Monday, January 30, 2017

Recap: Kate Plus 8 "Puppies & Poconos": 'Now on TLCgo i.e. TLCno!'

Coming up on Kate Plus 8! They're taking a family vacation to Kellerman's! Oh wait, darn, it's just the Poconos.  Also, they get some puppies. What does this have to do with the Poconos, you ask? Well, they both begin with "P", so some producer somewhere thought it would be cute to lump the two story lines together.

Sometimes it's interesting to pause and read what you can find on the screen that isn't shown long enough to read at normal speeds. For the heck of it I pause on the clapperboard, which reveals that the Tup girls' couch interviews were filmed on 9-18-2016, which was a Sunday. Kate really is getting to the end of the line here when kids are going to cooperate with giving up even a portion of their weekend to doing work like this. I predict a lot of bribes will be necessary in her future.

Why is Kate yelling and clapping at her kids? Apparently she wants them to put their bags out by the van. Well, then ask them to do that in a normal tone like a normal person, what's with all the hollering? It's never more prevalent how much snipping and sniping she does to her kids. I've commented about it several times, and it just never lets up. The kids are going to resent it, and resent it very deeply, if they don't already. How awful to constantly have someone speaking to you in such a high-stress, negative tone. I couldn't stand it.

Mak and Nanuq are the puppies, and Kate's cradling one like a newborn. Ha, and he loves being babied as puppies, and even grown-up dogs often do. Aww, doggie babying. It's just so fun.

They just got the puppies so they decide to take them along on the trip. More yelling about diaper bags and getting in the car. They pile into the car and are ready to go when they suddenly realize they forgot to load the puppies. Ha, my parents did that to me once, when I was maybe two months old. They piled themselves and all my crap and all their crap in the car and nearly got a block down the road before realizing they didn't have me. They burned rubber getting back home to the baby. Apparently when they found me I was just quietly sitting in my carseat on the kitchen table contemplating what I would do with myself now that I was all alone in the world. I was fine. They laughed it off and still tell the story today. Instead of taking it in stride, Kate freaks out, doesn't see the humor in any of this, and yells and screams at the kids to go get the dogs. Good grief, it was just an honest mistake. Something got lost in the communication of who would load what into the car. With nine people it's bound to happen. At least you didn't arrive in the Poconos without the puppies you intended to take with you, now that's a problem! Interestingly enough, the boys are the only ones to explain how this happened. Hannah was supposed to be watching them and I guess she flaked. It's just one of dozens of examples of both the girls likely covering for each other, as well as Kate not pinning the blame on who was the real offender as long as she is one of the girls or has some kind of favored status.

They arrive at their spacious lake house rental. The puppies got car sick and have diarrhea, which Kate claims makes her feel bad. That's fine to have a little empathy, but at the same time, I really support bringing puppies along wherever you go if at all possible, even if they are young and getting sick (as long as it's safe to do so, like they have their shots). Not only is it an excellent opportunity for socialization to get them out of their comfort zone, but you can begin to get the pups used to traveling, which in my opinion is one of the most enjoyable things about having a dog, taking him along on your adventures large and small. The diarrhea and car sickness will mostly likely go away once the pups realize that traveling is the time of your life and nothing to fear.

Ha, does this count as a humble brag? The vast house, which has stone fireplaces and gorgeous hardwood flooring, has a difficult layout for Kate. I'm so sorry your vacation is hard.

Oh my god, the kids need to grow the F up already, especially the girls. They're immediately bickering over Kate's selection of bathrooms for them. For all the nagging Kate does, she so rarely corrects them over the major stuff, like frankly, being spoiled about the stupid bathrooms. It's like she can't issue spot when it comes to her kids. Do the girls have any idea that when most normal families take vacations you are very, very lucky to even have more than one bathroom to fight over? Try getting a family of four or five showered and ready for a busy day on vacation with just one Red Roof Inn shower and sink and the T.V. only gets four channels and the ice machine is out of order. It's no picnic. Another failing on Kate's part, not impressing upon them that nothing about most of their vacations is average or normal.

Once unloaded, they head to the lake, which looks just like pretty much every lake I ever camped at as a child. Classic East Coast summers. The kids play on rafts, paddle boards and with squirt guns. Shockingly, Kate remarks that she can't swim. But she has a pool at the house, and frequently takes the children on vacations that involve lakes, oceans and pools. Irresponsible and reckless, pure and simple.

Next up, some fishing from one of the docks. There's a brief shot of some guy in a red shirt and shorts who appears to be helping them fish, but they never explain who he is.

The next day, we begin with a sweeping shot of the house rental, and it's gigantic. It doesn't even fit in the frame. What an amazing vacation, and one that not a single one of these people seem to really appreciate.

Kate screaming and hollering at the kids, from inside, asking whether the puppies peed and pooped, really interferes with enjoying how absolutely adorable the pups are. Shut up, Doofus. If she really must know right then, why can't she walk outside and ask the children in a calm, normal volume tone whether the pups went potty? I don't understand it.

Next they head to Triple W Stable, where we will get to watch other people's kids ride horses. Lol, Kate, who clearly has no idea how to ride, is giving instructions to the kids about riding, like don't let go of the horn. That's what she said.

Great edit by TLC, where they cut to the riding instructor who tells them never hold the horn. This is a place where they hold the reins together with both hands. Heh, Leah and Hannah roll their eyes at each other. Kate, because she is an asshat and a terrible example to the children, proceeds to tell the instructor she will hold the horn. I'm at best an amateur horsewoman, I ride a handful of times a year and have ridden with my friend's cattle in Wyoming.  I have ridden at places where they want you to hold the reins together and move them left and right to steer the horse like how Triple W wants it, versus how I prefer to ride where you hold each rein separately (what the instructor calls "split reins") and sort of pull one side or the other back to steer. I do know because I tried it, if you try to steer split reins when the horse is used to the reins being together, or vice versa, the horse doesn't understand and won't respond correctly, can even get agitated. I can see the instructor getting a little more adamant as he firmly tells Kate you cannot hold the horn as that sends a message to the horse you're incapacitated. (And that, use your common sense, could be very bad.) Kate is probably too dumb and uninformed to realize this, but horses are extremely sensitive to a rider. How they sit, how they hold the reins, their level of confidence. Something as simple as threading the reins through your fingers correctly can make all the difference in the world to your control of the horse. So, when a riding instructor tells you to do something a certain specific way, and you think it's dumb or wonder how something so seemingly minor would make a difference, just f-ing do it the way he tells you. It's for your own damn safety, actually.

There's a lot of liability when you run a horseback riding place, and the last thing you need is a defiant customer. This guy is well within his rights to kick Kate off this ride right here and now and be done with her. The hilarity in all this is that Kate, in an attempt to try to help herself feel safer by holding onto something, is actually going to make her ride more dangerous. She's an idiot.

By the way, this is my first time trying out TLCgo, their streaming service. This episode mysteriously disappeared from my DVR so I found it on go. TLCgo is just like HBOgo, only HBOgo was here first. Hey, can they sue?

I have a major complaint I'd like to put in the comment box though, in that when you watch episodes on TLCgo and pause them, as I have to do a lot to write the recap, the video starts over when you press play again. You have to then manually pull the slider back over to where you last left off, if you can remember. What the hell, TLC! Less Duggars, more fix your streaming.

Nothing happens on the horseback ride, and pretty soon some of the kids are complaining and wanting to go back. The instructor just sort of sits there, listening to the whining. Kate soon allows half the group to go back, where apparently lunches are packed for them. I can't be the only one who finds this very rude. If you're going to quit halfway through the horseback ride, don't go in the first place. But I get Kate not wanting to pick her battles with this one. It's just not worth it. But I would have said from the beginning unless you're sticking out the whole ride don't go, we're not stopping in the middle for someone to take you back absent an emergency, as this is very rude to our instructors and the rest of the group.

Well, the children who left missed out on a beautiful view of a vast green meadow and spotting a baby deer. Their loss. Kate makes a comment similar to what she said last episode in that it's nice the kids are old enough at last to do these sort of things. Huh? The kids were old enough to ride horses at least six years ago, what in the world is she talking about? She really works hard to try to age them as slow as humanely possible. You would think they just got out of their pull-ups so now they can really take on the world without being bogged down having to carry around baby wipes.

Back at the house that doesn't even fit into the camera frame, they're not taking the puppies out enough, because one just peed in his pen. Kate passes him off on Aaden to walk. Well, it's too late to walk him now, isn't it? Kate complains they're like infants. Sort of. You do have to usually attend to them every hour with something, usually taking him out, much like it feels like you're constantly nursing a baby every hour those first couple months. I would say puppies are more like 2-year-olds, if I had to put a human age on them. In any case, doofus here is going to piss TLC's security deposit away at this rate, pun intended.

Kate has her typical freak out walking out onto the dock. It's one of those docks that is small and moves. I think they're floating docks, which explains the movement. Movement is thus normal, though unsettling if you're not expecting it. The kids think she's dramatic. Yes. One really has to wonder whether a lot of her water-related freak outs would improve if she just got herself some swimming lessons. Then at least you know you probably won't die if you slip off the dock. I don't know what kind of lessons could improve all her other freak outs, though.

Cara really is picking lint, I'm not making this up. A big piece of lint there!

Some of the kids, especially Alexis, are reluctant to get into the boats. When asked on the couch why they don't like boats, the girls say, not at all surprisingly, they don't like boats because they get sick and their mother forces them to get on anyway.

Their mother is cruel and hateful, period. Obviously their repeated nausea wasn't an anomaly or something they have outgrown now that they're older. The Tups are chronically seasick when they get on boats. With the dozens of other fun activities you could do at this place why force them? It's mean. Scientists think that seasickness and nausea actually stem from the brain, ears and eyes, not the stomach. I'm kind of curious if anyone has looked into whether preemies, who are often born with underdevelopment in those areas, are more likely to develop sea sickness as they grow older. It would be interesting to know, since all the Tups have it, yet the twins don't seem to at all.

Wow, Alexis is really refusing to go! She's sat down and crossed her legs on the dock like a regular sit in. Go Lex! This is really B.S. It's not like Alexis is refusing to go because she's a brat. She doesn't want to go because she pukes. I mean, anyone should understand that. Geez, can Kate cut her a break here? Have the nanny stay with her, or somebody? Finally Mady somehow persuades her to get in. The kids don't have much of a chance with both Kate and Mady bullying them into doing things like this. Hey, how come Kate is permitted to freak out and make a scene over anything under the sun that upsets her, but sweet Lexi here can't do the same when she actually has really good reason to? Surely the kids have noticed the hypocrisy.

Mr. Captain Man?? Can we punch this woman in the face now? Golly!

It's pouring rain and Mady says it's cold rain. How miserable, but production has a schedule to keep and tubing is today, so. The boys love tubing and make sure they get to go first. One of the boats has a fun slide that dumps you into the lake. They love it. Thankfully, Alexis is enjoying herself and not sick. I hope someone explained to the poor child that it's really unlikely she's going to get seasick the same way she does when they deep sea fish because this is an extremely calm, flat lake. That might have helped reassure her. Rather, they seemed to just be trying to bully her in it with threats that she was going to ruin everyone else's fun if she didn't get in and get in now. Poor little beaten down thing.

Another complaint about TLCgo, the commercials every ten minutes or so are at times absurdly long and they push their fat shows on you, and peddle the Duggars. I don't know how many times I've seen that Whitney chick panic over her not-a-pregnancy now, I can't get away from it even trying to avoid her at this point, too.

Cara picks more lint from her pant leg as Mady explains that Kate was dramatic when she went tubing with Joel. Joel is a good sport, just focusing on working his goPro and enjoying the ride despite his mother. And when I say tubing, it's not even really tubing. It looks way safer and more stable. It kind of reminds me of one of those circular life rafts for commercial fishing boats, with tall sides, only built for just two people. There's no chance you'll fall out unless you're an idiot who doesn't listen to instructors with vast expertise when they tell you to hold things a certain way and not the way you stubbornly would like to do it. Kate is grateful for parentified Joel, who comforted her on the ride.

The kids aren't the most articulate folks in the bunch, are they? "Fun" is about the extent of their description of that activity.

The next day, archery tag at Skytop Resort. A friend told her about it i.e. the producers set it up. This has to be hundreds of dollars to play, especially the way they've reserved the whole field just for them. This sounds like basically paint ball only with foam-tipped arrows. Looks deliciously fun. I'm sure Kate will spoil it somehow. "It's like Hunger Games!" Kate jokes to the teens, because she thinks she is also a teen and their BFF. Cara basically looks away at that, sort of like the looks the Obama girls had on their faces when their dad was making dumb turkey jokes at the turkey pardon, hehe, because what else can you do when your mother won't act her age.

The kids are five years old and can't figure out what the teams will be. Mercifully the instructor says either figure this out or he'll just do a count-off and pick them himself. I think I'm in love. So much whining and drama over something so simple, it's nice to see someone shut it down right away because Kate sure won't.

At the end of the day these teams end up being ridiculously unfair, with the twins and their friend Marley with Joel and Leah, who they observed doing some practice archery and determined are the best at it. We can bet Kate will suck, and that's only one older person with the rest of the tups who aren't as good at archery. What the heck! If I didn't mention it Collin is nowhere to be found and not even mentioned. It's truly like he never even existed. So, wouldn't it be much more fair to split up Joel and Leah if they were the best, or better yet, make them captains for a school yard pick? Instead, Mady gets to hand pick her entire team and Kate gets the leftovers. That is not fair. It's really a shame for everyone, because games are almost always more fun when teams are even. Why doesn't Mady have any empathy for how unfair this is to the other team? It's bizarre.

Notably, Hannah seems genuinely annoyed that she has to be on Kate's team, and snaps at Kate that no one wants to be on Kate's team. And you know what, that's normal at that age. You don't want to play this cool game with your mother. Sheesh. Why can't Kate be like every other mother and just watch?? And, if Kate watched, the numbers would be even. The way it is now, one team gets someone extra, which also isn't fair.

Not shockingly at all, Mady's team wins, to which even the usually affable Aaden bursts out how unfair the teams are.

Kate, who ultimately is bullied by and afraid of her own children, finds herself shut down by Mady when Kate suggests they mix the teams up for the next game. Kate, you are the parent, she is the child. You've become aware how unfair, and thus un-fun, these teams are. Mady's team is taking disturbing glee in absolutely killing Kate's team, and Kate's team is not having fun because they don't even have a chance. Be the adult and tell Mady, don't ask her, that the teams are going to be shuffled up for the next game. Pathetic.

