This is another episode TLC pushed to their app days early, so the recap is again ready in time for the episode. Jury is still out on why they are doing this, but my speculation remains it's a test run for some idea they have and Kate's show was the random guinea pig, luck of the draw.
And hey I know we can be a little slow on the uptake sometimes but a couple of us on the blog finally realized that every episode is stealing a song from Queen. I got a kick out of you bloggers suggesting more appropriate Queen songs for this hot mess and I would pick "I Want It All." About how you bulldoze your way to getting everything you want. That's our Kate!
Check out the recap to find out what happened last time. One thing that's always been good fun about following this saga over many years now is all the hilarious snark. This blog started in 2009, folks, our ten year anniversary is August 2019, yeesh! There's been both great snark here and from around the inter webs reposted here, and Gigi Be was kind enough to bring over some of the best from the Kate Plus Date Facebook page. Says Liz from Kentucky: “I do hope she watches it back and maybe learns something about herself, like the fact that she frowns ALL THE TIME!!! Her wrinkles between her eyes are deep enough for a 70 yr old!! And God love her, there is not an ounce of warmth to her!! Her personality could freeze the nuts off a polar bear!! I will not be watching the 2nd time๐”
Heh, I love the half frowning emoji at the end, nice touch. Yep, that's pretty much the sum of the first two episodes of this mess. You got it, Liz.
Coming up, Rachel still sucks at her job.
The episode kicks off with an awkwardly staged but very Kardashian-like scene where Kate and the girls are in some random mall talking about how her dating life is going. Aren't high school girls supposed to be spilling the tea to their moms about their dating lives? Who cares about their mother's dating life? Weird.
In a graphic they line up the four dates Kate has already had in a way that feels really insensitive to the men, as if they are dresses Kate is trying on and not real people with feelings. I'm pretty convinced if this were like, Matt Roloff's show about picking his next girlfriend, their would be outrage. But women get away with a lot, way more than they appreciate, including a whole lot of hypocritical behavior. Man, those French tip nails are near blinding me when I'm just trying to do a recap here. Sheesh they're whiter than Dawson's Creek.
The mall setup gets awkwarder still as Mady recites a litany of lines about how she wants to meet Kate's dates, and it's embarrassing how badly she's trying to be Kim Kardashian 2.0 here.
Rachel's baaaaack with another stupid idea to have Kate do improv comedy. Which will somehow translate to a better dating life. You got me, too, folks. Kate says these little excursions with dumb Rachel are more stressful than even the dates themselves, heh! For us viewers, too, schmoopy.
Rachel claims Kate says she lacks confidence. That is literally the last quality about Kate I would think she is lacking. In fact it's her over-confidence that has landed her in so much trouble. She's delusional and over-confident to her detriment, still to this day thinking she's actually living such a rockstar public life on her television show that she can't even leave the house without getting mobbed. Word down the pike is that in this episode Rachel gets fired, and I know I'm going to really hate having to agree with Kate, but get rid of this doofus. Rachel has absolutely no understanding of who Kate is and the inquiry should stop there but even if it didn't, she sucks at so much else, too, I don't know why she's not fired already.
And in typical jack of all trades master of none, Rachel is going on about how funny Kate is. Well if you mean hilariously awful at cooking, speaking, raising children, marriage, dating.... yes, she's funny. What does funny have to do with anything? Anyone with a lick of knowledge about comedy knows that improv really isn't about trying to be "funny" at all and if you go in "trying to be funny" any improv you do will likely fall flat.
But hey at least this time Rachel isn't insisting they do some dumb activity in the middle of the date and rudely leave the date standing around waiting for them to get back. And I also wouldn't at all be surprised if this episode was re-edited to move the traditional "mid-date" activity with Rachel to before the date, since it was pointed out by viewers how rude it was. The magic of editing bays.
Mady says Kate flirts with construction workers to get through roadblocks. Of course she does because no roadblock could hold back a good entitled narcissist. And that's probably going to be the most interesting and telling comment we will hear about Kate tonight. I can't even imagine how exactly Kate flirts with construction workers to get through a roadblock and I'm weirded out thinking about it. Is it like, "Hey there Mr. Construction Man, I'd sure love for you to raise my roof! Now let me and my Audi on through your roadblock, what do you say?" Just, eww. And why does Kate want to get through a roadblock so bad anyway? Is she sure about that? Hasn't she ever seen Speed?
One of the improv guys already hates this, sharply correcting Kate when she calls whatever it is they do "skits" and not the correct word "scenes." Heh, this could be good.
They do a quick scene, and I guess it's about a kid asking his mom why she's dating Kent now and not with dad. Who is Kent and how did he figure out how to get past the first date with stone cold Kate and does he have money? But when Kate tells her "son" they'll talk about it later she violated the very first rule of improv in that you don't contradict your partner and you always go with the flow. In other words when he asked about Kent, Kate's answer should have been anything but we're not going to talk about it. Not that I expect Kate to know any of the rules of improv because why should she? To her credit, Kate was willing to try it and actually genuinely enjoyed herself.
Rachel is over the top proud of herself for how well the improv went and it was okay but Rachel, this doesn't do a thing to get to the heart of why Kate is such a basket case on a simple thing such as a date.
Kate launches into some tirade about how people have this impression of her that she is a horrible strict mother but she actually loves to laugh and has an amazing sense of humor. What does that have to do with being a horrible child abuser? Some horrible child abusers have a sense of humor, so what? Kate, you discarded two of your children in the dumpster. Next?
"I hope you learned something," snarks the snarky improv guy who hates her. Hehe.
Rachel somehow surmises that due to Kate coming up with a few half decent things to say during her improv class she is now an incredible conversationalist and there will never be dead air again. Well that's optimistic. Nobody listen to Rachel. Here's a much better suggestion for how to be a good conversationalist that has nothing to do with wasting your time and everyone else's in an improv class you have no business being in: Ask questions. Just keep asking questions. Most people like to talk about themselves, and asking questions is good for two reasons, because it gets the other person talking so you don't have to think of things to say, and it makes the other person feel good because they assume if someone is asking questions they are interested. And second tip is read. Read at least four to five interesting things every day (not just news but non-fiction, fiction, topics like travel, music, sports or hobbies, whatever) and when you're out of questions bring up something you read and ask what they think of it. Your conversation will usually be able to go for hours just doing that.
If Rachel did what is actually a classic improv game with Kate where Kate could only ask questions of anyone else, that might actually work in teaching this sorry mess how to talk like normal humans. Sigh, what a mess these two women are.
Stay tuned for fun Kate, Kate says. No, she actually says this.
Heh, coming up, another guy who doesn't know who the F Kate is. I just love when that happens. It just throws such a damper on Kate's ridiculous narrative that she can't online date or do this or do that because she's just so well known. In fact near every guy she's been set up with hasn't the foggiest idea who she is.
Kate's first date is Jeff Boyd, who creepily has the exact same name as one of my old friends from school. Rachel nonsensically explains that Jeff, who is from North Carolina, and Kate, who is from PA, will be brought up to NYC to have their date. And this relationship will work how?
Is it just me or do any single women (or women who remember being single) just want to punch a guy in the face when he says he realized as he hit about 43 he better start sort of stop traveling all the time and partying and drinking and maybe put down some roots and find a wife and have some kids. Isn't that nice you can just ignore the ovary clock and can work and travel and do whatever the F you want for as long as you want and then round about when it gets a little old to be hungover half the morning all the time you find yourself to be 43 years old and finally get your shit together and grab a pretty wife (who is usually ten or more years younger) and have your kids and perfect family with a snap of your fingers? Sorry, just a little rant on behalf of women everywhere, but biology is really unfair sometimes.
Jeff owns his own business and seems to be the first date here who hasn't been married before. He does seem nice.
All Kate can say about what she wants at this point is a guy with a sense of humor and then names two completely shallow requirements, older than her (WHY?) and tall.
In addition to Jeff having the same name as my friend, his voice and intonations sound exactly like another friend of mine. Like exactly. I feel like God is making fun of me.
Oh lordy, Jeff looks immediately pretty enamored with Kate (GREAT, another guy's gonna get hurt for no god damn good reason) as they meet up at a private bowling lane. We actually did this once for an old work Christmas party, rented our own private lane. I thought it was silly waste of money at first but turns out it was incredible fun to have our own little space to bowl.
The only thing Kate can much say about Jeff on the couch is he has long hair but it was neat. Um, I mean, it wasn't that long. I don't like that style myself where the man's hair is all the same length and swept back, I think it looks juvenile on most men, but his cut is neat and clean and he can always get a different haircut if someone won't marry him over something like that, or just dump her.
They have a mostly shallow conversation about whatever and Jeff mentions that although he is competitive he's a good loser. Jeff, I know you haven't heard of Kate but have you heard of Jon? Kate is not a good loser too.
I like Jeff a ton and immediately. He says he doesn't have kids but has three nephews. Any guy who when asked about having kids brings up other kids who are special to them in their life is likely a good egg. He also points out that he would be way more concerned about the eight kids if they were toddlers (right?!) but since they're so much older now it seems it's near a non-issue for him. I know he doesn't know he's doing it but twice in a row he's made Kate's narrative look stupid. He's proven not everyone knows who the F she is, and that her kids aren't the reason she can't go out there and get herself a man especially given how old they are now.
Jeff is funny and personable. When he bowls a strike right out of the gate, he jokes about practicing before the date. That's the sort of thing that should put your date at ease. He's a guy that likes doing those little touches as he speaks to you, like touching your shoulder as he points to something. We spend an extremely long time explaining that Kate doesn't like to be touched and Mady says she's passed that down to the kids as none of them like to be touched either. I'm not sure this is so much a genetic thing as a nurture thing. Don't touch or hug your kids much at all and they grow up not ever wanting to be touched either. (Or, they will crave touching so much they'll put themselves in unhealthy relationships or situations just to get it.) Greattttt parenting.
Kate the martyr says she doesn't know what it's like to have no responsibilities and a free day to do whatever she likes, so she couldn't tell Jeff what she would do with that day. "I'll get back to you," she says. She's such a tool. Such.a.tool. I wish this guy would say, um, aren't your kids like 15 and 17? Aren't you just a glorified uber pool driver at this point in their childhoods? I also wish he knew about all the times she's jetted off to New York and L.A. and done whatever the F she wanted. She also doesn't realize that Jeff is asking in a somewhat complicated way, what are your hobbies? What do you like to do? He's trying to make conversation, and she's violating the improv rule again by refusing to answer the question and not going with the flow. Sigh.
Kate says one of the few true funny things I've ever heard from her. Just as Jeff is about to let go of his bowling ball she blurts out really fast "What do you think it would be like to have eight kids?" (Six kids, Kate. Six.) Jeff bowls a gutter ball. Heh, just kidding.
Wow, Kate actually admits that due to Jon, she vowed (vowed Kate, really? What is this Game of Thrones?) that she would never date anyone younger than her.
