Friday, June 7, 2019

Casting call for 'Kate Plus Date' reveals the show was looking for single men who 'appear' ages 35-55, be independent, driven, and successful

The casting application also asks for the men's salary, and asks them to sign a release for a Figure 8 production entitled "Kate Plus Date."

    Welcome to the Single Men Application

    Cornwell Casting is in search of single men in the New York City, Charlotte, and Los Angeles area to go on a date with a celebrity! In order to be eligible you:
    • Must be single
    • Appear to be between the ages of 35-55
    • Live in the NYC, Charlotte, Los Angeles area, or be willing to travel there
    • Be independent, driven, and successful
    • Be available for a date between now and January

    If you have any issues filling out this application, please email


  1. Full Name *

  2. Phone *

  3. Email *

  4. City *

  5. State *

  6. Occupation *

  7. Hometown *

  8. Marital Status *

  9. Please list any nicknames or alias names that you go by. If none, please write "None." *

  10. Highest level of education *

  11. If you attended college, please list where & degree earned.

  12. Please list your height:

  13. Please provide us with any social media links. If none, then write "none". *

  14. How did you hear about our casting? (Facebook, Email, etc) *


  16. Give us a brief bio about yourself. (Tell us what is important to you, about your achievements, passions, your family life, hometown, etc.) *

  17. Do you have any children? *

  18. If yes, what are their ages & genders?

  19. Average Yearly Salary

  20. You will need to be available for 1-2 days of filming sometime between now & January. Please list any scheduling conflicts you have (vacations etc). *

  21. Have you ever been arrested for anything that would show up in a background check? *

  22. Do you already have an interview scheduled with us? *

  23. Have you been on any reality shows? If so, please list title and year.


  25. Please record a 1-2 minute telling us why you would be great for this project. *


  27. Please upload a recent photo of you (no hats or sunglasses please). *Drop image here or 
    Select File

  28. Please upload another recent photo of you. *Drop image here or 
    Select File

  29. Please read the release below and check the box to confirm you agree. *

  30. Please sign for the Casting Release here. *Clear

    Use your mouse or finger to sign above

  31. DOB *

    *For verification purposes only pursuant to 18 U.S.C. §§ 2256 et seq.

69 sediments (sic) from readers: ~ Administrator said... 1

I love how the men can live in NYC, Charlotte or LA. But, like, not anywhere near where Kate actually LIVES.

And still no mention in the entire application are you good with kids? Do you even LIKE kids? GEEZ.

JoyinVirginia said... 2

They left out one question: Are you comfortable with numerous folks on the interwebs commenting on every single thing about you?

Old poster said... 3

They forgot to include neutered applicants preferred.

Giff said... 4

It's one thing to film a silly dating show. It's totally desperate and pathetic for a 45 year old woman who tried to be a star through her children, sit on social media and lie to gullible people about this being "real." There is nothing real about this woman. Her reality is exploiting her children causing two of them to not want to live with her. Reality is alienating them from their father. Reality is cutting family members out of their lives. Reality is she is just a selfish human being who doesn't care who she hurts.

Anon For This said... 5

OT for this, but Collin just posted a very sweet tribute/message to his teacher who is retiring: "Love you Mrs. Houtz!!!! Have a blessed retirement. May my love always be with you as far as your journey through retirement carries are an amazing person even only knowing you 6 months!!!!! I haven't ever heard you yell and wouldn't probably if I had you for 100 years!!!! You are the light through my journey at're an amazing teacher, and always knew how to enlighten anybody's day especially mine....May your retirement be as blessed and enlightened as each day of mine after talking to you..... I love you." He also posted a selfie of himself with his teacher.

What a sweet and wonderful boy he is. Jon, Colleen, Hannah and all the other wonderful people in his life are doing something right. It's a shame that Kate couldn't/can't see him for the wonderful and loving child that he is.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 6

How about this question...are you interested in a serious, long-term relationship?