In round two, Mady's team creams them again. Hannah actually seems close to tears. She's had it and walks off. I remember that feeling as a kid her age when some kind of competition or game was so unbelievably mis-matched and you were getting humiliated so unbelievably badly you just wanted to cry.  Like a shut out of your Middle School basketball team. It's just terrible. Unlike normal people who can remember stuff like that from their childhood, I don't think Kate can remember how she felt when that happened to her, or remember how much more deeply a twelve year old kid feels "unfair" and "losing." It's much easier for a mature adult to just shrug something like this off. To a kid, it's like the end of the world, and yet it's so simple to fix this problem by just mixing up the teams.

It's unclear whose idea this is, but mercifully they finally decide to mix up the teams for round three and draw names out of the hat. I still think schoolyard pick would be most fair, with the two best players as captains. Drawing from a hat has a good chance of creating unfair teams again by pure chance. But at least it's doing something to address the current cluster-F.

The new teams are Kate, Leah, Marley and Aaden, versus Mady, Cara, Alexis and Joel. That's better.

Kate's team finally wins! Sweet Aaden says I just wanted to win once. Aw. Wouldn't you know it, now that the teams are more fair the kids seem to be getting along better. The losing team is even high-fiving the winners. That's what a little help from reasonable adults will do in resolving stupid conflicts kids find themselves in and don't know how to get out of. Otherwise, Kate, it's Lord of the Flies, it really is. If kids didn't still need adults at this age, we'd set them free at 13 and be done with them.

Kate pats herself on the back for how much she loves teamwork and seeing them get along. No she doesn't. She loves conflict and divisiveness.

Rock climbing is up next, and paintball? And this is all on the same day! This is starting to get a little tiring just watching it, and feels intentional from production.  The more they cram into the day, the more stressed everyone will be, the more conflicts that will occur (see Hannah) the better footage they will get. See the glaring conflict of interest there? Production can't possibly be in charge of protecting children if their number one goal is good T.V.

Watch other people's kids rock climb. Then watch other people's kids play paintball.

There's some competition in the lint picking department. Alexis is slumped on the couch, getting bored talking about all this, picking lint off her pants. Heh.

Leah gloats, to Alexis of course, that she did not have nearly as much trouble rock climbing as Lex does. Kate remarks about how it's all about encouraging, not tearing people down, to which Leah gives her a gigantic eye roll. It's astounding how little respect the children have for her, and it's equally astounding how little control she has over how they treat their siblings. Frankly, as much as poor Lexi is picked on, I'm not sure Kate is capable of stopping it even if she wanted to. What a shocker, the authoritarian parenting style doesn't work after all in the end.

I feel like I've been binge watching Big Fat Fabulous Life just by watching the commercials on TLCgo. I know Whitney is I guess a lesbian now, and pregnant, but most likely not really, and also overall still a hot mess.

This episode is disintegrating into more like a really well-produced home video, with the cheap canned music in the background and no real plot, just some paintball and rock climbing. Almost like something you pay 80 bucks to the paintball place to produce for you and they send it to you a week later watch it once then throw it on the DVD shelves never to take out again.

You know what's kind of a head scratcher is they haven't done much activities that are at all suited for including your dog. No long hikes, no picnics, no relaxing by the lake and throwing a frisbee at the shore for the dogs. The pups don't even seem to be around most of the time. Who's watching the little puppies during all this people fun?

Ha, they flash back to the last time they went white water rafting on their trip out West and the instructor was "taunting" Kate. I vaguely remember that, and had to check my old recap to recall exactly what happened. A quick break to look at my recap from that episode, which reveals that Kate started it by disrespectfully talking back to their instructor, undermining him when he told the kids what they could do, ordering him not to get her wet, and shouting at him about how he should angle the boat straight (Actually, you don't necessarily always want to go down the river straight, certain positions of the rapids and other anomalies in the river mean sometimes you will steer the boat in other ways.) I think the one thing most glaring about this is that contrary to what Kate often says in that she's grown as a person over the years, she's actually the same exact nasty person she ever was. This time around, it was their riding instructor she was terribly rude to, outright defiant to the point of jeopardizing her and everyone else's safety, and tried to tell him about both his job and himself. Same shit, different year with this piece of work.

So, the truth is, the rafting instructor from the RV trip was pushing back a bit on Kate because she started it all, and was being a very rude and disrespectful customer, and was spoiling everyone else's fun. But yes, Kate, he taunted you just out of the blue, just to be cruel and make your experience terrible. Kind of like what you do to people so no surprise you see it in others. I leave you with his final line of the night: "We're gonna give out an Academy Award at the end of the day and I'm nominating you." Ha!

And, speaking of those awards, let me steer you in the direction of one of the probably unlikely winners, a dark horse. Hell or High Water. See it, cherish it, and understand why Manchester by the Sea is actually just manipulative Lifetime drivel and overrated as hell. I think Hell is going to gain some momentum this month.

Also, did I say Kate went white water rafting but insisted she not get wet.

The "Jesus rock" is cool, looks like you're walking on water because it's buried so close to the surface. But wait, what does Kate need a rock for?

I've noticed most of what Kate talks about when she blah-blahs about the activities is her. How she felt to do the activity, the stupid thoughts that went through her mind, her opinions and observations. Very little has anything to do with the children and perceiving and enjoying these activities through their lens like a normal mother would. There's something terribly wrong with her.

I will say this, what a beautiful glimpse of the wonders of Pennsylvania. The gorgeous, peaceful river, the bright green foliage, the vast forests, the good and patient people. What an opportunity this show has missed out on over the last decade to really embrace Pennsylvania and show why I fell in love with the state when I lived there for four years. They spend so much of their time elsewhere. A shame.

Kate can't resist making sure that everyone knows the other tour guide from freaking over five years ago was not fun and that she enjoyed rafting this time because this guide was fun. And by fun she means, puts up with her. Oh, I don't know, I thought her previous tour guide was a real riot. What did we tell you? Narcissists never move on, never let things go, remember the minute details of minor transgressions forever as if it were yesterday. I can't remember a darn thing about the handful of rafting trips I've been on other than they were great fun, but Kate recalls exactly how he crossed her by getting her wet and steering the boat a certain way and what's more wants to make sure she sticks it to him. Lol, as if he's watching this or cares. Might I say this again, five years later, folks.

Well this is telling, Mady remarks that dinner is usually chaotic and she prefers to go up to her room for that. Is she talking about on vacation, or generally? What the hell? That's not healthy at all. The puppies are attacking and biting the children to the point of tearing Joel's shirt, which is not funny or cute and sure as hell won't be funny or cute when they are adult dogs. They're eating absolute garbage for dinner, hot dogs, mac and cheese from the blue box, canned beans. The salt level must be heart attack levels here. Of course, that's fine on vacation especially, but why does Kate think she's so health conscious when they eat all this crap?

God, I leave this recap hating TLCgo. The commercials are five minutes long and pop up the second you even so much as think about touching that little slider. Curses. All in all, too much Poconos, not enough puppies. This was one of the worst episodes this season if not the worst one so far. Kate and the kids were as ungrateful as ever for the experience and somebody was always upset, hollering or complaining. There was just no plot at all, nothing developed no matter how hard they tried to stress out the kids, it was all about being tortured with another family's boring vacation which is the whole reason Betty White has stayed off Facebook in the first place.

I think this was one of the lowest rated ones too, if I remember right. Until next time when they take another once-in-a-lifetime vacation to Space Camp.

877 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Tucker's Mom said... 1

Kate, who ultimately is bullied by and afraid of her own children, finds herself shut down by Mady when Kate suggests they mix the teams up for the next game. Kate, you are the parent, she is the child. You've become aware how unfair, and thus un-fun, these teams are. Mady's team is taking disturbing glee in absolutely killing Kate's team, and Kate's team is not having fun because they don't even have a chance. Be the adult and tell Mady, don't ask her, that the teams are going to be shuffled up for the next game. Pathetic.
Wait. Isn't Kate the one who sat there on her couch and said, "Hate away!" when she explained that she doesn't ever let her children win when she competes with them?
Then, when she's on the losing team, she finally gets how unfair it is when the playing field is so unlevel?
That's rich.
Kate has always had the upper hand when it comes to competitive advantage, but never cared how unfair it was when she beats her kids at things like gaga ball.
Heck, Kate, suck it up. It's good for your character.
Why should Mady and her team feel back because they're just plain better?

Tucker's Mom said... 2

I can't remember a darn thing about the handful of rafting trips I've been on other than they were great fun, but Kate recalls exactly how he crossed her by getting her wet and steering the boat a certain way and what's more wants to make sure she sticks it to him. Lol, as if he's watching this or cares. Might I say this again, five years later, folks.
Kate often uses her show or appearances as a platform, or bully pulpit, to chide and stick it to her detractors, haters and anyone who's pissed her off.
Jon is a favorite target. Sylvia LaFair got a really special scoffing and of course, any parent who disagrees with how she's raising (using) her children can just go shove it.

Tucker's Mom said... 3

They're eating absolute garbage for dinner, hot dogs, mac and cheese from the blue box, canned beans. The salt level must be heart attack levels here. Of course, that's fine on vacation especially, but why does Kate think she's so health conscious when they eat all this crap?

God, I leave this recap hating TLCgo. The commercials are five minutes long and pop up the second you even so much as think about touching that little slider.
Nothing wrong with having processed foods occasionally, just don't espouse your ORGANIC EVERYTHING lifestyle and show on tv how that's simply not the case much of the time.
I'm pretty sure the kids always knew what those little orange triangle thingies were.

TLC Go sounds like it sucks. I recently started streaming HULU, and pay at a lower level that has commercials. They really aren't too bad.

Sad but true said... 4

From the last thread:

Jeanne said... 94
I have to agree with NJGal. She chose to send them there. There are lots of private schools with varying travel distances. I don't know why she chose LCDS. But when the twins started, wasn't the show on an upswing? Then it was popular when the tups started. She could have paid someone to drive them there if she wanted.
She was paying for full-time, live-in help at the time they started going to this school as well, so if she's too "busy" (or exhausted-ish) to do it herself, you get the help to do the driving. It's not like she didn't have plenty of other options.

Sad but true said... 5

I have a major complaint I'd like to put in the comment box though, in that when you watch episodes on TLCgo and pause them, as I have to do a lot to write the recap, the video starts over when you press play again. You have to then manually pull the slider back over to where you last left off, if you can remember. What the hell, TLC! Less Duggars, more fix your streaming.
Poor TLC! Has no one yet explained to them that the reason most people use a streaming service is to AVOID the commercials? No wonder this network is in the toilet.

Funny recap, Admin, as always. Question about the bathroom controversy: Not enough whirlpool tubs for the children? Only one steam shower in the house? What delicate little snowflakes Kate's managed to raise. And ALL by herself. :)

FlimsyFlamsy said... 6

Admin, thanks for this terrific recap. I feel like I watched the show, without the trauma of, you know, actually having to see it.

Admin, you mentioned the day was very long and packed with activities. It is quite possible that the activities were filmed over 2 or more days, with just the same clothes. Even if the clothes had gotten dirty, they might have had doubles of the outfits, or a PA could've taken them to the laundromat overnight. Remember when Jon talked about having to keep his goatee for "continuity?" Because realest reality.

The reason TFW didn't pay attention to the raft instructor or riding instructor was explained in her own words when talking about the dog breeder: all she hears is blah blah blah.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 7

The hours and hours of puppy-free activities screams: TFW. HAS. HELP. She was just recently babbling about how hard it was for her when the puppies were small: months
of undivided attention and sleepless nights and constant care. But this episode proves that was just another exaggeration to make her look like a martyr. Just like when she said she didn't leave her house for 2 years when the tups were tiny, when hours and hours of footage prove otherwise.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 8

About all the yelling and clapping and barking -- I wonder how much of that these kids will bring into their own parenting, and relationships in general? It's easy to say,
oh, well, of course they'll do it differently, because they remember how awful it is.
But if it was as easy as that, there wouldn't be generations of abuse, or alcoholism, or drug addiction.

If you've never read it, I'd recommend the poem by Dorothy Law Nolte: Children Learn What They Live. ~ Administrator said... 9

Admin, you mentioned the day was very long and packed with activities. It is quite possible that the activities were filmed over 2 or more days, with just the same clothes.


It's possible, but they did specifically say that archery, paintball, and rock climbing were all on the same day. Most people would pick one at most two of those activities for one vacation day and spend the rest of the time relaxing at the lake.

As far as the pups go, how trite of her to complain about how hard puppies are. If they were really hard, you would have had to select someone, a short straw, to stay behind with the puppies and watch them while you did paintball or whatever non-dog activity. They had help, somewhere. Don't tell me they locked them in their crates all day. Most vacation places forbid you from leaving dogs alone in the rental. ~ Administrator said... 10

Funny recap, Admin, as always. Question about the bathroom controversy: Not enough whirlpool tubs for the children? Only one steam shower in the house? What delicate little snowflakes Kate's managed to raise. And ALL by herself. :)


Ha. They didn't say why but the girls were unhappy with their designated bathroom. Poor things.

Unknown said... 11

Admin: I love your recaps! It is like some kind of reward.... for the punishment of having watched the episodes! You can't help from watching sometimes but the recap makes it so much fun because you can relate to your comment!!! Please keep up the good work entertaining us (me)!

NJGal51 said... 12

They're eating absolute garbage for dinner, hot dogs, mac and cheese from the blue box, canned beans.
I hate to say this, but the mac & cheese in the blue box is my absolute favorite! I love that orange "cheese" sauce.

During the archery activity didn't TFW stay behind the hay bales (or whatever they were) and make the kids go out and get her more arrows so she wouldn't be hit and be out?

TLC stinks said... 13

Wonder if Andrea was still around for this trip? She obviously had someone watching the pups because if those dogs were locked up all day... GRRR. She is NOT a dog person!

Why take the dogs and not film activities with them? Dumb.

It's possible they accomplished all the activities in one day since they only do what they need to do to get it on film (pumpkin patch). In fact, it seems likely because time is money for the crew.

