The recent shocking case of the Turpins, parents who starved and abused their 13 children for years, has a disturbing connection to
Kate Plus 8. According to family members, the family wanted to be just like the Gosselins.
"House of Horrors couple David and Louise Turpin wanted a 14th child so that they could land their own reality television show, it has been revealed. "She used to say how they would be perfect for TV and would often mention they would be bigger than the reality show Kate Plus 8," Billy Lambert, Louise Turpin's half brother, told the Sunday People. "It is the reason they moved to California to be nearer to Hollywood," Lambert said of Louise's desire to become a star, like Kate Gosselin and her children.
What say you about this, Kate?
Read more:
539 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 539 Newer› Newest»Omg was in TJ Max today...bought two pillows...I have to stay away from that place because I’ll go broke...unfortunately ours is located a couple of blocks from my house...the quality for the price is unbelievable...
I was in retail management for years and every store has its own policy’s but I’m guessing it was an expensive item that was locked up and because of that she would be escorted to the register...shrinkage is the biggest problems in these stores and no one realizes how much money is lost...she doesn’t have a chance... the store has every right to protect their merchandise
White perch?
Pot meet kettle. (no racism intended)
Slammer! LOL!
Yes, infant formula is often stolen and sold on the black market (no racism intended)!
By the way, could you tell us if your new caftan has a floral print or geometric motif? Inquiring minds want to know.
I posted this last night - three comments that Milo posted all in a row on TFW's Shoka video:
Former Lurker said... 175
LOL, Milo is now pushing TFW's cookbook:
miloandjack2016Such a handsome boy #Mak! His eyes shine & are so clean. Obvioudly healthy because you take such good care of him! ❤ @kateplusmy8
miloandjack2016Even for your #Furbabies...#LoveIsInTheMix. #KatesCookBook. @kateplusmy8
miloandjack2016@kateplusmy8 LOL Are you speaking from experience? I would think by now Mak and Shoka are getting along?
January 28, 2018 at 7:23 PM
I just looked at Instagram and, for some reason, Milo deleted that middle comment about TFW's cookbook. It looks like this now:
miloandjack2016Such a handsome boy #Mak! His eyes shine & are so clean. Obvioudly healthy because you take such good care of him! ❤ @kateplusmy8
miloandjack2016@kateplusmy8 LOL Are you speaking from experience? I would think by now Mak and Shoka are getting along?
Celebrity Big Brother News said... 194
So two of Kate's co-stars from Celebrity Apprentice are going to be on Celebrity Big Brother--Brandi Glanville and Keshia Knight Pulliam. Do you think Kate's a tad upset that she wasn't asked?
From the article:
And now the network has finally revealed during the Grammys just who was crazy enough to lock themselves in a house for two-and-a-half-weeks to amuse and entertain us. (Once again, this all depends on your definition of “entertain.”) The list includes five ex-Dancing with the Stars hoofers as well as four former Celebrity Apprentice contestants, meaning 9 of the 11 new houseguests come from one of those two shows.
This news must be killing TFW. She was on both DWTS and Celebrity Apprentice. I bet she would love to have been on this show. It's only two and a half weeks, not the usual two months that Big Brother does in the summer.
I'm sure she's totally out of the loop right now and doesn't have an agent or anyone looking for gigs for her. She probably didn't even know about it. She must be dying that she missed out on this. A few weeks away from the kids, she'd get to do press and pretend she's relevant, and she'd get some income. Oh well, too bad.
Tucker, we have the same stores as you- and a Wegman's is just opening in our mall.
Would be cool to be neighbors !
Well I guess TFW didn’t get enough attention with her video of Mak because she’s got another post up with a picture of Shoka and Hannah. Sorry but I can’t cut and paste today.....
kateplusmy8Ahhhh after a hard day at school, Shoka is the BEST comfort.... and pillow! #Hannah #Shoka #DogsFixEverything #KingGermanShepherd
barbgilmer1Shoka is like a doggy daddy to the Your Kids as well as his own! Nothing like that unconditional love ❤️!
Um, they have a REAL father who loves them unconditionally and with whom they should be spending time.
By the way, there are already comments on this post, as well as her two previous IG posts, (Mady selfie and the Shoka video), asking about whether the show is coming back or if it's cancelled, and when/if a new "season" is starting. TFW has answered other questions on the Mady post and the Shoka video, but she's ignoring questions about the show, unlike her recent meltdown where she claimed it's definitely cpming back. She has no clue when or if the show is coming back. She's probbaly waiting for TLC to film a few episodes and call it a "season".
jamiepumpkin3I miss my Shoka Lou!!! And Joel too!��
jamiepumpkin3And I miss all the kids
jamiepumpkin3I realize that’s not Joel...
Formerly Duped said... 6
Tucker, we have the same stores as you- and a Wegman's is just opening in our mall.
Would be cool to be neighbors !
Muumuu happy hour
Muumuu pizza night
Muumuu movie night
Yes, that would be great!
Tucker, we have the same stores as you- and a Wegman's is just opening in our mall.
You're going to love having a convenient Wegmans. That store is enough to make one want to move back east. And they lock stuff up too!
The idea that CBS is willing to plunk down a cool million for Omarosa on CBB and to film a talk-show pilot for her? This is totally K8's dream. But she's just not been smart enough to get it. Omarosa has capitalized on her negative press through the years. K8 just got more dogs and has pretended to lavish them with love, after no one (including her kids) bought into her pretending to do that with her kids. Despite how despicable Omarosa has come across to a great many people, no one doubts her smarts. Alas, no one can say that of K8. For better or worse, she'll always be the little engine that couldn't quite.
Slammer! LOL!
Yes, infant formula is often stolen and sold on the black market (no racism intended)!
And that's the whole point, there are a number of reasonable explanations for why a shelf would be locked up (they are popular black market items, for one). Instead of exploring those reasons, the woman leapt first to racism, instead of having a conversation with Walmart and trying to understand why this would be, and seeking to develop an understanding of the situation. I find it ironic that she wants everyone to be understanding of her racism cries, while at the same time refusing to have any kind of understanding of why a business may be forced to take certain protective measures.
Had she just requested a meeting or made a phone call, this all might have been worked out. But they don't want a dialogue. They don't want understanding. They don't want to give the benefit of the doubt. Unless of course it's toward them. What a sad state of affairs this whole movement has left us in.
Former Lurker (#5), I live a few miles from where Big Brother is filmed. The high today was 87 degrees. Eat your heart out, Schmoopy.
The idea that CBS is willing to plunk down a cool million for Omarosa on CBB and to film a talk-show pilot for her? This is totally K8's dream. But she's just not been smart enough to get it. Omarosa has capitalized on her negative press through the years.
Omarosa is just as obnoxious as Kate. In fact I'd call her infuriating. But unlike Kate, there is some smarts in that noggin, and she's capitalized on her character and turned it into gold. She has been very savvy.
The woman worked in the White House twice. I don't know how you count that as anything but a grand success.
Former Lurker (#5), I live a few miles from where Big Brother is filmed. The high today was 87 degrees. Eat your heart out, Schmoopy.
We are having a wonderfully warm heat wave. It feels so much better in February as opposed to when it happens in May or June. You feel like you got out of town like a snowbird or something, but you're still home!
miloandjack2016 Shoka is a perfect #TherapyAndSupportDog! He has been w/you all from the early toddler days! This warms my heart. Dogs give free endless unconditional hugs and love! ❤ Can you even imagine life w/out them now @kateplusmy8 ?
Uh, the early toddler days? Shoka did not appear until the mansion, if I'm not mistaken, and 5-year-olds don't exactly qualify as "early toddlers." Try as she might, Milo is never gonna make black look like white. Even with all the retro editing TLC has done, the early, less-sanitized versions of this story are out there and people remember. Give it up, Milo, K8's got enough of a job staying on message with the current, oh-how-I-adore-my-dogs storyline.
Pretty damn sure that Black folk also have to head to the back of Walgreens and jump through hoops to get their Sudafed. Therein lies the difference.
No, because you are assuming only black people buy black products, a ridiculous assumption. Your premise is flawed.
Do you know that there are white mothers and white fathers who have children, friends, and family who are of other races? 10 percent of kids today are biracial and the number is growing. In L.A. not too far from this woman's town of Perris, the number can be closer to 30 percent.
White people, especially mothers and fathers, shop these products for their daughters, half-sisters, and friends. So if you are a white mother wanting to buy hair gel for African American gel, you too will have to ask Walmart to open the lockbox.
So if Walmart's grand plan is to make a grand racist statement, they F-ed up, since a fair number of people of all races are going to buy these items.
PLENTY of white women have hair that responds to black hair products and in fact, needs to be treated with them and not Pantene for Marcia Brady.
Who is "they?" And what is this "whole movement" to which you refer? Sure sounds like you have a problem with people of color advocating for equitable treatment.
Nope I have a problem with people accusing good people of racism when there is none.
PLENTY of white women have hair that responds to black hair products and in fact, needs to be treated with them and not Pantene for Marcia Brady.
Italian hair.
I do okay with Friz-eez because mine is not too too unruly, but I have many members of the family that need much more heavy duty products to tame it and appreciate the options out there.
I can't think of any product out there marketed toward African Americans that couldn't also be and is frequently legitimately bought by other races, if only for a loved one. These products are also called upon when something heavy duty is needed in a production, such as greasing hair for a long photoshoot or filming under hot lights.
