I remember once seeing my parents go into a room in a restaurant to do a scene, and in the show's storyline it was about the beginning of my parents' separation, although I'm bad at gauging time. In the scene they were supposed to be discussing some serious matter, I don't know, I was just outside the room. I remember though that the scene they were doing was inherently staged and fake. Whatever discussion they were acting out had already happened in real life, so this was at best a rehashing. When they came out though, I saw tears in my mom's eyes and I suddenly realized that this staged 'joke', 'fake' thing was effecting real life in a profound way.
I see the money I have earned and the vacations I was lucky enough to go on as 'compensatory', for lack of a better word, for a tainted childhood. I feel disappointed in language here because saying that makes it seem like my childhood as a whole was not enjoyed and just a waste. Not true. I had tons of fun and so many opportunities and friendships, and also anger, frustration... the myriad of emotions. However; money, things, and trips — all material — cannot ultimately compensate for the immaterial experiences of a childhood innocently experienced.
One of my least favorite things to do while filming was formal interviews. We sat down on a tiny uncomfortable chair, small enough to be hidden so as to not break the fourth wall; "Who set up that chair anyhow?" — this was Reality TV after all. Then the producers asked us silly repetitive questions that no right headed 6-10 year old would have a solid answer to; rather I should have been asking the questions to the adults! But I suppose they probably knew that, further creating a certain shy, relatable character in contrast to the brat that ordinarily wreaked havoc —— cunningly dynamic.
The post actually dates back a few months, but seems to have been recently discovered by the media. The only thing the adults who exploit children on reality TV can't stop is that someday they will grow up, turn 18, and can finally say whatever they like about the experience. Thank you, Jacob, for being the voice of the first generation of children who have grown up on reality TV.
632 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 632 Newer› Newest»This is very anecdotal, but it seems to me that 25% of the Roloffs have decided they hated their childhood. One in four. Two want to continue filming. 50%, two out of four (incidentally, the oldest children) And one seems more on the outskirts, moving away from it all and not often on camera (unlike the others, didn't allow filming of her engagement, her story with her fiancé, etc.), but reluctantly complying with occasional filming when she's around.
Can Kate expect that for her as they become adults, about 25% of her kids will refuse to film at all and will even speak out about the experience? For her, that's TWO kids out of eight. Will 25% reluctantly go along, but keep it very limited? Two out of eight again. And will 50% continue to allow filming and seem to enjoy it, just four out of the total of eight?
Kate Plus 4 doesn't have the same ring to it. Time will tell.
Oh, and no way no how would they ever do a show just about Kate. They gave that several test runs ages ago and it was a non-starter. They're not going to waste any more money going down that rocky road.
I vividly remember tiny 4 year old Joel telling the camera "The dogs don't like being interviewed". That spoke volumes to me.
@Admin I'm sure the show would be called "Growing up Gosselin."I will say that there would be no way TLC would want to do a Kate solo show.A part of me wonders though IF the ratings were down because of Collin's absences,then i don't see how a show feature with just the twins and Kate would do.There are fans who've claim to be annoyed with the twins so i can't imagine fans wanting an entire show around them.I don't know about the 6 though and there is still time for them to change their minds.
Admin, thanks so much for this new topic. I think your calculation about how many G kids might rebel should also take into account the physical abuse and parental alienation TFW inflicted on them.
She'll be lucky if only 2 jump ship.
Roxyhelen (#2), and I remember one of the boys (maybe J again?) showing something privately to a cameraman, and saying it was a secret. Poor little guy couldn't possibly conceptualize that millions of people were going to witness that private moment. What a cruel deception.
So Kate posted on her FB (about 16 hours ago) that the quint mom is getting her liver. That's good news. But nothing on IG for a while. And nothing "personal" yet on her FB, just PSAs. Does anyone think she's going to pop up at the Derby? I looked at some of the coverage for last night's parties, and no mention of her in any of those. Would she go with no prospect of SWAG being thrown her way? I guess we'll see.
I just read this and thought you might find it interesting.
pym said... 6
I just read this and thought you might find it interesting.
Wow! Thanks for the link. There's enough material in that article that discussions could go on for eons--imagine 400 hours of new video per minute. It makes me rather ill to think about on many different levels. I need to digest this for a while.
If Kate is at the Derby, there is no mention of her anywhere. Maybe she's just not a big enough name to warrant a mention, or maybe she just wasn't photographed or invited to any of the parties. I don't think she went. She doesn't seem to have the money to throw around like she used to have. The Derby is expensive.
I think for sure that Cara, Hannah, and Collin will not be filming when they are older. It remains to be seen if any of the others walk away. They may crave a normal life away from prying eyes, or they may end up unable to break away from the cameras and attention. Time will tell. What interests me is seeing if any serious issues (behavioral or emotional) come up as a result of how they were raised.
OT: For all the bulldogs lovers:
I wonder if Gladys is burning the midnight oil penning a poem about the tups turning 13? And if she'll somehow manage to make their birthday all about TFW?
"Six sweet babies you were makin'
Through bed rest, prayer, and lots of bacon."
Pym (#6), thanks for that article. So much that is relevant to the G kids' situation.
"Be wary when freebies and financial incentives are part of the equation." That reminded me of when the children had that long photo shoot wearing sweaters on a hot summer day, followed by more work. The kids were given backpacks with goodies in them, and TFW blatantly admitted that she "builds in bribes" when the kids have days like that. Hmmm, why would they need bribes to do something they love, and all voted as a family to do? And besides, weren't they just playing in and out of camera range?
Heaven knows what incentives TFW uses
to keep the twins on the straight and narrow.
And hopefully the tups will wise up about their own power soon enough.
"...creating a certain shy, relatable character in contrast to the brat that ordinarily wreaked havoc —— cunningly dynamic." - Jacob Roloff
Perhaps that is our cue to take Mady and her 'attitude' with a grain of salt. Maybe we should stop judging her on what we KNOW are scripted scenes, and give her the benefit of the doubt. She's not a "brat". She's EDITED and is told to act like one for a storyline.
Let's try to be kinder to these obviously emotionally abused kids.
- amy
Thanks JustStoppingBy, loved the Frenchie getting his bath. Way, way off topic but my bully passed his AKC Canine Good Citizen test today. He got a puppy sundae from DQ to celebrate!
FlimsyFlamsy said... 4
There are so many instances where it was obvious(to me at least) that the children were not enjoying filming... The times Mady covered the camera lens with her hand, the time Mady wrote "keep cameras out" on her door, the kids being obviously miserable during those photoshoots, Mady during the tups' fake 6th birthday, Hannah looking right at the camera and wanting to shut the door when she and her sisters were arguing,clearly not wanting that moment filmed, Cara(?) not wanting her room filmed, those little comments like Joel's, subtle but telling. Hello, Cara hasn't participated in interviews in forever. I've no doubt kids like the trips but to claim the kids just love love love filming sounds fake to me.You can tell there's many moments where they wanted the cameras to go away.
I think regarding who would film in the future, when their consent would be needed: Mady and Leah would be ok going forward, Aaden and Joel and Hannah would be like the Rollof kids who occasionally allow filming, Cara, Collin definitely no, Alexis is a toss up.
I looked on YT and someone has been posting clips of Jacob and wow, he was the Collin of his family wasn't he? No wonder he rebelled, he was treated like crap so often and his parents always side with the other siblings. He really seems to have been the scapegoat. I am happy he said no to filming as soon as he could too.
One striking example: his brother Jeremy(?) always uses the: "Jacob wants to play with us but we're all twice his size so..." but really, Zach is shorter than Jacob and yet there's no question about him joining in. I understand older siblings don't always want to hang out with the little ones but the way he seems to have been constantly pushed away is sad. Also his own parents admitted that being the youngest he was the "lost" and forgotten child. Of course, the kid expressed himself however he knew best, which, at 6-10 was through rebelling and acting out but then his parents just jump to grounding him without adressing the underlying issue and the vicious circle continues.
Also am I the only one disturbed by the fact that Jacob's decision to leave the show is portrayed as "rebellion"? That he is seen as a troublemaker? As ungrateful? Like, how dare he not want a camera in his face all the time? Then they throw in his face how dare he still want the money for the seasons he did participate in the show? His childhood was sacrificed for the sake of entertainment and you expect him to not want to at least be paid? Talk about victim blaming.
And here we go. Milo, herald for the royal family, has started the Big Birthday wind-up on Twitter.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 20h20 hours ago
Coming up on a HUGE milestone in your life! You are about to enter the next #CrazyItsOurLife phase ...8 teens! God bless you! @kateplusmy8
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 20h20 hours ago
One teen can drive a whole family nuts! Stand your ground Mom...steer that ship aright! 8 teens soon! Much respect for you! @kateplusmy8
One obsessed fan can drive a Z-lister nuts, too, dear.
Mady and Leah would be ok going forward, Aaden and Joel and Hannah would be like the Rollof kids who occasionally allow filming, Cara, Collin definitely no, Alexis is a toss up.
I agree with that prediction. Leah always was the girl tup who wanted to show the camera things , like her flute, the new bedroom, and willingly answered questions. Alexis did at times but sometimes was just sitting there bored, tired or fidgeting, Hannah was sort of blase. The boys seemed willing but I doubt they'd miss it. Mady appears to like attention and Cara does not.
Joel was referred to as the 'forgotten child' by I think both J and K- he was quiet and did not make a fuss.
But who knows who will 'rebel' I was surprised about the Hannah incident where she stayed at Jon's complaining of cruel treatment for the kids and especially Collin. TFW of course showed a smiling photo of Hanni during the next few days proving she 'is in charge and always will be' and that Hannah loves Mommy.
Sad but true (#17), will someone please tell Gladys there are only SEVEN teens in that house? She will not take off those rose-colored glasses when it comes to her beloved.
There's a rebranding idea for you, TLC. Call the show "7 Kids And Counting." Except instead of changing the title as the number goes up (like the Duggars), they can do it as they go down. Would it surprise anyone if A was the next to go?
So, Seven Kids and Falling?
