Coming up, another low budget bottle episode full of old clips, in which Kate claims the older, wiser Kate is finally in a position to give advice to the younger, dumber Kate. It's kind of like the plot of Terminator 2 and Back to the Future, mixed in with a whole lot of idiocy, like, say, Zoolander.
Eh, Michael J. Fox did this whole go back in time thing so much cuter.
I guess what I have to say about the whole premise of this episode is that I really don't see the evidence Kate has changed all that much since the start of this series. I think she lets her kids walk all over her a bit more rather than ordering them about, but that's just because it's easier to order around a toddler when if they don't comply you can just yank their arm into submission. Not so easy with a teen. But, there's still pretty much the same level of yelling and screaming going on all the time, as far as I can tell. Kids still seem frequently unhappy, and often cast aside. She still plays favorites--if anything that's even worse. Her justice is unfair and nonsensical. She's still extremely disconnected from people, certainly her fans, and at times her own children. Her level of apparent disconnect from Collin's ongoing separation from the family is disturbing.
She's still very rude to people just there to help. She's still not really game to try new things. I guess I don't think she gets quite as angry all the time, but she still gets there enough where I can't say that issue has been resolved.
This is the thing, her mental illness is not going to change, or is unlikely to. It's not like Kate has to "learn" to be a better person. Her mental illness prevents her from doing so. She would need intensive therapy, possibly even medication, to change, and even then there's no guarantees. The big question missing from this whole episode, if you accept Kate's assertion she has changed (which, I don't, obviously), is why did Kate "change." What prompted it? People don't just change for no reason.
Anyhoo, this episode could of been a hell of a lot more interesting if they got into the why's and how's. Because the armchair psychologist in me sure wants to know how a 30 year old woman who is a liar, nasty, disconnected, angry, rude, unfair, and nonsensical, suddenly becomes not any of that by 40.
I forgot when this episode aired, but it feels like a redemption tour, trying to rebrand the new Kate. Who did she molest?! Well anyhow, I don't think it much worked. Ratings have been consistently pathetic for the past couple seasons.
First up, gum gate. The only redeeming value of this clip is that we get to talk all about Aunt Jodi! Woot! Of course today's Kate makes no mention of feeling regret about all the nasty things she said about Aunt Jodi, including "whatever possessed her." It was a golden opportunity to extend the tiniest bit of olive branch to Aunt Jodi and redeem the incident, and she blew it. It's hard to watch Collin so heartbroken over her threats to throw out his bear. Another child off camera seems upset too, remarking that their bear and Collin's bear play together every morning. Aw. Kate admits she good and darn well meant it when she said she would throw the bear out. That's scary, and a bit of an I told you so, since I'm sure the sheeple said she wasn't serious. In fact, she was. We see a softer side to Mady, gently stroking Collin's head, holding his hand and standing with him as he endures this, as if his priest or counsel. Mady was a compassionate child in tune with other's pain, and Kate's since beat it out of her. Kate says the public often asks her if Collin still has the bear. Yes, she says. This kind of repeated trauma to a child's psyche can have lasting consequences, as we now well know.
I'm hating this episode less than I expected, if only for the psychological aspect. Kate says the reason she was so upset about gum gate is because she is expending so much energy already, she can't have anything else piled onto that. That is a classic symptom of an anger management problem, in that whenever anything goes off script, which life invariably does all the time, the person can't handle it. People with anger management problems only budget for how they think their day will go. They never allow any leeway for outside forces. Hence, when an outside force does happen, they flip out. Anger management therapy can help someone like her learn to accept and cope with life's hiccups in a manner that is not going to damage your children.
Flashback to somebody vomiting. They've shown these kids vomiting so many times I couldn't begin to tell you when this was. Modern Kate attempts to convince us she has compassion, muttering, "oh, honey," sympathetically as she watches the clip. Heh. Modern Kate doesn't seem to have much of any advice for cold and calculating nurse Kate of yesteryear as old Kate methodically and melodramatically cleans up her weak and sickly toddler of all the vomit. Rather modern Kate says the house should have been designed with a sick room to keep everything in one place. Eureka!
A sick room, seriously? How Elizabethan. Well, heck, why not just get a pirate ship, and fly a yellow and black quarantine flag from its pole? You can send the kids off to it whenever they get queasy. It sounds a hell of a lot easier than the hassle of remodeling.
On a positive note, thank God the interns finally fixed the TLCgo player. Now not only does it hold your spot after you pause it, but I recently had to refresh it because I had shut down my computer, and it remembered where I last left off! Sounds like their summer program this year is off to a commanding start!
Aaden was purposely refusing to be potty trained. She knows this because he was laughing, says Kate. No words.
I'm kind of surprised they're so willingly showing clips of people Kate has estranged as it that didn't happen. Awkward! Next we see producer Jen Stocks, who once put Kate in her place about how demanding she was being (and how much Jen had accommodated her), get hit by a dirty diaper. She just didn't like this because she didn't have kids yet, explains Kate. Um, I really don't think having kids has anything to do with whether somebody wants a dirty diaper in their face. Also the way Kate remarks about how Jen has two kids now as if they keep in touch all the time? Bitch, please.
Did we lose the theme here, because I don't hear any advice to old Kate lately. The episode is quickly turning into Kate just getting an opportunity to qualify everything we see.
Flashback to the pudding body painting. Kate explains they must ask the other person if they would like to be painted. If they say yes, they may paint them. If they say no, they may not. The kids seem to understand. Well, I'll give Kate this. At least they understood consent at the ripe old age of four. I still don't hear any advice to old Kate.
Kate's loving talking so much about herself and her pea brain thoughts, I'm pretty embarrassed for her. She's rambling like a wife going over a long honey-do list. And this is pretty much me:
Ah, the New York City episode, which was the height of Kate's hoochie-mama stage. That era is long gone, thank goodness for small favors. Kate has no advice for New York City hoochie-Kate, who is freaking out in a gift shop (over, admittedly, a fair amount of creepy fans who are very rude about boundaries), because well, as usual, hoochie Kate did nothing whatsoever wrong.
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Sally Mann captures her look-alike son |
Oh, TLC, you can show the clip of Kate being rude to awesome Kiwi Brad as much as you darn well please. Carry on. Heh, my favorite part is when Kate pulls the "I'm a paying customer card!" like a brat, and Brad immediately retorts, actually if you were a paying customer, I never would have spent this much time on you. Baw!
They also show the clip where Kate promises to email Brad and apologize.
"I didn't," says modern Kate with a coy smile. Of course she didn't. She's not cute. She's not funny. She's rude, and even when she acknowledges she's rude, she won't make it right. You're not Shirley Temple, and a mischievous grin doesn't do anything for me here. She'll do it now, though. Except, she doesn't even really apologize, and still blames her rudeness all on fear. Fear explains her reluctance to jump off the building. It does not account for how mean she was. Plus, as if Brad is watching. He's probably never even seen his own episode much less any other of the hundreds out there.
Kate's not proud of her yelling, but.....does anyone really care about the but? Didn't think so.
Kate finds it very difficult to deal with the children when they won't own up to things they did or worse yet lie. Number one, it's pretty cotton picking normal for children to not own up to things, even lie. Some experts suggest that lying is a very normal part of childhood; a child is figuring out complex human interactions that sometimes will involve experimenting with mistruths. They even suggest parents need not even waste a moment stressing out over it or even really going out of your way to correct it, as constantly punishing a child can simply make a child lie all the more to avoid it. It would be unusual if a kid always told the truth. Plus, lying can be a good thing and frankly, adults do it all the time and need to learn when it's appropriate to do it and why. Kate couldn't be bothered to understand human interactions on a complex level or why lying can actually be a beneficial social skill.
Number two, and more importantly, her kids don't trust her or have the kind of relationship with her where they feel safe coming to her and unloading some truths on her. In the old days, they were probably just afraid of her wrath, the physical and verbal abuse. Now, they just don't see a need to let her in on anything because they have no respect for her nor any trust. Then and now, there's no substance to her relationship with them that would allow those doors to open. We all know Kate is lazy, but no area is she more lazy than parenting. She hasn't tried to learn anything about the psychology of children, or made any sincere attempts to try to understand why they are the way they are. She clearly doesn't care to know. In her mind, the kids don't do things because they have interesting kid brains that are fun for an adult to try to understand, rather they do things just to spite her. Her parenting style is, at best, antiquated and ineffective, at worst, abusive. Yet even with some minor adjustments here and there, adjustments she refuses to make, she could see a huge change.
It's been a long time since modern Kate gave old Kate advice. I think she enjoyed talking about herself so much she got off track. Talk about totally losing the thread!
She has a lot of nerve to talk about how exhausted she's been her whole life when the woman hasn't worked in years. She's clueless who her audience is.
Most parents would agree most of your life was lived exhausted, explains Kate. No, most parents would not necessarily agree. Get the whole family to bed earlier, get some regular exercise and eat right, and you'll be amazed.
I forgot how very upset Kate was about the stupid DVD player not working on the RV trip. Heaven forbid she'd have to come up with ways to entertain the children herself. She had an iPhone. Google "entertaining kids on road trips" and you'd have plenty of fun solutions that could last out weeks. She's so helpless! They don't show this part of the clip, but I also recall some of the kids saying they had really gotten movied-out after awhile, were so bored with watching TV. Geez. The microwave broke down too, laments Kate. So use the microwave in the other RV or go out to eat. Did it have a little stove? Most big RVs do. Heat up the food on the stove. It's not a big deal.
Kate emphasizes very strongly that the kids want to do another RV trip because the first one had too many things breaking down. Well, I don't believe her. Kids don't notice breakdowns like that. They have the ability to have fun and laugh over little hiccups much easier than adults do. They might even see a breakdown as something positive, as it will often lead them down a path less traveled. And, she makes the kids sound ungrateful. That road trip was a vacation of a lifetime and a broken microwave and DVD player ruined it? Talk about spoiled. You shouldn't be watching TV on vacation anyway, and half the fun of a great vacation is the local food. Shaking my head.
It's interesting watching the dramatics of pizza gate and the RVs breaking down again, because what I'm noticing the most is how upset Kate is when they have every resource available to them in the world to correct the problem without fanfare. The most glaring thing is that really the only thing the RV breakdowns robbed them of is a little time. It was a huge road trip anyway, so a few hours or even half a day really isn't that bad. Think about a normal family having a car breakdown. Maybe repairs are going to bleed them dry. Perhaps they don't have cell service to get help easily. The baby is hot and crying and there is no nanny to take her. Fixing the problem is all on Mom and Dad. There is no nanny, bodyguard, or production crew to help. It could really be disastrous, including financially, and thus, emotionally.
Kate had to wait and that's it. Production handled everything else. What an ungrateful piece of work.
Kate says it is now second nature not to be dramatic, because it wastes energy. I don't agree she has changed that much. But at least she's saying the right things.
Kate says she doesn't understand why it sort of ended up team Kate's RV versus the other RV. She creates divisions herself and insights competition in others, to a point where it's very unhealthy, so I have no clue why this would stump her so bad.
