Friday, February 9, 2018

Recap: Kate Plus 8 "Cleaning House": In Memory of Golly Gee

I'm so close to finishing all the still outstanding recaps I can taste it! Your next offering is Cleaning House, 42 minutes of the typical yelling and screaming and watching such an incredible amount of excess "stuff" I have a burning desire to just go live in a tiny house and get away from this despicable consumerism.

In all my years following this show, this is one of the few times Kate looks genuinely pretty to me. Her hair is a toned down blond, straight but with some body, her makeup muted, and she's dressed in a cozy grey sweater, albeit it cut a little tight. She looks her age, but not in a bad way. She is capable of looking very classy, pleasant and approachable, but she usually misses the mark by a mile.

Seemingly out of the blue, at least the way the kids seem to paint it, Kate wants them to clean out the entire house and sort out what can go to a yard sale. Only a few kids are around, and most are complaining about this task. Did they get a warning? Were there parameters set up? Because an open-ended project like this would naturally set even the most obedient of children off.

Oh my god the crap these children have! Plastic, plastic, plastic everywhere, four or five of everything. Doll houses, toy guns, books galore. Enough toys to cover a basement floor. It's insanity. I bet none of these toys got played with more than 20 minutes in their lifetime.

Kylie Jenner, I mean Mady, says something somewhat profound for a teenager, in that when you get rid of your old stuff, all you do is just replace it with new stuff. Now your new stuff is your old stuff, and you'll be getting rid of that too soon, so you might as well just hang onto your old stuff. I think she should expand on this idea and write it in an essay. It would make a good senior thesis. I'm serious. Consumerism and excess are one of the biggest black holes of modern life, and it's getting worse by the year. I'm somewhat proud of Mady for noticing at her young age.

Hannah, Alexis and Mady are being the biggest babies of all the kids about this. Whining and whining about how today was supposed to be Shoka's birthday cake, not cleaning the basement, and Kate promised this would be fun and it's not. While it's annoying Kate seems to have sprung this project on them without warning, their unchecked snotty attitudes about it are completely unacceptable, but instead of just laying down the law, Kate in typical fashion engages with them, which just makes the whining worse. They have eight capable people here, if they would all just shush and get down to business even with all the crap everywhere, I bet they could finish up this clean-out in under 60 minutes, maybe less. A project like this would take all day with only two or three kids handling it, so there are some great advantages of having a whole lot of kids in your family when projects like this come along. In many instances, you should be doing way less work than an average sized family, which is a nice perk.

Joel put a bunch of books I guess they're holding onto on a bookshelf, only he stacks them facing out, one on top of the other, instead of vertically so you can see their titles.

This incident is a glimpse at the very mean streak Kate has, and the potential long-term damage it could do to kids. Instead of just asking him nicely to restack the books correctly, she pulls them all out dramatically in a big messy pile, and then condescendingly asks Joel how he sees books stacked in a library and does the way he stacked them look like the library? I'm sure Joel knew exactly what he was doing and was just doing something dumb like kids tend to do, there is no reason to make him feel badly about it. Why not laugh about it, share a giggle between mother and son over a funny brain fart, instead of making him feel badly about himself? Joel's chagrined quiet little, 'I guess you're right,' says everything about how Kate spoke to him made him feel.

There's an incredibly long segment about baking a birthday cake and wrapping presents for Shoka. I don't know why these dogs are so boring to me. I think because we've never seen or heard about them doing anything but standing there being a dog. Also, they make Kate's Instagram even more boring than it already is.

The screaming and arguing these kids are doing, almost always from the girls, is utterly unacceptable and near constant, and Kate does nothing at all to try to stop it. Eventually after what feels like hours Kate intervenes and requires complete silence. Well, sheesh the solution to kids bickering and hollering is not total silence. Good grief. How about, speak to each other with respect and with our inside voices?

Kate tries to show off for the cameras and goes to spontaneously hug Cara as they're just hanging out in the kitchen. Cara, as expected, blows Kate off. Kate, you're not that family.
By the way, everyone should see Lady Bird. I saw it opening weekend and was riveted by the real and raw dialogue. An imperfect daughter and a really imperfect mother navigate the daughter's senior year of high school into going away to college. It's like Boyhood only with girls and mostly unlikable characters. You have to be okay with watching a movie where you really don't much like anyone, but if you can get past that, you will be rewarded.


I've seen all the contenders for best picture this year, and that film deserves its spot in the crowd, though it won't win. Three Billboards should win, but The Shape of Water will win.

In a surprisingly revealing conversation, the children say on the couch that they really don't hug Kate much, maybe just at bedtime. Only Aaden admits perhaps he might hug her if she's going away, or if he's on his way to school. Right, because, no surprise Kate likely doesn't derive much from that kind of tactile and loving touch so she doesn't bother to give it to her children even if they would benefit. It'd be interesting to hear what a child psychologist would say about this, but it seems to me only one hug a day is very much on the low side for the kind of physical touch a child needs, though probably matters more when they're younger. Which begs the question how far back does this one-hug-a-day rationing go? Because if you've got a four-year-old whose only touch from a parent all day is one hug at night, that is very, very concerning. There's been a lot of interesting studies on this, with hugging and positive touching directly linked to a child's normal development. Researchers have found a huge boost to a child's normal development once they get a good 20 minutes a day of hugs, and loving, appropriate touching (like cuddling up together and sharing a book or talking). One hug at bed time is likely not going to cut it.

The kids want to try the dog cake because that's just how kids are. Hehe, the boys love it, and Kate jokes they'll eat anything. It looks like the girls are spitting it out though. Blech.

I'm just about the biggest dog lover on the planet, but this segment is mind-numbing. And what's pretty funny about the whole thing is Shoka is barely in it! He only appears at the end, outside of course, to collect his cake. Where was he this whole time, chained up to the barn? Sadly that's not a joke. I will never understand people who keep "outdoor" dogs. It makes no sense to me. I'd sooner understand an "outdoor" child you never let inside except maybe on special occasions, and even then only in the laundry room or basement. Huh?

Kate spins a tall tale about how she's always loved and looked after animals. Even once nursing baby squirrels back to health with a bottle. Heh, and I got a bridge to sell ya! A true animal or dog lover is unlikely to go dog-less for the years and years she did. I think she got the dogs because it was a good episode idea, TLC was paying, and it helps pad her instagram. More than likely, she screamed her head off and ran away when she saw a nest of baby squirrels. She then says and she's always looking after babies. What does babies have to do with being an animal lover? Sometimes her throw away comments are so telling, in that she's actually equating a human being to something like a squirrel. Point being, babies, even children, I think she processes more like cute objects, or a lesser species, not human beings. This would be typical narcissistic behavior, there is no normal bond with offspring. Oh, they can put on a hell of a good show engaging with their little successors, but there is no "there" there.

Very tellingly, the long segment ends when it's dark out, Kate goes back inside, shuts the front door, and Shoka remains outside to wander around in the dark all by himself on his birthday. I hate her. That is all.

Why does she do this? The same weekend they're sorting out the entire house, Kate planned Many and Cara's birthday party. There is something wrong with her. I think she purposely over schedules herself to cause stress and get attention and sympathy and perhaps even to watch the kids fall into a tailspin. There's no other reason to do something so ridiculous.

The family arrives at Skyzone for the party, which is basically a big indoor trampoline gym. We have these here and I've been there though haven't really participated. These sort of indoor fun zones were just becoming popular when I was a kid, popping up on every corner, and there was an amazing one called Adventure Quest near where I lived that was just awesome. It had everything from cargo nets and tunnels to a zip line. I tried to find it online to see if it's still around, but no such luck. They can be on the expensive side, but they often run deal days or have coupons, and they are simply a blast and also a good safe workout for kids. I think this was a good choice that pleases both ages of the kids.

I find it so interesting to watch these episodes through the lens of Collin is "dead." Here he rolls up to Skyzone separate from the family, Kate explaining he was with a friend that weekend. I find that odd since it seems the kids so rarely go off on their own like that. Weekends are for crowding on the floor in her bedroom I gather. But sure enough there he is with two apparently younger friends, both girls incidentally. The thought crossed my mind ten is probably pushing it to be interested in having sleepovers with girls or for most parents to find it appropriate, so that's interesting. He has a huge smile on his face and immediately runs to Mady and gives her a big bear hug. Nothing about this interaction seems strange or off, he just seems like such a normal kid with normal bonds with a favorite sibling. As I've said a hundred times, the idea he is so disturbed he needs to be banished from the family home for years now is simply impossible to believe. It's getting to the point where I refuse to believe it, and rather firmly believe it's Kate who can't or won't handle him, not Collin himself who can't be handled by the average decent parent. In other words, it's Kate, not him.

Mady and Collin have been favorites of each other since his toddlerhood, and we don't talk enough about how removal of one sibling from the home damages the other siblings left behind. Mady puts on a tough exterior and would likely never admit this, but she is being robbed of her relationship with Collin, the shared experiences and growing-up memories are being actively stolen from her. The damage to her as well could be irreparable.

On a side note, I think it's very interesting, and wonderful, that in California, they have such respect for the nature of sibling relationships that they have even carved out a rare exception to adoption based on sibling bonds. In other words, if one sibling is about to be adopted by a family and another sibling they are bonded with isn't (that second sibling might be living with another family, or perhaps a parent, or is too old to want to be adopted, etc.), the siblings can assert a "sibling exception" and get a judge to deny the adoption on the grounds that it is not in the best interest of the siblings and their close ties. Granted, it is a hard burden to prove, but at least a statement in the law has been made about sibling relationships.

Kate says doing a birthday party at a place like this is not her thing but this is what the twins wanted, and that's why she did it, because she no longer has control over how things will be. They are fourteen years old! It seems to me any kid old enough to speak is old enough to have some say in his birthday party, within reason. It's their party. It's supposed to be about their birthday, not the parents' ego or desires. Yeesh!

Why are Kate and her girls, left boobie and rightie, front and center bouncing away? Go away, it's not your party. Go stand with the other uncool parents and butt out.

Mady says Kate sometimes writes them off as "teenagers" to which Mady explains she's often acting like she is not because she's being a teenager but because Kate is being unfair. I buy that. We've seen Kate do many things to the kids that are fundamentally unfair, and being a teen has nothing to do with the greater point. So, rock on, Mady.

It's annoying the way Kate exaggerates. They had just done the "world's most stressfulist" (the f?) construction on the house. She's clearly never done some real work to a house. All they did was move around some bedrooms, painted some walls and barely did any decorating at all to make a bedroom a bedroom. What a martyr.

This episode is really another disorganized hodgepodge of random stuff. None of these little stories have anything to do with the other, which is lazy writing. The quality of post-production on this series took a massive dive once it became just Kate Plus 8. It really is like they didn't care anymore, and were just making filler to kill time and collect a pay check. Now the family is at a studio, doing a photoshoot. Kate says most families do periodic photoshoots like them. Um, I would venture to say that's not true at all. Many families can't afford periodic photoshoots, at least not real ones. Most photoshoots in a studio as they have done are very expensive. Even doing them at JCPenney isn't the cheapest thing to blow your money on. I would venture to say many families just take photos of the family with their phone and be done with it, which again puts her very out of touch with the real world.

They have an entire rack of clothes set up for different outfit changes, which is a dead giveaway this is a production photoshoot of some kind. Could Kate just be honest and say this is an official TLC (or some other official) photoshoot that's wrapped up in production's overhead, and not something she arranged and paid for? What nerve she has talking about the expensive things she thinks many families do when she likely isn't paying a dime out of pocket for this.

The little Dionnes are pros at this, especially the boys, who just get on with it and get this over with. Why is Kate the only one I can hear directing this whole thing? She has no idea what she's talking about. She's posing them awkwardly and most of the photos are terrible and unoriginal.

Predictably, Kate is starting to lose it and is yelling and snapping at the kids over stupid things. The only thing worse than a boring photoshoot is your mom nagging you on a boring photoshoot. Why is everyone else in the room hidden from camera? We never see even a glimpse of the photographer, and the part where Kate looks at the photos on a computer make it look like she's talking to a ghost when clearly she's talking either to a photographer or editor. The only person on camera has their face blurred. That is so odd, why would the photographers not want to be part of this? I can't even speculate the reasons for this strange situation!

There's some interesting little details to notice in the extraneous filler shots they show while Kate is blah blahing on the couch. In one, one of the boys has what appears to be a gift bag and is holding a large box, which from a distance looks like maybe a Lego set. What was that, the bribe for all this? Also in the background is some chick packing up craft services. Lots of waters and some foil dishes. So, this was clearly not a one- or two-hour event but rather warranted a full meal or at least a big snack. Sigh.

Kate heads to a local radio station to promote the yard sale. Oh that's totally a normal thing to do, go on the radio as a guest to peddle your old crappy junk. Heh. Kate knows the station from when she was on it to promote a 5k she ran in some years back, back when running was still shiny and interested her. Now Running's gone off to the black hole, taken off its tennis shoes and found a seat right between Aunt Jodie and Beth. Get comfortable, Running.

Kate laments that her biggest 1 percent problem is she has so much stuff it's filled her mansion to the brim and now she must get rid of it. Poor thing!

The yard sale money will go to the Animal Rescue League. Kate tells a story that is alarmingly short on details, that Shoka jumped the fence and so ARL found him and kept him overnight, and she didn't worry about him because they were looking after him.

So....many...questions! How did Shoka jump the fence and why? Was he bored, restless? Where was the rest of the family when this happened? Did this happen at night, or why else would they keep him overnight? Do you not bring your damn dog inside at night even, you shrew? And if she didn't worry about him, is she implying she knew ARL had him but she waited until the next day to get him? Next time he's going to get hit by a car before he's "rescued." What is her plan to ensure this never happens again? This story is such insanity for anyone who has even a shred of compassion toward animals.

Nothing happens over the next five minutes except Kate complaining how much she has to do to get ready for this yard sale, which will be an outdoor sale at what looks like a park. Why aren't they doing this at the family home like normal people? They have plenty of space for it. Having it off site just makes everything so much harder. Oh, lord, please do not ever buy or sell old car seats. It's incredibly dangerous and in some circumstances illegal, such if they've ever been in a crash no matter how small. Throw them out. 

Collin, who has proven to be an absolute sweetheart and one of the most likable of all these children, happily stacks books, remarking that he's excited as he's never done a yard sale before. He has a perpetual good sense of humor and positive attitude, in the face of an incredible amount of negativity around him. He is a good kid, and this long absence that is still not over will forever be disturbing to many viewers.

The editors kill some time by showing clips of old Halloween episodes, which they loosely tie into some Halloween decorations they are dumping. Heh, that was a stretch. I often picture these poor editors in their dark editing bays, putting these episodes together and coming up with a run time of maybe 35, 38 minutes .... and saying to themselves, all righty, we've got 6-8 more minutes we've got to come up with somehow, now what?

