TLC has finally made a somewhat more concrete announcement about the mysterious series complete with a few press events and photos
7:00 PM

We're talking to Kate Gosselin about her new dating show! And hitting the red carpet for all the drama with the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.
799 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 799 Newer› Newest»Admin, I'm interested in any observations you might have about the recent news of a college application scam.
Do you have any insights because of your experience with providing child care? Just curious.
I read the indictment last night. In my opinion this goes far beyond the normal pulling strings that many rich people do. They went too far.
Here’s how my celeb got son with poor grades into a decent private school in 2003:
1. Devote resources throughout the kid’s life to making them really good at a sport. Then swing a division two or three scholarship. They’ll be third string and never play but they’re in the school legitimately.
2. Make a huge donation to the school. Directly. This is more like a thank you for picking my son out of a large pool of kids you would also have benched anyway too.
3. Kid miraculously gets “injured” even though he’s not playing a single play and has to quit the team year two. Aww. But, he’s now solidified his spot at school.
4. Donation is so big school honors celeb with a dinner and award. Everything on the up and up.
5. Son actually thrives at said school and graduates successfully. Go figure.
I don’t think any of that is illegal. It’s actions the average person simply can’t do and it seems unfair but not illegal.
Say it aint so, but what Aunt Becky and others did was flat out cheat at entrance exams, lie about a child’s athletic abilities, and make massive payments to third parties for their services for all this then have the nerve to write off those payments as charitable deductions. It breaks my heart to think of the deserving kids that didn’t get into those schools because of this.
I can see Kate doing that for her kids, particularly Cara since she did play sports and wanted to go to college.Maybe at the college Beth's kids attend! For the prestige and bragging rights only, mind you.
Formerly Duped (#2), we've joked for years about TFW wanting "golden platter" lives for her kids. Who knew there was a platinum platter life one could lie, cheat and steal for.
Is that also common at public universities? I attended a small tech university. I did not see of that there. The university has a great academic reputation. It was demanding, about 1/3 of the freshman class dropped out. Most because they never had to actually work to get good grades.
The college admissions scam is somehow fascinating to me. from reading the news stories, it seems some of these folks could easily have given a huge donation directly to the school they wanted. And probably have deducted that as charitable donation. And it would have benefited the students and faculty. Instead they gave an enormous amount of money to the "foundation" of the scam artist Singer.
I've been thru college submissions process with two kids. one academically gifted, one with average grades but hard working band member. The gifted one got scholarship to Expensive School. The musical one auditioned for music major and got into her school of choice. They listened to the really good guidance professionals at their public high school and took advice. We parents had minimal input into their college application process, and that's the way it SHOULD be!
What's really sad is that Aunt Becky's daughter didn't even appreciate the spot her mother secured for her at USC. She said publicly that she didn't really care about school and just wanted to party. Meanwhile, some deserving, hard-working kid didn't get in to that college because that kid and the kid's parents went through the application process fairly.
I checked out Mady's new IG photo, and it looks like someone is giving her tips on how to take a good selfie. She's covering up parts of her face or photographing her face turned at an angle to hide how broad her face is. She's learning all about illusion. Her mother has taught her well. I can see her trying to become an "Instagram influencer" so she can make money/get freebies by doing nothing but taking pictures of herself. Of all the kids, she seems the most like Kate and is the most likely to try to follow her mother's examples in life.
Layla said... 6
I agree. She doesn't have many posts though. I wonder who is following her? I also think she sometimes tries to hide the fact that her eyes are a little uneven in size ( Most people are asymmetrical and I'm not trying to be mean) But she will never be a model and I doubt an actress either. She might get a YouTube following though.
Come on Ladies - no need to disparage Mady's looks. Seems a bit petty.
She's missed the boat on becoming an influencer, because she doesn't have a show as a platform anymore. She's not a hustler, and needs to be very motivated to build a following to make it worthwhile. Her mom doesn't hustle - she sits back and waits for things to come to her by virtue of who she "is". She's lazy on social media - Kate doesn't understand that she could have made an even better living by collecting small paychecks, building her following, and branding herself as a "supermom". She's stuck in the mid 2000's by thinking the only way to make a living is on TV.
Look at all the Real Housewives - Their big paycheques are coming from promotions on social media - not the salary they receive from the show.
She's lazy on social media - Kate doesn't understand that she could have made an even better living by collecting small paychecks, building her following, and branding herself as a "supermom". She's stuck in the mid 2000's by thinking the only way to make a living is on TV.
I think the ship has probably sailed at this point but you are absolutely right, at least at one time she was sitting on a gold mine. She wanted the easy way out, the cameras come to her and film her while she putters around on vacations. If she could manage to work at her social media presence even just a couple hours a day, not even, she could have completely branded herself a couple different ways and had a steady income flowing in from it all for years to come.
Even Lori Laughlen's idiot daughter managed this before she ever even got bribed into USC.
The college admissions scam is somehow fascinating to me. from reading the news stories, it seems some of these folks could easily have given a huge donation directly to the school they wanted.
I find it interesting too and everyone I talked to has said what both you and I said.....just make a big honking donation to some smallish private school and chances are you're in. I don't think this is illegal at a private school, they can give perks to donors if they want to, I believe, as long as it's on the up and up. There is no law that prevents donations to schools followed by admission of your child.
And again, nobody cares that your kid went to USC. Make a donation to Loyola down the road and your education will be just as good with decent bragging rights.
To the question does this happen at state universities, I thought I saw the indictment does mention UCLA, a state school. I don't think it's as common, but who knows. With state, you're forced to be a lot more transparent about things like this. It would certainly be easier to pull strings at a private school that is not accountable to tax payers.
The women's tennis coach at the University of Rhode Island, a state university, has been indicted for being involved in the college admissions scam. He says he is not guilty of these charges. So it appears no school is safe from admissions abuse.
I agree with Admin. My sympathy lies with the parents and students with real merit who were overlooked by officials of these universities in favour of the offspring of cheating show business hypocrites.
I have to assume that TFW is trying to set Mady up to be an Instagram influencer. Mady’s account is already “verified” (blue check mark badge) and she’s already got over 46K followers. All this without having been on TV for at least a year, and let’s face it, she’s done nothing newsworthy. There are services available (for a price) to help you buy “verified” followers (real accounts) and your Instagram verification badge (not cheap). I think she’s only following 13 accounts and she’s only posted 6 selfies (7 if you include the one that she deleted). She’s not a mover or a shaker and, just like TFW, doesn’t appear to know how to use social media. And as far as being an “influencer”, just what is her brand and what message does she have to spread? Anybody?
It’s extremely disappointing all the coaches involved. They of all people are supposed to be here for our kids, for molding and shaping student athletes into fine young men and women. They of all people know how life changing it is for a kid to get a spot on an ncaa team. It can bring an underprivileged kid from no hope to a bright future. How many of those kids never got their break because of this. If the Indictment is to be believed over 700. It’s just sad. Older people are so hard on millennials but the truth is it’s these older folks who have shaped that generation with absurdities like this.
I forgot to add in my previous post that TFW must put more stock in Mady being an Instagram influencer because Cara’s account only has 7.4K followers and is not verified. Cara hasn’t posted anything yet. I guess what we see of her on TV is accurate and she really just doesn’t care. I know that TFW is trying to generate interest in a Gosselin twins show but I just don’t see Cara signing on for that. Of course, we only know what we’ve seen of her on TV and she may be easily “swayed” by TFW and Mady double teaming her.
I forgot to add in my previous post that TFW must put more stock in Mady being an Instagram influencer because Cara’s account only has 7.4K followers and is not verified.
That's almost proof that Kate bought Mady followers. You don't have one twin with a few thousand and the other with 40 some thousand. Come on.
I expect Cara's following is the true number of people who would really follower her without buying any followers. And Mady's followers are the paid ones.
The women's tennis coach at the University of Rhode Island, a state university, has been indicted for being involved in the college admissions scam. He says he is not guilty of these charges. So it appears no school is safe from admissions abuse.
Among the man things that leave me shaking my head, how about the ringleader of this whole thing singing like a canary, ratting everybody else out? First you set up an elaborate cheating scheme, making hundreds of thousands as you suck in stupid and gullible rich people looking for any way to get a leg up, then when you realize the shit hit the fan (I think the IRS audit was the beginning of it) you flip on them all and turn them all in.
They're all bad people, but the idea he's going to get off easier for cooperating when he started this whole thing in the first place, is just as morally bankrupt as the cheating scandal itself. At least have the dignity to go down with your ship head held high.
Admin (#17), I believe the SS Dignity sailed a looong time ago for every fool caught up in this sickening scandal.
Admin...Sea Gordon looks like he's loving life!
Between on or about September 5, 2012 and on or about September 6, 2013, CW- 1 caused The Key, and later KWF, to pay Ernst, the Georgetown tennis coach, $244,000, in monthly installments of between $11,000 and $24,000.
Holy good grief.
If the kids get in good schools on bribes how do they stay there. If they aren't doing well academically in high school
they couldn't be doing well in college. Do these bribes go on for the four years? Unless they are like one of the Wal-mart kids who paid for others to take her exams and do their homework. Of course she got caught as well. I can't remember her name right now.
The Wal-mart girl was Elizabeth Laurie, grandaughter of co-founder Walton. She received a Bachelors degree from USC in 2004, but had to return it in 2005. She paid another person thousands to do her school work. USC must be the place to go when you are very wealthy. The story is very interesting with huge donations from the Walton family, etc.
We were talking about this at work a little. There is a reason Hollywood folks are named, they are recognizable. Everybody knows who Aunt Becky is. Highly paid investment experts, not so much name recognition. People will pay attention to the case and the prosecution and sentences will be an example to others who might try something similar.
In a way, it reminds me of the Michael Vick case about a dogfighting ring. the prosecutors really wanted a high profile name associated with the case. Everyone was guilty, but no one would pay attention if Joe Smith or Bob Jones went to prison. Vick was the famous guy from his old neighborhood who got a big property way out in the country his friends could use for the dogfighting. He had a recognizable name. prosecutors wanted EVERYONE to be aware that this was a crime people WOULD go to jail for. Footnote, one very good thing came out of that case, Vick having to fund rehabilitation fund for the dogs, and many got adopted after their rehab.
foxy said... 11
The women's tennis coach at the University of Rhode Island, a state university, has been indicted for being involved in the college admissions scam. He says he is not guilty of these charges. So it appears no school is safe from admissions abuse.