Kate doensn't understand why Jamie would give her an attitude. Because you were completely nasty to her from the beginning, why else? Jamie seemed nice enough to me, chill, and someone I wouldn't mind on vacation, until Kate came along. She is disappointed in her. Sorry, is Jamie twelve?
Jamie was on the trip in order to watch her kids and Kate's. Well, wait, what was Kate's job? What a tool!
A really nice shuttle finally pulls up to the breakdown. Thank you, whichever minion got that, Kate says. I see she was really paying attention to who was saving her butt here. Ungrateful bastard.
Kate hates watching cupcake gate. But she just said in the Game Night episode that the kids had a ball getting no cupcakes, laugh about it to this day. So which is it, it's an uncomfortable sad memory, or hilarious? She needs medication. Kate stands by what she did of course. What does it teach a kid when you let them have a cupcake before good food, she wonders. Um, that there are exceptions on birthdays because birthdays are special? My God, you're not going to ruin kids with one cupcake.
Kate says the weirdest things. She likes seeing my faces, referring to the kids. Heh, all I see myself is Jon's faces! Also, she's growing humans. Growing humans?? They're not a chia pet! Organic humans I would hope.
That creepy clip where the kids have to eat a sandwich then crunchy things then fruit in some sort of bizarre order. Kate stands by that one too of course. What does it teach a kid when you let them eat whatever they want! she asks. Um, can I phone a friend. ..... And my friend says, to grow up and NOT become an anorexic??
A simpler solution would be to not pack dessert at all in lunches. They don't have to have it, they can get dessert after dinner. You don't need two desserts in one day. Plus kids tend to find cookies and cakes and other sugary things at school anyway regardless if you pack it. They'll be fine. That way if they leave their carrots in their lunch you don't feel like they ate a brownie instead of carrots. And that way you're not putting this all on a little kid to feel so controlled and guilt ridden. Again, it's just one little bizarre thing she did to them to mess with their psyche, but these things tend to add up.
Kate sucks at taking care of her beautiful property and always did. It's getting really annoying when Kate keeps saying in a sing-song voice she wants them back! Referring to the children when they were younger. Shut up.
The boys are never around to help. I have no idea what she's talking about. She really is a man eater. And what a tool the off camera producer is to encourage this lie, remarking that the boys never seem to be around when help is needed. That's not flipping true! They were probably out at the chicken coop shoveling poop while you were off filming somewhere, or cleaning toilets or all the other shit Kendra told us they had to do, so STFU!
Out of character for Kate, she praises the cake baker by name, remarking she has never let her down. Well, that is a nice comment and good promotion for Marcia. If she took care to do that a little more often over all these years instead of bellyaching about everyone who has ever made her life so much easier, she would be infinitely more likable.
The kids are more self-sufficient now, Kate says. They've been self-sufficient for like five years. Geez!
Kate never would have believed she'd still be sitting in this interview chair 10 years ago. Bullshit, she has intended to film until they are 18 since day one, and probably beyond 18. The way other shows have transitioned their child reality stars to adulthood by creating series out of marriages and babies, only gives her more inspiration. She won't stop until TLC makes her stop.
Kate thanks viewers and fans of the show. Haha, I guess we are the viewers, and the sheeple are the fans? I truly don't remember Kate ever thanking viewers and fans. Or at least it's been rare. She actually says it took her several years to connect that things would have been very different without the viewers. Um, is she stupid, or just dumb? Your viewers and ratings should be your absolute number one priority when making a show, any show, assuming your goal is to have a successful show and you're not just making a film for your personal use.
The one redeeming thing about this episode, the children didn't have to do any work for it they hadn't already done.
853 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 853 Newer› Newest»It's not a tie breaking scenario. I have a feeling that the next trial will go exactly the same way, unless the prosecutor can put something together in the form of evidence, rather than Cosby's word against her word.
They need to track down each and every juror and interview them extensively and find out what went wrong. They can learn a wealth of information from these interviews. It's all legal to speak to them afterward. Then, start from scratch preparing this trial.
A bonus recap -- yahoo! Thanks, Admin!
Where do I begin with the nonsense TFW was peddling? Of course she held firm about Cupcake gate. Okay, TFW, yes, it's incredibly dangerous to allow kids to eat sweets instead of their real food. Except when TLC is filming an "Ice Cream For Dinner" episode, in which case of course it's perfectly acceptable. Come to think of it, that ice cream episode could've been filmed in the afternoon, or even morning. Because realest reality.
So TFW said lying disturbs her, and lightning didn't strike her? And she forgot that lying wasn't so godawful when it was one of her pets doing it, like in Globe gate. After accusing J because he "looked guilty," TFW hugged the girl who finally admitted to the crime, and never let J officially off the hook.
Nor did she inform the other 6 children who actually did it.
Overtly arrogant in collaborating with the district attorney.”
If the judge were "collaborating" with the prosecutor you would think he would have at least been able to collaborate on a guilty verdict!
What a nutjob.
Thanks for the recap. Kate's narcissism really shines through on "seeing my faces". The show would be more entertaining if there was someone there to refute her, but Queen Kate can't have that.
From last thread:
Somewhere In Time said... 167
MsGoody2Shoes21_ @MsGoody2Shoes33 4h4 hours ago
Replying to @jmcn36 @Kateplusmy8
Maybe there are three episodes because it's going to be a 3 part summer special. ☺
I'm not of the loop. Are these shows on the summer schedule?
There is no summer schedule, just three unrelated episodes airing in July. Halloween, skiing, and tups' b'day. Three previously used (and overused) scenarios. Goody's just blowing smoke---if this IS billed as a "3-part special," someone at TLC needs their head examined. They've already mangled the meaning of "seasons" beyond recognition.
After accusing J because he "looked guilty," TFW hugged the girl who finally admitted to the crime, and never let J officially off the hook.
Nor did she inform the other 6 children who actually did it.
That was one of her most disturbing parenting moments ever.
The prodigal daughter who caused all kinds of grief was given all kinds of praise and the good son who followed all the rules was made to feel like scum.
I never did like that parable.
And, SHE lied, by not telling everyone who had been through the event what the true end result was.
I guess she stopped blogging all together. It was shiny for awhile then lost its luster.
ncgirl (#5), you're right --they are her property.
For someone so allegedly tender hearted about "her" faces, she seems pretty effing cheerful that one of those faces has been gone from her home. But it's all good, because she KNOWS she did the right thing.
"Kate never would have believed she'd still be sitting in this interview chair 10 years ago."
She conveniently forgets the 2.5 years she was CANCELLED.
Nice recap, Admin, thanks. Wasn't this episode the very first one they showed when her "season" began last November?
Kate stands by what she did of course. What does it teach a kid when you let them have a cupcake before good food, she wonders.
That sometimes you get to be a mischievous little kid. That a few times a year, on special events, rules are less important and you can just have a bit of fun and not finish your dinner. That on your birthday, not all rules go out the window but you might get a bit of extra freedom.
What Kate's kids probably learned that day:
-you are a boy so you won't get a cupcake even though your sister, the girl, had to be spoon fed 3 bites of food to get her cupcake
-you are a boy so you will sit there, still strapped in your high chair and be forced to watch your sisters eat the desert you were denied
-you are a boy so your hurt feelings don't matter
-you are a boy so the rules will always be different for you than for your sisters, the girls
-you are a BOY. Enough said.
They spend the entire day filming, doing God knows how many takes, they had been filming incessantly for months(Cupcake gate was somewhere in early S4, so, after the huge S3), whenever they hadn't been filming mommy (and sometimes daddy) had been away "on business"(read: begging the churches for money, promoting books not written by Kate etc) but they couldn't have a freaking cupcake.
From what I gather of the Easter egg clip, since I don't remember much when I first saw the episode, is that Collin hustled, busted butt, and collected far more eggs than everyone else, and the other kids didn't like it (TOO BAD). This wasn't "fair" and Kate had to put caps on their egg count in future hunts.
What I remember about that episode is that Hannah went to whine about Collin to Kate and Kate actually took one of Collin's baskets and dumped a lot of the eggs on the ground and said "I took care of it". Jeez, now that I think about it, I can't imagine why Collin would have issues. It's not like his mother couldn't even let him win(FAIRLY) a freaking easter egg hunt. Jessus Christ.
I would like to watch all episodes from the very first one at some point, paying special attention just to Collin. Like I said, I feel like there's a lot of stuff we missed because we didn't know to look that way.
I have definitely been watching some old clips with a new perspective on Collin. I found the Easter egg recap, what's even more messed up is she told the kids before the game started that they would all just get what they found, even if it's not even. I guess that rule went out the window when it was a boy who was winning. here is what I said:
Kate takes the kids to the basement for the Easter egg hunt rules. This is actually a good idea to just make sure everyone is clear. I’ve seen more than my fair share of Easter egg hunts end up in squabbles and tears. Kate has good rules here. It’s not who sees it first, it’s who touches it first, and no fighting. I agree. And we’re not dividing eggs up, you get what you get even if it’s not perfectly even. I agree with that, too, with eight kids you would spend your entire life dividing things up if everything were required to be “even,” nor does that teach kids anything about how the real world works. Kate’s way too busy twitter-twattering to have time for that nonsense anyway.
“Can we just go out now?!” Hannah demands. I hate to say “kids today!” but I would never dream of talking to an adult like that when I was that age. And I saw what happened when other kids did! This child is getting awfully big for her britches. But that said, how can I possibly blame her for this when she’s around Kate all the time? You really can’t.
Kate cannot help herself, she has to say again that the puzzle pieces in the eggs was an idea she came up with. I don’t believe that for a second, who is she kidding? The kids wreck havoc on the lawn. Collin has collected way more eggs than anyone else. Well, that’s because he was running really fast looking everywhere and busting butt. It appears to me that Kate is taking one of Collin’s baskets and throwing some of his eggs back onto the lawn. Especially since Hannah was complaining about Collin getting so many eggs, and Kate’s response was “trust me, I fixed the problem.” W…T….F. So after that huge lecture about how you get what you get, now she’s dumping one child’s eggs back onto the playing field? Silly me being all impressed with Kate’s rules, here she is breaking them. You know, with 700 eggs, even if Collin gets a lot, the other kids will still get plenty. I don’t think it teaches kids a darn thing to coddle the ones who aren’t working as hard as he is, and to punish Collin for busting butt. But then again, Kate doesn’t value hard work and busting butt. You only had to tune into Dancing With the Stars a few episodes to realize she values crying and whining your way to the top instead.
Aw, Collin. He helps Joel get an egg from a high tree by shaking it down with a stick. He’s such a sweet little guy. Hannah is still griping that Collin cheated. Um, no, he didn’t cheat, he worked hard. And he was even helping other people get eggs on the side! But I’m not surprised that the kids have learned that anyone who claws their way to the top by just working hard must have somehow cheated.
. Collin is so sweet, he goes on and on about how he loves to draw and was so happy with his drawing set. I’m sure he does, but he is also the type of kid who is always going to say he just loves whatever anyone he loves gives him, because that’s just how he is. Sweet little guy.'m
RoxyHelen (#10), I would add, you are a boy, so I'm sure you'll forget all about it by tomorrow, so it doesn't really matter how badly I treat you. Maybe she's got another book in her: "Dirt, Ickiness and Smells: What Little Boys Are Made Of."
