Sunday, June 30, 2019

Discussion Thread: Kate Plus Date "I Want to Break Free" 7/1/2019 AND Recap: Kate Plus Date "I Want to Break Free": "See you Tonight! :) ..... ???? R u Ok? .... Hello?"

Last time on Kate Plus 8, RACHEL FINALLY GOT FIRED. You can read all about it in my recap, though there wasn't much to tell as, inexplicably, the most dramatic and interesting thing to happen so far on this show never even happened on camera. In addition, Kate had a fantastic date with a successful family oriented guy named Jeff who was so perfect he even liked The Princess Bride, to which she was basically like, yeah, he was okay I guess. Inconceivable!

Kate's hired a new matchmaker this week, which is surely something the magic of T.V. can whip right up for you just like that, and his assessment of the situation already is infinitely better than Rachel's. You see, Kate's heart is two sizes too small, for starters. Correct!

Now is the point in the script where Mady and Cara act curious about how Kate's dates are going, so in the family room, which looks a bit dusty and drab (why on earth wouldn't you deep clean before filming?) the three sit down together to watch old clips. No matter what, no matter how, I can never get away from a damn clip show. Long-time readers of my recaps know if there is one thing I just loathe recapping, it's clips I've already recapped! My recapping pet peeve!

The girls scrutinize Stephen's clips (that's the guy Kate went on a boat ride with and then mushed together some pizza dough) and Mady points out, what's up with the white shorts? I didn't notice that before but yeah, what is up with those? The twins assess that although he has all his hair he's too hyper for Kate. Next.

Next up, Jeremiah, the "retired police officer" who saved some guy's life in the coffee shop, and is really just an actor and has five kids from basically like the span of two decades. He was weirdly enamored with Kate more than any of these other guys and God knows if I could tell you why because to quote Liz of Kentucky from Facebook again, she could freeze the nuts off a polar bear. Predictably the twins reject him for being too young and having too many kids.

Todd's up, who was a really nice guy, but pretty short. Mady says he looks like an 11th grader. Aw, poor Todd! He can't help that he looks like a cabbage patch doll and only comes up to Kate's chin. That's not his fault! Mady admits he was nice and funny, but too short says Cara. At least Mady says "Sorry, Todd." Don't be sorry, Todd's unfortunate height is the best thing that ever happened to him because he won't be going on a second date with Schmoopy here. God knew the plans he had for him.

Next, Jeff. Mady says Kate actually spoke highly of him after the date. The twins like him because he has no kids. I get that they don't want anymore kids, but if anyone was being wise here, it would behoove them to ask why a guy doesn't have kids. Because if there's any chance it's because they don't like kids, one would want to know that.

"He's too good for you," Mady says. Wait, did she just say that? Ouch! I mean, that's exactly what I said, but this is her mother! Seriously, why would Mady say something that nasty to her own mother? Kate says "I know I think so too," as if that's a totally appropriate comment for a daughter to say about their mother. I'm so confused. Are they being facetious, or do Kate and Mady honestly think Jeff is too good for Kate? Because if so, that's kind of sad. Although Jeff actually is way too good for her, so beyond out of her league I have no idea why he even gave her a second look, it is sad that anyone who wants to date him would think they're not worthy of him. I guess to all this I would say: if you are having thoughts about not being good enough for a great guy, you need to ask yourself why you think that, and work on addressing it. Whether that's therapy to improve your self-esteem, or changing how you act or the things you are doing with your life that perhaps aren't suited to a good guy, but no woman should not feel "good enough" to date a good guy.

Mady gets it right again and says she thinks Kate's into Jeff and if she's not, there's something wrong with her. Correct. Anybody want a peanut? 

Finally Andrew, the absolute dud. Ha, Mady points out another thing I did in my last recap, about what's with the full on Nike track suit Andrew was wearing just to play a casual game of squash. Heh! Perhaps Mady could take over writing the recaps here and give me a break! We love a mute man, Mady deadpans. Heh, and that's why she's my Annie Sullivan!

Mady does have a few witty remarks up her sleeve, enough for her to consider trying a creative writing class when she starts college in the fall as an undecided major. She says she would have walked out on Andrew too and said "this looks like my parent-teacher conference, bye!" Ha.

Mady ranks Jeff first, then Todd, Jeremiah, Stephan and Andrew. That's exactly how I would rank them.

Mady suggests for future dates not doctors or guys who look like gym teachers. Nobody in that pool was a doctor I don't think so not sure I get that comment. Medical sales is not a "doctor," Mady. The no gym teacher lookalikes requirement would be way too difficult for a doofus like Rachel to understand so it's a good thing that one got fired last episode.

Wait a second, what happened to Rosario? The actor, opera singer, and my Italian amor? How come he was completely left out of the conversation and not even ranked? Inconcepibile! When unexplained stuff like this happens on this show, which seems to happen a lot, I like to imagine what really happened behind the scenes. Sort of a Kate Plus Date fan fiction. And in my fan fiction Rosario was so disgusted with the whole fake process he ripped up his contract and said if they dare mention his name or show his face on this show again he'll sue them into the ground. A woman can fantasize.

Adam LoDolce is Kate's new coach, and he's mostly out there to just get famous. According to his web site he was in management consulting, whatever that is, and then in a convoluted way that reads like rather a boring story, ended up giving dating advice. Still, I have to say that I like his approach to dating, in that the secret to dating isn't to play games but rather to be confident in you and what you want and deserve. I more or less agree, as I believe you cannot have a truly successful healthy relationship until you feel successful yourself as a person independent of a man or woman. Rachel's advice seems much more shallow and usually vague, like flirt, and honor nervousness. Yeah, I don't know what that means. On his web site Adam says decidedly that he is not the coach for you if you Want an easy way to manipulate men so that you have the upper hand…Want an “easy fix” to finding Mr. Right…Are unwilling to change…Think men are the problem...

Ha, he's so not going to work for Kate. She's going to regret firing Rachel after this!

Adam doesn't even seem to offer personal consulting like Rachel does. He just offers himself up to be quoted in the media. He even calls himself a media consultant! I expected to find this guy to be a grade A douche, but I find I kind of like his brutal honesty about it all. I'm just here to tell you the truth about why you all suck at life and get a quote in the New Yorker, anybody got a problem with that? Heh.

And I think it's important to not confuse the issues. Adam may be a media whore, that's clear, but that doesn't mean his advice is incorrect.

No man wants a life with you unless you have an amazing life without him, Adam says. Wow, I could not agree more! It wasn't until I stopped focusing so much on finding the one and focused on just developing a full and interesting life on my own that a relationship worked out for me.

In the meantime I traveled to Europe, including Iceland, and chaperoned a school group in Australia for two weeks.

Admin's L.A. contingent Australia group!
I developed a serious interest in photography and took workshops and got up before dawn to take photos. I began fostering dogs, I took up hiking and backcountry backpacking and hiked a 30 mile portion of the John Muir trail, solo. Yep, solo.

Admin's last night on the trail.
I played piano in the church band.

Admin's band helping worshipers connect.
I even seriously considered fostering a child, though haven't done it just yet. All without a man. Doing all this gave me some tremendously fun hobbies but I also noticed it gave me plenty to talk about on a date and stories to tell, such that dead air couldn't possibly be a problem. And invariably dates would have something in common with one of those things and that would set him going on something. So, surprisingly, Adam is dead right about all this. Of course many dates don't work out but they would often say things like you seem really cool and even though you/I/we've decided not to pursue this further I had a really good time. I think I gave off a vibe that I was worth respecting enough to at least do me the courtesy of not ghosting me, and to this day that's never happened to me.

One thing we have all noticed over the years is that Kate seems to struggle with filling her time with similar fun and interesting things. She dabbles in this and that but never seriously commits. She's dropped some decent and productive hobbies and replaced them with cliche excuses like being too busy. Do you think a lawyer is not busy, Kate? But says RN Chaunie Brusie "If we are busy to the point of exhaustion or to a point that it’s hurting our health or we can’t find time to do anything that fulfills us, then “busyness” is a problem." Kate seems to be putting off a lot of traveling as if hoping someone else will pay for it first. She has focused a lot on hating Jon and filing lawsuits, and not on finding productive things to do with her life that don't involve inflicting turmoil on others. For someone so "busy" the evidence is she seems to do a whole lot of TV watching, wine drinking, and lounging in bed. Those things are nice and relaxing don't get me wrong, but when they start consuming the majority of your time, it's a problem. As a result, she's not a catch. She's not good enough for Jeff for this very reason. She doesn't have the same good stories to tell others do. She is not an interesting person and is wasting her life. She will be ghosted by men and repeatedly. Adam's work is cut out for him. In fact if I didn't know any better, I'd say she's depressed, and if she got help for it, she might be able to get her life back on the rails.

For some reason tonight Kate is doing that thing where it takes her a million years to make one point, and that makes recapping soooo tedious. Basically she is interested in hearing Adam's perspective as a guy in his mid-30's. Took her like three paragraphs to say just that.

Adam was scared of Kate before he met her? Heh! Better put on a jockstrap before you enter the room because she's a ballbuster, Adam.

Adam wants to know what he can do differently to help Kate, and Kate pulls out her best Heir Kate and goes into a litany tirade about how much Rachel sucks. It doesn't work for Kate to just go in and say let's have fun. She will tell you when she's having fun. She sounds like Viggo Mortensen from GI Jane. If I want your opinion, I'll give it to you. Kate does a funny malaprop calling this Pollyanna glasses. I immediately picture cute little Hayley Mills wearing Harry Potter glasses. WTF are Pollyanna glasses? The expression is rose-colored glasses, heifer. Or just, Rachel is a Pollyanna. You don't combine them both.

As much as I have questioned Rachel's competence just as much as Kate has, I find Kate's explanation of the Rachel situation to be unnecessary, rude and not very classy. Rachel is not a bad person, just bad at her job, and there is no reason to insult her so publicly like this or paint a picture that she should never work in this field again. She's something else for previously complaining about people preventing her from getting work, because one nasty review like that on such a public forum by a quasi-famous reality T.V. person could ruin a small-time career like Rachel's, so. Why can't she just say Rachel had a certain style that wasn't for me and I wish her the best? Be a grown-up.

Kate also thinks she and her situation is the most unique precious snowflake. Oh STFU.

Adam seems frightened.

I hate when the kids repeat a narrative you know Kate drilled into them. Mady explains this is hard because of everything Kate has been through. What has she been through exactly? She had a divorce like millions of other people, and it was ten years ago. Some people don't like her, and it's not like the people who don't like Meghan Markle just because. There are real concrete reasons people don't like her that are well documented and include child abuse and an incredible amount of child exploitation so bad the state of Pennsylvania had to get involved. She discarded two of her own children, that was on her, too. But to her credit Mady does say if she wants to be happy and do this dating thing she needs to suck it up. Exactly, suck it up for once and STFU. For once!

Kate explains to Adam that a lot of babysitters, family, and so on have walked away because her life is too much pressure. Oh is that why you think folks walked away, Kate?

Kate plays a whole big game about how she can't talk about this or that about the divorce but doesn't explain much why. Some of it seems to be because she won't talk about it to protect the kids (oh yeah sure), but is she implying confidentiality too? Why not just say there's a gag order still in place, and stop talking in circles? Speak plainly, anything else is annoying as F! Adam points out that while he gets it, this makes building rapport with her a lot harder. Exactly. People who song and dance around issues, whatever their reasons, are annoying to try to help. By the way I deal with gag orders all the time in court since our cases are almost always confidential, and there is no such thing as a gag order preventing someone from talking about their feelings. What they don't want you to say is Jon has custody on these days and our assets were divided this or that way. But it's unlikely anyone will have a problem with you saying "I'm frustrated with the way our custodial time was divided" or "I'm angry about the asset divisions." That's all Adam wants to know is what is bothering her so much, he doesn't need to know the boring specifics. And just my suspicion, but I bet Kate herself can't pin down what's really bothering her in any way that sounds rational. Because the real reason she won't ever say is that she hates Jon for stopping the filming. That's all it is. She doesn't care about custody, that much is clear, finances aren't bothering her, nothing else bothers her. She's just stuck in a vortex of resentment over filming that she will never, ever get over. I have always felt that had Jon not said anything about having an issue with filming and just sucked it up and gone along, Kate would to this day be going on about how much she still loves and cares for him.

Adam explains she is closed off on dates, creating a barrier where she is unwilling to share anything not perfect. Adam needs her to open up and be vulnerable.

I personally find it very obnoxious when people try to say you will never understand this or that about me. It sounds arrogant to me. As if your life and problems are so much more unique or harder than everyone else's. Kate, you don't own personal problems, and lots of people are quite capable of having plenty of empathy and understanding about your dumb and mostly stale problems without having personally experienced them.

Adam wants to know if she's been burned since Jon (he is kind enough not to point out that was ten years ago). Kate averts her eyes, again refusing to discuss her very real and lengthy relationship with Jeff Prescott. She denies ever having been in love since, and then adds, "at all." Is she implying she wasn't in love with Jon either? Oh my god she's such a tool!

Kate claims to have trust issues and her view of people changed after Jon. I firmly believe that trust issues have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with her relationship issues. As @FlimsyFlamsy said commenting on last week's episode, "I think TFW's failure at dating can be boiled down to one specific trait: she honestly doesn't care about other people, and sees them only through the lens of how they can help her."

Exactly, Kate doesn't care! It worked okay with Jon because at that age a lot of young people are inherently selfish and so you don't notice if the other person is just selfish too, and they were both sort of just acting their ages. Except Kate never grew out of being so self-absorbed as most young people will, and when Jon did grow out of it like everyone else normal, he realized, holy shit this woman actually isn't putting me or my kids first or even second or third, so I'm out.

But Kate now trying to date at 44 and the vast majority of guys are going to be well onto her and quick. She's only going to make it past a few dates with anyone before they realize she's bad news all around. It's just so extremely hard to have any kind of successful relationship, even friendships, if you only see people as a means to an end. That's why Kate has no husband, that's why she's lost two of her children, that's why things ended so badly with Jon and many other family members and friends. This entire series I have questioned whether Kate really has any desire to be with a man at all, and I think if Adam is any good, he will soon see that too and question her on it.

