TLC has finally made a somewhat more concrete announcement about the mysterious series complete with a few press events and photos
7:00 PM

We're talking to Kate Gosselin about her new dating show! And hitting the red carpet for all the drama with the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.
799 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 799 Newer› Newest»Oh boy ....
Apparently, she is at some function for upcoming TV shows, with M and C. Here is a twitter thread (which is kinda funny):
I. Don't. Get. It.
I really thought enough people had finally caught on and this was a non-starter.
Seriously disgusting.
She must have major dirt on someone with TLC or the production crew.
From article:
“Throughout the process, she lets her guard down and begins to learn a lot about herself and exactly what it’s going to take to find everlasting love.”
A lobotamy.
So she’s not allowed to exploit her minor children anymore at least.
Hopefully Mady and Cara get to keep all their earnings now and Kate doesn’t collect a percentage as their “manager.”
OMG.Like a bad penny. I'm surprised Cara is along for the ride.
There is an article and photos in Daily Mail. Her neck looks horrendous!
From Dmasy --
We have HBO, Netflix, Amazon Prime and a plethora of other and pay for.
A new Survivor begins in a week. I could also watch all the old seasons that I didn't see when they originally aired.
America really does have talent. Grace and Frankie will get high for our entertainment. Ted Bundy is back in TV headlines.
Mrs. Maisel is marvelous. I could watch West Wing, Downton Abbey or The Tudors again and again. I still haven't watched the Mr. Roger's documentary that I recorded 3 nights ago.
I have program list and not enough time for all the stimulating options. Not to mention, that life has many other choices not involving a a screen.
Does TLC really hope to capture my time and attention by setting up fake date situations with a 40+ blonde who uses awkward facial expressions as a substitute for a genuine personality?
Oh & Cara looks like she'd rather be any place but there, sitting next to her mother and Mady at this event.
Judging by the picture on the TLC post, that guy is at least 10 years younger than she is, and as far as looks are concerned, he is way out of her league. And even in that one picture she looks awkward! I'm going to make my prediction on ratings--I'd predicting 700-800,000 for the first episode (people checking in out of curiosity) and then a steady decline from there, ending up in the 500,000s (or lower). Anyone else want to make their predictions?
So it's premiering in June? In other words, 16 months after initial announcement and 9 months later than originally slated? Methinks there's something seriously wrong with this set-up.
I doubt there could be more than a single season of this BS, unless she has somehow convinced her twins to forego college in order to give her more than a last gasp.
This has failure written all over it. IF it ever actually makes it to air.
Anyone surprised by this?
"Asked if her children will have their own reality series, Gosselin said it’s up to them, adding, “I think it’s something Mady and Cara have discussed.”
Mady, who spoke briefly a couple times during the Q&A, and Cara, who had not opened her mouth, did not speak up."
Saw this line on the Deadline Hollywood article. Cara mute again. lol
"Mady, who spoke briefly a couple times during the Q&A, and Cara, who had not opened her mouth, did not speak up."
Wonder who's staying with the kids while the twins are skipping school to be with Mommy on the West Coast? Jamie?
Khate is so smug saying that if she tried online dating people would know who she was and it wouldn't be safe. People WOULD know who she was and avoid her like the plague. She has to have paid suitors. She still thinks she's quite the catch. Why does TLC insist on peddling such a hopeless case as Khate? I would have thought after two of her children, who essentially made her a household name, defected (one who was essentially abandoned), would have eliminated anyone who had a modicum of interest in her.
Like a bad horror movie villain, she's back. So much BS in these articles.
"even Mady and Cara, who will be critiquing and commenting in real time"
Cara is going to speak? I guess Jon wouldn't sign permits for the younger kids.
“We’ve been nudging her to date for years — all eight of us — and we are so glad she finally is,” Mady Gosselin said"
Oh, please. I'm sure Colin was really worried about her dating life.
“This is ten years and counting – and judging based on my kids and how well-adjusted and intelligent and how well they’re doing in school and overall life"
Again, Colin. His father is doing this.
"I have five daughters and three sons, and they need to be able to watch a respectful … G-rated show. And it’s important for me to be an example to my kids.”
A bad example.
"Kate Plus Date" travels a few hours from her Pennsylvania home to New York, after she says she exhausted the pool of available men."
Bet she didn't exhaust Skeeve. Poor thing had to go to NYC to get wined and dined with fish on paper.
If articles had a lie detector, it would be beeping like mad.
TLC is absolute garbage to put this crap on TV... just remember people don't TuneIn to see what it's like or you'll contribute to her ratings ... just read about it the next day about how bad it was
"Kate Plus Date" travels a few hours from her Pennsylvania home to New York, after she says she exhausted the pool of available men."
She probably had to stand on the corner wearing a sandwich sign to get them.
TLC keeps putting off airing the show like they're avoiding a colonoscopy. June now, huh? Don't hold your breath.
OK, I’ve seen three different start dates....spring, June and fall. I guess it will air when TLC needs filler. So there will be 10 actors, I mean bachelors, and they’re all in a competition to see who will not run screaming from the room, I mean get another date with TFW. Sounds like a hit to me! It looks like she memorized the script because she’s spouting the same exact crap that she’s said since she floated the concept of a dating show. The kids don’t want me to be alone...I’m much to famous to date just anyone...I need a matchmaker, Steve and cameras to feel safe....yadda, yadda, yadda. I wonder if TLC has shown it to test audiences yet. The comments in the Daily Mail are not very complimentary. This show, based on the description, should make for some great recaps.
Not a single kind comment.
I was looking for something else and stumbled upon this old "costume party" post. What fun!
Anonymous said... 15
Khate is so smug saying that if she tried online dating people would know who she was and it wouldn't be safe.
Amy Schumer found a very nice boyfriend online, Kate. While she was very famous. They dated for years and while it didn't eventually end in marriage, neither have anything bad to say about it.
Smug tool.
The headline is a little misleading. TFW never specifically says that she’s close with Collin.
“It’s a question of he-said, she-said. Just two months after he won temporary sole custody of his son Collin, Jon Gosselin claimed on Instagram on Feb. 4 that his ex-wife, Kate, has “zero” contact with the 14-year-old. Now Kate, 43, is firing back and defending herself against the claim that she is not close to the teen. The mom-of-eight – who is promoting her new TLC show, Kate Plus Date – told press at a Feb. 12 Television Critics Association (TCA) event that she is “close with all” of her children.”
“The reality TV star was doing a joint interview with her 18-year-old twin daughters – Madelyn and Cara. Asked specifically if they’re still close with Collin, Kate said, “Yes, we are close with all of the kids, their brothers and sisters.”
The headline is a little misleading. TFW never specifically says that she’s close with Collin.
A total non-answer. Jon didn't say you weren't "close", Kate. He said you didn't visit. So do you visit or do you not, because he says you have NOT.
I imagine this little boy still does feel quite close to you, you being his MOTHER and all, no matter how shitty you've treated him.
I am not trying to be mean but Kate looks like she has put on some weight. It could be the angle of the pictures or maybe her dress but she looks a little heavier.
Clickable links to most of the articles:
SaraMRN2010 said... 25
I am not trying to be mean but Kate looks like she has put on some weight. It could be the angle of the pictures or maybe her dress but she looks a little heavier.
I think it's the heaviest we've ever seen her look. Her chest looks a lot larger than normal.
She's not as pale as she was in her Instagram birthday pic last March, so she's obviously gone back to the tanning bed. And, my goodness, she never changes it up with those nails.
"While the first date revolves around a fun activity, date number two will be an intimate chance to see if sparks fly!"
Nothing like an entire film crew in tow to make sparks fly. This is unfathomable. Beyond belief. Why TLC? Seriously? Will this detestable woman and her Stockholm Syndrome affected eldest daughters ever go away?
Some of the comments:
She's too old for that super long hair. She's trying too hard to look young & sexy and ends up just looking desperate.
Acting like this is the only way she can go on a date when in actuality it's the only way she can get back on t.v. That's all she's ever really cared about.
She says this is the only way for her to date. It's the only way she will ever get to date, to someone who is being paid to date her that is. Considering her reputation, all other men would run from her. She's not forcing herself to do this show; all her attempts to do anything else on TV have failed. She has settled for the dating show because that's all she could get.
No decent man in his right mind will want to have anything to do with her, that's why she's still alone. She's a narcissist who has used her own children to try to become famous. The only way any man will go out with her is if they pay them on part of a reality TV show where there will be no winner.
Read this in another article: "The whole thing I didn't realize how awkward I feel on this whole journey. I've learned so much about myself and so much about how I react. It's painful at times I'm hard to watch". Understatement of the year.
I made a comment earlier that got lost, as I was having issues with Blogger posting from my phone. Just some random thoughts:
It's so pathetic that she and TLC have to continue to use and exploit these kids. Mady and Cara should be busy finishing up high school and planning for college. Yet, here they are being used by greedy TLC and their narcissistic "mother" who can't keep a show afloat without the kids.