That tennis coach has only been at University of Rhode Island since last August. His indictment was for bribes he took while at Georgetown University:
College-entrance case ensnares Obama family's tennis instructor
A college tennis coach who also served as the personal instructor for former first lady Michelle Obama and her daughter, Malia, was among the 50 people charged by federal authorities in a sweeping college admissions bribery case announced Tuesday.
According to the indictment unsealed Tuesday by federal prosecutors in Massachusetts, Gordon Ernst, the women’s tennis coach at the University of Rhode Island, is accused of conspiracy to commit racketeering during the years he served as a tennis coach at Georgetown University.
There is no suggestion that Malia, a sophomore at Harvard, was implicated in the scandal in any way.
Between 2012 and 2018, Ernst allegedly accepted more than $2.7 million in bribes in exchange for placing at least 12 students on the Georgetown tennis team, including “some who did not play tennis competitively,” according to the indictment.
Ernst allegedly received the bribes from charitable accounts set up by William Singer, the owner of a Newport, Calif.-based college consulting business at the center of the case.
At a press conference Tuesday, U.S. Attorney for the District of Massachusetts Andrew Lelling called the scheme the “largest college admissions scam ever prosecuted by the Department of Justice.” Yale, Stanford and Georgetown universities were among the schools identified as having been duped into accepting unqualified applicants.
Actresses Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin were among 33 parents charged in what law-enforcement officials called Operation Varsity Blues.
According to prosecutors, in one instance, in 2015, a Georgetown applicant forwarded to Ernst an email Singer had drafted on his behalf containing “falsified information concerning [his] purported tennis abilities.” The student had never played tennis competitively, according to prosecutors. Ernst forwarded the email to a Georgetown admissions officer and six days later wrote to confirm the student’s acceptance to Georgetown. In exchange, the student’s parents donated $400,000 to a sham charitable foundation set up by Singer, according to prosecutors, and passed on to Ernst.
In a statement, Georgetown said it was “deeply disappointed” to learn of Ernst’s alleged acts, and that the school is fully cooperating with the government’s investigation.
Ernst, who was head men’s and women’s coach at Georgetown, resigned in June 2018. He was hired by Rhode Island as the school’s head women’s tennis coach in August.
He was placed on administrative leave Tuesday by the school, which said in a statement that Ernst “has not been involved in the recruitment of any current players nor in the signing of any new recruits.”
While at Georgetown, Ernst became friendly with the Obama family, according to the Providence Journal, giving private lessons to Michelle and Malia Obama.
“Michelle has a big backhand,” Ernst told the New York Times in 2014.
In 2015, Ernst, a Cranston, R.I., native, was inducted into USTA New England Tennis Hall of Fame.
According to the charging document, he was a resident of both Chevy Chase, Md., and Falmouth, Mass.
If convicted, Ernst will have to forfeit the $2,719,963 in bribe payments, a Chevy Chase country club membership and property he owns in Falmouth.
There is a reason Hollywood folks are named, they are recognizable. Everybody knows who Aunt Becky is. Highly paid investment experts, not so much name recognition. People will pay attention to the case and the prosecution and sentences will be an example to others who might try something similar.
The names of everyone who has been charged have been released, not just the celebrities. The media is focusing on the famous people.
Yes but there were 700 kids involved in this scam and they busted it when some well known names were around.
But to your point, they were also some of the worst offenders so celebs or not they needed to be busted. Frankly it's pretty disappointing to see what good ole "Aunt Becky" did. My generation grew up with her as truly OUR Aunt Becky, and folks forget she's a person who is not infallible. She got sucked into the superficial world of the rich and famous and now not only have actions like hers really hurt other deserving kids, but I think she's only hurt her daughters by doing this, not helped them. There's a possibility no college will ever take those girls in ever again given their history of cheating. I apologize to all the millennials I ever took a pot shot at, your parents made you this way and I should have blamed them.
Ironically, there is a Full House episode about her lying to get the twins into preschool, LOL!
If the kids get in good schools on bribes how do they stay there. If they aren't doing well academically in high school
they couldn't be doing well in college.
Funny the fake charity that was funneling the money said that. That's detailed in the indictment. They said well we can get your son into Georgetown but just so you know it's a really tough school and he might find the academics difficult. LOL.
Former 424....thanks for the extra info.
I heard a blurb on the news yesterday that prosecutors said most of the students caught up in this scam were not aware of their parents' involvement. Really? I find that hard to believe. How could they not be suspect that something was awry. I mean if anyone would know their test results or athletic ability, if any, wouldn't meet the criteria for acceptance, it would be themselves wouldn't you think? What kind of sheltered life did these kids lead anyway?
I heard a blurb on the news yesterday that prosecutors said most of the students caught up in this scam were not aware of their parents' involvement. Really? I find that hard to believe.
I mean, that's what I thought, but even in the phone call transcripts in the indictment some of the parents are talking about how they'd like to keep it quiet from their kids.
Giving the kids the benefit of the doubt some of them actually didn't know, now what does that do to their relationship with their parents? This just strikes me as such a severe violation of trust. Perhaps some of the kids would have preferred their parents NOT do this on their behalf if given the choice. If someone is going to cheat on my behalf, I would have at least liked the option of knowing about it so I can agree or disagree to it. And now these kids are in serious danger of being expelled and having serious trouble getting into any college in the future even a mediocre one. This little stunt may have truly ruined their kids' educational lives for years to come.
But, I almost buy they were oblivious to it. Kids don't pay attention to what their parents do and they barely pay attention to college applications. They are overwhelming and complex these days and if mom and dad say hey we're taking care of it for you just sign here, a kid isn't going to pay attention. And at that age, if I got a 1500 on the SAT I would think wow I'm smarter than I thought! Obviously at my age today it would occur to me something is very wrong and there must be some mistake. Kids just have no awareness of anything and are gullible and oblivious.
You know I also get why the prosecutors are perhaps making every effort not to put the blame on the kids.
These are kids, and it would take one tough kid to stand up to parents like the ones involved in this lawsuit even if they 1. knew about it and 2. wanted to say no to this. Some of these kids are not the most likable spoiled brats in the world but at their such young ages I feel like the prosecutor sees this as mainly the responsibility of the older adults, the adults who are supposed to be guiding and shaping these young people into adulthood themselves. And instead they're creating monsters and that's really their fault and they should bear the brunt of the blame for this elaborate operation.
I kind of see it that way too. How can a kid know what's what with parents like these? You can hardly blame them.
While I agree with you in theory, I don't think it will hurt these girls much. Mom and dad will funnel many of their millions to their little princesses. It doesn't seem like having a college education was a huge priority anyway, at least not for the one who wanted to go to USC for "game days and partying."
That assumes the money train is going to keep rolling for them. Aunt Becky and her Jesse may seriously be going to jail and what that does for their income could be serious.
If I were the girls I would be very concerned their lives are about to change.
By the way Aunt Becky was brought into federal court in LA in shackles the other day. This is like a nightmare for any child of the 80s! Say it ain't so!
(As sad as this story is, it's also quite fun to follow too)
There is no suggestion that Malia, a sophomore at Harvard, was implicated in the scandal in any way.
Between 2012 and 2018, Ernst allegedly accepted more than $2.7 million in bribes in exchange for placing at least 12 students on the Georgetown tennis team, including “some who did not play tennis competitively,” according to the indictment.
Unless I've just totally misjudged them, I do not believe the Obamas would for one second use such a scheme to help their girls along. I believe they value hard work and persistence to navigate your education, not bribes.
That said, what I would like to know is was this firm well known among the rich and famous? How is it that so many of them knew about it and us commoners never heard of such a thing (beyond giving a donation directly to a school and getting your kid in that way) Did the Obamas, the Trumps, and other rich families know about this option even if they chose not to use it? I wish they would tell.
Hallmark's hiring, Kate. Aunt Becky got fired.
I don't disagree the blame is on the parents. The positive side of this, hopefully, is the consequences of this will be a lesson for both the parents and their children can't buy everything. Family trust will be shattered, friendships might be destroyed and jobs could be lost.
But I still think these kids can't be the sharpest knives in the drawer if they didn't question the ease in which they were accepted into these universities.
And yes Aunt Becky in shackles, how humilatin' lol. Apparently the fate of her Garage Sale show is undecided now too.
Hit publish too soon. Buh- bye Aunt Becky.
I don't disagree the blame is on the parents. The positive side of this, hopefully, is the consequences of this will be a lesson for both the parents and their children can't buy everything. Family trust will be shattered, friendships might be destroyed and jobs could be lost.
I guess karma is the word I'm thinking of. Yes you can take that route, the bribes and back scratching route, but it could catch up and do you want to sleep with one eye open your whole life? Clearly from the indictment many parents were worried about being discovered. Why add this stress to your life?
Meanwhile I and many others got an education at middle of the road schools, got in by hard work and merit alone, I have a job for it, and the nice thing about it is I never have to worry about the FBI knocking on my door. Who's really better off? I'm gonna go with the people NOT going to jail.
These are pretty hilarious: ~ Administrator said... 34
That's a helluva career Aunt Becky just blew. One of Hallmark's longest-lasting and most-featured stallwarks. And her daughter is doing her no favors in the sympathy department. Unlike some others, there's no way these two girls could NOT have known that their parents bought them into college. And for at least one of them to then go on social media and BRAG about how little time she actually has for college, what with her many partnerships/ endorsements/social priorities. . . .
Where TF were these parents? Had they no idea their daughter had this very lucrative social-media career? Unless the young'un was buying her own followers (which is totally within the realm of possibility, of course), I think further investigation will find that her overall success in that arena is also entirely due to Mommy and Daddy.
And I can't even with Huffman. One of my favorite celebrity couples (although Macy's head appears to be above the watermark at this point)---what on earth could impel people who can readily afford ALL of the college alternatives to choose this path? Have you failed so decidedly as a parent that you can't even communicate with your kid about what options there are for someone who IS NOT QUALIFIED for certain paths?
