So, confession, my own birthday is very close to the day to the Tups, so I too know about how the birthday will every seven years or so fall on Mother's Day or darn close. For me growing up that was never made an issue. Each were celebrated every year as if any other birthday or Mother's Day, just as you would treat a child the same who was born on or near Christmas. And to my great shock, Kate has agreed to allow the children their birthday day, and she will celebrate Mother's Day on another day. That is probably the most unselfish thing she has done in years, and I can't work out what the catch is, there must be one. Apparently Leah was the one who told Kate she felt sorry that Kate had to share Mother's Day with their birthday. Kate's response was Mother's Day can be any day. Wait, rewind. Did Kate say "any" day, or EVERY day? Not sure which one I heard. Because that could be the catch, she'll give them their birthday, but she gets every other day! Moo-ha-ha!
Like good little parental alienated children, Alexis dutifully recites the script that she is most grateful for Kate because she "takes care of us alone!"
Oh, brother. Here we go. This episode aired on May 10, 2015. I know, uncharacteristically timely. Usually we would expect a Halloween episode around about this time. But we're now three years later, and there's a world of difference between trying to brainwash 10-year-olds and trying to brainwash 14-year-olds. See Hannah.
The kids are planning a surprise breakfast for Kate, which mostly consists of Mady ordering everybody else about. Mady is really, really firm with the kids, constantly raising her voice and pushing them around. It's awful to listen to. She learned this from her mother, and it won't serve her well. It won't work for teachers, or professors. It won't work for friends. It won't work for boyfriends. And good luck with marriage.
Kate takes about five minutes to simply tell us she doesn't know what the kids are up to. Yeah, I know people like that. Moments you will never get back.
So, like, Kate left her kids alone with the crew this whole time? Unbelievable. They're probably old enough the crew won't molest any of them easily, but what about their comfort during filming, their safety? Where is their mother to watch out for children who are getting too tired filming, being pushed too hard, are hungry, who need a break from it? Collin is here, and we know now he has special needs! Terrible.
Lol, old pics of Kate. I'm a good deal younger than Kate, yet still close enough in age to be in the same sort of fashion era growing up. It was all about the same for a long period. How come in the late 80's, 90's, all of us kids dressed and styled like 40-year-old tenured school teachers? How was this cool? It's so bizarre. And hilarious. There's Kate, all of 16, and through no fault of her own, dolled up in a snazzy turquoise turtle neck, busy black and white patterned v-neck cardigan thing, little gold necklace and matching ring, dark red nail polish and lipstick, and the Mary Kay Leturneau haircut from her molesting days, bangs and all. See what I mean?! Teacher haircuts were once outrageously cool!
And just some ramblings, but putting myself back in that time period, I'm going to guess Kate was cool. And I think the information we have was she did run with the cool kids, had a cool boyfriend, was a cheerleader, was reasonably popular. What it took to be cool back in the day was often a little money from your parents, to buy the right clothes and get into the right sports, like cheer. Indeed, Kate's clothes look pretty on point for what they are. So all this ungrateful nonsense from her about her parents not treating her right or giving her what she needed to make it, it seems like Kate was doing just fine for herself even back in the teen years. Try being an uncool kid to begin with whose parents genuinely couldn't afford any of these latest styles, or any of the things that would transition you into making cheer (like a little gymnastics lessons) like how I and many of my friends in the rural Northeast grew up. It's not fun at the time, but you grow up and eventually realize everybody did their best and thankfully it doesn't matter one bit you weren't cool then and didn't do cheer and you were probably better off not being part of all that anyway.
Some boring old clips. Kate tells the story again that she always wanted to be a mom since she was a really young kid, would even have dreams about adopting piles of kids on her doorstep. Pull over the furniture because I want to armchair this. First of all, I don't think it's normal for a pre-pubescent girl to feel that strongly about children just yet. Many little girls will claim they want a baby, but it has more to do with just liking to play babydolls and imagining yourself married to Leo with six kids living in New York City, you're a lunch lady and you drive a Mercedes because that game MASH predicted that, and little to do with what motherhood really entails and the much more complex feelings a mature adult woman often has about having children.
So, I think Kate's obsession with not one baby but many babies was not normal at her age, and I wouldn't be surprised if the baby obsession was related to her fanciful desire to have someone or many someones love her in the way she thinks other people didn't, namely her parents. Her parents surely loved her unconditionally, but Kate is the type to interpret discipline, telling her no to things, or having rules she doesn't like, as a parent not really loving her. That would be Kate.
Kate says she went to nursing school to bag a doctor husband. Just kidding, she says she went to nursing school to have knowledge about caring for her children and supporting them. You have to be a nurse to care for your kids properly? Can't you just call Kaiser if they get sick? They have a 24/7 hotline and the nurse always helps you out, although the preliminary just-making-sure-this-isn't-an-emergency questions are always kind of ridiculous. If I wasn't breathing I wouldn't be calling a 1-800 number, lady, shouting in my entire ten digit member ID into my iPhone, shouting in the last four digits of my social security number, saying "correct", and shouting 4, then 2, then 4 again, then 1 to finally get to your ass.
If you want to know how to take care of kids you could also pick up a parenting book or do a basic first aid for babies and children course through the Red Cross and skip the incredible expense of nursing school. It's just a weird reason to go that doesn't really make sense. How about, I went to nursing school to help sick people? Nah, too cliche.
Also, how was Kate going to get these kids anyhow? Did she even know Jon at this point? Maybe in nursing school she learned how sex works?
I'm enjoying the old pics of pre-botoxed Kate, though! She truly has progressed over the years. Or, regressed, if you like.
Oh, did anyone catch the old clip of Kate talking into the camera about how not-glamorous she felt when the six babies were maybe three months old? It looked just like a screen test tape we always suspected she may have sent off to TLC to get her show. Busted.
Does anyone care about her boring fertility story for Mady and Cara? I sure don't. She had to wait awhile to take a pregnancy test because it's not like today when you can take a test a few minutes after conception. Um, they still don't have those.
Once in a great while Kate will say or do something really genuine, and a tiny part of me wants to like the woman. They show an old home movie Kate herself filmed, showing her pregnancy test with the twins. A faint line. She then pans down to the counter where she's taken two more tests! Much stronger lines. She's pregnant, and it's the most wanted pregnancy ever, she says Because, yeah, ya totally do line up those tests and keep peeing on them one after another in disbelief! And I almost, almost, teared up a little at year 2000 Kate finding out such good news.
I think you get to a certain age and you just can't help but cry when you hear someone is pregnant especially someone you care about, or even when you know someone else is finding out someone they care about is pregnant! How many of us both laughed and definitely cried as our dearly departed Golly Gee found out she was going to be a grandma not once, but twice, in this lovely tribute video one of her sons made. ("You better not be joking me, I'll kill you!")
Had Kate been more like 2000 Kate throughout these long years, she might actually have some viewers left who genuinely care about her.
Wow Kate needs to stop being, like, a likable person; this episode is getting spooky. She says the twins were such easy-going babies she was like, hm, I'd like another! Dude, I know so many parents who had an easy first child by sheer luck of the draw and were then like, parenting is easy, adulting is a breeze, I don't know what everybody else is talking about with terrible-this or that. Let's have another!
Famous last words.
There were so many old clips and Kate yammering on I nearly forgot that in "present day" the kids are still making breakfast for Kate. Nothing interesting happens.
Is it just me, or is it really mean when adults say to children, "It's the thought that counts." It's basically just a nicer way of saying your work sucks. I have vivid memories of various adults saying this to me and other kids when I was a kid and even at the time I knew exactly what they were really saying. If there is one thing I caught onto pretty quickly as a child, and still do believe today, it's that many adults assume kids are stupid or don't know wtf is going on. Wrong.
Well, at least the younger girls seem happy and excited to have helped out with the breakfast, including the pancakes and fruit salad. Kids this age desperately need to be assigned mild to moderately challenging tasks and figure them out on their own, it's crucial to normal development and good self esteem.
There's a discussion about "Collin's card-making station" which I guess is where they will make the Mother's Day card, but I don't see Collin anywhere. I'm guessing if he were even still around at this point, this was one of the last episodes he was in the house for, but not actually on camera. It was a slow progression with that kid that gradually took him out of the show.
Mady, who is far too old to still be whining about this, says the day the sextuplets were born was the worst day of her life and it was pretty awful after that too. While it certainly would be hard on a little girl to have so many younger brothers and sisters, now at her age, it's time to grow up. Also in defense of Kate and of course Jon, they went to great lengths to make sure Mady and Cara felt special and privileged and there were many things the twins got to do that the sextuplets were left out of. Mady is, sadly, a selfish and ungrateful child. Some children come by unselfish characteristics naturally, others, like Mady, must be taught and if they're not taught, unsavory aspects become a solid part of their personality, and it's unattractive.
Kate rattles off some of her parenting "rules" as we watching boring old clips. Stick to a schedule, no means no, don't give in. And generally I think her parenting advice is just bad. The first two there are definitely numerous exceptions to when it's beneficial to depart from the schedule as well as just let things go. And don't give in is definitely terrible advice. In fact, most parenting experts will advise you to really pick your battles, that you should only come down hard on the important stuff, and that it's best to let most things go for happy, well-adjusted children and a peaceful family. In other words, you give in a whole awful lot. I'm reminded again of GollyGee, who, in an adorable small video within her video tribute, her son David is refusing to sit up for a family photograph, instead preferring to recline against mom's legs with his hands under his head. GollyGee in short order gives up, shaking her head with a bit of a smile. She gave in! Because at the end of the day, does it really matter David didn't sit up this one time? And you can look back on the photograph and video, as we have, and laugh at the little boy's antics, at doing things his way as kids like to do. No tears, no whining, no battles that day in that house. Had GollyGee "stuck to her guns" as Kate advises, that family photo might very well have turned into a horrific battle of wills and spoiled the whole day. And it didn't result in raising a serial killer. David turned out all right, didn't he? (Thanks for stopping by to say hello, David!) GollyGee was a good mama. Kate is not.
I'm kind of surprised they show the clip of Collin distraught in the furniture store, begging to be changed, because that was surely one of Kate's most evil moments. She's chatting away on the couch as if her behavior in that store that day was normal.
I think the TLCgo app is showing way too many commercials. They just showed ten in a row, followed a few minutes later by seven! I pay for TLC through my cable company, it's not like I'm getting this for free. A paying customer shouldn't have to sit through excessive advertising.
Kate's prattling on about how she taught all the kids to cook. Fascinating. A producer then asks Mady who taught her to cook and she says Kate actually taught Cara, and then Cara taught Mady. Heh. That struck me as kind of funny, though I'm not sure it was a totally fair comment. Who knows who taught her, but I wouldn't put it past Kate to grossly exaggerate how much time she's spent working with the children to teach them to cook and playing the part of the loving attentive mother. Probably not as much as she wants us to believe.
Kate again proves that she doesn't understand child development at all, despite nursing school, when she talks about their eating habits and how the children are trying to "challenge" her with their picky eating. It's not all about you, you cow! Good lord. Picky eating is a completely normal stage of child development and has far more to do with kids genuinely having very sensitive taste buds that don't adjust easily to the plethora of foods that adults easily love and chow down on. In fact a British study found that a child's food likes are almost 75 percent based on genetics. That means it leaves only a small percentage to be determined by a parent pushing it down their throat until they give in and eat it. Kate's so freaking stupid. Most kids grow out of pickiness naturally, as long as they are getting enough variety of nutrients it's just not something to stress about. I woke up one day and loved the things I hated as a kid--salads, feta, coffee, Chinese food, hummus, limes, cheesecake, sweet potatoes, Brussel sprouts, zucchini, carbonated drinks, and lots of other foods kids will often avoid. Love them now! Nobody did anything to push them on me, I just started eating them because my taste buds developed into adult ones.