Adam is doing research, like watching old clips of the show, which seems to me far more research than Rachel ever bothered with. He believes Kate carries around a backpack of baggage. More like a Mack truck, but close enough. He says she has "black heart syndrome" and to change that to red she needs to be open to finding love. Kate keeps cutting Adam off when he's in the middle of saying something good, and it's annoying and very rude.

Adam's first selection for Kate is Nick, and before they can explain who Nick is, some chick from production swoops in and claims Nick has been in a car accident.

Is Nick okay? is Adam's first reaction.

Is Nick okay? is my first reaction.

Seriously, I hope Nick is okay. However, anyone who has dated for a long time knows that the "car accident" excuse is the oldest excuse in the book. You can't question it, because you'll look like an asshole if it's actually true. So it works to get the guy out of the date every time.

By Kate's own admission, her first reaction is not is Nick okay? like normal people. Her first reaction is welcome to my life. Her second reaction is, is Nick okay. Classic Kate.

Adam suggests maybe the two of them could go miniature golfing, and Kate is reluctant to do that because it feels weird to do that knowing someone just got in a car accident. I mean, I kind of agree with that one. It feels like you should just go home and maybe call Nick tomorrow to make sure he's all right and only even consider thinking of rescheduling if Nick brings it up.

Adam says this could be like a practice mock date, which is something I suggested when Rachel was in charge. Kate isn't even close to being ready for a real date, she's got to practice first. It's like Kate has gone into the Supreme Court to argue a case without first doing a whole bunch of mock arguments with your peers first to get comfortable. Not wise.

Now that they've decided to play golf Kate just wants to play golf and not talk about anything serious. Adam tries to ask her probing stuff like what she's looking for in a date and Kate gets all mad that someone is asking her to do two things at once. Adam's never seen anything like this. You clearly haven't watched much of Kate, have you Adam?

In all seriousness though, the inability to focus on more than one subject at a time is pretty common for those on the spectrum. I know we've had that conversation here many times, with some of us believing Kate is on the spectrum, others believing she is a narcissist that just happens to have some traits that look like autism, others thinking she's probably a combination of both. And after seeing these episodes so far and learning more about Kate than I ever asked to know, I'm pretty much on board with her being both. To be sure, she's a narcissist, but she's on the spectrum too even if high functioning. The aversion to touching, the inability to multitask, her extreme struggles with empathy, the difficulty with small talk that comes so easily to most of us. It's really classic autism spectrum and doesn't fit as neatly into just narcissism. It's unfortunate to have to say this though, because I always get worried perhaps those who don't know much about autism will assume this means autistic people are mean, or uncaring, or discard their children. That's not what it is. Many if not most autistic people care very deeply about people, and are able to have successful relationships and families, they just express themselves differently.

Kate, a 44-year-old woman, says she is very competitive and had to win this stupid miniature golf game. I wonder if she has any idea how nuts she sounds. Incidentally, a lot of people with autism report feelings of extreme competitiveness, and intense anger and disappointment in themselves if they lose.

With a straight face, Kate says the reason it's hard to her to describe what she wants is it's the non-tangible stuff that she wants. Well, right, Kate, most single people are looking for mostly non-tangible stuff in a partner, and like, it would be nice if you weren't an absolute toad to look at, but for most people that's just one small part of it. She says she wants integrity, honesty, tenacity and perseverance, and that height, eye color, hair color. doesn't so much matter. She's only kidding herself, as she was absolutely obsessed with Todd's short height.

Does Kate think when Rachel or Adam were asking her what she is looking for, they meant what she is physically looking for? I realize now this doofus didn't understand the question in the first place, and actually thinks they want her to describe what a date should look like as opposed to who he is as a person. Oy! Because otherwise why doesn't she just tell them I'm looking for a man with integrity, honesty, tenacity and perseverance. That way a matchmaker can seek out more people who, say, started a charity in the Dominican, for starters. She's so difficult.

Mady says well she, Mady, mostly just cares if the guys are cute. Ew, she wants her stepdad to be cute? I mean, I kind of think she's saying she does. That's a little unhealthy. She is only 17 so I remember "cute" being really important at that age. However you learn years later via Facebook the cutest guys are always the ones that got bald and fat and still live with their mothers. Isn't that funny?

Kate is 60-70 percent hopeful she will find love, and Adam snarks that that's higher than he feels, hehe. And then she hits the golf ball into the hole to which Adam says that means she'll find love. Kate reports looking forward to what's next and enjoying this process. Well I'm glad someone is.

So what happened to Nick, is he okay? They never say. But the next day, Adam takes Kate into some tiny little cleared out restaurant, sits her down and says she'll be going on two dates in a row, first with Nick. The same Nick from yesterday, I assume?

Nick is late, heh, and it's either because he is hobbling to the restaurant in a body cast from yesterday, or is full of shit. I'm gonna go with he's full of shit. Mady reports that Kate is 20 minutes late everywhere and Cara says try an hour. Since Cara is the math major, I'm going to go with her answer. Also, doesn't surprise me Kate is one of those late people because when it comes to narcissism only their time matters, not everybody else's. Hey, Kate, being late all the time is flipping rude and doesn't make you a catch or worthy of guys like Jeff Boyd or worthy of not being ghosted. And this is where I'm clear she's a narcissistic too, because she's doing the late thing because it's all about her. Most autistic people are very good about watching time, obsessing over it, and many are militant about punctuality down to the second because it appeals to their meticulous nature and comfort in routine. It's one reason why they actually can make really good employees in a lot of fields.

After 20 minutes Adam calls it, Nick has ghosted Kate. Haha, yes! Someone finally felt themselves too important to give a flying fig about Kate Gosselin. Nick is marriage material. And in my Kate Plus Date fantasy, I imagine Nick googling Kate just before the date, being horrified by what he saw, and quick whipping up a terrible story about a car accident before he ran for the hills.

Also, we all know now, the "car accident" yesterday was a big fat lie, calling it.

It's okay though because Adam has a second date lined up now, Joey Batista. He's 39, warm and handsome, and owns a restaurant in NYC called Joey Bats Cafe. I looked it up on Yelp, and it has an impressive five star rating. Looks like they specialize in Portuguese egg tarts, which look just delicious. But anyone who knows what it's like in the restaurant business knows right out of the gate dating someone in Pennsylvania is not realistic. You work too long and too hard. Joey reminds me a little of Kate's old friend Tony.

Joey actually knows of Kate, and I'm in shock, but then he qualifies it as well he knows the "bare minimum." Heh, bare minimum doesn't count, so I'm still gonna put him in the "don't have a clue who she is" pile. I'm guessing bare minimum basically means he was checking out in the grocery store with his pineapple kumbucha and his cheesy popcorn and saw her on a tabloid cover that said "Monster Mom" but never actually opened the magazine to read the article, so yeah, he knows of her.

Kate says this younger thing could be a dealbreaker, claiming that she doesn't want to look older. No, heifer, that's not what you said before. You explained before quite clearly you don't want someone younger because you don't want Jon. So I'm not going to allow you to change the story on us now.

Joey thinks Kate looks like she needs a drink so they start getting some alcohol in them. Kate demands to know why everyone is shoving drinks down her throat. Heh, just as I suspected, production is intentionally encouraging everyone to drink because that's the oldest trick in the book to encourage better reality T.V. Pathetic.

I'm near falling asleep from Kate rambling on and on to this poor guy about the marathon she ran/cheated at and all the other running she allegedly does. Or did. She admits she don't run anymore, which we all knew that. Joey is doing a great job of pretending to care. By the way, the marathon was eight years ago, so knowing that, it seems kind of silly to talk so much about it as if you just did it last fall. Folks, she's on the spectrum. She talks just like someone on the spectrum, going on and on about one topic, not letting the other person get a breath in, and way overstaying her welcome with the topic even when the other person is asleep with their eyes open. Just as I'm nodding off Adam pops in off site where he's spying on them to laugh at Kate and say this is so boring. Ha! All right, he's so much better than Rachel, it's official.

It's like whiplash following a conversation when Kate tries to lead it. First she's talking about the creepy cat wallpaper in the restaurant, and next we're hearing about Joey's restaurant. Joey suggests they walk on over to the restaurant since it's only a few blocks away, as if he just thought of this idea and it wasn't completely planned by production in advance. Well, I guess he gets points for playing along.

Everyone is horrified when who should be there at the restaurant waiting for them but Joey's mother, but Kate is the only sensible one of all people to point out that it's the family's restaurant and his mother works there, so it's not a shock she would actually be there when they visit. Joey says he's never taken a date to his restaurant before. Is that supposed to mean that Kate is so special to him? Heh. Joey's mom is going to show Kate how to make a traditional Portuguese "cookie cake." This is starting to look more like some episode of Diners, Drive-ins and Dives on The Food Network than a dating show about Kate, weird.

The cake is pretty good though, it's like this yummy yellow pudding that Joey won't tell Kate the recipe of or he'll have to kill her, then cookies, then more pudding, then cookies again. I think it's no bake but that's not really explained. I think Joey's mom could probably move on along now, but no, she's bringing out wine and instead of just pouring them some and then leaving, she pours herself a glass, too. Heh! I mean, she's cute.

Adam's like, okay Mom needs to leave now, Kate is too focused on making the cake, and they need to touch. Yes, yes, yes.

Joey's mom finally excuses herself and then she goes to talk to the cameras and claims that they should go on a second date, ha. Hey, I think I get now how Joey has heard of Kate. Mom had the TV on in the back while they were doing payroll and some show about a monster mom and her eight now six kids was on and he glanced at the TV before politely asking her if they could just turn on the game. That explains it.

Joey and Kate are awkwardly standing there in the restaurant and just chatting, but soon are running out of things to say. Before Joey gets a chance to drum his hands on the counter and ask what else is there, Adam finally interrupts this odd date. At least he apologies about it as opposed to Rachel who just appeared in front of them and claimed restaurants with plenty of people still eating in them needed to shut down.

Adam says he's glad Kate listened to him about not bringing up her baggage and negativity on this date and just kept it positive and charming. Agreed. If my recaps don't make it clear, it seems to me Kate has yammered about her divorce and other issues on near every date so far. It's so boring and you can tell the guys find it unattractive. There's no reason to delve into that stuff when you're on a first date. It just makes you seem depressing and preoccupied, and it's not classy to divulge that sort of thing to someone you actually don't know at all. Save it for when the stranger in front of you is someone you can trust your heart with.

Adam and Kate confer and Adam is like, so my feedback is you did great with being positive, but I'd suggest maybe showing that you're interested in him once in awhile. Kate makes a hilariously confused face, like, why would I do that?? Because as Flimsy said, she's not interested in any people at all, so why should she be interested?

Adam would suggest Kate think about maybe hugging the dates, and Kate explains she doesn't touch and doesn't even hug her kids. Mady tries to excuse this as well Kate cares a lot for them but doesn't hug and kiss them, but it's okay because she would do anything for them (Mady, she actually wouldn't do anything for you, and someday you'll see that). Nope, sorry, Mady, there's no excuse for not hugging your children. Even if you don't like it, you hug them. Because it's good for their brains, their development, their self-esteem and self worth, so you f-ing do it, Kate. Did you like changing diapers? Did you like cleaning up throw up and spit up and diarrhea and other bodily fluids? Did you like trying to put a screaming baby back to sleep at 4am? But you did it, didn't you? You did it because it's best for them. So, you need to hug too, because it's best for them.

Maybe Hannah and Collin just needed a damn bear hug once in awhile, so that's why they went to go live with Jon. Tool.

Kate says Joey is a maybe to a yes for a next date. I find it inconsistent and confusing that Kate is all impressed with Adam for finding somebody like Joey for her, and apparently doesn't blame him at all for the dud that was Nick who didn't even show up. Yet when Rachel had one amazing date for her and one dud (Jeff, followed by gym teacher Andrew), it was all like she's the most terrible matchmaker ever. How come Kate refuses to give Rachel any credit for Jeff? It's weird. I mean, she does suck and I think Jeff was more of a fluke than her doing, but I'm just asking Kate to be consistent here.

Next on Kate Plus I Hate this Show, a mildly interesting episode where the twins meet the guys and interrogate them Meet the Parents style. This show is such a poor man's concept of an overall halfway decent idea I just have to laugh. It appears perhaps the twins have a different idea of who Kate should go on a second date with, which has me ever so curious about that one. Could I guess that maybe they thought Jeff was a bit too much of a "dad joke" type, and perhaps liked the younger, cute and personable Joey? I can't believe I'm actually wondering what happens next, I hate myself and deserve to be ghosted. Until next time.

260 sediments (sic) from readers:

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JoyinVirginia said... 1

Thank You!!! for the recap Admin! so there are multiple possible reasons to explain why The Former Mrs. John Gosselin is boring. we can debate the reasons why, but can all agree, including Adam, that TFMJG is indeed boring.
I'm wondering if these episode segments are like auditions. Can Adam carry a show, giving folks brutally honest relationship advice? Can Joey and his mother costar on The Chef and His Wacky Family? Maybe that is the real reason this show was filmed.
"TLC Executive: I have two guys that might be great for our next inexpensive reality type shows to develop. But we want to keep the budget low..
Other TLC Exec: we still have a contract obligation to TFMJG, anyway we could combine her with those guys?
TLC Execs Together: Great Idea! this guy does dating advice, we can have her go on date with chef! Hey, if we show his restaurant, that's promotion, we won't have to pay him! Maybe we can get HIM to pay US for product placement!
Any other guys we can put on a date and that will be his screen test? Yeah, whichever guys we like best, we can do a new show with dating advice guy helping likable guy find love! it will be our version of The Bachelor/ Bachelorette franchise!"
That's my theory!

Giff said... 2

You deserve a medal for sitting through this episode. I do agree with you that Kate needs more help than a "matchmaker" could ever give her. She has needed psychological help for a long time...probably since the time she was a teenager. A matchmaker and finding a man is the LAST thing she needs. Her issues started long before the divorce and probably long before she met Jon. ~ Administrator said... 3

You deserve a medal for sitting through this episode. I do agree with you that Kate needs more help than a "matchmaker" could ever give her. She has needed psychological help for a long time...probably since the time she was a teenager. A matchmaker and finding a man is the LAST thing she needs. Her issues started long before the divorce and probably long before she met Jon.