RoxyHelen (#16), I agree. Jacob articulated it so well: what was taken from him -- the innocence of a private childhood -- can never be restored. He has a right to every penny he earned. Just as the G kids should be entitled to the profits they earned. But if TFW has been in charge of their accounts, and has been allowed to dip in for things she can claim have benefited them (Deckster, anyone?), I have a bad feeling about how much they'll actually have left.
Also am I the only one disturbed by the fact that Jacob's decision to leave the show is portrayed as "rebellion"? That he is seen as a troublemaker? As ungrateful? Like, how dare he not want a camera in his face all the time? Then they throw in his face how dare he still want the money for the seasons he did participate in the show? His childhood was sacrificed for the sake of entertainment and you expect him to not want to at least be paid? Talk about victim blaming.
The fans did this to him. Turning on him quicker than scat. The show is going on without him, he didn't spoil anything, so I don't understand why they care. I'm sure that deep down Kate's fans are angry with Collin on some level for putting the show in jeopardy. If the pendulum swung the other way they know darn well TLC could have just as easily said they're not going to go there.
Jacob is a surprisingly good writer. Much better than what I've seen of the writings of the rest of the family. I see also that he is quite the reader, and frequently shares selections from his stacks of favorite books. Many good titles in there that can be seen on other recommended reading lists. That will help with your writing tremendously. I did not realize he is such an introspective, philosophical kid, who eagerly devours books by the best writers in the world, but of course the show never showed that side of him.
I've looked at Jeremy and his wife's blog and it's copycat drivel, at best, and full of trendy meaningless buzzwords like "intentional." Jacob's writing is REAL. They seem more like pinterest people, not so much into books.
I haven't heard this mentioned but it looks like both Jeremy and Zach are going to have their newborns on the show. With Zach, they are teasing the heck out of will it and won't it be a little person. That seems exploitive in and of itself. The last episode made it seem like this would be the big reveal whether it's a little person, only to have the doctor, who frankly seemed pretty inexperienced with little people, say well she couldn't really tell.
I've got a real funny feeling this kid is normal as they come, this far along in the pregnancy they would have some clear warning signs.
I also liked how Jacob framed the money he is getting as compensation for what was taken from him. That has given me a new perspective on things. I understand the argument if you don't want it then walk away from all of it, including the money. He explains why he should be able to both walk away from it and continue to collect money from past episodes, and it made perfect sense.
Reparations, really.
RoxyHelen said... 16
Also am I the only one disturbed by the fact that Jacob's decision to leave the show is portrayed as "rebellion"? That he is seen as a troublemaker? As ungrateful? Like, how dare he not want a camera in his face all the time? Then they throw in his face how dare he still want the money for the seasons he did participate in the show?
Oh no, not at all! Just a cursory glance at the comments made to Jacob are very mean and personal.
"Quitcher' whinin', Jacob!"
"You're so ungrateful! Go cry on your bags of money!"
"You liked the camera before!"
Jacob's unvarnished missives about what filming of a reality tv show, as a child thrust into it, are unprecedented and insightful, especially this particular blog post of his.
Jacob has distance, at this point, and more maturity. His understanding of the groundbreaking experiment he was forced to be a part of is eye opening, to say the least.
And yet, predictable AND foreseeable by those like us who aren't dazzled by editing, storylines and massive PR manipulation.
They say if slaughterhouses was glass walls, no one would eat meat. Well, if homes such as the Duggars, the Gosselins and the Roloffs had glass walls, only the staunchest of deniers would watch their shows.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 22
Jacob is a surprisingly good writer.
He is! He's got this natural, folksy, granola mashup going on that's relatable.
NJGal51 said... 13
Thanks JustStoppingBy, loved the Frenchie getting his bath. Way, way off topic but my bully passed his AKC Canine Good Citizen test today. He got a puppy sundae from DQ to celebrate!
LOVED the Frenchie getting a bath in the sink!
And CONGRATS to you and your sweet pup for passing the CGCT. Our dogs are trained up to the level of the test, but we need a couple weeks of intensive and focused drills to get them ready for the test again at this point.
Somehow I don't believe that there will be money left for the G kids after college. There is a trust set up for their schooling, but I recall (from the divorce) that it was around $900K. Even with the kids' income from the show (very little) and interest on the trust account, they still have to be eating away at the principal every year to pay that huge tuition bill. And if Kate dips into it at all, then there may not even be enough for college. What if some of them want to pursue more advanced schooling? One of my sons has his heart set on becoming an orthodontist. We are looking at about $400K+. Another is interested in law school, and that will probably be $150-200K. Those amounts are in addition to their first 4 years of college. Ouch!
The G kids have worked their whole lives-- they should have the financial freedom to pursue any careers they want. They should have a nice nest egg to start their adult lives. But I fear they will have to keep on working to be able to have that. I recall, when the show came back, that "a source close to Kate" told ROL that said Kate needed as many shows as she could get because the kids would be going to college before long. If more money is needed for college, then what does that tell you about the balance of their trust? It tells me that the balance is dwindling. Poor kids.
She's so infantile. Photo on IG of a gate (for the dogs, I'm sure) with a sign: "Come no closer, secret mission in progress." Yeah, we know, birthday prep. I wonder if Figure 8's doing most of the work, as usual. Don't know why she's blabbing about Mak, he's not even in the photo.
kateplusmy8 Mere days until ALL 8 are TEENAGERS!!! 😳😢😍😩😬☹️😑😳! The secret wrapping mission is underway..and, yes, Mak gets presents at EVERY holiday now, at Aaden's request, (Aaden puts stuff for Mak on HIS OWN birthday list!😍) bc he is such a skilled and entertaining present opener! I keep trying to get a good video to share! He's amazing! #Turning13Soon #WhereHasTheTimeGone #OperationBirthdayPresentWrapping
I guess Milo hasn't seen this yet, but Em is still sniffing around.
emilylovesbutler How is this possible?!?! 😭
I truly don't understand why people are making such a big deal of this. It's not like anything really changes, except for pimples and body hair. Not like anyone's getting more freedom or anything. Is this the age when K8 will start letting her kids stay home alone? Doubtful.
While it's great that Jacob can finally let his voice be heard, I find it odd that all the kids (except for the daughter) have chosen to make their living through blogs or the show. This isn't real life - there will come a time when no one will care about their twitter, instagram, or stupid relationship blog (yes, 20 something year old, married for 2 years - please tell me how to make my marriage better 🙄). While I believe both parents love, care, and have compassion for all their kids, the lack of guidance from them is stunning.
It's great to explore, and travel when you're young - I think it's the best time for it, but what are they going to do when real life hits them in the face, and they can't do a one hour special about it?
It's horrible what reality tv does to these kids.
With Zach, they are teasing the heck out of will it and won't it be a little person. That seems exploitive in and of itself.
Wow, they have Kate beat on that front. She didn't-more like didn't have the opportunity to- exploit her kids in utero.
It's horrible what reality tv does to these kids.
I think many, from the G kids to the Duggars to the kids on the Real Housewives shows, will pursue fame instead of buckling down, getting an education or vocation and putting their youthful energy to work for them building a solid foundation.
Sounds like Kate is masterminding the next "best ever" birthday for the tups.
At this point, blech, they're so spoiled it's sinful.
Ha -- I got it right! Gladys said the tups turning 13 is a huge milestone in KATE'S life! It's all about TFW to her. So predictable.
I noticed TFW posted 8 emoticons to represent her 8 kids, but one was just a blank white circle with a frown. Could that ghost be C?
Aw, Nick and K8 have a moment.
nick_moy Aaden has a good heart to think about Mak on his special day. They both must be best buddies.. and have things they share in common... I guess.. and I guess you will be real busy shopping on Amazon for the gang of 6... ha ha ha. 😂
kateplusmy8 That's already done, smarty pants :) I keep Amazon in business, single handedly I think:) @nick_moy
nick_moy@kateplusmy8 ha ha ha.. Just started using Amazon. It's great.. delivery is real quick.
This is not gospel so please don't take it as such, but I thought that a read somewhere that they had Jacob hoping that he'd be a little person so that Zach would have a sibling like him. This was quite a while ago but it's something that's always stuck in my mind because it reminded me of people who have another child hoping that it will be a doner for a sick child.
Reference my last post, maybe it was that they wouldn't mind if the baby was a little person because then Zach would have a sibling like him. I just don't want to start any rumors if I'm remembering wrong.
Tucker's Mom said... 31
With Zach, they are teasing the heck out of will it and won't it be a little person. That seems exploitive in and of itself.
Wow, they have Kate beat on that front. She didn't-more like didn't have the opportunity to- exploit her kids in uetro.
Good catch. TFW would of made more money because of more episodes and might have gotten a very special episode of the No. 7 baby that didn't make it. She told the tups about it. She shouldn't of have. It would put more stress on them! Didn't she name the baby Hope or Grace?
Yes, Zach and his wife have beaten `ol Katie at exploiting her unborn children! I saw the trailer and I thought it was awful. Just like the Little Johnsons and their young son that is having surgery and the camera shoved in his face while he is crying quietly and his mom and dad talking to him!
That is private, for pete's sake! Why would you want to exploit your children like that? When it gets on tape, it will be out there, forever.
"Come no closer, secret mission in progress."
Why not just close her door because they're not allowed in under penalty of severeness. Ah but the normal state of the door being closed wouldn't make as good a picture as a sticky note on the gate. Boring!
Tucker's Mom (#32), what's left for TFW to buy those kids? She brags about their haul every Christmas, and then it's baskets with gift cards at Easter, and now she's keeping Amazon in business with miltiple birthday gifts for 6 (or 5) kids? And soon it'll be time for summer travel, after America has just watched them take trip after trip on the show a few months ago. How in the blue-dilly heck does anyone find her relatable as a single mother?
While it's great that Jacob can finally let his voice be heard, I find it odd that all the kids (except for the daughter) have chosen to make their living through blogs or the show. This isn't real life - there will come a time when no one will care about their twitter, instagram, or stupid relationship blog (yes, 20 something year old, married for 2 years - please tell me how to make my marriage better 🙄).
