Saturday, April 28, 2018

Recap: Kate Plus 8 "Kate's Most Memorable Moments": Nana Janet is dead, next?

Noooo! is all I can say to this one. Not another clip show! Ugh!

You can pretty much guess what this episode will be comprised of. This includes Hannah pooped in Hannah's underwears, cupcake gate, and lots of whining about a divorce that even then was ages ago--over five years ago when this episode first aired!

This is like the T.V. version of clickbait on the internet, draw viewers in with what looks like new material, then bait and switch them with something recycled you've already seen before if not many times before. They seem to do this at least once every season and sometimes more. This episode seems even more gratuitous when you realize that only a few months later they are going to air a three hour clip show ("A Decade of Kate") of much the same drivel. There was only one other "real" episode between this clip episode and the Decade clip show! This is great for TLC's budget but very disrespectful to viewers.

Kate says she wants to look back on the old clips because she has annoying teenagers now and needs to remember when they were little. So go pop in a DVD and look at the old clips. Don't burden viewers' time with this. How rude.

As Kate has said on more than one occasion, it was so much easier to corral toddlers. Well right, you can child abuse a two-year-old into submission a hell of a lot easier than you can to a walking talking 10-year-old with opinions and who can run away and rat you out to mandatory reporters. That must stink for the child abusers.

Babies are so cute so that you don't abuse them, Kate essentially says. I'm not even joking, she actually says this. I'm glad Sherlock over there has figured out the morbid evolutionary reason why human beings are born with big heads and eyes. The editors immediately launch into a clip of Alexis having a diaper blowout as all babies will eventually, and Kate freaking out. So, like, if Alexis weren't cute, Kate would beat the shit out of her for that? Besides, she hit them anyway, cute or not, so I guess her theory doesn't apply to her.

There's no manual how to raise one baby, Kate says, let alone six. What? There are dozens of manuals about raising children out there, delving into all the nuances of babies practically week by week, so I'm not sure what she is talking about. What to Expect the First Year is a popular one, as well as On Becoming Baby Wise and many others. If you have six kids, I guess if you're Kate you just buy six of such books. Funny enough, just days after I wrote this portion of the recap, the Roseanne reboot, which is hilariously sharp and timely, made the same joke. Dan was telling Darlene look we did the best we could raising your kids, there's no manual on this. Darlene looks at him in disbelief and says yes there are! Heh!

They throw in so many little clips, many of which I nearly had forgotten about, and one of them is when Kate is in a battle of wills with young Mady, ordering her to put on shoes she says are hurting her feet. Kate's reasoning? Kate wears shoes that hurt Kate's feet so Mady should put them on. Even all these years later she still blows my mind. Kate is a consenting adult, and if she wants to wear shoes that hurt her feet that's her choice, but Mady is a kid and clearly doesn't want to do the same. Plus, she is a growing kid, so more likely than not, the reason her feet hurt are because she's outgrown the shoes. In any case, no one should wear shoes that hurt their feet--it is a warning sign something is wrong with the fit, and could eventually cause permanent damage in your later years. There are lots of shoes that fit properly and are still cute, this need not be such a big deal.

They show gum gate yet again, and Kate again doesn't take the opportunity to apologize to Aunt Jodi.  She doesn't say anything at all about it this time.

Every moment of when the kids were young was hard. The grouchy moments were every day. That is a very pessimistic way to remember their toddlerhood. Sheesh. 

They show the clip where Kate showed her post-pregnancy belly. At the time I thought that was brave of her to show that, but then she turned it into a freebie for tummy tuck surgery and my good graces vanished. I also don't believe Kate when she says that she never imagined someone would offer her free plastic surgery as result. Please. Today's Kate talks about her old stomach with absolute detest, calling it the jowls of a dog--ouch!  That seems rather offensive to people who are carrying some flabby skin for whatever reason, and can't afford fancy surgery as a quick fix. A post-pregnancy belly isn't usually attractive, fair enough, but it's still you and it's the battle scar of bringing children into the world, which should be special. Kate marks the tummy tuck as the beginning of the rest of her life, and I just find this whole segment very shallow and inconsequential. 

Kate reminisces about the one time they made Korean food with Jon, who is only shown from the hands down. It's amazing the way she is able to speak about this segment in such depth without ever mentioning why the kids are Korean in the first place, due to the sperm donor's ethnicity she selected perhaps online. What an elephant in the room, or shall I say Korean elephant!

This episode is a little disorganized as newer episodes tend to be because nobody in production cares, and we go from the producers feeding Kate things to talk about via old clips to suddenly the viewers asking questions. Can't she answer these questions on twitter? 

Kate's favorite free trip was Australia/New Zealand, which is coincidentally without a doubt the most expensive free trip ever given to her, and she somehow swung it so she could go twice. We kill time reminiscing about the koalas for what feels like an eternity. I forgot how much the kids manhandled those poor koalas. Geez. Woo-hoo, the only old clip I ever enjoy seeing: Brad, the patron saint of haters, telling Kate about herself before pushing her off a high rise.

Kate says she wouldn't let the younger kids do this jump today. They are now the same ages as Mady and Cara when they jumped (age 10). Why? It's perfectly safe. Probably safer than crossing the street to get there. Usually parents get more lenient with subsequent children, not less. If a kid wants to do it and you can afford it, let them. Such drama over nothing and you run the very real danger of imposing your fears on your kids. Contrast this was Amy Roloff, who with gumption and style, jumped out of an airplane to celebrate her one year anniversary with her new boyfriend Chris. She acknowledged she was terrified but stuck to her goals to try new things and do something wild with Chris to mark the occasion. She was optimistic and pleasant the whole time, and as a viewer, I was rooting for her, and eager to see how this would shake out. I had no doubt she would go through with it. I had been cautious of Chris, I suppose I'm always going to worry about someone having ulterior motives when dating a little person, but he seems to have developed into quite a thoughtful and supportive boyfriend for Amy, and she's giddy in love with him. It's cute, and I hope he is what he seems.

Kate reveals the real reason she finally jumped i.e. was pushed off the building by Brad. Because she didn't want her 10-year-olds to be braver than herself. Well, of course the reason has to do with some kind of imaginary competition with her own children from Joan Crawford here. Typical.

Invariably somebody asks her what's with Kate showing no interest in dating, does her blood run cold or something? Kate says she can't meet anyone because she spends all her time in the kitchen or grocery store. The hell? I would almost buy this excuse if she had even a part time job, but she doesn't work. You do not spend 16 hours a day in the kitchen or grocery store, it's impossible. She then goes on to say something even more absurd, in that she would love to get out of the house and check out the great new local restaurant but the right person hasn't come along yet. Just, the f. The F! This woman cannot be implying that one must have a boyfriend in order to have a nice and novel evening out. Abraham Lincoln called, and he wants his century back. Yeeshhhh. We know now that Kate is only interested in dating if she's getting paid to do it, hence her new dating show. Heh.

We launch into another long and boring justification for why they had to get the mansion because their perfectly adequate solidly middle class house was just way, way too small. From all the clips they showed, the old house looks huge. The toddlers have plenty of places to run, the grounds were big, the dining room is plenty big enough for a long table, and the kitchen, although not huge has good flow to it creating the illusion of more space. There is something rather funny about all their excess back in the day happening right smack dab in the middle of a bad recession. They really alienated so many viewers by being so greedy. Kate actually says now the mansion is starting to feel too small too. No, she really says this. I really think that for many adults one of the hardest things to come to grips with is to be happy with what you have, to not always be wanting more. This usually applies to material things like your house and all your stuff. But it can also apply to things like how many children you will have, and your marriage. I've read quite a bit about this because I struggle with it too in some ways and I don't want to get sucked into this "creep." Like when the new iPhone comes out, something in me just wants it. Even though my current iPhone works just fine and I paid a lot of money for it. It's hard to not buy the newest thing, but I'm getting better. 

The best way that helps me conceptualize all this and not worry about the Jones is to think of life not as a fixed pie 500 meter dash where it's you versus the world and if you don't win the next guy is. Rather think of it as a recreational sport, things like cycling or hiking (non-competitive). You can play it alongside people you like and enjoy, but you're really only ever playing versus yourself. How high you can climb, how far you can peddle. You could enjoy it alongside an elite athlete because how he does is irrelevant to you. So don't worry about a co-worker getting a promotion, or that perfect wife of your second cousin's on Facebook, or that great house on the market that's just a little more expensive than yours, so, you can afford it right. Because they're all hiking their own hikes and you're hiking yours.

I believe the number one reason adults find themselves unhappy or unsatisfied in adulthood is because they never really worked on being happy with the way things are. And Kate is clearly one of those. She has a house that should make even the saddest person happy for a dozen lifetimes, and yet there she is, feeling unsatisfied with it. The pathetic thing is Kate doesn't even seem to recognize her own unwarranted dissatisfaction. At least a lot of people recognize it and try to address it.  

We then go into a long recap of all about when they first got the German shepherds. There are a couple telling comments in the old clips, too. One, after the only thing the dogs did was pee in the house (they were very, very little puppies!) Kate has a meltdown and barks at the distraught children "He's going back and I'm not kidding!" Because when a living thing doesn't function just perfectly you return to the manufacturer. See Collin. 

Kate then says when she sent the dogs back to the trainers, she knew they were coming back, or "at least one" would be back. So, all along she never intended to take Nala back, but tricked the kids into thinking they were both going to get training and come back? Vile. 

Nala was high strung and would make a good police dog, Kate remarks stupidly. High strung is not really what they are looking for in police dogs, how dumb is she? And besides, even if Nala would have made a good police dog, Kate probably ruined it by keeping her for as long as she did, interfering with training that often occurs during a puppy's formative years to try to make a police dog out of them.

By the way, just this winter a police dog in California undeniably saved many lives when he bolted for and pinned down an erratic and dangerous criminal who had just abandoned his stolen car to try to run away from the cops on foot. The driver had tried to plow over a female cop with his truck a few weeks before and has a long criminal history and is looking at life in prison for this little stunt of his. The dog's attack was so fierce it accidentally smashed the poor pup's teeth out on the curb! Here is the incredible video. Thank you, Officer Puskas! 

We talk about the then-five years ago divorce for awhile. It's boring, except the part where Kate claims the bright side of this is the divorce taught the kids things, like about trust and people's intentions. The F! One, she just made a totally uncalled for and very nasty slam at Jon, directly implying the kids learned they couldn't trust him and that he has bad intentions. Of course some of the children are estranged from Jon, this has been the narrative they've been brainwashed with for these past five years. One need not literally spell out "You can't trust your dad" in order to implant the idea firmly in a young child's head. And two, no TFW, a divorce is never good for children, no study has ever shown so. Sure, some kids may be better off not having two parents together who are miserable under the same roof, so in that respect it's best for everyone to split up and something that just has to be done, but the divorce itself is never beneficial to the kids. 

How do you say so organized, a very dense fan asks. Kate doesn't! She's a slob.

Emeril when he visited was so gentle and soft-spoken with the children, it's like they just shut down, mouths agape, having no idea how to interact with someone so kind and low key. Kate reveals that all the time she name drops that Emeril cooked in her kitchen. Lol, that must be obnoxious to what few girlfriends are around to hear that.

In a rare sweet moment between Kate and one of the kids, she helps Leah learn to swim in Hawaii. Kate's reaction is appropriately proud and excited, like a mother who adores her kid should react when her little bird finds its wings. You can tell how much this makes Leah happy in turn, not just to swim, but to make her mom proud. The kids desperately needed so much more of these quiet moments and less of all the anger and stress.

Is there anything more irritating than a grown woman trying to make whale sounds at a whale? That is all.

With only 13 minutes left in this episode, the editors for some strange reason decided now was the time for Kate to recap what we're doing here. Like if you came into this episode midway you'd be really confused I guess? Kate sums it all up in a really....slow....manner, weirdly emphasizing random words. Is she reading a cue card, just took her meds, or what is going on here? And couldn't she just say "it's another God damn clip show, people" and that's all anyone would really need to know to understand?

Since I'm really getting bored and the clips they are showing at the moment are absolutely pointless--(we still have 13 minutes left of this, yeesh!), I'm just going to say a few thoughts on the TLC app for Amazon Fire TV. It's basically wonderful. The TLC app I was using before on my computer was and still remains a piece of crap, showing endless commercials every few minutes and refusing to remember the place I last left off. The Amazon Fire app keeps me signed into it unless I don't log in for months, it always remembers my place in the episode even if I leave the app for a long time, and has simple and easy to use one-click commands to play, pause, add closed caption, fast forward at different speeds and the like. I only wish there weren't ads that you can't skip, but there's a handy countdown when they do run the ads (Ad 2 of 5 and so on) so you more or less can guess how much longer you have to go grab yourself a coke with a lemon before the show starts up again. Well done to TLC and Amazon Fire. All the Amazon Fire apps have been good to excellent, which leads me to believe they have extremely strict guidelines for developers that keeps them in compliance with smooth operation.