I only skimmed a couple articles so far, but I did see that TFW is acting as if it was her choice to have only Mady and Cara do the show. What bullcrap. Everyone knows that Hannah and Collin live with Jon now and she would continue to exploit the younger kids if Jon didn't refuse to allow it.
This Fake Date show is supposed to premiere in June and. Isn't that about two years since her show last aired with a lousy three episode "season"? It looks like we were right about the delay. They started filming last spring, shortly after the show was announced. It didn't premiere last fall, as scheduled, because they had to revamp it when she couldn't use the younger kids.
The articles say it's only a six week run. Hey TFW, enjoy the six weeks of attention because that might just be your last hurrah.
Finally, if she has any fans left, they would be really, really stupid to start engaging with her on Instagram and Twitter once she starts pimping the show. She's totally abandoned them and if she finally comes back just to push the show, how stupid could they be to not realize that she doesn't give a crap about them at all and just uses them when she needs them??
Good lord, out of 300+ comments on the DM article, you'd be hard-put to find a single positive one (I gave up after the first 100). I don't know how TLC didn't get the memo, but it does seem that most of the world is over Kate Gosselin. And not a moment too soon.
I cannot imagine the embarrassment she's about to subject her kids to.
You might want to delete your post that basically shamed your SO when you said "I make more ($$$) than what my other half makes". But it's probably way too late as the internet is forever.
I find it too personal and, yeah, pretty rude. You really shouldn't be putting such delicate and extremely personal info out there. Poor guy must be ashamed, everyone now knowing that YOU make more $$ than he does! And that you bragged about it, in public, on the internet? Switch places, how would you feel had he (or she??) announced to the world that he makes more money than you?
Food For Thought
Has anyone bothered to point out one glaringly ridiculous component of this farce? She allegedly exhausted the dating pool in PA, so she's trying to find a dude in NYC. But if she is sincerely trying to have a steady relationship, what sense does that make? A Single Mom Raising 8 (7? 6?) Kids All Alone can't be traveling hither, thither and yon for dates, can she? It's nonsense, and only the 6 sheep left in the barn will buy it.
Thanks for your concern Food for Thoight but 1960 called and that want you back.
It’s 2019. Nobody cares if you make more or less or exactly the same as your partner or what your gender is. To suggest otherwise is sexist and antiquated.
Anonymous said... 32
OMG, are you for real??? How does one half of a couple earning more than the other "shame" either one--in the 21st century? If either one gives a f--- about this, then they're obviously not with the right person. I feel very sorry for you if you're in the sort of relationship where one person earning more than the other causes insecurity and/or friction. Please, get some counseling.
I can't believe TLC is going to go through with this. I know they need to fill their schedule, but good grief...enough is enough.
"Kate says fans won’t see her locking lips with her dates."
I'm sure this is a huge relief to the actors involved. I hope they're being well compensated. The whole idea of this is just cringe worthy. There is nothing appealing about her. As the years go by, the ugliness on the inside becomes more noticeable in her physical appearance. By which I mean she has a hard, tough, mean look about her and no amount of makeup etc can cover it. She actually scares me.
As the years go by, the ugliness on the inside becomes more noticeable in her physical appearance. By which I mean she has a hard, tough, mean look about her and no amount of makeup etc can cover it. She actually scares me.
Resting bitch face as many of the comments pointed out. She can’t help it because the ugly just raises to the surface.
So Katie Irene is suddenly concerned about her show being "respectful?"
Guess she forgot about her filmed birthday bar romp during which she allowed a total stranger to lick her foot. And of course she left her 8 Little Albatrosses home that night. Because, single mother or not, kids can sure be a drag when you're trying to get your drink on.
How I'd LOVE to hear an interviewer ask this question: if you're really and truly looking for a solid, mature, long-term relationship, why not do it WITHOUT being filmed?
NJGal51 said... 38
So true. In the last photo on the Daily Mail article she actually looks evil. Like crazy evil. It's the eyes. There's no soul there.Yikes.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 39
How I'd LOVE to hear an interviewer ask this question: if you're really and truly looking for a solid, mature, long-term relationship, why not do it WITHOUT being filmed?
She's already answered that: It's much SAFER with a film crew along. Isn't that how everyone chooses to date these days?
My god, TLC. She even says in one interview how "real" the show is because there's no "scripted" commentary. Heaven help us all. It's the "realest reality show" all over again.
I did a little Googling about these "expert matchmakers" cited in both the TLC press release and the Discovery press release.
"She’s enlisted expert matchmakers Rachel DeAlto and Adam LoDolce to help her navigate the very new – and often scary – dating scene."
"To begin the journey, Kate enlists the services of expert matchmakers Rachel DeAlto and Adam LoDolce and tasks them with two important jobs – to help her navigate this very new – and often scary – space and, most importantly, narrow down the vast pool of “eligible” bachelors to find her perfect match."
As we expected, they're not "matchmakers". They bill themselves as "relationship experts" and coaches. Primarily, they're media personalities. No surprise there.
Rachel DeAlto is a former lawyer, who somehow became a "relationship expert", and who has an IMdb page:
Mini Bio (1)
Rachel DeAlto was born on September 30, 1979 in New Jersey, USA. She is an actress, known for Kiss Bang Love (2017), Money with Melissa Francis (2012) and Married at First Sight (2014).
Trivia (2)
Relationship and love coach.
Relationship expert.
From her website:
Relationship Expert and Television Host
Rachel DeAlto is a relationship expert, coach, media personality, keynote speaker, and hypnotherapist. Rachel believes that relationships are the foundation of everything. She knows that navigating those relationships with great communication, a sense of perspective, and self-awareness is essential.
As a relationship expert, Rachel is best known for her on Lifetime’s hit show Married at First Sight. She is also the host of FYI’s Kiss Bang Love, a provocative social experiment based on the science of kissing. Additionally, Rachel was featured as an expert and coach on Lifetime's Second Chances. She is presently shooting with TLC for a series to be released in 2019.
Rachel DeAlto maintains an undergraduate degree from the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University, as well as a Juris Doctorate from Seton Hall University School of Law. These two degrees and professional experience have provided her with a strong foundation in interpersonal communications and relationships.
Further professional training as a coach through the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (IPEC) and certification as a hypnotherapist via the International Association Of Counselors & Therapists (IACT) has allowed Rachel to bring a multidimensional approach to her work.
In addition to her regular appearances, Rachel has also been featured on a multitude of media outlets including The TODAY Show, Good Morning America, CNN/HLN, Access Hollywood Live, The Steve Harvey Show, and Fox News. She has also given three TEDx talks on Being Authentic in a Filtered World, the Power of Kindness and Killing Fear.
The other "matchmaker" is Adam LoDolce. According to his LinkedIn page, he has a marketing degree. Now he's somehow a "relationship expert", but again, more like a media personality. His website:
Adam’s Advice Has Reached Over 40 Million People Around the World
MTV, Glamour, CNN, Cosmopolitan, Women's Health, New York, The Boston Globe
Adam LoDolce is world renowned relationship expert and the founder of Sexy Confidence. His main YouTube channel has over 36 Million views and is one of the fastest growing relationship advice channels on the planet.
He has also lectured at over 300 universities across the country on dating and relationships. His college speaking tours have helped hundreds of thousands of students across the country feel more confident about love and relationships.
Recently, Adam has also launched a media agency helping thought leaders build a successful YouTube channel.
Did IG just do a sweep? K8's near-346K followers just dropped to +/-340K. Something's up. Other than this, there's been no significant change in her IG followers at all today. Strange given the blanket PR in almost every tab.
And now the interesting part. According to their Instagram pages, they finished wrapping this TV show on January 12th in Manhattan.
On January 10th, she posted:
Today I am thankful for: gigs with people I love, creative flow, later call times that let me get to the gym and walk my dog, clothes that I can wear on camera and feel comfortable in (and not freeze), and lashes that go on perfectly the first try (see second pic). Sometimes it’s the big things that make me happy. Most of the time it’s the little things.
Also, this pic of the two of them on the set, posted January 10th:
Spending your days on a long shoots is way more fun with awesome colleagues. You rock @officialsexyconfidence! Can’t wait to share this project ❤️
Then, on January 12th, she posted two pics from the Marriott Essex House hotel, one of her first day on the TLC shoot and one on this last day which she says is six months later (SIX months to film six episodes?!)
JW Marriott Essex House New York
Day 1 of production and my last day! Felt fitting that it started and ended in the same place, 6 months later, with way more layers and WAY paler skin. Loved this crew and company so much! I can’t wait to share when the show airs on TLC. Even more excited for what’s next. Ever have so much coming at you so fast that you get nervous? Yeah, that’s where I’m at. #onset #relationshipexpert #tvproduction #tanmom
She also did some posts the week of October 22nd talking about it being a long week of shooting the show in NYC. One of her posts was from the Essex House and she was with the show runner who she linked to, but her IG is private.
