Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Recap: Kate Plus 8 "Kate Goes Skiing... Sort Of... ": The third time the family has never been to New England

Coming up on Kate Plus 8! The Counting On promo segments are at it again, with the host doing an impromptu play on The Newlywed Game. Where is the craziest place you've had a Bible study? she asks. Ooooh, this could get wild. I bet one time somebody even did it in the kitchen, right there on the counter next to the lunch meat and mayo. So kinky.

Watch someone else take a skiing trip. Watch someone else have an expensive vacation.

Tubing is "da bomb," says one of the kids. Da bomb? Apparently the kids were born in 1989, which makes them way older than the toddlers Kate insists they are.

Skiing scares Kate because she can't go down, who will take care of the kids? Who I guess are still suckling at the teat. I don't know why driving her car doesn't give her the same fear, since you're far more likely to be hurt or killed pulling out of your driveway than you are skiing, though skiing is admittedly more dangerous than the average activity. And following the logical line of succession,  the kids will go to Jon if she kicks the bucket, so I don't know what she is worried about.

A long explanation how, why and when they chose to go skiing that you can basically tune out until she gets to the part where she says they had not "done" the New England states before.

Except when they did, time number two, in an episode called "New England Adventures", lol. And except when they did,  time number one, when they met that weirdly obsessed fan Em from Connecticut and ran in the Rod Dixon Kids' Marathon there, Kate, kids and all. So, this would be Kate's third trip to New England that we know of.

I'm not sure anyone has a good explanation for why Kate has no memory of their two other free trips to New England, or why she didn't realize she was in New England on those trips, or what is going on with that strange comment. Who even knows at this point.

Does anyone get the feeling the two boys, who by the way are about as chill and awesome as can be, are mocking this whole thing at this point? With a little snicker, Aaden says he felt "emotional" to hear he was going skiing. Joel was "happy." Heh, they're too much.

We kill some time flashing back to some other boring ski trip. Oddly, we completely skipped the obligatory 15 minutes of packing and yammering, plus boarding the flight, before we finally get to the destination. I just realized the episode actually starts with the family already in Vermont, unpacking a bunch of bins from a trailer. Well that is a welcome break, since the only thing I could care less about than a family's vacation is a family packing for said vacation. I wonder if production reads here, since we always complain about the boring packing segments every time they show it.

I guess they rented a house, though it's hard to get any context here with the tight camera angles and little explanation. The twins complain the lavish vacation house has a weird layout. How very Love it or List It. Sheesh.

Why is poor Alexis always getting screwed? This time, it appears she might be without a bed, and stuck with a couch. I think the kids are far too demanding on vacations, but I don't think it's too much to ask one has a bed to sleep on, instead of a couch. And why is there always a shortage of beds when this family travels? With Air B&B, it makes it very easy to see exactly how many real beds you are getting. If you aren't sure, you need to ask. I understand they are a big family, but there are many listings that accommodate big groups, you just have to filter for them. We've traveled with extended family several times and never had a problem finding places. It makes me suspicious that when TLC books these they intentionally pick odd numbers of rooms and a shortage of beds, to cause conflict. If that's the case, it's really sick, since the odd people out are always going to be kids like Alexis.

Kate of all people saves the day and somehow finds a bed tucked away in a closet, pulls it out and sets it up. Thank you--geez!

For kids who don't ski, except for Cara (who is a regular skier by all accounts), they sure have quite a lot of ski clothes and accessories. The plastic bags and other packaging everywhere is a dead giveaway they had it grifted to them for the trip.

I like the intern class this summer, who choose a variety of rap and pop music for a segment in which nothing happens. This show has never had music like this before, very cool.

Aaden is yawning and rearranging pillows on the couch as they explain their skiing lesson. I guess that's his version of picking lint. If it's boring for a person to talk about their own vacation, one can imagine how boring it is for a stranger to watch a person be bored talking about their vacation.

Kate and the kids are right that snowboarding is so different from skiing and incredibly hard. I've tried it a few times and I found it so disorienting and difficult I was afraid I would break my neck at any moment. And I can ski, skate, and rollerblade just fine, and don't usually quit things right away without giving it a good try. After trying snowboarding, I was done in a few minutes. Still, Mady is being very childish about falling and blaming things on her instructor. She is Kate's daughter.

Kate is surprisingly encouraging, telling her she did well, which she actually did, and that falling is just part of it. It really is. It's darn hard, and as long as you learn to wipe out without popping a collar bone, you're good. I don't mind Kate this first day, shockingly. She actually let the kids just do their thing and didn't try to make it all about her. She is really at her best, and even tolerable, when she lets the children be.

These private lessons with Jason and Sarah, or is it Suzie, must have cost production a small fortune.

Kate says she was setting up a spa day in case it rains tomorrow. Oh yeah, I'm sure the boys will love that, and the less prissy girls like Alexis. Sigh. So that's why she was so easy going today, she was thinking about massages and pedicures tomorrow.

We're back, and just Kate's luck, it's raining. Spa time!!!

She's so flipping selfish, making the boys do the spa day she wants. Why doesn't she leave them be for the afternoon with the nanny who is surely there and go do this herself or with whoever wants to come? C-nt.

The easy going awesome boys are all about it, because they're awesome. Because I don't think I've ever seen them complain about anything, ever. Because they understand not to judge a book by its cover and if you're just game for everything, life usually turns out way more fun, even if there are a few misses along the way. But, can I say, that just because you have awesome and agreeable boys, doesn't mean you should make them do girly prissy things like spa days that are really more about your own selfish wants or your girls' wants. It is wrong to take advantage of someone just because they're easy going. (Yet happens all the time to such personalities.) But, I'm glad they're down and not unhappy about this lame activity. I'm not sure who is more awesome, Joel or Aaden. Joel says with a big smile he'll probably get made fun of at school for all this, but it's all good. Aaden says eh, not into spas, but I took one for the team. God, how did she end up with boys like this? (Answer: Jon) It would be nice if Kate and the girls took one for the team for the boys for once. Geez.

On a side note, I love, LOVE Kate's grey and brown vest pullover. I see a logo on the breast, but can't make it out. Where can I get it?

Kate gives a handy tip, don't get kids hooked to spas young. Writing that down. I can see why the reaction to this episode was more nasty than usual, as for one thing, it really does feel very 1 percent, which I think is a turnoff for most viewers, even well-off ones. There is something uncomfortable about watching people flaunt money. Some viewers may be jealous or feel left out, sure, but even if a viewer is not necessarily jealous, they're still embarrassed for them, and neither feeling is pleasant when one is simply trying to veg out and watch T.V.

I guess it stopped raining, because they're back at the slopes with the private instructors who surely cost a fortune. I see three separate private instructors. We're approaching thousands of dollars at this point for two days of this for seven people.

Oh, ya'll knew we were overdue for a big slam on Kate's childhood, and here it comes. She actually blames her lack of adventurous spirit on her childhood, in which she didn't have a lot of opportunities, unlike her children.

Does she think adventurous people must be born into wealth and opportunity? Tons of adventurous people come from humble backgrounds, and tons of adventures are cheap or free. One of my favorite places to road trip in California is the humble town of Bishop. There are lots of adventures to be had off the 395 highway in California. For example, you can go free climbing in Bishop, without ropes, for maybe a hundred bucks for the mats, which last years. I've seen those guys and gals, and nobody looks rich to me. Kate really is obnoxious with comments like that, implying it's her parents' fault she is neurotic. Bitch, STFU!

Do you want an adventurous child? Then teach them that life is an exciting and interesting gift, and that each new and strange experience and landscape and people should be embraced and cherished. Teach a child to not be afraid to fall, try new things, talk to fellow human beings, or take the unbeaten path. Sleep in your car at Mono Lake, hoping a ranger won't come by to kick you out (they won't.) Pig out on a breakfast burrito in Lone Pine the next morning then drive down the 395 and stop at whatever town along the way and see where it leads. This costs next to nothing, Kate, you tool.

Mono Lake, CA, by Admin. After car camping for free
until sunrise with several other adventurous spirits! 
I'm betting her parents gave their kids plenty of adventures and opportunities, they just weren't the things Kate wanted to do, like eat lobster, have a spa day, and go to Disneyland. Just because you subjectively don't like your parents doesn't mean that objectively they were bad parents, just saying. Rant over.

Why is the music so ominous? Alexis sails down the slopes on a snowboard and suddenly falls backwards and says her wrist hurts. Oh, that's why the music was creepy! They immediately head to a clinic and get an X-ray. She's fine, just a hairline fracture, she doesn't even need a cast. Much ado about nothing but heavily promoted on the previews. At least it was a little bit more than a splinter, justifying the dark music.

We're only 25 minutes in?? Ugh, this episode feels much longer than the one last week.

The day is wrapping up, now back to the house. Our Kate really knows how to stuff her face with pizza, lol. Is it really necessary for Kate to explain what charades is to us? What's next, she'll explain what a hairdryer does? I mean, really, TLC.

As per the usual, Mady is stacking the teams heavily in her favor. That gets so old. Mady, Cara and Joel all say the family really does not play games together much. They're not that family. Well, we figured it was all for show for the cameras.

Watch another family play charades. Mind-mouth, mind-mouth, mind--and, I'm falling asleep.

I'm going to fall over about how nice and sweet the boys are. They both agree their sister Mady is pretty. It would be so nice if just once the girls showed some kindness in turn to them.

You know the funny thing is, I predict that when this woman Kate here is someday old and grey, it's going to be these boys dealing with the bulk of her issues. Picking the nursing home, dealing with selling the house, sorting out the bills, calling insurance, talking to the lawyers. The girls will have their excuses why they can't commit to helping with any of this of course. Just started a new job, got kids to deal with, money is tight, work is so busy, yada yada. But the boys will be there no matter what, though. At the end of the day, it's clear they truly understand what love, loyalty and family are all about on a much deeper level than anyone else in this ridiculous group. I hope Kate appreciates it because they're the ones I recommend she call when she gets into a bind in her old age.

Mady's team loses, to which sadly I have to say, good. That's good karma for her trying to artificially stack the teams like she always does. It's immature and unfair, even mean. And this is proof it doesn't always work anyway, so I don't know what the point is.

The next day, I guess, they go tubing. Now this is more my speed! Oh the hours and hours of fun I had as a child tubing at the park with family and friends.

Hey, ya don't gotta pay a swanky ski resort to go tubing. Just grab some cheap ones at Costco and head to any old hill. Done. Feels like a big waste of money to me.

The twins spend an inordinate amount of time begging Kate to go tubing. Leave her be, twins, it's not worth the aggravation. Of course Kate agrees to go and it's all a bunch of yelling and drama. I'm rather surprised and more than a little skeptical that Kate finds this so scary. She was raised in Pennsylvania, tubing is practically a way of life, right alongside hoagies for lunch and pierogis for dinner. Let me guess, her parents never took her tubing or whatever other B.S. that is all their fault.

At the end of the gentle ride down the hill Kate walks away from her tube, dramatically proclaiming she is done. At least pick up your tube and bring it back, you slob! One of the kids, apparently somebody with manners, retrieves it for her. Heh.

All the kids adore this activity. Now that Kate has quit it seems their fun is even greater. The boys especially love it, proclaiming they must have been going 200 mph on those things. Heh, more like 20-30 tops, but when you're a child, it really does feel like 200. I love childhood because of stuff like that. You somehow feel everything so much more deeply. Music, tubing, adventures, all feel so intense. Like drugs without the drugs, heh.

They hit the slopes again on their last day. I'm a little unsure how long this trip was, but if we go by what we see, it was short, only three or four days. I'm unclear if tubing was its own day or on the last day.

At least Kate didn't cause a whole lot of drama about skiing until the last day, when she finally decides it's been about the kids for far too long and she would like to suit up herself and try it. She has her own private instructor naturally, more thousands of dollars.

The music the interns chose gives me a chuckle, it's very Olympian and dramatic. Heh.

Kate is incapacitated with fear, whether genuine fear or fake. She's not even skiing yet, but can't even walk to the start of the ski lesson area. Grow up, TFW.

Alexis is right back out there on the slopes, so I'm guessing her injury was truly nothing or a doctor would have forbid further skiing.

Kate screams, whines, protests, and bursts into tears. The histrionics are out of this world. If she hates it this much, stop. Don't ruin everybody else's fun. The patient instructor should not have to work under such conditions. Also, the kids should not have to spend their time reassuring her as if she's the child and they are the parent. Heh, even Mady is not buying Kate's excuse that if she breaks an arm there will be no one to take care of all the toddlers she has. Mady's like, we're almost 17 and the younger children are 13. Seriously!

The segment goes on forever. Poor kids dealing with all this embarrassing drama. Mercifully, the episode is finally wrapping up. They head up for a nice meal at a restaurant at the top of the mountain, though we never see them actually eating. Wonder if they couldn't get a permit. They have to ride a gondola up. That's loads of fun. They ski back down the mountain and everyone seems to love it. Kate is over the top impressed the kids could figure out skiing on this trip. Yeah, most 13-year-olds and 16-year-olds could handle this just fine. She's always seemed rather ignorant of their abilities and developmental ages. It's too bad Kate refuses to get over herself and learn this great sport too so she can do something fun like this with them and not always be that parent who just "watches". The instructors are still with them. That seems unnecessary at this point, and very, very expensive.