Nana Janet is dead by the way, and I don't remember Kate ever mentioning that other than in this clip show just now. Google explains that she died in October 2009. Except there are no tears or any emotion from Kate when she explains this. She could just have easily been explaining how one of the children missed her because she was gone to have tummy tuck surgery, as she will a bit later. It's all the same affect, all the same chipper explanations, just literally a short run-down of how helpful Nana Janet was and then out of left field Kate says Nana Janet left us all too soon. She left us.....all too soon? She's ..... DEAD??? Good Lord, I'm glad I knew this before this moment due to reports on the blog, because this news really would have hit like a ton of bricks, wouldn't it have?

We come to that dreaded moment in the episode where the editors realize they're only at 37 minutes and they've got to make it to 43. To kill time they add in some loosely related to not-at-all related clips about everything from bedtime to "I have a weiner" to ice skating. A really long explanation about how the kids I guess remember better because of the show, which I suppose is another excuse why they needed to do this show? But Kate's explanation doesn't make any sense. I'm convinced the kids are not "remembering" the actual experience at all, they are simply remembering the episode. And I still don't know how home movies you make yourself couldn't accomplish the same thing.

Kate is adamant she will never regret the show because of all the memories she made. So like, if you don't have a TV show you can't make good memories with your kids? The hell is she even talking about? And I really can't stand people that go around stubbornly refusing to have any regrets about choices they know damn well were poor ones or at the very least questionable. There have been a heck of a lot of downsides to filming these children she refuses to acknowledge, a little humility about that would do wonders. Let's take it there. God forbid what if someone one day were to ever hurt themselves due to the pressures of this damn show and the fame? Would Kate regret all of this then? I'm just curious how far it would have to go before she would finally give this line up. Time will tell.

215 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Sad but true said... 1

kateplusmy8 My beautiful 'little girls' .... they keep reminding me how many days until they turn 14. Today it was '12 days til we turn 14, Mom.' HOW'S THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?! I told Leah that she's too small to turn 14. She said 'Yeah, true. Are you sure I'm not turning 11 or 12?' 😂😂I'm positive. I gave birth to you. They'll always be my babies....I love them so very much! ♥️♥️♥️

Up to 23K likes in 3 hours and over 400 comments. If she bought extra for this one, she's kind of shooting herself in the foot. None of the photos of her have come close to this level of attention, so I guess you'd have to assume that it really is all about the kids. Which wouldn't be a happy thing for K8 Plus D8.

BTW, I don't think Leah looks at all smaller than the other two.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 2

A new recap -- what a swell surprise!

Oh, so now TFW claims she doesn't regret doing the show because of the memories (read: sweet, sweet vacations, freebies and attention).
But she's also on the record saying if she had it to do all over again, meaning having the sextuplets, she WOULDN'T. Of the myriad hurtful, awful, insensitive things she's said and done, that would have to be at the top of the list.

Formerly Duped said... 3

I agree, Sad. The three girls look to be about the same height and weight after a few years of Leah being smaller and thinner and Alexis taller.Is it more of Kate playing down their maturing and trying to keep them "young?"

Looks like maybe a school event with the brick background? They are all dressed up and look very grownup with age- appropriator outfits and bit of makeup.Pretty girls, all.

Formerly Duped said... 4

I don't remember this episode- I do recall the clips mentioned but was there a 'present' day comparison like the Decade of Kate one?

Thanks for the recap!

capecodmama said... 5

Thanks for the recap Admin. And thanks for the video of the K9. That was awesome!

AuntieAnn said... 6

kateplusmy8 My beautiful 'little girls' .... they keep reminding me how many days until they turn 14. Today it was '12 days til we turn 14, Mom.' HOW'S THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?!


I think It's actually mommie dearest reminding everyone that their birthday is coming up. Cash only please.

Anyone think she'll put up a photo of the three boys?

AuntieAnn said... 7

Kate marks the tummy tuck as the beginning of the rest of her life


That's because it was dawning on her that she had stumbled upon the motherlode of a goldmine. She was being granted every wish by the producers.

It's a good thing TLC paid for the tuck otherwise Kate would have probably sued Glassman for that silly bellybutton. He put the thing up so high she could practically whistle through it.

Formerly Duped said... 8

AuntieAnn said... 6

Nope...too obvious Collin is missing...this is really outrageous he's been gone so long.If any pic is put up it'll be an old one with her "fondly reminiscing..."

AuntieAnn said... 9

Nope...too obvious Collin is missing...this is really outrageous he's been gone so long.If any pic is put up it'll be an old one with her "fondly reminiscing..."


Formerly, I doubt she will either. In her little caste system poor Collin has become an "untouchable".

Ingrid said... 10

Re: dresses in the instagram pic... It was All School Dress Down Day on Friday. A day where they don't have to wear uniforms. So maybe that is why they are wearing them.

I am one of eight said... 11

TFW better up the money on buying those bots. Little Couple has over 87,0000 likes on a daddy daughter dance Instagram post.

Formerly Duped said... 12

Ingrid said... 10

Thanks for the info. But do kids dress 'up' instead? I would have thought jeans etc,like some workplaces allow on Fridays. Anyway, the girls look so nice!

Layla said... 13

When my kids have dress down days, they really dress down. I think they'd go to school in their pajamas if I let them. That seems to be the norm for boys at their schools, although the girls take the opportunity to wear something trendy. The G girls look like they're dressed up for a special outing.

I can't believe she was complaining that the house is getting too small. She is definitely a person who believes that bigger is better. Nothing will ever be big enough or enough in terms of quantity for her. She had to have the biggest number of kids she could at once, the biggest van, the biggest house. Even those horribly ugly purses she carries are always enormous. 3 cars just for herself (but none for Mady and Cara, who worked their entire childhoods to pay for them). 3 dogs, even though she couldn't handle two before. She's a bottomless pit and nothing will ever be enough. ~ Administrator said... 14

I can't believe she was complaining that the house is getting too small. She is definitely a person who believes that bigger is better. Nothing will ever be big enough or enough in terms of quantity for her. She had to have the biggest number of kids she could at once, the biggest van, the biggest house. Even those horribly ugly purses she carries are always enormous. 3 cars just for herself (but none for Mady and Cara, who worked their entire childhoods to pay for them). 3 dogs, even though she couldn't handle two before. She's a bottomless pit and nothing will ever be enough.


When you look at it that way, she has a very, very serious problem. She is completely unsatisfied with everything. Nothing is ever enough. God knows how any seasons of her show wasn't enough, her kid is in a treatment center and she still wants more show. She needs intensive therapy to dig at why it is she can't be satisfied with her life. ~ Administrator said... 15

It seems that all is not well in the Dillard household. He also has a video of Michelle being "abusive" to one of the younger girls. It's frightening how quickly her demeanor changes when she realizes she's being filmed.


I'm confused what that's all about. The video has been completely swiffered from the internet. And why would someone in the family post it??? Unless they're an idiot who didn't realize it shows abuse or at the very least Michelle not being so sugary sweet as she claims to be?

jamesvader1194 said... 16

@Admin To be honest,both michelle and jim bob remind of my old middle school headmaster,where he tries to put this happy personality and force smile but deep down you knew there's something off about them.Best way to describe people like this is think professor umbridge from harry potter.Thats the the vibe i get when i see michelle. ~ Administrator said... 17

@Admin To be honest,both michelle and jim bob remind of my old middle school headmaster,where he tries to put this happy personality and force smile but deep down you knew there's something off about them.Best way to describe people like this is think professor umbridge from harry potter.Thats the the vibe i get when i see michelle.


Great description. I think a whole lot of viewers have sensed something terribly off about them. The sex abuse was partly what the bad feeling was, but I think there's also very likely to be other child abuse going on both emotional and physical, as well as neglect.

It also comes from an increasing understanding of red flags from other people on TV who have turned out to not be what they seem.

Former Lurker said... 18

I did a quick read through of the comments on her IG post. Just like when she posts birthday photos, it's one inane comment after another about how time flies, can't believe they've grown up so fast, how can they be so old, etc. Her fans are so weird. Don't they have kids of their own, nieces and nephews? It's how life works, people. Kids grow each year. Please stop being so amazed that the Gosselin kids aren't frozen in some time warp where they're all still toddlers.

And, just like when she posts recent pics of any of the kids, there are plenty of comments praising her on what a good job she's done and what a great mother she is. Huh? They can tell that just by looking at the kids? Strange.

Also, there are several comments asking her to post a pic of the boys, and several comments asking about Collin.

Several people commented that Hannah is so pretty and that she looks like TFW (I don't see the resemblance at all).

There are also a few comments about remembering "Hannah pooped in Hannah's underwears". That poor girl is never going to hear the end of that one.

There are also several comments asking about the show and when will it be back on. That's the K+8 show with the kids. I didn't see one single comment or question about her new Fake Date show. It doesn't seem that her fans are just dying for that show to premiere. They're more interested in the kids than TFW.

And, not sure if this is true or not, but one person left this comment:

breezyf_21That’s the Reading country club!

Finally, TFW responded to the comment about their size and her claim that Leah is so tiny:

kateplusmy8@thegirlmacgyver Leah is wearing heels👠 tho... lex is in flats and Hannah is wearing heels too... Leah IS still a good bit smaller than all of her brothers and sisters....

Gigi Be said... 19

“Re: dresses in the instagram pic... It was All School Dress Down Day on Friday. A day where they don't have to wear uniforms. So maybe that is why they are wearing them.”

The background looks like it could be their school not their house. What would be the purpose of Kate going along to the school? We all know that as soon as the kids board that bus in the morning, Kate’s goes back to bed

Former Lurker said... 20

Milo finally left a comment, dopey as usual:

miloandjack2016Three lil girls soon to be fourteen.... Each in her own right looking like a "prom queen"! Dressed uniquely so fine.... Was it a special event or just a good ole party time? Hey @kateplusmy8 how are you going to keep these growing beauties on the farm? 😋 #BoysBoysBoys in your future....😃

Former Lurker said... 21

Move over Milo, there's a real life Gladys amongst the sheeple. And, no, this doesn't sound creepy at all:

gladystassoneI've always had my eye on Leah.

Gigi Be said... 22

“It seems that all is not well in the Dillard household. He also has a video of Michelle being "abusive" to one of the younger girls. It's frightening how quickly her demeanor changes when she realizes she's being filmed.“

Yes I saw the video. She was scolding Johanna. She was saying “ we can’t do that now, right now we have ( can’t hear what she’s saying). And then she says something along the lines of “ be sweet”.
Then she’s caught on camera and she immediately puts on her tv face and talks in that sickening baby voice. I don’t know about “abuse” but I defiantly think the Duggar parents have a very different persona at home when cameras aren’t rolling. They want to keep up that perfect family image

Susan1956 said... 23 ~ Administrator said... 15

I'm confused what that's all about. The video has been completely swiffered from the internet. And why would someone in the family post it??? Unless they're an idiot who didn't realize it shows abuse or at the very least Michelle not being so sugary sweet as she claims to be?

Gigi Be said... 22

Yes I saw the video. She was scolding Johanna. She was saying “ we can’t do that now, right now we have ( can’t hear what she’s saying). And then she says something along the lines of “ be sweet”.
Then she’s caught on camera and she immediately puts on her tv face and talks in that sickening baby voice. I don’t know about “abuse” but I defiantly think the Duggar parents have a very different persona at home when cameras aren’t rolling. They want to keep up that perfect family image.
I think Derick is going rogue or as rogue as he can be while outwardly being a good Christian since being "fired" or "quitting" Counting On. Viewer's choice as to how the separation from TLC occurred.

The term "Be Sweet" or "Stay Sweet" is used a lot towards women and sums up what is expected of women in a lot of these 'cults' It would be so ironic if Dirty Jesus was the one to bring down the Duggars/get the show canceled for good.

Ingrid said... 24

Gigi Be said... 19 What would be the purpose of Kate going along to the school?

I thought of that. Someone else could have taken it and sent it to Kate.