Again the snowflakes appreciate nothing because they are spoiled. Nice work, Kate. ~ Administrator said... 14

During the archery activity didn't TFW stay behind the hay bales (or whatever they were) and make the kids go out and get her more arrows so she wouldn't be hit and be out?


NO, she screamed and hollered at the kids to BRING HER MAJESTY MORE ARROWS.

This episode was so jam packed with awful moments like that a few didn't quite make the recap.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 15

Admin (#14), you mean you're leaving stuff out? That's it -- I'm putting this on your Yelp review! You'll never write another recap in this town again!

I'm thinking of all the activities mentioned and remembering this one important fact: every single one of them was done in the company of an entire TV crew. Those children are truly like circus monkeys performing for the world, and have been for more than a decade.

Tucker's Mom said... 16

FlimsyFlamsy said... 7
The hours and hours of puppy-free activities screams: TFW. HAS. HELP.
Of course they did/do.
When you have a puppy, you know you will be a full-time caregiver with short windows of time in which you can safely leave them to do your thing.
You have to give them potty breaks frequently, and feed them more often to keep fuel their rapid growth and prevent drops in blood sugar.
Puppies can crap out fairly quickly if they don't have timely nutrition.
So, yeah, Kate took the puppies on her vacation but had help to care for them while she filmed.
When we take our dogs on vacation, sorry, we don't get to galavant all day long. It's a trade off.
You bet your ass that if Kate had no help for those puppies, they wouldn't go. I can't imagine Kate interrupting her vacay to go back and let dogs out and feed them.

Tucker's Mom said... 17

Ha. They didn't say why but the girls were unhappy with their designated bathroom. Poor things.
They are VERY spoiled. I can't fully fault the kids, though.
They live in a bizarre world where a deep-pockets company has been footing their lifestyle for as long as they can remember.
They have NO idea what the vast majority of families contend with when they have a budget.
The vacation rentals that they get to enjoy are palatial. Most people can only dream of getting to stay in them.

Tucker's Mom said... 18

Our rental's dog policy includes that dogs need to be crated when you leave, not that you can't leave.
We have crated our bichons because we don't want to come back to find a pee spot! Other dogs are gated in the main living area.
So, we don't follow the rules totally (I suspect most don't), but take precautions and have never had a problem.

Formerly Duped said... 19

The kids always argue about rooms or bathrooms ( 11th birthday in the hotel, in Maine, back in Philly) and it's mainly the
'little' girls not wanting to room with Alexis. I didn't watch this whole episode because frankly, I tried it on YouTube and found it so boring and full of screeching I couldn't get anywhere near through it. I did see Kate refuse to ride the horse English style, showing how ignorant, rude and entitled she is. Also I sat through the screaming about the puppies, and scenes of her yelling on the water rides. Not entertaining. At all. Originally life at home with all those babies was the draw- I don't want to watch people take vacations and be unappreciative and foul.Especially Kate and co.

Tucker's Mom said... 20

I couldn't get anywhere near through it. I did see Kate refuse to ride the horse English style, showing how ignorant, rude and entitled she is.
Yet she brags about how good she is at riding-she's done it so many time, dontcha know.
Cracks me up because as a rider for many years, she is just balancing on a horse ;-)

Tucker's Mom said... 21

Formerly Duped said... 19
The kids always argue about rooms or bathrooms ( 11th birthday in the hotel, in Maine, back in Philly) and it's mainly the
'little' girls not wanting to room with Alexis. I didn't watch this whole episode because frankly, I tried it on YouTube and found it so boring and full of screeching I couldn't get anywhere near through it
I think a big problem is that Kate can't discipline her kids and not do an activity, or take something away, because it's needed for filming.
Those kids know they have her over a barrel because no kiddies, no filmies.

kris said... 22

I wonder what the P.A. thinks when watching Kate complain about how wrong the layout is? I mean, really who the hell does this B think she is? I can't wait until her entitled kids make her life a living hell, much like she's made her own parents life. (at least when they didn't know how to help her).

I just went back and watched the end and noticed in the kitchen during their last dinner, she's got the big ol' gray lids (for the tubs) propped up in the window, blocking anyone from seeing in or out. How dare the unwashed masses might see in a window! *eyeroll* She's so weird.

Carole said... 23

You bet your ass that if Kate had no help for those puppies, they wouldn't go. I can't imagine Kate interrupting her vacay to go back and let dogs out and feed them.


I agree that she had help on the trip - I don't think she'd go without it, but I also believe she's not a dog person and she's proven in the past that she's capable of cruelty, so I think she's left the puppies for long periods of time without food or potty breaks and hasn't given it a second thought, just maybe not on this vacay.

Tucker's Mom said... 24

I just went back and watched the end and noticed in the kitchen during their last dinner, she's got the big ol' gray lids (for the tubs) propped up in the window, blocking anyone from seeing in or out. How dare the unwashed masses might see in a window! *eyeroll* She's so weird.
Seriously? It's like when she made the crew put up an enormous tarp between their 2 RVs.
I'm guessing the kids were forbidden to go outdoors when not filming...
It's like they're always in either a fish bowl or a prison.

Tucker's Mom said... 25

kris said... 22
I wonder what the P.A. thinks when watching Kate complain about how wrong the layout is? I mean, really who the hell does this B think she is?
Sounds like Kate had nothing to do with planning that trip and finding the rental home. Nowadays, you see photos, videos and floor plans so that when you walk in, you know exactly what to expect.
From Admin's recap, sounds like this rental was enormous. I can't believe she bitches asap. Well, like Sarah Palin's dad said, she bitches as soon as her feet hit the ground.

Nicky said... 26

Tucker's Mom said... 21
I think a big problem is that Kate can't discipline her kids and not do an activity, or take something away, because it's needed for filming.
Those kids know they have her over a barrel because no kiddies, no filmies.

Bang on! But also, who even does all those activities, and pay for them, all in one vacation day? Even with 2 kids, that would be expensive. God forbid they have a lazy vacation day, hanging out at the lake doing whatever they want. I wonder how long Kate allowed them to jump on that big bouncy thing in the lake (was that this vacation, or another one? Can't recall now). I would assume, it was only enough time to film, then back to "vacation chores" I'm sure.
I know my favourite vacation memories are playing keep away in the pool with a $2 ball with my family. Or on a beach building a sandcastle, or trying to jump over the waves. Quick story: we typically vacation in Florida every year, and 4 yrs ago, we finally took our boys to Disneyworld for 3 days. They wanted to bail after 2 (probably 1.5 in reality), and wanted to go to the beach instead. Needless to say, the next time they go to Disney, will be once they take their own kids.

Formerly Duped said... 27

ha, Puppies and Poconos. Reminiscent of Pancakes and Potties. That one was a head-scratcher ! So cute are these dumb titles....not.

Tucker's Mom said... 28

Quick story: we typically vacation in Florida every year, and 4 yrs ago, we finally took our boys to Disneyworld for 3 days. They wanted to bail after 2 (probably 1.5 in reality), and wanted to go to the beach instead. Needless to say, the next time they go to Disney, will be once they take their own kids.

I think that's an excellent analogy. Think about every vacation being over-scheduled and stuffed with an unyielding agenda.
It reminds me of when Kate and Jamie were smacking kids out of an exhaustion-driven nap on a 98 degree NYC night, after their day began some 12 or so hours earlier.
It really ticked me off because Kate wouldn't allow them to sleep in the back of the bus because they'd be up later at night, and probably very groggy when they had to hit the brick first thing in the next morning to film.

kris said... 29

Tucker's Mom #3...Nothing wrong with having processed foods occasionally, just don't espouse your ORGANIC EVERYTHING lifestyle and show on tv how that's simply not the case much of the time.
I remember the episode when they were doing the room renos and she something like 'crazy days are when I breakout frozen organic chicken fingers and salad because she can't just crank out a meal for 9 on short notice' What happened to all those freezer meals that mommy so lovingly prepared? She's home all day - her kitchen wasn't under renovation and she wasn't doing the renovation so what kept her from pulling one of those out? That's what an organized mom would do!

Formerly Duped said... 30

I took another look at the P and P episode. Two things I noted:

One of the boys said "Mady does not go outside a lot." What on earth? I don't think it was sarcasm. Two: TFW asked Leah to do something and she called "boys" with a very Kate-like look.

Does Kate mention she's exhausted-ish in EVERY single episode!She seemd more ornery than usual.

Turn out the lights said... 31

Everything out of her mouth is whatever sounds good at the moment. It's all LIES, just pure fabrication. Didn't she say she spends 80% of her time in the kitchen? Sure she does.

The only time she can be believed is when they are actually filming. That's the true Kate. Screaming, yelling, hateful.
She tries to put a different spin on her filmed words during her couch interviews.
Sounds like Kate loves 'alternative facts'

(I was once an avid poster here, then a reader. Now an occasional poster under a different name)

FlimsyFlamsy said... 32

Kris (#22), covering the windows on a scene that's going to AIR ON INTERNATIONAL
TV is yet another example of TFW's head-spinning hypocrisy. Like...uh oh, I'd better cover up your names on your backpacks, because I don't want strangers to talk to you. But if the stranger is a pretty blonde who's a big fan of Mommy's and comes to meet you at a marathon, then
just hop up on her lap. These kids will have permanent boundary issues. Bet on it.

Sad but true said... 33

Eerie silence on all Gosselin fronts. Is this a clue from Doofus or just more mindless babble?

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack Jan 27
The dark nite always turns into a new day....the rain in a storm eventually goes away...& a broken heart mends when love survives the fray!

I also just noticed this, from the person who got Em to fess up to the meds situation:

Sara Snow ‏@SNOWBUNNY_2015 Jan 29
@SNOWBUNNY_2015 @MiloandJack @ConcernedChick Alexis is in a special need prog too. OMG. If she sends her away i'll freak out

I wonder if she got this from Em as well.

TLC stinks said... 34

Goodness sake! Does she think she's so important that neighbors are peering in her windows? Oh, and where did Uncle Steve sleep, LOL. Surely not at the crew hotel.

And yes, the girls are as bossy as their mother.

I haven't watched the episode, but her whole organic manifesto is wearing thin. She lies about it. I remember that RV trip where she packed tons of sugary, processed snacks. They probably filmed the only night she cooked and they ate out the rest of the time.

InsanityReigns said... 35

Let's face it- there are 3 "elite" children in that family at this point-M, H and L.

Cara refuses to speak and appears to be counting the days when she leaves for college. Colin is no longer part of the clan and never was. KK's behavior towards him was horrific and I hope Jon is able to get custody of him. He deserved so much better. Alexis is the "outsider" and sounds like her only ally is Aaden. Joel- I remember recently that Aaden said something like the girls all like me, and Joel acknowledged that was true. Joel doesn't say much, but he often looks so sad.

If KK had one ounce of motherhood in her, she would go to counseling and shut the show down. She is a sick twisted vile person - KK only cares about herself.

Sounds like KK is going to Court and very soon. I hope the truth of the house of horrors all comes out in Court and that the kids are able to speak their minds privately in chambers. I am sure she has tried to manipulate them, but most of them are hopefully beyond that. Despicable.

InsanityReigns said... 36

Sara Snow ‏@SNOWBUNNY_2015 Jan 29
@SNOWBUNNY_2015 @MiloandJack @ConcernedChick Alexis is in a special need prog too. OMG. If she sends her away i'll freak out


KK is a liar, pants on fire. She bragged that her kids were at the top of their class. This vile witch does not have an honest bone in her body. It's all about the glory of KK.... she makes me sick.

TLC stinks said... 37

Looks like Snowbunny reads here too, Sad but True.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 38

TLC stinks (#37), surely you must be mistaken. This is a pathetic, failing blog that no one reads anymore -- according to someone who apparently reads here daily!

Lanc Native said... 39

She was paying for full-time, live-in help at the time they started going to this school as well, so if she's too "busy" (or exhausted-ish) to do it herself, you get the help to do the driving. It's not like she didn't have plenty of other options.


At least on the bus trip the kids are with their peers, away from her and the help.

Why would you pay someone to drive them to school when the Reading bus is available and the late bus for the return home is an option? She's paying bus fees for that service.

Lanc Native said... 40

Goodness sake! Does she think she's so important that neighbors are peering in her windows?


Well, there is one person I can think of who loves to peer in windows and her initials are GK.

Jayne said... 41

I would take anything that snow bunny says with a grain of salt. She tends to exaggerate and run with speculation as if it were the gospel truth. Isn't want of her alter egos the river cow or something like that?

TLC stinks said... 42

If paps were showing up at the bus stop morning and afternoon, she needed to eat the bus fees and drive the kids to school or have the nanny drive them temporarily. At the height of all the divorce hoopla, she should have protected her kids but instead she used them as publicity props. Even if I am wrong in the belief that she was deliberately calling the paps, it didn't occur to her to make other arrangements for the kids?

Sad but true said... 43

TLC stinks said... 37

I don't doubt she reads here. I only posted because we know she did get some sort of info from Em, based on Em's reaction when this person started to talk about it on Twitter. With this tweet, I'm wondering if she actually knows something concrete about this from Em or is just speculating due to the conversation here about the photo that got swiffered.

jamesvader1194 said... 44

@Sad but true Sometimes its hard to tell what Milo is talking about half the time.For me,its hard to tell what she really knows or whats a figment of her imagination.Like where she was talking about private battles and victories to Kate.Don't know if it was because she found out about something or since she thinks Kate wins all her court battles with Jon and thinks the judge laughs at anything Jon saids,she believes Kate won.

jamesvader1194 said... 45

@TLC stinks (37)She does read here.She targets someone here and thinks that person is a hater on IG.Its weird,i don't know if she's a sock of a fan or someone who plays for both sides

Sherry Baby said... 46

I would take anything that snow bunny says with a grain of salt. She tends to exaggerate and run with speculation as if it were the gospel truth. Isn't want of her alter egos the river cow or something like that?

Yes, Cows, and something else before that. She (or he) is really a strange one...I mean REALLY weird. Torments other posters here and on Twitter. Nobody seems to pay much attention, however, because I believe that her reputation as a stirrer is known and they tend to ignore her.

Speaking of odd posters, whatever happened to the "Oh yes, she did" person? The one who was the wife of a pap, a pap's wife, Kate's neighbor down the street (everywhere Kate lived), a daycare worker, a flight attendant, an employee somewhere across the street from the Philly Art Museum, an organizer at the Kentucky Derby...all at the same time?