You can just guess the kind of sound bytes Kate offers about this thing. She felt prepared but unprepared, exhausted but knew she had to go through with it. She should just tape these little soliloquies and play them over and over for anything she is asked to talk about, it's always the same generic drivel.

Kate goes over to the garage sale site so early it's still dark out. Given this is summer in the northeast, that must have been very early. Mercifully, she let the kids stay home and sleep longer with "someone" staying home with them. Someone? I.e. the nanny? Why not just say the nanny? Good grief.

Kate's pissed Cara is selling some sort of magazine or poster Kate got for her last year from England. Imported from England? Geez, that's not spoiled at all. That's such a great example, ask the kids to give up things they still may have some attachment to and do it with a great attitude but when Kate doesn't want to let something go, she is permitted to stomp and hold her breath. Silly double standard. After all this getting up early, there is little organization or order to the tables, it's all just piles of junk. Wonder if any of Jon's old stuff made the cut.

There are a lot of people lined up to buy their piles of junk. The whole family, especially Kate, seems so very impressed and flattered by this turnout, but garage sale people are pretty intense that I've seen, you might find a line like this at any sale of this size, doesn't matter if the family is famous. Tip: call your garage sale an "estate sale" and your turnout will double. Semantics. I've stopped by garage sales if there's one within walking distance in the neighborhood and if I'm not there as soon as it opens, there's likely nothing good left. (That's why I prefer the app OfferUp for second hand stuff I'm interested in. If I want something and the seller commits to selling it to me, we can work out me picking it up any time. I don't have to be there at 7 a.m.)

Just to make things really hard, they also are selling baked goods and other foods too. It's highly unlikely such a thing like this is permitted on this scale without a permit, but Kate is not one to think of anything like that because she's stupid. They also have a grab bag stand, for 2 bucks you get a brown paper bag of most likely crap. Permits and other regulations aside to sell things like this, I do like the way this involves the kids and gets them engaged and excited about this event. It is probably boring for a kid to stand around watching the adults sell off old blenders and party decorations. The kids love it.

"How much for everything?" a young woman asks, who dolled herself up early and big time for her on camera debut. Hair curled and the whole nine yards. She had a line, so I say give that gal a SAG card. Garage sale people. How much for it all is not an uncommon question with that strange lot.

What's the point of post-production blurring some of the info on the yard sale sign? The sale is already over with. Not like you need to protect the location or something. Weird.

I think Kate is right, and I hate saying that, that it's just easier not to price anything. If people want something, have them suggest a fair price and be done with it. Makes it faster and easier. Plus it's for charity, so it's kind of like, whatever you want to give, 20 bucks or whatever, and take a few items you think are fair to take for that. Kate tends to make things overly complicated, so this no-price hassle free sale is out of character.

Twenty-five bucks plus a selfie with Kate, one gentleman offers for the crap he has collected. Mister, that is quite a bargain. Back in the day at speaking engagements those photos were a pretty penny plus you were expected to contribute to the "donation basket" being passed around so the family could keep their electricity on, and you didn't get any garage sale items with it.

You know how when you become a teenager suddenly your parents' jokes sound really stupid and Mom and Dad become just overall embarrassing? That's Kate, only you don't have to be a teenager to find her jokes so dumb and the woman embarrassing. I just want to cover my eyes when I watch her interact with the general public. But, I give her a tiny bit of credit for being upbeat throughout this sale and engaging with each and every buyer as they approach her, trying to have a bit of a conversation with them, at least from what we can tell. She must have been mentally exhausted but she did it.

Kate pats herself on the back again for donating to this dog shelter, plus, helping the needy, she practically says. She is so perched atop her throne, heh. You don't have to be poor to go to a garage sale! Is that what she thinks this demographic is? Some people just like a good bargain. Some people believe in reusing as much as possible before ever buying new. Some people think it's just fun to look through other people's stuff for treasure. I'm all of that and that's why I often buy used things (though as I said, usually through other venues like OfferUp). Some of these people are also here to get on camera, like 5 a.m. hair-curl chick, and quite frankly there's probably a few lookie loos who just want to see Kate and the whole TLC spectacle. Fair enough. There's nothing wrong with shopping at garage sales because you can't afford things otherwise of course and many people do, but for Kate to think that her garage sale is such a wonderful gift she bestowed on the poor and needy of Wernersville is just hilarious, since there is no evidence that's who attended.

I think it's funny that Kate has no idea how she sounds. She was shocked to meet so many good wonderful people at the sale. Who does Kate think usually attends yard sales for pity sake, murderers and rapists? Somebody's gonna turn up missing after this and be found in a shallow grave six weeks later? Sheesh! I'm glad to hear the commoners so impressed her with their decorum and generally clean criminal backgrounds.

"Do you remember me?" a woman says in a kind of creepy way, real quiet-like. "Your girls are beautiful," she goes on to say breathily. I think this woman just has a naturally breathy voice, but it sounds like the beginning of a bad horror movie. It's Kelly, an old coworker. Despite the breathy voice, she seems really sweet. Kelly seems to have a kid there exactly the younger kids' age--huh. And Kate says she lives nearby. Why not get together with this woman? Make friends with her, and the girls can make friends with her daughter. This was a golden opportunity to exchange numbers and rekindle something that would benefit everyone, but Kate being Kate not only doesn't think of it but I don't think even wants to. Kind of sad.

Kate is so unbelievably shocked to run into people she knows at this sale. If she got out more, she would realize that most people run into people they know all the time, especially in smaller towns but even in big ones. In the town I grew up in it would be rare not to see someone you know when you leave the house. In Los Angeles, I see someone I know out and about probably every other week. Even in a city that size.

I'm not sure who Kate is trying to convince here emphasizing how supportive everyone is and how kind to them and how much they love them. Like, I don't expect people to come to your garage sale and be rude and start engaging you in a moral debate over exploiting your children on television. That would just be odd and inappropriate in front of the children. This was a yard sale, not a meet and greet, and I would expect most people to come and buy something and leave like normal polite people. This sampling in no way represents the general public opinion about how these children have grown up, nor does it prove all her neighbors love her and have no issue with her (contrary to various reports especially from back at the house before this one) so I don't know who Kate is trying to fool.

They made just over $1100 for the animal rescue charity. I think that's pretty good for one morning, and it will certainly be a help to a fine charity. Well done, Wernersville.

In memory of Golly Gee, whose thoughtful perspective and steadfast optimism has been a treasured part of this blog. We toast you, Golly. 

1105 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Sad but true said...

Layla said... 195

She apparently posted on IG about setting up a birthing pool and extra beds in her home, so it at least appeared they were going to try, as all the Duggar girls seem to, for a home birth. And whether or not she even had any real pre-natal care is also being questioned, since I guess neither Jessa nor Jill ever talked about seeing an OB or were shown going to an appt. They go to some DIY place for ultrasounds. And while Jill is touted as a midwife, her credentials are questionable; she spoke about taking her midwife exam, but it was for a certification level that is not even recognized in her home state. There have been a number of articles written about this.

And yeah, the disappearing photos are turning into another big source of gossip. The first pix posted by People showed the baby in what looked like a hospital bassinet, but no other photos gave a hint of that location. But of course other photos of Joy in an actual hospital bed leaked from friends/family, and then they were swiffered. I read somewhere that People will be doing a follow-up story on Friday. This whole home-birth thing is odd, since I understand that most of Mama Duggar's kids were born at the hospital. I don't understand why home birth seems to be being held up as some sort of badge of honor that all good fundie women should strive for. I can't pretend to fathom what sort of thinking goes into this.

Sad but true said...

Here's an article about Joy's birth that gives some insight into the photo deletions, etc.

I've never seen this site before, the article is actually fairly well done.

CC said...

I think the theory is that the NRA controls the right when it comes to the people in power, not so much the public. What does the average joe get from the NRA? Except maybe a discount for travel if you’re a member. And it seems that’s been taken away by some companies.

Left, right, Democrats, Republicans... I think Trump is a whole different ballgame. I don’t think anyone can control Teump, as far as what he says or Tweets. It will he interesting to see what he actually does.

I agree about video game violence. I think it fuels the violence in those that have violent tendencies. I hate those games. But no matter how violent a video game is, you can’t go in a rampage and kill a slew of people with a game box remote. It’s the access to guns that brings that violence to fruition.

I’m sure most people, Rights included, wouldn’t mind gun control for the mentally ill.

But what about the kids that take their mentally stable parents’ guns to school? ~ Administrator said...

I’m sure most people, Rights included, wouldn’t mind gun control for the mentally ill.

But what about the kids that take their mentally stable parents’ guns to school?


Ways to get around any regulations will be a risk for ANY regulation you make. It doesn’t mean you don’t make the law. Kids aren’t allowed to drive but what if they take their parents’ car anyway? Is that a reason to just say ok fine a 13 year old can drive? Of course not. But to your point that’s why the focus should be on getting to the heart of the problem. Why they shoot, not with what. Which has consistently been because of mental illness not treated or if it cant be treated make sure they can’t access the public until they are safe.

Saying guns kill people is like saying hammers build houses. I’m pretty sure the carpenter is the reason the house was built. If you have any issues with the house you look to the carpenter himself, not the hammer. So too are we missing a huge point of prevention when we hyper focus on the tools.

Again, reasonable gun control, fine, but unless you also pair it with other issues like mental health and school security, this will just keep happening.

CC said...

Sorry, but I think the “guns don’t kill people” is the most ridiculous argument.

Do drugs kill people? Do drugs ruin lives? I guess it’s the people who do it to themselves. Or the drug dealers. The drugs themselves aren’t the problem. ??? The government is cracking down on opioids now. So they shouldn’t? The opioids aren’t the problem? Of course dealing with the addiction itself is needed, but when you’re able to access the drugs it just makes it easier to keep using. Makes more sense to deal with the addiction and ALSO make it harder or impossible to have access to the drugs too.

I don’t think the argument that an inanimate object can’t kill someone makes any sense.

Unfortunately there will always be guns, there will always be unstable people, there will always be violence. I’m not saying just give up and don’t try to change things for the better......

Tucker's Mom said...

Octomom has an autistic child who is barely functional and he is still in the home. But Collin is sent away? How does that work?
This is just my mind wondering (and knowing what I've witnessed Kate do), but I don't think it's beyond Kate to exaggerate or lie about Collin's behavior, to have him qualify for permanent institution until he's 18.
Specifically, I wonder if either Collin IS dangerous (would be a great surprise), or Kate SAID he is dangerous (would not be a surprise). ~ Administrator said...

Sorry, but I think the “guns don’t kill people” is the most ridiculous argument.

Do drugs kill people? Do drugs ruin lives? I guess it’s the people who do it to themselves. Or the drug dealers. The drugs themselves aren’t the problem. ??? The government is cracking down on opioids now. So they shouldn’t?


Well, it actually is the people responsible for the drug problem, not the drug itself. Wow, talk about removing personal responsibility. It wasn't the crazed violent dealer that put the dangerous drugs on the market, it was the drug itself?? Addicts put that drug in their body. Many, many people have chosen not to put that drug in their body and are not addicts. Personal responsibility. Wow, just wow.

We have banned most serious drugs, and yet the drug problem is terrible. What does that tell you?

Again, I never said no gun control. What was said is yes, great, do some common sense gun control, but if you think simply doing that will solve the problem, you only need look at all the common sense drug laws we have to know that won't. The hyper focus on only attacking ONE angle of the problem is very, very naive.

Tucker's Mom said...

But there is one scenario that ticks more boxes than any others (though admittedly, not ALL of them) and that is that Collin has been removed from Kate's home, against her wishes, by a judge.

Once he's a foster kid, the federal funds take over and who's paying what becomes much more simple
Again, forgive my ignorance, and you've been more than patient with the legal questions, but how could the government take over a minor's custody and care when he has a father who wants him?
How would Jon be kept from getting custody over total fricking strangers? ~ Administrator said...

Octomom has an autistic child who is barely functional and he is still in the home. But Collin is sent away? How does that work?
This is just my mind wondering (and knowing what I've witnessed Kate do), but I don't think it's beyond Kate to exaggerate or lie about Collin's behavior, to have him qualify for permanent institution until he's 18.


I also don't think it's beyond Kate to exaggerate her "inability" to care for him in the home with in home services, which is always are number one priority, trying to keep kids in their homes.

I'm betting my bottom dollar she WAS offered lots of options to care for him in the home, but always found a way for that to just not work. Darn tooting I bet she was.

CC said...

The problem is “reasonable gun control” opinions vary. What is reasonable to one person isn’t reasonable to another. What exactly does “reasonable” mean?

Why does the public need an assault rifle or AR-15?

Target practice? An AR-15 shouldn’t be a recreational toy. ~ Administrator said...

The problem is “reasonable gun control” opinions vary. What is reasonable to one person isn’t reasonable to another. What exactly does “reasonable” mean?

Why does the public need an assault rifle or AR-15?

Target practice? An AR-15 shouldn’t be a recreational toy.


Reasonable and common sense are actually legal terms used all the time.

Gun control is what a reasonably prudent person would do.

The lawmakers will have to figure out what this is, this is how all laws work. There will have to be compromise, and rationality, and the fanatic emotions have got to stop.

One thing I do know, this gun control lobby, the fanatical side of it, will be their own undoing if they continue to be unreasonable and continue to refuse to cooperate. One side has come to the table, offering to give up more than we ever have before. Will the other side play ball? I'm not betting on it, but I'll keep an open mind.

Formerly Duped said...

Just throwing this in: my daughter has severe depressive disorder and anxiety. She certainly isn't going to shoot up a school. However we have had extreme difficulties her entire life getting suitable and effective help for her.Today we are off to an appointment- her last therapist dropped her since she said she was not cooperative. My daughter felt more anxious and down after each appt with this woman- no therapeutic relationship was established- she just jumped in with CBT worksheets and did not ask about her past experiences or try to get to know her at all. We have been through many many therapist, psychiatrists and types of therapy. There needs to be changes in outpatient mental health issues. You can't lock up or isolate or deny freedom to people who can function yet suffer from various psych problems.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

I still say TFW used the word "fluid" about C's diagnosis because if she'd identified a specific condition, she'd be deluged by requests for help and/or advice from other parents whose kids have the same issue. ~ Administrator said...

There needs to be changes in outpatient mental health issues. You can't lock up or isolate or deny freedom to people who can function yet suffer from various psych problems.


We darn should be able to if they are violent and are going to hurt others. We darn well KNEW N.C. was violent and was going to hurt others. We...KNEW.

We can't possibly lock people up, but we can take away their second amendment rights. I don't get it. Why are people so willing to take away one right but have a heart attack over taking away the other? Talk about irony.

The vast majority of people who suffer from mental health problems are not violent, like your daughter. There is no reason to lock up people are not harming anyone.

