and the defense collapsed!

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack
@Pancake035 Don't even think about bragging... #SickToMyStomach And as usual the referees helped #Pats out! We are #OfficialChokeTeam ๐Ÿ˜ 

Sue said...

We've often speculated that Milo is from Georgia based on things she's said. If Milo is the good old southern gal that she claims to be why is she saying #GoFalcins - I guess she doesn't know how to spell the name of her team.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

Geographically speaking, shouldn't she be rooting for the New England Patriots? I always think of Kate as being from the east coast, but it seems she identifies more with the southern states. Warm weather and all that. Has the Gosselin traveling circus ever been to Georgia?


I thought Kate knows nothing about football. In the past, old Milo had to explain things to her. I seriously doubt that Kate would know who was playing, much less for whom to root.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

We've often speculated that Milo is from Georgia based on things she's said. If Milo is the good old southern gal that she claims to be why is she saying #GoFalcins - I guess she doesn't know how to spell the name of her team.p


Typo. She got it correct in this one:

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack
@CarleneMarie_1 Well, #Falcons choked...threw the game away! I'm so disgusted. We just quit scoring and the defense collapsed!

Sheepless In Seattle said...

When they turn 18, is she going to sue them for refusing to film and deny her the lifestyle that they got her accustomed to?


Does she keep Laverne and Shirley on the back burner? ~ Administrator said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack
@Pancake035 Don't even think about bragging... #SickToMyStomach And as usual the referees helped #Pats out! We are #OfficialChokeTeam ๐Ÿ˜ 


Oh yeah, it was the refs, Milo.

Childish and just like Kate.

GollyGee said...

I thought Kate knows nothing about football. In the past, old Milo had to explain things to her. I seriously doubt that Kate would know who was playing, much less for whom to root.


I think she knew who she was rooting for with the Falcons!

Falcons are birds of Kings and Royalty.

Patriots are mediocre deplorable's.

Surprised she didn't have a black and red bandanna on Zorro and letting him ride in the front seat (lol) to watch the game.

GollyGee said...

All This Is That said... 80

She would snag the Miss Congeniality, wouldn't she?



Plus walking away as winner of the talent competition...Grifting.


Hahaha, good one, All this is that!

GollyGee said...

Another conspiracy theory about TFW picking the Falcons.

She had to watch Falcon Crest, back in the day.

They had falcon birds on the show and wine, (before the box).

Tucker's Mom said...

Sad but true said... 84

kateplusmy8 Paparazzi was my Paso Doble, not my tango, thank you very much! ๐Ÿ˜‰ lol @christiansnyder

christiansnyder@kateplusmy8 Haha oops, guess I shouldn't be poking fun then! ๐Ÿ˜‚ what did you think of her halftime show though?

Doesn't matter what you call it, K8, they all looked the same: beyond pathetic.
Here's what it was- DWTS does this just about every season. They have a week where the "celebs" get to choose to tell a story that is deeply meaningful to them.
Most choose a loved one to dedicate their dance to. Some choose to honor and highlight a cause they believe in.

Kate chose herself.

No, seriously. Kate Gosselin wanted to tell the story about how hard it is to be Kate Gosselin.
Poor, pitiful Kate Gosselin. Always put upon by the paps. Her life is so hard. She has to fight each day, living in her mansion and being shuttled to and fro in limousines.
I mean, who's story is THIS hard? So what you had cancer. So what you lost a loved one. So what you lost a limb fighting in battle.
No one has it as hard as Kate Gosselin.
Cancer schmancer. Kate Gosselin knows hard. She has paparazzi following her around.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Tucker's Mom (#94), I composed almost
the same comment last night, which disappeared before I pressed "publish!"

DWTS is an opportunity for celebrities to be seen in a different light. They can display some hard work, energy, enthusiasm, good sportsmanship, and as TFW would say, "positivity." But TFW was lazy and surly
and negative, and downright combative with her partner, St. Tony (*waves to Joy In Virginia*). But I think the death knell for her run was when she chose a song that made her appear as a victim: a victim of the fame SHE pursued relentlessly, and continues to live for. How hypocritical was it to say, stop hounding me everyone, while appearing on, and getting paid for, a network TV show?

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Gladys said she was "#SickToMyStomach" because her team lost. Much more emotion than she's shown about C being away from home for nearly a year. She's not concerned about the G kids' welfare. Her heart only belongs to TFW.

Sad but true said...

Tucker's Mom said... 94

You nailed it, LOL! Her choice of song was a perfect reflection of her gargantuan ego.

Jamesvader1194 said...

Speaking of Milo,i guess because Kate posted her superbowl "party" picture she had to as well.In one of her tweets she said that both family and friends were going to be there.I honestly can't imagine milo having many friends apart from her twitter buddies.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

With all the "remodeling" TFW has done on herself -- botox, fillers, hair extensions, new wardrobe, veneers, etc. -- she was at the height of her popularity when she was that porcupine-haired, slightly frumpy young mom with a houseful of kids and a husband she bossed around. Magazine covers, book deals, sky-high ratings, TV appearances -- she had it all. But in her own words, she
can "never go back" to that level of fame -- or, rather, notoriety.

Tucker's Mom said...

kateplusmy8When the Super Bowl spread is done... that means GAME ON! We are ready!! Come on Falcons, you can do this!!! #SuperBowlLI
carijo42I hope wherever Collin is, he is enjoying a great Super Bowl party! Because he sure isn't at home enjoying it!

Oops, missed this one! I wonder if the kids miss Collin and think about their "traditions" all going forward without him.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Tucker's Mom (#100), TFW really set the tone about C's absence when his 12th birthday party went ahead without him, and turned out to be the best one ever. And that was right after he left, when feelings might have been particularly tender about him being gone. But TFW doesn't do tender.

Formerly Duped said...

I think Kate stages a lot of her traditions with props. There may not have been one single G kid at that party and feast! The paper and plastic goods looked like leftovers from another event. Why does she bother anyway? She admitted she knows nothing about football, and doesn't know if any of the kids are interested in sports. I think she believes it's what people 'do' so she has to try to appear bigger, better, and 'funner' than all.

GollyGee said...

Oops, missed this one! I wonder if the kids miss Collin and think about their "traditions" all going forward without him.


Of course they do!

Birthday party filming, Super Bowl party at home, neighborhood caroling with hot chocolate, Circus themed birthday parties, the boys having limited internet/computer access.

She delights in the kids compartmentalizing of their emotions on anything and especially Collin gone, so they look like walking dead robots that are programmed to film upon demand to make their birth mother and TLC money.

No, "I am in trouble look". Ever.

What a sicko!

Layla said...