Oh absolutely. Her problems were way before Jon, continued with Jon, and go on after Jon.

Like I said, this show is so deeply sexist. A woman needs a man to "fix" her life.

No, a strong and capable woman tackles her own problems head on and doesn't rely on a man to put a bandaid on it. Ironically, Adam is absolutely right in his advice. Fix yourself first, Kate.

NJGal51 said... 4

Another great recap but it just reinforces why I don’t/won’t watch the fake date show. Let’s not kid ourselves here, Joey answered a casting call and is in it for the publicity for his restaurant. “Real” people don’t go on reality TV to try and find love...they leave that to those looking for their 15 minutes. ~ Administrator said... 5

It didn't occur to me, but Joey Bats and his mom running their cafe is exactly the kind of show TLC likes. Kind of like that sweet potato pie show with that family, forgot what it's called.

Sad but true said... 6

Great recap, Admin. And I couldn't agree more: Kate's issues are not going to magically be "fixed" by a man OR a dating show. I would say that in most ways, she has come extremely close to having everything that she claims to want (okay, probably not enough episodes) yet comes across as utterly unsatisfied. The word I keep going back to is "thwarted." I have no idea if she's on any spectrum, but she is pretty much disabled by her own personality.

And you're right about the kids: Mady's excuses for Kate's behavior come right out of Kate's own script (I'm waiting for "low blood sugar," LOL). It's sad to see otherwise intelligent young adults pander to their mother's neuroses. I wonder if they worry about her having a full-scale meltdown once they are out of the house. I'm sure they've seen her come very close to it before.

Layla said... 7

It irritates me so much when Kate whines about how nobody could ever appreciate all she's been through. Really, what in her life is so incredibly difficult? She had 8 kids. Lots of people have 8 kids (or more), and most haven't had all the help she has had. She got divorced--millions of people have been divorced. She's on TV, but that's because she wants to be on TV. She loves her career, remember? She lives in Ghettoville, PA--not like she's going to be mobbed every time she goes out in public. She has plenty of people who don't like her, but she says her haters have no effect on her life so that's not the problem. She made millions off her kids so money isn't a problem. So what is it? What is soooo very difficult in her life that nobody else could ever understand it?

So what I'm getting from these recaps is that Kate wants a guy who isn't around and who won't touch her. So...tell me again why she's doing a dating show?

FYI said... 8

I still believe that "Nick" never existed. First, he's in a "car accident" so Adam uses that time to "date" Kate, play mini-golf and find out more about her.

Then "Nick" is supposed to show up the next day, but when Adam can't get in touch with "Nick", all of a sudden Joey is available and shows up at the same place where "Nick" was supposed to meet Kate.

I still think Adam played Kate with "Nick" just to see how she dealt with being stood up. Kate seemed concerned about "Nick" when told he was in an accident, but when he didn't show up the second time, Kate was like "who cares? On with the show".

The fact that Joey was readily available to step into the void left by "Nick" really makes me believe that "Nick" never existed. ~ Administrator said... 9

I still believe that "Nick" never existed. First, he's in a "car accident" so Adam uses that time to "date" Kate, play mini-golf and find out more about her.

Then "Nick" is supposed to show up the next day, but when Adam can't get in touch with "Nick", all of a sudden Joey is available and shows up at the same place where "Nick" was supposed to meet Kate.

I still think Adam played Kate with "Nick" just to see how she dealt with being stood up. Kate seemed concerned about "Nick" when told he was in an accident, but when he didn't show up the second time, Kate was like "who cares? On with the show".

The fact that Joey was readily available to step into the void left by "Nick" really makes me believe that "Nick" never existed.


The only reason I'm doubting all this is because I don't think any of these people are good enough actors to pull this off. Everyone's reaction were too genuine to me, they truly couldn't believe anyone would dare not show for this, the great Kate Gosselin.

1. Adam could have spent time with Kate anyway, he could have just said we're spending time together, deal. Just like Rachel insisted on spending time with her.
2. Good TV isn't Kate being stood up. Yawn. Better TV is Nick showing up, but Nick being a terrible date. They wanted Nick, because that's much better TV.
3. I think this was filmed over two days, with the original schedule Nick supposed to be date one on day one, and Joey on day two. When Nick lied and said he was in a car accident, they offered to squeeze him into day two and push Joey back a bit. Nick agreed, then flaked again on the second day, so that's why Joey was so readily available, because he was standing by for his date anyway. They even said Joey was supposed to be her date that day anyway, just later, and that they asked him to come earlier if possible due to Nick flaking.

The only part that was a flat out lie to me was Adam trying to tell Kate let's see how you react to two dates in one day can you take it!!!? Adam wasn't trying to see anything of the sort nor did he care, Adam was simply trying to squeeze in Nick wherever he could into the production schedule without wasting a bunch of everyone's money. ~ Administrator said... 10

It irritates me so much when Kate whines about how nobody could ever appreciate all she's been through. Really, what in her life is so incredibly difficult?


Surely many viewers of this show and her fans have been through so much worse and with a much braver attitude about it. I mean, look at Milo. It must sound so trite to them to hear somebody still upset about "a divorce."

Another thing I find very distasteful about Kate is the way she goes on and on about her problems. Bringing it all up on first dates is uncouth. A classy woman swallows her problems in public, has a stiff upper lip. A classy woman doesn't go around airing her dirty laundry about divorces and problems with custody. A classy woman is brave, facing her problems head on and with courage, and does not let her problems derail her life, whether the problems are big or small, she gets through them in time. She does not burden people with her issues, does not bring down the room, she stays positive, and she is aware that many people have it much worse than her.

There is something so deeply unpolished about Kate. She's really a joke.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 11

I'm so excited to be quoted in the recap! I guess my For Your Consideration bus bench campaign was a success! These recaps are gold, Jerry! (*waves to Seinfeld fans*)

So Mady and Cara critiqued the looks and fashion sense of their mother's dates on national TV? How nice she's passed on the legacy of shallowness. Such a delightful quality. I hope their future roommates don't see this, and worry about the twins laughing at them behind their backs. Or worse, prospective love interests of their own.

Anonymous said... 12

What problems does Kate have? What is keeping her super busy? They are in school for a good part of the day (except for summer). Her kids are not toddlers, they are 15. She doesn't work. I just don't get it.


FlimsyFlamsy said... 13

And isn't it a big ol' red flag for a guy when this heifer is still dragging around her suitcase full of rage a DECADE after her marriage ended? I could understand a very long healing process if there was infidelity or violence in the equation, but SHE asked for the divorce!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 14

Sad but true (#6), oh, you better believe the twins have already seen a "full-scale meltdown." Think of how many times we've seen TFW lose it while cameras were rolling. This is a woman who had tons of help and still reached a level of rage that had her throwing a toddler into his crib by the hair. She is capable of anything.

Sad but true said... 15

FlimsyFlamsy said... 13
And isn't it a big ol' red flag for a guy when this heifer is still dragging around her suitcase full of rage a DECADE after her marriage ended? I could understand a very long healing process if there was infidelity or violence in the equation, but SHE asked for the divorce!

Well, judging by the comments on FB and elsewhere, her fans are still buying the story that it was Jon's cheating that brought down the marriage. All evidence, documentary and otherwise, to the contrary. K8 doesn't bother to correct them, because this story has always helped her make the most of her pity party. And we know whatever violence there might have been was in one direction only: from K8 to whoever happened to piss her off. We know she had a favorite whipping boy.

AuntieAnn said... 16

If Jon and Colleen have watched any of these episodes I'd pay good money to be a fly on the wall just to hear the comments coming out of Jon's mouth.

Sad but true said... 17

Just up on K8's IG:

Kate .. ok I'm sure shows over ,but why not let Cara and Mady take guy out and find who they think is right match? Next what about Steve (correct name) Mr. Body guard .... I loved seeing you two laughing, great connection

I don't expect to see this still posted tomorrow, LOL! Yes, how true it is, the ONLY man Katie has seemed to have any connection with, lo this past decade and counting, is Steve the Bodyguard!

Sad but true said... 18

There are very few "reviews" out there of K8+D8, but this one, despite a few errors, had me laughing. This lady nails it with respect to how and why K8 still pollutes our airwaves. Enjoy: ~ Administrator said... 19

There are very few "reviews" out there of K8+D8, but this one, despite a few errors, had me laughing. This lady nails it with respect to how and why K8 still pollutes our airwaves. Enjoy:


She really hit on the fact that the divorce made Kate. She's such a big fat baby about the divorce and never once has appreciated how it cemented her place in reality t.v., small as that piece is. The author is right, if this was just a show about parents raising a bunch of kids that eventually TV moved on from, nobody would ever remember who she was. It was the conflict with Jon that put her on the map. Be grateful, bitch.

Also she's right that all this airing of her dirty laundry on dates should cause any good man to run. If she's airing her ex's dirty laundry on television with you, guard your socks because she'll be airing your dirty laundry next. ~ Administrator said... 20

I hear a whole lot from Kate and the twins about what does he look like, what does he do, does he NOT have kids, is he boring, is he too quiet, too short?

I wonder if we'll ever hear questions like, does he LIKE kids? Would he fit in with our family? What would he bring to our family and why is he interested? Is he a *good* MAN, would he make a good husband and stepfather?

The three of them are unfortunately clueless. Like about life.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 21

I heard a radio interview this morning with Danielle Fishel, who played Topanga on "Boy Meets World." She stressed that she did the show because SHE wanted to, and it was not her household's major source of income. Then she said something like, "No child should have to support a family." Guess TFW never got that memo.

And as I've said before, a child actor working on a set has the benefit of a separation between work and home. Topanga and Nellie Oleson and Steve Urkel were characters left behind when Danielle and Alison Arngrim and Jaleel White left the studio. But the G kids, whose mother proudly proclaimed, "Our show is our life and our life is our show," never had that luxury.

Sad but true said... 22

Starting VERY early this morning, unlike the past three episodes:

Don’t miss TONIGHT’S episode of #KatePlusDate on @TLC ... I end up in yet another awkward debacle🙄...but at least there’s a ‘sweet’ ending?! Watch with me.. I have lots of ‘behind the scenes’ pics and commentary that I’ll be posting during the show!
#KatePlusDate on @TLC at 10/9c

Of course frugal_freaky_hippiechick is right on top of her:

You know I’m perched on my couch at 10 every freaking Monday! Love ya!!❤️

Nothing from TLC on FB yet.

Sad but true said... 23

Here's the lady who held up the sign in the Walmart parking lot 8 years ago when Kate was cancelled the first time.

Don’t shake it😬 @kateplusmy8 I’m having to catch up on the Internet..bits and pieces..🤬 Since you hadn’t been on in a while i didn’t see any reason to keep @tlc if that tell ya anything and them especially 😊 and plus it worked better for my Dave Ramsey joking/not joking 🙃 Wishing you the best always sweet friend.🤗

Alas, she's not watching in a way that can contribute to K8's numbers. Boohoo.

NJGal51 said... 24

Sad but true said... 22
Starting VERY early this morning, unlike the past three episodes
Methinks she may be running scared because her numbers are crappy. You can buy bots and comments on IG but you can’t buy eyes to tune in and watch your crapfest of a show. This may just be her last hurrah!

JoyinVirginia said... 25

FlimsyFlamsy, thanks for that info about the Danielle Fishel interview. There was an interview with Winona Rider in Parade magazine yesterday. She plays a mom on Stranger Things, I had forgotten she started as a child actor. She said something similar, about working with child actors. She tells her young costars that home should be a place completely away from the cameras. Her parents only let her work during school vacations, and her home in Petaluma California was away from Hollywood.
It's just sad the Gosselin kids think cameras at home are normal. ~ Administrator said... 26

Your oh so classy ideal woman sounds bland and phony. A room full of fake "happy" people is not my idea of class.


So you prefer a dinner party full of people talking with complete and utter strangers about their papercuts and boring divorces. Whatever you’re into.

Anonymous said... 27

Many thanks to Admin. for posting a recap of the latest installment. I was only able to get through it by reading in "thirds"; it must have been torture for you to put yourself through actually watching it.

HAPPY CANADA DAY to all Canadians.

bm ~ Administrator said... 28

Brave? Please. Being a first responder is brave. Writing ridiculously long recaps of bad reality TV is not. You are confusing ego driven martyrdom with bravery.


You are confusing snarky comments about bad reality tv and it’s recaps as serious business.

Layla said... 29

Sad but true said... 6
Great recap, Admin. And I couldn't agree more: Kate's issues are not going to magically be "fixed" by a man OR a dating show. I would say that in most ways, she has come extremely close to having everything that she claims to want (okay, probably not enough episodes) yet comes across as utterly unsatisfied
Utterly unsatisfied--you hit the nail on the head. She has had everything she claimed she wanted dropped in her lap, and she's still miserable. I don't watch the show, but I definitely read comments and recaps, and the thing that has always struck me as odd is the fact that she has never been quoted as saying she enjoyed doing anything with her kids. Never said "I love doing this with the kids", or "this is something the kids and I really enjoy doing together".
According to her, she does everything FOR the kids but it's never something they enjoy together. That's probably why she always seems to feel so put-upon. It's all a burden. Everything is either for her or for them, not for all of them. Another thing I keep seeing repeated is the fact that she always pitches a fit and says she's so overworked and overstressed, but when the kids try to help she tells them to get out of the way, she'll do it. If she won't accept help, then why is she complaining about the lack of help? She just seems deeply miserable, thinking she deserves more and better but never appreciating what she has. What a terrible way to live. If she doesn't change her attitude, it will never be better and she's destined to wallow in her own misery forever.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 30

Maybe being brave is actually admitting to reading what you think are ridiculously long recaps of bad reality TV?

Formerly Duped said... 31

HAPPY CANADA DAY to all Canadians.



Same ! I am wearing my 150th anniversary T shirt my sister sent me. As a dual citizen now in the states, I have both July 1 and July 4 to celebrate. The only downside to each are fireworks! They petrify my dog, are illegal for private use, and also can be harmful to those setting them off as well as hard on babies, veterans, gunshot crime victims and many other animals and people. Please attend a safe, professional display if you want to see fireworks to celebrate both holidays

Sad but true said... 32

OMG. All that hair. Over the food. In a restaurant kitchen. Guy's lucky he kept his license. Blech.

