Coming up, another low budget bottle episode full of old clips, in which Kate claims the older, wiser Kate is finally in a position to give advice to the younger, dumber Kate. It's kind of like the plot of Terminator 2 and Back to the Future, mixed in with a whole lot of idiocy, like, say, Zoolander.
Eh, Michael J. Fox did this whole go back in time thing so much cuter.
I guess what I have to say about the whole premise of this episode is that I really don't see the evidence Kate has changed all that much since the start of this series. I think she lets her kids walk all over her a bit more rather than ordering them about, but that's just because it's easier to order around a toddler when if they don't comply you can just yank their arm into submission. Not so easy with a teen. But, there's still pretty much the same level of yelling and screaming going on all the time, as far as I can tell. Kids still seem frequently unhappy, and often cast aside. She still plays favorites--if anything that's even worse. Her justice is unfair and nonsensical. She's still extremely disconnected from people, certainly her fans, and at times her own children. Her level of apparent disconnect from Collin's ongoing separation from the family is disturbing.
She's still very rude to people just there to help. She's still not really game to try new things. I guess I don't think she gets quite as angry all the time, but she still gets there enough where I can't say that issue has been resolved.
This is the thing, her mental illness is not going to change, or is unlikely to. It's not like Kate has to "learn" to be a better person. Her mental illness prevents her from doing so. She would need intensive therapy, possibly even medication, to change, and even then there's no guarantees. The big question missing from this whole episode, if you accept Kate's assertion she has changed (which, I don't, obviously), is why did Kate "change." What prompted it? People don't just change for no reason.
Anyhoo, this episode could of been a hell of a lot more interesting if they got into the why's and how's. Because the armchair psychologist in me sure wants to know how a 30 year old woman who is a liar, nasty, disconnected, angry, rude, unfair, and nonsensical, suddenly becomes not any of that by 40.
I forgot when this episode aired, but it feels like a redemption tour, trying to rebrand the new Kate. Who did she molest?! Well anyhow, I don't think it much worked. Ratings have been consistently pathetic for the past couple seasons.
First up, gum gate. The only redeeming value of this clip is that we get to talk all about Aunt Jodi! Woot! Of course today's Kate makes no mention of feeling regret about all the nasty things she said about Aunt Jodi, including "whatever possessed her." It was a golden opportunity to extend the tiniest bit of olive branch to Aunt Jodi and redeem the incident, and she blew it. It's hard to watch Collin so heartbroken over her threats to throw out his bear. Another child off camera seems upset too, remarking that their bear and Collin's bear play together every morning. Aw. Kate admits she good and darn well meant it when she said she would throw the bear out. That's scary, and a bit of an I told you so, since I'm sure the sheeple said she wasn't serious. In fact, she was. We see a softer side to Mady, gently stroking Collin's head, holding his hand and standing with him as he endures this, as if his priest or counsel. Mady was a compassionate child in tune with other's pain, and Kate's since beat it out of her. Kate says the public often asks her if Collin still has the bear. Yes, she says. This kind of repeated trauma to a child's psyche can have lasting consequences, as we now well know.
I'm hating this episode less than I expected, if only for the psychological aspect. Kate says the reason she was so upset about gum gate is because she is expending so much energy already, she can't have anything else piled onto that. That is a classic symptom of an anger management problem, in that whenever anything goes off script, which life invariably does all the time, the person can't handle it. People with anger management problems only budget for how they think their day will go. They never allow any leeway for outside forces. Hence, when an outside force does happen, they flip out. Anger management therapy can help someone like her learn to accept and cope with life's hiccups in a manner that is not going to damage your children.
Flashback to somebody vomiting. They've shown these kids vomiting so many times I couldn't begin to tell you when this was. Modern Kate attempts to convince us she has compassion, muttering, "oh, honey," sympathetically as she watches the clip. Heh. Modern Kate doesn't seem to have much of any advice for cold and calculating nurse Kate of yesteryear as old Kate methodically and melodramatically cleans up her weak and sickly toddler of all the vomit. Rather modern Kate says the house should have been designed with a sick room to keep everything in one place. Eureka!
A sick room, seriously? How Elizabethan. Well, heck, why not just get a pirate ship, and fly a yellow and black quarantine flag from its pole? You can send the kids off to it whenever they get queasy. It sounds a hell of a lot easier than the hassle of remodeling.