I read Jeremy's blog to snark--I like how they often say, well we're new at marriage, BUT, let me tell you all the wisdom we've amassed. She is now pregnant, and dolling out wisdom and advice like crazy. It's her first pregnancy, what does she know?! Her story of how they conceived the baby in a treehouse was gag-worthy. Gross. They also claim they weren't trying for a baby, that the miracle just happened!--Nonsense. If you're off birth control and having sex, you're trying to have a baby. Don't be absurd.
The two are much more annoying on the blog than even in real life, and in real life they are pretty annoying. I think they're decent people, but I'd be surprised if this marriage lasts the long haul. In many respects the more you craft this ridiculous fairytale fantasy and put it out there the more doomed you are to fail. At a certain point they're going to realize real life doesn't measure up to the image they've so carefully created, and that's when things can really come crashing down.
TV show or not, they're pretty much mommy bloggers/fantasy life bloggers.
Jacob's writing is so much more humble and genuine.
Why doesn't she wrap presents while they are in SCHOOL? They're there all day, and she doesn't work. Then on the weekends she can spend time with them like normal mothers, take them somewhere, go to sports games or the movies. Normal families DO stuff on the weekends. She makes it seem like they are shut-ins, and it's strange.
I truly don't understand why people are making such a big deal of this. It's not like anything really changes, except for pimples and body hair. Not like anyone's getting more freedom or anything. Is this the age when K8 will start letting her kids stay home alone? Doubtful.
Kate's dramatic and immature. Normal milestones are exaggerated and overblown. The 16th birthday for the twins, while a milestone birthday, was WAY overdone to the point where you're putting so much pressure on the family no one is having any fun anymore. It's like, calm down.
I read Jeremy's blog to snark--I like how they often say, well we're new at marriage, BUT, let me tell you all the wisdom we've amassed
Just like Kate penning a book about being a single mother before the ink on her divorce papers is dry.
She is the last woman who should tell other mothers how to parent post divorce.
. She makes it seem like they are shut-ins, and it's strange.
I think Kate relegates her time to go places and do things with the kids is when they're filming. Remember, she's soooooo busy planning filming and scheming and grifting all week!
Seriously, I think Kate forgives herself all the time she could have spent with her children because she finagles vacations, birthdays and free stuff for them through filming, even if the amount of time they actually do stuff is far, far less.
miloandjack2016 I left some encouragement on twitter.... #ClimbEveryMountain playing in the background....you as a #SingleMom raising 8 teens. Your #CrazyLife is about to get more chaotic...hold on @kateplusmy8 ! 😋
Encouragement? Is that what they're calling verbal cattle-prodding these days? There won't be an iota of difference between May 10 and May 11, Milo, no matter how hard you try to spin the "chaotic fun."
miloandjack2016 So sweet to see how Aaden has bonded w/Mak. I say every child should have their OWN dog! Then you could be the #Kateplusmy16DreamTeam!! I know you are seriously considering this? 😲 @kateplusmy8
Uh, best she could do at the moment is 14, Milo. Why do you refuse to acknowledge the missing one?
I agree, A will be the next child who is sent away.
Golly Gee 37. The #7 "baby" was an empty sack. It can be compared to an egg when you crack the shell there is nothing there...no yolk, no white, nothing. She likes to exaggerate a lot. She claims it was a girl (of course) but at 4 or 5 weeks you cannot tell especially when there are so many of them. One time she said the name was Emma Hope. What an awful thing to tell young children.
Tucker's Mom said... 43
I read Jeremy's blog to snark--I like how they often say, well we're new at marriage, BUT, let me tell you all the wisdom we've amassed
Just like Kate penning a book about being a single mother before the ink on her divorce papers is dry.
She is the last woman who should tell other mothers how to parent post divorce.
Remember she told all of those models who were wearing wedding dresses to NOT GET MARRIED? She was so nasty, talking to them like she did. She is such a Debbie Downer.
Katie Dream Krusher.
I agree, foxy. Awful to tell them that. Those kids are under enough stress in that household as it is and then tell them that? She is cruel, sadistic and loves to tell them things like that just to see their reaction.
Like the trip to Mexico. Just cruel. They were so upset.
And the wife swap. Leaving your kids with strangers and Deanna, for a week or 2 weeks?
Put your seatbelt on!
They are calling it Royally Flipped.
Hidey Ho, commenting here on the sixteenth birthday post, which I just remembered happened. Thanks for the recap. I can't believe they didn't get a car. Either M&C aren't half as good at manipulation as I though (hoped?) they'd be or Khate just doesn't give a crap. Or... she truly couldn't afford a car for them.
Hidey Ho, Tamara! I don't think Kate is going to be about getting them things, like cars, or encouraging them to do things, like going abroad with a school group, that take them out of the house and away from her. Once they get a car they might never come home. It's better for Kate they not get any taste of the kind of fun and independent teenage life they COULD be having out there.
Where ARE all her IG followers? Out of 133K, fewer than 4K can be bothered to like her Big Birthday post, now up for 10 hours. I just don't get it. :)
Like the trip to Mexico. Just cruel. They were so upset.
Mady was upset on one trip. Was it Australia? Kate made the trip to Alaska really unpleasant for them. I don't remember that they were upset in Mexico. What happened there?
You know what would be even better than a bunch of random stuff from Amazon for the tups? The gift of an outing or activity. Like a movie or bowling or day trip with Mom -- just the 2 of them.
We know TFW couldn't be bothered to participate in the one-on-one activities with her sons on the show. Do you suppose J and A have ever done anything fun with their mother without cameras and a paycheck?
Sad but true said... 29
She's so infantile. Photo on IG of a gate (for the dogs, I'm sure) with a sign: "Come no closer, secret mission in progress." Yeah, we know, birthday prep. I wonder if Figure 8's doing most of the work, as usual. Don't know why she's blabbing about Mak, he's not even in the photo.
There are 2 pictures in that post. On the first picture(the one with the gate), you'll see a little arrow on the right. Click on that and you'll see the next picture, which shows a wrapped present for Mak.
I wonder if there'll be a wrapped present for Collin.
Kate is a twit said... 57
Thanks, totally missed second pic. What a ridiculous life she leads.
Kate is a twit said... 57
. . .
I wonder if there'll be a wrapped present for Collin.
How odd, mentioning a gift for Mak (but not #NookiePookie) and how close the dog is with Aaden. Why? Is Mak now the 3rd brother in this family? Once again, her tone-deafness literally drowns out anything else in her post. People don't GAF about your DOG, K8, they'd much rather know how your missing SON is doing and how his BROTHER feels about that. She really thinks these dogs can wholly divert attention from the extremely sad elephant in the room.
KIAT (#57), I think TFW put the dogs into the birthday story right away as a distraction from the elephant in the room: C still being gone. By showing that whimsical Post-it on the gate, and a picture of a puppy present, she's controlling the narrative. Who's going to bring up a missing child with all that fun fun fun going on at Ms. Gosselin's Home For Exploited Children, Minus One?
Sheepless In Seattle said... 54
I think GG meant the trick shepalyed that she was going without the kids. Leah and Hannah were in tears and the boys dumbfounded. The twins and Deanna were in on this secret and 'fake farewell'Mexican dinner. Mean. But I think they had fun on the trip except maybe Collin when his gift was dissed so cruelly and publicly.
Newsflash TFW: The Justice Dept is watching celeb and reality personalities on social media and warning them about the continuous and widespread violation of the rules regarding sponsored posts and ads:
Jennifer Lopez, Victoria Beckham and Snooki among 100 celebrities and influencers warned against failing to disclose they're paid to plug products on social media
- A hundred celebrities, sports stars and influencers received a warning letter from the Federal Trade Commission last month
- They include Jennifer Lopez, Victoria Beckham, Heidi Klum and Snooki
- Beckham was in trouble for praising a skincare product by Dr Lancer on Instagram without revealing her ties to the marketer
- Lopez also received a warning over her post against the backdrop of vodka bottles, with a caption that stated: 'Thanks again @vodkabeluga'
- The FTC complained that a simple thanks would not alert most consumers that it was a paid for promotion
- Snooki had posted a promotion for Flat Tummy Tea without revealing she was being paid
- The FTC are not taking any action against the celebs aside from the letter reminding them of the rules
"However; money, things, and trips — all material — cannot ultimately compensate for the immaterial experiences of a childhood innocently experienced."
Can you imagine being a kid, growing up on Roloff Farm and not being filmed? That place is a kids paradise! Long, lazy summer days in the pool, running all over the property, playing in all of those 'towns' out there, camping, etc...It's a shame most of it had to be staged.
The only Gosselin's I see wanting to continue filming would be Mady and possibly Alexis.
Sad but true (#59), we posted almost identical comments at the exact same time! TFW is so transparent.
Kris (#64), a while back, Jacob posted a picture of what was portrayed in an episode as an intimate family gathering around a campfire. But his photo revealed the gaggle of crew members surrounding the family. That picture was a stark reminder of how little reality there is in reality TV.
The FTC are not taking any action against the celebs aside from the letter reminding them of the rules.
TFW may have slipped under the radar on this but I'm sure one of her non fans will contact the FTC and put in a complaint about her recent "non"-advertisements.
kris said... 63
Can you imagine being a kid, growing up on Roloff Farm and not being filmed? That place is a kids paradise! Long, lazy summer days in the pool, running all over the property, playing in all of those 'towns' out there, camping, etc...It's a shame most of it had to be staged.
Would most of this have even existed without TLC? I haven't ever really watched this show. But in the case of the Gosselins, no, the big isolated estate---with SALT-WATER pool and LEATHER sofa, LOL---would never have come to pass without reality TV money. And with even semi-normal parents, the perks would probably never have been missed.
There's a sweet new commercial for Zillow with a young dad holding his infant son, and showing him their new house. He shows the baby the yard, and says, "Here's where you're gonna play, and get grass stains on all your clothes." And it made
me think of TFW and her gestapo demeanor about keeping clothes clean. Remember the old "ice cream for dinner" episode, when the kids were having a ball rolling around in the grass, and
she freaked out? I think M said something like, kids get dirty, and TFW said something like, not these kids. She often complained about the hundreds of hours she spent on laundry (which we know now was fiction, because she had so much help). And we also now know she needed to keep the clothes clean so she could sell them to the consignment store. What a controlling shrew -- taking the joy out of a simple pleasure of childhood.
