Saturday, October 14, 2017

Recap: Kate Plus 8 "Treehouse & Chicks": I hope no one comes down with aviation flu

Still catching up on a few old recaps, and now I'm up to Treehouse & Chicks, which for reference, first aired in August 2011.

Coming up on the problems of the one percent, the treehouse builders are coming at the same exact time as the chicken people. How will the family cope with such a jam packed day? (As we find out later Kate scheduled them to come on purpose, thus intentionally setting up this incredible drama.)

In my day, we built a treehouse with Dad and Uncle Dave, a couple hammers and some scrap lumber. You didn't contract it out like you might a family home.

I like looking on the bright side of these episodes, and the bright side of this one is this was back when the episodes were the correct length, only 20 minutes long. That's all the nothingness of these episodes that they require. Pushing them out to 42 minutes as they've done in later seasons is not only ridiculous but may have led to the declining ratings. This episode pulled in just a hair over a million in ratings, which is more than can be said for many of the episodes that came later. Though incidentally, this was one of the final episodes that aired just before this showed was first "cancelled."

Kate makes some reference to the chicks never hatching and that's why the kids wanted chicks. I vaguely remember an incubator in one of the episodes, and I found my recap about it here.  Why did those eggs abort anyway? It doesn't appear Kate explained why in the incubator episode, at least not according to my recap. Apparently she just said they never hatched. But there is no reason a good percentage should not hatch as long as you follow directions and give the eggs the proper temperature and rotation. Things that make you wonder the extent of Kate's negligence on a day-to-day basis.

It's 2011, so it's the heyday of Kate's tanning and botox. She's an unnatural muddy shade of brown, and in fact the twins look very dark too, way darker than they appear today. I wouldn't put it past Kate to take her 10-year-olds tanning, too.

Kate admits she hadn't thought at all about how to lay out the coop in the barn. Ashley appears out of nowhere and thank God she's here. She has sense. It takes her all of ten seconds to come up with a layout that works.

I don't understand what the treehouse has to do with setting up a chicken coop. But some builders show up and start scouting the property for a suitable tree. I can't understand half what the sextuplets are saying. They're not that little, but they do not make any effort to articulate at all, and often speak in obnoxious sing-song tones. No one corrects them. They're seven, not three. I don't remember them being like that, but it's annoying. They acted like babies far too long and some still do sometimes.

Ashley and the kids help clear out the barn. Kate mostly supervises and complains. I count her taking out one plastic bin and that was about it. Ashley flips on a switch apparently connected to an old radio and static comes on. For some reason Kate and Ashley find this absolutely hysterical and haunted-house like. The radio is cool, I would have asked Kate if I could have it. It's just going to end up in a bin of junk somewhere on Kate's watch anyway. Kate passes out brooms and supervises sweeping.

I am hyper alert to how Collin behaves and what is said about how he is, in light of him being gone from the family home for how long now? Collin seems very engaged with this project and enjoying it. He appears to be working hard, and Kate remarks that he was "on task." There are really no signs the boy was struggling in any way, socially or otherwise.

So apparently they already have the outdoor coop set up, and I guess this will be their indoor coop or are they ditching the outdoor one? They either never explain or I missed it. It's very annoying to watch a reality show and be confused about what is going on, even if you don't like the show.

Anyhow, the poop bin in the outdoor coop is so covered in feces they can barely get it open. This family should not be allowed to have animals if they are going to abuse them. Negligence is abuse, by the way. Never cleaning up an animal's feces from their living area is abuse, make no mistake. If they can't be bothered to clear out the poop once in awhile, is it a case where they can't be bothered to change the water dish and put out some feed? Sheesh. And I also think one can make a reasonable inference that if one cannot even properly take care of a small chicken coop, one is probably not very good at taking care of three dogs or any other living thing.

Meanwhile in a totally unrelated story, some contractors are building the children a treehouse that rivals Punky Brewster's. The foreman is talking about actual construction stuff.

Ads! University of Phoenix has been doing a big advertising push lately. Once in awhile a series of commercials come along that are just a really good short piece of cinema, and that's University of Phoenix. They are telling people's stories of their life and education at the college in short but moving bursts. I'm unclear if these are true stories or just made up melodrama, but they're good. I especially like the one about the child who endured bombings in Europe in World War II eventually to emigrate to the United States, in search of safety, work and the dream that her future children and grandchildren could make something of themselves too. Her future generations indeed have the world at their fingertips thanks to Grandma's education at the University of Phoenix. Big tear! 

There's another one that's really good too about a single mom who adapts to the hurdles life throws at her and supports the family. Well done.

What's amazing about this schmuck Kate is that she admits that it was on her summer to do list to clean out the chicken coop. Um, that should be on your daily chore list, you animal abuser. Someone call animal control. Sometimes her idiocy is funny, and sometimes, like this time, it's downright blood boiling because it's hurting other people or animals.

Kate explains, with a straight face mind you, she scheduled the coop and the tree housing building on the same day because they'll be down there on that area of the property anyway. Oh goodness, that's smart. One would not want to have to walk down there twice! Sometimes I really cannot believe she hears herself.

Collin is working so hard helping out with this there's a little bead of sweat on his brow. Aw. For someone who claims to be so organized Kate's garage is a mess. She has various crap just shoved in cardboard boxes. Wouldn't she like to see everything all lined up pretty in giant Tupperware like normal organized people?

Aaden and Collin fight over a hammer for a very long time. Yawn. Kate is pounding some posts into the cement. The cement? How does that work? I literally have no idea what's going on. I also don't understand why an entire team of contractors is across the way building the treehouse, but Kate and Ashley are all by themselves doing what seems to be a fairly complicated project in their own right, whatever it is they are doing, pounding and stapling and such. I'm no Bob Villa, but wouldn't it make more sense to jack hammer pieces of the cement out, then pound posts into it, then refill the cement?

Franky I really don't know what I'm talking about or how to do this project Kate wants to do but I do know when to call in the professionals and leave it to them. The intern chooses dopey guitar string music for this part. Heh. I wonder if that's labeled the way I imagine it to be on the sound board when they cue that up :"Dopey guitar strings."

The younger kids try to explain what Kate is doing but it only leaves me more confused. I do see they are moving the chicken run to the barn. Collin blurts out that the treehouse took three days to build. The episode does indeed seem to play out as taking place over three days when all is said and done. That is a heck of a long time for ten and seven year olds to be forced to stay around the property and film all day.

Kate pays a very brief visit to the treehouse construction, and can't resist mentioning that she is working hard too over at the chicken coop. What does that have to do with the treehouse and what do they care what she's up to? What a narcissist.

The chicks finally arrive in a cardboard box with holes poked in it.  Is that really how they transport them? Yipe. "They were so cute, like a pillow!" says Aaden as he cuddles up with a pillow on the couch. Lol. Aaden, you're so cute!

Kate was worried the kids would step on the chicks?? That's a gruesome fear! She makes the kids stand back away from the chicks, which is no fun at all. Why can't they just be asked to shuffle their feet, or get on their knees? The way she problem solves is so insane.

A glimpse inside Kate's head: "I could see that door in my mind, I totally could see it, sitting there in my mind, but I thought I can't do that. And then I thought, well why can't you?" I wonder if her thought process really goes as slow as she makes it seem.

In unrelated news, the tree house sure is coming along.

I don't know what Kate is doing, but it involves a lot of nailing together of boards. It's some kind of door frame I guess? Ashley suggests maybe they should drill it, because like I said, she has sense. Who nails things anymore? It's not Little House. Kate is clearly in way over her head, and I still have no clue why they didn't assign a contractor to the chicken coop too. Uh oh, doofus made the door too wide.

She heads back over to the tree house contractors and asks them if they would help her trim the door to size. Is it me or is that really, really rude? You paid them to build a treehouse, not step in and lend a hand here and there for other random unrelated projects. They are very nice about it, but it doesn't negate how rude Kate is being.

Next they drill some hinges into the door. I have a feeling without Ashley here Kate would still be sitting helplessly on a giant pile of chicken feces staring at all the building materials. Thank God.

I think the kids are finally sick of Kate going on and on about how amazed she is at the project she is accomplishing. As Stephanie Tanner would say, well pin a rose on your nose. Collin, at the ripe old age of seven, mocks Kate. He rolls his eyes and sways around on the couch, saying, she never built anything in her whole entire life! Heh, I love when kids are old enough to realize some adults are completely absurd.

Kate scares her young kids about Avian flu, only she calls it "aviation" flu because she's an idiot. Way to give them nightmares, geez. Many sensitive kids don't see anything funny about jokes like that. I remember when I was a real little kid, and AIDS was all over the news, and I was way too little to understand anything about AIDS other than to think it was really scary. And then some stupid adult made a joke about a family member possibly getting AIDS because they had recently had an operation. I cried for two days after that. So many adults fail to understand that the bits and pieces of things that kids hear on the news can get grossly exaggerated in their little minds to the point of terror.

In unrelated news, the tree house is just about ready. It's rad, as one would expect when contractors spend three days on it. It's like a one-room tiny house, and even has a loft in it you get up to with a ladder. There's a swing down below that fits two kids at a time. The kids love it all. Too bad we found out later Kate keeps the cool place under lock and key so they can't even enjoy it. That's the whole point of a treehouse for kids, so they can run off to it when they need a break from the real world. What a buzz kill she is.

Kate jokes dumbly that someday it could all be too much for her and so she'll go out and stay in the treehouse. No Kate, someday it will all be too much for you so you will send a child away forever.

630 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   401 – 600 of 630   Newer›   Newest» ~ Administrator said...

The fact remains that his spokesperson did not attribute this to dementia. You are all making an assumption that may or may not be valid, but it is not fact.


The fact is he HAS dementia, per his own son's admission it was very progressed as far back as 2015 to the point of being unable to assist with his biography. What a spokesperson wants to talk about in terms of his mind is their prerogative, it doesn't change what W. already put in print and admitted to. Perhaps they felt talking about his dementia would be playing the sympathy card or would look like they're trying to make excuses, which was never George HW's style. I have no clue why they didn't mention it, but the logic doesn't then follow that he doesn't have it. He DOES. It's all in print in his biography if you would care to pick one up.

Dementia doesn't just come and go like an STD, it's there on a day to day basis. If he had it then, he had it when he met those women. ~ Administrator said...

Oh and one of the women DID acknowledge he is senile, why is that not enough for you? She literally used the word senile.

I'm guessing she had a conversation with the Bush PR team where that was mentioned, that's where she got her information about that. Or maybe she read his biography too or observed him firsthand to be senile. But she said it, he's senile.

Sad but true said...

And now it's landscape photos. She's hit the bottom of the barrel. And she doesn't know the difference between plural and possessive.

kateplusmy8 The Gosselin's went out to dinner and saw this family of Geese on the way home! Aren't they beautiful? #WinterIsComing #Sigh

AuntieAnn said...

Shame on you for thinking that age alone is an excuse for such behavior. What is the cutoff for when it becomes acceptable to grab a woman's ass?


There's no cutoff time that I'm aware of. But I'm vaguely interested in knowing what you think that time should be, under each and every circumstance of ass-grabbing.

And please, I'm eager to know what you think should be done about it.

Andrea said...

I do not think that Bush will acknowledge the fact that he was senile at the time. That would be a cop out. His party is accepting responsibility for his actions. They are being classy.

Layla said...

I see the women who are complaining about Bush grabbing them in an entirely different light from the Harvey Weinstein accusers. I do not know a single woman who has not had her bottom grabbed or pinched at some point in her life. I certainly have. I responded with a loud, "Knock it off" each time. It was not psychologically damaging. It was just unpleasant. A butt-grab every now and then does not destroy a woman's psyche. The things Harvey Weinstein did are entirely different. His actions cause physical and emotional damage to the women involved. They were frightened and hurt. They were victims. I don't think I'm a victim after enduring a few butt grabs, and none of the women I know define themselves as victims over grabs, either.

