So, confession, my own birthday is very close to the day to the Tups, so I too know about how the birthday will every seven years or so fall on Mother's Day or darn close. For me growing up that was never made an issue. Each were celebrated every year as if any other birthday or Mother's Day, just as you would treat a child the same who was born on or near Christmas. And to my great shock, Kate has agreed to allow the children their birthday day, and she will celebrate Mother's Day on another day. That is probably the most unselfish thing she has done in years, and I can't work out what the catch is, there must be one. Apparently Leah was the one who told Kate she felt sorry that Kate had to share Mother's Day with their birthday. Kate's response was Mother's Day can be any day. Wait, rewind. Did Kate say "any" day, or EVERY day? Not sure which one I heard. Because that could be the catch, she'll give them their birthday, but she gets every other day! Moo-ha-ha!
Like good little parental alienated children, Alexis dutifully recites the script that she is most grateful for Kate because she "takes care of us alone!"
Oh, brother. Here we go. This episode aired on May 10, 2015. I know, uncharacteristically timely. Usually we would expect a Halloween episode around about this time. But we're now three years later, and there's a world of difference between trying to brainwash 10-year-olds and trying to brainwash 14-year-olds. See Hannah.
The kids are planning a surprise breakfast for Kate, which mostly consists of Mady ordering everybody else about. Mady is really, really firm with the kids, constantly raising her voice and pushing them around. It's awful to listen to. She learned this from her mother, and it won't serve her well. It won't work for teachers, or professors. It won't work for friends. It won't work for boyfriends. And good luck with marriage.
Kate takes about five minutes to simply tell us she doesn't know what the kids are up to. Yeah, I know people like that. Moments you will never get back.
So, like, Kate left her kids alone with the crew this whole time? Unbelievable. They're probably old enough the crew won't molest any of them easily, but what about their comfort during filming, their safety? Where is their mother to watch out for children who are getting too tired filming, being pushed too hard, are hungry, who need a break from it? Collin is here, and we know now he has special needs! Terrible.
Lol, old pics of Kate. I'm a good deal younger than Kate, yet still close enough in age to be in the same sort of fashion era growing up. It was all about the same for a long period. How come in the late 80's, 90's, all of us kids dressed and styled like 40-year-old tenured school teachers? How was this cool? It's so bizarre. And hilarious. There's Kate, all of 16, and through no fault of her own, dolled up in a snazzy turquoise turtle neck, busy black and white patterned v-neck cardigan thing, little gold necklace and matching ring, dark red nail polish and lipstick, and the Mary Kay Leturneau haircut from her molesting days, bangs and all. See what I mean?! Teacher haircuts were once outrageously cool!
And just some ramblings, but putting myself back in that time period, I'm going to guess Kate was cool. And I think the information we have was she did run with the cool kids, had a cool boyfriend, was a cheerleader, was reasonably popular. What it took to be cool back in the day was often a little money from your parents, to buy the right clothes and get into the right sports, like cheer. Indeed, Kate's clothes look pretty on point for what they are. So all this ungrateful nonsense from her about her parents not treating her right or giving her what she needed to make it, it seems like Kate was doing just fine for herself even back in the teen years. Try being an uncool kid to begin with whose parents genuinely couldn't afford any of these latest styles, or any of the things that would transition you into making cheer (like a little gymnastics lessons) like how I and many of my friends in the rural Northeast grew up. It's not fun at the time, but you grow up and eventually realize everybody did their best and thankfully it doesn't matter one bit you weren't cool then and didn't do cheer and you were probably better off not being part of all that anyway.
Some boring old clips. Kate tells the story again that she always wanted to be a mom since she was a really young kid, would even have dreams about adopting piles of kids on her doorstep. Pull over the furniture because I want to armchair this. First of all, I don't think it's normal for a pre-pubescent girl to feel that strongly about children just yet. Many little girls will claim they want a baby, but it has more to do with just liking to play babydolls and imagining yourself married to Leo with six kids living in New York City, you're a lunch lady and you drive a Mercedes because that game MASH predicted that, and little to do with what motherhood really entails and the much more complex feelings a mature adult woman often has about having children.
So, I think Kate's obsession with not one baby but many babies was not normal at her age, and I wouldn't be surprised if the baby obsession was related to her fanciful desire to have someone or many someones love her in the way she thinks other people didn't, namely her parents. Her parents surely loved her unconditionally, but Kate is the type to interpret discipline, telling her no to things, or having rules she doesn't like, as a parent not really loving her. That would be Kate.
Kate says she went to nursing school to bag a doctor husband. Just kidding, she says she went to nursing school to have knowledge about caring for her children and supporting them. You have to be a nurse to care for your kids properly? Can't you just call Kaiser if they get sick? They have a 24/7 hotline and the nurse always helps you out, although the preliminary just-making-sure-this-isn't-an-emergency questions are always kind of ridiculous. If I wasn't breathing I wouldn't be calling a 1-800 number, lady, shouting in my entire ten digit member ID into my iPhone, shouting in the last four digits of my social security number, saying "correct", and shouting 4, then 2, then 4 again, then 1 to finally get to your ass.
If you want to know how to take care of kids you could also pick up a parenting book or do a basic first aid for babies and children course through the Red Cross and skip the incredible expense of nursing school. It's just a weird reason to go that doesn't really make sense. How about, I went to nursing school to help sick people? Nah, too cliche.
Also, how was Kate going to get these kids anyhow? Did she even know Jon at this point? Maybe in nursing school she learned how sex works?
I'm enjoying the old pics of pre-botoxed Kate, though! She truly has progressed over the years. Or, regressed, if you like.
Oh, did anyone catch the old clip of Kate talking into the camera about how not-glamorous she felt when the six babies were maybe three months old? It looked just like a screen test tape we always suspected she may have sent off to TLC to get her show. Busted.
Does anyone care about her boring fertility story for Mady and Cara? I sure don't. She had to wait awhile to take a pregnancy test because it's not like today when you can take a test a few minutes after conception. Um, they still don't have those.
Once in a great while Kate will say or do something really genuine, and a tiny part of me wants to like the woman. They show an old home movie Kate herself filmed, showing her pregnancy test with the twins. A faint line. She then pans down to the counter where she's taken two more tests! Much stronger lines. She's pregnant, and it's the most wanted pregnancy ever, she says Because, yeah, ya totally do line up those tests and keep peeing on them one after another in disbelief! And I almost, almost, teared up a little at year 2000 Kate finding out such good news.
I think you get to a certain age and you just can't help but cry when you hear someone is pregnant especially someone you care about, or even when you know someone else is finding out someone they care about is pregnant! How many of us both laughed and definitely cried as our dearly departed Golly Gee found out she was going to be a grandma not once, but twice, in this lovely tribute video one of her sons made. ("You better not be joking me, I'll kill you!")
Had Kate been more like 2000 Kate throughout these long years, she might actually have some viewers left who genuinely care about her.
Wow Kate needs to stop being, like, a likable person; this episode is getting spooky. She says the twins were such easy-going babies she was like, hm, I'd like another! Dude, I know so many parents who had an easy first child by sheer luck of the draw and were then like, parenting is easy, adulting is a breeze, I don't know what everybody else is talking about with terrible-this or that. Let's have another!
Famous last words.
There were so many old clips and Kate yammering on I nearly forgot that in "present day" the kids are still making breakfast for Kate. Nothing interesting happens.
Is it just me, or is it really mean when adults say to children, "It's the thought that counts." It's basically just a nicer way of saying your work sucks. I have vivid memories of various adults saying this to me and other kids when I was a kid and even at the time I knew exactly what they were really saying. If there is one thing I caught onto pretty quickly as a child, and still do believe today, it's that many adults assume kids are stupid or don't know wtf is going on. Wrong.
Well, at least the younger girls seem happy and excited to have helped out with the breakfast, including the pancakes and fruit salad. Kids this age desperately need to be assigned mild to moderately challenging tasks and figure them out on their own, it's crucial to normal development and good self esteem.
There's a discussion about "Collin's card-making station" which I guess is where they will make the Mother's Day card, but I don't see Collin anywhere. I'm guessing if he were even still around at this point, this was one of the last episodes he was in the house for, but not actually on camera. It was a slow progression with that kid that gradually took him out of the show.
Mady, who is far too old to still be whining about this, says the day the sextuplets were born was the worst day of her life and it was pretty awful after that too. While it certainly would be hard on a little girl to have so many younger brothers and sisters, now at her age, it's time to grow up. Also in defense of Kate and of course Jon, they went to great lengths to make sure Mady and Cara felt special and privileged and there were many things the twins got to do that the sextuplets were left out of. Mady is, sadly, a selfish and ungrateful child. Some children come by unselfish characteristics naturally, others, like Mady, must be taught and if they're not taught, unsavory aspects become a solid part of their personality, and it's unattractive.
Kate rattles off some of her parenting "rules" as we watching boring old clips. Stick to a schedule, no means no, don't give in. And generally I think her parenting advice is just bad. The first two there are definitely numerous exceptions to when it's beneficial to depart from the schedule as well as just let things go. And don't give in is definitely terrible advice. In fact, most parenting experts will advise you to really pick your battles, that you should only come down hard on the important stuff, and that it's best to let most things go for happy, well-adjusted children and a peaceful family. In other words, you give in a whole awful lot. I'm reminded again of GollyGee, who, in an adorable small video within her video tribute, her son David is refusing to sit up for a family photograph, instead preferring to recline against mom's legs with his hands under his head. GollyGee in short order gives up, shaking her head with a bit of a smile. She gave in! Because at the end of the day, does it really matter David didn't sit up this one time? And you can look back on the photograph and video, as we have, and laugh at the little boy's antics, at doing things his way as kids like to do. No tears, no whining, no battles that day in that house. Had GollyGee "stuck to her guns" as Kate advises, that family photo might very well have turned into a horrific battle of wills and spoiled the whole day. And it didn't result in raising a serial killer. David turned out all right, didn't he? (Thanks for stopping by to say hello, David!) GollyGee was a good mama. Kate is not.
I'm kind of surprised they show the clip of Collin distraught in the furniture store, begging to be changed, because that was surely one of Kate's most evil moments. She's chatting away on the couch as if her behavior in that store that day was normal.
I think the TLCgo app is showing way too many commercials. They just showed ten in a row, followed a few minutes later by seven! I pay for TLC through my cable company, it's not like I'm getting this for free. A paying customer shouldn't have to sit through excessive advertising.
Kate's prattling on about how she taught all the kids to cook. Fascinating. A producer then asks Mady who taught her to cook and she says Kate actually taught Cara, and then Cara taught Mady. Heh. That struck me as kind of funny, though I'm not sure it was a totally fair comment. Who knows who taught her, but I wouldn't put it past Kate to grossly exaggerate how much time she's spent working with the children to teach them to cook and playing the part of the loving attentive mother. Probably not as much as she wants us to believe.