One of the worst parts of that episode was that the kids had helped decorate those cupcakes (while TFW almost passed out worrying about getting their clothes dirty). That made finally getting to eat them even more significant. So it was extra sad when poor A asked incredulously, "I don't get my cupcake?" Worse yet, I believe TFW got some pleasure out of depriving the boys. Control seems to be deeply satisfying to her.
When they go on the ski trip, will all of them yet again get new luggage? I can just hear Kate and maybe Mady squealing and screaming on the ski lifts because they are supposedly afraid of heights. And then we can see the two of them flopping around on the ground, since neither is into sports of any kind that we have ever seen in the past. Great TV watching.
I'm not sure about Mady. She was sweet to Collin in gumgate but there was plenty of footage of her bullying the tups and physically pushing and hitting them.She always seemed to be in a bad mood. I think over time the 'mean' side overtook the compassionate traits she displayed. I am not bashing her- she was suddenly the big sister of 6 time-consuming infants when she had lived life as a princess and a ' special twin' in a parade, and then the cameras came along. With Kate as a mother she really did not have much chance to have her better qualities blossom. Some of the comments made about the tups over the years were really unkind. Who knows who the 'real' Mady is. Is she a mini-Kate or a confused teenager damaged by the life she had forced upon her? Probably some of both.
Winsomeone said... 13
I read something about the ski trip (I didn't see any of it in the trailer I watched) that said Kate largely hovered on the sidelines and that someone does get injured. I won't be watching, but I imagine your prediction is largely correct. Since K8 doesn't ski, though, I don't believe anyone in their right mind would allow her to get on any lift besides a T-bar or one that keeps a beginner firmly on the ground. Screaming will surely be the order of the day, one way or another. And as we know, Kate doesn't need a lift for that, LOL.
FlimsyFlamsy #13
You're right, in fact I may have been wrong about the :"you're a boy so your feelings don't matter". Scratch that. I should have said "you're a boy so you have no feelings". Much more accurate.
Kates house is not a meritocracy unless of course she's competing with the kids then her strengths are her advantage and everyone else can suck it.
I seem to remember a certain couch sermon that Kate dispensed to her detractors all about how she would never be like one of those parents who gives her kids and advantage simply because she's bigger and stronger. But when it comes to her kids having an advantage over one another, especially if it's a boy over girl, the girl gets to win because of course boys are icky.
Either you win on the merits of your strengths or you don't. It's incredible that Kate would make her self the exception, isn't it?
It's a sequestered jury. Where do they go to get out of their misery?
I mean the judge will put them out of their misery by "calling it" i.e. declaring a mistrial. That decision is up to the judge. I called it myself, he made them go all day Friday then called it.
Oh, good times reading this! A big shout out to Kiwi Brad who truly needed a good, stiff drink after Kate the Banshee befouled his bungee deck!
Flimsy #13 -- "Control seems to be deeply satisfying to her."
Yes. I have always thought that she makes rules and breaks rules just to show that she is in absolute control.
I recognized that pattern early on -- shuddering from my own youthful memories.
Living with an adult who twists and turns the perimeters of your life is confusing. Somedays are filled with unabashed freedom and other days are rigid with rules. But, always-always the adult in toxic control chooses the flavor of the day.
Some of my siblings just gave up trying and became quiet. Some fought the unfairness and incurred the consequences. We all took longer to mature than our peers.
Hopefully, her children will create their own lives and find balance. The Gosselin kids are allowed to be disrespectful and I don't know how that behavior will influence their future.( My siblings and I didn't have the option of sassing.) Maybe speaking rudely is their form of venting. If it works in the home, it most likely will not work in the real world.
Yes. I have always thought that she makes rules and breaks rules just to show that she is in absolute control.
Brilliantly distilled down to a chilling sentence.
It's so clear that the fans do not really pay attention to much besides what Kate says in her couch gaslighting interludes. And it's particularly annoying when certain things have been well publicized. From all Jon has said, we know that he was NOT consulted prior to Collin leaving home and is not clear on what the child's "fluid diagnosis" consists of.
gmoney19511950 SAD to be celebrating another birthday WITHOUT Collin. And we miss and love him very much.
elainehott@gmoney19511950 His parents have been extremely protective of Collins privacy. We don't know if there are private celebrations that include him but not the camera and crew. We don't know if there are private activities that he is a part of and are not filmed. We don't know if he is isolated from his siblings or if he is living with his father or at a special needs. We don't know what his special needs are only that his parents are doing what they feel is best for their son. This decision could have been made with Collins input. We shouldn't judge his parents harsh.
She also makes and breaks rules because she enjoys toying around with people and getting them upset. It's pleasurable to her which just proves her personality disorder.
Admin (#24), to put it in a decidedly less delicate way, it's the mindf**k TFW enjoys.
Dmasy (#21), I think one of the most revealing statements TFW ever made was,"I'm in charge, and that's never gonna change." It all begins and ends with control for her.
But notice that control fell by the wayside when work was involved. Case in point: letting the kids work out their squabbles alone when they were tiny, because she couldn't be bothered to discipline them properly. She left the tups down in the basement for many of their waking hours, seemingly without directed activities or supervised play. She wanted them put of her hair, and the details didn't interest her. But once they were back in her line of vision, their every move was scrutinized.
@Sad but true (23) Wait?Are the fans seriously this dumb?Because they believe that in this photo(which is an old photo)Collin is home because hes in it.i don't see Kate correcting her fans by saying its an old photo.Unless her fans are to stupid to realize its an old photo then lets say its recent,so collin wanted to be in this one but refused to be in the recent one?
That photo is minimum two years old maybe even 3 but fans like juries are stupid.
I've posted here before about an organization called Pablove, which support children with cancer and their families. It was founded by a family that lost their 7-year-old son named Pablo.
Pablo dad just sent a heartbreaking Father's Day message to their supporters, and I couldn't help remembering how TFW bragged about finally getting a "real" present:
"This is my 8th Father's Day without is, once again, a day I will float through space..this day leaves me wondering where I fit in. It also leaves me wishing I had a kid delivering lumpy pancakes to me in bed, with a handmade Father's Day card. Something I've always dreamed of."
I wish Jon a Happy Father's Day and hope at least some of the children get to spend some time with him.
bm ~ Administrator said... 28
That photo is minimum two years old maybe even 3 but fans like juries are stupid.
More like TEN years old, it's the toddler collage she posted on their actual b'day!
She regrets not documenting the kids enough when they were little. Hmmm...I would agree wholeheartedly with that statement. If she could go back and have things her way, they kids would be "documented" (documented=filmed)every day. 52 episodes per year (plus specials!) every year from the moment she found out she was pregnant with sextuplets. I'm sure she still bitterly resents the 2 1/2 years when the show was cancelled and she was forced to live without her beloved cameras documenting her...errr, I mean the kids'...every move and every word.
Layla (#33), to use TFW's own words, I think it would be more NORMAL, LOGICAL and EMPATHETIC to wish not that you had documented more time with your kids, but that you had actually SPENT more time with your kids!
Layla said #33
That is so true. Your post reminded me that TLC and Jon and Kate put cameras in the children's rooms so they'd have footage in case something "interesting" happened. The tups must have been around 3-4 when that happened, too bad I don't remember exactly the episode.
RoxyHelen (#35), yup, they were 8 little lab rats.
Talk about a violation of privacy. We're not talking about a nanny cam, or a monitoring system to keep a caring eye on pets while you're away. This was a TV network setting up equipment in children's rooms for the sole purpose of getting footage to air to the world. And if you think of it that way, those kids weren't only working when the director was around -- they were being filmed 24/7.
Wait?Are the fans seriously this dumb?Because they believe that in this photo(which is an old photo)Collin is home because hes in it.i don't see Kate correcting her fans by saying its an old photo.
Who knows what they believe, and if that's what they choose to think, then let them labor under that delusion. You can't reason with a sheeple.
Did anyone hear about that "Wife Swap" murder? There was a musical family, the Stockdales, who'd appeared on the show in 2008. And on Thursday, one of the sons killed his mother and younger brother,then turned the gun on himself, but he survived.
"His parents have been extremely protective of Collins privacy."
Why are people concerned about Colin's privacy and not the other children's? Just because they don't have any issues supposedly they don't need privacy?
Who knows what they believe, and if that's what they choose to think, then let them labor under that delusion. You can't reason with a sheeple.
I guess they still believe that Kate's cups runneth over because she found a really good (invisible) bra.
@Tizzie (116) Like i said before,I don't remember Kate ever mentioning if Collin will be returning on the show or anything like that.If she said that he wouldn't be on the show anymore then neither us or fans would be questioning his where abouts.T
I don't agree. I don't care if she said anything about his return to filming. It has nothing to do with our concerns about Collin and we still question his departure from his family, filming or no filming.
I agree. Filming or not I have deep concern for Collin. I take it there's an implication we're only concerned because we want him back on the show. On the contrary I hope he never appears on the show again. But, I've hoped that for all the kids for years.
I agree. Filming or not I have deep concern for Collin. I take it there's an implication we're only concerned because we want him back on the show. On the contrary I hope he never appears on the show again. But, I've hoped that for all the kids for years.
So have I. From the beginning when they were babies (how precious they were) and their Mother verbally and physically abusing them to the picture of some of the kids sitting out in the back yard with the tired, sad, defeated expressions on their faces.
Abused as babies, children, father kicked out, their own brother gone for 18 months now, minuscule activities away from filming, tv studio as their home, cameras shoved in their faces at birth.
The picture of the kids in the backyard says it all.
@Admin The point i was trying to make was that IF Kate said anything about him being on the show anymore.I don't want him or any of the other kids on the show anymore.But since Kate never said he either was or wasn't,we don't know what will happen.I don't see Kate saying anything unless she gets paid to.
I absolutely believe that Kate will not allow Collin to come home until he is cleared by his doctors/therapists for filming. She forced him to work right up to the point where he was removed, and she will not allow him back unless he can work again. Filming and making money off the kids are the two most important things in her life, and if Collin cannot further her purpose, then he doesn't need to be there (in her mind).
I think the most telling thing that the sheep refuse to admit is that if Collin had such severe issues, then why was she forcing him to work? Why put that burden on a child who is struggling so much? It's not like he woke up one day and was whisked away at the first sign of trouble. She kept him home to work regardless of his struggle. She made filming the priority, not Collin's well-being.
Sheeple, I dare you to answer this question: Why would Kate force Collin to work when his emotional condition was so severe that he needed to be institutionalized?
Why isn't Milo freaking out over the current tornado warning? She's not taking her job of protecting Kate very seriously!
Jamesvader1194 said... 43
@Admin The point i was trying to make was that IF Kate said anything about him being on the show anymore.I don't want him or any of the other kids on the show anymore.But since Kate never said he either was or wasn't,we don't know what will happen.I don't see Kate saying anything unless she gets paid to.
TFW won't say boo or the toddlers couldn't poo without a camera zoomed in on them unless she got paid for it.
