Thursday, June 13, 2019

Recap: Kate Plus Date "Somebody to Love": Stalagmite pizzas and falling beetles as we begin 10 first dates

Hi everyone. After a blessedly long two-year hiatus and two-year break from recapping new episodes for me, the bitch is baaaack. Kate, that is, in a form of a dating show nobody but her always wanted. TLC paid for the rights to play that great Queen song "Can Anybody Find me Somebody to Love"? Goodness, perhaps the budget on this show is slightly bigger than I thought.

Whoa, the set for Kate's interviews is some new studio, and obviously not her house. The carpet is a dizzying busy dark green with white swirly design with faux brick all throughout the back. Looks like a really janky basement coffee house in a snowy college town.

The sum of Kate's reasons for doing this show are money and fame. Just kidding, she is not honest about her real motivations of course, and claims she is dating now because she's lonely and doesn't want to be alone as kids go off one by one to live with Jon. to college. She texted Jamie once who couldn't talk because she was doing something with her husband and all her other unnamed friends were also doing things with their husbands that day, and felt that fear of missing out thing nagging at her. And I find some strange satisfaction in all of Kate's friends, which in actuality is probably just Jamie, blowing BFF Kate off for their husbands. As they should. On another note though, Jamie's husband DIED suddenly and recently. Perhaps it might have been a little bit sensitive of the editors to cut out the part about him and Jamie? Geez!

Since TLC hired their own dating "expert" who has absolutely no credentials in this line of work and should really be more properly labeled "wants to be a media personality in whichever subject comes up to hire me" I figured we at Realitytvkids have about as much expertise on relationships as they do. So here we go, my first rule of dating, do not date because you don't want to be alone. Bad idea. You are just looking for a man because you don't want to watch Game of Thrones and munch on popcorn by yourself, and are therefore nowhere near emotionally ready for the very real commitment a relationship brings, the unselfishness that will be expected of you to make it work, and the true desire to give of yourself and your life to someone else and find true meaning and rewards from that endeavor. First, be comfortable and confident with being alone, and be able to find happiness on your own. Only then can you be successful in a real relationship.

Why oh why are they showing us old clips of Kate Plus 8?! I can guarantee nobody watching this show hasn't seen enough of that other show, and I can also guarantee nobody wants to revisit it all again. I refuse to recap this. Refuse!

I'm not surprised Kate is taking this opportunity to subtly and not so subtly knock Jon. While she acknowledges she was a pain at times in her relationship with Jon, she explains that's because she had to be the person in charge. Basically implying Jon was just some big kid running around unchecked and if someone didn't take the reins things would fall apart. What complete and utter nonsense. While certainly Jon is a million times more laid back than her, there are numerous times documented right on film when she wasn't around that he was perfectly capable of running the household on his own and caring for the kids on his own. The truth is it was Kate's way or the highway and she wasn't happy unless she was in charge so when she was around, Jon let her be in charge to make her happy, which is what mature people are supposed to do in relationships, keep the other person happy. If Kate didn't like or want to be in charge, then Jon would have taken charge, it's as simple as that. And his full time custody today of Collin and Hannah, who are thriving in his care, is proof that Kate's perception of what was going on in that marriage is just that, her delusional perception.

Jon did not bring out her best self. Oh Lord, I think her best self got left on the side of the road somewhere in rural PA squished up as bloody roadkill around about the age of 16.

As I remarked in one of my comments, Kate says that dating is vulnerable (this is true) and she avoids being vulnerable in all aspects of her life. You know I think this is the most honest Kate has ever been? If you're avoiding things that make you feel vulnerable, you are avoiding life itself.

She banished Jon. She would have had to be vulnerable and face up to her shortcomings as a wife to make that work. She washed her hands of Collin and Hannah. She would have to be vulnerable and face up to her shortcomings as a mother. Various friends are long gone. She would have to be vulnerable and face up to her shortcomings as a friend. Family members are gone. She would have to be vulnerable and face up to her shortcomings as a sister, daughter, in-law, cousin. In ten years she has no dating life. She would have to be vulnerable and face up to her shortcomings socially. She doesn't work a real job. She would have to be vulnerable and face up to her shortcomings as a "career" reality star. Kate, get help. Because you're squeaking by now, but you can't squeak by forever with this mindset.

There are rules to this stupid game? Lol. Kate will be going on dates with 10 men (ten, oy! That's a lot to recap!) and then choosing two of those to go on a second date with. I hope they give her a rose to hand to them when she chooses them. A nice thorny one! What if she doesn't like two of them to go on a second date? What if they all stink? Or what if she likes three or four of them? No second date for the third and fourth guy? And hey, that casting call advertisement didn't say nothing about committing to no second date! Bait and switch. And what happens after the second date? Are the guys off the hook then or does she get to choose one to marry? So many questions, no answers.

Mady and Cara appear on the couch to give some lame commentary, or shall I call them Annie Sullivan and Helen Keller. You can guess who is doing all the talking here, and who is just sitting there like she doesn't even understand what water is.

The teens awkwardly sit on Kate's bed, which is a place I stopped hanging out after about age 6 (not Kate's bed, my mother's), but okay. They are charged with filling out a questionnaire about Kate. Which in light of the Casting Call, is so stupid, because clearly they were just looking for some actors with money, maybe their own company, and more or less in her age range. (Apparently being pretty unrealistic about the fact that most actors don't have money or their own company, but they scrounged up ten suitable candidates somehow.)

Mady wants to put down Kate "watches T.V." in her free time, which is hilarious because it's probably true. Kate protests vehemently. And it's not that she is disputing that's what she does with her free time, but rather, she just doesn't want to sound boring. Heh. By all means, don't be honest on a dating questionnaire about yourself and what you honestly do with your time, just let the guy find out who you really are six months in. Good plan.

Kate says in her natural life she won't meet someone. What's natural life? Does she mean outside of a TV show? Goodness, how did all the rest of us manage to meet our partners in natural life? She won't try online dating but won't say why, but I think it's because she's a judgmental little snot who I guess thinks such a famous person as her couldn't possibly be able to date online (False. Famous celebs have met very nice boyfriends and girlfriends online, including Amy Schumer.)

Has she tried church, socializing with other parents at school, meeting people at work (she'd have to get a job), or meeting through hobbies you enjoy like a running club or if she likes TV so much join a film society or something. She's so stupid and helpless and an insult to women.

They seem to settle on her requested age range being 47-53. Hey, that's very different than the Casting Call, which requested 35-55. Heh! Of course she's an old fashioned snob who can't possibly envision her knight in shining armor being younger than her. Also Jon was marginally younger than her, an age difference not even enough worth noting, but that's her subtle dig at Jon that she doesn't want another boy toy. 

Kate's got a diet coke and a huge glass of red wine and a cup of coffee. Um, I don't think it's a good idea to mix those three. Also her bedroom as per the usual is cluttered with junk, open books, a jar of pens, remotes, a hairbrush, some other random pieces of junk I can't identify. Can't be bothered to even straighten up a bit for filming, hilariously lazy. 

Mady says Kate is a four out of ten on the affectionate scale. And Helen Keller signs she's a "two." Well, we knew that. Still, that's sad. Even people that don't really like to be all mushy mushy with their romantic partner all the time are at least still capable of smothering their kids. As we know, Kate isn't. And studies have shown kids actually suffer serious emotional harm and even cognitive difficulties from that lack of consistent physical touch.

We next get introduced to Rachel DeAlto, an intimacy coach and relationship expert. Intimacy coach?! I can't even imagine. How does that work, does she stand in the corner of your bedroom and say okay now move your hand down a little lower, now kiss him, you got it, go, go, go! 

And in case you're wondering exactly what degrees one gets to become such an expert, Rachel went to Syracuse University and got a degree in "communications" which is code for undecided. Am I right or am I right? Syracuse is Mady's future alma mater, interesting, wonder if Rachel suggested she give it a look. Which if true, is probably the only thing of true real value Rachel brought to the table in this entire endeavor. Rachel then got her J.D. from Seton Hall, another respectable school. See, I told you we were just as qualified here at Realitytvkids! Also a J.D. was smart of Rachel, for when her snake oil business gets sued eventually. Rachel is also a hypnotherapist of all things. Cool, maybe she can hypnotize us into thinking she has the first clue what she's talking about.

Finally, Rachel does have some sort of "coaching" training, which, wait for it, was all of a nine day program, assuming she did both module one, two and three. Haha, so great. 

Rachel claims to have been a litigator for eight years, before she became a matchmaker. Nobody leaves a likely lucrative career in litigation for "matchmaker." Except Rachel. 

So far I don't like Rachel, but the jury's out (hehe!) once I hear her dating advice. Her comment about the law is that she is much better at putting people together than breaking him apart. Is that what she boils the law down to? Maybe she should have gone into a different area of law then before leaving a great career behind for nonsense like this on TLC, because only a tiny subset of law involves "breaking people apart." In fact, many of us lawyers here actually work at bringing people together, whether it's helping a nice old couple make sure all their money is left to the grandkids, helping a family start up a business, mediating a custody dispute so that everyone is happy with a fair outcome and doesn't have to go to trial, working in legislation to craft laws that make our lives better, or lawyers who are involved with family reunification in the foster care system or doing adoptions. Of course there are many more examples of what lawyers do that generally are all positive. It's sad when people have one slice of an experience with something (let me guess, Rachel, you did family law) and then write off all the whole rest of it for all time, and it shows great ignorance.

And also, assuming she is referring to family law, she of all people should know that by the time someone walks into your office wanting to hire an attorney, the relationship is usually doomed. I worked for a family law attorney, and on the rare occasion any of her clients indicated they were thinking of not getting divorced after all and trying to work it out, she would close up the file and instruct them to go back to working on it and call her in six months only if they still needed her. She made a lot of money off people's divorces, but I admired her for never ever trying to get someone divorced who wasn't sure. Family law is messy and pretty terrible, but it's not all bad people in it, Rachel.

Kate arrives in a limo, hehe, in some unknown city, to meet Rachel at an empty hotel bar. Kind of strange. Doesn't Rachel have a nice office you could go talk to her at, or do media personalities not really have a home base? Even stranger is the crowd of tourists standing outside the hotel watching Kate pull up. Most of them look like they're frozen in confusion. What was said to them? A famous celebrity is about to pull up, look excited? They look like they're mostly wondering when the camera crew is going to clear out from the sidewalk so they can keep walking to whatever museum they're trying to reach.

Kate lies and says her last relationship was her marriage. Wow, she really has quite the ego there, saying there's no need to go any further on that topic as "everyone knows." Yes, Kate, like the pope, or Brad Pitt, your marriage needs no introduction. How does she know what this Rachel woman does or doesn't know about her history? I'm going to take a wild guess that not everyone is a Gosselin historian like some of the fine folks here! And Rachel never said she was some big fan of Kate or something. Sure enough, I don't think Rachel knows much about the divorce as she even has to ask how long ago it was. I'll answer Rachel: A long ass time ago. So long ago it's ridiculous to still even be talking about it. My second rule of dating: do not, under any circumstances, date anyone until you have completely processed and moved on from past relationships, including divorces and any other relationship you had that maybe wasn't necessarily marriage. It's not fair to you, but it's equally unfair to the person you are dating.

Does anyone else find it ironic that Rachel is divorced? Lol, maybe that helped make her such an expert.

How come Kate continues to insist she didn't date Jeff Prescott? From Prescott's mouth himself, they dated nine entire months in 2015, and not surprisingly he ran for the hills after Kate started orchestrating filming it all. It's so weird the way she insists that relationship never happened, as if that will erase nine whole months of something that sounded somewhat real? How cruel and disrespectful to Jeff.

Mady's a snide little sassy pants on the couch, saying Kate's a decent catch and that her best qualities are her kids. I mean, it's sort of true actually. Mady, like a typical young woman with absolutely no experience of any value in real relationships, wants a guy in his 50s without kids for Kate. When you start narrowing your parameters like that for men at that age, the pickings are going to be slim. Of who is left, there are often reasons they are still single that are huge red flags. And not having any kids by that age could mean they don't like kids or don't want kids, which is also not a good match for Kate. Not saying there can't be perfectly decent men at that age who never ended up settling down or having kids (it appears Amy Roloff's Chris is, hopefully, one of those single older guys who is single, childless, and decent), but I believe them to be pretty rare at that age simply because most people have long paired up by then or are divorced with kids. Even finding myself single in my early 30's, I found the pool of good, decent men that felt endless in my 20's when I wasn't ready to settle down yet had suddenly shrunk to a little dried up pond, and it was exceedingly hard to find anyone I even wanted to go on one date with much less call my boyfriend. Had I known this, I might actually have focused harder on settling down earlier or risk never finding anyone at all or settling for someone not right for me. The truth is you only need to find one and people do certainly find them at any age, but anyone trying to do this in their 30's or older needs to understand it's probably going to take serious actual work and time to do so, including being vulnerable and doing things nasty (and single) people like Kate scoff at like online dating.

Oh and by the way, Amy met Chris through a single's mixer event, a painting class. Sure she felt awkward as Amy usually does, but her girlfriends encouraged her to just go. I daresay she is way more famous than Kate, too. I believe it's clear Chris loves her, awkwardness and all.

