Monday, August 14, 2017

Recap: Kate Plus 8 "The Room Project": Mind NOT blown

Catching up on some more old recaps! You can review the discussion thread of this episode here. Enjoy! 

It's interesting to watch The Room Project, which aired over two and a half years ago (sorry for my tardiest recap yet!), from the perspective of now. Things are so different today, with Collin gone, the chickens gone. But, so much remains the same. There's still the same amount of bickering and yelling and overall stress whenever they do anything.

I hate people who drop pronouns when they speak. This is Kate: Got back from summer vacation, put kids back in school. No, it's we got back from summer vacation. I put kids back in school. Grr! And there's that odd, stilted language again. You put kids back in school, like you might put away the pool toys for the summer? Not, "the kids started back up with school?" Strange.

For some reason Kate has the kids lined up on the stairs to lecture them, only she more seems to be lecturing the producers about what's happening, and she calls all the nasty acne on her face shingles. That's not shingles, it's acne. She needs to get a better doctor, as "stress"-related shingles has been thoroughly debunked much like no doctor anymore thinks ulcers are caused by stress (they are caused by a bacteria called h.pylori). Shingles is caused by a virus, not stress. Kate always has some weird stuff going on with her skin, I'm guessing she's the type who never washes her face before bed out of laziness. The kids look really bored.

Spoiled Mady and Cara are demanding their own rooms and have been for a while. In a family of eight kids, usually you tell your kids, "too bad." Not Kate though, she's going to make it happen. After all she's got to maintain some kind of leverage or at any time they could quit wanting to film anymore.

There's a TV and VCR in the boys room. I personally think kids should not have TV's in their room, and for that matter adults shouldn't either if they can stomach it. Not only is it a huge time suck and a distraction, but virtually every study concludes that it interferes with a good rest. Naturally, Kate is moving the boys' room to, you guessed it, the basement. Heh, you can't make this stuff up. They show a 3D rendering of the entire layout of the house, which I find extremely reckless. I guess she's never heard of cases like Elizabeth Smart or JonBenet Ramsey, where criminals get to know the layout of the house first before striking.

Mady is hysterical over something, wiping tears from her cheeks. I can't quite make out what the problem is. It's something about Kate warning them that cameras were coming up to their room and a dispute over when or who would clean up. In any case, it should be illegal to film your child when they are this upset. In California, it is. By law, a set teacher would have shut down production, and made sure the child was comforted and mentally stable before filming resumes. All Kate can say is people should feel sorry for her having to deal with Mady. Right, Kate, all the sympathy should be on you. Asshat.

Kate's one of those who has to remind you every five minutes they're sick. She has shingles. Yes, we heard you the first time, duchess. Kate's really loving her pink-hued French tip dated manicure she got. She's waving her fingers so close to the camera her hand is starting to look double the size of her head. Perspective, ya gotta think about that when you're on camera.

I would say I can't believe the way the kids mouth off to Kate, but I've seen it so much in the two years since this episode I've almost gotten used to it.

Kate is still trying to sell some kind of B.S. that having kids this age is so much harder than when they were infants, plus, she's a single parent. Heh. Single parenthood was her choice, by the way. The younger girls are very adamant about not moving, though I can't quite figure out why they are so against it. It is very noticeable to me that I never see the boys stomping around like this the way the girls do, refusing to go along with the plan the adults have decided for them. And therein lies the problem, the girls think they get to tell an adult what to do and what decisions to make. And that's one reason why, sorry to say, Kate has failed as a parent. She has instilled no sense of authority or respect in her.

The kids are ungrateful, Kate tells the camera. Her kids are ungrateful, it's true, but it's not fair to tell the public that, especially when you are the root cause of it. If you have an ungrateful child, you work on in privately with them, and perhaps with their teachers and therapists. You don't tell the world about your problems.

Mady is still hysterical, what the hell? She is red faced and sobbing. Could Kate be a good mother just once, once, and shut down filming until Mady gets a hold of herself? She is repugnant. The true nature of why Mady is so upset is becoming clearer. She is troubled that the younger girls don't want to move, and she offers to cancel the whole thing if it's going to make them this upset. That's nice of her, actually. I've said all along there is a kind soul in Mady, and I think it genuinely does upset her that her younger siblings are so ticked off about this move.

Kate says she should have just remodeled her own bedroom and be done with it. It's rare I agree with her, but I think she's right. There is nothing about these kids that suggest they deserve a new room. Or, give the boys their own room, as they behave and are grateful. And when the girls earn it, someday they can have theirs, too. I remember getting my own room at about age 13, and I don't remember having any negative feelings about it. It was pure excitement, and I loved it, even though there were downsides, like it was smaller than my old room (which I shared). I'm not saying that to propose I was some kind of perfect child, far from it, but I was raised to be appreciative, and when you are raised as such, it doesn't really cross your mind to look a gift horse in the mouth.

The conflict escalates to getting a little grabby and physical, and now Leah is sobbing, too. What a mess.

Kate makes a ridiculous comment that everyone's lives are stressed and that only the strong survive. Let me explain something to her. Stress is something that, barring mental health issues, you choose to invoke to react to your situation. You can choose to deal with a lot on your plate or difficult problems by being "stressed," or you can choose to be calm, rational, and low key about it.

A lot of potential stress triggers are also avoidable, so you can also plan ahead to mitigate stress. So no, not everyone lives in a constant state of stress. I don't, even though objectively, you might say there are things in my life that could be "stressful." For instance, the dozen child abuse cases I work on Monday through Friday and often weekends, too. I don't feel stressed about them in the slightest, however, because I don't approach them from such a negative emotional place. I think if I did let myself feel overwhelmed, I wouldn't be able to handle them as well. As for Kate's comment only the strong survive, realize she's talking about switching around a couple of bedrooms! Survive?? So dramatic.

They check out the basement where the boys' room will be. Thank goodness it has some big long windows, which makes me think this is a ground level "basement." Much less like a prison. It's going to need a lot of work, right now it houses Kate's storage of a fuckety billion BBQ sauce bottles and cleaning products fit for the apocalypse, and her freezers. Remember when she was bragging about all of those freezers? Wasn't that on her blog somewhere? Lol, I remember what fun we had snarking on her back when blogging was her flavor of the month. I guess if North Korea really does go nuclear this family is going to be eating a heck of a lot of BBQ chicken.

Because they're going to paint anyway, Kate lets the kids graffiti the walls with paint samples. That is really neat, though she has to suck the fun out of it by shouting orders at them and making them wear huge plastic smocks like they're about to go on Maid of the Mist at Niagara Falls. Don't they have old painting clothes they could wear, the kind you just toss after it gets dirty?

Collin is as talkative and happy as I've ever seen him, thrilled with how he painted his name on the wall so colorfully and also painted a crying smiley face who doesn't want him to leave the room. Aw. Collin goes around and says goodbye to all of the murals they painted, and then the room. Double aw. This, Kate, is why people keep asking, "where's Collin?" We like the kid.

Mady has speckles of paint all over her feet somehow, and leaves the room, getting some drips on the hallway floor. On the one hand, you just want a strangle a kid for doing that. On the other hand, Mady is sorry, and because they noticed it right away, Kate was able to rub the paint right off. No harm. Kate opened the door when she allowed them to paint. Any time you do that, one should just assume paint will get somewhere it shouldn't be.

Some random painters are now in one of the rooms, and they painted a sample of the purple paint Kate chose. Heh, it's Barney purple now that it's on the wall, and Kate freaks out about how dark it looks. What do we do?!

Pick another color, the painter says calmly and rationally. Right, because, you just pick another color. What else can you do? He doesn't seem stressed in the slightest about any of this. I'm sure he's dealt with hundreds of people who don't like the color now that it's on the walls, which is why he painted a sample for her. I'm not a fan of various busy colors she has scattered throughout the house. It looks way too childish and dated. I notice she has evergreen in one random room, and I have a feeling the girls are going to outgrow the purple fast. More contractors are in the basement refinishing the boys' room, and it quickly looks really, really good. They've done wood paneling from the floor to halfway up, and above the wood, a very sleek slate blue paint. It looks so good I'm sure Kate had nothing to do with designing it. Kate gets the contractor to agree to cut some two-by-fours for her for a pumpkin bulls eye game. Huh? What does this have to do with remodeling the basement? Charge her extra, buddy! She awkwardly flirts with him, promising hugs and kisses. Ew. His expression is also, "ew." He suggests maybe just hugs? Heh!

I guess I didn't catch on it is Halloween time until they start carving pumpkins. Kate figures this is a good time to do it since they're stuck at home due to construction.

That's a weird comment. Number one, they always seem to be stuck at home, so I don't know why this would be any different. Number two, it's often better to leave when construction is going on. The house is a wreck and often not very livable, and the contractors usually want you out of their hair anyway. They'll call you if they need you. I wonder if these contractors got annoyed at the nine people in and out of the workspace constantly the whole time.

I have no idea why Kate is having a meltdown over the downstairs bathroom being messy, which it barely is. And why she would choose to have this meltdown now when everyone is elbow deep in pumpkin carving and can't come address the issue without cleaning themselves up first? Kate should have checked the bathroom before they started carving pumpkins. She makes a rule that "it's not mine" doesn't work anymore and if you see something messy, clean it up. In theory, yes, but in this family, that will only result in the boys doing all the work and the girls doing nothing, because they will take advantage of that.

Some of the kids are really getting antsy on the couch, closing their eyes or picking at toenails. They're two years younger than they are now, and at that age endless sit-down conversations about things they did weeks ago has to start getting really tiresome. I've always wondered how long these interviews really take door to door, but realistically, it has to be at least a few hours if not much more.

Next up they play a pumpkin bullseye game, where you have to throw little sugar pumpkins at a big bullseye spray painted sloppily on some plywood. Kate has no idea how she came up with this great idea, she says innocently. I bet I know. Cherry Crest Farm in Paradise, a mere 50 miles from her home. They were doing the pumpkin bullseye game as far back as 2014. Gotch-ya!

Wouldn't this game be much more fun if they were allowed to have some friends over, instead of having to play it with Mommy, who is a perpetual nag? Recently the kids seem to spend a bit more time with friends, and I suspect that's more because Kate really can't stop them. But even in this episode, they are well old enough to be spending most of their free time with kids their age. They just weren't old enough to tell Kate to piss off. Yet.

Lol, the pumpkins aren't smashing. They're just hitting the plywood like a basketball and bouncing off. It's making everyone agitated. Two problems here. First, I'm betting the pumpkins need to be overripe to smash easily or maybe even carved already. A sugar pumpkin you buy fresh from the store is like a rock, and you could drop it without a problem. Second, plywood is way too thin and flexible, too much give. Even something prone to smashing could bounce right off without injury. Kate really wasn't paying attention in Physics.

The twins have a lot of nerve complaining that the sextuplets are competitive and annoying. These twins are outrageously competitive themselves, and even at almost 17 now, are still trying to stack the deck in their favor whenever they play a game, to ensure they win. Two words come to mind: grow up.

Eventually after repeated hits the pumpkins start smashing, and the kids start having fun. That's a relief. Smashing good fun, says Kate. Dork.

The kids are experiencing a problem of the one percent in that they have to sleep on air mattresses and they can't find their stuff while they wait for the remodeling to finish. We meander down a little side thread in that the kids play instruments and are excited to show them off. That sounds like a short-lived endeavor, I never remember hearing about those again. The boys feed the chickens and the family cooks dinner. Maybe it's better to kill time showing old clips after all, as all this whole lot of nothing is mind-numbing.

Kate explains the way they've survived all of this over time (all of what??? She never says) .... and I almost think she is going to say by love and leaning on each other. But no, Heir Kate says it's routine! The schedule! that gets them through. Quick march! Sigh.

A couple chicken fingers and a small side salad. I guess this was back when Kate could ration their food Oliver! style. At least give them a nice honey mustard dipping sauce for the chicken. Come on!

Furniture shopping. I'm in the middle of that myself, trying to furnish a house that's double the size of any apartment I've ever lived in is quite an undertaking. It was fun at first but you get to the point where you just want a chair to sit in, any chair, and you just don't give a darn anymore. I think it's nice actually Kate takes the kids with her to do the shopping, as certainly it would be infinitely easier to shop without them. Oh, so it's the kids who are estranged from Jon who went on the shopping trip--the twins, Collin and Alexis. Collin is cute, he loves all the patterned rockers you might see at grandma's. Kate teases him, saying he's 60 years early for that. I don't mind that kind of banter with your kid, it's cute. I wish Kate would be light-hearted and fun like this with her children all or at least most of the time. I think she would find herself with much calmer, happier children. Life's short, so better to make a joke than to be a shrew, I say.

