So, confession, my own birthday is very close to the day to the Tups, so I too know about how the birthday will every seven years or so fall on Mother's Day or darn close. For me growing up that was never made an issue. Each were celebrated every year as if any other birthday or Mother's Day, just as you would treat a child the same who was born on or near Christmas. And to my great shock, Kate has agreed to allow the children their birthday day, and she will celebrate Mother's Day on another day. That is probably the most unselfish thing she has done in years, and I can't work out what the catch is, there must be one. Apparently Leah was the one who told Kate she felt sorry that Kate had to share Mother's Day with their birthday. Kate's response was Mother's Day can be any day. Wait, rewind. Did Kate say "any" day, or EVERY day? Not sure which one I heard. Because that could be the catch, she'll give them their birthday, but she gets every other day! Moo-ha-ha!
Like good little parental alienated children, Alexis dutifully recites the script that she is most grateful for Kate because she "takes care of us alone!"
Oh, brother. Here we go. This episode aired on May 10, 2015. I know, uncharacteristically timely. Usually we would expect a Halloween episode around about this time. But we're now three years later, and there's a world of difference between trying to brainwash 10-year-olds and trying to brainwash 14-year-olds. See Hannah.
The kids are planning a surprise breakfast for Kate, which mostly consists of Mady ordering everybody else about. Mady is really, really firm with the kids, constantly raising her voice and pushing them around. It's awful to listen to. She learned this from her mother, and it won't serve her well. It won't work for teachers, or professors. It won't work for friends. It won't work for boyfriends. And good luck with marriage.
Kate takes about five minutes to simply tell us she doesn't know what the kids are up to. Yeah, I know people like that. Moments you will never get back.
So, like, Kate left her kids alone with the crew this whole time? Unbelievable. They're probably old enough the crew won't molest any of them easily, but what about their comfort during filming, their safety? Where is their mother to watch out for children who are getting too tired filming, being pushed too hard, are hungry, who need a break from it? Collin is here, and we know now he has special needs! Terrible.
Lol, old pics of Kate. I'm a good deal younger than Kate, yet still close enough in age to be in the same sort of fashion era growing up. It was all about the same for a long period. How come in the late 80's, 90's, all of us kids dressed and styled like 40-year-old tenured school teachers? How was this cool? It's so bizarre. And hilarious. There's Kate, all of 16, and through no fault of her own, dolled up in a snazzy turquoise turtle neck, busy black and white patterned v-neck cardigan thing, little gold necklace and matching ring, dark red nail polish and lipstick, and the Mary Kay Leturneau haircut from her molesting days, bangs and all. See what I mean?! Teacher haircuts were once outrageously cool!
And just some ramblings, but putting myself back in that time period, I'm going to guess Kate was cool. And I think the information we have was she did run with the cool kids, had a cool boyfriend, was a cheerleader, was reasonably popular. What it took to be cool back in the day was often a little money from your parents, to buy the right clothes and get into the right sports, like cheer. Indeed, Kate's clothes look pretty on point for what they are. So all this ungrateful nonsense from her about her parents not treating her right or giving her what she needed to make it, it seems like Kate was doing just fine for herself even back in the teen years. Try being an uncool kid to begin with whose parents genuinely couldn't afford any of these latest styles, or any of the things that would transition you into making cheer (like a little gymnastics lessons) like how I and many of my friends in the rural Northeast grew up. It's not fun at the time, but you grow up and eventually realize everybody did their best and thankfully it doesn't matter one bit you weren't cool then and didn't do cheer and you were probably better off not being part of all that anyway.
Some boring old clips. Kate tells the story again that she always wanted to be a mom since she was a really young kid, would even have dreams about adopting piles of kids on her doorstep. Pull over the furniture because I want to armchair this. First of all, I don't think it's normal for a pre-pubescent girl to feel that strongly about children just yet. Many little girls will claim they want a baby, but it has more to do with just liking to play babydolls and imagining yourself married to Leo with six kids living in New York City, you're a lunch lady and you drive a Mercedes because that game MASH predicted that, and little to do with what motherhood really entails and the much more complex feelings a mature adult woman often has about having children.
So, I think Kate's obsession with not one baby but many babies was not normal at her age, and I wouldn't be surprised if the baby obsession was related to her fanciful desire to have someone or many someones love her in the way she thinks other people didn't, namely her parents. Her parents surely loved her unconditionally, but Kate is the type to interpret discipline, telling her no to things, or having rules she doesn't like, as a parent not really loving her. That would be Kate.
Kate says she went to nursing school to bag a doctor husband. Just kidding, she says she went to nursing school to have knowledge about caring for her children and supporting them. You have to be a nurse to care for your kids properly? Can't you just call Kaiser if they get sick? They have a 24/7 hotline and the nurse always helps you out, although the preliminary just-making-sure-this-isn't-an-emergency questions are always kind of ridiculous. If I wasn't breathing I wouldn't be calling a 1-800 number, lady, shouting in my entire ten digit member ID into my iPhone, shouting in the last four digits of my social security number, saying "correct", and shouting 4, then 2, then 4 again, then 1 to finally get to your ass.
If you want to know how to take care of kids you could also pick up a parenting book or do a basic first aid for babies and children course through the Red Cross and skip the incredible expense of nursing school. It's just a weird reason to go that doesn't really make sense. How about, I went to nursing school to help sick people? Nah, too cliche.
Also, how was Kate going to get these kids anyhow? Did she even know Jon at this point? Maybe in nursing school she learned how sex works?
I'm enjoying the old pics of pre-botoxed Kate, though! She truly has progressed over the years. Or, regressed, if you like.
Oh, did anyone catch the old clip of Kate talking into the camera about how not-glamorous she felt when the six babies were maybe three months old? It looked just like a screen test tape we always suspected she may have sent off to TLC to get her show. Busted.
Does anyone care about her boring fertility story for Mady and Cara? I sure don't. She had to wait awhile to take a pregnancy test because it's not like today when you can take a test a few minutes after conception. Um, they still don't have those.
Once in a great while Kate will say or do something really genuine, and a tiny part of me wants to like the woman. They show an old home movie Kate herself filmed, showing her pregnancy test with the twins. A faint line. She then pans down to the counter where she's taken two more tests! Much stronger lines. She's pregnant, and it's the most wanted pregnancy ever, she says Because, yeah, ya totally do line up those tests and keep peeing on them one after another in disbelief! And I almost, almost, teared up a little at year 2000 Kate finding out such good news.
I think you get to a certain age and you just can't help but cry when you hear someone is pregnant especially someone you care about, or even when you know someone else is finding out someone they care about is pregnant! How many of us both laughed and definitely cried as our dearly departed Golly Gee found out she was going to be a grandma not once, but twice, in this lovely tribute video one of her sons made. ("You better not be joking me, I'll kill you!")
Had Kate been more like 2000 Kate throughout these long years, she might actually have some viewers left who genuinely care about her.
Wow Kate needs to stop being, like, a likable person; this episode is getting spooky. She says the twins were such easy-going babies she was like, hm, I'd like another! Dude, I know so many parents who had an easy first child by sheer luck of the draw and were then like, parenting is easy, adulting is a breeze, I don't know what everybody else is talking about with terrible-this or that. Let's have another!
Famous last words.
There were so many old clips and Kate yammering on I nearly forgot that in "present day" the kids are still making breakfast for Kate. Nothing interesting happens.
Is it just me, or is it really mean when adults say to children, "It's the thought that counts." It's basically just a nicer way of saying your work sucks. I have vivid memories of various adults saying this to me and other kids when I was a kid and even at the time I knew exactly what they were really saying. If there is one thing I caught onto pretty quickly as a child, and still do believe today, it's that many adults assume kids are stupid or don't know wtf is going on. Wrong.
Well, at least the younger girls seem happy and excited to have helped out with the breakfast, including the pancakes and fruit salad. Kids this age desperately need to be assigned mild to moderately challenging tasks and figure them out on their own, it's crucial to normal development and good self esteem.
There's a discussion about "Collin's card-making station" which I guess is where they will make the Mother's Day card, but I don't see Collin anywhere. I'm guessing if he were even still around at this point, this was one of the last episodes he was in the house for, but not actually on camera. It was a slow progression with that kid that gradually took him out of the show.
Mady, who is far too old to still be whining about this, says the day the sextuplets were born was the worst day of her life and it was pretty awful after that too. While it certainly would be hard on a little girl to have so many younger brothers and sisters, now at her age, it's time to grow up. Also in defense of Kate and of course Jon, they went to great lengths to make sure Mady and Cara felt special and privileged and there were many things the twins got to do that the sextuplets were left out of. Mady is, sadly, a selfish and ungrateful child. Some children come by unselfish characteristics naturally, others, like Mady, must be taught and if they're not taught, unsavory aspects become a solid part of their personality, and it's unattractive.
Kate rattles off some of her parenting "rules" as we watching boring old clips. Stick to a schedule, no means no, don't give in. And generally I think her parenting advice is just bad. The first two there are definitely numerous exceptions to when it's beneficial to depart from the schedule as well as just let things go. And don't give in is definitely terrible advice. In fact, most parenting experts will advise you to really pick your battles, that you should only come down hard on the important stuff, and that it's best to let most things go for happy, well-adjusted children and a peaceful family. In other words, you give in a whole awful lot. I'm reminded again of GollyGee, who, in an adorable small video within her video tribute, her son David is refusing to sit up for a family photograph, instead preferring to recline against mom's legs with his hands under his head. GollyGee in short order gives up, shaking her head with a bit of a smile. She gave in! Because at the end of the day, does it really matter David didn't sit up this one time? And you can look back on the photograph and video, as we have, and laugh at the little boy's antics, at doing things his way as kids like to do. No tears, no whining, no battles that day in that house. Had GollyGee "stuck to her guns" as Kate advises, that family photo might very well have turned into a horrific battle of wills and spoiled the whole day. And it didn't result in raising a serial killer. David turned out all right, didn't he? (Thanks for stopping by to say hello, David!) GollyGee was a good mama. Kate is not.
I'm kind of surprised they show the clip of Collin distraught in the furniture store, begging to be changed, because that was surely one of Kate's most evil moments. She's chatting away on the couch as if her behavior in that store that day was normal.
I think the TLCgo app is showing way too many commercials. They just showed ten in a row, followed a few minutes later by seven! I pay for TLC through my cable company, it's not like I'm getting this for free. A paying customer shouldn't have to sit through excessive advertising.
Kate's prattling on about how she taught all the kids to cook. Fascinating. A producer then asks Mady who taught her to cook and she says Kate actually taught Cara, and then Cara taught Mady. Heh. That struck me as kind of funny, though I'm not sure it was a totally fair comment. Who knows who taught her, but I wouldn't put it past Kate to grossly exaggerate how much time she's spent working with the children to teach them to cook and playing the part of the loving attentive mother. Probably not as much as she wants us to believe.