Sad but true said... 33

". . . her newest suitor, Joey, introduces Kate to his mom during their very first hangout. “Meeting the mother already?” Kate asks Joey after they walk into his family’s cafe. And during a private confessional, Kate freaks out even more. “Whoa! Hold on. We’re meeting mom already?”

Don't worry, Joey, you'll probably NEVER meet K8's mother, not even if you marry her.

I wonder sometimes what her parents think (do they watch this?) about their middle child. Are they ashamed? Humiliated? Benumbed? Happy for her? How fascinating it would be for HER family (not including her kids) to write a book about what it was like to live with her and what it's like now to live without her, except as seen on TV. I think that would be an interesting read.

JustMissy said... 34

Kate is is miserable and unsatisfied because she can never have Steve. That is the thing she can’t talk about, not her divorce or the kids. When has she ever let anyone stop her about talking about Jon or the kids? It’s Steve she can’t talk about or have, which makes her whole life sad and miserable and lonely. He is what makes her life so complicated and unique... but she can’t talk about it. No woman has ever loved a man she can’t have except Kate. He’s her white whale (or should I say silver whale?). ~ Administrator said... 35

Pretty sure those two extremes aren't the only possibilities, but yes if I had to choose one extreme over the other I would take the over sharers over a bunch of Stepford wives.


As Adam explained if you would read the recap, if you simply stayed positive on a date and don’t bring up your personal problems you will find yourself having much more successful dates. I’m only agreeing with the “expert”. That doesn’t make someone Stepford it makes someone pleasant to be around. It’s your choice to air your dirty laundry to any Tom Dick and Harry you come across but I guarantee they don’t care and I can also bet you’ll find yourself with far less friends. And dates. A word to the wise. Those who think it’s ok to blab all their secrets everywhere often make others wonder when it is their secrets will be disclosed. ~ Administrator said... 36

Says the person who thinks she has "deadlines" to meet with her precious recaps. Lol


I do! My editor says they must be in by midnight. Oh stfu. Of course I’m snarking about “deadlines.” Grow up.

Sad but true said... 37

Layla said... 29
. . .
Another thing I keep seeing repeated is the fact that she always pitches a fit and says she's so overworked and overstressed, but when the kids try to help she tells them to get out of the way, she'll do it. If she won't accept help, then why is she complaining about the lack of help?

OMG, STAHP already! You're making WAY too much sense, LOL. Don't forget, this IS reality TV. No logic necessary! No explanations wanted! Just chew it up and spit it out.

Anonymous said... 38

JustMissy said... 34-

I agree that these two just can’t quit one another. But maybe she’s ok with having a part time, silver fox who jumps at her beck and call when she needs someone to accompany her somewhere.As long as she gets what she wants and he doesn’t “smother”her. OR just maybe she wants true commitment from him after 10 plus years. He fits in with her ideal man as he’s older, mature. I don’t know if he’s wealthy. Also Steve is the only person who seems to know how to handle her. Even when listening to their conversations in the RV episode, they would come off more like husband and wife. I am interested in knowing why Gina hasn’t accompanied Steve on all these “work trips? I would demand to go along if there were rumors of an affair between my husband and this woman. Gina and Steve were both seen once at the McMansion during the divorce. Now she’s never around. Kate used to comment that they were BOTH dear friends of hers.Maybe one of the kids will write a book and reveal all the secrets one day.
-Gigi Be

JR said... 39

They’re not clueless admin. They are there for their paycheck so why would they care about any of that. Did we forget this is a scripted “ reality” show? They did their “ job” and went home

JR said... 40

Let me add after they go home and wait for the ratings to see if this junk will continue.. so she can make more money... simple

FlimsyFlamsy said... 41

Another one from the "say what?" has Jon caused her to have trust issues? If anyone should be gun-shy after their marriage ended, it should be Jon.
He expressed concern that the show was causing him to lose his identity, and when faced with the choice between her husband and the show, she chose the show. Same thing when C (allegedly) faced some challenges and she chose the show over her son.

So boo-fa-reakin' hoo, Schmoopy.
You blithely stomp through your universe like Godzilla, crushing every living thing in your path, and we're supposed to feel sorry for you? Here's my tiny violin. And guess where you can put it.

ncgirl said... 42

Honey Boo Boo's sister seems to be doing good things. She's protecting HB's money.

Giff said... 43

JustMissy 34
I think for her, the chase is the appeal. As long as she doesn't have him, she can't screw it up and lose him. I think she is perfectly happy to keep him on the side so she can be seen as the long suffering woman who has sacrificed everything for her kids. She doesn't love people, I don't think she is capable. She uses people as long as they serve her, then gets rid of them. ~ Administrator said... 44

Another one from the "say what?" has Jon caused her to have trust issues? If anyone should be gun-shy after their marriage ended, it should be Jon.


I find it interesting the way she's compartmentalized the "cheating" as if that was anything but one small and mischaracterized piece of what happened here.

She knows darn well what broke this marriage up was disagreements over filming, disagreements over what's in the kids' best interest. When it was clear to Jon the marriage was over, they separated and did their own thing. She is confusing causation with consequences.

And the other thing I find curious about this all is if she hates Jon so darn much, what does she care if he wants to be with someone else? Obviously you're not asking for him back, so what does it matter anymore? He's not even WITH anyone who was even around during all this. ~ Administrator said... 45

Can't admit to something you don't do. I skimmed about 25% of one of the dating show recaps and haven't read any of the rest. I'm sure I'll be called a liar but since I know that I'm telling the truth what people like you think really doesn't matter to me


You read every word. Every word. ~ Administrator said... 46

I don't watch the show, but I definitely read comments and recaps, and the thing that has always struck me as odd is the fact that she has never been quoted as saying she enjoyed doing anything with her kids. Never said "I love doing this with the kids", or "this is something the kids and I really enjoy doing together".


Good observation. She doesn't see kids as something to enjoy life WITH, alongside, journeying together. Taking joy in watching a new person journey from tiny cells to an adult. A unique and special relationship to be their parent. These kids have been and always will be a means to an end for her. Tools, really.

JR said... 47

If it doesn’t matter what are you doing here genius ~ Administrator said... 48

You know has anyone once ever heard this heifer say, it pains me how deeply I know I hurt my children with this divorce.

It's all about how the divorce damaged her, left HER with issues, made dating hard for HER, made HER life difficult. There were eight other people involved, Kate, and you took away from them the gift of growing up with a mother and father in the same home. If anyone should have trust issues it should be those young people. Divorce is something your parents never did to you, much as you imply you never saw a loving marriage.

Sad but true said... 49

Second photo is up (Andrew):

Oh, Mady! The things she picks up on! 😂 This guy said the WORST thing you can ever say to us.... like nails on a chalkboard to us! And Mady had to take note of it while watching the clips! #KatePlusDate @tlc

Not many eyeballs on Ol' Frosty tonight, it seems. Comments are sluggish at best.

Former Lurker said... 50

Great recap, Admin. I don't know how you do it. This show is sooo weird. How strange to have Mady and Cara already doing a recap of the first several Fake Dates. And, as I was reading it, I kept thinking what about Rosario? This show is a mess.

I won't watch it, but from what I'm reading, I think that Nick guy doesn't exist and it's all scripted. Otherwise, we'd never know about Nick and they'd just get another guy (actor) to film on another day, ASAP.

Did the show give any indication where and when it was filmed? Was it all in NYC, the mini golf with Adam and then the Fake Date? Just wondering, because when I checked around Instagram after the Jeremiah/Rosario episode, I learned that the escape room Fake Date with Jeremiah was filmed in NYC on July 23rd and although they pretended that TFW did the aerial yoga between the escape room date and their dinner date (in NYC), that aerial yoga segment was actually filmed in Charlotte two months later on September 25th. Also, the Rosario segments were filmed in Charlotte November 13 - 15th. It was all over the place. They went back to Charlotte to film two or three times, which makes no sense.

Only two more Fake Date episodes to go!

Sad but true said... 51

Oh god.

Totally with you on the difficult situation! A loooot of my hesitation about dating comes from the past stuff that I feel I can’t talk about! Very hard to be “vulnerable” for you esp since you are in the lime light!

@jolie_digiovanni BINGO!!!!!!!! You get it!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Does she have to confirm everything we say? :)

Sad but true said... 52

Awww, she still doesn't get it. I wonder if someone is writing this crap for her.

#strangedate #matchmaker

I felt really odd replacing my date (who had just been in a car accident) with the matchmaker?! I can’t quite explain it but it was weird. And why was he trying to act like my date?! I still don’t get it.... smh!

mydmaxx2581's profile picture
Kate is trying to play a game #competitive. Lol. Leave her alone Adam

@mydmaxx2581 BINGO. Clearly, he doesn’t know me but YOU do! 😉😉

Clearly BINGO is her name-O tonight.

Sad but true said... 53

35 minutes in, 2 photos, and a grand total of 165 comments on IG. She can't even find enough decent comments to reply.

Sad but true said... 54

I like your new matchmaker. But he needs to stop saying putt putt 🤪⛳️

@lchant Leah keeps cringing out loud every time he says it so she’s very thankful for your comment and couldn’t agree more! 😂

But where's #Nunu?

Photo #3: Just some strange wallpaper.

As I waited for #NoShowNick I couldn’t help but stare at the ceiling ... I was surrounded by cats! #KatePlusDate

foxy said... 55

I just tuned in. The show is nearly over. She asks a question and when Joey starts to answer she constantly interrupts him. You can see his frustration. She makes off that she rarely drinks and then guzzles her drink down. Well that's enough for me. Back to washing the kitchen floor.

Sad but true said... 56

Yup, the craziest things happen on reality TV.

brandon_orgeron94's profile picture
What ever happened to Nick?

@brandon_orgeron94 they rescheduled for the next day (after his car accident) and he didn’t show up ... AGAIN! Crazy!

@kateplusmy8 so weird I thought maybe he would call eventually.

Sad but true said... 57

Photo #5: A second photo (of 5) of the crew! My god this is laaaaame. Way to remind everyone just how fake all of this is, Katie.

Joey’s cafe was so tiny (but adorable!) that my sound guys had to stand and listen from OUTSIDE the cafe... and it was COLD❄️... such good sports! Don’t worry, we warmed them up with pastries afterwards! 😉 Thanks Mike and Matt! @tlc #KatePlusDate

Did you film these months ago?

@jessie32701 yes

@kateplusmy8 Are any of your crew date material or too much like family?

@nonaof2 they are all literally like my older (or younger, some of them?) brothers! And it’s awesome bc they are fun and protective! 😉

Ummm, you only have one (younger) brother, whom you cut out of your life a decade ago, sooo . . .


NO photo of Joey, but he's a stand-up guy.

❤️👍. Love the crew!! Everyone was so great!

Former Lurker said... 58

Joey Batista's Instagram:

On May 17th, he posted TLC's trailer for the show. It's interesting that he hashtagged some dating sites:

🚨JUNE 10th at 10pm on TLC🚨 Well here it is! The trailer for the show Kate Plus Date that airs on June 10th. I was one of the guys she dates 😉. As I suspected they were going to have a little fun with the fact that my mom was covering for me at the
shop. 😂😂
Link to full video:

Fast Forward to :50 to when she meets mom and 1:27 to see Kate putting clay on my face. 🤣😂 #pastéisdenata #joeybatsnyc #joeybatscafe #portugal🇵🇹 #nycdating #matchcom #tinder #bumble #okcupid #hinge #threedayrule #theleague #innercircle


On June 17th, he did this post advertising that he's on a new reality show on TLC:

I haven't seen the episode yet but I'm sure it will be good for a laugh! Kate Plus Date on TLC! Check it out!! Link to full article here:.

#joeybatsnyc #portugal🇵🇹 #dating #howyoudoin #empresario #realitytv #nyc


And, today, he posted a video telling everyone to watch the show tonight:

TLC tonight at 10pm! haha! 🤣🤣 #joeybatscafe #joeybatsnyc #momsapprovalrequired #letsdrink #forcaportugal #portugal🇵🇹

NJGal51 said... 59

Some of my favorite tweets tonight:

@kentucky_daisy: Does @TLC know we all jump ship for #kateplusdate? I’d rather tweeze my asshole than watch her. Give us #90Dayfiance all day.

@vmh3111: #kateplusdate You know its an epic fail when this show comes on and I switch to Antiques Roadshow rather than watch this drivel. I'll watch Limburger cheese waft in its own stink rather than watch that Kate plus anything.

@vmh3111: #KatePlusDate Come on TLC - pull the plug on this waste of airtime! Such a yawn-fest and seriously, who wants to watch Kate-plus-anything ever again?! Then add the annoying daughter's commentary and the package gets even worse...I reach for the remote every time this comes on.

@susan1215: There needs to be one more hour of #90dayfiancetheotherway and one less hour of #kateplusdate

@LoveyHope30: This grown woman needs to STOP saying "like, like, ya know like, like ,like" so much! I can't stand when young ppl say it let along grown women!!! Like stop like saying like, like so much, like like is like annoying like ya like know what i like mean? #kateplusdate
As far as her IG posts go, FOUR (I’m not counting the last post because it’s basically just a picture of her telling you to watch next week..basically a TLC retweet)?! One was a picture of her computer screen, one was a picture of the ceiling with cats (I’m sure the restaurant owners love the portrayal of the restaurant) and two were pictures of the crew members. How lame. Not many comments or likes. I’ll bet the bots kick in overnight and we’ll see many more likes and comments tomorrow morning. She really is not putting much effort in to this at all.

Sad but true said... 60

Final photo is one of the K8+D8 promo pix:

Watch next weeks #KatePlusDate — I’m NOT KIDDING, you’ll laugh the entire time! It was SO MUCH FUN! @tlc
See you then!!!! #ThanksForWatching

I think she was very underwhelmed by the lack of responses tonight. I'm certain she was buying likes on the photos---why else would the funky wallpaper have over 600 in 25 minutes?

No mention of tonight's show on TLC's FB page, again. They posted a couple of clips on the K8 page prior to the show, but very few comments there either. I think there were maybe 3 TLC tweets. This was the deadest airing thus far.

