Sunday, February 26, 2017

Recap: Kate Plus 8 "Beach Time!": Shoulda let her strings go, Ike

Coming up on Kate Plus 8, another baller vacation, this time in Alabama, where they pretty must do every expensive excursion you could possibly do at the ocean.  This is their "yearly" trip to the ocean, says Kate, and by yearly she means if they are filming she will finagle a trip to the ocean. They also finally train their almost six-month-old puppies, who should have been trained four months ago. Don't try to figure it out, one has absolutely nothing to do with the other. You know, why does one get puppies over the summer anyway if you know you're going to be out of town so much? Part of the reason they're so poorly behaved is because their owners are not providing them any consistency.

Kate again emphasizes they came in late last night. We were all shaking our heads to realize they filmed the space camp footage and traveled a six hour drive to the beach house all in the same day. What reason would she have to lie about that? Wouldn't she lie and say the opposite, that they filmed it over several days, so as not to give the appearance of over-working the kids? We had a discussion on the blog about this show's budget, and all signs are suggesting it's been slashed dramatically. From having to film everything in just a day or two, to hauling in their own food from grocery stores instead of eating out, to now, vacationing in the deep South in the dead of summer, when prices tend to hit rock bottom because it's so hot and muggy. God bless Alabama, but it's not so comfortable in August.

There's an aerial shot of the beach house, and it's huge. It's a mansion, with a big dock right along a beautiful inlet. In the background, you can see the city just a hop, skip and a jump away. And this after Kate claimed the house was in the middle of nowhere so they had to bring all their own food in. No they're not.

They're about to go parasailing, and Kate demands they all finish up lunch quickly or she "might ask the man to let the strings go." I'm all for having a sense of humor with your kids, but why is Kate constantly teasing about things that could either kill or cause great bodily harm to her children? It's truly creepy, no joke.

Those "girls" of Kate's, oy! Put them away, especially in the kitchen. Is this a brothel or summer vacation?

The parasailing instructor Ike introduces his crew but gets bored when Kate tries to introduce herself and instead he just keeps giving directions, cutting her off. Heh, I have a funny feeling he really doesn't care who she is or what this filming is all about, this is just another customer to keep safe and provide a good experience to and on to the next one. He will soon go the way to the river raft man, I feel this one coming.

Oddly, there is no discussion of seasickness this time. We have to have the conversation on every other boat ride, what gives? The three youngest girls whoosh up first, and love it. Everyone is shocked how high they go up when parasailing, including me. 450 feet?! Yowser. Okay, I'll give Kate a pass here on not liking this. This is way too much like skydiving, only even worse, there's no instructor with you and the harnesses look really flimsy. The boys and the twins take a crack at it, too. You guessed it, this was fun.

A long discussion from Kate about how she didn't want to be pressured into doing this. What dramatics. I didn't see anyone pressuring her. It's no skin off Ike's back whether she goes or not and the kids don't care. In fact most kids wouldn't care what mom does or doesn't do. It's all about them at this age. The kids were enjoying their own fun on this ride, and telling her all about it, and if she wants to do it fine, if she doesn't, it's not their problem. This actually is part of her narcissism, that she thinks anyone gives a damn what she wants to do with herself. Nobody does. Heh, I like the flashback to the New Zealand bungie jumping, where Brad pushes her off the ledge. One of the few flashbacks they should just keep playing over and over. Ike is finally like well are you going or not, decide now. That's right, it's really freaking annoying when someone is holding up the group with their indecisiveness. Oh good Lord, she's crying now. Ike is like, okay, nope abort. Seriously! I love that he's not putting up with her shenanigans. Either jump in the deep end or not, but if not, get off the damn diving board so everyone else can carry on with their fun.

Of course Kate refuses to abort because at the end of the day she knows good and damn well she will do this, that this is all for maximum show and attention and making sure this is all about her. She demands Ike only send her up a few feet.  Once again in an effort to make herself feel better, she's made the ride more precarious. Common sense suggests that's terribly unsafe. You wouldn't get as much wind in the sail that way, and if anything goes wrong, there's absolutely no room to correct it before you slam face first into the back of the boat. Idiot. Nope, that's not how it works, is essentially Ike's response.

Kate eventually gets on the ride, with the obligatory screaming and screeching and parentified Aaden and Cara going up with her to comfort her. Kate remarks once again that it was not being able to swim that was one of the things bothering her. Good God, then get some swimming lessons for the love of holy heck and then that fear will be solved. Holy moly. And by the way, from that height, not being able to swim is not going to be the problem if anything does malfunction. I mean, you're dead from 450 feet if it failed. Is she dumb, or just stupid? By the way, in some brief googling about parasailing accidents, I found that the Federal Aviation Administration has regulated parasailing to 400 feet maximum. So, was Ike exaggerating when he said they would go up 450, or breaking the law? Hm.

Let me be clear here, there's nothing wrong with not liking parasailing. I'll admit it, I would never do this and do not feel unfulfilled for not doing so. About on average one death every 1-2 years doing this is enough for me to say no thanks. But to cause all this drama is uncalled for.

You know, the kids were having fun. A blast. They loved seeing the sites from up high and no one was fighting or bickering, or feeling sick to their stomach, or upset. Doofus ruined a rare pleasant outing. And I think a huge part of her disturbing psychology is that she can't help but ruin it. One, because she's petrified it won't be good footage because calmness in her mind is boring to viewers. And two, she can't help but want the attention all on her. Quite the opposite, I enjoyed seeing the kids relaxed like this, it was good to see them have a moment where everything was working out. It only got obnoxious when the plot turned to her freak out.

Kate does a weird nervous slithering snake thing with her tongue on the ride. The twins make fun of it. It's almost like a tick, which may be just a tiny clue into the chemistry of her brain. That's something a six-year-old would do when they are stressed, not a mature adult woman who has control of herself. If you don't believe something is very wrong with her upstairs, I don't know what to tell you.

Heh, they do a private interview with Ike once back on shore, who calls Kate a basket case. He should have let her strings go, eh?! I expect about five years from now Kate will be trashing him just like she did the rafting instructor from five years ago, because that's how this woman rolls.

The next "day" (I'm keeping track of the days now, it's got my attention), they go on a segway tour.  Joel's segway won't go fast, to which Cara calls him "stupid." Um, no, he's not stupid. His segway wouldn't go fast because it was on "beginner" mode. It had nothing to do with Joel. These kids always jump to the most cutting, nasty remarks about each other, and often it's completely unjustified. One of the instructors fixes it for him and he starts going at normal speeds, no big deal and no cause for cutting him down, Cara.

They were "naturing along" on the segways and it started to rain. Naturing??

It's a little hard to tell what's going on next amid all the whining, but it certainly appears that Mady and Kate are ready to make the whole group call it quits because of the sprinkle that's messing up their hair. Many of the other kids are very distraught at the idea of cutting this short, as they should be. What the hell? It's not pouring nor do I see any lightning which would make this unsafe, and once again, it's hella rude to quit a group activity when so many other people would like to continue, not to mention the instructors who made great efforts to set this up nice for you. And probably, are doing so with the understanding built into this that filming will include some free promotion. Therefore, quitting early is even more not cool in this scenario. Same as what they did on the horseback ride in the Poconos! Just quit!

I'm well aware Mady is just a child, but she is extremely selfish and spoiled, and I have never once heard Kate tell her she is being selfish and spoiled, to knock it off, get back on her segway, and suck it the F up, as she should as the parent. In fact in this case, Kate backed her up! What?! The instructor wants to know if these kids always complain this much. I'll answer: yes. Kate doesn't seem at all embarrassed a perfect stranger has within minutes pegged her kids as massive bellyachers. She should be mortified they are behaving this way in public, or at all.

Kate gets mad when Lex stops in the middle of the path, and blames Lex for almost making her crash. No, Doofus, you need to pay attention to what's in front of you and be ready to stop if you need to. I wonder how many cars she's rear-ended in her lifetime. I'm guessing a lot. And it was their fault too they stopped you told the cops, right?

Kate refuses to turn the speed up on her machine, yet is complaining (after that guy just told them they complain too much) that kids are darting in front of her on the road. Cara explains that the reason everyone is darting in front of her is indeed because she's going too darn slow. Well, that makes sense.

"I'm so tired of getting picked on about everything I do, just leave me be!" says 12-year-old doofus here.

Sigh. You weren't being "picked on," Kate. You were being called out, correctly so, for being obnoxious on a fun activity. Same with the parasailing; if you can't keep up, sit it out. But don't insist on doing something you really aren't mentally prepared for, and then spoil everyone else's fun. It's refreshing to see the kids call her out now that they're older, yet at the same time, I'm really sorry that their lives have to involve calling out their raging lunatic of a mother so much. It looks stressful.

It's their last day. So, I clocked the beach portion of the trip at three full days, plus their one full day at space camp, for a grand total of four full days on the trip to make two episodes, not counting flying days. Wow. What is the point to travel this far for less than a week?! These kids must be absolutely beat.

Kate makes half full coffee cups of oatmeal with a few drops of liquid brown sugar, and a third of a small cup of orange juice, which is not nearly enough food for kids this age, period, especially those about to do a very physical activity. We watch her pour the oatmeal into the pot and can see how little she puts in for eight people. Thankfully there are a few big croissants floating around, but it's unclear how much they each got to eat of each of them. An airy croissant is not going to fill a kid up either unless they eat a lot of them. I never hear the kids complain they're hungry, I wonder if they've just accepted the dainty portion sizes. So many of them seem irritable all the time, one really has to wonder if it's because they're getting hungry within a few hours of eating. Once conditioned to under eat for so long, they might not recognize and connect their irritability to their hunger. I think I was one of the bloggers here in the past to ere on the side of concerns about their food intake are probably overblown, but I've been rethinking it lately. The undersized portions are much more noticeable now and much more concerning now that they are older and need to eat more. Almost all the kids are thin, and I daresay a lot of them have a dull look to their skin (or bad skin in general) and hair which can be a strong indication they're not filling up on all those yummy calories a 12-year-old craves or drinking enough. Another thing to note is that everyone got the same exact portions. With eight kids, there's going to be some kids who are eating more than others. It's unlikely they all need exactly the same amount. For instance, at this age the boys and the twins should be starting to have appetites that pull away from the younger sisters. In some cases, a 12-year-old boy will want to eat nearly double what the girls are eating. In any case, nothing starts a day off terribly than not getting enough to eat and drink.

The kids take over this big floating trampoline thing in the middle of the water. Huh, is that theirs to use? And who is lifeguarding this when Kate can't swim? Incredibly dangerous. Oh, and by the way, once again she won't let them dish up the amount of oatmeal and brown sugar they would like. She has to portion it out for them like they're in a nursing home. It would have been nice to just stay at a hotel with a breakfast buffet and let them fill up their own trays, full of as much waffles, yogurt, eggs and biscuits 'n' sausage gravy they want. And a tall glass of juice.

This is getting tedious. Next they go kayaking, where this instructor has to tell the group to relax and calm down, and that they're here to have fun. Again, isn't it embarrassing that a perfect stranger has to tell your family to relax and calm down? Is anyone in this family feeling chagrinned at all, or are they so used to making a scene it doesn't phase them anymore? Ha, I'm liking Alabamians. This instructor, Chris, flat out tells them, eh, I'm not gonna remember any of your names but whatever, sure, you're Kate. Lol. She must just hate this blasé attitude by the locals. No one seems at all impressed by them or seems to know who they even are.

At some point Mady loses phone privileges because she pushed Kate's kayak away. Huh, what? Kate has an absolute meltdown over who even knows what. Kate is convinced this was an intermediate kayaking trip. Not in the slightest! It was a flat little inlet. Baby to beginner at best. What is she even talking about? Not really relaxing though, right under a freeway overpass. Heh, drowns Kate out though.

The instructor finally gives up and tethers his kayak to Kate, towing her back. What a dolt.

Heh, the instructor jokes that they have four miles left. Well, he'll go the way of Brad and river man in short order.

The way Kate angrily grits her teeth and says "Hannah, stop paddling!" was flipping scary. It's the tone of voice nasty parents use right before they yank their child's ear two feet up. In all seriousness, there are a lot of red flags present that this woman still harbors a very, very serious anger management problem. If she can't even keep it together while on camera, it is frightening to imagine what her limits are off camera. (Here are some of the tell-tale signs of an anger issue and Kate pretty much displays all of them just in this one episode: Criticizing, belittling, putting down, lack of patience, irritability and short temper, blaming everyone and everything else, people avoid you, people feel like they're walking on eggshells around you, and so on.)

Well this is sad. The instructor in his private interview said he had intended to take the group out to collect some trash and do a mini environmental clean-up, but he had to scratch that plan. Good job ruining everything, Kate. Again.

The vacation comes to an abrupt end and now we start the completely unrelated storyline of training the puppies. Naturally they get private one-on-one training with professional dog trainers, which is exorbitantly expensive. Kate spends a long time explaining how much of a crazy dog lady Kate is, with little to no clips to really back that up. I mostly get the impression the dogs to her are, depending on the day, a mild inconvenience to up to a total nuisance. Meanwhile when the dog trainer lady comes in, I know instantly she's a sincere dog lover without her just talking about it, as she greets the dogs down at their level in that baby voice true dog lovers use to speak to their dogs: "Who's a booo-tiful girl, yes yoo are!"

Kate? That's a crazy dog lady. Not you.

The dog lady is using clicker training? That's going to be way too complicated for this family. You guessed it, right out of the gate Kate is arguing with the trainers. What a pest she is.

Cara's picking lint again as Mady is explaining what is at the end of the day pretty boring.

I do like the trainer's firm emphasis on positive training. She believes in never punishing the dog at all, which is what I believe, too, mostly because I believe it is the most humane, but also because it just works better. Kate desperately needs this kind of training in parenting teens, I'm serious. She would really benefit from some one-on-one parenting training, I really think it would make everyone all around happier if she used some other technique, any other technique, other than being such an obnoxious nag yelling at them all the time. Click, Kate. Click click!

Kate says she has to say "come" 500 times. That's what she said.

The kids are having fun during all this, wrestling a bit, and there's Kate yelling and hollering at them again and making snide, unfunny remarks. She doesn't see the irony in all this emphasis on positive reinforcement, as she's being nothing but negative to the kids.

She thinks her joke about how the kids need children training is so funny she says it twice to the trainer and yet another time on the couch. I get a kick out of it when she gets so proud of herself for coming up with the most minimally clever dumb lines. Heh. In any case, no, Kate. The children are fine. They are children. You are the one who needs intensive, one-on-one parenting instruction. It's you. 

