Jon has found Collin, and Hannah is with him full time
In a very unexpected sextuplets birthday post, Jon wrote on Instagram that he and Hannah visited Collin for his belated birthday (Jon posted a few days ago on Hannah's birthday that he now has her every day and night). Collin has been missing for two years, and Kate has offered little explanation why, other than he is getting treatment.
mandapanda184 @jongosselin1 Oh good. So the reports that Kate shipped him somewhere without letting you know where, aren't true? jongosselin1 @mandapanda184 that’s true but I found him
I am so happy for Jon, Collin, and Hannah. It looks like they had a nice visit. I hope Jon continues to visit Collin now that he knows where Collin is.
I was in a few institutions as a child for treatment resistant depression and PTSD (diagnosed age 7). Family visits Were important for my recovery. The goal of these programs is usually to return children to their homes if possible. Family counseling is important too. It is the only way to help ease the transition back to being home and helps parents and children learn to deal with emotions and behaviors.
Didn't Kate post or tweet something about Jon have an inappropriate relationship with Hannah? I'm not sure how it was worded. Interesting, then, that Hannah is with Jon,
Nick-Moy thinks Jon is "acting like a pre-teen school girl". So, a loving father who travels hours to visit his son for a birthday celebration and posts a picture of it on his personal IG is acting like a pre-teen schoolgirl? Gee, N_M, what do you call a mother who plays childish games with her ex, hides her child away and smirks when asked about it on TV, and can't support herself without forcing her kids to work in order to pay her bills? I'm not trying to "aggregate" you N_M, I'm just wondering.
FWIW, I don't think Nick_Moy is a man. Too prissy and too petty.
Andrea (#2), thanks for sharing your personal experience. I do hope you have healed, or are still on the road to healing, from whatever your trauma was.
Layla (#7), rumor has it that Nick is actually superfan Marie. You know, Brad Pitts' buddy, who announced she had only months to live about 2 years ago. I highly doubt Nick is actually a dude whose son lives in the "Dominion" Republic.
That’s right Former Lurker @10, I’d forgotten about that.
Layla said: “FWIW, I don't think Nick_Moy is a man. Too prissy and too petty.” We’ve often speculated that nick-moy is Marie Border Collie. All the tells are there.
Oh was that who kept calling me today but never leaving a voicemail?? Sheesh.
Comment of the day! Of course, it could have been Milo. If it is Milo and she calls again and leaves a voicemail, let us know if she is still dropping her"g's". Then again it could be Stephanie, Does she have your number?
People posted the article about Jon and Collin on their FB page (they don't allow comments on their website anymore). Anyway, this got a lot of comments, most wondering what could be wrong with a child to be sent away for so long. More than a few speculated that he is violent, and some even said they'd read that he had "pulled a knife on his sister." Where TF do these stories come from?! Nothing like this was ever even alluded to in any of the stories that have come out about this since K8's People cover story nearly two years ago. The misinformation is all over the place. And unfortunately, these are the rumors that are gonna crop up out of nowhere for this child later in life.
Layla said: “FWIW, I don't think Nick_Moy is a man. Too prissy and too petty.” We’ve often speculated that nick-moy is Marie Border Collie. All the tells are there.
Absolutely. It is a female. I'm not sure which sheep it is, but it's definitely one who was on Kate's twittter for some time. I'm betting it is the one with Pitt in her basement.
This article really spells it all out. The first comment they quote is from mydamaxx, one of the main Kate fan. (I also saw a comment on Jon's instagram from Sandiebellz praising the pic)
"In her book I Just Want You to Know, Kate penned a letter to Collin that hinted at the challenges she faced raising him -- likely factoring into her decision to put him in a facility. "As you have grown ... I must say you have also challenged my authority greatly," Kate Gosselin wrote in her 2010 book.
She continued:
"At two and a half, you began testing and trying my parenting at every chance. I called Daddy at work many days crying because you would not obey. I had to ask you every day, 'Who's in charge here: you or me?' You would reluctantly answer, 'You are.' As you have grown, this has not changed. You continue to be determined to do what you want to do, and I continue to try to rein you in."
I have decided that is the answer to my question as to why this child has been kept from seeing his father for the last few years. She's been abusing him all along and Kate was in fear of him telling his dad. When she could no longer control him she was forced to institutionalize him. So tragic and thankfully Jon is in his life now.
Collin was definitely not fed enough while at 'home'. He was so thin.Now he has gained weight- some may be due to meds or genetics and his height is a bit under what you would expect, compared with Hannah's- they were the two biggest tups all through through childhood until the years before C's being sent away. Hannah looks great, and her smile is lovely- wish C had got orthodontia although maybe Jon will arrange it.
As you have grown, this has not changed. You continue to be determined to do what you want to do, and I continue to try to rein you in."
I'm pretty convinced her parenting of him is directly related to whatever his problems are later in his childhood. We've seen her parenting on camera, she is constantly engaged in a battle of wills with young children, her justice is unfair, she plays favorites, with the girls often getting away with the same or worse behavior than the boys, and she has no understanding or sympathy for normal child behavior. She has disregarded their needs when they have been sad or in pain. She blew off Collin when he was constipated and uncomfortable at the furniture store. Those things add up in a kids' psyche.
A two and a half year old doesn't even UNDERSTAND that their behavior is testing their mother's authority, they don't have the emotional or intellectual capacity to get that. At that age, all this kid knew is that he was constantly wrong, he wasn't getting the kind of gentle love and support a kid that age needs for guidance, and that his mother was always either crying over him or angry at him to the point of abuse. This woman is deranged and she screwed him up and we called it.
Didn't Kate post or tweet something about Jon have an inappropriate relationship with Hannah? I'm not sure how it was worded. Interesting, then, that Hannah is with Jon,
Yes she did. When a parent makes false accusations against the other parent, one of two things happen. Either the child starts to get brainwashed into believing the allegations, dad really did hurt me or even if he didn't, he wants to, and shuns dad (I suspect this happened to the twins). Or, when they start thinking it through themselves and knowing in their heart of hearts it didn't happen, they get really upset at the parent who told them these lies and tried to manipulate them, and they run straight to the accused parent. More often than not the older the child gets the more likely they are to figure out who is really the good parent here and who is full of lies. I really do think we're going to see more and more kids fall away from Kate as they come to this realization, especially since they now have Collin and Hannah to consult.
If Collin was to be a danger to his siblings which I think actually has been implied by Kate or other insiders, it is due to years and years of pent up frustration and injustice. We do know he was lashing out with his teachers at school which resulted in being kicked out. At a certain point some kids can't take it anymore and don't know any other way to release their pent up emotions. I can't blame the poor kid.
I found the article about the police report Kate filed in 2015 about Hannah. She 'detected suspicious behavior' between Jon and Hannah
I didn't realize this defecting of Hannah had been going on three years, wow. I also forgot that in it she also flat out accused Jon of being a drug dealer (not even suspected, he just IS!) and expressed concerns about his firearms.
She's totally crazy!
'Jon is a drug dealer, who uses his disc jockey employment as a front to sell narcotics. She also stated he frequently drinks alcohol around the children,' the report reads. Kate called police again just a few days later on April 27 and told an officer that she feared Jon would engage her in a 'hostile dispute', since he owned a gun. She claimed that she also 'detected suspicious behavior' between Jon and Hannah, who at the time was 10 years old.
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Oh, and obviously, come on these kids aren't stupid. They're going to grow up and realize she's totally bonkers. How can she expect a kid with half a brain not to realize how nutty she is? Of course the kids are defecting. Of course they are.
There were many instances in Robert's book where Kate detailed Collin's behavior and her reaction to it. She tried to beat it out of him. C was a strong-willed child, and they can be trying. I had one, and if I had a dollar for every time he told me, "You not my boss, Mommy".... It's a challenge to raise a child like that. If you react in anger, you'll end up breaking the child's spirit. Kate reacted in anger, and she broke C's spirit. You can see it in the last few years of the show. Fortunately he has professionals and support from his dad to help him rebuild. I blame his mother for all his problems. She didn't have the time to figure out how to deal with him because she had so many other kids. She had so many other kids because she just had to have HOMs so she could be on TV. Then once she got a show, she was running around playing celebrity and abusing or medicating C so that he could film. It was all about filming, never about the child. And C has paid a steep price. I wouldn't be surprised if she does not see him at all. She has always banished people from her life when they don't do exactly what she wants them to do. C cannot film, so he is of no use to her.
I agree, Nick_Moy is Marie. The pettiness, spitefulness, the grandiose's all there.
If TFW had a shred of insight into being a loving parent, she could've seen some of C's traits as assets. Wow, C is so determined! He sticks to things! He has great ideas! He won't give up until he finds a solution! He's a hard worker! She sure took advantage of that last quality when she turned him into a chicken farmer. What a powerful analogy for his life in that household: he cleaned up the poop, and she enjoyed the eggs.
Collin was definitely not fed enough while at 'home
I'm not so sure that this is true. He could have been fed enough, but if he were being medicated for ADHD or whatever, the drugs could have caused a lack of appetite and/or weight loss, depending on what was given to him and the dosage.
I'm not so sure that this is true. He could have been fed enough, but if he were being medicated for ADHD or whatever, the drugs could have caused a lack of appetite and/or weight loss, depending on what was given to him and the dosage. ———————————————-
I don’t believe it was medication. We’ve all seen the tiny portions Kate fed those kids. And how anytime they were able to eat they would gobble down the food. Blueberry picking comes to mind.
Remember when Kate claimed the tiny muffin and one strip of turkey bacon had a lot of calories?
Kate was big-time controlling their portions.
I’m all for healthy portions because child obesity is a major issue in this country, but Kate has the mindset that “you can never be too skinny.”
Sorry, but there’s no doubt in my mind that Kate was starving Collin
Blowing In The Wind said... 29 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You could be right, but I also think the other boys were painfully thin..and Collin has a naturally husky build as we saw in him as a toddler. If drugs made him then, he may be on different ones now so his old 'fluid' diagnosis' could have wrong! So much we don't know. But we did see the portion control on film.
Kate must be hiding somewhere. I can just imagine the chaos in that house right now. Kate's favorite golden girl is now living with Jon, and the child she disliked so much is now reunited with his dad. I think in time Cara will come around, and the other 4 tups as well. Maddy is just like Kate so she will only be around if it suits her wants.
Anyone else getting up at 5am to watch the royal wedding? I'm having a wedding-watching party at my house, basically an afternoon tea in the wee hours of the morning, using my grandmother's tea set.
Throwback Tuesday--anyone else remember the last royal wedding? Kate went silent on Twitter and her fans were convinced she was at the wedding. We all found it hilarious, but they really believed she was a big enough name to score an invitation. I wonder if that's why she's been quiet about Jon's latest IG posts with H and C. She's hoping her fans still think she's important enough to finagle an invite. She needs the ego boost. Sorry, but I don't think even that bunch could convince themselves that she's worthy of such an honor. Or that Harry or Meghan would even know who Kate is. She's been in a downward spiral for too long.
So, everyone, wedding party at my house and you're all invited too! From the beltway just take the exit North, then go West. Pass the big park on your right and take a right at the 4-way intersection. Then a left at the church, and then a right onto my street. My house is on the left. See you Saturday! I'm making scones!
Gosh, remember the pic of one of the boys on the episode when the kids were seasick? That kid looked like skin and bones. I bet she’s been a screaming banshee—how dare Jon ruin her mother’s day weekend. LOL
foxy (#33), her absence on social media Sunday -- Mother's Day -- is so significant. Her whole BRAND hinges on her being a mother. Wherever she is, she is seething.
I wonder if she’s distracted because they are trying to film her shitshow. I imagine the crew and the “dates” are hitting the boxed wine and ripping their hair out themselves if they are in production
'Jon is a drug dealer, who uses his disc jockey employment as a front to sell narcotics. She also stated he frequently drinks alcohol around the children,' the report reads.
Oh please. Don't tell me she hasn't emptied a few bottles of wine into her gullet when the kids are around, especially when her bff Jamie is visiting. And she should talk about dealing drugs. She's been putting something in her fans' koolaid for years.
Layla- third house from the corner, right? I'll bring the DuDu Coils if we're sitting outside.
I wonder if Hannah had to face TFW's wrath yet, poor kid.Hope the other kids don't shun her as instructed but send their love and concern to Collin via her if she visits again.
Dmasy and Auntie, Can't wait to see you! Dmasy, I'm wearing my super-special occasion hat--it's an old cowboy hat with fake fruit around the brim and a dangling price tag in the front, a la Minnie Pearl. I always thought Minnie was the epitome of a veranda girl. All hail Queen Minnie.
Auntie Ann, I had to Google "DuDu Coils" to see what they are. I have a bug zapper and citronella candles, but bring some along if you have them. Bugs are my sworn enemies. Besides, DuDu Coils is fun to say. Brings to mind all kinds of naughty possibilities. Gotta have them for that reason alone.
If TFW had a shred of insight into being a loving parent, she could've seen some of C's traits as assets. Wow, C is so determined! He sticks to things! He has great ideas! He won't give up until he finds a solution! He's a hard worke
Exactly! She could have focused on praising the positive aspects of his personality and the negatives might have even fallen away or at least lessened. Instead it seems she made the poor child feel like damaged goods. No surprise here we are. Every child with special needs who is going to be a success needs help channeling what makes them different into something positive. We saw nothing whatsoever of her on the show that she was capable of that or even had the slightest interest in being proactive about him. This situation is mostly if not all her fault.
LOL, Admin (185). Aurelie also pointed out that Collin was "notably absent" from his 13th birthday, and that Jon has been fighting for custody of the kids. Not one negative word about him. Heads are gonna roll over at People very soon -
I’ve offered up our porch root seller to Aurelie as a sort of mini witness protection program. She’s going to wait things out there until all the heads have more or less stopped rolling.
lol, Layla. Nothing like a whiff of good ol' toxic pyrethrum powder wafting through the air at a late night tea party. DuDu Coils were all the rage back in the sixties.
Will the punch be spiked? I'm pretty sure Harry and Meghan will be serving booze at their party after the queen goes home to bed.
TFW must be spitting nails because the articles are painting Jon in a more than favorable light.
Yes, TFW must be so livid. For once, she's unable to control the narrative. Jon's birthday pic with Collin and Hannah got picked up at a lot of sites, not just People magazine and Cafe Mom.
Jon Gosselin Shares a Rare Photo of His Son Collin in Honor of His Birthday
There he is! Fans were in for a surprise when former Jon & Kate Plus 8 star Jon Gosselin took to Instagram on Saturday, May 12 to share a rare photo of his son Collin Gosselin. Fans haven't seen a picture of Collin since 2016 when the teen was enrolled in a program for special needs children. But Collin looked happy and healthy in the pic, and he even flashed a smile when he posed with his dad and his sister.
"Glad I could celebrate my son Collin’s 14th birthday with him and his sister!" the 41-year-old wrote in the caption. It looked like Jon enjoyed a small, intimate birthday dinner complete with pizza and a birthday cake with two of his kids, and fans took the comments to gush over Collin.
"I am SO [sic] glad you posted this Jon. I think I can speak for us all when we say we have been seriously wondering about him and how is is. He looks happy and boy, has he grown up. He looks like you. Aw, thank you for posting. Hope is is doing well. Happy birthday to all of them," one fan wrote while another commented, "Yay! Soooo [sic] glad to see Collin!!!!! Happy birthday to you guys!!! Yay Jon!"
It's great to see the kids spending time with their dad, especially since he has a pretty hard time co-parenting and getting vistation of his children because of the nature of his relationship with his ex-wife, Kate Plus 8 star Kate Gosselin. Back in 2016, Jon revealed to Entertainment Tonight that he hadn't seen all eight of his kids — he shares 17-year-old twins Mady and Cara and 14-year-old sextuplets Hannah, Alexis, Leah, Collin, Joel, and Aaden with Kate — together in years.
Things took another turn when Kate enrolled Collin in a boarding school for children with special needs and behavioral problems, and Jon claimed that Kate didn't tell him exactly where she sent their son. Collin seemed to be missing from family gatherings ever since he was sent away, but it looks like Collin and his dad have since reunited and he got to partake in some birthday festivities.
Jon Gosselin Shares Rare Photo of Son Collin on His 14th Birthday
Jon Gosselin celebrated his sextuplets 14th birthday on Saturday, May 12, and shared a photo of his rarely seen son, Collin Gosselin. The child, who is currently enrolled in a program away from home for children with special needs, posed for a photo along with his dad and sister Hannah.
The smiling trio were pictured standing next to a pizza and a birthday cake with candles on it. “Glad I could celebrate my son Collin’s 14th birthday with him and his sister!” the reality star captioned the snap of himself with the kids on Saturday.
The former Jon & Kate Plus 8 star, 41, took his daughter out to celebrate her big day earlier this week. He shared a photo of them together on Thursday, May 10, writing: “Bday dinner with Hannah. Happy Birthday!!!”
He also gave a shout-out to the rest of the kids with a pic of all of them, writing: “Happy 14th Birthday to Hannah, Leah, Alexis, Joel, Aaden and Collin!!! I can’t believe it’s been this long!!! Whew that when fast!!! Daddy loves you all very much!!!”
Kate Gosselin and her then-husband, who are also the parents of 17-year-twins Mady and Cara, welcomed the sextuplets in May 2004 and divorced after 10 years of marriage in 2009. The mom of eight also took to Instagram to send some birthday love to her kids.
“Happy 14th Birthday, my ‘babies’. 14 years ago almost to the minute, I was in my wheelchair, making my way around the ENTIRE NICU, meeting each of you face to face for the very first time. I’ll never forget how tiny yet perfect each of you were,” she captioned a photo of a cake on Thursday. “I’ll never forget our first ‘birth day’ together……this day remains one of the best in my life…. and 14 years later, I love you 400 times as much, if that’s even possible! Happy birthday, my babies! Here’s to many more birthdays together!! I love you forever and always, no matter what! 😘😘😘😘😘😘 #Turning14 #ProudMomma #TheYearOfIphones 😳😳😳.”
A letter to her son Collin from her 2010 book I Just Want You to Know made headlines in September 2016 when Kate revealed that he was being sent away to the program for children with special needs. In the letter, she said the child was “sweet, kind and helpful” but tended to act out. “As you have grown, however, I must say you have also challenged my authority greatly,” she wrote in the book. “At two and a half, you began testing and trying my parenting at every chance. I called Daddy at work many days crying because you would not obey.”
She continued: “I had to ask you every day, ‘Who’s in charge here: you or me?’ You would reluctantly answer, ‘You are.’ As you have grown, this has not changed. You continue to be determined to do what you want to do, and I continue to try to rein you in.”
The DJ opened up to Us Weekly about his relationship with his son in January 2016. “I don’t know what’s going on. The whole point is I’m left in the dark. There’s no explanation. It’s disheartening,” he told Us at the time. “I don’t ever see Collin, ever. Not off the bus because he doesn’t go to school. Not at the gate because he doesn’t come down. Nothing. I am totally estranged from Collin because of Kate.”
Collin Gosselin Turns 14 as Dad Jon Shares Rare Pic
The Gosselin sextuplets turned 14 Saturday, and dad Jon Gosselin proudly shared a family photo of son Collin, who is rarely seen.
Collin, Us Weekly reports, is enrolled in a program with kids with special needs, and attends school away from home.
In the picture, Collin grins in front of his dad alongside sis Hannah. Jon captioned the snap, "Glad I could celebrate my son Collin’s 14th birthday with him and his sister!"
Kate addressed Collin's issues in her book "I Just Want You to Know," in which she wrote, in a letter to him, "As you have grown, however, I must say you have also challenged my authority greatly. At two and a half, you began testing and trying my parenting at every chance. I called Daddy at work many days crying because you would not obey."
Earlier in the week, Jon posed for a pic with Hannah ahead of a "Bday dinner," and posted a pic telling his other kids, "I can't believe it's been this long!!! Whew that [went] fast!!! Daddy loves you all very much!!!"
Kate also addressed her kids' 14th birthday, posting a pic of a chocolate cake and writing, "Happy 14th Birthday, my ‘babies’. 14 years ago almost to the minute, I was in my wheelchair, making my way around the ENTIRE NICU, meeting each of you face to face for the very first time. I’ll never forget how tiny yet perfect each of you were. Alexis’s blonde hair, Aaden’s teeny tiny face, with alert awake eyes that didn’t miss a thing, Hannah and her adorable ‘human doll’ face, Collin looked SO big and strong at 3 entire pounds (the biggest!), Leah had the most beautiful head of dark soft hair and Joel— literally just slept peacefully like he was at the beach in the sun!"
She went on to write, "I’ll never forget our first ‘birth day’ together......this day remains one of the best in my life.... and 14 years later, I love you 400 times as much, if that’s even possible! Happy birthday, my babies! Here’s to many more birthdays together!! I love you forever and always, no matter what!"
Jon Gosselin posts rare photo of 'missing' Gosselin kid
Collin Gosselin’s birthday weekend included a visit from his dad.
On Sunday, Jon Gosselin shared a rare photo of his and Kate Gosselin‘s son who doesn’t live with the rest of the sextuplet siblings, instead residing full-time at a facility for children with special needs. They were celebrating Collin’s 14th birthday along with sibling Hannah.
Collin looks like the Jon & Kate Plus 8 dad’s mini-me in the photo, which showed Jon with his arms resting on his son’s shoulders. They were beaming, clearly happy to be together. They were probably also excited to dig into the birthday spread, which included pizza and cake. Jon, who is now a DJ, noted he was “glad” to celebrate with Collin and Hannah.
Jon previously posted two other photos of birthday fun with Hannah. When a fan asked about the rest of the sextuplets (Aaden, Alexis, Leah, and Joel), whom he shared a throwback of, he snapped that he didn’t post the photos to begin a conversation about the family’s custody arrangements. (His older daughters, Mady and Cara, have said they no longer speak to Jon, who finalized his bitter divorce with Kate in 2009. And in 2016, Jon told Yahoo Celebrity that he spends time with whichever kids want to come to his house.)
After Collin dropped out of sight on Kate Plus 8, Kate, who the children live with primarily, went public with the news in August 2016 that he “has special needs” and a diagnosis that was “fairly fluid,” and that he had been enrolled in a full-time program away from home to help “him learn the skills he needs to be the best him he can be,” she told People magazine.
She said she struggled a long time before deciding to enroll him in the program — and that it was a decision she made herself. “I’ve dealt with [it] on my own,” she said. “I’ve felt very alone in this.” She said that the entire family had been affected.
In November of that year, Kate, who will soon be starring in a new TLC dating series, told People that she was “very happy” with the care he was getting and that she was “comforted by the fact that he is so clearly exactly where he needs to be.”
Around that time, Jon, through a lawyer, told In Touch magazine that he didn’t know where his son Collin was living. Also proving that custody arrangements remain strained between the exes is that Jon’s longtime girlfriend, Colleen Conrad, started a GoFundMe page last September to help with his “legal battle ahead” to secure “his rightful place in the lives of his family.” The fundraiser ended soon after, $27,000 shy of the goal.
This marks Collin’s second birthday away from home. Last July on Kate Plus 8, footage of the sextuplets celebrating their 13th birthday aired, and Collin wasn’t there. He was mentioned in the show with Kate again saying she was “comforted” knowing that each of her kids “is receiving exactly what they need and that hasn’t changed.” Though she added it was “bittersweet. … You can’t do anything without realizing he’s missing.”
Can you imagine TFW'S rage as she clicks from story to story? I'm picturing her looking like the gobsmacked Grinch at the end of the story when he discovers the Whos happily celebrating Christmas, even though he did everything to destroy it for them.
