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Sister Cathy, who was murdered for trying to protect children from abuse. |
The internet has been ablaze with amateur sleuths on this story for years, and now it comes to our screens. One review calls The Keepers, which has been compared to Making a Murderer, similar fare yet much more haunting, and that Sister Cathy's murder is a corner piece of a jigsaw puzzle. We agree. Discuss here.
In somewhat ironic timing, the Duggars this week filed a lawsuit against various government officials, protesting the release of police reports and other documents in connection with Josh Duggar's molestation of several of his younger sisters many years ago. The City of Springdale quickly responded with a press release, denying any wrong-doing and pointing out that the documents were heavily redacted, and protesting the use of tax dollars for this scheme.
If there's one thing that comes through in The Keepers, it's that keeping the story quiet about sexual abuse makes it worse, not better. In fact, because Jean and others kept quiet until the early 90's, one perpetrator continued to sit on the pulpit for decades. He was finally removed when Jean decided she must come forward no matter how painful. Because people thought sexual abuse must be kept quiet, Sister Cathy, who did not think so, was murdered. Disclosure and public acknowledgement of abuse is how we solve this problem, Jim Bob, not more covering up. Perhaps if Jean lived in a society in which sexual abuse was not regarded as something so shameful and private, she wouldn't have been so reluctant to come forward, and Sister Cathy would still be alive. Shame on you.
262 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 262 of 262 Newer› Newest»Here is the article from the hospital media service. Whay I find remarkable is that the sextuplets were delivered May 11 and there was NO publicity until the story was released. And no media opportunities until after the babies are released from the hospital, maybe.
Flimsy Flamsy (167)
Kate always says that she and Jamie are practically the same person, so I'm sure Jamie has the same approach to raising her kids. Don't bother her unless there is an emergency--"no news is good news". I can think of so many times that DH or I was away and the parent at home would call to pass on something cute one of the boys did or said, or some funny story. We knew that the parent who wasn't there would appreciate the connection to our offspring. Kate? Now so much. She'd rather pretend the kids don't exist when she's not home.
Layla said... 2
Flimsy Flamsy (167)
Kate always says that she and Jamie are practically the same person,
Yeah, except for when Kate's Angelina Jolie, and Jamie's . . . not. :)
GollyGee, thank you for posting the info for the OCC and where to find the information for donations. I will be sure to start donating towards this and in the most needed category girls/boys 10-14.
Tucker's Mom said... 190
Another story in the news is a pregnant high school senior who got pregnant while going to her Christian school, which violated her "contract" and she's not allowed to participate in graduation despite being a straight-A student.
(The agreement included no drinking, drugs, sex...)
I wondering what a lawyer would have to say about minors signing contracts, or parents signing for them. What the news piece showed was 2 separate agreements: one for the parents and one for the student.
What about the father of the baby?
I guess abstinence teaching doesn't work..... ::eyeroll::
nearly every speaking character is a middle-aged woman. This is rare enough that it begins to be surprising, and soon after that, it becomes one of the defining elements of the show — following an interviewee into her living room as she is accompanied by her five small dogs, or reminiscing with another about her loving husband, now deceased. The B-roll notices things like the decorations on the walls, the family photos on the mantle, and the niceties of small talk. These are no Hollywood-friendly million-dollar kitchens, or carefully composed sitcom living rooms. The subjects of “The Keepers” keep cozy homes, in an unassuming, uncontrived way that indicates much about them. In this largely Catholic, working-to-middle class community of Baltimore, “The Keepers” manages to convey a mindset and shared, accepted values by just following the interviewees home.
Finished the keepers tonight. There is a hollowness in my chest. I want to watch it all over again from beginning to end the second I get the chance.
Admin (#6), OT, but speaking of middle-aged women, I just watched a movie preview and couldn't figure out who the leading lady was until they said her name. It was Debra Winger. And I was so delighted to see that she hadn't ruined herself with plastic surgery. She's still a stunning woman -- a 62-year-old stunning woman. Good for her.
Admin, I did watch Keepers twice. I needed the second viewing to process the first impressions.
Flimsy, I think it was last week's People magazine that had an article on Debra Winger. It discussed the years she took time off from acting. I didn't recognize her from the photos either. But, I agree that she is a beautiful woman whose pictures radiated confidence and contentment.
Debra Winger is stunning at her age, always the straight talking New Yorker not afraid to call people out on their BS who didn't give a darn what Hollywood thought of her or how she was supposed to be.