Yeah, nope, don't like Rachel. She's spinning a tall tale of that old party line about how Kate needs to not think about the kids for once and put Kate first. Reminds me of the drivel Deanna used to say like that time she actually tried to convince us Kate's problem is she needs to forgive herself for taking 30 minutes out for herself. Oy! Rachel, I understand you don't know this woman from Adam, but trust me, putting Kate first is not her problem. Her problem is the opposite, her extreme selfishness is why she is alone.

Bring on the first victim! Stephen is a handsome silver-haired, blue-eyed IT salesman who's divorced. Stephen is looking for someone to challenge him intellectually. I'm afraid, Stephen, you are looking in the wrong place.

Kate sure is spinning the yarn about her past. When asked who her first boyfriend was she skips right over all the sex she had in high school and the abortion, and launches into the guy from nursing school and how hurt she was when they split. She doesn't name him by name, but the only guy she could be talking about is Adam Miller. Adam tells a slightly different version of the story, that Kate burned him big time by cheating on him and trading up for a guy with a Corvette. But sure Kate, you're the long-suffering victim used and abused by men throughout womanhood. 

Stephen meets up with Kate and Rachel on a boating dock to take a boat ride and not seconds into shaking their hands, he pulls Kate aside and starts whispering to her. Rachel freaks out and starts yelling "not off camera!!!", lol. God forbid something good not be filmed and mess up Rachel's meteoric rise to fame she expects after doing this show. Kate says, you're mic-ed right? Because I'm mic-ed. Haha! 

Not withstanding they are all still mic-ed and still pretty much on camera just with their backs turned, Stephen goes, so I have a question, you really lookin' to fall in love or is this just for the show? BAW!!

Oooo me me, pick me, I'll answer. It's just for the show, Stephen! Now go enjoy your boat ride and brief stint on camera before going back to real life. 

Kate dodges the question not really saying yes or no, just that there could be someone out there for her and she's not ruling it out. Stephen seems satisfied with that for some odd reason and they continue on as normal. 

Rachel is going to follow their boat in her own boat, an earpiece in her ear to listen in. Ohh, that's so fun, kind of like Miami Vice tailing a boat full of cocaine. I've always wanted to do that and then be the one to give the command to "move in!" and then all the undercover police boats swarm it.

I like that Stephen and Kate are immediately talking about kids, because that's huge in order for either of them to understand if they could ever possibly work. He has two adult kids and a 16-year-old.

Rachel insists Kate needs to show she has interests beyond her children, as if she is criticizing the two of them for launching into the kid talk right away. While that's probably true, I see this as a bad idea to not tackle this subject head on and early. So I'll call that one bad dating advice to act like whatever about the kids. I also think any man that doesn't appreciate that a single mom may be wrapped up in her kids isn't the right man for her. Plus Rachel clearly doesn't watch the show or she would realize that any outside interests Kate has are fickle and superficial, she has never stuck to one hobby or interest for very long before getting bored and dropping it. You got me how you play matchmaker with a person like that.

Stephen makes a point to say he knows nothing about Kate in the first place and didn't try to find out anything about her. Haha, I can tell by the narrowing of Kate's eyes it really pisses her off somebody doesn't know who she is. The world doesn't know about your divorce Kate and they don't know about you either, haha! But I'm afraid for that comment alone Stephen could be done.

Stephen did look up Kate's favorite flower. Huh? How do you look that up? I googled "Kate Gosselin favorite flower" and nothing came up that she likes, not even the amorphophallus titanium, that flower that smells like a corpse (or some say, vagina). It's not like she's a state and you can just find the flower on a chart. Stephen is .... different, shall we say.

Kate doesn't understand how sailboats work. They roll to the side at times, this is normal, but she doesn't like it. Stephen drags Kate up to the bow of the boat to do the whole stupid Titanic thing, a joke that got old twenty years ago. But is a good excuse to dig out my old Titanic graphic I made in 2012.

Yep, still works.

They have a mostly superficial conversation about their divorces, but it's clear from their talk that Stephen is in a much better emotional place about his divorce, as he seems to appreciate the time that he was in love with the woman and is understanding that they simply grew apart as they grew up. He has a healthy "it is what it is nobody is at fault" attitude about that relationship that will serve him well going forward. Stephen is ready to date again. Kate is not.

Stephen likes Kate's legs. Ew, those tree trunks?

As they step off the boat Rachel accosts them about how the date went. Poor Kate and Stephen are like, it was good, fine! I mean, isn't this conversation supposed to occur one-on-one so they can both be free to be a little more honest? Geez, Rachel. Rachel insists the date is not over yet, they're going to go make pizzas together next. Blah, do we have to? Dating rule number three from keep the first date relatively short. Do one thing, like coffee or dinner or one activity. That way if the date is terrible you're not stuck with them your whole day without a good way to get out, and if you do like them, it leaves you wanting more on the second date. Or at least plan just one activity and then secretly have another activity planned for afterward if that first one goes really well and neither of you are ready to end it. The adorable marathon first date the Obamas had together was unusually successful and not generally a good idea for most couples. 

I guess this date isn't going so well for Kate because she seems really annoyed when Stephen can't get his pizza to roll out, and says she helped him as a means to an end as the sooner his pizza rolls out the sooner they can get this over with.

Yikes, I don't think Stephen is making the cut. Is he that bad? I suppose he's pretty gregarious, but I attribute a lot of that to just nervousness. Some people who are normally quieter or normally whatever act completely different on first dates because they're so nervous, which is why my fourth tip of the night for dating is you should almost always go on a second date, even if you think you probably don't like the person (unless there was some major red flag on the first, go on a second). You need to see the person after the nerves are out of the way before you can really judge whether this is worth giving it a try going forward. Any second date I've been on has always been way better than the first because people are more likely to be comfortable being themselves now that they know you don't have a big wart on your nose or a sixth finger.

Kate admits she had "cargo ship" loads of frustration at Stephen over this. Because he can't roll out some pizza dough? Yikes, her inner Gestopo is really coming out on this activity. I feel like if she had her own kingdom she'd chop off a hand for every time someone didn't roll out a pizza dough right. Stephen says he didn't feel any vibe that she was frustrated. Heh, typical man: You were feeling such-and-such? Oh.

Stephen does seem to be unable to stand in one spot and he's talking to the other folks in the class and looking at their work and basically bouncing off the walls. This is really disconcerting to Kate, and I have to agree with her there. I don't like when people jut about either. He drank too much coffee or speed or something and needs to just breathe.

They show a closeup of Kate's pizza and its a soppy mess, it looks like a stalagmite! This was the same woman freaking out over Stephen's less-than-Italian pizza-making skills? At least his pizza looks like a pizza, a square one, which is how the Sicilians make it so it's okay. It's one thing to just stink at rolling pizza, it's not an easy thing to do, but this woman claims to like cooking so much she wrote a cookbook. She's such a fraud. 

Rachel swoops in to offer something unhelpful like they need to have better conversations and flirt. Stephen tells Rachel to buzz the F off they can handle this, which is awesome. Heh! You can tell Rachel can't handle it when someone pushes back on her, and slips away quickly without argument. That was great.

Rachel explains to us dumb viewers oh so helpfully that Kate didn't want to ask questions because Kate wasn't interested in Stephen and didn't want to give him the wrong impression. Oh was that why? I thought it was because Kate doesn't ask questions of anyone because Kate is a narcissist who doesn't care or have interest in anyone else. But if the idea is that Kate isn't interested in this guy and likely never will be, why can't we just end the torture now? Why strut out there and insist that they keep at this pointless exercise? It's just painful. 

Stephen nicely compliments Kate's pizza as they eat and also can't believe Kate hasn't dated since Jon. Hm-mm, Kate insists, mouth full of pizza. It's not believable because it's not true, Stephen. You should have googled Kate more, beyond what flowers she likes, so you would know when she's lying and making a fool out of you. And by the way, he didn't even bring her flowers, so why was he bothering to research flowers?

Stephen is asking some good questions, like what is she looking for (she doesn't know of course because she's not really looking) and what was it she liked about Jon. She spoke very highly of Jon in many of the old episodes. Of course she's a tool who refuses to admit she did once love Jon and his many good qualities. The divorce was ten years ago! She doesn't need to date. She needs intensive therapy, and that's a show I could watch: Kate Plus Explicate. Kate has trust issues, feels burned by friends, family, and people she doesn't even know. What people she doesn't know? Of course she is the victim in all this and did nothing wrong to cause this apparent constant discord in her life. I hope Stephen is getting some big red flags now and if Kate doesn't call this off soon, he should.

I spend a lot of time with various podcasts on my commute, which I really enjoy, and I recently listened to a bonus episode of Dirty John, episode 7 Live at the Ace Hotel, if you're interested. In it Patricia Giggins from Peace Over Violence, a domestic violence prevention charity, talks about educating young people on what a healthy relationship is and what you are looking for. What kind of relationship do you really want to have? Giggins thinks this is just as important as any other skill growing up, yet isn't taught in schools, and then people get out in the real world and end up in bad situations. Anyway, it made me think that if Kate genuinely doesn't know or understand what she wants in a man, which I don't think she does, then it's no wonder she has a string of failed relationships under her belt. I think Kate knows she does want somebody to be a huge contributor to funding her lifestyle, but beyond that she's pretty lost about what her own needs are in a relationship. Like I said, she should have gotten ten sessions of therapy first before even thinking about ten dates.

Dirty John by the way is a very good podcast I highly recommend, however it's stories like that that make people like Kate unreasonably paranoid about online dating. While it's true Debra met John online, John also terrorized a number of women before her, women he met offline like at work, some long before online dating even existed. In other words, someone can stalk, molest and even kill you even if you met them in the most benign offline way possible. So if your reason for not dating online is "there are a lot of bad people out there," you are being irrational. 

Kate declines Stephen's offer to dance, and mercifully the date ends. Stephen tries to give her a kiss that she dodges, and then Stephen saunters away with a glass of wine asking where the vodka is at. Oy, can't blame the guy. 

And in case you had any doubt that Kate is the biggest bitch ever, she doesn't blame Rachel for the disastrous date with Stephen because "Rachel had to start somewhere." Ooooouch! 

The kind of guy that would be good for Kate, says Annie Sullivan, as Helen Keller gazes into space next to her still unaware of what water is, is a guy who is ambitious, smart, but laid back and okay with Kate being in charge. See? Even the twins understand that Kate likes to be in charge, has to be really. Oooo, I know who would be good for Kate. There's this guy who lives nearby who just happens to adore children, hers especially, has his own successful business, and is also pretty laid back and fine with Kate being in charge. Mady does realize she's describing her father, right? Maybe not, as she has been estranged from him for years thanks to Kate. 

Rachel nonsensically explains that they are going to look for a guy between North Carolina and New York because Kate spends a lot of time in both places. The hell? It makes little to no sense to date a guy in just places you occasionally travel to, but it makes even less sense to find somebody "in between" those places, which is one hell of a huge area. It's not like you're saying let's find a guy for Kate between New York and Newark. Geez. You know what reality T.V. host I liked sooo much better than this dumb Rachel chick? Jen from Couples Therapy. She was firm but kind, intuitive, credentialed, and spot on most of the time in her armchair analysis of her subjects, including Jon. Rachel is just a big ball of doofus compared to Jen. Rachel so far has absolutely no grasp of Kate and how she thinks, what's going on in that pea brain of hers much less how to even begin to help her. Come to think of it I wish TLC had hired Jen to host this show, then I might actually enjoy myself.

Rachel finally at long last says something not dumb, about the two fancy rings Kate wears on each of her ring fingers. Rachel says it looks like she's taken, and it does, and that's why she wears them Rachel because do you still not get it that she does not really want to date??? This woman passed the bar, folks. Yipe. Kate offers very little explanation that's very revealing about the mystery rings we've long noticed on this blog, but she does say she got one in New Zealand and one in Mexico. Hmmm, incidentally Mexico is where she vacationed with Steve sans kids, and New Zealand is Steve's homeland and where she has also visited with him. Curiouser and curiouser. Conspiracy theory, she's secretly married to Steve. Boom!

Kate tries to defend the wedding ring as not looking like a real wedding ring which is just nonsense because wedding rings can look like anything as long as it's on the left ring finger. Although Rachel could be wrong here, maybe Kate is wearing a wedding ring to get more boyfriends, kind of like what George did in Seinfeld once. Naturally Kate ignores Rachel's advice to ditch those rings explaining they are near and dear to her heart. Oh I bet they are, schmoopy. Also I don't think Rachel was suggesting  Kate put the things on eBay, but how about at least store them safely away while on a date, or perhaps in a pretty gold chain around her neck? There is a compromise here somewhere that Kate could agree to, but Kate is too rigid to see it without help and Rachel is too dumb to think of it. 

Kate's next victim is Todd, a baby-faced 45-year-old who is divorced and owns his own gym. Seems like a nice guy, but when a guy says he's not looking for love he's looking for fun, believe him. All Kate can say about friendly and personable Todd is he's short, which, as a woman on the taller side, I kind of get. It's just awkward for many tall women to be with a short man, and is an admittedly stupid and shallow hangup that many legitimately can't get past. At the same time, if he checks all the other boxes I would hope most women would give him a chance. It's weird to me to see a woman I consider short (5'4) complain about a man being too short. You're short yourself, so who are you to complain? Try being 5'7 Kate, or even 5'11 like a couple of my friends. Then watch all of the guys around you who are shorter than you and are uncomfortable dating you, shoes that never come in your size, and a childhood of being teased for being the tall girl. 

