Jon has found Collin, and Hannah is with him full time
In a very unexpected sextuplets birthday post, Jon wrote on Instagram that he and Hannah visited Collin for his belated birthday (Jon posted a few days ago on Hannah's birthday that he now has her every day and night). Collin has been missing for two years, and Kate has offered little explanation why, other than he is getting treatment.
mandapanda184 @jongosselin1 Oh good. So the reports that Kate shipped him somewhere without letting you know where, aren't true? jongosselin1 @mandapanda184 that’s true but I found him
Wow, what's up with all the pics Jon is suddenly posting? About 40 minutes ago, he posted another pic with Hannah, this time at Starbucks. It seems that they're both just so happy that Hannah is finally living a normal life:
And it's these little moments that memories are built on. Not a trip to Disney. But those night-time runs to Starbucks after a long day of school and homework. For a little decaf cup of joe with dad before bed. And the talks. The talks you have.
Admin...We've seen how TFW's narcissism affected her marriage and her kids so, out of curiosity, did your narcissist stay married and how did her kids turn out?
No, the marriage is totally kaput though it lasted a long time. I was sad about that, but I saw it coming within two days of being around that weird relationship. I felt a bit like Ashley, feeling as if my own parents had divorced. I REALLY liked spouse, who was not a narcissist, felt quite close to them, they hired me and did a lot for me to ensure I was comfortable, and so that was a bit rough. I felt angry at them and upset they had done this to the kids, who were still at home, while at the same time understanding why they did what they did.
As for the kids, I quite like them and I think most of them are at their heart good people. Most of them are doing just fine (there are several kids). Two have really, really struggled, one of the ones I was VERY close to. There's been some jail time, and some overdoses. It's been heartbreaking. One remains a total mess but I actually never even met that one, the oldest, who has lived out of state since the early 2000's. But things are clean and sober now for the one I knew best and they're doing well, and as far as I'm concerned there is no kinder gentler person on the planet than that young person.
Was it the good nannies they had around, all of whom were pretty solid, let them know they were loved, supported, etc? The much older siblings who helped raise a good person? Friends and family who were around? Genetics? Pure luck? Who knows.
Hmm, it looks like sheeple Barb is following Jon. She was quick to comment on his pic:
barbgilmer1 Aww, Hannah and her Dad. Hope y’all have a great evening! School almost out?
Barb was smart enough to give herself an out all this time and I think now she's taking it. When the ship is sinking, the smart ones jump off and into the life raft. Good call, Barb.
I agree with a previous poster who said Kate Plus 8 is dead. With Hannah being with Jon, Collin out of her house and Cara pretty much non existent on the show, Kate Plus 5...4...3...2...1 doesn't have the same ring to it
Yeah, it's in trouble. Unless they do some sort of "Kate and twins do Florida" thing or something so it's not so obvious. They managed to squeak by filming around the Collin situation simply for the fact that you don't notice whether a group is 7 people or 8, but you just can't do that when you're down even more. And for all we know maybe even more kids don't want to cooperate than we know about. There is no point to a show about multiples that has lost so many it just looks like a normal nuclear family.
I wonder if Jon is posting a lot to show Hannah is with him full time without stating it. He may be under an order to not discuss custody arrangements to the press so he is just showing how often Hannah is with him instead.
Using Kate’s methodology, Hannah realized her mom didn’t know how to help her anymore. Someone finally turned on Kate instead of the other way around...
We said this for years. If you teach a child the way to deal with people who upset them is to simply cut off that person, the child will someday be offended by you and cut YOU off. But teach a child to work with difficult conflicts and plug away at familial relationships even if they are difficult, a child learns to work with you and work on your relationship and sticks around.
It's like if you teach a child to be rude and disrespectful. They will start doing it to YOU eventually. Many things you teach kids tend to come back around. What did Kate think was going to happen? ~ Administrator said... 7 Barb would call Kate out now and again, I remember that. She always seemed like a pretty logical sheeple, as sheeple go.
Eh, I still think she's a typical sheeple, willing to be a doormat for TFW. I looked at her IG for the first time last week, after I saw her comment on Jon's IG. She had several posts in March about her dad being sick and in the hospital. Many of the sheeple that have been around for a while left her nice, supportive comments. Then, just a few days before TFW's birthday at the end of March, Barb's dad unfortunately passed away. She made several posts about that and again, received nice thoughtful comments from several sheeple, including from Shrek's BFF, Jamie. But never a comment from TFW (Shrek).
Then, just a few days after her dad passed away, Barb posted a video on her IG. She was sitting in her car and it was a Happy Birthday video message to TFW. Very weird, in my opinion. TFW couldn't be bothered to ever post a comment on the several posts Barb did about her father being ill and then passing. Yet, Barb then remembers it's TFW's birthday and posts a video Happy Birthday message to her in the days between his passing and the funeral? WTH? Doesn't she realize that TFW could not care less about her, or any of them?
Suing for custody- how does that work? In judge’s chambers? Courtroom? attorney’s office? I knew a mom that sued one of her kid’s dads for more child support (she had a lot of kids; the kid in question had a dad with a very nice income. The mom was hoping to get more child support for the one child to ‘spread it around’ on the other kids.She was t the greatest of parents and she lost custody! I wonder how Kate reacted to the change in custody? Did she sob? Shriek? Go bat shit crazy? It would be interesting to know if Kate is having to pay child support. Does Jon have any legal access to Hannah’s trust fund? What a world what a world! (Does Jon have a salt water pool and puppies puppies puppies?....)
Jon's Starbucks IG post got a comment tonight from Bryan Masche. I had to click his IG name to see who it was, and then I still had to Google him because I never saw his show. I remember reading about it years ago, the Raising Sextuplets show. It was on for a couple of years and then they got divorced. Here's his comment:
sextupletstrong2007x6 @jongosselin1 glad to say ee you posting pictures with your’re a good man Jon Gosselin and a great father. Your kiddos are lucky to have a father who’s stayed in the fight no matter what was thrown at him...👊🏻. I’d love to chat some day brother, because no one understands what you’ve gone through quite like me.
Eh, I still think she's a typical sheeple, willing to be a doormat for TFW.
I wonder if she fancies herself sort of the peacemaker sheeple, neither team Jon nor team Kate, just trying to play it straight down the middle and be everyone's friend, I don't get involved in hate, love everyone and all that. I've seen fans like that, too.
Where is there any evidence that Hannah has cut Kate off? If she is living with her dad, that does not mean that she has cut her mother completely out of her life. You are making a huge assumption based on what you would like to see happen.
I'm using "cut off" proverbially. I have no idea if she has literally cut Kate out of her life, who knows. It's not the point. Jon's own post does indicate she spends every day AND night with her, so at the very least, she no longer spends overnights with Kate. Any overnights, according to Jon. The point being, it doesn't seem like Hannah has much interest in sticking it out living with Kate and working through whatever the problems are with Kate. And I think that is because she has learned from Kate to cut off problems, not work through them.
Hannah has several posts of Jon on her instagram and none of Kate. Maybe that's just a coincidence or maybe Kate asked not to be on it, who knows, but whether she sees Kate at all within the confines of living with Jon full time I have no idea nor is it really our business.
Wow, what a twist! I'm so glad Jon sees Collin! Personally I don't think we can be sure Kate and the rest of the kids never see Collin but never mind that, hope the kid is ok and getting better every day. Regarding Hannah, if it's true she lives exclusively with Jon, I wonder if she is hesitant to visit Kate very often not only because their relationship has suffered but also out of fear that Kate might try to forcefully keep her there. So depressing to think a kid might have such a fear but I believe, based on what we know, it could be true...
The plethora of photos of H and J would lead me to believe that custody is pretty new.So happy for them at last! May others soon join them.
I’m not sure how recent. That showdown when Hannah refused to leave Jon and Kate called the cops plus tried to yank her into submission was from last August! The sexual abuse comments were from 2015! I think they’ve had big changes for years now, I think the more likely explanation is that Hannah turned 14 and for whatever reason Jon decided when she’s 14 he would be more open about what’s going on.
I think the orthodontist incident and Hannah being sent to the hospital after TFW yanked on her arm to get her out of jon’s Car set things in motion in the court. It looks like PA takes into account the preference of the child.
True, but Hannah was filming the 13th birthday party and other episodes as if she was living at Kate's home and seemed to be on TFWs IG from time to time: remember that picture TFW posted as' among others 'if to say look who won; here's H with me...who really knows? Maybe she still sees Kate and siblings.That's really as it should be.
I thought the question was how long has she been living full time with John and I said it’s possible even probable based on the evidence it’s been much longer than just this week. Weve certainly seen her with Kate but that could’ve been just a visit. I thought we had more less agreed nobody really knows if she doesn’t see Kate *ever* these days— Who knows.
I wonder how TFW would respond if one of the sheeple asked directly about H. Maybe she'd say she is just away at college, like C. --------
Nice to see you all too! I doubt Kate would ever ever answer anything about Hannah on social media. Now, a big People cover with the remaining cooperating G kids along with a fat paycheck from People for selling the story? That I can see. I can just see the title: "Kate's broken heart: ungrateful daughter poisoned by father has abandoned her"
Anonymous said... 9 I wonder if Jon is posting a lot to show Hannah is with him full time without stating it. He may be under an order to not discuss custody arrangements to the press so he is just showing how often Hannah is with him instead.
Jbranck1980 *********** Agree and Jon looks over the moon about it!
s. Then, just a few days before TFW's birthday at the end of March, Barb's dad unfortunately passed away. She made several posts about that and again, received nice thoughtful comments from several sheeple, including from Shrek's BFF, Jamie. But never a comment from TFW (Shrek). ********* Says it all...
I remember from a friend's custody case that children have a lot more say in which parent they want to live with once they turn 14. Hannah appears to have been with Jon for longer, and that may have something to do with the fact that H finally had a GAL, and Kate's out of control behavior toward H last summer. H had the courage to stand up for herself, and Kate--typical for her--lashed out at H. She didn't try to understand H's feelings or to work with H to make sure she had more time with her dad. With Kate, you're either with her or against her. She knew she needed H for filming, so she tried to bully H and force her to stay. It appears to have backfired.
I think it's fair to say that Kate will not have a relationship with H or C when they are grown. She will no longer be able to use them for filming. She never seemed to like C at all. H fought to get away, and we know Kate cuts people out of her life when they don't do what she wants. Kate will cut H and C out, and she will do everything she can to make sure neither one has a relationship with their siblings. At least they have each other, and they have their dad. They're still a family--just a different one from what they used to know.
Layla, I agree. And Cara seems MIA far as doing what TFW wants like pose for pictures, possibly would be nice if more kids would get close to Jon again. What about Alexis? She hasn't seem much of him in years.
I just saw an interview that Ryan Reynolds did with George Stephanopoulos, and Ryan says he is against having kids in show business "because I'm against child abuse". He goes on to say, "I don't know why you'd put your kid in show business". RR has been in the business for a long time--I think he probably knows what he's talking about. Kate claims anyone would do it if they had a chance, but I think it's safe to say that the people who know better would not. Or maybe RR is just "jellus" and a "hater".
Well we knew she would start alienating her own kids st some point too...your behavior pattern does not stop because it’s your kids...she will banish whoever doesn’t kiss her royal it’s happening to them...she will alienate one by one ...two down six to go...only a matter of time....and it’s all got to do with control...and she’s losing that right now...she must be bouncing off the walls
JR (#31), for years I've rolled my eyes whenever TFW talked about looking forward to grandchildren. For one thing, heifer couldn't stand her own kids when they were little, and we expect to believe she'll turn into Ma Ingalls for her kids' kids?
But more significantly, her fantasy of her 8 kids and their spouses and families gathered 'round the hearth was based on an unlikely assumption: that they'd all still be in her life. Even for the ones who stay, there's bound to be one son-in-law or daughter-in-law who's read TFW's journal entries and says, that woman is not going NEAR our children.
I think it's going to get more obvious to those kids as they grow older, just exactly what their mother's intentions were from the moment they were conceived. Some of them have undeniably already questioned her motives. The golden platter she yammered on about wasn't really for them. Sure they got vacations and 'stuff' galore and a nice house to live in, but it was paid for at the cost of their childhood and it's Kate who wanted that platter.
There was an episode of Hoarders where this woman, who was obviously well heeled, was so self-absorbed that instead of spending quality time with her son, bought him everything a kid could want with the idea that would make up for her lack of parenting skills. When he was being interviewed for the episode, he was about in his mid-twenties and no longer living in his hoarder mom's house. He admitted that he had been spoiled rotten and surrounded by everything a kid could ever want. But he said what he really wanted was his mother to be a mother to him. He was extremely resentful towards her. She was too busy out spending money and hobnobbing with the uppercrusts. He actually said he didn't want those things, he wanted his mom.
I believe that's the same, sad story many of the Gosselin eight will be telling in the future, but sadder than that I don't think Kate will hear it. She is deaf to reason other than her own.
capecodmama....Bryan Masche did explode. His ex-wife and other relatives have testified to that. He was very abusive with his ex wife and I believe he did not work.
She has since remarried and had another child with her current husband.
I hope Jon does his homework on this guy. He is no good.
..two down six to go...only a matter of time....and it’s all got to do with control...and she’s losing that right now...she must be bouncing off the walls
We don't know that Mady won't stick with her until the end, so I think that to say all of them will distance themselves from her is speculative guessing. We also don't know what kind of relationship Alexis and Leah, or Joel and Aaden have with her now. Of course, time will tell.
Wowser, that stick looks wicked- wood or very hard cardboard. It is seen in TFW's hand in many early episodes with no explanation. Then the red spoon photgraphed in her car. Those poor kids. Now it seems also psychological punishment takes place like not allowing the kids to call Jon Dad or to shun Hannah after seeing hr father.And all the rumored abuses to Collin.
Mady seem pretty derisive of her mother but her own love of attention may cause her to stick with TLC. I had thought Hannah seemed close with her mother but as we know, we don't know!
AuntieAnn (34) Yep, that golden platter she wanted was for herself. Notice how, when they bought the house, she claimed that "it's for the kids, it's theirs, they deserve it", yet the first time they were filmed there, she was saying, "All mine". She was quoted in a recent episode saying she's never going to move, and she keeps talking about the kids (and their future families) visiting her there. If it's their house then why will she be living there and they will only be visiting? Of course, they may be happy that they aren't living there by then, because the interior of that house is looking pretty ratty. Ratty carpet, ugly paint, mismatched wood floors, hideous curtains, beat-up furniture. And it's a mess! Of course, she won't hesitate to use money from their trusts to fix the place up, but it will be hers. Once they kids are no longer of use to her, they're out of there. They'll be lucky to have the gate code to the house they gave up their childhoods to pay for.
foxy...Thanks for the info. I thought I read he had exploded but wasn't sure. Good on his ex for moving on. If I recall, she was a physicians assistant and he did something with finances. She always seemed to be working; him, not so much.
With these daily posts Jon is clearly letting all who care about him and his children...all who contributed to his legal fund..that he has custody! And to all who believed Kate's portrayal of him as a terrible father(oh and terrible person)...the truth is now evident. And he took Colin pizza and a birthday cake! This is good.
kateplusmy8Rainy day ice cream.... #HowAreMyBabiesTurning14? #LoveThemAll (even the ones who refused to be in the pic😂)
Also, according to the comments, it looks like they were only in there enough time to take the phony, staged pic because TFW needed something other than the dog pics to put on her IG
cecilia_lestrange @blkion04 well... was he?
blkion04 @cecilia_lestrange not sure, it was pouring rain and they didn’t stay because it was so busy inside, I saw Kate and a few of the girls!
Former Lurker (#44), and think about the contrast between a dad taking you out for tacos and ice cream, and a mom whose philosophy is "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels."
the interior of that house is looking pretty ratty. Ratty carpet, ugly paint, mismatched wood floors, hideous curtains, beat-up furniture. And it's a mess!
Yeah, from the photos she posts of the dogs and kids taken inside the house it's apparent Schmoops ain't no neat freak. So much for the OCD she had when TLC was picking up the tab for cleaning.
And you're right...those curtains are totally 80's. They're probably crusty with ten years worth of dust and grime. She's a slob.
jongosselin1 I scream! You scream! We all scream for ��!!! Happy Thursday!!!
haha. Bet Kate's screaming too but not for ice cream. She can pretend everything is just peachy back at the *GHFEC, but she's you can bet she's burning with rage on the inside.