She left Hollywood decades ago and raised her kids in the countryside, quietly making really high quality independent films now and again. She thinks network TV is mostly garbage, and has the highest of praise for the new way we watch things, like Netflix.
Winger is on Ashton Kutcher's Netflix show, the Ranch. She plays his mother, Sam Elliott is his father.
Speaking of women in Hollywood not allowing themselves to age gracefully, has anyone seen Pam Anderson's face? I saw pics of her in Cannes, and whoo boy...
As Kate would say, "She's ruined!".
Tucker's Mom said... That kind of control doesn't belong in America.
That could be the title of an entire post on things politicians and judges have done to America.
Tucker's Mom said... That kind of control doesn't belong in America.
That could be the title of an entire post on things politicians and judges have done to America.
No kidding. It's a total nanny state now. Government wants to control everything about you from your health care to your education to your right to defend your home and body to the economy. Nothing is left to the private sector any more.
There are good reasons people have gravitated toward the right lately that have nothing to do with guns or abortion or hating poor people as the left loves to frame it. It doesn't for me. Nothing whatsoever.
I finished "The Keepers" and will definitely go back through it.
I have a strong opinion about who killed Cathy and I think he did it at the priest's behest.
It was so sad to see the corruption in Maryland and that the Catholic Church is still hiring legal guns to protect them.
The two lawyers arguing that extending the SOL would actually work against catching offenders and taking them off the streets left me gobsmacked and sickened.
What the Church offered to Janes Doe & Roe was beyond and insult. What they went through in the 1990's was brutal, and the fact that the Church acted like they'd never had a problem with that priest prior to Keogh, knowing that a nun kicked his ass out of another school, was sinful.
I felt so bad when Jane Doe found out. She just broke down.
The two lawyers arguing that extending the SOL would actually work against catching offenders and taking them off the streets left me gobsmacked and sickened.
I found myself shaking my head along with some of the victims in the audience. Puuh-lease! Just admit you are trying to protect child molesters. And what studies or research do they have that shows that no statute of limitations incentivizes people to sit on evidence? They just made that up. The point is that nobody HAS the evidence yet, because the victim hasn't come forward. You can't sit on evidence you don't have. Once they have the evidence, there's no real advantage for either side, because memories and witnesses are fading equally, on all sides. It's a fair playing field of fading evidence. Plus, doesn't it make more sense for the victims to want a speedy resolution for their own peace of mind and the compensation? Why wait until you're 65 years old to collect your $50,000 when you could have gotten it at 25 and used it to buy a nice home? That makes no sense.
This year CA just lifted their Statute of Limitations, which has been pretty generous and forward thinking since the 90's anyway, so that now you can bring a claim of rape or sexual assault at any time. Now there's no SOL, which is amazing.
But, since I'm heavily involved in legislation on the foster care level, I get a LOT of mailers, and I got some from various interest groups lobbying against it. Oddly, even the liberal LA times opposed it, which makes me think somebody bought them off. They claim that oh, it's so very hard for the poor rapists to have to defend against something so old. Um, to that I say, it's very hard for victims to come forward in a timely manner because the perps, AND SOCIETY, have shamed and shunned and threatened you, unlike most other crimes, which are usually reported as soon as you find out without the stigma. As soon as I see a culture where every victim young and old feels comfortable and supported to come forward as soon as the abuse happens, I'll support a SOL again.
It's not retroactive though, so if the crime occurred before 2017, you're out of luck. But going forward for victims, this is a sea change.
What's the theory on the second girl's murder shortly after Sister Cathy's? I kind of lost the thread there whether they had developed any conclusions on that.
Speaking of rapists, the Bill Cosby trial in Pennsylvania is scheduled to begin on June 5.
TLC must be in need of a filler show for the 3:00 AM and 4:00 AM time slots on June 5 and June 6. They're airing repeats of Kate plus 8 on just those 2 days.
But the 4 episodes they're airing aren't even from last season. They're the shows from 2 years ago which included the two New England trip episodes, plus the room renovation and the yard sale.
Totally. Imagine an America without the government telling people what to do. Blacks were and women were in their place. The poor? Just lazy people who lived nowhere near the Midwest. No one was homosexual. And everyone was Christian. Good times.
Well, I'm a constitutionalist, so I have no problem with government enforcing the constitution including protecting people's constitutional rights. I do have a problem when government tells me what I should do about my health, and fines me if I don't comply. Nothing about that is in the constitution.
No one said there should be NO government or that there is no role for government, so this kind of hyperbole is kind of trite. I believe in LESS government, not no government.