FlimsyFlamsy (99),
Boy, was she ever obnoxious back then! She was on top of the world and she thought it was going to be that way forever. Remember the Vanity Fair article, when the reporter said "You're a really big story at the moment" and she scoffed, "At the moment???". She truly thought she was a huge star with lasting appeal. It never crossed her mind that her popularity might fizzle out. Fame and celebrity were/are everything to her and she never had any attention of letting it go. But it's been ending for years in a long, painful downward spiral.

She used to "settle" for Essex House--but only if they accepted her list of demands. I bet if she called them up right now, the only thing they'd accept from her is her credit card number.

"Paparazzi" indeed. I bet she'd pay a pap to show up at the bus stop and take a picture, just so she can remember what it felt like.

kris said...

What in the holy heck are those bored-out potato skin things? Ugh, UNAPPETIZING! And she fills them with what looks like a few green onions? Oh yummy! Not. Potato skins should be filled with gooey-melted cheese and crumbled bacon. You don't bore the potato out and throw in some green onion. Those are toppings, like sour cream or chopped up tomato. Lord, she just doesn't get it at all. Her lack of care or effort in this spread is obvious.

kris said...

And another thing, in her IG pic with Hannah. Why is the poor girl on the floor? If it's just them at home for the night (or maybe she's the poor tup that drew the short straw & had to sleep in mommy's room, ha-ha) why doesn't she get to lay in the bed with mom? I wouldn't put my child in the floor when there is a huge king size bed there.

GollyGee said...

Brittany Spears niece.

Maddie Aldridge, the 8-year-old daughter of Jamie Lynn Spears, is in critical but stable condition after her ATV accident ... sources connected with the family tell TMZ.

As we reported, Maddie was on a Polaris off-road vehicle Sunday when it flipped over, sending her into a lake where she was submerged for several minutes.

We're told Maddie was unconscious and taken to a local hospital, where she was airlifted to a New Orleans hospital.

Our sources say Maddie, the niece of Britney Spears, was seriously injured but doctors say she's critical, but stable.

Tucker's Mom said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 101
Tucker's Mom (#100), TFW really set the tone about C's absence when his 12th birthday party went ahead without him, and turned out to be the best one ever. And that was right after he left, when feelings might have been particularly tender about him being gone. But TFW doesn't do tender.
No, she doesn't.
I think Kate's convinced herself that outsourcing her son was the right decision and I don't think she's going to brink him back.

Tucker's Mom said...

She admitted she knows nothing about football, and doesn't know if any of the kids are interested in sports. I think she believes it's what people 'do' so she has to try to appear bigger, better, and 'funner' than all.
Kate is a-sports and she's never supported her kids in sports pursuits, besides Cara.
Those tups have gotten to do nothing in the way of athletic endeavors (I know they do some stuff at school). It's really sad.

Gosh, as close as they are to the Poconos, they could be up there every winter having a blast skiing. But no. Kate won't take them unless TLC is paying.
I don't know a single parent that has never had a kid in some sort of group or sport outside of school.
Kate would have to come out of her cave and give up her nights and weekends.
Can't have that.

Tucker's Mom said...

She used to "settle" for Essex House--but only if they accepted her list of demands. I bet if she called them up right now, the only thing they'd accept from her is her credit card number.
No more NYC getaways where she/Steve arranges for photo ops of her carrying freebies from Ann Taylor and Aldo.
Poor schmoopy had to give up Nobu and schlep over to FAO Schwarz to buy her stinky boys something.
No more entourages.
So sad.

Layla said...

Jessa Duggar Seewald had a baby boy this morning. Anyone wondering whether TLC had a film crew there to capture the event? Yeah, me either.

Blowing In The Wind said...

And another thing, in her IG pic with Hannah. Why is the poor girl on the floor? If it's just them at home for the night (or maybe she's the poor tup that drew the short straw & had to sleep in mommy's room, ha-ha) why doesn't she get to lay in the bed with mom? I wouldn't put my child in the floor when there is a huge king size bed there.


My kids love the floor. Given a choice, they'd much rather plop themselves on the floor to eat snacks or watch television or movies. Maybe I just have strange kids!

Blowing In The Wind said...

Oh yeah, it was the refs, Milo.

Childish and just like Kate.


Yep. Blame everyone else. Kate taught her well.

jamesvader1194 said...

@Formerly Duped I really have this gut feeling that the reason Kate doesn't do the traditional pictures of the kids like the 6 watching the superbowl(or like the school picture)is because some of the kids are either not interested in the superbowl or Collin is not there and she doesn't want people to think hes still away.Which is why when Kate posts a picture of the food and comments saying "we are ready"it gives the fans the illusion that all 8 kids and her are watching the game together.Again im not saying that i want Kate to upload a picture of all the kids in order to prove they are watching but i can't imagine Kate not taking a picture of all of them watching and posting about it.Same can be said about the traditional school picture.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Jessa Duggar just had another boy. And the Duggar gravy train continues chugging along the tracks.

Poor Schmoopy. All she's got is 2 puppies, and some potato skins...

Blowing In The Wind said...

Gosh, as close as they are to the Poconos, they could be up there every winter having a blast skiing. But no. Kate won't take them unless TLC is paying.


True, but in semi-defense of Kate, there are eight of them, okay, now seven. I wouldn't take seven kids skiing, watch them, and I doubt if she skiis. She has no friends, no family she could take along. Can you see old Stevie Boy going down the slopes with them? I would imagine that such an excursion would require a considerable amount of effort and planning on her part. I'm not even sure that I would attempt it, with seven kids going off in all directions on the slopes.

GollyGee said...

Just saw a clip of Mariah Cary in a new video of her throwing 250k wedding dress into a bonfire!

I guess she did it to tick off her ex-fiancรฉ, the billionaire.

I hope she's happy. She deserves every grief she gets for her stupidity from now on.

The things that could of happened by her selling that dress!

Children could of been fed, housed, clothed, doctored, schooled.

You know TFW SOLD the free gown from Kleinfelds for the fake Hawaiian wedding. Made a paycheck for filming and made money from the dress.

She loves double and triple dipping.

Jeanne said...

I agree Tucker's Mom. Any kid in a family that can afford it has some group that is their thing to do. I hated sports but I did piano lessons and choir at church. Starting in junior high were lots of musical groups, a couple of instruments. I dabbled in chess club and model UN. Lots of kids try soccer then basketball then violin. Kate can easily afford the sign up fee. There's scouting, church youth group. It's not just filming. It's about control. The more time they spend in outside groups and come to trust the kids and leaders, the more willing they may be to tell details about their lives. And the more they hear from friends, the more they realize how unusual their own lives are. And there's just no way she could make everyone in soccer and their parents sign an NDA.

We have heard before how strict her father was. If she was abused, that is sad. But it does not make it ok to beat her own kids and abuse them. She has had many chances to make other choices. Jodi, Beth, many helpers, demonstrated how to parent without abuse. Each time she wrote in her journal that her anger scared her she had a chance to get counseling. Another generation suffers. The sad part is out of 8 children probably one will continue the trend.