*Gosselin Home For Exploited Children (thanks Flimsy;)
Also, according to the comments, it looks like they were only in there enough time to take the phony, staged pic because TFW needed something other than the dog pics to put on her IG ======== In the picture it doesn’t look like any of them are eating ice cream. It was probably taken while they were waiting which makes sense if they didn’t stay long. TFW does want to put her spin on every little thing but Jon is showing everyone that she really is the lying lier who lies.
NJGal51 said... 52 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Right- panic and mob scenes would ensue if they ate the ice cream there. They probably had to eat it fast, like in NYC when Kate ran on her hooker heels to buy it then smashed it practically in the kids' faces or the place where they could not play on the grass and she threw out Cara's ( I think) cone before she was done.
I love all the pictures Jon is putting on IG of him and Hannah, proving he has custody and there is nothing Kate can say or do to cover up that fact. Karma, she took her own sweet time but is catching up with Kate now.
There's one thing that's disappointing to see. On Jon's ice cream pic, and the other pics with Hannah that he's been posting, a few people have left comments that Jon should have a TV show with the kids. FFS people, that's not the goal here! He's a normal dad just trying to live a normal life. I wish the sheeple would give up wanting to see these kids, or any kids, on reality TV!
Also, I really wish fans would just comment on Jon's Instagram and not Hannah's IG. Leave the girl alone. On the ice cream pic that both Jon and Hannah posted, someone was clearly confused and posted a comment on Hannah's IG when it looks like she thought she was on Jon's IG. Hannah does not need comments like this on her IG:
joygirlmm Did you get full custody of Hannah? That is great if you did. I was wondering how the other kids feel about being at home with MOM.
And I bet if H got ice cream on her clothes, Jon wouldn't scream, "She's ruined!"
I remember the couch interview after that Disney trip. In response to TFW's over-the-top reaction to the melted ice cream, Jon said, "Let 'em bathe in it!" He was happy that his kids were having fun.
jongosselin1Thank you to everyone for all the love and support this week!!! Hannah and I forgot to take a pic. She is doing her in video @itsmehjg check it out!!! Have awesome Holiday, Happy Memorial Day and let’s get summer started!!!! Thanks again! ❤️
Interesting comment:
alliemae_8 Ok I’m putting this out there for those of you who don’t know. The situation is that Jon is fighting for full custody of Hannah as she has “expressed she is unhappy and uncomfortable at Kate’s house”. Hope y’all understand.
It kind of sounds like he’s got shared custody with TFW right now or that Hannah chose to stay with Jon while TFW was away filming. IMO, shared custody is better than no custody and a week with Jon is better than spotty visitation. I really hope that poor Hannah doesn’t face any repercussions when she gets back to the compound. Que TFW’s life “life is grand” and “my kids threw me a late mather’s day party” posts. I’m glad that she had this time with Jon and that she got to see Collin and I hope that things are changing for the better.
Maybe PA is listening to Hannah finally -after her mother almost ripped her arm out of the socket because she was hanging onto a door handle for life trying to stay with her father. And with Collin being sent away-mommy dearest’s true colors are finally being seen i think. One descension in the ranks usually has many defectors right after. Time will tell. Two dominoes have fallen.
Or maybe (I hope) the situation is he does have custody of Hannah and this special week of posts was his way of communicating that fact since he cannot come out and state it. And the situation includes the clear evidence that he is now a part of Collin's life. Jon seems very happy. He has been horribly maligned by Kate in public (and by her sheeple) and I think he must be very pleasantly surprised by the overwhelming support he has received this week (from seemingly everyone). And so he thanked us.
The videos were a little confusing but Jon did say before that he has her every morning and every night. I’m thinking it’s possible that Hannah is with Jon and that maybe some of the other kids are there to
NGgal and Former Lurker: That's what I gathered from the videos too but I had been hoping H was with Jon permanently. But right, better than nothing.H looks well and seems happy. I also worry how life will be for her at the GHFEC and how the siblings will treat her, never mind TFW. I don't see evidence that other kids have more than the usual visitation but let's hope.
I don't think other kids are there or he would have posted their pictures and taken them out and to see Collin too. I really think it's just this week. I hope Hannah is protected by a GAD /social worker.I do think Jon has more custody in general and hope Alexis can see him and he continues visits to Collin.
Now I’m totally confused, Jon has another picture up captioned “Road tripping” and Hannah is asleep in the front seat of the car. Maybe Hannah couldn’t be with him for the video last night because he had a DJ gig (which he live streamed for a bit).
This makes me so happy! She is spending Memorial Day weekend with her dad. The only thing missing is the other kids!
Does he still have custody time with the other three?
Kate’s either away filming, or she’s home with the other kids as they sit around doing nothing. All they get to do is help line the driveway with flags on Memorial Day weekend, Yippee! We know Kate would never take her kids on a road trip just for fun
Kate claims anyone would do it if they had a chance, but I think it's safe to say that the people who know better would not. Or maybe RR is just "jellus" and a "hater".
Kate has always insisted that, and some of her fans, but I have always felt that statement was not accurate. If everyone would pimp their kids out for money than everyone would move to NY or LA and send their kids on auditions. Most people never do that or even dream of it. There are a dozen other ways to make money when struck with a tough financial situation.
And, of the many parents that do permit their kids to perform, it's because the child themselves is so insistent on it they would be miserable without allowing them to give this a go. And so you become a reluctant supporter.
The remaining parents are made up of stage moms, and probably some innocents who haven't really thought through the consequences. And that's about it.
I remember from a friend's custody case that children have a lot more say in which parent they want to live with once they turn 14.
Usually the older you get the more your wishes are considered. A 7 year old doesn't really understand what's best for them nor should they be made to decide. But a 14 year old is approaching adulthood and is starting to understand what their needs are and can communicate what is happening in the home, what they like and don't like. They become a very helpful tool to the judge instead of someone so young and emotionally immature their opinions don't really offer much value to what's best for them.
Kate’s either away filming, or she’s home with the other kids as they sit around doing nothing. All they get to do is help line the driveway with flags on Memorial Day weekend, Yippee!
I would assume that the salt-water POOL is open, so they do they have that, and it's warm enough outside to swim, plus the pool is heated.
If more G kids start leaving the GHEC, there's no way TFW is gonna take care of those 3 full-grown dogs herself. She'd probably keep Shola because he's a fan favorite. And Nookie Pookie is a girl, so she's safe. But poor Maq better watch his baq.
It's got to be a comfort and more relaxing to be away from TFW. It would be very unnerving to be around Kate's impatient, aggressive type a behaviour all the time. Add to that the usual bickering and hollering that goes on between her and the kids and anybody would run to find some place where there's a little peace and quiet. That's the impression I get from that IG pic of Hannah snoozing, anyway.
Kate says she's mellowed, but I don't believe anything she says.
foxy said... 35 capecodmama....Bryan Masche did explode. His ex-wife and other relatives have testified to that. He was very abusive with his ex wife and I believe he did not work.
She has since remarried and had another child with her current husband.
I hope Jon does his homework on this guy. He is no good. ^^^^^^^^ Catching up here and hope everyone is having a wonderful long Memorial Day weekend! I know I told ya'll many years ago that I watched a few episodes of the Masches. I was utterly dumbfounded by Bryan. He was a child, and not like Kate's sheep call Jon her 9th child. A freaking toddler! And he was so nasty to his wife. His language in his tweet to Jon shows the same, juvenile parlance. He would go around calling Jenny, "dude". Seriously, dude? And, ironically, he berated her for being just like Kate Gosselin. No, HE was the Kate in that relationship.
Yeah, from the photos she posts of the dogs and kids taken inside the house it's apparent Schmoops ain't no neat freak. So much for the OCD she had when TLC was picking up the tab for cleaning.
And you're right...those curtains are totally 80's. They're probably crusty with ten years worth of dust and grime. She's a slob. ^^^^^^ I'd love to send Schmoops a bucket of paint and a roller to update her master suite.
Formerly Duped said... 53 NJGal51 said... 52 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Right- panic and mob scenes would ensue if they ate the ice cream there. They probably had to eat it fast, like in NYC when Kate ran on her hooker heels to buy it then smashed it practically in the kids' face ^^^^^^^ Oh, Manic Kate! Boobies bouncing, mouth gaping, gum a flappin'. Kate was full-on manic.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 74 Gigi Be (#73), M busted her mom on their lack of activities when she said something like, without the show, we'd just be staring at the 4 walls.
May 26, 2018 at 8:25 AM ^^^^^^^ Gosh, remember when they had to film a picnic for K+8? It was cold and looked miserable out. Kate made lunches and put it on the tables. It was like, "why are they eating outside where it's miserable when they could be eating inside?"
I may be in the minority here, but I don't blame Kate for not updating the interior of the house with new rugs, window treatments, etc. With kids running around there, plus three dogs, it makes no sense getting anything new, and that includes furniture and carpet. Kids make messes, dogs have accidents. Let them be kids without having to worry that Kate would freak out if a dog vomited on a new carpet or they spilled something that can't be cleaned up.
BITW (86) - I get what you're saying and I wouldn't criticize her either IF she hadn't made such a big stink about being cleanfreak of the century. I think we all know she was following script just to keep the show going back then but she doesn't get a pass, from me anyway, for backpedaling on all the BS she was spouting in her glory days.
Now she claims she's mellowed and the kids and dogs can lounge on countless beds and couches in the house. Truth be told she always was and is now a lazy slob who won't clean up or update her house unless someone else is doing it for her and TLC is footing the bill.
Blowing In The Wind said... 86 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I agree. She really doesn't have many guests anyway. The kids' rooms were redone and the kitchen on the show and she got her deckster. If she just kept things tidier it would look ok. I don't care what kind of home decor she has but I do care how she treat her children and animals.
Auntie Ann-- My point exactly. For years she has sold herself as this OCD mom, and yet the inside of her home is awful. If she really had OCD, it would drive her nuts to have that mismatched flooring. A lot of the furniture looks just dirty, and the house is always such a mess. Yet people still believe her stories, and still ask her how she stays so organized. Huh??? And you're right, she's just waiting for someone else to pay to upgrade everything. It's all about who is paying the bills.
I watched a recent episode (at Aunt Win's request) because I had been to some shops Kate and the twins visited. It was a back-to-school episode, and the point was that Kate is so tight-fisted when it comes to spending her own money, but spends madly when it's on someone else's dime. She was at a department store (looked like Boscov's) with the younger kids, and she wouldn't buy a shirt for Alexis, and A said it wasn't fair because Leah got something. Kate said, "I don't care about being fair. Being fair wastes money". A t-shirt at that store would have maybe cost $10-12. But then Kate, Mady and Cara go boutique shopping and spend madly. She pressures the twins to try on things, pick things out, to get more and more, and she gets stuff for herself too. I have been to two of the three stores with my oldest niece. They are expensive! T-shirts at the first one (Eaves) run $100 and up. Jeans run around $200 a pair, and they had several piles of stuff when they were checking out. The shoes Mady got appear to be Golden Goose, and the store carries that brand. For high-tops like Mady's they would have cost $550-650. A leather tote like Kate got (Win said she did buy it because she carried it in the date episode) would have been several hundred dollars. They spent thousands there. So--buying a $10 t-shirt for Alexis wastes money, but she's okay with spending $100-plus on a t-shirt for Mady or Cara (or herself). It all comes down to who is paying. She won't willingly part with her own money. But if it's someone else's, then the sky is the limit.
Blowing In The Wind said... 86 I may be in the minority here, but I don't blame Kate for not updating the interior of the house with new rugs, window treatments, etc. With kids running around there, plus three dogs, it makes no sense getting anything new, and that includes furniture and carpet. Kids make messes, dogs have accidents. Let them be kids without having to worry that Kate would freak out if a dog vomited on a new carpet or they spilled something that can't be cleaned up. _______________________________________________
Sorry, but I disagree.
Window treatments shouldn't be an issue for kids and dogs to mess up. Especially if she's just using the valances anyway.
And the kids are teens now, and the dogs aren't puppies. They should be taught to respect the house enough that they aren't ruining furniture and rugs. Especially the kids.
Sure accidents happen, but I don't see how you wouldn't get a new area rug or window treatments.
I have teens. And they have their friends over. They have their hangout area. They can have candy and snacks depending on what they are eating. Chips, popcorn, etc, fine. Ice cream? Nope. Have it in the kitchen or dining room, or eat it at the table (seats 8 easy) in their hangout area.
We mostly drink water in our house, so they are allowed that pretty much anywhere in the house. If they want to have something else when they have friends over then they have cups with lids and straws. The kind that the lids screw on and are washable.
There are usually 6-8 of them and I don't want to chance them spilling something, even though yes, accidents happen. But it's also easily preventable.
I can't imagine not updating my window treatments and area rugs whenever I want a change for worry that my kids will spill something. That means I would have the same decor in my home for 18 years minimum. LOL.
On the 10th birthday episode the kids were shopping again at Boscov's I think- and although it must have been on TLC's budget, she had them in the clearance dept and M and C said everything was disgusting while the tups each picked something for their party. This was also when TFW teased C for liking dress clothes and asked J or A if he liked baseball. I wondered why they had to bargain hunt.
Another school shopping trip TFW bought herself a couple of pairs of heels- the kids kept saying 'you have those' and she needed a closet addition for shoes.
I am one of 12 kids and our house was always clean. Everybody had to do a little so nobody had to do a lot. We had hardwood floors that were waxed (remember those days?) and every few years my dad and 2 oldest brothers would sand and repoly them to keep them nice and shiny. Rooms were painted as needed, curtains and drapes were always washed and cleaned as was the furniture. She is wacky. We did not buy new furniture but kept care of what we had. There were no rips or stains or anything like that. Things were cleaned up as it happened. Kate is just lazy and greedy.
Formerly (92) I'm not local--at least, not yet! We live in Maryland, but my husband grew up in PA, and he has lots of family in the area. We spend a lot of time up there (away from the rat race), and we plan to retire there. We were actually looking for a second home--which would eventually become our retirement home--a couple years ago, but then realized that we were going to have higher college/grad school expenses for our kids than we had planned for. Their educations come first, so we're paying for that, and then we'll go back to looking for a PA home. I can't wait! I love the slower pace of life up there. And the Amish markets, and the lack of crowds and long lines, and the friendly people.
90- Colleen is a nurse now. Some nurses work crazy hours, especially when they are new to the field like she is. And Jon may have decided to do a Daddy/ daughter get away. Just the two of them.
I was looking through a photo album the other night and came across some pictures of my grandmother cooking Christmas dinner, baking cookies, sitting in her living room and dusting the window sills. Some of the pictures were taken when I was in grade school. Other photos were taken after I graduated from college.
I looked closely at the kitchen table, curtains, sofa and chairs and realized that after all of those years, nothing had changed. I guess she just liked things the way they were and never expressed any desire to get anything new. When she passed away, I took some of the quilts, throw rugs and yes, even those lace curtains (which had yellowed). It was comforting. I miss her.
I was looking through a photo album the other night and came across some pictures of my grandmother cooking Christmas dinner, baking cookies, sitting in her living room and dusting the window sills. Some of the pictures were taken when I was in grade school. Other photos were taken after I graduated from college.
I looked closely at the kitchen table, curtains, sofa and chairs and realized that after all of those years, nothing had changed. I guess she just liked things the way they were and never expressed any desire to get anything new. When she passed away, I took some of the quilts, throw rugs and yes, even those lace curtains (which had yellowed). It was comforting. I miss her.
Do you remember the story about her that her ex-boyfriend gave to some tabloid years ago? She was such a mooch back then that she moved in with him at his parents' home. His mother was even catering to her. Then she latched on to someone who was better off. Then she found Jon and the rest is history. Katie Kreider is an opportunist, a fraud AND a slob.
If you look back at older episodes... Jon was the one who cleaned house, bathed kids, etc... she cooked however nothing special... soups, pancakes, and mostly the kids ate from what the crew brought. The only meal I saw tasty was the one jon made and she was in bed when he brought her some fried rice.
Okay, those videos that Jon and Hannah posted are confusing! My first thought was that she was maybe doing a trial week staying with Jon, but judging by the picture posted of their road trip, she is still there. And it looks like she has been there since at least her birthday, so that's a lot longer than a week. Maybe they had some court hearings that went well and were thanking people who supported them? Was threesome final custody decision? Hard to tell, but whatever it is, they are both happy with the outcome. Loved the thumbs-up from Hannah! We don't need to know everything that goes on in their lives, so I'll just be happy for them.