This is all without considering the fact that Bush is senile. He doesn't have the normal degree of control over his actions that a younger man--one who is not cognitively impaired--would have. People these days are so desperate to define themselves as victims. It reminds me of an episode of South Park, in which residents were getting DNA tests so that they could identify themselves as victims based upon the results. "I'm 17% victim!" "I'm 11% victim!". We don't all need to be victims. Sometimes we can just suck it up and deal with things.

This is all

Formerly Duped said...

Good post, Layla. I agree they are separate matters. I used to have the odd elderly male patient ( I was a nurse) who would do or say something inappropriate due to lowered inhibitions. Gentle chiding of those behaviors and deftly moving out of range were all that was necessary. They were not sexual predators but slightly mixed-up aging men trying to get attention.But still, no means no.

On another note, the tampon woman may have put herself at more risk, but she did say no in the incident that was videotaped, too. Totally different kind of situation than dealing with an elderly man who poses no threat.

Gigi Be said...

think what was fishy is that TLC didn't/wouldn't buy a car for the twins and pay for the required driving lessons(so many school districts no longer offer driver's ed. and I am assuming that the kids' private school does not offer this). We all know Khate is cheap and lazy when it comes to the kids and she's probably still trying to sell TLC on a driving episode with the twins, complete with their own car and private driving lessons.
TWF confirmed on twitter several months ago that the twins already had their learners permit. So they must have gotten lessons from somewhere.And yes I agree that was TWFs plan all along. But I highly doubt that will happen. TLC has been very cheap with them lately. If they do decide to get them a car it would probably be a second hand Toyota. Nothing wrong with that, but I'm sure the twins, plus Kate were hoping for a corvette.

AuntieAnn said...

Layla said...

A butt-grab every now and then does not destroy a woman's psyche.


It came close to it for Heather and Jordana. Thank goodness Heather's cast-mates helped and supported her through this trauma. Maybe she can take comfort in knowing that it's unlikely any man will be brave enough to ever come near her again.

Gigi Be said...

kateplusmy8 The Gosselin's went out to dinner and saw this family of Geese on the way home! Aren't they beautiful? #WinterIsComing #Sigh

"The Gosselins" ?? Isn't that kind of an odd way of addressing them all? How about " the kids and I went..."?
Still, she manages to erase Jon and his memory from their household , yet has no issue using his last name. Odd

Formerly Duped said...

No mob gathered? Ugh, a pet peeve of mine is when people do that to their surname, such as on Xmas cards, mailboxes etc. -The Gosselin's instead of 'The Gosselins. And yes, it's a weird way to say 'Our family went out...'

GollyGee said...

Watching the video of Corey was heartbreaking, scared me for him and his family and it sent chills up and down my spine! I am very surprised he has survived all these years from being killed by the powerful, elite Hollywood pedophile machine.

Barbara Walters will answer for what she said angrily to Cory about what he said about pedophiles in Hollywood. She said, You are damaging an industry!

So it is OK for the Hollywood studio pedophiles to molest, rape and bully the victims into silence and ruin their childhoods? She is condoning it!

Former child star, Corey Feldman, has been telling the same story for years about the pedophilia ring within the who’s-who of Hollywood elite. He has given numerous interviews desperately trying to bring attention to the dark secret everyone seems to know about but refuses to talk about in Tinsel Town.

Exposing Hollywood Pedophiles Is Corey Feldman’s Life in Danger?!

Upon the heels of the Harvey Weinstein allegations with numerous high profiles actresses coming out and finally admitting they were sexually harassed or assaulted by Weinstein, Corey Feldman has announced his project to finally expose Hollywood pedophiles and name names. In a recent YouTube video, he states his plan to create a documentary he calls a “Truth Campaign.” According to Fox News, the former child star claims that he can name six people involved in the Hollywood pedophile ring, one of whom allegedly link the crimes to a major studio. If Feldman can prove that his allegations are true, it could expose a much deeper criminal conspiracy, one that could open the door for victims who have remained silenced for decades.

GollyGee said...

Part 2:

The “Goonies” actor now musician claims this pedophile ring has existed since the ‘80’s when he began his career. Last year, Feldman told the Hollywood Reporter that he was molested as a child actor.

His claims his best friend and fellow child star, Corey Haim was raped at the age of 11. Haim publicly struggled with addition and died in 2010.

According to CBS News, Feldman has said he had to through “a lot of therapy” to cope with his traumatic childhood. Feldman has also said that his molestation’s came “from several hands.”

GollyGee said...

Part 3:

“Ask anybody in our group of kids at that time: They were passing us back and forth to each other,” said Feldman, adding that grown men in Hollywood would host parties and invite kids from the ages of 10-16 with just a few adults in the mix.”

“[Alison Arngrim] from ‘Little House on the Prairie’ said [in an interview], ‘Everybody knew that the two Coreys were just being passed around.’ Like it was something people joked about on studio lots.’

According to Fox News, Feldman stated, “I propose to do this by making a film that will be the most honest and true depiction of child abuse ever portrayed, by telling my own story in a very real way, in a very honest way, with no editing, no censorship, no studio behind it,” he says.

GollyGee said...

Part 4:

“I will make the film, I will direct the film, I will produce the film, and I will self-distribute it to guarantee it gets a theatrical release with your donations. Additionally, it will help me buy the security and the legal team I need to protect my family.”

Since Feldman’s public announcement to name names, he states that his life has turned into utter chaos. In the nearly seven-minute YouTube video below, Feldman states, “I’ve been silenced my whole life, but just over the past few days since I made that announcement, I’ve been arrested I had a near death experience last night where I felt like I was almost going to be killed.

Two trucks came speeding at me at the same time on a crosswalk.” The former child star also says that something spooked his bandmates, causing them to quit the band out of fear for their lives. He’s unsure however, what exactly they are afraid might happen to them.

In the YouTube video, Feldman expressed his need for additional security and the need for a legal team to help him support his mission.

Feldman’s wife, Courtney, supporting her husband wrote on the Indiegogo page, “This is much bigger than raising finance for a film, this is about the balance of Good and Evil in very real times.”

She goes on to say, “Firstly, as a security measure Corey has already written down the names and details of the events and given them to a trusted person of power, in case anything should happen to him or any member of his family before the film is finished.”

Layla said...

Gigi Be (10)
Yes, the wording is odd. But Kate does this all the time. ("Kate Speak"). It could mean that the kids went out to dinner with Jon and one of them took the photo. Maybe the twins went out for burgers with friends and took it. She wants people to read it and think it was her and the kids, but she words things in an odd way so that if she's called on it, she can say, "It's not a lie!". We have learned to recognize Kate-speak, and we all know that, when we see it, there is more to the story. ~ Administrator said...

People these days are so desperate to define themselves as victims. It reminds me of an episode of South Park, in which residents were getting DNA tests so that they could identify themselves as victims based upon the results. "I'm 17% victim!" "I'm 11% victim!". We don't all need to be victims. Sometimes we can just suck it up and deal with things.


This is why I detest this me too campaign. Being a victim is not a side show or opportunity for attention or to join some club--and it does NOTHING to help you or anyone else to play the me too game other than to continue to send a message to perpetrators that you're not going to actually get them in trouble. You're just going to whine on twitter. Useless.

Report it to the police, report it to HR, refuse to engage with that person (i.e. do not accept his persistent invitations to his hotel room, ladies), tell everyone you know who will also come into contact with him, or in the case of elderly senile men, deal with it through their aides. If every predator knows they will get reported and cut off EVERY TIME, it will stop.

In short, be a grown up.

Anonymous said...

From online Daily Mail: "EXCLUSIVE: Josh Duggar demands lawsuit accusing him of stealing the picture of handsome DJ and using it for his online dating profiles for OkCupid and Ashley Madison be tossed".


Anonymous said...

Surprising that picture of the geese hasn't brought Milo out of hiding.


Layla said...

Tucker's Mom,
You mentioned some Australian lawyer shows a few days ago that you liked. Where are you able to find them? TV/Netflix/other? You always have good recommendations, so I'd like to check them out.

GollyGee said...

Josh demanding that the lawsuit he filed claiming he stole the guy's picture to use to get women is awful!

Jim Bob just keeps pushing the envelope for more money. He and his wife have sold those kids childhood for tv money and now lawsuits of crimes that his own son did!

Crime does pay good money according to Jim Bob.

foxy said...

It seems the Duggar kids still left at home don't get any TV time at all or even a mention of their existence. They are never mentioned, only Jana. There are 13 of them to choose from, plus the grand nephew they have custody of. Maybe Jimboob is trying to get these lawsuits against Joshy tossed so he can be the STAH of the Duggars again.

Layla said...

GollyGee (21)
Just like Kate, the Duggars have replaced their religious beliefs with love of cash. They no longer worship God, they worship money.

GollyGee said...

Agree, Layla. They have sold their souls to TLC and sacrificed their children on the altar of TLC. Pure greed.

Just like Corey Feldman said in the video, our children are the most precious everything and they shouldn't be sacrificed by taking away their childhood.

I am so worried for him, his family and close friends and people who fully support him. Those people are dangerous when their money is threatened.

Formerly Duped said...

Coery Haim's mother believes Corey Feldman is not telling the truth and is doing this for PR, money and to distract from his own recent arrest and the breakup of his band. She feels that CF would have gone to the police rather than waiting and making a movie about this. She believes her son was abused once. Who knows what the truth is?

Formerly Duped said...

Addendum to last post: I do believe Corey Feldman but I guess what I mean is that he can't speak for CH and the way he is going about his revelation is what CH's mother called into question.Obviously I don't know the whole truth but I do believe the boys were abused. ~ Administrator said...

Addendum to last post: I do believe Corey Feldman but I guess what I mean is that he can't speak for CH and the way he is going about his revelation is what CH's mother called into question.Obviously I don't know the whole truth but I do believe the boys were abused.


Two reasons why I think he's telling the truth. People in Hollywood want to actually kill him. Why would he risk his life for a lie? And second now people are coming out saying yes we knew, yes they were being passed around. Why would they say that if it weren't true?

See, I think he can speak for CH if he has firsthand knowledge of it. He can't speak for himself so who else will? I get that CH's mom doesn't want to believe this. What mother would? That's why I think she's downplaying it, because she doesn't want to face the truth.

Still Anonymous said...

Two reasons why I think he's telling the truth. People in Hollywood want to actually kill him. Why would he risk his life for a lie? And second now people are coming out saying yes we knew, yes they were being passed around. Why would they say that if it weren't true?
That's pretty circular logic. He's telling the truth because people in Hollywood "actually" want to kill him? And you know that because...he said so.

He may well be telling the truth, but when he is simultaneously trying to crowd source 10 MILLION dollars, people are going to be suspicious for good reason.

NJGal51 said...

Corey Feldman has been talking about the abuse for years. I remember him talking about it on Howard Stern. Here’s an article from 2013. Maybe he thinks more people will pay attention now with the HW mess.

Blowing In The Wind said...

Surprising that picture of the geese hasn't brought Milo out of hiding.



She is still AWOL? Doesn't she usually do an extended beach vacation in the fall? ~ Administrator said...

That's pretty circular logic. He's telling the truth because people in Hollywood "actually" want to kill him? And you know that because...he said so.


Corey Feldman has been working directly with police, and has provided names, dates, and details. Two trucks tried to run him down, also reported to the police. Surely you can't be suggesting he would actively engage with the police department on a whole stack of lies. Generally when people are lying, they avoid asking the police for help.

It's really sad that one would choose to give the child abusers the benefit of the doubt here. Sick, too.

As we now know more than ever, it would take about 10 mil to bring Hollywood down for their abuses against women and children.

Still Anonymoud said...

Corey Feldman has been working directly with police, and has provided names, dates, and details. Two trucks tried to run him down, also reported to the police. Surely you can't be suggesting he would actively engage with the police department on a whole stack of lies. Generally when people are lying, they avoid asking the police for help.