I think Jon's "reveal" of Collin cost Kate money. I wouldn't put it past her to make sure his eventual return home was filmed, covered for People and other magazines, and used to secure her lots of interviews on morning programs. She cashed in on bringing Shoka back, and this could have been an even bigger payday for her. Collin's re-integration into the family could have been used as a story line for a season of K+8. If so, then Jon just made a mess of her plans. Everything in the kids' lives is for sale, and C's condition is no different. If so, then she will be harassing every lawyer she can find, trying to come up with some way to make Jon pay. Nobody gets away with coming between her and her cameras. Nobody.
I remember her serving portions so small my son who is two years younger was eating 3 times that amount... Remember they were each getting only a half a banana.... I also tuned in to the mexico trip where Collin gave her the mama bear, baby bear statue and she wondered where the other cubs were. I literally cried because...what mother does that! She is not normal and should NOT be a mom. Mom's love unconditionally. If he had "issues" she should have closed down the money train.
Jon Gosselin's Rare Pic With Son Collin Has Fans Saying 'PLEASE Get Custody'
Talk about unexpected! Many have been asking "where's Collin Gosselin?" ever since Kate Gosselin sent him away to get help for his undisclosed special needs. It's been a couple of years now, which has only made fans all the more anxious to see this now 14-year-old. Welp, the wait is officially over, as Jon Gosselin's rare pic of Collin has Kate Plus 8 fans jumping for pure joy.
Jon and his daughter Hannah paid a visit to Collin for his birthday.
[Photo of Jon, Collin, and Hannah] "Glad I could celebrate my son Collin's 14th birthday with him and his sister!" Jon Gosselin writes in his Instagram post.
(Reports suggest that Hannah is the only one of her siblings to live with dad Jon.)
And fans are beyond thrilled, because it's been too long since we've seen him!
mydmaxx2581 That’s great. Happy Birthday to Collin & Hannah. 💕
lakergirl795 That is so awesome for Colin! Happy Birthday Colin!!!
lorimccoy So happy for you! Great to see you, Collin and Hannah celebrating together.
amy.leanna94 Great to see! 💛
This Collin sighting is truly a rarity, as it's one of the first pics we've seen of him since Kate sent him away to get help for his "special needs."
[Photo of Collin and Aaden when they were younger]
In her book I Just Want You to Know, Kate penned a letter to Collin that hinted at the challenges she faced raising him -- likely factoring into her decision to put him in a facility. "As you have grown ... I must say you have also challenged my authority greatly," Kate Gosselin wrote in her 2010 book.
She continued:
"At two and a half, you began testing and trying my parenting at every chance. I called Daddy at work many days crying because you would not obey. I had to ask you every day, 'Who's in charge here: you or me?' You would reluctantly answer, 'You are.' As you have grown, this has not changed. You continue to be determined to do what you want to do, and I continue to try to rein you in."
"The way Kate is handling things with Collin breaks Jon’s heart but he has no say," an unnamed source told exclusively last year about Jon's feelings about Kate's treatment of Collin. "She controls everything, it's her way or the highway when it comes to the kids, including Collin. When he saw that Kate left Collin out of Halloween, that his son was missing yet another family celebration, Jon broke down and cried. He hates that she's doing this to Collin and feels so helpless to stop her."
With Jon and his daughter Hannah seemingly being the only ones to visit Collin for his birthday, fans want the former reality star to fight for custody.
[Photo TFW posted with some of the kids and the empty chair at the ice cream shop last week] Fans scolded Kate Gosselin for this pre-birthday celebration of her sextuplets that did not include Collin.
ambeezy_21 Are they the only ones who see him now? 😔
caseylynn666 PLEASE get custody of them! 💕
whenangelssing @momdeyton john should be able to take custody of the kid's that kate doesn't want instead of shipping them off to God knows where!!
sassygramma12 You deserve to be a Father to your children! Look at those beautiful smiles!
Only time will tell what happens.
[Photo of Jon and Hannah outside the restaurant on her birthday]
While there have been positive reports about Collin in the past -- and how he's doing well with his treatment -- who knows how long he'll need to stay where he's at before coming home, and whether or not Jon will fight to keep him. We truly hope he's happy, thriving, and feeling loved.
As we know, this is the third birthday Collin is absent from the tup group, not the second as one article states. The scavenger hunt party, the camping and now whatever they did.He seemed fine at the 10th birthday carnival Kate forced on the kids and the 11th progressive party ending in a hotel sleepover. I actually never noticed Collin being angry, just a little quirky, and stuck with TFW as a partner in activities ( as did Alexis) Honestly he seemed smarter, stronger and more cooperative than the other two boys who seem like good kids but a bit absent-minded at times.Collin was indeed a good helper, good at math and art and very sweet. He was sort of a rough toddler but we know why.Maybe his issue were not filmed or edited out- sometimes his dimmer place would suddenly be empty- but basically he seemed ok. We don't know what went on in that house except rumors, but at the Game Show episode, Collin was quiet and subdues, then he was gone.
I remember her serving portions so small my son who is two years younger was eating 3 times that amount... Remember they were each getting only a half a banana....
That's true, but none of us knows if they were denied another serving if they were still hungry. They could have asked for another banana or muffin or whatever.
As we know, this is the third birthday Collin is absent from the tup group, not the second as one article states. The scavenger hunt party, the camping and now whatever they did.
I noticed they got that wrong too. Poor Collin will never have the same memories as his siblings do of their 12th, 13th, and 14th birthdays.
More importantly, he's been gone so long and missed so much of their day to day experiences growing up that it's going to be hard to ever rebuild any bond with his brothers and sisters.
If my family were so fractured, as TFW's is, my heart would be breaking daily that all my kids aren't together. These days, months, and years can never been recovered.
Can you imagine TFW'S rage as she clicks from story to story? I'm picturing her looking like the gobsmacked Grinch at the end of the story when he discovers the Whos happily celebrating Christmas, even though he did everything to destroy it for them.
You're welcome, FlimsyFlamsy. (You too, Milo)
The story really got picked up by quite a few sites, (People, Daily Mail, In Touch, Us Weekly, Yahoo, Extra, Cafe Mom), and TFW must be absolutely pissed. She has been able to control everything for so long, but those days are finally over.
Knowing her as we do, though, I would not at all be surprised if she called her lawyer first thing Monday morning demanding that they order Jon to delete the IG photo. I can almost guarantee that she's trying that, even despite the years and years of exploitation she's responsible for. She truly thinks the kids are her personal chattel and no one, not even their father, should be able to post photos of them.
That's true, but none of us knows if they were denied another serving if they were still hungry. They could have asked for another banana or muffin or whatever.
I remember one of the girls asking for I think a bagel and it was Jon actually who told her no and she was upset. I remember thinking the child is probably just hungry!
We’ve also seen her own restricted portion sizes for herself when she used to be interested in her cookbook and would post more food photos. Remember those measly salads and avocados? It’s not nearly enough calories even for a low calorie diet. And I never saw pots and pots of leftovers. She portions things on plates and that appears to be the end of it. I think the circumstantial evidence is there that she at the very least doesn’t understand the importance of adequate calories.
I think she used food as a way of keeping them in line. I remember her threatening them with no dinner if they got her wet on one of the shows. They probably went to bed hungry many times.
How soon can we arrive at your house Layla? I’m ready for a little holiday, so can be on the next plane out of town.
Wow, lots and lots of anti-K8 comments to those articles! Somehow I can't imagine having some light-hearted "let's find K8 a date" show after all of these revelations. I do hope TLC is taking a second look at her Q factor. Which, in my admittedly biased view, is in the crapper.
What goes around comes around, and I hope this spells the end of K8 seeking any limelight for herself OR her children.
The one that made me stop watching on a regular was the beach... She stood at the top of the hilll and yelling at Jon to take all the kids hands (I was like there are 8 why don't you join!!!!!!!!!!!) He could not possibly take all hands and he was keeping them at a nice distance from the waves. THEN the kids were inside eating fruit and she was screaming and I mean screaming STOP EATING! Kids are hungry after the beach and a little or a lot of fruit is NOT going to ruin a growing childs appetite! EVER I stopped watching for a while after that because my kids came in from the beach stupid hungry and could still put away a dinner.
I think she used food as a way of keeping them in line. I remember her threatening them with no dinner if they got her wet on one of the shows. They probably went to bed hungry many times.
Well, we saw that. She took away the boys' cupcakes while making them watch the girls gleefully enjoy theirs. She also chose to have a serious interrogation about globegate over the dinner table when the children were just trying to enjoy their meal. Spaghetti, bread, brussel sprouts, dessert and even blamed Joel for it all over this meal when he was completely innocent. I don't know what that does to a kid to be put under the microscope while you're eating, but it can't be pleasant.
Almost all modern parenting experts agree you should never give or take away food as a form of reward or punishment, that it can do actual long term damage to a child's relationship with food.
As a side note, this blog post is flipping insane, especially the part where she lets the rest of the kids continue to think it's Joel forevermore.
As a side note, this blog post is flipping insane, especially the part where she lets the rest of the kids continue to think it's Joel forevermore.
Just so no one else has to go to her site, here it is (Part 1 of 2):
Lessons Learned from the Gosselin Globe
March 15, 2012
Recently, my kids learned a very important lesson. As I was straightening the family room the other day, I noticed that our globe that sits on an end table between two chairs (likely you’ve seen it on our show!) was missing half of its equator! Someone had peeled it back and in the process had “wiped out” parts of a few countries!
Disgustedly, I hauled it to the kitchen and got out my super glue gel. I glued it back together and figured it was “good as new,” but it nagged at me. Who, of my kids, would deface property and think nothing of it? I am very clear with them about respecting our own belongings and especially others belongings. It’s an important lesson and I have taught it well, or so I thought…
So, to remind me to ask them, I placed it on the kitchen counter with a post it note (of course!) that said “please leave this here for now.” Anything without a note disappears around here so a post it note was necessary, in case you are wondering! Tonight at dinner, as we were eating, I causually mentioned the defaced globe and asked if “anyone did it or saw someone else doing it.” I received eight affirmative “NO” replies!
I went around the table and asked each child personally, staring into their eyes, if they did the damage or saw anyone doing it. I received the same eight convincing “NO” answers. I assured them that NOW was the time to be honest and escape the consequences. I was willing to accept it as a small mistake and move on. I told them that this was more about honesty and way less about the damage to the globe!
Next, as my kids finished their spaghetti, home made bread and brussels sprouts, I explained to them that in life if you commit a crime OR witness one and don’t report it, you are always guilty and the choice to not report the crime is also a crime!!!! I asked again. I received eight “NOs” yet again! At this point, all eight were eating their ice cream popsicles and it was Cara who decided that Joel looked very guilty. Everyone heartily agreed! So, I questioned him extensively, received his continual denials, and then proceeded to rinse the dishes, giving them all a break from the”Gosselin court of law!” I heard them become their own jury as they turned to each other and questioned one another.
Mady spoke up and told a story about something that happened in her class at school. She explained that someone had done something very wrong and the teachers could not figure out who did it so they passed out 3X5 cards and asked each student to write what, if anything, they knew about the situation. This gave the students a chance to confess without an audience. Mady had an idea! She suggested that I ask each child to put their head down and close their eyes and if they knew something, they were to raise their hands! I liked the suggestion and did it… and… NO ONE RAISED THEIR HAND!!!
I was frustrated and disappointed at this point because I felt like I had a group of lying kids on my hands – something I have always harped against!!!! How could this be happening? SO, I reminded them one last time that NOW was the consequence free time to confess and they could do it now and escape the guilt that would eat at them later! I decided I would let guilt be the natural punishment!
No one came forward.
Chores followed dinner and dessert and I went on my way…In my busyness, I honestly forgot about it. Not long after I had left the kitchen, I was in my room finishing up some work, and I heard a tiny knock at my door. A daughter entered and in a very small precious voice she said “mommy, it was me…” I didn’t instantly know what she meant so I said “what?” And she replied “It was me who peeled the globe; I’m sorry.”
I could do nothing else in that moment but grab her and hug her tight. I whispered “thank you” through my tears and told her that her confession was “a little late” but I could tell that she had already punished herself enough, so I didn’t need to. I reminded her how very important it is to “always tell the truth” and asked her to always “remember the globe” so that next time she would proudly offer the truth because it is right and also so that she could avoid that awful feeling of guilt! She nodded assurance while I continued to hug her. And I had one last request: I told her that I would not tell anyone else that it was her, but that she needed to quietly go to Joel and apologize for letting him “take the heat” for her because everyone assumed he had been the culprit. She agreed… hugged me really tight and ran off to play…
No one ever told me that being a mom would be this difficult…it is amazing the lessons we can all learn when we take the time to handle each situation with love! I have a feeling that my girl will remember that globe for a very very long time.. Not only because she has personally seen much of it, but also because it has taught her a lesson in honesty!
I think TFW was very proud of herself for writing that little blog story. It's extremely embarrassing for many reasons, one of which is that it comes off as a fictional writing assignment by a sixth grader.
I hadn't read that globegate blog since it came out and so many things are so revealing about her parenting in it.
Notice her obsession with things that don't matter. A kid got overzealous peeling something back on a globe and whoopsie peeled off a chunk. Even adults have innocently done something like this when picking at something absently and then oops went too far! But according to Kate herself she glued it back on and all was well. So why didn't she just say hey whoever peeled back the equator mom had to spend time repairing that damage gluing that back together and it's lucky I could fix it, so please don't do that again. Why was it so important to her to find the guilty party and moreover to make a huge assumption that some or more of the tups must be covering for the guilty party (of which no proof ever materialized).
What's more, the minor transgression which she had already made good as new plagued and plagued her throughout dinner. Instead of talking about school, sports, current events and other appropriate topics, she interrogated them, seven of which were innocent. Talk about misusing such precious family time. Yes the girl lied but she lied because she doesn't TRUST Kate to come to her with a problem, and that's far sadder than a child lying just to protect themselves.
And here's another thing, it wasn't until what sounds like hours of interrogation someone finally came forward. None of these kids feel comfortable coming to her when there is a problem, the greatest gift a parent can give to the child is the assurance they can come to them for help.
Which brings me to Collin. Clearly she is not someone the kids trust for help nor does she have any idea how to handle their transgressions they will invariably make, so there's just no way she could begin to handle a child like Collin in an appropriate manner. It is not surprising some of these kids are not going to put up with this any more.
Lady, your children were just doing normal children shit that doesn't matter one iota to anything other than a little glue and 5 minutes of your time, and motherhood is hard? Good freaking lord.
Admin, I was just about to comment that something like this globe situation would not have consumed more than five minutes of a normal mother's day. That blog piece is either a completely bogus story just fabricated for blog fodder, or it's the result of a mother with way, way too much time on her hands.
Jolie Jacquelyn, C'mon over! I have two college sons finishing finals and heading home this week, so it's going to be an ongoing celebration. The more the merrier. We're happies when we have a house full of kids, dogs, extended family, neighbors, friends. And ladies (and you too, Jamesvader), life is a party, so it's always a good idea to be buzzed.
Anyone else remember the blog post about "jacket snacking"? Kate was furious that the kids were snacking on the way to school, because she thought they had plenty to eat for breakfast (that's when she specifically mentioned half a banana). And when asked on Twitter about the small portions she served for her "heart-y" Valentine's Day breakfast, she claimed the single mini-muffin each child got was about 200 calories. No matter how many calories it was, a single mini-muffin and a single slice of turkey bacon--and about a tablespoon of eggs for some of the kids--is just not enough for growing kids. And to use the word "hearty" to describe it is insane. She has serious issues as far as withholding food from the kids. On the RV trip, she said something about snacks for the kids, and Jamie said, "You only get one"--kind of mocking Kate. Even her best friend was aware of her restricting their food intake. And then there was the trip to the farm, where she said she didn't give them dinner that night because they drank so much milk. Those poor kids.
So.... still no response? I sure hope the kids at home are OK. I imagine she is stomping and screaming and blaming the kids..... interrogating them to find out how Jon located Collin. Surely one of them must have squealed, right? She would not believe anything else.
I feel so badly for those left at home. I wonder if this will accelerate the exodus...
And I am now further convinced that she can't see him to get a photo op of her own. Someone mentioned that Collin may be refusing to see her.
And when asked on Twitter about the small portions she served for her "heart-y" Valentine's Day breakfast, she claimed the single mini-muffin each child got was about 200 calories. No matter how many calories it was, a single mini-muffin and a single slice of turkey bacon--and about a tablespoon of eggs for some of the kids--is just not enough for growing kids.
Notice how she didn't say, I made 12 extra muffins and they could have grabbed as many as they wanted! Instead she tries to justify the whole ordeal by claiming calories.
A 200 calorie muffin is LOW, especially when it's empty calories. The eggs and bacon are better but they need more than a few spoonfuls.
Also, why the heck does she know the calories to that muffin offhand? Calorie-counter much? For CHILDREN?
Also, ADMIN, I am assuming that Jon could not have just walked in unannounced, correct? Since kart has legal custody I bet she told the facility that he could not visit. So.... does that mean that events are taking place without getting her permission? The docs said they wanted father involved? The court is getting ready to reestablish the fathers role for possible discharge into fathers custody?
Can we assume that *something* has been going on the the background that might change the current structure ?
Also, ADMIN, I am assuming that Jon could not have just walked in unannounced, correct? Since kart has legal custody I bet she told the facility that he could not visit.
Sort of not really. Legal custody doesn't mean you get to be a bully and dictate the other parent's contact or can hide a child away. That's not really what it's about. Of course I'm sure Kate THINKS she can do that, but if Jon is proactive enough he can easily get around her parental alienating ways.
The custody situation has changed--we don't know the specifics, but there's no way Kate would have just allowed Hannah to go live with Jon. That means the end of K+8, and she would have fought that with everything she has. I don't think she would have fought him on custody of C. Jon has always had visitation rights, so it's possible he was able to visit C without her interfering. But I suspect she may have given up (or lost) rights to C. She has no intention of bringing C home--ever, I'm sure of it. She may have been happy to rid herself of him. Maybe that's why she's so quiet. She doesn't want to answer questions about C's custody or her rights. So she'll just keep quiet til this all blows over and pretend nothing ever happened.
New IG from Milo. She doesn't specifically mention K8, but:
"No one tells you that the hardest part of motherhood is when your kids grow up."
miloandjack2016 With #MothersDay having come and gone it gave me another opportunity to be thankful for the blessings of being a mom.
But life is always in transition. Kids keep growing. Time just won't stand still.
And it continues to be the hardest part of raising kids.... The inevitable point in life when they have become the reality that you have to let them go.
It was way harder than I ever imagined!
On the positive side they have turned out really well!
They check in often and the way they are living makes me proud!
marycastano4 Hey...did you finally accept hannahs living with jon full time now....or are you still on fantasy island? She couldnt take her mothers cruelty another should be happy for the girl...this is what she wants...very happy for her...finally karma!
@Admin I hope Jon and Collin had a long chat and that Collin now knows no matter what (If Kate does visit him.)anything his mother says negatively about his father isn't true.I don't know what Kate saids to her kids about Jon but i'm certain she does say negative things about him.I remember when Kate replied to one of her fans on twitter who linked that story about him abandoning a kitten saying that her kids were upset by it.Not to mention Mady and Cara refusing to see him.
Admin, I was just about to comment that something like this globe situation would not have consumed more than five minutes of a normal mother's day. That blog piece is either a completely bogus story just fabricated for blog fodder, or it's the result of a mother with way, way too much time on her hands.
Right?! Most mothers would take a look at that globe and either laugh or shake their head, and then it's on to football practice, dinner, homework, lunches packed and bedtime at a decent hour.
Seriously, the priorities of that woman, and to burden these kids with the third degree when they need to be focused on their own priorities like school and friends, was grossly unfair.
I have also always wondered if the cheap globe came loose on its own over time and regular use as cheap items tend to do, and that one of the girls finally took the fall just to get her to STFU already.
Don't lie....she has a history of outrageous and self-serving lies.
Take care of property...just one example -- throwing toys and possessions down the stairs while having a house cleaning tantrum.
Show forgiveness...Really, Kate. She is the Queen of carrying a grudge and exacting punishment and/or banishment.
Handle with love...oh, please. After the inquisition, she acknowledges she was in her bedroom with the door closed. ("A tiny knock...)
You can't fool children forever. They recognize her behaviors and responses. They are smart enough to know those actions resemble NONE of her motherly, loving advice.
To add insult to all the injury -- in my opinion, brussel sprouts are an uncommon pairing with spaghetti.
I would like to watch the most excellent Hitler video again. Well done, Admin.
Permanent name in blue -- I have also always wondered how in heck Kate could keep information from Jon. Doesn't the court always allow the parents to know where their kids are and especially an important decision about kicking your kid out, like Kate did. Why have we never heard anything about how Kate could pull that off? I don't care or believe one thing the few fans that are left say. This is violating the law and why has she been able to do that. But, at least now, the karma train is heading her way at full speed!
Speaking of TFW's food issues, how about that insane recitation of what order the kids should eat their meals? It was like some lost orphan production number from "Annie."
The bigger those kids' worlds get, the more it will sink in that they have been mmistreated. I believe that's the root of TFW's clannish behavior.
Dmasy, her 'Gosselin court of law' line gives me the creeps. She's always said that she was in charge...judge, jury and sentencing and I believe that's the only truth she's ever told. I think those kids are going to have lots to say in the future about what kind of hell they went through to support mommie's lifestyle.
I agree, brussel sprouts and spaghetti don't belong on the same plate. She's clueless about meal preparation.
And Milo should just quit trying to polish that turd named Kate. She will always be nothing more than a phoney POS.
The comments are scathing. Her show, if it sees the light of day, will be an epic fail
I don't think it will ever materialize Wowser. In fact, I'll be unusually generous to her and loan her my Indian head test pattern jpg. for the timeslot where her dating show was supposed to be.
Why would Jon's stepdad see all the kids and also state they are doing great?? He contradicted Jon who said he didn't see all the children and they all have social and other issues.
Ahhhh.... When I give up on any good news from this site, I happily find the blog of Jon's photo with Collin and Hannah!
Layla(#34) I'm debating whether or not I will get up to watch the Royal Wedding. I got up for Diana's Wedding (and her funeral). My daughter graduates from college that morning. Do I get up way too early and be a bitch at night for all the relatives because I'm tired or just keep my royal traditions going....! Still haven't made my decision. I know I can watch it later. I happened across a video of William and Kate's Wedding the other day and got sucked into watching the entire thing again. My family would never understand. :)
I agree, brussel sprouts and spaghetti don't belong on the same plate. She's clueless about meal preparation. ************* I guess Martha Stewart doesn't know anything about meal preparation either.
Even Martha can make mistakes.
Milo's girl is hardly grown and gone. According to this tweet she should just be turning 19. In this day age 19 is not usually completely out of the coop
Fired Up 4 Kate
@MiloandJack 17 May 2016
This is for the critics so you can keep up w/my life. Since I last tweeted my girl is now officially Miss 17 and my young man is 21!! :)
There are tons of recipes for Brussels sprouts with pasta. You don't have to like the combination, and neither do your posters, but before you get on your high horses about how Kate knows nothing about meal preparation because you are the arbiters of appropriate food combinations, perhaps you should expand your horizons a bi
I was teasing you. Relax. Food is complicated and small variations can make it work or not work. My food horizons are just fine despite your assumptions, in fact I love sprouts eat them several times a week in season and as far as Italian goes I’ve made them on pizza with an egg as well is in penne with bacon, onions and tomatoes and herbs, but like Martha’s recipe I always keep the sauce really light, butter and Parmesan or a white wine sauce. That combo does work. They do work quite well with certain staple foods, including potatoes, eggs, bacon, Parmesan and fresh tomatoes. But when you stray from that because they’re such a bold flavor you can run into trouble, and I recommend you cook them separate so the companion foods aren’t picking up their bitterness as it cooks out.