Serendipity (97) I didn't mean she needs everything brand-new, but that house just looks dirty and messy. Dirty carpets, dirty furniture, stuff strewn all over. The paint in there just makes it look worse because the color (dining room especially) looks like something from a baby's diaper. And like Auntie Ann said, those curtains probably haven't been washed in 10 years. I understand people never changing things. I have some antiques that belonged to my grandmother, and every one of them has a special memory attached. I recently had new cushions made for my wicker chairs, and I picked the fabric just because it reminded me so much of some throw pillows my grandmother had. Now every time I look at them I think of her and I know she would have loved that fabric. That makes me happy!
Oh my gosh, Jon's video has gotten more than 51,000 views in 2 days, and Hannah's has gotten more than 20,000 views. Kate can't touch those numbers!
Oh, and it looks like Hannah has an iPhone. In the picture of her and Jon at Starbucks, she has a white iPhone in her hand along with her cup. I really doubt that came from Kate.
AuntieAnn (#104), remember when Jon wanted something ironed before they went out for dinner, and TFW chewed him out? He seems like a generally tidy guy, and I bet that annoyed her.
New poster! Long time reader! So glad to see Hannah and job together and what seems like a new custody agreement.. but can't help but wonder why Joel Leah and aaden aren't around? Those four typically hung together with Jon!
Flimsy - He probably had to spell the word for her I-R-O-N. She'd never heard of one. That's another thing...didn't she have Nana Janet doing her laundry for her. She slithered out of that chore too. Poor overburdened Schmoopy.
Jon seems like he was raised in a respectable home and was taught to pick up after himself and keep things orderly.
I think we can safely assume that Jon still sees the other kids , but because of the custody agreement he is not allowed to photograph/film himself with them. There are no ties that bind him from sharing images of himself spending time with Hannah obviously. I found it particularly heartwarming to see him with Colin and I wonder if she has no say in how his image is shared. It's long past due for Kate's "fans" to see the guy isn't the antichrist.
Omg, the help she had! Someone to do the laundry, another lady to fold and Carla to put it away. Janet to iron.Someone to watch the tups while she shopped, Aunt Jodi Fridays and for trips plus not-nannies galore. Beth and some other lady to take the kids overnight and other times.
I'm still wondering about those videos. I have two ideas: First, Kate freaked out at seeing him with Collin and went to court to try to stop him from visiting/posting pictures. She knows that made her look bad, and now some of her fans are posting positive comments on Jon's and H's IGs. She won't stand for that.
Idea 2: They went to court over where Hannah should spend the summer. Jon mentioned something at the end of his message about summer. He apparently still works in IT, and does his DJ thing part-time, so maybe Kate thought she could get H back home due to Jon's work schedule. And if she could get h home for the summer, then maybe she could get TLC to do some summer filming (there's always an ulterior motive with Kate. She wouldn't want H home just because she loves her and misses her. She'd want to make some money off of her).
Or--maybe they went to court to address both issues. No matter what it was, it sounds like Jon and Hannah prevailed.
Isn't it odd that she waxes on about C being away, but there has been no mention of him (on camera) from the other kids? I asked my family member who watches the show, and she said that since C has been missing, the other kids have never mentioned him or the situation. Not even "Gee, I wish Collin was here" or "I miss Collin". I remember reading that H had told Jon about her concerns for C and how Kate treated him. And now it's H who is seen visiting him. As I have said before, I doubt that Jon forced her to go visit C, so H must have wanted to see him. So she cares. I think all the kids care, and all of them miss him, but I can't see Kate encouraging them to talk about it. She wants to make it al about her, and about how she has had to handle this all by herself.
Mama C: Jon has photos of the kids with himself on his IG occasionally such as on one NYE, 4th of July, building a teepee, sometimes the "usual four" sometimes two others.He also has ones just of some kids at the movies or eating ice cream etc. I hope the custody continues or increases and Alexis gets in on it. I also hope he visits Collin often, not that he needs to post pictures every time.
If H could see Collin with Jon, he is obviously allowed family visitors. You would think TFW would have said on the party episodes 'We miss Collin, but went to celebrate with him earlier' if she actually did do that and allowed the sextuplets to spend some time together. Let alone regular visits.Horrible mother.
Serendipity(97)...I hear you! The wallpaper in my grandparent's living room (parlor) was hideous by today's standards. I mean really ugly. It was there for as long as I could remember. I wanted to remove it, along with what probably was layers underneath. In those days, they just re-papered over everything. My grandfather just gave me that don't you dare! I didn't.
When they died and I was getting the house ready to be sold, I decided to give the room a fresh coat of paint. I could almost feel my grandfather's presence and his displeasure, but it had to be done. I carefully cut off a large square of wallpaper, matted it and framed it in a goldleaf antique frame and it's hanging in my hall.
Memories of the time spent in that parlor, listening to him tell stories about the good old days!
AWW,this was so sweet.Hannah just uploaded a picture with her and Collin together with this itsmehjg So good to see Collin again I had so much fun shopping with him
Layla (112)...I can understand that the kids wouldn't say anything on camera about Collin. They were most likely told by TLC to just keep it under wraps. If they expressed how much they miss him, it would open up a can of worms, from fans, viewers, and then questions would have to be answered and Kate would continue to be under fire for having sent him away. TLC doesn't want that, especially with the new Date Kate show coming up, so they most likely put a gag order on the kids not saying anything at all about Collin.
aw, they look so cute together, having fun. Obviously Collin can function outside the facility. Maybe coincidence but he's wearing the same shirt...and he needs orthodontia. Looks like his old funny self, a good kid badly misunderstood. I wonder if H meant good to see C 'again' like once again since their birthday and regular visits or since a long time ago.If I make sense!
itsmehjg So good to see Collin again I had so much fun shopping with him
This answers one question, at least. Apparently, Collin is allowed to leave wherever he is. I wonder if he's allowed to leave for holidays.
It's so weird that TFW did a People magazine cover story telling the world about Collin, as well as TV interviews, yet she never ever mentions him on her Instagram. It's as if he doesn't even exist for her.
It could be just me but Hannah's message almost seems if visitations with Collin were either rare or non-existent, while she was living with Mommie D. It wouldn't surprise me.
Collin! So good to see him looking so happy, and we now know that he is allowed to leave the facility. Hopefully they're making steps toward transitioning him out of the facility, and Jon and Hannah are right there helping him along. I wonder if there's any way he could spend the summer (or at least part of it)with Jon. Maybe this is the reason for those cryptic videos.
Serendipity (119) I was thinking that maybe TLC was editing any mentions of C by his siblings out of the footage. They still want to portray Kate as the put-upon martyr, so they make the C situation all about her.
I wonder what TFW's fans are thinking now about the fact that TFW has never once mentioned Collin on her IG these past couple of years. It clearly isn't because she was protecting his privacy, since she's the one who told the world about him in a People cover story and in TV interviews. Oh, that's right. She only talks about him when she's getting paid. 💵💰
"miloandjack2016 So is Collin finished w/his special schooling? Pics posted of him shopping w/Hannah and father? @kateplusmy8"
Aw, poor Milo needs Kate's assurance that Kate is still the best mother and Jon is terrible. This does not compute for Milo's view of single mom Kate's happy, happy family.
Yes! That's what I was trying to say! (I had a migraine today and felt a bit mixed up as an after-effect) I meant is it only the two recent visits that H had with C or did she ever go with TFW and other siblings? Did poor C ever have visitors at ALL before?
What the heck? Someone posted this comment not on Jon's IG, but on TFW's latest IG post (the dog pics):
nan_views So happy for you, that all of your kids are healthy and happy. Hannah and Collin looks very happy spending time together. Is great you support them and teach siblings to love each other. That is what family is about, love and understanding.
There goes Milo, tattling to Kate again. Isn't she the one who goes after people for asking questions about Collin and says it's a private matter? But there she is, doing exactly what she scolds others for doing. Hypocrite. She just can't help herself. I don't think it was an accident that H posted the shopping photos and not Jon. The sheeple won't hesitate to go after Jon for posting photos, but what are they to do when Hannah does it? Attack Hannah? Claim that H is violating C's privacy? They're confused and looking for guidance from Kate.
Dmasy (#110), thanks for the reminder about this solemn day.
A friend and I got into a conversation with a woman at the grocery store yesterday. We were commenting on her cute little Maltese, and the woman blurted out that she hates this holiday, because her mother passed away on Memorial Day weekend 6 years ago. I said I hoped maybe it made her feel less alone that so many other people have heavy hearts along with her on this day. With all our electronic communication avenues, I think some people still yearn for face-to-face connections.
Regular visitation, family outings in the community, and the like, are how a child is transitioned home. Collin looks happy and healthy. I am hopeful the plan is HOME reunification.
Wonderful to know that C has been able to leave the facility, if only on a temporary basis! And having time with his loving father and sister brings me great relief. But it brings up some questions. Is this flexibility recent? Or has C been able to leave all along, and his gestational carrier just didn't bother? OR was she prohibited from seeing him?
Yes! That's what I was trying to say! (I had a migraine today and felt a bit mixed up as an after-effect) I meant is it only the two recent visits that H had with C or did she ever go with TFW and other siblings? Did poor C ever have visitors at ALL before?
Sorry Formerly, I did not see your earlier post, but I agree. I'm sure Kate thought she had securely sent Collin away to her black hole of rejects and the other kids proabably if ever were allowed to visit.
Schmoopy's got to be spitting bullets and shooting lightning bolts out of her eye sockets right about now. ~ Administrator said... 133 Regular visitation, family outings in the community, and the like, are how a child is transitioned home. Collin looks happy and healthy. I am hopeful the plan is HOME reunification.
Yes this is a good sign. Privileges such as off-site outings are based on progress.
Kate’s going to be busy—in one hand a jug of wine, the other hand a phone calling attorneys! I bet she’s furious. You’re either with her or against her.
I'm hopeful too, Admin. It looks like things are progressing.
It also looks like Jon has sprung into action with the plans for Collin's future, while TFW is too busy filming a bullcrap Fake Dating show. No surprise that she once again, as always, is putting herself and her quest for easy money and fame ahead of her kids.
I think it is obvious Collin is being transitioned "home" to the one parent who wants him "home", his loving father. It is so good to see his happy face out and about with his dad and sister.
Did TFW post at all today? She sure can't pretend she's got 8, or even 7, kids home with her this holiday.
As AuntieAnn said (#137), Schmoopy must be seething with rage. We've seen Mommie Dearest's temper flare over the smallest of transgressions (a speck of gum on a lovey, a broken drawer knob, etc.). Who knows how violently she might react to these developments.
TFW tried and failed to "delete" Jon. He's controlling the narrative now, and nothing could hurt her more.
Harry and Meghan are rumored to be honeymooning in Jasper, Alberta. My family used to camp there when I was a kid, but I doubt the royal newlyweds will be sleeping in a pup tent.
Did TFW post at all today? She sure can't pretend she's got 8, or even 7, kids home with her this holiday.
Nothing from TFW today. Thanks to these recent developments, she was silent on Memorial Day weekend and Mother's Day weekend this year.
Reading some of the recent comments and back and forth comments between people on her last several IG posts, the smartest thing she could do right now is to delete her account. Her long phony act of the poor, overworked martyr mom is finally over.
I think Collin could have been transitioned home a lot earlier if Jon had known where he was! This facility has much to answer for IMHO- I know we don't know everything about 'the situation' but I believe the kid was not that severely challenged.
AuntieAnn " Thanks! At least a migraine sufferer has a fancy name, "a migraineur..." Small comfort!
There goes Milo, tattling to Kate again. Isn't she the one who goes after people for asking questions about Collin and says it's a private matter?
She's such a snitch. And the idea that she thinks Kate can do anything about this is hilarious. By the time a parent has progressed to visits in the community and with other siblings along, the plan is usually firmly reunification and it is very disruptive to the child to change that by bringing in some other parent and some other plan.
Kate doesn't even want a broken child, Milo. Return to the manufacturer. Stop trying to highlight the issue when Kate is trying to bury this. You're dense!
Harry and Meghan are rumored to be honeymooning in Jasper, Alberta. My family used to camp there when I was a kid, but I doubt the royal newlyweds will be sleeping in a pup tent.
That's so neat. I saw an article headline that said, tongue in cheek, they are spending their honeymoon in the most boring place ever. Lol. To me it sounds divine, honeymooning in the Canadian wilderness with a lovely 5 star lodge to relax in each night. Fishing, hiking, shooting, bird watching, swimming and sunbathing if it's mild enough. Good for them.
IMHO- I know we don't know everything about 'the situation' but I believe the kid was not that severely challenged.
I firmly believe it was one of two things or both. 1. The kid had very run of the mill special needs that Kate was sick of handling and/or 2. the kid was for whatever reason more affected by the child abuse and/or filming and celebrity.
And, even if she had nothing to do with the origins of his issues and failed in home treatment, she still continued to truck on filming and exposing him and the family even knowing the situation was delicate for him. Any which way you slice it in my view this goes back to Kate.
I cannot imagine what came out in his therapy, but I bet my bottom dollar they are not keen on reunification with mom over dad after hearing about all his issues that bulk of which occurred on her watch.
barbgilmer1 Did you guys take Collin out and about?
The answer is rather obvious. Hannah said they were out shopping, and the pics are of them sitting on a bench outside a store.
I like Barb's defection, but my god she's about as dumb as a sheeple comes isn't she?
No Barb, they don't go out and about. That's a fake store, a set if you like, where they can "practice" going to the store as if they really are out and about in the community. Like the neighborhood set of Sesame Street. Two steps to the right is the locked facility.
Admin (#151), TFW telegraphed from the very beginning that she didn't want C back. Her first comments in that People interview were about how hard it had been for HER. Did anyone think she'd actually have the strength and courage to tough this situation out? To do anything and everything in her power to fight for that boy's recovery? To sacrifice any of her own comfort to make things better for him? Puleez.
Auntie Anne, I've been to Jasper and talked about it so much over the years, a couple of my kids went last year and came back ready to move up there! I told one to get married there just so I can return! Such a beautiful and majestic area.
She didn't like Aaden needing glasses. Families with multiples have children with physical disabilities. The McCaugheys and the family with the daughter with cerebral palsy(can't remember their name).How would Kate have coped with that? Shipped them off? I don't think Kate could've sustained a reality show if she had at least one child who needed constant caretaking. She doesn't have the personality for that, nursing degree or not.
Any which way you slice it in my view this goes back to Kate.
Yes it is. Imagine your childhood given over to film crews. Getting pulled out of bed early to have your day put on film. Being told it's Christmas morning when it isn't. Sitting for photographs while your friends are all busy doing normal childhood activities. Getting screamed at for dirtying your clothes ...
Kate needs to be sent to a facility of a different sort.
Auntie Anne, I've been to Jasper and talked about it so much over the years, a couple of my kids went last year and came back ready to move up there! I told one to get married there just so I can return! Such a beautiful and majestic area.
It really is. I was at a relative's wedding in Banff a few years ago and I thought there could not be a more beautiful place on earth to exchange vows.
Kate should have done more research for her second wedding. Not that there's anything wrong with
Can you imagine if Collin went back to the compound? One wrong move, eye glance, anything and she would be threatening to put him back in a facility until he aged out at 18. She would have the others shun him like it is rumored they shun Hannah. What a person for so many blessings and not grateful for any one of them.
It will be interesting to see, now that Jon and Hannah have let the cat out of the bag with regard to her living situation and Collin, whether TLC goes forward with Kate Plus My Fake Date. Especially if Collin does transition to living with Jon. A lot of questions will be asked of Kate and TLC should be asked, "what did you know and when did you know it," with regard to abuse. Especially abuse of Collin. I think this bitch might finally be going down.
foxy (#161), and it wouldn't surprise me if C's fate was used by TFW as a threat with the remaining 8. As in, you see what happened to your brother? You could be next.