Kate's taste in furniture is 1999 at best. Her house is, to be frank, awful. It needs a remodel and to be redecorated, it's so dated. It looks to me like she kept most of the decor from the previous owners, and cheaped out on hiring a real designer for the rest, relying on Pinterest instead. Big mistake. Huge. If you know you're not going to redecorate for a very long time, then it's a good idea to buy more timeless, traditional pieces. Going with the trend of the year means you're setting yourself up to need a redo within the decade, and that's a waste of money. You can't take the no class out of that girl.

They're doing something I learned not to do furniture shopping. Don't walk into the store blind trying to find your vision. Look online first and try to know exactly what you want and what store to find it at. We've avoided a whole lot of up-selling and misdirection this way. Incidentally, the couch we just picked out, which is one of the most competitively priced yet best reviewed couches you can find (Pacific Beach designs, if you're interested), was conveniently hidden at the back of the store. They don't want you to buy that good couch, and they won't steer you that way if you go in cold. That's for smart people who find it online.

The big reveal is finally here. This woman makes my blood pressure go up, I can't imagine what she does to her own children This should be a purely happy moment, full of anticipation and excitement. Instead Kate takes it upon herself to lecture them firmly and in my view very nastily about how they need to keep these rooms nice and organized and pick up after themselves.

I have an idea. If someone is being messy and disrespectful of their space, address it with that child individually, and when it happens. The kids look at her in a daze, as why wouldn't they, as they have done nothing wrong. They haven't even seen the new rooms yet to mess them up. And I have another newsflash for Kate. Her children are teens and pre-teens. She will spend the better part of the next six years telling them to clean up after themselves, if it's that important to her. That's just part of having kids this age, and it's probably caused by a number of reasons. They don't have a concept that you pay for the space you live in, or understand what money is even worth, which often motives older people to keep it nice and protect your investment, they have many other more important things on their mind like school and friends, they could be just going through a slob stage or lazy stage, or very likely, they are modeling adults who are messy, like Kate herself, who (it's all on film) lives in a very cluttered and disorganized home where nothing seems to have its place. Kids also don't have enough life experience to understand why a mess is such a big problem (it gets harder to clean up the more it sets, it makes the rest of your life feel chaotic, you can't find things in the rubble, it's embarrassing when guests come over, etc.). Bottom line, messiness is normal in a child, and most outgrow it with help and encouragement, and most of all, patience and some compassion for their emotional development. There will be plenty of time to lecture them on this point, can they just have some calm and peace for once?

For once the boys get to go first, which is nice. Their room is, clean, I guess, and they're very appreciative. It has the wood paneling and trim everywhere as we saw before, and cool cubbies below each of the three windows. They're cute, Joel says he was so excited it was like that feeling when you're on a rollercoaster. Collin say his stomach did a U-turn, heh! What are they, 11 here? That is the best age ever.

No boys in girls room and no girls in boys? Seems like they're a little old for such a strict rule. Couldn't the rule just be, knock first?

The room is pretty bare, though, even though the boys adore it. There is nothing in there but the beds and a few pieces of ugly furniture. I hope they get to hang some cool stuff on the walls at some point. Other shows have had designers come in and do a really cool remodel of a kids' room. Check out Chip and Joanne Gaines' and what they did to a boys' room.

The vintage clock and fan, the bar, the live baits sign, the canoe acting as a window box, and the center area with some seating and a coffee table, all take a room from "meh" to marvelous. The Gaines room is the difference between kids saying, wow, thanks, it's nice, to MIND BLOWN.

I'm glad the boys appreciate this, that's benevolent of them, but it could have been so, so much more on the same or similar budget, too. What a shame.

The younger girls' room is sadly, just as uneventful. There is literally nothing in there but three beds, two dressers, and these rather dumb white boxes to store girl stuff that will end up mostly collecting dust within a year or two. Kate is so proud of the oddest things, it gets embarrassing.

So really, this wasn't a remodel or reboot even at all. Nothing cool came out of it. It was painting a few walls, and moving some furniture around. There's a Yiddish word for that, where you just move things around, fuss with things, only to be right back to where you started. Darn it, what is that?

The girls are getting lectured again? Wtf, they're not doing anything wrong but being happy about their new rooms!

Finally Mady and Cara's room. I see now, we started with the least important group, the boys, and are building up to the real stars of the show, the twins. If it's possible, the twins' rooms are even less interesting than the others. There is nothing going on there. I feel like these look very different than the twins' rooms we saw in later years. Please tell me a designer took pity on what we're seeing here and came in and did something real finally. Hm.

Kids never appreciate things, says Kate. That's not true at all. Not never, anyway, so don't say that! First of all, her boys have proven to be very appreciative of much of what she does for them. Furthermore, an adult usually must teach a child to feel and act appreciative, it often does not come naturally. So if her kids are ungrateful, that's her fault. She is the one who doesn't appreciate things, as she actually complains with a straight face that their mansion is feeling smaller and smaller the older the kids get. Well, then, toss some of their stuff, and get rid of your own piles of clutter. You'd be amazed how huge the house becomes.

No little kids in our rooms! Cara gripes. Cara, stop being eight years old. Until next time.

482 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Formerly Duped said...

Saw an ad for a new lifetime show called Growing Up Supermodel about young people with celebrity parents.I guess they are also models? This "Growing Up..." title is really being overused.Too late for Kate!

Blowing In The Wind said...

I would say I'm sure she's pitched a remodel episode, but maybe not. I'm not sure she even knows how dated her house is. Style and panache are not her thing.


Maybe she just likes it that way. Not everyone prefers the up-to-date modern look. I think in this case, Kate is damned if she does, and damned if she doesn't. If she does a re-make and brings it into this century, then she's accused of spending the kids' money (for their well-being), and is never satisfied and must have the best in everything (and not mediocre), and if she doesn't, then she has no style and no idea about the current trends in home decor.

Did I just defend her? Must be the heat.

NJGal51 said...

Is her house dated? I don't know, it looks fine to me. I agree with Blowing. She's damned if she does and damned if she doesn't in this case. She's the one that ahs to live with the furniture/curtains, etc and if she's happy with it, so be it. I will say that after making such a big deal over the remodel of the kids' rooms it was kind of a let down but as I said in an earlier post, I go for the minimalist look on my walls and am quite happy in my home. Oh yeah, I've got a lot of antiques. Does that make my house dated?

Sad but true said...

Really working the IG today. No doubt the ads will be coming soon.

kateplusmy8 This has to be one of the most precious pictures I've ever seen! Aaden and Mak are such good friends; nearly inseparable! Who knew a 100 pound dog could act like a living stuffed animal?! #InLove #Aaden #Mak #MadyPhotoCredit

Formerly Duped said...

Gawd !! Talk about posed. the poor dog looks so uncomfortable in that neck hols he looks to be slipping off A's lap. A looks tolerant but not thrilled.

Tucker's Mom said...

I'm glad Aaden has his dog since his mother kicked his brother out of the home.
I hope one day the boys can reconnect and reform their bond.

NJGal51 said...

kateplusmy8 This has to be one of the most precious pictures I've ever seen! Aaden and Mak are such good friends; nearly inseparable! Who knew a 100 pound dog could act like a living stuffed animal?! #InLove #Aaden #Mak #MadyPhotoCredit

Cute picture and so many people are blowing smoke up her ass about how great it is. It's just OK and I'm sure we've all got something similar on our phones. I know I do because I make my son hold our bully in the same position as he did when we first got him (8 weeks) to show how much he's grown (16 months). Ihope that I'm wrong and those are just shadows but it doesn't look like she's had him neutered. Not a good idea to have two unaltered males in the house. No wonder (by her admission) Mak and Shoka don't get along.

Tucker's Mom said...

Ihope that I'm wrong and those are just shadows but it doesn't look like she's had him neutered. Not a good idea to have two unaltered males in the house. No wonder (by her admission) Mak and Shoka don't get along.
I saw that, too. I think she's had NuNu spayed but not Mak. She plans to backyard breed him like she did Shoka.
So effing irresponsible.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

It's risky business getting attached to anything, or anyone, when you're a G kid. Poor A had Beth disappear on him, then Aunt Jodi, and then his dad was kicked to the curb. Not to mention Nala, who left to be trained and never came back. Now A's beloved roommate and wombmate C has been gone for almost a year and a half. Bless his heart for bonding with the dog. I hope he finds comfort and joy in that connection.

Tucker's Mom said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 12
It's risky business getting attached to anything, or anyone, when you're a G kid.
I think Kate keeps the sands shifting below their feet on purpose.

Midnight Madness said...

Maybe she just likes it that way. Not everyone prefers the up-to-date modern look. I think in this case, Kate is damned if she does, and damned if she doesn't. If she does a re-make and brings it into this century, then she's accused of spending the kids' money (for their well-being), and is never satisfied and must have the best in everything (and not mediocre), and if she doesn't, then she has no style and no idea about the current trends in home decor.

Did I just defend her? Must be the heat.


I'll agree with that and I'n not drinking margaritas, although come to think of it, it's 5:00 somewhere.

Over And Out said...

Kate's twitter is deader than the proverbial door nail. Even most of the non-fans/haters have left for parts unknown, except for a few whom, I suspect, show up here to argue with admin and other bloggers!

njay said...
Hummm, I didn't know about the Walton sextuplets.

Formerly Duped said...

I follow the Stansel family's blog as does another poster om here. They had 6 sick babies and only two survived, and are severely handicapped- deaf, blind and mentally challenged with autism in one of them ,and other issues too. They seem to be a loving couple and have two other singletons, one with spina bifida. But why do people risk having HOM when this can be the outcome or worse?

Lynne In RI said...

Over And Out said... 15
"Kate's twitter is deader than the proverbial door nail. Even most of the non-fans/haters have left for parts unknown, except for a few whom, I suspect, show up here to argue with admin and other bloggers!"


I was thinking the same thing, but you posted it first! ~ Administrator said...

I follow the Stansel family's blog as does another poster om here. They had 6 sick babies and only two survived, and are severely handicapped- deaf, blind and mentally challenged with autism in one of them ,and other issues too. They seem to be a loving couple and have two other singletons, one with spina bifida. But why do people risk having HOM when this can be the outcome or worse?


The thing is, we are getting better and better at keeping micro-premies alive. So, high order multiples have a much better chance of surviving, yet that also gives them a much higher chance of having to live with very serious issues.

I also think we're getting much better at keeping high order multiples down, though, too. Twins and triplets at most is the goal, and less risks are being taken.

NJGal51 said...

miloandjack2016 i would imagine Aaden is getting alot of love & emotional soothing through this bond w/ big #Mak! And I think #Nanuq does much the same for you! @kateplusmy8. #DogsAreFamily.
Milo will do and say anything to try and get TFW's attention. Why does Aaden need "emotional soothing"? Could it be because his brother was sent out of the home and has been gone for over a year or could it be because he has an emotionally abusive mother? I won't even go into your comment about TFW needing emotional soothing and Nanuq filling that role for her. What about Collin? I hope that wherever he is he's getting the same emotional soothing.

kris said...

Looking at Kate's IG pic with the plastic horse (first in the cage & now being pulled around by the dog) - maybe it's just me but the tups are 13, why are they still playing with plastic horses? Seems like that is something that would be appropriate until about 10 maybe 11? I'm pretty sure my girls had given up those types of toys by the time they hit their teens.

RoxyHelen said...

Tucker's Mom said... 9

I'm glad Aaden has his dog since his mother kicked his brother out of the home.
I hope one day the boys can reconnect and reform their bond.


That last sentence is heartbreaking. Not the idea of reconnecting, the thought that they are in a situation where they will need to reconnect.

We all knew things will turn south for this family but honest question for everyone new and old here: did you ever think things will turn out this badly? With a child discarded and 50% of the kids poisoned against their father, zero relationship with him (or barely, in Alexis' case) and with the kids still being filmed, a decade later? I admit I didn't.

NJGal51 said...

I wonder if TFW has gone bought eclipse glasses for everyone so that they can have an eclipse watching party and she can take pictures for a new IG post.

Tucker's Mom said...

We all knew things will turn south for this family but honest question for everyone new and old here: did you ever think things will turn out this badly?
No. Never in my wildest imagination.
The sequelae of filming, fame, money and 2 selfish parents became a toxic stew. It continues to amaze me that people don't see the Greek tragedy that has unfolded over the past decade.

