Jon has found Collin, and Hannah is with him full time
In a very unexpected sextuplets birthday post, Jon wrote on Instagram that he and Hannah visited Collin for his belated birthday (Jon posted a few days ago on Hannah's birthday that he now has her every day and night). Collin has been missing for two years, and Kate has offered little explanation why, other than he is getting treatment.
mandapanda184 @jongosselin1 Oh good. So the reports that Kate shipped him somewhere without letting you know where, aren't true? jongosselin1 @mandapanda184 that’s true but I found him
I'm watching CBS Sunday Morning, and they did a piece on the wedding. one fun factoid at the end is cost. The entire wedding is estimated to have cost $45 million, most for security. adjusted for inflation, Charles and Diana's wedding cost $110 million. I enjoy CBS Sunday Morning with its in depth stories. so far they have done a terrific story about Sheku Kanneh-Mason (the cellist who played at the royal wedding) and his musical family. They were on Britain's Got Talent in 2015! and a recap of the wedding including an interview done before the wedding with the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and the Episcopal Bishop Michael Curry where they talked and laughed about their different styles.
I'm watching CBS Sunday Morning, and they did a piece on the wedding. one fun factoid at the end is cost. The entire wedding is estimated to have cost $45 million, most for security. adjusted for inflation, Charles and Diana's wedding cost $110 million.
And that's without adjusting for inflation.
Also, the bulk of the wedding was paid for by the Windsor trust, Charles' money, which has absolutely nothing to do with taxpayers. That's the family's own money from income properties, horse breeding and racing, etc.
I am interested to know if posters here think this marriage is groundbreaking as some reporters have stated. I, myself, don't think it is. I think it was groundbreaking when Prince Rainier of Monaco married American actress a Grace Kelly back in the 50's but not this union.
I forgot who said this during the BBC commentary while they waited for the wedding party to show up, but she was a black woman who was asked if this was groundbreaking. Her response, honestly it'll be groundbreaking when he STOP talking about the color of her skin and start saying, wow how nice two PEOPLE fell in love and got married.
It gave me pause to realize that in many ways, endlessly pointing out how groundbreaking it is is actually a form of racism, unintentional as it is.
She went on to say that she could not imagine giving up her career and speaking freely to become a member of the royal family where you are restricted in what you say and everything you do say, what you wear, how you look with regard to your hair and makeup, what your facial expression is at any public appearance dissected and talked about.
The trade off is a good one, because she's going to get an incredible amount of access to charities and will be able to help people on a grand scale.
But I feel much like your daughter that the giving up your career thing is always going to nag at me a little bit. Diana did just a flash of preschool teaching and some nannying as a young woman, so wasn't really giving up anything substantial. Kate dabbled here and there in fashion and party planning but nothing of substance before she stopped working.
But Meghan? Meghan had a career. A ground up, sweat and tears, lengthy, substantial career of a young woman in her 30's. She had fruits of her labor, she had something awesome to show for it that most career women are able to come up with by her age. More good things were to come. And she was at the height of it, and walked away.
She is going to do a whole lot of good for charity, but I'm always going to be concerned about the overall optics and message that may be sending young women, that your prince and being a wifey are worth giving up everything you ever worked for.
I'm still not sure I fully understand why it wouldn't be just as groundbreaking for her to continue to WORK. Why she can't work at least part time, especially given he's not even in line for the throne.
The entire wedding is estimated to have cost $45 million, most for security. adjusted for inflation.
Does that include the cost of the wedding gown (or gowns). Nobody is revealing the price, only speculating that it was less than $350,000. How much less is anyone's guess.
PA Dutch Mom...I agree. How could I forget about him. And he and Wallis were happily married until the end. That's why I don't think Harry marrying Meghan is groundbreaking. Especially in 2018. Anybody guessing when baby news will arrive? I'm thinking sooner rather than later as she is 36.
I am stunned... someone said the last Instagram post from kart was on the 10th? Still no word from her?!
Seriously, has anyone seen her around town? Should there be a welfare check done at the compound?
Talk about unprecedented.... no screaming posts, no tearful tv interviews... I really wonder if she is ok. And more to the point, if the kids are OK. Kart not posturing is scary because we know her MO
I loved Michael Curry the american preacher. The expression on the guests' faces were funny when he spoke. He was so unpretentious and so opposite of what they're accustomed to at these ceremonies. It's about time the royals loosened up a little.
Her response, honestly it'll be groundbreaking when he STOP talking about the color of her skin and start saying, wow how nice two PEOPLE fell in love and got married.
Auntie Ann (10) She may be plotting, or maybe she's started filming of the new dating show. This show will be HER show, not her and the kids, and she may not care about public opinion of her as a mother. I think she always wanted all the attention for herself, and the kids were a means of getting her into the right position to do that. Now it is all about her, and as such, she wants to leave the "mom" persona behind. She wants to build herself up as a media personality. She had those HOMs to get the attention and the money, and they delivered. Now I think we might just see a very different Kate.
Of course, she can't just let go of the kids. If (WHEN) the dating show flops, she might need to use them again. And she will use them if necessary. But for now she's probably happy to let them fade into the background so that the lights and cameras will be on her and her alone.
Where are her nudies?? Ummm everywhere....there’s even video of her nude on a beach...she needs Kate’s boob doctor....
I don’t give this ten years...she seems very impulsive from everything I’ve read...she won’t be able to stand living this kind of life....she doesn’t know it yet...this is so opposite of what she is....and Harry has dated practically every starlet there is your friend
Kate’s probably has started filming her fake dates....she’ll ignore this and then when she starts to promote this stupid show....then she’ll spill it....on all the morning shows...and if it doesn’t get picked up then her head will just explode
I thought it was incredibly sad that Meghan Markle's mother sat alone at the wedding. Only two people from her family were invited and one couldn't make it. Instead Meghan had celebrities galore sitting on the 'bride's side' of the aisle. I guess her poor father can console himself; unlike most fathers of the bride, at least he didn't have to pay the huge cost.
Where are her nudies?? Ummm everywhere....there’s even video of her nude on a beach...she needs Kate’s boob doctor....
Well, either she had a growth spurt after the beach video or she saw the boob doctor. Those puppies are a fair size when she was a briefcase girl on Deal or No Deal.
The wedding guests got Goodie Bags with a refrigerator magnet, water, piece of chocolate, shortbread and a coupon for 20 percent off at the Castle Gift Shop.
bm...I want to know why Meghan's mother sat in the second row. As the mother of the bride, why wasn't she in the front row. Charles, Camilla, William and Catherine were in the front row of the groom's side. Not so Meghan's mom. She did look very happy and proud though.
I have to give a shout out to Queen Elizabeth and her chartreuse outfit. At 92? years old, old Liz isn't afraid of color. I love that!
Hmm, "Uncle Ronnie" the hairstylist posted a pic from Sinking Spring, PA on his Instagram three days ago. That might mean they're filming, but TFW posted a comment that she misses him. Also, he replied to TFW that "M" took the pic (Mady?):
Stop.. the photos with the briefcase are enhanced...I’ve seen them on a nudie video she made on the beach it looks like...she has her bottoms on but no top...not in person...oh lord...
Looks like she was at a bachelorette party in Greece...also looked like the other girls were also topless .....and I don’t think she knew she was being filmed. It’s a very odd video but it’s definitely her
Looks like she was at a bachelorette party in Greece...also looked like the other girls were also topless .....and I don’t think she knew she was being filmed. It’s a very odd video but it’s definitely her
It's very common to find topless events like that in Europe. They are not as weird about nudity as we are. Even Kate went around topless at times on vacation which is how pictures surfaced. Problem is if you engage in what most people are doing when it comes to that and the paparazzi catches you, all of a sudden there's a big bounty on any pictures of that time.
The wedding guests got Goodie Bags with a refrigerator magnet, water, piece of chocolate, shortbread and a coupon for 20 percent off at the Castle Gift Shop.
Coupon? Is that tacky?
That's what happens when you leave dad in charge of the party favors!
Well, either she had a growth spurt after the beach video or she saw the boob doctor. Those puppies are a fair size when she was a briefcase girl on Deal or No Deal.
Only two people from her family were invited and one couldn't make it. Instead Meghan had celebrities galore sitting on the 'bride's side' of the aisle.
I did honestly have a little bit of pause over the massive number of celebs there. It seemed a little name-droopy. George Clooney, really?? I mean, that was excessive.
I understand celebs like Elton John and David Beckham truly have a long friendship with the boys and are not just hangers on. But I have no clue why Kerry Mulligan and Idris Alba had to be there.
I like Meghan, I do, but I do think she probably has a lot of qualities that drew her to become an actress in the first place, one of them being the shallowness of wanting to be around and encapsulated in fame. Harry is NOT like that, at all, in fact prefers to escape it all the time, and eventually differing views on that may clash.
Like Auntie said, it's a soap opera. Watch it unfold!
It's very common to find topless events like that in Europe. They are not as weird about nudity as we are. Even Kate went around topless at times on vacation which is how pictures surfaced. Problem is if you engage in what most people are doing when it comes to that and the paparazzi catches you, all of a sudden there's a big bounty on any pictures ofpic that time.
________________ These weren't porn videos or sex tapes, were they? I have no desire to see pictures, videos or anything else to see what, if anything, was photo shopped or enhanced.
These weren't porn videos or sex tapes, were they? I have no desire to see pictures, videos or anything else to see what, if anything, was photo shopped or enhanced.
I've only seen one, but not at all. It was a girlfriend's fun instagram shot she posted on her small instagram before Meghan even met Harry. I'm sure people thought nothing of it until she was linked to Harry and the internet sleuths went looking. There are literally thousands and thousands of topless photos of young women out there, but no one is interested unless something like this happens.
Ronnie is Kate's hairdresser and the kids' "Guncle". If he was in PA, then they were filming. He probably had to do something with her dark roots before they started. They were getting a little out of hand, judging by the most recent pics she posted. I think she puts off paying for things (hair, landscaping) until she can get TLC to pay for them. Remember how she always used to say how much she missed her old hairdresser, Jason? That was her hint to him that she wanted a free cut and dye. She's using the same tactic with Ronnie. I hope Ronnie doesn't think she really cares about him. It's the free hair care she misses, not him.
That photo of ronny was taken 3 days ago.If you look at the bottom right,it'll tell you when the picture was uploaded.So Kate commented from then to now.
Jamesvader1194, Ronnie posted the pic on IG three days ago, but that doesn't mean it was taken three days ago. You can post a Christmas pic on IG right now; that doesn't mean it was taken today.
Looking at those trees, wouldn't they be in bloom and with leaves by now?
It is an old picture based on the bare trees. TFW posted an ode to her trees (which were blooming) on April 25th. TFW just posted a picture of herself with Jamie. Apparently Jamie has been with TFW making work more fun. That’s a dead giveaway that they were filming the dating show and Jamie was, most probably, either her wingman or her pimp.
Another thing I noticed about her new post, they’re on a plane and it’s not a picture from today because TFW says that she misses Jamie already and Jamie posted a comment that she misses TFW. So, maybe she wasn’t even around for Jon’s post which would explain the Mother’s Day silence.
Actually, I think it's an older pic based on the bare trees.
I think the pic is older, but the comment from Kate is current. She couldn't have posted the comment sooner than when he actually posted the photo, which was only 3 days ago.
Also she finally just resurfaced on instagram with a teasy-teasy post about landing somewhere with Jamie. Not saying where or what the f is going on.
Most of the moms I know who have teenagers are super busy this time of year. Making sure their kids finish their end-of-term projects, keeping on top of their studying for finals and standardized tests, and attending their kids' spring concerts and sports games. Also coordinating summer plans for camp and/or travel (of course many families can't afford either, but TFW can surely afford both). Oh, and helping older kids with the mountain of paperwork and research involved with applying to different colleges.
And then there's Mother Of The Year Schmoopy, who is busy filming a dating show. Any similarities between TFW and an actual mother of 7 teenagers is purely coincidental.
Harry has dated practically every starlet there is your friend
Not really. He has really only seriously dated a couple girls he knew via his normal life, one he met at school was an extremely serious girlfriend. Another was an old family friend I believe from South Africa. Neither were famous.
He has shared a few drinks with famous girls which gets reported as "dating", but not every shared drink is a real relationship. For all we know it could just be a discussion about a charity. And many of the girls themselves admit it was just one drink or two, nothing came of it. He has been notoriously single for a long while, if dates happened they didn't amount to much.
I think the only "real" relationship he had with a celeb was with Elle Goulding, and I'm betting he met her organically because she sang at William's wedding.
He has said repeatedly he hates fame, he has been very clear he doesn't like this. The problem is he's going to encounter people who are famous by virtue of who he is, and so when your dating pool includes some famous people, wouldn't you know it you end up dating famous people. I don't think he has really thought through the sort of person who likes fame and wants it, and whether when is goo-goo for Meghan feelings fade, they ultimately will find common ground that makes a long marriage. Again, his life, and his decision on marriage to make, and I'll cross my fingers.
One can be both married to someone famous and hate the fame. My narcissist's spouse did.
And then there's Mother Of The Year Schmoopy, who is busy filming a dating show. Any similarities between TFW and an actual mother of 7 teenagers is purely coincidental.
She don't care, and the kids are old enough to realize it now.
It's pretty darn funny to me she claims these kids require so much time and energy and it's busy busy busy. But apparently not so much work that she can just take off whenever. Somehow it all manages to get done with her. Huh!
I also find it hilarious she calls her stupid dating show "work." Like it's a real job.
kateplusmy8Miss you already, Jame! Having you with me makes work SO much fun! :) Love you! 😘 #BestFriendsAreIrreplaceable
abby9kennedywhen do new episode come outtt?!?!?? i can’t wait any longer 😂😂💛
carleneigras1So glad you two were able to spend time together! Nothing like having that best girlfriend!
jbnicholssThis picture makes my heart so happy❤️
jamiepumpkin3Miss you so much!! Love you!
mydmaxx2581Ok....what have you 2 been up too? Hope a lot of fun!! 😆
barbgilmer1Oh filming your new show are you @kateplusmy8 ?
sheralatteGreat pic!! 😍♥️
mydmaxx2581Blondes have more fun, right?! 😉 Can’t wait to find out.
gartogg123Please bring out the inflatables and bikini 👙.!!!!!!! gartogg123Please bring out the inflatables and bikini 👙.!!!!!!!
christiansnyderLooking forward to seeing whatever this adventure was! Also did you cut your hair Kate or am I just seeing it wrong? 🤪
kateplusmy8@christiansnyder no it’s super long... probably just tucked into my sweater or something...I’m such a mess lol
nick_moyGlad to see that you have a special best friend you can trust, and rely on.. Am happy for you.
amandaelioI’m so glad to see you two are still BFF!
barbgilmer1@mydmaxx2581 Lol
busymotherof5I hope you are returning from a much needed vacation!!!
barbgilmer1@kateplusmy8 That’s what I was going to say!
__rammy_Are you going to have a new season? I love your show!
lisafray10When are you back on the air @kateplusmy8 ?
christiansnyder@kateplusmy8 Haha no you’re fine, I asked cause I would’ve been surprised if you cut the long hair! On another note, do you know if we will we be getting a 14th birthday episode this summer??
ponytailsnpearlsBest friends are good for the soul! 💕
hspncelvisGood friends!
deanna_beatty_You look great 😘
deleted011013Really miss your show!! Please say you are coming back!!
flightnurse446Maybe I am a bad fan but I honestly don’t know, is your show still on because my dvr hasn’t been recording it. I love your family and watching them grow
amberbelle75I cannot wait to see what you are up and I are the same age, I am still single, put 3 babies in college, 1 at always gave me life because the struggles are very real. Thank you for all you have given
katelyneliza_You should cut your hair short it makes you look younger.
gleeknomatterwhatBeautiful friendship and ladies
marysbullockJame!!!!! I love y’all in the episodes!!!
marysbullock@jamiepumpkin3 I requested you lol!! Y’all are my fav!!!
theycallmeliz_Wasn't she on one of the episodes? I think utah!?
kclark175@kateplusmy8 You look like sisters! 😊 jmccraw31Still waiting for my invite! 😜 miss u both ! ginn45@katelyneliza_ I feel long hair is beautiful on Kate!!!
Maybe it's just me, but isn't it funny how she rarely sees her "best friend" unless it's for a freebie trip AND they're both being paid by TLC?
And, isn't it nice how TFW's fans are so happy for her that she has a BFF. I wonder if poor Collin has had a BFF, or any friends, while he's been away all this time.
And, how lovely that her fans are happy that she's had a well deserved vacation. What a joke.
busymotherof5I hope you are returning from a much needed vacation!!! ======== A much needed vacation? From what..not working?! Lord what fools these fans be (with apologies to Shakespeare).