Jeanne said... 47

Well, I didn't read any of it because no one reads here, but thanks for the recap! They appear to have a serious lint problem in that house. The kids have to spend days picking lint off their clothes. In that situation I would probably clam up too.

She treats these kids like they are toddlers and stupid. Yelling and clapping and ordering. Do they try that at school? Will they try that at a job? When you're junior and you ask a colleague for something you don't yell and clap. She has no respect for them.

I feel bad for the kids trying to film all three activities in a single day. That's exhausting. How long was the vacation then? 2 or 3 days max? The food is hysterical. Either it was a bribe or the result of her not being able to bring along their chef meals without being too obvious. I would not let Mady eat in her room. But I don't think Kate can make Mady do anything any more.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 48

Sherry Baby (#46), I remember her. Boy, she sure got around, didn't she? Oh yes she did!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 49

Jeanne (#47), I've mentioned before that I think part of the reason TFW continues to yell and clap and order the kids around is to play up how haaaaaard it is to be a single mom. LIke, look what I have to put up with! You'd yell and clap and order, too! And I do it all alone!

But instead of making people pity her, it makes her look like a horribly ineffective parent, and makes her kids look like brats.
If she hasn't figured out how to manage her family yet, that's all on her.

Tucker's Mom said... 50

I perused the episode on YouTube- most of it with the sound off because I got the narrative here.
Lots of activities. Not really happy kids.
It looked like Kate narrated it on the same day and she was monotone and void of enthusiasm.
It also looked like she had "broom" hair again for the Pocono trip. Longer hair, much thicker hair, that's super thick and straight-edged at the bottom, which looks like it's a weave.
No wonder she never wants to get wet. ~ Administrator said... 51

Jeanne (#47), I've mentioned before that I think part of the reason TFW continues to yell and clap and order the kids around is to play up how haaaaaard it is to be a single mom. LIke, look what I have to put up with! You'd yell and clap and order, too! And I do it all alone!


Absolutely. And in that same vein, I firmly believe that she amps it up because in her pea brain, she thinks this is good TV. I think a big part of her is actually SCARED to have a calm, orderly household where everyone is getting along because how, in her mind, is that interesting to viewers? How terribly awful to slack off on parenting and having a positive and stress-free environment for children to grow up in because you're worried about plot lines for your TV show.

And the ultimately irony of it all is that she might very well have held onto a heck of a lot more viewers if these episodes were not so stressful to watch. At a certain point, nobody wants to watch somebody else's kids get beaten down. ~ Administrator said... 52

She treats these kids like they are toddlers and stupid. Yelling and clapping and ordering. Do they try that at school? Will they try that at a job? When you're junior and you ask a colleague for something you don't yell and clap. She has no respect for them.


I know I must have said this many times but that's exactly right, you cannot yell and clap-clap in almost any other aspect of your life, except maybe if you're a football coach. You can't do that when you disagree with your boss, you can't talk to a coworker like that when you're having a conflict, it's not healthy to talk to a spouse like that. Every interaction with your parents builds on life lessons in navigating the world. For every clap-clap she gives them, she is depriving them of an encounter where they tackle an issue maturely, using and developing communication skills. They are LOSING massive amounts of practice time that parents are suppose to provide children in developing effective and socially acceptable communication.

There's just no question they're going to have a very good chance of struggling later in life with basic social skills. Heck, we see it now. Mady's behavior in particular, the way she mirrors Kate, is not going to serve her well. She may be able to control her siblings but that's going to be the extent of it. What a rude awakening ahead of her. ~ Administrator said... 53

Another thing I didn't squeeze into the recap was the huge tupperware bins everywhere in the dinner scene. I have a funny feeling they brought along a heck of a lot of their own food. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I have a sneaking suspicion that was craft services. That's something they would do, pack up a bunch of bins like that so they can easily be stacked in the production truck and brought out for everyone. That seems less like something a single family would do. Also, it felt like way too many bins even for a big family. Kate might not even have prepared the dinner, craft services could have done it. She just stepped into film her putting a sheet pan in the oven.

Sad but true said... 54

Duggars turned in mediocre numbers again last night. 1.091mm viewers, which I think is slightly up from last week, but they were the 41st-ranked show with an 0.31 share. Looks like they've got a case of K8 syndrome. Hopefully, that circus will also shut down soon.

GollyGee said... 55 ~ Administrator said... 53
Another thing I didn't squeeze into the recap was the huge tupperware bins everywhere in the dinner scene. I have a funny feeling they brought along a heck of a lot of their own food. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I have a sneaking suspicion that was craft services. That's something they would do, pack up a bunch of bins like that so they can easily be stacked in the production truck and brought out for everyone. That seems less like something a single family would do. Also, it felt like way too many bins even for a big family. Kate might not even have prepared the dinner, craft services could have done it. She just stepped into film her putting a sheet pan in the oven.


I agree, and it is disgusting, the deception that SHE packed all of the food up and is having to suffer fixing all of the meals because she has no help and has to do it all alone.

The bin lids over the windows is just crazy.

Kelsey O. said... 56

No wonder Kate dated Jeff Prescott...his estimated net worth is $25-$30 million!

TLC stinks said... 57

It's common sense that if you rent a home for vacation, you BUY your groceries once you arrive. I cannot imagine anyone lugging bins of food. They must think we are stooped.

TLC stinks said... 58

Yelling and clapping is a ridiculous way to communicate with these kids. You guys are right. It's insulting and it reminds me of the way she treated Jon at Toys R Us.

Did Mady demand she eat in her room? What about Cara? Actually, I don't blame the girls if they wanted some private time. Proves how intrusive the filming is, IMO.

Sounds like TLC put them up in some pretty nice digs. My kids never went ape shit over sharing a bathroom at home or on vacation. In fact, whenever we rented a home for vacation, they were thrilled to have the extra space to chill. Her kids are so ungrateful and spoiled, particularly the girls.

Kate Needs Help said... 59

Anybody else thinking that poor C is never coming home? Absolutely heartbreaking. ��

Turn out the lights said... 60

Everything is faked. I remember talk about her 'driving' the van during filming, but there were pictures proving she drove it only for film shots-after getting enough film she stopped and Steve took,the wheel.
Remember the rv episode of her dragging the vacuum over some rocks and she says something about stop the filming when is the. crew going to take over the work?

She's bent 'shall not bear false witness' into a piece of rubber.
Jon was right. His shirt said it all 'Lies Lies Lies'.

As far as the Kate fans saying 'Oh Jon must have needed rent money again'. What's their excuse for Kate throwing Collin under the bus in the recent People article?? What did that money get used for???

Terri said... 61

I truly believe that the Gosselin kids love going to school. Not so much that they like the learning aspect, but that it is an escape even if just for a few hours everday from the chaotic and manic episodes of their mother. I grew up with a mother that at times I felt hated me so school was my escape.

Tucker's Mom said... 62

Kate might not even have prepared the dinner, craft services could have done it. She just stepped into film her putting a sheet pan in the oven.
I think that's par for the course when they film.
I remember a helper who was there for the OBX filming, when they had a seafood feast, say that Kate crowed about how easy it was to prepare because she didn't prepare it.
Like the bulgogi Korean bbq. I don't think for a minute that Kate got the beef, prepped the beef and made the marinade.
I think she stepped in front of a heated up grill and bitched about having the burden of grilling as a single mom.

I also noticed in the Poconos and Puppies epi that they are keeping Steve out of sight again.

Tucker's Mom said... 63

Sad but true said... 54
Duggars turned in mediocre numbers again last night.
They'll never go away, either. Too many kids to get married and have more kids.
I don't watch but I imagine their shows are like watching paint dry.

Tucker's Mom said... 64

Another thing those spoiled kids don't appreciate when they get their free vacations is that it is NOT normal to have your food, towels and all manner of toys and sports good show up at your doorstep.
I noticed rafts and water guns among other things they had and got to play with immediately.
Mediocre people pack food and/or make a food run when they get to their destination.
You have a lot of work to do when you get there to set up before you can switch into relaxation mode.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 65

Admin (#53), about the containers, my educated guess would be that TFW provided one of her famous lists for the production assistants with about a grand's worth of groceries she needed from Whole Foods for their stay. No way she packed and schlepped all of that there herself for meals she was going to eat during production. And double no way that she paid a dime for it.

Tucker's Mom said... 66

Kelsey O. said... 56
No wonder Kate dated Jeff Prescott...his estimated net worth is $25-$30 million!
January 31, 2017 at 11:29 PM
If indeed he's really that wealthy (and not just on paper), I have to wonder why he got tangled up with Kate in the first place.
Why would anyone with that much money want to get involved with reality tv?
With Kate, they are one in the same.

Nicky said... 67

The yelling and clapping to make things look more chaotic than they are, reminds me of a woman I once worked with. There was a group of 4 of us, in cubicles, all doing the same work. But this woman - she would pound on her keyboard, pound on the stapler like she was giving it CPR, loudly shuffle papers, and virtually sprint through the office as if a bomb was about to be detonated if she didn't deliver her paperwork on time. And she didn't get any more work done than the rest of us - she just wanted to appear as if she did. When she went on mat leave, we were relieved we had a reprieve for a year. LOL ~ Administrator said... 68

I highly doubt they came home from archery, rock climbing and paint ball for Kate to then make several blue boxes of mac and cheese, beans, grill a bunch of hots dogs, etc. Let's get real, craft services had most of this ready and she could then swoop in for the filming like she's preparing it. Dinner wouldn't have been served until 10 o'clock at night if she did it herself.

And, the meal just had a craft service feel to it, with a wide variety of often mismatched items to put on your plate, buffet style.

On a day like that, in real life, you just order a bunch of pizzas and bagged salads and call it a night.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 69

Terri (#61), sorry to hear about your mother.
And yes, I do hope you're right about the G kids enjoying school. I bet the adults there treat them with respect and kindness, which the adult in their house doesn't seem to do.
And in a classroom, they're not a G twin or a G tup -- they're a student amongst other students. Maybe they have a warm sense
of community with their schoolmates and teachers.

Sad but true said... 70

Tucker's Mom said... 62

I also noticed in the Poconos and Puppies epi that they are keeping Steve out of sight again.
I don't understand the point of this, I mean, EVERYONE knows he's there. Think of how may tab stories there have been related to STEVE, the hired f'ing help! Although, given the number of people, particularly on the K8 FB page, who keep droning on about how hard she has it as the single mom of 8, I guess there are enough ill-informed watchers out there for K8/TLC to try to keep this truly enormous lie going.

GollyGee said... 71

they are toddlers and stupid. Yelling and clapping and ordering. Do they try that at school? Will they try that at a job? When you're junior and you ask a colleague for something you don't yell and clap. She has no respect.


Yes. What do you expect when she would force them to stay in their cribs for four hours a day, while she wrote her memories in the Mommy's Journal AND force them to sit in the high chairs until they were 7 years old!

She has turned their brains into infantile mush from the get go. They are going to have horrible lives. I hope this doesn't happen.

The younger girls instantly complaining about the bathrooms as soon as they got to the rental was just exactly so much like their mother did BEEFING when she got off the plane in Alaska.

The coldness, moose dog gate, the accommodations.

Can you imagine one of the younger girls getting married and showing up at the hotel, the room, and the bathroom she didn't approve of?

Especially, if TLC was filming the special, ? Gosselin Gets Married!

And throwing a nuclear hissy fit?

Formerly Duped said... 72

I believe Kate had a 'helper" on the Poconos trip. There was the U-haul attached to the BBB- I can't imagine Kate driving all that if she can't find her way to a local radio station alone. Also, she does not drive hither, thither and yon in a regular car - nor did she fill it with gas while married to Jon!

TLC stinks said... 73

I am sure she liked the fact that Jeff had money, not so sure he's worth that much if the info came from some internet site. Her only goal in that relationship was to get him to film as her boyfriend. He publicly said that. Glad he woke up.

There are tons of articles about how FAKE reality tv shows are. When are her fans going to realize they've been duped? Reality shows must have some structure and a plan. It's about time and money and making sure you have a plan. Her fans act like Kate and kids are just winging it in front of the cameras and in fact, in the old days, the babies were natural and you never knew what would come out of their mouths. It was totally cute. Today the show is manufactured with stale stories, teens with attitudes and a mother who is a greedy, raging maniac. Who would have thought that the sweet nuclear family we watched years ago would turn out so dysfunctional? Thanks, TLC. You win.

Abby said... 74

Kate won't need that big house when all the kids go off to college. Wonder how she will keep up with the property taxes, landscaping, utilities and all her other expenses once her money makers are gone.

TLC stinks said... 75

LOL, I seriously doubt anyone, except the clueless fans, believe she drove BY HERSELF in that van with a U-Haul attached. We all can guess who her "helper" is.

GollyGee said... 76

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By Henry Makow
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“Opie” Almost Was Jewish
Saturday, July 20, 2013 11:16
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(Before It's News)

Andy-Opie.jpg(Single father, Andy Griffith and son, Opie. “Andy Griffith Show” ran from 1960-68.)

A reader tells how a classic TV show
was changed to reflect family values

by Hollywood Veteran

I’ve been casting commercials in Los Angeles for years. It was probably in 1977 that I met Ron Howard’s father Rance.

Decades ago he told me a little story of a water-shed moment in Hollywood history. Ron Howard had been cast to play little Opie Taylor. Rance was at the “table read” with his son as they ran the lines.

lens21110633_1370978172_a.jpg(Ron Howard as Opie Taylor. Howard is a successful movie director today.)

It was a Danny Thomas Production and the writers were a bunch of imported New Yorkers (like Everett Greenbaum whom I knew and loved).

Little Opie was written as a wise-cracking little Weisenheimer….. (a tried-and-true dynamic in Hollywood)

At lunch break Rance cautiously approached the producer.

“I may be way out of line here”, he started… “….but in Duncan Oklahoma… and Ardmore…. allowing a son to be disrespectful like that is a sure sign of bad parenting….and just doesn’t read true.”

The Creatives confabbed a while, took the advice to heart, and the change created an enduring piece of legitimate Americana.

My own father, from Guthrie, OK had a German mother and I was not allowed to call him “dad”. Too informal. It was either “father” or “father, sir”. Oh, those Germanic peoples!

I wish I could better articulate the nuanced and heartfelt relationship which was subsequently developed between Sheriff Andy, a single-parent, and his boy Opie.