Sad but true said... 67
Would most of this have even existed without TLC?
I thought of that, but when LPBW first started Matt had already had a lot of stuff already in place before the camera's arrived. Yes, the remodel was on TLC's dime and I don't think there was a pool and there is now? But it was a cool place before TLC got their hands on it.
IMO the house remodel was a waste of money because the kids were all practically grown when they did it, so it's a huge waste of space.
FlimsyFlamsy...I had 4 little ones and I kept a bottle of "Shout" in my bathroom, so as they were climbing into the tub, I was spraying grass stains, no big deal. TFW is such a drama queen, lol
If Collin is home, I hope Kate just posts a casual picture of the kids on their birthday saying something like "Happay birthday, love you all so much" or something and that's that. I hope she doesn't sell the first pictures of Collin at home to People mag, I hope she doesn't sell video of Collin to TLC. Better yet, I hope she doesn't post any picture and cuts off filming so that all kids can finally live in a camera free environment and Collin can thrive. Am I being delusional with my hopes? Probably.
On K+8 there was also a deleted ( but seen on TLC website)campfire scene where TFW tenderly said the kids were getting older and these precious memories should be cherished...on film. This was after the pumpkin smashing where there was so much arguing and no one wanting TFW on their team.
kris said... 70
FlimsyFlamsy...I had 4 little ones and I kept a bottle of "Shout" in my bathroom, so as they were climbing into the tub, I was spraying grass stains, no big deal. TFW is such a drama queen, lol
LOL, see, this is the kind of "life hack" that K8 needs to bring in an "organization specialist" to tell her. Love it!
FlimsyFlamsy...I had 4 little ones and I kept a bottle of "Shout" in my bathroom, so as they were climbing into the tub, I was spraying grass stains, no big deal. TFW is such a drama queen, lol
Mine would come home with so much mulch in his shoes that I would dump the mulch into plastic bags that I kept in the garage. At the end of the day-care year, we gave it back to the center to replace what he had brought home. I got tired picking mulch out of socks, so if they were too bad, I just threw them out and bought bags of socks by volume at the discount store. We still talk about all of the mulch that he brought home. Memories.
Kate is so much drama. She really misses the fun things in life.
Once she gets an idea in her head, she never lets it go.
miloandjack2016 So you don't like my idea of each child having their OWN pup to bond with? What's a few more furbabies to care for? 8 teens...8 pups sounds like sweet chaos to me! 😇 @kateplusmy8.
Misty water colored MEMories. . . .
kateplusmy8 Sitting in my room with the kids... thinking back to almost 13 years ago. I pulled out this extra small preemie diaper from the NICU.. I've kept it in my bedside table drawer, wherever we moved...to always remind me of how far we've come!! The kids were awed! 😍 #Almost13 #Preemies #TwentyNineAndFive #TwoAndThreePounds
All of them are sitting in her room reminiscing about their BIRTH? Ridiculous. I don't believe it for a second, but if that's what's really happening, well, it just makes me feel sorrier than ever for those kids. Mom's enforced Memory Marches: how dismal. And curious how we kept this teeny diaper all these years when the kids can't even hold on to keepsakes from their grandparents. Are the twins sitting there with you, too, remembering how you gleefully destroyed their childhoods for money?
miloandjack2016 Your hashtag #TwentyNineAndFive? How long you carried them? @kateplusmy8. #BedRest. #TimeWellSpent. ❤
kateplusmy8 Twenty nine weeks and five days.. at that 'age' everyday is counted.. and very important! ❤️ @miloandjack2016 @shakifan101
Yep, #29+5, stuck in everyone's brain for all time. Could she BE any more impressed with herself?
miloandjack2016@kateplusmy8 Absolutely...each added day assurance of healthy fully developed babes! Amazing how healthy strong and active all six came to be!! So blessed you have been!
Uh, apparently one of the six is not so "healthy strong and active," else why would he have been sent away from home for the past year? The truth is out there, Doofus, just open your eyes.
Oh wait, there's more.
quintuplets_of_hawaii I have mine in my bedside table too. I can't wait for the day I share it with them. So amazing!
kateplusmy8 That is SO awesome that we both saved it.. and in the same place! ❤️ I just couldn't part with it and wanted to keep it safe! I never imagined a day that they'd be awed by it! SO neat! @quintuplets_of_hawaii
miloandjack2016 I first glanced at this & thought you had cut your hand! Whew... #NotSo! Instead you give all of us who have followed you from the very first, a real sentimental moment! How can this be....soon 13yr olds who at birth you could hold in your hand now almost eye to eye w/you!
Awww, K8 gave us a Real Sentimental Moment! Congratulations, K8, those fiction-writing lessons are paying off. Has Brownie been helping you to pump up that volume?
And as for you, Ms. quintuplets_of_hawaii mom, I've never heard of you, so I thank you sincerely for not selling your children to the public.
Why is Milo so infatuated with Kate? She (or he) is so much in love with her that it's pathetic.
I wonder if LOM knows that Kate is the true love of her life. If there really is a LOM, would he care?
Oh, lordy be...I almost barfed when I saw that picture of the preemie diaper. How low can she go to whip everyone into a frenzy over what I'm sure will be another paid for birthday bonanza?
It's absolutely fascinating. I wanted to speak about our Roloff Manager, Miss Caryn and Matt. I have watched Little People, Big World from day one. I went through school with Weeman from Jackass, so you can imagine why my entire family watched. I'd known about this affair, I couldn't tell you how many times I've mentioned her to my husband. There was an incident a few Christmases ago, we spoke here about Caryn taking a winter coat to wear from the closet. The kids were super pissed.
The Karen girlfriend on Little People seemed very awkward, way more than just here's dad's new gf and it's awkward. I feel like I remember her being around for years. I suppose the implication is perhaps Matt left Amy for her. He always seemed way too focused on work to devote much time to romance. The whole thing is bizarre.
Oh did you get my post, Ad? I totally 100% agree on not a new dating situation.
Does TFW expect us to believe all 7 kids are piled in her bedroom on a school night? If we're dealing in fantasies, why doesn't she put on a Maria Von Trapp dress and they can all burst into a verse from "Do Re Mi?"
TFW's social media persona is pure spin, and I don't buy a word of it.
That woman has ice water running through her veins, and all this sentimental blather rings absolutely hollow to me. She sent her child away and has essentially carried on as if he never existed. She is a horrible mother.
What are the little people forums saying? They always have a good pulse on what's really happening. Now I'm curious!
As for Kate cooing and gushing over her babies, that would mortify me at 13. Fine coo over your 13 year old babies but do it quietly, like when they're at school. Yeesh.
As TFW gets a charlie horse from patting herself on the back, does the children's father ever come to mind? The young dad who made it known that he was content being a family of 4, but suddenly found himself with a family of 10? The man who worked away from home all day, and came home to handle dinner, baths and bedtime for 8? Who, unlike their mother, seemed to truly enjoy his kids, and handled the responsibilities of parenting without whining or complaining?
IF Khate keeps 6 preemie nappies right by her bed they're there to guilt her children not for fond memories. This is the woman who tosses memories into the bin.
I don't know much about the Little People thing as I've only watched a few episodes, but I can't see any of those kids being fine with either of their parents dating other people.
God help me - I've just realized I have something in common with Gladys - when I saw the picture I too thought TFW had cut her hand.
bm (#88), bless your heart. Just have a dish of vanilla ice cream, and be sure to get to bed by 10pm.
kateplusmy8Sitting in my room with the kids... thinking back to almost 13 years ago. I pulled out this extra small preemie diaper from the NICU.. I've kept it in my bedside table drawer, wherever we moved...to always remind me of how far we've come!! The kids were awed! 😍 #Almost13 #Preemies #TwentyNineAndFive #TwoAndThreePounds
Jeebus, it will ALWAYS be about Kate. I feel so sorry for those kids. THEY should be amazed at HER because she pilfered and kept a premie diaper.
My mother kept our first haircut hair and our first baby teeth. Did she EVER make any of my birthdays all about her and what she went through to have me?
Our keepsakes was for her and only her. Not for the world to be amazed at how amazingish she was.
Hey, Kate, you witch, how about showing us your boy's basketball? How about that Scout outfit? How about a baseball bat?
So K8's diaper made it to more than 10K likes, a first for an IG photo for her. Looks like this struck a chord with the many moms of premies out there. She's finally found her demographic.
rachrobbins1 I have one of these now too! Just had my first baby and he is currently in the NICU! He was born April 27 at 29 weeks and 6 days! We will be here a while, but trusting God all the way! He's doing really well and we are so looking forward to the day we get to take him home! I'm certainly keeping my tiny diaper too to look back on and see how far we've come and how blessed we are on this journey! Love seeing how far your kids have come! I have watched them from the beginning! God bless you guys!
kateplusmy8 Congratulations on your tiny miracle! He will be just fine at that gestation... but I KNOW the worry and guilt (mommy guilt needs to take a hike imo, lol) and fear you feel! Enjoy him.. tiny babies have always had a special place in my heart, considering all 8 of mine were 5 pounds ( Cara and Mady- I know. Sounds HUGE, right?😉) down to 2 pounds 7 ounces!!! @rachrobbins1
rachrobbins1 Thank you so much! I appreciate it! I'm so enjoying this time of watching him grow and change! We have gotten to hold him and he has started feedings through his little tube and it's going really well! He weighed 1lb 14oz at birth and up to a whopping 2lbs 1.7oz today! Yay! Every ounce is a victory huh! Thank you for your reply and encouragement! ❤️
Many of the posters had premies far smaller than any of K8's. I don't think she should be saying things like "just fine," though. Problems abound in ones born too early and they're not always immediately apparent. And I don't believe for a second that K8 ever felt any "mommy guilt," it's not in her nature.
Paul sothern @ringouzel1972 20m20 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 we don't see much of Colin in the new episodes, is he like Jacob in little people big world and not a fan of the limelight.?.
