Saturday, May 27, 2017

Recap: Kate Plus 8 "Game Night": Mind-mouth! Mind-mouth!

Coming up on Kate Plus 8, in quite possibly one of the dumbest, and incredibly low-budget episode ideas ever, the family gathers around the mismatched cluttered living room for a game night. Only this Trivial Pursuit is all about their own family trivia, which is stupid and narcissistic. This is what the industry calls a bottle episode, an episode that takes place in just one or two locations (the store, and the living room) and usually only involves the main characters (Kate and the kids), usually to save money when the season has gone over-budget. In many cases, though, a bottle episode can be one of the best of the series (see Breaking Bad's "Fly," Dr. Quinn's "To Have and to Hold", which literally is set in a shack the whole time somewhere outside Colorado Springs, and Seinfeld's "The Chinese Restaurant," which takes place not even in the main dining room but entirely in the waiting area, LOL). That's usually because it gives a chance for characters to really develop and actors to play off each other and for writers to stretch themselves without the distraction of car chases, snazzy locations and other special effects in the plot. But here, as expected, it's just dumb.

Best portrayal of game night on film? The Break-up! Mind-mouth, mind-mouth, mind-mouth!

These days everything Kate does seems to warrant a fresh shopping spree at Michael's on the company card. Doesn't she have a closet or at least a bin full of art supplies they could raid for these very sort of events like normal mothers?

After all this time TLC still hasn't fixed their TLCgo player, such that every time you pause it, it starts over. Gaa! It's going to be another long night.

Kate had the idea to do family trivia and puts Mady in charge. Sure, Kate, you had the idea. Mady is always in charge, and it's not fair to the other kids. Mady is sipping a crafted iced drink from Starbucks. Those really add up, Kate. Last episode you were just complaining about not having hired help. One can easily spend a couple hundred dollars a month at Starbucks on drinks for them and their kids. That money might be just enough for a monthly housekeeper. It's the little things you spend your money on that make all the difference.

Mady has morphed into a poor man's Kardashian with that thick layer of doll-like makeup and wavy black hair. As per the usual, the kids are annoyed that Kate is trying to micromanage everything.

This is unnecessarily elaborate to the point where you're in danger of this not being fun, which I thought was the whole point. Now Kate and the twins have to go shopping to get team t-shirts? Cara wants grey t-shirts, which Kate vetoes. Why? There's nothing wrong with grey t-shirts. Talk about not picking your battles.

Kate goes on an equally elaborate explanation as to why the twins talk back to her all the time and are so gosh darn disrespectful. You see that's because Kate has made them feel "safe" to say whatever is on their minds. Haha, that's some fine spin there. I've never seen anything like this. My kids are brats because I have made a safe zone for them to be brats? Heh! What idiot parenting.

Hey, Kate, your kids are disrespectful because they are so disrespected by you, and also, because you don't dare ever put your foot down that the way they speak to you is not appropriate. Honest is not the same thing as being mean. It's not cute, it's not free-thinking, it's certainly not funny in the slightest, and you are setting them up for absolute failure in so many aspects of adulthood I don't know where to begin.

Next they head to what is obviously Target to buy sheets and curtains to make the living room look like a game show set. Huh? Why can't they use what they already have around the house? There's nine people in the house, they should have bedsheets galore. What a waste of money.

After a whole lot of bickering back and forth they finally check out with their cart absolutely brimming with sheets and other junk, to which Kate mutters, "That's an expensive game show," as she swipes the company card. Still way cheaper than another dumb vacation, says the bottom line for this episode. I think it's funny that they won't tell you this is Target, because Target's clunky shopping carts and red decor everywhere are so distinctive you'd have to be really dense not to know where they are.

Just in the episode before this Mady was lamenting how mean the younger kids are, but in this episode, Mady is snapping at everyone and overall being a very unpleasant pill. Kate remarks that she sees a lot of herself in her. I agree, especially the way Mady favors the girls. They at least got to cut some colorful paper, while Aaden was ordered to sit still as a soldier in his chair and don't touch anything. Poor guy, he just takes it. I doubt Kate knew what clip they were going to use when Kate said she sees a lot of herself in Mady, which is funny, because they picked the meanest, bossiest clip ever to match up with Kate's statement. Heh.

Collin makes a sudden appearance. I think we had all speculated this was filmed out of order based on the snow on the ground and no puppies, but deceptively, they don't explain that, leading the dumber fans to believe he's back. As usual, Colin looks fine to me. If anything, he's one of the best behaved of the bunch. He obediently helps decorate his team t-shirt, is quiet and well behaved, and with a huge smile on his face, helps to hit the marker and announces the next segment. It's just so incredibly hard to picture a child with this much ability and self-control, having to be institutionalized.

For some reason TLCgo is pushing endless ads for Oregon tourism, which is odd for a show that takes place in Pennsylvania. Why not put these ads on Little People? They live outside Portland. In any case, Oregon really is an awesome place. I recommend Yachats, if you ever get out there.

The game finally starts. It's sort of a cross between Family Feud and Trivial Pursuit. Hey, did anyone see Saturday Night Live's recent Family Feud skit starring Liza Minelli? "You know, it always feels like someone just freed you from a bubble!" Inspired. Also, I love that they're not afraid to take risks, like going full on Liza Minelli skit with the full knowledge that the bulk of their millennial audience might not even know who she is. I could watch SNL game show parodies all day as opposed to this drivel.

The constant power struggle between Kate and Mady gets exhausting at least for this viewer, and you can tell it wears on all the kids. Kate said Mady could be in charge of Game Night, so let her be. Stop trying to micromanage her! It's a stupid game night, what does it matter? Save it for the important things. "Strike one!" Mady snaps, when Kate tries to name the game. Hm, what happens on strike three? Does Kate leave the show? Pretty please! I guess this is the kind of rude talking back that Kate calls Mady feeling "safe." Heh. Hey, does it feel like Kate's explanation of why the twins talk back, because they feel "safe", could easily be something said in an SNL parody of helicopter 2017 mothers? Lol!

The intern kind of ripped off the Price is Right theme song to compose his own little ditty for the game show. Good one.

Already the rules of this game are annoying and being made up as Mady goes along. Who gets to spin the wheel? And what happens if they both ring in at the same time? And once they're allowed to go consult with their team about the answer, then who gets to go first? Mady wings all of this, and already she's changing up the rules. Aaden is not allowed to answer first because he knocked his bell off (Why not tape the bells down with some gaffer tape? Production is sure to have some.). But Joel knocked his bell off on the first go around, as one of the girls pointed out, so how come he got to answer first last round? Stupid. You're better off getting out Pictionary, reading the rules until you understand them, and going for it. You'll have a great time, I promise.

Great, is every question going to prompt an old boring clip of something? I can't even!

At the end of the day these kids genuinely don't like playing with Kate, I believe them when they say that. Her extreme competitiveness is obnoxious, they explain. Of course it is.

Just as we all said years ago, Alexis reveals that the vast majority of these questions she has no clue about because she doesn't remember the vast majority of the things they have filmed. Mind-mouth it, Alexis! Of course she doesn't remember this shit, she was four.

Mady is favoring Cara's team, laments Kate. Shut up, Kate. Shut up, shut up, shut uppppp!

Speaking of four years old, Alexis sulks like a four-year-old after she forgets to ring the bell when she knew the answer, and Leah wins that question because she remembered to ring. Instead of Kate pulling Alexis aside and telling her to grow up, Kate assures her they are still going to win so don't worry about it.

But, what if they don't win? (Spoiler alert: they don't win) And even if they do win, that doesn't mean you shouldn't sulk because you are going to win anyway. You shouldn't sulk because it's childish and stupid. Good grief.

There's still a good 20 minutes left in this episode not even including ads, are they going to do this boring trivia the whole time? (Spoiler alert: yes) On a positive note, Collin looks happy. He's paying attention, participating, and giggling. It's kind of heartbreaking to think he's about to be sent off to an institution.

Kate's philosophy on parenting which she has said before is that she wants kids to know not everyone wins. That's all well and good, but how about teaching kids that not everything is a competition and that some things you should just let go and not worry about, one of them being a family game. Equally valuable to teach children, I propose, is, it's not worth it. Also, you don't need to "teach" kids note everyone wins. Even if you did everything you could to let them win everything, they would still encounter many times where they would lose at school or at a friend's house. They'll learn. Not everything a child learns about life needs to be micromanaged with such purpose by their parents. Let it be once in awhile.

I swear these kids have been programmed to react "it's not fair!" to everything. Alexis goes into a long explanation about how this is not fair because she can't remember any of these past events. Well, number one, her mother says they all watch the episodes all the time, so if Alexis would watch the episodes, she would know as much as anyone who was actually old enough to remember. And number two, the teams actually are fair, Alexis. Each team has three younger children on them, and one older person. Kate on Alexis's team and Cara on the other. Therefore, each team has one person who can remember that far back. Since everyone else has access to the library of episodes and could have watched them, it actually is fair. Arguably, Alexis's team has a slight advantage, because they have Kate, and these episodes go so far back even Cara is a little young to remember them all. The thing with saying something is not fair is that sometimes, it's totally warranted. But you better make sure it actually is unfair before you pull that card. Otherwise, you're just whining.

Alexis is getting herself so worked up she looks a thread away from bursting into tears. Just mind-mouth it, Alexis! Kate again reassures her they're going to win. Oh for Pete sake! At this point even that comment is trite. Even if they do, Alexis is going to feel like yeah they won but it's no thanks to me. Sheesh. That being said, some people just aren't good at trivia, at remembering random useless facts. I'm not the biggest trivia person myself. I remember big picture things more than nuances, and I forget dates and names easily even if I could tell you everything else about what happened. Eventually I'm usually able to recall most things, but I'm not able to do so under the pressure of two or three seconds to draw the information up. So, for someone that just doesn't have a knack for trivia, playing trivia games just isn't fun, I can attest. Still, in life you will now and again end up playing games you don't like. You just have to deal with it and get through it, it'll be over soon. Why doesn't Kate reassure Alexis that not everyone is good at trivia and it's okay, that there are many other things Lex excels at?

Cupcake gate was okay because the kids now laugh about it, explains Kate. Nope, the fact that you laugh later at something does not make it okay in that moment, Kate. For example, Life is Beautiful is a film about an Italian-Jewish prisoner who makes other concentration camp prisoners smile despite their absurd situation. It doesn't make the gas chambers, or shall I say holocaust centers, okay. It's just a way to cope. Does it occur to her the only way the kids can compartmentalize a very upsetting moment in their childhood is to just laugh? Strike two, say I! The kids laugh about cupcake-gate daily, claims Kate. Well, that sounds healthy.

Not the Hannah pooped thing again, let this poor child be!

Because Kate is nuts, she then proceeds to go on some random spiel about how this wasn't about winning. But she just spent the first half of this episode reassuring Lex that they would win, and, she wrote on her team shirt "Who's your winner!" so WTF! She's certifiable.

Clearly the producers put together all these questions, they are starting to get really specific and elaborate, one even has a photo they are to identify (of the turtle hatching).

Mady snaps at Kate that Kate doesn't get to call it when they can go back to their team and discuss the answer. Only Mady can call discussions. I think that's strike three!

Who said, This is awkward? Mady asks. I'm surprised I didn't remember who said that until they show the clip of Kate's staged date with Vann where as soon as she meets the poor guy, she blurts out what she is thinking, "this is awkward." Ohhh, yeah! Lol! Dating tip number one, it will be awkward on the first date, but for God sake, don't say it's awkward! 

A very bizarre fight erupts, spearheaded by Leah, who says it's unfair to ask about that episode, which aired in January 2016, because they haven't seen it. I thought they all gather around the boob tube together, holding hands and singing about harmony, to watch these episodes as they air, as Kate paints the picture. Then, even more oddly, Leah blurts out several times that Kate won't let them watch. I'm confused, won't let them watch any episodes, or just the date episode? Kate denies this, saying it's on the TV, go watch it. But why would Leah say that if it had no basis in fact? Really weird exchange there with little explanation of the backstory, leaving my rather curious what that's all about. Did Kate at some point not want them to watch the dating episode, and if so, why not? Was it because the kids know how fake it was? This almost deserves a Reddit conspiracy thread.