FYI said... 61

The show just ended 10 minutes ago, and already TLC has posted next week's episode online.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 62


Sad but true said... 63

Wow, who got up your nose, frugal_freaky_hippienut? Why TF are YOU so invested in this famewhore? (Posted on the photo of Andrew tonight):

In her mind she wants to believe shes a celebrity...narc are like that... youre a legend in your own mind

@ka_ty1959 Do you do ANYTHING positive in your life? Go somewhere that makes you happy and add TO IT. Stop coming to places you DONT like and try to TAKE something FROM IT. It’s quite juvenile actually.

Also on the Andrew pic:

You were DISGUSTING with all of your eyeball rolls and deep sighs etc when you didn't like a guy. So rude, snobby and disrespectful. And Mady is turning out just like you. What a rude little brat. Shame on you for letting her talk about other people she doesn't even know. She's a judgemental little shit.


JustMissy said... 64

I have never seen Kate look so happy as she was watching herself on the laptop. She was grinning from ear to ear and didn’t want it to stop. I think we found her perfect match!

Former Lurker said... 65

She must be nervous about ratings, because she sure is trying harder than usual on IG. Six posts in total today. Just a few minutes after the show ended, she posted her final one:

Watch next weeks #KatePlusDate — I’m NOT KIDDING, you’ll laugh the entire time! It was SO MUCH FUN! @tlc
See you then!!!! #ThanksForWatching

Former Lurker said... 66

On the IG post that she did earlier today pimping tonight's show, (12 hours ago), she has 110 comments.

On the five posts she did during the show tonight, she has a total of only 196 comments.

Sad but true said... 67

No comments anywhere from Paige tonight. I wonder if she got The Milo Memo.

Former Lurker said... 68

TLC's Twitter activity during tonight's episode: Just 15 tweets and retweets. Specifically, 6 tweets and 9 retweets. Kind of pathetic.

During the airing of 90 Day Fiancé, TLC did 105 tweets/retweets. That's 20 tweets and 85 retweets. Plus, they did three tweets earlier in the day. No tweets for TFW until her show started to air tonight.

Sandylove said... 69

I was just checking out Joey's post in May of the trailer. Someone was asking him about his mom being filmed. He said that "Kate was asking her a lot of questions about how to get along better with her sons, LOL". Isn't THAT interesting?! I hope Aaden and Joel are giving her a run for her money!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 70

So the crew is "fun and protective."
Again, what kind of unrealistic expectation is she setting for her kids for future employers?

If they weren't golden platter kids, Mady and Cara would likely be working this summer at minimum-wage jobs before heading to college. If they got a job at Jamba Juice, would they expect their boss to be fun and protective?

Former Lurker said... 71

Before the show aired tonight, Rachel tweeted a pic of her and Adam. Her link goes to her IG, where she posted the same comment and the same pic of her and Adam. It's a pic that I think is from January when they were filming the talking head segments in the hotel in NYC:

Rachel DeAlto
Passing the torch to this guy on #KatePlusDate tonight on
@tlc at 10pm! Good luck @officialsexyconfidence! Maybe I’ll see you in a few eps 😉

Former Lurker said... 72

Adam posted the same pic of him and Rachel on his IG tonight:

Big shoes to fill trying to follow @racheldealto! She’s an incredible matchmaker and an awesome person to have worked with. Who’s watching tonight?! #kateplusdate @tlc @kateplusmy8


It says he posted it an hour ago. So, after the show was over?

Former Lurker said... 73

An exchange on Rachel's Twitter last Friday:

Elizabeth Beasley
Jun 28
I HAVE to ask! I was NOT a Kate fan at all but started to like l/respect her the first few episodes and THEN she fired you! You are the best EVER and did so much for her! Is she just truly the ice queen the media and her ex make her out to be or a nice person?

Rachel DeAlto
Replying to
Aw thank you. It was an experience!
5:37 PM · Jun 28, 2019 · Twitter for iPhone

Former Lurker said... 74

I missed this. After last week's episode, it looks like Rachel admitted she doesn't do this in real life, but just on TV:

Jun 25
I began watching Kate plus date, all 3 episodes. So far, there isnt any real match after 6 dates & the previews for next week shows more failures. Being a professional matchmaker, doesnt this reflect poorly on your matchmaking abilities & you possibly losing potential clients?

Rachel DeAlto
Replying to
@lilagnes and @Match
Thanks for watching - stay tuned, you may be surprised! Also, TV isn't anywhere near the normal matchmaking process, and I'm not taking on private clients, so nope, I'm good <3
4:01 PM · Jun 25, 2019 · Twitter Web Client


🐶🐶🐾Matthew Greaux🦖🦕
Jun 25
So are you done matching Kate? 2nd date last night was a disaster but the 1st one went really well. She seems pretty close minded to most things but she actually really liked the improv you set up for her. You are awesome on the show and I hope you do another show like this.

Rachel DeAlto
Replying to @MatthewGreaux and @Match
Thank you! Yes, that second date was painful - TV can be very intimidating, though that can happen IRL too. I'll be back for the finale, and yes, I'd love to do more relationship shows <3
6:45 PM · Jun 25, 2019 · Twitter Web Client

FlimsyFlamsy said... 75

JustMissy (#64), maybe you're on to something! Could "K8 + K8" be the next show from the TLC brain trust?
I think she's the only person in her life she'd never kick to the curb.

Former Lurker said... 76

FYI said... 61
The show just ended 10 minutes ago, and already TLC has posted next week's episode online.


Ha! That sure was fast. And, it's already on the TLC app and in Demand.

From TLC's website:

Under Pressure

It's Mady and Cara's turn to interview some of Kate's dates. Who wears cargo pants and drinks milk?? Meanwhile, Kate hits the town with a superjock and a private investigator. Will either make the final cut?
42 min
Premiered 07/01/2019

Former Lurker said... 77

FlimsyFlamsy said... 70
So the crew is "fun and protective."


But, I thought she said that she doesn't even notice they are there?

Former Lurker said... 78

By the way, did TFW seem to like Adam, or flirt with him at all. He's pretty good looking. Suck it, TFW, he got engaged back in February:

We’re getting married!
I feel like the luckiest guy in the world being able to spend the rest of my life with this beautiful and talented woman. If you’re still single, keep at it. When you finally find true love, all of the awkward conversations and bad dates that got you there, suddenly become worth it. ~ Administrator said... 79

I can't tell what it is Rachel is trying to do on her web site. It's all so very vague and full of buzzwords just like how she was with Kate. It kind of looks like you hire her to give pep talks to your 120 employee organization. All that stuff looks really platonic like building better relationships among employees and with customers. But in the media section she's amassing a bunch of sound bytes about romantic relationships. Those are two very different things.

Much like Kate, she doesn't know who she is. ~ Administrator said... 80

By the way, did TFW seem to like Adam, or flirt with him at all. He's pretty good looking.


She liked him but not romantically, rather in that way like thank GOD you're not Rachel you won't believe how awful this Rachel chick was. She liked him in the sense that he drove the bus to throw Rachel under. Kate loves a good excommunication, so she was still giddy from that.

Former Lurker said... 81

Typo on #75. Her show is ON demand, not in demand. Good lord, this show would never be IN demand. 😜 ~ Administrator said... 82

So the crew is "fun and protective."
Again, what kind of unrealistic expectation is she setting for her kids for future employers?


No boundaries. No boundaries at all.

I love me some Kip Harrington, but he had an absolute meltdown after Game of Thrones ended, couldn't even take it and had to be hospitalized for treatment, and he was seen in a documentary absolutely devastated and sobbing filming his last scene, gripping onto the crew for dear life. He let himself be consumed by the process and the crew, and unfortunately, it wasn't healthy at all for him. A crew is no different than any other group of employees. You work together and you go through things together but people have to be able to move on and they are not your family. That's why a real family is so important, one that is not supposed to leave you when seasons come to an end. ~ Administrator said... 83

Kit that is. I have a friend named KIP.

Former Lurker said... 84

Admin (#77), Rachel doesn't have private clients, as she's admitted on Twitter. She's all about TV. Two seasons of that Married at First Sight show, and now Fake Date. As she said, she's looking for another TV show.

She also does random speaking gigs. She was just in Dallas this past weekend speaking at some sorority convention.

Also, according to her IG, she goes out to LA a few times a year and does segments on Access Hollywood Live. Dopey crap like "It's okay to go to bed mad", and "Keeping your relationship healthy after kids". Back in February, she boasted about how she's been on Access Hollywood 15 times in the last six years. She says it was her very first national TV appearance on that show six years ago. And, she said she's "spreading love through (her) favorite medium". ~ Administrator said... 85

Also, according to her IG, she goes out to LA a few times a year and does segments on Access Hollywood Live. Dopey crap like "It's okay to go to bed mad", and "Keeping your relationship healthy after kids". Back in February, she boasted about how she's been on Access Hollywood 15 times in the last six years. She says it was her very first national TV appearance on that show six years ago. And, she said she's "spreading love through (her) favorite medium".


I mean, whatever floats her boat, but the world needs more sharp, smart, savvy people in the law to help people navigate the complexities, and with her experience in litigation, she could become a prosecutor and help put bad people away and keep our homes safe. Or public defender and defend the rights of the poor and needy. Her talents would not be a waste and it would be a career she could sleep soundly over, be proud of and retire from with head held high.

The world doesn't need more talking heads on Access Hollywood. This is a waste of a career. I would feel a lot better if she hadn't bothered to become a lawyer in the first place, but she did. ~ Administrator said... 86

I felt really odd replacing my date (who had just been in a car accident)


Wait a second, has she still not caught on that Nick was lying to them about the car accident? Oy!!! ~ Administrator said... 87

And why was he trying to act like my date?! I still don’t get it.... smh!


Because he was trying to do a mock date with her so she could practice something she's bad at and he could coach her. Is she not understanding this either? It's a perfectly reasonable thing to do. ~ Administrator said... 88

July 23rd and although they pretended that TFW did the aerial yoga between the escape room date and their dinner date (in NYC), that aerial yoga segment was actually filmed in Charlotte two months later on September 25th. Also, the Rosario segments were filmed in Charlotte November 13 - 15th. It was all over the place. They went back to Charlotte to film two or three times, which makes no sense.


Ha, yep. Exactly what I said. It would be extremely unusual and costly to film this in order. So much likely they filmed it in a way that made financial sense, such as consolidating most or all of the shoots to their respective cities.

So real!

And, wait! That explains why the twins didn't speak of Rosario during their recap, because the date with Rosario actually hadn't happened yet. For whatever reason, they moved the Rosario date earlier into the edit, even though it occurred much later. THAT'S WHY! Did they think nobody would notice this? Lol!

Former Lurker said... 89

I made a mistake in my second reference to the show. It's Access Hollywood Live, which I think is a daytime or morning version of the Access Hollywood show.

Admin, she talks a lot about how she loves her "job" and the life she's created. She doesn't really work much. It's random speaking gigs and TV spots. Plus, I noticed recently on her IG she did the first #ad that I've seen her do and that was after the Fake Date show premiered. She often talks on IG about how much she loves her (seemingly part time) job. She basically works for herself. Looking at her IG, she took just about all of last summer off (except for a few days of filming this garbage show in NYC).

Sad but true said... 90

Funnily enough, her follower number on IG has dropped since the end of the show. It had been just over 384K, now back down to 383K (think she lost about 60). Hey Kate, time to call in that credit-card number.

Sad but true said... 91

Someone's up late (as in 36 minutes ago):

Totally deleted the episode from tonight when I went to watch it! 🙄
56m1 likeReply

@andrea.laes oh nooo! I’m sorry! :(
36m2 likesReply

Interesting that she doesn't refer her to the many other options for watching? YouTube, TLCgo, etc., etc. ~ Administrator said... 92

Interesting that she doesn't refer her to the many other options for watching? YouTube, TLCgo, etc., etc.


If that viewer gets TLC she can log onto TLCgo. I'm starting to think now Kate either doesn't know that TLCgo even exists or if she does doesn't understand her show is on it, and when people say something like this, it would take her a half second to direct her to TLCgo.

Former Lurker said... 93

"So much likely they filmed it in a way that made financial sense, such as consolidating most or all of the shoots to their respective cities."


Admin, what doesn't make sense to me is the fact that they didn't consolidate the filming of each location into blocks. They went back and forth between NYC and Charlotte. They started filming in NYC near the end of July, but then went back there to film the last week of October, and wrapped up filming by shooting the talking head segments there in January.

They went to Charlotte near the end of September, but then filmed there again for a few days mid November and again mid December. It would make more financial sense to go to Charlotte once, for say two weeks, and film all those parts rather than going there once a month for a few days.

By the way, what about LA? The casting call included LA as a location. When do they go there, next week? I assumed that was where they filmed last May when TFW posted that pic on a plane with Jamie, returning home from "work".

If next week's episode is in LA, that means her last two "dates" were actually the first two "dates". But, then wouldn't Rachel have still been there, not Adam? Actually, according to Rachel's IG, her first day of filming was in NYC last July when they filmed the Jeremiah "date". She was filming in NYC for four days from July 21 - 24.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 94

Former Lurker (#93), just thinking about all that wore me out. This sure as heck wasn't a documentary. And it certainly wasn't about a woman's sincere search for love.
It was just a phony TV show -- filmed in one sequence and aired in another -- made so TFW could earn money and get another fix of fame.
A show filmed mostly away from home, so she could be away from the kids on whose backs she earned her fortune. That's not mediocre. It's pathetic.

Sad but true said... 95

IG followers still dropping; she's down at least 150 from where she was before midnight last night. I'm sure the trend will be reversed as soon as she notices.

Been a while... said... 96

I accidentally caught part of the episode and came here to comment. I have not been here in a long time. Happy to see the recap!!

I have a couple random thoughts:
The girls are so deep in Kate’s reality that they can’t think beyond it. That will come later. Right now the girls really believe their mom has been through some terrible things.

I can’t believe Kate talks about raising 8 kids when it happened been true for a long time.

Kate was so awful on that “mock date” — she can’t even fake being nice.

This will seem petty...sorry...but did you notice she was wearing boots that’s shes had for like 10 years? The same ones she wore on the cornfield maze episodes and on Good Morning America. I noticed them while she was golfing.

lurking said... 97

NJGal51 said... 59
Some of my favorite tweets tonight:

@kentucky_daisy: Does @TLC know we all jump ship for #kateplusdate? I’d rather tweeze my asshole than watch her. Give us #90Dayfiance all day.