On a positive note, thank God the interns finally fixed the TLCgo player. Now not only does it hold your spot after you pause it, but I recently had to refresh it because I had shut down my computer, and it remembered where I last left off! Sounds like their summer program this year is off to a commanding start!
Aaden was purposely refusing to be potty trained. She knows this because he was laughing, says Kate. No words.
I'm kind of surprised they're so willingly showing clips of people Kate has estranged as it that didn't happen. Awkward! Next we see producer Jen Stocks, who once put Kate in her place about how demanding she was being (and how much Jen had accommodated her), get hit by a dirty diaper. She just didn't like this because she didn't have kids yet, explains Kate. Um, I really don't think having kids has anything to do with whether somebody wants a dirty diaper in their face. Also the way Kate remarks about how Jen has two kids now as if they keep in touch all the time? Bitch, please.
Did we lose the theme here, because I don't hear any advice to old Kate lately. The episode is quickly turning into Kate just getting an opportunity to qualify everything we see.
Flashback to the pudding body painting. Kate explains they must ask the other person if they would like to be painted. If they say yes, they may paint them. If they say no, they may not. The kids seem to understand. Well, I'll give Kate this. At least they understood consent at the ripe old age of four. I still don't hear any advice to old Kate.
Kate's loving talking so much about herself and her pea brain thoughts, I'm pretty embarrassed for her. She's rambling like a wife going over a long honey-do list. And this is pretty much me:
Ah, the New York City episode, which was the height of Kate's hoochie-mama stage. That era is long gone, thank goodness for small favors. Kate has no advice for New York City hoochie-Kate, who is freaking out in a gift shop (over, admittedly, a fair amount of creepy fans who are very rude about boundaries), because well, as usual, hoochie Kate did nothing whatsoever wrong.
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Sally Mann captures her look-alike son |
Oh, TLC, you can show the clip of Kate being rude to awesome Kiwi Brad as much as you darn well please. Carry on. Heh, my favorite part is when Kate pulls the "I'm a paying customer card!" like a brat, and Brad immediately retorts, actually if you were a paying customer, I never would have spent this much time on you. Baw!
They also show the clip where Kate promises to email Brad and apologize.
"I didn't," says modern Kate with a coy smile. Of course she didn't. She's not cute. She's not funny. She's rude, and even when she acknowledges she's rude, she won't make it right. You're not Shirley Temple, and a mischievous grin doesn't do anything for me here. She'll do it now, though. Except, she doesn't even really apologize, and still blames her rudeness all on fear. Fear explains her reluctance to jump off the building. It does not account for how mean she was. Plus, as if Brad is watching. He's probably never even seen his own episode much less any other of the hundreds out there.
Kate's not proud of her yelling, but.....does anyone really care about the but? Didn't think so.
Kate finds it very difficult to deal with the children when they won't own up to things they did or worse yet lie. Number one, it's pretty cotton picking normal for children to not own up to things, even lie. Some experts suggest that lying is a very normal part of childhood; a child is figuring out complex human interactions that sometimes will involve experimenting with mistruths. They even suggest parents need not even waste a moment stressing out over it or even really going out of your way to correct it, as constantly punishing a child can simply make a child lie all the more to avoid it. It would be unusual if a kid always told the truth. Plus, lying can be a good thing and frankly, adults do it all the time and need to learn when it's appropriate to do it and why. Kate couldn't be bothered to understand human interactions on a complex level or why lying can actually be a beneficial social skill.
Number two, and more importantly, her kids don't trust her or have the kind of relationship with her where they feel safe coming to her and unloading some truths on her. In the old days, they were probably just afraid of her wrath, the physical and verbal abuse. Now, they just don't see a need to let her in on anything because they have no respect for her nor any trust. Then and now, there's no substance to her relationship with them that would allow those doors to open. We all know Kate is lazy, but no area is she more lazy than parenting. She hasn't tried to learn anything about the psychology of children, or made any sincere attempts to try to understand why they are the way they are. She clearly doesn't care to know. In her mind, the kids don't do things because they have interesting kid brains that are fun for an adult to try to understand, rather they do things just to spite her. Her parenting style is, at best, antiquated and ineffective, at worst, abusive. Yet even with some minor adjustments here and there, adjustments she refuses to make, she could see a huge change.
