Coming up, another low budget bottle episode full of old clips, in which Kate claims the older, wiser Kate is finally in a position to give advice to the younger, dumber Kate. It's kind of like the plot of Terminator 2 and Back to the Future, mixed in with a whole lot of idiocy, like, say, Zoolander.
Eh, Michael J. Fox did this whole go back in time thing so much cuter.
I guess what I have to say about the whole premise of this episode is that I really don't see the evidence Kate has changed all that much since the start of this series. I think she lets her kids walk all over her a bit more rather than ordering them about, but that's just because it's easier to order around a toddler when if they don't comply you can just yank their arm into submission. Not so easy with a teen. But, there's still pretty much the same level of yelling and screaming going on all the time, as far as I can tell. Kids still seem frequently unhappy, and often cast aside. She still plays favorites--if anything that's even worse. Her justice is unfair and nonsensical. She's still extremely disconnected from people, certainly her fans, and at times her own children. Her level of apparent disconnect from Collin's ongoing separation from the family is disturbing.
She's still very rude to people just there to help. She's still not really game to try new things. I guess I don't think she gets quite as angry all the time, but she still gets there enough where I can't say that issue has been resolved.
This is the thing, her mental illness is not going to change, or is unlikely to. It's not like Kate has to "learn" to be a better person. Her mental illness prevents her from doing so. She would need intensive therapy, possibly even medication, to change, and even then there's no guarantees. The big question missing from this whole episode, if you accept Kate's assertion she has changed (which, I don't, obviously), is why did Kate "change." What prompted it? People don't just change for no reason.
Anyhoo, this episode could of been a hell of a lot more interesting if they got into the why's and how's. Because the armchair psychologist in me sure wants to know how a 30 year old woman who is a liar, nasty, disconnected, angry, rude, unfair, and nonsensical, suddenly becomes not any of that by 40.
I forgot when this episode aired, but it feels like a redemption tour, trying to rebrand the new Kate. Who did she molest?! Well anyhow, I don't think it much worked. Ratings have been consistently pathetic for the past couple seasons.
First up, gum gate. The only redeeming value of this clip is that we get to talk all about Aunt Jodi! Woot! Of course today's Kate makes no mention of feeling regret about all the nasty things she said about Aunt Jodi, including "whatever possessed her." It was a golden opportunity to extend the tiniest bit of olive branch to Aunt Jodi and redeem the incident, and she blew it. It's hard to watch Collin so heartbroken over her threats to throw out his bear. Another child off camera seems upset too, remarking that their bear and Collin's bear play together every morning. Aw. Kate admits she good and darn well meant it when she said she would throw the bear out. That's scary, and a bit of an I told you so, since I'm sure the sheeple said she wasn't serious. In fact, she was. We see a softer side to Mady, gently stroking Collin's head, holding his hand and standing with him as he endures this, as if his priest or counsel. Mady was a compassionate child in tune with other's pain, and Kate's since beat it out of her. Kate says the public often asks her if Collin still has the bear. Yes, she says. This kind of repeated trauma to a child's psyche can have lasting consequences, as we now well know.
I'm hating this episode less than I expected, if only for the psychological aspect. Kate says the reason she was so upset about gum gate is because she is expending so much energy already, she can't have anything else piled onto that. That is a classic symptom of an anger management problem, in that whenever anything goes off script, which life invariably does all the time, the person can't handle it. People with anger management problems only budget for how they think their day will go. They never allow any leeway for outside forces. Hence, when an outside force does happen, they flip out. Anger management therapy can help someone like her learn to accept and cope with life's hiccups in a manner that is not going to damage your children.
Flashback to somebody vomiting. They've shown these kids vomiting so many times I couldn't begin to tell you when this was. Modern Kate attempts to convince us she has compassion, muttering, "oh, honey," sympathetically as she watches the clip. Heh. Modern Kate doesn't seem to have much of any advice for cold and calculating nurse Kate of yesteryear as old Kate methodically and melodramatically cleans up her weak and sickly toddler of all the vomit. Rather modern Kate says the house should have been designed with a sick room to keep everything in one place. Eureka!
A sick room, seriously? How Elizabethan. Well, heck, why not just get a pirate ship, and fly a yellow and black quarantine flag from its pole? You can send the kids off to it whenever they get queasy. It sounds a hell of a lot easier than the hassle of remodeling.
On a positive note, thank God the interns finally fixed the TLCgo player. Now not only does it hold your spot after you pause it, but I recently had to refresh it because I had shut down my computer, and it remembered where I last left off! Sounds like their summer program this year is off to a commanding start!
Aaden was purposely refusing to be potty trained. She knows this because he was laughing, says Kate. No words.
I'm kind of surprised they're so willingly showing clips of people Kate has estranged as it that didn't happen. Awkward! Next we see producer Jen Stocks, who once put Kate in her place about how demanding she was being (and how much Jen had accommodated her), get hit by a dirty diaper. She just didn't like this because she didn't have kids yet, explains Kate. Um, I really don't think having kids has anything to do with whether somebody wants a dirty diaper in their face. Also the way Kate remarks about how Jen has two kids now as if they keep in touch all the time? Bitch, please.
Did we lose the theme here, because I don't hear any advice to old Kate lately. The episode is quickly turning into Kate just getting an opportunity to qualify everything we see.
Flashback to the pudding body painting. Kate explains they must ask the other person if they would like to be painted. If they say yes, they may paint them. If they say no, they may not. The kids seem to understand. Well, I'll give Kate this. At least they understood consent at the ripe old age of four. I still don't hear any advice to old Kate.
Kate's loving talking so much about herself and her pea brain thoughts, I'm pretty embarrassed for her. She's rambling like a wife going over a long honey-do list. And this is pretty much me:
Ah, the New York City episode, which was the height of Kate's hoochie-mama stage. That era is long gone, thank goodness for small favors. Kate has no advice for New York City hoochie-Kate, who is freaking out in a gift shop (over, admittedly, a fair amount of creepy fans who are very rude about boundaries), because well, as usual, hoochie Kate did nothing whatsoever wrong.
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Sally Mann captures her look-alike son |
Oh, TLC, you can show the clip of Kate being rude to awesome Kiwi Brad as much as you darn well please. Carry on. Heh, my favorite part is when Kate pulls the "I'm a paying customer card!" like a brat, and Brad immediately retorts, actually if you were a paying customer, I never would have spent this much time on you. Baw!
They also show the clip where Kate promises to email Brad and apologize.
"I didn't," says modern Kate with a coy smile. Of course she didn't. She's not cute. She's not funny. She's rude, and even when she acknowledges she's rude, she won't make it right. You're not Shirley Temple, and a mischievous grin doesn't do anything for me here. She'll do it now, though. Except, she doesn't even really apologize, and still blames her rudeness all on fear. Fear explains her reluctance to jump off the building. It does not account for how mean she was. Plus, as if Brad is watching. He's probably never even seen his own episode much less any other of the hundreds out there.
Kate's not proud of her yelling, but.....does anyone really care about the but? Didn't think so.
Kate finds it very difficult to deal with the children when they won't own up to things they did or worse yet lie. Number one, it's pretty cotton picking normal for children to not own up to things, even lie. Some experts suggest that lying is a very normal part of childhood; a child is figuring out complex human interactions that sometimes will involve experimenting with mistruths. They even suggest parents need not even waste a moment stressing out over it or even really going out of your way to correct it, as constantly punishing a child can simply make a child lie all the more to avoid it. It would be unusual if a kid always told the truth. Plus, lying can be a good thing and frankly, adults do it all the time and need to learn when it's appropriate to do it and why. Kate couldn't be bothered to understand human interactions on a complex level or why lying can actually be a beneficial social skill.
Number two, and more importantly, her kids don't trust her or have the kind of relationship with her where they feel safe coming to her and unloading some truths on her. In the old days, they were probably just afraid of her wrath, the physical and verbal abuse. Now, they just don't see a need to let her in on anything because they have no respect for her nor any trust. Then and now, there's no substance to her relationship with them that would allow those doors to open. We all know Kate is lazy, but no area is she more lazy than parenting. She hasn't tried to learn anything about the psychology of children, or made any sincere attempts to try to understand why they are the way they are. She clearly doesn't care to know. In her mind, the kids don't do things because they have interesting kid brains that are fun for an adult to try to understand, rather they do things just to spite her. Her parenting style is, at best, antiquated and ineffective, at worst, abusive. Yet even with some minor adjustments here and there, adjustments she refuses to make, she could see a huge change.
It's been a long time since modern Kate gave old Kate advice. I think she enjoyed talking about herself so much she got off track. Talk about totally losing the thread!
She has a lot of nerve to talk about how exhausted she's been her whole life when the woman hasn't worked in years. She's clueless who her audience is.
Most parents would agree most of your life was lived exhausted, explains Kate. No, most parents would not necessarily agree. Get the whole family to bed earlier, get some regular exercise and eat right, and you'll be amazed.
I forgot how very upset Kate was about the stupid DVD player not working on the RV trip. Heaven forbid she'd have to come up with ways to entertain the children herself. She had an iPhone. Google "entertaining kids on road trips" and you'd have plenty of fun solutions that could last out weeks. She's so helpless! They don't show this part of the clip, but I also recall some of the kids saying they had really gotten movied-out after awhile, were so bored with watching TV. Geez. The microwave broke down too, laments Kate. So use the microwave in the other RV or go out to eat. Did it have a little stove? Most big RVs do. Heat up the food on the stove. It's not a big deal.
Kate emphasizes very strongly that the kids want to do another RV trip because the first one had too many things breaking down. Well, I don't believe her. Kids don't notice breakdowns like that. They have the ability to have fun and laugh over little hiccups much easier than adults do. They might even see a breakdown as something positive, as it will often lead them down a path less traveled. And, she makes the kids sound ungrateful. That road trip was a vacation of a lifetime and a broken microwave and DVD player ruined it? Talk about spoiled. You shouldn't be watching TV on vacation anyway, and half the fun of a great vacation is the local food. Shaking my head.
It's interesting watching the dramatics of pizza gate and the RVs breaking down again, because what I'm noticing the most is how upset Kate is when they have every resource available to them in the world to correct the problem without fanfare. The most glaring thing is that really the only thing the RV breakdowns robbed them of is a little time. It was a huge road trip anyway, so a few hours or even half a day really isn't that bad. Think about a normal family having a car breakdown. Maybe repairs are going to bleed them dry. Perhaps they don't have cell service to get help easily. The baby is hot and crying and there is no nanny to take her. Fixing the problem is all on Mom and Dad. There is no nanny, bodyguard, or production crew to help. It could really be disastrous, including financially, and thus, emotionally.
Kate had to wait and that's it. Production handled everything else. What an ungrateful piece of work.
Kate says it is now second nature not to be dramatic, because it wastes energy. I don't agree she has changed that much. But at least she's saying the right things.
Kate says she doesn't understand why it sort of ended up team Kate's RV versus the other RV. She creates divisions herself and insights competition in others, to a point where it's very unhealthy, so I have no clue why this would stump her so bad.
Kate doensn't understand why Jamie would give her an attitude. Because you were completely nasty to her from the beginning, why else? Jamie seemed nice enough to me, chill, and someone I wouldn't mind on vacation, until Kate came along. She is disappointed in her. Sorry, is Jamie twelve?
Jamie was on the trip in order to watch her kids and Kate's. Well, wait, what was Kate's job? What a tool!
A really nice shuttle finally pulls up to the breakdown. Thank you, whichever minion got that, Kate says. I see she was really paying attention to who was saving her butt here. Ungrateful bastard.