I'm struck by the sharp contrast between Kate's contrived relationship with Vann, and Little People, Big World, where both Amy and Matt are in real relationships with new people now. I'm not sure I know how to feel about Amy's boyfriend Chris. Something about me thinks something is off there. And the kids seem a little wary too, which is important to note since they would know. He claims he's happy to be with her, but when after six months she very gently tries to press him on demonstrating a little commitment, he won't agree to anything. Does he even call her his girlfriend, because I haven't heard him say so. He's in his 50's, what is he waiting for at this point? But, I am genuinely convinced it's a real relationship, organic, would happen cameras or not. I just think Amy is going to end up terribly hurt by that guy when he decides on a whim, eh, I'm gonna move on now. In any case, because it's so real, it makes for much better T.V. than Kate's stupid blind date.

Cara's team starts to pull away, and Kate's team starts to get bored because it actually is all about winning for everyone in this room.

Kate dresses up as a clown with a pink wig and passes out popcorn like she did for one of their early birthdays. The kids find her mortifying. Kate thinks she's hilarious.

Once in awhile they show a clip that's not mind-numbingly boring, but rather interesting, this one because of its foreshadowing. In this one they show Kate engaging in a battle of wills with 5-year-old Mady, insisting that Kate must hold her hand on a decidedly not busy New York City sidewalk. Mady is not two, she is five, and perfectly capable of walking alongside her parents without having to hold their hand like a baby. But Kate insists. And what's worse, argues the point with the poor kid, giving her false hope this is a negotiation. It's that kind of repeated, tenacious refusal to give up any control over your child, that breeds a teen like Mady ten years later. Mady woke up one day, probably at age about 13 or 14, and realized she could actually be in control from now on, and it's been misery ever since.

Kate, who says she doesn't care if they win, is sulking and going on about how some question and answer was unfair. I'm too bored to try to figure out why she said that. "That's wrong!" Kate, who doesn't care about winning, gleefully shouts out when the other team misses a question. "I really wanted to win," says Kate. But she just said she didn't care! Brother, she is such a nut job.

Kate announces the prizes toward the end of the game. The winning team picks the takeout and the losers clean up. Sounds like she made that up on the fly. I know that's not that big of a deal as prizes go, but something about that feels very dysfunctional, and I think it breeds unhealthy competition, and bitterness. Why can't they just finish the game and that's it, without this unhealthy focus on winners and losers? How about decide take-out on a majority vote, or rotate who chooses the takeout fairly each time?

More dumb questions and bickering. The only thing interesting that happens is somebody says Kate thinks she's funny, but she's not. Pretty much!

Collin, who apparently has such special needs that he needs to be institutionalized, is the only one to correctly identify and name the liberty bell, in Philadelphia. He gets both the landmark and the city. Whatever, Kate. Where is he?

Cara's team wins, and Cara calls the other team "losers." Sigh.

Of note, this recap took me several weeks to finish because I broke up the chore as I had time to do it. At the beginning of the writing, the TLCgo app was doing its usual crap. But I think the interns may have tweaked the code, because today, it's running much better. It doesn't restart all over when I pause it, and the commercials don't pop up every time I try to move the slider. Thank you, interns! Finally!

It was so much more fun than she thought it could be, remarks Kate. She's said something like that before, and I find that kind of comment odd and kind of mean. Why wouldn't being with your family and talking about the fun things you've done together be just great? Why would it surprise you to have such fun with your family? Weird!

Kate, you're the only loser here.

969 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Tucker's Mom said...

In any case, if you are a regular cable subscriber, I urge you to consider cutting your cord or check out the emerging cable streaming options out there that provide almost the same variety for half the cost.
We recently switched to Direct tv and I LOVE it. I think we've got another year on our contract, but will consider cutting the cord when it's up because we really do take advantage of streaming.

Tucker's Mom said...

I am happy with my Roku. I have been an Amazon Prime subscriber since that program started, and I pay for Netflix and Acorn, which together run about $15/mth. I do on occasion miss the 24-hour news stations, but I can just go online and follow breaking news that way, without the annoyance of anchors constantly repeating themselves, speculating wildly, and making it up as they go along.
Cable news is just conservative or liberal talking heads spouting the party line over and over and over again anyway.
I think we're better informed with a handful of online and foreign news sources.
Actually, we're best off just talking to each other!

Tucker's Mom said...

If you have Roku, you can get Playstation Vue. Playstation Vue bare bones, 45 channels WHICH INCLUDES LOCAL CHANNELS, is only 39.99, no equipment to rent or anything else, and they can connect you instantly. (If you bought everything Vue had to offer, the delux with 90 channels and all the fixings like HBO and showtime, you're still only paying 74 bucks. A bargain)

How does your cable compare?
This is excellent info, thanks!
The one thing we're enjoying that I know we can't otherwise get is the NFL ticket on Direct TV.

Sad but true said... ~ Administrator said... 1

How does your cable compare?

LOL, I asked them at one point what would I save if I turned off their TV option completely. It was only $15/mth! Thanks for the heads-up on Playstation Vue, I wasn't aware of those choices, but unless it ALSO includes Netflix and Acorn at no additional fee, it wouldn't make sense for me to do that as opposed to my current plan. ~ Administrator said...

My best tip for saving on Netflix is to share the account with a family or friend. They allow several devices, and unless you're all heavy users, it's unlikely you will get kicked off for watching it at the same time. It happens only a couple of times a year for me, which is enough to put up with it. In my family we each pay for a streaming service, and then share accounts among four of us living in three separate states. You might ask if this is allowed, and in fact, most streaming services do not specifically prohibit it in their TOS. Basically, I get Netflix, Hulu, Amazon prime, HBO and Showtime for about 11 bucks, because we share. ~ Administrator said...

Playstation Vue has the NFL network. I'm not sure if that's exactly the same as the ticket, but they're always peddling all their various sports offerings, which seem to be numerous.

That's why I finally cut the cord, because FINALLY a streaming service emerged that provided ample sports. They have the Big10 network, a must for me, as well as a variety of ESPN channels. That suits my purposes.

I had DirectTV for years, and loved it. It is the best cable out there. It's also very expensive after your year or two of promotions expires, so I figured if I could pay a third of the price for most of its offerings, I had to do it. I also find DirectTV to come with a lot more hassle: the set up, the tear down, the lag time for repairs if anything goes down, the big box in your TV cabinet. Vue can be had for as small as a USB stick, which is nice when you like minimalism. ~ Administrator said...

This is how a mama who is deeply bonded with her boy should talk about him.

Q said...

In my family we each pay for a streaming service, and then share accounts among four of us living in three separate states. You might ask if this is allowed, and in fact, most streaming services do not specifically prohibit it in their TOS. Basically, I get Netflix, Hulu, Amazon prime, HBO and Showtime for about 11 bucks, because we share.
............................ all contribute and then get to share the benefits. What does that sound like? ~ Administrator said... all contribute and then get to share the benefits. What does that sound like?


We all contribute EQUALLY and we all have roughly the same economic status (middle class). It sounds like just good sense. It's voluntary, so if someone decides they don't want to participate anymore, they can quit at any time. It's no different than all residing in the same home and splitting entertainment expenses. Because it's the internet, we no longer are required to be in the same home.

In socialism, people aren't contributing equally, and it's involuntary. You can't possibly be comparing sharing an 11 dollar netflix account, to an entire economic structure. Cut me an ever loving break, Bernie. ~ Administrator said...

Netflix is a shining example of capitalism at work:

"This year, Netflix is signing on some of Hollywood’s biggest movie stars to date; but it’s really an example of how the free market works so well. Necessity bred an invention; competition encouraged excellence; supply met demand. Even liberals, who claim to hate capitalism, still love to “Netflix and chill.” .... All of this should be celebrated as an example of American innovation, the gift of competition, and the beauty of capitalism. As for those liberals who denounce capitalism as a monstrous force of greed and inequality, but who happily consume its popular products such as Netflix, I suggest you take a hard look at your own hypocrisy before imposing your ideology on the rest of us. While you do that, I’ll be watching Netflix."

NYY Julianna said...

In socialism, people aren't contributing equally, and it's involuntary. You can't possibly be comparing sharing an 11 dollar netflix account, to an entire economic structure. Cut me an ever loving break, Bernie.


Perhaps a re-reading of "Animal Farm" would be in order!

njay said...

I REALLY hope this will not turn into a political discussion of pointing sides but I just love what Richard Dreyfuss and Tucker say about teaching civics. Here is the link. I know there are some that will really enjoy it as well.

P.S. I have always had a crush on Dreyfuss! hehe giggle (as my face goes red and I have to turn away.)

Sad but true said...

Can Josh's lawsuit against Ashley Madison be far behind? "The hook-up site made me do it!" ~ Administrator said...

I REALLY hope this will not turn into a political discussion of pointing sides but I just love what Richard Dreyfuss and Tucker say about teaching civics. Here is the link. I know there are some that will really enjoy it as well.

P.S. I have always had a crush on Dreyfuss! hehe giggle (as my face goes red and I have to turn away.)


I don't mind a celeb speaking up if they aren't completely ignorant. He knows what he's talking about and called out both sides. How refreshing. And what a shock he watches Fox News, I doubt most celebs branch out beyond something like US Weekly.

Also he's spot on that dissenting opinions--from all sides, is essential.

I wonder how he's taking the death the other day of Glenne Headly. She was the mom in Mr. Holland's Opus, her performance was stirring, especially the moment when she discovered her son was deaf.

Tucker's Mom said...

Sad but true said... 13
Can Josh's lawsuit against Ashley Madison be far behind? "The hook-up site made me do it!"

Duh...It finally occurred to me. Josh is trying to rob Peter to pay Paul.
This DJ seems to have a good chance of winning against Josh, but how will Josh pay damages?
Aha! Join in his sisters' lawsuit against the police dept!

Tucker's Mom said...

I wonder how he's taking the death the other day of Glenne Headly. She was the mom in Mr. Holland's Opus, her performance was stirring, especially the moment when she discovered her son was deaf.
Such a loss, so young!
I adored her in Mr. Holland's Opus. She was so great as the mom.

Tucker's Mom said...

McCarthy pleaded with the judge to order Duggar to participate in discovery — and for the reality star to admit he used a dating profile on Ashley Madison, that he communicated with other users based in California, and to answer whether he used another person’s photo, representing it as himself on the site. However, Duggar has refused to participate in discovery pending the decision on his motion.
Can Josh be compelled to participate in discovery?

GollyGee said...

I would think that since the DJ asked the court judge to make Josh do the discovery, and the judge agrees, the judge would then sign a court order for Josh to do so.

Then if Josh doesn't show up for the discovery, he would be in violation of the judge's court order and a warrant would be issued for his arrest.

I hope I am right! lol

Formerly Duped said...

I was also sad to hear about Glenne Headly's death. She was a well-trained versatile actress. I enjoyed her in many performances but I think my favorite one was Bastard Out of Carolina where she tried to protect her niece from an abusive stepfather. (Great book too) ~ Administrator said...

Glenn basically had the acting chops of a Meryl Streep stuck in the body of a character actor. Tall for an actress, a bit boxy, and I don't think she's ever done much in the realm of plastic surgery. What a shame Hollywood never really latched onto her like they have other leading ladies. You just don't know her name like you know others, but everyone has been stirred by her performances somewhere along the way.

I did see Richard Dreyfus say something to the effect of he doesn't understand why she didn't get any recognition for Mr. Holland's Opus. Exactly.

njay said...

I wanted to say this in my last post but forgot. A little off topic though, but my profile pic. is the little guy I lost a couple months ago. His name is Sugarbear. I miss him so much. Thanks to everyone who told me where I could get the rainbow bridge poem.

GollyGee said...