I tried to be a smart ass growing up, and my father whooped it out of me. It has returned with a vengeance….but all sublimated-like.



Just think. A very young father and his very young barely 5 year old son changed the course of tv history. This was in early 1960 and it was embarrassing and upsetting to the sons father that he was suppose to talk to his elders so disrespectfully. This is why it has ran in syndication for almost 6 decades. Respect, the Golden Rule and acting like somebody!

GollyGee said... 77

Formerly Duped said... 72
I believe Kate had a 'helper" on the Poconos trip. There was the U-haul attached to the BBB- I can't imagine Kate driving all that if she can't find her way to a local radio station alone. Also, she does not drive hither, thither and yon in a regular car - nor did she fill it with gas while married to Jon!


There is no way she is driving them on a long filmed trip, EVER!

Steve, crew daddies, production assistants.

How on earth could she drink her coffee and play Angry Birds on her umpteenth pink iPhone? Oh, and lovey dovey the puppies that were on board.

It's called Puppies and Poconos, DONT'CHA KNOW!!!

Layla said... 78

Abby (74)
Kate will not let go of that house, no matter what. She will discourage the kids from going off to college so that they can stay home and work. She'll push either community college or a local school, and she will pressure them to live at home (so they are available for filming). That's sad because the kids would benefit so much from living on a college campus and interacting more with their peers. But I don't think she will allow it. She will guilt them, bully them, whine, cry, and stamp her feet them until they do as she wishes.

I wonder if the kids will have any claim to that house when they are adults. It was included in their trust at one point, and when they bought it both Jon and Kate said on camera that it was the kids' house ("it's theirs, it belongs to them, they deserve it"). Now she makes it clear that she considers it to be her house, and I don't see her letting go of it without a fight.

NJGal51 said... 79

LOL, I seriously doubt anyone, except the clueless fans, believe she drove BY HERSELF in that van with a U-Haul attached. We all can guess who her "helper" is.
My guess would be that a PA or nanny of the month drove the van with the U Hall (and the kids/puppies) and TFW rode in a limo with Steve. I don't for a minute believe that she wants to be in the van with them that long listening to all the bickering and she surely didn't want to deal with the whining/sick puppies (I believe that she said the puppies got car sick). Not gonna believe it until I see video proof that she drove the whole way.

Tucker's Mom said... 80

TLC stinks said... 57
It's common sense that if you rent a home for vacation, you BUY your groceries once you arrive. I cannot imagine anyone lugging bins of food. They must think we are stooped.
I pack a large cooler and about one bag full of stuff, from condiments to foil to cereal. We have X amount of room to bring stuff from home and save money, and I do.
But, that doesn't cover everything, so we, like almost every vacay renter, wind up doing the BIG shop asap to get just about everything we need.

Tucker's Mom said... 81

Kate Needs Help said... 59
Anybody else thinking that poor C is never coming home? Absolutely heartbreaking. ��
February 1, 2017 at 4:26 AM
Yes. I've thought this for a couple months now.
I can see Kate arguing that for the health, welfare and safety of the remaining kids, Collin isn't coming home.
Based on the magical time she's been having with the puppies and filming, I think this is working out really well for Kate.

Sad but true said... 82

Layla said... 78
Abby (74)
Kate will not let go of that house, no matter what.
Oh yes she will. When they have all left and she knows that neither the show, nor some of the kids, are coming back, she'll dump it and beat feet to a beach somewhere. This whole "family homestead for the grands and great-grands" is just a bunch of hooey for single-mom-of-8 purposes. There's no way she'll continue to fund that level of expense OR pay off the mortgage. She'll take all the equity and skedaddle at the first opportunity. IMHO, of course.

NJGal51 said... 83

@GOTRI: @Kateplusmy8 Can you help Girls on the Run win $125,000 to support our new summer program? We'd love your support!
Yeah, she'll get right on that...NOT! TFW only gives back if someone else is footing the bill.

GollyGee said... 84

Turn out the lights said... 60
Everything is faked. I remember talk about her 'driving' the van during filming, but there were pictures proving she drove it only for film shots-after getting enough film she stopped and Steve took,the wheel.
Remember the rv episode of her dragging the vacuum over some rocks and she says something about stop the filming when is the. crew going to take over the work?


Remember at the end of the filmed for cash yard sale?

She had a FIT for the witches head that screeched that she just could not sell? She was so rude to the person who wanted to buy it. Mady was gripping about it, telling her mother to sell it.

(blows my mind because she threw Mady and Caras Christmas ornaments from their GRANDFATHER into a yard sale years before. Criminal.)

Then someone, cough, cough, Steve put the witch with the eyes flashing and the screeching on the window to hide his identity of the driver of the van. You can clearly see his white roof top hair while the van is easing out of the church parking lot and you can also easily see TFW sitting in the front as his co-pilot.

Tucker's Mom said... 85

I guess there are enough ill-informed watchers out there for K8/TLC to try to keep this truly enormous lie going.
Agree. You have to be willfully ignorant to not get that Kate is not alone, nor is she doing it all alone.
She is dictating alone, but really? That's doing it alone?
She's the Chief List Maker.

GollyGee said... 86

Layla said... 78
Abby (74)
Kate will not let go of that house, no matter what. She will discourage the kids from going off to college so that they can stay home and work. She'll push either community college or a local school, and she will pressure them to live at home (so they are available for filming). That's sad because the kids would benefit so much from living on a college campus and interacting more with their peers. But I don't think she will allow it. She will guilt them, bully them, whine, cry, and stamp her feet them until they do as she wishes.

I wonder if the kids will have any claim to that house when they are adults. It was included in their trust at one point, and when they bought it both Jon and Kate said on camera that it was the kids' house ("it's theirs, it belongs to them, they deserve it"). Now she makes it clear that she considers it to be her house, and I don't see her letting go of it without a fight.


There is PLENTY OF EVIDENCE over the years that the tv studio home was THE CHILDREN'S.

But, she will spend their money fighting them in court one day for it. Over her cold, dead French Tipped fingers will they be able to take it out of her hands.

The only reason why she said in the beginning till half way through this chaotic journey was because it would make her look good and not greedy when we all know how horrific her greed really is.

At the personalized stone ceremony, she said it was HER HOUSE. She made it very clear. She's desperate. She is expecting her kids to get mates and they make it on their own just like she said that they had to get jobs to buy their own cars. Sorry, wench! They all have had jobs since they came out of the canal and had a camera shoved into their face for the last 13 years!

GollyGee said... 87

You can clearly see his white roof top hair while the van is easing out of the church parking lot and you can also easily see TFW sitting in the front as his co-pilot.

Forgot to add. When Steve was easing out of the church parking lot, the witch, the Halloween decoration, not TFW, lol, was heee heee-ing. It reminded me so much of TFW saying, I'm in charge and that is never going to change.

Like, if you don't like the rules, sue me!

Believe me honey, the kids will! TLC, Figure 8, Steve Neild and YOU!

Tucker's Mom said... 88

Sad but true said... 82
Layla said... 78
Abby (74)
Kate will not let go of that house, no matter what.
Oh yes she will. When they have all left and she knows that neither the show, nor some of the kids, are coming back, she'll dump it and beat feet to a beach somewhere.
I'm with Sbt!
That compound is a set and when not filming, a home. Without filming and enough kids (and God willing, interest), Kate will have no use for it.
And you know what Kate does with things and people she has no use for.

Turn out the lights said... 89

If you look at the records on the appraisal district site, the house is deeded to a Trust, with Kate as trustee.
This type of trust can be changed anytime at the discretion of the trustee.
I think once all the kids turn 18 she will revoke the trust and deed it back to herself. I think the house is solely used as an 'insurance policy' for the kids, in case she dies before they hit 18.
And the house is no where near appraised at the 'how will we explain the 2mil dollar house' question she pondered years ago.

TLC stinks said... 90

The only way those kids get the house is if she dies because it's in a trust but who knows if they inherit? She is disingenuous when she says the house is for the kids. It was always for her. Remember "Mine, all mine".

Tucker's Mom said... 91

Have Kate's Twitter haterz all made a pact to go radio silent on her timeline?
It's been dead-o-roonie.

TLC stinks said... 92

Tucker's Mom, good idea about the cooler with condiments. We take a cooler too, mostly empty which we fill on the return because I don't like throwing out food. Of course that only works if you drive. We just never know how often we'll eat out so we always go to the grocery store for breakfast and lunch foods and wing it for dinner. I think the whole dinner cooking scene was to show how busy she is on vacation, which I doubt.

In regards to the Yard Sale scene when the van pulled away, yes that was Steve driving hidden by the witch. I've seen photos of him getting out of the van from the driver's side too. He's her chauffeur just like Jon.

Also in the RV episode, I recall that Steve and Kate left in a CAR to purchase organic chicken for dinner. I bet that's how she travelled on that trip with Ashley in one RV and Jamie in the other watching the kids. I doubt everyone even spent many nights in RVs, maybe none at all, but stayed in posh hotels along the way.

Tucker's Mom said... 93

TLC stinks said... 92
Tucker's Mom, good idea about the cooler with condiments. We take a cooler too, mostly empty which we fill on the return because I don't like throwing out food. Of course that only works if you drive. We just never know how often we'll eat out so we always go to the grocery store for breakfast and lunch foods and wing it for dinner.
I'm sort of the opposite in that I don't want to pay for smaller amounts of things because it's more expensive, like condiments. Either way, if you don't waste it, that's what counts.
I actually make 2-3 dinners ahead. Things like chili or cacciatore. I also bring down vacuum-sealed steaks for a "surf and turf" night.
Agree dinners are so much fun on vacation. We do 3-4 dinners out, or take away.
And, we're getting predictable with where we go (in the OBX).

What I didn't get was that Kate was shown packing up a ton of food (the WAFFLES!!!!!!) before they went to the Gulf Coast?
If so, HUH?

Tucker's Mom said... 94

Also in the RV episode, I recall that Steve and Kate left in a CAR to purchase organic chicken for dinner.
Steve and Kate were gone for hours while Jamie and Ashley took care of the kids and prepped dinner.
IIRC, Kate swooped in just in time to burn the sh*t out of the chicken before she demanded copious thanks from the kids who were hauling sticks all day.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 95

I bet there was a limo or town car that TLC sent for TFW, and the kids drove separately with a nanny. "The talent" isn't expected to get herself to the set on her own steam.

But bless the fans' hearts, they probably pictured a merry road trip like when the Bradys drove to the Grand Canyon (a/k/a the waste of space), gaily singing "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" and "My Darling Clementine" and stopping for gas and
soda pop. Puleez.

Kelsey O. said... 96

You can get nice big houses in the Reading area for $400,000. No need for the mansion for Kate+7. There are plenty of big families that live in small places. She acts so entitled. One thing is for does not buy happiness.

Sad but true said... 97

Oh lord, we're back to puppy pictures (a video) on IG this evening, only now it's #NookiePookie before she even came home with K8. Including an up-close look at those disgusting French tips. How much longer can she milk this puppy thing? I expect to be treated to 1st b'day photos in another couple of months, at which point these two puppies WILL be full grown dogs. So then what? Does she have photos of them in utero to throw out there?

What I wouldn't give for a snapshot of poorly plated unpalatable food right about now.

kateplusmy8 Just thought everyone could use a dose of SUPERCUTE right about now! #Nanuq #TwoWeeksOld #CutenessOverload

TLC stinks said... 98

DEFLECT ALERT. That's why she's posting puppy pics.

foxy said... 99

Kate is going to keep those dogs puppies just like she keeps the younger kids as toddlers. She wants them all to be stunted like she is.

OT....Tamron Hall quit the Today show. It seems Megan Kelly is really stirring the pot over there. I liked her and Al Roker on the 3rd hour.

Tucker's Mom said... 100

foxy said... 99
Kate is going to keep those dogs puppies just like she keeps the younger kids as toddlers. She wants them all to be stunted like she is.

OT....Tamron Hall quit the Today show. It seems Megan Kelly is really stirring the pot over there. I liked her and Al Roker on the 3rd hour.
Tamron and Al were pulling in the best numbers in the 9am slot.
The Today show likes to give people the shaft every couple years.
Anne Curry really got it bad.

Yep, toddler and puppies. Whatever it takes to get responses.

I hope Kate keeps a box of gloves in her kitchen for food prep. Yuck.

NJGal51 said... 101

Sad But True - You're absolutely right, those French tips of hers are disgusting looking. Why does she have her finger shoved in the puppy's mouth AND why did the breeder allow this? We were allowed to look but not touch at that age because the puppies are very vulnerable and can pick up anything. This confirms my suspicions that this is indeed a backyard breeder.

Sad but true said... 102


miloandjack2016 If that were your TOE @kateplusmy8 ...We'd be calling you #Sugarfoot here! 😋 Too cute!

That finger she's got stuck in the puppy's mouth as she uses it to drag the pup toward her: Puppies at that age rely solely on mother's milk for immunities. I shudder to think what the poor mite might have been exposed to under those #AcrylicHorrors.

NJGal51 said... 103

And Milo says of the IG post...If that were your TOE @kateplusmy8 ...We'd be calling you #Sugarfoot here! Too cute!
There really is something seriously wrong with Milo and now I need some brain bleach.

Lanc Native said... 104

You can get nice big houses in the Reading area for $400,000. No need for the mansion for Kate+7. There are plenty of big families that live in small places. She acts so entitled. One thing is for does not buy happiness.

I don't think that area was Kate's first choice when she bought that house. She just wanted land, as far as the eye could see, and it happened to be in Berks County. I would think that if she decided to move again, which I doubt, for the kids' sake she should look in Lancaster County, closer to school. There are properties in the area for less than $500,000, with enough acreage to give her privacy.

Lanc Native said... 105

On a day like that, in real life, you just order a bunch of pizzas and bagged salads and call it a night.


What? No Kobe beef, no Chilean sea bass, nothing on the rider list? How could that be? Wouldn't they starve?

SaraMRN2010 said... 106

Tucker's Mom said... 93
TLC stinks said... 92
Tucker's Mom, good idea about the cooler with condiments. We take a cooler too, mostly empty which we fill on the return because I don't like throwing out food. Of course that only works if you drive. We just never know how often we'll eat out so we always go to the grocery store for breakfast and lunch foods and wing it for dinner.
I'm sort of the opposite in that I don't want to pay for smaller amounts of things because it's more expensive, like condiments. Either way, if you don't waste it, that's what counts.
I actually make 2-3 dinners ahead. Things like chili or cacciatore. I also bring down vacuum-sealed steaks for a "surf and turf" night.