You guessed it, it was one of the best moments in their childhood. Kate was in tears. They all skied!! Collin who?

I generally keep personal stuff to a minimum in recaps, but this is such a major life milestone, it's too exciting not to share. I bought a house. My first house! And perhaps even my last, that's how much I love it and how perfect it is for me. I've been saving up for a down payment for five years. At times it felt daunting. At times the American dream seemed impossible, even though I've been very blessed to have had steady employment every year since school. But since school, real estate couldn't be more haywire. Watching housing prices crash then skyrocket again, and all the other mountains and valleys the market has been through over the years, has been intimidating to those wanting to dip in, and at times tragic for those who already had. Finding a house that was just right, beating out several other competitive offers, and making it through escrow was one of the most challenging things I've been through. Through it all, I just kept saving and pressing on, believing that through hard work and discipline, this dream could be a reality.

We just made it through escrow and I sign papers tomorrow. And you know what, the years-long wait has made it so much more rewarding. I lived in shitty apartments with shitty neighbors and shitty landlords and put up with it. The rice and beans, coupon cutting and bargain hunting, working long hours and several side jobs, and putting off "wants" in favor of needs was my life. When I finally step through my roundtop wooden front door, with its cute little built in look-out window, I'm going to know this house actually is mine, all mine. Well, twenty percent of it anyway! The bank has the other 80%, but that's okay, it's a mortgage I can afford, one that won't keep me awake nights.

Nope, I'm not rich. I don't go on free trips, unless you count a few whirlwind business trips now and again, usually in August when the humidity is 90%, I don't go to the spa on someone else's dime, or at all, and I don't have a corporation handing me a company card. Like most people, things are rarely just handed to me, other than maybe an extra donut. But man, somehow even without all these so-called perks, life feels darn good right now. Working hard for something and having to wait for it is good for the soul. And that's all I can pray for for the Gosselin kids, that they too will know hard work and rewards and life's little and big joys that have nothing to do with some network plastering your likeness all over T.V. and paying your way.

Welcome home to Admin.

246 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Tucker's Mom said... 1

I just realized the episode actually starts with the family already in Vermont,
Pretty sure they drove up. TLC probably told Kate they'd hook up with the crew in VT.
Good that they spared the viewers the totally boring packing meme. ~ Administrator said... 2

I was at the pool recently and watched a mom work with her son who has Downs Syndrome. She was in the pool with him, working on motor coordination with throwing etc.
I thought to myself that Kate would never do that.


Because of the nature of my work I see a lot of kids like that or even more commonly, kids with autism. When you see a good and gentle parent or other caregiver with those kids, it can be truly inspiring.

And no Kate simply isn't one to be able to have the kind of patience and dedication it takes. That said, I really do not see any signs Collin has that level of needs, but he clearly does have some needs.

For example I know a child whose autism makes it very difficult for him to control his constant talking and laughing. His mom and grandmother are constantly by his side, patiently talking with him, never flinching when he's loud or can't be quiet, constantly trying to redirect him gently and engage him with things. Never scolding him over things he tries to help but struggles to. Yeah, it takes work to parent such children. Work some parents simply cannot provide.

Tucker's Mom said... 3

And why is there always a shortage of beds when this family travels?
It's bizarre. You either rent a house with enough beds or I don't go, simple as that, Kate.
You know it's never going to be Kate sleeping on the couch.

Where would she put Steve?

Seredipity said... 4

i swear all collin needed was more one on one.

How could anyone, other than doctors who evaluated him, possibly know this? Armchair psychoanalysis in this case doesn't mean very much.

Sad but true said... 5

Only one story about Monday's episode, but it ain't so flattering.

And it's only got one comment, but it's a doozy:

"Collin was the son Kate abused the hardest. The poor boy never had a chance with such a controlling monster mom. I am glad he is in a place where people care because his mother never did. If you watched the show you saw the abuse god only knows what happened when the cameras were turned off. God bless you Collin consider yourself the lucky one you are no longer the icky son being abused. Kate should be locked up with the abuse her kids endured as toddlers. The kids have grown to be whiny brats. Cannot wait for the mommy dearest book to come out. Kate is a terrible mother!!"

BTW, I was the one that pulled that comment from the TLC FB page about Collin staying in that school until 16. And them seeing him once a week. I only thought it was odd, I don't necessarily believe it. Especially not that part about seeing him once a week.

Sad but true said... 6

"It is wrong to take advantage of someone just because they're easy going."

This, unfortunately, was Jon's Achilles' heel. And because the boys spend time with him, it looks like they're a lot like him in this. I just hope that, having lived with their mother, they'll be able to recognize a killer-bitch when they meet one.

Layla said... 7

Congrats on the new house, admin! I love Tudor houses.

It still irritates me that the kids are so often required to fuss and fawn over Kate and her tizzies, yet we have never seen her do the same to her. It'd be hilarious if the kids just turned to the cameras and rolled their eyes, the way their mother does when they are misbehaving.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 8

Alara Fair‏ @Just_Alara 2h2 hours ago
Replying to @aracelli_01 @Kateplusmy8
We'll agree2disagree then🙂It's very stressful 2be a mom of 8 let alone raising them&providing 4 all their needs aloneYou'd be frazzled too

I wonder how many sheeple missed the memorial service for Jon.

Sad but true said... 9

Aw, congrats on the house, Admin! It looks just beautiful. ~ Administrator said... 10

Aw, congrats on the house, Admin! It looks just beautiful.


Thank you!

That's not a pic of the actual house, as i don't want to post pictures of it that could easily be traced. The only pics I have are pics that are posted on the internet, so when I take my own I may post a few.

But, that is pretty darn close, with the arch door and tudor style, lots of character. However my house is a beautiful stucco, not brick.

JustMissy said... 11

Congrats on the house, Admin. You earned it! Purchasing a home in So Cal is no small achievement and you're going to love it next year at tax time.

I agree that this episode didn't start out terrible. The ski clothes were all brand new (some still had tags) and the girls are very entitled. It really bugs me how Kate tries to pass it off like she planned the spa day. Puh-lease! The boys are such good sports. I believe any talk of them missing Collin ends up on the cutting room floor.

Kate's dramatics are so old and boring. And I'm sure Skeeve was there somewhere behind a scarf and goggles. Once again, Kate comes off as a demented toddler when she stomped off and said "I'm done!" And get off the damn skis if you're so scared you can't even walk in the boots. No one was asking her to do it and the kids were having a good time without her. Sigh. ~ Administrator said... 12

I agree that this episode didn't start out terrible. The ski clothes were all brand new (some still had tags) and the girls are very entitled. It really bugs me how Kate tries to pass it off like she planned the spa day. Puh-lease!


Not only is it obvious production always plans all these, but it's just ridiculous to think that even someone responsible could plan a spa day for SEVEN PEOPLE the day before, plus get permission to film there. It doesn't work that way.

But it was a nice line in the script anyway, Kate contemplating what to do what to do if it rained the next day. Eureka! Spa day!

FYI said... 13

Pretty sure they drove up. TLC probably told Kate they'd hook up with the crew in VT.

They did drive up. Someone posted on FB that they saw them at a gas station in NY on March 6. That person lives east of Albany near the VT border. I remember we discussed it a the time, and thought that they were going skiing for spring break.

However, I doubt that Kate did all the driving.

Dmasy said... 14

Admin, congratulations on your-dreams-come-true home. It is easy to tell you are excited. Keep us posted on the decorating, organizing and mowing! Enjoy your nesting!

FYI said... 15

This time, it appears she might be without a bed, and stuck with a couch. I think the kids are far too demanding on vacations, but I don't think it's too much to ask one has a bed to sleep on, instead of a couch. And why is there always a shortage of beds when this family travels?

I think the whole thing with the beds was made up for drama purposes. I actually found the house that they stayed at and it has more than enough beds.

In the pictures, I counted 1 king-sized bed, 3 queen-sized and 7 twin beds, for a total of 11 beds.

I wouldn't be surprised if that one bed they "found" was purposely hidden just to amp up the drama. ~ Administrator said... 16

I think the whole thing with the beds was made up for drama purposes. I actually found the house that they stayed at and it has more than enough beds.

In the pictures, I counted 1 king-sized bed, 3 queen-sized and 7 twin beds, for a total of 11 beds.

I wouldn't be surprised if that one bed they "found" was purposely hidden just to amp up the drama.


Nice find!

I count ten beds scrolling through the photos.


Plus, notice the listing says 24/7 customer service. They could just call the number when they made the booking and say hi there, we can't seem to find all the beds, could you help?

Seven bedrooms, six bathrooms, and almost 6,000 square feet. Geezus-H.! The prices vary wildly depending on the day and season, but on the weekends in February, it goes for over $2,000 a night. Yowser. These kids have NO CLUE. ~ Administrator said... 17

Admin, congratulations on your-dreams-come-true home. It is easy to tell you are excited. Keep us posted on the decorating, organizing and mowing! Enjoy your nesting!


I guess it's called Pinterest-ing in 2017!

The gardener boys can do the mowing, thanks. ~ Administrator said... 18

Pretty sure they drove up. TLC probably told Kate they'd hook up with the crew in VT.


I think they cut some of the budget sending the crew directly there and meeting. Filming packing and traveling would require multiple different setups and tear downs. If you just get them all set up at the house ahead of time, they're good to go for the whole tip.

GollyGee said... 19

Congrats, Admin on your new home!

Tudor houses are rare here but it reminds me of a NICE 2 story Tudor house that I would pass by for many years on my way to the big city. It was in set back off the road but in the hairpin curve of the 2 lane road.

I had a lot of time to look at if I was not driving, but if I was driving, not so much. lol

Unknown said... 20

Great recap! Congratulations on your new home! It looks inviting and beautiful, I hope you have many many memories made there!

CC said... 21

Ha. Kate doesn't even rate enough for TLC to get them a mountainside house.

They could have gotten a house ON the mountain. You ski right out your door. No packing up 8, oops I mean 7, kids into a van with ski equipment etc.

Yes, the are pricey, but ten years ago Kate probably could have demanded one. Lol.

The show should be called Kate Doesn't Rate.

Tucker's Mom said... 22

Admin, congrats on your really lovely home!
What an entry!

Terri said... 23

Congrats on your new home. It's absolutely beautiful. I wish you many years of happiness there.

Tucker's Mom said... 24

I would say... one must follow the laws of the country one finds oneself in. The US does not have laws that force females to be subordinate, or accompanied by a male when outside the home, or forced to cover herself from head to foot, etc.

Those are religious rules, not to be confused with actual legislation, laws which police officers and other law enforcement are charged with upholding, sworn to uphold, in the US.
As soon as I read that Kate was the hero, finding the rollaway bed and saving the day, I knew it was a setup.
That house, as most of their free vacay rentals, sounds enormous.

You're right. These kids have no clue and are in for a rude awakening when they find out how much this lifestyle actually costs.

Formerly Duped said... 25

Mady is just like her mom- "I'm done" after she fell snowboarding and general negative and superior attitude.

LOL,I also laughed at Kate's not having 'done' New England. They had a number of shows there. Remember the lame 'Maine" jokes?

Admin: Was the vest you like the NorthFace one- I fast-forwarded very quickly since this episode was SO boring.

Tucker's Mom said... 26

Not only is it obvious production always plans all these, but it's just ridiculous to think that even someone responsible could plan a spa day for SEVEN PEOPLE the day before, plus get permission to film there. It doesn't work that way.

But it was a nice line in the script anyway, Kate contemplating what to do what to do if it rained the next day. Eureka! Spa day!
Didn't painting supplies for 8 magically appear for a rainy day filming opportunity in Maine?
I remember way back when, Kate said she "suddenly" realized how disruptive and dangerous it would be to stay at home while she got her 6-figure kitchen redo. So, she just had this lightbulb go off and viola! She managed to rent a beachfront mansion on Bald Head Island and off they went!
Kate sat there, so darn pleased with herself, taking all the credit and trying to come across as some Messiah for figuring this all out all by her lonesome.

What a crock of poop!

Anyone who's rented beach vacay homes knows this was a load of bull.
Funny, when the show was cancelled, Kate couldn't manage to rent a vacay home anywhere on Bald Head because all the rentals were taken.
And this was with way more lead time.

I have no doubt Kate makes herself the center of attention for each episode and uses her kids to ramp up the drama.

Tucker's Mom said... 27

It'd be hilarious if the kids just turned to the cameras and rolled their eyes, the way their mother does when they are misbehaving.
July 19, 2017 at 7:36 PM
I'd love to see the kids to 'man up' and that 'God builds in punishments'.
Eventually, some of those kids are going to realize that Kate sucks the fun out of everything and the relationship is one-way, all day.

capecodmama said... 28

Congrats on your home purchase Admin! Enjoy! Great recap. TFW is still an asswipe.

