Monday, July 15, 2019

Discussion Thread: Kate Plus Date "Finale: The Champions" 7/15/2019 AND Recap: Kate Plus Date "Finale: The Champions": 'Birdbox' please kill this show

Last time on Kate Plus 8, the twins were pretty head over heels for Joey Bats, which, ew! Coming up, Rachel's baaaack, and uh-oh, she and Adam are going to compare notes. Rachel's got that look on her face all like, notes? We were supposed to be taking notes? Let me guess, Rachel was that chick in law school who was always like, hey, can I see your notes? I had to miss class today due to *insert lame reason*, can I copy your notes? Can I check my notes against yours? How about not, law school chick? How about you take your notes and I'll take my notes and I'll see you at the final exam?

I think I've made it clear which of these two matchmakers are any good, didn't half-ass it and instead did their job. They both want to be on T.V., but Adam is the only one here actually trying to earn his spot on the tube. Naturally I'm disappointed that Rachel, a former lawyer, was so terrible. Oh, well.

Kate is soooo changed since she started the process, blah blah. The editors make a really hard cut to her rambling about meeting some really nice guys, which tells me she carried on for quite awhile about how changed she is and it was boring and pointless to anything so it got cut. She's nothing if not predictable, and her "after such-and-such experience I'm a whole new Kate" thing is a dumb talking point she's been trying to sell for years now, and poorly.

Adam is a pretty cool guy, happily inviting Rachel to sit down with him and talk about the process. He lays out what we already know, that Rachel started the process and then he took over.

"Bless you," Rachel quips. Baw! I just snorted my coke.

Rachel says Kate was difficult because she would really resist attempts to help her, but Rachel excuses this immature and unacceptable behavior as "so many times she's gotten hurt." Rachel, STFU!!!

So wait a second, Kate has spent all six of these episodes pretty much insisting that Jon and maybe a college boyfriend are her only two relationships in her lifetime. She practically denies even knowing Jeff Prescott. So we've got a grand total of two relationships that in actuality failed because of her, the last one of which was over a whopping ten years ago, and that's scarred her permanently from ever finding love again? This is really not the reason Kate resists relationships at all, but Rachel is either too dense or too polite to dive any deeper than this cliche.

Adam, who has a much better grasp of the situation here, says he has been trying to understand what is the problem here. Although unfortunately Adam disappoints me in not really getting to the real problem (she's mentally ill, a narcissist, Adam!) I think he's right in trying to get Kate to just put aside this "thing," which I think Adam has been persuaded relates to some divorce from ages ago (it's not), and just relax and flirt on dates. That's as good advice as any I guess.

Inexplicably, Mady says it actually doesn't matter if they like Kate's new man or not because she'll only be seeing him on Thanksgiving and Christmas anyway. Heh. That's what I've been saying all along here. What is the point of the twins all up in her business about who she dates when they're about to go off to college and see Kate as little as possible.

It's so terribly awkward to watch Rachel have to sit down with Kate and Adam and get filled in on how things went with Adam. Kate suddenly tries to claim she actually wanted two matchmakers all along because she wanted a male and female perspective. Eh, no, that's not how that went down, how it went down was Rachel was fired. She re-writes history when she doesn't even need to, it's fascinating. I mean we all saw Rachel get her ass fired two episodes ago so what is she trying to do here?

Mady and Cara after having been through what they've been through know how important this decision is, Kate explains. BITCH! Also, it's a second date for God sakes. You're not deciding who to spend the rest of your life with. It's who you will spend the next three hours with. Good grief, the dramatics. Even Adam and Rachel say they need to take the pressure off Kate to find a forever man and just have her focus on having a good date. They're absolutely right, Kate is acting like a 21 year old Mormon who feels like a spinster and must get married now -clap RIGHT NOW -clap clap-. She can't even get through one date without things falling apart, I have no idea why she's talking about forever right now as if she is in any way capable of getting someone to marry her in the mental state she's in right now.

There's so much to say about all of Kate's dumb comments throughout these episodes there's just not much room to recap much else but I should mention the amateur low budget production here. They do a cutsey montage of "NYC" with sped up shots of the subway and people walking. I guess this is to establish we are in NYC. It's so college level and looks like they pulled shots from somebody else's shoot for some other show at TLC and spliced them into theirs.

We have one of those incredibly long conversations about what everyone acts like is a huge coincidence that Mady and Cara picked the same top two guys as Kate. The twins only met three guys, so it's not a big shock that they might pick the same two Kate wants. There's only three to pick from in the first place! And I like the long drawn out reveal Kate does of her top two to Adam and Rachel, leading off with she picked one top from each of them. Since Joey Bats was the only guy of Adam's the twins' met, Adam surely must know immediately she picked Joey. But Kate is acting like this is a big reveal when Adam already knows by process of elimination. It would be more interesting to watch this woman narrow down her order at Starbucks. Let's see, flat white or iced coffee? Or maybe I'll get a croissant!

So her top two are, no big surprise, Tax Shelter Jeff and Joey Bats. As far as I'm concerned, Tax Shelter Jeff is the only guy in this entire pool worth going out with again. While I liked Refined Jeff, he was a little bit too cagey for my tastes, asked certain questions that in my experience are red flags, and I was getting a strong vibe this was a phone-it-in favor to a friend and not a sincere attempt to get to know someone. Tax shelter Jeff was sincerely giving this a real go with Kate, cameras and all. As for Joey Bats, he acts all of 22 years old and his lifestyle, running a restaurant and spending the rest of his time in bars, is in no way compatible with Kate's, spending 18 hours a day in front of the T.V. in rural Pennsylvania with her wine. Great guy, but not right for Kate. It's a waste of time to go out with him again.

Mercifully for us all, Adam and Rachel say they're just going to watch these dates and not intervene. Thank God, because if I have to again watch Rachel prematurely shut down a date in a crowded restaurant with lies about the place closing down for the night time to go, I'm going to lose it. They are taking off the training wheels, they say. Yeah I've heard that one before, from my dad, and I ended up with a bloody nose and two skinned knees.

Kate actually takes a moment to look them both in the eyes and say thank you "again." Again? I didn't hear a thank you the first time. I heard a whole bunch of entitlement and no gratitude at all. She practically left Rachel standing on a busy street corner by herself in NYC when she fired her ass. But good for her pausing to say thank you at last. People in general do not get enough thank you's for the hard work they do and a whole lot of people have worked hard on Kate's behalf over the years and never gotten one.

We launch right into her second date with Joey, who apparently decided not to shower or shave this morning. He's not one of those guys that looks rugged and handsome with a five-clock shadow. Rather he looks like a grad student who just pulled an all nighter.

Proving he's more hipster than I originally bargained for, Joey leads Kate through some really sketch basements and fire escapes to a "speakeasy". I would feel embarrassed to be over 40 and at a speakeasy. Actually over 30. I'm just being honest. I don't understand the point of speakeasies in the first place. They were very trendy in L.A. about five years back, and to me it was just another place with a bunch of people lined up who aren't being let in. That is a waste of time and humiliating. Plus hiding your business when you don't really have to almost feels disrespectful to history. During prohibition completely appropriate bars and restaurants had to go underground and blood was shed in various ways over something as stupid as being able to sell and consume a simple drink. I don't know, it's not funny to me, it was a dark time in our history, with some estimates attributing 10,000 deaths to that one little decision about alcohol. And if ever someone wants to know why one's heart and good intentions never should be the basis of political decisions rather than facts, figures, sociology, psychology, logic and reason, prohibition was it. It's not okay 10,000 people were killed just because your intentions were good, that your heart was in the right place, that you were trying to do "what's right" without thinking about the unintended consequences of what just felt so "right." People should read more history when they spout off what they think is so morally right these days and consider factoring in facts, figures, sociology, psychology, logic and reason because unintended consequences are a thing.

Joey is one of those people who really wants to be and gets a lot of joy from immersing himself in something eclectic like this with their low ceilings and bad chandeliers and dowdy furniture and wine in coffee cups, and then finds himself shocked and confused when other people are like, the hell? Kate can't get past drinking wine out of coffee cups or the smell. Ew, it does look like it smells. Rachel says the smell was like they just cleaned up a murder scene. Ugh, I've smelled exactly that in various places before and it's terribly unappetizing. Like if you have to bleach your establishment from top to bottom before bringing out some jello, what exactly are you trying to wash away?

Joey mentions seeing quite some rowdy bar fights in this place, and note to men, women don't care about all the bar fights you've seen. I hate sharing the same views as Kate, but she said when Joey mentioned those bar fights she paused. Yeah, I'm pausing too. I'm not being judgmental about the bar thing because whatever, as long as you're not an alcoholic I don't care if you want to hang out at the bar all night every night. In Ireland bars are like community centers and people do go every night and they drink and they eat and mostly they socialize and even bring their kids; many American bars are like this too. And it's fine. I just don't see a person like Joey Bats compatible with someone who is not as into the bar scene or not at all into it. When I was doing the dating thing I made a point to be upfront about how little desire I had to spend a moment of time in bars, even cool speakeasies, as I had quickly learned it's really important to some people and that it's really best to find somebody on the same page about the bar thing. This is a big reason Kate should not waste a moment more of Joey's time because unless Joey is feeling like he's at the end of feeling like he wants to be in a bar all the time, they simply aren't compatible. This one reason is enough, but of course there are other reasons she's not right for Joey/Joey's not right for her that are obvious, like he's fun and has a personality and she's a waste of space.

Joey admits he's pretty not-OCD, go with the flow wing it kind of guy and uh-oh, I fear Kate will think this nice, chill guy to be too much like another nice, chill guy she used to be married to and inexplicably discarded. And then Kate makes a comment that made the rounds on this blog as one of the most outrageous out of her mouth, in that she dealt with a man having no plans in life before and she's done with that. Gaaa, she's such an asshole! Hey, Kate, just because someone disagrees with your plan to exploit your children on T.V. forever and ever doesn't mean they have "no plan." Not the same thing. And what on earth gives her the idea that Joey Bats might not have a plan in life just because he's laid back? For f sake, you don't develop your own successful restaurant from scratch that has locations in two different states without a life plan. The truth is, incompatible as they are, that doesn't mean Joey isn't a great guy for somebody, a real catch who is successful, kind, funny and personable, and she should recognize Joey as a great guy for somebody and stop being so damn judgmental of him just because he's not right for her.

This is one of the rare times I've ever heard Kate talk specifically about the children in a positive way. She mentions that Cara and Leah like to cook, and that Leah is really, really good and wants her own bakery. See, this is the shit she should put on instagram and tell her fans about. It's decently interesting and really not a violation of anyone's privacy. It shows the children are individuals, with interests, and interesting in their own right. She would find herself with far more likes, if that's what she's after. She wouldn't even have to pay for them.

Kate mentions baking her fuckety-billion sweet rolls as if Joey Bats cares at all about any of this and says something about she thought of Joey Bats. Adam and Rachel are deliriously happy over this revelation, like practically clapping like seals. Like, they're excited that Kate thought of another person? Truly, that is quite a milestone, folks, they're not wrong. Heh, Adam even says I've asked her if she's thought of any of her dates afterward and she's like ewww, nope! Lol.

And while we're on the subject of Kate being an asshole, would it kill her after two entire dates to ask Joey a little bit about himself and his restaurant? Like, what made you want to open a restaurant? How did you do it? What was the most difficult part? Tell me more about Portuguese cuisine and how proud you are to bring more of it to the U.S. What do you see for its future? I don't care if you don't want to sleep with the guy, but show him a little bit of appreciation for accomplishing something meaningful with his life. He actually deserves it.

Postmortem date, Rachel is thrilled that Kate had to sit close to Joey in the speakeasy and were "almost" touching. Sounds silly to be excited about almost touching, like Almanzo Wilder practically getting a hard on over driving Laura Ingalls to her teaching job every morning and almost touching. But this is Kate, and almost touching is more progress than recoiling in horror like she usually does.

Wait, this date is not over yet? It feels so long, and so boring, and so very preordained. Like we all know they're not gonna end up together so can we not?

Now they're going to sculpt blindfolded, which actually makes sense to me as you can really focus, but of course Kate has to make all her typical disgusted and appalled faces.

Adam and Rachel get all seal clap excited again when Joey Bats puts his arm around the back of Kate's chair. He hasn't even touched her for heaven sake, but I guess someone even coming into Kate's galaxy without getting a scoff is progress. It's like Birdbox, Joey says. Joey, it's not Birdbox because unfortunately when Kate cheats and peeks there are no monsters to make this show kill itself. Don't we wish this were Birdbox!

Somebody from production pours Joey Bats and Schmoopy here huge glasses of wine. I don't know why the editors felt it was so important we see that. They're zooming in on the wine glasses even. Get 'em good and drunk, it's better TV. Shortly thereafter Joey flat out says he kept requesting more and more wine to get Kate to loosen up. Well, that's one way to do it, but kind of an ick way.

I guess more wine makes Kate want to shove clay into Joey's face but that's about all it does.

Does anyone care what the twins think about the two of them touching? Didn't think so. Mady doesn't like touching other people or being touched by other people. Well, that might happen when your mother never holds and hugs you growing up.

They finally reveal the sculptures, and Kate's looks like the elephant man and Joey's looks like the Night King and Prince Charles got together. This is the only thing about the whole date that is mildly amusing to me.

The date finally ends and Joey sounds genuinely disappointed he couldn't really get intimate with Kate when they said goodbye, and Adam gives good advice that you shouldn't wait until the end of the date to suddenly make a move. It creates too much pressure and build up. And gets awkward, might I add. So this was part Joey's fault for really timing this all wrong and the rest is Kate's fault for being a stone cold block of ice toward a really nice guy who would just like to kiss her on the lips for all his trouble. Instead he has to settle for kissing both her cheeks like he's a Real Housewife. You know that stupid kissing they're always doing as if we live in Paris, when all they really want to do is slug the bitch in front of them for whatever latest interview they gave trashing them. Any advice or thoughts of any relevance from Rachel? Nope, didn't think so.

Kate, who is so clearly on the spectrum I would stake my life on it at this point, didn't notice Joey was going in for a kiss and didn't feel a single tad emotion resembling romantic feelings at all. Kate says she's "probably not opposed" to seeing Joey again. Probably not opposed?? Gentleman, and ladies, too, if anybody ever acts like they are probably not opposed to seeing you again, you need to put your foot down and YOU not see them again. You don't deserve somebody "not opposed." You deserve much, much better. You deserve somebody interested, excited, thrilled to get to know you, can't wait to find out what happens next. Forget Kate, she's a piece of trash.

I've always said Tax Shelter Jeff was too good for Kate but guess what Joey Bats, you've also joined the upper echelon here of TOO GOOD FOR KATE! Now move yourself along from this poor choice you made to get involved with a reality show and get somebody worthy of yourself, your talents, your kindness, and the way you've done something so meaningful with your life.