Kate again proves that she doesn't understand child development at all, despite nursing school, when she talks about their eating habits and how the children are trying to "challenge" her with their picky eating. It's not all about you, you cow! Good lord. Picky eating is a completely normal stage of child development and has far more to do with kids genuinely having very sensitive taste buds that don't adjust easily to the plethora of foods that adults easily love and chow down on. In fact a British study found that a child's food likes are almost 75 percent based on genetics. That means it leaves only a small percentage to be determined by a parent pushing it down their throat until they give in and eat it. Kate's so freaking stupid. Most kids grow out of pickiness naturally, as long as they are getting enough variety of nutrients it's just not something to stress about. I woke up one day and loved the things I hated as a kid--salads, feta, coffee, Chinese food, hummus, limes, cheesecake, sweet potatoes, Brussel sprouts, zucchini, carbonated drinks, and lots of other foods kids will often avoid. Love them now! Nobody did anything to push them on me, I just started eating them because my taste buds developed into adult ones.
Kate really is rich talking about how much she struggles with sibling rivalry. Good grief, I can rattle off dozens of examples of both her handling sibling rivalry terribly or even outright encouraging such rivalry. For starters, when you blatantly play favorites with your children, sibling rivalry is inevitable.
Mady says twice that her younger siblings are brats, and there's a perfect example of the kind of completely unacceptable behavior towards one's siblings Kate has allowed and encouraged. It is not acceptable to name-call your siblings with such cruel and nasty names.
The producer tries to get Mady and Cara to say what a hard job of it Kate has raising eight kids, and they actually won't really go there. Mady says in actuality they all make it a lot easier for her. Heh. Well, I like that comment. For all Kate's whining and playing martyr about raising these kids, the kids do their best to help her. And I think that is a fair comment, we've seen plenty examples of the children pitching in and overall cooperating to prove they aren't total nightmares and can be very helpful when it comes to their care. The boys especially seem super easy to me. There's a huge difference between raising a child who is helpful and cooperative versus one who is constantly resisting you (even if it's due to things out of their control like special needs).
Kate gets lots of emails from strangers saying they're worried Mady is mean. Really?! This makes Mady laugh. How does that email go exactly? "Dear Kate, your daughter Mady is mean and I'm concerned. God bless"? Sounds like something GollyGee would have had the nerve to do! Heh! Also, I know I keep talking about GollyGee, but there's a lot about this episode that brings her to mind, and one of them is I think I understand much better now after her death and getting to know better who she was in her private life, why the kids meant so much to her. And I think so much of it had to do with her truly relating to raising three boys. She raised three boys, she did it right, Kate was doing it oh so wrong, and that really bothered her because she knew how much better their mom could have done by those boys. She would never toot her own horn about what kind of mother she was, but we know now she was amazing.
I catch a little glimpse of Collin at the card making station. He looks fine, even politely asking a sibling to hand him a pen and setting the table perfectly, explaining he "observed" how to do that in a restaurant. Aw. He's so cute. This is the kid who needed to be locked up for years? Was this the last episode where we really heard from him? Also he didn't learn how to set a table from his mother? Maybe this is because she eats all her meals standing at the counter.
Kate has a theory and I fall asleep. What the hell is a "girl mom"? She had girls first and so that made her a girl's mom? I really have no clue what she is talking about. Her theories are about as useful as those of the Flat Earth Society.
Oh I see this was just an opportunity to slam the boys for being normal little kids and to make a host of stereotypical and exaggerated comments about the girls. You can guess that the sum of it is the boys don't understand anything at all and all the girls do is have drama. As I have proposed many times, it is women themselves who often set women and girls back the most, and this is but one example of a woman, one who is semi-famous and has a bit of a platform to boot, using terribly exaggerated and untrue stereotypes that girls are all emotional fluttering basket cases who can barely make it through the day without a meltdown worthy of a truck of ice on a 100 degree day. Maybe if Kate did some work as a mother for once to help them better regulate and cope with their emotions, you wouldn't have so much drama. Children need to be taught how to handle intense emotions everyone will feel boys and girls alike, just as much as they need science and math. Make no mistake little girls watch this show, and it is disappointing they have to hear Kate say these things. I hope their mothers are around to set things straight.
I don't much like her comments about the boys, either. If boys are stupid with glazed over eyes all the time, does that mean they don't hold any responsibility for their actions, like when they go too far with a girl who doesn't want to? After all they're just a stupid boy. One could take it there.
Kate gives some cliche advice about doing your best that nobody cares to listen to. Also, I think doing your best is a cop out, because only you the person really knows for sure what your best is, so you can use it as a crutch to do half-ass work all the time because after all, that's just my best!
The kids and Kate do some terrible acting pretending that this all wasn't arranged by producers as the kids finish breakfast and Kate pretends she's surprised and impressed and goes out to eat her pancakes and read her card.
Collin made an incredibly creative card in which you actually can remove the heart from the center of it to hold it. That's really good, Collin! At least Kate takes the time to read each card individually and spend a moment with each child telling them how much she enjoyed the card. They need much more individual time with their parents.
Why is Kate still talking??? Eat your breakfast, bitch!
Shockingly, Kate admits it's not the kids' fault she has so much to do. Of course it's not. They didn't ask her to trick the fertility doctors into having a fuckety billion kids at once. So STFU already.
Oh, I hate her guts. While the kids are cleaning up without complaint, Kate has to say, "who are these children?" Oh shut up! There are piles of tapes in the archives of these kids helping out and working hard. Just stop it.
Ha, the bird is on Kate's shoulder, totally channeling Tanya Harding's stage mother. Nice. From now on this bitch's nickname is Lavonna any time she has that bird. It's just such a great villain name anyway isn't it? Lavonna Golden!
![]() |
Lavonna Golden |
Ick, they made a nice table for Kate to eat at with tablecloth and all, but instead she eats on the nice couch. I think that's gross. All that syrup and crumbs. She's a slob. And also they made the trouble to put a table together for her, so sit at it!
Gross! The kids are massaging her feet. Yuck. And look up grooming behavior, because it often starts as massages and other gone-too-far touching. I'm not saying Kate would groom her kids, I don't see any evidence of that, but it's still gross to engage in grooming behavior even though you're not really trying to groom them.
Woo-hoo, a clip from the book signing I attended in Santa Monica! I think that will always be my favorite Gosselin memory. I arrived directly from work and Kate was sandwiched in between two narrow bookshelves and WTF? I somehow immediately ran into a Radar online reporter who was maybe about my age, we somehow immediately hit it off which was fun, and she explained that Kate was embarrassed by the low turnout so thought moving her in between the shelves would help. I see, so like, if you move yourself into a tiny house and invite some friends over to it it will make it seem like you have a lot more friends. Good thinking actually. I logged onto realitytvkids to "livestream" from the event and so the night began with a bang!
Why is Kate talking about what the haters say about her? Nobody was talking about that. I thought we were talking about breakfast! Again, she insists she's just doing her best--a cop out, see?
Nobody does everything right so cut me a break! she insists. Um, Kate, nobody suggested you must "do everything right" whatever that means. I hate when she misstates what the criticism is then answers the misstatements. It's called strawman-ing, and it's a cheap debate tactic and she knows damn well she's doing it. Aw, did the book signing bring up bad memories? Poor thing.
Kate wouldn't ask for eight different kids. That's kind of a weird thought to have. Except Collin. She would like to return Collin. I know it's maybe thirteen years and six months past the warranty period, but could they pretty please make an exception for her? She'll accept store credit!
It's kind of irritating to hear the brainwashed kids talking about all the good things about Kate she has drilled into them she does for them, but when you think about it, it's probably a really good thing they are able to see the positives of Kate. Some of them apparently already and soon more of them are really going to have problems with this woman and the choices she made for them (filming, Jon, the physical abuse), but in order to work through all those issues and have a rebuilding point with Kate and develop some trust, they're also going to need to be able to find some of the positives about her. For better or worse she is their mother to deal with, and cutting her out of their lives is always a method of last resort. So, for those who want to keep her on board as their mother, they have to work with what they have and what they do have is a mother who growing up let them have a lot of pets they love, on some level cares for them and on some level loves them. It's a start.
627 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 627 Newer› Newest»capecodmama (#199), congrats on the new furry addition to your family!
Flimsy Flamsy -- Are you peeking in my windows???
(Shiner Light Blonde)
Umm...TFW, you moron, you teach your dog to "leave it" when they're puppies. Our former German Shepard had that down by four months. We would make him "leave it" for his meals and treats. Our release word was "okay". We would only make him wait a few seconds but it trains them not to have a free for all. Also, if table ford was dropped on the floor and we said "leave it" he wouldn't eat it. Also works for walking or being out in public when he saw another dog or animal. Or even people. We would say "leave it" and he would ignore them. We now have a seven month old female German Shepard that we got five weeks ago and we're working on that with her. We're not waiting until she's two. TFW is an idiot.
Exactly capecodmama! My bully was born the day after her dogs and has known the “leave it” and “wait” commands since his initial training. His release word is also “OK”. IMO, the “leave it” command is one of the best things to teach them. You never know what they’re going to come upon when walking or, as you said, something falls on the floor that you don’t want them to have. I also like the “front” command because he’ll (normally) stop what he’s doing and come and sit in front of me. We don’t use “come” because he takes that as a suggestion only and decides whether or not he wants to comply.
"TLC's airing old episodes now?"
They do air Kate plus 8 early in the morning. They also air Quints by Surprise which doesn't have new episodes anymore.
Hmm, let's see if TFW decides to "set the record straight" now that a longtime fan is asking about it:
patriciachow0901apqOwgd where did you get this information? about Kates show being cancel?
FlimsyFlamsy said... 185
Not exactly a torrent of fan response to TFW's post, huh? I think many of them caught on to the fact that she's not the "friend" she tried to sell herself as. The pal who would post about missing them, and ask what was up in their lives when she did't post for a week or so. The buddy who was going to hang with them by the pool on the cruise: "Do it do it do it!" Most moms don't have time for their real-life friends. Why should they bother investing in a person who, they may finally realize, truly cares nothing about them?
Almost 24 hours after she posted the dog video, there are only 105 comments (and one of them is from TFW).
Also, as I usually see on her dog posts, several people asked her what breed of dog it is, and some think the girl dog is a boy. Not exactly devoted fans, ha ha.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 197
Former Lurker (#184), yeah, TFW puts no effort into self-promotion. For pete's sake, the sheltered Duggar girls are more savvy. I used to say she ought to give a high school kid $200 to spend a few hours getting her social media into shape. But let me lower the bar. She could give any random middle school girl one hour and a $25 Justice gift card, and it'd be better than the effort she's putting in now.
Lol, FlimsyFlamsy. Call me crazy, but I think the best thing TFW could do as far as social media is just delete her Twitter and Instagram accounts. It's time she give up the dream of being any kind of celebrity, even a "reality TV star". That ship has sailed, TFW. Be grateful for the easy millions that were dropped in your lap, stop grasping for fame and money, and just admit that you're a very mediocre, or below mediocre, divorced, unemployed, boring, and bored, miserable, lonely pathetic excuse of a mother.
Where the heck is Tucker's Mom? I don't remember her ever disappearing on us. I hope everything's okay.
Not exactly devoted fans, ha ha.