Formerly Duped (149), I doubt the facility was fully informed about the custody situation between Jon and Kate. She has primary custody for a long time, so she was within her rights to have Collin sent away. If she led them to believe that Jon had no right to information, or that he wasn't interested or involved in Collin's life, they wouldn't really know any better. I think Jon probably did have to find C on his own, and then had to go to court to be able to see him. C must be on a care plan of some sort, so the birthday visit and the outing with Jon and Hannah would have been approved as part of his care plan. I believe it is Jon's intention to bring Collin home to live with him and Hannah. I wonder how many times he has visited C. Kate worked hard to keep C from visiting his dad, and probably had C thinking his dad was a bad person and didn't care about him. That's how parental alienators work. So it has probably been a long, gradual rebuilding of the relationship between the two. From the looks of it, it has been successful. Collin looks comfortable and happy with Jon and Hannah. That's all that matters.
I just keep remembering that little boy who covered his face when paps were taking pictures, while his mother was doing everything in her power to make sure there were more cameras shoved in his face. All to line her own pockets. There is no way she didn't realize way back then that he should not be forced to film. He deserved better.
For me, the biggest and most crucial difference between TFW and Jon as far as parenting goes is unconditional love. None of us are perfect parents, and Jon might have made some mistakes over the years, but I have never for one minute doubted that he has unconditional love for each and every one of his kids. TFW doesn't even have a clue as to what unconditional love is.
She's such a snitch. And the idea that she thinks Kate can do anything about this is hilarious
She reminds me of the character Violet from Leave it to Beaver. She was the class snitch and teachers brown noser. Even going so far as giving her teacher a note of everyone who talked while the teacher was out of the room. haha. Milo, zip it. Your queen isn’t impressed.
I hope that Collin never has to go back to the GHFEC*. She doesn't want him back, and he certainly doesn't deserve that punishment. I hope he'll be living with Jon soon.
Finally I've been able to log onto this blog. I've been following for years now. Some may remember me from my travels to your beautiful country, since then I have been to so many places that I can't mention them all, just that your country is immense and beautiful with so many historic places.
Back to the POS Kate. how can a mother completely wipe out her child from her life and that of her children. She has a heart of stone. But what goes around comes around. She will grow alone and will not enjoy grandchildren. Maybe Mady will stand by her, but I doubt any of the others will stay close. She deserves nothing but sh-- for her narcissist being.
I think the main reason why i was so happy with seeing Hannah posting a picture of her and Collin together is that i remember the episode where Kate scolded Collin after he called Hannah ugly and i didn't think the two were as close as they are now.Don't get me wrong,i don't know what kind of relationship the kids have with each other and im certainly not saying that Hannah didn't love Collin,its just out of the 8,i didn't expect these two to bond.Thankfully though,it seems the two of them are hopefully having a stronger relationship together.
She reminds me of the character Violet from Leave it to Beaver. She was the class snitch and teachers brown noser. Even going so far as giving her teacher a note of everyone who talked while the teacher was out of the room. haha.
Heh, that's totally Milo. Teacher, teacher! Jon G. breathed while you looked the other way! JUST SO YA KNOW.
Well, at least Milo has confirmed for us what we knew all along. She has no special way of communicating with TFW, as she's often claimed. Otherwise, she could email TFW instead of leaving tattletale comments on TFW's Instagram.
miloandjack2016 Buckle up Mom...more new pics of your son posted on IG! Surprised to hear he went shopping. Many take this as a sign he will be coming home soon?? @Kateplusmy8
WTF does she think she's doing? After all her shushing of others about Collin's situation? The hypocrisy here is way over the top. What exactly does she expect K8 to say?
Bluebird (#170), I remember you! I think you were one of our many lovely Canadian posters? Are you the lady with the baby granddaughter (who is probably 3 by now?). Hope you are well!
I have a hunch the G kids couldn't get on that school bus fast enough this morning. A 3-day weekend with a raging narcissist whose house of cards is crumbling around her is no picnic.
Sad but true said... 176 On her OWN IG, Milo posted the following:
miloandjack2016 Buckle up Mom...more new pics of your son posted on IG! Surprised to hear he went shopping. Many take this as a sign he will be coming home soon?? @Kateplusmy8
She's unbelievable. Obviously, she's desperately trying to alert TFW to the pics being posted on Jon's and Hannah's Instagrams. Does she really think TFW doesn't know? TFW is probably monitoring it all very closely and seething mad that she can no longer control everybody and everything.
Milo, and some of TFW's other longtime fans, now have to look to Jon's Instagram for any info on Collin, a kid they observed for years on TV and simply wanted to know whether he was okay. But, TFW was silent for a couple of years, leaving everyone wondering.
I can't remember who it was, but I agree with the poster who said recently that TFW was deliberately being secretive because she was saving news about Collin for an episode or another big People cover to pimp her new show. She truly is despicable.
OMG, Milo is insufferable! That last post (on her own IG) just annoys me. First of all, "your son"? It's THEIR son. Jon is his father. And she's "surprised" to hear he's shopping...why? Milo knows nothing about what he's allowed to do. For all she knows, he has been allowed to go places all along. One thing is for sure--Jon was allowed to take C shopping. He didn't kidnap him. The facility and C's doctors/therapists have approved this. And there's nothing Kate or Milo can do about it. Don't you think that if Kate could ban Jon from seeing C, she would? And last but not least, Milo's comment about this being a sign that C could be coming home soon--of course C is going to be released at some point, but the real question is, which home will he be going to?
Kate is losing her iron grip on those kids, and it's just going to get worse from here on out. Buckle up, Milo! There's going to be a lot more to tattle about in the future. Not that it'll do Kate any good.
miloandjack2016 Hey @kateplusmy8 ...don't know if you saw this. Please let Alexis & any other critter lovers you have there view this. I know they are teens...but I hope they still have an interest in nature. Btw...time sensitive info sent.
I have to wonder if Kate isn't allow to see Collin because we all thought she'd immediately post a picture with her and Collin together.Anyone here remember when the story of Hannah wanting to be with jon first came out and one of the first things Kate did was upload a picture of her with both Hannah and leah at a run?Either that or she doesn't care because she's probably filming her dating show.
jamesvader1194, I wonder if the filmed conflict with C (when he said H's hair was ugly) was scripted. Kate was trying to set the stage for his eventual banishment, and had to portray him as a problem child. I'm sure it wasn't really a big deal to Hannah. If I had a dime for every time my brother told me I was ugly, I'd be rich. It's just what brothers do. And sisters. I gave as much crap as I got. But it was Hannah who reportedly went to Jon about concerns about how Collin was being treated. It's Hannah who is there visiting him and shopping with him and making goofy faces with him. She always seemed to be the most mature of the kids, and was like a little mom to the others. She's there with C and helping him adjust because she wants to be there for him. Kate's narrative was fake. I just hope Collin gets to go home with Jon and Hannah and have a normal life with a supportive family unit and no filming.
Former Lurker (#183), boy, Gladys is sure in a tizzy! Like you said last night, she's shown herself to be a liar when she claimed repeatedly -- defensively, actually -- that she had private access to TFW.
Why would Milo tell TFW to "buckle up" and what on earth would that "time sensitive info" be about? Milo appears to want people to think she is so important in TFW's life at the same she is being totally ignored. What a pathetic creature.
FlimsyFlamsy (186) Gladys has also proven herself to be a hypocrite by asking questions about C when she's repeatedly told everyone else not to ask questions because it's a private matter.
It's kind of funny how desperate she is to be the one to spill the beans to Kate. Does she really think Kate doesn't already know? But there's Milo, practically wetting her pants, crying, "Me! Me! Me! I want to be the one to tell her!".
Someone mentioned in an earlier post that Hannah was shown in a pic holding an iPhone— hence my belief that Kate’s pic of the stacked bday gifts were iPhones for the remaining 4that live with her. Kate is no longer in control- Jon has Hannah, is visiting Colin, the twins are soon to be off to college, the remaining 4 are getting older. The only thing Kate is in control of is her wine consumption. As far as Kate checking out Jon’s instagram, he can block her from seeing his posts. Of course all she’d have to do is make another account and she could see him. I wonder if any of the kids follow Jon?
Must say I underestimated Hannah. I thought she and Leah were "mean girls" to Alexis and the boys. This was from the early days when they were rude to Jamie's son among other times. But she's really matured and stepped up to save her brother and to stand up for herself. Bravo Hannah.
Why would Milo tell TFW to "buckle up" and what on earth would that "time sensitive info" be about? Milo appears to want people to think she is so important in TFW's life at the same she is being totally ignored. What a pathetic creature.
Sometimes I feel sorry for her. I'm not sure that Kate is the only one who ignores her. I would believe that her family does as well, which is probably the reason she has set herself up as being Kate's best friend. The pathetic part about it is that she actually believes it. If it's so time sensitive and she has direct communication with Kate, then she should call or text her. Of course, I don't think anyone really believes this, not even her sheeple friends, but do they call her out on this? I doubt it, because they know that she's "off" and has serious issues. Perhaps it's best that way.
Speaking of fans, Barb G has never been the brightest sheep in the pasture. Whatever happened to that Leigh person who met Kate at a party? Is she still around?
I'm not sure that Collin just had special needs. He was expelled from Kindergarten for alleged anger issues and physical violence against teachers and students. I think it's much more than just special needs, not wanting to film, and being treated badly by Kate. Of course, that's not saying that Kate didn't contribute to his issues, but I think it goes deeper than that, or she never would have agreed to sending him to a facility for professional help. It most likely was the advice of his therapists, physicians, and Kate really had no choice.
I hope that when he do gets to return home, it's with Jon. I can't imagine that sending him back to Kate is what he needs or wants, but that would be up to those who have treated him, assuming that they do know the entire story of what goes on in that household. I certainly would think that they do know, and that everything would have been documented in order to properly treat him.
As far as Kate checking out Jon’s instagram, he can block her from seeing his posts. Of course all she’d have to do is make another account and she could see him.
She doesn't even have to go through the trouble of making a fake account. All she has to do is log out of IG and she can go to his IG and see his posts. I don't have an IG account; I just have a few IG accounts bookmarked and check them whenever I want. I'm sure TFW is keeping a close eye on Jon's and Hannah's Instagrams.
The iphone thing - Over a year ago, Jon was on a podcast (Reality Life with Kate Casey), and Jon said ALL the kids play on their iphones, are on snapchat, etc. So her just giving them phones is crap. She probably bribed them with the latest and greatest.
And Milo? S T F U already! Why is it ok for their mother to post their pics and their father can't?
And you're shocked that C is out shopping? Why? Is it because his mother had you all believing he has such severe mental health issues that he couldn't function in the real world? Milo, your world must be turned upside down! C is able to interact with humans that he is related to. The only mystery is how you will spin this so it looks like your Queen's actions were justified.
Why would Milo tell TFW to "buckle up"......? ======== Because as the kids get older it’s going to be a bumpy ride for TFW! The twins will be turning 18 and can sign their own contracts if TLC wants them. The tups are finding their own voices as evidenced by Hannah and there’s really nothing that TFW can do about it. The days of total control are over.
Blowing In The Wind said... 193 I'm not sure that Collin just had special needs. He was expelled from Kindergarten for alleged anger issues and physical violence against teachers and students. I think it's much more than just special needs, not wanting to film, and being treated badly by Kate.... ______________________________________________________
I agree. Behaviourial issues do not always equal special needs. There are many mental health issues that can contribute to behaviour issues - anxiety, adhd, etc. And by all her comments, it's 100% behaviour:
- Collin has special needs,” Kate tells PEOPLE. “[There’s] a fairly fluid diagnosis of what those needs are, but he needs to learn certain strategies to help him deal with things.
- Collin is currently “enrolled in a program that is helping him learn the skills he needs to be the best him he can be,” she says.
- According to Jon, Kate told him that his son is "in a special school for special needs kids with behavioral problems," but he claims that law enforcement officials have told him otherwise.
Yes, some kids need medication and therapy to help them cope and learn how to handle their emotions, but IMO, this is vastly different than special needs. I personally believe she did not want to do the work required to help him. Many severe autistic (non verbal, etc) or special needs kids are not shipped away - parents and doctors, therapists, teachers, etc work together to help the child.
When the truth eventually comes out, I think the world (not us!) will be shocked by her actions.
1013 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 800 of 1013 Newer› Newest»Wow, what's up with all the pics Jon is suddenly posting? About 40 minutes ago, he posted another pic with Hannah, this time at Starbucks. It seems that they're both just so happy that Hannah is finally living a normal life:
And it's these little moments that memories are built on. Not a trip to Disney. But those night-time runs to Starbucks after a long day of school and homework. For a little decaf cup of joe with dad before bed. And the talks. The talks you have.
Hmm, it looks like sheeple Barb is following Jon. She was quick to comment on his pic:
barbgilmer1 Aww, Hannah and her Dad. Hope y’all have a great evening! School almost out?
Was it Barb who was relieved of her duties as Kate's secretary (or whatever)? These sheeple all blend together after awhile.
Admin...We've seen how TFW's narcissism affected her marriage and her kids so, out of curiosity, did your narcissist stay married and how did her kids turn out?
No, the marriage is totally kaput though it lasted a long time. I was sad about that, but I saw it coming within two days of being around that weird relationship. I felt a bit like Ashley, feeling as if my own parents had divorced. I REALLY liked spouse, who was not a narcissist, felt quite close to them, they hired me and did a lot for me to ensure I was comfortable, and so that was a bit rough. I felt angry at them and upset they had done this to the kids, who were still at home, while at the same time understanding why they did what they did.
As for the kids, I quite like them and I think most of them are at their heart good people. Most of them are doing just fine (there are several kids). Two have really, really struggled, one of the ones I was VERY close to. There's been some jail time, and some overdoses. It's been heartbreaking. One remains a total mess but I actually never even met that one, the oldest, who has lived out of state since the early 2000's. But things are clean and sober now for the one I knew best and they're doing well, and as far as I'm concerned there is no kinder gentler person on the planet than that young person.
Was it the good nannies they had around, all of whom were pretty solid, let them know they were loved, supported, etc? The much older siblings who helped raise a good person? Friends and family who were around? Genetics? Pure luck? Who knows.
Hmm, it looks like sheeple Barb is following Jon. She was quick to comment on his pic:
barbgilmer1 Aww, Hannah and her Dad. Hope y’all have a great evening! School almost out?
Barb was smart enough to give herself an out all this time and I think now she's taking it. When the ship is sinking, the smart ones jump off and into the life raft. Good call, Barb.
I agree with a previous poster who said Kate Plus 8 is dead. With Hannah being with Jon, Collin out of her house and Cara pretty much non existent on the show, Kate Plus 5...4...3...2...1 doesn't have the same ring to it
Yeah, it's in trouble. Unless they do some sort of "Kate and twins do Florida" thing or something so it's not so obvious. They managed to squeak by filming around the Collin situation simply for the fact that you don't notice whether a group is 7 people or 8, but you just can't do that when you're down even more. And for all we know maybe even more kids don't want to cooperate than we know about. There is no point to a show about multiples that has lost so many it just looks like a normal nuclear family.
Barb would call Kate out now and again, I remember that. She always seemed like a pretty logical sheeple, as sheeple go.
Looks like someone got a hamster!
I wonder if Jon is posting a lot to show Hannah is with him full time without stating it. He may be under an order to not discuss custody arrangements to the press so he is just showing how often Hannah is with him instead.
Using Kate’s methodology, Hannah realized her mom didn’t know how to help her anymore. Someone finally turned on Kate instead of the other way around...
We said this for years. If you teach a child the way to deal with people who upset them is to simply cut off that person, the child will someday be offended by you and cut YOU off. But teach a child to work with difficult conflicts and plug away at familial relationships even if they are difficult, a child learns to work with you and work on your relationship and sticks around.
It's like if you teach a child to be rude and disrespectful. They will start doing it to YOU eventually. Many things you teach kids tend to come back around. What did Kate think was going to happen? ~ Administrator said... 7
Barb would call Kate out now and again, I remember that. She always seemed like a pretty logical sheeple, as sheeple go.
Eh, I still think she's a typical sheeple, willing to be a doormat for TFW. I looked at her IG for the first time last week, after I saw her comment on Jon's IG. She had several posts in March about her dad being sick and in the hospital. Many of the sheeple that have been around for a while left her nice, supportive comments. Then, just a few days before TFW's birthday at the end of March, Barb's dad unfortunately passed away. She made several posts about that and again, received nice thoughtful comments from several sheeple, including from Shrek's BFF, Jamie. But never a comment from TFW (Shrek).
Then, just a few days after her dad passed away, Barb posted a video on her IG. She was sitting in her car and it was a Happy Birthday video message to TFW. Very weird, in my opinion. TFW couldn't be bothered to ever post a comment on the several posts Barb did about her father being ill and then passing. Yet, Barb then remembers it's TFW's birthday and posts a video Happy Birthday message to her in the days between his passing and the funeral? WTH? Doesn't she realize that TFW could not care less about her, or any of them?