“Spaghetti” conjures up images of a meaty red sauce. In that combo especially as amateur Kate I am sure usually makes it, the sprouts would likely make the sauce taste bitter and the sprouts would be hard to see causing unexpected hard lumps to eat in your sauce. In that combo I feel the same repulsion other posters do. That’s gross. Since I don’t recall Kate tweeting a photo of the dinner I have no idea if her meal looked like what we’re thinking of or more like Martha’s. In any case, it’s not that big of a deal.
There are tons of recipes for Brussels sprouts with pasta. You don't have to like the combination, and neither do your posters, but before you get on your high horses
LOL!! Troll really likes that phrase, "high horse." Find something else. That one is getting old.
There are tons of recipes for Brussels sprouts with pasta. You don't have to like the combination, and neither do your posters, but before you get on your high horses about how Kate knows nothing about meal preparation because you are the arbiters of appropriate food combinations, perhaps you should expand your horizons a bi
Ok then, if that's how you want to be...I'll eat Martha's spaghetti and brussel sprouts if she SHE prepares it but as God as my witness...
Whether you admit it or not, Kate has demonstrated time and again her culinary knowledge is on even par with her parenting skills.
I’m sure that TFW serves up the Brussel Sprouts as a side dish in place of a salad and they’re probably boiled to death (🤢). Not a winning combination in my book. Let’s face it, she’s no Martha Stewart.
To our critic -- I did say, "In my opinion..." Brussels Sprouts are a favorite of mine. Now. As an adult. We grill them often. I don't recall especially liking them when I was a child.
I wonder of the Gosselin "littles" clap with glee when they are presented with a side of steamed sprouts,
BTW, where is the heifer hiding? *************************** I'm wondering if the heifer won't surface on Saturday with a post about the royal wedding and tie it into her search for love on her new show Date-A-Shrew. Since she watched Charles and Diana's wedding, she could also wax poetic about how much William and Harry have grown, life goes on, etc. She wouldn't have to get up at the crack of dawn since the coverage will last all day and wouldn't even have to show any of the kids, which is going to be problematic for her going forward. I should shut up before I give her too many ideas. Personally, I enjoy the silence from Kate's gulag and feel she needs to learn to be fulfilled by other activities besides pimping out her children. Such as a 'gasp'! job.
Hi everyone! I'm a local who has posted here just a handful of times, but am a frequent reader out of concern for the G kids. Someone asked how locals are reacting... from my perspective, people are definitely aware of the latest news, but at this point Kate's name just garners eye rolls and general disgust. She certainly won't have any Berks County viewers if her dating show ever sees the light of day. Quite frankly, we're all sick of her.
Being a little vague here for privacy reasons, but a member of my family occasionally has contact with Jon in a professional setting and has nothing but good things to say about him. He's a regular Berks guy who loves his kids and is well-respected. I have had concerns about the kids' well-being due to things I noticed in recent years, so I was so, so thrilled to see C and H happily reunited with Jon. I am also breathing a sigh of relief that the twins will soon be away from Kate.
Anyway, just another local stopping by to share my two cents! :)
For me it wasn't the brussel sprouts that made me roll my eyes. It was the fact that she had to insert (spagetti, homemade bread, and brussel sprouts) into her narrative. Who tf cares what dinner was? And of coure the bread was "homemade"
For me it wasn't the brussel sprouts that made me roll my eyes. It was the fact that she had to insert (spagetti, homemade bread, and brussel sprouts) into her narrative. Who tf cares what dinner was? And of coure the bread was "homemade"
That was when she was half trying to market herself as a home cook, and was smug about how healthy she fed her kids and how they eat things happily many kids don’t. Even if it had nothing to do with anything lol. And newsflash, spaghetti and bread are super carb heavy and not the healthiest of meals just because you added sprouts. It’s a perfectly fine meal many families eat all the time but don’t market yourself as any authority on nutrition and meal planning when you don’t understand anything.
that combo especially as amateur Kate I am sure usually makes it, the sprouts would likely make the sauce taste bitter and the sprouts would be hard to see
She probably poured her famous (everything she cooks is famous according to her) spaghetti sauce over them and told the kids they were healthy meatballs. Eat 'em or go hungry.
Are they ever. 'That looks like something you pay somebody to remove from your basement ...hahaha
I'm a big fan of Martha Stewart, especially Martha Bakes.
I don't mind her and she tends to take social media in stride so I find that likable. Also she totally can't take photos just like Kate, but with Martha it's somehow cute, maybe because she's older. Her iPhone photos are terrible, always with an excessive amount of flash and often out of focus or way too close. Like grandma with an iPhone.
Some other funny comments!
andrachur Fan boi
@patauli 14 Jul 2016 More Replying to @MarthaStewart about to vommit. Going to mute you for next 4 hrs, if you continue with RTing these disgusting food pics. @hemalitanna
Replying to @MarthaStewart @MarthaStewart turn the flash off + instafilter, it'll all be OK.
mis 19 Nov 2013 Replying to @MarthaStewart @MarthaStewart This is Martha Stewart's Katrina
@MsShannonG88 thought maybe was code for help! #sos
And of course the prison food jokes are endless. Hardy-har har.
&&& I don't recall especially liking them when I was a child. &&& Hated them as a kid like many kids. I once came across an article that explained the bitterness and how if that's your only experience with them and you don't taste them cooked right, that nutty hearty flavor, then of course you won't like them. I have also read that they are creating less and less bitter sprouts through genetic engineering, a normal practice in farming, and so that may be why sprouts "as a kid" tasted so much worse. They are not an easy vegetable to cook and get that bitterness out, I think it is 5 out of 5 on the difficulty scale which gives most people a very good chance of having a bad experience with the vegetable. Why do I just have a funny feeling Kate has no idea how to bring out their best qualities....
Food is like the color wheel. It's it not all subjective. There are objectively good pairings, and their are objectively correct ways to cook things (non-bitter sprouts, medium rare meat, etc). Sprouts with lemon and garlic, sprouts with butter and parmesan, and so on. Now some people may like two colors together that clash on the color wheel and some people may like to eat their steak well done and mix sprouts into spaghetti and meat sauce like they're playing a home version of Chopped and gobble it up, but that don't make it an objectively good or even rational pairing and certainly degrades your authority when it comes to cooking.
I’m sure that TFW serves up the Brussel Sprouts as a side dish in place of a salad and they’re probably boiled to death (🤢). Not a winning combination in my book. Let’s face it, she’s no Martha Stewart.
I would bet so, too. That's how we eat them here, as a side vegetable, never in pasta or a salad or anything fancy. I would believe that's the way Kate ate them while growing up in the county.
I’m sure that TFW serves up the Brussel Sprouts as a side dish in place of a salad and they’re probably boiled to death (🤢). Not a winning combination in my book. Let’s face it, she’s no Martha Stewart.
I would bet so, too. That's how we eat them here, as a side vegetable, never in pasta or a salad or anything fancy. I would believe that's the way Kate ate them while growing up in the county.
This "high horse" we posters are supposedly it physically tall, or has it been taking narcotics? Riding a high horse sounds awfully dangerous. Does Allstate cover equine accidents?
Thanks for posting! I was the one who asked the local views on this mess and the good news of C and H with Jon. Your reply was much as we hoped and expected. We have a number of local posters so glad you decided to join in! You bring a real perspective to this whole situation.
When did Jon visit Colin? Was it Mother’s Day? I don’t know when the kids’ birthday is. It would be interesting to know if Hannah visited her mom on the tup’s birthday or Mother’s Day.
Apparently Martha likes Lancaster County. She has been here several times, shopping at Central Market where she picks up fresh produce and cheeses to use in her cooking show. She was here in January on her way to West Chester (QVC) to promote her book. Reports were that she picked up a triple chocolate cupcake for herself at a local bake shop. Everyone seems to agree that she's very nice, accommodating, pleasant and polite.
his "high horse" we posters are supposedly it physically tall, or has it been taking narcotics? Riding a high horse sounds awfully dangerous. Does Allstate cover equine accidents?
The troll says the posters here are on high horses. Isn't that the case of the pot calling the kettle black?
I don't know about any of you, but I prefer my horse on the shorter side. Mounting is so much easier, especially if you have a bad back.
Remember when Deanna took to Twitter to defend TFW? Slamming Jon and giving personal information about him not giving all the kids Christmas gifts? You'd think she might pop in on social media to give her friend some support. I can't imagine she'll be left out of this new dating show. Either she or Jamie will have to play the part of her BFF.
Old Poster (123) Maybe Hannah stayed with Jon on Mother's Day, and Kate is waiting until H comes to her house for visitation so she can take a picture and pass it off as Mother's Day. Or maybe she's seething at home and plotting her revenge. Or both.
OR--maybe she's lying low just like she did just before William and Catherine's wedding. Her Twitter followers thought she'd gone to the wedding. They actually believed she was a big enough name to score an invite. That was a hoot and half, wasn't it? She's spiraled much, much farther downward since then, so maybe she's desperate for an ego boost and hoping that someone--anyone--might still think she's worthy of an invite. Snap to it, Milo! That means you!
Upstater (101) You can join us at my house! The neighbor ladies and I agreed that pajamas are proper attire, given the early hour. Directions to my house are posted on the first page of comments. We're going to class up our PJs with little plastic tiaras I found at the party store. I had to knock over some whiny little birthday girls to get them, but it was worth it.
I wonder if Hannah was told not to come to the compound anymore since she is a traitor. If I were Hannah I would be too afraid to go there knowing how hateful and down right mean and physical she gets with those kids. I feel bad for the ones currently residing there also and having to put up with her now more than ever before.
Remember when Deanna took to Twitter to defend TFW? Slamming Jon and giving personal information about him not giving all the kids Christmas gifts? You'd think she might pop in on social media to give her friend some support.
Yes, you'd think a spouse stand-in would come to her defense. Something's amiss.
Has Schmoopy ever missed posting a Mother's Day photo before? Is this a first for her?
foxy (#130), I think many of us have speculated that TFW would have absolutely no problem kicking any one, or even several, of her own kids to the curb. Seeing what happened with C was proof.
I wonder what Deanna's response would be to Jon's picture with Collin and Hannah.Would she call the child a liar?She kept claiming how she talks to the kids daily and saw the parent who cares about them,not to mention the whole Christmas presents claim.I agree with admin's theory about that ,if mady and cara want nothing to do with Jon why are they still asking him to give them presents?I'm unsure if Collin was gone during that time but if Jon had no idea where he was during that period, what did she expect Jon to do?Judging by the fact that Deanna didn't appear on the episodes after that twitter drama,i think we can conclude Deanna left and doesn't seem to see the kids as much as she claims to.
I would bet she had the groceries bought for the breakfast op as to who made it that is anyones guess. I sure hope she took her photo before she found out about Jon's photo She must check in here daily....because she lives for her me me moments.
Also getting back to her posting photos of what she made her kids.... it was never the amount of food on the plate it was that it was a "staged" photo meaning by the time the kids got to eat was cold. Yummy cold eggs, a cold turkey bacon, a cold waffle, the mini muffin was probably the best thing on that one plate.
Jon posted photos of himself with Hannah having breakfast before school and also going out to dinner on the 10th. So I doubt they went to see Collin that day, especially if, as rumored, his facility is 2 hours from home. I think they went on the 12th, which was Saturday. Hannah wouldn't have been in school, and C wouldn't have had classes. I'm sure he has regular school where he is. Jon and Hannah could drive there, pick up the cake and pizza, and spend time with C. And that's the day Jon posted the picture. Just speculating, of course.
I just saw a story on the new Bachelorette lineup. WTH are Kate and TLC doing, trying to compete with that? Kate is 43, divorced, constantly at odds with her ex, dealing with custody issues, has a son she sent away and 6 other kids at home, whines constantly about how exhausted she is all the time, bashes her ex nonstop in the press. And they think people want to watch her start dating. Really??????
I just saw a story on the new Bachelorette lineup. WTH are Kate and TLC doing, trying to compete with that? Kate is 4
That’s something I’m not sure anyone has touched on regarding this dating show, she’s fast aging out of the demographic advertisers care about. Personally I don’t care what your age is if your story is interesting I’ll watch, but networks have always struggled to drum up interest in women past age 40 and even younger. Most women on tv or in the movies are younger than Kate, and by the time you’re her age roles can be much more difficult to find than men. This is an ongoing issue in Hollywood and it’s unfair even sexist and certainly unfortunate. But it’s the reality. And so banking on drumming up any kind of meaningful interest in a 43 year old woman’s dating life seems like one tough sell to advertisers.
"MTV is temporarily suspending production on its hit reality documentary series “ Catfish ” following sexual harassment allegations against Nev Schulman , The Daily Beast reports. Schulman is one of the main hosts of the series and also serves as an executive producer. He developed the series with Max Joseph and his brother, Ariel Schulman, following the success of the 2010 film of the same name, in which Schulman appears. "
And so banking on drumming up any kind of meaningful interest in a 43 year old woman’s dating life seems like one tough sell to advertisers. ***************************** I agree Admin. But when I was tracking the advertisers on Kate + 8 and Counting On a couple years ago and would call them to express my disappointment in their advertising choices, I was told repeatedly that the agencies who handled their advertising accounts purchased blocks of ad time on TLC. Not on a specific show, but based on demographics and time period. Many of the companies did not realize their ads were being shown on Kate + 8 or Counting On. Of course, I urged them to specify that they did not want their ads shown on these programs. I like to think there was some success in this as some ads were never shown again, but I also remember seeing some ads repeated up to 4-5 times in a one hour showing of both programs. In the case of Counting On and to some extent Kate + 8, there was a very heavy rotation of TLC programming ads.
I like to think that Counting On is coming to an end thanks to Derrick Dillard and hope the season of Kate + Date will be the last time we see Kate on TV. Maybe TLC will use the ratings to prove to Kate, not that she would believe it, once and for all that she cannot carry a show by herself. I'm thankful that none of the kids are old enough to get married and have babies as the Duggars do, although I think Kate's next move would be to pitch a show based on the twins' college experiences.
And they think people want to watch her start dating. Really??????
Maybe it's the old train wreck scenario. TLC is hoping that viewers want to see Kate behaving badly. Some viewers might eat that up for one episode, but I seriously doubt if the show will have any longevity.
"MTV is temporarily suspending production on its hit reality documentary series “ Catfish ” following sexual harassment allegations against Nev Schulman , The Daily Beast reports. Schulman is one of the main hosts of the series and also serves as an executive producer. He developed the series with Max Joseph and his brother, Ariel Schulman, following the success of the 2010 film of the same name, in which Schulman appears. "
I read the story, and he's NOT admitting to anything. Not only does he say this is completely false, but that he has numerous witnesses from when he knew these two women during production who would attest he never did any such thing. I was impressed with Nev's delicate and respectful handling of the Angela situation that happened to him, it would surprise me someone with that kind of emotional intelligence would ever intentionally harm a woman.
Now even assuming what they say is true, God I hate that stuff. If you don't want a man to hit on you, you politely decline their invitation to come to their hotel room. When someone invites me to their hotel room of the opposite sex, I take that as an invitation. If I don't want that kind of encounter, I say no thanks, I'm going to head to bed instead. It's not rocket science. Then we both save face. He doesn't feel stupid for making a pass I didn't want because after all he was just being friendly, and I can get out of it easily by declining without actually declining a pass itself. Do people not understand how passes work? If you don't LIKE the pass coming at you, reject it! If someone is "setting up a pass", identify it and reject it! God.
Also, she blames him for "getting her drunk"? The hell? Did he pour the alcohol down her throat? If a man is "trying to get you drunk" I have a simple solution. It's called "I'd like a shirley temple please." Done.
I can't stand the way women have taken no responsibility for any of their poor choices in these encounters then want to blame everyone else. I'm sorry, I assume if someone accepts my invitation to the hotel room, that they're receptive to a pass. I also assume if someone keeps drinking the drinks I hand them, they would like to drink them.
It's really shitty MTV has shut him down without him getting a chance to present his witnesses or defend his side. That is what I'm talking about, that is grossly unjust.
Tom Brokov wrote a scathing defense letter of his false and malicious metoo, the letter was downright brilliant.
Here's the Brokaw letter, it's too good not to post and I hope it gives people pause when they throw out accusations that have little to nothing to do with real metoo accusations. What Tom said, be an adult and give me a damn PHONE CALL and we can talk about this incident and work this out!
pt1 "It is 4:00 am on the first day of my new life as an accused predator in the universe of American journalism. I was ambushed and then perp walked across the pages of The Washington Post and Variety as an avatar of male misogyny, taken to the guillotine and stripped of any honor and achievement I had earned in more than a half century of journalism and citizenship.
I am angry, hurt and unmoored from what I thought would be the final passage of my life and career, a mix of written and broadcast journalism, philanthropy and participation in environmental and social causes that have always given extra meaning to my life.
Instead I am facing a long list of grievances from a former colleague who left NBC News angry that she had failed in her pursuit of stardom. She has unleashed a torrent of unsubstantiated criticism and attacks on me more than twenty years after I opened the door for her and a new job at Fox news.
Linda Vester was given the run of the Washington Post and Variety to vent her grievances, to complain that I tickled her without permission (you read that right), that I invaded her hotel room, accepted an invitation to her apartment under false pretenses and in general was given a free hand to try to destroy all that I have achieved with my family, my NBC career, my writing and my citizenship."
My family and friends are stunned and supportive. My NBC colleagues are bewildered that Vester, who had limited success at NBC News, a modest career at Fox and a reputation as a colleague who had trouble with the truth, was suddenly the keeper of the flame of journalistic integrity.
Her big charge: that on two occasions more than 20 years ago I made inappropriate and uninvited appearances in her apartment and in a hotel room. As an eager beginner, Vester, like others in that category, was eager for advice and camaraderie with senior colleagues. She often sought me out for informal meetings, including the one she describes in her New York hotel room. I should not have gone but I emphatically did not verbally and physically attack her and suggest an affair in language right out of pulp fiction.
She was coy, not frightened, filled with office gossip, including a recent rumor of an affair. As that discussion advanced she often reminded me she was a Catholic and that she was uncomfortable with my presence. So I left, 23 years later, to be stunned by her melodramatic description of the meeting. A year or so later, as I passed through London after covering end of WWII ceremonies in Moscow, I saw her in the office, chatted and agreed to a drink later. (If NY was so traumatic, why a reunion?) She knew a bar but by that late hour it was closed so she suggested her nearby apartment (not, "Well, no where to go. See you tomorrow").
Again, her hospitality was straight forward with lots of pride in her reporting in the Congo and more questions about NY opportunities.
As I remember, she was at one end of a sofa, I was at the other. It was late and I had been up for 24 hours. As I got up to leave I may have leaned over for a perfunctory goodnight kiss, but my memory is that it happened at the door – on the cheek. No clenching her neck. That move she so vividly describes is NOT WHO I AM. Not in high school, college or thereafter.
She came to NY and had mixed success on the overnight news. As I remember her try out on TODAY did not go well. Her contract was not renewed.
Here is a part of her story she somehow left out. I think I saw her in the hallways and asked how it was going. She was interested in cable start up and I said I didn't think that was going anywhere. What about Fox, which was just building up? She was interested and followed me to my office where, while she listened in, I called Roger Ailes. He said, "send her over."
She got the job. I never heard from her or saw her again. I was aware that she became a big fan of Ailes, often praising his considerable broadcasting instincts in public. But when he got in trouble on sexual matters, not a peep from this woman who now describes her self as the keeper of the flame for Me:Too.
I am not a perfect person. I've made mistakes, personally and professionally. But as I write this at dawn on the morning after a drive by shooting by Vester, the Washington Post and Variety, I am stunned by the free ride given a woman with a grudge against NBC News, no distinctive credentials or issue passions while at FOX.
As a private citizen who married a wealthy man, she has been active in social causes but she came to Me:Too late, portraying herself as a den mother. In the intervening years since we met on those two occasions, she had no reason to worry I could affect her career.
Some of her relatives by marriage are very close friends. She couldn't pick up the phone and say, "I'd like to talk. I have issues from those two meetings 20 years ago?" Instead she became a character assassin. Strip away all of the hyperbole and what has she achieved? What was her goal? Hard to believe it wasn't much more Look At Me than Me:Too.
I deeply resent the pain and anger she inflicted on my wife, daughters and granddaughters - all women of considerable success and passion about women's rights which they personify in their daily lives and professions. We'll go on as a family that pursues social justice in medical emergency rooms, corporate offices, social therapy, African women's empowerment and journalism. And no one woman's assault can take that away.
I am proud of who I am as a husband, father, grandfather, journalist and citizen. Vester, the Washington Post and Variety cannot diminish that. But in this one woman piece of sensational claims they are trying.
Google the time when your hero Nev PUNCHED a young woman IN THE FACE at college. He admits it. And NO, it's NOT selfdefence to coldcock a young lady! Where are your morals? What happened to you to make you so hateful?
Actually, the court of law says it is self defense when someone has first physically attacked you, you may hit back, and the law does not give some special protection to assaulters just because you’re a woman. Come into the next century.
She physically assaulted him first, and he also said he honestly thought she was a man due to her masculine haircut and dress. Not that that matters, he can clock whoever he wants who is attacking him. Also, he admits it. Why admit that but not this? And how come she refuses to admit she accosted him? Who is lying now? He was briefly arrested then the charges immediately dropped, which says a lot. Likely they found out she jumped him and realized she was the one who should be in handcuffs. He also fully accepted the punishment of the private school and said it was just, and expressed regret at upsetting his mother. All normal and appropriate reactions to a mistake.
Now, the guy should have walked away after she jumped him, but that underdeveloped prefrontal cortex in young people can cause stupid reactions like this. So yeah, the incident happened, it was dumb no matter if she hit first, but it certainly doesn’t make one anti woman or predisposed to sexually harass. Good grief. He’s also been a strong supporter of metoo, which is rather inconsistent as well.
As to his witnesses, mtv did say they’ll thoroughly investigate during the suspension, so it’s not over. And this occurred during production. Have you been on a set? I spent several days on a feature film with Chris Pine and I was never alone. I was sharing a hotel room with three other cast members and it adjoined the director and his wife’s room! (Budgets!) It’s entirely possible you’re never alone during that and sharing hotel rooms with other cast and crew such that there very well could be many witnesses who would testify there simply weren’t any opportunities to be alone. Done.
I am hardly the first woman to express dismay at the state of me too. The tide has turned to many many people questioning many of these stories. Sad you assume something must have happened to someone just because they are thinking critically about something and not accepting every alleged story thrown out there just like that. I have luckily had positive experiences throughout life with both sexes, but I also never did dumb shit like these women or Stormy, like accepting invitations to hotel rooms to people I don’t like. Funny how easy it is to avoid compromising situations.
There are two sides to every story.
And finally, my heroes are not and never were tv stars.
Now that is really funny! Troll should check the mirror!
Does the troll read here on a daily basis for the sole purpose of attacking admin? Why? I'd love to know the psychological aspect of it.
In addition, why are these comments being posted? Isn't this just feeding and giving voice to this person who wants attention? Wouldn't ignoring it be the way to go?