We launch immediately into Tax Shelter Jeff's date, in which he's invited Kate over to his nice condo for dinner in the most adorable little town in North Carolina called Davison. Geez, even this town is too good for Kate. Their public library looks straight out of The Waltons. It's so cute. Too bad Kate don't read. I always think dinner at his or her place for a second date is a great choice. It's best to figure out if they have a giant boil on their nose in a public setting, but it's also good to see their living quarters as early in the relationship as possible, because a lot of red flags can be discovered by how somebody lives at home. It's also a chance to have a more private conversation without waiters, or some obnoxious ex-lawyer like Rachel, interrupting you.

Well I've speculated Jeff could be just a gay actor because he's so perfect. Even his house is so freaking homey and inviting, with flowers on the windowsill and some historical document framed on the wall. But turns out he's not gay after all, as we here on the blog discovered via Facebook he now is very happy with a wonderful girlfriend who is 45 and has a set of twins. Suck it, Kate. I'm also pretty sure he's not an actor; I think this was a favor to a friend in production or a dare for charity or something.

Jeff immediately pulls out the wine, which is probably wise, and Kate's already mugging for the cameras with some stupid water into wine joke that makes no sense. She's literally swinging her whole body around to look at the cameras and make this "joke." It's incredible how obnoxious she is.

Jeff owns cookbooks? Be still my heart. Between that, his love of board games, and The Princess Bride being his favorite movie, that Facebook girlfriend of his is one lucky woman. Like straight out of a romance novel lucky. They're going to cook salmon, chickpea salad and roasted cauliflower, which as far as I'm concerned is the only way to cook cauliflower worth eating. Yum.

Proving how beyond-beyond socially awkward she is, Kate in the middle of them talking about wine and pouring wine suddenly blurts out, "You were so good with my girls!" Good Lord, Kate. Good Lord! I mean try to lead into something like that at least a little. It's like it was a line she knew she wanted to say, but didn't know how or when to bring it up so she just inserted it wherever. She's so painful to watch, and I almost....almost....feel bad for her.

Blech, Mady peddles that old party line about how the new changed Kate is much more relaxed and would be just fine with a guy like Jeff taking over her domain in the kitchen. What changed Mady? Explain. Otherwise I don't believe it and I think you're brainwashed and just regurgitating whatever Kate has told you, and at your age, it's sad to be such a mouthpiece for your own mother.

I have a hunch you're a good cook, Jeff says. Jeff, your hunch is wrong.

I have no idea what Kate means when she says Jeff's home was better than she expected but you can tell he's a bachelor. How so? He looks like he has every kind of pan and kitchen utensil, nice cutting boards, the house looks lived in and homey, there's nice artwork on the walls and it's clean and nicely decorated. And he cooks with kale. I couldn't tell you whether a bachelor lives here or a yogi or a family of four. I don't get this comment at all and I find it to be rather snide. 

Jeff is touchy feely and says pretty matter of fact that Kate really didn't return it. I'm glad he doesn't seem disappointed about this because he's too good for Kate to be upset.

Kate completely overreacts to their mutual love of cilantro. She's so awkward! Goodness, you'd think they just discovered they both have a mutual passion for 19th century Russian literature. I mean it's not that uncommon to really love cilantro. You like apples too? And you like to cook dinner and eat it? Oh my God me too! Oy.

Jeff mentions her chopping skills needs some work. Heh. I take pleasure in someone who wrote a cookbook being insulted by someone who clearly is so much better in the kitchen than she is, yet never wrote a cookbook or has a need to impress anybody with their cooking.

Are Rachel and Adam in Jeff's closet? So weird. Rachel remarks that Kate is into him. I don't know how she figures that but sure.

Kate throws salt in Jeff's face, and I guess the extent of her ability to flirt involves putting stuff in guy's faces, whether it's salt or clay.

While dinner is cooking, Jeff takes her down to his wine cellar. So cool! It's gorgeous, with lovely reclaimed wood. He built it himself. Of course he did. 

Oh, I'm dying here, I love Jeff so much. He schools Kate like a boss about how little she knows about wine, calling her alleged favorite wine Malbec from Argentina "boring." Bawww! I don't know anything about wine but I'll take Jeff's word for it that's a boring wine that people who don't know anything about wine like, and guess what else is boring, Jeff? KATE! It makes me so happy you're with somebody else now because you deserve some spice in your very nice life. Jeff prefers French red wine from Bordeaux and Clos de la Roche. I think that's what he's saying, and this is without the help of the closed captioned which apparently the Roku TLCgo app doesn't have. My French is terrible but I trust him that whatever that is, that's good wine.

"When you're single and don't have kids you can just build a wine cellar," Kate remarks on the couch. The hell? Why is she being such a grade A jerk? As if a wine cellar or something similar is something only people with nothing on their plates have time to putter around with aimlessly. I mean, Jeff has been running his own company and traveling the world, it's not like he has nothing going on, nor are people without kids by default not busy or don't understand what it means to be busy. Hey, Kate, lots of people with kids, or without kids, are very busy yet still carve out time to have full and interesting lives. Just because you haven't done so yourself doesn't mean you have to make nasty comments about other people who are accomplishing things of meaning with their limited time on this earth, kids or not. For the first time it occurs to me she is jealous and resentful of anyone who has a full and interesting life, Jeff and Jon included. It doesn't matter if you have kids or don't have kids, anyone who has managed to carve out a real life for themselves, she resents. I don't know why Kate has been unable to hone in on hobbies and interests of her own. I don't know why she has nothing going on. Perhaps she is simply incapable of finding and developing interests. I get the impression the vast majority of things bore her for some reason, which is abnormal and could be a red flag there's some true depression going on here. For the few things that capture her attention, like cooking and wine, the true work involved with fleshing out that interest into anything substantial, as Jeff has, is just too overwhelming and too much work for somebody so darn lazy. Thus, we're left with a 44-year-old woman with absolutely nothing going on but eight I mean six kids and some dogs. 

Jeff actually has very similar core interests to Kate in that he likes traveling, cooking, and wine. Except Jeff really made something of those interests and Kate did not. I'm getting a pretty keen sense that this very fact is dawning on Jeff on this date, and although he seemed quite interested in Kate on the first date, this second one is rapidly going downhill as he's realizing somebody like Kate just isn't for him. I'd feel sorry for him except we know he found a great girlfriend, so this is fine. It would only be depressing if he were still looking!

And another thing, she should have been not so lazy and developed her interests for her kids and stop blaming her kids for her sad boring life. It is good for children to see their parents' lives not completely revolving around the children. And oftentimes just by virtue of the fact that kids are so exposed to their parents' interests they develop a love for such things too as they get older. In my family that was camping and fishing. We all grew up with the adults going off on camping trips two or three times a summer up to the various beautiful lakes in Canada and when we got old enough we tagged along. It instilled in me a love of nature and the outdoors and camping, the pure unadulterated quiet of the wilderness, that has continued well into my own adulthood and that I fully intend to pass down to my own family, and dog

Rachel announces uselessly that there is some great chemistry on this date. Rachel just wants her own show, which we knew, but she proved it on her instagram account with this exchange: 

You have the best smile , personality ever, you need your own show❤️👏👏😬

@sandyfen aw thank you! From your lips to @tlc’s ears 😂

Rachel seems like the type to mix bleach and vinegar thinking she's just made the greatest super cleaning solution for her counters, pinterest worthy. 

They at last sit down to dinner and it looks delicious. They both like it. Mady and Cara announce that Kate has been making the chickpea and cauliflower thing repeatedly at home. They rudely say they don't like it and got so sick of it. Why are they being so rude?

Tell me more about your growing up years, Jeff says. Uh-oh, here we go. Kate essentially avoids the question with a real red flag of an answer "I don't know how to describe it." If anybody says to you they don't know how to describe their childhood, run.

Jeff naturally says he had a good childhood, had great parents, but did want to get out of his small town. Jeff, who continues to have a lot of things in common with Kate, is too good for Kate. I suspect that's what it was with Kate too. It's not that her parents or childhood were necessarily bad, she was just one of those yearning to see what else was out there beyond the little town. I went through that too, but most people are able to recognize the difference between having a great family but just wanting out to see what else is out there, versus wrongly equating a very natural and common desire to want out with something defective or not good enough about her childhood. I suspect Kate is the later, and it's really disrespectful to her family who, with the exception of maybe her father, did nothing wrong in the raising of her. Based on her own words I believe she felt she deserved more trips and more money to spend in her childhood, her family did nothing wrong in not being able to afford such luxuries, and instead of understanding that and accepting it, she resents it to this day. 

Why are you still single, Kate asks. Is it just me but I think this question is flipping rude. Why is he still single? Why are you still single, Kate? Geez! What are you supposed to say to that, I'm a great catch except for the fact that I pick my toenails in front of the T.V. every night and no woman can stand that? And I feel like he already adequately explained why he's single, because the nature of his job mostly abroad and all the traveling he did made relationships difficult (and likely unfair to the woman) but now that he has decided to recently relocate to North Carolina to be near his nephews, he is able to have a stable relationship now. That is a perfectly reasonable reason why a great guy like this is single, though he won't be for long. 

Jeff politely explains, not that this is anyone's business on a second date, that he didn't want to get married in his 20's, and in his 30's he was in a three-year relationship that ended in heartbreak and so hasn't met the right one since then. That really was none of your business, Kate, but whatever.

Kate just checked her phone. Ugh. Why is your phone even out?

Jeff corrals her to the couch, sitting close to her with his arm around her. He's about to kiss her, and I feel like someone is asking me to do a polar bear swim and I'm cringing and hugging myself. I am panicking as much as Kate. Jeff moves her hair from her eyes and she acts like she just got electrocuted. This is a bit sad to watch. This is the behavior of a rape victim for goodness sake. Get some therapy, Kate, because you're a mess. 

Kate abruptly ends the date and bolts toward the door, and Jeff asks to see her again and she says sure yes. We take forever to build up to it and then Jeff suddenly grabs her face and kisses her. Ew, ew, ew.  It looks like a vacuum cleaner grabbing up Kate Gosselin. I'm horrified. At least Kate doesn't pull away and even puts her doughy hands around him.

And now folks we're to the end of this hot mess of a show and guess what, it just ends! Kate says she has stayed in contact with one of the two finalist guys, but she doesn't feel we really need to know right now. Oh, come on! I have never in the history of T.V. seen someone trolling so shamelessly for a second season. Also, Kate, you tool, you don't need to tease and play games with viewers about who or if you ended up with somebody to get a second season. It's so unnecessary, obnoxious, and frankly disrespectful to the handful of viewers who stuck this one out. "So what else is out there?" Kate remarks. Not much, Schmoopy. Now drink your lame wine and peek out from your blindfold so this show can just die Birdbox style and the whole world would be better off.

327 sediments (sic) from readers:

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JTN said... 1

Kate doesn't need a dating show. She needs in patient therapy. I'm actually not being snarky. She needs to check herself into a place so she is away from her children so she can work with professionals on herself. She uses the children as a prop and a crutch to avoid existing as a individual. She defines herself in relation to her children and her former relationships. Her ex(or exes) are not the problem. Her children are not the problem. The way she engages, obsesses, defines herself IS the problem. She is too much of a hollow shell of a human to have any sort of successful healthy long term relationship with anyone. It seems to me that she swaps between leaning on codependent relationships and demanding codependent relationships to function. She wanted Jon to be dependent on her. She uses her children to be dependent upon them for an income stream. She needs to be independent in her own right (financially, emotionally, etc.) and rely upon herself to pay the bills (and not off the backs of her kids). I believe that is only possible with a heck of a lot of therapy and hard work. Without it, she will be a sad shell of a person when the kids leave for college or get married rambling around an empty house trying to pressure her kids to all come home and have her grand kids all under the same roof so she can try to pitch a show about that.

Sad but true said... 2

Excellent recap, Admin! Thanks for doing these, they bring so much more depth to these crapisodes than they likely had.

And agree wholeheartedly with your comment, JTN, the only way this woman is ever going to have even a minimally happy life is to sort herself out in a therapeutic setting. And that, by definition, is NOT reality TV. I hope this is the last we see of her for a very long time.

lurking said... 3

Bringing over from yesterday:

OMG OMG OMG go to Jon's IG and look at his story. He says "Rude you know what taking pictures of us at dinner, I see you, I'm not that dumb, I SEE YOU." and I swear it's a pic of Kate. At first I thought he meant dinner with him and Colleen but it must be him and some o the kids, right?

foxy said... 4

Marathon Kate/fake/date show on today. YUCK

Anonymous said... 5

JTN said... 1

TLC should consider doing a show where they send Kate to weekly therapy sessions.The show would consist of Kate going to a licensed therapist, where she lays on a couch and is forced to fix her many hang ups. Including all the grudges she holds against basically everyone who has “wronged her” . The therapist could bring up that it’s not her against the world but SHE who drives everyone away with her horrible as Sh$t attitude. Then at the end of the week, she could do a couch interview, explaining what she has learned and how she is working to change/ fix it. Then they could throw in a surprise episode at the end where she is forced to forgive Jon, brother Kevin, and anyone who looks at her the wrong way. I would also add an episode where Kate is coxed by the therapist to throw a huge barbecue, hosting the many volunteers, hospital staff, Beth, and other forgotten friends etc that helped raised the tups at birth. TLC would make it clear that they will not help her set up. She must provide all the food on her own dime. Maybe even chip in a small gift for each recipient. Therapeutically, this will also help with her excessive lying problem. Because she has often complained about doing all the work while the network has done it all for her. And finally, she would come to the realization that SHE is NOT the most important person to walk the earth. She will be taught how to speak without adding inserting the” I”and “me” so often. And then have to take a parenting class. At the end of that class, she gives her kids foot messages for the many times they have been forced to give them to her. This would be ratings gold! It definitely would get renew for several more seasons since her issues are so extensive. One season wouldn't be enough to cover it all. . This would definitely renew the public’s interest again! But what am I kidding. Kate is never wrong.
-Gigi Be

AuntieAnn said... 6

We take forever to build up to it and then Jeff suddenly grabs her face and kisses her. Ew, ew, ew.  It looks like a vacuum cleaner grabbing up Kate Gosselin. I'm horrified.


Oh GAHHHHH!!! #metoo

Admin, you could have warned us this was coming. I don't feel so good.

Oh and nice of Kate to go gentle with Jeff and just throw salt in his face. He coulda been slapped hard with a spoon like Emeril got it on the arm. The woman behaves like a 5-year-old.

Great recap though, even if I'll need brainbleach to wash that face-suck image out of my head for the rest of the day.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 7

Admin, thanks for another terrific recap -- any sentence of which is probably 10x more interesting than this whole dang show.

Putting snark aside for a moment, I'm starting to wonder if TFW was ever sexually abused. Her desire not to be touched seems not only outsized but downright crippling.
To add to what JTN so eloquently aid (#1), what we have seen on camera is a woman with myriad issues, and an uncanny knack for ignoring them and/or blaming them on others. I don't think she would pursue therapy unless it was televised. Her victim narrative has taken her pretty far, and I doubt she's going to ever abandon it.