Kate hates watching cupcake gate. But she just said in the Game Night episode that the kids had a ball getting no cupcakes, laugh about it to this day. So which is it, it's an uncomfortable sad memory, or hilarious? She needs medication. Kate stands by what she did of course. What does it teach a kid when you let them have a cupcake before good food, she wonders. Um, that there are exceptions on birthdays because birthdays are special? My God, you're not going to ruin kids with one cupcake.
Kate says the weirdest things. She likes seeing my faces, referring to the kids. Heh, all I see myself is Jon's faces! Also, she's growing humans. Growing humans?? They're not a chia pet! Organic humans I would hope.
That creepy clip where the kids have to eat a sandwich then crunchy things then fruit in some sort of bizarre order. Kate stands by that one too of course. What does it teach a kid when you let them eat whatever they want! she asks. Um, can I phone a friend. ..... And my friend says, to grow up and NOT become an anorexic??
A simpler solution would be to not pack dessert at all in lunches. They don't have to have it, they can get dessert after dinner. You don't need two desserts in one day. Plus kids tend to find cookies and cakes and other sugary things at school anyway regardless if you pack it. They'll be fine. That way if they leave their carrots in their lunch you don't feel like they ate a brownie instead of carrots. And that way you're not putting this all on a little kid to feel so controlled and guilt ridden. Again, it's just one little bizarre thing she did to them to mess with their psyche, but these things tend to add up.
Kate sucks at taking care of her beautiful property and always did. It's getting really annoying when Kate keeps saying in a sing-song voice she wants them back! Referring to the children when they were younger. Shut up.
The boys are never around to help. I have no idea what she's talking about. She really is a man eater. And what a tool the off camera producer is to encourage this lie, remarking that the boys never seem to be around when help is needed. That's not flipping true! They were probably out at the chicken coop shoveling poop while you were off filming somewhere, or cleaning toilets or all the other shit Kendra told us they had to do, so STFU!
Out of character for Kate, she praises the cake baker by name, remarking she has never let her down. Well, that is a nice comment and good promotion for Marcia. If she took care to do that a little more often over all these years instead of bellyaching about everyone who has ever made her life so much easier, she would be infinitely more likable.
The kids are more self-sufficient now, Kate says. They've been self-sufficient for like five years. Geez!
Kate never would have believed she'd still be sitting in this interview chair 10 years ago. Bullshit, she has intended to film until they are 18 since day one, and probably beyond 18. The way other shows have transitioned their child reality stars to adulthood by creating series out of marriages and babies, only gives her more inspiration. She won't stop until TLC makes her stop.
Kate thanks viewers and fans of the show. Haha, I guess we are the viewers, and the sheeple are the fans? I truly don't remember Kate ever thanking viewers and fans. Or at least it's been rare. She actually says it took her several years to connect that things would have been very different without the viewers. Um, is she stupid, or just dumb? Your viewers and ratings should be your absolute number one priority when making a show, any show, assuming your goal is to have a successful show and you're not just making a film for your personal use.
The one redeeming thing about this episode, the children didn't have to do any work for it they hadn't already done.
853 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 853 Newer› Newest»Someone on the Roloff blog is giving Jacob's book a rave review. He says it's kind of a philosophical take on things, and he discusses his problems with filming, though he is apparently respectful to his parents and everyone.
They say he cites a lot of sources especially when it comes to philosophy, and this particular reviewer was familiar with some of the sources and says it's clear he's read them.
I tend to agree that Jacob is evolving into a decent writer and knows what he's talking about.
Other people say this is just a money grab, so reviews are mixed.
I haven't been keeping up with the JimBoob Duggar Show 2.0, but is this a dip or pretty much average for them? They have yet to show Joy-Anna's wedding, right?
Throwing his publicists under the bus. Now he faces another trial in California?
Monday night's viewers were up about 200K from last week. This was a 2-hour episode, I think, and I wonder how many stuck around for the whole thing. Total viewers were still down by 100+K from the "premiere" episode a couple of weeks ago, which WAS Joy's wedding. The rest of the season apparently backtracks to show the wedding prep, the birth of Jessa's second kid, etc. Sounds absolutely riveting. Not.
The Boobs 2.0 are peddling some kind of serious medical issue for one of the girls next week. Of course it's all very vague what this is all about, but I can guarantee it will amount to nothing more than a paper cut. What a ratings grab. In other news, her husband is the least charismatic person I've ever seen on TV, and is slowly morphing into Jared Leto.
but I can guarantee it will amount to nothing more than a paper cut.
I don't see M&C dating as a big draw. The Duggars are pushing relationships on their kids with a definite drive toward marriage. They don't believe in casual dating and every relationship has to be going somewhere serious.
That kind of tension and relationship development leads to multi-year long story lines revolving around a particular couple.
M&C aren't even 17 yet and aren't subject to the same oppressiveness. They will go through the normal teenage and early '20s dating scene where they try and sort through their own life goals and find someone compatible. That simply isn't riveting TV unless there is a ton of drama around quick hookups and messy breakups. I know Kate is a sociopath, but hopefully the girls will know (or learn quickly) that youthful sexual development is a whirlwind of ups and downs that can only be harmed by having it broadcast on TV.
Thanks Sad But True & Admin for answering my questions. But who is morphing into Jared Leto?
I have the same opinion of Josh as everyone else and I don't want to flame his sisters, but several of them seem to think pretty highly of themselves. Especially Jessa? It's easy to imagine them sitting around saying stuff like " the ratings when I got married were . ." I hope the former Duggar employee keeps talking, would love to hear the real stories.
LPBW was wonderful last night. Tori had baby Jackson and the entire family was over the moon and you could tell it was genuine. Matt and Amy had a great talk about being grandparents and they both said wonderful things about the other, like Matt said Amy was born to be a mother and will be as great a grandmother and Amy said Matt was a great dad and always had fun with the kids and came up with fun things for them to do. Matt and his gf transformed a pigsty, uh I mean spare bedroom, lol into a nursery and it was ADORABLE! Amy was shown praying for the new baby. Then at the end they all took a family picture and they talked about how they were glad they were able to keep the farm (after the divorce) and co-exist peacefully.
It was just nice to see a couple (who like everyone is flawed) rise above their hurt and anger to see the bigger picture, that it's about the family they raised and the future generations coming and work thru those differences. I'm sure it's hard and an ongoing process. Too bad Kate couldn't have found somewhere on those 26 acres of "hers" to allow Jon to build a home on so he could be there for the kids he helped create. She hates him more than she loves her kids. Sad.
Susan1956 said... 11
Thanks Sad But True & Admin for answering my questions. But who is morphing into Jared Leto?
Derick Dillard, resurrector of the man-bun. And you're welcome. :)
Sad but true said... 13
Derick Dillard, resurrector of the man-bun. And you're welcome. :)
I'm surprised JimBoob lets him wear his hair like that. I had a random thought this morning . . . have the girls' weddings taken place in their home church or just Baptist ones? I remember a clip from long ago of the Duggars and another family having church services in the Duggar home (complete with dinner afterwards--we all know how JimBoob likes to eat). I would assume that maybe the Duggars' church could not hold all the guests or is conducive for filming, maybe they don't want it shown on TV?
Kris (12)
The show would be so much better if it included Jon. Viewers liked him, and he was a great dad. It would have been great viewing to show him and Kate co-parenting. Couch interviews would have been a lot more interesting with both Jon and Kate. Right now it's the same "poor-me-single-parent" from Kate and "it was fun" from the kids. She shot herself in the foot when she cut him out of the show and out of her life. Her own vindictiveness is going to cost her in the long run.
I remember a clip from long ago of the Duggars and another family having church services in the Duggar home (complete with dinner afterwards--we all know how JimBoob likes to eat).
Ah, Boob's tax write off.
. She shot herself in the foot when she cut him out of the show and out of her life. Her own vindictiveness is going to cost her in the long run.
The show is crap without Jon. But for having a brood of children, TLC wouldn't still be filming.
Remember when the divorce happened, TLC backed Kate all the way and she thought her fame would last forever?
MikeB (#10), nice to see you!
You make a good point about average teenagers dating not having the same high stakes as the Duggars. But I think having the twins dating would be heaven for TFW, because she would of course make it all about her. Poke, dab, my babies are growing up. Poke, dab, I'm facing this new stage all alone. Poke, dab, I hope they make better choices than I did, etc.
In other news, her husband is the least charismatic person I've ever seen on TV, and is slowly morphing into Jared Leto.
Is this the husband who needs a good scrub down in the shower? I don't follow this clan and don't know who is married to whom...just that one of them always looks dirty and unkempt.
Yes, in 2017, women are still viewed as either intact or not-intact hymens.
Jill, who is a poorly trained baby delivery helper, she is not a certified by the state mid-wife, wanted to help a friend of hers help deliver her baby and she was not allowed to because daddy said she couldn't because she was not married and having a baby.
Hey, Jim Bob, WWJD? Jesus ate with the lepers, turned a prostitute around, turned water into wine so his Mother's friend would not be embarrassed.
But with Jill's poor skills being taught by a woman who has been under investigation, Jesus would want her to go to a hospital. Jessa almost bled out when she was having the baby at home. Michelle said on the 911 call...that Mother was bleeding. Calm as a cucumber.
What mother does that? Someone who is on a reality tv show.
Blowing in the wind 19..Derek is the one who looks like he needs a good scrubbing.
It seems Zach has really changed since he married Tori. Before he was a spoiled brat favored by Amy and she managed to set him up against Matt. He didn't even wait for Tori to be seated at their wedding and he started eating. He is now a very nice and devoted husband and loves Jackson. He has to get a real job now that Tori is on maternity leave. I have a dislike for Jeremy and Audrey. They give an air that they are better than everyone else. It makes for good TLC though.
Blowing In The Wind said... 19
In other news, her husband is the least charismatic person I've ever seen on TV, and is slowly morphing into Jared Leto.
Is this the husband who needs a good scrub down in the shower?
Yes, people have taken to calling him Dirty Jesus on the more critical blogs.
Susan1956, as I understand it, none of the 4 daughters' weddings have been done in the home church. They've been inviting 1,000+ guests every time and so have been relying on local mega-churches. I'm not familiar with any of these denominations, but Cross Church was one and First Baptist.
Yes, people have taken to calling him Dirty Jesus on the more critical blogs.
omg, that's too funny!
Susan1956, as I understand it, none of the 4 daughters' weddings have been done in the home church. They've been inviting 1,000+ guests every time
What a zoo! That's just ridiculous to have that many people.
My bet is that it's to get beaucoup gifts.
Sad but true said... 22
Susan1956, as I understand it, none of the 4 daughters' weddings have been done in the home church. They've been inviting 1,000+ guests every time and so have been relying on local mega-churches. I'm not familiar with any of these denominations, but Cross Church was one and First Baptist.
I did a Google search and cannot find an actual church, just training centers in Little Rock & Berryville Arkansas. So JimBoob is his own church as someone mentioned upthread? They just follow the principles of an 80+, never married, dirty old man (alleged molestation)?
In other news, the next wedding date is now known. Probably good enough for a Christmas special and another paycheck for JimBoob. utm_content=duggars_fanpage&utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=sm
Jon posted more photos from his vacation. He looks so happy with Colleen.
And then there's Kate, holed up in her mine-all-mine bedroom, with her bird, sleeping in late and a summer planned with nothing.
I wonder if Steve still does his rode managing at the compound. Seems like he's not around anymore unless they're filming.
Susan1956 (#26), and the Duggar gravy train keeps chugging down the track. Unbelievable.