Kate again proves that she doesn't understand child development at all, despite nursing school, when she talks about their eating habits and how the children are trying to "challenge" her with their picky eating. It's not all about you, you cow! Good lord. Picky eating is a completely normal stage of child development and has far more to do with kids genuinely having very sensitive taste buds that don't adjust easily to the plethora of foods that adults easily love and chow down on. In fact a British study found that a child's food likes are almost 75 percent based on genetics. That means it leaves only a small percentage to be determined by a parent pushing it down their throat until they give in and eat it. Kate's so freaking stupid. Most kids grow out of pickiness naturally, as long as they are getting enough variety of nutrients it's just not something to stress about. I woke up one day and loved the things I hated as a kid--salads, feta, coffee, Chinese food, hummus, limes, cheesecake, sweet potatoes, Brussel sprouts, zucchini, carbonated drinks, and lots of other foods kids will often avoid. Love them now! Nobody did anything to push them on me, I just started eating them because my taste buds developed into adult ones.
Kate really is rich talking about how much she struggles with sibling rivalry. Good grief, I can rattle off dozens of examples of both her handling sibling rivalry terribly or even outright encouraging such rivalry. For starters, when you blatantly play favorites with your children, sibling rivalry is inevitable.
Mady says twice that her younger siblings are brats, and there's a perfect example of the kind of completely unacceptable behavior towards one's siblings Kate has allowed and encouraged. It is not acceptable to name-call your siblings with such cruel and nasty names.
The producer tries to get Mady and Cara to say what a hard job of it Kate has raising eight kids, and they actually won't really go there. Mady says in actuality they all make it a lot easier for her. Heh. Well, I like that comment. For all Kate's whining and playing martyr about raising these kids, the kids do their best to help her. And I think that is a fair comment, we've seen plenty examples of the children pitching in and overall cooperating to prove they aren't total nightmares and can be very helpful when it comes to their care. The boys especially seem super easy to me. There's a huge difference between raising a child who is helpful and cooperative versus one who is constantly resisting you (even if it's due to things out of their control like special needs).
Kate gets lots of emails from strangers saying they're worried Mady is mean. Really?! This makes Mady laugh. How does that email go exactly? "Dear Kate, your daughter Mady is mean and I'm concerned. God bless"? Sounds like something GollyGee would have had the nerve to do! Heh! Also, I know I keep talking about GollyGee, but there's a lot about this episode that brings her to mind, and one of them is I think I understand much better now after her death and getting to know better who she was in her private life, why the kids meant so much to her. And I think so much of it had to do with her truly relating to raising three boys. She raised three boys, she did it right, Kate was doing it oh so wrong, and that really bothered her because she knew how much better their mom could have done by those boys. She would never toot her own horn about what kind of mother she was, but we know now she was amazing.
I catch a little glimpse of Collin at the card making station. He looks fine, even politely asking a sibling to hand him a pen and setting the table perfectly, explaining he "observed" how to do that in a restaurant. Aw. He's so cute. This is the kid who needed to be locked up for years? Was this the last episode where we really heard from him? Also he didn't learn how to set a table from his mother? Maybe this is because she eats all her meals standing at the counter.
Kate has a theory and I fall asleep. What the hell is a "girl mom"? She had girls first and so that made her a girl's mom? I really have no clue what she is talking about. Her theories are about as useful as those of the Flat Earth Society.
Oh I see this was just an opportunity to slam the boys for being normal little kids and to make a host of stereotypical and exaggerated comments about the girls. You can guess that the sum of it is the boys don't understand anything at all and all the girls do is have drama. As I have proposed many times, it is women themselves who often set women and girls back the most, and this is but one example of a woman, one who is semi-famous and has a bit of a platform to boot, using terribly exaggerated and untrue stereotypes that girls are all emotional fluttering basket cases who can barely make it through the day without a meltdown worthy of a truck of ice on a 100 degree day. Maybe if Kate did some work as a mother for once to help them better regulate and cope with their emotions, you wouldn't have so much drama. Children need to be taught how to handle intense emotions everyone will feel boys and girls alike, just as much as they need science and math. Make no mistake little girls watch this show, and it is disappointing they have to hear Kate say these things. I hope their mothers are around to set things straight.
I don't much like her comments about the boys, either. If boys are stupid with glazed over eyes all the time, does that mean they don't hold any responsibility for their actions, like when they go too far with a girl who doesn't want to? After all they're just a stupid boy. One could take it there.
Kate gives some cliche advice about doing your best that nobody cares to listen to. Also, I think doing your best is a cop out, because only you the person really knows for sure what your best is, so you can use it as a crutch to do half-ass work all the time because after all, that's just my best!
The kids and Kate do some terrible acting pretending that this all wasn't arranged by producers as the kids finish breakfast and Kate pretends she's surprised and impressed and goes out to eat her pancakes and read her card.
Collin made an incredibly creative card in which you actually can remove the heart from the center of it to hold it. That's really good, Collin! At least Kate takes the time to read each card individually and spend a moment with each child telling them how much she enjoyed the card. They need much more individual time with their parents.
Why is Kate still talking??? Eat your breakfast, bitch!
Shockingly, Kate admits it's not the kids' fault she has so much to do. Of course it's not. They didn't ask her to trick the fertility doctors into having a fuckety billion kids at once. So STFU already.
Oh, I hate her guts. While the kids are cleaning up without complaint, Kate has to say, "who are these children?" Oh shut up! There are piles of tapes in the archives of these kids helping out and working hard. Just stop it.
Ha, the bird is on Kate's shoulder, totally channeling Tanya Harding's stage mother. Nice. From now on this bitch's nickname is Lavonna any time she has that bird. It's just such a great villain name anyway isn't it? Lavonna Golden!
![]() |
Lavonna Golden |
Ick, they made a nice table for Kate to eat at with tablecloth and all, but instead she eats on the nice couch. I think that's gross. All that syrup and crumbs. She's a slob. And also they made the trouble to put a table together for her, so sit at it!
Gross! The kids are massaging her feet. Yuck. And look up grooming behavior, because it often starts as massages and other gone-too-far touching. I'm not saying Kate would groom her kids, I don't see any evidence of that, but it's still gross to engage in grooming behavior even though you're not really trying to groom them.
Woo-hoo, a clip from the book signing I attended in Santa Monica! I think that will always be my favorite Gosselin memory. I arrived directly from work and Kate was sandwiched in between two narrow bookshelves and WTF? I somehow immediately ran into a Radar online reporter who was maybe about my age, we somehow immediately hit it off which was fun, and she explained that Kate was embarrassed by the low turnout so thought moving her in between the shelves would help. I see, so like, if you move yourself into a tiny house and invite some friends over to it it will make it seem like you have a lot more friends. Good thinking actually. I logged onto realitytvkids to "livestream" from the event and so the night began with a bang!
Why is Kate talking about what the haters say about her? Nobody was talking about that. I thought we were talking about breakfast! Again, she insists she's just doing her best--a cop out, see?
Nobody does everything right so cut me a break! she insists. Um, Kate, nobody suggested you must "do everything right" whatever that means. I hate when she misstates what the criticism is then answers the misstatements. It's called strawman-ing, and it's a cheap debate tactic and she knows damn well she's doing it. Aw, did the book signing bring up bad memories? Poor thing.
Kate wouldn't ask for eight different kids. That's kind of a weird thought to have. Except Collin. She would like to return Collin. I know it's maybe thirteen years and six months past the warranty period, but could they pretty please make an exception for her? She'll accept store credit!
It's kind of irritating to hear the brainwashed kids talking about all the good things about Kate she has drilled into them she does for them, but when you think about it, it's probably a really good thing they are able to see the positives of Kate. Some of them apparently already and soon more of them are really going to have problems with this woman and the choices she made for them (filming, Jon, the physical abuse), but in order to work through all those issues and have a rebuilding point with Kate and develop some trust, they're also going to need to be able to find some of the positives about her. For better or worse she is their mother to deal with, and cutting her out of their lives is always a method of last resort. So, for those who want to keep her on board as their mother, they have to work with what they have and what they do have is a mother who growing up let them have a lot of pets they love, on some level cares for them and on some level loves them. It's a start.
627 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 627 Newer› Newest»Thanks for the memories!lol I remember that episode. Collin was separated from the others and I thought the card-making station was not a bad idea. He said he arranged the crayons in rainbow order. He seemed very organized in his task and wanted it perfect. Very sweet. He didn't seem to mind not being in on the food prep. He truly seemed like a sweet efficient boy.
I did think the episode was very fake although Cara seemed to shine as the one who actually knew what she was doing.
In the last photo of Kate, 2011, the one in the bright pink top, when they altered/airbrushed, photoshopped (whatever) her face, why was it shortened and widened? It was overkill. It doesn't even look like her, kind of like the picture of her on the cover of the exercise magazine or the one where they made her look like Princess Grace.
"Kate wouldn't ask for eight different kids. That's kind of a weird thought to have. Except Collin. She would like to return Collin. I know it's maybe thirteen years and six months past the warranty period, but could they pretty please make an exception for her? She'll accept store credit!"
Or TLC credit.
Nice job, admin. Are you waiting with bated breath to recap the Fake Date Kate episodes?
Is Zorro still among the living?
I did think the episode was very fake although Cara seemed to shine as the one who actually knew what she was doing.
That's exactly what I observed. Mady pushed everybody around while Cara hunkered down and actually did the work.
Nice job, admin. Are you waiting with bated breath to recap the Fake Date Kate episodes?
Oh can't wait, but I'm not holding my breath that show is happening! I'd love to finish the outstanding recaps first. I have I think 2-3 left!
Admin, this was a nice weekend surprise! Thanks for another wonderful recap. Although with a show like this, perhaps the more accurate term would be "recrap."
One phony thing jumped out at me inmediately. This episode aired May 10, 2015, and addressed the tups' birthday vs. Mother's Day dilemma.
Except for one glaring error: the show had to have been filmed before both. So while there may have been some legitimate concern about which event to focus on, this was probably filmed in April, if not March or even February. But, hey, once you've gone caroling in November, I guess you just get used to letting a TV network control your life. "Realest reality," right, Schmoopy?
That was one heck of a read Admin! You are truly a great have such wisdom...thanks for doing this.
Oh can't wait, but I'm not holding my breath that show is happening! I'd love to finish the outstanding recaps first. I have I think 2-3 left!
For some reason, this reminds me of the Hitler video, where the secretary says that the cruise ain't happening. Perhaps, if the dating show does, in fact, air, a Hitler parody would be a hoot. I'd love to see those 'assistants' again and hear what they have to say!
Same old same old...
Should Kate's potential suitor (thanks, Milo) be advised of this?
"And it's this very reason it's vital you learn to spot these 5 narcissistic personality traits before you fall in love someone new.
1. Hypersensitive
Narcissists are highly sensitive to being overlooked and very sensitive to being slighted. They will react badly when they feel this is happening.
2. Attention hungry
Narcissists suffer from disturbances to their self-image and they are particularly sensitive to any possibility that you are ignoring them or not taking them seriously.
They constantly require your attention and efforts to make themselves feel better.
3. Excessively needy
A narcissist's need for love is inexhaustible.
You bring them a gift, and everything is fine. But seconds later, they may be reacting to a sense that you aren't paying them enough attention.
4. Energy consuming
Narcissists drain their partner's energy and life. When you fall in love with a narcissist, the experience is so powerful it may feel like the most intense and authentic relationship you've known.