Suing for custody- how does that work? In judge’s chambers? Courtroom? attorney’s office?
I knew a mom that sued one of her kid’s dads for more child support (she had a lot of kids; the kid in question had a dad with a very nice income. The mom was hoping to get more child support for the one child to ‘spread it around’ on the other kids.She was t the greatest of parents and she lost custody!
I wonder how Kate reacted to the change in custody? Did she sob? Shriek? Go bat shit crazy?
It would be interesting to know if Kate is having to pay child support. Does Jon have any legal access to Hannah’s trust fund?
What a world what a world!
(Does Jon have a salt water pool and puppies puppies puppies?....)
Jon's Starbucks IG post got a comment tonight from Bryan Masche. I had to click his IG name to see who it was, and then I still had to Google him because I never saw his show. I remember reading about it years ago, the Raising Sextuplets show. It was on for a couple of years and then they got divorced. Here's his comment:
sextupletstrong2007x6 @jongosselin1 glad to say ee you posting pictures with your’re a good man Jon Gosselin and a great father. Your kiddos are lucky to have a father who’s stayed in the fight no matter what was thrown at him...👊🏻. I’d love to chat some day brother, because no one understands what you’ve gone through quite like me.
Eh, I still think she's a typical sheeple, willing to be a doormat for TFW.
I wonder if she fancies herself sort of the peacemaker sheeple, neither team Jon nor team Kate, just trying to play it straight down the middle and be everyone's friend, I don't get involved in hate, love everyone and all that. I've seen fans like that, too.
Where is there any evidence that Hannah has cut Kate off? If she is living with her dad, that does not mean that she has cut her mother completely out of her life. You are making a huge assumption based on what you would like to see happen.
I'm using "cut off" proverbially. I have no idea if she has literally cut Kate out of her life, who knows. It's not the point. Jon's own post does indicate she spends every day AND night with her, so at the very least, she no longer spends overnights with Kate. Any overnights, according to Jon. The point being, it doesn't seem like Hannah has much interest in sticking it out living with Kate and working through whatever the problems are with Kate. And I think that is because she has learned from Kate to cut off problems, not work through them.
Hannah has several posts of Jon on her instagram and none of Kate. Maybe that's just a coincidence or maybe Kate asked not to be on it, who knows, but whether she sees Kate at all within the confines of living with Jon full time I have no idea nor is it really our business.
The plethora of photos of H and J would lead me to believe that custody is pretty new.So happy for them at last! May others soon join them.
Wow, what a twist! I'm so glad Jon sees Collin! Personally I don't think we can be sure Kate and the rest of the kids never see Collin but never mind that, hope the kid is ok and getting better every day. Regarding Hannah, if it's true she lives exclusively with Jon, I wonder if she is hesitant to visit Kate very often not only because their relationship has suffered but also out of fear that Kate might try to forcefully keep her there. So depressing to think a kid might have such a fear but I believe, based on what we know, it could be true...
RoxyHelen (#17), nice to see you!
I wonder how TFW would respond if one of the sheeple asked directly about H. Maybe she'd say she is just away at college, like C.
The plethora of photos of H and J would lead me to believe that custody is pretty new.So happy for them at last! May others soon join them.
I’m not sure how recent. That showdown when Hannah refused to leave Jon and Kate called the cops plus tried to yank her into submission was from last August! The sexual abuse comments were from 2015! I think they’ve had big changes for years now, I think the more likely explanation is that Hannah turned 14 and for whatever reason Jon decided when she’s 14 he would be more open about what’s going on.
I think the orthodontist incident and Hannah being sent to the hospital after TFW yanked on her arm to get her out of jon’s Car set things in motion in the court. It looks like PA takes into account the preference of the child. ~ Administrator said... 19
True, but Hannah was filming the 13th birthday party and other episodes as if she was living at Kate's home and seemed to be on TFWs IG from time to time: remember that picture TFW posted as' among others 'if to say look who won; here's H with me...who really knows? Maybe she still sees Kate and siblings.That's really as it should be.
I thought the question was how long has she been living full time with John and I said it’s possible even probable based on the evidence it’s been much longer than just this week. Weve certainly seen her with Kate but that could’ve been just a visit. I thought we had more less agreed nobody really knows if she doesn’t see Kate *ever* these days— Who knows.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 18
RoxyHelen (#17), nice to see you!
I wonder how TFW would respond if one of the sheeple asked directly about H. Maybe she'd say she is just away at college, like C.
Nice to see you all too! I doubt Kate would ever ever answer anything about Hannah on social media. Now, a big People cover with the remaining cooperating G kids along with a fat paycheck from People for selling the story? That I can see. I can just see the title: "Kate's broken heart: ungrateful daughter poisoned by father has abandoned her"
Anonymous said... 9
I wonder if Jon is posting a lot to show Hannah is with him full time without stating it. He may be under an order to not discuss custody arrangements to the press so he is just showing how often Hannah is with him instead.
Agree and Jon looks over the moon about it!
s. Then, just a few days before TFW's birthday at the end of March, Barb's dad unfortunately passed away. She made several posts about that and again, received nice thoughtful comments from several sheeple, including from Shrek's BFF, Jamie. But never a comment from TFW (Shrek).
Says it all...
Steer clear of Bryan Masche, Jon!
I remember from a friend's custody case that children have a lot more say in which parent they want to live with once they turn 14. Hannah appears to have been with Jon for longer, and that may have something to do with the fact that H finally had a GAL, and Kate's out of control behavior toward H last summer. H had the courage to stand up for herself, and Kate--typical for her--lashed out at H. She didn't try to understand H's feelings or to work with H to make sure she had more time with her dad. With Kate, you're either with her or against her. She knew she needed H for filming, so she tried to bully H and force her to stay. It appears to have backfired.
I think it's fair to say that Kate will not have a relationship with H or C when they are grown. She will no longer be able to use them for filming. She never seemed to like C at all. H fought to get away, and we know Kate cuts people out of her life when they don't do what she wants. Kate will cut H and C out, and she will do everything she can to make sure neither one has a relationship with their siblings. At least they have each other, and they have their dad. They're still a family--just a different one from what they used to know.
Layla, I agree. And Cara seems MIA far as doing what TFW wants like pose for pictures, possibly would be nice if more kids would get close to Jon again. What about Alexis? She hasn't seem much of him in years.
I just saw an interview that Ryan Reynolds did with George Stephanopoulos, and Ryan says he is against having kids in show business "because I'm against child abuse". He goes on to say, "I don't know why you'd put your kid in show business". RR has been in the business for a long time--I think he probably knows what he's talking about. Kate claims anyone would do it if they had a chance, but I think it's safe to say that the people who know better would not. Or maybe RR is just "jellus" and a "hater".
Tucker's Mom...Totally agree about Bryan Masche. That guy was wack! Talk about someone ready to explode.
Well we knew she would start alienating her own kids st some point too...your behavior pattern does not stop because it’s your kids...she will banish whoever doesn’t kiss her royal it’s happening to them...she will alienate one by one ...two down six to go...only a matter of time....and it’s all got to do with control...and she’s losing that right now...she must be bouncing off the walls
JR (#31), for years I've rolled my eyes whenever TFW talked about looking forward to grandchildren.
For one thing, heifer couldn't stand her own kids when they were little, and we expect to believe she'll turn into Ma Ingalls for her kids' kids?
But more significantly, her fantasy of her 8 kids and their spouses and families gathered 'round the hearth
was based on an unlikely assumption:
that they'd all still be in her life. Even for the ones who stay, there's bound to be one son-in-law or daughter-in-law who's read TFW's journal entries and says, that woman is not going NEAR our children.
Notice the stick she walks around with everywhere. This explains so much about those kids ..newsflash harpy-they learned it from you.
I think it's going to get more obvious to those kids as they grow older, just exactly what their mother's intentions were from the moment they were conceived. Some of them have undeniably already questioned her motives. The golden platter she yammered on about wasn't really for them. Sure they got vacations and 'stuff' galore and a nice house to live in, but it was paid for at the cost of their childhood and it's Kate who wanted that platter.
There was an episode of Hoarders where this woman, who was obviously well heeled, was so self-absorbed that instead of spending quality time with her son, bought him everything a kid could want with the idea that would make up for her lack of parenting skills. When he was being interviewed for the episode, he was about in his mid-twenties and no longer living in his hoarder mom's house. He admitted that he had been spoiled rotten and surrounded by everything a kid could ever want. But he said what he really wanted was his mother to be a mother to him. He was extremely resentful towards her. She was too busy out spending money and hobnobbing with the uppercrusts. He actually said he didn't want those things, he wanted his mom.
I believe that's the same, sad story many of the Gosselin eight will be telling in the future, but sadder than that I don't think Kate will hear it. She is deaf to reason other than her own.
capecodmama....Bryan Masche did explode. His ex-wife and other relatives have testified to that. He was very abusive with his ex wife and I believe he did not work.
She has since remarried and had another child with her current husband.
I hope Jon does his homework on this guy. He is no good.
Notice the stick she walks around with everywhere. This explains so much about those kids ..newsflash harpy-they learned it from you.
The one up her butt that Jon told her to remove?
..two down six to go...only a matter of time....and it’s all got to do with control...and she’s losing that right now...she must be bouncing off the walls
We don't know that Mady won't stick with her until the end, so I think that to say all of them will distance themselves from her is speculative guessing. We also don't know what kind of relationship Alexis and Leah, or Joel and Aaden have with her now. Of course, time will tell.
Wowser, that stick looks wicked- wood or very hard cardboard. It is seen in TFW's hand in many early episodes with no explanation. Then the red spoon photgraphed in her car. Those poor kids. Now it seems also psychological punishment takes place like not allowing the kids to call Jon Dad or to shun Hannah after seeing hr father.And all the rumored abuses to Collin.
Mady seem pretty derisive of her mother but her own love of attention may cause her to stick with TLC.
I had thought Hannah seemed close with her mother but as we know, we don't know!
AuntieAnn (34)
Yep, that golden platter she wanted was for herself. Notice how, when they bought the house, she claimed that "it's for the kids, it's theirs, they deserve it", yet the first time they were filmed there, she was saying, "All mine". She was quoted in a recent episode saying she's never going to move, and she keeps talking about the kids (and their future families) visiting her there. If it's their house then why will she be living there and they will only be visiting? Of course, they may be happy that they aren't living there by then, because the interior of that house is looking pretty ratty. Ratty carpet, ugly paint, mismatched wood floors, hideous curtains, beat-up furniture. And it's a mess! Of course, she won't hesitate to use money from their trusts to fix the place up, but it will be hers. Once they kids are no longer of use to her, they're out of there. They'll be lucky to have the gate code to the house they gave up their childhoods to pay for.
foxy...Thanks for the info. I thought I read he had exploded but wasn't sure. Good on his ex for moving on. If I recall, she was a physicians assistant and he did something with finances. She always seemed to be working; him, not so much.
Today, Jon and Hannah are eating ice cream. Kate recently took some of the children out for ice cream, didn't she?
ncgirl said... 42
Today, Jon and Hannah are eating ice cream. Kate recently took some of the children out for ice cream, didn't she?
Here it is:
Sweet Ride Ice Cream, LLC
jongosselin1 I scream! You scream! We all scream for 🍦!!! Happy Thursday!!!
Hannah posted the same ice cream pic on her IG. This makes it four days in a row that they've posted the same pic on their IG's.
It's so nice to see them both so clearly happy. Hey TFW, this is a normal, "mediocre" life....and, you know what? It's fricken fabulous!
With these daily posts Jon is clearly letting all who care about him and his children...all who contributed to his legal fund..that he has custody! And to all who believed Kate's portrayal of him as a terrible father(oh and terrible person)...the truth is now evident. And he took Colin pizza and a birthday cake!
This is good.
ncgirl said... 42
Today, Jon and Hannah are eating ice cream. Kate recently took some of the children out for ice cream, didn't she?
Yes, she did take them for ice cream and posted that pic of five of the kids, from the back only, on May 6th:
kateplusmy8Rainy day ice cream.... #HowAreMyBabiesTurning14? #LoveThemAll (even the ones who refused to be in the pic😂)
Also, according to the comments, it looks like they were only in there enough time to take the phony, staged pic because TFW needed something other than the dog pics to put on her IG
cecilia_lestrange @blkion04 well... was he?
blkion04 @cecilia_lestrange not sure, it was pouring rain and they didn’t stay because it was so busy inside, I saw Kate and a few of the girls!
Former Lurker (#44), and think about the contrast between a dad taking you out for tacos and ice cream, and a mom whose philosophy is "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels."
Sweet Ride Ice Cream, LLC
I've had their Dusty Roads and Lime Rickeys, A blast from the past!
Now I need a Dusty!
Layla said... 40
the interior of that house is looking pretty ratty. Ratty carpet, ugly paint, mismatched wood floors, hideous curtains, beat-up furniture. And it's a mess!
Yeah, from the photos she posts of the dogs and kids taken inside the house it's apparent Schmoops ain't no neat freak. So much for the OCD she had when TLC was picking up the tab for cleaning.
And you're right...those curtains are totally 80's. They're probably crusty with ten years worth of dust and grime. She's a slob.
jongosselin1 I scream! You scream! We all scream for ��!!! Happy Thursday!!!
haha. Bet Kate's screaming too but not for ice cream. She can pretend everything is just peachy back at the *GHFEC, but she's you can bet she's burning with rage on the inside.
*Gosselin Home For Exploited Children (thanks Flimsy;)
Barb left a comment on Jon's ice cream pic:
barbgilmer1 I ❤️ that you two are spending so much time together! 😊
Also, according to the comments, it looks like they were only in there enough time to take the phony, staged pic because TFW needed something other than the dog pics to put on her IG
In the picture it doesn’t look like any of them are eating ice cream. It was probably taken while they were waiting which makes sense if they didn’t stay long. TFW does want to put her spin on every little thing but Jon is showing everyone that she really is the lying lier who lies.
NJGal51 said... 52
Right- panic and mob scenes would ensue if they ate the ice cream there. They probably had to eat it fast, like in NYC when Kate ran on her hooker heels to buy it then smashed it practically in the kids' faces or the place where they could not play on the grass and she threw out Cara's ( I think) cone before she was done.
I love all the pictures Jon is putting on IG of him and Hannah, proving he has custody and there is nothing Kate can say or do to cover up that fact. Karma, she took her own sweet time but is catching up with Kate now.
There's one thing that's disappointing to see. On Jon's ice cream pic, and the other pics with Hannah that he's been posting, a few people have left comments that Jon should have a TV show with the kids. FFS people, that's not the goal here! He's a normal dad just trying to live a normal life. I wish the sheeple would give up wanting to see these kids, or any kids, on reality TV!
Also, I really wish fans would just comment on Jon's Instagram and not Hannah's IG. Leave the girl alone. On the ice cream pic that both Jon and Hannah posted, someone was clearly confused and posted a comment on Hannah's IG when it looks like she thought she was on Jon's IG. Hannah does not need comments like this on her IG:
joygirlmm Did you get full custody of Hannah? That is great if you did. I was wondering how the other kids feel about being at home with MOM.
And I bet if H got ice cream on her clothes, Jon wouldn't scream, "She's ruined!"
I remember the couch interview after that Disney trip. In response to TFW's over-the-top reaction to the melted ice cream, Jon said, "Let 'em bathe in it!" He was happy that his kids were having fun.
Jon posted a video on his IG about 20 minutes ago:
jongosselin1Thank you to everyone for all the love and support this week!!! Hannah and I forgot to take a pic. She is doing her in video @itsmehjg check it out!!! Have awesome Holiday, Happy Memorial Day and let’s get summer started!!!! Thanks again! ❤️
Interesting comment:
alliemae_8 Ok I’m putting this out there for those of you who don’t know. The situation is that Jon is fighting for full custody of Hannah as she has “expressed she is unhappy and uncomfortable at Kate’s house”. Hope y’all understand.
Hannah also posted a video on her IG with this comment:
itsmehjg Thanks guys so much for your support and love. Go watch my dads video @jongosselin1
Both Jon & Hannah have posted cryptic videos about the “situation” on their respective IG.
Hmm..what does this all mean? This week? I'm a bit confused.