TLC must be in need of a filler show for the 3:00 AM and 4:00 AM time slots on June 5 and June 6. They're airing repeats of Kate plus 8 on just those 2 days.
Usually they fill that with blender commercials, so this is a surprise.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 17
What's the theory on the second girl's murder shortly after Sister Cathy's? I kind of lost the thread there whether they had developed any conclusions on that.
I couldn't thread that together from the show ;-(
Usually they fill that with blender commercials, so this is a surprise.
Hey, why doesn't TLC put Kate's Ab Rocket commercial on then?
Oh, wait, Milo would have to set her alarm to get up in the middle of the night to drool.
Wendy Olson @wendiminations 13h13 hours ago
Stalked @Kateplusmy8 on IG after reading what a fantastic mom she is. Here's what I see: she freaking loves being mom to her FUR babies.
At this point, Kate is turning OFF her fans and followers with her constant posting about her dogs and boasting about how she can't imagine life without them.
Well, the golden dog, anyway.
I seriously wonder if she intentionally tries to be really bad at social media.
Admin, (#21), although I've never watched a single episode of K+8,
I'm willing to go out on a limb and predict that a blender commercial
would be more entertaining.
Donald Trump's proposed budget is an assault on the poor, the vulnerable and our planet. You voted for a man who made the direction he would take this country glaringly obvious, so don't whine when you are accused of hating poor people, etc. Your voting record speaks for itself.
There are dozens upon dozens of issues one might vote one way or the other on. The insistence a vote for one candidate or the other is a vote for fill in the blank is petty nonsense.
I could just was easily say a vote for Hillary is a vote for late term abortions and killing babies, but I happen to think the issues are far more complicated than that. You people never will get over you lost, which is another reason you lost. Go back to the drawing board, four years is going to sneak up mighty fast.
You people never will get over you lost, which is another reason you lost.
These kinds of divisive, condescending comments (on both sides) are the reason many long time readers have begged for this to be a politics-free zone.
No, it is not "petty nonsense." It speaks directly to a person's values and priorities. And your Hillary analogy is ridiculous -- picking out one issue vs. an entire agenda. Donald Trump didn't campaign on one little issue that might hurt the poor or harm the environment, his entire platform was anti-immigrant, anti-poor, anti-equity and anti-planet. Oh, and of course, anti-science and anti-fact.
That's your opinion and perspective, but you have no facts to back it up. There is no evidence that collectively this vote was race based or based on anti- anything no more than I have evidence that only terrorism loving baby killers voted for Hillary. You can frame and name call the other side as much as you like, but what you see as anti this and that, others see as keeping our country safer from terrorism, making sure that hard working folks get to hang onto more of their money and that the American dream of a small or even bigger business is given a little wiggle room to thrive (and make EVERYBODY more money who is involved), ensuring the stock market soars and hard working American's retirement funds do well so people WON'T be poor when they retire, less government intervention in private lives and more autonomy, and making sure that criminals or people that will take jobs from Americans can't get in. Sorry, I don't buy the myth that half of AMerica is racist. What was abundantly clear however was that Americans did not feel the past eight years have made them safer and more economically prosperous and that they had something to actually show for themselves after all their hard work, instead of lining the pockets of corrupt politicians with their paychecks and watch it re-appropriated. People that don't believe government SOLVES much of anything are never going to come around to all the big government candidates on the left, has nothing to do with racism or being anti-science. I know plenty of highly educated people from all fields including the sciences that are Republican, so you've lost me there that this is some kind of "ignorant" vote. If you can't come out of your comfort zone just a LITTLE bit and try to understand this vote, there is no hope for you or your party in four years or even two years. Continuing to insult and fling anti- names at people who had very thoughtful reasons for doing what they did does nothing but make you look desperate and certainly very sore.
Whether or not you "buy" the racism myth has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not racism is a major issue in this country. I have no problem calling ignorance when I see it and statements like this are ignorant. If you don't want to be called "ignorant" don't BE ignorant. And I hate to break it to you, but you can be both "highly educated" and "ignorant."
You can also be highly educated but completely unable to understand or appreciate how people who don't live in your bubble see the world. You might start with The Farmer's Wife to try to get a taste, just a taste, of how good, caring, loving people see the world and why they might vote for Trump. One can be highly educated, but still only want to name call instead of understand.