TLC thinks people want to see Kate behaving badly? How do they think she's been behaving for the past 12 years? They will regret their decision to give her this dating show. It's a ratings failure waiting to happen. I can't even begin to understand how they agreed to put their money into this. They can't possibly believe that it will get good ratings. They must be completely out of touch with what the viewing audience wants so see.
The other night I watched a few episodes of Long Lost Family, where they reunite family members--usually a biological parent with a child (now adult) who was put up for adoption. It's a heartwarming show, and makes me cry every time. And these are the same people who are coddling Kate and encouraging her bad behavior. I have yet to see anyone (outside of Kate's few die-hard followers) comment in IG, Twitter, articles, TLC's Facebook--anything--that they want to watch this show. The overall reaction is pure disgust. TLC will regret this. And even then, who knows if they will learn their lesson? They just won't let her go.
As I got up to leave I may have leaned over for a perfunctory goodnight kiss, but my memory is that it happened at the door – on the cheek. No clenching her neck. That move she so vividly describes is NOT WHO I AM. Not in high school, college or thereafter.
Tom Broka's letter concerning the metoo movement and what its capable of destroying is so on point.
This crusade is setting us back to corsets and crinolines. I really thought most women of this day and age would be more astute, but so many of the metoo reports from women read like they were helpless damsels, when all they had to do was to tell whomever to back off - that ain't happening, if that's really the case in the first place, because I think they are just as Broka said, only in it to garner attention. They remind me of sheep all following over the cliff.
Some of these crybabies need to slip on their grown-up panties. And LEAVE THEM ON so no big bad wolf can get anywhere near their hallowed hoo-ha's.
This crusade is setting us back to corsets and crinolines. I really thought most women of this day and age would be more astute, but so many of the metoo reports from women read like they were helpless damsels, when all they had to do was to tell whomever to back off - that ain't happening, if that's really the case in the first place, because I think they are just as Broka said, only in it to garner attention. They remind me of sheep all following over the cliff.
The most disgusting thing about this is there is a group of women who have really been assaulted, and then we have this lot. It is extremely important we listen to stories about Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey, and make changes. This crap distracts from that.
Metoo has been hijacked and distorted to mean: 1. Men are responsible for my poor decisions even if they had no idea I was making one. 2. I don’t have to say no, the man should have just guessed how i feel or in some cases would feel in the FUTURE 3. I don’t have to address my grievances with the man directly, instead I should humiliate him in public. 4. I do not take personal responsibility for anything.
They are grossly degrading this movement to the point where the public is ignoring all of it, not just their cases. Shame. On. Them.
The most disgusting thing about this is there is a group of women who have really been assaulted,
I believe that was Tarana Burke's original intent. And for women who have truly been abused and/or assaulted anywhere, whether at home or at their workplace, or any other place, I rally for them. Not the women who don't know when someone is making a pass at them that means nothing more or less than a pass at them. It used to be called flirting but I guess that's history now too.
I think the comment that makes the Nev story so very hard to take seriously is her comment that Nev got her drunk.
Lady, you got yourself drunk. Unless you want to claim Nev intentionally spiked a drink you thought to be non-alcoholic, which you have not suggested that.
It is not Nev’s job to tell you maybe you shouldn’t drink so much. You’re a grown ass woman. He starts doing that and then he’s accused of being paternalistic and nosy. He doesn’t offer you a drink and now he’s a bad host. Can’t win with these women.
Did you bother to watch her video before deciding she was full of shit?
Yes I've watched the video, thanks, I bothered.
Think critically about this for just a second here. Try anyhow.
She says PRIOR to inviting him to HER hotel room of all things, he was hitting on her and making her uncomfortable. Yet after all this was going on, she never explains how on God's green earth he ends up in HER hotel room! Not his, HERS! She had to have opened the door, she had to have let him in. Even considering he was at her door begging to come in (sure), you tell him I'm very sorry Nev, I'm tired, and you go to bed or even pretend to be asleep like hundreds of thousands of women who didn't care for a guy's or girl's advances on business trips or vacations. Good lord, take some ownership here. If you open the door, that is a yes to a sexual advance, and any woman would know that. If you close it, that is a no, and the guy goes away. Yes and no in this sexual game is not that hard, or confusing, or unclear, as some far lefties would like it to be.
Same with the other person she is accusing, Carol. She admits she doesn't like her or her advances, yet proceeds to go to HER hotel room, and get drunk. She has some convoluted story about not having her hotel key, which I also find suspicious (how convenient!). I have a genius idea, you lost a key, you go to the front desk and tell them you need a new key. Been there, done that. They scan you a new one in two seconds flat you're back to your room. Or if Carol is making you uncomfortable you wait in the lobby or go to another friend's hotel room who isn't hitting on you. Is she dumb or just stupid?
I'm sorry, but I spend all day long judging people's credibility, and those actions on her part make absolutely no sense and lend her zero to little credibly. She reminds me of a witness on the witness stand trying to explain things with layers and layers of lies. (She also acts quite dodgy in the video, which I find odd) I don't buy that you are at the most terribly uncomfortable moment in your life, yet you actively seek out encounters in hotel rooms. No, ridiculous, and you can't convince me otherwise. And if she IS doing this even despite being harassed, she needs a come to Jesus moment about her own actions and how they put her in compromising situations. She has to take some ownership of understanding that when someone is allowed in YOUR hotel room, they take that as consent.
I don't have any stake in the game for Nev, like anyone else if he's guilty so be it. Based on the evidence I simply don't believe this story and I find her story completely devoid of personal responsibility for one's self and their sexuality, and a disgrace to other men and women who have truly been hurt by others. I think this is someone looking for attention and a payout, she went on a reality show to discuss very personal problems, which should have been your first clue, Sherlock!
I believe that was Tarana Burke's original intent. And for women who have truly been abused and/or assaulted anywhere, whether at home or at their workplace, or any other place, I rally for them.
Yep, and men. Richard Drefyssus' son was assaulted by Kevin Spacey when he was a teen. And other celebs have told stories.
There is no question the culture needs to change, but if women are going to be PETTY about this, there's no hope of that at all. The message will be lost. Frankly, I think it already has been. They messed this up and now future women will pay for it, so I hope they are proud.
8 MILLION dollars for security for the stoopid 'royal' wedding! And the BRITISH TAX PAYER is paying for it.
Meh, you'll get that back about 100 times and more in tourism and merchandise in just in one year. No one complains about spending 8 million dollars on a business when your profit will be ten times that, because they understand math.
kate is a horrible horrible horrible human being...look at that photo of 2 happy kids with there dad...if there not up to kate's standard she discards them..TLC then rewards her...SHAMEFUL
Dmasy, good to hear you had fun this morning! I wanted to see the wedding as it happened, so I forced everyone to get up before dawn. It was worth it. We wore pajamas and tiaras, and oohed and aahed at the wedding fashions. And ate, of course. I made scones, which we had with clotted cream (made in my slow cooker), jam, and lemon curd, plus finger sandwiches, biscuits (not cookies, "biscuits"!), and lemon cake (Ina Garten's recipe) since the wedding cake is supposedly lemon. And dipped strawberries and tea. It was a success. Did you see the empty seat next to William? It's speculated that the seat was for Diana. Such a touching gesture. The wedding was a little unusual for a royal wedding--there were some raised eyebrows at certain points--but beautiful, and the cellist was amazing! Did you notice his socks?
Now I have to get busy because we're having people over to watch the Preakness. It's rainy outside, so nobody is making the trek over to Baltimore to watch it. Maybe Kate will go to that one, since she apparently didn't make it to the Kentucky Derby this year.
neighbor had pajama party for the royal wedding, fun! I love how excited all the reporters were about being there to cover it! loved the music and fashions and ministers and happy couple and horses and ... everything! Amal Clooney had the most BEAUTIFUL yellow outfit and hat, just a stunning woman. and she brought this nice looking mature man with her too! a few million for a billion people watching on tv, seeing a gorgeous English day, lovely green lawns, horses, castle, and the royals! I want to go there!
Dmasy, good to hear you had fun this morning! I wanted to see the wedding as it happened, so I forced everyone to get up before dawn. It was worth it. We wore pajamas and tiaras, and oohed and aahed at the wedding fashions. And ate, of course. I made scones, which we had with clotted cream (made in my slow cooker), jam, and lemon curd, plus finger sandwiches, biscuits (not cookies, "biscuits"!), and lemon cake (Ina Garten's recipe) since the wedding cake is supposedly lemon. And dipped strawberries and tea
----- -----
I slept in and had a McDonalds bacon, egg and cheese BISCUIT (not cookie), orange juice and coffee for breakfast...their two-fer special and shared one with the dogs. :)
I watched some of the videos and have to say that I really wasn't impressed with her gown. It was simple and elegant, but just ordinary and didn't seem to fit her on the shoulders. I loved Queen Mary's tiara. It was perfect. I really liked the choir's rendition of Lieber and Stoller's "Stand By Me." I wonder what Elton sang.
Layla (199): "Now I have to get busy because we're having people over to watch the Preakness"
What does one serve at a Preakness party? I won't even mention what I'm thinking, but I don't believe it's legal in this country, although they found it in tacos in the UK.
Although the first wedding dress was lovely, I liked the 2nd wedding dress (reception dress?) by Stella McCartney better. I didn’t get up to watch but TiVo’d it so I’ll watch when I can speed through commercials
I slept in and had a McDonalds bacon, egg and cheese BISCUIT (not cookie), orange juice and coffee for breakfast...their two-fer special and shared one with the dogs. :)
ENGLISH bulldogs?
You also had the option of an egg McMuffin, ENGLISH muffin!
We did the IHOP thing for breakfast. but not in our jammies. Blueberry pancakes. Darn, if I would have thought about it, I could have had something lemon in there! I don't think they have scones or finger tea sandwiches on their menu, though!
Although the first wedding dress was lovely, I liked the 2nd wedding dress (reception dress?) by Stella McCartney better.
Ditto. The reception dress was so much nicer than the wedding gown. She looked wonderful in the halter design. The wedding gown was okay, but just ho-hum. It did nothing for her. Kate's wedding gown was so much more attractive,
It was terribly conservative, covered her nearly from head to toe. I think that was her showing she was going to respect the conservative modest leanings of the family. And she has to lean conservative since so much to the ceremony was nuts, in a wonderful way. The gospel choir, the sermon, waking down the aisle alone. Yowser!!
All the royal cousins about to bust a gut over the totally American rip roaring hallelujah amen sermon was too funny! Sorry grandma!
Now I want a Starbucks scone and Shari's Berries chocolate-dipped strawberries. It's soon strawberry pickin' time here in the county. I'm ready for some homemade shortcake.
Maybe I'll just settle for a berry muffin from Giant's and some chocolate candy left over from Easter.
I think that was her showing she was going to respect the conservative modest leanings of the family.
Yes, but look at Kate's gown, modest, gorgeous, conservative, elegant, and she looked fabulous in it. ======== I think it may have been suggested that she not show-up Kate’s gown. Just my opinion because they have been comparing every little thing about the two women and Harry and Meghan are a bit more popular than Will and Kate. I think Meghan’s reception gown was prettier than Kate’s.
I’m surprised that TFW didn’t throw a Wedding Watch party for the kids. She’s been way too quiet which means she’s either filming her dating show or in a snit over Jon’s recent posts. I really was expecting some sort of a comeback picture.
I just saw an interview claiming Harry and Meghan will overshadow William and Kate! I think new life has been breathed into the monarchy, for the better.I like both couples and Diana would be proud.
This girl is hardly conservative...she’s got nude pictures all over the place and supposedly her ex husband is still angry with her for dumping him with no notice...Harry is no angel either...he’s a notorious cheater and lady’s man...his girlfriend of seven years left him because of it...he’s got a history of this sort of stuff. And I think she’s a complete opportunistic I give this a couple of years
I just looked at Kate's reception dress, which was so ordinary, so, um, matronly, so forgettable. In comparison, Meghan's was absolutely stunning.
I more or less like Kate's style because I'm expected to dress on the more conservative side in my profession so I'm always looking for conservative yet sharp dress clothes, but she really HAS leaned quite matronly and almost dowdy of late. Lots of frocks, frocks, frocks, past the knee, boring patterns and solids.
She always looks sharp, but it's not interesting. Diana would wear something interesting every couple weeks and get the cameras going.
I enjoyed getting caught up in the whole thing but these two have a lot of baggage and it’s naive to think at this age they will change their ways
Change what ways? Harry's biggest transgression was a little pot smoking which most London kids do at some point. He was been chipping away diligently at his charities for years now without a single scandal of any significance.
As for her, she has a whole lot of "past" and some really absurd relatives. They're going to haunt her in the press for likely years. I think her age at this point is an advantage, because a younger woman might have a much harder time dealing with that nonsense, than someone more mature who can much more easily just ignore it.
All that said, I give this marriage ten years. She's too strong of a personality to ultimately be happy with this life, giving up America, all her social media which is how she expressed herself, any normalcy she's been so used to--and he's still in the star-struck phase of love, when that fades and she gets older and not such a fox, it will take more than that for him to keep the interest. I do not believe she truly understands what it means to be a royal or the life her future children face, a couple appearances over the past year isn't enough to give you a true understanding of it. But, who cares? They are happy now, this is what makes sense to them now, and you can't live your life worried things might not work out ten years from now. Or maybe they'll figure out a way to make this work forever, who knows.
This girl is hardly conservative...she’s got nude pictures all over the place and supposedly her ex husband is still angry with her for dumping him with no notice
She's not conservative. She is DRESSING conservative, to respect the family's wishes and what is expected of her. She is absolutely dressing more conservative and has been for 6 months now. She threw out most of her wardrobe.
Which is kind of another reason this might not work out--how she's dressing now really isn't who she is. I don't believe for one second if this was just a normal family she would have picked that first dress, which could be mistaken for a nun's outfit if it were black.
I just saw an interview claiming Harry and Meghan will overshadow William and Kate! I think new life has been breathed into the monarchy, for the better.I like both couples and Diana would be proud.
Oh yeah, that sentiment has started to be thrown out there after they started doing a couple engagements the past few months.
William was a shy boy and is a shy adult, he is known to be more of a listener with a few words here and there and back to listening. Kate is pretty devoid of personality frankly. Sweet and nice and pretty, but not much else there. Deeply passionate about helping people, but neither one to come up with lots of interesting small talk.
Harry and Meghan have been reported over and over to be full of questions and knowledge when they speak, their charities are impeccably researched, extremely engaged, promise to come and keep the promise, etc. Much more outgoing, much more personable.
Both boys are quite liked, but Harry is more like Diana, a true lover of people, a hand shaker, a hugger. William is more of the thinker like his father. Harry and Meghan are going to emerge as the more relatable, well liked couple. People will have the sort of respect and honor for someday King William as they do for the queen, but their love for Harry and his duchess will be more akin to like what they had for Diana.
Her middle name is Meghan, first name Rachel. What will she use on her credit cards? Rachel Meghan Markle Mountbatten-Windsor, or just Meghan Wales?
I noticed her real first name Rachel didn't seem to come up at all in the equation today! Out of sight out of mind. They didn't even say each other's full names when they wed, she just wed "Harry" which isn't even remotely his name, just a fun nickname for his real name, Henry!
I always kind of found it funny people that don't use a perfectly good first name.
I just saw an interview claiming Harry and Meghan will overshadow William and Kate! I think new life has been breathed into the monarchy, for the better.
The monarchy is the oldest running soap opera. Births, deaths, weddings, children, divorces, war, peace, conspiracies, has it all. It's always interesting when someone new joins the cast.
I'm toasting Meghan and Harry. May they have a long and loving marriage.
At the beginning of the ceremony the Archbishop called them by their legal given names: Henry Arthur etc. and Rachel Megan. It showed up on a CBS recap of the day.
There are a couple nudie-patuties floating around out there but they are not playboy photos or anything like that, they appear to be private photos taken by friends on vacation, abroad, and other girlfriends are also topless in the photos. They're sunbathing, clearly. They are not pornographic in any way. Whoever leaked them was probably looking for a payout now that she's famous.
Even Kate Middleton had a nudie floating around, when she was on vacation sunbathing. There is also a photo of Prince William's, eh, member when he was peeing at a polo match off to the side somewhere . The restroom may have been far away, who knows. In other words none of these people were TRYING to be nude or release nude photos. Big deal.
I do hope Meghan isn't dogged by the paparazzi like Diana was although I don't see how she won't be.
Britain doesn't have the same free press laws we have and they've really cracked down on dangerous paparazzi since Diana's death. Also since her death, the royals have filed dozens of lawsuits against the press to put them in their place.
The good thing about what happened to Diana if there is a good thing is everybody said that is NO WAY TO LIVE. Lawsuits were filed deals struck and the press backed off. A lot of what William does is part of an agreement with the press. For instance I'll let you film my son's first day of school drop off if you don't camp out at school every day. Don't like the deal, then expect not to see any more drop offs in the future. The press usually complies.
Good thing is if the press oversteps it with Meghan they'll sue them until they knock it off.
A few months back I asked my youngest daughter, who is 34, what she thought of the upcoming royal wedding. Her response, "not much." She went on to say that she could not imagine giving up her career and speaking freely to become a member of the royal family where you are restricted in what you say and everything you do say, what you wear, how you look with regard to your hair and makeup, what your facial expression is at any public appearance dissected and talked about. Live in a fish bowl, no thank you. My daughter also said she would be bored to tears. Well, all right then, I said. She wasn't impressed.
As far as Meghan's dress, as soon as I saw it, it reminded me of the dresses the Duggar girls wore at their weddings. She showed no skin at all. Catherine will be queen one day and she had a deep neckline as well as showing skin and looked lovely. I thought Meghan looked beautiful but I was disappointed in the dress. I did like her reception dress.
They both looked happy and I hope their marriage will last but who knows. I agree with Admin that I think Harry is more like his mom and William his dad. I am interested to know if posters here think this marriage is groundbreaking as some reporters have stated. I, myself, don't think it is. I think it was groundbreaking when Prince Rainier of Monaco married American actress a Grace Kelly back in the 50's but not this union. Prince Charles, who will be King, is married to a divorcee. Prince William, who will be King, is married to a commoner. So Prince Harry, who is sixth in line to the throne and his chances of becoming King are slim to none, marrying a biracial, American divorcee, doesn't seem groundbreaking to me. To me it's two people who fell in love getting married.
Does Harry get a pass for dressing as a Nazi? Such hypocrites! THEM, not you.
I don’t know If pass is the right word but he certainly deserves not to have it held against him forever. He wasn’t doing it to be intentionally cruel, it was a very young man’s stupid decision (he was 20!), it was a private themed party with the theme of colonialism I think (dumb theme but the birthday boy was also young). Not only did he immediately apologize, but local Jewish leaders asked the public to accept the apology and move on. Harry then went on to serve ten years in the army much of it on the front lines much of it with a bounty on his head by the taliban, which is more than can be said of many royals. And he never disrespected Jewish people again. That’s why people like Harry. He’s incredibly human and makes dumb mistakes like humans do, but always manages to find a way to channel his spunk and cheekiness into wonderful charitable things. He’s chained to this role and at times had expressed regret over that yet now as a fully grown man he’s figured out how to make good out of it. He is going to end up as beloved as his mother, watch it unfold.
1013 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 1013 Newer› Newest»I am so happy for Jon, Collin, and Hannah. It looks like they had a nice visit. I hope Jon continues to visit Collin now that he knows where Collin is.
I was in a few institutions as a child for treatment resistant depression and PTSD (diagnosed age 7). Family visits Were important for my recovery. The goal of these programs is usually to return children to their homes if possible. Family counseling is important too. It is the only way to help ease the transition back to being home and helps parents and children learn to deal with emotions and behaviors.
Didn't Kate post or tweet something about Jon have an inappropriate relationship with Hannah? I'm not sure how it was worded. Interesting, then, that Hannah is with Jon,
Kate still hasn’t posted on Instagram since Jon’s pics blew up her charade.
How many attorneys did she call today???
Oh was that who kept calling me today but never leaving a voicemail?? Sheesh.
Thank you, Admin,for answering my question about
Golly Gee. She, along with all the rest of the wonderful posters make this site so enjoyable.
Hannah looks so much more mature than her 12-year-old mother. She's a very nice looking young woman.
Nick-Moy thinks Jon is "acting like a pre-teen school girl". So, a loving father who travels hours to visit his son for a birthday celebration and posts a picture of it on his personal IG is acting like a pre-teen schoolgirl? Gee, N_M, what do you call a mother who plays childish games with her ex, hides her child away and smirks when asked about it on TV, and can't support herself without forcing her kids to work in order to pay her bills? I'm not trying to "aggregate" you N_M, I'm just wondering.
FWIW, I don't think Nick_Moy is a man. Too prissy and too petty.
Oh was that who kept calling me today but never leaving a voicemail?? Sheesh.
Lol. Yep. She needs you in her corner now.
Wouldn't that be a hoot.
Maybe TFW wasn’t home to post anything because it’s upfronts week. I wonder if TLC and TFW were a part of it.
Apparently she was around to Like a sheeple comment. She’s around.
Sad but true said... 200
NJGal51 said... 198
I don't see TLC/Discovery on this week's upfronts schedule, as per Deadline. I think she's just sulking.
Discovery/TLC had their upfronts in NY last month,when we saw that pic of TFW with a bunch of other TLC people.
Andrea (#2), thanks for sharing your personal experience. I do hope you have healed, or are still on the road to healing, from whatever your trauma was.
Layla (#7), rumor has it that Nick is actually superfan Marie. You know, Brad Pitts' buddy, who announced she had only months to live about 2 years ago. I highly doubt Nick is actually a dude whose son lives in the "Dominion" Republic.
That’s right Former Lurker @10, I’d forgotten about that.
Layla said: “FWIW, I don't think Nick_Moy is a man. Too prissy and too petty.” We’ve often speculated that nick-moy is Marie Border Collie. All the tells are there.
Oh was that who kept calling me today but never leaving a voicemail?? Sheesh.
Comment of the day! Of course, it could have been Milo. If it is Milo and she calls again and leaves a voicemail, let us know if she is still dropping her"g's". Then again it could be Stephanie, Does she have your number?
Would Laverne and Shirley come to Kate's rescue?
People posted the article about Jon and Collin on their FB page (they don't allow comments on their website anymore). Anyway, this got a lot of comments, most wondering what could be wrong with a child to be sent away for so long. More than a few speculated that he is violent, and some even said they'd read that he had "pulled a knife on his sister." Where TF do these stories come from?! Nothing like this was ever even alluded to in any of the stories that have come out about this since K8's People cover story nearly two years ago. The misinformation is all over the place. And unfortunately, these are the rumors that are gonna crop up out of nowhere for this child later in life.
See what you did, K8?
Layla said: “FWIW, I don't think Nick_Moy is a man. Too prissy and too petty.” We’ve often speculated that nick-moy is Marie Border Collie. All the tells are there.
Absolutely. It is a female. I'm not sure which sheep it is, but it's definitely one who was on Kate's twittter for some time. I'm betting it is the one with Pitt in her basement.
TFW must be spitting nails because the articles are painting Jon in a more than favorable light.
This article really spells it all out. The first comment they quote is from mydamaxx, one of the main Kate fan. (I also saw a comment on Jon's instagram from Sandiebellz praising the pic)
"In her book I Just Want You to Know, Kate penned a letter to Collin that hinted at the challenges she faced raising him -- likely factoring into her decision to put him in a facility. "As you have grown ... I must say you have also challenged my authority greatly," Kate Gosselin wrote in her 2010 book.