Former Lurker (#52), I had the same thought about C's welfare. I bet it would never occur to TFW that #MomsAreIrreplacable to sons. And fathers and siblings are, too.
Uh oh, has Lites Out Man already put Gladys down for bed? She's gonna be so mad she missed this chitchat time with her idol! Be on the lookout for a passive-aggressive post from her in the morning: "Son of a gun, I missed all the fun! LOL! #Kate&Jamie#Besties#JonIsAWimp
mishylopicSo glad you remained friends with always need that one constant in your life! Hope the kiddies are ready for some summer fun!? Any plans for the you and the kids?
dinzeo_65So Hot
taylorlivinglifetothefullestWho’s watching the kids
triponejaw@christiansnyder Because God FORBID the kids should have ONE birthday that wasn't FILMED!!! 😡
emilyfaithmSO happy to see y'all are still besties!!!!!!!!
bkoepp23Love you Kate!!! @kateplusmy8
"You always need that one constant in your lfe"? Yes, and for kids it's usually their parents. Poor Collin.
"Summer fun" for "the kiddies"? As has been proven over these many years, unless TLC is scripting it, paying for it, filming it, and paying TFW, they do mostly nothing.
Flimsy (56), best not to look at might not sleep. I agree. She's most manic when she's free of the kids and partying (sorry, "working") with Jamie. In her mind she must be thinking her dating show will kiss her boo boos away. Idiot. Steve's probably with her, too.
Why are we even believing her? Remember, if she's talking she's lying. That photo could have been taken anytime and just posted to deflect from Jon. I don't believe her ever.
I just thought of another thing keeping parents busy this time of year: graduation ceremonies and parties of family and friends. The G kids have at least 4 cousins who live locally (unless Jodi and Kevin moved away). And Beth and Bob have kids that the G kids were close with.
I'd like to think Jon has somehow kept a connection with those families. Certainly some relationships evolve, and people naturally grow apart. But with TFW, things end swiftly and permanently. You're either with her or against her.
A blonde babe in her 20's looking for a perfect date. Once found, she can call him her prince and plan a "royal" wedding the likes of which we just watched.
Dmasy (#61), in one of the exchanges about her hair, TFW said "I'm such a mess!" That's Schmoopspeak for, "Please tell me how beautiful I am!"
I don't think TFW has ever spoken about a romantic relationship as any kind of partnership. Like all of her relationships, she sees dating as transactional. She thinks, oh, he could help discipline the kids! I won't have to be a single parent anymore (spoiler alert: she never was)! He could watch the kids while I frolic around doing whatever, whenever!
FlimsyFlamsy said... 62 ... Like all of her relationships, she sees dating as transactional. ...
This made me think of what I read that Jeff said about their relationship and plans and stuff.
"Prescott said Gosselin would do anything for ratings, up to and including staging their first date and lying to fans. She maintained a sham single status despite the couple being so serious that they were house-hunting. That too was done for "Kate Plus 8." Gosselin wanted to save the relationship reveal for audiences and manage it on air. She even masterminded a spinoff dedicated to she and Prescott.
That dated French manicure looks even worse on Jamie's short, stubby fingers. I don't find these two together even remotely amusing. Can't wait to watch this ridiculous show get flushed.
She thinks, oh, he could help discipline the kids! ======== I know that she said something like that in the past but it might be kind of hard to do now that the kids are 14 and almost 18.
She’s doing exactly what Jeff said she was doing. She’s all about money and keeping her narcissistic mug on tv. All the while having no interest in having a man in her life except skeeve. She’s so obvious and TLC would do us all a favor by giving her her walking papers to go back to mediocre land.
She’s doing exactly what Jeff said she was doing. She’s all about money and keeping her narcissistic mug on tv. All the while having no interest in having a man in her life except skeeve. She’s so obvious and TLC would do us all a favor by giving her her walking papers to go back to mediocre land.
----- -----
One good thing to come out of that. At least Jeff was astute enough to figure out that she was a shrew and that he was just being used. He walked away (or ran) from it before it was too late.
I thought that Kate said something to the effect that she wanted a big guy, like a state policeman, to put the fear of God into the kids.
Wowser (66) I have no doubt that the guy has already been chosen and has signed on for shows about them dating, house hunting, whatever. She'll go along with a sham marriage if she thinks it'll keep her on TV. Now that she has accomplished her goal of having a show that's all about her, she has no further use for the kids. They can go live with Jon if they want to--she already got what she wanted out of them. Of course, if her all-about-me show crashes and burns, she's going to want the kids back so they can support her, but for now they're of no consequence to her.
I read an article about the royal wedding gift bags. They weren't for the 600 "real" guests, they were for the 1200 members of the public who were invited to watch on the palace grounds. There was the bag with H&M's initials, a huge commemorative chocolate coin, a package of shortbread, a refrigerator magnet, seltzer water (all with a seal showing it was from the wedding), and a coupon for the palace gift shop. I thought it was odd that they'd give something like that to their guests, but these were not for them. And a lot of the people who received them are listing them on eBay for hundreds of pounds. I'd love to know what the "real" wedding guests received.
Layla. You’re correct. However unless they are being paid a boatload of $, i do not think any man could take more than a few days of that harpy - John was being paid big bucks and he basically chose unemployment and homelessness to get away from her. She has no fans except a few crazy people. I guarantee the first night will have the most viewers (rubber neckers) then it will drop through the floor. The shows WITH her kids were dismal. Without them i think it will be non-existent if it even makes it on air
Those kids are done making her money and she knows it...they’re splitting up before our eyes...two in college.... one is banished is with Jon. I think it’s safe to say that is completely done. She looks so happy because she’s getting a paycheck and all the perks from TLC...this is her dream come true. Too bad she can’t even fathom that it will be a flop...and if it is SHES DONE!! I can’t even imagine how boring this will be...the concept is ridiculous. Do you send her out every week with someone new?? The whole conversation will be about the kids. She has nothing else to talk about...they’re not even kids anymore...they take care of themselves so if she starts with the poor me act I’ll ones buying it anymore ...she’s had eight years to date and didn’t.... how can people be so stupid OMFG
I think it was groundbreaking when Prince Rainier of Monaco married American actr
It was also groundbreaking when Edward VIII gave up his throne to marry Wallis Simpson.
And let's not forget Prince Charles continued love affair with Camilla after he married Diana. That would fall under the 'scandalous' category, though.
I watched Diana, In Her Own Words on NGeog last night. I hadn't seen it in years. Charles treated Diana like sh*t at times. She finally came into her own when she realized, with the help of a shrink, that she was a worthy individual who could stand strong and carry on her humanitarian work without Charles.
She has nothing else to talk about...they’re not even kids anymore...they take care of themselves so if she starts with the poor me act I’ll ones buying it anymore ...she’s had eight years to date and didn’t....
They aren't little kids, but they are teens. The trials and tribulations of having seven teens in the house. This will be the topic of conversation, as mundane as it is, like nobody else ever raised teenagers.
There was the bag with H&M's initials, a huge commemorative chocolate coin, a package of shortbread, a refrigerator magnet, seltzer water (all with a seal showing it was from the wedding), and a coupon for the palace gift shop
Someone upthread posted the contents of the bag and asked if the 20 % coupon is tacky. I thought it was extremely so, although the actual bags were pretty.
Any mention of favors at the dinner reception? Doggie bags? lol!
Boy she timed this perfectly and I’m sure on purpose...aren’t the kids almost done with school?? She has to work don’t ya know...too bad kids ...fend for yourselves. Who knows how long she’ll be gone...fake dating
I agree with posters above that she looks manic in that pic. And if anyone remembers her absolutely manic behavior in season 5? This was right after Kate and Jon’s divorce, and she started to film without him. She was constantly laughing, cackling, screeching, while flashing her overly white teeth. It was like she was on “uppers”.
Kate is Shrek Donkey more than she's ever been before in that photo with Jamie. Gaping maw doesn't describe her piehole well enough. It's huge. It's disturbing. And her eyes are... bulging.
OMG, she's not even lucid anymore. Anyone finding this funny? Or normal?
miloandjack2016 So @jamiepumpkin3 seems you had a quiet diet and fine wine! #Relaxed. But @kateplusmy8 hmm...#FlightFright on your mind....hand on the #FearGear...and sitting on the #ShockBlock! 😋 #LookinWayTooExcited to get back on the ground. Haha. #JustTeasing #HumorAttack. #GladYouAreBothBack. #FriendsThatStay. ❤ Was it a rough flight...difficult landing? #YourCaption?
Almost 24 hours later, there are only 87 comments on TFW's IG pic of Shrek and her paid BFF on the plane. Her sheeple are, and always have been, far more interested in the kids than in her. Even the dog pics generate a lot more interest.
Wowser, I still cannot figure out how she got TLC to back this show. They must believe she can carry a show, and that this will be a hit--otherwise, why bother with it? How can they not see what is so obvious to the rest of the world? People love the kids, not Kate. People watched the show to see the kids growing up--not to see Kate. Over and over, even on TLC's own Facebook page, people commented that they wished there was a show with the kids--but no Kate. So what do they do? They do a show with just Kate--no kids. With all the articles that have mentioned this new show--including the recent ones about Jon and H&C, which mentioned the new show--nobody who commented that they were looking forward to it, or wanted to watch it. Nobody. Who approved this? What was that person thinking? It makes no sense.
So it seems we have our answer.... kart is going to ignore everything... she will NOT acknowledge that Jon is seeing Collin. I imagine she made the rounds of lawyers who all told her to stfu, he has visitation rights which you denied him for years, so don't rock the boat here.
If she ignores it, it didn't happen in her little narc world.
I even wonder if she has legal custody anymore. Could the state have taken him away from her and placed him involuntarily? Once he sang, the "school" could have reported her and she might have lost visiting rights herself.
Just scrolled through this page quickly, so apologies if anyone has mentioned this already, but Jon's latest post links to H's Instagram account. This speaks volumes to me... Kate does not allow the kids to have public social media. It must be driving Kate absolutely nuts to know that Hannah is allowed to post publicly... that she's being permitted to use the internet like your typical fourteen-year-old. Plus, the photos Hannah has shared depict a very happy, normal life with her father. Kate must be freaking out! And now that H has the freedom to speak for herself, things could get quite interesting. Happy for her, and I hope more of her siblings can experience a similar freedom.
The witch is back. Did she find her true love, a businessman who travels a lot? In other words, a man who will leave her alone so she can enjoy her fame and money.
Are the four remaining tups banned from seeing Jon? It seems Hannah is the only one right now and Collin has been found and visited. I also wonder if Hannah ever goes to the compound to visit the others. Not that is any of our business it is just that this is such a soap opera with all the cliff hangers.
Layla, I think TLC is betting that viewers will watch the witch because she is such a witch and she's the shrew they love to hate. What else could it be?
It wouldn't surprise me if the kids would make an appearance and some drama will ensue. Has TLC commented that Kate and Kate alone will be in the episodes sans kids?
Someone upthread posted the contents of the bag and asked if the 20 % coupon is tacky. I thought it was extremely so, although the actual bags were pretty.
I understand now that was given to the "street guests" so given that a lot of them probably would shop there the gift not only makes sense but was really nice of them, I would not have expected them to give the "street crowd" a gift.
They aren't little kids, but they are teens. The trials and tribulations of having seven teens in the house. This will be the topic of conversation, as mundane as it is, like nobody else ever raised teenagers.
Any family with 8 teens would have oodles and oodles of wonderful stories but let's face it, Kate is not engaging, is not a story teller, can't spot a good anecdote if it hit her in the face. She's totally inept, so the way she has fallen into and stayed in fame is really quite a head scratcher.
I watched Diana, In Her Own Words on NGeog last night. I hadn't seen it in years. Charles treated Diana like sh*t at times.
I watched some of it and I really did not understand that Diana knew all about Camilla BEFORE the marriage, and that Camilla had taken her out to lunch and basically said to her, so you're gonna let Charles and me do our thing, right, we have an understanding?
Because Diana was basically a baby she had no clue what to do with that or what she even meant, so she just pressed on with the wedding. What a colossal mistake, but everything turned out for the best with the two wonderful boys.
It's really big of the boys to so warmly accept Camilla even with all the baggage and shit she pulled, because it makes their dad happy. That's love of a parent.
Those kids are done making her money and she knows it...they’re splitting up before our eyes...two in college.... one is banished is with Jon. I think it’s safe to say that is completely done. She looks so happy because she’s getting a paycheck and all the perks from TLC...this is her dream come true
Yep, and she always did prefer to do these gigs without the kids. The kids were just a means to an end. She never really was interested in building a lasting brand around them or cared about the perks that fame and riches could bring to them (college paid for, an adult career like the Roloffs, a social media following to help you sell anything, etc etc). It was all about her, always has been.
Emily (#83), I never doubted for a second that those kids had social media accounts behind their mother's back. She's certainly not tech savvy, and seems to spend most of her evening hours holed up in her bedroom. Both factors are highly conducive to stealthy social media use by her kids.
Emily 83, I followed Hannah since her Instagram in public. Like you, I am THRILLED to see her posts with her school chums. She looks to have many, many friends and she seems very happy.. this makes my heart happy because I have always envisioned the kids prisoners of the compound but this may mean we can have hope that they may all have some form of normal life! In spite of the kart. I hope all the others are as happy as Hannah seems to be.
A good man is not going to be comfortable with taking charge of your kids until he has built up a good trust and respect among them and has an understanding with their real father. That can take a very long time. A man who swoops in and starts parenting your kids is generally a huge red flag. She has no idea how relationships work. ALL relationships, not just sexual ones.
FlimsyFlamsy, yup. At least two of the kids have had accounts for awhile that I believe have been kept secret from her. The fact that H's account is public makes me think that Jon now has the ability to make these sorts of parental decisions, and that must be pretty scary to Kate, especially since Jon is way more tech-savvy / understands how social media works.
Hannah's account is completely appropriate for a child her age and she's had it two years. She doesn't post much, which is also good for a young child, not to be overposting. There is not a single pic of Kate, but four of Jon, including one with the two of them making a heart together with their hands. I guess this is why Kate thought Jon was sexually abusing her. Witch.
I don't think her living with Jon full time is new at all, based on that account. Jon has allowed her to be the normal young girl she wants to be, and that is reflected in her account. And, by virtue of the fact that he tagged her, he knows the account and can watch it even without following her, because it's public. That is appropriate parenting.
It wouldn't surprise me if the kids would make an appearance and some drama will ensue. Has TLC commented that Kate and Kate alone will be in the episodes sans kids? --------
TLC has made NO reference to the kids in the total of ONE public pronouncement they have made about this show. Nevertheless, I can guarantee that Mady, at least, will have a starring role. After all, she's the one who wants to be in show biz, right? I think the others will be included on an as-needed basis, though I doubt Cara will be around much. And since Hannah now has a life, I don't think she's to be counted on either.
As for the others, I think those who've been seeing Jon regularly (Leah and the two remaining boys) are probably still seeing him on the same schedule. No one's shown that this is not true, right? And I agree with others who've said that now K8's got "her own" show, she won't be able to get rid of the remaining kids fast enough. It's always been---and always will be---about her.
I just saw a tv segment (with a medical doctor) about the prescribing of ADHD meds for children and the focus was concerns about overprescribing. I don't think that was the case with Collin, but talk about the side effects was interesting, such as how ADHD meds can suppress the appetite and cause weight loss. Often times, within 2-3 years there is a rebound weight gain. I though of Collin and how he's gained weight and I wonder if out of Kate's hands, he got off meds or has reduced meds. It wouldn't surprise me if Kate was trying to simply medicate his problems away. He was so thin. I also wonder if Kate has had a negative reaction to Collin's weight gain, after all, the Gosselins must grow up, not out. That was Kate's mantra.
AuntieAnn said... 76 Kate is Shrek Donkey more than she's ever been before in that photo with Jamie. Gaping maw doesn't describe her piehole well enough. It's huge. It's disturbing. And her eyes are... bulging.
May 21, 2018 at 4:21 PM ^^^^^^^^^ Strap a feed bag on, Kate! I'm surprised she posted that photo. It's ghastly.
Former Lurker said... 78 Ha, welcome home TFW. Jon just posted a pic of him with Hannah about an hour ago. It's nice to see her so happy:
jongosselin1 After a long weekend together, Hannah and I are enjoying some Mexican food!!!! ************ Remember when Kate used to make SUCH a big deal out of taking the kids to Chipotle...with gift cards? I'm betting Jon treated Hannah with his own money.
foxy said... 86 Are the four remaining tups banned from seeing Jon? It seems Hannah is the only one right now and Collin has been found and visited. I also wonder if Hannah ever goes to the compound to visit the others. Not that is any of our business it is just that this is such a soap opera with all the cliff hangers.