That alone destroys the whole premise of this lawsuit.
What a world we live in when one must go straight to a lawsuit instead of just customer service.
I didn't say that this was a racist incident. I said that I don't have the evidence to draw a conclusion and would like to see Walmart's theft statistics
And yet SHE, without anything other than anecdotal evidence, accused a whole lot of people of racism. You are keeping a VERY open mind, allowing for even very wild and unlikely scenarios. Fair enough. She never did the same courtesy to Walmart. Walmart is not just some building, it's real people making the decisions to lock certain things up and real people who stock the shelves, most for a middle class wage. Does it occur to you how hurtful a false racism charge is? Where is the sympathy for them?
Oh, and Walmart doesn't owe you their theft statistics. That's their business and their information to protect. It is not the best idea to disclose what is getting stolen like crazy, or out which items are the easiest to take and resell--NOT SMART. But they will probably have to disclose this all now possibly to the detriment of their security, so congratulations.
Racism does exist, whether or not you choose to acknowledge it.
False and malicious accusations of racism do exist, whether or not you choose to acknowledge it.
LOL, of course you are more concerned with those poor good white souls being accused of racism than you are with racism itself. That pretty much says it all.
So you think it's okay to recklessly and falsely accuse someone of racism. No big deal, it's just a white person and their great-grandfather was probably a slave owner anyway so they deserve such treatment, right? THAT says it all.
You are why we make no progress on this issue.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 25
LOL, of course you are more concerned with those poor good white souls being accused of racism than you are with racism itself. That pretty much says it all.
Who the hell is this troll? Nancy Pelosi?
Being a racist is perhaps actually eclipsed by those who use their race as a cudgel.
OMG, she just won't stop. How many ways can she try to draw K8 out? Or try to generate interest in a photo that really doesn't need all this chatter? She must be feeling better, I guess that's the positive take-away to all these vapid comments.
miloandjack2016 Doesn't the look on Shoka's face seem to say "Hannah...honey I understand!" #Priceless #DogsMakeLifeBetter. @kateplusmy8
miloandjack2016@jamiepumpkin3 LOL. You have me confused now. Is Joel in the background? Where is Joel?
I have naturally wavy/curly hair and use Diva Curl products because they don’t weigh my hair down and I seem to remember that, at one point, TFW was using Carol’s Daughter hair products for the girls. I don’t have to tame any frizz so I don’t want products with silicone I want products that will enhance the curl.
Being a racist is perhaps actually eclipsed by those who use their race as a cudgel.
Much like how those who have consensual sex are despicable for accusing the man of rape later so too is it totally unacceptable for someone to make up a racist allegation without knowing it to be true. I find it really interesting that white Gloria has swooped in all Blind Side style to save the racism victim. I find it rather interesting no one from the movement itself is taking the bait on this one. Maybe they got some rationality. Says a lot.
Former Lurker(5)
Kate is definitely out of the loop now. She doesn't appear to have an agent, so she's reduced to sitting at home, waiting for her phone to ring. If she had an agent, she'd have someone scouting for opportunities like CBB for her. But I think she's too cheap to commit to giving anyone 15% of her pay, so she has only herself to blame.
I have never been in a TJ Maxx store. I looked online, and there's one close to where one of my sons has lessons twice a week. I usually run errands and shop while he's there, so I'll check it out during one of our lesson nights.
I find it really interesting that white Gloria has swooped in all Blind Side style to save the racism victim.
I think Gloria and her daughter are competing to see who can take on the most unsupportable cases.
Unless WalMart has a sign that says African American customers must ask for assistance, Allred has her work cut out for her.
Fleecing The Sheeple said...
Yes, infant formula is often stolen and sold on the black market (no racism intended)!
By the way, could you tell us if your new caftan has a floral print or geometric motif? Inquiring minds want to know.
Fleecing- It's floral - black with big pink roses haha. I 'd have preferred a geometric design but there were none.
I'll model it on the veranda fashion show runway this spring.
You will find Wegmans locks up their mushroom truffles in a special case. It’s really embarrassing when I have to be escorted like a common criminal to go unlock it.
Just kidding I’m way too riff raff to buy those, I’m the reason it has a lock.
This is ridiculous...Walmart will not have to show what their shrinkage is...that’s not what this is about...as long as they’re following store policy they don’t have to explain themselves...this person has to prove racism...good luck with that!
It’s not even worth talking about...it will be thrown right out..been there done that!! It won’t even be entertained..
This Walmart story isn't getting a lot of press. In every article written about it that allows comments, the comments are overwhelmingly pro-Walmart. They have every right to protect their assets against theft. Gloria Allred was hoping for some major public outcry and a boycott, which she could leverage to get a quick settlement. Problem is, Walmart is sticking to their guns and the general public understands why some items are locked up. If Walmart throws money at her, I will be very disappointed.
Of course they do. “It’s policy” is not a defense. A court can decide that a policy is discriminatory.
You don’t know what you’re talking about. A judge will have to decide what they have to disclose or not, and this is if it even makes it to court. What’s more likely is Walmart will file a motion for summary judgement to dismiss, which will be granted. Long before significant discovery is exchanged. And as a taxpayer I thank them. JR is correct, the burden is on her to prove racism, not on Walmart to prove they are not racist as you seem to think. Do you understand burdens of proof? You don’t seem to. This woman is embarassing herself and the movement. Vexatious litigant.
I am very sorry it is inconvenient for law-abiding customers to get their products out of a lock box, but that's why Walmart does it, because they have tracked the stats and figured out what gets stolen.
Admin, what upset me was none of the three stores gave interest in how, who etc. I am glad to learn things are changing.
Walmart will not have to show what their shrinkage is...that’s not what this is about...as long as they’re following store policy they don’t have to explain themselves...this person has to prove racism...good luck with that!
What would this person's damages be? Seeking compensatory, punitive or what?
"Who the hell is this troll? Nancy Pelosi?"
lol!! Nancy is away for her monthly botox treatments.
Is the troll:
a. Poppy
b. Guy Diamond
c. Fuzzbert
d. Biggie
e. Harper
f. None of the above
Or just a minor troll?
Hey, whatever happened to Mrs. Uggs? Is she still waiting for her swim party invite from TFW?
That pretty much says it all.
In all the 60 yrs of my life, the only time I feel racism is when others point out they are different than I am. We teach others how to treat us.
I read someone's idiotic reasoning that this actually applies to the Walmart hair product case:
Seems absurd to me.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 15
Former Lurker (#5), I live a few miles from where Big Brother is filmed. The high today was 87 degrees. Eat your heart out, Schmoopy.
TFW must be so upset to have missed out on a chance to be in warm, sunny CA for a few weeks in February. Boo hoo, poor TFW.
I don’t know who the troll is but I do know my business...I think I know more about this than the average person since I was in management in the biggest store for a well known company..we had to deal with this so many times...not giving myself props but I’m telling you this will get no where...and store policy is very important...everything is in writing for a reason...to protect themselves....EINSTEIN!!!
miloandjack2016 Shoka is a perfect #TherapyAndSupportDog! He has been w/you all from the early toddler days! This warms my heart. Dogs give free endless unconditional hugs and love! ❤ Can you even imagine life w/out them now @kateplusmy8 ?
"He has been w/you all from the early toddler days!"
Um, except for the period of time after she got rid of him (Shoka) and Nala.
"Can you even imagine life w/out them now @kateplusmy8 ?"
Again, yes she can imagine it because she did live without Shoka (and Nala) for a period of time.....until TLC decided to bring back Shoka for episode material. Lucky Nala escaped for good. I hope she's enjoying a great life with a wonderful family.
"Dogs give free endless unconditional hugs and love!"
A policy of escorting a customer to the register is not discriminatory...PROVE IT???? So ridiculous
JR said... 45
I don’t know who the troll is but I do know my business...I think I know more about this than the average person since I was in management in the biggest store for a well known company..we had to deal with this so many times...not giving myself props but I’m telling you this will get no where...and store policy is very important...everything is in writing for a reason...to protect themselves....EINSTEIN!!!
I really appreciate your insight.
Gloria Allred is always an interesting subject!
RE: Celeb Big Brother. I'm betting Kate wasn't invited. I'm also betting the sheep will ask if she was, and she'll say she turned it down.
Because, you know, kids. Single mom. Jon was abducted by aliens a few years back.
Something along those lines.
Unlike Omarosa, who still has her D-list violin fine tuned! She's still got lots of reality tv mileage left on her fame whore tires.
I’ve seen people fired over high shrinkage ...management and employees and I took over those stores and stopped the bleeding...but it’s scary to know that your livelihood can depend on how protective you are with your merchandise...in my opinion if it’s a high end product it should under lock and key if possible ...this utter nonsense
Sorry I’m on a rant but this really infuriated me...and being on my third glass of wine is not helping
This is for our troll who thinks being escorted to the checkout line is a form of discrimination.
(And, another TJ Maxx story.) Sunday, I purchased a watch from behind the jewelry counter in that store. I had several other items in my cart that could not be purchased at that register.
A salesperson from the jewelry department walked with me (horrors!) to the checkout counter.
Did TJ Maxx decide to discriminate against older, white, short women that day?
I was not embarrassed. The sales rep and I chatted the entire distance. It was not a shameful perp walk. I knew they were protecting their merchandise. It would have been so easy for me to slip the watch into my purse or even to put it on my wrist. I suspect such thefts have taken place and the store takes precautions to prevent the temptation.
