TLC has finally made a somewhat more concrete announcement about the mysterious series complete with a few press events and photos
7:00 PM

We're talking to Kate Gosselin about her new dating show! And hitting the red carpet for all the drama with the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.
799 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 799 Newer› Newest»Is it just me, or does anyone else think that guy in the picture looks like Kevin from This Is Us??
Pure speculation but I wonder if Jon saying no to filming the kids has anything to do with why they don't visit him currently. It wouldn't surprise me if they begged him just to placate TFW as I'm sure the delays had her raging. Who knows what manipulative tricks she pulled with them.
Jbranck1980 (#2), I think that's a pretty strong theory. Yes, it's easy to see that an unhappy TFW could be hell to live with. No job, no apparent outside interests, no local friends that we've ever heard about. Add her rage about Jon having 2 of "her" kids, and maybe a nagging fear of running out of money soon, and it's a frightening combination.
Could be...H and L were so close ,as were the boys. I can't see them deciding not to see their siblings without some kind of pressure from TFW and also the filming situation may indeed have caused a rift.The kids were also all so close with Jon- how on earth could this happen? Remember that very sad footage of them all crying upon returning to TFW after a visit with their dad? The combo of TFW and filming is deadly for a child to fight.
Formerly Duped (#4), and parentified kids have been trained to be hyper responsible. They may see it as their "job" to keep Mom happy. And since Mom hates Dad, well...
Jbranck1980 said... 2
Pure speculation but I wonder if Jon saying no to filming the kids has anything to do with why they don't visit him currently. It wouldn't surprise me if they begged him just to placate TFW as I'm sure the delays had her raging. Who knows what manipulative tricks she pulled with them.
I suspected this from the very beginning. Why, after so many years of visitation, suddenly refuse to even talk to their dad? And the estrangement coincided with Jon's refusal to allow them to be filmed. Just too coincidental. Kate seems to keep them under control and keep them filming by threatening the loss of their house and their school if they don't. Remember back in 2011, when the show was cancelled? She said the first thing they asked was whether they would be able to stay in their house and in their school. They tups were 7 years old then. Why would such young kids equate the end of their show with the loss of their home and their private school? Because their mother told them, that's why. And there's no reason to believe that narrative has changed over the years. Kate has them believing they could lose everything and it's all Jon's fault. By now I'm sure she's thrown in the loss of their ability to go to college, just to ramp things up. Good on Jon for standing his ground. The kids need to learn that there is a life outside of reality tv.
PS--I don't think Kate is short on cash. She may have had to start dipping into "her" money to pay the bills, which she would of course resent. She marketed those kids from before birth so that they could pay the bills, not her.
I know that it’s the style now but her eyebrows look like somebody drew them on with a sharpie. Also, she may be trying for the beachy (bitchy?) wavey look but it’s not happening. It looks like somebody started to do her hair and then stopped before they were finished.
Looking at the picture above, I'm reminded of what she said about meeting the dog breeder they got Shoka and Nala from--that he was talking about the breed (GSD), and all she heard was "Blah, blah, blah". She has that kind of expression above--the guy probably knows wine and is trying to explain soemthing to her, and she doesn't understand a word he's saying. She's not sophisticated enough to "get it", so all she hears is "blah, blah, blah".
What some critics/reporters tweeted at the TCA launch:
@ScottDPierce: I don't even have the words to express my utter contempt for #TLC's upcoming #KatePlusDate, which features Kate Gosselin looking for love and exploiting her two oldest daughters for continued TV fame and fortune. An utterly grotesque idea. #TCA19
@digitalhit: @TLC_PR @TLC #KatePlusDate?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
@digitalhit: @Kristiturnquist @OfficialTCA First question should be "Can you please fade into oblivion?" #KatePlusDate
#The tups in particularl are at an age when you want the floor to open up if your mother simply asks for extra napkins at McDonald's.
I kind of feel that every photo of Cara taken with her mother from about the age of 12 onwards, that's exactly the look she has on her face.
That promotional photo is awkward. There is no chemistry between them. I guess that was the best one they had. The show is going to be so bad and painful to watch.
That promotional photo is awkward. There is no chemistry between them. I guess that was the best one they had. The show is going to be so bad and painful to watch.
Yes it is, and it's going to be a source of so much fun (for us)!
FlimsyFlamsy said... 200
"Respectful" behavior or not...can you imagine how humiliating it will be for those 8 teenagers that their mom is trying to get a date on a TV show? The tups in particularl are at an age when you want the floor to open up if your mother simply asks for extra napkins at McDonald's.
I know, right? But when has Kate ever taken her kids' feelings into account. What she's doing basically is partaking in what used to be known as an escort service. So if TLC, Sexy Confidence and Kate want to tidy it up and call it "matchmaking" for the sake of respectful tv, they're just putting lipstick on a pig...or Sharpie eyebrows on Mrs. Potato Head (NJGal 51 your comment #7 cracked me up). They're not really fooling anyone.
I guess I should add that I'm not saying all these online dating sites are in the escort service business but when both Schmoopy and these men are getting a paycheck for going out together, then it's a whole 'nuther animal.
Great news as reported by National Review directly citing FBI statistics. Across all crimes only a tiny fraction were ultimately designated hate crimes. In many cases, as low as .00001 percent. Awesome, America is a safe and wonderful place to be. Bad news, majority of hate crimes were committed by minorities and over 500 crimes a year that the media designated as hate crimes ultimately were NOT. Real stats say it all.
Jesse, get your affairs in order you’re going to jail.
Jesse charged with a felony. Jesse cut out from all remaining episodes of Empire.
Thank you Chicago PD and Empire for taking a stand against this sad and dangerous situation. He could have insighted more violence with all this. People could have been hurt or killed. He certainly had everyone worked up to that point. Shame on him. Jail time.
Even though he’s in the “correct” party and on the correct side of the media the anti trump crowd, they did the right thing with this guy. Thank you!!
Has anyone read this essay? Children’s parents are posting private information about their children publicly without the children’s consent. There are even underage Instagram and YouTube “stars” and making sponsored content. Some of them are under the age of ten so they don’t fully understand that they have no privacy. It’s like Gosselin children 2.0.
Joining in with a hats off to the CPD & to Empire for pressing forward with this.
Welp you found an extremely radical left and biased article that is classifying everything from Catholicism to anti government as “hate”. How can anti government groups possibly be attributed to Trump? That’s your lot!
There are lots of interesting tidbits though in their lengthy political rant (All 70 plus pages of irrational ranting) One is that hate groups however they define that increased by about 50. Meh, barely within the margin of error. Second I can’t find any definition for what a hate group is or how many people are required to be in a group to count as a group but I’m pretty sure anti government ie libertarians and Catholics would object to being called hate groups. Also most telling? There is a dramatic increase in hate groups composed of black people. Black! So what does Trump have to do with that. Lol.
My original comment stands. The FBi statistics are correct and far less biased. If hate and racism were around every corner the media would report on it. They sure went nuts over Jesse. What is your objection to calling out this incidentas a total sham and misrepresention of what is really going on in the USA. It’s front page news everywhere and your lot can’t own how disappointed you are that this wasn’t actually a racist hate crime. Shouldn’t you be happy that in fact nothing happened? Thank god this didn’t really happen. Your lot wanted this to happen just to hate on Trump. It’s really freaking sick. Really sick. Do you want justice over this or do you wish it could just go away because it doesn’t fit the narrative you’re selling? Own it.
Poor anonymous, you must have never taken a stat class to understand the nonsense you're trying to peddle. Or maybe Kate Gosselin taught you math.
Here's a breakdown of your oh so startling statistics.
Per Pew Researchers, 75% of Americans are active in at least one kind of NON-HATE group or another. The average American is in about three "groups." These groups are things like church, scouts, volunteer groups, unions, travel groups, ethnic and culture groups, and so on. All totally appropriate groups.
According to your allegedly startling statistics, there are about 1,000 hate groups out there. Not in one state. Not on any one topic. Just 1,000 TOTAL including groups that couldn't possibly love Trump as it would be inconsistent with their agenda, or groups that have nothing to do with Trump or any president whatsoever, like Holocaust deniers. Those people have been around SINCE the Holocaust and since Trump is one of the most pro-Israel presidents we've ever had and his own daughter is Jewish (yeah for moving the embassay to its rightful spot in Jerusalem!) I can't imagine the Holocaust deniers are the biggest fans. So giving each "hate" group regardless of whether they have anything to do with Trump a generous 200 participants (some may have only 2 or 3 members for all we know), that's, brace for it, .06 percent of Americans in hate groups. .06! And that's being generous to you.
The population is 325 MILLION. In other words, More than 99.4 percent of Americans have nothing to do with hate groups or hate or whatever you are trying to sell.
These are your own statistics, anonymous. I pulled that 1,000 right from your article. The math proves it, hate is not around every corner. Peace, prosperity and love are around every corner, on the contrary.
And let's talk about that shocking statistic that hate groups comprised of blacks is on a sharp increase. Could it be, could it possibly be, that the anti-police movement, led by your hero Obama, has sparked such hate and discord among minorities? But you don't want to talk about that, that doesn't fit your agenda.
Careful there with your Trump hate, your fearless leader is 25 years old and has mush for brains. I'm sure these stats above would confuse her too as she also went hog wild all over the Jesse incident only to be proven terribly utterly wrong.