Now, years later, her son was removed from the home, away from his siblings, his own bed and she corrupted his privacy by during a full people cover announcing to the world that Collon has problems, getting paid for it and continue filming instead of shutting down production and help her son.
@Admin The point i was trying to make was that IF Kate said anything about him being on the show anymore.I don't want him or any of the other kids on the show anymore.But since Kate never said he either was or wasn't,we don't know what will happen.I don't see Kate saying anything unless she gets paid to.
Could it be that she is under a gag order not to say anything?
I was just thinking about TFW's APB about finding rubber chickens for Shoka, and all the research she did to try to locate them. And I wondered, does she ever research ways to occupy and/or entertain her kids over the summer? She's lucky in that she has only 2 age groups to worry about: 13-year-olds and 16-year-olds. Whereas a mother with only 4 singletons has 4 different age groups.
Why do I suspect the kids are either filming, or staring at iPads or TV screens all summer?
used as babies, children, father kicked out, their own brother gone for 18 months now, minuscule activities away from filming, tv studio as their home, cameras shoved in their faces at birth.
Is it known that he's been gone for 18 months? Was it reported exactly when he left for the treatment facility?
I don't understand how Kate has been allowed to get away with as much as she has between then and now and how people are still supporting her and gushing about what a wonderful Mom she is (blech!).
They are called sheeple. Kate leads, Kate deceives, they follow no matter what. It's the nature of the die-hard, delusional fans. It's the way their brain is wired and there's no critical thinking ability. You'll find that within a cult. It's brain-washing.
Sheeple, I dare you to answer this question: Why would Kate force Collin to work when his emotional condition was so severe that he needed to be institutionalized?
Bingo. Why did Kate make him work? Make him travel? Pull him out of school and prioritize filming so many times?
The thing is, we've watched Collin for 10 years, AND we know Kate was very, very physical with Collin, resorting to hitting him in order to force him to submit.
Collin was locked in a battle of wills with his mother, and she put an end to it.
What with this "season" only having 3 pathetic episodes, I think TLC very well might be putting an end to ongoing filming.
The noticeable absence of a boy whose whereabouts have not been know for A YEAR is very bad for the brand.
If Kate's show gets canceled again, I think she'll try to bring him back.
As horrible as it is for a little boy to be ejected from his home, I hope Collin never, ever lives under the same roof with Kate again, and lives with his father.
Layla (#44), exactly. The chronology of events, from TFW's own pie hole, makes her look like a piss-poor parent. She claims the struggles and behavioral issues were long-term and ongoing, and doing damage not only to her but to the whole family dynamic. Well, we saw that little boy participate in a family game show right there on our TV screens, and yet soon after, he was removed from his home. Wouldn't he have already been in distress at that point? Was it a wise, loving choice to put a child with a serious behavioral problems in a room with cameras, lights, and microphones? And then compound the stress by framing the game show as some sort of competition to be watched by millions of people?
I don't care if every moment of that show was scripted and planned by TLC. A good parent would have nixed that idea, if her child's mental health was in the balance. She is a horrible mother.
Sheeple, I dare you to answer this question: Why would Kate force Collin to work when his emotional condition was so severe that he needed to be institutionalized?
The same line of storms is headed my way. Yikes!
Milo, step it up! Kate needs her super fun storm tweets! Be sure to tell her to bring her generator indoors!
, getting paid for it and continue filming instead of shutting down production and help her son.
I really wonder if Kate really tried, that Collin could be treated at home.
We have a nephew with similar challenges. He was kicked out of his school for the same reasons, but his parents doubled down on his treatment. He was put on meds and got counseling and is thriving now.
I know not all kids are the same, but we've seen Colin with our own eyes and know he's a highly-functioning boy.
I question this drastic decision and never letting him come home.
Could it be that she is under a gag order not to say anything?
Could be but when has a court order stopped Kate from doing anything. I think the reason Kate doesn't talk about it is that she won't admit to kicking Colin out or him being removed because she was just plain sick of dealing with him and wanted the problem GONE.
Tucker's Mom (#55), your comment led me to a chilling thought. A while back, Vanessa had posted that the children are TFW's property -- hence the lack of respect. But I'll take that a step further. To TFW, C is part of a 6-pack, and I think she almost sees him as a sixth of a child.
That sounds a little extreme, but I don't know any other way to explain the utter lack of concern TFW has shown about his absence for more than a year and counting.
Think about TFW's bewildered, dismissive response to the mother/son bears C proudly gave her for her birthday. To her, there IS no individual relationship between Mom and C, so of course that gift would make no sense to her.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 52
This is what I believe. It was publicly known Collin had problems as far back as his expulsion from kindergarten. She gets him "help" of some sort, home-schools for a few months, and then he goes back to school and back on set. If these long-term issues he supposedly has really do go back to that time, it begs a whole lot of questions: Was he getting all the therapy and other assistance (e.g., medications) he needed between then and when he left LCDS? Was filming a problem for him? Was it his idea or Kate's to stop seeing his dad? Based on the bits and pieces thrown out by Kate and Jon, Collin is acknowledged as maybe different, but certainly not so severely impacted that he couldn't film. And signs of that never really showed up in any episodes. K8's version of this story and what's been on film together do not add up to a child that HAS to be removed from his home. They do, however, add up to a mother that can't cope and who perhaps feels the boy's presence is deleterious to the SHOW. And so she opts for the child to be removed.
Given what we know of K8's personality, from TV, print interviews, her own books, and her own actions in estranging 90% of her family, it does not seem a stretch to me that in her mind Collin had to go in order for the show to go on. I think she's 100% capable of that.
I really wonder if Kate really tried, that Collin could be treated at home.
We have a nephew with similar challenges. He was kicked out of his school for the same reasons, but his parents doubled down on his treatment. He was put on meds and got counseling and is thriving now.
I know not all kids are the same, but we've seen Colin with our own eyes and know he's a highly-functioning boy.
Here's the thing. The educator/therapist called in to help him with the problem in Kindergarten is absolutely incredible, highly respected and top-notch in her field. I have known her for many, many years, and if she couldn't help him, then Kate wouldn't have a clue. The therapist has the patience of a saint, much experience, and Kate, uh, not so much.
Could it be that she is under a gag order not to say anything?
If there was a gag order for her not to say anything, then why wasn't she hauled into court by a judge to answer to proclaiming to the world about Collins situation on the People cover?
I hope she tosses and turns at night thinking about (when it hits the fan) the backlash and how bad it will be when many truths come out when one of the kids does an interview, with TFW no where in sight or writes a book.
Again, you do not know the child and seeing him on television is not the basis for determining whether or not he is "highly-functioning."
But,'s the realest reality show out there!!!
We've seen 10+ years of episodes and appearances. His own mother said he was thriving at the top of his class.
We have books written about every single one of Gosselin children and we have first-hand accounts from people who have spent much personal time with Collin.
Please, we seen so much of Collin and his ability to interact and function to understand that he is HIGHLY functioning and independent.
We also know that Kate has ALWAYS considered Collin a challenge because he would not submit and conform. We know that she hit him repeatedly and very possible could have injured him with her physical assaults. We know that Kate heavily favors her girls and has never interacted in a really loving way to her boys. In fact, Kate seemed particularly cold and rejecting of Collin.
We also have seen Kate appear truly elated since Collin has been gone. She's never looked happier and can't imagine her life without her DOG.
I don't think it's a stretch to say that this casting out of Collin is a punishment to him and his father, and a threat to all the rest of the kids who remain under Kate's roof.
PA Dutch Mom said... 59
It's good to know that he was seeing a real professional. I just wonder if she is the one who actually recommended his removal. If she did, was it because of Collin alone or was she viewing it from the perspective of, home environment doesn't work for him and/or mother unwilling/unable/cannot be taught to help him? And whether or not letting him go to Jon was ever considered a viable alternative.
I'm guessing we'll never know.
Think about TFW's bewildered, dismissive response to the mother/son bears C proudly gave her for her birthday. To her, there IS no individual relationship between Mom and C, so of course that gift would make no sense to her.
What was really telling is that Kate doesn't even see herself or hear herself when she talked about Collin's lovely gift.
Even on the couch interview, much later, she had no reflection regarding how hurt Collin must have felt.
And she said all that KNOWING Collin was going to watch her interview!
Given what we know of K8's personality, from TV, print interviews, her own books, and her own actions in estranging 90% of her family, it does not seem a stretch to me that in her mind Collin had to go in order for the show to go on. I think she's 100% capable of that.
Exactly. 100%. Kate cuts people out and they are dead to her.
I believe she hasn't seen her family in years. When Kate convinces herself that you are not standing with her, you are her mortal enemy and will never be in her life again.
What I've come to realize after watching Kate cut so many people out of her life is that it really doesn't matter who you are. Her own flesh and blood? It matters not.
You are dead to her.
A close-up of K8's hideous gel-tips and a Starbucks cup! Oh and she says she's driving kids around? Why do I wonder if it some place THEY want to go?
kateplusmy8 Driving kids around....when I get a rare second to stop and get a #Starbucks and drink it in the car while I wait, I consider it a GR8 day! ☕️🌞#GratefulForTheLittleThings #ILoveSummer #MomProbs😂
wolfcruise1 You need to get a reusable cup and advertise to your thousands of followers how plastic and disposable SUCKS and saving the earth by using reusable is the way forward!! Also sets the kids a great example ♡
Anonymous said... 56
Again, you do not know the child and seeing him on television is not the basis for determining whether or not he is "highly-functioning."
So basically you're saying the "realest reality" is not real at all? Do K8's fans know?
Totally off topic, but to all the bulldog lovers here, I saw the cutest thing this morning! I was at PetSmart and this bulldog was trotting along with a squeaky toy in her mouth, just so proud and happy. When they got to the register the owner had to take the toy to give to the cashier, and the dog had a complete tantrum. It was just so cute and funny. She sat down and rumbled and grumbled, then did this "hrruummmooofff" sound and flopped down flat on the floor. I could not stop laughing. But she was so happy when she got that toy back. She was practically dancing when they left. Cutest thing ever!!!!
then Kate wouldn't have a clue. The therapist has the patience of a saint, much experience, and Kate, uh, not so much.
I think Kate probably handed Collin and all his problems over for someone else to deal with. If her droning on about something as stupid as Collin calling his sister's hair ugly is what she considers helpful, then he had no chance in that house.
Why, oh why would Kate not get Jon involved?
Collin had a chance of not being sent away, but Kate hates Jon more than she loves her own kid.
If there was a gag order for her not to say anything, then why wasn't she hauled into court by a judge to answer to proclaiming to the world about Collins situation on the People cover?
Do we know that this wasn't done AFTER she proclaimed this to the world, and therefore, no comments about him have recently been said?
At this point, it's all speculation.
Tucker's Mom said... 67
Collin had a chance of not being sent away, but Kate hates Jon more than she loves her own kid.
And she cares more about her "role" as "TV personality" than she does about the well-being of her children. It has to be said.
Sad but true (#64), hey, wait just a sec! I thought TFW had given up coffee for her super-fantastic tea/colonic, which gave her energy to spare -- plus a percentage of each subscription sold!
I'm just playin'...she was probably sucking down a Starbucks skinny latte as she typed that tea commercial. Just call her PTFW Barnum.
