I remember once seeing my parents go into a room in a restaurant to do a scene, and in the show's storyline it was about the beginning of my parents' separation, although I'm bad at gauging time. In the scene they were supposed to be discussing some serious matter, I don't know, I was just outside the room. I remember though that the scene they were doing was inherently staged and fake. Whatever discussion they were acting out had already happened in real life, so this was at best a rehashing. When they came out though, I saw tears in my mom's eyes and I suddenly realized that this staged 'joke', 'fake' thing was effecting real life in a profound way.
I see the money I have earned and the vacations I was lucky enough to go on as 'compensatory', for lack of a better word, for a tainted childhood. I feel disappointed in language here because saying that makes it seem like my childhood as a whole was not enjoyed and just a waste. Not true. I had tons of fun and so many opportunities and friendships, and also anger, frustration... the myriad of emotions. However; money, things, and trips — all material — cannot ultimately compensate for the immaterial experiences of a childhood innocently experienced.
One of my least favorite things to do while filming was formal interviews. We sat down on a tiny uncomfortable chair, small enough to be hidden so as to not break the fourth wall; "Who set up that chair anyhow?" — this was Reality TV after all. Then the producers asked us silly repetitive questions that no right headed 6-10 year old would have a solid answer to; rather I should have been asking the questions to the adults! But I suppose they probably knew that, further creating a certain shy, relatable character in contrast to the brat that ordinarily wreaked havoc —— cunningly dynamic.
The post actually dates back a few months, but seems to have been recently discovered by the media. The only thing the adults who exploit children on reality TV can't stop is that someday they will grow up, turn 18, and can finally say whatever they like about the experience. Thank you, Jacob, for being the voice of the first generation of children who have grown up on reality TV.
632 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 632 Newer› Newest»Tucker's Mom (#199), remember how TFW claimed getting that deck was the single-most important thing she ever did for the health and welfare of her family?
You know what would benefit those kids 100x more? If she genuinely put their needs ahead of hers for once in their lives, and put even the smallest effort into co-parenting. It would've been extraordinary if SHE had been the one to grill burgers and hot dogs
on that life-changing deck for the birthday celebration, and invited the father of her children over for an hour to join them for cake. I bet Jon could've managed to be civil for that amount of time. But it is an essential part of TFW's narrative that she is a struggling single mom.
And she will keep that up no matter how much it hurts her children.
I'm pretty sure that the school is asking to not distribute invitations in the classroom unless you were inviting the whole class. I think you can call or send an invitation to their home outside of school and that's fine.
I don't think there's anything wrong with that policy. It would be like handing out invitations or inviting people to a party in front of someone else and not inviting them.
It's just polite to invite someone privately, and not in front of someone else who is not invited.
I think something like that can be hurtful even to adults, let alone children.
It teaches children to think of others' feelings, and it's a good lesson for when you're an adult to.
Flimsy (3), I think you have recognized Kate's recipe for caring.
I think she truly believes that "things" define love. She gave them a deck, great vacations, a salt water pool, DOGS!, cute clothes and a Christmas tree packed with presents. That "generosity" equals = I LOVE my children.
Kindness and consideration and respect are not a part of her equation. Perhaps she sees that behavior as a loss of control on her part. Losing control terrifies her. We have seen her make rules simply to make sure that she can enforce compliance. Try that with a house full of teenagers and see how successful you are!
A stockpile of Legos will never equal a spontaneous hug.
I'm pretty sure that the school is asking to not distribute invitations in the classroom unless you were inviting the whole class. I think you can call or send an invitation to their home outside of school and that's fine.
Bingo. It's always been that way.
Dmasy (#5), your comment made me think. Yes, maybe TFW sees being kind and gentle as weakness. And that if she lets her guard down, someone is going to take something away from her. Maybe that's why she is all about control.
And it is TFW who, nearly a decade later, refuses to co-parent with her children's father.
Jon has always seemed open to co-parenting with Kate. I think it's Kate who refuses to work with Jon, more than the necessary communication involve in visitation.
Kate thinks she always knows best and is best, without exception. Jon is the sperm donor whom she tolerates.
She could have changed the circumstances at any point, but she continues to choose not to.
I don't feel one ounce of pity for the struggle she's always complaining about. She has been beyond blessed with more money than most people can fathom.
Kate's also been blessed with family and friends who would still be bending over backwards to help her and the kids, if only she didn't kick them to the curb and refuse to even attempt rebuilding relationships.
I also tell my children never talk about a party with your friends in front of someone who was not invited. Of course it depends on the party and who was there and why, but usually it's not polite to talk about that in front of them.
Obviously not everyone can, or will be, invited everywhere, but there are instances where people can feel hurt they weren't invited also.
Dmasy, 'A stockpile of legos will never equal a spontaneous hug', I simply love the way you stated that. It represents who and what Kate is and how she is so messed up.
if SHE had been the one to grill burgers and hot dogs
on that life-changing deck for the birthday celebration, and invited the father of her children over for an hour to join them for cake. I bet Jon could've managed to be civil for that amount of time
I bet Jon could, too.
What a message and role model-ish thing that would be, to invite Jon back into the home from time to time, and stop banishing him to the other side of the gate.
Tucker's Mom (#11), yes,it would be such a wonderful life lesson to teach her children -- if not actual forgiveness, then at least tolerance and acceptance. Or, hey, how about simple kindness, compassion and respect?
In that birthday post, TFW said something about being a role model by example for her kids. She can do that without spending a dime, by simply putting her children's best interest first.
Thank you, Flimsy. I am very tenderhearted when it comes to babies and children who are abused and especially the G kids for over a decade!
I wonder what TFW thought about her kids not getting mentioned in People about celebrity kids birthdays being in May? But what is sickening is the baby diaper and a video. They paid her for the picture and the video.
I think she found out a while back that they were not going to do another cover, even their 13th and she had to come up with something to get a mention and this is what she come up with.
Has anyone thought this?
Mady and Cara will be 17 in less than 5 MONTHS!
This is exactly how articles about how "Nobody came to little Timmy's 6th birthday party" are born. The mom invites the whole class, the kid may not be friends with more than 2 kids, who perhaps can't make it that day and the rest of the kids are not interested(for obvious reasons). It becomes a tragedy, the whole country mourns(cause there aren't bigger issues mind you) and those "look, 100 strangers showed up at Timmy's b*day after mom complained on FB that nobody came". Way to teach the kid about the real world, right?
I always thought the problem with those stories was that the parent hadn't known before hand who was and who wasn't coming. It's on them if they KNEW that only 2 had RSVPd and set the kid up to think everyone had.
Mady and Cara will be 17 in less than 5 MONTHS!
I hope Kate and Jon will be encouraging them to pursue college and get their applications done, get lots of extra-curricular experiences that can help them get accepted and do lots of campus visits.
The school has every right to set policy around the distribution of invitations in their classrooms. If you find their policies conflict with your own beliefs, don't send your kids there. It's pretty simple.
Read the manual carefully. Their rule is two parts. The first tells you who you should invite to your home for your child's party (everyone, all genders, or just a few kids) and says nothing about invitations. The second forbids ALL invitations being distributed in school even if you invite everyone. I said nothing whatsoever about having an issue with their no invitation policy. In fact I think it's a good one to not mix school and pleasure. However, a school private or public has no right to tell people who must be allowed in their home, which is exactly what they said. There is a constitutional right to privacy in one's home that even a school cannot infringe upon. It would be interesting to see if a parent would be willing to take this up to the courts.
I happen to think it's an important skill to allow children to decide who is a good friend and who is not just as they will have to do in adulthood and parents have a right to decide that's what they would like. What if a parent has identified a child who bullies their child and has behavioral problems who comes to their home and attacks their child? And they were forced to invite them. No, there is a right to privacy in your home and who you allow in and schools really have some nerve to think they can tell people who must come over much less how you raise your child to handle friendships. There's a difference between being courteous to all people versus forced friendships. Also what if a parent cannot AFFORD to pay for the whole class but can afford more than a few friends? Wtf!
And it's back to the dogs.
kateplusmy8 So... I gave Shoka the yak milk chew treat (on the left), but once I'd left the room, he decided he'd rather have an organic bully stick... so he ripped open the bag and helped himself! He looked guilty but happy when I found him! #OhWell #SuitYourself #KingGermanShepherd #dogsofinstagram
Those dogs clearly don't have the run of her house if those gates are any indication. Not surprising, although she does try to convey the impression they go everywhere. Ah, someone else noticed, too:
mydmaxx2581 Kate if I didn't know you had a house FULL of teenagers I'd swear you would have toddlers because of all the baby gates.....uh I mean dog gates!!! Lol. Sometimes kinda the same isn't it?! 😜
deborahcohen1216 I have a question..... why are the other dogs allowed through out the house and in your room but Shoka is confined to your entry way?
johnpaulbachmann Isn't it dangerous to leave plastic bags where an animal can reach them .. o wait .. posed pic.
As usual, Milo refuses to acknowledge that K8's dog-lover status is recent and suspect.
miloandjack2016 LOL. This makes me happy! Your temperment has so just chilled over the yrs. And obviously Shoka KNOWS IT! Moma takes care of him...spoils him....and he feels free to help himself! 😋 @kateplusmy8
Tucker's Mom said... 16
They're only going into 11th grade though, right? And the tups into 8th? I can never keep this straight.
The tups have had parties with fewer kids- maybe filming a party is different. One party even had only a couple of guests, the boy-Lego/girl-tea party one. I guess the carnival one had the whole class(es)
I'm guessing Kate said f you to them and their policy about who must come to your private home, a rare moment where I agree with herself . Or, just as likely, they invited everyone but many parents don't want their kid filmed. I'm guessing especially with younger kids, that most parents would be very reluctant to permit a crew on a show with a million viewers to film them. Explains why only a few friends ever pop up on camera.
I happen to think it's an important skill to allow children to decide who is a good friend and who is not just as they will have to do in adulthood and parents have a right to decide that's what they would like. What if a parent has identified a child who bullies their child and has behavioral problems who comes to their home and attacks their child? And they were forced to invite them. No, there is a right to privacy in your home and who you allow in and schools really have some nerve to think they can tell people who must come over much less how you raise your child to handle friendships. There's a difference between being courteous to all people versus forced friendships. Also what if a parent cannot AFFORD to pay for the whole class but can afford more than a few friends? Wtf!
Reminds me of "Big Little Lies"!!
I wonder how this "don't play favorites" works with the twins inviting Marley on exclusive vacations?