It's been a long time since modern Kate gave old Kate advice. I think she enjoyed talking about herself so much she got off track. Talk about totally losing the thread!
She has a lot of nerve to talk about how exhausted she's been her whole life when the woman hasn't worked in years. She's clueless who her audience is.
Most parents would agree most of your life was lived exhausted, explains Kate. No, most parents would not necessarily agree. Get the whole family to bed earlier, get some regular exercise and eat right, and you'll be amazed.
I forgot how very upset Kate was about the stupid DVD player not working on the RV trip. Heaven forbid she'd have to come up with ways to entertain the children herself. She had an iPhone. Google "entertaining kids on road trips" and you'd have plenty of fun solutions that could last out weeks. She's so helpless! They don't show this part of the clip, but I also recall some of the kids saying they had really gotten movied-out after awhile, were so bored with watching TV. Geez. The microwave broke down too, laments Kate. So use the microwave in the other RV or go out to eat. Did it have a little stove? Most big RVs do. Heat up the food on the stove. It's not a big deal.
Kate emphasizes very strongly that the kids want to do another RV trip because the first one had too many things breaking down. Well, I don't believe her. Kids don't notice breakdowns like that. They have the ability to have fun and laugh over little hiccups much easier than adults do. They might even see a breakdown as something positive, as it will often lead them down a path less traveled. And, she makes the kids sound ungrateful. That road trip was a vacation of a lifetime and a broken microwave and DVD player ruined it? Talk about spoiled. You shouldn't be watching TV on vacation anyway, and half the fun of a great vacation is the local food. Shaking my head.
It's interesting watching the dramatics of pizza gate and the RVs breaking down again, because what I'm noticing the most is how upset Kate is when they have every resource available to them in the world to correct the problem without fanfare. The most glaring thing is that really the only thing the RV breakdowns robbed them of is a little time. It was a huge road trip anyway, so a few hours or even half a day really isn't that bad. Think about a normal family having a car breakdown. Maybe repairs are going to bleed them dry. Perhaps they don't have cell service to get help easily. The baby is hot and crying and there is no nanny to take her. Fixing the problem is all on Mom and Dad. There is no nanny, bodyguard, or production crew to help. It could really be disastrous, including financially, and thus, emotionally.
Kate had to wait and that's it. Production handled everything else. What an ungrateful piece of work.
Kate says it is now second nature not to be dramatic, because it wastes energy. I don't agree she has changed that much. But at least she's saying the right things.
Kate says she doesn't understand why it sort of ended up team Kate's RV versus the other RV. She creates divisions herself and insights competition in others, to a point where it's very unhealthy, so I have no clue why this would stump her so bad.
Kate doensn't understand why Jamie would give her an attitude. Because you were completely nasty to her from the beginning, why else? Jamie seemed nice enough to me, chill, and someone I wouldn't mind on vacation, until Kate came along. She is disappointed in her. Sorry, is Jamie twelve?
Jamie was on the trip in order to watch her kids and Kate's. Well, wait, what was Kate's job? What a tool!
A really nice shuttle finally pulls up to the breakdown. Thank you, whichever minion got that, Kate says. I see she was really paying attention to who was saving her butt here. Ungrateful bastard.
Kate hates watching cupcake gate. But she just said in the Game Night episode that the kids had a ball getting no cupcakes, laugh about it to this day. So which is it, it's an uncomfortable sad memory, or hilarious? She needs medication. Kate stands by what she did of course. What does it teach a kid when you let them have a cupcake before good food, she wonders. Um, that there are exceptions on birthdays because birthdays are special? My God, you're not going to ruin kids with one cupcake.
Kate says the weirdest things. She likes seeing my faces, referring to the kids. Heh, all I see myself is Jon's faces! Also, she's growing humans. Growing humans?? They're not a chia pet! Organic humans I would hope.
That creepy clip where the kids have to eat a sandwich then crunchy things then fruit in some sort of bizarre order. Kate stands by that one too of course. What does it teach a kid when you let them eat whatever they want! she asks. Um, can I phone a friend. ..... And my friend says, to grow up and NOT become an anorexic??