She also thanked the makeup artist and linked to her IG. The makeup artist has some posts on her IG from Essex House and from the set. It looks like they might have shot a lot of scenes of the Fake Date show there. There's a also a post by the makeup artist on January 22nd, "on set", posted from Essex House. So, maybe the "relationship experts" were done filming their part on January 12th, but filming was still going on as recently as January 22nd.
NJGal51 said...
This show, based on the description, should make for some great recaps.
Good lord, NO. Stop giving this waste of flesh attention. Starve her out! She seriously needs to be shunned. Please, no recaps of this garbage sack of a human being.
On January 12th the other "relationship expert" posted on his IG four pics of the two of them on the set:
That’s a wrap! Been great working with this goofball. Looking forward to future collaborations with you @racheldealto !
Manhattan, New York
Is that your new girlfriend?
@decisiondirectionandfocus No, she is my co-host on a dating show ��
@officialsexyconfidence that's cool! Can we see that show here from Brazil?
@decisiondirectionandfocus watch*
@decisiondirectionandfocus it will be on TLC, so if you get that network, then yes!
@officialsexyconfidence oh my gosh! I do have that one!
Such a great time shooting with you!!!
Again, "shooting with you". This is nothing but a TV show, a fake dating show. No "matchmaking" here. Just making a pathetic phony television show.
Actually, yeah, both my husband and I would be pretty gobsmacked if one of us were to Announce for all and sundry ON THE INTERNET (which lasts forever) our financial situations.
Boundaries. Boundaries are important. There are just some things that others DO NOT need to know. And if you think they DO need to know that you make more moola than your SO, it says quite a lot about you.
To us, that's broken trust. Just because you CAN tell everyone how many squares of tp your SO uses, doesn't mean you SHOULD. The internet has created so many narcissists, hasn't it?
Food For Thought
"Rachel DeAlto maintains an undergraduate degree. . . "
How does one "maintain" an undergrad degree? Is this coming straight from TLC? Because we already know they ARE this stupid.
"Rachel DeAlto maintains an undergraduate degree. . . "
How does one "maintain" an undergrad degree?
Well they did strip Cosby of his degrees so I suppose it's an accomplishment these days to "maintain" your degree!
To us, that's broken trust. Just because you CAN tell everyone how many squares of tp your SO uses, doesn't mean you SHOULD. The internet has created so many narcissists, hasn't it?
Food For Thought
I didn't tell anyone the square footage of anything so I don't know what square footage has to do with anything. What DRAMA over NOTHING. Narcissism is thinking that every relationship must be just like yours. We're young, raised in different times, likely different times than you. It's not a "broken trust" to say he makes more than me or I make more than him. It's just a fact, and one we are very secure and comfortable with. Only an insecure man cares to keep such a thing quiet.
It was discussed in the context of criticism over Jon and his relationship and finances. I simply pointed out that I see criticisms over a woman making more than a man as sexist and antiquated and a double standard. Why SHOULDN'T a woman make more than a man? What does it MATTER who makes more? If you are uncomfortable with that and think that's something that shouldn't be discussed, perhaps ask yourself WHY such a thing shouldn't be discussed. Could it be because the men in the world have conditioned you to keep such a thing quiet because THEY are sexist and uncomfortable with this shocking idea? Now there's some real food for thought. Seriously, why shouldn't this be discussed? Name one good reason. You act like someone told you WHAT their salary is, which is a little different.
The only question I have is why you care what we wish to discuss or not with who we want.
She also did some posts the week of October 22nd talking about it being a long week of shooting the show in NYC
Oh so Kate COULD post and share stuff about this shoot she just chose not to because she's lazy and a giant tease.
Adam LoDolce looks like a content farm guy. Lots and lots of blah blah on dating and relationships to get people to click, little to no substance.
This dating show will have "hosts"? That's really....ODD.
He's a relationship expert yet doesn't even appear to be married. Just a token hot girlfriend. His life story is that he had one breakup in college as many of us do that gave him a crisis of confidence so he picked himself back up by making youtube videos about dating advise and it took off from there. Huh? The youtube generation sure is something.
She’s enlisted expert matchmakers Rachel DeAlto and Adam LoDolce to help her navigate the very new
It's not new, she did a dating episode years ago and she actually did date that millionaire guy who bailed on her the second he realized he was being used.
As the years go by, the ugliness on the inside becomes more noticeable in her physical appearance.
Basically you're saying she's a real live Dorian Gray.
Actually, yeah, both my husband and I would be pretty gobsmacked if one of us were to Announce for all and sundry ON THE INTERNET (which lasts forever) our financial situations.
Since no one announced their financial situation "for all" or even for some, your hyperbole can be taken down a notch or two.
And, gobsmacked?? Tell your husband to grow up and try to dip a toe into the 21st century. Did you know that insisting your partner be secretive and private about things that aren't that big of a deal can be a symptom of domestic violence, isolation and control?
My boyfriend could make a dollar an hour and I make two. I didn't tell you any details. And who the hell cares?
Basically you're saying she's a real live Dorian Gray.
Oh wow, that's a creepy thought admin. I really hope there are no secret portraits of her waiting to be discovered, becoming more hideous as the years go on. None of us will ever be able to sleep at night. Scary.
Histrionic Personality Disorder
If your "date" is referred to by 10 other people as a "shoot," you just may be a fame whore pretending to be looking for love when you're really looking for airtime, a paycheck and time away from your kids.
I was joking the other day about TFW rehearsing for her poke-and-dab interviews, but I guess I was wrong. Looks like she's just going to pretend C is still at home, and all is hunky dory. Mkay...
Imagine that. Kind of like constantly telling others how to parent when you're not a parent yourself.
Not really. Discussing parenting, relationships, or whatever topic you want to discuss no matter how experienced or inexperienced you are, is one thing. Having a youtube channel, books, TV show and making thousands of dollars off a niche you have not only very little experience in but don't even have a degree in, is quite another. If one wants to set up an entire money-making scheme about PARENTING, at least have a degree in child development. That's not the case whatsoever here. Nice try.
She’s enlisted expert matchmakers Rachel DeAlto and Adam LoDolce to help her navigate the very new.
She didn’t “enlist” anyone for help. She’s being paid to date men and they’re being paid to find those men for her and the men are being paid to “date” her. Pimps, gigolos and fame whore might be a more apt name for the show. Of course TFW fits in to a couple of categories because she’s been pimping the kids out since they were born.
Does anyone think it's kind of insulting to the good men of Pennsylvania that she acts like, oh who can find a date here? There are plenty of single men/divorced/widowed men her age in her area who would make a good partner if she would just get herself on a dating site.
It's ridiculous to go off to another state hours away from your home and roots looking for love. They're not even pretending to be realistic.
She’s being paid to date men and they’re being paid to find those men for her and the men are being paid to “date” her. Pimps, gigolos and fame whore might be a more apt name for the show.
I was just going to say wait isn't this just a pimp/escort situation just dressed up as something all pretty and cute?
If one wants to set up an entire money-making scheme about PARENTING, at least have a degree in child development. That's not the case whatsoever here. Nice try.
It's not a "scheme." The guy didn't misrepresent himself. If people want to give him $ for his advice, that's their business. It's no different than the billions of "life coaches" out there with no special expertise. I wouldn't pay $ for a "life coach" or a self-proclaimed relationship expert, but others can do what they want with their $.
It's not a "scheme." The guy didn't misrepresent himself. If people want to give him $ for his advice, that's their business. It's no different than the billions of "life coaches" out there with no special expertise. I wouldn't pay $ for a "life coach" or a self-proclaimed relationship expert, but others can do what they want with their $.
Freedom goes both ways. Just as people are free to give their money to a doofus with no credibility scamming them, others are free to criticize it all. Isn’t freedom grand?
I'm a little confused here. First, Kate "exhausted the dating pool" in PA, but they're saying the dating experience is new to her. So she exhausted the dating pool without ever going on any dates? How does that work? And they're saying the second date will be "intimate", yet she won't be locking lips with anyone and it will be G-rated. Again, huh??? I suppose "intimate" means they get to take her out for fish in paper. She's all about a free dinner.
Judging by the recent pictures, she has really aged. She looks hardened. Turkey neck, lots of facial fillers, long bleached hair that's not appropriate for someone her age. She's got that that desperate-aging-woman-trying-to-look-younger look that you see in the Real Housewives women. It doesn't fool anyone. She's going to be 44 in a few weeks, and no amount of Botox or bleach can make her look 24. And she is definitely not "de-aging". Not by a long shot.
Layla (#67), and how "intimate" can a date be when it's happening in the presence of a freakin' production crew, and then watched by a million people? And don't think for a moment that the sap they hired will have a say in what/where this 2nd date will be. This is a TV show, and every second is coordinated by TLC, and then scheduled by a production crew. Who knows --if it's more convenient for the crew logistically, maybe they'll shoot the second date first. "Realest reality" my foot.
I wonder if there will be six different pretend dates, or will she date the same one six times? Then what, she will claim none of them are right and that is it? If she would actually date her real boy friend, Steve, and then marry him at the end, it would generate more interest as it would be something real, not a total fake show. That is something that I would watch.