Kate is just too self absorbed to even get what a lying hypocrite she is!
A "rare" moment to herself and she's holding the Starbucks cup with freshly-gel'd nails that take an hour to do every couple weeks!
She is such a DOLT!
Go peddle your "poor me mom" b.s. somewhere else!
Not buying it, lady.
Somebody needs her Starbucks gift card restocked!
Thanks for the bulldog story Layla. My bully has done the same thing. They're like little kids and want what they want when they want it. The difference is that I give in to my bully because he's got that smooshy little face and I would never have given in to my son so easily.
Anonymous said... 56
Again, you do not know the child and seeing him on television is not the basis for determining whether or not he is "highly-functioning.
TFW has said (many times) in the past that ALL of the kids were/are at the TOP of their class and she did claim that NONE had any problems. Seems to me that this would indicate that he was "highly-functioning".
Ah yes, the "good ole days." Back when you were droppin' your g's like hot rocks.
miloandjack2016 Ha...rhis reminds me of the good ole days on twitter where we would discuss #MomProblems w/humor & gauge your day based on how many cups of coffee you already had! 😋 @kateplusmy8 #MissThoseDays ❤
Again, you do not know the child and seeing him on television is not the basis for determining whether or not he is "highly-functioning.
Actually the extensiveness of the show has given us a tremendous cross section of Collin's abilities. It doesn't prove he hasn't had behavior problems but it certainly does prove many things he is capable of.
Kate first brought up Collin's problems during the 11th birthday episode back in 2015.
"During last night’s Kate Plus 8 special about the sextuplets’ 11th birthday bash, the mom of eight, 40, admitted Collin “has some educational and social challenges.”
“Definitely this year in terms of changes, Collin sticks out the most. It’s been a year of figuring out kind of where he’s going and how best to help him,” she told the cameras in a confessional interview.
“At times his inability to problem solve in a social setting leaves him frustrated and overwhelmed with the situation,” she continued. “We learned over time that often the best thing for him is to step away and process it and adapt, after which he typically rejoins and is fine.”
Kate insisted her son is “very intelligent,” and “artsy,” but requires a unique education that can address his special needs.
“This is a work in progress for him that we’ve sought many specialists help on,” she said. “There’s changes coming for him. I think it will result in a change of school for him for this upcoming year and beyond that, we’ll see.”
If she was so concerned about Collin then, why did she continue to make him film at least 10 more episodes from June 2015 to March 2016?
All she cared about was that the show must go on no matter how much her son was suffering.
And she cares more about her "role" as "TV personality" than she does about the well-being of her children. It has to be said.
Why? Why does it have to be said? It's been said over and over for almost a decade. Has saying it made a helpful difference in any of the G's lives?
9 Years and Counting said... 78
And she cares more about her "role" as "TV personality" than she does about the well-being of her children. It has to be said.
Why? Why does it have to be said? It's been said over and over for almost a decade. Has saying it made a helpful difference in any of the G's lives?
No, sadly, it hasn't.
KIAT (#77), thanks for posting that.
So TFW acknowledged that C would get overwhelmed, but did better if he could step away and process things on his own. Well, Mother Of The Year, how in the holy hell was being surrounded by cameras, microphones, and assorted non-family members on the regular helping your sensitive child "step away?"
Whoever thinks we're wasting time by commenting on something we feel passionate about yet powerless over...well, you're taking the time to both read and comment on something you seem to care nothing about, so I'm not sure why you feel so superior to us.
Yes, obviously she's having a very busy day.
kateplusmy8 We just came inside after 'saving the world'-- well, a bunch of baby birds that blew out of their nest in our storm (with 50 mph winds reported), anyway! One died 😢but we managed to collect and save the other 4 or 5 that were scattered around! #PrayTheyLive #WeLoveAnimals #BabyBirdies #SoSweet 💨⛈🐥
"4 or 5 scattered around"? You can't count that high? Geez Louise.
barbgilmer1@kateplusmy8 Still have the chickens??
Ooh, barb! She's already TOLD you the chickens are gone.
“This is a work in progress for him that we’ve sought many specialists help on,” she said. “There’s changes coming for him. I think it will result in a change of school for him for this upcoming year and beyond that, we’ll see.”
Sounds to me like Kate had this planned for awhile.
NJGal51 (73)
Those smooshy little faces just make them more cute when they do that. She looked so gruff, but that made the hissy fit even more adorable.
So basically you're saying the "realest reality" is not real at all? Do K8's fans know?
Kate said that all of the kids were excelling in school and at the top of their class. Did she lie about that? Isn't it unusual to find that a low-functioning child would rank high up there on the class roster?
Tonight is Duggar cousin Amy's TLC special. She seems to be cut from the same fame-hungry cloth as TFW.
miloandjack2016 Ha...rhis reminds me of the good ole days on twitter where we would discuss #MomProblems w/humor & gauge your day based on how many cups of coffee you already had! 😋 @kateplusmy8 #MissThoseDays ❤
Sorry Milo but the twitter days are over unless TLC tells her that she's got to live-tweet during the episodes.
Tucker's Mom said... 72
Somebody needs her Starbucks gift card restocked!
Calling all sheep to the barnyard. Those who think she's the best mommmy ever need to get busy and send her those gift cards so she gets her Starbucks fix. She's piecing and patching and it's tough to get those cups refllled without the gift cards! Ah, the good old days when those cards were flooding her post office box. Right, Gladys?
miloandjack2016 Ha...rhis reminds me of the good ole days on twitter where we would discuss #MomProblems w/humor & gauge your day based on how many cups of coffee you already had! 😋 @kateplusmy8 #MissThoseDays ❤
What a crazy busybody! She misses the days when she was peerin' into Kate's windows, checking out her daily coffee intake. Jeez.
I know I've mentioned here before I have a son with behavioural/emotional issues. He's a couple years younger than C, and we've been working on his issues for the last few years, and we're at a good place right now.
We were at his monthly appointment with his doctor this afternoon. There was another mom there with her son, probably around 6 or 7 yrs old, and she reminded me so much of Kate. The child was having an issue with tying his shoe, and he was getting frustrated. He kept saying it was too hard, but the mom insisted he wasn't trying hard enough. This poor boy was near tears, and the mother was getting angry, and asking why he was so upset. The problem with Kate, is that she always expected her kids to react emotionally like an adult, and not a child, just like this mom was.
And these problems don't go away overnight - we've worked for 4 years at it, through therapy, medication, and just plain old patience. Most of these kids make small, even miniscule improvements every day, but it's work. And in the end, it builds into major steps forward.
I'm not surprised that she wasn't patient enough to deal.
Nicky (#89), glad to hear your son is doing okay
What scares me about a mom like the one at the doctor's office is that was how she was behaving in front of a stranger. Heaven knows how she might let loose in private.
Kate has never grasped the concept that children's brains don't comprehend things the way an adult's brain does.
I don't think she can fathom how frightening this whole fame trip with family break up has been for the kids.
Does she even get how abusive it is for her to purposefully not only not get along with Jon, but try to destroy him?
The difference is that I give in to my bully because he's got that smooshy little face and I would never have given in to my son so easily.
Wait. Isn't this what we're criticizing Kate about?? NOT treating her kids as good as her dogs? I'd think you'd treat your kids better than an animal!
-- amy
Amy - I was joking.....although when my son was born in a military hospital we had to pay $24.50 (because my husband was an officer) and we paid $450 for our first bulldog.....hmmmmmmmmmmm
anonymous (Amy) (90)
No, it's not what we were talking about with Kate. We are talking about a dog pitching a tizzy in a store. It would be different if it were a child. As parents, we need to correct our children's behavior and help them to learn how to behave in public and to consider the effect their behavior has on the people around them. A dog simply does not understand those concepts. Have you tried to reason with a dog and tell them that it makes others uncomfortable when they behave that way? Have you tried to discuss coping strategies with a dog? If you have, I'd sure like to hear what the dog's response was.
OT -- Tomorrow we are picking up a rescue dog. She will spend two days and two nights with us. I will, undoubtedly, fall in love. Hubby will follow with his own attachment. The relationship that needs to develop will be between our shy little Annie and the new small girl. Annie will be nine this upcoming August and she has been an only child for almost 3 years.
Cross your fingers for a successful addition to our family.
I have always teased that when we get another dog I will name her Orphan. Then we will have Orphan and Annie.
Dmasy said... 93
OT -- Tomorrow we are picking up a rescue dog. She will spend two days and two nights with us. I will, undoubtedly, fall in love. Hubby will follow with his own attachment. The relationship that needs to develop will be between our shy little Annie and the new small girl. Annie will be nine this upcoming August and she has been an only child for almost 3 years.
Oh, best of luck with your new fur baby!!
Your min pin is adorable!
Little bulldogs having tantrums is too funny!
Tucker's Mom said... 91
Does she even get how abusive it is for her to purposefully not only not get along with Jon, but try to destroy him?
She undoubtedly couches that as a choice she HAD to make in order to preserve the family's livelihood. Never once considering anything beyond the money and the continued fame for her. Consequences to her children, now and years from now? Not as important as the money. I guarantee, she has and likely will to her dying day swear to her children that she had NO other choice. This is her reality, so it must be true.
Dmasy, congrats on your new addition! I have no doubt that your Annie will soon adore her new sib.
Dmasy - sending good vibes your way for all to go well with Orphan and Annie (how cute is that!).
More bird chat. Milo plugging the conversation gaps, as usual.
annapolis2001 You need to bring them to a bird rescue program. There is one near Scranton.
kateplusmy8 FYI: last time we saved baby birds, I called a rescue program and she told me to make a nest and put bird back in. We did and the mom came back and birdie flew away weeks later! So we did same thing this time! :) @annapolis2001
miloandjack2016@kateplusmy8 Kudos to you & kids for not looking the other way! Watch for Moma Bird...if she doesnt return...take a pic...send to rescue site & get birds identified and suggestion on feeding them! So glad you are teaching your kids #CompassionForAnimals ❤
miloandjack2016 What would you do w/this? We found pregnant moma possum dead on side of road....suddenly babies started coming ou...9 of them! @kateplusmy8
__cje__Thank you for saving them !!!! ❤
miloandjack2016 I will tell you this...within SECONDS of their birth, instinct told them to start nursing even tho the momma possum was dead! 😞 Now what was I to do?? Ask your kids...what would they do with a situation like this?? @kateplusmy8
I wonder if 9 baby possums have found a home at Milo's.
Amy - I was joking.....
Joking? I don't think you were. It's hard not to treat animals special but we can't give Kate crap for doing what we do ourselves, can we? Makes us look, I dunno, a bit hypocritical.
I wish Kate treated her kids as well as her dogs but we all know she doesn't.
-- amy
Please, we seen so much of Collin and his ability to interact and function to understand that he is HIGHLY functioning and independent.
Agree, agree, agree.
He is a highly intelligent, emotionally intelligent, high functioning. Good verbal skills, great eye contact, great spacial awareness, great physicality. He is also manipulated by Kate and has had her play games with his psyche over and over. How do I know? We're not talking about one episode of observations. We have a hundred.