4/8 children do not even see their own father. It's been YEARS.
One child has been sent out of the home for over a year, starting when he was 11-years old.
The worst post-divorce acrimony that I've ever seen played out in public.
Complete failure to co-parent.
Kate Gosselin sues the father of her children and tries to destroy him on every level.
Children with no grandparents, aunts, uncles or cousins.
Very few family friends left in their lives.

But, hey, they get to travel and live in a big house.

Tucker's Mom said...

Just me, but I agree that 13 is a wee bit old to even have play horsies around...and I had a HUGE collection of them, being horse crazy and all.
I think I was older for my age at 13 and by far more mature than the tups.
But, that's mostly Kate's upbringing, I'm sure.

Tucker's Mom said...

Milo will do and say anything to try and get TFW's attention. Why does Aaden need "emotional soothing"?
Milo slips up every once in awhile and admits she knows that the kids' predicament is FUBAR.

Tucker's Mom said...

8 Eclipse sunglasses? I'm going to say no.
The kids are old enough to make their own viewing boxes.

Layla said...

Tucker's Mom (25)
I had a HUGE collection of decorative horses on my bedroom shelves as a child. I was a big "Misty of Chincoteague" fan. But by age 13 I wasn't playing with toy horses like that. But remember, these kids have a mother who sees dollar signs in making them seem as young as possible. There was probably a bribe to get them to take part in playing horsey with the dog. Or maybe they're stuck at home and bored out of their minds, looking for something to do.

Tucker's Mom said...

Layla said... 28
Tucker's Mom (25)
I had a HUGE collection of decorative horses on my bedroom shelves as a child. I was a big "Misty of Chincoteague" fan
Misty was a must in any child's collection! I used to name them and even built a stall for them (Dad helped with the carpentry!).
I treasured my collection.

Layla said...

Tucker's Mom (29)
A stall for you horses? Lucky girl! I had mine one a shelf in my bedroom. My family members are remarkably in-handy when it comes to building things (a trait that I inherited). Did you have James Herriot's books, too? Those were a must-read for any animal lover. I watched the entire British series based on his books and loved every minute of it.

Formerly Duped said...

I adore James Herriot's books ! the TV series was great too.So funny and entertaining yet also full of pathos and compassion.On the series, Peter Davison who played Tristan, was a Dr Who.

Layla said...

Formerly Duped (31)
Tristan was my favorite character in those books. When I was 11, I decided that if I ever had a son, I'd name him Tristan;)

I spent some time in Lancaster on Sunday, and stopped at Costco to fill up my gas tank before heading home. There is a section of the parking lot with covered stalls for horses and buggies. I have never seen that before. I just find that charming. So different from the DC burbs, where parking is a blood sport.

Tucker's Mom said...

Did you have James Herriot's books, too? Those were a must-read for any animal lover. I watched the entire British series based on his books and loved every minute of it.
I loved the series! I didn't watch it until much later tho.

Tucker's Mom said...

I spent some time in Lancaster on Sunday, and stopped at Costco to fill up my gas tank before heading home. There is a section of the parking lot with covered stalls for horses and buggies. I have never seen that before. I just find that charming. So different from the DC burbs, where parking is a blood sport.
Have you ever been to the Pentagon City Costco?
OMG...I'd rather watch every episode of Kate Plus 8 than go back there!
"Our" Costco is quite new and the parking lot is civilized, which is such a Godsend in this area.
I loved the charm of the farm when I lived in Bucks Co. and remember smiling and being filled happiness that I was driving home from work one day, behind an enormous John Deere.
My commute was hell, but I loved leaving the city behind and getting back into the fresh air.

Sue said...

johnpaulbachmann has once again called Kate out on Collin with the following post on Kate's IG (the one with the picture of Aaden & the dog) "Yet when Collin's picture was posted cuddling a dog at Jon's house a few years ago you complained blue murder and Collin's visits to Jon were mysteriously curtailed. Now Collin's gone."

Here is nick_moy's answer to him.

Did you ever THINK that we don't see Collin because he's NOT in front of the camera or HIS decision NOT to be filmed. Even if he is shown in picture or in an episode I am sure we will find idiots who will critize Kate..You seems to think that Kate has TOTAL control of the CONTENTS of the show and TLC and the PRODUCERS have NO say..And wehere did you get your FACTS about court orders being defied..Is that in YOUR dreams or when you got up to pee?

And here are a couple of posts from another fan (I'm not going to put her name on it because she might be special needs)...

Collin is at a special school for his special needs now and Kate as well as the rest of us now that he is getting all the care he needs. Stop baching Kate Gosselin and grow up because she is the best mom in the entire universe.

I know where he is because that is what Kate told people magenzine August 2016 and there are taboloids about Collin florishing in a special needs school...Hmm Google it and read evrything. I also believe that Jon gave up his rights because he doesn't give child support or anything.

Tucker's Mom said...

And here are a couple of posts from another fan (I'm not going to put her name on it because she might be special needs)...
I think I know what Twitter fan you're talking about here and she is a very sweet young lady who has given her unwavering support for Kate for years.
I don't think she knows any better.
Milo does, however.

Lanc Native said...

Milo does, however.


Are you sure about that?

Layla, I was at Costco on Sunday. You should have walked around in the parking lot with a mic and given a shout-out!

Many of our grocery stores have pull-in places and covers for horse and buggies. However, I've never seen a designated handicap space for them!

Lanc Native said...

OT for Layla...Lancaster Online is running an editorial right now on having horse and buggies licensed. It's worth reading, as are the comments.

Layla said...

Tucker's Mom,

I have never been to the Pentagon City Costco--usually the ones in Gaithersburg or Wheaton. Terrible crowds, terrible parking, terrible lines. DH and I decided that we are going to buy a house with acreage in PA, which is where we will retire. I cannot wait! We started looking a couple years ago, but realized that a coupe of our kids are considering further education options (following college) and we need to make sure we have the funds available for that. Then we'll start looking again. We still spend as much time up there as possible. The people are so friendly, and I love the slower pace of life. And as a former Midwestern girl, I kind of miss being stuck behind tractors, too!

Sad but true said...

Oooh, Katie's been busy!

Tiger Lily said...

Check out TMZ. Jon stood up to Kate at a dentist's office regarding custody. You go, Jon!

Sad but true said...

DM picked it up too:

Over And Out said...

Inês Fontes‏ @InesFontes3 11h11 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 I've watched since they were little and I had your family portrait in my room! U r the best, srsly! Ly all! Kiss from Portugal!

Good grief.

Over And Out said...

Someone, a non-fan over on Kate's twitter, really has a hate obsession with admin and this blog. Could this be our troll?

Layla said...

Lanc Mom (37)

Funny, but I stopped inside Costco to grab some snacks for the ride home, and as I was passing by the table with books on it, a lady was holding a book and taking to her companion about how it was such a good book, and it was just made into a movie. I looked at the book and it was the Glass Castle. I immediately thought of this blog--we were just talking about that book/movie. I know several posters from this blog live in the area--that wasn't you, was it?

Layla said...

The Daily Mail article says that Jon left with the child. I believe he is supposed to have the kids every Tuesday as well as every other weekend, so this would have been his custody day. I wouldn't put it past Kate to deliberately schedule a dentist appointment to keep from turning the child over to him. I'm glad he stood up to her.

Somehow I get the feeling the child in question might be Hannah. I wonder if she texted him to let him know where she was.

JR said...

Doesn't Jon have custody on Tuesday nights for dinner....was this today? It's so satisfying to know she lost that little battle

Susan1956 said...

Sad but true said... 40
Oooh, Katie's been busy!
Ooooo, snap! Sounds like Jon won that round. The question is, who leaked this to TMZ? Dental office personnel, Khate, Jon? Some comments call out both of them, but mostly Khate.

NJGal51 said...

I guess TFW will be posting a happy, happy, joy, joy picture of the kids (or #NookiePookie)...wait for it. Pay no attention to those articles, everything is happy in Gosselinland and we are all farting rainbows. If the cops were called and Jon took his daughter with him that probably means that he was in the right and had a copy of the custody agreement with him. Good on you Jon! The comments on TMZ are, so far, running against TFW.

Formerly Duped said...

Wonder if it was Hannah? Things may be heating up.

Tucker's Mom said...

Weren't we just talking about the complete failure to co-parent?
Jeebus! What is this? 6-7 years later and they're still at it?

Sounds like Jon stood up to Kate and took the girl home with him.
I wonder if it was the same one who refused to go home to Kate's before and she called the cops then.


FlimsyFlamsy said...

I predict a rainbows and unicorn Insta post coming in 3, 2, 1...

Tucker's Mom said...

Wyomissing police confirmed to E! News that at 1:10 pm, cops were called to an orthodontist's office in Wyomissing, PA., due to a "verbal domestic dispute over child custody involving one minor (Female/13 years old)."

The authorities also told E! News that no arrest was made and that following the police's involvement, the 13-year-old made the decision to leave with her father.

For me, this gives credence to the previous story about one of the girl tups refusing to go back to Kate's, when she called the cops etc...

What hell are these kids still going through?

Sherry Baby said...

Oooh, Katie's been busy!

Where is Milo to do damage control and bash Jon?

Layla said...

I think that, given the choice, Hannah would like to live with Jon. Kate, of course, will fight tooth and nail to keep her. She knows that she will probably never film again if two of the tups are gone. And there's the definite possibility that if Hannah goes, some of the others will want to go live with Jon, too. This could become very interesting as the kids get older and their thoughts on the matter of where they will live matters more in court.

Susan1956 said...

So school starts tomorrow @ Lancaster Day School and Khate has nothing better to do than get in a verbal altercation with Jon on one of his court-approved custody days?

A small part of me thinks that both Jon and the Wyomissing police are done with her crap re: visitation. I don't think she'll spend the money to take Jon to court re: this incident, she was just trying to bully Jon and later the police. However, maybe it would be a good time for Jon to start pushing back re: visitation with Alexis. Even if she's in classes on Saturday, why couldn't he pick her up afterwards for visitation the rest of the weekend?

FlimsyFlamsy said...

JR (#47), yep, it's interesting to see those words from the police report: the child made the choice to leave with her father. That's a far cry from the days when the kids were having fun in Alaska, and TFW threatened that if they stayed, they'd be Palins and not Gosselins. She's losing control.

NJGal51 said...

The authorities also told E! News that no arrest was made and that following the police's involvement, the 13-year-old made the decision to leave with her father.
There will be hell to pay when this poor kid gets home. Good on her though for standing up to TFW and going with her dad.

Susan1956 said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 52
I predict a rainbows and unicorn Insta post coming in 3, 2, 1...
Tomorrow is the 1st day of school so we'll get it then. She's probably busy tonight contacting the guest bookers on the talk shows hoping for another set-the-record-straight tour. Too bad for her, but I don't think anyone will bite.

Anyone else here think she miscalculated the outcome of her actions today, just like she did the People article re: Colin's 'issues'?

Tucker's Mom said...

She's losing control.
Yup, and chances of her pulling what she pulled with Collin are very slim with any other kid.

Poor girl. First day of school tomorrow and you've been splashed all over the headlines.
Imagine how that screws with the head of a 13-year old.

Tucker's Mom said...

Kate had the cops and troopers wrapped around her little finger a few years back. I think law enforcement got a little rise out of having a celebrity to guard and escort in their little patch of PA.

I'm betting it's beyond old at this point.

My God, 2 grown-ass parents not even able to amicably settle who their 13-year old girl is going home with.

Anonymous said...

Good for "the 13 yr. old girl" who made the decision to leave with Jon. It must have been upsetting for her to be involved in this dispute, particularly with school starting tomorrow. TFW will not appreciate that she is no longer "in charge". It's good to know that this time "the 13 yr. old's" voice was heard. I hope Jon takes the police advice and takes the matter of custody up with the court.


Localyocul said...

OMG! Just catching up! This has to be H

Sad but true said...

Someone's not holding back on her IG:


localyocul said...

LOL just read the article. So who called the cops, the dentist? This is Jon's dad's old practice where they get free dental care? Wow. Obviously Jon was in the right. But I will say this is how it usually goes..the cops say take it up with the judge.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

NJGal51 (#58), and what about the poor kids who had to go home with TFW after that public scene? I'm sure she was fit to be tied. Bless their hearts.

localyocul said...

Layla said... 46
The Daily Mail article says that Jon left with the child. I believe he is supposed to have the kids every Tuesday as well as every other weekend, so this would have been his custody day. I wouldn't put it past Kate to deliberately schedule a dentist appointment to keep from turning the child over to him.