Ingrid said... 25

Well, I looked up school dress down day before I posted that because I wasn't sure. (which is on the calendar of their school for April 27) It says on Google:
Search Results
Dress down days are special occasions when school dress policies are relaxed. For a uniform school, this could mean allowing students to wear something other than their normal uniforms.

So like I said "maybe" that is why. It can be any sort of dress down that a school decides to allow. If the picture was at the country club then I sure don't know.

NJGal51 said... 26

breezyf_21That’s the Reading country club!
If it is the Reading country club maybe they went along to chaperone TFW on a “date”. Time will tell. However, if one of TFW’s big dates is at the local country club she must be working with a low budget.

Anonymous said... 27

If school uniforms were not required that day you'd think that would apply to the boys as well, but no picture of them. In any case, the girls look more dressed "up" than "down".


FlimsyFlamsy said... 28

Susan1956 (#23), yeah, I think Derick is capable of unraveling things for good for the Duggars.
He doesn't seem to have been chastened after the Jazz kerfuffle.
Whether he quit or was fired, the big oaf misses the spotlight, and it looks like he'll grab it in whatever way he can. Oh, er, um, all to spread the word of Jesus, of course. ~ Administrator said... 29

Susan1956 (#23), yeah, I think Derick is capable of unraveling things for good for the Duggars.
He doesn't seem to have been chastened after the Jazz kerfuffle.


I'm trying to figure this out. Is he intentionally sabotaging the family or just doing so stupidly?

Susan1956 said... 30 ~ Administrator said... 29

I'm trying to figure this out. Is he intentionally sabotaging the family or just doing so stupidly?
I think it's anybody's guess. But it's obvious both Derick and the Mrs. miss the spotlight, paycheck, etc. With Jill "going back to work" as a midwife, his tweeting and a new video that Jill posted on the Dillard family website (link on ROL), this is not going to end well.

Looks like JimBoob didn't do a good job of vetting Derick, Ben and Jeremy. All have shown to varying degrees that they have their own ideas. Katie Irene should take note. ~ Administrator said... 31

I think it's anybody's guess. But it's obvious both Derick and the Mrs. miss the spotlight, paycheck, etc. With Jill "going back to work" as a midwife, his tweeting and a new video that Jill posted on the Dillard family website (link on ROL), this is not going to end well.


It's not going to end well. I just read up on her midwifery training after finally getting curious enough to find out. Naturally she is NOT a Certified Nurse Midwife, the industry standard and something you'd be nuts not to insist on at a home birth. She's gone for the lesser Certified Midwife. Can't even prescribe medication, and not even allowed to practice in all states. She's young and inexperienced, something's going to go wrong and she's going to get sued. What a dummy.

I also don't see how this "career" is conducive to the expectations of mothers in that family. She will get calls in the middle of the night, she will be gone for unpredictable amounts of time.

Yeah like that husband of hers is going to be just fine with her taking off like that. What a joke.

Susan1956 said... 32 ~ Administrator said... 30

It's not going to end well. I just read up on her midwifery training after finally getting curious enough to find out. Naturally she is NOT a Certified Nurse Midwife, the industry standard and something you'd be nuts not to insist on at a home birth. She's gone for the lesser Certified Midwife. Can't even prescribe medication, and not even allowed to practice in all states. She's young and inexperienced, something's going to go wrong and she's going to get sued. What a dummy.
I also read somewhere that the midwife who trained Jill got sued for a delivery gone wrong (Jill was reportedly present at the delivery as part of her training) and had to leave the state.

It's one thing for the Duggars to call Jana a concert pianist just because she plays the piano, but Jill could really cause some damage in her midwifery career. I think TLC has got to share some responsibility for filming all the Duggar home births and putting these clowns as well as Kate on the air. ~ Administrator said... 33

I also read somewhere that the midwife who trained Jill got sued for a delivery gone wrong (Jill was reportedly present at the delivery as part of her training) and had to leave the state.

It's one thing for the Duggars to call Jana a concert pianist just because she plays the piano, but Jill could really cause some damage in her midwifery career. I think TLC has got to share some responsibility for filming all the Duggar home births and putting these clowns as well as Kate on the air.


I wouldn't recommend this profession even if you WERE competent. Too many things can go wrong and it's not acceptable now to have anything go wrong in childbirth, parents demand perfection and parents sue when they don't get it. When you are a doctor or nurse in a hospital you are much better protected from any of this and even if you are sued the hospital lawyers handle it. You will never be sued because you just didn't transfer to a hospital soon enough, and you will PROBABLY never be sued if you just do a c-section.

Mothers are statistically getting older as they delay childbirth, which increases risks for complication. And then the home birth movement has many women who really shouldn't be doing it because of risk factors thinking they can and getting into trouble. Let's add to it a midwife who is working maybe 24, 48 hours straight at a birth because she doesn't just get to go home when the next shift comes in. And then you're making important decisions on no sleep with little to no backup or "check" on it.

Does a young woman this age, one who really never got much good schooling to begin with, and one who is not a licensed nurse, really have enough experience under her belt to pick up on all the little signs that suggest maybe something terribly wrong could happen? Does she have the brains to turn down patients when home birth is not a good choice for them? There's just no way. This "career" is a ticking time bomb for that girl. ~ Administrator said... 34

I also read somewhere that the midwife who trained Jill got sued for a delivery gone wrong (Jill was reportedly present at the delivery as part of her training) and had to leave the state.


They might just sue everyone who was even there, you often cast the net wide and narrow it as you get more information.

By the way in the article I was reading about her training I thought for sure she would say she got into this because of all the babies she grew up with but instead she says she became interested when she helped a 14 year old friend who was pregnant prepare.

What the Fetty-F??? Why isn't a 14 year old who winds up pregnant getting an ABORTION? Good Lord!

Gigi Be said... 35

There’s something very odd about the delivery of Jill and Derek’s second son Sam. The details of the labor were kept out of the media and the delivery was never shown, like all the others were. All we do know if that she labored at home for 40 hours before going into the hospital to give birth. With their first son, she labored at home for 70 hours before having to transfer to a near hospital for a c section. As a “professional” she should have known better, and just had the second baby at the hospital. There was a theory floating around that Jill could have ruptured her uterus while being in labor too long. This could prevent her from having future babies, if true, as this could be likely. They seem so open about the details of their life, but not a word was said about Sam’s birth. Very odd.
I’ve always sensed some competition between Jill and her sister Jessa. Jessa had homebirths as well. One birth had complications while the other was an easy and quick homebirths. . Why can’t Jill just admit to herself that she is not meant for a home, natural birth? She’s had complications both times. I really hope that she doesn’t go the way of her mother and try to have ten or more babies.She could die. I’ve known women who have had homebirths and they have had wonderful healthy experiences with it. But someone like Jill cannot and should not. Jill probably has resentment toward women who are able to give birth naturally. Her mom Michelle has given birth in the hospital by c section several times. And she was also had a few successful homebirths. Jill probably looks at Michelle as her inspiration. Sadly, she’ll never hear that she has self worth outside of having tons of kids

Anonymous said... 36

Looking at the fresh mulch around Kate's trees....I'd guess TLC filming has begun. Still trying to figure out why TLC wants to film a middle aged woman pretending to date.TLC has always filmed births, weddings(hello Duggars) and true family or individual stories of overcoming adversity or prejudice(transgender youth,body shame,obesity,little people etc). But what genre is this: Kate pretending to go on a date? Apart from her few fans who attached themselves to her as a mother of 8 she is not well liked. In fact, reading the comments on her upcoming show....she is actively and widely disliked. So I'm trying to understand why TLC is doing this.


Former Lurker said... 37

Anonymous said... 36

Looking at the fresh mulch around Kate's trees....I'd guess TLC filming has begun.



Excellent point, M. I took another look at that photo and I think you're right. Here it is:

Hmm,looky here. Barb recently decided to respond to an older comment on that tree pic:

kleckabuilders Nice yard

barbgilmer1 @kleckabuilders Yeah and a pretty hefty yard bill, I’m sure she has landscapers!


Yes, Barb, TFW does have landscapers....and TLC pays the bill.

TFW's caption in that post said:

kateplusmy8 Dear Trees lining our driveway-- Even on a dreary rainy day, you're still so breathtakingly beautiful! Spring has sprung!! Yippee!!!! 🌸🌷🌸🌷🌸🌷

TRANSLATION: Dear TLC - even though my ratings suck and I'm old news, I'm so happy you sprung for my huge landscaping bill yet again this Spring!! Yippee!!!!

Formerly Duped said... 38

Wow, I, as are so many, am battling with yard cleanup! So many felled branches,limbs, even trees this winter. We have only one town pickup in my area. TFW doesn't know how lucky she is.

chefsummer #Leh said... 39

I wonder how long it's going to be till TLC amd everyone get finally done with Kate.

chefsummer #Leh said... 40

I bet Kate doesn't regret filming. I mean who would
1.Free boobs.
2.Free vacations.
3.Time with Steve.
4.Time away from the kids.
5. Time away from Jon.
6. Gets to talk about her favorite subject...Herself.
7. Gets paid to DO nothing but yell and scream and talk about herself.

jolie Jacquelyn said... 41

#40 You nailed it chefsummer #Leh!
Nice to see you back posting.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 42

It's a good thing TLC paid for the tuck otherwise Kate would have probably sued Glassman for that silly bellybutton. He put the thing up so high she could practically whistle through it.


Or it could be mistaken as a third nipple.

AuntieAnn said... 43

Or it could be mistaken as a third nipple.


lol. Who's the alien now, huh Kate?

Anonymous said... 44

Yale breaks tradition to rescind Bill Cosby's honorary degree, the first time the school has taken back an award in its entire 318 year history.

I sincerely hope others follow Yale's decision.


Sad but true said... 45

Temple, Bill's alma mater, did as well, a few days ago.

jolie Jacquelyn said... 46

Anyone else here looking forward to the royal wedding? I think it will be a welcome break from the news stories of the past few weeks. I for one am ready for some pomp & ceremony, and no one does it better than the Brits!

I see that her brother has sent a hand written letter to Prince Harry telling hime he's making the "biggest mistake in royal history" by marrying Megan...And he wonders why he wasn't invited to the wedding?? The poor girl really has some dodgy relatives. ~ Administrator said... 47

I see that her brother has sent a hand written letter to Prince Harry telling hime he's making the "biggest mistake in royal history" by marrying Megan...And he wonders why he wasn't invited to the wedding?? The poor girl really has some dodgy relatives.


It's really sad. She has apparently had issues with her family ages before she met Prince Harry. She didn't suddenly estrange her family for Harry. She is close with her mom and her mom has been spotted with her and Harry.

I like Meaghan but I do believe she loves acting, the arts, fashion, interviews, and loves all the humanitarian work that she gets to do with it. When I see bits and pieces of her attending drab events and sitting there looking pretty, I really wonder if she might one day wake up and feel uninspired. She was not really put out there until a couple months ago, so she is only just beginning to experience royal life. Also she suddenly deleted all her social media, which a party of me felt kind of sad over. She was fun on social media, and even though it makes sense for her to delete it all, it was also an outlet of expression for her. Take that away too much from someone like her and you've got a caged bird.

There are a lot of royal speculators saying this won't last in not the same way anyone was saying that about Kate Middleton. The key is she needs to have the freedom to both be herself and chase after things that interest her. She's not going to be the housewife and trophy wife Kate is content with, no way. The jury's out, but I really don't think she understands how soul sucking some outsiders have found royal life, even given her age and the exposure she's had for it. She absolutely fully loves and adores Harry and he loves her the same, but that is rarely enough for a good marriage. ~ Administrator said... 48

Oh also, I think her brother is probably somewhat correct that Meaghan is shallow. She's a Hollywood actress, of course she is. She has very obviously had a lot of little well-done plastic surgery tweaks to her face, her nose. As well, she has styled her hair and so forth to be much more caucasian rather than black, which some people see as a sell out.

But again, successful Hollywood actress, is this supposed to be surprising? And my God there is no reason to bash her for such things for all to see. Call her up and discuss your concerns like a grown up. ~ Administrator said... 49

I was just catching up to find the update on the rest of Meaghan's family. Her dad indicates he will walk her down the aisle, and although he is extremely private and shy he's going to do it in front of all those people and cameras. Surely her mom will be there. So, much ado about nothing that she's not inviting her criminal half brother domestic violence perp. Kate Middleton didn't invite that crazy uncle of hers either. ~ Administrator said... 50

Temple, Bill's alma mater, did as well, a few days ago.


