The recent shocking case of the Turpins, parents who starved and abused their 13 children for years, has a disturbing connection to
Kate Plus 8. According to family members, the family wanted to be just like the Gosselins.
"House of Horrors couple David and Louise Turpin wanted a 14th child so that they could land their own reality television show, it has been revealed. "She used to say how they would be perfect for TV and would often mention they would be bigger than the reality show Kate Plus 8," Billy Lambert, Louise Turpin's half brother, told the Sunday People. "It is the reason they moved to California to be nearer to Hollywood," Lambert said of Louise's desire to become a star, like Kate Gosselin and her children.
What say you about this, Kate?
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539 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 539 Newer› Newest»Hmmm...wants a large brood of kids for notoriety. Dresses them alike. Severe control of food. Corporal punishment. Isolation.
We've been saying for a couple days now I'm sorry but there are some creepy parallels. To Kate AND the Duggars. And here it is that the family wanted to be Kate! Freaking insanity!
Such an ugly story. I'm not at all surprised that the mother was so fascinated by Kate She'd definitely be one of those women who always says, "You'd do it too" about putting kids on reality TV, and claiming that Kate has the right to raise her kids any way she chooses. The typical Kate uber-fan.
Not saying all the fans are like this, certainly not, but this is PROOF that some of the fans of this woman are very, very bad people. She attracts some real doozies. At what point do you start reflecting?
I haven't followed this Turpin nightmare very closely mostly because it is so disturbing.
It's disturbing and there's so much info coming out I just haven't had the time to follow it closely. But I try to pop in every few days and catch up. The latest I heard was some seriously creep sexual stuff going on.
One is that the guy who was 8 years older kidnapped the mom when she was 8 and took off to another state. They were caught and sent back home. And he had some fetish where he would send her off to have sex with other men, the F?!
Here's from an article:
This allegedly included contacting a man from Alabama on the internet, who would meet the couple to have sex with Louise. Louise allegedly had sex with the man in a hotel room and then returned to the same hotel room a year later to have sex with her husband.
Louise Turpin comes from a background of sexual abuse, Robinette said. Speaking of a male relative, she said, "He abused my mother and sexually abused my mother, and then me, Louise, Elizabeth, and a few of our cousins in the family.” Robinette added the sexual abuse was an ongoing secret in her family.
Trolls, read carefully: THE SEXUAL ABUSE WAS AN ONGOING SECRET IN THE FAMILY. This family member is identifying no less than six separate victims of a family sexual predator. Still think it's just fine to not report this stuff??? SIX GIRLS got molested because no one would report it!! Despicable. You should be ashamed of yourself and so should Oprah.
David Turpin made about $140,000 per year working as an engineer at Northrop Grumman, according to the bankruptcy documents. His wife's occupation was listed as "homemaker."
That's a good income even for California, and raising a lot of kids on it is totally doable. Their 401k is on the low side for a couple their age but not terrible, it could be worse. The credit card debt is crippling and irresponsible, but not unlike a lot of couples who get into such a mess. I agree with the guy who said there was no red flags.
I think he was always mentally ill but it sounds like he had a real break from reality in recent years. It would be difficult to hold down that job all this time if he were this wacked out all along.
If your busy schedule permits you should consider training your #SmartFurbabies to run on a leash w/you.
Exercising with your dog? Oh Milo, that's something only dog lovers do. Not posers.
It's hilarious to me someone has to actually SUGGEST one take their dog along with them when they exercise. True animal lovers need no prompting.
fascination with Disney
The Disney obsession people are weird. Just weird. There's a whole crowd of them, it's a cult.
We've been saying for a couple days now I'm sorry but there are some creepy parallels. To Kate AND the Duggars. And here it is that the family wanted to be Kate! Freaking insanity!
There are parents out there who will do anything to get their family on tv.
Remember Balloon Boy?
His dad was certifiable.
Kate's idea of excercising the dogs is opening the front door.
To Anonymous (#118): Joy Behar of The View had an interview show on CNN years ago in the evening. Khate was on "Dancing with the STAHS" at the time and was being interviewed by Joy. At the end of the show, Joy said to Khate, "Don't let your fat head get in the way". I am not kidding. Khate pretended not to hear. I was so glad that someone was finally calling her out.
I think that was one of the best interviews of Kate we've ever seen.
I’ve read the he worked for both Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin and am wondering how he passed the background checks. With the amount of debt, the foreclosure and the bankruptcy he should have been flagged right away (not to mention marrying a 16 year old and all the alleged weird sex stuff). To make the amount of money that he was reportedly making he must have been with them a while. That’s not an entry level salary. I can’t fault TFW for their fascination with her just like I couldn’t fault the mother of the multiples that the TFW was fascinated with (sorry, can’t remember her name).
I’ve read the he worked for both Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin and am wondering how he passed the background checks. With the amount of debt, the foreclosure and the bankruptcy he should have been flagged right away (not to mention marrying a 16 year old and all the alleged weird sex stuff). To make the amount of money that he was reportedly making he must have been with them a while. That’s not an entry level salary. I can’t fault TFW for their fascination with her just like I couldn’t fault the mother of the multiples that the TFW was fascinated with (sorry, can’t remember her name).
Some employers run a credit check on you, many don't. I'm pretty militant about watching my credit report, and I don't think I've ever seen a hit on my credit report because an employer checked it.
As far as background checks, I don't know if he were ever actually arrested for kidnapping his minor aged wife. It looks to me like it may very well have been "worked out." Hey young man, just return the girl and this can all be over with. He was in his early 20's, not an older guy where the ick factor is there, and it wouldn't be too terribly unusual for a young couple to take off together, although still wrong. Of course back then how could they have known what they would become?
How much you want to be he promised to "save" her from the sexual abuse going on in her childhood home? I bet he was brainwashing her from day one.
Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin are big government contractors so I guess I’m thinking like a government employee when my thoughts go directly to background checks. The paperwork is quite extensive and does not necessarily include a credit check (depends on the clearance that’s required). You would, however, have to disclose certain financial information and bankruptcy would be one of them.
Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin are big government contractors so I guess I’m thinking like a government employee when my thoughts go directly to background checks. The paperwork is quite extensive and does not necessarily include a credit check (depends on the clearance that’s required). You would, however, have to disclose certain financial information and bankruptcy would be one of them.
I worked for a firm that works directly with kids and there are many opportunities to be one-on-one alone with kids, and now work for the government that also works with kids. So both require good background checks.
For the government there was a Livescan and I believe a general questionnaire about whether you've been arrested (if your answers don't match your Livescan, there can be problems). No credit check.
For the firm that worked with kids, it was a private background check agency plus a lot of questions about your experience with kids. No credit check.
That's all and I think it's adequate. The thing is, a complete and thorough up and down check of your entire life would be prohibitively expensive, for the government you have to justify it to the taxpayers and for private organizations you have to justify it to your donors. Generally you don't see guys like him able to hold down such a respectable job like that, the idea is if you've been through all the time and dedication it takes to make it that far, chances are most bad seeds have already been weeded out. It's entry level stuff that has you working with kids or the vulnerable that I would be much more concerned about as anyone could walk in the door and apply. Turpin is a fluke.
There is a certain element of do your check and hope for the best. But you'd be surprised the places known child abusers have jobs at.
I read that the husband graduated from Virginia Tech with a degree in electrical engineering and then earned a 6-figure salary for years. He must be very intelligent, yet the wife is the one who apparently called the shots in that marriage. She avoided contact with her family so she could pretend that they were financially well-off, despite the foreclosures and bankruptcies. She even told one of her sisters that she couldn't understand financial hardship because they'd never experienced it. It sounds like she wanted to present a façade of living a perfect, wealthy lifestyle and was afraid to let anyone in for fear of them seeing the reality of their situation. I have to wonder. though--what would they have done if one (or more) of the kids had died? It seems inevitable that kids would start dying from starvation and abuse, and then they have to figure out what to do about it. I hear that cadaver dogs will be searching their yard in CA and perhaps in Texas. Let's pray that there are no bodies.
I also think Turpin was very good at being duplicitous, his home life was a house of horrors and the rest of his life looked normal. He kept it nice and cleanly separate. Kate is like this somewhat or is trying to be, although I think she struggles much more with hiding who she really is in public. But she does try, she does put on a big act.
My narcissist was this to a T. Sweet as pie in public. Then would come home and be a sour puss, yelling at the kids over nothing, going off to their office and shutting the door and refusing to hang out with anyone or do something fun and simple like just go out for cheeseburgers, going off to bed at 7pm and just general sulking behavior. Once in a blue moon you would hear the odd story here and there of them losing their temper on a fan just wanting an autograph or just being a grump to someone nice and you would know they just couldn't put the act on any more that day, but it was too rare to cause any major waves.
I read that the husband graduated from Virginia Tech with a degree in electrical engineering and then earned a 6-figure salary for years.
That is very, very prestigious. Even the most talented of electrical engineers would be lucky to get into VT. This is the thing, don't assume psychopaths aren't very smart. It's the smart ones that are the worst.
There are different types of background checks with the federal government. A National agency check is pretty cut and dry an quick. However, depending on clearances required, some of the checks involve knocking on doors of references and yes, even talking to neighbors. You don’t have to justify it to the taxpayers because the appropriations have already been approved. When my husband was a 2LT he used to run background checks. State government and federal government (DoD/DA in my case) may have different requirements for the types of checks run and you have to remember that with the federal government we’re talking about the clearance required which will determine how extensive the checks might be.
There are different types of background checks with the federal government. A National agency check is pretty cut and dry an quick. However, depending on clearances required, some of the checks involve knocking on doors of references and yes, even talking to neighbors. You don’t have to justify it to the taxpayers because the appropriations have already been approved. When my husband was a 2LT he used to run background checks. State government and federal government (DoD/DA in my case) may have different requirements for the types of checks run and you have to remember that with the federal government we’re talking about the clearance required which will determine how extensive the checks might be.
I just don't know that even if they did find bankruptcy on their background it would have prevented him from getting the job. Lots of people end up with a black mark here and there on their background and unless you're working for the CIA or something, you'll probably be just fine to work for the government. The government doesn't require perfection of its employees backgrounds, they are more concerned if you DO have any black marks, how serious is it and how have you addressed it?
I actually work with someone who filed for bankruptcy about 6 years ago, some stupid decisions when they were young caught up. They are one of the best workers in the office and her financial past is really not that big of a deal. I don't think the Turpin's history would have affected his employment even if they knew about it.