This ad is looking for guys to go on "a date." Period. What a fraud.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 7

How about,these questions...are you an animal lover? Do you consider yourself to have a good sense of humor? Are you involved with any charities?

FlimsyFlamsy said... 8

And how about this basic question: what are YOU looking for in a woman?

The omission of substantive relationship questions so obviously gives the game away.

Anonymous said... 9

Comment from TLC’s Facebook post.

I heard shes not a very nice person...i saw her last year at Nordstrom with Maddie n her other daughter shopping..the clerk said she was very rude🙄

Yes that is what most people’s impression has been of her . Which makes me wonder if all these people on her instagram page that are saying how “sweet” she really is in real life, if these are somehow faked to make her look in a better light. I think Kate is very desperate at this point.

-Gigi Be

Former Lurker said... 10

Admin, I'm so glad to see that you did a new post about this total joke of a reality show. TFW can pretend for her dopey fans that it's real, but anyone with a brain knows it's all a fraud. Just another fake b.s. show for the lazy, untalented, useless TFW to squeeze six more weeks worth of pay out of TLC. I can't wait until this crap is over.

Ingrid said... 11

From last post from FYI's comments: "Why would anyone want to sign up for this and subject their entire life to such scrutiny? "
I don't think any eligible, accomplished good looking men would even be looking to be on any reality tv unless they are so rich and they are just plain desperate and bored and looking to try something unusual. (lol TFW definitely unusual!) How would those that fit the criteria even see and apply?

I believe they are all guys looking for their 15 min. to maybe get on more reality tv or real acting.

SaraMRN2010 said... 12

Amazing. I knew we had discussed her using a dating coach but when I saw the twit from Cornwell Casting I had no idea about the application! So the first twit was sent out June 28, 2018 and the first Instagram was June 29, 2018. When did she and TLC start talking about this train wreck? The picture of her and Jamie she posted on May 20, 2018. Could it be that there wasn't enough men interested and that is why they kept putting it off?

FlimsyFlamsy said... 13

Ingrid (#11), exactly. What man who is genuinely "independent, driven, and successful" is going to drop everything and travel as far as 3,000 miles for this kind of nonsense? And, yeah, even if he was doing it as a lark, that would expose an ego which would make him bad boyfriend material. TFW prefers her men beaten down, with their huevos in her

I love how the tweet refers to it as a "project." Guess they were too embarrassed to write "train wreck."

Formerly Duped said... 14

Mature, lovely message from Collin to his teacher. He sounds like he's very religious and full of love, hope and even trust. So glad he has had people like this woman to help him heal and move on ~ Administrator said... 15

What a sweet child Collin is, so in touch with his emotions for his age and so thoughtful of others. A message like that makes a teacher think it was all worth it. How could a mother discard a child like this like a crippled kitten she doesn’t want?

Sideline Observer said... 16

The application needs two more questions:

How often do you watch TV?

Have you suffered a concussion or other serious brain injury in the past five years?

Anybody answering "five hours or less" to the first question and "yes" to the second advances to the next round.

Ingrid said... 17

SaraMRN2010 said... 12 there wasn't enough men interested and that is why they kept putting it off?
That's what I think.

Here's a twitter from a guy in So. Carolina who was asked to be on her show. I think he was asked. He turned it down. LOL

‏ @xxxxxxxxx
6 Dec 2018

So the reality dating TV show I was asked to audition for is going to star Kate Gosselin. I think a solid decision to pass.

Anonymous said... 18

What a sweet loving message Collin has written to the teacher who is retiring. I think it is significant that he mentioned, among her attributes, the fact that he had never ever heard her yell. It's obviously this stood out for him after spending so many years with his mother yelling and abusing him.

Another thing, why on earth would any "independent, driven and successful" person be looking to date a celebrity witch
and looking for casting calls.


Former Lurker said... 19

As we predicted, she's going to be all over Instagram while this phony show is airing. I just took a quick look at her IG and she's already done nine new posts in less than thirty days (May 10 - June 6th).