Jtn said... 8

Did you see this publicity photo attached to this article? It has to be by far one of the absolute worst publicity shots I’ve ever seen. It looks like someone said channel ‘sadness’ from Inside out.

Wowser said... 9

Lurking-can you post the link to Jon’s IG?

Anonymous said... 10

Great recap Admin! You hit the nail on the head especially the part about hobbies. Her kids are now 15 and 18. During the school year, they spend 8+ hours away from home. In the summer, they should be spending time with friends. They are also capable of taking care of themselves with minimal supervision. The kids are NOT keeping her from developing hobbies, or dating.


Sad but true said... 11

The obligatory People plus for the finale:

The usual cringe-y stuff:

"Later, Kate admits she had no idea how to behave in the moment.

“I’m a shy person. I do talk a lot, so probably not textbook shy, but I am,” she tells producers. “The thought of him kissing me caused so much panic that I quickly shoved it out of my head. I hope he does, I hope he doesn’t, yes, no, I don’t know — where’s the door?”

“I don’t sit there like, I wonder what he’s going to do next,” she adds. “I’m very in-tune to people, their behavior, their words, I’ll break it down. But I think when this romantic-y stuff happens, I don’t know, I just disappear, apparently. Because that part always eludes me.”

She's "very in-tune to people"??? Did she ever watch anything she was in? And did we ever see ANY of that on any of her show/appearances? I guess making memories and introspection/insight are mutually exclusive.

Anonymous said... 12

Oh, God, Admin I can't imagine putting myself through watching that, and who says "probably not opposed". Thanks again for another great recap; your head must be splitting.

bm ~ Administrator said... 13

For the first time I’ve wondered if Kate is clinically depressed. For the first time I’ve wondered if Kate has legitimately been sexually abused. All snark aside, it felt wrong to put someone so mentally damaged from something through a public spectacle like this.

Nicky said... 14

Great recap - I've only watched one episode, and haven't since I've had these highly amusing recaps to read.

Her reactions to anything physical are very immature and juvenile - if you said this is how Mady and Cara are reacting to a potential suitor, it would make much more sense due to their age.

The sexually abused theory - I really don't know, but would that make her not want to show basic affection to her kids? To me, those 2 things don't correlate. Her personal relationships are so transactional - she's very emotionally stunted.

At 43, she should be more comfortable with her sexuality, but she seems asexual. Since that's typically caused by a chemical or hormonal imbalance, that may be the answer for a host of other issues she seems to have.

The problem is, is that she has isolated herself to such a degree, there is no one there to help her recognize it - no family, girlfriends, etc. But that's the way she wanted it from the start. Her "crew" that are like "family" are only around when they're paid to be there.

She has created this environment for herself. Her kids are too young now to know what to do about it, or have the skills to deal. Maybe in about 10 years, one brave child will give her a reality check, but nothing will change until then. ~ Administrator said... 15

OMG OMG OMG go to Jon's IG and look at his story. He says "Rude you know what taking pictures of us at dinner, I see you, I'm not that dumb, I SEE YOU." and I swear it's a pic of Kate. At first I thought he meant dinner with him and Colleen but it must be him and some o the kids, right?


It looks like Kate but I zoomed in and she's younger, her hair is silkier, and she doesn't have the French tips.

I'm sorry Jon's dinner was ruined by somebody being so rude. I hope the kids weren't there.

NJGal51 said... 16

Jtn said... 8
Did you see this publicity photo attached to this article? It has to be by far one of the absolute worst publicity shots I’ve ever seen. It looks like someone said channel ‘sadness’ from Inside out.
WOW! That is one of the worst pictures of TFW that I’ve seen in a while. She looks every minute of her age and then some. I guess that whole de-aging thing isn’t working out for her any more.

Irish 33 said... 17

Great recap administrator you hit this one out of the ballpark.... Not because I can't stand her because I can't but this show has to be the worst piece of garbage ever put on television it's so bad it's comical... I'm still chuckling

lurking said... 18 ~ Administrator said... 15

OMG OMG OMG go to Jon's IG and look at his story. He says "Rude you know what taking pictures of us at dinner, I see you, I'm not that dumb, I SEE YOU." and I swear it's a pic of Kate. At first I thought he meant dinner with him and Colleen but it must be him and some o the kids, right?


It looks like Kate but I zoomed in and she's younger, her hair is silkier, and she doesn't have the French tips.

I'm sorry Jon's dinner was ruined by somebody being so rude. I hope the kids weren't there


Ahhh. It DID look like her! I'm glad it wasn't though

AuntieAnn said... 19

The thought of him kissing me caused so much panic that I quickly shoved it out of my head. I hope he does, I hope he doesn’t, yes, no, I don’t know — where’s the door?”


I imagine more than anything, it wasn't panic, it was the awkwardness of the Big Smooch because the crew was right there in the room... alongside of the real boyfriend, I'm sorry, I mean bodyguard. Jeff's kiss was probably in bold print right there in the script if she'd bothered to read it.

I can't find it in me to feel any sympathy for this woman. The dating show was her idea.

jolie Jacquelyn said... 20

Thanks for another great recap Admin, it must have been painful to watch. I laughed at the "doughy hands" comment in the kissing scene.

Carole said... 21

lurking said...
Bringing over from yesterday:

OMG OMG OMG go to Jon's IG and look at his story. He says "Rude you know what taking pictures of us at dinner, I see you, I'm not that dumb, I SEE YOU." and I swear it's a pic of Kate. At first I thought he meant dinner with him and Colleen but it must be him and some o the kids, right?

Lurking, I'm terrible with Instagram but I can usually find someone's pictures and all I can find of Jon's are his pics, but nothing that refers to this. I'm obviously missing something. Could you post a link or the Url to this story? Thanks!

Ingrid said... 22

Found this in some bookmarks I was deleting. Thought I would share. Note the year. Did it take them 6 years to find enough guys? and a network sucker? hahahahahahaaaaaa So she wasnt really holding off on dating all these last few years 'because of the kids'. Just couldn't find a show

Model Search America
Modeling Jobs, Auditions and Gigs
Single mom Kate Gosselin is ready to get back into the dating game. The reality star is putting herself out there again toward finding a new man. That is, the mother of eight has signed up for a dating show on TV a source told E! News. She is ready to get back into the dating game and ready to find love again and move from her past. Its a chance to start something new E! News reported.

Though she is yet to find a network for her programthe producer of the show will be holding auditions and casting calls soon and they are accepting applications for Kate Gosselin’s new show. The shooting locations are yet unknown but we will keep you posted as soon as more information is released about the show.

JR said... 23

How can Kate do therapy when she doesn’t acknowledge there’s anything wrong with her? shes perfectly normal so it’s everyone else who needs can’t fix stupid...

Sad but true said... 24

Don’t miss #KatePlusDate TONIGHT at 10/9c on @tlc .... second dates... who do I choose??? I’ll be here giving behind the scenes info and pics! Who’s in? 💋💋

Photo is of her and the twins in NYC in the winter. In other words, not recent.

And frugalfit_whatever has cleared her schedule to reprise her role as head cheerleader once again:

I actually I’m addicted to this show ! It really brings out Kate as the first for the person she is and her personality!

@jkoziel79 it makes me happy that people are FINALLY seeing the wonderful person she really is!! Always has been!!

I’m just now catching up on your episodes! Jeff 🙌🏻🙌🏻


Hmm, now what makes me think she's headed back to court some time soon?

Kate one question, any thoughts on having Kate plus 8 back? Even if it's just the 6 of you. Sure do miss watching them grow , my grandma and I would watch the show all the time together when I was around 8. 💗

@jonkateplus8forever_ yep we have many thoughts on it..... Stay tuned😉

@kateplusmy8 omg omg omg I could cry thank you for responding. Haha I'm only 19 a year older than the twins❤️ I will have to tell my grandma you responded she is so fascinated about how you raised 8 kids and you were so organized.

Layla said... 25

OMG, I just saw that Dr Pimple Popper was the #1 rated show on Thursday night with 3.211M viewers. Even the lead-in show, which was clips from last season, got 1.678M and was at #5. TLC gets better ratings from `splicing together clips from their more popular shows and airing them as a show in themselves (I think they do that for 90-Day Fiance too) than they do filming a show with Kate. I wonder if they have noticed that.

Sad but true said... 26

It sure sounds like she knows there will be no more K8+D8.

I love this show! It's over way too fast for me.

@smileenrose ...and me! It’s a lot of fun!

Hey Kate will u ever go back to Kate plus 8 after Kate plus date so we can see u with the kids!??!

@maggieb789 absolutely plan on it;)

@kateplusmy8 can you please start blogging again on your website! I would love to know more health and diet tips and recipes please🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️

@jessica_hayman5 yeah. I should ... I love writing... :)

Love the show and your girls are sooo wonderful!❤️

@claudiameagher I totally agree:)

Not sure if anyone else was able to do so or not, but I was able to watch the finale last week on Demand🤷🏻‍♀️....#nottelling #nospoilers.

@kelly_mcmackin Yes, I watched it last week also. 😉

@kelly_mcmackin thank you:)

ncgirl said... 27

Thanks for the recap. I'll miss them, but it's good the show is ending unless TLC continues to foolishly associate with her.

I agree that she needs medical intervention. Something traumatic seemed to have happened in her past. But Mady is a lot like her so it must be biological too.

The article just posted shows she doesn't know what wrong with her. She's not shy. I'm shy. I would never do reality TV or use people.

"She's "very in-tune to people"???"

I thought that was funny. Poor thing has delusions too.

Former Lurker said... 28

Just checking in quickly. No time to read the recap or comments right now. But, I see that TFW did an IG post about today's show. If anyone here is on IG, please post comments on her IG that she doesn't pick either guy tonight on this farce of a show. I'd love to see that spread all over any IG posts she does tonight.

Giff said... 29

I don't think Kate has any sexual issues. I think she has a man in her life and we all know who he is. It doesn't appear he is ever going to leave his wife, but it's a challenge to her, kinda like Jon was in the beginning. I think her acting like a stupid little girl, is just her way of wanting appear younger than she is. Her only real friend is 18 year old Mady, who she treats more like a confidante than a daughter. I can see Kate becoming resentful and a bit jealous once Mady moves away. Kate definitely has a personality disorder, probably from a young age, but that doesn't excuse the damage and hurt she has caused basically every person who has been in her life. Sad the children had to grow up dealing with all of this.

Sad but true said... 30

Former Lurker said... 28

Ask and you shall receive! :)

@kateplusmy8 well I know it’s not Jeff because he’s got a picture of a beautiful brunette with him on his Facebook page 😳

Sad but true said... 31

@kateplusmy8 You have got to tell @tlc to stop making future episodes available. Some of us already watched them a week before they air.

LOL, I'm sure she tried. But I don't think even K8 tells TLC what to do.

Ingrid said... 32

Carole said... 21
FYI "Stories" on IG and facebook are only available for 24 hours. I really hate my family members who do use. THere are many grandkid pics I miss out on. They disappear before I can show them to great gramma too.

Anonymous said... 33

My first and foremost thought when I watch the show is "low budget." Low energy, same brand, same cliches, I don't know how she got this show or even why I watch it. It might as well as be the Kate and Mady show. Mady is pouring it on and Cara can hardly stay awake. Used to be Gimme Gimme - forgot how to make a URL.

ncgirl said... 34

"Tt makes me happy that people are FINALLY seeing the wonderful person she really is!! Always has been!!

Make that awful instead of wonderful.

JR said... 35

It sound like she’s convinced she’s doing another Kate plus eight... I don’t get is doing it without the two kids... unless she’s lying again ... I’m convinced this will never end until she drops dead

Anonymous said... 36

"At 43, she should be more comfortable with her sexuality, but she seems asexual. Since that's typically caused by a chemical or hormonal imbalance, that may be the answer for a host of other issues she seems to have."

Actually, asexuals often have normal hormone levels. They are just wired differently. It's not a mental illness. It's like being gay. The A in LGBTQA stands for Asexual. They can lead fulfilling lives and the majority of the population have intimate sexual relationships. They do need partners that are able to clearly communicate their sexual needs because they can take it or leave it. But like I said, they live fulfilling lives.

Kate has a mental illness. I would agree with Admin that it's probably major depression disorder. There may also be a sprinkle if an anxiety disorder in there too.


Sad but true said... 37

LOL. Raise your hand if you think K8 hasn't already vented her frustration to TLC.

@kateplusmy8 You have got to tell @tlc to stop making future episodes available. Some of us already watched them a week before they air.

@rpm8182 I know. I don’t get it...?! I’ll let @tlc know to stop airing episodes ahead of time ...

@kateplusmy8 Thanks! - it just sucks for promotional purposes on your end. But guess what.. I’ll be re-watching it! That’s how much I love this show! 😊

WAITTT!!! The shows going to be over?!?! After Netflix with the office, this is too much for me. NOOOOO😭💔

@_kjordann_ I feel your pain when there’s a show. I. LOVE. #SoSorry

My hubby and I are going to play that drinking game on our next date night 😂🤣

@m_kassinen I’m laughing so hard at your comment, I’m crying ... it’s SO much fun. Who knew I could invent a drinking game (I sure didn’t!) 😂 Have fun! And let me know how it goes, please?

NJGal51 said... 38

Hmm, now what makes me think she's headed back to court some time soon?

Kate one question, any thoughts on having Kate plus 8 back? Even if it's just the 6 of you. Sure do miss watching them grow , my grandma and I would watch the show all the time together when I was around 8. ��
@jonkateplus8forever_ yep we have many thoughts on it..... Stay tuned��
I’m sure that she’s got many thoughts on it. I wonder if she honestly thinks that there will be another Kate + 8. Let’s see....the twins are off to college in the fall which will leave her with 4 at home. Hannah and Collin live with Jon. Hannah is with Jon by choice and Collin is with Jon because TFW didn’t care enough to show up at the court hearing (and Jon is the better parent). What will she say in court, I need all of the kids to keep my mug on TV? Will she blackmail or try to bankrupt Jon? I just don’t see any way that she’ll ever have all 8 under her roof again.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 39

It just occurred to me...TFW was so adamant about getting her kids "culturized" by the travel filming afforded them, but clearly it didn't do a whit of good for her. She has traveled extensively for more than a decade, with A-list accommodations and exclusive experiences. So why is she such a boring mushmouth on a date? I mean...when a discussion about your mutual love of cilantro is the highlight of your evening, it was not even a mediocre date.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 40

To anyone who watched this train TFW still listed as a producer?

FYI said... 41

@rpm8182 I know. I don’t get it...?! I’ll let @tlc know to stop airing episodes ahead of time ...

Had to laugh at this comment from Kate. Isn't it a bit late to tell TLC to stop airing episodes ahead of time, since tonight is the last episode?