When I read that Glenne Headley had died and saw her picture, I knew I had seen her in different tv shows. I went to IMDb and saw that she was in BOOC and I saw that movie. You don't forget that movie at all.

She was also in an episode on Law and Order: SVU as a defense attorney.

NJGal51 said...

Ive been trying to find a Canadian TV app(with no luck) because I got hooked watching "Mr. D" on Hulu but it's only got seasons 1 & 2.

Over And Out said...

Christina Gladding‏ @cmgladding
Hey @Kateplusmy8 do you think you would ever want to come to Maine again?

lol! Kate will go anywhere if TLC pays for it, even Target shopping!

jolie Jacquelyn said...

njay, I'm so sorry for your loss of your Sugarbear. Also sorry we'll lose you too! Can we convince you to reconsider?

jolie Jacquelyn said...

Oh for heaven's sake! I just reread your post njay & you didn't say it was your last post at all!
These old eyes ain't what they used to be :( ...

Unknown said...

I was watching some re-runs tonight of Kate Plus 8. What I noticed was that Collin was always trying to please his mother in the 3 episodes that I watched. It was quite disturbing actually. I think he has a fixation on his mother and she knew it and rejected it. I get a creepy feeling when I watch him try and please her and she just brushes him off. She knows something isn't right compared to her other two sons who don't fawn over her like Collin does.

During the episode where she is organizing the painting their rooms, she made a comment that her children are ungrateful and I thought how could she actually say that to the cameras? The kids know everything that she tells them she worked for was actually provided from TLC's budget. They get it that all these great freebies didn't come from mom working 9 to 5 every day. But Kate would sure like them to believe it because after all, she has a career/profession in TV don't you know and her hard earned money provides all these wonderful things for them. She is a delusional idiot. #dolt.

Paper Plates

Sad but true said...

Unknown said... 28
I was watching some re-runs tonight of Kate Plus 8. What I noticed was that Collin was always trying to please his mother in the 3 episodes that I watched. It was quite disturbing actually. I think he has a fixation on his mother and she knew it and rejected it.

I saw some of the very early episodes, before the move to the manse. In those, I always sensed that he feared her yet was testing her at the same time, trying to find a way to bond with her. He always seemed to want to please her, yet never succeeded. You're right, her attitude towards him was always dismissive, if not downright insulting, and if she was paying attention to him, she was hypercritical. It's no surprise he has "issues," though I continue to doubt they're in the nature of learning disabilities. I think his problems are primarily emotional.

Formerly Duped said...

njay said... 22

So sorry about Sugarbear. My dog in my profile also passed away so I understand how much you must miss your dear dog.

I didn't read where you are leaving this blog? We will miss you and maybe you will find yourself wandering back. I enjoy your posts.

OT: Sorry to add this to a post about you, not me, but does anyone have any ideas for an anxious dog- my new baby, age 2- who suddenly is refusing to go for walks/ No trauma, injury, we have tried calming collar and diffusers, medications ( reluctantly), trainers, going with a buddy, thunder shirt, going through a different door...they say a rescue dog can imprint early anxieties or trauma and it will come out later?? She is just sitting down, chews on her leash (and can get out her harness so it's clipped to her collar) showing fear. Thanks!

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Paper Plates (#28), nice to see you!
Yes, not only does TFW not have to pay for these renovations, but she GETS paid for them by making them into an episode. And, in an even stranger twist, the children themselves are the ones making a sacrifice by working to film that episode during what little spare time they have. It's mind blowing when you break down the specifics.

Tizzie (#30), I don't watch the show anymore, so I didn't see how this was presented. Were they trying to make people think that TFW did this renovation herself? As in painting, organizing, etc.? I don't care if they actually showed her in designer painting overalls with a brush in her hand. I don't believe she did a lick of work before or after the cameras were rolling.

Tucker's Mom said...

njay said... 22
I wanted to say this in my last post but forgot. A little off topic though, but my profile pic. is the little guy I lost a couple months ago. His name is Sugarbear. I miss him so much. Thanks to everyone who told me where I could get the rainbow bridge poem.
What a sweet face! Our sweet babies are waiting for us at the bridge, and one day, we'll see them again.

Lanc Native said...

I did see Richard Dreyfus say something to the effect of he doesn't understand why she didn't get any recognition for Mr. Holland's Opus. Exactly.


My favorite movie ever. The scene where she wanted their son, Cole, to attend a special school for the deaf, and her "I can't talk to my son! I don't know what he wants or what he thinks or what he feels. I can't tell him that I love him, I can't tell him who I am. I want to talk to my son! I don't care what it costs, I don't care what the stupid doctor says it's right or wrong. I want to talk to my son!"

She was outstanding in that performance. ~ Administrator said...

Heartbreakingly real.

The movie perhaps as a side note touched on the climate of treatment for the deaf back in those days. Mainstream was the order of the day, no sign language, integrate the kid at a hearing school and surround them with the hearing world. If you talk to deaf people born about Cole's time, 65 or so, on towards the early 80's, chances are they went to a hearing school and never learned to sign.

It made the case that for some kids, mainstream isn't going to work. Deafness is as much a culture as a disability, and many kids were emotionally wrecked by mainstreaming. Thank goodness in that story a mother knew what her son really needed.

Tucker's Mom said...

OT: Sorry to add this to a post about you, not me, but does anyone have any ideas for an anxious dog- my new baby, age 2- who suddenly is refusing to go for walks/ No trauma, injury, we have tried calming collar and diffusers, medications ( reluctantly), trainers, going with a buddy, thunder shirt, going through a different door...they say a rescue dog can imprint early anxieties or trauma and it will come out later?? She is just sitting down, chews on her leash (and can get out her harness so it's clipped to her collar) showing fear. Thanks!
Have you tried good old positive reinforcement?
Just spit balling here, but I'd at least try using her favorite, most desired treat and start with her associating her leash/collar with rewards.
No walking outside at first. Just condition the collar and leash.
Then, wearing your treat belt, walk out the door and reward a few times.
Do that until it happens without signs of fear.
Progress from there to walking short distances, treating as much as you need to keep rewarding and keep her attention.

To me, this reads as a crisis of confidence.

I found clicker training to be an incredible confidence builder and tool to connect us to our dogs, so we have their focus and also, their confidence as leaders.
Dogs really want to know their place and their "job". They also need to know that you are in charge and they can rely on you to be Alpha.
I hope this helps!
Keep us updated!

Formerly Duped said...

Tucker, thanks once again. You helped me a lot when my previous dog had IVDD surgery...this dog, a bundle of anxieties, I guess got scared of something I don't know about on a walk.

Good idea, to go back to square one, walk her in the yard maybe with the leash etc. While she's not crazy about treats, I will try the clicker and treat pouch and the rest of your suggestions too. She does need something to bring her focus out of the 'fear zone. Thanks!

Former Lurker said...

Latest comment on the Ronnie algebra post:

alwayshappyjoySo kids are out of school and already mommie dearest has them working to support themselves and her. Pathetic. TLC, stop this horrid show. Don't watch the show people. It will be cancelled again if no viewer ratings but you can NOT even turn it on the TLC channel or DVR it because it will count in the ratings if you do. Free those kids from child labor. Get a job Kate!

jolie Jacquelyn said...

Formerly Duped (#31) it's just a rumour I mistakenly started......

jolie Jacquelyn said... 26
njay, I'm so sorry for your loss of your Sugarbear. Also sorry we'll lose you too! Can we convince you to reconsider?

June 10, 2017 at 7:44 PM
jolie Jacquelyn said... 27
Oh for heaven's sake! I just reread your post njay & you didn't say it was your last post at all!
These old eyes ain't what they used to be :( ...


Tucker's Mom said... ~ Administrator said... 35
Heartbreakingly real.

The movie perhaps as a side note touched on the climate of treatment for the deaf back in those days.
Children of a Lesser God...

Tucker's Mom said...

Formerly Duped said... 37
Tucker, thanks once again. You helped me a lot when my previous dog had IVDD surgery...this dog, a bundle of anxieties, I guess got scared of something I don't know about on a walk.

Good idea, to go back to square one, walk her in the yard maybe with the leash etc. While she's not crazy about treats, I will try the clicker and treat pouch and the rest of your suggestions too. She does need something to bring her focus out of the 'fear zone. Thanks!
It's so wonderful to be able to talk to another dog owner who went through disc surgery!
It's hard to encapsulate the experience and share what it's like.

We're fortunate to have food-motivated dogs. It covers a bevy of issues that we tackle!

Keep on being an amazing fur baby mom!

Formerly Duped said...

jolie Jacquelyn said... 39

lol, well, that's good news!

Formerly Duped said...

Tucker: Yes, it is. So many of your suggestions helped my dog who made a 90% recovery and went back to loving walks. (only to die later of a virus, but we were so proud of her and grateful to many, including you and your tips and empathy)

I love the movie Children of a Lesser God! I also read Marlee Matlin's autobiography..

Former Lurker said...

Another comment on the Ronnie IG photo:

katileyyRidiculous that these kids are AGAIN working. So much for a summer break. @alwayshappyjoy


It's really unbelievable that TFW and TLC immediately put these kids to work as soon as the school year ended. Most teens, even if they have summer jobs, get to take at least week off after a long school year and final exams.

That's another important experience that TFW is taking away from the kids' teen experience. Regardless of a family's financial status, most parents appreciate the value of a teen getting his or her first real summer job. Whether it's a cashier in a grocery store, working at a movie theater, or a lifeguard, or a camp counselor, summer jobs are very beneficial to teens. It's not about how much money they make, but about the lessons learned as far as getting to work on time, working hard and doing a good job, learning new skills, working well with others, learning to respect their superiors even if they might disagree on an issue, coming to realize the value of a dollar when they actually see how much time and effort they have to put in for that paycheck (after having those taxes deducted!), the personal satisfaction and confidence one gains after doing their best and performing well, the independent feelings they start to gain as they begin to branch out on their own in this small way before they go on to college, etc.

I could go on and on about the many benefits of a teen having his or her first summer job, and jobs in their later high school years and into college. There are many financially successful business people and entrepreneurs who often refer back to their summer jobs as teens and all the lessons they learned. It's just another developmental stage and experience TFW is robbing her kids of because she needs to use them for her TV show. She needs them to work for TLC in order to support her and them because she REFUSES to be a responsible parent and get a job where she can earn her own money and support THEM.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

TLC is currently filming Joy Duggar's honeymoon in Switzerland. TFW and her pepper must be livid about that.

foxy said...

I find it amazing that the Duggar girls go on expensive honeymoons and nobody has a real job. Sell your soul and get a trip to anywhere on earth.

I wonder how Joshie's lawsuit is coming along. There sure must be a lot of noise in that household.

Former Lurker said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 45
TLC is currently filming Joy Duggar's honeymoon in Switzerland. TFW and her pepper must be livid about that.


I can just picture the conversations amongst the crew members:

Duggar Film Crew Member: We're all going to Switzerland next week to film Joy Duggar on her honeymoon.

Gosselin Film Crew Member: For f@$&'s sake! We're going to following Kate F@$&ing Gosselin and her poor kids around in a Pennsylvania Target next week for the eleventh billion time!!

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Foxy (#47), and how weird is it that these young couples aren't allowed to be alone without a chaperone before marriage, and once they're finally allowed, they happily consent to having a freaking film crew trailing along with them?

foxy said...

What happens when the youngest girls go a courtin' and there are no more brothers to chaperone. I can only imagine the goings on between Boob and Michelle prior to their wedding.

Blowing In The Wind said...

Margaret Meade‏ @DonutsForCollin 10h10 hours ago
Replying to @DonutsForCollin @TLC @Kateplusmy8
I remember you loving The Sound of Music & U wanting 2go2 #Switzerland Well @Tlc is sending Joy Dugger there @kateplusmy8d Sucks 2B YOU.


The movie was filmed in and around Salzburg, which is in Austria, not Switzerland. Not the same country! Did Kate think that it took place in Switzerland? I remember her commenting about wanting to go to Austria, but instead found herself in Australia (or something like that).