Chugging...that reminds me of C. I think that was one of the ways TFW described his progress. He was chugging, plodding, and/or plugging along. But that was a year ago, and he's still gone. And the longer he's away, the less likely I think his chances are for ever living at home again.
Susan1956 said... 26
So that would make three weddings in under a year. Unless he decides to relinquish the oldest girl, he's got no daughters of marriageable age (even for a Duggar) for at least 5 or 6 years. So he's gonna have to marry the boys off if that's what he's planning to sell to TLC. That and babies, of course. Jessa's had #2, Jill's about to have #2, Anna is about to have #5. Unless one of the younger two marrieds gets pregnant like, tomorrow, he's going to have a pretty long stretch with no big life "events" on the docket. Maybe the show will start covering the court cases? That would make for some interesting storylines. The desperation in this family to cling to the fame really rivals K8's.
The desperation in this family to cling to the fame really rivals K8's.
I think it surpasses it. Who in that family actually has a job? Education? A real college degree?
How the hell do these baby makers plan to support themselves?
If Jessa wasn't a very pretty, pouty-mouthed young woman, they'd be gone.
The desperation in this family to cling to the fame really rivals K8's.
Like Kate, there are still sheeple in the fandom cult, drinking the Kool Aid. How could they be so clueless, so stupid, and so gullible? It just wants to make you bang your head on the wall. I guess TLC is counting on the old saying, "There's a sucker born every minute."
What a zoo! That's just ridiculous to have that many people.
My bet is that it's to get beaucoup gifts.
It's good it's not the 70s, or they'd be up to their necks in fondue pots.
Tucker's Mom said... 30
If Jessa wasn't a very pretty, pouty-mouthed young woman, they'd be gone.
She is currently conducting seminars on "dressing modestly" to any organization or church willing to cough up the 15k appearance fee. It's restricted to women, except for her teen-wolf hubby, who sits on the stage with her, autographing the books that she and her sisters "wrote" and collecting the cash. How a young woman who became famous for her fully-made-up, tightly-swathed pregnant selfies posted nearly every day on IG during the run-up to baby #1 can sell modest dressing to America is a mystery to me.
It's good it's not the 70s, or they'd be up to their necks in fondue pots.
LOL! My aunt got married in the 1970s, and she's still finding those darn pots that she stored in the attic. I told her she should re-gift them as a blast from the past.
"She is currently conducting seminars on "dressing modestly" to any organization or church willing to cough up the 15k appearance fee"
Is she selling autographed pictures of her in modest dress, cash only? Does Kim Davis tag along as a model?
Had a funny thought!
TFW missed out on another boatload of cash by selling the picture of her, the kids and Steve when she kicked Jon into the depths of hades.
The same picture that she put in a beautiful frame and gave to Steve's mother when they went to NZ.
I remember reading that she wasn't very happy about it.
TFW missed out on another boatload of cash by selling the picture of her, the kids and Steve when she kicked Jon into the depths of hades.
What? When did she sell a picture of herself with Steve and the kids. Do maybe mean by "not selling"? And, IMO, she kicked Jon OUT of the hell he was in and not into it.
Tucker's Mom said... 30
If Jessa wasn't a very pretty, pouty-mouthed young woman, they'd be gone.
I don't know why, but just seeing a picture of her irritates me. She seems to think she's a star and better than us mere mortals.
Tucker's Mom said... 30
The desperation in this family to cling to the fame really rivals K8's.
I think it surpasses it. Who in that family actually has a job? Education? A real college degree?
How the hell do these baby makers plan to support themselves?
Hopefully, all the kids that appear on Counting On are being paid the majority of the money instead of JimBoob and Babykins. If they invest their earnings in real estate ala JimBoob or good investments ala TFMJG, they might do well over the years. The big 'if' would be whether JimBoob insists on a percentage as their 'manager' or the Gothard machine is hitting them up for donations or tithing.
JoshieBoy has his car lot although accounts vary as to it' success and the one boy is a pilot.
Tuckers Mom 30...I don't think Jessa is all that pretty. With no makeup she is rather plain, and now she has developed a lisp that every now and again doesn't come out. The youngest girls are very pretty, but no where near the courting stage. Jana looks like an Ivory girl, very pretty and sweet. Jessa's husband is full of hatred for all religions especially Catholics. His only job experience was cutting grass for Jim boob. I really have no respect for that family. The only one who married a human is Jinger. She now wears pants and seems to be coming into her own.
Sue said... 36
TFW missed out on another boatload of cash by selling the picture of her, the kids and Steve when she kicked Jon into the depths of hades.
What? When did she sell a picture of herself with Steve and the kids. Do maybe mean by "not selling"? And, IMO, she kicked Jon OUT of the hell he was in and not into it.
Sorry, Sue, I meant if she would have sold the Steve, TFW and the kids picture, she would of made extra boatloads of cash!
When I was typing the word cash, auto correct popped up and spelled, casualties. Casualties of being a child of Kate Gosselin.
Collin is collateral damage. He was sacrificed so his platoon could advance up the reality tv hill until eternity, go on with their lives without batting an eye.
Oh, and not looking back either, because according to TFW, you can't go back.
The dirty looking husband (sorry, don't know any names) has a business degree from Oklahoma State. He quit a good paying job at Walmart after marrying into the family.
What I find hypocritical is the entire family wears University of Arkansas apparel yet none of them attend colleges. They also attend college football games. I bet there's plenty of NIKE talk there! Lol
Collin is collateral damage. He was sacrificed so his platoon could advance up the reality tv hill until eternity, go on with their lives without batting an eye.
I like this analogy, sad that it is.
This was a win/win for Kate.
Jessa's husband is full of hatred for all religions especially Catholics
I seem to remember how he let his bigoted fascist flag fly there for a time, then TLC or Boob must have reined him in.
Don't want to offend potential viewers.
IMO, too late. His intolerance was plain to see.
The Duggars all follow a belief that was derived from Bill Gothard. Nothing in that family is as rosy as it seems behind closed doors. I'm sure there's a lot of skeletons in their closets that the public may never know. I heard a story about a young girl whose family also followed the same teachings as Bill Gothard. Her life was a nightmare. Her father was considered the head leader in the family. Nobody was allowed to question their beliefs or ask too many questions. This girl at 13 was sexually molested by her older brothers and father.Her mother did nothing because she believed the father was the patriarch and couldn't be questioned.The father soon died suddenly. The girl suffered major depression after the abuse. Depression is considered a sin in their circle.Her mom felt that she was rebellious because they are expected to be happy at all times. Her mom sent her to Eagle Spring Training center in OK. This is one of many camps run by Bill Gothard. His followers use this to brainwash the "rebellious". The girl was signed over to the center without a concern from her mom.this center was in the middle of nowhere and she didn't know anyone.There were others with her that were in for similar reasons.She was forced off of her antidepressants.She experienced severe side effects without any concern for the leaders there. She was forced to Scrub the floors on hands and knees till knuckles cracked and bled. Was punished with hard labor and she would faint from exhaustion.They throw around the word punishment so that you are aware you are at fault for your sins. One punishment included being forced to be silent for days or even weeks at a time.She was given tasks that were set up to fail.For example, extremely short time frames for impossibly hard tasks. This was done on purpose to further humiliate her.Was given spoiled or under cooked foods. She was put into solidarity confidment for 2 weeks. While there she was Forced to listen to a certain song over and over. The lyrics relayed the message that you are being tortured because "god loves you, and he's going to put you through fire to melt you into gold". She was screamed at and exercised beyond exhaustion.She spent a total of two yrs there. The first month she lost 40 pounds from starvation and forced to confess her sins in front of total strangers. Never at one time did her mother check on her. She stated that this is nothing more than a child torture camp and is used very often by Gothard believers like the Duggars.its called the log cabin program. Makes me sick that people like the Duggars condone this. They take the he bible and they twist it around for their own purposes.
Sorry, Sue, I meant if she would have sold the Steve, TFW and the kids picture, she would of made extra boatloads of cash!
How do you figure? Why would photos of Kate, the children and Steve bring in big bucks? What am I missing here? Who would want a photo of the family with Steve included? She didn't kick Jon into hell, but rather released him from it after having spent so many years under her control.
Jon posted more photos from his vacation. He looks so happy with Colleen.
And then there's Kate, holed up in her mine-all-mine bedroom, with her bird, sleeping in late and a summer planned with nothing.
Flawed as they are, the little people are just so far and away beyond her emotional intelligence. Matt and Amy both are dating now. When asked about Amy's boyfriend, Matt said the kids liked him, he had a good impression of him, and he's happy because Amy's happy.
He's happy because AMY is happy. Because just because you don't LOVE someone anymore, shouldn't mean you don't love them still.
I finally watched Little People and Matt did say his grandson's birth was like being kicked by a donkey.
However in the same sentence he was crying, swallowing hard, and remarking about how extraordinary it was not only that there is a new heartbeat in the world, but it was a Roloff. Said better, it took his breath away.
Everything has a context.
Gigi, paragraphs. please? :) It's so much easier to read comments that way!
It was just nice to see a couple (who like everyone is flawed) rise above their hurt and anger to see the bigger picture, that it's about the family they raised and the future generations coming and work thru those differences. I'm sure it's hard and an ongoing process. Too bad Kate couldn't have found somewhere on those 26 acres of "hers" to allow Jon to build a home on so he could be there for the kids he helped create. She hates him more than she loves her kids. Sad.
And, as others have said, the dynamic between Kate and Jon was what drew viewers in and when she got rid of that she hurt her show more than she ever bargained for.
Because Amy and Matt have decided to co-exist, the show is benefiting greatly. I don't know if the show was thought of when deciding how they would move forward together but not together, but I wouldn't blame them for thinking of the show's best interest too in moving forward. We're talking about a hell of a loss of income not just for them but for the kids if the two of them can't get along and interact. Much like Kate and Jon, viewers watch in large part to see Amy and Matt interact. The dreamer and the grounded one. The jokster and the serious. The social butterfly and the more reserved. As reality shows go, this is compelling.
The difference between the Roloffs and Kate is that they actually GET IT. They get why their show works, they understand how to make money. Many viewers may question all of this including their own youngest son, but that's a separate issue.
Kate bought me more bots!
I'm really impressed with your writing skills and also with the layout on your
weblog. Is this a paid theme or did you customize it yourself?
Either way keep up the excellent quality writing, it's rare to see a great blog like this one these days.
Carlene is a longtime Kate fan and just as stupid as the rest of them... Can you spot the stupid?
carleneigras1@kateplusmy8 VERY important! I know you've mentioned that you and the twins are on Snapchat. It's just started this new feature where it shows on a map your location. To DISABLE: pinch screen when you're on a camera mode. A map should appear. Select Ghostmode and apply. Don't know why Snap added this new feature, but it's very dangerous. ~ Administrator said... 51
Kate bought me more bots!
Admin, you better hide the bunny bot!
Sorry about that! Wish there was a way of editing a comment once it's been posted. Oh well..
Dmasy said... 183
I am sure you can guess what we decided to do
That's an uplifting story for someone who needs uplifting right now. Thank you so, so much for sharing. Blessings will come your way for having such a good heart.
And, as others have said, the dynamic between Kate and Jon was what drew viewers in and when she got rid of that she hurt her show more than she ever bargained for.
I think TLC also made that great miscalculation. TLC backed Kate and whether or not they tried to reason with Kate to tamp down her "take no prisoners" war with Jon, I don't know.
It would not appear so.
