Monday, July 8, 2019

Discussion Thread: Kate Plus Date "Under Pressure" 7/8/2019 AND Recap: Kate Plus Date "Under Pressure": "Head-tilt Mady makes sure no milk drinker will pass for her step-father"

Last time on Kate Plus Date, Kate's new matchmaker Adam is awesome, correctly identifying Kate's tiny little bitter heart as near beyond hope. So much better than doofus Rachel who thought she could somehow yoga-swing Kate into normalcy. And Joey Batista was using his date to audition his pilot idea, Joey and Mama Batting a Thousand. Coming up, Kate's new date looks just like an extra in that excellent prison movie classic Midnight Express. Her second date of the night is too good for her. He does contract work in the Middle East but that's about all he can say. Likely he just oversees installing power grids or something but it's still dangerous and important work and hats off to him.

This is going to be another episode where everybody yammers on forever just making one point. Did the episodes come up super short in the editing bay and they had to go back in and keep adding in more drivel until they hit 43 minutes? Kate is starting to hone in on who will be her second dates. It takes her forever to say this. Forever!

Even though there are plenty of signs this was filmed all out of order as most series are, even much of reality shows, Kate is reflecting back on how much she learned over the progression of these dates and claims now she is having fun. If fun looks like a colonoscopy, sure she is having fun.

Kate also seems to think she is just so much better equipped at her age to know what she wants in a man as opposed to when she was in her 20s. This is a subtle knock at Jon, as she only ended up with a husband as horrid as Jon because she was just too young to know any better. I don't know what she is talking about, because I have barely heard her ask these dates anything of any relevance or importance that a mature woman of her age should want to know. She still mostly cares about the superficial. Whether you are tall, if she doesn't have to diaper your kids, making sure you're not Jon or reminds her of Jon. As I've said many times in these recaps, nobody seems to be curious are you a good man, would you be good for and with my children? Twenty-year-old kids are more capable of thinking deeply about these important questions and making a wise decision in a mate.

Adam is right that Kate struggles to talk about herself on dates. I know that sounds like an odd problem for a narcissist to have, but it's true for Kate. Really a better way to say it is Kate can't make good conversation.  I mean, she can talk about herself, she wouldn't shut up about the marathon she did eight years ago when she was telling Joey. The question is is her yammering good conversation. It's not. The reason I think she can't make good conversation is, as I have said, she actually has nothing to talk about because she's wasted the better part of the past decade doing nothing. She also doesn't much care to get to know the other person and can't fake it in a conversation as normal people do every day. Adam's doing a decent job of trying to crack this nutjob, so good for him, but he just doesn't know nearly enough about her to realize this as he hasn't been following her rise and fall over the past ten years as we here at this blog have and Kate sure isn't going to tell him anything honest.

Kate is still claiming having no time is why dating is a struggle for her, finally at long last answering the question what exactly she does all day, and here it is in its entirety: cooking three meals a day, homework, cleaning, and doing laundry. If she has time she showers. Where to begin with this drivel! By this time you would think she has the cooking thing down to military procession and should be able to whip up any one meal for eight kids actually six in 20 minutes flat with maybe 30 minutes of oven time where you can do other things. It's her choice to make things harder on herself and everybody else by "cooking" breakfast and lunches. At their ages, kids are perfectly capable of and should grab breakfast themselves. It'll probably be cold which is fine, the important thing is the balance of protein and carbs, not the heat. Hotcakes and steaming bacon served up every morning to kids just trying to get themselves to school doesn't make you a better mother than the one who on weekdays only has ingredients for protein shakes on hand or cereal and fruit and kids can help themselves. And for God sakes they can pack their lunches themselves or just buy a hot lunch at school! I can't even imagine what it would have been like to have my mom still packing up my lunchbox at that age. I would have felt like such a baby. All Kate has to do is keep the fridge and pantry well stocked with healthy lunch items or money on their hot lunch accounts and the rest these teenagers can do themselves.

I can believe she probably has to run a few loads of laundry a day, tops, but that's also a set it and forget it thing where once you have it all going, it's not like you need to sit there and watch the water boil. You can go do something else. Kids at this age also should be tasked with keeping their own clothes sorted and at least bringing them down to the laundry room themselves if not even running their own loads and they certainly could do their own folding and putting away, which cuts the work for Kate in half.

As for homework, these kids are 15 and 17, well old enough to complete the vast majority of their homework without her help, and she's kidding herself dumb as she is if she thinks she can "help" with the kind of assignments they're getting at this stage in their schooling. Cara is going to be a math major, no doubt she took AP Calculus or something similar, trigonometry, geometry, advanced algebra courses. Kate is a woman who thinks a kiwi is a bird with no arms and that Pollyanna kid wore glasses, bullshit Kate helps with this stuff. And a school as nice as that should have plenty of tutoring available or at least teachers that are willing to stay late to help you. At that age, my parents stopped checking my homework or even much asking about it anyway. It wasn't because they didn't care or were being lazy. They were in their wise way preparing me to take responsibility for my own homework and tasks, budgeting my time, letting them know if I really shouldn't be going out because I had a book essay due soon, deciding for myself what classes I would take and how much I wanted to push myself (they didn't caution me when I signed on to three AP classes in one year) suffering the consequences on my own at school when an assignment wasn't complete or up to my best work or I had over-scheduled myself. I think we had a better relationship for it because I never felt like my parents were nags about school or didn't trust me to take care of my business, and I did learn how to handle my business such that the transition to freshman year of college was pretty simple for me while I watched some of my other more coddled classmates struggle. I managed to be a straight A student in high school and high 3 point-something throughout college without my mother ever once saying, let me see your homework and help you with it. Point being, Kate doesn't have to sit there and oversee all the homework like an overbearing schoolmarm. It's not a good use of her time and isn't good for kids anyway especially ones who will soon be in college without mom to pick up their messes.

As for the cleaning, it's hard to believe she doesn't have a housekeeper and if she doesn't, well, she chose to buy a mansion, now she has to clean it. She's not doing a very good job of it anyway, it always looks dusty and cluttered to me. So I don't believe she's devoting hours each day to cleaning or it wouldn't look as sad as it does.

Of note, she curiously doesn't mention she might waste a whole lot of time each day just driving kids around. Bet she doesn't. Bet the kids drive themselves, take the bus, or find some other way to and from school.

Another thought I had, let's say she is on the spectrum as I think she is. Another signal of that is struggles with organizing, sequencing, and prioritizing. If all these simple tasks really are taking her all day instead of the few hours that they should, that could be because she is unable to organize her daily tasks in a manner that is efficient and productive. It must be so frustrating to those on the spectrum to watch others around them easily tackle a few hours of work and knock it out while they struggle to do the same all day long. People who work all day still manage to cook, check in on homework, do a little laundry and tidying up, in a quarter of the time she claims it takes her.

All in all I clock these tasks she has named should take up no more than five to six hours a day tops, and that's being generous to her. For someone who doesn't work, that leaves a good ten other hours left in the day to do something with her life. It irritates me Adam doesn't call her out on this, question why those few tasks she listed are taking her all damn day in the first place, question her on why she's filling so much of her time breathing down her children's necks, and ask for someone who is living so high on the hog why don't you just hire help, order out more, sign up for a meal service like Freshly, etc. She's going to push these kids away with all this nonsense and likely already has, not make them feel closer to her. I have very little sympathy for people who intentionally make their lives harder with their own choices, then spend the rest of their time bitching about how hard things are.

Mady says something extremely revealing on the couch, in that Kate bitches a lot about never getting time to herself, and so the kids will take a cue and say okay fine, and leave her alone. That's sweet, sounds like the kids make a grade A effort to make sure she has plenty of time for herself when she demands it, so Kate is lying when she says otherwise. Of course Kate has drilled into these kids how much of a hardship they are on her, making them feel guilty about it all when really their only focus right now should be academics, sports, college prep, and a healthy social life. Not on being their mother's emotional crutch. Is anyone at all surprised two have left her likely for this reason and many other similar issues? Who wants to feel like one big fat burden on their mentally ill and manipulative mother? More are going to leave, I'm calling it right now.

Mady and Cara meet some of Kate's top contenders for a second date because for no good reason other than to kill time, but they spend about three minutes explaining the reasons, which is three minutes down the editors don't need to worry about. They're up in the living room of some kind of penthouse suite I think, and I guess they're just going to be meeting Todd and Jeff, which is funny for a couple reasons, one is that Rachel, the one Kate hates and got fired, "found" both those guys and now they're in her top two. The other is, she only has a top two? Heh, but she's only supposed to go on two second dates in the first place, so how will the girls narrow two down to....two? Also, shouldn't this grilling take place after all the dates are finished? Kate has two dates left still! The girls have a ridiculously long conversation about whether Kate should stay and listen to all this. Of course Kate badly wants to stay and keep her mug on camera and make her dumb faces, but Mady kicks her out, which is hilarious. This is never ever how meeting kids should ever go, but at least Mady admits this is all kinds of bizarre.

Mady does that famous "head-tilt" when she meets Jeff, and that's her unofficial signature nickname here, Head-tilt Mady. Ew, it looks flirtatious. I half expect her to stick an open hand under her chin as she does so. The hell?

I think they borrowed the writers from Keeping Up with the Kardashians as Mady asks "funny" questions about not wanting grown men to be milk drinkers. Mady seems to think she's harnessed power on the order of Oprah so I wonder why she's not concerned a single comment like that could shut down the entire dairy industry.

Mady also makes snide remarks about no stepfather of hers will wear cargo pants. Well, I agree with her there, but still, the "I'm so cute and funny" thing is terribly unattractive.

And stepfather? Mady, your mother has been on one date with these guys, the first question is can she even get through two? Baby steps here!

Todd says he likes sports but if he has to miss a game it's cool. The girls like that answer. Jeff says at age 23 he quit watching all T.V. including sports. (He's too good for Kate!)