It seems to be that was all very fair. Let the criminal courts sort this out and once the criminal courts have decided he's guilty you can fairly strip him of titles and awards. This is fair and just. Yet so many of these guys have been absolutely blasted without ever even giving them an opportunity to explain let alone a trial.

Did anyone see Tom Brokov's scathing letter to his Me Too attacker? Oh my god he really put her in her place. He was saying what I said, what the heck why don't you pick up the phone and CALL somebody you had an issue with 20 years ago and hash it out? Be a big girl for gosh sakes. Me Too was not supposed to be for nice guys like Tom Brokov who once tried to steal a kiss, realized they weren't interested, and moved on. I guess like dozens of women who personally know him and have worked with him are writing letters in support. ~ Administrator said... 51

In other news, Sandra Bullock's long-time stalker committed suicide after a standoff.

Still love fame Kate?

SaraMRN2010 said... 52

In other news, Sandra Bullock's long-time stalker committed suicide after a standoff.

Still love fame Kate?

Of course she does. She has rat claws for protection.

Gigi Be said... 53

I wonder if Kate had something to do with this article. A lot of it is the same regurgitated stuff. Kate gets a pat on the back with regards to how Mady and Cara were raised. Apparently, the fact that M and C grew up “goal orientated” was because the took after Kate’s A- personality type. And the fact that the twins have no time to deal with Jon’s drama .

"I'm going to be learning to drive, taking the PSATs, thinking about college … so much is going on in my life. And the last thing I have time for is a toxic relationship."
“ Well, it's nice to hear that Mady is keeping her eye on the prize. Sorry, Jon”.

“And now that Mady and Cara aren't kids anymore, fan interest in their lives is at an all-time peak”
This may be Kate’s biggest nightmare. Fans may continue their interest as the kids get older, while Kate will get left behind in the dust. drama.

NJGal51 said... 54

"As for Cara, she's equally as grounded. Kate testified to this fact in a joint birthday message to the twins in October 2017. "And then you blink, and they TURN SEVENTEEN," Kate penned on Instagram. "Happy birthday to my girls! My heart hurts because you're almost adults and will soon leave for college, yet it smiles because I am seeing who you've become: brilliant, beautiful, kind, caring, logical, responsible, empathetic, honest, amazing individuals!:

There you have it, folks. If you've ever doubted that Cara and Mady have their lives together, you have your answer now.
Just WOW! I guess TFW is like the NY Times. If TFW says it's so, it's so. What a totally biased article that is. It had to come directly from TFW. Everyone still has a problem with Jon's dating back when they got divorced but no one seems to have a problem with TFW dating for money....what do they call those types of women again? All is fine is Gosselinland - shitting Skittles and farting rainbows....Collin who?!

Anonymous said... 55

Camille Cosby is still defending Bill. She has called the trial mob justice not real justice and wants a criminal investigation into the corrupt DA.


AuntieAnn said... 56

brilliant, beautiful, kind, caring, logical, responsible, empathetic, honest...


Hmmm. How they managed to become all those things from being raised by a dull, plastic, mean, uncaring, unsound, irresponsible, selfish, dishonest shrew of a mother is one for the books. It's a miracle really.

foxy said... 57

I read the letter Tom Brokaw wrote and he is 100% correct. I think this person is looking for fame again and fortune, even though she married well and wealthy. I truly believe she misses the limelight. I don't think she really had any talent to begin with.

Over In TFW's County said... 58

Camille Cosby is still defending Bill. She has called the trial mob justice not real justice and wants a criminal investigation into the corrupt DA.



I just read that epistle, manifesto, tirade, or whatever you want to call it. OMG. She blames everyone and everything for his conviction. She should do lunch with Dottie Sandusky.

jolie Jacquelyn said... 59

Admin said....There are a lot of royal speculators saying this won't last in not the same way anyone was saying that about Kate Middleton. The key is she needs to have the freedom to both be herself and chase after things that interest her.
I agree. Harry knows that his mother had major problems with the system, as well as the press, so hopefully he can help her navigate her way through it.

I don't think anyone has stars in their eyes about this union the way they did about Diana & Charles.

I sometimes look at Daily Mail online & I'm appalled at the way they feel about this woman. Is it because of her skin colour or because she's American - or both? ~ Administrator said... 60

I agree. Harry knows that his mother had major problems with the system, as well as the press, so hopefully he can help her navigate her way through it.

I don't think anyone has stars in their eyes about this union the way they did about Diana & Charles.

I sometimes look at Daily Mail online & I'm appalled at the way they feel about this woman. Is it because of her skin colour or because she's American - or both?


Most of the people on the royal blogs I look at seem to really like her. It seems like people not following it that closely don't like her. I think it has more to do with being American than anything, that bit of resentment that he didn't pick one of them, a local. And, the last American to marry into the family destroyed it, so they've got that badge. In context, it makes sense. I also think there is an element of the Kate Middleton lovers being jealous--hands down, Meaghan is a MUCH better speaker than Kate, more dynamic with more personality, more fashionable by a mile, arguably a bit prettier, skinnier, a more interesting back story, etc. Both beautiful put together women, but the edge goes to the American. Meaghan is who you have the affair with, Middleton is who you marry. Harry wasn't supposed to MARRY the mistress.

I think it's always going to bother me a bit she quit a very promising and celebrated career for him. She was truly an A lister on a very popular show. A powerful woman shouldn't have to do that and I don't like young girls seeing that. For me that's what drives the bit of disappointment. Not in him, but in her. It kind of feeds into the a princess will do anything for her man nonsense. He is just the spare, there is no reason she cannot continue her career. Other than that, it seems fine. It is helpful they are both mid-30's and not stupid kids who don't know what they want.

What I have seen is people are saying it won't last, but they're both happy now, so let them play this out for ten years or so and if they end up splitsville eventually, who cares no regrets. ~ Administrator said... 61

I just read that epistle, manifesto, tirade, or whatever you want to call it. OMG. She blames everyone and everything for his conviction. She should do lunch with Dottie Sandusky.


Wow, she's nuts. What about that tirade does she think will be helpful in any way to anything? ~ Administrator said... 62

I read the letter Tom Brokaw wrote and he is 100% correct. I think this person is looking for fame again and fortune, even though she married well and wealthy. I truly believe she misses the limelight. I don't think she really had any talent to begin with.


I really loved what he said about this, if something occurred decades ago and you were upset and I had no clue you were upset, could you please pick up the damn phone and we'll talk it through? I really do believe the man that he would have sat down with her and resolved it with her amicably.

We have lost all decency in this movement. This movement is supposed to be for creeps like Cosby who use their power to drug and rape women, not good people like Brokow who made one or two misjudgments in the romance department in his entire otherwise upstanding and important life.

This man did so much for the WW2 generation and now this crap.

NJGal51 said... 63

Kentucky Derby weekend. Will TFW wrangle a “Derby Date” out of TLC? ~ Administrator said... 64

I read Camille's manifesto start to finish. So many things are so bizarre and nutty.

First, I find it absolutely hilarious that she is flat out calling us all racist for going after Cosby, claiming this is about him being black. Number one, Cosby is one of the most successful, wealthiest and most beloved African Americans in history, so it doesn't sound like his race has held him back before until now. Suddenly now America has decided he's black time to turn on him? LOL. Second, Cosby himself for YEARS was the original Kanye, telling everyone to stop blaming race or using it as a crutch. I guess Camille wasn't paying attention.

She also claims the media drove the jury to convict. So let's remember, the first jury was a hung jury so doesn't seem like they were gunning for a conviction. The current one spent a long time on this and even asked clarifying questions of the judge, so it seems like they thought this through. Also, it looks like may of the jurors barely knew who the guy was and didn't pay much attention to this story. The one guy was a millennial and didn't grow up with the show, Cosby was irrelevant to him until now. People forget these younger generations often don't pay attention to our guys. I didn't pay attention to the celebs my parents grew up with.

I also just find it interesting that she is insisting everyone is lying. How does she know? Was she there? The problem is a court of law had to decide who is lying and who is telling the truth, and they made their decision, and that's the decision. She can go on and on about who is lying, but the decision has been made and after very long and careful thought it seems. Oh and I like her little rant about how the judge wouldn't allow some witness. I don't know what she's referencing, but that's not how it works. If a witness is not permitted it's not just because the judge decides I don't feel like hearing from them today. There has to be a good reason for it, and nine times out of 10 it's because the witness is irrelevant or gratuitous. She sounds a bit like a crazy defendant in court I've seen many times, ranting about this and that, hyper focused on this or that rabbit hole. Wowser.

Former Lurker said... 65

Poor Hannah. They're 14 years old now and she has to constantly be reminded of that stupid episode:

brittdt14@bekahgasca_24 crazy!! “Hanna has poop Hanna has poop in her underwear’s!”

bekahgasca_24@brittdt14 omg!! Best part every!!!

Former Lurker said... 66

Milo has a new pic on her Instagram, clearly directed at TFW. It's one of those "inspirational" posters, with a pic of three puppies and the quote says, "I know every family has its problem. But I admire those that stick together."

miloandjack2016#FamilyIsEverything ❤

Sticking together...working as a unit with the shared common goal of happy family life!

Life is complicated...each day has its own set of issues, but when we support one another and struggle together, nothing can break us apart.

Happy families just don't happen...
It takes hard work on the part of everyone.
Being kind and learning to say #ImSorry...
And then being gracious #ToForgive is the way to success!

Family...whether its 8 kids, 3 dogs and just a Mom...
Or whether its you and your cat... Play together...grow together...share meals together.. Walk, talk, even squawk with one other!

Be each other...

And with this post I send good vibes and best wishes to @kateplusmy8 and all you other moms and dads who have worked so hard to keep your family together and teach family values to your kids! (Human & furbabies 😋) #FamilyPositive

All This Is That said... 67

Oh, Milo, you crazy loon. Just get a room!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 68

Former Lurker (#66), when will someone remind Gladys that there are 8 children in that household. There are SEVEN.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 69

NJGal51 (#63), even TFW must realize her Derby days are waaaay behind her. She sure was livin' the good life for a while there, wasn't she?
Remember how she thought she could hit it out of the park again, and hoped that "lightening" might strike twice? If only she had had some humility, and/or even a speck of a work ethic, she might very well have reinvented herself. But, no...she was content to remain her lazy, snotty, entitled self and wait around for opportunities to jump into her golden platter.

Layla said... 70

Gigi Be (53)

So, learning to drive, taking the PSAT, and thinking about college automatically makes a child "goal-oriented"? Well, then pretty much every kid in my kids' high schools qualifies as goal-oriented. Including mine, yay! Good to know!

Admin (64)
Funny how Camille forgot to mention that Bill admitted to drugging women in order to have sex with them. Despite her rents, that is rape, plain and simple. I have read about her before--that people who worked with Bill were afraid to cross him because she would jump to his defense and she could be scary. Sounds like she's still that way. Maybe she's part of the reason why he got away with that "America's Dad" thing for so long. He got to pretend to be the good guy while she fought his battles for him.

Sheepless In Seattle said... 71

Former Lurker (#66), when will someone remind Gladys that there are 8 children in that household. There are SEVEN.


She is in denial. You could line the seven of them up, have her count them, and she would still come up with eight. She sees what she wants to see. ~ Administrator said... 72

Admin (64)
Funny how Camille forgot to mention that Bill admitted to drugging women in order to have sex with them. Despite her rents, that is rape, plain and simple. I have read about her before--that people who worked with Bill were afraid to cross him because she would jump to his defense and she could be scary.


And, he would bring these women over to the house with Camille there. Camille would excuse herself to go to bed leaving him with the women. What did she think was happening? He made a fool of her, and she stepped right into it. I'm embarrassed for her.

Sad but true said... 73

The tups are pictured, but none are facing the camera.

kateplusmy8 Rainy day ice cream.... #HowAreMyBabiesTurning14? #LoveThemAll (even the ones who refused to be in the pic😂)

Lots of questions about Collin.

Gigi Be said... 74

Looks like Kate finally got the kids out of the house for some ice cream.

Kateplusmy8-“Rainy day ice cream....
# howaremybabiesturning14? # lovethemall
( even ones who refuse to be in the pic😂

Only 5 of the kids sitting with their backs turned. I assume the twins wanted nothing to do with being displayed on her Instagram for all the world to see..Still no Collin. Poor kid. He has celebrated all of his birthday with his five siblings his whole life. Now he celebrates it, most likely, all alone. Or with staff. My heart aches for him.

Susie said... 75

Well one of TFW’s “friends” (Brownie art ptojects/cereal lady) lost her grandfather and her dog within days of each other and posted it in IG. Not a like or word from TFW.