A convo from twitter that is spot on.
TLC Network (@TLC): Kate Gosselin is looking for love! Watch #KatePlusDate as she takes us along on her search for romance in June 2019. #TCA19
Concerned Chick (@ConcernedChick): @TLC @TLC @Kateplusmy8 OMG. 🤣 He looks way younger than she does! The comparison just makes her look even older! Is this how he’s paying this year’s college tuition? #KatePlusDate #KateGosselin #childexploiter
Sockie on the Case (@SockieWhodunit): @ConcernedChick @ellamenopea @TLC @Kateplusmy8 Just another kid to exploit. Right up her alley.
Concerned Chick (@ConcernedChick): @SockieWhodunit @ellamenopea @TLC @Kateplusmy8 🤣🤣🤣
Concerned Chick (@ConcernedChick): @TLC @TLC @Kateplusmy8 OMG. 🤣 He looks way younger than she does! The comparison just makes her look even older! Is this how he’s paying this year’s college tuition? #KatePlusDate #KateGosselin #childexploiter
Heh! Like those women who say oh I had to be a stripper to “put myself through school”. 😂
it’s official, Jussie’s In jail. Told ya he’s going to jail.
What are try to get the Trump haters all in a tizzy over a big fat lie, you might just find yourself in jail.
So giving each "hate" group regardless of whether they have anything to do with Trump a generous 200 participants (some may have only 2 or 3 members for all we know), that's, brace for it, .06 percent of Americans in hate groups. .06! And that's being generous to you.
Pulling a random number out of your ass is not "generosity."
The population is 325 MILLION. In other words, More than 99.4 percent of Americans have nothing to do with hate groups or hate or whatever you are trying to sell.
Did they forget to teach you basic logic in law school? "Hate groups" and "hate" are not synonymous. You can hate without being in a hate group. So even if I were to accept your random number for the sake of argument, your claim that 99.4% are not involved with "hate" is a logical fallacy.
Well I know that I hate all this talk about hate.
Jussie did this fake hate because he was not happy with his salary and wanted more money. Whatever he was paid is a lot more than he will get making license plates. What a tool. I am glad he was caught. When something like this happens for real nobody will believe the victim.
When something like this happens for real nobody will believe the victim.
And that's the problem and that's what people should be furious about. Not just him, but the thousands of "hate crimes" that turned out to be fake, per the FBI's own data.
Jussie and the thousands of other people who have faked hate crimes are doing far more harm for their agenda than anyone they claim to hate so much ever did. The nice thing about this is it's exposed the "Trump supporters are all racist homophobes" myth out of the water. Out.of.the.water. In fact, it's the other side who are completely nuts, have gone BONKERS over this presidency. To the point of lying and even committing crimes to make their point! It's sad to watch the downward spiral. Up to three years in jail, see ya Jussie enjoy the powdered eggs.
Did they forget to teach you basic logic in law school? "Hate groups" and "hate" are not synonymous. You can hate without being in a hate group. So even if I were to accept your random number for the sake of argument, your claim that 99.4% are not involved with "hate" is a logical fallacy.
Well now you're really getting into some vague territory. What is the definition of hate? Are you equating "opinion" with hate? Because I sure would call a whole lot of your side full of hate. Dangerous hate. Jussie could have hurt or killed someone with his fake story. OWN IT.
There is absolutely no evidence that the country is full of hate. NONE. The evidence is exactly to the contrary.
With absolute respect Admin, Roman Catholics are NOT anti-government. Not at all. The Current Catechism discusses this very subject at length. Just wanted to correct this notion. If I misunderstood you, my apologies.
With absolute respect Admin, Roman Catholics are NOT anti-government. Not at all. The Current Catechism discusses this very subject at length. Just wanted to correct this notion. If I misunderstood you, my apologies.
Our troll's radical left wing study she cited actually identified some Catholic groups as hate groups. They also identified anti government groups (i.e. libertarians, a perfectly mainstream party) as hate groups. The study was talking about two separate groups, not equating them as the same that I understood. In any case, it's all still nonsense.
ou're the one who decided that 94.6% of the country isn't involved in either hate groups or hate. If that's vague territory, that's on YOU. Own that.
You are the one who provided a study about hate GROUPS. Not hate, hate GROUPS. I provided you the numbers that prove, prove, that hardly any Americans are in such group and that almost every American who IS in a group, is in a non-hate group. If you want to talk about hate in general, you need to define what that is and provide the stats that prove it. You have not.
It really, really bothers you that your hero Jussie is now in jail. Hilarious.
Fortunately, anonymous, your opinion that hate is around every corner ever present, has no bearing in reality, the facts, or the stats. It's a really good thing that your fantasy is not true, and frankly, I have no idea why you want it to be true so bad. You don't LIKE all the peace and prosperity going on right now? The bad guy who tried to tell us it's not peaceful went to jail, all is well now, you can rest easy.
Lol the woman openly lying about FBI statistics has the brass balls to lecture me about statistics.
I didn't LIE about the stats. Link is right here. Read it and weep:
Jussie's in jail. Maybe he'll put you on his visitor list if you ask nicely and try not to sound so crazy.
Nah, Trump ain't guilty. It's just a coincidence that all of his closest allies have been indicted. LOL Cannot wait for that perp walk!
It's never coming. Ya'll have been trying for over two years. Time to give it up. You don't enjoy peace and prosperity and declining hate crimes either?
Oh for god's sake. Did you also clutch your pearls over shows like the Dating Game that were around decades ago? It's not the equivalent of an escort service. It's a stupid reality show.
If you're paid to be on a dating show yeah it's actually pretty close to an escort service. I'm not sure what dating show you are referencing since I've only seen bits and pieces of a few but I doubt most dating shows paid any of all the random extras they had on, the payment was being on TV just like game shows don't pay their contestants unless they win. That's very different than Kate's show, which is basically an escort service on TV.
Also aren't most people on dating shows usually single with no kids? Other poster was saying this would embarrass her kids much like an escort service would embarrass them. Personally I think that's a fair statement.
I suspect Kate picked men who are too young and too good-looking for her because she believes that's the kind of man she should be dating. This is a woman who has claimed that she "de-ages". In actuality, she's turning 44 next month--and it shows. She should be dating men in their late 40s-early 50s. The only reason a handsome young guy like the one in the picture above would date her is because he's being paid for it. She looks so pathetic and desperate, trying to act like that is the kind of guy who wants to go out with her. He is so far out of her league, they're not even playing the same sport.
OK - Thanks Admin. There are plenty of silly, nonsense "studies". I shall return to regular programming -Kate and her goofy dating show. I ask, if she finds "love" on the second episode is the show over? Or, must her fans wait until the second to last episode, then vote, and the "winner", so to speak, is announced during a special 2 hour finale? Season 2 would follow the "happy couple" as they date. Season 3, they plan a wedding? Season 4, the honeymoon (lord help us all), Season 5, the Divorce? Season 6, Start all over again? But, but, but she doesn't live her life in "seasons". So many questions. So few answers. I just don't get it!
Oh for god's sake. Did you also clutch your pearls over shows like the Dating Game that were around decades ago? It's not the equivalent of an escort service. It's a stupid reality show.
The Dating Game? Isn't that the one that had serial killer Rodney Alcala as a prospective date? He won, IIRC.
Oh for god's sake. Did you also clutch your pearls over shows like the Dating Game that were around decades ago? It's not the equivalent of an escort service. It's a stupid reality show.
Uh huh, yep. I nearly choked myself with my pearls watching the Dating Game back in the 60's.
TFW is dating for dollars because the bottom fell out of her child pimping business. For shitz and giggles google escort service and see for yourself if what that famewhore is doing isn't the same thing.
You got one thing right...It IS a stupid reality show.
From Dmasy --
FOTK (36) -- I might have the answer!
Kate goes on a date. If she rejects the handsome fellow, he can choose to go to Island of Extinction and sleep on the sand and starve.
Meanwhile, Kate continues to date other bachelors and dine well.
OK. Not an original idea of mine. I am a Survivor fan. The new season began last night. It will feature a twist called Extinction Island.
I absolutely despise The Bachelor. Hate it, hate it. Stupid premise, with a pathetic group of narcissists "looking for love" and feeling that it will happen only while millions of strangers watch them? Kate Gosselin's show is going to make The Bachelor look like Masterpiece Theatre in comparison.
It was reported that Jussie Smollett's salary is $65,000 per episode. For an 18 episode season. That's $1,170,000 per season. And he wasn't happy with his salary so it's alleged that's why he did. Try getting a good agent and renegotiate. What a SH:T HEAD!
Sorry, that's my comment under capecod. Forgot the mama part.
Jussie Smollett will be lucky if he gets a role playing "Purple Kangaroo" on season two of the Masked Singer.
"Oh for god's sake. Did you also clutch your pearls over shows like the Dating Game that were around decades ago? It's not the equivalent of an escort service. It's a stupid reality show."
If the woman on this show was some wacky Bachelor contestant, I wouldn't blink an eye. But this is Kate Gosselin, saintly, religious mother of 8, who wants everything to be G rated. And people who usually do these type of shows, Flavor Flav and Bret Michaels, don't claim to be saints.