Where was she from week 1? I don't think she even knew they were being aired ahead of time until about a week ago.

Sad but true said... 42

Here we go!!!

@kateplusmy8 YOUR FACE when he tucks your hair behind your ear! DYING!!!!!!!!😂

Best show ever 😍

@kennessa_baker thanks. I tend to agree :)

NJGal51 said... 43

Not watching the fake date show but the tweets are fun to read as I watch Cupcake Championship.

@Johnny89612223: #kateplusdate
watching kate trying to act like she's human is fun
@PsYcHoTiCmOoDy: The question is.. does anyone really care who Kate chooses? It’s not like she’s ever gonna see these guys again after the show! Just saying! #KatePlusDate
@erinelizabitch: When your wig makes you look like you have no neck #kateplusdate
@dawgmommi_bird: Try’n to enjoy some tv time and @TLC has the nerve to show #KatePlusDate instead of what we all really want #90DayFiance Changing the channel now. Byeeeeeee Felicia
==== ~ Administrator said... 44

Had to laugh at this comment from Kate. Isn't it a bit late to tell TLC to stop airing episodes ahead of time, since tonight is the last episode?

Where was she from week 1? I don't think she even knew they were being aired ahead of time until about a week ago.


I don't get the impression she realized this either, which is hilarious. Where's she been? And it's too late to complain now, the last episode aired online a week ago. Is she not understanding this? Lol.

It's hilarious TLC didn't clue her in they would be doing this or care to ask her to help promote, and it's hilarious she acts like the exec's would care what she thinks about it. They're test running a CONCEPT, she was the test case, it's irrelevant to them whether she consents.

Only thing that annoys me about what they're doing is she can use it as an excuse for her poor ratings. She should not be given any free excuses for her abysmal showing.

just a curious cat said... 45

Do you still support Trump in office after his most recent tweets? Do you think that you should go back to your country, Italy, because you don't like what liberals say?
Just curious. It's fascinating to me.

Sad but true said... 46

She got ONE reply to this burning question.

What do you think so far???? Who should I choose to go on a second date with? Tell me here....

@kateplusmy8 you know my choice 😉

Hahaha, one of our commenters called this a while back.

The dating @progressive commercial cracks me up! I can so relate! 😂

Sad but true said... 47

Finally a second photo---of Nanuq! Sure doesn't look like a crowd watching in her room.

She owns the remote 😂 and her favorite show is #KatePlusDate but who is HER choice? Find out soon... @tlc #Nanuq #ThisMomsBestFriend ~ Administrator said... 48

It sound like she’s convinced she’s doing another Kate plus eight... I don’t get is doing it without the two kids... unless she’s lying again ... I’m convinced this will never end until she drops dead


It's just sad now. She's not getting more Kate Plus 8. It's kaput. She's not getting two of her kids back either and more may defect. She sounds more and more like Norma Desmond with each passing day.

Sad but true said... 49

Photo #3: OMG, her cinnamon rolls? She showed this to her date?

One of the pics I showed Joey ... #MyCinnamonBuns #KatePlusDate @tlc

Still waiting to receive one of those for Christmas. 😉

@mydmaxx2581 if I could mail them I sure would.. hmmm let me work on that for this Christmas! 🤔

@is teplusmy8 Why so many?

@jalsista because word spreads.. i give them out as Christmas gifts to the kids teachers, all friends, family and everyone we know at Christmas time! Takes 3-4 days in all! (12+ hour days!!)


I love anal Christmas traditions! So sweet! 😊

FlimsyFlamsy said... 50

Admin (#43), seems like it's a bit of a cautionary tale for Schmoops. She kicked everyone but TLC to the curb. With them as her meal ticket, and without many other people left in her orbit, I think she decided TLC was like family and trusted them implicitly. But she's been nothing more than a sidepiece to them for the last few years.

Yeah, Katie Irene, you get on the horn tonight and give TLC a piece of your mind. And I'm sure they'll take your ideas into consideration when your next new show airs. I'm thinkin' about 2021...

Sad but true said... 51

Photo #4 (two): Clay messes.

Our finished products... creatures from Star Trek or Avatar?! #MeAndJoey #NotASculpter #KatePlusDate @tlc

Wish this wasn't the finale . I'm going to be bored ..

@lisa.burke.731 me toooooo... 😥 lol

Sue said... 52

I thought Barb had finally seen the light but I guess not. She’s commenting on each and every IG post that Kate puts up. Kate hasn’t acknowledged her yet. Poor Barb. Kate seems to be trying so hard tonight but she’s not getting very many comments or likes on any of her posts. She knows that this is the end. ~ Administrator said... 53

Do you still support Trump in office after his most recent tweets? Do you think that you should go back to your country, Italy, because you don't like what liberals say?
Just curious. It's fascinating to me.


So you didn't actually read the real tweets. Typical. I find it pretty fascinating that a series of tweets that made a rather stupid point but nonetheless made the point, are regurgitated as "go back to where you came from." Essentially what was said is that someone whose origins are from countries that are a mess shouldn't complain about the U.S. and that it's so easy to complain about the US, but let's see you try to fix your own countries and watch how "easy" it is. He actually said go fix those problems, then COME BACK HERE and tell us how you did it. And AOC says that's "go back to where you came from." Lol! Again, stupid point and kind of irrelevant, but not racist and an insult to people who have experienced real racism.

Which incidentally is how my Italian family was taught, in light of living through REAL fascism, to be darn grateful for life in the USA.

But by all means, believe what that nutcase AOC says was tweeted (it wasn't). I looked at her twitter, and she's being blasted and even by several Puerto Ricans. She deserves all of this because she's a nut job. ~ Administrator said... 54

@jalsista because word spreads.. i give them out as Christmas gifts to the kids teachers, all friends, family and everyone we know at Christmas time! Takes 3-4 days in all! (12+ hour days!!)


Nobody wants your sweet rolls. Nobody wants to hear about your sweet rolls. Joey was so bored when she was showing him her sweet roll photos. It's so embarrassing watching her try to make conversation with a guy about such stupid things. They don't care one bit about this.

On another note though should making those really take three 12 hour days? That seems excessive even for 100 rolls or whatever she said it was. ~ Administrator said... 55

he has traveled extensively for more than a decade, with A-list accommodations and exclusive experiences. So why is she such a boring mushmouth on a date? I mean...when a discussion about your mutual love of cilantro is the highlight of your evening, it was not even a mediocre date.


I struggle to see what the point was of all that traveling and things she did. This is a woman who should have a treasure trove of good stories about life with her eight kids on a reality show. But she's got nothing. Any probing questions the guys asks she deflects, which eventually will frustrate and then bore the guy. She doesn't know how to insert a good story from the past here or there. She doesn't know what questions to ask of the guy and how to use it to springboard a story of her own on the same subject from her charmed life. What a waste all that TLC gave her was because she has nothing to show for it, not even a single good story.

Giff said... 56

I've got a great idea for a show, Jon and Colleen + all the Gosselin Teens. Kate has implied no less that 5 times tonight the show will be back. She is just desperate at this point. I do believe she has taped the twins graduation for a show, but it was never about the twins. People obviously want the tups.

Sad but true said... 57

Photo #5: Raw salmon on newspaper.

Here’s the recipes for the dinner Jeff and I cooked for our romantic dinner (in case you wanted to recreate it for yourselves, but you’ll have to add your OWN chemistry! 😂) #KatePlusDate @tlc

Dinner sounds delicious. 😊

@mydmaxx2581 it was. I’ve made these recipes many many
times since... #yum

nicole_polak's profile picture
Why did u throw salt at his face??

@nicole_polak for fun!

Say WHAT? (Or is she just talking about tonight's show?)

Why is Kate +8 over❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

@nadhialee_ not over... stay tuned 😉


Is it an American culture to talk with your mouth full of food? In Europe it’s rude to do that

smeedee86's profile picture
Is this really Kate?

@smeedee86 uh. The last time I checked, yes... (see the verified blue check mark which means it’s actually me:)

FYI: He’s a GOOD cook, but a super super messy one 🙄🙄🙄 lol

@kateplusmy8 lol. You even wanted to clean I see.

I want the grey dress you’re wearing in this episode. Where did you get it???

@cardskh Nordstrom rack in nyc.. and I had to sew up the cleavage part just before the date because it was too revealing (all true!) 😂

My kids just shrieked really loud... I’m laughing so hard I’m crying....Mady wishes she would have taken a video of it! #TheKiss #ImDeafNow #HearingLoss #KatePlusDate @tlc 😂😂😂

FYI said... 58

@kateplusmy8 will there be a 2 season of Kate plus date .?

@marybeth_obryant I hope so after the disappointment at the end ....:(

And now the Jeff bashing will begin:

Unfortunately, After keeping in touch with him for a few months, I found out that Jeff had been dating someone since before our second date(?!?!) ... I am in this to find my someone, but perhaps he didn’t take it as seriously? I was definitely interested but...... onwards and upwards.... 😘#MoreFishInTheSea #KatePlusDate @tlc

Sad but true said... 59


Unfortunately, After keeping in touch with him for a few months, I found out that Jeff had been dating someone since before our second date(?!?!) ... I am in this to find my someone, but perhaps he didn’t take it as seriously? I was definitely interested but...... onwards and upwards.... 😘#MoreFishInTheSea #KatePlusDate @tlc

OMG. How CAN she? She was in this for a TV show, all of these guys were cast and/or recruited, and PAID, as was she, and she comes out with THIS? Like somehow HE's at fault? There is no one more slimy than her. NO ONE.

And now she acts like she's "owed" a show because she didn't find her one and only? Puh-leeze.

@kateplusmy8 will there be a 2 season of Kate plus date .?

@marybeth_obryant I hope so after the disappointment at the end ....:(

olivia.outer's profile picture
Omg kate he was NOT dating another woman 🙃 why would he do that to you?!?! Does this mean season 2??? 😏

@olivia.outer 😥

God, I hope we hear from Jeff now, with the REAL background to this nonsense.

Sad but true said... 60

What is wrong with these people? We have no idea how much time there was b/t the two dates, was Jeff supposed to just sit around waiting for Kate (or, more likely, a producer) to call? Just put his life on hold for the sake of this sucky TV show? If so, then why didn't they put it in the NDA? I truly don't understand the support for this Grade A bitch. And to accept her story (how she kept in touch for a few months, blah blah blah) as fact when she pretty much lies for a living?

I've been rooting for Jeff since date #5 started. It upsets me to read that he had begun dating someone else before you had your second date. Not cool. I was really hoping you two would hit it off and he'd be welcomed into the Kate +8 family.

Wow I find that really unfortunate!!! I know when many people start to date they may go out with others but the fact that he would agree to meet your girls and know you were taking this seriously idk why anyone would do something like that. 😕

Sad but true said... 61

Ugh. WTF did he do? Went on with his life after one date with Kate?

The show made Jeff seem like a perfect match for you! You seemed SO genuinely happy after that date. So after reading your comments (and doing some snooping), I’m so sad to see he did that to you. What a jerk. Seriously. I get that it’s a tv show, but you’re a real human actually wanting something real. Ugh. #season2? #onwardandupward the right person is out there!!

FYI said... 62

So Kate acts like Jeff was in the wrong for dating someone else before their 2nd date? He didn't even know if he would be picked, so why should he wait around just in case?

She dated 9 guys in the course of the show, but Jeff's at fault because he dated someone else.

She really is a piece of work. Now, as usual, she's playing the "poor me" care and has got all her fans who were rooting for him, now bashing him instead.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 63

Hey, Snuffles84, 2 of the 8 from the "Kate + 8 family" have been kicked to the curb. What made you think Jeff would be treated any better? ~ Administrator said... 64

And now the Jeff bashing will begin:

Unfortunately, After keeping in touch with him for a few months, I found out that Jeff had been dating someone since before our second date(?!?!) ... I am in this to find my someone, but perhaps he didn’t take it as seriously? I was definitely interested but...... onwards and upwards.... 😘#MoreFishInTheSea #KatePlusDate @tlc


You're JOKING she said this! She's such a BITTCH!!! Why say this? Why?

Who knows if he was even with his new girlfriend then. It doesn't seem that ancient. But even if he was, does she not understand that on the first and second date you are under no obligtion to be exclusive and that most people understand that during the preliminaries you are free to date someone else or multiple people?

For most couples it's usually not until date four or five you start saying, so, are we exclusive? What is Jeff supposed to do, wait around forever for HER to decide if he's a finalist and put his life on hold until then? How was Jeff to know he was in the final? For all he knew there were six other fantastic guys in the running.

And I said all along wait a second she's implying that a second date will be all up to her. What if the guy doesn't want it? What if Jeff said sorry I met someone else after our first date and don't wanna. Wasn't he obligated to go on the second date anyway even if picked? And in violation of his contract otherwise?

Jon is not the only man she's ever gone after, she'll go after any man who crosses her and her unreasonable and outrageous expectations.

Sad but true said... 65

Once again, TLC avoided putting any mention of this show on their own FB page. They posted three clips on the K8 page, two in the middle of the day and one as it started. A few tweets. Doesn't seem like they made much of an effort. Although they did make sure she got WIDE exposure through that lengthy press tour, the weekly episode teasers in People, and all the tab shows. There was pretty much a new "story" every week, picked up by all the bottom-feeders, for the whole run.

FYI said... 66

More comments about Jeff dating someone else before his 2nd date with Kate.

@kateplusmy8 shows his true colors ☹️

@olivia.outer to go on tv

Ha, they don't know it but they're actually describing Kate's "true colors".

Anonymous said... 67

Jeff’s girlfriend commented on my post. As I wanted to spread the word he was taken a few people got curious and wanted to see for themselves. I apologized to her if I did anything that upset them
Jenmacdrey “Jeff and I are getting a kick out of this. We love you ladies.
$$$$ “ hi sorry I didn’t mean to cause trouble . We were just curious. By the way you both are a gorgeous couple!!! So very happy for you both!!

Jenmacdrey “ No worries. All in good fun! It was entertaining for us and our family and friends as well.

Gigi Be

FlimsyFlamsy said... 68

Aaaand, once again, she's the victim.

FYI said... 69

InTouch has a picture of Jon's Instagram post where Jon called people for taking pictures of him during dinner.

Former Lurker said... 70

Gigi Be (#67), where did Jen reply to you? On one of TFW's IG posts?

Last week when I was posting about what I saw on Jeff's Facebook page and on Jen's FB, I found both of their IG's. I was going to post about what I saw, but haven't had the time. They both have pics of the two of them on their IG's. They look very happy together. They make an attractive couple.

Former Lurker said... 71

I know I shouldn't be surprised, but how dumb are these losers on TFW's Instagram that they actually think this was a genuine search by TFW for a boyfriend? If I were in IG, I would post the link to the CASTING CALL all over her IG!

AuntieAnn said... 72

IDK but Jeff 2.0 sounds mature and probably smart enough not to get into the silly high-school antics of dating a dud like Schmoopy.