Formerly Duped said... 29

Admin: Congrats to you and wishes for health and happiness in your new home!

And great recap of such boring material. ~ Administrator said... 30

Mady is just like her mom- "I'm done" after she fell snowboarding and general negative and superior attitude.


It is very concerning that Mady, who is 16 years old, is handling such a small defeat with such hatred.

That's how I acted when I was four and got frustrated over something I couldn't figure out. Over the years you mature and are taught how to better handle small, medium and large defeats. At 16, you should not be stomping off, threatening to quit, all that, over a simple wipe out in snowboarding. I daresay most 16 year olds would LAUGH, not stomp off.

How will she handle it at a job when she finds a task difficult or something goes wrong? Stomp off, declare she's done? ~ Administrator said... 31

Admin: Was the vest you like the NorthFace one- I fast-forwarded very quickly since this episode was SO boring.


Not sure--it was grey and brown. ~ Administrator said... 32

I looked on North Face. This isn't the exact one but it's close:

Unknown said... 33

congratz admin, wonderful news. well deserved indeed, its nice seeing people appreciate their goals and gains unlike hate whom doesnt even appreciate a grain of rice.

no place on the net to see the episode. so the recap is wonderfully written. I can imagine all the distress moments, bitchness, un appreciation etc.

someday these kids might be like one of my college best friends. whom yes didnt grow up under a microscope but had everything till her parents divorced dad had a gambling problem and the mom invested money in places she should have. she took money from her daughter to repay the debt. thought she could but eventually got further into debt. This girl so spoiled, entitled, headnin the clouds and snobbish at times got a rude awaking when school called telling her if she had other funds to pay for school. She was humiliated fiberglassed and in shock. she kept on screaming eventually had a nerves breakdown. she had to drop out for awhile. she know understands life is more about what you need than what you want and having the best or newer things doesnt matter. she said one time she was glad it happened just to bring her down to real life. even thou she has a masters in bio chemistry and married a dr. they both live a very simple life. they never flaunt anything and are grateful for the smallest gift.

kate and mady mostly the are going to have a hard time

Unknown said... 34

once thous lights turn dark and reality hits them on their backsides. no more free this or no more saying well dont you know whom i am and so on. look at john he leared the hard way back to a normal 9/5

Sad but true said... 35

For anyone who watched, what was Cara's demeanor like in this episode? Did they show her skiing without an instructor? Did K8 or anyone make a big deal out of her skills? And what about the talking-head moments? Focus on lint, as usual, or any enthusiasm for what they were doing?

Dmasy said... 36

I must have had Greygardens on my watch list. I see it recored at 5:20 AM yesterday. I will watch and think of the ladies here who get the reference.

That vest/jacket is wicked stylish! Admin, sorry that you will have to actually purchase your version. Unlike Kate who probably scored hers for free and won't wear it again.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 37

Admin, thanks for the super speedy recap delivery. Always a treat to read them. And congrats on the new pad!

About the issue of number of beds in the house...there may have been more than the 8 of them sleeping there. It sounds like there was no on camera helper like Jamie, but for all we know, Deanna and/or Uncle Ronnie were there and were just kept off camera. Or perhaps even another not-a-nanny that we don't know about. Surely TFW would offer one of them a room over one of her own children. And it's also possible Steve had one of the rooms. But I just can't picture TFW wrangling the 7 kids during filming without another adult within earshot.

Formerly Duped said... 38

Yes, Admin, pretty sure it's NorthFace- see link. In some shots it looks brown and grey in others.I agree, it's nice! But also as I mentioned before NF seems to have comped them ski/winter wear.

Sad: Cara was pretty quiet but made a few snide remarks about the family and the trip.She is getting more like Mady, sadly.

Layla said... 39

I wonder if they were short beds because the crew was also staying there. If they blocked off a couple rooms for the crew to use, then yes, they would have come up short a bed. If the crew stayed with them, it would have driven Kate nuts! She doesn't like to share. Still, it's awful that Alexis is always the one who gets the short end of the stick. Nobody wants to sleep in the same room, nobody will let her sit at their table, nobody wants her on their team. Good thing she seems to be so tough and resilient.

As far as that vest, she probably grifted a certain dollar amount from North Face, and made darn sure she used up every last cent. Even if she went over in order to get something more for herself, she would have just sent out one of her "Help!" emails. We saw plenty of them in Robert's book. She has a strong aversion to ever paying for anything.

Formerly Duped said... 40

I didn't like the way the twins just said "No way is Alexis sleeping in our room" The makeshift bed was bundled into another room, I guess with her welcoming tup sisters- not. What a treat ( maybe!) it would have been for Alexis to sleep with her older sisters and escape the taunts and looks from H and L. (Assuming the twins could be nice to A and make her feel special)

Tucker's Mom said... 41

But they don't know what it's like to be normal, because their mom, who thinks she's the Duchess Of Wernersville, doesn't "do" normal.
Oh, I love that! "Duchees" totally fits Kate.
You know that she IS just like Princess Dianna, right?

I mean, if she was still alive, she and Kate would be like best buddies.

JustMissy said... 42

Tizzie said... 26

"...Duchess of Wernersville" - love it!!!

Cara said more in the episode than she has in the past 3 seasons. She loves to ski but she tried to snowboard this time and found it difficult. Of course, Kate had to point out how Cara wasn't as good at snowboarding as she was at skiing. Who cares??? Even though Cara spoke more, she seems very removed and done with this family. ~ Administrator said... 43

I didn't like the way the twins just said "No way is Alexis sleeping in our room"


Which proves they have authority over situations like this instead of Kate, the adult. The only no way here is no way would a normal parent not wash their little mouths out with soap. The parent will decide who sleeps where, not the bully twins.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 44

I think the twins have lived in a bit of a protective bubble for many years. When they're out and about filming, TLC is calling the shots, and I doubt there's much interaction with the mediocre. And at school,
I'm sure their celebrity status is old news. But I wonder how they'll function out in the real world? Bad attitudes and snarkiness will not serve them well personally or professionally.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 45

Admin (#44), and most moms I know would give up her own bed and sleep in the freakin' bath tub rather than let her child feel displaced. Especially a child we've seen repeatedly marginalized. Don't tell me that kid doesn't worry that she'll be the next to go.

Nicky said... 46

No, these kids don't know what it's like to really look forward to a well deserved treat or vacation. As we've seen, she bribes them all the time with things, and I can't see how that will stop. Yes, they will be shocked as they get older and have to pay for their own vacations, that you just can't afford to do every activity, rent the best houses, have food provided to you at a whim, have ppl set up all your parties at no cost to you.

We took our spring break vacation in Florida this year, where my parents have a condo. While it's cheaper, coming from Canada, there are still some significant expenses. $2K airfare for 4ppl, $1K car rental for 2 weeks, and groceries and spending money for 2 weeks - approx another $1.5K ($1.5KCDN got us about $1.2KUSD - stupid exchange!). So, almost $5K, which is a significant expense for us, and we didn't have to pay for accommodation. And we had a great time. We couldn't afford to go somewhere for 2 weeks and pay for hotels, activities, meals, etc. Just out of the cards for most people. And Queen Kate flaunts her vacations in everyone's face like it's normal.


GollyGee said... 47

Wow. Sounds like Jill and the baby are still in the hospital.

From Duggars Pickle FB page

The news black-out on the health of Jill and baby Sam continues. Sam was born July 8 and it appears he and/or Jill are still hospitalized. Cathy, Derick's mom, has been watching Izzy since the birth. According to twitter she still seems to have custody of Izzy.

She could just be watching Izzy during the days while his parents visit Sam in the hospital but something is going on and the Duggars aren't talking.

If there is something really serious with Sam's health and they are just accepting his diagnosis then I understand the silence but I really wish they would throw us a bone. There is no shame in a child's or a parent's health issues.

Seriously, you're not being punished by Satan. Sickness is apart of living. We all deal with sickness at various points in our lives. Throwing religious guilt into a natural state of being that is often beyond your control is such a waste of time and energy.

We may snark on the Duggars and confront some of their unfortunate beliefs but we really do care for the health of the family.......even Jim Bob.

Blowing In The Wind said... 48

She was humiliated fiberglassed and in shock.


What is fiberglassed? I never heard that expression.

Sherry Baby said... 49

LOL,I also laughed at Kate's not having 'done' New England. They had a number of shows there. Remember the lame 'Maine" jokes?

I didn't read it. Did she spell out New England, or was she referring to NE, Nebraska?

NJGal51 said... 50

What is fiberglassed? I never heard that expression.
I thought she meant flabbergasted. IDK though because the posts are very confusing for me.

foxy said... 51

Blowing 49

I think the word is meant to be flabbergasted.

kris said... 52

Regarding Alexis and no one wanting to sleep with her. Most moms would have just had the left-out child bunk with her. I'd have been like, 'C'mon kiddo, you're sleeping with mom this trip' Then I would have shot the bratty kids a very dirty 'mom' look and had a talk with them later about kindness.

Formerly Duped said... 53

Sherry Baby said... 50

Nope, she said New England. I don't think Kate knows her geography too well.

NJGal51 said... 54

Bad attitudes and snarkiness will not serve them well personally or professionally.
They'll have quite the wake up call when they get to college. I hope TFW is prepared to put them up in a luxury apartment because I doubt they'll enjoy dorm life.

JR said... 55

Could someone enlighten me as to why no one wants to sleep with Alexis...

Blowing In The Wind said... 56

I thought she meant flabbergasted. IDK though because the posts are very confusing for me.


Ah, I see! LOL! Thanks! Dumb me, I thought it was an expression like gaslighting.

Yes, the posts are very confusing to me, too, and I can't understand much of them, but I blame my drinking too many Margaritas! Good to know I'm not the only one who is having trouble understanding them!

Tucker's Mom said... 57

FlimsyFlamsy said... 46
Admin (#44), and most moms I know would give up her own bed and sleep in the freakin' bath tub rather than let her child feel displaced. Especially a child we've seen repeatedly marginalized. Don't tell me that kid doesn't worry that she'll be the next to go.
It would have to be a huge soaking tub to fit Kate and her Rode Manager ;-)

Formerly Duped said... 58

JR: The tup girls always shun Alexis and call her names ( animal, she's nuts etc) and don't want to room with her on trips ( Philly trip, Maine) Even in the old house she slept in the basement due to her waking up the others as the 'wild child' or 'bat' which her parents dubbed her.. they all say they don't want be her partner or have her on a team and I don't know why except that the two other girls are very close to one another as are the twins. She seems like a nice girl to me, spirited and curious.

Tucker's Mom said... 59

O.J. Simpson just made parole and he'll be out in October (going to Miami, FL).
I can't wait until we see his mug on reality tv because he'll be piecin' and patchin', just like Kate.

Who will he be to say 'no'?

Blowing In The Wind said... 60

Nope, she said New England. I don't think Kate knows her geography too well.


Wasn't it at the time of the photo shoot in Mexico that she said it was her first time out of the United States when, in fact, she had been to Canada?

Such a doofus.

kris said... 61

Hopefully the scales are falling from peoples eyes FINALLY!

Unknown said... 62

yes you guys got the word correctly. i guess ive been out of the kate game to long. so i will bid a doo. have a wonderful life everyone, thanks for the memories

FlimsyFlamsy said... 63

Kris (#53), yes, that's another kind way TFW could've addressed the sleeping situation. It's bad enough poor A's sisters are Mean Girls. But she's also saddled with being parented by an overgrown Mean Girl who's a narcissist to boot.

GollyGee said... 64

I just wish she could be a doing it all on her own single piecing and a patchin` mom in this part of the world for one day. Just one day.

Tucker's Mom said... 65

For the kids, realizing that you won't be able to have everyone you come in contact with sign an NDA is going to be a real eye opener!

JR said... 66

@59....yes I do vaguely remember her sleeping in the basement but they never made it clear why....unless my memory's going...

And did I hear right when Joel says that they never do things together and they hate each other?? She makes it seem like they're one big happy family....she's such a bull artist

Bid adieu said... 67

And a fond a doo to you, an extra fond a doo doo, malevolent. It won't be the same without you. Great laughs.

TFW Did Everybody Wrong said... 68

malevolvent (#63), please do not give up! I barely
post here, but I do read here each and every day and I can assure you that I have read what you have had to say
and I have enjoyed your words. Aren't we all different with our words and expressions? Yep, we are, but the common denominator here is Kate Gosselin and her children. There ain't no popularity contest here; just
people sharing about a horrible woman who is a horrible

FlimsyFlamsy said... 69

Formerly Duped (#59), A was also labeled either a "disrupter" or a "disturber" by her beloved mother.

Funny, I'd call it much worse than disruptive or disturbing that a 42-year-old woman can't get her s**t together on what's supposed to be a fun, family outing -- to the point that her meltdown seems to make her kids feel they have to parent her.