May 21, 2018 at 7:11 PM ^^^^^^^^ I sure do hope that Aaden and Joel are still visiting Jon regularly. So important to have that strong bond.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 93 Emily (#83), I never doubted for a second that those kids had social media accounts behind their mother's back. She's certainly not tech savvy, and seems to spend most of her evening hours holed up in her bedroom. Both factors are highly conducive to stealthy social media use by her kids.
May 21, 2018 at 8:11 PM ^^^^^^^^^^^ Kate is too lazy to be techie enough to stay on top of her children's social media, hence, she outlawed it. You have to dedicate yourself to learning, be willing to learn, spend time on the computer and talk with other parents about what they are doing to monitor their kids' accounts. With 8 kids, Kate never even tried. Remember when she was too lazy to teach her kids to tie their own shoelaces and just let them go another year with velcro shoes?
I'm sure the kids are way more tech savvy than Kate, but I am surprised that there have been no major leaks of their accounts and/or stories of life with Mommy Dearest yet.
There is not a single pic of Kate, but four of Jon, including one with the two of them making a heart together with their hands. I guess this is why Kate thought Jon was sexually abusing her. Witch.
^^^^^^^ And a very nice photo of Hannah with Jon and Colleen (V-day?) and they look very close, great body language and it looks like Colleen is holding Hannah's hand. Just a quick snoop into her Instagram account shows a normal teenage girl with lots of gal pals who are thick as thieves!!
I agree, and we all suspected for YEARS that Kate would have little use for the kids once they weren't making her money and furthering her fame any longer. I think Kate will continue to have use for Mady, since she's cut from the same cloth.
Tucker's Mom....My 10 year old grandson is on meds for ADHD and it does suppress his appetite but only for lunch. He won't take it before breakfast so he can have a big breakfast and it's worn off by the end of the school day so he has a good dinner. My daughter only gives him a full dose for a school day and a low dose on the weekend if he has a sporting event. Other than that, she doesn't give it to him because it also changes his personality and he becomes quiet. He's a very bubbly, outgoing kid so she doesn't like to suppress that unless necessary.
I guess those pics of the tup girls dressed up that TFW posted was a school dance or something. I noticed that H has her own 'squad' and Leah was not in the photos ( or any other tup) That's healthy but I hope things between Hannah and siblings are ok if she visits home. There is another 14th bday cake- so seems she had the one with Collin and this one so maybe no party unless a fake one filmed.
As for meds for various issues they certainly can affect appetite and personality. I know this from my own daughter who has depression and bad anxiety.She has little appetite now while she had an increased one on a previous one. Also her inhibitions went down on one but now she has one that lets her be herself. It's such a juggling act.All meds have s/e.
And a very nice photo of Hannah with Jon and Colleen (V-day?) and they look very close, great body language and it looks like Colleen is holding Hannah's hand. Just a quick snoop into her Instagram account shows a normal teenage girl with lots of gal pals who are thick as thieves!!
Assuming Colleen is a normal mentally stable woman and caregiver, Hannah is old enough now to compare and contrast with her mother's behavior and realize that not every caregiver yells and berates, not every caregiver is selfish and self-absorbed, not every caregiver is a narcissist. This is partly why I believe Kate has held onto these kids with an iron fist. She doesn't want them to see there are other different, better ways to live life.
Since the cats outta the bag of Hannah having an IG account,i'd like to say that Leah used to have an IG account,same as Hannah's but with Leah,unless she made a new one.I don't know if any of the other kids have an account but i assume Mady and Cara have private accounts since i saw some photos that i've never seen on either the show or kate posting.
On Hannah's IG post featuring a birthday cake, Jon's ex girlfriend, Ellen, commented "Love you Hannah! Miss you tons! Glad you had a great bday with daddy". At least I think it's her. So nice that Jon appears to have a good relationship with his ex. No drama, no malevolence. Just goes to show that the animosity between Jon and Kate can be contributed to HER and her intense urge to lash out at anyone she feels has wronged her. Insane.
He was so thin. I also wonder if Kate has had a negative reaction to Collin's weight gain, after all, the Gosselins must grow up, not out. That was Kate's mantra.
______________ Was it Collin who was so thin? I remember that photo of one of the other boys on that fishing trip where they appeared grossly underweight, I thought Collin was the heavier of the boys and I don't recall him looking really thin.
Sherry Baby..I think it was Aaden- all three boys were thin, even underweight on that fishing trip. Collin is meant to have a sturdier build but TFW slimmed him down with meds or portion control/punishment. Or he might have outgrown his chubby toddler appearance. I notice the three tup girls now seem to have Kate's original build. They look healthy. Kids go through stages of being thinner or heavier, but in Collin's case I believe it was meds and lack of food. We know Kate wants thin kids.But she can't fight nature in the end. I'm not sure how healthy Collin looks but better a little husky than wasting away.
Yup. Kate's wall of secrets is slowly cracking. My guess is it won't be long before another kid breaks out of there and then another until she's left with just her dogs. And they might not last long either, depending on how much work is involved if she has to look after them all by herself.
And a very nice photo of Hannah with Jon and Colleen (V-day?) and they look very close, great body language and it looks like Colleen is holding Hannah's hand. Just a quick snoop into her Instagram account shows a normal teenage girl with lots of gal pals who are thick as thieves!!
Colleen also has her right arm around Hannah. They appear very close, (physically and emotionally), and very happy. I can't recall every seeing a pic like this with H and her gestational carrier.
On Hannah's IG post featuring a birthday cake, Jon's ex girlfriend, Ellen, commented "Love you Hannah! Miss you tons! Glad you had a great bday with daddy". At least I think it's her. So nice that Jon appears to have a good relationship with his ex. No drama, no malevolence. Just goes to show that the animosity between Jon and Kate can be contributed to HER and her intense urge to lash out at anyone she feels has wronged her. Insane.
Yes, that is Jon's ex, Ellen., I clicked on her name and saw her IG account.
There's also another pic on Hannah's IG from last summer that Ellen commented on.
Recent comments on TFW's Instagram pic of Shrek and her BFF on a plane:
n_rainone So happy for jon and hannah....she looks really happy...finally shes out of that prison..jon worked long and hard to rescue her from that witch...i thought you being in charge was never gonna change kate....oh brother has it changed
n_rainone I hope your fake dating show never gets airtime...theres no way you can carry a show...remember twist of kate disaster
janegsmith Love watching old episodes of ur show ❤️
n_rainone Stop kissing her ass.... shes a greedy more are done
n_rainone You sound a complete idiot milo and im sure shes laughing at you
n_rainone There is seriously something wrong with you milo...have you concidered getting some help
almesloob Can you please address the change in custody that clearly happened recently re Hannah? There is no need to diverge our attention with posts like this. You avoided posting something about Collin for a while and we only got an update from Jon. You seem selective in what you post. Pretending like Collin is there celebrating his birthday with his siblings when he was in fact in the facility is not helping anyone when we are seeing lies unravel through Jon. Hannah’s instagram is only giving away a different story than what you’ve been selling us.
n_rainone go girl!!!! I would like the truth for once
charmaine_blanco Is there going to be a new season of Kate plus 8
This is circulating on FaceBook. How can you not smile? I wanted to make sure you ladies (and gentleman) got to see this. I certainly hope it is a true story.
-In 2015 a Beagle was found alone in the woods in Kentucky -The Beagle was found by a good samaritan and brought to a shelter -No one wanted to adopt the Beagle who unfortunately was at a kill shelter and put on the euthanasia list. -Days before the Beagle was to be put down, a Beagle rescue group in Canada was contacted by the shelter and decided to take him Canada. -Groups of dog lovers took turns driving the Beagle in one hour shifts from Kentucky to Toronto. -At a normal run of the mill adoption event a woman who was temporarily working in Toronto saw the Beagle and decided he was for her. -The woman named the Beagle... Guy. -That woman was an actress named Meghan Markle. -Meghan Markle ended up marrying Prince Harry. -On his owners wedding day, Guy the Beagle rode in a car to a wedding reception with the Queen of England. -Guy, the stray beagle from Kentucky now lives at Kensington Palace.
Recent comments on TFW's Instagram pic of Shrek and her BFF on a plane:
I can't believe she posted that. Why in the world would you put a photo on IG where you look like a psychotic maniac? Was she she as drunk as the proverbial skunk?
I know lol. It's hideously hideous. What was she thinking? Someone could fall in that cavern and never find their way out. ======== Like a snake she unhinges her jaw to swallow her detractors whole.
I can't believe she posted that. Why in the world would you put a photo on IG where you look like a psychotic maniac? Was she she as drunk as the proverbial skunk?
Comments on IG. Are these sheeple also hitting the bottle?
It's obvious from Hannah's IG pictures that she did not spend her birthday with her mother. Also--she posted pictures of her group of friends, and her sisters wee not included. Funny--she calls them the LIT squad. My nieces and nephew from PA use that phrase "Lit" a lot, but my other nieces and nephews from other areas do not. Must be a regional thing, since some of them are the same age, and the PA ones say that all the time, and the others never do.
I saw a preview of Mama June's show (yikes), which is coming back in June. I wonder if her new show prompted TLC to try a new show with Kate. TLC cut Mama June and family loose, and she got a new show elsewhere, which apparently gets good ratings. Maybe they want to see if Kate could do the same before they cut her loose, rather than see her go elsewhere and do it there. The big difference is--the HBB show was still getting high ratings on TLC before the cancelled the show. Those ratings continued on the new show. K+8 was not getting good ratings, which does not bode well for Kate's new show. But maybe they just want to be sure. Or--the only other thing I can think of is that they contracted for a certain number of shows for the last season of K+8, and since they only filmed 3 episodes, they still owe her a certain number of episodes. Instead of dealing with the absence of both Collin and Hannah, maybe they thought it was better to go in a new direction.
Looks like katie coyne is on the jon bashing track. Mentioned the twins being estranged. Why didn’t they jump on the fact that he sees Colin and horse face doesn’t but is instead jetting around the country pretending she’s a star on tv
Kate posted a picture of one of the dogs on IG and said, "Why are they so cute???! They made it so hard to leave (fur and human kids, of course:)....l was so glad to get home.... #LoveMyKids"
She's still peddling the same old, same old. Poor, working mother separated from her beloved kids. Gag.
Hannah must be wondering how her Instagram followers jumped so high so quickly! Hope she doesn't delete her acct. I would ask people here not to follow her. It's public so you don't need an acct to see her posts.
She may get gun-shy and or overwhelmed knowing that so many people are 'watching' her now! JMO
Jon just posted another picture of himself with Hannah and her hamster. Don't know what's up with all these posts all of a sudden, curious why so many family shots in short amount of time. He usually posts DJ events more.
She makes it sound like she's been gone for weeks filming her new hit series, when she was probably only gone for a few days getting shitfaced with her little buddy Jamie.
I wonder how many corners she had to stand on until she scored a *cough* At least she has enough outfits for THAT job.
Don't know what's up with all these posts all of a sudden, curious why so many family shots in short amount of time.
Who knows. Maybe Hannah as she gets older is less embarrassed about social media and okayed it. Or maybe he decided now that they are 14, they are old enough now where he doesn't have to be so guarded about their photos and social media accounts. The uptick in photos correlates directly with the birthday.
As to the Collin photo, that might have been the first time in awhile Collin said okay to a photo, or his service providers okayed it. Even when he was with Kate there were many occasions where he didn't film, and I was always convinced that was at the request of his therapists, not Kate's decision. I hope it is a good sign he is stabilized now and can handle a few small pressures like a few photos the media will pick up on on a small scale.
Her bedroom is so/cluttered/dirty looking, I could never be relaxed enough to be able to fall asleep in such mess.
It's been proven mess and clutter causes stress and other negative emotions. Clutter gives a signal to the brain that something is unfinished, there is work to be done, leaving one feeling constantly incomplete or unfinished.
I imagine the bedroom is the WORST place to have clutter, as it's supposed to be the place to relax.
It's just a mess, sure, but it's scientifically damaging to children to have to grow up in that. Maybe Hannah prefers Jon's house where there isn't shit everywhere.
I don't think you could overstate how furious this Jon and H situation must be making TFW. She has lost control of the narrative. That is her worst nightmare. This little girl that she used to steer around by the head has found her voice, and nothing will ever be the same.
I don't think you could overstate how furious this Jon and H situation must be making TFW. She has lost control of the narrative. That is her worst nightmare. This little girl that she used to steer around by the head has found her voice, and nothing will ever be the same.
This has been said over and over, but this woman literally has never accounted for the idea that children grow up and have minds of their own and, wouldn't you know it, often don't think exactly the way you do and in many cases depending on how you raised them, are actively trying NOT to think the way you do. She never accounted for this, amazing.
"I wonder how many corners she had to stand on until she scored a *cough* At least she has enough outfits for THAT job."
Thank goodness Skeeve helped her get breast implants. That'll help attract customers.
About Jon posting photos, maybe he's encouraged about the support he's receiving, or maybe Hannah wants to assert herself more. Now the dogs, the bird, the fish, whatever is still alive in Kart's care will have competition. I doubt Milo the animal lover will write an ode to Taco.
TFW can say the kids make it hard to leave all she wants. But I believed her when she admitted that one week with her kids and one week AWAY -- when they were very little kids -- was what worked best for her family.
So Kate deigned to answer a few questions on her latest IG:
ma_druz Ok just googled if we can’t have all if you at least we get you!!! Kate plus date!!!! Can’t be true???❤️❤️❤️❤️
kateplusmy8@ma_druz coming soon.... :)
kellyhfreemanI love that your Instagram is mostly the dogs 😂❤️
kateplusmy8@kellyhfreeman yeah, my more agreeable kids.... lol.
bcronin58 They’re so cute! Do you ever have days where you like your dogs more than you like people?
kateplusmy8@bcronin58 often, actually. 🤨
brandies09@kateplusmy8 we just got a German Shepherd puppy. Are they very trainable pups.
kateplusmy8@brandies09 they are the most intelligent dogs. Super trainable! Start now:) congrats!:)
miloandjack2016 Im sure you got a royal welcome home! Hugs from kids...lots of licks from furbabies! Who missed you the most?? @kateplusmy8
miloandjack2016 And many beds/couches and doggie pads has she claimed as HERS??!! 😋 #YourSpoiledGirl @kateplusmy8
kateplusmy8@miloandjack2016 yeah, lots. There’s countless beds throughout our house that kids and dogs alike lounge on. It’s fine. I’ve really just mellowed and really enjoy the kid/pet/sibling relationships between them all. Dogs are so amazing when mixed with kids!;)
miloandjack2016@kateplusmy8 Serious ?? Jack is having some issues w/left hip and leg. #HipDisease I fear....😞 What were those meds your vet prescribed for Shoka? Are they still working?
kateplusmy8@miloandjack2016 he takes carprofen twice daily and there’s another one I add on rainy, especially painful days. Can’t recall the name of it...
miloandjack2016@kateplusmy8 Thanks...they want Jack to take steroids here. Im not too happy w/that choice...lots of side affects. You know Jack and Shoka are about the same age... Hit me w/the other med when you find it. Thanks so much...I cant bare to see Jack slowing down. 😞
ncgirl said... 141 Kate posted a picture of one of the dogs on IG and said, "Why are they so cute???! They made it so hard to leave (fur and human kids, of course:)....l was so glad to get home.... #LoveMyKids"
She's still peddling the same old, same old. Poor, working mother separated from her beloved kids. Gag.
kateplusmy8@miloandjack2016 yeah, lots. There’s countless beds throughout our house that kids and dogs alike lounge on. It’s fine. I’ve really just mellowed and really enjoy the kid/pet/sibling relationships between them all. Dogs are so amazing when mixed with kids!;)
Except, she couldn't give a shit less about the sibling relationship when it comes to Collin, who was sent away from home before his twelve birthday! Not to mention that Hannah's relationship with her siblings must be different now that she doesn't live there.
TFW, you are a colossal failure. Your eight minor children are living under theee different roofs. How F-ed up is that?!!
I wonder where TLC sent Shrek and her paid BFF to film this bogus dating show. If it's not scripted, fabricated bullcrap then why would she go away somewhere to "date"?
Also, it's funny that there were no reported sightings on the plane trips and wherever they were filming. TFW was probably disappointed that no one tweeted about seeing her. That's why she posted the plane pic on Instagram.
H posted that same hamster pic in a montage of three pics on her IG. Ellen must follow her because she posted a comment on it. Actually, she asked a question, whether H just got the hamster.