The best he'll get out of this bizarre KateDate is a dinner party story to tell his friends IF her name even comes up.

Former Lurker said... 73

Jeff's IG:

Suck it, Khate!

Anonymous said... 74

Former Lurker- It was originally on the salmon post. But shortly after I replied to Jen I noticed Kate’s post about Jeff and his girlfriend. I had a panicked thought that the fans would see our comments and start harassing her. So I deleted it. I think it was evident that Jen saw Kate’s comment and who knows what she’s thinking. I started commenting here and there about Jeff’s dating a few hours ago. I really am starting to think that perhaps Kate noticed my comments and made up this big lie because Kate’s a poor looser. She’d never say it didn’t work out but she’s happy for him. Just my theory anyway
Gigi Be

NJGal51 said... 75

What would Kate+8 possibly be about now? The twins graduated from HS and will be off to college. They’ve said that they’ll only be home for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Two of the tups live with Jon and Colleen and seem very happy. I don’t see any court/judge ever allowing Collin to be filmed. That leaves her with 4 kids at home and once summer vacation is over they’ll be back in school. Oh wait, 4 kids plus 4 animals (3 dogs and a bird) equals 8.
I am in this to find my someone, but perhaps he didn’t take it as seriously? I was definitely interested but...... onwards and upwards.... 😘#MoreFishInTheSea #KatePlusDate @tlc

WTF!! TFW was never in this to find someone. She was in this to get her mug on TV and get a paycheck. None of her “dates” were in this to find true love either. Hopefully her fans won’t harass Jeff (or his business) over her bullshit post.

Anonymous said... 76

AND Jen just responded to Kate’s classless comment with a classy one.
Jenmacdrey “ I respect that and thought you were a great sport throughout your journey and you are very pretty. Best to you”
Gigi Be

Former Lurker said... 77

Sad but true said... 65

Once again, TLC avoided putting any mention of this show on their own FB page. They posted three clips on the K8 page, two in the middle of the day and one as it started. A few tweets. Doesn't seem like they made much of an effort.


Wow, TLC really gave up on the tweeting tonight. They only did 5 tweets and one retweet. Last week's Twitter activity was about the same as the week prior, 13 tweets/retweets, (6 tweets and 7 retweets. The week prior to that was 15 tweets/retweets (6 retweets and 9 retweets). Tonight was the bare minimum, 'cause it's over.

By comparison, TLC tweeted and retweeted almost 90 times during the airing of 90 Day Fiancé tonight. (Last week it was 70 tweets/retweets, and the prior week it was 105). ~ Administrator said... 78

Wow I find that really unfortunate!!! I know when many people start to date they may go out with others but the fact that he would agree to meet your girls and know you were taking this seriously


Someone who is dating others after ONE date with someone is “not taking this seriously?”

I swear Kate acts so prudish and 19th century sometimes. It’s a DATE not an engagement to be marry. He was not with Kate. He didn’t even know it Kate would call again.

Oh and by the way does Kate hear herself? She dated nine men in a short period, what was it five or six after Jeff. But none of those nine men were allowed to also date around looking for a partner? She’s the biggest hypocrite. They’re all supposed to just wait around waiting for her to figure out if anybody was suitable for her to grace them with her presence again? Unbelievable. ~ Administrator said... 79

Wow I find that really unfortunate!!! I know when many people start to date they may go out with others but the fact that he would agree to meet your girls and know you were taking this seriously idk why anyone would do something like that. 😕


It was Kate’s decision to have Jeff meet the twins after ONE date. She and Jeff were not dating then, she was assessing him to even do a second date and at any moment he could have been cut. That was a very poor judgement call and on her, not Jeff. That wasn’t Jeff’s decision that was Kate’s. Also sheeple, Kate wasn’t taking this seriously. She did not once in six episodes tell anyone Jeff included what she was looking for. She had her twins asking these poor saps useless questions about milk and cargo pants. This show was a hot orchestrated mess from day one and was never once a sincere attempt to find love. Jeff, who seems reasonably intelligent, probably realized that pretty quickly and therefore didn’t put his life on hold just to play reality tv show for who knows how long. Wake up. ~ Administrator said... 80

, I’m so sad to see he did that to you. What a jerk. Seriously. I get that it’s a tv show, but you’re a real human actually wanting something real.


Jeff is a real human wanting someone real and was under no obligation to put his life on hold for Kate Gosselin to figure out which of nine men she would bestow a second date on. The odds were two out of nine for the guy so life went on for him.

The sheeple are as selfish as Kate. Those who make men wait around like little children while they figure out whatever it is they feel needs figuring out will often find such men gone next time they check back in. He who hesitates. Or she. ~ Administrator said... 81

The difference between the Kate haters and her sheeple is this.

Nice guy finds love. Haters: that’s so wonderful, he’s such a nice guy, he deserves someone great. Lucky woman!

Sheeple: how dare he do this to KATE!!

Hint to sheeple, Jeff didn’t do a thing to Kate except educate her on some fine wines and decent cooking.

Anonymous said... 82

So it's ok for Kate to date multiple guys but Jeff can't go out with other girls during the same time period? That's so hypocritical. I am happy Jeff found someone that seems to be a good fit for him.

Kate finally realized that TLC was posting episodes early. It took multiple people posting spoilers about the finale for her to realize it. Her fans had been talking about it since the beginning.


FlimsyFlamsy said... 83

And, c'mon, TFW couldn't have been too broken up about Jeff. All this happened months ago, and she's been fine and dandy and happily posting away about how everything makes her laugh 'til she cries. If anything, she's probably thrilled the news is out about Jeff's new woman, because she can milk the "I've been wronged" angle and see if it gets her a shot at a second season.

wait a minute said... 84

AOC ain't your only problem. It's pretty much EVERYONE who is respected and well -educated. Well, except for Scott Baio lol

Anderson Cooper, Wolf Blitzer, Dan Rather, Carl Bernstein..
You need to get out of your bubble. The world is reacting to what is happening in the WH. England, Canada....

Giff said... 85

I can't believe that people actually thought this was real! How naive do you have to be in this day and age to think this woman was sincerely looking for a man on TV???? Now she is acting like she JUST found out??? This woman has some nerve. She is a liar and strings these people along for her own benefit. She uses anyone and everyone to get what she wants. Why in the world would they idolize this woman? This is just bizarre.

Sad but true said... 86

And the party continued over on Kate's IG:

So sad to hear about Jeff. I am sincerely surprised that the production team didn't do a better job on their end with the vetting process. A disappointing faux pas for you I am sure

@kateplusmy8 Ugh that makes me so sad that you were vulnerable and put yourself out there to find love AND already have a hard enough time trusting (as you have every right to) and Jeff has to go and do that!! 🤦🏼‍♀️ you WILL find someone who treats you like gold, come on season 2. Or perhaps the next season of the bachelorette? 🤣🤷🏼‍♀️ #katefornextbachelorette #jeffsucks (😂)

Well, looks like Jeff had us all fooled. What a bummer.

@kateplusmy8 I really enjoyed this series and wish you’d found true love. Something I notice here, on IG, is how warm you come across in writing; I think that’s the true “you,” and the guarded exterior is not. I wish everyone could see this warmth in person, but you’re not alone; some of the most tender-hearted people I know keep their guard up. I also wanted to say how considerate it is of you to answer so many of your fans here! That speaks volumes for your character. Wish I could hang out with you in real life! You seem like a quirky, cool person. Thanks for letting us into your life a bit! 😘

Really enjoyed the show, to bad Jeff turned out to be a slime ball. Hope you find the one that’s right for you. You deserve all the happiness. Would be great to see Kate plus 8 with a new man in your life. Btw what happened to the cute security guy Steve from a few years ago?

How did you just find that out? Your kids are on social media and didn’t know? Come on.

Not sure if that first comment was tongue in cheek, but would you look at Sandie! Glad she wasn't fooled by this lame attempt to rewrite history according to K8.

I guess those NDAs include a clause about no recourse if/when the show's "talent" decides to throw you under the bus.

Anonymous said... 87

OMG she thinks she is coming back with Kate plus 8 AND another season of this ridiculous nonsense. She is going to court to beg the judge for a court order. How could family court mandate the children's parent must sign over filming rights? I have seen true pathology in Kate from early on (which was somewhat interesting to me). Why can't the court see Kate's absolute obsession with having her family's private life filmed is unhealthy for the children? It has been going on too long. Kate needs to be able to live a good life without the film crew in front of her. It is pathological.(she's too famous to date without a film crew there to protect her???)
M. ~ Administrator said... 88

Really enjoyed the show, to bad Jeff turned out to be a slime ball.


I am asking this seriously. Was Kate’s expectation that while going through this process which apparently took months the men were to not go out with anyone else, refuse all other opportunities to meet a great woman, and sit by the phone waiting for production to call about a second? When she says she’s probably not opposed to seeing you again does that mean you’re obligated to remain devout to the hope of Kate Gosselin one day maybe months or longer agreeing to see you again? One date means your life shuts down until further notice? So when a great girl like Jen crosses your path between dates you say sorry girl of a lifetime but two out of nine I might do a second date with Schmoopy can you hold?

Thank god Jeff didn’t say that and went on with his life because he’s the one who came away with the spoils and Kate’s still alone with her bad wine. She had her opportunity to impress Jeff on date two and convince him she’s a better catch thAn Jen and instead she acted electrocuted when he touched her. That’s on her.

Note to everyone, literally nobody you date just once is obligated to continue dating only you until you mutually agree to be exclusive. That’s how relationships work.

I was right in my recap. Does she ever resent people with nice lives. So bitter.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 89

This sweet roll stuff sounds so silly. No, she does not spend 12+ hours a day for 3-4 days making them. And what happened to the famous zucchini bread TFW so appetizingly left on the trash can, only to be swallowed -- including the plastic wrap -- by Shoka?

If I heard any other mom had this tradition, I'd think it could be quite lovely. Family time together, having fun in the kitchen, laughing and reminiscing, doing something kind and generous for others for the holidays. But 4 days with a sweet roll nazi who only wants girls in the kitchen, and warns you not to get a granule of sugar anywhere? Hard pass.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 90

So TFW swung around to look at the crew daddies behind the camera to hee-haw her water-into-wine joke. But now she's trying once again to sell this show as some sort of documentary? Every moment was planned ahead, budgeted, financed, choreographed...must I go on? I'm sure Jeff was either reimbursed for that salmon, or had been giving cash from production to cover it.

TFW wasn't looking for love. She was, as usual, looking for money, fame, and air time. ~ Administrator said... 91

. But 4 days with a sweet roll nazi who only wants girls in the kitchen, and warns you not to get a granule of sugar anywhere? Hard pass


She has an uncanny ability to suck the fun out of fun things. This should be an afternoon together every December 20 or so and it’s over. She turns it into a four day nightmare. The house must stink of dough and be hot, the kitchen a mess, and with 12 hour days when does she do all the laundry and homework and cooking meals?

And has anyone ever heard her be grateful she doesn’t have to work during the holidays? I couldn’t spend 12 hours or even six in the kitchen even if I wanted to. I work!

FYI said... 92

And has anyone ever heard her be grateful she doesn’t have to work during the holidays?

To Kate, getting out of bed is "work". ~ Administrator said... 93

AOC ain't your only problem. It's pretty much EVERYONE who is respected and well -educated. Well, except for Scott Baio lol

Anderson Cooper, Wolf Blitzer, Dan Rather, Carl Bernstein..
You need to get out of your bubble. The world is reacting to what is happening in the WH. England, Canada....


AOC is not respected, nor well educated.

Wait are you saying the media hates Trump? Thought the media was supposed to just tell us the facts and have us decide whether to hate or not hate Trump. (Also, you don't know Wolf Blitzer as well as you think you do. I personally know him, have ridden in his car, spent hours and hours with him at media camps. He ain't as liberal as you think, honey.)

If you only surround yourselves with the likes of CNN, I can see why you think the "world" hates Trump. Unfortunately for you that's not true, and unfortunately for you, there are plenty of very highly educated and rational people who like the peace and prosperity this country has enjoyed under Trump.

There's are some people I highly recommend you read or listen to. Listen to one Ben Shaprio podcast and shoot me an email about how he's wrong. He's the smartest person I've ever heard. He actually gets annoyed with how Trump acts at times, as do I, but unlike the snowflakes, he is able to separate out how he personally feels versus how the country is actually doing (incredible). We're not electing a favorite uncle, we're electing a president. He is going to win the next election in a landslide because you haven't put forward a single person to even come close to rivaling him.

Here, check out these very educated folks for a bit of DIVERSITY to your media plate:
Ben Shaprio (lawyer, his podcast is consistently in the top ten every day and usually in the top 1-3)
Patrick Courrielche (physicist)
Adryana Cortez (producer)
Bre Payton (journalist, sadly died of the flu last December)
Allie Stuckey (millennial, very smart, dean's list four years, likes Trump)
Michael Savage (biologist, teacher, anthropologist)

Would you like some more educated people to listen to? That should get you started on your very isolated world view and your perception that "the world" feels a certain way.

If you want to see the original tweets I'm happy to post them here but I trust you can find them yourself. You said they said a certain thing, they in fact didn't. So you're a liar, which is probably close to being a racist. This story is already dying and will be gone by tomorrow.

How many underage girls did Clinton rape with the help of Jeffrey Epstein? Your side needs to be careful who you throw stones at this week, because that's going to come out.

AuntieAnn said... 94

AND Jen just responded to Kate’s classless comment with a classy one. 
Jenmacdrey “ I respect that and thought you were a great sport throughout your journey and you are very pretty. Best to you”


I like how she's patting Schmoops on the head with a 'there, there tried your best but....he's mine, all mine so run along now.'


FlimsyFlamsy said... 95

Love how that fan is convinced that warm, friendly Insta TFW is the "real" one. No, sweetie, there is only one TFW: Transactional TFW.
She says and does what she needs to, when she needs to, to get what she wants. What she wanted Monday night was viewers. Once she wanted fans to attend a cruise to line her pockets, so she acted like they were all BFF's, encouraging those on the fence about booking the cruise to "do it do it do it!" Only to disappear from those devoted fans for first weeks, then months at a time.

Depending on the ratings today, she may buy some extra followers and try to get some mileage out of that little "Jeff sucks" moment last night. But it's summer, and people are taking vacations, and busy getting kids ready for college, and trying to occupy the younger ones during summer break, and caring for aging parents, and, well, working.
Who has the time to champion her cause? ~ Administrator said... 96

AND Jen just responded to Kate’s classless comment with a classy one.
Jenmacdrey “ I respect that and thought you were a great sport throughout your journey and you are very pretty. Best to you”


I like how she's patting Schmoops on the head with a 'there, there tried your best but....he's mine, all mine so run along now.'



There's a word for this. What is it? Oh yeah: BOOM SHACKA LACKA!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 97

Admin (#96), and I love that she said "you're very pretty," because it's obvious there was no other sincere complimentary she could come up with! Like when a little kid shows you a painting and you don't want to hurt their feelings but you don't want to lie, so you say, "Wow, that's so...COLORFUL!"