Mady acts skeptical of this, calling his answer too smooth. I don't think he's trying to be smooth at all, I think he's absolutely telling the truth. Looking at Jeff's background, how could he do all that he's done while still squeezing in six to ten hours of the T.V. Kate watches a day? He's been busy buying and running a company, traveling all over the place for it, and doing charitable work. Also he's spent the better part of his career abroad where they usually just don't have the good selection of programming we have in the U.S., so there's no point in turning on the T.V. The few times I've bothered to switch the T.V. on when I've been abroad I rarely can find anything to watch. Except in England, where they have really, really decent T.V., like I don't want to leave the AirB&B T.V.!. For longer trips where there might be the odd rainy day where we can't do much (we had two straight days of rain so hard and cold in Iceland it felt unsafe to drive), I've just downloaded stuff from home to my laptop to watch, which was wise.

The rest of the questions are mostly boring, though Mady reveals she and Cara are vegetarians. I couldn't tell if she was joking about that. And we get it, it's all about the twins, who will be out of the house within months at this point, and they do not want a man with kids. Couldn't they make an unselfish exception for an amazing man for their mom? Rhetorical question.

Todd thought his date was a disaster, heh, though he explains it was because of wind and nature out of their control. True, that was out of their control, but Kate's freak outs over it weren't.

Cool, Jeff asks questions of the twins, and Jeff asks a great one, where would THEY like to travel to? I wonder if Kate has ever asked this of them, or if she just tells them where they will go. Mady says Iceland and Cara says Spain. Iceland is a great choice, I think she'd love it. I've never been to Spain but everyone I know who has says it's great though they got very hungry not having dinner until 10 p.m. It's unclear whose idea it was to ask questions but I really like Jeff, he looks like he was sincerely interested in the twins and addressed them individually. He's too good for Kate.

The interviews abruptly end, and we're left completely hanging, not hearing what the twins thought of the two guys or how it went. The heck! We will hear later right?

Kate's first date will be T.J. Adam assures us he's handsome, her age, and a successful entrepreneur.  I think successful entrepreneur might be code for rich or at least Kate thinks this, because she lights up like a Christmas tree when this guy comes around the corner in his business on the bottom, homeless on the top outfit.

Everyone seems to describe these guys as so handsome but they look mostly ordinary to me. Nobody was ugly, but nobody knocked my socks off either. Jeff and Todd both have very friendly faces and warm smiles but neither is really classically handsome. Jeremiah looked like a poor man's version of Vin from Gigolos on Showtime, who never was handsome to me in the first place, though a nice guy. T.J. has that sad little spiky hair thing going on where when you're 45 and your hair is thinning, the spikes end up more like wilting daisies and if he had a girlfriend she would have made him cut those off by now.

T.J. strolls up and I'm not sure who his stylist is but boy is he a mess, and that's the first thing Kate notices. I don't fault her for noticing. The pants and shoes actually aren't that bad, but the weird fitting hoodie that looks almost spandex material he had the bright idea to tuck in really does make him look straight out of Midnight Express. Why is the neck so loose and ill fitting? I also think his haircut is just bad. It's way too short in the back and on the sides. It looks like he did it himself. Still doesn't beat Jeremiah's holey shirt though. That thing was an abomination. There's a pretty clever commercial out now for Downy where a guy is on a first date and ends up in a sad shirt pretty similar to T.J.'s with a stretched out neck and the girl greets him and says, "You look amazingly....comfortable!" Lol, Downy and it's done!

While Kate is right that T.J. is frumpy, I wish she wouldn't let these superficial things hold her back the way they do. I really think if she sees one little thing she doesn't like, it closes her off from even considering the guy. Even things that could easily be changed deeper into the relationship, like she could buy T.J. a new shirt that fits him better and fake pretend you somehow lost his other stupid one in the laundry room somehow. Problem is there will be something superficially wrong with near every man a woman meets. For some it might be too frumpy, others make dumb dad jokes, others are bald, others aren't as tall as you'd prefer, others are too tall. Yet it never seems to occur to her men are sizing up their dates too and a man may be thinking, she looks a little old for 44, or her skin isn't the best, or she could stand to shed a few pounds. But hopefully those things don't hold back well-adjusted people from meeting a great person.

Anyhow, a man who seems too stylish or put together could very well be vain anyway. What Kate fails to understand even at her age is as Robin Williams said, no one is perfect, including you, Kate. What matters is are you perfect for each other? She is stuck on the first question, and can't or won't reach the more important one, the second.

T.J.'s outfit on the couch (er, chair) is way, way better. Just a nice white collared shirt and khaki pants. That looks like someone from wardrobe dressed him. Much better.

They sit down to eat and T.J. thanks her for coming. Why is he thanking her for coming? She should be thanking him for coming, this is her show. Weird.

This date is awkward already. They spend a long awkward time deciding whether to drink at lunch, and Kate suddenly announces she is not an alcoholic. Nobody asked about or implied you were an alcoholic Kate, but I think Step Three is recognizing that if you have to announce you're not an alcoholic unsolicited, you're an alcoholic.

Kate proposes they blindfold each other and point to a drink on the menu for the other to drink. Perhaps that might be as good a way as any for her to pick out which guys she wants a second date with, just blindfold her and have her point. They're having so much fun with this silly game they're losing sight of the task at hand, getting to know each other. The date feels more comfortable now, but all this banter makes it look like date ten I think I might be in love stuff, not first date territory I have no idea who you are.

Kate has said like two legitimately funny things in five episodes and here comes another one, she bursts out laughing and remarks that both their hand-crafted mixed drinks taste the same. Heh, yep! Yep, they tend to, and that's why I don't drink this overpriced nonsense and nobody else should either. A solid red/white wine and good imported beer always stocked in the fridge is all one needs to have a happy alcohol life. And a good whisky for camping.

So what do you do with yourself every day? T.J. asks.

"She hates that question!" Adam says from his secret hiding spot at a nearby booth. I wasn't getting the impression she hated that question, so that's an interesting comment from Adam. Could it be she hates it because what she really does with herself all day is watch T.V., post anonymously on this blog, and drink? But she knows she can't say that because that sounds sad, so she gets annoyed having to spend time thinking up other shit she does like laundry and for some reason making hot lunches for kids who are an hour's drive away at school all day.

Kate manages to answer T.J.'s question without sounding completely obnoxious when she says her kids and dogs fill her time. That's an okay somewhat honest answer but it's too bad she couldn't have a third thing to say on the date, like she also fills her time with cycling, woodworking, watercolor painting, developing fresh takes on the family's favorite recipes, or writing a book. Anything that is of at least mild interest to somebody else and could keep the conversation going.

There's something about T.J. that is really off. He's traveling too much now but will get "one or two goldens" soon, or maybe an "animal farm." He wants unlimited kids. How many kids does he mean exactly by unlimited kids? He then says he wants to build a little army and maybe coach some football. Build a little army?! For what?! Don't tell me he's one of those weird doomsday prepper folks.

I like how Kate can barely even respond to these bizarre comments. She's mostly just a gaping maw. Heh. A tiny part of me thinks T.J. may be punking Kate, and us, which would be pretty great. I wish we had seen the ad for the casting call for this sooner because we could have sent somebody in stealth to respond to it and pull off an epic punk. Too bad.

T.J. is normal enough to still try to press her to tell him more about her and what she is up to, and Kate's first response is not a whole lot, lol. Adam is like oh COME ON what did we just talk about Kate?! Heh. Kate finally manages to mention she likes horseback riding in Wyoming where she has been a ton. Since when does she love horses and does she really go to Wyoming a ton? Last time she was on a horse she screamed like a banshee. She's something else. But whatever at least it's conversation. And if she goes to Wyoming a ton why don't they look for a date for her there instead of North Carolina?

Their second part of the date is at batting cage. I have no idea why anyone would set up a date at a batting cage for someone like Kate who hates sports. That really makes no sense. That's like Rachel-level nonsensical, Adam, come now.

Adam pulls T.J. aside as they head over. T.J. inexplicably thinks the date is going fantastic but Adam thinks T.J.'s personality disappeared on the date maybe due to nerves. I guess he must have spent enough time with T.J. before the date to know that he has a personality. The format of this show is all over the place. This whole segment was Adam coaching T.J. and giving him feedback to try to bring the energy level up, they never show Adam talking to Kate, you know the person who actually needs the help.

Mady and Kate both insist Kate really can't date an athlete or someone into sports. I'm seeing a systematic problem here. Kate wants to date Kate. Except Kate will not be able to find Kate. If she wants to date for real, she has to have a little bit of an open mind about someone who may be interested in things she's not. Tons of couples are not on the same page about sports or many other things, but there are ways to make it work if you have common ground in other areas. It's also okay as a couple to not be exactly alike or like all of the same things. If you like all the same things and end up always doing those same things together, you're going to run out of stories about things you've done independent of each other, and that's boring. That's why it's so hard for couples to work the same job together, because when you spend all your time together you run out of stories you both don't know. I'm afraid at Kate's age if you want to put on your "must" list things like "doesn't like sports" you are again narrowing the pool down to near impossible levels. She doesn't need a drunk shirtless fanatic who spray paints his hair team colors, I'll allow her that, but is it that big of a deal if he has a couple games a week he'd really like to see and that he likes hitting up batting cages now and again? You can find something else productive to do when he's doing that. She freely admits she doesn't want to spend a bunch of time with her man anyway, so she should be glad he has something else he likes to occupy his time and get out of her hair.

At least they show the instructor this time instead of that weird squash game where they just puttered around by themselves without any help. The instructor shows them how to use the batting cage. T.J. is implying the instructor is somebody important but I have no idea who he is and neither does Kate.

Predictably, Kate doesn't like this. She's actually not terrible at this. She's making contact. She doesn't like how T.J. is over the top praising her, high-fiving her, and so on. I think T.J. wants to coach little league, not find a woman.

T.J. says he has "trained" himself to get funnier and funnier. He has unlimited levels, if you stay positive. Serious question, is he high? T.J. is a hard no for me. Something is off. Kate agrees. He's a nice guy and great for someone just not me, Kate says. God strike me down, but that rejection was flat out justified, and finally she did it in a kind and mature way. T.J. has a daughter by the way, and Kate passed on that child's father without having to insult him or mention what a freak he is. His daughter could be watching, you know. Now if only she could turn on this respectful and mature Kate more than the once a year it comes out, she might have found her life unfolded in a very different way.

Her next date is another guy named Jeff. Adam describes him as refined so I guess that's how I'll distinguish him from Dominican Republic tax shelter Jeff from before.

Refined Jeff is probably the most handsome of all her dates so far, and I like that he wore a blazer for the date. He is well groomed, a great dresser, and has kind brown eyes. Some famous celebrity could have said this is my producer husband Refined Jeff and I would believe them.