Midnight Madness said... 70

She was humiliated fiberglassed and in shock.


What is fiberglassed? I never heard that expression.


I actually like the word. It's kind of a malapropism, but not really!

ncgirl said... 71

Jackie Evancho and her family are getting a TLC special. I wonder if it will become a series.

Thanks for the recap. Kate knows nothing about geography or history. She messed up talking about Mount Rushmore. She's a prime example of a reality TV nobody getting more than they deserve.

Midnight Madness said... 72

Yes, the posts are very confusing to me, too, and I can't understand much of them, but I blame my drinking too many Margaritas!


I blame everything on Bloody Marys, or rumspringa, whatever is flowing freely! ~ Administrator said... 73

O.J. Simpson just made parole and he'll be out in October (going to Miami, FL).
I can't wait until we see his mug on reality tv because he'll be piecin' and patchin', just like Kate.

Who will he be to say 'no'?


I was off today to deal with signing papers for the house and could watch the whole thing--what a treat.

Oh my Lord, he has zero remorse. He denies there were weapons there, he blamed it all on the security guards, twice, and he couldn't articulate a single thing he learned in his classes. Rather he just did the classes in case his KIDS had issues, LOL! That was a ten out of ten!

I'm shocked they let him out. I thought he blew it, what was sure to be a sure thing, too, I thought he blew it. Guess they don't care if someone has learned nothing.

Midnight Madness said... 74

Toddler age is 12 to 36 months. Those kids are older than 3 in that photo. They are not toddlers. That said, Jamie certainly had a tight grasp on Collin's arm. Does she physically discipline the children?

And while the gestational carrier is away, this is the treatment her toddler children receive from her good friend Jamie (who doesn't have

Layla said... 75

malevolent, don't go! I enjoy reading your comments and your contributions here are valued. Please reconsider (please?). ~ Administrator said... 76

No, these kids don't know what it's like to really look forward to a well deserved treat or vacation. As we've seen, she bribes them all the time with things, and I can't see how that will stop


It's important for kids to develop an understanding of delayed gratification, because they will have to deal with waiting for good things throughout life, in the real world anyway. Kate seems to just spring the trips on them the day before or less. She would be much better off telling them at the same time she finds out, then having the whole family chip in to save loose change or do extra chores to pay for something extra on the trip, like an extra day at the slopes or something. That way they learn both to save up for something good and to wait for something good. Win-win.

Tucker's Mom said... 77

Aren't we all different with our words and expressions?
Yes, we are! We all have our own style and valuable contributions to make.

Tucker's Mom said... 78

I'm shocked they let him out. I thought he blew it, what was sure to be a sure thing, too, I thought he blew it. Guess they don't care if someone has learned nothing.
I thin O.J.'s daughter and friend pulled it out for him That, and his record of good behavior.
Otherwise, he was such an a$$hole, it just made me want to cry for the families of Nichole and Ron.
If today was any window into what they've been dealing with, with this sociopathic murderer, I don't know how they've had the strength to bear it. ~ Administrator said... 79

Yes, Admin, pretty sure it's NorthFace- see link. In some shots it looks brown and grey in others.I agree, it's nice! But also as I mentioned before NF seems to have comped them ski/winter wear.


Or she grifted two. Grey and brown and grey!

I think I did find the right one after all. It looks thicker in that camera shot, more like a jacket than an indoor outfit.

Layla said... 80

It's funny that admin found something stylish that was worn by Kate. She normally has such awful taste in clothes, it's a surprise when she actually wears something anyone else would want. Maybe someone else picked it out for her.

NJGal51 said... 81

malevolent - Hopefully you're not leaving because I said that I find your posts confusing. What I like about this blog is the fact that we can express our opinions on anything and no one takes offense. I'm sorry if I offended you.

High Sodium Content said... 82

CC said... 21
Ha. Kate doesn't even rate enough for TLC to get them a mountainside house.

Kate's group of inexperienced skiers have no need to be mountainside. They need to rent equipment, meet up with instructors. Killington is made up of 6 difference mountains, 2 of which have really beginner areas. You need to be able to read trail maps to get between them, which most of her kids would be able to do. Would be funny as hell if they had a house on Bear Mountain where several of the trails are diamond rated or higher. Yes, I've been there several times and I've survived Outerlimits double black diamond rated. Kate can suck the life out of a pony ride. I would never recommend Killington for a family of pure novices. Cara and Jon would have a ball though. So many different terrains, from hard to 6 or 10 miles long winding trails, glades or bumps. I would suggest Mt. Snow or Bromley (southern facing and warmer). They were there in March, which as a very experienced skier was not my favorite month, other than the warmer weather, getting a little tan and enjoying beer on the patios, skiing in bibs, no heavy jacket. Die hard skiers like it cold, packed snow, not mushy mashed potatoes. New England skiers no how to manuver the ice, not like out west where there is plenty of powder. The only time I ever got hurt was skiing in the mashed potato soft snow. TLC must have begged Killington to be able to film there. As a paying customer, if they were pulling all this screaming and nonsense on the little lifts, I would complain. Lift tickets cost a fortune now.

All This Is That said... 83

He said that there were no weapons there? I missed that. I watched the whole thing and thought he said that HE didn't have any weapons, nor point any weapons at anyone, but security did.

He did say that what he learned from the violence class is that anger needs to be directed elsewhere and that he has helped others do just that because things can get rather heated in prison, even over something as trivial as a basketball game.

He'll be back in there in no time. He's so arrogant. It's possible he's changed, so we'll see.

Anonymous said... 84

Someone commented today that O.J. is considering seven offers for a reality TV show. I can imagine any brand wanting to sponsor that idea; I would think he would be considered poison. I hope he just disappears; he should be able to live quite comfortably on his $300,000. pension (which the victims' families can't touch) without trying to invade our living rooms.


amc said... 85

Sometimes I wonder if the reason Alexis gets excluded so much is because she has the nicest personality out of the girls. She maybe really popular at school like she used to be with the audience. Idk maybe there a little jealous

Sheepless In Seattle said... 86

Sometimes I wonder if the reason Alexis gets excluded so much is because she has the nicest personality out of the girls. She maybe really popular at school like she used to be with the audience. Idk maybe there a little jealous


Alexis is the one who was expelled from Kindergarten, so I'm not too sure how 'popular' she now is at school. Hopefully she outgrew the behavior that caused her removal from school.

NJGal51 said... 87

@MsGoody2Shoes33: @jordanyoung15 @Kateplusmy8 If you go on TLCgo you'll see that these episodes are part of season 5. I think regular season begins in winter.
Sorry Goody but if you go to iTunes you'll find that these three episodes are Season 6. iTunes rarely gets it wrong because they charge for the season pass. If they were part of season 5 that's where they'd be included.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 88

Just noticed in the recap that 3 of the kids admitted the family doesn't really play games together. But right after the episode aired, TFW posted that she was playing cards with the kids, as part of her explanation for why she didn't show up to the Twitter party she invited millions of peope to. Sorry, TFW -- your kids just made a liar out of you. ~ Administrator said... 89

Just noticed in the recap that 3 of the kids admitted the family doesn't really play games together. But right after the episode aired, TFW posted that she was playing cards with the kids, as part of her explanation for why she didn't show up to the Twitter party she invited millions of peope to. Sorry, TFW -- your kids just made a liar out of you.


I had the same thought, as when I was recapping it it certainly gave me a chuckle as she had JUST said the thing about playing cards with her boys lol. The kids were really like, yeah, we're not that family. Heh!

Also, I thought there was a strange comment from Alexis right after they somehow worked out where they were going to put her bed. She said she'll just room with "the girls" I guess. I believe she meant Hannah and Leah. Why would she refer to the girls like that as if she's not part of it? Wouldn't she say, I guess I'll room with US girls? Or, the girls will all room together I guess? Or, I'll room with Hannah and Leah? It was just a very odd comment. But an extremely telling comment about how left out she is. The girls, the boys, then the twins, and then there's Alexis. Poor kid.

Kate has utterly failed her children when it comes to the bullying and ganging up. And this woman was a spokesperson for Bullyville? Make no mistake, this kind of unbalanced treatment could seriously damage a child.

Sad but true said... 90

From Twitter:

MsGoody2Shoes21_‏ @MsGoody2Shoes33
Replying to @jordanyoung15 @Kateplusmy8
If you go on TLCgo you'll see that these episodes are part of season 5. I think regular season begins in winter.

Really? Because on TLC's schedule page, these episodes were clearly designated Season 6. Unless someone over there f'ed up again, and now it's back to being Season 5. They're clearly turning the whole concept of seasons on its head.

Susan1956 said... 91 ~ Administrator said... 89

Kate has utterly failed her children when it comes to the bullying and ganging up. And this woman was a spokesperson for Bullyville? Make no mistake, this kind of unbalanced treatment could seriously damage a child.
Have you noticed that TLC runs a ribbon towards the bottom of the screen--something about 'take a stand against bullying' with a follow-up ribbon about a contest. Seems TLC can't let it go even as the film The Lord of The Flies Gosselin household.

Sad but true said... 92

It looks like K8 has decided to shut up about her current vacation. With all the debating on her IG, that's probably the smart move. And even with all the debating, neither of the two most recent photos are getting very many likes, considering her followers are now up to 162K. I think another 10K purchase must have been made recently. :)

FlimsyFlamsy said... 93

Admin (#89), ahh, but TFW doesn't CARE that she's failed her children. She delights in the division and chaos...the subtext being, see how hard she has it? That may've worked when they were little, but it seems even some of her ardent admirers are now realizing that behavior does not reflect well on her parenting.

In other words (say it with me, GollyGee!), she is a horrible mother. ~ Administrator said... 94

Someone commented today that O.J. is considering seven offers for a reality TV show. I can imagine any brand wanting to sponsor that idea; I would think he would be considered poison. I hope he just disappears; he should be able to live quite comfortably on his $300,000. pension (which the victims' families can't touch) without trying to invade our living rooms.


I'm really glad I watched this. I spotted several lies. At one point, he told the board he had no intensions of engaging with the media after this, he just wanted to live a very quiet life with his kids and promised he will essentially just go away. Yet when they read his letter to a politician into the record, he talks about starting up some kind of web cast or blog, and then there's these rumors of reality shows and interviews.

Other lies, he blamed it all on the security guards, he claims this never would have happened but for them. He denied knowing anything about weapons--puuuh-lease. He insulted a judge and contradicted the judge's findings, he lied and said he wasn't arrested until Nicole's murder at age 46 or 47, not true he was arrested in 1989 at age 42 and pled out for domestic violence. He also was arrested as a juvenile. He also said he lived a conflict free life. I guess he forgot the dozen D.V. incidents with Nicole in which she repeatedly called the cops.

He was lucky they use a risk assessment test instead of a smell test, because he stinks to high heaven.

A classic narcissist too. He's totally able to follow directions--be a model prisoner, start a church group, go to classes. But what he can't do, is explain the empathy he has for the victims. He stumbled all over that question, because he can't describe a feeling he has never felt. Like trying to explain love if you've never loved.

I hope the Goldmans can somehow find peace someday. ~ Administrator said... 95

The one part I can't get over is him saying it's good to learn about alcohol--for his kids, in case they have any issues. His kids are in their 30's and 40's. They're not teenagers experimenting for the first time with a few too many. They are grown, some are married, all as I understand it are in serious relationships and doing relatively well. And what a TOOL, implying they might have alcohol issues?? Huh and a BIG WTF!

So, he was the one drunk out of his mind the night of the incident, just for the record. Geezus. ~ Administrator said... 96

He said that there were no weapons there? I missed that. I watched the whole thing and thought he said that HE didn't have any weapons, nor point any weapons at anyone, but security did.


He said to his knowledge he didn't know a thing about weapons being there nor did he ever see them. He found out after the fact.

Bitch, PLLLLLLLEASE. ~ Administrator said... 97

He did say that what he learned from the violence class is that anger needs to be directed elsewhere


Like, direct it to your ex-wife or girlfriend?

He's really rich talking about where to direct anger. ~ Administrator said... 98

He'll be back in there in no time. He's so arrogant. It's possible he's changed, so we'll see.


I had the same thought. He's going to screw up parole, somehow. There are going to be a LOT of conditions. He'll get on a plane or something and violate it, then claim that he didn't realize that this interview he flew to was part of not leaving the state as it was part of his employment, or some such stupid excuse. I'm betting money on this. ~ Administrator said... 99

CC said... 21
Ha. Kate doesn't even rate enough for TLC to get them a mountainside house.

Kate's group of inexperienced skiers have no need to be mountainside. They need to rent equipment, meet up with instructors. Killington is made up of 6 difference mountains, 2 of which have really beginner areas. Y


They did a drone shot of the house and it was pretty darn close to the mountains, maybe less than a mile. It's a hop skip and a jump.

I didn't seem much houses on the actual mountain, but I could be wrong.

At three grand a night in high season, I think this house was pretty darn swanky. Though right now in July, we could get it for a song, 300 a night. We should have a 15 minutes meetup there! I'll save a bed for you Flimsy!