I don't understand what TV has to do with it or why TV makes this off limits to assess. You can hear the child speak. You can watch how he moves and interacts. You can see how Kate treats him. You can't edit IN a high functioning child. Or an abused one.
“Definitely this year in terms of changes, Collin sticks out the most. It’s been a year of figuring out kind of where he’s going and how best to help him,” she told the cameras in a confessional interview.
I did NOT realize at the time she literally meant WHERE HE IS GOING i.e. not anywhere near me.
“At times his inability to problem solve in a social setting leaves him frustrated and overwhelmed with the situation,” she continued. “We learned over time that often the best thing for him is to step away and process it and adapt, after which he typically rejoins and is fine.”
For someone who struggles so much to problem solve, he sure tore up the trivia game the best of all of them.
I think his issues are emotional, he reacted poorly to years of abuse. Some children do. Some children are resilient and survive it and even thrive, others break down. I think she hides his emotional post-abuse issues behind "educational issues."
The only problem the kid can't work out is why his mother has sought to make him so miserable.
This is categorically false and it's scary that people think they are able to assess the functioning of a child based on watching him on television. And what does intelligence have to do with anything? Do you think smart children can't be severely emotionally disturbed?
Nobody here knows what the child's diagnosis is and is in no position to determine whether out-of-home placement was necessary. That is FACT that is not open to debate, your attempts to play armchair child psychologist notwithstanding.
It is scary to think that with all the footage out there someone refuses to acknowledge how highly functioning this child is.
I can't speak for others but I myself am willing to state you do not, do not, do not, institutionalize a child like this for this long. It's not 1890. We have extensive, intensive in home services now and the trend is treatment AT HOME.
I am also willing to categorically state that in ten years in dependency and thousands of cases I have never, never, ever, ever seen a child in this situation with this level of ability institutionalized like this for over a year. Except, and this is a big except, when a judge himself has decided to REMOVE the child, without the parents' consent, because the PARENT is abusive.
It could be a highly, highly unusual situation. But my money is on this kid being removed by the court of law, period.
What's sad is that you refuse to acknowledge that Kate could very well be responsible for this placement and Kate alone. It's sad you can't accept this child could have been REMOVED from her or that she gave him a higher level of placement than he really needed. Your refusal to do anything but blame a 13 year old child is, wow, truly unbelievable.
Of course you can "edit" to make the child look high-functioning.
NO. Nope, no you can't. That's like saying you can "edit" in that the child is half asian, or a boy. Get real.
I am not "blaming" a child. That speaks to your bias, not mine, because if he is emotionally disturbed that is not his fault.
I am not going to acknowledge something that I do not know to be true, unlike you. I have NO IDEA what happened here. Kate's parenting may well be a major factor. Again, I DON'T KNOW THE DETAILS AND NEITHER DO YOU.
You can't stop blaming this poor sweet child for all of this. Wow.
nctioning can be situational. It is not an immutable quality like ethnicity. You get real.
Yes, true, you could actually be very smart in real life. Situational intelligence.
Joking? I don't think you were. It's hard not to treat animals special but we can't give Kate crap for doing what we do ourselves, can we? Makes us look, I dunno, a bit hypocritical.
Amy - My bully is 14 months old and does have tantrums. My son is 34 and doesn't have tantrums (and Only had one that I can think of when he was a year and a half on a plane to Germany and tired of traveling). Yes, I was joking but think what you want and as we used to say on this blog...You're right (and we'll leave it at that).
OT - Did anyone see the season finale of Better Call Saul?
I wonder if 9 baby possums have found a home at Milo's.
Hide the bunny, um, possums!
What a crazy busybody! She misses the days when she was peerin' into Kate's windows, checking out her daily coffee intake. Jeez.
I read this as peein' into Kate's windows. Geez.
"Yes, true, you could actually be very smart in real life. Situational intelligence. "
Good one. :) Do troll sheeple ever exhibit situational intelligence?
Sheepless (#109), you just knew Gladys would eat up that bird story with a spoon. It fits in perfectly with the fantasy version of TFW she's created. Awww, she saved some widdle bitty baby birdies! She's soooo kind and sensitive! Meanwhile, she kicked one of her own children out of the "nest," and acts as if he was never there.
Well, hoo-ah!
kateplusmy8 FYI: last time we saved baby birds, I called a rescue program and she told me to make a nest and put bird back in. We did and the mom came back and birdie flew away weeks later! So we did same thing this time! :) @annapolis2001
annapolis2001 Well, that's great. We just happened to be in Pennsylvania at a resort in March and a bird sanctuary did a show and said the opposite. Thought I would share what we heard, but you seem to have it under control. Good luck with the birdies.
Damn, she should have known that Katie always knows best.
Yes, I was joking but think what you want and as we used to say on this blog...You're right (and we'll leave it at that).
Ah, the good old days!
Talk about hide the bunny or possum or whatever, get a load of this Instagram comment:
sherrylee6023I love to see more I want your reality show back and if I can't see that I want to see some other stuff on Instagram so I feel connected
NJGal51- I did see the finale. I don't want to say I'm disappointed but it seemed a bit off. Love the show and can't wait for next season. Did you catch the Blockbuster scene? A great reminder that this is happening before BB.
You can't stop blaming this poor sweet child for all of this. Wow.
Agree, Admin. What will they be saying when Collin is 14 years old and still not home? 15? 16?
Kate has never once intimated that she's working hard to get him home, or she can't wait for the time when she has her son home again.
Let's see what they have to say after Collin is gone another year.
To me, the possibility that Collin was removed gets more real every month he's gone.
Kate plus 8 was finally will air July 10. It shows Miss Congeniality in her usual charming mood. Mady is also in the clip of course.
Amy Duggar is another fame whore. I watched 5 minutes of it and had to turn the channel.
Dmasy said... 94
Congrats on the new dog! I also love the names, how fitting.I'm happy for you and your family.
How I viewed Collin: he seemed bright, had a great sense of humor, was the strongest of the boys, did the most chores ( chickens), seemed to take pride in his work, tried to please his mother and stick up for her, got along with his brothers well, took pains with his appearance, seemed sociable, motivated and capable, tidy and organized, and many more positive qualities.
I did see the few traits that were a bit off, but he did not appear to be anywhere near being in need of being shipped off to a facility.
Yes, he had some anger, and seemed to be Kate's least favorite child. The abuse was horrible to hear/read about. This says more about Kate than Collin.
All I would want is for him to be happy and healthy and have access to family if he wants it as he grows up into a man.
JustMiss (#114), yowza, that was a scary comment! That woman wants to "feel connected" with someone she doesn't know. Should TFW send her a used tissue, or an empty coffee cup which might have traces of her DNA on it? *shudder* niece's husband said he grew up with a mentally disabled relative who was mean at times. He said once, she picked him up off of the couch with his hair, and that his scalp felt mushy for months afterwards. I wonder how much damage Kate did to Collin when she did that to him?
I'm surprised TFW didn't tell the baby birds to "man up." Or suggest they'd gotten hurt because "sometimes God builds in punishments."
Foxy (#116), 5 minutes of cousin Amy sounds like more than enough! I read a comment this morning from a viewer who said she wanted to push Amy in front of a moving train (of course that's hyperbole, but you get the point). But who knows: with high enough ratings, TFW could have some more talent-free competition on the side piece bench.
I think if C ever does come back, he will feel really left out. Especially when his siblings talk about things they did when he was gone. The twins are close, the 2 boys at home, and L and H. A must feel left out, especially when 4 of her siblings go see their dad.
Win someone, your post reminded me of this.
Remember when one of the boys accidentally left the basement door ajar and Shoka, who was living outside,came into the basement and left a pile?
TFW freaked out and picked up one of the boys and tried her best to shove his face into it! I wonder if it was Collin!
sherrylee6023I love to see more I want your reality show back and if I can't see that I want to see some other stuff on Instagram so I feel connected
Connected to what? To whom? That's just creepy!
Don't these people have friends and families of their own? It would be sad if they need reality show families to fill an emotional void in their own lives.
What would happen to Milo if Kate disappeared from social media? Would she survive emotionally unscathed or would she be traumatized?
Greta Sophia said... 123
I think if C ever does come back, he will feel really left out. Especially when his siblings talk about things they did when he was gone. The twins are close, the 2 boys at home, and L and H. A must feel left out, especially when 4 of her siblings go see their dad.
You can't just go back after a year or more and pick up where you left off. There needs to be a solid plan to integrate Collin back into the home and family.
I can't see Kate doing that especially if it would interfere with filming.
The fractured relationships in that family, omg! There are so many profound fractures.
HALF of the kids with their father.
ALL of the kids with Collin not there.
The children's extended family.
The repercussions will haunt every single one of those kids for life.
I don't think anyone has brought this up, but I got quite the giggle at Barb Gilmer's comment under the coffee cup, in reply to Milo's wistful musing of their past days on Twitter:
Barbgilmer1 @miloandjack2016 Looks like those days are over! Sad huh? Just when we think we have a friend in someone! It's like being told there's the door!
Greta Sophia (#123), what will make it doubly awful for C is that he will not only hear about these times he missed, he'll be able to SEE them! Right there on film for posterity! His siblings having the best birthday ever, without him! Having the hands-down most fun vacation ever at Space Camp, without him! Did TFW give the slightest thought to how that would all hurt her son's heart some time in the future? If that is not emotional abuse, then I don't know what is.
Tucker's Mom (#126), you know the ONE person in the G family who won't be "haunted" by this? Yeah, I think you do.
I agree that the consequences of Collin's absence will resonate with all his siblings forever; as well as all the other fractured relationships these children have suffered.
Milo doesn't like being neglected by Kate. She expected that her possum story would get a response from her idol, but it hasn't.
miloandjack2016So...where is the #WeLoveAnimals crew? No one is asking abour the 9 baby possums just born? It was a good story to tell... A good lesson. Oh well.... @kateplusmy8. Have a good day & update us on those rescued birdies! ❤
Also, on the Starbucks coffee IG post, Barb Gilmer seems to be waking up and is trying to convince Milo to do the same.
miloandjack2016Ha...rhis reminds me of the good ole days on twitter where we would discuss #MomProblems w/humor & gauge your day based on how many cups of coffee you already had! 😋 @kateplusmy8 #MissThoseDays ❤
barbgilmer1@miloandjack2016 Looks like those days are over! Sad huh? Just when we think we have a friend in someone! It's like being told there's the door!
Don't worry Barb and Milo. Once the show starts airing, Kate will again be you BFF.
I would worry that Alexis is the next 'target' child, Well, she already is. She is the odd man out but seems plucky and ok with being on her own at times. We have seen her fight for the bunk of her choice on trips or an earned turn on the Gator. She is also filmed fighting with her sisters who say they don't want to sit with her, she's crazy, an animal etc.She does not see Jon. She is paired with Kate a lot.Yes, I worry Alexis is having a rough time too.
Thanks for the recap admin. Hope many of theses boring inexpensive clip shows have they done over the years? Definitely going lowest budget possible.