This quickly starts to change, however, as you find yourself having to do more and more to soothe and repair their insecurities, leaving you feeling drained.
5. Obsessed with social media
Narcissists may become absorbed by social media, posting endless pictures of themselves. Conversely, they might avoid it like the plague, proclaiming that they're "not like those trashy people with nothing better to do than post updates all the time."
Thanks for the recap. Alexis' comment demonstrates the battle that Jon's had to fight. Maybe Cara had to teach Mady to cook because Kate and Mady butted heads.
Thanks for the recap. Alexis' comment demonstrates the battle that Jon's had to fight.
And Kate is really dumb if she doesn't realize Alexis is going to develop critical thinking skills eventually and realize wait a second, Mom didn't take care of us alone! What the hell?
I really don't know why Kate thinks this will never happen.
Forgive me for pointing this out, but some of the dates on those 6 photos of Kate are wrong. The photo in the upper left that says Feb 2006 was actually taken during their news conference after she gave birth to the six in May 2004. The one in the upper right that you mention admin being during her book signing, was during DWTS so that was in March or April 2010 & not Dec 2009. The one in the lower right was taken when she got hired by Coupon Cabin in 2012 and not 2011. Don't hate me for pointing these out.
Goodness nobody hates you Sandy. I didn't put the graphic together and I can't find where anyone who put it together is taking credit for it. I haven't checked the dates closely but I take your word for it!
Great recap Admin, I had completely forgotten that Collin had set up the card stand. That was a good thing, he was on his own and didn't have Mady and Cara barking at him. Another thin came to mind when you were talking about a family photo Golly Gee took, and one of the youngest wouldn't sit straight. Golly Gee chose her battle, laughed it off and let it be. I remember the time one of the girls didn't want to wear the dress Kate had chosen for her. Kate made such a scene and finally had to coax her with a reward, what the hell was the big to do, it was only a dress!! Pick your battles. My daughter has 4 children, 3, 6, 10 and 12 and I see her often throw up her hands and say, "They'll learn, it won't kill them". Just today the 3 year old wouldn't put on his bathing suit to swim in the pool, he wanted to stay in his underwear, no big deal
Kate made such a scene and finally had to coax her with a reward, what the hell was the big to do, it was only a dress!! Pick your battles. My daughter has 4 children, 3, 6, 10 and 12 and I see her often throw up her hands and say, "They'll learn, it won't kill them". Just today the 3 year old wouldn't put on his bathing suit to swim in the pool, he wanted to stay in his underwear, no big deal
I don't remember the dress thing but I do remember a lot of things like it. I remember her making Mady wear shoes Mady didn't want to wear. The kids has like 20 pairs, what the big deal to wear something else? As I recall they were going to some park and Mady wanted to wear flip flops and Kate worried she wouldn't last in those walking around. Ok, so let her learn. Let her wear flip flops and have sore feet and complain. You can even pack a more suitable pair of shoes quietly in your bag for when she realizes she should have listened to you and pull them out when she realizes the mistake she made. No drama, no fuss, no tears. Or maybe she will be just fine in flip flops, some kids are! What's the big deal?!
It's important kids even young kids have some say in their lives and get to make some decisions. You can actually see a dramatic improvement in a child's behavior simply by allowing them to make decisions, even if the decision is a trick. For instance, your daughter needs to wear a dress to family event but you know she probably wants to wear shorts. You then say, would you like to wear the red, white or polka dot dress? She suddenly feels empowered that SHE gets to finally decide something, and chooses one. Except whatever she chooses is a dress, so it's a win win for both of you.
Your daughter sounds great! I'm glad she just let her son go in in his undies. The problem will take care of itself. He gets a bit older and other kids will say look at you in your underwear!! hahahahaha.
He'll put on trunks faster than you can blink. No tears or drama involved.
I'm back from my travels to Cape Cod and Boston. Let me start by saying once again, thank you Capecodmama for meeting up with me and for yorsuggestion to take the Cape Cod Rail ride. I loved it, the narrator had so much history to tell. I learnt little things like there were no bears on the Cape, there were big cranberry farms and that the cranberries were not picked by today's mechanical means but were picked by the Cape farmers own inventions, I saw a huge seal near Marconi Beach which meant that most likely there were sharks nearby, and the seafood was so good. We saw the Pilgrim Monument in Province town and learnt that the First 6 people to die in the Civl War were actually from Provincetown and that the 2 last people to die were also from Provincetown.
In Boston we took the Hop On-Hop Off 2 days in a row. It's funny the narrators each have their own anecdotes to tell. What a lot of history. the Boston Tea Party, Harvard University, the Cable Bridge, Cheers Bar, the Boston Port, the British soldiers camping in Commerce park, and so on and soon. On Thursday night I went to Fenway Park to see the Red Sox and Toronto Blue Jays. It was my first ever real professional baseball game, even though the Blue Jays lost, I was totally enraptured. We did like the locals and took the Tube everywhere. Boston is truly a historic, city, and again the seafood was to die for.
Let me sayone thing did bother me at the baseball game. I was sitting beside a man who obviously was a Red Sox fan. When he found out I was Canadian, he said by my accent, he told me I had better not rout for the Blue Jays, waving his cane at me. I laughed it off and said I was forewarned. Behind us was a little boy (about 6) and hissister (about 8). The both had Blue Jay sweaters and had made 2 beautiful signs for their team. We were in the third row and at the end of every inning the children would run up to the edge of the stands waving their signs. Everytime the would pass this man would stand up and wave hisane at them. Atfirst it was funny, one, two times but throughout the game and when the Blue Jays scored, he would turn around and wave his cane. The parents didn't dare say anything so as not to create a rift. I found this to be bullying. They were children and obviously had prepared for this game for a long time. Shame on him for bullying. ~ Administrator said...
the birthday will every seven years or so fall on Mother's Day.
Kate has agreed to allow the children their birthday day, and she will celebrate Mother's Day on another day.
The sextuplets are part of the reason Kate became a mother in the first place. Therefore, she should be able to handle missing out on ONE Mother's Day every 7 years to celebrate their birthday.
Roloff update to give you a giggle!
Audrey, whose goal it is to become more like Jesus, has just started a poll for her Insta followers to ask whether Jeremy should cut his hair, or leave it the way it is. I. Kid. You. Not.
This chick can recite the bible cover to cover from memory during lovemaking and it ain't gonna make up for the fact that she's a wet match in a dark cave.
Audrey, whose goal it is to become more like Jesus, has just started a poll for her Insta followers to ask whether Jeremy should cut his hair, or leave it the way it is. I. Kid. You. Not.
Oooo, ooo. Link please! I wanna vote!
Does Audrey track how much closer she gets to Jesus, day by day?
Admin (#20), I saw the post on another blog, and I don't know how to link. It should be easy enough to find, though. Maybe Google Christian navel gazers?
A stunt like that makes me suspect this girl thinks the rest of her husband's family is too mediocre for her. She sees dollar signs ahead with their new book,and probably lecture tours, and her own personal sheeple hanging on every profound word she says. Why be just another banana in the Little People bunch when you can be a top banana on your own?
Kate has agreed to allow the children their birthday day, and she will celebrate Mother's Day on another day.
In other words, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday...
Cleopatra didn't get pampered as much.
The parents didn't dare say anything so as not to create a rift. I found this to be bullying. They were children and obviously had prepared for this game for a long time. Shame on him for bullying.
Every team has their nasty fans and there are some teams here who have a reputation for really terrible fans. Often it's because they're drunk, but that's not an excuse.
Most stadiums these days have a 1-800 number you can call to report any fans misbehaving. They'll kick them out quick. I highly recommend everyone do this. There is no reason a game has to be like this and it can jeopardize everyone's safety not to mention fun.
Great recap Admin, I had completely forgotten that Collin had set up the card stand. That was a good thing, he was on his own and didn't have Mady and Cara barking at him.
And thank God Kate acted loving and appropriately at his nice card. I was holding my breath hoping she wouldn't have some snide remark or blow him off somehow after he worked so hard on both the card making station and his own card with the removable heart. Dodged a bullet!
he worked so hard on both the card making station and his own card with the removable heart.
Which is absolutely heartbreaking considering his circumstances now. He tried so hard to show her how much loves her.
Wasn't it Collin who wrote I love you Mom on the walls in paint on the episode where everyone switched bedrooms? And wasn't he the little guy who wanted to be included in the July 4 cake decorating but got shooed away?
And we're the black-hearted biddies?
he told me I had better not rout for the Blue Jays, waving his cane at me. I laughed it off and said I was forewarned.
You're a kinder, gentler Canadian than I. He'd have had his cane handed back to him in two pieces if he waved it at me.
AuntieAnn (#26), it was actually J who was denied the opportunity to help with the flag cake (TM Schmoopy Irene Gosselin). You remember J...the boy who was labeled "sneaky" by Mommie Dearest in the opening credits. Not to be confused with his brother C, who was "stubborn." TFW also once described J as "the forgotten tup." These boys never had a prayer.
Yes, actually I thought Joel was mommy's least favorite boy. She made fun of his lisp, his glazed expression, put him in the laundry room, said he was the smallest and ignored him a lot...I felt so sorry for him when he wanted to help with the flag cake then asked Jon if he could help with the BBQ and he said no ( but nicely) Aunt Jodi was so kind to him when he was ill and cuddled and kissed him even though he had a runny nose and cough.Guilty of Globegate. But I guess he bowed down to Kate's rules while Collin continued to be defiant.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 28
These boys never had a prayer.
Thanks, Flimsy. I thought it was Collin. You're right, just being an icky boy was strike one - which probably resulted slightly more forceful mixing spoon spankings, too.*
*essential reading #8 below
I read Molly and Jacob are not too fond of Auj...that she's fake. Good observation. I have given up trying to find her blog- not that this is a hardship!- b/c she seems to have so many and all are linked to Pinterest and her clothing for sale, most of which says 'Always More,'a biblical verse
If I was voting I would say chop off the man bun- I really don't like them and the trend to put baby boys' hair in a bun either
Audrey, whose goal it is to become more like Jesus, has just started a poll for her Insta followers to ask whether Jeremy should cut his hair, or leave it the way it is. I. Kid. You. Not.
Oooo, ooo. Link please! I wanna vote!
So the Duggar girl, the one who is married to the dirty Jesus, hasn't posted a link to vote if he should cut his hair, shave his face and be scrubbed down with 20-Mule Team Borax in the shower?
Was Joel the one who got the broken lollipop?
Joel was kind of a goofy looking little kid, and I think Kate is shallow and that's why she didn't really favor him. He was really skinny, had that too little upturned nose, did kind of have a glazed over look to his eyes. He grew into his features and he's very handsome now but if Kate rejects a kid for just having glasses I can imagine a kid who hasn't grown into his features yet, instead of finding it cute like we did, is a struggle for her.
Admin (#34), I remember TFW saying that one day some woman would fall in love with J's charm, only to discover he is "completely clueless." I bet that's how she feels about her relationship with Jon.
I think TFW saw J as Jon's mini-me, and resented the boy's fierce attachment to his daddy.
I remember watching that family games night and Kate and Joel were making faces at each other which were quite funny. I think Kate does have a good sense of humour and so does Joel. I thought the exchange between them was cute.