Prior to this sudden re-emergence on IG, it took her six months to post nine times (September 30 to March 29).

Former Lurker said... 20

Ingrid said... 17

SaraMRN2010 said... 12 there wasn't enough men interested and that is why they kept putting it off?
That's what I think.

Here's a twitter from a guy in So. Carolina who was asked to be on her show. I think he was asked. He turned it down. LOL

‏ @xxxxxxxxx
6 Dec 2018

So the reality dating TV show I was asked to audition for is going to star Kate Gosselin. I think a solid decision to pass.


I remember that tweet. It was posted here back on December 10th. I just went back and looked at his Twitter. His Twitter bio says he lives in SC. A quick review of his tweets indicates he's divorced (still friendly with his ex), no mention of having kids at all, lives alone with his dog in a townhouse he owns, is a veteran, I think in the reserves, has been a law enforcement officer for over twenty years, and says he's a cyber expert.

I saw some tweets about dating online. It looks like he uses the Bumble app. There's a good chance that's how a casting agent found him. Here's another tweet that he did a few weeks earlier than the December 6th one:

Highlight of my week: Got asked by a Casting Agent to try out for a reality TV dating show for a female celebrity. The celebrity is cute but it's a pass from me. My ego appreciated as did my funny bone.
Nov 18, 2018

FlimsyFlamsy said... 21

C continues to amaze me with his poise, eloquence and loving heart.
So much pain was inflicted upon him, and yet he has chosen to walk in faith. Pretty remarkable.

Layla said... 22

Sad but true said... 90
TLC put up some new clips on the K8 FB page. Finally, Cara speaks---about 4 words, LOL. The girls are asked how affectionate their mother is, scale of one to ten (one being not at all). Cara immediately says TWO. And Mady, attempting to explain, says four. I'm guessing there will be episodes in which Cara says nothing.
Just goes to show how fake it is when Kate pretends to be affectionate with her kids. I saw the clip where she tried to hug Cara and Cara wasn't having any of that. Why? Because it's all fake and done just for the cameras and Cara wasn't about to fake it to create some false narrative.

Former Lurker said... 23

The Daily Mail published an article yesterday about that new (very weird) "sMothering" show that premieres on TLC on Sunday. I wonder if there will be an article soon about the Fake Date with Khate show.

Anonymous said... 24

Collin keeps posting about the people who enrich his life. He is so grateful for the people in his life.


Former Lurker said... 25

Remember the old Television Without Pity (TWoP) forums? A few years ago, they became Previously TV. I recently discovered that there's been another change and they're now Primetimer. They already have a forum set up for the Fake Date with Khate show:

Concerned Aussie said... 26

Remember the old Television Without Pity (TWoP) forums? A few years ago, they became Previously TV. I recently discovered that there's been another change and they're now Primetimer. They already have a forum set up for the Fake Date with Khate show:

I just looked at the comments on there and they are hilarious and completely on point and pretty much giving me life. Keep them coming, I say. And I'm so grateful to Kate because as a single parent of five kids ( only 5, mind you, not 8)with a full time career,I just need my own dating show and I too can have a fulfilling love life. Thanks Kate. I'll work that in around the two hourly commute to and from work each day and the after school activities all my kids do. Must be nice to look forward to those long summer vacations when the kids are off school, if only my employer would realise 4 weeks a year is not enough to spend quality summers with my children.

Sorry for the rant. I'm feeling a little tired at the moment and also have the flu so feeling a bit sorry for myself. It's Winter here in Aussie land and flu is everywhere. I wish I had the luxury of taking time off.
My mistake, obviously was having my children one at a time. Oh well. Regardless, I wouldn't change my life for Kates, because I actually enjoy my kids and have fun with them. For real.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 27

Andrea (#24), and how interesting that the child who had his "golden platter" lifestyle pulled out from under him is now so incredibly appreciative of his new, simpler world. Your average 15-year-old boy
would probably barely mutter goodbye to a retiring teacher. But this young man took the time to express his gratitude and good wishes so eloquently.