Had Kate been forced to go it alone, without TLC's media circus elevating her to Saint Kate of the Singe Mothers, formidable lawyers and insulation from the real world, perhaps she would have had to face and deal with the harsh realities of divorce, like the rest of us mediocres.
Instead, her divorce was this incredible boon for her wallet and her ego and she was elevated to tabloid royalty, which she obviously enjoyed enormously.
It was quite the period of unending rewards for having a failed marriage and broken home for 8 children.
Admin #50
We're talking about a hell of a loss of income not just for them but for the kids if the two of them can't get along and interact.
Yes! That night my husband and I were talking about the same thing as far as their farm goes. If they didn't figure out a way to coexist and had to sell out their share one to the other? What a financial nightmare, could you imagine? So they put their big-girl and big-boy panties/undies on and figured it out. That's what mature adults do. Kate wouldn't know how to act mature if it bit her in the butt and we have 10 yrs of footage to prove it.
Gigi Be (45)
What a story! Those patriarch-dominated-fundamentalist families are a little scary. Who is looking out for the interests of female family members? They are treated with such contempt, it's terrible. I can only imagine the lifelong scars inflicted upon these children. Truly sad.
I only became familiar with the Gosselins at the time of the divorce when they were featured on every magazine cover. My response was, 'who are these people?' because I had never watched the show.
I seem to remember the initial plan was that Jon would move out but would return to the house for his period of visitation, during which time she would 'vacate'.
It seems to me that if they had followed through with that arrangement, Jon would have continued to have a loving relationship with all eight children and Collin would not be wherever he is today, poor little fellow.
Admin, congratulations on your new home. Do you ever want to move back to the great state of Pennsylvania?
I seem to remember the initial plan was that Jon would move out but would return to the house for his period of visitation, during which time she would 'vacate'.
It seems to me that if they had followed through with that arrangement, Jon would have continued to have a loving relationship with all eight children and Collin would not be wherever he is today, poor little fellow.
That's a good point.
Although, I still believe that sort of arrangement is not viable long term, somewhere along the way, all cohesiveness was LOST and that might be on both Jon and Kate.
What was important was to get the train back on the tracks and as far as I can see, Kate has no interest.
What's happened is beyond repair. Years lost and relationships broken, maybe never to be mended.
And look how young these children are for that to have happened in their lives already!
I don't know what unholy deal Jon made which ultimately left him with no control over his son being sent God knows where, but it was a major, major f*ck up on his part.
There's nothing to be done about it now, but please, tell me he at least had a lawyer who could see the fatal flaws in that plan before he signed his name on the dotted line.
Tucker's Mom said... 61
There's nothing to be done about it now, but please, tell me he at least had a lawyer who could see the fatal flaws in that plan before he signed his name on the dotted line.
I may be wrong about this, but I don't think the visitation was part of the divorce settlement. I think that was agreed separately. And I also think Jon thought that without his participation---and his permission for his kids to participate---the show would not go on. And he thought he had all sorts of high-paying gigs signed up. But it seems that right after he signed on the divorce dotted line (not sure whether or not he knew TLC was paying for K8's lawyers), K8 lands DWTS, flies off to L.A., and all agreed custody/visitation flies out the window, with him staying at the house with the kids. Moreover, TLC decides to sue him for breach of contract, delivering a fatal blow to his show-biz hopes. And at the same time, K8 tosses IJWYTK off the production line and proceeds on her book-signing tour. It was right about then, I think, that he tried to sue her over custody and we all know he did not succeed. Shortly thereafter, the cameras were back at Casa Gosselin.
The time-line of these events is key, and only some of what really happened has been divulged over time. But I think he was hoodwinked from the get-go with respect to the extent of TLC's collusion with K8.
The time-line of these events is key, and only some of what really happened has been divulged over time. But I think he was hoodwinked from the get-go with respect to the extent of TLC's collusion with K8.
TLC must have felt like starting down a tsunami for Jon, at that time.
They circled their wagons around Kate and set out to pretty much destroy Jon.
I think Jon ultimately wanted out so bad that he made some really critical errors in judgement and tactics.
Kate and TLC hurt Jon, but he made some unforced errors all on his own.
Has TFW been quiet since her soup picture? Maybe they're filming this week.
FlimsyFlamsy (64)
You may be right--there are probably couch interviews to be wrapped up before these episodes are ready to air. I wonder if TLC is waiting for the ratings for the 3 upcoming episodes before they commit to more filming. This 3-episode run is very odd. They haven't done that with any of their other shows. All the rest have full seasons (8+ episodes). The only show that does not have 8 or more episodes is K+8.
I have been watching some Investigation Discovery, and I see lots of ads for TLC shows. That makes sense, of course, because they have the same parent company, but it's funny that there are so many ads for Outdaughtered, 90-day Fiancé, I Am Jazz, etc.--but I have yet to see a single promo for K+8. Just like last season. The show is being treated differently from all of TLC's other shows, no question about it.
Funny you should ask, Flimsy (64).
kateplusmy8 This is what Shoka thinks of our evening 💦downpour💦! #Sigh. Secretly, I'm excited to catch up on our shows with the kids!:) Let it rain! 💧⛈
"Catch up on our shows"? What happened to "everyone's on my bed waiting for it to start!"? Bizarre.
nick_moy He looks so sad.....
kateplusmy8 Lol! He always looks sad with his puppy dog eyes.....but since we made him come inside, I do think he's not happy this time lol... @nick_moy
char.barker_yay!! are you going to watch kateplus8? that is my favorite show!!
kateplusmy8 We WERE actually watching some old #KatePlus8 on the @tlc go app today... funny that you ask!:) See you on July 10 on @tlc for our new episodes, @char.barker_ ?!
Photo is in her bedroom. Again? Which makes me think the kids are nowhere near her. Again.
Kate's latest flurry on IG is a very transparent effort to get her flans to watch her show on TLCgo. I'm sure TLC keeps track of TLCgo viewership as well as TV ratings, so she needs to get those numbers up. C'mon, fans, get busy and watch on TLCgo! And make sure you watch my show! Here's another reminder so you don't forget!
I wonder if she'll be telling her fans to call 20 friends and tell them to watch. It didn't work last time, of course, but she has to do something.
I don't think they watch the show the way she claims. The kids hadn't seen some of the episodes in the trivia episode and a lot of their answers seemed from actual memory not watching the show. In any case if they must spend all night with their mother and the boob tube they could at least watch something more age appropriate and less narcissistic. Beauty and the Beast is at Redbox among lots of other good choices for teens. Sigh.
The Daily Mail is reporting, "Olivia de Havilland is suing FX and Feud producer for using her identity without permission and portraying her in a false light".
So, it's a summer Friday evening and they're watching Kate Plus 8?
OMG, if my mother made me watch home movies as much as Kate claims they do, I would have revolted!
Kate's IG is like watching paint dry!
Unless she's filming, apparently she never leaves her bedroom. ~ Administrator said... 68
And for god's sake, they have an 8,000-sf house, does everyone really have to cram into Mommy's bedroom to watch? I actually don't believe they're in there. And I'm sure the twins are nowhere near any K8+8 fest on a Friday night.
And you're right, Layla, she hasn't promoted TLCgo at all before now. It's desperation time.
mkbrownlowauthor Not raining here at all!!!
Is she calling K8 a liar? Better check yourself there, Brownie.
Beauty and the Beast is at Redbox among lots of other good choices for teens. Sigh.
C'mon, Kate. Open up that wallet and rent a movie on cable.
If your kids want to spend all their spare time watching themselves on the boob tube, you've really got to be concerned.
I wonder if she'll be telling her fans to call 20 friends and tell them to watch. It didn't work last time, of course, but she has to do something.
I hear the Walmart parking lot allows videos to be shot there.
I don't know what unholy deal Jon made which ultimately left him with no control over his son being sent God knows where, but it was a major, major f*ck up on his part.
What if CPS removed him? Would Jon still have control over where he was sent and visitation?
mkbrownlowauthor Not raining here at all!!!
Is she calling K8 a liar? Better check yourself there, Brownie.
Looks like it!
Kate has storms moving through, but it's not like they've got a Nor'easter parked over the compound.
At least with Jon's IG, you get a sense of movement and purpose. You get a sense of a real life, with work, aka, a job, relationships, family, home, vacation and celebrations.
Kate's IG does not resonate with me at all.
Sheepless In Seattle said... 74
I don't know what unholy deal Jon made which ultimately left him with no control over his son being sent God knows where, but it was a major, major f*ck up on his part.
What if CPS removed him? Would Jon still have control over where he was sent and visitation?
Wouldn't he have been told where he was if it was CPS?
kateplusmy8 We WERE actually watching some old #KatePlus8 on the @tlc go app today... funny that you ask!:) See you on July 10 on @tlc for our new episodes, @char.barker_ ?!
Interesting that TFW is also referring to the show as their "new episodes" rather than calling it a new season. I'm guessing that she'll take any crumb that TLC throws her way and that her price per "episode" isn't what it used to be. Halloween and ski trip in the middle of summer LOL! I guess there hasn't been much filming going on. Maybe we'll get a beach episode in the middle of winter. My how the mighty have fallen.
What if CPS removed him? Would Jon still have control over where he was sent and visitation?
I don't know, but something was signed. Some unholy deal was made whereby Jon gave up the right to parent.
Not visit.
Maybe I'm much more of a Type A, control-like person, but I would never abdicate decisions such as education and health of my child to the other parent.
I get that CPS removes a child, but why on earth would they not get Jon involved? Why on earth would CPS remove a child and not even tell Jon, let alone bring him into the fold to see if they could work with Colin and keep him with a parent instead of wherever he is?
Poor Colin's been gone over a year now.
Chances of him ever coming home to sleep in his own bed seem slim to none.
Isn't it time for Kate to plaster pictures of her flag cake on IG, with the fans begging for the recipe while lauding her as the most creative person ever?
Can you freeze that cake? If so, how long does it take to thaw? ~ Administrator said... 50
And, as others have said, the dynamic between Kate and Jon was what drew viewers in and when she got rid of that she hurt her show more than she ever bargained for.
Because Amy and Matt have decided to co-exist, the show is benefiting greatly. I don't know if the show was thought of when deciding how they would move forward together but not together, but I wouldn't blame them for thinking of the show's best interest too in moving forward. We're talking about a hell of a loss of income not just for them but for the kids if the two of them can't get along and interact. Much like Kate and Jon, viewers watch in large part to see Amy and Matt interact. The dreamer and the grounded one. The jokster and the serious. The social butterfly and the more reserved. As reality shows go, this is compelling.
The difference between the Roloffs and Kate is that they actually GET IT. They get why their show works, they understand how to make money. Many viewers may question all of this including their own youngest son, but that's a separate issue.
I think a big part of Kate & Jon's divorce dynamic was due to her 'Christian' background and the need to be the injured party. Of course, the Christian background soon went by the wayside like other things in her life.
In other news, Andy Cohen is the host of Love Connection and one of his guests next week is a female reality star (didn't recognize the name, saw the promo while watching Shazam).
Another lost opportunity for Kate + 7.
Can you freeze that cake? If so, how long does it take to thaw?
Put it in the bread machine, bake it, then the bread machine will slice it.
THEN, you can freeze it ;-)
I also don't buy the TLC GO promo bits. A family of 8 gathered around an Ipad or computer to watch a show? Please, Kate does not even like to be in the same room as her kids and she wants us to believe she is willing to be up close and personal with her kids for an hour to watch their show? Her TV cable package doesn't have a DVR feature?
What's the saying? Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining?
I think a big part of Kate & Jon's divorce dynamic was due to her 'Christian' background and the need to be the injured party.