This is a very sad situation, most especially for the kids involved.
The Laughlin girls didn't even want to go to college. A good parent would do this. Tell them I'm sympathetic that you feel that college is not for you at this time and I want to be respectful of that view because you're an adult who is starting to make choices best for you. But if you don't go to college, you need to work to earn your keep at the house. Let's start you out in the mailroom at dad's company or perhaps doing assistant duties for mom. You'll get paid the going rate for these jobs so you can understand how little these jobs make. If you work hard at it and legitimately start to work your way up then that's fine. But if you don't get far within 12 months we're going to reassess whether you should really just go to college and reassess whether you can continue to live in the family home if you still refuse to go to college.
The life lessons taking a tougher love approach with these girls would have been exponentially more important. And who knows, maybe it would give them that kick in a pants to get an education and if not, a kick in the pants to be more motivated beyond hawking amazon prime.
There is nothing wrong with holding back on a college for a kid who just isn't ready or able to do it. They weren't READY. The only drawback was Auny Becky couldn't tell all her stupid rich friends that daughter goes to USC. Blah. At the end of the day they need to take ownership of the fact that half this scheme was about their own vanity and had nothing to do with "what's best" for the kids.
That's a helluva career Aunt Becky just blew. One of Hallmark's longest-lasting and most-featured stallwarks.
It is. She had really figured out (unlike Kate) how to have steady and consistent income in a variety of boiling pots all going off at different times.
She's smart, she's savvy, but not savvy enough to pull off this scheme.
I heard she and her husband didn't go to college so it was important to them their kids did. I get that, but what if your kid isn't college material? The worst thing a parent can do is try to make a kid into something they are not because that's YOUR idea of what your kid should be. ~ Administrator said... 40
The Laughlin girls didn't even want to go to college. A good parent would do this. Tell them I'm sympathetic that you feel that college is not for you at this time and I want to be respectful of that view because you're an adult who is starting to make choices best for you. But if you don't go to college, you need to work to earn your keep at the house. Let's start you out in the mailroom at dad's company or perhaps doing assistant duties for mom. . . .
Except that, for kids whose parents swim at these levels, there are LOTS of other alternatives beyond "the mailroom," many of which can be bought for much less than a year's college tuition (or the attendant bribes).
No, there IS no excuse for the parents, or the girls, in this particular case. I don't actually think the parents of the Loughlin girls were looking at real career paths so much as pastimes and/or validation, in the hope that their girls might meet suitable rich men along the way. The parents HAVE to have known just what their daughters' real capabilities were, since they went to such lengths to override them.
At the end of the day, Loughlin and her husband, unless some contrary revelation about one or both or their girls is forthcoming, simply have no excuse for what they did, if all it boils down to is indulging their overly-indulged daughter(s) by getting her enrolled in a place she had no qualifications for nor intentions of taking seriously.
And the extent to which this deprived any QUALIFIED person of admission, however that might be calculated, should be the price that is forfeit when they finally come to trial. At least mitigating will be that neither of the Loughlin girls is likely to have been eligible for or been assigned any public funds. But the price of missed opportunities, on behalf of any less-advantaged contemporaneous candidates, is a pretty big wild card.
I think if it were me, I'd settle out of court.
And the extent to which this deprived any QUALIFIED person of admission, however that might be calculated, should be the price that is forfeit when they finally come to trial.
You can't even quantify this. Sports at schools like USC are life changing for many underprivileged kids. This could be the difference between a kid going absolutely nowhere in life, versus a kid obtaining a good degree, good job, happy family and life. The loss of income is a number but overall life satisfaction, how do you put a number on this?
I really hope they understand what they did and that it went far beyond giving your kids a leg up, but involved giving other kids a leg down.
And yes it's probably true they wanted USC for a husband and the prestige, which is just pathetic. Pathetic.
One of the dads did know about his kids, he calls one stupid. I read the whole indictment, one of the stories is really sad, the girl really wanted to go through the experience of getting into college on her own merit. She was really working hard to do well on her ACT. The dad could see that, but wouldn't let it go, wouldn't stop helping her by cheating. He spent most of his time trying to figure out how to get around all the morally correct ways she was trying to get into college. Sigh.
This assistant athletic director at USC made like 1.3 million dollars off this folks. Lordy.
Aunt Becky was a rare Hollywood actress who found her TV career thriving into her 50's through her work with Hallmark. There's not a ton of jobs for actresses in that demographic. She threw it all away.
OT: I know there are a lot of dog lovers on this blog. My daughter ( who is a professional but not working photographer, and has severe depression and anxiety) has started an Instagram for our dog. It's called anxious_abigail if you want to take a look at life with a very anxious but adorable rescue dog! She was meant to help my daughter; the roles are reversed! This is a good creative outlet for my daughter.Don't know how to make the link clickable!
I have to say I’m really disappointed that it has come to this. I really liked this family before this whole thing happened. I’ve followed her daughter Olivia on social media . And even though she was clueless about the real struggles of regular people, she came off as a genuinely sweet young lady. Her YouTube videos included herself showcasing her Christmas presents like 1000 dollar slacks and Gucci bags, etc. And so many seem so offended by this lifestyle but it’s really no different from the Kylie Jenner’s and Kim Kardashian’s that so many follow and obsess over already.
The Laughlin girls must feel humiliated by all of this. And the amount of nasty comments they are getting on social media are just brutal. One can hope that they will learn a life long lesson about honestly and humility after all of this.
Gigi Be
Olivia Jade — who said last year she didn’t “really care about school” but wanted the “experience” of “partying” — was aboard the yacht of a USC board of trustees member on spring break when her mom was charged in the scheme Tuesday.
That kind is says it all doesn’t it. The Loughlin girls have reportedly dropped out of school because they’re afraid they’ll be “viciously bullied”. I wonder if Olivia Jade is going to shut down her vlog because the internet trolls will be all over this.
Formerly Duped - Thanks for the link to your daughter’s IG page. She is a very talented photographer and Abigail is a wonderful subject. She reminds me of a dog that I had growing up.
From Dmasy --
Formerly Duped -- Abigail is just so cute. I wish your daughter and Abigail a good day.
Thanks ladies! I will tell them both! :)
Formerly Duped, I loved your daughter's pictures of Abigail! Photography is such a wonderful creative outlet. I noticed that she has what I call "the disappearing blanket" on her bed (the cream colored one with stripes). I call it the disappearing blanket because I've had to buy about 6 of them. Every time a child goes off to college, that particular blanket disappears and I have to buy another one. I guess I can't blame them--it's the warmest thing ever on a cold winter night.
I think it’s more likely that they removed the girls from USC to save face. It would look worse if Olivia was expelled.
Thanks, Layla. Those blankets are great. Ours is from Hudson's Bay Co. in Canada. Soon will be time to have it cleaned and stored! Abigail loves it.
Here are articles I found about Hallmark dropping Loughlin and also Sephora, Tresemme dropping her kid.
Sorry I have trouble with linking.
Olivia Munn is telling it like it is: "What these parents did wasn't for love, it was for fancy diplomas," she wrote Thursday. "Love would've made you spend that money on tutors to make your kids smarter, giving them an actual education."
(sorry if this posts twice but my first post disappeared.)
Interesting tidbit. I was reading about that Mossimo and how he started. He was a USC dropout.
Formerly Duped...Abigail is adorable and your daughter is great at photography.
As far as this college scandal goes, not everyone has to to go to college. One of my son in laws joined the Army first, then went to college on the GI bill and now has his Masters in Special Ed and the other is an electrician with his own business. This has nothing to do with the kids but everything to do with the egos of the parents and bragging rights about where the kid goes to school. Pathetic.
capecodmama said... 58
Thanks! And now was are in 'muddy paw season!' 61 degrees here plus rain earlier.
Plus a degree is not a ticket to a good job. You need a specific career-based major or go to grad school for that.Or a good trade school. Your sons did well. I have son with a BA but his current job is totally unrelated and my daughter can't find a good photography job.
I have a small and somewhat random connection to this whole mess. The Curosos who are extremely wealthy LA-ers are good friends with the Laughlins and the boat the daughter was on was with Rick Curoso and his daughter. Curoso is newly appointed to the USC Board of Trustees and vows that anyone a part of this has or will be fired.
Anyhow, his father, Henry Curoso, is a big time donor to my law school. Like to the level where everything is named after him. Henry gave me a big scholarship. I wrote him a thank you note and he eventually wrote back just telling me he loved hearing my story and was proud. It was unusual and very nice.
When I heard the Curosos I thought oh gosh please tell me they are not involved, they're so generous and personable. But it doesn't appear they are. Rick appears to be appalled by this. Among the long list of damage they have caused, it wouldn't surprise me if they lose a lot of friends like the Curosos, who truly DO give to charity, not fake charities.
I'm waiting for Aunt Becky's interview, you know the sad perp one many people often do for shows like 20/20.
Plus a degree is not a ticket to a good job. You need a specific career-based major or go to grad school for that.Or a good trade school. Your sons did well. I have son with a BA but his current job is totally unrelated and my daughter can't find a good photography job.
Well I've said this before but I think one of the great disservices society has done to us younger generations is purported the myth that one must "go to college" to be something. College is great for some people, but a giant waste of time and money for others. This myth is in part responsible for this dog eat dog cutthroat "my kid is nothing unless he gets into USC" that fueled this scandal in the first place.
Your kid is not nothing if he doesn't go to USC. There are dozens of other things your kid could do to set them up for a very successful adult life that have nothing to do with that school or others.
Olivia Munn is telling it like it is: "What these parents did wasn't for love, it was for fancy diplomas," she wrote Thursday. "Love would've made you spend that money on tutors to make your kids smarter, giving them an actual education."
Yes, true story. Love also means listening to your child, accepting them for who they are abilities and inabilities and all, and not imposing what you think they should be on who they actually are. And sometimes that's going to mean listening to a child that college is just not for them.
That's one of the worst traits I see in Kate by the way. That she imposes and projects her wants and needs on them, instead of allowing them to be their own people.