Kate goes on a date. If she rejects the handsome fellow, he can choose to go to Island of Extinction and sleep on the sand and starve.
I would think the Island of Extinction would be the preferred option after one date with that screech owl.
Now that my puppy has an active instagram I've been looking through my DMs and I see at least three spam DMs that are essentially saying they'll buy me followers. Here's a sample message, I'm sure Kate gets these same things and probably ponied up the cash for her followers:
Howdy! Why don’t you make this IG more successful? I reckon that the activity level on your Insta page can be much enhanced. We are a company which is made up of digital marketing graduates with lasting experience in the area. I think with the experience and capabilities our experts have, we could back you in strengthening interactions (comments-likes) on your Insta page and bring additional followers and networking to your Instagram profile.
Admin, care to comment about this?
For someone, who in the past, has said she doesn't want to make this blog political, you're sure doing a fine job of making it so.
Yes, you're the blog owner and can post anything you want, but when you shout with glee about Jussie Smollet being arrested, you should also shout with glee that a domestic terrorist whose targets were Democrats and the press was found out and arrested.
FYI said (47)………
Yes, you're the blog owner and can post anything you want, but when you shout with glee about Jussie Smollet being arrested, you should also shout with glee that a domestic terrorist whose targets were Democrats and the press was found out and arrested.
Sorry, FYI, this is not your blog and you don't get to tell our admin what she should or should not shout with glee about. This is a new story and we don't know much about it yet. In time, we will probably talk about it, but that's not up to you. If you want to make the call about what is discussed, then go start your own blog. We won't miss you.
Admin, care to comment about this?
I have not seen that story to comment but I'll look at it later. I can't possibly comment on every story out there, there are better forums for that. However, our troll here has engaged repeatedly in discussions about how bad the Trump supporters are, and the Jussie story is in direct response to those conversations. I'm not GLEEFUL that Jussie going to jail. But I'm very pleased that finally a Trump hater is being called out as the hypocrite so many of them are and I certainly want him in jail for the dangerous crime he committed. He is vehemently anti Trump. Militant anti Trump. He turned out to be just bad, no worse, than anything him and his lot ever claimed to hate. This was not about him wanting more money or whatever, his social media reflects he was completely brainwashed against Trump to the point of committing crimes. He accepts letters and visitors, sign up.
I skimmed the article, thanks for posting it FYI kudos to our government for stopping a terrorist attack before it ever even got off the ground. That is what government should do. Isn't it nice to have such peace and no terrorist attacks anymore?
I think if your point is to prove this had anything to do with Trump, you didn't read the article or the actual court documents they posted carefully. The article and filings makes a point to say several times that he has held these views for a long time, per his own words he has held these views for THIRTY YEARS. So, that's going back to what, Bush One? So, long, long before Trump ever came on the scene.
The article also says he's a drug addict, and was harboring massive amounts of illegal drugs. I think everyone is against drugs am I wrong? Tougher borders would help crack down on the illegal drug trade.
He was also, clearly, mentally ill. His direct manifesto is posted, and it sounds like he's schizophrenic and paranoid. Some mentally ill need to be locked up, and yet some people are against that. Hence they are allowed to be on the streets concocting terrorist plots.
He was also a vet. We need to spend more money taking care of our vets both their physical symptoms and mental ones, also something I support and Trump supports.
The only question is if this guy has been lurking around for 30 years with these views, why didn't Bush 1, Clinton, Bush 2 or Obama stop him?????
Thanks Trump for finally nabbing him WOO!
Nice try, no dice.
Also read his manifesto. He never once mentions Trump or anything barely even related to Trump. He's mostly rambling about Muslims, Ukraine and Europe. He's completely loony tunes and no one should be blamed for "causing" mental illness, you can't cause such a thing. But who can be blamed are the people too soft to want to lock him up.
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump Feb 20
The New York Times reporting is false. They are a true ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!
I condemn what Jussie Smollet did, but how can you not condemn Trump for his own hateful rhetoric? If you're okay with what he has said about the press, you're just as complicit in his hate.
Sorry, what? I don't follow. I haven't seen that tweet, what is he even talking about? What do I need to condemn or not condemn? Does one generally agree with every single thing a politician you support likes? Did you agree with every single thing out of Obama's mouth? That would be weird if you did. Did you like when he made fun of the special Olympics? Did you condemn that? Did you usually "condemn" things you didn't agree with or do you have better things to do with your time?
What does condemn mean and why do I have to condemn things for you?
I wasn't talking about Trump I was talking about a guy who faked a hate crime and all those who rallied behind him so giddy this happened so they could "prove" their agenda. Stop changing the subject. The guy faked it, it looks really, really bad for side, your agenda got thrown into the trash with this guy, and you keep wanting to change the subject and that's why.
Trump didn't nab him. The agencies, i.e. the FBI, that he constantly disparages did. Can't give Trump any credit for this. He probably had no idea about it until the news reports came out, and he still hasn't addressed it.
So wait you can't have it both ways. Does this have anything to do with Trump or nothing to do with Trump? First you post it to try to show I'm not sure what but I'm sure it has to do with Trump, then when it's explained to you that this guy went crazy under Bush 1 and not Trump at all, you change the subject and now are upset Trump could get credit for this. Lol, hilarious. And where is your condemnation of Bush 1 for inciting this guy, as by his own admission, he became radicalized approximately 30 years ago, during the Bush years I assume or possibly even Clinton (oh, nooooes).
The FBI reports directly to the attorney general who is directly under the president, therefore, you can bet Trump's going to get credit. I'm afraid he will get credit just as any other president got the credit when the FBI nabbed a terrorist in the past. Lol, too bad.
Wait a second, shouldn't those in charge be critical of any nonsense happening in any agency including the FBI? Are you saying the president should look the other way when he or she sees something wrong? A critical boss who pushes you and is hard on you is what makes the best employees. Have you ever had a boss like that or do you prefer bosses who let you come in late leave early and accomplish nothing all day? Lord knows the last thing we need is another wet noodle coddling everyone in bed with everyone, that worked out so well. Your lot still doesn't understand this was WHY he was elected, because people were tired of all the back scratching and wanted somebody in there who wasn't trying to please everybody except the people. He's going to win again because your side STILL doesn't get it.
Trump probably hasn't addressed this yet because if you look at his twitter someone has posted that he is at a gala tonight at the White House celebrating African Americans/black history month. Maybe he feels it's rude to be tweeting on his phone during an event celebrating an important people and culture.
Trump probably hasn't addressed this yet because if you look at his twitter someone has posted that he is at a gala tonight at the White House celebrating African Americans/black history month.
The story came out yesterday. Stop making excuses for him.
Remember OJ? He murdered his wife and was found innocent.
You're comparing Jussie to a murderer? That's way out of line.
By the way, no one is found "innocent". There's no such thing in the US. It's guilty or not guilty. He was not guilty, not, "innocent."
Because you are legally allowed to have those views. You have heard of the First Amendment, right? Thinking, planning and acting are not synonymous.
The first amendment doesn't apply to mental health patients. If you're spouting off crazy stuff, you can be put on a mental health hold and forced to get treatment. There is no "free speech" card when you're crazy. Your lot won't do it for some strange reason and then we get this situation. Good job, a lot of people almost died because you don't want the mentally ill to get treatment.
Also, this guy didn't plan this attack overnight. The first amendment doesn't apply to that either.
Um, the story broke yesterday. Please come up with another excuse for your idol.
Oh I guess you're in charge of what should be tweeted about? Lol, what arrogance.
Yesterday Trump was busy tweeting about this wall going up in New Mexico, so I'm sure that kept him busy yesterday.
Wall's up and there's nothing you can do about it, Jussie faked a hate crime and there's nothing you can do about it, a Native American got in the face of some high school kids exercising their FREE SPEECH RIGHTS and now it's a 250 million dollar libel lawsuit against the anti-Trump Post that minor should win and is going to win, and on and on. Lol, this is so funny watching your side unravel. Now you're even committing crimes and getting yourselves entangled in giant lawsuits that bankrupt companies. Two years in and you're already completely unhinged at this point, can't wait to see how much deeper you go the next two years.
Christopher Hasson lived in Silver Spring, which is close to where I live. You'd think there would be a lot of talk, being so close, but there isn't. I think everyone has learned to be very careful about jumping to conclusions. Jussie Smollett, the Covington kids, the killing of Jazmine Barnes--all of these cases turned out to be so far from the way they were first presented. Al Sharpton used Trump's tweet about Jussie to excuse his own comments about the case. People should be learning to proceed with caution, including the POTUS.
All I have heard about Hasson is that his guns were all bought legally, he had a drug problem, and all the drugs in his possession were hoarded for his own personal use. None of the people discussing the case in the produce aisle of Whole Foods appear to know him personally, so it remains to be seen what the true facts are. Once we know something, we'll discuss (if we want to).
Admin, that walk was built during the Obama administration. The work done this week was preventive maintenance. It was built along the border crossing port.
Christopher Hasson lived in Silver Spring, which is close to where I live. You'd think there would be a lot of talk, being so close, but there isn't. I think everyone has learned to be very careful about jumping to conclusions. Jussie Smollett, the Covington kids, the killing of Jazmine Barnes--all of these cases turned out to be so far from the way they were first presented. Al Sharpton used Trump's tweet about Jussie to excuse his own comments about the case. People should be learning to proceed with caution, including the POTUS.