Todd by the way is not impossibly short. He looks like Kate's height (5'4) in heels, so a good 5'6 or 7. Could be so much worse. It occurred to me this could be another knock at Jon, and sure enough when I looked his height up I was shocked to find the internet pegs him at 5'7. I didn't realize he was that short. It's laughable but sad that Kate makes a point in seeking out physical characteristics the very opposite of Jon, as if to stick it to him somehow. It's funny how she assumes since she's 12, he's 12 too.

Rachel is creepily spying on the date using a small production screen while they pick grapes at a winery. Todd has a 16-year-old beagle (16! What do you feed this beagle?!) and an 11-year-old daughter. Aw. Todd wants more kids. Does he mean biological or is he okay taking on step-kids? Eek.

They crush grapes with their feet I Love Lucy style and Kate is very proud of herself for coming up with the, Is this on your "bucket" list? pun. Hardy har har.

Next they do wine tasting, and Kate can stop swirling that stuff around as if she cares and just gulp it down like we know she wants to. She and Todd make some cute jokes about the flavor profiles in the wine, both poking fun at how they actually have no idea what they are talking about, and for the first time since Jon I see Kate relaxing in the presence a man. See Kate, it can actually be kind of fun to share life things with a guy. That reminds me of the last giggle fest I had with some family and friends, the kind of giggles where you just can't stop them. We were wine tasting with all our significant others and our dogs and we kept describing the wines as if the dogs were tasting it. Things like pot roast notes, aged in bacon, you get the picture. It was silly and goofy and we had a blast. It's fun to hang out with people you enjoy, Kate, and it's fun to pair up and do things with other couples. It's fun to be silly and make each other laugh. I'm sorry all your little hang ups have caused you to miss out.

Rachel awkwardly interrupts the wine tasting, of which it appeared they weren't even finished yet, to drag them to dinner across the vineyard. Why does Rachel need to do this kind of militant ordering about? Why can't they just finish up the wine tasting at their own pace and then wander over to dinner when they're hungry? Yeesh, this useless Rachel woman! Even Kate rolls her eyes at her, and for once Kate's right. I'm going to take a guess Rachel really doesn't have much on camera experience, because it feels like every time she wanders into the frame when nobody asked for her and interrupts things or tries to add her useless two cents, she only ends up drastically breaking up the flow of whatever was going on and embarrassing herself. You know what would be much more effective? Since these dates seem to be broken up into two or three parts, Rachel should meet with Kate in between the segments and go over with her aspects of the date that are working and aspects that are not. Offer tips to improve things in the next segment. For instance, he mentioned he has a child about the same age as your sextuplets, ask him more about her. Or, you were interrupting him when he was trying to explain something, so try to be aware of doing that and hold back on jumping in and talking over him. You were sarcastic with him there, watch that, too. Frankly, this is the format of almost every other "expert" show, from The Dog Whisperer to Supernanny. There's a reason that's the format. Because it actually works. TLC tried to get cute here and deviated from the standard format, and it's crashing.

Kate's commentary about all this so far is, oh good they're not all like Stephen. Yowser, what an unnecessary pot shot! She does realize Stephen might watch this episode right? And his family, his three kids? There was nothing wrong about Stephen, he was just too much personality for a sack of potatoes like Kate. So stop, it's just mean now. 

Todd's great, he worries he's being all dull and boring. Goodness, not at all, Todd! You're fun, engaging, and have a great smile. The problem is you are short, which unfortunately, you can't do anything about. Indeed as Kate and Rachel are conferring alone before dinner while hair and make-up touches up Kate, Kate can only talk about how Todd is just too short. 

This date's activities are like honeymoon material, which seems a little much for just a first date. They have dinner in a treetop restaurant. That's pretty epic. I think Todd actually thinks he might like her or could like her, which is unfortunate because Todd doesn't stand a chance on account of being too short and on account of Kate not really wanting to date.

Kate is blathering on about something or other and mentions that she spends all her life on TV. She really does live in a fantasy where everything about her is filmed even when it's not. Her level of delusion is getting creepy now, in a Ready for My Closeup kind of way. Another excuse to dig out an old graphic! 

Note, the last episode of Kate Plus 8 was filmed over two years ago, for the sextuplets' thirteenth birthday. Two years, people. She is certainly not living her life on a TV show. In fact we know next to nothing about what's been going on with her over the past couple years other than I guess she lost a couple of kids to Jon, because up until last week she barely posted on social media either. Now I'm really wishing these guys knew something about her so that Todd could say, but you haven't been filming in two years. 

Todd is also freaked out about online dating. That's too bad, because online dating would be perfect for someone like him. He would get a lot of responses due to his good looks and that there's actually a lot of substance underneath that. And he's nice. Yeah, the guy would get a hundred people a day wanting a date. He would have his real pick of who to actually meet up with, which means he could be really discerning, which is ideal for online dating. Online dating doesn't work when there's no one suitable even interested in the first place.

Mady poo-poos online dating because it would be creepy if they are just going out with her if they recognize her. I can virtually promise her that won't happen. Men Kate's age do not watch this show and even if they had an old ex that made them watch, trust me, they weren't really "watching." This is too bad, because online dating could open up a world of possibilities for a shrew like her.

Todd's smart too. Astrophysics degree from Michigan State? Yowser! He left it behind and became a dancer instead, his true passion. And went to NYC and did musical theater, and traveled all over the world. And he's short. And now responds to a casting call, apparently. And has really, really white teeth. Um, is Todd gay and just doing this to make a quick buck? Sorry, but I have to ask because it doesn't look like the obvious has occurred to ole dummy ex-litigator turned matchmaker over there. Marcia Clark she is not. Kate interrupts this rather interesting story about Todd to scream over a beetle that fell on the table. Just brush it off and grow up, good Lord. It's not like it's an indoor restaurant and it's an OSHA violation. 

Kate's screaming over more bugs and a little wind. No, seriously, a little wind. Even nice Todd has to admit these constant freak outs Kate is doing are actually ruining the dinner. Yep, they actually are. It suddenly starts raining like crazy, but nobody packs up to leave because I guess you can't just stop filming something without finishing or your story would have no ending.

Todd's just too nice to be straight, sorry. He remarks what an absolute wonderful time he's having and gives her a sweet hug goodbye. They sure are making sure these guys are liquored up, which is probably wise, Todd is still drinking during his exit interview. Kate ranks these guys Todd first, Stephen second. Is there much point to ranking just two guys? Heh. And ranking them? She sounds like a college boy. Why not just say something mature, like Stephen was very nice but not for me. Todd was also nice, but I'm afraid I've got some terribly unfair personal hangups about his height that are not his fault but make me question whether I'd like to see him again. I know, I know, way too adult for TFW. You know for as far as so many smug women think we've come in the women's movement,  no longer being intimidated by men, standing up for ourselves, sharing our stories of past abuse, finding equality in relationships, no longer needing marriage or if we do get married keeping our names, switching roles so that we work and they stay home with the kids. Well, pull aside the tall ones, like 5'7 and up. Ask them if they would date a guy who is only 5'7 and they have to answer honestly. I'd love to see how that conversation would turn out. I'm guessing pretty darn hypocritically. We may have progressed in so many ways, but at the end of the day these women's lib zealots can't get rid of that inherent biological need to be protected by a protector, a big and strong man. And it makes no sense to our ancient brains that a protector can be smaller than you (after all, our ancestors didn't have big advantages that make a small person powerful regardless of height, like guns), so we reject that short person as a suitable mate. Yea science!

It's over at last. Only eight more dates. Which at the moment sounds endless. I listened carefully to this whole episode and I heard Cara say one thing. I'm not even kidding, one thing. About Kate being a 2 on the affectionate scale. Man, is she ever passive aggressive about this all.

Next time is the escape room we heard about months ago. I kind of do want to see her date with the rather interesting Rosario, the Italian opera singer who totally reminds me of a throwback to Carrie Bradshaw's Russian boyfriend Aleksandr Petrovsky. A guy that I thought was so terribly ugly and way too old for her, yet so terribly handsome because of the absolute sex appeal he exuded. Those suits. That apartment. The accent. He was so romantic, whimsical, artistic. And then he beat her, so nevermind. See you next time.

177 sediments (sic) from readers:

Old poster said... 1

Kate’s been in love with Neild for YEARS.
And the rings thing? I’m sure he purchased both.
Damn, even Blind Gossip has a current item about them.

Formerly Duped said... 2

Admin, I admire your fortitude to watch this as well as write a long and detailed recap for those of us who cannot bear to tune in! Sounds predictable and silly.Is it actually Kate's bedroom or a set? While Mady may be thrilled to be part of this, it's obvious that Cara does not.

PS. Sea Gordon seems to be doing so well! He is really experiencing life.I am happy to see his IG pictures and all the fun you are having together. ~ Administrator said... 3

The ring thing suggested to me Rachel was not well researched in coming into this endeavor, which is another reason she is dumb. A quick google and she would know all about Kate's dysfunctional relationship with Steve, and could have talked through that issue with her. Why it's unhealthy to be fixated on a married man, how it was held her back from opening her heart to someone else. You know, actually address Kate's issues and all that?

Rachel has barely even touched the meat and potatoes of Kate's issues. Kate's not going to get better if someone doesn't strip her down.

Not that I expect a dumb reality show it help anyone, but it could if it tried. ~ Administrator said... 4

PS. Sea Gordon seems to be doing so well! He is really experiencing life.I am happy to see his IG pictures and all the fun you are having together.


He's powering through his new life in the USA! He's going camping again this weekend, but skipping the moose hotdogs.

Sad but true said... 5

Great recap, Admin. If Todd's height was such an issue, why'd he end up on this show at all? I'm guessing the casting people didn't have much to work with. BTW, doesn't K8 say she's 5'7"? ~ Administrator said... 6

The second episode really is completely up on youtube. I guess that means I can get a head start on recapping it ...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 7

Admin, you've knocked it out of the park! Thanks for another brilliant and hilarious recap. Now (*clap clap*), get crackin' on the next one. Kidding!

Too much to comment on, but just a quick observation. TFW wasn't willing to get of her rings, because they were near and dear to her. But was willing to get rid of her son.
Now that C has shown himself to be a kind, compassionate young man, I am thrilled that he's with his dad. Mommie Dearest does not deserve the honor of raising him anymore.

Ingrid said... 8

From earlier post: ~ Administrator said... 65 Not to mention the nine months she was with Prescott. Surely they were aware of that one.
It was mentioned on one of her IG. She denied it and said don't believe the tabloids.

Great recap admin

NJGal51 said... 9

Just for shits and giggles I looked up Kate + Date in the iTunes Store ($9.99 for the season if you’re so inclined....I’m not!) and you get a free episode of Kate + 8. Season 4, episode 11 entitled “Blind Date” from Jan 2016 (did we still have pagers then?) Here’s the description of the episode.

Deana sets Kate up on a blind date, and she heads to the big apple. The night includes a fancy dinner, good conversation and an exciting helicopter ride. With Kate away, Mady and Cara help keep the little kids busy at home.

TFW really does have selective memory. Isn’t this the one where they had to get a last minute substitute (Van) because Prescott refused to film and didn’t Van and his buddies refer to TFW with some less than flattering term from their military school days? Maybe I’m thinking of something/someone else.

lurking said... 10

So in comparison, Outdaughtered's season 3 premiere on Tuesday was ranked 6 in cable with 2.7 million viewers.

Kate's SERIES PREMIERE drew 773,000 at #27.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 11

TFW's narcissism in thinking the whole planet kept track of every detail of her marriage reminds me of a little kid. You know how they assume you remember everything, as if their life is the only one you ever think about. "I told you I saw 'Moana' SEVEN times, not 6! And I went to arts and crafts camp with Emma G, not Emma P. Duh!'"

Sad but true said... 12

The denials about Prescott are pure and utter BS. I recall she (or he?) said at one point that they were working together on some sort of charitable endeavor. Which obviously never happened. Her lying is out of control.

lurking said... 13

"She texted Jamie once who couldn't talk because she was doing something with her husband and all her other unnamed friends were also doing things with their husbands that day,"

Ummmm when was this filmed? Before or after Jamie's husband died suddenly? Hopefully before, but this still should have been edited out.

lurking said... 14

Maybe I should read the whole thing before I comment LOL:

"On another note though, Jamie's husband DIED suddenly and recently. Perhaps it might have been a little bit sensitive of the editors to cut out the part about him and Jamie? Geez!"

FlimsyFlamsy said... 15

lurking (#10), holy cow, "Outdaughtered" get TRIPLE TFW's ratings! Hardy har har! Once TLC's undisputed darling, TFW keeps hoping "lightening" will strike twice for her. Well, Ben Franklin's been flyin' that kite with a key for about decade, and he hasn't gotten more than static cling yet.

Anyone think when this officially tanks, TFW will blame Rachel? Oh, wait, silly me, everything is Jon's fault. Forever and always.

Sad but true said... 16

BTW, where is the male matchmaker who's supposed to be helping out with this journey into oblivion? Did he end up on the cutting room floor?