It's really sad that one would choose to give the child abusers the benefit of the doubt here. Sick, too.

As we now know more than ever, it would take about 10 mil to bring Hollywood down for their abuses against women and children.
Surely you can't believe that no one has ever lied to the police. I don't happen to think he is lying, but that possibility exists. And there is nothing sick whatsoever about being open to that possibility.

Whatever the truth, it is still circular logic to say someone is telling the truth because someone tried to kill them...when the source for the murder attempt is that person. There's no objective proof that anyone "actually" tried to kill him. That doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Midnight Madness said...

Just like Corey Feldman said in the video, our children are the most precious everything and they shouldn't be sacrificed by taking away their childhood.


And yet Kate still doesn't get it. Either she is so dense and incapable of understanding this, or she does know and doesn't care, or the greed has totally taken over her life...or all of the above.

It's sad that nobody can pound some sense into her. The whole thing just makes you want to knock your head against the wall. I recognize that her sheep are idiots, totally without any moral compass or cognitive thinking, but one would hope that there is someone in Kate's world who could sit her down and explain the facts of life to her and what happens when kids are robbed of their childhood.

But then again, she'd never listen. She's in control, and nothing is ever going to change that.

Formerly Duped said...

Corey Feldman himself said the best thing you can do for your kids is to give them a NORMAL childhood away from Hollywood ( or cameras- I added that!)

Tucker's Mom said...

I wonder if all the Duggars have to contribute to the lawsuit kitty and that's why Jessa can't hire a fricking cleaning service!

I hope PedoJosh's suit gets tossed and I also hope the police dept prevails.

Tucker's Mom said...

It's sad that nobody can pound some sense into her. The whole thing just makes you want to knock your head against the wall. I recognize that her sheep are idiots, totally without any moral compass or cognitive thinking,
Anyone who doesn't get the Collin is never coming back, and never was, and still thinks Kate is the greatest mother, is an idiot who should never procreate. ~ Administrator said...

Surely you can't believe that no one has ever lied to the police. I don't happen to think he is lying, but that possibility exists. And there is nothing sick whatsoever about being open to that possibility.


Did I say no one lies to the police? Grow up.

I said he actively ENGAGED in the police, and that is one reason I believe him. In other words, he went to them and sought them out for help. That is very different than the police approaching someone and questioning them, and then they lie to the police.

In other words, yes I believe it would be highly, highly unusual to seek out the police's help directly if you are lying, without them seeking you first. I suppose it could happen, but it would be rare, and very brazen.

Based on his statements, his demeanor, and the evidence, I believe him to be credible and I believe most judges would feel the same.

It's really sad you want to discount this man, but are willing to believe every little whiney complaint on twitter about me too even if it's against dementia patients. Sounds like you have a thing against men.

GollyGee said...

Admin is right. You don't go to the police and lie about something this bad. The lies would be quickly realized. You would be arrested for a false police report if you file one and lying to the police.

Someone posted about him making a movie for money. Nothing wrong with that. He needs money to provide security for him, his family and provisions to be under their radar. He was almost ran over and killed the other night by 2 speeding trucks!

He needs help!

Like when Casey Anthony said that she worked at Universal Studios and she and several detectives went with her and there they were, walking around in the offices thinking they were going to an office that SHE worked in.

They finally start walking down a hall and Casey stopped and told them that she DIDN'T work there at Universal Studios.

I saw a headline earlier today from her mother Cindy and Cindy says that she believes that Casey is mentally ill.

Seriously? You just now believe that? Or finally coming out of denial is more like it.

GollyGee said...

Be prepared.

This one will make your head explode!

Look at the video freeze picture. It has in big letters:

Find out what Collin Gosselin's Special Needs Are!

"Kate doesn’t want Collin on camera very much because all the stimulation can be difficult for him." They added, "Kate decided to send him to a facility because she thought it was best for him.

Translation: Something bad happened and Kate and TLC wanted to keep filming, so she sent him away. That child is not coming back. I hope when he is 18 there will be a picture of him holding his book naming names and kicking a@. Would be great to have the author credit as
as By Collin Gosselin and Beth Carson.

url said...

"He told me a dirty joke. And then, all the while being photographed, touched me again. Barbara rolled her eyes as if to say ‘not again.’ His security guard told me I shouldn’t have stood next to him for the photo.”"

Rich, powerful, white men get ALL kinds of privileges. This HAS to stop! ~ Administrator said...

Rich, powerful, white men get ALL kinds of privileges. This HAS to stop!


This has to stop.

But a 90 something wheelchair bound old man with parkinson's and dementia who can't even remember his presidency is no longer "powerful." The person who has the power now is that woman on instagram dragging him through the humiliating mud.

At some point, old age is the great equalizer. At some point, your presidency fades away and means nothing, nothing at all. ~ Administrator said...

Rich, powerful, white men get ALL kinds of privileges.


It occurred to me, how did Cosby assault all those women, being black and therefore not in the white privileged category?

Perhaps power is about money and greed, and victims who are also after the same greed and make poor decisions in light of that, and not race at all.

Layla said...

GollyGee (29)
She sent him away so she could keep filming and he was getting in the way. But she's still using him to keep her name in the news. He's nothing but a pawn to be used in any way she can possibly think of. Otherwise, I don't think she truly cares about him at all. ~ Administrator said...

If you don't think America has a prejudicial problem, I think you're being very naïve. Bigotry is alive and well. Everywhere.


Did I say there was no problem? What was said, is that Cosby sure as hell doesn't fit the "white privileged" description of sexual predators, so let's not blame this all on white people, k? Predators are predators, not white people. I have personally worked on hundreds of sexual abuse cases that involved minorities and poor people as the perpetrators, so your theory is utterly bogus.

That said, I absolutely 100% cannot agree that bigotry is EVERYWHERE. Nor are sexual predators. Cut me a break and get real. If you don't think the media and some of the most outspoken people have grossly exaggerated and mislead about how the vast majority of Americans live day to day, you're really quite the sucker. Follow the money on this one. Racism is a cottage industry a lot of people have made a lot of money off of.

AuntieAnn said...

I thought a Bush Sr aide explained that because GHW is seated in a wheelchair, he can't put his arm around the waist of the person next to him to pose for photos and so he does end up with his arm in the butt region. It makes sense. Yes, it is awkward and he may have thought that he'd make a bit of a joke of to make it less awkward. Now that he's been accused of *cough* sexual assault, he will likely not do that again. If anyone owes an apology to someone, it should be these festering lilies that are crying foul. ~ Administrator said...

Now that he's been accused of *cough* sexual assault, he will likely not do that again. If anyone owes an apology to someone, it should be these festering lilies that are crying foul.


Festering ME TOO lillies lol.

Now that he's been called out, he will likely not make anymore public appearances and spend his dying months if he's lucky a year or two ashamed and embarrassed. That's the kind of guy he is. I hope they're happy.

AuntieAnn said...

They're probably still laid out on their fainting couches.

Jamesvader1194 said...

@Admin I normally try to avoid topics like this,but to heck with this,i can't hold back anymore.Why has that person or anyone on the left go on and on about racism towards any other race but refuses to clearly see the racism towards white people?These 4 chicago teens kidnapped and torture a mentally disabled white person because they claim he supported trump.See here for the video,if the races were reverse,we'd never hear the end of this.

Anonymous said...

Did I say there was no problem? What was said, is that Cosby sure as hell doesn't fit the "white privileged" description of sexual predators, so let's not blame this all on white people, k? Predators are predators, not white people. I have personally worked on hundreds of sexual abuse cases that involved minorities and poor people as the perpetrators, so your theory is utterly bogus.
White privilege is not the OP's theory nor does your inability to understand the The concept make it bogus. The fact that a rich, powerful black man was able to use his privilege does not negate the existence of white privilege. And white privilege does not mean that people of color do not commit crimes nor did the poster state such.

Your rant that racism is not everywhere and is just a "cottage industry" that suckers believe in speaks to your white privilege and you are too ignorant (and bigoted) to know it.

Tucker's Mom said...

I saw a headline earlier today from her mother Cindy and Cindy says that she believes that Casey is mentally ill.

Seriously? You just now believe that? Or finally coming out of denial is more like it.
That whole family is sick.
Watching them in court and testifying...omg!

Tucker's Mom said...

Now that he's been called out, he will likely not make anymore public appearances and spend his dying months if he's lucky a year or two ashamed and embarrassed. That's the kind of guy he is. I hope they're happy.
I thought of that, too, and it's just sad.
No, getting your hiney honked isn't right and no one is entitled to touch you like that. But Bush has nearly died twice and will not be with us for very much longer.
I hope his family is keeping him as out of the loop as possible and I really think they are so close and strong that they won't let this affect how they feel about their Gampy.
It's just unseemly to me, to choose to accuse Bush of sexual ASSAULT. What good does it do?
Millenials and just people in general have this sense of entitlement and expect scores to be settle and vengeance is theirs for the taking.
The will destroy someone without a second thought, with just their damn thumbs.

Has Lind spoken with the press since she took down her IG post?

I wonder if she found her pathetic #metoo claim regretful.

Tucker's Mom said...

I'm not saying that just because someone is old that they shouldn't be revealed if they are truly a sexual predator and rapist, like Cosby.
He was a very dangerous man, and he and his "team" have been lying and doing their best to sully his victims, even destroy them.
Cosby can hobble and hang onto arms like he's totally blind, but I don't care if he dies in jail.

Does anyone else notice how much more alert, sightful and limber Cosby looks when he's "winning"?

Always the actor.

Tucker's Mom said...

From the In Touch article linked above:

"Fortunately, the young reality star is thriving in his new environment. A source close to the mother-of-eight told Hollywood Life, "Kate doesn’t want Collin on camera very much because all the stimulation can be difficult for him." They added, "Kate decided to send him to a facility because she thought it was best for him. Now it seems that Collin is flourishing, and he’s responding very well to one-on-one instruction. He definitely finds it easier to function and cope better without all the chaos that his home life entails." We're so happy to hear!"

OMG, who the hell writes this stuff?

"We're so happy" that Collin had to be sent away to avoid chaos?
Here's a thought...STOP FILMING!!

If I even believe this, Kate knew that filming was too much for Collin to handle (explains medicating him and keeping him segregated from filming at times, like the Panic Room), but instead of calming his environment to help him, she chose to remove him from HIS home and let someone else provide what he needs.

" We hope the family can put their issues aside and Collin will continue to thrive so he can be with his family on his 14th birthday!"

Don't hold your breath.

Jamesvader1194 said...

Oh and please understand,im not stating there aren't racist crimes towards blacks.But what im sick of is the double standards by the media because when it's a white on black crime,it gets slammed all over major media outlets but when its the opposite,it gets little to no coverage.

AuntieAnn said...

That whole family is sick.
Watching them in court and testifying...omg!


Tomorrow Crime Watch Daily is airing what appears to be a recent interview with Cindy and George. In the preview clip, I think I heard George say he doesn't want anything to do with Casey, although I might have misheard it.

I think George was the only one who realized the truth about his daughter from the get-go. I felt and still feel sorry for him. On top of the grief of losing his grandchild, his daughter threw him under the bus. Cindy is a master manipulator.

Layla said...

That InTouch article is all Kate. She's trying to put a positive spin on Collin's banishment. I have no doubt she's happy he is gone. None at all. Now she wants her cameras back, so she is trying to spin the situation to make it a positive thing. As if sending a child away from home for a year and a half (and counting) could ever be considered a positive thing. That last comment about Collin being home for his 14th birthday is for TLC's benefit. She wants TLC to film the kids' 14th birthday, so she's planting the idea that he could be there for it. It could be just like the episode where Shoka comes back! She could make it a big birthday surprise for the rest of the tups--and then as soon as the cameras are gone, send him right back to wherever he lives. Anything for ratings.