I just read that Lori Loughlin's daughter Olivia was making in the high 6 figures as a social media influencer. She skipped the first week of classes at USC to take a free trip to Fiji, sponsored by some of the brands she promotes. This girl was never going to take school seriously. It was just part of the total package she was selling. I also think Mady would give her eyeteeth to be just like her. People showering her with freebies, a high 6-figure salary, free exotic trips, people gushing over her and following her every move. She'd love that.
I just read that Lori Loughlin's daughter Olivia was making in the high 6 figures as a social media influencer. She skipped the first week of classes at USC to take a free trip to Fiji, sponsored by some of the brands she promotes. This girl was never going to take school seriously. It was just part of the total package she was selling. I also think Mady would give her eyeteeth to be just like her. People showering her with freebies, a high 6-figure salary, free exotic trips, people gushing over her and following her every move. She'd love that.
A lot of sources are reporting she actually did make a decent living at social media. Few do but when you do you do.
As trite as it all is, why does she need to go to college again? She could probably continue to do this social media thing for several more years then when people get tired of it, use her experiences to get into marketing or public relations. Degree nice and all but not necessarily required.
Her parents really messed this up, or shall I say their egos did.
Mama June was arrested on felony drug possession charges. Why am I NOT surprised?
I don't want to see her apology. I want to see a mascara running-red eyed mugshot.
I just read that mama June & her boyfriend were arrested on Wednesday for felony drug possession of a controlled substance & drug paraphernalia, might be the end of her tv career. LIN
I don't want to see her apology. I want to see a mascara running-red eyed mugshot.
Well no mascara-smeared cheeks, but she apparently streaked on the blush with a heavy hand that morning. Maybe that was an F-U to Sephora for firing her daughter. Never thought I'd see an artist's rendering of Aunt Becky. What a world.
Our local reporter at KFI was in federal court both days and he's pretty tell it like it is, he said it was pretty darn bizarre to see these random B-list celebrities more or less dressed to the 9's as court goes, mixed in with these low-life drug addicts and prostitutes and such.
I also think Mady would give her eyeteeth to be just like her. People showering her with freebies, a high 6-figure salary, free exotic trips, people gushing over her and following her every move. She'd love that.
I do have to hand it to Aunt Becky because she was although a well-liked character on Full House, a character that easily could have eventually been forgotten. Instead she made sure she stayed famous and she figured out the social media angle and she modernized herself, was flexible and willing to change with the times, and taught her daughters the game, too. It seems like she took on any and all projects, she wasn't above anything. She's been hustling and it shows. The cheating scandal is a very unfortunate wrong turn in an otherwise commendable career.
Many Full House actors near faded into obscurity (some by choice of course), others hustled and pounded pavement and made sure they stayed in the spotlight, and some were wildly successful at doing that.
And that's the point. You can only ride the coattails of whatever made you famous in the first place so long. You have to work darn hard at it to stay relevant. Aunt Becky did that and has a lot to show for her, or did anyway. Kate, however, has not done that, will not do that, and has already begun her fading act into obscurity, is mostly there at this point.
On a side note, I really regret not seeing Kimmie Gibler M.C. our xmas parade this year, what a treat that would have been. I really wanted to take Sea Gordon the Rescue pup but he just wasn't ready for all that stimulation yet, and I didn't want to go without him. He would have been able to do it today!
I think it’s more likely that they removed the girls from USC to save face. It would look worse if Olivia was expelled.
I guess the girls disenrolled, but if I were USC I would want it on record those girls got expelled. Disenrolled implies you left because of your medical issues but will re-enroll when you feel better. Sort of like you can't quit, you're fired.
I'm surprised though at the level of sympathy I have for these kids, even the really unlikable ones. It's not their fault their parents are a bunch of lying cheating dolts. What have I said? It's a bad coin flip to be born a child of a celeb.
It's not any different. It's equally obnoxious. And a sad commentary on our culture that an entitled rich girl can become a "social media influencer" simply by showcasing her spoiled lifestyle.
If you're interested in commentary on how social media is the downfall of modern society, you should listen to John Colbalt. Man, he hates social media and he's always griping about it and mostly always right.
In many ways, one might blame social media in part for this fiasco. These parents wanted to hashtag USC on their instagram photos.
Mama June was arrested on felony drug possession charges. Why am I NOT surprised?
I wonder if the druges crossed state lines. That will add more charges. I hope Alana is put into the custody of a family member who can raise her right. Her mom is not a good role model.
That kind is says it all doesn’t it. The Loughlin girls have reportedly dropped out of school because they’re afraid they’ll be “viciously bullied”.
Oh, I didn't like that comment! Way to flip it around and blame everybody else. Um, excuse me, the wrong doing is with your family, not other students at USC who got there fair and square. And way to assume USC is full of bullies. It's actually full of students who are there to study, who are probably mostly embarrassed by this scandal and wish it would go away, who would probably understand that most of this actually wasn't your fault at all, but the fault of your stupid parents.
How about, I dropped out of school because it was the right thing to do because apparently I got here fraudulently, please give my seat to a deserving student. Heaven forbid millennials take responsibility for themselves.
OT: I know there are a lot of dog lovers on this blog. My daughter ( who is a professional but not working photographer, and has severe depression and anxiety) has started an Instagram for our dog. It's called anxious_abigail if you want to take a look at life with a very anxious but adorable rescue dog! She was meant to help my daughter; the roles are reversed!
Well I've been looking at Anxious Abigail's posts and not even realizing it was you! She is very sweet. What is she anxious about and any tips? Sea Gordon def. is still anxious about some things, and I keep persisting with trying to help him and trying not to get discouraged.
We sort of had a close call a few weeks back, he got so inexplicably startled he was able to pull right out of his harness and fall down a small but steep hill on a hike. Had he been at many different spots on that hike the fall could have been anything from much worse to even injury or death. It was terribly traumatic on mommy, though he was absolutely fine. He got a new and better harness out of the deal, and a million hugs and kisses. But I sure am feeling sad he still struggles with this.
Admin (#75), in that last paragraph, you showed more kindness, affection, gentleness and compassion for your dog than TFW has ever shown for C. How that boy could've thrived with a mother's love. ~ Administrator said... 75
Thanks! We follow Sea Gordon... a follow from you would be great!Abigail came from N. Carolina by truck stuffed in a pet taxi with her brother, stopping via Indiana then near here. She ( and 2 brothers with whom we are in touch with and visit occasionally) are all afraid of trucks, construction, loud noises, children, walks, and get panic attacks easily. Any change in routine can trigger a new anxiety causing sniffing the air obsessively, refusing to go out all day or hiding. She is also pretty territorial. abigail is sweet when calm but is very difficult to take places or have work done in the house for example- goes to dog daycare but hates it-but likes many other dogs. But not all.We have tried everything from training to drugs to thunder shirts, holistic methods, you name it.One brother was returned to the shelter for his anxiety!Funny, we got a new dog ( previous dog is my profile pic) to help my daughter in her own anxiety!
Thanks for the interest.
The only harness Abigail cannot escape from is Ruffwear- might work for Sea G . I know how you feel.
I got Sea Gordon ruffwear after his fall. So far so good, he doesn’t seem to enjoy putting it on with its three different contact points but I don’t think he’s getting out of this one!
Oh good! It's so scary when your dog is not safe. Abigail could get out of any harness somehow when she gets spooked trying to go for a walk.She won't walk very far if at all now.But she got over her ear once until a huge construction noise scared her back into immobility. She used to be fine until our street had construction to replace roads and sidewalks...Ruffwear looks heavy duty but it works! Also a double handle leash works well- maybe these both will help contain your boy.You are doing a great job with him
Why do I get the feeling that Aunt Becky's daughters will score themselves a reality show when the smoke clears from all of this? If it's proven they knew nothing about the cheating, it wouldn't surprise me if they took this victim narrative and ran with it.
Mama June was in possession of crack cocaine, needles, and a pipe when she was arrested last Wednesday. I have no words.
I wonder why only the 2 actresses have been publicly named but not the other 48 in this college mess. This has to trickle down and a lot of people involved.
foxy said... 82
I wonder why only the 2 actresses have been publicly named but not the other 48 in this college mess. This has to trickle down and a lot of people involved.
They have all been named. The famous ones are just the focus of media attention.
Foxy, I was reading an article today, the author said because they are Hollywood celebs, this is "price of fame", that your success is publicized but your problems make headlines too. I have read some articles in Bloomberg and other outlets about the CEO of a financial firm who has resigned, his daughter who got into Georgetown is only student specifically named. Isabelle Henriquez is the student and her father was head of Hercules Capital. The business publications have more details about the financial repercussions for some of these large firms with high ranking officers involved in the scandal.
I heard she and her husband didn't go to college so it was important to them their kids did.
Oh the irony. Seems to me Lori and Mossimo faired very well without a high falutin education so what made them think cheating (allegedlly) their kids' way into university was a smart move. It was an exercise in stupidly.
Oh wait...its all starting to make sense now.
Thanks! We follow Sea Gordon... a follow from you would be great!
Consider it done!
Foxy, I was reading an article today, the author said because they are Hollywood celebs, this is "price of fame", that your success is publicized but your problems make headlines too. I have read some articles in Bloomberg and other outlets about the CEO of a financial firm who has resigned, his daughter who got into Georgetown is only student specifically named. Isabelle Henriquez is the student and her father was head of Hercules Capital. The business publications have more details about the financial repercussions for some of these large firms with high ranking officers involved in the scandal.
The indictment suggests that Goldman Sachs was a good place to learn about how the rich get their dumb kids into good schools, and they would all cross refer each other to this huckster. Oy, I want to hear the 700 other names involved over the years.
admin...thanks! The IG is pretty new but my daughter enjoys developing it. Abigail already follows Sea Gordon! Love the photos and seeing him progress. Lucky dog!
Warning, Bachelor spoilers ahead, so if you haven't gotten around to watching the finale then what is your problem?
Finally got around to reading the final Bachelor episode recap. and read the People article about Colton and Cassie. I seriously doubt any future dating shows will top Colton jumping the fence in Portugal and going AWOL after Cassie decided to leave. With Chris Harrison running around the streets of wherever they were, along with crew members, in the middle of the night looking for Colton. It was THE MOST DRAMATIC BACHELOR EPISODE EVER! And at the end of that, Cassie is all like I won't marry you but I'll date you and Colton is all like that's great! and chris Harrison is all like did colton finally lose his virginity? and Colton is all like I'm not saying but I'm really happy man.
seriously, they should just end the series right now. and never have another dating show on ever again.