Probably. That's the kind of thing my ex's wife used to pull.

Susan1956 said...

localyocul said... 65
LOL just read the article. So who called the cops, the dentist? This is Jon's dad's old practice where they get free dental care? Wow. Obviously Jon was in the right. But I will say this is how it usually goes..the cops say take it up with the judge.
I thought the report mentioned an orthodontist's office? Either way, not good for a place of business. If I was the professional, I'd tell (in writing) Ms. Kreider that if another incident like today's occurred, her children would be dismissed from the practice and she would have to find another orthodontic provider.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

LOL just read the article. So who called the cops, the dentist? This is Jon's dad's old practice where they get free dental care? Wow. Obviously Jon was in the right. But I will say this is how it usually goes..the cops say take it up with the judge.


Maybe not.. That was a dentist. Report says orthodontist.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

The story just went up on Radar.

Anonymous said...

From Radar: "Jon & Kate Plus Cops! Police Called During Explosive Custody Fight".


localyocul said...

Susan1956 said... 68
localyocul said... 65
LOL just read the article. So who called the cops, the dentist? This is Jon's dad's old practice where they get free dental care? Wow. Obviously Jon was in the right. But I will say this is how it usually goes..the cops say take it up with the judge.
I thought the report mentioned an orthodontist's office? Either way, not good for a place of business. If I was the professional, I'd tell (in writing) Ms. Kreider that if another incident like today's occurred, her children would be dismissed from the practice and she would have to find another orthodontic provider.


You're right it says the orthodontist

ncgirl said...

"I wouldn't put it past Kate to deliberately schedule a dentist appointment to keep from turning the child over to him."

Yeah, Kate is so busy. They couldn't have gone any other time.

Layla said...

Fortunately, the child's voice is being heard in this matter. The kids are getting older, and their voices will be heard and considered more and more when it comes to spending time with each parent and with filming. Kate has to be both panicked and in a rage right now. At least one of the kids is standing up to her. If she takes her rage out on that child tonight, then the child could report it to someone at school tomorrow, causing some serious (and very public) trouble. Nothing makes her crazier than lack of control. She hates Jon because she couldn't control him. She sent C away because she couldn't control him. Now, apparently, she can't control Hannah.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

I actually hope it was L who wanted to go home with Jon. That would mean one more kid's allegiance for TFW to worry about. She's already witnessed H's defiance.

Localyocul said...

What if (pure theorizing here)..what if the girl was Alexis? What if Jon found out she had an ortho appointment on his day and saw his chance? Remember usually he gets whoever comes down the drive? This would make sense as per the fight and call to police

Tucker's Mom said...

People Magazine has picked it up, too.

I wonder if Kate Coyne picked up the tin can on the side of her bed, with the string that connects to the other tin can on Kate's bedside stand to get the "set the record straight" statement ready to go for tomorrow's round of gossip.

First day of school tomorrow. What a cluster F. ~ Administrator said...

Well that really puts a damper on the steeple's insistence that Kate does everything, right down to dentist and doctor's appointments. If Jon didn't care about any of that how would he even know to go to the dentist for a pick up?

It's really ridiculous all this time later they're still bickering over something that should go like clockwork now. And at this age, if a 13 year old just wants to go with dad that day, LET HER GO. Or, Mom, for that matter. It's not worth it, she's not a toddler. Three guesses who is causing problems. These kids don't have a chance, and it's going to be at this point more because of the divorce than the filming.

Tucker's Mom said...

I wonder who called the police. Was the confrontation so bad that bystanders got alarmed enough to call the cops?

Jamesvader1194 said...

@Layla I wonder if its at the point where TLC will decide enough is enough with Kate.With viewers being down,would TLC still be aiding her in court?I argue that it wouldn't be worth it for TLC at this point. ~ Administrator said...

I wonder if it was Jon who called the cops, to get that woman to follow the orders.

I hope it was. So many of us have been encouraging him too, at least here.

The article is unclear if the kid was SUPPOSED to be with Jon, but she very well was supposed to be. Hence, calling the cops. ~ Administrator said...

For me, this gives credence to the previous story about one of the girl tups refusing to go back to Kate's, when she called the cops etc...


And THIIIIS is why when a few people here don't want to believe "tabloid" stories, we, not so fast. It does give it credence, a whole lot of credence. It feels like these days, 90% of them turn out to be true eventually.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Even People has the story up. Those 7 kids better smile pretty for their porch picture tomorrow morning if they know what's good for them.
Schmoopy's got some deflecting to do.

Sad but true said... ~ Administrator said... 79

In the case of the Hannah story from 2015, let's not forget that all of that was documented in police reports, actual copies of which were reproduced in a tab some months later. That people still refuse to believe this shit is going on in the face of documentary proof from the authorities is what I find incredible. And very sad.

Layla said...

Kate's "brand" is in serious jeopardy these days. Her entire identity is "mom of 8". But C is gone, M&C will be gone in a couple years, and there's a possibility that Jon could end up with one or more of the remaining kids. "Kate Plus 4 (or 3..or 2..or 1) just doesn't have the same ring to it. She needs to squeeze out as much filming as possible in the time she has left, but if TLC is taking a break, that could be disastrous for her. She can't force anyone to film once they are of age. If they do at that point, they will end up with a bigger chunk of the money than they do now. Kate doesn't like to share. She may be losing not only total control, but money and her precious camera time, too. For a narcissist like her, what could be worse?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like there will only be six for the famous back to school photo tomorrow. That is, I hope Jon still has "the 13 yr. old girl" and takes her to school in the morning. I truly hope she is not taking out whatever happened today on the other children. What a way to start their new school year - poor kids.


FlimsyFlamsy said...

Layla (#85), I'm amazed at how quickly this story got traction. And you know TFW has to be terrified, with no new episodes in the can, and, apparently, no filming at present. Nothing for her to say "stay tuned" for. And tomorrow, it's back to waking up at the butt crack of dawn to be a taxi service for her 7 little moneymakers. Welcome to the mediocre life, duchess.

Former Lurker said...

Tucker's Mom said... 51

Weren't we just talking about the complete failure to co-parent?
Jeebus! What is this? 6-7 years later and they're still at it?


No, actually it's TFW's favorite number - EIGHT. They split up over eight years ago in June 2009. How insane is it that this acrimony has been going on, sometimes even escalating, for more than eight long years?

Susan1956 said...

According to eonline Jon & Khate came to the appointment together. I for one, don't believe that.

Did he go to pick up the tups he usually has, she refused to let her have the tup girl and he followed them to the orthodontist? Or was he waiting at the orthodontist's office for them to arrive? However it happened, go Jon!! I just can't believe she willingly let him come to the appointment.

I hope Jon checks with the tup girl and the rest of the ones who visit him tomorrow re: the fallout from this incident. If this kind of thing keeps happening, his chances of getting more visitation or even full custody of some or all of the younger kids gets better and better.

Due to this 2nd TLC cancellation/hiatus, it is even more important than ever that Khate minds her P's & Q's. Either she can't help herself or she doesn't want to due to her personality traits/mental illness. I'm betting on the latter.

Former Lurker said...

Tucker's Mom said... 77

People Magazine has picked it up, too.

I wonder if Kate Coyne picked up the tin can on the side of her bed, with the string that connects to the other tin can on Kate's bedside stand to get the "set the record straight" statement ready to go for tomorrow's round of gossip.

First day of school tomorrow. What a cluster F.


Kate Coyne, or someone at People Magazine, is already doing damage control for TFW, trying to paint her as a wonderful. loving mother. Did you notice that after a few paragraphs about today's incident they just had to add this bit which is totally irrelevant to the story:

This past May, the former couple’s sextuplets turned 13, and Kate shared a heartfelt Instagram post to celebrate the milestone.

“HAPPY 13th BIRTHDAY, my precious Alexis, Hannah, Aaden, Collin, Leah and Joel! At this moment (7:51-7:53 am) 13 years ago, my life and heart were completed with your births!” the Kate Plus 8 star began.

“I love you all and NO MATTER WHAT it requires of me, I will ALWAYS be there for you; I’ll always be your biggest cheerleader, your role model by example, your shoulder to cry on, the hug and laugh you need, and your mommy and friend! I love you guys!” she continued.

Although her children are all growing up and have each entered their teenage years, Kate admitted in a recent Kate Plus 8 TLC promo that she still worries about their pasts, presents and futures.

“Being in a family of eight kids and a single mom, worrying about their present, their future, how to feed them, their college, how they turn out, all of it — you never stop worrying,” she said.

Tucker's Mom said...

Andrea lee johnson‏ @JohnsonAndra 17m17 minutes ago
Replying to @NicoleLHoch @Kateplusmy8
Those are his kids too. Teach them to love they're father. You 2 have issues, not the kids. They will recent you 2 if it doesn't stop
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
Reply Retweet Like
Andrea lee johnson‏ @JohnsonAndra 18m18 minutes ago
Replying to @NicoleLHoch @Kateplusmy8
I heard about u and Jon having cops called on u for argument. Please I'm begging u for the love of god you got to stop. They love u both.
A Twitter fan with common sense and see things from the kids' point of view.

Former Lurker said...

Anonymous said... 86

Sounds like there will only be six for the famous back to school photo tomorrow. That is, I hope Jon still has "the 13 yr. old girl" and takes her to school in the morning. I truly hope she is not taking out whatever happened today on the other children. What a way to start their new school year - poor kids.



I hope you're right and she is at her father's home tonight. These poor kids. What a crazy thing to happen on the day before the start of the school year. It would be bad enough if they were just any family, but the fact that this is so public obviously makes it so much worse. This entire event had to be very embarrassing both today at the dentist's office, and tomorrow and in the days ahead with the publicity over it.

Also, many kids get a little anxious about the first day of school each year. Then to have this nightmare fight at a dentist's office with the police being called and the media reporting on it. I can't even imagine how stressed and unsettled the poor girl, and even the other kids, might be feeling tonight. TFW is a horrible, horrible incubator (certainly not a "mother").

Why even schedule a dentist appointment on the last day of summer break? That's just mean. The last darn thing my kids would want to do on their very last day of summer break is go to the dentist! TFW is so thoughtless. Then, she lets something like this fight and police incident happen? She really is a POS.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

I hope Jon checks with the tup girl and the rest of the ones who visit him tomorrow re: the fallout from this incident.


It is reported somewhere that others will be visiting him tomorrow, and which ones?

Sheepless In Seattle said...

In the case of the Hannah story from 2015, let's not forget that all of that was documented in police reports, actual copies of which were reproduced in a tab some months later. That people still refuse to believe this shit is going on in the face of documentary proof from the authorities is what I find incredible. And very sad.


There are no photos so it didn't happen. Which one of the crazy sheep tweeted that? I forget.

Susan1956 said...

#93---Sorry, I wasn't very clear. I should have said I hope Jon goes to the kids' school tomorrow to check with the kids re: any fallout from today's incident.

Sad but true said...

Layla said... 85

She needs to squeeze out as much filming as possible in the time she has left, but if TLC is taking a break, that could be disastrous for her. She can't force anyone to film once they are of age.

Bottom line, she can't force anyone to film NOW. All that's needed is a lack of cooperation, a big Hell No when told to hit the couch on a Sunday for a talking head. She can hold out the threat of no more school, la di dah di dah, but my guess is at that point she'd be compelled to provide records of their earnings and of HER share of their support. I think she'd rather let it go and find some gig, however temporary, that takes her AWAY from the kids, than risk full financial disclosure at this point. My gut tells me she's got plenty to hide in that department.

Sad but true said...

Haha, I see she's deleted the comment I posted above calling her white trash. Too little, too l8, K8.

westcoastie said...

It never ends. Those kids are doomed.

Sad but true said...

People put the article on their FB. Here's someone in the know:

XXXXX Grew up in the town next to where she lives, and still frequent the area... She's a horrible, stuck up, bitchy twat. Won't acknowledge any of her fans in public, throws temper tantrums when she can't cut off people in line in stores, demands that people not look at her in public... I'm waiting for the day I have a moment with her like that, so I can call her a See You Next Tuesday to her face. LMFAO 😂😂😂

XXXXX AND she has live in nannies. She's around her kids during filming. When they aren't filming the show, SHES NEVER AROUND. She's taking kid free vacations, on "book tours", "promoting" the show, taking shopping trips to NYC or California... Hell no, she's no saint!

It's getting a ton of comments, not surprisingly, lots of people admonishing others not to "mom bash."

Susan1956 said...