JR said... 17

One question.. why does she keep saying she has 8 kids? She HAD 8 kids...that was driving me crazy

AuntieAnn said... 18

Thanks for the recap Admin. You persevered. Have a drink on me. Have a dozen. That was no easy task.

I thought E!News was just kidding when they announced this show back in February. Silly me.

Rachel would be wise to keep her resume up to date and out there. And to save his soul, may that guy they're looking for (somewhere between N. Carolina and New York) never be found.

JR said... 19

Boy she really thinks people are stupid... she’s not “dating “ ... she’s looking for a paycheck and some face time...she really is a natural liar

JR said... 20

I have to add the screeching and faces and overreacting was enough to turn your was cringe worthy... I felt embarrassed for her...
That’s 45 minutes of my life I’ll never get back

Anonymous said... 21

From Dmasy --

Admin, thanks for taking the time to re cap the first two dates. I suspect that your commentary had more substance than any of her dates will have.

Good news, you only have 8 more to go!

Sometimes, I just feel sorry for her.

Anonymous said... 22

The press days for Kate and her stale show maybe officially over. There are no more posts from either Kate or The narcissist in training Mady. It must be depressing returning to the mediocre Pennsylvania life( snark).

Gigi Be

Anonymous said... 23

Wasn’t sandiebellz a huge fan back in the day? Milo follows her. I was surprised to see she posted this on Kate’s insta “ You haven’t dated in 10 years? Sounds like a wasted life to me.”

Funny how a lot of her oldest fans are turning on her now.

Gigi Be

Layla said... 24

Wow, she really plays up her TV "career", doesn't she? Her "whole life"? I guess she's forgetting the almost 5 years of unemployment and the fact that the last season she was on (2017) was only 3 episodes. That's hardly her "whole life". And they are trying to play her up as some kind of huge star with the limo, the waiting crowd, and all the references to people knowing all about her and her divorce. I suspect that once this show wraps, she will have another long period of unemployment.

I went back and checked, and I'm seeing Outdaughtered on Tuesday with 1.291 million viewers.

I'm giggling at Kate saying she's been burned by people she doesn't even know. I wonder if she's talking about us. Remember reading (in Robert's book) about the computer file she had on this blog, entitled "Bad Blog"? Oh yeah, we're bad to the bone, aren't we?

So the second guy, who was probably 5'7", was too short, was he? I wonder what Nicole Kidman (5'11" and married to the very yummy 5'7" Keith Urban) would say about that.

JR said... 25

Ummm why is the second episode on YouTube? Won’t they lose viewers like that? I’ve never seen that before... and I don’t understand it ~ Administrator said... 26

I'm giggling at Kate saying she's been burned by people she doesn't even know. I wonder if she's talking about us. Remember reading (in Robert's book) about the computer file she had on this blog, entitled "Bad Blog"? Oh yeah, we're bad to the bone, aren't we?


Haha. I didn't want to say it, after all I don't think this blog's ego even begins to compare to Kate's, however it certainly would be an honor if we were part of the "people she doesn't even know" who burned her. You're welcome.

Layla said... 27

JR said... 20
I have to add the screeching and faces and overreacting was enough to turn your was cringe worthy... I felt embarrassed for her...
That’s 45 minutes of my life I’ll never get back.
I don't know if you've been reading the comments that viewers have posted on social media, but there are soooo many people who agree with you and hated the show. We'll see how many refuse to tune in for the next episode.

Lurking said... 28

Anonymous said... 23
Wasn’t sandiebellz a huge fan back in the day? Milo follows her. I was surprised to see she posted this on Kate’s insta “ You haven’t dated in 10 years? Sounds like a wasted life to me.”

Funny how a lot of her oldest fans are turning on her now.

Gigi Be

Sandy liked Barbs IG posted blaring Kate for not supporting her fans.

Sad but true said... 29

I finally found the reference to Kate and Jeff Prescott being "in business" together:

"Prescott told Radar Online that he will be partnering with Gosselin on a new business that will be for "single mothers who support their families."

LOL, I knew I hadn't imagined this. And how she can deny dating the guy is beyond me. Looking back at the old articles, HE was certainly clear that they were dating. What does she gain by lying about everything?

MikeB said... 30

Strange seeing the second episode on YouTube already. Obviously some kind of TLC insider who has access. I watched a few bits of it and it looks like an early edit of the show. Some of the shots only show half the guys head and the audio isn't matching up with the video.

just wondering said... 31

"Bad Blog" meant Gosselins Without Pity (GWOP) back in the day. ~ Administrator said... 32

Who even knows why she's lying about Prescott. The woman lies just to lie. But if I had to guess, she likes the narrative that she's Kate who can't get a date any other way and has been single now for 10 years. If she admits she actually had a decently serious relationship for nine months not a few years ago, that doesn't fit with "can't find a man offline" and "am totally rusty with how to date."

I'm also sure things ended with Prescott very, very badly, as they always do with Kate, so her way to really stick it to him is to deny he ever even existed. Petty and immature.

Sad but true said... 33 ~ Administrator said... 32

I'm also sure things ended with Prescott very, very badly, as they always do with Kate, so her way to really stick it to him is to deny he ever even existed. Petty and immature.

In case you've forgotten, things ended when he pulled out of that Labor Day "date," the planning of which he described in detail in a number of articles. He says that what she ended up doing with Vann is precisely what had been orchestrated by production.

Sad but true said... 34

MikeB said... 30

The second episode was already posted by TLC, less than 24 hours after the first episode aired, it's on their TLCgo app. It's free if you already have TLC, otherwise it's pay per view. I'd love to see those numbers. ~ Administrator said... 35

TFW's narcissism in thinking the whole planet kept track of every detail of her marriage reminds me of a little kid. You know how they assume you remember everything, as if their life is the only one you ever think about. "I told you I saw 'Moana' SEVEN times, not 6! And I went to arts and crafts camp with Emma G, not Emma P. Duh!'"


Ha, that's totally Kate! I can completely tell Rachel was all like, yeah I'm lazy and didn't do weeks and weeks of research on my subject like a real TV host would do, so I honestly really don't know much about this woman at all, but I'll fake it. ~ Administrator said... 36

It was mentioned on one of her IG. She denied it and said don't believe the tabloids.


Lol, right. The tabloids just made up that entire interview with Jeff, direct quotes and all. Shouldn't Jeff sue? ~ Administrator said... 37

IMHO, I suspect TFW missing C's hearing is because she was filming at that time. She had asked for a postponement and was denied by the judge. Hmmm, should I go to court to fight tooth and nail for custody of my child or should I film my dating show for all the world to see. Such a tough decision. Maybe I should toss a coin. No, screw it, I'm more important than he is.


The timing does fit. Wow what a supreme tool if so.

Sad but true said... 38

Mady posted a selfie of her on an escalator. Airport?

going up ☁️ ~ Administrator said... 39

It doesn't sound like Rachel and Schmoopy exchanged any cutesy inside-joke social media posts before, during or after the show aired. I suspect the bloom is off the rose between them already.


I suspect the same. No way is Kate adding this woman to her Rolodex. She calls her out too much, threatening to make her expose things she doesn't want to talk about like the rings. She's pushing Kate outside her comfort zone and her interruption of the dates was both annoying to viewers and annoying to Kate. Yeah, no, they weren't jiving.

ncgirl said... 40

Thanks for the recap. Maybe Rachel can hypnotize Kate into being a nice person.

Jtn said... 41

Kate isn't looking for love. She is looking for another angle to work and maybe an asset to manage. The problem is that her expectations are misaligned with her abilities. We all like to think of ourselves as the protagonist in our lives. However, for good or bad, she is either a natural antagonist or has been scripted as one by TLC because it makes better television. The problem is that an antagonist cannot carry a show. They are not the one the audience wants to watch or see win. The antagonist is there to create drama. Audiences have a low tolerance for shows headed up by antagonists forced into the protagonist role. It's the same problem with Mady who displays similar traits. Small doses are great. Larger ones are obnoxious. ~ Administrator said... 42

The problem is that an antagonist cannot carry a show. They are not the one the audience wants to watch or see win. The antagonist is there to create drama. Audiences have a low tolerance for shows headed up by antagonists forced into the protagonist role.


I know our resident troll likes to think so highly of TLC and other executives who know so so much more than us silly commoner viewers (They don't, we've been just as right if not more right about predicting how any of her projects will do as they have), but you've hit the nail on the head why Kate on her own doesn't work, at least not long term.

Kate IS the antagonist, but it worked early on, because she had balance with Jon and the kids. It was the package deal that people were watching. The kids, but Jon too, and how they played off Kate.

Watching just Kate and the kids was never the same, and the ratings proved it. And now, just watching Kate and Mady REALLY doesn't work.

They big time lost their secret sauce. It's like serving one ingredient from the recipe and expecting the audience to be wowed just the same. It'll just never work that way. ~ Administrator said... 43

Blog historians, does anyone else remember where or when Kate made that comment she would be interested in dating a police officer? It was a long time ago. I remember us talking about how creepy that comment was in light of the child abuse allegations.

ncgirl said... 44

"does anyone else remember where or when Kate made that comment she would be interested in dating a police officer?"

I remember Kate being asked about what kind of man she wants, and she said something like someone in law enforcement who could control the kids. When she said that, I thought of Skeeve.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 45

Sad but true (#29), she also doesn't want to mention Jeff Millionaire because it spoils her narrative. She wants the world to think she had tunnel vision for a decade --thinking always and only about her precious 8. Except, of course, on the alternate weeks she was away from home, because that's what worked best for her family. She needs the martyr story, true or not, because it's all she's got.

Anonymous said... 46

Admin you are such a talented writer...impressive recap. When Kate is being interviewer ever asks her the obvious question: "now that your children are grown what career plans do you have for your next chapter?" Outdaughtered parents (Danielle and Adam) are always asked what their businesses/ jobs are.
Virtually all TLC families have sources of income besides TLC. Are her interviewers prohibited from asking her about her career plans?

Lorrie said... 47

I’m not the biggest Giada DeLaurentiis fan but I do admire the way she and her ex husband are working together to raise their daughter Jade. She posted a picture yesterday of the three of them celebrating Jade’s graduation. Can you picture TFMJG doing the same? Imagine Kate posing, smiling, with Jon and the twins a few weeks ago on their milestone day. She’d sooner orchestrate a reunion with Kevin and Jodi.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 48

Lorrie (#47), and what TFW doesn't seem to get is, had she tried to co-parent, she'd have SO much more positive attention. I bet she would've easily scored a million viewers Monday had Jon been in that graduation picture with her and the twins.

Anonymous said... 49

Thanks Admin for the brilliant recap of the first two dates. I can't get past the fact she actually blamed her bad behavior (on the original series) because Jon didn't bring out HER best self; so as always it's all Jon's fault. Thanks again for putting yourself through what must have been torture.


AuntieAnn said... 50

It doesn't sound like Rachel and Schmoopy exchanged any cutesy inside-joke social media posts before, during or after the show aired.


Could be that Kate met someone as obnoxious and annoying as herself and doesn't like what she sees.

It's not easy to face your demons is it Schmoops?

AuntieAnn said... 51

We'll see how many refuse to tune in for the next episode.


I wonder how many of the 773,000 that tuned in actually watched the entire episode or flipped the channel before it was over. Or cleaned the grout behind the bathroom sink just to do something more interesting.

AuntieAnn said... 52

I kind of do want to see her date with the rather interesting Rosario, the Italian opera singer who totally reminds me of a throwback to Carrie Bradshaw's Russian boyfriend Aleksandr Petrovsky.


If Rosario is financially well off, he'll be first choice for Mr. Lucky Second-date Guy.

lurking said... 53 ~ Administrator said... 43
Blog historians, does anyone else remember where or when Kate made that comment she would be interested in dating a police officer? It was a long time ago. I remember us talking about how creepy that comment was in light of the child abuse allegations.


I don't remember that but I remember her tweeting to a police officer about an emergency. I seemed to be about Jon, and in hindsight, it seemed to have meant to been a DM

Former Lurker said... 54

Admin, I owe you one. I was stuck in a doctor's waiting room this afternoon, and was so thankful I had your recap to entertain me. You outdid yourself on this one. I don't know how you do it, but thanks!

That bit about her rings is very interesting. I've always said that it looks like she's wearing a wedding ring. No woman who's looking for a date would wear a ring like that on that finger.

Layla said... 55

M (46) said....
Virtually all TLC families have sources of income besides TLC. Are her interviewers prohibited from asking her about her career plans?
Kate has always made it clear that her only career plan is reality tv. She's said that it's her family's "normal", that she feels comfortable doing TV, and she finally figured out what she wants to do (TV), that this is her career. She called it her career even when the show was cancelled. She has no intention of ever doing anything else. Ever.

Former Lurker said... 56

New pictures have been posted at Getty Images. Two different locations, both from yesterday, June 12th.

She did Extra, which is kind of strange, because she also taped a bit for Extra from their Times Square set earlier this week when she was in NYC.

The second interview was for the "Daily Pop" whatever that is. She's on the interview couch alone, but there's one pic on the set with Mady and Cara. TFW is wearing the same cheap looking blue dress in both interviews.

Again, this is such a strange and pathetic way for M & C to kick off their summer after graduating high school.