Jeff is a private investigator and security consultant. He's divorced and has a son. And a cute southern accent. They sit at a bar at a restaurant and some woman they never even introduce is suddenly talking to them about some food tour. Who is this gal?

Kate's definitely had a ton of eye work done. She looks like near all female celebs over the age of 40, that look where it's like sort of a drooping eyelid, but it's a defined droop. Kind of sad.

Kate is 12 years old and refuses to eat oysters and now she's ten and is going to make immature grossed out faces as Refined Jeff eats them like a grown up. I don't know, I get not liking stuff, but on a food tour can't you just suck it up and try it? Out of respect for the chef at least, who is steps away from them. I hate lima beans, but I'd eat them on a food tour and just deal with it.

Refined Jeff wants to know what Kate is looking for in a man. Adam is all excited as this means men want to know if they fit in her box. I don't know, in my experience many flakier men are really quick to ask this question, and I'm not really sure that's the reason they're asking that. And men will ask it on online dating sites a lot, even though everything was laid out very clearly in my profile exactly who I would be interested in. Like, can you read? My theory is many may be asking that to make sure you're not somebody who is really looking to get you to put a ring on it and pop out a few kids and pronto. But if you say I'm just looking to meet new people and have a good time, that's what they'd like to hear. The question is almost always in regards to what kind of commitment are you looking for, and that's it. In my experience, men who really want this question answered are almost always best left on the cutting room floor. This is one of the few times I think Adam is way off the mark about something, here the true meaning behind that ever so popular "what are you looking for" question. And by the way only guys ever ask this, women just don't because most women are dating to find their forever guy not to screw around because they have until their 60s and 70s before fertility ever becomes a factor in anything at all.

The extent of what Kate can say to this question is she wants a man to take care of but not mother. And of course she just has to throw in there, "I did that once and it didn't work out so well."

Ugh, such a vile woman. And she doesn't listen either. Adam just explained to her last episode on your dates stop talking about your divorce and all your petty problems, it's annoying and makes you look negative. Does she not understand a snide comment like that is annoying and makes her look negative? Refined Jeff looks smart, and if he is as smart as I imagine him to be, he's going to get a clue that if she makes smart ass comments like that about about her first ex, she'll do it to Refined Jeff too someday and he seems way too classy and discreet to appreciate somebody who would behave that way.

They are whisked off to a new restaurant by the unidentified lady, and Kate takes forever to say something correct, that being interrupted like this to shift gears and go somewhere else made it difficult to relax and get to know Refined Jeff. Agree, first dates should rarely if ever be at more than one location. You need a chance to settle in with some food and beverages and be left alone by the wait staff to just sink into a conversation. Again this is like date ten level activities, not one.

Jeff came back from the Middle East yesterday working as a security consultant. Maybe that's why he seems to be almost interrogating Kate here though she seems totally comfortable with it. Now he wants to know what qualities she's looking for. As much as I think these questions are a little much, I like that Kate is being put on the spot to describe the man she is looking for whom she is not really looking for, and Jeff is going to be onto her in two seconds flat when she flounders under all this probing.

Kate continues to not listen to Adam and is droning on and on about not being trusting, being burned multiple times, being gun shy. Honesty is important to her. What's Jeff supposed to say, oh well I'll leave right now then because I'm not honest and trustworthy? Oy.

I'm sorry but no man wants to go on a date and hear all about how the woman has trust issues. No man wants a project or to have to prove himself to her. He can find another woman who won't be putting him to the test.

Adam kindly says that Kate is opening up more but then says but yeeesh I sure would have liked her to ask him what is he looking for? Adam, she's never going to ask that because 1. women don't ask the question that way 2. she doesn't care and 3. she isn't really looking for a man. Do you get it yet or are you going to act as dense as Rachel about this?

Ha, Kate flat out says it didn't occur to her to ask that question as she's only interested in what Kate is looking for why would Kate be interested in what some other person wants? Maybe, after a time, if she gets interested, she might be interested in what they're all about. Maybe. Any lingering doubts she's a narcissist? Didn't think so.

Kate does ask more about Jeff's investigation work to which refined Jeff talks about investigating a lot of cheating spouses. Wait, does he do this in the Middle East? Yipe, I heard you get stoned there for such things.

Refined Jeff quickly gets back to Kate, which she doesn't like, now asking about her last relationship. Oh, Jeff, that question is hard for Kate for some reason, because is her last relationship Jon or is it really Jeff Prescott, the guy she keeps lying about not even knowing? I don't like that question anyway and especially not on a first date. I see no need to ask about past relationships unless it somehow affects things currently like you have a kid from it or lingering financial issues. We have never talked about our past in my relationship and likely never will nor is there any need for it.

Kate has a moment of insight when Jeff gives her rather short answers not elaborating much on himself, which is clearly really frustrating her. That this must be what it's like for her date when she does that to them! Right, Kate! Although in Jeff's case, I'm getting a very strong feeling he has absolutely no interest in dating someone on a reality show, is only doing this as a favor to some long-time friend in production because they were short on actors, and doesn't want to reveal too much of himself on T.V. because he actually quite enjoys being a private citizen. By the way, the two Jeffs are the only guys is the whole pool who I believe aren't really just actors. They were the only guys who were specific enough about their jobs to believe that they actually do that job for real as their career. Dollars to doughnuts tax shelter Jeff was also a friend of somebody in production, maybe somebody who went on one of his trips to South America and remembered him and got in touch.

Jeff says something wise about relationships, if you want to find the keys you've gotta look for them. Isn't that true of a lot of life, Kate? Listen to that advice, because it applies to near everything. Whining and sitting around don't find keys to anything.

The unnamed woman interrupts their nice dessert Rachel-style to abruptly end the date. I can't imagine being on a date and having some stranger come up to me in the middle of it and announce okay show's over, now get outta here! Heh. Kate remains frustrated she didn't get a whole lot of information out of Refined Jeff but from what she saw she likes. Jeff thought the date started slow but otherwise was good and he would do a second. I don't think he likes her, he's just being polite.

You know for this second date thing, nobody seems to have contemplated what if Kate picks a second date but he doesn't want a second? Second dates have to be consensual, or should. Again I say, if Kate were a man, people would be calling this show the most sexist and antiquated reality show in modern times.

Suddenly we're in a coffee shop and Cara and Mady are going to meet Joey Bats. They never mentioned they were going to meet more dates later, which is probably something they should have explained because this viewer was confused.

Kate again tries to sit in so she can mug for the cameras but Mady insists Kate must leave. Mady has two reasons for this. One she doesn't want the guy to answer the way he thinks Kate wants him to. I think the guys might answer the way Kate wants them to whether Kate is there, so I don't know about that. The second reason is Mady doesn't want Kate making those obnoxious stupid faces she makes all the time. Now that's a good reason.

Called it, Head-tilt Mady likes Joey Bats. She's being coy and flirtatious. Mady, this guy is for your mother. Mady even admits she thinks he's cute. Ew! Joey has never thought much about kids, which to me is a red flag if he's going to be taking on eight, er six kids, of Kate's. If he's never thought about it that means he's never thought about what it would do to his lifestyle to put a kid first, even an older child. Joey is apparently 22 years old and visits bars 3-4 times a week and more. Even Mady thinks that's a lot. It's a lot. Joey justifies this as New York City, whatever that's supposed to mean. He's not right for this family cute and sweet as he is. He's still stuck in his 20's, and I foresee him resenting it when he can't go meet his buddy at the bar when he's in town because they have to drive a child to a soccer tournament across the state all weekend. Joey asks to ask the twins questions and they get talking about how annoying the younger kids are. What do they care the younger kids don't clean up and do their chores? That's none of their business, that's on Kate to deal with. It's disappointing even at 18 years old the twins still view their lovely younger siblings with such immature scorn and trash them to complete strangers to boot. Uncouth.

At the end of the interview Mady announces she just loved Joey Bats, thinks he's great. Joey Bats seems like the sort of guy who knows exactly how to get girls of all ages chasing after him even though he would never actually end up with most of them. Kind of like how I bet that Ronnie guy was the twins were enamored with. He'd never dare do anything inappropriate, but that's not going to stop him from letting two very young girls crush all over him. Mady, who has proved herself to be as selfish as Kate can be, wants Joey for Kate anyway even though she admits Joey is probably not right for Kate. Sigh.

Kate sits down with the twins, and this conversation sounds much more like she is agonizing over who to hire as a personal assistant or house manager or nanny rather than what man to go on a simple second date with. It's so intense and serious. Apparently the twins have a top two, Joey and somebody else, and Kate has a top two, which she implies maybe might be different. Why aren't we being told who the dueling top two are? That's the whole fun of this. The hide the ball thing here was a poor editing choice and just annoying. And wait a second, how could they each have a different top two when the twins only met three guys? Therefore unless Kate's top two includes somebody the twins never met, by default they have to have at least one guy in common they want in the top two. I am hurting my head thinking so hard about this.

Also, it all just seems so stupid. If Kate has her top two and the twins have a different top two, why not give them all a second chance and go out again with all four? Based on what rule book is she not allowed to go on four dates and must only go on two dates? What contrived nonsense!

Next time, Rachel's baaaaaack. Haha. And she's acting like this is not awkward at all that she got fired, which it completely is. Like hashtag awkward levels, Rachel. Something about Kate making out, blech. And Tax Shelter Jeff's hand, which I recognize by the distinctive Prince Harry bracelets, brushes Kate's hair from her face as she recoils. Just one episode left of this abomination, praise be.

208 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Anonymous said... 1

I just noticed Season 4 and 5 from Jon and Kate plus 8 are on the TLC go app now. I wonder why TLC is putting those out there. I (kind of ) want to watch some of them because there is a lot that I’ve forgotten , but at the same time I’m nauseous at the thought of watching Kate’s manic screeching and abusiveness towards the kids/Jon. In season 5 ,they are going though the divorce, but I forget what season 4 entailed.

Gigi Be

Anonymous said... 2

Thank you for another great recap. I could not get past the first five min of the first episode. I don't know how you do it.