Tucker's Mom said...

foxy said... 47
I find it amazing that the Duggar girls go on expensive honeymoons and nobody has a real job. Sell your soul and get a trip to anywhere on earth.
It's amazing.
TLC just opens up their wallet for the Duggar girls.

Susan1956 said...

Former Lurker said... 48
FlimsyFlamsy said... 45
TLC is currently filming Joy Duggar's honeymoon in Switzerland. TFW and her pepper must be livid about that.
I can think of a couple reasons why TFW and her pepper(s) don't get the big trips anymore--her filler status on TLC doesn't warrant the expensive trips and public outrage if TLC sent them on a big trip without Colin. But TFW will ignore the realest reality and blame Colin.

Tucker's Mom said...

That's another important experience that TFW is taking away from the kids' teen experience. Regardless of a family's financial status, most parents appreciate the value of a teen getting his or her first real summer job. Whether it's a cashier in a grocery store, working at a movie theater, or a lifeguard, or a camp counselor, summer jobs are very beneficial to teens.
These kids have little to no skills.
They have no family to speak of. They are told where to go, what to eat, what to wear, where to stand, where to sit.
I don't know how any of them will fare if they even try to go away to college.
If they get in.

Tucker's Mom said...

coming to realize the value of a dollar when they actually see how much time and effort they have to put in for that paycheck (after having those taxes deducted!), the personal satisfaction and confidence one gains after doing their best and performing well, the independent feelings they start to gain as they begin to branch out on their own in this small way before they go on to college, etc.
Instead, the kids get lavish trips and presents.
I know, they are working, but they are not independent whatsoever.
Kate will never let them get a job. They have to be available for filming at all times.
Is sitting on a couch with a film crew asking you questions a desirable skill?

Tucker's Mom said...

I could go on and on about the many benefits of a teen having his or her first summer job, and jobs in their later high school years and into college. There are many financially successful business people and entrepreneurs who often refer back to their summer jobs as teens and all the lessons they learned.
I guarantee you some of the kids will pursue reality tv. Why would they want to actually work like mediocre people and delay gratification when they can sell their lives for money and fame?

Susan1956 said...

OT--can't remember if this has been posted before The wheels of justice/karma do grind slowly, but well at times. A fact that Kimmie and Joshie are experiencing now.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Former Lurker (#44), great post. With all of TFW's blather about providing her kids a golden platter lifestyle, she's lost sight of the non-glamorous things which are just as valuable, if not more so, to children's well-being. And to their development as citizens of the world.

Tucker's Mom said...

"NORRISTOWN, Pa. — Bill Cosby’s attorneys raced through a startlingly brief, six-minute defense Monday, bringing to a close testimony in one of the most high-profile criminal cases in recent American history.

Cosby and his wife, Camille — who made her first appearance at the courthouse Monday — watched as defense attorney Brian McMonagle called a single police witness to confirm the existence of a police report. That detective had led the investigation into allegations brought by Andrea Constand that Cosby drugged and sexually assaulted her 13 years ago at his suburban Philadelphia estate."

SIX minutes? That's one helluva strategy.
I hope the jury takes six minutes to convict.

Sherry Baby said...

The movie was filmed in and around Salzburg, which is in Austria, not Switzerland. Not the same country! Did Kate think that it took place in Switzerland? I remember her commenting about wanting to go to Austria, but instead found herself in Australia (or something like that).

Someone is geographically challenged...not sure if it's those on Twitter or Kate or both!

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Susan1956 (#53), I definitely see your point about not calling too much attention to C's absence. And with a normal mother and a normal network, that would be the case.
But they did travel to Space Camp, which TFW claimed was the absolute best, most super fun adventure they ever had, and C wasn't there.

Maybe TLC, like TFW, is counting on people having short memories, and will eventually just get used to C being gone. But recent comments about him to TFW prove that's just not true. He wasn't a character on a TV show. He's a living, breathing child.

Tucker's Mom said...

Maybe TLC, like TFW, is counting on people having short memories, and will eventually just get used to C being gone. But recent comments about him to TFW prove that's just not true. He wasn't a character on a TV show. He's a living, breathing child.
Sadly, it just doesn't matter. People drop like flies on Kate's show and the band just plays on while TLC and Kate rearrange the deck chairs.

Tucker's Mom said...
I hope they sue the jumper and bib overalls off Kimmie and her kin.

Over In TFW's County said...

"NORRISTOWN, Pa. — Bill Cosby’s attorneys raced through a startlingly brief, six-minute defense Monday, bringing to a close testimony in one of the most high-profile criminal cases in recent American history.


Reports here are that their defense is that he doesn't see too well. That's pretty darn obvious when you look at the plaintiff.

Confused said...

I know, they are working, but they are not independent whatsoever.
Kate will never let them get a job. They have to be available for filming at all times.

A blast from the past, the best Gosselin parody I've ever seen~~

Kate Plus 8 College Years

GollyGee said...

Confused said... 65
I know, they are working, but they are not independent whatsoever.
Kate will never let them get a job. They have to be available for filming at all times.

A blast from the past, the best Gosselin parody I've ever seen~~

Kate Plus 8 College Years


That parody was really good. The goth guy that came to pick up Leah and the way Leah was dressed. One of the girls let it slip that their mom made Hannah get pregnant.

Poor Aaden on there, trying to study and wanting to be left alone. When she brought the beer in and they all got on and then she said, We get what we get and we don't get upset.

So funny at the pool, and her pool boy Julio.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Sadly, it just doesn't matter. People drop like flies on Kate's show and the band just plays on while TLC and Kate rearrange the deck chairs.


Yes, and instead of singing "Nearer My God To Thee," they rewrote the lyrics, "Nearer My Bank To Thee."

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Fleecing (#67), that was funny!

All This Is That said...

whatever happened to the "Oh, yes, she did" poster?

Is Iwana still around?

Remember the crazy Big Fan Twitter person in Hershey who tweeted the same thing in multiples of ten and changed her IDs on a daily basis?

Ah, fun times!

Just thinking about missing persons!

NJGal51 said...

Jon has a couple of pictures up on IG. Congrats to Colleen. She graduated from Drexel today with a Masters in Nursing AND Nurse Practitioner. Nice picture s of the two of them.

Tucker's Mom said...

jongosselin1Congratulations honey, Masters in Nursing and Nurse Practitioner!!! Drexel University, B🔊🔊M
Just think, Kate, this could have been you if you applied yourself and were willing to work hard!!!

Midnight Madness said...

Reports here are that their defense is that he doesn't see too well. That's pretty darn obvious when you look at the plaintiff.
Wow, what a lovely remark to make about a rape victim. Unreal.


I think that those were comments under the story about today's least that's what I read.

I also read Posting Rule #1 here, but I guess that some think the rules don't apply to them. ~ Administrator said...

SIX minutes? That's one helluva strategy.
I hope the jury takes six minutes to convict.


It's a really risky defense, but you do it when you're arguing that the other side didn't even meet their burden of proof, so what are you even defending? Why put up a defense?

Some of the best cases and appeals have been won because an attorney decided less is more, shut up, and just argued the burdens.

The one and only jury I sat on a few years ago for a burglary case, the defense attorney didn't present a single piece of evidence. She didn't object once. But when closing came around she ripped apart the prosecution's case piece by piece. The jury hung, which is basically a win for the defense.

What I feel bad about is that Cosby kid standing by him. That's just sad. I'm sure he was kind to her, why wouldn't he be, but is it that she's just too young to understand that people are not always what they seem?

Lynne In RI said...

"Wow, what a lovely remark to make about a rape victim. Unreal."


Was he found guilty of rape? I haven't really been following this, but I did notice that his wife was all smiles today. ~ Administrator said...

I could go on and on about the many benefits of a teen having his or her first summer job, and jobs in their later high school years and into college. There are many financially successful business people and entrepreneurs who often refer back to their summer jobs as teens and all the lessons they learned.


A summer job would be great for most kids, and when your boss sets the schedule every week or so, he's not going to work around your reality tv filming. So many lessons lost.

At least the Little People had the kids putting in long hours during pumpkin season at the cash register. Good. It's where Zach met his wife Tori, who was also employed there and seems to sincerely adore him.

Lynne In RI said...

"Some of the best cases and appeals have been won because an attorney decided less is more, shut up, and just argued the burdens. "


Yes, they put him on the stand and that opens up a whole can of worms that I don't think the defense would want opened.

Tucker's Mom said...

What I feel bad about is that Cosby kid standing by him. That's just sad. I'm sure he was kind to her, why wouldn't he be, but is it that she's just too young to understand that people are not always what they seem?

Career suicide, too. The first thing I thought was I wondered how much he paid her.

I'm not convinced that a jury is going to convict. The victim was pretty beaten up.
The worst thing is going to be the gloating... ~ Administrator said...

Yes, they put him on the stand and that opens up a whole can of worms that I don't think the defense would want opened.



When I got the news alert they decided not to put him on the stand the other day, I was, an attorney with sense! For awhile there, it seemed like they were considering it!

It's pretty rare you want your client to testify. Pretty rare.

GollyGee said...

I gasped when I saw KKP with BC outside the courthouse.

KKP will regret it if he is found guilty because I really believe he will be.

Camille wasn't with him that day. But she was today with a big smile on her face.

Susan1956 said...

Tucker's Mom said... 77
What I feel bad about is that Cosby kid standing by him. That's just sad. I'm sure he was kind to her, why wouldn't he be, but is it that she's just too young to understand that people are not always what they seem?
Well, in her defense she was the youngest child on the set for a long time and her time would have been pretty regimented (on-set school/minders). I vaguely remember the uproar when Lisa Bonet was fired/written out of the 2 shows over nude? pictures, but you have to wonder what she knows. Tempsett Bledsoe did weigh in about an incident where he inappropriately touched her. I can give the young man who played Theo a pass as I'm sure he sees Bill Cosby as a mentor. What I found telling is that neither his TV wife could find time to get away to support him in court and his actual wife did not come to court until the last day. I've always thought Phylicia Rashad was a very smart cookie and I've watched some reruns in which I thought she gave him some 'you don't fool me buster' looks. Maybe just my imagination.

Over And Out said...

Replying to @DonutsForCollin @Kateplusmy8
"Someone is geographically challenged...not sure if it's those on Twitter or Kate or both! " @15mins hens.. I KNOW MY GEOGRAPHY MORONS 1/2


What are geography morons? Are they similar to science idiots?

Tucker's Mom said...

I've always thought Phylicia Rashad was a very smart cookie and I've watched some reruns in which I thought she gave him some 'you don't fool me buster' looks. Maybe just my imagination.

Oh, she publicly supported Cosby and was nasty about the women who came out about their being drugged and raped.
That was a few years ago, and maybe she's changed her tune.
But she was decidedly anti victim. ~ Administrator said...

The thing people don't get when they show up to offer "support" for criminals is the fact that he was good to you doesn't mean the crime didn't happen. And that, especially when you are a public figure yourself, you showing up to lend support over incidents you weren't there for and frankly know nothing about, can be very hurtful to the victims and even influence justice. I have no problem if they want to contact him privately, talk to him about what happened and offer support if they feel that's appropriate, but doing so publicly is a whole other level.

I have no doubt Cosby was a good man to many people. It seems to me there were many things his coworkers quite liked about him. There was no evidence he was cruel to any children on set. I in particular like how he called out young people on some of the nonsense they were up to, and refused to make excuses for people just because they may have had it hard for one reason or another. He was by no means a helicopter parent.

But, I can separate being a fan of some of his views versus understanding that the evidence is overwhelming that he was very cruel to some people. Few criminals behave as criminals every second of every day. Many are good parents, good employees, good spouses, and hold good values. While I understand this is made very difficult to reconcile when you personally know the person, a mature adult must do it. The difficult path is often the more morally correct one.

Susan1956 said...

Tucker's Mom said... 81

Oh, she publicly supported Cosby and was nasty about the women who came out about their being drugged and raped.
That was a few years ago, and maybe she's changed her tune. But she was decidedly anti victim.
I think she's noncommittal at this stage.