Common sense!
Layla said... 31
Former Lurker(5)
Kate is definitely out of the loop now. She doesn't appear to have an agent, so she's reduced to sitting at home, waiting for her phone to ring. If she had an agent, she'd have someone scouting for opportunities like CBB for her. But I think she's too cheap to commit to giving anyone 15% of her pay, so she has only herself to blame.
Layla, I think it's not that TFW is too cheap to pay an agent, but rather no agent will take her on as a client. She's blown so many opportunities and she really has proven to not be marketable at all. The only thing she ever had going for her was the novelty factor being a "mom of eight", and that novelty has worn off a long time ago. She's been yesterday's news for a very long time.
JR said... 48
Sorry I’m on a rant but this really infuriated me...and being on my third glass of wine is not helping
Layla, I think it's not that TFW is too cheap to pay an agent, but rather no agent will take her on as a client. She's blown so many opportunities and she really has proven to not be marketable at all. The only thing she ever had going for her was the novelty factor being a "mom of eight", and that novelty has worn off a long time ago. She's been yesterday's news for a very long time.
Kate has to have some representation, no? I really wouldn't be surprised if Julie Carson May dropped her.
I mean, she's really dropped off the charts, more than ever in her carnival-barker career.
I must be living on some other planet, because I've never noticed products looked up in a store. I haven't been in a Walmart in over ten years, maybe close to twenty, and I rarely even go to Target. I do most of my shopping online, other than the weekly grocery store run and the monthly trip to the warehouse club.
I didn't even know locking products up was a thing until I read about this lawsuit. If I couldn't just take the products I wanted off the shelf and toss them in my shopping cart, but had to get a store clerk to unlock it, I have to say I'd probably never shop there again. That just sounds like a real pain in the neck and a waste of time. I like to get in and out of the store as fast as possible. Every week I fly through the grocery store as quickly as possible, then I bag my own groceries so I can get out of there ASAP. Whenever my husband or kids are with me, I drive them crazy because I walk so fast and I constantly nag them to pick up the pace and let's get this over with. I just hate to shop.
Thank goodness for Amazon. Just today they delivered several pairs of headphones we needed for our iPhones and iPads and ordered over the weekend. And, last week we ordered and received a shipment of light bulbs that we used to buy at Home Depot. Amazon is just so much easier.
A comment just posted on TFW's Instagram:
ella_stednick My mom just saw u at the ups j am jealous
Amendment to my post at #55: Dmasy's post (#51) reminded me that at our local warehouse club store they have the jewelery in locked cases and you have to request help to look at something. I'd have to check, but I don't think they walk customers over to the registers; I think they ring it up right at the jewelery counter. I'll have to look next time I'm there.
Whenever my husband or kids are with me, I drive them crazy because I walk so fast and I constantly nag them to pick up the pace and let's get this over with. I just hate to shop.
I wish I could take you on a relaxing visit to shop at my Wegmans- not at peak hours, tho!
We could get a little shopping done, then hit up the Pub inside for some libations and delicious plates.
Other than food shopping, which I generally don't mind and in fact, enjoy since I LOVE to cook, I have little patience for shopping.
I've gotten so much clothes shopping done at Costco because, hell, I don't have to make another trip somewhere else!
And of course, I'm an Amazon Primer for many years now.
Can't imagine life without it.
Former Lurker said... 56
A comment just posted on TFW's Instagram:
ella_stednick My mom just saw u at the ups j am
Oh, ella, tell you mom to raise you better ;-)
It may be true that nobody wants to represent Kate. I remember we discussed some of the terms of Kate's contract with JCM here (I think the contract was in Robert's book. Correct me if I'm wrong) and it said that if Kate didn't make at least $350,000 a year from this representation, the contract could be terminated. It would be impossible for someone to guarantee her that much work now. The talk shows don't even want her to appear for free. Once upon a time, she expected her own talk show or a seat on The View/The Talk, or maybe a fitness/cooking/organizing show or to work with Michelle Obama (that one still makes me laugh). It's not even reasonable for her to hope for such things now. The best she'll ever get is a few more specials from TLC. Otherwise, nobody wants her. They didn't want her in 2011 when she was far more popular, and they certainly don't want her now. Even the fans have stopped suggesting new show ideas for her.
Former Lurker (#46), you know who else was with the kids even before their early toddler days? Their brother C. Yet TFW seems to have adapted to his absence quite easily.
Kate’s done! She’s the crazy dog lady now...every neighborhood has one..
OMG, do you remember when Kate said that talk about her working with Michelle Obama (healthy eating or exercise?) was "floating around".
Kate seems to not understand the concept of bona fides.
JR said... 63
Kate’s done! She’s the crazy dog lady now...every neighborhood has one..
Hey, I resemble that remark ;-)
I'm a crazy dog lady, but honestly, looking at other peoples' dogs is a lot like looking at other peoples' kids.
A little goes a long ways.
In other famewhore news, US just published Amy Duggar saying she wants to adopt the Turpin kids. A good narcissist can insert herself into any situation.
Has anyone read anywhere a connection of the "metoo", "timesup" movement affecting the Duggars.
In a time when women are coming forward talking about being abused and about abuse being covered up, you'd think Josh and Jim Boob would come to mind.
A child molester and ambitious father and mother who protected him.
"TFW must be so upset to have missed out on a chance to be in warm, sunny CA for a few weeks in February. Boo hoo, poor TFW."
And she could've enjoyed it with Skeeve. She's so important she needs a bodyguard of course. She'd be like, "What dogs?"
Tucker's Mom (64)
Oh, it was floating around, alright. Too bad it was only floating around in her head.
Other than food shopping, which I generally don't mind and in fact, enjoy since I LOVE to cook, I have little patience for shopping.
Enter Walmart for me, which is doing test markets of their grocery pick up service. I have found it incredible. They charge NO fee for this service. You need only swing by their back door and collect your grocery bags. You select it all online. They have saved me hours upon hours and a lot of stress.
I really can't believe how ungrateful that customer is. Time is one of the most precious things you can give back to someone, and Walmart is giving me back my time on their dime. But maybe if they have to unlock everything they will no longer be able to afford such a thing.
The locked up items I think is a regional thing. If you live in a low crime area you might not see that. Los Angeles and surrounding areas most stores always have a variety of random stuff locked up, depending on the store.
Entire convenient store stock are locked up at some stores. You tell the cashier what you would like to buy and he goes and gets it for you. It's like the 19th century mercantile!
ncgirl (#68), if she'd been offered the Big Brother gig, TFW would've had her bags packed in a heartbeat, and left the 7 kids and 3 dogs without a second thought. Peace out, losers.
The big prize is half a million bucks. A struggling single mom could buy a lot of pepper plants with that.
Of course you weren't embarrassed, because your experience as an older white woman is not the same as the experience of an African American. How can people seriously not get the difference? What is so difficult to comprehend about the reality that class, race, gender, etc. influence interactions and perceptions
And that's the problem, your statement is merely an opinion, not a fact, and one I don't believe. I don't believe any of those things play the slightest role for most modern people today. The vast majority of people are not racist, sexist, or otherwise biased against anyone, and would treat this woman the same no matter what she looked like. It is really sad when people have no appreciation for how far we've come and how COOL most people are, of all races. The movement does not want to embrace each other and this progress, they want to create division and paranoia.
The reality is the world is not perfect. There will be annoyances. Things will be locked up you want, you will encounter an asshole cop, asshole doctor, asshole professor, asshole boss, asshole coworkers. You will encounter people that are so rude to you you could just spit. Things won't work out, or be delayed, or people will dick around with you. All things that have happened to me as a white woman. Because people aren't perfect, and some outright suck, and they would suck no matter what color you or anybody else is.
I can think of at least three or four real world annoyances only just this week that happened to me. Obviously it can't be because I'm black.
Unfortunately some people, thankfully a small number, are unable to identify what is racism and what is just the world is not one big plush cushion laid out for you and is full of lots of little roadblocks. Thankfully the movement seems to have categorized this as simply not worth the bother. Take a page.
I watched this video yesterday. All I could think of was The Jetsons. Amazon's grocery store is located in Seattle. Has anyone posting here been to this place? Sheepless in Seattle?
I’ve seen people fired over high shrinkage ...management and employees and I took over those stores and stopped the bleeding...but it’s scary to know that your livelihood can depend on how protective you are with your merchandise...in my opinion if it’s a high end product it should under lock and key if possible ...this utter nonsense
Most people are very ignorant to how thin the margins can be in these situations and how much of a difference it usually makes to focus on loss prevention. Just unlock the 60 cent comb no big deal may be no big deal to YOU, but you have no idea what the books look like and what that means.
It's even worse in the restaurant industry. A stolen olive oil or two can tip you into the red.
Who the hell is this troll? Nancy Pelosi?
Chuck Schumer.
a. Poppy
b. Guy Diamond
c. Fuzzbert
d. Biggie
e. Harper
f. None of the above
Or just a minor troll?
LOL!! I'd say a Bergen, perhaps Chef!
That just sounds like a real pain in the neck and a waste of time. I like to get in and out of the store as fast as possible. Every week I fly through the grocery store as quickly as possible, then I bag my own groceries so I can get out of there ASAP.
Amazon and online shopping works for many people, but some, like members of the older generation, enjoy brick and mortar stores. It gets them out of the house, and in a way, it's a social experience. They like to touch, feel, see, examine what they are buying. In a way, it's kind of therapeutic for them to do so and they may look forward to it.