That said, agree completely that mental health treatment should be much, much better. Why don't we throw our resources at that instead of the tens of thousands being thrown on going around in circles on this or that weapon that, when banned, will just be found on the black market or they'll move on to the next weapon. It's an endless circle. But here's the good news, there is nothing circular or pointless about mental health treatment. It is not a road to nowhere. ~ Administrator said...

Again, forgive my ignorance, and you've been more than patient with the legal questions, but how could the government take over a minor's custody and care when he has a father who wants him?
How would Jon be kept from getting custody over total fricking strangers?


They can't. That's the hole in my theory.

CC said...

We have banned most serious drugs, and yet the drug problem is terrible. What does that tell you?
That people are still getting them.

The drugs themselves are very much the problem. Not the whole problem!

Of course there’s personal responsibility. But a lot of people actually become addicted to drugs when they are still teenagers before they have the mental capacity to resist taking drugs. And of course some kids are able to resist that pressure, but some aren’t. Just like anything else. But if they didn’t have the access to drugs, whether they are in their parent’s medicine cabinet or on the street, they wouldn’t be able to become addicted to them.

I still ask, why does anyone need an AR15?

Tucker's Mom said...

Oh the irony if Trump is finally the president to pass common sense gun control laws. Lol, that is just going to kill the Trump haters. ***************

I think Trump just might and while people will hate him for being pro-2nd amendment and very pro NRA, that fact is that Trump is far better positioned than Obama was, or any Democratic, anti-gun President or politician would ever be, to get through to the NRA and get them to compromise.
I like that he's using his long-standing relationship with the NRA to very publicly and openly say that they are meeting and talking.
That puts pressure on the NRA in a whole different way.
I'm at least encouraged that we're having a far more rounded conversation about mitigating the factors that lead to school shootings.
The Parkland shooting was first and foremost an extreme failure of law enforcement, the FBI, parenting and even the same school officials at Parkland itself.
NC never should have been able to legally buy a gun. In fact, he should have been charged with a felony under Florida law for the treats he made.
Chief Israel needs to go, and others need to follow.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Formerly Duped (#11), bless your heart, it sounds like you've had such a painful journey with your daughter. I hope the appointment goes well today, and that she finds a better fit with a new therapist. ~ Administrator said...

Japan has a high incidence of mental illness and a stigma against seeking mental health support. Japan has high rates of video game playing. And yet, Japan has virtually no gun violence. Why? Very tight gun control. IT’S THE GUNS.


Wrong. Apples and oranges.

Japan doesn't have a whole lot of weapons to ban in the first place, so there is no danger of the black market coming into play. If you banned all guns in the US today, the black market would circulate for centuries on. See the drug trade.

There are also cultural differences. Japanese don't have the familiarity with guns or interest or need to defend themselves that many Americans do, especially rural Americans. Most Japanese live in cities or suburbs and their culture makes them uncomfortable and disinterested in guns. You see this in the U.S. too, different cultures have differing levels of interest toward one weapon or another. Most hunters are white.

Most Japanese are not farmers. They don't have the same kind of problem with coyotes, wolves, deer, and bear that have caused tens of thousands of rural Americans to arm themselves with to protect their crops, stock, and lives. Gun culture is not prevalent nor are there reasons for it like there was good reasons for it in the US. They also don't have a constitution that protects one's right to arm themselves and hold a coup against the government, which our founding fathers after careful study of other democracies and what happened to them, felt was paramount.

To completely discount cultural differences when comparing one society to another is pretty ridiculous. Hawaii has a shortage of snowshoes!!! That's because there's no snow there. Facts matter.

On another note, how unfair is it that in the US the poor victims of suicide have been lumped into the "school shooting" statistics? Sick. Japan has a high suicide rate but at least no one calls those people school shooters. There are some really, really sick people who will stop at nothing to get their way, even using victims of suicide as "school shooters".

CC said...

Common sense gun and drug laws... what would that entail? Whose common sense?

Why suggest common sense gun laws when you feel common sense drug laws don’t work?

I guess my common sense is different that yours. Common sense tells me if there are no AR15s then people can’t get killed by AR15, or rather someone using one. ~ Administrator said...

You have got the NRA talking points down.


I don't like the NRA at all actually. They are a nuisance when trying to come to real solutions. I'm glad Trump doesn't care about them. Finally. ~ Administrator said...

Why suggest common sense gun laws when you feel common sense drug laws don’t work?


Because you don't not pass laws because they don't work. Because I'm reasonable and willing to come to the table. Because I don't see the harm in it. I don't see the downside. Either it will help or do nothing. It won't hurt. Lots of reasons. Now why won't the other side compromise? That's what I don't get. ~ Administrator said...

I'm at least encouraged that we're having a far more rounded conversation about mitigating the factors that lead to school shootings.


In browsing Facebook this morning, I saw my favorite Trump hater friends now whining that Trump had "flip-flopped" on this issue and decides his opinions day to day, doesn't know how he really feels about things, blah blah.

So, basically, the man can't win. They have been whining for weeks he must do something, now when he comes to the table and tries to do something, tries to work with them, he's a flip flopper.

It's not about protecting kids for that lot. It's about Trump. Disingenuous at best. I am thrilled we might finally have a productive dialogue on this point. Is their hate so deep they can't also be optimistic?

CC said...

I think a compromise would be not banning ALL guns including rifles and handguns? ~ Administrator said...

Of course there’s personal responsibility. But a lot of people actually become addicted to drugs when they are still teenagers before they have the mental capacity to resist taking drugs.


It's amazing the way I found the mental capacity to never do drugs when I was a teen, or ever. I guess I'm a child prodigy. Many teens day in and day out find it in themselves to not do drugs. Let's give them a little credit.

Drug treatment also has a tremendous impact on drugs, yet no one wants mental health treatment to have an impact on violence. So odd!

CC said...

Making the legal age 21 is also a compromise. ~ Administrator said...

I still say TFW used the word "fluid" about C's diagnosis because if she'd identified a specific condition, she'd be deluged by requests for help and/or advice from other parents whose kids have the same issue.


I think so too. And I don't think she's at all interested in actually delving into the root of his issues, learning about his issues, learning about other kids, medications, therapies, deep diving into it. Yawn, boring. Pass him off like she did the dogs to the trainers.

Formerly Duped said...

...if they are violent and are going to hurt others.

Yes, key words. As you said and I agree, most people with mental health issues are not violent.My frustration is that my daughter is not doing anything that makes professionals rush to help her except in a cursory way.She's a college graduate, has held jobs, is funny, creative, well-groomed, not the stereotype of a raging lunatic with wild eyes, mumbling violent words at passersby.Most waiting rooms I've been in with her have a variety of clients- hard to tell when someone enters if they work there, are patients, family members, or drug reps etc. DD just gets overcome with her anxiety and depression that she cannot function. I see no relation between her and the gun issue. I know we are talking about violent people whether they have mental issues or just are bad people. Just making a point about not categorizing all mental health patients together.

Formerly Duped said...

Thanks, Flimsy. I know I can share this painful journey here to sympathetic ears.

We are just going on a meds visit today and hope to learn that a new therapist has agreed to take over her case.

CC said...

It's amazing the way I found the mental capacity to never do drugs when I was a teen, or ever. I guess I'm a child prodigy. Many teens day in and day out find it in themselves to not do drugs. Let's give them a little credit.
Neither did I. Never even tried them. But we are talking about kids that aren’t like us.

Tucker's Mom said...

The hyper focus on only attacking ONE angle of the problem is very, very naive.
I agree with the notion of a comprehensive approach-multiple prongs- including common-sense gun control reform (limitation, not abrogation), hardening schools, parenting, SCREENS and screen time, social disconnection, proper follow up and intervention when police and FBI are called, a centralized, cross-agency data base establishment and I am probably missing some others, but you get the idea.
I am somewhat hopeful that Parkland will be different, because our leadership is different.

We need to have a different conversation than just gun control. Again that's a part of the equation, but especially in this most recent shooting, there is so much more to focus on.

Tucker's Mom said...

. There needs to be changes in outpatient mental health issues. You can't lock up or isolate or deny freedom to people who can function yet suffer from various psych problems.
Bless you and your daughter, first of all.
We do have to consider everyone's Constitutional rights and due process.

Tucker's Mom said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 15
I still say TFW used the word "fluid" about C's diagnosis because if she'd identified a specific condition, she'd be deluged by requests for help and/or advice from other parents whose kids have the same issue.
March 1, 2018 at 7:21 AM
Just Kate-speak for her being evasive as usual. Kate usually uses non-specific language and frankly, mumbo jumbo, so she can wiggle out of anything that comes her way.
I mean, how can you take her for, or hold her to her word when she's not even speaking proper English?

Kate is very good at suggestion and being vague.

CC said...

I’m definitely not against personal responsibility. I’m all for it!

But this is about the people who won’t or don’t take personal responsibility. Sure, they have to live with the consequences of their actions, but so do their victims.

Tucker's Mom said...

NC never should have been able to legally buy a gun. In fact, he should have been charged with a felony under Florida law for the treats he made.
Chief Israel needs to go, and others need to follow.
Of course, that should read "threats he made".
Not treats.

CC said...

Then there’s the argument that someone can kill someone (or multiple people) with a car, or a knife, or a baseball bat. Yes, that’s true. But those items weren’t created for that purpose. They were created to drive from place to place, cut food, hunt food, hit a ball, etc.

AR-15s and assault rifles were created for one purpose only. To shoot to kill.

Tucker's Mom said...

I guess my common sense is different that yours. Common sense tells me if there are no AR15s then people can’t get killed by AR15, or rather someone using one.
The VAST majority of gun deaths do not occur with the use of the AR-15.
In the city near me, there are gun deaths weekly, and it's handguns.
VA Tech? 2 Handguns. 32 dead. 17 wounded.

If it makes people feel better to "ban" AR-15s, I'm all for it. Just realize it's the same as MANY other rifles, fires the same ammo, has the same clips and does the same amount of damage.
Its fascia if "military-like", but it's the same as the hunting rifles with wooden stocks.

Tucker's Mom said...

I think so too. And I don't think she's at all interested in actually delving into the root of his issues, learning about his issues, learning about other kids, medications, therapies, deep diving into it. Yawn, boring. Pass him off like she did the dogs to the trainers.
March 1, 2018 at 7:45 AM
"Yes, Collin's becoming the best Collin he can be and he has a fluid diagnosis and...PUPPIES...puppypuppypuppypuppypuppypuppypuppypuppypuppypuppypuppypuppypuppypuppypuppy!"

CC said...

I do like the “government coup” argument though.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Tucker's Mom (#40), puppies and peppers and flies, oh my!

I miss GollyGee...

Blowing In The Wind said...

It's not about protecting kids for that lot. It's about Trump. Disingenuous at best. I am thrilled we might finally have a productive dialogue on this point. Is their hate so deep they can't also be optimistic?


Bottom line is that it's the proverbial, "damned if he does, damned if he doesn't."

Formerly Duped said...

Thanks, Tucker! The appt was ok in that DD got her meds and there are 2 new therapists at this clinic which is nearby (that reduces stress in itself) and a great nurse practitioner who is a great guy the way he deal with patients As my daughter says, he treats her like a person and listens to her concerns...Hopefully one of the new therapists will agree to take my DD on.

AuntieAnn said...

Target practice? An AR-15 shouldn’t be a recreational toy.


No real gun, not even a bb gun, is a toy. If a person wants a recreational toy they can play paintball.

Layla said...

Formerly Duped (44)
So good to hear that your daughter had a productive appointment. She's so lucky to have you there to offer her the support and encouragement she needs. When our kids struggle, we struggle right along with them.

Formerly Duped said...

So true, Layla and thank you. It's scary as she gets older- what's in her future when we are gone?

MikeB said...

This may not be popular, but I'll give my views on gun ownership. I grew up in the rural South and was exposed to guns for as long as I can remember. My life doesn't revolve around guns and I probably go shooting every couple of months at most. Gun ownership is just a regular part of life in my area. I do, however, strongly believe in individual responsibility, carry a concealed handgun at times, and own an AR-15.

I believe a sufficient number of citizens with effective defensive weapons acts as a deterrent to government overreach. The founding fathers insisted the citizenry have the ability to stand up against their government if the need arose because they had just escaped such tyranny themselves. Any gun control proposals need to keep that in mind. The Second Amendment is about protecting the liberty of the entire nation. How neutered can gun ownership get before it is ineffective?

The technological progress over the years has made semi-automatic weapons the only effective means of defense. Does anyone really think a six-shot revolver or a single-shot rifle would be effective against a militarized police force that has armored vehicles, helicopters, fully automatic weapons, explosives, and other true "weapons of war"?

We've got a pretty decent compromise right now with explosives banned and fully-automatic weapons highly regulated. I wouldn't be against banning bump-stocks, but one has to realize the same effect can be done with a stick or a finger through a belt-loop. Past that, though, and as Marco Rubio said the only thing that could be done is a complete ban on all semi-automatic weapons since legal loopholes and easy modifications make any legislation ineffective. There's nothing magical about the AR-15 outside of its being cheap and popular. Ironically, if the AR-15 is banned a mass shooter would likely use an M1A which fires an even more powerful, damaging cartridge.

It is unfortunate that a few people with mental illness have abused that right and caused others harm, but that isn't a reason to strip the right to own common-use firearms from all citizens other than those to whom the government arbitrarily allows. Something has happened in the last 25 years because students regularly carried rifles and shotguns in their vehicles when I went to school and there was no widespread violence.

I sincerely hope the situation never arises where the citizens need to overthrow a tyrannical government or even have to defend themselves against a rogue local police force; however, having that ability is the right of every responsible citizen should they choose to keep and bear arms. ~ Administrator said...

A nuclear bomb can be defined as a form of "arms." Would you be okay with every citizen carried a concealed nuke? How about other WMDs? Should those be legal too? How is your AR-15 going to be used to overthrow a tyrannical government that has nuclear weapons and WMDs at its disposal?


Lol, the same was said about the ragamuffin Americans during the revolutionary war but they managed it somehow. Besides, you’re missing the point. It’s about the **ability** to at least have a fighting chance against your government should a coup ever become necessary. The founding fathers were scholars of history and per their studying, found that time and time again democracies in which only government were allowed to defend themselves soon became corrupt. And they were right, as I can give you dozens of modern examples of just that happening, from North Korea to the Nazis.

Now am I willing to see kids die over this speculative idea that someday we might need to overthrow the government? Of course not. But we haven’t even scratched the surface of other things we can do to prevent school shootings before completely removing our ability to rise up. And let’s not ignore the elephant in the room in that the incompetent Sheriff’s department was given no less than twelve different opportunities to intersect and stop N.C. Including several credible threats and chose not to act.