I am looking at my background check right now and it's 31 pages long. Section 26 deals with "Financial Record" and the first question is: "In the last seven (7) years have you filed a petition under any chapter of the bankruptcy code?" and on and on for another page and a half of different financial questions. I don't know how a bankruptcy would affect any of this and I'm sure if I'd answered "yes" to that question it would have brought up more questions for me to answer. It really is quite detailed. We also have to fill out an SF 86 which is a fair credit reporting disclosure and authorization form. It's a pain in the ass to fill out and I'm just glad that I'll be retired before it's due again! Now, he did work for a contractor and may not have worked on government contracts so none of this may apply.
I am looking at my background check right now and it's 31 pages long. Section 26 deals with "Financial Record" and the first question is: "In the last seven (7) years have you filed a petition under any chapter of the bankruptcy code?" and on and on for another page and a half of different financial questions. I don't know how a bankruptcy would affect any of this and I'm sure if I'd answered "yes" to that question it would have brought up more questions for me to answer.
If you answered no do they just take that at face value or do they verify it’s a no? Some places put on a show of asking you questions but don’t bother to verify them all. If it ever comes out you weren’t honest later that’s where they can use it against you.
Also I’m not sure the timeline of the Turpins. Is it possible his severe financial troubles occurred AFTER he secured his job?
NJGal51 (19)
We're going through the same forms right now, and they are such a pain! You have to disclose the exact dollar amounts in every checking, savings, IRA, TSP, and even your dependents' bank accounts, assets in safe deposit boxes, etc, plus how much owed on credit cards, loans, mortgages--it goes on and on. These have to be done every year, and there are people who follow up to make sure it is all correct. But these are the most sensitive government positions in existence, so what we are dealing with is pretty extreme, even for government employees. There's no way David Turpin could have gotten past those checks, so his position could not have involved access to any highly sensitive information. It doesn't sound like he was working around the time of the arrest, so maybe he lost his job/clearance due to financial difficulties? You'd think that, as a computer engineer, he would need a high level of clearance. I'm sure there is a lot more information that will come out in the near future. There's a lot of unanswered questions at this point.
Just as a side note (and speaking of government clearances), that Bullyville guy always claimed that when he was in the Marines he was given an award for protecting embassies worldwide from cyber attacks. He would have needed a high level of clearance to have the access necessary to do that. He had a couple bankruptcies behind him, which would have precluded him getting from the level of clearance/access necessary, and he didn't have the proper training to do that kind of job. That kind of work requires a high level of clearance and very specific training. He had none of that. He was lying. No surprise there.
there is a convenience store chain that started in my area and eventually spread over few states and built a factory in the town it started in to supply cheaper products for their stores. (Bread, milk etc) They want to know if you have had bad checks, bankruptcy etc for any position because they want to know if you are a risk for stealing anything no matter what position you work.
They got their wish didn't they - the Turpins and their extended family members are now more famous, or infamous, than Kate Gosselin.
If you answered no do they just take that at face value or do they verify it’s a no? Some places put on a show of asking you questions but don’t bother to verify them all.
Since you've also got to fill out the SF 86 (fair credit reporting disclosure) they can double check on it because you're giving them permission to do the credit check. If you decline to sign that form it states that it may impact your security clearance. Again, we don't know if he actually worked on government contracts so he may not have been required to have a security clearance or to have anything other than a National Agency Check. I'm guessing that maybe he didn't because that probably would have come out by now. I was just providing information on security clearances from my own experience. And yes, maybe his problems did start after he left his jobs.
OOOPS.....that previous comment was from me NJGal51.
Layla @ 21 - The forms are indeed a pain! That's why I'm glad that I'll be retired before my next one is due!
I can’t fault TFW for their fascination with her just like I couldn’t fault the mother of the multiples that the TFW was fascinated with (sorry, can’t remember her name).
They are the McCaughey family.
I agree Kate is not to blame for the Turpin children's horrifying ordeal. TLC (Eileen O'Neill et al) made it appear that there were great rewards to be had by the right marketing of innocent babies. Kate was all in for that and still seems to be in that same mindset.
Congratulations on your upcoming retirement! I'm sure that for many years to come you'll think back to those financial disclosures and heave a sigh of relief that you won't have to go through that every. single. year. I had to stop working awhile ago due to my lupus, but we still have to deal with it for DH.
I'm kind of not buying the claim by Louise Turpin's brother and sister that she wanted a reality show. These two have been doing a lot of interviews, and I read somewhere that a sister even set up a Go Fund Me account - for herself. I'm not sure if that's true, as I haven't bothered to look into it.
But, these two are doing a lot of talking and some of it doesn't make any sense. How in the world would the Turpins want a reality show when they were hiding such horrific things in their house?? Severe malnutrition, abuse, chaining the kids up, filth and excrement everwhere, etc.
It just makes no sense that they would ever want a reality show. They were hiding so much, even reportedly keeping the entire family on a nocturnal schedule where they slept all day just to hide from the world.
Either the siblings are lying about the reality show statement, or Louise Turpin simply said that in response to their questions about why she would ever want more kids. If she did say it, I think it would have simply been a deflection from the question as to why they'd want to have even more kids. I don't believe she was at all serious about wanting a reality show, but she might have said that just to shut her siblings up.
How much you want to be he promised to "save" her from the sexual abuse going on in her childhood home? I bet he was brainwashing her from day one.
Kind of like Juantia of "The Farmer's Wife" who found an older guy who promised to take her away from her dirt-poor life, fix her teeth and give her a life she'd probably dreamed of at her young age.
Young girls without the love and support from their parents-fathers especially-are particularly vulnerable to this scenario.
Evidently the Turpins were fans of Kate Plus 8 because, according to In Touch, seasons of the show were found among the DVDs found in the home.
BM@31, The Turpin's had an extensive video collection and Kate's videos were just a small part of it.
Evidently the Turpins were fans of Kate Plus 8 because, according to In Touch, seasons of the show were found among the DVDs found in the home.
So that supports the relatives who said there was a fixation.
So that supports the relatives who said there was a fixation.
I wouldn't at all be surprised if they had videos of the K+8 show in their collection. I even saw some article in the very beginning, before any mention of K+8, that said they were fans of the Duggars and wanted to be like them. From what I've read so far, there seem to be more similarities to the Duggars, like the number of kids, no high order multiples, the kids' names all starting with the same letter, the parents are still married, etc.
But, just because they might be fans of the K+8 show does not mean they wanted their own reality show. That just seems incredulous to me given the fact that their house was hiding such horrific abuse and disgusting conditions.
As I said above, Louise Turpin might have told her siblings she wanted a reality show, but there's just no way that is something they could have been actually pursuing or planning to pursue given the condition of their kids and their house.
How in the world would the Turpins want a reality show when they were hiding such horrific things in their house??
Do delusional people even think about things like that? I'm no shrink but it looks like this couple has been off their nut for a long time. And what's with the relatives? Didn't they see any of the crazy going on in that family?
Do delusional people even think about things like that? I'm no shrink but it looks like this couple has been off their nut for a long time. And what's with the relatives? Didn't they see any of the crazy going on in that family?
Right. That’s the thing I don’t think they are thinking like that because they’re nuts. They’re not thinking we are child absusers how could we have a reality show we will be found out!
Kate didn’t think that either, as a child abuser herself.
Not contact order is official for the Turpins and the kids. Woo!!
I've read that the only activity the Turpin children were allowed was to keep journals. The journals are now in the hands of investigators and will be used as evidence against the parents.
I don't understand how the Turpin children could be home schooled without any oversight from educational officials.
I don't understand how the Turpin children could be home schooled without any oversight from educational officials.
You can thank the homeschool lobby for that. They wanted the government to butt out and so they did and as a result these kids were abused because no mandatory reporters were around to say something. Well done, homeschool lobby.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 37
Not contact order is official for the Turpins and the kids. Woo!!
Good call. The last thing those kids need is their parents manipulations and/or threats. Those parents aren't going to live outside of prison walls again, ever.
They're both going to die in prison like Dr Nassar.
Not looking for an argument, but the Turpin case is not a homeschool issue at all. They're sick, evil people who used "homeschooling" as an excuse to not have their kids registered in school. They were certainly not educating their kids. FFS, they weren't even feeding them.
We hear about horrible abusive cases like the Turpins every so often, and every time the anti-homeschool lobby comes out and starts making demands for home inspections of the real homeschoolers.
If that's necessary for children in K-12 who aren't educated in public or private schools, then I suppose our government should also require mandatory inspections of ALL homes with minor children, especially from birth to school age, when they are most vulnerable and abuse and neglect could easily be concealed.
Because it's relative to the topic of this thread, there is this story from here in Alberta;
On Dec. 16, the two mothers decided they wanted a night out. Their regular babysitter was not available, so they called in someone new.
The mothers told the babysitter that three children were upstairs and two others were downstairs. The babysitter was told not to worry about the downstairs children and to focus on the three young ones upstairs.
After the mothers left, the babysitter checked on the children who were upstairs. She thought they looked malnourished and became alarmed.
At that point, she decided it was important to check on the children downstairs.
But a piece of furniture was blocking the downstairs door. The babysitter pushed it out of the way and entered a dark room.
Shocking discovery
Inside the room were two closed furniture boxes. A three-year-old girl was inside one of the boxes. Her six-year-old sister was inside the other box.
The six-year-old was unconscious. The babysitter called 911.
Both girls were transported by ambulance to hospital. The older girl spent days in intensive care fighting for her life.
The sources told CBC News that the two children had numerous broken bones. Subsequent testing revealed the three-year-old had likely been eating her own hair. It was found in her stomach.
The full story here:
Not looking for an argument, but the Turpin case is not a homeschool issue at all.
They did not abuse the kids because they homeschool but because they homeschool the odds CPS would ever encounter the family are slim to none. I don’t know that most reasonable homeschool families would object to CPS checking in with all homeschool families 1-2 times a year just to ensure nobody is getting abused. If it prevents the Turpins by all means.
Admin, I think you're quoting part of my post but I don't see it posted yet. While I certainly understand your point and your concerns, it can easily and clearly lead to the argument that we should have mandatory inspections of ALL households with minor children. If school age kids can be abused so can infants and toddlers. They are the most vulnerable of all, so why should we wait until they're old enough to go to school for the abuse to be caught.? Perhaps we should register every home once a child is born and start inspecting those homes once or twice a year. Doesn't sound like America to me, but hey, if "it's for the children"....
"I don't understand how the Turpin children could be home schooled without any oversight from educational officials."