Layla said... 100

Sad but true (91)

Ms Goody is desperate to convince people (mainly herself, I suspect) that Kate will permanently be on reality TV. She just posted recently that she thinks TLC will follow Kate on her own once the kids are grown. Fat chance. Now that that scenario doesn't seem so likely, she really wants to believe that there is another long season coming up. That way she can convince herself that Kate (and, by extension, Kate's die-hard fans) are defeating the non-fans. She loves to gloat. If TLC is done with Kate, then there won't be much to gloat about. Then all she'd have left to do is wish grave bodily injury upon Jon. She always takes her frustrations out on him.

Jamesvader1194 said... 101

Whoever this Nick person is,seriously needs mental help nick_moy @katileyy You are a frigg?? JACKASS. You should stand up a while to prevent your shi--ty brain from being damage any further.. You stupid moron...

Jamesvader1194 said... 102

@Layla with the way these 3 episodes ratings are going,it'd be stupid of TLC to claim that these are good ratings to give Kate a whole 8 episode season again.I've notice some of her die hard fans from years ago aren't tweeting anything about watching.Examples are Ziggy,Candy,C.J,blumyst and some others who clearly are still on twitter but don't seem to care to tweet about watching Kate's show.

FYI said... 103

Really? Because on TLC's schedule page, these episodes were clearly designated Season 6. Unless someone over there f'ed up again, and now it's back to being Season 5. They're clearly turning the whole concept of seasons on its head.

On the TV schedule for Monday, 7/24, they show a repeat of the skiing episode at 10am and it's listed as Season 6 Episode 2.

But then the birthday episode at 10pm is just listed as Episode 9, with no season mentioned.

Where did they get Episode "9" from? The last season had 8 shows, and if you don't count the 10th anniversary show, that season consists of 7 episodes. So even if they are counting it now as part of season 5, wouldn't it at least be Episode 10?

Also, TLC promoted these 3 shows as a new season, not a continuation of season 5. Even the first promo(the link that Kate has on her IG) was titled "This season on Kate plus 8", and their FB page also states "New Season". ~ Administrator said... 104

miloandjack2016@katileyy No one is ignoring or pretending to not notice Collin's absence. Kate provided the degree of info she felt appropriate. This is a very sensitive & private matter. So much we don't best not to judge. Whether there is ever any more filming or will always be Kate Plus 8....he is her son...he is loved and will always be a part of this family. Collin was/is well liked and its only natural that the TV audience that has watched these kids grow is concerned and anxious to know he is ok and progressing in his special needs education. We have to respect Kate as his mother to give the public that update if and when she deems it necessary. Everyone longs to hear some good news in this regard. Patience and empathy are needed here. @kateplusmy8


Oddly, Milo is often correct in the ways she tries to gently "guide" Kate to do this or that, say this or that.

But there's something so sad about the way Milo tries to steer her in good PR directions, and the way Kate just ignores her, nearly every time. Milo practically gave her the combination to the lock here, and Kate still won't open it.

FYI said... 105

MsGoody2Shoes21_‏ @MsGoody2Shoes33
Replying to @jordanyoung15 @Kateplusmy8
If you go on TLCgo you'll see that these episodes are part of season 5. I think regular season begins in winter.

I don't know what TLCgo Goody is going to, but on the TLCgo website, these shows are listed as Season 6.

Layla said... 106

KIAT (104)
TLC is all over the place with the episode designations. But the producer from TLC definitely made it seem like there's no filming planned, and I believe that. The ratings suck, TLC isn't even bothering to promote the show--it sure looks like they're done. Goody loves to gloat about Kate staying on TV, and she was in her glory after Kate tweeted about another season. She loves to feel like the sheep are winning somehow, and she doesn't want to give that up. If this is it, then what does she have to gloat about? When the end of the year comes and there's no long season, she's going to start in on Jon again. She has to direct her anger somewhere, and he's her favorite scapegoat. She's already withed him in a car wreck and in a coma. We'll see what comes next. And he will continue to ignore her. I think that infuriates her the most. She's not even worthy of his time or attention and she knows it.

amc said... 107

I know Alexis was expelled. That could also be the reasoning that she and Collin were pushed to the side. I thought Alexis and Collin could both be sweet kids. It's also just so sad ~ Administrator said... 108

I watched last night's episode of Outdaughtered, and was really struck by the disparity of production costs between the shows. Kate's show is non-stop vacations, over-the-top parties, and expensive home improvement. On Outdaughtered, other than a couple trips to the doctor for Hazel, there was a stop at a bakery where Adam and Hazel picked up treats and they bought potties for all the girls. They don't seem to take numerous vacations on TLC's dime, and I haven't heard of any huge home improvements or parties


Those days are gone for all of TLC's shows. There's trips now and again, but they're shorter and less lavish.

Remember reality TV was really in its heyday in the first decade of the 2000's. You were living large if you scored that gig. Budgets were bigger, production values better. It started to fade earlier this decade and now it's just a blip on the radar, with only a few cheap offerings left aside from mainstays like Survivor and Amazing Race. ~ Administrator said... 109

ill bamboozling the really stupid and those overseas who really don't know the whole story.


I didn't think there was any wool left to be fleeced, but I was wrong! They really lined up for a good fleecing during this Collin debacle.

RoxyHelen said... 110

I'm betting her parents gave their kids plenty of adventures and opportunities, they just weren't the things Kate wanted to do, like eat lobster, have a spa day, and go to Disneyland. Just because you subjectively don't like your parents doesn't mean that objectively they were bad parents, just saying.

This. Also, let's say kate's parents were poor and couldn't afford to give her lots of opportunities, what kind of child holds a grudge over that? Who hates their parents for not being rich? Unless her parents were abusive in any way, shape or form, Kate's behaviour towards them(always throwing shade, taking away their grandchildren) is so damn wrong.

RoxyHelen said... 111

He was lucky they use a risk assessment test instead of a smell test, because he stinks to high heaven.

He was lucky he chose to commit his crimes during an emotionally charged climate, on the brink of a race war. He was lucky some cops and prosecutors made a couple of bad moves. He was lucky he got a judge willing to allow his court to be come Judge Judy. To me, that's what O.J.'s case was all about. I don't believe everything that comes from the mass media but I feel like Netflix's documentary got it right (most real life people involved confirmed Netflix's version of events too, which makes it more convincing to me). ~ Administrator said... 112

This. Also, let's say kate's parents were poor and couldn't afford to give her lots of opportunities, what kind of child holds a grudge over that? Who hates their parents for not being rich?


Exactly. I've never seen such a thing from those from humble beginnings. Sure you might be frustrated about your circumstances as a child, but you grow up and realize life isn't about money and that so many things about childhood are so much more important. We've all heard grown kids say, or said ourselves, we didnt' have much, but we had LOVE. I didn't have much as a kid myself, my parents had even less, and my grandparents had even LESS. Buy by golly do those parents and grandparents have story after good story from their good childhoods.

Kate's dad was a pastor. Why can't she appreciate all the good he must have done for his congregation, and the way he sacrificed other opportunities to spread the word of God in his community? Most pastors spend untoward amount of time waiting in hospitals, visiting the ailing, listening to people's troubles. Does she have no respect for all of this and what he sacrificed to be that person?

The thing is, Kate has never directly implied to my knowledge her parents were abusive. (There are some hints in Robert's book, but it's lacking in details) What she complains about are petty things--not getting a ski trip, spa trip, or tasting lobster. If the underlining issue is abuse, just say so. But if that's really the issue, and all she can complain about is she got fed boxed mac and cheese instead of lobster, then she needs to stop beating around the bush.

And, hey Duchess! None of us had that. Or NEARLY so! Geez! I worked for a very rich family and even they didn't lavish their kids with lobster--they didn't want them to be spoiled and it's silly to do so when they're kids and just want pizza. If you never had lobster as a kid, chances are you're not alone.

If they were abusive, say so. But this whining about lost opportunities in lobster and skiing and this is why your childhood sucked, is getting very nasty. Especially when her parents don't have the platform she does to defend themselves.

Sad but true said... 113

I stand corrected. Kate even loves OTHER people's dogs now! LOL, try harder, Kate.

kateplusmy8 We met this furry guy at lunch one day while out on the boat... he visited each of us around the table while we ate. I'm SO thankful his family allowed us to hug and kiss him bc we are missing our dogs so much! #HadShokaAndMakPersonality #ColorOfNanuq #Perfect

So the dogs stayed home.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 114

Maybe OJ can do a reality show that follows him trying to find the real killer of his ex-wife and her friend. And then he can teach that person to live a "conflict-free life" like him.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 115

amc (#108), I do think TFW may have held the expulsions against both C and A. I bet she saw it as a blow to her super-mom status: especially since she'd bragged about all her kids being at the top of their classes. And it introduced the idea that filming these very young children might be detrimental to their development.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 116

Sad but true (#114), hopefully someone will respond to TFW that, funny, you've never once said you are missing your SON so much, and your kids are missing their BROTHER so much. She's glad he's gone.

Anonymous said... 117

Another O.J. lie - yesterday he said he has never pulled a weapon on anyone. I guess he doesn't consider "the knife" a weapon.


NJGal51 said... 118

It doesn't look like there's a camera crew following her every because the folks at the table in the background of her latest IG picture aren't even paying any attention to her at all. I guess chaos doesn't reign supreme wherever they go unless TFW is having one of her meltdowns.

RoxyHelen said... 119

FlimsyFlamsy said... 116

amc (#108), I do think TFW may have held the expulsions against both C and A. I bet she saw it as a blow to her super-mom status: especially since she'd bragged about all her kids being at the top of their classes. And it introduced the idea that filming these very young children might be detrimental to their development.

Not saying this is 100% accurate but it's funny you should say this since I remember that a few weeks before the true news about the two kids being expelled broke, there was another news about A being suspended and people hearing Kate allegedly telling A "you're embarrassing me" or something like that. So there may be some truth there.

I do think as time went on and people wised up about the harm of reality tv Kate felt compelled to claim her children are all perfect, as a way to stop the backlash against the filming. Especially after the children's relatives started speaking up, Kate must have had no choice but to deny to the ends of the universe that anything could be off. She never admitted the two were expelled. On the show, she didn't even mentioned that A also had problems, she singled out C(Halloween episode that year). She didn't even say anything about C until it was absolutely necessary(when his absence would have been noticed). This is the mom who insisted the kids' vomit, poop and doctor appointments be filmed so we know it wasn't really concern for C's privacy. ~ Administrator said... 120

He also said he is known as a straight and narrow good guy who would do anything for anyone.

Except for all those times he scared the snot out of his wife beat her then killed her.

I really can't believe his testimony.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 121

Gladys said about C: "He is loved, and will always be part of this family." Can't the same be said about Jon? He will be his children's father forever. Yet TFW has disrespected him and undermined him and sabotaged his efforts to be with his children for years. What an unkind choice for her to make. She clearly hates him more than she loves them. And it kills her that he's the one person she can't just "delete" from all of their lives permanently.

Sad but true said... 122

He's back. For now.

johnpaulbachmann Never miss an opportunity for a photo-op do you, Kate? BTW Have you seen fit to let Jon know where his son is, or are you still defying the court order? Well, you have the big bucks don't you? Most people understand that it could be disaster for your child exploitation venture "show" if Collin is allowed to spill the beans to his Dad. #Shameful

Turtle (AKA Amy2) said... 123

The speculation here is that TLC is done with TFW once this three episode season is done. I tend to agree with this.

What does Kate have to sell the public? The kids are no longer cute toddlers. They are snotty, bratty, entitled teenagers. Yes, a lot of who these kids are is because of Kate’s (lack of) parenting skills. Who wants to watch teenagers be mean to each other. Not me. What else does she have? She never moved her career into another path. Though she had plenty of opportunities and connections over the years. Either she couldn’t make it as a true celebrity or she wasn’t willing to actually work. Either way, she’s stuck now.

Again, what does she have to sell? Poor me, single Mom didn’t make it. The whinny scared Mom, ugh. Don’t get me started. I do everything for my kids, not true. And the viewers see that she doesn’t put her kids first.

Can she sell the natural next stages of the kids? Perhaps but I don’t think so. C seems like she wants to be anywhere but with Kate. M will want to sign her own contract when she’s 18, making her the star, not Kate. Not sure about the tups, they might be willing to play the dating game to make Mommy happy.

IMO Kate has nothing to sell.

Susan1956 said... 124

We've talked a lot about Karma on this board and I'm starting to believe it is now an unwelcome 'guest' in the Gosselin household. If she's capable of introspection, she must realize that sending Colin out of the home was wrong on so many levels, has led to increased backlash from the public, and decreased and filming on TLC's part.
Gone are the days when she could count on TLC sending her, Skevie, and the kids on exotic trips, taking care of all the items on her never ending wishlist and making the rounds of all the talk shows.