That's because the majority of her fans are only as old as the show - in other words on par with Kate's mental age due to her arrested development.
gartogg123 Please bring out the inflatables and bikini 👙.!!! Thank you
gartogg123 Please bring out the inflatables and bikini 👙.!!! Thank you
barbgilmer1 @gartogg123 F/U what are you all hot for Katie?
gartogg123 @barbgilmer1 yes I am.!!!! Thank you
barbgilmer1 @gartogg123 Lol
That "gartogg123" account leaves that same comment not just on TFW's Instagram accounts but all over IG. I recently was reading an article that linked to an Instagram post by a cable news person and I had a good laugh when I went there and saw that same comment by "gartogg123" that I've seen on many of TFW's posts.
So, don't be flattered TFW. It's not personal, it's spam.
Sherry Baby said...
lol! I fall asleep to either Forensic Files or ID Discovery Crime, even if I've seen the episodes many times. It's kind of like White Noise for me.
Me too!! Forensic Files! I find his voice soothing.
Then big mouth Robin Meade wakes me up at 6am if my husband doesn’t shut the tv off before 6am. Lol.
I use HGTV as my sleeping pill. Nothing like House Hunters, or House Hunters International, to make me forget all the news of the day. The only problem is there's about a million episodes I've never stayed awake through and I always wonder the next morning what house they ended up with. Lol.
Sherry Baby and CC, my go-to sleep show is "I Love Lucy." I know all the episodes chapter and verse, and it's somehow soothing to listen to at bedtime. I'm usually asleep before the first commercial!
Remember how TFW used to put on DVD's of their show to help the kids fall asleep? I guess reading to kids at bedtime is mediocre. Oh, unless you're promoting a movie, like when she read "Despereaux" to the kids and they looked at her as if this activity had never taken place before.
Glad to hear I'm not the only one that sleeps with the TV on Forensic Files or ID. Guess I'm not so strange after all. Ha ha.
That's because the majority of her fans are only as old as the show - in other words on par with Kate's mental age due to her arrested development.
The show is about 13 years old if you count from the first special, so that's actually about right.
Umm...TFW, you moron, you teach your dog to "leave it" when they're puppies. Our former German Shepard had that down by four months. We would make him "leave it" for his meals and treats. Our release word was "okay".
Well she's stupid and ignorant, but she was using yes and no commands with the dog for this trick, which even just anecdotally, can obviously leave the dog really confused, since "no" is usually used to tell dogs they are doing something wrong or about to do something wrong and should not ever do it. Thus the dog can be left confused, thinking they are doing something wrong by eventually being permitted to eat a treat, which is not wrong if given permission. They are simply being asked to wait for permission. Which is why the "leave it" command is the generally correct one to use in this scenario, because it's a phrase they only associate with leaving something be until given permission. I.e., not wrong to take in and of itself, just asking them for patience before they do take it.
She's a doofus what do you expect who does not care to learn how to properly train a dog even if her methods harm or confuse the dog.
Have you seen any filming in school or on the grounds? If there were exceptions, I would think that by now camera crews would have been all over the place, in Kate's heyday, if Kate and TLC had their say and/or the money to pay the right price.
Not necessarily for Kate since I don't see how what she wants to film benefits much anything, but the odd exception can come up every so often. As a hypothetical example, ESPN is doing a short piece on the top college football recruit next year, the next Joe Montana. So they film him playing football at school for a few minutes as well as part of the drama club. Or, a student of theirs has won the Scripps Spelling Bee and 60 Minutes would like to film them as a 13 year old in their AP Calculus class, for a positive piece. Most schools would allow that.
A no filming *ever* policy would be rather unreasonable given the above.
Not necessarily for Kate since I don't see how what she wants to film benefits much anything, but the odd exception can come up every so often.
There is no exception there, odd or otherwise, at least not so far. Kate can yell and scream all she wants, but she doesn't have the upper hand there. I have no idea what the plans are for the kids' graduation, but my money is on no filming at the school, before, during or after the ceremony.
Me too!! Forensic Files! I find his voice soothing.
Then big mouth Robin Meade wakes me up at 6am if my husband doesn’t shut the tv off before 6am. Lol.
My "go to sleep" show used to be the old Roseanne shows. Nothing has been aired here, not even the early shows, since the Roseanne firing.
I have now switched to Forensic Files and most times wake up in time to turn it off when Robin comes on. Sometimes, depending on how low the volume, she sounds like Mickey Mouse on steroids and it drives me crazy! Good morning, Sunshine! Ugh. I do like the weather guy, though. This morning he gave the afternoon weather report, warning us of severe storms and rain. NO MORE RAIN, pronouncing it LANcaster. At least get it right! Yesterday afternoon they said Harrisburg is in western PA. Geography lesson needed, folks!
LOL! I had to google that “lank kisst her” thanks for the video from Theresa’s family, it was so touching!
She's a doofus what do you expect who does not care to learn how to properly train a dog even if her methods harm or confuse the dog.
And I would be willing to bet that up until now, that beautiful dog HAS been given treats and eaten dropped food off the floor without ever being trained not to. Don't anyone tell me that those kids and Kate haven't been tossing her scraps of something from the time they got her. So now TFW has decided, probably just on a whim that won't even last, to discipline her? Talk about confusing the poor animal.
She treated her kids with the same dodgy methods. Cupcakegate comes straight to mind...making up rules as they come along and leaving the kids befuddled and in tears.
This was the celebrated Supermom that Oprah and GMA and every other talk show out there were tripping themselves over to interview a few short years ago. If they had any decency, their faces should be red now. The woman is a Fraud with a capital F.
Get medicated (#19), nice to see you!
AuntieAnn (#22), speaking of confusing rules, this one has got to be near the top of the list: "we don't hit!" And if Mommy sees you hitting, she's gonna knock you into next Tuesday.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 23
And if Mommy sees you hitting, she's gonna knock you into next Tuesday.
Flimsy, and it sort of makes more sense now why those kids loved the crew daddies so much. They probably got hit a whole lot less by mommie d. whenever they were around.
I'll be darned .. there's Kate in the 3 and 4 a.m. time slots Monday and Tuesday. TLC is rerunning them albeit at an hour many of us don't acknowledge.
Lynn W. said... 25
I'll be darned .. there's Kate in the 3 and 4 a.m. time slots Monday and Tuesday. TLC is rerunning them albeit at an hour many of us don't acknowledge.
Let's me see. Kate or infomercials? Kate or infomercials? Decisions decisions.
TLC must be honoring their contract with the great Ms Gosselin. haha @ 3 a.m.
Flimsy Flamsy (197)
Yes, the "No truth!" and "Don't believe it unless you hear it from me" were both part of her denial techniques back then. Now she just ignores her fans and their questions, only occasionally posting a glimpse of her dogs to keep them in line. She can't post photos of the kids or people will ask about Hannah and Collin. Nobody's interested in looking at her (she'll figure that out when/if the dating show airs!), so dogs are what they get.
Falling asleep to ID/Forensic Files is something I do far too often. I'm a night owl, and DH is not. Podcasts would be a nice change, though!
Awww, poor Kate missed her chance for a real catch! She was on Hallmark Home and Family to promote her cookbook (available for pre-order!) shortly after host Mark Steines got divorced. He was wealthy, divorced, and in show business--and yet she apparently didn't interest him. Too bad--Mark's a good guy. I went to college with him, and he was the hottest guy on campus, and very nice and down-to-earth too. Now he's remarried with a new baby, according to the alumni newsletter. Katie struck out.
Totally off topic, but I thought I'd share this in case anyone might be interested. Someone sent me this piece written by Judge Andrew Napolitano of Fox News. Leaving politics completely out of this, I admit I teared up reading the words he wrote about his father who just passed away at age 92. What an interesting and full life he led, as a member of the "greatest generation:
I'll be darned .. there's Kate in the 3 and 4 a.m. time slots Monday and Tuesday. TLC is rerunning them albeit at an hour many of us don't acknowledge.
Her demographic is now just insomniacs, breastfeeding mothers and people getting up for their morning flight.
Oh look. K8's still got at least one kid at home. Whenever this might have been taken.
kateplusmy8 Just a couple of my girls😍😍! #Leah #Nanuq #SisterLove❤️
Some good questions, with no answers (as yet):
kayseahaiden May i ask why there isnt many photos of joel?
bethanykoWill there be a new season soon?
sarasmile75 When are we going to see nanuq and everyone else back on tv again? 💜
Hannah's IG has been taken down, hmmmm wonder if Mommy Dearest had something to do with making sure her baby didnt have a voice.
Totally off topic, but I thought I'd share this in case anyone might be interested. Someone sent me this piece written by Judge Andrew Napolitano of Fox News. Leaving politics completely out of this, I admit I teared up reading the words he wrote about his father who just passed away at age 92. What an interesting and full life he led, as a member of the "greatest generation:
That was a really nice tribute. The greatest generation is all but gone now, but I never tire of hearing their stories. And I often learn something. I did not know that some high schools would graduate the boys early so they could sign up for war. They were babies when they went off to fight the most important conflict of modern times, but it informed the rest of their lives.
3 am until 5 am - TLC are only using her as filler. They won't be bragging about ratings for those re-runs.
#30 Admin
LOL !! I happened to get up the other nite to pee and turned on the TV and there was K8 screeching kayaking , turned the TV off immediately and petted my cats instead to put myself back to sleep. I CANT STAND TO EVEN HEAR HER VOICE, CHALK ON A BLACKBOARD.
Is mydmaxx2581 the new Milo? She appears to be serving up softballs for K8.
mydmaxx2581 Awwww. Are all those toys for Nuq?
kateplusmy8@mydmaxx2581 uh. Yeah. And that’s only a few! She and Mak each have huge bins of toys inside and tons outside. They love toys! Shoka never got so excited about them, except for his chicken or his monkey, so it’s really fun! :)
mydmaxx2581@kateplusmy8 those doggies are really lucky, loved & spoiled. Lol. 🐶
Oh you're not going to get any new business here, unfortunate lady.
kbc0219_lennoxs_mimi my husband works for invisible fence in Chester County Lancaster County if you ever consider using the invisible fence he's been there for 28 years so he will be more than happy to help you out in any way. Love seeing your children with the animals
kateplusmy8@kbc0219_lennoxs_mimi thank you! we have invisible fence and we are sooooo thankful bc it keeps our dogs safe and helps me worry about them (less!) :)
What a co-ink-a-dinky that at the same time K8 starts posting on instagram again equates to the same time Hannah's instagram was shut down. Shut down the child so Mama can continue to espouse her BS.
I truly abhor this woman.
She can't post photos of the kids or people will ask about Hannah and Collin. Nobody's interested in looking at her (she'll figure that out when/if the dating show airs!), so dogs are what they get.
I think the kids themselves are probably resisting most photos or at least forbidding her from posting them.
Hannah's IG has been taken down, hmmmm wonder if Mommy Dearest had something to do with making sure her baby didnt have a voice.
It's alive and well. She changed her name. That makes the old account look dead, when it's not. I wonder if she changed it to avoid Kate snooping on it.
Hannah's instagram is under hjgosselin.