All this to get to my point, TFMJG will have a boring dating show. Why in the world anyone thought this was a good idea, I'll never know!
All this to get to my point, TFMJG will have a boring dating show. Why in the world anyone thought this was a good idea, I'll never know!
But, but, but TFW is going to an escape room and the twins (probably mainly Mady) are going to give commentary. Riveting TV!
I'm sure TLC is already on the case:
Three sets of twins, though the article doesn't say if they were brought about by nature or by science.
So radio silence from TFW again? Her show starts in 3 months, and she can't be bothered to promote it. But when it occurs to her that she needs to get some eyeballs to watch this show, I expect her to return and feign interest in the lives of the 5 fans she has left.
USC is now blocking students that may have been involved in the admission scandal from registering for classes, or getting their transcripts. They are still reviewing cases. It will be interesting to see what their next steps will be.
USC is now blocking students that may have been involved in the admission scandal from registering for classes, or getting their transcripts. They are still reviewing cases. It will be interesting to see what their next steps will be.
I don't know that they have much of a choice. Anyone currently enrolled must withdraw or be expelled. Anyone who already has a degree must have it rescinded. Otherwise any other degree they've issued is worthless.
For the kids that legitimately didn't know, and there is ample evidence that some kids truly didn't know, this is going to ruin lives. Good job, parents.
Isn’t it funny how TFW with her 347K followers will get 21K “likes” for her Super Bowl spread IG post but TLC with its 710K followers can only get 4.6K “likes” for the announcement of TFW’s dating sow. This is a dead giveaway that (1) no one cares about the show and (2) TFW is buying bots to “like” her posts. If she thinks that people can’t see through this she’s crazy.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 93
So radio silence from TFW again? Her show starts in 3 months, and she can't be bothered to promote it. But when it occurs to her that she needs to get some eyeballs to watch this show, I expect her to return and feign interest in the lives of the 5 fans she has left.
She doesn't even pretend to have any interest in them anymore. When she started up on twitter, there was constant interaction, but now she posts a lame picture once a month or so, doesn't respond to comments and questions, and doesn't try to hide the fact that she doesn't care that her fans exist. Sad because some of them are still there trying to fight her battles for her. What a waste of their time. If she doesn't care, then why should they?
I suspect she knows that her TV career is at an end, and there's nothing further for her to get from these people. It's always been clear that if she's not getting something from someone, she can't be bothered. That's what we're seeing here. Still, they hang on out of loyalty to someone who obviously has nothing but contempt for them. She'll finally remember them for a few "tweet parties", get them all excited and hopeful, and dump them once the season is over. That's Kate.
Yet another example of a parent forcing her children to perform for the cameras so they could support her:
Wow, the Duggars managed to scare up more than a million viewers Monday night without any weddings or births. Can't wait to see Schmoopy's numbers when this debacle airs.
Layla, this is not the first time this has happened. Daddy0five made “prank” videos with his family. His two children from the first marriage were the main targets of his abuse. A group of YouTube bloggers helped collect evidence in the case. The two kids were finally removed from their custody.
There are no regulations for kids being used by their parent on social media. Some of the kids are bringing in thousands of dollars from add revenue. There is no accountability for how that money is used.
I got in my 'recommended YouTube' list an Australian family living in Finland with 10 kids who are home-schooled, wear only blue and white and sometimes black and the boys have crazy long hair. They are very attractive, seem well-off, and are religious. Kids names are Leonardo, Cleopatra Taina Bride, Jerusalem, Shakespeare, Romeo, D'Artagnan, KingJames Ocean, Aphrodite, Nefertiti Butterfly Bambi and Omega Royal Fox. Hope the link works. Mom is named Taina Licciardo Toivola.Hope the link works.
Layla said... 98
Yet another example of a parent forcing her children to perform for the cameras so they could support her:
That's a horrible story. YouTube seems full of monsters forcing their kids to perform on camera.
I guess people think they will make lots of money and kids will sell. I've also read of scandals involving popular YouTube 'stars' doing things like attacking and bullying people and also emotional assaulting others. And faking their content too. Fierce competition for a 'like'
Formerly Duped,
I had heard of the family with 10 kids, but haven't watched. Too many stories of mistreatment of kids to force them to perform (although I haven't heard any of that particular family). People were so quick to dismiss stories of Kate abusing the kids in order to get them to film, and now there are more and more horror stories about how kids are mistreated so that they will work.
I recently found some shows on YouTube that I'm enjoying, and which originally aired in the US on TLC. There's a 4-part show I'm watching now, called Castle Ghosts of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. The first story depicted on Castle Ghosts of Scotland involved my husband's family, the Campbells (his mother is a Campbell). The Campbell/MacDonald feud in Scotland is as well-known as the Hatfield/McCoy feud in the US, and I've heard plenty of stories of their skirmishes, and now was able to find a ghost story based on the feud. I recommend them to anyone who loves ghost stories. It makes me sad to see what great shows TLC used to air, and now they only air freak shows. What a waste.
Just curious if anyone has news on what happened to Milo?
After pretty mediocre numbers in the last few weeks, Kate's IG followers really ramped up today, by almost 200 from this morning. I'm thinking something is in the offing. It might just be a self-indulgent b'day boost, but I have a feeling the last 6 weeks of silence are building up to another People cover or TV tab show appearance. I imagine she's been rehearsing for questions about Collin all day every day.
I seriously wonder who does the search for new TV talent at TLC. Almost each popular show has had what could be considered major character issues. From the J&K divorce and the abuse revelations,the Josh Duggar molestation issue, same with the Cake Boss show, Willis family what a mess, Roloff divorce, to the Sister Wives (Meri) catfish ordeal, does it ever end? I just saw where June (Honey Boo Boo) was arrested for drugs and the new show Seeking Sister Wives even has charges filed for stalking a relative.
Could they find any less worthy people to display on TV? I guess maybe in light of those above maybe Kate plus a Date is not so far fetched?
Sad but true (#105), yeah, that sudden jump is sure suspicious, considering she hasn't said boo for a while.
I cannot fathom the reason for seeking sister wives. Those men are just looking to stroke their egos on getting lots of women without their legal wives putting up a fuss or getting a divorce. I switch the channel as soon as they come on.
I turned on “Mama June From Not To Hot” tonight and they had the following disclaimer on before the show started: “We share our viewers’ concerns for June Shannon and her entire family. We are monitoring events as they occur and are focused, as always, on the entire family’s well-being.”
This was followed by the one daughter (Punkin I think) saying how the family is going through a rough patch right now and how they want to share their story, blah, blah, blah.
I guess the show is bringing in the ratings.
Layla said... 103
Formerly Duped,
I had heard of the family with 10 kids, but haven't watched. Too many stories of mistreatment of kids to force them to perform
Layla, if you won't watch kids 'performing' on youtube due to abuse, why would you add to Kate's ratings by watching her dating show?
Please, let's all take a stand on this stupid show and not watch it. If you simply MUST (but why?) at least wait for a rerun or something. JMO.
just wondering (110)
I never said I was going to watch Kate's dating show, and I definitely will not! All I have said about it is that I'm looking forward to seeing how awful the ratings are going to be. But I refuse to add to her ratings by watching. Not a chance.
NJGal51 (#109), riiiight, I'm sure WE TV is just as concerned about Mama June's family's well being as TLC was about the Gosselin family's well being. These networks are all about ratings and money, and don't give a rat's behind about anyone's welfare.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 112
NJGal51 (#109), riiiight, I'm sure WE TV is just as concerned about Mama June's family's well being as TLC was about the Gosselin family's well being. These networks are all about ratings and money, and don't give a rat's behind about anyone's welfare.
Agree 100% Flimsey! Next week should really bring in the ratings because, from the previews, it looks like they’re going to show the arrest.
just wondering (114)
Nope, that wasn't me. I have said before that I can't wait to see how bad the ratings are, but never said I would watch. Not true. Hunt if you'd like, but I never said that and I only ever watched one episode of K+8--ever--also. I make it a point to never watch any of Kate's shows. She gets no ratings boost from me.
I think it's up to each of us whether we watch her dating show or not. Not sure that I will, but hope it tanks!
You couldn't pay me to watch the Fake Date with Khate show. I truly cannot stand the woman. It sucks that a significant portion of her ratings come from people who despise her but who can't resist the train wreck. Even worse, TFW has always known that her "haters" give her ratings and she takes great pleasure in that. I can only hope that people don't reward her this time.
Admin and Formerly Duped...loving the photos of Sea Gordon and Abigail!
just wondering said... 115
Next week should really bring in the ratings because, from the previews, it looks like they’re going to show the arrest.
- NJGal51
And this is WHY June, the sideshow freak, still has a show on the air. Because people will watch. Think I'm gonna be sick.
Thank you for your input. I will take it under advisement when deciding what to watch and not watch. Hope that you weren’t too sick....
For all of my fellow true crime fans, there are some British true crime shows on YouTube that I'm really enjoying. One is called Crimes That Shook Britain, and the other is A Town and Country Murder. They have some cases that I have heard a lot about (the Newell murders, Christopher Foster/Osbaston House, White House Farm, etc.) and some new ones too. Check them out if you like that kind of thing!
So People just reported Jinger Duggar is moving to Los Angeles with her husband Jeremy and their baby. Wonder if they're getting a spin off series on TLC. If so, that'd be more competition for Schmoops. That June air time may have just been a place holder until something better came along. Ah, the life of a side piece.
Admin, I don't know about you, but I'd get a bang out of bumping into an actual Duggar at Gelson's!
Admin and Formerly Duped...loving the photos of Sea Gordon and Abigail!
Great! His instagram has turned out to be such good fun! I like looking at Abigail's too. Give me a shoutout on instagram because I'm not quite sure which user you are.
Admin, I don't know about you, but I'd get a bang out of bumping into an actual Duggar at Gelson's!
Hmm, perhaps I'll be able to see a Duggar eaten alive in person!