Sad but true said... 96

Bottom line, she can't force anyone to film NOW. All that's needed is a lack of cooperation, a big Hell No when told to hit the couch on a Sunday for a talking head. She can hold out the threat of no more school, la di dah di dah, but my guess is at that point she'd be compelled to provide records of their earnings and of HER share of their support. I think she'd rather let it go and find some gig, however temporary, that takes her AWAY from the kids, than risk full financial disclosure at this point. My gut tells me she's got plenty to hide in that department.
She's already got both passive non-cooperation in the form of Cara's limited participation on the show, as well as the Today Show debacle, and active non-cooperation from Hannah in complaining to Jon re: Khate's treatment of Colin. It must piss the hell out of Khate/make her reach for another box of vino when she thinks of how some of "her girls" are rebelling. She could care less about the boys because she doesn't really see them as human, just icky, smelly, and a reminder of Jon. Like some of the people on this board, I'd cheer & be supportive if she could find a reality TV gig that didn't involve the kids. But a lot of TLC's reality shows are for couples--Spouse House, etc. and some network has one called Marriage Boot Camp for Reality Stars so that's out and she can't carry a show by herself. Plus she's burned too many bridges--in fact, she was still burning the TLC bridge with all her little passive-aggressive comments re: no help during this last season.

Layla said...

Sad but true (96)
It was curious that, when the show first came back in 2014, the "source close to Kate" said she needs as many episodes as possible because the kids would be ready for college soon. Jon and Kate both said the kids have the money in trust to pay for their college. so why does she need to film them to pay for it? I would not be surprised at all to hear that she has been taking money out of their trust for years, and therefore is coming up short when it comes to college funds.

Former Lurker said...

This story is everywhere. TMZ, Radar, E!, People, Entertainment Tonight, Yahoo, Hollywood Life.

More details appear in the Entertainment Tonight article and in the Hollywood Life article (that one specifically says the mother had an issue).

"The call came in at 1:10 this afternoon for a verbal domestic argument ... over the custody of one of their 13-year-old daughters," the spokesperson said. "No one was arrested and the daughter did go home with the father after she expressed that was her desire to do.”

“There was a fairly lengthy argument as far as both parents had conflicting versions of a child custody agreement," the spokesperson added. "Basically, both stated something different and we referred the matter over to our county district attorney. The district attorney then reviewed it and ... the district attorney's words were that the order was sufficiently vague to interpret who was supposed to actually have custody today. Both parents read their version of the order and thought they should have had custody of the child today. So, we referred them back to the court system to try and get clarification from the court system on who's supposed to have the child on certain days.”


The exes got into a blowout argument on August 22, according to TMZ — one that resulted in a visit from police, Sergeant Grim of the Wyomissing, PA police department confirmed to The exes were at an orthodontics office when they got into an argument over one of their eight children, who remains unidentified. Grim EXCLUSIVELY told us that the dispute took place at 1:10 PM [August 22]. “Officers were dispatched for [a] verbal domestic dispute between Jon and Kate Gosselin over child custody over minor children,” Grim explained.

Here’s the chain of events that occurred upon police arrival: “When police arrived, both parents had conflicting versions of their current agreement in place,” Grim said. “The child left with [the] father while the mother was referred to Berks County District Attorney’s office for a more clear interpretation of the child custody agreement. The current order is vague, according to Burks Co. DA and so the DA is going to interpret and inform the mother’s attorney to contact the DA’s office for clarification of the order.” The child involved in the incident has not been identified.


Although they aren't naming which daughter it is, the Hollywood Life article and the Yahoo article are mentioning the previous issue with H.

Poor kids. It looks like this might be on E! News and Entertainment Tonight tomorrow night. What a great first day of school. TFW, you really suck.

Susan1956 said...

Good comment from People FB page.

XXXX I was on vacation at the same time and place as this woman and those poor kids a few years back, and came to realize very quickly that a LOT of the things people say about her are completely true. (And I'm not talking about good things.)

Susan1956 said...

Former Lurker said... 102

“There was a fairly lengthy argument as far as both parents had conflicting versions of a child custody agreement," the spokesperson added. "Basically, both stated something different and we referred the matter over to our county district attorney. The district attorney then reviewed it and ... the district attorney's words were that the order was sufficiently vague to interpret who was supposed to actually have custody today. Both parents read their version of the order and thought they should have had custody of the child today. So, we referred them back to the court system to try and get clarification from the court system on who's supposed to have the child on certain days.”
So now we know that both Jon & Khate never leave home without a copy of the court-ordered visitation schedule. LOL. But how can the DA say the order is vague when even we know that Jon is supposed to have (all) the kids on Tuesdays and every other weekend? Sounds like the police didn't want to actually make a decision, referred it to the DA, who stated the order was vague and is going to have Khate's attorney contact him for further interpretation. So either they're still handling Khate with kid gloves or going the diplomatic route in dealing with her at this point.

Anonymous said...

They are all teenagers now and unlike when they were much younger, at least some of their schoolmates will be aware of this 'news' probably by tomorrow. How mortifying for them to possibly being tormented by questions especially on their first day back when they should be re-engaging with friends they probably haven't seen all summer. I hope teachers are aware of the situation and can be counted on to provide some kind of support to protect the Gosselins.

bm ~ Administrator said...

. But I will say this is how it usually goes..the cops say take it up with the judge.


Not here. A family law order is a legal document, enforceable by the police. Just like if you have a restraining order. I should hope cops don't look at a restraining order, shrug and say take it up with the courts. Same goes for family law orders. When it comes down to it, a family law is almost like saying you are restrained from your kids when it's not your time, and if you have the kids when it's not your time, you are in clear violation of a court order, an offense punishable by a fine and jail time.

They're all legal documents, enforceable by law, and if your police department is refusing to enforce the law, I would strongly suggest complaining to their police chief, your board of supervisors, your local rep, or whoever is in charge of your police force. If every time a mother like Kate tried to violate court orders she knew the cops would show up and set her straight, those things tend to stop. It's better for the children that way than to be taken through a decade of ping pong misery while the cops say too bad so sad.

Here, if the document says you are to have your child on Tuesdays, and the mother keeps the child, the cops will transact the child to you upon your request. A couple rounds of that and parents tend to back off from their crap.

That being said, if the family law order reflected Jon was to have the child (and it sounds like it does), then the cops did indeed leave the scene with the correct order properly being followed. That would be correct. I have a funny feeling "the girl chose to go with him" is code for "we gave the mother a look, told her this is what the order is and she needs to follow it, the kid herself was in agreement, and Kate backed off."

Former Lurker said...

ET Canada names the dental office:

According to a spokesperson for the police department in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, “we did respond to an orthodontic office here in our jurisdiction. The name of the office is called Reading Orthodontic Group. The call came in at 1:10 this afternoon for a verbal domestic argument between [Jon and Kate Gosselin] over the custody of one of their 13-year-old daughters,” the spokesperson tells ET. ~ Administrator said...

According to eonline Jon & Khate came to the appointment together. I for one, don't believe that.


I don't take that so literally, as in they came in the same car. But I do believe if it was an important dental consult especially about spending money, or major orthodonture work, they would both probably want to be there and may have gone to the office "together" just not together.

I can't get over what a zinger this is for the sheeple who like to pretend Jon is so disengaged from the children, gave up all his rights, and that Kate does EVERYTHING all by herself. Turns out, their father is very involved in the important things, including braces. He just doesn't see a need to shout it from the rooftops as the greatest dad ever because he noticed his kids' teeth are crooked and need to be fixed and wanted to be involved in the process.

After all this time though, this shouldn't be happening. Any kinks in custody should be worked out now, the schedule should be going like clock work and they should have developed some cushion room for minor deviations in it as it called for it and be able to not make a big freaking deal over it. Does it matter where the kid goes after the dentist appointment? If she wants to go hang out with her dad, does it REALLY matter, Kate? It's one day. All this time later, they should still not be tugging on a kids' arm for custody. So ridiculous, and so damaging.

I hope all of the information we have means Jon took a stand. His children will remember it when he did so. ~ Administrator said...

“There was a fairly lengthy argument as far as both parents had conflicting versions of a child custody agreement," the spokesperson added. "Basically, both stated something different and we referred the matter over to our county district attorney. The district attorney then reviewed it and ... the district attorney's words were that the order was sufficiently vague to interpret who was supposed to actually have custody today. Both parents read their version of the order and thought they should have had custody of the child today. So, we referred them back to the court system to try and get clarification from the court system on who's supposed to have the child on certain days.”


Well, that's a sloppy order then. On ours, you check boxes and write in times. There's no confusion. And if there is somehow confusion, and the kid wants to go with him (or her, same difference), let her GO, and sort it out later in courts without her present. Geez!

Sounds like we've got a new custody arrangement. There shouldn't be confusion over an order as old as the last one we heard about. ~ Administrator said...

Why even schedule a dentist appointment on the last day of summer break? That's just mean. The last darn thing my kids would want to do on their very last day of summer break is go to the dentist! TFW is so thoughtless. Then, she lets something like this fight and police incident happen? She really is a POS.


Pretty much.

It just sounds very petty to me. It was already long past noon. We're talking about the child spending less than half a day with Jon and then it's back to school. Is it really, really that big of a deal? So much so you've got to make the kid a pawn?

It's her last day of no school. Let her go where she wants to go and then go call your lawyer and say, hey, we had some confusion here today. Little help please.

It's NOT that big of a deal and every damn day divorced parents run into these situations and just work it out like adults and don't hold a grudge even if maybe you got a little shafted that time. It all evens out in the end so who cares?

Plus, with school back in session this may be all a moot point anyway. No one will be able to take the child at 1 in the afternoon during the school year, she'll be in school.

It's fixed pie mentality for Kate. If someone has a slice, she's losing out on a slice. She can't see that maybe the kid will be calmer, happier and more benevolent toward KATE if Kate lets her have a little freedom to have some input on where she shall spend her time today. ~ Administrator said...

Kate Coyne, or someone at People Magazine, is already doing damage control for TFW, trying to paint her as a wonderful. loving mother.


Shaking my head.

I do like though that they are trying to drive home the single mom crap again, when all reports say the two of them are involved and engaged with the child's dental issues TOGETHER.

She really is NOT doing it alone, contrary to everything she claims, and not doing it alone as to a very big deal and one of the most stressful things parents face in the teen years--orthodonture. ~ Administrator said...

So now we know that both Jon & Khate never leave home without a copy of the court-ordered visitation schedule. LOL. But how can the DA say the order is vague when even we know that Jon is supposed to have (all) the kids on Tuesdays and every other weekend?


99%, it's either a new order, or a summertime order when having no school suddenly frees up a lot more time, and it's not fair to continue to follow the "school schedule" because it would be very lopsided.

Most good family law orders address what is to happen in the summer, so they should have already had that schedule in place from before.

My money is on a new custody order being drafted recently, perhaps just as to the girl, which is consistent with the tabloid rumors about Hannah wanting to live more often with Jon. Sounds like they're just starting to operate under a new order at least as to one of the girls. I'm trying to think of an example of how there would be this much confusion, and I can't really--but it can happen. Sometimes there can be confusion in the first few weeks. For example what if the order says Jon has the girl every other Tuesday, but the order was just made. You need to specify when it STARTS (staring this Tuesday, starting next, etc.) otherwise when Tuesday rolls around, of course Jon is going to want her, and Kate being Kate of course would want the next Tuesday to be the first week.

All This Is That said...

Didn't someone here post some time ago that when custody disputes arise, it is the job of law enforcement to do just that...enforce the agreement? However, it sounds like custody in this case isn't iron-clad, not black and white. This could explain why the police, if called, do not intervene and enforce the custody arrangements.

RoxyHelen said...

Is it too much to hope the girl is Alexis and Jon is finally putting his foot down and seeing her as much as he is supposed to?

Either way, as bad as this incident sounds, maybe Jon is finally getting it together and things will get better for the kids. Maybe Kate will finally learns she can't do whatever the heck she wants.

Part of me (and I'm sorry if I'm being annoyingly negative) can't help but think about the fact that this incident is proof that police can and will enforce a court order and that's all Jon had to do all those years Kate denied him the kids and frankly it sucks since it means maybe he could have avoided the estrangement, but hey at least better late than never.

Paisley said...

I'm not surprised the custody agreement was too vague for the cops to decide. We already know that she only has to produce four kids for his visitation and he gets no say in which ones appear. There seems to be nothing that states something relatively simple like he must be provided access to every child at least once a month.

CC said...

Maybe the "vague" custody has to do with how the custody agreement is worded. Someone on twitter posted a court doc Jon filed.