I assume Marley is a classmate.
How does it work with the kids being able to each invite one or two friends to the parties, like the hotel sleepover?
Some kids get the full bounty of TLC's largess and it gets broadcast on tv.
Not sure how that comports with their policies.
Wow, Kate gets pizzles for her dogs. BFD.
OMG, she is so boring.
Tucker's Mom (#16), regarding college, you just said the magic words to get TFW oh-so-interested:
campus visits. If she has a chance to leave the 5 tups home and have TLC cameras traipsing across the country with her and the twins to look at every freaking college on the west coast, she'll have those girls start filling out applications immediately. Even if neither girl is interested in going out of state, or to college at all, that won't stop TFW from trying to wring an episode or 2 out of it. Especially if it gives her the opportunity to poke and dab about how fast time goes by, and how hard it's been raising those girls ALONE.
Oh I can see a few episodes spun out of college visits. Maybe Kate and the twins can rent an RV and schlepp their laundry to laundromats and maybe even camp like homeless people.
I wonder how this "don't play favorites" works with the twins inviting Marley on exclusive vacations?
I assume Marley is a classmate.
How does it work with the kids being able to each invite one or two friends to the parties, like the hotel sleepover?
Well and where does it end? Just birthday parties or what about other parties kids hold from time to time? Are they going to start micromanaging who you invite to those? I find it ironic that a school refuses to let you bring invitations on campus, which as I said is completely fine, but then don't turn around and tell people who to put on invitations you don't even want around! Geez!
I really question why as adults we get so bent out of shape about Johnny being an a-hole and not inviting Jimmy to his bday party. Why does Jimmy want to be friends anyway with someone who obviously doesn't like him? Lol. Maybe Jimmy should focus on building friendships with people who actually enjoy his company and WANT him around, and forget Johnny. Johnny will never amount anything anyway so what does Jim care!? Hey Jim, John ain't worth your time. Better to learn that sooner rather than later.
Funny as hell comment by Kate that she paid a lot for the baby gates, but will have them when she has grand kids. She must have forgotten, that children in her family will never know their grandparents. She'll be a very lonely old lady.
kateplusmy8 So... I gave Shoka the yak milk chew treat (on the left), but once I'd left the room, he decided he'd rather have an organic bully stick... so he ripped open the bag and helped himself! He looked guilty but happy when I found him! #OhWell #SuitYourself #KingGermanShepherd #dogsofinstagram
Seriously...an "organic" bully stick?! I've heard of "odor free" bully sticks (and no, they never really are) but organic?! Just what makes it organic? I wonder if she knows that it's a pizzle and if she does I wonder if she knows what a pizzle is.
The picture is totally staged. Any of my dogs would have taken their Himalayan chew and headed off for a good chew. If I had other treats they would have never known because the PLASTIC bag would have been put away out of their reach. Per TFW, Shoka opens the treat cabinet and takes what he wants. Again, put them out of his reach especially if they're in a plastic bag because the plastic bag and the twist ties will cause all sorts of problems if swallowed. Oh wait, I forgot that Shoka will unwrap the bread that she leaves out for the garbage men, eat the bread but never eat a bit of the wrapper. Her doggs are just so special. I guess there's no birthday filming going on if she's still posting dig pictures.
What is wrong with her leaving a plastic bag full of treats within reach of her dog? Of course the dog may try to get into it and could choke on the bag. She has no business owning dogs.
High Sodium Content said... 26
Funny as hell comment by Kate that she paid a lot for the baby gates, but will have them when she has grand kids
It's always about how much money Kate spends and how she gets the bestest ever of everything.
So weird, or insecure or something...
Guaranteed some if not most of those kids are going to take a page from dear old Mom and kick her to the curb and she'll never see many of her grandkids.
I predict she'll be rattling around that compound by her lonesome most of the time, or else she'll be Grey Garden'ing it with Mady.
Seriously...an "organic" bully stick?! I've heard of "odor free" bully sticks (and no, they never really are) but organic?! Just what makes it organic? I wonder if she knows that it's a pizzle and if she does I wonder if she knows what a pizzle is.
Haha, my thought exactly!
The funny thing is, bandying about the term "organic" when it comes to anything dog product involving hyde or penis means nothing. You want to look for other very key things, which I bet Kate doesn't even pay attention to.
The last thing I do is chuckle if my dogs ever get into something that I left within their reach. The absolute last thing.
Our pizzles and other chewy stuff gets placed up on the fireplace mantle at the end of the night, and dragged down after dinner the next day.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
Oh, btw, my dogs are *loving* these ears from Best Bully Sticks!
Oh how she's mellowed. Snort.
kateplusmy8 Shoka goes where he pleases.. depending on where the puppies are (bc they are all too rough together inside still..) he even sleeps on front living room sofa now! Oh how I've mellowed! 😂@deborahcohen1216
Egads! Not the Front Living Room Sofa!
johnpaulbachmann Isn't it dangerous to leave plastic bags where an animal can reach them .. o wait .. posed pic.
kateplusmy8 Nope! He opens the cabinet and gets into the treat basket.. @johnpaulbachmann
So in other words, you've left these in a cabinet he can reach? With ALL of the cabinet space in that house? Sounds rather unlikely.
johnpaulbachmann Suggest you not leave plastic bags or other materials dangerous to animals/small children in the treat basket then? #SafetyFirst
kateplusmy8 Ha! Clearly you've never owned a German Shepherd! They get into and eat EVERYTHING! There's no way to prevent everything! I'm a diligent mom and dog mom. It'll be okay! But thanks for your concern... if that's what you were offering:)! @johnpaulbachmann
Yes, there is a way to prevent it. Put it where they can't get to it. Isn't that what the gates are purportedly there for?
miloandjack2016@kateplusmy8 Shoka has experience in getting into treats! Remember your fresh baked xmas goods all nicely wrapped as presents? Shoka so appreciated them! LOL. He did sort of "unwrap" them! 😋
Uh, has Milo forgotten that K8 LEFT those baked goods outdoors where the dog could easily get to them?
Tucker's Mom (#29), I've said before that I bet at least one kid does a geographic and moves far, far away from Mommie Dearest and is never heard from again.
Tucker's Mom said... 29
High Sodium Content said... 26
Funny as hell comment by Kate that she paid a lot for the baby gates, but will have them when she has grand kids
It's always about how much money Kate spends and how she gets the bestest ever of everything.
So weird, or insecure or something...
Sadly it's something that can be said is so weird or insecure or something of many people.
kateplusmy8 Ha! Clearly you've never owned a German Shepherd! They get into and eat EVERYTHING! There's no way to prevent everything! I'm a diligent mom and dog mom. It'll be okay! But thanks for your concern... if that's what you were offering:)! @johnpaulbachmann
You can tell the days when Kate is itching to be a nasty bitch by her snotty responses.
Surprised she didn't end with "Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!"
Maybe, just maybe, the dogs' treat cabinet should have a childproof latch?
Well, TFW has just given a preview of the kind of grandmother she'll be. If one of her grandchildren climbs up and eats one of those pretty, colorful Tide laundry pads on her watch and ends up in the ER,
I guess TFW will just laugh and say,
"Clearly you've never had a toddler!
They get into and eat EVERYTHING!"
And if Shoka gets into the treats, does TFW expect he'll use common sense and restraint and think, "Ooh, I better not eat too many of these
or I'll get sick. Better save some for tomorrow!" Remember, she believed her toddlers were fully capable of controlling their behavior, and were only naughty to push her buttons. I wouldn't trust her to raise a cactus.
They get into and eat EVERYTHING! There's no way to prevent everything! I'm a diligent mom and dog mom.
Yes, there is a way to prevent this incident. Put the plastic bag away when you get home and put the treats away up high in a cabinet. This is not difficult. Oh and GS are not inherently trouble makers. On the contrary they are extremely intelligent and trainable. You can easily train a GS to look at the bag of treats for hours and never try to eat one much easier than you could many other breeds. I'm beginning to think it was a good idea her poor kids were locked in their cribs so much. If she can't baby proof for a dog lord knows she can't for a human.
. I'm beginning to think it was a good idea her poor kids were locked in their cribs so much. If she can't baby proof for a dog lord knows she can't for a human.
8 children and furniture all over the house was not secured, allowing the kids to pull heavy pieces over. Instead of feeling angry at herself for putting her kids in danger, she got mad at THEM for knocking her drawers over.
TFW is absolutely manic on IG tonight....they must not be filming.
Read the manual carefully. Their rule is two parts. The first tells you who you should invite to your home for your child's party (everyone, all genders, or just a few kids) and says nothing about invitations.
I think it is you who needs to read carefully...and to learn the definition of basic words, such as the difference between rule and suggestion. The only RULE is about invitations. There is no RULE regarding parties outside of class.
I think you should take the PA bar and offer your services pro bono to the poor beleaguered parents at this school. And be sure to video when you are laughed out of court.
I think it is you who needs to read carefully...and to learn the definition of basic words, such as the difference between rule and suggestion. The only RULE is about invitations. There is no RULE regarding parties outside of clas
Strong suggestion, advisement, policy, whatever, bottom line it's none of their damn business who you want, and don't want, over at your home and the idea that any school thinks they should even so much as comment on someone's choices outside school is pretty astounding and a reflection of how big brother schools have become. Disgusting. Forget the expense of hosting 20 plus kids at your house or some other venue if you can find one, many parents part of such school policies point out that it's a financial hardship to constantly receive invitations to ATTEND parties throughout the year, including getting a present, for some kid your kid doesn't even really pal around with but you don't want your kid to be the only kid in the class who didn't show up. And constantly having your little kid off somewhere often at a strangers house on the weekend.
In the name of no hurt feelings, as usual schools don't think this through. I predict a lot of 20 somethings in the future butt hurt and shedding tears when they don't get an invite to the bday party, wedding, gender reveal, whatever. What a world.
Saw a few comments concerned about Skoka and the plastic bag. I'm sure she probably deleted several. She's now claiming Shoka opened the cabinet to retrieve the treat bag. Her story is getting more convoluted as she goes. If he is so smart he can open the cabinet sounds like it would be pretty easy to teach him not to do so. And did she just admit the pups are too rough to allow inside full-time? That was quite a slip up.
Milo and Kate are peddling that "I've mellowed" BS again. The show is proof she has not mellowed but actually gotten worse.
To those with estranged mothers on Mother's Day:
When the element of basic trust in your mother is precarious, it can, and likely will, distort the expectations for all other relationships in your life.