Oh stop the presses, at age six months, someone is actually teaching these dogs how to walk on a leash. My God. Hint, put your dog on a leash and get them used to it the moment you bring them home and you won't have such an issue with a dog who looks nearly full grown looking at a leash like a confused child stumped by a math problem. That's pretty damning evidence these dogs have never been walked before in their lives. Another huge reason they are poorly behaved. It is not enough to just let a dog run around a big yard, they must be actually walked by an owner, on a leash. There are numerous articles all over the internet explaining why if you're interested in knowing more about that.

Next up, Sweet 16 for the twins. I kind of question whether a kid who picks lint on the couch the whole time during these episodes really wants her birthday party filmed. Sixteen, whew. Digest that for a second, the twins are sixteen and still being filmed. For the record, we first met them when they looked like this. That's them in between their parents:

Sixteen candles, Kate remarks. Heh, a poor man's Molly Ringwald.

See you next time.

1789 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   1201 – 1400 of 1789   Newer›   Newest» ~ Administrator said... 1

For those who were betting on this, please kindly return to the counter and collect your winnings from Stephanie at the register. Then proceed to your nearest exit. Have a safe night.

CC said... 2

Where did Jon actually say he was stripping? Did he actually say he's stripping down to his underwear? I think Jon danced around the details and the media filled in the details as they understood them.

I don't recall Jon himself ever admitting to actually stripping. ~ Administrator said... 3

The club manager also said his dance would be R rated. Sounds like at best it was PG. They were being deliberately misleading. I'm all for jokes and pranks but this 1. Wasn't funny and 2. Is a very embarrassing joke.

Jokes should be *fun*, not mortifying.

CC said... 4

I don't see my comments. Sorry if this is a repeat...

Where did Jon himself say he was actually stripping down to his underwear? I don't recall him saying that.

Leslie said... 5

#192 Over and Out, my goodness and I corrected the previous post within an hour or so. Give it a rest.

I feel the majority on this blog do believe Alexis and Collin are taking ADD meds. So what? A lot of kids take them. There are ALOT of assumptions on this blog about a ton of subjects.

Leslie said... 6

Roxyhelen wrote: "What kind of father just shruggs off that he hasn't seen a child in 2 years and only truly wakes up when the kid has been send away? All Jon did about not seing his son was give an interview whining that he hasn't seen his son. Ponder that. My heart breaks for those poor kids."
That is my thought exactly. Everybody is rightfully very upset about Jon not knowing where Collin currently is and not being able to see him. Yet Jon acknowledged he did not see Collin for 2 years or so BEFORE Collin was stashed away.

I re-watched an old video from Jon where he stated that he just takes whatever kids Kate sends down the driveway. It is Jon's fault he never fought for visitation for ALL his eight kids for the past several years. So to me Jon crying about not seeing Collin NOW sort of rings hollow. He knew exactly where Collin was for the two years yet he did not see him.

I hope to hell Jon has documented EVERYTHING he has done to fight for visitation for all 8 kids. Jon needs to prove to his kids in the coming years with facts that yes he fought to see them. But I highly doubt he did such a thing.

Even though the four kids (twins, Alexis, and Collin) claim they did not want to visit with their father, deep in their heart, they need to know that he really, really wanted to see them and did everything in his power to do so.

Does Jon have saved numerous texts with Kate demanding that she send all 8 down the drive? Does he have phone calls to Kate saying the same? Does he have saved phone calls to the four kids talking about how important it is for him to spend time with him and that he misses them greatly? Did he write certified letters telling the four kids he desperately wants visitation with them? Proof that he wanted family counseling with the four to get to the root of why they do not want to visit him? Does he have all the legal documentation saved and in order (if he has any) Are there saved phone calls to the police asking for advice? To family counselors asking for advice? Does he have proof that he IS currently hunting down Collin's whereabouts?

Trust me in years to come he needs to PROVE to his kids that he did all he could to see them. And without him even having to say it, the kids will then realize that Kate was a horrible parent alienator.

Leslie said... 7

These are direct comments from Jon from an Entertainment Tonight interview.

“Everybody used to come to my house,” Jon told ET. “You know, it was great, and then Madelyn and Cara just stopped coming, around 12-13 [years old]. I didn’t question it. I was just like, ‘Hey, do what you want, be with your friends’ and then it just became they’re not coming.”

Gosselin said that when he was down to six kids, he just focused on the children that wanted to be with him. But then his son Collin just stopped coming altogether, with no explanation.

“I thought, maybe he just wants to do stuff with Mommy or whatever, and then it became long term,” Jon explained to ET. Jon Gosselin has not seen his son Collin for two years now.

“I haven’t seen all eight of my kids together probably …three to four years,” Jon said. “The kids that I do get are Hannah, Leah, Joel, and Aaden. I guess the four have stuck together and said, ‘We’re going to Daddy’s and that’s it’… Sometimes I get Alexis, but not often. Madelyn and Cara, I don’t see that much, or often. We’re kind of not talking right now.”

Gosselin added that he would like to reconcile with his oldest daughters, who turn 16 in October.

Earlier this year, Jon Gosselin told Yahoo Celebrity that he has no control over which of his kids he sees and he can’t afford to fight his ex-wife in court over it.

“I get who I get,” Jon said. “Whoever comes through that gate or gets off that [school] bus is who I get. And Collin is homeschooled, so he doesn’t get off a bus. If the kids want to come, they come. I love them all, but I am going to focus on the ones that want to come. My hands are tied.”

Leslie said... 8

Holy Crap! Read this garbage:

Shortly after the performance, Gosselin shared a lengthy, professionally-shot video to Facebook explaining the reason for his sudden return to the spotlight.
“Everyone wants to know why I did this. I’ve been under media scrutiny for a good part of my life, 10 years,” he said to the camera, later adding, “I wanted to give myself the best 40th birthday present ever. I wanted my family and my friends to be there and why not have a huge party with an amazing venue?”

Jon then critiqued “some of the media” for assuming he would strip when in reality were never his intentions. “What started as a great social experiment turned out to be an incredible experience, and I’m glad planet Earth still cares about me,” he shared.
Gosselin also revealed that a portion of the proceeds he earned from the show would be donated to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

It is all about him isn't it. Such a pity these eight kids have such foolish,fame-whore parents. It is no wonder the kids have turned out as good as they have.

Tucker's Mom said... 9 ~ Administrator said... 3
For those who were betting on this, please kindly return to the counter and collect your winnings from Stephanie at the register. Then proceed to your nearest exit. Have a safe night.
I was going to post that the winner would have won a free Muumuu and pair of crocks.
AND, a lifetime supply of Rumspringa!

Tucker's Mom said... 10

Hand to God, if you look up "mid-life-crisis" in the dictionary, Jon's picture will be right there.


Tucker's Mom said... 11 ~ Administrator said... 5
The club manager also said his dance would be R rated. Sounds like at best it was PG.
Wasn't even a Kate Gosselin near nip slip. Seriously, his ex wife is more stripper.
Maybe we should be thankful for that?
I don't know... ~ Administrator said... 12

Jon then critiqued “some of the media” for assuming he would strip when in reality were never his intentions


Ok. But he gave an interview after the media was going in that direction. Why didn't he say right there and then oh by the way this is not stripping nor R rated I'm just doing some dance moves with clothing on. Lying by omission. He was deliberately misleading about this to garner maximum attention and he darn well knows it. You don't get to cry foul now when you could have corrected the record days ago. And, the world still cares? Good grief I take it back he DOES want attention! Jon? You're being a tool. Go join Kate in the shed.

Tucker's Mom said... 13

Jon said ZERO when the headline read: EXCLUSIVE: Jon Gosselin confirms he's performing as a stripper in New Jersey, calls it 'a blessing'

Sorry, kids. Any shame or embarrassment you've felt was all just so your father could feel like he still mattered.
I can't wait until one of his daughters pulls a similar stunt. I wonder if he'll think it's funny to run headlines about throwing the cooch just so she can get attention.

Tucker's Mom said... 14

Ok. But he gave an interview after the media was going in that direction. Why didn't he say right there and then oh by the way this is not stripping nor R rated I'm just doing some dance moves with clothing on.
Because evidently, he loves playing the media as much as Kate does.
Winky wink, noddy nod. ~ Administrator said... 15

Jon said ZERO when the headline read: EXCLUSIVE: Jon Gosselin confirms he's performing as a stripper in New Jersey, calls it 'a blessing'


Exactly! He could have said right there and then whoa whoa whoa guys I'm not stripping how did that get interpreted that way? Instead he encouraged the story and then went on some dumb rant about radar making a simple phone call to some of his friends. He then implied that it was something serious enough to clear with his children. Why clear with your children a simple dance?. He was playing games pure and simple and the one thing I can't stand is to play games but to pretend that you're not playing them in the first place. Pathetic.

Formerly Duped said... 16

Ugh, I'm sick of them both.:( But I'm still here because of the kids and also you lovely veranda ladies and our discussion both G related and OT :)

Unknown said... 17

Yayyy! He didn't strip! Well it doesn't matter to me. He is still a hypocrite for throwing fuel on the fire and fanning the flames just for attention and then wants to try to blame the media. I see him as a person who plays the victim to the hilt and then does something stupid again. He is just as bad as ms. Kate! Yep attention whores!! Those unfortunate kids, which parent is worse? Wish so much the kids had some stability and guidance from some sane people.

Kudos said... 18

Kudos to those who waited before judging. To the rest, lesson learned? I highly doubt it.

Tucker's Mom said... 19

I'd say Jon's rant had a bit of a misogynistic bent to it:
Jon Gosselin‏Verified account @jgosselin10 Mar 31
Call this b*tch and let her know how you feel!!! Assholes!!! Worst company ever!!! By far!!!

Bitch? Really, Jon?
WTH father with daughters calls a woman a bitch on social media?
Nice example to set for your sons, #dolt.

Tucker's Mom said... 20

Wish so much the kids had some stability and guidance from some sane people.
Yup, like their extended family and good, solid, mature adults like Beth and Bob.

Jane said... 21

Jon's looking pretty darn good! And as he clearly said in the recent podcast (free on iTunes, Reality Life with Kate Casey) he talked about the distortions about him in the media and why he handled his own promotion for this and other events. It garnered press, (look how our little blog discussed it) and brought him the ability to earn more money to help pay for lawyers, which he said are exorbitantly expensive. Although Kate repeatedly breaks the gag agreement, because this is a civil matter, maybe she gets a slap on the wrist and just continues to exploit the kids.

He had four of the kids with him during the podcast, playing in the background.

He did say he's not going to know how filming affected the kids until they're older. Kate has them brainwashed and alienates them from him. And he admitted she might come after him for the podcast remarks but it means hours and hours of attorney meetings and court time for her also.

I recommend the podcast.

Tucker's Mom said... 22

It garnered press, (look how our little blog discussed it) and brought him the ability to earn more money to help pay for lawyers, which he said are exorbitantly expensive
Based on results, Jon's been flushing his money down the toilet.
Here's a clue for Jon and his money-making machinations: Make a free phone call to the cops the next time your harridan of an ex-wife sends 4 kids down the driveway.

Tucker's Mom said... 23

I recommend the podcast.
Thanks for the podcast link, Jane!

Jane said... 24

It garnered press, (look how our little blog discussed it) and brought him the ability to earn more money to help pay for lawyers, which he said are exorbitantly expensive ****** Based on results, Jon's been flushing his money down the toilet. Here's a clue for Jon and his money-making machinations: Make a free phone call to the cops the next time your harridan of an ex-wife sends 4 kids down the driveway. on Recap: Kate Plus 8 "Beach Time!": Shoulda let her strings go, Ike

TUckers, We'd all like Jon to march into court and make demands that a civil court can't comply with. If he calls the police on Kate, he risks alienating ALL the kids and remember, they live with her. She has their ears and the power to bad mouth him continually.

He sees 4 kids regularly and sometimes one other, goes to programs at their school, drives them places, and says he's making inroads into reconnecting with the others.

Jane said... 25

Tucker's, That's a link to the E! Online article about his (lack of) stripping. The podcast is on iTunes on Kate Casey's Reality Life. ~ Administrator said... 26

Kudos to those who waited before judging. To the rest, lesson learned? I highly doubt it.


What lesson? Most people here including me always allowed that this could be a joke or not what it seemed. However what was said is a joke is nearly as bad as actually doing it. I don't see how this gets him off the hook at all. And now he's lying pretending he wasn't playing games this whole time. Heck maybe he would have been better off just stripping. The way it stands now instead of just being inappropriate he's a misleading sneak too.

CC said... 27

Jon said that he "cleared" the marketing with his kids. Obviously he told them exactly what he was doing. They knew he wasn't stripping.

Everyone wanted Jon to deny the stripping for the sake of his kids. The kids already knew.

I wasn't impressed by the publicity stunt personally, but I'm not sure what the difference is if he publicly told his children or privately. They knew it was an April Fool's joke.

If they aren't embarrassed and he's not embarrassed, then to whom is it really embarrassing?

CC said... 28

It was an April Fools prank. Maybe it was in poor taste to some, but it was a PRANK. And at the same time he feels he messed with the media to show how they started the stripping story based on a marketing poster that never mentioned he's stripping.

He's a DJ. Why would they not assume he's DJing the event?

As I said, I wasn't impressed by the marking ploy/prank but I don't see it as his being deceitful or dishonest. It was an April Fools prank and he took it all they way and used it as a marketing tool.

Looking back now, it's pretty funny anyone actually thought he was stripping.

I agree, kudos to those that didn't bash him for "stripping" when so many kept suggesting it was an April Fools prank.

I don't think people should be harshly judged for pulling a prank on April Fools Day. That's what April Fools is all about.

Dmasy said... 29

Sounds as if Jon was less Strip and more Tease.

CC said... 30


Hahahahaha. Good one!

Tucker's Mom said... 31

TUckers, We'd all like Jon to march into court and make demands that a civil court can't comply with. If he calls the police on Kate, he risks alienating ALL the kids and remember, they live with her. She has their ears and the power to bad mouth him continually.
I think that's a risk Jon should man up and take. What the kids will remember is that he didn't put it all on the line and use everything at his disposal.
To me, that's what's going to stick with them. Sure, some kids might be temporarily angry, but they're kids and kids don't know what adults know.
Kate being pissed off? She needed to know that if she so much as harms a hair on ANY of Jon's kids, EVER AGAIN, that she's going to be very, very sorry.
IMO, Jon's been complicit in the alienation process.
If I got one WHIFF of that sh*t from my ex, I'd be all over it like white on rice.
Jon was too busy schtupping the squeeze of the month to sit up and take notice that Kate turning his own kids against him. ~ Administrator said... 32

As I said, I wasn't impressed by the marking ploy/prank but I don't see it as his being deceitful or dishonest. It was an April Fools prank and he took it all they way and used it as a marketing tool.