Tucker's Mom said...

Layla said... 111
Jessa Duggar Seewald had a baby boy this morning. Anyone wondering whether TLC had a film crew there to capture the event? Yeah, me either.
February 6, 2017 at 10:06 AM
Me either. Fames whores dressed in Jesus sheep's clothing.

Tucker's Mom said...

Poor Schmoopy. All she's got is 2 puppies, and some potato skins...
Would you like some dried-up potatoes to go with your scallions?

Kate's silence on Collin-what's there to say after all this time? I wonder if People will give her another cover for the 1-year anniversary of their post-Collin life.
She can talk all about Collin's chugging and plodding and beam with pride when she tells her lick spittle Kate that Jon still doesn't know where Collin is.
And of course, it's all for the best, they're still sad, but hey, life goes on.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Tucker's Mom (#120), so if TFW equates C's absence with being away at college, is he about to start his sophomore year?

TLC stinks said...

Floor is fine, but NOT in a dog bed curled up in a dog blanket. Yuck.

These photo ops without kids is just weird. I agree that it was about giving the "impression" that she and all SEVEN were watching the game together, you know, they are such a close family and all that. Not every one is into football, even if it's the Super Bowl. I think it was their dinner and an opportunity for a photo op. She did her traditional Super Bowl spread with stone cold scooped out potatoes loaded with green onions (huh?), cheese cubes, crackers, veggies and dip. At least there was a flat cake. Such a gourmet cook, Ms. Cookbook Author, LOL. ~ Administrator said...

Mouthful of green onions anyone??

Geez, she's such a mess as far as cooks go. Someone call Anne Burrell.

Tucker's Mom said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 121
Tucker's Mom (#120), so if TFW equates C's absence with being away at college, is he about to start his sophomore year?
February 6, 2017 at 2:48 PM
That was the first clue that Collin was going away for a long time. At least college kids get to come home and visit.

Ingrid said...

GollyGee said... 107
Brittany Spears niece.Maddie Aldridge, the 8-year-old daughter of Jamie Lynn Spears, is in critical but stable condition after her ATV accident
This makes me just sick to my stomach. Too many kids have been hurt or killed on them.

My granddaughter at about 9 yrs old was allowed to drive the ATV around their big yard. Someone was following her on the go cart and she looked back, hit a rock and tipped over. She wasn't hurt but never rode again. (Thank god!!)

My cousin's 16 yr old boy who was an experienced ATV driver from using them on the farm was going down an icy driveway ahead of his dad.(Not recklessly) He lost control and it flipped and landed on him and killed him.

I don't care what anyone says. They are not safe. Especially for kids.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Admin (#123), admit it -- you're just jellus that you weren't invited to TFW's super-fun
crudite Super Bowl party.

Tucker's Mom said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 126
Admin (#123), admit it -- you're just jellus that you weren't invited to TFW's super-fun
crudite Super Bowl party.
Can't imagine how much fun it is to watch the SB just because it's the SB. The halftime show has something for everyone, but if you don't play or aren't a fan, it would be boring.
Sort of like watching soccer, for me. There's too much I don't understand so my eyes glaze over quickly.
Also, it's just the kids, probably, so no different than any other night. Just with junk food.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Ingrid (#125), so sorry to hear about your cousin's boy's tragic accident. Thankfully your granddaughter survived hers. It's scary stuff.

I know people thought we were pearl clutchers when we worried about the G kids on the Gator. But as the Spears family's accident shows that "golden platter" children can get hurt the same as anyone else.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

People already has a picture of Jessa's baby. She once insisted the Duggars weren't a TV family -- just a family that's on TV. Gimme a break. I bet that picture was emailed to People before the placenta came out, and they're already waiting by the mailbox for their check.

Susan1956 said...

There wasn't any pizza on the table for Uncle Steve?

Sad but true said...

Hold on there, Doofus, we only have K8's word that any "doctors & experts" were involved in this decision. Let K8ie-kins tell it to the judge.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack
@MsGoody2Shoes33 @UseCmmonSense @Kateplusmy8 @GeeWhiz__ Add to that ...doctors & experts weighed in on this decision to help Kate help him!

Tucker's Mom said...

MsGoody2Shoes21_ ‏@MsGoody2Shoes33 48m48 minutes ago
@UseCmmonSense @Kateplusmy8 @GeeWhiz__ @MiloandJack Collin is away from prying eye and exactly where his loving mother says he needs to be.
His mother advertised Collin's situation on the cover of People magazine! How is that protecting him from prying eyes?
Kate's done nothing BUT putting her kids out there for public consumption.

Sherry Baby said...

Floor is fine, but NOT in a dog bed curled up in a dog blanket. Yuck.

Oops. Guilty. Mine like the fluffy dog bed and her blanket. They like to cuddle with her. Bedding gets laundered frequently and I never thought about it being gross or yucky. Of course, these are kids who dig around for worms to "bake" in their sloppy mud pies. Childhood fun times!

CC said...

Blowing in the Wind said...

...with seven kids going off in all directions on the slopes.


Actually you only go in one direction on the slopes. Down.

You take the ski lifts up together, ski down together (relatively), and wait at the bottom for everyone and go back on the lift together. (Obviously, you go in groups of 2 or 3 per chair.) And repeat. It's not hard to do in a group.

She'd have to do group ski lessons, but those kids could be going up and down the bunny hills and easy runs by the end of the day very easily.

Obviously money isn't the issue.

Localyocul said...

I'm really scared for Jamie Lynn's girl. It doesn't sound survivable. Maybe in the north with frigid water temps but not down south. And "critical but stable" is what Carrie Fisher was. I hope to God I'm wrong. So tragic

Localyocul said...

TLC stinks said... 122
Floor is fine, but NOT in a dog bed curled up in a dog blanket. Yuck.


Right? How about some bean bag chairs!? My daughter had a huge bean bag chair at that age. Oh but then the dog took it over haha ~ Administrator said...

Jamie Lynn Spear's daughter will likely die or be brain damaged. Tragic. She overcorrected to avoid a puddle and went into the pond. This is a perfect example of why children shouldn't be on such vehicles. They don't yet have the spacial development, the quick thinking and reasoned decision making under pressure that adults have to be able to operate something like this safely. It's not a matter of a kid always giving 100% effort to be safe. A kid cannot be at 100% because their brains aren't there yet. Unfortunately this is the fault of the adults who let her do this. Wake up, Kate. Wake up.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Susan1956 (#130), tee hee!

Sherry Baby said...

You take the ski lifts up together, ski down together (relatively), and wait at the bottom for everyone and go back on the lift together. (Obviously, you go in groups of 2 or 3 per chair.) And repeat. It's not hard to do in a group

I'm with Blowing on this one. If I can't see all of mine together, I get very nervous. I don't even like amusement parks for that reason.