Kate really is rich talking about how much she struggles with sibling rivalry. Good grief, I can rattle off dozens of examples of both her handling sibling rivalry terribly or even outright encouraging such rivalry. For starters, when you blatantly play favorites with your children, sibling rivalry is inevitable.
Mady says twice that her younger siblings are brats, and there's a perfect example of the kind of completely unacceptable behavior towards one's siblings Kate has allowed and encouraged. It is not acceptable to name-call your siblings with such cruel and nasty names.
The producer tries to get Mady and Cara to say what a hard job of it Kate has raising eight kids, and they actually won't really go there. Mady says in actuality they all make it a lot easier for her. Heh. Well, I like that comment. For all Kate's whining and playing martyr about raising these kids, the kids do their best to help her. And I think that is a fair comment, we've seen plenty examples of the children pitching in and overall cooperating to prove they aren't total nightmares and can be very helpful when it comes to their care. The boys especially seem super easy to me. There's a huge difference between raising a child who is helpful and cooperative versus one who is constantly resisting you (even if it's due to things out of their control like special needs).
Kate gets lots of emails from strangers saying they're worried Mady is mean. Really?! This makes Mady laugh. How does that email go exactly? "Dear Kate, your daughter Mady is mean and I'm concerned. God bless"? Sounds like something GollyGee would have had the nerve to do! Heh! Also, I know I keep talking about GollyGee, but there's a lot about this episode that brings her to mind, and one of them is I think I understand much better now after her death and getting to know better who she was in her private life, why the kids meant so much to her. And I think so much of it had to do with her truly relating to raising three boys. She raised three boys, she did it right, Kate was doing it oh so wrong, and that really bothered her because she knew how much better their mom could have done by those boys. She would never toot her own horn about what kind of mother she was, but we know now she was amazing.
I catch a little glimpse of Collin at the card making station. He looks fine, even politely asking a sibling to hand him a pen and setting the table perfectly, explaining he "observed" how to do that in a restaurant. Aw. He's so cute. This is the kid who needed to be locked up for years? Was this the last episode where we really heard from him? Also he didn't learn how to set a table from his mother? Maybe this is because she eats all her meals standing at the counter.
Kate has a theory and I fall asleep. What the hell is a "girl mom"? She had girls first and so that made her a girl's mom? I really have no clue what she is talking about. Her theories are about as useful as those of the Flat Earth Society.
Oh I see this was just an opportunity to slam the boys for being normal little kids and to make a host of stereotypical and exaggerated comments about the girls. You can guess that the sum of it is the boys don't understand anything at all and all the girls do is have drama. As I have proposed many times, it is women themselves who often set women and girls back the most, and this is but one example of a woman, one who is semi-famous and has a bit of a platform to boot, using terribly exaggerated and untrue stereotypes that girls are all emotional fluttering basket cases who can barely make it through the day without a meltdown worthy of a truck of ice on a 100 degree day. Maybe if Kate did some work as a mother for once to help them better regulate and cope with their emotions, you wouldn't have so much drama. Children need to be taught how to handle intense emotions everyone will feel boys and girls alike, just as much as they need science and math. Make no mistake little girls watch this show, and it is disappointing they have to hear Kate say these things. I hope their mothers are around to set things straight.
I don't much like her comments about the boys, either. If boys are stupid with glazed over eyes all the time, does that mean they don't hold any responsibility for their actions, like when they go too far with a girl who doesn't want to? After all they're just a stupid boy. One could take it there.
Kate gives some cliche advice about doing your best that nobody cares to listen to. Also, I think doing your best is a cop out, because only you the person really knows for sure what your best is, so you can use it as a crutch to do half-ass work all the time because after all, that's just my best!
The kids and Kate do some terrible acting pretending that this all wasn't arranged by producers as the kids finish breakfast and Kate pretends she's surprised and impressed and goes out to eat her pancakes and read her card.
Collin made an incredibly creative card in which you actually can remove the heart from the center of it to hold it. That's really good, Collin! At least Kate takes the time to read each card individually and spend a moment with each child telling them how much she enjoyed the card. They need much more individual time with their parents.
Why is Kate still talking??? Eat your breakfast, bitch!
Shockingly, Kate admits it's not the kids' fault she has so much to do. Of course it's not. They didn't ask her to trick the fertility doctors into having a fuckety billion kids at once. So STFU already.
Oh, I hate her guts. While the kids are cleaning up without complaint, Kate has to say, "who are these children?" Oh shut up! There are piles of tapes in the archives of these kids helping out and working hard. Just stop it.
Ha, the bird is on Kate's shoulder, totally channeling Tanya Harding's stage mother. Nice. From now on this bitch's nickname is Lavonna any time she has that bird. It's just such a great villain name anyway isn't it? Lavonna Golden!
![]() |
Lavonna Golden |
Ick, they made a nice table for Kate to eat at with tablecloth and all, but instead she eats on the nice couch. I think that's gross. All that syrup and crumbs. She's a slob. And also they made the trouble to put a table together for her, so sit at it!
Gross! The kids are massaging her feet. Yuck. And look up grooming behavior, because it often starts as massages and other gone-too-far touching. I'm not saying Kate would groom her kids, I don't see any evidence of that, but it's still gross to engage in grooming behavior even though you're not really trying to groom them.
Woo-hoo, a clip from the book signing I attended in Santa Monica! I think that will always be my favorite Gosselin memory. I arrived directly from work and Kate was sandwiched in between two narrow bookshelves and WTF? I somehow immediately ran into a Radar online reporter who was maybe about my age, we somehow immediately hit it off which was fun, and she explained that Kate was embarrassed by the low turnout so thought moving her in between the shelves would help. I see, so like, if you move yourself into a tiny house and invite some friends over to it it will make it seem like you have a lot more friends. Good thinking actually. I logged onto realitytvkids to "livestream" from the event and so the night began with a bang!
Why is Kate talking about what the haters say about her? Nobody was talking about that. I thought we were talking about breakfast! Again, she insists she's just doing her best--a cop out, see?
Nobody does everything right so cut me a break! she insists. Um, Kate, nobody suggested you must "do everything right" whatever that means. I hate when she misstates what the criticism is then answers the misstatements. It's called strawman-ing, and it's a cheap debate tactic and she knows damn well she's doing it. Aw, did the book signing bring up bad memories? Poor thing.
Kate wouldn't ask for eight different kids. That's kind of a weird thought to have. Except Collin. She would like to return Collin. I know it's maybe thirteen years and six months past the warranty period, but could they pretty please make an exception for her? She'll accept store credit!
It's kind of irritating to hear the brainwashed kids talking about all the good things about Kate she has drilled into them she does for them, but when you think about it, it's probably a really good thing they are able to see the positives of Kate. Some of them apparently already and soon more of them are really going to have problems with this woman and the choices she made for them (filming, Jon, the physical abuse), but in order to work through all those issues and have a rebuilding point with Kate and develop some trust, they're also going to need to be able to find some of the positives about her. For better or worse she is their mother to deal with, and cutting her out of their lives is always a method of last resort. So, for those who want to keep her on board as their mother, they have to work with what they have and what they do have is a mother who growing up let them have a lot of pets they love, on some level cares for them and on some level loves them. It's a start.
627 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 627 Newer› Newest»Auntie Anne
Oh good lord. That is disgusting“
I’m 40 yrs old and still traumatized by what I witnessed. And they are young girls with a young fan base who were witnessed to it. They blocked and reported him. Scary that people like that live among us.
Susan1956 said... 147
The recent photo of Leah and the dog has brought out the stories and comments on Twitter (can't see Kate's actual Twitter account as I'm blocked) and this picture (link below). Be sure to click on the picture to see the full picture.
TFW really is stuck at the age of 13 or 14 as Admin says.
The girl who posted that pic lives in Ontario, Canada according to her Twitter bio. I'm not sure what airport the pic was taken in, but how ridiculous is it that TFW is flying all over for "dates"? This show is so fake and stupid.
Anon Again said... 160
After I sent my initial DM to Exit Escape Room NYC and they answered, I sent them another DM which said: "Thanks. It will be interesting to see how an escape room work for a date. I assume that it was for her dating show and the kids weren't with her." I just got another DM from them which says: "You are correct (my name), it was indeed for her dating show and did not involve the kids." So there we have it folks, verification that she is filming the fake date show. I'm a regular poster and I DM'd with them from my FB account. I don't think the fans that used to hunt people down are doing it any more but it pays to be cautious.
Thanks for that info. It's just as we figured when we first saw the Escape Room pic. This Fake Date with Khate show is such a joke.
Admin, I'm so sorry about the loss of your beloved George. Unfortunately, I've been there more than once and it's so painful and heartbreaking. We animal lovers have to accept that the loss of our much loved pets is sadly part of the deal. But, as you said, we wouldn't trade all the wonderful moments that we were able to have with them. I've had dogs since childhood and unfortunately been through the loss of four beloved dogs in my lifetime, and we still talk about each of them at times and remember the fun and funny things about them. They're forever a part of our family. And, while we're all different and no pet can ever replace another one, I can tell you that in my experience I've only been able to heal that hole in my heart and feel joy in my home again when we've gotten another dog. I think somewhere in dog heaven our lost pups would be happy that we opened up our hearts and homes to another lucky pup. Heck, we're the lucky ones for all the happiness they bring us. Sending you a virtual hug, Admin.
Anonymous said... 195
Hannah’s account is gone and her friends is too. Said she was hacked and obsessed blog drew too much questions.
Older poster
I didn't get a chance to post here last night, but I took a quick look at her IG last night and it was made private. When I checked back a couple of hours later, the account was gone.
Gigi Be said... 197
I watched the final live chat last night.
There was a very inappropriate exchange by a man who exposed himself. Which was horrifying, because all saw it. I feel bad that H and her friends witnessed this. It’s also unfair to her that she gets asked so many personal questions.
OMG! I hope she told Jon about that. How awful.
This perv is most likely not just a random follower, but some sicko who was following her because of her reality tv fame. Just another reason why minors should never be on reality tv.
Gigi Be said... 2
Auntie Anne
Oh good lord. That is disgusting“
I’m 40 yrs old and still traumatized by what I witnessed. And they are young girls with a young fan base who were witnessed to it. They blocked and reported him. Scary that people like that live among us.
If I were Jon, I'd call the police. They can get this pervert's info from IG or his internet provider.
Gigi said...
I’m 40 yrs old and still traumatized by what I witnessed. And they are young girls with a young fan base who were witnessed to it. They blocked and reported him. Scary that people like that live among us.
Gigi, yes they live among us and always have. When I was a kid (a hundred years ago) there was a woman who lived across and down the street a few houses, who had an adult son living with her who was mentally challenged. He would expose himself on a regular basis if any of us walked past the house and he happened to be outside. Unfortunately he thought he was being funny. He was reported several times until eventually he was removed from his home and institutionalized. It was a sad situation for him and his mother but it had to be done. It was quite traumatizing for us kids and it's still stuck in my memory bank. Back then things like that weren't discussed so we were on our own to 'get over it'. You never really do though.
I’m 40 yrs old and still traumatized by what I witnessed. And they are young girls with a young fan base who were witnessed to it. They blocked and reported him. Scary that people like that live among us.
What happened? How do you expose yourself to her when I thought you can only comment on her video?
Hey Kate, this is the downside to making your kids famous without their consent. Perverts after them.
What happened? How do you expose yourself to her when I thought you can only comment on her video?
Admin, apparently there is an option where the others following the Instagram can live chat with H. So basically H can see the live video of the other person and so can everyone else who is watching H.
Usually these live chat requests that H has answered to have been from teenaged girls who want to chat and they would carry on innocent conversation. Example H is talking and stranger is chatting back via live video at their home while the public gets to see both exchanges. So two live videos.
I suppose H responded to the live request from this other user, thinking the same innocent exchange would happen, like before.
Instead a man in the nude appeared doing very inappropriate things. So I could see, just like all the others were able. All those that where exposed to this were horrified as well and urged the girls to report the user.