Ah, yes, Kate's zero-sum game.
I'm the injured party and I'm the victim. You're the skirt-chasing dog who abandoned your family.
I'm raising the children and you're the deadbeat dad.
I'm responsible for all the parenting decisions and you have zero input as the sperm donor.
NJGal51 (#77), mediocre, ain't she?
And her humdrum doings will seem even more snoozerific compared to the other TLC families' interesting goings-on. Poor little 3-episode side piece...
Sheepless In Seattle said... 79
Isn't it time for Kate to plaster pictures of her flag cake on IG, with the fans begging for the recipe while lauding her as the most creative person ever?
She should also be lining her driveway with flags. I'm assuming it wasn't done for Memorial Day since there were no pictures. Will it get done if TLC isn't there to provide the flags and do it for her? Tune in tomorrow for another exciting picture of one of the animals with or without TFW (courtesy of Mady of course).
Susan1956 said... 80
I think after her lone appearance on his WWHL show, he would think long and hard before doing anything with her again. Her lack of charisma and ability to engage in witty repartee were on full display that evening.
I think after her lone appearance on his WWHL show, he would think long and hard before doing anything with her again. Her lack of charisma and ability to engage in witty repartee were on full display that evening.
If there's one thing Kate will avoid like the plague is the big boys. She is the middle school bully who will push around the 6th and 7th graders, but turns all into a scared ball of mush when a high schooler tries to pick on them. It was quickly apparent to her she was in with the big boys on that, and in way over her head. She was getting called out left and right for her ignorance, and I actually think it embarrassed her.
NJGal51 (#77), mediocre, ain't she?
And her humdrum doings will seem even more snoozerific compared to the other TLC families' interesting goings-on. Poor little 3-episode side piece...
It's always raining on Little People, they live in Oregon. Most of the time they just keep carrying on with what they were doing outside. Life and interesting happenings continue on rain or shine. A quick look at Amy's instagram shows a variety of interesting posts--her baby grandson, a trip home to Michigan, baking pumpkin bread, her boyfriend. And this just in the past month.
Nobody seems to watch TV in that family that I've seen.
I get that CPS removes a child, but why on earth would they not get Jon involved? Why on earth would CPS remove a child and not even tell Jon, let alone bring him into the fold to see if they could work with Colin and keep him with a parent instead of wherever he is?
CPS is obligated under both state and federal law to inform parents when they take their kid away, even parents who may be missing they must try to find with best efforts. So yes, he would know his kid were removed, what he may not know is where he was placed, because placements are more often than not confidential for the safety of all the children. For every 100 reasonable parents with kids in the system there is one going nutty who can put kids at risk.
I think what people are not factoring in is that Jon could be when he claims he doesn't know what is going on. Maybe he doesn't want to say what is going on, or can't say. So he plays dumb. Not that he is under any obligation to say what he knows. HE'S not the one who let this out of the bag, his former wife did.
They wouldn't, unless his parental rights have been revoked. Since that doesn't seem to be the case, the theory that CPS removed him does not seem plausible.
It's completely plausible and becoming all the more probable day after day.
Again, you're assuming Jon is telling the truth when he says he doesn't know what the heck is going on. I'm not going to assume that AT ALL.
Wouldn't he have been told where he was if it was CPS?
No. Absolutely not. Not necessarily anyway.
miloandjack2016 In regards to that #SadSackLook dogs give is misleading. We all know Shoka is spoiled & loved! ❤ BTW...did he get his Kookie Chicken coutesy of MissK? 😋 @kateplusmy8
OMG. Did Doofus actually send K8 one of these precious dog toys only for her to not even acknowledge receiving it? Talk about rude. There is no excuse for that, absolutely none.
Sad but true (#92), c'mon now, we knew darn well Gladys would have that chicken wrapped and ready to mail a nanosecond after TFW put out her APB.
But I'm curious why Gladys didn't use her other ways of communicatin' to ask TFW if she'd received the chicken. And by the content of the tweet, TFW obviously didn't use any of those other ways to thank her.
kateplusmy8 We WERE actually watching some old #KatePlus8 on the @tlc go app today... funny that you ask!:) See you on July 10 on @tlc for our new episodes, @char.barker_ ?!
WE could mean just her and the dogs or with Zorro.
There is no way all or some of the kids were with her in her bedroom watching their shows.
Where is Steve hiding out at?
Olivia de Havilland turns 101 today!
Happy Birthday, Melanie!
GollyGee (#94), I will never be convinced that actually Shoka hangs out in TFW's room, and certainly isn't lounging in her bed, unless it's for a photo op. Same for Maq. Maybe Nookie Pookie is allowed in the sanctuary when TFW needs a dose of unconditional love, but I doubt it's on the regular. And it's even more unlikely that her sons J and A are welcome to hang in there.
Admin, congratulations on your new home. Do you ever want to move back to the great state of Pennsylvania?
Yes, or upstate New York where I grew up. Eventually I think I'll end up there but it will either be for retirement, or if, as the years go by, I'm able to afford one of the family properties we have, as family in them move on or pass on. In that case it would be more of a vacation place. ~ Administrator said... 89
I think what people are not factoring in is that Jon could be when he claims he doesn't know what is going on. Maybe he doesn't want to say what is going on, or can't say. So he plays dumb. Not that he is under any obligation to say what he knows. HE'S not the one who let this out of the bag, his former wife did.
I for one definitely think Jon is/was BS'ing. He spoke the truth when he went on a couple of talk shows/gave interviews stating he hadn't seen Colin in over 2 years. But that was 6 months ago, right? But since then I don't think he has really addressed the issue. Wasn't there a fairly recent phone interview where he skirted the issue and stated everything was great?
CPS's goal is to reunite the child with the best possible placement within the family. Jon and his girlfriend, although not married, would seem to fit that criteria as they both work 'normal' jobs away from the TLC cameras and there can be no doubt that Jon loves all his children. For all we know, Jon and Colin could be participating in therapy together/working on reunification. Maybe CPS has imposed a gag order except for the very generic statements like Kate makes.
In the state I worked in foster care, parents have 22 months to reunify with the child before their parental rights are terminated although exceptions could be made if progress was being made towards reunification. What if the 3 episode special this summer is due to the fact that a decision is imminent re: Colin's future placement and TLC wants to gauge public reaction before proceeding with additional episodes? Because if Colin does end up being placed with Jon, I don't see Jon sitting down on camera with Kate to discuss what's best for the children as Matt and Amy have been able to do in a civil tone. One would hope he has matured enough not to continue a war of words with Kate or TLC if Colin is placed with him--IF it happens would be enough vindication.
Kate was way out of her depth on WWHL. I agree part of her was embarrassed, but another part felt that Andy was lucky to have her, and of course, she is so much younger and en vogue than Morgan Fairchild.
Kate looked like a bump on a log and made for terrible tv.
Just showing up and yapping isn't enough when your not Barbara Walter's pet on The View.
Happy 150th Birthday Canada to all who are celebrating and Happy Fourth of July to all our American "cousins".
@Susan1956 IIRC someone on twitter asked him about something in regards to doing something about custody wise and he reply back and said that it was taking care of,with a ;) face.But who knows what it really means.If he does have Collin then why is he lying about not seeing Collin?Whats the goal here?Does he not realize that if he was caught out in public with Collin but still is going around complaining about not seeing him,he'd be caught lying all this time?If Collin is not going to be on the show anymore why doesn't Kate say he isn't and that she was respecting his wishs?Honestly i don't know what to think about this.
Is anyone watching the final season of Broadchurch? Started last week on BBCAmerica.
Tucker's Mom (99)
Wasn't it just too funny when Andy Cohen described Morgan Fairchild as a legend, and then when introducing Kate Said, "Kate Gosselin--she's with Coupon Cabin!". Good times.
Happy birthday, Canada! We will forever be grateful to you for sharing poutine, All Dressed Ruffles, and of course Coffee Crisps with your neighbors down south.
jamesvader1194 said... 101
@Susan1956 IIRC someone on twitter asked him about something in regards to doing something about custody wise and he reply back and said that it was taking care of,with a ;) face.But who knows what it really means.If he does have Collin then why is he lying about not seeing Collin?Whats the goal here?Does he not realize that if he was caught out in public with Collin but still is going around complaining about not seeing him,he'd be caught lying all this time?If Collin is not going to be on the show anymore why doesn't Kate say he isn't and that she was respecting his wishs?Honestly i don't know what to think about this.
The twitter exchange was the most recent comment from Jon re: custody--I think--thanks for pinpointing where it came from, I couldn't remember.
I did not mean to imply that Jon has Colin right now, although I feel confident in saying that CPS has at least assessed the possibility of placement with Jon. CPS's goal is to reunite the child with a BIOLOGICAL family member, so if it is not in the best interest of the child, they would look at aunts, uncles, etc. from both sides of the bio-family. Time is also of the essence--I cited my experience in foster care of 22 months (by law) before steps would be taken to terminate the parents' rights with the possibility of reunification taking longer if progress is being made. Colin would be a high profile case in a lot of ways so CPS is going to dot every i and cross every t. Maybe twice. IF he is even in CPS custody.
A quick look at Amy's instagram shows a variety of interesting posts--her baby grandson, a trip home to Michigan, baking pumpkin bread, her boyfriend. And this just in the past month.
I haven't checked Amy's IG in awhile, but she was all over the place speaking. So busy!
Then, when home, she'd cook and post pics of her food which looks delicious.
She has a very full life.
OMG. Did Doofus actually send K8 one of these precious dog toys only for her to not even acknowledge receiving it? Talk about rude. There is no excuse for that, absolutely none.
Seems like Milo did send Kate a chicken for Shoka.
That was a really nice gesture and I think Milo believes Kate has the same depths of emotion and attachment, as well as love for dogs as she does (and we do also).
But, she doesn't.
It is beyond the pale not to thank Milo for do that for Shoka.
When you have to say, "um, did you get my gift", it's beyond rude to not only not let you know that your gift arrived safely, but get a thank you for it.
Happy 150th to our Canadian posters and readers! And special thanks to Canada for Lucy Maud Montgomery!
Tucker's Mom (#107), why do I imagine TFW tossed that chicken right in the trash? Like those handmade wooden cubes from the Amish fan, and her children's Sunday school artwork?
I doubt that she tossed the chicken in the trash because that model has been discontinued and if you do find one on eBay or somewhere else they charge triple the price. I don't think she ever paid for any that she received as she promised to do. The least she can do is give a shout out (with picture) to Milo and anyone else that found and sent the only chicken that Shoka likes. TFW is an ass.
Description of the episode airing July 10, titled "A Haunting at the Gosselins".
"The Gosselins invite their friends over for a Halloween party and turn their barn into a haunted house! Kate stresses about party planning, food prep and costumes while trying to deal with guests arriving before everything is ready."
Is there ever an episode where Kate doesn't stress out? I'm sure the skiing episode and the 13th birthday episode will contain more Kate stressing out.
They should just rename the show "Kate plus stress--what a mess!".
TLC is also having a marathon of last season's episodes from starting at 6 am and ending at 1pm on July 10. For some reason they're airing the Game Night episode first(with Collin)-the rest are in the order they originally aired. So you have a show with Collin, the birthday episode without him, then the New Orleans episode with him again, and then the other 4 episodes without him. You'd think they would air the two with Collin first, so that it would be less confusing.
They're also showing the Sweet 16 episode this Monday at 10pm.
So you have a show with Collin, the birthday episode without him, then the New Orleans episode with him again, and then the other 4 episodes without him. You'd think they would air the two with Collin first, so that it would be less confusing.