It's surprising how much independence parents have homeschooling. My aunt homeschooled, and they were living in the middle of a rural area. All she had to do was file reports, and there were no checks from anyone. Everything turned out fine. The oldest completely homeschooled while the other two ended up at a private school. And they did go to church and play sports so they weren't isolated. But too many abuses can happen in such a lax system.
Kate posted a pic a new pic of Mady and she seems upset that she is growing too fast and will leave home soon # Mady #beautiful #limitedtimelefthome # cherishingeverymoment.
The twins apparently reminded her that they had ONE more Christmas left at home.
It’s a pity Collin is missing this time that he could be spending with his sisters. He’ll never get that time back.
David Turpin's parents seem to be either delusional or liars. His father (the kids' paternal grandfather) has said he doesn't believe any of this and wants to talk to the kids. He says this was a good family, they would never do what they are accused of, and that he visited them just a few years ago and saw nothing amiss. That cannot be true. An elementary school classmate of the oldest Turpin girl said the girl was bullied in school because she was always dirty and smelled bad and wore the same outfit over and over. That would mean the neglect has been going on for 20+ years. Their homes were filthy and smelly and crammed with hoarded junk. And this man claims that everything was just fine? This man is either delusional or is enabling his son.
While I certainly understand your point and your concerns, it can easily and clearly lead to the argument that we should have mandatory inspections of ALL households with minor children
Why? School children spend six hours a day with mandatory reporters and sometimes much more. Most child abuse referrals come directly from the school. That’s why I have no work over the summer because there are no referrals. No school nothing gets reported and child abuse slips through the cracks. Mandatory inspections of homeschools. Now.
Wow. BIG money shot of Mady tonight, I wonder how this ended up on K8's IG. Oh that's right, this is going to be Mady's "career." Just what the pedos are looking for, I reckon. Gross.
kateplusmy8 ❤️ #GrowingUp #Beautiful #Mady #LimitedTimeLeftAtHome #CherishingEveryMoment
kara_para Are they juniors or seniors in high school?
kateplusmy8@kara_para they are juniors but remind me often that college is next year!!!! 😳😳😳😳😳 I'm not ready😩😩😩!
itsmisswendy My one and only baby is a junior and I’m already having depression/anxiety about him not living with me...😫😫
kateplusmy8@itsmisswendy same! It seems like it's so far away and then suddenly it hits you: they won't live with you forever! It's so so hard! Love them SO much and want to keep them here forever (well you know what I mean!)
Uh, college is not "next year" if the twins are currently juniors, why does K8 consistently exaggerate? She's getting a lot of positive feedback on this one, I guess since most of her posts are usually dogs, and she's being so sappy (and erroneous) about it.
OTOH, I think she's also definitely trying to counteract the Turpin references. Although this glamour shot of Mady is really kind of . . icky. Oh no matter, it's gotten WAY more comments and attention than anything else she's posted on IG---EVER.
darnellsix My oldest of 4 this Christmas, while opening, "you know I only have 3 more Christmases at home?!?!" 🙁😧😳😫
kateplusmy8@darnellsix omg YES! Cara and Mady did THE EXACT SAME THING on Christmas Day 'you know we only have one more at home Christmas!' And I literally instantly started crying... right there and then. They were shocked and felt bad for announcing it. And then I felt bad for crying too. It was a mess! I hate it😢
Wow, she's really gonna milk it for every single iota of pathos, isn't she? And TOTAL BS, since her kid will certainly be home for Xmas after they leave for college---UNLESS they don't wanna be! Is THAT what they were telling you, K8?
miloandjack2016 What a charmer she will be! #TheLook. (Kate's Girl) I'm living the #EmptyNest thing since Sept.2017. You think you are ready for it...you just dont know how hard it is! Happiness in seeing them mature & grow into beautiful adults....but then many moments of an achy heart...looking at old baby pics! By all means cherish the moments...continue to mold and guide her thru these last couple years. Be her Mom always! Its a special set of shoes NO ONE else can wear!! ❤ @kateplusmy8
miloandjack2016@kateplusmy8 LOL You will have many emotional moments like this! As the kids go out the door...adopt more puppies!! It wont be too long and then the grandkids will start pouring in!! 😋 Your future is set! Haha...
David Turpin's parents seem to be either delusional or liars. His father (the kids' paternal grandfather) has said he doesn't believe any of this and wants to talk to the kids. He says this was a good family, they would never do what they are accused of, and that he visited them just a few years ago and saw nothing amiss. That cannot be true.
Like clockwork, there is always one relative who says something like this!
So sir, are you saying your grandchildren are liars?
The Mady photo on K8's IG will no doubt be a turning point for her IG PR effort: Over 15K likes and 350+ comments in 4 hours, far and away her most successful IG post ever.
I can only imagine what she's likely to be posting from now on.
Oh here we go....now starts the pity party over the girls leaving for college. Isn’t she starting this a little early? And what is this last Christmas at home stuff...they come home for Christmas and have a month off...her little commodity’s are walking out the door one by one...that’s why she’s crying...and did she cherish her moments with Collin ? I can’t stand her nonsense about these kids..it’s all bullshit....all about how she feels as usual. Not buying any of it...also that’s the first picture of one of the kids in a long time...I wonder what’s really going on over there besides her dog fetish (sp?)...
The twins apparently reminded her that they had ONE more Christmas left at home.
It’s a pity Collin is missing this time that he could be spending with his sisters. He’ll never get that time back.
The twins don't intend to come home for xmas every year? At least for the first several years of college? Most colleges give you an even longer break than grade school.
The twins should be very seriously mapping out their plan for applying to colleges right now. It requires a lot of work, and college visits should be happening long before now. Kate will need to help with this. Is she staying on top of this?
Mady is basically imitating Kendall Jenner and has for a while, check out the photo below, the pose is an exact duplicate. And is that an iPhone PLUS? VERY expensive, I would not give that to a kid.
It's surprising how much independence parents have homeschooling. My aunt homeschooled, and they were living in the middle of a rural area. All she had to do was file reports, and there were no checks from anyone. Everything turned out fine. The oldest completely homeschooled while the other two ended up at a private school. And they did go to church and play sports so they weren't isolated. But too many abuses can happen in such a lax system.
Homeschooling has proven to work out just fine for most families. The problem is some parents with bad intentions use it to hide their children and bad things going on in the home from the authorities and other public. This is not the first time a homeschool family tried to take care of their issues all so very quietly. See the Duggars.
Mady is going to make her own instagram public in 3 ....2....1
We hear about horrible abusive cases like the Turpins every so often, and every time the anti-homeschool lobby comes out and starts making demands for home inspections of the real homeschoolers.
I'm not anti-homeschool. God, schools are awful these days, if a parent thinks they can do it better, go for it. I'm simply anti-child abuse. Unapologetically so. If homeschoolers have nothing to hide, what is their problem with speaking to mandatory reporters? If they don't abuse their kids they have nothing to worry about, and if it will prevent abuse of those who DO, why wouldn't you want to make that small sacrifice?
Infants are seen at birth by the hospital and then by a pediatrician much more often than they will be once school age. Many children under 4 end up getting referred to CPS from medical personnel. Further, abuse of young children and babies is much more unusual than it is once a child gets a little older. Even vicious child abusers generally leave little babies alone. Given the low statistics and frequent contact with pediatricians, it is probably not necessary to do a check on this age group at home to prevent something like the Turpins.
I've read that the only activity the Turpin children were allowed was to keep journals. The journals are now in the hands of investigators and will be used as evidence against the parents.
Case in point it's been widely reported the Turpin's did not abuse their 2 year old baby.
Just the OLDER ones.
Child abusers don't abuse babies, USUALLY. When they do, it is usually so totally wacked out insanity they end up in jail too.
As a child of divorced parents, shouldn't Mady have spent half of her Christmases away from home already?
As far as the expensive phone, Mady has worked her butt off trying to save Mommy's show so I say go for it!
Theshirleystevenson Thanks for sharing her pic, I know teenagers don't always let us post pics of them. She is beautiful.
kateplusmy8 @theshirleystevenson I know! I'm so glad I got this one!!!:0 I treasure it!:)
Come on Kate, let's be truthful here. You didn't just "get" the picture. It is totally posed, Mady is in full makeup AND it was probably touched up a little before Mady gave the approval to post it. It is just too perfect for a candid picture.
I guess the twins can choose once they are in college whether they come home for Christmas? Sad.
Usually freshmen are eager to come home that first year.I really don't see any reconciliation with Jon on the twins' part happening.
When it comes to the twins leaving, I actually buy that it will be hard for TFW. But it's for an awful reason. She has PARENTIFIED those girls almost from the moment the tups were born. And once Jon left, I think they (un)naturally became her "adult" helpers, sounding boards, and companions. TFW will have a definite sense of loss when they're not around.
Schmoopy's timing on that post is suspicious. This week People posted about a new Duggar courtship (Josiah), and a Roloff grandbaby starting to talk. But what TLC star was still on the outside looking in?
You know she lives for this kind of attention. And if it makes her seems like a tender-hearted, sentimental softy, all the better.
Next she'll start talking about
college tours, in hopes TLC will film them. Wait for it.
AuntieAnn (43)
That story is just heartbreaking. I just can't fathom how or why a parent would do such things to their children. It goes against every parenting instinct. I hope punishment is swift and severe for both of these sets of parents, Sadly, we all know there are more families like this who just haven't been discovered yet.
Kate is panicking because her days of exploiting the kids are coming to an end. Mady and Cara will be legal adults in just over 9 months, and 10 months after that they will be in college. She needs people (TLC) to take notice now so she can get some filming done before the twins are gone.
I doubt that the comparisons to Kendall Jenner are an accident. Kate would love to rebrand her family as the new Kardashians-Jenners and keep the cash flow going. Sadly, they just don't have very interesting lives. That won't stop her from trying, though.
Hard to believe Milo actually posted, "As the kids go out the door...adopt more puppies!!" I mean, hasn't she already done that when Collin was "out the door".
If the twins are starting to think about college, TFW can't accept the kudos. For years, she has made school sound like a big ol' drag. Something you have to wake up super early for, which takes time away from sleeping in, and lounging in the pool (or on the leather couch).
With all her blather about all 8 kids being at the tops of their classes -- which was proven false by poor C's troubles -- I've never gotten the sense that she values education. She seems to have zero intellectual curiosity, and she doesn't seem to be a reader. By now, poor Nicole's book is probably encased in cobwebs on TFW'S nightstand.
You would think Kate would be used to a kid off “at college” by now.