As for The Washington Post, we all know how their polls and research turned out in predicting things last November--they blew it. I really don't care that they think some vote was race based. They haven't asked me or my family and friends or gotten inside my head to see our motivations, and last I checked, we are voters too. Personally, I was mostly sick of watching people die in terrorist attacks, one just in the next county over from me, while we sat around for eight years and did NOTHING and in fact, even refused to call them what they are. Un-freaking-believable. For many people, the best vote if terrorism is a political issue for you, is Republican. I dont' care if the candidate is an asshole--so was Hillary, so it was a non factor for me since the two cancelled each other out. That's like saying I refuse to vote for red heads, when both candidates have red hair. Kinda cancels it out.
Admin, (#21), although I've never watched a single episode of K+8,
I'm willing to go out on a limb and predict that a blender commercial
would be more entertaining.
Speaking of which, does anyone have a recommendation for a blender? I was shopping for one today and it gave me a headache. I don't want one that does everything including walking the dog. I just want to make milkshakes and smoothies, very basic without all the bells and whistle, but I want don't want the motor to burn out after three strawberry shakes, and I don't need it to make yogurt, French or Greek.
Real Time Mom said... 4
GollyGee, thank you for posting the info for the OCC and where to find the information for donations. I will be sure to start donating towards this and in the most needed category girls/boys 10-14.
Oh, thank you, Real Time Mom! It was heartbreaking to hear about the girls that have to miss out on school because they have no monthly protection. I have found the reusable pads on Etsy and I am going to buy a supply of them.
I will also put extra soap bars and 2 boxes of ziplock bags so she can wash them out and use the clothes pins to hang them up on a little rope I will also send. With school supplies, shoes, shirt, underwear, socks.
Stuffed animals!!! They really want to put a stuffed animal in each box because they say that the kids LOVE them. And on a sad note, they say that a stuffed animal will prevent a child from human trafficking because the HT's lure the kids with stuffed animals and they want them so bad. Heartbreaking.
It wasn't the Washington Post's research, but of course you didn't bother to read the link, just dismissed it out of hand because the evil Washington Post was cited.
No, I dismiss research that claims to tell me what my motivations are or what I'm thinking when they've never even met me. How dare they call me racist. They haven't the first clue who I am. I don't think the Washington Post is evil, however like most mainstream media, again and again they have called things wrong this year, which has lost my trust.
Sherry Baby (29). Vita Mix. I have had mine for decades. The motor will not burn out -- powerful. However, the price is way above the average blender. Probably well worth it for the longevity. Good Luck.
I truly believe that what we see right here, in towns all over, theses divisions and this anger, is exactly what Putin wants.
In 1970 there were 3 Candys in our high school graduating class of 900 people. I was the only Candy who was not pregnant underneath my flowing gown.
JoyinVirginia said... 34
I truly believe that what we see right here, in towns all over, theses divisions and this anger, is exactly what Putin wants.
It's possible. It's certainly not helping anything when people won't move on from sour grapes and at least try to work together. I've never seen anything like this. I've had many candidates I've voted for lose and I sigh and move on. I wouldn't dream of going on some rant the way people constantly do name calling and calling people racist. It's outrageous. Never seen such whining and undermining after a loss in my lifetime. Even Hillary was still going at it the other day implying Trump is going to be just like the Nixon of her day. Such comparisons are childish and petty. GROW UP. Problem is this could backfire big time. The more people behave like this the less willing I am to even give their views a chance. They are doing a fine job telling me all I need to know by such behavior.
People is announcing a Duggar marriage(Joyanna). Ain't that unique?
There is an absolutely MASSIVE (and amazing) Reddit thread about the Keepers. The best most clever conspiracy theories can often be found on Reddit. Here's a few:
"[–]miaaachu 13 points 3 days ago
There's just too many similarities between Joyce and Cathy's murder: both attractive, single young ladies, both taken while out shopping, both had their cars taken but dumped in strange way (parked illegally with the door open).
All of these would suggest that it was the same killer. Yet Joyce's actual murder seemed so methodical and impersonal, which is why I thought at the beginning that the killer could've been a hunter.
So there are two things that could've happened with Joyce: what I said earlier, her being killed to get the cops and everyone else thrown off track, or someone heard about Cathy's murder and decided to jump on the bandwagon (but that's pretty unlikely)."
I also thought that Joyce was murdered as advice from someone in the police force to give the illusion of a serial killer. Cathy's body alone showed that the killing was very personal. Her head was bashed in, she was bare-cheated and her skirt was pulled up.
Joyce's on the other hand: hands tied behind her back and throat cut. Almost like an animal. It made me think a hunter had killed the women when I watched the first few minutes. But it was essentially the complete opposite of Cathy's killing, just impersonal and a quick job.