NJGal51 said... 76

Well at least the kids got out of the house. TFW had better get out the swiffer because there are a lot of comments asking about Collin.

Anonymous said... 77

What really got me about that picture was the empty chair to the right of five of the tups. Was that deliberate? She did refer to those who didn't want to be pictured; possibly she meant the twins, but I wonder if she is just be coy about poor sad Collin.


FlimsyFlamsy said... 78

Gigi Be (#74), this will be C's 3rd birthday away from home. How will he ever be able to restore healthy relationships with his siblings, and vice versa?

I know TFW's #lovethemall hashtag means "love them all." But since C seems to have dropped off her radar with nary a mention, perhaps a more sincere interpretation of that hashtag would be "love the mall."

NJGal51 said... 79

You can see the 5 remaining tups in the picture and one of the twins to Aaden’s left. I’m guessing that may be Mady and Cara got up and left so as not to be in the picture at all. And damnit, now I want to go out for ice cream.

Gigi Be said... 80

FlimsyFlamsy@ - I agree! I’m afraid C is going to have a very rough adulthood . Oh I hope I’m wrong! But how can someone like him whose shared his life,the same womb, the same milestones, the tragedy of a parents divorce, the challenges of growing up on tv, etc. And to have that lifelong bond broken. It had to be hard for the kids to constantly have babysitters, family members, crew members, come in and out of their lives. Nothing has ever been stable for them. I truly hope that Jon has some kind of contact with him.

I know that there was a rumor a while back that C told staff that Kate was abusing him and there was an investigation opened. Looks like nothing ever became of it.

Jamesvader1194 said... 81

Honestly,i'm glad some fans(or at least i hope they're no longer fans)are asking about C still.It's been 3 years and no updates about him from Kate.The whole privacy argument is getting old and it's not like fans are asking for details,so why does Kate simply say that he's home but wants to respect his privacy?Do none of Kate's fans realize that if Collin had just learning and some minor issues that it wouldn't take 3 years away from home to get better?

NJGal51 said... 82

Kateplusmy8-“Rainy day ice cream....
# howaremybabiesturning14? # lovethemall
( even ones who refuse to be in the pic😂
If the empty chair is an homage to Collin the laughing face is totally inappropriate. This picture is one of her dumber posts because it just draws attention to the fact that Collin is still gone and people are commenting and criticizing.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 83

TFWW'S attempts at sounding sentimental always ring hollow to me. I can never un-hear her saying that if she had it to do all over again, she wouldn't have had those babies. I can understand an overwhelmed mother blurting that out during a frustrated moment. But to say it on the record for posterity?

Formerly Duped said... 84

That empty chair beside Joel speaks volumes. Also we have not 'seen' Cara for a while...if that is indeed Mady. Hard to tell.

NJGal51 said... 85

Kateplusmy8-“Rainy day ice cream....
# howaremybabiesturning14? # lovethemall
( even ones who refuse to be in the pic😂

miloandjack2016 I don't care how old our kids get...there are times when Mom just wants ALL her ducklings under her wing!! Prayers and good vibes to all of you w/hopes that day comes soon when that empty chair is filled again! I know you daily do your live and literally breathe for your kids...all 8 of them!!
Poor Milo, she tries her best to cover for the TFW's faux pas of the empty chair in the picture - not to mention the laughing so hard I'm crying face that accompanied it. I really believe that TFW didn't think this one through before she published it. TFW is laughing off the kid(s) that didn't want to be in the picture when it just serves as a reminder that Collin isn't there. Douche. ~ Administrator said... 86

iterally breathe for your kids...all 8 of them!!
Poor Milo, she tries her best to cover for the TFW's faux pas of the empty chair in the picture - not to mention the laughing so hard I'm crying face that accompanied it. I really believe that TFW didn't think this one through before she published it. TFW is laughing off the kid(s) that didn't want to be in the picture when it just serves as a reminder that Collin isn't there. Douche.


I do find myself laughing over that empty chair. She really is a dumbass.

JoyinVirginia said... 87

TFMJG is still boring.
something that is not boring; Wil Wheatons speech to the National Alliance on Mental Illness group. he discusses the onset of his panic attacks and depression in his teens. especially he discusses that none of the adults in his life were helpful at that time.
one of the most heartbreaking things he wrote, what he would say to the adults in his life back then, " He’s scared. He’s confused. He is doing the best he can, and if you all could stop seeing him as a way to put money into your pockets, maybe you could see that he’s suffering and needs help."
link to the whole text ~ Administrator said... 88

one of the most heartbreaking things he wrote, what he would say to the adults in his life back then, " He’s scared. He’s confused. He is doing the best he can, and if you all could stop seeing him as a way to put money into your pockets, maybe you could see that he’s suffering and needs help."
link to the whole text


It was a fantastic article, he's very brave. Maybe if all us adults would stop hyper focusing on one issue (gun control) and realizing the state of our country's mental health is actually the root cause of so many terrible things, Wil would be better off. I didn't see a single person at all these marches marching for better treatment for Wil. Wth. ~ Administrator said... 89

By the way he also touches on being a child actor and how the pressures of fame exacerbated the shame of his anxiety.

It seems to me any child with SPECIAL NEEDS whether that is depression, panic attacks, or anything else, has no business being put into the limelight. KATE, I'm talking to you.

"This is important context. When I was thirteen, I was in an internationally-beloved film called Stand by Me, and I was famous. Like, really famous, like, can’t-go-to-the-mall-with-my-friends-without-getting-mobbed famous, and that meant that all of my actions were scrutinized by my parents, my peers, my fans, and the press. All the weird, anxious feelings I had all the time? I’d been raised to believe that they were shameful. That they reflected poorly on my parents and my family. That they should be crammed down deep inside me, shared with nobody, and kept secret." ~ Administrator said... 90

I can't wait to see what the Gosselin kids will say when they take pen to paper, because in this day in age at least some of them will, there is no question about that.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 91

Admin (#89), and all that stress came when Wil was only portraying characters. Think of the pressure on poor C, who was just being HIMSELF. Who was identified for eternity by Mommie Dearest as "stubborn" on the opening credits. ~ Administrator said... 92

Admin (#89), and all that stress came when Wil was only portraying characters. Think of the pressure on poor C, who was just being HIMSELF. Who was identified for eternity by Mommie Dearest as "stubborn" on the opening credits.


And, it' was the 80's. Wil's parents couldn't really have a good understanding of the dangers of fame. This was before River Phoenix, before Lindsay Lohan, before Drew Barrymore, and many many more who we now know were living very dysfunctional lives.

It was 2008. Kate HAD information that child stardom had terrible consequences for many children. Kate then KNEW some of her children were struggling for a very long time. There were problems with some of these kids being expelled in kindergarten. And she continued to film them. That's unforgivable.

AuntieAnn said... 93

And with this post I send good vibes and best wishes to @kateplusmy8 and all you other moms and dads who have worked so hard to keep your family together and teach family values to your kids! (Human & furbabies😋) #FamilyPositive 


I'm sorry, but WTF is she drinking? What family values? How is a husband being driven away by a selfish, screaming banshee, a child forced to be removed from the home and kids now refusing to have their photo taken 'keeping a family together'? And btw, spending their weekends holed up in mommie's bedroom doesn't qualify, either.

Jesus Gladys. Give your head a shake.

AuntieAnn said... 94


And, he would bring these women over to the house with Camille there. Camille would excuse herself to go to bed leaving him with the women. What did she think was happening? He made a fool of her, and she stepped right into it. I'm embarrassed for her.


Ugh. She HAD to know what the perv was up to. If she didn't know it then, she knows it now and to defend him makes her almost as disgusting as her husband.

jamesvader1194 said... 95

I want to address this one comment in the comments of the last Kate picture at the ice cream store.No one is asking for personal details about Collin,all i see are fans(not haters)asking for his where abouts and whether or not he's ok.Kate could just simply answer by saying he's doing fine or he's still getting help,that wouldn't be exposing anything but instead is ignoring her fans question and acting like he doesn't exist."margaretblough @jeska5589 That's so true. Jon makes threats and files the occasional action that never goes anywhere. If Collin were being maltreated, what is Jon doing about it? Kate realized a long time ago that there were people who would always put the worst possible spin on anything she did. If she went into great detail about Collin's situation, the same people who are attacking her for her silence would be shredding her for violaring Collin's privacy. Maybe the time will come when Collin, with Kate's support, will go public. Until then, being curious about something doesn't make it any of our business".

Layla said... 96

You know, I doubt that Kate even noticed the empty chair in that picture, or realized that some might look at it and read some significance into it (C's absence). She's pretty oblivious. The kids who didn't want to be in the picture were Mady and Cara--good for them. They are so close to becoming adults, college is looming. They probably just want to go off to college and enjoy the experience instead of feeling like they're in a fishbowl. If they step away from the cameras now and set boundaries, maybe people will be "over" them by the time they go out into the world.

Of course, Kate doesn't care what the kids want. As long as she is legally able, she will use them to further her own goals. Respecting the boundaries the kids set is not something she is interesting in doing. Jon said there was a GAL for Hannah. I suspect that someone spoke out for the kids' rights to privacy and the court is compelling Kate to give them some space and some say in how their images are used. Otherwise she'd still be forcing them to film 40+ episodes per year. Fortunately, those days are over and will never come back. She got her dating show, which will flop. No question about it. She may try to finagle a show based upon a fake relationship, but that will also fail. People don't love her (with a few exceptions), they love the kids. People don't want to watch a show all about her. And they won't. But TLC feeding her ego buys the kids some more privacy, getting them closer to the age where they can stop her from using them to support her. Once the kids are all 18 and her attempts to become a star in her own right have all failed, she won't have anywhere else to turn. Nobody else to use. I wonder if she'll look back and see what she has done to those kids. As self-absorbed as she is, I don't think she'll regret a minute of it.

Rainbowsandunicorns said... 97

If Collin were being maltreated, what is Jon doing about it


Now? What should he do about it? Collin is not around her, thank goodness, so I don't understand the comment. She can't touch Collin now, ~ Administrator said... 98

I want to address this one comment in the comments of the last Kate picture at the ice cream store.No one is asking for personal details about Collin,all i see are fans(not haters)asking for his where abouts and whether or not he's ok.


We have explained this over and over but what's left of her supporters refuse to concede that no one is asking Kate to exploit his situation, we just want to know a few details that would reassure us he's okay, there's a plan here, and that he's coming home at the end.

There is no respect from this small group for the fact that fans and non-fans alike LIKE Collin, he is one of the most liked of the children, they developed buy in with him and want to know how things turn out for him as much as you can care for anyone you only know via TV. But to ignore the fact that people can and do form real feelings about people who are on TV is unfair.

After all politicians are on TV and people are very passionate about them having never met them. There has to be a baseline agreement that some viewers are going to care about some people on TV having never met them. REAL feelings are there. TV is an interactive sport, there was some interaction there with these kids and hence, a stake in the game for viewers.

I find it disrespectful and unrealistic to scold viewers for caring or to keep them in the utter dark. She can if she likes, but I find it disrespectful.

jolie Jacquelyn said... 99

I hope Tucker's Mom is away on some fabulous holiday...she's missed.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 100

Admin (#98), and I think the interest in the G kids' welfare is heightened because of the dire circumstances of their gestation and birth. Yes, TFW, you made your life our business. So why are you freaking gaslighting us about your son?

foxy said... 101

Does Hannah live with Jon? He posted a picture of her with him and captioned it "Happy 14th birthday to my daughter Hannah. Having breakfast before the school bus run." They both look so happy. I hope he visits Collin or at least is aware of his progress. Hannah must give him an earful.

foxy said... 102

Jon also posted Happy birthday to all 6 of them saying daddy loves you all very much.

Gayle said... 103

Jon posted a pic of him and Hannah having breakfast this morning and someone said it was nice that he got to see her for her birthday. He replied he sees her every day and night. Then next person said does that mean she's living with you and he replied "every night and day." So it seems like the tide has finally turned his way and he has custody of Hannah. It's possible any photos Kate post with Hannah in them is when she is there for her visitation with Kate.

NJGal51 said... 104

Looks like Jon beat TFW to the punch and has two posts up for the tups birthday. A picture of all the kids wishing them a happy birthday and telling them that he loves them but the more interesting post is of just him and Hannah which says "Happy Birthday Hannah!!! 14 already. Bday breakfast with my daughter before the bus stop!!!" Someone wrote "So happy you get to see her on her birthday!" and Jon replied "I see her every day and night, haha." Another poster wrote "Does that mean she is living with you?" and Jon replied "and every night and every morning."