Wise words. This was a hard lesson for the media that not everything that looks like Trump hate is. Not that they shouldn't have gotten that lesson the hundred times before this happened. Robin Robert's interview with Jussie was as soft and un-probing as the numerous "journalists" who interviewed Kate usually were. That does not help the public get too the truth of any matter, and people should be up in arms given so much of us rely on the media for so much of our information. This is a sad state of affairs.
As for the hate groups, the Southern Poverty Law Center is the far left interest group that identifies much of these groups, and basically if you have any opinion that doesn't align with theirs, you're a hate group. In fact they are now mired in lawsuits because they've destroyed many very reputable, reasonable and rational organizations and people by libeling them as a hate group. They've already paid out millions in settlements. So if someone tells you hate groups are on the rise, look to see what is being identified as a hate group. (And shame on them for ruining good people's reputations, SHAME)
Even the Washington Post admits Southern Poverty is not to be trusted at all.
As for this being a safe place to live, it is. Crime across the board has been low for some time now. That doesn't mean that just because it's low, the people who have been victimized don't matter or it's not important to try to prevent crime. I'm still not understanding what the objection is to preventing criminals from coming here. Any criminal who wasn't supposed to be here in the first place is a crime that could have been prevented. Are crimes only important to prevent when they are high, or shouldn't we always try to prevent and lower crime rates? What if you were the victim, would you care whether there were hundreds of you or thousands of you, or wouldn't you think that wouldn't matter to YOUR victim story?
What is the price of one life to these radicals?
Formerly Duped...what do you think about thecharges lodged against Robert Kraft?
Isn't there a clip anywhere of that useless tit on the stage with the twins? Please advise.....
Long time lurker, first time poster!
It appears Collin commented on Colleen's picture about her vacation. He seems to have his own instagram account. He says how much they relate to each other, and lots of love for each other! So much to unpack in that one lengthy comment he made
Long time lurker, first time poster!
It appears Collin commented on Colleen's picture about her vacation. He seems to have his own instagram account. He says how much they relate to each other, and lots of love for each other! So much to unpack in that one lengthy comment he made
What a sweet boy. He needs a strong woman figure in his life as much as he has needed a man.
Alyssa Court (#63), welcome! Hope you will continue to post. Thanks for sharing about C. It warms my heart to know he and Colleen adore each other. the latest pic of Sea Gordon! He looks so happy. the latest pic of Sea Gordon! He looks so happy.
Aw. He certainly is learning how to enjoy himself! He wouldn't even get out of the car to go to the dog park before. Certain things still give him pause but he's now excited to go to the dog park and leaps out of the car so happy once inside.
Dick Van Dyke has used his fame for incredible good.
Anna Lowe and Alyssa Court, welcome! It's always nice to have new posters join our little crew.
I'm so happy to hear that Collin is bonding with Colleen. He always needed a closer, more loving mother-son relationship, and his mother didn't provide him with that. It sounds like Colleen does. She sure seems like a wonderful person and after many years with Jon, it looks like she's there to stay. I hope her relationship with C grows through his adolescence and he receives the nurturing he needs to be a happy, well-adjusted adult despite the damage his bio mother has done. And Jon, of course, has really come through for him. This is the best of all worlds for Collin. He is not a throw-away child.
Now that we know Mady and Cara are part of the new show, I guess it's possible that their graduation might be part of an episode. We talked about filming not being allowed at their school, but I'm sure TFW would be thrilled to throw a splashy graduation party on TLC's dime.
And maybe one of her Central Casting boy-toy beaus can accompany her to the shindig, where she'll poke and dab about how SHE'S responsible for how well the girls turned out.
Mady posted a (smirking) pic on Instagram yesterday:
Also, there's a (vapid) sign on the wall behind her. In all caps, it says:
"There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so."
Also, there's a (vapid) sign on the wall behind her. In all caps, it says:
"There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so."
Sweet, like mother like daughter with the trite quotes. Hopefully she just picked up that sign at home goods and it's not her real life philosophy. Oy, right, there's no true right or wrong in the world. Did Kate tell her this when she estranged her from her dad? Oyyyy.
What is disturbing to me is that the President of the United States is deliberately and with what appears to be malice aforethought seeking to malign American citizens for the crime of not agreeing with him.
This sentiment rings hollow to me. All Trump haters have tried to do is malign everyone else. I can give you about 100,000 examples of this, need I go on? It's rampant and now getting actually really dangerous, and certainly is with malice (see Jussie.)
“It is the press, above all, which wages a positively fanatical and slanderous struggle, tearing down everything which can be regarded as a support of national independence, cultural elevation, and the economic independence of the nation.”
― Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
That includes the President of the United States. There is absolutely no possibility that he didn’t know about this, that he wasn’t told about it, that a detailed account wasn’t included in at least one of his daily briefings.
He did NOT say anything about it. INSTEAD, he tweeted about the media: "out of control", "ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE", "dishonest"...
I'm not understanding your outrage. Does a president generally tweet about arrests? Maybe it might be better to hold back if possible and tweet when they are formally convicted? Or maybe he just doesn't want to tweet about everything that crosses the news. You also said he shouldn't take credit for it because it was the FBI, so if he tweeted about it, you would accuse him of taking credit. Lose-lose. I have no idea why he hasn't tweeted about this, I don't follow his twitter all that closely, but what I don't understand is why you care what he does or doesn't tweet about.
Despite you saying the story is everywhere, it's really not everywhere at all. I could barely find it on mainstream news sites, it's literally nowhere to be found today on CNN or even Fox, the two big ones. I guess my question is why is the media burying this story. Could it be because it's another success story under this presidency and potentially dozens of lives saved, and that that doesn't fit their narrative?
“It is the press, above all, which wages a positively fanatical and slanderous struggle, tearing down everything which can be regarded as a support of national independence, cultural elevation, and the economic independence of the nation.”
― Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
The media is really terrible in the last 20 years or so, and almost everyone says that. But sure, pull a Hitler quote. A broken clock is right twice a day and Hitler was actually right to be concerned about the media.
Here's what your idol Obama has said about the media, I guess he's hitler?
Social media keeps people “cocooned in information” and a bubble and in his words this is a "problem."
He also said: “A job well done is about more than just handing someone a microphone. It is to probe and to question, and to dig deeper, and to demand more. The electorate would be better served if that happened. It would be better served if billions of dollars in free media came with serious accountability.”
The media: just reinforces "whatever biases you have, which is the pattern that develops.”
There's a lot more, he's given at least two interviews specially about how much he hates the media.
Keep going, I could do this all day.
“A job well done is about more than just handing someone a microphone. It is to probe and to question, and to dig deeper, and to demand more.
I wish Robin Roberts had listened to Obama when she interviewed Jussie. Her interview was a massive failure. She let him sit there and lie to us all and she didn't do a thing about it. And I liked her, too.
He didn't tweet about it, but he answered questions about it. He called it "a shame" and a "very sad thing". WTF?
A "shame" that a guy had a hit list against Democrats & news media personnel? I guess that's what Sarah Sanders calls Trump always condemning violence, which is what she replied when asked about it.
The hell? So he has been tweeting about, so NOW what is your problem?
You don't think it's a shame and sad when someone is this nuts? What do you want him to say that will satisfy you?
Trump haters are so often petty and irrational. You're proving my point.
Mady's Insta-friendly quote says nothing is bad. So why did she publicly label her father "toxic" and kick him to the curb?
Please work on your reading comprehension. The person said "didn't" not "did."
Oh for goodness sake it was a typo. I meant “talking” about it. He addressed it, but other poster also wants to him to tweet about it too lol. Isn’t it better to just address it directly instead of on twitter anyway? Petty, grasping at straws and deflecting from the real issue that Jussie just proved there is no huge MAGA hate group out there lurking around every corner ready to jump people.
I wonder if Mady and Cara will attend different colleges. I hope they do so they can become their own person and personality. Mady is so much like her mother I hope she learns to get over herself. College is a whole different ball game. She won't be the big deal on the block any more. Someone should really take her aside and try to talk some sense into her.
So happy for Collin that he is experiencing unconditional love and one on one attention. He was always such a sweet little boy.
I didn't like Mady's photo at all. She looked really smug and cocky. Yup, like Mommy.
foxy, I agree it would be good for both girls to go to different colleges.If Mady goes...her career may stand in the way of education and 'culturizing'
All comments on this blog need approval before being published.
For love of all the rumspringa under the veranda, please stop the political posts.
Old Poster 83...I agree totally with you about the political posts. They are not educational at all. there are so many blogs that address the issues of politics it should stay on those blogs. Just my opinion of course.
Old Poster and foxy - I agree completely. Stop with the politics.
Formerly Duped - I agree about Mady’s picture. She’s got a really smug/condescending look on her face. I guess she thinks it’s attractive. It also looks to be overly photoshopped.
My spot on the veranda is on the first step down. This way I can tune in to the conversations on the east and west (I dare not say left and right) and keep an eye on the rowdies underneath. When rule number 3 is stretched to invisibility I wander off to check out the flowerbeds, rumspringa in hand. I'm thinking of changing my handle to 'youlot' just because I'm perverse that way.
Here is a very interesting article about the "realest" reality game show, my favorite, Survivor!