I think it will be interesting to see how she handles the next 6 months if TLC does not film. I'm on the fence if TLC will film the twins' 17th birthday--maybe if Khate springs for a car and driving lessons (doubt that TLC will buy them a car)--as it's not a milestone birthday. Will she abandon Instagram as she has Twitter? Will the kids, at least the boys, start spending more time with Jon?

GollyGee said... 125

ncgirl said... 72
Jackie Evancho and her family are getting a TLC special. I wonder if it will become a series.


Jackie Evanco is a wonderful singer and was America's Got Talent a couple of years ago.

But I think that the reason why they got a TLC special is because she can sing and has a brother near her age that went transgender.

Layla said... 126

Admin (113)
She never misses an opportunity to mention how her childhood lacked in luxuries, yet she doesn't provide those things to her own children unless TLC pays for them. She wasn't taking vacations (except the grifted Alabama beach trip) or buying each child their own lobster or taking them to spas during the tie the show was cancelled. We would have heard about it--she couldn't miss the opportunity to have her sheeple praise her for all the things she provides for the kids. She sure mentioned every trip to get Chinese food and to Chipotle.

I also don't get all her insistence that her kids thank her for days and days after every dinner, party, and trip. My kids always say thank you, but they don't feel the need to repeat it over and over and over. Sounds to me like she reminds them repeatedly of just how hard she worked and how stressed she was and how much she spent, just so they'd feel guilty and than her again and again. Crazy. Especially, like we have all pointed out, she has the money to make these events very easy and stress-free. It's her choice to make it such a big production. Cleaners and caterers are always available.

Layla said... 127

Admin (121)
OJ is really full of himself, isn't he? Did you see his expression when he was answering the question about whether he thought the memorabilia was his? Barely controlled rage. Besides all the attacks on Nicole, the murders, and the charges he was convicted of, there was also a road rage incident. He is either delusional or he's the most self-absorbed, narcissistic person who ever lived. A true sociopath.

Greta Sophia said... 128

Kate misses her dogs on vacation...what about her son???

GollyGee said... 129

Admin said...113

I found this in Robert's book.

Kate reportedly suffered a violent and abusive childhood, which may have triggered her severe narcissistic behavior. In her words, she was “very overly disciplined.”

Several people close to Kate, including a sibling, told me that her childhood behind closed doors was a house of horrors for her.

I have also been told that, in addition to being regularly beaten by her father, Kenton, she was also “sexually abused by a family member.” While in high school, Kate became pregnant.

This will probably be surprising news to everyone who bought her oft-repeated story that she could not conceive naturally. It was just one of many very public lies she told to solidify her carefully crafted image.

The sad truth is that Kate’s father forced her to secretly abort the baby, which left her empty and hollow inside, and very angry. She left home at the request of her father, who could no longer tolerate her rebellious behavior and sexual promiscuity.

Kate didn’t have any marketable skills or a work ethic, but she was driven by hate and resentment toward her father.

While still in high school, Kate decided that she would become a nurse so she could marry a wealthy doctor and have children of her own, and would never have to work again.


No wonder she loathes her parents. Her dad for forcing her and her mother for not helping her. If it were me, I personally would not have allowed that to happen. I would of packed my things and left.

Bye, mom and dad. Have a nice life!

Tucker's Mom said... 130

I wonder if a 13-year old boy who looks like Collin crosses Kate's path, if she coos over and poses with him.
#somuchlikemyCollin! #Perfect!!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 131

Tucker's Mom (#126), nope -- she just grabs the kid by the hair and throws him into the nearest crib for a beating.

Susan1956 said... 132

Pensions are bullet proof, huh? Wonder if Khate is/has putting/put all the money she can into pension plans so if one of the kid(s) sue(s) her down the road, there won't be much money to collect.

GollyGee said... 133

Tucker's Mom said... 131
I wonder if a 13-year old boy who looks like Collin crosses Kate's path, if she coos over and poses with him.
#somuchlikemyCollin! #Perfect!!


Wow, Tucker's. Thank you for posting this. I just read an article yesterday and forgot to post it.

A couple were at Disneyland with their young son and they noticed a man and woman who were looking at them, a lot. All of a sudden, the couple walked up to them and asked them if they could take their child with them.

The mom said, No. The other lady said, You don't understand. We want to take him shopping! The lady explained that they had 4 children but one of their children, a little boy had died and today would of been his 1st birthday.

She said that their little boy reminded her and her husband so much that they were taken aback and thought, why don't we ask them if we could take him shopping and buy him presents in honor of our son.

So, the lady gave her son to the lady and off they went while his parents walked with them. The parents had the best time with the little boy. When they got to the toy section, his parents stood back, a little, while they just watched what joy their son was giving 2 grieving parents.

GollyGee said... 134

Tucker's Mom said... 131
I wonder if a 13-year old boy who looks like Collin crosses Kate's path, if she coos over and poses with him.
#somuchlikemyCollin! #Perfect!!


And after the faux Collin's shininess quickly fades, she is ready to hand the child back to the parent.

Yeah, she's glad the faux Collin gone. She's giddy about it.

Say it with me Flimsy, She is a horrible mother!

Tucker's Mom said... 135

FlimsyFlamsy said... 122
Gladys said about C: "He is loved, and will always be part of this family."
Yeah, that and $1 will get you a cup of coffee at McDonalds.
WTF does that even mean?

Family isn't theoretical. People are here, present, living and breathing. You don't reduce them to some abstract concept that means NOTHING when the rubber meets the road.

RoxyHelen said... 136

GollyGee I don't know what to say. How is easy is it to convince a fertility specialist you're infertile? Sure, there are incompetent doctors out there but still...I believe a lot from Robert's book but by a lot I mean Kate's own words (which she admitted were hers by copywriting them). Everything else I take with a grain of salt. This part really sounds sort of wild. If her dad kicked her out how did she put herself through nursing school? If she was so promiscuous how didn't any publication like ROL find anything at the height at the J and K post divorce scandal when you know they must have been looking for everything? They found out where Collin was but not any of this? I don't know, I'm not saying it's impossible I'm just saying I find it a bit hard to believe. Didn't her father raise donations (which Kate accepted and later sold or whatever) when the tups were born? So they were in contact. I don't know.

Tucker's Mom said... 137

Greta Sophia said... 129
Kate misses her dogs on vacation...what about her son???
Yeah, exactly. I commented about wondering if Kate gets the urge to hug any boys that look like Collin.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 138

Greta Sophia (#129), I made a similar comment earlier. And she's sooo missing her dogs after only a few days, but her son's been away from home for over a YEAR and she doesn't say boo about him.

Layla said... 139

Turtle (124)
I absolutely agree, the show is over other than the occasional check-in. Someone at TLC decided not to advertise her show. Someone at TLC decided to cut this season short. And someone at TLC decided not to renew the show right now.

Kate's biggest worry right now is that her days of cashing in on the kids are coming to an end. I agree that Cara won't want to have anything to do with filming when she reaches 18, and Kate can't force her to do it. Mady will want her own contract and will want to be the star, and there's only so much money available for salaries. Once the tups are grown, they can do the same thing as Mady, further reducing Kate's pay. And anyone who agrees to be filmed for dates/marriage can demand their share of the pay. She only has 15 months til the kids start coming of age. And I bet she knows it.

The Duchess of Wernersville... I like it. But shouldn't it be the Duchess of Ghettoville?

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 140

No wonder she loathes her parents. Her dad for forcing her and her mother for not helping her. If it were me, I personally would not have allowed that to happen. I would of packed my things and left.


High school. She was a minor. If indeed that happened, she just couldn't have packed her bags and left. Left for what? No job, no place to go? It's all well and good to say that's what you would have done, but when it comes down to it, there needs to be a plan. Minors can't just up and leave.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 141

Another O.J. lie - yesterday he said he has never pulled a weapon on anyone. I guess he doesn't consider "the knife" a weapon.



He has always denied killing Ron and Nicole, so he's not going to say that hey, I did stab both of them, He was found not guilty. That verdict never should have happened,

He better keep his nose clean this time. I wonder if they are keeping his cell open for him,

JR said... 142're missing your about her child...remember him? If she try's hard enough or never mentions his name people will forget he ever existed....just another alienated family member except this time it's her own child...

Sad but true said... 143

Milo's finally commented on K8's latest dog photo.

miloandjack2016 OMGosh...first saw this and thought you broke down and adopted a #GoldenRetriever!! You two are so cute... #HappySmileyFaces. 😃 @kateplusmy8

miloandjack2016 Actually surprised you did not take at least one of your pups along? Nanuq travels well doesn't she...and of course is so well behaved?? 😋 Did you consider it? @kateplusmy8

She has no idea how K8 got to wherever she went, so why ask this question? I also doubt whether #NookiePookie is well behaved enough to participate in a family vacation a la the retriever shown in the photo.

ncgirl said... 144

I was watching TLC last night, and there was a banner on the screen advertising Kate plus Eight.

I still don't believe the dog love. Funny how the dog love started when Colin left. She was just trying to improve her image.

It's so hot. Kate said she loves the heat so she must be showing off her hot bod for Skeeve. I bet Milo would like a bikini picture.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 145

Sad but true (#144), why is Gladys taking TFW'S word for it about Nookie Pookie's behavior? She also said all 8 of her children were so incredibly mature and well behaved that strangers would comment on it. But apparently that wasn't true in C's case.

GollyGee said... 146

She said that their little boy reminded her and her husband so much that they were taken aback and thought, why don't we ask them if we could take him shopping and buy him presents in honor of our son.



The lady said, her little boy reminded her and her husband of their little boy who died and that very day would of been his 1st birthday.

Layla said... 147

Kate said in Multiple Blessings that Jon and the twins stayed with her parents while she was hospitalized for 200 years with the tups, and her parents watched M&C while Jon worked and visited her. If her father was so abusive, then why did she allow him so much access to her children? If he was so abusive, then she knew there was a possibility the twins could be harmed by him. Why would she even consider taking a chance like that?

GollyGee said... 148

RoxyHelen said... 137
GollyGee I don't know what to say. How is easy is it to convince a fertility specialist you're infertile? Sure, there are incompetent doctors out there but still...


TFW had a masterplan. She was going to mass produce as many babies as she possibly could so the circus would get so much attention that she would be showered with gifts, cash, anything she wanted.

She couldn't go back to the first fertility dr. and do IVF again because she had a set of twins. So she had to find another dr. She found one a mile from Roberts house. When she ordered the shot to stimulate her ovaries, and it overstimulated them, she had to be put into the hospital.

When she was released her dr. told her DO NOT HAVE ***!!!

I wonder if she did the first night back from the hospital.

Kate did the research. The reason Kate settled on her Wyomissing doctor the second time around was because the Allentown specialist rejected Kate when she returned and wanted that doctor to do IUI again.

Her first doctor instructed Kate that it would be irresponsible for her to use IUI again, given her still young age and the fact that she had gotten pregnant so easily the first time around – with twins. She wanted Kate to do IVF with a single embryo transfer to start, and informed her that if this didn’t work, she would agree to IUI.

Kate became irate and left the office – for good.


GollyGee said... 149

Fleecing the Sheeple,

She could of found a sympathetic aunt to go live with, someone from church or she could of went to a group home to live with other girls.

She could of easily put the baby up for adoption.

Then she could of gotten a fresh start.

Susan1956 said... 150

Somebody may not be getting reelected.

Sheepless In Seattle said... 151

miloandjack2016 Actually surprised you did not take at least one of your pups along? Nanuq travels well doesn't she...and of course is so well behaved?? 😋 Did you consider it? @kateplusmy8

She has no idea how K8 got to wherever she went, so why ask this question? I also doubt whether #NookiePookie is well behaved enough to participate in a family vacation a la the retriever shown in the photo.


She just wants to be noticed. She has no idea how Kate got to her destination; she needs her Kate fix of a response.

When you think about it, it's really sad. Sad that Milo has no logical thinking ability, and sad that she's so far deeply into Celebrity Worship. What will her life become when Kate finally disappears?

FlimsyFlamsy said... 152

Turtle (#124), you really summed up the situation well. Yes, what does TFW have to offer? She doesn't talk about hobbies or outside interests.
Her Insta posts and tweets sound like they were written by, and experienced by, a 12-year-old girl.
For someone who's traveled as much as she has, she does not come off as a well-rounded or interesting person. There's no there there.

Oh, but wait...she did grow a pepper... ~ Administrator said... 153

See, if Kate's dad were such a monster why allow him access to the twins? She let him see her twins, and she was also around when the Tups were born. She would be just pathological enough to make up abuse for attention.

You know what her timeline of estrangement lines up perfectly with? When she didn't like the grifted baby's room her dad's church and friends cooked up for her. Things were second hand, paint jobs were second rate, and it wasn't good enough for the Duchess. THAT'S when, as I follow the clues, her parents disappeared from her life. And that's when she began her decade long whining about how they never gave her anything.