Helicopter parent? No, just a mama grizzly.

Sherry Baby said...

@UseCmmonSense @Kateplusmy8 @GeeWhiz__ @MiloandJack Collin is away from prying eye and exactly where his loving mother says he needs to be.

I read "prying eye" and thought she was talking about Gladys!

NJGal51 said...

Can't imagine how much fun it is to watch the SB just because it's the SB. The halftime show has something for everyone, but if you don't play or aren't a fan, it would be boring.
Exactly Tucker's Mom. I don't like football, I don't understand football and I don't watch football. I watched the Walking Dead marathon in one room and my husband went back and forth between the game and other things in another. I don't believe for a minute that all the kids were there with TFW glued to the game eating the SB snacks. I imagine that they were in and out grabbing what they wanted and then wandering off to do their own thing.

Deliverance said...

Not to start a huge debate but when our kids were growing up we had a lot of "toys," a boat and ATVs. They learned to water ski and ride ATVs at an early age. We were diligent in teaching them safety and they had definite boundaries. They never rode their ATVs in unfamiliar territory and never went out alone and we were always in a large group.

The kids are adults now and their fondest memories are those of camping and water skiing on Lake Powell and riding their ATVs in the Yucca desert. We only had one accident in all those years and it was when I miscalculated and fell into a crevice, my ATV falling on top of me. No injuries, just bruises and sore muscles the next day.

I'd much rather have my kids learn such things with me being the vigilant and ever watchful teacher than not allowing them such experiences until they go off with friends to try such things.

Their early experiences helped to teach them such things as spacial development, quick thinking and reasoned decision making under pressure and their parents and other adults were always nearby and watchful.

CC said...

Sherry Baby said...

I'm with Blowing on this one. If I can't see all of mine together, I get very nervous. I don't even like amusement parks for that reason.

Helicopter parent? No, just a mama grizzly.

Do you ski? Most skiers know how easy bunny hills are.

On a bunny hill you can see everyone. If you choose to not ski you can stay at the bottom and watch them all come down.

You can also ski with them and stop along the way.

The bunny hills are for beginners. They are wide and very easy to ski. The instructors take the kids down a few times and then they can do it on their own. The ski lifts are easy too. They also have conveyor belts for beginners. The G kids aren't toddlers anymore. And she wouldn't only really be watching 6 kids. Well, 5 because poor, sweet Collin seems to be out of the picture. The twins are old enough to stay with two kids also. So Kate would have 3 to watch.

Depending on the mountain, you can even walk up the hill just a few yards and only ski at the very bottom to get the hang of it. It's fun.

This is just my experience skiing, at about five different mountains. Only one wouldn't let you near the lifts if you didn't have a lift ticket and ski boots and skis. The others let parents "helicopter" their kids by the bunny hills wearing just winter boots.

I don't have 7 or 8 kids of my own, but I've gone with 5 kids (beginner level) and it was just me. It's pretty simple if you stick to the beginner slopes.

And just for the record, I'm pretty much a helicopter mama grizzly. lol. ~ Administrator said...

I have to completely disagree that it's good parenting to teach a child how to ride an ATV and I'm surprised someone would defend this. This Spears child was SEVEN YEARS OLD. She's not going to get into an ATV on her own at 7 years old. Lock up the keys and that's that. And here's the thing, read the articles, her parents were literally standing right there, mother and father, watched the accident, and immediately ran to her rescue. The problem is no amount of good parenting can account for a seven year old's EXTREMELY underdeveloped prefrontal cortex and her inability to make good decisions especially ones that must be made instantly, like how to avoid a puddle without overcorrecting and throwing yourself into the pond head first to your possible death. Not to mention a seven year old on a hunting trip and all the good decisions that must be made on that excursion she is not yet capable of making. Geez, terrible parenting just like her older sister who was involved with CPS.

Of course it's fine to introduce much older children to vehicles like this in a safe manner. I'm not sure what the magic age is for these vehicles, but one might read their state laws as well as consult the manufacturer. In many states it's illegal to touch them until you're 16. That seems much more reasonable. 16 is vastly different than SEVEN.

And another thing, no one says they want to introduce a 7 year old to driving a car because they're going to do it anyway. No, you impose good parenting and rules about not touching the car until they are of the legal age, and when they are of legal age, you give them lots of good instruction including if possible, a driver's ed course. No one ever sucked at driving cars because they didn't start when they were 7. Absurd.

A sobering statistic, a QUARTER of deaths on these vehicles are children under 16. Taking into account how few kids are probably even allowed to ride these things by their parents under 16, that's even more shocking. I would like to see the statistic of how many children who get on these things under 16, how many end up dead.

I'm reminded of the seven year old pilot. People thought it was cute, record breaking, a fluff piece news story. Then she crashed the plane and died and people woke up that a child doesn't have the capacity to handle that machine no matter how earnest she is.

And finally, the fact that your family never had an accident does not prove that something is safe. Your family got lucky. Not every single person will die in an ATV accident or it would be banned. But enough do to cause any good parent serious concern. ~ Administrator said...

People already has a picture of Jessa's baby. She once insisted the Duggars weren't a TV family -- just a family that's on TV. Gimme a break. I bet that picture was emailed to People before the placenta came out, and they're already waiting by the mailbox for their check.


Oh brother. They probably got Kate Coyne programmed in the phone, ready to beam the baby pic over to her before they've barely even cut the ford. The check's in the mail, for real! ~ Administrator said...

I should add that I don't have a problem with young kids water skiing and I don't think that's at ALL the same as an ATV, so I'm not sure why it's being lumped into the same category. The issue is motorized vehicles, and a young child's inability to be in good command of said vehicles due to underdeveloped brains.

There are water skiing accidents all the time, but they are rarely fatal. A broken bone, a face full of water, a belly flop. No big deal. The kids will survive and will learn a skill. As long as you take him at a responsible speed, go for it Rarely, a deadly accident happens because another boat hits the skier, but another boat could hit any child out in the water, so the risk is all the same once you allow the child in the water.

And that's exactly the point, there are plenty of safer and just as fun activities younger kids can do to help practice their decision making skills and other tools necessary to be in command of machinery. Then when they are old enough to drive a vehicle without putting themselves into a pond, they'll be more prepared. You make something like 200 decisions every time you take drive in a car. A little brain can't handle that. She can't nail all 200 every time just like you and I do on the way to work. It's not just obvious she's going to end up in the pond at some point, it's inevitable.

Even states have recognized the glaring statistics that demonstrate that driving becomes so much less dangerous once you get past 16-17 years old. Laws have gotten much more restrictive in recent years because we've accepted and understand the stats better now. When we know better and progress due to studies, statistics, anecdotal evidence, and the like, there is no reason why we should not parent, and legislate, better. ~ Administrator said...

I have wonderful memories myself of camping, lakes, rivers, outdoor activities, boating, hiking, and the like. If a child wants to moto-bike or ATV, there are mountain bikes which is deliriously fun.