From Dmasy --
Thank you JoyinVirginia (87) . I am a big Survivor fan. That article was full of info. Enjoyed it.
Here is a very interesting article about the "realest" reality game show, my favorite, Survivor!
I am also a sucker for Survivor, though it doesn't grip me as it did the first several years, it's still TV I turn on to load the dishwasher.
I found this article incredibly fascinating. I knew production must be layered, but I had no idea the truth labyrinth it is. I do get the sense they really try to achieve "reality" among all this, but no question about it whatever reality is there is cocooned in a very distinct bubble of rehearsed production.
From Dmasy --
Hubby and I became Survivor fans during the later seasons. It is one of the few programs that we enjoy together.
Amazon Prime has several seasons included with the membership. I have gone back at watched vintage seasons.
Admin, I agree. Earlier seasons have more primitive conditions and the contestants seem to have been chosen with different criteria. There are tougher challenges, too. Seems as if the editing is more nuanced.
It has been interesting to see some of the fan favorite/return players when they first arrived on an island somewhere. (Ozzie was Oswald. In his introductory season another contestant suggests "that the little guy" be eliminated early because he didn't appear to be a strong player!)
I have to say that Jeff Probst seems to have his own Dorian Gray effect. He looks the same today as years ago!
PS: I would not miss season 38 -- Joe is back!
NJGal51 (85)said...
I agree about Mady’s picture. She’s got a really smug/condescending look on her face. I guess she thinks it’s attractive. It also looks to be overly photoshopped.
Someone has been schooling Mady on appearing attractive for the camera. Lots of makeup, lots of airbrushing, showing her face turned slightly to one side or partially obscured by hair. Her face is very broad, and she's learned tricks to make it appear less so. She looks like she wants to be like the Kardashians, but she'll never have the kind of following they have. Gotta give her props for trying, though.
I also love Survivor! I watch sporadically though. I get all wrapped up in a few seasons, then skip a few, then watch again and wonder why I ever stopped. It's a vicious cycle.
I'm curious to see how TFW will "promote" the tups' 15th birthday in May, with one-third of them living away from her. It was one thing when C was off at the facility and she could blather about him plodding, plugging and chugging along. But he's out now, and she's got a new show to promote, so I wonder how she'll spin this poke-and-dab milestone.
Amazon Prime has several seasons included with the membership. I have gone back at watched vintage seasons.
I've gone back and watched the first couple seasons of Survivor and Amazing Race and enjoyed them immensely. What I especially enjoy is that no one has seen the show, so they don't know what strategy to have. Any strategy is developed organically from their own critical thinking and intelligence. I found that far more interesting than all the inevitable copycats playing a game they've seen played a dozen times. Once in awhile there will be a new and unique strategy that emerges (like look for idols even without waiting for clues, funny it took awhile for someone to figure that out) but it's rare.
FlimsyFlamsy (92)
Good point, what will she do now that C is out of his facility? Kate seems to have no interest in seeing him, and given the kind of relationship he appears to have with Colleen, he may not want to see her, either. So how does she get away with posting pictures of the kids without including him? It will draw negative comments. I guess she can post pictures of a pile of presents like she did last year, but then Jon might end up posting a photo of a happy, healthy-looking C (and H) and she'll get bashed anyway. Looks like a lose-lose situation, and she deserves it for abandoning C when he needed her most.
I have to wonder when this new reality dating show flops, and who is kidding who, it will, what she's really going to do then. I mean I hardly see it lasting like Jon & Kate did or Kate plus 8 did for all those years. I put it down to quit beating a dead horse. She's not getting any younger. Sad really. Good news Wal Mart is always hiring.
BlueJay (#95), who knows what TFW will do next. It seems awfully short-sighted to have put all her eggs in TLC's basket.
It's funny when you think back about all the reasons TFW claimed to have done the show. She didn't have time to shoot her own video of her kids!
People were dying to know how she was raising 2 sets of multiples! She couldn't get a "real" job because of the high cost of childcare! It allowed her to be a "stay at home mom!" Lordy be.
BlueJay (95)
None of Kate's old excuses for avoiding actual work are going to work after the dating show flops. Child care for 8 kids would take her whole paycheck--well, she'll be down to 4 kids in August, and those 4 will be 15. No babysitters needed. She has plenty of video of their childhoods, she got to "travel" the kids, and she has said she put the money away to pay for their college educations already. Now what?
I absolutely believe she thinks she'll pick one of her fake dates and then do a spin-off show like she tried to get that guy Jeff (the millionaire) to do. But if Jon won't let her film the remaining tups and M&C are away at college, I don't see anyone wanting to watch. How many times can she sell them on shows that they know will fail? This dating show will be an embarrassment when ratings come in, and I don't see how she'll get TLC to go along with any further shows--but they seem to be blind when it comes to her.
Valerie Bertinelli has a new cooking show premiering Sunday on the Food Network. Every episode will have 2 families competing against each through cooking challenges. So many series opportunities for dynamic, charismatic, hard-working talent.
But poor Schmoops is 0-3.
@Layla At that point i'd be convince she has something on TLC.There's no reason even now to try to still sell Kate and if this dating show gets nowhere with viewers then it's like what now TLC?It just feels so weird that TLC had cancelled shows with low ratings before but for some reason with Kate,they refuse to let go.
At this point it doesn’t make sense why TLC is even considering Kate, unless she’s bonking one of the higher ups.
They probably think by changing the show up again by giving it a new name, and with the fact that the twins/ Tups are getting older, they may get a newer audience. But the twins aren’t particularly special and won’t hold an audience for very long. I see viewers turning in the beginning for curiousity maybe, but that’s it. Reminds me of when I watched the show on tv once and my six year old said in a very frustrated tone “why is that lady always talking, I want to see the kids, lol.
Gigi Be
James Adler...I have to respectfully disagree. I don't think TLC is afraid of TFW or that she has anything on them. They are owned by a billion dollar corporation. They would crush her. If anything, TLC has footage of her abusing her kids. Having said that, I have no idea why they are still involved with her.
Jamesvader and capecodmama,
I am really confused when it comes to all the chances TLC gives to Kate. The last two seasons of the show got horrible ratings, and while other shows with similar ratings were canned, she was allowed to keep going. After a year or so of horrible ratings, it was obvious that the show was never going to be successful again, so what do they do? They take Kate--the least popular person on an unpopular show--and give her a show of her own. They cannot believe this dating show is going to do well, so why bother? Maybe they really did contract for a certain number of episodes for that last season and had to fulfill that contract, but they would have been better off if they just paid her for the unfilmed episodes and left it at that. But no, they filmed a show they know is going to be a huge failure. How does that make sense????
Layla - I also think that TLC contracted for a certain number of episodes and TFW is holding them to that contract. She’s been floating the dating show idea for years and that might have been part of her last contract. TFW doesn’t care how ridiculous she may look because as long as she’s got her mug on TV and she’s getting media attention she’s happy. Her show isn’t going to be on in any of the sweeps rating periods so I guess TLC just needs some summer filler.
Kate and her fake dates will turn into a laughing fiasco. She'll hum and ho about how hard it is to start dating again, all the while her Steve will be looking on. The guy pictured above looks to be half her age, does TLC really believe that people are so stupid that they can't see that it's all set up and they are paid actors. Who in their right mind, and if they did their research, would want to date her. Anyways, she's counting her last pay checks because this show will be a bust after the first episode.
On another topic, I finally got my cast off after falling on the ice on December 28, and am now a proud owner of a metal plate and screws in my left arm. Everything healed nicely and I don't even need physiotherapy. Now if I can only get through the rest of this Winter without falling again.
Layla and NJGal51.....I tend to lean toward your way of thinking that TLC contracted for a certain number of shows. They know her shows don't pull in the ratings but they can use them for filler. And they also know she'll do anything to keep her mug on tv. I doubt these shows are costing them much money compared to other shows. Her days of flying around the world on TLC's dime are over.
NJGal51 (#103), I like to put it less delicately than you: TFW is TLC's side piece. TLC has ALL the power in their relationship. Ms. "I Want Nobu" was riding high for years. But now she has to settle for whatever crumbs are put on her plate. And, as she told her kids, "You get what you get and you don't get upset."
Bluebird (#104), glad to hear the cast is off!
From Jon's IG profile. Proves that you don't have to fly to was it Kentucky? on TLC's dime to "give back."
A Note From Jon Gosselin
I wanted to help out in my community by helping others as my father helped others. Opportunity House was the best way I saw to get involved at the local level. I've been in involved in many other National Charities but it never felt like it hit home or affected my local community. Two years ago I was asked to DJ a local event called Wine Women and Shoes and that is where I really saw how the community could make a huge impact on peoples lives that we see every day. When I started to research Opportunity House, I saw how I could help in different ways and how I could use my outreach abilities to help raise awareness and educate the public on this amazing organization. So please Help Opportunity House raise some funds and support its local community, the funds raised will dramatically effect the lives of individuals and their families and make their futures just a little bit brighter. Thank you.
Bluebird....Glad to hear your cast is off and it healed well. That was a long ordeal.
Well TFW has more dating show competition with the new Netflix dating show (Dating Around). Interesting article. It’s running on Netflix now.