Why is it that we in LA had no problem dispatching law enforcement to take down a very real school shooting plot with a weapons cache ready to go? We took care of that issue and quick. It’s too bad N.C. Doesn’t live here. 17 people would still be alive and he’d be in jail. The fact is gun control is a red herring to the real failure here when law enforcement didn’t do their job, this never would have happened and we never would be having this discussion at least as it pertains to this case. Oddly people hate cops in every other context but on this one they get a free pass. Is it because blaming the cops, who truly are responsible for so much of this disaster, takes away from their antigun agenda? ~ Administrator said...

We need to have a different conversation than just gun control. Again that's a part of the equation, but especially in this most recent shooting, there is so much more to focus on.


There are some people actually willing to discuss other potential causes of the current climate and the discussions have been interesting. But they get drowned out by the gun control lobby. Just this last week I listened to extensive podcasts about the role of social media and psychotropic medications on our young men. KFI, a radio station in LA, has done a fantastic job delving into some of these important issues. If all you want to discuss is guns, you’re missing something huge.

ncgirl said...

"Do all these Duggar girls get pregnant on their honeymoons or shortly thereafter?"

Yeah. Jinger actually was married a year before she announced a pregnancy. That's considered a long time.

It is silly they act ashamed of hospital births. I guess giving birth is their big accomplishment so they want to take pride in it. Jill had C sections with her boys(they were bigger babies). The youngest had to be hospitalized, and they never said why. People knew because there was a picture of him in an ICU situation and a picture of Jana holding him and he had some kind of medical device on him. Then again they exploited Josie's preemie status to the fullest.

The fundy I feel the sorriest for is one of the daughters on the Bates show. She will be married three years in August, and she can't get pregnant. She's been to a fertility doctor. Infertility must be especially hard when you're in a group that places such an emphasis on childbirth and her siblings are having children left and right.

Sad but true said...

Is this a diversion from leaving town for filming? Or is she really as dull and at loose ends as she seems? Spring vacay is on. Pic is of dog standing on couch in LR looking out window. Riveting.

kateplusmy8 Contemplating life..... #Mak #InLove❤️ #FurBabiesRelieveStress

"#InLove"? LOL!

carleneigras1 Looking for the snow!

kateplusmy8@carleneigras1 no! Watching it melt and disappear 😉!!!

grahamsmommyToo cute!! I’ve heard German Shepherds are the most loyal dogs. :)

kateplusmy8@grahamsmommy without a doubt! K can't quite explain just how much I love my lil pack of German Shepherds :)

No sign of Gladys yet, but I'm sure K8's scent will be wafting into her purview shortly. ~ Administrator said...

And there’s actually a possibility of legislative change, all because of those rabid anti-American gun control freaks.


Wow, and your lot is arrogant too. The reason dialogue is happening is because someone willing to have a dialogue is in office and doesn't like that kids are getting killed and neither does the public either. Geez, not because somebody laid down in the street holding their breath until they passed out. Stupid and not productive. ~ Administrator said...

How is all that mental health treatment being paid for? You don’t believe in universal healthcare.


Apparently you haven't been paying attention, but both N.C and the Newton shooter, and many others, had mental services, good ones too, readily available to them. It is paid for by the school district. Do you understand the school district almost always pays for all this? They are likely paying for Collin's treatment, I'd bet the farm on it.

All paid for by the school district, no questions asked.

Mental health treatment for all these young men is readily available and free. Universal health care has nothing to do with it. What is your example of a school shooter not getting help because they couldn't get insurance? Lol, such an example doesn't exist.

MikeB said...

I don't want to see this blog taken over by political arguments like gun control, but I do want to clarify a couple of points. I won't post on this topic again as anything further would likely be arguing with no solution in sight.

First, I do support reasonable ways to keep guns out of the hands of people who are dangerous. More rigorous background checks are a start. I also support universal checks as proposed by Manchin-Toomey where a public system for checking if someone is prohibited from gun ownership is created. I don't believe everyone should have to go through a dealer though. Too bad the Democrats wouldn't compromise on that one back in 2013 when they had the chance, but they were holding out for a system that could be used for gun registration.

I also support research into why violence has become much more common over the last 25 years. Hopefully we can get to the root of why Americans are turning to violence more frequently than the rest of the civilized world. While I am as firm a supporter of the First Amendment as the Second, we should be willing to consider the possibility that continued exposure to violence on movies and TV desensitize children and encourages violence as a first response.

No country will never be completely safe. It just isn't possible given human limitations. There will always be people who want to harm others. Remember there were almost as people killed in the Paris attack as in the Sandy Hook, Pulse Nightclub, Las Vegas, and Parkland shootings combined and France has much more stringent firearm restrictions than the U.S. I'm not saying do nothing, but passing ineffective laws is even worse as they give a false sense of security, lull us into complacency, and result in a call for even more draconian measures when they inevitably fail.

Finally, regarding the hyperbolic nuclear weapon or WMD argument, I have no illusion that small arms will be effective against such an attack and have no support for allowing private citizens to own such weapons; however, as has been shown time and time again in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Nicaragua, Libya, Vietnam, and other instances a motivated population armed with weapons extremely similar to the AR-15 can stand up to a much more heavily armed adversary with success. It takes time, tactics, and sacrifice; but eventually it can be done. Citizens just need the tools to have a fighting chance which is what the Second Amendment guarantees.

I'm all for a rational discussion about finding solutions to the violence problem plaguing the U.S., but as long as the argument is framed solely about gun control and both sides are refusing to budge from their entrenched positions we will get nowhere. I don't believe the Constitution needs to be changed, but somewhere in the middle is the best (though not perfect) compromise that protects the rights enshrined by the founding fathers while making everyday life as safe as possible. ~ Administrator said...

I know we are talking about violent people whether they have mental issues or just are bad people. Just making a point about not categorizing all mental health patients together.


Absolutely, and that's exactly what the problem was with the provision that Trump vetoed to restrict the mentally ill from weapons. It was lumping ALL mentally ill people into the same box, even so much as putting people with anorexia in that box! The hell? Talk about stigmatizing people like your daughter. Mental health restrictions on guns should target those who are seeking to harm others, not those who simply are living with mental illness but don't hurt anyone.

I assume when people are talking about mental health issues and access to guns, we are of course referring to those who are violent. That is certainly what I mean. I have worked with the mentally ill for a decade, the majority of them would never harm a fly and are good people, so I'm very aware of the difference. It is very unusual to see a violent component to mental illness. When it does happen though, it's often very, very violent and there is usually other components going on, like drugs, which is why a one-sized fits all approach to "fix" this will never work, it's not that simple. ~ Administrator said...

Interesting re: your stance on 'violent' video games. Coulda sworn you were ranting about how these games WEREN'T violent and that people could tell the difference between fantasy and reality! And that was only a year ago.

Or don't you remember all of what you've said in the past? You change your mind (and argument) with whatever Trump bloviates. Frightening.


When did I say this! Lol, I said no such thing! I can't imagine I would say that, given that I have a ps4 and have played a variety of games and undeniably, many are very violent.

It's true most people can tell the difference between violence and reality, I don't disagree with THAT. Trump didn't say anything one way or the other about BANNING video games, which is what you claimed. He simply said, these games are really violent, and it's a concern when kids like N.C. are playing them. That is true. What's the problem with that statement?

I have no concern for most people who play video games. I play video games, although I tend to play more cinematic games and rarely shoot 'em ups. The story lines are still very adult. (See for instance, the incredibly cinematic but dark game "Rain", about a child kidnapping and murder) The bottom line is this, if a kid plays those games for a couple hours and has other interests and can clearly understand it's fantasy, it's probably fine. If a kid like N.C. is playing them for FOURTEEN hours a DAY, as reported, and there are THIRTY-NINE calls to police about his violent outbursts, maybe it's time to think about whether that game is good FOR N.C. specifically--ya get the difference?

The left has been saying they are concerned about these games for decades, now that D.T. has said it, they don't like it? Petttttty. I really struggle to believe many of them are actually concerned about these kids. I struggle. ~ Administrator said...

I'm all for a rational discussion about finding solutions to the violence problem plaguing the U.S., but as long as the argument is framed solely about gun control and both sides are refusing to budge from their entrenched positions we will get nowhere. I don't believe the Constitution needs to be changed, but somewhere in the middle is the best (though not perfect) compromise that protects the rights enshrined by the founding fathers while making everyday life as safe as possible.


I think your thoughts are reasonable and rational and I think you represent most gun owners. In my experience most ARE willing to come to the table, most have an open mind, and most have perfectly rational reasons for why they own guns.

I have found that many anti-gun people have never lived in a rural area or spent time on a farm or even just spent time with gun owners, or have the foggiest understanding of how many people in the US live. I believe this is how Trump got elected, because someone was finally listening to people who have been mostly marginalized by many politicians. The more they are blamed for school shootings the more they will tune out and take a hardline stance, and you've accomplished nothing.

Personally, I'd like to accomplish something this time around. Enough with kids dying.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Sad but true (#52), I think watching snow melt would be more compelling than reading that drip's posts.

Awww, her fur babies relieve her stress. A perfectly lovely sentiment from your average person. But not from Bottomless Pit of Wants and Needs TFW. It's like everyone has to earn their keep in her house. Apparently Nala, Jon (RIP) and C gave her too much stress, so they had to hit the bricks.

Sad but true said...

The gushers are out in force tonight. Well, two, anyway.

miloandjack2016 This looks so much like Shoka! Remembering his puppy days when he stayed in trouble alot! Recall the throwing up episode on your nice rug...result of his hunting endeavors! LOL. @Kateplusmy8

miloandjack2016@kateplusmy8 You have truly morphed into a wonderful #DogMommy 😋 Who could have predicted this?

[Who could have predicted this? Well, anyone who could foresee the rapidly approaching oblivion in which dear K8 will soon sink.]

kateplusmy8@miloandjack2016 which time? He threw up a lot all over. And so does his daughter! So glad I never replaced the carpet in my bedroom ... she has vomited often on it! 😡

emilylovesbutler Me too Mak, me too. Give your big brother Shoka a hug from me!!

[Uh, when did Em meet the dogs? I know she traveled with them, but was she at their house?]

miloandjack2016@kateplusmy8 LOL. The joys of puppyhood! Comes with the gig of being a #CrazyDogLover 😋

kateplusmy8@emilylovesbutler hims is hims son, though 😉

[Nothing like bringing back your kids' funky toddler-speak to strum a few heartstrings, eh?]

emilylovesbutler@kateplusmy8 that’s right! I wondered if I had that mixed up for a second there! 😂

miloandjack2016 As messy as our furbabies know you would never give them up! Worth it all cuz they give so much back! @kateplusmy8

angelina81229 Time for new curtains, Kate! Those have been up since you bought the house. Eh?

So someone's got her number. Those curtains will be up until they rot off the rods---or TLC agrees to buy her some new ones. I'd be willing to bet they've never been washed or dry-cleaned either.

AuntieAnn said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 59

Sad but true (#52), I think watching snow melt would be more compelling than reading that drip's posts.


Don't give her any ideas or that'll be her next photographic wonder. Melting snow, perhaps a freshly painted wall in the process of drying, a tiny ant making its way across the kitchen floor....

Is it me or does Mak looks more like he just spotted something moving outside in that IG, not "contemplating life". Gaaaaah

Sad but true said...

Haha, the once-imagined Martha Stewart of the Mommy Set? I guess she's finally realized, THAT ain't gonna work.

kateplusmy8@angelina81229 yes! Thanks for noticing 😂. I am a curtain nightmare. I have NO clue about them 🙁

Despite numerous queries, she's made no response to any questions about new season/episodes.

NJGal51 said...

kateplusmy8@miloandjack2016 which time? He threw up a lot all over. And so does his daughter! So glad I never replaced the carpet in my bedroom ... she has vomited often on it! 😡
If the dogs are throwing up a lot she needs to have that checked out. Maybe they’re eating too fast and need a slow feeder, maybe she needs to change their food or maybe they’re getting into things that aren’t good for them when they’re running around outside. I’m concerned if my dog throws up and not mad. So she’s never changed the rug? She’s obviously never cleaned it either because it’s always looked dirty. What is that hanging off Mak’s collar? Looks like some sort of lead or leash.

confused no more said...

admin said...

One side has come to the table, offering to give up more than we ever have before.

Sorry for laughing because none of this is funny but Trump's already changed his mind. So much for that, huh? LOL
NRA - 1
kids who are scared shitless - 0

And THAT, ladies and gents, is your ELECTED president! UNBELEIVABLE

JR said...

She’s turning into this wacky dog lady. This woman needs some companionship or relationships with people...she sounds obsessed with these animals....I mean enough already. There’s never any mention of her going anywhere with a friend or any signs of her having a life. She has totally alienated herself from family which is so sad. Your dogs should be part of your life not your whole life...

Sad but true said...

JR said... 65

It's like she has NO idea how to market/brand herself without the tups. This was her best option? Slavering over her intentionally engineered dogs on IG? Why hasn't someone encouraged her to start a business or develop a hobby? Oh, that's right, Kate can't abide anything that requires actual effort or commitment. "Lame" doesn't begin to describe her current public persona. ~ Administrator said...

She’s turning into this wacky dog lady. This woman needs some companionship or relationships with people...she sounds obsessed with these animals....I mean enough already. There’s never any mention of her going anywhere with a friend or any signs of her having a life.


I knew it was bad for awhile, but I think she really lost it when, not too long ago, someone questioned her about having no friends, and she spat back with a very angry and defensive blurb about how she doesn't need friends except for a very few close ones and that the ones she does have are so close to her, blah blah.

None of those "friends" are willing to be seen in a fun photo on Instagram? Out to dinner, a winery, jogging, shopping? Like normal instagrams? Not buying it. The reality is, given how we have seen her treat her friends on camera, no friendship with Kate is likely to ultimately be equal, or satisfying, or respectful, or productive. And with those sort of friends, if you don't outright have a falling out with them like Ashley did, you tend to slip away awkwardly, seeing less and less of them, phasing them out. ~ Administrator said...

She has totally alienated herself from family which is so sad. Your dogs should be part of your life not your whole life...


Same with kids, work, any other pet, anything. There is no balance there. Any time any one thing is totally dominating your output, questions are raised about how healthy that really is.

I don't buy she really is actually devoting all of her life to these dogs, but at least on instagram, it seems to be the only thing she's interested in talking about. That and the occasional tease about new episodes. ~ Administrator said...

My god, don't you people feel like idiots for defending this pustule of rottenness? He's using the NRA relationship alright - he's already reversed course!


Like Blowing said, damned if he does or doesn't.

So what does your lot want then? Because I'm confused. Because all I have heard the past week is Trump, do something. Trump, do something. Then when the man actually says okay, I hear ya, I'm doing something, he's a "pustule of rottenness"?? LOL, what do you WANT then? So, you DON'T want him to do something? Be clear here!

If it means no more kids will die, I'll take the pustule. Jesus, nobody cares about actually trying to reduce kid deaths when it comes to this man. The hate really has taken over. Listen to yourselves. It would be funny if it didn't involve CHILDREN DYING. Good lord. ~ Administrator said...