I did not get on motorized vehicles, the adults did. I did not get on a, in my case, snow mobile, until I was 18 years old. And I have wonderful memories of that too, and I never once thought, gosh I wish I had gotten on this as SEVEN. Geez!

You are not depriving children of any memories by being responsible and telling them to get the F away from the motorized vehicles.

CC said...

Wow. 7 or 8 years old on an ATV? No offense but that's just reckless.

This article explains the dangers well. The weight and speed of an ATV is just too much for a young child.

Get them a plastic Barbie or Jeep ATV if you feel they must have one. Not sure why anyone would feel they must though. ~ Administrator said...

Instagram reveals she got the ATV for her 7th birthday. So we have a child barely out of the "six" age when she initially got on this thing. There is just no way her brain is there, no way.

Okay, let's say you have a child who really just has a need to rev that engine. There are so many safer alternatives. Bumper cars, go carts on an organized track and reasonable speeds, the plastic motorized barbie cars (Grandpa had one, and drove that thing around and around the house to oodles of fun), amusement park rides. And then you tell the child, no ATV until you are X years old. No means no, to quote Kate.

Why, just WHY?

Deliverance said...

I brought up water skiing just as an illustration that we were an active family that introduced their children at a young age to various activities. They learned to snow ski at a young age as well.

I'm much more concerned about 16 year old kids getting behind the wheel of a car with a cell phone and a bunch of their friends talking and laughing and changing the radio station than a kid getting on an ATV with responsible parents riding beside them teaching them rules. There were no distractions like cell phones, friends, speeding cars on the freeway.

Our kids got their ATV when my daughter was 10, my son was 9. We chose safe places to ride, rode only during the day and in the desert. I remember one time my son begged me to allow him to ride the ATV on the street where we lived, a quiet cul-de-sac. No way. We set the rules, the kids followed the rules. No speeding, no riding alone, ever. Even we adults didn't go out alone.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure how many posts ago that people were talking about Colin having autism. It wasn't clear to me how the info was received. Kate in a magazine interview? Through Twitter? Whatever, but I think I read that.
Then did I read someplace that Jon is trying out for acting roles?
Most importantly, is he really unable to find out where is own kid is? How is that possible. The agreement for her to have custody (and he visitation) while he does not give her money for child support does not mean he does not even get to know Colin's location. He does have visitation and it is his kid.

Lastly, I Pres Trump's son being labeled by people who are NOT in the know that he has autism? That's going really low. Limbo low. Shocking if people are throwing that around it really pisses me off.

GollyGee said...

Localyocul said... 135
I'm really scared for Jamie Lynn's girl. It doesn't sound survivable. Maybe in the north with frigid water temps but not down south. And "critical but stable" is what Carrie Fisher was.


Yes. It is a miracle she just survived getting out of the water! She was submerged in the water for several minutes according to TMZ.

On one of the entertainment shows, they showed the little girl on video driving a golf cart, very fast. She was so little, she was barely sitting on the seat, and her feet were nowhere near the floorboard and she really was struggling to be in control of it.

It was shocking to see that small, skinny little girl driving that golf cart and the golf cart manhandling her. Bouncing her so high. She was flying on it. Reminds me so much of when Mady came around those trees with her and Cara and 4 tups piled up in the cargo bay and she was driving so fast she was flying and not even old enough to drive it and a sticker on it that said in the warnings the word, Death.

Sad but true said...

Deliverance said... 142
Not to start a huge debate but when our kids were growing up we had a lot of "toys," a boat and ATVs. They learned to water ski and ride ATVs at an early age. We were diligent in teaching them safety and they had definite boundaries. They never rode their ATVs in unfamiliar territory and never went out alone and we were always in a large group.

But this is key: You took the time and gained the knowledge needed to be able to teach your children how to properly and safely pursue these activities.

For the most part, Kate is unable (and very possibly unwilling) to impart this knowledge to her kids or to exercise this sort of diligence. Hell, we only just found out that she "barely" swims, and she's ostensibly the presiding adult over the backyard pool in the summer! And since she doesn't really swim, the idea that she's taking 8 kids on all these beach vacations year after year is ludicrous---how often do we see anyone in the water and actually swimming? Sure, we've seen numerous boating and other ON-the-water fun and games, but always and only accompanied by other responsible (and presumably seaworthy) adults. When the G kids are on the beach, for the most part they're indulging in Mommy's favorite activity: tanning.

I am all but certain K8 knows little to nothing about skiing, or four-wheeling, or mountain-biking, and she's not interested in learning. So I don't find it surprising that she doesn't do this sort of thing with the kids. And it's probably safer for them that she abstains if she doesn't have the requisite number of adults to supervise.

Of course, she has the means to have others teach her kids these things, but she chooses not to do so. Maybe to ensure that everyone's in tip-top shape to pursue HER favorite activity: filming. Unfortunately for her children, Old Daddy was the one who both knew how to do these activities AND had the patience to teach them. But New Daddy's not allowed the time and doesn't have the deep pockets needed to do any of this. So the kids miss out, and that's a shame.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Reading that tweet about C's "loving mother," my first thought was...wait, has someone adopted him? Because from what I know, C has never had a loving mother. He's had a drill sergeant, a ringmaster, a sheriff, a judge, and a warden. But not a loving mother. He sure could've used one.

Sad but true said...

Border Collie said... 151
I'm not sure how many posts ago that people were talking about Colin having autism. It wasn't clear to me how the info was received. Kate in a magazine interview? Through Twitter? Whatever, but I think I read that.

I don't believe we have ever heard the word autism from anyone who is in a position to know. I think people have drawn that conclusion from Collin's demeanor at times and the fact that he seems to be on medication. I'm not convinced that this is his "issue.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

I was wondering how to describe how very young 7 is, and I think I got it -- they still believe in Santa, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy.

Tucker's Mom said...

I don't believe we have ever heard the word autism from anyone who is in a position to know. I think people have drawn that conclusion from Collin's demeanor at times and the fact that he seems to be on medication. I'm not convinced that this is his "issue.
Also, very early on we saw what Kate dubbed as his "helper boy" behaviors involving compulsory organizing by size and color and putting things in order.
The thing is, by all evidence, Kate knew Collin was different. Instead of thinking about it from the child's perspective, she labeled him "difficult" and seemed to become increasingly resentful of Collin's unwillingness to conform to her parenting style. ~ Administrator said...

I was wondering how to describe how very young 7 is, and I think I got it -- they still believe in Santa, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy.


They still pick their nose and eat it. Done. ~ Administrator said...

For the most part, Kate is unable (and very possibly unwilling) to impart this knowledge to her kids or to exercise this sort of diligence. Hell, we only just found out that she "barely" swims, and she's ostensibly the presiding adult over the backyard pool in the summer!