She's certifiable. Does she honestly think Jon's age had anything to do with anything? He is all of two year younger than her! Unless you're in certain states and 18 and he's 16, that's nothing. Around about past age 30, which was near the beginning of their relationship anyway, there should be little to no difference in maturity if there ever even was. Does she honestly think if Jon were two years older than her rather than two years younger than her, he magically would have found the maturity that age brings to love filming and continue to go along with it and the marriage could have gone on? What she will never understand is it's actually impressive that Jon at his relatively young age was able to recognize the long-term damage he was doing to his children and put a stop to it before it was too late, and that it was because of Jon, and Jon only, that these children mercifully got a very significant break in the near constant barrage of cameras in their lives and got to be a little bit normal for some time especially during the most painful periods of the divorce. And it's because of Jon leaving this all behind that ratings never really were the same and that filming mostly petered out in the following years. Keep in mind, the sextuplets haven't been filmed in over two years and rumor is Jon won't let them film this dating show, which means they can live these important teenage years in relative and deserved peace. This disruption Jon caused to filming could be the difference for many of them between a childhood they could process and move on from, versus one they'll just never get over. Kate will never, ever see this or admit it, but the kids are damn lucky Jon is their father and not some other older schmuck who may have gone along with all this filming until they were filmed into the ground, not even joking.
Kate is 18 days older than Jeff and she hates that. 18 days, Kate, good Lord. Why is this even an issue they are even talking about? Shouldn't you be asking things like, so who is special to you in your life, how important or unimportant is faith to you, how do you feel about alcohol/smoking/drugs, what are you looking for in a relationship and a woman, what values are important to you, how do you feel about children and what is your parenting style, where do you see yourself in five years, ten? Does any of this matter to Kate except for her damn obsession with finding somebody who is not Jon?
Do you play board games, Jeff asks. He likes board games? Sold!
All this "flirting" I guess I'll call it during this bowling is kind of like watching your favorite second grade teacher go on a date. You just don't want to see it, know about it, hear about it.
Jeff bested Kate by more than half her score, lol, and Jeff offers a rematch but bowling with his other hand. Heh, he deserves so much better than Kate. Move on, buddy, while you can.
Date Mom awkwardly appears in front of them mentioning something about dinner and I guess they didn't practice this scene because Jeff is confused about where he is supposed to go and do but eventually he realizes he needs to exit stage right and he grabs his drink (heh, I love how they keep them so liquored up) and takes off. What the hell? Lol, this show is such a mess!
At this point in the show, we should have been doing the improv class. But like I said, they moved the class to the beginning. So now we're suddenly at dinner.
Rachel claims that Jeff picked out the restaurant for them and then menu. Jeff and not production? Sure, Rachel. And what does that mean he picked out the menu? How come Kate can't just look at the restaurant's menu and pick what she wants to order herself? Odd.
"If I had spare time," Kate begins as they start dinner and I virtually slap her silly. She says in her spare time she would travel. Why can't she travel now? The kids have spring breaks, winter breaks, summer breaks off and she doesn't work. This dating show is the first project of any significance she has done in two years! It such an insult to working mothers and fathers who need every penny and often times actually can't take time off over spring breaks or summer breaks or winter breaks and even if they could don't have the money to travel their kids all over the place. She's so insensitive and pathetic.
Jeff loves traveling, has been to 75 countries and owns an adventure travel company which explains why he has been to 75 countries. Jeff has a well rounded and interesting life but just as he starts explaining something interesting about doing philanthropy in the Dominican Republic Kate cuts him off to make some dumb joke.
What takes you to the Dominican over 100 times? Kate demands. Kate, I'm guessing it has something to do with taxes, banks and payroll.
Oh you can see the stars in Kate's eyes about this being able to tag along on all these business trips to the Dominican Republic and lay at the beach. I guess she didn't hear Jeff's earlier commentary about himself where he explained he's actually feeling like all of that is getting old and he'd like to scale it back now and settle down. Heh!
Kate says on the couch that this guy would be great because she loves when guys have to go off somewhere and get out of her hair. Heh, I imagine that's how she stayed with the other Jeff in her life, Jeff Millionaire, the one she keeps lying about (and libeling and slandering), for two whole years.
Jeff went white-water rafting in Patagonia and then decided to buy the travel company he went with I guess. Kate is so envious and wants to do that. I have no idea what she's talking about as Kate hated every second of white-water rafting. Jeff, do some research before you even consider pursuing this woman because you need to know she actually requested of the white-water rafting guide that she not get wet.
Jeff feels there are other joys besides traveling like the joy of children. Jeff feels he's missed out by not having kids. Jeff moved to North Carolina to be near his two sisters and his nephews. Jeff is a total keeper. Total total keeper. I just don't want him for Kate, he's wasted on her.
Instead of listening to all this and realizing Jeff is the first of any of her dates who is a complete catch that one should reel in right now and do everything they can to make him their husband and hang onto forever, Kate instead makes a smug and annoying comment about why in the world would he live in North Carolina. He just told you, Kate. His extended family lives there and mean a lot to him, which is something I'm sure you don't understand. I'm also sure he enjoys the good food, kind people, excellent educational and cultural opportunities, the fact that @JoyinVirginia is your neighbor and knows all the best places to go, the beautiful beaches, and perhaps he likes scenery like this:
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Credit Dave Allen |
Jeff's first date questions are so cute, like what's your favorite movie. His is Princess Bride???? Oh size a girl's finger right now and let's skip all the in between dating stuff.
Of course Kate laughs at him for that being his fav. STFU, heifer.
Does anyone care what Kate's favorite movie is? Didn't think so. But it's The Sound of Music, and I have no idea why she thinks anyone would laugh at that because it's an absolutely fantastic and perfect movie, from the structure and story to the music to the actors to the pacing to the cinematography. Everyone admits that even if they don't personally like it.
Jeff thinks that movie is great too? Oh no that makes me have to ask again if this date is another one who is gay. I mean, a lot of actors are. And he might just be too perfect to be straight. It is what it is.
The waiter brings out the meal and Jeff says there is cow hearts in there which is a classic Peruvian dish. Kate of course is an immature whiner about this but at least she tries it. I mean, meat eaters eat so many other parts of the cow.
When asked about the date Kate says there is a lot more they could talk about and dot-dot-dot we'll see. That is not nearly enough of a commitment as she should be making right now after a date this good. I have no idea why she's not recognizing this Jeff guy as the best she will ever get now or ever and just bag it up and check out. He likes Princess Bride, board games, and Sound of Music. As long as the guy is willing to wash a few dishes now and again and maybe sort through the junk mail, he's marriage material. The only thing that's a red flag about Jeff is that he's not picking up on what bad news Kate is and instead seems really interested.
Did I miss something or when did Kate suddenly start going to Charlotte all the time? I get that there's some kind of TLC connection there but I highly doubt a woman who has not filmed in two entire years constantly needs to jet down there. Aren't most things done by conference call these days anyway? She mentions meeting up with Jeff again the couple times he will be in Charlotte a year. A couple times a year?? If I were Jeff I would absolutely take that as she's not interested. If you are interested, you shouldn't say something like that. Rather mention something much more concrete, like, "I'd love to touch base later this week, give me a call." She's such a piece of work.
Oh my god, Kate is an asshole! When asked by production how she feels about Rachel now, she flippantly says she doesn't need Rachel. They are insinuating this date was really good, and does that make her feel better about Rachel! Kate does understand that Rachel got her this date, right? (I mean that's if you ignore this is all fake.) How else would she meet this actor and great guy Jeff without Rachel/the show? I mean, Rachel is a doofus, but she's trying her best, and it doesn't excuse Kate to be an unappreciative nasty bitch to her. If I were Rachel I would do-re-mi-fa-so and so on right up Kate's ass.
Heh, at least in the very next cut Rachel gets this bitch back by remarking that finding a date for Kate is much like throwing spaghetti at wall. Ha! Rachel, a lot of things about Kate are just like throwing spaghetti at a wall, you're finally getting it.
Next up is Andrew, a businessman from NYC who is 42 and according to Rachel, handsome. Handsome? I guess in that John Meehan sort of way, sure.
I don't understand when guys say they are mostly dating just to meet new friends. I have never in my life heard a woman say they're just looking to meet a "friend" when going on a date. You can find friends any time and anywhere. It's like they are sort of using it as a peremptory excuse to get out of a relationship quick and dirty without guilt. Oh, well, I'm just looking for friends I said that from the beginning, so, let's be friends! So unfair and wastes the woman's time.
I will say that this show has caused me to reflect a lot on the subject of dating, which has been mostly fun to think about. My own ups and downs with the process, what works and what doesn't, the various hypocrisies among men and women, the absurdities, the code words and phrases that men and women tend to repeat that I've figured out the true meaning of over the years. The highs and lows. Dating sure is quite the emotional ride but one hopes it is worth it in the end for both.
Kate meets up with Andrew to play squash. Kate could tell right away she didn't like Andrew because of his demeanor. Gah, I hate agreeing with Kate. I've never done it so much in my life. But I don't like this guy's demeanor either! The best way to describe it is douchey, sorry. Who wears a full on Nike track suit from head to toe just to play a casual game of squash on a first date? A douche does. Who wants us all to be clear that racketball and squash are two different things? A douche does. Andrew, go tell your douchey friends at the club in Hudson Square that racketball and squash are two different things, they might care.
Wait, neither of them know the rules of squash. Then how does Andrew know so much about it being so different from racketball? And there's no teacher anywhere, so how will this work? They hit the ball a bit then get some water, then hit the ball again. They manage to talk about how Kate has enjoyed running in Central Park and then things peter out.
Rachel blames this all on Andrew who she is sure is nervous. He doesn't seem that nervous to me, just uptight and of course he's reacting to Kate being so obvious in that she thinks he's maybe a half step above ebola and just below amoebic dysentery. The problem is a sport like this is a really stupid thing to do on a first date because you can't really talk! It's like, **swing, swing**, so what do you do for fun? **Run, swing-swing**, Well, I enjoy long walks on the **run, swing, swing!** It just doesn't work.
Kate points out to Rachel this could be a really painful dinner. Right?! Rachel's all like, well, I'll just talk to him don't worry he's just nervous, and some mumbo-jumbo guru talk about honoring his nervousness whatever the hell that means.
I don't think you can impart a personality on someone in five minutes, Rachel, but go for it.