It speaks volumes about the difference between TFW and Jon as parents that H still keeps in touch with Ellen years after she and Jon broke up. She was a part of their lives when they were younger and even though Jon and Ellen split as a couple, the kids weren't forced to banish her from their lives forever and pretend she never existed. Then there's sicko TFW, who has made SO many people, family and friends, just go poof, never to be seen or spoken of again.
TFW's post with all the dog pics, posted shortly before Jon posted his IG pic with H and the hamster, doesn't have as many comments as Jon's post. People are over the dogs, for crying out loud. But, at least we now have confirmation from TFW that she mostly posts dog pics because the kids don't want to pose for her IG.
It speaks volumes about the difference between TFW and Jon as parents that H still keeps in touch with Ellen years after she and Jon broke up. She was a part of their lives when they were younger and even though Jon and Ellen split as a couple, the kids weren't forced to banish her from their lives forever and pretend she never existed.
I'd venture to say many if not most normal people tend to have people from the "past" around here and there, even if it's only as FB friends, ex's and so forth, because like Jon, most normal people understand just because you're not IN love with someone does not mean you don't love them or that others who knew them didn't love them. And that bitterness and hatefulness is usually not a healthy way to end a relationship.
Although relationships end romantically often it does not mean the end of a relationship period, and there can be value in continuing it in some form. But for Kate, she is black and white, fixed pie, and does not understand the incredible amount of layers you can have in one relationship with someone.
It is HEALTHY for the children to see a person go from romantic love to amicable friendship and to be part of that mix. That helps a child learn how to navigate relationships themselves in a manner that is healthy and appropriate.
By the way, I just took a quick look at Ellen's IG and saw that she got married last October. She looks very happy in her posts. She has a blog too, but I didn't check it out.
Using Kate’s methodology, Hannah realized her mom didn’t know how to help her anymore. Someone finally turned on Kate instead of the other way around... I wonder how it made Kate feel? Poor super mommy! Has Hannah been shunned? I wonder if the kids are allowed to talk about Hannah and Colin?? I bet she bought the remaining kids iPhones for their birthdays because Jon had already gotten Hannah a phone once she started living with him..
I guess I’m the only one who doesn’t care if she has her own show. When you get down to it, it means the kids aren’t working. There’s plenty of shows out there with reprehensible people— the Kardashian’s, mama June, or any housewife of wherever. I don’t watch any of that crap but apparently there’s a demographic that does. What a world what a world Lol
Old poster (#167), can you imagine how unnerving it is for TFW to be losing control like this? I bet it used to be "Don't tell Daddy" this and "Don't show Daddy" that on the regular.
It must keep TFW up at night, thinking about what H tells her dad about life at Ms. Gosselin's Home For Exploited Children. Maybe H will be the first one to write that tell-all book.
I worry most about Cara & Alexis. I don’t believe those girls are mean spirited. I hope they soon can find it in their hearts to initiate contact with their dad. They will regret their estrangement so much as they get older.
alexiscripps so hannah is the only one of the kids who has social media, and she spends the most time with her dad... interesting. just shows you how controlling kate is.
Kate’s gotten her first dose of her own medicine when the golden child decided to live with Jon and not her. That had to have hurt. Which child defects next?
If H is now living with Jon, I would think that part of the custody issues in court would involve finances, which would involve the issue of H's trust account. If Jon has primary physical custody, he should now have at least joint legal custody custody of H. (I never understood how TFW had sole legal custody of the eight.) Plus, Jon should now have control of H's trust account since she's primarily with him. It must have been very enlightening for both Jon and H to see how much - or how little - TFW actually put away for her (and all the kids).
It must be killing TFW to be losing the total control she's had over everything all these years. And, it's just the beginning.
Let's not speculate on any meds for C - if you don't have a child that needs them, then you really don't know.
They aren't "magic" pills that control children. If they are working for a child, and they are diagnosed correctly, then they won't change their personality. It will allow them to control their emotions, thus helping them with self control.
And, medication does not work without therapy, especially if the medication is for behaviourial issues.
There are so many stigmas attached to mental health issues, that perpetuating myths about medication does nothing to change that narrative.
To the person who's worried about Hannah going to be overwhlem by all her new followers on IG.I hope i don't sound like a creeper but i discovered that account when i herd from someone that jon had some of the kids as followers and i saw the Hannah account was set to private.So i'm assuming Hannah decided to tell Jon that she was going to make her profile public and wouldn't care if fans were going to comment.I don't think Hannah is dumb,i don't think she'll be like her mother and try to act like her fans are her friends or family(looking at you milo.)
Admin...We've seen how TFW's narcissism affected her marriage and her kids so, out of curiosity, did your narcissist stay married and how did her kids turn out?
I agree with a previous poster who said Kate Plus 8 is dead. With Hannah being with Jon, Collin out of her house and Cara pretty much non existent on the show, Kate Plus 5...4...3...2...1 doesn't have the same ring to it. I don't think her dating show will do well, if, it sees the light of day, but as long as the show isn't about the kids, I don't give a sh&t.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 150 I don't think you could overstate how furious this Jon and H situation must be making TFW. She has lost control of the narrative. That is her worst nightmare. ^^^^^^^^ But I think that Kate is going to act like it never happened and doesn't exist in her universe.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 150 I don't think you could overstate how furious this Jon and H situation must be making TFW. She has lost control of the narrative. That is her worst nightmare. ^^^^^^^^ Hi Old Poster! I'm an 'old poster' too! I remember when we used to chat about Kate having her own show and how that'd be just fine because it would mean the kids weren't being filmed. I think it's great that TLC is giving Kate a show, because I know she'd be selling those kids any way she could to drive interest and get more episodes filmed. No more filming or looooooong magazine shoots for the kids is a great thing. Sure, there might be some footage in Kate's house but the kids are not going to be carrying the show. Hey, maybe they won't be filmed at all, or just a couple will tolerate it. I think it's finally safe to say that Kate Plus 8 is OVER.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 168 Old poster (#167), can you imagine how unnerving it is for TFW to be losing control like this? I bet it used to be "Don't tell Daddy" this and "Don't show Daddy" that on the regular. ******** More like "YOU BETTER NOT TELL DADDY!!"
Lorrie said... 170 I worry most about Cara & Alexis. I don’t believe those girls are mean spirited. I hope they soon can find it in their hearts to initiate contact with their dad. They will regret their estrangement so much as they get older. ^^^^^ I so agree! Cara was so close to Jon and they were such buddies. It can't be overstated enough how harmful it can be for a child to dissolve their relationship with a parent, especially one they loved so dearly. What Kate has done is unforgivable.
Old poster said... 173 Kate’s gotten her first dose of her own medicine when the golden child decided to live with Jon and not her. That had to have hurt. Which child defects next? ^^^^^^^ I hope Aaden and Joel are still seeing Jon regularly. No reason to think that they're not, but if I were to guess, I'd expect that those 2 boys are parentified by Kate and have the expectation of being the men of the house, especially since Collin's been gone. I can't imagine the conflict of abandoning their mother who's inculcated in them how desperately alone and lonely she is and how everyone leaves her.
Add me to the list of people who don't really care if she has her own show, as long as she's not forcing the kids to support her (as she has done for so long). I cannot understand how TLC ever agreed to this new show, and I think (know) it will be a complete failure, but--their loss is our gain. Think of all the laughs we will have when the ratings start rolling in! The way I see it, this new show gave the kids a summer off to just be kids. They haven't had enough of those in their lives. And by the time they realize that Kate can't carry a show on her own, M&C will be adults. They can choose to film (Mady) or not (Cara). If Mady chooses to film, she will have to be compensated appropriately for her time instead of having to split a miniscule amount with her siblings. And if she does choose to go that route (and if anyone is still interested in filming them), she will be an adult, capable of making her own choices, so I respect that. It's forcing children to film without their consent that riles me up. We know Kate is using their trusts to pay for their expenses, so basically they are supporting their mother and themselves, all while they are too young to vote or drive. What is wrong with a society where kids who are too young to vote can be forced to work and support their family? It makes no sense.
It's good to see H happy. Maybe she's okay with social media because she now knows she can be a private citizen and do the things other kids her age do. Nobody can exploit her now. I wonder--since Jon posts pictures of H and not the other kids, maybe he is respecting their wishes to stay off their parents' social media. They don't like Kate to post their pictures, so they probably don't want Jon to do it, either. At least Jon respects their wishes.
. If Mady chooses to film, she will have to be compensated appropriately for her time instead of having to split a miniscule amount with her siblings. And if she does choose to go that route (and if anyone is still interested in filming them), she will be an adult, capable of making her own choices, so I respect that.
----- -----
Ah, but what if it's not really her decision and she's been brain-washed by Kate? There are some that feel she's a Mini Kate and if Kate wants her to film, then that's exactly what she will do to stay on Kate's good side (if there is one!). Then there's the fact that apparently Jon isn't her favorite person, so if she decides to film, wouldn't this just be to show Jon that she's going to do exactly what she wants to do...follow in her mother's footsteps?
During TFW's manic posting frenzy, she said german shepherds are "super trainable!" Tell that to poor Nala, who got sent away and was never brought back.
y Jon isn't her favorite person, so if she decides to film, wouldn't this just be to show Jon that she's going to do exactly what she wants to do...follow in her mother's footsteps?
Well, if Mady is an adult and she wants to do reality TV, then it's her choice. The problem is, people are pretty sick of watching the Gosselins. Even if she really wants it, it may not be a realistic expectation for her. She ma not have a choice but to move in to Plan B. If she has a Plan B, that is. We know Kate doesn't have one. Hopefully Mady is smarter than her mom. Hopefully.
If Hannah has lived with Jon for several months now, I would why he’s started posting pics on Instagram? I though Jon had right of first refusal when Kate is unable to keep the kids when it’s her visitation— who kept the kids? All this talk about madi hitting 18, and if she films and demand payment. Kate could do like Jim bob duggar and keep the money for himself—-none of his kids have EVER received money for their part of the show— Derik stated this as fact a few weeks ago. The adult children do not get paid— Jim bob gets the check!
I think it’s really sad that H did not have her sisters in any of her IG pictures from the dance. It’s the same event tfw posted pics of the three girls together (8th grade formal?). Also L has a private IG and H doesn’t follow L. Makes me sad
The Kate & Jamie BFF photo has been up for 72 hours---and has fewer than 11,000 likes. The only photos she's ever posted that have actually surpassed 10 percent of her [ahem] followers are of the kids, and only about 5 have gotten that far. Even the dog series she posted yesterday is already within a couple thousand of her Shrek shot.
If this isn't telling TLC something, they are willfully sticking their heads in the sandtrap.
Lurking (#193), I agree it's sad if H and L are no longer close. And yet I can easily see TFW pitting the kids against each other and causing dissension among the ranks. H's decision to be with her dad would've been a great opportunity for Iago TFW to whisper bad things about H to L, and/or reward her for staying home with Mom. Nothing is beneath that woman. Nothing.
Lurking (#193), I agree it's sad if H and L are no longer close. And yet I can easily see TFW pitting the kids against each other and causing dissension among the ranks. H's decision to be with her dad would've been a great opportunity for Iago TFW to whisper bad things about H to L, and/or reward her for staying home with Mom. Nothing is beneath that woman. Nothing.
This is one of the residual problems of parental alienation is when there are siblings they can start to take sides and it can cause serious conflict among the siblings themselves. It's hard to have siblings who are "team mom" or "team dad."
I hope this has not happened to the children, but there is a good chance. And it makes the parental alienation Kate has been doing for a decade reprehensible.
Add me to the list of people who don't really care if she has her own show, as long as she's not forcing the kids to support her (as she has done for so long).
I don't get the sense most people here much care she gets a show. She can get a show, whatever. I think it's more just surprise that she got one coupled with hilarity at how stupid the whole thing is.
Wow, what's up with all the pics Jon is suddenly posting? About 40 minutes ago, he posted another pic with Hannah, this time at Starbucks. It seems that they're both just so happy that Hannah is finally living a normal life:
It's good to see H happy. Maybe she's okay with social media because she now knows she can be a private citizen and do the things other kids her age do.
That could very well be exactly it. Control is everything, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if some of the kids are just fine with being in the public eye as long as they can call their own shots. Hannah gets to decide what pics and stories we see now, not her mother, who made decisions for her like exposed her pooping in her underwears.
It does remind me of how Prince William and Harry handle the media. They both firmly believe the media killed their mother. But they spent their early adulthood cracking down hard on the media and setting firm boundaries until the media gave up and backed off. Once they felt they had control of the media, could call the shots on their own privacy, their relationship with them began to blossom and became mutually beneficial. (I'm talking about the British press, they have little to no control over the international press.)
It's quite amazing really they have such a good relationship with the press. But, it's about control. Feeling like you have a say, and that if you say no, that will be respected.
Hannah posted the same Starbucks pic on her IG. They both seem so darn happy. Can you even imagine the night and day difference between living in TFW's ice castle and living with Jon?
1013 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 1013 Newer› Newest»I'm watching CBS Sunday Morning, and they did a piece on the wedding. one fun factoid at the end is cost. The entire wedding is estimated to have cost $45 million, most for security. adjusted for inflation, Charles and Diana's wedding cost $110 million.
I enjoy CBS Sunday Morning with its in depth stories. so far they have done a terrific story about Sheku Kanneh-Mason (the cellist who played at the royal wedding) and his musical family. They were on Britain's Got Talent in 2015!
and a recap of the wedding including an interview done before the wedding with the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and the Episcopal Bishop Michael Curry where they talked and laughed about their different styles.
I'm watching CBS Sunday Morning, and they did a piece on the wedding. one fun factoid at the end is cost. The entire wedding is estimated to have cost $45 million, most for security. adjusted for inflation, Charles and Diana's wedding cost $110 million.
And that's without adjusting for inflation.
Also, the bulk of the wedding was paid for by the Windsor trust, Charles' money, which has absolutely nothing to do with taxpayers. That's the family's own money from income properties, horse breeding and racing, etc.
I am interested to know if posters here think this marriage is groundbreaking as some reporters have stated. I, myself, don't think it is. I think it was groundbreaking when Prince Rainier of Monaco married American actress a Grace Kelly back in the 50's but not this union.
I forgot who said this during the BBC commentary while they waited for the wedding party to show up, but she was a black woman who was asked if this was groundbreaking. Her response, honestly it'll be groundbreaking when he STOP talking about the color of her skin and start saying, wow how nice two PEOPLE fell in love and got married.
It gave me pause to realize that in many ways, endlessly pointing out how groundbreaking it is is actually a form of racism, unintentional as it is.
She went on to say that she could not imagine giving up her career and speaking freely to become a member of the royal family where you are restricted in what you say and everything you do say, what you wear, how you look with regard to your hair and makeup, what your facial expression is at any public appearance dissected and talked about.
The trade off is a good one, because she's going to get an incredible amount of access to charities and will be able to help people on a grand scale.
But I feel much like your daughter that the giving up your career thing is always going to nag at me a little bit. Diana did just a flash of preschool teaching and some nannying as a young woman, so wasn't really giving up anything substantial. Kate dabbled here and there in fashion and party planning but nothing of substance before she stopped working.
But Meghan? Meghan had a career. A ground up, sweat and tears, lengthy, substantial career of a young woman in her 30's. She had fruits of her labor, she had something awesome to show for it that most career women are able to come up with by her age. More good things were to come. And she was at the height of it, and walked away.
She is going to do a whole lot of good for charity, but I'm always going to be concerned about the overall optics and message that may be sending young women, that your prince and being a wifey are worth giving up everything you ever worked for.
I'm still not sure I fully understand why it wouldn't be just as groundbreaking for her to continue to WORK. Why she can't work at least part time, especially given he's not even in line for the throne.
Is there a blog glitch? I'm posting double. Anyone else having the same problem?
The entire wedding is estimated to have cost $45 million, most for security. adjusted for inflation.
Does that include the cost of the wedding gown (or gowns). Nobody is revealing the price, only speculating that it was less than $350,000. How much less is anyone's guess.
I think it was groundbreaking when Prince Rainier of Monaco married American actr
It was also groundbreaking when Edward VIII gave up his throne to marry Wallis Simpson.
PA Dutch Mom...I agree. How could I forget about him. And he and Wallis were happily married until the end. That's why I don't think Harry marrying Meghan is groundbreaking. Especially in 2018. Anybody guessing when baby news will arrive? I'm thinking sooner rather than later as she is 36.
I am stunned... someone said the last Instagram post from kart was on the 10th? Still no word from her?!
Seriously, has anyone seen her around town? Should there be a welfare check done at the compound?