@vmh3111: #kateplusdate You know its an epic fail when this show comes on and I switch to Antiques Roadshow rather than watch this drivel. I'll watch Limburger cheese waft in its own stink rather than watch that Kate plus anything.


LMAO that's what I was watching. It was a vintage show where they show the old show then compare how much the item would be worth today. Sometimes it goes up, sometimes down. Much more excitig than Kate for sure

FlimsyFlamsy said... 98

So that's why the fired Rachel is going to appear in an upcoming episode...they're airing them out of sequence! Should be fun to see how the editing fairies work their magic.

I wonder if this hocus-pocus is the reason TFW never posted about the actual dates in real time. Perhaps she was indeed told by TLC to put a lid on it. And won't it be funny if at the end of this train wreck, TFW does a couch interview talking about her "growth" over the course of the show -- um, I mean, the search for love -- when the dates aired out of order!

Anonymous said... 99

What frustrates me is that people believe her and don't see that she is monomaniac/ obsessed with being filmed. She has trust issues because of what Jon did to her (i.e.,he refused to continue filming the kids). Her life is so difficult as mom of 8(i.e., Collin was no longer able to she had to "take steps" to continue filming anyway). She has not dated since the divorce so she needs to film her first attempts to date (i.e., she will state her 2 year serious relationship with Jeff Prescott never existed so she can market herself as an awkward new dater). How is TLC not aware of what they have created with her?

Sad but true said... 100

Been a while... said... 96

The girls are so deep in Kate’s reality that they can’t think beyond it. That will come later. Right now the girls really believe their mom has been through some terrible things.

Yup, it is now---always has been, always will be---Kate's World. I think the other four who live with her are stuck there, too.

Welcome back! ~ Administrator said... 101

TFW does a couch interview talking about her "growth" over the course of the show -- um, I mean, the search for love -- when the dates aired out of order!


This show is too much. She already has kind of talked about "growth" over these dates. Some of the dates that haven't even happened yet in "real life."

The Rosario screw up is a BIG screw up by the editors and script supervisor/continuity person. Huge. They did an entire ranking of the men and completely left him out. Anyone actually watching the show would notice. ~ Administrator said... 102

Wrong again. Again. That's your overblown ego talking. Believe what you want. Makes no difference to my life and of course only one of us knows the truth and that one is not you.


When you come here nitpicking my every word in posts, I refuse to believe you don't nitpick my every word in recaps. When someone shows you who they really are, believe them. ~ Administrator said... 103

Admin, what doesn't make sense to me is the fact that they didn't consolidate the filming of each location into blocks. They went back and forth between NYC and Charlotte. They started filming in NYC near the end of July, but then went back there to film the last week of October, and wrapped up filming by shooting the talking head segments there in January.


Generally you'd consolidate but what could trump that is availability. If they didn't have an actor lined up at a certain time, or even more importantly a venue, they'd have to do some switch-a-roos. Shoots have been known to film in a dizzying order to accommodate someone's schedule or a venue.

The Rosario date is probably a good example of this. Rosario looks really busy, so not only would they have to figure out when he's available, but also when that stage was available. They may have squeezed him in during the one time close to the holidays when that venue and Rosario didn't have a chaotic day full of rehearsals. I wish someone would call her out on the out of order crap.

Wowser said... 104

Kate needs to enter the DeLorean and come back to the future because she sounds like such a fool when she wants these dates and viewers to believe she’s still with toddlers all day. Her “i have no time for me” bullshit is just downright embarrassing. These kids have been in school ALL day for 10 years, she has no job and nothing but time for HERSELF. She needs a new line and get over herself

amc said... 105

Were Cara and Mady even allowed to film this show before they turned 18?

FlimsyFlamsy said... 106

Wowser (#104), TFW thinks "8 kids!" is her get-out-jail-free card for all eternity. Crazy that people still buy into it.

Does she realize how easy she had it having all 8 at ONE SCHOOL for years? There are parents with only 3 kids who have to shuttle them to 3 different schools -- even more challenging if the parents work. She also had the luxury of only handling the bus stop drop off and pick up -- giving her even more of her precious alone time.

Sad but true said... 107

amc said... 105
Were Cara and Mady even allowed to film this show before they turned 18?

I think Cara and Mady were a late substitution. I bet that Jamie was supposed to be Kate's co-star (lol), but something happened (in addition to her husband dying, that is). I believe the twins' scenes, such as they are, were filmed well after they turned 18. They had a lengthy Xmas break, as well as another 10 days in February. Not to mention another 2 weeks in April. I think this show was being sliced and diced right up to the last minute.

Jamie has not posted on a single one of K8's D8 IG photos. ~ Administrator said... 108

You don't know shit about me...and you are still wrong. But please continue to insist on something that is 100% false -- it's actually pretty entertaining.


Your obsession with me is entertaining. And seems harmless I hope.

Layla said... 109

It sounds to me like this show was a nightmare to film. Running here and there, trying to line up men for fake dates as late as November, trying to find things to do to fill in the gaps (aerial yoga makes you better at dating? Ummm, okay...). The kids couldn't film so they had to wait until M&C were 18, Jamie was apparently supposed to be on it but then disappeared. I suspect this "Nick" guy never existed. I think they couldn't find enough men to sign up for this mess and had to fake one of them to make it the right number (2 guys per episode for 5 episodes).

I remember hearing the hosts on a local radio station talking about the show a couple weeks ago. They said that Kate was so critical and judgmental about the men she dated, but she never critiqued herself. One guy said, "If you want to date, you need to be someone another person would want to date". He was right--she seems to think she's a catch and doesn't need to improve herself in any way. It would be interesting to hear what the dates have to say about her. What about her is interesting? She criticizes their appearances--let's hear what they think about her physical appearance. What do they have to say about her recent weight gain? Is the wrinkly neck a turn-off? How about the weird misaligned teeth? Sounds mean but it goes both ways. She can't judge their physical appearances and expect that they won't judge her that way, too.

It occurred to me that my DH meets all Kate's criteria for her "perfect guy". Tall, handsome, intelligent, successful, loves dogs, great dad (not important to her but it should be), travels for work. Too bad, Kate, he's taken and I'm not going anywhere.

Layla said... 110

Admin, your obsessed troll is sounding a lot like Kate herself.

Former Lurker said... 111

Oh, FFS, pleaseeeee stop posting the comments from your obsessed stalker fan, Admin! ~ Administrator said... 112

Admin, your obsessed troll is sounding a lot like Kate herself.


It’s Kate. Hi Schmoopy! 🥰

ncgirl said... 113

"Kate was asking her a lot of questions about how to get along better with her sons, LOL". Isn't THAT interesting?! I hope Aaden and Joel are giving her a run for her money!"

Kate got off to a bad start with her sons being dirty and icky. Aaden and Joel seem nice like Jon, but even nice people get irritated. As they mature, they'll see how they got the raw end of the deal from their mother.

FYI said... 114

When the show was announced in April 2018, press reports said that the show would air in the fall of 2018.

So Rosario's date would have been one of the last dates filmed, not the fourth as the show indicates.

Former Lurker said... 115

Ratings for the fourth episode are in. The 18-49 Demo slipped from .22, which it's been holding at for the first two weeks, to .20.

Kate Plus Fake Date - July 1:

Total Viewers: 729,000
Demo (18 - 49): .20
Rank (in the demo): 21st


Past weeks:

Kate Plus Fake Date - June 24:

Total Viewers: 838,000
Demo (18 - 49): .22
Rank (in the demo): 26th


Kate Plus Fake Date - June 17:

Total Viewers: 805,000
Demo (18 - 49): .22
Rank (in the demo): 27th


Kate Plus Fake Date - June 10:

Total Viewers: 773,000
Demo (18 - 49): .22
Rank (in the demo): 27th

Former Lurker said... 116

FYI said... 114

When the show was announced in April 2018, press reports said that the show would air in the fall of 2018.

So Rosario's date would have been one of the last dates filmed, not the fourth as the show indicates.


I think they originally planned to film last spring and summer with a fall premiere date. It seems that the long delay and change in plans was caused by Jon's refusal to allow the kids to participate in the show. It looks like they waited until Cara and Mady turned 18 last October.

Former Lurker said... 117

The 90 Day Fiancé show had a slight drop in total viewers, down 79,000. There was a significant drop in the 18 - 49 Demo, from a .50 share to .41:

90 Day Fiancé - July 1:

Total Viewers: 1.471 million
Demo (18 - 49): .41
Rank (in the demo): 7th

90 Day Fiancé - June 24:

Total Viewers: 1.550 million
Demo (18 - 49): .50
Rank (in the demo): 7th

90 Day Fiancé - June 17:

Total Viewers: 1.539 million
Demo (18 - 49): .47
Rank (in the demo): 6th

90 Day Fiancé - June 10:

Total Viewers: 1.386 million
Demo (18 - 49): .40
Rank (in the demo): 9th

Former Lurker said... 118

Former Lurker said... 115

Ratings for the fourth episode are in. The 18-49 Demo slipped from .22, which it's been holding at for the first two weeks, to .20.


That was supposed to say:

Ratings for the fourth episode are in. Total viewers are DOWN 109,000. The lowest ratings yet for an episode. The 18-49 Demo slipped from .22, which it's been holding at for the first two weeks, to .20.

NJGal51 said... 119

Jamie has not posted on a single one of K8's D8 IG photos.
Although Jamie doesn’t comment on TFW’s posts she does “like” them. Jamie has lost quite a bit of weight and has really toned up her body. She posts selfies all the time and TFW, Mady and Cara rarely throw a “like” to her.

Sad but true said... 120

Looking at this week's numbers, I'm wondering what people were doing/watching at 10 p.m. last night, LOL. It seems like numbers for everything were down, and there was no debate or big sporting event, right?

She finally succeeded in losing more than 50% of her lead-in, 90-Day Fiance, which had 1.471K viewers and a 0.41 share. I still wonder, though, whether these numbers are bad enough for her to be dropped and whether the number of people watching this on TLCgo/YouTube will have any impact.

I do agree it sounds like this was a logistical nightmare to film and that the pool of potential dates must have been absurdly small. But that's Figure 8's problem, not TLC's.

Former Lurker said... 121

Another mistake. I meant to say that the Demo had held at .22 for the first THREE weeks before slipping to .20 this week.

JustMissy said... 122

Kate plus date ratings are in - 729K. How low can she go?

Former Lurker said... 123

Just to recap (lol), Total Viewers and Demo share (18 - 49) for the four episodes:

Episode 1: 773,000, .22 share
Episode 2: 805,000, .22 share
Episode 3: 838,000, .22 share
Episode 4: 729,000, .20 share

Former Lurker said... 124

JustMissy said... 122

Kate plus date ratings are in - 729K. How low can she go?


Well, she's dangerously close to going under 700,000. Maybe she'll sink to 666,000 next week.

Anonymous said... 125

From Dmasy --

Former Lurker, thank you for your effort. I enjoy learning the rating results and I probably wouldn't take the time to search for myself.

You keep us all updated.


Layla said... 126

4 episodes in and the average number of viewers per episode is 786,250. Ouch. I think it's safe to say that pretty much the whole world is over the Gosselins. Kate spent 10 years begging and pleading for a dating show, and she finally got it--and she failed at it. This is her project, focused on her alone, and her personality was what was either going to make or break this show. She just can't carry a show on her own.
Kate is "winking" at comments about K+8 coming back, yet she maybe doesn't appreciate the fact that we're all so sick of them that we won't watch and ratings will be even worse than before. The only thing I can see that might work is waiting a few years and then doing an update of the tups (all 6, not just 4) as adults. Otherwise it will just be an embarrassment like the dating show.

Giff said... 127

Kate and the twins cannot carry a show. I don't know how brutal people have to be for them to understand this. She destroyed the tups relationship with their father, then destroyed the relationship they had with one another. Parental alienation is one thing, but pitting young siblings against one another deserves a special place in hell. I would like to think one day she will look back and think,"what have I done??" But she won't. Kate's wants and needs come before everything and they always will.

Sad but true said... 128

Giff said... 127

Amen. I'm just imagining how much jealousy was stirred up b/t the twins and the remaining tups, as the former trotted off with K8 for filming/press tour while they're stuck sitting at home, "staring at the four walls."

FlimsyFlamsy said... 129

Layla (#126), sure, WE know it's TFW's poisonous personality that made this show a failure. But I bet you a box of wine that she'll blame everyone BUT herself. Heck, she already threw Rachel under the bus.
And of course it was Jon who committed the original sin -- saying he didn't want to film any more -- and made her have to find other employment in the first place. Lordy be, she'll take her rage about that to the grave.

Layla said... 130

Former Lurker said... 111
Oh, FFS, pleaseeeee stop posting the comments from your obsessed stalker fan, Admin!
I think the stalker's comments are hilarious because it's become so obvious that it's Kate. I think she's probably in a tizzy about her ratings and looking for someone to take her frustrations out on. So where does she go? She comes here! How many times has she said she doesn't pay any attention to negativity, her haters have no effect on her-- yet she comes here and seeks out conflict with Admin. I hope she doesn't think she's going to win this conflict--because she's not.

JoyinVirginia said... 131

Things that are on TV that are more interesting than TFMJG:
Hallmark Channel CHRISTMAS in JULY! Christmas movies all day, every day!
American Ninja Warrior!
BIG BROTHER!!! with 24/7 online access you can purchase. with free 2 hour "Big Brother After Dark" live episodes every night from midnight to 2 am eastern time. It's a fun group this year!
America's Got Talent!
soccer games! baseball games! NBA basketball summer league games!
Don't forget The Bachelorette! with final rose drama rumors all over the interwebs!
Instinct is back on for the summer!
Stranger Things back on July 4!
Good Omens finally its on tv, amazon Prime I think, gotta watch that soon! ~ Administrator said... 132

4 episodes in and the average number of viewers per episode is 786,250. Ouch.


I suspected this one was going to hit an all time low but I didn't want to jinx it. The only thing more boring than watching Kate date is watching Kate not date. Her being stood up perhaps should have been completely cut, it offered nothing. It didn't work.

And her date with Joey was no date. It was an episode of Diners Drive ins and Dives and looked too obvious that he was hoping to get a cooking show not date Kate.