AuntieAnn said... 98

I'm sure Jeff was either reimbursed for that salmon, or had been giving cash from production to cover it. 


Wanna bet Jeff got a preproduction bullet point memo listing the shrew's food preferences? ~ Administrator said... 99

Admin (#96), and I love that she said "you're very pretty," because it's obvious there was no other sincere complimentary she could come up with! Like when a little kid shows you a painting and you don't want to hurt their feelings but you don't want to lie, so you say, "Wow, that's so...COLORFUL!"



Jeff, please put a ring on Jenn. That is all. ~ Administrator said... 100

So sad to hear about Jeff. I am sincerely surprised that the production team didn't do a better job on their end with the vetting process. A disappointing faux pas for you I am sure


Clare, it would be impossible for production to find a man let alone 10 unwilling to date others at all during the entire process of production while they wait on hold for months or longer for Kate Gosselin to decide who best to mug around with on a second date.

Impossible, and stupid. ~ Administrator said... 101

Unfortunately, After keeping in touch with him for a few months


I noticed she said she was in touch with him for a few months and I have questions for Kate.

1. What does in touch mean? Just texting? Or did you actually see him and continue DATING him? Because no man, or woman, is going to put their life on hold for a text buddy.

2. during these times you were in touch, were you in a relationship? Did he say you're my girlfriend and did you ever say you're my boyfriend?

3. Did you ever say you want to be exclusive to each other?

If the answer to all three of these is no, and you know it is, Jeff was free to date whomever he darn pleased. Don't be such a helpless woman and take control over your own dating life. If you want somebody to be exclusive to you, SAY SO. How else are they supposed to know? They're supposed to just guess? ~ Administrator said... 102

Though she is yet to find a network for her programthe producer of the show will be holding auditions and casting calls soon and they are accepting applications for Kate Gosselin’s new show.


Lol. TLC didn't even want this slop at first? ~ Administrator said... 103

There are sooooo many "smart" people who love Trump as you do, yet you couldn't come up with five
Names without including a dead person. Alrighty then.


I have 50 names for you and more. Would you like them all? I just figured it would be too much for you to take in.

When you look at the top podcasts, conservative podcasts are consistently in the top ten and 50, again and again and again. The "world" does not "hate Trump." Only your bubble.

And your Bill Clinton comment is ridiculous. If Bill Clinton raped 100 underage girls (and there is no evidence to date that he raped any), that wouldn't make Donald Trump any less of a vile human being or less of a disaster as president.

The point being is your lot is outrageously hypocritical. Only NOW are these things a problem. Only when it's Trump do you care about impropriety, immigration, racism. Obama deported almost 3 million immigrants, about four of them I personally knew, cried with, held. One was a mother of SEVEN with all her kids stuck here in the USA. Not a peep out of your lot. I could have used your help THEN. It didn't occur to me to blame our president, a president I didn't even like. I respected the court order of deportation and understood the reasons for it. (All four were deported after committing crimes.) It still sucked, and back then, NOBODY was in our corner over it.

NJGal51 said... 104

Unfortunately, After keeping in touch with him for a few months...
Yes, she (or production) was in touch with Jeff because they were probably still filming her other dates because everything was done out of sequence. When she/they finally did get in touch with him to tell him “Lucky you! Kate picked you! We need to film the finale.” At this point he probably told them, “Sorry, but I’m in a relationship with a wonderful woman who is not Kate.” Hence the non-ending ending to this fiasco of a show. She can act the woman scorned all she wants but it was never going to go anywhere anyway. As far as the sheeple that are up in arms because she introduced him to the twins, read my lips...IT WAS ALL PART OF THE SCRIPT! NONE OF IT WAS REAL! TFW got a paycheck, the twins got a paycheck, Jeff, Joey, the “matchmakers” and everyone else got a paycheck. In the end they’ll all get a W2 or 1099 form in the mail and pay taxes on it. That’s the reality of it.

AuntieAnn said... 105

Ingrid said... 22

Found this in some bookmarks I was deleting. Thought I would share. Note the year. Did it take them 6 years to find enough guys? and a network sucker? hahahahahahaaaaaa So she wasnt really holding off on dating all these last few years 'because of the kids'. Just couldn't find a show


I can see the Rod Serling Twilight Zone-ish script now:

The year is 2059. A now gray-haired Kate sits alone at the table in her quiet mansion. Loosened cobwebs dangle from the the ceiling of the once-busy kitchen.

In a faltering voice that echos through the house, she asks..."have you noticed I'm single? For five decades..." She brings her gout-swollen hand to her creased face and wipes away a tear and a final, french- tip nail falls from her finger...

In a dim corner we notice seated in a chair the skeletal figure of an old man, her devoted bodyguard...

Ingrid said... 106

AuntieAnn said... 105 I can see the Rod Serling Twilight Zone-ish script now:

I pictured the Carol Burnett portrayal of Nora Desmond but yours is good too!

Carole said... 107

Ingrid said... 32

Carole said... 21
FYI "Stories" on IG and facebook are only available for 24 hours. I really hate my family members who do use. THere are many grandkid pics I miss out on. They disappear before I can show them to great gramma too.


Thank you Ingrid. That makes sense and completely explains why I can't find IG stories after they're posted.

AuntieAnn said... 108

I pictured the Carol Burnett portrayal of Nora Desmond but yours is good too!


Ingrid, her portrayal of Norma was hilarious. I love that woman!

She'd be perfect for an aging Schmoop.

(I just about died laughing when Carol was Scarlet O'hara with the curtain rod still in her dress,too.)

Layla said... 109

AuntieAnn (105),
You crack me up!

I think "keeping in touch" with Jeff means she/production tried to line him up as her love interest for a future show (just like she tried with the other Jeff). He said no thanks, therefore she thinks he did her wrong. K+8 has been dead in the ratings for years, and she knows she needs to shake things up to keep it going, especially with the kids fleeing the house. She thought a new guy ("Jeff and Kate Plus Less Than 8", anyone?) would do the trick, but--gasp!--the guy wants a real life, not a fake reality tv life. He wanted to live his own life in his cute little town in NC rather than move to Ghettoville, PA. And he wanted a real relationship with a woman who has something other than ice flowing through her veins. Good for him.

I get the feeling that Mady and Cara will not be around much at all once they head off to college. They will have their first taste of independence, their own friends and interests and routines. Plus they'll be in New York, and can go to the city, eat at interesting restaurants, go to plays, shop, visit museums and coffee shops. Spending time at the old homestead in rural PA won't measure up. Of course, Kate might be able to bribe them to come home and film by telling them that they won't have any spending money if they don't. But they're adults now. Their own contracts, their own paychecks. The days of Kate pocketing all of it for herself are over. She'd have to make it worth their time, which will cost her. And when they start doing summer internships, it will all be over. They won't risk their own future marketability for filming.

FYI said... 110

I can see the Rod Serling Twilight Zone-ish script now:

The year is 2059. A now gray-haired Kate sits alone at the table in her quiet mansion. Loosened cobwebs dangle from the the ceiling of the once-busy kitchen.

In a faltering voice that echos through the house, she asks..."have you noticed I'm single? For five decades..." She brings her gout-swollen hand to her creased face and wipes away a tear and a final, french- tip nail falls from her finger...

In a dim corner we notice seated in a chair the skeletal figure of an old man, her devoted bodyguard...

AuntieAnn--That sounds more like an episode of Tales from the Crypt rather than the Twilight Zone.

capecodmama said... 111

Auntie Ann....Thanks for the laugh. That was good.

Ingrid said... 112

AuntieAnn said... 108 I bought a dvd set of Carol just to rewatch the Scarlett and Nora skits (and Tim Conway) I love that show.

AuntieAnn said... 113

Layla said...

She'd have to make it worth their time, which will cost her.


Layla, yeah and that would take effort too which is something she's not willing to put into it. She's been handed just about every opportunity a person could be given - as far as a reality show goes - over the last ten years and she let every one of them die on the vine due to her own laziness. I don't see how she can continue to depend on her grown-up kids to support her way of life in another Kate Plus [insert number here] show. It just boggles the mind why she thinks she can.

AuntieAnn said... 114

FYI 110 - the Rod Serling Twilight Zone/Night Gallery shows were classic. They paved the way for things like Tales from the Crypt although I have to admit I've never watched that particular show.

Former Lurker said... 115

I'm just looking through the comments on her last IG post, (the salmon recipe). Was this one posted here? It's her first reply teasing about Khate + 8:

Why is Kate +8 over❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

@nadhialee_ not over... stay tuned 😉


Same old bullcrap.

Sad but true said... 116

And the punishment fits the crime. Ranked 33d (worst out of 6 episodes, 0.18 share (worst out of 6), and 769K viewers (I believe this is 5th lowest of the 6). So much for the big breathless finale bringing home the bacon.

90-Day lead-in ranked 6th, 0.54 share, 1.690K viewers. Once again, 55% of this audience changed the channel when K8 came on.

NOW will you go away, K8?

JustMissy said... 117

Ratings are in - 769K - 33rd for the night. Can this nightmare now be over? How did TLC let her get away with not saying who she was still seeing? Is there going to be a season 2 (barf) or do they just don’t give a damn anymore? A total waste of time.

Former Lurker said... 118

Ratings for the sixth and final episode are in. Total viewers are DOWN 24,000 to 769,000. That means out of the six episode season, the finale came in with the second lowest ratings (just 40,000 over episode 4 on July 1st).

The 18-49 Demo was her best so far, up to a .18 share, better than her usual .20 to .22 share.

The ranking slipped from 23rd to 33rd, the worst yet!.

Kate Plus Fake Date - July 15:

Total Viewers: 769,000
Demo (18 - 49): 18 share
Rank (in the demo): 33rd

Former Lurker said... 119

Recap - Total Viewers, Demo share (18-49), Rank in the Demo (18-49) for the five episodes:

Episode 1 (June 10): 773,000, .22 share, 27th
Episode 2 (June 17): 805,000, .22 share, 27th
Episode 3 (June 24): 838,000, .22 share, 26th
Episode 4 (July 1): 729,000, .20 share, 21st
Episode 5 (July 8): 793,000, .21 share, 23rd
Episode 6 (July 15): 769,000, .18 share, 33rd!

Former Lurker said... 120

Oops, sorry about the mistake (multi-tasking here).

As for the DEMO, I meant:

The 18-49 Demo was her worst so far, DOWN to a .18 share, worse than her usual .20 to .22 share.

Former Lurker said... 121

Trying this again:

Ratings for the sixth and final episode are in. Total viewers are DOWN 24,000 to 769,000. That means out of the six episode season, the finale came in with the second lowest ratings (just 40,000 over episode 4 on July 1st).

The 18-49 Demo was her worst so far, DOWN to a .18 share, even worse than her usual .20 to .22 share.

The ranking slipped from 23rd to 33rd, the worst yet!.

Kate Plus Fake Date - July 15:

Total Viewers: 769,000
Demo (18 - 49): .18 share
Rank (in the demo): 33rd

Layla said... 122

Ratings=769,000. ouch.

Former Lurker said... 123

The 90 Day Fiancé show had a slight decrease in total viewers, down 48,000 to 1.690 million. Still, it's their second best ratings, just below last week's episode which was their highest in these five weeks. It was also their second best demo share at a .52 share, only down slightly from last week's high of .54. Their rank in the demo rose to 6th place.

90 Day Fiancé - July 15:

Total Viewers: 1.690 million
Demo (18 - 49): .52 share
Rank (in the demo): 6th

90 Day Fiancé Recap - Total Viewers, Demo share (18-49), Rank in the Demo (18-49):

June 10th: 1: 1.386 million, .40 share, 9th
June 17th: 1.539 million, .47 share, 6th
June 24h: 1.550 million, .50 share, 7th
July 1: 1.471 million, .41 share, 7th
July 8: 1.738 million, .54 share, 9th
July 15 1.690 million, .52 share, 6th

TFW's Fake Date show had a great show as a lead in, with their very good ratings, but she still lost almost 1 million viewers!

Layla said... 124

Episode 1: 773,000
Episode 2: 805,000
Episode 3: 838,000
Episode 4: 729,000
Episode 5: 793,000
Episode 6: 769,000

Average: 784,500

PatK said... 125

So Kate knew how this dating series was going to end--yet she led her handful of fans on week after week and then feigns surprise on Instagram after the finale that Jeff had already found someone else and she didn't get her "second date"??

And then goes right into teasing about the possibility of a second dating season and/or more Kate Plus Eight??

It's like we're living in Bizarro World, isn't it? Just go away, Kate. Get a real damn job.

Kylie said... 126

She's not even in the top 25!!! What a great finale for Kate!!!!

Sandylove said... 127

I hope some publication doesn't pick up Kate's comment about him "cheating on her" and post it, thereby damaging his good character and reputation. If I was Jeff, I'd be very upset if that happened.

ncgirl said... 128

TLC has put up other shows early. Who does she think she is? Miss TLC?

Kate thinks she deserves an award for the sweet rolls. I'm sure they'd rather have cash or gift cards.

"and I had to sew up the cleavage part just before the date because it was too revealing (all true!)"

Good thing most people have short memories or they'd remember Kate bopping around showing off her new breasts in pictures and on TV.

Somebody does her wrong(in Kate's mind) and she wants a pity party. That worked for a while after the divorce until she showed her true colors.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 129

AuntieAnn (#113), she believes the kids will continue to support her because they always have. Let's all take a moment to remember when we heard the news that C had been sent away, and most of us, if not all of us, said, it's all over. How can her "brand" survive. And here we are 4 years later, 48 hours after the last episode of her NEW shown aired.

Former Lurker said... 130

@kateplusmy8 will there be a 2 season of Kate plus date .?

@marybeth_obryant I hope so after the disappointment at the end ....:(


This delusional witch has probably been calling TLC all day begging for a second season. Her five fans are dying to see another crapfest season of this FAKE show. News flash, TFW: TLC can air reruns of any show in that time slot and get much better ratings!

Irish 33 said... 131

Kate Gosselin needs to fade away and fade away fast talk about irrelevant..... America has spoken look at the number for the big season finale... One word .. Embarrassing

Jamesvader1194 said... 132

Mady has finally uploaded her first video on youtube.I'll give a link in case anyone may want to see what it is but she seems to be doing one of those types of videos where she films her trip to both LA and NY

pym said... 133

Admin, your recap is good but you've just got to see this one


JustMissy said... 134

Wow! Mady just posted her first YouTube video. Talk about vapid. She is in for a rough reality check. Near the beginning you can hear TFW shrieking in the background about knowing what Cara is going to wear. It’s a mess but probably very age appropriate.