It states "after school on Tuesdays." Maybe Kate was using the fact that it's summer vacation from school to deny custody.

I don't know if the actual custody agreement is worded that way. It may just be how Jon or his attorney worded it in the court doc.

This was part of the tweet:… 'Father to have physical custody every Tuesday after school until 7p.m'

Lorrie said...

I haven't read through all the comments, so if this has already been answered, forgive me. Why would Jon only be entitled to take one of the kids home with him yesterday? Aren't four of them more the norm?

FlimsyFlamsy said...

RoxyHelen (#114), whichever girl it was, I bet she was looking forward to time with her dad, who would probably talk to her about her upcoming school year, and offer her love, support and encouragement. Most importantly, interacting with her as an individual, and not just part of a group,
the way her mother seems to perpetually identify her children (the twins, the tups, the boys, the "little" girls, etc.). The 4 (well, now, only 3) who don't get to see their father are missing out on that one-on-one attention.

But instead of just heading off with Dad, that girl was subject to a heated argument, and police intervention. How's that for "making memories," TFW?

Sad but true said...

RoxyHelen said... 114

Part of me (and I'm sorry if I'm being annoyingly negative) can't help but think about the fact that this incident is proof that police can and will enforce a court order and that's all Jon had to do all those years Kate denied him the kids and frankly it sucks since it means maybe he could have avoided the estrangement, but hey at least better late than never.

OTOH, perhaps it's also showing how entirely batshit K8 can become when it's all not going according to HER plan. I can easily believe that Jon went above and beyond to avoid confrontational situations with this nasty shrew over the years. We read the police reports from two years ago, and yesterday, a single afternoon with one kid launched her into orbit. And there wasn't even any filming on the line.

Besides the obvious financial hardship to him every time he may have wanted to assert himself, I have to believe Jon has held back because she just loses control when crossed. That may well be why the twins just gave up on him. Who can forget the looks on their faces in that video of him returning the kids home and all the tups are screaming for him not to leave? She's made human sacrifices of all these kids for the sake of her gargantuan ego. And with Collin in the rearview mirror, we know now she won't just stop at the door.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Sad but true (#118), "human sacrificies" is
a pretty accurate description. Vacations, John Deere tractors, lobster dinners, fancy ski clothes, puppies, room renovations, camping equipment...none of that can take away the emotional damage TFW has done to those children by refusing to co-parent with their father. The harm she's done to them, and continues to do, will impact them forever, and it was all preventable.

Let's face it -- TFW's life would be easier
if the custody arrangement was more equitable. But she needs to win, and she needs to be a martyr. And the only way to accomplish both is to keep those kids away from their father as much as possible.

Wowser said...

Just throwing this out there. If it was one of the tups who loves to see her dad on regularly scheduled times and TFW made an appointment on a scheduled custody day, TFW may have told her she wasn't going to be allowed to see him because the next day was school and TFW had too much to do because she has no help (eye roll) so they would all be going home, and the tup texted Jon and told him and that's why Jon went to the orthodontist? Just a thought

Lorrie said...

Hannah has been named as the child involved in the dispute (as most figured). The details InTouch Weekly are reporting are heartbreaking.

RoxyHelen said...

Sad but true said... 119 I understand your point, I really do, the one thing that's stopping me from being on board with it is the fact that I don't think the kids would have been more harmed by a handful of chaotic exchanges (Kate would have probably quit after losing a bunch of times and realizing she can't pull stunts like that) than the years of not seeing their father and being poisoned against him. The problem with Jon's apparent attempts to avoid conflict is that the result was those 8 kids were at the mercy at Kate's anger. He wasn't there when Collin developed issues, he wasn't there when Collin was send to God knows where (from everything Jon has said in public) and it's all because he went above and beyond to avoid a few scenes with the cops. I just can't see how that was better for the 4 kids who never/almost never see him. Two believe he's the devil, one sees him rarely and the other has been shipped off without his damn knowledge and was probably convinced his father has abandoned him.

It apparently costs nothing to call the cops so I don't see the financial angle either. Admin who is in the field has said that for the kind of court appearances Jon needed, he might not have even needed a lawyer. I

don't know, I wasn't there but my fear is that neither will Jon's estranged kids. They'll hit 18 and be so poisoned against Jon they won't even attempt to find out the truth. As usual, I hope to God I'm wrong, about everything.

Sad but true said...

Lorrie said... 122

OMG. But this article says this [articular incident took place on August 15, a week ago (and also a Tuesday). So is this the SECOND incident in a week?

"This violent showdown comes after “Jon and Kate had an emergency hearing with a judge after Hannah refused to go back to Kate’s house,” a source explains. On Aug. 11, “The judge granted Jon equal custody of Hannah until he and Kate go to trial.”

Holy crap. The end of filming must have put her right over the edge. Run far and fast, TLC, because she'll pull you down with her given half a chance.

Sad but true said...

RoxyHelen said... 123

Read the InTouch article just posted. If this is true, it's pretty clear K8 is not afraid to inflict physical violence on these kids in order to get her way. Jon could very well be terrified of what she is capable of. Remember Collin.

Sad but true said...

And if the InTouch article is true, we know that K8 will stop at nothing to malign Jon in the eyes of the court. She's still trying to claim Jon is a "danger" to Hannah?! It sounds like the whole custody situation is still very much in play. What an awful note for these kids to be returning to school on.

Formerly Duped said...

Oh dear...would ' the girl' have her uniform at Jon's? A lunch? Other needed items? What would her BFF L do? It's a bad way to start the new school year and yes, I bet she's wary of Mommy's wrath. I hope she got some good conversation time in with her father and he can ACT on it.

RoxyHelen said...

Lorrie said... 122

Hannah has been named as the child involved in the dispute (as most figured). The details InTouch Weekly are reporting are heartbreaking.

IF, IF this is true, the only thing I want to know right now is why that monster isn't being charged with child abuse, considering she just physically injured her child. Also I want to know why Jon said he couldn't help his child while her mother physically abused her.

I so don't want this story to be true.

localyocul said...


"A custody exchange between Jon and Kate Gosselin of their 13-year-old daughter Hannah grew so contentious that police were called and Hannah ended up being taken to a hospital via ambulance,"

localyocul said...

Kate should have been arrested on the spot if this is true. She's mentally and physically harming her children. And Jon needs to be awarded custody of Hannah NOW.

localyocul said...

This one excruciating scene was from a showdown that lasted three hours and didn’t end until police called an ambulance for Hannah, who said her arm was injured. Then, at the hospital, “Kate told the police she thought Jon was a danger and Hannah needed to be protected. So the police removed Jon while Hannah was being treated,” an insider states.

localyocul said...

Holy Shit

his violent showdown comes after “Jon and Kate had an emergency hearing with a judge after Hannah refused to go back to Kate’s house,” a source explains. On Aug. 11, “The judge granted Jon equal custody of Hannah until he and Kate go to trial.”

Admin you were right it was due to a recent modification! Has it taken this long to go to court after H refused to go home right before Collin was sent away? That was over a year ago!! Or did she refuse again???

Formerly Duped said...

OMG ! Hannah had to go to the hospital and Kate tried to pull her from Jon's car which is exceedingly dangerous. the kids who watched this must also be scarred. What is the woman thinking! I bet she does not want H to reveal any more secrets to Jon.How horrible;e for all the kids, especially Hannah.I wonder if Hannah even went to school today and if she did, Kate might try to snatch her. Poor kid, with a burden like that on her 13 yea old shoulders- again.

RoxyHelen said...

Why were police officers sitting by and allowing an adult to injure a child?? The level of detail makes me thing the story is true (who the heck makes up an entire scenario like that?) which is just awful. If Hannah moves in with Jon, I too think filming's over. Also, Hannah may be followed by Leah, since those two are always together it seems. I wonder if that will give other kids the courage to go to Jon's. I'm getting ahead of myself but I can't help but think(or maybe blindly hope?) that this really is the beginning of the end, that a snowball effect is starting and it's the end of filming and the beginning of kids leaving Kate.

localyocul said...

RoxyHelen said... 128
Lorrie said... 122

Hannah has been named as the child involved in the dispute (as most figured). The details InTouch Weekly are reporting are heartbreaking.

IF, IF this is true, the only thing I want to know right now is why that monster isn't being charged with child abuse, considering she just physically injured her child. Also I want to know why Jon said he couldn't help his child while her mother physically abused her.

I so don't want this story to be true.


That's what I want to know. And it makes me wonder about H's previously injured arm that happened "at school".

She should have been arrested on the spot. And how did LE let this go on for 3 hours?

Lorrie said...

"This violent showdown comes after “Jon and Kate had an emergency hearing with a judge after Hannah refused to go back to Kate’s house,” a source explains. On Aug. 11, “The judge granted Jon equal custody of Hannah until he and Kate go to trial.”
That might answer my previous question regarding why Jon would only be entitled to take one of the kids home with him.

GollyGee said...


That poor little girl! TFW should of been arrested for hurting Hannah. SHE was the one that told Hannah that SHE was going to pull her out of the car! Jon didn't hurt her. She did. What a freaking idiot!

I was wondering if there was a video. InTouch said there is a video.

She is so mentally messed up, I hope Jon requests a psych evaluation because she was trying to force Hannah out of the car for THREE HOURS!!!

localyocul said...

I hope In Touch does not release that video. Leave her alone!

Lorrie said...

"This violent showdown comes after Jon and Kate had an emergency hearing with a judge after Hannah refused to go back to Kate’s house," a source explains. On Aug. 11, “The judge granted Jon equal custody of Hannah until he and Kate go to trial.
This might answer my previous question regarding why Jon would only be entitled to take one of the kids home with him.

GollyGee said...

On the Kate Plus 8 FB page, it is sickening.

Her picture, smiling, looking like she is the one hard at work posting food and all of the articles on there. One was really funny. A beautiful stock photo of a packed lunch. Sandwich, grape tomatoes, celery sticks, banana, other fruit, bottled water.

I think an intern did that on purpose! Remember the judge having to tell her to STOP sending moldy food with the kids, day after day until they ate it. They just couldn't throw it away at school because another
Inspector Gadget would tattletale to the monster.

But what was really insane that was posted was the new thing of kids boiling water and throwing it on other kids posted on that same page! WHY would the intern post this on her page when she is extremely abusive and the last 2 weeks of the Battle of Hannah proves it!

Blowing In The Wind said...

Read the InTouch article just posted. If this is true, it's pretty clear K8 is not afraid to inflict physical violence on these kids in order to get her way. Jon could very well be terrified of what she is capable of. Remember Collin.


Yes. and when some commented a long time ago that they would have just called the police, and Jon, why don't you do something, I think now we see why he has been rather complacent and allows Kate to have her own way. He knows that if he puts up a fight, the child or children will be subject to her wrath and perhaps physical abuse. He knows this woman, her controlling behavior and exactly what she is capable of doing.

Paula said...

Hopefully this video exists and Jon is requesting another emergency hearing - this type for full custody of Hannah.

Tucker's Mom said...

It sounds like john did not want to touch hannah because then it will turn into a tug-of-war. I think he was trying to remove himself from any notion that he was also abusing Hannah. Therefore, he was telling her to keep holding on and fighting. This sounds horrific!

RoxyHelen said...

Sad but true said... 125

Shouldn't Kate's willingness to hurt the children be an extra reason for Jon to have gotten them the hell out of the house of horrors?

Blowing In The Wind said...

localyocul said... 136
I hope In Touch does not release that video. Leave her alone!


I agree, local. There is no need to see a video. Let the courts and/or CPS handle this.

Any word from the barnyard sheeple about this? Any emergency calls to report to their muster stations on how to deal with damage control?

GollyGee said...

When the video comes out and it will, maybe the police will get major backlash for not arresting the Dutchess. They let this go on for 3 freaking hours!

I wonder what the Rode Manager thinks about His Client?

Told her SHE was going to pull her out of the car! The cops should of told her, NO, you cannot pull her out of the car! Are they that scared of her? Must be.

Sad but true said...

I hope Jon was the one who recorded this incident, perhaps on a dash-cam. Or the police. It's about time he was able to prove to the court what she's like. I don't believe the police just stood around for three hours watching this. They were probably called when K8 made it clear she was fully prepared to get physical with Hannah if she didn't do what K8 wanted.

As for why Kate was allowed in the hospital with Hannah (and she may well have been forced to wait outside), this is probably due to her having legal custody. Perhaps they wouldn't be able to treat her without a legal guardian present.

IF this incident is true, then K8 just might get some air time if she wants to "set the record straight" for the umpteenth time. Although I imagine she may get some questions that would make her very uncomfortable, for a change.