A simpler solution would be to not pack dessert at all in lunches. They don't have to have it, they can get dessert after dinner. You don't need two desserts in one day. Plus kids tend to find cookies and cakes and other sugary things at school anyway regardless if you pack it. They'll be fine. That way if they leave their carrots in their lunch you don't feel like they ate a brownie instead of carrots. And that way you're not putting this all on a little kid to feel so controlled and guilt ridden. Again, it's just one little bizarre thing she did to them to mess with their psyche, but these things tend to add up.
Kate sucks at taking care of her beautiful property and always did. It's getting really annoying when Kate keeps saying in a sing-song voice she wants them back! Referring to the children when they were younger. Shut up.
The boys are never around to help. I have no idea what she's talking about. She really is a man eater. And what a tool the off camera producer is to encourage this lie, remarking that the boys never seem to be around when help is needed. That's not flipping true! They were probably out at the chicken coop shoveling poop while you were off filming somewhere, or cleaning toilets or all the other shit Kendra told us they had to do, so STFU!
Out of character for Kate, she praises the cake baker by name, remarking she has never let her down. Well, that is a nice comment and good promotion for Marcia. If she took care to do that a little more often over all these years instead of bellyaching about everyone who has ever made her life so much easier, she would be infinitely more likable.
The kids are more self-sufficient now, Kate says. They've been self-sufficient for like five years. Geez!
Kate never would have believed she'd still be sitting in this interview chair 10 years ago. Bullshit, she has intended to film until they are 18 since day one, and probably beyond 18. The way other shows have transitioned their child reality stars to adulthood by creating series out of marriages and babies, only gives her more inspiration. She won't stop until TLC makes her stop.
Kate thanks viewers and fans of the show. Haha, I guess we are the viewers, and the sheeple are the fans? I truly don't remember Kate ever thanking viewers and fans. Or at least it's been rare. She actually says it took her several years to connect that things would have been very different without the viewers. Um, is she stupid, or just dumb? Your viewers and ratings should be your absolute number one priority when making a show, any show, assuming your goal is to have a successful show and you're not just making a film for your personal use.
The one redeeming thing about this episode, the children didn't have to do any work for it they hadn't already done.
853 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 801 – 853 of 853 Newer› Newest»New clip up on Jamie is there for this episode. Making cupcakes. Yawn.
They had an outdoor coop built for warmer months and apparently there's a second coop in the barn for the winter though I don't recall seeing it.
In the "Treehouse & Chicks" episode, they showed Kate and Ashley in the barn building a door for the coop in the barn. They were getting it ready because they were getting more chicks.
Here's some pictures of it from TLC's webiste:
Here's the description of that episode from IMDB:
"It's summertime and Kate and the kids are working in the yard preparing for their newest addition - baby chicks! Kate discovers her skills as a carpenter as she attempts to build a fence and a swinging barn door while the kids try to lend their helping hands. Meanwhile, construction on a new tree house is underway, complete with a rope swing! And when the work is finally done, the Gosselin clan is rewarded with a barn full of new cuddly chicks and a new home amongst the treetops."
That clip showing the cupcake-making is pretty much devoid of boys, so she's still separating them by boy things/girl things. There are two other random blonde girls in the kitchen---Jamie's kids? I wouldn't know. The girls are asked on the couch if Jamie helps to calm K8 down, to which Alexis responds that Jamie is a "helpful tool" (huh?). All in all, nothing new here, same old K8 dynamic, she yells and her kids yell back. Mady's there briefly, looks like they're attempting to tone her down, she manages not to say anything TOO offensive. And poor Cara, once again, sitting on the couch with absolutely nothing to say.
I can't believe anyone finds this watchable.
People has a clip from tonight's episode. They're making cupcakes for the Halloween party. Jamie and her 2 daughters are there helping.
Just saw the cupcake decorating clip on People TV. Maybe I'm late the patty! There was Jamie, in a BOO shirt. Kate was still trying to direct things and managed to shriek and pull faces... Leah was quite rude to both her and to Jamie. Mady criticized the girls' ( just H and L) efforts. Two blond girls were there as well- no Cara except sitting silently in the couch interview.Not sure if the extra kids were the tups' friends or the twins' pals. Alexis seemed to be doing a different projects with pretzels.A glimpse of a boy but probably NO boys allowed.