Former Lurker said... 57

From the last thread:

Layla said... 91

Former Lurker (81) said...
Now I'm curious how the premiere of Outdaughtered did on Tuesday night.
You got it! Outdaughtered got 1.291 million viewers, and Sweet Home Sextuplets (10pm on Tuesday) got 1.091 million. Both of them blew Kate's Fake Date out of the water. Not surprising, but that sMothered show looked kind of creepy to me. I wasn't thinking it would do as well as it did.


Thanks, Layla. I guess TFW is going to have to find a guy, get married, and orchestrate another HOM pregnancy if she wants those big ratings again.

Former Lurker said... 58

Old poster said... 1

Kate’s been in love with Neild for YEARS.
And the rings thing? I’m sure he purchased both.
Damn, even Blind Gossip has a current item about them.


I just found it. Everyone's guessing it's TFW and that the ex-boyfriend is Skeeve:

Silly Goose Has Bad Timing

We told you a while back that this TV personality was trying very hard to keep her family together for the cameras.

The reason? It would have looked better for her TV show!

Well, now she’s got a new problem.

You already know that she and her husband broke up.

This new wave of publicity was supposed to be all about her finding a new man, with all of us cheering her on from the sidelines while she flies from man to man.

Except… she is already back together with her ex.

Not her ex-husband. An ex-boyfriend.

Whoops. Bad timing on her part.

Does she honestly think that people are going to care about that whole looking-for-love saga once they find out she already has a man?

Silly goose!

NJGal51 said... 59
This comment has been removed by the author.
NJGal51 said... 60

The difference between Mady and Collin.....

Collin reposted the story on his IG My Story about the little boy, with Down Syndrome, who fell off a school bus and suffered horrible injuries and his mom is trying to find out exactly what happened.

Mady, on her IG My Story, posted pictures of M &Ms and labeled it “extremely necessary plane snacks”.

According to TFW Jon brought out the worst in her and was a horrible father. Hmmmmmm, I think Jon and Colleen are doing an amazing job raising a caring young man.

Giff said... 61

Collin does seem like such a sweet boy from his Instagram. He showed a picture of an art project he had done. I remember from the show how he had loved doing art. I'm starting to wonder if he was the one who made what's her face, the wire flower garden for Mother's Day. You would think if is it was one of the children she is holding hostage, she would have said who it was. And, she said she "received" this gift, not that it was "given" to her . To me, that makes it sound like it was from someone who wasn't there to give it to her personally...

Anonymous said... 62

Thanks Layla. I know her only career goal is to forever be filmed. But how bizarre is that employment goal? How arrogant that she thinks she is that interesting/ entertaining. And that's my point. Why don't the interviewers ever ask her what her employment plans are for the future? Everyone else from TLC appears to be asked and they seem happy to discuss. The interviewers seem to be complicit in sustaining her delusion. (I'd ask her).

FlimsyFlamsy said... 63

NJGal51 (#60), guess you might say Mady is her mother's daughter, and C is his father's son.

So who was watching the four remaining tups (FRT? Can I make that happen?) while Mommie Dearest and the twins are on their glamorous press tour? I'm sure their dead father would've taken them in a heartbeat had their minds not been poisoned against him.

Anonymous said... 64

Father's Day is on Sunday. I would love to hear that Jon has been named Father of the Year for rescuing Collin, when his own mother didn't show up in court to fight for him after he was released from the facility where she placed him.


FlimsyFlamsy said... 65

Thinking again about the tups this week...wouldn't this have been an incredible opportunity for the 4 of them -- especially J and A -- to spend time with the brother they were separated from for 3 years?
For those 6 kids, who were wombmates and share an extremely unique history, to reconnect as a group?
It would've been win-win. I can't imagine Colleen would've had a problem facilitating 4 extra kids for a few days. And TFW wouldn't have been in the equation, so there would've been be no issue with her interacting with C.

TFW will never get it. Her 8 children will be siblings forever.
She has no regard for the sanctity of those relationships.

JR said... 66

Is her press extravaganza over so I can stop throwing up

Sad but true said... 67

FlimsyFlamsy said... 65

It would've been win-win. I can't imagine Colleen would've had a problem facilitating 4 extra kids for a few days.

And with the exception of Alexis (who hasn't seen her dad in who knows how long), the other three have all spent time at Jon and Colleen's in the days before the current pitched battle. Yes, I'd love to know who she left at home with the children---and what she's paying them.

Formerly Duped said... 68

FlimsyFlamsy said... 65


I agree. the boys seemed so close, and H and L were BFF- hope Leah and Alexis are closer now too. This would be a great time to check out how great H and C have it with Jon and Coleen. The tups must miss H and C a lot and hopefully will keep up the connection and listen to them!

FreeCara said... 69

You mean to say that Kate was dating a rich guy who put up with her for 9 months, and she threw that all away so she could be on TV??? So her number 1 priority in life is to be on TV no matter how bad it makes her look. Not finding a rich guy, which was her priority when she was young and single.

Layla said... 70

Former Lurker (56)
Wow, Kate is really looking her age in those pictures! Even the caked-on makeup can't hide it. She needs to avoid close-ups from here on out. And I agree with you, that shiny polyester dress is just tacky.

OMG, I just looked at Mady's IG photo of herself on an escalator, and she appears to be wearing a Cartier Love necklace. Those are more than $2000! Of course, it could be a cheap knock-off, but it could also be the real thing.

Anonymous said... 71

OMG, I just looked at Mady's IG photo of herself on an escalator, and she appears to be wearing a Cartier Love necklace. Those are more than $2000! Of course, it could be a cheap knock-off, but it could also be the real thing.
I read on one of Syracuse’s U blog that Cartier jewelry is a big thing amoung students there. MAybe it was a gift from Kate for filming.
Wonder if one of the younger girls will take M or C room once they’ve gone off to college.

Gigi Be

Layla said... 72

Gigi Be (71)
Cartier Love jewelry is huge among the younger crowd around here too. The bracelets especially, but those cost several times what the necklace does. Maybe Kate bought Mady and Cara necklaces for graduation since we haven't seen them before. Or yeah, a gift/bribe for filming (since they can't have cars until they get jobs and pay for them, as Kate has said--hello, what have they been doing since they were 5? That's right, working their jobs--filming).

ncgirl said... 73

"The second interview was for the "Daily Pop" whatever that is."

That is a celebrity news/interview show on the E channel, a cable channel with the Kardashians. It's in LA. They should really meet the Kardashian-Jenners who seem to be what Kate and Mady aspire to be. Kris Jenner also pimps out her children even though most of them were grown when the show started.

Former Lurker said... 74

Layla said... 70

Former Lurker (56)
Wow, Kate is really looking her age in those pictures! Even the caked-on makeup can't hide it. She needs to avoid close-ups from here on out. And I agree with you, that shiny polyester dress is just tacky.


I had posted that Getty link from my laptop last night. Just now, I clicked on it again from my phone. She looked bad enough in them, but I just zoomed in and damn, she's not aging well. She looks very harsh outside in that daylight in Extra. The poor complexion and wrinkles can't be hidden or minimized the way they can be with favorable lighting on a set. The lines on her neck have always been there, but they're worse than ever now. She looks much older than she really is. Also, zooming in on just her face without the bleached blond hair extensions to distract you, with those expressions she makes while talking, she really is not attractive at all.

foxy said... 75

Gigi Be 71. I doubt the younger girls will take over M & C's rooms. Kate will make them into Shrines.

Sad but true said... 76

Really pathetic showing on IG for the last six of her photos (all related to the---ahem---"premiere"). She's almost got 20K likes on the first one posted, but when there are (AHEM!) purportedly over 375K followers, that comes in at only about 5 percent. I don't think she really has a clue about the metrics of IG. When you pay for followers and add as many as she has in the last 15 days or so (close to 40K by my very rough calculations), the relative dearth of likes and comments on each post is just glaring.

I know it's hard for a narcissist to pay attention to anyone more "famous" than herself, but she needs to scout around IG and see how the really noticed people do it. All of the Teen Moms, just for example. Even Jenelle Evans, who's been high-profile the last couple of months for ALL of the wrong reasons, is routinely getting hundreds of thousands of views on her video posts, and thousands upon thousands of comments per photo (before she shuts them down, that is).

Once again, Kate is too little, too late on the social media front. Which is unfortunate for her, because this is truly her last real frontier.

Anonymous said... 77

Does she honestly think all her "followers" are supporters. Many people "follow" others whom they dislike.


Sandylove said... 78

Former Lurker, that's what I was saying in my comment the other day. When you zoom in on those Getty Images, you can see just how BAD she looks, much older then her age 44!!

Layla said... 79

The complete video of episode 1 of K+Date in YouTube was posted 4 days ago. It now has 86,000 views. A clip of the Busbys (Outdaughtered) was posted 12 hours ago. It has 411,000 views.

Former Lurker said... 80

Sandylove (#78), sorry that I forgot where that comment was. We were all commenting so much faster than usual. I went back to the last thread and found it:

Sandylove said... 42

Did anyone look at those Getty Images photos taken during the Extra interview? Especially when you zoom in, you can see how horrendous her neck looks and she's lost a lot of muscle tone in her arms. She's definitely put on weight in her legs as others have mentioned. But what really struck me was just how much you can tell Kate is lapping up all the attention. Enjoy it while you can Kate, hopefully this is the last TV show you'll have!


Sandylove, you're so right about that, especially her neck. You should have warned me not to zoom in!

Also, I totally agree with notagain's comment, especially about that hair that does absolutely nothing for her:

notagain said... 38

She does not well, she has a brittle look to her. Could be too much wine but the fact that she is clinging to the long blond high schooler hair is not helping her look

Former Lurker said... 81

Sad but true (#76), I love how you always have the numbers for us. Thanks for posting that. Who does TFW think she's fooling?

FlimsyFlamsy said... 82

Former Lurker (#80), I think her insides are just starting to show on her outsides. She is a mean, petty, hard-hearted, shallow, vain, lazy, selfish, narcissistic shrew. Ain't enough botox in the world to keep all that at bay. ~ Administrator said... 83

The second recap is done, I'll wait to post it until the day the episode airs. But after watching two episodes of this show, I have determined this show is so deeply sexist as to be offensive. Stay tuned, the recap will explain why.

Kylie said... 84

Flimsy, I love your posts! I've been waiting for your classic 'heifer' comment.

Former Lurker said... 85

Layla said... 79

The complete video of episode 1 of K+Date in YouTube was posted 4 days ago. It now has 86,000 views. A clip of the Busbys (Outdaughtered) was posted 12 hours ago. It has 411,000 views.


Layla, that is too funny. I can't wait to see the ratings for episode 2, especially after her bicoastal "press tour" that mostly took place after the premiere aired. ~ Administrator said... 86

OMG, I just looked at Mady's IG photo of herself on an escalator, and she appears to be wearing a Cartier Love necklace. Those are more than $2000! Of course, it could be a cheap knock-off, but it could also be the real thing.


Mady seems like the type of young adult who would totally act like she doesn't want to do this show just to elicit a nice bribe out of the deal, even if she would have done the show anyway.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 87

Admin (#83), thanks in advance! Hope it hasn't been too traumatic to immerse yourself in the world of "realest reality."

Anyone else laughing at the idea TFW still needs a bodyguard when she can't even scare up a million viewers?

Former Lurker said... 88

FlimsyFlamsy said... 82

Former Lurker (#80), I think her insides are just starting to show on her outsides. She is a mean, petty, hard-hearted, shallow, vain, lazy, selfish, narcissistic shrew. Ain't enough botox in the world to keep all that at bay.


Exactly! And, this is why I am willing to bet that she will never be happy in life and she will never have a partner. If she weren't so evil, (and I don't say that lightly), I'd almost feel sorry for her.

Former Lurker said... 89

Admin (#83), such fast work! Two down, only four to go. You're going to need a vacation after that!

Former Lurker said... 90

ncgirl said... 73

"The second interview was for the "Daily Pop" whatever that is."

That is a celebrity news/interview show on the E channel, a cable channel with the Kardashians. It's in LA.


ncgirl, thanks for that info. I know about the E! channel, but I never watch it, so I'd never heard of the "Daily Pop". I just looked at one of those pics again, and I see the E! logo in the background. I didn't even notice it before.

Former Lurker said... 91

Layla said... 70
Former Lurker (56)

OMG, I just looked at Mady's IG photo of herself on an escalator, and she appears to be wearing a Cartier Love necklace. Those are more than $2000! Of course, it could be a cheap knock-off, but it could also be the real thing.


Layla, I agree with your other comment that it's probably a graduation gift and/or a gift for filming with her. Either way, Mady's money paid for it.

She was wearing it on the "Daily Pop" set the other day, but Cara isn't wearing any necklace:

jolie Jacquelyn said... 92

That really is a cheap looking dress TFW is wearing! It looks like a Walmart nightgown. Mady is very pretty & doesn't she know it.

Former Lurker said... 93

Ugh, I can't believe I lasted six minutes, but I just watched that Daily Pop interview. TFW never really changes. She's very awkward and uncomfortable, still saying "honestly" and "like", and still lying about everything. She was on the interview couch alone, but Mady and Cara were right off camera and the hosts asked them a question at one point, (on camera). TFW still can't provide a good answer for what she's seeking in a partner, because it's all fake bullcrap. She's really horrible at this.

Sad but true said... 94

jolie Jacquelyn said... 92

I like the neckline, and the color, but once again that left boob seems to be trying to leave her body. Strange fit.