I posted about Hannah's new Instagram name on the previous page:
Former Lurker said... 180
I clicked a link that I had for Hannah's IG and it said the page isn't there. I thought she deleted her account, but then I went to Jon's IG and clicked on her name in one of the pics he tagged her on and found it.
Apparently, she changed the name on her IG account from "itsmehjg" to "hjgosselin".
Old Instagram link:
New Instagram:
Sad but true (#36), that fan said TFW's dogs were "lucky, loved and spoiled." Poor C was 0 for 3.
laurajean (#35), I have the same aversion to TFW's voice. If I'd accidentally put her show on, I would jump on my remote like it was a grenade to change the channel!
Wasn't Emily the one that was in love with her or whatever her deal was? The one that met the kids? She posted a comment on Kate's post with the photo of Leah. I went on her Instagram page. She calls herself "Starving Actor" under her name.
kateplusmy8@mydmaxx2581 uh. Yeah. And that’s only a few! She and Mak each have huge bins of toys inside and tons outside. They love toys! Shoka never got so excited about them, except for his chicken or his monkey, so it’s really fun! :)
Too bad she didn't hang on to all those stuffed toys the kids got when they were toddlers. She went on a rant and told her fans NO MORE STUFFED TOYS PLEASE!!!! And then proceeded to get rid of them.
Shoka probably wasn't allowed any either so don't say he wasn't interested, you transparent hag.
CC said... 12
Me too!! Forensic Files! I find his voice soothing.
Then big mouth Robin Meade wakes me up at 6am if my husband doesn’t shut the tv off before 6am. Lol.
There's an interesting ittle writeup about Peter Thomas at
Yes, Kate will never find it under "hjgosselin." You're really on to something there. lol
She might not, as she is not friends with her. I don't know where to begin searching for some person's name. That's not how instagram works. Unless you know exactly what the username is or you are already locked in as friends, you ain't finding it. I suppose you could sit there and type in all kinds of variations of her name until you hit on hjgosselin but there's a whole lot of variations of that girl's name.
My friend Sean changed his name to reflect his love of golf and I couldn't find him for six months. And I was actually friends with him, Kate's not. I have a lot of people I don't know who follow my photography and it never dawned on me that golfing guy was Sean.
It certainly confused people here, so.
Well given that itsmehjg was her original name, not mentioning Gosselin at all, what would cause Kate to think she changed it to Gosselin? That's kind of a leap.
And Kate's not smart enough to go into Jon's photos, find one he tagged Hannah in and find her account that way. Not smart enough at all.
I was really half joking about Hannah avoiding Kate, but it's true when you change your name on instagram, it looks like you left instagram. It doesn't re-route you. So changing your name to quickly evade even just one or two people is something people do all the time. She may also be trying to weave herself around some of the pesky fans for a bit, who seem to think it's their duty to tattle to her mother about any of her posts. It's certainly not a sure-fire way to get rid of people who may be reading your account but not actually following you so you can see and block them, but it is a way to play a few games and lose a few stragglers along the road.
LOL, yes it takes a true genius to figure that out.
Has nothing to do with that. She's not savvy with social media, never has been. Instagram isn't really completely intuitive, and a lot of people her age barely know how to use it. She never takes advantage of anything instagam can do that many other celebs do, like stories, using their great filter or writing captions on the photo or all the other things you can do with the app. Admit it, changing your name on instagram makes it look like your account is closed. See above for a reader here who thought exactly that. There's your proof.
What a silly fight to pick.
Don't anyone tell me that those kids and Kate haven't been tossing her scraps of something from the time they got her. So now TFW has decided, probably just on a whim that won't even last, to discipline her? Talk about confusing the poor animal.
It was probably on a whim, and the dog is probably reacting more to the "no" than anything else. It hasn't really learned the "leave it" command. All he knows is no means no and so he better freeze when it happens. I do who has truly learned leave it doesn't act like a human vacuum the rest of the time. He actually understands you don't take any food, toy, or thing, without permission.
There's an interesting ittle writeup about Peter Thomas at
Oh, Auntie. You beat me to it! I had looked him up a few years ago to find out that he was really well known in the radio and voice-over field.
The only thing that drove me a bit crazy about him was that he loved to say, "and she was SEXUALLY ASSAULTED," almost like he looked forward to announcing it! Slow, deliberate, emphasize, up volume on SEXUALLY ASSAULTED." But he was a good narrator.
It is a show to use as a fall-asleep thing, but I get a bit tired hearing about Kathy Augustine and Chaz Higgs!
Yes, Kate will never find it under "hjgosselin." You're really on to something there. lol
Well, if she (and Milo) reads here at this cesspool, she now knows!
Sherry Baby (#52), that's cesspool of HATE, ya know. Gotta keep up our rep as the bitter, black-hearted busybody biddies we are!
Re: Voices on the ID channel. I agree with everyone else. Lulling. I think I have seen every Forensic Files program.
Opposite effect -- the voice of the female narrator of the show Deadly Women. I can't listen to her!
I still think TFW isn't gonna keep and take care of 3 full-grown shepherds. Especially if her kids keep leaving one at a time, diminishing her help. Mak, being an icky boy, better watch his furry back.
There is no exception there, odd or otherwise, at least not so far. Kate can yell and scream all she wants, but she doesn't have the upper hand there. I have no idea what the plans are for the kids' graduation, but my money is on no filming at the school, before, during or after the ceremony.
Bet they would make an exception if an alum grew up and became president of the United States. There's always exceptions.
Sherry Baby said... 51
Oh, Auntie. You beat me to it! I had looked him up a few years ago to find out that he was really well known in the radio and voice-over field.
The only thing that drove me a bit crazy about him was that he loved to say, "and she was SEXUALLY ASSAULTED," almost like he looked forward to announcing it! Slow, deliberate, emphasize, up volume on SEXUALLY ASSAULTED." But he was a good narrator.
It is a show to use as a fall-asleep thing, but I get a bit tired hearing about Kathy Augustine and Chaz Higgs!
Sherry, I was reading the comments on that site and smiling to myself. It appears that just about the entire population has gone to sleep at night for years listening to Forensic Files. Mr. Thomas is going to put Sominex out of business.
Bet they would make an exception if an alum grew up and became president of the United States. There's always exceptions.
But if one grew up and became President, how would they know that now? Wouldn't it be a little too late, like locking the gate after the horse was gone? Film them now just in case they became famous?
I think I'm missing something here! lol!
But if one grew up and became President, how would they know that now? Wouldn't it be a little too late, like locking the gate after the horse was gone? Film them now just in case they became famous?
I think I'm missing something here! lol!
Lol, no, when they do the obligatory story about their beginnings, and have them go back to their home town, and say hello to Bob the farmer and walk the halls of their school.
Lol, no, when they do the obligatory story about their beginnings, and have them go back to their home town, and say hello to Bob the farmer and walk the halls of their school.
I know, admin. I was just yanking your chain here a bit!
Radar on Line has an article about Kate today..makes me think her dating show is in fact a reality, as they usually give publicity to shows that will soon air, to drum up interest?
Radar on Line has an article about Kate today..makes me think her dating show is in fact a reality, as they usually give publicity to shows that will soon air, to drum up interest?
I don’t really think the article means anything. Whenever Jon or Hannah publish a picture Radar does an article on it. TFW’s fans always say that Jon needs money whenever a story on him is published so I guess that same can be said of TFW. Radar always prints the following “We pay for juicy info! Do you have a story for Email us at, or call us at (866) ON-RADAR (667-2327) any time, day or night.
Hmm, this is interesting. I don't have an Instagram account so I don't know if it's the same if you have an account, but I just noticed something new. I just went to TFW's Instagram page and noticed at the top, above the pics, there's a button to click on for "TAGGED" posts.
So, if you click on "TAGGED" you can see any posts on IG that tagged TFW. And, looky here, TFW was just tagged four days ago. Apparently she was in NYC at one of those "escape room" places. It must have been to film a Fake Date with Khate episode. Not exactly original, TLC. I saw part of an episode of The Little Couple some time last year and they went with friends to one of those escape room places.
Here it is:
Exit Escape Room NYC
exitescaperoomnyc We would like thank the lovely and beautiful Kate Gosselin of TLC’s “Kate Plus 8” for visiting us. Thank you Kate, it was a pleasure to meet you! @kateplusmy8
#tlc #kateplus8 #katepluseight #escaperoom #exitescaperoomnyc #nyc
4 days ago
Their Instagram page links to their website:
Their location:
Exit Escape Room NYC
246 West 38th Street 7th Floor
New York, NY 10018
Exit Escape Room is a new hi-tech Escape Room located right in the heart of New York City. We offers public or private games at the most exhilarating technologically advanced escape rooms.
Our escape rooms were designed by a team of hi-tech experts along with an Interior Design specialist to bring you the most authentic and exciting escape room experience
Our venue is perfect for any special occasion, birthdays, corporate team building events or just a fun challenge for you and your friends.
Booking Info: (It looks like there are two different scenarios you can choose from, plus a private booking for either one)
The Mission
It has been revealed that there is a double agent in an international intelligence agency. You and your team were selected to take on a top priority mission and reveal the double agent's identity. In order to complete your mission you will need to follow a trail of clues. The Mission is a fun, thrilling game that will put your detective skills to test.
$28 PER PLAYER (2-8 players)
If you would like to book this game as a private event and ensure that the room will be exclusive for your team click on the "private event" option when booking.
Prices for a private games are: 2 players- $50 each; 3 players- $35 each ; 4 players- $30 each ; 5-8 players- $28 each
High Speed NYC
You hop on train heading to Central Park for a fun day, but before you know it you realize that the train has been abandoned by it's conductor and is now moving at high speed without a driver... You must figure out how to activate the emergency systems and stop the train... before it's too late!! High Speed NYC is an exciting, innovative, technologically advanced hi-tech game that is guaranteed to give you an escape experience like no other.
$28 PER PLAYER (2-7 players)
If you would like to book this game as a private event and ensure that the room will be exclusive for your team click on the "private event" option when booking.
Prices for private games are: 2 players- $50 each; 3 players- $35 each ; 4 players- $30 each ; 5-7 players- $28 each
I can just imagine TFW's shrieking histrionics during a game like that. What a nightmare. I hope the actor posing as her date was paid well by TLC.
Here's another pic that TFW was tagged in. Laurie Goldberg of TLC tagged her in a pic at the Discovery upfronts in NY back on April 9th:
laurie_goldberg Kate +1... a reunion of sorts at our amazing party new Discovery party...
Escape room? Again? They’ve already done an episode on that. This must be an “adults only” for the fake date.
Former Lurker said... 63
Interesting find. She looks either sedated, drunk, or just exhausted in this photo. I wonder where Herr Bodyguard was. :)
An escape room as a dating locale?
Ah yes...just Mommie Dearest, some dude from central casting, and a crewful of strangers pointing cameras and boom mikes at them.
Oh, and don't forget the director yelling, "Action!" Realest reality, y'all.
If TLC had a sense of humor, they'd arrange a picnic for TFW to find a prospective partner, in honor of how she met TFH. Of course the guy will have to already be with someone else, who'll be "gone the next day."