If the dogs are throwing up a lot she needs to have that checked out. Maybe they’re eating too fast and need a slow feeder, maybe she needs to change their food or maybe they’re getting into things that aren’t good for them when they’re running around outside.


Agree. Don't just accept your dog is constantly throwing up all the time. Grrr!!!

She's a horrible mother and horrible dog owner. ~ Administrator said...

Maybe you shouldn't be Facebook friends with people you clearly can't stand. Do you use the expression "that lot" when directly addressing your so-called "friends" and call them hateful, or just trash them behind their backs?


Number one, I never said or even implied I can't stand my friends simply because we may have different opinions on different issues from time to time. That's ridiculous. I'm not 12. How old are you?

Number two, I have said nothing behind anyone's back. We have all discussed this issue with each other either on Facebook or in person. Unlike some people, I don't require friends to think exactly like me, and neither do my friends require that of their friends. I find that boring and uninspiring, and frankly, dangerous. Nor am I afraid to discuss issues with friends we may not agree on, nor are they afraid.

One of the biggest problems with your crowd is they refuse to even associate with people who don't think like them, thus their ignorance about how other people live grows deeper day by day. You are accomplishing nothing by only talking to people who think like you.

Tucker's Mom said...

Is definitely not normal for a dog to throw up all the time. Not even a puppy! ~ Administrator said...

Is definitely not normal for a dog to throw up all the time. Not even a puppy!


It's not. My dog was throwing up a lot when he was about 6-12 months old. He had a full workup including x-rays, and the causes were undetermined. It was a scary time. But the vet worked with him, and suggested different things, and eventually after different trials and error I found a good diet that worked for him (Core Wellness brand) plus a little mixture of some wet food, and a complete ban on letting him eat grass, and he settled into a much better groove with his tummy. He is now 10 1/2!

Pet ownership takes a lot of time and effort, effort she doesn't seem to have. It's not okay to just let your pet suffer with something like this.

Tucker's Mom said...

Admin- We feed our pups Core Wellness, too...the wet food cans. We give Taste of the Wild dry.
We also sprinkle freeze-dried Merrick because they snarf up their meals with that!

But, to the point, no, regular vomiting isn't normal. Occasionally yeah, it happens. Your dog might have eaten something disagreeable, or need food in the belly (bile) or to Admin's point, too much grass, but we're at the vet if it's repeated or lasts.

Too everyone on the East coast (especially north), stay safe with this storm! We are having "Super Sandy" Storm winds the entire day. It's dicey out there!

NJGal51 said...

barbgilmer1Is there like a wire/cord hooked to Mak's collar @kateplusmy8?

kateplusmy8 it's his one collar that I asked the kids to fix a hundred times but then I ended up fixing it....
Say what? Mak only has one collar with a wire (or something hanging from it) and she expects the kids to fix it? Why not just buy him a new collar? I assume that it's probably a shock collar so that he doesn't roam off the property so maybe it's more expensive than a regular collar and if she's not filming she can't afford a new one.

Formerly Duped said...

Yes, the weather is wild here. Telephone poles and trees are down in nearby towns and on the coast. I hope our basement doesn't flood...and wish my dog would go out- she is afraid of the high winds and hasn't been out since last night! #funtimes

Looking in from Canada said...

You are so proud of your president for coming to table to discuss guns. You are so proud of him for saying he wants to do something.... he wants to do what the dems have wanted for a long time, he totally pissed off his own party. Now he has changed his mind again after "talking" to the NRA (who are "good people and good patriots"). It was supposed be talked about in congress next week, but now he has dropped the issue for next week! I wonder why? What would the NRA and his own party have said to him to make him change his mind? I don't think he is damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. He is all talk and no action. He would receive a tonne of credit from the left if he actually DID something, not just talk about it. He has already lost interest in the gun issue and is now on to steel and aluminum. He wants to start a trade war with China, but is so inept that he doesn't know that China is actually the 5th highest steel importer. He has actually started a trade war with his allies. All of his close staff are jumping ship cuz they are finally realizing that he is batshit crazy and will ruin not only the US but also the world economy. Maybe you don't care how the rest of the world perceives your country, but it is not good.

NJGal51 said...

I feed my bully Zignature and add green beans and pumpkin puree and he gets a yogurt snack at night. My bully hardly ever vomits (knock wood) because we've found the food that most agrees with him. If he does vomit, we check to make sure that he's eating, drinking, peeing and pooping OK. We inspect his toys all the time to make sure that there are no loose pieces that he could ingest. I hope that TFW is just as vigilant in checking the dogs' toys, but tend to doubt it because they are outside and unsupervised so much of the time.

Dmasy said...

Our little girl is fed Hills Prescription Diet Digestive Care.

Purchased from our veterinarian because we noticed when she started vomiting a few times a week. We went to the Vet for a checkup. She is now at an age where any fat content seems to cause an upset tummy.

She also seems to have a problem if we ever switch products. She also needs crackers that crumble easily. Age = losing some teeth.

I agree, pet ownership takes time and attention.

If our dog's collar began unraveling I would not wait days to repair or replace. But, I don't have 7 kids who can be asked 100 times to fix it for me.

jolie Jacquelyn said...

It'll be nice when everyone here decides to agree to disagree on gun control. Has anyone had their original opinion changed from reading here? I doubt it.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

I wouldn't be surprised if TFW does very little of the actual hands-on pet care and feeding. I imagine her holed up in her room for hours at a time, or out and about when she wants to get away from the kids. They probably are assigned pet chores to handle after school and on weekends. And the not-a-helpers du hour can do the rest. C'mon, no one still buys that TFW takes care of that big house, 7 kids, and 3 dogs by herself, do they? ~ Administrator said...

Has anyone had their original opinion changed from reading here? I doubt it.


You're not allowed to change opinions anyway, because then you're a "flip flopper"! And they'll claim some comment from years ago is somehow different from what you said now and you're flip flopping. Ya can't win. ~ Administrator said...

A core tenet of friendship is respect. I would not choose to be friends with a person who considers me disingenuous, hateful and uncaring about children, because I do not believe anyone can have that impression of a person and simultaneously respect them. Why would you choose to be friends with a person for whom you have no respect?


Lol, this is nothing. You should see the things the lefties say. So mean, so cruel, so cutting. It's pretty outrageous. I've learned to live with it. But god forbid someone give it back a little. As they say, they can dish out but can't take it. That's just how they are.

If one took every generalizing political comment someone made personally, one would have no friends at all.

ncgirl said...

"I assume that it's probably a shock collar so that he doesn't roam off the property so maybe it's more expensive than a regular collar and if she's not filming she can't afford a new one."

Poor Kate will have to go on a talk show and say she needs to film to buy her dog a new collar. Poke and dab with tissue.

Former Lurker said...

With all due respect, (to Admin and the regulars here, not to the resident troll), I am sick to death of the effing toll. But, I'm smart enough to realize THAT is the troll's main goal here... to turn off the regular readers and get them to spend less time here.

FFS, I can't be the only one here who believes in the old "don't feed the trolls" rule: If you want a troll to go away, IGNORE the troll. Why reward this troll with exactly what he/she wants - attention - which only turn off the regulars?

THIS is why I often take very long breaks from reading here. So, yes, the troll wins when you allow that to happen.

Congratulations, you freaking loser troll who needs to get a life and find your own playground. And btw, GFY for daring to use a NATIONAL TRAGEDY where kids were killed just to engage in your little battles with Admin. You are a PATHETIC and DESPICABLE loser and you should be ashamed of yourself.

Dmasy said...

What Admin said -- respect.

I, and most of my friends, are too complex to be cleanly labeled "right" or "left". I have some opinions that a very conservative and I have some liberal ideas.

I suspect most of us are products of our experiences and upbringing. We have diversified feelings and leanings. The more we educate ourselves on an issue the stronger our opinions become. And, yes -- we are all entitled to change our minds sometimes.

I have an extremely liberal friend but she takes an strong position against abortion (most often labeled a conservative stance).

I don't consider her to be a hypocrite -- she is human.

I think some very intelligent people post here. I wish our "troll" would respect us or just leave this forum.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

ncgirl (#84), yeah, I can just picture TFW on the Today show, whipping that frayed collar out of her purse-full-of-bills. Poke, dab.

Permanent Name in Blue said...

Easy Troll Fix: BAN THEM - do not publish their comments. Admin, you are not doing anyone a favor by publishing her. We do not have to be so open-minded that our brains fall out. Just ban her. Problem solved.

capecodmama said...

Dmasy...I will never be associated with either party. I am a registered Independent, or Unenrolled as we are referred to in Massachusetts. I consider myself a moderate who will vote Democrat or Republican depending on the candidate. I find it's the extreme voices on both sides that have the biggest mouths and seem to hijack everything drowning out everybody else. Hence, nothing seems to get done. I have friends on both sides and though we may not agree on everything, we respect and love each other enough to agree to disagree and not let it interfere with life.

Formerly Duped...How's it going in your area? The wind is howling here. The next town over had a wind gust of 93mph. We still have power here but my oldest daughter lost power and their basement is starting to flood because the sump pump can't work without power so my husband is now heading up there with our generator. What a pain this storm has been. Hope things are still okay for you.

Sad but true said...

OMG, she must have a detailed diary of All Things K8. She's unbelievable.

miloandjack2016 Ok...speaking of messy dogs and your Shoka boy, do you remember what happened to him on Feb.13, 2013? It was a #AromaticAffair. 😋 @kateplusmy8

Formerly Duped said...

capecodmama said... 89
Thanks, capecodmama. Glad you are ok and hope your daughter is settled soon.
Our basement is flooding too.
I'm amazed we didn't lose power as so many areas near us did. I have to see how the yard looks- all I see are branches down so far. Well, here's to a #superfun day of wet-vacing! This winter has been a unpleasant. Cold rain, winds and only a couple of snowstorms. What is happening !

Tucker's Mom said...

Formerly Duped said... 76
Yes, the weather is wild here. Telephone poles and trees are down in nearby towns and on the coast. I hope our basement doesn't flood...and wish my dog would go out- she is afraid of the high winds and hasn't been out since last night! #funtimes
Thankfully, my dogs aren't afraid of wind and storms. It was a bit scary walking and driving yesterday. Lots of branches everywhere and Southern Pine trees toppled.
Still breezy today, but no 70mph wind gusts!

Did Kate lose all the trees on her property?


FlimsyFlamsy said...

capecodmama (#89), the storm sounds misaerable. I hope your husband made it back safely from your daughter's house.

Formerly Duped, and any other posters in those storm areas, please check in if you can.

Tucker's Mom said...

THIS is why I often take very long breaks from reading here. So, yes, the troll wins when you allow that to happen.

Congratulations, you freaking loser troll who needs to get a life and find your own playground. And btw, GFY for daring to use a NATIONAL TRAGEDY where kids were killed just to engage in your little battles with Admin. You are a PATHETIC and DESPICABLE loser and you should be ashamed of yourself.
And we miss you when you're not here!
The troll, our "Buddy", is nothing more than barely-sentient excrement and I give Admin all the credit in the world for having to put up with the personal hatred directed her way, just because she runs a blog and exercises her first-amendment right.
I don't mind a little bit of allowing the troll's droppings to come into the discussion on occasion, but don't want our "buddy" to succeed in driving ANY of our members away.
So, troll "buddy" GFY, and have a nice day.

Lanc Native said...

miloandjack2016 Ok...speaking of messy dogs and your Shoka boy, do you remember what happened to him on Feb.13, 2013? It was a #AromaticAffair. 😋 @kateplusmy8


Now that is scary and creepy. If that isn't Celebrity Worship Syndrome, I don't know what is. I wonder if she keeps a record of when Aunt Flo comes to visit. It wouldn't surprise me.

The storm...yes, it was nasty. I kept looking outside, watching the trees and holding my breath. Clean-up crews really have their work cut out for them today. There were 6,000 without power in Lancaster County. Thank goodness it wasn't in sub-zero temperatures! This was one time their forecast was on the mark.

Kylie said...

Looking in from Canada -- why in heck would you waste your time reading here if you hate Admin and the readers so much? Why not worry about your own country and their 'free' health care? Free? I think not. Someone has to pay for it. Your friends taxes and your own are paying for it. But I just don't get why you feel the need to take out your anger at our president by calling names and spouting venom when you don't even live here. Makes no sense. Find something positive to do. And seriously, take a few chill pills. Your blood pressure must be out of sight!

AuntieAnn said...

"Trolls are the woodlice that come pouring out of a hollow twig when an errant ray of sunshine strikes at such an angle as to illuminate its entire interior."~~ David Dolan

I picture our resident troll leaning on the bedpost and snickering with evil glee, much like the demon possessing Regan in the movie "The Exorcist", after each comment he/she leaves on this blog.

And that's all I have to say about that.

I hope everyone in the vicinity of the storm passing through your area stays safe. It's been a miserable winter. Lance Native, the swaying trees always scare me the most too!

capecodmama said...

Formerly Duped and Flimsy Flamsy...Yes, the hubs made it home fine but he said it was bad. The generator worked but then the pump died so my daughter ended up with some water in the basement. When they woke up this morning it was only 50 degrees in their house so my daughter packed up the kids and came to our house. The kids are only 2 1/2 and 8 months so they didn't want them staying there. My husband and I were in the middle of painting our family room so there is furniture piled in the middle of the room and now toys strew everywhere. It's loud, crazy and chaotic but I wouldn't have it any other way. Love my grand babies!

Tucker's Mom said...

Love my grand babies!
Making lemonade out of lemons! Good for you, capecod.

Rainbowsandunicorns said...

I picture our resident troll leaning on the bedpost and snickering with evil glee, much like the demon possessing Regan in the movie "The Exorcist", after each comment he/she leaves on this blog.


lol!! I wonder if she or he also pees in the middle of the living room in front of guests.

Rainbowsandunicorns said...

The resident troll. I think many of us know who this is. The person, a non-Kate fan, posts on Kate's twitter from time to time, bashing admin and calling her by name. All one has to do is look at this. person's Twitter that is filled with hate for Trump. Put two and two together...

Why feed her? She clearly is nuts.

Sad but true said...

Milo to the rescue. She needs to be reminded that she too knows NOTHING about his circumstances, except what K8 has seen fit to tell her. Which is hardly trustworthy.

zea_2001 I just want to clarify........since you killed your poor beautiful ❤son💔... you should be calling ur page @kateplusmy7 not 8

zea_2001@angel.smith.1614 she's a bitch inside... .Jon is right

miloandjack2016@zea_2001 What a cruel insensitive mean thing to say!! @kateplusmy8 will always do what she feels is best for HER kids. You know nothing about the circumstances of his being away. I would think every day he is gone is incredibly painful for her. You obviously don't know about a mother's love!

zea_2001@miloandjack2016 he was like 2 when she started hitting him..... he was obviously innocent....... ffs

Mel said...