I wonder if TLC decided to take a break from filming because Collin's situation is a clear indication that filming is causing harm to the G kids. Or maybe the stress gets to be too much for Kate. Aunt Win, who watched two of the last 3 episodes, said Kate seemed like she was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Just like she was on the RV episodes. Maybe TLC recognizes when it's all too stressful for her and backs off.

NJGal51 said...

Now that he's been called out, he will likely not make anymore public appearances and spend his dying months if he's lucky a year or two ashamed and embarrassed. That's the kind of guy he is. I hope they're happy.
He was at the baseball game the other night. MYbe his family will say “f^ck it” and continue to bring him to things like this and treat him as they always have and give him the dignity he deserves. They may just avoid photo ops.

Jamesvader1194 said...

@Tucker's Mom I can't see whoever is helping Collin would agree to continue filming Collin if filming is the problem.I agree with Layla that this is Kate's dream that he returns to film when hes 14.Also Layla,i still can't fathom why TLC would bother,they'd be asking for law suits. ~ Administrator said...

@Admin I normally try to avoid topics like this,but to heck with this,i can't hold back anymore.Why has that person or anyone on the left go on and on about racism towards any other race but refuses to clearly see the racism towards white people?These 4 chicago teens kidnapped and torture a mentally disabled white person because they claim he supported trump.See here for the video,if the races were reverse,we'd never hear the end of this.


The media and certain groups of people refuse to acknowledge there are sick and demented people of all races. I have no idea why they won't tell the truth. Just because minorities commit many crimes doesn't mean racism is okay, so I have no clue what they're so worried about. ~ Administrator said...

The difference is Cosby's crimes go back so far he was definitely in his right mind when it happened. I'm sorry he's allegedly blind now, but that doesn't change the need that justice be served.

Same with Lee Baca, LA County sheriff who is now claiming being elderly and Alzheimer's to get himself out of his crimes. Um, no. None of that crap was happening when you were head of all the corruption. ~ Administrator said...

Booker T. Washington said of victimhood foisted by "problem profiteers":

“There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs – partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.”


Bingo. Sympathy and a payout. Some people need to wake up. ~ Administrator said...

Predators are predators

yep. Nice to see you agree that Bush is just that. A predator.


Bush is NOT a predator. Just stop it.

Predators are predators.

Old men who have lost their inhibitions and need help are what they are too.

If you actually had evidence Bush did anything of the sort before he became senile, you might actually make sense. You're just being political, and it's obvious. Even Democrats are defending him, get with the program.

Where is your compassion? Have you ever even set foot in a nursing home? Get some life experience. ~ Administrator said...

The fact that a rich, powerful black man was able to use his privilege does not negate the existence of white privilege. And white privilege does not mean that people of color do not commit crimes nor did the poster state such.


White privilege is a meaningless concept dreamed up to insight guilt and violence and to continue to oppress people further by removing all personal responsibilty. It's another money train. There are so many examples of people of all backgrounds who have achieved exactly what rich white people have, so I don't know how you explain that.

You would rather ignore crimes people like Cosby have committed and on the flip side, refuse to acknowledge the many wonderful contributions minorities have made to society and its wealth, and you refuse to stand up for and protect the victims of people like Cosby because he doesn't fit the white narrative. That is really sick, really sick. Like beyond demented. These people should be ashamed of themselves. ~ Administrator said...

"Kate doesn’t want Collin on camera very much because all the stimulation can be difficult for him."


Now the cameras are very stimulating? When did that narrative change? I thought the kids didn't even notice them.

foxy said...

With so many people coming forward saying they were pinched or rubbed against or sexually exploited, etc. 40 years ago and dwelling on it now makes this very serious offense appear to be people just wanting to get their 15 minutes. After a while with so many "hidden memories" coming forward it saturates the situation unnecessarily and people will stop listening. This in itself is a tragedy. ~ Administrator said...

With so many people coming forward saying they were pinched or rubbed against or sexually exploited, etc. 40 years ago and dwelling on it now makes this very serious offense appear to be people just wanting to get their 15 minutes. After a while with so many "hidden memories" coming forward it saturates the situation unnecessarily and people will stop listening. This in itself is a tragedy.


Yes, yes, and yes.

People are going to tune out if too many "pinch and pulled and squeezed my neck in 1984" stories come out, or unscrupulous attacks on senile old men.

The predator stories are real, important and serious. But they're getting drowned out by noise and those who mistakenly want to support the noise.

Anonymous said...

White privilege is a meaningless concept dreamed up to insight guilt and violence and to continue to oppress people further by removing all personal responsibilty. It's another money train. There are so many examples of people of all backgrounds who have achieved exactly what rich white people have, so I don't know how you explain that.
You are truly unbelievable and beyond clueless. Willful ignorance is very, very ugly. I don't have to explain why some people of color are incredibly successful because that is not inconsistent with white privilege.
You would rather ignore crimes people like Cosby have committed and on the flip side, refuse to acknowledge the many wonderful contributions minorities have made to society and its wealth, and you refuse to stand up for and protect the victims of people like Cosby because he doesn't fit the white narrative. That is really sick, really sick. Like beyond demented. These people should be ashamed of themselves.
WTF? Bill Cosby should be in jail. He is a sexual predator who used his power and privilege. Oh yeah, and he is black. The one who is sick and demented is you.

GollyGee said... ~ Administrator said... 62
"Kate doesn’t want Collin on camera very much because all the stimulation can be difficult for him."


Now the cameras are very stimulating? When did that narrative change? I thought the kids didn't even notice them.


The cameras, the filming, the paps, TLC and his mother were the problem.

The kids weren't "suppose to notice the cameras" because they were running in and out of frame and the cameras just "happened to be there".

capecodmama said...

Why are Annonymous's posts getting through. Pick a damn name or piss off! I had my ass pinched in a bar 30 years ago when I was out with friends. I immediately spun around and got in the face of the guy standing closest to me and said in a loud voice, "Pinch my ass again and your balls are going to be introduced to my knee." He looked at me in total shock. Have no idea if he was the one that did it but my ass was not touched for the rest of the night.

AuntieAnn said...

GollyGee said...

The kids weren't "supposed to notice the cameras" because they were running in and out of frame and the cameras " just happened to be there".


"For me it was this is what you're going to be and before I was old enough to internalize what that choice was it was there and there was no taking it back"---Corey Feldman

I think Kate believes her kids will be forever grateful to her for putting them on public display since babyhood. Does she really think they 'll never grow up and question the real motive behind that decision. If she does, she's in for a rude awakening.

Sad but true said...

Layla said... 56

I wonder if TLC decided to take a break from filming because Collin's situation is a clear indication that filming is causing harm to the G kids.

And let's not forget all the very public---and ongoing---issues revolving around Hannah and the custody situation. I think TLC might believe they could get away with Collin, but with all the press about Hannah, I imagine they're truly in a bind. ~ Administrator said...

And let's not forget all the very public---and ongoing---issues revolving around Hannah and the custody situation. I think TLC might believe they could get away with Collin, but with all the press about Hannah, I imagine they're truly in a bind.


I think it was very benevolent of them to take the huge risk of filming without Collin. You can't do it without an explanation, and any explanation Kate gives runs the risk that TLC will somehow get blamed too. They risked a huge PR mess for that and I imagine the decision was not embarked upon lightly. And I also think that was probably a one free pass situation. It's not worth the risk to keep filming now that other controversies have cropped up. The ratings are nothing special, and they have lots of other families lined up who have far less baggage. If I were an executive, I would ask myself why am I taking this risk?

Jamesvader1194 said...

@Admin with TLC announcing new shows on the line and return of shows like the little couple,there's no reason for TLC to use Kate as filler.Keeping Kate is not only beating a dead horse but also TLC would be stupid once the kids get older and start suing both them and Kate.If i were TLC i would of have backed off from Kate now and stop filming because i wouldn't want to be sued by my clients but also with the amount of TLC scandals out now,that'd be just adding more to the list. ~ Administrator said...

i were TLC i would of have backed off from Kate now and stop filming because i wouldn't want to be sued by my clients but also with the amount of TLC scandals out now,that'd be just adding more to the list.


Oh yeah. I wouldn't have even renewed the show after it was cancelled. The writing was on the wall with the RV episodes, she was a basket case about to get worse.

As per the usual I don't think Kate has any concept of the opportunities TLC has extended to her when it would be so much easier to cut ties.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Admin (#72), the initial appeal of J&K+8 -- a sea of adorable little kids, and 2 frazzled parents -- is LONG over. And that magic (and the huge audience that followed it) can never, ever be recaptured.

I imagine when TFW's name comes up at TLC meetings, they sigh and say, well, okay, let's give her another 3 or 4 episodes, and then move on to talking about their actual hit shows. It's at least some guaranteed eyeballs for them, so they throw her a bone. They can quickly bang out relatively low budget episodes. And their temperamental star is actually a very willing participant who, when they say jump, asks, "How high?" Her desperation to stay on the air is palpable, and it gives TLC all the power in their relationship. Poor little side piece.

Sherry Baby said...

I wonder if TLC decided to take a break from filming because Collin's situation is a clear indication that filming is causing harm to the G kids.

That might hold some water if TLC had any conscience whatsoever. It's clear that they don't, and since it's money in the bank (however paltry), they filmed without any regard as to harm they may be causing the kids. If that were true, they would have stopped years ago.

Sherry Baby said...

i were TLC i would of have backed off from Kate now and stop filming because i wouldn't want to be sued by my clients but also with the amount of TLC scandals out now,that'd be just adding more to the list.

Nothing but conjecture on my part, but I doubt that any lawsuits are forthcoming. TLC has deep pockets, as Jon saw, and a lawsuit such as that demands proof of harm, and could go on for years. Much would have to be revealed in depositions and such, and would the kids really want to go through that? I kind of doubt it, but you just never know.

AuntieAnn said...

capecodmama said...

Why are Anonymous's posts getting through. Pick a damn name or piss off!


I vote for 'Still Annoying'.
All those in favor say "aye".

^^^ (It's a Canadian thing)

NJGal51 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gigi Be said...

This is her new post.

You're home alone and you see this "person" trying to pick the lock.
#madycaptioncredit # madyphotocredit

Her post has me confused. So is she home alone or not? She just said that Mady took the pic. Secondly, she must have been making good use of her boxed wine if she's confusing the dog for a human.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

AuntieAnn (#78), I vote what Ricky Ricardo would say: aye aye aye!

capecodmama said...


Sad but true said...

mrskayleequarryDoes he sleep outside? Does he have a warm house? I hope so! Makes me so sad. Mine is snuggled in bed.

kateplusmy8@mrskayleequarry This dog? She has her own human size chaise lounge in my room and her own dog bed and is THE most spoiled dog in the world... don't feel sad for her. She's another one of my children and can actually let herself in the front door too! :)

We know how you treat your children---Hannah could tell us about her arm and who knows what Collin would say. I wouldn't say that treating your dogs like your children is necessarily a positive coming from you, K8.

NJGal51 said...

Her post has me confused. So is she home alone or not? She just said that Mady took the pic. Secondly, she must have been making good use of her boxed wine if she's confusing the dog for a human.
Apparently Mady captioned the picture also.

NJGal51 said...

41 and 43 were at the ballgame and 43 threw out the ceremonial first pitch - 41 said “play ball”. Good for them for not hiding 41 away.

Aye! AuntieAnn.

Jamesvader1194 said...

@Sherry Baby i think at the least,its possible maybe one or two of the kids will sue.(maybe)I just hope that it doesn't go into an all out war where some of the kids will side with kate and the others will side with Jon.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Why are Annonymous's posts getting through. Pick a damn name or piss off! I had my ass pinched in a bar 30 years ago when I was out with friends. I immediately spun around and got in the face of the guy standing closest to me and said in a loud voice, "Pinch my ass again and your balls are going to be introduced to my knee." He looked at me in total shock. Have no idea if he was the one that did it but my ass was not touched for the rest of the night.