She continued:
"At two and a half, you began testing and trying my parenting at every chance. I called Daddy at work many days crying because you would not obey. I had to ask you every day, 'Who's in charge here: you or me?' You would reluctantly answer, 'You are.' As you have grown, this has not changed. You continue to be determined to do what you want to do, and I continue to try to rein you in."
I have decided that is the answer to my question as to why this child has been kept from seeing his father for the last few years. She's been abusing him all along and Kate was in fear of him telling his dad. When she could no longer control him she was forced to institutionalize him. So tragic and thankfully Jon is in his life now.
Collin was definitely not fed enough while at 'home'. He was so thin.Now he has gained weight- some may be due to meds or genetics and his height is a bit under what you would expect, compared with Hannah's- they were the two biggest tups all through through childhood until the years before C's being sent away. Hannah looks great, and her smile is lovely- wish C had got orthodontia although maybe Jon will arrange it.
As you have grown, this has not changed. You continue to be determined to do what you want to do, and I continue to try to rein you in."
I'm pretty convinced her parenting of him is directly related to whatever his problems are later in his childhood. We've seen her parenting on camera, she is constantly engaged in a battle of wills with young children, her justice is unfair, she plays favorites, with the girls often getting away with the same or worse behavior than the boys, and she has no understanding or sympathy for normal child behavior. She has disregarded their needs when they have been sad or in pain. She blew off Collin when he was constipated and uncomfortable at the furniture store. Those things add up in a kids' psyche.
A two and a half year old doesn't even UNDERSTAND that their behavior is testing their mother's authority, they don't have the emotional or intellectual capacity to get that. At that age, all this kid knew is that he was constantly wrong, he wasn't getting the kind of gentle love and support a kid that age needs for guidance, and that his mother was always either crying over him or angry at him to the point of abuse. This woman is deranged and she screwed him up and we called it.
Didn't Kate post or tweet something about Jon have an inappropriate relationship with Hannah? I'm not sure how it was worded. Interesting, then, that Hannah is with Jon,
Yes she did. When a parent makes false accusations against the other parent, one of two things happen. Either the child starts to get brainwashed into believing the allegations, dad really did hurt me or even if he didn't, he wants to, and shuns dad (I suspect this happened to the twins). Or, when they start thinking it through themselves and knowing in their heart of hearts it didn't happen, they get really upset at the parent who told them these lies and tried to manipulate them, and they run straight to the accused parent. More often than not the older the child gets the more likely they are to figure out who is really the good parent here and who is full of lies. I really do think we're going to see more and more kids fall away from Kate as they come to this realization, especially since they now have Collin and Hannah to consult.
If Collin was to be a danger to his siblings which I think actually has been implied by Kate or other insiders, it is due to years and years of pent up frustration and injustice. We do know he was lashing out with his teachers at school which resulted in being kicked out. At a certain point some kids can't take it anymore and don't know any other way to release their pent up emotions. I can't blame the poor kid.
I found the article about the police report Kate filed in 2015 about Hannah. She 'detected suspicious behavior' between Jon and Hannah
I didn't realize this defecting of Hannah had been going on three years, wow. I also forgot that in it she also flat out accused Jon of being a drug dealer (not even suspected, he just IS!) and expressed concerns about his firearms.
She's totally crazy!
'Jon is a drug dealer, who uses his disc jockey employment as a front to sell narcotics. She also stated he frequently drinks alcohol around the children,' the report reads.
Kate called police again just a few days later on April 27 and told an officer that she feared Jon would engage her in a 'hostile dispute', since he owned a gun.
She claimed that she also 'detected suspicious behavior' between Jon and Hannah, who at the time was 10 years old.
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Oh, and obviously, come on these kids aren't stupid. They're going to grow up and realize she's totally bonkers. How can she expect a kid with half a brain not to realize how nutty she is? Of course the kids are defecting. Of course they are.
There were many instances in Robert's book where Kate detailed Collin's behavior and her reaction to it. She tried to beat it out of him. C was a strong-willed child, and they can be trying. I had one, and if I had a dollar for every time he told me, "You not my boss, Mommy".... It's a challenge to raise a child like that. If you react in anger, you'll end up breaking the child's spirit. Kate reacted in anger, and she broke C's spirit. You can see it in the last few years of the show. Fortunately he has professionals and support from his dad to help him rebuild. I blame his mother for all his problems. She didn't have the time to figure out how to deal with him because she had so many other kids. She had so many other kids because she just had to have HOMs so she could be on TV. Then once she got a show, she was running around playing celebrity and abusing or medicating C so that he could film. It was all about filming, never about the child. And C has paid a steep price. I wouldn't be surprised if she does not see him at all. She has always banished people from her life when they don't do exactly what she wants them to do. C cannot film, so he is of no use to her.
I agree, Nick_Moy is Marie. The pettiness, spitefulness, the grandiose's all there.
I hope Jon continues regular visits to Collin. Is this big news, local posters? Or is the G family off people's radar?
Still no Instagram posts from Kate.
What a world, what a world....
Kara got rid of Colin and the chickens and Karma came to roost.
About damn time!
If TFW had a shred of insight into being a loving parent, she could've seen some of C's traits as assets. Wow, C is so determined! He sticks to things! He has great ideas! He won't give up until he finds a solution! He's a hard worker! She sure took advantage of that last quality when she turned him into a chicken farmer. What a powerful analogy for his life in that household: he cleaned up the poop, and she enjoyed the eggs.
Collin was definitely not fed enough while at 'home
I'm not so sure that this is true. He could have been fed enough, but if he were being medicated for ADHD or whatever, the drugs could have caused a lack of appetite and/or weight loss, depending on what was given to him and the dosage.
Flimsy (28) -- If your comment wasn't so sad, it would be acutely clever.
Blowing in the Wind said...
I'm not so sure that this is true. He could have been fed enough, but if he were being medicated for ADHD or whatever, the drugs could have caused a lack of appetite and/or weight loss, depending on what was given to him and the dosage.
I don’t believe it was medication. We’ve all seen the tiny portions Kate fed those kids. And how anytime they were able to eat they would gobble down the food. Blueberry picking comes to mind.
Remember when Kate claimed the tiny muffin and one strip of turkey bacon had a lot of calories?
Kate was big-time controlling their portions.
I’m all for healthy portions because child obesity is a major issue in this country, but Kate has the mindset that “you can never be too skinny.”
Sorry, but there’s no doubt in my mind that Kate was starving Collin
Blowing In The Wind said... 29
You could be right, but I also think the other boys were painfully thin..and Collin has a naturally husky build as we saw in him as a toddler. If drugs made him then, he may be on different ones now so his old 'fluid' diagnosis' could have wrong! So much we don't know. But we did see the portion control on film.
Kate must be hiding somewhere. I can just imagine the chaos in that house right now. Kate's favorite golden girl is now living with Jon, and the child she disliked so much is now reunited with his dad. I think in time Cara will come around, and the other 4 tups as well. Maddy is just like Kate so she will only be around if it suits her wants.
Anyone else getting up at 5am to watch the royal wedding? I'm having a wedding-watching party at my house, basically an afternoon tea in the wee hours of the morning, using my grandmother's tea set.
Throwback Tuesday--anyone else remember the last royal wedding? Kate went silent on Twitter and her fans were convinced she was at the wedding. We all found it hilarious, but they really believed she was a big enough name to score an invitation. I wonder if that's why she's been quiet about Jon's latest IG posts with H and C. She's hoping her fans still think she's important enough to finagle an invite. She needs the ego boost. Sorry, but I don't think even that bunch could convince themselves that she's worthy of such an honor. Or that Harry or Meghan would even know who Kate is. She's been in a downward spiral for too long.
So, everyone, wedding party at my house and you're all invited too! From the beltway just take the exit North, then go West. Pass the big park on your right and take a right at the 4-way intersection. Then a left at the church, and then a right onto my street. My house is on the left. See you Saturday! I'm making scones!
Gosh, remember the pic of one of the boys on the episode when the kids were seasick? That kid looked like skin and bones.
I bet she’s been a screaming banshee—how dare Jon ruin her mother’s day weekend.
foxy (#33), her absence on social media Sunday -- Mother's Day -- is so significant. Her whole BRAND hinges on her being a mother. Wherever she is, she is seething.
Layla (34) -- thank you. I will arrive wearing a fancy old Kentucky Derby hat. Goes so well with my muumuu dress!
I wonder if she’s distracted because they are trying to film her shitshow. I imagine the crew and the “dates” are hitting the boxed wine and ripping their hair out themselves if they are in production
'Jon is a drug dealer, who uses his disc jockey employment as a front to sell narcotics. She also stated he frequently drinks alcohol around the children,' the report reads.
Oh please. Don't tell me she hasn't emptied a few bottles of wine into her gullet when the kids are around, especially when her bff Jamie is visiting. And she should talk about dealing drugs. She's been putting something in her fans' koolaid for years.
Layla- third house from the corner, right? I'll bring the DuDu Coils if we're sitting outside.
I wonder if Hannah had to face TFW's wrath yet, poor kid.Hope the other kids don't shun her as instructed but send their love and concern to Collin via her if she visits again.
Dmasy and Auntie,
Can't wait to see you! Dmasy, I'm wearing my super-special occasion hat--it's an old cowboy hat with fake fruit around the brim and a dangling price tag in the front, a la Minnie Pearl. I always thought Minnie was the epitome of a veranda girl. All hail Queen Minnie.
Auntie Ann, I had to Google "DuDu Coils" to see what they are. I have a bug zapper and citronella candles, but bring some along if you have them. Bugs are my sworn enemies. Besides, DuDu Coils is fun to say. Brings to mind all kinds of naughty possibilities. Gotta have them for that reason alone.
Wayyy to early to watch it on this side of the pond so I decided to just watch it in delay in the morning!
I have to say though look on the bright side, at least Meghan’s sister isn’t Jon’s ex. What a nightmare her family is. Poor girl.
If TFW had a shred of insight into being a loving parent, she could've seen some of C's traits as assets. Wow, C is so determined! He sticks to things! He has great ideas! He won't give up until he finds a solution! He's a hard worke
Exactly! She could have focused on praising the positive aspects of his personality and the negatives might have even fallen away or at least lessened. Instead it seems she made the poor child feel like damaged goods. No surprise here we are. Every child with special needs who is going to be a success needs help channeling what makes them different into something positive. We saw nothing whatsoever of her on the show that she was capable of that or even had the slightest interest in being proactive about him. This situation is mostly if not all her fault.
LOL, Admin (185). Aurelie also pointed out that Collin was "notably absent" from his 13th birthday, and that Jon has been fighting for custody of the kids. Not one negative word about him. Heads are gonna roll over at People very soon -
I’ve offered up our porch root seller to Aurelie as a sort of mini witness protection program. She’s going to wait things out there until all the heads have more or less stopped rolling.
lol, Layla. Nothing like a whiff of good ol' toxic pyrethrum powder wafting through the air at a late night tea party. DuDu Coils were all the rage back in the sixties.
Will the punch be spiked? I'm pretty sure Harry and Meghan will be serving booze at their party after the queen goes home to bed.
Auntie, I spike everything that'll hold still. It's not a party if you're not buzzed at all times.
Admin (#44), Aurelie might find a few bags of Hershey's Kisses in the root cellar. They're mine. But, um...I'm holding them for a friend.
NJGal51 said... 16
TFW must be spitting nails because the articles are painting Jon in a more than favorable light.
Yes, TFW must be so livid. For once, she's unable to control the narrative. Jon's birthday pic with Collin and Hannah got picked up at a lot of sites, not just People magazine and Cafe Mom.
In Touch:
Jon Gosselin Shares a Rare Photo of His Son Collin in Honor of His Birthday
There he is! Fans were in for a surprise when former Jon & Kate Plus 8 star Jon Gosselin took to Instagram on Saturday, May 12 to share a rare photo of his son Collin Gosselin. Fans haven't seen a picture of Collin since 2016 when the teen was enrolled in a program for special needs children. But Collin looked happy and healthy in the pic, and he even flashed a smile when he posed with his dad and his sister.
"Glad I could celebrate my son Collin’s 14th birthday with him and his sister!" the 41-year-old wrote in the caption. It looked like Jon enjoyed a small, intimate birthday dinner complete with pizza and a birthday cake with two of his kids, and fans took the comments to gush over Collin.
"I am SO [sic] glad you posted this Jon. I think I can speak for us all when we say we have been seriously wondering about him and how is is. He looks happy and boy, has he grown up. He looks like you. Aw, thank you for posting. Hope is is doing well. Happy birthday to all of them," one fan wrote while another commented, "Yay! Soooo [sic] glad to see Collin!!!!! Happy birthday to you guys!!! Yay Jon!"
It's great to see the kids spending time with their dad, especially since he has a pretty hard time co-parenting and getting vistation of his children because of the nature of his relationship with his ex-wife, Kate Plus 8 star Kate Gosselin. Back in 2016, Jon revealed to Entertainment Tonight that he hadn't seen all eight of his kids — he shares 17-year-old twins Mady and Cara and 14-year-old sextuplets Hannah, Alexis, Leah, Collin, Joel, and Aaden with Kate — together in years.
Things took another turn when Kate enrolled Collin in a boarding school for children with special needs and behavioral problems, and Jon claimed that Kate didn't tell him exactly where she sent their son. Collin seemed to be missing from family gatherings ever since he was sent away, but it looks like Collin and his dad have since reunited and he got to partake in some birthday festivities.
Oops, I got the link for In Touch wrong. Here it is:
Here's US Weekly:
Jon Gosselin Shares Rare Photo of Son Collin on His 14th Birthday
Jon Gosselin celebrated his sextuplets 14th birthday on Saturday, May 12, and shared a photo of his rarely seen son, Collin Gosselin. The child, who is currently enrolled in a program away from home for children with special needs, posed for a photo along with his dad and sister Hannah.
The smiling trio were pictured standing next to a pizza and a birthday cake with candles on it. “Glad I could celebrate my son Collin’s 14th birthday with him and his sister!” the reality star captioned the snap of himself with the kids on Saturday.
The former Jon & Kate Plus 8 star, 41, took his daughter out to celebrate her big day earlier this week. He shared a photo of them together on Thursday, May 10, writing: “Bday dinner with Hannah. Happy Birthday!!!”
He also gave a shout-out to the rest of the kids with a pic of all of them, writing: “Happy 14th Birthday to Hannah, Leah, Alexis, Joel, Aaden and Collin!!! I can’t believe it’s been this long!!! Whew that when fast!!! Daddy loves you all very much!!!”
Kate Gosselin and her then-husband, who are also the parents of 17-year-twins Mady and Cara, welcomed the sextuplets in May 2004 and divorced after 10 years of marriage in 2009. The mom of eight also took to Instagram to send some birthday love to her kids.
“Happy 14th Birthday, my ‘babies’. 14 years ago almost to the minute, I was in my wheelchair, making my way around the ENTIRE NICU, meeting each of you face to face for the very first time. I’ll never forget how tiny yet perfect each of you were,” she captioned a photo of a cake on Thursday. “I’ll never forget our first ‘birth day’ together……this day remains one of the best in my life…. and 14 years later, I love you 400 times as much, if that’s even possible! Happy birthday, my babies! Here’s to many more birthdays together!! I love you forever and always, no matter what! 😘😘😘😘😘😘 #Turning14 #ProudMomma #TheYearOfIphones 😳😳😳.”
A letter to her son Collin from her 2010 book I Just Want You to Know made headlines in September 2016 when Kate revealed that he was being sent away to the program for children with special needs. In the letter, she said the child was “sweet, kind and helpful” but tended to act out. “As you have grown, however, I must say you have also challenged my authority greatly,” she wrote in the book. “At two and a half, you began testing and trying my parenting at every chance. I called Daddy at work many days crying because you would not obey.”
She continued: “I had to ask you every day, ‘Who’s in charge here: you or me?’ You would reluctantly answer, ‘You are.’ As you have grown, this has not changed. You continue to be determined to do what you want to do, and I continue to try to rein you in.”
The DJ opened up to Us Weekly about his relationship with his son in January 2016. “I don’t know what’s going on. The whole point is I’m left in the dark. There’s no explanation. It’s disheartening,” he told Us at the time. “I don’t ever see Collin, ever. Not off the bus because he doesn’t go to school. Not at the gate because he doesn’t come down. Nothing. I am totally estranged from Collin because of Kate.”
Collin Gosselin Turns 14 as Dad Jon Shares Rare Pic
The Gosselin sextuplets turned 14 Saturday, and dad Jon Gosselin proudly shared a family photo of son Collin, who is rarely seen.
Collin, Us Weekly reports, is enrolled in a program with kids with special needs, and attends school away from home.
In the picture, Collin grins in front of his dad alongside sis Hannah. Jon captioned the snap, "Glad I could celebrate my son Collin’s 14th birthday with him and his sister!"
Kate addressed Collin's issues in her book "I Just Want You to Know," in which she wrote, in a letter to him, "As you have grown, however, I must say you have also challenged my authority greatly. At two and a half, you began testing and trying my parenting at every chance. I called Daddy at work many days crying because you would not obey."
Earlier in the week, Jon posed for a pic with Hannah ahead of a "Bday dinner," and posted a pic telling his other kids, "I can't believe it's been this long!!! Whew that [went] fast!!! Daddy loves you all very much!!!"
Kate also addressed her kids' 14th birthday, posting a pic of a chocolate cake and writing, "Happy 14th Birthday, my ‘babies’. 14 years ago almost to the minute, I was in my wheelchair, making my way around the ENTIRE NICU, meeting each of you face to face for the very first time. I’ll never forget how tiny yet perfect each of you were. Alexis’s blonde hair, Aaden’s teeny tiny face, with alert awake eyes that didn’t miss a thing, Hannah and her adorable ‘human doll’ face, Collin looked SO big and strong at 3 entire pounds (the biggest!), Leah had the most beautiful head of dark soft hair and Joel— literally just slept peacefully like he was at the beach in the sun!"
She went on to write, "I’ll never forget our first ‘birth day’ together......this day remains one of the best in my life.... and 14 years later, I love you 400 times as much, if that’s even possible! Happy birthday, my babies! Here’s to many more birthdays together!! I love you forever and always, no matter what!"
Jon Gosselin posts rare photo of 'missing' Gosselin kid
Collin Gosselin’s birthday weekend included a visit from his dad.
On Sunday, Jon Gosselin shared a rare photo of his and Kate Gosselin‘s son who doesn’t live with the rest of the sextuplet siblings, instead residing full-time at a facility for children with special needs. They were celebrating Collin’s 14th birthday along with sibling Hannah.
Collin looks like the Jon & Kate Plus 8 dad’s mini-me in the photo, which showed Jon with his arms resting on his son’s shoulders. They were beaming, clearly happy to be together. They were probably also excited to dig into the birthday spread, which included pizza and cake. Jon, who is now a DJ, noted he was “glad” to celebrate with Collin and Hannah.
Jon previously posted two other photos of birthday fun with Hannah. When a fan asked about the rest of the sextuplets (Aaden, Alexis, Leah, and Joel), whom he shared a throwback of, he snapped that he didn’t post the photos to begin a conversation about the family’s custody arrangements. (His older daughters, Mady and Cara, have said they no longer speak to Jon, who finalized his bitter divorce with Kate in 2009. And in 2016, Jon told Yahoo Celebrity that he spends time with whichever kids want to come to his house.)
After Collin dropped out of sight on Kate Plus 8, Kate, who the children live with primarily, went public with the news in August 2016 that he “has special needs” and a diagnosis that was “fairly fluid,” and that he had been enrolled in a full-time program away from home to help “him learn the skills he needs to be the best him he can be,” she told People magazine.
She said she struggled a long time before deciding to enroll him in the program — and that it was a decision she made herself. “I’ve dealt with [it] on my own,” she said. “I’ve felt very alone in this.” She said that the entire family had been affected.
In November of that year, Kate, who will soon be starring in a new TLC dating series, told People that she was “very happy” with the care he was getting and that she was “comforted by the fact that he is so clearly exactly where he needs to be.”
Around that time, Jon, through a lawyer, told In Touch magazine that he didn’t know where his son Collin was living. Also proving that custody arrangements remain strained between the exes is that Jon’s longtime girlfriend, Colleen Conrad, started a GoFundMe page last September to help with his “legal battle ahead” to secure “his rightful place in the lives of his family.” The fundraiser ended soon after, $27,000 shy of the goal.
This marks Collin’s second birthday away from home. Last July on Kate Plus 8, footage of the sextuplets celebrating their 13th birthday aired, and Collin wasn’t there. He was mentioned in the show with Kate again saying she was “comforted” knowing that each of her kids “is receiving exactly what they need and that hasn’t changed.” Though she added it was “bittersweet. … You can’t do anything without realizing he’s missing.”
Former Lurker, thanks for the links!
Can you imagine TFW'S rage as she clicks from story to story? I'm picturing her looking like the gobsmacked Grinch at the end of the story when he discovers the Whos happily celebrating Christmas, even though he did everything to destroy it for them.
Auntie, I spike everything that'll hold still. It's not a party if you're not buzzed at all times.
Is it okay to be buzzed even when it's not a party?
I think Jon's "reveal" of Collin cost Kate money. I wouldn't put it past her to make sure his eventual return home was filmed, covered for People and other magazines, and used to secure her lots of interviews on morning programs. She cashed in on bringing Shoka back, and this could have been an even bigger payday for her. Collin's re-integration into the family could have been used as a story line for a season of K+8. If so, then Jon just made a mess of her plans. Everything in the kids' lives is for sale, and C's condition is no different. If so, then she will be harassing every lawyer she can find, trying to come up with some way to make Jon pay. Nobody gets away with coming between her and her cameras. Nobody.
I remember her serving portions so small my son who is two years younger was eating 3 times that amount... Remember they were each getting only a half a banana.... I also tuned in to the mexico trip where Collin gave her the mama bear, baby bear statue and she wondered where the other cubs were. I literally cried because...what mother does that! She is not normal and should NOT be a mom. Mom's love unconditionally. If he had "issues" she should have closed down the money train.
Rainbowsandunicorns (#54), I guess that would make us bitter, black-hearted, buzzed busybodies!
Here's the entire Cafe Mom article too (Part 1 of 2):
Jon Gosselin's Rare Pic With Son Collin Has Fans Saying 'PLEASE Get Custody'
Talk about unexpected! Many have been asking "where's Collin Gosselin?" ever since Kate Gosselin sent him away to get help for his undisclosed special needs. It's been a couple of years now, which has only made fans all the more anxious to see this now 14-year-old. Welp, the wait is officially over, as Jon Gosselin's rare pic of Collin has Kate Plus 8 fans jumping for pure joy.
Jon and his daughter Hannah paid a visit to Collin for his birthday.
[Photo of Jon, Collin, and Hannah]
"Glad I could celebrate my son Collin's 14th birthday with him and his sister!" Jon Gosselin writes in his Instagram post.
(Reports suggest that Hannah is the only one of her siblings to live with dad Jon.)
And fans are beyond thrilled, because it's been too long since we've seen him!
mydmaxx2581 That’s great. Happy Birthday to Collin & Hannah. 💕
lakergirl795 That is so awesome for Colin! Happy Birthday Colin!!!
lorimccoy So happy for you! Great to see you, Collin and Hannah celebrating together.
amy.leanna94 Great to see! 💛
This Collin sighting is truly a rarity, as it's one of the first pics we've seen of him since Kate sent him away to get help for his "special needs."