She's a terrible mom; she killed his spirit. ~ Administrator said...

miloandjack2016@zea_2001 What a cruel insensitive mean thing to say!! @kateplusmy8 will always do what she feels is best for HER kids. You know nothing about the circumstances of his being away. I would think every day he is gone is incredibly painful for her. You obviously don't know about a mother's love!


Kate always does what's best for Kate, Milo. If that happens to be what's best for the kids too, that's just a coincidence.

Layla said...

No, Milo, Kate does not always do what is best for her kids. If she did, then she would not have forced C to film when it was so detrimental to his well-being. Filming overstimulated him, so she sent him away. Kate will always do what is best for filming.

I'm still really curious about what's going on with TLC. We know that if Kate had her way, they would still be filming 40+ shows per year. Yet only 3 shows have aired over the past 14 months. Someone is making some harsh decisions, and it isn't Kate. The lack of promotion for the last 2 seasons was not an oversight. Nobody forgot to film more than 3 episodes last season. And that announcement from TLC last July about how there's nothing to announce...if there's nothing to announce, then why address it at all? That meant something.

Kate claims she doesn't know why they only filmed 3 episodes last season. Does anyone really believe she's sitting at home waiting for TLC to call her and never questioning them? Not a chance. She's pushy. When it became obvious (even to her fans) that the show wasn't being promoted, she would have demanded answers. When they cut the last season so short, I imagine she would have pitched a fit. It's been 10 months since the birthday episode was filmed. Where are her cameras? As for that announcement--what does the term "limited runs" mean? She doesn't want limited runs, she wants a weekly show!

Isn't it interesting how, when people say nasty things about the kids or even her on IG, she ignores it, but when someone said the show was over, she attacked? She doesn't care what anyone says about her minor children, but if anyone dares to say that there won't be filming, and her claws come out. Just in case anyone wondered what her priorities are, she showed them quite clearly.

Layla said...

OT, but one of my sons insisted that I watch his favorite show "Silicon Valley" with him yesterday. I didn't think I'd like it--there's a lot of technical talk that makes no sense to me (but it does to him because he's a CS major). I loved it! We watched the whole first season. Has anyone else here watched it? If not, you must give it a try. I highly recommend it. ~ Administrator said...

I would think every day he is gone is incredibly painful for her. You obviously don't know about a mother's love!


I like how she says one would THINK every day he is gone is so painful for her. Lol. She don't know how Kate feels about any of this.

The reality is, a mother who was really and truly forced to institutionalize her son would spend the bulk of her time apart from him studying every aspect of his condition until she understood it like clockwork, studying each and every one of the medications, spending hours upon hours with service providers to understand and support him, and spending hours upon hours with HIM, in therapy, with service providers, in every context imaginable until she can get that boy home where he should be. I see no such "let's solve this" attitude from her and Milo knows it.

Layla said...

Admin (106),

You know Kate doesn't solve her own problems. That's why C is gone. She shipped him off for someone else to fix. To her he is just an obstacle to filming, and all obstacles to filming are banished. Almost 2 years now. How can she live with herself? ~ Administrator said...

Free? I think not. Someone has to pay for it. Your friends taxes and your own are paying for it.


Exactly. Paying for things indirectly though massive taxes and seeing way less take home pay for it is not "free". It may or may not be a good way to pay for one thing or another, that's debatable, but please stop smuggle bragging about it being "free." Look at your pay stub and look at gross versus net and suddenly this shit ain't FREE, is it?

foxy said...

I wonder if the Gosselin bird is still around. Maybe Kate found out it is a boy and he is now banished.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Admin (#107), I also noticed Gladys said TFW does what "she feels" is best for her kids. And it seems what she felt is that she had 8 little robots -- with identical wants, needs, and interests -- who unanimously decided every year to sacrifice their childhoods so Mama could stay famous.

Funny, I don't remember Gladys thinking it was a "cruel, insensitive mean thing to say" when one of her Twitter buddies suggested the G children's father land in a coma for 6 months. ~ Administrator said...

Canada does not have massive taxes. In some cases, you’d pay more in the US than in Canada, in other scenarios you’d pay more in Canada. It’s a myth that Canadians pay exorbitantly high taxes relative to the US.


It depends. I was making a general comment that if you are funding something through taxes, which you absolutely are, it’s not free and stop saying it is.

The point is, please stop saying your health care is free when it’s not free, it is taken bit by bit from your taxes. You also have way less masses of millions of people to pay for and you pay your doctors less, which cuts costs.

In any case, losing anywhere from 15 to around 35 bucks of every 100 dollars and having god knows no idea where the hell it went into government sludge IS massive taxes to me. That’s a whole days meals for a family cutting it close.

ncgirl said...

Milo is so blind she tries to see Kate through the filter of a normal mother. You don't need to be a psychologist to see something is very wrong with Kate. ~ Administrator said...

Holy crap admin. Now you are attacking Canada.


Holy crap, I forgot Americans can't have opinions about how Canada is run. Only Canada can have opinions on how America is run. Got it.

AuntieAnn said...

If health care is free in Canada, why the hell is there a bill from Alberta Heath Care sitting on my counter? Maybe I shouldn't pay it? Let's see where that gets me.

Granted there are a few things that are "covered" but that doesn't mean they haven't been paid for by we the people paying taxes. There are a lot of medical expenses I pay for right out of pocket. A lot. Free health care is a myth.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

You know Kate doesn't solve her own problems. That's why C is gone. She shipped him off for someone else to fix. To her he is just an obstacle to filming, and all obstacles to filming are banished. Almost 2 years now. How can she live with herself?


Kate isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. I don't think she knew what to do or how to fix it. I'd like to believe that she was smart enough to take a doctor's advice and send him someplace where he could actually get help. We don't know what his issues are, if he were a danger to himself or others, including family members. If that were the case, I would think that he really did need the help of specialists and that would have been beyond the scope of what Kate could do for him.

Nicky said...

If health care is free in Canada, why the hell is there a bill from Alberta Heath Care sitting on my counter? Maybe I shouldn't pay it? Let's see where that gets me.

Curious, Auntie Ann, as an Albertan, what would AHC be billing you for? Premiums were done away with years ago.

And for all who say we pay higher taxes, so it’s not free - fair point. But since we feel health care is a right, and not a privledge, I believe most Cdns have reconciled that fact. And if they don’t, they can move south. It’s pretty simple. ~ Administrator said...

privledge, I believe most Cdns have reconciled that fact. And if they don’t, they can move south. It’s pretty simp


It is very easy to get high quality health care in the US. I have never gone a day without it even in years where I only made a few thousand dollars. It is a myth that millions upon millions go without. Get a full time job and most likely health care is taken out of your check and you’re fine. Medicaid and care have been around ages and have provided care to those who don’t work. The dispute is who will pay, not availability. Unfortunately under Obamacare many people are finding they can’t afford premiums that were promised to be low and so they are opting out and taking the penalty. So are young people who think they will never get sick and would rather save a buck, except we need healthy to participate since they pay for the sick. Basically a ponzi scheme. It’s a catastrophic failure and people are dying. It is one of the few rights with a huge cost, which makes it more complicated. It is a right, but does that mean everyone can just walk illegally across the border and get it? That’s not very fair to those of us who struggle to pay. You just can’t compre what’s happening in Canada because of the overwhelming difference. Canada’s system would collapse if they had even half our population.

Yes, many, many Canadians get billed for their health care in addition to taxes. Double whammy.

Sad but true said...

Another day, another Duggar engagement. One-trick ponies, these people.

Nicky said...

Admin - we don’t get paid for health care on top of taxes. No double whammy. If auntie Ann is paying a bill, it is not a health care premium. And, she would get health care no matter what.

AuntieAnn said...

Nicky said...

And for all who say we pay higher taxes, so it’s not free - fair point. But since we feel health care is a right, and not a privledge, I believe most Cdns have reconciled that fact. And if they don’t, they can move south. It’s pretty simple.


Premiums were done away with in 2009 and made its comeback appearance in 2015.

Reconciled or not, picking up and moving to the US being "simple" is a subjective opinion, but may be the lesser of two negatives if Justin Beiber I mean Justin Trudeau stays PM much longer.

Layla said...

Sad but true (119)
Josiah Duggar is engaged after a 6-week courtship! Six weeks? Duggar wedding episodes are getting to be as commonplace as Gosselin vacation episodes. People get sick of the same thing over and over.

Tucker's Mom said...

Holy crap, I forgot Americans can't have opinions about how Canada is run. Only Canada can have opinions on how America is run. Got it.
On other boards I post on, it seems Trump's election conferred upon Canadians Ph.D. in American Constitutional Law ;-)
I do love all of our Canadian veranda mates, just to be clear (heart emoticon).

Tucker's Mom said... ~ Administrator said... 107
I would think every day he is gone is incredibly painful for her. You obviously don't know about a mother's love!


I like how she says one would THINK every day he is gone is so painful for her. Lol. She don't know how Kate feels about any of this.
Ugh, it's comment like this that make me want to scream. Milo only cares about how Kate feels, but not about an 11-year old boy who was sent out of him home to never return.
Yeah, never. That boy is never going to live with his siblings under Kate's roof again.
The cruelty is unimaginable.
Heap on top of that, a boy watching his siblings get the best birthday parties ever! Dogs, puppies, vacations...and he's getting 3 hots and a cot.

Tucker's Mom said...

Layla said... 105
No, Milo, Kate does not always do what is best for her kids. If she did, then she would not have forced C to film when it was so detrimental to his well-being. Filming overstimulated him, so she sent him away. Kate will always do what is best for filming.
Collin needed a minder and medication to deal with traveling and filming. Also, why choose things that you know will overstimulate your son, like a panic room?
Collin had to be left behind and that's terrible.

Sad but true said...

It's all for the love of reality TV money. I hope this derails the money train for them, I do believe people are getting sick of it. The greed and hypocrisy of all involved will be their undoing. ~ Administrator said...

On other boards I post on, it seems Trump's election conferred upon Canadians Ph.D. in American Constitutional Law ;-)
I do love all of our Canadian veranda mates, just to be clear (heart emoticon).


I'm willing to concede they have the hottest fearless leader in the history of democracy. You win. ~ Administrator said...

Reconciled or not, picking up and moving to the US being "simple" is a subjective opinion, but may be the lesser of two negatives if Justin Beiber I mean Justin Trudeau stays PM much longer.


I'm with not simple. It's incredibly hard to emigrate to the U.S. from Canada just as it's incredibly hard to emigrate to Canada from the U.S., as it should be. Both countries have the right to limit entry and they do. The tight Canada-U.S. border is never talked about because one, neither of us gives the other any significant problems with drugs/crime/illegals, and two, we have long been allies with mutual respect for each other's laws that goes both ways. The Canada-U.S. border and relationship is everything it should be and both sides should be proud of that.

Unless you cross the border illegally, then, meh, easy.

Mama C said...

With all due respect, I've lived in Canada for 64 years and am completely unfamiliar with this "double whammy" you speak of. I know of no one who has been billed extra for healthcare. I have been aware of people having to pay extras for things like an ambulance ride or a pair of that what you meant? Canadians know it's not "free", but ask us if we would give up our not free Canadian healthcare.

Nicky said...

There are no premiums Auntie Ann - there just isn’t. Are you paying Blue Cross? That’s not govt.

AuntieAnn said...

Nicky - Yes, non-group, and you're correct, it is supplemental insurance. The point is, without having that, paying for what is NOT covered by Alberta Health for " free" care can end up costing more (just for example EMS transport to hospital $350) so the gov't has you by the short and curlies. Translated it means health care is not free.

I may just saunter south and bunk in with one of the veranda girls, like you suggested.

Nicky said...

Well, Auntie Ann, that’s a huge difference. You insinuated that cdns we’re paying premiums on top of what we pay in taxes. Supplemental covers prescriptions, ambulance, dental, physio, etc. Of course we’re not dumb enough to think it’s all free. It’s the point that ALL have access to the same care, regardless of ability to pay. It’s not perfect, there’s places to impove, but no one is turned away. Pre-existing conditions are not a factor for anyone. Go south and see how much you would have to pay to have the same access you do now. Sure, your overall tax rate will be lower, but the difference you save in taxes will most likely be made up in premiums you would have to pay. ~ Administrator said...

Go south and see how much you would have to pay to have the same access you do now. Sure, your overall tax rate will be lower, but the difference you save in taxes will most likely be made up in premiums you would have to pay.


So in other words, six of one, half a dozen of the other.

I like having choices in my private health care, and knowing exactly where my money is going, and I like knowing my doctors have to fight for my business, which reduces complacency. When HR takes it out of my paycheck, I know what I'm getting for it. And if my doctor isn't working for me, I can change him or her--they know this, which makes them more willing to please the customer. I will never sign up for Obamacare. Never. I have to pay for other people's healthcare through taxes so I'm paying twice over for all this, but it's worth it to avoid having the government decide how my health will be handled.

An ambulance ride is several thousand dollars if it's not covered. That what gets people. "Free" health care that doesn't cover ambulances is a joke.

Nicky said...

Ambulance ride here is $250 to $400, not thousands.

I can choose any doctor I like - we are not assigned to any doctor. Doctors are reimbursed by the government for each visit. If I don’t like my doctor, I go to another one. Doesn’t cost me any more $$.

I can walk into any hospital emergency I choose, and they will treat me.

I am referred to specialists If needed.

The government doesn’t choose my care, I do.

Just facts. ~ Administrator said...

This is incredible, Yo Yo Ma swung by the Turpin kids and gave them a private concert. And he didn’t breathe a peep of it on social media. It was leaked. They have probably had next to nothing in culture in their lives, it’s so nice he thought of them.

Formerly Duped said...

Another Nor'easter coming ! Stay safe, everyone affected.We are still pumping water out of the basement from the last one! We were lucky not to lose power since we don't have a generator ( better put that on the list) Capecodmama, hope your family fares ok. This one is a rain/snow/wind combo if you can believe forecasts.

Layla said...

Admin (135)

I read that the older Turpin kids were getting music therapy and they all really enjoyed it. They are learning to play instruments too, something they never got to do before. It's wonderful of Yo Yo Ma to do this for them, and he didn't go looking for any attention or praise for doing it.

Formerly Duped said...

Yo-Yo Ma is decent and talented man. Speaking of whom, he was often a guest on Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood. There is a PBS special on tonight about Mr. Rogers. I intend to watch.

capecodmama said...

Formerly Duped... I hope your family fares okay as well. It looks like most of the Cape will get all rain but I'm on the Upper Cape and Boston 25 says we're getting 1-3 inches of snow so we'll have to wait and see. Hopefully no more water in your basement. The Cape Cod Bay Area of my town keeps getting pounded. There is a house hanging on by a thread that I think will end up in the bay after this storm. It has a condemned notice on it from the January storm. My daughter and grandkids went home yesterday but she may end up back down here again with this storm. My son-in-law stayed at their house throughout the outtage and said the temperature got down to 46 degrees. Not fun. Stay safe!