JoyinVirginia said... 3

Admin, I hope you got to enjoy extra dessert or an actually entertaining movie or TV show after having to watch this mess of confused editing!
I seem to recall one of the twins saying something about not missing COOKING for the crowd after she goes to college. So does TFMJG really cook, or just yell at the twins while they cook? Enquiring minds want to know!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 4

Thanks for another swell recap, Admin! The longer the better, as far as I'm concerned, since I refuse to watch the shrew myself.

Okay, she claims she had to MOTHER Jon? Hell, she didn't even bother to mother her own damn kids! I wish all of the Jeffs knew that Jon was TFW's human Nespresso machine before work, and then bath-and-bedtime captain for 8 small children after work. Oh, and worked in between. Does that sound like someone who was "mothered?" Lordy be.

Anonymous said... 5

I remember the last scene of season 4. Jon made is clear that he did not want to film anymore. I stopped watching after that season.

Kate's Instagram is quite today. She should already be promoting the episode that will air tonight. I wonder if something happened this weekend that upset her.


Sad but true said... 6

Anonymous said... 5

Kate's Instagram is quite today. She should already be promoting the episode that will air tonight. I wonder if something happened this weekend that upset her.

TLC has put up two posts on her FB page, but nothing on theirs. When it comes down to it, what doesn't upset K8? I have no idea how anyone could begin to figure that out. Beyond the obvious: Boohoohoo, my show is in the crapper, whatever will I do? What will it take to convince her she is NOT an attractive person on camera? She thinks that is her natural milieu. Millions and millions and millions of viewers to the contrary.

Giff said... 7

I think the reason Kate says she cooks, cleans and does her kids homework is because she wants them TOTALLY dependent on her. She controls their food, their clothes, what they buy with their own money and they rely on her for transportation. Fifteen year olds should not be reliant on "mommy" for every meal and every homework assignment. It's actually win-win for Kate. She can play the martyr while completely controlling her kids. These kids, who have been sheltered in private school and controlled by Mommy are going to have difficulty adjusting to the real world. They are MUCH too old for her to control these things. This just isn't normal or healthy. ~ Administrator said... 8

I think the reason Kate says she cooks, cleans and does her kids homework is because she wants them TOTALLY dependent on her. She controls their food, their clothes, what they buy with their own money and they rely on her for transportation.


I had that thought and tried to explain that in the recap that this iron grip on them is just about control. And that more of the kids are going to get sick of this and leave.

Even if you teach high school calculus, at this age your kid shouldn't be constantly relying on you to carry them through all their homework. At a certain point they need to figure out how do I get past this math problem I'm stuck on without mommy? It's easier than ever these days anyway with youtube and Kahn and everything else. Nobody is gonna fail math.

Making kids reliant and dependent on you, as you said, is about control. It's very sick.

Sad but true said... 9

Giff said... 7

These kids, who have been sheltered in private school and controlled by Mommy are going to have difficulty adjusting to the real world.

And I think that was largely the point of the private school. At the beginning, around the time of the divorce, yes, maybe there was an argument for them being in private school with the paparazzi always hanging around. But they were actually hanging around the bus stop to private school and were photographed there innumerable times. Would that have been the case if they'd gone to public schools? No idea. BUT Kate was much more able to control their environments in the context of this particular private school. Being 45 minutes away from the school, no doubt it was difficult to keep up any friendships outside of the classroom. So the kids wanting to spend lots of time with their classmates was sort of off the table. Which of course left lots of time available for "staring at the four walls" or, in other words, the reason why kids might actually welcome filming. I honestly don't believe that academics are the reason those kids are still there at this point. Especially since some of them may well not be cut out for college.

I don't believe Kate and Jon went into this private-school thing with these thoughts uppermost, but I am certain that's why the kids are still there now, even though it is likely too big a drain on Kate's current finances. Especially when, come August, two kids' schools are going to cost as much as SIX kids at LCDS next year.

JTN said... 10

Can we escort this show to Rainbow Bridge and just put it out of its misery?

foxy said... 11

I doubt very much that Kate does/helps with homework. She isn't that smart. The kids most likely do the laundry, cooking, clean up, vacuuming, etc. Kate's room is an awful mess and the kitchen is really cluttered.

Remember the highchairs until they were past seven? She got flak over that so then they sat in regular chairs at the table. Woman is insane. ~ Administrator said... 12

Sad but True you've hit on the many downsides of this choice in school. And where did it get them? Mady got into Syracuse, an excellent school. But *I* got into Syracuse, and I did it without every setting one foot into private school. All public. My best friend was a bike ride away and I knew all the neighborhood kids because we went to school together. So don't tell me it gave that kid a leg up.

I have always, always thought Kate did it for her own ego and prestige, and not because it's what's best for the kids.

Irish 33 said... 13

could this be the night it goes under the magical 700,000 viewers... Let's hope this hideous show hits new lows

NJGal51 said... 14

Joey Bats seems like the sort of guy who knows exactly how to get girls of all ages chasing after him even though he would never actually end up with most of them. Kind of like how I bet that Ronnie guy was the twins were enamored with.***********Ronnie is the gay hairdresser that was doing their hair for that last season of K+8 (6?). Another paid friend. I thought it was very odd that the twins threw themselves at him at their 16th birthday party.

I think that the twins are going to have a rough start when they get to college. They’re used to TFW’s iron grip that they may just go a little crazy with the sudden freedom. As long as they don’t go too crazy it’s OK because they need to be able to spread their wings and fly. As has been mentioned, TFW is going to go crazy because she won’t be able to see their grades or get any info on them. As far as the colleges are concerned they’re adults. I pity the 4 left with her as they are going to have to go in to full “parent” mode once the weeping and gnashing of teeth begins.

As far as this farce of a show goes, if the twins think that TFW is really “looking for love” they’re more delusional than I thought. It’s almost 6 and still nothing from TFW on tonight’s show. Lazy is as lazy does. ~ Administrator said... 15

Okay, she claims she had to MOTHER Jon? Hell, she didn't even bother to mother her own damn kids! I wish all of the Jeffs knew that Jon was TFW's human Nespresso machine before work, and then bath-and-bedtime captain for 8 small children after work. Oh, and worked in between. Does that sound like someone who was "mothered?" Lordy be.


Jon was the one bringing her coffee and letting her sleep in while he got up early with the kids so they wouldn't have to be caged at least while he was home. Then she caged the kids all day and then he was back on duty the second he got home from a long day of work. So yeah, that sort of comment is pretty off the charts. ~ Administrator said... 16

I do wonder what the twins really think and if they're just playing along and know it's all bullshit. I mean Cara is going to be a math major, she has to know what's up here.

Are they this sheltered and brain washed?

ncgirl said... 17

Thanks for the recap. Kate and Wyoming has always been a mystery. Is that where the ranch from the show was? It sounded like she knew someone there or grifted free trips from someone.

"Are they this sheltered and brain washed?"

They are 18, and I was more naïve at 18. They may be going along for bribes, but brainwashing may be keeping the 6 children at home. Children can be loyal to a bad mother.

NJGal51 said... 18

Still nothing from TFW on IG or twitter but joeybats is pushing it. Here are a couple of tweets that hit the mark...

@xxxxxxxxx: @Kateplusmy8 kate. Theres confidence and assertiveness. Thats what you say you have. What you have is an inflated ego and narcisism. Everyone is beneath you. Nobody is good enough. So sad

@xxxxxxxx: Good Lord @TLC. There is no one less likeable than @Kateplusmy8. #kateplusdate is a terrible show. Kate is harsh, arrogant, unlikeable and her face would break if she smiles. Ugh.

BlueJay said... 19

Why? Just why did this woman want children? That is my question. It makes no logical sense. I know, I know one cannot logical reason ones way out of a paper bag with someone who is lot logical so therefore this is not logical to ask. But it just inconceivable to me in my age as old as I am that I would witness such stunning and stupid behavior from such a person. To put herself out there on this scale. Why would you put yourself out there like this--I need my ME time I demand my children leave me along, but oh, I wanted my children so let's document it so my children can go back and look at how I treated them never mind the rest of the world.

I understand having a bad day and your children drive you up a wall like everyone else but this woman seems to just put herself in a position where it's her battle cry of pity me because I did this to myself because I want to be pitied by the posiiton I created to be driven insane by everything not just all the children. I'm driven insane by how little I do in a day, I'm driven insane by my divorce I can't get over, I'm driven insane by fact I'm jealous of everyone else, etc.

If you're going to be so bitter and driven crazy by everything I suppose I question why you would want it to be filmed in the filmed in the first place. Logically to me it makes no logical sense. Good luck with this going to be your fish the sea bit to get another shot at a second marriage.

She seems to be rather over the top type mother if all she does all day is just those things that involve her children and it takes her really all day. Striking me as one of "those mother's," who complain they can't never go out because what they do all day takes all day and such. I can only think....what in the world when this show collapses and her remaining children are off at college...well, what IS she going to do with her time then with nobody to manage BUT herself? One can only ponder.

I thought to myself on my own small family vacation, I have 3 grown children and I thought you know, there are people in this world who are just never going to be happy never matter situation. And Kate may just be one of those people. No matter what she has, no matter what she creates, no matter how much money she has or burns through she is just never going to BE happy in herself on purpose I think. And no about of managing her children, all the schedules in this world, micromanaging their time, packing lunches, the laundry, cooking she does that's never going to fill whatever truly bitterness she has. You can only be happy because you chose to be happy no matter your situation.

Her dismal dating show I think shows this. She's not happy and this just an attempt at trying to be happy. If she were truly happy in herself with her family she wouldn't need this.

NJGal51 said... 20

I should clarify, in my post @18, joeybats didn’t post those tweets.

Sad but true said... 21

Don’t forget! #KatePlusDate tonight at 10/9c on @TLC — I shock MYSELF on tonight’s ep! Get ready to laugh (AT me... and with me, of course, lol)! Who’s in? See you here for live behind the scenes stuff!

8 (8!) minutes ago. Are we leaving it a little late, Kate? She posted same photo she ended with last week, one of the TLC promo photos which, BTW, I don't think are flattering at all. Who told her she looks good in red? I think that's her least flattering color.

Is tonight the last episode???

@swindoft nope! 😉

Watching old episodes of Kate Plus 8 right now, coming back soon??


Sad but true said... 22

Oh dear.

To stressful to watch.