LOL, Cape Cod. I laughed out loud at that one. It happened to me many years ago and I told the guy that if he touched me again, I'd put my knee up his giggy.

And yes, finally someone told the anonymous troll to piss off. About time. You don't feed them or they multiply, and without fertility drugs. Soon they'll be contacting TLC for their own reality show. Heaven help us.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Sad but true (#83), TFW is always tone deaf when she blithely says that her dogs are like her children. Not only for the chronicled abuse of her human kids, and of course C's banishment. But from her actually removing Shoka and Nala years ago, and only bringing one back. I still say Mak will be gone at some point.

Speaking of C, here's an idea for a new incarnation of TFW's show:
"19 Months And Counting." That's about how long he's been gone, hasn't it? She's a horrible mother.

Tucker's Mom said...

Now the cameras are very stimulating? When did that narrative change? I thought the kids didn't even notice them.
Ha, exactly! Pay no attention to all the people, cameras, wires and lights!

Tucker's Mom said...

Think about that People magazine shoot that Kate and the kids did right after Collin was sent away.
Kate and all the kids in lily white garb, smiling and looking like they were so happy and normal.
All the while, Kate knew Collin was never going to coming home. Kate knew she was fooling the masses and that they'd give her the usual pass, "Oh, she's doing it for the kids, for Collin's sake. She's such a good mother".
Kate KNEW she had time to burn and benefit of the doubt to keep filming going for at least another year or two.

How sick is that?

Tucker's Mom said...

The ratings are nothing special, and they have lots of other families lined up who have far less baggage. If I were an executive, I would ask myself why am I taking this risk?
I think TLC has convince themselves-or Kate has convinced them-that America just has to know what the Gosselins are up to, given that the kids grew up on tv.
I think Kate got a lot of mileage out of that.
It's truly a mystery.
Honey Boo Boo was dropped like a hot potato, but for some reason, TLC just can't quit Kate.

Tucker's Mom said...

That might hold some water if TLC had any conscience whatsoever. It's clear that they don't, and since it's money in the bank (however paltry), they filmed without any regard as to harm they may be causing the kids. If that were true, they would have stopped years ago.

TLC absolutely do not care about children.
Think about how many times over the years TLC's crew saw Kate's abuse, saw the kids sick and made to film and saw how hellish that house was when Kate and Jon were at each others' throats.
No, they don't care.
TLC filmed at a break neck pace to capture as much footage as they could all while the marriage was failing, all while the divorce was going on and all while Jon and Kate failed miserably at co parenting.

Kylie said...

I'm sorry to ask, I may have missed something (it wouldn't be the first time!!), but did TLC announce there will be more of the thrilling, exciting Kate +8? ~ Administrator said...

Great now Kevin Spacey is a pedophile too. He likes little boys. Why would anyone in their right mind expose their children to this industry?

And why would anyone in their right mind have the audacity to lump George Bush in with predators like this? Outrageous.

Formerly Duped said...

Wow, NuNu ( ugh) is truly the Golden Dog. TFW really cares for her more than Mak or Shoka. She really has something against the male gender of all species.

Wonder how Hannah is doing after all the turmoil.

AuntieAnn said...

Tucker's Mom said... 90

Think about that People magazine shoot that Kate and the kids did right after Collin was sent away.
Kate and all the kids in lily white garb, smiling and looking like they were so happy and normal.
All the while, Kate knew Collin was never going to coming home. Kate knew she was fooling the masses and that they'd give her the usual pass, "Oh, she's doing it for the kids, for Collin's sake. She's such a good mother".
Kate KNEW she had time to burn and benefit of the doubt to keep filming going for at least another year or two.


One of the last episodes before he was permanently erased showed Kate and the kids refinishing the picnic table. When everyone except Collin left the project, he and his mother finished it themselves. It looked like they were spending a pleasant, quiet time working together. I actually thought Kate was being unusually patient with him which was kind of nice to see for a change.

Now I think that was a scripted scene - probably the brainchild of Kate and TLC to polish her image before Collin was removed. It irritates me to think I could, for a few minutes, believe that Kate had a soft spot in her disingenuous heart. Duped again.

Layla said...

Kylie (93)
It's hard to tell what to expect as far as filming is concerned. TLC's statement from July said they would like to check in for "limited runs" with the G family, but there was nothing to announce as far as the show is concerned. So they will probably do more filming--it remains to be seen when that will happen, and how much filming will be done. For now, it seems, nobody has reported seeing them filming, and TLC has lots of new shows in its line-up and new families to film.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

AuntieAnn (#96), and, bless your heart, you forgot that sweet, innocent, tender one-on-one moment between a mother and son was witnessed first by a TV crew of perhaps a dozen people, and then shared with the world. Kinda sucks the sweetness out of the whole thing, don't it?

Tucker's Mom said... ~ Administrator said... 94
Great now Kevin Spacey is a pedophile too. He likes little boys. Why would anyone in their right mind expose their children to this industry?
I love how Spacey used this occasion to come out.
Oh, you're a gay man.
Never mind.

Still Annoying, but Running a Distant Second to Auntie Ann said... ~ Administrator said... 94
Great now Kevin Spacey is a pedophile too. He likes little boys. Why would anyone in their right mind expose their children to this industry?
It's hardly unique to the entertainment industry. That's like saying, "Who in their right mind would allow their child to be raised Catholic?" or "Who in their right mind would let their children play sports?" There are pedophile priests, pedophile soccer coaches, etc., etc.

Anthony Rapp was at a party at Kevin Spacey's house -- as a 14-year old. THAT is a parenting problem. Middle schoolers should not be partying with their soccer coaches, their fellow actors, their teachers or any other ADULTS. It could have been Kevin Spacey or any anonymous pedophile.

I hope this is the end of Kevin Spacey's career. And the fact that he chose to come out while responding to the accusation is horrible.
And why would anyone in their right mind have the audacity to lump George Bush in with predators like this? Outrageous.
Please point me to one person who has equated ass grabbing with pedophilia. Just because someone is not convinced that Bush's behavior is -- or has always been -- connected to dementia does not mean that the person thinks his behavior is tantamount to pedophilia. Your black and white thinking never allows for nuance, but that does not mean that nuance isn't there. ~ Administrator said...

Anthony Rapp was at a party at Kevin Spacey's house -- as a 14-year old. THAT is a parenting problem. Middle schoolers should not be partying with their soccer coaches, their fellow actors, their teachers or any other ADULTS. It could have been Kevin Spacey or any anonymous pedophile.


You're blaming a 14 year old child for being molested? This is his fault, like he should have just locked the door?

You have sunk to a new low in the name of defending a child molester. I think the reason he has hid his homosexuality for so long in a climate that would have been more than welcoming to him was for this very reason, to make sure he had plausible deniability of god knows how many boys he molested.

Tucker's Mom said...

Now I think that was a scripted scene - probably the brainchild of Kate and TLC to polish her image before Collin was removed. It irritates me to think I could, for a few minutes, believe that Kate had a soft spot in her disingenuous heart. Duped again.
Just like Kate singling Collin out for affection (kiss on the cheek) at the corn maze years ago, after he was kicked out of school.
Total damage control.

Tucker's Mom said...

Please point me to one person who has equated ass grabbing with pedophilia. Just because someone is not convinced that Bush's behavior is -- or has always been -- connected to dementia does not mean that the person thinks his behavior is tantamount to pedophilia.
I think it's pretty clear that Admin was saying Bush is being lumped in with sexual predators who committed sexual ASSAULT, like rape.
And, she 's right.
Bush's impropriety was not a #metoo.

More like a #lookatmeeeeee, #ineedattention

Going on an on about how much support she needed because an old man in a wheelchair touched her ass.
OMG. ~ Administrator said...

Neflix just cancelled House of Cards. I guess THEY are taking this seriously.

Tucker's Mom said... ~ Administrator said... 104
Neflix just cancelled House of Cards. I guess THEY are taking this seriously.


I find it amazing that with everything that's come out about Kate, that TLC still films.
June Shannon was done, BOOM. Gone.
But Kate? Eh, divorce, whatevs.
Eh, kids failing in school so badly they get kicked out. Whatevs.
Eh, Collin gets placed God knows where and hasn't been seen in a year and a half. Whatevs.

I swear Kate has some dirt on somebody way high up. ~ Administrator said...

I find it amazing that with everything that's come out about Kate, that TLC still films.
June Shannon was done, BOOM. Gone.
But Kate? Eh, divorce, whatevs.
Eh, kids failing in school so badly they get kicked out. Whatevs.
Eh, Collin gets placed God knows where and hasn't been seen in a year and a half. Whatevs.

I swear Kate has some dirt on somebody way high up.


She should be extremely grateful for all the rope they've given her to hang herself. I can't speculate why she's dodged a bullet a gazillion times.

Because networks don't wait for due process. They'll cut you off at the neck just like that and too bad. Hours after allegations come out boom Netflix has ended Spacey's rein, DONE. The same could have happened to Kate over Collin, and she was lucky it didn't.

Tucker's Mom said...

Hmm...I'm betting that Netflix has some inkling that there are going to be more stories about Spacey going forward.

Spacey has been insulated from rumors really getting to him for years now but there have been hushed whispers surrounding him.

Tucker's Mom said...

Kate's photo of NuNu...she's got to get some new material.
She just opens the door and lets those dogs out day and night.

Tucker's Mom said...

Spacey is a huge star, with a huge hit show on Netflix (although it's gotten more than tiresome, to be fair). He gets taken down in less than 24 hours, but years of Kate b.s. and obvious stress to the kids, and Kate still films.
It's like upside down world.

Oh, btw...we're binging Season 2 of Stranger Things and it's goooood.

Outside Perspective said...

I find it interesting how you are all over this subject about sex assault/harassment and how all these women had a duty to report every single one of the incidents, but you sure sing a different tune regarding Trump. He was accused by a 13/14 year old girl of rape. He then paid off the girl to make her go away. He bragged in 2005 about the sexual assault he does on women he meets (not what he WANTS to do or DREAMS of doing, but what he ACTUALLY DOES) on tape. You totally fell for his pathetic "locker room talk" b/s. (Firstly, do you really think he has even seen the inside of a locker room to know what "locker room talk" is?). Of all the women who then came forward and described how Trump did the exact things he bragged about doing, you said they were all lying. I wonder why the double standard??
Before you go writing me off as just a Trump hating troll, I am not an American (and I thank God for that everyday of his ridiculous presidency!). At first I felt bad for your country to have to deal with him, but now I just laugh at all his supporters. You fall for his verbal diarrhea daily. You truly don't believe the rest of the world is laughing at you, while we hope that idiot doesn't start a nuclear war b/c of his ignorance and massive ego. Enjoy your time with him while he is there, it won't be long until the cooler heads prevail and vote the asshat out of office if he doesn't self-implode before then!

Tucker's Mom said...

Enjoy your time with him while he is there, it won't be long until the cooler heads prevail and vote the asshat out of office if he doesn't self-implode before then!

Hey, not-an-American, we don't vote Presidents OUT of office.

Anonymous said...

Hard to understand why people are referring to all those women who are speaking out about Weinstein as brave, while the White House spokeswoman brands women who speak out about Trump as "lying".


Jamesvader1194 said...

@Anonymous Don't you think if those allegations against trump are true that the democrats would of been all over this and use it as a thing to impeach trump?Its been months and i have never seen or herd anything on facebook,twitter or any MSM outlet about any of this.Nothing about there being an investigation.

Outside Perspective said...

