I remember once seeing my parents go into a room in a restaurant to do a scene, and in the show's storyline it was about the beginning of my parents' separation, although I'm bad at gauging time. In the scene they were supposed to be discussing some serious matter, I don't know, I was just outside the room. I remember though that the scene they were doing was inherently staged and fake. Whatever discussion they were acting out had already happened in real life, so this was at best a rehashing. When they came out though, I saw tears in my mom's eyes and I suddenly realized that this staged 'joke', 'fake' thing was effecting real life in a profound way.
I see the money I have earned and the vacations I was lucky enough to go on as 'compensatory', for lack of a better word, for a tainted childhood. I feel disappointed in language here because saying that makes it seem like my childhood as a whole was not enjoyed and just a waste. Not true. I had tons of fun and so many opportunities and friendships, and also anger, frustration... the myriad of emotions. However; money, things, and trips — all material — cannot ultimately compensate for the immaterial experiences of a childhood innocently experienced.
One of my least favorite things to do while filming was formal interviews. We sat down on a tiny uncomfortable chair, small enough to be hidden so as to not break the fourth wall; "Who set up that chair anyhow?" — this was Reality TV after all. Then the producers asked us silly repetitive questions that no right headed 6-10 year old would have a solid answer to; rather I should have been asking the questions to the adults! But I suppose they probably knew that, further creating a certain shy, relatable character in contrast to the brat that ordinarily wreaked havoc —— cunningly dynamic.
The post actually dates back a few months, but seems to have been recently discovered by the media. The only thing the adults who exploit children on reality TV can't stop is that someday they will grow up, turn 18, and can finally say whatever they like about the experience. Thank you, Jacob, for being the voice of the first generation of children who have grown up on reality TV.
632 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 632 of 632 Newer› Newest»I can't wait to watch The Keepers! My DIL went to Seton Keough, and she said that this case is still discussed as part of the folklore of the school. She's coming over to watch with me. The menfolk (none of them are true crime fans)are being sent out for sushi and a movie so they won't interrupt.
Admin (#2), it seems the Duggars are unclear about their status as public figures. Here's a hint: if you're in your kitchen making a tater-tot casserole, and suddenly you notice Megyn Kelly and a camera crew are setting up equipment in your living room -- for an interview that YOU willingly consented to do -- you are most likely not flying under the radar. Friggin' hypocrites.
Hello! There is an interesting article in this week's Time (the one with the white house morphing into a Russian building) . Page 42, "Growing Up in Public" about families that "put their kids' lives on YouTube and making a living out of having fun." It discusses problems that some families have had, a dad's alcoholism, cruel pranks resulting in CPS investigation, rude comments on their vlogs, and so on. Brief article and interesting.
TFMJG is still boring.
I accidentally removed some comments trying to publish them. Arg, sorry folks. I'll try to get them back.
Admin, you are forgiven. Sure did make for a strange looking page.
Layla -- it might take more time than sushi and one movie! My prediction is -- you are gonna' fall all the way into the story, the photos and the details.
If the Duggar case is "solely" (as they say) about protecting children who are victims of abuse, why are they asking for between $10-$15 million? Hypocrites all of them.
If the Duggar case is "solely" (as they say) about protecting children who are victims of abuse, why are they asking for between $10-$15 million? Hypocrites all of them.
This is so absurd you just have to laugh. THEY'RE the ones who need sexual abuse awareness classes. THEY'RE the ones who did not protect their precious daughters from their predator son. THEY'RE the ones who now support that son, who has not gotten mainstream treatment, residing with minors again and having free access to them. They're the ones who don't get it. SOCIETY did the right thing here, for once, and said hey, seems to me that we shouldn't hush this one up like we did so many others.
Maybe they intend to spend the 15 million on themselves, to help themselves have more awareness. Sheesh.
For these parents to play victim now, a victim of police and municipalities doing their job and identifying abused children, when their negligence caused all this in the first place, is simply incredible.
Remember when Jill and Jessa did that interview with Megyn Kelly? They downplayed what happened and called it "teenage curiosity".
Here's a recap of some of their interview:
Some of the things they said:
Jill: "Our case is very mild, compared what happens to some."
Jessa: "We realize this was serious, but it wasn't like a horror story or a serious thing."
The defense should use that interview as part of their case.
My comment said I thought Mady would be the tell-all writer !
Jill: "Our case is very mild, compared what happens to some."
Jessa: "We realize this was serious, but it wasn't like a horror story or a serious thing."
Wow. Wonder what happened between then and now. Now they're suffering untoward emotional distress from having such horrific details disclosed to the public!
Also, here's the In Touch response after Jim Bob and Michelle's interview with Megyn aired:
Those interviews are going to come back and bite them.
Admin (#12), now, to be fair...Ma and Pa Duggar did send Josh off to build some shelves. And then had the girls sleep fully clothed once he returned. So clearly they were on top of things from jump.
Admin (#12), now, to be fair...Ma and Pa Duggar did send Josh off to build some shelves. And then had the girls sleep fully clothed once he returned. So clearly they were on top of things from jump.
ncgirl said... 2
The City of Springdale has responded to the Duggar lawsuit. They said, "The City of Springdale was pleased to prevail in a previous legal action regarding the release of information related to this matter" So they've already done this before.