Am I the only one here who giggles every time I read the word "shrinkage?"
Speaking of Seinfeld...I do hope GollyGee is okay.
Amazon and online shopping works for many people, but some, like members of the older generation, enjoy brick and mortar stores. It gets them out of the house, and in a way, it's a social experience. They like to touch, feel, see, examine what they are buying. In a way, it's kind of therapeutic for them to do so and they may look forward to it.
I get so much social interaction at every second of the day the last thing I want to do is wander around a grocery store.
For some people it works for them and especially if they have more time enjoy running into someone from church there, from yoga class, etc. Enjoy chatting with employees. All the power to them, I just want my groceries and get a few hours relaxing at home.
Oh and those "real people" are following orders from corporate headquarters, so I highly doubt most of them feel they've been personally labeled racists. You're projecting.
1. you don't know this came from corporate. Local stores may have broad discretion to maintain statistics and implement anti theft locking devises where they see appropriate. What is a hot item in NY may not be of interest in LA.
2. you are making a huge assumption that an employee wouldn't be offended and will fall back on "I was just following orders." You don't know how people would feel. I don't care who gave me the order, if an order is racist, I have an ethical obligation to refuse to carry it out, and I would be very upset if someone told me something I did was racist when it was not, as I would have refused to do so if it was. But then that's me actually having some value, pride, and stake in the employment, as you can bet many Walmart employees do. Perhaps you have never taken your work seriously, and so wouldn't relate to that.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 76
Am I the only one here who giggles every time I read the word "shrinkage?
Ha! No. In fact, George was the first thing that came to mind when I read "shrinkage".
The locked up items I think is a regional thing. If you live in a low crime area you might not see that. Los Angeles and surrounding areas most stores always have a variety of random stuff locked up, depending on the store.^^^^^^^^^^
Went to my in-laws Costco in NJ and was shocked to see that you had to put a quarter in this thingy on the handle to release it.
Thankfully, we don't have that at any grocery store near me, nor do we have those poles that don't allow you to take your cart to your car.
Damn...I should have thought to call Gloria...
Sorry about the dog remark but Kate uses these dogs to fill up her lonely life...she’s cut herself off from family and friends mainly due to her greed and selfishness... her kids don’t need her as much so I feel she’s trying to fill a void...don’t you think she’s a little self obsessed with these dogs? Maybe she should try and have a relationship with some people she has thrown away...I just think she leads a very lonely life...
I could see crying discrimination if products are locked up and you are only escorted to pay for them if you are black.
Should Walmart unlock the cabinet and hand the product over to a white person to bring to the cashier themselves, while a black person has to be escorted, then that's discrimination.
Of course, it is less likely that a white person would be purchasing a product made more specifically for people of color, but it can happen. And they should also be escorted.
And yes, while I do agree that some people who are not black purchase products to straighten hair, or keep it from becoming frizzy, etc., those products are marketed for black people, so I can see a black person being upset they have to ask for their product to be unlocked and then be escorted, but to me that would be because of the inconvenience of having to wait for someone to unlock it, not because I need the escort.
So I guess Jon did not get custody of Hannah...
Went to my in-laws Costco in NJ and was shocked to see that you had to put a quarter in this thingy on the handle to release it.
Thankfully, we don't have that at any grocery store near me, nor do we have those poles that don't allow you to take your cart to your car.
lol!! I went to breakfast today and the newspapers were locked up outside in a machine thingy. I had to put change in there to get a newspaper. I felt so discriminated against.
I hate those carts with the poles. Some of the dollar stores here have them and some don't, depending on the area.
Where's Gloria!
JR said... 83
Sorry about the dog remark but Kate uses these dogs to fill up her lonely life...she’s cut herself off from family and friends mainly due to her greed and selfishness... her kids don’t need her as much so I feel she’s trying to fill a void...don’t you think she’s a little self obsessed with these dogs? Maybe she should try and have a relationship with some people she has thrown away...I just think she leads a very lonely life..
Dog lover or not, it raises flags that Kate was outwardly hateful and disdainful of the dogs.
She sent Shoka and Nala away and only brought Shoka back.
First-hand accounts from Robert and Jon report that Kate allowed the dogs to live in filth and keeps then caged way too much.
It's the incongruity that reeks of something here.
And yeah, it's boring to see dog pics over and over, especially when they are SO mediocre.
I could entertain a Twitter audience of dog lovers with daily photos of my dogs- I believe- with MUCH better photos using my iPhone, not to mention, by Canon SLR with a variety of lenses and techniques.
That's what it would take to make a monolithic theme interesting.
Kate is definitely NOT a visual person ;-)
Where's Gloria!
She and her offspring, Lisa, have become laughingstocks, and they are laughing all the way to the bank.
Rainbowsandunicorns said... 88
I just read that Netflix has a documentary coming in February, "Seeing Allred." Talk about a famewhore's dream. She's 76 now, I can't imagine she has too many more ambulance-chasing cases in her future.
I just read that Netflix has a documentary coming in February, "Seeing Allred." Talk about a famewhore's dream. She's 76 now, I can't imagine she has too many more ambulance-chasing cases in her future.
Probably not, but Lisa will take over. I would think that she has many more years ahead of her to chase after those ambulances. She's learned from the best.
so I can see a black person being upset they have to ask for their product to be unlocked and then be escorted, but to me that would be because of the inconvenience of having to wait for someone to unlock it, not because I need the escort.
Inconvenience? Perhaps, but are we so impatient that we can't wait for a product case to be unlocked?
When I was a kid, there were bathroom stalls that were kept locked, and you had to pay to use them, blacks and whites. What an outrage there would be today, and cries of discrimination if a black person couldn't get into the stall.
Tucker's Mom said... 58
Whenever my husband or kids are with me, I drive them crazy because I walk so fast and I constantly nag them to pick up the pace and let's get this over with. I just hate to shop.
I wish I could take you on a relaxing visit to shop at my Wegmans- not at peak hours, tho!
We could get a little shopping done, then hit up the Pub inside for some libations and delicious plates.
Tucker's Mom, that sounds like fun. I've never been to a Wegmans, but I hear they're nice. I might actually manage to visit one while traveling some time later this year.
Although I complained about grocery shopping and said I try to do it as quickly as possible, I do actually share your love of cooking. I spend quite a bit of time finding and trying new recipes and tweaking them.
So, in case you or anyone is interested, I made this terrific salmon dish the other night. I highly recommend it:
By the way, that's a really great recipe website. I've made tons of her recipes, and probably most of her salmon recipes. They're all excellent.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 62
Former Lurker (#46), you know who else was with the kids even before their early toddler days? Their brother C. Yet TFW seems to have adapted to his absence quite easily.
FlimsyFlamsy, excellent point. It's so sad...not just for C, but for all of them.
Tucker's Mom said... 64
OMG, do you remember when Kate said that talk about her working with Michelle Obama (healthy eating or exercise?) was "floating around".
Kate seems to not understand the concept of bona fides.
LOL, that was sooo funny! She's delusional.
Sheepless In Seattle said... 77
That just sounds like a real pain in the neck and a waste of time. I like to get in and out of the store as fast as possible. Every week I fly through the grocery store as quickly as possible, then I bag my own groceries so I can get out of there ASAP.
Amazon and online shopping works for many people, but some, like members of the older generation, enjoy brick and mortar stores. It gets them out of the house, and in a way, it's a social experience. They like to touch, feel, see, examine what they are buying. In a way, it's kind of therapeutic for them to do so and they may look forward to it.
Sheepless In Seattle, that's a good point and I totally understand that.
Hmm, maybe I'll change when I'm a bit older? For now, I have to admit that I'm one of those people who tends to get annoyed by almost everything and anything while shopping. Every time I'm grocery shopping, I say nasty things in my head when people are chit chatting and blocking the aisles as if they're the only ones in the store. Then there are the distracted shoppers chatting on their phones and I'm screaming in my head, "Are you here to shop for groceries or to chew the fat on the phone?!"
I know, I know, I sound like a crabby old lady. I'm actually pretty nice to everyone, I just silently steam in my head. ;)
JR said... 83
Sorry about the dog remark but Kate uses these dogs to fill up her lonely life...she’s cut herself off from family and friends mainly due to her greed and selfishness... her kids don’t need her as much so I feel she’s trying to fill a void...don’t you think she’s a little self obsessed with these dogs? Maybe she should try and have a relationship with some people she has thrown away...I just think she leads a very lonely life...
JR, I kind of think she's not really that into the dogs. I actually think she fakes it for Instagram because she really has nothing else going on in her life to post about. She's using the dogs and faking it just to have something to post on IG and she knows people will comment on the pics and videos.
If she didn't post any dog pics, what in the world would she post on IG? She seems to go nowhere interesting. I've never seen a more boring, isolated life.
JR, I kind of think she's not really that into the dogs. I actually think she fakes it for Instagram because she really has nothing else going on in her life to post about.
I don't believe she is a dog lover either. I can't figure how the "obsession" with them on instagram ties into that belief. My best guess is just clickbait and her own ineptness at what makes an interesting instagram with a wide variety of offerings. And the kids are resisting allowing her to take photos of THEM.
Hmm, maybe I'll change when I'm a bit older? For now, I have to admit that I'm one of those people who tends to get annoyed by almost everything and anything while shopping
Confession, me too. I find the experience stressful and resist it.
Like I said, Walmart has given me a blessing with pick up grocery options.