I bet they don't mind a bit that viewers will be confused whether that boy is back.
The plot of so many of these episodes is the same. Stress. Shop. Stress some more. Hold party/event/gathering. Declare it was all worth it in the end. Is that all they got??
The plot of so many of these episodes is the same. Stress. Shop. Stress some more. Hold party/event/gathering. Declare it was all worth it in the end. Is that all they got??
That about sums it up.
And her fans praise her for her organizational skills. If she was so well organized, why would she be constantly stressed out?
I did not mean to imply that Jon has Colin right now, although I feel confident in saying that CPS has at least assessed the possibility of placement with Jon.
How do you know this, and how can you say this with confidence? Am I missing something very important regarding custody and CPS?
miloandjack2016 In regards to that #SadSackLook dogs give is misleading. We all know Shoka is spoiled & loved! ❤ BTW...did he get his Kookie Chicken coutesy of MissK? 😋 @kateplusmy8
OMG. Did Doofus actually send K8 one of these precious dog toys only for her to not even acknowledge receiving it? Talk about rude. There is no excuse for that, absolutely none.
But they do their communicatin' in so many ways, so possibly Kate did thank her in whatever ways they communicate, wouldn't you think? If this is true, then why would Gladys need to ask her on social media? Maybe their communicatin' in private isn't as frequent as Gladys would have one believe!
KIAT (#111), boy, it really is just lather, rinse, repeat with TFW, isn't it?
Oh, dear, the crushing stress of someone with no job planning a party, with all the food and decorations paid for by a TV network! Oh, and a crew that will restore every area in which they filmed to pristine condition before they leave! AND a paycheck for the whole experience! I can't with this woman...
Wow. She actually bought her one and sent it to her?
And TFW didn't have the manners to tell her thank you?
What do you expect from a child abusing, open mouth, food chomping, love dogs more than your own children?
I believe she realized she could sell them and make money. Free product from fans, sell, pure profit.
Sheepless (#115), I posted almost the same comment upthread! (#93)
And remember how Gladys indignantly declared that we have NO idea of her relationship with TFW and her faamily, implying they were thick as thieves privately, but we just weren't privy to that closeness.
Sheepless In Seattle said... 114
I did not mean to imply that Jon has Colin right now, although I feel confident in saying that CPS has at least assessed the possibility of placement with Jon.
How do you know this, and how can you say this with confidence? Am I missing something very important regarding custody and CPS?
I'm only speaking from my experience working in the foster care system.
IF Colin was removed from the home by CPS, they are required to work towards reunification with the biological parent(s). IF Colin was removed from the home due to abuse by TFMJG, they would assess the chances of reunification with TFMJG as well as investigate the possibility of placement with Jon. That is Jon's right as his biological father. If neither TFMJG or Jon were determined to be an option, they would look for possible placement within both sides of the biological families. In the state I worked in, the law required that reunification with biological parent(s) take place within 22 months, after which the process to terminate the parent(s) rights would begin. However, if the case was complicated, but progress was still being made towards reunification with one or both parents, an extension would be granted. CPS may take a child out of the home, but their goal is to get him back home, as long as it is emotionally and physically safe, within a certain time frame through therapy and other services provided to both the parent(s) and child. IF Colin is in CPS custody, and I am one of the people on this board who think/hope that he is, then it is fast coming up on the 18 month mark of his removal from the home. Jon's last comment re: the issue was positive. TLC has only filmed a 3 'episode' season. It just seems logical, at least to me, that the situation may be resolved soon.
Again, I'm just speaking from my experience in the foster care system. I'm not acquainted with the foster care system in Pennsylvania nor do I have any inside information.
About the "stress" that seems to permeate each event/trip, you have to figure most if not all of it is encouraged, if not actually scripted, to make the episode at least slightly interesting. Like the Sweet 16 disaster. Oh noes, it's raining! Fingers crossed our Beef Jerky friends will have their party room available, and that we can re-route all the guests there, and have Brownie do crafts with the tups, and get an ice cream truck to swing by! Every minute of that was planned and budgeted by TLC. Realest reality, y'all.
I saw 3 of those rubber chickens on Ebay from $20.00 to more than $300 + shipping. I wonder how many Kate received from fans and will she sell them if she can make hundreds of dollars?
About the "stress" that seems to permeate each event/trip, you have to figure most if not all of it is encouraged, if not actually scripted, to make the episode at least slightly interesting. Like the Sweet 16 disaster. Oh noes, it's raining! Fingers crossed our Beef Jerky friends will have their party room available, and that we can re-route all the guests there, and have Brownie do crafts with the tups, and get an ice cream truck to swing by! Every minute of that was planned and budgeted by TLC. Realest reality, y'all.
That whole thing was so incredibly contrived as to be silly. I'm probably just repeating my recap but everybody on the east coast knows you don't plan an outdoor party in October without a backup plan to bring it inside. Anything else s just poor planning. What's more, she made a big ta-do about the tups not being at the party and the twins getting their time without them. But, if they followed the original plan the party would have been at the house, where the tups were and always seem to be. So did they plan the party without tups or with them, because that whole storyline made no sense.
Plus, she got that creepy Brownie fan to come watch the tups at the house. So Brownie dropped everything, arranged a rather involved craft project, at the drop of a hat?
The whole it's raining OMG move the party to the jerky place was patronizing to viewers. If it didn't rain that day production would have come up with some other excuse to "move" the party, like broken plumbing or something.
Another contrived thing, the last minute cake.
They just don't try anymore.
So Brownie dropped everything, arranged a rather involved craft project, at the drop of a hat?
Well, maybe. She dropped everything to go in search of the state cereal. Anything for Kate, her girl crush.
IF Colin is in CPS custody, and I am one of the people on this board who think/hope that he is, then it is fast coming up on the 18 month mark of his removal from the home.
Do we know what month and day he left the family? Was this reported somewhere?
I'm asking the same thing as Sheepless. Why is it that you feel with confidence that CPS is involved (105)? Is there something that leads you to believe that? Is it possible that a psychologist and/or therapist recommended this, and that CPS wasn't involved?
Jenn @Jennrut0121 2h2 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 seriously, how do you do it? Between media and trying to be a normal do you figure it all out??
Sheeple are always good for a laugh!
NJGal51 said... 110
I doubt that she tossed the chicken in the trash because that model has been discontinued and if you do find one on eBay or somewhere else they charge triple the price. I don't think she ever paid for any that she received as she promised to do. The least she can do is give a shout out (with picture) to Milo and anyone else that found and sent the only chicken that Shoka likes. TFW is an ass.
NJgal, you got that right! IIRC, TFW said that she would pay for the Kookie Chickens to all who send her one. So, if Milo is asking her if she got it, why hasn't she made an effort to reimburse Milo for the toy?
To all who send her one. Sounds like someone wants to cash in on some dog toys.
I think Brownie is using TFW just as much as TFW is using her. Brownie is a self published author and if she gets the opportunity for some publicity which might lead to more sales of her books she'll take it. She's a "wannabe" as in "I wannabe friends with someone famous". When talking to her friends she will name drop "Kate Gosselin" until they're sick of hearing what Kate said or did. If she continues to be on the show as a "friend" I will bet her books will be on display somewhere.
NJGal51 said... 127
If she continues to be on the show as a "friend" I will bet her books will be on display somewhere.
I can't imagine allowing anyone else to exhibit their wares on her show besides her. Don't her couch interviews always have her books in the background? I do wonder if Brownie got paid for her "appearance," or she just did it for the thrill of it all.
NJGal51 (#127), oh, yeah, TFW has a few users in her orbit. Deanna had her brush with fame. She scored herself a sweet trip to Mexico, and even got some network TV time on Celebrity Wife Swap. And Steve seems to have made himself indispensable to TFW for more than a decade, so he's certainly on the winning end of their relationship.
Now, Springdale is taking legal recourse to counter Duggars’ claims that documents released by the city and the Washington County of Arkansas exposed the girls’ identities despite a promise of confidentiality made to them.
“In their complaint against the Springdale defendants the plaintiffs use such turns of phrase as ‘contrary to the bounds of human decency’ and ‘basic notions of civility and personal dignity’ and ‘horrible and blatant re-victimization’ in order to advance claims for damages,” a brief of the motion reads, according to Arkansas Online.
“The allegations of fact in the complaint, rather than the hyperbolic turns of phrase, are assumed to be true at this stage, yet a close examination of the alleged facts reveals that individual Springdale defendants acted not outrageously, but well within the protection provided by the doctrine of qualified immunity.”
NJGal51 (#127), oh, yeah, TFW has a few users in her orbit. Deanna had her brush with fame. She scored herself a sweet trip to Mexico, and even got some network TV time on Celebrity Wife Swap. And Steve seems to have made himself indispensable to TFW for more than a decade, so he's certainly on the winning end of their relationship.
What about Kravitz? She got a shout-out on national television, most likely the best thing that ever happened in her lifetime. Now she and Kate are besties, have an intimate out of social media communicating relationship and birds suddenly appear!
Brownie is just plain creepy. I'm not sure what to make of her.
I do wonder if Brownie got paid for her "appearance," or she just did it for the thrill of it all.
I wonder if she ever got paid for the stale cereal! She certainly had a great time buying them and sent Kate something like over 50 tweets from the store. Ah, the good old days!
“The allegations of fact in the complaint, rather than the hyperbolic turns of phrase, are assumed to be true at this stage, yet a close examination of the alleged facts reveals that individual Springdale defendants acted not outrageously, but well within the protection provided by the doctrine of qualified immunity.”
Wow, they're not backing down! It's about time someone put the Duggars in their place.
Also, I brought up that there was going to be issues with immunity here, and there you go, they're claiming immunity. Basically governmental officials including people like police, cities, etc., can be immune from many lawsuits. It gets complicated, but sometimes, even if they did something wrong, you still can't sue them. Dead end, Duggars.
Funny, it didn't seem like the Duggars were too concerned about "personal dignity" and "blatant re-victimization" when they allowed Megyn Kelly into their house for an interview aired around the world.
Not trying for a second to diminish what those girls went through, but to turn it into a cash grab is pretty tacky.
C'mon, this is a family who let TLC cameras film their frail youngest child's having a seizure, and their daughter-in-law giving birth on the freaking toilet. The SS Personal Dignity sailed a loooong time ago.
Dead end, Duggars.
I bet when Jim Bob's lawyers got it across to Jim Bob what the city meant in the lawsuit, his head and wallet exploded!
At the same time! lol
C'mon, this is a family who let TLC cameras film their frail youngest child's having a seizure, and their daughter-in-law giving birth on the freaking toilet. The SS Personal Dignity sailed a loooong time ago.
Don't forget when one of the boys fell into an orchestra pit and They filmed it all beginning to end. He could've died.
I knew that Jessa had baby number 2, Henry.
But, I read today that she had the baby in the same house that Anna gave birth to her son in the toilet and the same house where Jessa almost bled out.
Michelle to 911: Mother is bleeding. Calm as a cucumber.
But, she had baby Henry, ON THE COUCH, in the same house with the same poorly qualified baby deliverer that almost let Jessa bleed out.
What in the world is wrong with these people? By the time the paramedics get there and taken to the hospital, someone or both are going to be dead.
The Duggar boy that fell through the stage into the basement almost killed him. He barely stayed in the hospital and was checked out by his D.A. parents to get over it at home.
As the paramedics were rushing him on the gurney into the hospital ER, there is Michelle, running along side the gurney with her cell phone video taping her severely injured son with a crazed look on her face.
Was she really filming her child from that angle that the TLC camera unfortunately couldn't get?