Well, this is weird. Collin WAS absent from last August's People photo shoot, wasn't he? Yet here he appears in one of the photos taken from that day. Photoshop? If so, how deplorable.
We have a German Shepherd and the day I allow her to have access to a plastic bag to chew on is the day someone should take her away from me. What a stupid person she is thinking it is ok to allow them to eat plastic bags.
Totally OT...today is the 25th annual Stamp Out Hunger food drive.
Mail carriers will be picking up grocery donations left outside homes along their routes. If bad weather is a factor, you can also drop donations off at your local post office!
Sad but true said... 44
That photo is from an earlier shoot in 2013. I think the last time Collin was 'seen' was on the game show episode and the couch interviews from the last bunch of K+8's.
There's a New York post article today: a tribute to single moms for Mother's Day.
One challenging situation the author gives women credit for handling with grace: "Every time your children’s father, who has
a new family, picked up your children for a day out like a big shot, and you made him feel welcome because the kids came first."
TFW's kids never come first. NEVER.
Schools don't tell you who you can invite to things. They say do not hand out invitations at school unless everyone is invited. You can email/mail invites to whoever you want
Schools don't tell you who you can invite to things. They say do not hand out invitations at school unless everyone is invited. You can email/mail invites to whoever you want
This school does. This school does both!
Will TFW be posting her kids' personal Mother's Day cards to her? She claims to be so respectful when she says they don't want their pictures taken, but I guess their private thoughts are fair game to share with the world.
I'll never forget the twins' handwritten, misspelled bedroom sign saying "no cameras allowed." But that request fell on deaf ears.
Kate HATES when anyone questions her mothering, and when I see her dig her heels in when she's called out for something that's blatantly wrong (letting dogs get in cabinets), it really scares me for her kids.
There's no arguing with safely securing both dog and human food, but there's Kate, "don't question my mothering!!!!!!"
Tucker's Mom (#52), and this chick has nothing but time on her hands. You can see a real single mom with a full-time job and 7 kids and 3 dogs might have something slip through the cracks, and would be genuinely appreciative that someone pointed out her oversight. TFW has her kids away at school all day, no job to speak of, and plenty of household help. Lots of time and opportunities to organize an efficient system to keep her dogs away from things that might harm them. But one comment questioning her judgment has her snap back about being a "diligent mom and dog mom."
Hey, Snappy McSnapperson, remember -- you made your life our business.
I stand corrected; I hadn't seen that ludicrous part of the handbook someone posted. Well, my daughter's public school only had rules about handing out invitations at school, not who to invite. That is a little over the top
This school does. This school does both!
I see the school offered a suggestion. I see no mandates.
Formerly Duped said... 47
Thanks. So the 2016 shoot used the exact same motif as the one from 2013? Everyone in white and outdoors acting playful, happy and carefree? How bizarre.
Mommy and baby #NookiePookie. She's really going after those Mother's Day numbers with both barrels.
kateplusmy8 Just a throwback pic of me and my girl from last year when she was just a wee thing! A friend just sent me a bunch of pics we had never seen before! #Nanuq #AMomsBestFriend #KingGermanShepherd #SableShepherd #ShesOneNow
Everyone's commenting on K8's hair in this photo, which looks quite dark. Maybe that'll be an exciting new change in the upcoming season, back to her natural color. Yawn.
The way the school phrases who you can invite to your house it is "it is suggested" and "please make every effort."
But let's be honest, who wants to be the lone couple parents blatantly defying the school's attempt to shame you into allowing every single child to come over to your house? Who wants to put their kid in a position where they're the only couple kids who won't invite everyone? (Perhaps for very good reason, like the family can't afford it). It's strong-arming and shaming, and they know it.
They have no right to "suggest" who should come to your home, or ask you to make every effort to do something when it comes to your home. They simply don't. Your home is your home, your finances are your finances when it comes to your parties, and schools can just butt out.
She is no social-media conversationalist.
barbgilmer1@kateplusmy8 Oh look how precious she is! Yep she's 1 and so is my Rocky but Rocky turned one on your birthday!
kateplusmy8 I hoped mine would be born on my bday too.. or at least in march! All our other pets share the kids bday months, so it was my turn lol .. Shoka shares October with Cara and Mady. And Zorro shares may with the little kids! 😂 @barbgilmer1
This is among the stupider things she's said. With her pups being born 3+ weeks after her b'day, there was never even the remotest possibility the two would coincide. Who TF cares if your pet is born on your b'day, or even in your birth month? She makes it sound like this is something her kids enjoyed, but she missed out on. Like it has some cosmic significance. So odd.
Her big IG Teenage Birthday flutter was clearly a flash in the pan, with a bit more than 4K likes for yesterday's post and today's still in the low 3Ks. It just makes the buying all the more obvious.
kateplusmy8 Just a throwback pic of me and my girl from last year when she was just a wee thing!
Sad to think that there's not a throwback pic of Collin from a year ago.
I'm sure tomorrow, Kate will be all "Best Mother ever!", "My kids told me so!", with no Collin in sight.
Sad but true said... 56
This is the newer one; the photo of Colin alone is older.
Hey, Snappy McSnapperson, remember -- you made your life our business.
Not only through the shows, but Kate keeps on putting her gaffs out there on social media!
You don't want people to be critical about you not even attempting to keep your dogs safe? Don't post a pic with your dog and a plastic bag he supposedly helped himself to!
Also, my bet is that all those gates are to keep Shoka separated from Mak and Nookie because they FIGHT, not because they play rough. IME, many older dogs have little to no tolerance for youthful puppies, especially one who is challenging the Alpha position in the home.
Kate wants to paint this paternal relationship between Shoka and his offspring, but Shoka has ruled his kingdom for many years and sometimes the friction can lead to outright fighting.
Our little bichon was a cutie patootie little puppy, but it didn't take long for him to challenge our senior Beardie 3x his size, and let me tell you, it got a bit hair raising
Jon with his brothers and nephew.
Two relations that will never be uttered or seen in Kate's compound.
I know that she said that she had #NookiePookie spayed but has she had Shoka and Mak neutered? Unaltered males will fight more than altered males. If Shoka has the run of the house why is there a water bowl in the hallway? Mine's got one and it's in the kitchen.
I wish someone would point out that the pups were born in same month the father of TFW's
8 children was born.
The twins will be 18 in just 17 months. They will be legal adults. Kate has to be dreading that day because she cannot sign contracts for them when they are adults. For now she can sign all the contracts and make sure she gets the big paycheck all for herself while the kids split their paltry 15% (which goes into an account that she can access, so she might as well just get all the money). But when M&C are 18, they will be signing their own contracts and they can hold out for more money for themselves and they can negotiate for more. There seems to be a finite amount of money to go around for each episode, and if M&C demand more, that will mean less for Kate. And they do not have to give her access to the money they earn. I can see Cara deciding she doesn't want to be part of filming, and Mady thinking she should be paid as much as her mother, knowing that she is a big part of the show.
TFW's worst nightmare is about to come true. She will NOT be in charge, and there's nothing she can do about it. As she always said, they can never go back.
What the heck is wrong with Milo and her ? marks at the end of another inane statement? Does she think that will force Kate to respond to her? What a dolt!!!
I would assume that Shoka has not been neutered since some or all the puppies are his.
I didn't realize we're that close to 18 for two of these kids. That's when everything changed for Jacob Roloff, when he could finally decide for himself what role the show would play in his life. I think at this point there is a good chance the show will still be around by that time, even on a limited basis. Things are about to get really interesting, because I think it's a real question whether Cara is going to sign on that dotted line.
Also too, we have to keep in mind the older they get the more they are going to be thinking for themselves, thinking critically about this show and their growing up years on it. The less they will be able to be pushed around by adults like when they were younger, told what to think, or told what to do.
I have news for you. Schools make suggestions to parents all the time about what should go on in their home. Ever heard of something called homework? It is expected to be done…at home.
I'm surprised you're making such a comparison with a straight face.
Homework is directly related to the child's academics, and it does not intrude on the privacy of the family home in any way, shape, or form to request that it be completed outside school hours. Homework is an intangible object, not a human being. It does not hurt you or burden you financially to sit your child down with their math assignment after dinner.
Asking parents to allow a HUMAN BEING into their home they may not want there or can afford to have there, and in fact guilting them into it in the name of "hurt feelings" is a whole other level and a quick google of the internet shows countless parents outraged when schools impose such policies.
Schools have every right to dictate how a child's academics will be handled. Their slippery slope however intruding into the less tangible aspects of parenting under threat of "hurt feelings" has gotten out of control.
And Milo takes K8's stupid remark to its inevitably more stupid conclusion.
miloandjack2016@kateplusmy8 My bd is in April...do I get to be their #PupsStepMom? 😇
miloandjack2016 That is one cute #NookiePookie look! Like our kids....not giving you her usual smiley face! I bet you disturbed her sleep? @kateplusmy8
Say yes, K8, I dare ya! :)
Ooh, new heckler.
jha3258 If you planned on Collin coming back, why did you get rid of the chickens?
jha3258 Kate, do you ever talk to Deanna? I haven't seen her for a long time. I remember one of the twins say she was like an aunt, or some kind of relative.
jha3258 Oop's...I accidentally pushed enter. Anyway, does she still do your makeup and take care of the kids? Is she still living above the garage?
Kylie (#67), yes, Gladys' question marks are as consistent as her LOL's. I guess she figures a direct question -- no matter how inane -- might possibly lead to an answer. She is desperate for connection with TFW, and I imagine she's wounded every time her heroine responds to someone else while ignoring her. I guess them's the breaks when you choose to worship someone
who wouldn't spit on you if you were on fire.
Kylie said... 68
I would assume that Shoka has not been neutered since some or all the puppies are his.
I know that Shoka was the stud but I was wondering if she might have had him altered after he "fathered" the puppies.
"Impose" is the key word. The school has NOT "imposed" a policy of parents inviting the whole class to birthday parties.
As I said above a suggestion is not a mandate.
kateplusmy8Here he is! @zorrothebird riding in his favorite spot! You asked to see him so he decided to 'pop out' and make an appearance!! #Zorro #Alexis #BestFriends💕
Great. Proof of life for Zorro. How about Collin?
Sad but true said... 72
Ooh, new heckler.