Tucker's Mom, that sounds like fun. I've never been to a Wegmans, but I hear they're nice.
"Nice" doesn't begin to scratch the surface of that beautiful store. :)
Lurker- thanks for the salmon recipe. The sauce sounds delicious and I'm going to make it. I just started eating salmon and actually enjoying it. HATED it forever! Like...gag...
Weird, huh?
Well, Wegmans connection here. I really wanted DH and me to eat more fish high in good, healthy fats and salmon fits that bill. It's ubiquitous, not terribly expensive, easy to prepare in a million different ways.
I decided that Wegmans' prepared "salmon with crab stuffing" just might be a gateway salmon. It's a filet with crab stuffing piled on top that you just pop into a hot oven and 25 minutes later...dinner!
It's crab! How bad could it be?
DH and I both loved it, and now, I'm trying salmon prepared all sorts of ways. In fact, we went to Bonefish Grill tonight for dinner, and I ate all healthy and shit!
Grill salmon with broccoli and spinach sides.
OK, I'm done talking salmon!
When I was a kid, there were bathroom stalls that were kept locked, and you had to pay to use them, blacks and whites. What an outrage there would be today, and cries of discrimination if a black person couldn't get into the stall.
Yep, this is how far we have come. We're regressing now. Really sad to watch.
Inconvenience? Perhaps, but are we so impatient that we can't wait for a product case to be unlocked?
And even worse, when busy life throws yet another annoyance or inconvenience to you as it will all the time, we must immediately turn our minds to RACISM?
What a world.
She and her offspring, Lisa, have become laughingstocks, and they are laughing all the way to the bank.
Lisa Bloom pretty much sealed the nail on her coffin when the media finally did a good thing and exposed her elaborate kickback scandal where she was arranging for payouts of in some cases over half a million dollars for Trump sex stories, then turning around and selling them to the media for a profit for herself.
Ladies, sell your stories DIRECTLY to the media. Lisa is a middle man you don't need.
A store manager confirmed this and said that these products are kept under lock and key due to "high theft issues," and it is not a racist act by the company.
Walmart said:
"We do not tolerate discrimination of any kind at Walmart. We serve more than 140 million customers weekly, crossing all demographics, and are focused on meeting their needs while providing the best shopping experience at each store. We’re sensitive to this situation and also understand, like other retailers, that some products such as electronics, automotive, cosmetics and other personal care products are subject to additional security. Those determinations are made on a store-by-store basis using data supporting the need for the heightened measures. While we’ve yet to review a complaint, we take this situation seriously and look forward to addressing it with the court."
Walmart gave a very classy statement saying this absolutely was not racism, they keep statistics on this to monitor theft rates, it was all about theft, this is the first time they have EVER had a complain about this, and they'll see this lady in court.
They are so freaking classy. I hope she has to pay their attorney fees.
They also talked to a store manager who said sorry, there was a high theft rate of those products, it is what it is.
you don't know this came from corporate
I didn't pull that out of my ass. The woman who filed the lawsuit stated that she was told it was a policy from corporate.
Read their statement. They explained to you each story keeps track of their theft stats and locks up accordingly.
So it wasn't decided by corporate but rather the individual store based on their own stats.
Did you send thank you notes to all those sweatshop workers, child laborers and underpaid U.S. workers who have enabled you to save precious time?
None of my food was made in a sweatshop or by children, and the workers are paid FAIR wages for the work of bagging groceries and bringing them out. In LA, they just got a minimum wage hike. In addition, the Trump-raise has made almost everyone's paycheck go up. Most saw it a few days ago.
And that's the difference between me and you, I am a capitalist and you are a communist. I don't resent the free market nor think jobs should be priced out at more than they are actually WORTH, I embrace it.
All of the workers I have encountered so far are under 20 and look to be high schoolers. One asked me about my college license plate and indicated she was hoping to go there next year. I gave her a business card and told her let me know if you need anything. Isn't it wonderful I don't resent the opportunities Walmart has given them to save up some money, learn some work ethic and do something productive with their time, while at the same time, not making so much money that it starts to make sense to do this forever instead of college, which would be a shame.
I am quite happy with my morality in my interactions with this establishment. Thanks for your self-righteousness though, it nearly put me to sleep when I've been needing some Zzz's.
Of course you don't believe that race and class matter in modern society, because you are a privileged white woman
No, I am not "privileged", I was someone who was able to crawl out from a family that was nearly living in poverty with my wits, my hard work, and my willingness to take on a whole lot of debt, (debt that is available to anyone if they want to take it on), in the belief that it would be worth it in the end (it was). You haven't the foggiest clue what you are talking about.
My colleagues are almost all minorities and all have done the same, except they got more scholarships than me because they were eligible for minority scholarships. Nobody had mommy or daddy pay them a dime. We all got to exactly the same spot, so I don't know what "privilege" or not has to do with anything. We all got here, so how do you explain that?
White privilege is a liberal buzzword meant to shame good people they know nothing about.
Question, do you think buzzwords like that, or the movement, or constant cries of racism, are actually accomplishing any meaningful discussion or getting you anywhere other than in one big circle of whining?
I'll answer. No.
I'm glad I ignored all this as a young woman and just put my head down and did my work. I doubt I would have gone very far if I sat around whining about other people's privileges.
Thankfully, we don't have that at any grocery store near me, nor do we have those poles that don't allow you to take your cart to your car.
Ever have grocery carts whose wheels lock up you dare venture an inch beyond the last parking spot? Yipe!
That must be racist against the homeless, who need to steal those carts to carry their stuff around. Humph.
And no, white privilege isn't a liberal buzzword. And you don't understand what it means. It's not about money, it's about the privilege of being part of the dominant class. It's about all those little things you take for granted that non-white folk do not.
I understand exactly what this buzzword means and I bet I’ve read far more than you in the subject. I gave you some specific examples of the many ways I have certainly not come from “privilege,” one of them being the lie all white people have a rich parent buying their kid’s way or some other huge leg up financially. Or don’t you understand specific examples. Examples those who love to invoke this divisive lingo have failed to do. You say there have been all these little ways I have had a leg up. What little ways? What? Give examples. From my life, give examples of how I in fact didn’t get here on merit but by chance. Bullshit.
And again, you simply cannot explain how I have someone who is African American on my right and someone Hispanic and gay on my left and how in the world we all got to this same exact spot if white privilege is such an incredible bar to anyone but whites (usually, white men) having any kind of success in life.
It’s really sick that people want to tear down one’s accomplishments as only given by chance the color of their skin when in fact it was earned with every blood sweat and tear of their own gumption. It’s really sick you would suggest that it must be just chance if you are a minority but somehow made it past the white privilege vortex.
But at the end of the day your delusions cannot take this success away from people no matter how badly you want to. So terribly sick.
Rainbowsandunicorns said...
Inconvenience? Perhaps, but are we so impatient that we can't wait for a product case to be unlocked?
Personally, I know I’ve been shopping and wanted to purchase some razor refills and didn’t have the time to wait for someone to come open it. This was at Target in a “white” neighborhood.
Sometimes I have a lot of running around to do and have to be back in time for the kids getting out of school. It’s not about being impatient, it’s about time constraints.
Anyway, my point was that I can see it may be inconvenient (maybe not for you) but for others. But even if it’s not convenient, it’s not about racism.
My main point was that if only black people had to be escorted to the cashier, while white people are allowed to take the locked up product to to the cashier themselves, that could cause a cry of racism. But that doesn’t seem to be the case in the Walmart lawsuit.
My main point was that if only black people had to be escorted to the cashier, while white people are allowed to take the locked up product to to the cashier themselves, that could cause a cry of racism. But that doesn’t seem to be the case in the Walmart lawsuit.
And that's the fatal flaw in her lawsuit, people of all races have to deal with this lock up for a wide variety of products, many of which are used more by one ethnicity or the other, especially beauty products.
As Walmart said, see you in court.
LOL, did you really think they were going to say, "Yeah, you caught us. We have discriminatory policies in place." (And for the millionth time, I have not concluded that their actions were racist.)
LOL, yes, I did, if true.
Walmart has owned up to wrongdoing in the past, each and every time.
Oh LOOK, here's an apology for racism that occurred in a Montana store! https://www.aclumontana.org/en/press-releases/walmart-apologizes-racist-incident-bozeman-store
Here's an apology about a display: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2017/08/10/walmart-apologizes-own-school-year-like-hero-gun-display/555393001/
Here's an apology for something they wrote on their web site: http://money.cnn.com/2017/07/17/news/companies/walmart-racial-slur/index.html
Here's an apology for a costume they were selling: http://www.msnbc.com/way-too-early/watch/walmart-apologizes-for-fat-girl-costumes-348739651931
You should have done a research before declaring this company never handles matters like adults, including racism, when they are wrong.
So yes, if they were wrong here, they would have apologized like they always have.
Tucker's Mom, that sounds like fun. I've never been to a Wegmans, but I hear they're nice.
"Nice" doesn't begin to scratch the surface of that beautiful store. :)
We're getting one here...really coming up in the world and joining modern society. I wonder if the parking lot will have spaces and hitching posts for horse and buggies, like so many of our grocery stores have!