It would be MUCH better if she took the time to be a teacher about the dangerous things that they do. It doesn't promise a kid won't get hurt. Jamie Lynn Spears was standing right there when her child almost died. But, it at least lowers the risk.

BUT.....she doesn't even do that! W...T...F!

TLC stinks said...

Nobody here knows what Collin's issues are, but if he is on the autism spectrum, it most certainly does not qualify him for being sent away. I agree with previous poster that it is most likely not his issue. ~ Administrator said...

There were a few moms here over the years who have said adamantly he just is not autistic, not based on their experiences with their children and others. I absolutely have to agree based on the autistic clients I have worked with. I can't find any strong similarities.

In many ways that makes Kate much more culpable, because I think there is a very good chance his issues are a manifestation, a reaction, to how she has parented him, both the physical and mental abuse. And not something he was just born with. ~ Administrator said...

Twitter is really tracking down on trolling and harassment. Now when you're trolling your tweets might not even show up.

The sheeple and haters heyday is coming to an abrupt end. The logarithms are gonna pick that stuff out quicker than scat.

Sad but true said...

OMG, there's really no describing this one, but I'll give you a hint. Gladiator sandals, short white shorts, black halter top: Where am I?

kateplusmy8This is what happens when you use the wrong MATH SYMBOL! Makes a big difference!
Now if only there were REALLY more of me! One to make dinner๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿฅ—, one to do laundry๐Ÿ‘š, one to do kid pick ups ๐ŸšŽ๐ŸŒณ๐Ÿ‘and errands๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ›’, one to care for pets๐Ÿถ๐Ÿถ๐Ÿถ๐Ÿฆ, one to clean the house๐Ÿ—‘, one to do home repairs๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿ”จ, one to do production meetings/๐Ÿ“‹schedule/film our show๐ŸŽฌ๐ŸŽฅ, make phone calls/appointments☎️ and pay bills๐Ÿ“ซ .. oh and one to hang out and play games with the kids and SLEEP!๐Ÿ› :):) #PhotoByMadyMagic :) #EightOfKate #DontIWish

What a loser this woman is. Me me me me MEEEEEEEE!

Sad but true said...

vabird Would you consider hiring a personal assistant?

Uh, what do you call housekeepers, endless nannies, and Skeve? Oh and they DO have a father! I hate that people either do not know or do not wish to see the REALITY behind this biatch.

Sad but true said...

Someone's full of herself this morning. Did TLC greenlight more K8 + 7? Well, at this point it's just more fodder for the kids' lawsuits down the road.

nick_moy You are missing a few things, who take the kids to their sporting events, music lessons, referee when there are disagreements. Shovel the snow.. co-ordinate and plan everything .. who knows what else you missed.. It's hard and stressful being a parent.. and a hundred times harder when you are single... But some people just love it.. That's why you inspire so many people... Stay strong.. Stay Happy !! ☺☺

kateplusmy8 I did think of referee but ran out of 'Kates' lol. Kids sporting events are covered in my list ('kid pick ups')! ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰ I must admit, listing this out was daunting... and I knew I didn't cover it all! #ParentingIsOverwhelming @nick_moy

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Sad but true (163), I won't look at the picture, but thanks for passing that post along! Of all the myriad things poor widdle put-upon, doin'-it-all alone, exhausted single mom TFW listed, the only one I believe she actually does herself is sleep.

Sad but true said...

I can't believe this poor woman looks up to Miss #PretendsToDoItAll. Hey K8, walk a mile in HER shoes and see how you do. I can see you running screaming down the road after about an hour.

proutfamily I have 6. Youngest is very medical. Today...I'm exhausted, sore, muscles non existent, out of shape. Why can't cleaning, laundry, vacuuming, cooking, toilet scrubbing, nosecwiping, homework doing, kid care, med kid care...count as exercise and turn me into a super hot size 6???

Tucker's Mom said...

TLC stinks said... 160
Nobody here knows what Collin's issues are, but if he is on the autism spectrum, it most certainly does not qualify him for being sent away. I agree with previous poster that it is most likely not his issue.
February 7, 2017 at 6:06 AM
I agree. Not for this long.
Something is very wrong here.

Tucker's Mom said... ~ Administrator said... 162
Twitter is really tracking down on trolling and harassment. Now when you're trolling your tweets might not even show up.

The sheeple and haters heyday is coming to an abrupt end. The logarithms are gonna pick that stuff out quicker than scat.
Kate's twitter has slowed waaaay down. It's not the tit-for-tat fest between Kate's staunch defenders and her haterz.

Tucker's Mom said...

What a loser this woman is. Me me me me MEEEEEEEE!

Try adding a full-time job on top of that, and subtracting a million or so dollars from your bank accounts.
She is the biggest whiner I've ever seen.
Wait, add a few more Kates to be the ones who jet off for vacations, go to NYC for hair, go to NYC and CA for media tours, take weeks away to visit Australia and to get regular manis, pedis and tanning, not to mention ongoing cosmetic enhancements and upkeep.
She's got more blessings, money, things, access and privilege than most of the world, yet all she can do is bitch.

Tucker's Mom said...

Maybe the kids want more than one of them to be able to go to school, DO CHORES, do homework, SEE THEIR DAD, and keep up with Kate's filming schedule.
She acts like she's the only one working!

Tucker's Mom said...

nick_moyYou are missing a few things, who take the kids to their sporting events, music lessons, referee when there are disagreements. Shovel the snow.. co-ordinate and plan everything .. who knows what else you missed.. It's hard and stressful being a parent.. and a hundred times harder when you are single... But some people just love it.. That's why you inspire so many people... Stay strong.. Stay Happy !! ☺☺
OMG. They cant be this dumb, can they?

Jamesvader1194 said...

@Sad but true Nick is such a white knight.I honestly doubt Mady made the photo like that.I can't imagine Mady decided to make a photo like that and talk about 8 things their mother does.

Tucker's Mom said...

kateplusmy8 I did think of referee but ran out of 'Kates' lol. Kids sporting events are covered in my list ('kid pick ups')! ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰ I must admit, listing this out was daunting... and I knew I didn't cover it all! #ParentingIsOverwhelming @nick_moy
First of all, one child is completely taken off her hands. She provides no care to him, so now she's down to 7.
They are 12 and 16 and should not need to be tended to like babies.
There's no evidence her kids do any organized activities which require real commitment.
Except Cara, of course.
For being this busy, I don't know why the majority of what she posts involves being sequestered in her bedroom.
There are very fews photos of any of them having a life outside the compound.

I hope Kate's alluding to filming is past tense.
If TLC is still cranking up filming, there needs to be another full-court press on the companies that pay to advertise during this travesty.

Tucker's Mom said...