I also have my suspicious that Ed may be Skippy..."
Well, JimBob is officially out of marriageable daughters for at least a couple of years (pace Jana). So either there's gonna be a huge Duggar baby boom, or one of the boys will have to be rushed through a courtship.
Sounds like TLC is sending this happy couple on a lengthy honeymoon filming trip. So there's the next season (AFTER the one scheduled to begin June 12) of this shit-show. Poor K8, there's really NO keeping up with the Duggars.
You might want to try getting out of your privileged white bubble and maybe you would understand that racism is real.
And again, you know nothing about me. Making huge assumptions about me, whether I'm privileged (I'm not, I grew up in a blue collar low income community just outside a very blue collar city with as many blacks as whites at my school, I worked my way up from nothing being the first in my family to go to law school and one of the first to go to college in general, for generations my family of farmers has worked right along side and treated as family minorities all working their fingers to the bone to feed their families, and my best friend here in Los Angeles is first generation Hispanic-American, so F-U and your assumptions) and distorting around what I said. I never said racism wasn't real, I said that you simply cannot wrap you mind around the fact that there were legitimate reasons not to vote for Hillary that don't have anything to do with one being "racist." Of course there is some racism out there, there are also people out there who are just fine with killing a baby who is 35 weeks gestation, but I don't get stuck on that--none of those people are anything but a tiny minority of people who voted.
I will always, always, always give strong consideration to candidates the people I grew up with would most like to see elected because I have a deep respect for the people I grew up with and how they would like to live. And since the presidential candidate doesn't make that big of a difference to my comfort, I'm more concerned with what's best for those of my roots and they wanted and still want Trump. And that's about the end of that story.
You can keep running around in circles, it won't change that you lost. But a word to the wise, dismissing legitimate concerns this election as mere "racism" or "white privilege" means you will never, ever understand what really happened. But if that's what makes you feel better about such an embarrassing upset of a very arrogant, rich and white privileged candidate herself, then go for it.
Welp, dear anonymous, the studies on racism certainly are fascinating. For one, there are a half dozen or more ways researchers have tried to "capture" something so abstract, so there's a lot of disagreement about how to even measure it. Depending on the method, studies can come out pretty bonkers one way or the other. Measuring racism is like measuring the depths of ones love, how exactly do you do so scientifically? How do I do a study on how much I love my partner versus how much you love yours? Bottom line, you can't.
And, some interesting things have happened when they do try to measure it accurately. For instance, when a group of subjects were told that the vast majority of people are racist, those subjects tend to test as more racist. Seems to me the more you tell people we're all racist, the more they live up to it. I myself prefer to tell people that we are GOOD at heart, not racist, and can achieve great things when we channel that goodness. Perhaps they'll Iive up to it. Think about it, who wants to be told you're racist? How does that make one feel? (Hint, BAD) Anyone who doesn't have a lot of confidence might just say fine, I'm racist, and give up.
Overall though, studies have found that racism has been on the sharp decline for decades. And when you look at hate crime rates, they are also in sharp decline. Lately, it's about 5,000 hate crimes a year. Alarming, to be sure, except when you look at the overall crime rate across the country, which have been hovering around 1.0 and 1.3 MILLION crimes a year, and that's just VIOLENT crimes. So, in other words, dear anonymous, on a year where the violent crime rate was at about a million, just .5% of crimes are even hate motivated (and of those, a little more than half hate crimes are race based. The rest fall into categories like targeting someone for a disability, or religion). So when you crunch the numbers giving every benefit to your side, not even one whole percent of crimes have ANYTHING to do with race! And, as per the usual, our population goes up every year, so you're going to see more things like this than you would see in some tiny country--DUH.
Of course, certain political factions WANT people to believe we are so racist (or, to be fair, so targeted by terorrism, or whatever it is they want you upset over). That's because it gets them more votes. So, there's that element too. I am skeptical of any political who insists that this thing or that thing is everywhere when clearly the numbers prove it's not. It should be ZERO, of course, but you simply cannot discount our huge population in this country when you look at the 5,000 number. That's like saying we have a huge problem with car accident deaths if there are 5,000 deaths a year. Actually, just the opposite, that would be a major victory for MADD, a dream come true, and people would be declaring deadly car accidents a problem solved or nearly so (The death rate by car, FYI, is currently in the millions per year)
I think many politicians are catering to a certain voting block who wants to believe that. If you dare say it's absolutely NOT widespread or common at all, like less than 1% common, you are less likely to get the votes of those who erroneously believe it's everywhere. They do this with lots of issues, exaggerating or making misleading statements to galvanize people to vote their way with promises to fix what isn't broken. In other words, anonymous, you are being PLAYED by many in your party because if they've lost that vote they've lost everything. Personally, I find it vomit inducing the misleading coverage of the state of our country and the lies about how people behave themselves towards other races. Wake up. Until you understand how skewed this all is, it's hopeless for you.