Admin...I don't have instagram, or any social media. Because Sea Gordon's account is public, I just go and look at your photos.
Admin...I don't have instagram, or any social media. Because Sea Gordon's account is public, I just go and look at your photos.
Ah gotcha! Carry on then!
Admin (#122), yeah, Jeremy seems to espouse many of the same views as that hypocritical twit Derick Dillard, but in a better-groomed (and less obnoxious) package. Someone might just walk up to Jeremy at Starbucks one day and rip him a new one.
Former Lurker said... 116
You couldn't pay me to watch the Fake Date with Khate show.
I'll watch IF they pay me.
To clarify my Duggar comment from last night...I meant someone might chew Jeremy out in LA, once he leaves the friendly confines of Laredo. I did not mean someone would beat him up. Nor do I support or endorse any violence against anyone.
capecodmama said... 117
Admin and Formerly Duped...loving the photos of Sea Gordon and Abigail!
Thanks! My daughter loves posting this and catching Abigail being cute. Hers is not as exciting as Sea Gordon's which I love too, since this dog is afraid to leave home! But we try.
Btw, she came with the name Abigail and we like to think of who named her that and why...her brothers have literary names.
Uh oh. When you lie about racism the truth will come out. He’s going to end up in jail for this. Good
Not so much...
You might want to read the NYT article about this. I think you will find it illuminating. Even an old Obama pal is outraged.
In an interview later, Joe Magats, the prosecutor who made the decision, said that there had been no problems with the evidence or the police investigation into Mr. Smollett. Mr. Magats said he dropped the charges after Mr. Smollett agreed to the community service and to give up the $10,000 he paid for his release, money that would have been returned to him if he had made all his court appearances. He also noted that Mr. Smollett had no previous criminal record and said that the dropping of the charges “didn’t exonerate him.”
[A timeline of events of the Smollett case.]
“We work to prioritize violent crime and the drivers of violent crime,” Mr. Magats said. “I don’t see Jussie Smollett as a threat to public safety.”
Soon afterward, the mayor and the police superintendent, Eddie Johnson, whose detectives had spent many hours trying to find who had attacked Mr. Smollett, and many more trying to get to the bottom of his account, held a news conference attacking prosecutors and the actor himself.
Mr. Emanuel said that Mr. Smollett’s celebrity had played a role, calling it “a whitewash of justice.”
“Where is the accountability in the system?” Mr. Emanuel said. “You cannot have, because of a person’s position, one set of rules apply to them and one set of rules apply to everybody else.”
“Our officers did hard work, day in and day out, countless hours, working to unwind what actually happened that night,” he added. “The city saw its reputation dragged through the mud.”
Meanwhile, Jesse is still lying: “I’ve been truthful and consistent on every single level since Day 1.”
Jussie Smollett Prosecutor Says, ‘I Do Not Believe He Is Innocent’ After Charges Dropped
CHICAGO (CBS)– The prosecutor who decided to drop the charges against Jussie Smollett said he believes the move does not vindicate the “Empire” actor of allegations that he orchestrated a racist and homophobic attack against himself.
“I do not believe he is innocent,” First Assistant Cook County State’s Attorney Joseph Magats said Tuesday afternoon.
Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx had recused herself from the case, so Magats, a 28-year veteran prosecutor, had been the lead prosecutor on the case.
“Based on all facts and circumstances of the case, and also keeping in mind resources and keeping in mind that the office’s number one priority is to combat violent crime and the drivers of violence, I decided to offer this disposition in the case,” Magats said.
When asked who made the call to drop the charges, Magats said “I did.” When asked if Foxx had anything to do with the decision, Magats said “she did not.”
Mayor Rahm Emanuel earlier called the decision a “whitewash of justice.” The mayor essentially accused prosecutors of giving Smollett special treatment because of his status as a celebrity.
Magats denied the mayor’s claim.
“Not true, it’s just not,” he said. “It’s not a whitewash, he did community service, he has forfeited his bond, it’s just not a whitewash.”
Magats said Smollett did community service with Rainbow PUSH coalition since being indicted. Magats said this was a factor in his decision.
A Rainbow PUSH coalition spokesman said Smollett performed a total of 16 hours of service over two days.
and also keeping in mind resources and keeping in mind that the office’s number one priority is to combat violent crime and the drivers of violence,
If he's telling the truth they are really passing on this because of "resources" than I can respect that. The priority of the office should be keeping people safe and if it means some big media circus trial for Jesse will divert resources from a hardened violent offender then ok, fine. Lord knows government wastes enough time on wild goose chases that don't matter in the end.
Does anyone think it's interesting the lead prosecutor declared a conflict? Like, does anyone want to know what the heck that's about? You have all kind of contact with Jesse and these witnesses such that you need to conflict off? I find that very strange. It then ends up with a baby prosecutor 28 years old who has probably never handled a media case before and is too green to predict how doing this would look or how the authorities would react to this dumb move. I also think it's funny they're using the term "white washed" lol, are they TRYING to be ironic?
Admin(#131), The prosecutor who took over the case isn't 28 years old; he's a 28 year veteran prosecutor. He has more experience than State's Attorney Kim Foxx.
Foxx recused herself because she not only had contact with Smollett's family, but she allegedly was contacted by Tina Tchen (Michelle Obama's former Chief of Staff). Tchen allegedly contacted Foxx requesting she (Foxx) get the Chicago PD to agree to turn the case over to the FBI. Foxx then, allegedly, contacted the Chicago PD Superintendent in an unsuccessful attempt to have him relinquish the case and hand it over to the FBI.
After today's surprising decision to completely drop the case, the Chicago PD are demanding an investigation by the state Attorney General. Was Foxx acting in the interest of the State, or doing the bidding of Smollett and his family through interference by Tina Tchen?
Foxx recused herself because she not only had contact with Smollett's family, but she allegedly was contacted by Tina Tchen (Michelle Obama's former Chief of Staff). Tchen allegedly contacted Foxx requesting she (Foxx) get the Chicago PD to agree to turn the case over to the FBI. Foxx then, allegedly, contacted the Chicago PD Superintendent in an unsuccessful attempt to have him relinquish the case and hand it over to the FBI.
Holy Batman I missed that. Well that all seems super freaking shady.
They’ve got a lot of nerve doing all this in the wake of celebrity/rich families exposed for getting special treatment at colleges.
I never stated that I thought he was innocent. I thought your crowing repeatedly about how he was going to jail was premature. I was correct.
Crowing? He should have gone to jail. Given that pretty much everyone can not believe the prosecutor did this and it looks really shady to boot, I wouldn’t play the “told you so” game just yet. This is a shocking turn to the story, not expected.
Speaking of crowing I seem to recall two years of crowing here about Trump over this massive waste of time Russia thing. That also didn’t pan out in a big massive failure for the left, but you didn’t see me jumping on here to rub that in about how wrong you were about that.
Something else that is not boring, but doesn't get a lot of press because trials and sentencing take a long time. This took quite some time to come to a conclusion but is now closer: the driver of the car who murdered Heather Hyer in Charlottesville in 2017 charged his plea to guilty. The driver was tried and found guilty in December and the jury recommended life in prison. He had plead not guilty then. He has agreed now to change his plea to guilty to 29 charges. this story details the 30th charge, that did have possible death penalty, has now been dropped in exchange for his guilty pleas to everything else. The formal sentencing is in a few months.
There have been other charges brought against those who committed violence in Charlottesville. and the UVA alum who got the rally planned in the first place? University of Virginia has been to court to successfully ban him from their property.
Well it’s TFW’s birthday. Will she do a post like last year or will she have Mady do one for her. Last year’s post was, IMO, a little sad. Although she talked about family and friends taking her out to dinner, ordering a surprise dessert and “singing loudly”, she only posted pictures of herself. Her “so this is what 43 looks like” was so obviously her fishing for complements...sad.
Clarification to my post 135 above, the perpetrator had a trial on STATE criminal charges in December. The upcoming trial was on 30 FEDERAL charges. It was to those charged the driver changed his plea to guilty to take the one FEDERAL charge with possible death penalty off the table. This spared all witnesses and victims from having to go thru a second trial. Only Heather Heyer was killed, but many other people were injured by the vehicle attack. Some were injured so seriously they will never have full function back.
This story clarified things for me.
NJGal51 (#136), under different circumstances, TFW would declare this her happiest birthday ever, because her son is out of the facility. But he doesn't seem to be on her radar any more.
But Jon's birthday is Monday, and whether he posts it or not, I bet it will be an extra special one for him because his son is with him.
Mady just did a “my story” (I think that’s what it’s called) on IG. It’s the picture of her and TFW from the recent press tour and says ”happy birthday to my beautiful & fearless mom �� i love you!” That should be a black heart after the word “mom”. Other than a handful of people wishing her a happy birthday on Twitter I haven’t seen anything else. Oh well, it’s only 7 o’clock there so I guess there’s still time for someone to publish a picture of the big birthday bash that the kids surely threw for her.
I've only seen one tab mention of the b'day, and it's a nothing piece with any inaccuracies.
She must be lying low for a reason. Maybe TLC's let her know she does herself no favors on social media. Or maybe she's thinking the longer she's quiet, the more likely it will be that the custody changes of the past 12 months will stay on the down-low. Fat chance.
For someone with 348,000 Instagram followers, it sure seems pathetic that a mere 18 posted happy birthday wishes on her Instagram.
It's almost April 1st. She'll probably start posting more and interacting a bit with them again in order to stir up some interest in her upcoming Fake Date with Khate show. She's nothing if not predictable.
Sad but true said... 140
Or maybe she's thinking the longer she's quiet, the more likely it will be that the custody changes of the past 12 months will stay on the down-low. Fat chance.
So true. I was googling around today looking for mentions of her 44th birthday. Did you know that if you go to and do a search for Kate Gosselin, the 1st seven photos that come up are shots of Jon with Collin, Hannah, Colleen, all of their kids, etc? There was a picture of her store bought SB spread, but it was not the lead picture.
She must really miss the glory years when she controlled the narrative.