Over And Out said...

I would imagine that Milo is saying that none of this happened, that once again those tabloids and online stories are false and lying, and that even the police report is a lie. Law enforcement made up this whole thing so that Kate looks bad.

Gladys will find some way to make this all blow over (platitudes, maybe?) with Kate coming out smelling like a rose and Jon being the one who needs a psych exam and should be arrested.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Wouldn't it be something if H was the one who shut down this whole thing? Remember how TFW described her during the opening credits?
"H is the leader, and Mommy's helper."

Sad but true said...

RoxyHelen said... 144

Shouldn't Kate's willingness to hurt the children be an extra reason for Jon to have gotten them the hell out of the house of horrors?

I don't disagree. But he's also not in an ideal situation in terms of being able to house them. If he were able to go back and parent them at THEIR house, I doubt he would have hesitated. I also think he never imagined she would actually go as far as she has (Collin).

No question, Jon made some very big mistakes back when they divorced. But at the time, he believed filming was over and that this would all be worked out. Little did he know. . . .

Paula said...

Do Kate's actions quality as abuse? If so, the hospital is mandated to report to the authorities.

RoxyHelen said...

Blowing In The Wind said... 141

Read the InTouch article just posted. If this is true, it's pretty clear K8 is not afraid to inflict physical violence on these kids in order to get her way. Jon could very well be terrified of what she is capable of. Remember Collin.


Yes. and when some commented a long time ago that they would have just called the police, and Jon, why don't you do something, I think now we see why he has been rather complacent and allows Kate to have her own way. He knows that if he puts up a fight, the child or children will be subject to her wrath and perhaps physical abuse. He knows this woman, her controlling behavior and exactly what she is capable of doing.


I am that someone and I stand by my statement. I struggle to understand where you are coming from. To me, it sounds like : "Oh God, this woman is crazy and hurts my children. Yep, better not fight to see my children". Where is the logic in that? He gave interviews talking about Alexis having poison ivy all summer, so clearly children were being harmed at Kate;s regardless of whether he saw them or not. Where is the logic in him not trying even harder to get the children out, precisely when knowing what this woman is capable of? Do you believe Jon is the only reason Kate has harmed the children in the past?

kris said...

I wonder if this has been brewing with Hannah for a while and that's why Kate mentioned that her kids 'knew she needed a good laugh' (in her IG photo of the horse in the crate). And also Jamie commented 'You needed a good laugh' - which implies Jamie knows something's been going on.

Blowing In The Wind said...

Shouldn't Kate's willingness to hurt the children be an extra reason for Jon to have gotten them the hell out of the house of horrors?


How should he have gone about doing that if she has custody? Physically pull them out? We don't know how often he has been to court recently, and what has or hasn't been done to ensure their safety.

I don't think the police are afraid of Kate. Not at all. They know this is a custody dispute. I also hope that this video is not released. This is not for public consumption. What purpose would it serve? For the child's sake, no good can come from splashing this all over the internet.

localyocul said...

Paula said... 151
Do Kate's actions quality as abuse? If so, the hospital is mandated to report to the authorities.


IMO yes and yes, but if true, the freakin police saw it happen! Unless that happened before the cops were called. But it doesn't seem so since it ended with H being taken to the ER

FlimsyFlamsy said...

I am sickened by that story. And to think just a few days after that 3-hour knock down, drag out fight, TFW posted that picture of
A with his dog, acting all moony about their sweet relationship, like she's such a warm, tender-hearted soul. We have seen her dark side for years, and cannot be fooled. She is a horrible mother. Poor H. Poor C. Poor all of them.

Sad but true said...

RoxyHelen said... 152

I am that someone and I stand by my statement. I struggle to understand where you are coming from. To me, it sounds like : "Oh God, this woman is crazy and hurts my children. Yep, better not fight to see my children". Where is the logic in that? He gave interviews talking about Alexis having poison ivy all summer, so clearly children were being harmed at Kate;s regardless of whether he saw them or not. Where is the logic in him not trying even harder to get the children out, precisely when knowing what this woman is capable of? Do you believe Jon is the only reason Kate has harmed the children in the past?

You have a NETWORK and numerous national publications still to this day running the narrative about Kate being the ultimate mom. The very same outlets did a magnificent smear job on Jon at the time of the divorce. He surely has brought a lot of this on himself with his oft-times douchey behavior, but the problem is, every time she's been reported to CPS, they go out and everything looks fine. Maybe until recently the kids have been more afraid of her threats than motivated to go to their dad's. But something has clearly changed in the past couple of years, and I think that Collin's situation is what finally upset the apple cart. Jon finally realized he had to get more assertive, and the kids (some of them, anyway) have realized that if they don't speak up, then Mommy gets away with it.

The situation has never been cut and dried. I imagine the twins, in particular, have put pressure on the tups to continue to film and keep Mommy happy. It must be so very stressful to be a kid in this situation.

Maybe some of the damage is irreparable. But put that down to K8's hatred of her ex and her intractable personality. I think up until now, Jon never had the balls or the money to take the fight to her. I for one am very glad if that has changed.

Sad but true said...

Over on IG:

jeska5589@johnpaulbachmann prove any of ur garbage allegations are true. And before you ask me or anyone else to prove they are lies, realize that the proof that everyone has that Kate is doing what she is legally entitled to do is that she's doing it and the law isn't stopping her. Oy vey InDEED. Wake up.

johnpaulbachmann Apparently the law doesn't agree with you.
nick_moy@jeska5589 I just ignore this kid.. as any sensible person making any accusation does not make rediculous comments and expect other people to validate the authenticity by do any type of research.. I would think if he wants some creditbility he should show us the court transcripts he seems to know so much about and aside from internet tabloids, Google and supermarket tabloids tell us how he become so knowledgeable.. I will bet when the show first aired he probably haven't reached puberty and now he can talk he has become such a subject matter expert... Another reason I ignore this person is because he seems to have a dis-order where he must inject his nonsense just to get into a conversation with someone... He's just a lonely "boy".

Uh, Nick, there are transcripts of police reports available online. @johnpaulbachmann might be a "lonely 'boy,'" but you are a very very stupid man.

Lorrie said...

Sad but true said... 157

"The very same outlets did a magnificent smear job on Jon at the time of the divorce."

When Jon interviewed with Steve Harvey about a year ago (I just watched three clips on YouTube) he spoke very articulately on that very topic. It's really interesting (and quite sad) to have Jon explain how evil TLC and Kate were to him back when it all began to unravel. As someone eloquently put it in YouTube's comment section, "Damn, they did him dirty".

Sad but true said...

Lorrie said... 159

Yup, money talks. And Eight Little Faces have ended up in tatters.

Jamesvader1194 said...

@Sad but true Its funny Nick calls that guy a lonely boy and yet everytime someone comments negatively about Kate,90% of the time Nick is there coming to Kate's defense and sounds like a complete white knight.

MikeB said...

I can't imagine being a child in Kate's house. Those poor kids must be walking on eggshells all the time in fear of what will set her off. The constant state of turmoil can't help but be causing mental harm to all of the kids.

A situation like that brings out the worst in everyone. The ones that just want peace will become withdrawn while those that might be scheming will manipulate the situation to get what they want.

Those kids are going to need some serious counseling or the survival habits they are having to learn now are going to cause lifelong problems in any future relationships they may have.

localyocul said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 156
I am sickened by that story. And to think just a few days after that 3-hour knock down, drag out fight, TFW posted that picture of
A with his dog, acting all moony about their sweet relationship, like she's such a warm, tender-hearted soul. We have seen her dark side for years, and cannot be fooled. She is a horrible mother. Poor H. Poor C. Poor all of them.

Oh jeez I thought the fight happened yesterday! It happened the 15th...i didn't catch that part

localyocul said...

TMZ says this happened "Tuesday". In Touch said it happened LAST Tuesday. When did this happen?

Jillygee said...

localyocul said... 164
TMZ says this happened "Tuesday". In Touch said it happened LAST Tuesday. When did this happen?

I'm confused too. It sounds like there were two separate instances?

Susan1956 said... ~ Administrator said... 108

According to eonline Jon & Khate came to the appointment together. I for one, don't believe that.


I don't take that so literally, as in they came in the same car.
I really shouldn't post after 10 p.m. as I think my brain starts to shut down. I wasn't saying, at least in my mind, that Jon & Khate came in the same car to the orthodontist appointment. Just that it was planned they both be there. After reading the In Touch article, this morning I think I was wrong.

Here's what I got out of the article:

August 11th--emergency hearing. Judge gives Jon & Khate EQUAL custody of Hannah until they go to trial.

Maybe Jon has her beginning on Tuesdays thru Thursday?

August 15th: Khate tries to pull Hannah out of Jon's car.

August 22nd: Another showdown at the orthodontist's office.

I'm sorry Hannah & Jon have to go thru this, but if Khate's acting like this AFTER an emergency hearing/change in custody, how can the judge not grant Jon full custody when they go to trial? It was very important to Khate that Hannah return home with her yesterday since today was the 1st day of school. No back-to-school picture was posted this morning, right? Khate desperately wanted to continue the illusion that everything is wonderful in the konpound. Hard to do when a 2nd tup isn't living with you full-time.

amc said...

It sounds like there may have been two incidents. I'm not sure though

CC said...

Some people here keep saying that Jon is just allowing the alienation to continue. And he should call the police whenever Kate doesn't give him custody. Meanwhile, this shows that the police came and even after all this that happened, they still said take it up in court.

They apparently made the call this time to let Hannah go with Jon, maybe because she wasn't intimidated to back down. But maybe some of the other kids are afraid to go against Kate, and say they want to go with their dad. Just look at what happened to Collin.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

MikeB (#162), well put. The emotional abuse can't be photographed like a sprained arm, but it has been going on for years for the G kids. And the damage will manifest itself in myriad ways the rest of their lives.

JR said...

Why would a judge grant joint custody all of a sudden?? What's going on for that to happen? I think there's a lot we don't know....maybe Hannah doesn't want to live with Kate anymore

Susan1956 said...

localyocul said... 155

Paula said... 151
Do Kate's actions quality as abuse? If so, the hospital is mandated to report to the authorities.


IMO yes and yes, but if true, the freakin police saw it happen! Unless that happened before the cops were called. But it doesn't seem so since it ended with H being taken to the ER.
I think admin will tell us there's child abuse and then there's child abuse. By that I mean the incident where Khate was pulling on Hannah didn't rise to the level where she could be pulled immediately from Khate's home. I'm sure the hospital made a report to CPS and I would bet CPS also has a copy of the video. But it takes time to prepare a case and get back into court and the incident, horrible as it was for everyone involved except for the gestational carrier, did not meet the standards to warrant the child's immediate removal from the home by the police. Khate may have 2 court hearings on her schedule now--one with Jon, the other with CPS.

Layla said...

localyocul (163)

It looks like there was a 3-hour confrontation somewhere along a highway on Tuesday the 15th. That was the one where Hannah's arm was injured by Kate and she had to go to the hospital. Then on Tuesday the 22nd was the showdown at the Ortho office. I think that, after Kate injured Hannah, a judge granted Jon equal custody until they can go to court and work things out. The new custody order is sufficiently vague (probably dashed off quickly as it was only intended to be temporary) that there was confusion as to who had Hannah yesterday.

Good on the police to call the district attorney and ask for clarification. Kate would not hesitate to sue if she thought her rights were violated. Is it woo much to hope that the DA will take some kind of action over the injury to Hannah that Kate inflicted? Hopefully the fact that she physically harmed H will help Jon in court. It's not good that she hurt H, but it might help the outcome. The judge can't just ignore the fact that one parent is hurting a child. And it seems pretty obvious that H wants to be with her dad. She knew there would be consequences for choosing to go with him, but she did it anyway. She's one tough kid.

Layla said...

Oops, I just re-read the InTouch article, and I made a mistake above. It looks like H previously refused to leave Jon's house so a judge granted Jon equal custody (on August 11th) pending trial. Then the incident where H's arm was injured happened on August 15th, and the incident at the ortho office was on the 22nd. Wow, Kate is really unbalanced! She is losing it and acting irrational. If she'd just be reasonable about visitation, she could avoid all this drama. But she is emotionally incapable of compromise.

It's obvious after all this that H wants to be with her dad and has wanted that for a long time. She refused to leave last summer, and now this summer she has refused to go with Kate at least 3 times. If a judge doesn't look at this situation rationally and understand how badly this girl wants to be with her dad, and that her mother is irrational and even violent, then the legal system will have completely failed Hannah.