Anonymous said...

Just want to add that ambulance fees are included in the Canadian health care system if the patent being transported is admitted to hospital. If it is determined the patient does not require hospitalization, is treated in the Emergency Department and released, the ambulance fee is charged.


Former Lurker said...

Ambulances - I know someone whose husband took a risk last year and went without insurance for two months when changing jobs. Unfortunately, he had a medical emergency during that period and had to be transported from their home to their nearest hospital. The hospital is about 12.5 miles from their home. The ambulance bill? Over $9,700! Of course, they don't get anywhere near that amount from the insurance companies. But, if someone has no insurance, they stick them with a huge bill. So outrageous.

Former Lurker said...

Tucker's Mom said... 94

And we miss you when you're not here!


Thanks Tucker's Mom! The feeling is mutual. My patience really ran out the other day when I made that post. I usually scroll past troll comments, but seeing the Parkland tragedy used over and over again just to engage in petty battles with Admin was really the last straw for me. The troll should be completely ignored so she'll be forced to spend her considerable free time finding a new hobby.

Tucker's Mom said...

No rest for the weary in the NE USA! Another storm, and we're just on the very southern end of it. No high winds for us and we'll maybe see some snow on the ground.
Up in Kate's country, there's going to be a foot or more, so I hope she doesn't lose ALL of her trees...again.

Layla said...

I just looked out my window and it was snowing! DC was only supposed to get rain. It stopped as quickly as it started, but I'm wondering what we're in for in the next 24 hours.

Formerly Duped said...

Maybe it will be a 'historical' storm for Kate again and she can build igloos.Oh wait- no one's filming.

Lanc Native said...

I just looked out my window and it was snowing! DC was only supposed to get rain. It stopped as quickly as it started, but I'm wondering what we're in for in the next 24 hours.


We're in the "up to a foot" zone. They keep upping the totals. Governor declared a state of emergency ahead of the storm.

I hate this...

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Formerly Duped (#138), thanks for the heads up about the Mr. ROGERS special. I had no idea about it, and am going to record it!

Lanc Native said...

The troll should be completely ignored so she'll be forced to spend her considerable free time finding a new hobby.


Amen. In addition to nastiness, rudeness and anger, the troll has more than just a few loose screws. Don't feed it.

pym said...

A little more on the Canadian health story. Each province manages its own health care, so the specifics change from place to place. Mr pym needed a couple of
emergency ambulance rides in the past few years. $90 each time. We live in a rural area -- not way in the boonies, but still several miles from the city limits. I could have claimed it on extended health, but rather than bother with the paperwork I just paid and then claimed it as a deduction on my federal income tax.

I don't know anyone who wants to do away with our universal healthcare, and I don't know anyone who doesn't believe it needs improvement.

Eastcoasters, wishing you good luck through the coming storm. ~ Administrator said...

I read that the older Turpin kids were getting music therapy and they all really enjoyed it. They are learning to play instruments too, something they never got to do before. It's wonderful of Yo Yo Ma to do this for them, and he didn't go looking for any attention or praise for doing it.


I watched and enjoyed the Oscars this year, but I was surprised/not surprised to find out ratings took a NOSE DIVE this year, and have been on a huge downward trend the past 5 years. I think some of it is just over-saturation of media--there's so much out there you might not even get around to seeing the movies nominated and you're busy catching up on last year's movies on netflix first. But I also think a huge component is the Harvey Weinstein effect. People are finally fed up with the duplicity.

It seems celebs like him are rarer and rarer. When celebs go on and on about their causes, many of them taking up for child abuse, have any of them thought what THEY could do for the Turpins to make a difference? Yo Yo Ma had the thought, made it happen, and did so quietly.

I work in the foster care system and not once in 10 years has a celeb offered to come by and hang out with the kids while they wait for court. TEENS from local schools come and do art projects with them and hang out with them! The only celebs who come here are getting their own kids detained.

They have really got caught up in lecturing, and have all but lost actually doing something about the things they so claim to care about. ~ Administrator said...

Yet another horrific college shooting was prevented when deputies in southern california took swift and firm action. The young man was detained and made to go through a mental health evaluation. The school was shut down, and students were sent home for safety.

The whining about how we can't stop these things through any other means but gun control is absolutely false. Swift police work stops school shootings all the time and TWO very credible threats, one that resulted in finding an entire cache of weapons ready to go, were stopped in the course of two weeks in Southern CA. The Parkland sheriffs department utterly failed those children. Utterly failed those kids. I have no clue why these stories get almost no attention. Kids lives were saved and no one wants to talk about this? Odd.

Sad but true said...

I'm guessing K8+7 (and Rat Claws, of course) have left town for the spring vacation. If they're being filmed, no one has blabbed yet on social media. But we'll know one way or the other, eventually.

jolie Jacquelyn said...

Nicky- 134

I agree with your post except for one point. Where I live in Canada an ambulance ride is only $80. ~ Administrator said...

Nicky- 134

I agree with your post except for one point. Where I live in Canada an ambulance ride is only $80.


That HAS to be subsidized. There is no way on God's green earth a quality ambulance ride is at an 80 buck price point unless they're driving you there in a wheelbarrow. It costs, fair market value, several thousand dollars. The vehicle, the EMTs or other medical personnel (they have to make a living!), all the expensive equipment in the vehicle and the use of such equipment. Come on. So we're back to you either pay for it out of pocket or you pay through it through your taxes, but either way it is not free or cheap and either way you're paying. It is not "80 bucks." 80 bucks is the price you pay that was still left over after taxes paid several thousands.

Sad but true said...

Duggars' Monday episode: 1 million viewers, 0.27 share, 30th-ranked cable show. Perhaps the bloom is finally off this rose.

Formerly Duped said...

Flimsy, I recorded it too. My kids grew up with this show, as did I. My mother even tuned in. Fred Rogers was as kind and caring and curious a person as could be. There will be a postage stamp issued in his likeness and a biopic film starring Tom Hanks as Mr. Rogers made. I'm so glad his memory is being honored.

Susan1956 said...

Sad but true said... 155
Duggars' Monday episode: 1 million viewers, 0.27 share, 30th-ranked cable show. Perhaps the bloom is finally off this rose.
We can only hope. Were the updates---where videos re: Josiah's engagement and Joy-Anna with Austin where they thanked their 'fans' something new? They were laying it on pretty thick.

Tucker's Mom said...

I loved Mr. Rogers! That little kingdom with the train and the princess!
Loved the kitty cat...great memories.

Tucker's Mom said...

Sad but true said... 152
I'm guessing K8+7 (and Rat Claws, of course) have left town for the spring vacation. If they're being filmed, no one has blabbed yet on social media. But we'll know one way or the other, eventually.
March 6, 2018 at 7:59 PM
I admit I'll be shocked it we somehow find out Kate's filming over the break.
Maybe Kate will take the twins for college visits, but other than that, what's happening of note?

AuntieAnn said...

Nicky said... 132

Well, Auntie Ann, that’s a huge difference. You insinuated that cdns we’re paying premiums on top of what we pay in taxes. Supplemental covers prescriptions, ambulance, dental, physio, etc. Of course we’re not dumb enough to think it’s all free.


Yeah it does cover those things. which I obviously incorrectly assumed that most Albertans have. The services you mentioned far surpass the cost of the supplemental coverage by a long shot. I stand corrected and I guess I might be dumb but it's dumber to not have it.

Layla said...

I would also be surprised if there is filming going on. Viewers are sick of watching the Gs go on nonstop vacations. Kate loves to play games, and it would be typical of her to deliberately stay off social media during spring break so that people would think that they are filming. But, if there's no episode in the next few months, then she becomes the butt of her own joke.

Remember years ago when she went silent on twitter just before the royal wedding and all of her twitter fans were convinced that she was at the wedding? That was too funny!

Nicky said...

Yeah it does cover those things. which I obviously incorrectly assumed that most Albertans have. The services you mentioned far surpass the cost of the supplemental coverage by a long shot. I stand corrected and I guess I might be dumb but it's dumber to not have it.

Yes - most have supplemental through their jobs. For most, cost is not outrageous (I pay $60/mo for Family, and my husband gets Family coverage for $0 - and its a better plan than mine).

Re: Ambulances - have no idea what the full cost is. May very well be in the $1000's. Of course it's subsidized - that's what our taxes pay for. That's the idea behind our health care system. Costs are standardized - you are not going to get one municipality charging the government $8000 for an ambulance ride, and another charging $1000. And how on earth can 1 ambulance ride cost $9700?? You have to admit, that's ridiculous! Isn't this why so many people almost go bankrupt to pay medical costs? Hypothetically, hospitals can charge $500 for 1 Tylenol? Shouldn't there be set prices on these things? Isn't that why health care costs in the US are the highest per capita in the world?

Re: Oscars - I think part of the issue is that many people haven't seen the movies, and are just not that interested. I think most people are getting their entertainment through Netflix, HBO, etc.

Sandi said...

Hi...I have seldom posted but this chat is right at where I am in my life. I had a major heart attack on the 17th of Feb..I called an ambulance which is an 80 dollar bill to me. BTW I am Canadian..When I arrived in Emerg they immediately sent me in an ambulance to hospital that specialized in stents (I had 2)...back to my hospital in an ambulance...spent 11 days in ICU had probs was sent back in an ambulance to have ICD implanted then returned in an ambulance to my hospital..apparently the ICU beds are 10 thousand a night...WOW, but what far my meds cost me 81 dollars...medical pays 80%..bought a walker which I will be refunded 80%..had so many calls and visits from home and health care......MY COST...$161.00...also income tax write off! I'm happy!

Lanc Native said...

Maybe it will be a 'historical' storm for Kate again and she can build igloos.Oh wait- no one's filming.


It totally fizzled out. Nothing but a few flakes and wet roads. Weather forecasters are in hiding. There were over 300 cancellations as of last night, ahead of the storm, including the county courthouse and offices.

Sandi said...

I forgot to add, my medical is paid for by company my husband worked for, for 35 yrs. He has been deceased for 22 yrs.

Tucker's Mom said...

Re: Oscars - I think part of the issue is that many people haven't seen the movies, and are just not that interested. I think most people are getting their entertainment through Netflix, HBO, etc.
March 7, 2018 at 10:06 AM

Agree this is a significant part of the ratings decline.
We generally wait for the movies to get released for rental/streaming. We did see 2 of the 5 nominated Best Picture- Dunkirk and 3 Billboards. Both meh, the latter, I really didn't like, actually.
I'm going to rent Lady Bird and think I'll pass on Grinding Nemo ;-)

Tucker's Mom said...

Looks like your area in PA got a strong burst. Pretty!

Tucker's Mom said...

My mother had heart surgery and wound up in the ICU/CIC unit for almost 2 months. Medicare paid for all but a couple hundred bucks.
That bill had to have been WELL over 6 figures.

Formerly Duped said...

Lanc Native said... 164

Ours is supposed to be worse tonight but it says it's snowing right now and it's just a mild rain??? I even took the snow shovels back out of the tool shed...hmmm

Sandi said...

Hope your health is better now. That's a bill you wouldn't mind paying. Glad to see you post !

Layla said...

Lanc Native
We got your snow down here! We were only expecting rain, but it started snowing last night while we were walking our dogs, and continued through the night. Nothing major, but still pretty to wake up to.

foxy said...

Regarding the Oscars...I used to look forward to them for entertainment and seeing all the beautiful dresses. Now it is nothing but politics and exaggerated egos. Not entertaining anymore. ~ Administrator said...

back to my hospital in an ambulance...spent 11 days in ICU had probs was sent back in an ambulance to have ICD implanted then returned in an ambulance to my hospital..apparently the ICU beds are 10 thousand a night...WOW, but what far my meds cost me 81 dollars...medical pays 80%..bought a walker which I will be refunded 80%..had so many calls and visits from home and health care......MY COST...$161.00...also income tax write off! I'm happy!


That’s how it should be. I have kaiser. I never pay more than 10 bucks copay for anything and a hospitalization never costs more than 120. I can also pass my insurance to my spouse for their life under my pension plan. This was how it was before Obamacare and nothing changed after Obamacare (except watching some of my best friends who were part timers get fired). So sounds pretty similar to what I have in the good ole USA. Private is the way to go here.

swimgirl said...

That’s how it should be. I have kaiser. I never pay more than 10 bucks copay for anything and a hospitalization never costs more than 120.
WOW! Our insurance is under my husband who works for a fortune 500 company. He's been there over ten years and the cost has gone up every year as have copays. He had surgery several years ago and we had to pay 20%.

I hate that in the US, people have to turn to fundraising to help pay medical bills. My cousin's granddaughter had cancer and the bills were astronomical even with both parents working and having good insurance. Quality of health care should not depend on income. Unless you have experienced a catastrophic illness, you have no idea how expensive it is. Your savings will be eaten through very quickly. Also, before Obamacare, you could be denied insurance for pre existing conditions. I had a friend who had cancer. About a year after his treatment ended, he was laid off and was not able to get insurance.

Nicky said...

That’s how it should be. I have kaiser. I never pay more than 10 bucks copay for anything and a hospitalization never costs more than 120. I can also pass my insurance to my spouse for their life under my pension plan. This was how it was before Obamacare and nothing changed after Obamacare (except watching some of my best friends who were part timers get fired). So sounds pretty similar to what I have in the good ole USA. Private is the way to go here.

And if you have coverage, that's great. But that kind of coverage is not available to everyone. I'm sure there are many people who work full time who don't have that type of coverage. Yes, you've worked hard to achieve your success, and rightfully should be able to have access to those types of benefits. But shouldn't the person who maybe couldn't afford to go to college (or just didn't have the opportunity), and has a full time (or 2 part time) jobs, have that same kind of access without the exorbitant fees?

Kylie said...

I think Kate is done. It's been a long time since she's been on TV and no promotions or anything else from TLC. She may have some specials once a year for how they are growing (yuck) but that will not support her in the style she is accustomed to. My oh my, whatever will she do??

Formerly Duped said...

Mine is quite different than yours. Copayments are $30 or $40 for office visits(and we go 1-2/week for my DD) and labs cost extra as well as many other procedures. We have to stay with the provider my husband's work has set up. Some medications are not covered as well. But certain tests are partially paid like a MRI which otherwise would be a fortune

Lanc Native said...

Tucker's Mom said... 167
Looks like your area in PA got a strong burst. Pretty!


Not where I am. Absolutely nothing on the grass, on the sidewalks, on the roads. You never would have known that it even flurried. Roads are bone dry. No bursts. I was reading that eastern and southern parts of the state got "Lancaster's snow" that was supposed to fall here!

The good thing is I won't have to go to the grocery store for two weeks. I had stocked up.

JR said...