Kate doesn't get why Rachel isn't learning what she wants from these dates and why after a date as decent as Jeff she gives her Andrew. Putting aside the fact that both are at fault, Rachel for not understanding how to help Kate despite the wealth of information about her out there, and Kate for not communicating her wants and needs well, is it really all that likely how this show is working behind the scenes? Is there a giant pool of men all lined up to date Kate and as each date goes by Rachel refines her picks and narrowly tailors it all and swaps out Peter for Paul seconds before the next date after realizing Kate actually really hates this or that? Or is it really more likely ten men were pre-approved and lined up to go and that Kate's dates were always going to be those ten men no matter what she said about the dates she'd already had? I can't see how it can be anything but the latter, shows just wouldn't work logistically or financially otherwise. Which make none of this Rachel's fault really because once the men are "cast," there's nothing she can do about it. Like if all the men had a cute little freckle on their chin and Kate said she hates cute freckles on chins, there would be nothing Rachel could do about it to swap in new men, right?
I have found myself confused at times, I guess is the word, for the way Kate and Rachel are so deeply committed to acting like this is all so real when really the majority of it or quite possibly all of it can't possibly be real at all. It's not "scripted" as Rachel has insisted, but it really is. It has to be. Not word for word, but you know what I mean.
By the way, Andrew is a full year younger than Kate but the 18 days that was such a problem when it came to Jeff suddenly isn't even mentioned when it comes to Andrew. This is what I mean, Andrew was pre-selected and always was going to be the date even if Kate said after Jeff absolutely no one more than 18 days younger than me.
Andrew says what I said to Rachel, what the hell with the squash as a first date? He says he's fine and looking forward to the dinner so Rachel sends him off to dinner.
For some reason neither Andrew or Kate can talk to each other. Every question is answered shortly and then deflates into silence. Ugh, sometimes that just happens even if you otherwise can carry on a conversation with near anyone, you just cannot with that particular person. And Andrew unfortunately has a number of things about him that just aren't all that interesting or good conversation starters to someone who isn't particularly good at conversation. He's in medical sales, has no kids so nothing to talk about there, loves dogs but doesn't have one so what more can you say there? Plays golf but doesn't anymore. Kate doesn't like sports so it ends there, too. Andrew is answering questions as if he is being interrogated by a detective in front of a mirrored window. Keep it short and simple, be noncommittal about everything, don't offer a thing that's not completely benign and generic. Forget dating, if you're like this in real life I can't much imagine this guy has much of anyone who even wants to be around him much less date him.
Oddly Andrew seems to think all this weird creepy silence is okay. Kate however knows it's flipping weird as we all do. Mady explains that Kate is bad hiding her emotions and for that part Kate could at least try not to act like she wants to rip her French tipped nails off one by one.
How bad is it when the date has to ask you, so "what else is there?" Haha, beyond not having kids or a dog or liking sports, that's it in my view.
They finish up some kind of unidentified dinner and Kate actually ends it early and tells Andrew we don't have a connection so thanks for playing. They shake. Haha! Well I mean, it is a transaction, he's not wrong there. Unless they found some way around this, by the way, the actors would have had to have been paid for these parts. So for Andrew, it's just another sale and it's over now. Andrew gives a hilarious little drum tap on the table and takes off. I wish that's how Jon would have left Kate. Thanks for playing, TABLE TAP, handshake, BYE FELICIA.
I like how in the post interview instead of Andrew saying "it is what it is" he says "it is what it was." Nice touch with the past tense, because for your sake I hope you never have to encounter than woman ever again.
You know, maybe Andrew just got a sixth sense about her and couldn't get past it to act normal. His personality came across as quite odd but it doesn't prove he's always like this. Anyone who has had a bad date with no connection knows that feeling and how hard it is to fake that you're having a great time. It's New York City and I'm just going to move on. What does that mean, it's New York City and I'm just going to move on? I truly don't know and it's the most interesting thing he's said all night.
Wait, did Kate just fire Rachel off camera? Ha, that was awesome! All of a sudden we're cutting to Kate on the couch saying she needs to move on from Rachel and try some other matchmaker. And you know that meant some crazy shit went down that the cameras couldn't manage to catch or weren't allowed to catch, because if this part was part of the script, you know good and damn well it would have been filmed as a big dramatic outburst and promo-ed for weeks ahead of time. Instead, nothing! Deflated anti-climatic balloon!
Rachel briefly responds to all this and looks deliriously happy about it all. Heh. Like, those chipmunk teeth have never popped that much. Oddly she says "it's safer that way." What's safer? You not being around Kate? It was unsafe working for Kate? Oh, folks, there is such a big story here we're not being told and may never know. Damn it! I want someone on instagram to ask Rachel what she meant by it's "safer" to not work for Kate anymore, she seems keen to answer a lot of questions lately and maybe she'll take the bait. Maybe I can talk my dog @sea.gordon into doing it.
Can I ask a question? Why was Rachel fired when Jeff was a really, really good date? What does it matter that Andrew was a bad date when Jeff was so good? All it takes is one good guy. As much as Rachel grates, I really don't understand why Kate isn't over the moon happy with her she finally dug out Jeff from the pile of turds. She should be telling her I love you, Rachel, forget the rest of the dates, let's just do date two with Jeff right now because he's great! And I kind of wish Rachel would stand up for herself a little and say wait a second wasn't Jeff good, were you not happy with Jeff, was I not doing my job correctly with Jeff? He was handsome, funny, the date went well, no kids, no divorces, had all your qualifications except for the age thing but I should at least get a pass for that for coming within 19 days of him being older than you. Come on, Rachel, show some spirit!
And if she doesn't end up with Jeff, Jeff, you seem like an incredible guy and I hope you find a great woman who is right for you, who lives local, doesn't have eight kids, loves family and your nephews as much as you do, and is not an impossible shrew.
Next up on Kate Plus Date, Kate's replacement matchmaker aka social media influencer finally calls it right, Kate has "Black Heart Syndrome." Oh, help me help me I can't breathe! Yes, matchmaker guy, yes! Now please make it your life's work to add this disease to the DSM-V and make the whole world a better place.
167 sediments (sic) from readers:
On Rachel's IG post from earlier today:
Omg starting the date with Andrew by playing squash when they NEVER HAD BEFORE? A bad beginning that turned sour quick!
@karenncgirl agreed but not always my choice ๐คท๐ผ♀️
Yes, we know you had nothing to do with this Fake Date show other than being cast and then showing up at the locations chosen by the producers. That's what we mean by "scripted", Rachel. And, you know that and just admitted so.
Thanks for the recap, Admin. Off to read it now....
Yes, we know you had nothing to do with this Fake Date show other than being cast and then showing up at the locations chosen by the producers. That's what we mean by "scripted", Rachel. And, you know that and just admitted so.
Rachel is pretty transparent and not exactly loyal. The second anyone is commenting negatively about her she will quickly give up the goods on what was fake and what wasn't. Heh!
What I don't understand about squash is why on earth didn't they have a TEACHER teach them squash? In their defense, if someone just gave me a ball and racket and said go play squash I'd have no idea either. But if a teacher showed me the rules and how to hit and all that, nothing fancy, I might actually enjoy giving this a go. MADE NO SENSE!
LOL, you really can't do anything on social media when stuff like this is happening:
NOW! #KatePlusDate starts NOW! Let’s watch together!!
Watching on @sling and it is last weeks episode ๐ข
In my rush to meet the deadline the recap had quite a bit of typos so hit refresh to see the corrections. :)
I wonder if Kate even knows that the episode "air-date" is being pre-empted by TLC posting new episodes online SIX DAYS prior. You can tell by the comments that many people are confused about what's going on. All of the tension/anticipation is being siphoned off by this approach. Weird.
It is weird. It looks like Kate herself doesn't even know there are screener copies of the episode out there given I haven't seen her mention it. Did they not tell her? That's hilarious.
Oh BTW, YouTube already has Episode 4 up (this is their subscription service). So I imagine it'll be up on TLCgo shortly. Still very curious how/why this is being handled in this manner.
Wow. This is going to really confuse all the folks on social media, some talking about 4, others already seen 3 or about to see it. What a mess!
Flimsy 46...I agree totally with you. It has been my experience with the kids attending college that freshman year they are assigned a room and roommate, no choice, and also no car on campus freshman year. I hope Matty is a quick learner and realizes she is just another face in the crowd.
That was the rules at Penn State. No choice roommate and no car freshman year. And the dorms furthest from the classes and the crappy football seats. It is a place where you learn that you must be patient and work your way up to better things. It's good for kids.
However, I have heard a lot of colleges lately are revising the roommate situation because for a lot of kids just matching you randomly actually was having pretty high failure rates. It would cause bad situations like a vegan placed with a hunter from rural PA who wanted to hang deer antlers over his bed, understandable stuff like that. I heard a lot of schools under pressure about this issue are doing things like personality tests, or matching you with someone else who is also doing an activity you do, etc. All interesting stuff.
Well, there are almost NO comments coming on Kate's IG at this point. And TLC finally tweeted about the show starting a second before it did. They've done another couple of tweets, but in 20 minutes, they've only found ONE comment that they retweeted.
I don't know how you could film another season of this absolute dud.
Picture #2: It's Nunu!
Nanuq already chose her spot to watch tonight’s #KatePlusDate .. the human kids are currently jockeying for the best seats. Come watch with us! Kate Plus Date starts in 9 min on @TLC ! See you there! #Nuq #ThisMomsBestFriend
YES, they're finally figuring it out:
Is this a recap of last week or are they playing the wrong episode? I’m so confused! I already watched this one on demand...
@carla_bama they showed it early it’s still this weeks episode lol
@carla_bama haha I went through that too! So excited for the new matchmaker and it was the same episode I’d just finished ๐ญ
@pc08 but why are they putting them on demand before they air? I was so confused! ๐
How come you stopped loving Hannah ?? That’s what she says on social media
And we're on picture #3:
No, you don’t understand! IMPROV WAS THE ABSOLUTE MOST FUN I’VE HAD IN FOREVER! I want to do more! Thank you @thepitloft for having me! You were THE best! #KatePlusDate
#4: kateplusmy8
Meet Jeff. I still swear that he bowls on a daily basis and failed to tell me. Soo I decided to employ some distraction tactics so I could attempt to beat him. #KatePlusDate @TLC
Where there any moments where you got annoyed with your matchmaker and didn’t think she was leading you down the right path?
@__m.a.l.l.o.r.y__ yeah definitely...
And just continue to lie:
There’s no way there’s seriousness with cameras, lighting and Some one telling you when to speak up and turn a certain direction.
@alexis4382 no one does that .... it’s real and they film what happens.... :)
How hard is it to act natural on a date when there are cameras there?
@carleneigras1 not hard at all. I’ve always forgotten that cameras were there. Since day one. :)
@kateplusmy8 that's good ๐ but what about the guy? LOL
Go Paige! LOL (she actually told Kate she was rude to Rachel on an earlier photo).
As a huge supporter of yours for years I’m trying to be honest and give you some feedback lol sometimes it comes off as you’re trying too hard to be entertaining and focused on making tv instead of being real with your dates, or being your real self hopefully as the show goes on you’ll relax a bit and be a little more focused and calm lol
"I mean people try to stand in the way of me doing my job but like, don't you rely on your job to pay your bills?"