It was sad. Because the tone changed dramatically. They went from innocent fun between friends to shell shocked.
What happened? How do you expose yourself to her when I thought you can only comment on her video?
I’m not sure what exactly you call it, but they’d opened it up to a “live chat” so that they could interact with people. You see them, they see you and anyone else watching can see both on a split screen.
Thanks for explaining that. I had NO idea instagram could allow you to live chat with other users seeing them on video. The prior videos only showed comments They probably shouldn't have been doing THAT but then I've never seen her use that feature before, maybe she wasn't familiar with it. Is this a new, newish feature?
Former lurker-
I feel certain that John was made aware of it. I have a feeling that he made Hannah close down the account. If I had to take a guess, I think both John and H were getting very tired of the inappropriate questions being asked too. H was beginning to roll her eyes after reading them to herself yesterday. But these people couldn’t take a hint and leave it alone.
I also think Jon will be very proactive about finding out who this person was. He wants Hannah to have her privacy, but I think he bended a little and let her have some fun. But I think we all are seeing that these kids have become targets.
Auntie Anne- oh how horrific and aweful!
I don't have an Instagram account, so I've never seen an IG live chat and have no idea how it works. That's insane that other people can get in on the live video like that.
Someone's already reporting the news on TFW's latest IG pic:
dani_amy5 Did you see hannah's ig live yesterday
dani_amy5 @dani_amy5 there was a guy doing u know what
I'm not saying this could never happen to some other kids, but this is yet another negative effect of these kids being on a reality TV show. They will all probably have perverts following them on social media for the rest of their lives.
I hope TFW doesn't use what happened to H as an opportunity to publicly bash Jon's parenting. You know she loves any chance to "set the record straight." The experience was embarrassing enough for poor H.
I'm not saying this could never happen to some other kids, but this is yet another negative effect of these kids being on a reality TV show. They will all probably have perverts following them on social media for the rest of their lives.
Any kid is in danger of being preyed on by a predator, whether they are on social media or anything else. But being famous drastically increases your chances of encountering these people.
I hope TFW doesn't use what happened to H as an opportunity to publicly bash Jon's parenting. You know she loves any chance to "set the record straight." The experience was embarrassing enough for poor H.
Jon did nothing wrong. He follows her instagram, was there for many of her interactions with fans, and she has never been inappropriate on social media that we can tell. All this going live constantly the other day occurred at her FRIEND's house, the friend's mother was HOME (she could be heard in the background occasionally, and the girls were shouting to her), and for all we know Jon instructed her not to go insta-Live without him there. She's a kid, and they do what they want. If anything the friend's mother should have checked in on them more. Then again, if I had checked in on these girls, I would have seen two girls doing facemasks and answering simple questions like "do you see your siblings" and I would have allowed them to carry on telling them to have fun.
Nobody could have thought you'd just be doing a fun, cute instagram live with very benign questions from people mostly kids around your age and then somebody comes on and suddenly harasses you sexually. I didn't even know instagram has this feature.
There is nothing wrong with allowing children to use social media. But, on the unusual occasions where it goes very haywire, you need to scale back, which is exactly what was done. The account was taken down and no one can access her that way anymore.
The point is how was it handled, and it was handled appropriately, by shutting down her account. She dipped her toe into the great world of social media and it went okay for awhile, until it didn't. This is a learning experience for the kid and nothing more.
If anything Hannah, who has proven to be very bright and mature, is doing some real soul searching here about how this incident came to be, and will realize, as we have, being famous increases her odds of such an attack. And, because she is so bright and mature, she will find that famous path leads directly back to decisions made for her without her consent years ago. She's not stupid.
I also think Jon will be very proactive about finding out who this person was. He wants Hannah to have her privacy, but I think he bended a little and let her have some fun. But I think we all are seeing that these kids have become targets.
And that's what parenting a teen is. It's a lot of ad-libbing. You bend a bit here, contract a bit there. What you thought was working and fine one day might not be the next. From what we've seen on camera multiple times, Kate's parenting style is rigid and inflexible. She relies on firm rules and ultimatums, and few things seem to be taken on a case by case basis.
Sure, the first, more flexible style may lead to a few hiccups, but ultimately you'll have a happier more well adjusted child.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 16
I hope TFW doesn't use what happened to H as an opportunity to publicly bash Jon's parenting. You know she loves any chance to "set the record straight."
Oh but she will. This will be Jon's fault for sure if she has her way. It will be in Radar and in three, Her buddy Coyne will be all over it.
One positive is the fact that it's now a cautionary tale to all.
I too believe Jon will be proactive in finding this pervert and, being an IT guy, he'll be right on top of it. I also think, no matter what, TFW will use this disturbing event to blame Jon; she can't help herself.
I too believe Jon will be proactive in finding this pervert and, being an IT guy, he'll be right on top of it. I also think, no matter what, TFW will use this disturbing event to blame Jon; she can't help herself.
I'm sure she would be very smug about it, but the thing is, when you don't allow kids to experience social media at all even when they are ready to handle it, then they either do it secretly behind your back, or go hog wild when they turn 18 and you can't stop them any more. Only if they have no experience with it until then, they have no idea how to handle it appropriately and very scary things can happen.
The kid had a bad experience on social media. Most people who are on it will at some point. It doesn't mean kids shouldn't use social media. Precautions simply need to be taken. For instance, when you go live and you're only 14, don't allow comments or at the very least don't allow videos from other people. Unless they plan to never use social media as adults, which would be unusual, they need to learn.
The response to TFW -If she goes there and blames Jon about the instagram incident- is why didn’t SHE go nuts when she found out about Blankenship and that her kids were all exposed to a pervert daily under HER watch. Her response with that incident? Crickets!
Oh yes, there is cyber bullying, cyber stalking, catfishing, abduction where someone poses as someone kind and gets a child to meet them, online 'boyfriends' who are really middle aged men...not just H, anyone who has too much public access to their media or YouTube channels etc. Definitely parental guidance is needed but some kids sneak behind parents' backs to do their own thing. Being a reality kid is only part of the problem.
Weren't we labeled a bunch of pearl-clutching perverts when we worried about weirdos possibly wanting to have inappropriate contact with the G kids? I remember some of TFW's most ardent followers saying our minds were in the gutter.
Weren't we labeled a bunch of pearl-clutching perverts when we worried about weirdos possibly wanting to have inappropriate contact with the G kids? I remember some of TFW's most ardent followers saying our minds were in the gutter.
I am not an old biddy. I am not a pearl clutcher. I am not a prude. That said, in my opinion, a 14-year-old does not need to do the social media thing, IG, Twitter, chats, videos, etc, even if 100 percent of their friends are doing it. Parents should just say NO! There are so many lunatics and perverts out there who are just waiting to prey on these kids, and it would be so easy to find a known person such as Hannah.
They don't need to learn social media when they are this young. Every day you hear about kids Hannah's age that go missing or are murdered because someone stalked them or hooked up with them on social media. When they become adults and their brains are more fully developed to know the dangers, then let them go for it, if they choose. Why take the risk when you're 14 years old?
Instead of hanging out on the phone, making videos, posting pictures, let them do what kids should do...sports, swim, sleepovers, creative arts, gymnastics, volunteering with charity events, whatever. There are plenty of things to keep them occupied without being exposed to the lunatics on social media. Although kids Hannah's age most likely know the dangers, I really don't think that they'd know what to do in a situation when a real threat is presented. Many kids are very gullible, and you can cram the rules of internet safety down their threats, parents can monitor their child's activity, but a stranger can be very convincing and charming to get his way. I've watched so many interviews where parents are looking for missing children, saying "we didn't know to what extent this was going on or we never would have allowed this interaction." Hindsight is 20/20.
Just my 2 cents worth. Time to go shopping for new Crocs and knee socks. What color? Decisions, decisions!
Weren't we labeled a bunch of pearl-clutching perverts when we worried about weirdos possibly wanting to have inappropriate contact with the G kids? I remember some of TFW's most ardent followers saying our minds were in the gutter.
Yep they sure did say that. To me a major reason not to make your kids famous, easily in the top three, is because of the much higher risk of exposure to perverts and pedophiles. This is at least the second time the kids have been exposed so that very risk, first with Blankinship editing their videos and now with this guy on insta.
It does not mean kids who aren't famous are at low risk, so no parent should get complacent.
I am not an old biddy. I am not a pearl clutcher. I am not a prude. That said, in my opinion, a 14-year-old does not need to do the social media thing, IG, Twitter, chats, videos, etc, even if 100 percent of their friends are doing it. Parents should just say NO! There are so many lunatics and perverts out there who are just waiting to prey on these kids, and it would be so easy to find a known person such as Hannah.
For me, either parenting decision is a sound one. There are sound reasons for doing either.
The pros of forbidding social media:
1. in theory, kids won't be exposed to all the downsides of social media. The perverts, the bullying. They are protected from their own poor choices kids tend to make on social media. The downsides are 1. the kid will do it behind your back and you won't know what is going on 2. the kid will feel so held back from this world all the other kids are a part of they'll go hog wild when they're 18 and make poor decisions in their young adult years on social media. Forbidden fruit can be precarious. 3. the kid can feel left out and have low self esteem when peers are interacting with each other on it, some kids can be very sensitive to this
The pros of allowing social media:
1. helps kids socially interact with their peers when everyone else is on it, helps a kid not feel different or isolated because they aren't allowed
2. you can insist on following it and it can help you have a better sense of who your child really is, bring you closer
3. a child will learn how to be responsible on social media while you can still guide them and set rules.
4. Protects against kids going behind your back with the forbidden proof, helps them get it out of their system so they don't have a need to go wild later on
The downsides are of course: Perverts, bullying, and everything else social media brings.
Frankly, I'm supportive of either decision a parent of a teen makes. It's not an easy decision.
Also I will say if a parent does allow social media, it needs to be limited. Honestly Hannah jumping on to live chat four times the other day was a bit excessive. They should have found something else to do that day and stop going online. If you have to, take the phones for the afternoon and make them go do something. But again in fairness she was not with Jon or at his house, she was at a friend's house, a friend who seems nice.
You can parent all you want, forbid or restrict social media all you want, but once that kid goes to a friend's house you lose a lot of control. She's 14 and is gonna do what she wants to do.
Admin (#29), you described the complicated social media jungle pretty thoroughly. Considering what a challenging issue it is, wouldn't it be nice if the 8 G teenagers had a mother willing to co-parent with their father, to help them navigate these challenges?
I remember TFW saying that she didn't really communicate with the kids when she was traveled (when they were TODDLERS, for pete's sake), and that "no news is good news." I have a hunch that philosophy is what helped her just brush off C's -- and now H's -- absence. Out of sight, out of mind. Once she kicks you to the curb, you stay kicked.
Admin (#29), you described the complicated social media jungle pretty thoroughly. Considering what a challenging issue it is, wouldn't it be nice if the 8 G teenagers had a mother willing to co-parent with their father, to help them navigate these challenges?
Exactly. Wouldn't it be wonderful if Jon could text Kate when these things come up and say call me, Hannah wants an instagram, call me so we can talk through what decisions we want to make for her together, as a united front?
Two heads are better than one when it comes to teens, that's for sure.
Sherry (26)...
Exactly! I couldn't have said it better!
Sherry Baby said... 26
Just my 2 cents worth. Time to go shopping for new Crocs and knee socks. What color? Decisions, decisions!
May I suggest marigold yellow socks and rusty red crocs? (I love marigolds)
I stopped at the dollar store yesterday to pick up a couple of my favorite Betty Crocker hard plastic containers and I was horrified to see halloween decorations on display. What a buzzkill. Summer isn't half over. My marigolds just started looking their best.
I remember TFW saying that she didn't really communicate with the kids when she was traveled (when they were TODDLERS, for pete's sake), and that "no news is good news." I have a hunch that philosophy is what helped her just brush off C's -- and now H's -- absence. Out of sight, out of mind. Once she kicks you to the curb, you stay kicked.