But why isn't he ACKNOWLEDGING it's an April Fool's prank. If he had just come out and said APRIL FOOL's? All right, fine. Still a dumb prank, but at least he owns it. Instead, he's lying, pretending he never tried to pull a fast one on anyone, and refusing to admit the way he intentionally helped it along. He played games this whole time and continues to do so. Frankly, I find that rather disturbing. That's an issue.

On another note, it wasn't a funny joke. It was one that could have very well caused his children an incredible amount of embarrassment and humiliation. There are a dozen other hilarious pranks that would have never hurt your children. Again, I'm all about pranks. Go for it. They're fun, and funny. But make SURE they're funny, and that they don't hurt anyone. This one had WAY too much potential to be hurtful to so many people--I'm not ok with that, sorry.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 33

CC (#27), I think what you're saying is, if Jon's pants fell in Atlantic City, and his kids didn't care, did they make a sound?

Happy 40th, Jon. Here's wishing you the strength, courage, and finances to be the hero your kids need and deserve. Judge Lynn Toler on Divorce Court always tells dads who are not quite measuring up that they need to be "Superman" to their kids. That their sons will model their behavior,
good or bad. And their daughters will learn what is or isn't acceptable from a man when they start looking for relationships. It's not too late for Jon to be a hero to his kids.

Jane said... 34

Admin, Jon does mention that its partly an April fools joke on his FB page and somewhere else, also. Which at the moment I can't track down. He also says he's donating part of the proceeds to St Jude's.

Kudos said... 35

And kudos to Jon for donating a portion of the money from this very illuminating and funny April Fools joke to charity. I enjoyed observing from beginning to end.

Tucker's Mom said... 36

CC said... 29
Jon said that he "cleared" the marketing with his kids. Obviously he told them exactly what he was doing. They knew he wasn't stripping.
By "they" you mean 4 kids, IF true. There are 2 really angry and estranged 16-year olds for whom this stunt did not help in the least.
At the end of the day, it seems Jon just wanted to know that the world hasn't forgotten him.
That's sad.
Really, really sad.

Tucker's Mom said... 37

He played games this whole time and continues to do so. Frankly, I find that rather disturbing. That's an issue.
Uh, yeah. I can't wait to see how funny Jon finds it when one of his girls thinks a prank like this is funny.
Maybe they'll float a teenage pregnancy prank.

I'm sorry. I find this stunt to be immature and misguided. Moreover, what a nothingburger! ~ Administrator said... 38

CC said... 29
Jon said that he "cleared" the marketing with his kids. Obviously he told them exactly what he was doing. They knew he wasn't stripping.


Hold on. By his own admission, he doesn't see or even speak to a whopping FOUR of his children. How did he "clear" this with them? I really wonder if he even spoke to a single one of them about this.

This guy is the biggest liar about all this!

Formerly Duped said... 39

Kudos, I have to disagree with you. I think most of us judged what was out there as promotion and Jon's words, not what really happened. ~ Administrator said... 40

And kudos to Jon for donating a portion of the money from this very illuminating and funny April Fools joke to charity. I enjoyed observing from beginning to end.


Can you explain how this was "very illuminating" and "funny"? I'm lost. The only word that comes to my mind to describe this is DUMB. ~ Administrator said... 41

. If he calls the police on Kate, he risks alienating ALL the kids and remember, they live with her. She has their ears and the power to bad mouth him continually.


Ok. But he is not seeing four kids at all now. At all. They already ARE alienated. That's like saying you shouldn't pour water into an overflowing glass because it will overflow. It already IS overflowing, so what does it f-ing matter? The alternative of doing nothing is not a good one. Childhood only happens once, your relationship with your father only happens once. He has nothing to lose. Kids are resilient. The speculative temporary trauma of calling the cops is just that, speculative, and how is that worse than NOT seeing the kids at all and not having a relationship. And as I have said at length cops are TRAINED to facilitate custody exchanges. Police departments are regular places of custody change and police are regularly called to facilitate problems with family law orders. They also regularly detain children who will become foster children, on a daily basis. They are well trained to deal with transporting children from one custody to another one with compassion and as least trauma as possible.

And yes we will all aware it could be a dumb stunt. In fact if you look back, I half jokingly said the odds were 60-40 it was a joke. So, more than half odds. We don't need to lectured about how there is a lesson to learn here, as nobody fell for it. What was discussed was simply IF it was true. We also discussed it if were NOT true. Both possibilities got air time.

jamesvader1194 said... 42

To those defending jon,im sorry but i can't agree with this joke either.Because like i said,IF one of the twins classmates saw the headlines (wouldn't be shocked if their was that one kid)of their father being a stripper and teased Mady and Cara about it,then that would make them want to be more estranged from him then they are now.Even if it was a joke,again the damage is still done onto the twins and maybe the 6.Jon could of done an April fools joke that wouldn't involved harming his kids but no he didn't.

Kudos said... 43

Can you explain how this was "very illuminating" and "funny"? I'm lost. The only word that comes to my mind to describe this is DUMB.

No, because you won't post it.

But I will say, you know how folks here like to say...'watch for it.'

I did and it happened. ~ Administrator said... 44

No, because you won't post it.


I knew you had no explanation for how this is funny. You can't explain it. You're just being contrary.

Leslie said... 45

We are all discussing Jon's publicity stunt among ourselves and bottom line we come away with varying opinions about what he did, who he told, when he told it, what his intentions really were, etc. Therefore based upon this, I declare his "social experiment" a total failure. A total failure that was done in poor taste and also a bad example to his eight impressionable kids.

As the many months and years pass, all that will be remembered by the public is something along the lines of, "Gee, didn't he strip one time?" Or worse still,"Is he still a stripper?" ~ Administrator said... 46

Because like i said,IF one of the twins classmates saw the headlines


Exactly. And let's keep in mind the way most people consume "junk news" like this. Read a headline, maybe 10% of the time read the story, but mostly just scrolling through headlines looking for a general overview of the news and a few things they want to read more in depth. And, due to the sheer amount of news out there, you may only see the initial story, and may never see follow up stories.

So let's keep in mind that thousands of people may have seen the Jon Gosselin stripping headline, but may never find out what really happened that night. So forever in their minds is, oh that ex-reality star who stripped. That reality needs to be taken seriously.

Tucker's Mom said... 47

Formerly Duped said... 41
Kudos, I have to disagree with you. I think most of us judged what was out there as promotion and Jon's words, not what really happened.
April 2, 2017 at 9:17 AM
That's the thing about the internet. Those headlines will be around forever.
There will be no "Just kidding" footnotes when people read about Jon stripping for a living.

Hey, I have a sense of humor, but I don't have 8 impressionable and mostly estranged children.

Tucker's Mom said... 48

I don't get what's funny about letting the headlines run wild with proclamations of Jon stripping. Not speculation. Confirmation.

Regarding Jon not having a relationship with his kids, that really increases the risks to them. Believe me, those girls are going to glom onto the first man who shows them affection and are at risk for being abused.

Blowing In The Wind said... 49

So let's keep in mind that thousands of people may have seen the Jon Gosselin stripping headline, but may never find out what really happened that night. So forever in their minds is, oh that ex-reality star who stripped. That reality needs to be taken seriously.


The fact that this supposedly was to happen on APRIL FOOL'S DAY, which is also his birthday, should have been somewhat of a clue not to take it seriously. Many people reserved judgment until and if it actually happened. That's the nature of the beast with the internet and tab stories. You believe half of what you read, and the other half many times isn't true.

Tucker's Mom said... 50

The fact that this supposedly was to happen on APRIL FOOL'S DAY, which is also his birthday, should have been somewhat of a clue not to take it seriously. Many people reserved judgment until and if it actually happened. That's the nature of the beast with the internet and tab stories. You believe half of what you read, and the other half many times isn't true.
I had my doubts because's Jon and not Channing Tatum. But he not only egged the rumors on, he flat-out confirmed that he was stripping.
I thought perhaps it was for some great good, like getting a regular dj'ing gig with the male revue, or to announce something big.
It seems in the end, he just thought it would be a fun prank, which is kinda immature, imo.

Kudos said... 51

The fact that this supposedly was to happen on APRIL FOOL'S DAY, which is also his birthday, should have been somewhat of a clue not to take it seriously. Many people reserved judgment until and if it actually happened. That's the nature of the beast with the internet and tab stories. You believe half of what you read, and the other half many times isn't true.

Some here actually believed the gossip rags, which I find odd. In fact, some even read into the rag articles things that weren't there! Such as Jon admitted he was going to strip. Odder still.

Jon knowingly or unknowlingly showed, by his April fools joke, an interesting side of human nature-we believe what we want to believe. If we're wrong, we won't admit it. We get super defensive.

Kelsey O. said... 52

"To my family, I apologize." Jon wouldn't have made that statement if he didn't think this crossed the line. Lots of people who saw the original story about him stripping, won't know what really happened, therefore he will always be remembered as a stripper. The thousands of negative comments and pics of cartoon characters throwing up will never go away. For 7 kids that are missing their brother, this did not help.

CC said... 53

I'm guessing Jon cleared it with the four kids and they let the others know, since they speak to each other. Not that it's the same thing. And we don't know how the twins reacted.

I'm not defending his actual prank. I don't see the point of it and I don't see how it helped his career or public persona.

The only thing I'm defending is the fact that he did it as a prank, it wasn't a "lie." If that's the case then all April Fools pranks are lies. Just because some are more elaborate than others doesn't make them lies.

Is the fact that it was alluded to that he was actually stripping as bad as actually stripping? I don't think so. But still a poor choice.

I think the whole thing was definitely a negative. I don't see anything positive out of it. I think Jon needs to make better choices for himself, his public image, and especially his children.

Unfortunately Jon is involved in a career choice that puts him in questionable scenarios, especially for a man his age, and with young children in the public eye. Vegas, casinos, stripping, bikini contests, etc all seem so raunchy. I wish he would stick to proms, parties, and basic clubs.

CC said... 54

I too think Jon needs to call the police and enforce his custody.

One second it seems he is doing everything possible, and the next it seems he's just accepted the situation. I don't know if he's purposely doing this or if he's just really bad at answering questions. Jon's always been bad at interviews. He comes across as genuine one minute, and shady the next.

One thing I feel confident of is that he loves his kids. I just think he doesn't make good decisions. I don't feel that about Kate. I feel Kate thinks she loves her kids, but she just loves herself. All her decisions are calculated and self-serving. I think she uses her children. I don't think Jon does. I think sometimes he just doesn't see the big picture.

Jon is definitely better off not being in the public eye. His kids are better off with him not being in the public eye.

Jon talking about himself doing tv again, even if it's not reality tv, worries me. His choices so far have not helped him or his image.

Formerly Duped said... 55

I actually posted perhaps it wouldn't be truly stripping and said maybe Jon would have out-size
boxers or something in line with a JOKE. I don't think anyone said they were convinced it was a real strip show - just as others have mentioned, potentially embarrassing headlines for the kids and not really funny at all, IMO.Actually I think it makes Jon seem foolish, to have that out there when really, who would want to see him in his skivvies!

Jon should also watch his Twitter language now that the kids use the Internet.That's what happens when you are a 'celebrity' of sorts, you will be judged and your kids may suffer.

CC said... 56

CC (#27), I think what you're saying is, if Jon's pants fell in Atlantic City, and his kids didn't care, did they make a sound?


Not exactly. I'm saying his pants DIDN'T fall, so they don't care.

If his pants did fall they might care. And his pants SHOULD NOT fall.

Tucker's Mom said... 57

I don't think whether Jon showed any skin is even the point. The point is the stupid story went pseudo-viral and those headlines will forever be there.
I think most parents would play this out in their head and decide it wasn't worth whatever jollies it produced. ~ Administrator said... 58

The only thing I'm defending is the fact that he did it as a prank, it wasn't a "lie." If that's the case then all April Fools pranks are lies. Just because some are more elaborate than others doesn't make them lies.


It's not the prank that is the lie. But a prank comes to a punch line where you say "gotch ya". He hasn't done that. He's still playing coy and pretending he didn't set this all up. And, he lied about clearing it with his kids when we know he could have only possibly spoken to four of them.

He's lying about even pulling a prank in the first place, which is just strange. ~ Administrator said... 59

I don't think whether Jon showed any skin is even the point. The point is the stupid story went pseudo-viral and those headlines will forever be there.
I think most parents would play this out in their head and decide it wasn't worth whatever jollies it produced.


Exactly. It doesn't matter whether he came out full Monty or in a nun's outfit. It's really not the issue here.

Although coming out in a nun's costume might actually have been funny. Add to that this joke wasn't even FUNNY and I can only shake my head at this stupid scheme.

Kylie said... 60

I'm kind of late to the party, but did anyone find out or hear what the HUGE announcement he had for after the party? ~ Administrator said... 61

The fact that this supposedly was to happen on APRIL FOOL'S DAY, which is also his birthday, should have been somewhat of a clue not to take it seriously. Many people reserved judgment until and if it actually happened.


For the 10th time, we all GOT that it was on April Fool's day and could be a joke. That is sort of a "DUH." You'd have to be pretty dense to fall for something like this.

But, for those of us that have a problem with this whether it was a joke or not, there was no need to "reserve judgement." Either scenario was offensive to us. The fact that it's a joke doesn't change my opinion.

For those who were only focused on whether the clothes actually came off or not, I get that it really matters what happened that night and why you would reserve judgement until you see if anything came off. For me, I really don't care what happened that night, because I still find the whole stunt problematic. ~ Administrator said... 62

He was a D-list fame whore before this and will be one after. Who cares of thousands of people think he stripped?


His children. These things can all add up for them. Why risk it? No one can explain why this is worth it.

Tucker's Mom said... 63

Kylie said... 62
I'm kind of late to the party, but did anyone find out or hear what the HUGE announcement he had for after the party?
April 2, 2017 at 11:43 AM

Tucker's Mom said... 64 ~ Administrator said... 64
He was a D-list fame whore before this and will be one after. Who cares of thousands of people think he stripped?


His children. These things can all add up for them. Why risk it? No one can explain why this is worth it.
April 2, 2017 at 11:54 AM
I'd be with this poster 100% if Jon's children weren't in the public eye, weren't living out their parents' nasty-ass divorce in the media, weren't plastered on the front of magazines and would never have some reporter or tv personality asking them to dish some nasty quotes about their father.
Not only that, most of the responses to this stunt of Jon's have been brutal. That's really hard for kids to read, and how much teflon are these kids really coated with?
Kate (and to some extent, Jon) acts like it nothing for children to endure adult problems. It's horrible!
Who knows how all of this is going to affect them.