Admin (#67), yeah, if TFW "literally instantly started crying" at the mere thought of the twins' leaving for college, then we must assume she weeps all the time about her young son being away, right? Right?
Uh, if they enroll in college Immediately following their senior year, that is Fall 2019 which is, in fact, next year.
Uh, depends how you look at. If you count 2018 as this year and 2019 as next year, it’s next year. If you count school years, 2017-2018 is this year and fall 2018 is next year.
Most people with kids measure “years” by school. But then she’s not most people.
Layla 64 - It's beyond comprehension that this kind of abuse happens.
The 23-year-old woman is charged with:
One count of attempted murder.One count of aggravated assault.Two counts of abandonment of a child.Five counts of unlawful confinement. Two counts of criminal negligence.Two counts of assault with a weapon.
The 24-year-old woman is charged with:
One count of attempted murder.One count of aggravated assault.Two counts of abandonment of a child.Two counts of duty to provide necessaries of life.Five counts of unlawful confinement. Two counts of criminal negligence.
It would be tough to be the defence lawyer for either one of these women.
BTW, the babysitter's name who discovered this horror is "Justice" Taylor. No one can tell me there are not angels among us.
She seems to have zero intellectual curiosity, and she doesn't seem to be a reader. By now, poor Nicole's book is probably encased in cobwebs on TFW'S nightstand.
Lol! With coffee ring stains and dog hair. Yes, poor Nicole. Her novel might have been published by now if she hadn't sent it to Kate for approval.
These sheeple are so delusional and uninformed:
faithnfballBeautiful!! They sure do grow up fast. I remember watching when the kids were young & your house was so clean & organized & you cooked!!! Nowadays everyone has a nanny with one child & order out lol. God Bless you all! 💯🙏
It looks like M takes a lot of selfies. She has one of those iPhone cases with the lights around, designed to give perfect lighting for better selfies.
marissa1014I thought of you this morning as I was having a pity party because my toddler was up super early and was already fussy. I have one child and for some reason you came to mind and I was like, “how the hell did she do it with 6??!”
First of all, she didn't have to get up early. She slept in and had a ton of help!
It’s really not worthy of a semantic debate. The point is that saying the kids will be in college next year is neither incorrect nor an exaggeration and speaks to the level of nitpicking that takes place here.
I happen to agree with you. But you’re nitpicking the nitpicking which is just as ridiculous.
Yay! A new nickname! We're nitpickers! Pickers of nits! How annoying we must be! Can we now be the bitter, black-hearted busybody nitpickers? Not sure if I can get all that stitched on the front of my muumuu, but I'll give it a shot!
Sue said... 61
Theshirleystevenson Thanks for sharing her pic, I know teenagers don't always let us post pics of them. She is beautiful.
kateplusmy8 @theshirleystevenson I know! I'm so glad I got this one!!!:0 I treasure it!:)
Come on Kate, let's be truthful here. You didn't just "get" the picture. It is totally posed, Mady is in full makeup AND it was probably touched up a little before Mady gave the approval to post it.
If she did just get the picture she had to have been crawling around on the floor in that room since It's taken at eye level with Mady who happens to be on the floor. Nice try Kate. Unless of course you WERE crawling around on the floor. My apologies if that was the case.
Former Lurker (#74), did TFW write back to suggest the woman send that rotten toddler back to its room until naptime as punishment? Or just throw the kid back in the crib by the hair until the father came home? Clearly the child is a troublemaker who is hard to love.
"Not sure if I can get all that stitched on the front of my muumuu, but I'll give it a shot!"
Don't forget the crocs.
Milo told Kate to look at baby pictures. Did she forget the show DVD's can provide Kate with plenty of memories of the twins?
"She needs people (TLC) to take notice now so she can get some filming done before the twins are gone."
Kate plus five just doesn't have the same ring to it.
ncgirl said... 80
Milo told Kate to look at baby pictures. Did she forget the show DVD's can provide Kate with plenty of memories of the twins?
Don't worry, this fan reminded her:
jessiedegenhart7Truth!! I had 5 kids in 5 years , last two were twins so i relate a tiny bit to you ! But as my oldest are teenagers my heart is breaking , life goes way to fast . Your lucky that your life is documented so you can rewatch your life when all your kids are grown and out of the house
AuntieAnn (#77) and isn't the proper polite response to someone saying your daughter is beautiful "thank you," and not "I know?" Yeah, I'm nitpicking -- just tryna live up to the new nickname...
"Your lucky that your life is documented so you can rewatch your life when all your kids are grown and out of the house"
Yeah, Kate got lucky with getting her family on film for fame and money. Not sure the kids were so lucky.
Does a caftan count as a muumuu? Because I bought a black and pink one today off a sale rack. It matches my pink crocs (well, Sloggers, but so what) I think I look quite fashionable tonight...for a bitter old nitpicker anyway.
Mady's photo op was just a ploy to get into People. Kate had to get Katie Coyne's attention someway.
"Your lucky that your life is documented so you can rewatch your life when all your kids are grown and out of the house"
Judging by Facebook most parents have a f—ety billion videos of their kids taken on their iPhones. Lucky!!
Also let’s get real, you take home videos and never watch most of them ever again.
I’m betting a million bucks Kate Coyne is coaching Kate how to post something Coyne can make a story out of. Pathetic.
AuntieAnn (#77) and isn't the proper polite response to someone saying your daughter is beautiful "thank you," and not "I know?" Yeah, I'm nitpicking -- just tryna live up to the new nickname...
I'm really nitpicking but can I add an "aww" to that thank you, that's very sweet of you to say?
Also I would rather hear your daughter is so sharp, so intelligent, so strong, personally.
It looks like M takes a lot of selfies. She has one of those iPhone cases with the lights around, designed to give perfect lighting for better selfies.
I'm virtually certain she's all over social media, but has done a fairly decent job of keeping it private and away from fans.
I am taking bets when she's going to take these accounts public. She must be dying to.
If the twins are starting to think about college, TFW can't accept the kudos. For years, she has made school sound like a big ol' drag. Something you have to wake up super early for, which takes time away from sleeping in, and lounging in the pool (or on the leather couch).
I think her attitude about school is very detrimental to children and their ability to accept the fact of school and engage with it positively. Less so now that they are older, but I'm sure she's been making these comments forever.
Flimsy and Admin - I'm trying to remember if Kate has ever shown a hint of humility and I'm coming up empty. For the life of me, I cannot remember one time. She EXPECTS praise and bouquets. Cuz, you know...no one has ever worked as hard as she has. Blech.
@Admin If Mady is like Kate then its possible she'll set up a public account for fans and keep the private one for her real friends.I just hope that both haters and fans don't start asking her questions like"Do you see your dad?"or did you read about "Kate Gosselin how she fooled the world?"On the other hand i wonder if Mady would answer any of those questions?
AuntieAnn (#84), sounds like a fetching ensemble to me. Just don't forget the pearls, for clutchin'...
@Admin If Mady is like Kate then its possible she'll set up a public account for fans and keep the private one for her real friends.I just hope that both haters and fans don't start asking her questions like"Do you see your dad?"or did you read about "Kate Gosselin how she fooled the world?"On the other hand i wonder if Mady would answer any of those questions?
I'm afraid this can only go poorly.
So Schmoopy is "cherishing every moment" with the twins now? Seems like she wasn't that into them, or their 6 very young siblings, when she left town weekend after weekend taking handouts from churches around the country. Or, more recently, when she ditched the 8 for a solid month to do Celebrity Apprentice.
Her sentimental nonsense rings so hollow to anyone who's got her number.
"I am taking bets when she's going to take these accounts public. She must be dying to."
I wonder if Kate's making her wait until she's 18. I can see Mady wanting to be a social media star.
"isn't the proper polite response to someone saying your daughter is beautiful "thank you," and not "I know?"
Kate thinks she's gorgeous(thanks to plastic surgery) so her daughter would be too. Jon who?
So, People's already run the story about K8 melting down over her twins' going to college. Now WTF is she going to do for the next 18 months? Will she try to keep this shtick going that whole time? She's really overplaying her cards, and she doesn't have too many left. Pathetic and contrived, like everything she does.
Kudos to Kate for getting People to nibble on her IG post with Mady.
Well done.
(insert eyeball roll)
"Cherishing" every moment from a mother who thought the best scenario for her was to be away from her children 50% of the time.
And the lamenting of Christmases! Just stop, lady.
Collin hasn't spent a Christmas or probably even one night under her roof since she sent him away almost 2 years ago.
How cruel it must feel to him to read his mother's social media.
I wonder if TFW is offering M's twin sister C any incentive to pose for some pictures. The girls were thick as thieves on the show, and that would help Mama remind America that they miss seeing them SOOOO much. TFW has to have an end game here. More episodes? A spin-off? A book deal? Will Brownie be summoned for macaroni craft ideas for college-bound teens?
I am going to get a new muumuu that is made of nubby bathrobe material. That will make nitpicking even easier and more fun!
Everyone -- have a great day.
Dmasy (#100), great idea! Luckily, I already wear white tube socks with my Crocs, so the nits are always in plain sight below the knee.
There is a new article today stating that David Turpin was being transferred to Oklahoma by Northrop Grumman and they were packing to move when they were arrested. So he was still employed there right up to the end. Creepy how someone can go to work and perform like a normal human being while at the same time keeping 13 people hostage and torturing them at home every day.
Kate has a rude awakening when the twins go to college. They go to school with some very privileged kids now, but they will come into contact with a whole new level of privilege when they are in college. Speaking from experience with visiting my sons' schools, there are kids who drive BWMs and Audis (and one who had her own Range Rover--a high school graduation gift). The boutique shopping she did with the twins is a regular occurrence for many, not just something special for filming. The clothes, the shoes, the multiple-daily Starbucks purchases, eating out, credit cards provided by Mommy and Daddy...it's insane. A popular thing for some of the girls we know is to post videos on YouTube or IG of their shopping "hauls" or showing off their extensive collections of Louis Vuitton bags. M&C are accustomed to being privileged. Either Kate pays to keep up or they will have to adjust their self-images. And as a side note--I feel rather lucky to have boys! They couldn't care less about LV bags or designer whatever. They have reasonable cars and are happy with jeans and sweatshirts. Their biggest splurges are on Lacrosse equipment. Thank goodness.
GollyGee, are you out there? Haven't heard from you in a while.
Dmasy said... 100
I am going to get a new muumuu that is made of nubby bathrobe material. That will make nitpicking even easier and more fun!
Everyone -- have a great day.