Sad but true said... 133

TLC ran another Twitter poll after Kate's latest date. B/t "No Show Nick" (yes, they call him that) and Joey, who'd you choose? Out of a whole 80 votes, No Show Nick got 30%! Sure feels like TLC is trolling Kate.

Anonymous said... 134

The Kate plus 8 Facebook has video of Kate and the twins that they posted last week.They are given index cards with trendy phrases and are told to define them. Mady and Kate are over the top, and sounds just like Kardashians with their like like statements constantly. Cara doesn’t say a whole lot, but she looks way more intelligent compared to them. I feel sorry for her. Kate tells Mady something along the lines of you’re “starting” to drive and you have to drive carefully. Sorry I can’t seem to figure out how to share the video

-Gigi Be

Anonymous said... 135

Here’s the link

Gigi Be

AuntieAnn said... 136

Sure feels like TLC is trolling Kate.


Yep. The show is definitely just an audition for wannabes hoping to prolong their 15 minutes on reality tv exactly like Kate did when she started out. If they've hashtagged No Show Nick then there's gotta be a #RacheltheRelationshipRanger, #Easy-Fix Adam, #Rosario Domingo, #Jeremiah Gymrat, #Joe's Diner. TLC is obviously fishing for new crap to heap on to their #dungpile of a network.

I wonder how Schmoopy feels about getting used instead of her using others to get what she wants. Hashtag Karma?

And when people tweet they'd rather tweeze their assholes (lol) than watch her, it's time for the TLCircus to fold her tent. They hit the skids with this show.

JoyinVirginia said... 137

Hi Auntie Ann! I hope you have a fun Fourth of July!

Anonymous said... 138

I literally get ill when I just see her face on a commercial on television.... When in the almighty God is TLC going to wake up .... No one and I mean no one wants to see this vile woman on television anymore

Layla said... 139

Gigi Be (134)
Kate and Mady want SO badly to be just like the Kardashians, but they just don't have that "something special" that the Kardashians have. I don't care for the Kardashians at all, but I'll admit they have a lot in their lives that could draw interest. They are surrounded by famous friends/boyfriends/husbands/acquaintances who make appearances on their show--Kate and Mady are not. They live in an exciting place where there's always something going on. Kate and Mady do not. The Kardashians are always doing/going something or somewhere interesting. Kate and Mady just sit around home waiting for TLC to send them on yet another trip to the beach. Just like every other trip to the beach they've taken (and filmed) for the past 10 years. Yawn. Kate and Mady are two people from a small town in PA who used to have a set of sextuplets in the family. Now two of the tups are going and interest has long since faded. '

I have to wonder what goes on in the TLC boardroom when this family comes up. Ratings have been horrible for years and years, and you'd think someone would say that it's time to let them go. Instead they seem to keep trying to find a way to market them, hoping to reclaim that old charm that wore off 10 years ago. Each new effort fails, and yet somehow they're still not smart enough to call it quits.

Lorrie said... 140

Anonymous said... 135

Hilarious that the first word Kate picked was "thirsty".

AuntieAnn said... 141

Hi Joy... Thank you! Well we've had our July 1 celebrations up here in Canuck country but I'm still game for July 4 celebrations :) My dad was born in the US so I'll stake at least a partial claim to the party.

His birthday was July 1 but they moved to Canada when he was still quite young. He always joked the July 1 holiday was for his birthday. . He would have turned 100 years old on monday.

I hope you and everyone enjoy a safe and happy July 4 tomorrow!

Ingrid said... 142

I think the only reason Cara agreed was the paycheck from TLC. She doesn't look enthused to be there at all. Nice money I am sure for just sitting through interviews laughing at Mady or smiling. (and saying very little)

Wowser said... 143

That video was just lame. The 3 talented amigos they aren’t. It’s more like 2 narcissists and a mime.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 144

I wonder if TFW will stoop to communicating with the mediocre on the 4th of July tomorrow, even though it's a non-show day.

Notice how she no longer even pretends to care about the fans.
In the old days, at least she'd disappear and then come back and say something like, "I missed you guys -- what's new with everybody?" Now she just posts promos for the show, and tells everybody not to miss it.

Willowmom (now Piper's mom) said... 145

I watched next week's show last night. All I have to say is SEND THAT SECOND GUY TO ME!!!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 146

Layla (#138), and perhaps the most significant difference between the Kardashians and the G females is the work ethic. I'm no fan of the K family either, but they've built a freaking empire from the ground up. I'm sure they have great people around them who helped them succees, but you can't deny these people know how to hustle their brand.

she's batshit said... 147

I've been a long time reader here, just never posted. mainly because you all pretty much said what I've been thinking.
before I begin, I think the stalker persons comments are hilarious as well, I doubt its kate. she's not that articulate. don't get a swollen head stalker, your comments are hilarious as in we are laughing AT you.

I have a brother and sis in law who are narcs., their personalities are the same. they lie just to lie. they have several adult children and tons of grandchildren, none of them speak to them because they cant say "i'm sorry, I messed up" or "let me fix this, I was wrong". like true narcs, they are never wrong. their apologies are always followed with a but.....I keep them at arms length, I just don't have the energy to deal with the mind games. the lies kill me, I cant deal with liars. they (them and kate) wont change their circumstances because they live to be victims. they also rewrite history and try getting the rest of the family on board. i'm not sure about kate, considering she doesn't have family anymore. i'm sure she's rewritten history with her kids.

the real reason I am on here, I know kate reads this site. any attention for a narc is better then none. and I know she will read this and think, "oh well, too bad, this isn't me"
but here we go, Kate you cold bitch. when I read what you did to your son I was sick! he was not beyond your control. he wanted love. he was "damaged" because of filming. and because of your need to be AWN tveeee. let me tell you something, you are not an actress. you actually suck at being awn tveeee. in true narcissistic nature, you got rid of the one that went against your needs. you can deny what you've done till the cows come home. but the proof is living with his parent jon. his real parent. you are an abusive pig. you had kids to be awn tveee, that was it. most narcissists have loads of kids for the attention, and to be the victim.
this really hit home for me, I lost a son 20 years ago. I would do ANYTHING to be able to see him again! I would never throw a child away! and I have to say, back when he 1st passed, I was offered a chance to be in a documentary with my surviving kids, I turned it down. because I didn't think it was right to follow my kids around with cameras in their faces. its called being an adult kate, you don't put your kids in situations that make their lives weird and different.
when my brothers wife said to me "I feel like ALL my kids died" I said no, you can call them and apologize and mean it. I don't have that option. she's a big one upper too, i'm still irritated she tried to one up me on this.
on a happier note, I am very close to the kids they erased.
kate one day your kids will turn on you as well. a person can only take so much of a narc. I do hope the kids stay away in college, and realize their lives were not ok. once they are out of that crazy house, they might see that something is very VERY off about their egg donor.

Sad but true said... 148

Lorrie said... 140
Anonymous said... 135

Hilarious that the first word Kate picked was "thirsty".

Someone's having her on. No way was THAT a coincidence, LOL.

Layla said... 139

I have to wonder what goes on in the TLC boardroom when this family comes up. Ratings have been horrible for years and years, and you'd think someone would say that it's time to let them go.

At this point I am more than halfway convinced that they think the haters are keeping her going and, as long as Kate doesn't seem to mind that that's the case, she's a very cheap date :). Surely Kate cannot be blind to the fact that TLC is marketing her totally tongue in cheek; whether or not Figure 8 is complicit in this "formula" is another question altogether. Personally, I think they're all in on the joke. And either poor Schmoopy doesn't mind (it is a paycheck and camera crew, after all), or she really is as clueless as she seems.

Sad but true said... 149

FlimsyFlamsy said... 144
I wonder if TFW will stoop to communicating with the mediocre on the 4th of July tomorrow, even though it's a non-show day.

As much as she'd like to divorce herself from a tup-based show, given the negative reaction to K8+D8, I think she'll definitely put something out there. Hell, all she has to do is pull a photo of her driveway flags from any year past and claim the whole happy family is celebrating. That always brings her some love from the uninformed masses and would probably get a mention in People.

Sad but true said... 150

she's batshit said... 147

Wow. So sorry about your son. I couldn't agree more with your post. I think the worst is yet to come with this family. I hope the kids will be okay; fortunately, they DO have a [living] dad who, I believe, will always provide a soft place to fall.

Thanks for posting.

Giff said... 151

Awww...on a picture Jon posted of himself and his girlfriend Colleen, Collin said "those are my parents!" All this child ever wanted was someone to love who would love him back. The first time he calls her "mom" you better believe I will be rubbing it into the face of that pig who sent him away.

Mama C said... 152

How wonderful for both Collin and Hannah to be able to witness what a healthy relationship looks like. How sad that Kate chose to poison the remaining kids, so that they will maybe never have the same opportunity to know their father's love or what a real couple's commitment looks like. Kate isn't alone because of having to raise her kids without help..too bad she's never been able to figure that out.

NJGal51 said... 153

Well you were right Sad But True, TFW posted a picture of Alexis and Aaden getting out of the pool with Leah peeking over the edge. “Happy teens = happy mom” and a bunch of hash tags about loving summer. She even answered some questions....she can’t put the flags out (even though she likes to be super patriotic) because the dogs will chew them up.

Anonymous said... 154

Kate must be getting real desperate for higher ratings/ more attention. She just posted a pic of Alexis and Aaden by the pool.

Happy teens=Happy mom!
#ilovesummer #mayitneversend #pooltime #Alexis #Aaden

Gigi Be

Sad but true said... 155

NJGal51 said... 153

Eh, it was a pretty safe call. When all else fails, plat the tup card. And look, over 9K likes in an hour. Her show hasn't gotten anything close to that. She's bailing hard now, but, as usual, I think it's too little, too late.

@kateplusmy8 I have loved watching your beautiful family and your sometimes difficult but very inspiring journey for so many years! Was always a huge fan, and even more so now! Never listen to the haters, you are a true Supermama that has risen above what us viewers only saw bits and pieces of with 8 beautiful souls! It's brave to let the world into your personal life like that, thanks for sharing with us!

@zoeybrooks5314 if i could ‘double ❤️’ your comment, I would 😘

Oh look, K8's being charitable about someone besides herself:

Hey guys: can you please search ‘asking to breathe, literally’ on go fund me? it’s Brittany June B’s campaign! Read her story! She needs our help! Please help if you can? Thank you! ❤️❤️❤️

I hate to be this person, but I’m not sure how else to go about this, because sending a message could get lost in the mix. It would be AMAZING if you could share my Gofundme as a story ... to help me get an oxygen concentrator. I have many heart & respiratory issues that limits my quality of life greatly. I wouldn’t be asking if it wasn’t important. Help me reach more people than I can do alone. link is in my bio & I can answer any question you might have ❤️❤️

@asiseethis I put the word out! Hang in there.... love your determination! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼I hate asking for help too... but sometimes we NEED to. So glad you did!😉😉

@kateplusmy8 thank you so much !!!!!!

Of course, this is a cause that's also being promoted by Jill Duggar, among other "celebs."

This is your house? @kateplusmy8

@baileyrsoko yes

Kate hope you and the kids have a wonderful and safe 4th of July tomorrow. By the way did you line the driveway with flags this year? 🇺🇸

@mydmaxx2581 I still can’t put flags out because of TWO FURRY children... (who shall remain nameless lol) —they STILL CHEW STUFF.. and it makes me so sad bc I LOVE being patriotic! Sigh.. hopefully next year! They’ll be 4 by then for heavens sake!

@kateplusmy8 lol. Furry kids.

Love you guys! Quick question how many Kate plus date episodes are there in total? I love the show

@sing0122 2 or 3 more! Keep watching!!!!!:)

Wait. SHE doesn't even know how many more episodes? Or is she just being coy? (Well, her version of coy.) Really, she's so "above it all," ain't she? LOL

FlimsyFlamsy said... 156

NJGal51 (#153), I just mentioned the other day that TFW called J "the forgotten tup." So it's funny that he's not in that picture.

"Happy teens = happy mom," huh? Hey, Schmoops, 25% of your teens are
living with their dad. And apparently their absence is of no consequence to you.

Sue said... 157

Hmmmmmm, Kate is asking people to search out someone’s go fund me campaign and donate to her. I went on and took a look at the people who have donated so far and don’t see Kate’s name there (nor an anonymous that Kate can claim). Maybe she should lead by example and donate.

AnotherMoM said... 158

My similarly aged teens would be beyond mad if I posted a photo like that all over the interwebs

Giff said... 159

It is just amazing that her "fans" can't see that her favorite child Hannah, and her whipping boy Collin, can no longer stand to live with her. She could explain away Collin with imaginary "special needs." But how do they explain Hannah wanting to move out of the mansion, giving up her friends and her exclusive private school to go live a mediocre life with the dad her mom told her was worthless and her outcast brother? That should send red flags that something bad was going on, but they are so dense they can't see it. She will have no drama to whine about when Mady leaves, so I hope she doesn't try to create it with the 4 remaining tups. She has to understand by now, she can't carry a show without her kids.I can see her going to court to try and get the two escapees back to complete the set and try to film again. She isn't happy out of the spotlight and she isn't happy without drama. I fear what is next for those kids. ~ Administrator said... 160

It is just amazing that her "fans" can't see that her favorite child Hannah, and her whipping boy Collin, can no longer stand to live with her. She could explain away Collin with imaginary "special needs."


This series has provided some revealing info along the way, dumb as it is.

The latest is in the new episode, spoiler alert, where Mady says Kate freaks out about not having any time to herself and so the kids know then to just leave her the F alone and give her that time. What a childhood, walking on eggshells around your own mother never knowing when she will get sick of you for no good reason and want you to go away. Anyone who has had a mentally ill mother or father or both can relate. A child should never be made to feel like they are a nuisance to their mother. ~ Administrator said... 161

@sing0122 2 or 3 more! Keep watching!!!!!:)

Wait. SHE doesn't even know how many more episodes? Or is she just being coy? (Well, her version of coy.) Really, she's so "above it all," ain't she? LOL


What is she talking about? There are six episodes, there always were going to be six, and it's all on IMDB. Is she just being lazy, stupid, or both?