Talk about unprecedented.... no screaming posts, no tearful tv interviews... I really wonder if she is ok. And more to the point, if the kids are OK. Kart not posturing is scary because we know her MO
Permanent Name in Blue said... 9
I am stunned... someone said the last Instagram post from kart was on the 10th? Still no word from her?!
She's gotta be plotting something because far be it from her to let Jon have the last word.
I loved Michael Curry the american preacher. The expression on the guests' faces were funny when he spoke. He was so unpretentious and so opposite of what they're accustomed to at these ceremonies. It's about time the royals loosened up a little.
Her response, honestly it'll be groundbreaking when he STOP talking about the color of her skin and start saying, wow how nice two PEOPLE fell in love and got married.
Oprah will be sure to bring it up though.
Auntie Ann (10)
She may be plotting, or maybe she's started filming of the new dating show. This show will be HER show, not her and the kids, and she may not care about public opinion of her as a mother. I think she always wanted all the attention for herself, and the kids were a means of getting her into the right position to do that. Now it is all about her, and as such, she wants to leave the "mom" persona behind. She wants to build herself up as a media personality. She had those HOMs to get the attention and the money, and they delivered. Now I think we might just see a very different Kate.
Of course, she can't just let go of the kids. If (WHEN) the dating show flops, she might need to use them again. And she will use them if necessary. But for now she's probably happy to let them fade into the background so that the lights and cameras will be on her and her alone.
Where are her nudies?? Ummm everywhere....there’s even video of her nude on a beach...she needs Kate’s boob doctor....
I don’t give this ten years...she seems very impulsive from everything I’ve read...she won’t be able to stand living this kind of life....she doesn’t know it yet...this is so opposite of what she is....and Harry has dated practically every starlet there is your friend
Kate’s probably has started filming her fake dates....she’ll ignore this and then when she starts to promote this stupid show....then she’ll spill it....on all the morning shows...and if it doesn’t get picked up then her head will just explode
I thought it was incredibly sad that Meghan Markle's mother sat alone at the wedding. Only two people from her family were invited and one couldn't make it. Instead Meghan had celebrities galore sitting on the 'bride's side' of the aisle. I guess her poor father can console himself; unlike most fathers of the bride, at least he didn't have to pay the huge cost.
JR said... 14
Where are her nudies?? Ummm everywhere....there’s even video of her nude on a beach...she needs Kate’s boob doctor....
Well, either she had a growth spurt after the beach video or she saw the boob doctor. Those puppies are a fair size when she was a briefcase girl on Deal or No Deal.
Where are her nudies?? Ummm everywhere....there’s even video of her nude on a beach...she needs Kate’s boob doctor...
You looked?
She may be plotting, or maybe she's started filming of the new dating show.
So she's out there setting man-traps, ya think? Those things are deadly. Careful where you step, gentlemen.
Those are not hers...probably photo enhanced....I’ve seen them and they are tiny
The wedding guests got Goodie Bags with a refrigerator magnet, water, piece of chocolate, shortbread and a coupon for 20 percent off at the Castle Gift Shop.
Coupon? Is that tacky?
Are they already for sale on the internet?
JR (20): "Those are not hers...probably photo enhanced....I’ve seen them and they are tiny"
In person? If they aren't hers, then whose are they?
Coupon? Is that tacky?
Kind of, lol. And a "piece" of chocolate? WTH?
bm...I want to know why Meghan's mother sat in the second row. As the mother of the bride, why wasn't she in the front row. Charles, Camilla, William and Catherine were in the front row of the groom's side. Not so Meghan's mom. She did look very happy and proud though.
I have to give a shout out to Queen Elizabeth and her chartreuse outfit. At 92? years old, old Liz isn't afraid of color. I love that!
I'm late to the party on Jon, but I'm thrilled he seems to have Hannah and he found Collin. They was so nice to see.
Hmm, "Uncle Ronnie" the hairstylist posted a pic from Sinking Spring, PA on his Instagram three days ago. That might mean they're filming, but TFW posted a comment that she misses him. Also, he replied to TFW that "M" took the pic (Mady?):
Sinking Spring, Pennsylvania
ronniedieterichAmerica 🤠 #photosesh #thatcountrylight #PA
kateplusmy8Miss you! 😘
ronniedieterich@kateplusmy8 M took this pic 🤗😜
Stop.. the photos with the briefcase are enhanced...I’ve seen them on a nudie video she made on the beach it looks like...she has her bottoms on but no top...not in person...oh lord...
Looks like she was at a bachelorette party in Greece...also looked like the other girls were also topless .....and I don’t think she knew she was being filmed. It’s a very odd video but it’s definitely her
It’s amazing to me how kate only misses people in show business...I never see her say she misses her family, friends, her own child
capecodmama (#24), nice to see you!
JR said... 29
It’s amazing to me how kate only misses people in show business...I never see her say she misses her family, friends, her own child
Who is Ronnie and is he in show business? What does he do in the entertainment industry?
Looks like she was at a bachelorette party in Greece...also looked like the other girls were also topless .....and I don’t think she knew she was being filmed. It’s a very odd video but it’s definitely her
It's very common to find topless events like that in Europe. They are not as weird about nudity as we are. Even Kate went around topless at times on vacation which is how pictures surfaced. Problem is if you engage in what most people are doing when it comes to that and the paparazzi catches you, all of a sudden there's a big bounty on any pictures of that time.
Oprah will be sure to bring it up though.
How did Oprah get invited anyhow??? Harry, Meghan, don't encourage her!
kateplusmy8Miss you! 😘
ronniedieterich@kateplusmy8 M took this pic 🤗😜
I don't think that pic is current, based on the comments.
Also, good find. Kate's comment proves Kate is around, she just got her tongue all tied up by Jon lol. Loving watching this.
The wedding guests got Goodie Bags with a refrigerator magnet, water, piece of chocolate, shortbread and a coupon for 20 percent off at the Castle Gift Shop.
Coupon? Is that tacky?
That's what happens when you leave dad in charge of the party favors!
Well, either she had a growth spurt after the beach video or she saw the boob doctor. Those puppies are a fair size when she was a briefcase girl on Deal or No Deal.
Push up bra.
Only two people from her family were invited and one couldn't make it. Instead Meghan had celebrities galore sitting on the 'bride's side' of the aisle.
I did honestly have a little bit of pause over the massive number of celebs there. It seemed a little name-droopy. George Clooney, really?? I mean, that was excessive.
I understand celebs like Elton John and David Beckham truly have a long friendship with the boys and are not just hangers on. But I have no clue why Kerry Mulligan and Idris Alba had to be there.
I like Meghan, I do, but I do think she probably has a lot of qualities that drew her to become an actress in the first place, one of them being the shallowness of wanting to be around and encapsulated in fame. Harry is NOT like that, at all, in fact prefers to escape it all the time, and eventually differing views on that may clash.
Like Auntie said, it's a soap opera. Watch it unfold!
It's very common to find topless events like that in Europe. They are not as weird about nudity as we are. Even Kate went around topless at times on vacation which is how pictures surfaced. Problem is if you engage in what most people are doing when it comes to that and the paparazzi catches you, all of a sudden there's a big bounty on any pictures ofpic that time.
These weren't porn videos or sex tapes, were they? I have no desire to see pictures, videos or anything else to see what, if anything, was photo shopped or enhanced.
These weren't porn videos or sex tapes, were they? I have no desire to see pictures, videos or anything else to see what, if anything, was photo shopped or enhanced.
I've only seen one, but not at all. It was a girlfriend's fun instagram shot she posted on her small instagram before Meghan even met Harry. I'm sure people thought nothing of it until she was linked to Harry and the internet sleuths went looking. There are literally thousands and thousands of topless photos of young women out there, but no one is interested unless something like this happens.
FlimsyFlamsy...Back at ya!
Ronnie is Kate's hairdresser and the kids' "Guncle". If he was in PA, then they were filming. He probably had to do something with her dark roots before they started. They were getting a little out of hand, judging by the most recent pics she posted. I think she puts off paying for things (hair, landscaping) until she can get TLC to pay for them. Remember how she always used to say how much she missed her old hairdresser, Jason? That was her hint to him that she wanted a free cut and dye. She's using the same tactic with Ronnie. I hope Ronnie doesn't think she really cares about him. It's the free hair care she misses, not him. ~ Administrator said... 34
I don't think that pic is current, based on the comments.
Also, good find. Kate's comment proves Kate is around, she just got her tongue all tied up by Jon lol. Loving watching this.
Actually, I think it's an older pic based on the bare trees.
That photo of ronny was taken 3 days ago.If you look at the bottom right,it'll tell you when the picture was uploaded.So Kate commented from then to now.
Jamesvader1194, Ronnie posted the pic on IG three days ago, but that doesn't mean it was taken three days ago. You can post a Christmas pic on IG right now; that doesn't mean it was taken today.
Looking at those trees, wouldn't they be in bloom and with leaves by now?
It is an old picture based on the bare trees. TFW posted an ode to her trees (which were blooming) on April 25th. TFW just posted a picture of herself with Jamie. Apparently Jamie has been with TFW making work more fun. That’s a dead giveaway that they were filming the dating show and Jamie was, most probably, either her wingman or her pimp.
Another thing I noticed about her new post, they’re on a plane and it’s not a picture from today because TFW says that she misses Jamie already and Jamie posted a comment that she misses TFW. So, maybe she wasn’t even around for Jon’s post which would explain the Mother’s Day silence.
Actually, I think it's an older pic based on the bare trees.
I think the pic is older, but the comment from Kate is current. She couldn't have posted the comment sooner than when he actually posted the photo, which was only 3 days ago.
Also she finally just resurfaced on instagram with a teasy-teasy post about landing somewhere with Jamie. Not saying where or what the f is going on.
Literally no other celeb does this.
Most of the moms I know who have teenagers are super busy this time of year. Making sure their kids finish their end-of-term projects, keeping on top of their studying for finals and standardized tests, and attending their kids' spring concerts and sports games. Also coordinating summer plans for camp and/or travel (of course many families can't afford either, but TFW can surely afford both). Oh, and helping older kids with the mountain of paperwork and research involved with applying to different colleges.
And then there's Mother Of The Year Schmoopy, who is busy filming a dating show. Any similarities between TFW and an actual mother of 7 teenagers is purely coincidental.
Harry has dated practically every starlet there is your friend
Not really. He has really only seriously dated a couple girls he knew via his normal life, one he met at school was an extremely serious girlfriend. Another was an old family friend I believe from South Africa. Neither were famous.
He has shared a few drinks with famous girls which gets reported as "dating", but not every shared drink is a real relationship. For all we know it could just be a discussion about a charity. And many of the girls themselves admit it was just one drink or two, nothing came of it. He has been notoriously single for a long while, if dates happened they didn't amount to much.
I think the only "real" relationship he had with a celeb was with Elle Goulding, and I'm betting he met her organically because she sang at William's wedding.
He has said repeatedly he hates fame, he has been very clear he doesn't like this. The problem is he's going to encounter people who are famous by virtue of who he is, and so when your dating pool includes some famous people, wouldn't you know it you end up dating famous people. I don't think he has really thought through the sort of person who likes fame and wants it, and whether when is goo-goo for Meghan feelings fade, they ultimately will find common ground that makes a long marriage. Again, his life, and his decision on marriage to make, and I'll cross my fingers.
One can be both married to someone famous and hate the fame. My narcissist's spouse did.
And then there's Mother Of The Year Schmoopy, who is busy filming a dating show. Any similarities between TFW and an actual mother of 7 teenagers is purely coincidental.
She don't care, and the kids are old enough to realize it now.
It's pretty darn funny to me she claims these kids require so much time and energy and it's busy busy busy. But apparently not so much work that she can just take off whenever. Somehow it all manages to get done with her. Huh!
I also find it hilarious she calls her stupid dating show "work." Like it's a real job.
Here it is - pic of TFW and Jamie on a plane. TFW typed "Landed!!" across the pic. She has her mouth open wide and looks like Shrek again:
kateplusmy8Miss you already, Jame! Having you with me makes work SO much fun! :) Love you! 😘 #BestFriendsAreIrreplaceable
abby9kennedywhen do new episode come outtt?!?!?? i can’t wait any longer 😂😂💛
carleneigras1So glad you two were able to spend time together! Nothing like having that best girlfriend!
jbnicholssThis picture makes my heart so happy❤️
jamiepumpkin3Miss you so much!! Love you!
mydmaxx2581Ok....what have you 2 been up too? Hope a lot of fun!! 😆
barbgilmer1Oh filming your new show are you @kateplusmy8 ?
sheralatteGreat pic!! 😍♥️
mydmaxx2581Blondes have more fun, right?! 😉 Can’t wait to find out.
gartogg123Please bring out the inflatables and bikini 👙.!!!!!!!
gartogg123Please bring out the inflatables and bikini 👙.!!!!!!!
christiansnyderLooking forward to seeing whatever this adventure was! Also did you cut your hair Kate or am I just seeing it wrong? 🤪
kateplusmy8@christiansnyder no it’s super long... probably just tucked into my sweater or something...I’m such a mess lol
nick_moyGlad to see that you have a special best friend you can trust, and rely on.. Am happy for you.
amandaelioI’m so glad to see you two are still BFF!
barbgilmer1@mydmaxx2581 Lol
busymotherof5I hope you are returning from a much needed vacation!!!
barbgilmer1@kateplusmy8 That’s what I was going to say!
__rammy_Are you going to have a new season? I love your show!
lisafray10When are you back on the air @kateplusmy8 ?
christiansnyder@kateplusmy8 Haha no you’re fine, I asked cause I would’ve been surprised if you cut the long hair! On another note, do you know if we will we be getting a 14th birthday episode this summer??
ponytailsnpearlsBest friends are good for the soul! 💕
hspncelvisGood friends!
deanna_beatty_You look great 😘
deleted011013Really miss your show!! Please say you are coming back!!
flightnurse446Maybe I am a bad fan but I honestly don’t know, is your show still on because my dvr hasn’t been recording it. I love your family and watching them grow
amberbelle75I cannot wait to see what you are up and I are the same age, I am still single, put 3 babies in college, 1 at always gave me life because the struggles are very real. Thank you for all you have given
katelyneliza_You should cut your hair short it makes you look younger.
gleeknomatterwhatBeautiful friendship and ladies
marysbullockJame!!!!! I love y’all in the episodes!!!
marysbullock@jamiepumpkin3 I requested you lol!! Y’all are my fav!!!
theycallmeliz_Wasn't she on one of the episodes? I think utah!?
kclark175@kateplusmy8 You look like sisters! 😊
jmccraw31Still waiting for my invite! 😜 miss u both !
ginn45@katelyneliza_ I feel long hair is beautiful on Kate!!!
Maybe it's just me, but isn't it funny how she rarely sees her "best friend" unless it's for a freebie trip AND they're both being paid by TLC?
And, isn't it nice how TFW's fans are so happy for her that she has a BFF. I wonder if poor Collin has had a BFF, or any friends, while he's been away all this time.
And, how lovely that her fans are happy that she's had a well deserved vacation. What a joke.
That photo with Jamie looks like she's in a full manic phase. It's a little scary.
busymotherof5I hope you are returning from a much needed vacation!!!
A much needed vacation? From what..not working?! Lord what fools these fans be (with apologies to Shakespeare).
Former Lurker (#52), I had the same thought about C's welfare. I bet it would never occur to TFW that #MomsAreIrreplacable to sons. And fathers and siblings are, too.
Uh oh, has Lites Out Man already put Gladys down for bed? She's gonna be so mad she missed this chitchat time with her idol! Be on the lookout for a passive-aggressive post from her in the morning:
"Son of a gun, I missed all the fun! LOL! #Kate&Jamie#Besties#JonIsAWimp
AuntieAnn (#53), I won't click on the picture, but if she's manic, that's a sure sign she's far away from her kids. She's just not that into them.
mishylopicSo glad you remained friends with always need that one constant in your life! Hope the kiddies are ready for some summer fun!? Any plans for the you and the kids?
dinzeo_65So Hot
taylorlivinglifetothefullestWho’s watching the kids
triponejaw@christiansnyder Because God FORBID the kids should have ONE birthday that wasn't FILMED!!! 😡
emilyfaithmSO happy to see y'all are still besties!!!!!!!!
bkoepp23Love you Kate!!! @kateplusmy8
"You always need that one constant in your lfe"? Yes, and for kids it's usually their parents. Poor Collin.
"Summer fun" for "the kiddies"? As has been proven over these many years, unless TLC is scripting it, paying for it, filming it, and paying TFW, they do mostly nothing.
Flimsy (56), best not to look at might not sleep. I agree. She's most manic when she's free of the kids and partying (sorry, "working") with Jamie. In her mind she must be thinking her dating show will kiss her boo boos away. Idiot. Steve's probably with her, too.