You hop on train heading to Central Park for a fun day, but before you know it you realize that the train has been abandoned by it's conductor and is now moving at high speed without a driver... You must figure out how to activate the emergency systems and stop the train... before it's too late!!
Or you could......Throw mama off the train.
(See what I did there?)
Looks like it might NOT have been filming, but rather some kind of Discovery PR or private event? Look at the caption:
laurie_goldbergKate +1... a reunion of sorts at our amazing party new Discovery party...
Oh wait, the second pic was from before?
The only thing more boring than a dumb escape room is watching strangers do an escape room on TV.
I'm kidding, I like escape rooms, but I just wanted to say that.
How long are they going to film this crap until they actually edit an episode together?
Radar has already had the Kate is suing Jon for money and Hannah may live with Jon stories though, which makes me think they are trying to drum up interest in her, and have nothing new to write about of course, as her life is dull.
Former Lurker (#65), if the escape room wasn't filmed as an episode, the eardrums of the world can breathe a sigh of relief!
But if TFW did participate in it with a bunch of other Discovery "talent," I'm sure she found a way to make herself the center of attention. With no upcoming courtships, engagements, babies or grandchildren, and 25% of her children no longer living under her roof, she's got to be feeling pretty desperate.
Why don't they just film the remaining kids at home trying to escape? Would be less expensive to produce.
Those are extremely reasonable escape room prices, especially for New York City. Here most rooms run for at least $60-80 per person. Wonder if the games are shorter, maybe half an hour instead of an hour.
Why didn't TFW post it on her instagram. Being secretive as usual.
Why didn't TFW post it on her instagram. Being secretive as usual.
That's always my question, What is her big aversion to sharing the "celebrity" type things she does on her instagram?? For goodness sake it's at least more interesting than a dog she won't let eat his treat! And don't give me that there's a ban on posting because clearly that other lady was allowed to post and clearly Kate allowed herself to take a photo with her knowing it could end up on social media. It's a rhetorical question, but I think she likes being stealth and secretive and it gives her some kind of strange high (I know something you don't know) even more than the high people get from sharing something interesting.
Also it never occurred to me or apparently most others to check out TFW's tagged photos (DUH!!!!), so even for someone computer savvy that app is getting the best of us. And further proof that Instagram isn't quite as intuitive and easy to savvy yourself through as anonymous would like, thus it would be easier than you think for Hannah to dodge Kate.
Maybe TLC booked a private party with the escape room for the 14th birthday party.
On the escape room’s FB page they have a post that says “There’s nothing like a unique date to get their heart racing.” I am going to assume that TFW was for the fake date show. I’m surprised that none of the fans have commented on this yet because the picture of TFW is also on the FB page. I would have assumed that one of the super sleuths would have found it and asked when the episode is going to air.
Let me be clear, the post about the unique date was made back in Feb and TFW’s picture was posted on July 23rd. The date post wasn’t specific to TFW. There are only 20 likes and only 2 comments.
Let me be clear, the post about the unique date was made back in Feb and TFW’s picture was posted on July 23rd. The date post wasn’t specific to TFW. There are only 20 likes and only 2 comments.
I'm kind of getting confused now. There are two references specially to Kate, right? One in that woman's picture at the Discovery party in April, and one at the escape room in July? So, she went back to this escape room twice?
Blowing in the Wind (76) -- you made me choke on coffee with that hilarious comment!
Yes, there seem to be two references (tags) specific to TFW but they are not related to each other. The L. Goldberg tag was back in April and was probably the up fronts party. The escape room tag was in July. My post above was talking about the FB post that the escape room did which is the same picture as the IG post.
I suppose it's always possible the July picture is from Kate's trip there in April and the company just hadn't gotten around to posting it until now. I can't tell what outfit Kate is wearing in the Discovery party photo, it's from the neck up and it's dark. If the outfits were the same this could be an old pic.
I suppose it's always possible the July picture is from Kate's trip there in April and the company just hadn't gotten around to posting it until now. I can't tell what outfit Kate is wearing in the Discovery party photo, it's from the neck up and it's dark. If the outfits were the same this could be an old pic.
You already posted a picture of Kate at the TLC upfronts. She is not wearing the same outfit as in in escape room picture.
You already posted a picture of Kate at the TLC upfronts. She is not wearing the same outfit as in in escape room picture.
Is is possible this was not the same day? The photo from the other woman appears to be at night or in a dark room. This is a bright room with huge windows, and it doesn't look like an escape room. It looks like a studio. I suppose it's possible they did the studio gathering one day, and the escape room that night or the next day. Hence an outfit change. Or not, who knows.
Of course Kate doesn't bother to share on social media something actually interesting she's doing, to provide any clues that would help with this.
I’m guessing that the escape room picture is recent since the company just posted it on their site. Why would they wait? Hannah and Jon are at the brach (picture posted on IG). They look very happy.
Didn't one of the episodes of Kateplus8 have an escape room episode in it and Collin was with them but not in the room and filmed. She was screaming as usual and dying to beat the kids at the game with the most clue answers. Mady was her usual charming self.
I might have inadvertently caused some confusion with my posts yesterday. I don't think the Escape Room Instagram pic and the pic with TFW that Laurie Goldberg posted on her IG are related at all, or were taken during the same time period.
After discovering the "TAGGED" feature on IG and finding the Escape Room pic of TFW, I looked at other pics that TFW was tagged in and found the one that Laurie Goldberg posted on her IG back in April.
The Escape Room pic of TFW was posted on their IG page five days ago (July 24th?). As NJGal51 pointed out, Escape Room also posted the pic on their Facebook page on July 23rd (last Monday):
I think it's pretty safe to say that TFW was at the Escape Room very recently, probably last weekend, and it was probably to film a Fake Date with Khate episode.
The pic with TFW that Laurie Goldberg posted on April 9th is unrelated and was most likely taken at The Discovery upfronts that we talked about back in April.
On April 16th, in Admin's post about TFW's newly announced (on April 9th) Fake Date with Khate show, Winsomeone posted:
Winsomeone said... 26
On another blog, My Big Fat Fabulous Life, they showed a picture from Discovery with the "stars" from this coming fall's line up. And guess who was there? Kate, in an ugly striped dress looking heavier than I have seen her in a while.Her legs anyway. I don't know how to copy pictures, or I would have.
April 16, 2018 at 4:48 AM
After that, ncgirl found Whitney's IG post (comment #35 on that same thread, page 2). Then, Admin added Whitney's pic to her post about the new Fake Date show. Whitney's pic was posted to her IG on April 10th:
According to various articles, the Discovery upfront presentation was held in NYC on Tuesday, April 10th. Here's one article:
Laurie Goldberg posted her IG pic with TFW on April 9th, when they were probably all already in NYC for the upfronts the next day.
Also the People Magazine story announcing the new Fake Date with Khate show was posted on the morning of April 9th:
If you look back at that thread here, we were all wondering about it. But, now it seems obvious that TLC announced the show that day because they were going into the upfronts with the new Fake Date with Khate show being one of their new shows for the fall lineup and TFW was going to be there.
Again, none of this appears to be related to the recent IG pic posted by Exit Escape Room NYC. I think that pic was probably taken last weekend and that TFW was there to film a Fake Date with Khate episode.
NJGal51 said... 89
Hannah and Jon are at the brach (picture posted on IG). They look very happy.
The beach pic is on Hannah's Instagram:
hjgosselin ☀️beach ☀️
I also just looked at pics that Hannah is tagged in, and one of her friends tagged her and a bunch of other kids in a series of beach pics that she says is at Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. There's a group shot from far away, so you can't really see Hannah, but she and several other kids are tagged in the pic. The other pics don't have anyone in them.
Laying on the Beach, Rehoboth Beach, Delaware
kab2023 beach days always��
Hannah is also tagged in a series of pics with friends on June 29th, as well as a series of pics posted by a cousin on June 24th and the cousin said they were were having fun celebrating an uncle's 40th birthday with her cousins.
I'm not linking to them for fear of looking a bit stalkerish. You can see them by going to her IG page and clicking on the "TAGGED" button above all the pics. It's just good to see that Hannah is living a normal life with friends and and family.
"It's just good to see that Hannah is living a normal life with friends and and family"
While her lunatic mother is in an escape room on an episode of "Kate's Date Tries to Escape." Kate plus 8 had an escape room. The Little Couple did an escape room with other adults. Escape rooms are pretty common on reality shows.
Blowing In The Wind said... 76
Why don't they just film the remaining kids at home trying to escape? Would be less expensive to produce.
ncgirl said... 95
"It's just good to see that Hannah is living a normal life with friends and and family"
While her lunatic mother is in an escape room on an episode of "Kate's Date Tries to Escape."
Both these comments have me laughing out loud!
It's great to see Hannah so involved with family and friends and enjoying life. I can't help but feel for the other tups at home. I hope Collin can join her soon. Hannah is a very pretty girl and looks so at ease- things could have worked out so differently for her.
Formerly Duped (#97), after more than a decade of lavish trips and VIP treatment, it wouldn't surprise me at all if someday H remembered this "mediocre" summer as one of her favorites.
FlimsyFlamsy, I'm sure a summer like this one has to be a million times better for Hannah than all those trips where the kids had to obey directors' and producers' demands, reshoot activities, do it just for the camera and then leave. Blech! No thanks to any of that. TFW can claim all she wants that the kids loved those trips but she's full of it.
And yet you can claim the kids hated the trips. Interesting how that works. How about nobody speak for the kids? There's a crazy thought.
The kids can speak for themselves and they mostly can't even REMEMBER the trips to hate them or love them.
While her lunatic mother is in an escape room on an episode of "Kate's Date Tries to Escape." Kate plus 8 had an escape room. The Little Couple did an escape room with other adults. Escape rooms are pretty common on reality shows.
Makes sense. It's a cheap shoot. They pay the going rate for the whole escape room, which is chump change to a production budget, and give them free advertising in return. You only need to film an hour in the escape room then a couple interviews after. Bad-a bing bada boom, ya got a dirt cheap episode in the can.
Formerly Duped (#97), after more than a decade of lavish trips and VIP treatment, it wouldn't surprise me at all if someday H remembered this "mediocre" summer as one of her favorites.
I like the pic she posted of she and Jon today, two peas in a pod at the beach. I scrolled through the comments, almost all of them are completely kind and appropriate, thank goodness. A few not appropriate or too nosey, but that's about it.
Former Lurker #94, I wanted to thank you for drawing our attention to Hannah's IG pictures. Since it's public, I don't thinkit's stalkerish to look at them. It's very heartwarming to see her live the 'mediocre' life with such relish.
I figure the G kids will be back to school in just a few weeks. Will TFW re-emerge to complain about it, after being MIA almost the entire summer?
I have to laugh every time she pretends she's excited to have her kids around all summer, and then claims to miss them when they go back. Because she let the ugly truth slip when she admitted that being in town for a week and then AWAY -- from LITTLE kids! -- for a week was what "works best" for her family.
I don't expect to see, what used to be, the traditional back to school picture again this year. Lovely picture though of Hannah and Jon enjoying time at the beach. I don't whether today children are asked about what they did during their summer vacation, but for Hannah the summer of '18 will probably stand out as "the best".