Does anyone think it's kind of insulting to the good men of Pennsylvania that she acts like, oh who can find a date here? There are plenty of single men/divorced/widowed men her age in her area who would make a good partner if she would just get herself on a dating site.
Or maybe friends, family, church friends could introduce you to some of their friends, coworkers, etc. ...
No? That shows to me she (1) doesn't have that many "friends"; (2) not close with her family; and (3) might not be that close/involved/actually attend church. Just my opinion on it.
FlimsyFlamsy (68)
I think you're being very generous with that "million people" comment. I doubt this show will ever get anything close to a million viewers. I made my ratings prediction above, and I'm hoping others will post theirs.
Only six episodes, I see. That confirms (for me, at least) that they are just fulfilling a contract for that last season.
JM (#70), I agree with your suggestions for meeting someone new. But the nitwit actually said if you're not at the grocery store or in her kitchen, you'll never see her. So of course she hasn't truly exhausted her local dude pool.
Layla - I think that she’ll get between 500K and 750K viewers and the high end will be only if she’s got a good lead in show and people are too lazy to change the channel.
OK, so if the show is supposed to start in June, when do you think she’ll go back on Twitter? I think that we’ll start to see more posts on IG and around May she’ll be back on Twitter with an every now and then post and then as the air date draws closer she’ll be back in full force promising super fun live Twitter parties and a “follow” to anyone that can quote something from the show. How many of her fans will fall for it? Barb seems to have her head screwed on straight and seems to be the one to call her out on her phoniness so I wonder if she’ll see through the pathetic ratings grab.
Remember the guy who posted on Twitter back in November about being invited to a casting call that wound up being for Kate's dating show? Pretty much said he dodged a bullet. This is scripted TV and nothing more. Obviously since they are actors they are getting paid to go out with Kate. Sounds about right.
It will be fun to Google the names of her "dates" and see what other shows and commercials they have been on.
And I am free to criticize your criticism. Isn't freedom grand?
And I get to delete your comments. Which is a wonderful freedom of having my own blog.
Or maybe friends, family, church friends could introduce you to some of their friends, coworkers, etc. ...
No? That shows to me she (1) doesn't have that many "friends"; (2) not close with her family; and (3) might not be that close/involved/actually attend church. Just my opinion on it.
Absolutely right. If she can't find a man it's her fault. She has a irrational paranoia about dating sites that is nowhere based in fact, and she has cut out numerous ways and opportunities and networks to meet men organically offline. Those were her choices, she can start owning that now.
I wonder if there will be six different pretend dates, or will she date the same one six times? Then what, she will claim none of them are right and that is it?
Or maybe it will be like the Bachelor, a show I've never sat all the way through before, but I understand they all line up like a slave auction at the end and then somebody gets a rose and that's your man?
@Layla I would be shocked if this gets anywhere near a million viewers.Even on TLC's facebook page,99% of the comments i saw were negative.Not sure if i said this but now that the show has been announced,i wonder if milo will make a reappearance now,if not then i fear something has happen to her.
Layla (#67), and how "intimate" can a date be when it's happening in the presence of a freakin' production crew, and then watched by a million people? And don't think for a moment that the sap they hired will have a say in what/where this 2nd date will be
What was that dating show from years ago where they would go on dates and the editors would write snarky comments on the screen throughout the date? Pretty please can the editors do this for these episodes? We'll volunteer to compose them!
I remember that show being popular when I was in college.
Radar Online just posted an article with part of the court documents filed in Oct that said in part "it would not be in the best interest of the minor child to have independent time with the mother because mother has not cooperated with the child's treatment and is a trigger for the minor child."
It will be interesting to see how much booze she will be swilling on this epic and original show. Yawn. The Bachelor/Bachelorette seems to use a lot of alcohol to prime up the fame whores who go on these shows. Would love to see her get a bit loopy and do some drunk talk. Again, just when I thought I despised her completely, a new level of contempt shows up out of nowhere. Remember how often it was said that she was circling the drain? She is still that one little floating turd that just won't flush. Damn.
"it would not be in the best interest of the minor child to have independent time with the mother because mother has not cooperated with the child's treatment and is a trigger for the minor child."
SO we were right all along sheep. It was both. It was both kate being an asshole by not cooperating and the courts taking her visitation away.
Kate, you’re a trigger for your OWN child. Only the worst of child abusers are found to be triggers for their own children. I hope you’re proud of yourself.
And I get to delete your comments. Which is a wonderful freedom of having my own blog.
Ah yes, the great irony of someone shouting about freedom who revels in restricting the freedom of others. You clearly get off on the power, so enjoy.
NJGal51 said... 72
Layla - I think that she’ll get between 500K and 750K viewers and the high end will be only if she’s got a good lead in show and people are too lazy to change the channel.
We have almost the same expectations for ratings, it seems. Wouldn't it be fun if they dropped into the 400,000s or lower?
MikeB said... 73
It will be fun to Google the names of her "dates" and see what other shows and commercials they have been on.
I think we're going to have all kinds of fun with this stink bomb of a show. I see some parties on the veranda coming up!
"Then, on January 12th, she posted two pics from the Marriott Essex House hotel, one of her first day on the TLC shoot"
Is this the same Essex House Kate and Skeeve used years ago?
This kind of thing would draw Milo out. Will she return?
"I think we're going to have all kinds of fun with this stink bomb of a show. I see some parties on the veranda coming up!"
With crocs, muumuus and rumspringa. Kate's "dates" will need a lot of the rumspringa. ~ Administrator said... 75
Or maybe friends, family, church friends could introduce you to some of their friends, coworkers, etc. ...
No? That shows to me she (1) doesn't have that many "friends"; (2) not close with her family; and (3) might not be that close/involved/actually attend church. Just my opinion on it.
Absolutely right. If she can't find a man it's her fault. She has a irrational paranoia about dating sites that is nowhere based in fact, and she has cut out numerous ways and opportunities and networks to meet men organically offline. Those were her choices, she can start owning that now.
Pfftt Administrator. Have you forgotten Kate's original mantras? Nothing is ever her fault because it's usually Jon's fault and/or no one knows how to help her:):) No way would she do something as mediocre as let her 'friends' set her up or use a dating site. There's no money in that and besides she's a STAH.
SO we were right all along sheep. It was both. It was both kate being an asshole by not cooperating and the courts taking her visitation away.
Huh? The quote you reacted to is from a filing by Jon's legal team, not a finding by the court. By your logic, I guess that anything negative that Kate says about Jon in court document must also be true.
"Just like last time when she was already hooking up with a married man while pretending to date for television, this reality star is doing the same thing again. Different married guy though."
It's a blind item. Could it be Kate?
I think she needed help to find dates because she didn't have friends who knew enough millionaires to pick from. (Jeff was rich, Vann was rich.) I am sure there is no way she would accept someone who only made a mediocre $60K a year or less with no huge investments or savings accts.
Often when I think about how TLC must be desperate to bring her back, I think of all the other disgusting or just plain unusual shows they have. Obese people shown taking showers, Doc who works on pimples, Unusual illnesses or birth defects (man who looks like he has a tree bark on his body, giant scrotum,tumors that cover whole face, and many more strange things) She fits right in. LOL That Freaky Woman=TFW.
Kate is so arrogant,entitled, unlikable...remember what was said about her by her Dancing with the Stars partner? Her Coupon Cabin boss? I could go on. Will TLC ever cut her off? They seem to love to feed her narcissism, enable her dependence on filming and her refusal to actually find employment that is not dependent on her children.
She fits right in. LOL That Freaky Woman=TFW.
She needs a new brand name on her circus tent. I'm leaning towards *Sideshow Succubus*.
A couple more good comments.
Kate Plus Date?? No thank you. I'll wait for the Mommie Dearest book "Kate Plus Fate" that one or more of her kids will write.
She better have a personality transplant before she starts dating anyone on her show or she will truly be an old maid knitting in her rocking chair.
Ingrid (#88), oh, yeah, she doesn't want any "mediocre" PA guy when she can get professional help scouring NYC for a rich man. But I have a feeling she's only going to scrape up some Central Casting wannabes.
What decent man with access to Google would want to go out with that banshee?
These "relationship experts" had nothing to do with selecting dates for TFW. The "dates" were cast by casting agents and/or the producers. It's all FAKE bullcrap, just another dumb TC show. It has nothing to do with TFW actually dating and finding a real man for an actual genuine relationship.
Huh? The quote you reacted to is from a filing by Jon's legal team, not a finding by the court. By your logic, I guess that anything negative that Kate says about Jon in court document must also be true.
For goodness sake calm down, the way it was posted here it didn't specify whether the court said that or Jon said that. I just assumed it was the court, I thought nothing of it. You're right, that's actually Jon's contention in his documents. I made a mistake, I'm human, relax.
That being said, for Jon's legal team to state that she has not cooperated and that she's a trigger for Colin and that's not true would be a violation of legal ethics and sanctionable by the courts. Prove them wrong.