Paper Plates
I don't post much anymore but read it faithfully. I watched the GollyGee video and really liked that woman. She was genuine and loved by her family. This blog has been amazing for so many different reasons. Thank you Admin.
I thought it was sad when Aaden and Joel were talking about the perks of helping pack school lunches for all the kids. I think it was Joel who said "We even get to talk to her." ( his own mother)
I thought it was sad when Aaden and Joel were talking about the perks of helping pack school lunches for all the kids. I think it was Joel who said "We even get to talk to her." ( his own mother)
That was sad. They said they get up early, before the girls wake up, because it's their only hope of having any time with Kate.
They love her. They want time with her. When the girls are around, they don't get that time.
Kate, listen to your children. They're trying to explain to you where you're screwing up.
Admin (#38), you know narcs don't "screw up." The world revolves around them, and anything that goes wrong is the other person's fault.
The kids must twist themselves into pretzels trying to accommodate her whims, needs and demands. And still they manage to displease her on the regular. Some of them are bound to internalize that criticism and accept it as fact. The damage she's done will impact every aspect of their adult lives.
Off topic - I have not caught up on everyone comments on the previous thread so sorry if I am repeating something.
Has anyone happened to notice TFW's twitter follower count? Twitter was taking steps to shut down bots and many accounts have had their followers drop drastically. Just wondering if TFW lost a few! glad you enjoyed your trip to the Cape and Boston. It was lovely meeting up with you and your significant other. As far as the boorish Red Sox fan you had to deal with, you would have been within your right to tell him to knock it off. Nothing about what he was doing was funny. I'm sorry you had to deal with that. I'm glad that was the only downside to your trip.
Thanks for the recap Admin.
Admin #13 I didn't think you were the one who put the graphic together of the photographs, I just thought I would mention the correct years. Not that anyone cares, LOL.
Good Morning. Everyone must be very busy. Have a great day.
Dmasy (#44), it looks like we just had one of those rare days when we all were busy doing other things at the same time! Not to be confused with a "rare treat," which was TFWspeak for something she had to pretend was a luxury so that people would keep sending her love offerings.
Not to be confused with a "rare treat," which was TFWspeak for something she had to pretend was a luxury so that people would keep sending her love offeri
I'm busy, but I would like a love offer or offering. How do I go about getting that?
I've been busy too! A few much-needed days at the beach and I feel rejuvenated. I'm seeing promos for TLC shows starting in August, but no mention of Kate's fake-date show. I still think it will air, but I hope they push it back to at least November (if not until next year). TLC provides her the funds to fight with Jon, and if she makes less, she'll be more inclined to give him and Hannah some peace. The longer they wait on airing the show, the longer it will be before she can hit them up for another season of something, and the longer she'll have to wait for another big paycheck to use to torment Jon and Hannah. I think they deserve a little peace. Of course, the show is going to bomb, but I don't know if anyone at TLC has the cajones to tell her no to more filming. K+8 bombed, yet they gave her another opportunity. The new show will be an embarrassment, but will that be enough to make them cut her loose? It's hard to predict at this point.
A lot of us may be having sever weather- hail, thunder storms, power outages, heat wave. Maybe that explains the quite board? Am turning off my PC now!Ominous skies!
Fleecing (#45), you may start by looking for a dentist's son at a picnic. If you can get him to dump his girlfriend the next day, you're halfway there. Next you need to have multiple multiple multiples, and an insatiable desire for attention, freebies and mad stacks of cash. Good luck and keep us posted!
Oh, good. I can post from my phone again. What a pain Blogger has been these last two weeks.
Layla (#47), I am still very much hoping that the Fake Date with Khate show never airs. I realize some people want the schadenfreude of watching it fail spectacularly, but for me that doesn't override my hope that TFW is never on TV again. She's already been paid enough undeserved, easy millions.
I thought this blind item might have been Kate, but it's a real housewife. It's in the media. Kate's not the only greedy reality show mom.
This looooooong time A list reality star all of you know has been raiding the trust funds of her kids to maintain her standard of living.
Luann de Lesseps
@Former Lurker Not gonna lie,i forgot that whole show even existed.Heck i took a look and there's nothing,nothing on twitter as far as sighting Kate with somebody,so either no one gives a crap anymore or she's up to something.I just find it funny how milo and Kate both disappeared around the same time
ncgirl (52)
Reading over that blind item, I guess it's obvious it's not Kate. It says "A-list reality star". Kate hasn't been A-list since....2009? Probably not even then, but I'm being generous. These days it would be a stretch to even call her a Z-list reality has-been.
jamesvader1194, (#53), I'm with you in finding it interesting that TFW and Milo disappeared around the same time. This is not the first time that's happened, either.
Former Lurker (#51), I know how you feel about not wanting TFW's dating show to see the light of day. It's disheartening to see someone so miserable consistently reaping rewards.
If this show doesn't air, I wonder what her next move will be professionally? She's burned so many bridges, and squandered so many opportunities. But, as always, I'm not convinced she'll ever completely disappear.
I'm concerned about Tucker's Mom's whereabouts. I think it's been about a month since she's posted, and she's never been one to disappear.
FlimsyFlamsy said...
But, as always, I'm not convinced she'll ever completely disappear.
I'm not either. I think for now, taking into account the custody dispute(s), she's been advised to STFU....high road and all that. Just a guess.
And yes, I'm wondering about Tucker's Mom, too. I hope she's alright.
I remember when Auntie Ann was gone for so long and we never gave up wondering. Then Golly Gee disappeared and in due time we learned the very sad news. Now, I also want to see Tucker's Mom re-appear.
I guess it is the nature of blog anonymity that we may not always know when something serious happens to a regular poster.
Maybe Admin has the email address for Tucker's Mom and can send her a friendly "how you doing" message.
I have been concerned about Tucker too. She is usually around much more often and has been so kind about advice on OT things as well as posting her insightful G8 comments
Fleecing (#45), you may start by looking for a dentist's son at a picnic. If you can get him to dump his girlfriend the next day, you're halfway there. Next you need to have multiple multiple multiples, and an insatiable desire for attention, freebies and mad stacks of cash. Good luck and keep us posted
Couldn't I just skip all of that and go straight to Milo for a love offer/offering?
Milo has a history of disappearing when Kate goes MIA. Seems maybe she likes others to think that she and Kate are together somewhere watching birds suddenly appear.
Milo has been off the grid longer than TFW this time (didn’t comment on two or three of her posts and hasn’t commented on Jamie’s posts). Milo does have some health issues and that may be why she’s gone.
Milo has been off the grid longer than TFW this time (didn’t comment on two or three of her posts and hasn’t commented on Jamie’s posts). Milo does have some health issues and that may be why she’s gone.
Yes, but this has happened so many times that it makes one wonder about why the two disappear at the same time.
Layla said... 47
I've been busy too! A few much-needed days at the beach and I feel rejuvenated.
What I wouldn't give for a few beach days to be rejuvenated. but, alas, it doesn't look like it will happen. A close friend is seriously ill and I've been helping her family, going to the facility, feeding her because she won't eat for the staff, being there for doc appointments and so forth. I can't go away knowing that she needs me.
A few days at the beach (even one day) certainly sound good right now.
Where is Tucker's?
Over (#64), bless you for being there for your friend.
Over In TFW's County said... 64
How kind you are.Your friend and family must be so grateful and comforted by all you are doing.Hope she improves.
"Milo has a history of disappearing when Kate goes MIA."
She might be helping Kate find a date. Or she wants a date with Kate. lol
Over In TFW's County (64)
You are such a loyal, devoted friend! A true friend is there to help you when you can't help yourself, and that's what you're doing. I hope your friend's illness passes quickly and you get to take a break.
We were fortunate in that a family member has a beach house and an open-door policy. We're budgeting tightly so we can cover some unanticipated college expenses for our kids (no matter how much you save while they're young, it's never enough!) so we weren't planning to go anywhere this year. One day I filmed the ocean and the beach so that when I need a mini-break, I can pull out my phone and watch the waves and listen to the wind and the seagulls. It's so soothing and it fits into my budget!
Layla (#68), c'mon, fess up. Your family memember with a beach house is Gladys.
FlimsyFlamsy (69)
Ah, you got me!!!! No, it's Aunt Win, who reads here regularly (waving to Aunt Win!!) and is adamantly opposed to children being on reality TV, especially when those kids are supporting their mother at a young age. After a 40-year career as a teacher, she knows what she's talking about.
Layla (#70), I do hope Aunt Win is reading tonight. A 40-year teaching career makes her a rock star in my book!
Yes, surely anyone who knows and loves children, and understands their emotional and developmental needs and limitations, would be horrified at the decade of exploitation the G kids have endured.
Taking care of my friend is something I want to do. When my grandmother was in the same situation, there were folks helping me out with her care. I just wanted to pass it along. I'm sure that most of us bitter black-hearted busybodies here would do the same thing.
lol, Layla! I am craving a beach trip so much right now that last night I had a cotton candy melt tart going in the bedroom, flipped the fan on low breeze directed right at me, and put on some ocean waves/seagull sounds on the disk and fell asleep pretending I was at the beach. I had a dream I was on the boardwalk. When I woke up, I really wanted some peanut butter salt water taffy and fudge!
Maybe in September!
If Milo has health issues, isn't it strange that they always coincide with Kate's disappearance?
Over In TFW's County (72)
Mmmm, peanut butter salt water taffy!!! I didn't get any of that while we were away, but I did hit up Thrasher's French Fries and ate Fisher's caramel corn by the bucket. Now my pants won't zip. I wish I could send you my beach video--it's so calming and beautiful, and it's just enough to be therapeutic when life gets stressful. Like yesterday, when I had to make a short drive on the DC beltway and traffic was so bad it took me 4 hours. I was ready to tear my hair out by the time I got home, but took out my phone, closed my eyes, and listened to the waves instead. Ahhhh.
I'm still looking forward to the day that we can resume our search for a house in PA! Every time I go up there to spend time with family, I dread coming back. It'll be about 2 years before we've covered the kids' education expenses and have the funds available for a new house, but then I'm going to enlist you to help scout for the perfect, quiet country home for me. You know the area better than I do so I'm going to be hitting you up for insight. Be ready!
FlimsyFlamsy (71)
Aunt Win is a rock star in my book, too! She devoted her life to nurturing children, and is just the most kind-hearted lady I have ever known. And yes, she is absolutely horrified at the thought of anyone using their children to support their lifestyle. She's just as happy as the rest of us are that Hannah was able to escape Kate's grasp and can now experience life as a normal teenager with her dad. We're both now hoping that Collin can follow her to Jon's house and can thrive in an environment of love and acceptance.
Teen Mom, Farrah, news.
Yesterday Farrah was blasted over the internet for suggesting that her daughter, Sophia, prank a friend by telling her that her dog died.
One day later, their 5-year-old Pomeranian has passed away.
Comments at ROL are scathing. Here is a new reason to keep your child out of a salacious TV show -- she will be accused of killing her own dog! Lots of the commenters had the same thought -- that Sophia did something to the dog. They use evidence of the "untimely" death and a video in which Sophia has, "...a creepy smile and no tears."