Giff said... 28

Talking about the child she said was hard to love, just returned from a week at a Christian camp for kids where he said he had the best time with his friends, paid tribute to Veterans on Memorial Day, took a selfie with his retiring teacher and thanked her for all she had done for him, has never given a inkling of being bitter and angry that his mother gave up on him...THIS is a child she can't even show up to court for??????

irish 33 said... 29

haaaaaah i wouldn't appear on this farce of a show for 50,000 dollers......get ready for the biggest joke of a reality show in tv history ~ Administrator said... 30

How about,these questions...are you an animal lover? Do you consider yourself to have a good sense of humor? Are you involved with any charities?


Are you trying to find a nice guy for Kate or something? ~ Administrator said... 31

I saw some tweets about dating online. It looks like he uses the Bumble app. There's a good chance that's how a casting agent found him. Here's another tweet that he did a few weeks earlier than the December 6th one:

Highlight of my week: Got asked by a Casting Agent to try out for a reality TV dating show for a female celebrity. The celebrity is cute but it's a pass from me. My ego appreciated as did my funny bone.
Nov 18, 2018


This information is really, really interesting. This guy makes clear not that he reached out to them, but they reached out to him. So the second question is how did they find HIM?

If it was through Bumble, that has to be a violation of Bumble's terms of service. No reputable dating site, and I would say Bumble is reputable, as reputable goes, would turn over profiles to casting agents. In fact I looked at Bumble's terms, and the only way a man can be contacted on the site is by the woman initiating the contact (a new trend in dating sites after numerous complaints from women that they get onslaughts of messages from guys they would never have any interest in). So they would probably have had to make a fake female profile to even reach this guy.

I think most people on a dating site would feel their privacy is extremely violated by casting agents trolling around the profiles with fake profiles in order to recruit talent.

NJGal51 said... 32

What I’ve noticed about Collin is that when people comment on his posts, he will, many times, answer them with a “thank you” and add a little more to his comment. Thank goodness that the people who comment are very respectful and don’t bash his “mother”. He really is an amazing young man. I guess Mady was wrong about Jon being “toxic” because, based on his posts, Collin is thriving, loving and very down to earth. It’s probably too late for the twins, but the tups that are still with TFW might just benefit from some time with Jon, Colleen, Hannah and Collin...but maybe that’s what TFW is afraid of and why she continues to poison their minds.

Sad but true said... 33

NJGal51 said... 32

It seems like all Collin needed was an outlet for his feelings. Not OTT birthday parties, or saltwater pools, or the many working "vacations" he had to take part in. His sensitivity is real and touching, as is his ability to express himself. And I guess that's why he just didn't fit in at Martinet Mom's.

Good job, Jon. ~ Administrator said... 34

It seems like all Collin needed was an outlet for his feelings. Not OTT birthday parties, or saltwater pools, or the many working "vacations" he had to take part in. His sensitivity is real and touching


Yes. And he needed a safe environment to develop deep emotional connections with people. It's on film, we can see him over and over trying to break through to Kate, to have something more meaningful than "I'm your mom and I love you", and how closed off she was from going beyond the trite.

It's not Collin who was the problem here. It was Kate.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 35

Admin (#34), we've talked about how C was branded as "stubborn" when he was just showing age-appropriate defiance. TFW's own journal entries reveal that she took his behavior as a personal attack. Who's the crazy one in that equation?

Anonymous said... 36

Apparently Mady now has a YouTube channel! I read it in her “stories” on Instagram.