Her parenting style really does seem to be well if I don't like something or am scared of something it's just an outright ban on it, it's how she does everything in her life now that you say so--out of sight out of mind. And that may work for social media, but it's not going to work for everything. She will leave the kids either breaking the rules behind her back, or breaking them when they're older and being unable to handle it because they never got to practice anything before when they were younger, or resenting her, or rebelling, or all of the above. Such a rigid parenting style rarely results in happy well adjusted teens.
And I really think her ban on social media has way more to do with control, and making sure they don't say anything she doesn't want them to, than actually giving two shits that somebody could flash them.
AuntieAnn (#33), I'm usually with you on the early-holiday annoyance.
But being smack-dab in the middle of a triple-digit summer in southern California, I have to admit I grinned when I saw the Halloween candy at Walgreens -- knowing fall is coming at some point. Hoodie weather rocks!
Lance Bass is saying his offer was accepted on the Brady Bunch house, and he says he plans to gut the inside so that it matches the interior on the show (the real house's interior wasn't ever used and looks completely different). How fun!
Admin (#36), and the announcement that this is all being filmed for a reality show in 3, 2, 1...
No word from Tucker's there any way to contact her? I think a few of us are concerned although hoping she is just busy having a great summer
I'm wondering about Tucker's Mom too, she's missed. I can't help but feel something isn't right in her world at the moment. I hope I'm wrong.
Flimsy, I hear you. When you have to live with 100+F day after day, week after week, fall starts looking pretty inviting. That's how I felt last summer when the heat was relentless, but we seem to jump from short summers to long winters here with no average temp in between seasons.
Geez, I'm hard to please😑
I think a few of us are concerned although hoping she is just busy having a great summer.
Yes, here's hoping everything is alright with her.
jolie - heads up for Better Call Saul tomorrow night. ~ Administrator said... 36
Lance Bass is saying his offer was accepted on the Brady Bunch house, and he says he plans to gut the inside so that it matches the interior on the show (the real house's interior wasn't ever used and looks completely different). How fun!
• The famous Californian TV home went on the market last month for $1.9million drawing lots of celebrity interest
• The NYSNC star had announced on Friday that he would be the new owner of the Brady Bunch house
• But he took to Instagram Sunday saying that he had been outbid AFTER the deadline for offers had expired
• The former boyband member said he was 'heartbroken' to lose out on the pad to a 'corporate buyer (Hollywood studio)'
• Lance then revealed he suspects it was all part of a ploy to drive up interest and the value of the home
Oh yes Auntie, I've got my PVR all set! It picked up a promotional trailer of the new show the other morning - at 2:30 AM of all times.
AuntieAnn - I can’t wait for Better Call Saul to begin! The trailers look really good.
jolie and NJGal, I haven't been watching AMC lately- too caught up in that darn ID Discovery - so I haven't seen the trailers. I Can't remember how last season ended, it's been such a long time. Is it on Netflix? I'll have to catch up fast if it is.
AuntieAnn - Yes, all three seasons are on Netflix.
I was thinking about TFW's mixed messages to her kids when it comes to interacting with strangers. She repeatedly put them in situations where they were supposed to be friendly and gracious in person to people they'd never met. Remember how one of the tups wound up on Emily's lap at some event? In one episode, the twins got birthday gifts and Mommie Dearest said they were from people who loved them, who they didn't even know. Wait, wha And this is the same woman who put tape on her kids' backpacks to cover their names while traveling. You're traveling with a freakin' production crew. You've had these children filmed with their pants down around their ankles. You have them perform like trained seals to pay your bills. And you're suddenly worried about their PRIVACY?
But this made me think about what just happened to H, and how she and her siblings are going to have to be more careful than the average teenagers as they navigate the social media world.
I think one solution to the problems with children on social media is allowing them to be "Friends" with strangers in their accounts.
I don't understand how parents allow their kids to have online friends that they don't know personally. Even "friends of friends" are complete strangers. And you don't even know if they are actually your friends' friends, or a complete stranger that follows them.
Parents need to monitor their kids' phones and accounts. If your child has 200 "friends," or even 50, something is wrong. No one has that many friends that they actually know personally.
I think it's ridiculous that people focus on how many
Friends they have online. Who cares? That doesn't actually make you popular. Why are parents allowing that?
Allowing comments and especially messages or videos from complete strangers is insane. What ever happened to DON'T TALK TO STRANGERS?!?!?!
I also don't get why anyone would want to follow someone they don't even know. Who cares what a complete stranger did that day, ate for dinner, or what their puppy looks like?
NJGal51, 46 - thanks. I'm almost caught up!
“I Am A Killer” now on Netflix. Death row inmates convicted of capital murder give a firsthand account of their crimes in this documentary series.
I finally saw "Won't You Be My Neighbor?" yesterday. What an incredible man Fred Rogers was. I highly recommend it.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 51
Thanks, Flimsy. I am eager to see this, too. Fred Rogers was a rare kind and wise soul who put his values and talents to such good use.
Former Lurker (#42), I just heard that the CEO of Discovery, David Zalsav, was the person who outbid Lance Bass for the Brady Bunch house. And, yep, HGTV is going to do a show about refurbishing it.
But something tells me Lance is going to get himself involved in it somehow!
True Crime -- Pamela Smart story on Discovery ID, Sunday, August 19.
The Brady Bunch house will be an interesting project - the street view is of a side-side split level. In the show, the interior layout is that of a back-to-front split. Not an easy "renovation" project.
FOTK (#55), always nice to see you!
Our local paper just did an article on quintuplets that just turned 18 who are ready for college and have an older brother. Sadly, there were six of them born, but one baby died. They talked about how they had a family support system including grandparents to keep them going. This is a normal family in a rural area. They didn't need TLC. Kate just did it all wrong.
Former Lurker (#42), I just heard that the CEO of Discovery, David Zalsav, was the person who outbid Lance Bass for the Brady Bunch house. And, yep, HGTV is going to do a show about refurbishing it.
But something tells me Lance is going to get himself involved in it somehow!
Now this could get good! I wouldn't be surprised if they cut him some kind of deal to not engage in a bidding war with them. They'll get this on TV somehow with a renovation project. Wish Golly was around to see this fun.
I finally saw "Won't You Be My Neighbor?" yesterday. What an incredible man Fred Rogers was. I highly recommend it.
I saw it, and I cried through the whole thing. A gentle man who understood children on a much deeper level than many other adults ever have or will.
And the one thing he insisted on was don't patronize children, which I think Kate has done to her children their entire lives, refusing to see and appreciate their complex emotions and their very real understanding of what was going on around them, from the divorce to filming.
I am still in awe at Fred Rogers, asked to speak directly to the public after 9/11, reluctant to do it, sitting there telling his producers he didn't know what he could offer. Even after all that time he didn't realize how much just simply knowing he was there meant to people.
Admin (#59), yes, Fred Rogers was adamant that children's thoughts and feelings are every bit as intense as adults'. He felt a fierce sense of protection for the world's kids. A sense TFW never seemed to feel even for her own.
Someone on Blind Gossip has already guessed this to be Kate & Mady. Ugh.
Kate just posted a photo of 5 of the kids hanging upside down in the pool,at the edge. I'm guessing those to be the 4 remaining tups at home & Mady.
Sandylove (#62), thanks for letting us know. Still no word from Gladys? I know I tease her, but I sincerely hope she is well.
Jeremy and Audrey Roloff's book is available for pre-order. I wonder if it'll come out before TFW's cookbook -- tee hee!
Hi everyone! hope you all are having a fun summer!
I'm having a blast watching season 20 - TWENTY! - of BIG BROTHER on CBS. It is truly better than ever, they did a terrific jib with selecting th hamsters, sorry that's house guests!, this summer. Big Brother is my fave, American Ninja Warrior is the dh favorite, and younger dd (living back with us temporarily) likes America's Got Talent. all new and different. no time for boring old stuff.
The Former Mrs. Jon Gosselin is hot just boring, she is totally irrelevant.
ugh talk about a posed picture- one for the family scrapbook maybe , but I think this is to 'blur' identity of just which kids are there. (although we all know)
JoyinVirginia (#65), great to see you! I have to agree, TFMJG is boring and irrelevant. And I still say she'd have to up her game to even become mediocre!
Hi Flimsy! And everybody else! Wish I could read and post more often, but, as we all know, life can get in the way. At the moment I am caught up in a tire situation. I am quite done with being "tired". But I think I will bounce back - I hope! :)
Talk about a carefully posed picture to keep people guessing just who are still living with her; or you might say, under "their" own roof.
TLC has another show about multiples coming out. Three older brothers and sextuptlets.
Maybe the pool picture will bring Milo out of hiding. It's nice to see the kids enjoy the pool since they paid for it.
You know, those kids look small in that photo, skinny legs. They are 14 and a half now, and they're all solid, big kids, some bigger than others. I wouldn't be surprised this photo is old, like from last year.
Also, she zoomed in, making the photo really grainy. Stupido.
@Admin i love how she's now resorted to taking photos where you can't even see the kids faces,first the ice cream photo,then the game where she claimed the kids were there but didn't uploaded pictures of the kids and now this underwater pool one.Its like anyone who herd what Hannah admitted,is obviously not falling for her trying to fool fans into thinking that one of them is Hannah.
@Admin i love how she's now resorted to taking photos where you can't even see the kids faces,first the ice cream photo,then the game where she claimed the kids were there but didn't uploaded pictures of the kids and now this underwater pool one.Its like anyone who herd what Hannah admitted,is obviously not falling for her trying to fool fans into thinking that one of them is Hannah.
It's so pathetic. Does she think we can't count? You have quadruplets now, Kate, and it's your fault.
Also, I'm not convinced the kids know she's taking these pics. I think she does them stealth like. Even this pic is zoomed in, from a distance. She could have seen the children doing this underwater game and quickly zoomed in for a pic. Sad.
Admin (#73), long gone are the days of the matchy-matchy grinning group shots of 8 camera-ready kids. Maybe when school starts, we'll get a shot of some lunches being packed. It might be the best she can do. Gosh, it's almost as if she's NOT in charge anymore. Bwhaha!
Its like anyone who herd what Hannah admitted,is obviously not falling for her trying to fool fans into thinking that one of them is Hannah.
I didn't see the photo. Did she say or imply that one of them is Hannah? If not, then how is she fooling anyone into thinking one of them is Hannah? I'm confused!
No, there were five kids as there have been with Collin gone and the twins not wanting to be in photos. She didn't say who it was just #sillykids. If you didn't know the latest about H living with Jon you might assume she was there- people think it was Mady in the photo as you can't see the faces, and Cara has not wanted to be in photos for a while
I didn't see the photo. Did she say or imply that one of them is Hannah? If not, then how is she fooling anyone into thinking one of them is Hannah? I'm confused!
BITW - There are 5 of them lined up in a row, boy, boy, girl, girl, girl. And although she didn’t come right out and say so I think it’s safe to assume that she wants you to believe it’s the tups minus one. It may well be if Hannah is there for visitation.
Someone on Blind Gossip has already guessed this to be Kate & Mady. Ugh.
Kate has always been envious of Kris Jenner. And no doubt , she has hoped to turn the kids into mini Kim, Kourtney, Kylie etc. and the “troubled” son Rob would have been played by Colin ,IF Kate had her way.
The problem with this idea is that
1) most of the kids aren’t interested in filming.You can’t film with only half of the kids. Because fans want to see them all together. Heck the ratings have gone down lots since C hasn’t been around
2) the kids don’t have what it takes to be that interesting. Sorry Kate!
3) There is only one Kardashian empire and there will not be any competition if Kris can help it. As conniving as Kris J is, she is a hard working, business woman. Something Kate isn’t.
Another thing, The only one of the kids has expressed interest in stardom is Mady. Sure, she’s funny and has attitude. But she doesn’t have the “IT” factor. And viewers are going to want Cara film along with her. I can almost see Kate trying to get them a spin off show, of the twins going off to college. But neither of them have what it takes to carry a show. C is often too busy picking lint off of her shirt, while Mady’s complaining/ criticizing isn’t winning her over with fans.