Susan1956 (#142), she had the world on a string for a while there, didn't she? And she bristled at the notion that her stardom was perhaps only temporary. But she never successfully branded herself, after many flimsy attempts. Running Mom, Author Mom, Blogging Mom, Dancing Mom, Coupon Mom, Philanthropic Mom, Dog Mom, Cookbook Mom -- all fizzled out. I think the only thing she's been consistently, her true brand, is Horrible Mom.
I think it’s pretty telling that Mady would post a pic of her and her mother on a TLC stage. Instead of an intimate, mediocre mommy and me selfie. Or a pic of ,let’s say, the two of them reading a favorite book together.. Mady realizes that they only way to her mother’s black heart is through the camera and celebrity stardom.
Still I think Kate is up to something. She’s getting her narcissist supply somehow. Maybe she found a wealthy man who spoils her.
Fans what fans?
Gigi Be
Well, finally, LOL. Four photos of Mommie Dearest vamping it up, with two store-bought cakes and not another human (or dog!) in sight. Doesn't look like a whole lot of fun to me.
So this is 44.... I was acting silly because my kids insisted on taking pictures lol! We had a fun day! #HappyBirthday
Some 16K likes and close to 450 comments in a hour. I'd say someone spent some IG $$$ on this.
LOL, at the same time the b'day post was racking up the 16K likes, her IG followers actually dropped by about 80. Good times. :)
FlimsyFlamsy said... 143
... But she never successfully branded herself, after many flimsy attempts. Running Mom, Author Mom, Blogging Mom, Dancing Mom, Coupon Mom, Philanthropic Mom, Dog Mom, Cookbook Mom -- all fizzled out. I think the only thing she's been consistently, her true brand, is Horrible Mom.
Great post, Flimsy, and LOL at 'flimsy attempts!'
Well yesterday was TFW’s birthday and hardly made a blip on the radar so today she published pictures on IG of her (alone) with two cakes (at home). Isn’t it amazing that it’s only been up,for 3 hours and has almost 21K likes and over 500 comments. The bots are hard at work today.
She's so weird. Four pics all alone, just her and two cakes and her very odd poses. Here's the link:
NJGal51 said... 148
Funny there is nothing and no one else at the table with Kate.Guess new Golden Child/ BFF Mady took the pictures and ate one of the cakes, lol
Funny how she has two cakes but nothing for serving or eating them. No knife to cut them, no plates or forks, no place settings at the table. No birthday dinner with friends and a special dessert. No presents in sight. It looks very staged to me. Two cakes to make it look like there are several people there, but nothing else to show that there's anyone but her and Mady, who has apparently replaced Chris as her personal pap.
Is there still snow on the ground in Kateville? The photos with the wrinkled red plastic table cloth and not a breathing being around looks like a lot of snow on the deck or whatever that is.
Flimsy Flamsy, great post! don't forget Struggling Mom, Purse Full of Bills Mom, Single Mom, Apprentice Mom!
Joy @ #153...yes, and writer mom ( apart from the crookbook ), landscaping mom, drivers ed teaching mom, DIY mom (deck ), organizing mom and party planning mom.
I guess we’re not the only ones to be wondering why none of the kids are in the pictures with TFW. In the pictures it looks like it’s still daylight so surely some of the kids were around...unless they were all out romping in the snow.
See The Hollywood Gossip (on line) "Kate Gosselin Pretends to Celebrate Birthday with Her Kids". That's right "PRETENDS"!!!
@NJGal51 Ah but you see,according to Kate,the kids were all taking a picture of her.Didn't know it took 8 or 7 people to take pictures.
I love that headline! "Pretends" is absolutely correct. There is no sign of anyone else being there when those pictures were taken. Not a thing out of place, not a crumb on the table from dinner, no sign of anyone else there. When my kids get home from school, there are backpacks, papers, cups--and people--everywhere. A dead giveaway is the pillow on the chair behind her, propped up on one corner. When the kids get home, the perfectly propped pillows don't look like that anymore. Interestingly that the sofa that used to be there is gone. Now if she'd just do something about those mismatched wood can see the line where the lighter wood ends and the darker wood begins, even in those pictures. If she's having the floors replaced, just do it already. Why leave it half-finished?
I love the snark in that article. Here's a clickable link:
Thanks Former Lurker! How do you make the links clickable? My iPad used to do it automatically (and still does in some places) but blogger seems to hate me.
I guess she didn't realize how tacky that plastic dollar store cover on the table would look in the photos. If you're going for classy, that's not the way to do it. That's all
Gwyneth Paltrows daughter recently called her mother out for posting a picture of her on social media without her daughters consent. Paltrow’s excuse was something along the lines of saying it’s ok because people could only see half her face. This is crap parenting 101.
I took a look at the Kate plus 8 FB page to see if there was any mention of her birthday(there wasn't).
However, I noticed a new thing in the right sidebar called "Page Transparency". This is what it said about the page:
Page History
Page created October 29, 2008 - Kate Plus 8
Page name has not changed
Merged with 0 other Pages.
So the page was created a year before the divorce was even announced and before TLC said it was changing the title of the show to Kate plus 8.
Things that make you go "hmm".
Betcha Jon will have a birthday post of his own Monday. Not posing like a coquette (broquette?) in front of a cake with neither a 2-legged nor 4-legged loved one in sight. But with his smiling children. In every picture I've seen of him with his kids, I get a sense of joy and peace that cannot be faked.
The prosecutor really screwed up this time. This isn't going away:
In light of the case, the National District Attorneys Association released a statement on best prosecutorial practices in high-profile cases. Among its recommendations: recusals of chief prosecutors should apply to the entire office; prosecutors should not take advice from politically active friends of the accused; alternative prosecution should include the defendant admitting culpability; and Smollett's record should not have been expunged immediately in the interest of transparency.
(CNN)Prosecutors who dropped felony charges against actor Jussie Smollett over his report of a hate crime attack "have fundamentally misled the public on the law and circumstances surrounding the dismissal," an Illinois lawyers group said.
The way Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx and her office resolved the case also was "abnormal and unfamiliar to those who practice law," wrote the Illinois Prosecutors Bar Association.
Foxx and her office "falsely informed the public" that sealing the criminal case was "mandatory,"
Chicago's corporation counsel on Thursday asked Smollett to pay $130,106.15 to cover the cost of the investigation into his claims of an attack.
A state lawmaker said he'll introduce legislation to prohibit any production involving Smollett from receiving the Illinois Film Tax Credit.
Interesting that Mady describes her mother as "fearless," and her father as "toxic." Neither word is part of the typical teen lexicon. Sounds like Mommie Dearest's brainwashing has been a success.
Paltrow posted a photo to Instagram earlier in the week of herself with Apple Martin, her 14-year-old daughter with Coldplay singer Chris Martin, at a ski field. Apple’s face is largely covered by goggles.
Apple commented on the post: “Mom we have discussed this. You may not post anything without my consent.”
That's f-ing hilarious. Go Apple! I love that she doesn't just text her mom privately, she instead puts her on public blast. Which is probably indicative of dealing with her privately hasn't worked.
I suspect this is why Kate doesn't post pics of the kids anymore. They discussed this. She may not post without their consent. HAHHAHA.
Also a lot of this is just 14 years old. Just like when we were 14 years old it would be embarrassing to have mom flash your school pictures around to family and friends. Mommmmm. It's really the same idea, only escalated when it's on social media because a lot more people usually see it. And for a celeb child, hundreds of thousands.
This is really the first generation of over-shared kids now having their own advice. It is not that big of a surprise that they're f-ing tired of being click bate for their self absorbed parents.
By the way, Goopster hasn't taken the offending photo down. Sigh.
Interestingly that the sofa that used to be there is gone. Now if she'd just do something about those mismatched wood can see the line where the lighter wood ends and the darker wood begins, even in those pictures. If she's having the floors replaced, just do it already. Why leave it half-finished?
Cause you never can take the trash out of that white girl.
Seriously, she has no idea how to be classy nor does she care to learn.
Funny how she has two cakes but nothing for serving or eating them. No knife to cut them, no plates or forks, no place settings at the table. No birthday dinner with friends and a special dessert. No presents in sight.
She probably didn't have any of that stuff. Even if she did, I honestly think her thought process about instagram photos is pretty primitive. She doesn't understand a photo with all of those things is much more appealing, inviting, homey, authentic and natural, than a stark photo of her and a cake. It's like even if she had all that stuff in bags, she would be the type to say, Let's take a photo of the cake first and then we'll set everything up.
She doesn't get social media to this day. I really think her IQ is not that high.
MamaC said... 161
I guess she didn't realize how tacky that plastic dollar store cover on the table would look in the photos. If you're going for classy, that's not the way to do it. That's all
Reminds me of the plastic trash bags she taped to the kitchen countertops when she was baking with the kids. I didn't see the episode but there were plenty of pictures (and comments) circulating around of that. She doesn't have a classy bone in her body. Seriously, everything in that house is tacky--those awful mustard-colored, sponge-painted walls (looks like someone took a baby's soiled diaper and dabbed the contents all over the walls), the tacky curtains and ratty, dirty-looking carpets and furniture, and don't get me started again on those mismatched wood floors! Either she doesn't have the money to update anything or she just has tacky taste. Or both.
By the way, Goopster hasn't taken the offending photo down. Sigh.
I don’t follow her (GP) but was reading the comments out of curiosity. Someone commented that Apple’s comment was a joke because I guess in the past Apple has asked why GP doesn’t post more pictures of her. At any rate, Apple answered that comment with a “thank you and a heart”. I assume the account for Apple is legit because GP follows it and the account is private. If I were GP I would have turned off commenting because some of the comments about her daughter are pretty nasty.
I did a quick check, and nobody seems to be covering Kate's birthday. Not even People. There are usually a few stories online whenever she posts something on IG, but this time the "PRETENDS" story is about it. I wonder if that's because others who would have covered the story are also looking at those pictures and realizing that there's something very "off" about them. It really looks like she's alone and trying to pretend there are others with her. She's always spun her tales and controlled the narrative where the press is concerned, but those days appear to be over. What's really funny is that there's a link to something on YouTube about her birthday (I didn't click on it--no hits from me!), and in the intro it shows the number of views for the video. How many views? 1. Yes, just one person bothered to watch it. Ouch!
It really looks like she's alone and trying to pretend there are others with her.