Sue said... 95

I don’t think that Mady’s necklace is a real Cartier Love necklace because it looks like it laying too flat on her neck. If you google “Cartier Love necklace images on people” you’ll see what I mean. Although it may just be the picture. And not to be mean, but someone needs to tell poor Cara that the crop jacket is just wrong for her body type. Ya’ll are right about Kate’s dress. It looks like it came of the blue light special rack at K-Mart. ~ Administrator said... 96

I like the neckline, and the color, but once again that left boob seems to be trying to leave her body. Strange fit.


The Hannah of boobs.

AuntieAnn said... 97

TFW still can't provide a good answer for what she's seeking in a partner, because it's all fake bullcrap.


She could fertilizer all 25 acres of her mine-all-mine acreage with that interview alone. It's incredible how it just falls out of her mouth like that. Gah. I wish I hadn't watched it.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 98

Maybe TFW is letting the boob escape because it didn't know how to help her.

jolie Jacquelyn said... 99

FlimsyFlamsy said... 98
Maybe TFW is letting the boob escape because it didn't know how to help her.

You ladies crack me up!

Great recap Admin, looking forward to reading the second one.

Giff said... 100

I wish Cara would just run away from this mess and focus on school. Whatever money she is making will never erase the impression that she just sits there and let's Mady do all the talking. It makes her look so awkward. That is not the impression I would want the other students to have of me ...awkward, mute and looking like I don't know where I am. It really is very sad that Kate can't see that the impressions her daughters are giving to the world by being on this show are negative.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 101

Just watching on my DVR last week's episode of "Valerie's Home Cooking." Valerie Bertinelli is in her 9th season of this show. She exudes more genuine joy and friendliness in any isolated 5 minutes of this show than Schmoopy has shown in a decade.

Layla said... 102

Sue said... 95
I don’t think that Mady’s necklace is a real Cartier Love necklace because it looks like it laying too flat on her neck.
You may be right. I thought the interlocking rings looked thinner than the real thing, but sometimes you can't tell in pictures. If it is a knock-off and she thinks she can fool anyone at Syracuse with a fake, it's not going to work. Kids that age are eagle-eyed. They can spot a fake from a mile away. The well-to-do students will have the real thing, sometimes several. It's a popular thing to stack several of the bracelets on each arm. Costs as much as a new car. Ouch!

Wowser said... 103

Omg. The eonline interview was hard to watch. The comment that made me snarf was when she said “I like it when people are just honest about something I’m doing wrong or screwing up. I appreciate that honesty”. Bitch please!!! How many people have you blocked for being brutally honest with you? Smh! She is pumping up her relationship with the twins because she’s still trying to portray herself as the favorite parent. It’s really nauseating

Former Lurker said... 104

Wowser (#103), I agree with you on all of it. Also, I think another reason she's pumping up her relationship with the twins is because they're the only two she can have film with her. She can't carry a show alone and she knows it. I think she's hoping for another "season" of this disaster Fake "dating" show, or at least some type of reality show with M and C. This fame-hungry narcissistic witch needs to let M and C go off to college and embark on their own lives. Privately.

AuntieAnn said... 105

"I like it when people are just honest about something I’m doing wrong or screwing up. I appreciate that honesty”. Bitch please!!! 


Yeah why wasn't she honest about saying a couple of the sextuplets have already left the nest, or better yet, flown the coop, or in actuality, escaped her clutches. She got nervous when the hosts asked her about them. She even stumbled over what to call them. She knows what a lying clusterfluckup she is as a mother but she just won't admit it.

notagain said... 106

If Mady is going to Syracuse, is it known where Cara is headed off to for college?

NJGal51 said... 107

@Sophielabellle: @FeedMeCake_123 @RachelDeAlto Not me, she's the worst matchmaker I saw in my life, she dont know what Kate needs, she chose anybody dont match with Kate, Kate ask for tall man, no kids and this matchmaker set dates with all she ask to NOT be dated...WTF with this matchmaker?? she's deaf or blind?
I guess this twitter twit didn’t get the message that a casting call went out for “eligible bachelors”. The “matchmaker” can only work with those that answered the call. There are probable some better guys but they’ll be saved for last. I don’t that even TLC would green light a second season if the ratings continue to be as bad as the premier. Maybe TFW will find “THE ONE” and can pitch Kate + Mate.

I agree Layla, the rings on Mady’s necklace don’t look thick enough to be a real Cartier.

Wowser said... 108

Former lurker (104). Exactly. She’s definitely crossing all her fingers and toes (and making licking the toes of tlc producers) to carry a dating show and then a new relationship show (Jeff the millionaire fell through the first time she tried that). The twins during that interview indicated that she’s definitely dating someone. But here’s the thing. Everyone knows she’s a fraud. Every hand flapping interview she says the same thing over and over. “I’m comfortable in front of the cameras”. No kidding TFW. You’re a narcissist and lazy and greedy for money tv makes sense. What she doesn’t understand is that it’s NOT comfortable to watch HER! She can’t keep her lies straight or complete a full sentence. She talks like a teenager and makes screwy faces and throws her hands around like she has a muscle disorder. It’s cringe worthy. And when Mady said she puts her tongue between her teeth when she smiles, tfw said it was a nervous thing. No tfw. It’s a “i just got fake veneers and someone told me putting my tongue behind my teeth makes my smile better for photos” thing. Eye roll. Her lies make me nuts!

Former Lurker said... 109

From Admin's recap:

"Next time is the escape room we heard about months ago."

That was filmed last summer in NYC, on July 23rd. Remember we discovered the Instagram about her being there. It starts at comment #63:

We would like thank the lovely and beautiful Kate Gosselin of TLC’s “Kate Plus 8” for visiting us. Thank you Kate, it was a pleasure to meet you! @kateplusmy8
#tlc #kateplus8 #katepluseight #escaperoom #exitescaperoomnyc #nyc

July 23, 2018


And.... what do you know, her "date" was Jeremiah Clarke and he just posted this on IG five days ago (note all his hashtags, including #kateplusdate):

What's meant for me is already in my life or making its way towards me. I know sometimes things don't work out but that only means its someone else's blessing so I stay patient and trust the process..
#actorslife #writer #producer #tv #photooftheday #model #modeling #casting #fitnessmodel #atlanta #kateplusdate #tlc #nyc #newjersey #acting #fitness #selfies #smile #actor #like #bmg #bmgtalent #imdb #photographer #newyork #castingdirector

He's an actor, model, fitness model, etc. A quick look at his IG tells me he lives in Toms River, NJ (not far from NYC), is very muscular, and tattooed, has done some commercials, background/extra spots on television shows, a play, etc.

We already knew it from the casting call info, but this is just more confirmation that all the "dates" are nothing but PAID ACTORS!

I hope someone posts this on TFW's Instagram when she does a post pimping the new episode in another day or two.

Former Lurker said... 110

Rachel is no matchmaker. She's a "television personality", using this "relationship expert" bullcrap angle to get on TV. She's done two seasons of "Married at First Sight", and now this Khate Plus Fake Date garbage. I've already posted about her before, when we first found out she was going to be on the show.

I just noticed she changed her IG bio to include Kate Plus Date season 1:

Rachel DeAlto
#Marriedatfirstsight S4/5
#KatePlusDate S1

Former Lurker said... 111

This is funny:

‘Kate Plus Date’: Who Is Kate Gosselin’s Matchmaker Rachel DeAlto?
June 10, 2019

Kate Gosselin is coming back to TV, and she’s on the hunt for a new man. The 44-year-old single mom of eight has been on her own since 2009, when she and husband Jon divorced. Now, she has a new TV show, Kate Plus Date, which will chronicle her attempts to find that special someone.

But Kate’s not alone on her dating journey. For one, her daughters Mady and Cara will be by her side, offering their opinions of suitors. Plus, she’ll have the help of a couple of professional matchmakers, Rachel DeAlto and Adam LoDolce, who will set her up on dates with 10 different single guys over the course of the six-part series.

Who is Rachel DeAlto?

If you’re a fan of Lifetime’s Married at First Sight, you’ll recognize DeAlto. The relationship coach appeared on two seasons of the hit show, where two people who’ve been matched by experts agree to go to the altar without ever having met. She also hosted Kiss Bang Love on FYI and appeared on Second Chances on Lifetime. Plus, she’s a regular guest on shows like Today, Good Morning America, Access Hollywood Live.

DeAlto is a certified hypnotherapist and received professional training as a coach through the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching. She has an undergraduate degree in communication and a J.D. from Seton Hall University School of Law. She’s been working as a relationship expert since 2010 and is the author of Flirt Fearlessly: The A to Z Guide to Getting Your Flirt On.

You can hire her to help you find “the one”

DeAlto doesn’t just work as a matchmaker on TV. She’s also available for one-on-one coaching. Her clients include single people looking for “the one,” as well as people who are coupled up but who need to work on issues in their relationship. She’ll even help you improve your relationships at work.

Why hire a coach? DeAlto says she can help you see your life from a difficult angle and get to where you want to be sooner.

“Are you tired of doing it alone? Do you want to get to the end result more efficiently? I work with you to keep you from the frustration that brings you to the brink. I help you to see different perspectives, develop different approaches, and make changes. I will hold you accountable – consistency is half the battle for any change you want to make,” she explains on her website.

Clients have three options to choose from when hiring DeAlto. The first is a three-month “jump start” program that comes with six, 60-minute coaching sessions (including up to two hypnotherapy sessions), a customized hypnosis audio track, and text and email access for three months. It costs $2,500.

A six-month program doubles the number of coaching sessions (and includes up to four hypnotherapy sessions) and costs $4,500. Finally, the “All In” package is a nine-month program with 18 one-on-one sessions with DeAlto (including up to six hypnotherapy sessions). It costs $6,500.

Former Lurker said... 112 ~ Administrator said... 39

It doesn't sound like Rachel and Schmoopy exchanged any cutesy inside-joke social media posts before, during or after the show aired. I suspect the bloom is off the rose between them already.


I suspect the same. No way is Kate adding this woman to her Rolodex. She calls her out too much, threatening to make her expose things she doesn't want to talk about like the rings. She's pushing Kate outside her comfort zone and her interruption of the dates was both annoying to viewers and annoying to Kate. Yeah, no, they weren't jiving.


But, Paige, who is delusional enough to be all excited about this fake dating show and actually thinks that TFW is on a genuine search for love, posted this comment on one of Rachels' IG posts:

It was so good! I hope you and Kate become friends it looked like you guys got along well:)

Anonymous said... 113

notagain said... 106

Cara is going to Fordham

Gigi Be

Former Lurker said... 114

What the heck is this? A new head shot of TFW, from a "publicity shoot" that's "unrelated" to the new Fake Date show??

Congratulations Kate Gosselin @kateplusmy8 on the premier of your new @TLC show Kate Plus Date. Such a fun time photographing you for this unrelated publicity shoot. Kate wishing you great ratings and great dates! #kategosselin #kateplusdate #kateplusdateontlc⠀
#douglasgorenstein #headshots #headshotsnyc #newyorkheadshots #newyorkheadshotphotographer #bestnewyorkheadshots #newheadshots #bestheadshots #actorheadshots #newyorkstopheadshotphotographer⠀
#eventphotographernewyork #1headshotphootgrapherinnewyork #greatheadshotsthatopendoors #actorsheadshotexpert #tvphotoshowphotographer

3 days ago


There's so much I could comment on, but I'll just say you sure are sporting some nice spiders on your eyes, TFW.

Ingrid said... 115

Former Lurker said... 114
What the heck is this? A new head shot of TFW, from a "publicity shoot" that's "unrelated" to the new Fake Date show??

Good photoshop getting that turkey neck to look good. hahaha

Former Lurker said... 116

Re #114, that might be an old pic from back when she did Celebrity Apprentice. The photographer's IG bio:

Douglas Gorenstein
Voted favorite NYC headshot photographer - Served as photographer for The Tonight Show & Celebrity Apprentice. Excited to photograph YOU!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 117


NJGal51 said... 118

Former Lurker @116 - I agree that it might be an old photo from her Celebrity Apprentice days. The photographer said it was an “unrelated” photo shoot, he didn’t say “recent” or “new”. It’s all smoke and mirrors.

FYI said... 119

Re #114, that might be an old pic from back when she did Celebrity Apprentice. The photographer's IG bio:

Douglas Gorenstein
Voted favorite NYC headshot photographer - Served as photographer for The Tonight Show & Celebrity Apprentice. Excited to photograph YOU!

I checked out this photographer's website, and that is an old photo from Celebrity Apprentice. The same exact picture is on this page where all the photos(except for a few) are of Celebrity Apprentice contestants. Scroll down. Kate's picture is right under Kenya Moore.

PatK said... 120

Wowser said... 108

The twins during that interview indicated that she’s definitely dating someone.


Oh, good...then there doesn't need to be a second season of this shit show!!

(Or does TLC do the unthinkable and give her a new show to follow her and the "lucky guy" *snicker* around while they date? In which case, can God be that cruel to us?)

FlimsyFlamsy said... 121

PatK (#120), well, if TFW knows one thing about relationships, it's how to exploit them for money, fame and freebies and then end them when they are no longer profitable (see "Gosselin, Jon"). And I can't muster an ounce of sympathy for any dude who decided to look for love via Cornwell Casting.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 122

Serious question...does anyone know of Gladys' whereabouts? She is certainly conspicuous in her absence after the big premiere. As much as I ribbed her over-the-top devotion to TFW, I never wished her any harm, and I hope she is okay.