@geez3333 what???? Stressful to WATCH? Oh dear 😂

Former Lurker said... 23

Sorry to be off topic, but I just wanted to respond to some very nice comments on the last post.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 57

Former Lurker (#56), so glad your dog is okay! Sounds like a stressful (and expensive) couple of days for you.


Thanks, FlimsyFlamsy. He's doing much better the last couple off days. We're so relieved, as we've had our share of dog illnesses over the years. Now, I just need him to get a job, lol. Not looking forward to that credit card bill next month. Oh well.

Former Lurker said... 24

Layla said... 58

Former Lurker (56),
So happy to hear your pup is okay! I wish there was a way we could interpret their changes in behavior and know whether they are truly sick or just a little under the weather. We get too attached to just ignore something that doesn't seem quite right.

One of our pups is giving us some major attitude right now because her favorite human in the world (the DS who flew out this morning) is gone and she's very angry about it. She shows us just how irritated she is by sitting just out of reach, and giving us angry glances over her shoulder. She's not sure which one of us is to blame, so she blames us all.


Thanks, Layla. Yes, I knew something was off with him all day Wednesday, even though he only vomited once. He's a very energetic dog, but he was so blah all day and evening. He refused to eat dinner, which was a first in his whole life, (they get Eukanuba, with a little roasted chicken and mixed veggies). I kept wondering what was wrong and was worried it would get worse overnight or on the July 4th holiday, so we finally left for the animal emergency place at about 11:30 that night. After full blood work and a very thorough checkup, he got an anti-nausea shot, which helped, because when we came home in the middle of the night we offered him some toast, and he was finally interested a bit in food and ate half a slice. He also had refused to drink all day, so they gave him some subcutaneous fluids, which I think really helped. Still, it took him two or three days to return to normal eating and behavior.

That's funny about your pup missing your son. Poor baby. I bet she'll be jumping all over him, when he gets home. I always love how excited they get when we've been away from them.

Former Lurker said... 25

NJGal51 said... 59

Former Lurker - I’m glad your fur baby is OK. I went through something similar with mine last fall. He just wasn’t acting right so we took him to the emergency vet. After all the tests (I insisted in X-rays because I was afraid he might have a blockage) it turns out he had a very expensive tummy ache from eating rotten fruit that had fallen off the trees. Lesson learned and now we do fruit patrol every couple of days. I’d do it again.


Thanks, NJGal51. I'm glad it was nothing major for your dog also. Yes, an expensive lesson, but better that than something serious, right?. Oh, if they could only talk and tell us what's wrong!

Former Lurker said... 26

Formerly Duped said... 60

Former Lurker said... 56


Happy to hear your dog is ok. Better safe than sorry although aren't vet those bills something!

Between heavy thunder and fireworks my own anxious dog had a very unpleasant weekend and the fireworks keep going!

This may be a good time to note I am glad you are no longer 'lurking' and posting regularly because your posts are so interesting and informative!


Thanks, Formerly Duped. We're so relieved everything's back to normal around here. I had my eye on his every move for a couple of days, just making sure he was okay. And, we wouldn't leave him alone all weekend just in case. Mommy is a worrywart for sure.

I'm so sorry about your pup having to deal with the thunderstorms and fireworks. It's terrible how that affects some dogs and I always feel bad for them. Hope it's all over by now. By the way, I've seen your Abigail's Instagram, what a cutie! Thanks for sharing it with us.

And, thanks for your comment about my posts. I've always enjoyed yours too!

Anonymous said... 27

Admin, could Hannah and Collin sue Kate in an effort to be completely removed from Kate's brand. To the point where she could no longer say Kate plus 8?


Mel said... 28

Kate says she cooks, cleans and does her kids homework only because that's what she thinks sounds like a good thing to say. It's what she's heard other moms say that they do.

She doesn't really do any of those things.

No idea what she does do, but it isn't being Ms. Domesticity 2019.

I but she couldn't even say what one of the kids favorite lunch is.

NJGal51 said... 29

A sampling of twitter comments:

@erinelizabitch: Kate Gosselin has some dead eyes #kateplusdate

@fitzgirl_61: #kateplusdate I give her a "E" for effort. I have no desire to ever date again. I hope she finds someone since she must be interested or she wouldn't be doing this.

@Johnny89612223: #kateplusdate
i don't think it's any great mystery why kate is single

@PsYcHoTiCmOoDy: Is this show not done yet? Nobody cares who she’s going to pick!

@AlmaPalacios: Why is #kateplusdate even a show @TLC?

@ArmontKim: Kate doesn’t like the one guy cause he has kids...umm?! HYPOCRITE!!!!!!!! #kateplusdate

JoyinVirginia said... 30

Things on tv tonight more interesting than The Former Mrs. Jon Gosselin pretends to go on a date, while Adam auditions for his own show!
The Bachelorette, and if yall want to see red flags blazing, oh boy the hometown visit to the singers family was full of them. His mom was flat out telling hannah that her son's music career is his #1 priority. The Christian guy who has been so judgemental of everyone and nasty to all the other guys took Hannah to a church youth group meeting! Of course all his hometown folks were telling hannah what a good guy he is. I wonder what they think after seeing all the footage of his arrogance and hostility toward the other suitors?
American Ninja Warrior, WOW! they had some TERRIFIC contestants in Cincinatti!
The Weather Channel! Record rain and flash floods in DC area today! OVER 3 INCHES IN ONE HOUR!!! a developing storm system possibly in gulf of Mexico, will we see a tropical depression form?
Grand Hotel, summer scripted series on ABC! Pretty people in gorgeous clothes and skimpy bathing suits in dramatic situations in Miami! Family drama! Murder mystery! Romantic entanglements! Can the family save the financially strapped hotel? Tune in to find out!
Live feed 24/7 of Big Brother on CBS! Find out which house guests have become "close"! Listen in when the female half of the pair describes the... "positive qualities" of the Male half of the pair! take bets with your equally obsessed friends as to how long it will be before this couple decides they hate each other! ~ Administrator said... 31

Watching old episodes of Kate Plus 8 right now, coming back soon??



Whoa. That’s the first time I’ve ever seen her admit the show is done. In the past whenever this is asked it’s all playing games with stay tuned you’ll see. Wonder why she finally accepted it’s kaput now?

Sad but true said... 32

Wow, major low activity tonight. Here's some stuff from pic #2 (40+ minutes in):

My kids just said about my ‘sportsy complex thing’ comment: ‘oh mother you’re a mess!’ 😂😂😂😂

@kateplusmy8 I’m in the non-sports talking category with ya!

Those balls out of the pitching machine are NOT soft.

@mydmaxx2581 correct! They are spiny and hard as a rock. Maybe not a baseball, but I was AFRAID of them! Lol

#Distracted is totally accurate. No offense, watching this show is painful. I thought you were really looking to meet someone but it's clear you are looking for a paycheck.

Look: I shared a helmet with him. What more do you want?? 😂😂 #KatePlusDate

@kateplusmy8 😆

@kateplusmy8 IZAIAH said “EW HIS HEAD SWEAT IS IN THAT!!”
Oh no....Jeff #1 and Jeff#2.

@mydmaxx2581 that’s exactly how we referred to them...😂😂😂😂😂

If tonight is not rock bottom in terms of viewers, then someone is stepping on the numbers. Fifty minutes in, only two photos posted (and one is that stupid promo photo she loves to post), not even 250 comments between the two. Maybe she's expecting big numbers for her finale? Or big promotion? No clue, but this is a truly pathetic showing.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 33

BlueJay (#19), I don't think TFW sincerely did this show to find happiness. She did it for money and attention and, well, because she doesn't seem to know how to do anything else. She did it to try to save her brand, which seems to be on life support.

TFW had a freaking decade to find love before now if that was what she truly desired. Anyone who was legitimately gun-shy about dating wouldn't take these intimate first steps in public. She's a phony.

FYI said... 34

Ha==Ep.5 just ended and Ep.6 is already available.

Sad but true said... 35 ~ Administrator said... 22

Watching old episodes of Kate Plus 8 right now, coming back soon??



No no, that was ME commenting on that one. If it's K8 commenting, I always put her handle ahead of the comment. Sorry, Admin.

But I have to say, only two IG photos from her tonight and under 300 total comments? It's beyond pathetic. ~ Administrator said... 36

Oh lol. Well it’s a hard nope no matter who said that. ~ Administrator said... 37

@kateplusmy8 IZAIAH said “EW HIS HEAD SWEAT IS IN THAT!!”
Oh no....Jeff #1 and Jeff#2.

@mydmaxx2581 that’s exactly how we referred to them...😂😂😂😂😂


I dare someone to ask about the third Jeff. Prescott!!

Sad but true said... 38

TLC put up three clips on their K8 page, but once again, none at all on their own. If you were only looking at the TLC FB page, you would never know this show even exists, let alone airing on their network in primetime. On Twitter, I saw a couple of TLC tweets and retweets relating to K8, but it is clear they are not going the extra mile with this since they are getting very little response.

If this show does get another season, it will be a genuine TV miracle. Hard to believe with all the other trash TLC is throwing against the wall, they don't have something better/worse[?] than this waiting in the wings.

Layla said... 39

Admin (22)
I think that NOPE! LOL is Sad But True's answer to that question, not Kate's. Kate won't answer that question directly no matter what. Sure, she's been posting little "wink-wink" hints, but I'm, wondering how they're going to try to make Kate Plus 8 work with 4 kids. Even if they're filming now, she can only produce 6. She will never be able to produce 8 kids for filming, ever again.

She likes to tease, but whenever I see her "wink", I remember what she said after the last (3-episode) season of K+8 ended. She said she hoped for a fall premier, but she doesn't choose the airing schedule. Airing schedule, not filming--pretending there were episodes already filmed and ready to go, and TLC just had to find a time slot for them. Two years later, and there have been no further episodes--and I don't think there ever were any more. She keeps posting these little half-truth hints, but I'm not falling for that crap. She's a liar to the core, and I can't see how TLC is ever going to be convinced they can make any show featuring her or her family successful--ever. The only break she'll get is if they just decide that less-than-mediocre ratings will do. Frankly, they'd get better ratings if they did a show with Jon instead.

Former Lurker said... 40

Just got through the recap. You do a great job, Admin, but sorry, I still kind of hate reading about her. I think that's because your recap makes me picture what she's saying and doing. This episode seemed like a real mess, even worse than the others. Only one more to go!