Lanc Native said... 65

I guess I'm in the minority, but I think it's funny that Jon punked the media, who always painted him as the bad boy, loving the sensationalism. As for clearing it with his kids, he most likely did clear it, telling them that it was an April Fool's joke on their dad's birthday. If any of their peers saw the headlines, I'm sure the kids told them that it was a joke and that was that. I never believed a word of it.

Roxyhelen said... 66

CC said... 58

CC (#27), I think what you're saying is, if Jon's pants fell in Atlantic City, and his kids didn't care, did they make a sound?


Not exactly. I'm saying his pants DIDN'T fall, so they don't care.

If his pants did fall they might care. And his pants SHOULD NOT fall.


The thing is, nobody cares that his pants didn't truly fall. I'd risk estimating that 80% of the people who read the stripping news did not return to read that he didn't actually do it. Most don't even want to return to read that he didn't do it. They took the idea and ran with it. "They" may or may not include Jon's already- been-through-enough kids. Do you see the problem? Jon gave the world the opportunity to misunderstand all this. He created this situation. It truly doesn't even matter he didn't do it. Little good it does to his children, the damage has already been done.

Roxyhelen said... 67

Lanc Native said... 67

I guess I'm in the minority, but I think it's funny that Jon punked the media, who always painted him as the bad boy, loving the sensationalism. As for clearing it with his kids, he most likely did clear it, telling them that it was an April Fool's joke on their dad's birthday. If any of their peers saw the headlines, I'm sure the kids told them that it was a joke and that was that. I never believed a word of it.


Yes, in between the potential mockery and yelling of "your loser dad is now a stripper" the kids just corrected their peers and life moved on.

Tucker's Mom said... 68

Lanc Native said... 67
I guess I'm in the minority, but I think it's funny that Jon punked the media, who always painted him as the bad boy, loving the sensationalism
What's cringey to me is that people aren't laughing with him, they're laughing at him. His kids can see that.

Localyocul said... 69

2 Survivors of Canada’s First Quintuplet Clan Reluctantly Re-emerge

Nicky said... 70

The stunt was dumb and childish. The only reason it was even in the media to begin with, is because this whole family is infamous, not famous.

And his excuse that the media played right into his hands, to give him publicity is really stupid. Guess what Jon? You didn't "break the internet" because people don't really care that much. And for him to put on this stupid stunt while he's having issues connecting with half of his kids?? It's just utter stupidity. When I took a look at that video, it had around 2000 views. Not exactly a firestorm of attention.

Unfortunately, both jon and Kate are grade A douche bags, and most likely, some of their kids will be too. I hope it was worth all the money and "fame".

Jane said... 71

Nicky said... 72
The stunt was dumb and childish. The only reason it was even in the media to begin with, is because this whole family is infamous, not famous.


He's working, he's happy, he said in the podcast he supports the kids, he's not making them continually film their lives away, unlike their narcissistic mother. That works for me.

Tucker's Mom said... 72

And his excuse that the media played right into his hands, to give him publicity is really stupid. Guess what Jon? You didn't "break the internet" because people don't really care that much. And for him to put on this stupid stunt while he's having issues connecting with half of his kids?? It's just utter stupidity. When I took a look at that video, it had around 2000 views. Not exactly a firestorm of attention.
It's just so glib, to me, for both Jon AND Kate to be so self indulgent when they have a son who's been removed from his family for a year.
Here's his dad, broadcasting this stupid stunt, giving himself a great 40th birthday in AC, replete with a video explaining all about the attention the media still gives him.
I'm not saying either one of these dummies should be wearing a sack cloth, but my God, they seem so indifferent to Collin and his awful predicament.

Formerly Duped said... 73

Jane, I agree with you except that he does not see four of his eight kids. Of course this may be beyond his control for some twisted reason, but I could not be happy with half my children not in my life.I think the stunt was silly but not cruel or malicious, like TFW's behavior, but still, to me, it was a bad choice like some of his others. I do wish a judge would side with him or at least uphold the law re: visitation.

Formerly Duped said... 74

Localyocul said... 71

2 Survivors of Canada’s First Quintuplet Clan Reluctantly Re-em

Great article, and thanks for sharing. Those poor women- will their lives ever be peaceful? Glad the two have each other. What a horrible childhood- yet they have fond memories too- probably like the perks the G kids enjoy due to notoriety.

Midnight Madness said... 75

I guess I'm in the minority, but I think it's funny that Jon punked the media, who always painted him as the bad boy, loving the sensationalism. As for clearing it with his kids, he most likely did clear it, telling them that it was an April Fool's joke on their dad's birthday. If any of their peers saw the headlines, I'm sure the kids told them that it was a joke and that was that. I never believed a word of it.


I'm in the minority, right along with you. It appears that Jon got the last laugh here, and some people believe whatever is posted in the tabs and not wait to see exactly what all the outrage was about until this "show" really took place.

If Kate had pulled an April Fool's joke, the sheep would have thought it was outrageously funny, giving her kudos with whatever she came up with, but because Jon did it this time, he's being panned for it.

I, too, had my doubts about this and chose to reserve judgment or any kind of criticism until April 1 was over and done!

Anonymous said... 76

I can't help but think eventually Jon will be quoted as saying, "Ya, I guess it was a stupid stunt to pull but, at the time, I thought it would be a fun thing to do."


GollyGee said... 77

The Brownie uniforms. Wear for photo shoot, then when it is over, the uniforms are gone. No joining the Brownie troop.

Same scenario for the G kids. OBX beach photo shoot, as soon as it is over they can't even play in the sand or ocean. More examples too numerous to mention.

It is like that Canada is trying to erase the fact that the Dionne's even existed! I hope the man who was really bothered by it starts a GoFundme to finance getting the home put in a great place and have it where the sisters get the profits from the tours. ~ Administrator said... 78

I'm not following how this was a profound statement about the media. The media didn't do anything wrong here. They interviewed Jon directly and the club owner and reported the info they were told. They further attempt to reach out to Jon's friends for more information, and Jon reacted very angrily. They didn't have a good way to fact check what was being told to them because the event hadn't even happened yet and it doesn't seem like many were in on the joke. What were they supposed to do, launch a watergate like investigation? Come on.

Plus we all know the media is a bunch of jokers so this is nothing new.

If there was some smoking gun somewhere that Jon planted for them to sniff out that's one thing, by without that what are they supposed to do? If they didn't report on the info they had they would be accused of withholding info. What an amateur hour social statement. Now that part IS funny that that doofus actually thinks he made a point.

Kudos said... 79

Jane said... 73
He's working, he's happy, he said in the podcast he supports the kids, he's not making them continually film their lives away, unlike their narcissistic mother. That works for me

I love the sound of a voice of reason.

Nicky said... 80

It's just so glib, to me, for both Jon AND Kate to be so self indulgent when they have a son who's been removed from his family for a year.
Here's his dad, broadcasting this stupid stunt, giving himself a great 40th birthday in AC, replete with a video explaining all about the attention the media still gives him.
I'm not saying either one of these dummies should be wearing a sack cloth, but my God, they seem so indifferent to Collin and his awful predicament.
Exactly! They have a son who has been OUT OF THE HOME due to behavioural issues for almost a year! WTF! You have one parent who daily, puts up pictures and professes her "love" for some dogs, then you have the other one gloating about pulling the wool over the media's eyes.

Jon may have been a victim initially, but now he just seems like another z-list loser (like his ex wife), clinging to the dimming light of fame, while their children are used as income (for her), and excuses (for him). ~ Administrator said... 81

Some here actually believed the gossip rags, which I find odd.


No, no, that's not what happened. Don't gaslight. What happened, is that everyone said well it could be an April Fools joke. That was said and acknowledged dozens of times.

What's odd is your intense need to re-write history into somehow finding people here are a bunch of gullible buffoons, and then make others say they are wrong when that's not even what happened. That's WEIRD.

It was accepted from the first moment of this by everyone that it could just be a stunt. That was never discounted, whatsoever. ~ Administrator said... 82

Exactly! They have a son who has been OUT OF THE HOME due to behavioural issues for almost a year! WTF! You have one parent who daily, puts up pictures and professes her "love" for some dogs, then you have the other one gloating about pulling the wool over the media's eyes.


I think that's another reason I find this decidedly humorless, and if you knew me in real life you know I laugh at everything and see the humor in everything. For example, I thought The Onion's post-9/11 edition was one of the funniest (and most brilliant) things I've ever read. So I'll even laugh at THAT stuff.

But no, I can't do it when you've got a sweet little boy in an out of home placement, a father who hasn't seen him much less knows where he is, who instead is making stripper jokes and not-profound statements about a media everyone thinks are jokers anyway. Yeah, I just can't go there.

The joke's really on Jon. He had a loyal fan base who has always been supportive and understanding of his situation with Kate. When you play games with those people one too many times, people move on. There was a fleecing this weekend, and it was of Jon's fans this time. So something was accomplished indeed.

Tucker's Mom said... 83

I think that's another reason I find this decidedly humorless, and if you knew me in real life you know I laugh at everything and see the humor in everything. For example, I thought The Onion's post-9/11 edition was one of the funniest (and most brilliant) things I've ever read. So I'll even laugh at THAT stuff.
Gallows humor. I knew I'd like you in person!

All This Is That said... 84

Many celebrities pulled April Fool's Day pranks, but for Jon to do this was wrong? I don't get it.

ncgirl said... 85

I just thought it was stupid. If he wanted attention for his bday, he should've done something else. He's still unpopular with some, and attaching stripping to his name, even if it was just a joke, was unnecessary. ~ Administrator said... 86

If Kate had pulled an April Fool's joke, the sheep would have thought it was outrageously funny, giving her kudos with whatever she came up with, but because Jon did it this time, he's being panned for it.


I don't really think it's that black and white. I'm not blindly loyal to Jon or blindly against Kate. If Kate does something well, I say so. If Jon screws up, I say so. If Kate made a bad joke, I'm gonna call her on it. I'm not giving Jon a pass on a bad joke just because he's Jon and is the better parent here by a long shot and doesn't exploit his kids.

It's great he doesn't exploit his kids, but I don't judge his bad joke with that in mind. One has nothing to do with the other.

Judging each situation independently without blind loyalties is the very opposite of a sheeple. ~ Administrator said... 87

Many celebrities pulled April Fool's Day pranks, but for Jon to do this was wrong? I don't get it.


He can pull pranks until the cows come home, I don't care. The prank is not the point. It was the subject matter that counts.

It's too bad, because I think he does have a sense of humor and could have come up with something that would have played so much better to a much wider audience, and actually been funny. I welcome him to pull a good prank on April Fool's Day, but know what you're doing first.

It's typical Jon Gosselin, not thinking more than one step ahead, not considering how risky a prank involving stripping was. How a good number of people think there is nothing funny about joking about such a demeaning and degrading activity, or how it would involve a concern for the embarrassment to his children. If that's pearl clutching, well then I'm going to clutch them as hard as I can. So be it.

Here's an example of a funny celebrity joke that made the rounds this week. James Corbin, dressed up as Belle from Beauty and the Beast, doing sort of a flash mob with the rest of the cast of the opening number of the musical. It was cute, funny, clever, a little silly, involved having talent, and isn't likely to cause any people's children long term damage. Kids and adults alike were loving the video, and it went viral. He needs to align himself with someone like James who knows what he's doing when he pulls stunts. Maybe he could have had a role for Jon. ~ Administrator said... 88

Gallows humor. I knew I'd like you in person!


Oh, big time. Most people that spend any significant amount of time with people who often end up headed toward the gallows, or something similar, develop a special kind of sense of humor. It takes a special person. :)

I'm also a huge fan of stupid criminal stories. ~ Administrator said... 89

And his excuse that the media played right into his hands, to give him publicity is really stupid. Guess what Jon? You didn't "break the internet" because people don't really care that much.


This idea, that frankly is actually speculation (speaking of which) that he's making a "statement" about the media, isn't exactly consistent with what he said next. That he's so happy that public still cares about him.

So which is it, you want to prove the media is a bunch of idiots? Or you want that same media to make you relevant again? I guess they're not so stupid when suddenly they're making you a star. Because I don't get how you can have it both ways. At the very least, you're a schmuck who talks out of both sides of your mouth. Pick a side, Jon, and stick to it. ~ Administrator said... 90

With each choice Jon and Kate make, whether directly or indirectly impacting the children, they would do well to remember the words of the Dionne girls about "foolish choices":

Annette said she still hoped the house could serve as a public warning. “I think the museum staying in North Bay will help to block making foolish choices, like what they did to us, you know,” she said. “And it will never to be repeated again.” ~ Administrator said... 91

Also, read the article. Even though he had clothes on, that article says a woman stuck a 100 dollar bill down his pants anyway. This was not ALL a joke. It was still a bit of a strip teasing, without the stripping. That's disgusting, and embarrassing to his famous children.

Unknown said... 92

April fools jokes have always been on April 1st, he er has it been built up a week before and then dropped, my understanding is it is de!ivered and surprise!!!! April fools!!!! It is not splashed in the media days or week before and then say APRIL FOOLS!!!! On that day. Nope not debating his comprehension of what people expect from him, he is selfish, immature, misplaced ego, should be laying low enjoying what time he gets with the kids and fight for more time with the others. Someone is mentioning a podcast that he explains how basically his hands are tied, I have not heard it nor do I want to, but is is odd you also mention you can hear his kids in the back ground!!!!! So I do not think he should be saying his interview garbage with the kids right there , sounds pretty much like his lovely ex know as dog woman now! Sortaz like the cat lady with a dozen cats. Good night everyone I can't stomach any more excuses put up for his behavior!night!

Unknown said... 93

Oh and one more thing people who brag about donating proceeds to causes mean nothing to me because things like that you just do from your heart, and no one needs to know, you and God know! Same as Kate and her yard sales, saying you donate doesn't, make me like you any more only question why to brag about it. To me being humbled is giving with out any glory shined on you from others it making your own heart happy doing it.....period.....

Nicky said... 94

And here is the back story of the podcast (Reality Life with Kate Casey), as I do listen regularly, and am part of some Facebook groups that Kate Casey is also part of. She was supposed to interview him a couple of months ago - the date and time was set, and he basically ghosted her. Then, last week, she heard about the whole stripper thing, and thought she would try to reach out to him and see if he would respond. He said yes, but it has to be the next morning at a certain time.
If you do listen to the podcast, she does question his motive with sending the info to the media, and he gets a bit testy with her. On FB, she said she thought it was going well until he yelled at her. ~ Administrator said... 95

f you do listen to the podcast, she does question his motive with sending the info to the media, and he gets a bit testy with her. On FB, she said she thought it was going well until he yelled at her.