You are more likely to get killed by a drunk driver, killed by a guns, or
die of asthma or the flu, than you are to experience a hate crime or be the perp of a hate crime.
Where are the politicians stomping around demanding we MUST do something about this flu? This asthma! Drunk driving accidents! The only thing I ever hear about it is an annual pestering call from Kaiser letting me know I still haven't gotten my flu shot (and won't).
By hundreds of thousands you are more likely to die from all of those things, than be part of a hate crime.
Yet the top headline nearly ever week is yet another racism crime (maybe, that is). Scratching my head on that one.
I just saw a clip of Ellen show on YT, Ellen Pompeo was invited and she talks about her brand new baby(third kid, a boy) and two things jumped at me:
1. She is gushing about Eli, you can see she is in love with her little boy
2.Says she has a baby nurse(I guess nanny?) and that she is grateful because she'd be nowhere without her since she has to film Grey's Anatomy and even says the nanny is backstage with Eli and says Hi to the nanny.
The sheeple like to claim us "haters" have a problem with Kate having help but really my problem has always been that she never admitted to having help and never was grateful. With 2 three year olds and 6 newborns, Kate wouldn't have been anywhere without help either, she is the most ungrateful person in the world.
Here's the clip, in case anyone wants to hear a mom who actually likes her son and can admit she is getting help and is grateful.
Oh also, watch Ellen gush about her dogs(4) in a genuine way. Note that her dogs are rescues not backyard irresponsibly bred dogs.
That didn't take long: Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell are engaged after a 3-month courtship. Insane.
Thank you, RoxyHelen for posting about Ellen on Ellen's show.
Ellen gushes over loving her baby and is grateful for the help from the nanny and acknowledges and says hi to the nanny.
TWF, OTOH, on Dr. Drew, did she even say anything about the kids? Don't remember. Oh, and then she gave a shout out to Milo. Of all entities. She chooses Milo. I still say that things will turn out bad between TFW and Milo.
Even Hillary was still going at it the other day implying Trump is going to be just like the Nixon of her day. Such comparisons are childish and petty.
Hillary's path to victory failed, so now her path to relevance in the party is to keep the base whipped and angry, because that will hopefully win back seats and the Oval in 2020.
Hillary has a lot of nerve "going there", comparing Trump to Nixon. The latter, a POTUS who did not get impeached (of course, because he resigned), while her husband, Bill Clinton, did.
For perjury and obstruction of justice.
Where the learned grads just out of their nappies and don't remember?
ncgirl said... 37
People is announcing a Duggar marriage(Joyanna). Ain't that unique?
Is it me, or is the world not going gaga any longer over Duggar girls marrying?
God, I hope so!
You can keep running around in circles, it won't change that you lost. But a word to the wise, dismissing legitimate concerns this election as mere "racism" or "white privilege" means you will never, ever understand what really happened. But if that's what makes you feel better about such an embarrassing upset of a very arrogant, rich and white privileged candidate herself, then go for it.
People like anonymous are going to see history repeated over and over again and this is exactly why.
Several nights ago, someone I know has a beautiful, 16 year old daughter, still in HS. Her mother was at work, she works 3rd shift, the daughter was at home and she heard a knock at the door. She went to go see who it was and it was a guy, who she was friends with and he had another guy with him.
But, she didn't know him and she LET THEM IN! The mom and daughter live in the rich part of town. While there, the friend kept her distracted and his brother had to go to the bathroom but he went into the mother's room and was able to get cash and her gold jewelry out of her mother's jewelry box.
Then they left and the daughter didn't realize they had been robbed. The mother came home that morning and realized it, called the police and the police detective told her that she was so LUCKY that they didn't rape and kill her.
You don't let anybody in that late at night especially a kid. I told my mother about it and my mother said, if she were to open the door and realize, uh, oh, she needed to holler, Hey, Bobby, Dad, hurry, Dad get the gun!
My mother was almost abducted at a hospital. They were doing construction on the side of the hospital and they built a plywood tunnel for you to walk in to get to the door of the hospital.
My mother saw a car across the street with a man just sitting there. As she was stepping into the enclosed tunnel and was beginning to walk then she saw him get out of his car and start walking to the tunnel.