Sad but true said...

Ooh, a b/w "glamour" shot of K8 and her #Nookie. I love how she tells you exactly how to interpret the photo. She has never been this nice or affectionate to any of her children. It's actually rather sickening to see her working so hard at selling this "new and improved" K8.

kateplusmy8 Just me and my girl. It makes me smile to see my stress free expression while snuggling her! She is my happy place! #Nanuq #SableKingShepherd #ThisMomsBestFriend

Brownie doesn't normally comment on the IG photos---wonder if she's being pulled into K8's orbit once again, maybe to play the role of "friend #3"? Or "kid-minder #27"? Too much.

mkbrownlowauthor💗LOVE 💗LOVE 💗LOVE 💗

GollyGee said...

NJGal51 said... 70
Jon has a couple of pictures up on IG. Congrats to Colleen. She graduated from Drexel today with a Masters in Nursing AND Nurse Practitioner. Nice pictures of the two of them.


With TFW's cheap filming budget and her paycut, I think Colleen will make much more than TFW does now on tv. And Colleen will make great pay.

Colleen is much more ahead, academically than TFW is. TFW only has a RN from a hospital. Colleen has her Associates, Bachelors, Masters in Nursing AND her PA! Not in PA, FW, PA stands for Physicians Assistant!!!

Congrats, Colleen!!! Colleen's academic resume is so NOT mediocre!

Sheepless In Seattle said...

Was Cosby's accuser a rape victim? I think he's a dirty old scumbag, but as far as rape, the jury's still out on that one.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Over And Out (#81), I'm kinda stoked that we've been upgraded from bitter, black-hearted busybodies to hens. Hens lay eggs, so they're okay in my book. But it's gonna be hard to clutch our pearls with wings...

Sue said...

GollyGee...Colleen just graduated and can now be a Nurse Practitioner not a Physician's Assistant. They're two different things.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

If he's found guilty, and the accuser is the victim of rape, what are the chances Cosby would do time in The Big House? What do they do with someone like him?

Of course, Spector was sentenced to 19 years in jail. His defense claimed he was suffering from Parkinson's and that he trembled. Cosby's defense was that he is going blind. It didn't work in Spector's case.

RoxyHelen said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 61

Maybe TLC, like TFW, is counting on people having short memories, and will eventually just get used to C being gone. But recent comments about him to TFW prove that's just not true. He wasn't a character on a TV show. He's a living, breathing child.


They aren't entirely wrong in their strategy, I saw some comments saying stuff like "just because you only see two boys in this video[A & J karting] doesn't mean anything" when someone asked why she only has two sons now. I think there's a group of people still quite oblivious. I think plenty people don't follow Kate on social media, are casual viewers and don't notice C being gone. Apparently those people secure enough views for the show to keep going. ~ Administrator said...

They aren't entirely wrong in their strategy, I saw some comments saying stuff like "just because you only see two boys in this video[A & J karting] doesn't mean anything" when someone asked why she only has two sons now. I think there's a group of people still quite oblivious.


Yes, a casual viewer won't notice much of anything much less a missing child, but I don't know that she can bank everything on a casual viewer. The fans really are noticing, and they're not going to let up. I remember when she first announced he was gone, there was a big fleecing. She really didn't count on any of the fans having a special needs child themselves, and knowing they would NEVER do what she did not matter WHAT.

Tucker's Mom said...

I agree with both Rox and Admin. There are enough viewers who either don't get the gravity of deciding to stop raising your son and sending out of his home to probably never return (and the fracturing of sibling relationships that goes along with it), or they decide that it just doesn't matter enough to stop viewing.
I think most viewers fit into the latter.
I think they take the little bit of vague information Kate gives them and fill in the details with their own fantasies about where Collin is.
They probably assume Collin gets regular family contact and gets to come home.
I don't think that happens at all.

Tucker's Mom said...

Congrats, Colleen!!! Colleen's academic resume is so NOT mediocre!
June 12, 2017 at 8:26 PM
Colleen has a great career that just got even better. She will have more options, especially in administration and management.
Research, too.
Several nurses in my family up there work for Pharma, after years of floor nursing.
They LOVE it.

Tucker's Mom said...

Sheepless In Seattle said... 87
Was Cosby's accuser a rape victim? I think he's a dirty old scumbag, but as far as rape, the jury's still out on that one.
I think she is. If I understand correctly, Cosby gave her pills that drugged her to the point where she had no control and had no ability to stop whatever he was doing to her.
That's the kind of nightmare that would make me wakeup in a cold sweat with my heart pounding in my chest.

The theater of Cosby walking into the courtroom every day with another smiling woman on his arm, including and especially his wife, is nauseating.
What an unholy alliance.

Tucker's Mom said...

Sad but true said... 85
Ooh, a b/w "glamour" shot of K8 and her #Nookie. I love how she tells you exactly how to interpret the photo. She has never been this nice or affectionate to any of her children. It's actually rather sickening to see her working so hard at selling this "new and improved" K8.
I hope Collin has a dog that's his best friend and helps him relax.
Nanuq is the new golden child, that's for sure.

Looks like the dog was just delivered back from the groomer and Kate's smelling her fur.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Tucker's Mom (#96), has TFW ever remotely expressed the sentiment that her KIDS are her happy place? She's missed no opportunity to remind us that they are a burden -- even to the point of saying if she had it to do all over again, she wouldn't. What other single mother of 8, with no steady employment, admits to needing to go to the spa once a month?

Hey, maybe from now on, she can skip the spa and just nuzzle Nookie to de-stress. And spend that money on her kids instead.

NJGal51 said...

IMO the casual/new viewer will think, "Hmmm, I thought Kate had 8 kids. I guess I was wrong and the +8 includes the dog. Boy she really does love that dog!". IMO this is what TFW is banking on and that's why she's got so much #NookiePookie love on her IG timeline lately.

As far as the picture goes, her idea of "snuggling" and mine are two different things. Yeah she's next to the dog but not in a full on snuggle. It's kind of like the "air hugs" she used to give the kids. And her "stress free expression"...aren't all of her expressions free of anything? I mean, with so much botox she's got a bit of "frozen-face" going expression at all. Yeah, her eyes are closed and she's got her mouth relaxed but it doesn't look natural to me. Just the opinion of one old hen. ~ Administrator said...

IMO the casual/new viewer will think, "Hmmm, I thought Kate had 8 kids. I guess I was wrong and the +8 includes the dog. Boy she really does love that dog!". IMO this is what TFW is banking on and that's why she's got so much #NookiePookie love on her IG timeline lately.



All of us have shows we watch more casually and have rarely if never searched out on the internet. For instance, I'd never notice if a Duggar kid went missing.

I still think many people can't even tell these kids apart. People have said that many times.To add to that, some people seem to really struggle to distinguish people of other races. That's scientifically documented. The fact is for many people, it's a bunch of Asian kids and they can't help it being unable to really distinguish them.

Formerly Duped said...

Or they film a couple ta a time- the girls doing something, a mix of some kids on an outing, just the give the appearance of a full house. (I remember Collin's empty chair but a plate was on his place mat)

Honestly it took me a few episodes at the beginning to get the kids and names straight, at least some of them...

Blowing In The Wind said...

I think she is. If I understand correctly, Cosby gave her pills that drugged her to the point where she had no control and had no ability to stop whatever he was doing to her.


Here's what I don't get, though. From the bits and pieces I've read, she stayed in contact with him, calling him, meeting him and whatever, like more than 70 times. If I were a rape victim, that's the last thing I'd want to do. I'd never want to see his disgusting face again, not even in a courtroom for sentencing.

Tucker's Mom said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 97
Tucker's Mom (#96), has TFW ever remotely expressed the sentiment that her KIDS are her happy place? She's missed no opportunity to remind us that they are a burden -- even to the point of saying if she had it to do all over again, she wouldn't. What other single mother of 8, with no steady employment, admits to needing to go to the spa once a month?
I can' recall if it was you or another on of my muumuu friends here who said that they watched re-runs and focused on Collin, and how his reaching out to Kate was rebuffed by her.
It was like she not only never bonded with Collin, but she has rejected him.
Not getting his thoughtful gift in Mexico, and further, poking fun at it, was cruel beyond words.

Tucker's Mom said...

Honestly it took me a few episodes at the beginning to get the kids and names straight, at least some of them...
I've never been able to identify which tup girl is which, and prefer it that way.
With 7 kids still standing, TLC will be able to give the illusion of a full, "chaotic" house.

Sad but true said...

Tucker's Mom said... 96

Looks like the dog was just delivered back from the groomer and Kate's smelling her fur.

In full make-up, no less. Finally Milo has dropped in with her droppings.

miloandjack2016 Well I KNOW you KNOW I KNOW all about this special feeling! 😋 #BondingWithYourFurbaby. ❤❤❤

miloandjack2016 Its a feeling like no other...the unconditional love and loyalty a dog can impart to us humans. They can fix things that are broken in us...things we can't even identify! Who needs a shrink...just 30 min a day w/our dogs and we get the strength to cope!! @kateplusmy8

Uh, sorry, I think Kate's issues are well past the "my dog can fix it" stage. Shrink gets my vote.

Tucker's Mom said...

I mean, with so much botox she's got a bit of "frozen-face" going expression at all. Yeah, her eyes are closed and she's got her mouth relaxed but it doesn't look natural to me. Just the opinion of one old hen.

Although the photo was B+W, Kate's in a good deal of make-up and both give her skin a flawless appearance.
Of course, her face lift/tuck and injectables make her jaw line tight and skin wrinkle free.
Her surgeon or surgeons are talented. It's very good work.

Tucker's Mom said...

Here's what I don't get, though. From the bits and pieces I've read, she stayed in contact with him, calling him, meeting him and whatever, like more than 70 times. If I were a rape victim, that's the last thing I'd want to do. I'd never want to see his disgusting face again, not even in a courtroom for sentencing.
I think this is different from being attacked and raped by a total stranger.
Cosby was her elder and if you're old enough to remember, he was Cliff Huxtable, 'America's Dad', writ large.
Cosby was Hollywood royalty, wealthy, privileged and influential.
He groomed many adult women by being their mentor and gave them the promise of possibly making it an Hollywood. Eventually, or immediately because of how he was, these women came to trust Cosby implicitly.
I'll bet it never occurred to them that Cosby was a serial sexual predator.
Add to that, a culture of drugs where women would be afraid to admit they took drugs and then had sex against their will, because who would believe them?
Cosby is a consummate abuser and gaslighter.
I'l bet his M.O. was to resume relations as if nothing happened, and who were these nobodies to question the vaunted Bill Cosby?

For some, the fog of drugs and trauma that their brains didn't quite comprehend and protected them from fully grasping kept this predator unchecked for decades.

Most of all, the bottom line for me is that I do not care one iota how many times any of these women saw or spoke to Cosby after. I don't even care if they had consensual sex after.

What I care about is if Bill Cosby drugged them even once, rendered them unable to move and speak, and used their bodies like his personal sex toys, with utter disregard for them even being human.

Nicky said...

miloandjack2016 Its a feeling like no other...the unconditional love and loyalty a dog can impart to us humans. They can fix things that are broken in us...things we can't even identify! Who needs a shrink...just 30 min a day w/our dogs and we get the strength to cope!! @kateplusmy8

And who needs that from our family, right Milo? "Broken" Kate Gosselin needs strength from her dogs - how about HER being the strength for her kids?? As most parents are...

Rainbowsandunicorns said...

I've never been able to identify which tup girl is which, and prefer it that way.


Alexis has the wide-set eyes and is the least Asian looking of the three. Hannah is the one that looks the most like Jon, and Leah is the one that looks like Leah!

Sad but true said...

Counting On "premiere" showing Joy's wedding last night brought in 1.63 mm viewers. That's okay, I guess, but I don't think it comes near what they got for earlier big events. Share was 0.33 in 18-49 demo.

Formerly Duped said...