I agree with you Layla. Normally she’ll give “photo credit” to Mady (or whomever took the picture). This time, nothing. She said she was “acting silly” because the kids insisted on taking pictures. It looks more like she was holding a pose waiting for the self timer to go off. The lighting is terrible (the outside glare makes it look like there’s still snow on the ground and makes the pictures too dark). It makes you wonder if she took the pictures of herself while the kids were in school? Also, her only hashtag was #HappyBirthday. She didn’t do the usual #LoveMyKids or anything like that. I guess we’ll never know but you’d think at least some of the kids (or dogs) would have gotten in the pictures or at the very least she’d be laughing and having fun instead of posing.
Layla (#173), yeah, it looks like without the helping hand (and wallet) of TLC, TFW's birthday was a pretty humdrum affair. Or, to use the snotty adjective she bestowed upon the father of her children, it was MEDIOCRE.
No mention of TFMJG birthday means TLC isn't investing any money in promoting her upcoming show. no publicist to provide any item to the magazines. at this point, I'm wondering if the dating show will ever be broadcast.
TFMJG lack of social media skill is obvious. Just another missed opportunity. I got an Instant Pot for christmas, and in learning how to use it, looked at quite a few YouTube videos and websites. there are so many women with youtube channels and websites that share practical instructions on cooking, recipes, using new appliances and so on. these folks post disclaimers about sponsorship and you know they are making money. TFMJG could have been a Youtube fixture. too bad she didn't have the interest or work ethic to do something like that.
I think she is prohibited from showing pics online of the under-age kids as part of whatever court decision granted custody of both C & H to Jon.
I also think this entire dating show was Kate's idea (for years) and that she sank a large part of her own money into it (well, the kids' money).
The Court decisions that have gone to Jon have really taken the wind out of her sail.
I think Kate took Jon to court to stop him posting pictures of C and H on social media. She knew that each time he posted a photo, the story of C and her loss of custody was reported. I believe that he was told to stop posting photos, and she was told the same. They both stopped posting pics of the kids about the same time, which probably isn’t a coincidence. She will never learn that the same rules she wants applied to Jon will also be applied to her.
@Layla yeah that might of happen.I was curious and checked her twitter TL to see if anyone spotted her at some place for filming and found nothing.At this point,i have no idea if a dating show will be aired or not.Someone recently asked about Milo's whereabouts and from the looks of it,even her closes online friends seem to have no clue where she is.Again i hope nothing bad happen to her as a result of Jon getting custody.
Happy birthday to Jon Gosselin. I wonder if the 6 kids remaining with TFW are even allowed to mention him in her presence? Or is their father like Voldemort -- he who must not be named? You could almost see where it'd just be less painful for a child to push him away completely, rather than incur his/her mother's wrath. But these lost years will come at a steep price for them psychologically. Bet on it.
I wonder (not really) but could TLC have only filmed a few episodes - maybe 6 - and filming is done until the ratings start coming in June?
FOTK (#181), always nice to see you!
Even 6 episodes seems like a stretch for this mess. Schmoops is lucky if she got 4, and a year's supply of Turtle Wax and Rice-A-Roni.
Flight of the Kiwi said... 181
I wonder (not really) but could TLC have only filmed a few episodes - maybe 6 - and filming is done until the ratings start coming in June?
I think you're right. This is a new show, and they know that the Gosselins weren't bringing in the ratings for a long time, and that Kate is not popular. It would be smart of them to wait and see how the ratings look before they commit to any more episodes. I think it was announced that there are only 6 episodes, which is smart on their part. Why commit to a full 8-episode season if they're unsure about how the show will do? They could end up throwing money away.
I'm still betting the ratings for this show will be disastrous. I can't imagine that anyone would want to watch it.
I agree. I think not many people really remember who Kate Gosselin is. They might recall the scandals surrounding her but that's it. And who thought up the wording of Mady's "we were nudging her to date..." Aaaah!
Flimsy - LOL - Turtle Wax and Rice-a-Roni. Too funny!
Formerly Duped said... 184
I agree. I think not many people really remember who Kate Gosselin is. They might recall the scandals surrounding her but that's it. And who thought up the wording of Mady's "we were nudging her to date..." Aaaah!
Kate was at the peak of her fame 10 years ago. Once 2009 ended, she started her long downward slide. She did a lot of whining and complaining about stress and the paps and about how they couldn't ever go back, but she'd give her eyeteeth now to get all of that back.
I wonder if TLC casting found any mature actors for this gig or just the young starving actors who will accept any thing for work and exposure. Every time I see that picture of her with her hands on the table, uncombed hair, and a stupid look on her face I crack up. I hope the young man was paid well.
I wonder if any of her dates were desperate enough to still be dating her. It could be why she is quiet on social media.
Can't say no one would want her. Jeff Prescott was desperate enough to go with her for several months.
Ingrid said... 188
Prescott was quite probably the guy who funded her $30K "donation" when she was on Celebrity Apprentice, the episode where she played the Streetwalker Bride. Remember, they were supposedly starting up some sort of charitable endeavor together? She strung him along long enough to hit his wallet for that show and revealed, inevitably, just how shallow she is. I think he probably got a clue when he took her out for dinner/gambling, and crusty ol' Skeve came along to sit the next table over and take the photos that showed up in ROL.
Sad but true said... 189
Ingrid said... 188
I watched very little of Celeb Appren. because I don't care for it anyhow so I didn't know much details except I heard she had one person donate that money. I couldn't handle watching her on there so I quit watching before she got fired.
Jeff knew his life would be in the public eye if he stayed with her too. According to articles he said she was trying to get their relationship included on K+8 and then maybe a spin off. Took him a few months but he got smart.
I wonder if Kate has gotten the idea of hooking some guy from this crap show, while turning it into a spin off. Everyone she attaches herself to is meant to serve That was her goal when she got involved with Jeff Prescott. Except her shallowness couldn’t be hidden any longer and Jeffy boy had enough. She tried to get him on that New York dating epi as her date when he bailed on her the last minute. Then the show got a replacement. Also they managed to date 9 months while she managed not to say a peep out of it on social media. So it wouldn’t surprise me if she’s up to something .
Gigi Be
Can you imagine how riveting a spin off of Kate and her love interest would be? It would have to be someone rich to start with. It would not be filmed at home doing homey family things together too often. Who would want to watch Kate and guy cook together, clean together, do yard work together. It would be "Look at me I am jetting off to ________"(fill in name of a vacation spot paid for by boyfriend) "Look at me I am shopping at this expensive boutique on my boyfriend's money". ME ME ME ME ME spending BIG $$$$$$...
Ingrid (192)
I don't think they'll have much luck with a spin-off. Mady and Cara are leaving for college in a few months, Jon has Hannah and Collin, and Jon won't sign for the remaining kids to film. Kate and some guy, without the kids, would be so boring. They may give it a try, but I suspect the dating show will be bad enough to ward off TLC from any further filming of Kate without the kids (I doubt the inclusion of M&C will be much help in the dating show's ratings).
Anyone else hearing all the ugly stories about The View? A new book is out and it details all the nastiness and backstabbing that went on behind the scenes and it sounds like a nightmare. did Kate miss all that was going on? Remember, she called the hosts her friends and was always so excited to be on the show. She would have loved to have been one of the hosts. I'm wondering what would have happened if she had gotten a host position. She was so used to being the center of attention and being handled with kids gloves. It would have been a rude awakening for her.
Layla said... 194
Re The View, for how many episodes was K8 actually a co-host? I don't think it was more than a handful. I have never actually sat and watched all of her appearances on this program, but from the vignettes I've seen on the tab reports and elsewhere, she was an absolute 0 when it came to ability to interact with co-hosts, answer questions, ad-lib dialogue when needed, etc. In short, she was decidedly not a "personality" who translated to other TV work ("WORK") besides RTV in any way, shape or form.
I'm really not surprised at all about the behind-the-scenes revelations re The View, but I doubt Kate was either aware of, or played any part in, any one of them. Bill Geddes brought her in whenever she whined loud enough, and it's clear the hosts treated her with exactly the lack of attention she deserved. They had her number (well, except maybe for Babwa) from the get-go.
Sad but true (195)
She was a co-host a few times, and a guest a few times. I remember how she'd tweet her excitement about appearing on the show and saying, "miss my friends!" (speaking about the hosts). We all found it pathetic that she considered these women friends when she was obviously just another random guest on the show to them (except for maybe BW, who made a fool of herself by calling Kate fascinating).
Canadian posters, I just received a box of yummy things from some friends in Canada, and am so excited to try some new things! They sent All Dressed chips (I love the Ruffles kind, but they say the "real" ones are much better), ketchup flavored chips, Hickory Sticks, Maple leaf cookies, Coffee Crisps (of course! I'm addicted!), some other assorted candy bars (Caramilk, Mr Big, Wunderbar), and some other assorted things. We can't wait to dig in--we love everything we've tried from Canada (I could eat Poutine on a daily basis). One of my sons is planning a summer trip through Canada, and I'm making a list of things for him to bring back with him. I'll let you know how our taste tests come out.
Re the TFMJG goes on a date show, it may be handled like the "million dollar mile" show has been handled. its like 8 or 10 episodes, 2 episodes were shown 2 weeks after Survivor. ratings were less than stellar, do its been moved to Saturdays and The Amazing Race, that was due to start in late May, has been pushed up to start late April, a month early.
if it's bad enough, TFMJG pretends to go on a date may have all the episodes shown late night, or some other time slot as filler.
we will see what happens.
I liked The View when it was first on, but then it seemed to change into a show that wanted the folks to yell at each other. That gets old fast. I like The Talk much better, I love Sharon Osbourne and Sara Gilbert and the whole crew
Layla (196)......
I hope you enjoy your Canadian treats! It's funny how we always like what we can't buy at home. My son is going across the US border today & I've got a list of groceries I want him to buy for me at Trader Joes.
Trader Joe's is my weakness when I cross the border. Their dark chocolate peanut butter cups are dangerously good and their unexpected cheddar is pretty yum.
Trader Joe's is my weakness when I cross the border. Their dark chocolate peanut butter cups are dangerously good and their unexpected cheddar is pretty yum.
Cookie butter. I cannot.
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