Hannah looks very happy in the picture and does not have her back turned to the camera. It sounds like Hannah may just be living with him and THAT is some of the best news I've seen. What say you Milo? How are you going to spin this one? Maybe the empty chair in TFW's picture was for Hannah and one of the girls with her back turned was either Mady or Cara.

NJGal51 said... 105

I say GOOD FOR JON! By posting first thing in the morning he's taken away TFW's ability to try and gaslight everyone into believing that all of them are with her always. Does TFW only get weekends with Hannah? No wonder she's posting nothing but dogs. Hmmmm, the twins will be going off to college in another year (and Cara has seemed to not want to be filmed for a while now), Hannah is with Jon and who knows where poor Collin is. We've often speculated that TLC may still have some sort of contractual obligation that they have to fill with Kate and the dating show may have been their only option since Kate Plus 4 just doesn't cut it.

Formerly Duped said... 106

Hannah does not live exclusively with Jon as per the recent- unless I am duped!- photo of her with her sisters, and also catching a fly with Leah.But nice she could celebrate some of her birthday with Jon.

Dmasy said... 107

What? That could be a major change of status. I can only hope that Jon finally won a court decision and Hannah is with him.

Admin, at the age of 14 would Hannah's preferences have been taken into account?

CC said... 108

Formerly Duped,

Kate could just have visitation like Jon does with the other kids... one week night and every other weekend.

Or maybe he’s more generous than Kate and if Hannah wants to go for an impromptu ice cream trip with his siblings he encourages it.

NJGal51 said... 109

Formerly Duped said... 106
Hannah does not live exclusively with Jon as per the recent- unless I am duped!- photo of her with her sisters, and also catching a fly with Leah.But nice she could celebrate some of her birthday with Jon.
We all know how TFW likes to give the illusion that all is well in Gosselinland and those pictures could have been taken at any time and posted when it fit her needs. Poor Collin has been gone for a long time and if Hannah is no longer living with her full time, well (and this one's for your Milo), Kate Plus 5 just doesn't jive!

Former Lurker said... 110

I love that Jon beat TFW to the punch with his birthday IG posts. Here they are:

jongosselin1Happy Birthday Hannah!!! 14 already. Bday breakfast with my daughter before the bus stop!!!

jongosselin1Happy 14th Birthday to Hannah, Leah, Alexis, Joel, Aaden and Collin!!! I can’t believe it’s been this long!!! Whew that when fast!!! Daddy loves you all very much!!!

Gigi Be said... 111

Maybe the empty chair in TFW's picture was for Hannah and one of the girls with her back turned was either Mady or Cara.

I have a suspicion that the girl from the second left or the middle may be Cara. Kate may have tried to make the picture look like an “action shot”. But in reality, she may have taken this picture like this purposefully. We know how sneaky she is.
On Jon’s pic with Hannah, a commenter asks “Where’s Leah?” And he replies “ with her mom”. As close as Leah and Hannah are, I wonder if Leah has asked to spend more time with Jon too? If the court ok’d this, you’ll probably see more kids demanding to see more of their dad too.

Former Lurker said... 112

While I was checking out TFW's Instagram to see if she posted a birthday pic yet, I scrolled down and took another look at her birthday post from last year when they turned 13:

kateplusmy8🎈🎈🎈HAPPY 13th BIRTHDAY, my precious Alexis, Hannah, Aaden, Collin, Leah and Joel! At this moment (7:51-7:53 am) 13 years ago, my life and heart were completed with your births! I love you all and NO MATTER WHAT it requires of me, I will ALWAYS be there for you; I'll always be your biggest cheerleader, your role model by example, your shoulder to cry on, the hug and laugh you need, and your mommy and friend! I love you guys! I got six times what I planned on, but I'd NEVER EVER go back! You're the six final pieces of my heart that I never knew I was looking for 😉❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ #Turning13Today #HappyBirthdayBabies #ILoveYouToTheMoonAndBack100MillionTimes


Is that not totally typical of TFW? Even in a birthday message to the kids, it's all about her. She referred to herself, (I, I'd, I'll, My, Me), a staggering FOURTEEN times. Who does that?!?!

Formerly Duped said... 113

If Hannah gave testimony about wanting to live with Jon, wouldn't she have to reveal abusive situations that affect her as well as the other kids? If so, why are the rest still with TFW or in a facility?? ~ Administrator said... 114

Is that not totally typical of TFW? Even in a birthday message to the kids, it's all about her. She referred to herself, (I, I'd, I'll, My, Me), a staggering FOURTEEN times. Who does that?!?!


It’s typical, and I also find such over the top gushing about your kids to not be beneficial for them. It puts too much of a burden on kids to feel like they fill up their mother’s very soul. It can make a kid reluctant to spread their wings for fear their mother needs them more. Dysfunctional guilt tripping at best. It’s one thing to adore your kids beyond comprehension, quite another to burden them with that sentiment.

westcoastie said... 115

Had you all heard this already:

Kate will return to TV with the TLC docu-series, Kate Plus Date, which will be coming to the network this fall.
It was in the body of the article on Jon with Hannah. How in the hell does she keep landing on her feet?

Lorrie said... 116

"No matter what it requires of me"? What a terrible thing to say. That strikes me as a thinly veiled insult. A simple "I love you" would have been so much more meaningful. ~ Administrator said... 117

"No matter what it requires of me"? What a terrible thing to say. That strikes me as a thinly veiled insult. A simple "I love you" would have been so much more meaningful.


I thought the same, again implying raising them is some big burden. This is not the first time she has told her kids how hard they are on her, she said as much many times in her I Just Want You to Know (that you're the bane of your existence).

I really cannot imagine all the damage her words have done to Collin over the years. ~ Administrator said... 118

jongosselin1Happy Birthday Hannah!!! 14 already. Bday breakfast with my daughter before the bus stop!!!


It was only a matter of time before the kids start defecting to Jon and we all called it. Jon needs to stay the course, the kids are growing up and can think for themselves. This should be happening with ALL the kids, they all should be spending time with both their mother and their father, and getting to see them equally on things like birthdays. ~ Administrator said... 119

We all know how TFW likes to give the illusion that all is well in Gosselinland and those pictures could have been taken at any time and posted when it fit her needs. Poor Collin has been gone for a long time and if Hannah is no longer living with her full time, well (and this one's for your Milo), Kate Plus 5 just doesn't jive!


Maybe every year it can go down one. Kate Plus 7, Kate Plus 6, 5, 4, and so on. When it gets to 0 we're finally done with this god forsaken show. ~ Administrator said... 120

Or maybe he’s more generous than Kate and if Hannah wants to go for an impromptu ice cream trip with his siblings he encourages it.


I've known a couple divorced couples with teen kids and all of them were good at co-parenting. At this age a lot of it ends up being more on the child. It was never a big deal if something was going on at dad's and they wanted to switch the schedule around.

Following a really strict schedule at this age is pretty limiting to the child. GOOD parents who co-parent are flexible as they reach the teen years and don't worry so much about every extra hour they shouldn't have gotten and who pays what. Kate doesn't understand that had she just eased up a bit likely Jon never would have tried to fight her. But he had to because if not he would never see any of these kids at all.

Sad but true said... 121 ~ Administrator said... 120

Your comments bring me to the question: Who pays for Hannah now, if she's living with her Dad? And she's not working? I imagine K8 would still have to cover her tuition (especially if it's coming out of H's own earnings), and probably medical as well. I am sure Jon covers all the rest, though. I am soooo curious how this was worked out. Because as you know, money and filming) has been at the heart of this issue for K8 all along.

Layla said... 122

It sure sounds like Hannah is living with Jon and Kate now has visitation with her. Of course, Kate tries to keep up the charade of custody by taking pictures on "her" to post on IG, but I doubt that Jon would lie about Hannah being with him every day. If H is with Jon, then the days of K+8 are probably over with C and H gone and M&C about to become adults. There were only 3 episodes last season--makes me think that there may end up being 5 episodes of this stupid Kate Plus Date show. TLC had been filming 8 episodes per season, so they may contractually owe her 5 more besides the 3 K+8. Toss her a few episodes of that dating show she's been begging for and then close the books. This show is destined to get worse ratings than K+8, so they can use the poor ratings to refuse to renew. Then what? We'll have to wait and see.

Kelsey O. said... 123

There's a comment under an old pic Jon posted on Instagram of Aaden,Joel, Alexis, Leah and Hannah, that he found Collin.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 124

Very happy to know H spent some time with her dad on her birthday, for both of their sakes. Boy oh boy, must it grill TFW's cheese to see the child she proudly proclaimed "the leader, and Mommy's helper" all smiles with her dad: TFW's sworn enemy. A good mom wouldn't dream of getting in the way of her children's relationships with their father. But TFW has shown in a hundred ways that she hates Jon more than she loves her kids. Her flowery words mean jack crap when they're not backed up with actions.

Layla said... 125

Kelsey O (123)
I hope it's true that he found C (I wonder if the court forced Kate to reveal his whereabouts), and I hope that he is able to spend time with C and build a relationship with him away from Kate's meddling. C needs all the support he can get, and he needs to know that he is loved. He has undoubtedly suffered emotionally in Kate's care. Let's hope he is able to forge a good relationship with the one parent who is not motivated by greed and the desire to use him for money.

Looking at the article on Daily Mail about Jon and Hannah, it's nice to see that the posters there really get it. Most of the comments are about Kate poisoning the kids against their father and using them to support her greed. And lots of people who can't wait to hear/read what the kids have to say once they are adults and can speak out. And even though the article mentioned the dating show, not one comment I saw even mentioned it.

Formerly Duped said... 126

Kelsey O. said... 123

I don't have you mind sharing what the post said? Thanks!

Over And Out said... 127

In the birthday breakfast photo, Hannah looks so much like Jon and nothing like Kate. I have to laugh at the sheeple who comment that she looks like her mother.

Lanc Native said... 128

There's a DJ Dance Party tomorrow night in my old stomping grounds. I love that place. Great food. Looks like Jon will be there. If I can stay awake, I might pop in and say hi! No, not stalking!

Gigi Be said... 129

If true, I'm relieved that Jon at minimum knows where C is. I also wondered if the institution that Jon mentions on his now defunct Go Fund Me page, is anyway related to where C is staying.

I am one of eight said... 130

Jon just posted an Instagram picture of him and Hannah on a front porch saying bday dinner with Hannah. They look very happy.

Former Lurker said... 131

Here's the Daily Mail article:

Sad but true said... 132

Kelsey O. said... 123

I just scrolled through the comments on all three photos, cannot find anything like this. I wonder if he deleted. I must say, Hannah is beaming. As is Jon. Can't say I'm surprised.

Former Lurker said... 133

I am one of eight said... 130

Jon just posted an Instagram picture of him and Hannah on a front porch saying bday dinner with Hannah. They look very happy.


They both look great, so happy. Here it is:

jongosselin1Bday dinner with Hannah. Happy Birthday!!!

Formerly Duped said... 134

What a lovely photo. Jon is grinning ear to ear and Hannah looks happy and very pretty and mature. Can't help but feel for the other five...

Former Lurker said... 135

Kelsey O. said... 123

There's a comment under an old pic Jon posted on Instagram of Aaden,Joel, Alexis, Leah and Hannah, that he found Collin.


I can't find a comment like that on that pic. Did he delete it?

This post?:

NJGal51 said... 136

They both look great, so happy. Here it is:

jongosselin1Bday dinner with Hannah. Happy Birthday!!!
They both look very happy and what a beautiful young lady she is. Nothing from TFW yet but that doesn’t surprise me because Jon beat her to the posting punch so she can’t pretend that they’re all with her. Milo posted a birthday tome and, as usual, it’s all about TFW. ~ Administrator said... 137

They both look very happy and what a beautiful young lady she is. Nothing from TFW yet but that doesn’t surprise me because Jon beat her to the posting punch so she can’t pretend that they’re all with her. Milo posted a birthday tome and, as usual, it’s all about TFW.


I can't believe Jon is finally controlling the narrative on their birthday and there's nothing Kate can do about it. I'm in a state of shock.

Dead silent from Kate! She is either seething and unsure yet how to respond, or she's got something better going on for her, like filming.

Former Lurker said... 138

Apparently, Milo got tired of waiting for TFW to do a birthday post on her IG, so Milo did her own:

miloandjack2016#MomsSixPack ❤❤❤❤❤❤ On this day 14 yrs ago your life, @kateplusmy8 was forever changed in a way very few women can even begin to relate to!