He's been testy and snapping at people on Twitter. I think his rant at radar online for calling his friends was just Jon worried that they were going to figure out the joke and his dumb game would be over. But if you're trying to set up the media, the least you can do is give them a fighting chance to get it right.

Tucker's Mom said... 96

If you do listen to the podcast, she does question his motive with sending the info to the media, and he gets a bit testy with her. On FB, she said she thought it was going well until he yelled at her.
Jon wants to have his cake and eat it, too.
You want to play the media, your going to get burned occasionally.
Blowing her off was very unprofessional.

Nicky said... 97

Oh, and she also said he told her he would promote the podcast (she's a comedian and she has a blog - very funny), but I see he hasn't done that at all. Very selfish and unprofessional in my opinion, and I think I've finally turned on him. His true colours are shining brightly.

Roxyhelen said... 98

I think because Jon is the more likable parent, there's a tendency to forget that he too signed the kids lives away to TLC, TWICE. Remember that after the divorce, he allowed the children to film again, claiming that "They're older now, it's different". The kids were only a year older. He too stayed an extra year in the marriage for filming. He too agreed to film and actively participated in the Hawaii renewal sham, he too was there when the kids were told mommy and daddy will be together forever. He too smacked and manhandled the kids, although probably not as brutally as Kate. He was the better parent but not Kate's opposite. He made some better choices than Kate, in the end, but by no means is he father of the year. As far as I can tell, he didn't care about Collin more than Kate did, previous to his removal from home. I think I finally see it clearly too. He's better than Kate but not necessarily better than many parents out there.

Anonymous said... 99

Did you see the most recent picture of Mama June after her weight loss and surgery to remove the excess skin? There is a photo of her sitting on a couch and she looks just like Kate!

Barb in Nebraska

Tucker's Mom said... 100

Anonymous said... 101
Did you see the most recent picture of Mama June after her weight loss and surgery to remove the excess skin? There is a photo of her sitting on a couch and she looks just like Kate!

Barb in Nebraska
I think even June's facial expressions are similarly affected by her transformation.

Tucker's Mom said... 101

I think I finally see it clearly too. He's better than Kate but not necessarily better than many parents out there.
I'll never really get how a parent just lets his relationship with 4 of his kids become estranged. I'll never buy they notion that Jon would upset the kids by enforcing visitation, even if it meant calling the cops a few times to get it through Kate's head that she is responsible for providing ALL the kids to Jon, not just asking "who wants to go?", then so be it.
I am floored beyond belief that Jon doesn't know where Collin is. If he doesn't know, he hasn't seen him. I don't know how that can happen to a parent in America, or what kind of unholy deal with the Devil one can make whereby they voluntarily give up their rights as a parent so completely and irretrievably.
None of this elevates Kate in my eyes, btw. Kate at best stood by and allowed this to happen, or more likely, encouraged it.
I hope the public will finally have enough when they see another happy, shiny People cover without Collin, and realize a 12/13-year old child has been MIA from his father and his family for a year.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 102

Barb in Nebraska (#101), is that the real you?
Wasn't sure without the picture. If so, it's nice to see you. I remember when you got blocked for correcting TLC's grammar!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 103

Oops -- I meant Barb got blocked for correcting TFW's grammar, not TLC's!

Was TFW quiet all weekend? She was probably worn out from her birthday festivities -- lounging around the house.

Tucker's Mom said... 104

Someone on Kate's Twitter linked this old Hollywood Life article, and it's eerie:

"How awful is this? After two of Kate Gosselin‘s sextuplets, Alexis and Collin, 6, got expelled from their private school for misbehaving in class, she threatened all eight of her kids, telling them, “they wouldn’t get into heaven and Jesus doesn’t love bad people,” a source tells Us Weekly. But if that isn’t bad enough, Kate continued her rant adding that they would be “sent away like [their former dogs] Shoka and Nala if they didn’t change their behavior.” Isn’t she taking this a little too far?"

This sounds like another nanny source, which by and large have rung true. I don't put it past Kate. Collin was the fly in the ointment, plus, he's a boy.
Back when this article was written, I wouldn't have believed Kate would send a child away, but now, past is prologue.

NJGal51 said... 105

I think even June's facial expressions are similarly affected by her transformation.
That's because your Kendra's, your Mama June's and your TFW's have no expression because of the Botox, fillers and lifts. They can pull their lips into what passes for a smile but it never goes beyond that and if they keep getting work done they're not even going to be able to do that anymore. Yes, they may look fine when they're in full makeup with the hair freshly blown out but up close and personal is another story. We've seen it with TFW.

And on another note, The Walking Dead season finale was great! Better Call Saul returns on the 10th and it looks like Gus Fring will be on this season. I think I'm going to enjoy the Breaking Bad crossover.

Formerly Duped said... 106

TFW was all about enforcing her own custody of Hannah that time she refused to leave Jon's because of her mother's bad treatment of the kids, especially Collin. So why doesn't Jon do the same? These kids are used to being part of a tug-o-war. Sadly, they have witnessed much drama between their parents, threats from their mother, badmouthing of each parent by the other, Jon not being able to spring a few kids from the compound etc.Hannah had to go home. Collin had to leave home. I just don't get it.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 107

Tucker's Mom (#106) isn't it awful that we can read something like that now and think, yeah, I can see her saying that? C's been gone almost a whole YEAR.

I've pointed this moment out often, but I think it scans with that supposed Jesus comment. When poor C exuberantly charged off of
an airplane and banged his little head, and his mother's immediate reaction was, "Sometimes God builds in punishments."
No kindness, no sympathy, no care, no love.
She's glad he's gone.

CC said... 108

Jon explains a little more. Not sure I understand what he meant about making the video and being angry BEFORE...

Also he said something about texting Kate about going to lacrosse. ???? Only Cara takes lacrosse no? So he goes to her games? Takes her to her games?

Again, his interviews confuse me.

CC said... 109

Also, Jon claims he was misquoted about something. I think they used his words, but he was referring to DJing, not stripping.

Tucker's Mom said... 110

Jon seems to not believe how the media could have misconstrued that he was not actually stripping.
I don't think he fully understands how April Fools jokes work!
I think Jon deliberately misled and used a play on words to generate headlines, and the weird thing is, it seems to have pissed him off.
He seems defiant when explaining that he never said he was taking his clothes off.
Oh, my bad.
The DJs interviewing him were really nice and did a good interview.
Jon evidently did tell "the kids" beforehand, but told them not to tell Kate or else she'd blab about it.
My gosh, they both are paranoid about each other. That must be hell so many years after divorce, to not have put differences aside to the point where you build trust, as 2 adults coparenting your children.
You don't have to share Sunday suppers and holidays, but for the love of Pete, you should be able to have a cup of coffee and talk like 2 human beings.
Jon really needed a frat boy experience back in his youth.

Tucker's Mom said... 111

CC said... 111
Also, Jon claims he was misquoted about something. I think they used his words, but he was referring to DJing, not stripping.
Jon clarified that the 'brotherhood' comment was about Senate DJs, not the male revue troupe.

Roxyhelen said... 112

Formerly Duped said... 108

TFW was all about enforcing her own custody of Hannah that time she refused to leave Jon's because of her mother's bad treatment of the kids, especially Collin. So why doesn't Jon do the same? These kids are used to being part of a tug-o-war. Sadly, they have witnessed much drama between their parents, threats from their mother, badmouthing of each parent by the other, Jon not being able to spring a few kids from the compound etc.Hannah had to go home. Collin had to leave home. I just don't get it.


That's another thing. Your daughter tells you that your son is being seriously mistreated at your ex's house and you....what? basically carry on? say oh well what can I do? I don't have any kids yet but I know for a fact that both my mother and my father, in that situation would have raised Hell to make sure I'm alright(side note: I wonder if any of the G kids feel like their parents would do anything for them-somehow I doubt it). Call CPS, call the damn police, heck, my father/mother would have grabbed me and fled the country if that's what it took to save me from abuse and I'm sure I'd do the same for my kid and I'm sure plenty parents feel the same way. So how did Jon go to sleep that night after Hannah went home? How did he fall asleep knowing his little boy was maybe being mistreated right that moment at the mansion? I just cannot understand and I cannot find an excuse for Jon.

Roxyhelen said... 113

I just listened to the first minute of his interview and I'm disgusted. His son is in some unknown(to him) location, he hasn't seen him in 3 years, isn't on speaking terms with with his twins and barely sees one of his other daughters but he wanted to give himself the best 40th birthday present ever and wanted this big party at a club and basically media attention? What the hell? Does he hear himself? What is wrong with him?

Roxyhelen said... 114

Final comment, sorry

Assume Collin comes home: Mommy kept filming and Daddy had the best birthday party ever.

Screw both of them.

Layla said... 115

We've been in PA for a few days, spending time with family, and it really hit me how important extended family is for children. My boys and their cousins had such a great time, and the fun and comradery is so good for kids--and would be for the G kids, and C in particular, if their mother would allow it. Our nephew has behavioral problems--he lashes out at people, including his parents, ever since his parents divorced. But when he's surrounded by his cousins, he's so happy and his anger seems to disappear. He knows he's loved and accepted, and he's just so happy and well-behaved. SIL told me that he said he "feels like he belongs" when he's with lots of family. I think his anger comes from not really understanding where he fits in when it comes to his parents' new lives. He wants reassurance, encouragement, and acceptance. And when everyone is there, he gets that. If C still had that extended family to give him the attention he craved, maybe things would have turned out differently for him.

Layla said... 116

I saw a picture of Mama June (she's walking outside her house in black/gray pants and maroon top, sticking her tongue out) and I have to say, there is no way she's a size 4. Maybe a 10, but not a 4. I'm a size 4 (when I keep my chocolate addiction under control, that is)and she is much larger. And yes, she looks just like Kate. But apparently she was in the 160s just weeks before the big reveal, and she looks fairly short--maybe 5'4". Even if she continued to lose weight for 6 more weeks, she would not have been a 4. By comparison, I am 5'8". To fit into my 4s I have to be between 128 and 134. Once I hit 136 I have to break out my 6s and lock away the chocolate. Her numbers just don't add up, so I'm calling total BS. ~ Administrator said... 117

He has social media. Why didn't he correct the headlines? He certainly was there correcting the media about phoning up his friends.

He's playing games and continuing to play games, and it's a little mental at this point.

Also for the record, divorced parents: please don't burden your children with shit like "don't tell your mother, but!"

CC said... 118

I think Jon didn't correct them using his social media because he decided to go the route of turning it into something else.

I really don't know, but it seems he posted the first promo on his social media for his DJ gig. Media assumed he was stripping instead of DJing, and it pissed him off (supposedly). He decided to show how the media assumes things, and in turn use it to promote his show by turning it into an April Fool's prank.

He apparently explained to his kids (or the one's that bother to speak to him) that the media twisted it, and he was going to use it to his advantage as far as marketing, and "teach the media a lesson." ????

I personally think it fell flat, but I don't know, I wasn't there at the show to see the reaction. I don't even know what the reaction was on the internet because I don't read comments on articles, FB, etc. ~ Administrator said... 119

I really don't know, but it seems he posted the first promo on his social media for his DJ gig. Media assumed he was stripping instead of DJing, and it pissed him off (supposedly). He decided to show how the media assumes things, and in turn use it to promote his show by turning it into an April Fool's prank.


I see. But in fairness to the media they TRIED to investigate a bit further by contacting his friends, and Jon freaked out. They also spoke to the manager who apparently lied and said it would be R rated. I hate defending the media, but I'm not sure what else he wanted them to do when he had numerous opportunities to correct them and failed to do so. In the law we call this invited error. You let an error go without trying to fix it you don't get to cry foul later. He's being childish.

Layla said... 120

Anybody else following April the Giraffe? She's expected to give birth at any moment, and there's a Giraffe Cam set up to capture the moment. It seems that April has quite a sense of humor. Her vet predicted she'd give birth on Friday...then Saturday...then Sunday. You get the idea. But April seems to be in no hurry. Maybe she just enjoys proving all the humans wrong. She's providing a little escape for her hundreds of thousands of followers--a chance to step away from our embattled world and anticipate something joyful.

Anonymous said... 121


Some of the younger kids are involved in sports like lacrosse as well.


FlimsyFlamsy said... 122

Layla (#117), thanks for sharing about your nephew, and his challenges. It sounds like he has a lot of loving, caring adults monitoring his behavior, and hopefully he will move past this difficult time.

From what we saw of C over a decade, there were plenty of examples of him being a kind, helpful, smart, funny, cooperative child. Those scenarios weren't edited in,
nor did they come from a writer's pen. And based on what we saw, it is still hard for me to fathom that his challenges required removal from his home and family. Could
he have been much worse than was shown on TV? Certainly. But if that was the case, then, shame on his mother for continuing to make him work, and travel, and adapt to a production company's schedule in a way that perhaps exacerbated his issues -- rather than concentrating on getting him the help he needed. She is a horrible mother.

Tucker's Mom said... 123

So how did Jon go to sleep that night after Hannah went home? How did he fall asleep knowing his little boy was maybe being mistreated right that moment at the mansion? I just cannot understand and I cannot find an excuse for Jon.
Roxy, what I don't get is how Jon can even be in the head space to rock out some elaborate "best ever" 40th birthday bash thrown by him, for him, when you don't know where your son is and haven't physically seen him in years.
I don't know if it's some survival instinct or utter indifference.
It comes off as the latter to me.
Don't get me started on Kate. She's acted more giddy in the past year than I've ever seen her.

Anonymous said... 124

Layla @117 - Thank you for sharing your observation of your little nephew. How different things may have been for Collin if he had received the reassurance, encouragement and acceptance your nephew receives when surrounded by a loving family. It's obvious that TFW didn't make Collin feel like he "belonged" and in fact appears to have been replaced by two pups.


Tucker's Mom said... 125

What the hell? Does he hear himself? What is wrong with him?

I just wrote the same thing to you after reading your post!
espn ;-)

Tucker's Mom said... 126

. If C still had that extended family to give him the attention he craved, maybe things would have turned out differently for him.

You really have to wonder what the tipping point was for Collin and if all those people whom he loved, and who love him, were a comforting constant in his life that he could rely on for always being there.
Those kids have nothing in their lives that can be believed to be immutable.

Tucker's Mom said... 127

Her numbers just don't add up, so I'm calling total BS.
June might have found a vanity-sized frock or two which was labeled a 4, but I agree, she's no way a 4.
You can't be thick and be a 4.