I wonder if Kate can #TLC REMOVE PLEASE!!!!! for this one ;-)
And the bird is in Alexis's shirt. Again.
kateplusmy8 Here he is! @zorrothebird riding in his favorite spot! You asked to see him so he decided to 'pop out' and make an appearance!! #Zorro #Alexis #BestFriends💕
miloandjack2016 Giving us that ole #SideEyeLook! No surprise he's cozied up w/Alexis! Does he still occupy your shoulder in the mornings? And wondering....can he co-exist in same room w/your dogs now? @kateplusmy8
I assume the "huh" is for the question about the chickens, lol.
kateplusmy8 Lol yes she's like our 'aunt' and friend and she does our hair and makeup sometimes but she has never lived above our garage lol. She lives in NYC! @jha3258
kateplusmy8 Huh? @jha3258
So her kids are away from home about
8 hours a day during the school week, but TFW chooses a Saturday afternoon to chitchat with random strangers? I've never gotten the sense that she truly enjoys spending time with her children. I don't mean TLC-sponsored vacations and outings. I mean just being present with them -- chatting, listening, and simply enjoying their company.
kateplusmy8 Lol yes she's like our 'aunt' and friend and she does our hair and makeup sometimes but she has never lived above our garage lol. She lives in NYC! @jha3258
Does your hair and makeup sometimes?
Deanna was Kate's sidekick and mouthpiece for a very long time. She spent tons of time away from her home and work to be with Kate and the kids filming K+8 and let's not forget, Celeb Wife Swap.
She was a cast member!
Deanna was a long-term interloper hanger on-er, not just some occasional hair and makeup artist.
Tucker's Mom (#81), isn't it sad that the G kids have to settle for someone who's only "like an aunt," when they have actual aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents who have been banished from their lives? People who aren't on Mommy's and/or TLC's payroll?
TFW has knowingly, willingly, and deliberately deprived her children of family relationships which could enrich their lives forever. She can take her #FamilyLove hashtags and shove them.
She's spent a lot of time on IG today. Kids with Dad?
miloandjack2016 Giving us that ole #SideEyeLook! No surprise he's cozied up w/Alexis! Does he still occupy your shoulder in the mornings? And wondering....can he co-exist in same room w/your dogs now? @kateplusmy8
kateplusmy8 Sometimes and yes he can be in same room with them but we just make sure to keep tabs on everyone to keep all safe. Nuq and he are friends but I can't take the chance of letting them get too close for obvious reasons... @miloandjack2016
I wonder how she knows that Nuq and Zorro are friends, but not Mak or Shoka. Oh that's right--she doesn't have a freakin' clue.
njdev26 Just went to the pet store... why is it that I can't leave without buying a treat for my sweet bird ( spoiled pet). ❤️🐥
kateplusmy8 Same! @njdev26
miloandjack2016@kateplusmy8 Well that is good family progress! Nice to hear feathers/fur and human skin can all be kin!! 😋
miloandjack2016 You plan on adding any more "pets"... more #LoveIsInTheMix anytime soon? @kateplusmy8
miloandjack2016@kateplusmy8 My bd is in April...do I get to be their #PupsStepMom? 😇
Oh, good grief. Remember when Emily Trust Fund was pestering Kate to be godmother when she has kids? These sheep are nuts, not to mention scary and obsessed.
Why does Gladys freak out when someone suggests she and Kate get together? That's the $64,000 question. If she's so much in love with her, why has she passed up the opportunity to kiss the ground she walks on?
Enough already Milo,im starting to believe LOM doesn't exist since she keeps trying so hard to get Kate's attention.miloandjack2016 Ha...you IGNORED the question??? #MorePets. @kateplusmy8. You need to keep adding til the grandkids arrive! 😲 miloandjack2016 @kateplusmy8 Has Zorro mastered any new words? I remember he was singing some Selena Gs song!
If TFW keeps tabs on Shoka with Zorro as diligintly as she does with the doggie treats, I'm surprised the bird is still alive.
WTF is she smoking! We've had two German Shepards. We got one at five years old and he never got into anything. Our last one we got at eight weeks and once he was trained, he didn't get into anything. She is so full of sh&t. He gets into things because she's freakin lazy.
Admin...you are absolutely right. Our last GS we trained that he was not allowed to touch his food or a treat until we gave the command. We would tell him sit, say "leave it" and he wouldn't move until we said "okay". Again, she's full of sh&t.
Capecodmama (#87),I have every reason to believe TFW is using the same hands-off parenting style with her dogs as she used with her small children. As long as the kids were out of her way and she didn't hear any furniture crashing to the ground, she assumed all was well, and left them to their own devices.
That fussy mother hen routine with the kids and the pets is just an act.
WTF is she smoking! We've had two German Shepards. We got one at five years old and he never got into anything. Our last one we got at eight weeks and once he was trained, he didn't get into anything. She is so full of sh&t. He gets into things because she's freakin lazy.
German shepherds wouldn't be such popular police dogs if they were not so darn good at being trained. They are militant once trained.
There is no breed that is inherently "bad." Some are harder to train than others, but GS ain't one of them. They are very smart, want to learn, and once taught, have learned. She is an irresponsible and lazy dog owner plain and simple, and doesn't even have enough sense to try to hide it.
Admin...you are absolutely right. Our last GS we trained that he was not allowed to touch his food or a treat until we gave the command. We would tell him sit, say "leave it" and he wouldn't move until we said "okay". Again, she's full of sh&t.
It's the same with my bulldog Capecodmama, he has to sit and wait for us to tell him "OK" before he eats. He's also quite familiar with the "leave it" command. And if her dogs are running wild and/or fighting in the house it just tells me that the only training she's done with them was for the episode when the trainer came to them. her puppies are a day older than mine so she can't blame it on age especially since bulldogs are notoriously hard headed and take every command as a suggestion (and decide if they want to follow said suggestion). It was a totally staged picture and the more she digs in to say that he goes into the cabinet to take what he wants, the bigger the fool she looks like for allowing him to do so.
The twins will be 18 in just 17 months. They will be legal adults. Kate has to be dreading that day because she cannot sign contracts for them when they are adults
They can also find out that the money IS NOT all Kates. In fact, I don't think they really understand that they also were working and get a paycheck too. It wouldn't surprise me if she drummed it in them that they come into frame they go out of frame. Therefore they play she works.
Jamesvader1194 (#85), uh oh, did Gladys just says she was being IGNORED? Hide the bunny, TFW!
They can also find out that the money IS NOT all Kates. In fact, I don't think they really understand that they also were working and get a paycheck too. It wouldn't surprise me if she drummed it in them that they come into frame they go out of frame. Therefore they play she works.
If you never got around to reading Melissa Frances's book, it's a must read.
It's fascinating to watch her progression as she grows into a woman and develops a realization she is getting screwed. It starts with her just feeling something is not right, but not able to grasp what or how to deal with it, as she is just a child. Sometimes I recognize that pouty look on children like Alexis. Knowing something is not right, but too young to understand it. It evolves into Missy being about the twins age and really understanding both that her mother is deranged and that she, Missy, is getting screwed out of her money and her childhood. She eventually hatches a plan to launder her own money back to her. Eventually, early in adulthood, she estranges her mother.
We'll see how the Gosselin kids handle things as they get older, but they easily are getting just as screwed as Missy was. They'd be idiots not to eventually see it.
Hey Admin, where is my comment that you quoted from. Did Zorro eat it? lol Just kidding. Does make me go "say what?" hehe
How does she know the dog opened the cabinet and took out the plastic bag anyway? Wouldn't you assume one of the kids maybe took it out for him and then left the bag out inadvertently?
If she saw him open the cabinet, why didn't she stop him? And if he's opened the cabinet before, why didn't she child proof it, or put his treats up high?
I think her story is convoluted and not credible, involving significant backpedaling after she realized many people did not find this little stunt "cute." To this day she is wholly unable to anticipate how people will react to the things she spews out. From Collin to the dogs, she just can't predict the public.
I think her story is convoluted and not credible, involving significant backpedaling after she realized many people did not find this little stunt "cute."
Bingo. You'd think after the blowback Kate got from her 'cute' story about Shoka (oh, sorry, I think Shoka actually told that story *eyeroll*) getting into the plastic-wrapped baked goods on the trash cans, she'd think twice about broadcasting that her dogs can routinely get into cabinets and into plastic bags.
Again, what is wrong with her? It's a wake up call to protect your dog, not a photo op for your social media.
Most people would be smacking their heads, thinking "dummy! fix that! It's dangerous!".
Quick story- Our old bichon got into a box of cookies in our garage. The box was on the second (from the bottom) shelf, but he reached up and pulled it down, and unwrapped 3-4 individually-wrapped cookies in the box! How do you do that without thumbs?!
Anyway, I taped a huge sign on our shelves 'NO FOOD BELOW HERE THAT XXXX CAN REACH!!!'
If any of our dogs figured out how to open cabinets, there would be child-proofing done before the sun went down that day.
Tucker's Mom said... 98
If any of our dogs figured out how to open cabinets, there would be child-proofing done before the sun went down that day.
Yeah, this from the woman whose children couldn't even help themselves to a drink or a snack for most of their lives just reeks of BS. The constant reminders of how she's "mellowed" are yet another conscious reinvention of her image for public consumption. Too bad the fictions she provides on IG don't translate for TV.
Admin (#95), and the G kids have lots of siblings to corroborate their recollections of working throughout their childhoods. It'll be a bit of a challenge for TFW to gaslight 7 kids, although I bet she tries. And those old episodes will be damning evidence if Mommie Dearest tries to claim that filming was nothing but fun fun fun.
In typical fashion TFW posted the baby #NookiePookie and Zorro pictures to deflect from her Shoka plastic bag faux pas picture/post. She hasn't however posted Amy Mother's Day pictures yet. If those are your comments njay they are priceless and she hasn't deleted them yet.
Happy Mother's Day to all on this blog!
Happy Mother's Day to all of our moms here; human moms and fur baby moms and feathered mom.
We've got a very nurturing bunch here!
I hope you get to relax in your muumuus and Crocs and enjoy a Rumpsringa or three ;-)
Interesting that, after Admin posted last night that the kids might not actually know they are being paid, TFW posted today that the kids used "THEIR" money together and got her a new iPad for Mother's Day.
kateplusmy8 HAPPY MOTHERS DAY, MOMS! I woke up to this and a huge exciting surprise gift! My kids put THEIR money together and got me a new iPad!!! I was shocked and I cried tears of joy! The beautiful breakfast was enough for me but their love they showed in coming up with the perfect gift AND buying it (and keeping it a surprise!) overwhelmed me! I was still using the ORIGINAL iPad version and it wasn't working so well anymore! Thanks, kids! I LOVE YOU ALL SOOOO MUCH! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
"Shocked and cried tears of joy"? Holy histrionics, Batman! Can she just get over herself already?