Former Lurker said... 41

Very slow night on Twitter. The hashtag #KatePlusDate has seen only about 80 tweets ever since TLC's tweet at 10 pm ET that the show was on. That tweet count includes TLC's tweets during the show. Most of the tweets by viewers are negative, as usual.

TFW must see where this is going, because she didn't bother much on IG tonight. Just that one post with the already posted promo pic before it aired, (it has 175 comments), and then only one IG post during the show, (only 120 comments). I think she's already been told there is NO second season. ~ Administrator said... 42

I mean Cara is going to be a math major, she has to know what's up here
Huh? What does being a math major have to do with anything?


She's not stupid intellectually. There's a lot of majors in college you can get away with being dumb, but math ain't one of em.

Former Lurker said... 43

The episode is currently airing on the west coast, but Twitter is dead, only about eight tweets about it. Usually, there's a little more action on Twitter during the second airing.

Also, next week's episode,(the finale), is already available on the app, TLC's website, and on Demand:

EPISODE 6: We Are The Champions

It's time for Kate to pick her second dates. Her matchmakers Rachel and Adam join together to cheer her on. But will one date end with a shocking surprise?

Winsomeone said... 44

Why would the twins be interviewing possible step dads? They won't be living there much longer anyway. If any of the "dates" see how they treat their own father, I doubt they would be interested in being their step one. Nasty girls.

Wowser said... 45

Well staying true to her asshole style, she again plays coy and won’t say who or if she stayed in touch with either Jeff or Joey. Sorry schmoopy-no one cares whether you did or not enough to tune in to what you HOPE is a lead in to another show about you. This one was as close to (Kate speak) “vomitous” as you can get. Your whole body language in EVERY episode reeked desperation -not in finding love-but in keeping your ridiculous face-making mug on tv. And your daughters revealed so much about how they feel about you. Especially when they said it didn’t matter who you end up with because they only plan to see you at thanksgiving and Christmas. They can’t wait to escape you and the Kompound. Everything about your life and your kids is just a sad reflection of the toxic, narcissistic person you are and unfortunately I see you very alone and spending years saying “I just don’t get it” because it’s obvious you never will.

Sad but true said... 46

This was posted yesterday. I'm wondering when it was filmed. Kate confesses that the whole show concept was HER idea (LOL), even though she said in earlier interviews that this just "fell into [her] lap."

Sad but true said... 47

LOL, I can't find the actual comment on IG, but there was some discussion last night about a lemon drop martini, and K8 replied that it was part of the "pre fixed" menu. So much for all her worldliness, you'd think someone age 44 with that many miles under her belt would know "prix fixe" by now.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 48

Mel (#28), nice to see you (if you are the same Mel who used to post often!). I agree about it being nonsense that TFW is suddenly June Cleaver, hovering over the kids with freshly-baked cookies while she helps them with their homework.

TFW has barely said a positive word about education. Back to school time always seems to be a big drag to her -- never an opportunity for new knowledge, experiences and friends for her kids. Remember her tweeting during both a class trip and a parent meeting that she was bored? But now she's a cheerful after-school helper, diving into her sweet darlings' projects with pluck and enthusiasm? Heifer, please.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 49

In other realest reality news: Jinger Duggar has joined a service called Cameo, and you can pay $60 to have her record a personal video message to you. Oh, and you get to have her big-bow baby in them, too, who I'm positive signed a consent form for use of her image for profit.

Anonymous said... 50

Jon also does Cameo. The link is at the top of his Instagram page.


Former Lurker said... 51

Just want to let everyone know that, according to ShowBuzz Daily, the ratings for last night's show won't be out until tomorrow afternoon due to the Fourth of July holiday:

Ratings Delays Due to Independence Day

The Independence Day holiday weekend will cause delays for daily national ratings (live+same day cable and broadcast) for several days. This is how the ratings should roll out the next several days.

Monday July 8 nationals available Wednesday Jul 10 afternoon

Former Lurker said... 52

Here's confirmation that the Khate Plus Fake Date show was indeed filler, as we suspected. The 90 Day Fiancé shows seem to be very popular. After the last episode of Fake Date airs next week, a new 90 day Fiancé spinoff is getting her time slot:

Two more weeks! All the chicken feet, tasers, and American dollar harvesting accusations have brought us here. The first-ever #90DayFiance spinoff series #TheFamilyChantel premieres Monday, July 22nd at 10/9c. Who's ready?!



-THE FAMILY CHANTEL Premieres Monday, July 22 at 10pm ET/PT-

(Los Angeles, CA) – TLC’s “Summer of Love” continues to turn up the heat with its red-hot 90 Day Fiancé franchise. First, fans will get an extra special dose of Pedro and Chantel in the first ever spinoff of the 90 Day franchise following an individual couple, THE FAMILY CHANTEL, premiering Monday, July 22 at 10pm ET/PT. Then, on Sunday, August 4 at 8pm ET/PT, BEFORE THE 90 DAYS, the series that broke 90 Day ratings records, returns for season three with international couples that are sure to captivate fans like never before.

Until then, fans can get their 90 Day fill with currently airing series HAPPILY EVER AFTER? and PILLOW TALK on Sunday nights and THE OTHER WAY on Monday nights at 9pm ET/PT.

Layla said... 53

This is the second time the twins are quoted talking about how they can all tell when Kate needs "alone time" and they all scram. Tell me again why she needs alone time while they're home? They are away 8-9 hours a day, 5 days a week, 9 months out of the year. That seems like plenty of alone time. They must be tiptoeing around her all the time when they're home, trying to sense what her current mood is and how to react. What a horrible way to live.

Kate says she spends all her time slaving away over her kids, but we've all seen their extensive chore lists. Mady and Cara say they are looking forward to going to college so they don't have to cook huge meals and scrub big pots. That tells me they are doing a lot of cooking and Kate's claims of cooking 3 hot meals a day are yet another lie.

I have been seeing ads for Dr. Pimple Popper everywhere online--apparently the show comes back on Thursday. That show will get several times the ratings that Kate's does. I really wonder whether Kate is still getting $40K per episode. The ratings have been so bad for so long, it doesn't make sense that she'd still be making a top-tier salary. I read up on it, and TLC's shows have budgets of $250K-$400K, and the "talent" receives 10% of that amount as salary. We've seen obvious signs of K+8 having a lower budget, but would she agree to less money? I suppose she would, just to keep her face on TV. I just can't see her being paid the same as Dr. PP, The Little Couple, or any of the ones who have shows that are successful.

Layla said... 54

Just an FYI, ratings will be delayed until tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon because of Independence Day.

Formerly Duped said... 55

Thanks, Former Lurker! On all counts. :)

FlimsyFlamsy said... 56

Layla (#53), I have zero knowledge of what she's getting paid, but TLC is clearly in the position of power with her. They are her meal ticket.
What in the world else has she got waiting in the wings?

Wowser said... 57

Flimsy 56- McDonald’s! Out if her own mouth 😂😂 ~ Administrator said... 58

This is the second time the twins are quoted talking about how they can all tell when Kate needs "alone time" and they all scram. Tell me again why she needs alone time while they're home? They are away 8-9 hours a day, 5 days a week, 9 months out of the year. That seems like plenty of alone time. They must be tiptoeing around her all the time when they're home, trying to sense what her current mood is and how to react. What a horrible way to live.


It's a horrible way to live. This woman get more down time/ alone time than most parents. Most parents are "on" at work all day then are "on" all evening at home and if they're lucky maybe get 30 minutes of quiet to catch up on Big Little Lies and then it's off to bed.

She strikes me as very ungrateful for being able to be a stay at home mom and all the time she gets to herself.

And these kids are 15 and 18, at that age you're maybe home a couple hours on weeknights and a couple hours on weekends and that's it. If they're home more than that, then they would not be the average kid that age. Look at the Little People family. When the kids were home in high school they always had friends over, which makes a big different in getting kids out of your hair.

If I were her kid I'd be asking her mom you want me to go away, but I've been away all day! ~ Administrator said... 59

TFW has barely said a positive word about education. Back to school time always seems to be a big drag to her -- never an opportunity for new knowledge, experiences and friends for her kids. Remember her tweeting during both a class trip and a parent meeting that she was bored? But now she's a cheerful after-school helper, diving into her sweet darlings' projects with pluck and enthusiasm? Heifer, please.


She is something else acting like she's sacrificing her life to make their school successful. First chance she gets she would pass them off on tutors and teachers for help. I don't believe for one second she puts on her glasses and sits down to do their homework with them. Please. ~ Administrator said... 60

Book smarts and street smarts are way too different things.


I agree, which means Cara may be one of those who has book smarts but no street smarts.

It is however, in my experience, unusual to find someone smart enough to be a math major completely unable to recognize something as simple as Kate's incredible struggle with so many aspects of normalcy. Not unheard of, but certainly uncommon. I don't get the sense from Cara she struggles socially or is awkward, which would be a sign that maybe her street smarts aren't quite there. ~ Administrator said... 61

Also, are these recaps about this show or all about you? Because it smells narcissistic to me. You're young, admit having probs finding stable relationships, have no children - but yet YOU are the authority on life here? No one cares. We just want a recap that's not longer than the Gettysburg Address AND one about Kate, ya know what I mean? Not sure why you insert everything back to yourself. That's....again, quite narcissistic.
As you would say, Huh?
Just constructive criticism here. Nip that ego of yours in the bed. It's unpleasant and a turn off. You're really not all that and a bag of chips. lol None of us are. Humility.


Hi Kate! What, specifically, are you referring to that you disagree with? The only thing I see in this recap about me is one tiny mention of liking Iceland (because Mady brought it up) and one tiny mention about the state of TV abroad, (because Mady brought it up)

The Gettysburg address was 275 words long. Are you asking for me to keep the recaps to 275 words? Perhaps the TV Guide summaries would better suit your needs then.

(FYI don't have "probs" finding stable relationships, not sure how you got that idea from the recaps. I've had two real relationships in life beyond just 1-2 date get-to-know-ya things. Both lengthy, both stable. On good terms with the ex and still friends. Thanks for playing.) ~ Administrator said... 62

LOL, I can't find the actual comment on IG, but there was some discussion last night about a lemon drop martini, and K8 replied that it was part of the "pre fixed" menu. So much for all her worldliness, you'd think someone age 44 with that many miles under her belt would know "prix fixe" by now.