-Gigi Be

Anonymous said... 37

Correction: the Jonkateplus8-forever pan page posted it. I wonder what relation they have to Mady as they are acting like they are promoting her here

-Gigi Be

Sad but true said... 38

So many of the comments on her video clip refer to seeing all the kids again. Far be it from K8 to enlighten any of them that the only kids they'll be seeing are the twins. Further, it appears that a lot of people think she's actually going to "end up" with someone by the end of the mini-series. Which of course could not be further from the truth. When will these fans realize they're being had? For the eleventy-billionth time?

Formerly Duped said... 39

Gigi Be, thanks again and do you know the name of this YouTube channel?

Anonymous said... 40

Formerly Duped-39

It’s Mady Gosselin. There aren’t any videos yet. On her public Instagram page, there is a link to her YouTube channel on the very top under her name. There are 9 subscribers so far.
I don’t see Mady as being very motivated as other YouTube stars are when it comes to putting together quality videos. But she does love the attention so we’ll see

-Gigi Be

Formerly Duped said... 41

Anonymous said... 40

Formerly Duped-39

It’s Mady Gosselin

Thanks , Gigi Be. Yes, it will be interesting to see what happens with this project, especially with all the new experiences of college .

FlimsyFlamsy said... 42

Do we know yet if TFW has scored any interviews about Monday night's show? I suspect it's been a looong time since Schmoops has been able to escape to NYC for some pampering on someone's else's dime. Besides her kids', that is.

Sad but true said... 43

FlimsyFlamsy said... 42

Unless she's got something scheduled for daytime Monday, I think that's a NO. I'm guessing it probably boiled down to the following:

"Are you willing to answer questions about your daughter Hannah, who now appears to be living with your ex? And what about son Collin, whose recent custody change was decided at a hearing you didn't even attend? No? Thanks, anyway."

It's just another reflection of how she's never understood that it wasn't ever about her, it's about the kids. Of whom she must be incredibly jealous at this point. No wonder they're all bailing.

ncgirl said... 44

"Do we know yet if TFW has scored any interviews"

Not that I know of. I've seen the View, Good Morning America, and Strahan and Sara schedules, and she's not on them.

NJGal51 said... 45

Maybe Mady thinks that she’s the next Kardashian or Olivia Jade.

Speaking of YouTube, have any of you ever watched emmymadeinjapan? She samples all different types of foods and is quite entertaining.

Jamesvader1194 said... 46

I think we called it when we believed years ago that one of the twins would make a youtube account thinking that they'd be the next kardashian or whatever.However,i serious doubt that mady would get many viewers even if Kate linked her youtube to fans.Nothing i see mady doing would mean much.

BlueJay said... 47

I really can't see this will make for comfortable dating with an....but I personally can't believe it, an application, like that.

A dating application? Boy do feel old. My word.

This looks dead before it even hit the water. Is she trying to live a lonely spinster life?

She should just stop trying at this point with putting herself out there but I figure she just can't hit the breaks on this train on herself.

Who on earth in their right mind would be willing to sign up for this? Oh, right, the money.

She really believes honestly in herself that she can't go back? She can't go back to a normal job and live a quiet life and a normal job? I suppose working a full time job on the old additive of live on less then you make, down sizing, pick up a second job, learn to take bus instead of having a car, those type of things, learn to shop at you know good will, go back to actually using a coupon the right way, downsize your McMansion, all the normal things that normal people when they hit that financial wall because they screwed themselves over financially.

I cannot think of any celebrities at the moment but I am sure there are some who all screwed themselves over and had to go back to living a normal life so I am quite sure if they can do it little Miss nobody from nowhere PA of a reality TV can do it as well.

But heaven for bit my gooodness me I can't go back has to spin a train wreck further. So sad.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 48

I wonder how this show is going to spin the fact that one third of the sextuplets are now living with their late father.

JustMissy said... 49

If I watch the rerun tomorrow will it count towards her ratings? I don’t want to miss this train wreck, but I don’t want to add to her ratings either. Please advise. It was discussed here before when to watch but I can’t remember. Thanks! Let the train wreck begin.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 50

In other TLC family news...Jinger Duggar just dyed her hair blonde.
Now I'll never be able to recognize her at the grocery store in L.A. unless she has her turban-wearing baby and/or pocketsquare-wearing husband with her.