Tucker's Mom said... 128

Also for the record, divorced parents: please don't burden your children with shit like "don't tell your mother, but!"

Especially when the Gestapo of the Compound gives them the Litchfield pat down when they return home.
Remember, this is the same woman who proudly wrote about her interrogation after a kid picked the equator off a globe!

Tucker's Mom said... 129

I personally think it fell flat, but I don't know, I wasn't there at the show to see the reaction. I don't even know what the reaction was on the internet because I don't read comments on articles, FB, etc.
Based on comments, the reaction to Jon NOT stripping is a collective sigh of relief!
Is "R" for Really?

CC said... 130

Admin said...

I see. But in fairness to the media they TRIED to investigate a bit further by contacting his friends, and Jon freaked out. They also spoke to the manager who apparently lied and said it would be R rated.

Yes, I agree, they did try to get more info after the fact, which was Jon's point. They reported he was stripping BEFORE they decided to get more info.

However, as it was after the fact, Jon had already decided what his next step was going to be and didn't want anyone to give it away.

But yes, I agree, the manager did say that, and that was wrong, except I guess if it was part of the April Fool's prank, then it was a prank and not necessarily a "lie." ~ Administrator said... 131

So, let's look at his original announcement. It said nothing to indicate he was DJing as other ads of his have. It didn't say "DJ Jon Gosselin" as other said. It was clearly a gentlemens club. It just said Jon Gosselin, and shows Jon holding the sides of his open shirt as if about to rip it off. Now, look at the comments. Several people asked if he were stripping or if this is a joke. Jon refused to clarify, even though he did respond to other comments on the thread, so he was there.

I'm sorry, but the media's assumption was not unreasonable or out of line. They also went directly to him to get his statement, and he refused to clarify.

It's one thing when the media goes down rabbit holes full of wild speculation. But there were enough clues here to make a reasonable conclusion maybe he IS stripping. And he let them think that without even trying to clarify.

He made no point here about the state of the media. None.

He really is full of it calling foul on something he directly steered in this direction. BS.

CC said... 132

Roxyhelen said...
I don't have any kids yet but I know for a fact that both my mother and my father, in that situation would have raised Hell to make sure I'm alright(side note: I wonder if any of the G kids feel like their parents would do anything for them-somehow I doubt it). Call CPS, call the damn police, heck, my father/mother would have grabbed me and fled the country if that's what it took to save me from abuse and I'm sure I'd do the same for my kid and I'm sure plenty parents feel the same way.


Theoretically yes, most parents would feel that way. In reality? Uh no.

You don't kidnap your child, get yourself on the FBI's Wanted List for child kidnapping, and get caught and go to jail and then not be with any of your kids at all.

So was he supposed to just kidnap Collin, not the others? And how? Collin doesn't go to school, so was he supposed to break into the house in the middle of the night and kidnap him? Follow Kate and bash her over the head when she's loading her Target purchases into the back of the van and snatch Collin?

So is he supposed to take just Collin and leave his other seven children at home? What about the two teenage girls that don't even speak to him? Kidnap them too? If he doesn't take them all he would be accused of abandoning his children.

And leave the country? Go where? How? How would he support a child on the run, let alone eight?

I guess he has to make sure he grabs their passports when he kidnaps them. Not that the airports won't realize that the seven children have been kidnapped. Maybe he can sneak into Mexico. Hopefully the wall won't be built yet.

It's ridiculous to suggest he kidnap his children. If you weren't serious, then well, what do you really want him to do?

I get it. You're pissed. You're disgusted.

But I'm sure Jon would love to hear REAL suggestions, because he claims he's been trying to do it legally through family court and not getting the results he wants. CPS has been called numerous times, and so have the cops and Kate still has custody.

I don't know why Jon hasn't seen Collin, but it pisses me off. Reading suggestions that he kidnap his kids doesn't help.

CC said... 133

It does piss me off that Jon doesn't seem to know where Collin is. It does piss me off that Jon seems to be accepting of it, that we don't know what he's doing about it.

Yes, it seems bad that he's talking to the media about his DJing and social media, and his "statement about the media," etc while he hasn't seen his son in years.

The difference, to me, between him and Kate in all this, is that Collin being MIA is Kate's doing. And Kate is STILL filming Kate Plus EIGHT while it's really only SEVEN. Kate is doing People magazine covers with seven of her eight children like Collin is no longer a factor in her life.

Kate is throwing the BEST birthday parties EVER, and going on the BEST vacations EVER while her poor son is somewhere all alone without his siblings.

Kate still has her Plus EIGHT crap going on and acting like nothing is wrong.

Kate seems to have a lot of control over the situation with Collin. She's just happy with how things are.

Jon seems to have NO control over the situation and is still doing his thing. He's not happy about it, but he continues on. So it seems to me.

Kate seems to be loving it. Jon, to me, doesn't seem to be loving it. He does however, seem to be accepting it, and that scares me.

I think I'm holding out for Jon because it scares me to think that Jon has given up on Collin, and is just moving on. Then Collin will have no parent there for him when he gets out of where he is. I don't believe that Jon has moved on without him. I believe Jon is handling it the only way he knows how. He pushes on and does what he can. He seems to accept his limitations. I want him to do MORE. But what, I don't know. Is Jon doing all he legally can? All he reasonably can? Ugh.

So he's under a gag order and can't use the media to help him, I suppose. Family court isn't helping him. I don't know... this all just pisses me off. Why isn't there ANYONE that can help Jon see Collin?

I just want Collin to be okay. I hope he's happy wherever he is. I hope he knows people genuinely care about him.

Roxyhelen said... 134

My theory is that Jon's trying to save face. He probably didn't expect such backlash so now he's changed his tune since people didn't react how he wanted them to react.

NJGal51 said... 135

I saw a picture of Mama June (she's walking outside her house in black/gray pants and maroon top, sticking her tongue out) and I have to say, there is no way she's a size 4. Maybe a 10, but not a 4. I'm a size 4 (when I keep my chocolate addiction under control, that is)and she is much larger. And yes, she looks just like Kate.
Maybe she buys her clothes at BonWorth or one of the other stores/designers where their sizes are a little more generous. I once bought a PS in a BonWorth (when they still had the stores) and was swimming in it. The salesperson came over to ask me if I knew how their sizes ran.

Turtle (AKA Amy2) said... 136

Long time reader, don't post often.

The problem I have is that the myth of Jon "stripping" will stay out in neverland (internet) forever. And myths take on a life of their own and overtime people perceive it as fact. Secondly, how was it at school for the children this week. Did students come up to their and laugh that their dad is a stripper.

Jon just doesn't think beyond the moment. I believe Jon did it as a prank, pure and simply. But others are affected by this decision. And he needs to stop and think beyond 5 minutes.

CC said... 137

Thanks LA!
That's awesome!
Although I wish it had meant he was going to Cara's games. Maybe he is though. I hope!

Leslie said... 138

I wonder how often his family goes to visit Collin. And more importantly how often (if he can) come home for a visit. Did he even make it home for Christmas?

Tucker's Mom said... 139

Leslie said... 140
I wonder how often his family goes to visit Collin. And more importantly how often (if he can) come home for a visit. Did he even make it home for Christmas?

Here's my thinking: they don't.
The tups are 12-close to 13 now. If they saw Collin, they'd know where he was. Jon would also know.
The only way for Kate to keep it from Jon, is to keep it from the kids.
I don't see any scenario whereby the kids would keep that info from Jon. For all we know, they're begging him to find Collin.

It would be the weirdest and most dysfunctional things ever if Jon's children refused to tell him the whereabouts of their brother.

I think they kids are all in the dark and probably have come to realize the situation is permanent.

GollyGee said... 140

Don't get me started on Kate. She's acted more giddy in the past year than I've ever seen her.


Tucker's the reason why she is sooooo giddy is that she is filming again without Collin, still lots of getting free stuff, trips on HER bucket list, the big paycheck and Jon still not knowing where Collin is.

She is thanking her lucky stars! Bitch.

She is soooo giddy because:

Kate Gosselin: How I EFF'd the World, Again!

GollyGee said... 141

I wish the Jon joke didn't happen.


I wish that Jon could of done this commercial.

The new commercial that wants you to be careful who you get to do your financial investments. The guy with a potential client is in a suit and talking like he is a real investment counselor. Then he reveals that he is a DJ!

He then grabs a tv remote and plays a video of himself in lots of dreads, loud music, tattoos and spinning records!

This should of been revealed for the party instead of "stripping". It would of been a great partner with him actually being a DJ. Most people wouldn't realize Jon in a suit and talking finances. Just shameful and sad for the way all of this "joke" has turned out.

GollyGee said... 142

I have said many times if the FIRST time Jon went to get the kids for his visitation time and they ALL didn't do the walk to the gate, he should of had his court order visitation paper with him and called the police.

Oh, she would of imploded. So? He should of done it every time, every stinking time. Like Admin said, they deal with this every time.

As for Hannah gate, as Hannah was terrified about going home due to bad treatment to Collin and TFW trying to find out where Jon was, he should of called the police and told them something was going on there and that he and his daughter would meet them at the compound.

Maybe things would of turned out different if this would of happened, then.

SaraMRN2010 said... 143

Formerly Duped said... 108
TFW was all about enforcing her own custody of Hannah that time she refused to leave Jon's because of her mother's bad treatment of the kids, especially Collin. So why doesn't Jon do the same? These kids are used to being part of a tug-o-war. Sadly, they have witnessed much drama between their parents, threats from their mother, badmouthing of each parent by the other, Jon not being able to spring a few kids from the compound etc.Hannah had to go home. Collin had to leave home. I just don't get it.

This is ONLY my opinion but could it be she was told she had to choose between either sending Collin away or Alexis? By watching Kate's interaction with the boys compared to the girls, the girls win every time. Thinking back during the second season she makes a comment about how C and A can't get along and are not a good "fit" together. Perhaps something happened between those two and she had to choose which one had to leave............This is only my thoughts, I have no proof.

Tucker's Mom said... 144

SaraMRN2010 said... 145
I think at the end of the day, something had to give and putting Collin out solved a lot of issues, is my bet.
Again, I think Kate's been more relieved than anything and she's in no hurry to bring Collin back into the fold.
How does one even begin to do this after a child has been away for an entire year?
My bet is that it would be intensive and not conducive to filming and traveling, not to mention managing schooling, professional visits and meds.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 145

Tucker's Mom (#146), I was just thinking about that this morning -- how can C be successfully transitioned back into his family and home life? You can't just pick a kid up from a year away from home, set an extra place at the dinner table, and act like he never left. C would be the focus of attention for whatever length of time that transition would take. And somehow, I don't think TFW is up to that sort of work. I doubt she'd have the sensitivity, the insight, the energy, and the commitment such a delicate matter would require. Frankly, I don't even think she'd have the interest. All that work for an icky boy? She's glad he's gone.

Tucker's Mom said... 146

FlimsyFlamsy said... 147
When you look at it from all angles, it's pretty depressing.

CC said... 147

What a coincidence...

Dancing with the Stars just had one team (baseball player, and a dad with young kids) do a "male revue" routine based on the movie Magic Mike... compete with floor thrusting and pelvic thrusts. He even ripped off his pants to reveal red boxers. He ripped his shirt open to reveal a tank shirt with painted on abs, just like Jon had on under his shirt.

It was all done in a very "fun" way, and everyone found it very entertaining.

I wonder if Kate and the kids are watching tonight... If so, I wonder how the conversation went.

This is considered a "family show." He just said his kids are home watching.

Ohhhh no said... 148

CC said... 149


And he has kids!! Let's rake him over the coals, crucify him!

CC said... 149

And he has kids!! Let's rake him over the coals, crucify him!

Exactly. And his kids watched.

No negative comments that I can find.

I don't think "male revue" shows (or burlesque shows) are looked down upon like stripping is. I think stripping is considered taking off your clothes for money and it's more of a sexual thing.

From what I can tell burlesque shows are considered entertainment, more of a show and considered more of a sensual thing.

I think the Magic Mike movie may have something to do with how it's viewed. I don't know. I didn't see the movie. And I'm not into burlesque shows or whatever you want to call them. For all I know they have been considered that way for years.

But the routine on DWTS was entertaining and he did well.

Not for anything but DWTS always has people ripping off their clothes. Men rip off their shirts, women rip off their skirts. It's very "burlesquish" and not at all stripperish. Now that I think about it I can see why people view them differently.

I can see why some people would consider them both morally wrong. I get that. But I don't think it's fair to think it's okay to do a routine Like that on DWTS and not okay to do it elsewhere.

Ohhhh no said... 150

I can see why some people would consider them both morally wrong. I get that. But I don't think it's fair to think it's okay to do a routine Like that on DWTS and not okay to do it elsewhere.

I agree and the routines sounded quite similar. And the DWTS guy's kids were watching. Where's the outrage? ~ Administrator said... 151

I agree and the routines sounded quite similar. And the DWTS guy's kids were watching. Where's the outrage?


I really doubt the FCC would allow anything but the most benign of dances on abc.

Plus Jon's was done at a strip club, not on network TV.

Third I don't watch that show to be outraged. I don't care what somebody else is doing. It doesn't make what Jon did any less inappropriate.

CC said... 152

I don't see a difference in what Jon did compared to what they had on DWTS.

Actually Jon didn't take off his pants off either. Jon didn't even dance. Jon's was a comedy act.

I'm just confused with the issue. So if Jon was on DWTS and did that male revue routine it would be okay? Or not? Is it okay because it's on national TV? It was definitely sexier and raunchier than what Jon did.

I get being upset if Jon actually stripped. I get that. And I'd agree. I don't get being all that upset at this point. He didn't strip. It's all over the internet that he didn't strip. Everyone knows he didn't strip and had no intention of stripping.

Maybe his kids are no more embarrassed than the kids of the DWTS dancer was tonight. If it goes based on dancing and being in your underwear his kids should be mortified. Millions of people saw their dad "strip" on tv. I think ten people saw Jon in a hula skirt as an April Fool's prank.

While it might be embarrassing to the kids that people are making fun of Jon because his prank fell flat, that's another issue. Was it ridiculous? Maybe. I don't get the whole point of what he did. I just don't understand how anyone can defend what the DWTS showed, yet condemn Jon for what he did. What Jon did was tame. It was silly.

The video of Jon is on the internet now.

Anyway, I just thought it was quite a coincidence that they did it on DWTS. Kate was on DWTS, and the kids watch DWTS. Was just curious if they watched it and if they discussed anything about it.

As a side note, for a family show I think the one judge, Bruno, says a lot of inappropriate stuff.