Former Lurker and Tucker's Mom,
You've inspired me to give salmon another try. I was never a fan, but I'm sure I can find a way to prepare it that I will like. It's so good for you--it's worth making an effort. Especially right now--my boys have signed up for a 12-week fitness challenge at their gym. That struck me as funny because they are all athletes and very fit, but they want to eat healthier and try to be more healthy overall. So, being the sucker that I am, I told them I'm on board, too. DH found that hilarious, since I view chocolate as a necessary food group, but I want to do it because I do the cooking at home, and my efforts in the kitchen will help the boys meet their goals. Plus I have about 6 pounds I'd like to get rid of.
Tucker's, that crab stuffed salmon sounds amazing. I love crab, so I bet I'll love it. We don't have a Wegman's in my town, but there's one up in Germantown, so I'll make the trek. Any other yummy things you can recommend? I'll make up a shopping list of good things to try.
Lanc Native,
I made a stop at the Costco in Lancaster last summer, and they had these stalls on one side of the parking lot. I was baffled, since you don't see those anywhere in Maryland. Then I saw an Amish family pull in with their horse and buggy and realized what they were for. It was just so quaint--so different from living where I do, in a crowded, busy suburb. Imagine someone trying to navigate with a horse and buggy in the DC area--it wouldn't be a pleasant experience.
Layla (#115), chocolate IS a necessary food group, and don't let anyone tell you any different!
We're getting one here...really coming up in the world and joining modern society. I wonder if the parking lot will have spaces and hitching posts for horse and buggies, like so many of our grocery stores have!
February 1, 2018 at 9:02 AM
Very exciting! One teensy weensy little problem that your Weggies will have is lack of an awesome and amazing selection of beer and wine ;-)
Man, I do not miss having to go to a separate store for that!
Tucker's, that crab stuffed salmon sounds amazing. I love crab, so I bet I'll love it. We don't have a Wegman's in my town, but there's one up in Germantown, so I'll make the trek. Any other yummy things you can recommend? I'll make up a shopping list of good things to try.
Wegmans has also got me eating sushi. I'm not an adventurous sushi eater. No raw fish, than you.
But they have all sorts of sushi and Vietnamese rolls made fresh daily, that are so delicious. Very low cal.
I love the anti pasti bar and get their balsamic Cipollini onions and marinated tomatoes and keep them on hand at all times now.
The prepared foods section is terrific. That's how I got to liking salmon-from their selection of crab-topped salmon.
You will be VERY tempted by their baked goods and selection of breads. The variety of baked goods, from breads to muffins to bagels to cookies to pastries to cakes is awesome (and tempting!). My favorite breads are the rosemary bread and "marathon" bread with cranberries.
A personal favorite is an Italian pastry called sfogliatelle, and Wegmans makes these mini sfo that are delightful.
The Wegmans brand is excellent and value priced. I've not found one Wegmans food product (cereal, oj, pasta, milk) that has disappointed me.
Have fun!
Tucker's Mom and Layla - Salmon is the only fish I ever eat. I didn't like it years ago, but I've really grown to love it using different recipes. You can search "salmon" on that recipe site I linked to and there are plenty of different recipes.
In addition to the Pecan Crusted Salmon with Lemon Glaze that I linked to yesterday, these are ones that I make all the time:
And, yes, Tucker's Mom, that crab stuffed salmon sounds good!
Tucker's Mom, I am so envious now. I really have to at least check out Wegmans later this year when I have a chance.
Thanks, Tucker's Mom! I have to drive one of my kids to an extracurricular activity, so I'm going to check out Wegman's while he's there. It always seems like a waste of time to drive back home and then go back to get him, so I like to find errands to run instead. I like sushi (cooked only), but my boys love it! They are far more adventurous eaters than I am. I'll have to pick some up for them. No baked goodies, at least for the next 12 weeks.
Former Lurker, those all look delicious! I definitely need to try them.
Flimsy Flamsy--so true! I did decide to make some changes in order to eat healthier. I found bags of mini Coffee Crisps on Amazon, so I'll sub the little ones for the full size bars. My boys won't be able to say I didn't make sacrifices for the fitness challenge!
Layla, good for you on your fitness challenge. I'm on one, too.
Winter weight, ugh!
My dogs, too!
I guess I'll need to shop for a swimsuit. Hey, Gloria...!
The fight over going topless on the beach in Ocean City has come up again after five women filed a complaint in Federal Court this week against the town and its mayor claiming discrimination.
The folks behind this lawsuit said it's about equality. The case was filed seven months after Ocean City passed an emergency rule banning women from being bare-chested in public.
It's a constitutional controversy that's been simmering over the sands of Ocean City: Who can be bare-chested on the beach by law?''
Eastern Shore native and "top freedom" advocate, Chelsea Eline, is leading the way.
WBAL TV-11 spoke with her lawyer, civil rights attorney Devon Jacob.
"Unfortunately, the town of Ocean City does not want to follow the law. And so, here we are. We're going to litigate it," Jacob said.
In June, Chelsea made it clear that she would be going bare-chested in the same places where men are allowed. Ocean City Mayor Rick Meehan and council fired back, first on Facebook, saying, "The town of Ocean City is not a topless beach and will not become a topless beach."
The following day, an emergency ordinance prohibited women from going topless in public areas, saying "This is a family resort."
"The idea that Ocean City is a family-friendly place is just a nice way of dressing up pure bigotry," Jacob said.
The plaintiffs said the ordinance is sexist and discriminatory. They want an injunction so that the ordinance can't be enforced and a formal declaration that it's unconstitutional.
"There are good men and women out there who are fighting for equality and you see it in the #MeToo movement, but you're seeing it here as well. This is where it starts, or rather, frankly, this is where it's going to end," Jacob said.
Last summer, Ocean City leaders said their decision was partially driven by a big backlash from concerned residents.
A statement from Meehan said:
“The Mayor and City Council firmly believe that Ocean City must continue to be a family resort that does not permit women to be topless on our beaches or in other public areas. As clearly stated in our emergency ordinance passed in June 2017, 'there is no constitutional right for an individual to appear in public nude or in a state of nudity. It does not implicate either the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, the right to privacy, or a protected liberty interest. It lacks any communicated value that might call for First Amendment protection.'
We will pursue all available legal options to ensure that this remains the case for the benefit of our residents and the millions of families who visit our town each year.”
Just got back from Wegman's, and I bought way too much. I got the crab stuffed salmon and crab cakes and sushi and loads of other stuff. We can't wait to try it!
There is a story in the Daily Mail (sorry, I can't link on my laptop) about the Willis clan. Turns out the dad raped FOUR of his daughters and exerted complete control over his family. The oldest daughter told a family counselor and the counselor reported it. Toby Willis's control over the kids was so complete that they didn't dare speak to each other about the abuse. None of the girls knew that the others were abused, and the older brothers say they had no idea what was happening to their sisters. They said they were packaged as a big, happy, perfect family for TV, but their reality was completely different. Now, they say, they feel like they have started to blossom and become their own people. It's heartbreaking to think of those poor girls, having to live with that and never talk about it. I hope they are getting help for the trauma they suffered. Thank goodness the mother sided with her daughters instead of Toby. They need her support.
There is a story in the Daily Mail (sorry, I can't link on my laptop) about the Willis clan. Turns out the dad raped FOUR of his daughters and exerted complete control over his family. The oldest daughter told a family counselor and the counselor reported it.
I think we feared it would be something like that. So the guy is a true pedophile, and going after his own daughters. That's horrible. Well done TLC, you really selected a nice family.
I guess I'll need to shop for a swimsuit. Hey, Gloria...!
The fight over going topless on the beach in Ocean City has come up again after five women filed a complaint in Federal Court this week against the town and its mayor claiming discrimination.
The folks behind this lawsuit said it's about equality. The case was filed seven months after Ocean City passed an emergency rule banning women from being bare-chested in public.
It's a constitutional controversy that's been simmering over the sands of Ocean City: Who can be bare-chested on the beach by law?''
You know I can't figure women out. One minute we are as prude as the puritans, horrified and requesting a fainting couch when we decide days later consensual sex was rape or a little ill advised butt pinch violated your very dignity and womanhood. The next we want to parade around nude suing as we go, demanding everyone see our breasts. This is quite interesting times.
For the record nudie beaches don't bother me one bit, as long as there are clear warnings it's a nudie beach in case they do bother somebody.
I like sushi (cooked only), but my boys love it! They are far more adventurous eaters than I am. I'll have to pick some up for them. No baked goodies, at least for the next 12 weeks.
My father and I have lunch dates at Wegmans when I'm home. I get to get my sushi or other ethnic foods (their sushi is great) he gets a nice cold cut sandwich made to order and maybe some homemade chips. We're both happy as a clam. We leave with some bagels for the morning.
Who would have thought a grocery store could offer such a pleasant place to enjoy lunch?
That's the angry troll's goal and I bet you dollars to donuts he or she is jealous of you and people like you who are successful, so they try to diminish and delegitimize it to drag you down to their level, in hopes that it will make them feel better about their sad, sorry, basement-dwelling, miserable life.
For those who believe in the school of thought that we are all "entitled" to equal finances, legs in life, etc., everything fair, hyper focused on all the little perceived things that are "unfair" I.e. communism, I think some of them have sincerely studied this on a scholarly level and have come to this conclusion after careful thought and research, fair enough.
But I do think there is also a large subset of this line of thinking that simply resents those who have found their leg up, on their own leg, and THAT's why they push this philosophy, because they can't stand that. I was not raised to resent other people solely for success and accomplishment and never have, but rather to rejoice in other's good fortune as one would want people to for them when their time comes. As Margaret Thatcher once so famously said, they would rather the poor be poorer provided the rich don't get richer. Exactly.