Like somebody commented in the article, “While it is costly to raise that many kids, Kate’s champage taste on beer budget didn’t help. All of kate’s money avenues have dried up and she is desperate.” I doubt she’ll ever be successful as she was yrs ago.
There is only one Kardashian empire and there will not be any competition if Kris can help it. As conniving as Kris J is, she is a hard working, business woman. Something Kate isn’t.
They are savvy. They are smart. This empire didn't get built by accident. It was orchestrated, and it took an incredible amount of hard work. Something Kate could never do.
I met Kris and Kim about 7 years ago when I went to a film with a mutual friend who had a bit part on Lost. He approached them to introduce himself, which totally embarrassed me at first. But they immediately recognized him from Lost, gushed over what big fans they were of the show and him, and posed for multiple pictures. They were sipping cokes and chowing down on popcorn. They were real, friendly, like any other fan at that moment. He approached them as a fan, only to have them turn into his fans. This family may be absurd and I cannot stand watching that show, but this sort of behavior around town that is not being filmed helped build up their reputation bit by bit as characters that people were interested in following.
I didn't see the photo. Did she say or imply that one of them is Hannah? If not, then how is she fooling anyone into thinking one of them is Hannah? I'm confused!
I think what folks are trying to say is that when she never really shows the kids' faces it's hard to accuse her of Hannah not being there or Collin not being there. Therefore, I do think she is trying to play slight of hand like hey I just took a pic of four, or five, or whatever kids, and who is anyone to know who is here or not or who is just off camera?
If she clearly showed their faces every time, it would be clear that Hannah and Collin are missing every time. If that makes sense.
Kate has always been envious of Kris Jenner.
Has Kate ever spoken about Kris Jenner, or commented about the family? I'm out of the loop here.
@Admin Thats the thing though,if Hannah was there then what is with these back of the head photos where you can't even see the kids faces?Unless the kids don't want their pictures taken,then thats kinda weird of kate to take a photo when they're not looking.It reminds of when milo was taking back of the head photos of kids that she claimed is hers.
@Admin Thats the thing though,if Hannah was there then what is with these back of the head photos where you can't even see the kids faces?Unless the kids don't want their pictures taken,then thats kinda weird of kate to take a photo when they're not looking.It reminds of when milo was taking back of the head photos of kids that she claimed is hers.
It's a staged photo. Maybe one of the kids hung upside down and she told the other ones to do it because it looked cute. She had them pose that way and took a photo. If they are hanging on the edge of the pool with their faces under the water, it's kind of hard to tell their identities, but that's the way they are lined up.
I don't understand why these comments. I mean, is it really important who was there and who wasn't there?
I mean, is it really important who was there and who wasn't there?
Kate thinks it is. She has to keep up her image of mom of the year, posting the kids' summer shenanigans and yet not revealing two kids are not there and one is in hiding.
@Sheepless in seattle The problem is that Kate has a habit of trying to control the narrative.She's done stuff like this all the time,biggest example was when the news got out that Hannah wanted to live with Jon,Kate immediately uploaded a picture of her with both Hannah and Leah,and as such i saw fans who suddenly thought the whole hannah wanting to be with jon story was a lie.It was Kate's way to try to control the narrative,as such with these new photos where you can't see the kids faces.Most of the fans are going to assume that its the 5 remaining tups.I haven't seen Hannah's live stream videos where she answers questions but if its true what some here have said with what they've seen and herd what she said on the podcast about being with Jon then we can assume more then likely that one of them is not Hannah in the picture.Whats interesting is that i check the comments and now some fans are getting tired of Kate refusing to answer any questions. justlifeinspired @howittte . She very rarely answers. Most celebrities are the same. Wait till no one goes on there account then they will wonder why. Used to go on Kate's every day but got fed up of all the unanswered questions from fans now maybe every 3 months or so.
Most of the fans are going to assume that its the 5 remaining tups.I haven't seen Hannah's live stream videos where she answers questions but if its true what some here have said with what they've seen and herd what she said on the podcast about being with Jon then we can assume more then likely that one of them is not Hannah in the picture.
I totally get this, but who cares (other than Kate) which ones are there? I mean, most folks who follow the story are aware by now that Collin isn't at home and that Hannah lives with Jon. In the whole scheme of things, is it really important to know which kids are hanging upside down? If she wants to control the narrative, then let her control it.
Has Milo resurfaced?
Sheepless (#86), for me, it's just interesting to observe the changes in TFW's social media output now that H is no longer living with her. She miraculously carried on with business as usual after she sent C away. Puppies! Space Camp! Best birthday ever! It's as if the boy had never existed, and that his absence had zero effect on her and family.
But I think H being gone has created a real challenge for her. She can't peddle that preposterous "away at college" comparison she tried with C. H is living with Jon, and I bet TFW never thought in a million years that that could happen. If her entire career is rooted in being an amazing mom, and that theory has been dispelled, what does she do now?
I don't understand why these comments. I mean, is it really important who was there and who wasn't there?
It seems like people here want to believe that because Hannah is living with Jon that she never sees Kate or her other siblings. They accuse Kate of trying to "pretend" that Hannah is there when she isn't or she's using "old" pictures taken before Hannah left.
Enough with the "conspiracy" theories, already. Even if Hannah lives with Jon full time, I'm sure she still visits her siblings and mother as part of the custody agreement.
I thought Milo died....
Kate Is A Twit (88): 'Enough with the "conspiracy" theories, already. Even if Hannah lives with Jon full time, I'm sure she still visits her siblings and mother as part of the custody agreement. "
I'll go along with that! I really don't know or care who is hanging upside down in the pool!
Milo died?
Wondering in the US said... 89
I thought Milo died....
Why would you think that? If you know this to be true please say as much. If you're just trolling ... beat it. NOT funny.
It seems like people here want to believe that because Hannah is living with Jon that she never sees Kate or her other siblings. They accuse Kate of trying to "pretend" that Hannah is there when she isn't or she's using "old" pictures taken before Hannah left.
1. Well Hannah herself said she sees both her mother and her siblings, so I'm not sure why anyone would think otherwise. Do I think it's all that frequent, not really, but I trust her when she says she does see them.
2. I don't think anyone can honestly say that Kate is being so very forthcoming about which kids are home and which aren't. She is almost always incredibly vague about that, and takes care to take photos in which it's hard to tell who is there. She does play games about this issue, that's all that's being said.
But I think H being gone has created a real challenge for her.
I agree. That's all that's going on here, Kate not quite sure how to handle this kettle of fish.
God forbid she handle it in a forthcoming way, "Hannah lives with her father." Lord knows she loved to boast when the kids lived with HER.
Wondering in the US said... 89
I thought Milo died....
Maybe you are thinking of GollyGee and not Milo.
God forbid she handle it in a forthcoming way, "Hannah lives with her father."
I don't think she's able to form those words on her lips or in her mind. Hannah busted her and that wasn't supposed to happen to someone who was always going to be in charge.
I do und this June 29th comment that could explain why people believe Hannah doesn’t see Kate, and Kate is trying to make it appear she does:
Hannah did a live stream last night. She seems very comfortable with doing them. 2 Friends over, I did not see Jon. She mentioned she was staying in Pennsylvania w her dad and audio was bad going to penn state-I think. Someone asked were the twins were going and she said she doesn’t know, they didn’t talk to her. Someone said what siblings talk to you and she looked off, paused and said the boys do. There was a look of pain. Then more I couldn’t understand. Someone asked do you spend any time w your mom and H said no. No. Second no was not rude but it was just emphasized. People were asking more questions than she answered about Jon getting more custody and she left those. Someone said why did you stay w your mom so long and H said it was a law thing. Are you staying at your school yes. I love my school. Is Collin going to live w you and your dad soon? Yes. Best news ever! (My words) I got interrupted and missed same, came back to them laughing at an inside joke and H said not looking in the camera, I can’t believe I’ve never had a sleep over w you guys! You’re crazy! This is a h we have not seen and this bitter hearted busy was tearing up. I set up my phone to notify when she goes live.
Older poster
Someone said what siblings talk to you and she looked off, paused and said the boys do. There was a look of pain. Then more I couldn’t understand. Someone asked do you spend any time w your mom and H said no. No. Second no was not rude but it was just emphasized.
Huh. In a subsequent live feed I recapped a few minutes of she was asked do you see your mom she said yes do you see your siblings she said yes. She didn't elaborate. If she doesn't in fact see them at all or much maybe she's just saying yes to get the questions to stop. Poor kid either way.
We made national news and AOL news today with our sinkhole in an outlet parking lot. The darn thing just keeps expanding! It's a new addition to the center, and I'm wondering if they just did a bad job in the parking lot construction process.
The area got flooded again last night and more is expected today.
So apparently God has now called Dirty Jesus to the bar.
After being an accountant at Wal-mart for a year post-nuptials; a "missionary" in Central America (as shown on TLC, in a "volunteer" capacity) for maybe 16 months; and a minister apprentice at Cross Church, a yearlong program for which he paid $12K to get a ministry "license" (whatever TF means), he has now decided that God is leading his family in yet another direction. Oh, excuse me, GOD has decided. At what point does God stop being so damned fickle?
In case it escaped your notice, he collected on different gofundme campaigns for a total of three years, for the entire time he had his "Dillard Family Ministry" in Central America and for his $12K whatchamacallit from Cross Church. Where the hell is the IRS? Can you just suddenly decide you're not a "ministry" anymore and move on with no tax consequences? And who's footing the bill for law school? We know it's not TLC. Would JimBlob actually pay for higher education for a 30-year-old that isn't even his? When he wouldn't even pay for his own?
You got a wife and two kids, dude---man up.
Where the hell is the IRS? Can you just suddenly decide you're not a "ministry" anymore and move on with no tax consequences? And who's footing the bill for law school? We know it's not TLC. Would JimBlob actually pay for higher education for a 30-year-old that isn't even his? When he wouldn't even pay for his own?
Oh my God, law school would eat him and his opinions alive. Even in Arkansas. He's going to get destroyed. I hope some of the other students talk.
Sad but true said... 99
So apparently God has now called Dirty Jesus to the bar.
Can he make a Dirty Martini?
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 101
LOL, I'd say probably not, more's the pity.
Oh my God, law school would eat him and his opinions alive. Even in Arkansas. He's going to get destroyed. I hope some of the other students talk.
I would love to be a fly on the wall the first time he tries to use the Bible or Christianity as a defense.
Derrick has been living in his reality TV bubble for so long that he seems to feel like there's nothing he can't accomplish. Even with the tweeting scandals, he and his wife have had their fans (oy) there to tell then they're super awesome Christians, and to send them money, so that they could live well without any visible means of employment. If he was still in the loving arms of TLC, I bet he would propose a spin-off for the Dillard family about this.
The arrogance and smugness Derick has portrayed through his tweets shows a man who probably thinks he's always the smartest person in the room. Wait until he gets into a law school classroom with 100 other people, many of whom wanted to be attorneys since they were old enough to spell the word, who think the same thing about themselves. And -- gasp! -- some of them will be WOMEN. In the immortal words of Katie Irene Gosselin, get yer popcorn!
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 101
Can he make a Dirty Martini?
I think he practices exclusively in wine.
In case it escaped your notice, he collected on different gofundme campaigns for a total of three years, for the entire time he had his "Dillard Family Ministry" in Central America and for his $12K whatchamacallit from Cross Church. Where the hell is the IRS?
Maybe he is thinking about becoming a lawyer so he can act pro se when they catch up with him.
... A lawyer who represents himself has an even bigger fool for a client.
NJGal51, jolie... are you enjoying BCS as much as I am? It's going to be an interesting season as we're finally starting to see Jimmy morph into Saul. I just wish the show was two hours long instead of only only one. Those minutes tick by so fast.
I think he practices exclusively in wine.