Who is trying to stand in the way of her doing her "job"? Nobody is doing that. Even if she is implying Jon, Jon isn't stoping YOU from doing a thing, Kate. He just doesn't want his children to work. You are a privileged American white woman with a college degree who can pretty much get whatever job you set your mind to, so let's not be dramatic here or ungrateful. There is no RIGHT to work in reality T.V.
They travel and do fun things in fact they get most[ly] angry when we're not filming,
What are they angry about? The tups haven't filmed in over two years. Don't you find it somewhat unhealthy, Kate, that your teenagers are mostly angry over something that hasn't occurred in over two years? A kid needs THERAPY if he's getting angry over something like this, period. ~ Administrator said... 9
And why in god's name DON'T they travel? She has both the means and the time. Such horseshit.
And why in god's name DON'T they travel? She has both the means and the time. Such horseshit.
What's more, they HAVE traveled off camera! There's various pieces of proof about that. So she can stop lying now.
Also at a posh school like that I can virtually guarantee you they've had some nice big trips with their class. The kids are not being deprived of travel.
Oh god, another Nunu:
Nuq wants you to know her thoughts on #KatePlusDate and a potential man in her future life! @tlc #Nanuq
The caption above the dog reads "Must love dogs and especially ME." #SoMuchFun
Nuq wants you to know her thoughts on #KatePlusDate and a potential man in her future life! @tlc #Nanuq
The caption above the dog reads "Must love dogs and especially ME." #SoMuchFun
And yet when the couple dates have asked her about the dog the extent of Kate's answers about the dog is basically like, I have a dog.
Photo #6: She's really workin' it tonight!
Discussing the #squashfail after the fact. FUN FACT: we had to have one of the guys in my crew who knew how to play squash come in and show us how to play .. or it would have gone NOWHERE a lot faster! ๐ #KatePlusDate @tlc
I actually was concerned for the camera crew I thought y’all might hit them with the ball. ๐ฌ
@mydmaxx2581 i actually did. Sorry, again, Jack! ๐
Admin, I tried to wait until morning to read this recap to work on my impulse control issues, but I couldn't help myself! Another frickin' riot, and I thank you for the time and effort -- and probable gnashing of molars -- it took to endure these episodes!
So much to comment on, but I'll start here. Heifer claims she wouldn't know what to do on a free day? She admitted she goes to the spa once a month! So if she was being completely "awnest," she should've told Bowling Jeff on a free day, she likes to be pampered by her damn self, and while she's being exfoliated she doesn't even want to hear you BREATHE.
My kids are sitting here howling with laughter at my silence. Just so you know. ๐๐๐ #Painful #Awkward #KatePlusDate @tlc
Yet the only living thing we've seen in your bedroom photos is the dog? And my lord is that room still a mess!
Great job on the recap, Admin. I don't know how you do it. Just reading about her and picturing it in my head makes me want to slap her.
Three episodes down, three to go. I can't wait until it's over and she fades back into oblivion.
Bye-bye then.
COME BACK NEXT WEEK! It’s another AWESOME #KatePlusDate — I promise! See you then!
She did SIX posts on Instagram tonight. Not too many comments so far. Starting with the post she did a few hours before the show aired, to the sixth one: 174 comments, 68, 37, 111, 41, and 42. Pretty pathetic.
Discussing the #squashfail after the fact. FUN FACT: we had to have one of the guys in my crew who knew how to play squash come in and show us how to play .. or it would have gone NOWHERE a lot faster! ๐ #KatePlusDate @tlc
Well then why the hell wasn't that shown? You know the INTERESTING part, learning squash? Hehe, this show!
@carleneigras1 not hard at all. I’ve always forgotten that cameras were there. Since day one. :)
Then stop mugging for the cameras! You’re always aware of exactly where they are.
Thanks for the recap Admin. I don’t watch the show and I’m glad I don’t after reading the recap. What I do is pit on the 90 Day Fiancรฉ show for background noise and the minute it’s over I change the channel. My little way of sticking it to TFW.
I have a feeling that they had a very difficult time casting this crapfest. There's an absolutely huge pool of struggling/wannabe actors in NYC and this is the best they can do? I'm sure very few guys would be willing to be filmed on pretend dates with TFW on this mess of a show.
I'm from NC, and if Kate doesn't like it, don't come here. And my father is two years younger than my mother, and they've been married 50 years. Now I feel sorry for construction workers in PA.
"then names two completely shallow requirements, older than her (WHY?) and tall."
Skeeve's older and a little taller than her.
It's funny so many of the comments are about confusion about the show already being up. Kate has always lied, but now her lies sound insane with the Colin/Hannah situation.
Admin (#20), so the ding-a-ling just admitted there's a ton of stuff going on off camera. But a second ago, she tried to pawn this crapfest off as a documentary where the cameras and microphones are basically just a fly on the wall capturing the date as it happens and she doesn't even notice them.
Who knows...Raquetball Andrew might have been another George Clooney before some crew daddy horned in on his date with an impromptu crash course on the court.
I see TLC already posted the next episode on their website. This is the description of the episode:
Mady and Cara watch some of Kate's early dates and assess who they think should make it to the second round; Kate's new matchmaker's first match fails to show up.
TLC did only 15 tweets and retweets during the show. To be precise, 8 tweets and 7 retweets. I'd have to check my comments on last week's episode to be sure, but I think that's fewer tweets and retweets than last week.
Also, just like last week, TLC did more tweets and retweets in the previous hour when 90 Day Fiancรฉ was airing. But, this week the discrepancy was even larger. They did 81 tweets and retweets during 90 Day Fiance. Lol, and a whopping 25 for Khate Plus Fake Date.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 25
Admin (#20), so the ding-a-ling just admitted there's a ton of stuff going on off camera. But a second ago, she tried to pawn this crapfest off as a documentary where the cameras and microphones are basically just a fly on the wall capturing the date as it happens and she doesn't even notice them.
Excellent point! First we have this nonsense:
There’s no way there’s seriousness with cameras, lighting and Some one telling you when to speak up and turn a certain direction.
@alexis4382 no one does that .... it’s real and they film what happens... :)
How hard is it to act natural on a date when there are cameras there?
@carleneigras1 not hard at all. I’ve always forgotten that cameras were there. Since day one. :)
Then this:
Discussing the #squashfail after the fact. FUN FACT: we had to have one of the guys in my crew who knew how to play squash come in and show us how to play .. or it would have gone NOWHERE a lot faster!๐ #KatePlusDate @tlc
I actually was concerned for the camera crew I thought y’all might hit them with the ball. ๐ฌ
@mydmaxx2581 i actually did. Sorry, again, Jack! ๐
So, which one is it TFW? You don't even know the crew is there, OR you're actively engaging with them during the filming? You're such a lying liar who lies.
and a whopping 25 for Khate Plus Fake Date.
That was a typo. It was only 15 tweets and retweets for her show.
I have a feeling that they had a very difficult time casting this crapfest. There's an absolutely huge pool of struggling/wannabe actors in NYC and this is the best they can do? I'm sure very few guys would be willing to be filmed on pretend dates with TFW on this mess of a show.
Talking to some of my friends who are actors or in production here I've heard many times over the years the general consensus is that a good IMDB resume isn't going to have reality shows on it. I'm sure that's the general rule for SERIOUS actors or actors who are at all into researching the best strategy for a career to take off. So therefore, you are seriously limiting the pool of all those actors if so many of them really try to stay away from reality shows in the first place.
I had a friend once who was even really resisting doing a reality show editing project for A&E despite how highly regarded the network is. And, he was trying to scrub some other reality show from his IMDB, which apparently there is some secret way to try to do. I never asked for the details.
This is funny. When the show ended almost an hour ago, TLC tweeted a poll:
TLC Network
Verified account @TLC
52m52 minutes ago
Another two dates under Kate's belt! Who would you choose for a second date? #KatePlusDate
2 replies 1 retweet 5 likes
58 votes
Ha, not much interest there.
On Khate's Instagram it you look look at the picture on the nightstand, it's looks like it's probably a picture of the kids...all SEVEN of them. What a bitch.
There is very, very little interaction on TLC's Twitter tonight. They tweeted out gifs from the show while it was airing. Some of their tweets have no replies and some have just a couple of replies. There are only five to ten likes on the tweets. Not a good sign as far as ratings.
Former Lurker (#31), just to spice things up, I would've added 3 additional names for the prospective date poll: Rachel herself, Steve the bodyguard, and Jack the crew guy who gave the off-screen racquetball lesson. And knowing what a ball buster TFW is, I have a pretty good idea where he got hit...
A picture of her kids and only seven of them??? Oh God!! There has been some bad stuff about her but that is absolutely the worst!!
A picture of her kids and only seven of them??? Oh God!! There has been some bad stuff about her but that is absolutely the worst!!
She has six kids. Who's the seventh?
Very, very few tweets using the #kateplusdate hashtag on Twitter tonight. Mostly negative, as usual. Far fewer than the last two weeks, and they weren't much either.
I know someone here mentioned the return of The Hills was supposed to premiere tonight in the same time slot as Fake Date. The Hills is trending on Twitter right now: #TheHillsNewBeginnings - 9,364 tweets, #JustinBobby - 2,773 tweets (he's on The Hills).
What the heck is that on her nightstand next to the lamp? It looks like a heating lamp.
FlimsyFlamsy (#33), Ha ha! You crack me up, FlimsyFlamsy.
Not many likes or comments on her IG posts tonight. What do you want to bet that the number goes way up overnight. Once she realizes how dismal it looks she put the bots into action.
I didn't watch the episode or even see a clip, so I have no idea what Jeff looks like. Just going by the info in the recap (name, NC, owner of a travel agency), is this him:
Jeffrey Boyd
Ending child trafficking in Ghana & Planning active adventures in South America!
Davidson, North Carolina
Website:Company Website
Highly motivated & philanthropically minded business development, project management, and non-profit professional with 20 years experience in, and deep passion for Latin America.
Bilingual, bicultural, and geographically flexible. Extensive professional and social network across various countries and industries. Strong interpersonal and communication skills, coupled with innate optimism and commitment to social justice.
Owner/Travel Designer
Owner/Travel Designer
Untamed Path Adventures, LLC
October 2015 – Present 3 years 9 months
There's a lot more that I won't post. Job history and education. He graduated college in 1997, which would make him the right age (43-44).
Thanks for the recap Admin! and the mention! yes, I love being a frequent visitor to North Carolina, especially the Outer Banks!
The Former Mrs Jon Gosselin is consistent as usual. consistent at being focused on herself, and at being BORING.
Yep this is him. That's him in the photo. Good sleuthing.
His company is even more impressive than what he said on the show. It looks like a boutique travel guide company for rich people that makes boatloads of money to be able to do a ton of charity on the side. Nobody else in your group but your party. Not that there's anything wrong with catering to rich people, there's a lot of money in that. But AAA he is not.