I am not defending Kate and I am sure that their meals were the craft service meals but when we go on vacation we take 99% of our food. We do it because we like to eat our own stuff out of our freezer and it helps on the cost. I like to marinate a lot of meat and we always bring frozen veggies. However, we do try and find a local fresh produce stand to buy veggies from. And we take one night to enjoy a local cuisine. We do this to of set the cost of our vacation. I hate the thought of spending money eating out knowing I have food at home in my fridge. Of course we also camp which I am sure Kate would never do, but it has allowed us to take a 12 day vacation to the North Carolina mountains for less than $700. Not everyone likes to do this but it works for us. And until TLC comes calling with their unlimited credit card or a resort calls me to be their guest we will continue to vacation this way.

TLC stinks said... 107

If I recall correctly, BOTH Jon and Kate stated they wanted land. I believe the property appealed to her because of the garage apartment (for Jon) and the isolation for filming. There are quite a few stories about the neighbors in the Wernersville neighborhood complaining about disruption with all the crew vehicles and strangers doing drivebys.

GollyGee said... 108

pulling in the best numbers in the 9am slot.
The Today show likes to give people the shaft every couple years.
Anne Curry really got it bad.


Awe, Tamaron. I hate that.

When they fired Ann Curry, I almost blew a gasket! She is a great journalist. When they fired her, the older AA man they would zoom and show him every morning, he wasn't there when they announced it the day before.

Then word got out he left the TODAY Show because of it. He sowed up at GMA. I don't remember if he went to GMA the day after the announcement or didn't show up at all that morning at the TODAY Show or went to GMA the next morning. He had been going to the TODAY Show the very first day they started showing the people outside

Lanc Native said... 109

There are quite a few stories about the neighbors in the Wernersville neighborhood complaining about disruption with all the crew vehicles and strangers doing drivebys


Do you mean E-town? Their home was in a cul de sac. There were concerns there, as well as a zoning issue. I don't recall any complaints in Wernersville.

Tucker's Mom said... 110

I am not defending Kate and I am sure that their meals were the craft service meals but when we go on vacation we take 99% of our food. We do it because we like to eat our own stuff out of our freezer and it helps on the cost. I like to marinate a lot of meat and we always bring frozen veggies
Ooh, reminds me of something I've taken a couple times- yogurt-marinated chicken.
I make a Peruvian marinade and mix it with Greek yogurt and coat cubed chicken thighs with it. Then, I vacuum seal and freeze it and it's good to go.
Whenever we want it for dinner, I defrost and skewer for kabobs, along with more veggie kabobs and then we grill.
Sorry for the OT.
I have to remember that for our next trip!

Tucker's Mom said... 111

And until TLC comes calling with their unlimited credit card or a resort calls me to be their guest we will continue to vacation this way.
Plus, I don't like eating out breakfast, lunch and dinner. Besides the money, I don't feel healthy doing it day after day.
After a cruise, I just wanted salads for a few days!

GollyGee said... 112

SaraMRN2010, I think your 12 day vacation to the NC mountains for 700 dollars IS AMAZING! And dollars to donuts, I bet you and your children had a better and truly memory making trip than TFW could even dream about.

A campfire at night with hot chocolate, the stars in the sky, your kids settling down in their tent an a owl gently hooting. Priceless!

TLC stinks said... 113

Yep, meant E town not Wernersville.

TLC stinks said... 114

Kate doesn't need to save money on vacation. It's on TLC's tab.

Jeanne said... 115

NJGal, I agree with you. Kate probably rode in a limo with Steve while crew daddies drove the BBB. The kids are so neglected. Tucker's Mom, I don't know why Jeff might have been interested in Kate but I understand some men like that look. The fake boobies, blond hair, hooker clothes. I wonder if one of the reasons he bolted was her lack of actual... responsiveness. Men have a stereotype what kind of girl has that look and I don't think Kate fits.

I wonder if Kate is totally open even with the younger kids now about Steve. When they go on vacation and get a house like this, does Steve get his own room and bathroom or do they share?

Rainbowsandunicorns said... 116

I am not defending Kate and I am sure that their meals were the craft service meals but when we go on vacation we take 99% of our food. We do it because we like to eat our own stuff out of our freezer and it helps on the cost. I like to marinate a lot of meat and we always bring frozen veggies. However, we do try and find a local fresh produce stand t


If you do this on vacation, is it really a vacation when it's the same thing you do at home? You're just at a different location. Many times I need a vacation to rest, not have to pack food, cook it, clean up the mess, and then do the same thing the next day. Some enjoy doing this, it's a family tradition and you go for it, but I want Nobu (just kidding!).

FlimsyFlamsy said... 117

Sad but true (#97), maybe TFW can have a combination pups-turn-one-year/C's-been- gone-one-year celebration. The longer he's gone, the more disturbing it is that she has NOTHING to say about him.

Sad but true said... 118

jeska5589 Two weeks! That's early bonding! So sweet.

kateplusmy8 I was present for their births and visited them almost every day until they came home:):)❤ It was pure puppy therapy!!! Amazing! @jeska5589

Gee, for a single mom of 8, that's a LOT of time to spend out of your kitchen, which is where you claim to spend 80% of your time. Moreover, we know this is pure bulls**t because there was plenty of filming going on around the time these pups were born (um, New Orleans and Space Camp and tups' b'day, just for starters). Oh and also, your son was being removed from your home right about then, wasn't he? The pups came to live with you after he left, right?

She lies and lies and lies. When will she be stopped?

Anonymous said... 119

Kate has no idea that her video with the young pup is nothing more than reckless. For anyone with any knowledge of puppies a reputable breeder would certainly not allow a visit at this young age.

Canine parvovirus a disease that is deadly for dogs is not vaccinated until later on, 6-7 weeks, and can be carried on your shoes, from other pets and even visits to pet stores, from infected dogs.

Google it but my vet claims the virus can live for 45 days on your shoes, and much longer in the soil. Link from a source "The virus is extremely hardy and has been found to survive in feces and other organic material such as soil for over 10 years. It survives extremely low and high temperatures. The only household disinfectant that kills the virus is bleach.[2]"

While it may seem a cute bonding moment it has caused death in many other puppies from visits like these, and most breeders would never allow this visit, at the risk of losing an entire litter.

This is just another case for me to show Kate attempts to portray a loving dog owner when in fact she has little to know clue of what she is doing. And for her fans that may think I am dissecting her just call any well established breeder and ask to visit a two week old puppy.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 120

Sad but true (#115), I bet Gladys gets jealous when TFW gives those extended personal responses to other fans. Gladys almost always includes a question, hoping to get an answer, but those responses are, in the words of her idol, a "rare treat." ~ Administrator said... 121

Kate has no idea that her video with the young pup is nothing more than reckless. For anyone with any knowledge of puppies a reputable breeder would certainly not allow a visit at this young age.

Canine parvovirus a disease that is deadly for dogs is not vaccinated until later on, 6-7 weeks, and can be carried on your shoes, from other pets and even visits to pet stores, from infected dogs.


Responsible dog owners take the very, very serious threat of parvo as seriously as they take the plague. It is quite possibly the most serious and devastating disease that can befall a puppy. He's unlikely to survive, and if he does it will be after putting him through intense suffering and treatment.

Responsible dog owners don't expose pups of a certain age to other dogs, common areas, dog parks, or excessive amounts of people. If a very young dog is going to be exposed to people, you sanitize.

Kate is not responsible, and it sounds like neither are these darn breeders. Unbelievable.

On another note, she seems to have plenty of time to conduct daily visits to the dogs, but what about Collin? Does she visit him, call him, daily or at least every few days? ~ Administrator said... 122

If you do this on vacation, is it really a vacation when it's the same thing you do at home? You're just at a different location. Many times I need a vacation to rest, not have to pack food, cook it, clean up the mess, and then do the same thing the next day. Some enjoy doing this, it's a family tradition and you go for it, but I want Nobu (just kidding!).


Sometimes you have to do it to keep the vacation affordable, and it's worth all the hassle because it really keeps the price down. We tend to prefer air b and b's now with a kitchen so we can bring or buy food if we want to eat in. Makes it easy.

Also, depending on the location, the restaurants may not be all that worth it.

There is a healthy balance though. It's nice to try to save up for at least a few meals out, if only for the break, especially if you're going to a region of the country known for its cuisine. For instance, what a shame to go to New Orleans, or Texas, or NYC, or Chicago, and not eat their food. I'm not sure what the Poconos have to offer and whether it's worth it to make a point to eat out.

For us, it depends on the region. If we're going to Death Valley or Joshua Tree, where we love to go at least a few times a year each, we don't usually eat out more than once or twice. The restaurants are forgettable and usually overpriced. Our own food is better. By not eating out and in some cases camping out, the trips end up being so cheap and we can go more often because of it.

If we're going to say, Oregon, or San Francisco, or San Diego, yeah, we want to eat out if we can, because it's a shame if you don't. ~ Administrator said... 123

Oh on another note, we've really enjoyed shopping in local grocery stores, especially in foreign countries. It's as much fun as going to a local restaurant.

Hauling all your own food I'm not as into. I'll bring staples so I don't have to buy olive oil, then grocery shop there. The exception would be places that have no grocery stores to speak of like Death Valley where I do pre made portioned tupperware meals of our favorites and zap them in the microwave. Yum.

Anyway, I love vacation hacks, ways to make them more affordable without being uncomfortable or feel like you're sacrificing. I really enjoyed other half's delicious pasta, veggies and salmon, plus wine, in Joshua tree a couple weekends ago. He whipped it all up at home, packed up a cooler, and off we went. Much better than the bad Chinese across the street.

Anyway, I pointed out the tupperware more to point out that it was a big clue about craft services, who live and die by those big tupperwares, not to criticize how one wants to sort out meals on vacation. Still, I think Kate made that day much harder on everyone by cooking. With a day that jam packed, just schedule your eat out day for then. ~ Administrator said... 124

You know another thing about Kate, is she is often talking about all the mostly mindless puttering around she seems to have time for. Daily visits to the puppies is pure silliness, absurd. They need that time to bond with and learn from their real mother, anyway. It doesn't do much for them for their future people mother to be around, she doesn't HAVE to be. They'll bond just fine with their new family later. It's not a HUMAN you're adopting and are trying to help get used to you before yanking them from the orphanage.

The average family wouldn't have time to keep going over to the breeders for visitation even if they wanted to. I think her not having a real job or structure for so long has made her hopelessly out of touch with the working class, and frankly, her demographic. I struggle to see what they like about her at this point. She's a regular politician.

Sheepless In Seattle said... 125

There really is something seriously wrong with Milo and now I need some brain bleach.


I think we've known for some time, that in addition to being a bosom person and a leg man (or woman), Milo has a foot fetish. It's sick. If I were Kate, I'd be freaking out and disgusted by her comments.

Sherri said... 126

I think her not having a real job or structure for so long has made her hopelessly out of touch with the working class, and frankly, her demographic.


I think TFW is out of touch with, not just her demographic but also basic common sense and reality and has been for a very long time. Even when she was working, I wonder if she had any common sense or if she did everything in her own version of logical and drove her co-workers crazy. She has just always seemed to make everything much harder than it actually needs to be and seems to thrive on making work, not just for the kids but for herself, too.

GollyGee said... 127

FlimsyFlamsy said... 95
I bet there was a limo or town car that TLC sent for TFW, and the kids drove separately with a nanny. "The talent" isn't expected to get herself to the set on her own steam.

But bless the fans' hearts, they probably pictured a merry road trip like when the Bradys drove to the Grand Canyon (a/k/a the waste of space), gaily singing "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" and "My Darling Clementine" and stopping for gas and
soda pop. Puleez.


This won't be happening on a Gosselin Road Trip.

Starts at 11:58

SaraMRN2010 said... 128

Rainbowsandunicorns said... 116
If you do this on vacation, is it really a vacation when it's the same thing you do at home?

Yes we do. But I like I posted we also camp a lot. Very rarely do we stay in a hotel or rent a house. But this is our choice and we enjoy it. It really isn't that much work because most of the stuff is in my freezer and I just grab it and pack it.

Sad but true said... 129

Anonymous said... 119

The threat of parvo is very real. And it is deadly. I know of a place that breeds and trains service dogs which had an outbreak 20 or so months ago. Several small pups died, and only herculean efforts saved a couple of the older dogs. The fact that the virus was contained in a place with 40+ dogs was a miracle. Unfortunately, although every area that could be was scoured with bleach, there was enough of the virus still around 5 months later to take another young 6-month-old, in winter. K8--and the breeder--are idiots.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 130

Sherri (#126), I think with TFW, it's all about her needs and wants, 24/7. Kind of like a 2-year-old child who hasn't learned the word "no" quite yet. She wanted to snuggle cute puppies, so, whether that's what was best for the dogs or not, that's what she was going to do. She wanted to go deep-sea fishing, so, whether at least half of her children were going to puke their guts out
or not, that's what she was going to do.
And like a 2-year-old, she's not known for thinking things through, thus making extra work for herself. Or, more likely, making more work for other people to do for her.

Jamesvader1194 said... 131

Ok question,does IG have a notification where you can see the people you're following's comments on other posts(kinda like on twitter)or does milo keep going back to the same video or picture that Kate uploads and waits for her to comment and/or reply back to a comment that she wasn't even added in?Cause its kinda creepy how when Kate replies back to a fan,milo is there moments later trying to join in on the coversation.Yes i know she does that on twitter but at least milo has a notification to see it where as IG has nothing to see when people comment miloandjack2016 @kateplusmy8 I remember you telling us about your vigilant devotion from day one for them. Looks like from this video #Nanuq chose you early on to be her #ForeverMom! ❤

Sad but true said... 132

miloandjack2016@kateplusmy8 I remember you telling us about your vigilant devotion from day one for them. Looks like from this video #Nanuq chose you early on to be her #ForeverMom! ❤

Would that K8 displayed such "vigilant devotion" towards her actual offspring. And yes, of course she TOLD us about it and filmed it, too. How would we ever know otherwise? #StupidIsAsStupidDoes

NJGal51 said... 133

Rainbowsandunicorns - I'm with you...when I'm on vacation I'm on vacation! Maybe it's because I grew up in a beach town and that's not a vacation to me it's the norm. My idea of camping is the Holiday Inn.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 134

This puppy love is positively gagworthy.