Anonymous said... 135

I just watched Mady’s video. It is the same exact style as Olivia Jade’s YouTube channel. Overall it was pretty boring
Gigi Be

AuntieAnn said... 136

Jamesvader1194, thanks for the link. I got to 3:20 and quit watching when Tilt-Head Schmoopy stuck her mug into the picture.

jolie Jacquelyn said... 137

I'm so pleased her ratings are poor!

Probably the new show TFW is wink winking about is Mady filming her on youtube, not another TLC show.

AuntieAnn said... 138

And here we are 4 years later, 48 hours after the last episode of her NEW shown aired.


Flimsy, I know. I actually think we jinx it when we say the words "the show is histrory" or something similar.


Waving to capecodmama @111, hi and thanks. I'll copyright and sue if an old Katie ever uses my script.

Layla said... 139

In Mady's video she's shown several times wearing a grey Fordham sweatshirt, and at the beginning (in her room packing) she's wearing a Fordham t-shirt. I thought Cara was the one going to Fordham and Mady was going to Syracuse (?) Mady's wearing a lot of Fordham gear for someone who's not noting to school there.

NJGal51 said... 140

I just watched Mady’s YouTube video and all I can say is that I hope she studies hard in college. Although she tried to copy her style, Olivia Jade she ain’t! She just doesn’t seem to have the IT factor and it was rather boring. “I’m going for hair and makeup, we just ate pretzels and water, oh yeah, here’s my outfit, yadda, yadda, yadda.” Maybe kids her age will enjoy it.

I wonder if they’re testing the waters with this. TFW may try a Kate + ??? YouTube channel if all else fails. I know that you can make money with them if you are an “influencer” or have partners. Also, I think you can charge for people to watch your videos.

Sad but true said... 141

Jamesvader1194 said... 132

Oh yeah, she's definitely aiming at being an influencer. But she really has very little taste, and my god, what's she gonna do when Ronnie's not at college to do her hair?

How odd, there's almost NO footage of Cara or Kate, really, it's just Mady's immature little world and that's it. Mady = ME ME ME, could she be any more like Mommy?

I don't think this'll last long, she's not going to have time for any of this frippery when she gets to college. Unless college is for her, like Olivia Jade, just a front for launching a completely different career.

Thanks for posting the link, Jamesvader.

Another local said... 142

Watching Mady's video now - to be honest, I think she's doing a pretty good job with it for her first try. She's emulating what a lot of these lifestyle vloggers do in terms of editing/content, so I figure she definitely will get viewers (mostly girls around her age, I would assume). Interesting to note that Cara isn't in the vlog at all. I say good for Mady for presenting her life on her own terms, if that's what she chooses to do.

JR said... 143

Excuse the language but she is the biggest fucked up mess I’ve ever seen in tv.... she’s so unaware of her surroundings and so uninterested in what’s going on with her own show.. not to mention she doesn’t have the capacity to know how bad her own show is... is she disabled in some way??

FYI said... 144

I watched Mady's video. I almost fell asleep. She's needs more upbeat music.

Quick question...Didn't both Mady & Cara once say they were vegetarians? I noticed that one of their dinners included shrimp and another salmon. True vegetarians don't eat red meat, white meat, fish or poultry. ~ Administrator said... 145

I don't think this'll last long, she's not going to have time for any of this frippery when she gets to college. Unless college is for her, like Olivia Jade, just a front for launching a completely different career.


I think she's likely to follow the lead of Kate is flutter around with Youtube then get bored of it and it'll be abandoned. ~ Administrator said... 146

In Mady's video she's shown several times wearing a grey Fordham sweatshirt, and at the beginning (in her room packing) she's wearing a Fordham t-shirt. I thought Cara was the one going to Fordham and Mady was going to Syracuse (?) Mady's wearing a lot of Fordham gear for someone who's not noting to school there.


That's a little odd, Mady for sure is going to Syracuse, or was. ~ Administrator said... 147

Admin, your recap is good but you've just got to see this one



Pretty accurate recap! The writer got a lot of the quotes wrong though, that was kind of odd. It looks like something that was written in another language first then translated. ~ Administrator said... 148

Mady has finally uploaded her first video on youtube.I'll give a link in case anyone may want to see what it is but she seems to be doing one of those types of videos where she films her trip to both LA and NY


I watched it. We knew this was coming, so predictable. She really does want to be Olivia Jade, and it's sad. But, I will say that this video offers way more mildly interesting things on social media than Kate ever has. It actually is somewhat interesting what goes on behind the scenes, what all was squeezed into one day (the NY trip looked like a hot second, and tiring) the prep they do ahead of time, what they grabbed to eat, the hotel rooms, etc. I actually like seeing this stuff. The video ran too long, I could have seen all this in six minutes instead of 12, but dare I say I enjoyed it. If Kate did something like this even once a month her followers would quadruple and she wouldn't even have to pay for them.

The very first thing she said is her family has a reality TV show and her mom has a new show. So, no, head-tilt Mady, you family HAD a reality TV show. You haven't been filmed for said show in TWO YEARS. She's as delusional as Kate.

I'm pretty sure somebody from production helped her with this. There's no way she would know how to edit it in this style by herself, the music, the cuts. No way.

They got first class tickets on the plane, and I noticed she got Starbucks, a haircut, new clothes, the nice phone she has, ordering in fine dining to the hotel which is always very expensive, Universal Studios obviously skipping the lines. There are a lot of bribes going on here. She's only 18. I just really question whether it's good for a kid this young to be getting all these finer things in life before going through the experience of being young with no money. I didn't think I ever ordered food to my hotel room until I was 30 and had a company card, was 2-3 cell phones in before I actually had a nice phone, etc. Yeah you want that stuff when you're 18 but you absolutely don't need it.

I don't think we even caught all the media appearances they made here. I never remember nothing on no Food Network or even KTLA.

I like that Kate just let her make this video and didn't try to interfere or say anything or whatever. It's Mady's video and if she wants Kate in it she'll ask. There, I said something nice about Kate.

Sue said... 149

Mady’s private IG has ‘cuse! 🍊 so I’m guessing that she’s going to Syracuse. ~ Administrator said... 150

This delusional witch has probably been calling TLC all day begging for a second season. Her five fans are dying to see another crapfest season of this FAKE show. News flash, TFW: TLC can air reruns of any show in that time slot and get much better ratings!


I wonder if there's any point in which Kate looks at these ratings and has any dignity left at all to say ehhhh don't think I'll do a second season I won't keep embarrassing myself. ~ Administrator said... 151

Kate thinks she deserves an award for the sweet rolls. I'm sure they'd rather have cash or gift cards.


It fascinates me the way she talks about how everyone loves her sweet rolls as if trying to justify why she does it. Does she not understand how politeness works? It would be a rare person who would say please don't give me those sugary carb sweet rolls again, I would just like a gift card. Nobody is going to say that. But look around and what everybody else is getting people for the holidays and it's not this junk. People just don't eat this way anymore, low carb is extremely common among a great many people, and even if you're not low carb and even if you still like sweet rolls, near every societal norm dictates that in this day in age you give cash as a holiday tip.

If she must give the stupid sweet rolls but please back it up with a big fat cash tip like what all the rest of us mediocre give to the people who work for our help us throughout the year. Like she does this, you know she doesn't. Grow up, Kate. ~ Administrator said... 152

So Kate knew how this dating series was going to end--yet she led her handful of fans on week after week and then feigns surprise on Instagram after the finale that Jeff had already found someone else and she didn't get her "second date"??

And then goes right into teasing about the possibility of a second dating season and/or more Kate Plus Eight??

It's like we're living in Bizarro World, isn't it? Just go away, Kate. Get a real damn job.


Yep. What you said, Pat!

AuntieAnn said... 153

I like that Kate just let her make this video and didn't try to interfere or say anything or whatever. It's Mady's video and if she wants Kate in it she'll ask. There, I said something nice about Kate.


You did, and that's commendable, but I'll betcha a dollar to a donut that Mady told the Sweet roll Nazi to keep her mouth shut or else she'll write a tell all book about life growing up inside little Shawshank. I still think that's Mady's commerce and she'll use it on her mother the way her mother has always used it on her. ~ Administrator said... 154

Mady told the Sweet roll Nazi to keep her mouth shut or else she'll write a tell all book about life growing up inside little Shawshank. I still think that's Mady's commerce and she'll use it on her mother the way her mother has always used it on her


It is actually quite a nice thought that the kids now have leverage over Kate. Serious leverage. It's like justice in a way.

Ingrid said... 155

I thought that scoopsquare24 story read so weird. Wording was odd so I thought it could be translated from a foreign article. So I searched and found a similar article on It is like the scoopsquare writer just changed a few words around so it is not copied word for word. So weird!!

Example on Scoop... However earlier than we title who she picked as the person who she’d wish to pursue for a possible relationship, let’s begin from the start.

On Hollywood.... But before we name who she picked as the man who she’d like to pursue for a potential relationship, let’s start from the beginning.

Layla said... 156

Admin said.....
There are a lot of bribes going on here. She's only 18. I just really question whether it's good for a kid this young to be getting all these finer things in life before going through the experience of being young with no money.
Yeah, there was definitely a lot of high-end stuff there for an 18-year-old. Tons of Apple products--she showed her laptop (looked like a 15-inch MacBook Pro, which runs about $2700-2800), and there was an iPad in its case, her iPhone, an Apple watch. I suspect Kate has invested heavily in Apple stock since she has always bought so much of their stuff. Clothes, dining out, first-class airfare. Her backpack is a Fjallraven Kanken, which is very popular with young girls now and runs around $115. I was pondering whether her necklace, which looks like a Cartier Love necklace, was real. Considering the amount of expensive stuff that's been heaped on this kid, I now think it probably is the real thing. She wore it every day in her video. I don't think it's such a great idea to heap so much expensive stuff on someone who is so young because she's always going to expect so much. It's probably Kate's attempts to bribe her to film that crappy show, but when Mady is older and working for a "mediocre" salary, she's going to have a tough time adjusting to what "normal" people have.

The younger kids don't appear to have been along for the trip. Sad because that could be the only vacation the family has this summer if they're not filming. M&C got to go on this press tour, and H&C got to go on a few trips with Jon. The other 4 might just spend their summer sitting around home.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 157

Admin (#156), and I pray that there are cameras rolling when Mady and Cara finally say to Mommie Dearest, "Now WE'RE in charge, and that's never gonna change!"

PatK said... 158

AuntieAnn said... 136
Jamesvader1194, thanks for the link. I got to 3:20 and quit watching when Tilt-Head Schmoopy stuck her mug into the picture.


OMG, Auntie Ann, I'm laughing so hard right now....I was coming to post the exact same thing, but scrolled up first to read some of the earliest comments. I also stopped at the exact same moment that Kate's mug made it into the video. lol

These videos aren't for me to begin with (I just have no interest in thinking they are a YouTube sensation), but of course I had to check out Head-Tilt's first public effort to see just how much of a Kate she really is...and it was just as I expected.

All I can do is hope Cara chooses a real and honest path in life, because I truly believe Mady has the media whore bug in her system and will ride it as far as she can. And you know damn well that Mommy will try to get every door opened for her that SHE can along the way. (Hell, she'll probably even become Momager to snag a percentage.)

Ugh, I just "can't" with this family anymore.

Former Lurker said... 159

Mady and Cara have flown first class only because it was on TLC's dime, not because TFW (or the kids' money) paid for it. All I can say is that they are going to be absolutely miserable when they take their first trips on their own, maybe spring break with college friends, and fly coach. Once you get used to flying first class, especially on long trips, it's very difficult if you have to go back to flying coach. I think spoiled, entitled obnoxious little Mady is going to have a very hard time with that.

NJGal51 said... 160

Amen Flimsy @158, Amen!

Sandylove said... 161

I just watched Mady's video as well. I agree with you admin, someone DEFINITELY helped her edit it! My first thoughts were: she's talking too fast, says "like" too much (no surprise there!), she moves the camera around too fast when trying to show things and the music is annoying as heck. But it already has over 3,000 views so I bet she's thrilled. Oh and admin, I saw the clip with our local station here, KTLA, and wondered why the heck they had them on! ~ Administrator said... 162

Mady and Cara have flown first class only because it was on TLC's dime, not because TFW (or the kids' money) paid for it. All I can say is that they are going to be absolutely miserable when they take their first trips on their own, maybe spring break with college friends, and fly coach.


Yeah, and are they going to be that college girl that is whining and complaining about a trip some other friend set up for 10 friends to Cancun? They won't get invited next time.

You cut corners when you're young because you have to, and also because it's much easier to go with the flow when you're young. You can do a hostel, the cheapest airline, live with four other girlfriends and be happy about it, like a big sleepover all the time. It's mostly fun. When it's not fun, it builds character. There's no diaper bags to worry about, no work to do in a tiny seat, you can get by on no sleep much easier, you can get by on crappy food much easier, you're in class every day just half the time adults spend at work, you have very few adult obligations other than class.

So I really wonder had I been given access to things like this at a younger age, how would it have changed me?

I really cannot imagine my parents at that age if I were to ask them for Starbucks, first class, and a 100 dollar backpack. I can't even imagine dare asking for such luxuries. And my feeling that is, generally, such things should not be given to kids until you're confident they have an understanding of how much such things cost and how hard one must work for them, and they've gone through the experience of doing without so that they have something to compare it to. Even if they worked as children. And few kids are emotionally mature enough to have that understanding at 18. None really. Spoils like this are processed differently by mature adults in their 30s and 40s and beyond. Adults of a certain age don't turn into spoiled little brats when they buy Starbucks every day. Kids this young can and will.

The problem with getting them addicted to luxuries this early and not being confident they actually understand it, is a kid like this could end up in two years with a credit card bill that only bankruptcy can cure because of Starbucks and airfare. And that's a scary thought.

What irks about this is that I have a very strong suspicion these are mostly bribes and appeasements for Kate. So in other words, she will put getting the kids to do what SHE wants above doing what's actually best for them in not spoiling them before they can handle it. ~ Administrator said... 163

I just watched Mady's video as well. I agree with you admin, someone DEFINITELY helped her edit it! My first thoughts were: she's talking too fast, says "like" too much (no surprise there!), she moves the camera around too fast when trying to show things and the music is annoying as heck. But it already has over 3,000 views so I bet she's thrilled. Oh and admin, I saw the clip with our local station here, KTLA, and wondered why the heck they had them on!


I wonder, I wonder, if TLC suggested she make this video with the idea maybe they would throw it on their Facebook, and then somebody in production whipped it up for her. 100% somebody with video editing expertise made it for her. She doesn't know how to do those cuts with the music, or get why doing that makes a sleek heavily produced video. She ain't that savvy. ~ Administrator said... 164

Oh and the big criticism of the video is it should have been released weeks ago, preferably before most or all of the episodes aired.

It does no good to offer up this stuff after the show's all over. Timing has never been this family's strongest suit. ~ Administrator said... 165

All I can do is hope Cara chooses a real and honest path in life, because I truly believe Mady has the media whore bug in her system and will ride it as far as she can.