She could hear him behind her. She would walk faster, then he would, she would slow down, and he would too. Then there was a rise in it where he would not be able to see ahead of her. She started hollering, Hey! Ron, here I am! I'm coming! She walked faster and she finally made it into the lobby of the ER and when she did, she collapsed and was out of breath.
When she got her composure, she told my Uncle Ron and her sister (who were in the ER lobby waiting on her) said, Oh, my gosh! What is wrong? She told them. She then realized that he was just waiting for someone to come along to grab, rob and hurt or worse.
Another time a young lady was walking home from work in NY, I think and there was a man following her. When she was walking up the steps of the apartments where she
lived, he was right behind her.
She ran to some apt. doors and the guy was right there and she started screaming, FIRE! FIRE! Doors started opening up and the man ran out the front door! People don't want to get involved if they hear just someone getting beaten or getting raped. But, when they hear FIRE, it affects them and they respond.
Tucker's Mom said... 47
ncgirl said... 37
People is announcing a Duggar marriage(Joyanna). Ain't that unique?
Is it me, or is the world not going gaga any longer over Duggar girls marrying?
God, I hope so!
I should hope so. What exactly is ok about arranged marriages(no, I will not believe getting married to someone you've never spend time alone with/you've known for 3 months is not arranged or at the very least stupid)
What is so insane about the People cover coming out yesterday was announcing that Joy Anna was married.
Guess what? She wasn't married a week or more ago!
The wedding was LATE Yesterday Afternoon!
Wouldn't surprise me a bit if Jim Bass TEXTED his People contact as soon as the minister announced that Joy Anna and Austin were husband and wife.
Joy Anna's married. You can deposit the check, please!
It is insane for 2 still wet behind the ears kids to be in a 90 day courtship and gonna get married.
Why didn't Jim Bass get them on 90 day fiance?
He's out of girls to get married right now. Thank God Jana is defying him. But I HATE that she has to nanny her sisters babies when she could of been out of college, have several years into teaching art and have her own art studio.
When her twin brother, John David told Jim Bass that he wanted to be a commercial airline pilot, he said NO. It would take too much time away from your family. Whatever, control freak.
But he did get his pilot's license and they have 2 small airplanes. What really disappointed me is that John David and Jim Bass flew to go and pick up Josh when he got out of "rehab".
He should of refused.
The latter, a POTUS who did not get impeached (of course, because he resigned), while her husband, Bill Clinton, did.
For perjury and obstruction of justice.
Where the learned grads just out of their nappies and don't remember?
That was actually one of my theories. That a huge bulk of voters just don't remember the shit that went down in the 90s. Not just that, but NAFTA! If you think about it, you have to be at LEAST in your mid-30's, as I am, to even recall very much about the Clintons--and even for me, it's hazy, mixed in with a lot of other childhood things going on in my life a child pays more attention to. The only reason I remember it probably a bit better than the average mid-30 year old is because it so dramatically affected my family. Big companies in my town were outsourced and jobs tanked. The 90's was a good time for some, an awful time for my community as we watched hard working moms and dads week after week lose their jobs. The Clintons were blamed, for NAFTA. We're talking about an entire generation of voters who DO NOT REMEMBER THAT. The average voter has to probably be at least 40 years old, AND from a community like mine, to remember and appreciate the difficulty of that time.
But I could have told you Hillary was not a good candidate two years ago because my community and many others have not forgotten the 90s, have not forgotten that they in fact did NOT prosper under the Clintons, rather it was the worst time of their life, and over their dead body would they vote for anyone with that name again. All they had to do was knock on my dad's door and stick a microphone in his face and asked about the 90s, and they would have realized it. They didn't.
And that's the problem, that story was ignored. Flat...out....ignored.
Actually, there was a recent story from a famous reporter, now I can't remember which one, who said that he was uncovering a LOT of lingering Clinton hate out there from the first go around, and told his producers perhaps we should do a story on this, but it was decided that reporting such hate could be seen as some kind of discriminating woman hate thing (huh???) and they didn't have the guts to run those stories, so they IGNORED THEM. He was heavily implying that was a huge mistake, misleading, unethical even.
And, yet another reason for the unexpected loss. No one wanted to tell the truth about what the country was really thinking. Coastal and major cities were reported on, middle America got kicked to the curb. So again, that's another reason that "racism" did not elect this candidate, but for many voters, two decades of misery and betrayal. And that's the greater point. You can't work backwards when you're analyzing something. You can't decide that "racism" got someone elected and then piece together the puzzle to fit your theory. When you work backwards, you tend to ignore anything else that doesn't fit the theory. As a result, a major story was totally lost last fall only to come to a resounding head on election night. A fascinating time in history to be sure.