He turns the water into wine? That would be a lucrative job for him.
Has he started a "fund me for law school" page? I'm anxiously waiting to send a donation.
Anyone pre-ordering Auj and Jeremy Roloof's book?
AuntieAnn @107 - I really am enjoying BCS this year. And yes, we're starting to see a bit of Saul coming out. What makes me sad is the fact that we know that Kim isn't in his future.
Fleecing The Sheeple said...
He turns the water into wine?
I doubt he could pull that off but with enough gofundme cash he can just buy the wine - the cheap boxed stuff - and call it a miracle.😁
I can't believe people actually still donate to this character. WTH?
"Oh my God, law school would eat him and his opinions alive. Even in Arkansas."
Universities in the South have a variety of political opinions. He's going to run into the issues of abortions and gay rights. There are conservative schools that have law schools. I'm surprised he didn't go for one of them.
I can't believe people actually still donate to this character. WTH?
Jumper Kim will be the first on the donor list.
ncgirl said... 112
I think this was as close to JimBob's home as he could find a law school (like, 10 miles). I don't think Jill could handle him being away from the house so much and not having her family nearby. Granted, there was Central America, but I don't think he actually left her alone very much. Now, he has no choice. I don't think law school will welcome wifey in class.
NJGal51 said...
What makes me sad is the fact that we know that Kim isn't in his future.
I know, I like her a lot and liked how she is changing too based on the way she ripped Howard a new one last night. ha!
Wishful thinking maybe but if there is enough interest along with the already huge audience, Vince Gilligan, genius that he is, might continue an after BB show that follows Saul with a his new Cinnabon identity because I just can't see him working there forever. That would be fun.
Jumper Kim will be the first on the donor list.
Jumper Kim lol. Is she still around?
Good evening all, I was wondering if there was anymore news re: the air date for Kate + Date. I kind of watched part of Counting On last night--more for the commercials, to see if there were any for Date-A-Shrew--and switched channels when the new sextuplet show came on. I can tell you that with 'Dirty Jesus' fired and his family gone, JimBoob & Babykins as well as the 5? younger girls are getting more screen time. This afternoon I scrolled thru the TLC schedule on my TV and the August 20th schedule did not show Kate + Date Counting On. Instead, there is a new show called Little Life on the Prairie which follows a little couple and their pregnancy. So it appears Katie Irene's search for love has been preempted.
Susan1956 (#177), thanks for letting us know there were no promos. Looks like Schmoopy is riding the pine again, waiting for TLC to call her off the bench and shoehorn her in somewhere. How very mediocre.
Universities in the South have a variety of political opinions. He's going to run into the issues of abortions and gay rights. There are conservative schools that have law schools. I'm surprised he didn't go for one of them.
I'm surprised too he's at a rather mainstream law school that has an okay ranking (not great, but not terrible either). He might feel more comfortable at a religious school, true, but even then I'm not so sure. He's not conservative. He's coo-coo for cocoa puffs. He's just not going to be able to find many people he relates to at even the most conservative of schools. Plus he can't back up his opinions with reason and rational logic. Anyone can survive law school if they have reason and logic. Hence why I say, he'll be eaten alive.
There were tons of conservatives at my school even in California. The profession attracts hoards of conservatives because many people who have a tough on crime mindset and want to be prosecutors go to law school. Maybe people don't realize that, and I don't think most other graduate majors are like this, they probably lean more leftie as academia tends to do. But conservatives, of whom plenty are in the law, are going to look at this guy and want to give him a shower and shave and then turn circles around his stupid opinions until they obliterate him. He won't even survived 1L orientation.
Also the way law school works for many students is you get into the best school you can get into. So even if that school doesn't really match your preferences like your undergrad did, you just go because it's the best you can get into. He may be thinking that, but he doesn't know what he's in for. I went to a conservative Christian school that was full of atheists and Jews and Muslims. And it was totally fine. They were there because the respected the school's ranking and academics and were happy to learn about another religion on the side because the point is you're getting a solid law degree and can pass that bar. There's just no way that coo-coo has even the beginnings of a bone of tolerance to coexist with people who aren't like him for the sake of being at the best school he can get into.
I know, I like her a lot and liked how she is changing too based on the way she ripped Howard a new one last night. ha!
Wishful thinking maybe but if there is enough interest along with the already huge audience, Vince Gilligan, genius that he is, might continue an after BB show that follows Saul with a his new Cinnabon identity because I just can't see him working there forever. That would be fun.
I hope this continues on for as long as they have juice! This show has emerged for me as better than Breaking Bad. I care about Kim, Jimmy, Mike, and all the lovely folks at the assisted living home. I want good outcomes for them. I'm also certain they must have done some heavy duty consulting with real lawyers, because their depiction of large firms, small firms, and private practice is so on the money I often forget I'm hanging out with actors and not real lawyers. Especially that document review drudgery in the basement Kim had to do last season. Every lawyer has put in their dues doing that and can relate.
By the way did anyone catch that Bonnie Bartlett has a small role as one of the old folks? Grace, Isaiah's wife, from Little House on the Prairie. She walks exactly the same!
It seems we're fast approaching the time this series was supposed to air. The April TLC press release doesn't specify a date that I can see but multiple other outlets say "the fall."
I imagine this is going to be like the last few episodes of the series, their air date pushed back two or three times. Such is the life of a bench warmer, waiting for someone to break a leg or molest a child so they can shine.
In case it escaped your notice, he collected on different gofundme campaigns for a total of three years, for the entire time he had his "Dillard Family Ministry" in Central America and for his $12K whatchamacallit from Cross Church. Where the hell is the IRS?
The recipient can pretty much skip out on taxes in general with gofundme. It's considered a gift, and not taxable. To which I say: GRRR.
Wait until he gets into a law school classroom with 100 other people, many of whom wanted to be attorneys since they were old enough to spell the word, who think the same thing about themselves. And -- gasp! -- some of them will be WOMEN. In the immortal words of Katie Irene Gosselin, get yer popcorn!
This is what law school is like for most students who end up there. Your whole life you were the straight A student, the apple of your parents' eye. Your trophies are lined up on the shelf in your bedroom. Your certificates are neatly framed in the hallway. You're great at piano and sports, too, usually, because you're an overachiever who has to be the best at anything you do. You breezed through college, finding some classes easier than all the AP's you sailed through in high school, which gave you the in some cases bad idea maybe you could handle law school and be a law-yar someday.
And you spend a ton of money and you get into a law school. Then you sit in a room with 80 other kids who are also all that you used to be. That's your "section" and you do all your classes with the same 80 kids. And then you find out there's two other sections of 80 kids a piece all just like your 80, and in 2L and 3L you get to mix with them. And every kid has the same story as you and all of a sudden you're graded on a CURVE only you can't count on there being any stupid kids to make it easier for you to get the A because THERE ARE NO STUPID KIDS ANYMORE. Shocked emoji face.
And you end up best friends for life with many of them, but damn, it's an experience. An experience he will not be long for.
I'm confused. How can Dirty Jesus get into law school with only an associate's degree and/or be able to get a good score on the LSAT's?
Susan1956 (#177), thanks for letting us know there were no promos. Looks like Schmoopy is riding the pine again, waiting for TLC to call her off the bench and shoehorn her in somewhere. How very mediocre.
Isn't this what TLC has historically done with Kate? Wait until the last minute to promote the shows? It doesn't necessarily mean that she's not on the fall line-up, but it just hasn't yet been announced.
Is Gladys still missing?
At this point I don't think Kate plus Date is going to be part of TLC's initial fall lineup. There has been no advertising and it isn't on the schedule in the next two weeks. It seems the regular weeknight schedule for new programming is pretty well set for now.
I'm thinking her show will premier after the initial run of episodes for something like "Little Life on the Prairie" is complete. Her previous regular seasons have premiered on January 13, 2015; December 8, 2015; and November 22, 2016. There were a few other special episodes (birthdays, Mother's Day, etc.) and the outlying 3 episodes that aired in July of last year.
I'm not looking for Kate's new show until after Thanksgiving.
Susan1956 said... 124
I'm confused. How can Dirty Jesus get into law school with only an associate's degree and/or be able to get a good score on the LSAT's?
I’ve been wondering the same thing.
MikeB (#127), yeah, it sure doesn't seem like TLC is in any all-fire hurry to get this show on the schedle.
It's interesting to think about how high TFW was flying, and how far she's fallen. She blew chance after chance, and squandered opportunity after opportunity. If she was capable of any introspection, perhaps she could see herself as the common factor in all of her personal and professional failures.
NJGal51 said... 128
Susan1956 said... 124
I'm confused. How can Dirty Jesus get into law school with only an associate's degree and/or be able to get a good score on the LSAT's?
He actually has a bachelor's in business Oklahoma State. And I don't think it's all that tough to pass the LSATs; according to what I've read, he may also have taken a prep course.
Sad but true said... 130
Thank you for pointing that out--I thought he only had as associate degree for some reason.
He actually has a bachelor's in business Oklahoma State. And I don't think it's all that tough to pass the LSATs; according to what I've read, he may also have taken a prep course.
LSAT is what gets you into law school and it's not really a "pass" thing, you just get a score on it up to I think it's still 180. A score above 170 will get you into Harvard, a score of 160 and above will get you into a good school, a score above 145 will get you into the crap schools, and below that you'll be struggling to find a spot most anywhere but even some private unaccredited places will probably take you.
The LSAT is just about learning how to solve logic puzzles. Mary, John and Sue have a lemonade stand. Mary made 10 dollars more than John but three less than Sue. Sue's lemonade stand was red. What color was Mary's stand? Shit like that. If you can figure stupid stuff like that out you're in.
Also this is not usually well known but it's possible to be a lawyer without having gone to school. Some bars will just let you take the bar. But, naturally, it's hard to pass without any kind of training. I know a lawyer who went to law school but not undergrad and passed the bar.
Isn't this what TLC has historically done with Kate? Wait until the last minute to promote the shows? It doesn't necessarily mean that she's not on the fall line-up, but it just hasn't yet been announced.
Historically they've done some of that and they've also done a whole lot of announcing dates she will be shown then pushing those dates out. Delay delay delay.
Basically she's a bench warmer, and treated as such. They'll plug her when when they like whenever they like with little to know notice. This is not the treatment they give to their banner stars.
OT--this is interesting. According to the ratings, there was a slight dip between the two Counting On episodes on Monday--they were ranked 23 & 24 so they made the top 25. However, the new sextuplet show which followed Counting On came in at 53, still within the top 150 shows. Last night's episode of Outdaughtered was number 16 according to TV By The Numbers. Maybe TLC viewers are getting tired of shows featuring multiples?
About the fall premiere date of her new Fake Date with Khate show and also the Khate Plus 8 show - a page back, I posted this comment :
Former Lurker said... 128
Well, this is interesting. And, I hope incorrect. I just did a Google "news" search for "Kate Plus Date TLC" to see if there's any new info on the new show.
What came up is a Good Housekeeping article from two weeks ago that lists the premiere dates of TV shows this August, September, and October.
I don't see anything for the new Fake Date with Khate show, but it does say this:
Monday, August 20
Kate Plus 8 (TLC)
When I first saw that article it said this at the end:
This list will be updated as more networks finalize and release their fall TV schedules.
And, the list has been updated. They deleted the August 20th date for Khate Plus 8, and that show doesn't appear anywhere on the list. I wonder if its initial inclusion on the list was an error on their part, OR if TLC gave them that info and then something changed (I think that's the more likely situation, as I don't think the magazine is just making stuff up and adding it to their list).
More interesting is that it has fall premiere dates through October 31st, and there's NO mention of the new Fake Date with Khate show.
On TFW's most recent Instagram post, (the pool pic), longtime TFW fan patriciachow0901 made a comment. She had recently been posting comments on Jon and Hannah's IG pics, including their pics with Collin, seeming to be happy that they were spending time with Collin. Now, she posted this on TFW's IG:
patriciachow0901 Would love to see a photo of you & Collin together @Kateplusmy8.