Lanc Native said...

Some people here keep saying that Jon is just allowing the alienation to continue. And he should call the police whenever Kate doesn't give him custody. Meanwhile, this shows that the police came and even after all this that happened, they still said take it up in court.


Exactly, and it does sound like two separate incidents. Even if she were to go on a media blitz campaign to set the record straight, who would believe her, and she would shoot herself in the foot, opening herself up to more questions. I doubt if she wants that to happen.

"I'm sorry Hannah & Jon have to go thru this, but if Khate's acting like this AFTER an emergency hearing/change in custody, how can the judge not grant Jon full custody when they go to trial?"


Anything can happen in court. Just because of these two incidents it doesn't mean that Jon will be granted full custody.

"Khate desperately wanted to continue the illusion that everything is wonderful in the konpound. Hard to do when a 2nd tup isn't living with you full-time."


That's kind of like putting the cart before the horse. Nothing has been reported about any of the kids living with him full time.

Dmasy said...

What a mess! Poor Hannah. Poor other kids who might have been watching.

It makes me flinch to think of Kate pulling on Hannah's arm to remove her from Jon's car. All the while there is shouting from ALL parties.

I remember adult shouting -- faces contorted and spittle flying. I was terrified of such raw emotion and the lack of control.

I don't know. How old does a child have to be for them to have input into a custody situation? Will Hannah have an opportunity to express her thoughts?

What an unholy and unncessary emotional (and physical) mess.

Susan1956 said...

Lanc Native said... 174

"Khate desperately wanted to continue the illusion that everything is wonderful in the konpound. Hard to do when a 2nd tup isn't living with you full-time."


That's kind of like putting the cart before the horse. Nothing has been reported about any of the kids living with him full time.
Colin lives with neither parent at this time.

Jon & Khate now have equal custody of Hannah, which would include overnight. So Hannah is not living with Khate full-time.

I think my horse is hitched correctly to the cart.

swimgirl said...

This story makes no sense. TFW grabs the child's arm so hard she has to go to the hospital. TFW then tells police that the child needs to be protected from Jon, so they do not let him into the hospital. But the person who caused the injury, TFW, is allowed in with the child?? How does that make sense?

Also, I just read an interesting article today about how rich families are treated so much better by CPS than poor families. Rich ones are always given the benefit of doubt. If I find the link, I'll post it here.

Rainbowsandunicorns said...

Oops, I just re-read the InTouch article, and I made a mistake above. It looks like H previously refused to leave Jon's house so a judge granted Jon equal custody (on August 11th) pending trial. Then the incident where H's arm was injured happened on August 15th, and the incident at the ortho office was on the 22nd. Wow, Kate is really unbalanced! She is losing it and acting irrational. If she'd just be reasonable about visitation, she could avoid all this drama. But she is emotionally incapable of compromise.


And there are those who were still saying that Jon has sat by and done nothing. He can't take matters into his own hands and do a one-man vigilante squad. It seems like he's taking this through the required legal channels.

Anonymous said...

According to the In Touch article there two separate incidents a week apart, the second being yesterday at the Orthodontist office. The first incident took place Aug. 15 in a parking lot off a PA highway in which Hannah was hurt while K8 attempted to pull her from Jon's car. Hannah was taken to hospital by ambulance to be treated after the three hour standoff.

The second incident took place yesterday (Aug. 22) at the orthodontist office and Hannah was allowed to leave with Jon.

Local police were called in connection with both incidents.

If what In Touch is reporting is true, it's hard to know how TLC will handle the situation. I'm inclined to think they will want to sever all filming, but then again when you think about how they continue to film the Duggar family after the sex abuse issue, who knows; I guess it always come down to the bottom line for TLC, if child abuse sells they will continue with the Gosselins too.


JR said...

It's obvious Hannah doesn't want to live with Kate anymore...there's been too many situations where Hannah didn't want to come soon as the courts let her I have no doubt she will live with Jon....Kate filming days are essentially over...the kids are splintering off for various reasons....she looks desperate and pathetic at this point...the parties over my friend...

Breezy said...

Don't know how to make it clickable.

Apparently Kate became disruptive and was escorted from the office

Sad but true said...

And still the sheeple bleat:

MsGoody2Shoes21_‏ @MsGoody2Shoes33
Fuck Jon and his non child support paying rump! @kateplusmy8

JR said...

"She got loud"...omg she's such an idiot...who the hell does she think she is??? She's still trying to bully him

Susan1956 said...

Dmasy said... 175

I don't know. How old does a child have to be for them to have input into a custody situation? Will Hannah have an opportunity to express her thoughts?
I found this in a google search. I had previously found another source that said there was no set age when a child's preferences re: custody is taken into account in PA, but depended on the maturity & reasons of the child.

Preferences of Child Custody

In Pennsylvania, the court will consider the following factors when determining child custody:

The child's preferences

Which parent is more likely to encourage or facilitate a relationship with the child and the child's other parent

Any past or present history of abuse

Criminal convictions

If the court follows the above, then Jon would be the winner based on the 1st 3.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Breezy (#181), thanks for that link. Here's a quote from the police officer: "She wanted to go home with her dad. Mrs. Gosselin didn't like that and she got loud, so we asked her to leave." Does that "Mrs. Gosselin" sound anything like the woman who claims she'd move heaven and earth for her kids? That she BREATHES for them? That no matter what happens, she is there for them?
Or is that woman just a figment of her, and the sheeple's, imagination?

Formerly Duped said...

I really can't imagine Leah and Hannah apart-will H ask Jon to petition for her custody too?

I remember after last summer's incident, Kate immediately posted a picture of her with Hannah at a school race to show that she got her back. Hannah also was seen to be solicitous of 'when Mommy's feeling unhappy' to which H on a couch interview said "I just know when you're sad' You would think the two are very close but obviously not.It's sickening Kate could injure this child and not wait to go through proper channels if she thought H should be with her.

RoxyHelen said...

Tucker's Mom said... 143

It sounds like john did not want to touch hannah because then it will turn into a tug-of-war. I think he was trying to remove himself from any notion that he was also abusing Hannah. Therefore, he was telling her to keep holding on and fighting. This sounds horrific!


Also, I'm thinking he wanted to avoid touching/pushing Kate. You know Kate would have turned it into assault and battery charges.

Also quickly wanna say I never said Jon's doing nothing. I said good for him for finally doing something. You can't deny the man stood for a year and a half without seeing his kid. That's not ok no matter how you look at it.

JR said...

Omg the judge told Hannah if she doesn't go with her mother they'll put her in foster care....that's right she opted for foster care!!! What the hell is going on in that house?

localyocul said...

Breezy said... 181
Don't know how to make it clickable.

Apparently Kate became disruptive and was escorted from the office


Kate made the police blotter LOL. It sounds like it was the orthdontic staff who called the police.

localyocul said...

Well, this does sound like there were two incidents if this was not a three hour screaming match with Kate injuring Hannah. ~ Administrator said...

Meanwhile, this shows that the police came and even after all this that happened, they still said take it up in court.


This actually sounds like a situation where the police genuinely didn't understand what the order is supposed to be. That the order is genuinely confusing and needs to be clarified. Thus they need to consult with the DA and their attorneys. If they didn't care about the order they wouldn't have bothered to advise them to get it clarified so they have something they could enforce.

Anonymous said...

Thanks "Breezy" @ 181 for the Reading Eagle account. Even though the police describe yesterday as a "non-incident", the police were called twice. It appears after they asked K8 to leave the office, Jon remained with Hannah. He then called the police to report that K8's lawyer friend threatened him. Poor Hannah being exposed to all this drama. I hope she remains with Jon.


Susan1956 said...

The poster on the People FB page responded to my request for more info.

XXXX She was constantly screaming and barking orders at this kids like she hated them or something, and the way she treated her nanny was even worse. One of the kids spilled something on their clothes and I guess the nanny just wiped it off and Kate just ripped her to pieces. One of the older girls started to cry and Kate told her to shut up. The other one was sitting off to the side and Kate went over and grabbed her by the arm, practically dragging her back to the "fun". I've never watched any of her shows but I can see why a lot of people have a negative opinion of her. She was more like a drill Sargent than a mom. I can understand needing order, I raised 4 kids myself, but it's not like she does have help. People were waiting on them hand and foot. (And they didn't seem to like her either.") We saw them several times while we were there and we weren't the only ones who were uncomfortable with how she "parented" those kids. My husband and I both spoke to other adults that had seen her interactions with her kids and the staff where we were staying. (I won't even start with how she treated people that weren't related/worked for her.)

Layla said...

Susan 1956 (166)
You got the timeline correct. It was a little confusing.

I am so impressed with Hannah. She is a tough girl. Kate keeps trying to beat her down, and Hannah keeps getting up fighting. It looks like Kate has met her match. And I really don't think that Hannah is going to stop fighting for what she wants, no matter how hard Kate tries to make her bend to her will. Way to go, Hannah!

JR said...

Damn an actually trial? I wonder when?

Anonymous said...

As much as I want to protect the child's privacy, I would want at least the audio to be released so the general public can see what we've been saying for years: TFW is unhinged and getting worse. There are some serious issues in that house.


localyocul said...

This judge needs to be removed!

"Kate called the police, who called Jon to set up an exchange spot,” the source revealed. Hannah still refused to leave Jon though, which is when the cops called the judge. “He told the officers to tell Hannah that if she didn’t go home with her mother, he was going to stick her in foster care. Hannah said, ‘Ok, I will go to foster care.'”

Kate was then reportedly told by police that she could “remove Hannah from the car,"

NJGal51 said...

Swimgirl @177....This story makes no sense. TFW grabs the child's arm so hard she has to go to the hospital. TFW then tells police that the child needs to be protected from Jon, so they do not let him into the hospital. But the person who caused the injury, TFW, is allowed in with the child?? How does that make sense?
That's what stuck me as odd. The police supposedly witnessed TFW being abusive and Jon is the one that is the danger to Hannah and is not allowed in the treatment room. I just don't get it unless it was the medical personnel that wouldn't let him remain in the room and not the police.
From the Reading Eagle article:

The Gosselins, former residents of Wyomissing, appeared with their eight children, including sextuplets, in the TV series "Jon & Kate Plus 8" from 2007 to 2009, when the couple divorced.

"We ended up asking the child, 'Who do you want to go home with?'" Wyomissing Police Chief Jeffrey R. Biehl said of Tuesday's incident. "She wanted to go home with her dad. Mrs. Gosselin didn't like that and she got loud, so we asked her to leave."

Shortly afterward, Jon Gosselin contacted Wyomissing police again to report that his ex-wife's friend, who is an attorney, arrived at the dental office and threatened him with legal action. That individual was not at the scene when police arrived.

"There was no arrest made or charges," Biehl said. "It was really a non-incident."

A spokeswoman for the Reading Orthodontic Group said Wednesday that the company did not wish to comment.

WTF! She called a lawyer friend who threatened legal action?! She is losing it!

Sad but true said...

Layla said... 186
Susan 1956 (166)
You got the timeline correct. It was a little confusing.

I am so impressed with Hannah. She is a tough girl. Kate keeps trying to beat her down, and Hannah keeps getting up fighting. It looks like Kate has met her match. And I really don't think that Hannah is going to stop fighting for what she wants, no matter how hard Kate tries to make her bend to her will. Way to go, Hannah!

And this is probably why K8 continues with the "Jon is a danger to the child" BS. She's got another one who won't be cowed, and the only explanation for that, in HER mind, is that Jon must be doing something improper. I hope that she will be forced to address her behavior by a judge or, finally, suffer some consequences.

Paula said...

A judge would threaten a child with Foster Care if she didn't go with Kate? Wow....

Sue said...

Hey Admin...maybe this deserves its own thread!

Formerly Duped said...

Hannah needs to talk to someone - not her parents- about all that has happened. I must say I too am impressed with her tenacity. She knows how her mother is. Good for her and all the best to her and all the kids.

Anonymous said...
"Shortly afterward, Jon Gosselin contacted Wyomissing police again to report that his ex-wife's friend, who is an attorney, arrived at the dental office and threatened him with legal action. That individual was not at the scene when police arrived."

Who is Kate's attorney friend? Is this why Kate is able to get by with so much in her little area of PA? She has a local attorney who goes around threatening people?

Hi All! Saw this headline in the news and knew I'd find the info here :)

Sounds like Kate is melting down again. Did TLC announce the end of filming?

She will never be able to love her kids more than she hates Jon. That much is clear 7 years later.

Hoosier Girl

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