Why are we even believing her? Remember, if she's talking she's lying. That photo could have been taken anytime and just posted to deflect from Jon. I don't believe her ever.
I just thought of another thing keeping parents busy this time of year: graduation ceremonies and parties of family and friends.
The G kids have at least 4 cousins who live locally (unless Jodi and Kevin moved away). And Beth and Bob have kids that the G kids were close with.
I'd like to think Jon has somehow kept a connection with those families. Certainly some relationships evolve, and people naturally grow apart. But with TFW, things end swiftly and permanently. You're either with her or against her.
So, she is mentally turning back the clock.
A blonde babe in her 20's looking for a perfect date. Once found, she can call him her prince and plan a "royal" wedding the likes of which we just watched.
Hair -- check. Nails -- check. Carriage -- check.
Whee! It is all about meeee! (Again.)
Dmasy (#61), in one of the exchanges about her hair, TFW said "I'm such a mess!" That's Schmoopspeak for, "Please tell me how beautiful I am!"
I don't think TFW has ever spoken about a romantic relationship as any kind of partnership. Like all of her relationships, she sees dating as transactional. She thinks, oh, he could help discipline the kids! I won't have to be a single parent anymore (spoiler alert: she never was)! He could watch the kids while I frolic around doing whatever, whenever!
FlimsyFlamsy said... 62 ... Like all of her relationships, she sees dating as transactional. ...
This made me think of what I read that Jeff said about their relationship and plans and stuff.
"Prescott said Gosselin would do anything for ratings, up to and including staging their first date and lying to fans. She maintained a sham single status despite the couple being so serious that they were house-hunting. That too was done for "Kate Plus 8." Gosselin wanted to save the relationship reveal for audiences and manage it on air. She even masterminded a spinoff dedicated to she and Prescott.
That dated French manicure looks even worse on Jamie's short, stubby fingers. I don't find these two together even remotely amusing. Can't wait to watch this ridiculous show get flushed.
She thinks, oh, he could help discipline the kids!
I know that she said something like that in the past but it might be kind of hard to do now that the kids are 14 and almost 18.
She’s doing exactly what Jeff said she was doing. She’s all about money and keeping her narcissistic mug on tv. All the while having no interest in having a man in her life except skeeve. She’s so obvious and TLC would do us all a favor by giving her her walking papers to go back to mediocre land.
She’s doing exactly what Jeff said she was doing. She’s all about money and keeping her narcissistic mug on tv. All the while having no interest in having a man in her life except skeeve. She’s so obvious and TLC would do us all a favor by giving her her walking papers to go back to mediocre land.
One good thing to come out of that. At least Jeff was astute enough to figure out that she was a shrew and that he was just being used. He walked away (or ran) from it before it was too late.
I thought that Kate said something to the effect that she wanted a big guy, like a state policeman, to put the fear of God into the kids.
Wowser (66)
I have no doubt that the guy has already been chosen and has signed on for shows about them dating, house hunting, whatever. She'll go along with a sham marriage if she thinks it'll keep her on TV. Now that she has accomplished her goal of having a show that's all about her, she has no further use for the kids. They can go live with Jon if they want to--she already got what she wanted out of them. Of course, if her all-about-me show crashes and burns, she's going to want the kids back so they can support her, but for now they're of no consequence to her.
I read an article about the royal wedding gift bags. They weren't for the 600 "real" guests, they were for the 1200 members of the public who were invited to watch on the palace grounds. There was the bag with H&M's initials, a huge commemorative chocolate coin, a package of shortbread, a refrigerator magnet, seltzer water (all with a seal showing it was from the wedding), and a coupon for the palace gift shop. I thought it was odd that they'd give something like that to their guests, but these were not for them. And a lot of the people who received them are listing them on eBay for hundreds of pounds. I'd love to know what the "real" wedding guests received.
Layla. You’re correct. However unless they are being paid a boatload of $, i do not think any man could take more than a few days of that harpy - John was being paid big bucks and he basically chose unemployment and homelessness to get away from her. She has no fans except a few crazy people. I guarantee the first night will have the most viewers (rubber neckers) then it will drop through the floor. The shows WITH her kids were dismal. Without them i think it will be non-existent if it even makes it on air
Those kids are done making her money and she knows it...they’re splitting up before our eyes...two in college.... one is banished is with Jon. I think it’s safe to say that is completely done. She looks so happy because she’s getting a paycheck and all the perks from TLC...this is her dream come true. Too bad she can’t even fathom that it will be a flop...and if it is SHES DONE!! I can’t even imagine how boring this will be...the concept is ridiculous. Do you send her out every week with someone new?? The whole conversation will be about the kids. She has nothing else to talk about...they’re not even kids anymore...they take care of themselves so if she starts with the poor me act I’ll ones buying it anymore ...she’s had eight years to date and didn’t.... how can people be so stupid OMFG
PA Dutch Mom said... 7
I think it was groundbreaking when Prince Rainier of Monaco married American actr
It was also groundbreaking when Edward VIII gave up his throne to marry Wallis Simpson.
And let's not forget Prince Charles continued love affair with Camilla after he married Diana. That would fall under the 'scandalous' category, though.
I watched Diana, In Her Own Words on NGeog last night. I hadn't seen it in years. Charles treated Diana like sh*t at times. She finally came into her own when she realized, with the help of a shrink, that she was a worthy individual who could stand strong and carry on her humanitarian work without Charles.
She has nothing else to talk about...they’re not even kids anymore...they take care of themselves so if she starts with the poor me act I’ll ones buying it anymore ...she’s had eight years to date and didn’t....
They aren't little kids, but they are teens. The trials and tribulations of having seven teens in the house. This will be the topic of conversation, as mundane as it is, like nobody else ever raised teenagers.
There was the bag with H&M's initials, a huge commemorative chocolate coin, a package of shortbread, a refrigerator magnet, seltzer water (all with a seal showing it was from the wedding), and a coupon for the palace gift shop
Someone upthread posted the contents of the bag and asked if the 20 % coupon is tacky. I thought it was extremely so, although the actual bags were pretty.
Any mention of favors at the dinner reception? Doggie bags? lol!
Boy she timed this perfectly and I’m sure on purpose...aren’t the kids almost done with school?? She has to work don’t ya know...too bad kids ...fend for yourselves. Who knows how long she’ll be gone...fake dating
I agree with posters above that she looks manic in that pic. And if anyone remembers her absolutely manic behavior in season 5? This was right after Kate and Jon’s divorce, and she started to film without him. She was constantly laughing, cackling, screeching, while flashing her overly white teeth. It was like she was on “uppers”.
Kate is Shrek Donkey more than she's ever been before in that photo with Jamie. Gaping maw doesn't describe her piehole well enough. It's huge. It's disturbing. And her eyes are... bulging.
OMG, she's not even lucid anymore. Anyone finding this funny? Or normal?
miloandjack2016 So @jamiepumpkin3 seems you had a quiet diet and fine wine! #Relaxed. But @kateplusmy8 hmm...#FlightFright on your mind....hand on the #FearGear...and sitting on the #ShockBlock! 😋 #LookinWayTooExcited to get back on the ground. Haha. #JustTeasing #HumorAttack. #GladYouAreBothBack. #FriendsThatStay. ❤ Was it a rough flight...difficult landing? #YourCaption?
Ha, welcome home TFW. Jon just posted a pic of him with Hannah about an hour ago. It's nice to see her so happy:
jongosselin1 After a long weekend together, Hannah and I are enjoying some Mexican food!!!!
Almost 24 hours later, there are only 87 comments on TFW's IG pic of Shrek and her paid BFF on the plane. Her sheeple are, and always have been, far more interested in the kids than in her. Even the dog pics generate a lot more interest.
Wowser, I still cannot figure out how she got TLC to back this show. They must believe she can carry a show, and that this will be a hit--otherwise, why bother with it? How can they not see what is so obvious to the rest of the world? People love the kids, not Kate. People watched the show to see the kids growing up--not to see Kate. Over and over, even on TLC's own Facebook page, people commented that they wished there was a show with the kids--but no Kate. So what do they do? They do a show with just Kate--no kids. With all the articles that have mentioned this new show--including the recent ones about Jon and H&C, which mentioned the new show--nobody who commented that they were looking forward to it, or wanted to watch it. Nobody. Who approved this? What was that person thinking? It makes no sense.
So it seems we have our answer.... kart is going to ignore everything... she will NOT acknowledge that Jon is seeing Collin. I imagine she made the rounds of lawyers who all told her to stfu, he has visitation rights which you denied him for years, so don't rock the boat here.
If she ignores it, it didn't happen in her little narc world.
I even wonder if she has legal custody anymore. Could the state have taken him away from her and placed him involuntarily? Once he sang, the "school" could have reported her and she might have lost visiting rights herself.
This is just too weird....
As seen on Jon's most recent photo of him and Hannah:
barbgilmer1 You both look so happy and that makes me happy!
Careful there, Barb, you know the bitch is watching and taking names. But nice of you to notice the happy thing going on in this photo.
Just scrolled through this page quickly, so apologies if anyone has mentioned this already, but Jon's latest post links to H's Instagram account. This speaks volumes to me... Kate does not allow the kids to have public social media. It must be driving Kate absolutely nuts to know that Hannah is allowed to post publicly... that she's being permitted to use the internet like your typical fourteen-year-old. Plus, the photos Hannah has shared depict a very happy, normal life with her father. Kate must be freaking out! And now that H has the freedom to speak for herself, things could get quite interesting. Happy for her, and I hope more of her siblings can experience a similar freedom.
The witch is back. Did she find her true love, a businessman who travels a lot? In other words, a man who will leave her alone so she can enjoy her fame and money.
Permanent Name in Blue said... 81
So it seems we have our answer.... kart is going to ignore everything... she will NOT acknowledge that Jon is seeing Collin.
And it's killing her. Look at her IG. She's gone off the deep end. Buh-bye Schmoopy.
Are the four remaining tups banned from seeing Jon? It seems Hannah is the only one right now and Collin has been found and visited. I also wonder if Hannah ever goes to the compound to visit the others. Not that is any of our business it is just that this is such a soap opera with all the cliff hangers.
Layla, I think TLC is betting that viewers will watch the witch because she is such a witch and she's the shrew they love to hate. What else could it be?
It wouldn't surprise me if the kids would make an appearance and some drama will ensue. Has TLC commented that Kate and Kate alone will be in the episodes sans kids?
Just scrolled through this page quickly, so apologies if anyone has mentioned this already, but Jon's latest post links to H's Instagram account.
where did it link to her account? I don’t see it.
Someone upthread posted the contents of the bag and asked if the 20 % coupon is tacky. I thought it was extremely so, although the actual bags were pretty.
I understand now that was given to the "street guests" so given that a lot of them probably would shop there the gift not only makes sense but was really nice of them, I would not have expected them to give the "street crowd" a gift.
They aren't little kids, but they are teens. The trials and tribulations of having seven teens in the house. This will be the topic of conversation, as mundane as it is, like nobody else ever raised teenagers.
Any family with 8 teens would have oodles and oodles of wonderful stories but let's face it, Kate is not engaging, is not a story teller, can't spot a good anecdote if it hit her in the face. She's totally inept, so the way she has fallen into and stayed in fame is really quite a head scratcher.
I watched Diana, In Her Own Words on NGeog last night. I hadn't seen it in years. Charles treated Diana like sh*t at times.
I watched some of it and I really did not understand that Diana knew all about Camilla BEFORE the marriage, and that Camilla had taken her out to lunch and basically said to her, so you're gonna let Charles and me do our thing, right, we have an understanding?
Because Diana was basically a baby she had no clue what to do with that or what she even meant, so she just pressed on with the wedding. What a colossal mistake, but everything turned out for the best with the two wonderful boys.
It's really big of the boys to so warmly accept Camilla even with all the baggage and shit she pulled, because it makes their dad happy. That's love of a parent.
Those kids are done making her money and she knows it...they’re splitting up before our eyes...two in college.... one is banished is with Jon. I think it’s safe to say that is completely done. She looks so happy because she’s getting a paycheck and all the perks from TLC...this is her dream come true
Yep, and she always did prefer to do these gigs without the kids. The kids were just a means to an end. She never really was interested in building a lasting brand around them or cared about the perks that fame and riches could bring to them (college paid for, an adult career like the Roloffs, a social media following to help you sell anything, etc etc). It was all about her, always has been.
Emily (#83), I never doubted for a second that those kids had social media accounts behind their mother's back. She's certainly not tech savvy, and seems to spend most of her evening hours holed up in her bedroom. Both factors are highly conducive to stealthy social media use by her kids.
where did it link to her account? I don’t see it.
If you tap on the photo, Hannah is tagged. A link to her account pops up.
Emily 83, I followed Hannah since her Instagram in public. Like you, I am THRILLED to see her posts with her school chums. She looks to have many, many friends and she seems very happy.. this makes my heart happy because I have always envisioned the kids prisoners of the compound but this may mean we can have hope that they may all have some form of normal life! In spite of the kart. I hope all the others are as happy as Hannah seems to be.
A good man is not going to be comfortable with taking charge of your kids until he has built up a good trust and respect among them and has an understanding with their real father. That can take a very long time. A man who swoops in and starts parenting your kids is generally a huge red flag. She has no idea how relationships work. ALL relationships, not just sexual ones.
FlimsyFlamsy, yup. At least two of the kids have had accounts for awhile that I believe have been kept secret from her. The fact that H's account is public makes me think that Jon now has the ability to make these sorts of parental decisions, and that must be pretty scary to Kate, especially since Jon is way more tech-savvy / understands how social media works.
Hannah's account is completely appropriate for a child her age and she's had it two years. She doesn't post much, which is also good for a young child, not to be overposting. There is not a single pic of Kate, but four of Jon, including one with the two of them making a heart together with their hands. I guess this is why Kate thought Jon was sexually abusing her. Witch.
I don't think her living with Jon full time is new at all, based on that account. Jon has allowed her to be the normal young girl she wants to be, and that is reflected in her account. And, by virtue of the fact that he tagged her, he knows the account and can watch it even without following her, because it's public. That is appropriate parenting.
Emily (#97), yes, this will come as quite a shock to the woman who proclaimed, "I'm in charge, and that's never gonna change."
How long will it take Gladys to narc on Jon letting H be on Instagram?
Cara has an account that is private. I assume Mary has one too.
All This Is That said... 87
. . .
It wouldn't surprise me if the kids would make an appearance and some drama will ensue. Has TLC commented that Kate and Kate alone will be in the episodes sans kids?
TLC has made NO reference to the kids in the total of ONE public pronouncement they have made about this show. Nevertheless, I can guarantee that Mady, at least, will have a starring role. After all, she's the one who wants to be in show biz, right? I think the others will be included on an as-needed basis, though I doubt Cara will be around much. And since Hannah now has a life, I don't think she's to be counted on either.
As for the others, I think those who've been seeing Jon regularly (Leah and the two remaining boys) are probably still seeing him on the same schedule. No one's shown that this is not true, right? And I agree with others who've said that now K8's got "her own" show, she won't be able to get rid of the remaining kids fast enough. It's always been---and always will be---about her.
Wow! How refreshing to see Hannah actually get some QUALITY parenting!
I would think that is one of two Instagram accounts. Most kids have two, a general account for all and a spam account that is for a smaller group.
I just saw a tv segment (with a medical doctor) about the prescribing of ADHD meds for children and the focus was concerns about overprescribing. I don't think that was the case with Collin, but talk about the side effects was interesting, such as how ADHD meds can suppress the appetite and cause weight loss. Often times, within 2-3 years there is a rebound weight gain.
I though of Collin and how he's gained weight and I wonder if out of Kate's hands, he got off meds or has reduced meds. It wouldn't surprise me if Kate was trying to simply medicate his problems away. He was so thin.
I also wonder if Kate has had a negative reaction to Collin's weight gain, after all, the Gosselins must grow up, not out.
That was Kate's mantra.
AuntieAnn said... 76
Kate is Shrek Donkey more than she's ever been before in that photo with Jamie. Gaping maw doesn't describe her piehole well enough. It's huge. It's disturbing. And her eyes are... bulging.
May 21, 2018 at 4:21 PM
Strap a feed bag on, Kate!
I'm surprised she posted that photo. It's ghastly.
Former Lurker said... 78
Ha, welcome home TFW. Jon just posted a pic of him with Hannah about an hour ago. It's nice to see her so happy:
jongosselin1 After a long weekend together, Hannah and I are enjoying some Mexican food!!!!
Remember when Kate used to make SUCH a big deal out of taking the kids to Chipotle...with gift cards?