Six hearts that beat daily within you came to birth in the person of 3 lil girls and 3 baby boys.

And you stepped up every single day to meet this enormous minute by minute challenge to care for them.

So here you are now 14 years later.... Congrats to you Mom and #HappyDay to all six of these special gifts from God.
That they were born so healthy and continue to grow beautifully on their way to adulthood is a miracle!

Savor these and time just seem to fly by during the teen years!

Former Lurker said... 139

Comments on Jon's birthday dinner post:

eileenmckeeferyIm not asking this to be rude, just genuinely curious. Did Hannah choose to spend her bday apart from her siblings and have a special day with just you and her or are you doing something special each day with a different child?

jongosselin1@eileenmckeefery if u hadn’t noticed this a bday post and not custody inquiry post but thanks for showing some support

eileenmckeefery@jongosselin1 i wasnt asking about custody, i was asking if each kid was celebrating separately. My kids want that sometimes so we do that. Sorry if it offended you.

irish_canadian_princess@eileenmckeefery when kids get to 14 and up they do what they want on their bday. Be happy Hannah is hanging out with her dad

eileenmckeefery@irish_canadian_princess thank you for telling me. That’s all i was asking, if they get to choose how to spend their day. I am very happy to see Hannah and Jon together and happy. 🙂

Former Lurker said... 140

And here it is. She did a post with a pic of a birthday cake, a pic of a stack of presents, and a video of a dog playing with a wrapped present:

kateplusmy8Happy 14th Birthday, my ‘babies’. 14 years ago almost to the minute, I was in my wheelchair, making my way around the ENTIRE NICU, meeting each of you face to face for the very first time. I’ll never forget how tiny yet perfect each of you were. Alexis’s blonde hair, Aaden’s teeny tiny face, with alert awake eyes that didn’t miss a thing, Hannah and her adorable ‘human doll’ face, Collin looked SO big and strong at 3 entire pounds (the biggest!), Leah had the most beautiful head of dark soft hair and Joel— literally just slept peacefully like he was at the beach in the sun!
I’ll never forget our first ‘birth day’ together......this day remains one of the best in my life.... and 14 years later, I love you 400 times as much, if that’s even possible! Happy birthday, my babies! Here’s to many more birthdays together!! I love you forever and always, no matter what! 😘😘😘😘😘😘 #Turning14 #ProudMomma #TheYearOfIphones 😳😳😳😳😳😳 #MakOpenedAlexisPresent

Former Lurker said... 141

Congratulations TFW. This year in your birthday post about the kids you only mentioned yourself, (I, I'll, My), NINE times. An improvement over last year's fourteen times.

Former Lurker said... 142

Correction: Make that TEN times.

jakieK said... 143

"There is nothing sadder than a former reality star": Creator of reality TV, Michael Hirschorn ~ Administrator said... 144

Lol, those photos are more dogs than kids!! No kids in the two still pictures, and a brief appearance in the dog video.

Only three of the kids popped up in the video. Nobody else is to be seen. Hil-arious. ~ Administrator said... 145

I’ll never forget our first ‘birth day’ together......this day remains one of the best in my life.... and 14 years later, I love you 400 times as much, if that’s even possible!


Again, the over the top lovey dovey you are my world, makes kids PARENTIFIED. It makes them feel guilty, it makes them wonder if mom will be "okay" when they eventually leave the nest. It's unnecessary.

It would make me so uncomfortable if my mom said she loved me that much. Like, chill out, I don't need the guilt. ~ Administrator said... 146

EileenmckeeferyIm seemed like she was just genuinely curious and not trying to be nosey or inappropriate in her questions, and Jon's shut down of her inquiry was firm but polite.

Notice how after being told by Jon he's not going to discuss it, she politely backed down and wished them the best. Fans WILL go away with their nonsense if you set boundaries for them. Jon knows how to handle them, Kate never did. ~ Administrator said... 147

miloandjack2016#MomsSixPack ❤❤❤❤❤❤ On this day 14 yrs ago your life, @kateplusmy8 was forever changed in a way very few women can even begin to relate to!


Is there such a thing as narcissism by proxy? Watch how she very clearly sets Kate apart from other women, as narcissists think they are special, like no other, few can possibly understand.

What logically follows is that because Kate is like few other women, there are special rules of engagement for her, I imagine things like getting away with more because most of us women just don't understand. Lol, stupid.

AuntieAnn said... 148

That cake. Hmmm.

She really should send Duff Goldman an SOS.

Gigi Be said... 149

They are not filming. Just a sad little cake on that same colorful platter that shes used before.
It’s funny how she stacks the gifts in a tower like fashion. It’s in a way to show off how many gifts she’s got them. I’m puzzled though. There’s 15 gifts. C is not getting one. Just seems like an odd number.

NJGal51 said... 150

I love you forever and always, no matter what!
I guess that comment may just be aimed at Hannah.

IPhones? Wow! I guess she wants everyone to know how much ($$$$) she loves her kids. ~ Administrator said... 151

I love you forever and always, no matter what!
I guess that comment may just be aimed at Hannah.



FlimsyFlamsy said... 152

This discussion of TFW's over-the-top love proclamations reminds me of an old Mary Tyler Moore episode. Rhoda is complaining to Mary about a card from her mother which says, "No one will ever love you as much as I do." Mary says that sounds lovely. But Rhoda says the subtext is, no matter what she ever does, and who she ever goes out with, NO ONE will EVER love her as much as her mother. Rhoda laments, "That's not a card, that's a curse!"

Sandylove said... 153

I listened to the video twice that she posted to be sure with one of the boys in it, I think it's Aaden & his voice sounds deeper now!

Kelsey O. said... 154

The comment is under a pic Jon posted on 2/9/14.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 155

And notice how Gladys' gushy post glosses right over C's absence. Yep, Gladys, keep spoutin' the company line: there are 6 healthy, happy, well-adjusted tups at TFW's house celebrating their 14th birthday today. Go ahead and throw back a Kool-aid shot in their honor. ~ Administrator said... 156

"No one will ever love you as much as I do." Mary says that sounds lovely. But Rhoda says the subtext is, no matter what she ever does, and who she ever goes out with, NO ONE will EVER love her as much as her mother. Rhoda laments, "That's not a card, that's a curse!"


Lol, they nailed it.

Child psychologist Deidre Wallace says emotionally smothering a child is pretty much the same as abandoning them. Same spectrum.

Is this not Kate's problem to a T? "If a child senses that the parent needs them to fulfil a gap in the parent’s emotional life, they may soon realise that in order to keep the parent’s love and praise, it is better to maintain the status quo. A dictionary explanation of the phrase status quo is “in the state in which things were before the war”. The child may learn that what is expected is to remain at mummy’s side at all times, as this keeps friction within the family at bay. Usually the smothered child would find cutting the umbilical cord very difficult and becoming independent would be just as difficult to achieve. If the parent has narcissistic tendencies then leaving home would be excruciating for all involved. The child would feel guilty for abandoning the parent whereas the parent feeling rejected may get very angry and often they may resort to threats, or further bulling in order to hang on emotionally to their child.

Consequently, when the child becomes an adult, they may even continue to stay at home. Obedience to a needy and manipulating parent may result in the child/adult using various excuses to stay at home.

Yet a huge resentment and a frustration may lie deep within for not being able to escape. This emotional paralysis will of course not bode well for developing self-confidence in the child/adult. This can cause terrible resentment, anger and guilt, not only towards the parent but also towards themselves for not having the courage to cut the ties."

These kids don't have a prayer. ~ Administrator said... 157

Layla said... 158

Looks like Jon is making the day a really special one for Hannah. Getting up early to go for breakfast, going out to dinner. The other kids have a cake and presents at home. For the Super Bowl, she got to go out and celebrate with people, while the other kids watched at home. Jon seems much more social than Kate, and H--being class president--is probably very social, too. She probably enjoys getting out and doing fun things with other people around, without having to have a camera crew following them. And she looks very happy with him. The dinner picture shows them with their arms around each other, standing close. Kate doesn't do that. She places her hands on the kids' shoulders, and doesn't hold them close.

I wonder when the change in custody/visitation happened. It's obvious H is living with Jon. Looking back at Jon's IG, he has a picture posted from Easter of a basket full of treats, no doubt for H. She was probably living there then. Interesting--looking at Kate's IG, there are no pictures of Cara (other than TLC promo pics and throwback pics) for almost 2 years. I think it's safe to say she's over it all.

Terri said... 159

Jon's birthday wishes to his children seem so pure and natural where as Kate's always seem so scripted.

Formerly Duped said... 160

I still don't know what Jon said about knowing where Collin is but I hope he can visit him- why on earth is that child still in a facility 365 days a year if that's the case?? I also wonder why Leah doen't follow Hannah's lead since the two are so close and get herself to Jon's !

FlimsyFlamsy said... 161

Layla (#158), imagine the relief that child feels to be seen as an individual. Not just one of the 6-pack, or one of the little girls, or one of the 8 famous G kids from TV. Just as herself. And I'd like to think C is somehow flourishing under that kind of individual attention, wherever he is.

Gigi Be said... 162

If C is were I think he is, the facility is more like an “orphanage” type place. They take “troubled” youths from ages 6- 20. This looks like more of a long term facility. But they also have short term.So I have a feeling C will be there for a long time

FlimsyFlamsy said... 163

Terri (#159), I agree. Even weirder, it's almost like TFW is writing to the famous Gosselin Sextuplets, and not her 5 teenage kids.

Formerly Duped said... 164

I looked up Behavioral Health and Intellectual Disability in PA and was amazed there are quite a few 24/7 facilities of this nature.Gigi, I agree with you.

Layla said... 165

Formerly Duped (160),
I wonder if the battle of wills with Kate is too much for Leah. It takes a strong person to fight her physically (the altercation in the car last summer when Kate injured H's shoulder) and emotionally (shunning by siblings, "you have brothers and sisters who need you"). It took a lot for Hannah to stand up for herself and not back down. She's obviously a leader, and she was able to do it. Leah was always more of a follower, and less likely to be able to withstand the abuse. I suspect it's just easier for her to stay. I'm sure Jon still has visitation with Leah and the boys, and Hannah has visitation at Kate's house, so they see each other a lot, plus go to school together.

I agree this is a good arrangement for Hannah. She gets to be an individual and Jon respects her wishes as far as filming is concerned. It must be hard for the kids to have to wonder if their mother wants them home because she truly loves them or if she wants them there to make money for her. They definitely have caught on to how selfish their mother is--as evidenced by Mady, who said in recent shows that "It's all about her". Yes, it certainly is, Mady.

Gigi Be said... 166

#164- Exactly! It just makes a lot more sense in C’s case. These places take in youth who have had a wide range of difficulties such as abuse, anger issues, etc. They even have “foster moms” who mentor and council them.
I know that Jon has mentioned this one in particular. It may not be where C is staying, or it very well could be. I just don’t think J would mention it randomly without there being a reason behind it.
There are some very troubling reviews made to that one. One youth that stayed there endured abuse at the hands of a staffer, while another was bullied by the others staying there.

Formerly Duped said... 167

If C is being treated so close to home there is no reason he can't have visits from family. I do hope so and we just don't know about it.

AuntieAnn said... 168

FlimsyFlamsy said... 163

Terri (#159), I agree. Even weirder, it's almost like TFW is writing to the famous Gosselin Sextuplets, and not her 5 teenage kids.


The famous Gosselin Sextuplets (minus one or two) and their Super Spectacular Mother who raised them all by herself.

Kate is her own biggest fan.

Ruthie said... 169

There's a photo online of the sextuplet girls with the headline the girls are turning 14. No mention of the boys because that would bring up questions on why Collin isn't there.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 170

Was it the tups' 12th birthday -- the first of the 3 that C's been gone -- that TFW was quoted as saying the occasion was bittersweet?
Well, she sure seems to have gotten over the bitter part. Blithely reminiscing that C was 3 lbs at birth, when that poor sweet boy is now being raised by strangers.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 171

I know that Jon has mentioned this one in particular. It may not be where C is staying, or it very well could be. I just don’t think J would mention it randomly without there being a reason behind it.


Where and when did he mention this by name? Twitter? IG? Do you have a link to his comment?

Sheepless In Seattle said... 172

The famous Gosselin Sextuplets (minus one or two) and their Super Spectacular Mother who raised them all by herself.


I thought that Milo helped. Not sure if it was hands-on, platitudes, or just by peering into windows.