Of course Kate doesn't bother to share on social media something actually interesting she's doing, to provide any clues that would help with this.
Maybe she doesn't want to post this in case the episodes find themselves on the cutting room floor and are never aired. How embarrassing that would be.
running mummy
3h3 hours ago
@TLC Tell us about the new @Kateplusmy8 show ��
What a doofus. Do these people really think that these are new episodes of Kate and the eight kids?
I have my doubts Kate filmed a date episode at the escape room. They would almost certainly have a non-disclosure agreement prohibiting them from using Kate in advertising until the episode had aired. The escape room also didn't use "Kate plus Date" in their tags which you would think would be required by TLC for any cross promotion activity.
It makes sense from both sides. TLC wouldn't want the plot revealed before they started promoting the episode and the escape room wouldn't get national awareness until the episode had aired and people started looking it up out of curiosity.
No idea why she would be there though. Maybe she was scouting out potential sites for her dates. Any excuse to get away from the kids and go to New York for a weekend.
MikeB @ 108 - It's confirmed that she was at Exit Escape Room NYC for filming. Since they posted the picture on their public FB page, I sent them a DM and asked if they knew when the Kate Gosselin episode will air on TLC. Their answer was: "Hi (my name), Unfortunately even the producer did not know when exactly it will air, we were told around Fall." I didn't ask if it was the dating show or if it was with the kids.
Great sleuthing! You got him to confirm it’s for an episode.
And it’s hilarious the producer couldn’t say when it’s airing. The guy surely hasn’t the foggiest idea when any of this is airing lol.
Next maybe try to sniff out who he date/actor was.
Admin (110)
It's definitely an actor. Ever since I found out that the "random hot guy" from the DC Cupcakes episode was an actor/model, I am positive that TLC wouldn't even try to come up with men who would really date her. I'm also positive they are looking for someone to star in a spin-off with Kate about their fake relationship. Millionaire Jeff said Kate and TLC were all over him to film a "Kate and Jeff" show, but he backed out. After the dating show, Kate will be hitting up TLC to do a new show with her and her not-so-lucky winning date. TLC will probably do it, since they seem to be completely incapable of telling her "no". It won't matter how crappy the ratings for this dating show are, she rules the roost with TLC and they'll give her what she wants--to their own detriment.
Gee, I wonder who's guarding the manse (oh yeah, and the KIDS) while K8 is being filmed running around NYC acting like a idiot. One thing we know for sure, it ain't Skeve.
Jul 18
@Kateplusmy8 would u have time to post screen shot/recipe of your chicken marinade from yr book? Love it and my book in storage
Would someone please tell this poor soul that the book is available for pre-order? She could get another one.
Somewhere In Time said... 113
...or scope out yard sales. I picked up a copy for a quarter. AuntieAnn I think said I overpaid.
I'm very surprised TLC didn't tell them to keep quiet about the filming. The cat's out of the bag for one episode now.
It will be interesting to see if there are any other social media posts now that filming has begun. I know Kate's star has lost its luster, but a gaggle of guys hovering around with cameras, microphones, and other equipment will draw anyone's attention.
After the dating show, Kate will be hitting up TLC to do a new show with her and her not-so-lucky winning date. TLC will probably do it, since they seem to be completely incapable of telling her "no". It won't matter how crappy the ratings for this dating show are, she rules the roost with TLC and they'll give her what she wants--to their own detriment.
The idea that Kate wields mysterious powers is just silly. If she can pull in high enough ratings to make them money, they’ll be happy with her. If she can’t, they’ll dump her as they have before. It’s a business and they know what ratings they need to turn a profit. You don’t.
I'm very surprised TLC didn't tell them to keep quiet about the filming. The cat's out of the bag for one episode now.
Why would TLC tell them to keep quiet about it? Everyone else on the channel seems to be able to let people know what they're up to. TLC has already announced the dating show so why would they care if Kate is spotted out and about filming. I think that this is all Kate so that she can give her fans a winking smiley face and tell them "wait and see - more fun to come" when they ask about the show. That's if she decides to answer them at all.
Why would TLC tell them to keep quiet about it? Everyone else on the channel seems to be able to let people know what they're up to. TLC has already announced the dating show so why would they care if Kate is spotted out and about filming. I think that this is all Kate so that she can give her fans a winking smiley face and tell them "wait and see - more fun to come" when they ask about the show. That's if she decides to answer them at all.
She is really the ONLY TLC star who makes zero effort to keep the fans in the loop. Everybody else does.
Forget not wanting to say anything about the escape room, but why didn't she post about the Discovery upfront day? Clearly other people were. That wasn't an episode. What's the big problem saying hey I'm doing this today and having fun! And forget the boring dog post that week. Bet you'd see thousands more likes on a PR event post.
It's true everyone else on TLC tries to keep the public up-to-date on what they are doing. I think TFW doesn't because at this point she would be overwhelmed with too many embarrassing questions regarding the 'missing' tups, no matter what mediocre words she might use. Just take a look at the questions she gets asked in response to a doggie post. The gossip magazines have been picking up on the embarrassing questions she has been asked on Instagram and are quick to point out she doesn't answer.
I have my doubts Kate filmed a date episode at the escape room. They would almost certainly have a non-disclosure agreement prohibiting them from using Kate in advertising until the episode had aired.
I actually don't think that's true at all. I think that maybe was the case for TV years ago, but isn't the case now. Networks understand the importance of social media, of buzz, of build up, of the tease, of behind the scenes posts. I'm sure TLC would be quite happy with the escape room post, it builds interest.
Of course you usually aren't allowed to post the entire plot of a movie or show, give away spoilers, or take advantage of this leeway. It's not like the guy posted if she won or not. But celebs are constantly permitted to share what's going on with their fans. And if we take it specifically to TLC, follow any of the Little People and you'll see they too post a lot about various filming activities long before the episodes ever air, proof that TLC allows it.
I think the reality is she rarely if ever shares for in my opinion a combination of things:
1. she loves to be a tease, thrives on that feeling of teasing, of "I know something you don't know." I think she gets off on going MIA. It's kind of sick.
2. she is lazy and dumb, and doesn't know how to use social media to her advantage
3. she doesn't care. When she's getting her fix as a fawned over celeb, fans are the last thing she cares about including in her fun, because she's selfish
And that's why we never hear a peep about things she's up to unless it's from others. ~ Administrator said... 118
She is really the ONLY TLC star who makes zero effort to keep the fans in the loop. Everybody else does.
Forget not wanting to say anything about the escape room, but why didn't she post about the Discovery upfront day? Clearly other people were. That wasn't an episode. What's the big problem saying hey I'm doing this today and having fun! And forget the boring dog post that week. Bet you'd see thousands more likes on a PR event post.
TFW never even acknowledged TLC's press release, (via the People magazine article), announcing the new Fake Date with Khate show. It was announced the day before the upfronts in NYC back in early April.
Any other reality TV person would have not only posted about the new show when it was announced, but also would have posted pics from the upfronts and said something about being excited for her new show premiering in the fall.
The fact that TFW has been stone cold silent about this new show tells us that she's concerned that, like "Twist of Khate", it might never air.
What I find even more curious is that TLC doesn't seem to care about TFW's lack of promotion. She hasn't had a show on the air in a long time and her fan base has seriously dwindled. I would think that TLC would have wanted her to post about the show when it was announced, as well as post about it from time to time all spring and summer leading up to the premiere. Most reality TV people would continually keep their fans interested and engaged.
Any other reality TV person would have not only posted about the new show when it was announced, but also would have posted pics from the upfronts and said something about being excited for her new show premiering in the fall.
I know. It's such a no brainer!
I will say though there is an exception to "share and share alike" that networks permit all the time. A really big show or a really big movie, like say, Star Wars, or Game of Thrones, you are probably going to need to go through multiple layers of approval to post anything. Even then, they will let you. But that's the exception, not the rule.
But this is a stupid little cable show.
Hannah posted a series of pics today about her best friend being back from camp:
hjgosselin i’m so happy that my best friend is back from camp��. I’ve missed her so much.
Formerly Duped said... 103
Former Lurker #94, I wanted to thank you for drawing our attention to Hannah's IG pictures. Since it's public, I don't thinkit's stalkerish to look at them. It's very heartwarming to see her live the 'mediocre' life with such relish.
Formerly Duped, you're welcome. It's funny how I just stumbled on the new "TAGGED" feature on Instagram when I don't even have an account.
Hmm, if TFW's been busy filming new episodes of this new Fake Date with Khate show, it's interesting that she's only been tagged this one time by the Escape Room last week. She claimed on IG back on May 20th that she and Jaime, who were on a plane, were returning home from "work". You'd think if they were out and about somewhere with a film crew that someone would have taken and posted a photo on IG and tagged her. I don't think there were any photos on Twitter either. Let's face it, at this point not many people give a crap about this washed up Z-list reality TV loser.
...Unfortunately even the producer did not know when exactly it will air, we were told around Fall."
Read: "They're kind of embarrassed to air it, but she just won't flush."
Anon For This said... 109
MikeB @ 108 - It's confirmed that she was at Exit Escape Room NYC for filming. Since they posted the picture on their public FB page, I sent them a DM and asked if they knew when the Kate Gosselin episode will air on TLC. Their answer was: "Hi (my name), Unfortunately even the producer did not know when exactly it will air, we were told around Fall." I didn't ask if it was the dating show or if it was with the kids.
Wow, great job getting that info. Thanks for letting us know. I wonder if TLC will answer any questions about the new show.
Well, this is interesting. And, I hope incorrect. I just did a Google "news" search for "Kate Plus Date TLC" to see if there's any new info on the new show.
What came up is a Good Housekeeping article from two weeks ago that lists the premiere dates of TV shows this August, September, and October.
I don't see anything for the new Fake Date with Khate show, but it does say this:
Monday, August 20
Kate Plus 8 (TLC)
I don't see anything for the new Fake Date with Khate show, but it does say this:
Monday, August 20
Kate Plus 8 (TLC)
Maybe they're airing unaired older shows. I wouldn't be surprised if they managed to film a few shows. Wouldn't it be Kate plus 6? This might bring Milo out of hiding.
Read: "They're kind of embarrassed to air it, but she just won't flush."
Read: They're stalling for time to figure out how to keep this project off their IMDBs.
On the TLC website it shows that they’re airing Here Comes Honey BooBoo the lost episodes. Maybe they’re going to do the same thing with TFW. If they are recent episodes I don’t see how they can call it Plus 8 when there are, at best, only 6 and that number would drop to 5 if Cara won’t film.
Forget not wanting to say anything about the escape room, but why didn't she post about the Discovery upfront day? Clearly other people were. That wasn't an episode. What's the big problem saying hey I'm doing this today and having fun! And forget the boring dog post that week.
Speaking of dog posts, I follow Lori Louglin on Instagram. She has a golden retriever. Unlike Kate’s dog posts, Lori’s are so so funny. Her dog thinks he is human and Lori is hilarious and pokes fun of him for his ways. I always look forward to her posts and I’m not even a huge dog lover! She has a way of engaging her followers. She also posts pictures with her daughters, husband, and friends. She seems to have a positive way of looking at her life. And this is evident in her posts.She is also starring in a hallmark movie with one of the other full house stars. She’s been posting what she’s been doing behind the scenes on the set. She doesn’t play games and keep everyone in the dark like Kate does. She has a well rounded life and keeps her fans in the know when it comes to her latest movies and projects.