"I think we're going to have all kinds of fun with this stink bomb of a show. I see some parties on the veranda coming up!"
We're gonna need another punch bowl.
Now that TLC has officially announced the Fake Date with Khate show, one of the "relationship experts" posted about it on her Instagram, along with a pic of her and the other "relationship expert" on the set, (a pic she had previously posted and that I posted here last night):
Since it’s been officially announced at the TCAs, I can share what I’ve been working on the past few months! I’ll be working with this guy (@adamlodolce) to help Kate Gosselin find love on her new show #KatePlusDate on @tlc. It’s a wild (and sometimes awkward) ride and I can’t wait for it to air in June! #relationshipexpert #onset
Ah yes, the great irony of someone shouting about freedom who revels in restricting the freedom of others. You clearly get off on the power, so enjoy.
You clearly get off on being a troll. Trolling behavior is all about power.
There is nothing strange or powerful about monitoring comments on some little blog. Lol. It's actually a perfectly normal and common practice to moderate. Are all of the numerous sites that are moderated part of what you perceive as a power trip or is this accusation just reserved for attacking me? Hypocrite. If anything I am extremely lenient. The vast majority of posters here can attest having never had a single deleted comment.
TLC posted about the show on their IG yesterday. The comments are funny. Also, I think someone mentioned it in the comments here yesterday that the guy looks ten years younger than her. Actually, it looks closer to a twenty year age difference:
Kate Gosselin is looking for love! Watch #KatePlusDate as she takes us along on her search for romance in June 2019. #TCA19
TLC posted about the show on their IG yesterday. The comments are funny. Also, I think someone mentioned it in the comments here yesterday that the guy looks ten years younger than her. Actually, it looks closer to a twenty year age difference:
Oh no. This is embarrassing. He's half her age!
I mean it's not like some 45 year old actor has "be on a dating" show as his top priority at that age to round out his IMDB and be a pathway to their next big miniseries. They know better. Younger talent doesn't get that yet.
Wait, this series airs in JUNE?? Why the big promo push NOW? Shouldn't that be reserved more for like late May? Nobody is going to remember some press junket months before you can even tune into this show.
Read this in another article: "The whole thing I didn't realize how awkward I feel on this whole journey. I've learned so much about myself and so much about how I react. It's painful at times I'm hard to watch". Understatement of the year.
This statement. She really doesn't see that she needs intensive therapy before she's even close to being ready to be in a healthy relationship.
Has TFW announced it on HER Instagram yet? PR 101. How many years has she been in the 'biz' and still can't do it right.
Jbranck1980 said... 102
Has TFW announced it on HER Instagram yet? PR 101. How many years has she been in the 'biz' and still can't do it right.
She always leaves it to others to promote her crap.
Admin (#101), one of those "experts" talked about the importance of self awareness. TFW has all the self awareness of a zucchini. She can blah-blah-blah her word salad about her journey, but she has no interest in learning or growing.
For goodness sake calm down, the way it was posted here it didn't specify whether the court said that or Jon said that. I just assumed it was the court, I thought nothing of it. You're right, that's actually Jon's contention in his documents. I made a mistake, I'm human, relax.
LOL, I was perfectly calm and remain so. It is my experience that those admonishing others to "calm down" typically need to heed their own advice.
Former Lurker @98 - thanks for posting that link. I wonder if TLC is paying attention because the comments are de Idella against TFW and the show. The guy in the picture looks like he should be dating one of the twins. The comment of the night was: “Looks like she’s looking for another son...” Funny because the guy looks so much young than TFW!
I shouldn’t type while watching TV....”de Idella” = decidedly! ~ Administrator said... 100
Wait, this series airs in JUNE?? Why the big promo push NOW? Shouldn't that be reserved more for like late May?
I suspect TLC is testing the waters so they know what to expect as far as viewership for this show. If they were hoping for a positive response, they sure didn't get it. I suppose they realized that people didn't want to watch Kate being nasty to her kids and decided to go in a different direction/end that show. How did they fail to realize that people just don't like Kate, and that most tuned in to see the kids? TLC lacks awareness just like she does. The response to his show might be a real eye-opener for them.
NJGal51 said... 108
I shouldn’t type while watching TV....”de Idella” = decidedly!
NJGal51, I'm glad you posted that clarification. I'm usually pretty good at figuring out typos and autocorrect fails, but that one really had me stumped. LOL
I suspect TLC is testing the waters so they know what to expect as far as viewership for this show. If they were hoping for a positive response, they sure didn't get it.
Yeah true. They may be deciding whether to dump this on the graveyard shift saturdays at 9pm or give it a prime time 8pm slot on a Wednesday or Thursday.
LOL! I just caught TFW piece on E (or whatever it was) and she barely got 2 minutes. They opened with TFW yelling at Jon in the Toys R Us episode and then the reporter said something like....if you ever watched Jon and Kate Plus 8 and wished you could have a woman like that well here’s your chance....(not the exact quote but close enough for government work). They talked about the show a little and the whole piece seemed to be very sarcastic.
I think TLC is making the wrong decision with this show. The news about Collin- and Hannah- have been fairly well publicized. They are just going to tarnish their name- further!
Formerly Duped (#115), my theory has always been that TLC would rather have some guaranteed eyeballs than gamble on a new entity -- hence TFW's seemingly unending second chances. You know they care zip about integrity.
NJGal51 (#112), that scene between Jon and TFW in the Toys R us parking lot was about as real as the show ever got. She had embarrassed him in the store by yelling at him, as he put it, "like a frickin' dog."
Who knows how much worse she was to him -- and those 8 kids -- when the cameras weren't rolling.
"I ask you to STOP using my ancestor's extremely painful past as a 'comparison' for ANYTHING. STOP IT. Or should I say, KNOCK IT OFF! like you do? "
You really need an education about the word and the concept - neither you nor your ancestors own it.
These dating shows are actually much more comparable to commercial exploited women than anything of the 19th century. Google commercially exploited women/children if you don't know about this. It affects all ages and races. No one race owns it. And yes these victims are sometimes also put up for auction, a modern auction usually using the internet.
But pearl clutch and be all offended if it makes you feel better. Doesn't make the similarities go away.
From Dmasy --
Happy Valentines Day.
Try to do something kind and special for someone else...because it should be that kind of a day.
Dmasy (#119), that's a lovely sentiment.
Will TFW post a picture of 6 plates of heart-shaped pancakes? Imagine losing 25% of your children due to poor parenting, and yet your main concern is finding a new boyfriend.
Attempting to diminish any exploitation of women as not worthy of note because it doesn’t “rank” in your arbitrary comparison is nonsensical and ridiculous.
Attempting to diminish a woman’s hard work, persistence and perseverance as merely just a result of “white privilege” is a disgusting abomination, an insult to all women who have done the same, and a manufactured lie you’ve been fed and swallowed to sell news. Wake up, you’re a pawn.
The delay in airing the show could be due to Jon's refusal to sign for the kids to film. They had to wait until the twins turned 18 just to be able to use them. I always suspected that the kids' recent estrangement from Jon had to do with filming, and I still think that's true. Kate would do anything to keep filming going, including using and manipulating the kids to put pressure on Jon. If they believe they have to film to be able to stay in their house and their schools, and think they will lose all that if they don't, then they would resent the person who they think is putting it all at risk--Jon. They worried about being able to stay in their house and school back in 2011 when the show was first cancelled, and I'm sure she still uses those things to keep them in line and filming.
I hope Mady and Cara were able to sign their own contracts and keep their own earnings. They could end up able to buy cars and have some money of their own to spend.
I still wonder why Kate lives in PA. She seems to have such disdain for the area, and runs off to NYC as often as possible. Jamie once made a comment about her and Kate moving to a warmer climate--I think someone posted here that it was on Jamie's or Kate's IG. It'll be interesting to see if Kate stays in PA after the younger kids go off to college. She'll move to NYC if she can afford it, or if not then somewhere warmer with Jamie.
Finally it has been made public. "...mother has not cooperated with the child’s treatment and is a ‘trigger’ for the minor child,” Jon’s legal team claimed in Pennsylvania court records on October 24.
Tears of relief.
Just had a look at the TLC IG picture. He's a cutie; I wouldn't be surprised if Mady or Cara might choose him for herself, he looks to be about their age.
I still wonder why Kate lives in PA. She seems to have such disdain for the area, and runs off to NYC as often as possible.
She still lives there because she can afford to live her lavish lifestyle there. She couldn’t afford to live in the same “mine all mine” McMansion in LA or NY.
NJGal51 (#124), I also think TFW stays in PA because she digs being a big fish in a small pond. Whereas in NYC or LA, she'd be outed as the pathetic little botoxed guppy she really is.
NJGal51 said... 124
I still wonder why Kate lives in PA. She seems to have such disdain for the area, and runs off to NYC as often as possible.
She still lives there because she can afford to live her lavish lifestyle there. She couldn’t afford to live in the same “mine all mine” McMansion in LA or NY.