Yes, Farrah selfied a short video of them with the dying/dead dog.
She wouldn't be content with a cute photo of the dog and a sentimental comment.
Oh, dear.
Audrey Roloff just posted pictures on the extremely momentous occasion of her daughter turning 10 months old. Poor kid's got another schmatta on her head -- now she looks like Hattie McDaniel in "Gone With the Wind."
Flimsy -- I have not seen the Roloff photo and probably won't ever. But, you made me laugh aloud with the visual!
Dmasy, that's disgusting about Farrah- Of course everything is about Farrah. Sophia has no chance.
There is a video of Farrah and Sophia and the dead/dying dog at the vet's . Sophia is patting her dog while Farrah is making the moment all about her. It should be a private time for Sophia to say goodbye. Not filmed.While her mom was wailing and yapping Sophia had to switch her attention away from her dog and pat her mother's arm to comfort her. Farrrah wants to get the dog stuffed. Ugh.
Dmasy, that's disgusting about Farrah- Of course everything is about Farrah. Sophia has no chance.
Dr. Jenn tried with that thing. She tried.
Formerly Duped (#79), I don't want to watch the clip, but it saddens me that the little girl had to comfort her mother. This is likely that child's first experience with death, and HER needs should have been first and foremost in her mother's mind.
But clearly the kid is already parentified.
Bristol Palin is joining the Teen Mom cast since Farrah exited to pursue adult videos as a career move.
The Brady Bunch house is for sale. I thought of Golly Gee when I saw that announcement.
I happened to watch the 'porkchops and apple sauce' clip the other night! I loved that show too when growing up, and then my kids did as well.
Oh Golly Gee ! We miss you.
Dmasy (#83), I live about 3 miles from that house, but haven't driven by in years. It's also about 10 blocks from where Robert Blake shot his wife. I imagine there are always plenty of lookey-loos in that neighborhood, which is quite a lovely one.
Jinger Duggar just had her baby -- a girl named Felicity. It's making me miss GollyGee, because I know she liked to keep track of the Duggars' goings-on.
Dmasy (#83), I live about 3 miles from that house, but haven't driven by in years. It's also about 10 blocks from where Robert Blake shot his wife. I imagine there are always plenty of lookey-loos in that neighborhood, which is quite a lovely one.
Did you see the documentary on that shooting? It was really interesting and well done. There was so much I didn't know about the case. Bonny Lee was really a pistol (no pun intended).
Lanc Native (#87), I didn't see the documentary. I'm pretty squeamish about murder stories (I know I'm in the minority on this blog!).
I did see Robert Blake not long after he was acquitted -- at the salad bar at Whole Foods (I think that's our version of Wegmans).
Just seeing him gave me the creeps.
Lanc Native,
What was the name of that documentary? And where can I find it? I have heard a lot about Bonny Lee's past, so I'd love to get the whole scoop!
Layla, I am not sure which program Lanc Native was referring to. But, possibly it was Marcia Clark Investigates The First 48. She had about 6-7 2 hours shows just this year. The murder of Bonnie Lee was one of the investigations. A & E. Hope that helps.
Thank you! I found an episode of Mugshots on YouTube that features the Robert Blake case, but didn't know if there was another one. It's a nasty, rainy day here. Perfect for curling up on the sofa and watching something interesting.
Robert Blake as most of you know was a child actor in the Our Gang series. Just sayin'
I know we have talked about Betty Broderick here before.
Today, this popped up as a youtube suggestion for me. It is an interview Oprah had with Betty that I have never seen. And, I thought I had watched everything about her life and trial.
(Oprah references a Part 2 that I was unable to find.)
I think even Oprah is wide-eyed at some of the twisted logic and delusional reasoning. Betty defends bits of her most outrageous antics as "making sense". The fact that she drove her car through Dan's front door is not mentioned.
Dmasy (#93), your Betty Broderick obsession tickles me. Let's face're a bitter, black-hearted, Betty Broderick-lovin' bitty!
I'm going to watch the BB/Oprah interview. I remember seeing a movie about BB, starring Meredith Baxter, long ago. She was really a piece of work! Her rage coupled with narcissism really twisted her vision of reality and turned her into a monster.
I used to like Robert Blake when he starred in Beretta. He used to be a guest on Johnny Carson and was usually fairly entertaining to listen to. Then after his show was cancelled he'd still occasionally appear on the Tonight Show, but you could sense the cheese was gradually slipping off his cracker. When that gold digger/groupie/porn poser Bonnie Lee came along, I think she messed with the wrong guy. Neither of them had their heads screwed on straight. It couldn't end well and it didn't. I was a little gobsmacked that Blake got a not guilty verdict for her murder.
Ah yes, Robert Blake. Was one of my favs. He was in the series "Baretta" as Tony Baretta, NYPD maverick undercover cop. Looks like he learned a few tricks while filming that series! Does anyone remember the Truman Capote book "In cold blood"? It was a true story about a family murdered for money that never existed. Robert Blake played a killer in that movie. Chilling!!!
Sandi, yes I remember seeing In Cold Blood. What a dark, depressing movie that was.
Does anyone remember the Truman Capote book "In cold blood"? It was a true story about a family murdered for money that never existed. Robert Blake played a killer in that movie. Chilling!!!
That's one of the true crime stories I became an amateur expert in back in the day. I've read the book, seen the Robert Blake film, seen a couple versions of the Copote film. I love that Copote basically invented the true crime genre. For any true crime aficionados, he is our patron saint.
Dmasy (#93), your Betty Broderick obsession tickles me. Let's face're a bitter, black-hearted, Betty Broderick-lovin' bitty!
Lol, she got me interested in it, like a crack dealer!
I watched the campy movie and liked it.
I'm watching the Oprah interview. Sorry but the opening credits, I kind of burst out laughing. I love the montage including Oprah popping in from left or right. lol.
Admin, let me know that you thought of the interview. I am not a psychologist -- I don't even play one on TV -- just here on this blog! I saw a touch of mania, lots of twisted thinking, a true they-made-me victimology. She killed two people. Stole her daughter's keys to break into their house at daybreak, crept into their bedroom, shot at them 5 times, yanked a phone out of the wall so the still alive Dan could not call for help. The removal of the phone is a real clue to her motives, I think.
But, she insists that they scared her when they woke up and moved in their bed. She is isn't responsible for their death because she didn't plan to pull the trigger.
She believes that! Believes it to the depth of her imprisoned soul.
Flimsy -- if you need more details, just contact your B.B.B.B.B. buddy!
The two-part movie with Meredith Birney is campy and maybe has more truth than Betty would like us to know.
But, she insists that they scared her when they woke up and moved in their bed. She is isn't responsible for their death because she didn't plan to pull the trigger.
She believes that! Believes it to the depth of her imprisoned soul.
Oprah gives a great interview. Betty practically says the trigger pulled itself. Oprah was like well I've done bad things in my life too but I feel like I take responsibility for it.
Betty says oh I do take responsibility for it for everything!
Yes Betty but the trigger pulled itself. And all the other things that just happened while you innocently stood by.
Oprah invited her to have sympathy for a woman whose life she ended. Her response, I never did anything to her.
Except end her life.
The interview has so many gems.
One thing Betty is oh, oh so offended about was that Dan wouldn't speak to her directly during the divorce. But she was so out of her mind nuts to the point where he had a restraining order. Any good lawyer would advise their client don't even breathe a hello to her, every single thing goes through the lawyers. It would not be unusual at all to just go through lawyers.
But this made her blood boil.
Ah yes, Robert Blake. Was one of my favs. He was in the series "Baretta" as Tony Baretta, NYPD maverick undercover cop.
I watched it because I liked to see what Fred was up to! Last I heard, he was a century old.
I watched the Oprah/BB interview, and wow, that woman is worse than I thought. She says she can't feel remorse because she didn't intend to shoot them. How can you possibly feel no remorse for your actions that take the life of another? Intentional or not (and I believe it was intentional). I can't decide if she's delusional or just evil. Maybe both. I also watched some of the movie with Meredith Baxter, and it is very sympathetic to Dan and Linda. Dan was portrayed as a victim, although he did do things to torment Betty. I think he was a bit sadistic--he cut one of his daughters out of his will when she moved back in with her mother. What kind of parent does that? They all behaved badly, although only one committed murder.
I can just picture poor Gladys checking in here at the COH (Cesspool Of Hate), hoping for any morsel of information about TFW, and finding a discussion about murder mysteries. Sorry, Gladys...your BFF has shown her true colors and dropped all you fans who mean nothing to her. But I'm sure she'll be back when she needs her narc supply refilled, or to drum up some viewers for her dating show (if it still exists).
Layla -- I agree with every word of your assessment of the situation. They both behaved badly. She just took her anger to an extreme level.
The kids are the victims.
Flimsy, our troll and Gladys probably think we are schizophrenic and morbid black hearted bitties.
Oprah tries so hard to understand Betty..."Okay...I think I'm getting this" like she could pierce the mind of a sociopathic narcissist and make any sense of the murders. Gah. I've never worshipped at the O-altar but she does know how to get people to talk.
And it's a good thing Kate wasn't on BB's jury. She would have blamed it all on Jon.
AuntieAnn (#109), tee hee!
TFW might find a narcissistic soul sister in Betty. Betty killed her ex because he didn't know how to help her. Then after she wiped her prints off the gun, she probably wailed, "Everybody leaves me!"
Flimsy, I recall TFW threatening to shoot Jon when he failed to use the coupon (right there in the kitchen drawer, mind you!) for the new shower head in the mcmansion. I mean surely that was worthy of a bullet through his head.
Hopefully she was just using an expression but I liked how Admin's old flame Anderson took notice of it lol.
AuntieAnn (#111), and what made that coupon incident even worse was that they were ROLLIN' in dough back then. She was either harassing Jon for sport -- to make him look "less than" for the whole world to see as part of her he's-my-9th-child narrative. Or she was trying to sell her completely disingenuous coupon-clipping persona. The latter was particularly challenging, considering the spacious abode they just bought. But with the right strategy, TFW figured she could still keep the hot-and-cold-running freebies coming.
Oprah tries so hard to understand Betty..."Okay...I think I'm getting this" like she could pierce the mind of a sociopathic narcissist and make any sense of the murders.
There was something rather hilarious about this interview for that very reason. Like Oprah was sincerely trying to understand this woman. And an answer wouldn't make sense (to a normal person) and Oprah would ask the question a different way, as if maybe it was just the way I asked the question that was confusing her....
Oprah, you really get an A for effort on this one!
I'd like to see her do a real interview with Kate. REAL.
Another thing Betty said, "Honestly, I did the best I could."
Interesting, familiar sounding comment.
Dmasy I'm afraid you sent me down a rabbit hole.
Sorry ladies.
I have the book "Until the Twelfth of Never" on a shelf here. Inside is an actual letter -- handwritten on lined paper -- from Betty Broderick.
I haven't read it for years. I might just go flip the pages and find it.
That interview is bizarre. I thought I saw Oprah's completely puzzled reaction to the responses coming from Betty.
The two part Woman Scorned movie is on youtube. Worth watching.