This family can suck the fun out of any event. ~ Administrator said... 7
Also, Collin loved getting the chickens the most and thrived caring for them. She's cruel to get rid of them along with him.
With Collin gone, who would take care of them? I think this was actually the right thing for her to do, as you know no one else in that family would have been prepared to step up and do the work necessary to maintain the chickens.
They did build a chicken coop back in 2010, but in later shows the chickens are in the barn. There was one episode where Kate built a mesh door or gate or something for the barn to keep the chickens in. I remember her teasing fans on Twitter about how much her arms hurt and that they'd have to watch the episode to see why. And in the Wife Swap episode they boys definitely took care of the chickens in the barn. Remember the clipboard/checklist they had to fill out every day? She probably sold the chicken coop that TLC bought her.
With Collin gone, who would take care of them? I think this was actually the right thing for her to do, as you know no one else in that family would have been prepared to step up and do the work necessary to maintain the chickens.
Agree that rehoming the chickens was the right thing to do. It also tells me that the grand plan all along was to send Collin away for a very long time.
Like, forever.
Here's a cupcake decorating tip to get everyone involved: use an icing tool or butter knife or spatula. That way, you have one bowl and everyone can dip in and spread icing without the mess of piping bags.
Is there another clip with couch interviews? I didn't see that.
Sad But True
So, according to nick_moy, we are all "little poops", that can do Kate some good as manure? Well, I guess that means her fans are really big poops that she can spread around and fertilize everything in sight. Or maybe they're like the "blow outs" the Busby dad talks about. Well, I'd rather be a little poo than a big one. Less mess and less smell.
KIAT (#13), I don't want to click on the link, but notice the last 2 words: Loud? Mess? From teenagers? Maybe making cupcakes with the Busby toddlers would be loud and messy, but there's no excuse when it's
7 teenagers and their mother's (and her friend's) supervision. And there's certainly no excuse if their mother is acting out for the camera, and continuing to be a miserable role model.
Tucker's Mom said... 16
Is there another clip with couch interviews? I didn't see that.
Yes! I watched it once and they had the twins sitting on the couch and Mady said the tups had poor eye-hand coordination and were bad at baking. Cara was silent. But later the clip was about half as long and did not include some of the footage like that, as well as some kitchen scenes. I didn't realize the blondes were Jamie's daughters! But weird they would shorten the didn't miss much! Oh well, you can tune in tonight, lol
Interesting article about the future of Kate plus 8:
TLC Hopeful for More ‘Kate Plus 8’
"TLC offers up a three-episode run of Kate Plus 8, about Kate Gosselin, her twins and her sextuplets, starting July 10. The network is interested in future limited runs of Kate Plus 8, said Wendy Douglas, vice president of production at TLC, but there’s “nothing formal to announce.”
“There’s always an interest,” said Douglas. “But there’s a lot to take into account.”
That includes the increasingly busy schedules of the Gosselin clan. Kate’s ex-husband Jon, the children’s father, does not appear in the new trio of episodes. But Kate is “part of the TLC family,” said Douglas, “and I hope she continues to be.”
Kate Plus 8 is produced by Figure 8 Films for TLC. The series, originally Jon & Kate Plus 8, was canceled in 2011, but TLC left open the possibility of specials.
The three new episodes include one about Halloween that sees Kate and the kids turn their barn into a haunted house. “It’s probably the most stressed that we see her,” Douglas said.
The second episode involves skiing. “She’s terrified that someone will get injured,” said Douglas.
Episode three sees the sextuplets turn 13. “Viewers have grown up with the sextuplets and the twins,” said Douglas. “They want to see the kids grow up.”
As the kids get older, they clash more with Mom. Douglas mentions the mini season’s “8 against Kate” vibe.
She hopes there will be more Kate Plus 8. “We’ve followed the family for 11 years and we love them,” said Douglas. “We are very invested in this family.”
Flimsy, you are right!
I have been meaning to say that Admin does a great job of choosing the perfect pictures in the recaps. I have laughed at many of them because they were perfect, especially Boo.
That look on Boo's face watching their show or looking dumbstruck at watching her scream and be giddy that a son hasn't been home in 18 months.