I'm betting Jon treated Hannah with his own money.
foxy said... 86
Are the four remaining tups banned from seeing Jon? It seems Hannah is the only one right now and Collin has been found and visited. I also wonder if Hannah ever goes to the compound to visit the others. Not that is any of our business it is just that this is such a soap opera with all the cliff hangers.
May 21, 2018 at 7:11 PM
I sure do hope that Aaden and Joel are still visiting Jon regularly. So important to have that strong bond.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 93
Emily (#83), I never doubted for a second that those kids had social media accounts behind their mother's back. She's certainly not tech savvy, and seems to spend most of her evening hours holed up in her bedroom. Both factors are highly conducive to stealthy social media use by her kids.
May 21, 2018 at 8:11 PM
Kate is too lazy to be techie enough to stay on top of her children's social media, hence, she outlawed it.
You have to dedicate yourself to learning, be willing to learn, spend time on the computer and talk with other parents about what they are doing to monitor their kids' accounts.
With 8 kids, Kate never even tried.
Remember when she was too lazy to teach her kids to tie their own shoelaces and just let them go another year with velcro shoes?
I'm sure the kids are way more tech savvy than Kate, but I am surprised that there have been no major leaks of their accounts and/or stories of life with Mommy Dearest yet.
There is not a single pic of Kate, but four of Jon, including one with the two of them making a heart together with their hands. I guess this is why Kate thought Jon was sexually abusing her. Witch.
And a very nice photo of Hannah with Jon and Colleen (V-day?) and they look very close, great body language and it looks like Colleen is holding Hannah's hand.
Just a quick snoop into her Instagram account shows a normal teenage girl with lots of gal pals who are thick as thieves!!
I agree, and we all suspected for YEARS that Kate would have little use for the kids once they weren't making her money and furthering her fame any longer.
I think Kate will continue to have use for Mady, since she's cut from the same cloth.
Thanks url..cute pics. Hannah is a pretty fun-loving girl. she didn't post the one with Collin but there are many reasons for that I guess.
Tucker's Mom....My 10 year old grandson is on meds for ADHD and it does suppress his appetite but only for lunch. He won't take it before breakfast so he can have a big breakfast and it's worn off by the end of the school day so he has a good dinner. My daughter only gives him a full dose for a school day and a low dose on the weekend if he has a sporting event. Other than that, she doesn't give it to him because it also changes his personality and he becomes quiet. He's a very bubbly, outgoing kid so she doesn't like to suppress that unless necessary.
Hannah really does look happy. Good for her and Jon.
I guess those pics of the tup girls dressed up that TFW posted was a school dance or something. I noticed that H has her own 'squad' and Leah was not in the photos ( or any other tup) That's healthy but I hope things between Hannah and siblings are ok if she visits home. There is another 14th bday cake- so seems she had the one with Collin and this one so maybe no party unless a fake one filmed.
As for meds for various issues they certainly can affect appetite and personality. I know this from my own daughter who has depression and bad anxiety.She has little appetite now while she had an increased one on a previous one. Also her inhibitions went down on one but now she has one that lets her be herself. It's such a juggling act.All meds have s/e.
And a very nice photo of Hannah with Jon and Colleen (V-day?) and they look very close, great body language and it looks like Colleen is holding Hannah's hand.
Just a quick snoop into her Instagram account shows a normal teenage girl with lots of gal pals who are thick as thieves!!
Assuming Colleen is a normal mentally stable woman and caregiver, Hannah is old enough now to compare and contrast with her mother's behavior and realize that not every caregiver yells and berates, not every caregiver is selfish and self-absorbed, not every caregiver is a narcissist. This is partly why I believe Kate has held onto these kids with an iron fist. She doesn't want them to see there are other different, better ways to live life.
Since the cats outta the bag of Hannah having an IG account,i'd like to say that Leah used to have an IG account,same as Hannah's but with Leah,unless she made a new one.I don't know if any of the other kids have an account but i assume Mady and Cara have private accounts since i saw some photos that i've never seen on either the show or kate posting.
On Hannah's IG post featuring a birthday cake, Jon's ex girlfriend, Ellen, commented "Love you Hannah! Miss you tons! Glad you had a great bday with daddy". At least I think it's her. So nice that Jon appears to have a good relationship with his ex. No drama, no malevolence. Just goes to show that the animosity between Jon and Kate can be contributed to HER and her intense urge to lash out at anyone she feels has wronged her. Insane.
He was so thin.
I also wonder if Kate has had a negative reaction to Collin's weight gain, after all, the Gosselins must grow up, not out.
That was Kate's mantra.
Was it Collin who was so thin? I remember that photo of one of the other boys on that fishing trip where they appeared grossly underweight, I thought Collin was the heavier of the boys and I don't recall him looking really thin.
James, I read Leah's too. She mentioned getting a guinea pig in it. It was about 2-3 years ago.
Sherry Baby..I think it was Aaden- all three boys were thin, even underweight on that fishing trip. Collin is meant to have a sturdier build but TFW slimmed him down with meds or portion control/punishment. Or he might have outgrown his chubby toddler appearance. I notice the three tup girls now seem to have Kate's original build. They look healthy. Kids go through stages of being thinner or heavier, but in Collin's case I believe it was meds and lack of food. We know Kate wants thin kids.But she can't fight nature in the end. I'm not sure how healthy Collin looks but better a little husky than wasting away.
url said...103
Yup. Kate's wall of secrets is slowly cracking. My guess is it won't be long before another kid breaks out of there and then another until she's left with just her dogs. And they might not last long either, depending on how much work is involved if she has to look after them all by herself.
Tucker's Mom said...
Strap a feed bag on, Kate!
I'm surprised she posted that photo. It's ghastly.
I know lol. It's hideously hideous. What was she thinking? Someone could fall in that cavern and never find their way out.
Tucker's Mom said... 110
And a very nice photo of Hannah with Jon and Colleen (V-day?) and they look very close, great body language and it looks like Colleen is holding Hannah's hand.
Just a quick snoop into her Instagram account shows a normal teenage girl with lots of gal pals who are thick as thieves!!
Colleen also has her right arm around Hannah. They appear very close, (physically and emotionally), and very happy. I can't recall every seeing a pic like this with H and her gestational carrier.
Lorrie said... 118
On Hannah's IG post featuring a birthday cake, Jon's ex girlfriend, Ellen, commented "Love you Hannah! Miss you tons! Glad you had a great bday with daddy". At least I think it's her. So nice that Jon appears to have a good relationship with his ex. No drama, no malevolence. Just goes to show that the animosity between Jon and Kate can be contributed to HER and her intense urge to lash out at anyone she feels has wronged her. Insane.
Yes, that is Jon's ex, Ellen., I clicked on her name and saw her IG account.
There's also another pic on Hannah's IG from last summer that Ellen commented on.
Recent comments on TFW's Instagram pic of Shrek and her BFF on a plane:
n_rainone So happy for jon and hannah....she looks really happy...finally shes out of that prison..jon worked long and hard to rescue her from that witch...i thought you being in charge was never gonna change kate....oh brother has it changed
n_rainone I hope your fake dating show never gets airtime...theres no way you can carry a show...remember twist of kate disaster
janegsmith Love watching old episodes of ur show ❤️
n_rainone Stop kissing her ass.... shes a greedy more are done
n_rainone You sound a complete idiot milo and im sure shes laughing at you
n_rainone There is seriously something wrong with you milo...have you concidered getting some help
almesloob Can you please address the change in custody that clearly happened recently re Hannah? There is no need to diverge our attention with posts like this. You avoided posting something about Collin for a while and we only got an update from Jon. You seem selective in what you post. Pretending like Collin is there celebrating his birthday with his siblings when he was in fact in the facility is not helping anyone when we are seeing lies unravel through Jon. Hannah’s instagram is only giving away a different story than what you’ve been selling us.
n_rainone go girl!!!! I would like the truth for once
charmaine_blanco Is there going to be a new season of Kate plus 8
This is circulating on FaceBook. How can you not smile? I wanted to make sure you ladies (and gentleman) got to see this. I certainly hope it is a true story.
-In 2015 a Beagle was found alone in the woods in Kentucky
-The Beagle was found by a good samaritan and brought to a shelter
-No one wanted to adopt the Beagle who unfortunately was at a kill shelter and put on the euthanasia list.
-Days before the Beagle was to be put down, a Beagle rescue group in Canada was contacted by the shelter and decided to take him Canada.
-Groups of dog lovers took turns driving the Beagle in one hour shifts from Kentucky to Toronto.
-At a normal run of the mill adoption event a woman who was temporarily working in Toronto saw the Beagle and decided he was for her.
-The woman named the Beagle... Guy.
-That woman was an actress named Meghan Markle.
-Meghan Markle ended up marrying Prince Harry.
-On his owners wedding day, Guy the Beagle rode in a car to a wedding reception with the Queen of England.
-Guy, the stray beagle from Kentucky now lives at Kensington Palace.
Recent comments on TFW's Instagram pic of Shrek and her BFF on a plane:
I can't believe she posted that. Why in the world would you put a photo on IG where you look like a psychotic maniac? Was she she as drunk as the proverbial skunk?
I know lol. It's hideously hideous. What was she thinking? Someone could fall in that cavern and never find their way out.
Like a snake she unhinges her jaw to swallow her detractors whole.
I can't believe she posted that. Why in the world would you put a photo on IG where you look like a psychotic maniac? Was she she as drunk as the proverbial skunk?
Comments on IG. Are these sheeple also hitting the bottle?
deebentley3I miss you Kate !! You look Beautiful
mellonkristyUr such a stunningly beautiful woman!
I don’t think she cares...she just made bank...and is keeping up her famewhore status
She looks beautiful??? Never mind she looks nothing like she did in the first few seasons ...ya gotta love the stupidity
Comments on IG. Are these sheeple also hitting the bottle?
It's gotta be some kind of koolaid concoction.
Jon and Hannah's Mexican food date made People
NJGal51 said... 129
Like a snake she unhinges her jaw to swallow her detractors whole.
LOL, exactly!
AuntieAnn said... 123
Tucker's Mom said...
Strap a feed bag on, Kate!
I'm surprised she posted that photo. It's ghastly.
I know lol. It's hideously hideous. What was she thinking? Someone could fall in that cavern and never find their way out.
May 22, 2018 at 10:55 AM
Seriously. Geraldo should have looked in THERE for John Gotti.
It's obvious from Hannah's IG pictures that she did not spend her birthday with her mother. Also--she posted pictures of her group of friends, and her sisters wee not included. Funny--she calls them the LIT squad. My nieces and nephew from PA use that phrase "Lit" a lot, but my other nieces and nephews from other areas do not. Must be a regional thing, since some of them are the same age, and the PA ones say that all the time, and the others never do.
I saw a preview of Mama June's show (yikes), which is coming back in June. I wonder if her new show prompted TLC to try a new show with Kate. TLC cut Mama June and family loose, and she got a new show elsewhere, which apparently gets good ratings. Maybe they want to see if Kate could do the same before they cut her loose, rather than see her go elsewhere and do it there. The big difference is--the HBB show was still getting high ratings on TLC before the cancelled the show. Those ratings continued on the new show. K+8 was not getting good ratings, which does not bode well for Kate's new show. But maybe they just want to be sure. Or--the only other thing I can think of is that they contracted for a certain number of shows for the last season of K+8, and
since they only filmed 3 episodes, they still owe her a certain number of episodes. Instead of dealing with the absence of both Collin and Hannah, maybe they thought it was better to go in a new direction.
Looks like katie coyne is on the jon bashing track. Mentioned the twins being estranged. Why didn’t they jump on the fact that he sees Colin and horse face doesn’t but is instead jetting around the country pretending she’s a star on tv
It's gotta be some kind of koolaid concoction.
A recipe from the cookbook of Jim Jones.
New dog post on Kate's instagram
Kate posted a picture of one of the dogs on IG and said, "Why are they so cute???! They made it so hard to leave (fur and human kids, of course:)....l was so glad to get home.... #LoveMyKids"
She's still peddling the same old, same old. Poor, working mother separated from her beloved kids. Gag.
Her bedroom is so/cluttered/dirty looking, I could never be relaxed enough to be able to fall asleep in such mess.
Hannah must be wondering how her Instagram followers jumped so high so quickly! Hope she doesn't delete her acct. I would ask people here not to follow her. It's public so you don't need an acct to see her posts.
She may get gun-shy and or overwhelmed knowing that so many people are 'watching' her now! JMO
Jon just posted another picture of himself with Hannah and her hamster. Don't know what's up with all these posts all of a sudden, curious why so many family shots in short amount of time. He usually posts DJ events more.
"Taco" the hamster! I had a bunch of hamsters as a kid. Just loves them.
Then there's Kate and her tornado room...
"They make it so hard to leave"
She makes it sound like she's been gone for weeks filming her new hit series, when she was probably only gone for a few days getting shitfaced with her little buddy Jamie.
I wonder how many corners she had to stand on until she scored a *cough* At least she has enough outfits for THAT job.
I wonder how many corners she had to stand on until she scored a *cough*
Welp, I heard a producer got carpel tunnel flipping through head shots.
Don't know what's up with all these posts all of a sudden, curious why so many family shots in short amount of time.
Who knows. Maybe Hannah as she gets older is less embarrassed about social media and okayed it. Or maybe he decided now that they are 14, they are old enough now where he doesn't have to be so guarded about their photos and social media accounts. The uptick in photos correlates directly with the birthday.
As to the Collin photo, that might have been the first time in awhile Collin said okay to a photo, or his service providers okayed it. Even when he was with Kate there were many occasions where he didn't film, and I was always convinced that was at the request of his therapists, not Kate's decision. I hope it is a good sign he is stabilized now and can handle a few small pressures like a few photos the media will pick up on on a small scale.
Her bedroom is so/cluttered/dirty looking, I could never be relaxed enough to be able to fall asleep in such mess.
It's been proven mess and clutter causes stress and other negative emotions. Clutter gives a signal to the brain that something is unfinished, there is work to be done, leaving one feeling constantly incomplete or unfinished.
I imagine the bedroom is the WORST place to have clutter, as it's supposed to be the place to relax.
It's just a mess, sure, but it's scientifically damaging to children to have to grow up in that. Maybe Hannah prefers Jon's house where there isn't shit everywhere.
I don't think you could overstate how furious this Jon and H situation must be making TFW. She has lost control of the narrative. That is her worst nightmare. This little girl that she used to steer around by the head has found her voice, and nothing will ever be the same.
I don't think you could overstate how furious this Jon and H situation must be making TFW. She has lost control of the narrative. That is her worst nightmare. This little girl that she used to steer around by the head has found her voice, and nothing will ever be the same.
This has been said over and over, but this woman literally has never accounted for the idea that children grow up and have minds of their own and, wouldn't you know it, often don't think exactly the way you do and in many cases depending on how you raised them, are actively trying NOT to think the way you do. She never accounted for this, amazing.
"I wonder how many corners she had to stand on until she scored a *cough* At least she has enough outfits for THAT job."
Thank goodness Skeeve helped her get breast implants. That'll help attract customers.
About Jon posting photos, maybe he's encouraged about the support he's receiving, or maybe Hannah wants to assert herself more. Now the dogs, the bird, the fish, whatever is still alive in Kart's care will have competition. I doubt Milo the animal lover will write an ode to Taco.
TFW can say the kids make it hard to leave all she wants. But I believed her when she admitted that one week with her kids and one week AWAY -- when they were very little kids -- was what worked best for her family.
So Kate deigned to answer a few questions on her latest IG:
ma_druz Ok just googled if we can’t have all if you at least we get you!!! Kate plus date!!!! Can’t be true???❤️❤️❤️❤️
kateplusmy8@ma_druz coming soon.... :)
kellyhfreemanI love that your Instagram is mostly the dogs 😂❤️
kateplusmy8@kellyhfreeman yeah, my more agreeable kids.... lol.
bcronin58 They’re so cute! Do you ever have days where you like your dogs more than you like people?
kateplusmy8@bcronin58 often, actually. 🤨
brandies09@kateplusmy8 we just got a German Shepherd puppy. Are they very trainable pups.
kateplusmy8@brandies09 they are the most intelligent dogs. Super trainable! Start now:) congrats!:)
miloandjack2016 Im sure you got a royal welcome home! Hugs from kids...lots of licks from furbabies! Who missed you the most?? @kateplusmy8
miloandjack2016 And many beds/couches and doggie pads has she claimed as HERS??!! 😋 #YourSpoiledGirl @kateplusmy8
kateplusmy8@miloandjack2016 yeah, lots. There’s countless beds throughout our house that kids and dogs alike lounge on. It’s fine. I’ve really just mellowed and really enjoy the kid/pet/sibling relationships between them all. Dogs are so amazing when mixed with kids!;)
miloandjack2016@kateplusmy8 Serious ?? Jack is having some issues w/left hip and leg. #HipDisease I fear....😞 What were those meds your vet prescribed for Shoka? Are they still working?
kateplusmy8@miloandjack2016 he takes carprofen twice daily and there’s another one I add on rainy, especially painful days. Can’t recall the name of it...
miloandjack2016@kateplusmy8 Thanks...they want Jack to take steroids here. Im not too happy w/that choice...lots of side affects. You know Jack and Shoka are about the same age... Hit me w/the other med when you find it. Thanks so much...I cant bare to see Jack slowing down. 😞
kateplusmy8@kellyhfreeman yeah, my more agreeable kids.... lol.