I'm always interested in the motivations behind great schools of thought like communism, I think it's fascinating.
Gotta love how you lectured me about doing research when your first example demonstrates that they don’t apologize each and every time. I guess you missed that part about initially refusing to apologize for a blatant act of racism until a formal complaint was filed.
The apology was issued after the matter was investigated. What's wrong with that? There are always two sides to the story and Walmart has every right to figure out what happened on their end before rushing to judgement.
I don't expect a business to apologize the SECOND a complaint is made. What I do expect, and what Walmart has done when there are disputes, is an investigation, an examination of the incident or incidents, followed by an assessment of what if any wrongdoing occurred. If the answer is wrongdoing, amends follow.
I guess you want businesses to apologize the snap second a complaint of racism is made, not taking into account the legal implications of that if in fact there was NOT any racism. I really can't stand you anti-business crowd. Ungrateful lot.
And you know what, it was NOT racism when Walmart put toilet cleaner on the poor man's fishing license.
That wasn't racist. It was just MEAN. There's a difference.
But, it was quite big of them to let him have the "racism" label, if that would help smooth it over for him and your obnoxious crowd.
I am looking forward to going to our new Wegman's after reading all these posts! I thought it would be inconvenient in the mall but well worth checking out. Thanks for all the comments on this store.
As for the Willis story, why do all these large families seem to harbor secrets of this nature ?
https://www.cnn.com/2018/02/02/us/larry-nassar-attack-court/index.html yesssss!!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 133
https://www.cnn.com/2018/02/02/us/larry-nassar-attack-court/index.html yesssss!!!!
OMG. I got tears in my eyes. I can't begin to imagine how that father feels, a big, strong guy like that not being able to get to that perverted weasel and kick and living crap out of him.
OMG. I got tears in my eyes. I can't begin to imagine how that father feels, a big, strong guy like that not being able to get to that perverted weasel and kick and living crap out of him.
That child molester is going to get ravaged in prison.
That's the angry troll's goal and I bet you dollars to donuts he or she is jealous of you and people like you who are successful, so they try to diminish and delegitimize it to drag you down to their level, in hopes that it will make them feel better about their sad, sorry, basement-dwelling, miserable life.
Dollars to donuts the angry troll is not a sheeple, but a non-fan who shows up on Kate's Twitter to bash admin. He/she has a penchant for doing that, and it's quite pathetic, actually. I'd hate to live like that.
For the record nudie beaches don't bother me one bit, as long as there are clear warnings it's a nudie beach in case they do bother somebody.
Especially if the resort is billed as a family resort, and there are very young children there who don't understand "equality" and why women would parade themselves around baring their breasts. I certainly wouldn't want to take my kids to a place like that and expose them (pun intended) to that. If they want a designed area of the beach for topless bathers, then fine, but to allow it at a public family-oriented place just isn't right. And no, I'm not a prude. If you want to get a suntan in your birthday suit, do it in your own backyard, apartment complex (see how that works out for you), or find a nude beach.
I won't be surprised if we find out the Duggars are hiding secrets like the Willis family.
If a father can blow off his son molesting 4, count'em, 4 of his own daughters and the mother plays along? It's probably even worse than we know.
Ocean City, Md. is *very* family friendly and if they lost that demographic because women need to tan and show off their breasts, they'd see a real hit in tourism dollars.
Just curious...Duggers clan, Turpins and Willis families all kids names begin with J...is there a hidden meaning?
Well Jon posted “Go Eagles” on IG so I guess TFW is now going to have to post a picture of her Super Bowl spread.
Kaitlin Jenner will pay about 800k as part of a settlement in that horrific crash three years ago.
And the judge let out the guy who tried to attack that child molestor this morning. Woot!
"Just curious...Duggers clan, Turpins and Willis families all kids names begin with J...is there a hidden meaning?"
I always thought the Duggars were J's because of the J in Jim Bob. Not sure about the others. Josh Duggar's children's names all start with M. But the other Duggar grandchildren don't have the same first letter.
Josh Duggar's children's names all start with M.
M for Michelle. Grandma.
Well Jon posted “Go Eagles” on IG so I guess TFW is now going to have to post a picture of her Super Bowl spread.
I saw a Super Bowl cake at the store this morning and had the same thought, waiting with bated breath for photos of that amazing spread. I am sure Milo will remind her.
Maybe the "J" is for Jesus? They do take their Bible seriously. Anyway hopefully Jim Boob left his girls alone. These child army families are becoming sickening.
Tucker's Mom (#138), I wouldn't be surprised either if there was more perversion in the Duggar home than has been reported. It's bad enough that, as you say, J had molested 4 of his own siblings. But one of them was FIVE YEARS OLD. And Mama and Papa Duggar, as well as 2 of his victims, brushed this off as teenage curiosity. So many secrets and lies, and yet their gravy train is still chugging along.
February 2, 2018 at 8:11 PM
FlimsyFlamsy said... 146
Tucker's Mom (#138), I wouldn't be surprised either if there was more perversion in the Duggar home than has been reported. It's bad enough that, as you say, J had molested 4 of his own siblings. But one of them was FIVE YEARS OLD. And Mama and Papa Duggar, as well as 2 of his victims, brushed this off as teenage curiosity. So many secrets and lies, and yet their gravy train is still chugging along.
Another instance where timing is everything.
If the Duggar scandal broke in the midst of the "me too" and "times up" movement, I don't think Jim Boob's brushing it off as adolescent curiosity and "Gee, Joshy only touched them over their clothing very briefly when they were sleeping and they don't even recall..." would have gone over well.
It NEVER should have been accepted as an excuse for why this family allowed a serial child molester to stay in their home.
The irony is that Josh is back in the fold, and Collin has been OUT for almost 2 years.
What has that little boy done to deserve this?
I'm waiting for Kate to post about the Super Bowl and act like she's rooting for the "home team" when she thinks Philly is gum on her shoe.
I'm waiting for Kate to post about the Super Bowl and act like she's rooting for the "home team" when she thinks Philly is gum on her shoe.
I'm waiting for her to say that she hopes the Vikings win because she thinks they are playing the Eagles on their home field!
Kaitlin Jenner will pay about 800k as part of a settlement in that horrific crash three years ago.
Isn't that just couch change for him/her?
Isn't that just couch change for him/her?
I don't know. Insurance may pay it out anyway. I don't know that they factor in how much money she has when calculating what is the fair number to pay.
Anyone watching I am Jazz this season? I have watched a few episodes and I am impressed with this brave girl, yet cracks are showing in her self-esteem as she comes closer to her reassignment surgery.
So it looks like C has been gone from his home for almost 2 years now. Who knows if he will ever be able to restore bonds with his siblings in any healthy, meaningful way.
Did TFW ever revel in her son's cuteness the way she does (or, at least pretends to do) with her dogs'? Did she ever offer that boy the priceless gift of unconditional love? Was he ever praised with the expression "#ThisMomsBestFriend?"
She is a horrible mother.
Anyone watching I am Jazz this season? I have watched a few episodes and I am impressed with this brave girl, yet cracks are showing in her self-esteem as she comes closer to her reassignment surgery.
Hey, that reminds me, whatever happened to that Jackie Evancho show? I saw one episode and never saw another again. Was that not supposed to be a series?
Well, Uma has spoken. At least she owns that she was part of the cloud cover (her words). Gotta give her some credit for admitting it.
Harvey’s actually speaking about this one! He’s claiming it was consensual. I can’t believe his nerve. I don’t believe it was consensual, even if it was, what kind of arrogance do you have to have to speak out right now? Yipe.
Harvey should shut up and find a cave to live in. He's a freaking neanderthal. And if it was so consensual, why did he apologize to her for his behavior? He' s talking out of his butt.
Harvey should shut up and find a cave to live in. He's a freaking neanderthal. And if it was so consensual, why did he apologize to her for his behavior? He' s talking out of his butt.
And it's just so funny it's important to him we know THAT ONE was consensual.
Like dude, you have dozens of other stories about you.
That's like saying I did NOT rob the entire bank's money, I took 95% of it!
I looked up Kenra's kids- they are very cute! Hank Jr has the usual Hollywood kid long hair boys seem to favor.
Weinstein's representative also sent photos that the spokesperson said "demonstrate the strong relationship Mr. Weinstein and Ms. Thurman had had over the years."
Oh, I see, so if you take a photo with someone that means they couldn't have assaulted you?
He really is a nut job.
Uma was also able to get the footage of her car crash on set after fighting for it for over a decade. Why hide the footage, Hollywood?
Uma said Quentin Tarantino more or less forced her to drive that car even though she protested. The car was not safe to drive. I think the man is twisted, judging by some of the film's he's put out there. What is with these guys with egos the size of a planet. They seem to think they're above the law just because they make movies.
AuntieAnn said... 163
Uma said Quentin Tarantino more or less forced her to drive that car even though she protested. The car was not safe to drive. I think the man is twisted, judging by some of the film's he's put out there. What is with these guys with egos the size of a planet. They seem to think they're above the law just because they make movies.
February 4, 2018 at 10:51 AM
Tarantino is a strange bird and his movies are often way overhyped.
Also, he's a real rhymes with shplooshbag.
When the Weinstein story broke wide open, he tweeted out that he was just agog...like Casablanca shocked!
That JERK knew exactly who Weinstein is but felt the need to insert himself into the equation because why?