It kind of sounds like he’s got shared custody with TFW right now or that Hannah chose to stay with Jon while TFW was away filming. IMO, shared custody is better than no custody and a week with Jon is better than spotty visitation. I really hope that poor Hannah doesn’t face any repercussions when she gets back to the compound. Que TFW’s life “life is grand” and “my kids threw me a late mather’s day party” posts. I’m glad that she had this time with Jon and that she got to see Collin and I hope that things are changing for the better.
After watching both videos, it seems to me that H was at Jon's just for the week and now she's back at the GHFEC*.
*Gosselin Home For Exploited Children (thanks to FlimsyFlamsy and AuntieAnn)
Maybe PA is listening to Hannah finally -after her mother almost ripped her arm out of the socket because she was hanging onto a door handle for life trying to stay with her father. And with Collin being sent away-mommy dearest’s true colors are finally being seen i think. One descension in the ranks usually has many defectors right after. Time will tell. Two dominoes have fallen.
Or maybe (I hope) the situation is he does have custody of Hannah and this special week of posts was his way of communicating that fact since he cannot come out and state it. And the situation includes the clear evidence that he is now a part of Collin's life. Jon seems very happy. He has been horribly maligned by Kate in public (and by her sheeple) and I think he must be very pleasantly surprised by the overwhelming support he has received this week (from seemingly everyone). And so he thanked us.
The videos were a little confusing but Jon did say before that he has her every morning and every night. I’m thinking it’s possible that Hannah is with Jon and that maybe some of the other kids are there to
Barb and two other long time TFW fans posted comments on Hannah's Instagram video:
barbgilmer1 Lol, so cute Hannah, much ❤️ from Barb 😘
patriciachow0901 Love you Hannah, so happy to see you with your dad again !
mydmaxx2581 You look so happy Hannah. Have a wonderful Memorial weekend. ❤️
Also, Ellen left a comment:
ellenr886 Omg girl love you you’re so grown up 💗
Barb, mydmaxx, and patriciachow also commented on Jon's Instagram video, along with another longtime TFW fan, sandiebellz:
barbgilmer1 We ❤️ you guys!! You and Hannah have an AWESOME one as well! 🇱🇷
sandiebellz Wishing you the best. 🤞
mydmaxx2581 Wishing you and Hannah a wonderful weekend.
patriciachow0901 Jon Love to you and Hannah, so happy for you two, Have a wonderful and safe holiday ♡♡.
Is that Jon’s home that he shares with his girlfriend in the background? If it is, good for them. Looks like a nice place!
NGgal and Former Lurker: That's what I gathered from the videos too but I had been hoping H was with Jon permanently. But right, better than nothing.H looks well and seems happy. I also worry how life will be for her at the GHFEC and how the siblings will treat her, never mind TFW. I don't see evidence that other kids have more than the usual visitation but let's hope.
I don't think other kids are there or he would have posted their pictures and taken them out and to see Collin too. I really think it's just this week. I hope Hannah is protected by a GAD /social worker.I do think Jon has more custody in general and hope Alexis can see him and he continues visits to Collin.
Yeah I saw a live video with Jon working as DJ last night so that’s why Hannah wasn’t there
Now I’m totally confused, Jon has another picture up captioned “Road tripping” and Hannah is asleep in the front seat of the car. Maybe Hannah couldn’t be with him for the video last night because he had a DJ gig (which he live streamed for a bit).
Jon has a new post up
“Road Tripping!!!!”
Hannah is in the seat next to him, fast asleep!
This makes me so happy! She is spending Memorial Day weekend with her dad. The only thing missing is the other kids!
Does he still have custody time with the other three?
Kate’s either away filming, or she’s home with the other kids as they sit around doing nothing. All they get to do is help line the driveway with flags on Memorial Day weekend, Yippee!
We know Kate would never take her kids on a road trip just for fun
Gigi Be (#73), M busted her mom on their lack of activities when she said something like, without the show, we'd just be staring at the 4 walls.
Kate claims anyone would do it if they had a chance, but I think it's safe to say that the people who know better would not. Or maybe RR is just "jellus" and a "hater".
Kate has always insisted that, and some of her fans, but I have always felt that statement was not accurate. If everyone would pimp their kids out for money than everyone would move to NY or LA and send their kids on auditions. Most people never do that or even dream of it. There are a dozen other ways to make money when struck with a tough financial situation.
And, of the many parents that do permit their kids to perform, it's because the child themselves is so insistent on it they would be miserable without allowing them to give this a go. And so you become a reluctant supporter.
The remaining parents are made up of stage moms, and probably some innocents who haven't really thought through the consequences. And that's about it.
I remember from a friend's custody case that children have a lot more say in which parent they want to live with once they turn 14.
Usually the older you get the more your wishes are considered. A 7 year old doesn't really understand what's best for them nor should they be made to decide. But a 14 year old is approaching adulthood and is starting to understand what their needs are and can communicate what is happening in the home, what they like and don't like. They become a very helpful tool to the judge instead of someone so young and emotionally immature their opinions don't really offer much value to what's best for them.
Kate’s either away filming, or she’s home with the other kids as they sit around doing nothing. All they get to do is help line the driveway with flags on Memorial Day weekend, Yippee!
I would assume that the salt-water POOL is open, so they do they have that, and it's warm enough outside to swim, plus the pool is heated.
Let's see the fun-in-the-sun swimming photos!
If more G kids start leaving the GHEC, there's no way TFW is gonna take care of those 3 full-grown dogs herself. She'd probably keep Shola because he's a fan favorite. And Nookie Pookie is a girl, so she's safe. But poor Maq better watch his baq.
Here's Jon's IG post:
jongosselin1 Road tripping!!!
Interesting comments:
myeb8 Is she living with him?
momnmya @myeb8 yes , I live across the street from him ... nice normal guy!
Comments from the longtime TFW fans:
barbgilmer1 She’s out like a light
patriciachow0901 Great bonding @jongosselin1 xoxo.
It's got to be a comfort and more relaxing to be away from TFW. It would be very unnerving to be around Kate's impatient, aggressive type a behaviour all the time. Add to that the usual bickering and hollering that goes on between her and the kids and anybody would run to find some place where there's a little peace and quiet. That's the impression I get from that IG pic of Hannah snoozing, anyway.
Kate says she's mellowed, but I don't believe anything she says.
foxy said... 35
capecodmama....Bryan Masche did explode. His ex-wife and other relatives have testified to that. He was very abusive with his ex wife and I believe he did not work.
She has since remarried and had another child with her current husband.
I hope Jon does his homework on this guy. He is no good.
Catching up here and hope everyone is having a wonderful long Memorial Day weekend!
I know I told ya'll many years ago that I watched a few episodes of the Masches. I was utterly dumbfounded by Bryan. He was a child, and not like Kate's sheep call Jon her 9th child. A freaking toddler!
And he was so nasty to his wife. His language in his tweet to Jon shows the same, juvenile parlance.
He would go around calling Jenny, "dude". Seriously, dude?
And, ironically, he berated her for being just like Kate Gosselin.
No, HE was the Kate in that relationship.
Yeah, from the photos she posts of the dogs and kids taken inside the house it's apparent Schmoops ain't no neat freak. So much for the OCD she had when TLC was picking up the tab for cleaning.
And you're right...those curtains are totally 80's. They're probably crusty with ten years worth of dust and grime. She's a slob.
I'd love to send Schmoops a bucket of paint and a roller to update her master suite.
Formerly Duped said... 53
NJGal51 said... 52
Right- panic and mob scenes would ensue if they ate the ice cream there. They probably had to eat it fast, like in NYC when Kate ran on her hooker heels to buy it then smashed it practically in the kids' face
Oh, Manic Kate! Boobies bouncing, mouth gaping, gum a flappin'. Kate was full-on manic.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 74
Gigi Be (#73), M busted her mom on their lack of activities when she said something like, without the show, we'd just be staring at the 4 walls.
May 26, 2018 at 8:25 AM
Gosh, remember when they had to film a picnic for K+8? It was cold and looked miserable out. Kate made lunches and put it on the tables. It was like, "why are they eating outside where it's miserable when they could be eating inside?"
I may be in the minority here, but I don't blame Kate for not updating the interior of the house with new rugs, window treatments, etc. With kids running around there, plus three dogs, it makes no sense getting anything new, and that includes furniture and carpet. Kids make messes, dogs have accidents. Let them be kids without having to worry that Kate would freak out if a dog vomited on a new carpet or they spilled something that can't be cleaned up.
BITW (86) - I get what you're saying and I wouldn't criticize her either IF she hadn't made such a big stink about being cleanfreak of the century. I think we all know she was following script just to keep the show going back then but she doesn't get a pass, from me anyway, for backpedaling on all the BS she was spouting in her glory days.
Now she claims she's mellowed and the kids and dogs can lounge on countless beds and couches in the house. Truth be told she always was and is now a lazy slob who won't clean up or update her house unless someone else is doing it for her and TLC is footing the bill.
Blowing In The Wind said... 86
I agree. She really doesn't have many guests anyway. The kids' rooms were redone and the kitchen on the show and she got her deckster. If she just kept things tidier it would look ok. I don't care what kind of home decor she has but I do care how she treat her children and animals.
Auntie Ann--
My point exactly. For years she has sold herself as this OCD mom, and yet the inside of her home is awful. If she really had OCD, it would drive her nuts to have that mismatched flooring. A lot of the furniture looks just dirty, and the house is always such a mess. Yet people still believe her stories, and still ask her how she stays so organized. Huh??? And you're right, she's just waiting for someone else to pay to upgrade everything. It's all about who is paying the bills.
I watched a recent episode (at Aunt Win's request) because I had been to some shops Kate and the twins visited. It was a back-to-school episode, and the point was that Kate is so tight-fisted when it comes to spending her own money, but spends madly when it's on someone else's dime. She was at a department store (looked like Boscov's) with the younger kids, and she wouldn't buy a shirt for Alexis, and A said it wasn't fair because Leah got something. Kate said, "I don't care about being fair. Being fair wastes money". A t-shirt at that store would have maybe cost $10-12. But then Kate, Mady and Cara go boutique shopping and spend madly. She pressures the twins to try on things, pick things out, to get more and more, and she gets stuff for herself too. I have been to two of the three stores with my oldest niece. They are expensive! T-shirts at the first one (Eaves) run $100 and up. Jeans run around $200 a pair, and they had several piles of stuff when they were checking out. The shoes Mady got appear to be Golden Goose, and the store carries that brand. For high-tops like Mady's they would have cost $550-650. A leather tote like Kate got (Win said she did buy it because she carried it in the date episode) would have been several hundred dollars. They spent thousands there. So--buying a $10 t-shirt for Alexis wastes money, but she's okay with spending $100-plus on a t-shirt for Mady or Cara (or herself). It all comes down to who is paying. She won't willingly part with her own money. But if it's someone else's, then the sky is the limit.
Where is Colleen? All of Jons pictures are just Hannah & him. I would think she'd be in the road trip car also.
Just curious
Blowing In The Wind said... 86
I may be in the minority here, but I don't blame Kate for not updating the interior of the house with new rugs, window treatments, etc. With kids running around there, plus three dogs, it makes no sense getting anything new, and that includes furniture and carpet. Kids make messes, dogs have accidents. Let them be kids without having to worry that Kate would freak out if a dog vomited on a new carpet or they spilled something that can't be cleaned up.
Sorry, but I disagree.
Window treatments shouldn't be an issue for kids and dogs to mess up. Especially if she's just using the valances anyway.
And the kids are teens now, and the dogs aren't puppies. They should be taught to respect the house enough that they aren't ruining furniture and rugs. Especially the kids.
Sure accidents happen, but I don't see how you wouldn't get a new area rug or window treatments.
I have teens. And they have their friends over. They have their hangout area. They can have candy and snacks depending on what they are eating. Chips, popcorn, etc, fine. Ice cream? Nope. Have it in the kitchen or dining room, or eat it at the table (seats 8 easy) in their hangout area.
We mostly drink water in our house, so they are allowed that pretty much anywhere in the house. If they want to have something else when they have friends over then they have cups with lids and straws. The kind that the lids screw on and are washable.
There are usually 6-8 of them and I don't want to chance them spilling something, even though yes, accidents happen. But it's also easily preventable.
I can't imagine not updating my window treatments and area rugs whenever I want a change for worry that my kids will spill something. That means I would have the same decor in my home for 18 years minimum. LOL.
Layla, are you local? (If you care to share !)
On the 10th birthday episode the kids were shopping again at Boscov's I think- and although it must have been on TLC's budget, she had them in the clearance dept and M and C said everything was disgusting while the tups each picked something for their party. This was also when TFW teased C for liking dress clothes and asked J or A if he liked baseball. I wondered why they had to bargain hunt.
Another school shopping trip TFW bought herself a couple of pairs of heels- the kids kept saying 'you have those' and she needed a closet addition for shoes.
I am one of 12 kids and our house was always clean. Everybody had to do a little so nobody had to do a lot. We had hardwood floors that were waxed (remember those days?) and every few years my dad and 2 oldest brothers would sand and repoly them to keep them nice and shiny. Rooms were painted as needed, curtains and drapes were always washed and cleaned as was the furniture. She is wacky. We did not buy new furniture but kept care of what we had. There were no rips or stains or anything like that. Things were cleaned up as it happened. Kate is just lazy and greedy.
Formerly (92)
I'm not local--at least, not yet! We live in Maryland, but my husband grew up in PA, and he has lots of family in the area. We spend a lot of time up there (away from the rat race), and we plan to retire there. We were actually looking for a second home--which would eventually become our retirement home--a couple years ago, but then realized that we were going to have higher college/grad school expenses for our kids than we had planned for. Their educations come first, so we're paying for that, and then we'll go back to looking for a PA home. I can't wait! I love the slower pace of life up there. And the Amish markets, and the lack of crowds and long lines, and the friendly people.
Colleen is a nurse now. Some nurses work crazy hours, especially when they are new to the field like she is.
And Jon may have decided to do a Daddy/ daughter get away. Just the two of them.
I was looking through a photo album the other night and came across some pictures of my grandmother cooking Christmas dinner, baking cookies, sitting in her living room and dusting the window sills. Some of the pictures were taken when I was in grade school. Other photos were taken after I graduated from college.
I looked closely at the kitchen table, curtains, sofa and chairs and realized that after all of those years, nothing had changed. I guess she just liked things the way they were and never expressed any desire to get anything new. When she passed away, I took some of the quilts, throw rugs and yes, even those lace curtains (which had yellowed). It was comforting. I miss her.
I was looking through a photo album the other night and came across some pictures of my grandmother cooking Christmas dinner, baking cookies, sitting in her living room and dusting the window sills. Some of the pictures were taken when I was in grade school. Other photos were taken after I graduated from college.
I looked closely at the kitchen table, curtains, sofa and chairs and realized that after all of those years, nothing had changed. I guess she just liked things the way they were and never expressed any desire to get anything new. When she passed away, I took some of the quilts, throw rugs and yes, even those lace curtains (which had yellowed). It was comforting. I miss her.
Layla said... 89
It's all about who is paying the bills.
Do you remember the story about her that her ex-boyfriend gave to some tabloid years ago? She was such a mooch back then that she moved in with him at his parents' home. His mother was even catering to her. Then she latched on to someone who was better off. Then she found Jon and the rest is history. Katie Kreider is an opportunist, a fraud AND a slob.
If you look back at older episodes... Jon was the one who cleaned house, bathed kids, etc... she cooked however nothing special... soups, pancakes, and mostly the kids ate from what the crew brought. The only meal I saw tasty was the one jon made and she was in bed when he brought her some fried rice.
Okay, those videos that Jon and Hannah posted are confusing! My first thought was that she was maybe doing a trial week staying with Jon, but judging by the picture posted of their road trip, she is still there. And it looks like she has been there since at least her birthday, so that's a lot longer than a week. Maybe they had some court hearings that went well and were thanking people who supported them? Was threesome final custody decision? Hard to tell, but whatever it is, they are both happy with the outcome. Loved the thumbs-up from Hannah! We don't need to know everything that goes on in their lives, so I'll just be happy for them.