Roxyhelen said... 153

CC #135 I wasn't suggesting Jon kidnap his kid, why fixate on the one extreme not serious example I gave to illustrate that most parents would do a lot more than Jon has done? Did Jon call the cops or CPS? because I don't think so. I think CPS would have taken things more seriously if the complaint came from the children's father than if it came from a random ex nanny, maid, neighbor. Jon shouldn't be waiting for suggestions from strangers, he should be doing something. I'm looking at the facts, at Jon's statements and that's what I'm basing my criticism on. Jon shrugging that he doesn't see 50 % of his kids, Jon saying he wanted the best birthday ever while he had no clue where one of his children is.

What's the difference between Kate proclaiming the tups 12th b-day "the best ever" in the absence of Collin and Jon having the best birthday ever in absence of Collin? As far as I can see, both these parents appear to have moved on with their lives. Collin who?

Roxyhelen said... 154

CC said... 149

What a coincidence...

Dancing with the Stars just had one team (baseball player, and a dad with young kids) do a "male revue" routine based on the movie Magic Mike... compete with floor thrusting and pelvic thrusts. He even ripped off his pants to reveal red boxers. He ripped his shirt open to reveal a tank shirt with painted on abs, just like Jon had on under his shirt.

"But your honor, I wasn't the only one who ever robbed a store. Look, that guy over there is also a thief".

Does the other guy have children with emotional issues who don't need their dad in the papers regarding stripping on top of everything else they've been through? Because I still think that makes Jon's actions worse. They had the potential to do more damage(hopefully they didn't). Also all the other guy's kids are at home? He sees them all the time?

Bottom line:

1.two wrongs don't make a right
2.context matters

CC said... 155


We don't know what Jon has done, or not done. We do know that CPS and the cops have been called in the past. We do know that Kate still has custody. Of course you can assume he hasn't done anything.

You brought up kidnapping the child as an option. As if any good parent would go to that extreme. Now you say you weren't serious. I don't understand making such outlandish comments to make it seem like he's not doing all he can.

Jon claims he's doing what he can legally. Yes, you or I, or anyone else,can choose to not believe that.

As I said, I understand being disgusted and upset. I am too.

But there's all this talk about what Jon SHOULD be doing, but not one suggestion other than CPS, cops, court, and kidnapping.

Now you say "Jon shouldn't be waiting for suggestions from strangers. He should be doing something." What!?!? What else should he be doing??

It seems no one here has any idea what else Jon can do to help Collin. It's just assumed he's not doing anything at this point, or not enough. But we don't know. He claims he wants to see his son. He sees four of his kids regularly. We know he puts in the time and effort to see the kids he is for some reason that we all don't understand able to see.

And yes, I agree his birthday celebration seems inappropriate. But I did say I feel the difference is he is not in control over what is going on with Collin. Kate is. He's acknowledging he wants to see his son but for some reason can't. Kate is acting like Collin doesn't even exist and just continuing to exploit the others. She's moved on and this is all her doing.

I do find it upsetting that Jon has seemed to move on with his life with only half his kids. I just feel we don't know the whole story. From what I've seen and still see Jon loves his kids and has been a good father to them. He made mistakes when he was with Kate and under her direction. I think he did things he wouldn't have done, like spanking his kids. He should have been stronger and did differently, but he was so young when he married her and seemed to have learned how to parent from her. But Kate ABUSED those kids. She is still abusing and exploiting them. Jon isn't.

I don't have a problem with people not being happy with Jon celebrating his birthday the way he did. I'm on the fence about it. I don't care if everyone here is done with Jon. I don't think anyone owes him support. I get how people are turned off him by him now. I'm not trying to convince anyone otherwise, just stating how I see it.

My issue was the good parent would grab their child and leave the country comment.

CC said... 156

I'm sure Admin would know more than I would, but would CPS really take the complaint more seriously if it came from the other parent?

I would have thought a nanny, or maid inside the house, or neighbor that witnessed abuse, etc would have more effect. They are more of an impartial accuser. And Jon would not have seen the abuse happen with his eyes. He would only be going by what the children tell him, or bruises he sees, etc.

And there are so many cases of the ex making up abuse out of hatred, etc. I would think first person witnesses would be better than a "bitter ex."

We know Jon has gone to family court with his allegations of abuse. We also know Kate still has custody.

GollyGee said... 157

What's the difference between Kate proclaiming the tups 12th b-day "the best ever" in the absence of Collin and Jon having the best birthday ever in absence of Collin? As far as I can see, both these parents appear to have moved on with their lives. Collin who?


RoxyHelen, I thought the same thing when I read earlier about TFW having the Bestest Birthday ever and Jon said the same thing. But TFW meant without Collin. She pulled of what she thought was the impossible. Excuse me, let me puke while she pats herself on the back.

Then Jon says the same thing. But the BBE was for him, even though he said that family and friends were there.

But one of your children was not there!

The Best Birthday Ever for Jon would of been to have ALL EIGHT CHILDREN THERE celebrating with him.

Preferably without the "stripping implied" stunt.

Someone posted that Jon should of had his frat early 20's experience. I agree.

CC said... 158

GollyGee said...
But one of your children was not there!

The Best Birthday Ever for Jon would of been to have ALL EIGHT CHILDREN THERE celebrating with him.

I agree! (Although none of his children were there that night.)

FlimsyFlamsy said... 159

GollyGee (#159), I, too, was disappointed that Jon thought he had the best birthday ever. Not the most sensitive comment, considering his young son is still not around, and he doesn't even know his whereabouts.

But to me it was so much worse that TFW said it was the tups' best birthday when it was THEIR birthday, and one of them was GONE, under the very sad circumstances of being sent away for behavioral issues. TFW gave birth to 6 children at once, and only 5 of them were there for the celebration, and it was the best birthday ever? And then, to add insult to injury, it is as if that boy never existed, and instead TFW's attention turns to...PUPPIES?

A couple of fans had said something at the time about how great it is that TFW could be an advocate and/or role model for parents
of children with special needs. As if she would take up that cause to help others.
Her suggestion for other parents would probably be to forget the kid, and get some new pets. Worked for her.

Tucker's Mom said... 160

CC said... 157
I see your point about Jon not being responsible for Collin being wherever he is, and I do believe the the responsibility for this very poor outcome lays at Kate's feet.
I have no idea, and can't begin to fathom how in America, a parent who is not incarcerated or convicted of abuse or other crimes can be denied access to his child. It doesn't pass the smell test.
I get that sometimes one parent gets legal custody with control over medical decisions, but a parent being legally within their rights to deny the other parent information as to a child's whereabouts is just beyond the pale.
This is Kate Gosselin, whom Jon knew intimately, not some Mary Poppins who went all Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde suddenly. Jon knew that Kate is a cut-throat narc who cares only about winning. I wouldn't give her full control of a hamster, let alone my children.

Anyway, my gut has not been right with this for a long time.

CC said... 161

Sorry but I don't believe Collin is "special needs." I think Collin's issues are based on years of physical and emotional abuse by Kate.

You can't be a spokesperson for child abuse when you're the abuser.

Roxyhelen said... 162

But I did say I feel the difference is he is not in control over what is going on with Collin.

Yes, because he willingly gave up that control years ago, seemingly in order to make his life easier. It was Jon's choice to give up full legal custody so I'm not really getting the sympathy. After living with Kate for almost a decade, seeing how she treats the kids(not saying he saw all but enough to know she is controlling and unfair) he thought it was ok to give up all control? Jon's whining now is too little, too late.

Seriously that kidnappping comment was a hyperbole. It didn't even occur to me that I'd have to explain to someone that I wasn't truly suggesting Jon needs to kidnap his kids. It was meant to illustrate that good parents will go to the end of the earth to help their children and from all Jon's said he hasn't made tremendous efforts. He waited 2 years to do something about seing Collin, per his own saying, all he did before that was try to text Kate. Kate didn't answer so he shurgged and went with the flow. Seriously?

Tucker's Mom said... 163

A couple of fans had said something at the time about how great it is that TFW could be an advocate and/or role model for parents
of children with special needs. As if she would take up that cause to help others.
Her suggestion for other parents would probably be to forget the kid, and get some new pets. Worked for her.
I don't think Kate is in any position to tell other parents how to deal and work with their special needs children. But, I get how at first, her fans would think that.
After A YEAR, you'd have to have a room-temp IQ to not be scratching your head and wondering what the hell really happened to Collin.
The boy is sent away and the chances he's in some wonderful facility with the best of care is slim to none.
No mental health professional would dream of treating Collin without involving the entire family and working towards returning him to home.
Collin is only getting older, taller, smarter, more aware, bigger and stronger. Kate's not going to deal with it.
I don't think Collin is the worst behaved kid. I think he's always been the smartest.

Tucker's Mom said... 164

Seriously that kidnappping comment was a hyperbole. It didn't even occur to me that I'd have to explain to someone that I wasn't truly suggesting Jon needs to kidnap his kids
I totally get it was hyperbole driven by exasperation!
BTW, if J+K have been under a gag order to not talk about the kids, how did Kate publish a book about them and their various challenges and reactions to the divorce?
It doesn't get more revealing than what Kate wrote.

Tucker's Mom said... 165

It was meant to illustrate that good parents will go to the end of the earth to help their children and from all Jon's said he hasn't made tremendous efforts.
Hey, I've often opined that I'd be sitting in the pokey if someone refused to tell me where my dog was, let alone my child! Wild horses wouldn't stop me.

Tucker's Mom said... 166

Roxy, I think the reason we get so exasperated is that I truly now believe we've been gaslighted. When you've been fed this stuff that makes no sense, it's a been agitating!
You KNOW what a duck looks and walks like, but Jon keeps saying it's not a duck.
Does. Not. Compute.

Tucker's Mom said... 167

CC said... 163
Sorry but I don't believe Collin is "special needs." I think Collin's issues are based on years of physical and emotional abuse by Kate.

You can't be a spokesperson for child abuse when you're the abuser.
You don't beat your kids, abuse them, use them, put them through divorce, refuse to co-parent and love your kids more than your ex, and preach to people about what they should do to help their children.
That would be like Joan Rivers telling people how to age naturally!

CC said... 168

RoxyHelen said...
It was meant to illustrate that good parents will go to the end of the earth to help their children...
Okay. I get that. I really do. And I AGREE. But that's still just more hyperbole. Ends of the earth. Why not talk realistically?

I'm not trying to give you a hard time, or pick on you. Others do it too.

Saying "if it were my child I would do anything, I would go to the ends of the earth, I would do what I have to do, etc, etc, etc...."

I don't get it. It's frustrating. What would you do? Realistically? What should Jon do?

I know we feel he's not doing enough. I feel the same way. But I have NO clue what he should try next. What would you do next? And please don't say you would move mountains. Lol.

CC said... 169

Jon recently claimed that if Kate breaks the gag order etc there really is no penalty for it.

So why does he stick to the gag order? I don't know. Maybe to be the better parent? Maybe he is trying to be the one that complies because one day he is hoping it will work to his benefit?

I don't want Jon to go public about Collin or his issues, or where is is, etc, but at the same time I wish he would be more clear about what he's done to see Collin or help him. And what about Alexis?? This is insane.

I think Kate's book was before the gag order. Do they expire and you have to re-apply for one? Kate spoke about him in People, on one of those ET type shoes, and on her show. How does she get away with this stuff??

CC said... 170

I get people questioning how Jon gave up control to Kate. I get questioning how he went so long allowing his kids to be kept from him. I get it because I feel the same way.

But Jon still sees four of his kids. Regularly. They seem to be thriving. They seem to be the most emotionally balanced children. The other four all have issues of some kind.

Those kids look genuinely relaxed and happy with Jon.

So are the four kids thriving and stable because they have Jon in their lives? Do they see Jon because they don't have issues and aren't under Kate's spell? Is it just coincidence that the four that see Jon seem to be doing so well? I think that's telling.

I'm just as confused as everyone else is when it comes to the other four and their not seeing Jon. Something doesn't add up is right. But we don't have all the numbers so we don't know why.

Tucker's Mom said... 171

OT- Anyone listening to the Serial season 2 podcast, "S-Town"?.
I'm trying to figure out how to download it to my cloud and will hopefully start listening soon.

Formerly Duped said... 172

I'm not sure those four kids who see Jon are thriving. They do look happy with Jon, which is great, but behind the scenes we have Hannah crying she doesn't want to go home and Jon couldn't help her. She and Leah are bullies to Alexis and the boys. The boys are 'too good' and seem sort of able to compartmentalize their film life from their real life and appear ok but how can they be with all the strife in their daily existence? Missing brother? 'Mean' sisters ? Strict controlling mother? Joel I think said in a couch interview " there's always stress - or maybe chaos- in this house." I don't think any pf the 8 are ok- but I do agree seeing their father is a good thing for the lucky foursome. I don't know what else Jon can do but surely in our legal system and children's advocacy laws there must be something! Jon needs a lawyer specializing in family law, possibly a social worker fro children at risk, and to not be afraid to call on the police for custody violations to be addressed.

Layla said... 173

The poor parenting of both Jon and Kate is just mind-boggling. Yes, Jon seems to be good with the kids when he is with them, but look at the lessons the kids are getting from both parents--that if you want a decent lifestyle, then exhibitionism is the way to go. What are the chances the kids are going to grow up and work "mediocre" jobs and live "mediocre" lives? Slim to none, probably, when they have learned that they can do much better by putting themselves and their families on display. Will they work hard to make relationships work or will they simply cut off anyone who displeases them? I think we all know the answer to that. They are not learning the lessons they need to learn in order to have successful jobs, relationships, or families. If they figure it out by themselves, then kudos to them, but they are not learning by example.

Roxyhelen said... 174

Tucker's Mom said... 168

Roxy, I think the reason we get so exasperated is that I truly now believe we've been gaslighted. When you've been fed this stuff that makes no sense, it's a been agitating!
You KNOW what a duck looks and walks like, but Jon keeps saying it's not a duck.
Does. Not. Compute.


You said exactly what I meant to, so much better. Thank you!

CC no worries, I don't think you are picking on me(hopefully you don't think I'm picking on you either). As far as I'm concerned, we're having a slightly contradictory discussion and nothing more.

Roxyhelen said... 175


But Jon still sees four of his kids. Regularly. They seem to be thriving. They seem to be the most emotionally balanced children. The other four all have issues of some kind.


Wrote the other comment in a hurry. Anyways I agree, I think that the four who do see Jon seem more balanced but the trouble is, to me that makes it all even worse. The four Jon doesn't see do seem to have fared a lot worse. Jon allowed the situation to get where it is when he accepted not seing those 4. They are now worse than the other four and it's Kate's fault for stopping them from going/poisoning them and Jon's fault for allowing it to happen.