Jamesvader1194 (#131), someone ought to remind #Gladys, a/k/a #HashtagHarriet,
that #Nala also chose #TFW to be her #ForeverMom, but apparently #Nala #Didn'tKnowHowToHelpHer.

Oh, and, oops, almost forgot...what about poor C, who innocently supposed he had a #ForeverMom, too? Will she even recognize him when he comes home? If he comes home?

NJGal51 said... 135

kateplusmy8 I was present for their births and visited them almost every day until they came home:):)❤ It was pure puppy therapy!!! Amazing! @jeska5589
Again, what the hell is wrong with this breeder to allow this! I visited mine once and we could look but not touch and although I got weekly pictures we didn't see him again until we picked him up to bring him home. I also thought it was very irresponsible of her to take those young pups on vacation since they hadn't been fully vaccinated yet. Mine didn't go anywhere but in our backyard or to the vet until he'd had all of his shots. She is lucky nothing happened to the pups because she'd have no one to blame but herself. Again, this reinforces my belief that this is a backyard breeder.

Anonymous said... 136

So she visited the puppies almost every day until they came home. What about Collin; how frequently has she visited him? I have a feeling her visits are forbidden and all this puppy talk is by way of distraction. I do hope though that there has been contact with his loving father.


Layla said... 137

I'm definitely seeing signs that TLC isn't spending big bucks on K+8 any more. Packing in so many exhausting activities in a single day is just absurd. But, if they will only shell out for a few days in that house, then it's necessary to pack it all in no matter how tired everybody is. And craft services sending over hot dogs and mac and cheese? Isn't this the same network that paid for a seafood feast that included a lobster for each child? That also has paid for numerous nice restaurant meals for the Gs? I wondered if they were cutting back when Kate said she had to use her own money for the new deck. And when she tweeted about her new roof last year, we wondered if it was filmed (meaning TLC paid for it). But there was no sign of roof-building, so Kate must have had to pay.

I am so curious about the status of the show. I can't see TLC pulling the plug after so many years, but...they are not putting as much money into the show's budget, obviously. That means they don't think the show is worth as much. And the almost complete lack of promotion last season is so weird. I just can't figure that out. Why not promote it on their own channel? What possible reason could they have to ignore one of their own shows? Unless they are done with it, I can't think of a single reason to do that.

NJGal51 said... 138

Layla - I agree with you and don't think that TLC is dumping the same amount of money into the show as they used to. I'd be willing to bet that TFW's paycheck isn't as large as it was but she goes along because she's addicted to the fame.

jamesvader1194 said... 139

@Layla Well last year they started filming during around this time,so if we see tweets of people saying they saw them at "so and so" we'll know.But IF this gag order that intouch reported is true then we may not see filming for quite a while.I do agree with some twitter critics though that TLC would be financially inept to continue filming.Plus IF they are still filming more episodes then there's really no point in any of us talking about low viewers IF there is a next season and even that has low viewers.

Sad but true said... 140

I'm sure this won't be up long.

maryannie884@kateplusmy8 maybe you should have spent that time and devotion on your son Colin.


Lanc Native said... 141

Rainbowsandunicorns - I'm with you...when I'm on vacation I'm on vacation! Maybe it's because I grew up in a beach town and that's not a vacation to me it's the norm. My idea of camping is the Holiday Inn.


I'm with both of you. If I want a vacation, I want a vacation. I don't want to do the same things that I do at home. It's just the same thing only at a different location. I'd rather stay home and not even spend the money on a hotel! When we had our house on the beach in New Jersey, I didn't cook...loved those out-of-the-way little seafood restaurants!

Looks like Phil and Octo Orphie saw their shadows. Darn rodents.

Abby said... 142

Kate erased the comment on her Instagram about C!

Layla said... 143

Jamesvader1194, you're right, they had actually done a lot of filming by this time last year. The igloo building and Costco trip for the 10-year anniversary, plus the family game show. That's 2 episodes out of 8. And they had to rush couch interviews to have a season ready to air in November. I wonder if part of the problem is coming up with something to film. All the other TLC talent (and I use that term loosely) has a lot going on to film. Just look at the Duggars--there's always new courtships, weddings, and babies. TLC doesn't need to come up with ideas. Big Fat Fabulous Life girl has an unplanned pregnancy, LPBW has kids getting married and pregnant, and parents divorcing/moving on, the Outdaughtered family has cute babies learning to walk and talk. And Kate and the kids? Birthdays and trips, over and over because they have nothing more to offer. It seems like, even with the new pups, they had trouble finding enough to air last season. Maybe TLC just doesn't think it's worth the extra trouble. They have to do 3 vacations a year just to have content. What next? 4 trips? 5? There's nothing else.

Tucker's Mom said... 144

Looks like Phil and Octo Orphie saw their shadows. Darn rodents.
I think those darn rodents were drinking too much Rumpspringa this morning!
This winter has been a snooooooozefest and I don't think we're going to see anything to call a film crew and make igloos ;-)

Layla said... 145

Abby (142),
That didn't take long! She is so thin-skinned. What did she expect? She sold the story--did she think nobody would have an issue with her institutionalizing a child? I wonder how Milo is feeling about all this. "She" swore that Kate only sent C away temporarily to get some help, yet he's still gone almost a year later. How long does he have to be away before Milo admits that Kate doesn't want him back? And how does this all fit in with Milo's praise about how Kate's kids are a reflection of Kate's parenting? If that's true, then what kind of parenting results in a child being institutionalized at age 11? I really hope Jon gets custody of C. It's the only chance C has of getting the love and attention he craves. I believe the problem is the years of rejection C has had to endure from his mother.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 146

Layla (#143), I wonder if the C situation has just made the G family too hot to handle for TLC. Not that they have a shred of decency or a moral compass, but maybe they're worried about how things will end up, and would like to dissociate themselves from her.
Hence the lack of promotion this season, while they were pushing just about every other series, old and new.

But once again, I don't think she'll be gone forever. Just because she hasn't currently gotten an order for new episodes, I suspect she'll remain TLC's BBW: Blonde Bench
Warmer. Just a nicer way of saying side piece!

Sad but true said... 147

FlimsyFlamsy said... 146
I suspect she'll remain TLC's BBW: Blonde Bench
I'm sorry, I feel compelled to correct you. Let's make it BBBW, BLEACHED-Blonde Bench Warmer. :)

jamesvader1194 said... 148

@Layla (145)The thing is Milo and some other fans would turn and say hes home or that Kate visits Collin.Although they show no proof of this,they just mock the non fans by saying they don't know anything about C not being home.Though the funny thing is that none of the fans know either as to whether hes home or not.This is how the fans twist the fact that Kate hasn't mention Collin is because they'll say she's protecting his privacy.Yet Kate has expose her kids privacy and even admitted to the world about his issues,so not only would this be hypocritical and a double standard by Kate but how are fans asking if whether or not hes home or is doing ok exposing privacy?Its not like anyone is asking for details about what he was doing at the place he was at or the issues he has.

Lanc Native said... 149

This winter has been a snooooooozefest and I don't think we're going to see anything to call a film crew and make igloos ;-)


Especially since we're supposed to be in the mid 50s middle of the week. This has been a crazy winter, hasn't it? Sometimes, though, we get hit with the worst snowstorms in March, so I'm not quite ready to write it off just yet. If we can get away with not even a broom-sweep of snow this year, it will be one for the record books.

Lanc Native said... 150

Abby said... 142
Kate erased the comment on her Instagram about C!


But at least she most likely read it. That has to chap her hide. She needs to shut the heck up about these puppies. She keeps sticking her foot in her mouth.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 151

Lanc Native (#150), I think TFW really stepped in it when she claimed the new dogs were her children's siblings. So incredibly tone deaf, considering the kids have essentially lost an actual sibling.

Tucker's Mom said... 152

Lanc Native said... 150
Abby said... 142
Kate erased the comment on her Instagram about C!


But at least she most likely read it. That has to chap her hide. She needs to shut the heck up about these puppies. She keeps sticking her foot in her mouth.

Amen. The insensitivity factor is off the charts. She clearly has no sense of optics or tone. She has been doing nothing but projecting happiness and sheer, unadulterated love over her puppies, and gee, everyone's just fine and dandy in a post-Collin world.
It's going to be a year, pretty soon. There's been no talk of seeing Collin, nothing that comes close to encouraging news and nothing that would indicate he's coming home.
I'm praying for a miracle from Jon.

Formerly Duped said... 153

Most psych programs for young people insist on parental participation.Wonder how Kate got out of that? And why Jon is not contacted. I suppose there are factors we don't know about naturally, but family education and counseling are important to a patient's recovery.

Tucker's Mom said... 154

I suppose there are factors we don't know about naturally, but family education and counseling are important to a patient's recovery.
I think a mental health professional would pick up on the severe dysfunction in that family and question why a mother would not even try to reach out to the father for help.
It's highly curious on its face.

Sad but true said... 155

Tucker's Mom said... 154
I suppose there are factors we don't know about naturally, but family education and counseling are important to a patient's recovery.
I think a mental health professional would pick up on the severe dysfunction in that family and question why a mother would not even try to reach out to the father for help.
It's highly curious on its face.

YES! And even more curious? A mother who does a cover shoot for a national PR rag surrounded by her other kids--all dressed in white, chasing butterflies and flying balloons in the hazy summer sunshine--announcing her son's departure from the family. And then, a couple of months later, going on to tell America, on every tab show that would have her (and quite triumphantly, I might add), that she has not even told the child's father where he is!

Somebody with authority in this matter has to have done a double-take at that level of crazy.

GollyGee said... 156

Sad but true said... 155
Tucker's Mom said... 154
I suppose there are factors we don't know about naturally, but family education and counseling are important to a patient's recovery.
I think a mental health professional would pick up on the severe dysfunction in that family and question why a mother would not even try to reach out to the father for help.
It's highly curious on its face.

YES! And even more curious? A mother who does a cover shoot for a national PR rag surrounded by her other kids--all dressed in white, chasing butterflies and flying balloons in the hazy summer sunshine--announcing her son's departure from the family. And then, a couple of months later, going on to tell America, on every tab show that would have her (and quite triumphantly, I might add), that she has not even told the child's father where he is!

Somebody with authority in this matter has to have done a double-take at that level of crazy.


The photo shoot of TFW and the kids about Collin made me think it was the way you described was Collin's wake! The white clothes, the butterfly release. Collin would want them to go on.

The way she has functioned ever since he was removed from the home is like that child is really, truly dead to her.

She is mentally ill and I think she is deflecting big time with the pups, the video of her finger way down in his throat is very weird, creepy and disturbing. Was the breeder afraid if he/she didn't let TFW visit, touch, cram her finger down the pups throat they would have lost the sale of the dogs?

The court date must be very near or already started. She is manic about those pups now.

TLC stinks said... 157

With the People article and photo shoot it was clear she was passing off Collin's departure as not that serious and life goes on. However, I suspect with her silence these past months, all has not gone well with CPS and the custody fight.

Sad but true said... 158


maryannie884 You can erase it but that doesn't make it untrue.


Tucker's Mom said... 159

TLC stinks said... 157
With the People article and photo shoot it was clear she was passing off Collin's departure as not that serious and life goes on. However, I suspect with her silence these past months, all has not gone well with CPS and the custody fight.
February 3, 2017 at 4:49 AM
The People magazine cover seemed to be Kate's ploy to "boil the frog" with the news of Collin being sent away from the home.
Make everyone dress in lily white clothes and look happy.
Tell the masses it's what's "best" for Collin, because what mom doesn't want what's best for their kids?
Tell the masses it's no big deal. Heck! The Gosselins aren't even feeling it, so why should you?
Collin hasn't been going to school with his siblings, so it's not like they're used to having him around anyway!
And really, it's just like sending your kids to college, dontcha know?
You're kinda sad and you'll miss them, but life goes on!
Look how happy we've all been! Nobody even mentions Collin's name or even alludes to an 8th sibling, so no problemos here!
The problem is, it's been a LONG time for an 11, now 12-year old to be away.
On top of that, no one has any clue what his circumstances are.
I think it's safe to say that Kate's probably seen him, but Collin's brothers and sisters maybe not. Not at his facility (or whatever it is), or at home.
If the kids are allowed to see Collin, no doubt Jon will get information, and Kate can't have that.

How can people can just blow this off and not deal with the reality of how awful this situation is?

What on earth is happening to Collin Gosselin?

FlimsyFlamsy said... 160

TLC stinks (#157), yup, TFW compared having her son sent away from home before his 12th birthday to him going off to college. No, TFW, 12-year-olds don't go off to college. Because they are CHILDREN.

Tucker's Mom said... 161

The way she has functioned ever since he was removed from the home is like that child is really, truly dead to her.
That's exactly how Kate is portraying it. She is also crafting the message that life goes on for Collin's brothers and sisters.
There has been nothing but trips and birthdays and puppies and no mention that they miss their brother.

I don't believe for a minute that Kate doesn't allude to Collin because she respects his privacy. I think if there was any way to spin his situation to her benefit, she would.
I think Kate is silent on Collin and deflecting with puppies is because she wants the real story to stay buried as long as possible, so she can eke out more filming.

What do fans say to themselves when another season is filmed? An entire year goes by? Another birthday passes?
And still, no Collin.

Abby said... 162

When he does get out of the facility, he's going to most likely get his picture taken by the paps and will be all over the tabloids. How sad, especially considering he was the one who often had his face hidden behind his hands because he didn't want his picture taken. ~ Administrator said... 163

For whatever reason Kate never developed normal coping skills to difficult times, or for people who wrong you, etc.

Her reactions are either extreme visceral hate (practically rejoicing over someone's miscarriage who was a threat), or cut the offending appendage off.

With Collin, she's taken her usual tactic of cut the offending appendage off. And that's fine if that's how SHE wants to deal with this, but she has seven siblings here she is supposed to be looking after their emotional health and helping them through this time. It doesn't sound like the children are being given a supportive environment both to grieve but then to nurture ties with their brother with frequent visitation, calling him, frequent discussion of him, and involvement in his treatment and discharge so he can come home as soon as possible.

Bottom line she's a grown adult and can deal with hardship however she likes, but when it really starts to affect others, especially children, that's a problem.