She is a horrible mother.
The longer clip is on the TLC website. The shorter one is on the people website -both are horrible. I know she's just a kid but Leah needs to be reigned in. And once again, making something fun (decorating cupcakes) into a screaming mess! SSDD
FlimsyFlamsy said... 20
Gosh, you missed Leah's extremely loud voice whining that her cupcakes actually look nice (twice) and Jamie walking around with a French fry hanging out of her nose. Sure you don't want to click on it?
You could not pay me to watch a full 1/2 hour, or is it an hour (God forbid)? Thirty seconds and I am considering banging my head against the wall.
Watching HLN (Headline News) and there are ads for Outdaughtered on there. TLC must have paid a fortune for those. They are really pulling out all the stops for that show.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 1h1 hour ago
Fired Up 4 Kate Retweeted Fearless Motivation
Monday, July 10th, 10pm EST on TLC #KatePlus8 is BACK! Watch her #LifeOfAMom STILL #GettingItDone!! … @kateplusmy8
Is that K8's new tag-line, #LifeOfAMom? Really scraping the bottom of that old barrel now.
TLC just announced that The Little Couple will be returning this fall.
TLC Network@TLC 44 seconds ago
We heard your pleas, and #TheLittleCouple returns this fall! Get the details here:
They're not the same thing but I don't put it past her to think she can use the names interchangeably.
Heaven forbid! If true, send that woman to social media jail, stat.
Lol. I never suggested such a thing. I just said I don't put it past her to be confused. She's decidedly moved over to instagram and abanonded twitter.
Like it or not, when one relies so much on social media for promotion, it's important to both be clear on it and follow through. She does neither.
I really don't believe tlc is hanging onto Kate out of pity because they are "invested." That's ridiculous. Shows get the boot all the time whether the network is in love or not. They still need to answer to their bottom line, they're a business not a charity. The truth of the matter is they will stick with Kate for as long as it puts them in the green and no longer. Sounds like they're dropping hints the end is near. ~ Administrator said... 23
I really don't believe tlc is hanging onto Kate out of pity because they are "invested." That's ridiculous. Shows get the boot all the time whether the network is in love or not. They still need to answer to their bottom line, they're a business not a charity. The truth of the matter is they will stick with Kate for as long as it puts them in the green and no longer. Sounds like they're dropping hints the end is near.
TLC needs to stop spending money on these patethic last remaining shows.
They need to save the money for the kids settlements and especially ,
I hope they sue their mother, TLC, Figure 8, CEO Ellen whatever, Julie May, Discovery for taking away their childhood away from them. And especially Collin, for being forced to film when he shouldn't of been.
There are basically three groups that are hanging on to Kate--TLC, her few loyal fans and those who disparage her--via twitter and this blog, oh and, of course, People mag.
The various TV entertainment channels haven't been inviting her on and neither have the local radio shows.
As long as she can generate the amount of chatter that she does she'll be around albeit not as often.
Really want Kate gone? Put her out of your minds completely and be like 99.999999% of the planet who never think of her at all. You'll feel better.
Complete silence is deadly.
Bad publicity if better than no publicity.
TLC has just announced The Little Couple will be coming back in September. I guess the lawsuit must have settled. ~ Administrator said... 23
I really don't believe tlc is hanging onto Kate out of pity because they are "invested." That's ridiculous. Shows get the boot all the time whether the network is in love or not. They still need to answer to their bottom line, they're a business not a charity. The truth of the matter is they will stick with Kate for as long as it puts them in the green and no longer. Sounds like they're dropping hints the end is near.
I read your comments and flashed on the scene in Mommie Dearest where Joan has put Christina on a work-scholarship at her private school and let the housekeeper go while she goes out and spends big bucks on clothes and shoes, while wondering if Katie Irene is having to economize yet. Then I remembered the kids have always been an afterthought or had to pay their own way.
I'm afraid Leah has become my least favorite of the tups.I always liked her until the last couple of years. Not that I 'know' her lol. She seems very self-important, not afraid to voice her opinion loudly, and doesn't care whose feelings she hurts. But I wish all the kids the best in the future. They've had a tough road.