Ah, I bet Robert would have loved this visage for the cover of his book! Replace your children with images of yourself.
Sounds about right.
Mady's a genius.

localyocul said... ~ Administrator said... 149
Instagram reveals she got the ATV for her 7th birthday. So we have a child barely out of the "six" age when she initially got on this thing. There is just no way her brain is there, no way.

Okay, let's say you have a child who really just has a need to rev that engine. There are so many safer alternatives. Bumper cars, go carts on an organized track and reasonable speeds, the plastic motorized barbie cars (Grandpa had one, and drove that thing around and around the house to oodles of fun), amusement park rides. And then you tell the child, no ATV until you are X years old. No means no, to quote Kate.

Why, just WHY?


Even if one does approve of letting a little kid drive an ATV, why in the world would you let her anywhere near a lake with it?

Jamesvader1194 said...

@Tucker's Mom I don't think she is referring to future filming with that comment mainly because i would like to think TLC hasn't come to a decision about Collin.Unless he's home and Kate's not about to give info until another PEOPLE cover.If she's indeed referring to future filming then there is no point in discussing low ratings for not just her show but for all TLC shows.

NJGal51 said... ~ Administrator said... 162
Twitter is really tracking down on trolling and harassment. Now when you're trolling your tweets might not even show up.

The sheeple and haters heyday is coming to an abrupt end. The logarithms are gonna pick that stuff out quicker than scat.
Kate's twitter has slowed waaaay down. It's not the tit-for-tat fest between Kate's staunch defenders and her haterz.
The problem with this (for TFW) is that her twitter has slowed down so much it shows just how much of a nonentity she is. Any advertiser looking at this will see maybe 10 tweets in a 24 hour period. TFW doesn't help matters because she is in love with IG and doesn't tweet any more. At least when the haters were tweeting it didn't look like her twitter was on life support.

Oh and her latest IG is beyond ridiculous. Mady seems to be so self-involved (my opinion from what I've seen of her) that she was probably photo shopping pictures of herself and TFW saw them and wanted one done. She probably sent Mady the picture to use because I can't feature any kid that age keeping pictures of her mom on her phone or iPad.

Sad but true said...

sabra_hayden@kateplusmy8 you're incredible! You need a house keeper!

She's not REALLY gonna LIE about the fact that she has had more than one full-time housekeeper and many many nannies/household helpers ("laundry girl," anyone?) over the years, now is she?

Oh yes she is!

kateplusmy8 Amen to that! I dream of one.... literally! #PositionOpen lol @sabra_hayden

She is un-f*cking-believable.

GollyGee said...

Wow, Admin, Mady really is a genius!

Did it even register with the dimwit that there were only 7 little kates?

I agree! Robert would of LOVED this, but the chess board was pretty brilliant. Could of been in the book or back cover.

There is the Queen and then there are four little kates on the left and only 3 on the right.

Collin, God love him!

GollyGee said...

I saw this last night. They live in a 3 br. outside of
Las Vegas. All the kids help with chores. But the great thing was she was talking to them so softly and she was really nice to them.

She said that she didn't have any help. I take kids, pick up kids to their activities. IIRC, one son (severe) goes to a special school like (wrap around?) but he goes to school during the day and comes home at night!

She has a bachelor's degree in child and adolescent development from California State University, Fullerton, and was studying for a master's in counseling when she became pregnant with the octuplets.

She works in crisis counseling.

The kids all looked great and well behaved.

Turn out the lights said...

kateplusmy8This is what happens when you use the wrong MATH SYMBOL! Makes a big difference!
Now if only there were REALLY more of me! One to make dinner๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿฅ—, one to do laundry๐Ÿ‘š, one to do kid pick ups ๐ŸšŽ๐ŸŒณ๐Ÿ‘and errands๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ›’, one to care for pets๐Ÿถ๐Ÿถ๐Ÿถ๐Ÿฆ, one to clean the house๐Ÿ—‘, one to do home repairs๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿ”จ, one to do production meetings/๐Ÿ“‹schedule/film our show๐ŸŽฌ๐ŸŽฅ, make phone calls/appointments☎️ and pay bills๐Ÿ“ซ .. oh and one to hang out and play games with the kids and SLEEP!๐Ÿ› :):) #PhotoByMadyMagic :) #EightOfKate #DontIWish

What a loser this woman is. Me me me me MEEEEEEEE!
Oh, lets make another list of what she doesn't do. I'll start!!

1. Co-parent
2 go to church
3 have time with friends
4 have a 40 hour JOB
5 spend time with extended family
6 cook breakfast and lunch
7 not scream at the kids
8 visit Collin


NJGal51 said...

TFW must have forgotten to buy "likes" for this one. It's been up for over 4 hours and only has 1,881 "like". Let's see if the number goes up now that it's been mentioned here (waves to TFW). It's now 12:21 EST.

TLC stinks said...

Mady is no genius. Kate requested her to photoshop that image because Kate is responding, probably after reading here, how she does pretty much nothing for her kids. She is on this bender about how busy she is raising those kids BY HERSELF. What's the matter, Kate? Custody trial not going well?

Sad but true said...

LOL. Kind of like the Asian wig-thing.

pc08 Why does it look like ur wearing a KKK hood ๐Ÿ˜‚

kateplusmy8 She took a picture of a picture hanging on the wall and did something to make it all me instead of all of us... guess the white shadows appeared in the process.. I hadn't even seen it til you pointed it out! #Yikes @pc08

Over And Out said...

kateplusmy8 She took a picture of a picture hanging on the wall and did something to make it all me instead of all of us... guess the white shadows appeared in the process.. I hadn't even seen it til you pointed it out! #Yikes @pc08


Geez. Everything about Kate is ME, ME, ME. What the heck is wrong with that woman? Will she ever shut up? Does she even realize that she's doing it?

I bet Milo is enjoying the photo of Kate's legs and hooker wear!

Sad but true said...

I wouldn't be surprised if Mady's little photo-shopping project wasn't a rather direct representation of her nightmares: "Kate x 8, Now in 3-D!"

And as noted above, one of her 8 little victims is missing. K8 probably pointed out to Mady that it couldn't be "Kate x 8" if there were 8 littles plus one big, and Mady accommodated by removing one. I'm sure the irony wasn't lost on her.

NJGal51 said...

kateplusmy8 She took a picture of a picture hanging on the wall and did something to make it all me instead of all of us... guess the white shadows appeared in the process.. I hadn't even seen it til you pointed it out! #Yikes @pc08
If Mary's such a great photographer she should know better than this. I think TFW probably took a picture of a paicutr and gave it to Mady to work with (or did it herself but doesn't want to admit it).

Tucker's Mom said...

kateplusmy8 Amen to that! I dream of one.... literally! #PositionOpen lol @sabra_hayden

She is un-f*cking-believable.
Andrea is a? A what? A Not-A-Housekeeper?

Again, Kate is playing with the facts at hand. She might not have an Alice in residence, but she has hired help keeping her house.