Tucker's Mom- Really? When people vote for other candidates, the effect is voting him OUT of office by voting someone else INTO office! Just because you didn't understand the phrase, doesn't make it an invalid statement. I am sure you actually did understand the meaning of the phrase but chose to attempt to "teach" an outsider a lesson. Better luck next time!
I am off to enjoy my universal healthcare! BTW- my mother recently had a massive stroke. She was seen immediately at the hospital, and was in an ICU bed within 2 hours of being in ER. She had all the scans and tests necessary. And we don't have to worry about going bankrupt b/c some people are too selfish to understand that universal healthcare is a human right not a benefit for those that can afford it! ~ Administrator said...

my mother recently had a massive stroke. She was seen immediately at the hospital, and was in an ICU bed within 2 hours of being in ER. She had all the scans and tests necessary. And we don't have to worry about going bankrupt b/c some people are too selfish to understand that universal healthcare is a human right not a benefit for those that can afford it!


Um, what?? That's exactly the treatment my college buddy's wife received ten years ago for a massive stroke. Airlifted actually, straight to UCLA and got life saving 17 hour surgery. Massive stroke victims are 10 out of 10 priority straight to the ER, it has nothing to do with what system of health care we have in place.

The only thing absolutely petrifying about universal health care for stroke victims is the way it could stifle innovation. Innovation was the reason my friend lived, because a crazy doctor was willing to just go for it. He now gives talks about her surgery to teach other doctors who would have told their patients there's nothing to be done. I'd be very scared the best of the best will no longer stick around or be allowed to take those chances with your buddy the government in charge. Under universal health care, she'd probably be sent to the morgue as not worth the money. If you don't know who Charlie Gard is....was, starting getting to know him.

AuntieAnn said...

I watched the Anthony's interview today. Cindy in all her denial thinks Casey might have had a seizure and therefore would not remember what happened to Caylee.

Then they played a few audio clips of Casey's most recent interview where she said she could sleep at night because she's innocent (paraphrased) and suddenly Cindy flip-flopped and said Casey needs to come clean and stop blaming everyone else for Caylee's death. It was a distressing interview.


Still Annoying, but Running a Distant Second to Auntie Ann said...


haha! Ouch, eh? ~ Administrator said...

What were we just saying the other day about Corey and the way some won’t believe him??

There is a small but growing group who are saying that yes there are pedophiles in Hollywood and they were and are passing kids around. Stories like Spacey lend more and more credibility to this. The people who refuse to acknowledge this serious problem are starting to sound like nutty holocaust deniers. Rosie O’Donnell said they ALL knew about this behavior and that she hopes more men come forward. Wait wtf!! Hollywood knew he was a pedophile and just let this happen? That’s even worse than Hollywood knowing about the women. At least the women were adults capable of protecting themselves but chose not to because of greed.

Tucker's Mom said...

Rosie O’Donnell said they ALL knew about this behavior and that she hopes more men come forward. Wait wtf!! Hollywood knew he was a pedophile and just let this happen?
I wonder if the Broadway world is like Hollywood in this aspect. DH told me that Spacey and his victim were both on Broadway at the time.
Rosie is VERY closely aligned with Broadway.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

Enjoy your time with him while he is there, it won't be long until the cooler heads prevail and vote the asshat out of office if he doesn't self-implode before then!

Hey, not-an-American, we don't vote Presidents OUT of office.


I had to read this twice to make sure I wasn't missing something. I'm trying to find something in the law of the land that says we vote a President OUT of office.

Ditto with OMG.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

George is claiming that he has seen Caylee "in the flesh" running around the house and it's not an apparition. ~ Administrator said...

I wonder if the Broadway world is like Hollywood in this aspect. DH told me that Spacey and his victim were both on Broadway at the time.
Rosie is VERY closely aligned with Broadway.


The problem with kids on Broadway is they are working the same schedules as the adults with a few limitations on their hours or swapping out two or three kids in one role, and around all these adults all the time and I think a lot of adults start forgetting they are kids and should probably go home and be a kid after the show.

That's why this 14 year old actor ending up going to parties, because the cast was just including him and saw no reason to leave him out of this bonding time just because he was a kid.

And it was just a house party, it wasn't like he was at a rave. I would let my 14 year old go to a house with the cast and crew as long as I or a trusted adult was with him to make sure the party remained appropriate. I attended a house party for a short-lived comedy because I was working the party helping to serve food and drinks, and lots of children were there. It was fine. Nothing about the party itself sounds inappropriate. It was such a calm gathering he went off to chill and watch some TV. It sounds more like a get-together, not a "party." In any case it is irrelevant whether he SHOULD have been at that party, the point is he was there and Spacey cornered him and assaulted him.

I absolutely believe Rosie when she said they all knew. She was indeed very much a part of Broadway and can speak to what is going on. How is this different than all the people who kept quiet about Penn State? Those people are in jail.

Corey has alluded to the fact that there are major, major names out there who are doing this stuff. I wonder if he meant Spacey for starters.

capecodmama said...

Outside Perspective 114... I lived in Scotland for 3 1/2 years in the early '80's. My oldest daughter was born over here in 1982. They have government run healthcare. Under the government run healthcare I found out that during my pregnancy I would see whatever doctor was working at the time of my appointments and a midwife I had never met would be delivering my child at the hospital. Umm...No. That's not happening. I went with a private doctor who saw me at all my appointments and delivered my child.

I also became very good friends with a Scottish girl whose mother had a friend that desperately needed a hip replacement. Even though he was in severe pain, because it wasn't considered an emergency, he had to wait nine months for his surgery. My mother and my husband both had their hips replaced and I know the pain they were in before they had surgery. Their hips were replaced as soon as they wanted. No waiting nine months.

Layla said...

Still Annoying, But Running a Distant Second to Auntie Ann (100)
Hmmm, I have to wonder why you read here if you don't like Auntie Ann. We all happen to adore her, so maybe you'd rather find a less annoying blog to troll. Cause (we all hope) she's not going anywhere.

Tucker's Mom said...

I wish I knew why Corey hasn't named names. He was on the Today show this morning, so this really IS gaining traction.
He's not doing himself any credibility favors. He's essentially saying that if he gets money to make a movie about the abuse, he'll name names.
It gives people ample doubt and reason to call this a con.

If Corey is sitting on information that would put pedophiles behind bars, he's not better than any of the rest of people who stayed silent. ~ Administrator said...

I also became very good friends with a Scottish girl whose mother had a friend that desperately needed a hip replacement. Even though he was in severe pain, because it wasn't considered an emergency, he had to wait nine months for his surgery. My mother and my husband both had their hips replaced and I know the pain they were in before they had surgery. Their hips were replaced as soon as they wanted. No waiting nine months.


Exactly. Anecdotes about a dire emergency in a stroke are really not helpful, because under both the old and new system, those people go to the front of the line for the best of care. Where it really matters are the non-emergency chronic conditions and the care they get.

I'm sincerely glad that some people find the current system very helpful. But for every positive tale there are negative ones. How it has personally affected me is watching a friend get laid off as his boss decided it's too much hassle to deal with part time workers under the new system. He has four kids and doesn't want anything more than part time, so, boom, he lost his job and moved away. I miss ya Frankie.

You've basically moved the target around, that's all. It's just created a different set of people who are getting the short end of the stick. I Personally, I find that very selfish, a desire for a system that only benefits you without thinking about how it could hurt others. It has nothing to do with health care being a right or not, I am tired of that thrown out there as if people don't care--there is more than one way to get to the same goal and sometimes the most simple and obvious one (just give everyone free health care!) is not the best choice in a very complicated free market. It sure wasn't here--look at the way the promised low premiums have soared. What a total failure, just as predicted. I don't think it's a right as a matter of fact though. Rights are in the constitution, and if people want it to be a right then put it in there already. Until it is, it's not a right. But I still think we do plenty of things for our people that are not "rights" and I don't see why this can't be one of them. I just happen to think accomplishing it through privatization, on balance, is the better play. ~ Administrator said...

He's not doing himself any credibility favors. He's essentially saying that if he gets money to make a movie about the abuse, he'll name names.
It gives people ample doubt and reason to call this a con.


He's using it as leverage as part of the end game. That's fine by me, the funny thing is though the way people have decided all of a sudden it's time to tell the truth about this industry, all those names may end up being named by other people first! I think in the end he'll be glad though no matter how we get there, either through him or some other way.

I mean he's a child star, they're often idiot adults, and there is no playbook on how to handle this situation. ~ Administrator said...

I had to read this twice to make sure I wasn't missing something. I'm trying to find something in the law of the land that says we vote a President OUT of office.

Ditto with OMG.


Well you can vote him out but we'll just vote him back in!!! Moo-ha-ha.

Seriously, it's not worth the whining. They had 12 months to figure out how to get him out and have come up with absolutely nothing. That ship has sailed. He's not going anywhere so we're going to have to listen to three more years minimum of this whining. Help. ~ Administrator said...

we already have socialism. What we don’t have is rich people paying their fair share. They are all getting a free ride


Those who make 250k a year must give over half of it away to taxes, 51%. That’s a free ride? The poor, under 15k, pay zero. Under 50k pays no more than 5%. The free ride is for the lower income earners as it is and should be. You really don’t know what you’re talking about. The only thing I find fascinating is the willingness to lie about this issue to get what they want as apparently many people don’t actually ever bother to look at who pays what. ~ Administrator said...

You would rather the poor be poorer provided the rich do not get richer. Said Margaret Thatcher.

Does it ever occur to you if you tax the rich even more than the 51% they already are, eventually they won’t be able to afford to hire you anymore? Oops. Biggg oops. ~ Administrator said...

Those making over 250K "must" pay over half their income in taxes? LOL, surely you've heard of those little things called deductions and loopholes.


The statement from the poster was that the rich get a "free ride". That is simply either a lie or someone doesn't know what they are talking about.

All income levels are eligible for deductions and loopholes. When I was in the lowest tax bracket I was even taking deductions. In fact many deductions are phased out the more money you make, including student loans and mortgage. But it is a rare case where taxes can be obliterated by deductions and loopholes, not even close. Another lie. Most millionaires are also paying millions in taxes, including the Obamas, the Clintons and Trump. THAT'S public record. ~ Administrator said...

Actually, the amount Trump pays is not public record since he refuses to release his tax returns.


Actually, I guess you missed it, but some of his records have been released. Maybe you blocked out the big embarrassing Rachel Maddow moment, which I wouldn't blame you for, where she revealed, drum roll, he paid a whopping 38 million in taxes that year.

Tucker's Mom said...

No piecin' and patchin' Halloween costumes this year?
Surely, Kate has locked those dogs up in their crates to make costumes all alone with no help at all! ~ Administrator said...

No, not "released" by Trump. Leaked. And it was ONE return from over a decade ago. And that 38M represented 25% of his income, not the "must pay" 51% you claimed was required of all rich folk.


He is still taxed at 51%. Obviously there were some deductions taken just as all Americans take deductions (most take the standard, some, like me, itemize.) No one actually pays in their tax bracket except the poor who pay zero, so the rich are not some special case. Do you pass on your deductions, because that would be really weird. The poster said that rich get a FREE RIDE. If 38 million is a free ride, sign me up.

So let me get this straight, a rich person is supposed to say no to legal and beneficial deductions, to just pass on them? Wouldn't it make sense to take the deductions, and pour that money back into the business, charity, hire more people, or raises for everybody, or all of that and more? I don't understand this HATE, visceral HATE, people have for a thriving economy and healthy businesses and business people. I'm happy to see shows like Shark Tank praising such things for once instead of being bitter. Who is your boss? I'm guessing he makes more than you. Does it make sense to you your boss should do well for the whole company to do well? Or should we treat your boss like shit and take all his money so that the company folds and YOU lose your job. People literally can't think more than one step ahead. It's watching checkers, not chess. I can only conclude it's jealousy for successful people, who DO pay millions upon millions back into the system no matter how much you want to lie and say they don't.

Again, you would rather the poor be poorer provided the rich don't get richer.

Layla said...