Susan1956 (#108), thanks for sharing that post from Jon. Yes, not only did TLC provide room and board on their dime, but ol' Schmoopy got PAID for her charity work as it was part of an episode. Remember she said she was "addicted to giving?" She forgot to add "if there's a paycheck attached."
Jamesvader....I apologize that my comment at 101 says James Adler. My iPad likes to autocorrect when it has no idea what it's correcting.
capecodmama (#105), JD Duggar and Abbie just had their honeymoon in Finland courtesy of TLC. I bet TFW seethes every time she sees another member of her TLC "family" living the high life while she's stuck in an escape room with a wannabe actor.
@capecodmama Its ok,no need to apologize
FlimsyFlamsy (111) said...
Remember she said she was "addicted to giving?" She forgot to add "if there's a paycheck attached."
Well, that was an addiction she recovered from very, very quickly! Within months of that giving back episode she said she couldn't give money to a charity because she couldn't give money to all of them--so she'd pray instead. Addicted, my &%$.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 113
capecodmama (#105), JD Duggar and Abbie just had their honeymoon in Finland courtesy of TLC. I bet TFW seethes every time she sees another member of her TLC "family" living the high life while she's stuck in an escape room with a wannabe actor.
Flimsy Flamsy (#113) I agree that TFMJG is upset to a degree that the Duggars are getting the European trips which she never managed to do, but think she probably takes comfort in the fact that only one of the last few Duggar honeymoons involved a beach and warm weather activities. Because no one can rock a bikini or a short sundress like she can. Bonus points if you screech and carry on enough to ruin your daughter's surfing lesson.
I wonder if JoshieBoy and Jill feel cheated that they only honeymooned in South and North Carolina respectively?
capecodmama, I guess winter's finally here for us!
I did some checking, and it looks like Dr. Pimple Popper is getting around 3M viewers per week. There was a preview for a show called "My Feet Are Killing Me" (I think that's the one they announced, to be called Dr. Foot Fixer, but given a different name), and the preview for that one got more than 2.5 million viewers. TLC should look at those numbers and figure out that this is something new, fresh, and very popular. I think what viewers like is that the doctors on these shows are making such a huge, positive impact on their patients' lives. I tuned in because one of my sons is scheduled to get a small cyst removed from the back of his head, and that sparked my curiosity. I thought I'd hate it, but even though my toes were curled the whole time, I was impressed by how much the patients' are changed by these procedures. This is a good thing DPP is doing. Maybe TLC will take note and realize that, instead of glorifying a vapid, shallow and thoroughly unlikeable person like Kate, they should draw attention to people who do good things and help others. It looks like that's what their viewers really want to see.
Formerly Duped...No kidding. What a hot mess this weekend's going to be!
Layla, I like Dr. Pimple Popper too, and for the same reason. My son has a small lump on his back and his doctor said it was just oil under the skin and because it wasn't alarming, he said it didn't have to be removed, although my son is very conscious of it. Now that I've seen the show, I'll tell my son to go see another doctor who will remove it.
Layla and Bluebird...Dr. Pimple Popper sounds like an interesting show but the name turns me off. It conjures up something gross.
Bluebird (120)
Same for my son--it's a small cyst, and the doctor said it's not necessary to remove it, but we really want it gone. It hurts when it gets bumped--which happens a lot because he's very active in sports. Judging by what I saw on the show, these things can continue to grow, and we don't want it to get huge. And I learned something from the show--the fact that cysts tend to show up in areas where there has been trauma. He got hit by a lacrosse stick during a game and had to have stitches in that exact spot. I appreciated the fact that I learned something from the show. Maybe I'll tune in again--just not while eating, for sure.
Layla and son had a cyst on his back as well that became large and painful. He went to a dermatologist, they removed it in the office and no trouble since then. He went to have the stitches out and everything was fine.
Layla 122....If your son's cyst hurts when it gets bumped, than I would think that it should definitely be removed. That doesn't sound right.
Foxy, thanks, maybe I should tell my son to see a dermatologist and not his family doctor.
I watch Dr. Pimple Popper every so often and am amazed at the results after surgery. IMHO, every lump should be evaluated. My dad ignored the lump on his upper back too long and it was an major issue -- lymphoma. Even though she didn't want to, Mom had to nag him to get him to the doctor. Surgery was successful and the cancer didn't return.
capecodmama (124)
My thoughts exactly. His cyst is hard, like a marble under the skin. I'm not sure why the doctor is so cavalier about it, but I want it off him as soon as possible. I think I'm more worried about it than he is.
foxy (123)
I'm happy to hear that it was an easy process for your son, and I hope it's that way for mine! I think the hardest thing will be making him slow down until it heals. He's constantly in motion, and taking it easy for awhile won't be easy for him. I'll have to bribe him. Snickerdoodles usually do the trick.
So weird my daughter had a sebaceous cyst that seemed to grow overnight on her back. Extremely painful. Her doc just prescribed antibiotics and it went down right away
So it's officisl...cysts are more interesting than TFW. TLC, please take note!
I had a keratosis ( sebhorrheic) above my eyebrow and my son has a couple of large moles that catch on clothing- our insurance would not pay for removal!! I got rid of my keratosis with an OTC product recommended by my doctor brother-in-law. However, my dog had a cyst on her lip and it was biopsied and treated and is now gone.
I suppose I look at it from my end of life. I recently retired myself. My children are grown, I have grandchildren. So when I look at Kate I often wonder her entire life since having children seems to have just been about sort of hawking them as it were for money.
I mean when one examines their life it's about what one is going to do when they retire. I haven't really figured that out yet other then enjoy my family thus far. So I wonder you know when her show flops she doesn't seem to have any real plans like the majority of people what she's going to do. So it's pretty sad really. She's not as old as I am so best of luck when she is. Tsk tsk. She'll be old and quite possibly broke also. I can't see her children sticking around.
Formerly Duped...I had two raised moles removed from my back several years ago that I'd had since childhood. I knew they weren't cancerous, but like your son, they would catch on clothing, namely my bra. My dermatologist removed them at my asking but to have the insurance company pay for them, he had them biopsied. They were fine. Skin cancer is in my family and I have had three cancerous spots removed so I see my dermatologist every six months. If you didn't go to a dermatologist, you might want to try that route.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 129
So it's officisl...cysts are more interesting than TFW. TLC, please take note!
Love it, & so true!!
I saw a bit of Dr Pimple Popper this afternoon. she was doing a procedure to fix an ear lobe that had been stretched out I think. Patient had a local anesthetic and Dr. was just chasing as she cut away extra ear line tissue and reconstructed it!
yes, much more interesting than TFMJG
Bluejay (131)
I don't think Kate looks at her family the way we all see ours. Our families are the reason for everything we do, and we enjoy loving them and being with them. For Kate, her family has been a means to an end from the very beginning. She wanted multiples and she expected her multiples to make her rich and famous. When she couldn't achieve that with twins, she made sure she had HOMs the next time. And she marketed them practically from the moment of conception. She wanted the media to follow her pregnancy, for goodness sake! She couldn't wait to be the center of attention. I wonder how she feels now that the kids are growing up. They just aren't as marketable, especially now that Jon has two of them. I have a sneaking suspicion that she'll try to turn her remaining daughters into pseudo-Kardashians, but I doubt that will get her anywhere. They don't have the flashy lifestyle or the looks or the celeb friends or the popularity to pull that off. But she will try it, mark my words. Anything to make sure the kids keep paying the bills.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 129
So it's officisl...cysts are more interesting than TFW. TLC, please take note!
Ha! Sebaceous cyst/Kate Gosselin. Potato/potahto.
Good idea, capecodmama. I will try that . Glad you are rid of the pesky moles. Happy to hear you are keeping up with preventative care. Thanks.
PS School is closed tomorrow for the first time this winter here!
Ha! Sebaceous cyst/Kate Gosselin. Potato/potahto.
The big question will be which will get higher ratings, that big cyst on some dude's back or Kate Gosselin on a date.
The big question will be which will get higher ratings, that big cyst on some dude's back or Kate Gosselin on a date.
Ratings might pick up for her show when some dude realizes that big cyst on his back IS Kate.
Ratings might pick up for her show when some dude realizes that big cyst on his back IS Kate.
Don't give TLC any ideas or they may just come up with some bizarre crossover series: Growth-ing up Gosselin.
Don't give TLC any ideas or they may just come up with some bizarre crossover series: Growth-ing up Gosselin.
Or if they wed...Cyster Wife
Admin (#140), or how about Cyst-er Wives?
AuntieAnn (#141), we posted the same joke at the same time -- tee hee!
Flimsy @142 - we're gearing up for her dating show debut;)
Admin (138) said...
The big question will be which will get higher ratings, that big cyst on some dude's back or Kate Gosselin on a date.
The big cyst will win, of course. 3 million people tune in to watch the cyst being removed. Kate will only get a small percentage of that number.
Speaking of cysts, Thursday is the day! DS will be all healed up and ready to go for spring Lacrosse season.
Oh, and while we're on the subject of small growths, remember how I told you that DS#2 and his wife have been going through fertility treatments (for 2 years now!!!)? Well.....
oooh, congrat to your son and his wife...and you, Layla!
Layla (#145), congrats! Sending up a prayer for your son, daughter-in-law, and grandchild-to-be!
Layla there a small growth growing!? If there is, congratulations and best wishes!