Isn't it interesting that TLC is announcing new seasons of its other shows (Outdaughtered was announced way ahead of time, and how The Little Couple has been announced months ahead of time) but it won't even put ads on TV for K+8. It's like they don't even want to admit the show is in its lineup.
Random Thoughts (32)
I really don't think this blog is contributing to the show. I don't think any/many of us watch the show, comment on articles about her, or discuss the Gs anywhere else but this blog. Why would TLC keep a show on the air because of one little blog that contributes nothing to its bottom line? They're not getting viewership, advertising, or media attention because of any of us.
KIAT @22 I can't take what Wendy Douglas said seriously.There's always an interest?Really,these episodes are the same old story line and judging from viewers,no one is really interested,except for the most loyal fans.@Admin,when the show was first cancelled,all i remember was Kate's constantly whining about how the kids REALLY miss filming and the old,"how can i support my kids?"Maybe Kate kept calling them and begged them for a 2nd chance which they gave her.
First thought was that it sounds like a bunch of misdirection, with no real intention or plans to follow up with Kate Plus 8 on any regular basis resembling previous filming frequency.
Second, was no one interested in the Hayes kids? No one cares about where they are and what they're doing?
What about them?
I hope they sue their mother, TLC, Figure 8, CEO Ellen whatever, Julie May, Discovery for taking away their childhood away from them. And especially Collin, for being forced to film when he shouldn't of been.
Good luck with that. They were/are minors. Kate had the authority to sign any and all contracts. Even if they have standing, what evidence would they provide to show that their childhoods were usurped? It would be a long and difficult court battle.
I really don't believe tlc is hanging onto Kate out of pity because they are "invested." That's ridiculous. Shows get the boot all the time whether the network is in love or not. They still need to answer to their bottom line, they're a business not a charity. The truth of the matter is they will stick with Kate for as long as it puts them in the green and no longer. Sounds like they're dropping hints the end is near.
I totally agree. They don't give a rat's rear end about Kate or her feelings or that she's a single parent who needs a steady cash flow. They'll drop her like a hot potato when the suits get together and see that she's no longer marketable.
I can't believe anyone finds this watchable.
If you're in love with Kate, as Milo is, you make a run to the store to stock up on drool bibs and Depends.
The network is interested in future limited runs of Kate Plus 8, said Wendy Douglas, vice president of production at TLC, but there’s “nothing formal to announce.”
“There’s always an interest,” said Douglas. “But there’s a lot to take into account.”
No plans. Kate is a side piece. A booty call.
The "a lot to take into account" might be code for "How do we continue to call this show 'Kate Plus 8' when Collin is gone for over a year with no signs of return."
I mean, yeah, there's Jon, but when has TLC or Kate ever given a rat's ass about Jon and his role as father?
There's the kids' schedules? What schedules? What do the tups do besides go to school and film?
Layla said... 26
Watching HLN (Headline News) and there are ads for Outdaughtered on there. TLC must have paid a fortune for those. They are really pulling out all the stops for that show.
So far today, I have seen ads for Outdaughtered on TNT, USA, and CNN. Over the weekend, I also saw ads on those channels.
TLC is heavily promoting the show, even days before it airs(tomorrow).
I can imagine they'll also give the same ad blitz for when The Little Couple returns. BTW, that show returns on Tuesday, September 19.
Meanwhile, all Kate gets is one or 2 tweets from @TLC, and of course, there's always Milo who is now promoting the show on twitter, although Milo hasn't mentioned the big "live tweet" party tonight.
TLC Network@TLC 44 seconds ago
We heard your pleas, and #TheLittleCouple returns this fall! Get the details here:
That sounds like a real, official season. Looks like the Little Couple is still full steam ahead on the reality tv train.
How sad, thought, their little boy has to say, "We miss you!".
This couple might be far more intelligent than Kate and a tad more palatable, but they are still carnival barkers, just the same.
I don't see anything that indicates that Kate will be on any of the tab shows like Extra, ET or Access Hollywood tonight. According to my cable guide, those shows will be talking about the double DWTS weddings this weekend. Maks and Peta got married, as did Julianne Hough.
Kate who?
Little Couple will have plenty to film - Jen just took a new job in Florida. New job and new home and new adventures in new places.
Beats frosting cupcakes.
Maybe Kate kept calling them and begged them for a 2nd chance which they gave her.