Kate should have grabbed this guy right then and there. She's letting somebody like this wander on away while she has all these other dates? If I were him I'd tell her go tell it to a fencepost, cya.
I know this show is completely fake, which is s good thing. This guy is way too good for TFW. I doubt he'd ever be interested in someone like her.
Again, we all know how fake this show is. Not sure why he would answer a casting call, but this is definitely all fake. There's no way in hell a guy like this doesn't meet and attract plenty of women. What an interesting life he's had, and has.
And then there's boring TFW who really has nothing to offer. No interests, no hobbies, nothing to even talk about. She knows she's so boring and has nothing to offer and that's why she claims she has no free time for anything due to the kids. She uses the kids as an excuse for the fact that she has nothing of interest in her life. ~ Administrator said... 40
Yep this is him. That's him in the photo. Good sleuthing.
From that About Us page:
Experience & Knowledge of the Region
– Jeff has been to Colombia 70+ times since 2004, Peru 30 times, and has lived in Colombia, Ecuador, and the Dominican Republic. He has logged over 2.5 million American Airlines miles in the region and has personally led many groups in 8 countries over the last 20 years.
Owner and Lead Travel Designer
As a veteran businessman in several industries, Jeff will assure the value of your journey to South America. Having worked throughout Central and South America for 20 years, he is an expert at negotiating on behalf of his clients.
But he also has the heart and the soul of an explorer: gripped by an early passion for South America, he has made a life for himself either residing in or traveling often to the region since he graduated from college. He is eager for others to get to know this part of the world he loves so deeply. Even before taking ownership Untamed Path, he took dozens of friends and volunteer groups to the region. His 40th birthday celebration in Colombia with 12 friends is now our signature trip there!
Prior to Untamed Path, he spent seven years leading a family foundation creating housing for vulnerable children in South America and Africa. Jeff fell in love with South America in college and proved it later by visiting Colombia 70+ times in 12 years while working in business development for US-based companies (amidst tons of travel and work in other Latin American countries too). He loves meeting new people and sharing with them his favorite, and often untamed places in South America!
The guy was impressive...much too impressive to have to be set up on a reality show date with Kate freaking Gosselin. I'm guessing his agenda is to use her to promote his company, and I say , use her all you want buddy. Everyone who knows anything about her past knows this guy is too good for her. Pretty sure since the kids aren't making her money, she would dump them in a heartbeat to run away with the first guy who has money. The only way she will honestly find a lasting relationship is if she trades her spa and tanning days for hardcore therapy sessions. This woman needs help.
I’m pretty sure Jeff did mention he’s dated a lot of women who have kids just not eight kids. When he said that, my first thought was bet you have dated a lot of women in general. Normally it might be a red flag a 43-year-old with so much going for him doesn’t have a wife or a serious girlfriend, but in this case I think it makes sense. His business requires so much of him to be devoted to South America it would be a very rare woman who could accommodate his obligations there into her lifestyle too. I get the impression from his own commentary that he was starting to understand he really needs to put down roots somewhere if he wants a successful relationship and marriage. And settling down in North Carolina near family, which he explained he near did it on a whim, is a good first step. I’m guessing he woke up one morning and decided I want a wife now and what do I need to do to get it. And step one is to settle down in North Carolina in a stable city with a stable lifestyle. Even if his initial attraction to Kate was sincere he will not be attracted to her from him once he realizes how far apart they are in how they see and operate in the world. ~ Administrator said... 7
Flimsy 46...I agree totally with you. It has been my experience with the kids attending college that freshman year they are assigned a room and roommate, no choice, and also no car on campus freshman year. I hope Matty is a quick learner and realizes she is just another face in the crowd.
That was the rules at Penn State. No choice roommate and no car freshman year. And the dorms furthest from the classes and the crappy football seats. It is a place where you learn that you must be patient and work your way up to better things. It's good for kids.
LMAO good ole East Halls and Lot 80
I just saw the mediocre little chalkboard sign TFW posted that said "Closed For Filming." Day by day, her "golden platter" years fade further off into the past. Does she have a Plan B? Did she mention her nursing career to any of these dates? Express her desire to help others? That's a very appealing quality, but in her case, it simply doesn't exist.
I think TFW's failure at dating can be boiled down to one specific trait: she honestly doesn't care about other people, and sees them only through the lens of how they can help her. So all the blather about asking questions falls flat to her. Ask what? She's the famous and interesting one. Remember when she told about meeting the mediocre dog breeder, who had the audacity to try to engage her in conversation? She admitted all she heard was "blah blah blah."
TFW described meeting Jon at a picnic, and bragged his girlfriend "was gone the next day." He was a dentist's son -- cha ching! -- so she didn't need to know much more. Any good narcissist knows how to use the charm offensive to get what they want, and she got Jon. ~ Administrator said... 36
She has six kids. Who's the seventh?
Maybe it is before Hannah escaped her clutches.
Kate has 'an amazing sense of humor'?????Who the heck says that about themselves. I believe it takes someone else to make that comment. She is the ultimate narcissist.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 50
I just saw the mediocre little chalkboard sign TFW posted that said "Closed For Filming." Day by day, her "golden platter" years fade further off into the past. Does she have a Plan B? Did she mention her nursing career to any of these dates? Express her desire to help others? That's a very appealing quality, but in her case, it simply doesn't exist.
As someone who watched the episode on YouTube and TLC as well as the Nightline interview, that's a big NO!
How can she go on Nightline and say "they've never done it against their will" with a straight face when asked about the 8 kids filming? Forget TFMJG wishing "for the lightning to strike again" why can't the lightning strike her?
Considering the fact that she was 'live' on IG last night answering comments, I decided to drop one in there just for her. Someone said something like 'why are you still here?' and Kate responded she really liked her dog. I responded to the commenter 'she's the turd that never flushes'. It was very satisfying noting less than 2 minutes later it was swiffered. The satisfying part was knowing she had to read it. LOL
Jeff's favorite movie is The Princess Bride? Grab him! That shows he has a great sense of humor. My whole family loves The Princess Bride, and we quote it all the time. Some of my favorites:
"We'll never survive!" "Nonsense. You're only saying that because no one ever has".
"Good night, Westley (We like to substitute each others' names here). Good work. Sleep well. I'll most likely kill you in the morning".
And DH's favorite: "Back off, witch!". "I'm not a witch, I'm your wife!"
Gosh I love that movie!
Former Lurker said... 27
TLC did only 15 tweets and retweets during the show. To be precise, 8 tweets and 7 retweets. I'd have to check my comments on last week's episode to be sure, but I think that's fewer tweets and retweets than last week.
There were about 25-30 tweets last week, so the number definitely went down.
Layla (#56), my favorite is "Good luck storming the castle!" -- said whenever someone is off to face a challenge. Or even just going to the mall!
Kylie said... 55
Considering the fact that she was 'live' on IG last night answering comments, I decided to drop one in there just for her. Someone said something like 'why are you still here?' and Kate responded she really liked her dog. I responded to the commenter 'she's the turd that never flushes'. It was very satisfying noting less than 2 minutes later it was swiffered. The satisfying part was knowing she had to read it. LOL
Good job!
In addition to the dearth of attention on her IG last night, and the very unwhelming amount of support on their own Twitter feed,TLC did not publish a single K8-related thing on their FB page preceding, during, or after last night's show. It sure feels like they're distancing themselves, don't it?
Interestingly, TLC has not yet posted on the K8 FB page the "early premiere" of Episode 4, even thought they do have it up on TLCgo (since last night, in fact) as well as on YouTube.
Here's what they did post an hour ago:
Who knew dating was such a roller coaster? ๐ข Watch the highs and lows of last night’s #KatePlusDate here or on the #TLCgo app.
Wonder if ol' B*tchface complained.
OMG, PAIGE is being labelled a TROLL in this InTouch article:
I posted Paige's comment last night, the one where she's trying to be helpful. Hadn't noticed K8 responded:
As a huge supporter of yours for years I’m trying to be honest and give you some feedback lol sometimes it comes off as you’re trying too hard to be entertaining and focused on making tv instead of being real with your dates, or being your real self hopefully as the show goes on you’ll relax a bit and be a little more focused and calm lol
pc08 hate to tell you ... that's the real me. Like it or hate it lol....
Paige, learn something for once: When someone shows you who they are, believe them.
She promotes herself as the loving mother of 8 but has a photo of only 7 on her nightstand. She has discarded the 8th but continues to include him only for purposes of promoting herself.
Layla said... 56
Former Lurker said... 27
TLC did only 15 tweets and retweets during the show. To be precise, 8 tweets and 7 retweets. I'd have to check my comments on last week's episode to be sure, but I think that's fewer tweets and retweets than last week.
There were about 25-30 tweets last week, so the number definitely went down.
Thanks, Layla. You're right. I just found my comment from last Monday night after that episode aired:
"In the hour before TFW's Fake Date show, TLC tweeted and retweeted, (mostly retweets using the show's hashtag), 63 times during the airing of 90 Day Fiancรฉ. Then, during the airing of Khate Plus Fake Date, they did only 26 tweets and retweets."
It's interesting how TLC increased their Twitter activity this week during the airing of 90 Day Fiancรฉ (from 63 tweets/retweets to 81), but decreased it during TFW's show (from 26 tweets/retweets to only 15). It looks like the bare minimum effort.
This is the part that doesn't add up to me.TLC isn't really promoting kate's show or seems to be as enthusiastic as other shows,heck the fact that they didn't even share one facebook post on the K8 facebook page(like sad but true said)is bizarre,in fact they use it to promote other random things on the page.Why do even bother then?Its the strangest relationship between a TV company and a show that i've ever seen.
Sad but true (#61), so there's Paige's thanks for a decade of loyal support: a classic TFW curb-kickin', with a little passive-aggressive LOL at the end to make it go down easier.
Kate Plus Fake Date - June 24:
Total Viewers: 838,000
Demo (18 - 49): .22
Rank (in the demo): 26th
Kate Plus Fake Date - June 17:
Total Viewers: 805,000
Demo (18 - 49): .22
Rank (in the demo): 27th
Kate Plus Fake Date - June 10:
Total Viewers: 773,000
Demo (18 - 49): .22
Rank (in the demo): 27th
NO big drop.
26 KATE PLUS DATE TLC 10:01 PM 61 0.22 838
90 Day Fiancรฉ - June 24:
Total Viewers: 1.550 million
Demo (18 - 49): .50
Rank (in the demo): 7th
90 Day Fiancรฉ - June 17:
Total Viewers: 1.539 million
Demo (18 - 49): .47
Rank (in the demo): 6th
90 Day Fiancรฉ - June 10:
Total Viewers: 1.386 million
Demo (18 - 49): .40
Rank (in the demo): 9th
Well, she's firmly rooted to the middle. Slightly higher viewers (838K), ranked 26th, 0.22 share. Her lead-in, 90 Day Fiance, had 1.550K viewers and a 0.50 share. The public (well, at least those who tweet about TLC shows) are clamoring for more of the 90 Day show, and it seems like that would probably be a winner in K8's slot.