I'm sure the Duggars are stunned that the city is fighting back. They thought this would be settled out of court and there would be no effort on their part. Remember that statement by their lawyer--they expected a settlement of between $10-12 million. They must have firmly believed that the city would just hand over a pile of money without a fight. They were obviously wrong. I wonder if it has sunk in yet that not only will they not just be handed a settlement, they could have huge legal bills to pay out of their own pockets. Good going, Jim Boob.
OT This mom buys thrift store clothes that no one wants and transforms them into beautiful clothes.
Layla, I think Jim Bob shot himself in the foot when he filed this lawsuit. OTOH, the release of the police report caused a small segment of the population to know who Josh hurt.
But when they let MK into their home and did the interview it made millions of people aware and especially what JB said about telling the girls that other families have it much worse than their family. Worse that what Josh did?
Seriously? Still boiling because MK didn't react to that statement. JB opened the can of worms but MK didn't get the can and shake them out.
The city is not only defending their reputation and good will but they're defending tax payers who will have to foot the bill for any settlement. Heck no they're not gonna just hand over a pile of cash to make this go away. How stupid can the Duggars be?
Jim Bob and Michelle and Josh are very stupid.
They knew what their son did to their daughters and the babysitter and kept it secret. They designed their home to prevent him from going into the girls rooms. Josh learned that Mommy and Daddy would get him out of any trouble that he got into even molesting his sisters and a babysitter.
They had to be X'n out the days until SOL ran out.
That is why he had no fear with an Ashley Madison account. Catfishing, stealing a DJ's identity, he didn't think he would get caught. And if he did, Mommy and Daddy would get him out of it.
Can't wait till the judge orders him to depositions.
Can't Josh do jail time for identity theft?
Ruh Roh!
Molly Roloff is engaged!
Someone posted that they wish Molly would have the wedding filmed so they could see it.
"she had a litter of kids and there will always be a runt w/ so many. she is getting help so he can catch up w/the others. she is a great mom, I would have had a nervous breakdown yrs ago. she is a strong woman/mother"
I feel safe in saying this is why she still has a few fans. Because there are people who think the Gosselin kids are dogs and at least one "has to be" the runt.
Also, there are people online spreading lies about Jon (claiming Jon spoke about M and C's sex lives for example) and distorting past events.
On June 30, Kate posted on IG:
kateplusmy8This is what Shoka thinks of our evening 💦downpour💦! #Sigh. Secretly, I'm excited to catch up on our shows with the kids!:) Let it rain! 💧⛈
I wonder what kids she was referring to since someone posted on twitter:
xxxxx@xxxxxx Jul 1
i actually served the kids from jon and kate plus 8 last night. my 13 year old self was crying
Last night would be June 30, the same day that Kate posted that the kids were watching their shows with her.
The tweeter is from Brigantine NJ, and Jon had a gig in Princeton that night. So I'm thinking the kids she saw are the ones who usually visit Jon.
When asked if they were filming, the same person also tweeted that they were with Colleen:
xxxxx@xxxxxx Jul 1
haha no i think jon has a house in brigantine so they were with his gf but if the cameras were there i think i would die.
So when Kate mentions "kids" in her IG post, she's inferring that they were her "human" kids, but she's probably actually talking about her "furry" kids.
Other sightings of Jon and the kids in Jersey from FB:
xxxxxx in Ocean City, New Jersey.
July 1 at 7:08pm ·
Live from OCNJ...Alleged reality star Jon Gosselin and four of the kids...a red letter day indeed
xxxxx at Manco & Manco Pizza.
July 1 at 7:24pm · Ocean City, NJ ·
Guess who is on the boardwalk?! Jon Gosselin and some of his kids! Paige was so excited!
On the Kate plus 8 FB page in the wall photo, it now says "New Season July 10".
So they're calling a 3 episode airing a "season"? They're definitely misleading their viewers, who I'm sure will be quite upset to find out that only 3 episodes will be shown when they're expecting a full season.
In fact, I don't think Kate has ever mentioned that there are only 3 episodes. On IG, she just says "new episodes" without specifically stating that there are only 3. Also, in the TLC promo, she says "season premiere".
I think it's cruel of TFW to show J+K episodes at home. Won't they miss Collin even more, seeing the 'happy' times they once had? On the other hand, I agree the kids sometimes seem confused about what happened in the episodes and what are real memories.
So glad the kids who visit with Jon got a vacation at the Jersey shore!
It sure beats sleeping in and watching themselves on the boob tube.
Kate is a twit (148)
I get the feeling that TLC agreed to another season of K+8 before they saw how bad the ratings were for last season. That's why Kate sent out that "see you next season" (with a wink at the end). It was already agreed upon. She would have assumed that a new season would be 8 episodes, but it looks like TLC had no intention of giving her 8. She got 3, one of which was already filmed before the end of last season. I have to wonder what happened to cause TLC to not promote last season. You never saw ads for it, and you don't see them for this upcoming season, either. They went to the expense of filming 8 episodes last season, but then seemed to have come to the decision that they are no longer interested in the show. No advertising, very low ratings, and now this season is abnormally short and very little promotion. Was there a falling-out between them and Kate? Did they cut her budget even further and then saw a glimpse of the old Kate? Maybe they didn't want to deal with the Collin situation. I don't know, but there's something there.
It's funny how they are talking about Kate's stressing about the Halloween party (food, decorations, etc). I thought the New Kate had mellowed. Maybe not. I also saw a synopsis of the tups' 13th birthday, and it talked about Kate's stress with getting that party together and having to call in her friends. I guess that's the reason behind the Ronnie visit, and also for Jamie coming out to visit. The "new, mellow Kate" is looking a lot like the old Kate, isn't she? How long until she's snapping at the crew to "stop playing 'we're filming a TV show' and get some real work done"?
So when Kate said she was watching episodes of the show with the kids, she meant Mady, Cara and Alexis (and probably not even all of them). No wonder she didn't post a picture. I bet she'll be mad when she finds out the other 4 were spotted out with Jon on vacation when they were supposed to have been watching TV in her room!
RoxyHelen (#45), so that "fan" has dubbed C the runt of a litter? That is disgusting. He is a teenage boy who has faced a lot of challenges and pain in his young life. The last thing he needs is to be likened to an animal. Too bad he doesn't have a mother who would jump to his defense at such an awful comment. But there was a compliment in it for her, so she probably didn't even notice the slam.
Formerly Duped said... 149
I think it's cruel of TFW to show J+K episodes at home. Won't they miss Collin even more, seeing the 'happy' times they once had? On the other hand, I agree the kids sometimes seem confused about what happened in the episodes and what are real memories.
I think it's just plain weird that Kate has their show on the boob tube so much.
I agree about watching Collin when he's been gone for so long.
I really hope Kate does er usual media junket before the "season" airs, so she can look at people's wtf? faces when they ask why her son isn't home after over a year.
Let's see if she's still beams with pride when she mentions that she still hasn't told Collin's father where his son is?
New IG post by Kate:
kateplusmy8Throwback pic of my flag lined driveway from 'pre puppy years' because it's still not safe to put our flags out for fear our #FurryVacuumCleaners will eat them! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 #ItsOkay #TheyWillGrowUp #IllMissThemLittleAndNaughty #JustLikeMyKids both the 12th birthday episode, and in the Poconos and Puppies episode, it was clearly shown that there were flags lining the driveway.
So she's making a lame excuse for why there is no new picture of a flag-lined driveway. She probably isn't putting any flags out because 4 of her kids are probably still with Jon and aren't there to do the work for her.
I bet she'll be mad when she finds out the other 4 were spotted out with Jon on vacation when they were supposed to have been watching TV in her room!
I think she looks like a dolt when she opines about sleeping and doing nothing all summer, when Jon's working hard, has a relationship and manages to balance life out with fun things like the iconic summer boardwalk.
A jersey slice sure beats whatever Kate would be serving them prison style.
Haha, no driveway flags this year, and she's got her excuse at the ready. It's the dogs' fault! Yeah, sure it is.
kateplusmy8 Throwback pic of my flag lined driveway from 'pre puppy years' because it's still not safe to put our flags out for fear our #FurryVacuumCleaners will eat them! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 #ItsOkay #TheyWillGrowUp #IllMissThemLittleAndNaughty #JustLikeMyKids
The Gosselin family fiction is starting to fall apart.
KIAT (#155), I assume those rows of "USUSUSUSUS" from TFW meant United States. But coming from a narcissist who has kept her children isolated in many ways, I can't help but see it as meaning "us." As in, it's all about us.
The Duggar boy that fell through the stage into the basement almost killed him. He barely stayed in the hospital and was checked out by his D.A. parents to get over it at home.
If it almost killed him, he wouldn't have been sent home from the hospital in record time, no matter if the parents wanted his immediate release, unless, of course, they did it against the advice of the physician.
Siobhan R @SiobhanR111 14h14 hours ago
Looking forward to watching "Sweet 16" ep of #KatePlus8 tomorrow 03/07/17 ahead of a brand new season starting 10/07/17 @kateplusmy8 @TLC
They have no idea it's only three episodes. What doofi. both the 12th birthday episode, and in the Poconos and Puppies episode, it was clearly shown that there were flags lining the driveway.
So strange, this compulsion to lie for no good reason at all.
So, obviously this 4th the kids aren't around to put the flags up. Big deal.
Spray them with Bitter Apple and put them up. The dogs won't go after any flag twice!
#JustLikeMyKids?" Heifer, please.
We read page after page of the abuse your children suffered AT YOUR HANDS when they were little and naughty.
You never missed an opportunity to complain about how tired, stressed and overwhelmed you were when they were little and naughty. You even said that if you had it to do all over again, you wouldn't even have HAD them. So stop trying to rewrite history.
@Blowing in the Wind This person has to be getting paid.Funny how Siobhan was silent for almost 2 months and the last post was a happy birthday to the Gosselin tups.Now that new episodes are coming out she has to announce it to Kate fans. Siobhan R @SiobhanR111 14h14 hours ago
FYI @kateplusmy8 fans! "Sweet 16" ep of #KatePlus8 airs Mon July 03 at 10pm. New season starts Mon July 10 at 10pm! @TLC #GosselinFamilyFun
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Kate doesn't have flags up because the crew didn't do it for her. I'm sure they put them out for last year's episodes, but probably aren't filming right now. So no flags.
She talked on IG about the men there opening the pool and cutting down dead trees, and someone talked about the expensive landscaping. That had to all be at TLC's expense. She put it all off until just before birthday filming so they could foot the bill for the landscaping, pool opening, and cutting of dead trees. She's always looking for ways to get them to cover her expenses. She said once that swimming on the tups' birthday was a "tradition", but it was after their birthday that the pool was being opened. Traditions are cast aside when she can't get someone else to pay for them. Even when it comes to cheap little flags.
Hey, who knows if TFW is even home this weekend. The twins may be off with their friends, and A is now old enough to spend a long weekend with a friend of hers, too. Just a thought.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 162
#JustLikeMyKids?" Heifer, please.
Kate was very volatile when the kids were babies and toddlers. I wouldn't put them back in that situation for anything.
She tries to sound all wistful and nostalgic, but she never embraced the "naughty".
@Blowing in the Wind This person has to be getting paid.Funny how Siobhan was silent for almost 2 months and the last post was a happy birthday to the Gosselin tups.Now that new episodes are coming out she has to announce it to Kate fans. Siobhan R @SiobhanR111 14h14 hours ago
I really doubt that it's a paid sheeple. In fact, I'd bet the farm on it. I think she's just one of the slower fans. Nothing more, nothing less.