January 26, 2018 at 6:36 AM
FlimsyFlamsy said... 101
Dmasy (#100), great idea! Luckily, I already wear white tube socks with my Crocs, so the nits are always in plain sight below the knee.
January 26, 2018 at 7:30 AM
I must upgrade my flannel muumuu. Too soft! I need something pickier for nits.
Upgrading to orthopedic tube socks also.
AuntieAnn said... 43
Because it's relative to the topic of this thread, there is this story from here in Alberta;
Auntie this story is horrifying! What kind of animals are out there?
I saw this update featuring the babysitter & her mother. I don't know how abused children can ever get over this kind of treatment from their parents.
It is a very good (pretty) picture of Mady but, IMO, there was a lot of “touch up” work done on it. You don’t go from a “not so good” complexion (Christmas pictures) to flawless in a month. I’d like to know what app she used to do it!
Now that TFW finally got a little ink, she'll probably have to have one of her famous grocery-store Super Bowl parties next weekend to stay in the news. Go, Mr. Football Thrower, go!
Let’s be honest here..that doesn’t even look like Mady...shes average looking at best...this looks like a completely different person. We all know what she looks like...did she change overnight...something was altered or the angle was just right...I could guarantee she took a hundred shoots before she settled on that one
Layla I get what you’re saying , but there’s also a lot of kids who appreciate being able to go to college, who work hard and are involved, and Then there’s lots of douchey young men who are entitled and privileged. That’s the great thing about university, exposing yourself to all kinds of different people. The G girls could use that. It irks me when people say how lucky they are that they don’t have girls.
Jessica Duggar has an Instagram picture of her 2 boys up for 30 minutes and has 15,000 likes. Usually gets at around 80,000.
Mady managed to pull in 22,000 in 2 days for TFW. Better keep trying! Time for adding more puppies to the family!
jolie 105 - It's absolutely mind boggling how those women could do that to their children. In one of the articles I read that CPS has visited their home five times. I don't know if that has been confirmed, but if true that makes me shake my head harder. What's going on with a system put in place to protect children from this kind of abuse.
There had better be a very thorough investigation to this. Heads should roll inside gov't if funding has been cut back on Child Welfare Services.
jolie 105 - It's absolutely mind boggling how those women could do that to their children. In one of the articles I read that CPS has visited their home five times. I don't know if that has been confirmed, but if true that makes me shake my head harder. What's going on with a system put in place to protect children from this kind of abuse.
You should start following the case of Gabriel Hernandez out of Palmdale, which is not too too far from Perris where the Turpins lived. It is a groundbreaking case of a child death in which the social workers are being charged criminally. The boyfriend has already been found guilty, and the social workers' trial is next. It is already groundbreaking that trial is even being allowed against social workers who usually are able to be shielded by immunity. If convicted, this will be a whole new world.
Let’s be honest here..that doesn’t even look like Mady...shes average looking at best...this looks like a completely different person. We all know what she looks like...did she change overnight...something was altered or the angle was just right...I could guarantee she took a hundred shoots before she settled on that one
She's studied. With a good angle, good makeup, and the right lighting (the iPhone case selfie light often imitates a "beauty dish" light which is often used for models) most people can look their best.
Also the iPhone plus has built in skin softeners. Some people have posted funny photos of its effects, especially when you have a young child of 3 or 4 who already has perfectly smooth skin, they end up looking creepy. I hate the effect, I think it usually looks fake, but most people seem to swear by it.
Admin - I just googled the story. That poor child asked for help and never got it. I have no words.
Admin - I just googled the story. That poor child asked for help and never got it. I have no words.
I'm really hoping against hopes this entire trial is televised. I want to hear exactly how this happened.
I think the girls would find themselves a big fish in a small pond at Penn State, where I went. It is mostly middle class Northeast kids. It's nearly impossible to have a car on campus, so nobody knows who has the Tesla. I couldn't tell if anyone was rich, usually. It's so cold most of the year fashion doesn't play much of a role, you're covered up in a big coat all the time. Kids are more likely to be into things like hunting, hiking, fishing, and all the various sports on campus, and I found it very easy to make bundles of friends. It was as they say the best years of my life.
Some of the liberal arts schools have a much different dynamic, like where I went to law school. There, the class divide was quite startling, and while most rich kids blended right in, some were snobby and not interested in mingling. They would exchange pleasantries but refuse to friend you on FB. A variety of people is part of the college experience. For me having always been just a blue collar kid, the rich kids were so far out of left field it never bothered me. I can see how a kid who has SOME money, but not that kind of money, might find it a little more disconcerting. I'd be curious to know how much money Kate intends to give them because they might also find that with not much dough in your pocket you can't do a whole lot of eating out or buying clothes or buying game tickets.
I think far from the different net worth of kids, the girls may have a bit of a hard time realizing most people don't know who they are. A million viewers doesn't translate to a bunch of kids at college wanting their autograph. They may struggle with being a total nobody. Or maybe they will like it. We shall see.
I'm biased, but I think both of them would thrive at Penn State. It would meet both of their needs, and I think they too would easily find a good group of friends. A smaller school could limit their options.
Admin - I just googled the story. That poor child asked for help and never got it. I have no words.
The whole thing is disturbing to the core. The older siblings' testimony at the boyfriend's trial, we learned things I never heard before. The abuse he suffered was torture, and although tragically I cannot say it's the worst abuse I've ever seen, it is easily in the top 5.
Admin (116)
I agree, the "normal" college experience allows students to be exposed to a lot of different people, but Mady and Cara have become accustomed to this golden platter lifestyle. They are most likely used to getting the best of everything. I definitely think they will want to continue to be some of the privileged kids, and the cost of maintaining that goes way up when they are exposed to a wider variety of people. The picture that Kate posted was Mady with an iPhone plus. How many 17-year-olds have those?
I saw a clip on TV of a doctor who was saying that this generation has an alarmingly high percentage of narcissists. He mentioned the selfie craze, and how narcissistic it is to think you should constantly be posting pictures of yourself so people can heap praise upon you. So many kids growing up thinking they deserve the world on a silver (golden) platter and they're so special and worthy of admiration. And he mentioned how it seems to be the dream of narcissists to make a living off reality TV or a YouTube channel or some other way that your perceived fabulousness can support you.
Maybe the girls will blend in and welcome friends from all socioeconomic backgrounds, but somehow I think Mady is going to want to be a big character on campus.
Admin (116)
I agree, the "normal" college experience allows students to be exposed to a lot of different people, but Mady and Cara have become accustomed to this golden platter lifestyle. They are most likely used to getting the best of everything. I definitely think they will want to continue to be some of the privileged kids, and the cost of maintaining that goes way up when they are exposed to a wider variety of people. The picture that Kate posted was Mady with an iPhone plus. How many 17-year-olds have those?
In that respect, they may find the dinky dorm rooms, sub-par food, long walks to classes with no car to get you there, and lack of amenities rather hard to deal with.
It doesn't matter how rich you are, if you're going to do the dorms, you're going to be like sardines with everybody else.
But then again, you're so engrossed in the experience and mostly your friends that it's easy not to dwell on those annoyances.
They might live off-campus and share an apt? They both seem snooty to me already, and their voices and affectations- ouch.
they may find the dinky dorm rooms, sub-par food,
Colleges today have revamped their dorms. I have 2 in college and a third starting the search process. I can tell you that dorms today are nicer than my first apartment. My freshman is in a 4 bedroom, 2 bath and full kitchen dorm room. And the food selection on campuses is incredible. These kids are living much better than I did when I was in college. Colleges are offering much more amenities to attract students.
The picture that Kate posted was Mady with an iPhone plus. How many 17-year-olds have those?
You might be surprised at how many kids have those, and younger than 17.
Colleges today have revamped their dorms. I have 2 in college and a third starting the search process. I can tell you that dorms today are nicer than my first apartment. My freshman is in a 4 bedroom, 2 bath and full kitchen dorm room. And the food selection on campuses is incredible. These kids are living much better than I did when I was in college. Colleges are offering much more amenities to attract students.
Some. They feel they have to because kids demand more these days. But especially state schools aren’t going to have the budget for that and even private schools have to justify it to their donors. I was only on campus at my expensive liberal arts school a couple months ago and nothing has been done to the dorms. They’re the same as they ever were. If they went more glamorous dorms they will have to really shop. Here’s a pic of a typical penn state dorm the official web site is advertising. Same old same old.
Wasn't C the one who said she wanted to go to school far away? I wonder if she and M would go to different schools.
Thinking about college food. In my freshman year, our chef had been the executive chef at an upscale NYC restaurant. What he offered was amazing, and we could help ourselves to as much as we wanted. Kids lined up early just to make sure there was no shortage of food. I forget how much weight I put on during those first five months, but I do remember that my parents' jaws dropped when they saw me at Christmas break. I took it off fast, but gosh, I was chubby after eating that spread three times a day. I think everyone was!
Milo has a new post on her Instagram; it sounds like her health issues are serious. No response yet from her idol.
Apparently Milo has autoimmune disorders of some kind. I have them, too-- mixed connective tissue disease/Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, which is attacking my liver and kidneys. Basically, your own body is trying to kill you. It's challenging, to say the least, to keep it all under control. She mentioned some kind of bone disease years ago, so she may have rheumatoid arthritis. Or she may be like me, and having to take steroids long-term, which thins your bones. I wouldn't wish this on anyone, and I pray that she survives it.
Valerie Bertinelli had firefighters on her cooking show today. She made dinner for 3 of them who were first responders during the recent L.A. fires. There they were in Valerie's house while she fussed over them.
It was pretty sweet. They seemed to like the chili and cheesy bread and grasshopper pie, but I'm sure they would've been just as happy if Valerie had left them a loaf a plastic-wrapped, freezer-burned zucchini bread on her garbage pail.
The owner of a former home of the Turpins in Texas found feces left everywhere by the family and she has picture proof. What the hell was going on in that house of horrors??
Layla said... 127
Sorry to hear about your health. My sister has a similar autoimmune disease and it's horrible. You are such a funny upbeat person and obviously a great mom- you are a good example of how to live in adversity with a brave face. Best of luck to you.
Interesting article in the Washington Post about mommy bloggers: "How The Mom Internet Became A Spotless, Sponsored Void." It's about how all these Insta-perfect lives displayed on social media are less and less like real life. Many bloggers' comments jumped out as such a contrast with TFW: about the natural instinct to protect your children, and being sensitive to things they may not want shared, and just their basic dignity as human beings which can be violated by announcing personal details of their lives.