Former Lurker said... 173

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 171

I know that Jon has mentioned this one in particular. It may not be where C is staying, or it very well could be. I just don’t think J would mention it randomly without there being a reason behind it.


Where and when did he mention this by name? Twitter? IG? Do you have a link to his comment?


It was referred to in the Go Fund Me that Colleen set up for Jon's legal expenses:

The last paragraph says:

"Please help by donating and sharing this campaign. If the goal is exceeded, any additional money will be donated to Bethany Children’s Home, in Pennsylvania, Jon’s favorite charity. Thank you!"

Former Lurker said... 174

FlimsyFlamsy said... 170

Was it the tups' 12th birthday -- the first of the 3 that C's been gone -- that TFW was quoted as saying the occasion was bittersweet?


An article about the 12th birthday episode (this is only the first half of the article. It's long, with lots of photos):

Kate Gosselin opened up about the pain of son Collin missing his 12th birthday party while getting treatment for his educational and social challenges.

The 41-year-old reality star on Tuesday's season premiere of Kate Plus 8 discussed Collin while throwing an elaborate scavenger hunt as her sextuplets turned 12 in May.

Aaden, Alexis, Hannah, Leah, and Joel were all set to celebrate, but there was a clear missing spot as Collin was already away from home getting treatment.

'Obviously the major difference between this party and every other birthday party was the fact that Collin wasn't here,' Kate, 41, said as flashbacks from previous parties were shown.

The youngster's treatment has sparked controversy with dad Jon Gosselin threatening legal action, insisting even he does not know the whereabouts of his son.

However, Kate used the show to insist that she had no choice but to send Collin for help, without elaborating on either the kind of treatment or where he was.

'Throughout this last year he has really continued struggling,' she said in the episode filmed in May.

'It just became obvious to me that I was not able, with my own resources here, to meet his needs.

'He needs to be in an environment to help him learn the skills and gain the insight that he needs to be the best Collin that he can be,' Kate said.

She then admitted: 'So, birthday party without Collin - tough for them, tough for mom.'

The episode saw the remaining sextuplets all enjoying a wild scavenger hunt that ended with a costume party, games and a piñata.

Kate admitted the hardest part came in cutting the cake - with her for the first time deciding not to sing the children individual renditions of Happy Birthday to avoid highlighting her son's absence.

'In years past, we've sung Happy Birthday six times and I ditched that this year,' she explained later.

'I think for me that was the hardest part of the party.

'The activities of the day kept us busy. But singing to everyone as a group and Collin wasn't there grabbed me.'

After a pause, she continued: 'As it would … it was hard.'

She insisted she was doing the right thing by him, saying: 'I was comforted knowing that each of my children are receiving what they need. And the best of what they need and the best of what I can give them.

'It's good.'

As well as Collin's absence, the party also marked another milestone for Kate and the growth of her family.

'The last year before the year of eight teenagers - the year I've been dreading… well, since they were all born,' she admitted.

Formerly Duped said... 175

Surely they won't film another party without Collin? I'm confused as to whether K+ 8 or 6 is actually over. Last year C missed the Camping/Glamping a third one? How can TFW possibly gloss over that? Maybe she should look at different options for Collin if he has not improved enough to celebrate his birthday at home?

And would H attend and film? Would Cara? I hope the three 'defectors' are doing just fine.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 176

Former Lurker (#174), thanks for digging that interview up. I'd forgotten the specifics of it.

So TFW was dreading having 8 teenagers under her roof. But she found a way to avoid that, didn't she? The twins might be away at college by the team C comes back. If he ever comes back.

Anyone else have the feeling one twin will go to school far, far away and one will stay close?

AuntieAnn said... 177

'It just became obvious to me that I was not able, with my own resources here, to meet his needs.


Or maybe he didn't meet her needs.

I wonder what her own resources were. Did that big red spoon quit working?

FlimsyFlamsy said... 178

AuntieAnn (#177), yeah, C didn't know how to help her anymore.

Can you imagine what a drag C's problems must have been for TFW? All those pesky doctors' appointments, taking away precious time from filming? Therapists trying to give her advice, when all she'd hear was "blah blah blah?" Perhaps having specialists recommend the boy's father be included in treatment decisions, not realizing he's a skirt-chasing, lazy man-baby? Poor, poor Schmoopy.

She's glad he's gone.

AuntieAnn said... 179

Can you imagine what a drag C's problems must have been for TFW?


Oh god yes. And to add to the problem, she wasn't allowed to put cameras inside the therapist's office to make a few episodes out of this. Stupid court orders are such a nuisance. Nope, he had to go. And you know "You'd do it, too!"

I pity the professionals who have to deal with her. She must be a nightmare.

Kelsey O. said... 180

You have to look through the comments on Jon's Instagram of the pic with 5 of the sextuplets with skates on. (Posted Feb. 2014).Click on comments and Jon responded to someone that he found C.

NJGal51 said... 181

OMG! Jon just posted a picture of himself, Hannah and COLLIN captioned “Glad I could celebrate my son Collin’s 14th birthday with him and his sister!”

Penny said... 182

Jon saw Colin today!

Nicky said... 183

Jon just posted a pic on his Instagram of him and Hannah visiting Colin for his bday. They brought him a cake and a pizza. Hopefully, he gets regular visits from Jon.

CC said... 184

Omg Jon posted a pic of him and Hannah with Collin on his birthday!

So happy that his dad was with him. Collin looks so happy. He looks so different, but happy. So glad to know that Collin was with family that loves him!

NJGal51 said... 185

Here’s the link to Jin’s IG post for those that need it. I am so very, very happy to see this.

Susan1956 said... 186

Anonymous said... 187

Just look at the smiles all around. So happy for Collin that he was able to spend time with his Dad and Hannah. Such good news for all three.


Jillyg said... 188

Heh. I hope Khate’s gears are grindin’ big time right now. You know she is PISSED. Hahaha

NJGal51 said... 189

Jon one-upped TFW once again. She may have fucketybillion “likes” and “comments” but when it comes right down to it all she’s got is a video of a dog opening a gift, a pile of presents and a cake. She claims, in a comment, to make this cake every year (and children want it sent to them when in college), but I seem to remember her making a circus cake (which Zoro flew into) the glamping/camping cakes last year and a cake with frogs or something on it (big discussion in a bakery as to whether or not they could do it). I guess she doesn’t remember what was filmed. I’ve got that same plate from Target and I must say that’s kind of a small cake for as many as it’s supposed to feed. ~ Administrator said... 190

Just look at the smiles all around. So happy for Collin that he was able to spend time with his Dad and Hannah. Such good news for all three.


I'm shocked. See this is what I mean! We just want to know the kid is okay! And from the photo Jon showed, he's ok!

Now Jon needs to work on transitioning him home, to him. He should not be in a facility for the rest of his childhood, this is not right. This was a kid who allegedly wasn't even seeing Jon, he was part of the infamous group who Kate proudly declared didn't want to see Jon, remember? The fans heads are going to roll.

My how things have changed. I really question how often Kate sees this kid if at all and how much contact he is getting with siblings. If she doesn't want much to do with him anymore, what's the big deal letting Jon take this on?? Is it just out of spite at this point? He's going to end up with all these kids back to him if she doesn't shape up.

Former Lurker said... 191

FlimsyFlamsy said... 176

Former Lurker (#174), thanks for digging that interview up. I'd forgotten the specifics of it.

So TFW was dreading having 8 teenagers under her roof. But she found a way to avoid that, didn't she? The twins might be away at college by the team C comes back. If he ever comes back.

Anyone else have the feeling one twin will go to school far, far away and one will stay close?


No problem, FlimsyFlamsy. Interesting read, right? Yes, she sure avoided that problem of eight teenagers under her roof that she's been "dreading… well, since they were all born."

With C gone and H living with Jon, she's had six teens at home, soon to be just four once the twins leave for college. As far as college goes, it would probably be best for both M & C to go as far away as possible. And, as far as Collin, I doubt he'll ever live under that roof again.

Anonymous said... 192

Where's the heart button to love Jon's Instagram? This is such a wonderful photo and confirms in a way that C. is safe and sound, allbeit away from his siblings.

Wowser said... 193

Tfw is going to go out of her mind that Jon posted a picture. It negates her “no one knows where Colin is but me” tv talk show comment and also proves (at least i think so) that she never visits him because there’s no way she wouldn’t post a pic with him if she did visit him. She’d want to show the world what a wonderful mother she is...which leaves the question-is he there because he could no longer stand the abuse from her and HE wants nothing to do with her?? Things that make you go hmmmm? He looks so much like Jon. He’s gained weight but he looks healthy and he and Jon look so excited to be with each other. As far as I’m concerned, this picture says it all. Go Jon! Looks like the courts are coming around. I hope her stupid dating show fails miserably!

foxy said... 194

Collin, Hannah and Jon look so happy. Collin put on a little weight but he looks good. I am so glad they have been reunited. This must really p*ss off Kate. She was so smug saying only she knew where he was. I guess she got that wrong. So now he has 2 of his kids back. I hope the rest see the light and soon. Hannah will most likely really catch it from Kate when she sees her.

Former Lurker said... 195

Kelsey O. said... 123

There's a comment under an old pic Jon posted on Instagram of Aaden,Joel, Alexis, Leah and Hannah, that he found Collin.


I can't find a comment like that on that pic. Did he delete it?


Kelsey O. said... 180

You have to look through the comments on Jon's Instagram of the pic with 5 of the sextuplets with skates on. (Posted Feb. 2014).Click on comments and Jon responded to someone that he found C.


Thanks for the info, Kelsey, I found the pic. Like you said, it's an old post from February 9, 2014. But, the comments appear to be recent since there's a reference to C being away two years now.

Here's the link and the comments (I wonder when Jon posted this info about C):

jongosselin1 Skating today, little inspiration from the Olympics, i guess.

l.m.eunier Oh wow....seeing them this old makes me feel old!!!! Too cute

acaro1984 Adorable 😊

siestasieraaa Where's Collin?

mandapanda184 Collin has been missing longer than 2 yrs.. 💔

jongosselin1 @mandapanda184
Collin is not missing, it’s not the public’s concern.

mandapanda184 @jongosselin1 Oh good. So the reports that Kate shipped him somewhere without letting you know where, aren't true?

jongosselin1 @mandapanda184 that’s true but I found him

mandapanda184 @jongosselin1 SO good to hear! Blessings to you and your babies...the big babies, Cara & Mady, too 💕

lissieschmidt @jongosselin1 hi, from argentina... do you see collin regularly?

FlimsyFlamsy said... 196

Well, this has brought me to tears. Not just because I'm so happy for C and H, and of course for Jon. But also because I wish our dear GollyGee had lived to see it. ~ Administrator said... 197

mandapanda184 @jongosselin1 Oh good. So the reports that Kate shipped him somewhere without letting you know where, aren't true?

jongosselin1 @mandapanda184 that’s true but I found him


I always said it made no sense Jon didn't know where Collin is because that's not how courts work, a mother can't just hide a child, even in a facility. All Jon would have to do is go down to court and request the court order her to disclose his location, he doesn't even need an attorney. The hearing would take three minutes and it would be done.

I'm glad however he found out he's been proactive about this. ~ Administrator said... 198

Well, this has brought me to tears. Not just because I'm so happy for C and H, and of course for Jon. But also because I wish our dear GollyGee had lived to see it.


That gives me a lump in my throat. I know she prayed for that kid and for Jon. Her heart would have been so warmed by this.

I'd like to think she's watching over the porch today and does see this, and is rejoicing singing over and over "He once was lost but now is found!" I can almost hear it.

Former Lurker said... 199

Oh, Wow! What a nice surprise! It's so good to see Jon and Hannah with Collin for their birthday.

On the other hand, it's kind of sad to have confirmation that he's been living in an institution away from his siblings for over two years. I hope and pray that the goal is to eventually have him living with Jon.

Here's a clickable link: ~ Administrator said... 200

On the other hand, it's kind of sad to have confirmation that he's been living in an institution away from his siblings for over two years. I hope and pray that the goal is to eventually have him living with Jon.


I'm not happy the kids is institutionalized but he was going nowhere until some parent was willing to start engaging with him and contacting him and building that trust. If Jon can do this, the next step is Jon can start working on a transition plan with his care providers. I don't care if it takes 12 months, but he can start working on it.

I can virtually promise you because of insurance issues, if there's an available parent, they're going to work darn hard to reunify him with that parent because that's always cheaper. There is hope.

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