This guy is just full of gibberish.
nick_moy You must be SO SO PROUD of them.. and you probably feel even a greater love for them.. But I am not at all surprise of their display of affection as I see and sense the way you guide and teach them to be thoughtful and respectful to others are shown by their short appearance on your show.. (few close up) This day is just a preview of all your hard work.. and an indication of the beautiful adults they will become... You have a Very HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY.. and have positive thoughts and a smile ALL day today.. Be proud of your children.. but pat yourself on the back as well... YOU deserve it... ☺☺
What the heck does this mean: "the way you guide and teach them to be thoughtful and respectful to others are shown by their short appearance on your show.. (few close up)"? Has he actually SEEN this show, lol?
dague12 Very sweet! Bittersweet though - they did an amazing and thoughtful thing but how are they old enough to pull that off already?! 😭😭
dague12 Did they make that mug? It is beautiful.
kateplusmy8 I know! I thought the same thing as I looked around my bed at them! Lol! Gone are the days of cute scribbly cards and cereal and milk! 😥 It's been replaced with neatly created homemade cards and a restaurant quality homemade breakfast... AND a REAL Mother's Day gift too! 😥😥😥😁😁😁 Oh yes, Hannah painted that for me years ago! @dague12
I guess previous M-Day gifts are not quite as "real" as a top-of-the-line iPad. I doubt any of them are still around the house.
From Lancaster Online. How does she do it without filming the heck out of her kids on reality television, plus nannies, housekeepers, three cars and a saltwater pool?
"Karen Sauder’s calendar last Wednesday already included a portrait session at the mall for her youngest child, a quick lunch, some home-schooling lessons and a dental appointment for her 8-year-old son, Mark.
The day before? Daughter Autumn’s 15th birthday. On the horizon? Oldest son Josiah’s high school graduation.
With seven children at home — in addition to the three above, there are Janae, 12; Zachary, 9; Micah, 7; and an infant who’s still with them via foster care — and a husband, Randy, who’s a long-haul truck driver, many of the day-to-day family responsibilities fall solely on this Reinholds mother’s shoulders.
But she just smiles when asked how she juggles it all.
"Well, the kids did arrive one at a time!” she laughs. “Everything just kind of adjusts, and it’s just our 'normal.'"
And tucked in the midst of it all, on Mother’s Day, one of the Sauder family’s biggest events of the year: the annual Make-A-Wish truck convoy.
Sauder was nominated for the convoy’s World’s Best Mom honors by a family friend, for the work she’s done for the cause.
The Sauders have built their family through birth, foster care and adoption, and the seven they raise range in age from 1 to 17.
“We had a son, and then we had two daughters,” she says, “and afterward, when we discussed having a fourth, we decided, well, we’re going to adopt. We weren’t planning at first to do foster care ... and we ended up doing foster care.
“So our one son came to us when he was 2 days old, in 2007. In 2008 his mom had another baby, so his brother joined us. In September 2009 they were adopted and in December 2009 we got a call that mom had another baby, so we got their brother. And we were full!”
That is, until last September, when they got word that another baby needed a home. So a seventh child, a round-cheeked boy who just recently has learned to gleefully toddle around, is with the Sauder family through foster care.
Make-A-Wish has been such an integral part of the Sauders’ lives that Karen and Randy can’t quite remember how their involvement actually began.
Randy, who owns a trucking business, drives in the local Mother’s Day convoy. His father, Marvin, is one of the annual truck convoy’s top money-raisers year after year, and Karen remembers watching the convoy pass near her parents’ Akron-area farm when she was a teenager.
And the Sauder children, too, have grown up watching and, later, helping their parents prepare company trucks for the convoy.
“I have pictures of you and (younger sister) Janae laying on blankets in the shade to nap under a trailer,” Karen tells Autumn, “because we would be spending all day polishing trailers.”
What is it about Make-A-Wish that’s captured Sauder’s heart? Why, between home schooling some of their children, therapy appointments, doctor visits, volunteer projects, activities at Gehman Mennonite Church and working through the early-childhood traumas some of their children face, does she devote time to Make-A-Wish as well?
“Well, as you can see,” she says, gesturing to the three of her four children who have joined her for lunch, “it’s about the kids.”
kateplusmy8 I know! I thought the same thing as I looked around my bed at them! Lol! Gone are the days of cute scribbly cards and cereal and milk! 😥 It's been replaced with neatly created homemade cards and a restaurant quality homemade breakfast... AND a REAL Mother's Day gift too! 😥😥😥😁😁😁 Oh yes, Hannah painted that for me years ago! @dague12
This just shows what a materialistic person Kate is. To her, a gift is not REAL unless it's been bought and paid for.
The most precious gifts that I have ever received from my daughter and my grandchildren, are those that were hand-made. It showed how much time and effort they took to show their love and appreciation.
For Kate, it's not the thought that counts--it's how much money it costs.
kateplusmy8HAPPY MOTHERS DAY, MOMS! I woke up to this and a huge exciting surprise gift! My kids put THEIR money together and got me a new iPad!!! I was shocked and I cried tears of joy! The beautiful breakfast was enough for me but their love they showed in coming up with the perfect gift AND buying it (and keeping it a surprise!) overwhelmed me! I was still using the ORIGINAL iPad version and it wasn't working so well anymore! Thanks, kids! I LOVE YOU ALL
I'm sure I'm not the only one to post this and say: There are no words.
This woman has made her boys get up before the crack of dawn to use computers because she refuses to get an adequate number which allows more of them to do their homework after school, and now they feel so sorry for her that THEY buy HER an IPad?
I'd hang my head in shame.
Shame on you, Kate. Shame on you.
I hope Kate gets publicly ridiculed for raking in MILLIONS over the decade she's put her kids to work, and they pool their money to get poor Kate an IPad.
AND a REAL Mother's Day gift too! 😥😥😥😁😁😁
'scuse my French, but it's either that or the f-bomb.
Collin's gift of a mother bear and cub was a REAL gift but she dismissed that as "weird". I just can't get that little disappointed lad out of my head.
It's truly unbelievable she calls an iPad a "real" gift. F her. How did these kids buy an iPad anyway? They can't have credit cards and it is not wise to carry around that kind of cash. The new iPads are in the neighborhood of 500-700 bucks and more.
If those are your comments njay they are priceless and she hasn't deleted them yet.
I'm going to delete my busted comment so my cover isn't blown too bad.
Lanc Native said... 106
From Lancaster Online. How does she do it without filming the heck out of her kids on reality television, plus nannies, housekeepers, three cars and a saltwater pool?
"Karen Sauder’s calendar last Wednesday already included a portrait session at the mall for her youngest child, a quick lunch, some home-schooling lessons and a dental appointment for her 8-year-old son, Mark.
Thanks for the article, Lanc Native. That's one beautiful family and amazing story.
Couple other thoughts. Does anyone find it strange that little kids would have unfettered access to the kind of money it takes to secretly buy an iPad without adults knowing? I would be worried they would make some stupid huge purchase that might not be able to be returned (like an ipad). Of course they are entitled to every penny they have earned, BUT they are not old enough to be in control of large amounts of cash at once, which is what trustees are for. Does anyone else think this is a subtle attempt for her to prove that she makes sure the kids have free access to plenty of their money? What a tool.
And on another note, when an iPad is a PERFECT gift for you, it's time to unplug.
Admin - I think her comment about the kids having enough money to purchase a REAL gift, was because she reads here and wants everyone to know that the kids have THEIR (as she put it) own money. I agree though that's a lot of cash for kids their age to be walking around with. Maybe they charged it to her account and she will be using THEIR money to pay for it.
The kids would have to kick in ~$50-$75 each, and then hand it over to someone who actually bought the gift (lacky of the moment?).
It's way too much for 12-year olds to be giving their millionaire Mommy. At that age, a card, a meal and maybe a little gift should be all any mother needs.
I hope the kids are allowed to pool their resources and buy another computer so more of them can get their homework done after school instead of o'dark thirty before school.
You think Kate couldn't look any more out of touch, and then she posts this.
If TFW wasn't such a greedy, selfish, self-centered cow, she would suggest that that new iPad
be used by the WHOLE FAMILY. That is a ridiculously extravagant gift for her to accept just for herself.
But tone-deaf heifer that,she is, she decided to brag about it, thinking it reflects well on her that her children are so generous towards her.
I'm not even sure these big box stores they would have gotten it from like Apple or Target would sell their big ticket glass box items to minors. Too much liability. If I were the clerk there I'd be saying, where's your parents? It's not like when a 16 year old comes into Target to buy some M&Ms and a diet coke. Bottom line I think SHE cooked this up then told a tall tale about the kids thinking of it.
Also, wouldn't a normal mother carefully say, without hurting their feelings, kids it's SO thoughtful of you to buy me such an extravagant gift, but, it's not necessary to splurge like that or a good use of our money, etc. Or at least make sure they understand hugs and some flowers is fine and means just as much.
I actually think she bought it for herself and then claimed that the kids bought it for her.
Notice how she just had to stress that the kids "put THEIR(with "their" in caps) together". Who says something like that? Most people would just say "my kids surprised me with a new Ipad" or "my kids got me a new Ipad for Mother's Day".
But Kate had to specifically point out they used THEIR own money.
Or maybe "Aunt Deanna" or "Uncle Steve" "paid" for it.
She's an idiot. Nobody is saying the kids some of them only THIRTEEN years old should have access to oodles of cash, hundreds of dollars when they pool it together, to spend as they please. Now, some of the money should be spent on things that directly relate to their future, like good schools and good college prep. The rest being saved.
The point is that a healthy trust fund and responsible trustee should be in place for every single one of them, to be used for college and a hefty cash start to life when they are old enough to manage it themselves. What they use it for is up to them, but the worst thing that can be done is give them free access to large amounts of it NOW, when they are just way too young to make good decisions about its use. When they are 30 and need cash for a down payment, they will regret being able to buy a 700 dollar iPad when they were 13.
But yes Kate, congratulations, you've paid your kids for a DECADE of work. What do you want, a pat on the head?
How did they go out and buy this since the twins don't drive, and if they ordered it on-line she would see the package.I remember one episode TFW said she kept 'their' money and an account of who had what- the Maine trip I think. She bought it herself, maybe with their money!Wonder if Collin in his 'school' hand-made her a gift and had it sent to her, which she scoffed at and discarded?