Ah sure. Kate really lets any kids off the hook if they don't want to film. I mean, she said so, right?
Do sheep really not realize that Colin's been sent away? It's been a YEAR!!!
When TFW looks at that little diaper, does she ever regret beating those children, who were so tiny and fragile at birth?
And enough already about the bed rest. She was waited on hand and foot, while her parents took care
of the twins. And she left the hospital as a celebrity, with
hot-and-cold running freebies,
and volunteers coming out of the woodwork for months. Then TLC swooped in, and she's been on easy street ever since. So the idea
that she's still trying to evoke sympathy, or be praised for her selflessness, for a multiple birth 13 years later is just pathetic.
Abby Lee Miller was just sentenced to a year in prison for bankruptcy fraud and money laundering. Immediately followed, no doubt, by a book deal, and a new reality show.
Abby Lee Miller, of Dance Moms infamy, is going to jail for a year and a day for hiding income.
Wonder if TFW is nervous yet...
Awww, tiny babies have a special place in TFW's heart. Too bad little boys don't. And bigger boys may just find themselves shown the door.
Is another C-free People cover about to drop? Or is he back, and she's saving the big reveal for the big birthday? Either way, she's a horrible mother.
Abby Lee Miller of Dance Moms got a year and a day in prison!
"Miller was indicted on fraud charges in 2015 for allegedly hiding from a bankruptcy court $775,000 in income she earned after filing a petition to reorganize her Pittsburgh dance studio in 2010.
Last June, she pleaded guilty to purposely hiding that income. She also pleaded guilty to an unrelated charge of sneaking $120,000 in foreign currency into the United States from Australia, which, according to The Associated Press, she agreed to forfeit.
Prosecutors wanted Miller to spend 2.5 years in prison, while her attorneys were hoping for probation because all of her creditors were made whole after the fraud was discovered."
Another poor outcome with reality tv. Why do people clamor to become reality tv "stahs" again?
FlimsyFlamsy said... 96
Awww, tiny babies have a special place in TFW's heart. Too bad little boys don't. And bigger boys may just find themselves shown the door.
Is another C-free People cover about to drop? Or is he back, and she's saving the big reveal for the big birthday? Either way, she's a horrible mother.
Kate loves babies up until they can talk. When they can defy her, not so much.
One of the dozen-plus comments on the diaper from the newest member of K8's lunatic fringe. It frightens me to think that people this clueless roam the earth. And that she's held on to her copy of 8 Little Faces so long.
k8i31 Don't know why but the Love page from #8littlefacesbook keeps coming back to me- "there is no one recipe for love. Love is the reason I do everything I do for my children- from staying up until midnight baking cookies, to putting notes in their lunches. Love is caring about every facet of my children now and who they will become. " Seemed to fit the pic. #cantdescribeKate'sloveforherkids#mama 🐻 #amazing#8littlefacesgrowingup#Thankfulforthe Gosselins Kate if I could take all the pain away, I would, but then I wouldn't because then you wouldn't have your kids!
k8i31#8littlefacesgrowingupbutthewordsinthebookstilltrue! @kateplusmy8 -would really love to know your feelings on this occasion- all the joy - all the pain but worth it! #newbookcoming? #cantwaittoseeGosselinfamilyvacay #dontloveJon,butloveallthememoriesinMuiltpleBlessings#💜youandkids
@FlimsyFlamsy We should find out tomorrow.If C isn't on it,then hes not home.If he's there then we'll know that she's been playing games since he came home.She isn't fooling anybody,if hes been home why was he in none of the pictures with the other 6?This would prove she was playing games with everyone and wanted people to think he wasn't home and not reveal anything until this scoop .There's no way for her to spin this and that's only IF PEOPLE is doing a cover.
Jon posted a picture of a birthday cake with all 6 names on it talking about them being 13 tomorrow. Someone said something like she helped that he gets to see them and he replies "I just did". Hopefully Collin is home and hopefully Jon saw all 6.
Oh dear...Jon posted a pic on IG of a cake w the 6 names on it lol what is Katie's next move !!!???
He says in the comments that " he just saw them" , so that's good !
Let's see how Khate spins it.
She's sending sticky buns to school for the Big Birthday Treat. Yawn.
kateplusmy8 13th birthday school treat gone wild.. apparently I don't know how to make a 'little' of anything! #ChristmasCinnamonBuns #ForBirthday #AllDayProject #WhatWasIThinking
I guess all this baking means the Big Birthday won't be filming anywhere near the actual day.
I checked out the realitytvkids equivalent of the Roloff blog spirit wander.
They think Jeremy and his wife are phony baloney and very immature, especially their decision to bring a human being into the world to "catch up" to Zach.
They LOVE Jacob the best of all of them. Word!
They think Amy is being petty for complaining about Karen.
They think nothing is as it seems and everything is fake and staged.
That's about it. No real juicy details we couldn't already figure out. Good folks though.
OMG people are really stupid. Someone actually asked who the diaper Kate posted a pic of belonged to. Kate is nuts, but to think she saved a dirty diaper 13 years?
k8i31 Don't know why but the Love page from #8littlefacesbook keeps coming back to me- "there is no one recipe for love. Love is the reason I do everything I do for my children- from staying up until midnight baking cookies, to putting notes in their lunches. Love is caring about every facet of my children now and who they will become. " Seemed to fit the pic.
Huh. Sounds like just some really poor planning, staying up until midnight backing cookies. Especially for someone who DOESN'T WORK.
Notice too how love is all the tangible demonstrative things to Kate. That is one aspect of love, sure, but I never got the sense she grasps there is an entire emotional side to love that cannot be measured in notes and cookies. One where a kind, encouraging word, hug and soft kiss to a child's brow, an "I love you because you are you, I'm proud of you" means more to their emotional health and well being than a thousand cookies by mom.
Still unbelievable to me that so many do not understand the level of help K8 has had from Day One. This poor deluded woman.
XXXXX You inspire me to be that mom who gets everything done at the end of the night kitchen counters cleaned. But to be honest I'm too tired my kitchen counters are not clean. My dishes need to be done and I have laundry up the wazoo because everybody's had a stomach bug. I don't know how you do it and to think that you do it with eight kids. I only have three and my set of multiples are 16 months old I'm exhausted. And then I think what would Kate do? Usually the guilts me into getting up and cleaning but I just don't think I have it in me tonight. Hope your kids have a fabulous birthday you're an amazing mom.
My hope is that she brought Collin home for their birthday. My fear is that if she did it's only to exploit him.
"And then I think what would Kate do?"
Happy them up with a wooden spoon.
Exploit them for money.
Estrange them from their father.
Sad but true Thats kinda good news,if they do go to school tomorrow then that means that Kate won't drag them out of school to do a people scoop.I remember Kate dragged them out of school sometimes in order to film.Now that Kate mention that,i feel all were going to get tomorrow is Kate decorating the table and she'll claim that she's celebrating with all 8.
Oh God speaking of that,Milo has a new picture on her IG she uploaded 8 hours ago and she @ Kate to get her attention to see it.Needless to say Kate hasn't respond yet but it seems someone is going after milo miloandjack2016 Remember this @kateplusmy8 ?
From your book #IJustWantYouToKnow. ❤
The 6 #TeenagersDoingGoofyThings
....to one another time has arrived!
Wasn't it 8yrs ago you wrote this?
Your view into your future has come! A milestone reached.
Congrats to all 9 of you!
Tomorrow's the big day! 😲
#FamilyIsEverything. ❤
People magazine just posted the tiny diaper story. I won't click on it, but it looks like there's some video with it.
No pic of the baking frenzy?
Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls In a Tube, anyone?
Jon's cake is more beautiful than any of those production TLC cakes "Kate" has ever "given" the kids. Must be the lack of cameras accompanying the cake and the regular(mediocre if you will) aspect that makes it so special. Or maybe it's the fact that Jon put Collin's name on the cake whether he's home or not. Just my humble opinion. I hope I've been wrong and Jon has finally sorted everything in court and got to see all 6(regardless of whether Collin is home or not).
So "The Diaper" made People online. Which explains how that photo got over 10K likes. Very brief write-up, doesn't mention the show at all.
Jamesvader1194 said... 111
She's gotta play this out as long as possible. Because once the Big Birthday is past, all she's got is . . . dogs.
NjGal51 said... 109
Yes! If he is home, she's not telling, she's going to save it up for some big reveal, as if he were a home renovation project.
Jamesvader1194 said... 112
Some interesting comments there:
barbarah46 Milo, don't you know by now Kate doesn't like you upstaging her with announcements about her family early? Sheesh.
nick_moy This is so awesome.. seeing how far they have come, and overcome. Kate must be so proud of the 8 kids..Plus Kate thinking of the future of her family, ( unlike some who live for the present) only shows the love, commitment and dedication for her brood..
miloandjack2016@nick_moy i have her book.... Very interesting to read her thoughts back then and see the positive dynamics of the family now. @kateplusmy8 has done an amazing job...and hasn't lost her mind along the way! 😋
miloandjack2016@barbarah46 LOL. No attempt to upstage anyone. She will be super beyond busy tomorrow...just wanted to send my positive thoughts to her! Why do you worry about what I do? 😇
nick_moy@miloandjack2016 Yes I know some parents who don't think that far into the future like putting away an education fund..and putting the onus on their children to get a student loan or grant if they want an education... Also.. I don't think you are upstaging anybody because EVERYBODY who truly follow Kate KNOW when the septuplets were born.. No Big Deal.. (it's not as if your birthday changes from year to year). Lol
barbarah46 Milo don't flatter yourself that I would worry about you. Kate let you have it when you announced the pups birthday a little while back and yet you just keep on doing it. They are her children, not yours.
miloandjack2016@barbarah46 Obviously you have reading difficulties...nothing in my post says anything about announcing BD. You clearly don't like me...why bother. Just move on & have a good life. 😃
"Seeing how far they have come, and overcome"? They grew up, FFS. And what have they had to overcome besides a messy divorce, which happens to a very large portion of the population? If he's talking about overcoming being mothered by a woman who's in love with herself and the spotlight, well, that remains to be seen. As does the whole "full college ride" that everyone seems to assume is a done deal. I'll believe that one when I see it.