Rainbowsandunicorns said... 108

To add to that, Alexis has lighter hair, Hannah is the biggest girl and Leah is small-boned and shorter than the other two.

Tucker's Mom said...

Looks like there's no verdict in the Cosby trial today.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

At this point, I bet she'd be willing to do a photo shoot in the Sahara desert with only non-organic water to drink.


As long as there aren't moose hog dogs out there, or camel burgers, or whatever.

Warmth Of The Sun said...

Was it consensual or was it rape? I think when it's over and done, it will be her word against his word.

Sad but true said...

barbgilmer1@christiansnyder Kate doesn't even do Twitter anymore.

Oh she will if another episode of hers ever airs again.

The glam pic (K8 with her matching dog) has just gone over 7K likes in 20 hours. So I think it's safe to say, "real" IG followers are now probably b/t 10K and 15K. Nowhere near the 149K currently showing, but a famewhore's gotta do what a f/w's gotta do.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

I think she is. If I understand correctly, Cosby gave her pills that drugged her to the point where she had no control and had no ability to stop whatever he was doing to her.


Playing Devil's Advocate here, why would she take any drugs he gave her? She wasn't young and naive. If she does't remember what happened, then how does she know if he raped her or if she submitted?

The jury asked questions today. The judge didn't give answers, telling them that they could read.

Regardless, he's a slimy old geezer.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

And who needs that from our family, right Milo? "Broken" Kate Gosselin needs strength from her dogs - how about HER being the strength for her kids?? As most parents are...


Milo says, "Kids? What kids?"

Mara said...

Sheepless In Seattle said... 115
I think she is. If I understand correctly, Cosby gave her pills that drugged her to the point where she had no control and had no ability to stop whatever he was doing to her.


Playing Devil's Advocate here, why would she take any drugs he gave her? She wasn't young and naive. If she does't remember what happened, then how does she know if he raped her or if she submitted?
Legally (in most states, including PA), consent requires that you are not intoxicated.

Anonymous said...

That's not a snuggle, that's a staged "smell", and IMOP that pic is photo shopped weird, from elbow down her forearm, hands and bended thigh look totally out of proportion to the big face from elbow up ( probably done to disguise K*'s thunder thighs) even the dogs forearms look unusually skinny)....and how much of a narcissist must one be to be photographed in a flattering illusion of affection and not realize that those who have followed her for a decade, fan or not, have never once witnessed her in a Vaseline B/W fake photo shot with her kids...bottom line, not a mother by anyone's definition, sick woman.

laurajean ~ Administrator said...

Playing Devil's Advocate here, why would she take any drugs he gave her?


I can't recall all the ins and outs of her particular case but it doesn't matter why she took the drugs he gave her (or, maybe she didn't know she was taking drugs, or maybe she thought it was something benign.) It doesn't matter what you did leading up to it, nobody deserves to be raped. I think there may still be some states left where a victim's character can come into evidence, but we're moving away from that.

Personally I have no need to know why she took those drugs. If she's telling the truth that she did not consent, then I believe her.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

I can't recall all the ins and outs of her particular case but it doesn't matter why she took the drugs he gave her (or, maybe she didn't know she was taking drugs, or maybe she thought it was something benign.) It doesn't matter what you did leading up to it, nobody deserves to be raped.


True, if it was rape. I guess the question I have is if she doesn't remember the sexual assault, them how does she know she was raped? Did she report it to the police then, and was she examined at the hospital? I haven't been following the ins and outs of this, either. This incident allegedly occurred 13 years ago.

It seems to be a case of "she said, he said." I wouldn't want to sit on that jury. ~ Administrator said...

Here's what I don't get, though. From the bits and pieces I've read, she stayed in contact with him, calling him, meeting him and whatever, like more than 70 times. If I were a rape victim, that's the last thing I'd want to do. I'd never want to see his disgusting face again, not even in a courtroom for sentencing.


It doesn't make sense, but it's extremely common for victims of abuse, including sex abuse, to continue to see and spend time with the perp.

As Tucker explained, it has to do with knowing him. For whatever reason, some people have a very difficult time separating out the abuse from everything else. We're going deep down the rabbit hole of psychology, but the reasons any given person may want to spend time with their perp can be numerous.

It happens a lot with kids but with adults too. In fact when I have a kid who hates their abuser and never wants to see them again, it actually raises a red flag for me that there's a greater chance than usual they are making it up. THAT'S how common it is to see a victim and perp have an ongoing relationship even after the abuse.

Lynne In RI said...

Seattle Sheepless (120): "It seems to be a case of "she said, he said." I wouldn't want to sit on that jury."


Was there any evidence in this case, other than her testimony? ~ Administrator said...

Seattle Sheepless (120): "It seems to be a case of "she said, he said." I wouldn't want to sit on that jury."


Was there any evidence in this case, other than her testimony?


I'm getting more interested in what was presented at trial. Apparently they mostly just read a bunch of depositions into the record, some of them from a decade ago where Cosby admitted to some of the encounters. They were graphic. This trial has the look of being very lazy, although I'm sure it's all strategy. Cosby also admitted to giving her pills without her consent, so I would argue it's actually not a he said she said situation--he admits he did something with sex and pills, he just doesn't see it as this horrific thing like she does. The question really is does it fit the charges in a nice neat box of the charges presented, and for that the jury will have pages of instructions about how to break it down.

There usually is a strategy behind why a lawyer is doing what they are doing. It may seem like a bad idea to an observer or even your own client, but most of the time, those strategy choices were turned over again and again for days, weeks, even months if you have that much time. Good lawyers think about every witness they call, every piece of evidence they present, and every word they argue. You really are paying the attorney for their experience in trail strategy, something you can't get from watching episodes of the Good Wife but you can only truly learn by putting yourself through trial after trial and amassing experience. The defense didn't cut off their closing arguments after 6 minutes because they were being lazy--that was because after hours of debate and discussion they decided 6 minutes is exactly how long they wanted the jury to hear from them.

The defense argued that the victims had made inconsistent statements, which is in chapter one of the attorney playbook.

The question is will the jury overlook some inconsistencies, which is bond to happen when you're trying to remember something from ages ago, or will they see it as fatal.

In any case long jury discussions usually mean they're stuck on something, and asking lots of questions is exactly what my jury did because we too were stuck on a couple points we just couldn't work out one way or the other. It's not good for the prosecution, it usually means hung jury or an acquittal. If it's a conviction it was a hard fought one. This case is clearly not open and shut to the jury.

NJGal51 said...

And barbgilmer1 strikes again. Here's a comment she made answering someone on the B&W puppy love picture. The person had posted a comment requesting an interview with TFW because she's doing a school project on how dogs affect children's moods. She also wanted video of the kids answering questions and playing with the dogs.

barbgilmer1 @XXXXX Just asking anybody with a dog, doesn't have to be a reality TV person! You can ask me, all dogs make a world of difference and so do cats! (smiely face)

I'm guessing that those who have said that this may have been a photo shoot may be right because she didn't give #PhotoCreditToMady as she normally does.

I clicked on her profile and, although private, her caption is: ALL ANIMALS SHOULD BE ADORED, NOT JUST ONE BREED!!!!!

Tucker's Mom said...

I saw Keisha Knight Pulliam on the Today show this morning. She's a very sweet woman who seems sincere in wanting to supporter her mentor-whom she still calls 'Mr. Cosby-through the justice process.
Pulliam's motives seem to be that she's supporting another person through a difficult time, in the face of really bad public backlash.

NJGal51 said...

I clicked on her profile and, although private, her caption is: ALL ANIMALS SHOULD BE ADORED, NOT JUST ONE BREED!!!!!

This was referring to barbgilmer1's profile. My thoughts seem to have been a little disjointed but in my defense I'd only had one cup of coffee when I typed it.

Kylie said...

laurajean, I will say that even though I don't like Kate one little bit, she doesn't have thunder thighs. She lost a lot of weight and is very small now.

foxy said...

InTouch has an article with headlines that Jon Gosselin no longer has to strip since his girlfriend is now nurse practitioner. He was never a stripper, I think he did something for a charity but he is not a stripper. They should make the ex out to be a villain for what she does to her kids.

Sad but true said...

barbgilmer1 @XXXXX Just asking anybody with a dog, doesn't have to be a reality TV person! You can ask me, all dogs make a world of difference and so do cats! (smiely face)

So funny that Barb avoids calling her a "star"; she's just a "person." I agree this looks like something for a photo shoot. And if you look closely, under all the spackle her skin looks pretty awful ragged, which may be why she put this up in black and white.

Tucker's Mom said...

I clicked on her profile and, although private, her caption is: ALL ANIMALS SHOULD BE ADORED, NOT JUST ONE BREED!!!!!
Oooh, burn on Kate and her #KINGSHEPHERD!!!!!!!!

We get it, Kate, you backyard bred a couple dogs and they are quite lovely, but please, don't act like what you have should be the envy of the world.

Over In TFW's County said...

Interesting interview right now with a jury consultant, who is discussing the outcome of this, based on the number of men and women on the jury (7 men, five women). According to him, the women will ask themselves, "Would I do what she did?" (continue to associate with him after this happened, asking him to show tickets, calling him, etc.). If the answer is "no," there could be a conviction. This guy said that he believes it is her word against his word as to whether it was consensual.

Jury is still out, and apparently is tired.

PA Dutch Mom said...

laurajean, I will say that even though I don't like Kate one little bit, she doesn't have thunder thighs. She lost a lot of weight and is very small now.


I haven't seen her thunder thighs in some time. Yes, she lost weight, but Kate will never be small. She's a fairly large-boned woman, and really isn't a tiny petite woman, and no matter how much weight she loses, she never will be small.

Just an observation from up close! :)

Tucker's Mom said...

I haven't seen her thunder thighs in some time. Yes, she lost weight, but Kate will never be small. She's a fairly large-boned woman, and really isn't a tiny petite woman, and no matter how much weight she loses, she never will be small.

Just an observation from up close! :)

Kate's never going to be as small as she'd like, which is a shame, since she's thin and doesn't need to weigh any less.
She's not tiny, and you can see that when she sits next to anyone on tv, which tends to attract tiny people.
It was noticeable when she sat on The View. She's not Hollywood or actress tiny.

Sad but true said...

Photo with kids. A few anyway. Looks posed to me.

kateplusmy8 I LOVE summer! Kids get to be kids and sit outside, breathe fresh summer air, chat and... do NOTHING! Love catching these candid relaxed moments! #MaySummerNeverEnd 🌞🌸🐾🌳

kateplusmy8 Oh! And Lex was impersonating Aaden, wearing his glasses and all 😂😂😂

"Kids get to be kids"? Yeah, chance would be a fine thing, Mommy Dearest.

Over And Out said...

Trouble in Paradise, the show was shut-down for sexual misconduct. They all get drunk as the proverbial skunk and guess who the "victim" hires as an attorney? Here comes Laverne's other half...

“Bachelor in Paradise” contestant Corinne Olympios has released a statement after Warner Bros. suspended production on the show due to allegations of sexual misconduct.

She has also hired Hollywood power lawyer Marty Singer, it was announced Wednesday. Singer previously represented people including Bill Cosby and Arnold Schwarzenegger, as attorney."

She needs an attorney because...?

You can't make this stuff up.

Sandi said...

IMO~ The latest photo with two of the boys sitting on the lawn with a couple of the girls, has me wanting a closer look. I'm sure Joel is one of the boys ...but...I swear the other is Collin! I do not see any resemblance to Aaden, glasses or not! I do believe it was mentioned that Aaden was seen without glasses and contacts were implied. The side profile says Collin to me. Wish I could enlarge the photo. LOL

Lanc Native said...

kateplusmy8 I LOVE summer! Kids get to be kids and sit outside, breathe fresh summer air, chat and... do NOTHING! Love catching these candid relaxed moments! #MaySummerNeverEnd 🌞🌸🐾🌳


So why doesn't she let them go to summer camp? There are some wonderful camps in her area and in the Poconos, as well as a great riding camp in Virginia that the twins would love. If she doesn't want them to go for an entire summer, for heaven's sake, just let them attend for a week of two.