At about 17:00 when Oprah is cutting to commercials and Betty just said something particularly nuts, Oprah goes "hmm!"
It's moments like that I really like Oprah.
This was shortly after Oprah tried to explain to Betty well but her family has been hurt by what you have said about her and ultimately did to her, that was someone they loved, what do you think about that? Betty says, the truth hurts.
This is so good.
Admin (#114), except TFW would've said "awnestly."
Dmasy, we may have to put you in a time out for corrupting the kind, gentle biddies of the blog. And we may never get poor Admin out of that rabbit hole.
I'd like to see her do a real interview with Kate. REAL.
You mean without the earphone, the bodyguard and the box of Kleenex? #metoo.
Pigs will fly before Schmoopy comes clean.
Dmasy, we may have to put you in a time out for corrupting the kind, gentle biddies of the blog. And we may never get poor Admin out of that rabbit hole.
You better send a rope down! Oprah just pulled out letters the family wrote to Oprah upset about some things that Betty had said before to Oprah.
Betty dropped the kids off at Dan's one by one? Sounds like she hated Dan more than she loved the kids.
What's weird to me is Betty is still so pissed off at Dan. She is so bitter and angry talking about a dead man! It's over now. Geez, who does that remind you of?
He's dead, he can't do anything to her anymore, so wth.
She is oddly gregarious talking about dead people.
Dmasy said... 115
I have the book "Until the Twelfth of Never" on a shelf here. Inside is an actual letter -- handwritten on lined paper -- from Betty Broderick.
Dmasy, I remember you telling us that you corresponded with Betty. Now don't go selling that letter on eBay!
Can you share some of what she wrote?
You mean without the earphone, the bodyguard and the box of Kleenex? #metoo.
Yeah, like do it at CIW.
Dmasy, I remember you telling us that you corresponded with Betty. Now don't go selling that letter on eBay!
Can you share some of what she wrote?
Please do.
I pulled the book off the shelf. I have the letter in front of me.
My interest began due to an assignment (TV station). Before Goggle and Wikipedia and youtube research was more complicated.
I collected info for a program regarding women in situations of domestic abuse. Her name was woven into the story as an extreme example of fatal retribution.
Much of her defense was based on how Dan had mentally and emotionally abused her. He was described as a heavy drinker with a stern temper, but I don't recall any accusations of physical abuse.
I only have one letter. It is a disturbing read. 4 pages -- both sides.
She complains about the bad press she has received. Here is an excerpt about the book and Oprah. Betty writes, "The most comprehensive book is "Until the 12th of Never" by Bella Stumbo but not even that is not 100% accurate because the author was a thrice divorced, Jewish, hard nosed, smoker, drinker, who never had children, (can't read two words). She couldn't understand or relate to my life choices -- neither could Oprah because neither of these had ever been a devoted wife/mother, like I was all those years.
Lots of fierce underlining throughout the letter. Many exclamation points. (I know what you are thinking about that!!!!)
More in next comment --
Part 2 - Betty's words.
She calls Dan a lying, cheating, alcoholic husband who was a total control freak who would never have let her go.
Middle of the letter she says, "I couldn't live or breathe I was so afraid of him, his power, his craziness, his of his next litigious assault on me prison has been a piece of cake!! I am safe and free from abuse in here Dan was never going to leave me alone -- he said so himself. So unnecessary. So sad. So unjust. " (I copied her exact punctuation. I think she writes much like she speaks -- quick and choppy.)
She definitely sees herself as a complete undeserving victim. She blames Dan for everything. Her last paragraph says, " I've done my sentence and I still can't get out of here due to his political (can't make out a word) all these years later." She then drew a frown face larger than a quarter.
Part 3 -- Page 2 is how she feels about the "Scorned Woman" movies. She says, "Those movies were made, by the DA. to only turn public support against me. They never even met or spoke to me!! I hear the movies are horrible. People who really know me think they are so horrible its' downright funny. I won't think its' funny until I'm out of here!"
Her parole hearing is on Youtube. I don't think she has changed her thinking very much over all these years. I think her anger is still potently alive.
I am fascinated. Not at all sure why.
Thanks, Dmasy. I agree. She is still adamant about her innocence. It is fascinating. TFW made Baba Wawa's most fascinating list, too.
"Betty Broderick is an unrepentant woman,” said Deputy District Attorney Richard Sachs, who argued against a grant of parole at the hearing, which he said ran nearly 11 hours. "She has no remorse and zero insight into the killings… ,” Sachs said in a phone interview. “She just basically said they drove me to do this."
Yeah, we get it, Betty. It was all Dan's fault.
As if reality TV wasn't doing enough to exploit children...there is now going to be a "Dancing With The Stars: Junior". It's so far been confirmed that Honey Boo Boo (age 12) is going to be on it, and also Scotty and Larsa Pippen's daughter Sophia (age 9) is, too. I guess forcing your kids to pay their own way (and in some families support their parents, too) is now a "thing". I'm waiting to hear what other children are going to be competing. And feeling some dread....
How can you possibly feel no remorse for your actions that take the life of another? Intentional or not (and I believe it was intentional). I can't decide if she's delusional or just evil. Maybe both
I started off thinking she was delusional but now I'm not sure. Watch how she changes her story. Oprah kept pressing her if she had no intention of killing them why bring a gun over?
She kept saying it made sense to me, I thought the gun would be what would make them agree to drop this whole thing and move on, to call a truce.
But then minutes later she tells a completely different reason for bringing the gun, so that they wouldn't be able to call the police, I guess because she could shoot the phone or make them hold in place and not reach for the gun under threat of being shot? Because every time she went over they would call the police within seconds (as you do when you have a restraining order.)
Those are two different reasons to bring a gun to a fistfight. Point being, if you're delusional would the story really change around like that? Or is it more she's just spouting off lie after lie after lie and just can't keep track? I think it's that.
She also says they murdered her. Good lord, Betty.
I think he was a bit sadistic--he cut one of his daughters out of his will when she moved back in with her mother. What kind of parent does that? They all behaved badly, although only one committed murder.
Well it's like the prosecutor said in her argument, if you give this lady a free pass for her actions because the husband, and everyone, created a very messy and contentious divorce, then you're going to see a lot more murdered ex's.
You just can't go around killing somebody just because you feel they screwed you over in the divorce.
She also says they murdered her. Good lord, Betty.
And she said of herself that "in reality", she was a really nice wife.
On the murder topic. I have been watching YouTubes of the Karl Homolka police interviews. Amazing she said she was upset because Paul Bernardo used their good champagne glasses to give their murder victim an alcoholic drink. That's what she was worried about! This woman is as cold as ice. She was proven to be part of the abduction, torture and murders of young girls including her own sister.She took a plea deal before damning tapes were found and is out of jail, has 3 kids and living a new life.
( 'Schoolgirl murders in Ontario where I'm from in the 1990s )
As if reality TV wasn't doing enough to exploit children...there is now going to be a "Dancing With The Stars: Junior". It's so far been confirmed that Honey Boo Boo (age 12) is going to be on it, and also Scotty and Larsa Pippen's daughter Sophia (age 9) is, too. I guess forcing your kids to pay their own way (and in some families support their parents, too) is now a "thing". I'm waiting to hear what other children are going to be competing. And feeling some dread....
You know that TFW is going to be all over that if she gets wind of it. After all, she is an alumni of the show. I think it would have to be one of the younger girls because Mady will be 18 very shortly and I think that would be adult territory.
Dmasy (#124), wow, that's some pretty disturbing stuff. And I see we can add anti-Semitism to Betty's list of charming qualities. She is without remorse, and 1,000 years of prison would not change that.
I'd like to see her do a real interview with Kate. REAL.
The closest we’ll ever get to a REAL interview was when TFW was on Ellen. I loved it when Ellen said that she sounded like she was talking in code. I’d love to see Anderson Cooper do a sit down with TFW.
Formerly Duped -- though I have heard of he Homolka couple, I have never studied those crimes. I usually stay away when "torture" is included.
But, you may have introduced another narcissist for us to watch.
Black hearted biddies, indeed.
Dmasy, I agree about torture cases generally but since this crime was committed near my home, you couldn't but help being interested in justice being served. Paul Bernardo also was proven to be the 1980s Scarborough rapist. He often attacked young girls/women at bus-stops. I remember my mother warning us to be careful when we went out at night or home from work on public transport.
There was a publicity ban of the trial in Ontario but you could get snippets of news from the US!
Betty Broderick was receiving $16,000.00 (Yes. I got the zeros right.) a month in supposal support during the drawn out divorce proceedings. At the time, the children were living with Dan.
He (probably without legal support) announced that he would deduct from that amount for obscenities on his answering machine, unauthorized visits to the house, trespassing with property damage, and taking the children without permission. There was a restraining order in effect at the time. He assigned monetary amounts to each infraction.
She still could not control herself. There was at least one month when she owed him money! All this information is directly from her attorney, Jack Early. He is the one attorney who stayed with her through both trials. He can be seen in several interviews -- both old and newer.
Again, fascinating. She was victimized. Or, she completely lacked impulse control.
Admin (and others) -- I am glad to have someone sharing this analysis with me. Apologies to all those who are not interested.
I met both Dan and Betty Broderick and didn't think much of either of them. I met Dan at his office when I was interviewing - and by his soon-to-be bride- and Betty in a clinical setting where she talked about how wronged she was. He was a well-known "man about town." I'm glad I didn't get hired (I was moving to part-time, they wanted a full-time, legal secretary)!
Lynn W -- that is much more significant than a scribbled letter to me! Thanks for sharing.
Dmasy (138)
That alimony amount ($16,000 a month!!!!), plus the beach house he bought for her is just unbelievable! BB also had a part-time job and a boyfriend. She was never happy with Dan, and reportedly had wanted a divorce since the honeymoon. She could--and should--have moved on and enjoyed her life. She could have done anything she wanted, but she just couldn't let go. Dan belonged to her. She was like a toddler with a toy she didn't want, but didn't want anyone else to have it, either. What a mess she made of everyone's lives. It was all about her.
One more name released for DWTS: Junior. It's Miles Brown from a show called Black-ish. They are already reportedly rehearsing, and the show will airing this fall.
"One more name released for DWTS: Junior. It's Miles Brown from a show called Black-ish. They are already reportedly rehearsing, and the show will airing this fall."
I just read an actress named Ariana Greenblatt will be on it. She's 10. Her aunt is a dancer in the Gloria Estefan musical so she may have the dancing genes.
I'm not going to watch it. Young people have gotten upset on DWTS, and that is uncomfortable to watch. I'm sure Kate would love for one of her kids to be on there. Besides Mady(who may not have the best personality), I don't see any of the other kids having show business aspirations. A child might do it if they felt like they had to do it for Kate. Kate would be the stage mother from hell.
ncgirl (142)
I think Mady would do a show like that in a heartbeat. She is so similar to Kate--she'd love to have the spotlight on her and not have to share with the younger siblings. But I do think she's a bit old for it. She'll be 18 in October, and the other kids are aged 9-12 or so. It's not fair for a 9-year-old to have to compete with someone who's only weeks away from becoming an adult. And Mady is known for making nasty remarks about others--I don't think it would go over well if she trashed the other contestants (especially the very young ones) the way she does her siblings. As far as the younger kids are concerned, they aren't really known as individuals--only as part of a set of sextuplets. So--I don't think any G kids would have been chosen, but I don't put it past Kate to try to pull some strings to get one or more of her kids on the show. Then she could put 15% of their earnings away and keep all the rest for herself.