How did they go out and buy this since the twins don't drive, and if they ordered it on-line she would see the package.I remember one episode TFW said she kept 'their' money and an account of who had what- the Maine trip I think. She bought it herself, maybe with their money!Wonder if Collin in his 'school' hand-made her a gift and had it sent to her, which she scoffed at and discarded?
Young kids who have free access to large amounts of cash without their parent knowing a thing, is playing with fire. This is how kids can start buying things they shouldn't without anyone noticing, like drugs. If you watch every dollar, this becomes much harder.
It's simply absurd that a child this age could secretly purchase something like an iPad. It's not flowers!
I am a big believer in adults keeping extremely close tabs on a child's money until they are 18. They're not ready for big ticket purchases, Kate. They're too young to think it through.
LOL, well done, njay!
jha3258 That is so awesome and sweet. That is a two fol d gift. Not only do you have a new one, you can turn around and give the boy tups the old one so they don't have to get up so early to do their homework. Wow, that would really show them that you will unselfishly do everything you can to provide them with what they need. What mother would give their kids a gift on mother's day. You
Also, wouldn't a normal mother carefully say, without hurting their feelings, kids it's SO thoughtful of you to buy me such an extravagant gift, but, it's not necessary to splurge like that or a good use of our money, etc. Or at least make sure they understand hugs and some flowers is fine and means just as much.
Kate saying that finally, she got a "real" gift now sets the precedent that little baubles and homemade crafts have, and will continue to be, sub par. Not "real" and not good enough.
Well, we saw how Kate couldn't even fake it for Collin's gift.
"Huh?, what's this strange thing (that has deep meaning) that you're insulting me with?"
An iPad is something that we as adults would pool our monies to get our mother, not as 12-year olds.
Again, so incredibly out of touch.
If it's the new iPad Pro with the most memory available it starts at almost $1000 (and that's before taxes). I know because I bought it for myself for Christmas. If you want the iPen that goes with it, that's another $100. I guess she just wants everyone to know that her kids are the bestest kids because they spent so much money on her. Reality check sheeple, she probably bought herself a nice new toy because what kids at 13/16 have that kind of cash laying around. As for me, I never expect my son to spend a lot on me.
There is no way those kids pooled their money together and bought her a new iPad. NO WAY!
What did they do? All go to the bank, withdraw money from their accounts that they have worked for over a decade for and have someone drive them to the Apple Store and buy it for their wonderful mother?
Oh, and Collin had to wire transfer his money for his part of the new iPad.
Does she not realize that she would get blow back of a new iPad because the boys had to get up at 6 am to do their homework because she wouldn't buy them all their own computer? You can get a nice ACER for 300.00.
She would only have to by 8. She can afford it!
WHY does she need a new iPad? She has an expensive
And I love how TFW let us know she'd been using some old-generation iPad until now. Poor baby. She has no clue that there are parents who regularly deprive themselves and go without because their kids come first. And a real single mother with no steady job raising 7 children alone would probably be thrilled to have TFW'S mediocre old iPad.
On the Zorro picture, she said that we have been asking for a picture of Zorro and here he is. I wonder if she was talking about us. It has been a very long time since she put a picture up of him.
To be almost 4 years old, he certainly looks a lot older than almost 4. He looks like an old man bird. The stress of living in a home with the toxic fumes of teflon, having rushing water running all over you while a panicked person holding you under it. Dogs barking and running around.
7 kids all in a uproar. TFW in a uproar. He looks very tired.
This is Wow! Posted with the restaurant quality breakfast that her kids made. Yeah, right.
getagriplosers2Just wondering why your fat ass gets more to eat in pictures than 7 kids.
As for me, I never expect my son to spend a lot on me.
As an adult, I've given my mom gifts that I could afford to treat her with. Even so, she had a hard time accepting such gifts.
DH and I took her to Vegas several years ago. She was never a millionaire like Kate, and was on a fixed income, pinching pennies to make them last. I remember she was so appreciative and at times, speechless that we would treat her to really nice restaurants etc.
The thing is, my parents supported me. I started working in high school so I could have play money, then money for gas, car insurance and play money. As a child, I never had to work and although we never had the luxurious lifestyle of the Gosselins, we felt like very rich people.
My mother would have told me to return such an expensive gift if I even attempted to buy something like an iPad when I was 12-13 years old. She would have said, "I don't NEED it".
Plus, you know, she had a job ;-)
Interesting article in the WP Mag about parental alienation. https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/magazine/a-divorced-father-his-estranged-kids-and-a-controversial-program-to-bring-them-together/2017/05/09/b50ac6f6-204c-11e7-ad74-3a742a6e93a7_story.html?utm_term=.2be51b01b9a2
To be almost 4 years old, he certainly looks a lot older than almost 4. He looks like an old man bird.
Huh? An old man bird? One who is unfamiliar with parrots can't possibly know the age of a parrot by looking at him/her! That's funny!
Collin's gift of a mother bear and cub was a REAL gift but she dismissed that as "weird". I just can't get that little disappointed lad out of my head.
I read from the bottom up and was just about to post the same thing. Geez, that woman is a tool. It's all about expensive things, material things. She'll never get it, and how pathetic is that?
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 111
It's truly unbelievable she calls an iPad a "real" gift.
Kate didn't use the word "real." Here's her post:
kateplusmy8HAPPY MOTHERS DAY, MOMS! I woke up to this and a huge exciting surprise gift! My kids put THEIR money together and got me a new iPad!!! I was shocked and I cried tears of joy! The beautiful breakfast was enough for me but their love they showed in coming up with the perfect gift AND buying it (and keeping it a surprise!) overwhelmed me! I was still using the ORIGINAL iPad version and it wasn't working so well anymore! Thanks, kids! I LOVE YOU ALL SOOOO MUCH! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I'm not defending her, just trying to keep it "real."
I had to laugh at this comment from Milo on Kate's IG post.
miloandjack2016#KidsRaisedRight!! You have been looking after their needs since their 1st breath! Sign they are maturing that now they are seeking to fulfil your needs!! #NewIpad. #SweetPracticalGift ❤ @kateplusmy8
Those kids have been fulfilling Kate's needs(and pocketbook) their whole lives.
She is so clueless.
I call bullshit on the breakfast photo. First thing, the photo was taken on her kitchen counter. Why wouldn't the kids take it up to her in bed where she could take the photo of her in bed with the food? It is on a tray which implies she is getting it delivered to her. She took the photo and staged the plate. Also, she would not eat three pieces of bread. EVER. What a lying POS.
Paper Plates
I stumbled upon a video on YT of behind the scenes footage from Full House. There were two little boys (Dylan and Blake) brought in the show in season six. They are two years old at this point. The presenter talks about a baby wrangler being on set in order to make sure that "the two little boys in the show...don't act like two little boys". It really hit me. Surely those two year olds would have wanted to be doing normal stuff like playing and napping and growing and learning but instead they were on a set, being prevented from acting like two year olds. Of course it's not like they were filmed non stop or anything but it still makes me uncomfortable that they were there for any amount of time.
Apparently it would take several days and lots of repetitions to obtain a five second clip of the boys uttering 3 words each.
Clip should start at the right moment, if anyone's interested in watching.
I also remember reading a Lori Loughlin(sp?) intervew where she said that the audience and cast and crew were instructed to not react(laugh) at Dylan and Blake as it would encourage them to repeat whatever behaviour was funny. On one hand, sure, parents have to do that with two year olds when they are....say screeching for a toy or repeating a naughty word, but on the other hand I can't help but wonder, given the above clip, what those unwanted behaviours were. Also in the above clip they say the baby wrangler had to make sure the boys face forward or don't inspect surrounding objects(like the table or some toys). Is that something a 2 year old outside the set would be forbidden to do? Probably not.
It's pretty sad to think about this really. The more I think about it, the more I think those boys(and the olsen twins when they were too little and who were used so much more) had no business being there for public entertainment.
Kate didn't use the word "real." Here's her post:
Kate said it in a comment to her own post: "AND a REAL Mother's Day gift too! 😥😥😥😁😁😁 Oh "
I stand by my comment, she's a tool.
Confused - she did indeed use the word "real" in another post..."kateplusmy8 I know! I thought the same thing as I looked around my bed at them! Lol! Gone are the days of cute scribbly cards and cereal and milk! 😥 It's been replaced with neatly created homemade cards and a restaurant quality homemade breakfast... AND a REAL Mother's Day gift too! 😥😥😥😁😁😁 Oh yes, Hannah painted that for me years ago! @dague12
Mommy holds the purse strings to the kids' money. I'm sure THEIR money did pay for her new iPad, just like THEIR money pays for a lot of things.
Hoosier Girl
Sheepless in Seattle, IMO, Zorro does look older than 4 because he looks tired because stress will age you.
I am not saying he is older than 4, just looks it. :)
I always thought Colin's gift of the mama bear and cub was the realest gift ever. And he's the child who is kicked off the island. Sad.
Tamara said... 131
Interesting article in the WP Mag about parental alienation. https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/magazine/a-divorced-father-his-estranged-kids-and-a-controversial-program-to-bring-them-together/2017/05/09/b50ac6f6-204c-11e7-ad74-3a742a6e93a7_story.html?utm_term=.2be51b01b9a2
Wow, what a disturbing article! What the kids in this family went through is horrifying and it actually made me feel like I have some understanding of why Jon doesn't push.
Anyway you slice it, it's trauma.
After all these years they've finally planted a garden. She must be trying to reinvent herself once again or deflect from the very expensive Mother's Day gift (I wonder how many comments she deleted). As of 4:53 (East coast) there were no comments or likes. Let's see how long it takes the bots to kick in. They must not have filmed the big birthday or the Moyher's Day festivities because she's been on IG way too much.
Milo made a Mother's Day post on her own IG, part of which said:
There shouldn't be just a commercial #MothersDay
Mother's deserve credit...thanks. .and support every day!! ❤
Nick Moy's response was interesting. Perhaps, he should post it on Kate's IG.
nick_moyCommercializing SPECIAL days such as Mother's Day, Father's Day, Valentine's Day, Christmas, Easter etc.. TAKES away the TRUE meaning of why we celebrate these special occasions.. and makes many people put a monetary value on the special day.. Commercializing these holidays makes people think that you must purchase and give a gift, instead of showing your love and appreciation from your heart. This is why I think that there are so many selfish, greedy and negative people around. Appreciate what you have..and Credit where credit is due..
But, Nick, in Kate's world, if you show appreciation "from the heart", then it's not a REAL gift.