[Photo of Collin and Aaden when they were younger]
In her book I Just Want You to Know, Kate penned a letter to Collin that hinted at the challenges she faced raising him -- likely factoring into her decision to put him in a facility. "As you have grown ... I must say you have also challenged my authority greatly," Kate Gosselin wrote in her 2010 book.
She continued:
"At two and a half, you began testing and trying my parenting at every chance. I called Daddy at work many days crying because you would not obey. I had to ask you every day, 'Who's in charge here: you or me?' You would reluctantly answer, 'You are.' As you have grown, this has not changed. You continue to be determined to do what you want to do, and I continue to try to rein you in."
"The way Kate is handling things with Collin breaks Jon’s heart but he has no say," an unnamed source told exclusively last year about Jon's feelings about Kate's treatment of Collin. "She controls everything, it's her way or the highway when it comes to the kids, including Collin. When he saw that Kate left Collin out of Halloween, that his son was missing yet another family celebration, Jon broke down and cried. He hates that she's doing this to Collin and feels so helpless to stop her."
(Part 2 of 2)
With Jon and his daughter Hannah seemingly being the only ones to visit Collin for his birthday, fans want the former reality star to fight for custody.
[Photo TFW posted with some of the kids and the empty chair at the ice cream shop last week]
Fans scolded Kate Gosselin for this pre-birthday celebration of her sextuplets that did not include Collin.
ambeezy_21 Are they the only ones who see him now? 😔
caseylynn666 PLEASE get custody of them! 💕
whenangelssing @momdeyton john should be able to take custody of the kid's that kate doesn't want instead of shipping them off to God knows where!!
sassygramma12 You deserve to be a Father to your children! Look at those beautiful smiles!
Only time will tell what happens.
[Photo of Jon and Hannah outside the restaurant on her birthday]
While there have been positive reports about Collin in the past -- and how he's doing well with his treatment -- who knows how long he'll need to stay where he's at before coming home, and whether or not Jon will fight to keep him. We truly hope he's happy, thriving, and feeling loved.
As we know, this is the third birthday Collin is absent from the tup group, not the second as one article states. The scavenger hunt party, the camping and now whatever they did.He seemed fine at the 10th birthday carnival Kate forced on the kids and the 11th progressive party ending in a hotel sleepover. I actually never noticed Collin being angry, just a little quirky, and stuck with TFW as a partner in activities ( as did Alexis) Honestly he seemed smarter, stronger and more cooperative than the other two boys who seem like good kids but a bit absent-minded at times.Collin was indeed a good helper, good at math and art and very sweet. He was sort of a rough toddler but we know why.Maybe his issue were not filmed or edited out- sometimes his dimmer place would suddenly be empty- but basically he seemed ok. We don't know what went on in that house except rumors, but at the Game Show episode, Collin was quiet and subdues, then he was gone.
I remember her serving portions so small my son who is two years younger was eating 3 times that amount... Remember they were each getting only a half a banana....
That's true, but none of us knows if they were denied another serving if they were still hungry. They could have asked for another banana or muffin or whatever.
Formerly Duped said... 60
As we know, this is the third birthday Collin is absent from the tup group, not the second as one article states. The scavenger hunt party, the camping and now whatever they did.
I noticed they got that wrong too. Poor Collin will never have the same memories as his siblings do of their 12th, 13th, and 14th birthdays.
More importantly, he's been gone so long and missed so much of their day to day experiences growing up that it's going to be hard to ever rebuild any bond with his brothers and sisters.
If my family were so fractured, as TFW's is, my heart would be breaking daily that all my kids aren't together. These days, months, and years can never been recovered.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 53
Former Lurker, thanks for the links!
Can you imagine TFW'S rage as she clicks from story to story? I'm picturing her looking like the gobsmacked Grinch at the end of the story when he discovers the Whos happily celebrating Christmas, even though he did everything to destroy it for them.
You're welcome, FlimsyFlamsy. (You too, Milo)
The story really got picked up by quite a few sites, (People, Daily Mail, In Touch, Us Weekly, Yahoo, Extra, Cafe Mom), and TFW must be absolutely pissed. She has been able to control everything for so long, but those days are finally over.
Knowing her as we do, though, I would not at all be surprised if she called her lawyer first thing Monday morning demanding that they order Jon to delete the IG photo. I can almost guarantee that she's trying that, even despite the years and years of exploitation she's responsible for. She truly thinks the kids are her personal chattel and no one, not even their father, should be able to post photos of them.
That's true, but none of us knows if they were denied another serving if they were still hungry. They could have asked for another banana or muffin or whatever.
I remember one of the girls asking for I think a bagel and it was Jon actually who told her no and she was upset. I remember thinking the child is probably just hungry!
We’ve also seen her own restricted portion sizes for herself when she used to be interested in her cookbook and would post more food photos. Remember those measly salads and avocados? It’s not nearly enough calories even for a low calorie diet. And I never saw pots and pots of leftovers. She portions things on plates and that appears to be the end of it. I think the circumstantial evidence is there that she at the very least doesn’t understand the importance of adequate calories.
If you look carefully at the New Orleans trip Collin is the only one without a dessert.
I think she used food as a way of keeping them in line. I remember her threatening them with no dinner if they got her wet on one of the shows. They probably went to bed hungry many times.
How soon can we arrive at your house Layla? I’m ready for a little holiday, so can be on the next plane out of town.
Admin(#64), we also saw food withheld as punishment Cupcakegate, anyone?
Wow, lots and lots of anti-K8 comments to those articles! Somehow I can't imagine having some light-hearted "let's find K8 a date" show after all of these revelations. I do hope TLC is taking a second look at her Q factor. Which, in my admittedly biased view, is in the crapper.
What goes around comes around, and I hope this spells the end of K8 seeking any limelight for herself OR her children.
The one that made me stop watching on a regular was the beach... She stood at the top of the hilll and yelling at Jon to take all the kids hands (I was like there are 8 why don't you join!!!!!!!!!!!) He could not possibly take all hands and he was keeping them at a nice distance from the waves. THEN the kids were inside eating fruit and she was screaming and I mean screaming STOP EATING! Kids are hungry after the beach and a little or a lot of fruit is NOT going to ruin a growing childs appetite! EVER I stopped watching for a while after that because my kids came in from the beach stupid hungry and could still put away a dinner.
I think she used food as a way of keeping them in line. I remember her threatening them with no dinner if they got her wet on one of the shows. They probably went to bed hungry many times.
Well, we saw that. She took away the boys' cupcakes while making them watch the girls gleefully enjoy theirs. She also chose to have a serious interrogation about globegate over the dinner table when the children were just trying to enjoy their meal. Spaghetti, bread, brussel sprouts, dessert and even blamed Joel for it all over this meal when he was completely innocent. I don't know what that does to a kid to be put under the microscope while you're eating, but it can't be pleasant.
Almost all modern parenting experts agree you should never give or take away food as a form of reward or punishment, that it can do actual long term damage to a child's relationship with food.
As a side note, this blog post is flipping insane, especially the part where she lets the rest of the kids continue to think it's Joel forevermore. ~ Administrator said... 65
As a side note, this blog post is flipping insane, especially the part where she lets the rest of the kids continue to think it's Joel forevermore.
Just so no one else has to go to her site, here it is (Part 1 of 2):
Lessons Learned from the Gosselin Globe
March 15, 2012
Recently, my kids learned a very important lesson. As I was straightening the family room the other day, I noticed that our globe that sits on an end table between two chairs (likely you’ve seen it on our show!) was missing half of its equator! Someone had peeled it back and in the process had “wiped out” parts of a few countries!
Disgustedly, I hauled it to the kitchen and got out my super glue gel. I glued it back together and figured it was “good as new,” but it nagged at me. Who, of my kids, would deface property and think nothing of it? I am very clear with them about respecting our own belongings and especially others belongings. It’s an important lesson and I have taught it well, or so I thought…
So, to remind me to ask them, I placed it on the kitchen counter with a post it note (of course!) that said “please leave this here for now.” Anything without a note disappears around here so a post it note was necessary, in case you are wondering! Tonight at dinner, as we were eating, I causually mentioned the defaced globe and asked if “anyone did it or saw someone else doing it.” I received eight affirmative “NO” replies!
I went around the table and asked each child personally, staring into their eyes, if they did the damage or saw anyone doing it. I received the same eight convincing “NO” answers. I assured them that NOW was the time to be honest and escape the consequences. I was willing to accept it as a small mistake and move on. I told them that this was more about honesty and way less about the damage to the globe!
Next, as my kids finished their spaghetti, home made bread and brussels sprouts, I explained to them that in life if you commit a crime OR witness one and don’t report it, you are always guilty and the choice to not report the crime is also a crime!!!! I asked again. I received eight “NOs” yet again! At this point, all eight were eating their ice cream popsicles and it was Cara who decided that Joel looked very guilty. Everyone heartily agreed! So, I questioned him extensively, received his continual denials, and then proceeded to rinse the dishes, giving them all a break from the”Gosselin court of law!” I heard them become their own jury as they turned to each other and questioned one another.
Mady spoke up and told a story about something that happened in her class at school. She explained that someone had done something very wrong and the teachers could not figure out who did it so they passed out 3X5 cards and asked each student to write what, if anything, they knew about the situation. This gave the students a chance to confess without an audience. Mady had an idea! She suggested that I ask each child to put their head down and close their eyes and if they knew something, they were to raise their hands! I liked the suggestion and did it… and…
(Part 2 of 2)
I was frustrated and disappointed at this point because I felt like I had a group of lying kids on my hands – something I have always harped against!!!! How could this be happening? SO, I reminded them one last time that NOW was the consequence free time to confess and they could do it now and escape the guilt that would eat at them later! I decided I would let guilt be the natural punishment!
No one came forward.
Chores followed dinner and dessert and I went on my way…In my busyness, I honestly forgot about it.
Not long after I had left the kitchen, I was in my room finishing up some work, and I heard a tiny knock at my door. A daughter entered and in a very small precious voice she said “mommy, it was me…” I didn’t instantly know what she meant so I said “what?” And she replied “It was me who peeled the globe; I’m sorry.”
I could do nothing else in that moment but grab her and hug her tight. I whispered “thank you” through my tears and told her that her confession was “a little late” but I could tell that she had already punished herself enough, so I didn’t need to. I reminded her how very important it is to “always tell the truth” and asked her to always “remember the globe” so that next time she would proudly offer the truth because it is right and also so that she could avoid that awful feeling of guilt!
She nodded assurance while I continued to hug her. And I had one last request: I told her that I would not tell anyone else that it was her, but that she needed to quietly go to Joel and apologize for letting him “take the heat” for her because everyone assumed he had been the culprit. She agreed… hugged me really tight and ran off to play…
No one ever told me that being a mom would be this difficult…it is amazing the lessons we can all learn when we take the time to handle each situation with love! I have a feeling that my girl will remember that globe for a very very long time.. Not only because she has personally seen much of it, but also because it has taught her a lesson in honesty!
I think TFW was very proud of herself for writing that little blog story. It's extremely embarrassing for many reasons, one of which is that it comes off as a fictional writing assignment by a sixth grader.
I hadn't read that globegate blog since it came out and so many things are so revealing about her parenting in it.
Notice her obsession with things that don't matter. A kid got overzealous peeling something back on a globe and whoopsie peeled off a chunk. Even adults have innocently done something like this when picking at something absently and then oops went too far! But according to Kate herself she glued it back on and all was well. So why didn't she just say hey whoever peeled back the equator mom had to spend time repairing that damage gluing that back together and it's lucky I could fix it, so please don't do that again. Why was it so important to her to find the guilty party and moreover to make a huge assumption that some or more of the tups must be covering for the guilty party (of which no proof ever materialized).
What's more, the minor transgression which she had already made good as new plagued and plagued her throughout dinner. Instead of talking about school, sports, current events and other appropriate topics, she interrogated them, seven of which were innocent. Talk about misusing such precious family time. Yes the girl lied but she lied because she doesn't TRUST Kate to come to her with a problem, and that's far sadder than a child lying just to protect themselves.
And here's another thing, it wasn't until what sounds like hours of interrogation someone finally came forward. None of these kids feel comfortable coming to her when there is a problem, the greatest gift a parent can give to the child is the assurance they can come to them for help.
Which brings me to Collin. Clearly she is not someone the kids trust for help nor does she have any idea how to handle their transgressions they will invariably make, so there's just no way she could begin to handle a child like Collin in an appropriate manner. It is not surprising some of these kids are not going to put up with this any more.
Oh I love her mother is so hard ending.
Lady, your children were just doing normal children shit that doesn't matter one iota to anything other than a little glue and 5 minutes of your time, and motherhood is hard? Good freaking lord.
Admin, I was just about to comment that something like this globe situation would not have consumed more than five minutes of a normal mother's day. That blog piece is either a completely bogus story just fabricated for blog fodder, or it's the result of a mother with way, way too much time on her hands.
Jolie Jacquelyn,
C'mon over! I have two college sons finishing finals and heading home this week, so it's going to be an ongoing celebration. The more the merrier. We're happies when we have a house full of kids, dogs, extended family, neighbors, friends. And ladies (and you too, Jamesvader), life is a party, so it's always a good idea to be buzzed.
Anyone else remember the blog post about "jacket snacking"? Kate was furious that the kids were snacking on the way to school, because she thought they had plenty to eat for breakfast (that's when she specifically mentioned half a banana). And when asked on Twitter about the small portions she served for her "heart-y" Valentine's Day breakfast, she claimed the single mini-muffin each child got was about 200 calories. No matter how many calories it was, a single mini-muffin and a single slice of turkey bacon--and about a tablespoon of eggs for some of the kids--is just not enough for growing kids. And to use the word "hearty" to describe it is insane. She has serious issues as far as withholding food from the kids. On the RV trip, she said something about snacks for the kids, and Jamie said, "You only get one"--kind of mocking Kate. Even her best friend was aware of her restricting their food intake. And then there was the trip to the farm, where she said she didn't give them dinner that night because they drank so much milk. Those poor kids.
So.... still no response? I sure hope the kids at home are OK. I imagine she is stomping and screaming and blaming the kids..... interrogating them to find out how Jon located Collin. Surely one of them must have squealed, right? She would not believe anything else.
I feel so badly for those left at home. I wonder if this will accelerate the exodus...
And I am now further convinced that she can't see him to get a photo op of her own. Someone mentioned that Collin may be refusing to see her.
And when asked on Twitter about the small portions she served for her "heart-y" Valentine's Day breakfast, she claimed the single mini-muffin each child got was about 200 calories. No matter how many calories it was, a single mini-muffin and a single slice of turkey bacon--and about a tablespoon of eggs for some of the kids--is just not enough for growing kids.
Notice how she didn't say, I made 12 extra muffins and they could have grabbed as many as they wanted! Instead she tries to justify the whole ordeal by claiming calories.
A 200 calorie muffin is LOW, especially when it's empty calories. The eggs and bacon are better but they need more than a few spoonfuls.
Also, why the heck does she know the calories to that muffin offhand? Calorie-counter much? For CHILDREN?
Also, ADMIN, I am assuming that Jon could not have just walked in unannounced, correct? Since kart has legal custody I bet she told the facility that he could not visit. So.... does that mean that events are taking place without getting her permission? The docs said they wanted father involved? The court is getting ready to reestablish the fathers role for possible discharge into fathers custody?
Can we assume that *something* has been going on the the background that might change the current structure ?
Also, ADMIN, I am assuming that Jon could not have just walked in unannounced, correct? Since kart has legal custody I bet she told the facility that he could not visit.
Sort of not really. Legal custody doesn't mean you get to be a bully and dictate the other parent's contact or can hide a child away. That's not really what it's about. Of course I'm sure Kate THINKS she can do that, but if Jon is proactive enough he can easily get around her parental alienating ways.
If she "hid" him from Jon (by not disclosing his location) wouldn't that violate Jon's right to visitation?
The custody situation has changed--we don't know the specifics, but there's no way Kate would have just allowed Hannah to go live with Jon. That means the end of K+8, and she would have fought that with everything she has. I don't think she would have fought him on custody of C. Jon has always had visitation rights, so it's possible he was able to visit C without her interfering. But I suspect she may have given up (or lost) rights to C. She has no intention of bringing C home--ever, I'm sure of it. She may have been happy to rid herself of him. Maybe that's why she's so quiet. She doesn't want to answer questions about C's custody or her rights. So she'll just keep quiet til this all blows over and pretend nothing ever happened.
New IG from Milo. She doesn't specifically mention K8, but:
"No one tells you that the hardest part of motherhood is when your kids grow up."
miloandjack2016 With #MothersDay having come and gone it gave me another opportunity to be thankful for the blessings of being a mom.
But life is always in transition. Kids keep growing.
Time just won't stand still.
And it continues to be the hardest part of raising kids....
The inevitable point in life when they have become the reality that you have to let them go.
It was way harder than I ever imagined!
On the positive side they have turned out really well!
They check in often and the way they are living makes me proud!
marycastano4 Hey...did you finally accept hannahs living with jon full time now....or are you still on fantasy island? She couldnt take her mothers cruelty another should be happy for the girl...this is what she wants...very happy for her...finally karma!
@Admin I hope Jon and Collin had a long chat and that Collin now knows no matter what (If Kate does visit him.)anything his mother says negatively about his father isn't true.I don't know what Kate saids to her kids about Jon but i'm certain she does say negative things about him.I remember when Kate replied to one of her fans on twitter who linked that story about him abandoning a kitten saying that her kids were upset by it.Not to mention Mady and Cara refusing to see him.
"No one tells you that the hardest part of motherhood is when your kids grow up."
She forgot, "and want nothing to do with you."
Admin, I was just about to comment that something like this globe situation would not have consumed more than five minutes of a normal mother's day. That blog piece is either a completely bogus story just fabricated for blog fodder, or it's the result of a mother with way, way too much time on her hands.
Right?! Most mothers would take a look at that globe and either laugh or shake their head, and then it's on to football practice, dinner, homework, lunches packed and bedtime at a decent hour.
Seriously, the priorities of that woman, and to burden these kids with the third degree when they need to be focused on their own priorities like school and friends, was grossly unfair.
I have also always wondered if the cheap globe came loose on its own over time and regular use as cheap items tend to do, and that one of the girls finally took the fall just to get her to STFU already.
Admin, I still think the Hitler Parody Video you made about Kate's Globegate was deserving of an award. Damn, it was hilarious.
I fed you spaghetti and brussel sprouts for dinner and this is how you thank me?
That ham-handed blog entry makes me gag.
She is a hypocrite.
Don't lie....she has a history of outrageous and self-serving lies.
Take care of property...just one example -- throwing toys and possessions down the stairs while having a house cleaning tantrum.
Show forgiveness...Really, Kate. She is the Queen of carrying a grudge and exacting punishment and/or banishment.
Handle with love...oh, please. After the inquisition, she acknowledges she was in her bedroom with the door closed. ("A tiny knock...)
You can't fool children forever. They recognize her behaviors and responses. They are smart enough to know those actions resemble NONE of her motherly, loving advice.
To add insult to all the injury -- in my opinion, brussel sprouts are an uncommon pairing with spaghetti.
I would like to watch the most excellent Hitler video again. Well done, Admin.
The comments are scathing. Her show, if it sees the light of day, will be an epic fail
Permanent name in blue -- I have also always wondered how in heck Kate could keep information from Jon. Doesn't the court always allow the parents to know where their kids are and especially an important decision about kicking your kid out, like Kate did. Why have we never heard anything about how Kate could pull that off? I don't care or believe one thing the few fans that are left say. This is violating the law and why has she been able to do that. But, at least now, the karma train is heading her way at full speed!
Speaking of TFW's food issues, how about that insane recitation of what order the kids should eat their meals? It was like some lost orphan production number from "Annie."
The bigger those kids' worlds get, the more it will sink in that they have been mmistreated. I believe that's the root of TFW's clannish behavior.
To add insult to all the injury -- in my opinion, brussel sprouts are an uncommon pairing with spaghetti.
lol, I agree. I like both foods, but never together! Was that in the crookbook?
Dmasy, her 'Gosselin court of law' line gives me the creeps. She's always said that she was in charge...judge, jury and sentencing and I believe that's the only truth she's ever told. I think those kids are going to have lots to say in the future about what kind of hell they went through to support mommie's lifestyle.
I agree, brussel sprouts and spaghetti don't belong on the same plate. She's clueless about meal preparation.
And Milo should just quit trying to polish that turd named Kate. She will always be nothing more than a phoney POS.
Wowser said... 90
The comments are scathing. Her show, if it sees the light of day, will be an epic fail
I don't think it will ever materialize Wowser. In fact, I'll be unusually generous to her and loan her my Indian head test pattern jpg. for the timeslot where her dating show was supposed to be.
Why would Jon's stepdad see all the kids and also state they are doing great?? He contradicted Jon who said he didn't see all the children and they all have social and other issues.
That Radar Online article is from April 11th, and I think it was posted here back then. Like most of their articles, it doesn't make much sense.
Still no word from TFW.... I'm guessing the strawberries she bought for the fake mother's day brunch photo has grown moldy...
BRUSSELS (with an "s") Sprouts! LOL!!.
Wonderful roasted with bacon,honey and rosemary in a salad, but with spaghetti?
Now I'm hungry! Is that romaine lettuce recall still in effect?
Mel (98) LOL!! And her famous lemon-drenched hummus probably turned a little off-color by now too.
Ahhhh.... When I give up on any good news from this site, I happily find the blog of Jon's photo with Collin and Hannah!
Layla(#34) I'm debating whether or not I will get up to watch the Royal Wedding. I got up for Diana's Wedding (and her funeral). My daughter graduates from college that morning. Do I get up way too early and be a bitch at night for all the relatives because I'm tired or just keep my royal traditions going....! Still haven't made my decision. I know I can watch it later. I happened across a video of William and Kate's Wedding the other day and got sucked into watching the entire thing again. My family would never understand. :)
I agree, brussel sprouts and spaghetti don't belong on the same plate. She's clueless about meal preparation.
I guess Martha Stewart doesn't know anything about meal preparation either.
Even Martha can make mistakes.
Milo's girl is hardly grown and gone. According to this tweet she should just be turning 19. In this day age 19 is not usually completely out of the coop
Fired Up 4 Kate
17 May 2016
This is for the critics so you can keep up w/my life. Since I last tweeted my girl is now officially Miss 17 and my young man is 21!! :)
There are tons of recipes for Brussels sprouts with pasta. You don't have to like the combination, and neither do your posters, but before you get on your high horses about how Kate knows nothing about meal preparation because you are the arbiters of appropriate food combinations, perhaps you should expand your horizons a bi
I was teasing you. Relax. Food is complicated and small variations can make it work or not work. My food horizons are just fine despite your assumptions, in fact I love sprouts eat them several times a week in season and as far as Italian goes I’ve made them on pizza with an egg as well is in penne with bacon, onions and tomatoes and herbs, but like Martha’s recipe I always keep the sauce really light, butter and Parmesan or a white wine sauce. That combo does work. They do work quite well with certain staple foods, including potatoes, eggs, bacon, Parmesan and fresh tomatoes. But when you stray from that because they’re such a bold flavor you can run into trouble, and I recommend you cook them separate so the companion foods aren’t picking up their bitterness as it cooks out.
“Spaghetti” conjures up images of a meaty red sauce. In that combo especially as amateur Kate I am sure usually makes it, the sprouts would likely make the sauce taste bitter and the sprouts would be hard to see causing unexpected hard lumps to eat in your sauce. In that combo I feel the same repulsion other posters do. That’s gross. Since I don’t recall Kate tweeting a photo of the dinner I have no idea if her meal looked like what we’re thinking of or more like Martha’s. In any case, it’s not that big of a deal.