FlimsyFlamsy and capecodmama,
YES!!! We are all beyond excited, after two years of all of us getting our hopes up and then having them dashed over and over. Hormone injections didn't work, IUI didn't work (either worked too well or didn't work at all, depending on the cycle), but IVF worked on the first try. My DIL's mother and I have been online until the wee hours of the morning looking up all the new things available for babies. I wish they had all these baby-soothing things on the market when my boys were little! DH is researching the best ways to invest for the baby's college fund. We're all just giddy!
The big cyst will win, of course. 3 million people tune in to watch the cyst being removed. Kate will only get a small percentage of that number.
We should start an instagram account, can this cyst get more followers than Kate Gosselin.
Admin--I don't see the comment I posted a couple hours ago. If it's lost, then hopefully this one will go through. FlimsyFlamsy and capecodmama, the answer is YES!!!!
NJGal51 (152)
Thank you! And--no idea what I want to be called! I'm going to have to put some thought into it. DIL is only 9 weeks along, so it's still almost surreal to all of us. ds and DIL were told that it may take several attempts with IVF before it worked, so this came as a complete surprise. Today's scan showed tiny little arms and legs. We've all agreed the baby strongly resembles the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man, so we're calling him or her Puffy until further notice.
Thank you, Formerly Duped! I didn't see yours up there!
Congratulations on the baby Layla. Have you decided what you want to be called yet?
Congrats Layla. It must be even more exciting after that long wait and all they tried! Have fun!
Oh, I'm SO happy for you, Layla!! Congrats to you and your family!!
As far as what you want the little one to cal you, in my opinion, there is no greater thrill than seeing that baby lift up their arms to you, smile, and say Gama!
Much love and prayers to all of you.
Congrats Layla. That is wonderful news.
I think TLC is hoping that people will tune in for the train wreck.
I like Dr.Pimple Popper. She understands why people need to have their embarrassing bumps removed. I had a pilar cyst on my arm as a teen. My doctor would not remove it. He said it was not a problem. One day it started to grow fast. It had become inflamed and infected. It was painful. I was given antibiotics but that did not do anything. I had to go to the ER to get it removed. I have a large scar on my arm from this. If it had been removed earlier than the scar would not have been nearly as large. I would have not been in so much pain exc.
After all the talk about the pimple popper and foot doc show coming on, had to share that I just saw the title of a show on A&E today. "The Toe Bro" --fixes bad toes I guess. My cable wasn't working right and couldn't get that show signal to come in. THought the name was pretty hilarious.
Layla, I have seen how grandbabies sort of pick their own name for grandma. Sometimes it is just their own pronunciation of gramma that comes out meemaw, nana, gamma, etc. So you pick what you like and see what they do with it. lol My son's MIL and I wanted separate names so we weren't gramma this and gramma that. Baby said nanana one day at her house so Nana she became and she loves it. I got grandma Ingrid and I am fine with it. I just didn't want it to end up meemaw. (i just don't like that one no matter how cute the kid)
I watched the HBO documentary LEAVING NEVERLAND, about two young men & their story of sexual abuse as children by Michael Jackson.
What I find unbelievable is that at different times the parents of these very young boys (age seven) left them alone for days at a time with Michael. Even more astonishing is that they apparently didn't find it suspicious that he was sleeping with them in his bed. How naive can you be?
MJ's fans still don't believe the two young men in question or the others who've claimed sexual abuse as well. I know I do.
I'm thrilled for you & your family Layla. I'm Nana & the other grandmother is Grandma. My friend's name in Joanna & her grandkids call her Joe.
Andrea (158)
That's what I'm afraid of--that DS's cyst will get larger or will become infected. It just needs to go. Tomorrow is the day.
It's going to be tricky finding names for all of little Puffin's (the nickname is evolving--DIL loves puffins) grandparents. He/she will have 3 sets of grandparents (DIL's parents are divorced and remarried), as well as 3 sets of great-grandparents. We're going to have to be creative finding names for everyone. I called one of my grandmothers "gram crackers" when I was a little girl and she loved that.
Interesting, isn't it, that there's only one baby? Kate said that "everyone knows infertility produces multiples". Yet DIL's doctor refused to transfer more than one embryo, even though there were 6 good ones. He said they avoid multiple pregnancies at all costs because they are higher risk. So I have 5 more frozen grandbabies waiting. DIL says they'll use them all, although not all of them will be successful. We'll see how many we end up with!
From Dmasy --
Layla, I am smiling for you. Blessed news. Keep us updated.
You have five angel snowflakes waiting for you.
I love that name "gram crackers" !! I knew someone who had a great gramma she called the German (i think) version which was Oma ?
Layla...My husband and I are Mimi and Papa. I was going to be Nana (that's what I called my grandmother and what my kids called my mother) but my daughter's mil wanted to be called Nan. I thought it would get confusing so my husband and I took a cue from a lovely elderly couple that we know who are called Mimi and Papa. I love it!
I watched the HBO documentary LEAVING NEVERLAND, about two young men & their story of sexual abuse as children by Michael Jackson.
What I find unbelievable is that at different times the parents of these very young boys (age seven) left them alone for days at a time with Michael. Even more astonishing is that they apparently didn't find it suspicious that he was sleeping with them in his bed. How naive can you be?
This documentary is the most important film of 2019 so far. It's a must-view.
I see what happened to the mothers. Someone with an incredible amount of fame and celebrity hand picked their sons as their golden child. Along the way the mothers were wined and dined and courted themselves. I'm not sure the documentary mentions everything he got them but I've read elsewhere he got them houses, permanent visas, first class everywhere, etc., etc. These mothers were entranced by this and it started to color their judgement about what was in their child's best interest.
He used his fame and money for pure evil and the mothers for their part let themselves get swept away in the tangibles and put that before their son.
This is actually something I wish Kate had watched before she had her kids, not that it would have given her any insight at all. But the point is all stage mothers and fathers need to watch this to understand what an extremely dangerous world celebrity is for children. I'm not saying all kids will get molested, the greater point is that when a kid is in this world they are at high risk of being taking advantage of in ANY form, and as to the parents, they are at high risk of having difficulty RECOGNIZING when that is happening.
My grandbaby calls me Gigi and my hubby GPa. She calls her other grandparents Papa and Nana
Be afraid TLC. Be very afraid. There are already lots of Duggar adult children and 8 Gosselin children approaching adulthood.
Sad news: Alex Trebec announced he has Stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Brave, hard-working man; love him and Jeopardy/ Best wishes to him
Susan1956 (169)
Wow, what a story. I am willing to bet that there will be stories from the G kids once they are grown. They believed at age 7 that they would lose their house and have to leave their school if they didn't film. Hannah had to film during stress headaches, Joel had to film while sick, and they were filmed vomiting, on the potty, and while seasick. That's not even touching on what Kate did to Collin. There will be plenty of stories to tell, and I bet they will become public on a few years.
I've bene closely following the story of Meghan Markel getting harassed and abused online. I haven't seen any abusive comments but I keep hearing it's happening. I'm also hearing that Kenginston Palace is really going to crack down on all of this, patrolling comments and blocking people, etc., reporting harassment to the police and trying to isolate who is making the comments.
Well, they've isolated the source of the comments, and discovered that most of the comments were made by the same 20 people posting incessantly. Just 20 people! Even they seemed shocked so few people could generate such a huge trolling escapade.
So it's actually not a drove of people trying to bring Meghan down. It's 20 people. For comparison, the Kensington Palace instagram account alone has 7 million followers. The math is 0.000285714 percent of their followers are misbehaving, folks. While it's apparently awful what they are saying, there is no MAGA coalition going after the girl. It's a mere 20 trolls, most of whom probably are living with their mothers outside London somewhere and I wouldn't be surprised if others have special needs. I hope poor Meghan takes a little comfort in knowing that other than that minuscule percentage, she is well regarded and treated with respect. I think the girl thought thousands of people hated her. Not so.
The British tabloids unfortunately, are full of hateful comments aimed at Megan Markle as well. Hundreds of them. I don't understand why. I hope it's just a small handful of people - namely her jealous, fame-seeking sister.
The British tabloids unfortunately, are full of hateful comments aimed at Megan Markle as well. Hundreds of them. I don't understand why. I hope it's just a small handful of people - namely her jealous, fame-seeking sister.
It apparently makes some Brits livid that Harry didn’t find a nice aristocratic British girl. In a way it’s jealousy or resentment. The foreigner thing has everything to do with this bizarre backlash at her. This is a man who lost his mother at age 12 and had to do it all in public, bravely served his country on the front lines, has done incredible work for charity. He is a servant to the British people has given his life to them and I wish they would allow him this happiness and let him decide who he wants to share his life with.
I think some Brits resent her because she's :
bi-racial, American, divorced, an actress plus she's older than Harry.
You'd think in this day & age it wouldn't matter, but apparently to some it still does.
The funniest articles I’ve seen about Megan and Harry are the conspiracy theory articles stating that she’s wearing a fake baby bump pillow and a surrogate is carrying the child. Apparently the whole monarchy is in on it and keeping it quiet.
That AND the race thing...
Meh not really. It’s only twenty people. They have been vicious to Duchess Kate too for being a commoner. She’s white. It’s about not being white or black it’s about not being a British aristocrat. They tried to blame this on MAGA and were flat out wrong. They could find absolutely nothing to show racist or political groups are behind this.