Jamesvader1194 said... 123

@FlimsyFlamsy I believe Milo is no longer a fan of Kate.If you go to her twitter profile and read her twitter bio,it no longer saids that"She's a happily married female SUPPORTING KATE GOSSELIN."She removed the supporting Kate gosselin part.I think that Hannah being with Jon actually made her see the light and as such she dip.There's a saying that even the most loyal of fans can even change and considering how Barb is being,that maybe true.Then again im not sure why barb is still around.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 124

Jamesvader1194 (#123), thanks for that info. I'd read something similar, but wasn't sure it was confirmed that Gladys was still active and had actually changed her profile. Boy oh boy, that is pretty significant.

Anonymous said... 125

Happy Father's Day to devoted father Jon Gosselin who has always fought for his children despite the opposition of his former wife and TLC.


AuntieAnn said... 126

Clients have three options to choose from when hiring DeAlto. The first is a three-month “jump start” program that comes with six, 60-minute coaching sessions (including up to two hypnotherapy sessions), a customized hypnosis audio track, and text and email access for three months. It costs $2,500.

A six-month program doubles the number of coaching sessions (and includes up to four hypnotherapy sessions) and costs $4,500. Finally, the “All In” package is a nine-month program with 18 one-on-one sessions with DeAlto (including up to six hypnotherapy sessions). It costs $6,500.


I wonder how many nights Rachel sat up into the early hours of the morning concocting this scheme, cuz it's a doozie lol. Did she approach TLC with an idea for a new reality dating show and the only person they could think of who was desperate enough to get their mug back back on tv was Kate?

I'd laugh if Schmoopy got stuck for the bill and had to sign a disclosure agreement that says she will pretend that Rachel's program actually worked for her. I mean it's pretty obvious the only person she's really enamored with is her bodyguard, not some stranger dumb enough to spend more than two dates with her.

Rachel sounds like she is as conniving as Kate.

Layla said... 127

Former Lurker (110)
I think the reason Rachel DeAlto wrote "Kate Plus Date S1" is because they don't know yet whether there will be further seasons of the show, and if there are more, whether Rachel will be featured. I'm sure Kate is all over TLC/Discovery to commit to more filming, but if they (TLC/Discovery) have a lick of sense, they won't commit to anything until they see the ratings for this show. Only one episode in, the premier got terrible ratings (seriously, what TLC show has ever premiered to lower ratings? Ever?) and lags behind everything else TLC posts on YouTube. I suspect episode 2 will fare even worse.

I am convinced that TLC green-lighted this disaster on the belief that Kate's "haters" would be compelled to watch. They could not possibly have thought that there were enough fans left to make it worth their time. They must have thought there were millions who hated Kate and would be compelled to watch. I even found an article written about the show that says the same thing--they must have expected people to "hate-watch".

I'm hoping the ratings go into free-fall. Like, embarrassingly low. Serves them right for continuing to try to force this wench on all of us. Even if we don't watch, she still pops up in promos, in magazines, doing her press tour. Enough!

JoyinVirginia said... 128

The Former Mrs Jon Gosselin is still boring. I do feel a teeny tiny bit sorry for her. she got the big press tour AFTER the show premiered. TLC and other cable networks now have multiple shows with adorable babies and toddlers. There are younger and more attractive celebrities and reality stars that will be chosen for magazine covers.
Ok, the feeling passed! that's my 30 seconds of feeling sorry for her.

Wowser said... 129

Here’s a question. Does anyone understand why ANYONE would pay the likes of patty Stanger and Rachel DeAlto exhorbitant fees for their advice and match making skills when both of them are divorced and can’t get a relationship for themselves?? Smh. Conning and scamming at its best in my opinion

Giff said... 130

I bet Kate said "Gimme a show now and I promise to sell you access to the tups the day they turn 18."

Anonymous said... 131

Jamesvadar1194- I believe Milo was hurt by Kate in someway.Maybe she contacted Kate privately regarding H and was told to bug off, idk. Milo would always take Kate side over the kids in a heartbeat. So I think it’s odd that Milo didn’t come out saying what a victim Kate was “loosing Hannah or “ Jon must have poisoned H’s mind against Kate”, yeah that’s it! She found every excuse to get on Kate’s good side even if it meant going against the kids. I also think that it’s odd that old fan Nick Moy stopped posting around the time Milo did. And we’ve been seeing a lot of the older fans like Barb and Patricia Chow change their tune towards Kate. So it makes me wonder if they know something about Milo that we don’t. Maybe Milo shared something with them privately via Instagram. Or just maybe they’ve been watching Jon on social media and are realizing he’s not such a bad guy after all. I’m a bit of a conspiracy theorist, so it’s just my two cents .

Gigi Be

Jamesvader1194 said... 132

@Gigi Be Its possible,there have been times that milo had made some weird comments,like when she went off on a hater and said that they knew nothing about her relationship with the Gosselins.Then again its hard to tell what was truth and what was all in her head.There have also been moments that Milo said that she just got Kate's private message and private message her.It was the same with Msgoody where she tweeted that she got Kate's PM and Kate was confused by it.If Kate did respond,what would Kate have said to loyal fans in private messages?As for Nick Moy,since you mention him,i looked him up and he seems to be gone and hasn't posted anything since june of last year,around the same time milo left.(sock account maybe?)In all honesty,i don't think your theory is off.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 133

Since last week's numbers were so low, I'm surprised Schmoopy hasn't suggested a Twitter viewing party for tomorrow night.

BlueJay said... 134

How many more rabbits is TLC willing to pull out of it's hat on Kate? It is utterly bizarre to me that her train just keeps chugging up this hill. Reality television or not I assumed once a show was announced they were canceled you know, it meant they were canceled as in off the air for good.

The older she gets I wonder how much harder it is going to be for her to adjust to a normal life at least in terms of her own "special mind" that is to "go back." Her kids are older so I assume when the four remaining at her home anyway what heck she is going to do with herself and I anyway.

This show oh I don't see it lasting. I know people watch plenty of odd things but...oh who knows I suppose. If she was serious about dating she'd do it herself without a camera present to find actual love not this scripted crap.

I find it also strange the children aren't highly embarrassed at all by this. My husband and I when we showed up at the local pizzeria once when one of our children were on their date at the same time they were embarrassed all to pieces that we even just showed up in the same building as them just to get a pizza to go never mind being on television for ALL of America to watch and date. So not sure I buy it that all of her children support her doing this because I've had teenagers and I have grandchildren and in today's world it seems this would be humiliating. Or perhaps I am just too old who knows.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 135

Just up on Radar: Jeff Millionaire says TFW is a liar, and has emails to prove it. ~ Administrator said... 136

Just up on Radar: Jeff Millionaire says TFW is a liar, and has emails to prove it.


Oh yes please!!!! Put this lying waste of space in her place!

Anonymous said... 137

Collin posted this beautiful message to his father yesterday.

“Happy Fathers Day to the most amazing man I know, who I gratefully call my father, jongosselin1 I love you dad thank you for picking me up from my tumbles and falls I will forever love you

Gigi Be

FlimsyFlamsy said... 138

Under different circumstances, I'd suspect Jeff Millionaire was in cahoots with TFW to help her get some pre-show publicity. But the story makes her sound so disingenuous, self-serving and calculating (read: he's got her number) that I think he's sincerely ticked off she "deleted" him from her past. Hey, Jeffy, if she could delete her flesh-and-blood son, you're barely a blip on her radar. ~ Administrator said... 139

“For her to imply I was selling stories – If I was about that, I would have signed up for the show!” he said.


It occurs to me Kate is basically libeling this guy. Implying he's selling stories, implying he's lying about their relationship. And does she think Jeff is never going to see this and be hurt by what she said, and his family??

She's so dumb, and I'm very very glad that Jeff is speaking out and telling this bitch to stop F-ing lying, it's actually NOT OKAY Kate. Real people here, Kate. Real feelings. Real families. You're vile.

Sad but true said... 140

I'm really loving how ROL, of all of the tabs, is taking it straight to her. The timing of these stories is just perfection. You reap what you sow, Katie, it was just a matter of time.

Sandylove said... 141

I was also so glad to see that Jeff finally spoke out! She is unbelievable. I hope that he'll be able to post the emails if she continues to basically call him a liar. I hope that all media outlets pick up the Rader story. And I love that it came out on the day of her show. ~ Administrator said... 142

Does she think there is no evidence of a relationship this long? Emails, texts, receipts, phone records, bills. Almost anyone could easily prove they were in a relationship because of how documented modern life is. She’s truly certifiable. I hope this gets blasted to her Instagram and force her to respond.

Sad but true said... 143

It's interesting to watch the TLC K8 FB page. In the run-up to last Monday's "premiere," they posted 6 times between June 5th and the 9th. On D-day, the 10th, 5 posts. The day after (11th), 3 posts, the last being the announcement of the 2d episode being available on TLCgo. And since then, crickets. Are they giving up already? :)

NJGal51 said... 144

Collin posted this beautiful message to his father yesterday.

“Happy Fathers Day to the most amazing man I know, who I gratefully call my father, jongosselin1 I love you dad thank you for picking me up from my tumbles and falls I will forever love you”
This is the child that TFW threw away like yesterday’s newspaper. SMDH!

Former Lurker said... 145

FlimsyFlamsy said... 139

Under different circumstances, I'd suspect Jeff Millionaire was in cahoots with TFW to help her get some pre-show publicity. But the story makes her sound so disingenuous, self-serving and calculating (read: he's got her number) that I think he's sincerely ticked off she "deleted" him from her past. Hey, Jeffy, if she could delete her flesh-and-blood son, you're barely a blip on her radar.


I haven't read the article yet, but that was my very first thought. Any publicity is good publicity. It's awfully convenient that a story breaks first thing this morning when the second show airs tonight and last week's ratings for the premiere were dismal. Why didn't this story come out some time last week? I'm betting that all the other tabloids will pick up this story today and it might gin up the ratings just due to the curiosity factor.

Now I'm off to find the article...

capecodmama said... 146

Colin is such a sweet boy. I just want to hug him. In his short Instagram posts, he is shredding every thing Kate has said about him. Good lad.

Kylie said... 147

Ooooh, I guess Jeff was one of those people who didn't sign a waiver to not talk about Kate. I love that she is finally getting called out as the liar she is. Can't wait to see the ratings tank again tomorrow!

Former Lurker said... 148

Here it is:

Kate Gosselin's Ex Slams Her Claims They Never Dated: 'We Were Talking About Our Future!'

June 17, 2019 @ 6:43AM

Jeff Prescott says he even signed on to film 'Kate Plus 8' as the star's boyfriend.

Before the premiere of new reality show, Kate Plus Date, Kate Gosselin slammed claims she’s dated anyone since her bitter 2009 divorce from ex-husband Jon — and specifically shut down stories she once romanced handsome millionaire Jeff Prescott.

“I didn’t date him,” she said on Instagram earlier this month, adding not to believe “people who sell stories” because “they are looking for publicity to benefit themselves/their business.”

But in an exclusive interview with, Dreamstime co-founder and philanthropist Prescott insisted he did indeed date the reality mom of eight for nearly two years — and was once so serious about her, he was looking at homes near the Gosselin abode in Pennsylvania.

“We were talking about our future together,” Franklin, Tennessee resident Prescott told Radar.

He also said they were ready to go public — very public.

In 2015, he claimed he signed on to film her family’s TLC reality show, Kate Plus 8, as the busy mom’s boyfriend.

Radar has obtained emails from Gosselin to Prescott about filming, and a production contract she asked him to sign.

“She can say she didn’t date me, but how do you qualify that if I was supposed to be on her show as her boyfriend?” a fed-up Prescott asked.

Just days before they were scheduled to film a date in New York City in August 2018, the businessman said he got cold feet and promptly ended the relationship.

“I texted her and said, ‘I can’t do this,'” he recalled, explaining that the rumors surrounding their relationship had already become too overwhelming.

“My family was exposed to it, people were flooding my LinkedIn,” the dad of grown children told Radar. “It was too much for me.”

Prescott is now happily married to fitness model and L.A. Nutrition vice president Jenna Sabacheuskaya.

After years of living a quiet life, Prescott wanted to come forward to shut down Gosselin’s claims, especially her insinuation he may have sold stories about her.

“For her to imply I was selling stories – If I was about that, I would have signed up for the show!” he said.

Radar first reported the couple’s relationship in January 2015.

In May of that year, Radar exclusively spotted the pair on a “touchy-feely” date in Philadelphia.

But by three months later, the relationship had ended.

Unfortunately, Gosselin is still single. A source told Radar the famous mom did NOT find love on her already-wrapped reality show, which currently airs Mondays on TLC.

Old poster said... 149

Put in perspective, she’s only lying to 700k people in the Us who give a shit.
The other 300 million + pop don’t give a shit

AuntieAnn said... 150

Uh oh. Kate's got some 'splainin to do.

Why does she think she can press the delete button on everyone who doesn't serve her and expect no reprucussion? For once I'd like to see her either forced to tell the truth or face a nice big fat lawsuit.

Go ahead Jeff. Make my day.