Exactly what I was thinking. She would never have a house that big, and certainly wouldn't have nearly that much property in NY or CA. I think she enjoys being isolated on that property with no close neighbors. No prying eyes, or ears, to witness any screaming and abusive behavior.
NJGal51 said... 108
I shouldn’t type while watching TV....”de Idella” = decidedly!
I actually googled it to find out the definition. Nothing. LOL (never even thought of a auto-correct).
She still lives there because she can afford to live her lavish lifestyle there. She couldn’t afford to live in the same “mine all mine” McMansion in LA or NY.
I wonder too if she fears she would not be a big fish in a small pond if she moved to a place like NYC. She knows deep down at best she's a D list celeb hanging on by a thread. Nobody would care who she is there. At least in PA she can act like the only celeb around and feels she can make demands she wouldn't get away with in other places.
Not that PA people give two shits either, I don't think they do, but it's just her perception.
Now that the Fake Date show has been made public, the other "relationship expert", Adam LoDolce changed his Instagram bio:
Adam LoDolce | Sexy Confidence
Celebrity Dating Coach on @tlc’s #KatePlusDate
🎥YouTube: #SexyConfidence
Need to Ask Me Question About Your Current Situation? 👇
Celebrity dating coach?? Because he’s on six episodes of a scripted tlc show with Kate Gosselin? Lol. Dude the woman barely qualifies as a celeb. That guy is too much and way over selling himself.
Also, yesterday when I posted a link to "relationship expert" Rachel DeAlto's new IG post about the show, (above in comment #96), I didn't realize that she linked to a different (personal) IG of the other "relationship expert", Adam LoDolce.
He only has a few posts there, some of which are from the Fake Date "set" and had been posted on his other account, which I linked to a couple of days ago, (above in comment #96). But, interestingly he has this post on December 18th from Charlotte, North Carolina:
💡,🎥,🎬! #behindthescenes
He arrears to be in a gym. Of course, that could be for some other show, but it's interesting that his next post was the pic from the Fake Date set in NY with his co-host, Rachel DeAlto, on January 10th (the pic that he also posted on his other "professional" IG and that she has also posted a couple of times on her IG):
So, it's possible that the TFW show taped a Fake Date episode in NC last December.
Remember the guy who tweeted that he went to a casting call for a dating show and turned out to be TFW? LMAO
I guess we know why Mady was in NYC for that one Instagram post
Remember the guy who tweeted he answered a casting call for a dating show and it was TFw? LMAO! And I guess we know why Mady was in NYC in that one IG post
Ingrid @127 - I was typing on my iPad and instead of hitting the “c” in decidedly I hit the space bar and autocorrect decided I was trying to type “de Idella”. Auto correct is “reduce louse” (ridiculous) at times!
I been away so all I can say is, really????
Ugh! Unbelievable. She really is starting to come off as like the thing that just won't die.
Lurking said... 131
Remember the guy who tweeted he answered a casting call for a dating show and it was TFw? LMAO! And I guess we know why Mady was in NYC in that one IG post
Yes, we know now. Mady posted that IG pic from NYC on January 15th. As I posted above, (in comments #45 and #47), the two "relationship experts" posted IG pics from "the set" in NYC (Marriott Essex House) on January 10th and January 12th.
One of the commenters on the TLC Instagram post said they would rather watch Josh Duggar. Most of them are overwhelmingly negative. I can't imagine this show finding viewers....desperation
Admin, here's his LinkedIn. He's based in Boston and he lists his field as "entertainment". He's essentially just a marketing guy, yet TLC bills him as one of their "expert matchmakers"... such bull. I included the clickable links in his bio:
Adam LoDolce
Founder of Sexy Confidence and
Boston, Massachusetts
Current, Sexy Confidence
Bentley University
Company Website
Personal Website
Adam LoDolce is a world-renowned relationship expert and the founder of Sexy Confidence. His main YouTube channel has over 50 Million views and is one of the fastest growing relationship advice channels on the planet.
He has also lectured at over 300 universities across the country on dating and relationships. His college speaking tours have helped hundreds of thousands of students across the country feel more confident about love and relationships.
Adam's work has been featured on MTV, CNN, ABC and in publications like Glamour, Cosmo and Women's Health.
Recently, Adam has also launched a YouTube channel management and advertising company helping thought leaders build a successful YouTube channel. See more at
September 2017 – Present 1 year 6 months
Boston is a full-scale video marketing agency helping people become famous online.
Sexy Confidence
January 2012 – Present 7 years 2 months
Greater Boston Area
I am the founder and creator of Sexy Confidence where we help the 21st century woman find love. With over 50 million views on YouTube, we are the fastest growing love advice channel on YouTube
Bentley University
Bachelor's degree, Marketing
2004 – 2007
Former Lurker (#138), I love that this Adam guy's latest endeavor,, is blatantly described as "helping people become famous." No subtlety there, folks. Might as well say, "I help fame whores find fame!" Does that sound like someone who will give solid, mature advice on developing a long-term relationship?
Now that Mady and Cara are consenting adults, I'm going to use their names instead of their first initials.
So Mady was in NYC in January on the "set" of Mommies Dearest's date.
Was she off from school, or did she have to play hooky? With two 18-year-olds who probably have a full plate of senior year activities and college prep, most "single moms" would be beyond busy keeping track of their kids' schedules. It would be nice if Mady and Cara got to be the "stars" of the family this year before they leave home. But nope -- it's all about TFW. Always has been, always will be.
I hate to be this snarky but her hair in that picture above just bothers me. I'll admit my hair doesn't always look its best but for having your hair professionally done (which I assume is the case because its a TV show), it just looks ... not good. Like someone was going to braid it, decided not to but then left the 3 sections just hang there.
The little quote snippets one finds from one article to the next are really revealing.
“This was a journey and it was really neat because in coming up with this saying, ‘Yeah, I’d love to date, you know, on TV, the safety that it provides. I feel comfortable on television.’ The whole thing of it was, I didn’t realize how awkward I’d feel and how this whole journey takes place,” Kate said of the experience."
. . . .
"The sisters have also considered the possibility of TLC cameras following their journey at school.
“I mean, that’s absolutely up to them. I think it’s something that Mady and Cara have discussed potentially. And that’s up to them,” Kate said.
"She continued, “I imagine as with anything, some may want to, some may not. And that’s totally fine, it’s up to them. It’s always been up to them.”
(both quotes from
First off, you can tell how much they must have struggled with laying down a premise for this misbegotten show: "Coming up with the saying"? Yeah, that's obviously not tortured. Why not just say, If K8's not on TV, she'll plotz. I think everyone would get that immediately.
Second, are the twins going to the same college (or, God forbid, staying home and commuting), or really considering doing this as first-year students living away from home for the first time? Is TLC genuinely interested in something like this? I suppose it will center around on how often Mommy shows up to take them to the spa.
And oh, BTW K8, have you MET Cara Gosselin? She literally sat on a stage with you (more than once) and didn't say a single word! And this is "her" show, not a tup in sight!
The crazy runs so deep with K8, it's actually kind of sad. We all know there will be NO interest in a second "season" of K8 Plus Date, and now she's using her newly emancipated twins to try to continue her "family business," since she won't have access to 2 of the 6 and, apparently, Jon has successfully barred the others from participating. "It's always been up to them"??? Yeah, in Opposite-land.
And K8, the word you're searching for regarding your parenting is not overzealous, it's OVERBEARING. As in, your "worldly-wise" children have no idea how to navigate the real world without a film crew and production assistants backing YOU up, and that is all down to YOU.
Yeah, K8 has a "job," she sits on her ass all day coming up with ever more unreal "reality" concepts to sell. Her whole world is delusion. I wonder how much money is really available to these kids for college.
Sad but true (#142), and TFW's utter disrespect for education continues. She would support Mady and Cara FILMING A TV SHOW during their freshman year of college? A time already fraught with challenges and changes and new experiences? When the academic demands are way more intense than they were in high school?
TFW knows damn good and well the rigors of filming. In what universe would that fit in with the girls' first year of college? And I think a good mother would hope her daughters use any down time as freshmen cultivating new friendships, and possibly romantic relationships. Heck, even getting to know whatever new town they're going to live in.
As someone who works on a college campus, they would likely have serious issues attempting to film. Many classmates may have privacy issues and refuse filming permission. If the campus has NCAA squads, none of the athletes can be filmed without NCAA explicit permission... even out of uniform. As a professor, I would absolutely refuse any filming in my class because of the disruption. University sponsored events with licensed logos cannot be used without permission, etc. I can’t see TLC or the production company paying the rights for any of this...
@sad but true (42)If thats true,then this confirms my theory that they'll rename Kate plus 8 show to something like Growing up Gosselin" with the remaining kids that would want to film still.I have no doubts now that if TLC for some strange reason wanted to continue filming the Gosselins they'd go there.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 143
TFW knows damn good and well the rigors of filming.
No, no! In K8-land, we still need to maintain the fiction:
"The TV personality said at the TCA event that she believes her family’s time in front of the camera has always been authentic.