With those skyrocketing ratings, maybe she'll hit a million viewers by the last episode! And she'll get renewed for 3 episodes, to be filmed when the tups turn 21 -- providing any of them are still speaking to her. The glamorous life of a D-lD-lister...
K8's BEST demographic is a 0.41 share amongst people aged 50+. That tells me a lot of "viewers" are falling asleep with the TV on. :-p
Every week, she loses almost half of the viewers from her lead-in, 90 Day Fiancรฉ:
June 10: 1.386 million - 773,00 = 613,000 viewers lost
June 17: 1.539 M - 805,000 = 734,000 viewers lost
June 24: 1.550 M - 838,000 = 713,000 viewers lost
TLC has a spin off of one of the 90 Day Fiancรฉ couples. I'm pretty sure Kate's show is just a cheap filler until that show is ready.
Her ratings had a very small increase in total viewers each week, most likely due to the huge ratings for 90 Day Fiancรฉ, (almost double her ratings). In week two, she had a gain of 32,000 viewers and this week it was a 33,000 gain.
But, the show has remained flat in the all important 18-49 demographic. It's been stuck at a .22 share all three weeks.
By comparison, 90 Day Fiancรฉ has increased in the demo each week - from a .40 share, to .47, to .50 this week.
Wonder if the rating boosts are coming from the TLC go app or YouTube
Gigi Be
Former Lurker said... 74
Her ratings had a very small increase in total viewers each week,
Yup, first week to second, a 3.98% increase in viewers, second to third, 3.94%. Better grease up that bat, Katie, if you're planning to finally "hit one out of the park." Or is that gonna happen in your next lame-assed series?
I think if nothing else, it's pretty clear that the casting agency did not get any substantial and/or appropriate response to their ads. They obviously had to work with what they were offered, which so far hasn't meant much when paired against Narcissist Extraordinaire Kate Gosselin. So if there IS a second season of this show---who you gonna call?
From Dmasy --
There is a Princess Bride quote for EVERY occasion. We use those wise words for all-purpose communication.
Just today -- "As you wish."
Am I the only person in the world that doesn’t like Princess Bride? I don’t think I’ve ever watched the movie all the way through. I do love me some Monty Python though.
Am I the only person in the world that doesn’t like Princess Bride? I don’t think I’ve ever watched the movie all the way through. I do love me some Monty Python though.
The Princess Bride is a movie I don't personally enjoy watching, but recognize why it's so good and why many others enjoy it.
It's kind of like Sound of Music. Some people can't stand to sit through the movie, but most everybody understands why many people love it.
LMAO good ole East Halls and Lot 80
Two days in I got myself a cheap bike at the Walmart in Bellefonte and for three and a half years (I graduated early) I zoomed all around campus except on the rare occasions it was way too rainy or snowy to do so. All the poor freshman shlepping on 15-20 minute walks and I was there in five. Woo! At the end of it all I donated that bike to some after school thing or something, I've always wondered where it ended up.
Again, we all know how fake this show is. Not sure why he would answer a casting call, but this is definitely all fake.
Jeff seems like the kind of guy where like his brother in law or best friend saw the ad and said aw come on Jeff you're single now you gotta do this, it'll be fun, be adventurous, give it a go.
And Jeff is like seriously guys? But he does it because he's just affable like that and likes a good story to tell.
He's the only one so far I don't believe is an actor. How could he possibly be, he's way too busy with his company. No way. Which makes him the only guy so far who should be packaged up right now.
She has six kids. Who's the seventh?
So Jon is the father of two and for several years was the father of zero?
Hey I'm just going by Kate's rules here. If the kids aren't in your custody, they're not yours. She doesn't understand why a parent would have any say whatsoever in kids who aren't physically with them.
What goes around comes around, bitch. ~ Administrator said... 80
LMAO good ole East Halls and Lot 80
Two days in I got myself a cheap bike at the Walmart in Bellefonte and for three and a half years (I graduated early) I zoomed all around campus except on the rare occasions it was way too rainy or snowy to do so. All the poor freshman shlepping on 15-20 minute walks and I was there in five. Woo! At the end of it all I donated that bike to some after school thing or something, I've always wondered where it ended up
Smart!When I was in Hastings it took me 45 minutes to get to my 8 am. Those were the good ole days tho
I think TLC informed the rating company that many people had watched the show on their website and asked that those viewings be added in (if this is possible). It would explain why tlc suddenly was encouraging people to watch the show early on their website.
Parking Lot 80 -- the frozen tundra! I lived in Stone Hall. Convenient for football season, registration, & if I had to go to Shields (I was there when we had registration in the IM Building). In winter, I remember wearing so many layers just to cross Lot 80 to keep from getting frost bite. My oldest was there in 2006-2011 (an AE major) -- because she was used to the NC winters, I strongly suggested West Halls. She was thankful that mom knew best.
s, I strongly suggested West Halls. She was thankful that mom knew best.
I applied for west every year and never got it. The secret was out. I did somehow get Nittany apartments junior year which was lucky.
Has Emily, the TFW fan who wound up babysitting occasionally, posted at all about the new show? Or has she moved on?
Anonymous said... 84
ShowBuzz provides some explanation for how the ratings they post are compiled. I think they are only posting so-called "Live" or "Live+Same." It's not clear to me when or by whom the other categories are compiled or whether they are ever actually published or just handed to the networks.
It DOES look like comparisons to lead-in shows and to other shows in the same viewing period are pretty important.
I finally had a chance to watch the Nightline interview. Kate did not seem happy with some of the questions Deborah Roberts was asking her. You can always tell by the look on her face. I loved one of the comments on Facebook: "She has the personality of a tupperware container". Ouch.
I think TLC informed the rating company that many people had watched the show on their website and asked that those viewings be added in (if this is possible). It would explain why tlc suddenly was encouraging people to watch the show early on their website.
I think you're right. They're not going to push so hard for online viewers without getting something for it. They probably get credit for multiple viewings by the same person too--say, if someone watches an episode online and then also watches on TV.
NJGal51 said... 78
Am I the only person in the world that doesn’t like Princess Bride? I don’t think I’ve ever watched the movie all the way through. I do love me some Monty Python though.
You don't like Princess Bride??? Why don't you give me a nice paper cut and pour lemon juice on it? Okay, okay, no more Princess Bride quotes. We also love all things Monty Python, so we have some common ground there! Go ahead, ask me the ground speed of an unladen swallow.
Oops, I mean air speed velocity of an unladen swallow.
LOL Layla! An African or European swallow?
Omg Admin...i checked out the next episode of “dating Debbie downer”. I couldn’t even get 25 min in. I didn’t think she could be any more vile. She truly is the most obnoxious female on the planet and is DESTINED to be single. Brace yourself. You may need to medicate before you do your next episode blog.
NJGal51 (92)
In order to maintain air speed velocity a European swallow has to beat its wings 43 times every second. But African swallows are non-migratory (pronounced "my-grate-ery")!
How many seasons can you watch this idiot date... she can’t actually date someone she met on her show cause the show would be over... that sounded stupid... did I just say that?
Never had West Halls. I had Curtin, Hastings and Simmons and then the aprtments next to the 7-Eleven on Universtiy Drive. Nittany Apartments were the gold! I'm old enough to remember when they replaced the "barracks"
Wowser (#93), "Dating Debbie Downer" is a much more fitting title for this show!
When we first heard this crapfest was in development, I said it might succeed if TFW was willing to stop pretending and just embrace her inner/outer biotch. No blather about looking for Mr. Right, no sanitized talking heads trying to spin the dates well. Let her wink and nod all she wants to the camera. That might have been less wretched show.
JR said... 95
Oh no, I think she sees this as an endless ride, season upon season, all laid out in that journal (hehehe) we see positioned next to her bed. Not the dating, per se, but finding a guy who's just as shallow as she is, introducing him to the kids, taking a swanky, exotic, "romantic" trip or two, another guest spot on Say Yes to the Dress, maybe a Cake Boss tasting, and then a couple of seasons down the line . . . presto! Kate Plus Mate. And then we'll see if she's really NOT going to have more children---maybe "just one more," dear? I don't think Kate has any plans to ever give up reality TV or to ever have a real job again. And if there's some man out there who is interested in getting paid for this sort of "life," I'm certain she'd jump on him, as long as a camera crew happened to be situated just there.
The fakery now being produced by Figure 8 and purchased by TLC is way beyond the shark now and heading straight for outer space.
So TLC is still making bank on multiples, just not K8's, LOL. Last night's Outdaughtered (9 p.m.) had 1.410K viewers, ranked 8th, 0.31 share. And Sweet Home Sextuplets at 10 p.m. was ranked 13th, 1.136K viewers, 0.25 share. Even a Counting On rerun (I assume, haven't heard anything yet about new season) at 11 p.m. brought in 1.014K viewers and was ranked 15th. Kate would eat her sextuplets right now for a #15 ranking.
Sad but true (#98), TFW bragged about the astronomical ratings her divorce episode got a decade ago. Maybe she's anxious to get married again so she can get divorced again, and get those viewers back!
Speaking of the other "multiple" shows on TLC, if the only way you can financially take care of your kids is to have a "reality show", perhaps you should rethink your decisions. To have the audacity to say you were only trying for one more and never expected to have multiples is just a flat out lie. If you have fertility treatments and are against selective reduction, you are going to have multiples. Women were not biologically made to take care of a litter of babies. It is impossible to give them the individual attention and love they deserve. You can already see some similarities between the current families and the early Gosselins. Nothing good can come from using your babies to fulfill your own thirst for fame.
Never had West Halls. I had Curtin, Hastings and Simmons and then the aprtments next to the 7-Eleven on Universtiy Drive. Nittany Apartments were the gold! I'm old enough to remember when they replaced the "barracks"
I was right next to you in Bigler, which was actually the best location of East since it was the closest to civilization, AND I had a mountain view.
Then I had Ritner in Pollock halls, which was a decent straight shot to most things on campus. Then a semester in D.C., then back to Nittany Apartments, which were absolutely fantastic. Best little apartment I ever had. I can still visualize the great layout, the totally adequate kitchen, the large shower and bath, and how cute and quiet it was there. Then I subleted my friend's apartment on College Ave for a song while he was abroad, then graduation.
Oh my, is Kate talking to someone she actually KNOWS on IG? Certainly not like her to hang around IG when she's not "working."
Kate Andrew reminds me of Mr Howard in looks & demeanor๐
@drbarr I was literally thinking mr kimmel but I think he was before your time (elementary school. Ask scott. He will prob remember) ๐
@kateplusmy8 yep he was before my time. Scott remembers Mr Kimmel for his breath๐. I hope your date had better breath than him LOL!