Former Lurker said... 162

AnotherMoM said... 158

My similarly aged teens would be beyond mad if I posted a photo like that all over the interwebs


Mine too. These kids deserve privacy, for crying out loud. I can't believe she's still using them for attention at this age. Call me a prude and a paranoid mother, but I would never post a pic of my fifteen year old daughter by the pool even if the towel is covering up most of her body. There are too many sick people out there, and we know some sickos have eyed these kids over the years. Plus, she's getting more attention than ever on her IG lately, some of whom are men who have commented on her new Fake Date show.

lurking said... 163

AnotherMoM said... 158
My similarly aged teens would be beyond mad if I posted a photo like that all over the interwebs


My daughter didn't let her "tag" her until about junior year lol ~ Administrator said... 164

Awww...on a picture Jon posted of himself and his girlfriend Colleen, Collin said "those are my parents!" All this child ever wanted was someone to love who would love him back.


He just wants a mom and dad who will love him unconditionally and he's hanging onto that for dear life. Please Jon make this official, if only for Collin!

I swear to God he is acting like a teen foster child who still has hope he will find his forever home someday, latching on like crazy to the first trusted adult who loves him back. I should know, I've worked with going on 5000 on them now, according to our stats. For real! ~ Administrator said... 165

I watched next week's show last night. All I have to say is SEND THAT SECOND GUY TO ME!!!


The contractor in the middle east? Cool, I'll watch for him. I'm only 15 minutes in recapping just yet and just got through the boring unfunny Q and A by Mady/the twins.

JR said... 166

I wonder how that makes Kate feel... Collin saying those are his parents...any thoughts on that... I know that would kill me...doesn’t that deeply hurt her... I’m sorry I’m confusing her with a normal mother

JR said... 167

That first guy was too creepy for words... just sayin ... and why would he want a load of kids at 45.... idk something very disturbing about him ~ Administrator said... 168

B/t "No Show Nick" (yes, they call him that) and Joey, who'd you choose? Out of a whole 80 votes, No Show Nick got 30%!


I'm surprised Nick didn't get 100%, anyone who picks this whole thing out as bad news and never shows up in the first place is a keeper.

JR said... 169

Admin... you’re definitely right about that.. it’s almost like he’s trying to find security and to be part of a family... this is what she has done to this child... very sad ... but in time he will feel all of that

FlimsyFlamsy said... 170

JR (#166), if TFW feels anything about C's tweet, I'd guess it would be anger. How dare he make her look bad in public by calling his dead father's girlfriend his parent. A woman who blithely blows off her son's custody hearing is incapable of feeling hurt where he's concerned.

ncgirl said... 171

The yearly pool picture to show people the riches some of her kids got from reality TV. Does she still have the leather sofa?

AuntieAnn said... 172

I'm only 15 minutes in recapping just yet and just got through the boring unfunny Q and A by Mady/the twins.


That's a brutal undertaking. I don't think anyone would fault you if you're drinking the hard stuff straight out of the bottle while you're writing. By the time this stupid dating fiasco is over you'll have to enter recap rehab.

Thanks though for the effort you've put into the job so far. It's appreciated by those of us who can't stomach watching.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 173

OT...does anyone here follow the story of the Rodrigues family? They are Duggar wannabes with 13 kids, and one of their daughters has just entered a courtship with one of Anna Duggar's brothers. The matriarch of this clan, Jill, is a master grifter and attention hound, and probably thinks she's won the lottery to possibly be marrying into the fundie royal family (once removed). She's ready for her close-up, Mr. DeMille.

Before relaying this exciting news, Jill was most recently lamenting that rainbows were usurped by the gays, and how dare they sully one of the Lord's beautiful symbols. Check out their blog, and you're welcome!

Giff said... 174

I know about the Rodriques family. They have a bunch of pale, underweight kids they can't afford to feed properly. Is the mother still trying to sell that holy energy drink? The oldest daughter is finally in a courtship after years of her mother practically advertising her on Facebook. In a way, I'm glad she will get married and leave. Maybe now, she will have enough to eat and not have to fast for the benefit of the family. They make the Duggars look normal in comparison.

NJGal51 said... 175

JR said... 166
I wonder how that makes Kate feel... Collin saying those are his parents...any thoughts on that... I know that would kill me...doesn’t that deeply hurt her... I’m sorry I’m confusing her with a normal mother
TFW may not even know about it. The comment was on a picture that Colleen posted and her account is private. TFW isn’t among her followers nor are Mady or Cara. ~ Administrator said... 176

That's a brutal undertaking. I don't think anyone would fault you if you're drinking the hard stuff straight out of the bottle while you're writing. By the time this stupid dating fiasco is over you'll have to enter recap rehab.


I got food poisoning last Thursday evening, I think it might of been from one of those store-bought salads, but I can't be sure. And it's taking its sweet time working itself out. My stomach still feels queasy a week later.

Needless to say booze is completely out until this sour stomach calms down. Not a drop since. This recap is on stone cold sober, which worries me.

Anonymous said... 177

Jill Rodrigues is a grade A narcissist. She hides it behind a mask of religion. She had been invited to both Duggar and Bates (Duggar's of UP TV) weddings. She has since been cast into outer darkness from their circles because of her bad behavior. At Michaela Nates wedding, she dressed all of her little girls in white dresses and sat them in the front of the church. She clearly favors her first daughter over her second. I won't say more. It's a long and twisted rabbit hole.


Sad but true said... 178

The common theme for tonight's IG post seems to be "I have been watching your show since day 1 and . . ." plus "When did they get to be so big?" Pretty much all the negative comments seem to have been swiffered. Working hard, Kate?

JTN said... 179

I think the dating show is an attempt by Kate to work on her branding. The reality is that ship sailed a long time ago. Her brand is one of an overbearing pain in the backside who makes everyone glad they don't actually have to live with her. I suspect it drives her crazy that the only ones people are truly interested in learning more about are the ones Jon has custody. While I completely respect her desire to be private, I'd love to someday hear Hannah's full story when or if she ever chooses to tell it when she is an adult. I don't think I would have the maturity and fortitude to make the decisions she made and place herself in a better situation at that age. I would love to hear Colin's story. He has obviously had excellent therapists who have helped him see his own value and self-worth. Someday, when he is an adult and the distance of time, I think he should write a book about his experiences. I honestly believe his story, in his words, could be really meaningful to children who have to survive circumstances beyond their control and thrive and work to positively move past it.
Those are stories I would like to see.
I don't want to see an emotionally stunted adult attempting to date on a television show. I don't want to see her barely legal children armchair quarterbacking the dating show.
I don't want to see her teenage minor children (she has custody of) on any other show until they are adults and can make decisions for themselves. They all deserve their privacy to grow up without commentary.

Kate does not have the personality to carry a show on her own. The audience does not sympathize or root for her. Worse, she does not even make a good anti-hero where the audience roots for her to fail. She works well as an antagonist to drive plot along, but those personalities cannot carry shows. If she is reading this, look up the career of Paul Lynde. Great comedian, but he could never carry a show (god knows they tried) because a little bit went a long way. He also annoyed so many people that he often found himself isolated and out of work because he sucked all the air out of the room and was viscous to any critics.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 180

Andrea (#177), yes, in some ways, Jill is scarier to me than TFW because she feels emboldened by her religion to say and do anything. Yet from her posts, it sounds like the person she needs her kids to worship is HER. If her daughter does get engaged to this Duggar-adjacent dude, it wouldn't surprise me Mama tried for Baby #14 to siphon off some of the attention. And then tried to get a reality show out of it.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 181

Giff (#174), yeah, some of Jill's posts about her daughter seemed like used car ads on Craigslist.

JTN (179), what an eloquent post.

Sad but true said... 182

JTN said... 179

Great post. Yeah, be careful what you wish for.

"Kate Plus [My] 8" (which is actually Kate's post-divorce branding and which she rigorously rammed down everyone's throat) was supposed to equal "struggling single mom of 8 kids who's doing everything all alone." And Kate Plus Date, a show with two matchmakers, three cities, a roster of paid men (some of whom are in fact actors), emptied-out locations, two hugely disparate commentators, plus hair, make-up, and wardrobe, tries to foist an entirely new hybrid on the audience. Instead of seeing this as a natural evolution for Kate, it's totally disjunctive to most people. Because she really IS no different from what we've seen before, and that comes out in spades. No personal development here, folks, just Kate looking for some easy bucks and attention.

NJGal51 said... 183

Jon posted a picture of himself with Collin, Hannah and Colleen wishing everyone a happy 4th. Everyone looks so happy. It looks like they’re waiting for the parade to start. Too bad the others can’t be there to enjoy the simple pleasures of life with them.

Wishing everyone a Glorious 4th!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 184

Sad but true (#182), she's casting about looking for a "brand," and it shows. There's nothing organic (no pun intended) about her for the audience to connect with. Meanwhile she's competing for air time with people whose stories are more, for lack of a better word, authentic.

Anonymous said... 185

What a beautiful, real 4th of July photo that Jon just posted. Every single thing Kate does is so phony and manipulated. Jon just seems to live his life with an occasional photo of his life. Kate's life seems to come down to: how to keep filming.I am so grateful to Jon for providing a truly loving home to his children. I fear though that kate is going to fight Jon in court to force the children to film so they can "keep the mansion and golden platter life". It's what she does. I pray Jon has a good attorney and an a intelligent judge.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 186

NJGal51 (#183), wait, what? C and H are at a parade where they don't have to hold on to colored rings? Where a screeching, hand-flapping banshee isn't monitoring every step they take and every move they make (*waves to Sting*)? Where they can stuff their faces with non-organic food? Where they don't have to go home when the director yells "Cut?" I thought TFW claimed "they could never go back?" Seems like Jon did just that and his children are thriving in his care.

As JTN (#179) said, Hannah showed courage and maturity beyond her years when she chose to live with her dad. I hope maybe one or two of the other tups might follow suit.
But I believe at least one of the tups will stay and be Mommie Dearest's helper -- whichever one has been properly groomed to do so.

Formerly Duped said... 187

The kids looks so healthy and happy as do Jon and Colleen. Both kids seem to have lost weight- funny since they are out of TFW's portion controlled environment. Collin is a very good-looking boy now that he is out of the facility where he looked pasty and unhealthy, and not as expressionless or sad as in TFW days.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 188

M. (#185), my hope is that by the time TFW tries to fight Jon to get the kids to film, H and C will have the opportunity to speak up for themselves in court.

How ridiculous would it be for TFW to try to convince a judge to let C film again? "Your honor, (*poke, dab*) I haven't seen my precious son in more than 3 years. Please give Calvin back to me! Or is it Charlie? I remember it's got double letters. Connor?"

Giff said... 189

I see Kate being arrogant enough to actually take credit for the sensitive and loving young man Collin has become. "See...I told you I was doing what is best for him. It just looked like I abandoned him." If I were Jon and she tried controlling the narrative like that, I would completely destroy her little fantasy world. That child's name should never be allowed come out of her mouth again.

Sad but true said... 190

Ah, the dueling 4th of July photos made ROL. If Kate missed Jon's photo, she can see it there, LOL.

Yep, the two outcasts look terrific---and HAPPY!

Sandylove said... 191

I've lived in So Calif my entire life but I don't think I'll ever get used to these earthquakes! Luckily no damages or injuries to speak of, but what a way to celebrate the 4th.

When I looked at that photo of Jon and Colleen and Collin and Hannah before the parade my first thought was that it is so wonderful that Collin is getting to enjoy the different holidays again. He and Hannah look so genuinely happy.

Anonymous said... 192

Hope all is well with you Admin. 58 aftershocks following the 6.4 sounds very worrying.

bm ~ Administrator said... 193

I was hiking in Azuza which really isn’t far and didn’t feel a thing! All is well here. Apparently a lot of my la friends felt it though.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 194

I felt thw shaking big time in the San Fernando Valley, but several friends within a few miles of me felt nothing. Had it been dark already, I probably would've thought it was fireworks at first!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 195

Sandylove (#191), and notice how the picture of the exiled kids is taken of them enjoying themselves out in the world, while the one of the golden platter kids is taken at the compound. Who knows if TFW even took it that picture. She might've been away for her monthly spa day.

Anonymous said... 196

Two days ago Jon and Colleen were in NY at Bryant Park. Colleen posted a picture and Collin commented.
“Those are my parents having a great time.....which makes me happy!!!!!!!!”

I think his use of eight exclamation points was a subtle dig to his
gestational carrier!


NJGal51 said... 197

And right on cue TFW posted a picture of the flag cake. Apparently Leah made it and Mady helped decorate it. Stop the presses...they used raspberries instead of strawberries this year! Ho hum, I think I’ll go and cut in to our peach cobbler.

Sad but true said... 198

Aw, the Jon photo must have really rattled her.

Happy 4th, everyone! 🇺🇸Leah made a perfect flag cake, again! 🇺🇸#MadyHelpedDecorate 🇺🇸💥💥🇺🇸 #Yum #Traditions #RaspberriesInsteadOfStrawberries #MixingItUp

THE CAKE!!!! Where’s the watermelon basket?! 😊

@frugalfit_hippiechick Em didn’t come cut it so...... 🤷🏼‍♀️

Anonymous said... 199

Frugalfit-hippichick - the Cake!!!!!Where’s the Watermelon basket?!
Kateplusmy8- Em didn’t come to cut it so..

Kate posted the traditional flag cake pic. And she didn’t even make it, Leah did. Sounds like Em is still around but Kate needed her to come cut up some watermelon. But because she didn’t come it wasn’t done. So I guess Kate couldn’t be bothered? And how ironic with all the connections Kate has had over the years, she has only been able to friend a couple of mediocre strangers on social media

Also, saw this comment on the Kate plus date page regarding last weeks episode.LOL

BrianM$&&$ “ I'm thinking we should binge watch this “Jen$$$&&

Jen$$$ - I think we should leave her in 2008 where she belongs

Gigi Be

FlimsyFlamsy said... 200

Way to manipulate the fans, TFW. Post a picture of a cake made by your 15-year-old and your 18 1/2-year-old, to remind people of the good old days when you were famous. Well, anyone who saw that picture of C and H today was reminded of the good old days, too. And it reminded them that you had EIGHT kids then, but only SIX now.

Nice try, Schmoops. Go jump in your saltwater pool.

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