BB also had a part-time job and a boyfriend.
The boyfriend is probably feeling lucky to be alive. BB is a bear that you don't want to poke.
I wonder if he's ever given an interview about his relationship with her?
Lynn W. said... 139
I met both Dan and Betty Broderick and didn't think much of either of them. I met Dan at his office when I was interviewing - and by his soon-to-be bride- and Betty in a clinical setting where she talked about how wronged she was.
Poor, poor Betty. Sounds like she was and still is willing to tell her side of the story to anyone and everyone. I suppose she's even shared it with the cafeteria staff at the prison. What a royal pain in the ass. I wouldn't want to be her cellmate.
Teen mom Farrah has admitted that her 9-year-old daughter, Sophia, has admitted she might have caused their dog's death by "kind of tossing him."
Farrah says that a child cannot be blamed. The vet says the dog died from lack of oxygen.
Oh. My. Lord.
Teen mom Farrah has admitted that her 9-year-old daughter, Sophia, has admitted she might have caused their dog's death by "kind of tossing him."
Farrah says that a child cannot be blamed. The vet says the dog died from lack of oxygen.
Oh. My. Lord.
Oh no!!!
You can get charged with animal cruelty for this!
This should piss Kate off.
The 27-year-old mother of three is reportedly getting $250,000 for her new role on the MTV reality series, a spinoff from "16 and Pregnant" which documented challenges teenagers faced as they navigated parenthood for the first time.
It's good money but they do do a LOT of episodes, and have a lot of commitments to the media, as MTV's flagship show, and they have to expose their kids so much, so they could probably demand more.
That's my guilty pleasure show and I kind of am looking forward to seeing Sarah Palin again, as the families are almost always prominent secondary characters.
I wouldn't put it past Kate to hope the girls get pregnant early so she can do a show out of it.
Also, Sophia looks just like DEBRA, which is scary.
You really should google the author of that article, Noah Berlatsky. Crazy doesn’t begin to describe him. He has written several anti women pieces. But I’ll bite, for starters the oh so scary study that has him so very worked up was conducted years before trump ever arrived on scene. Secondly he equates wanting tighter borders and tougher on crime as “authoritarian” which is just ridiculous and insulting. Tighter borders was a popular platform that even Bill Clinton ran on not too long ago. There is nothing authoritarian about it and he never explains why it is.
He then goes on to provide a dire warning (this from someone who lost the last election, giving advice lol) one must pander to far left minority whiners to win future elections, ignorantly assuming all minorities of course are anti trump or even anti republicans. They’re not. Trump’s support among Hispanics is actually soaring, increasing a stunning 10 percent last month. Hmm! How does he explain that?? What an idiot.
The fainting couch is in the corner if you’re still upset.
Poor, poor Betty. Sounds like she was and still is willing to tell her side of the story to anyone and everyone. I suppose she's even shared it with the cafeteria staff at the prison.
Kind of reminds me of Gladys, most likely telling even the check-out cashier at the grocery store what good friends she and Kate are, and how they communicate in so many ways.
Interesting how TFW has basically disappeared from social media for the summer. If she hadn't burned her DWTS bridges, I'd suspect she was trying to get L or A on the show (obviously H is now kicked to the curb).
It would probably never occur to TFW that some dirty, icky boys like to dance, too. I suspect a mother who found a lizard backpack gender inappropriate for her little daughter would really have a fit if her son expressed an interest in dance.
Kind of reminds me of Gladys, most likely telling even the check-out cashier at the grocery store what good friends she and Kate are, and how they communicate in so many ways.
It's emerged that the total inability to move on from something seems to be a trait Kate has in common with even some of the most dangerous women out there. Betty is obsessed with Dan, still. Still! It's all on a relative scale, but it's all the same thing in the end.
Whether it's a husband, a divorce, Grow a Boyfriend, or even an election, the inability to just accept defeat and move on with your life going forward, seems to be a hallmark of a narcissist.
Admin (#153), I remember when TFW was using her code speak about Jon, referring to "certain ones." Holy heck, woman, you fathered 8 CHILDREN with this dude. America watched him come home from work and feed and bathe all 8 of them while you sat around making lists of churches to hit up for cash. Sure enough, a decade later, she is as furious at the man as she's ever been. And if you think that toxic rage isn't poisoning the 6 kids who are still under her roof, you're crazy.
This is another test. Blogger hates me!
jolie Jacquelyn
Teen mom Farrah has admitted that her 9-year-old daughter, Sophia, has admitted she might have caused their dog's death by "kind of tossing him."
Farrah says that a child cannot be blamed. The vet says the dog died from lack of oxygen.
Way to throw your 9 year old under the bus for a little publicity.
I also read that bnother teen mom “star” had a road rage incident and followed some guy to his house and pulled a gun on him. Apparently it was recorded for the show and aired last night. And oh by the way, her young son was in the front seat of the car with her. Sorry I don’t know her name because I don’t watch the show.
I think Kate is still furious at Jon because the split cost her money. The G family's 2008 tax return was in Robert's book, and that year they made almost $2m. Kate must have expected that she would continue to make that much, if not more (I say "she" because she obviously considered herself the star, and all the money her own). Following the split, the show was placed on hiatus (which she would have blamed on Jon for barring TLC from their property), and she couldn't just flit around giving speeches and leaving the kids behind if she hoped to retain custody. She lost money on all of that, and then--no doubt to her enormous surprise--the show was never as popular without Jon in it. Ratings slumped, the show was cancelled for almost 3 years, and even though it was brought back in 2014, it still didn't get great ratings. There have been maybe 30 episodes filmed in more than 4 years. She never made $2M in a year again, and she never will. She had just one year of making the kind of money she wanted, and that was it. It was over. Of course it's Jon's fault. If not Jon, then who is to blame? Certainly not Kate! Nope, it's all his fault. If he had just followed the script (date whomever he wants, but pretend to be married on camera), then she could have had an even bigger house, her own beach house, millions in the bank. She thinks the viewing public would never have gotten sick of her and her nasty attitude. It's easier to just blame him.
I give Jon a lot of credit for refusing to live a lie. Sure, Kate's fans are still mad because he wore some t-shirts they didn't like in 2009, but hey, we all make questionable fashion choices at some point in our lives. Just look back at what we wore in the 80s. Who are we to judge? Time to move past his unfortunate wardrobe 9 years ago. Kate's failure to carry a show today is not his fault.
Poor Milo is probably hiding in bed, covers pulled up over her head, after finding out Jon has custody of Hannah and he sees Collin. She tried to get Kate to control the narrative, pointing out to Kate that C had been out shopping and does that mean he'll be coming home soon? She would have expected Kate to gush over how great C is doing, and yes, she's bringing him home soon, yay! But Kate ignored her. Uh-oh. And Jon having custody of Hannah is just too awful for her to imagine. Remember, Kate's fans think the kids are KATE'S kids, not Jon's. How dare he take away one of HER kids??? But as more pictures were posted by Jon and Hannah, it became too obvious that something had changed, and then Hannah conformed that she was living with Jon on IG Live. Wimpy Boy somehow succeeded in taking away Kate's favorite child. Wimpy Boy not only found Collin, but was visiting him and taking him out in public, and there were no signs that Kate ever saw him after she shipped him off.
Even Milo has to know that this is only the beginning. Jon has H, he will be getting C, and it is more than likely that more kids will follow. The destruction of Milo's fantasy (perfect mommy Kate surrounded by her adoring, happy children) is more than she can bear. Kate is no longer "winning", and Milo is no longer vicariously "winning" through her. She probably won't re-appear until the dating show starts.
NJGal51 said... 156
The girl who had the road rage/gun incident was Jenelle Evans who is famous for having the worst boyfriends/husbands.Her mother has custody of the child who was in the car and she has two others, each with a different father.(I watch with my daughter. What a soap opera)
She probably won't re-appear until the dating show starts.
Don't you mean IF it starts?
Are Kate and Milo still among the missing?
lol Layla. I would say Kate made many poor wardrobe choices too. The hooker heels, super tight tops, short shorts and skirts, that tube-top dress, some of her bathing suits,hairstyles...
Formerly Duped (161)
I totally agree with you. Hooker heels paired with shorts? How about the dress she wore in the DWTS audience that made her look like...well, like she had a man's anatomy. The Christmas-wrap dress from that interview at the Grove. "The girls" hanging out everywhere. I think Jon was downright modest compared to her, but of course her fans can only see his faux-pas, not hers. She was "working it", he was a bad father. But they have to look hard for something to criticize about him so they can overlook her cruelty to her kids, so they still obsess over some t-shirts from 9 years ago.
lol Layla. I would say Kate made many poor wardrobe choices too. The hooker heels, super tight tops, short shorts and skirts, that tube-top dress, some of her bathing suits,hairstyles.
...and Milo's favorite -- those Daisy Dukes!
Well, to be fair, Jon wore head to toe Ed Hardy because he was doing a business deal with the owner of the brand. Funny thing is they left off on bad terms and Jon basically killed his brand.
There is a podcast called True Crime Brewery that just released an episode today about Bonny Lee Bakley, and they have an episode dated 6/29/16 about Betty Broderick!
"I wouldn't put it past Kate to hope the girls get pregnant early so she can do a show out of it."
Christians were OK with Bristol getting pregnant out of wedlock so they should be fine and dandy with a pregnant Gosselin girl. Not that I want this to happen. Let's not give Kate any ideas.
Bubbles -- Thanks for notice about that site. I just checked. They have some really interesting cases. I will be interested in how they conduct their analysis.
I was just thinking ahead to the twins' high school graduation next year. That's one occasion that can't be faked for the cameras, like Christmas and Mother's Day -- assuming TLC is interested in documenting it.
Bubbles said... 165
There is a podcast called True Crime Brewery.....
Bubbles, I was JUST about to post about that podcast! I am a fan and have listened to all of them. Gems if you like husband/wife banter, beer and true crime. I highly recommend True Crime Brewery.
“That's my guilty pleasure show and I kind of am looking forward to seeing Sarah Palin again, as the families are almost always prominent secondary character”
I don’t watch it now but I will if Sarah Palin and her family are on it. They pull together as a family and make things work. I think that’s why why her reality show did not last. People are more interested in watching disasters.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 168
I was just thinking ahead to the twins' high school graduation next year. That's one occasion that can't be faked for the cameras, like Christmas and Mother's Day -- assuming TLC is interested in documenting it.
Even if TLC is interested in documenting it, I can't see the school, the other parents, or even Mady & Cara being ok with a TV crew disrupting the graduation ceremony.
In Robert's book, he mentions brief filming of the twins' first day of kindergarten? at their first school, which did not occur on the first day. Different times, different school. I just can't see it happening.
I remember watching Bristol Palin on Wife Swap but it was single moms. Her son Tripp was terrible! He was overindulged, made his own rules for bedtime, jumping on furniture, what and where he ate and swore like a sailor.He was an embarrassment in public. It was Melisa Rivers she swapped with ( and I'm not a fan) but she got Tripp in order fast. I hope Bristol learned something form that. He was like a free-range child.