TFW had better buy some more comments because her new post has been up for 8 hours and there are only 18 comments. Look for an influx of "I can't wait for the new season", "How do you manage", and other comments along those lines
NJGal51 (#168), poor Schmoopy isn't attracting too much attention, is she? She probably thought it was a slam-dunk to post a throwback picture to remind people of her "glory days," and get some awwws from the faithful. Maybe everyone is busy making the flag cake TFW invented!
I really doubt that it's a paid sheeple. In fact, I'd bet the farm on it. I think she's just one of the slower fans. Nothing more, nothing less.
I agree. She's been around for some time and she always seemed well, really, really slow and gullible, and naive. She's not the kind of fan that Kate, TLC, or their pr people would hire to do any kind of social media promotion.
So few comments on the flag photo. But one or two of interest.
irenearmstrong Just watching your show and now turning it OFF!!! Those girls are soooooo RUDE & full of ATTITUDE!!!! Brats!!!! Unbelievable.... stress for you at their age !???? Not in my home! What a Gong Show!!
jacobsstarbuck When do you think Collin will be back?
Happy 4th of July to my fellow a American posters and readers! And thanks as always to Admin and the pool girls and cabana boys for making the veranda such a great place to hang out!
Happy 4th, y'all!
Oh, I've been so busy what with lining my driveway with flags and making a flag cake!
DH and I made a bunch of key lime cheesecake cups for a 4th get together in the neighborhood. Sometimes putting together what would seem to be a simple dish is like a Thanksgiving explosion in the kitchen!
Wishing everyone a glorious 4th!
She's not manning the delete button yet today.
johnpaulbachmann You miss your kids little and naughty .. so you could beat them into submission .. hurling by the hair, spanking as hard as you could, pushing little face into dog poop for leaving door open .. on and on .. that behavior on the part of a parent does not command respect, as you're now finding out. #ParentalAbuseNeverBenefitsAChild
Happy 4th, everyone!
My wishes for a Happy 4th of July y'all as well! We had our big day on July 1st - 150 years old!
I agree. She's been around for some time and she always seemed well, really, really slow and gullible, and naive. She's not the kind of fan that Kate, TLC, or their pr people would hire to do any kind of social media promotion.
Yep. I'd be afraid of what she might tweet!
I wonder if Kate ever had that psych evaluation. If not, she's long overdue.
Wow, three new photos yesterday. Guess she has trying to prove that her kids were home.
(1) kateplusmy8 It was my FIRST Instagram post ever.. my #FlagCake from last 4th of July. So here is this years 🇺🇸cake, made TOTALLY by Leah! She did a wonderful job! Happy Fourth of July, everyone! Hope yours was as happy and fun as ours! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
(2) kateplusmy8 I'd say he's a cool cat, but it's King Shoka, the greatest dog ever! He enjoyed his grilled chicken and all the festivities too! #HappyFourth 🇺🇸
(3) kateplusmy8 Just some of the kids and friends enjoying our 💥show! #MyFavoritePart #FavoriteSummerHoliday #HappyFourth 🇺🇸
I see three kids (the backs of their heads) in the last photo. No telling who they are. This could easily be a wholly invented July 4 episode.
Ah. So were they filming?
falcons37 I'm guessing as you guys have spent money on a lovely firework display 💥💥that we can look forward to seeing on your TV show in the future
Kate's 4th of July pics look recycled to me.
I could swear she posted those sunglasses on Shoka before and the fireworks photo seems eerily familiar.
Sad but true (#179), for all we know, Jon had the kids until yesterday afternoon, and dropped them home for dinner.
If TFW really wanted to deliver an "FU Interwebz," she would've let J make that Flag Cake all by himself.
If she had a decent social media consultant, that would've happened years ago.
Saw a few Outdaughtered commercials on CNN this morning, and just now on TV Land. Babies frolicking outdoors! Babies making a mess while they eat! Babies in the bathtub! Can potties be far behind?
I have to cringe when I see the Busbys, knowing what we know now about reality TV families. They're going in this with their eyes wide shut.
Tucker's Mom said... 181
I agree, I thought the same thing when I saw the photo.
She has posted a photo of the kids watching fireworks before, but in the previous photo the kids were standing. I doubt that it was filmed since she posted so many pictures. Interestingly, it doesn't seem that they have taken any filming trips so far this summer. No sightings of them seem to have been reported. That must be driving her nuts! I still think TLC is holding off until they get the ratings for this 3-episode season. If ratings are okay then they could still take some trips in August. We'll just have to wait and see.
Looks like Hannah and Leah from the back but the boy does not look familiar.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 183
Saw a few Outdaughtered commercials on CNN this morning, and just now on TV Land. Babies frolicking outdoors! Babies making a mess while they eat! Babies in the bathtub! Can potties be far behind?
Oh, Flimsy! They have already jumped that threshold!
Saw all of the Outdaughtered daughters potties all lined up against the wall and they were all sitting on them. It was an ad for the show. Can't find the link.
When I saw it, I just SMH!
But while I was looking for it, they have a 9 minute sneak peek. Get a load of this.
Mom says, Ava is our little tubby baby. They then show the Mom asking Ava, where's your belly? Ava touches her belly and the Mom hollers, Woo Hoo!!!
Then Mom says, at the last checkup, Ava was a WHOLE POUND HEAVIER than the rest of them and I was like, Holy Cow, Girl! And laughing.
Mom is now complaining that Ava is the one that is really attached to her leg most of all of them.
Like really, it has to be the HEAVIEST ONE that wants me to hold her all the time!
She's nuts.
GollyGee (#187), ugh, so they've already started the public potty training. Another set of lab rats for TLC TO run through the maze, while the parents accrue as many perks as possible.
Hey, Mama Busby, good on you for getting a jump on things with giving your daughter body image issues! Some parents wait until puberty, but why not start early? In fact, why not put that in the opening credits, a la J&K+8? "Ava is our tubby baby!"
kateplusmy8 Just some of the kids and friends enjoying our 💥show! #MyFavoritePart #FavoriteSummerHoliday #HappyFourth 🇺🇸
It's most likely a recycled fireworks display photo. I don't think they're filming since four of the kids were spotted with Jon and if TLC isn't paying for the fireworks I doubt that she's going to lay out that amount of cash.
The Buzzes are following down the same rabbit hole that Jon and Kate did. They're just fooling themselves with willful ignorance at this point.
I hate that parents film potty training. Really hate it.
"Hope yours was as happy and fun as ours!" Even without my son! Who's been gone more than a year! But here's my fur son wearing shades!
She is a horrible mother.
Has Gladys responded yet? Like...
"Glad L made the cake, and gave her #BusyMom a break! You give all your kids a chance to shine! #CWho?"
"#Shoka is showin his hip holiday spirit! Any pix of #Nanuq and #Maq
in shades? #FurBabiesRBest#CWho?
Sad but true said... 179
I see three kids (the backs of their heads) in the last photo. No telling who they are. This could easily be a wholly invented July 4 episode.
Tucker's Mom said... 181
Kate's 4th of July pics look recycled to me.
I could swear she posted those sunglasses on Shoka before and the fireworks photo seems eerily familiar.
I agree. Shouldn't she have thrown in an anecdote about how the 'puppies' reacted to the fireworks to make it more believable?
Well we're getting a Halloween episode for the 4th of July so maybe they did film and we'll get a 4th of July episode at Halloween! TFW had 3 different posts yesterday so maybe she's trying to generate interest for the show starting up again next week. She hasn't taken to Twitter yet and that will be the true test of her trying to get viewers by having a "live tweet party" with a "follow" if yu quote something from the show.
Description of the episode scheduled for July 17:
"Kate Goes Skiing... Sort Of...
Spring break takes Kate and her kids to Vermont for a week on the slopes. Skiing lessons, tubing and a trip to the hospital make for one wild week."
Another "riveting" episode it seem. More stuff for Kate to get "stressed" about.
I do like the title they gave this episode. They should just rename the whole series "Kate Gosselin is a mother...sort of...".
Since Kate and TLC have only promoted the birthday episode, I wonder how many fans are going to tune in next Tuesday looking forward to see the tups 13th birthday party, and then be extremely disappointed that they're showing a Halloween episode filmed nine months ago.
Hmm, this is interesting.
When I went to to find out the description of the show airing July 17, they had nothing listed for the 10pm slot, although they did show the Duggars show listed at 9pm and 11pm(repeat). So I went to to get the description that I posted in my previous comment.
I just went back to and the July 17 show still isn't listed, BUT the listing for the July 10 show has now disappeared. Again, it only shows the Duggar show at 9pm and 11pm.
I know that the July 10 episode had previously been posted because that's where I got the description for that episode which I posted here.
Is TLC having second thoughts about airing the show? Those two episodes are still listed in my cable guide and at TV This reminds me of when they listed the 10th anniversary special to be aired last April, and then waited to air it until November.
Saw all of the Outdaughtered daughters potties all lined up against the wall and they were all sitting on them. It was an ad for the show. Can't find the link.
This is the description for that episode which airs July 18:
With the possibility of another surgery for Hazel, Adam stresses over her upcoming appointment with a new doctor. And when the quints start having poop explosions, Daniel attempts potty training to disastrous results."
Who names these episodes? And whoever wrote that description apparently doesn't know that it's "Danielle" not "Daniel".
BTW, I just checked again, the TLC schedule now includes Kate plus 8 again. The description for the July 17 has one more line than the one that was posted at
"Kate finally agrees to ski, but fear takes over."
See Kate
See Kate stress
See Kate cry
See Kate scream
See Kate meltdown over and over again
Riveting TV!!
Kate is a twit said... 194
Description of the episode scheduled for July 17:
"Kate Goes Skiing... Sort Of...
Kate makes herself the center of attention again and whines and complains about being cold and basically craps all over everyone's good time.
I think I can narrate this episode before it airs!
Kate is a twit said... 196
Saw all of the Outdaughtered daughters potties all lined up against the wall and they were all sitting on them. It was an ad for the show. Can't find the link.
This is the description for that episode which airs July 18:
With the possibility of another surgery for Hazel, Adam stresses over her upcoming appointment with a new doctor. And when the quints start having poop explosions, Daniel attempts potty training to disastrous results."
What is TLC's fascination and obsession with excrement?
"Kate finally agrees to ski, but fear takes over."
See Kate
See Kate stress
See Kate cry
See Kate scream
See Kate meltdown over and over again
I can see it now!
Shouldn't she have thrown in an anecdote about how the 'puppies' reacted to the fireworks to make it more believable?
Good point Susan. I wonder how the dogs reacted and where she kept them if she had that display of fireworks on her property. That looked to be a professional display and not just the family shooting off a couple of bottle rockets in the yard.
Kate's never been clear about how her fireworks come to fruition. Maybe Steve?
We had people setting off HUGE displays in our neighborhood last night.
Some whoppers!
Fortunately, our dogs have been pretty cool with the noises over the past couple days.
On the TLC site the description of the July 17 show is "Spring break takes Kate and her 8 to Vermont...". Her 8? That appears to include Collin, but of course TLC might just be trying to fool people into watching. There are plenty of people who are curious about his absence. I don't think they are above lying to draw people in, but the reaction if he's not there will not be positive.
Layla said... 3
On the TLC site the description of the July 17 show is "Spring break takes Kate and her 8 to Vermont...". Her 8? That appears to include Collin, but of course TLC might just be trying to fool people into watching. There are plenty of people who are curious about his absence. I don't think they are above lying to draw people in, but the reaction if he's not there will not be positive.
Maybe Marley makes 8
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