Not that Khate will answer her.
Also, I forgot to mention this about the August 20th date. I think it's possible that TLC did change some shows around. While Khate Plus 8 was listed as premiering on August 20th and is now not on that list, that new TLC show "Little Life on the Prairie" now premieres on that date at 10 pm. It's not listed (yet) on that list in the Good Housekeeping article, though.
I wonder if TLC was going to air some episodes of Khate Plus 8 but then decided to go with this new show instead?
If she was capable of any introspection, perhaps she could see herself as the common factor in all of her personal and professional failures.
Is a narcissist capable of doing that? Don't they blame everyone and everything except themselves?
Blowing (#138), no, narcissists don't "do" introspection. They surround themselves with people who do their bidding, then drop those people when they've outlived their usefulness (Jon, C, Beth, Jodi, etc.). Even animals aren't safe. TFW got some episode fodder out of poor Nala, and then gave her away.
There are givers and takers in this world. Narcissists are takers who can identify givers with expert precision. Maybe TFW should just own that identity, and run with it: Taker TFW. TLC should just give up with the dating nonsense already. Any decent, loving man would prefer athlete's foot to an evening with Kate Gosselin.
This list will be updated as more networks finalize and release their fall TV schedules.
And, the list has been updated. They deleted the August 20th date for Khate Plus 8, and that show doesn't appear anywhere on the list. I wonder if its initial inclusion on the list was an error on their part, OR if TLC gave them that info and then something changed (I think that's the more likely situation, as I don't think the magazine is just making stuff up and adding it to their list).
Good sleuthing. I'm wondering if they really only made one or two episodes of this. We have a bit of info she went somewhere with Jamie some time back, and a bit of info she filmed Kate Plus Date at the escape room. And that's it, nothing else leaked. So I figure, two episodes tops, unless they have been very good at being quiet about any others, which seems unlikely. Things always leak.
Maybe they didn't test well with the network and they put them on the bench to warm.
Admin (#140), I think TFW's career grows colder with every passing month she's off TLC's schedule. And she's doing zip to help herself. She's had, what, 2 or 3 social media posts all summer? But when (or if) TLC finally shoehorns her in, I suppose she'll come out of her cave and try to drum up an audience to watch the abomination.
TFW "sold" herself as Everymom, but she never was, and never will be.
Many fans really bought it, and were thrilled at the chance to "befriend" a celebrity. She's ditched them, but she'll need them back some day.
Like that friend who disappears for months at a time, but suddenly calls when she need a ride to the airport, or help moving, or wants a job reference. Heifer, please.
Just saw Jon’s live feed on instagram. People initially asked where Hannah was and he said “she’s upstairs”. A few people started asking some private questions and he got very protective, telling them to mind their business.
Later on, H came down stairs and Jon allowed the viewers to see her. She would occasionally come into view. Jon was promoting all of his music for his DJ gig. So he was mostly playing album after album of 90s music. He looked so happy and so natural as a dj. He was at his home. And he would starting singing and dancing to the songs.
Jon mentioned that H cooked him some hotdogs and he was about to eat. And he shows the hotdogs to his viewers. Good job H! Haha!
A few people asked if H was living with him. He got up close to the camera and said “ yes Hannah is living with me permanently” .
Then someone else asked why the other kids weren’t living with him. He answered “ they aren’t as smart as Hannah”.
After playing at least twenty or more songs, he announced he was going to end the video soon. Some requested to see H again. He reluctantly asks H to come back into view. She does while viewers say how cute they are as father and daughter. They seemed annoyed at first, but soften up as the comments are all really nice and sweet.
Jon seems like such a fun, relaxed dad. In general, the comments were really nice towards Jon. Most people think he is a fun loving, wonderful father. And he’s clearly a very popular DJ!
I think Jon saying “there not as smart as Hannah” is a terrible thing to say. There are many reasons those kids don’t leave Kate and being smart is not one of them. Way to pit one kid against the others, Jon. Jerk.
Jon seems like such a fun, relaxed dad. In general, the comments were really nice towards Jon. Most people think he is a fun loving, wonderful father. And he’s clearly a very popular DJ!
Yep. I've been saying this all along! :-)
Flimsy (139):
"Any decent, loving man would prefer athlete's foot to an evening with Kate Gosselin."
Or jock itch.
Maybe they didn't test well with the network and they put them on the bench to warm.
I know that in Las Vegas there are places to view upcoming shows and they stand in the walkways of the casinos (MGM Grand and Ballys come to mind) actively recruiting people to come in and view them. I know that you're compensated for your time while viewing. I wonder if TLC does something along these lines and the dating show didn't test well with the target audiences.
NJGal -- I have seen that CBS Research Institute in the courtyard between Bally's and Harrahs.
They used to pay $50.00 a session for each participant. The last time I was approached, they only offered an envelope of coupons. I have never participated.
You do have to "qualify" -- as they are looking for target audiences. They sometimes want a certain children's age group.
I think it could be an interesting activity.
I was called for jury duty on Monday. A rather big local case. I was not selected. I went into the courtroom yesterday afternoon just to hear some of the testimony. I was interested.
Do you think my muumuu and pearls and crocs made me look less appealing to the defense team?
I’m a longtime reader who rarely posts but I couldn’t resist this one. The woman in the video touching the bartender is not identified. It happened at Spirits on Bourbon in New Orleans. Watch it in slow-mo and see who it reminds you of. Is it just me?
PA Dutch Mom (#143), tee hee! I didn't see any of Jon's talk, but it sounds like he has a passion and enthusiasm for what he does. I think you get really lucky when what brings you joy also pays your bills. And I think that's a great thing for his kids to observe.
Dmasy (#145), forget the outfit -- they probably saw you reading one of your true-crime books and were worried that you were a ringer who knew too much about the law!
Is it just me? said... 147
MUCH too young to be K8. :-)
JustMissy said... 143
I didn't see Jon's IG Live, so I can't be sure about this, but it wouldn't surprise me if Jon's comment "They aren't as smart as Hannah" was said in jest. Poor taste? Maybe a little, but I know I've made lots and lots of jokes that have fallen flat. We know Jon is not a total jerk, so I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt on this one.
I didn't see Jon's IG Live, so I can't be sure about this, but it wouldn't surprise me if Jon's comment "They aren't as smart as Hannah" was said in jest. Poor taste? Maybe a little, but I know I've made lots and lots of jokes that have fallen flat. We know Jon is not a total jerk, so I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt on this one.
I'm not sure the exact words of his comment but I also think people on instagram are asking way too personal questions about custody and way too many questions about custody. Give it a rest already and let Jon and Hannah talk about what THEY want to talk about.
I can't stop people from asking what they want to ask, but I'm sure on has gotten to the point where one just wants to be a smart ass about it all.
In one of the few live videos I saw, Hannah was answering custody questions in a rather clipped manner, as if extremely fed up with them. Geez.
Is it just me? said... 147
MUCH too young to be K8. :-)
I watched the video.
1. it's hilarious!
2. her horrified expression sure does look a lot like Kate's horrified expression, everybody has a lookalike out there.
Re Jon's 'work' as a DJ - A wise person once said, "Find yourself a job you love, and you'll never have to 'work' again".
Do you think my muumuu and pearls and crocs made me look less appealing to the defense team?
Did they match in color, or did they clash?
Watch it in slow-mo and see who it reminds you of. Is it just me?
I also think she's too young to be TFW but that said, the gaping maw on the look-alike in the still photo is a perfect match.
Hi Everybody,
I'm a very long time reader. Never posted before but have followed the Gosselin saga with a kind of horrified disbelief after my daughter told me to watch it a few years ago. What has finally prompted me to comment is a few thoughts I've had about the far reaching effect of the "Truman Show" life of the Gosselin children. I'm Australian, and know intimate personal details about children on the other side of the globe. The exploitation of these children is not just confined to the USA.It's global. In every country this show has been broadcast. I'm a true single mother of five children, I've raised them after leaving an abusive marriage and like most mothers, protecting them is instinctive. My heart goes out to the Gosselin children because of how their basic human right to privacy, which most of us take for granted has been taken from them; violated by a gestational carrier who should never have been a mother. I hope that each one of them finds a way to heal from having that right taken from them and that in their adult lives they can find a way to take back the power and live their lives in peace.
Concerned Aussie (#157), welcome. Thanks so much for your thoughtful and powerful comment. I hope you'll continue to express your thoughts.
I used to say TFW was someone who wanted babies, not children. But worse than that, I think she only wanted the ATTENTION motherhood brought her. Her maternal instinct seems to be nonexistent. Yes, I,do hope the 8 G kids are able to make their way through adulthood finding some sort of peace with the lab experiment that was their childhood
Lorrie said... 151
I didn't see Jon's IG Live, so I can't be sure about this, but it wouldn't surprise me if Jon's comment "They aren't as smart as Hannah" was said in jest. Poor taste...
I agree. However if you do live IGs you can expect intrusive questions which they are free to ignore. They are 'famous' for the reality show both parents agreed to put their family on back when. I hope the other kids did not see this but I am still happy for Jon and H...and hopefully C before long.
Kate had babies for Kate. And that is never a good reason to have kids and certainly won’t last through the long haul of raising children. And hasn’t for her.
Welcome Concerned Aussie & thank you for your take on the awful situation the Gosselin children have been thrown into. Canada's Dionne Quints should have been an example of what happens when children are put out there for others' amusement. One or two of the quints even went so far as to warn other parents of multiples to not make their lives a spectacle.
I don't know why Jon & Hannah continue answering questions from the public on Instagram. In my opinion they're just fanning the flame, when they should just let it die out & try to have normal lives.
I don't know why Jon & Hannah continue answering questions from the public on Instagram. In my opinion they're just fanning the flame, when they should just let it die out & try to have normal lives.
I've sort of been wondering the same thing, jolie. They both obviously had to go through some difficult times to get where they are now, so why not move on and be happy that they've come this far. I agree...fanning the flame is a good way to put it. Why aggravate the dragon further?
Yes. I'm sure many of those asking intrusive questions are doing so out of concern, but why give them a platform if J and H don't want to discuss private matters/ We all wish them- and the other kids- the best. Curiosity is part of some people's agenda, but generally I would think most are just seeking assurance H is still with Jon, away form TFW and wondering about the fate of the other six.
Personally I don’t think it’s bad Jon is doing live questions online as long as he doesn’t answer questions that are too personal about Hannah.
I don’t think he should do the live video chats where you can see strangers online, especially after that last incident.
I wonder if there’s so much going on with custody issues with Hannah and maybe even some of the other kids that he wants it known Hannah does live with him. I’m sure if he just said it all if Kate’s fans would call him a liar. Maybe Hannah wants people to see she had a normal life when she’s in her home with Jon compared to being with Kate.
I personally find it reassuring that Hannah lives with him and they have a great relationship and she’s living a normal teen life with a best friend and sleepovers etc.
But I’m satisfied now. I don’t need to know any more about his life with Hannah.
It would be nice to one day know the other kids are with him and have a good relationship with him. I don’t think any of us would mind seeing that... and then just leave it at that.
About TFW's unscheduled dating you suppose her beau in the escape room episode took the challenge literally, and escaped from her? And they can't air the episode until they find him so he can sign his release?
The dogs, the dogs.
kateplusmy8 Rain jackets for long haired dogs is a good idea (especially ones with reflectors strips like this one) BUT please tell me what dog is going to tolerate wearing a hood??! Seriously? #JacketFail #BoughtOnClearance #Mak #Adorable
carleneigras1 But you bought it on clearance. Score!
kateplusmy8@carleneigras1 and that’s the ONLY reason why! I think they were like $3 or something insanely cheap! I’ll take them— hood and all —for that price!
hspncelvis Nice hat. Where can I get one?
kateplusmy8@hspncelvis 😂
tubesntreatment_glorytogod When my dog wears the hood she looks like a baby seal 😂 I have no clue why hoods come on so many dog things haha. And pockets too? They’d never save a treat for later lol
kateplusmy8@tubesntreatment_glorytogod SO true! 😂😂😂
lilly_flower85 I need a rain coat that covers the belly. That's what gets gross in walks durn8ng the rain
kateplusmy8@lilly_flower85 YES! Agreed!