“We live our real lives and that’s filmed, and anyone who has worked with us knows that we don’t do redos [or] retakes,” she said. “We do not have scripted lines. Dear God, I can’t even get them to do their homework sometimes, so there’s no way they’re going to spit out lines.”
Dear God, the "redos and retakes" have been SEEN by countless people! Why does she think lying about this is better than coming up with something else?
Like I said, she lives in an alternate universe, and some day, in the not-too- distant future, it's going to be her, herself and her, "all alone," after everyone with a sentient brain leaves her orbit.
TFW knows damn good and well the rigors of filming. In what universe would that fit in with the girls' first year of college? And I think a good mother would hope her daughters use any down time as freshmen cultivating new friendships, and possibly romantic relationships. Heck, even getting to know whatever new town they're going to live in.
Pawns on their mother's dating show is an activity that brings absolutely no value to them, academic, emotional or otherwise.
Senior in high school or freshman in college, you're right, this little narcissistic stunt of Kate's is not what they need to be focusing on right now. I think the girls will be surprised as many freshman are to discover how all consuming freshman year is, between academics, activities and friends, there's little left to give.
“I mean, that’s absolutely up to them. I think it’s something that Mady and Cara have discussed potentially. And that’s up to them,” Kate said.
Well it's up to them NOW because they're adults but it's also up to TLC if they even have interest, lol. Or how about it's up to them and TLC, but if they ask for my advice I would caution them to really think if this is what they really want since there is so much else out there for them freshman year besides a dumb TV show.
It was not appropriate to leave it "up to them" when they were children, Kate. You really don't understand this still?
And OP is right filming on college campus is a nightmare, and expensive. I doubt TLC is even considering such a thing, this was just Kate throwing out wild scenarios that have no basis in reality.
Former Lurker (#138), I love that this Adam guy's latest endeavor,, is blatantly described as "helping people become famous." No subtlety there, folks.
I spit my afternoon tea. This guy!
Sounds like he's bounced around from content farm to content farm trying to find something that will take off with a hashtag and a tweet. If it's dating, so be it, if it's a course in finding fame, so be it. It's practically a horticulturist, in fact that's the one thing he actually qualifies as an expert in.
I don’t think Maddy and Cara would be able to hold a reality show. Who wants to watch a spoiled entitled brat say nasty things? Who wants to watch the other one sit and pick lint off her sweater.
I don’t think Kate moving away after all the kid move away. She owes more than the property is worth. She has not maintain it or upgraded the appliances so that also reduces the value of the home.
I'm thinking TFW threw that little tidbit out there about the possibility of the TLC cameras following the twins at school to see if TLC would bite. She said the twins had discussed it potentially, not that TLC had discussed it.
If the twins are seniors wouldn’t they have already applied to and/or been accepted in the college of their choice? Unless they’re going to live at home and commute I don’t see a show happening. As Andrea said above, who wants to watch the other one sit and pick lint off her sweater. Not me. Maybe TFW thinks grown-ish is a reality show and not a scripted show and she features the twins doing something like that.
I’ve been having trouble posting lately (iPad) and have found that if I preview my comment before hitting publish it will go through and not be lost in cyberspace.
“I mean, that’s absolutely up to them. I think it’s something that Mady and Cara have discussed potentially. And that’s up to them,” Kate said.
The only network that would ever consider a show with Mady and Cara is TLC, and it's hard to fathom them going along with it. Of course, they're probably waiting to see how the Kate's Fake Date ratings look--seeing if they can re-package this family and make them successful again. If so, I can assure them that they can't. K'sFD is going to be an embarrassment to everyone involved. You're welcome, TLC.
I was checking out ratings for recent shows, and almost all TLC shows get over 1M regularly. Counting On, Big Fat Fabulous Life, Sister Wives, Jazz, Outdaughtered, Little Couple, LPBW, etc, etc. But the reigning show is Dr Pimple Popper. That one gets close to 3M viewers! It's been a long time since TLC has had such a popular show. K+8 never got close to a million for the last 2 years it aired. Time to put the Gosselins out to pasture and look for something fresh and new, TLC.
Jtn said... 144
JTN is right. Filming on a campus is legally and financially difficult. Furthermore, C&M would be restricted in their filming vs academic time as they need to be available for the shoots and re-shoots when TLC wants them. Its TLC schedule, not C&Ms that is important.
Sad but true (#146), yes, TFW, we only saw your family's "real life." Hey, who among us can't relate to the G kids' childhood? Many's the time my siblings and I spent a weekend sitting on our interview couch with a camera crew, answering question after question about our latest filmed luxury vacations. Heifer, please.
NJGal51 said...152
I’ve been having trouble posting lately (iPad) and have found that if I preview my comment before hitting publish it will go through and not be lost in cyberspace.
I've been having issues posting from my iPhone for about the last week. It's the opposite of your issue, though. After typing my comment if I hit Preview the comment box goes blank and my comment is gone forever.
It seems pretty clear that Jon won something in court. It seems like they had to wait until the twins were 18 before the began filming
lurking said... 157
It seems pretty clear that Jon won something in court. It seems like they had to wait until the twins were 18 before the began filming
Oh, wow, you are so right! Why didn't we realize that's why the show was delayed beyond its original fall premiere date? Jon wouldn't authorize filming of any of the kids, so TLC and TFW had to wait until Mady and Cara turned 18 in October so at least those two could be on the Fake Date show.
And, as I posted recently, one of the relationship experts posted on Instagram about the long and busy week she had filming the week of October 22nd.
TFW had posted that IG pic returning home from "work" on a plane with Jamie back on May 20th, the month after the show was announced. They probably planned on filming all spring and summer for the fall premiere date. But, things changed with Jon in court. He finally had the ability to withhold permission for filming. So, the show was put on hold for a while and as soon as the twins turned 18 in October, they ramped up the filming. Unbelievable.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 155
Exactly, but don'tcha know, those Sundays the kids were sitting indoors recording the talking-head segments count as the "family business"! I mean, seriously: WHEN will this woman stop lying and starting taking some responsibility for what has happened to her family? She blithely rambles on about how close she is with ALL her kids, yet everyone knows at least one has seen her almost not at all in 2+ years. And the other, also with Jon, hardly seems to be devoting any of her free time to Mommy. Does she think if she repeats this fiction long enough, people will start to believe it? I guess this sort of worked for her before, heaven knows people out there are still buying the idea that she split up with Jon because HE was cheating on HER, but damn! "Wronged woman" simply can't be her play for the rest of her life. What else you got, K8?
Sorry, Katie, it's not 2007 anymore, and you are no longer bankable as is. Grow the f up.
Former Lurker said... 156 - I’ve been having so many problems that now I copy everything before I try to post. For some reason I can’t stay signed in to my Google account.
NJGal51, I've also been trying to copy my posts before submitting them because of the problems with posting. I don't do it every time, though and of course the one time I don't copy it, it gets lost.
Former Lurker said... 158
lurking said... 157
It seems pretty clear that Jon won something in court. It seems like they had to wait until the twins were 18 before they began filming
I think you're right, but that worries me as far as contracts for the twins is concerned. Kate must have signed a contract for herself and the kids to film while the kids were all minors, and that would end up paying her almost all the money. But if filming had to be delayed until Mady and Cara were 18, would they have to abide by the contract Kate signed while they were still minors, or could they negotiate to get more for themselves? I hope they were able to negotiate for themselves because Kate would not give up any of her pay so that the girls were fairly compensated for their time. If push came to shove, she would look out for her own interests. No question about that.
Jon mentioned a few months ago (I think it was on IG) that he would not sign for the kids to film, and it sure sounds like he stood firm on that. Good for him. They need someone looking out for them, and Kate cannot be trusted to do that.
I too have been having problems posting for the last couple of weeks. Let's see if this goes through.
Wow, the sky is the limit when it comes to potential outcomes with the twins and a show. So many possibilities. Mady will surely want one. Plus the lure of quick and easy money for doing nothing will most definitely appeal to a young adult. Cara may not be so convinced so Mady tries to push her into it but it backfires and they stop talking. I definitely see something in the works. I say this because these twins have the same dynamic as Jon and Kate which drew in the viewers. Cara will be the quiet one and Mady will take all the attention. Then again, Cara could find her voice and sparks will fly! Cameras don't necessarily have to follow them around college. There are lots of tropical trips to be taken far away from the campus. I didn't see the recent clip with Kate and the twins but did it look like both girls were more comfortable in front of the cameras compared to the disaster interview from before?
Even if the twins are now old enough to sign a contract we all know TFW will make it to her advantage if possible. She has brainwashed them all these years so she will talk them into it. The girls probably don't have an unbiased lawyer for their contract that isn't on Kate's payroll.
I post on my iPad and I've been having trouble publishing my comment. I type under Name/URL and it's been making me prove I'm not a robot before it will post the comment.
My last comment went through no problem.
I tried posting using my desktop, iPad & iPhone & none of them worked for me until last night.