Does anyone think Kate scrubs all those toilets? The boys' toilet?
That's hysterical.

Kate tends to bitch heavily about not having help when she's between help or doesn't have FT help.
The very notion that the kids are gone for 8 hours a day and she complains, when she doesn't have a job, is beyond.
Anyone who believes this crap deserves to be as stupid as they appear to be.

Tucker's Mom said...

Sad but true said... 185
LOL. Kind of like the Asian wig-thing.

pc08 Why does it look like ur wearing a KKK hood ๐Ÿ˜‚

kateplusmy8 She took a picture of a picture hanging on the wall and did something to make it all me instead of all of us... guess the white shadows appeared in the process.. I hadn't even seen it til you pointed it out! #Yikes @pc08
I think the way you photoshop like this is to remove whole images, hence the blank, white space, then drag and insert a new one.
Hence, more Kates.

It is quite funny that Kate 2.1-2.8 have white, hooded shadows surrounding them.
Kinda ghastly.

Tucker's Mom said...

pc08 Why does it look like ur wearing a KKK hood ๐Ÿ˜‚
Forget the white hoods, what about the disembodied legs of her children??

NJGal51 said...

Actually, whoever did the latest IG picture did kind of a crappy job because all she did was superimpose shrunken dupes of herself (yes, I still think TFW did it) over the kids and you can still see the kids' legs/feet in the picture. Not a genius at work.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 3h3 hours ago
@SandieBellz @Kateplusmy8 Yeah, hope Kate sees this...comes back to twitter at some point. About time @Support "got it" and listened to us!


Oh, Milo, you doofus. I'm sure twitter listened to YOU and will make Kate the Number One priority, erasing all the negative tweets to her and about her. They will sit on her account 24/7 to make sure that none of the insults and nasty tweets never make it to her door. Now you can sleep at night and rest easy just knowing that your love interest is being protected from those who don't like her.

Jeanne said...

Kate is such a self-centered loser. I really feel for the Spears family. I am disturbed by the ATV. But my family knows what it's like to be looking at a 7 yr old with a sudden brain injury. (My niece was 7 1/2 yrs old, sudden illness.) A child in the hospital for many months, living at Ronald McDonald, older child staying with neighbors, child has tracheotomy and is vent dependent. They wanted her to go to a children's nursing home hours away. Bringing her home meant changing our entire lives, redoing part of the home with better electricity, bigger bathroom and a large generator. There was 24 hour nursing but my sister and mother learned how to do all the care in case there was no nurse available like in snow storms. My sister had a 50-60 hour a week professional job. After the first $3 million the social workers get you on Medicare but there is paperwork every 6 months and they always say you did it wrong to kick you off and save money so she would have to sit at the medicare office for hours each time. Some nurses were good, others weren't and needed to be replaced and that took time. PT can come to the house but only if you fight for it for months. The school is supposed to provide services but you have to keep asking where they are in the process. Meanwhile your child is minimally conscious and spending one week a month in the hospital for treatment, and the doctors don't know if she'll get better or not. Insurance pays for some supplies. But others are out of pocket like diapers, diaper cream, lip balm and lotion, soap, sheets, washcloths, drool bibs, extra suction tubes, fans, a desk for the nurses, a reclining shower chair, hoyer lift, etc. You get to know the ambulance drivers by name. We all helped with the older kid, with her activities. You do all of this because you love your child/niece/granddaughter to death and you can't stand having her 2 hours away.

I hope actually that some of this is in Jamie Spears' future because it means her child is alive and has a chance. Kate would have only to have hired daily help for Colin and LOVED HIM! She is an ass and I don't give a shit if she has too much laundry for her paid helpers to do.

NJGal51 said...

Oh snap! I bet this will be swiffered soon.

carijo42 Literally, you have had hundreds of people in the last 16 years helping you with the twins when they were born, the tups when they were born. Jon did more with all of the children in the morning and even got himself ready for an hour drive to work than you did all that week. What mother sleeps till 8 am with 6 infants and 2 pre-k? A elderly lady that come just to fold the laundry and you pay her back by making a rude comment and just laughed about it? Remember the PA state nurse that you had for a year, tax free and tried to get her again by saying that the 10 month olds were disabled because they couldn't go and get theirselves a glass of water. All the volunteers that have rocked, fed, bathed, diapered and loved those children. You used them, your friends, your family members until they wouldn't tow the line that you drew in the sand and then like magic, poof! they were out of the kids lives, unceremoniously. You still have help today, you just won't own it.

GollyGee said...

I hope actually that some of this is in Jamie Spears' future because it means her child is alive and has a chance. Kate would have only to have hired daily help for Colin and LOVED HIM! She is an ass and I don't give a shit if she has too much laundry for her paid helpers to do.


Yes, she is an ass. The worse kind. You are right. She could of hired him an assistant to help him, she has the money and just hug and love him everyday.

But she is an out of control, raging, narc who only cares about filming the kids for money.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Tucker's Mom (#189), my mouth is still agape that TFW would have the gall to try to pretend she doesn't have help. She dreams of a housekeeper? The HELL? And these idiots buy that? Well, poor ol' Nick Moy said things are 100x harder as a single parent (wouldn't they just be twice as hard?), and has TFW shuttling the kids back and forth between imaginary music lessons. But are the rest of them falling for this nonsense?

Kelsey O. said...

Wow, just saw her IG photo. She really is a narcissist!

Sad but true said...

Grab it while you can, it won't be there long. Are you one of us? Bravo!

carijo42 Literally, you have had hundreds of people in the last 16 years helping you with the twins when they were born, the tups when they were born. Jon did more with all of the children in the morning and even got himself ready for an hour drive to work than you did all that week. What mother sleeps till 8 am with 6 infants and 2 pre-k? A elderly lady that came just to fold the laundry and you pay her back by making a rude comment and just laughed about it? Remember the PA state nurse that you had for a year, tax free and tried to get her again by saying that the 10 month olds were disabled because they couldn't go and get theirselves a glass of water. All the volunteers that have rocked, fed, bathed, diapered and loved those children. You used them, your friends, your family members until they wouldn't tow the line that you drew in the sand and then like magic, poof! they were out of the kids lives, unceremoniously. You still have help today, you just won't own it.

spalmer0829@carijo42 WOW.. there are people who get it๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

Tucker's Mom said...

I hope actually that some of this is in Jamie Spears' future because it means her child is alive and has a chance. Kate would have only to have hired daily help for Colin and LOVED HIM! She is an ass and I don't give a shit if she has too much laundry for her paid helpers to do.
Wow, Jeanne, that brought tears to my eyes. That's what you do for family.
Yes, it affects everyone and you have to have super-human powers to sustain yourself. You truly are giving your all.
Kate complaining constantly about how hard her life is is sickening.
I can't imagine being a child with a mother like that, who complains constantly about her burdens stemming from me and my siblings.

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