Years ago, the Osbourne family was able to film for several years without the oldest daughter being filmed or mentioned at all. Sharon and Ozzy respected her desire for privacy and had a fun entertaining show. Too bad tfmjg would never support some of her kids not being filmed
Barbgilmer1 @miloandjack2016 Looks like those days are over! Sad huh? Just when we think we have a friend in someone! It's like being told there's the door!
Barb has a point. Kate does yank her fans around. Can you imagine the Pioneer Woman flaking on her blog?
You build up and audience and the game is all about updating, updating, updating.
Kate never sees things all the way through.
That, and I think she enjoys the notion that people are getting upset because they want more of her and the kids.
Yeah, she's sadistic like that ;-)
FlimsyFlamsy said... 128
Greta Sophia (#123), what will make it doubly awful for C is that he will not only hear about these times he missed, he'll be able to SEE them!
Another reason I think Kate has no plans to bring Collin home. If he was expected to be home within weeks or months or even a year, any mom would put off such big trips and tone things down a tad until Collin was able to join in.
But, she's going forward as if he's never coming back.
To me, there's not one sign, not ONE, that Kate anticipates Collin coming back to live at home.
She gets ever more demanding.
miloandjack2016 So...where is the #WeLoveAnimals crew? No one is asking abour the 9 baby possums just born? It was a good story to tell... A good lesson. Oh well.... @kateplusmy8. Have a good day & update us on those rescued birdies! ❤
Sad but true (#136), you can almost hear her passive-aggressive sigh in that "Oh well..."
FlimsyFlamsy said... 137
Sad but true (#136), you can almost hear her passive-aggressive sigh in that "Oh well..."
I think the fans know Kate and how she starts things and doesn't follow through.
They used to love her Twitter.
Kate used to clock in over 100 posts per day!
miloandjack2016 So...where is the #WeLoveAnimals crew? No one is asking abour the 9 baby possums just born? It was a good story to tell... A good lesson. Oh well.... @kateplusmy8. Have a good day & update us on those rescued birdies! ❤
I'd kind of like to hear the possum story, not that I'd believe it but I'd like to hear it. It's very coincidental that Milo has an experience to match whatever TFW is talking about at any given time.
It's good TFW doesn't pay much attention to her IG because barbgilmer1 would have been blocked by now.
NJGal51 said... 108
OT - Did anyone see the season finale of Better Call Saul?
Yes, I did! Wow, what a season finale!! I watched part of the after show and they said that Chuck will be on the show in some way, shape or form next season.
Tucker's Mom (#138), I have a theory about why TFW used to be on Twitter so often. It was the ideal way to keep her kids out of her hair. Leave Mommy alone -- she's working. And if you recall, it was usually in the adternnon and evening, when they were home and probably l wanting her attention.
But now that they're older, they're likely off doing their own things in their rooms, so TFW doesn't have them underfoot as much, and doesn't need to waste her free time tweeting.
So last night's Duggar show got 1.379mm viewers, down about 300K from last week's premiere. The Dillon and Amy (Duggar) "special" only had 734K viewers. That's the slot K8 will occupy in a few weeks. :)
Tucker's Mom (134)
We have seen time and again that if something doesn't pay off immediately, Kate drops it and doesn't look back. Remember Coupons By Kate?
I agree that she likes thinking that people want to see more of her and the kids. I think she believes that more people will tune in and watch the upcoming episodes if they are dying to see them. She'll share stories to keep peoples' interest, but if they really want to see the kids (and not endless pictures of the dogs), they'll have to watch. We'll see if that works.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 141
Tucker's Mom (#138), I have a theory about why TFW used to be on Twitter so often. It was the ideal way to keep her kids out of her hair. Leave Mommy alone -- she's working. And if you recall, it was usually in the adternnon and evening, when they were home and probably l wanting her attention.
Kate's tweeting was mostly when the kids would have been home.
I think she was too busy jogging hither and yon and getting private yoga lessons during the day.
I haven't seen Better Call Saul's new season yet.
We're working our way through House of Cards right now.
Also watching Fargo.
Kate benefits in yet another way from her kids by staying relevant. If she didn't have all the kids, not working on her social media and keeping a general media presence wouldn't fly.
As it is, she can treat her fans poorly, ignore them for long stretches, not even try to make her social media interesting and fresh, but when her show resurfaces, she's got a solid base there clamoring to peer into their lives.
If it was just Kate, she'd have lost them a loooooong time ago.
Tucker's Mom (#145), just look at how TFW presented stopping for coffee as something "rare." Heifer, please! Her busyness, which I think is mostly nonsense, is a shield she hides behind. It's her permanent get-out-of-jail-free card.
Anyone else notice those don't look like Kate's nails in the starbucks pics? Look more like a self polish job of one of the twins. Kate never does any color other than way out of date white tips. No one gets a french these days.
High Sodium Content I think it's TFW's hand. If you look back at the picture where she went overkill on bandaging someone's finger she's got some pink polish on her nails.
Jacob Roloff has put a book up for sale online.
"VERBING is my first foray into official compilation of my writing. It's split into 3 parts, subtitled: "Ignorance", "Frustration", and "Revelations". The format is essentially 3 short essays on the subject of my growth spiritually, intellectually, and in the public eye. This is my exploratory experiment with writing to get my feet wet with the process and establish the subject(s) I would like to write on in the future."
She gets ever more demanding.
miloandjack2016 So...where is the #WeLoveAnimals crew? No one is asking abour the 9 baby possums just born? It was a good story to tell... A good lesson. Oh well.... @kateplusmy8. Have a good day & update us on those rescued birdies! ❤
Scary demanding.
"Well, what am I supposed to do? You won't answer my calls, you change your number. I mean, I'm not gonna be ignored, Dan!"
barbgilmer1@miloandjack2016 Looks like those days are over! Sad huh? Just when we think we have a friend in someone! It's like being told there's the door!
Wasn't Barb the personal address info gal for Kate, and something happened, and Barb was dismissed? It sounds like she's not forgotten that.
Barb and Milo, Kate was never your friend. Neither of you ever met her, and this is what happens when you convince yourself that you actually have a personal relationship with a celebrity on social media. Wake up and smell the Starbucks. Kate doesn't have time for either one of you.
Hmmm. GosselinBook made an appearance on K8's Twitter 12 hours ago. Haven't seen him there in ages. No comments, just a promo for his book. Wonder if he's got new info.
Fleecing (#151), as Sheepless hilariously put it last night, hide the possum!
Tucker's Mom (#145), just look at how TFW presented stopping for coffee as something "rare." Heifer, please! Her busyness, which I think is mostly nonsense, is a shield she hides behind. It's her permanent get-out-of-jail-free card.
I read an article once that some people use "i'm just SOOO busy" as a source of pride, like it's cool and worthy of martyr status to be swamped with kids and work and other crap. When actually your life sounds pretty disorganized and overbooked.
Number one, I don't believe she's all that busy. Number two, I think she does play that card for maximum sympathy and effect. If she's not busy, she's not a martyr.
I still struggle to figure out what she does with her time all day with kids in school all day and one away from home. I'd love to see her break down just one day, hour by hour, and enlighten me what it is she does exactly.
I still struggle to figure out what she does with her time all day with kids in school all day and one away from home. I'd love to see her break down just one day, hour by hour, and enlighten me what it is she does exactly.
She freezes cookies.
They've done enough clip show / looking back episodes over the years (including those from the original J&K+8) for TLC to make an episode(s) of Kate looking back at herself looking back (on herself looking back...?)
lol! Instead of looking back, they should do a show of her in the future in full Norma Desmond mode.
Admin (#155), I also think all her complaining about being super busy is subconsciously a dig at Jon.
See how hard she has it, raising 8 kids all alone ? She sure seemed to be trying to get that point across in the People article about C.
Remember the good old days when Auntie Ann had us rolling on the floor in laughter, and modeling our Crocs and muumuus under Joy's veranda?
Is anyone going to buy Jacob's book? It's cute!
Everyone is doing these little pamphlet mini books now. It's a hipster thing or something, they tell you to put it in your skinny jeans pocket, wander the world and then take it out when you feel inspired.
I think Jacob is pretty in tune and insightful.
JoyinVirginia said... 133
Thanks for the recap admin. Hope many of theses boring inexpensive clip shows have they done over the years? Definitely going lowest budget possible.
That's what makes me think she really is filler because they pad almost every episode now with old clips as much as they can, and we get at least one full clip show a season in an already short season anyway. When you add up all the clips they use, you're talking about cutting down actually time needed to film a good 20-30%. That's like chopping off your right arm and pocketing the difference. Cha-ching.
NJGal51 said... 108
OT - Did anyone see the season finale of Better Call Saul?
MILD SPOILERS AHEAD (I'm trying to be vague)
Over here. I expected Kim to die to be honest but I wasn't that surprised by the end either, because the actor did spoil it in interviews(accidentally I suppose). I guess this is how don Salamanca ends up in a wheelchair? Damn, is it just me or does Gus Fring at least strongly suspects what Nacho did? BCS may be a slow show but when it reaches boiling point, it's totally worth it.
Did you like it?
I would buy Jacob's book, it's really not expensive but it doesn't ship outside US and Canada. Maybe if he makes an ebook version...I agree he writes nicely. If anyone reads it, maybe tell us what they think of it.
Oh how I miss Auntie Ann and her comments. We're is she? She always had us cracking up.
I found an interesting documentary on YT- called Child of Rage. It has three parts to it I believe. It's about a little girl who is probably 6. She was adopted by a loving couple. They had found out later on that the girl was abused before she was adopted. The girl showed tendencies of violence toward her brother and parents. She even stated that she wanted them dead. It was then that the adoptive parents discovered that the little girl was abused as young as 15 months by her biological parents. She had so much anger for such a small child and no longer trusted or could love her new family. Its as if she didn't know how despite how loving her new parents were. The new parents weren't equipped to handle the girl named Beth and she was put into a house like environment were she could be rehabilitated. the woman who was rehabilitating her developed a strong bond with Beth and ended up living with her permanently. It is difficult to watch at first and sad for little Beth at what she had to endure at the hands of her abusive bio dad. I could only imagine what Collin had to deal with. The documentary Child ofRage points out that her abuse happened in her " forming years" when she was suppose to be leaning to love and trust
Admin (#158), besides the financial savings, I think these clip shows are really a matter of giving the public what it wants. They loved J&K+8: frazzled young parents and adorable little kids. So many kids! And they were so tiny and cute!
Aldergators! Unnerwears!
Showing the old clips seems to remind audiences why they fell in love with the G family. But I think the clips also negatively reflect on the stark reality that now both the father and one of the children are gone. Growing and changing is normal in families. Kicking members to the curb is not.
Just watching Andy Griffith (*waves to GollyGee*), and saw a commercial for "I Am Jazz," which is coming back to TLC Monday with a special about her reassignment surgery. And it made me think about those holier-than-thou Duggars, who'd probably have 19 heart attacks and counting if Jazz walked into the public restroom one of their daughters was using, but happily take a paycheck from the network that airs her show. And for an extra touch of hypocrisy, we now know Mama Duggar had harbored a child molester in her home for years, who repeatedly attacked his own SISTERS, and was still self-righteous enough to make those robo-calls warning people against the evil LGBTQ community.