I would look seriously at that nasty sister of hers. Ten out of those 20 accounts or more could be her and her friends.
I agree that Meghan's half-sister (Samantha?) has a lot to do with the nastiness directed toward her. She's desperate for attention, but publicly trashing your sister is just so far beyond the pale. She's feeding nasty stories to the press and just being hateful, all for her own selfish purposes. She makes Harry happy, and he certainly deserves some happiness. Meghan also seems happy, and there's a much-wanted baby on the way. Why can't people just be happy for them?
From above (178)
Of course I mean Meghan makes Harry happy, not her evil half-sister!
This video popped up on my YouTube feed. It talks about the lies associated with TLCs show My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding. Like most of the other TLC shown, it's all fake.
I was thinking about the success of J&K+8, and how it was partly due to viewers being able to relate to the stress of a busy household, and the young parents trying to manage it. But who on earth will be able to relate to this new dating show? A wealthy woman in her mid 40's with no job and no discernable talent decides she's too famous for, so she hires strangers to find her a boyfriend? Oh, and did we mention she's also a single mom with 8 kids, but only 6 of them live with her? This sucker's got train wreck written all over it.
This sucker's got train wreck written all over it.
Flimsy - About the only thing that TFW contributed to J&K+8 and the sequel K+8 was her phony fits of hysteria and multiple eyerolls whenever things were scripted to get out of hand. That's it. Nothing more. The question is -since it's the only thing she knows how do, how long can she do it on a date and make it last past the 10 minute mark, leave alone an hour? Yeah good luck with that TLC. It's your dime.
The only thing that will hold the viewers will be the “awkward” factor which will definitely be there. It will be the equivalent to rubber-necking that slows traffic at the scene of a horrific accident
K+8 failed because people got sick of watching Kate freak out. But if she's not freaking out, she's boring. And after awhile, the constant freak-outs themselves got boring. The only reason most of the viewers tuned in was because they loved the kids. After awhile, even the kids couldn't pull in the ratings. This dating show has failure written all over it.
I think people will tune in for a show or two for the train wreck factor. I expect ratings to nosedive after the first two episodes.
Part of an interview with Angelique Bates. She appeared on “All That” on Nickelodeon. I’m guessing that the Gosselin kids may have something similar to say about their time being “happied up” by mommy dearest while producers and crew stood around and did nothing.
In an interview with The Shade Room, Bates claims that during her two-year tenure on the show, her mother inflicted physical, mental, and emotional abuse on the set and in full view of producers, who apparently weren't all that bothered by it. "Sometimes they could even hear me yelling, but nothing was done to help me," Bates said. She claims her colleagues encouraged her to stay quiet about the disturbing circumstances and not attract any unwanted attention.
I think J+K also failed because it soon became apparent how horrible she was to Jon and the boys.How it was all about her. When the freebies came in, and all the helpers. When people "disappeared." When Kate became more and more materialistic.When it was "mine, all mine, as far as the eye can see...."
I don't have an Instagram account, but I just checked IG before coming here and Mady just happened to post another (boring) selfie just a few minutes ago:
🌨 #anotherselfie😎 ~ Administrator said... 172
I've bene closely following the story of Meghan Markel getting harassed and abused online. I haven't seen any abusive comments but I keep hearing it's happening. I'm also hearing that Kenginston Palace is really going to crack down on all of this, patrolling comments and blocking people, etc., reporting harassment to the police and trying to isolate who is making the comments.
Well, they've isolated the source of the comments, and discovered that most of the comments were made by the same 20 people posting incessantly. Just 20 people! Even they seemed shocked so few people could generate such a huge trolling escapade.
On that topic:
Twitter accounts linked to Russian conspiracy theories are 'obsessively' tweeting about the Duchess of Sussex
Twitter accounts linked to Russian conspiracy theories have been 'obsessively' tweeting about the Duchess of Sussex, it was claimed last night.
An analysis of those said to be in a 'Meghan Markle community', sending Tweets which centre on the Duchess of Sussex, found more than two and a half million messages from 1,000 'highly connected' accounts since September.
The account with the second highest number of pro-Meghan followers also tweets regularly in support of the Democratic Party in the USA.
Many of the accounts are thought to demonstrate 'bot-like activities' according to the research, meaning the tweets may be automated by a computer program, reported The Daily Telegraph.
Consultancy firm 89up, which carried out the research, also found the fourth most shared account in the Meghan Markle community frequently posted content from Russian state broadcaster Russia Today and questioned the truth of the Salisbury novichock attack.
The firm, which has also analysed Facebook data for the Culture, Media and Sport select committee, said the small group had an 'unusually high reach'.
This comes after the Duchess said yesterday that she avoids social media and newspapers so she does not get 'muddled' by the noise.
She was speaking at a panel marking International Women's Day at Kings College London.
When asked about accusations that her feminism was 'trendy', the Duchess replied: 'I don't read anything, it's much safer that way, but equally that's just my own personal preference, because I think positive or negative.
'It can all sort of just feel like noise to a certain extent these days, as opposed to getting muddled with that to focus on the real cause.'
When asked later if she looked at Twitter she replied: 'No, sorry no. For me that's my personal preference.'
Yesterday anti-racist group Hope Not Hate published findings from its research into abuse targeted at the Duchess of Sussex on Twitter.
The group, who worked with CNN, found that more than 70 per cent of abusive messages aimed at Meghan were sent from just 20 accounts, many of which appeared to be set up simply to facilitate the sending of abuse.
Former 188.....Mady is just like her mother seeking attention. She is not that attractive, has no talent and is chasing a dream that will never happen.
Layla and Formerly Duped, yes J&K showcased TFMJG hissy fits and outright cruelty. My older dd and her best friends loved the show because of the cute kids, but after Aunt Jodie disappeared they knew something was not right, and they became non fans soon after.
TFMJG hissy fits and nonstop complaints have also become as boring as TFMJG without the justices is. I'm curious how bad this show is gonna be. I'll be looking at comments here and critic reviews, because there are just so many GOOD shows you can watch on tv and online. plus I'm way behind in movie watching.
off topic, we're did see Captain Marvel this past weekend and thoroughly enjoyed it! Samuel Jackson and Brie Larson are a terrific action-comedy team! and the opening credit sequence that always showed Marvel super heroes, is changed to honor the late great creative genius Stan Lee!
foxy said... 190
I agree with your sediments. It's sad.
" Bates claims that during her two-year tenure on the show, her mother inflicted physical, mental, and emotional abuse on the set and in full view of producers, who apparently weren't all that bothered by it."
There have always been bad rumors about the show. A producer on the show Dan Schneider has been thought to be behind the abuse for years. Nickelodeon let him go, but he's never been charged with anything. Why did they let him go if he was successful for the network? Amanda Bynes was on the show, and she later went on to have mental problems some people think was caused by DS.
foxy said... 190
Former 188.....Mady is just like her mother seeking attention. She is not that attractive, has no talent and is chasing a dream that will never happen.
I don’t think that Mady is unattractive however right now, just like TFW, she’s a big fish in a small pond. Does she have any real talent to make it in NY or LA? I don’t know because I’ve never really seen her perform. If I had to base my evaluation of her talent based solely on what I’ve seen on K+8 I’d have to say no. She comes across as a spoiled, annoying, impolite child. TFW is always giving her photo credit. Yeah she’s good at photoshopping her selfies but from what I’ve seen of her other pictures they are pretty mediocre. Just like TFW, the number of “likes” on her latest picture seemed to almost double overnight and most of the comments are telling her how pretty she is, how they miss seeing her on TV, asking her when the show is coming back on and telling her how she needs to get a YouTube channel. Also, just like TFW, she never answers anyone. Just my two cents.
foxy (190), I have to agree. Like most people who post nothing but boring selfies, she's obviously just fishing for compliments. The replies are all "You're so pretty", "beautiful girl", "gorgeous", etc.
Why not post a pic where you're actually doing something interesting or at some interesting place or event? She's so much like her mother.
By the way, I noticed that Lauren Glassman has posted comments on Mady's last three Instagram posts. Like I said, it's all along the same lines:
You have your beautiful Mother’s look here✨💕✨
Beautiful Mady✨💕✨
I know the Leah Gosselin IG account is fake, but is the Hannah one real ? She liked Mady's photo with emojis. I thought she said she did not talk to the twins/ Or am I wrong?
Mady recently deleted one of her recent IG photos. It was the one where she was sitting in a restaurant. It was there last night when I posted about the pic she posted yesterday, but it's gone now.
It looks like Hannah has an instagram account. It’s locked down like Collins. I am happy that Collin and Hannah have a safe and private way to participate in social media with their friends and family.
@formerly Duped I think that ones a fake.I think Jon follows the real Hannah account thats now private.There's alot of fake accounts on there thats hard to tell whats real or isn't.Its mostly due to the fact that they have private photos of Hannah that i have no idea how they got unless hannah accepts their follow request which i don't believe Hannah would accept.These accounts also for some reason lock their accounts,like they're trying to pretend to be Hannah which is really creepy.I've seen alot of them.
Admin, I'm interested in any observations you might have about the recent news of a college application scam.
Do you have any insights because of your experience with providing child care? Just curious.
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