Serendipity (97)
I didn't mean she needs everything brand-new, but that house just looks dirty and messy. Dirty carpets, dirty furniture, stuff strewn all over. The paint in there just makes it look worse because the color (dining room especially) looks like something from a baby's diaper. And like Auntie Ann said, those curtains probably haven't been washed in 10 years. I understand people never changing things. I have some antiques that belonged to my grandmother, and every one of them has a special memory attached. I recently had new cushions made for my wicker chairs, and I picked the fabric just because it reminded me so much of some throw pillows my grandmother had. Now every time I look at them I think of her and I know she would have loved that fabric. That makes me happy!
Oh my gosh, Jon's video has gotten more than 51,000 views in 2 days, and Hannah's has gotten more than 20,000 views. Kate can't touch those numbers!
Oh, and it looks like Hannah has an iPhone. In the picture of her and Jon at Starbucks, she has a white iPhone in her hand along with her cup. I really doubt that came from Kate.
In the above post (100)--that was supposed to be "was there some final custody decision", not "threesome final custody decision". Eek.
Tucker's Mom said... 83
I'd love to send Schmoops a bucket of paint and a roller to update her master suite.
You could send it to her, but she wants cash. lol.
The paint and roller would gather dust in the garage unless she could Tom Sawyer someone into doing the work for her. Too bad Jamie went home.
mel said... 99
If you look back at older episodes... Jon was the one who cleaned house, bathed kids, etc
Robert Hoffman said Jon's place (after the break-up) was as neat as a pin and Kate was the lazy slug in that house . I believe that.
If she was really the WonderWoman she always cracked herself up to be, she'd be my idol. Just kidding.
AuntieAnn (#104), remember when Jon wanted something ironed before they went out for dinner, and TFW chewed him out? He seems like a generally tidy guy, and I bet that annoyed her.
New poster! Long time reader! So glad to see Hannah and job together and what seems like a new custody agreement.. but can't help but wonder why Joel Leah and aaden aren't around? Those four typically hung together with Jon!
Flimsy - He probably had to spell the word for her I-R-O-N. She'd never heard of one.
That's another thing...didn't she have Nana Janet doing her laundry for her. She slithered out of that chore too. Poor overburdened Schmoopy.
Jon seems like he was raised in a respectable home and was taught to pick up after himself and keep things orderly.
I think we can safely assume that Jon still sees the other kids , but because of the custody agreement he is not allowed to photograph/film himself with them. There are no ties that bind him from sharing images of himself spending time with Hannah obviously. I found it particularly heartwarming to see him with Colin and I wonder if she has no say in how his image is shared. It's long past due for Kate's "fans" to see the guy isn't the antichrist.
Omg, the help she had! Someone to do the laundry, another lady to fold and Carla to put it away. Janet to iron.Someone to watch the tups while she shopped, Aunt Jodi Fridays and for trips plus not-nannies galore. Beth and some other lady to take the kids overnight and other times.
Welcome to Happy Is A Choice.
Wishing everyone a safe Memorial Day.
My thanks to all who have served and their families.
Dmasy, you are always a gracious and compassionate lady. I echo your words on this Memorial Day.
It was getting a bit gloomy coming on here when it seemed things were at a standstill for the children but now a lighter heart beats on this blog.
I'm still wondering about those videos. I have two ideas: First, Kate freaked out at seeing him with Collin and went to court to try to stop him from visiting/posting pictures. She knows that made her look bad, and now some of her fans are posting positive comments on Jon's and H's IGs. She won't stand for that.
Idea 2: They went to court over where Hannah should spend the summer. Jon mentioned something at the end of his message about summer. He apparently still works in IT, and does his DJ thing part-time, so maybe Kate thought she could get H back home due to Jon's work schedule. And if she could get h home for the summer, then maybe she could get TLC to do some summer filming (there's always an ulterior motive with Kate. She wouldn't want H home just because she loves her and misses her. She'd want to make some money off of her).
Or--maybe they went to court to address both issues. No matter what it was, it sounds like Jon and Hannah prevailed.
Isn't it odd that she waxes on about C being away, but there has been no mention of him (on camera) from the other kids? I asked my family member who watches the show, and she said that since C has been missing, the other kids have never mentioned him or the situation. Not even "Gee, I wish Collin was here" or "I miss Collin". I remember reading that H had told Jon about her concerns for C and how Kate treated him. And now it's H who is seen visiting him. As I have said before, I doubt that Jon forced her to go visit C, so H must have wanted to see him. So she cares. I think all the kids care, and all of them miss him, but I can't see Kate encouraging them to talk about it. She wants to make it al about her, and about how she has had to handle this all by herself.
Mama C: Jon has photos of the kids with himself on his IG occasionally such as on one NYE, 4th of July, building a teepee, sometimes
the "usual four" sometimes two others.He also has ones just of some kids at the movies or eating ice cream etc. I hope the custody continues or increases and Alexis gets in on it. I also hope he visits Collin often, not that he needs to post pictures every time.
If H could see Collin with Jon, he is obviously allowed family visitors. You would think TFW would have said on the party episodes 'We miss Collin, but went to celebrate with him earlier' if she actually did do that and allowed the sextuplets to spend some time together. Let alone regular visits.Horrible mother.
Hannah and Jon saw Collin again today. She posted pics on her IG :)
Serendipity(97)...I hear you! The wallpaper in my grandparent's living room (parlor) was hideous by today's standards. I mean really ugly. It was there for as long as I could remember. I wanted to remove it, along with what probably was layers underneath. In those days, they just re-papered over everything. My grandfather just gave me that don't you dare! I didn't.
When they died and I was getting the house ready to be sold, I decided to give the room a fresh coat of paint. I could almost feel my grandfather's presence and his displeasure, but it had to be done. I carefully cut off a large square of wallpaper, matted it and framed it in a goldleaf antique frame and it's hanging in my hall.
Memories of the time spent in that parlor, listening to him tell stories about the good old days!
New pictures on Hannah's IG. Looks like another visit to Collin.
AWW,this was so sweet.Hannah just uploaded a picture with her and Collin together with this
itsmehjg So good to see Collin again I had so much fun shopping with him
Layla (112)...I can understand that the kids wouldn't say anything on camera about Collin. They were most likely told by TLC to just keep it under wraps. If they expressed how much they miss him, it would open up a can of worms, from fans, viewers, and then questions would have to be answered and Kate would continue to be under fire for having sent him away. TLC doesn't want that, especially with the new Date Kate show coming up, so they most likely put a gag order on the kids not saying anything at all about Collin.
Hannah has posted pictures showing her while out shopping with COLLIN and her dad. Great news!!!!
Anonymous said... 120
Hannah has posted pictures showing her while out shopping with COLLIN and her dad. Great news!!!!
Yes and the fact that it was a road trip makes me think he’s not that close by.
aw, they look so cute together, having fun. Obviously Collin can function outside the facility. Maybe coincidence but he's wearing the same shirt...and he needs orthodontia. Looks like his old funny self, a good kid badly misunderstood.
I wonder if H meant good to see C 'again' like once again since their birthday and regular visits or since a long time ago.If I make sense!
Here's a clickable link:
itsmehjg So good to see Collin again I had so much fun shopping with him
This answers one question, at least. Apparently, Collin is allowed to leave wherever he is. I wonder if he's allowed to leave for holidays.
It's so weird that TFW did a People magazine cover story telling the world about Collin, as well as TV interviews, yet she never ever mentions him on her Instagram. It's as if he doesn't even exist for her.
Comment on Hannah's Instagram post from longtime TFW fan:
mydmaxx2581 Y’all look so happy. Have a wonderful Memorial Day. 🇺🇸
Whoever this person is, she decided to alert TFW to Hannah's post:
twins.triplets @kateplusmy8
It could be just me but Hannah's message almost seems if visitations with Collin were either rare or non-existent, while she was living with Mommie D. It wouldn't surprise me.
I don't think TFW is going to like this. Milo posted a question on TFW's latest Instagram post (the dog pics from last week):
miloandjack2016 So is Collin finished w/his special schooling? Pics posted of him shopping w/Hannah and father? @kateplusmy8
Collin! So good to see him looking so happy, and we now know that he is allowed to leave the facility. Hopefully they're making steps toward transitioning him out of the facility, and Jon and Hannah are right there helping him along. I wonder if there's any way he could spend the summer (or at least part of it)with Jon. Maybe this is the reason for those cryptic videos.
Serendipity (119)
I was thinking that maybe TLC was editing any mentions of C by his siblings out of the footage. They still want to portray Kate as the put-upon martyr, so they make the C situation all about her.
Another comment on Hannah's IG post:
patriciachow0901 Precious time together, enjoy!
I wonder what TFW's fans are thinking now about the fact that TFW has never once mentioned Collin on her IG these past couple of years. It clearly isn't because she was protecting his privacy, since she's the one who told the world about him in a People cover story and in TV interviews. Oh, that's right. She only talks about him when she's getting paid. 💵💰
"miloandjack2016 So is Collin finished w/his special schooling? Pics posted of him shopping w/Hannah and father? @kateplusmy8"
Aw, poor Milo needs Kate's assurance that Kate is still the best mother and Jon is terrible. This does not compute for Milo's view of single mom Kate's happy, happy family.
AuntieAnn said... 125
Yes! That's what I was trying to say! (I had a migraine today and felt a bit mixed up as an after-effect) I meant is it only the two recent visits that H had with C or did she ever go with TFW and other siblings? Did poor C ever have visitors at ALL before?
Another comment by one of the longtime TFW fans:
sandiebellz This makes my heart soar. So happy for all of you!
I'd love to know what her fans are thinking now. Over two years have gone by, and no mentions by TFW of Collin at all, let alone photos.
What the heck? Someone posted this comment not on Jon's IG, but on TFW's latest IG post (the dog pics):
nan_views So happy for you, that all of your kids are healthy and happy. Hannah and Collin looks very happy spending time together. Is great you support them and teach siblings to love each other. That is what family is about, love and understanding.
There goes Milo, tattling to Kate again. Isn't she the one who goes after people for asking questions about Collin and says it's a private matter? But there she is, doing exactly what she scolds others for doing. Hypocrite. She just can't help herself. I don't think it was an accident that H posted the shopping photos and not Jon. The sheeple won't hesitate to go after Jon for posting photos, but what are they to do when Hannah does it? Attack Hannah? Claim that H is violating C's privacy? They're confused and looking for guidance from Kate.
Dmasy (#110), thanks for the reminder about this solemn day.
A friend and I got into a conversation with a woman at the grocery store yesterday. We were commenting on her cute little Maltese, and the woman blurted out that she hates this holiday, because her mother passed away on Memorial Day weekend 6 years ago. I said I hoped maybe it made her feel less alone that so many other people have heavy hearts along with her on this day. With all our electronic communication avenues, I think some people still yearn for face-to-face connections.
Regular visitation, family outings in the community, and the like, are how a child is transitioned home. Collin looks happy and healthy. I am hopeful the plan is HOME reunification.
Wonderful to know that C has been able to leave the facility, if only on a temporary basis! And having time with his loving father and sister brings me great relief. But it brings up some questions. Is this flexibility recent? Or has C been able to leave all along, and his gestational carrier just didn't bother? OR was she prohibited from seeing him?
Formerly Duped said... 130
AuntieAnn said... 125
Yes! That's what I was trying to say! (I had a migraine today and felt a bit mixed up as an after-effect) I meant is it only the two recent visits that H had with C or did she ever go with TFW and other siblings? Did poor C ever have visitors at ALL before?
Sorry Formerly, I did not see your earlier post, but I agree. I'm sure Kate thought she had securely sent Collin away to her black hole of rejects and the other kids proabably if ever were allowed to visit.
Schmoopy's got to be spitting bullets and shooting lightning bolts out of her eye sockets right about now.
(I hope your migraine eases up. They're awful) ~ Administrator said... 133
Regular visitation, family outings in the community, and the like, are how a child is transitioned home. Collin looks happy and healthy. I am hopeful the plan is HOME reunification.
Yes this is a good sign. Privileges such as off-site outings are based on progress.
Kate’s going to be busy—in one hand a jug of wine, the other hand a phone calling attorneys!
I bet she’s furious.
You’re either with her or against her.
ncgirl (#129), yeah, it's blowing Gladys' mind to see Wimpy Boy Jon coming to his son's rescue. Time for some dog talk for deflection.
Admin-home reunification as in Jon’s home? Cuz i don’t think the compound will be healthy for him at all
I'm hopeful too, Admin. It looks like things are progressing.
It also looks like Jon has sprung into action with the plans for Collin's future, while TFW is too busy filming a bullcrap Fake Dating show. No surprise that she once again, as always, is putting herself and her quest for easy money and fame ahead of her kids.
Barb posted this on Hannah's IG post:
barbgilmer1 Did you guys take Collin out and about?
The answer is rather obvious. Hannah said they were out shopping, and the pics are of them sitting on a bench outside a store.
I think it is obvious Collin is being transitioned "home" to the one parent who wants him "home", his loving father. It is so good to see his happy face out and about with his dad and sister.
Did TFW post at all today? She sure can't pretend she's got 8, or even 7, kids home with her this holiday.
As AuntieAnn said (#137), Schmoopy must be seething with rage. We've seen Mommie Dearest's temper flare over the smallest of transgressions (a speck of gum on a lovey, a broken drawer knob, etc.). Who knows how violently she might react to these developments.
TFW tried and failed to "delete" Jon. He's controlling the narrative now, and nothing could hurt her more.
Harry and Meghan are rumored to be honeymooning in Jasper, Alberta. My family used to camp there when I was a kid, but I doubt the royal newlyweds will be sleeping in a pup tent.
On the other hand...
FlimsyFlamsy said... 145
Did TFW post at all today? She sure can't pretend she's got 8, or even 7, kids home with her this holiday.
Nothing from TFW today. Thanks to these recent developments, she was silent on Memorial Day weekend and Mother's Day weekend this year.
Reading some of the recent comments and back and forth comments between people on her last several IG posts, the smartest thing she could do right now is to delete her account. Her long phony act of the poor, overworked martyr mom is finally over.
The photos Hannah posted are nice to see. They all look happy.
I think Collin could have been transitioned home a lot earlier if Jon had known where he was! This facility has much to answer for IMHO- I know we don't know everything about 'the situation' but I believe the kid was not that severely challenged.
AuntieAnn " Thanks! At least a migraine sufferer has a fancy name, "a migraineur..." Small comfort!
Hannah's video post is no longer on her Instagram. It was posted after the ice cream post, but it's gone now. Jon's video is still on his IG.
There goes Milo, tattling to Kate again. Isn't she the one who goes after people for asking questions about Collin and says it's a private matter?
She's such a snitch. And the idea that she thinks Kate can do anything about this is hilarious. By the time a parent has progressed to visits in the community and with other siblings along, the plan is usually firmly reunification and it is very disruptive to the child to change that by bringing in some other parent and some other plan.
Kate doesn't even want a broken child, Milo. Return to the manufacturer. Stop trying to highlight the issue when Kate is trying to bury this. You're dense!
Harry and Meghan are rumored to be honeymooning in Jasper, Alberta. My family used to camp there when I was a kid, but I doubt the royal newlyweds will be sleeping in a pup tent.
That's so neat. I saw an article headline that said, tongue in cheek, they are spending their honeymoon in the most boring place ever. Lol. To me it sounds divine, honeymooning in the Canadian wilderness with a lovely 5 star lodge to relax in each night. Fishing, hiking, shooting, bird watching, swimming and sunbathing if it's mild enough. Good for them.
IMHO- I know we don't know everything about 'the situation' but I believe the kid was not that severely challenged.
I firmly believe it was one of two things or both. 1. The kid had very run of the mill special needs that Kate was sick of handling and/or 2. the kid was for whatever reason more affected by the child abuse and/or filming and celebrity.
And, even if she had nothing to do with the origins of his issues and failed in home treatment, she still continued to truck on filming and exposing him and the family even knowing the situation was delicate for him. Any which way you slice it in my view this goes back to Kate.
I cannot imagine what came out in his therapy, but I bet my bottom dollar they are not keen on reunification with mom over dad after hearing about all his issues that bulk of which occurred on her watch.
Barb posted this on Hannah's IG post:
barbgilmer1 Did you guys take Collin out and about?
The answer is rather obvious. Hannah said they were out shopping, and the pics are of them sitting on a bench outside a store.
I like Barb's defection, but my god she's about as dumb as a sheeple comes isn't she?
No Barb, they don't go out and about. That's a fake store, a set if you like, where they can "practice" going to the store as if they really are out and about in the community. Like the neighborhood set of Sesame Street. Two steps to the right is the locked facility.