She took the photo and staged the plate. Also, she would not eat three pieces of bread. EVER.
But, but, but Kate is the best mom ever and a perfectionist not to mention the next Martha Stewart and she would never use the wrong fork. Oh wait, that's to throw everyone off the track so that they think the kids really did make the breakfast. LOL! Kids, gotta love them, they don't even know what fork to use.
Guess she needed to add another, since the first M-Day photo was not kicking a-- in the likes department.
kateplusmy8 My last Mothers Day request fulfilled! We went down to the barn and planted a vege garden together! It was so much fun digging in chicken poop and getting rained on! If all goes well we will be able to make salsa and eat caprese salad all summer! Yum yum yum 😋 #ThanksBestKidsEver 🌱🌱💦🌿🌿
Looks to me like this is episode fodder. I guarantee this was NOT planted today.
theaustinmartin@kateplusmy8 Any squash and zucchini?!
kateplusmy8 Not this year although I wish I had found some organic zucchini plants.. it's our absolute favorite! Yum! @theaustinmartin
When she says "organic" zucchini plants, is she talking non-GMO? Because I don't really think she knows what she's saying here. You really can't find "organic" zucchini in PA?
miloandjack2016W ell here in the south...there has to be tomatoes...cucumber...peppers and peas...all kinds! You are getting so adventurous? I have another idea....you game? @kateplusmy8
LOL, clearly this is not her metier.
robinber23@kateplusmy8 Why all the firewood in there? There are U shaped spikes that hold the fabric cloth down. (If that's what you're doing) lol. Or maybe keeping your fur babies out.
kateplusmy8 Omg I even have those spikes! I didn't think to use them - thanks!! Lol lol @robinber23
What an obnoxious, butt-kissing suck-up Gladys is. Children as young as 13 are NOT supposed to be trying to fulfill their parents' needs. That is not maturity. That is PARENTIFICATION.
KIAT (#145), did Gladys mention her own son and daughter in her Mother's Day Insta post? Wouldn't her own children be top of mind on this holiday? But instead it seems like she's investing most of her effort in stroking the ego of a stranger she thinks is her dear friend.
kateplusmy8 My last Mothers Day request fulfilled! We went down to the barn and planted a vege garden together! It was so much fun digging in chicken poop and getting rained on! If all goes well we will be able to make salsa and eat caprese salad all summer! Yum yum yum 😋 #ThanksBestKidsEver 🌱🌱💦🌿🌿
Looks like she's trying to shift things away from her "real gift" comment and on to more benign mother's day comments like gardening.
I'm still stunned she would say that. I don't even really consider this a "gift" holiday. We've never really emphasized "gifts" for these types of holidays in my family. Excluding definitely a card and usually flowers. Mother's and Father's day usually involve some kind of experience, something the matriarch really wants to do. Mom's choice. Church in the morning, with the afternoon reserved for the activity. One year it was botanical gardens, another a nice steakhouse, several years we do brunch, once years ago we did a walk along a pretty canal and some boating. Once in awhile we've traveled over this weekend. No one remembers the gifts they got once a few years have gone by, but I will ALWAYS remember the canal outing.
Aww, poor put upon Kate, had an older original iPad.
I thought she had Macs at every outlet...
and what about her fuckety billionth iPhone?
I'm surprised she didn't post that she also got gifts from Nanuq, Mak, Shoka and Zorro. After all, aren't they her "kids" too?
I'm not exactly sure what she has in mind but she may be VERY late in the year on some of these plants. I doubt she knows what she's doing. Does she understand you can't just plant a garden "whenever"?
@FlimsyFlamsy Someone correct me if im wrong but the weird thing about Milo is when father's day comes around.Maybe im wrong but i've never seen a post from milo talking about what a great father LOM is to her children.Heck i've never once seen a post talking about fathers in general.Its weird how Milo made 2 posts praising mothers and even made a #MomsdayShouldBeEveryday but nothing about fathers on fathers day.Like i said either she isn't the happily married female she claims or LOM doesn't exist.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 151
Plus, they will no doubt travel over the summer, at which point the garden will fall to ruin. "Caprese" (lol) all summer? Doubtful.
The structure that's there doesn't look new by any means, so I'm wondering if this was already on the property.
I also remember Mother's Day being communal with us celebrating with other moms-aunts, grandmothers.
Even as adults with children, my parents recognized their mothers and we recognized our grandmothers.
What did Kate do for her own mother today?
It's so...sad.
What does she mean by: "My last Mothers Day request fulfilled!"? How many other requests did she have if the garden was the "last". Maybe the iPad was one of the others on her list.
Sad but true (#155), summer travel also means finding care for those 3 dogs -- an expense which might prohibit some single moms, but not TFW. She probably has
TLC put it in the episode budget. Realest reality, y'all.
As she recounted the story, she picked the frayed edge of her plaid shirt.
Hummmm, sound familiar? Picking lint? Almost sounds like a protocol/MO for the victims of parental alienation.
Sounds like TFW is having the Best Mother's Day ever. With one of her children still gone after a whole year. Allrighty then.
Kate is a twit said... 152
I'm surprised she didn't post that she also got gifts from Nanuq, Mak, Shoka and Zorro. After all, aren't they her "kids" too?
Did the TLC crew daddies send her flowers?
Lanc Native, I wonder if the Lancaster County mom has a LEATHER sofa and a Preacher and Lesbian deck for the welfare of her seven children.
Kate lied previously when she said they HAD a 'vege' garden. I forget when this was but now she sounds like this is a whole new thing...with that land why on earth not?
Shouldn't her 'last' Mother's Day wish be that Collin is well enough to come home?
Tucker's Mom said... Wow, what a disturbing article! What the kids in this family went through is horrifying and it actually made me feel like I have some understanding of why Jon doesn't push.
Anyway you slice it, it's trauma.
I don't get why he doesn't push and think it's the wrong move on his part. In the articles case I can't believe that place is allowed to be in business. Not to mention how much power judges have in custody changes.
"but pat yourself on the back as well... YOU deserve it..."
Oh, Nick Moy, don't worry. She does that all the time, and she knows she does.
I'm surprised control freak Kate lets the kids have access to money. The kids know the way to their mother's cold heart is to get her a big gift. They've been witnessing her materialism and have seen her giddy over the stuff she got through TLC. They're getting old enough to know what makes their mother happy, and it's not homemade gifts she'll throw away.
Zach Roloff and his wife had their baby.
Formerly Duped said... 161
I remember her starting seedlings with the plan of making a garden. Maybe a twitter pic? Never heard a thing about it again.
Formerly Duped (#161), wait, maybe TFW did miss C today after all. Because if he'd been home to pony up his share of cash, they could've afforded a super cute case for that iPad. She is a horrible mother.
Shouldn't her 'last' Mother's Day wish be that Collin is well enough to come home?
I wonder if Collin got to see his mother today.
Shouldn't her 'last' Mother's Day wish be that Collin is well enough to come home?
Bingo! I was waiting for someone to say that TFW's one and only "Mothers Day request" should be to spend time with all eight of her children. Then again, this is someone who places more value on a damn iPad than on those precious homemade Mothers Day gifts and cards we normal mothers love and appreciate more than any store bought gift, even an iPad.
Hey Katie, let me ask you something about your wonderful new iPad that brings you to tears. If you could trade it for the return of your seemingly forgotten son...would you? And would you "cry tears of joy" upon his return the way you claim to have over a stupid iPad?!
Hey Katie, let me ask you something about your wonderful new iPad that brings you to tears. If you could trade it for the return of your seemingly forgotten son...would you? And would you "cry tears of joy" upon his return the way you claim to have over a stupid iPad?!
She is more materialistic than I ever thought she was, and I always thought her pretty darn materialistic.
Has she updated her software? An old iPad should still work pretty well. I have one mostly for airplane trips to watch movies, it must be about 4 years old now and it's still good as new. Do I need it, nope. Could I live without it? Easily. It's a modern convenience that makes me somewhat happier on planes and something I read books on from time to time and that's about the extent of it.
This fuss over the latest and greatest will seem dated in just a few years.
Not saying she needs to be totally minimalist, but really, this is dumb. I love this guy Eric Kim, he writes a lot about what you really need. Really beautiful article:
'We're so in love with you!' Zach and Tori Roloff welcome son Jackson Kyle
Little People, Big World's Zach and Tori Roloff celebrated their first Mother's Day after welcoming their son Jackson Kyle on Friday morning.
The reality TV couple's precious bundle weighed in at 9lb1oz and measured 20.5 inches.
The new mother (born Patton) gushed on Instagram Sunday: 'Mom and Dad are so in love with you already!'
If the kids bought her and iPad with their own money, wonder if it was money Joel, Aaden, Hannah, and Leah got from Jon on their birrhday last week..
Hey Katie, let me ask you something about your wonderful new iPad that brings you to tears. If you could trade it for the return of your seemingly forgotten son...would you? And would you "cry tears of joy" upon his return the way you claim to have over a stupid iPad?!
Tonight she can marathon Dexter on her Netflix app in bed on the iPad, so life is good.
Damnnationn TFW just can't catch a break! Her expensive REAL Mother's Day gift (that she cried tears of joy over), her organic garden (sigh no organic zucchini to be found) and her super, restaurant quality breakfast were upstaged by Zach Roloff's baby being born. I guess we know who will be getting the next People cover. She'd better hurry up and post another dog video - maybe one with all three and Zorro thrown in for good measure.
She is more materialistic than I ever thought she was, and I always thought her pretty darn materialistic.
So she gets one and she's moved to tears over it. Fine. Let her cry her eyes out. Whatever floats her boat, but why in the heck would you even mention it? Is is because she wants her fans to know now much the kids love her because she's the Mom of all Moms? The perfect parent who does everything for her kids? She just can't help herself, can she? She is so insecure in her own skin. Maybe she really does need Milo to keep that ego pumped up and Milo, in her delusions, believes that she's Kate's best friend, therefore she's an important part of Kate's life. It's like a symbiosis. They feed off each other, with both of them benefiting from this odd relationship,
I can't see the kids going to a store to buy it - unless she drive them. But how would that be a surprise? Hmmm - I'll bet she just "charges" their accounts on a monthly basis, and gets $$'s for their health and well being.
I'm with Admin - my family has never been big on gifts for any occasion. I treated my mom to lunch on Friday, and we had a great 2 hour gab session. Today was soccer all day with my boys - they made me breakfast, got me a card, and a bag of my favourite candy. And now I'm chilling (literally - it was so cold today), and after reading all this, I feel so sick to my stomach about C. Ugh. What a disgusting woman.