Lanc Native said...

I clicked on her profile and, although private, her caption is: ALL ANIMALS SHOULD BE ADORED, NOT JUST ONE BREED!!!!!

This was referring to barbgilmer1's profile. My thoughts seem to have been a little disjointed but in my defense I'd only had one cup of coffee when I typed it.


I thought Barb is a fan. On which side of the fence does she sit?

NJGal51 said...

Well TFW has a new IG post up (they must be done with filming for the week). It's a picture of 4 of the kids sitting in the yard with either Mac or Shoka. The caption....

I LOVE summer! Kids get to be kids and sit outside, breathe fresh summer air, chat NOTHING! Love catching these candid relaxed moments. #MaySummerNeverEnd 😀🌸🐾🌳

For the love of God. Does anyone actually buy this shit she's shoveling? The kids do nothing? Yeah, nothing but film and chores. BTW, all the caps above are hers.

NJGal51 said...

Sandi - I "pinched" the photo open on my iPad and it looks like Aaden to me.

Jillyg said...

I think it's A in the pic. The girl on the right has his glasses on. : / ~ Administrator said...

I thought Barb is a fan. On which side of the fence does she sit?


I think she's a reluctant fan. Now and again her passive aggressive side comes out, and she'll say something snide. The one-breed remark is clearly a knock at Kate.

She loves Kate, but hates her too.

I myself find it hilarious to watch.

Sue said...

If you look at some of the pictures on her IG timeline you'll see some of Aden. Theres one with him in profile (glasses on with a sister and a dog) and the expression looks the same as the one on the current picture. ~ Administrator said...

She's not tiny, and you can see that when she sits next to anyone on tv, which tends to attract tiny people.
It was noticeable when she sat on The View. She's not Hollywood or actress tiny.


The camera really does add 10 pounds, or 30.

I'm one of those here who has seen her in person, and she looks normal to me in person. Not skinny, not fat. On the taller side and firm on her feet. I think she looks way bigger, stockier on camera than she really is.

On camera, you really need to be very petite, dangerously thin, to even look "thin." It's pretty rare to meet a successful actress who is not a character actress who isn't tiny. ~ Administrator said...

I saw Keisha Knight Pulliam on the Today show this morning. She's a very sweet woman who seems sincere in wanting to supporter her mentor-whom she still calls 'Mr. Cosby-through the justice process.
Pulliam's motives seem to be that she's supporting another person through a difficult time, in the face of really bad public backlash.


The jury is REALLY turning this one over. They're stuck on something. I think it's going to be hung. Most likely, this is only good for Cosby.

GollyGee said...

On the Cosby trial, I hope we can say,

Hey, Hey, Hey!!!

Found Guiltaaaa!!!

I was just about to post that I think it is going to be a hung jury.

If it is, can it be retried?

Tucker's Mom said...

Wouldn't most parents seeing that their kids are doing NOTHING think, "hey, why don't I send them to camp or sign them up for something".
And there's no one around! No friends. No family.
Just the kids staring at each other.

Tucker's Mom said...

She loves Kate, but hates her too.

I myself find it hilarious to watch.


If Kate would throw her a bone now and again, she's be a Fan Girl.

Tucker's Mom said...

On camera, you really need to be very petite, dangerously thin, to even look "thin." It's pretty rare to meet a successful actress who is not a character actress who isn't tiny.

And male actors seem to wind up being small in real life. Short, skinny.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

TFW's "do NOTHING" summer for the kids was already proven false by the person who spotted them filming at Target.

I think most of the fans have no idea how TV works. The Target scene may amount to 5 minutes or less in an episode. It might not even wind up in the show at all. But something like that takes HOURS to film. So there was already a day of their vacation when the G kids most certainly didn't "do NOTHING."
They were working at a job they never asked for, being gawked at by people they've never met, but who know them by name.

Sad but true said...

Oh god, will Milo EVER remove her lips from K8's ass? Quite frankly, I hope the kids are plotting their escape. #MakingMemoriesBlowsChunksWhenYou'reAGosselinKid!

miloandjack2016 So we need a BIG blanket...and boxes of Animal Crackers! #MakingMemories. ❤ #WhatWeUsedToDo. 😲 @kateplusmy8

PA Dutch Mom said...

For the love of God. Does anyone actually buy this shit she's shoveling?


Milo comes to mind. She'd buy anything Kate shovels, including her lies about the boob job!

Kate looks pretty much the same in person as she does on television, weight-wise. The exception would be DWTS. I couldn't believe how thick and bloated she looked on there, like if she would be stuck with a pin, a gallon of water would gush out. She really wasn't that chubby in person. Even her face looked pudgy.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Speaking of the G kids working...I know there's show income put aside for the kids, but I wonder if they get pocket money from their earnings? Do they get an allowance?
None of our business of course, but I'm curious if the children are getting some pleasure from the income they've legitimately earned by sacrificing their privacy for a decade.

One of the magical things about that first silly little part-time job is that small step towards independence, and learning by trial and error about the value of money. ~ Administrator said...

Wouldn't most parents seeing that their kids are doing NOTHING think, "hey, why don't I send them to camp or sign them up for something".


I can literally hear my mother! No no no, you're not gonna laze around all summer and do NOTHING.

We were allowed a couple weeks to decompress from school before we were required to do something with ourselves. Summer reading and other homework, summer camp, a summer class or lessons, or sports, and as we got older, a job. Going out and about with friends was also encouraged.

This is not NORMAL, kids doing nothing. (And filming.) ~ Administrator said...

I remember meeting my narcissist for the first time. I about fell off my chair. I had heard they were shorter in person, but my god, they seemed almost frail! Very short, and petite. I still found myself amazed even years later, it just didn't make sense.

The camera, and its tricks. Unbelievable.

I was afraid the first time we hugged to squeeze too tight.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Milo comes to mind. She'd buy anything Kate shovels, including her lies about the boob job!


The Not-A-Boob Job! Well, Gladys does keep abreast of everything Kate.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

We were allowed a couple weeks to decompress from school before we were required to do something with ourselves. Summer reading and other homework, summer camp, a summer class or lessons, or sports, and as we got older, a job. Going out and about with friends was also encouraged.


Did we have the same mother? ~ Administrator said...

Kate would like to do nothing all summer, because she derives great joy in doing nothing but puttering around and spending the occasional money.

Because she wants to do it, she tries to frame it like this is what the kids want to. She fails to realize just because this is what SHE wants doesn't mean this is what's best for your kids. Geez.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Sad but true (#151), it gives me the heebiest of jeebies when Gladys says "we" when referring to TFW and her kids. That's one of the reasons I'm still not convinced Gladys has kids of her own. Why would she be so anxious to insinuate herself into the G family if she had one of her own?

Sheepless In Seattle said...

. Why would she be so anxious to insinuate herself into the G family if she had one of her own?


Maybe her own family doesn't want to bother with her and Kate's family is the surrogate. Hide the bunny, and Kate's Snuggle Pookie, too. The "we" in her comments gives me the creeps.

The jury asked for the accuser's testimony to be re-read. I agree with admin. I wouldn't be surprised if they'd hang on this one.

GollyGee said...

The jury asked for the accuser's testimony to be re-read. I agree with admin. I wouldn't be surprised if they'd hang on this one.


I wonder if it is the majority that want guilty and there is maybe 1, 2 or maybe 3 that want not guilty. If they are hung, will the prosecutor retry the case?

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Admin (#158), I also suspect a reason TFW limits their summer activities is because she has no interest in being a taxi service.
I think she already fancies herself a humanitarian just getting them to and from the bus stop during the school year (and I still contend she's got help with that, too).

Formerly Duped said...

Sandi - I "pinched" the photo open on my iPad and it looks like Aaden to me.

I agree, it's Aaden for sure. This is what I meant when I commented that some pictures just have a few of the kids to keep people guessing how many of the 8 are actually living at home. Sadly I don't think Collin is. Maybe TFW is asking A to take off his glasses or he broke them again! Or maybe it's just a regular picture.But with Kate you always can be second guessing her motives.

Tucker's Mom said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 153
Speaking of the G kids working...I know there's show income put aside for the kids, but I wonder if they get pocket money from their earnings? Do they get an allowance?
Yes, it's for buying Kate presents !!

Sad but true said...


johnpaulbachmann That's kind of it, Kate - when other kids their ages are involved in activities - in the case of twins, summer jobs - your kids, like you, do nothing ... They're teenagers, time to be out and about in the community, don't you think??

jeska5589 I hope you all have a wonderful time this summer!

jeska5589 Still at it, @johnpaulbachmann ? So you want the kids to work but just at jobs that you would approve of, huh? That's not too crazy or controlling of you. If you can't judge other people and their choices what would you be doing with yourself? lol

Over In TFW's County said...

Admin (#158), I also suspect a reason TFW limits their summer activities is because she has no interest in being a taxi service.


If you don't want to run a taxi service, then you let them go to summer camp and experience what so many kids their age do during the summer.

Jury watch. Reports are that it's not nice over at the courthouse. Patience is being tried, the judge is tired, the jury is tired, and all is not well.

Cosby said that he gave her 1 1/2 Benedryl tablets (an antihistamine); she said that the pills paralyzed her. You don't get paralyzed from an OTC medicine. Something just doesn't make sense in this whole thing.

Tucker's Mom said...

Cosby jury is deadlocked and the judge has ordered them to go back and try again.

JM said...

The picture of the kids ... they just look like they are taking a break from filming to me ... time will tell, if episodes are ever aired (hope they aren't) we can possibly tell by their clothes.

Cosby trial - news reports of jury telling judge they are deadlocked, judge instructs them to keep trying ...

Over In TFW's County said...

Yep. Deadlocked. Back to the jury room, orders the judge!

Unknown said...

OMG!!!!! People article! I just don't understand!

Sad but true said...

Over In TFW's County said... 166

Cosby said that he gave her 1 1/2 Benedryl tablets (an antihistamine); she said that the pills paralyzed her.

I never believed the Benadryl story, and for the same reasons. Quaaludes now (or something similar), that has the ring of truth. ~ Administrator said...

Cosby jury is deadlocked and the judge has ordered them to go back and try again.


When I was on a jury that deadlocked on a burglary case the judge sent us back twice to try again before calling it.

I'm guessing he'll make them go at it until Friday, the end of the week, then call it.

This is a huge victory for the defense. The less is more strategy worked it seems. ~ Administrator said...

Something just doesn't make sense in this whole thing.


Yes because somebody is lying and my money is on Cosby lying.

FYI said...

So Kate plus 8 is going to have a 3 episode mini-season starting on Monday, July 10. A Halloween episode, a skiing in Vermont episode and the birthday episode. This article has a video preview:

So another birthday celebration without Collin. I did notice that when they were singing Happy Birthday, Kate included Collin's name, even though he wasn't there.

willowmom (now Piper's mom) said...

K8 just posted pictures on Instagram - the 3 girls & a birthday cake and the 2 boys sitting at a table...."All new KatePlus8...premiering... Monday, July 10 at 9 central!"

Kylie said...

Kate is one sick mama. She has a pic on Instagram of the kids on their 13th birthday. 3 girls and then 2 boys and you can actually see Collin's arm but his picture is cut out. So, is this a current pic and she has been ordered to keep him out of any photos, or it is an older photo?

Confused said...

So another birthday celebration without Collin. I did notice that when they were singing Happy Birthday, Kate included Collin's name, even though he wasn't there.

So Collin's been away for going on two years now? Is that right?

Someone explain to me the reasons there are for an eleven year old child to be away from his home for two years or more? That's a serious question. If a child commits a serious crime (and I do NOT think Collin did that), are they sent to a juvenile detention center at the age of eleven? What can a child be doing or what can his problem be that requires that he not be at home for years? ~ Administrator said...

That's not Collin's arm that's one of the girls. What treatment facility doesn't allow a boy to go home for his birthday?