Head-Tilt Mady, like her mother, gets validation from mugging at the adoring public. It feeds her. Cara, likely because she is so much more guarded and private and more like her father, wouldn't get that same endorphin high because she's just not wired that way.

Problem with that is when you get 3000 likes one day then a post fails and you're only getting 300, it can destroy your entire sense of self. It's obviously not a healthy mental place to be, nor is it much to be proud of. A child like Mady might feel far more validation reading comments and likes from strangers as opposed to getting an A on the chemistry exam or finding a best friend freshman year. These things are much healthier overall for one's mental state, but these social media kids aren't chasing anything real. These kids could crash and burn by 25 and it could be really frightening. ~ Administrator said... 166

You don't get days off like most of the working world? Had to take a weekend job because you couldn't make ends meet on a lawyer's salary? Just trying to understand how it would be impossible for ypu to spend six hours in the kitchen to do holiday baking.


Only someone who doesn't work and has no understanding of public interest law would ask these questions.

You do realize most lawyers work much of their weekends right? And that most lawyers don't make the kind of money that TV suggests? Child abuse doesn't stop because it's the holidays.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 167

So Mady is about 6 weeks away from starting college -- a life-changing milestone to most people -- and she's directing her energy towards this nonsense?

NJGal51 said... 168

But it already has over 3,000 views so I bet she's thrilled.
When someone has over 4K views but only 300 likes you have to wonder if they’re buying their views. From what I’ve read it’s a common practice. ~ Administrator said... 169

When someone has over 4K views but only 300 likes you have to wonder if they’re buying their views.


I think that view to like ratio is on the money for YouTube. People don’t like on YouTube nearly as much they just watch the video. But Kate will buy her views if she has to.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 170

Admin (#165), in a way, this YouTube project is even more threatening to Mady's self esteem than the show in that she'll be able to monitor its success/failure daily. It's one thing to wait for ratings every Tuesday afternoon, but another to count your views and likes daily, if not hourly.

Looks to me like Mady's gotten a taste of fame and freebies apart from just being one of 8, and isn't ready to let the good life slip away. Cara is obviously not interested, but Head-Tilt is gonna continue to chase the dragon.

Sad but true said... 171

Well, Rachel doesn't seem to find any fault with Jeff. From her IG:

What did you think of her post tonight that Jeff was dating another girl too and was dating her before this show even.

@maciblue My understanding is that he met someone in between date 1 and 2 which is totally normal! She met three guys in between those dates. Either one of them could have met someone they were more interested in. Happens all the time.

Formerly Duped said... 172

Mady's video which I flipped through: totally vapid, boring,, little substance, showing off what she has, where she's been, affected fake thanks

Layla, I agree. Some high-ticket items shown and worn. Golden Platter life won't buy happiness or real success.I'm honestly surprised Mady is going anywhere for college instead of pursuing a career in showbiz! ~ Administrator said... 173

@maciblue My understanding is that he met someone in between date 1 and 2 which is totally normal! She met three guys in between those dates. Either one of them could have met someone they were more interested in. Happens all the time.



Thank you Rachel! ~ Administrator said... 174

I wonder if tlc saw her video and deemed it not interesting enough to repost so they released the rights to her the day the show was over. The timeline matches.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 175

Rachel, sweetie, your reasoned, intelligent, logical response has no place in this argument. TFW was wronged, and you better acknowledge it before you're kicked even closer to the curb.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 176

Formerly Duped (#183), maybe Mady will pull an Olivia Jade and post that she really isn't interested in education. Considering her mother's history of negative comments about school, it wouldn't surprise me. ~ Administrator said... 177

Rachel, sweetie, your reasoned, intelligent, logical response has no place in this argument. TFW was wronged, and you better acknowledge it before you're kicked even closer to the curb.


She already got fired. Rachel must have skid marks from that ole curb on both sides of her body. Pretty please post the comment to Kate’s comment implying Jeff cheated.

I actually respect Rachel for saying what’s right even knowing the wrath Kate is capable of. Good for her because Jeff did not deserve those nasty comments and did nothing wrong.

foxy said... 178

Oh my goodness. I just watched the youtube mess. Olivia Jade she isn't. I wonder if she thinks she will fly first class the rest of her life, bring Uncle Ronnie for hair and make-up, eat vegetarian shrimp and salmon, and all the perks she gets now and then.
The younger kids, if not for them, have to stay home and do nothing. When Mady realizes if it weren't the 6 she would be just like any other kid with a "mediocre" life it won't be pretty. I wish her the best at college and hope she adjusts to not being the "super reality star" that she believes she is.

Layla said... 179

Formerly Duped (173) said...
I'm honestly surprised Mady is going anywhere for college instead of pursuing a career in showbiz!
I suspect Mady is interested in a showbiz career of her own rather than riding on her mother's coattails. She has to know how unpopular her mother is, and she has to know how bad the ratings are for K+D8 and for K+*. It's reasonable to think she could do better on her own. Did you notice how many people commented on Mady's video that she should ignore anyone posting nasty comments? Yet I didn't see a single nasty comment. Some advised her to get better video equipment, but that would be helpful advice rather than criticism.

I can definitely see Kate trying to use Mady's videos and IG content to pass them off as the new Kardashians. She can try to sell the idea of Mady as the new Kim K, trying to get TLC to bite. She'll do anything to keep herself on TV, and Mady has always been a commodity to her. I'm wondering if Mady would bite, though. She could do much better on her own, and escape from under her mother's thumb too. There's a reason she's gong away to college rather than stay at home and going to Penn State Berks. She wants some independence, and she's never going to have that if she's within 100 miles of her mother.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 180

Seems to me each of these guys would've been contractually obligated to be part of any second date. So even if Jeff met this Jenn woman and fell in love at first sight, TLC already had him committed for a second episode. Because realest reality.

Former Lurker said... 181

FlimsyFlamsy said... 168
So Mady is about 6 weeks away from starting college -- a life-changing milestone to most people -- and she's directing her energy towards this nonsense?


I was thinking the same thing. I think they move into their dorms in five weeks from this weekend (the weekend of August 24th). Most soon to be freshman are busy getting ready for college, and enjoying their last few weeks with their friends at home.

I started to watch Mady's YouTube video - with the volume turned off - and gave up almost immediately. Like her mother, she just rubs me the wrong way. I'm not interested in ever seeing or hearing from her. Thankfully, most people feel the same way. That is, if they even know who she is.

Former Lurker said... 182

Sad but true said... 172

Well, Rachel doesn't seem to find any fault with Jeff. From her IG:

What did you think of her post tonight that Jeff was dating another girl too and was dating her before this show even.

@maciblue My understanding is that he met someone in between date 1 and 2 which is totally normal! She met three guys in between those dates. Either one of them could have met someone they were more interested in. Happens all the time.


Good! It took me several times, but I finally read all the comments on TFW's last IG post (the salmon recipe). It was so frustrating to see comments from people who were so duped by this show and actually think TFW was genuinely looking for love. WTF?!

And, it was infuriating to see these idiots feeling sorry for TFW and acting like she was in a serious relationship with Jeff, who cheated on her. Ridiculous! Not only was it just one date, but it was all FAKE! He was acting, just like TFW and the other "dates". Her idiot fans are bashing the hell out of him, calling him a jerk, a douche, a liar, etc.

TFW, you're an evil effing bitch!!! The sweetest satisfaction is knowing that you will be alone FOREVER. You don't even know what real love is, even when it comes to your children. You're a cold, damaged, empty vessel who will never have a real connection with anyone and never be satisfied with anything in your boring, unfulfilling, pathetic life. You will never feel genuine love, happiness, or peace. If you weren't such an evil, selfish, mean, horrible, narcissistic bitch, I would be able to muster some sympathy for you. But, nope, when it comes to you, I'll just admit to enjoying the schadenfreude.

Sad but true said... 183

This article says both twins are going to school in NYC. But is ROL, so . . . ?

NJGal51 said... 184

She already got fired. Rachel must have skid marks from that ole curb on both sides of her body.
But the reality of it is she didn’t really get fired. It was all part of the scrip so that they could bring the guy in. In the end, both matchmakers (and I use that term lightly) were both there for the final show(s). Nothing about this show, other than Jeff finding a real match, was real.

Oldposter said... 185

Now that her show is over, will she disappear from social media?
Also, I wonder if the 4 tups had a vacay or the summer will be spent staring at the four walls?

AuntieAnn said... 186

@maciblue My understanding is that he met someone in between date 1 and 2 which is totally normal! She met three guys in between those dates. Either one of them could have met someone they were more interested in. Happens all the time. 


lol! Looks like Rachel is going to maintain first place on Kate's shitlist for awhile. At least until someone else comes along who doesn't know how to help her. Schmoopy might have met her match for throwing people under the bus. Game on.

Oldposter said... 187

Im all for giving Kate all the shit she’s due, but name calling of the kids (even if two of them are now ‘adults’) isn’t necessary.
This blog has been a friend to Jon all these years, and calling one of his kids ‘tilt-head’ probably stings. I realize she’s now an adult, but she’s 18- really still a kid.
How bout it?

foxy said... 188

I wonder if Jeff 2.0 will get sick of this charade and Kate belittling him, and come clean that he was cast in a part to play on a reality TV show nothing more, nothing less. This will really cream her corn if that comes out with all the fakery. I am surprised she allowed the kiss.

Formerly Duped said... 189

Maybe Mady changed her mind about schools and is going with Cara? Maybe she will major in drama or film, something entertainment-related ?

JR said... 190

Trying to pass them off as the next Kardashian’s????... that is utterly it’s just crazy... they are the poor mans Kardashian’s 😂😂😂🤮🤮

ncgirl said... 191

"I wonder if there's any point in which Kate looks at these ratings and has any dignity left at all"

Kate seems to have no dignity when it comes to TLC. She can't be making the money and getting the perks she used to get. She just wants the fame. Any attention good or bad is what she craves.

AuntieAnn said... 192

Im all for giving Kate all the shit she’s due, but name calling of the kids (even if two of them are now ‘adults’) isn’t necessary. 
This blog has been a friend to Jon all these years, and calling one of his kids ‘tilt-head’ probably stings.


I don't think "Head-tilt Mady" is derogatory. It's an amusing nickname but it's not abusive in any way. She tilts her head when she mugs for the camera. It looks silly and Jon probably sees that too. ~ Administrator said... 193

I don't think "Head-tilt Mady" is derogatory. It's an amusing nickname but it's not abusive in any way. She tilts her head when she mugs for the camera. It looks silly and Jon probably sees that too.

$$$ ~ Administrator said... 194

Sorry posted too soon. I’m certainly not meaning it in a derogatory way. It’s what she does, it’s really funny, and really her age to me. It’s not a criticism but an observation. It really is very funny when you see her do it.

Sad but true said... 195 ~ Administrator said... 195

This move has been illustrated to her repeatedly pretty much all her life. I'm sure she's practiced posing with Mommy countless times.

Sandylove said... 196

I thought Tilt Head Mady was a cute nickname for her and agree with the others, not meant to be derogatory.

Anonymous said... 197

Formally duped- Maybe Mady changed her mind about schools and is going with Cara?

That new article is really confusing.
“In an interview with PEOPLE, the Kate Plus Date star revealed her 18-year-old twins, Mady and Cara, are headed to different colleges in New York City this fall.”
They’re both so excited,” said Kate, 44. “They agreed all along that they don’t want to go to the same school, because their ambitions are different.”

Coulf they mean different schools in NY STATE instead? Or could Mady be going to a completely different school also located in NYC?
-Gigi Be

BlueJay said... 198

I see this with my grandchildren. The need to film everything they do even if it is mundane, like packing, they post it even if it is just for their friends and not for the wider world. I can't understand the point of posting about everything in one's life. I suppose this need to feel constantly connected all the time and about everything. I suppose perhaps Mady feels this way? Since she has grown up with a camera in her face since her early childhood due to having grown up on the television perhaps her mother has, since to her mother, it is normal and can't go back, all that jazz. Perhaps Mady will be like of those among Kate's children who wants her life filmed because it simply is normal now.

Perhaps she feels that she cannot function without going to college without this connection to being filmed constantly in some way. And I feel sorry for these children and Mady as a young adult. I feel bad that Kate felt that THIS was really her "only" option how to raise her family. It wasn't she just seem to think this way.

I have to think her divorce happened and she's so bitter toward Jon about it because he seems to have seen the new reality that it wasn't the only way to do things anymore? Aside from whatever scandals, whatever. That's their personal business.

Her dating show, you know this also reflects I think much like Mady as Kate's own way to just keep this train chugging along as in she just can't get enough of this same reflection of everything about herself needs to be filmed however mundane it is no matter how terrible it maybe reflected that she simply 1.) does not care as long she continues to get her fix because I suppose like in any celebrity once their bitten by that bug they just can't live life without it? I don't know I live nowhere near Hollywood I've visited Los Angeles a few times yes, Las Vegas and we're currently debating a move to Miami but you come on you eventually come around to accepting reality as reality everyday life. 2.) I also have strong suspension this may somehow play into Kate's own twisted pity me my poor childhood I didn't get what I deserved thing so I'm still going to milk all this is worth and perhaps it's rubbed off on some of her children? When you try to live through your children in that way.

Perhaps this could also why two of her own children were either sent away or left? Because neither no longer wanted to film? I hate to put that out there but I do recall Collin did not seem comfortable being filmed with his hands over his face at one point the poor boy.

I've raised 3 children while we have always been average folk, I never did buy her bid on oh they don't film when they don't want if that was true they wouldn't have filmed when ill and such. My three children they've been sick Christmas, Easter you name it. I never recall forcing any of them to pose for family pictures or taking any of them on fishing trips to film them with our family video camera. I'm quite sure some of you ladies here who are parents can understand that that none of you would have done that either.

One Christmas my middle daughter she caught some illness one a road trip we were driving from our home state to Yosemite and my husband agreed to pull over and let myself and our daughter check into a hotel and get rental car for us to take the rest of the road trip later he took the other two kids on. He wasn't going to subject us to that torture. But perhaps that is my who my husband is as a man to spare us that agony of a child with a fever and such. But he didn't film it goodness no like he filmed our son pretending to drive on the trip in the driver seat at a rest stop and other family things on the home video camera.

I think of Kate having filmed her children being ill while they were what, fishing was it? How sad. And she wants that memory documented? I wouldn't as a mother.

Anonymous said... 199

Is it possible that Mady may be going to Syracuse’s New York City campus? I wasn’t aware they had a campus in the city.

Gigi Be

AuntieAnn said... 200

BlueJay said... 

I see this with my grandchildren. The need to film everything they do even if it is mundane, like packing, they post it even if it is just for their friends and not for the wider world. I can't understand the point of posting about everything in one's life


It's actually no different than yapping with friends on the phone for hours on end talking about everything and nothing until our parents yelled at us to get off the phone. Of course that was back when there were no cellphones, no internet and dinosaurs roamed the earth.

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