Layla said... 51

JustMissy (49)
I believe all same-day viewers count towards ratings. Maybe you could pull it up on demand the next day and watch it. Does anyone here know if that would work?

AuntieAnn said... 52

Please record a 1-2 minute telling us why you would be great for this project. *






an individual or collaborative enterprise that is carefully planned and designed to achieve a particular aim.

"a research project"

Haha. She's a research project alright. Like an experiment in dating a perimenopausal wolverine.

Pity the fools who applied for this. They must more desperate to get their mugs on tv than she is.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 53

AuntieAnn (#52), I think that "perimenopausal wolverine" may be the funniest -- and most accurate -- description of Schmoopy yet!

Yeah what a delightful "met cute" story it'll make if she finds her true love through this show: "I found my sweet baboo thanks to Cornwell Casting!" For someone obsessed with being organic, TFW sure found an artificial way to look for love. Awww, who're we kidding?
She's looking for air time, free trips and a paycheck. Oh, and most importantly, time away from her 6 Little Moneymakers.

Former Lurker said... 54

JustMissy (#49), like Layla (#51), I think the second airing on that first day counts towards the ratings. But, I just checked and it airs again a few more times this week: Tuesday at 11 pm ET, Wednesday at 3 am, and Saturday 6/15 at 2 pm ET.

All these re-airings are unusual for a Khate show, aren't they? I don't remember TLC doing that with the Plus 8 (7) show.

Good luck to anyone who plans on watching it. I can't stand her, so I'll skip it. But, I'll enjoy reading about what a disaster it is.

Former Lurker said... 55 ~ Administrator said... 31

I saw some tweets about dating online. It looks like he uses the Bumble app. There's a good chance that's how a casting agent found him. Here's another tweet that he did a few weeks earlier than the December 6th one:

Highlight of my week: Got asked by a Casting Agent to try out for a reality TV dating show for a female celebrity. The celebrity is cute but it's a pass from me. My ego appreciated as did my funny bone.
Nov 18, 2018


This information is really, really interesting. This guy makes clear not that he reached out to them, but they reached out to him. So the second question is how did they find HIM?

If it was through Bumble, that has to be a violation of Bumble's terms of service....


Admin, good points. I'm probably wrong about the Bumble connection. I was just speculating because, like you noticed, it seemed clear to me from his tweets that he was approached by a casting agent about doing the show, rather than seeking it out on his own.

It's interesting that a casting agent was looking for fake "dates" in SC around the middle of November. I've posted before about the Instagram posts from the "dating coach", Rachel DeAlto. She had posted that pic from the aerial yoga place in Charlotte, NC on September 25th. They were in Charlotte filming the show that week. I wonder why a casting agent would be looking for fake "dates" in SC when the casting info said Charlotte, NYC and LA. Plus, they were looking for more fake dates as late as mid November?

Also, as I've already posted, they were filming in NYC for a week near the end of October, (according to the dating coach's IG). I'm assuming that plane pic that TFW posted on IG returning from filming with Jamie last May was the LA week of filming.

This show is such a joke.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 56

Radar has a piece up about TFW's previous romances. I didn't realize this Wednesday would've been her 20th wedding anniversary with Jon.

The article refers to the new show as a "docu-series." That's a mighty lofty description of "watching a parade of attention-seeking dudes get paid to go out with a shrew, who is also getting paid."

PooshanellaGoober said... 57

I wonder why a casting agent would be looking for fake "dates" in SC when the casting info said Charlotte, NYC and LA. Plus, they were looking for more fake dates as late as mid November?

Charlotte is very close to Rock Hill, SC -- about a 30 minute drive. In fact, many live in SC and commute to NC for work and vice versa.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 58

Poooshanella (#57), nice to see you! I hope some other old posters will pop by on this momentous day.