I remember Kate wanting to "hit it out of the park". This is basically bunting and getting a few base hits.
TLC certainly has reduced the Kate Plus 8 budget. It looks like 2 episodes filmed on the compound/set, and a trip to Vermont where they actually had to drive to get there.
Oh, and apparently, Coleman was hoodwinked into gifting Kate a bunch of camping stuff and a go kart.
“There’s always an interest,” said Douglas. “But there’s a lot to take into account.”
Code for:
1. Will Colin ever return home?
2. Will another tup be banished?
3. Will Kate self-implode?
I'll probably have it on the background tonight, mostly watching to see how TLC does or does not edit Kate's outbursts.
TLC put up another promo on the K8 FB page and it's gotten all of 23 comments in 4 hours. They can talk all they want about how much they've "invested" in this family, but ultimately the numbers will make or break it. The fact that they have virtually ceased investing in its promotion speaks volumes.
Try as they might, I think the loss of Collin undermines the whole premise of the show. And it also calls into question whether filming is in any way to blame for his departure. Or, even more deadly, if his MOTHER is to blame for his issues. If he doesn't come back, all future episodes of this family will be plagued by these questions, Kate's bullshit explanations notwithstanding.
One of Eight said... 46
Little Couple will have plenty to film - Jen just took a new job in Florida. New job and new home and new adventures in new places.
Beats frosting cupcakes.
Jen et al are far more dynamic than Kate. Well, that applies to most people!
They're still raising their kids on reality tv and selling their lives for money.
At its most basic, it's the same thing Jon and Kate and now the Busby's are doing.
Well, I think Collin is not coming back. I also fear Alexis is being isolated within the home so what is next? Jon obviously does not see Alexis so is he worried he may 'lose' another child? Jon is not on the twins' radar or so we are to believe. But we can see how Alexis is shunned. Idk what to think.
Just Googling around for Kate Gosselin and Kate PLus 8 yields few results. Little blurbs and a small smattering of comments that range from negative to scathing.
It has not gone unnoticed that Collin is still gone.
BTW, Maria Menoudos is on the cover of People this week.
Was it really a year ago that Kate and her 7 were plastered on the cover, all in white, all smiles?
Has it been a year since Collin was reportedly chugging along?
Admin, can a film crew member be called in to testify for the G kids by subpoena, even if that person has signed iron-clad non-disclosures?
They're still raising their kids on reality tv and selling their lives for money.
At its most basic, it's the same thing Jon and Kate and now the Busby's are doing.
Couldn't agree more.
That Wendy Douglas interview was interesting. Hey, Wendy, there is no "8 against Kate" vibe because there are only SEVEN kids. And how can a grown woman make this comment about another grown woman on her payroll, regarding planning a stupid Halloween event: “It’s probably the most stressed that we see her." That is a pathetic observation to have to make about an employee. All that "we love them" stuff sounds pretty hollow to me. Especially now that we know the Little Couple is coming back, and taking more potential air time away from TFW. Poor little sidepiece.
That article is ridiculous. "The three new episodes include one about Halloween that sees Kate and the kids turn their barn into a haunted house. “It’s probably the most stressed that we see her,” Douglas said."
"The second episode involves skiing. “She’s terrified that someone will get injured,” said Douglas."
Throwing a party is the most stressful thing she's done??
Why can't the kids enjoy skiing without her ruining it? She's terrified one will get hurt. For goodness sakes, let the kids have fun for once.
Admin, can a film crew member be called in to testify for the G kids by subpoena, even if that person has signed iron-clad non-disclosures?
I wasn't aware that there is something like an iron-clad non-disclosure. There's always a way around them.
If you're talking about Kate taking and spending their money that is supposed to go to them, then I would think that they'd have a case. However, just to sue them for taking away their childhoods, I think that would be difficult to prove, no matter who testified.
Why can't the kids enjoy skiing without her ruining it? She's terrified one will get hurt. For goodness sakes, let the kids have fun for once.
So, Kate ruins 2/3 episodes with her antics, hysterics and mugging for the camera.
Tucker's Mom (#59), I'm willing to bet TFW manages to ruin 3 out of 3.
I'm sure it will be 3/3 she ruins! I mean who can scream while making cupcakes, she of cookbook authoress fame?
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