I cannot..... ~ Administrator said... 63

Thanks for the recap. Kate and Wyoming has always been a mystery. Is that where the ranch from the show was? It sounded like she knew someone there or grifted free trips from someone.


I thought we had somewhat solved his mystery awhile ago but can't remember what the conclusion was. Wasn't it a friend of somebody's? Like a friend of Ashley's or Carla's or something. I seem to remember some other person's kid being in Wyoming all summer. Oy, too much to keep straight. Sounds like Kate latched on somehow, but do I believe she always jets off to Wyoming? Nope, sure don't.

Ingrid said... 64

I listened to a couple random cameos Jon did. One was to a girl who struggled with Weight Watchers. He mentioned in it that he has heart and blood pressure issues which may explain his slimmer appearance now. Thats good he is taking better care of himself! He also said he had his son the past weekend and then dropped off his daughter. I am curious how long ago this was taped.

Formerly Duped said... 65

Idk, I kind of think the opposite about Cara. Mady seems like the so-called 'fun' talkative flirtatious twin and Cara seems like the scholarly 'boring' quiet one who wears glasses and is not as into more superficial stuff. Just my feeling. However, she did get lots of cheers at the HS graduation so I may be wrong.I think she will be the more successful one in life, though

Anonymous said... 66

See the attached article, all I hve to say is "gag me with a spoon".


FYI said... 67

From Kate's IG post:

Ok @kateplusmy8 . I think I see a J name in your future. I may be partial since I am one 👍

@nonaof2 hmmm...J didn’t work out the first time, soooooooooo.....sure about that? lol

Another trashing of Jon. She just can't help herself, can she?


Both of Kate "2nd dates" names being with "J".

FlimsyFlamsy said... 68

Admin (#63), and once again the lies corner her. If she does, indeed, spend a "ton" of time in Wyoming, does she go alone? If so, who is she paying to watch her 6 kids and make them those 3 hot meals a day? If they go with her, then who is paying air fare for the 7 of them? And what about the expense of a pet sitter for her 3 dogs? She's either a struggling single mom tethered to her stove or she isn't. Pick a narrative and stick with it.

Ingrid said... 69

laurajean 66.....
I see in that article that she is finally admitting to a few dates "I haven't dated in 10 yrs.
As she tells, she had only been on "two or three dates" since filing for divorce from Jon in 2009
Because she is hoping for a season 2 then I would think there was no love match in the first season since all the episodes are filmed now.

Sad but true said... 70

She just lies and lies and lies with impunity. From the article posted by laurajean (#66):

"Still, while Kate wanted to make sure Kate Plus Date was something she felt comfortable having her younger kids watch, she intentionally left her 15-year-olds out of the series.

"It just felt more age-appropriate to have Mady and Cara since they're 18, they're adults," Kate explains. "I'm hyper-sensitive due to experiences my kids have gone through. I want to be 100% as sure as you can be that the person is going to be around for a while. I didn't want them to be involved in the ways that Mady and Cara were."

If Kate had been permitted to have the tups on the show, she'd have done it in a heartbeat. But having four of six would have brought a whole lot of questions as to the whereabouts of the missing two. Part of the reason her ratings suck is because they are not on the show, and she's perfectly aware of this. I can't believe she gets away with this shit.

"So, was season one a success? Kate teases that it was "for a number of different reasons" (wink, wink). Still, Kate says she'd absolutely love to do a season two — that is, after she's had her summer with Mady and Cara before they go off to college."

A second season? Maybe if you foot the bill for it, Kate. It sounds at least like they're not filming this summer, so maybe another season is a long way off.

Wowser said... 71

Thanks for the link. I rest my case. She’d LOVE to do a season 2. Not because she’s trying to find love but because she LOVES being on tv. I pray to God above that they pull the plug on this boring, bullshit show and pull the rug out completely from under her. She needs to land on her mediocre ass HARD and live in reality-not reality tv. Ok. Rant over lol

Anonymous said... 72

I recorded it last night(@2:30am) but honestly I find it unwatchable. Kate thinks she is so funny and interesting and to me she just seems vacant and incredibly boring.It is torture to watch. Adam asked her where she thought she'd be in 5 years and I don't think she has enough going on to even try to answer that question and that was as far as I could get and fast forwarded to get there. (by the way admin. I think you are an amazingly talented writer...and FUNNY).

Layla said... 73

"So, was season one a success? Kate teases that it was "for a number of different reasons" (wink, wink). Still, Kate says she'd absolutely love to do a season two — that is, after she's had her summer with Mady and Cara before they go off to college."
She would be filming season 2 right now if it was up to her. The only reason she's not is because TLC hasn't signed off on it. As for her last summer with Mady and Cara--are they actually going to do something or just sit around home and watch themselves on TV? One last family vacation would be a nice thing to do before the twins fly the nest, but I doubt they'll go anywhere if it's not funded by TLC. How about heading off to shop for their college wardrobes at those expensive boutiques in Philly? She splurged for their first year of high school, so you'd think she'd do the same for college, right? And bring the younger girls along to shop for THEIR first year of high school (if she did it for the twins, she should do it for the tups too--it's only fair). She spent thousands when she took the twins, so expectations will be high, and there will be more kids to buy for. And then they'll need to get all the things they need to decorate their dorm rooms. Some "celeb" girls (Olivia Jade, Ava Phillippe) have gotten their dorm stuff for free by partnering with Amazon, but I don't think M&C are in the same league. I bet Kate's desperately wishing they were filming right now so she can get the vacations/clothes/dorm decoration for free. Sucks to be her!

Anonymous said... 74

It will probably be an eyeopener for Mady and Cara when they get to college and meet up with other students who have had part time jobs for years and none of the all expense paid vacations the Gosselin children have had their whole lives; that is, if you don't count they have been working for TLC all their lives.


mel said... 75

If she was a horseback rider she wouldn't need to go to Wyoming to do it. Plenty in PA.

BlueJay said... 76

I also just thought. She claims she has NO time to date, right? But suddenly, she now just as miraculously has time to have a show to date on? You have no time to date in your real life, but you have time to just up and date on a reality television show? Hmmmm.....ok then. That makes perfect sense. So...who does all your cooking and cleaning, your lunch making and endless things that take you ALL day to do then while you're out doing this on TV? I might be old but grandma still has some of her marbles left.

AuntieAnn said... 77

Kate continues to not listen to Adam and is droning on and on about not being trusting, being burned multiple times, being gun shy. Honesty is important to her.


Oh dear god. Honesty is important to her?

Someone should strap a shock collar on her so she gets zapped every time she utters a lie. We'd never hear a word out of her again. ~ Administrator said... 78

As for her last summer with Mady and Cara--are they actually going to do something or just sit around home and watch themselves on TV?


She's nuts. I've never known a single senior in high school who spent their summer before college with Mommy.

Number one, it's going to be a short summer, since most colleges start up long before regular school starts if you count orientation. My summer was only 5 weeks between high school and college.

Number two, a senior in high school should be busy with spending time with friends, touching base with your college roomie and maybe even getting together if you live close by, and prepping and packing for college, plus, almost everybody works saving that last little bit of cash for spending money at school. Most kids will also take a senior trip with friends only. We went camping in the Adirondacks without parents. That's another week gone.

She really is delusional about how young adulthood works. It's pretty sad.

FYI said... 79

She is totally clueless. Doesn't she know how many episodes there are?

@kateplusmy8 I just watched episode 6 on demand. Please tell me that’s not the last one already 😩

@katiebscanlon nope! It’s on next Monday .... #KatePlusDate

Is she unaware that TLC puts out the shows online a week before they air on live TV?

FlimsyFlamsy said... 80

Wowser (#71), and having a second season seems redundant. Wasn't the show supposed to be about a woman testing the dating waters after a decade? She's had coaching -- now put the heifer out to pasture and let her find her mate (m8?) on her own. She is a bull expert, after all. ~ Administrator said... 81

Adam asked her where she thought she'd be in 5 years and I don't think she has enough going on to even try to answer that question and that was as far as I could get and fast forwarded to get there. (by the way admin. I think you are an amazingly talented writer...and FUNNY).


In five years she thinks she'll be filming.

She doesn't KNOW what she wants because she's not really looking and if you're not really looking that's like somebody asking somebody who doesn't like salads, so what are you looking for in a salad?? Like, I don't know how to answer because I don't think about or eat salads? That's Kate.

Thanks M. glad you're enjoying them.

Former Lurker said... 82

(Part 1 of 2)

OMG. I can't believe I did this, because I have refused to watch this witch on TV for years and years. I've never seen more than a few minutes of an episode and that was many, many years ago. I truly can't stand her even when I just watch a trailer or tiny clip included with some article. I've never so strongly despised someone I've never even met, but there is just something about her that rubs me the wrong way. Wrong as in worse than rubbing freaking sandpaper on my eyeballs. But, for some reason, I let curiously about the outcome of this disaster Fake Date show get the best of me, and I watched the finale on Demand.

I initially planned on watching just the first few minutes to get a recap of the season, and then fast forward to the end to see who she picked, if anyone. But, TLC doesn't let you fast forward on Demand shows and even forces you to watch a few brief commercial breaks. Still, I said to myself I'll just watch the recap in the beginning and then I'll put it on mute while I go off to do some stuff in the kitchen and I'll come back to it near the end. Well, that didn't work because I first got sucked in by Rachel and Adam, and then I couldn't believe how often TFW said "like" both when she was talking with Rachel and Adam, and when she was doing her talking head parts. She sounds so uneducated and immature. I'm almost embarrassed for her.

*** Spoiler Alert ***

Please scroll by this if you care about this show and want to wait until next week's finale to see what happens, (even though it's all fake).

In the beginning of the episode, when she's talking to Rachel and Adam about deciding on the final two, she seems sooo uninterested and low energy. She has such a dud of a personality. And, damn, she's not aging well at all. Plus, that's with professional makeup and hair, and lighting.

So, she tells them that she's choosing one "date" from each of them. She ends up going with travel guy Jeff from NC (Rachel's "date"). Based on Admin's recap and from what we read about him on his travel website, I figured he'd be in the final two. From Adam's victims, I mean actors, um, I mean "dates", she chooses Joey from NYC. I'm kind of surprised about that one.