So, this ain't their first rodeo ;-)
Scratching my head here. Wouldn't any lawyer tell the Duggars to shut up and not do interviews before their case is heard or considered?
Boob and Vag have given enough ammunition to the PD with their Meghan Kelly interview to refute what they're alleging.
I think we're seen how ruthless, power-driven and money-hungry Boob really is.
From the In Touch article:
"2) When discussing the legal situation surrounding Josh’s confession of molestation, Jim Bob told Fox News that he and Michelle were “not mandatory reporters, the law allows parents to do what they think is best for their child.” Not so."
OMG. Just stop talking!
Actually, I hope they do keep flapping their gums.
I think we're seen how ruthless, power-driven and money-hungry Boob really is.
Oh yeah. Quite frankly, I think he's way creepier than Kate. Kate is just your standard exploitation fare. Dollars in, dollars out, coupled with her mental health issues.
I think though that Jim Boob doesn't understand to this day why what Josh did was such a huge problem and what's more is still trying to figure out how to make a buck off it. And he's very manipulative and calculating. He is the mafia boss who wouldn't think twice about ordering your head be chopped off.
I just can't see Kate bringing the evil up to that level. Even she understands this is wrong.
3) Jim Bob suggested the records of Josh’s crimes were released because the Springdale police chief, Kathy O’Kelley, may have taken a bribe. The records were obtained through Arkansas' Freedom of Information Act, which is one of the most liberal open records laws in the country, according to the state’s attorney general."
Can she sue???
My opinion was that as soon as they meet her price Mady will be the one to write the tell all (with Cara as her ghost writer). Mary's already said that she could write her life story right now. She is the one that seems to enjoy the spotlight and let's face it, she's out of the "cute kid" phase and into the entitled, bratty teen phase and I don't think they're going to build a show around that because this isn't a sitcom and her attitude isn't all that funny. Once she hits 18 a national book tour would be right up her alley.
Jim Bob suggested the records of Josh’s crimes were released because the Springdale police chief, Kathy O’Kelley, may have taken a bribe. The records were obtained through Arkansas' Freedom of Information Act, which is one of the most liberal open records laws in the country, according to the state’s attorney general."
Can she sue???
Yeah, really, she should! You accuse a public official of an impeachable offense, a CRIME, and you expect
I'm glad they responded with that press release, emphasizing how it was HEAVILY redacted, not just reacted. No kidding. It wasn't their fault Boob decided to do an interview afterward and out the whole family. That was his choice.
Oh yeah. Quite frankly, I think he's way creepier than Kate. Kate is just your standard exploitation fare. Dollars in, dollars out, coupled with her mental health issues.
Totally agree. There's something way off about a father who would not do everything he could to protect his daughters from molestation...from his own son.
How Boob can appear to not have his utter failure as a parent, to protect his young girls, his then 4 or 5 years old little girl from his son, leave him racked with guilt is beyond me.
It's like both parents don't "get" the gravity of what happened to their children.
Boob seems a bit of a sociopath, tbh.
If Josh is coming back on the show,im pretty sure we all called it.We all thought that TLC was going to throw Josh to the curb until the public "calmed down"over the whole scandal and now Josh will come back on claiming how hes a changed man and that he "released the demons" in him.Maybe im giving jill and Jessa's fanbase the benefit of the doubt but from what i herd most of Jill and Jessa's fanbase hate Josh and wouldn't watch the show if he returned.On the other hand,i wouldn't be shocked if they drank the TLC kool aid and believe Josh is a changed man.
@NJGal51 Now that i think about it,wouldn't it be a huge slap in Kate's face if Mady did the exact same thing Kate did to her parents?If mady got offered to write a book or a show for her and Cara,can you image if Mady didn't want Kate on the show,sort of a"No one but me makes money off my show."That would be Karma finally knocking Kate down for once.
Admin (#25), and if being outed was so traumatic for the Duggar girls, why did they insist on letting their new show go into production? Wouldn't they be craving privacy at that point? Wouldn't cameras following their every move be the very last thing they'd want?
Every duck-lipped selfie Jessa posted during that time showed a young woman embracing fame with open arms. I truly am sorry for what she and her sisters went through -- they were innocent children. But this re-telling of what happened after the story was exposed flies in the face of so much evidence to the contrary.
Admin, Jim Bob said, She MAY have taken a bribe. Would this still hold his feet to the fire? He is a greedy idiot.
I just can't see Kate bringing the evil up to that level. Even she understands this is wrong.
I can. She let her son go and has been gone for a year and has embraced and totally immersed herself into those puppies like nobodies business! Collin WHO?
We never dreamed that she would film his brother and sisters and not him being present at his 12th birthday, and be glad and giddy up, Collin's gone! Ever.
Jim Bob, you go boy!
Keep those gums a flappin` in the wind!
You will lose the case and no new windfall to spend!
Jamesvader1194 (#26), I think the ultimate karma would be if M kicked her mother to the curb, claiming, "She didn't know how to help me."
I feel just like Kate, I'm sitting here watching The Keepers, tears streaming down my cheeks.
Kate's always sitting around crying over something.
My emotions are raw. I cannot believe this story.
New post.
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