And Milo - if your Katie was so perfect, then how come she couldn't figure out how to fulfill her own mom's needs? Did she get her mom a REAL Mother's Day gift?
It didn't happen the way Kate said. We know they couldn't have ordered it online unless another adult was helping Plus if it were online it would've been shipped to the house and Kate would see it, and what other responsible adult would let kids spend this kind of money without asking their parent? So we are left with the option of a big box store that they somehow got to without telling Kate. But then they would still have to have a responsible adult with them because I would be shocked if a store would sell something like this to a child under 18 with a wad of cash and no adult around. A glaring important fact in Kates story is how they coordinated the purchase secretly. If she were really so shocked at what they did for her wouldn't she be the most shocked at how they arranged such a complicated scheme without her help? Wouldn't she talk about that? She's a good liar, but not the best liar, and there are usually little holes in her stories like that.
She's a good liar, but not the best liar, and there are usually little holes in her stories like that.
Kate's ongoing lying is always hindered by her hubris, which has her straining credulity most of the time.
She needs to understand the "sniff test" before she attempts to foist half truths.
Did she get her mom a REAL Mother's Day gift?
I wonder if their aunts and Grands deserved some recognition and REAL gifts that matter, like spending time together.
THAT is the real gift.
Maybe she really does need Milo to keep that ego pumped up and Milo, in her delusions, believes that she's Kate's best friend, therefore she's an important part of Kate's life. It's like a symbiosis. They feed off each other, with both of them benefiting from this odd relationship,
Kate needs her fans, there's no questioning that. The fact that she spent part of her Mother's Day and so many days when the kids are home from school, sitting on her IG timeline, bantering back and forth and scrubbing negative comments, is a testament to that.
Greta Sophia said... 172
If the kids bought her and iPad with their own money, wonder if it was money Joel, Aaden, Hannah, and Leah got from Jon on their birrhday last week..
May 14, 2017 at 7:54 PM
I bet Kate would find that positively delicious.
She is more materialistic than I ever thought she was, and I always thought her pretty darn materialistic.
This IG post and Kate finally getting a 'real' gift will-at least, should-go down in the annals of stupid Kate Gosselin remarks which show just how cold she is if (and I think it's not even "if") Collin is still out of the home and separated from his family.
This beats the "mediocre" insult, and that's saying a lot.
A glaring important fact in Kates story is how they coordinated the purchase secretly.
Since she's in backpedal mode right now maybe she'll wax poetic about how her bestest friends in the world (Jamie and Deanna) arranged the whole thing and helped the kids pull off the greatest surprise in the history of surprises. I wonder if she'll let the kids that see Jon spend a like amount of money on him for Father's Day. Who am I kidding! Homemade is mediocre enough for him. Just a thought, but if this does show up as an episode we'll know that TLC paid for it.
Tucker's Mom (#182), bless their hearts, those poor kids don't know how big a mistake that "real gift" was. Now they've set the bar so high that they'll be expected to deliver 3 times a year for Mommie Dearest: Christmas,her birthday, and Mother's Day. And Gladys blew smoke up TFW's skirt, saying the kids are showing maturity by now meeting their mother's needs.
I guess the G kids are finally earning their keep by doing what Jon, C, and countless others couldn't: they've figured out how to help TFW.
The more I think about this the more holes it has. These kids don't strike me as ones thinking that far down the road. Look at Mady's birthday party. They finally waltzed into the bakers with specific demands for a cake just a few days before.
Kids this age aren't going to think way ahead about Mother's day, ESPECIALLY when it's their birthday that week and it's all about them, without the help of an adult. Pulling off a Mother's day surprise of this level is something adults can do, not children. So unless they had an adult to guide them, I don't buy it.
If you order it online, you've got to get organized at least a week and a half in advance if not more. You would still have to figure out how to get it shipped to the house without the stay at home mom noticing, and this is a mom who eagerly collects freebies in the mail, so you can imagine she would go after a package from Amazon or Apple like a wolf. But if you order it in the store, it would still require a lot of advance planning because they have to somehow GET to the store without Kate noticing or asking questions. They don't drive! And what about the money? They all store wads of cash at the house? Or did they have to also go to a bank.
And again, this all during their THIRTEENTH birthday week, folks, that they planning all this out.
This deserves a big fat PUH-LEEEEASE.
Explain Kate, where did they buy it and how did they pull it off so secretely when your house is in the boonies? Oops, didn't patch that hole in the story so well!
Did TFW ask any of her social media "friends" about their Mother's Day?
When she first started on Twitter, TFW pretended they were all buddies having a gabfest, and catching up on each other's lives -- like saying she missed all of them, and asking what was new. That's how she almost pulled off that cruise -- begging them to get on board (pun intended) and saying how much fun they'd have together. Like she'd sincerely enjoy rubbing elbows with the riff raff. But now she doesn't even seem to bother to pretend they're all friends. She just devotes her attention to puppypalooza pictures on Insta, and waits for the fans to post their praise. So mediocre.
TFW was reminiscing yesterday about the "cereal and milk" Mother's Day breakfasts her kids used to make. But years ago, millions of viewers saw Jon make her a lovely french toast breakfast, which he and their children served to her in bed. And I bet there were other years during her marriage when she was similarly pampered on Mother's Day.
TFW can't just swiffer Jon out of people's memories, although she's doing a helluva job trying to swiffer him out of his children's lives.
Admin 185... I don' t get the impression that there are many critical thinkers over there in Kate's IG world... Most of the comments are gag worthy...
That's how she almost pulled off that cruise -- begging them to get on board (pun intended) and saying how much fun they'd have together.
Yeah, and then Defective and Trust Fund rocked the boat and it stayed in dry dock! :)
Explain Kate, where did they buy it and how did they pull it off so secretely when your house is in the boonies? Oops, didn't patch that hole in the story so well!
Maybe Best Friend Artist/Teacher Brownie engineered it, ordered it and had it shipped to her house. It could be that she can do more than shop for stale cereal.
I recalled something about a garden, too (why I keep this info in my brain, I have no idea :) ); here is what I found when searching this blog: (its from Aug 29, 2012)
"Study: Lying makes you happier
Not that this is a big surprise, but here goes:
On April 7 Kate tweeted this:
“@XXXX you're so energetic miss gardener:) tomorrow we plant our organic veges inside then will move outside when they sprout yay!”
However today, when someone asked if she had a garden, she tweeted this:
"no but my kids seem to think we need one"
Now, let's not be harsh, here. Of course the kids got her an iPad. Remember, these are the same kids who, at ages 5 and 8, arranged for a trip to a bakery as a special birthday surprise (Charm City Cakes, I believe). They got a bus to come to the house to pick them up and drive them, and they arranged to have the bakery all to themselves and special cakes for them to decorate. And they did all that without their mother having any idea what they were up to! Of course these very special kids, who can organize all that at such a young age, can pull off an iPad! I'm just surprised they didn't also book a vacation, complete with plane tickets, passports, and first-class accommodations. They obviously have the ability and the money to do all that, right?
You know, I had a thought...I wonder if the boys masterminded the idea of giving Kate a "real" gift so they weren't stuck rubbing her feet for Mother's Day ;-)
-->worth it!!<--
FlimsyFlamsy said... 186
Did TFW ask any of her social media "friends" about their Mother's Day?
Did she wish all moms a happy Mom's Day?
That's right. And there was another episode where all the kids made pancakes and fruit salad for MD for Kate in bed, although Collin was in charge of the card-making station and did a great job.
Then one year she tweeted they made a menu for her to check off what she wanted including her white egg omelette. So not so many cereal MD breakfasts for her
Granny (188): "
Admin 185... I don' t get the impression that there are many critical thinkers over there in Kate's IG world... Most of the comments are gag worthy..."
Many? I haven't seen any at all!
Speaking of not talking about a party in front of people not invited. This is a very sad but true story. A few weeks ago my brother's wife decided to have a surprise party for him. There are 13 siblings in my family. His wife decided to only invite 4 because she was keeping costs down. Fair enough. One of my brother's that was invited asked my 85 year old mom if she got her invite. She had not. He told her it was probably in the mail.My sister that was invited told my SIL that my mom was looking for her invite. My SIL called her and explained to her that she was not invited. Only a few siblings and a few special friends were invited. Is the mother of the birthday boy not special enough to be invited? The day after the party she had a brunch at her house for my brother and posted the pictures on facebook. Her mom was invited to that but my mom was not!! As it happened that day my mom called my sister and myself to say she wasn't feeling well. While my brother was enjoying his birthday brunch with his wife's side of the family my mom ended up having a heart attack and dying in my sister and my arms. As far as I know my brother isn't aware that my mom wasn't invited to either party. It so happens when my sister went over to the house this past week to listen to messages on my mom's answering machine she found that the conversation my mom had with my SIL was on the machine. You can hear the disappointment in my mom's voice as she is saying "okay" to not being invited and hearing who is invited. My mom is saying" oh that will be nice." Then my SIL tells her so don't be looking for an invitation in the mail. It is so heartbreaking to think someone could do that to a sweet woman that never did anything to deserve that treatment. I would really like to have both her and my brother hear that conversation. We spent our first Mother's Day without our mother. Meanwhile she is posting more pictures of her mom and daughter and how there are 3 generations of moms on her side. Am I bitter? You bet. It has only been 2 weeks and I miss her so much.
Sorry for the long posting. I am so heartbroken for my poor mom and for my brothers and sisters.
carezee said... 196
How awful. I cannot begin to imagine. Please accept my sincere condolences on your and your family's loss.
Am I bitter? You bet. It has only been 2 weeks and I miss her so much.
Sorry for the long posting. I am so heartbroken for my poor mom and for my brothers and sisters.
I'm so sorry for your loss. I know how much it hurts and your grieving must be tremendous at this sad time.
(((lots of hugs)))
Note to Gosselins-your family and loved ones won't live forever and may not be here tomorrow.
If Kate's sheep are capable of critical thinking, they are certainly willfully ignorant.
carezee, that breaks my heart. I know just how hard losing your Mom is and to have all this added sadness at being excluded from her own sons birthday is reprehensible. Blessings to you during this very sad time.
carezee said... 197
Deepest condolences. Your dear sweet mom deserved to be included but sounds like she was classy and not wanting confrontation with your SIL. I'm glad you were with her in her last moments- that probably made her passing easier, knowing she was with her loved ones. May your bitterness- justified- pass on so only good memories of a wonderful mother remain to fill your heart.
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