Oh, that's a big hint.
Hannah and Collin don't seem to have a problem with Jon taking photos of them, Kate. Huh!
Milo must be on cloud 9 tonight Kate full on having a back and forth chat with her. Oh Lord, don't feed the animals.
They made it so hard to leave (fur and human kids, of course:).
No one believes it's hard for you to leave home, Kate. We've seen enough.
ncgirl said... 141
Kate posted a picture of one of the dogs on IG and said, "Why are they so cute???! They made it so hard to leave (fur and human kids, of course:)....l was so glad to get home.... #LoveMyKids"
She's still peddling the same old, same old. Poor, working mother separated from her beloved kids. Gag.
Here's the link:
It's actually seven pics. You have to click on the arrow on the right to scroll through them. It's all dogs, but pic three has one of the girls in it.
kateplusmy8@miloandjack2016 yeah, lots. There’s countless beds throughout our house that kids and dogs alike lounge on. It’s fine. I’ve really just mellowed and really enjoy the kid/pet/sibling relationships between them all. Dogs are so amazing when mixed with kids!;)
Except, she couldn't give a shit less about the sibling relationship when it comes to Collin, who was sent away from home before his twelve birthday! Not to mention that Hannah's relationship with her siblings must be different now that she doesn't live there.
TFW, you are a colossal failure. Your eight minor children are living under theee different roofs. How F-ed up is that?!!
I wonder where TLC sent Shrek and her paid BFF to film this bogus dating show. If it's not scripted, fabricated bullcrap then why would she go away somewhere to "date"?
Also, it's funny that there were no reported sightings on the plane trips and wherever they were filming. TFW was probably disappointed that no one tweeted about seeing her. That's why she posted the plane pic on Instagram.
Jon's latest IG post:
jongosselin1 Happy Tuesday!!! Hannah and Taco!!!
* twelfth
Sheesh, I can't type tonight.
* three different roofs
H posted that same hamster pic in a montage of three pics on her IG. Ellen must follow her because she posted a comment on it. Actually, she asked a question, whether H just got the hamster.
It speaks volumes about the difference between TFW and Jon as parents that H still keeps in touch with Ellen years after she and Jon broke up. She was a part of their lives when they were younger and even though Jon and Ellen split as a couple, the kids weren't forced to banish her from their lives forever and pretend she never existed. Then there's sicko TFW, who has made SO many people, family and friends, just go poof, never to be seen or spoken of again.
TFW's post with all the dog pics, posted shortly before Jon posted his IG pic with H and the hamster, doesn't have as many comments as Jon's post. People are over the dogs, for crying out loud. But, at least we now have confirmation from TFW that she mostly posts dog pics because the kids don't want to pose for her IG.
It speaks volumes about the difference between TFW and Jon as parents that H still keeps in touch with Ellen years after she and Jon broke up. She was a part of their lives when they were younger and even though Jon and Ellen split as a couple, the kids weren't forced to banish her from their lives forever and pretend she never existed.
I'd venture to say many if not most normal people tend to have people from the "past" around here and there, even if it's only as FB friends, ex's and so forth, because like Jon, most normal people understand just because you're not IN love with someone does not mean you don't love them or that others who knew them didn't love them. And that bitterness and hatefulness is usually not a healthy way to end a relationship.
Although relationships end romantically often it does not mean the end of a relationship period, and there can be value in continuing it in some form. But for Kate, she is black and white, fixed pie, and does not understand the incredible amount of layers you can have in one relationship with someone.
It is HEALTHY for the children to see a person go from romantic love to amicable friendship and to be part of that mix. That helps a child learn how to navigate relationships themselves in a manner that is healthy and appropriate.
By the way, I just took a quick look at Ellen's IG and saw that she got married last October. She looks very happy in her posts. She has a blog too, but I didn't check it out.
Using Kate’s methodology, Hannah realized her mom didn’t know how to help her anymore. Someone finally turned on Kate instead of the other way around... I wonder how it made Kate feel? Poor super mommy!
Has Hannah been shunned? I wonder if the kids are allowed to talk about Hannah and Colin??
I bet she bought the remaining kids iPhones for their birthdays because Jon had already gotten Hannah a phone once she started living with him..
I guess I’m the only one who doesn’t care if she has her own show. When you get down to it, it means the kids aren’t working. There’s plenty of shows out there with reprehensible people— the Kardashian’s, mama June, or any housewife of wherever. I don’t watch any of that crap but apparently there’s a demographic that does.
What a world what a world
Old poster (#167), can you imagine how unnerving it is for TFW to be losing control like this? I bet it used to be "Don't tell Daddy" this and "Don't show Daddy" that on the regular.
It must keep TFW up at night, thinking about what H tells her dad about life at Ms. Gosselin's Home For Exploited Children. Maybe H will be the first one to write that tell-all book.
I think she posted the photo of Leah to show she has at least some kids left!Wonder how the remaining kids are doing.
I worry most about Cara & Alexis. I don’t believe those girls are mean spirited. I hope they soon can find it in their hearts to initiate contact with their dad. They will regret their estrangement so much as they get older.
Old poster said... 167
I guess I’m the only one who doesn’t care if she has her own show. When you get down to it, it means the kids aren’t working.
True. And her reasoning would be they've served their purpose, they can get lost now.
Mommie's got her own show so - meh - you're on your own. Oh and keep out of my fridge while I'm away filming. That food is mine. All mine.
A comment on Jon's latest IG pic - good point:
alexiscripps so hannah is the only one of the kids who has social media, and she spends the most time with her dad... interesting. just shows you how controlling kate is.
Kate’s gotten her first dose of her own medicine when the golden child decided to live with Jon and not her. That had to have hurt.
Which child defects next?
If H is now living with Jon, I would think that part of the custody issues in court would involve finances, which would involve the issue of H's trust account. If Jon has primary physical custody, he should now have at least joint legal custody custody of H. (I never understood how TFW had sole legal custody of the eight.) Plus, Jon should now have control of H's trust account since she's primarily with him. It must have been very enlightening for both Jon and H to see how much - or how little - TFW actually put away for her (and all the kids).
It must be killing TFW to be losing the total control she's had over everything all these years. And, it's just the beginning.
Hmmmm...I wonder who stayed with the kids while she was off filming with her BFF.
Let's not speculate on any meds for C - if you don't have a child that needs them, then you really don't know.
They aren't "magic" pills that control children. If they are working for a child, and they are diagnosed correctly, then they won't change their personality. It will allow them to control their emotions, thus helping them with self control.
And, medication does not work without therapy, especially if the medication is for behaviourial issues.
There are so many stigmas attached to mental health issues, that perpetuating myths about medication does nothing to change that narrative.
To the person who's worried about Hannah going to be overwhlem by all her new followers on IG.I hope i don't sound like a creeper but i discovered that account when i herd from someone that jon had some of the kids as followers and i saw the Hannah account was set to private.So i'm assuming Hannah decided to tell Jon that she was going to make her profile public and wouldn't care if fans were going to comment.I don't think Hannah is dumb,i don't think she'll be like her mother and try to act like her fans are her friends or family(looking at you milo.)
Hmmmm...I wonder who stayed with the kids while she was off filming with her BFF.
Brownie, the stale cereal sheep?
Admin...We've seen how TFW's narcissism affected her marriage and her kids so, out of curiosity, did your narcissist stay married and how did her kids turn out?
I agree with a previous poster who said Kate Plus 8 is dead. With Hannah being with Jon, Collin out of her house and Cara pretty much non existent on the show, Kate Plus 5...4...3...2...1 doesn't have the same ring to it. I don't think her dating show will do well, if, it sees the light of day, but as long as the show isn't about the kids, I don't give a sh&t.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 150
I don't think you could overstate how furious this Jon and H situation must be making TFW. She has lost control of the narrative. That is her worst nightmare.
But I think that Kate is going to act like it never happened and doesn't exist in her universe.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 150
I don't think you could overstate how furious this Jon and H situation must be making TFW. She has lost control of the narrative. That is her worst nightmare.
Hi Old Poster! I'm an 'old poster' too!
I remember when we used to chat about Kate having her own show and how that'd be just fine because it would mean the kids weren't being filmed.
I think it's great that TLC is giving Kate a show, because I know she'd be selling those kids any way she could to drive interest and get more episodes filmed.
No more filming or looooooong magazine shoots for the kids is a great thing.
Sure, there might be some footage in Kate's house but the kids are not going to be carrying the show. Hey, maybe they won't be filmed at all, or just a couple will tolerate it.
I think it's finally safe to say that Kate Plus 8 is OVER.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 168
Old poster (#167), can you imagine how unnerving it is for TFW to be losing control like this? I bet it used to be "Don't tell Daddy" this and "Don't show Daddy" that on the regular.
Lorrie said... 170
I worry most about Cara & Alexis. I don’t believe those girls are mean spirited. I hope they soon can find it in their hearts to initiate contact with their dad. They will regret their estrangement so much as they get older.
I so agree! Cara was so close to Jon and they were such buddies.
It can't be overstated enough how harmful it can be for a child to dissolve their relationship with a parent, especially one they loved so dearly.
What Kate has done is unforgivable.
Old poster said... 173
Kate’s gotten her first dose of her own medicine when the golden child decided to live with Jon and not her. That had to have hurt.
Which child defects next?
I hope Aaden and Joel are still seeing Jon regularly. No reason to think that they're not, but if I were to guess, I'd expect that those 2 boys are parentified by Kate and have the expectation of being the men of the house, especially since Collin's been gone.
I can't imagine the conflict of abandoning their mother who's inculcated in them how desperately alone and lonely she is and how everyone leaves her.
Add me to the list of people who don't really care if she has her own show, as long as she's not forcing the kids to support her (as she has done for so long). I cannot understand how TLC ever agreed to this new show, and I think (know) it will be a complete failure, but--their loss is our gain. Think of all the laughs we will have when the ratings start rolling in! The way I see it, this new show gave the kids a summer off to just be kids. They haven't had enough of those in their lives. And by the time they realize that Kate can't carry a show on her own, M&C will be adults. They can choose to film (Mady) or not (Cara). If Mady chooses to film, she will have to be compensated appropriately for her time instead of having to split a miniscule amount with her siblings. And if she does choose to go that route (and if anyone is still interested in filming them), she will be an adult, capable of making her own choices, so I respect that. It's forcing children to film without their consent that riles me up. We know Kate is using their trusts to pay for their expenses, so basically they are supporting their mother and themselves, all while they are too young to vote or drive. What is wrong with a society where kids who are too young to vote can be forced to work and support their family? It makes no sense.
It's good to see H happy. Maybe she's okay with social media because she now knows she can be a private citizen and do the things other kids her age do. Nobody can exploit her now. I wonder--since Jon posts pictures of H and not the other kids, maybe he is respecting their wishes to stay off their parents' social media. They don't like Kate to post their pictures, so they probably don't want Jon to do it, either. At least Jon respects their wishes.
. If Mady chooses to film, she will have to be compensated appropriately for her time instead of having to split a miniscule amount with her siblings. And if she does choose to go that route (and if anyone is still interested in filming them), she will be an adult, capable of making her own choices, so I respect that.
Ah, but what if it's not really her decision and she's been brain-washed by Kate? There are some that feel she's a Mini Kate and if Kate wants her to film, then that's exactly what she will do to stay on Kate's good side (if there is one!). Then there's the fact that apparently Jon isn't her favorite person, so if she decides to film, wouldn't this just be to show Jon that she's going to do exactly what she wants to do...follow in her mother's footsteps?
During TFW's manic posting frenzy, she said german shepherds are "super trainable!" Tell that to poor Nala, who got sent away and was never brought back.
As if Kate every actually trained any of her dogs.
"Milo must be on cloud 9 tonight Kate full on having a back and forth chat with her."
Kate recommended medicine to her! They are besties! In Milo's mind, no one has ever done anything so wonderful!
y Jon isn't her favorite person, so if she decides to film, wouldn't this just be to show Jon that she's going to do exactly what she wants to do...follow in her mother's footsteps?
I agree. Kind of like giving him the old finger?
Rainbowsandunicorns (186)
Well, if Mady is an adult and she wants to do reality TV, then it's her choice. The problem is, people are pretty sick of watching the Gosselins. Even if she really wants it, it may not be a realistic expectation for her. She ma not have a choice but to move in to Plan B. If she has a Plan B, that is. We know Kate doesn't have one. Hopefully Mady is smarter than her mom. Hopefully.
If Hannah has lived with Jon for several months now, I would why he’s started posting pics on Instagram?
I though Jon had right of first refusal when Kate is unable to keep the kids when it’s her visitation— who kept the kids?
All this talk about madi hitting 18, and if she films and demand payment.
Kate could do like Jim bob duggar and keep the money for himself—-none of his kids have EVER received money for their part of the show— Derik stated this as fact a few weeks ago. The adult children do not get paid— Jim bob gets the check!
I think it’s really sad that H did not have her sisters in any of her IG pictures from the dance. It’s the same event tfw posted pics of the three girls together (8th grade formal?). Also L has a private IG and H doesn’t follow L. Makes me sad
The Kate & Jamie BFF photo has been up for 72 hours---and has fewer than 11,000 likes. The only photos she's ever posted that have actually surpassed 10 percent of her [ahem] followers are of the kids, and only about 5 have gotten that far. Even the dog series she posted yesterday is already within a couple thousand of her Shrek shot.
If this isn't telling TLC something, they are willfully sticking their heads in the sandtrap.
Lurking (#193), I agree it's sad if H and L are no longer close. And yet I can easily see TFW pitting the kids against each other and causing dissension among the ranks. H's decision to be with her dad would've been a great opportunity for Iago TFW to whisper bad things about H to L, and/or reward her for staying home with Mom. Nothing is beneath that woman. Nothing.
Lurking (#193), I agree it's sad if H and L are no longer close. And yet I can easily see TFW pitting the kids against each other and causing dissension among the ranks. H's decision to be with her dad would've been a great opportunity for Iago TFW to whisper bad things about H to L, and/or reward her for staying home with Mom. Nothing is beneath that woman. Nothing.
This is one of the residual problems of parental alienation is when there are siblings they can start to take sides and it can cause serious conflict among the siblings themselves. It's hard to have siblings who are "team mom" or "team dad."
I hope this has not happened to the children, but there is a good chance. And it makes the parental alienation Kate has been doing for a decade reprehensible.
Add me to the list of people who don't really care if she has her own show, as long as she's not forcing the kids to support her (as she has done for so long).
I don't get the sense most people here much care she gets a show. She can get a show, whatever. I think it's more just surprise that she got one coupled with hilarity at how stupid the whole thing is.
Wow, what's up with all the pics Jon is suddenly posting? About 40 minutes ago, he posted another pic with Hannah, this time at Starbucks. It seems that they're both just so happy that Hannah is finally living a normal life:
jongosselin1 We didn’t forget Wednesday!!! Night time decaf ice coffee with Hannah’s new reusable cup!!!
It's good to see H happy. Maybe she's okay with social media because she now knows she can be a private citizen and do the things other kids her age do.
That could very well be exactly it. Control is everything, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if some of the kids are just fine with being in the public eye as long as they can call their own shots. Hannah gets to decide what pics and stories we see now, not her mother, who made decisions for her like exposed her pooping in her underwears.
It does remind me of how Prince William and Harry handle the media. They both firmly believe the media killed their mother. But they spent their early adulthood cracking down hard on the media and setting firm boundaries until the media gave up and backed off. Once they felt they had control of the media, could call the shots on their own privacy, their relationship with them began to blossom and became mutually beneficial. (I'm talking about the British press, they have little to no control over the international press.)
It's quite amazing really they have such a good relationship with the press. But, it's about control. Feeling like you have a say, and that if you say no, that will be respected.
Hannah posted the same Starbucks pic on her IG. They both seem so darn happy. Can you even imagine the night and day difference between living in TFW's ice castle and living with Jon?
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