Admin (#151), TFW telegraphed from the very beginning that she didn't want C back. Her first comments in that People interview were about how hard it had been for HER. Did anyone think she'd actually have the strength and courage to tough this situation out? To do anything and everything in her power to fight for that boy's recovery? To sacrifice any of her own comfort to make things better for him? Puleez.
Auntie Anne, I've been to Jasper and talked about it so much over the years, a couple of my kids went last year and came back ready to move up there! I told one to get married there just so I can return! Such a beautiful and majestic area.
Like the neighborhood set of Sesame Street. Two steps to the right is the locked facility.
I thought Hannah did a remarkable job of photoshopping the store into the background.
The sheep need to work more brain food into their diet.
"Kate doesn't even want a broken child, Milo."
She didn't like Aaden needing glasses. Families with multiples have children with physical disabilities. The McCaugheys and the family with the daughter with cerebral palsy(can't remember their name).How would Kate have coped with that? Shipped them off? I don't think Kate could've sustained a reality show if she had at least one child who needed constant caretaking. She doesn't have the personality for that, nursing degree or not.
Any which way you slice it in my view this goes back to Kate.
Yes it is. Imagine your childhood given over to film crews. Getting pulled out of bed early to have your day put on film. Being told it's Christmas morning when it isn't. Sitting for photographs while your friends are all busy doing normal childhood activities. Getting screamed at for dirtying your clothes ...
Kate needs to be sent to a facility of a different sort.
am one of eight said... 156
Auntie Anne, I've been to Jasper and talked about it so much over the years, a couple of my kids went last year and came back ready to move up there! I told one to get married there just so I can return! Such a beautiful and majestic area.
It really is. I was at a relative's wedding in Banff a few years ago and I thought there could not be a more beautiful place on earth to exchange vows.
Kate should have done more research for her second wedding. Not that there's anything wrong with
Can you imagine if Collin went back to the compound? One wrong move, eye glance, anything and she would be threatening to put him back in a facility until he aged out at 18. She would have the others shun him like it is rumored they shun Hannah. What a person for so many blessings and not grateful for any one of them.
It will be interesting to see, now that Jon and Hannah have let the cat out of the bag with regard to her living situation and Collin, whether TLC goes forward with Kate Plus My Fake Date. Especially if Collin does transition to living with Jon. A lot of questions will be asked of Kate and TLC should be asked, "what did you know and when did you know it," with regard to abuse. Especially abuse of Collin. I think this bitch might finally be going down.
foxy (#161), and it wouldn't surprise me if C's fate was used by TFW as a threat with the remaining 8. As in, you see what happened to your brother? You could be next.
I hope C gets some overnight visits home as time goes on. He has been in an institution for a few years so the transition home may be challenging.
Formerly Duped (149),
I doubt the facility was fully informed about the custody situation between Jon and Kate. She has primary custody for a long time, so she was within her rights to have Collin sent away. If she led them to believe that Jon had no right to information, or that he wasn't interested or involved in Collin's life, they wouldn't really know any better. I think Jon probably did have to find C on his own, and then had to go to court to be able to see him. C must be on a care plan of some sort, so the birthday visit and the outing with Jon and Hannah would have been approved as part of his care plan. I believe it is Jon's intention to bring Collin home to live with him and Hannah. I wonder how many times he has visited C. Kate worked hard to keep C from visiting his dad, and probably had C thinking his dad was a bad person and didn't care about him. That's how parental alienators work. So it has probably been a long, gradual rebuilding of the relationship between the two. From the looks of it, it has been successful. Collin looks comfortable and happy with Jon and Hannah. That's all that matters.
I just keep remembering that little boy who covered his face when paps were taking pictures, while his mother was doing everything in her power to make sure there were more cameras shoved in his face. All to line her own pockets. There is no way she didn't realize way back then that he should not be forced to film. He deserved better.
So happy for Collin, I hope Jon gets full custody when he's ready to come home.
For me, the biggest and most crucial difference between TFW and Jon as far as parenting goes is unconditional love. None of us are perfect parents, and Jon might have made some mistakes over the years, but I have never for one minute doubted that he has unconditional love for each and every one of his kids. TFW doesn't even have a clue as to what unconditional love is.
She's such a snitch. And the idea that she thinks Kate can do anything about this is hilarious
She reminds me of the character Violet from Leave it to Beaver. She was the class snitch and teachers brown noser. Even going so far as giving her teacher a note of everyone who talked while the teacher was out of the room. haha.
Milo, zip it. Your queen isn’t impressed.
I hope that Collin never has to go back to the GHFEC*. She doesn't want him back, and he certainly doesn't deserve that punishment. I hope he'll be living with Jon soon.
*Gosselin Home For Exploited Children
Finally I've been able to log onto this blog. I've been following for years now. Some may remember me from my travels to your beautiful country, since then I have been to so many places that I can't mention them all, just that your country is immense and beautiful with so many historic places.
Back to the POS Kate. how can a mother completely wipe out her child from her life and that of her children. She has a heart of stone. But what goes around comes around. She will grow alone and will not enjoy grandchildren. Maybe Mady will stand by her, but I doubt any of the others will stay close. She deserves nothing but sh-- for her narcissist being.
Former Lurker(#167), here's my spin on what you just said. Jon loves being a father, whereas TFW only loves what being a mother GETS for her.
I think the main reason why i was so happy with seeing Hannah posting a picture of her and Collin together is that i remember the episode where Kate scolded Collin after he called Hannah ugly and i didn't think the two were as close as they are now.Don't get me wrong,i don't know what kind of relationship the kids have with each other and im certainly not saying that Hannah didn't love Collin,its just out of the 8,i didn't expect these two to bond.Thankfully though,it seems the two of them are hopefully having a stronger relationship together.
She reminds me of the character Violet from Leave it to Beaver. She was the class snitch and teachers brown noser. Even going so far as giving her teacher a note of everyone who talked while the teacher was out of the room. haha.
Heh, that's totally Milo. Teacher, teacher! Jon G. breathed while you looked the other way! JUST SO YA KNOW.
Well, at least Milo has confirmed for us what we knew all along. She has no special way of communicating with TFW, as she's often claimed. Otherwise, she could email TFW instead of leaving tattletale comments on TFW's Instagram.
Paige just commented on Hannah's IG post, and then left comments to alert Emily and Leigh:
pc08 So good to see Collin! You too Hannah!
pc08 @emilylovesbutler
pc08 @leighshahan1
It must be killing TFW that she's no longer in control.
On her OWN IG, Milo posted the following:
miloandjack2016 Buckle up Mom...more new pics of your son posted on IG! Surprised to hear he went shopping. Many take this as a sign he will be coming home soon?? @Kateplusmy8
WTF does she think she's doing? After all her shushing of others about Collin's situation? The hypocrisy here is way over the top. What exactly does she expect K8 to say?
Bluebird (#170), I remember you! I think you were one of our many lovely Canadian posters? Are you the lady with the baby granddaughter (who is probably 3 by now?). Hope you are well!
I have a hunch the G kids couldn't get on that school bus fast enough this morning. A 3-day weekend with a raging narcissist whose house of cards is crumbling around her is no picnic.
Sad but true said... 176
On her OWN IG, Milo posted the following:
miloandjack2016 Buckle up Mom...more new pics of your son posted on IG! Surprised to hear he went shopping. Many take this as a sign he will be coming home soon?? @Kateplusmy8
I just saw that and was coming here to post it.
She's unbelievable. Obviously, she's desperately trying to alert TFW to the pics being posted on Jon's and Hannah's Instagrams. Does she really think TFW doesn't know? TFW is probably monitoring it all very closely and seething mad that she can no longer control everybody and everything.
Milo, and some of TFW's other longtime fans, now have to look to Jon's Instagram for any info on Collin, a kid they observed for years on TV and simply wanted to know whether he was okay. But, TFW was silent for a couple of years, leaving everyone wondering.
I can't remember who it was, but I agree with the poster who said recently that TFW was deliberately being secretive because she was saving news about Collin for an episode or another big People cover to pimp her new show. She truly is despicable.
Former Lurker said... 175
Paige just commented on Hannah's IG post, and then left comments to alert Emily and Leigh:
pc08 So good to see Collin! You too Hannah!
pc08 @emilylovesbutler
pc08 @leighshahan1
For some reason, Paige deleted her comment alerting Emily. She left the one to Leigh.
OMG, Milo is insufferable! That last post (on her own IG) just annoys me. First of all, "your son"? It's THEIR son. Jon is his father. And she's "surprised" to hear he's shopping...why? Milo knows nothing about what he's allowed to do. For all she knows, he has been allowed to go places all along. One thing is for sure--Jon was allowed to take C shopping. He didn't kidnap him. The facility and C's doctors/therapists have approved this. And there's nothing Kate or Milo can do about it. Don't you think that if Kate could ban Jon from seeing C, she would? And last but not least, Milo's comment about this being a sign that C could be coming home soon--of course C is going to be released at some point, but the real question is, which home will he be going to?
Kate is losing her iron grip on those kids, and it's just going to get worse from here on out. Buckle up, Milo! There's going to be a lot more to tattle about in the future. Not that it'll do Kate any good.
Bluebird, I remember you! Welcome back!
Sorry, I got that link wrong. Here's Milo's IG post:
Wow, Milo is really desperate. On her Instagram, she posted a video of a turtle five days ago. But, she just recently left a comment for TFW there:
miloandjack2016 Hey @kateplusmy8 ...don't know if you saw this. Please let Alexis & any other critter lovers you have there view this. I know they are teens...but I hope they still have an interest in nature. Btw...time sensitive info sent.
I have to wonder if Kate isn't allow to see Collin because we all thought she'd immediately post a picture with her and Collin together.Anyone here remember when the story of Hannah wanting to be with jon first came out and one of the first things Kate did was upload a picture of her with both Hannah and leah at a run?Either that or she doesn't care because she's probably filming her dating show.
I wonder if the filmed conflict with C (when he said H's hair was ugly) was scripted. Kate was trying to set the stage for his eventual banishment, and had to portray him as a problem child. I'm sure it wasn't really a big deal to Hannah. If I had a dime for every time my brother told me I was ugly, I'd be rich. It's just what brothers do. And sisters. I gave as much crap as I got. But it was Hannah who reportedly went to Jon about concerns about how Collin was being treated. It's Hannah who is there visiting him and shopping with him and making goofy faces with him. She always seemed to be the most mature of the kids, and was like a little mom to the others. She's there with C and helping him adjust because she wants to be there for him. Kate's narrative was fake. I just hope Collin gets to go home with Jon and Hannah and have a normal life with a supportive family unit and no filming.
Former Lurker (#183), boy, Gladys is sure in a tizzy! Like you said last night, she's shown herself to be a liar when she claimed repeatedly -- defensively, actually -- that she had private access to TFW.
I know they are teens...but I hope they still have an interest in nature.
That's right, Gladys. As soon as kids turn 13 they all start poisoning animals and burning down forests.
What a pill.
Why would Milo tell TFW to "buckle up" and what on earth would that "time sensitive info" be about? Milo appears to want people to think she is so important in TFW's life at the same she is being totally ignored. What a pathetic creature.
FlimsyFlamsy (186)
Gladys has also proven herself to be a hypocrite by asking questions about C when she's repeatedly told everyone else not to ask questions because it's a private matter.
It's kind of funny how desperate she is to be the one to spill the beans to Kate. Does she really think Kate doesn't already know? But there's Milo, practically wetting her pants, crying, "Me! Me! Me! I want to be the one to tell her!".
Someone mentioned in an earlier post that Hannah was shown in a pic holding an iPhone— hence my belief that Kate’s pic of the stacked bday gifts were iPhones for the remaining 4that live with her.
Kate is no longer in control- Jon has Hannah, is visiting Colin, the twins are soon to be off to college, the remaining 4 are getting older.
The only thing Kate is in control of is her wine consumption.
As far as Kate checking out Jon’s instagram, he can block her from seeing his posts. Of course all she’d have to do is make another account and she could see him.
I wonder if any of the kids follow Jon?
Must say I underestimated Hannah. I thought she and Leah were "mean girls" to Alexis and the boys. This was from the early days when they were rude to Jamie's son among other times. But she's really matured and stepped up to save her brother and to stand up for herself. Bravo Hannah.
Why would Milo tell TFW to "buckle up" and what on earth would that "time sensitive info" be about? Milo appears to want people to think she is so important in TFW's life at the same she is being totally ignored. What a pathetic creature.
Sometimes I feel sorry for her. I'm not sure that Kate is the only one who ignores her. I would believe that her family does as well, which is probably the reason she has set herself up as being Kate's best friend. The pathetic part about it is that she actually believes it. If it's so time sensitive and she has direct communication with Kate, then she should call or text her. Of course, I don't think anyone really believes this, not even her sheeple friends, but do they call her out on this? I doubt it, because they know that she's "off" and has serious issues. Perhaps it's best that way.
Speaking of fans, Barb G has never been the brightest sheep in the pasture. Whatever happened to that Leigh person who met Kate at a party? Is she still around?
I'm not sure that Collin just had special needs. He was expelled from Kindergarten for alleged anger issues and physical violence against teachers and students. I think it's much more than just special needs, not wanting to film, and being treated badly by Kate. Of course, that's not saying that Kate didn't contribute to his issues, but I think it goes deeper than that, or she never would have agreed to sending him to a facility for professional help. It most likely was the advice of his therapists, physicians, and Kate really had no choice.
I hope that when he do gets to return home, it's with Jon. I can't imagine that sending him back to Kate is what he needs or wants, but that would be up to those who have treated him, assuming that they do know the entire story of what goes on in that household. I certainly would think that they do know, and that everything would have been documented in order to properly treat him.
Old poster said... 190
As far as Kate checking out Jon’s instagram, he can block her from seeing his posts. Of course all she’d have to do is make another account and she could see him.
She doesn't even have to go through the trouble of making a fake account. All she has to do is log out of IG and she can go to his IG and see his posts. I don't have an IG account; I just have a few IG accounts bookmarked and check them whenever I want. I'm sure TFW is keeping a close eye on Jon's and Hannah's Instagrams.
Any theories on why Hannah deleted that video from her IG? I hope TFW didn't force her to.
The iphone thing - Over a year ago, Jon was on a podcast (Reality Life with Kate Casey), and Jon said ALL the kids play on their iphones, are on snapchat, etc. So her just giving them phones is crap. She probably bribed them with the latest and greatest.
And Milo? S T F U already! Why is it ok for their mother to post their pics and their father can't?
And you're shocked that C is out shopping? Why? Is it because his mother had you all believing he has such severe mental health issues that he couldn't function in the real world? Milo, your world must be turned upside down! C is able to interact with humans that he is related to. The only mystery is how you will spin this so it looks like your Queen's actions were justified.
Why would Milo tell TFW to "buckle up"......?
Because as the kids get older it’s going to be a bumpy ride for TFW! The twins will be turning 18 and can sign their own contracts if TLC wants them. The tups are finding their own voices as evidenced by Hannah and there’s really nothing that TFW can do about it. The days of total control are over.
Blowing In The Wind said... 193
I'm not sure that Collin just had special needs. He was expelled from Kindergarten for alleged anger issues and physical violence against teachers and students. I think it's much more than just special needs, not wanting to film, and being treated badly by Kate....
I agree. Behaviourial issues do not always equal special needs. There are many mental health issues that can contribute to behaviour issues - anxiety, adhd, etc. And by all her comments, it's 100% behaviour:
- Collin has special needs,” Kate tells PEOPLE. “[There’s] a fairly fluid diagnosis of what those needs are, but he needs to learn certain strategies to help him deal with things.
- Collin is currently “enrolled in a program that is helping him learn the skills he needs to be the best him he can be,” she says.
- According to Jon, Kate told him that his son is "in a special school for special needs kids with behavioral problems," but he claims that law enforcement officials have told him otherwise.
Yes, some kids need medication and therapy to help them cope and learn how to handle their emotions, but IMO, this is vastly different than special needs. I personally believe she did not want to do the work required to help him. Many severe autistic (non verbal, etc) or special needs kids are not shipped away - parents and doctors, therapists, teachers, etc work together to help the child.
When the truth eventually comes out, I think the world (not us!) will be shocked by her actions.
Check this out! What a bitch.
Sad but true said... 199
Check this out! What a bitch.
Most likely Kate leaked this to Radar. She’s been off the “radar” for quite a while and with a new show coming up, needs the publicity.
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