Tucker's Mom said... 154

I agree that if Kate's Dad was a monster, why did she and Jon let Kate's parents see and take care of the twins?
Kate's relationship started to fall apart when her father wasn't coming through with the freebies, and seemed to completely fall apart once Kate became rich and famous, and of course, not mediocre anymore.
She has no need for her parents anymore.
Further, if they made a peep about filming, they were gone. ~ Administrator said... 155

Kate's relationship started to fall apart when her father wasn't coming through with the freebies, and seemed to completely fall apart once Kate became rich and famous, and of course, not mediocre anymore.
She has no need for her parents anymore.
Further, if they made a peep about filming, they were gone.


I wonder if they pulled the religious card on Kate about the filming and freebies. If they are any kind of decent people and Christians at all, they would be uncomfortable about watching their daughter be destroyed by greed. I think they said and/or did something that really put Kate off, and ever since she's been raising all kinds of minor transgressions they did to her, in an effort to retaliate. I'm sure her rejection of their baby room was a huge and embarrassing problem to try to smooth over for their congregation. I can see how if one of the two has a short temper and losses it over that, she might write them off.

Anonymous said... 156

Perhaps this has been said and I missed it, but I find all the sexist commentary about spas a bit offensive. I know lots of men who enjoy facials and massages. I think we should be careful when identifying activities as purely 'female' or 'male' oriented.

That said, yes, the boys did mention they'd be teased at school. That makes me sad. Clearly these children are being raised where gender is strictly defined.

We know Kate only wants pink and prissy for her girls and manly and tough for her boys.

-- amy (one of the amys LOL) ~ Administrator said... 157

Perhaps this has been said and I missed it, but I find all the sexist commentary about spas a bit offensive. I know lots of men who enjoy facials and massages. I think we should be careful when identifying activities as purely 'female' or 'male' oriented.


I wasn't meaning to do that, but it's clear the boys are pretty masculine, with typical masculine interests. I knew right off the bat they wouldn't like this, and sure enough, this wasn't their cup of tea. They went along with it because they are good sports, not because they enjoyed it.

I'm not saying spas are an activity only girls enjoy, but in this family, it is.

It really goes for anything Kate picks for the family to do that heavily favors her girls. It could have just as easily been the girls all like a gender neutral activity like eating pasta and the boys don't, but the point is that she picked activities she knows darn well the boys aren't into.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 158

Tizzie (#154), yes, all of TFW's "making memories" events have been controlled, managed and manipulated by TLC. Remember the corn maze the children had to speed through? "No time for fun, kids -- we're burnin' daylight, and we've gotta wrap by 5 or the whole crew goes on double time." Good times.

I bet M and C might trade places with Teenage TFW in a heartbeat.
Having weekends to unwind, hang out with friends, maybe have a part-time job, and just be a normal, anonymous kid, instead of "the twins from J&K+8."

NIOP said... 159

(GollyGee said... 149

"Her first doctor instructed Kate that it would be irresponsible for her to use IUI again, given her still young age and the fact that she had gotten pregnant so easily the first time around – with twins. She wanted Kate to do IVF with a single embryo transfer to start, and informed her that if this didn’t work, she would agree to IUI."

I often wonder how Robert could be so precise with this piece of information given the strict HIPPA (sp?) laws in your country. Other nuggets too like her being sexually and physically abused by someone in her family.
I hope Robert keeps all his notes and discs he found in her garbage. I'm sure one or more (maybe Collin?) will not only write a book but could lead to a movie or documentary regarding kids in Reality TV shows.
I'd be stashing all your notes etc too, Admin, for some kind of continuity to a possible movie of the week deal with a G kid.

Ya never know...

NJGal51 said... 160

I bet M and C might trade places with Teenage TFW in a heartbeat.
Having weekends to unwind, hang out with friends, maybe have a part-time job, and just be a normal, anonymous kid, instead of "the twins from J&K+8."
Cara maybe but not Mady. Remember, Mady doesn't paint her own toenails. She can mind you, but she's too lazy to (her words). Mady seems to like the celeb and everything that goes with it. She is going to have a very rude awakening one day.

RoxyHelen said... 161

GollyGee respectfully, those are just allegations. Of course I don't know whether true or not but as I said, unlike the diary entries which are from Kate's own mouth, I am not inclined to believe them, just because they are in Robert's book. I'm sure Robert didn't have access to Kate's medical records so what he has is mostly hearsay. Could it be true? Of course. Do I believe? I am reluctant. If I'm honest, I don't really believe Kate planned sextuplets, it seems like quite a leap. She took advantage after they were born but I don't think she planned them. Same with the abuse charges. I do not find the abuse story and fertility story as reliable, in absence of any real evidence and especially since things do not match the actual events we know took place.

RoxyHelen said... 162

FlimsyFlamsy 160 I remember during the RV trip(?) the children stopped at the grand canyon and Kate said they had to live early because people were crowding them. I remember at the Statue of Liberty giftshop Kate rushed the kids out because people were crowding them. I remember there being a climbing wall the children seemed so excited to try yet, per Kate's statement they couldn't do that and had to leave because people were crowding them. Yet in the next breath, Kate would say filming doesn't hinder them and isn't affecting their lives. I remember my jaw dropping. I remember thinking "How can you tell me the children couldn't climb a lousy wall because of filming (people crowding them due to their notoriety)but then tell me filming only brings good things?".

Another lie I vividly remember is Kate saying the crew was family in one video and then in another video talks about how the crew is constantly rotating and there's always new people. Which is it?

When Joel wanted to participate in decorating the 4th of July cake but Kate said no and then in the interview chair Kate claims the girls didn't want Joel there?

There are so many lies just from paying attention to the show, people shouldn't need to read extra to see the lies. How she still has fans is beyond me. Sorry for going on a tangent.

GollyGee said... 163

Several people close to Kate, including a sibling, told me that her childhood behind closed doors was a house of horrors for her.


TFW was so obsessed with having birth to multiple babies because she was obsessed with Bobbie McCauley's experience of getting everything for free.

She did plan this. She was mad because when she had the twins, she begged Jon for just one more. He finally relented and Robert said she ordered a shot from Canada that stimulates ovaries and she ordered it under the name of Karen Kaufman.

When he got all the stuff out of the trash right after Jon moved out, there it was. The empty ovary stimulation shot box, the receipt, the name it was ordered under,
Karen Kaufman.

When these kids get older and find out all this, rude awakening is too mild to even describe the horror they will feel towards their mother.

I feel so bad for them.

GollyGee said... 164

Well, what do you know!

Ree Drummond opened a Deli/Bakery/Restaurant/Coffee Bars and merchandise store last fall. They serve 6000 people a day and sometimes up to 15,000 per day!!!

PW bought a nearby empty Walmart store to put all of their stock in. The first customer drove over 400 miles to be there first.

It is fascinating and beautiful!

And she didn't have to exploit her children to do this either!

Layla said... 165

I remember Kate was reported as being upset that they clothes donated by her father's church didn't match, the cribs didn't all match, and she didn't like the color of the donated van (I think it was burgundy) so she traded it in on the blue one. The freebies just weren't up to her standards, so she had no use for them.

GollyGee said... 166

Watching PW right now.

She makes dinner for the 2 boys and she is at the stove and they come in and see it is cheesy chicken fingers over pasta. The younger boy says, the last time I ate this, it was the best meal, ever!

Then she sweetly asks them, HOW MANY chicken fingers do you want? The older boy says 3, and the younger boy says 1. They dig in.

So different with TFW. One child at a time goes to the bar and she plops their food with her bare hand or a ladle.

She is a horrible mother.

Lanc Native said... 167

As far as the abuse Kate received from her parents, or her being promiscuous or sexual abuse from a relative, I don't believe everything I read or hear from "sources." It's possible there are two sides to this story. ~ Administrator said... 168

As far as the abuse Kate received from her parents, or her being promiscuous or sexual abuse from a relative, I don't believe everything I read or hear from "sources." It's possible there are two sides to this story.


There are two sides to every story, and since Kate has proven herself a liar, I wouldn't put it past her to lie or exaggerate about it.

The allegations of abuse don't fit with the things she has said and done. Supposedly she had such an abusive childhood, yet had no problem having her parents around right through the tup's births. Supposedly she had an abusive childhood, but all she can talk about is how her parents did not spend money for her to have luxuries. It's rare I hear an abused child, adult or still a kid, talk like that, bringing up minor or even ridiculous transgressions alongside serious abuse. That would be unusual. Also, he parents disappeared right around the time she didn't like the baby's room. One hell of a coincidence.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 169

Admin (#171), TFW also sued Jon, saying he was a threat to her children's safety, then promptly trotted out of town for some press deal and left those endangered children home with a babysitter -- taking the bodyguard with her.

Confused said... 170

FlimsyFlamsy said... 172
Admin (#171), TFW also sued Jon, saying he was a threat to her children's safety, then promptly trotted out of town for some press deal and left those endangered children home with a babysitter -- taking the bodyguard with her.

I don't remember a lawsuit where Kate alleged Jon was a threat. I only recall her failed lawsuit against Jon and Robert for computer fraud.

Sad but true said... 171

Confused said... 173

I don't remember a lawsuit where Kate alleged Jon was a threat. I only recall her failed lawsuit against Jon and Robert for computer fraud.


Oh yes she did. I can't recall if it was a formal statement (maybe KIAT can help out here), but she said her reason for filing the suit was for her children's safety. She never explained exactly what she meant by that---as is indeed the case with so many other bizarre things she has said and done---but she did claim she had to do it for her children. NOT for herself, although I believe that most any time she claims publicly be doing something on behalf of the kids, it's really for her benefit, and sometimes to the detriment of her kids. ~ Administrator said... 172

I wasn't meaning to do that, but it's clear the boys are pretty masculine, with typical masculine interests.
You just did it again.


That's ridiculous. Absurd.

Tucker's Mom said... 173

I often wonder how Robert could be so precise with this piece of information given the strict HIPPA (sp?) laws in your country. Other nuggets too like her being sexually and physically abused by someone in her family.
To the best of my recollection, I don't believe anyone violated HIPPA.
For example, Robert spoke with people who had knowledge that Kate rejected her first fertility doctor's plan to not put her through IUI again and instead, undergo IVF.
Kate reportedly stormed out after making a scene. She was having NONE of that.

Why on earth would any sane woman roll the dice with IUI again when her first course of treatment resulted in twins?

The evidence that Kate ordered fertility medication under a pseudonym is also compelling. Why would Kate Gosselin be in possession of fertility medication (used to trigger egg release) in the name of a Karen Kauffman?

So, we have Kate changing to a different fertility doctor after he successfully treated her, resulting in healthy twins. The next doctor was willing to do exactly what gave her multiples the first time; IUI.

In the very least, I believe Kate did her level best to have multiple multiples and I do think she ordered fertility medication to give herself so that when she was not supposed to "trigger", she went ahead and did.

I've always thought that's the reason for Kate being ready to pass out when she saw 7 follicles, because she realized what she'd done.

That's just my opinion, of course, based on believing that Robert vetted the information in his book to a high standard.

Sad but true said... 174

Confused (173), here you go:

Confused said... 175

Sad but true said... 174
Oh yes she did.

Yes, she filed a lawsuit claiming he stole her hard drive. The lawsuit is on the sidebar here. She did not file a lawsuit "saying he was a threat to her children's safety." The lawsuit was alleging violation of the Computer Fraud Act and other statutes. Her usual mumbo jumbo blathering in an interview is where she said she was doing it for the safety and future of her kids.

That's where my confusion came from.

PA Dutch Mom said... 176

There are two sides to every story, and since Kate has proven herself a liar, I wouldn't put it past her to lie or exaggerate about it.

The allegations of abuse don't fit with the things she has said and done. Supposedly she had such an abusive childhood, yet had no problem having her parents around right through the tup's births. Supposedly she had an abusive childhood, but all she can talk about is how her parents did not spend money for her to have luxuries.


Bingo, and a hearty amen. Slamming the Kreiders with those allegations was downright nasty. They didn't deserve that.

Kate's lawsuit. When she withdrew it, she never did explain how the kids' safety was no longer in jeopardy, not that I expected her to address it, but it would have been interesting to hear what she would have come up with!

Sad but true said... 177

Confused said... 178

Direct quotes from the article I linked above:

"I can say that when we started out investigating the source of what was happening, I made the decision back then to push this. It's a lot of Internet bullying," she told Savannah Guthrie. "Actually, I've lost a lot of employment opportunities over the rumor mill circulating false stuff."

"The most unexpected and disappointing thing is who was at the center of it," Gosselin continued.

She added, "It has to be done for the safety and the future of my kids."

In her public comments, she NEVER mentioned the hard drive, or the alleged theft, or the supposed hacking. ALL she's concerned about is HER reputation---which, of course, is directly linked to the "safety and future" of her children. Not so much, I don't think.

The lawsuit was a pretext for getting back at Jon for his alleged defamation of her parenting and Hoffman for daring to make her own words and terrible deeds public. Her only goal was to save her celebrity; if she could also inflict some damage on both Jon and Hoffman at the same time, I'm sure that would have been a bonus.