I really don’t understand why Kate fans stick around. K clearly doesn’t care for her fans and it shows in her sloppy, mediocre posts.
I just remembered M and C are turning 18 in just a few months. Maybe TFW will get a VSE (Very Special Episode) out of that?
And she can poke and dab all she wants without the distraction of their high school graduation taking attention away from her? Mere speculation, of course.
And kudos to our Anon For Now super sleuth who got the 411 on the escape room. If you ask very nicely, maybe AuntieAnn will decorate a magnifying glass for you with glitter glue!
Former Lurker (128)
If there are new episodes coming up, then TLC is still refusing to promote them. I have seen ads for their other upcoming August shows, but nothing for K+8. It's like they're embarrassed to admit they still have anything to do with her, and they've either failed or refused to promote her show for at least the last 2 seasons. Why film a show if you're not going to promote it? Makes no sense.
Not sure if this was posted already, having problems at this end....
jolie Jacquelyn
Hannah's live right now doing facemasks with her BFF.
Thanks jolie Jacquelyn. I didn't see this. I feel sad that Leah is not with Hannah since they were so close. Leah is not in any of H's IG photos either.She could be sad or happy in this photo since her face is buried. If only more of the kids could/would move in with Jon. And looks at the dog toys! Kate hated stuffed animals for her children.
She said "thanks" in response to someone saying she looks a lot like Mady.
She's happy to have her friend back from camp.
Yeah she guesses it's fun having a big family.
"Yep" she still sees her other siblings.
And then I got bored and bailed because....she's a normal teen girl that makes normal videos that normal peers and friends enjoy and, meh. She's mediocre, and she will have a happy life because of it..... Wishing this kid all the best, she seems like a great kid.
I just read an article that said Mackenzie Ziegler is going to be on DWTS Jr. She was on Dance Moms and is already a professional dancer (though not as accomplished as her sister Mady). I guess the odds are stacked against everyone else. The article breaks down the pay.
It’s so nice seeing Hannah enjoying her summer with her BFF. It seemed like she dodged most of the private questions about her family, from what I saw. I was just curious if Kate financially supports her. Couldn’t help but notice that she loves to shop, as every kid does at that age. Hollister and American Eagle are both trendy stores, but not exactly cheap.
When I was that age, shopping in those type of stores were out of the question.for me
Admin (#138), I imagine it's a joy for H simply to make a plan with a friend and be able to keep it.
A sharp-eyed poster here picked up that some couch interviews were filmed on a weekend. For how many years did those kids go to school full time, and then were forced to film after school and on weekends?
As very young kids, that was all they knew, so it was their normal. But now that they've had a taste of life away from the cameras, it may be hard to get them back in front of them.
There was a new Duggar episode last night, and one of the newly-married couples had their TLC-funded honeymoon in Greece. The closest Schmoopy's gotten to Greece is if her escape-room date treated her to a gyro in Manhattan.
Admin (#138), I imagine it's a joy for H simply to make a plan with a friend and be able to keep it.
Hanging out in a girlfriend's room, doing face masks, chatting about anything and everything, is an experience every 14 year old girl should have and often.
How much did this cost? The facemarks, maybe $15.99 at walmart, and the price of a pizza mom is ordering.
Watching outdaughtered....what the hell is wrong with Mimi? Geez, get a life, get a therapist.... Harvey devastated thousands. Mimi is getting annoying with her poor me, narcissist attitude. Her kids and grandkids threw her a birthday party and she refused to go.
I get that this is TV, but TLC is exploiting her depression and she seems to be whining a little too much . Another fine TLC piece of crap show... why am I watching?!
Any report of what questions H did answer? I am so happy for her. Sad for Leah especially though.Alexis was always a loner or with the boys or pets and the two boys have one another. The twins don't 'like'
the younger ones.
H really didn’t answer many questions. She was asked if she like Kate plus 8 or Jon & Kate plus 8. She picked Jon & Kate plus 8. H was also asked if she would be able to do a live video with a friend if she were at Kate’s house. I think H said probably not
The recent photo of Leah and the dog has brought out the stories and comments on Twitter (can't see Kate's actual Twitter account as I'm blocked) and this picture (link below). Be sure to click on the picture to see the full picture.
TFW really is stuck at the age of 13 or 14 as Admin says.
amc #146:
Thanks. I bet there a lot of things H can do now that she couldn't before! Wonder what the dynamics are when the other tups come to Jon's for custody visits and H stays there and they go back to TFW. Will never forget the heart-wrenching vid of the kids when Jon brought them to the gate in the BBB and they were all crying and clinging to him.
Formerly Duped said... 145
Any report of what questions H did answer?
She didn't answer a lot of questions, especially those related to the family situation. Most of what she did answer was typical teenager stuff - are you dating (no), favorite color, how old are you, what grade, etc.
It was interesting though, someone asked her if she missed Shoka, Mak and Nunuq, and she said yes. So it sounds like maybe she doesn't stay with Kate at all - unless she meant she doesn't see them every day anymore. Someone also asked if she'd be allowed to do a live video at her mom's house. She said she didn't know, but probably not.
Of course there were a lot of questions about her siblings (Collin especially), her mom, the show, etc, which she mostly ignored. One comment told everyone to stop asking about the show, and the girls pinned that one. In answer to a question, Hannah's friend said that to her, Hannah isn't a celebrity, she's just her friend.
Most of the video was just two teenage girls being teenage girls. They spent a lot of time on their facials and just general goofing around. Hannah cleaned up her friend's room, and they ate chocolate and ordered pizza (with Hannah's card).
It was funny, at one point Jon commented on the video and told her to answer her phone.
A little later, someone said that Kate had commented. The girls got kind of serious for a few minutes while they scrolled through the comments, before deciding that she hadn't (I didn't see her name pop up either).
It really was pretty boring to watch, but it looked like they were having a lot of fun.
Thanks, Bookworm
So Hannah has a credit card? Isn't that usual for a 14 yr old? Just from the pictures it looks like H has had a lot of money spent on her- clothes, nails etc. I guess Jon''s doing well. I doubt TFW would offer a penny more to her upkeep than she has to. I remember she took the tups shopping in the clearance section for their 10th birthday.
I mean 'unusual' for a 14 yr old to have credit card.
It isn't unusual for teenagers to have their own debit/credit card. It beats carrying around cash and it is extremely easy for a parent to transfer money into the account on a moment's notice.
It probably is a debit card tied to a separate account with a small balance on deposit. That's what my friends do for their kids.
Gigi Be said... 132
Speaking of dog posts, I follow Lori Louglin on Instagram. She has a golden retriever. Unlike Kate’s dog posts, Lori’s are so so funny. Her dog thinks he is human and Lori is hilarious and pokes fun of him for his ways. I always look forward to her posts and I’m not even a huge dog lover!
LL is such a likeable person. She enjoys her career and genuinely shows her appreciation for her fans, unlike Schmoopy, whose feeble attempt(s) at giving the appearance of star quality fails miserably. Kate thinks because she gained a 'New York Times Best-Selling Author' status, she's a writer but her blog/twitter/instagram proves otherwise - e.g. the Shoka Diaries - if we're comparing dog tales.
And if anyone can lay claim to "de-aging" it should be Lori.
The recent photo of Leah and the dog has brought out the stories and comments on Twitter (can't see Kate's actual Twitter account as I'm blocked) and this picture (link below). Be sure to click on the picture to see the full picture.
I don't even have Twitter and yet I can read all of the comments!
From Kate's Twitter...
Thomas Plesser
Jul 31
@Kateplusmy8 You are so beautiful. I love you in your long hair! I haven't seen you in a while. You look great!
Would this be a prospective suitor?
Susan1956 said... 147
Hmm was she at the airport because she was filming Kate plus my Fake Date? She looks bad in that photo. She has to do something with that shiny forehead of hers.
I don’t think credit cards will let kids get one anymore but a debit card should work. Since you can’t do credit on a debit that seems appropriate for a teen to start getting used to paying with cards, managing money but not going over your balance. The parents can watch it all. I actually think one of the worst things we’re doing for kids these days is not teaching them about finances.
Gigi Be said... 156
Susan1956 said... 147
Hmm was she at the airport because she was filming Kate plus my Fake Date? She looks bad in that photo. She has to do something with that shiny forehead of hers.
Not really sure, the actual pic on Twitter was posted late on July 31st? but the poster did not state when she posed with Kate. I was struck by TFMJG's outfit, my first thought was she had raided one of the twins' closets for the blouse and shorts.
Since you can’t do credit on a debit that seems appropriate for a teen to start getting used to paying with cards,
I guess it depends on the card. Mine can be used as a debit card or credit card. If I select credit, I don't have to put in a PIN number. There is also such a thing as a funded credit or debit card. It gets a bit confusing, especially when you're trying to pay bills online and selecting "debit" or "credit" !
After I sent my initial DM to Exit Escape Room NYC and they answered, I sent them another DM which said: "Thanks. It will be interesting to see how an escape room work for a date. I assume that it was for her dating show and the kids weren't with her." I just got another DM from them which says: "You are correct (my name), it was indeed for her dating show and did not involve the kids." So there we have it folks, verification that she is filming the fake date show. I'm a regular poster and I DM'd with them from my FB account. I don't think the fans that used to hunt people down are doing it any more but it pays to be cautious.
I guess it depends on the card. Mine can be used as a debit card or credit card. If I select credit, I don't have to put in a PIN number. There is also such a thing as a funded credit or debit card. It gets a bit confusing, especially when you're trying to pay bills online and selecting "debit" or "credit" !
Pressing credit doesn’t make a debit card a credit card. You still can only spend what you have in the account. It’ll get declined if you go over. However I recommend always pressing credit if they let you because sometimes pressing debit authorizes them to charge a debit fee of 50 cents or more.
Susan1956 said... 147
Be sure to click on the picture to see the full picture.
TFW really is stuck at the age of 13 or 14 as Admin says.
That flash smile she puts on for the photo with that girl reminds me of her 'this isn't part of the deal' complaint when she appeared briefly at the Grove in her aluminum dress.
Anon Again (#160), thanks for following up for us! And I completely understand your concern about privacy -- better to be safe than sorry.
"Hmm was she at the airport because she was filming Kate plus my Fake Date?"
Who took the picture? Skeeve? Is that why she's wearing that teenybopper outfit? If she is filming, she must be in her element. I'm sure she misses what children she has left. lol
You can get prepaid debit cards that are refillable. You could use that as an allowance.
I just got another DM from them which says: "You are correct (my name), it was indeed for her dating show and did not involve the kids." So there we have it folks, verification that she is filming the fake date show.
Actually, that's a visiting place to go on a date - albeit fake - with Katie Irene. It remains to be seen if it will really air though.
Thanks Anonysleuth😊
You can get prepaid debit cards that are refillable. You could use that as an allowance.