Former Lurker said... 59

#57, okay, thanks for that info. I was too lazy to look it up.

More importantly, why the heck is a divorced mom from PA looking for "dates" in Charlotte, NYC, and LA? Well...we all know the answer to that one.

I wonder how, or if, they're going to explain why TFW is traveling so far from home if she's genuinely looking for a partner. Again, this show is such a joke.

JustMissy said... 60

Thanks Layla and Former Lurker. I will be sure to watch it later this week. I do not want to add to her numbers so the train wreck can wait.

JoyinVirginia said... 61

Auntie Ann, "perimenopausal wolverine", how funny! yes, that is just about what these guys signed up for!
Definitely won't watch, I'll be watching the Golden State Warriors take on the Toronto Raptors! Bachelorette is on tonight too! I will be waiting for the reviews and the jokes! Jimmy Kimmel did a funny piece about TFMJG a few years back, after she was on DWTS? how she was going to hunt down and capture a potential date. TFMJG is easy joke topic.

Former Lurker said... 62

FlimsyFlamsy said... 56

Radar has a piece up about TFW's previous romances. I didn't realize this Wednesday would've been her 20th wedding anniversary with Jon.


It's also almost ten years since they announced the divorce. Ten long years and she's still bitter and not over it. Congratulations to Jon for getting out of it, moving on, and having a happy, normal life and a healthy fulfilling relationship. These are all things TFW will never achieve.

For those asking said... 63

For those asking about ratings...What I know is they rate Live Viewing that is reported the next day or two. Then at the end of the week they adjust the numbers to include 7 days of DVR viewing. I don't know however if viewing repeats during the week is taken into account.

NJGal51 said... 64

LOL! I just watched the clip on the TLC twitter feed of TFW at some pizza place making pizza with her “date”. For someone who wrote a crookbook and made all those pizzas (wasn’t she the pizza mom?) hers didn’t look that great in the clip. She was “boatloads” of frustrated with her “date”....I guess because he wasn’t an expert pizza maker. So far nothing from her about a live twitter party.

Sad but true said... 65

Hehehe. What a shocker.

Some excerpts:

And has already learned whether or not the mom of eight has finally found her happy ending with a handsome Prince Charming who sweeps her off her feet!

According to “Straight Shuter” podcast host Rob Shuter, the answer is: “Don’t hold your breath!”

“Kate isn’t easy. She is one tough cookie and really isn’t interested in compromising or finding love,” a source told Shuter. “All she really cares about is Kate!”

As Radar has reported, 43-year-old Kate’s latest reality adventure follows her and potential love matches on dates while the camera Opens a New Window. rolls. But Shuter’s sources say at the end of the day, Kate was interested in gaining much more than just love.

“You have to remember that the main reason Kate did this new show wasn’t romance,” the insider noted, confessing that the infamous mom’s main motivation “was money and getting back on TV.” . . .

“Had Kate been offered a travel show or fashion show, we would be watching her traveling around the globe or doing makeovers,” the insider said of the reality star’s latest venture, “but ‘dating’ was all that producers offered and that is why we are seeing Kate with a bunch of possible love interests.” ~ Administrator said... 66

“You have to remember that the main reason Kate did this new show wasn’t romance,” the insider noted, confessing that the infamous mom’s main motivation “was money and getting back on TV.” . . .


Noo, you're kidding!

SaraMRN2010 said... 67

“You have to remember that the main reason Kate did this new show wasn’t romance,” the insider noted, confessing that the infamous mom’s main motivation “was money and getting back on TV.” . . .

Say it isn't so.

Anonymous said... 68

Remember Cara and Mady’s BFF and favorite hairstylist Ronnie? He just posted a pic of himself with Kate. Her hair is all done up with a full face of makeup.

“Press tour with my fav mom of 8” @kateplusdate #june10at10 #tlc # hairbyronnie

-Gigi Be ~ Administrator said... 69

new post!