Admin (#158), besides the financial savings, I think these clip shows are really a matter of giving the public what it wants. They loved J&K+8: frazzled young parents and adorable little kids. So many kids! And they were so tiny and cute!
Aldergators! Unnerwears!
You know what might make a quick buck and draw in some viewers? Why not dig up all the outtakes, the couple unaired episodes, the B roll footage? And splice together some never before seen episodes? They'd make a pretty penny for next to nothing. You only need to pay editors and maybe have Kate yammer on the couch about the clips. I wonder how long they store all the extra footage and when they purge it. Maybe Blankinship still has a stash of old tapes somewhere!
I'm also absolutely loving Better Call Saul. I like that it's slow, methodical. But everything is in there for a reason, each scene a piece of the puzzle. I think it's nice that senior citizens play such a huge role in the plot, and they are treated not as slapstick, but as people with dignity and respect. I like watching that fine line where Jimmy is really at his heart very understanding and compassionate with the seniors, versus still trying to make a buck on their behalf. It's this powerful good vs. evil struggle that is fascinating to watch play out.
Kim is also one of the most realistic portrayals of a lawyer in the prime of their career I've ever seen. This show is BETTER than Breaking Bad.
Gigi Be (#165), that documentary sounds heartbreaking. But I'm happy Beth found the loving caretaker she needed and deserved.
Gigi Be said... 165
I found an interesting documentary on YT- called Child of Rage.
Lifetime did a movie about it years ago--1992--I remembered Mariette Hartley played the therapist--which stopped at the point the child went to treatment. It is now on Amazon. It was pretty good for a Lifetime movie.
Child of Rage is indeed a horrific tale. Beth was severely neglected, left in her crib with no food or diaper changes, but worse, suffered frequent physical and sexual abuse at the mercy of her father.
The 'holding therapy' for RAD she received was later debunked, having cause some injuries and deaths in other child patients.(IIRC)
Beth is now a RN and leading a normal life. I have the book her case was detailed in. Dandelions on my Pillow, Butcher Knife Beneath.
Admin - Personally I wouldn't say that Better Call Saul was better than Breaking Bad just different. I do love the show. I love that we're able to see the evolution from Jimmy to Saul. Something is going to happen between Kim and Jimmy because she was never in BB.
I agree Roxyhelen that this is how don Salamanca ends up stoked out. I guess not enough oxygen to the brain when he had the hear attack. Gus is very observant and has to know what Nacho did because Nacho becomes one of his main henchmen.
BCS hasn't officially been renewed for season 4 but Vince Gilligan feels confident that it will be. My fingers are crossed.
Roxyhelen said... 162
NJGal51 said... 108
OT - Did anyone see the season finale of Better Call Saul?
Gus absolutely knows, I think! I love the way the show unfolds. The characters have so much depth and the stories are so intricate. I am going to miss this show, but Preacher starts Sunday!
Flimsy, (waves to Flimsy!) Andy just went off and now Bonanza is on. lol
So happy that Beth survived and became a RN and has a normal life. Dandelions on my pillow, Butcher Knife Underneath. Wow. What a book title.
I got some devastating news yesterday.
I have known a couple for over 25 years and their son and his wife were pregnant early last year and when she was 8 months, the umbilical cord wrapped around the baby's neck and it killed the baby.
Then later on, they got pregnant again. The beautiful baby girl was born on Sunday, Father's Day. A beautiful picture of the happy dad holding his beautiful daughter.
On Tuesday, just barely 2 days later, the baby got really sick, really fast. She had to be med-flighted to a hospital 2 hours away. The dad went with her but the mother had to stay at the hospital because she had a C-section.
As soon as they got the baby to the hospital, the baby died. I can't imagine the mother having to stay at the hospital and then getting the news that your baby died.
Someone called and told me and I have been sobbing ever since. They have lost 2 children in a little over a year.
They need every prayer for strength, comfort and peace they can get. I would really appreciate it.
The nerd in me wants to complain about how the medicine doesn't make a lot of sense in BCS in case of Don Salamanca but I will refrain.
Who the heck tells a 4 yeard old who ran(as all 4yo kids do) that he smacked his head because God punished him because he was being a kid and running around? Who? The more I think about things the more I wonder how it is that only Collin was this badly affected. The things these kids went through I swear..
Speaking of bad things, what is it with all the neglect and kid death cases coming from Canada lately? (I am sure they happen everywhere in the world but why is Canada making such headlines lately). Ezekiel Stephan, Alex Radita(do NOT read up on this one if you are faint of heart and want to sleep at night), Ryan Locket and a few others. I'm not even sure that punishing their parents will cause other parents to do better. I feel like these people are set in their ways and feel they did nothing wrong.
Ok enough ranting.
GollyGee (#175), what a devastating thing to live through. I can't imagine the pain they must be in. I will certainly pray for them.
Golly Gee,
My heart aches for your friends! There is nothing more devastating than having to bury your child, and to have to lose two of them...there are no words to describe that kind of horror. My prayers go out to them.
They need every prayer for strength, comfort and peace they can get. I would really appreciate it.
Oh, that's devastating. I pray they can lean on each other and their faith to get through this.
I miss Auntie Ann too!
You're right, too many of the new episodes are either "looking back" shows or include some clips from when the kids were little. It's like they can't get enough interesting footage to fill a whole hour. And every single show includes Kate reminding the audience that she's a single mom and having 8 kids costs a lot. I think that's her way of reminding everyone that she's just soooo overworked and overburdened and she HAS to be on TV or the kids will starve and won't get to go to college. even the "adorable" preview clip has Kate talking about--no, not the kids and their transition to teens--the fact that she's a single mother and how much it costs to feed the kids and paying for their college. It's her tale of woe, not a celebration of the kids. birthday. I have never known anyone who feels so sorry for herself as Kate does. Is her life really so horrible?
Thank you for your concern and for your prayers for them.
The grandmother has 4 or 5 small grandchildren and I know she is taking it very hard, especially her 2 oldest granddaughters around 8 and 6 years old.
Miss Auntie Ann also.
Can't imagine what she would post about Collin being gone almost a year and a half.
OT -- the rescue puppy report.
We picked her up. She was adorable. Shortly after getting her to our home, we noticed the symptoms of Kennel Cough. We had suffered through that contagious condition years ago when we still had 3 Min Pins. I called the the Rescue Lady (Don't I sound like Kate?) and asked what she wanted us to do. She was upset and concerned. She asked us to return the little girl and she would isolate her and get the appropriate vet care. We did as she asked.
Our Annie hardly had time to recognize that her space was invaded.
The little female we rescued had a dozen other applicants interested in her. Next on the list was a family with an 8-year-old daughter fighting leukemia. We were told that the little girl was very disappointed. Also, they did not have another dog in the house to possibly catch Kennel Cough.
I am sure you can guess what we decided to do.
OH, Dmasy, what a wonderful thing to do!
That little girl will be so happy!
Good for you Dmasy! I'm sure that little girl will love her with all her heart.
Dmasy, that was meant to be, You're kind to let her go to the little girl who needs her most.
And they all lived happily ever after. Though this could be invented out of whole cloth, like so much of what K8's told everyone over the years.
kateplusmy8 UPDATE: The baby birdies are ALIVE! So mommy bird must have come back! I didn't sleep well that first night bc I kept thinking about them.. I'm so so glad they are okay!:) Thanks for all your prayers! God cares about every living thing and I'm sure He heard us!:)
kateplusmy8 UPDATE: The baby birdies are ALIVE! So mommy bird must have come back! I didn't sleep well that first night bc I kept thinking about them.
How much sleep have you lost over Collin, Kate?
Didn't someone get a new muumuu and was so proud of it? Of course, we were so sloshed on the rumspringa, I don't think we cared too much about what we were wearing as long as we were clutching our pearls.
I remember when Kate lived on Twitter and Milo had a Kate Twitter alert and was there in less than 60 seconds after Kate showed up! We wondered what would happen if Milo was in the bathroom at the time, and if she carried her Kate alert device in there with her!
"Thanks for all your prayers! God cares about every living thing and I'm sure He heard us!:)"
Oh please drop the religious act. Fans may buy it, but it's so phony. I hope God cares about Colin. His mother doesn't seem to.
Barb has a point. Kate does yank her fans around. Can you imagine the Pioneer Woman flaking on her blog?
Yes. Let's say she has, on a good day, minimum 100,000 people checking her blog.
The first week she flakes and abandons them, they'll probably stick with it, but be annoyed.
Second time she does it, maybe 5% of the flock is going to move on, thinking she's moved on.
Third, fourth, fifth time, you've lost half your following. People move on fast these days and they'll look for a blog in the same wheelhouse that is going to fulfill what they're looking for.
She'll keep her core 20-30% of fans no matter how little she updates, but you've just lost a good two thirds of your viewers and hence, two thirds revenue.
Very, very stupid.
Someone on the Cosby juror has spoken out.
Twelve hours ago TFW posted an update on the "birdies" she saved. Only 3 people have commented so far. She'd better buy some more "you're great/awesome", "you're beautiful", "you're a great mom", "wow, the kids are 13", "when will you be back on the air", etc. and so on. That's basically what the paid bots say.
Someone on the Cosby juror has spoken out.
So there were 10 guilty votes and 2 not guilty. Try that sucker again, that's not as terrible as I thought. This is doable.
Barb has a point. Kate does yank her fans around. Can you imagine the Pioneer Woman flaking on her blog?
Kate USES her fans when she needs them, but they are just too darn dumb to realize it. Remember when her show was about to be shut down, she knew it, but the fans had no clue. That was when she ran that stupid contest and one of them was in the parking lot with the bullhorn. It was pathetic, both on Kate's part and the part of the fans who fell for that idiotic contest.
And yet, they still follow her around waiting for crumbs to be thrown their way no matter how much she yanks their chains.
So there were 10 guilty votes and 2 not guilty. Try that sucker again, that's not as terrible as I thought. This is doable.
I just saw that and was surprised. I thought it would have been much worse than that. Of course, with the next trial there could be more holdouts. Nothing would shock me.
OT -- OK. You guys got me started on Better Call Saul. I have learned to pay attention to recommendations from you ladies.
I need to pay attention! Viewers need to pick up the pieces and put them in their proper place and sequence.
I just got to "Chicago sunroof". A big piece of the story just fell into place.
Dear God, Bill Cosby has announced he is planning to tour the country to teach teens how to avoid being charged with a sex crime. Officials better get him to court soon; this guy has seriously lost his mind.
Considering C is now a teenager, he needs his dad more than ever. All the kids do. Fight for them Jon Gosselin!
@Anonymous Good grief,even if he was innocent(which i doubt)no one would do that.It'd be like Casey Anthony teaching mothers to not kill their kids.
The article I read stated Bill plans to start his tour as early as July & the prosecutor plans to retry the case in 4 months. By going out on tour & talking about sexual assault, doesn't Bill leave himself open in all sorts of areas? At the very least, he will have to be very careful in what he says. Who or what organization would book him? His last tour when he lectured the African-American community in how to dress & talk, etc. did not go over well.
Milo has a picture of herself up on Instagram. Wonder if it is really her?
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