Is there any chance that Collin is at home, has been for a long time, but Kate has been banned from showing him in any kind of social media/tv show(no public pictures, no filming). It wouldn't mean Kate and the other kids can't film, they would just never show him on film and leave him behind whenever they travel.
Please. If you voted for Trump you were either racist or his racist rhetoric didn't stop you.
Please. If you voted for Trump you were either racist or his racist rhetoric didn't stop you.
Sigh. And I could just as easily say if you voted for Hillary you are either a rapist or have no problem with rapists. You voted for a killer or have no problem with killers (Benghazi) and the list goes on. But we don't, and haven't. We let it go. That side is very, very cruel and nasty and will not let it go. I'm not voting for rape and murderers why did you? See how that works?
If your candidate actually was virtuous this would be a very different discussion. I find the bashing of someone's values when hers are equally outrageous to be both laughable and absurd.
RoxyHelen said... 55
Is there any chance that Collin is at home, has been for a long time, but Kate has been banned from showing him in any kind of social media/tv show(no public pictures, no filming). It wouldn't mean Kate and the other kids can't film, they would just never show him on film and leave him behind whenever they travel.
Would not put it past Kate. Collin has been left behind for filming before.
There is a segment of our society who ARE racists. I
I don't think anyone is denying that whatsoever. The 5,000 hate crimes a year, half of which are race based prove that racism is alive and well. And frankly, probably always will be, considering our population size. Just like there will always be a small amount of murderers, rapists, etc. that aren't going away no matter what you do. The reality is though that the problem is not what it used to be and that we've come a million miles over the past 200 years.
But to say that all Trump voters are racist, HALF the country, is not only absurd, but doesn't bear out whatsoever in the statistics.
Gee willikers, wouldn't you expect a hell of a lot more hate crimes if HALF of America is racist? Wouldn't you expect lynches, and segregation, and a legislature that would try to please half their constituents by implementing racist legislation? Wouldn't you expect that on a daily basis you would hear the N word from half of voters, or at least monthly basis? I hear that word a lot but it's always from black people. Go figure.
For half the country being racist, there sure isn't much to show for it.
The left wants to simplify the election, boil it down to a simple issue they can easily brush off, because they refuse, some anyway, to acknowledge the real reasons they lost or delve into it whatsoever. If you want to explain it away as racism, that's your prerogative, but don't be surprised when you lose yet again next time when millions of people without a racist bone in their body vote on the real issues again. Fine, Trump won because of racism--believe it to be so at your peril.
@Localyocul Im sorry but don't you think you're being a bit dogmatic with that claim?It'd be the equivalent of me claiming anyone who supports Kate is a child abuser who abuses their kids.Also i know quite a few blacks who supported trump,hell even Barack Obama's brother Malik voted for trump.
@Localyocul Im sorry but don't you think you're being a bit dogmatic with that claim?It'd be the equivalent of me claiming anyone who supports Kate is a child abuser who abuses their kids.Also i know quite a few blacks who supported trump,hell even Barack Obama's brother Malik voted for trump.
Exactly. Trump got more minority votes than Romney did!
So now even minorities themselves who voted for Trump are racist? That makes no sense.
Why is there such a refusal to accept that there were a whole lot of issues bubbling up to the surface and that depending on where you fell on those issues, that would decide your vote. I feel like voters are being made to feel like this was a one-issue election and if they came out one way on that one issue, then they're an idiot. If that were so, you're right. But I would say that at minimum there were eight to ten distinct issues in this election, and for many people, much more. For many people, it was a balancing test. If you're hitting 6-7 of this issues for one candidate, and only a couple for the other candidate, for many people, it was voting for the candidate that best aligned with how they fell on those issues even if they may have been far off on a couple others.
No pun intended, but not everyone sees racial issues as their "trump card" that cancels out everything else. Even minorities themselves. And frankly, I was not convinced an obscenely rich white privileged candidate who has mostly surrounded herself with white people her whole life had that much of some kind of fantastic read on racial issues than the other guy. I did not hear from her some grand plan to combat racism, not anything I believed was all that solid. I don't recall her mentioning it much at all. I also recall her being booed by some Black Matters groups at a speaking event, which made me raise an eyebrow. If even they're not all on board, why was she some fantastic alternative to the other guy on THIS issue?
The final recap of the season is finally up. Phew!
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