I think this kid has been REMOVED from Kate, CPS style. And CPS has done a great job ensuring their role has been kept confidential.

Layla said...

A 3-epsiode mini season? How odd. The standard season has been 8 episodes since they came back. Very, very curious...

Sad but true said...

Oh and she posted b'day party pics.

kateplusmy8 I can’t believe they're 13! Our journey continues with all new #KatePlus8 premiering on @TLC Monday, July 10 at 10/9c! LINK TO (adorable!) PROMO VIDEO IN MY BIO!!

LOL, now THIS is typical K8:

kateplusmy8 Okay! Hang on! I'm POSTING A NEW LINK THAT WORKS-- SOON! Sorry about that! @sandiebellz @carleneigras1 @emi_jurni

Lots and lots of "Where's Collin?" Oh, she gives him a sad face. No tears?

april.johnson.31586526 Missing one?

kateplusmy8 Yes :( @april.johnson.31586526

Oh, and she hearts it so much:

kateplusmy8 Ok! The link is alllll fixed! Go to my bio and click on the link to watch the new season promo video!!! I ❤️ it SO much!

And more people are getting it:

tburchardt66 Damnit Kate! You need to celebrate when all kids can be present. Trust me, Colin is going to have a rough path ahead looking at these pics with him not in them. What are you thinking?!

tburchardt66 Peace out, leaving this page. The more I think about it, I can't stand your morals. #prayerstocolin

barbarah46 Really tragic that Collin isn't even't considered one of the 8 now. Kate plus 7.

Good questions:

dallasmama1_It's sad Colin is not there. Unless his special needs are extreme he needs to. E with his family. My son hadADHD and was told we should place him. I refused. He stayed home. With love and care he became a functioning adult and is doing fine. He's now 33 yes old. I hope Kate realizes that he needs to. Be home. Otherwise he will feel abandoned. Does anyone ever visit him? Does he ever go home to visit ?so sad

Sad but true said...

Kate is a twit said... 174
So Kate plus 8 is going to have a 3 episode mini-season starting on Monday, July 10. A Halloween episode, a skiing in Vermont episode and the birthday episode.

Those kids had a helluva of a fall last year. What with the twins' b'day party and all the retakes to cover up the Collin mess, they also had to do Halloween? Nightmare.

Interesting that the Duggars are going to be the same night as K8. And the Outdaughtered premiere is the very next day. I guess K8 got stuck with the 10 p.m.slot again?

NJGal51 said...

Three episodes? My how the mighty have fallen. She will take whatever crumb TLC will throw to her. Maybe TLC is going with the Cosby "less is more" defense. Halloween, ski vacation and a May birthday in July. Very timely. ~ Administrator said...

When producing filler, it makes more sense to film in small spurts as needed so as not to expend too much money on episodes you won't end up airing indefinitely.

Formerly Duped said...

Admin, I have thought that was a possibility for a while. What puzzles me is why the other kids can stay- usually the parental behavior moves on to the next target. Alexis? The stories about the windowless room and tied wrists were chilling.Perhaps they are all on a register to be watched by CPS? Also a conundrum why Jon would not then get his visitation or custody as he claimed he was trying to do

Sad but true said...

Oh, so it's EMPATHY she's looking for. I thought she preferred to keep it as deep under wraps as possible and have no one bring it up.

shannan.nelsonMakes me sick how rude so many people are. You have no idea what that sweet child or her are going through not having him there, or what their situation is. How dare you judge them. And the other kids dont deserve to have a bday because their brother can't be present? How ridiculous. I'm sure that's exactly what he'd want. Yea right. People need to chill out. My daughter had cancer and situations had to be altered because she couldn't always attend. Would never be appropriate or what she would of wanted for them to never do anything because she couldn't at the moment. You guys need to seriously think before you speak. And any psychologist would tell them to keep the other childrens lives as normal as possible during the difficult times, while he is away learning or getting treatment etc. Geeze.

kateplusmy8 Thank you for this LOGICAL NORMAL EMPATHETIC comment! ❤️ @shannan.nelson

Sad but true said...

I think the answers to your questions are pretty obvious, hannaleigh. Think about it. Did the way this child was treated on the show escape you entirely?

hannaleigh12390 I cannot believe I am reading people shaming this mother. That's her child and I'm 100% positive she is doing what's best for her son. To say does he even ever get visited is ridiculous. So those of you who are shaming her, you honestly believe she didn't call him, FaceTime him or even see him on his birthday?? She's just excluded him from their lives??? Get real. She's protecting her sons privacy by not splashing all of his private information for you to pick that apart too. And other mothers with special needs children shaming her? That's even more shocking. Because one thing worked for you, your child, and your family does not mean it will work for hers. What a sad sad world we live in.

Nicky said...

kateplusmy8 Thank you for this LOGICAL NORMAL EMPATHETIC comment! ❤️ @shannan.nelson

Oh No you don't Kate! YOU don't deserve any empathy. Yes, the other children have to lead "normal" lives, but it is also YOUR responsibility as a parent to include YOUR son (remember, how you always said it was you, and you alone, who tended to and cared for the children?), and their brother, into their lives.

On another note, watching that clip - at the end when she states the date and time of the show - can she be anymore miserable and morose? Geez, way to promote your "brand" Kate!

Layla said...

Kate does not have a logical, normal, or empathetic bone in her body. If she did, she wouldn't have forced a child with obviously several behavioral/emotional problems to film for so long. He has been away for treatment for more than a year. That proves that something very serious is going on, and had to have been going on for quite awhile before he was sent away. And what did she do? Allow him privacy and space? No, she shoved him in front of a camera and forced him to work. Forced him to support her and her lifestyle. Her priority has always been--and always will be--herself.

When she posted about the kids doing NOTHING, I think that was passive-aggressive. They may not be filming now, and that would drive her nuts. Summers have always been a time of non-stop, exhausting work, during which the kids provide her with enough footage for episodes and income to last for the rest of the year. But this year they're just lazing by the pool? Doing NOTHING? Unacceptable! She had them so that their very existence could provide her with a lifestyle she desperately wanted. And instead of working, they are doing NOTHING. Her head must be ready to explode.

Sad but true said...

Here's how TLC is describing these episodes (on the K8 FB page)

"Kate Plus 8 (Teenagers! Returns
We're checking in with the Gosselins during their most exciting get-togethers of the year, including the sextuplets 13th birthday!"

The word "season" is conspicuously absent.

FYI said...

So was the Halloween episode actually filmed in October? I wonder if they were planning to air that as part of last season, and decided to wait.

The skiing episode was filmed in March and the birthday party episode probably was filmed this past weekend, since they were spotted at Target on Thursday.

BTW, according to some FB posts they were also spotted at Party City, and at some Carpet/Tile store on Thursday. The lady who posted about them being at the Carpet store posted some pictures(just Kate and Mady were there) and said that they purchased a pink rug for a party. In the clip where the girls are getting their pedicures, there's a pink rug.

So it seems that they aren't really filming much at all. Once in October, once in March, and once this past weekend. Two episodes filmed at home.

I wonder if TLC plans on any more filming over the summer, or if they're done after the 13th birthday episode.

Sad but true said...

Here's a fan who acknowledges that Kate is playing a role, LOL.

mrsswopes@kateplusmy8 love you as their mother. You've been nonstop from day one!! I'm so happy you're coming back. I love your show & your kids. Huge fan!!! Keep doing what you're doing. I couldn't do it!! You're a strong woman ❤️❤️❤️

Nicky said...

At this age, what could you really do for Halloween? Unless she hosted a party for all of their friends, anything else would seem a bit immature. My 12 yr old told me this year, that he probably wouldn't trick or treat next year - unless his friends were going to.

Kids don't want their parents hovering over them when they are hanging out. All they want is a ride, food, and spending money if needed from us.

jamesvader1194 said...

Someone correct me if im wrong but did Kate claim Collin would be returning on the show as soon as he could?She said he would be away getting help but i don't remember if she ever claimed if he will be coming back on the show.If she didn't she's caught in a lie when she said all the kids were fine with filming.

Formerly Duped said...

Well, at least it looks like Alexis has braces...

Tucker's Mom said...

Kate has said in the past that her son Collin has "educational and social challenges." While she won't reveal his specific diagnosis to protect his privacy, she has currently enrolled him in a program "helping him learn the skills he needs to be the best him he can be." Separation hasn't been easy. "There is a huge hole in our family without him here. But it comforts us to know he's where he needs to be right now. I feel like I've made an investment in Collin's future. To know he's somewhere that's helping him reach his very best potential has been a relief in many ways."
This is what People has to write about Collin?
Um, isn't this a year old?

Tucker's Mom said... ~ Administrator said... 178
That's not Collin's arm that's one of the girls. What treatment facility doesn't allow a boy to go home for his birthday?

I think this kid has been REMOVED from Kate, CPS style. And CPS has done a great job ensuring their role has been kept confidential.
June 15, 2017 at 11:20 AM
I'm thinking along the same lines. Or...what could have happened to Collin that his functioning regressed soooo badly???
I can't believe that he needed to be removed because of his inability to function.

Sad but true said...

Cara's stalker is back on FB:

Anthony Salomone Cara is not bad and there doing 3 special episodes not sure if it's a series or not

Layla said...

Oh, snap! I was wrong--they didn't have a go-kart party, they were "glamping" in their backyard. My bad. It looks really low-budget compared to past parties. Even the cake is really small. Remember the circus cake for their 10th? It was huge! But not this one. Of course, even in the short clip Kate has to whine about being a single mother of 8 and feeding the kids and paying for college. Nothing about the kids themselves. All. About. Her. Kate and Jon have both said (at various times) that the kids' college was fully funded. So why is she still whining about paying for it? Unless she's trying to justify continued filming. Or perhaps she's dipped into the kids' money a little too much over the years and is coming up short. That tends to happen when you're using their money pay for things like a lesbian deck for their health and welfare. And she mentioned a new roof last year--I'm sure the kids paid for that too.

Kate says at the end that this is a new season. But this season is only 3 episodes. I think they had already negotiated for another season before they got the horrible ratings for the last one. But--they may not have specified the number of episodes they would film. So they did as few as possible. The Halloween one was already in the bag, they may have already made the arrangements for spring break, and of course viewers would like to see the tups become teenagers. And that was it. All I can say is, these 3 episodes had better do well or she's going to have to start piecing and patching for real.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Layla (#180), great post.

And I would ask, what's logical, normal and empathetic about removing a child from home, and continuing to shove cameras in the faces of his 7 siblings? Children who deserved the time, space and privacy to process what might be the most traumatic event of their short lives? She is a horrible mother.

Sad but true said...

Kate is a twit said... 190

I wonder if TLC plans on any more filming over the summer, or if they're done after the 13th birthday episode.

If she hasn't managed to get a big summer trip out of them, then I'd say her days are numbered. Perhaps this is why, as someone noted above, that she seemed less than enthused in the trailer. And maybe the powers that be have decided to wait to see the July ratings before green-lighting any more extravagant trips.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

So it looks like the un-realest reality continues with the tups' party filmed a month after their actual birthday.

Sad but true said...

jamesvader1194 said... 193

No, she's never said anything about him coming back, as I far I can recall.

Sad but true said...

Are these people BLIND? I defy them to produce a picture o the current b'day with all six kids.

cjm5797 Ya'll do realize she posted a picture celebrating all SIX kids on their ACTUAL birthday right... let this family be happy!

And this one's got a point. Based on what's been shown on TV, it's hard to see how Collin is the problem when Mady's anywhere around.

niaerrn34 Collin will grow up he well see EVERYTHING he has missed with his siblings!! No matter what the situation is you keep trying and trying anger management stems because there was an issue from the inside they are two broken parents! Strippers, dating body guards....etc....There's already one teenager who talks to her however she feels like it, shushes her, and pretty much demeans her on t.v. Does she send her away?? To a convent?? No because that behavior is acceptable right?? Collin will have his chance when he's older to resent her unless he does now... When she takes him his own cupcake to blow out candles on.... Pictures are a facade!!!!

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