"Super beyond busy"? Doing what, exactly? Baking a cake and throwing it on the table? Don't tell me she's going to go decoration-crazy, that won't happen unless Figure 8 is coming to set it up for a scene.
Sad but true, my favorite part of that weird exchange was that Nick Moy calls them "septuplets." Yes, TFW claims she conceived 7, but I don't think I've ever heard the kids referred to as septuplets.
"Positive dynamics of the family,"
Father GONE. Brother GONE. Other children ESTRANGED from their father. What in the world is that woman trying to spin?
Any positive dynamics in the G household are in spite of TFW, not because of her. She is a HORRIBLE mother.
And the IG photo montage is up. Complete with a sextuple dose of sentimentality.
kateplusmy8 🎈🎈🎈HAPPY 13th BIRTHDAY, my precious Alexis, Hannah, Aaden, Collin, Leah and Joel! At this moment (7:51-7:53 am) 13 years ago, my life and heart were completed with your births! I love you all and NO MATTER WHAT it requires of me, I will ALWAYS be there for you; I'll always be your biggest cheerleader, your role model by example, your shoulder to cry on, the hug and laugh you need, and your mommy and friend! I love you guys! I got six times what I planned on, but I'd NEVER EVER go back! You're the six final pieces of my heart that I never knew I was looking for 😉❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ #Turning13Today #HappyBirthdayBabies #ILoveYouToTheMoonAndBack100MillionTimes
Hugs and laughs? How do those never make it into her show?
barbgilmer1 Tell the kids we said happy Birthday 🎁🎉🎂🎈🎊 @kateplusmy8 Will Collin be there for this huge milestone? From one mom to another your doing a great job kate! XO 😘
She's not gonna tell you, Barb, she has a gag order remember?
nick_moy This is what TRUE LOVE is and so eloquently said.. but the MOST important part it's demonstrated in the selfless sacrifices you show each time we see you and the behaviour and disposition of your children. You are an amazing person and an inspiration to many who aspire to handle their life and in control. Say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the kids for us. @kateplusmy8 :)
Nick almost out-hyperboles K8. Almost. "Selfless sacrifices"? Snort.
New People cover is Goldie Hawn, with small corner pic of "7 Little
Johnstons." I suppose the tups might still be on next week, but they didn't get the birthday cover many of us predicted.
Clearly Nick doesn't follow TFW all that closely because he/she doesn't know that they are sextuplets and not septuplets. The pictures that TFW posted today are completely underwhelming and could have been taken at any time. No clue as to whether or not Collin is home. But she will be their role model by example (her words)....uh oh, the kids are doomed.
Those then and now photos on TFW's IG are not new- the kids don't have braces plus they look younger than when last photographed. What a bluff.
NJGAL51 (#123), with Nick, as with Gladys, it's all about TFW. The kids are of peripheral importance.
That's true Formerly Duped, Aaden wears braces now. Good catch!
Those are not current "now" pictures. They seem to be at least a year old. Collin is still not home.
..and another thing, having the kids recreate the olderpicture'sposes is another stab at trying to keep them tyoung, as they were when at the peak of the show's popularity. Note the identical clothes for boys, and pretty similar (all pink) for the girls. That's fine for a photograph, but I think she just wants to make people remember they are a 6-pack and therefore awesome.(They are awesome- as individuals too, not as reality stars !)
I really don't think the kids see her as a role model. I recall one of the girls saying Kate dithered abut DIY things and they would rather dive right in and do it! The kids have made many withering comments about Mommy's bossiness, insistence on doing things her way, no one wanting her on their team, her embarrassing shrieking at bugs, being dramatic etc etc
Nick praised TFW for the "selfless sacrifices you show each time we see you."
But, Nick, you're contradicting your own point. When you see TFW, it's because she's on TV with her kids, doing a show that has basically sold their childhoods to the public for a paycheck for more than a decade. To me, that sounds like the opposite of selfless. That sounds SELFISH. And if you doubt the dire consequences of that invasion of privacy, please read the words of Jacob Roloff above.
Another new venture for Ree Drummond -- a Pioneer Woman magazine. And then there's Schmoopy, whose best effort is pictures of Post-Its on dog gates.
kris said... 126
That's true Formerly Duped, Aaden wears braces now. Good catch!
She just posted a pic of two of the girls with braces a few days ago as well. And those shirts the boys have on...I've seen photos before with them in those shirts.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 113
People magazine just posted the tiny diaper story. I won't click on it, but it looks like there's some video with it.
So, maybe Kate Coyner didn't have that much pull this year with begging People to put her bbf TFW and the kids on the cover of People! I guess People didn't want to put another picture of just 8 people instead of 9 again.
I know they got bad flack for it. That witch is good. She probably found out that it was a no-go for a cover and she come up with the tiny diaper and she was able to get it mentioned and a possible video.
I haven't seen Jon's cake picture but I agree it is more beautiful than all of the TLC production cakes of all because the TRUTH is stated on it.
Alexis, Collin, Hannah, Joel, Leah, Aaden.
Dear Lord, I hope Collin was able to be at Jon's for a quiet party with his brothers and sisters!
Sadly, Jon didn't have all the kids for their birthday; found this story posted today:
"While Kate and Jon Gosselin have since divorced, both parents can hardly believe that their youngest kids are teens. Jon celebrated their milestone birthday with his family and girlfriend Colleen Conrad Monday. "I had four of them: Hannah, Leah, Joel and Aaden," he tells E! News.
"I cooked burgers and hot dogs on the grill and we did presents and played football in the backyard. After that, we did cake and ice cream," the former reality star adds. "It was good." Jon sees them "once a week for dinner and every other weekend,"
Well she has almost 15,000 likes in 4 hours, she is so loved!! I shake my head and go back to working!Does it say how many views?? It would be funny if she has more likes than views!
"I love you all and NO MATTER WHAT it requires of me, I will ALWAYS be there for you." REQUIRES of me? There is no warmth in that sentence. It's
a chore to raise those kids -- she's complained about it every step of the way. In that mushy, gushy hearts-and-flowers post, TFW desperately
tried to sound like a selfless, sacrificing mother, warm, loving mother. She. Is. Not.
I am beginning to think that Collin is not coming back. That poor little boy! What if he hasn't been home/hasn't seen his siblings since last year when he went away? I hope not but at this point I'm not sure what else to think.
You know how TFW could be "a role model by example" for her children? By having a civil relationship with their father. I think it's utterly disgusting that TFW didn't send A to be with her brothers and sisters at the birthday celebration at her dad's house. What an atrocious situation, that she is 100% able to control and make better. She truly makes me sick. Instead
of making 1,423 cinnamon buns, she could've made her children's birthday extra special with just
4 words texted to their father: "I'm sending Alexis tonight." Was it not hard enough for the
4 kids that went that their beloved brother wasn't present?
Wow! After 11 months on IG, K8 finally gets TWO posts (back to back) that get over 10K likes! Of course, all the little write-ups in odd corners of the net have helped push those numbers, but still. I wonder what's gonna happen tomorrow, though. This was THE big birthday (at least for the next couple of years). Is it all gonna go to the dogs between now and then?
Of course, by comparison with her TLC family, with folks like Jessa Duggar regularly getting 50K likes on photos of her kids, this is not terribly impressive. But you enjoy it, K8, this little flash of what your 15 minutes used to look like. Time marches on.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 135
I know, right? That NO MATTER WHAT is so telling. We know it doesn't include working her fingers to the bone at Mickey D's OR doing anything that would not require THEM to work. She's so full of fake it can't help but spill out from time to time.
WHY, WHY, WHY!!! TFW, SMH, with tears!
Why did Alexis AND Collin MISS their 13th birthday with their FATHER? The PAIN they will feel when they hear about it. The PAIN that their brothers and sisters feel when their sister and brother are not there! Those poor kids!
The best birthday parties are the kind that Jon and Colleen just had for the kids! Beautiful weather, hot dogs on the grill, presents, playing games in the backyard, cake, and all without a TLC filming crew.
Many, many, times mediocre is the BEST!
Views are only for videos, not pictures.
RoxyHelen said... 136
I am beginning to think that Collin is not coming back. That poor little boy! What if he hasn't been home/hasn't seen his siblings since last year when he went away? I hope not but at this point I'm not sure what else to think.
My guess is that the kids haven't seen Collin. If they've seen Collin, they know where he is. If the kids know where Collin is, Jon knows where Collin is.
Kate #hashtagging about #family being so important-omg-she's lucky lightning didn't strike her when she typed that out.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 135
"I love you all and NO MATTER WHAT it requires of me, I will ALWAYS be there for you." REQUIRES of me? There is no warmth in that sentence. It's
a chore to raise those kids
It's a bizarre statement with almost threatening overtones. Kate is too strange for words.
It's like, "I love you. I don't have to love you, but I choose to love you, even though you make it very hard for me on so many levels".
Comment on E! article:
Kathy Klein · Clay, New York
WAIT!! The fact that Colin isn't there to celebrate his 13th Birthday is VERY odd!! When was the last siting or photo of him? Hmm isn't anyone else suspicious. His Mom said he was sent away for not getting along with his siblings!? A big ole investigation needs to happen! Where is Colin??
Like · Reply · 43 mins
Kelly Kennie
I could be wrong but I believe he's autistic and has been sent to a specialized school.
Like · Reply · 8 mins
Kathy Klein · Clay, New York
Kelly Kennie True but still he has NEVER returned home or been seen by anyone! Too WEIRD!!"
Yes, Kathy, good observation. I hope that thousands more notice that Collin is still God knows where.
I really think he wasn't even brought home to be with his family for his birthday.
How sad is that?
I find it to be very, very concerning that Alexis refuses to see Jon and there's been no attempt at therapy? No counseling or mediation to heal their relationship?
Do these parents not get how this puts children at risk for some really bad things?
Tucker's Mom (#143), yes, the tone reminded me of her letter to C in her book: I love you, but, dude, you have been a raging pain in the a** since your giant head was first banging around in my uterus.
"No matter what is required of me..." What a strange statement for a mom to make. Did she think the littles would arrive without needs?