Now that I have everyone's attention, I've forgotten what I wanted to say!
Hi everyone! oh my. The Former Mrs. Gosselin is so boring, I predict most of the actors hired as fake dates will be struggling to stay awake. I also predict that reviews, if anyone bothers to write any, will be scathing. The Bachelor and Bachelorette shows are very popular, with extremely attractive young people. Today's viewers may check in on Fake Date show, but won't stick around. Now, if the Fake Date actors are VERY attractive and take their shirts off, some folks may stay tuned in just because of the eye candy.
Here is another possible angle: maybe DeAlto and LoDolce are trying to sell a package of them doing a series focusing on dating/ relationship advice. maybe TLC tried coming some Kate plus Date when the ideas was first announced, but it was so awful they had to try a completely different angle. If the "coaches" shine on camera and are easy to do filming with, maybe THEY win an ongoing series.
I can imagine an executive somewhere saying, "If they can work with TFMJG without strangling her, they can work with ANYONE! Let's get them to find dates for Mama June!"
Don’t assume the twins have their own contracts. Derrick Dillard said on his twitter that none of the Duggar kids get paid—only Jim bob.
Jim Bob and Kate... Both controlling parents.
Since tlc is pretty much spinning this as their own version of a popular network reality show, they just may as well call it "The Bitchelorette".
I finally looked at the picture at the top of this post. That kid is her date?! If TFW is truly looking for a long-term relationship, then whoever she meets is going to have to be willing to parent 8 children. Well, 6. Okay, however many are left at the end of this experiment.
JoyInVirginia (#169), maybe ol' Rachel and Adam have a plan: keep setting TFW up with the WRONG guys, so they score more and more episodes to try to find the RIGHT guy. Meanwhile, I don't believe for a second TFW is looking for a real relationship. Maybe just a parade of hot guys to make her look young and desirable, and wine and dine her. Of course the guy will be getting his own pay and publicity, and the wining and dining will be on TLC's tab. Realest reality, y'all.
anna lowe (#172), hilarious!
FlimsyFlamsy said... 173
JoyInVirginia (#169), maybe ol' Rachel and Adam have a plan: keep setting TFW up with the WRONG guys, so they score more and more episodes to try to find the RIGHT guy.
But if they should happen to stumble across some yutz who's willing to go out with Kate and Steve more than once or twice, I'm curious how TLC will handle the Three-Date-Rule. I mean it is, as you pointed out 'the realist reality'.
Could be a little awkward - to say the least.
I finally looked at the picture at the top of this post. That kid is her date?!
That kid is her date. Do you think any of these "relationship experts" are dispensing her with the wise advice to CHECK IDs before you agree to anything?
anna lowe @ 172 - perfect!
Admin (#176), c'mon,'fess up. You sent one of our cabana boys to TLC as a mole to get more info on this show, and they wound up casting him. Well played! Maybe he can write a guest column here when he's done with the SAT's.
Anna Lowe "the Bitchelorette" ! Hilarious!
admin, if you do any recaps, here's your title! and for TFMJG, "Here's your Sign!"
AuntieAnn (#175), surely you're not insinuating that TFW would indulge in carnal relations before marriage! She made it very clear that her show was going to be "respectful." I assume her dates will include hayrides, county fairs and church picnics. And hopefully Rachel and Adam (Racham?) will find her a guy who looooves public service as much as she does, and they can volunteer at a soup kitchen together. Because, remember, she's "addicted to giving!"
Anna Lowe "the Bitchelorette" ! Hilarious!
admin, if you do any recaps, here's your title!
Haha....I can't even.
Lol... The Bitchelorette sounds pretty self explanatory for what some poor sucker has to look forward to!
I had a she is going to do a "G" rated show. We all know the Bachelor and Bachelorette get really racey. So is Kate trying to swindle the church going crowd again by faking this "G" Rated show. Sure hope that crowd doesn't get fooled again
She sure wasn’t worried on celebrity wife swap with her kids seeing her in a bar throwing back shots like a professional frat girl. Her “moral standing” regarding this show is laughable. She wants tv time and money. That’s it! The only man she is serious about is Skeevie. And we all know it.
Ha, ha, The Bitchelorette, suits K to a tee, TLC will have to put Skeevie behind a camera to make sure that his girlfriend is sticking to the "G" rating! I also hope they don't add booze like The Bachelor and Bachelorette, we all know how Katie likes to tank and how she acts after she's been to the waterhole.
IMO she wants it G rated so she doesn’t have to have any physical contact with anyone. Physical contact probably makes her very uncomfortable. Being a Jersey girl I want my personal space and I’m not a hugger especially not with strangers or coworkers so I know I wouldn’t like it. That being said, she signed up for it so she’s at the mercy of directors. She’s like a trained animal and will have to kiss and hug on command.
Uh oh. When you lie about racism the truth will come out. He’s going to end up in jail for this. Good.
How is the viewing public supposed to take her new show seriously when the man in the above pic looks 30?
As nice looking as he is, it’s obvious this is an acting role.
Give me a f***ing break!
You can tell by her expression, that as hard as she tries, She looks intimidated by his presence, his ease in front of the camera. She looks like she doesn’t know what the hell she’s doing.
She’s looking for love? When will she realize the man that loved her was the one she threw away?
That picture of Kate and the young boy is so staged. She is staring at him instead of trying to look interested in what he is saying about that particular bottle of wine. Why are her hands on the table? She forget to fix that mess of a mop also. She looks more like she is interviewing dates for Mady and Cara.
Old poster, i dont think shes looking for much as shes looking for a paycheck.
It appears he lied about homophobia to, but of course you don't bring that up. Yes, let's take the action of one sick puppy to make a political statement about how racism doesn't exist.
Um, that's right in the article I linked. He lied about both, though the bulk of his initial statements were about race. But yes, you're right, he lied about homophobia too. What's your point?
He's going to jail. Lol.
The point of this is that as per the usual the Trump haters went nuts thinking this was a MAGA racist hate thing, and once again, it wasn't. It is not just one sick puppy doing this, there are numerous instances of people exaggerating or flat out making up incidents that make Trump supporters look bad. They are just as bad as the side they claim is a bunch of hate and fear mongers. Just as bad.
He's going to JAIL.
She looks more like she is interviewing dates for Mady and Cara.
You know a show like that makes WAY more sense! Mady and Cara bring home men and Kate screens them.
I mean, just as DUMB, but at least it would be marginally more interesting than The Bitchlorette.
Old poster, i dont think shes looking for much as shes looking for a paycheck.
Then maybe her next date should be with a bank teller.
Maybe, maybe not. You're getting a little ahead of yourself with your political frothing at the mouth.
Hey, your side is the one who TOOK OFF with this story, as with many other stories, immediately assuming MAGA was guilty, plastering it all over social media, getting everyone into a tizzy, not even considering this guy is a narcissist who wants to be a martyr and made this all up, and that was it for your lot.
NOW you want due process? Hilarious. Only when it's your side do you want a thorough examination. If it's a Trump supporter, it's the guillotine.
The point of this post is not to suggest racism isn't "real" as you keep saying. I in no such way implied such a thing. But, there are many incidents of racism (and sexism, and homophobia, and all your left wing causes) that are flat out made up, and I have no idea why you refuse to acknowledge that or discuss that. I have a question for your side. Do you think this gentleman is helping or hurting your belief that racism is rampant and around every corner and it's the 1930s again? 🤔
Bank tellers hand you paychecks? Man I've been banking with the wrong institution all these years.
They cash them doofus.
She sure wasn’t worried on celebrity wife swap with her kids seeing her in a bar throwing back shots like a professional frat girl.
She's come full circle. Maybe she feels like she's exhausted the skanky bar hopping persona and now she's back to pearl clutching religious homeschool mom because that's working out pretty good for the Duggars.
She's a 43 year old woman who has no idea who she is. She's a 43 year old woman who will CHANGE who she is to suit her television show.
I think there are people on both sides of the political extreme spectrum who try stunts like this to install hate and fear of the other side.
If someone had shown me that picture above with my having no prior knowledge of her latest foray into television I would have guessed Kate was somewhere at a wine tasting/education event. She appears to be "acting" (not a talent of hers) but actually is disinterested/confused/bored. The old "I just don't get it" routine. Matching perfectly with our disinterest/confusion/bored feeling about this her and this dating show.
Oddly, when I first typed disinterested I mistakenly typed disinterred - which also seems to fit...
foxy said... 189
Why are her hands on the table?
I don't get the hands on the table thing either. Who sits like that? Does she want the man-boy to notice those antiquated talons? Is she anxious to eat?
Gah. She looks unnatural in so, SO many ways.
AuntieAnn, (#199), and those beachy waves that scream, "I'm trying to look casual, but this took 2 hours to style."
"Respectful" behavior or not...can you imagine how humiliating it will be for those 8 teenagers that their mom is trying to get a date on a TV show? The tups in particularl are at an age when you want the floor to open up if your mother simply asks for extra napkins at McDonald's.
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