There are tons of recipes for Brussels sprouts with pasta. You don't have to like the combination, and neither do your posters, but before you get on your high horses
LOL!! Troll really likes that phrase, "high horse." Find something else. That one is getting old.
There are tons of recipes for Brussels sprouts with pasta. You don't have to like the combination, and neither do your posters, but before you get on your high horses about how Kate knows nothing about meal preparation because you are the arbiters of appropriate food combinations, perhaps you should expand your horizons a bi
Ok then, if that's how you want to be...I'll eat Martha's spaghetti and brussel sprouts if she SHE prepares it but as God as my witness...
Whether you admit it or not, Kate has demonstrated time and again her culinary knowledge is on even par with her parenting skills.
BTW, where is the heifer hiding?
I’m sure that TFW serves up the Brussel Sprouts as a side dish in place of a salad and they’re probably boiled to death (🤢). Not a winning combination in my book. Let’s face it, she’s no Martha Stewart.
To our critic -- I did say, "In my opinion..." Brussels Sprouts are a favorite of mine. Now. As an adult. We grill them often. I don't recall especially liking them when I was a child.
I wonder of the Gosselin "littles" clap with glee when they are presented with a side of steamed sprouts,
AuntieAnn said... 106
BTW, where is the heifer hiding?
I'm wondering if the heifer won't surface on Saturday with a post about the royal wedding and tie it into her search for love on her new show Date-A-Shrew. Since she watched Charles and Diana's wedding, she could also wax poetic about how much William and Harry have grown, life goes on, etc. She wouldn't have to get up at the crack of dawn since the coverage will last all day and wouldn't even have to show any of the kids, which is going to be problematic for her going forward. I should shut up before I give her too many ideas. Personally, I enjoy the silence from Kate's gulag and feel she needs to learn to be fulfilled by other activities besides pimping out her children. Such as a 'gasp'! job.
Hi everyone! I'm a local who has posted here just a handful of times, but am a frequent reader out of concern for the G kids. Someone asked how locals are reacting... from my perspective, people are definitely aware of the latest news, but at this point Kate's name just garners eye rolls and general disgust. She certainly won't have any Berks County viewers if her dating show ever sees the light of day. Quite frankly, we're all sick of her.
Being a little vague here for privacy reasons, but a member of my family occasionally has contact with Jon in a professional setting and has nothing but good things to say about him. He's a regular Berks guy who loves his kids and is well-respected. I have had concerns about the kids' well-being due to things I noticed in recent years, so I was so, so thrilled to see C and H happily reunited with Jon. I am also breathing a sigh of relief that the twins will soon be away from Kate.
Anyway, just another local stopping by to share my two cents! :)
I will give you that the photo of that Martha Stewart salad should be universally condemned.
The comments from the twitter masses on Martha’s sad salad pic are side splitting. So funny. You have to skim some of them!
For me it wasn't the brussel sprouts that made me roll my eyes. It was the fact that she had to insert (spagetti, homemade bread, and brussel sprouts) into her narrative. Who tf cares what dinner was? And of coure the bread was "homemade"
Emily, thank you for your two cents. That was good to see.
For me it wasn't the brussel sprouts that made me roll my eyes. It was the fact that she had to insert (spagetti, homemade bread, and brussel sprouts) into her narrative. Who tf cares what dinner was? And of coure the bread was "homemade"
That was when she was half trying to market herself as a home cook, and was smug about how healthy she fed her kids and how they eat things happily many kids don’t. Even if it had nothing to do with anything lol. And newsflash, spaghetti and bread are super carb heavy and not the healthiest of meals just because you added sprouts. It’s a perfectly fine meal many families eat all the time but don’t market yourself as any authority on nutrition and meal planning when you don’t understand anything.
The comments from the twitter masses on Martha’s sad salad pic are side splitting.
Are they ever. 'That looks like something you pay somebody to remove from your basement ...hahaha
I'm a big fan of Martha Stewart, especially Martha Bakes.
that combo especially as amateur Kate I am sure usually makes it, the sprouts would likely make the sauce taste bitter and the sprouts would be hard to see
She probably poured her famous (everything she cooks is famous according to her) spaghetti sauce over them and told the kids they were healthy meatballs. Eat 'em or go hungry.
Susan1956 said... 109
Since she watched Charles and Diana's wedding, she could also wax poetic about how much William and Harry have grown
Didn't she compare herself to Diana at the height of her 15 minutes, saying she understood how it was for her with paparazzi and blah blah blah?
Are they ever. 'That looks like something you pay somebody to remove from your basement ...hahaha
I'm a big fan of Martha Stewart, especially Martha Bakes.
I don't mind her and she tends to take social media in stride so I find that likable. Also she totally can't take photos just like Kate, but with Martha it's somehow cute, maybe because she's older. Her iPhone photos are terrible, always with an excessive amount of flash and often out of focus or way too close. Like grandma with an iPhone.
Some other funny comments!
andrachur Fan boi
14 Jul 2016
Replying to @MarthaStewart
about to vommit.
Going to mute you for next 4 hrs, if you continue with RTing these disgusting food pics. @hemalitanna
Replying to @MarthaStewart
@MarthaStewart turn the flash off + instafilter, it'll all be OK.
19 Nov 2013
Replying to @MarthaStewart
@MarthaStewart This is Martha Stewart's Katrina
@MsShannonG88 thought maybe was code for help! #sos
And of course the prison food jokes are endless. Hardy-har har.
I don't recall especially liking them when I was a child.
Hated them as a kid like many kids. I once came across an article that explained the bitterness and how if that's your only experience with them and you don't taste them cooked right, that nutty hearty flavor, then of course you won't like them. I have also read that they are creating less and less bitter sprouts through genetic engineering, a normal practice in farming, and so that may be why sprouts "as a kid" tasted so much worse. They are not an easy vegetable to cook and get that bitterness out, I think it is 5 out of 5 on the difficulty scale which gives most people a very good chance of having a bad experience with the vegetable. Why do I just have a funny feeling Kate has no idea how to bring out their best qualities....
Food is like the color wheel. It's it not all subjective. There are objectively good pairings, and their are objectively correct ways to cook things (non-bitter sprouts, medium rare meat, etc). Sprouts with lemon and garlic, sprouts with butter and parmesan, and so on. Now some people may like two colors together that clash on the color wheel and some people may like to eat their steak well done and mix sprouts into spaghetti and meat sauce like they're playing a home version of Chopped and gobble it up, but that don't make it an objectively good or even rational pairing and certainly degrades your authority when it comes to cooking.
I’m sure that TFW serves up the Brussel Sprouts as a side dish in place of a salad and they’re probably boiled to death (🤢). Not a winning combination in my book. Let’s face it, she’s no Martha Stewart.
I would bet so, too. That's how we eat them here, as a side vegetable, never in pasta or a salad or anything fancy. I would believe that's the way Kate ate them while growing up in the county.
I’m sure that TFW serves up the Brussel Sprouts as a side dish in place of a salad and they’re probably boiled to death (🤢). Not a winning combination in my book. Let’s face it, she’s no Martha Stewart.
I would bet so, too. That's how we eat them here, as a side vegetable, never in pasta or a salad or anything fancy. I would believe that's the way Kate ate them while growing up in the county.
This "high horse" we posters are supposedly it physically tall, or has it been taking narcotics? Riding a high horse sounds awfully dangerous. Does Allstate cover equine accidents?
Emily said... 110
Thanks for posting! I was the one who asked the local views on this mess and the good news of C and H with Jon. Your reply was much as we hoped and expected. We have a number of local posters so glad you decided to join in! You bring a real perspective to this whole situation.
When did Jon visit Colin? Was it Mother’s Day? I don’t know when the kids’ birthday is.
It would be interesting to know if Hannah visited her mom on the tup’s birthday or Mother’s Day.
Kate still hasn’t broken instagram silence.
Apparently Martha likes Lancaster County. She has been here several times, shopping at Central Market where she picks up fresh produce and cheeses to use in her cooking show. She was here in January on her way to West Chester (QVC) to promote her book. Reports were that she picked up a triple chocolate cupcake for herself at a local bake shop. Everyone seems to agree that she's very nice, accommodating, pleasant and polite.
his "high horse" we posters are supposedly it physically tall, or has it been taking narcotics? Riding a high horse sounds awfully dangerous. Does Allstate cover equine accidents?
The troll says the posters here are on high horses. Isn't that the case of the pot calling the kettle black?
I don't know about any of you, but I prefer my horse on the shorter side. Mounting is so much easier, especially if you have a bad back.
PA Dutch Mom said... 124
Reports were that she picked up a triple chocolate cupcake for herself at a local bake shop.
I wonder if she's ever thumbed through are copy of Kate's masterpiece (still available for pre-order).
Remember when Deanna took to Twitter to defend TFW? Slamming Jon and giving personal information about him not giving all the kids Christmas gifts? You'd think she might pop in on social media to give her friend some support. I can't imagine she'll be left out of this new dating show. Either she or Jamie will have to play the part of her BFF.
Old Poster (123)
Maybe Hannah stayed with Jon on Mother's Day, and Kate is waiting until H comes to her house for visitation so she can take a picture and pass it off as Mother's Day. Or maybe she's seething at home and plotting her revenge. Or both.
OR--maybe she's lying low just like she did just before William and Catherine's wedding. Her Twitter followers thought she'd gone to the wedding. They actually believed she was a big enough name to score an invite. That was a hoot and half, wasn't it? She's spiraled much, much farther downward since then, so maybe she's desperate for an ego boost and hoping that someone--anyone--might still think she's worthy of an invite. Snap to it, Milo! That means you!
Upstater (101)
You can join us at my house! The neighbor ladies and I agreed that pajamas are proper attire, given the early hour. Directions to my house are posted on the first page of comments. We're going to class up our PJs with little plastic tiaras I found at the party store. I had to knock over some whiny little birthday girls to get them, but it was worth it.
When did Jon visit Colin? Was it Mother’s Day? I don’t know when the kids’ birthday is.
It was on his birthday, May 10. He and Hannah celebrated it with pizza and cake.
I wonder if Hannah was told not to come to the compound anymore since she is a traitor. If I were Hannah I would be too afraid to go there knowing how hateful and down right mean and physical she gets with those kids. I feel bad for the ones currently residing there also and having to put up with her now more than ever before.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 127
Remember when Deanna took to Twitter to defend TFW? Slamming Jon and giving personal information about him not giving all the kids Christmas gifts? You'd think she might pop in on social media to give her friend some support.
Yes, you'd think a spouse stand-in would come to her defense. Something's amiss.
Has Schmoopy ever missed posting a Mother's Day photo before? Is this a first for her?
foxy (#130), I think many of us have speculated that TFW would have absolutely no problem kicking any one, or even several, of her own kids to the curb. Seeing what happened with C was proof.
I wonder what Deanna's response would be to Jon's picture with Collin and Hannah.Would she call the child a liar?She kept claiming how she talks to the kids daily and saw the parent who cares about them,not to mention the whole Christmas presents claim.I agree with admin's theory about that ,if mady and cara want nothing to do with Jon why are they still asking him to give them presents?I'm unsure if Collin was gone during that time but if Jon had no idea where he was during that period, what did she expect Jon to do?Judging by the fact that Deanna didn't appear on the episodes after that twitter drama,i think we can conclude Deanna left and doesn't seem to see the kids as much as she claims to.
I would bet she had the groceries bought for the breakfast op as to who made it that is anyones guess. I sure hope she took her photo before she found out about Jon's photo She must check in here daily....because she lives for her me me moments.
Also getting back to her posting photos of what she made her kids.... it was never the amount of food on the plate it was that it was a "staged" photo meaning by the time the kids got to eat was cold. Yummy cold eggs, a cold turkey bacon, a cold waffle, the mini muffin was probably the best thing on that one plate.
Jon posted photos of himself with Hannah having breakfast before school and also going out to dinner on the 10th. So I doubt they went to see Collin that day, especially if, as rumored, his facility is 2 hours from home. I think they went on the 12th, which was Saturday. Hannah wouldn't have been in school, and C wouldn't have had classes. I'm sure he has regular school where he is. Jon and Hannah could drive there, pick up the cake and pizza, and spend time with C. And that's the day Jon posted the picture. Just speculating, of course.
I just saw a story on the new Bachelorette lineup. WTH are Kate and TLC doing, trying to compete with that? Kate is 43, divorced, constantly at odds with her ex, dealing with custody issues, has a son she sent away and 6 other kids at home, whines constantly about how exhausted she is all the time, bashes her ex nonstop in the press. And they think people want to watch her start dating. Really??????
I just saw a story on the new Bachelorette lineup. WTH are Kate and TLC doing, trying to compete with that? Kate is 4
That’s something I’m not sure anyone has touched on regarding this dating show, she’s fast aging out of the demographic advertisers care about. Personally I don’t care what your age is if your story is interesting I’ll watch, but networks have always struggled to drum up interest in women past age 40 and even younger. Most women on tv or in the movies are younger than Kate, and by the time you’re her age roles can be much more difficult to find than men. This is an ongoing issue in Hollywood and it’s unfair even sexist and certainly unfortunate. But it’s the reality. And so banking on drumming up any kind of meaningful interest in a 43 year old woman’s dating life seems like one tough sell to advertisers.
"Didn't she compare herself to Diana at the height of her 15 minutes, saying she understood how it was for her with paparazzi and blah blah blah?"
She could have dressed as Diana in her paparazzi dance on Dancing with the Stars.
Oh, no, Admin! Say it isn't so!
"MTV is temporarily suspending production on its hit reality documentary series “ Catfish ” following sexual harassment allegations against Nev Schulman , The Daily Beast reports. Schulman is one of the main hosts of the series and also serves as an executive producer. He developed the series with Max Joseph and his brother, Ariel Schulman, following the success of the 2010 film of the same name, in which Schulman appears. " ~ Administrator said... 137
And so banking on drumming up any kind of meaningful interest in a 43 year old woman’s dating life seems like one tough sell to advertisers.
I agree Admin. But when I was tracking the advertisers on Kate + 8 and Counting On a couple years ago and would call them to express my disappointment in their advertising choices, I was told repeatedly that the agencies who handled their advertising accounts purchased blocks of ad time on TLC. Not on a specific show, but based on demographics and time period. Many of the companies did not realize their ads were being shown on Kate + 8 or Counting On. Of course, I urged them to specify that they did not want their ads shown on these programs. I like to think there was some success in this as some ads were never shown again, but I also remember seeing some ads repeated up to 4-5 times in a one hour showing of both programs. In the case of Counting On and to some extent Kate + 8, there was a very heavy rotation of TLC programming ads.
I like to think that Counting On is coming to an end thanks to Derrick Dillard and hope the season of Kate + Date will be the last time we see Kate on TV. Maybe TLC will use the ratings to prove to Kate, not that she would believe it, once and for all that she cannot carry a show by herself. I'm thankful that none of the kids are old enough to get married and have babies as the Duggars do, although I think Kate's next move would be to pitch a show based on the twins' college experiences.
And they think people want to watch her start dating. Really??????
Maybe it's the old train wreck scenario. TLC is hoping that viewers want to see Kate behaving badly. Some viewers might eat that up for one episode, but I seriously doubt if the show will have any longevity.
"MTV is temporarily suspending production on its hit reality documentary series “ Catfish ” following sexual harassment allegations against Nev Schulman , The Daily Beast reports. Schulman is one of the main hosts of the series and also serves as an executive producer. He developed the series with Max Joseph and his brother, Ariel Schulman, following the success of the 2010 film of the same name, in which Schulman appears. "
I read the story, and he's NOT admitting to anything. Not only does he say this is completely false, but that he has numerous witnesses from when he knew these two women during production who would attest he never did any such thing. I was impressed with Nev's delicate and respectful handling of the Angela situation that happened to him, it would surprise me someone with that kind of emotional intelligence would ever intentionally harm a woman.
Now even assuming what they say is true, God I hate that stuff. If you don't want a man to hit on you, you politely decline their invitation to come to their hotel room. When someone invites me to their hotel room of the opposite sex, I take that as an invitation. If I don't want that kind of encounter, I say no thanks, I'm going to head to bed instead. It's not rocket science. Then we both save face. He doesn't feel stupid for making a pass I didn't want because after all he was just being friendly, and I can get out of it easily by declining without actually declining a pass itself. Do people not understand how passes work? If you don't LIKE the pass coming at you, reject it! If someone is "setting up a pass", identify it and reject it! God.
Also, she blames him for "getting her drunk"? The hell? Did he pour the alcohol down her throat? If a man is "trying to get you drunk" I have a simple solution. It's called "I'd like a shirley temple please." Done.
I can't stand the way women have taken no responsibility for any of their poor choices in these encounters then want to blame everyone else. I'm sorry, I assume if someone accepts my invitation to the hotel room, that they're receptive to a pass. I also assume if someone keeps drinking the drinks I hand them, they would like to drink them.
It's really shitty MTV has shut him down without him getting a chance to present his witnesses or defend his side. That is what I'm talking about, that is grossly unjust.
Tom Brokov wrote a scathing defense letter of his false and malicious metoo, the letter was downright brilliant.
Here's the Brokaw letter, it's too good not to post and I hope it gives people pause when they throw out accusations that have little to nothing to do with real metoo accusations. What Tom said, be an adult and give me a damn PHONE CALL and we can talk about this incident and work this out!
"It is 4:00 am on the first day of my new life as an accused predator in the universe of American journalism. I was ambushed and then perp walked across the pages of The Washington Post and Variety as an avatar of male misogyny, taken to the guillotine and stripped of any honor and achievement I had earned in more than a half century of journalism and citizenship.
I am angry, hurt and unmoored from what I thought would be the final passage of my life and career, a mix of written and broadcast journalism, philanthropy and participation in environmental and social causes that have always given extra meaning to my life.
Instead I am facing a long list of grievances from a former colleague who left NBC News angry that she had failed in her pursuit of stardom. She has unleashed a torrent of unsubstantiated criticism and attacks on me more than twenty years after I opened the door for her and a new job at Fox news.
Linda Vester was given the run of the Washington Post and Variety to vent her grievances, to complain that I tickled her without permission (you read that right), that I invaded her hotel room, accepted an invitation to her apartment under false pretenses and in general was given a free hand to try to destroy all that I have achieved with my family, my NBC career, my writing and my citizenship."
pt 2
My family and friends are stunned and supportive. My NBC colleagues are bewildered that Vester, who had limited success at NBC News, a modest career at Fox and a reputation as a colleague who had trouble with the truth, was suddenly the keeper of the flame of journalistic integrity.
Her big charge: that on two occasions more than 20 years ago I made inappropriate and uninvited appearances in her apartment and in a hotel room. As an eager beginner, Vester, like others in that category, was eager for advice and camaraderie with senior colleagues. She often sought me out for informal meetings, including the one she describes in her New York hotel room. I should not have gone but I emphatically did not verbally and physically attack her and suggest an affair in language right out of pulp fiction.
She was coy, not frightened, filled with office gossip, including a recent rumor of an affair. As that discussion advanced she often reminded me she was a Catholic and that she was uncomfortable with my presence. So I left, 23 years later, to be stunned by her melodramatic description of the meeting. A year or so later, as I passed through London after covering end of WWII ceremonies in Moscow, I saw her in the office, chatted and agreed to a drink later. (If NY was so traumatic, why a reunion?) She knew a bar but by that late hour it was closed so she suggested her nearby apartment (not, "Well, no where to go. See you tomorrow").
Again, her hospitality was straight forward with lots of pride in her reporting in the Congo and more questions about NY opportunities.
As I remember, she was at one end of a sofa, I was at the other. It was late and I had been up for 24 hours. As I got up to leave I may have leaned over for a perfunctory goodnight kiss, but my memory is that it happened at the door – on the cheek. No clenching her neck. That move she so vividly describes is NOT WHO I AM. Not in high school, college or thereafter.
She came to NY and had mixed success on the overnight news. As I remember her try out on TODAY did not go well. Her contract was not renewed.
pt 3
Here is a part of her story she somehow left out. I think I saw her in the hallways and asked how it was going. She was interested in cable start up and I said I didn't think that was going anywhere. What about Fox, which was just building up? She was interested and followed me to my office where, while she listened in, I called Roger Ailes. He said, "send her over."
She got the job. I never heard from her or saw her again. I was aware that she became a big fan of Ailes, often praising his considerable broadcasting instincts in public. But when he got in trouble on sexual matters, not a peep from this woman who now describes her self as the keeper of the flame for Me:Too.
I am not a perfect person. I've made mistakes, personally and professionally. But as I write this at dawn on the morning after a drive by shooting by Vester, the Washington Post and Variety, I am stunned by the free ride given a woman with a grudge against NBC News, no distinctive credentials or issue passions while at FOX.
As a private citizen who married a wealthy man, she has been active in social causes but she came to Me:Too late, portraying herself as a den mother. In the intervening years since we met on those two occasions, she had no reason to worry I could affect her career.
Some of her relatives by marriage are very close friends. She couldn't pick up the phone and say, "I'd like to talk. I have issues from those two meetings 20 years ago?" Instead she became a character assassin. Strip away all of the hyperbole and what has she achieved? What was her goal? Hard to believe it wasn't much more Look At Me than Me:Too.
I deeply resent the pain and anger she inflicted on my wife, daughters and granddaughters - all women of considerable success and passion about women's rights which they personify in their daily lives and professions. We'll go on as a family that pursues social justice in medical emergency rooms, corporate offices, social therapy, African women's empowerment and journalism. And no one woman's assault can take that away.
I am proud of who I am as a husband, father, grandfather, journalist and citizen. Vester, the Washington Post and Variety cannot diminish that. But in this one woman piece of sensational claims they are trying.
Tom Brokaw
Google the time when your hero Nev PUNCHED a young woman IN THE FACE at college. He admits it. And NO, it's NOT selfdefence to coldcock a young lady! Where are your morals? What happened to you to make you so hateful?
Actually, the court of law says it is self defense when someone has first physically attacked you, you may hit back, and the law does not give some special protection to assaulters just because you’re a woman. Come into the next century.
She physically assaulted him first, and he also said he honestly thought she was a man due to her masculine haircut and dress. Not that that matters, he can clock whoever he wants who is attacking him. Also, he admits it. Why admit that but not this? And how come she refuses to admit she accosted him? Who is lying now? He was briefly arrested then the charges immediately dropped, which says a lot. Likely they found out she jumped him and realized she was the one who should be in handcuffs. He also fully accepted the punishment of the private school and said it was just, and expressed regret at upsetting his mother. All normal and appropriate reactions to a mistake.
Now, the guy should have walked away after she jumped him, but that underdeveloped prefrontal cortex in young people can cause stupid reactions like this. So yeah, the incident happened, it was dumb no matter if she hit first, but it certainly doesn’t make one anti woman or predisposed to sexually harass. Good grief. He’s also been a strong supporter of metoo, which is rather inconsistent as well.
As to his witnesses, mtv did say they’ll thoroughly investigate during the suspension, so it’s not over. And this occurred during production. Have you been on a set? I spent several days on a feature film with Chris Pine and I was never alone. I was sharing a hotel room with three other cast members and it adjoined the director and his wife’s room! (Budgets!) It’s entirely possible you’re never alone during that and sharing hotel rooms with other cast and crew such that there very well could be many witnesses who would testify there simply weren’t any opportunities to be alone. Done.