Happy Halloween, everyone! We're dragging out blankets and folding chairs to the driveway and front lawn to gather with neighbor friends and hand out candy. Afterward we'll light up the fire pit to make s'mores, and my son is setting up his movie projector so we can watch "It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" and later the cartoon version of" The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" outside. If any of you are driving through the DC suburbs and spot us, stop by and grab a chair or blanket. It's going to be a fun night!

Jamesvader1194 said...

@Layla Happy halloween to you and everyone here.Just got back from visiting my uncle,aunt and my 2 little cousins to celebrate.

NJGal51 said...

Happy Halloween to all! I wonder if the kids are having their Tuesday night dinner with Jon which may include trick or treating. That may explain why TFW hasn’t posted a picture.....yet. She’s been known to do it a day late to try and prove that the kids were with her.

Lanc Native said...

Happy Halloween to all! I wonder if the kids are having their Tuesday night dinner with Jon which may include trick or treating. That may explain why TFW hasn’t posted a picture.....yet. She’s been known to do it a day late to try and prove that the kids were with her.


Trick or Treating here is for those 12 and under, although some older kids do go out, but not many.

capecodmama said...

Happy Halloween all! We had five kids. Five! That's it! We have lived in our house for 34 years and this is the least we have ever had. Our neighborhood is loaded with kids. I don't get it.

capecodmama said...

NJGal51...she posted a picture. Hannah and Leah are dressed as dinosaurs and Alexis, Aaden and Joel as astronauts.

Sad but true said...

She must gave heard you, NJGal51.

kateplusmy8 I had a trick-or-treating date with a couple of cute pink Dinosaurs and a few adorable Astronauts! 🎃Happy Halloween! 🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃 #FunTime

The two tups look too old for their costumes. And it looks like the other three (no, no Collin) opted for their space suits from camp? Aren't they too old for trick-or-treating with Mommy in tow? Lots of comments/queries re Collin.

Sad but true said...

Well well. Who could this be? Not Brownie, probably not Deanna. "Tight"? Reallllly?

pc08@gypsie_lifestyle maybe he’s too far? I’m not a hater I’m her biggest fan, I was on tv with her!! We’re tight.

NJGal51 said...

Trick or Treating here is for those 12 and under, although some older kids do go out, but not many.
Thanks Lanc Native. I didn’t know that I guess that doesn’t apply to the Gosselins since TFW has posted a picture of them trick or treating. I spoke too soon about no picture this year. However, since TLC didn’t pay for it they had to resort to whatever was around. Nothing elaborate this year. ~ Administrator said...

Thanks Lanc Native. I didn’t know that I guess that doesn’t apply to the Gosselins since TFW has posted a picture of them trick or treating. I spoke too soon about no picture this year. However, since TLC didn’t pay for it they had to resort to whatever was around. Nothing elaborate this year.


If they actually went door to door I'm sorry but they are WAYYY too old for that. It's the under 10ish crowd here, with a few exceptions made for older kids if and only if they accompany a younger sibling or friend for safety. Even then some households may choose to only give candy to the little ones.

You will literally get dirty looks if you go around as some pack of teenagers tearing through the neighborhood collecting your spoils. It's just not tolerated. This is not a holiday for the big kids to take all the neighborhood candy from the little ones because they are faster and more adept. ~ Administrator said...

kateplusmy8 I had a trick-or-treating date with a couple of cute pink Dinosaurs and a few adorable Astronauts!


Oh jeepers. Are they four? Astronaut??? Kids this age usually want to be something really scary with blood and masks, or something topical, funny or for girls cute, like a glittery cat.

And don't they want to go enjoy Halloween with FRIENDS, not their mother?

I think those are the costumes from the space camp. What a cheapskate. And I like that she unintentionally confirms Collin is STILL not back. He's never....coming....home.

RoxyHelen said...

Can a child really thrive in some institution with no home visits? I really hope his siblings amd mother are visiting, the idea that this kid has been alone, without family contact beyond a phone call for over a year is frightening.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Admin (#144), and what teenager -- yes, these kids are now 13 1/2 --
wants their mom to describe their costume as "cute" and "adorable?"
She is desperate to keep them little in the public's mind. And that is wildly unfair to them.

Formerly Duped said...

Layla, your Halloween sounds like so much fun! I would have joined you for sure.

We had a lot of kids, ranging from toddlers to teens. All but 3 were polite I would say. I hate when kis say they don't like a certain candy and don''t I have any KitKats for example!

Formerly Duped said...

Wonder why the kids have identical costumes? I thought they hated that!

Tucker's Mom said...

We had a handful of high school kids, and sure, I gave them candy...but...wth? that age, grow up.
Have a party or go to a party, great. But ringing doorbells for candy?
Sorry, that's for children.
Some duffii actually think they saw 3 boys in Kate's photo.

Also, when you are no longer a CHILD, make your own damn costume and actually try.

14-year olds in onesies is pathetic. Those girls spend more time on their hair than their costumes.

foxy said...

How does she think the two girls like like pink dinosaurs? Those are pink and white pjs with what may be a hood. She would have been better off saying pink penguins, but that is also a stretch.

I didn't get that many kids last night either. Only 7. Usually the older kids will come around after 8 pm. If I still have candy left I am more than happy to pass it out to them and they are very polite. No older kids either. If not, I just shut the porch light off and that is it.

Tucker's Mom said...

We had more kids than usual. Still, a bit to much candy left over!!
We went a bit nuts decorating, but I adore Halloween.
I bought a spider-themed "fascinator" which was SO much fun to wear.
Today, sadly, I have to take down all the Halloween decorations...and wait until the day after Thanksgiving to put up our Christmas decorations! ~ Administrator said...

I'm shocked kids this age would line up so willingly in such embarrassing costumes. You would expect at least one or two to refuse, even in a normal family. And that worries me, because a part of me wonders if they worry they will be banished to an institution too if they don't cooperate with her.

Institutions are not normal. We've banned them in California. All group homes have two years to shut down. We are going to place kids with FAMILIES now. ~ Administrator said...

We had more kids than usual. Still, a bit to much candy left over!!


I was shocked how many people were out in my new neighborhood. We were out too, and there were swarms and swarms of parents and kids just walking down the street. My neighborhood is 90% Hispanic and Day of the Dead is a huge holiday, which they've sort of adopted into Halloween, so I guess this is big. I left candy out with a note from the witch to please take only two, and people apparently did! Nobody cleared out the bowl. Proud of them.

At one point I had to swing by Home Depot and pick up something quick, and I was petrified I was going to hit somebody. ~ Administrator said...

Can a child really thrive in some institution with no home visits? I really hope his siblings amd mother are visiting, the idea that this kid has been alone, without family contact beyond a phone call for over a year is frightening.


The longer he stays, the harder and harder it will be to transition him back home.

In my experience, past the 12-18 month mark, transitioning home becomes HARD unless the parent has done a very diligent job of maintaining visitation and progressing it to more liberal as time goes on, maintaining their bond with the family and home. A lot of kids who go home after such a long time end up right back in the system months later.

Kids adapt, and eventually they learn to adapt without you if you leave them long enough.

Sad but true said...

Aha, the poster pc08 on K8's IG is none other than Paige Campbell. The definition of "tight" is clearly quite loose in her world, LOL.

AuntieAnn said...

kateplusmy8 I had a trick-or-treating date with a couple of cute pink Dinosaurs and a few adorable Astronauts! ��Happy Halloween! ���������������������� #FunTime


Um....Don't you mean the quintuplets, Kate?

Layla, what a great way to celebrate halloween. We could have used a firepit here last night. The temperature dropped and it rained. I only had seven little goblins and one friendly neighborhood cat on the doorstep all evening. I have a bucket full of mini kit-kat and coffee crisp bars left. Yay!

Formerly Duped said...

Tucker, good idea. I usually wait till about the 30th of November for a tree, but I read there is a shortage this year and I CANNOT be without one!!!
I like Halloween but I love Christmas !

jolie Jacquelyn said...

We had about 20 kids from 2 years old to around 12, 13. I'm happy to give out treats to all ages, as long as they're in costume & polite - which they were.

A friend wasn't able to be home to give out her treats, so she gave them to us. This was after I'd already bought more mini bars than usual for our household.

I gave them out by the handful, but still have lots leftover.

So.....we'll be eating Aero, Kit Kat & Coffee Crisp bars until summer!

Tucker's Mom said... ~ Administrator said... 152
I'm shocked kids this age would line up so willingly in such embarrassing costumes. You would expect at least one or two to refuse, even in a normal family.
I hope they got to split off from the "pack' and be with their friends. Putting on a onesie and being made to go out with your siblings is juvenile.

Tucker's Mom said...

Collin's bond with his family is forever damaged at this point.
He is not coming home.

I hope that one day, he'll find love and start a family and love them more than money or things.

I really do bet that he will.

Layla said...

Ahhh, what a night! Halloween is such fun. Our new tradition (started last year) of playing Halloween movies outside has caught on. There were 2 other houses on our street where the owners did the same thing. Lots of fire pits, people gathering and spending time together. A lot of the kids didn't want to go trick-or-treating. They wanted to make s'mores and watch movies with their friends. So we all just passed around our bowls of candy and let the kids pick what they wanted, and then they all hung around and played.

One neighbor made the best snack mix. It was Chex Mix, mini peanut butter cups, chocolate covered pretzels, and broken-up pieces of Heath bars, all combined in a big bowl. Absolutely addicting.

There were teenagers out, mostly dressed in some kind of scary/zombie costumes, just hanging out together. One popular costume was Negan from The Walking Dead. No pink dinosaurs or astronauts among them. I think Kate is still trying to pretend they're younger than they really are. Toddler-type costumes, going trick-or-treating, describing them as "adorable". Poor kids.

Best costume of the night was the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man.

Layla said...

AuntieAnn and jolie Jacqueline,
Mini Coffee Crisp bars? Yes, please! Why don't they have CC for sale everywhere in the US? They are SO yummy--I am hopelessly addicted.

I saw a picture of Jennifer Garner taking her kids trick-or-treating, and she was wearing the same spider wen cape that I wore last night! It's from Grandin Road (, and they have the most amazing things to decorate and to wear for holidays. I really wanted the animated Spirit Board, but it sold out. Maybe next year...

Tucker's Mom said...

Layla said... 161
Ahhh, what a night! Halloween is such fun. Our new tradition (started last year) of playing Halloween movies outside has caught on. There were 2 other houses on our street where the owners did the same thing. Lots of fire pits, people gathering and spending time together. A lot of the kids didn't want to go trick-or-treating. They wanted to make s'mores and watch movies with their friends. So we all just passed around our bowls of candy and let the kids pick what they wanted, and then they all hung around and played.
We have a few firepits in the neighborhood. Adult beverages!

Tucker's Mom said...

I bought 3 Christmas gnomes at Home Goods. They have a TON of stuff out now.
Instead of putting them in the attic for now, I just went ahead and put them on top of our china cabinet.
What the heck!

Also, Kate does treat the tups like little kids.

Funny story...the very first little Trick or Treater last night was a boy of about 4 maybe? His mom walked up to our walkway, and let him go to our door by himself.
She said, "Say Trick or Treat and say Thank You!"
And he did.
He turned on his heel and squealed with glee, "MOM, IT WORKED!"

My heart just melted!

AuntieAnn said...

Coffee Crisp ARE addictive, Layla. I can't understand why they are so hard to find in the USA. Why don't you ask your grocer if he or she will order them. They'd make a bundle on them.
I remember as a kid there was a nickel bar that was called a 5-Star. I'd buy them at the movies because you could get two for the price of one of all the others. They were coconut in a creamy coconut toffee and dang they were good. They disappeared over the years much to my dismay.

Sleepless in Seattle said...

George is claiming that he has seen Caylee "in the flesh" running around the house and it's not an apparition.


Yes, that was sort of a head-scratcher. He was pretty adamant about it, too. He swears he sees her in the flesh.