Shaking my head.
Dmasy said... 144
"No matter what is required of me..." What a strange statement for a mom to make. Did she think the littles would arrive without needs?
Shaking my head.
This is Kate giving herself an eternal "get out of jail free" card and carte blanche for working her kids all of their childhoods, for railroading their father out of the house and their lives to the best of her ability, for trying to incarcerate and bankrupt him, for using the formidable force and deep pockets of TLC to destroy him, all so she could "provide for them".
Mark my words.
What's she's really saying is that she's ruthless and the way she shows her love is steamrolling anyone and anything that gets in her way.
Dmasy (#144), this is a woman who went to a children's cancer ward, and managed to compare their suffering to her extended bed rest!
Astoundingly tone deaf creature. And yet she fancies herself a kind and caring mother.
Why is Milo congratulating all nine of them? The twins didn't have to suffer during the long bedrest like their poor mother did. And Milo's wrong. Kate has lost her mind, and so has she.
Ugh Jon, Jon, Jonnyboy, Jon. Is it really that hard to give the tabloids no comment?
FlimsyFlamsy said... 122
New People cover is Goldie Hawn, with small corner pic of "7 Little Johnstons." I suppose the tups might still be on next week, but they didn't get the birthday cover many of us predicted.
Thank God. I read the little diaper story on People.com and clicked on the video which was Katie Coyne yammering about a photo shoot of the Gosselins. Very telling that she mentioned one tup girl giving another the shirt off her back when the first tup girl didn't like her own shirt and she also stated the boy tups were laid back or something along those lines. Hoping she was talking about last year's photo shoot.
The Coyne blathering is from last year. There's only one comment and it's negative.
Sad but true said... 104
She's sending sticky buns to school for the Big Birthday Treat. Yawn.
kateplusmy8 13th birthday school treat gone wild.. apparently I don't know how to make a 'little' of anything! #ChristmasCinnamonBuns #ForBirthday #AllDayProject #WhatWasIThinking
I guess all this baking means the Big Birthday won't be filming anywhere near the actual day.
I'm going to call BS on the billion sticky buns being sent to school. Most schools now have a policy that prohibits baked goods from home--sad really as I remember a lot of holiday parties with all sorts of goodies--instead requiring treats come from professional kitchens, i.e. the local bakery or grocery store, in sealed packaging. IF they let them even have that as most schools require healthy snacks. I know my granddaughter's public--GASP!--school in Missouri has very strict rules about this subject and a list of packaged snacks that are acceptable (the kids rotate bringing in snacks).
I wonder if People is hesitant to put Kate Plus 7 back on the cover. How can they gloss over a 12, now 13-year old son and brother who's been gone a year?
Kate's radioactive and it's getting tough to sell her b.s.
Tucker's Mom said... 153
The Coyne blathering is from last year. There's only one comment and it's negative.
Thanks for clearing that up for me. You described it perfectly--blathering. 20 seconds of that and I didn't stick around to look for comments or anything else.
I can't imagine schools allowing sugary baked goods for every kid's birthday, but maybe they do at their private school.
Susan, Collin was not in that photos shoot so yes, it's the old one.
I also think Collin has not been home.I feel very worried for both him and for Alexis.
You bet the 13th birthday school treat has gone wild! You stupid woman!
No Collin!
That poor boy has been gone now for almost 18 months now. And no telling how long all together from a couple of years ago!
Here is how they are split:
1. Mady and Cara
2. Alexis
3. Collin
4. Leah, Joel, Aaden, Hannah
This is so cruel and wrong and TFW won't take responsibility or any accountability for it.
I can't imagine schools allowing sugary baked goods for every kid's birthday, but maybe they do at their private school.
I was wondering about that. Many schools haven't allowed home baked goods for a long time due to the food contamination risk. Every school has their own rules so I suppose their school could allow it. Still, I understand all the risks associated with it. Not that store bought goods don't carry some risk, but at least if you bought it at the store no one can blame the parent! Better safe than sorry.
I think TFMJG has deluded herself re: her kitchen skills. We all remember the moldy lunches the kids were taking to school while at the same time their mother was crowing on Twitter about their classmates being so envious of their wonderful lunches. Put that together with those nasty French tips and the video of Zorro stepping in a cake and I'd be surprised if the teachers would even set out the sticky buns for the kids.
Admin (#160),it looks like C is still away. Do you have any thoughts about what might be going on for him to be gone more than a year? It breaks my heart to think of that sweet kid -- so quiet and well intended and desperate for approval and kindness.
Flimsy, it has to be a worse case scenario, and I pray that it wasn't. The authorities had to be involved, because how is a child removed from a home and gone for this extended period of time?
OR, he snapped because she snapped on him and since she has total control of each child, did she sign him over to some family that is going to raise him? Maybe he went to that hospital and has gotten out and living with his new family.
If nothing causes us to find out when the kids are rebelling in the near future, it will come out when they are 18 because she won't be able to do nothing about it unless they signed a non-disclosures with them all!
I'm going to call BS on the billion sticky buns being sent to school. Most schools now have a policy that prohibits baked goods from home--sad really as I remember a lot of holiday parties with all sorts of goodies--instead requiring treats come from professional kitchens, i.e. the local bakery or grocery store, in sealed packaging. IF they let them even have that as most schools require healthy snacks. I know my granddaughter's public--GASP!--school in Missouri has very strict rules about this subject and a list of packaged snacks that are acceptable (the kids rotate bringing in snacks).
Rules for private schools aren't the same here as they are for public schools.
Old barbgilmer is treading on thin ice. Besides wishing the kids a happy birthday she asked "Will Collin be there for this huge milestone?"...no answer from TFW of course.
Are the tups still in Lower School? Lower School students may bring a small snack such as cupcakes or cookies for birthdays if arranged ahead of time. 13 yr old 5th graders means 20 yr old high school graduates. If they are Middle School, she is breaking rules AND embarassing them with those sad cinnamon buns.
Forgot link.
I am a teacher in a public school and we still allow treats to be sent in from home for birthdays. We encourage healthy birthday treats, but allow whatever the parent decides to send in. One of the most annoying things is when parents sent in messy treats but do not include paper plates, forks, napkins, etc. Or they send in a whole, uncut cake. Classrooms do not have knives lying around and it is time consuming and a logistical nightmare to take care of this. Teachers almost never eat home-baked treats. With what we know of many students home lives, I am amazed we allow these treats in our classrooms.
In Touch is reporting that Josh will appear on his sisters' show, "Counting On", and says Boob is behind the move.
I never put it past TLC to put the guy who molested his sisters on their show. It was just a matter of time..
So Milo deleted those comments on her IG where she was being called out for stealing K8's thunder on the b'day. But then she leaves all the comments responding to the naysayer (hers and Nick's, of course). She's a master of incoherence, that one.
Teachers almost never eat home-baked treats. With what we know of many students home lives, I am amazed we allow these treats in our classrooms.
Thanks, GG! I hear and read that a lot. I would give a hard pass ;-)
You'd think Ms. Organic and Healthy would tap Pintrest and get some really cute ideas for fun AND healthy, not sugary and messy.
So apparently the Roloff twins have the same birthday as the G6. Here is Amy's tweet along with a picture:
How did these boys grow up so fast? God blessed me as a mother. There is no greater gift and I'm so Thankful. A BIG HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you Jeremy and Zachary 🎈🎉🎈🎉🎈From babies to boys growing up on a farm to faithful fine wonderful young men married and soon to be Fathers. I'm so proud of you both and can't wait to be a grandma and see what good fathers you'll be to your kids. Love you forever and always ❤️❤️. #secondact #twinsbirthday #soontobefathers #happymothersday
And here's Kate's:
HAPPY 13th BIRTHDAY, my precious Alexis, Hannah, Aaden, Collin, Leah and Joel! At this moment (7:51-7:53 am) 13 years ago, my life and heart were completed with your births! I love you all and NO MATTER WHAT it requires of me, I will ALWAYS be there for you; I'll always be your biggest cheerleader, your role model by example, your shoulder to cry on, the hug and laugh you need, and your mommy and friend! I love you guys! I got six times what I planned on, but I'd NEVER EVER go back! You're the six final pieces of my heart that I never knew I was looking for
What a difference! Yes, Amy only had 2 as opposed to Kate's 6 but Amy is a little person and carried twins! Along with all the other issues LP's have healthwise. And her post is full of gratitude and humbleness as opposed to Kate's "IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII" post and 'how IIIIII got what IIIII didn't know IIIII wanted' crap. Yeah, you go the fertility route and you might get what you got. But you certainly don't tell them that and you certainly don't tell them, ultrasound day was the 'WORST DAY OF MY LIFE!!!!!' I mean c'mon douche.
Another thing about the school birthday treats are allergies. Gluten free, nut free. Some kids can just eat something that was made in a factory that processes nuts and they reuse the vat for something else and they still will have a reaction.
I think it is really NUTS for her to send those cinnamon buns. Seriously, 13 years old. How embarrassing.
And another thing, how is she able to make them? Remember, she had to have Jamie and someone else to help her make them.
Instead of food, why not send each kid a $5 iTunes card? Oh, I forgot. It will shatter her image of a poor, single-mom that does it all, with no help.
Homemade cinnamon buns means a great mom who bakes for her children, or the nanny or her local grocery store.
But we know the score.
Kris (#172), and not only did TFW say it was the worst day of her life, but she also is on record as saying, if she had do it all over again, she WOULDN'T. Sure, on her sappy Insta post, she said the opposite. But things are different now. It's become clear to TFW that the only way she can avoid a mediocre lifestyle is by claiming her undying love for her 8 Little Meal Tickets. Meanwhile, there are only 7 now, and thou shalt not speaketh the name of the 8th
(what was Barb Gilmer thinking?).
Tucker's Mom (#171), I think TFW's birthday dessert choice was very calculated. It's their traditional G family Christmas treat, and she's desperate to recapture their (read: her) glory days of fame. Hey, America, remember how CUUUUTE the tups were? So many tiny, adorable toddlers! Of course, the Christmas episode was filmed way before the holiday, but whatevs -- the little dopes didn't know the difference!