Omg Admin...i checked out the next episode of “dating Debbie downer”. I couldn’t even get 25 min in. I didn’t think she could be any more vile. She truly is the most obnoxious female on the planet and is DESTINED to be single. Brace yourself. You may need to medicate before you do your next episode blog.
Believe it or not I already finished the recap, lol. I wanted to just get that chore out of the way.
It was terrible, yes it was, but some good things happened. Spoiler alert. Like being ghosted by that Nick guy who totally lied about being in a car accident (hahahahahaha my sides hurt!) And how Adam was pretty much spot on about her, a dozen times more onto her than doofus Rachel. Stay tuned!
It was terrible, yes it was, but some good things happened. Spoiler alert. Like being ghosted by that Nick guy who totally lied about being in a car accident (hahahahahaha my sides hurt!) And how Adam was pretty much spot on about her, a dozen times more onto her than doofus Rachel. Stay tuned!
I watched it, too. And I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that about Nick. I also wonder if there ever was a Nick in the first place. It might have just been a ruse for Kate and Adam to spend some more time together. I noticed the next date was labelled dated #8.
I'm old enough to remember when they replaced the "barracks"
The barracks were up and being used when I was there. I had a friend who lived in the barracks because she wanted a single room. The campus has changed quite a bit over the years...
Nick probably was in an accident and while he was waiting hours for police reports and all that goes with that, he broke contract, googled tfw and thanked God he didn’t get into a bigger accident by dating her. The faces she was making when the coach suggested they do the date and get more acquainted made me want to slap her -she wears her narcissism like a masquerade ball mask. I just can’t get over how full of herself she is. It radiates off of her and is a turn off to all humans-male and female alike.
In other reality TV news...Jinger Duggar finally made it to L.A., and hosted Insta pictures from 2 restaurants in my neighborhood! They're both on Ventura Boulevard in the San Fernando Valley, and the particular section they're on has several super expensive boutiques. I don't think Jeremy is going to stock up on pocket squares in this neighborhood. Oh, and since it's pride month, there are rainbows aplenty in the store windows. They may just turn around, TLC crew in tow, and head right back to Texas.
In other reality TV news...Jinger Duggar finally made it to L.A., and hosted Insta pictures from 2 restaurants in my neighborhood! They're both on Ventura Boulevard in the San Fernando Valley, and the particular section they're on has several super expensive boutiques.
I'm always curious about new restaurants in the area to try so I looked at one of the places she went, Art's Deli. It has only 3 stars on Yelp with people saying the food is meh, room temp, and the prices outrageous, with almost 5 bucks for a regular cup of coffee. You will never survive 3 stars on Yelp for long.
When even locals say this is a big rip off, believe them.
I watched it, too. And I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that about Nick. I also wonder if there ever was a Nick in the first place. It might have just been a ruse for Kate and Adam to spend some more time together. I noticed the next date was labelled dated #8.
Maybbbbe. But if it was I don't think they let Kate in on it because her reaction was way too genuine to be faked. She was all, somebody had the nerve to stand ME up? Baw!
Admin (#109), a few years ago I had family visiting from back east and we went to Art's Deli, and William Shatner was in the booth next to ours. Not a bad celeb sighting for tourists! The food is decent but way overpriced, probably because it's mostly an affluent clientele. But it's kind of a throwback place that people enjoy because it's been there forever. Oh, and they make killer matzoh ball soup!
Giff (101)
It's possible to have just one baby when you're on fertility treatments, but you would have to listen to your doctor. My DIL/son are expecting after years of fertility treatments, and followed the doctor's directions to the letter. When IUI worked too well, they waited out that cycle. When the doctor said he didn't want to transfer more than one embryo for IVF, they agreed. Now we're all eagerly awaiting the arrival of "just one" baby boy, and couldn't be happier. The doctors know what they're doing--but sometimes people don't listen to them. Those seem to be the same people who seek out public attention and reality tv. Makes you wonder what their motives were going into it.
For anyone who's watched on TLCgo or YouTube, do both have commercials? I am wondering who's choosing to advertise on K8's Fake Date. Thanks in advance.
For anyone who's watched on TLCgo or YouTube, do both have commercials? I am wondering who's choosing to advertise on K8's Fake Date. Thanks in advance.
They do, they do a handful of 6-8 at once maybe 3 times an episode. I usually mute them, but I do remember the Home Chef one.
Is anyone else weirded out by the new trend in commercials to make it look like it's a youtube video review of just a normal person doing it? We all know it's an actor so they can stop playing games.
"Even a Counting On rerun (I assume, haven't heard anything yet about new season) at 11 p.m. brought in 1.014K viewers and was ranked 15th."
It was a special episode about Jessa having her latest baby. And there are still more babies to come. If it wasn't a horrible idea, I bet Kate would like a Teen Mom situation with her girls. Babies bring in ratings.
I watched it, too. And I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that about Nick. I also wonder if there ever was a Nick in the first place. It might have just been a ruse for Kate and Adam to spend some more time together. I noticed the next date was labelled dated #8.
Maybbbbe. But if it was I don't think they let Kate in on it because her reaction was way too genuine to be faked. She was all, somebody had the nerve to stand ME up? Baw!
That's what I meant. I don't think Nick ever existed, and they made up that story about his "accident".
I belive they did keep Kate out of the loop, in order to find an excuse for her to spend more time with Adam, and also to find out how she'd react to being "stood up".
After Nick "cancelled" the 2nd time, it sure didn't take long for her next date to show up on a moment's notice, coincidentally at the same place where Kate was waiting for "Nick" to show up.
That's what I meant. I don't think Nick ever existed, and they made up that story about his "accident".
I belive they did keep Kate out of the loop, in order to find an excuse for her to spend more time with Adam, and also to find out how she'd react to being "stood up".
I'm not understanding why they would need Nick to stand her up twice to see how she reacted to being stood up. If they were doing that, that's pretty nasty, but awesome.
It was a special episode about Jessa having her latest baby. And there are still more babies to come. If it wasn't a horrible idea, I bet Kate would like a Teen Mom situation with her girls. Babies bring in ratings.
It's going to be years and years before babies, most likely. With the twins on a career path with college most kids like them these days won't be having their first kid for years many not until their 30s. It'll be so pathetic to see Kate puttering around for a decade or more trying to get her grandkid episode.
The Duggars are unique because of their situation and religion they're not the norm for having a bunch of babies early and often. Good for TV.
I'm not understanding why they would need Nick to stand her up twice to see how she reacted to being stood up. If they were doing that, that's pretty nasty, but awesome.
If this is actually true, the contrived "reality" has headed to new depths. Not scripted my ass. Perhaps they just don't give Katie the script.
Collin has been liking Sea Gordon's posts. It's so sweet.
I also noticed he likes a lot of Colleen's posts, and posts many loving kind comments on her photos. This boy is just exuding love and sweetness, just pouring it out there like crazy and hopefully getting tons and tons of it back. It's as if he's trying to make up for the past, and I hope and am confident he has a good therapist. If I could give him Sea Gordon to love and kiss for a day I would.
Admin (#119), thanks for sharing about C and Sea Gordon. Yeah, that kid is all about love. Hard to reconcile this young man with the boy who seemed to many posters (I stopped watching years ago, so I can't judge) to be drugged or sedated on some episodes. What was his caretaker -- a/k/a Mommie Dearest -- doing to address his challenges? If he in fact had any?
Hiding the boy from his father surely didn't help.
Speaking of wishes...I wish Jon would marry Colleen, so C could have a real mother.
I tend to think Nick was real because there's always more drama when there's a date involved. What I do think could be fake is they may have known Nick was backing out some days before and had no one else lined up, but withheld the info from Kate. Perhaps he faked the car accident thing for his meet and greet interview portion pre-date, and so they whipped that excuse out on the actual date. I found it suspicious they didn't even show a pre-date blurb of him only to have him suddenly disappear, which tells me they may have never even pinned him down long enough to film him.
Whatever happened it didn't seem completely genuine, I'll give you that.
I finally let myself watch one episode and oh my God I know reality TV is dying but this has to be the worst show ever made... God it's cringe-worthy and those two daughters commenting our about as personable as a couple of turtles... Sorry folks I couldn't make it through 20 minutes
It's ok.
Admin (#122), surely you must have misunderstood. Everything is always completely genuine when TFW is involved. Because realest reality. ~ Administrator said... 120
Collin has been liking Sea Gordon's posts. It's so sweet.
I also noticed he likes a lot of Colleen's posts, and posts many loving kind comments on her photos. This boy is just exuding love and sweetness, just pouring it out there like crazy and hopefully getting tons and tons of it back. It's as if he's trying to make up for the past
His "tumbles and falls" post did me in. I hope he doesn't think he has anything to make up for. He was (is a CHILD) who was not done right by his mother. P.S. Gordon is adorable
A tiny part of me is concerned Collin was so deprived of normal love and affection throughout all he has been through his incredible kindness and affection now may not be completely healthy. As if he is starved for it and desperately crying out for people like Colleen, teachers, even dogs to pour love back to him. Foster kids sometimes act like this. At the same time I have faith in Jon and the service providers they have a good handle on the situation.
Thank you Gordon is adorable. I could shower his pudgy cheeks with kisses all day long if I had the strength!
lurking (#125), I share your concern. When your own mother prints in a freakin' BOOK that you are hard to love, and then sends you away for 3 years and doesn't take you back, how can that not impact your self esteem?
Admin (#126), I think that dear boy like a starving person finally given access to a banquet. He may be gorging himself now just to counterbalance the years of deprivation.
I also wonder if there ever was a Nick in the first place.
Oh yes. Nick is the guy they were looking for somewhere between North Carolina and New York. He somehow found out who his blind date was and took flight. Word has it he's still on the lam. Run, Nick, run!!
You could always see Collin just begging for Kate to acknowledge and love him. He would have been a son who would have done the hard work to take care of her. It was almost sadistic the way she treated him. He could never be what she wanted no matter how hard he tried. She wanted clean, submissive little boys who bowed to the girls in the family. I always think about how she described her 3 sons in one episode. She said they were just dirty and asked why they had to be so nasty and unclean. You have to wonder how her always screaming at them that they were dirty and somehow beneath the girls has affected their self esteem. He is much better off away from her.
A tiny part of me is concerned Collin was so deprived of normal love and affection throughout all he has been through his incredible kindness and affection now may not be completely healthy. As if he is starved for it and desperately crying out for people like Colleen, teachers, even dogs to pour love back to him. Foster kids sometimes act like this. At the same time I have faith in Jon and the service providers they have a good handle on the situation.
I also worry that he may feel obligated to shower people with love and praise. He might think that if he had done it more with Kate then she would not have rejected him.
Well, I think maybe we have to give the facility Collin was in some credit... Collin emerged loving, mature and kind. Now he's lucky to have a nurturing family . He could have been bitter and angry and uncommunicative.The IG posts show otherwise.Maybe not seeing TFW was a good thing after all.