Interesting article in the Washington Post about mommy bloggers: "How The Mom Internet Became A Spotless, Sponsored Void." It's about how all these Insta-perfect lives displayed on social media are less and less like real life. Many bloggers' comments jumped out as such a contrast with TFW: about the natural instinct to protect your children, and being sensitive to things they may not want shared, and just their basic dignity as human beings which can be violated by announcing personal details of their lives.
I read this after seeing the link on FB. Another interesting point it brought up is that mommy blogs with long posts are no longer capturing the viewers they used to. Gone are the Pioneer Woman days. Now viewers want a short and sweet photo and blurb on instagram. That leaves Kate with a very limited space to make her point, and it's clear she's been struggling to offer anything of interest in that space.
She might as well abandon her blog officially now, it's not on trend anyway!
Valerie Bertinelli had firefighters on her cooking show today. She made dinner for 3 of them who were first responders during the recent L.A. fires. There they were in Valerie's house while she fussed over them.
This is such a key part of a successful cooking or any kind of "home" show is being engaged. Valerie tied in her cooking to a current event, to locals, and to something everyone loves, ripped firefighters. It's those spider web connections that strengthen her show.
I have always felt genuine sympathy for Milo that her health seems to be in legitimate jeopardy, and I think part of her fascination with Kate may in some way be a moment of escape for her. No one deserves to suffer from chronic illness. But I dislike how she uses it is a pawn to seek the woman's attention and garner ego-strokers among the fans. That is manipulative and childish behavior and an insult to those who are fighting similar disorders. She may have a disease but there is still a really pathetic side to her that is unacceptable.
You might be surprised at how many kids have those, and younger than 17.
A LOT do, yes. I'm surprised parents are doing this, but I think cell phone companies really capitalize on family plans to get these cell phones sold. It is worth it to them to sucker you in with a huge discount price to get you hooked on the monthly plan--in the end they still make big profits. I really fear that by giving a kid such an extravagant phone at such a young age they will fail to realize how hard many if not most adults have to work to afford such a toy themselves and will fail to appreciate how much it costs not just upfront but monthly. I didn't treat myself to any kind of fancy smartphone until I was well established in my career, had set aside a big monthly chunk to go to my 401k, could comfortably afford a big cell phone bill without having to make any sacrifices, had a sizable savings, etc.--in other words, when it made financial sense to do so. Not when I first got my first slightly more than minimum wage an hour job. And by the time all that happened, I was probably late 20's and mature enough to handle the responsibility (unlikely to lose it, damage it, treat it poorly, etc)
I get the sentiment people have that Mady has earned such a thing. And that's the problem with having kids work at such a young age. Yes they've earned it, but it still doesn't make her immune from being just as spoiled as the next kid with a phone like this. She's not ready for it no more than the next kid is, regardless how much she worked. IF kids must work, unfortunately it may be better for their emotional development to not collect the profits until they are 21, 25, or even older, when they are better able to handle it.
Another downside of kids working. They are not emotionally able to handle the work itself, but they are also not emotionally able to handle the pay either nor the toys it can bring.
You can get a smartphone for dirt cheap if you are willing to go with the base plan and get an iPhone three plus years old. Most still work just find and will do ALMOST everything you need. I don't understand why parents don't just do that. The must-have latest model is a terrible keeping up with the Jones' trend that is doing kids no favors.
I have always felt genuine sympathy for Milo that her health seems to be in legitimate jeopardy, and I think part of her fascination with Kate may in some way be a moment of escape for her.
Yes, I agree. However, do we really know that she or he has health issues? It could all be a grab for attention from Kate and the sheeple. Nothing is really known about this person, and for all we know, it could be a catfisher who does all of this for its own amusement.
Is there a link to her IG, please?
She did state some time ago the name of her disease but I can't remember it.
I do believe Milo's health problems are legitimate. I think it would mean the world to her if TFW, especially being a former nurse, would reach out to her and offer her concern. However, I don't believe that will happen.
"A California woman has filed a lawsuit against retail giant Walmart over claims the company keeps products primarily used by African-Americans inside a locked glass case.
Essie Grundy told reporters Friday that she was at a Walmart in Perris, California, shopping for a hair comb. That's when Grundy says she discovered “all of the African-American products [were] locked up under lock and key,” according to KCBS.
Grundy said she asked to speak to a manager, who told her the glass case was store policy.
She has since recruited high-profile attorney Gloria Allred, who says they are asking for an apology from Walmart and want its practice of locking up its products stopped."
Ah, good old Ambulance Chaser Gloria. Sheesh!
I do believe Milo's health problems are legitimate. I think it would mean the world to her if TFW, especially being a former nurse, would reach out to her and offer her concern. However, I don't believe that will happen.
I don't think that's a good idea. Kate did give her a public shout-out on national television. All it does is encourage Milo's obsession, which is probably not a good thing. There needs to be boundaries between a celebrity and a fan, and the celeb needs to know where to draw the line, no matter how devoted that fan may be.
. Speaking from experience with visiting my sons' schools, there are kids who drive BWMs and Audis (and one who had her own Range Rover--a high school graduation gift).
What the hell? Talk about entitlement.
Oh well. They'll have tons of "stuff" to make up for their lack of a backbone.
My dear old dad loaned me four hundred bucks to buy my first car (used, of course) to get to my first real job after grad.
Poor me? Nope. Repaying him was a valuable lesson in how to manage money and credit and he knew it. I appreciate his foresight to this day.
"A California woman has filed a lawsuit against retail giant Walmart over claims the company keeps products primarily used by African-Americans inside a locked glass case.
Essie Grundy told reporters Friday that she was at a Walmart in Perris, California, shopping for a hair comb. That's when Grundy says she discovered “all of the African-American products [were] locked up under lock and key,” according to KCBS.
Grundy said she asked to speak to a manager, who told her the glass case was store policy.
She has since recruited high-profile attorney Gloria Allred, who says they are asking for an apology from Walmart and want its practice of locking up its products stopped."
Ah, good old Ambulance Chaser Gloria. Sheesh!
They tend to lock things up that are either very expensive or have a high theft rate or are otherwise required to by law, like cigarettes. If the products have a high theft rate and Walmart can back that up, I don't see the lawsuit here. I don't think Walmart wants to PREVENT anyone from buying stuff, they love a good purchase!
Can I sue on behalf of all white trash, because they lock up my liquor too and that pisses me the f off! Class action.
She did state some time ago the name of her disease but I can't remember it.
Osteonecrosis. Osteo=bone, necrosis=the death of all or most of the cells of an organ.
I, too, would appreciate a link to Milo's IG.
The owner of a former home of the Turpins in Texas found feces left everywhere by the family and she has picture proof. What the hell was going on in that house of horrors??
My god pigstyes are left in better shape than that. The photos are disturbing enough to make you want to vomit.
I'm sure it hasn't escaped anyone here that Turpins is an anagram for turnips. That's what this couple has for brains, with all due respect to turnips.
I hope they never have contact with their children, or anyone else's, again.
She has since recruited high-profile attorney Gloria Allred, who says they are asking for an apology from Walmart and want its practice of locking up its products stopped."
I wonder if Gloria shops Wal-Mart. Has anyone ever spotted her buying cotton granny panties there?
It's possible that Milo's osteonecrosis could be linked to the meds used to treat autoimmune disorders. One drug in particular, Prednisone, can cause weakening of bones and in rare cases, osteonecrosis. For that reason, it is normally never prescribed for more than a year. Sometimes, however, some severe autoimmune diseases just can't be controlled without it. I have been taking it for almost 2 years, and bone density loss is a big concern. I am doing pretty well just taking calcium supplements, but thankfully I haven't developed osteonecrosis. Prednisone use can be a real paradox--it can cause conditions that can kill you, and yet you can't survive without it. I really feel for Milo--it sounds like she's struggling far more than I am.
I read this after seeing the link on FB. Another interesting point it brought up is that mommy blogs with long posts are no longer capturing the viewers they used to. Gone are the Pioneer Woman days. Now viewers want a short and sweet photo and blurb on instagram. That leaves Kate with a very limited space to make her point, and it's clear she's been struggling to offer anything of interest in that space.
If Kate had to start from scratch without any of her celeb status and notoriety from her show and post-marriage tabloid escapades, she's never make it out of the social media gate.
The Pioneer Woman came along with her blog at the perfect moment in time, much as Kate popped out 6 kids and marketed them for reality tv and a time when that genre wasn't saturated.
Both women are where they are due to timing. Of course, Ree Drummond has skills, talent, relatability, personality, "it" factor and an propensity to be incredibly productive (juggling tv filming, writing books, touring, appearances), which is why she's amassed an empire while Kate has flamed out to a tepid ember.
Kate never harnessed the power of media, blogging or social media. In that realm, she's always struggled. Of course, Kate's tenacity lies in her drive to be famous at any cost and willingness to sell her children.
I have to say, that took her a very long ways and she rode that wave for way longer than I would have predicted.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 133
Valerie Bertinelli had firefighters on her cooking show today. She made dinner for 3 of them who were first responders during the recent L.A. fires. There they were in Valerie's house while she fussed over them.
This is such a key part of a successful cooking or any kind of "home" show is being engaged. Valerie tied in her cooking to a current event, to locals, and to something everyone loves, ripped firefighters. It's those spider web connections that strengthen her show.
When I watch Valarie, I *believe* that she really is that warm woman I see on my screen, who loves her family and friends, who's been through a lot of shit in her life-highs and lows-and has handled her life with grace.
In the best way, she has the face she deserves.
In the worst way, so does Kate.
If TFW thinks she's going to keep up with the Jones' kids when M & C are in college, good luck with that. The well off kids live in luxury off campus apartments, and many have parents who buy condos for them as an investment. It's better than throwing money away on rent and it can be sold when the kids graduate, or some parents keep the condos as rentals.
It's not just that, but many of today's college kids are VERY well traveled. They fly off to exotic locations during winter break and over the summers. I don't think there's any way TFW will be able to fund that lifestyle. She might like to think she's "rich", but let's face it, she has not been exposed to real wealth at all. She's well off maybe compared to how she grew up, but she's very, very small potatoes.
Yes, I agree. However, do we really know that she or he has health issues? It could all be a grab for attention from Kate and the sheeple. Nothing is really known about this person, and for all we know, it could be a catfisher who does all of this for its own amusement.
I think she's telling the truth that she has a medical issue of some kind.
She could be cat fishing.
Honestly it doesn't matter much to me to the greater point which is that she uses the situation, true or false, to manipulate.
What the hell? Talk about entitlement.
Oh well. They'll have tons of "stuff" to make up for their lack of a backbone.