Yes, Jon sees 4 kids regularly. The trouble is, he has 4 others which he doesn't see. You asked what I want him to do? I want him to call the cops and enforce the visitation and get all his kids(well the remaining 7, it appears the Collin ship has sailed) on his time. I want him to stop thinking about his own discomfort and fight for his kids. Calling the cops is free. He could do that but he doesn't because it would be a hassle to deal with Kate's shrieking, I'm sure and the kids would be maybe a bit upset the first few times. Frankly that's not how a good parent acts.

He has said so many times he is asking for custory for the sextuplets, once he said just Hannah, once he said all kids if I'm not wrong but really I don't think he meant it. I don't think he ever wanted to have all his kids full time. I think he was more than ok with being an alternate weekend dad and that's just sad.

CC said... 176


I agree. Jon should have called the cops and should still be calling the cops whenever Kate withholds the kids from him.

I just don't think we know for a fact he hasn't. I personally don't like to assume he hasn't tried that route. If he hasn't then yes, shame on him.

CC said... 177

Wow. Just went to a few sites about what to do if the other parent doesn't allow you to take the kids on your custody time.

Most of them seem to say you can try calling the police but most times they won't get involved unless the child's life is in danger, or the child was "kidnapped." The cops will just tell you to take it up with the family court.

All the sites' answers seems to be go to family court to get the order enforced.

The judge will review the case and if he finds the parent is willfully withholding the child he can hold her in contempt. That could include jail or paying legal fees of other parent. It's all up to the judge. There's no automatic contempt. He could also decide to change legal custody to the estranged parent. But again, all up to a judge.

They all seem to agree on this:

"Note that although police enforcement of a custody order is a possibility in theory, in practice your local law enforcement may be unwilling to become involved in a family dispute unless the violation of the order involves criminal infractions (e.g. abuse or kidnapping)."

CC said... 178

What I found:

Contact the police to help you enforce the order. You may feel that the nature of the violation is such that you need the help of law enforcement to help you enforce the order. In this case, calling the police is an option.
Note that although police enforcement of a custody order is a possibility in theory, in practice your local law enforcement may be unwilling to become involved in a family dispute unless the violation of the order involves criminal infractions (e.g. abuse or kidnapping).[10]
The police may be willing to get involved in such cases that require calling the non-complying parent or escorting you to the non-complying parent’s house to pick up your kids.[11]
Alternatively, the police may be unwilling to get involved if the infraction is not criminal in nature and may ask you to take the matter up with a court.[12]

How to Seek Contempt Charges

If one parent has violated a custody or visitation order, the other parent can file a motion (legal paperwork) asking the court to enforce the order and hold the non-complying parent in contempt of court. By holding a person in contempt, a judge is saying that the person has disrespected the court and disobeyed its order. A person held in contempt of court can be forced to pay fines or face punishments from the judge as discussed in more detail below.
Filing procedures vary from county to county, but at a minimum, you will have to serve (deliver) your motion paperwork to the other parent. The court will set a hearing date and you will need to attend the hearing and explain to the judge (with evidence, including documentation) how the other parent has violated the custody order.
If you need more specific information, you should contact an experienced family law attorney in your area for help.
Sanctions for Contempt of Court in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania courts can’t order a change in custody during a hearing for contempt, but they can order sanctions (or punishments) if substantial visitation time has been lost because of the other parent’s actions. Potential contempt sanctions include:
ordering make-up parenting time or visitation
ordering the interfering parent to attend parenting classes
ordering the interfering parent to pay costs (including attorney’s fees or transportation costs for visitation), and
holding the interfering parent in contempt of court, which usually includes a fine and even jail-time.

For the full text of the law governing violations of custody and visitation orders in Pennsylvania, see 23 Pa.C.S.A. §5401 et seq.

CC said... 179

What Can Be Done If Your Ex Is Denying You Custody and Visitation Rights?
If you are being denied custody and/or visitation rights, you basically have three options:
Call the police: This is recommended if you are unable to make contact with the child or you fear the child is in danger.
Enlist an attorney to write a formal letter to the violating parent and inform them that you are about to take legal action against them. This lets them know you are serious and also begins documentation needed to take legal action.
File contempt of court charges: This is recommended in cases of serious or ongoing violations of child custody and visitation agreements.

ALSO (Lancaster, PA site):
7. The police will enforce my custody order if it is not being followed.

This rarely happens. The reality is that law enforcement agencies have many pressing situations and sometimes dangerous work to do. The last thing law enforcement has time to deal with on a holiday is a call about why the children are 20 minutes late arriving to the parent’s home on Christmas Eve. Many police departments take the position that it is a civil matter and should be taken up through a Petition for Contempt of a Custody Order. With that said, there are instances where a law enforcement agency does get involved, particularly if there is a Court Order directing that they enforce the Custody Order. When this occurs, it can be especially difficult for children and have lasting detrimental effects, as they begin to associate police involvement with custody interactions between their parents.

Sorry if I didn't include links. But I just googled...

CC said... 180

10. I can sign off my rights for custody and never have to pay child support.

Just because you do not see your children does not mean that you relieved of your child support obligation. In fact, the Pennsylvania Support Guidelines are premised on the fact that the non-custodial parent spends at least 30% of their time with the child and therefore makes expenditures during that time for the child’s benefit. If you do not exercise any periods of custody with your child, you put yourself at risk of having the court direct a deviation of your child support amount and actually increase the total amount of your child support.

Sad but true said... 181

CC said... 179
. . .
They all seem to agree on this:

"Note that although police enforcement of a custody order is a possibility in theory, in practice your local law enforcement may be unwilling to become involved in a family dispute unless the violation of the order involves criminal infractions (e.g. abuse or kidnapping)."

K8 must have read the same thing you did, since, in the context of the same incident, she both implied there was some sort of "inappropriate" relationship b/t Hannah and Jon AND she also accused him of kidnapping when Hannah refused to come home after custody time with Dad was officially over. There is NOTHING she won't try in order to enforce her will. She is, in a word, disgusting.

Sad but true said... 182

I think the problem with the Gosselin custody situation comes down to the probability that the custody "arrangement," which as we know was quite painstakingly spelled out in a document supposedly signed off by both parents, was never part of the formal divorce decree. I think at the time, Jon assumed that what he and Kate agreed to would be honored by both parties and did not need to be made a part of the divorce. In other words, he didn't think that K8 being granted "primary physical custody" was going to impact the visitation that had been negotiated in tandem with the divorce. That was a fatal mistake on his part and it's why he's had so little power since she began torpedoing that agreement whenever her little heart (or TLC filming demands) desires.

Admin, feel free to correct me if I have misinterpreted the facts.

Tucker's Mom said... 183

CC said... 179
Very interesting, and it reminds me of how Kate accused Jon of a crime-kidnapping- to get a child back from him.

What the hell good is a custody order if it's impossible to enforce it unless the offending parent hurts or kidnaps the kid?

That's eff'd up!

That said, Jon's stories have always been passive. He gets who he gets, not that he's called the cops and they refuse to help.

Unless I missed that.

Tucker's Mom said... 184

There is NOTHING she won't try in order to enforce her will. She is, in a word, disgusting.
April 4, 2017 at 11:29 AM
I can see Kate being willing to "go there" and make very grievous accusations to get her way.
She needed that kid back home to film and come hell or high water, she was getting her back.

CC said... 185

In an intouch article:

The police records, obtained by In Touch, show that Kate called cops three times in five days, and the officer that responded to the call refused to get involved and “informed her this was a custody/civil matter, to be handled in court.”

Which is exactly what they did — at an emergency custody hearing requested by Jon, a judge found no evidence to support Kate’s accusations, says the insider...

So I guess Jon knows the police won't enforce the custody order and he has to go to court each time. It's on record in the police report too if I recall correctly.

Formerly Duped said... 186

Thanks, CC, Very interesting to read what's legal and what's not. Wow, abuse, kidnapping, inappropriate relationship...Kate is oh so low.

But Jon, please keep trying!!

Roxyhelen said... 187

So the court system works? When you haven't seen a kid in two years, I would think you go to court as much as you have to in order to solve the problem no? Well really, you don't wait two years to deal with it actually. Court costs a lot you say? Wow,look at this whole list of pro bono lawyers/firms all over Pennsilvania. Where there's a will there's a way most of the time.

I can honestly say that if I were Jon, I'd knock on the door of as many as these firms as possible, until I found one lawyer willing to charge me less/do it for free.

One other thing: If Jon had gone to court to fight for the kids or for Collin, I think he would have mentioned that. He has said so many times that he's suing for custody/going to court/whatever that I'm pretty sure if he had actually done it, he'd say so.

I don't have time to search(this was one click on Google) but it sure doesn't look like Jon has no option. He is known a bit in the US, not sure it would be hard for him to get a lawyer for free/with reduced fees in exchange for publicity for the lawyer/firm.

FYI said... 188

Admin--you've posted the following comments re Jon:

"It's typical Jon Gosselin, not thinking more than one step ahead, not considering how risky a prank involving stripping was. How a good number of people think there is nothing funny about joking about such a demeaning and degrading activity, or how it would involve a concern for the embarrassment to his children. If that's pearl clutching, well then I'm going to clutch them as hard as I can. So be it."

"He's been testy and snapping at people on Twitter. I think his rant at radar online for calling his friends was just Jon worried that they were going to figure out the joke and his dumb game would be over. But if you're trying to set up the media, the least you can do is give them a fighting chance to get it right.

Do you apply the same criticism to Donald Trump as you do to Jon?

Trump raves and rants on twitter, making accusations that have yet to be proved to be based on fact. Trump has an 11 year old son. Aren't you concerned that the kids at his school may make fun of him, because of things his father says and does, especially when the Access Hollywood tape was aired?

We all know that you're a Trump supporter and I just wonder if you hold Trump to the same standards that you do Jon?

I don't want to get into a political debate, but it just seems hypocritical of you to judge Jon for being an embarrassment to his children, when I could say the same about Trump. And to add, if anything, Trump plays the media more than anyone, including Jon.

CC said... 189

Pro bono or discount in exchange for publicity? By Jon? Most people see him as a stripping Ed Hardy wearing attention seeking hasbeen reality star wanna be frat boy pseudo celebrity. I don't think Jon has enough celebrity to do publicity for anyone. Even a lot of his supporters don't support him anymore.

That's an interesting idea though. Would Admin like to give her opinion as a lawyer on dealing with someone like Jon and Kate Gosselin for free or in exchange for publicity?

Jon may be considered as making too much money for free legal assistance or pro bono. I don't think Jon is hurting for money right now, so he wouldn't qualify. So paying for lawyer over and over might wipe him out financially. But then at least maybe he will qualify for pro bono I guess.

Jon has said he's gone to court. He also said he can't discuss custody due to a gag order.

Jon can knock on the door of every single lawyer in PA, and each one of them can just say no. I'm not sure it's as simple as just keep asking and eventually someone will say yes. Would be nice though and yes he should keep trying.

I think he had some who tried to help in the past if I remember correctly. Back when they had real media attention.

CC said... 190

And I personally don't think of the court system as something that works. I mean yeah it works sometimes. And sometimes it doesn't. Speaking from experience. I had a judge once that ruled based on a law that didn't even apply the the scenario. Then you have to spend more money and time to appeal. Sometimes you give up for your sanity. Depending on the situation of course. This just involved money.

Roxyhelen said... 191

No, Jon said he understood when the children stopped showing up and just took whoever came down the driveway.

It's easy to shoot down every option rather than come up with them too. Either way, it's my opinion that Jon didn't do all he could to make sure his kids are alright and right now there's nothing out there to change said opinion. If new info appears, I am absolutely willing to change my mind. Heck, I hope I am wrong.But really, I'm not even sure it's true that there's a gag order anymore to be honest. Jon could just say that because admitting he's done none of the stuff he repeatedly warned he'd do would make him look bad. I'm not saying it's the case, I'm just saying I wouldn't be shocked.

Bottom line: I think it's not accurate to claim that it's only Kate's fault for the current situation. Jon played his part(or rather the problem, as I see it, is that he didn't really do all that much).

Roxyhelen said... 192

Actually Kate said(not that she hasn't lied plenty of times) that they are not allowed to speak about the custody IN DETAIL which could explain why she doesn't get held in contempt and also says Jon could say a couple of general things.Just a thought. Not that I want Jon to talk, if I never hear anything about the Gosselins again great, just as long as the situation is rectified behind the scenes and the kids' lives improve. Right now that doesn't seem to be the case.

CC said... 193

Kate is a Twit,

Ha!! The G kids probably look at Trump and thank god he's not their father.

CC said... 194

ncgirl said... 195

"I agree and the routines sounded quite similar. And the DWTS guy's kids were watching. Where's the outrage?"

But his kids aren't celebrities from a reality show. I don't know anything about them. I watch DWTS and thought the routine was silly and stupid.

CC said... 196

Roxyhelen said...

It's easy to shoot down every option rather than come up with them too.

Sorry. I didn't mean to come across as trying to shoot down every option.

I was genuinely asking... because personally, I can't come up with any realistic options for Jon. I don't feel like I was shooting down options. I was reviewing them.

Cops - It's on the record that their stance is it's a civil matter and should be taken up in court.

Court - He's gone that route and is supposedly still working on that.

Kidnapping - Hyperbole. Yes, I shot down kidnapping.

Free or discounted legal help - Do we know he qualifies for free help? And is begging, or bartering for it non-stop a realistic option? Maybe. I don't think it is, just my opinion.

I was seriously asking if anyone has any other suggestions. I feel a lot of people are expecting Jon to DO SOMETHING, when they don't realistically know what CAN be done. Myself included in some ways.

CC said... 197

I tried posting the link on my iphone. Not sure it worked.

Here's a link to a People article about the DWTS Magic Mike routine.

I'm not seeing any negative media about having a sexy male revue routine on DWTS. Maybe it's a lot more mainstream, and socially acceptable than stripping.

CC said... 198

Kate is a Twit,

Trump also "demeans and degrades women" with his vile and nasty comments.

CC said... 199

ncgirl said...
But his kids aren't celebrities from a reality show. I don't know anything about them.
You don't, but their friends do.

I'm not sure why it's relavent that we don't know the kids. Although there are pics of them online.

I think there's a lot more chance kids watch DWTS than see yahoo news headlines. And I'm pretty confident no kids were at the male revue on Saturday.

jolie Jacquelyn said... 200

Kate is a twit said... 190
Admin--you've posted the following comments re Jon:


Please don't go there.....

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