Sloooow night on the old IG.
She's really pretty oblivious to the plethora of fakes out there, isn't she?
kateplusmy8@alexis_faith1123 please delete this account immediately. This is NOT Alexis, everyone! Thanks for NOT following it!
I didn't see a comment from that account on this photo, so I don't know why it all of a sudden got her attention.
Way too little, WAY too late, K8.
kateplusmy8@alexis_faith1123 please delete this account immediately. This is NOT Alexis, everyone! Thanks for NOT following it!
I didn't see a comment from that account on this photo, so I don't know why it all of a sudden got her attention.
Way too little, WAY too late, K8.
Oh yeah I'm sure @alexis_faith1123 is gonna delete her account pronto now that Kate has pointed out the fake. LOL, what a dumb dumb.
LOL, is she kidding? What about the 982 others out there, some of them for years? Yeah, this sure makes K8 a good mother: If not for her, none of those fake accounts would exist. And it makes the person commenting not much of a fan.
XXXXX I don't ever respond on "celeb" posts but 1) this is a cute pic and 2) big time props for reading your comments and calling out someone pretending to be your child. That speaks volumes about your character where motherhood is concerned. It isn't surprising to me, though. My granny and I watched your show from the beginning and your priority as a Mom first has always been very evident.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 165
About TFW's unscheduled dating you suppose her beau in the escape room episode took the challenge literally, and escaped from her? And they can't air the episode until they find him so he can sign his release?
haha. He's probably in Argentina by now wishing he'd opted for the athlete's foot. Or jock itch. Or both.
Maybe she's angling for a story in ROL about how she stays on top of the kids' social media accounts. It's all about the narrative.
So, right after she calls out that alexis fake:
leah.hope.gosselin Awesome so sweet 🤩😍😍😍 😍😍🤩🤩🤩
LOL! No comment from K8.
How are they going to explain where the men for Kate's dates come of the street or what? It is not like she has ever found anyone on her own, in all of these years. Also, since she is supposedly looking for someone to marry, as the kids worry about her being alone once they are gone, will she date the same men more than one time, or a variety of them just once? She never films without Steve being there, so I am sure we will glimpse him at some point in the back ground. How will they explain having her real boy friend along on her supposed dates?
Susan1956 (#171), yeah, it wouldn't surprise me a bit if that person who doesn't "ever respond on 'celeb' posts" was hired to do just that.
C'mon, a total stranger picked a random Saturday night to check out Schmoopy's Insta, and then herald her a wonderful mom?
I guess TFW is only a social media protective mama bear when it comes to the kids who are on her good side. She didn't express any outrage or disgust when a grown man showed H his junk, and you know darn well TFW found out about it.
Winsomeone (#173), hey, now...don't you try to inject logic into any of this!
The whole premise is preposterous.
If she really, truly, connected with some guy, would they keep filming new episodes and just air the good date last as a cliffhanger? Or do they just film an entire season of episodes showing TFW on date after failed date, begging the logical it them, or is it HER?
So, right after she calls out that alexis fake:
leah.hope.gosselin Awesome so sweet 🤩😍😍😍 😍😍🤩🤩🤩
Lol. So the person didn't respond oh ok I'll get right on shutting my account down Lady Kate? I'm shocked.
Admin (#176), remember when some fan showed A's name tattooed to her arm?
TFW has known for more than a decade that putting her children in the public eye comes with some negative consequences. But it's never mattered enough for her to pull the plug. Look at what happened to C.
I would have applauded her had she taken that opportunity to get the cameras out of her house. But she got the child out instead.
Oh good grief. If you're going to give her props she should at least report the person to insagram. "Calling someone out" does NOTHING.
CC...164 I agree. I think Jon and Hannah wanted it out there that Hannah lives full time with him and not Kate. And that she has a normal teenage life and is happy. But we don't need to know more. I also agree the live video is probably not a good idea. And thank you PA Dutch Mom for keeping us abreast of things without saying too much.
As opposed to the rest of the parents out there who have them because the world isn’t populated enough?
Overpopulation is not a concern in the US as long as you can support the child without government assistance. No, one should have children for what you can do for the CHILD, not the other way around. The other way around does not last. It does not. But that's why Kate had kids, any time she says it, she admits that. ~ Administrator said... 178
Oh good grief. If you're going to give her props she should at least report the person to insagram. "Calling someone out" does NOTHING.
Lady Kate doesn't have to take time out of her busy schedule to report the person. Several of her fans did it for her.
aoibha_and_junior@kateplusmy8 block and report
photo_voyage@kateplusmy8 just reported it as an impersonator of a public personality
beckamax@kateplusmy8 report the account as a impersonator account.
sharrona66@kateplusmy8 reported it too
And isn't it too bad that A is now labeled a "public personality" for life, without her approval or consent? Oh, wait, I'm wrong...I forgot about TFW's annual "family vote," where children in diapers were asked whether or not they wanted to continue filming.
One year from now, M and C will be out from the relative safety of their private school, and on college campuses. Some kids will love them because they're famous, and some kids will hate them for the same reason. The lab experiment continues.
Choosing to bring a child into the world is always about the parent and their wants. Nothing wrong with that choice, but singling our Kate for having children for selfish reasons is just silly.
That’s simply not true. And it bears out in reality. The difference between a parent like Kate who had kids for them versus a parent who is in it for the child is glaring.
I can't speak for anyone but myself, but when C and A were expelled from kindergarten and TFW continued filming, I questioned her parenting.
But when C's issues impacted him to the point he was sent away while filming continued, I was sure that TFW was a horrible mother.
That’s simply not true.
That’s simply your opinion
Lol. Well if my thoughts are simply an opinion then so are yours. So I don’t understand why it’s so upsetting to you someone thinks you’re flat out wrong and can prove it. It’s just an option, simply!
Nothing wrong with that choice, but singling our Kate for having children for selfish reasons is just silly.
I can't believe anyone still buys into Kate's "just one more" ruse. Her goal was to be rich and famous but since she was and remains lacking in any talent whatsoever, with the exception of grifting, the only plan she could come up with was to mimic the McCaughey family. She was obssessed with their story. She even named some of her kids after Bobbi and Ken's children.
The difference between Bobbi and TFW is that one is a true mother, the other is a narcissistic gestational carrier. Guess which one is which. Kate epitomizes selfishness.
Jon's comment on insta live, if true, was in poor taste if a joke and downright terrible if serious. Why kid about your children's intelligence? Especially on a public platform. Especially when many of them are poisoned against him by their parent-alienator mother?
In any case, I see nothing wrong with Jon and Hannah continuing to have public accounts. Hannah is old enough at this point to give consent and understand what she is consenting to so if she and Jon are both comfortable with this, I don't see the problem.
OT: Wow, Angelina Jolie sure is turning out to be like Kate, post divorce. She is claiming Pitt didn't pay meaningful child support and apparently the fact that he loaned her $8M apart from the $1.3M he has so far paid in child support is irrelevant. Claims she wants Brad to pay 50% of the children's expenses. Are you telling me $1.3M over the past 18 doesn't cover 50% of these 6 children's expenses? Jesus, what kind of expenses do they have??? In any case, Angelina seems hellbent on ruining Brad's image these days and more than happy to try to stop him from seeing their kids.
Are they just taunting her now? Love Alexis . Can i have a picture from Alexis 😍🤩😘😘😘. Thank you Kate
Kate didn't report the alexis_faith1123 account because she knows that her daughter is not the only one out there with that name. If the account had included their last name, then she would have. But she's made a fool of herself before (remember Carlos Gosselin--she wanted him off Twitter, but that was his real name) and doesn't want to do that again. She takes herself very seriously--she lets her fans do the work for her so she doesn't end up looking stupid. Plus she's lazy so she'll let them do the work.
OT: Wow, Angelina Jolie sure is turning out to be like Kate, post divorce. She is claiming Pitt didn't pay meaningful child support and apparently the fact that he loaned her $8M apart from the $1.3M he has so far paid in child support is irrelevant. Claims she wants Brad to pay 50% of the children's expenses. Are you telling me $1.3M over the past 18 doesn't cover 50% of these 6 children's expenses?
That’s about 28,000 per child per year. What kind of expenses do these children have?
That’s about 28,000 per child per year. What kind of expenses do these children have?
She’s a nightmare. Child support is calculated very specifically and complex in California so for her to claim such outrageous expenses she better be able to explain why. The judge apparently already told her she keeps this up he’ll give Brad custody. Just do it already this isn’t getting any better.
I'm embarrassed to say that I fell for Angelina Jolie's earth mother persona hook, line and sinker. Duh, she's an actress -- she knew how to play the part.
Count the Jolie-Pitt children as another group of poor little rich kids. All that money can't buy them a mother who loves them more than she hates their father.
Armchair psychology here perhaps, but I always knew Anjelina was batshit crazy. Brad must have been attracted to her scent or something. She's the cat who plays with the mouse just to see it squirm.
This whole child support issue between two multimillionaires is laughable.
He should have stuck with Jennifer.
Are you telling me $1.3M over the past 18 doesn't cover 50% of these 6 children's expenses? Jesus, what kind of expenses do they have??? In any case, Angelina seems hellbent on ruining Brad's image these days and more than happy to try to stop him from seeing their kids.
I guess the good thing is it's really not working. She's not all that successful at this the way Kate was. People are firmly team Brad as far as I can tell. I think people remember Brad from long ago, and remember the nice guy he was and the sweet marriage he had with Jennifer Anniston, everyone's girl next door. And we remember the way Angelina, who was crazy and wore vials of blood around her neck, stole him away from all that. And *I* remember the way people were mostly blaming Angelina for that, for swooping in and taking another girl's man, and everyone said this was not going to last and she was a man stealer and she'd turn on him when she was done with him.
And here we are. The neatest part about this is the persistent rumors that he and Jen are giving it another go or at least talking again. That's nice. I think those two have always been very compatible, but life and show business and crazy women messed and with it.
Armchair psychology here perhaps, but I always knew Anjelina was batshit crazy. Brad must have been attracted to her scent or something. She's the cat who plays with the mouse just to see it squirm.
Well you know what they say about crazy women ...
I hate to say he was under her spell, as if he doesn't bear responsibility. But men much more-so than women seem to fall for these crazies and only 7 years and three plus kids later realize, oh, she really is crazy isn't she. I don't care how good the sex is, bitch is crazy.
Same thing that happened to Brad happened to Jon. I think every man is allowed one one-off crazy relationship. The problem is when you bring kids into it you can't just get a restraining order and walk away.
I think Brad has pretty much always been a down to earth guy and when he met Jolie while doing Mr & Mrs Smith, Aniston was in her prime acting years and didn’t want kids yet and Brad did. Jolie was adopting kids like crazy and Brad was attracted to that and the thoughts of family and settling down. I often wonder if Aniston had wanted children back then if they’d still be together. Fame.
I didn't interpret Jon's remark as a slam about the kids' intelligence. I thought his comment was off-cuff, meaning that Hannah is the "smart" one for wanting to live with him, that she was wise in her choice, and that he is happy that she did.
Don't understand why this story is so late---hasn't anyone been listening to what Jon and Hannah have said the past 4 months?
I totally agree Over and Out (197) and I read his remark the exact same way.
Over And Out said... 197
I agree it was just a random remark but I will never forget the episode where both he and Kate insulted the kids' physical and psychological attributes and it wasn't funny.Who knows what's holding the other kids back from making the same choice as H.
Well, I guess they gotta fund law school somehow. But wouldn't this be considered terribly frivolous (not to mention, NOT in the "buy-used-and-save-the-difference" category) in fundie-land?
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