My dear old dad loaned me four hundred bucks to buy my first car (used, of course) to get to my first real job after grad.
Poor me? Nope. Repaying him was a valuable lesson in how to manage money and credit and he knew it. I appreciate his foresight to this day.
LOL, Auntie, what kids expect these days and omg, every driveway overfloweth with vehicles. Heaven forbid kids share!
I bought my first car for $600- a Ford Mustang that I gave an Earl Scheib paint job for $99.
By way of listening to the car radio, I wired a speaker up and kept it on the passenger seat or in the back.
I'm sure it hasn't escaped anyone here that Turpins is an anagram for turnips. That's what this couple has for brains, with all due respect to turnips.
Root vegetables as a group of vegetables should be offended ;-)
I *think*- from way back when-that Milo complained of having avascular necrosis.
My hope is that her condition can improve and that she can find something to focus on besides Kate. It's just that there's nothing there for Milo.
Can I sue on behalf of all white trash, because they lock up my liquor too and that pisses me the f off! Class action.
Can I sue because many places lock up infant formula? Anyone have Gloria on speed dial?
Agree with admin about Milo. She uses this illness, if there is one, to manipulate, and for attention, which she may not be getting at home and in real life.
Those pictures from the Turpins' house are disgusting! How could they live like that? The one of the crud in the bottom of the tub makes me think it was never used on a regular basis. The father worked full-time, which makes me wonder whether there were issues with his hygiene. You'd think he would have to have showered and put on clean clothes every day for work. But if the whole house smelled so horribly, wouldn't he smell, too? How could he spend all day in a work environment (reasonably clean and no stench) and then go home and breathe in that house? It's mind-boggling.
OT- I have the theme song from Acorn TV's "The Detectorists" going through my head. It's so beautiful.
We binged Series 3 this weekend.
It's a touching, lovely, quirky, funny little gem that I highly recommend.
. But if the whole house smelled so horribly, wouldn't he smell, too? How could he spend all day in a work environment (reasonably clean and no stench) and then go home and breathe in that house? It's mind-boggling.
Very unhealthy. I wouldn't be surprised if most of the kids have asthma.
Tucker's Mom said...
I bought my first car for $600- a Ford Mustang that I gave an Earl Scheib paint job for $99
Holy cow. A Mustang for $600!! You stole It! I would've killed for one of those. Mine was a 1964 4-cylinder Chevy Nova with standard column transmission. LOL!
My first car (which would be shared with sisters as they turned 16) was a pale blue Corvair. Ralph Nader and his warnings would be a few years into the future.
My first car (which would be shared with sisters as they turned 16) was a pale blue Corvair. Ralph Nader and his warnings would be a few years into the future.
Oh, gosh. My dad had a red Corvair and a light blue one, both with, beige interiors. Remember where the gear shift was located? Memories!
Dmasy - I guess back then we drove cars for no other purpose than hoping to get from point A to point B without a fanbelt breaking or the radiator overheating. . There wasn't wasn't a whole lot of prestige involved.
I don't think Walmart wants to PREVENT anyone from buying stuff, they love a good purchase!
I know some may call me a traitor, snitch or whatever the rudest term of today. Other may want to thank me for wanting to keep prices down. It won't matter to me because I know the true motive behind what I'm going to say right now and that was tough love. I had very close family members who had babies, let alone I consider "them" my babies and it killed me to see them go through what they chose to do that put "their" babies at risk.
To get to my point here. I had found out that they were taking things from Walmart and then returning them for the money. Often they had someone waiting in the parkinglot that would go right back in to do the exchange. It really, all though I don't know why, shocked me to find out that they learned how off the internet. I decided to go to the Walmarts where I knew they went to for sure and let them know this was taking place. After the third time of getting just a thank you and a so what attitude, I stopped. No one asked me any questions like, how, what etc. I was disappointed. I guess they like hiking the prices. That's all I could figure out. Thankfully, my one niece, after getting caught selling her kids new Christmas toys on the streets for drugs Christmas eve, paid the price and with much prayer and hard work, worked out her life.
When she starts getting depressed about her youth, she laments about not being a good mother. I remind her how that now she gets a second chance to be a good grandma to four beautiful grandchildren. Though she has to watch her 3 children pay for her bad choices, she is there to make her wrongs right and protect those 4 babies.
Wow, anyway, back to walmart. lol! My point is..."they love a good purchase!"...they love it any way they can get it. Lock it up or hike it up. Just my opinion. I'm not above being wrong, just be nice when telling me I am. Thanks.
I feel like it's such a right of passage to drive an old beat up car.
It motivates you to get your act together so you can afford something better. It helps you understand what money can and cannot buy. It's part of learning about the value of things.
I firmly believe it was very important to me and to probably most people to be able to experience life's small struggles as much as you can in a wealthy country like ours. How can you understand how good you have it if you have no bar to compare it to??
. But if the whole house smelled so horribly, wouldn't he smell, too? How could he spend all day in a work environment (reasonably clean and no stench) and then go home and breathe in that house? It's mind-boggling.
Very unhealthy. I wouldn't be surprised if most of the kids have asthma.
If the parents meant to punish the kids by making them live in squaller that's one thing, but they have to live in filth too. Who wants to live like that but for mental illness? Human beings are supposed to have a natural aversion to human filth. They had to just be totally deranged.
There's hoarding and then there's FECES.
Holy cow. A Mustang for $600!! You stole It! I would've killed for one of those. Mine was a 1964 4-cylinder Chevy Nova with standard column transmission. LOL!
Mustang II Ghia. Looked just like this:
Except in pretty bad shape and lived up to the Ford reputation at the time- Found On Road Dead. Fixed Or
Repaired Daily.
Total chick car.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 161
I feel like it's such a right of passage to drive an old beat up car.
And we were THRILLED to drive them! Then again, I'm guessing many of our parents didn't have 2 Lexuses or Mercs in the driveway.
Looks like the narcissistic fill she got from Mady's picture and the article in people.com has worn off.
Someone was asking for Milo's instagram
I hope they never have contact with their children, or anyone else's, again.
I totally agree. The saddest thing of all is that, that is their normal. Their understanding of love and their only "source" of love is taken away and is in jail. I'm sure someone has told them they may not ever be with them again. Do you know how HORRIBLY TERRIFYING that is to a child? I speak from experience here. I am near 60 and there are still triggers that cause me to want to cuddle into a ball and cry MOMMY COME HOME! Talk about feelings for Collin! Regardless of how DEVIL PERSONIFIED Kate is, I guarantee there is a 13yr old boy who is or is wanting to, at any given unknown time, cuddle into a ball and cries MOMMY COME AND GET ME! They don't understand Kate's kind of evilness at 13 and rare to have that massive amount of hate. Hummmmmmmm, maybe instead it's more about having so little love.
Another thing I wasn't sure about, besides what Layla brought up, was that the mother was attending community college classes with her son. I thought part of the reason the Turpins got away with such horrific abuse for so long was that they enforced a nocturnal schedule on the family. I'm assuming most if not all of the classes were held during the day or early evening. There are so many unanswered questions still. Terrible as it is, you hear about people abusing children all the time; how these two were able to assume such utter and complete control of 13 children, some of whom were well into their adult years, is just unfathomable to me.
It's possible that Milo's osteonecrosis could be linked to the meds used to treat autoimmune disorders. One drug in particular, Prednisone, can cause weakening of bones and in rare cases, osteonecrosis. For that reason, it is normally never prescribed for more than a year.
After the diagnosis, Milo tried the holistic methods. She wasnt/isn't into prescription meds. I've seen her post about colloidal silver before. I remember because some people have taken so much of it, they actually turn a pale shade of blue!!
It's not clear how much colloidal silver may be harmful, but it can build up in your body's tissues over months or years. Most commonly, this results in argyria (ahr-JIR-e-uh), a blue-gray discoloration of your skin, eyes, internal organs, nails and gums.
I feel like it's such a right of passage to drive an old beat up car
My first car was a 1965 Dodge Dart. Ugliest thing I have ever seen. It died after 3 months and then I got a Honda Civic. I was a happy girl!
OT- I have the theme song from Acorn TV's "The Detectorists" going through my head. It's so beautiful.
We binged Series 3 this weekend.
It's a touching, lovely, quirky, funny little gem that I highly recommend.
How I love that series. Sadly, there will be only 3 seasons. The actor who plays Andy (Mackinsie Crook), wrote, directed and acted in it -- his first time directing. It received a BAFTA award. The Guardian described it as "Truly unique and gently astonishing." I think that's the perfect description.
kateplusmy8@tarobinson2 a female. You'll have less trouble with them getting along. Another young male would be a nightmare!��
Yeah, yeah. Everyone knows your preference for female anything, Kate.
I wonder if some of TFW's younger fans who don't know her histoy are aware of how she treated Shoka and Nayla when they were brought into that house as pups. If they knew, I doubt they'd be seeking her advice on German Shepherds now.
kateplusmy8Love this boy😍! #Mak #WhatsForDinner?
#PuppyDogEyes❤️ #VideoCreditToMady
Too bad I can't recall her ever saying "love this boy" about any of her sons. It's really sad.
LOL, Milo is now pushing TFW's cookbook:
miloandjack2016Such a handsome boy #Mak! His eyes shine & are so clean. Obvioudly healthy because you take such good care of him! ❤ @kateplusmy8
miloandjack2016Even for your #Furbabies...#LoveIsInTheMix. #KatesCookBook. @kateplusmy8
miloandjack2016@kateplusmy8 LOL Are you speaking from experience? I would think by now Mak and Shoka are getting along?
Terrible as it is, you hear about people abusing children all the time; how these two were able to assume such utter and complete control of 13 children, some of whom were well into their adult years, is just unfathomable to me.
Typical child abuse just doesn't look like this. All child abuse is bad, but most child abuse is neglect or RISK of abuse because a parent is struggling to make good parenting choices due to drugs or mental illness. If sober or on proper mental health treatment, many turn out to be decent parents. There is no evil there, but rather a series of poor and poorer decisions throwing the whole family into a vortex.
There is an EVIL to these parents that while I do see from time to time, is much rarer.
To get to my point here. I had found out that they were taking things from Walmart and then returning them for the money. Often they had someone waiting in the parkinglot that would go right back in to do the exchange. It really, all though I don't know why, shocked me to find out that they learned how off the internet.
I am very sorry it is inconvenient for law-abiding customers to get their products out of a lock box, but that's why Walmart does it, because they have tracked the stats and figured out what gets stolen. This is for everyone's protection, so they can keep prices the lowest around.