A sticky, messy dessert is hardly a practical classroom choice. But it's never about the kids, is it?
Amy's social Media birthday missive to her twins is by far more focused on her kids, but I don't for the life of me get why parents make these deeply personal things so public.
Tucker's Mom said... 169
This is disgusting. What is wrong with the people at TLC?
I've seen no mention of a TLC Block Party this year. My guess is that the turn-out for these has been a huge disappointment.
I read that the Roloff twins earn a living as follows: Zach is a 'television personality' and Jeremy who has studied photography, is counting on the book he is writing with his wife, to support their family.
Old barbgilmer is treading on thin ice. Besides wishing the kids a happy birthday she asked "Will Collin be there for this huge milestone?"...no answer from TFW of course.
I wonder if old Barbgilmer ever really got over being dismissed as Kate's personal address-holder.
Hmmm, did I miss something??? I didn't notice the Birthday Of The Century trending anywhere. How can that be? Princess Charlotte's birthday made the news worldwide, and she was only a single birth. What is going on???
Of course, Milo would have been feverishly checking everywhere so that she could be the one to alert Kate when/if they were trending anywhere, but she didn't. I'm confident, then, that it didn't happen. Could it be that the public just doesn't care anymore?
I saw an article on yahoo about the tups birthday 🎉 very late at night.
One comment, "go away".
Layla said... 181
Not only was she not trending, this major cultural milestone was not covered by ROL or the Daily Mail, as far as I can tell. Odd to be totally ignored by two major tabs.
The fact that Kate is avoiding Barb's question about Collin is enough to convince me that he's still not home.If he was,why does Kate refuse to answer the question of Collin simply being there?It wouldn't be exposing anything.
Layla (#181), within 6 months, TFW has seen 2 family milestones come and go: the twins turning 16, and the tups turning 13. Oh, and of vourse, the puppies' birthday. But now what? What shiny object can she wave metaphorically to distract from her son's absence? He's been gone for more than a year, and she acts as if he never existed. It's chilling. Pulling that with her ex was one thing, but with her own son?
Flimsy, your post, (185) the way the post flowed, the milestones and then Jon and then Collin, just sent chills through me. She is a evil and horrible mother.
Mady and Cara's Birthday
Pups birthday
Tups birthday
Got rid of Jon
Got rid of Collin
And like teflon, she just prances, merrily along.
Barb is a bit testy and passive-aggressive lately! :)
GollyGee (#186), I know how tenderhearted you are about the G kids. Like so many of us who post here, you find it troubling that TFW continues to stomp through life, pushing away every obstacle, and getting what she wants. And yet she still doesn't seem to be happy, fulfilled, or content. I wouldn't trade places with her for anything.
The fact that Kate is avoiding Barb's question about Collin is enough to convince me that he's still not home.If he was,why does Kate refuse to answer the question of Collin simply being there?It wouldn't be exposing anything.
That's an easy one. She's not mentioning if he's home or if he's not home because I think she finally figured out that she's damned if she does and damned if she doesn't mention him. So many negative comments would ensue and she'd be so busy deleting them that she'd have to hire Milo to do damage control. Better to say nothing at all than to be exposed to a plethora of critics.
That's an easy one. She's not mentioning if he's home or if he's not home because I think she finally figured out that she's damned if she does and damned if she doesn't mention him.
Yeah. I think she's had serious buyer's remorse about coming clean about Collin. She knows now it backfired. When she makes a misstep, her M.O. is to just clamp up, go totally silent about it, and hope people forget it ever happened. The more silent she is on this issue the more obvious it is she got in over her head.
I see also their school is one of those schools that makes sure they have a bunch of rules to ensure EVERYBODY gets an invitation and nobody EVER feels rejected by their peers. For pity sake.
They even say they discourage parents from picking children up after school for a birthday party. Wth!
The thought is a nice one and I see where they're going wit hit, but I really question how kids coddled in such an absurd manner, protected from the slightest knock to their feelings and self-esteem, will weather adulthood where one is certain to experience rejection, people who don't like them, invitations they never got, and feeling left out. Even adult bullying happens to almost every now and again, and it really does help to have been through something like that before to be able to not freak out and just handle it maturely.
What is with making all kids be friends anyway? It won't be like that when you are an adult. You can pick your friends, and be discerning about who you let in your circle. There's such a difference between forcing kids to have friendships they're not really interested in, and teaching children to be courteous, respectful, and kind to EVERYONE even if you don't want to be friends. I for one think it's a GOOD SKILL that kids learn who really should be their friend and who shouldn't.
We've really gone off the rails with kids today, and it is and will continue to backfire.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 191
I see also their school is one of those schools that makes sure they have a bunch of rules to ensure EVERYBODY gets an invitation and nobody EVER feels rejected by their peers. For pity sake.
They even say they discourage parents from picking children up after school for a birthday party. Wth!
The thought is a nice one and I see where they're going wit hit, but I really question how kids coddled in such an absurd manner, protected from the slightest knock to their feelings and self-esteem, will weather adulthood where one is certain to experience rejection, people who don't like them, invitations they never got, and feeling left out. Even adult bullying happens to almost every now and again, and it really does help to have been through something like that before to be able to not freak out and just handle it maturely.
What is with making all kids be friends anyway? It won't be like that when you are an adult. You can pick your friends, and be discerning about who you let in your circle. There's such a difference between forcing kids to have friendships they're not really interested in, and teaching children to be courteous, respectful, and kind to EVERYONE even if you don't want to be friends. I for one think it's a GOOD SKILL that kids learn who really should be their friend and who shouldn't.
We've really gone off the rails with kids today, and it is and will continue to backfire.
This is exactly how articles about how "Nobody came to little Timmy's 6th birthday party" are born. The mom invites the whole class, the kid may not be friends with more than 2 kids, who perhaps can't make it that day and the rest of the kids are not interested(for obvious reasons). It becomes a tragedy, the whole country mourns(cause there aren't bigger issues mind you) and those "look, 100 strangers showed up at Timmy's b*day after mom complained on FB that nobody came". Way to teach the kid about the real world, right?
Milo's still not over the b'day:
miloandjack2016 What a sweet large turnout of many well wishes for you & your incredible family! So many hearts out here still rooting for you...wanting the best for you as you continue on this wild ride! #SingleMom. ❤ #HowDoesSheDoIt. 😋 #RaisingTwinsAndSextuplets. @kateplusmy8
"Wild ride"? Gimme a break, the only wildness here is entirely manufactured. IG followers have gone up nearly 8K in the past 4-5 days, while Twitter followers have barely budged. Which makes me suspect there has been some purchasing going on to try to maximize the b'day impact. Far be it from K8 NOT to commercialize every aspect of her kids' lives.
people.com has a gallery of 'See which celeb babies celebrate birthday's in May' and guess whose pictures are NOT in there? And the pics are not all babies, Sharon Stone has a son turning 12, Heidi Klum has a child turning 11 and Apple (Gwenyth Paltrows) daughter is turning 13.
Somehow that one got past ol' Kate Coyne. lol Interesting.
As a total side note, the Roloff's social media presence is proof, PROOF, that TLC does not forbid their subjects from discussing or posting about things that will be filmed.
For example, both Tori and Audrey revealed their pregnancies months before the show did, Audrey even writing extensive blog posts and posting pics about it. That only became an episode a couple weeks ago. Tori has also posted photos of the finished baby room when next week's episode has teased the decorating of the baby room with a big reveal.
So Kate playing coy has to be all on Kate. It's her own laziness, and her narcissistic supply being fulfilled elsewhere. And, she likes to play games, I know something you don't know, wait and see! She could post interesting things like the Roloffs do, but she won't.
The Roloffs don't seem to suffer from any loss of followers for spoiling things early, so the takeaway is, Kate's an idiot.
miloandjack2016 What a sweet large turnout of many well wishes for you & your incredible family!
From strangers, Milo. Absolute strangers.
It doesn't MEAN anything, all these strangers wishing them a happy birthday. It's shallow, trite. Meanwhile, in the name of all these likes, their mother has alienated close family, friends, and their father. These fans just don't get it.
The response to the G tups b-day has been at an all-time low. I don't rule out another People cover for the return of K+8 and more "plodding" reports about Collin.
I know we've thought this SO many times, but, I think the next season of K+8 and this milestone B-day without Collin is only going to pass muster with the dullest of sheep.
Collin has been institutionalized for over a year now (if he's still not home). If he had not grown up on tv, no one would know that he's been a pretty normal, if not really, exceptionally sweet boy, and not a severely affected disabled child who has been unable to be cared for in the home.
It's going to stink to high heaven.
Admin, I think Kate either doesn't have the high-powered, PR babysitters that she did back in the day, when they accompanied her everywhere, or, she's just refusing to let them narrate this sh*t show.
Kate wants love and attention when she feels moved to get it, otherwise, she's just not that into you.
From strangers, Milo. Absolute strangers.
Was just having this conversation with my hair stylist yesterday. She has a baby, going to turn one-year old. She's not particularly close with her mom or her brother, but that son has and is going to have his grands, aunts, uncles and cousins in his life.
She said it's exactly because she didn't have that in her life that she's determined that her children will grow up knowing and having their extended family.
Sometimes I just shake my head that the sheep don't see how sad it is that Kate wants to be their only family.
Sad but true (#193), while Gladys hashtags TFW as a #SingleMom, let's remember it was TFW who kicked Jon to the curb. And it is TFW who, nearly a decade later, refuses to co-parent with her children's father. Because she hates him more than she loves them.
Is it LCDS that has the 'invite everyone' policy? The tups have had parties with fewer kids- maybe filming a party is different. One party even had only a couple of guests, the boy-Lego/girl-tea party one. I guess the carnival one had the whole class(es)
Our kids' school had a policy that a child could not distribute invitations at school but what you did on your own was fine.
It's invite everyone, invite all the girls or all the boys, or just invite one or two.
This is one instance where a parent should tell the school to buzz the F off and stop telling them who they can welcome into their home and who they would like to be friends with. (Hint, not everyone feels a "friends with everybody" policy is healthy for children)
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