Anonymous said...

The Hollywood sex scandal continues to grow. Dustin Hoffman has apologized for sexually harassing a 17 yr. old intern 32 years ago.


Dmasy said...

My first Trick or Treat was our neighborhood Schnauzer wrapped in a wreath of leaves. He delivered a home made treat to my dog, Annie. (I think he has a crush on her.)

Layla said...

AuntieAnn (165),
I buy my Coffee Crisps from because there are very few places in the US that carry them. I do not understand why--I'm always letting other people try them, and every last person wants to know where to get them. Maybe a letter-writing campaign would help.

Dmasy (167)
How cute! I never thought of letting my dogs deliver treats. Maybe that can be something new for next year.

Tucker's Mom said...

I had my bichon in a pumpkin costume and took him over to the neighbor kids to take pics and give them a special treat.
He wasn't too thrilled when the boy put on his lion mask!

We have to keep the dogs in the bedroom during trick or treating. It's a bummer, but they would just bark hysterically and get all worked up.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Layla (#168), maybe if you were a supastah like TFW, you could complained to your minions, and they'd shower you with free candy!

Layla said...

FlimsyFlamsy (169)
Alas, I am just a suburban mom. Maybe I can sell off my kids' privacy and then take their money and buy the things I want with it. Nah, that's a bad idea. I actually like my kids.

AuntieAnn said...

The Hollywood sex scandal continues to grow. Dustin Hoffman has apologized for sexually harassing a 17 yr. old intern 32 years ago.



And there it is.... Dustin Hoffman grabbed my ass in 1985.

Ok, I get that it was very inappropriate but for crying out loud, is every man or woman who stood too close to someone in an elevator up for a sexual harassment accusation in the future?

amy said...

one friendly neighborhood cat on the doorstep all evening. <--- must be sooper friendly to hang out all night in the rain! Was it black? ~ Administrator said...

I don't at all object to women being upset about being sexually harassed or a butt grab or a squeeze and pulled and hurt my neck in 1982 (literally!) thing. Sure that stuff stinks, makes you feel two inches tall, ruins your week, month, maybe even year.

But this is the thing, many people, men and women alike, are going to make small transgressions in their lives and at one time or another you may be on the receiving end. It could be a nasty word, a sexual word or gesture, or some other slight. It matters whether the problem is ongoing and it matters the DEGREE of the harm done, it matters the person's state of mind, and it matters whether it's something you did 30 years ago or right now.

Sure it's a case by case basis and saying it all depends doesn't give much guidance, but when you lump a small and apparently isolated transgression into the same basket as a true predator after women or children, things can get confusing, and it cheapens victims of true predators.

I really wish people would address incidents like butt grabs and snide comments privately and directly--with the person themselves, with HR directly, etc. I'd be curious to know how Dustin would have responded had she just reached out quietly to clear the air so she could move on. I'm willing to bet very positively. He has a good reputation with the public and how he conducts himself in public. You didn't even give him the chance and instead went straight to humiliation, and even criminals are given a chance at a fair fight.

GollyGee said...

TFW's freebies roll on.

Free candy for the quints from John and Jane Q. Public.

Free Halloween costumes provided by Space Camp.

Because of the ages of the quints being way too old to trick-or-treat, I thought surely she would have sold them by now.

I wonder, because they are older, if one of the kids do stain something that she has her pocketbook settled on selling, would she go ape ****, like she did when Aaden, Collin and Joel were rolling down the grassy hill, BEING NORMAL, YOUNG, BOYS?

She might just get an ear full of teenage angst.

Lanc Native said...

RoxyHelen said... 145
Can a child really thrive in some institution with no home visits? I really hope his siblings amd mother are visiting, the idea that this kid has been alone, without family contact beyond a phone call for over a year is frightening.


Is it known that he hasn't been home for a visit?

Perhaps they chose the costumes for the annual Halloween Festival at school.

Lanc Native said...

Any gushing love sentiments or inane platitudes from The Kravitz?

AuntieAnn said...

amy said... 173

one friendly neighborhood cat on the doorstep all evening. <--- must be sooper friendly to hang out all night in the rain! Was it black?


Yes and so I threw him and the seven goblins over the fence some treats ; )

I realized my lousy sentence structure, too, after posting the comment.

Actually, he is a friendly cat but a nuisance. He's ripped the front door screen twice now, attempting to get into the house.

capecodmama said...

Admin...That's why I dealt with my butt being pinched immediately. The rest of my evening was fine. Did I think it was sexual harassment? No. I thought it was some guy being an idiot.

capecodmama said...

So now Kevin Spacey is seeking treatment for his sexual transgression. Sheesh. I love how all these people only get help after they're caught being inappropriate.

NJGal51 said...

I wonder how long it will take TFW to swiffer this comment: "This show is just depressing and unsettling now. The ugly divorce and all the accusations, the behavior of the older girls on national television, the disappearance of Colin, Kate's erratic's time to pull the plug on this show. There is nothing "cute" about it anymore. They are teenagers who should be allowed to grow up out of the spotlight."

Lanc Native - Nothing from Milo since 26 September.

Dmasy said...

Golly Gee -- thinking of you. I have started my Shoebox gifts. Drop off here is the third week of November. You got me started on this!

Lorrie said...

Us Weekly has a new story up featuring some of the comments on Kate's IG Halloween pic. In the story's comment section, a poster claims Collin is in a facility in Loma Linda, California. Who knows if that's true.

Anonymous said...

Us Weekly has an article online with all the negative comments regarding Collin and the Halloween picture. Hope it gets some traction to help hold TFW accountable.


Sad but true said...

Lorrie said... 183

I looked up the place that was named. It looks much more like a hospital than anything else. I don't believe this could be accurate.

RoxyHelen said...

Lanc Native, Jon Gosselin said Collin has never been home since going away, on his facebook page, when someone asked him. I suppose he could be lying but I don't see what he'd gain from it so I took it as fact.

Ingrid said...

Sad but true said... 185
Lorrie said... 183

I looked up the place that was named. It looks much more like a hospital than anything else. I don't believe this could be accurate.

So many of the fans are so wrong. I saw one said C had been gone 3 yrs!!!

Sherry Baby said...

I saw a picture of Jennifer Garner taking her kids trick-or-treating, and she was wearing the same spider wen cape that I wore last night! It's from Grandin Road (,

I went to the site to check out their Christmas decor, and they have some really gorgeous things. Your web cape is funky and fun, but I hope you got it on sale! Sixty nine dollars for a cape is a bit too expensive for me, who got an entire outfit (brand new in package) at a thrift store for $5.99. The neighborhood kids loved it and were surprised when I opened the door in a costume. The parents got some good laughs, too!

Tucker's Mom said...

Is it known that he hasn't been home for a visit?
I don't think anyone in the public can know for sure, but I extrapolate from Jon reporting that he doesn't know exactly where Collin is.
Jon sees 4 kids on a regular basis. I don't believe there's any way the kids wouldn't tell their father where Collin is, if they knew.
So, I don't think they have any unsupervised, or perhaps even personal contact with Collin at all.
I think it's not beyond Kate to go to such great lengths to keep Collin's fate a secret.

At this point, the story is bizarre, even macabre. An 11-year old boy who grew up on tv hasn't been seen in public for ~18 months.

Wherever he is, Collin is on lock down.

No way, no how someone wouldn't have recognized him and leaked a story or a photo on social media in all this time.

The White House can't even stop leaks, but Kate Gosselin has the ability to make a child disappear for a year and a half.

This is like X-Files-level shit.

Jillygee said...

Grandin Road always has at least 25% off sometimes more plus free shipping on their seasonal items. Love that site!

I am honestly gobsmacked at the mystery of the disappearance of this boy. And the audacity of KG’s astounding, and disturbing.

Layla said...

Sherry Baby (188)
I made sure to get the cape on sale. I am a stickler for making sure I never pay full price for anything. They had 40% off (plus free shipping) so I got the cape, the haunted mirror (it's motion activated so that when someone steps in front of it, a ghostly girl appears and talks--so cool), and the witch's hat clock. I try to add something to my collection of decorations every year, and those were this year's additions. I'll pick up some Christmas things when they have 40% off again. They have the greatest decorations! Very unique pieces.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

I went to the site to check out their Christmas decor, and they have some really gorgeous things. Your web cape is funky and fun, but I hope you got it on sale!


I went shopping today for new sweaters. It's getting cool here and I recently cleaned my closet, filling some bags with things I no longer wear or just don't like. They are ready to be donated to a social services organization that gives items to charity.

I found a wonderful sweater on sale for $80. Part of me was telling myself to go ahead and splurge; the other part grabbed me by the collar and yanked me out of the store. I succumbed to the grabber and figured I could get two for the price of one somewhere else. Sometimes I surprise myself for being frugal and not yielding to temptation!

url said...

Admin said...
even criminals are given a chance at a fair fight.

Interesting comment to make in light of Trump wanting criminals to be sentenced to the death penalty IMMEDIATELY and without any "chance for a fair fight". Be it terrorists or Hillary Clinton. ~ Administrator said...

I love shopping a day or two after a holiday for next year.

Walgreens of all places had a tremendous amount of Halloween decor for half off.

Layla said...

Anonymous (184)
Kate will be thrilled if the story gains traction. She doesn't care about negative backlash, as long as people are paying attention to her. I wouldn't be surprised if she made some calls to get someone to cover the story. Otherwise, who would bother checking out her IG account for stories? She thinks that as long as her name is in the news, she's still marketable and TLC will remember her and will continue to film her. That's all she cares about.

As far as Collin possibly being in California, that is definitely possible. If he's far away, she has an excuse for not visiting him. As long as what's-his-name is far away, she can almost forget he exists. Remember, this is standard behavior for Kate. If anyone gets in her way or makes things difficult, they are banished forever. Sadly, that applies to the kids, too.

AuntieAnn said...

“It was not even really a choice, it was on the advice of his doctors and it had to happen,” Kate revealed during an interview on ABC’s Nightline in November 2016."


So if it wasn't really a choice and it HAD to happen, was he removed under court order? Sounds like it. And still, she continues to sell the rest of her brood on TLC for whatever they're worth now.

amy said...

Walgreens?? Only plebs shop there! lol

Jamesvader1194 said...

@Tucker's Mom There was someone on the us weekly article that propose that maybe Collin is home but someone told Kate to not take pictures of him anymore.I hope i don't come across as nosy but the problem is that the more Collin is gone without Kate saying anything,the more its making her fans suspicious of her.This makes me feel its a damn if you do,damn if you don't situation with Kate.The more she goes on without mentioning collin,its making the fans worry.On the other hand we don't know if Kate is under a gag order and can't say anything. ~ Administrator said...

Nothing like the President publicly stating a suspect should get the death penalty before he’s even had a hearing to ensure a fair trial.


Wow, your hate for Trump is so bad sticking up for the terrorists?? That's REALLY low.

I've heard multiple people over the past few days say let him fry, including lawyers. It doesn't mean one thinks we should skip the justice system. People are upset. It was HIS HOMETOWN. Stop taking everything so literally, you know people just talk like this. Maybe people would like to hear some reassurance for once we're gonna get this guy, instead of the trite little "I condemn this and that" and then nothing ever happens to stop it.

Did it occur to you people here might be directly impacted by this one? Other half's cousin was a witness out walking his dogs in that park. He had to spend hours talking to the FBI, and is beyond shaken. His wife is nine months pregnant and this is horrific. We are flying there tomorrow at 6am and staying with them for the weekend just to be a support and watch their two year old. Thank god he's okay but emotionally it's going to take some time.

Thanks for asking. I really cannot believe that I was in London for the subway attack and now a month later someone I know was there for that. This has got to stop. ~ Administrator said...

Walgreens?? Only plebs shop there! lol


I love Walgreens. I haven't noticed it's only plebs even if it were what do I care, the clearance shelf is a smorgasbord.

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