GollyGee said... 164

Sad but true said... 158

maryannie884 You can erase it but that doesn't make it untrue.



Exactly is right. But she erases that one which was rough but there is another one on the pup video that is much worse and has been there almost 3 days.

Sad but true said... 165 ~ Administrator said... 160

Bottom line she's a grown adult and can deal with hardship however she likes, but when it really starts to affect others, especially children, that's a problem.

Not to mention: His FATHER! ~ Administrator said... 166

At least in theory, Jon could go to family court and get court orders allowing him access to his son whether Kate likes it or not. The kids really have no recourse. If mom doesn't participate in brother's treatment, visit or call as much as she should, and wants to just go on with filming and with life, what's their recourse? They can't do anything about it. If anything, I think they're just mirroring her coping skills, moving on without him, forgetting, having as much fun as possible. That's how they've been taught, they don't know any better. I really doubt a single one of them recognizes how incredibly unhealthy that is, they're just kids.

Tucker's Mom said... 167

It doesn't sound like the children are being given a supportive environment both to grieve but then to nurture ties with their brother with frequent visitation, calling him, frequent discussion of him, and involvement in his treatment and discharge so he can come home as soon as possible.
Imagine, this comes on the heels of divorce, followed by the worst, most acrimonious and downright nasty post-divorce sequelae with complete and utter failure to co-parent.

Tucker's Mom said... 168

Bottom line she's a grown adult and can deal with hardship however she likes, but when it really starts to affect others, especially children, that's a problem.
Furthering the problem is the great possibility that some of the kids will also adopt Kate's view of other human beings and treat them like road kill after their first choice is a nuclear option when a problem or conflict arises.

Tucker's Mom said... 169

, I think they're just mirroring her coping skills, moving on without him, forgetting, having as much fun as possible. That's how they've been taught, they don't know any better. I really doubt a single one of them recognizes how incredibly unhealthy that is, they're just kids.
I wouldn't be surprised if Kate not only doesn't foster an open environment for sharing feelings, but strongly discourages it, even punishes it.
The kids know the focus is always filming first and supporting the show first.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 170

Tucker's Mom (#169), I bet the kids have already learned not to share their feelings about Dad, and to pretend he doesn't exist in front of their mother. So they've had some practice in this department. The level of dysfunction in that house is such a sharp contrast to the puppypalooza lovefest TFW has tried to present.

GollyGee said... 171

I wouldn't be surprised if Kate not only doesn't foster an open environment for sharing feelings, but strongly discourages it, even punishes it.


Yes, Tucker's. An example of her sadist parenting was when she was berating and belittling Collin by rubbing her bacteria-laden French tip finger on the side of his head and telling him that she had told him that she did not want to see that, I'm in trouble look.

We have talked about that. But the WAY she did it, it was so diabolical and cruel. She was really mean talking to him there.

I wonder if there was "the incident " or something that happened that the straw finally broke the camels back that caused Collin to be scheduled to be removed from the home before filming and they threw together a quick episode to film something and family game night came out of the soot or right after.

But I have a feeling something either something happened and it was bad enough for him to get immediately out or it was when Hannah refused to go home from Jon's because she knew how he was been one treated and that got him out.

Layla said... 172

I shudder to think of what the kids are learning from all these banishments in their lives. Extended family, friends, their father, their brother--all dismissed with a flap of their mother's hand. It's amazing (and a testament to what a good father Jon is) to see that 4 of the kids still see him regularly. Especially now that we know that she pats them down and searches their belongings when they return. And you know there's some major attitude going on when they come home. But they still go. Seeing Jon and spending time with him is worth the consequences to them.

Kate and the sheep make such a big deal about how only half of the kids see him, but when you consider the fact that Alexis seems to have a special program to attend on Saturdays, and Collin probably had some intervention program going on to address his problems, the only kids who really had a choice were Mady and Cara. Cara doesn't seem to want anything to do with any of them, including her mother, and Mady claims to spend all her time in her room, shut away from everybody, so why would they go to their Dad's house where they don't have rooms to shut themselves away in? It's not like they are choosing to spend their time with Kate, they are choosing to spend their time alone, away from both parents.

Tucker's Mom said... 173

Unfortunately, Mady is adopting her mother's sadistic ways with her punitive attitude towards her father.
It's like if Jon dares speak her name or utter a word about his family, she will punish him and refuse contact.
I mean, this child is telling her own father to stfu or else...

Evidently, you either stand with Mady or against her.

Blowing In The Wind said... 174

But I have a feeling something either something happened and it was bad enough for him to get immediately out or it was when Hannah refused to go home from Jon's because she knew how he was been one treated and that got him out


How do you know that he IMMEDIATELY got sent out? Was it reported somewhere?

jamesvader1194 said... 175

@Layla That actually brings up another thing.If Jon was such a bad neglectful father as they say,then how come Mady or Cara don't persuade the ones who still go to not go?Does Jon have them "brainwash"to the point where they refuse to turn on dad?The funny thing is Mady didn't actually explain what Jon does thats so bad to the point where she doesn't want to see him.She just said"Oh he talks about us publicly"which again is hypocritical cause Kate does the same thing.She never has said what he did to her when she visit him years ago.

GollyGee said... 176

Blowing, I posted, I have a feeling. Having a feeling about something means it really happened. Either this or that happened.

Either it was an immediate removal because he or someone else alerted someone or he finally or someone else told someone and that was why he was removed.

I have often wondered if someone told, that it might of been Steve, because it was bad. Staying away now for a year makes you wonderhow bad it really was.

Rainbowsandunicorns said... 177

Blowing, I posted, I have a feeling. Having a feeling about something means it really happened. Either this or that happened.


What? Having a feeling something happened means it really happened?

I, too, read your comment to mean that he was immediately removed and questioned how one would know that.

Sue said... 178

GollyGee @176: Blowing, I posted, I have a feeling. Having a feeling about something means it really happened. Either this or that happened.

Either it was an immediate removal because he or someone else alerted someone or he finally or someone else told someone and that was why he was removed.
Am I the only one more confused by what she's saying now?

Layla said... 179

Jamesvader1194, isn't it hypocritical of Mady to complain that Jon talks about the kids publicly (he never singles her out--he talks about the kids as a group. He only mentions C individually) but she's okay about her mother selling their childhoods and privacy, and also talking about them publicly. And then...Mady talks publicly about Jon. I suppose she thinks that's okay because Kate has her convinced that everything that happens is Jon's fault.

Wowser said... 180

I never knew Kate had her own song. Lol!!! Wonder if she's demanding money for every hit?? Kate gosselin is a bitch lalala. Omg it's in my head now. Lol

Wowser said... 181

Who knew there was a song about It's in my head now. Wonder if she demands royalties for every bit? Lol

FlimsyFlamsy said... 182

Layla (#177), your comment, sadly, really expresses the challenges the G kids are going to face as adults. Their mother has alienated them from not only their father, but grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. Their social lives have taken a back seat to the whims of TLC and their decade-long TV show. And who is the primary adult in their lives providing them guidance? An arrested adolescent narcissist who seems hellbent on keeping them in front of the cameras for as long as it pays her bills and feeds her ego.
What a horrible mother. Their best interest, needs and wants have never come first. NEVER.

Sad but true said... 183

Wowser said... 178

LOL that you never heard the before! That's been out there for a good long while and always plays in my head whenever I see a new ROL piece about how horrible she is in real life.

Sad but true said... 184

FlimsyFlamsy said... 180

Gah, this is SO true! Who besides teachers and possibly some "sitters" (and who knows how many of these are not "suspect" and still allowed contact?) do these kids have to go to when they have problems they CAN'T bring to their mom? I have been auntie to my BFF's kids since birth, and they come to ME when they have big issues, NOT their parents, and it's not because the parents are unreasonable or unwilling. WHO do the G kids have? Especially if they've been warned by K8 against confiding in their school advisors/mates. This is where the real tragedy lies, a lifetime without ever being able to trust anyone outside the clearly defined "circle." K8, Skeve, and TLC? No wonder kids self-harm.

Sheepless In Seattle said... 185

Most psych programs for young people insist on parental participation.Wonder how Kate got out of that?


Maybe because she and her treatment of him is what caused his issues. To allow interaction with such a person would be like pouring salt in an open wound.

Formerly Duped said... 186

I wonder what Marley knows. She has been with the family including Collin on a few trips and activities. Surely the twins confide in her, their 'triplet.'

jamesvader1194 said... 187

Um Milo,Kate won't say anything about what Collin's issues are,not because of the "trolls" but she knows darn well that IF she said anything about what his "issues"are she would receive alot of back lash from all the parents out there that would be disgusted with Kate telling the world about his issues.Hell its bad enough that Kate had to announce that he has "issues" Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 1h1 hour ago
@MsGoody2Shoes33 @Kateplusmy8 Not an issue of's a fact if she were to give specifics abt him the #TrollFest would get worse!

jamesvader1194 said... 188

But at least even Milo is admitting that even she believes he's not home. Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack
@MsGoody2Shoes33 @GeeWhiz__ @Kateplusmy8 We don't know what his specific diagnosis is. That's fine. I just want him 2get better! #ComeHome
1 reply 0 retweets 0 likes

Sad but true said... 189

kateplusmy8 Just hanging out on a Friday night, playing games together on our devices lol ... kid in the dog bed. Dog on the floor. That's how we roll... #Hannah #Nanuq #TGIF

Gee, I see Hannah and a dog. And Hannah's got a pout on. Guess it's not #OldNewDaddy weekend.

Tucker's Mom said... 190

Sad but true said... 189
kateplusmy8 Just hanging out on a Friday night, playing games together on our devices lol ... kid in the dog bed. Dog on the floor. That's how we roll... #Hannah #Nanuq #TGIF

Gee, I see Hannah and a dog. And Hannah's got a pout on. Guess it's not #OldNewDaddy weekend.
WTH? Spending another night in Kate's bedroom. Sorry, just find this so unhealthy.
By all accounts, Kate spends every minute she can in her bedroom. Why not sit on a sofa in the family areas? Why sit in you bed for hours every day?
Her kids take to the dog bed to be near her. I guarantee you they are covered in dog hair. Get a couple chair for them to sit in.
That's just gross.

TLC stinks said... 191

No telling when that photo was taken. Not necessarily last night.

TLC stinks said... 192

I don't know how many Marleys there are with a graduation date of 2018 from LCDS, but a "Marley" (no last name only initial on school awards site) won an audition and participated in the NYC Rockette summer intensive dance program for teen girls. Kind of explains why the kid has been getting some tv exposure on K8 show and why her parents allowed that. Her goal is showbiz. Although she's in the background, it looks good on a resume. She may be the twin's buddy, but she benefits from the relationship, IMO.

And Mady G has been singled out for her photography.

Formerly Duped said... 193

Oh what crazy chaotic fun in that IG picture. Hannah looks bored. My dog gets upset if a person tries to lie in her bed. Probably not a great idea.

Anonymous said... 194

There is an article in the Delaware County Daily Times about an interview with Jon Gosselin. It states that he is "currently working on three new television shows, set to debut in late summer or during the fall sweeps".


Anonymous said... 195

Marley is a dancer and her dream is to be a Rockette. I found this out a while ago. But she's the same year as the twins. So it explains why she's constantly going on trips with the family.

The only difference between Marley and Mady is that Marley is actually taking an initiative and getting some sort of "resume" built. If Mady were ever serious about acting then she should've went to auditions and whatnot. Don't get me wrong, she may be doing school plays and whatnot and that could help but if she's serious she might want to leave the reality TV behind and venture out.

Being on Kate Plus 8 isn't gonna cut it.


NJGal51 said... 196

kateplusmy8 Just hanging out on a Friday night, playing games together on our devices lol ... kid in the dog bed. Dog on the floor. That's how we roll... #Hannah #Nanuq #TGIF
Looks like #Nanuk needs a bigger bed judging by her size when stretched out. Why are the kids always in the dogs' beds? Oh that's rtght, the pictures are staged. My son might have curled up in the dog's bed when he was a toddler but never at 12!

GollyGee said... 197

Cara G. and Mady G. SENIORS THIS FALL!

Tick Tock.

Tick Tock
Creacher Kredier ran up the clock
To turn back the hands of time
Film, film, film the kids
All on TLC's Dime! ~ Administrator said... 198

The bedroom thing is getting weird. Not to mention, these kids are reallyyyyyy getting old enough to start having regular Friday evening plans. Friends, the movies, shopping, sports games at school, out to eat for cheeseburger and milkshakes with their circle of friends. For the older girls, a boyfriend or even boy friends. For the younger kids, at least beginning to hang out with the opposite sex. Kate needs to encourage such activities and help facilitate them, they desperately need more socialization and to put in some serious time with peers. They've had plenty enough time with Kate, time to cut the purse strings and allow them to develop them into well adjusted adults who know how to develop and maintain friendships and soon, relationships.

As for Marley, I never saw much personality in her. Despite her being involved in numerous episodes I still couldn't even begin to describe her. She's forgettable, at best. I'll go whole recaps barely noticing her. Oddly sometimes those types seem interested in showbiz but clearly don't have the charisma for it. In any case, if her parents are allowing her to be exploited on a reality show because they think they are somehow helping her future career, it's highly doubtful anyone is going to care she showed up on some D-list reality show. It's not "acting" experience, it has nothing to do with dancing, it can actually hurt your resume more than it helps.

I always found it telling though that only one friend ever gets some serious screen time on this show. With the rare exception of a few random kids popping up at a birthday party. Surely the girls have more than one friend, yet only one ends up on trips and filmed. I think the reasonable conclusion is that most parents have sense enough to know not to allow their kids to appear on this show. Marley's parents are the only ones willing.

Jamesvader1194 said... 199

I just love the fact that Milo and her friends are blaming haters for the reason that Kate won't discuss what Collin's issues are to them.Which fan was the one who called haters nosy busy buddies?Cause these 3 sure want Kate to tell them what Collin's issues are. MsGoody2Shoes21_
@GeeWhiz__ @MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 It's a damn shame that if Kate can't discuss sh*t because of the trolling witches.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 200

Tucker's Mom (#190), TFW should've taken a couple bucks out of Deckster's budget and sprung for a few comfy chairs for her room for her children to feel comfortable when they're in there. Oh,but wait...maybe the boys might want to sit in them. And next thing you know, the chairs would smell like boy. Never mind.

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