One million viewers for the Duggars ...that’s probably pretty good considering our standards have been systematically lowered over the years...kendra averages 350,000 and she’s still on the air...figure that one out...

AuntieAnn said...

Kylie said... 175

I think Kate is done. It's been a long time since she's been on TV and no promotions or anything else from TLC. She may have some specials once a year for how they are growing (yuck) but that will not support her in the style she is accustomed to. My oh my, whatever will she do??


I see TLC has come up with a brand new way to capture audiences with their show "Skin Tight" which involves the surgical removal of yards of skin after extreme weight loss. Maybe, hopefully, they taped Kate's encounter with the scalpel when she had her belly button relocated and they saved the footage. That would bring in a couple of bucks for a new pair of shoes.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Sandi (#165), so sorry to hear about your heart attack. Glad you're okay, and able to share your story with us. ~ Administrator said...

WOW! Our insurance is under my husband who works for a fortune 500 company. He's been there over ten years and the cost has gone up every year as have copays. He had surgery several years ago and we had to pay 20%.


Sounds like you've got a PPO, which usually isn't necessary unless for some reason you have some problem with the wide variety of in network excellent treatment offered by a good HMO. It's never failed me. The Fortune 500 company should consider an HMO like Kaiser or a similar company. Many of their competitors are all doing it. I'd be very, very surprised if a Fortune 500 company did not offer a more reasonable HMO option to its hard working and deserving employees. He should go to HR and make sure he knows what his options are there. Kaiser premiums have crept up sightly as the years have gone by, but it's so slight to even notice, it's before taxes, and have hardly even kept up with inflation. The free market has allowed folks like Kaiser to provide a wide variety of excellent health care to people who otherwise would struggle to afford it, but who can scrape together to manage a 10 or 20 buck copay here and there. What Obamacare could eventually do to Kaiser is frightening, I love them. ~ Administrator said...

Regarding the Oscars...I used to look forward to them for entertainment and seeing all the beautiful dresses. Now it is nothing but politics and exaggerated egos. Not entertaining anymore.


People have been slowly tuning out and then there was this year where it took a serious dive. I do think a big chunk of it is because of netflix and people staying home from theaters. If you don't see any of the movies out, the award shows aren't as interesting and you have less of a stake in who wins. But there has to be more than that, and that's where Harvey Weinstein comes in. All the Hollywood scolding of the good Americans who watch their films has always been old, but then we found out that Hollywood was harboring its own much bigger egregious secret and we finally had proof they're a bunch of hypocrties. And people were really done then, and the ratings TANKED. Like, it was a trouncing this year.

It's like what became of football. People got tired of millionaires scolding them while engaging in bad behavior behind the scenes and the ratings plummeted.

If 2017 was the year Hollywood got exposed, 2018 will be the year Hollywood can either learn from that and rebuild itself differently, or keep on going the way it's going and continue to unthread itself.

Layla said...

Admin (182)
My son summed up the hypocrisy very well. He said, "Why should we listed to a bunch of celebrities who demand armed protection wherever they go lecture us about gun control?". He was right.

swimgirl said...

Sounds like you've got a PPO, which usually isn't necessary unless for some reason you have some problem with the wide variety of in network excellent treatment offered by a good HMO.
The company does not offer an HMO. In fact, in this area HMOs are not offered very often any more. Years ago, we did have one with his company, but the company stopped offering the HMO. The other plans are cheaper for the company and really, they only care about their bottom line, not the employees.

Sandi said...

FlimsyFlamsy (#180)Thank you. Lucky to have the greatest family for support.

Sad but true said...

For some reason, Dirty Jesus has been spilling a lot of info about many things on Twitter. I am wondering most about the financial arrangement he says he didn't have with TLC. Is it just semantics (i.e., the arrangement was with the production company) or is it that JimBlob takes ALL the money and then doles it out as he sees fit? Would that be for tax purposes (so that the kids don't have to pay taxes)? And does HE pay taxes on the takings or is he skating along as his own "religion"? Now that this can of worms has been opened, I hope it doesn't get shut before there are some fact-based answers to all the questions. And I hope that Derick succeeds in blowing up the Duggars' RTV gig once and for all. ~ Administrator said...

If you have an armed body guard who is over 21, has passed a background check and is not carrying an assault weapon, and you are advocating for gun control laws that include banning assault weapons, raising the age at which one can purchase a weapon, and requiring background checks on ALL gun purchases, including private sales, then you are not a hypocrite.


There were pics of fully armed guards at the Oscars. They cost a fortune. Celebs can afford armed protection and often have it. But they don’t want us poor mediocre who cannot afford such a luxury to be able to just arm ourselves? So celebs won’t die in a shooting but we all will. No, not ok. It’s out of touch and hypocritical. Don’t even get me started on the glorification of firearms in many films. I don’t care, but don’t tell us guns are so terrible yet continue to make films that glorify them.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Sad but true (#186), I've been reading Derick's tweets with interest. For a guy with a wife, 2 kids, and no particular steady means of support, he might want to reconsider running his mouth (fingers?) off. If he's not a self-righteous, snotty, holier-than-thou nitwit, he's sure doing a helluva good impression of one. ~ Administrator said...

Sad but true (#186), I've been reading Derick's tweets with interest. For a guy with a wife, 2 kids, and no particular steady means of support, he might want to reconsider running his mouth (fingers?) off. If he's not a self-righteous, snotty, holier-than-thou nitwit, he's sure doing a helluva good impression of one.


I've been following this very very loosely, and I read the latest article. He's a double-speaker I've noticed, a hair splitter. Like even the question whether TLC paid him and People paid him, it seems to me he's totally comfortable lying and saying no, because, well technically the paycheck came from Discovery or Figure 8, and technically the People paycheck was from "Meredith Corporation" (People's owners) and payment was for the photo not the article.

Meh, he's a doofus and I don't like his answers because I KNOW he's not answering these questions directly. If he wants to talk I'm interested but only if he's not going to play games.

I did like the drama with him all refusing to defend the Duggar parents for all the exploitation they did over the years. That's curious. ~ Administrator said...

You didn't answer my question. Which celebrities have called for the complete eradication of the 2nd Amendment? Who has said that poor little mediocre you can't have ANY type of weapon?


I don't have to answer your question, I'm not your research assistant. I'm sure most of them don't even know what they want because they are stupid. I don't care who wants total eradication of firearms and who is willing to actually be reasonable about compromising, the fact is America is sick of death of their hypocritical whining and out of touch scolding.

You can defend them all you want but ratings have plummeted for the Oscars for the past 5 years straight and took an embarrassing nosedive this year especially even from those 5 bad years. Even ratings for some of those most anti-gun folks like John Oliver are piss poor. They can keep going the way they are going if they like, but please don't pretend they represent even a fraction of Americans and they're going to continue to lose fans. Are their egos so far gone they don't even care? Just because they are the loudest in the room with the most screentime doesn't mean anyone agrees with them.

Sad but true said...

Well well well well WELL:

Bryanna Farmer
@Kateplusmy8 maddie and cara are touring my school right now!!!! I would love to meet them. We have an athletic event in the gym tonight at 8pm they are welcome to come. Have a great day!

5h5 hours ago
Replying to @2strokezz @Kateplusmy8
Yes i snapped the whole thing. I ran around campus trying to find them. They were at the bell while i was in the caf 😴😢

Bryanna Farmer
Today at the BELMONT ABBEY COLLEGE CAMPUS i saw @Kateplusmy8 and maddie and cara and i didnt get to meet them :/

I for one have never heard of this school. She doesn't say, were any camera crews trailing them? Not at all surprised she didn't meet them, even though it seems like she was following them for a fair amount of time. Weird.

Sad but true said...

And I just looked it up: A private, CATHOLIC, liberal arts college in Charlotte NC? I guess we've come a long, long way from K8's former, ahem, Prosperity Gospel roots.

Sad but true said...

Tuition alone is $37K/year. Add in the room and board, and I believe it's well over $50K/yr. Good thing K8 and Jon socked away ALL that money for college! LOL ~ Administrator said...

5h5 hours ago
Replying to @2strokezz @Kateplusmy8
Yes i snapped the whole thing. I ran around campus trying to find them. They were at the bell while i was in the caf 😴😢


Creep. Those girls will never be able to leave their fame behind, many kids their age grew up with them and are gonna know who they are.

Kate's going to spend a fortune on a dinky little private Catholic school. Oy! Or some division 3 no-name school is where Cara can get a lacrosse scholarship, I bet you Kate's going to try to get the kid to foot the bill that way and somehow weasel free tuition for Mady too as part of the package. ~ Administrator said...

Tuition alone is $37K/year. Add in the room and board, and I believe it's well over $50K/yr. Good thing K8 and Jon socked away ALL that money for college! LOL


That's RIDICULOUS. (Unless scholarships)

Go to PSU. You'll get a better education and name recognition for 1/4 of the price. ~ Administrator said...

I don't have to answer your question, I'm not your research assistant.
In other words, you cannot support your claim of hypocrisy. You have no valid argument. No surprise there. (And trust me, I wouldn't hire you as my Research Assistant.)


I wouldn't work as your research assistant or work for you, so we're even. When people want to make points here, THEY bring the research to their post, with links, or sources, etc. They don't expect others to do it for them.

If you want to "prove" a point that most celebs are reasonable, then cite it. Bring your own links. Show us. Don't turn it around on everyone else to prove you wrong. It's not our burden to prove YOUR point and it's immature and unfair to expect other people to do your work. Be a grown up if you want to contribute here or go back to your boxed wine and quilt. ~ Administrator said...

You know out of curiosity I looked at a couple sites that have complied tweets and social media from various celebs on this issue, and I can't find more than two or three who are specific about what they want. It's a whole lot of whining about this and that but never really committing to a position, and lending support to whoever is the flavor of the month who is much smarter about this issue than them, or urging people not to support this or that political figure.

I don't know what any of that means. They are either playing a game of chicken where they never commit to any firm position just in case they accidentally find themselves alienating fans or in some other mess with a sponsor or whatever else they're worried about (to make it easier to back peddle), or they want to remain intentionally vague because they don't know what they are talking about, or they are too stupid to know what gun control is more complicated than I just don't like assault weapons, or all three. In any case, it is irrelevant to me what any one specific position is if they even have one. I do not care what they think. Hollywood gun culture is rampant and overwhelming, in the same breath they claim to have some big problem with it. The two do not work together no matter how hard you want it to and the public has spoken and tuned them out. You can keep going on with this idea, but the fact is the channel was changed last Sunday, people ~ Administrator said...

.The U.S. health care system is a mess, and Obamacare is not the reason.


Obamacare made it worse. 60 Minute did an incredible piece about rural Kentucky and how people are falling down dead because they can't afford the premiums they were promised would stay low. I'm surprised the far left didn't try to take 60 Minutes down for that little stunt of theirs, telling the truth about all the people dying. Those poor people were getting medical care from charities out of trailers. For as messy as it is, it sure still manages to attract the best doctors in the world, and people from around the world who need the best seek it out here. Go figure. You would think something this messed up would be avoided at all costs!

Sad but true said... ~ Administrator said... 192

If you look at the top schools for women's lacrosse, this place doesn't even make it into the top 50. Women's lacrosse is by no means common at US colleges/universities. If the school is not even in the top 50, why would they offer such a scholarship?

No, I think it's far more likely that someone connected to Figure 8 (conveniently located not more than 70 miles or so away; maybe they're also looking at UNC Chapel Hill or Duke, which are even closer) is helping out, either for the girls' benefit or for K8's. If Cara's good enough to qualify for a lacrosse scholarship, she has a much better shot in PA or the northeast in general.

I honestly think K8 doesn't have a clue about college-shopping, and I'm sure she's getting plenty of advice from her erstwhile "colleagues."

Nicky said...

For as messy as it is, it sure still manages to attract the best doctors in the world, and people from around the world who need the best seek it out here. Go figure. You would think something this messed up would be avoided at all costs!

Doesn’t everyone in your country deserve the best, no matter their situation? Seems a shame that if you have “the best”, it’s not available for everyone. ~ Administrator said...

If you look at the top schools for women's lacrosse, this place doesn't even make it into the top 50. Women's lacrosse is by no means common at US colleges/universities. If the school is not even in the top 50, why would they offer such a scholarship?

No, I think it's far more likely that someone connected to Figure 8 (conveniently located not more than 70 miles or so away; maybe they're also looking at UNC Chapel Hill or Duke, which are even closer) is helping out, either for the girls' benefit or for K8's. If Cara's good enough to qualify for a lacrosse scholarship, she has a much better shot in PA or the northeast in general.


The dinkiest schools can have the most randomest of money available. Because they are so donor dependent and struggle to interest students, you can often find big pots of money thrown at a desired student, making it cheaper than state schools. But that's a BIG if, not everyone is going to get such offers and certainly not if you're just so-so at your sport and just so-so at school. If you can swing the scholarships, downside is you went to no-name unranked liberal arts college which doesn't impress employers. It depends on the school what sports scholarships are available. Even division 3 schools you've never heard of have a few scholarships to throw around. If you can time it right, if a school is trying to build up a certain sport or go in a certain direction there is money to be found.

I do think because of the location you're right this may very well be just some not-thought-out recommendation from someone from Figure 8 whose princess goes there. I doubt such a school is suited for what those girls really need. They need to go to a substantial school with name recognition with normal middle class kids where they can get lost in the crowd and nobody cares who they are (enter PSU again). And they should probably give serious consideration to going to different schools. They will just be around other snooty rich kids at some jesuit liberal arts school and learn nothing of how the real world works, but then, I'm guessing that's exactly what Kate wants. She's thinking about that future trust fund baby son-in-law.

And yeah I agree, Kate isn't putting much thought into any of this, other than status. A kid like Cara would absolutely THRIVE at PSU, but I'm sure that's WAY too rural PA middle class MEH for her. Yeah, it's gonna be chock FULL of those types of normal kids, which was a glorious and authentic environment for most kids there and something kids who have grown up on TV desperately need. ~ Administrator said...

One other thing I'll say about lacrosse is Cara may very well be good enough at it to swing a division 1 or 2 school, but, because it's lacrosse and women's no less, scholarships are most likely going to be very limited, even at top lacrosse schools. It's just not popular enough to gather together the funds. So, if she's only the 6th or 7th best player at some division 2 school she gets into or the 12th or 13th best at division 1, she may be totally out of luck for even a partial scholarship. But, if she goes to a dinkier school where lacrosse is not their top sport but they got a pot floating around to pull from and she's the 2nd best player at the school, she could end up swinging a free ride. She could also take the dinky school, kick butt at lacrosse the first year, and then transfer to a division 1 or 2 and get on the team. Decisions, decisions.

College sports admissions is very complicated, and you have to be strategic about it, and huge important decisions must be made that could affect you for years. There is no way on god's green earth Kate would even know where to begin advising this child what is best for her and her college lacrosse career and all the other factors, let alone do I believe she really cares.

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