I think if that woman asked herself would she rather pay more to have all her products out of the lockbox or would she rather just deal with the lockbox, she would choose lockbox.
The bigger question she should be wondering is who is stealing these particular products and what is to be done about that. Walmart should have not to apologize for preventing theft.
Here's an article about the Walmart lawsuit. The woman was so offended that she went back to the store and videotaped the situation. Gloria Allred had a press conference with the her on Friday and she played the video. It's in the article:
and being escorted to the register like a 'criminal' when she wanted to buy lotion
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5318623/California-woman-sues-Walmart-segreated-black-products.html#ixzz55XjontVC
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Is she just stupid or something? Does she not understand that ALL women get escorted to the register when you want to by, say, Olay regenerist?
I don't know why it's under lock and key. Maybe because it's a high ticket item a lot more expensive than the store brand lotion. It's not my business what the store wants to lock up and they owe no one an apology for protecting their stock.
Grundy added that she felt like a 'criminal' as people watched her be escorted to the front of the store.
I'm sure nobody cares one iota why she is with a walmart employee. For all I know he's helping her return an item or something. I'm worried about finding the paper towels and glade refills, not what some other person is doing.
This is truly a narcissistic, whiney, entitled culture.
I tend to think this Walmart customer isn't a real Plaintiff. It's one of those set-ups where someone, like Gloria Allred, goes looking for a problem and needs a Plaintiff to bring the suit.
I tend to think this Walmart customer isn't a real Plaintiff. It's one of those set-ups where someone, like Gloria Allred, goes looking for a problem and needs a Plaintiff to bring the suit.
If she is real then I think Gloria is treading a thin line taking on a meritless case. A good attorney knows when to advise a client to walk away their case is weak, don’t put yourself through the time and aggravation. Even if Gloria is paying for every penny, a lawsuit is still an emotional black hole that never really leaves you right again even if you win. Nowhere do I see any proof this wasn’t just regular every day protection of high value items. If could have been “gel for white people”, if it’s something that’s getting stolen Walmart is going to lock it up.
Nowhere do I see any proof this wasn’t just regular every day protection of high value items. If could have been “gel for white people”, if it’s something that’s getting stolen Walmart is going to lock it up.
A quick Google search explains why darker shades of makeup are more expensive. Ergo, higher priced items are locked up.
Geez Gloria. Do your homework.
A quick Google search explains why darker shades of makeup are more expensive. Ergo, higher priced items are locked up.
And the woman fails to account for the fact that who knows who is stealing it. I could steal it and resell it in some poor neighborhood, scamming people into thinking they’re getting a deal when really it’s stolen merchandise. No one is the wiser. There is no way of knowing who is stealing what just because a product is for certain people. I’m sure infants are not the ones stealing the locked infant formula.
SHE made the implication Walmart is treating her demographic like a thief because they had to bring her up front to ring her out. Walmart made no such implication. They are not saying the BUYER is the thief, that makes no sense. The buyer is willing to pay for it, that’s why they are the buyer not the theif. They have a problem with theft when it comes to certain products. It’s just bad luck a product she likes was one of those. Woe is me, so is my Olay, my whiskey and my Sudafed!
My favorite shampoo is locked in case at CVS. I don't think it has has any ethnic value -- just leaves my chemically treated hair soft and shiny!
Big score. I found the same shampoo on open shelves at TJ Maxx. They were selling it for about 1/3 the retail price. I bought one for me and left one on the shelf for the next shopper to get excited about.
I believe I have commented before that TJ Maxx is my favorite store. I hope all of you have one somewhere near you.
Dmasy, I love TJ Maxx too! (Also Marshalls and Home Goods). When we were thinking of moving once- but did not- I made sure there was one in the area! I get a lot of clothing, gifts and holiday goods there.
Also at CVS they lock up Crest Strips and perfume- I wanted to buy both on different occasions and had to have the glass cabinet unlocked.I consider it the same as some non-prescription items being kept behind the counter at the pharmacy.It protects the buyer and the seller.
Formerly, I understand planning a relocation around a TJ Maxx. I am not much of a shopper. So, having such loyalty to a store is funny to me.
5 sisters in my family. The one in Lafayette, Indiana was closest to TJ. She was about 12 miles away and had the bragging rights. In my Illinois life, TJ was a good 35 miles from my home. (2 hours to Indianapolis for Home Goods.)
The very same week that we moved into our Texas home, a TJ opened in Creekside Shopping Center just 4 miles away.
I wear the TJ Maxx crown now!
The same shopping center also has a Super Target. I don't have to stray much farther for my needs.
lol Dmasy. I also checked for abruegger's Bagels. (Both my kids, now in their 20s love it) and there was one. But we did not end up moving- husband passed on a job offer after our visit there) but soon OUR Bruegger's Bagels' was gone!!!
You sound like you are in a good location for shopping. We are too, minus Brueggers. I don't visit TJ all that much, but it does have great prices. Did most of my Xmas shopping there.
It’s not bad luck when every product made for your particular hair or skin type is locked up, unless you are saying it’s bad luck to be born Black.
It’s bad luck to want less wrinkles too, since all the good night moisturizers over 20 bucks are locked up too. Who do I sue? The products she uses are expensive too, it is what it is.
This is not a racism thing no matter how hard she tries to spin it. It’s theft prevention that every store has an absolute right to protect against. This lawsuit is absurd.
Did you bother to read the article or simply immediately blow it off because from your white perch you’ve decided that racism doesn’t exist? It explicitly states that many of the items locked up were not high value.
Yes I read three articles on this and have still concluded this is stupid.
Most locked drawers are an entire case. I guess it didn’t occur to your whiney lot that the whole shelf goes into the case unless you want to separate out what’s getting stolen and what’s not, thus making it harder for a customer to find what they want in the same place.
The same thing happens in electronics. Why don’t you go walk into Walmart and look at this stuff in person so you can understand this. But usuallly when people get all righteous about this stuff they are rarely actual customers.
Besides value doesn’t matter so much as what is getting stolen. A good ham is more expensive than baby formula but they lock the formula up because it has a higher rate of theft. I don’t know why that is, you’d have to ask a human behavioralist or something.
Maybe ask yourself why this community is buying so much black market products that should be a red flag are stolen. If they stopped doing that there would be no demand and Walmart could unlock the products. This whole issue is missing the bigger point which is the problem of theft.
Besides value doesn’t matter so much as what is getting stolen. A good ham is more expensive than baby formula but they lock the formula up because it has a higher rate of theft. I don’t know why that is, you’d have to ask a human behavioralist or something.
One reason may be that the infant formula, in addition to being high demand, can be sold online at auction sites, or privately on the internet. A ham or prime rib that is more expensive, usually isn't sold on ebay.
At this point, I don't think Gloria cares if the case has merit. Gloria likes Gloria and enjoys her 15-minutes in the spotlight.
Gloria Allred and her client don't want to go to court over this ridiculous suit. They just want a settlement, and are hoping the bad publicity will prompt an outcry and Walmart will throw money at them to make them go away.
Did you bother to read the article or simply immediately blow it off because from your white perch you’ve decided that racism doesn’t exist?
White perch?
Pot meet kettle. (no racism intended)
So two of Kate's co-stars from Celebrity Apprentice are going to be on Celebrity Big Brother--Brandi Glanville and Keshia Knight Pulliam. Do you think Kate's a tad upset that she wasn't asked?
Gloria Allred and her client don't want to go to court over this ridiculous suit. They just want a settlement, and are hoping the bad publicity will prompt an outcry and Walmart will throw money at them to make them go away.
I hope Walmart doesn’t back down. Walmart has done so much for the community by keeping prices affordable. Hair products for African American hair are generally expensive as it is but I guarantee they’ve chipped several dollars off the retail price as they do with almost everything. Hundreds of thousands of people would not be able to afford food, clothing and toiletries without Walmart. And then there are people stealing from them, so to protect everyone ELSE they lock up a lot of their merchandise. Or the other option is jack up the price which is apparently what this lawsuit would prefer. A little stinking gratitude would be nice.
njay said... 168
I hope they never have contact with their children, or anyone else's, again.
I totally agree. The saddest thing of all is that, that is their normal. Their understanding of love and their only "source" of love is taken away and is in jail. I'm sure someone has told them they may not ever be with them again. Do you know how HORRIBLY TERRIFYING that is to a child? I speak from experience here. I am near 60 and there are still triggers that cause me to want to cuddle into a ball and cry MOMMY COME HOME! Talk about feelings for Collin! Regardless of how DEVIL PERSONIFIED Kate is, I guarantee there is a 13yr old boy who is or is wanting to, at any given unknown time, cuddle into a ball and cries MOMMY COME AND GET ME! They don't understand Kate's kind of evilness at 13 and rare to have that massive amount of hate. Hummmmmmmm, maybe instead it's more about having so little love.
My heart goes out to you njay.
Not only will a child cry out for that parent's love and acceptance, they will have the seed of rejection implanted so deeply within their soul, it will never go away.
. Nowhere do I see any proof this wasn’t just regular every day protection of high value items. If could have been “gel for white people”, if it’s something that’s getting stolen Walmart is going to lock it up.
Well, maybe a white person should Gloria a jingle when they get escorted to the back of the Walgreens to purchase Pseudoephedrine and have to jump through hoops to get it, because, you know, all white people have meth labs at home ;-)
Big score. I found the same shampoo on open shelves at TJ Maxx. They were selling it for about 1/3 the retail price. I bought one for me and left one on the shelf for the next shopper to get excited about.
I believe I have commented before that TJ Maxx is my favorite store. I hope all of you have one somewhere near you.
You are so nice!
I can usually find my Chi hairspray there and yes, I LOVE TJ Maxx (and have a TJX card, so that tells you something!).
Formerly Duped said... 186
Dmasy, I love TJ Maxx too! (Also Marshalls and Home Goods). When we were thinking of moving once- but did not- I made sure there was one in the area! I get a lot of clothing, gifts and holiday goods there.
I love our local shopping center with the Home Goods, TJ Maxx, World Market combo...right next to each other.
I'm so hooked on the new Wegmans that opened up near us, I swear I actually have visions of me NEEDING to have one near us if and when we move.
Celebrity Big Brother News said... 194
So two of Kate's co-stars from Celebrity Apprentice are going to be on Celebrity Big Brother--Brandi Glanville and Keshia Knight Pulliam. Do you think Kate's a tad upset that she wasn't asked?
Is Omarosa in this cast, too?
This'll have K8 gnashing her veneers:
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