I am hardly the first woman to express dismay at the state of me too. The tide has turned to many many people questioning many of these stories. Sad you assume something must have happened to someone just because they are thinking critically about something and not accepting every alleged story thrown out there just like that. I have luckily had positive experiences throughout life with both sexes, but I also never did dumb shit like these women or Stormy, like accepting invitations to hotel rooms to people I don’t like. Funny how easy it is to avoid compromising situations.
There are two sides to every story.
And finally, my heroes are not and never were tv stars.
What happened to you to make you so hateful?
Now that is really funny! Troll should check the mirror!
Does the troll read here on a daily basis for the sole purpose of attacking admin? Why? I'd love to know the psychological aspect of it.
In addition, why are these comments being posted? Isn't this just feeding and giving voice to this person who wants attention? Wouldn't ignoring it be the way to go?
Just asking...
Sheepless In Seattle (141)
TLC thinks people want to see Kate behaving badly? How do they think she's been behaving for the past 12 years? They will regret their decision to give her this dating show. It's a ratings failure waiting to happen. I can't even begin to understand how they agreed to put their money into this. They can't possibly believe that it will get good ratings. They must be completely out of touch with what the viewing audience wants so see.
The other night I watched a few episodes of Long Lost Family, where they reunite family members--usually a biological parent with a child (now adult) who was put up for adoption. It's a heartwarming show, and makes me cry every time. And these are the same people who are coddling Kate and encouraging her bad behavior. I have yet to see anyone (outside of Kate's few die-hard followers) comment in IG, Twitter, articles, TLC's Facebook--anything--that they want to watch this show. The overall reaction is pure disgust. TLC will regret this. And even then, who knows if they will learn their lesson? They just won't let her go.
As I got up to leave I may have leaned over for a perfunctory goodnight kiss, but my memory is that it happened at the door – on the cheek. No clenching her neck. That move she so vividly describes is NOT WHO I AM. Not in high school, college or thereafter.
Tom Broka's letter concerning the metoo movement and what its capable of destroying is so on point.
This crusade is setting us back to corsets and crinolines. I really thought most women of this day and age would be more astute, but so many of the metoo reports from women read like they were helpless damsels, when all they had to do was to tell whomever to back off - that ain't happening, if that's really the case in the first place, because I think they are just as Broka said, only in it to garner attention. They remind me of sheep all following over the cliff.
Some of these crybabies need to slip on their grown-up panties. And LEAVE THEM ON so no big bad wolf can get anywhere near their hallowed hoo-ha's.
This crusade is setting us back to corsets and crinolines. I really thought most women of this day and age would be more astute, but so many of the metoo reports from women read like they were helpless damsels, when all they had to do was to tell whomever to back off - that ain't happening, if that's really the case in the first place, because I think they are just as Broka said, only in it to garner attention. They remind me of sheep all following over the cliff.
The most disgusting thing about this is there is a group of women who have really been assaulted, and then we have this lot. It is extremely important we listen to stories about Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey, and make changes. This crap distracts from that.
Metoo has been hijacked and distorted to mean:
1. Men are responsible for my poor decisions even if they had no idea I was making one.
2. I don’t have to say no, the man should have just guessed how i feel or in some cases would feel in the FUTURE
3. I don’t have to address my grievances with the man directly, instead I should humiliate him in public.
4. I do not take personal responsibility for anything.
They are grossly degrading this movement to the point where the public is ignoring all of it, not just their cases. Shame. On. Them.
The most disgusting thing about this is there is a group of women who have really been assaulted,
I believe that was Tarana Burke's original intent. And for women who have truly been abused and/or assaulted anywhere, whether at home or at their workplace, or any other place, I rally for them. Not the women who don't know when someone is making a pass at them that means nothing more or less than a pass at them. It used to be called flirting but I guess that's history now too.
I think the comment that makes the Nev story so very hard to take seriously is her comment that Nev got her drunk.
Lady, you got yourself drunk. Unless you want to claim Nev intentionally spiked a drink you thought to be non-alcoholic, which you have not suggested that.
It is not Nev’s job to tell you maybe you shouldn’t drink so much. You’re a grown ass woman. He starts doing that and then he’s accused of being paternalistic and nosy. He doesn’t offer you a drink and now he’s a bad host. Can’t win with these women.
Did you bother to watch her video before deciding she was full of shit?
Yes I've watched the video, thanks, I bothered.
Think critically about this for just a second here. Try anyhow.
She says PRIOR to inviting him to HER hotel room of all things, he was hitting on her and making her uncomfortable. Yet after all this was going on, she never explains how on God's green earth he ends up in HER hotel room! Not his, HERS! She had to have opened the door, she had to have let him in. Even considering he was at her door begging to come in (sure), you tell him I'm very sorry Nev, I'm tired, and you go to bed or even pretend to be asleep like hundreds of thousands of women who didn't care for a guy's or girl's advances on business trips or vacations. Good lord, take some ownership here. If you open the door, that is a yes to a sexual advance, and any woman would know that. If you close it, that is a no, and the guy goes away. Yes and no in this sexual game is not that hard, or confusing, or unclear, as some far lefties would like it to be.
Same with the other person she is accusing, Carol. She admits she doesn't like her or her advances, yet proceeds to go to HER hotel room, and get drunk. She has some convoluted story about not having her hotel key, which I also find suspicious (how convenient!). I have a genius idea, you lost a key, you go to the front desk and tell them you need a new key. Been there, done that. They scan you a new one in two seconds flat you're back to your room. Or if Carol is making you uncomfortable you wait in the lobby or go to another friend's hotel room who isn't hitting on you. Is she dumb or just stupid?
I'm sorry, but I spend all day long judging people's credibility, and those actions on her part make absolutely no sense and lend her zero to little credibly. She reminds me of a witness on the witness stand trying to explain things with layers and layers of lies. (She also acts quite dodgy in the video, which I find odd) I don't buy that you are at the most terribly uncomfortable moment in your life, yet you actively seek out encounters in hotel rooms. No, ridiculous, and you can't convince me otherwise. And if she IS doing this even despite being harassed, she needs a come to Jesus moment about her own actions and how they put her in compromising situations. She has to take some ownership of understanding that when someone is allowed in YOUR hotel room, they take that as consent.
I don't have any stake in the game for Nev, like anyone else if he's guilty so be it. Based on the evidence I simply don't believe this story and I find her story completely devoid of personal responsibility for one's self and their sexuality, and a disgrace to other men and women who have truly been hurt by others. I think this is someone looking for attention and a payout, she went on a reality show to discuss very personal problems, which should have been your first clue, Sherlock!
I believe that was Tarana Burke's original intent. And for women who have truly been abused and/or assaulted anywhere, whether at home or at their workplace, or any other place, I rally for them.
Yep, and men. Richard Drefyssus' son was assaulted by Kevin Spacey when he was a teen. And other celebs have told stories.
There is no question the culture needs to change, but if women are going to be PETTY about this, there's no hope of that at all. The message will be lost. Frankly, I think it already has been. They messed this up and now future women will pay for it, so I hope they are proud.
8 MILLION dollars for security for the stoopid 'royal' wedding! And the BRITISH TAX PAYER is paying for it.
8 MILLION dollars for security for the stoopid 'royal' wedding! And the BRITISH TAX PAYER is paying for it.
Meh, you'll get that back about 100 times and more in tourism and merchandise in just in one year. No one complains about spending 8 million dollars on a business when your profit will be ten times that, because they understand math.
If it was 8 million at a loss, fair enough.
Good Morning, Ladies.
I walking to a neighbor's house for a pajama party with tea and crumpets and tiaras.
Layla, wish I could also attend your festivities!
This is silly but fun!
kate is a horrible horrible horrible human being...look at that photo of 2 happy kids with there dad...if there not up to kate's standard she discards them..TLC then rewards her...SHAMEFUL
Dmasy, good to hear you had fun this morning! I wanted to see the wedding as it happened, so I forced everyone to get up before dawn. It was worth it. We wore pajamas and tiaras, and oohed and aahed at the wedding fashions. And ate, of course. I made scones, which we had with clotted cream (made in my slow cooker), jam, and lemon curd, plus finger sandwiches, biscuits (not cookies, "biscuits"!), and lemon cake (Ina Garten's recipe) since the wedding cake is supposedly lemon. And dipped strawberries and tea. It was a success. Did you see the empty seat next to William? It's speculated that the seat was for Diana. Such a touching gesture. The wedding was a little unusual for a royal wedding--there were some raised eyebrows at certain points--but beautiful, and the cellist was amazing! Did you notice his socks?
Now I have to get busy because we're having people over to watch the Preakness. It's rainy outside, so nobody is making the trek over to Baltimore to watch it. Maybe Kate will go to that one, since she apparently didn't make it to the Kentucky Derby this year.
neighbor had pajama party for the royal wedding, fun! I love how excited all the reporters were about being there to cover it!
loved the music and fashions and ministers and happy couple and horses and ... everything!
Amal Clooney had the most BEAUTIFUL yellow outfit and hat, just a stunning woman. and she brought this nice looking mature man with her too!
a few million for a billion people watching on tv, seeing a gorgeous English day, lovely green lawns, horses, castle, and the royals! I want to go there!
Dmasy, good to hear you had fun this morning! I wanted to see the wedding as it happened, so I forced everyone to get up before dawn. It was worth it. We wore pajamas and tiaras, and oohed and aahed at the wedding fashions. And ate, of course. I made scones, which we had with clotted cream (made in my slow cooker), jam, and lemon curd, plus finger sandwiches, biscuits (not cookies, "biscuits"!), and lemon cake (Ina Garten's recipe) since the wedding cake is supposedly lemon. And dipped strawberries and tea
I slept in and had a McDonalds bacon, egg and cheese BISCUIT (not cookie), orange juice and coffee for breakfast...their two-fer special and shared one with the dogs. :)
I watched some of the videos and have to say that I really wasn't impressed with her gown. It was simple and elegant, but just ordinary and didn't seem to fit her on the shoulders. I loved Queen Mary's tiara. It was perfect. I really liked the choir's rendition of Lieber and Stoller's "Stand By Me." I wonder what Elton sang.
Layla (199): "Now I have to get busy because we're having people over to watch the Preakness"
What does one serve at a Preakness party? I won't even mention what I'm thinking, but I don't believe it's legal in this country, although they found it in tacos in the UK.
Kate’s still instagram silent. Last post was 5/10.
I wonder what number is greater— the calls to attorneys or bottles of wine consumed.
Although the first wedding dress was lovely, I liked the 2nd wedding dress (reception dress?) by Stella McCartney better. I didn’t get up to watch but TiVo’d it so I’ll watch when I can speed through commercials
I slept in and had a McDonalds bacon, egg and cheese BISCUIT (not cookie), orange juice and coffee for breakfast...their two-fer special and shared one with the dogs. :)
ENGLISH bulldogs?
You also had the option of an egg McMuffin, ENGLISH muffin!
We did the IHOP thing for breakfast. but not in our jammies. Blueberry pancakes. Darn, if I would have thought about it, I could have had something lemon in there! I don't think they have scones or finger tea sandwiches on their menu, though!
I wonder what Elton sang.
Your Song, Circle Of Life, I'm Still Standing, and Tiny Dancer. No Candle In The Wind.
Although the first wedding dress was lovely, I liked the 2nd wedding dress (reception dress?) by Stella McCartney better.
Ditto. The reception dress was so much nicer than the wedding gown. She looked wonderful in the halter design. The wedding gown was okay, but just ho-hum. It did nothing for her. Kate's wedding gown was so much more attractive,
The wedding gown was okay, but just ho-hum.
It was terribly conservative, covered her nearly from head to toe. I think that was her showing she was going to respect the conservative modest leanings of the family. And she has to lean conservative since so much to the ceremony was nuts, in a wonderful way. The gospel choir, the sermon, waking down the aisle alone. Yowser!!
All the royal cousins about to bust a gut over the totally American rip roaring hallelujah amen sermon was too funny! Sorry grandma!
Now I want a Starbucks scone and Shari's Berries chocolate-dipped strawberries. It's soon strawberry pickin' time here in the county. I'm ready for some homemade shortcake.
Maybe I'll just settle for a berry muffin from Giant's and some chocolate candy left over from Easter.
My ENGLISH bulldog slept in with us this morning. He said that if he wasn’t invited to the live event he didn’t want to watch on the telly.
I think that was her showing she was going to respect the conservative modest leanings of the family.
Yes, but look at Kate's gown, modest, gorgeous, conservative, elegant, and she looked fabulous in it.
My ENGLISH bulldog slept in with us this morning. He said that if he wasn’t invited to the live event he didn’t want to watch on the telly.
lol, but did he wear his pajamas and have lemon scones and tea sandwiches for breakfast?
No chocolate strawberries for him, though!
My ENGLISH bulldog slept in with us this morning. He said that if he wasn’t invited to the live event he didn’t want to watch on the telly.
lol, but did he wear his pajamas and have lemon scones and tea sandwiches for breakfast?
No chocolate strawberries for him, though!
I think that was her showing she was going to respect the conservative modest leanings of the family.
Yes, but look at Kate's gown, modest, gorgeous, conservative, elegant, and she looked fabulous in it.
I think it may have been suggested that she not show-up Kate’s gown. Just my opinion because they have been comparing every little thing about the two women and Harry and Meghan are a bit more popular than Will and Kate. I think Meghan’s reception gown was prettier than Kate’s.
I’m surprised that TFW didn’t throw a Wedding Watch party for the kids. She’s been way too quiet which means she’s either filming her dating show or in a snit over Jon’s recent posts. I really was expecting some sort of a comeback picture.
I just saw an interview claiming Harry and Meghan will overshadow William and Kate! I think new life has been breathed into the monarchy, for the better.I like both couples and Diana would be proud.
This girl is hardly conservative...she’s got nude pictures all over the place and supposedly her ex husband is still angry with her for dumping him with no notice...Harry is no angel either...he’s a notorious cheater and lady’s man...his girlfriend of seven years left him because of it...he’s got a history of this sort of stuff. And I think she’s a complete opportunistic I give this a couple of years
I enjoyed getting caught up in the whole thing but these two have a lot of baggage and it’s naive to think at this age they will change their ways
I just looked at Kate's reception dress, which was so ordinary, so, um, matronly, so forgettable. In comparison, Meghan's was absolutely stunning.
I just looked at Kate's reception dress, which was so ordinary, so, um, matronly, so forgettable. In comparison, Meghan's was absolutely stunning.
I more or less like Kate's style because I'm expected to dress on the more conservative side in my profession so I'm always looking for conservative yet sharp dress clothes, but she really HAS leaned quite matronly and almost dowdy of late. Lots of frocks, frocks, frocks, past the knee, boring patterns and solids.
She always looks sharp, but it's not interesting. Diana would wear something interesting every couple weeks and get the cameras going.
I enjoyed getting caught up in the whole thing but these two have a lot of baggage and it’s naive to think at this age they will change their ways
Change what ways? Harry's biggest transgression was a little pot smoking which most London kids do at some point. He was been chipping away diligently at his charities for years now without a single scandal of any significance.
As for her, she has a whole lot of "past" and some really absurd relatives. They're going to haunt her in the press for likely years. I think her age at this point is an advantage, because a younger woman might have a much harder time dealing with that nonsense, than someone more mature who can much more easily just ignore it.
All that said, I give this marriage ten years. She's too strong of a personality to ultimately be happy with this life, giving up America, all her social media which is how she expressed herself, any normalcy she's been so used to--and he's still in the star-struck phase of love, when that fades and she gets older and not such a fox, it will take more than that for him to keep the interest. I do not believe she truly understands what it means to be a royal or the life her future children face, a couple appearances over the past year isn't enough to give you a true understanding of it. But, who cares? They are happy now, this is what makes sense to them now, and you can't live your life worried things might not work out ten years from now. Or maybe they'll figure out a way to make this work forever, who knows.
This girl is hardly conservative...she’s got nude pictures all over the place and supposedly her ex husband is still angry with her for dumping him with no notice
She's not conservative. She is DRESSING conservative, to respect the family's wishes and what is expected of her. She is absolutely dressing more conservative and has been for 6 months now. She threw out most of her wardrobe.
Which is kind of another reason this might not work out--how she's dressing now really isn't who she is. I don't believe for one second if this was just a normal family she would have picked that first dress, which could be mistaken for a nun's outfit if it were black.
I just saw an interview claiming Harry and Meghan will overshadow William and Kate! I think new life has been breathed into the monarchy, for the better.I like both couples and Diana would be proud.
Oh yeah, that sentiment has started to be thrown out there after they started doing a couple engagements the past few months.
William was a shy boy and is a shy adult, he is known to be more of a listener with a few words here and there and back to listening. Kate is pretty devoid of personality frankly. Sweet and nice and pretty, but not much else there. Deeply passionate about helping people, but neither one to come up with lots of interesting small talk.
Harry and Meghan have been reported over and over to be full of questions and knowledge when they speak, their charities are impeccably researched, extremely engaged, promise to come and keep the promise, etc. Much more outgoing, much more personable.
Both boys are quite liked, but Harry is more like Diana, a true lover of people, a hand shaker, a hugger. William is more of the thinker like his father. Harry and Meghan are going to emerge as the more relatable, well liked couple. People will have the sort of respect and honor for someday King William as they do for the queen, but their love for Harry and his duchess will be more akin to like what they had for Diana.
Her middle name is Meghan, first name Rachel. What will she use on her credit cards? Rachel Meghan Markle Mountbatten-Windsor, or just Meghan Wales?
I don't know why I think about these things!
By the way if you can, run don't walk to see RBG.
She is a delight. Her story nothing short of inspiring. Every woman must learn this story.
Her middle name is Meghan, first name Rachel. What will she use on her credit cards? Rachel Meghan Markle Mountbatten-Windsor, or just Meghan Wales?
I don't know why I think about these things!
Her middle name is Meghan, first name Rachel. What will she use on her credit cards? Rachel Meghan Markle Mountbatten-Windsor, or just Meghan Wales?
I noticed her real first name Rachel didn't seem to come up at all in the equation today! Out of sight out of mind. They didn't even say each other's full names when they wed, she just wed "Harry" which isn't even remotely his name, just a fun nickname for his real name, Henry!
I always kind of found it funny people that don't use a perfectly good first name.
Formerly Duped said... 175
I just saw an interview claiming Harry and Meghan will overshadow William and Kate! I think new life has been breathed into the monarchy, for the better.
The monarchy is the oldest running soap opera. Births, deaths, weddings, children, divorces, war, peace, conspiracies, has it all. It's always interesting when someone new joins the cast.
I'm toasting Meghan and Harry. May they have a long and loving marriage.
l. It's always interesting when someone new joins the cast.
I personally like same role different actor switch ups! Diana-Camilla, King Edward-King George, etc.
And I like to see how a new cast member coming in can have a ripple effect on everyone else, the jockeying for position, lol.
I also like some of the minor inconsequential characters trying to be major, like the Eugine/Beatrice lot.
At the beginning of the ceremony the Archbishop called them by their legal given names: Henry Arthur etc. and Rachel Megan. It showed up on a CBS recap of the day.
I also like some of the minor inconsequential characters trying to be major, like the Eugine/Beatrice lot.
Speaking of which, Fergie was invited to this wedding but not Will and Kate's, curiously enough.
Speaking of which, Fergie was invited to this wedding but not Will and Kate's, curiously enough.
Nobody could believe that. On social media people were rubbing the morning sleep from their eyes in shock lol.
I think Harry is a peacemaker, does not like to perpetuate family quarrels. So, auntie got an invite.
But if anyone else had anything to say about ole blabbermouth there, she ain't invited.
This girl is hardly conservative...she’s got nude pictures all over the place
This girl is hardly conservative...she’s got nude pictures all over the place
Out of curiosity I looked at Fergie's instagram account for the first time, and ummm, is she still in love with her ex?
There are a couple nudie-patuties floating around out there but they are not playboy photos or anything like that, they appear to be private photos taken by friends on vacation, abroad, and other girlfriends are also topless in the photos. They're sunbathing, clearly. They are not pornographic in any way. Whoever leaked them was probably looking for a payout now that she's famous.
Even Kate Middleton had a nudie floating around, when she was on vacation sunbathing. There is also a photo of Prince William's, eh, member when he was peeing at a polo match off to the side somewhere . The restroom may have been far away, who knows. In other words none of these people were TRYING to be nude or release nude photos. Big deal.
Whoever leaked them was probably looking for a payout now that she's famous.
That's a sure bet it's going to happen now. Deal or no deal? lol.
I do hope Meghan isn't dogged by the paparazzi like Diana was although I don't see how she won't be. It's a little frightening.
I do hope Meghan isn't dogged by the paparazzi like Diana was although I don't see how she won't be.
Britain doesn't have the same free press laws we have and they've really cracked down on dangerous paparazzi since Diana's death. Also since her death, the royals have filed dozens of lawsuits against the press to put them in their place.
The good thing about what happened to Diana if there is a good thing is everybody said that is NO WAY TO LIVE. Lawsuits were filed deals struck and the press backed off. A lot of what William does is part of an agreement with the press. For instance I'll let you film my son's first day of school drop off if you don't camp out at school every day. Don't like the deal, then expect not to see any more drop offs in the future. The press usually complies.
Good thing is if the press oversteps it with Meghan they'll sue them until they knock it off.
Does Harry get a pass for dressing as a Nazi?
Such hypocrites! THEM, not you.
A few months back I asked my youngest daughter, who is 34, what she thought of the upcoming royal wedding. Her response, "not much." She went on to say that she could not imagine giving up her career and speaking freely to become a member of the royal family where you are restricted in what you say and everything you do say, what you wear, how you look with regard to your hair and makeup, what your facial expression is at any public appearance dissected and talked about. Live in a fish bowl, no thank you. My daughter also said she would be bored to tears. Well, all right then, I said. She wasn't impressed.
As far as Meghan's dress, as soon as I saw it, it reminded me of the dresses the Duggar girls wore at their weddings. She showed no skin at all. Catherine will be queen one day and she had a deep neckline as well as showing skin and looked lovely. I thought Meghan looked beautiful but I was disappointed in the dress. I did like her reception dress.
They both looked happy and I hope their marriage will last but who knows. I agree with Admin that I think Harry is more like his mom and William his dad. I am interested to know if posters here think this marriage is groundbreaking as some reporters have stated. I, myself, don't think it is. I think it was groundbreaking when Prince Rainier of Monaco married American actress a Grace Kelly back in the 50's but not this union. Prince Charles, who will be King, is married to a divorcee. Prince William, who will be King, is married to a commoner. So Prince Harry, who is sixth in line to the throne and his chances of becoming King are slim to none, marrying a biracial, American divorcee, doesn't seem groundbreaking to me. To me it's two people who fell in love getting married.
Does Harry get a pass for dressing as a Nazi?
Such hypocrites! THEM, not you.
I don’t know If pass is the right word but he certainly deserves not to have it held against him forever. He wasn’t doing it to be intentionally cruel, it was a very young man’s stupid decision (he was 20!), it was a private themed party with the theme of colonialism I think (dumb theme but the birthday boy was also young). Not only did he immediately apologize, but local Jewish leaders asked the public to accept the apology and move on. Harry then went on to serve ten years in the army much of it on the front lines much of it with a bounty on his head by the taliban, which is more than can be said of many royals. And he never disrespected Jewish people again. That’s why people like Harry. He’s incredibly human and makes dumb mistakes like humans do, but always manages to find a way to channel his spunk and cheekiness into wonderful charitable things. He’s chained to this role and at times had expressed regret over that yet now as a fully grown man he’s figured out how to make good out of it. He is going to end up as beloved as his mother, watch it unfold.
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