Confused said... 178

Sad but true said... 180

I don't care what came out of her mouth. She's an idiot.

What I am saying is what was in the body of the lawsuit. ~ Administrator said... 179

Bingo, and a hearty amen. Slamming the Kreiders with those allegations was downright nasty. They didn't deserve that.


Let's assume for argument sake the family are bad people. It's still very nasty to attack them like this, knowing you have a public forum of a million viewers, and they have squat. It's borderline slander.

A mature adult, if they're going to fight, believes in a fair fight. With both sides getting their say. With no side having an extreme imbalance in their favor. She is NOT a gentleman.

PA Dutch Mom said... 180

Let's assume for argument sake the family are bad people. It's still very nasty to attack them like this, knowing you have a public forum of a million viewers, and they have squat. It's borderline slander.

A mature adult, if they're going to fight, believes in a fair fight. With both sides getting their say. With no side having an extreme imbalance in their favor. She is NOT a gentleman


Exactly. I was just about to post that. They took the high road rather than to get into a case of "he said, she said," and opening up the proverbial can of worms. I don't understand how they could be quiet with those kind of accusations out there, but they are.

PA Dutch Mom said... 181

Speaking of lawsuits, I was thinking about that class action suit that BV was allegedly filing on behalf of the sheeple, who believed that they'd be rolling in money and traveling the world when damages were awarded.

Whatever happened to that? Was it filed and dismissed or what?

Tucker's Mom said... 182

I don't understand how they could be quiet with those kind of accusations out there, but they are.
Is there any sense from the locals about whether Kate's mother really went around on blogs (as Charlene) defending Kate up, down and sideways?
At the time, Kate was already not talking to her family and had long since been slandering her brother and Jodie (about whom Charlene was trashing).

Sad but true said... 183

PA Dutch Mom said... 184

BV class-action suit never happened. And it won't because he's done. None of the suits he's filed have had favorable outcomes for him. His appeal of the big judgment against him in Texas was heard a month ago, and it's assumed that the order to award the defendant(s) in that case $500K will stand.

Sad but true said... 184

Confused said... 181

Sorry, I guess I didn't understand what you were getting at in the first place. I don't think you can file a lawsuit against someone because you claim they are a "threat" to your children or to you. I think that's what a restraining order is for. Oddly, we've never seen one of those against Jon, despite Kate's insistence that he's a threat to the kids' "safety." I think Kate has made her motives very clear by what she actually said about the lawsuit, not the words her lawyers used to try to win her some compensation for her bruised ego.

Rainbowsandunicorns said... 185

Oddly, we've never seen one of those against Jon, despite Kate's insistence that he's a threat to the kids' "safety." I think Kate has made her motives very clear by what she actually said about the lawsuit, not the words her lawyers used to try to win her some compensation for her bruised ego.


Gladys once tweeted that there was a restraining order against Jon. I can't remember when she did that, and she deletes her tweets. She also claimed that Jon was stealing food from Kate's kitchen.

PA Dutch Mom said... 186

Thanks, Sad. I'm really out of the loop when it comes to his lawsuits, who was suing whom and for what reason, judgments in Texas and whatever. Are the sheeple still hailing him as a hero, even though he didn't get them that huge settlement that they expected?

Lynne In RI said... 187

Sad (186): " His appeal of the big judgment against him in Texas was heard a month ago, and it's assumed that the order to award the defendant(s) in that case $500K will stand."


He owes someone half a million? Wow. Who, and how did that come about? Now that's funny. I guess what goes around, comes around, and as you sow, so shall you reap! Couldn't happen to a nicer person!

Do Kate and Milo still love him?

NIOP said... 188! "Kate continued her rant adding that they would be “sent away like [their former dogs] Shoka and Nala if they didn’t change their behavior.”

Also re Kate being abused by her father...I remember when she was doing the couch interview with Jon and saying she was "over disciplined" and Jon was "under disciplined" and in her journal she wrote about beating Collin and dragging him by his hair, whipping him into his crib and being afraid her behaviour reminded her of her father. It was in Roberts book.

NIOP said... 189

The sheeple & McGibney Lawsuit against the non fans went nowhere. He collected a bunch of money from the silly sheep who believed they really were going to be millionaires, own the 'haters' homes and live happily ever after went nowhere and their 'investment' went right into McGibney's pocket as he chuckled at their stupidity.

NIOP said... 190

Here it is from Robert's book 'Kate Gosselin How She Fooled The World'

“Leah said yesterday when I went up to reprimand them for not being in their beds and laying down ‘mommy big girls don’t want a spankin’ I said ‘then lay down and you won’t get a spanking.” “Today I think I crossed the line. With the kids. All was sorta fine up til naptime. During naptime, Alexis and Joel trashed their room TWICE and were spanked both times….they had to stay in their beds for a long time and when I allowed them to come down with everyone else…and FIVE minutes later they were into the m &ms (potty training rewards) with Collin and I really REALLY lost it! I pulled Collin up by the hair and I spanked them so hard!!! I love them so much but I was so very angry with them! I put them back in their beds for their safety and I have apologized many many times but I still feel very very guilty!!! I love them and I saw my dad in myself today and that really scares me!!!!!”

Read more at location 7516

NIOP said... 191

Speaking of McGibney and lawsuits, here's a synopsis of what happened when McGibney attempted to bully and intimidate the wrong person. Former FBI agent and State Police Officer, Thom Retzlaff. I may have to paste it in sections...

Thom Retzlaff did nothing wrong. McGibney was running a website called Cheaterville, that he thought would make him rich. He had a company called ViaView, Inc, with a Board of Directors who all invested. The plan was to have a whole series of websites where innocent victims would be defamed, and then they would be extorted for hundreds or thousands of dollars to have the scandalous and vicious postings and pictures removed.

Cheaterville was the first ViaView,Inc., website. On it, McGibney posted pics of girls, women, some men, married couples, etc., and posted vicious defamation about them and then tried to extort money out of them. Not oddly, this resulted in LOTS of reports to the police, FBI, and a few lawsuits.

Weirdly, James McGibney tried to bill this defamation-extortion business as an “anti-bullying” business. Basically, this was McGibney LYING, which seems to be his forte. Anyway, McGibney went onto lots of talk shows to publicize Cheaterville, but it mostly resulted in the videos you can find on Youtube — where the show hosts all think McGibney is a psychopath running an extortion business — which sums it up accurately.

McGibney posted naked pictures of Retzlaff’s daughter onto Cheaterville and then tried to extort large sums of money from Retzlaff. Retzlaff raised a fuss, so McGibney decided to sue him, and filed a case in Texas and then 2 cases in California. AS WITH all the McGibney lawsuits and TROs, and those filed by Leiderman, these were all attempts to SILENCE the victims of McGibney and/or Leiderman. That is why the end result was that McGibney owes sanctions.

McGibney tried and keeps trying to twist things and place blame onto Retzlaff for Retzlaff’s daughter’s pictures being posted on Cheaterville. But this makes absolutely no sense. McGibney was the OWNER of Cheaterville and he was fully in charge of the sort of thing that was posted onto the site (defamation, smears, sex pics and other materials that might merit the victim to pay an extortion fee)– AND McGibney was the ONLY ONE with access to post ANYTHING whatever on his own website. McGibney’s attempts to blame Retzlaff for pics of Retzlaff’s daughter on the site are purely more McGibney lying nonsense that does not even compute with reality. But to this day, McGibney and his Crew keep repeating this nonsense.

NIOP said... 192


James McGibney also owns Bullyville, a website on which he posts nothing but lies and defamation and photoshopped pics against people he is attacking and lying about and suing.

James McGibney and Jay Leiderman also bought and own domains in the names of hundreds of people whom they are defaming, attacking, suing, lying about, trying to control, etc. At last count, those two owned 1000 + domains on their own and as ViaView, Inc. The victims, which number in the hundreds, have asked Leiderman and McGibney to give them the domains in their names, but this has not been done. The domains are used, to this day, to impersonate, stalk, lie about, defame, and harass the many many victims.

The people working closely with James McGibney and Jay Leiderman on these smear campaigns include:
Steve Hatelstat, a mental case from Florida who photoshops obscene and sickening pictures of people, runs a sickening defamation website, and is generally a fool;
* Jay Leiderman, a lawyer from Ventura, CA;
* John Morgan, a lawyer in Texas;
* Phil Klein, a PI from Texas;
* Kirsten Claire Olsen, a lawyer in Florida;
* Lauren Becker, a mental patient who is also a lawyer in Covina, CA;

* “Captien Obvious,” Traci Glass from Plano Texas friend of 'CJWhodunit'

* Catty Idiot,” Has been charged with numerous computer crimes.Court date 23rd July 2017 (tomprrow!)

* “Priest,” Mr & Mrs Adler who have (older couple of nuts w grandchildren!)

and a host of others.

The victims are a random assortment of men and women, none of whom seem to have much of any connection to McGibney or Leiderman, and none of whom have done anything whatever to harm them.

A significant feature of the defamation engaged in by McGibney, Leiderman, Olsen, Klein, Morgan, and the others who use screen names or handles — is WILD CONSPIRACY THEORIES. Aside from wildly and repeatedly defaming the victims on twitter, websites, and in lawsuits and TRO filings filled with lies, this bunch also has put forth a series of insane CONSPIRACY theories where they claim the victims, none of whom even knew each other before the smear campaigns began, and state that these people are in big criminal conspiracies with one another. As far as can be shown, the victims are mainly mothers and grandmas, most are professionals, all are law-abiding and nice people.

McGidney and crew finally met someone they couldn't intimidate, and when McGibney refused Thom Rezlaff's polite request to remove his daughter's naked pictures, Thom unleashed his fury and to cut a long story short, courts awarded $500,000 with a $50,000 for every appeal McGibney makes. It was cut down to $350,000 but stupid McGibney appealed, twice and now it's back to half a million.

Last week after McGibney was talking smack about Thom, Thom went to court and was awarded $3500 + and McGibney had to borrow and pay THom immediately. Thom said thank you ( he received it this week) and is now putting liens & garnishees on McGibney salary, and anything else he and his wife owns.

McGibney really REALLY did pick the wrong one here....and we are delighted. Thom rocks!!

Sad but true said... 193

Lynne In RI said... 190

I think Kate has done everything possible, including through her lawyers, to pretend she never had anything to do with him. And Milo doesn't mention him anymore either. The only one still in his corner, at least publicly, is good ole SqueeJay. She's still popping her popcorn and pretending McGiblets's deliverance is imminent. The depth and breadth of that delusion must be truly exhausting.

Sherry Baby said... 194

Thom unleashed his fury and to cut a long story short, courts awarded $500,000 with a $50,000 for every appeal McGibney makes. It was cut down to $350,000 but stupid McGibney appealed, twice and now it's back to half a million.

Specifically, why was he awarded a judgment of $500,000?

My math is horrible, but if the original judgement was $500,000, but it was down to %350,000, and each appeal, of which there were two, was $50,000, how is it back up to $500,000?

Over And Out said... 195

What a convoluted mess! I'm almost afraid to ask this, but how did BV get a naked photo of this guy's daughter?

Leslie said... 196

Does anybody know what the ratings were for Kate Plus 8? I looked on the tv ratings website and could not find it because it was not a top 25 show.

Sad but true said... 197

Sherry Baby said... 197

It is convoluted. The defendants in that case were originally awarded around $1 million. It was cut back (I don't recall how this happened, something to do with precedent maybe) to, I believe, $450K. I thought there'd only been one appeal, but each one costs $50K for the plaintiff. I'm not sure why the appeal went forward, because Mr. BV was required to post a $50K bond before the appeal, but I don't think this happened. In any case, the $450K plus the $50K bond is what brings it to $500K, assuming the first judgment is not vacated or altered. Not many believe that will happen, though.

Over And Out said... 198

The photos were originally posted on BV's Cheaterville site, now defunct. Who was responsible for getting them there has been in contention for a long time.

Sad but true said... 198

From last IG photo.

momangold Does anyone else think it's odd that Collin is not even mentioned in any way on the new season?? I would think we would hear " I miss Collin" or "wish Collin could be here" or "it's not the same without Collin". It appears as if they all have written him off! Find this very disturbing!

Confused said... 199

Over And Out said... 198
What a convoluted mess! I'm almost afraid to ask this, but how did BV get a naked photo of this guy's daughter?

That it is. I finally gave up reading the Viaview site, the accusations from both sides got so outrageous. I hope McGibney lost big time, and that he's forced to pay, if that's possible, but I didn't hang around over there to see the outcome because it got to the point where I didn't believe anything I was reading from either side.

Regarding the photo, I believe it was stated that Thom himself originally posted it somewhere because he and his daughter were fighting.

Jamesvader1194 said... 200

@Cofused yeah,i stopped going on viaviewfiles long ago since i got tired of the back and forth crap that's going on,seriously its been how many years and this case is still going?There are still some of Kate's fans who are acting like BV is still relevant despite the fact that his gab account only has only 90 followers,face it all those 100,000 fans he had dont care about him anymore.

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