Collin is in good hands. Colleen is a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, if Collin needs anything she would certainly make sure he is taken care of.
Andrea (#131), yeah, you can imagine the kid is always ready for love to be taken away. His gestational carrier did a tremendous amount of damage to him. We some of it on screen, and she admitted some of it in her journal, but I shudder to think of what we don't know.
I grew up on Cape Hatteras, which is on the NC Outer Banks. We lived there until I was 12 and then we moved to Morehead City, which is on the NC Coast. My whole family is still there and I go back to visit as much as I can. I didn't realize what a special place it was until I went away to college in Raleigh. There were much fewer tourists (we call them dingbatters) back then and it seemed so isolated. At college people asked where I was from all the time. I told them they had probably never heard of it. I quickly learned that most people had either heard of it or vacationed there and they thought I was a lucky person to live there. I have lived in Europe and all over the US and I'm still amazed at how many people know about my tiny little area of the world.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 134
Andrea (#131), yeah, you can imagine the kid is always ready for love to be taken away. His gestational carrier did a tremendous amount of damage to him. We some of it on screen, and she admitted some of it in her journal, but I shudder to think of what we don't know.
To Kate's ever-lasting chagrin, there is at least one reliable witness to her abuses who is not still under her control. I am sure being with Hannah is helping to reassure Collin that HE didn't just imagine it all. And I'm sure it makes Kate very uneasy that someone "on the outside" knows the truth.
"Ignore the opinions of others"??? Are you for real? So she's saying to ignore the other two "stars" of the show, and herself as well? And when, exactly, did matchmaking (or whatever the hell she claims to be doing) become an "industry"? LOL
This is an old comment but it's really terrible advice for someone like Kate. One of Kate's biggest problems is she ignored advice and opinions and assistance and just does whatever the F she wants. She needs a does of humble pie and actually LISTEN to people who care about her. Rachel was so off about how to help someone like her.
I also worry that he may feel obligated to shower people with love and praise. He might think that if he had done it more with Kate then she would not have rejected him.
That worries me. It worries me he's thinking I've got to let everyone I care about know how over the moon I am for them how much they mean to me, so that they never doubt it and never leave me.
What a sad thought this boy might be thinking my mom left me because I didn't love her hard enough.
I'm glad this boy is in good hands.
Colleen posted a pic
Beach Bound!!!!
Colleen, Jon, Collin, and Hannah are in the car headed to their destiny. Love all of their big smiles!
Gigi Be
So happy Collin is learning what a family vacation is with a loving mother figure and father without a camera crew in his face! Go Jon and Colleen <3
-Gigi Be
Anonymous said... 139
Imagine---going on a beach vacation that doesn't require you to hang around waiting for camera shots to be set up, or pack up when enough footage has been shot for the day, or be segregated from other people who there to just hang out and enjoy themselves. Hope they all have a whale of a time!
Gigi Be (#139), imagine C getting to go to the beach without a production crew dictating the location. Without having the entire area closed off for filming so no mediocre people come near him. Without a boom mike over his head recording his every word. Without having to leave when a director yells "Cut -- that's a wrap." And without later spending a day or more with that same crew, now in the sacred space of his own home, waiting his turn to be interviewed about his day at the beach.
FlimsyFlamsy- exactly, just good old fashion family fun! Exactly what Collin has been craving for so long which is normalcy. And this is why I see H and C thriving. When the remaining tups used to see Jon, he’d take them to carnivals, ice skating etc. Something Kate has never bothered to do.I can’t picture Kate piling the remaining 6 into the sprinter and taking them somewhere nice, especially with the twins leaving for college soon.
Looks like Jon and family are headed to Jersey Shore
Gigi Be
I hope that they have a good time. We’re expecting rain tomorrow but it should be nice until at least Thursday. It’s HUMID but the ocean is a nice temp so it’s easy to run in and cool off. Low tide around 10:30 am.
Sad & Flimsy #142 & #143
You both nailed it. Imagine spending a day at the beach the way mediocre people do.
Colleen is the best thing that happened to this little fam. I hope Jon proposes this weekend.
jolie Jacquelyn (#146), that nitwit TFW thought she was some kind of supermom because she (read: TLC) could provide "golden platter" experiences for her kids. But what she never got is that the small family experiences can mean just as much -- or even more -- if they are done with a spirit of joy, fun and togetherness. But the only time I've ever seen a look of actual joy on TFW's face is when she's ALONE.
I don't know if it's the same picture Colleen posted, but Jon posted this on his FB page:
The caption says "Heading to Brigantine, NJ!!!"
Anonymous said... 144
Looks like Jon and family are headed to Jersey Shore
And, god willing, there won't be a freaking flag cake in sight on July 4th! Unless Collin and Hannah wanna make one. :)
I wonder what the other inmates, erm, kids have in store for them on July 4th, after the obligatory flag arranging on the quarter-mile drive. Yeah, maybe a cook-out on the necessary-for-the-children's-health-and-welfare lesbian-preacher deck with an ill-tempered Mommy manning the grill. If there's anything else going on, I'm sure it'll be IG-ed. C'mon, Katie, this is your cue---you want another season, DO something!
I think Hannah and Collin are thriving and progressing because they are being treated as individuals. They are not simply a number or a member of a group.
Interesting. She's going back on IG and actually answering a few things. This one is from yesterday (on the 2d Nuqi photo):
I thought you had two german shepherds?
@julieh1040 I have THREE King German shepherds, actually. But this one owns me ๐
I'm guessing someone told her she should be making more of an effort to "connect" with her fans.
Anonymous said... 135
I grew up on Cape Hatteras, which is on the NC Outer Banks. We lived there until I was 12 and then we moved to Morehead City, which is on the NC Coast.
I remember Cape Hatteras from when I was just a child (50+ years ago), if only because it was one of the hurricane "outposts" when a storm was being tracked. I don't think I actually realized it was off the mainland (on the Outer Banks) until you posted. I can only imagine it must have been both fun AND pretty stimulating to grow up there.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 148
jolie Jacquelyn (#146), that nitwit TFW thought she was some kind of supermom because she (read: TLC) could provide "golden platter" experiences for her kids. But what she never got is that the small family experiences can mean just as much -- or even more -- if they are done with a spirit of joy, fun and togetherness.
Yes, the very few times she's mentioned her grandparents, she's actually done so in (for her) a loving way. Were her own parents really THAT bad? From what we know of her siblings' lives, it doesn't seem so.
And yes, when she's ALONE---OR with STEVE on the streets of some city hours or continents away from Ghettosville, PA---she always looks much happier than at home or in the presence of her children. So is it the PRESENCE of Steve, or the ABSENCE of her children, that is the key to Kate's Happy Face? All I know is, despite the decade-long rumors---and often pretty damning--innuendo regarding Kate and Steve, he's still there. And TWO kids are gone. Somehow, I don't think these facts are unrelated.
Andrea (#152), great point. And I think even when TFW acknowledged C and H as individuals, it was through the lens of how they served her. When he was just a toddler, TFW said C proclaimed he was her "helper boy," and of course H was immortalized in the opening credits as "Mommy's helper."
It just occurred to me in less than a year, the tups will be old enough to drive. Yet another opportunity for them to have more control over their lives, and Mommie Dearest to have less. Couldn't happen to a nicer shrew.
thanks FYI...a happy crew on their way to some fun and sun ! Everyone looks great!
I tried to watch the first episode on the TLC app. I only got as far as 5 minutes into it and couldn't take it. The show is just so awful, Kate is so awful, Mady is so awful. In a word "awful". Rachel looks familiar. Was she on Married at First Sight?
Admin, I don't know how you do it? You are so brave to sit through an entire Kate Plus Date, then revisit the episode by writing about it. My hat off to you. I couldn't get past the 5 minute mark. Much respect to you.
Sad but true...150
The infamous flag cake. If I remember correctly that was the cake she only allowed the little girls and twins to participate in making because, once again, the boys were just too dirty and gross to help. Then she SCREAMED at them for eating the extra strawberries and told them they could have one...which was actually only a slice, if they smiled for a picture. Those poor kids seemed like they were starving in that episode and I think a couple of them actually said it, yet they got in trouble for eating slivers of strawberries. What a horrible mother she is.
There may be bias on my parent, but not all parents of higher order multiples are out for fame or attention. The blessing of the babies is often the end result of a painful, long journey.
A reality show would be the last thing I’d want. However, even with a low profile birth we were sought out and courted by TV and book opportunities. They can make it sound good and I can see how they lure in certain types of people. However, we always kept on mind that they were looking to profit off of us; it wasn’t for our benefit.
The process has also changed in many areas since the mid-2000s. My clinic was going for 2 or 3 embryos, now they focus on a single. The octuplets helped fuel those changes.
"grew up on Cape Hatteras, which is on the NC Outer Banks. We lived there until I was 12 and then we moved to Morehead City, which is on the NC Coast."
I'm in Eastern NC, and we go to Morehead City every month. It's the closest beach area to us.
"I have THREE King German shepherds"
She's so full of herself. She has to call them King German Shepherds and put three in all caps.
LisaNH said... 157
Yes, Rachel was on two seasons of MAFS.
TLC is putting a little more effort into promotion this week on both the K8 and their own FB pages. Comments run about 50/50 on the K8 page, overwhelmingly negative on the TLC side. Can't wait to find out if they'll be shutting her down.
Giff (#158), poor little J wandered into the room while all the girls were making the cake. One of them said to Mommie Dearest, "He wants to help!" And TFW snapped back, "Well, he CAN'T!" And the camera followed the dejected kid as he walked away.When his mother labeled J "the forgotten tup, I guess she meant by her.
Ncgirl: Not to defend Kate but the breed is called the King German Shepherd. The breed is not recognized by the AKC as it’s a hybrid of a GSD and another breed to creat a larger than normal German Shepherd (King sized). She’s soooooo proud of her white dog but in the GSD world a white GSD is a disqualification color (although they can be registered). She is a bit overrated the top with the THREE. Add the four tups still living with her, the three dogs and the bird she’s still got EIGHT!
AnotherMoM (#158), thanks for sharing about your experience. I hope you'll continue posting with us.
Admin, I don't know how you do it? You are so brave to sit through an entire Kate Plus Date, then revisit the episode by writing about it. My hat off to you. I couldn't get past the 5 minute mark. Much respect to you.
At your service.
I remember that episode..Joel then sadly asked Jon if he could help him and he turned him down, but more kindly. Then TFW was taking photos and Alexis I think had to use the bathroom but was not allowed to until the photo was done...and she tortured those . The boys later were in trouble for dipping their feet in the pool that hot night...and awn and awn...girls were tortured with the tight beaded cornrows- all were crying in pain.
I'm going to put the recap up early today, closing this post. Enjoy!
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