Here's the Uma article with footage of the crash. Poor Uma...that was a BAD crash. Totally reckless and it needed to be handled properly, like by OSHA.
She's damn lucky to have walked away.
Those kinds of injuries will come back to haunt you as you get older.
She should have gotten some serious compensation.
Here's the Uma article with footage of the crash. Poor Uma...that was a BAD crash. Totally reckless and it needed to be handled properly, like by OSHA.
I guess Uma said Quentin Tarantino told her she has to hit 40 mph in that car, fast enough to make her hair blow, or he's going to make her do it again and again. She said this should be better suited for a stunt double and she was uncomfortable with the state of the rickety car. That should have been the end of the conversation, your actor is uncomfortable and is specifically stating why, go back to the drawing board and figure out how to do the stunt safely.
Parents of kids who act: If director can be assholes to adults, they can be so to children, too.
They totally lied to Uma. That road was treacherous with curves and it was obviously sandy. That would be like driving in snow.
Driving on sand feels like your car really lacks responsiveness, and you can see Uma getting out of control well before she hit that tree.
Was no one looking out for her well being? Instead, they acted like they were all put out with delays and costs...my God.
They totally lied to Uma. That road was treacherous with curves and it was obviously sandy. That would be like driving in snow.
Driving on sand feels like your car really lacks responsiveness, and you can see Uma getting out of control well before she hit that tree.
I'm guessing what happened is they thought they could do this scene safely with Uma, but when they saw the condition of the car, road and its conditions, plus her own protests, they realized it was probably more suited for a stunt double. But stunt doubles need to be lined up, they need to practice, they need special makeup and wardrobe. You can't just usually call one up just like that. So this was going to be a huge hit to the budget because of the delay.
Their annoyance with Uma really was annoyance with themselves for the screw up.
This reminds me of the tragic death of Sarah Jones, a crew member helping shoot a scene on railroad tracks. The crew knew they were trespassing but went ahead anyway, instead of spending the time and money to get the proper permits and do this safely.
Uma is lucky she didn't hit her head in just the right way for this accident to be fatal.
Actors should be able to call a SAG emergency hotline if they feel a stunt is unsafe and the director is making them do it anyway, or anything else is occurring on set that is unsafe or uncomfortable.
I don't know if such a thing exists, but it should.
Hannah is w Jon at a pub rooting for the Eagles. Cute shot on Jon’s IG.
Jon posted an Instagram picture with Colleen and Hannah at PJs Pub and Restaurant for the Super Bowl so we'll see if TFW pretends all the kids are super excited to spend the super bowl day with her.
Jon’s got a new IG up (with picture) and at least one of the girls is with him.
Wonder if Hannah is the only one there after all the hoopla over custody and shunning H and 'Jon' at the house?
Jon's Instagram post:
P.J. Whelihan's Pub + Restaurant
jongosselin1#pjsgameday Go �� E-A-G-L-E-S
Here's TFW's Super Bowl post from last year:
kateplusmy8When the Super Bowl spread is done... that means GAME ON! We are ready!! Come on Falcons, you can do this!!! #SuperBowlLI
February 5, 2017
Milo posted something about the Super Bowl on her Instagram (Milo's) specifically directed at TFW:
miloandjack2016Are you ready for some #Football!! Looks like #Chief_GSD has picked his spot and is ready for tonights #SuperBowl. ��
It's the Eagles Vs. the Patriots.
So @kateplusmy8 ...you have your home team from Philly to root for and I know you want to win this one cause the other team has that quarterback named "Tom"...�� Gotta root for the Eagles here myself. Hope you and the kids have a great time and you get to see the home team win.
And I have no doubt you have put out a fine spread of yummy delish snacks and food! #LoveIsInTheMix
#MomOfEightTeens ❤
Oh...and don't forget to channel the #PuppyBowl tonight! That's where the real action is...❤ #RescueDogsFromPuertoRico
Awww, look how happy Hannah looks! I bet she has a great time. The experience of being in a public place, surrounded by people cheering on the home team, is so different from being sequestered at home, watching the game in the basement with your siblings.
Milo will be so disappointed to see Hannah with her dead father. She's supposed to be at home enjoying her mother's "delish" food and making memories.
And there it is. But, what? Most of the kids aren't even home? Didn't Jon get the memo about who's supposed to be pretending this year? LOL
kateplusmy8 I am celebrating our food spread this year. Isn't it festive? I don't like either team, so we are watching and eating and celebrating but I couldn't care less who wins. #SuperBowl2018 #Whatever🙄 #BetterLuckNextYear 🏉🏉🏉
Reading her comment again, does someone sound more petulant than usual this year? Wonder what that's about. Could it be because TLC hasn't bothered with any new posts (most of which are not K8-related anyway) on their K8+8 FB page since January 17? Are they about to phase it out altogether?
Or is it because none of her kids has appeared for this year's "Super Bowl spread" photo (actually, three photos, all devoid of human and canine life)? If there are no kids, "Did it really happen?" This could be any spread, any year, frankly. Maybe it's all for Steve.
Check out Jon's twitter account. He has a video of him and Hannah at the pub.
Jon Gosselin@jgosselin10 3h
Eagles Super Bowl party at PJ Whelihans Hannah Gosselin in the house
I see TFW has posted her Super Bowl spread while adding she doesn't like either team. Long table, many forks and unimpressive eats.
She doesn’t like her HOME TEAM? What a putz. I can’t stay when people irrationally refuse to root for the home team.
Who the hell is going to eat all that food....we know at least two kids aren’t there...all that for six kids...and where are they anyway...did she actually do all that for a photo for instagram?
.....and why is Hannah with him and not the other kids...did he get more custody? Hmmmmm
She doesn’t like her HOME TEAM? What a putz. I can’t stay when people irrationally refuse to root for the home team.
She won't root for the Eagles because Jon is an avid Eagles fan. If she did root for the Eagles, then she'd have to admit that there is something that she and Jon agree with.
Jon's twitter said... 186
She won't root for the Eagles because Jon is an avid Eagles fan. If she did root for the Eagles, then she'd have to admit that there is something that she and Jon agree with.
She's the ultimate spoilsport, isn't she? The tone of her post is so petty and pouty, she frankly shouldn't have bothered. Who'd WANT to do any celebrating in the face of that bitchy attitude? Why'd ya bother, K8ie?
Well, if H is with her dad (RIP), and C is away at college, that means TFW has 6 kids maximum at home with her.
Looks like Kate threw the plastic cutlery down. I think she's pissed off Hannah is having a ball with Jon- the twitter video is cute and shows the banter between father and daughter. H looks so grown up, braces off- where's her party?- and happy to be with her dad. TFW is a sore loser and the other kids are paying- she threw that 'feast' on some table and pretend it's about not caring about the teams she doen't even know about.
kateplusmy8 I am celebrating our food spread this year. Isn't it festive? I don't like either team, so we are watching and eating and celebrating but I couldn't care less who wins. #SuperBowl2018 #Whatever🙄 #BetterLuckNextYear 🏉🏉🏉
OMG, she's such a child! The Eagles are Jon's team, so her Oppositional Defiant Disorder kicks in and she hates them.
I told you she thinks she's too good for Philly.
Kate's spread is very lack luster. Two pre-made shrimp rings, pre-made vegetable tray, forks just thrown on the table, very festive indeed.
And really, protest much, Kate. Grow up. The kids don't play football and Kate doesn't know a QB from a wide receiver.
She just has to be sure to get her digs into Jon.
Move on, woman!
I'm sure Milo will be raving over Kate's pathetic table.
Kate recently posted a picture of Hannah with the dog. Making sure people know Hannah does stay with her some.
The last 2 pictures of her spread look like last year pictures. The food seems to be repositioned.
I see TFW has posted her Super Bowl spread while adding she doesn't like either team. Long table, many forks and unimpressive eats.
Does she know who is playing?
he's the ultimate spoilsport, isn't she? The tone of her post is so petty and pouty, she frankly shouldn't have bothered. Who'd WANT to do any celebrating in the face of that bitchy attitude? Why'd ya bother, K8ie?
Exactly. Why bother? I can imagine the "you're not welcome" when the kids do their reflexive thanking for food.
What a puss!
And yes, she's pouting because Jon has Hannah. The twins don't give a crap, I'm sure. The two boys might watch.
Looks like it was all store-bought stuff.
Loved the Doritos/Mt Dew commercial with Peter Dinklage and Morgan Freeman. And the one with the football players doing the dance from "Dirty Dancing". The game is a nail-biter here at the end.
It’s so silly not to just pick a team and root for it. And why doesn’t she like her local team? Splain. They won Kate haha screw you.
I'm not happy but the Eagles deserved to win. Congrats to all the Eagles fans out there. And Kate...you're a first class putz.
Where is that spread anyway? It almost looks like it's on the floor. There's exercise equipment and a scooter right next to it. Let's party right next to all the equipment in the basement or garage.
Interesting convo on Jon’s twitter. I guess he’s still trying to fight the good fight.
proudly MADE in the USA (@trailoftears19): @jgosselin10 sorry to see your kids are going to be exploited AGAIN... per Kate’s IG. 👎 #go-fundme...🙏
Jon Gosselin (@jgosselin10): @trailoftears19 Not if I can help it
And in other news....TFW’s spread was pitiful. I didn’t have a team in the game but we were rooting for the Eagles because I wanted to see someone other NE win.
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