Sad but true said... 151

Well, at least Rachel is doing her part for promotion. Posted on her IG a few hours ago:

racheldealto's profile picture
A new episode of #KatePlusDate tonight on @TLC at 10pm!
A couple comments based on the messages I’ve been receiving:
1-No, I don’t follow my clients around on dates IRL and interrupt them. But this is TV baby! And things are different. There was one time a potential client wanted me to watch a date and tell him what to say through an ear piece all night. Uh. No.
2-The matchmaking was a collaborative process, and not every date was intended to be a soul mate connection. The woman just started dating again after a decade! Also, when we met she had NO IDEA what kind of guy she was looking for! Which happens, but it also means that you’re going to have quite the assortment before you start to narrow down what you want.
3-This episode shows us going to aerial yoga, which I loved as part of the coaching process! We also had many other coaching discussions and activities that may or may not make it on air. My true love is helping people overcome the fears that they have in dating, relationships, and life. The advice I give is always real. My passion for helping people is also 100% real. -
4-This is TV. And not my show. It’s Kate’s. And I’m very happy to have been a part of it. That being said, I have a 6am call time tomorrow so Ill be passed out before this airs tonight!

She didn't get many comments. :)

AuntieAnn said... 152

Almost anyone could easily prove they were in a relationship because of how documented modern life is. She’s truly certifiable.


There would have been no harm in telling the truth in the first place. If she'd have said yeah, I was in a relationship for a couple of years, but things didn't work out, she would save herself a lot of grief.

I think she likes to complicate her life. She loves the buzz it creates - good or bad - as long as it means people are still talking about her. It's a sickness.

AuntieAnn said... 153

Also, when we met she had NO IDEA what kind of guy she was looking for!


Uh Rachel, honey...look no further. The guy she is looking for followed her around on all these phony dates. He has a thick kiwi accent, silver hair and he calls her Kite. You didn't notice?

Now take the money and run.

Wowser said... 154

She’s lying because she know Jeff figured out what an opportunist she is so she has mentally erased him just like all her family. She is delusional and wants everyone to believe her narrative. She’s a “single” (not divorced) mom who does everything on her own with no help and has been lonely for 10 long years. She’s certifiably a crazy narcissist. And people are finally on to her. Maybe this turd will FINALLY flush!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 155

Hey, Ms. Dating Coach, if TFW had "NO IDEA" what kind of man she was looking for, how come Cornwell Casting was looking specifically for driven, ambitious, successful guys?

If TFW was sincerely looking for a partner, I think any of us could sum up his qualifications quite succinctly: she wants someone who is NOT JON.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 156

capecodmama (#147), it seems like the tiniest bit of love, affection and attention would've filled his heart, yet his mom just couldn't be bothered to provide it. It's actually darker than that: I think she deliberately withheld those things for spite, as some sort of punishment. What else would explain her complete detachment from him since he's been out of the facility?

Sad but true said... 157

So Eonline is doing their part to promote this crap.

Kate Plus 13? Not so fast.

In E! News' exclusive sneak peek of the Monday, June 17 episode of Kate Plus Date, Kate Gosselin is out on a date with the father of five. His five kids and her eight? That's way more kids than she bargained for.

"He's a nice guy, he's got a lot of kids, but who am I to judge ‘cause clearly I have more," Kate says. Daughters Mady and Cara are. In a confessional, Kate's daughters say they want to be the oldest, so Kate doesn't experience any growth milestones with step kids before them.

On the date, Jeremiah asks Kate what her kids think of her getting out there and meeting men.

"They don't want me to be alone. They realize they're getting older; they're going to leave soon. They fight over who's going to take care of me when I'm old, so somehow I'm sure I've done something right," Kate says.

While the two chatted over dinner, they bonded over grandparents being role models.

"The biggest thing that her and I see we have in common are our grandparents…it kind of struck me too, like, ‘Wow, we really have a lot of things in common," Jeremiah says.

"I do believe in love because I have witnessed my grandparents' love. From the moment they met, ‘til the moment they died. And it was amazing to watch, and that is my example, so for that reason I do believe it exists, yes," Kate says.

And the TLC K8 page finally posted a little blurb a few minutes ago:

Will too many kids be a turn off for Kate? Find out on a new #KatePlusDate TONIGHT at 10/9c. ~ Administrator said... 158

here would have been no harm in telling the truth in the first place. If she'd have said yeah, I was in a relationship for a couple of years, but things didn't work out, she would save herself a lot of grief.


That’s exactly what I thought. There is no clear point to this lie at all. Other than to just be nasty and cruel to an ex who has log moved on, which is petty. A lie like this one proves how truly sociopathic she is.

Former Lurker said... 159

Sad but true said... 153

Well, at least Rachel is doing her part for promotion. Posted on her IG a few hours ago


From the comments on Rachel's IG post:

I hope you had a conversation with her about treating you like garbage. WTH. The hand motions shooing you away...among other things they aired...ugh.

@blondee7489 Gurl. Let’s just say it’s a thin line to walk when it’s not your show and you have a goal. It gets worse before it gets better. 😬 ~ Administrator said... 160

I hope you had a conversation with her about treating you like garbage. WTH. The hand motions shooing you away...among other things they aired...ugh.

@blondee7489 Gurl. Let’s just say it’s a thin line to walk when it’s not your show and you have a goal. It gets worse before it gets better.


Whoa!!! I would remark how unprofessional this is for Rachel to trash Kate, but it's Kate so it's okay.

Although in Kate's defense, can't believe I just said that, Rachel was annoying as F. I was trying to shoo her off the screen myself by the time I finished episode two's recap. ~ Administrator said... 161

Says the woman who just wrote a "recap" in which she referred to a real person with real feelings as Helen Keller, which was clearly intended as an insult despite the fact that Helen Keller was pretty fucking amazing and doesn't deserve to be used for your petty insults.

You have no moral high ground.


HAHAHHAHA. Oh you pearl clutcher. Sarcasm, jokes in a comedy piece, and recap writing especially invoking people who died FIFTY years ago, are very different than calling someone alive and well in a non-joking, complete serious and very public way a liar. She committed libel.

Helen Keller doesn't have real feelings, she's dead. I did not say anything false about her or lie, it's a simple joke that the two of them sitting next to each other remind me exactly of old photos of Keller and her teacher sitting together. It was completely appropriate and what's more, true. And if you knew anything at all you would know you can't libel a dead person, legally.

Fifty years from now if Kate wants to make a sarcastic joke about Prescott, I won't complain.

AuntieAnn said... 162

What's really disgusting about Kate's habitual lies is it makes her kids look like liars too. They have to sit behind her in an interview and nod their heads in agreement with all the crap that falls out of her mouth knowing full well it's all a steaming mass of horse manure.

No wonder Cara has gone mute. It probably weighs on her conscience and she's decided it's better to say nothing. ~ Administrator said... 163

In E! News' exclusive sneak peek of the Monday, June 17 episode of Kate Plus Date,


It's not exclusive E!. We all saw it. ~ Administrator said... 164

What's really disgusting about Kate's habitual lies is it makes her kids look like liars too. They have to sit behind her in an interview and nod their heads in agreement with all the crap that falls out of her mouth knowing full well it's all a steaming mass of horse manure.


Absolutely. I think constantly lying to kids, around kids, or to others, is emotionally abusive. Even if the lie does not directly harm the kid, the example of a parent who lies and manipulates for their end game is extremely confusing to kids and doesn't model how to behave appropriately in society as a normal and functional person, significant other, friend, student, employee. Kids need adult to model honesty to them so they can learn how to live honest lives too. Kids also need adults to model for them how to treat others with respect, including past relationships that have ended. ~ Administrator said... 165

If TFW was sincerely looking for a partner, I think any of us could sum up his qualifications quite succinctly: she wants someone who is NOT JON.


She wants someone who is not Jon while at the same time describing her ideal man as someone with 90 percent of the qualities Jon has. Hilarious. ~ Administrator said... 166

She’s lying because she know Jeff figured out what an opportunist she is so she has mentally erased him just like all her family. She is delusional and wants everyone to believe her narrative. She’s a “single” (not divorced) mom who does everything on her own with no help and has been lonely for 10 long years. She’s certifiably a crazy narcissist. And people are finally on to her. Maybe this turd will FINALLY flush!


All true. The only thing I would say about this Prescott thing is she has ratcheted it up to the next level. Yes she cut people out like Jon, Beth, Jodi, and on and on. However, she has never tried to deny any of them even existed in her life the first place. At least she admits she was married to Jon, Beth was her friend, Jodi was her sister in law.

Here, she is actually trying to sell a story that Jeff NEVER EVEN EXISTED IN HER LIFE.

That's a whole other level, like Ted Bundy sociopath level.

ncgirl said... 167

Jeff should be so grateful he escaped TFW's mess.

"A source told Radar the famous mom did NOT find love on her already-wrapped reality show"

Big surprise. With the way she treats the men in her life, what sane man would want to be with her?

Wowser said... 168

Admin-that’s true. She’s a pathological liar for sure. I’m glad Jeff stood up to this and obviously didn’t sign a NDA. Good for you Jeff. Don’t let her take YOUR balls too

FlimsyFlamsy said... 169

Oooh, Rachel's dyin' to spill the tea! That "Gurl" spoke volumes!

Layla said... 170

I've had Say Yes To The Dress on in the background for more than an hour, and I haven't seen a single promo for Kate Plus Date. They have one on constantly that starts off with, "Tonight on TLC" and then a promo for 90 Day Fiance The Other Way. No mention of K8+D8, which also airs tonight.

If ratings don't go up this week after several press days and the Jeff the Millionaire story, then the show is a bust. Both Kate and TLC have done everything necessary to promote it and if that's not enough then they just need to get over her. She will never bring in the ratings no matter what. I'm waiting for her to start pressuring her few remaining fans to wander around parking lots with "Watch Kate Plus Date" signs.

Layla said... 171

Ugh, she's on the MSN homepage. Title: Kate's date can't believe she has 8 kids.

Jr said... 172

Nick Moy posted on her instagram

FYI said... 173

From the recap:

Kate has trust issues, feels burned by friends, family, and people she doesn't even know. What people she doesn't know? Of course she is the victim in all this and did nothing wrong to cause this apparent constant discord in her life.

Speaking of friends. I noticed that Deanna is no longer doing her makeup for the show. Two other makeup artists are listed in the credits, Rena Goodwin and Elizabeth Yoon. Uncle Ronnie is still around though.

I went back and check the last 3 episodes that aired in 2017 and both Ronnie and Deanna were listed under hair & makeup then.

I guess Deanna didn't know how to help her or Deanna is pissed that she didn't get to play matchmaker like she did with Vann and Kate.

Apparently, another friend is gone. They should've play Queen's "Another One Bites the Dust" in this episode instead of "Somebody to Love".

Carole said... 174

ncgirl said:

With the way she treats the men in her life, what sane man would want to be with her?


That's what I've been wondering. I can see TFW being able to maintain a superficial relationship with a guy, someone not looking for anything meaningful or long term, but when it comes to someone like she said she was interested in, successful, motivated, etc I can't see it.

I'm shocked she was able to keep Jeff interested for the reported 2 years they dated. We're more aware of TFW's "traits" than any guy she meets and dates, at least for awhile. I'm sure she keeps her temper and abuses hidden from a guy for as long as possible, but when he starts to think he wants to pursue something more with her and starts to dig deeper into who she really is and sees her interacting with her family, wouldn't you think most, if not all, would run screaming in the opposite direction?

I'm thinking of all the men in my family and my male friends and I know none of them would be able to tolerate her even on a superficial level, let alone once they learned of her background, her history with her children, her siblings, Jon, etc. That's what puzzles me about Jeff; he seems to be a nice enough guy, educated, moral, giving. What did he see in TFW to have stayed in the relationship for so long and to have been planning something more serious with her? What does it say about any guy, or a female friend for that matter, who could and would put up with her and want more? I know I couldn't and wouldn't want to. She can hide who she really is for only so long before the truth just can't be denied any longer. Is it just me or does anyone else wonder about any man who would pursue her long term? ~ Administrator said... 175

Of course, you resorted to your tried and true method of misrepresenting by posting only a snippet of my comment. CARA is a real person with real feelings who is not dead. And the "lighten up,it's snark" excuse is complete bullshit. Snark can be insanely funny without crossing a line into blatant mean-spiritedness. Your version of snark is a) not particularly funny and b) openly nasty. The idea that humor can't hurt is a load of crap. It can be the ultimate passive aggressive communication tactic.


Snark about an adult who chose to go on TV and is well aware there will be commentary, including snark, about episodes from a variety of sources is not in any way the same as telling a blatant lie about someone who has consciously requested privacy, to that extent you are libeling them and damaging their family and reputation. Go try to change the subject and straw man somewhere else. The fact that you pearl clutch and believe one thing is wrong doesn’t mean another thing is right, you child.

You never told a joke about someone? Wow, humorless.

And by the way did you even bother to watch episode two before you spout off? Cara and Mady themselves snark about how Cara is so quiet and in a very lighthearted manner. They are aware of it and clearly not bothered by it.

AuntieAnn said... 176

... somehow I'm sure I've done something right," Kate says.


Oh yeah? Name three things. I dare ya. ~ Administrator said... 177

New post, discussion thread AND the recap!!