That's an excellent way to teach a kid. It's not linked to anyone's credit and you can't overspend on it even if you wanted to. You just put 100 bucks or whatever you want on the card and refill as needed.
Fitting place not 'visiting' place. Damn autocorrect.
TFW really is stuck at the age of 13 or 14 as Admin says.
She looks ridiculous in that 14-year-old child outfit.
LL is such a likeable person. She enjoys her career and genuinely shows her appreciation for her fans, unlike Schmoopy, whose feeble attempt(s) at giving the appearance of star quality fails miserably. Kate thinks because she gained a 'New York Times Best-Selling Author' status, she's a writer but her blog/twitter/instagram proves otherwise - e.g. the Shoka Diaries - if we're comparing dog tales.
I enjoyed scrolling through her instagram and her scattered cute dog posts of Bianca and her other posts, especially of the baby in the "have mercy" onesie.
My dog died Monday, it was time. Not looking for a bunch of sympathy or condolences posts, I just wanted to share that and share that it felt nice to see someone else like Lori so enjoying her dog as I adored mine. Though I wasn't one of these, I know when this blog started many of us looking for anonymous names just used our dogs, perhaps a carryover from Television Without Pity where many of us first posted about this show before they threw their hands up and shut down that forum (lol remember those days?!).
His name was George. We shared a lot of love, adventures and good times together for 11 years. He had a good life. ~ Administrator said... 169
She looks ridiculous in that 14-year-old child outfit.
So true. The other thing that caught my attention is that her weight and even her boob size seem to noticeably fluctuate so much. I realize some of my impression is due to the way she's standing and that loose top, but she can't be setting a good example re: food and weight control for the kids left in the gulag.
Well, TFW has stopped the tanning. She hasn't looked this pale in years. I do have to say even though she looks tired she looks so much better with very little make up on.
Admin, as much as they leave a hole in our lives, sometimes their release brings relief. I firmly believe our physical life, all life on this earth, is just a part of the journey that continues on afterwards. I truly think our animals have a better handle on this thing called death that we humans do. They accept and know when 'It's time'.
Sorry to hear about your pup, Admin. I know you don’t want sympathy, so you don’t have to publish this, but I know how big a hole they leave in your life when they’re gone. I’m glad you have great memories and I’m sure George had a wonderful life. Hope, when you’re ready, that you’ll consider adding another four-footer to your life. Again, I’m sorry that for your loss.
Admin, I am very sorry to hear that you lost your George. Those last days are the saddest part of loving our pets. Thank you for sharing with us. We understand.
Admin, I am sorry about George's passing. As you said, giving him a happy life and letting him go when it's time are good things.
I truly think our animals have a better handle on this thing called death that we humans do. They accept and know when 'It's time'.
He was fighting a heart murmur for a couple years, and I started to have "conversations" with him that he should let me know when he didn't want to do it anymore. And that's exactly what happened. We're talking literally looking me in the eyes and beaming an "okay" to me. It was a wild experience. I had a lot of fears that the end would be painful, or I wouldn't be there and he would suffer without me to care for him, or I would wait too long, or he would be scared, because he was always scared of the vet.
But for the first time I carried him into the vet and he was totally relaxed. He laid down on their little plushy rug and just chilled. So relaxed I had his poor cardiologist sitting with me wondering if maybe there was something else we could try. I think he was as broken up about this as I was, like we could have tried something different during his treatment. The bravest thing I had to tell was tell him no more, thank you for everything. This was the first dog I ever had, the experience of losing him has been heart wrenching. They say every day it gets a little better, but don't think I've even reached that point yet. It's all just been long sad days mixed together. Something comforted me I read that said for all this pain would you give up all the years you had with him. That was a clear no for me, and I know after some time is passed my heart will be able to open itself to another dog.
Really sorry to hear about losing your dog. It is hard to admit nothing more can be done, but ultimately it is the greatest gift to give them the best life as long as possible and then ensure they don't suffer in the end.
It will take time, but when you feel you are ready consider going to the local shelter and rescuing one. Knowing every day you give them is one they would possibly not have had is rewarding.
Vets are amazing people. When my previous dog (in my avatar) was at her 'last' vet visit, he kissed her and had tears in his eyes plus reassuring words for us. True compassion and respect for the life of an animal. Sorry you are going through this, Admin. Many of us have and what you said it very true. It will always hurt but another canine presence when the time is right will add to your store of wonderful dog memories.
Where is Gladys? Those are the closest things she is going to see that look like daisy dukes!
Why does Kate'a forehead look like Silly Putty?
Admin - I'm sorry to hear that you lost your beloved George. It is very hard but it does get better and you will have your happy memories of him. You will know when it's time to open your heart to another dog.
I think the death of a beloved pet is one of the most painful loses. I think part of the reason is that pet is with you all the time....your pet becomes your "home". In the end, cry away but know you are crying because it was true love and that is always a beautiful thing.
Hannah’s live again with her friend.
Admin (#183), thinking about H running her own show (metaphorically speaking), I can't help but remember her mother's naive threat: "I'm in charge, and that's never gonna change." H's independence -- "the leader, and Mommy's helper" -- is her worst nightmare.
When the time is right I’m considering fostering to adopt a retired racing greyhound. There is a rescue right in the next town.
It’s so nice that Jon allows H her independence and she could stay by her friends and do sleepovers with them.
I’m very curious what the other kids do when they are home with Kate for the summer. M and C are almost 18. M admitted sometime back that she spends most her time in her room. I’m curious if they have their drivers license.
When H did her live feed video, someone asked if she still saw her siblings and she said yes. And someone asked if Mady had a public social media account. She said no. Still a lot of questions were asked like where are the twins going to college” or is “Kate plus 8 coming back. And these were ignored.
I’m very curious what the other kids do when they are home with Kate for the summer.
Most likely they swim in their saltwater pool and hang out with friends.
The thing is that she doesn't post photos of this, which is good because they deserve their privacy. On the other hand, there are those who want to know what they are doing. She's kind of damned if she does and vice versa.
If those Daisy Dukes and the teen outfit doesn't bring Milo out of hiding, nothing will.
Sherry Baby said...
The thing is that she doesn't post photos of this, which is good because they deserve their privacy. On the other hand, there are those who want to know what they are doing. She's kind of damned if she does and vice versa.
I agree with you Sherry, they deserve their privacy. They've given enough of their lives up for public view and they don't owe anyone anything. It doesn't mean people aren't concerned about them but if they're not being filmed for the show they should be left alone even if their cockeyed mother is flitting around the countryside pretending to be a celebrity. Let her make an ass of herself all by her lonesome. She's very good at it.
Sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved George Admin. I know you don't want sympathy but be assured because the time was right, you did the right thing. It's good to know that Hannah has the quality of discretion in answering questions to avoid offense or disclosing private information.
I agree with you Sherry, they deserve their privacy. They've given enough of their lives up for public view and they don't owe anyone anything.
Hannah doesn't owe us anything, but she's been posting some videos and willing to ask some questions even so. That's her choice. She went live at least three times today. My point is I think for those of us who have worried about what kind of life these ex-reality child stars would face, it's nice to see she's such a normal kid who seems happy. It's reassuring.
I think the natural curiosity for the kids, for most people here, does not come from anything but concern. So while it's true the kids don't have to and probably shouldn't interact too much with the public, at least not until they are adults, I don't fault people for wondering about them. Once I saw Hannah was doing well, I lost interest in her videos.
Admin, 190.
Oh yes agreed. It's great to know Hannah is doing well and I'm sure it was her choice to go public which is probably making Kate spit bullets.
The rest of them should have that same option and that very well could be the reason there are no photos of them. They might have some say now that there's been one defection and they've told their mother she's not in charge anymore. THEY get to decide. Ha! Wouldn't that be a hoot.
Sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved George Admin. I know you don't want sympathy but be assured because the time was right, you did the right thing. It's good to know that Hannah has the quality of discretion in answering questions to avoid offense or disclosing private information.
Thank you. I feel pretty comfortable about doing the right thing in the moment, but it's been hard to second guess every little thing about his treatment for his heart murmur over the past couple years. I have learned it's normal to go over that and over that like crazy and that this stage will pass.
As for Hannah, she's a totally normal 14 year old but she's not doing insta live to gossip. She answers personal questions politely and briefly, often with yes or no's. Do you see your siblings? Yes. Do you see your mom? Yes. Who do you live with? My dad.
I think her answers show quite a level of maturity to understand the details aren't a stranger's business.
Admin (#193), I worry about H because being mature beyond her years may be due to being parentified. Her golden-platter childhood didn't leave a lot of time for her to simply BE a child. Having carefree days with her dad must be heaven for her.
I still say there will be at least one book from a G kid that reveals the ugly details of filming a TV show without union protection and/or an advocate on the set. Remember they wound up going to the zoo twice as toddlers, because something went wrong with the first shoot? Hey, 2 free trips to the zoo sound like fun. But there were 6 kids in diapers at the time, and the twins were little girls. Did all 8 of them want to spend 2 full days outdoors, followed by a film crew, while strangers gawked at them? Did the tups get their diapers changed regularly on those days? Did filming stop while they napped? Did someone make sure all 8 kids got nutritious meals that day to keep their stamina up? We may never know.
Hannah’s account is gone and her friends is too. Said she was hacked and obsessed blog drew too much questions.
Older poster
I never even looked at H's account, and couldn't find it if you'd asked me to. And if I had looked, I wouldn't have asked her any questions -- personal or otherwise.
I watched the final live chat last night.
There was a very inappropriate exchange by a man who exposed himself. Which was horrifying, because all saw it. I feel bad that H and her friends witnessed this. It’s also unfair to her that she gets asked so many personal questions.
Hannah doesn't owe us anything, but she's been posting some videos and willing to ask some questions even so. That's her choice. She went live at least three times today. My point is I think for those of us who have worried about what kind of life these ex-reality child stars would face, it's nice to see she's such a normal kid who seems happy. It's reassuring.
I may be wrong, but I think that the comment was a response to a poster wondering what the other kids are doing at home, not Hannah. They do deserve their privacy, and there is no need for Kate or anyone else to post photos or give narratives about their summer vacation.
I think the natural curiosity for the kids, for most people here, does not come from anything but concern. So while it's true the kids don't have to and probably shouldn't interact too much with the public, at least not until they are adults, I don't fault people for wondering about them. Once I saw Hannah was doing well, I lost interest in her videos.
I agree with this.It's too bad about what happened on H's live chat but that really has nothing to do with any blog. I hope TFW doesn't claim victory that SHE did not allow social media for the kids ( although she posted plenty of their private lives on her own) but I think it's wise if H goes private. I will still be interested to hear if Collin comes home to Jon's or if any of the others do...out of concern. I am not particularly interested in teenagers' face masks and pizza nights but it is nice to know H is living a normal life. That's all.I do hope the other G kids are having a good summer.
Gigi Be said... 197
I watched the final live chat last night.
There was a very inappropriate exchange by a man who exposed himself. Which was horrifying, because all saw it
Oh good lord. That is disgusting.
FlimsyFlamsy, I remember that. They filmed twice at the zoo because the first day it rained. Those poor kids.
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