Another Duggar engagement...JD (Jana's twin brother). Another People spread to put money in the Duggars' pockets. And another wedding and honeymoon for TLC to film and pay for. now the budget for TFW's dating show might be down to a corn dog and a game of skeeball on the boardwalk.
FlimsyFlamsy (168)
Kate would be pretty conflicted about filming the twins' graduation. She'd be thrilled to get her mug back on TV, and TLC would be footing the bill for an over-the-top party (and maybe even cars for the twins? It's the only way they are going to get cars for college). But...M&C will be adults. She can't take 85% of whatever pay comes their way. If they are to negotiate for cars, those cars won't be in her name. It's a whole different ballpark when you're filming with adults instead of children. She told Jodi and Kevin that "Nobody makes money off my children but me", but the time is coming for the children to be making money for themselves. Like her "I'm in charge and that's never gonna change" claim, it's only a matter of time before the kids are grown and none of what she said is true any longer.
Susan1956 (#171), that's a good point. The school may not want to host a circus sideshow. And of course, TFW would make it all about herself. I raised them alone! No help! They owe it all to MEEEE!
Poke, dab!
Even if TLC is interested in documenting it, I can't see the school, the other parents, or even Mady & Cara being ok with a TV crew disrupting the graduation ceremony.
No worries about that. No filming is allowed in the school or on the campus.
Lanc Native said... 176
Even if TLC is interested in documenting it, I can't see the school, the other parents, or even Mady & Cara being ok with a TV crew disrupting the graduation ceremony.
No worries about that. No filming is allowed in the school or on the campus.
Thank goodness. At least the kids have a camera-free zone at school.
Just a gut feeling, but I bet Schmoopy is not that popular or well-liked by the other parents at the school.
TFW posted a video on Instagram about three hours ago. It's a video of just her hand and the dog (Nanuq) as she's teasing it with a piece of popcorn. She claims she's "training" the dog to wait until given the okay. Whatever, witch.
kateplusmy8We’re working on waiting til she’s allowed! 😂My human kids are way past that stage!!!😂😂😂 #Training2YearOlds #Popcorn #Nanuq #SableKingShepherd
Some comments on her video post on IG:
megk00 When are you guys going to come back on TLC on Cablevision? I miss watching you guys so much tv @kateplusmy8
mydmaxx2581 Do you mean the kids are past that stage of waiting or being trained? 😂 Lol. Good job Nanuq.
pennyt72 Hi Kate!! Are you returning to tv anytime soon?
rbrowder34 Miss seeing y’all on tv. Hope y’all come back soon!!
ashleigh.millerrr when does the show come back!!?
fshea10 Cute. Are you coming back on TV?
tammyethridgecraig Miss your show, please come back :)
lisafray10 @kateplusmy8 is the show coming back? It’s been far too long!
ray123abc Miss your show so much!!
kateplusmy8 @mydmaxx2581 hmmmm. Both I think? Lol
cafemgr Please tell me your coming back to TLC?
carrie11375Is Hannah and Colin going to come home to join the family soon?
janeygirl56 That’s just mean.
Lots of questions about the show - with the kids - coming back on. It's been the same on her other IG posts. I never see anyone interested in her Fake Date with Khate show. They want to see the kids.
Notice how TFW ignored all those questions, but she came back to answer one silly question from a longtime fan.
I clicked a link that I had for Hannah's IG and it said the page isn't there. I thought she deleted her account, but then I went to Jon's IG and clicked on her name in one of the pics he tagged her on and found it.
Apparently, she changed the name on her IG account from "itsmehjg" to "hjgosselin".
Old Instagram link:
New Instagram:
Training a dog with a piece of popcorn? What an amazeballs summer TFW is having! And not mediocre in the least! Once again, you know you're a #narcissist if you #hashtag the #names of your #kids or #dogs.
And speaking of #hashtags...will Gladys jump in, or is she going to wait to be missed?
If you're famous for having 8 kids and your Insta video features exactly zero of them, you might want to start updating your nursing resume.
A few more comments:
maxine0625 Are you coming back on?? @kateplusmy8
loriebeling You are a freaking control freak
paige_herbst Miss your show! #kateplus8 ❤️❤️
bratztaxi1969 @carrie11375 doubt collin will ever be under her roof again as he does not seem to bow down to her controlling ways...and hannah seems really truely happy finally with her dad 😁
TLC's airing old episodes now?
building2rebuild So excited that reruns started airing again!! Such a nice surprise to see on the DVR ❤️ thank you for allowing us to follow your family's journey..I've love watching since yours were babies and now I have 2 of my own
More comments:
annabramirez When is your show coming back on air!! We look forward to seeing your family every summer!!!!
kxng_.m What happend to the show
mzbambyashley Oh how I miss your show...!!!
sharonlynne6 Hope your enjoying your summer @kateplusmy8 ☀️ Was looking forward to your dating show on TLC. If it’s still a go, please let us know 👈🏻😊
brittleighdavis When does your show come back? He is so handsome
I wonder if she'll answer the questions about the Fake Date with Khate show, or correct the comment about it being cancelled. A normal reality TV person would take the opportunity to promote the show to her followers. But, TFW hasn't commented on it at all, even when the show was announced. How strange. It's probably because she's not sure the show is going to air.
Not exactly a torrent of fan response to TFW's post, huh? I think many of them caught on to the fact that she's not the "friend" she tried to sell herself as. The pal who would post about missing them, and ask what was up in their lives when she did't post for a week or so. The buddy who was going to hang with them by the pool on the cruise: "Do it do it do it!" Most moms don't have time for their real-life friends. Why should they bother investing in a person who, they may finally realize, truly cares nothing about them?
Rumor, speculation or fact? Confirmed?
Jul 25
@TLC @Kateplusmy8 Will there be another season of Kate plus 8??????????
I get such a chuckle from these tweets!
Not exactly a torrent of fan response to TFW's post, huh? I think many of them caught on to the fact that she's not the "friend" she tried to sell herself as.
I truly think a big part of her problem with fan interaction, and keeping them interested, is the teasing. She either flat out ignores their questions, even though she's reading them, or teases. Why won't she answer the numerous questions about her show or Collin? They are reasonable questions, and legitimate.
When I occasionally browse other celebrity's social media, they are right there in the comments answering questions directly, or if they can't say for some reason, the say so. Being direct goes a long way.
A tease in real life is obnoxious. So too is a tease on instagram. And without a doubt she's lost lots of fans over this behavior.
No worries about that. No filming is allowed in the school or on the campus.
I'm surprised there wouldn't be exceptions to that, for the right price. In any case, I'm also surprised that Kate would choose a school that has a general policy that they won't sign off on filming on campus. Or, she was lazy and didn't read the fine print.
I don’t watch it now but I will if Sarah Palin and her family are on it. They pull together as a family and make things work. I think that’s why why her reality show did not last. People are more interested in watching disasters.
Yeah, I admit I'd like to check in with them. Politics aside, I like her family.
Family is always included on Teen Mom I expect because where there's family, there's drama.
There is a podcast called True Crime Brewery.....
Thank you thank you! My true crime podcasts were drying up! Cheers.
Admin (#153), I remember when TFW was using her code speak about Jon, referring to "certain ones." Holy heck, woman, you fathered 8 CHILDREN with this dude. America watched him come home from work and feed and bathe all 8 of them while you sat around making lists of churches to hit up for cash. Sure enough, a decade later, she is as furious at the man as she's ever been. And if you think that toxic rage isn't poisoning the 6 kids who are still under her roof, you're crazy.
One of the worst things you can do to kids is not love their parent. I don't mean IN LOVE. I mean love. For all she thinks she has done for them as a mother, it's all cancelled out by her hatred of their father.
I'm surprised there wouldn't be exceptions to that, for the right price.
Have you seen any filming in school or on the grounds? If there were exceptions, I would think that by now camera crews would have been all over the place, in Kate's heyday, if Kate and TLC had their say and/or the money to pay the right price.
There will certainly be drama on Teen Mom if Bristol Palin's kids are as badly behaved as I mentioned Tripp was in my post #172. Of course that was a few years ago.Actually on TM there is more drama among the parents, not the kids.
Haha,I think Kate's not answering fan questions because she doesn't want to end up embarrassing herself. Remember in 2011, people were tweeting her asking whether K+8 and Twist of Kate had been cancelled. She responded, "No, neither has been cancelled! Still lots of fun to be had!". And then TLC cancelled. That had to have been so embarrassing (and infuriating) for her. She doesn't want to do that again. Funny, though, how she went on a short trip with Jamie for work, but nothing has been reported as far as filming is concerned since then. TLC did some filming for Twist of Kate and immediately realized that Kate just wasn't workable alone. Did that happen again? I guess it doesn't matter, it will get awful ratings no matter what they do to it. If she couldn't get good ratings with the kids, well, she'll get even worse ratings without them.
By the way, I wonder who the moron is who thought it would be a good idea to do a dating show starring a bitter 43-year-old divorcee with 8 kids, no real job, a huge vendetta against her ex, and who cut her own child out of her life when he wouldn't perform for the cameras. Such brilliance.
I have fallen into True Crime Brewery. Their long list of podcasts has many of the crimes I have followed. Like popcorn...I go from one to another.
My ironing, mending, HOA secretary work, dusting, flower garden weeding, driving, etc -- all being accomplished with murder details in the background.
Drop that rope in a few days....
Layla (#195), didn't she say something like there was "zero truth" to the cancellation rumors, and not to believe anything you didn't hear directly from her?
Former Lurker (#184), yeah, TFW puts no effort into self-promotion. For pete's sake, the sheltered Duggar girls are more savvy. I used to say she ought to give a high school kid $200 to spend a few hours getting her social media into shape. But let me lower the bar. She could give any random middle school girl one hour and a $25 Justice gift card, and it'd be better than the effort she's putting in now.
I have fallen into True Crime Brewery. Their long list of podcasts has many of the crimes I have followed. Like popcorn...I go from one to another.
lol! I fall asleep to either Forensic Files or ID Discovery Crime, even if I've seen the episodes many times. It's kind of like White Noise for me.
Umm...TFW, you moron, you teach your dog to "leave it" when they're puppies. Our former German Shepard had that down by four months. We would make him "leave it" for his meals and treats. Our release word was "okay". We would only make him wait a few seconds but it trains them not to have a free for all. Also, if table ford was dropped on the floor and we said "leave it" he wouldn't eat it. Also works for walking or being out in public when he saw another dog or animal. Or even people. We would say "leave it" and he would ignore them. We now have a seven month old female German Shepard that we got five weeks ago and we're working on that with her. We're not waiting until she's two. TFW is an idiot.
Dmasy (#196), I hope these True Crime Brewery podcasts don't require you to drink beer while you listen. I suddenly had a vision of you tottering around like Otis Campbell on Andy Griffith (*waves to GollyGee in heaven*), singing a discordant rendition of "Sweet Adeline," and leaving the HOA members to reconsider your secretary position.
At least it would liven up your biddy reputation!
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