Trying to make a long story short, the "date" with Joey didn't start off well. He picked a strange place to go to and she seems so awkward and uninterested. But, after that, it got a little better at the second place they went (blindfolded sculpture class while drinking wine). Still, no real connection at all and it just ended with a quick goodbye on a NYC street. I don't think she would ever be interested in him, not that this show is real. ~ Administrator said... 83

Admin (#63), and once again the lies corner her. If she does, indeed, spend a "ton" of time in Wyoming, does she go alone? If so, who is she paying to watch her 6 kids and make them those 3 hot meals a day? If they go with her, then who is paying air fare for the 7 of them? And what about the expense of a pet sitter for her 3 dogs? She's either a struggling single mom tethered to her stove or she isn't. Pick a narrative and stick with it.


And another thing, she insists the family doesn't go on vacations. So what is Wyoming then where she's horseback riding her hair blowing in the wind? That's not a vacation?? And a wonderful one too. I've been to Sheridan three times now.

Problem with her is the more she talks the more her lies get all tangled up.

Former Lurker said... 84

(Part 2 of 3)

Then, she flies to NC for her second "date" with travel guy Jeff, because that's the realest reality, right? Jeff decides their date will be at his townhome where they'll cook dinner together. I knew he had a townhome in NC because after that episode aired and I looked him up, I saw something about him being president of his townhome association. My first thought was if this guy lives in a townhome in NC, not that there's anything at all wrong with that, TFW won't be impressed and she'll think he's not wealthy enough.

Anyway, there was mutual flirting I guess. Admin was right, he is way too nice and too good for her. I really can't believe that this show isn't fake as hell. He has to know what he's getting into with this cold witch. But, the editors and producers tried hard to make it look like this was legit and he was interested in her. There was some interest on her part too, even if she was acting, and despite the massive scary flinch she did when all he did was try to brush her hair out of her eye. She flinched at just the slightest touch in the way a poor abused dog will flinch if someone just raises a hand and arm while stretching. I hate to feel sorry for such a horrible person, but I think she is seriously psychologically damaged. There was a part before this point where Mady talks about how she (Mady) doesn't like to be touched either, just like her cold, damaged mother. Maybe they can find a shrink with a two for one coupon?

At this point, we're nearing the last two minutes, and I'm wondering how they're going to wrap this crapfest up. How do we have enough time for her to tell us who she picked, and aren't Rachel and Adam going to come back to give their input? This show is so poorly made, it's pathetic.

It abruptly ends with a goodnight kiss. Please tell me this poor Jeff is acting and not seriously considering even another "date", let alone anything more, with TFW. He can do so much better. Jeff, don't you have friends and family in NC who can introduce you to a nice woman since you want to settle down and have kids? I find it hard to believe he isn't meeting available woman there in NC and would even consider dating this horrible "mother" of eight, or six, who lives all the way up in PA. Reminder to self, it's okay, c'mon, we know this is fake, casted and scripted.

Sad but true said... 85

FYI said... 79
She is totally clueless. Doesn't she know how many episodes there are?

OMG, I can't believe she STILL hasn't figured this out! If she'd just go to her HOME NETWORK's website and pull up her show, she'd see that next week's finale is right there. They even label it "early premiere" and give the "Premiered" date as this past Monday (so that episodes 5 and 6 have the same premiere date, July 8). After all her years in the biz, is she really this clueless? Doesn't she bother to look at the stuff TLC has posted about her on their site, on FB, on Twitter? Bringing us back to . . .

WTF does she actually DO all day?

Former Lurker said... 86

(Part 3 of 3)

After the brief kiss at Jeff's door, TFW leaves (of course they don't show the waiting car, producers, camera crew because you know this is realest realty). While in front of his house, I think she's says something about she would consider seeing him again. Then, back to the talking head part, filmed in January in the NYC hotel, and how does it end? Well, with yet another TEASE, of course! Her favorite thing to do! She refuses to tell the producer which of the two, if any, that she might or not be dating!

Ha, is she trying for a cliffhanger here?! "Tune in next season (next year) to watch TFW and Jeff (if she "chose" anyone, it would be him, not Joey) travel back and forth between PA and NC to 'date' each other. How will the relationship progress, will it last, see him meet the younger six kids, make that four, oh make that zero because mean old Jon won't allow them to film even though he's deceased". Such a stupid show! In the end, they didn't even deliver on the premise, that she'll pick one of these actors, I mean "dates".

Speaking of Jon, she totally slammed him in a talking head during the first "date" with Joey. He said he's a laid back guy, as opposed to her self proclaimed OCDness. She then says in a talking head that it would depend if that would work with her. She said it would maybe be okay if it was just a laid back winging it kind of thing, but not if it's just sailing through life with no plan because she was with someone like that before and she's never doing that again. Eff you, biotch! How dare she say Jon has no plan in life? She's the lazy bastard who does nothing at all with her life. FFS, I completely despise this loathsome creature. I seriously need a drink right now. I have no idea how you do it, Admin!! ~ Administrator said... 87

Oh dear god. Honesty is important to her?

Someone should strap a shock collar on her so she gets zapped every time she utters a lie. We'd never hear a word out of her again.


No, they were asking what qualities she wants in the MAN. They never said she has to have those same qualities in herself.

YOU need to be honest, but I can be a lying sack of shit. That's Kate.

Former Lurker said... 88

BlueJay said... 76

I also just thought. She claims she has NO time to date, right? But suddenly, she now just as miraculously has time to have a show to date on? You have no time to date in your real life, but you have time to just up and date on a reality television show? Hmmmm.....ok then. That makes perfect sense. So...who does all your cooking and cleaning, your lunch making and endless things that take you ALL day to do then while you're out doing this on TV? I might be old but grandma still has some of her marbles left.


Good point, BlueJay. She's so busy, has no time for herself, but she can go to NYC for several days at a time, and fly to NC several times for a few days to a week to film this nonsense.

By the way, whatever happened to the LA location that was listed in the casting call? It looks like they scrapped that. No actors out there were desperate enough to sign up for this crapfest? And, what about Jamie? TFW posted that pic on IG last May of them flying back home from a ""work" trip.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 89

BlueJay (#76), and more than just taking up her time, doing the show puts her schedule -- and hence her entire family's schedule -- at the mercy of a production company. If the next date is at Pete's Pasta Palace and the only night they can close the restaurant to the public is next Thursday, then that's where TFW will have to be. And it may take 6-8 hours to film what airs as a 2-hour date. Add to that the hours it takes to film the couch interviews, which, again, are scheduled when the crew is available. So this isn't some casual dating experiment of a woman sincerely looking for a romantic relationship. It's a TV show -- the filming of which is a full-time job.

Mel said... 90

Flimsy Flammy... that's me from before. Fun to see this discussion coming alive again, although disgusted that she's getting her ugly personality on tv again.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 91

Sad but true (#85), here's a terrible thought: maybe there's a final "behind the scenes" episode after all the ones with the dates?

AuntieAnn said... 92

Then, back to the talking head part, filmed in January in the NYC hotel, and how does it end? Well, with yet another TEASE, of course! Her favorite thing to do!


Yeah, yeah be continued...right? Queue up the organ music. Fat chance anyone will be interested in anything she does a month from now leave alone a "next season" of this pathetic little soap opera of hers.

I wonder if her paycheck was even enough to put new tires on her Audi. She'd better go job hunting.

JR said... 93

Oh god... “what else is out there”... please god no... make it stop!!! 🤮

AuntieAnn said... 94

No, they were asking what qualities she wants in the MAN. They never said she has to have those same qualities in herself.

YOU need to be honest, but I can be a lying sack of shit. 


Oh ok gotcha. I still think strapping a shock collar on her isn't a bad idea. Either that or a muzzle.

Layla said... 95

Former Lurker, my heart goes out to you--what an awful thing to have to sit through! I have no desire to even watch clips of this mess--ever.

I also noticed from pictures that she's really aging. Her crow's feet are pretty scary. Didn't she claim that she's one of those rare people who de-age? So how does she explain the obvious, very harsh signs of aging? Bleaching your hair does not make you look younger--it just looks ridiculous and desperate and kind of pathetic once you pass a certain age. And she has passed that age.

As far as "sailing through life with no plan" is concerned, what does she call what she's doing? She has no idea at this point whether she will still have any future in reality TV. After 3 1/2 years of failing ratings, TLC has to realize she's never going to be a money-maker for them. Where do they go from here? If they don't just move on then they're idiots. She has no other life plan. I think the reason she couldn't say where she'll be in 5 years is because she has no idea. No idea whether she'll still get to film, if her money will run out, if more of the kids will leave her. I'm predicting toward a "Grey Gardens" future for her and Mady, but with dogs rather than cats. ~ Administrator said... 96

n the NYC hotel, and how does it end? Well, with yet another TEASE, of course! Her favorite thing to do! She refuses to tell the producer which of the two, if any, that she might or not be dating!


You’ve got to be kidding. She has two second dates and then doesn’t actually pick one? What was the entire point of this waste of space show???

As for Jon having no plan he had a plan to get Collin and Hannah, bitch.

No plan. She’s a piece of shit. She confuses no plan with “his plans and goals aren’t the same as mine.” That is not the same thing you tool!

Sad but true said... 97

Layla said... 95

As far as "sailing through life with no plan" is concerned, what does she call what she's doing? She has no idea at this point whether she will still have any future in reality TV.

This is a really good point. Kate confuses her blind ambition with regard to a TV career with actual success. Out of the last 13 years, she's been without gainful employment at least 5 years. Yeah, she's had a couple of non-TLC TV gigs, "wrote" two [very unsuccessful] books, was a coupon blogger, a marathoner (!), and spent lots of time visiting lawyers and courts and plastic surgeons. That sure looks like an awful lot of time spent diddling around trying to convince everyone that you are an actual full-time TV star.

She's a legend in her own mind.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 98

AuntieAnn (#92), Schmooopy thinks we're still in the 80's, when everyone tuned in to see who shot J.R. on Dallas. There are literally hundreds of programming choices for viewers at any minute of the day.

If TFW never appeared on the air again, she'd be relegated to an answer at a reality TV trivia pub contest. Her coy-winky suspense mishegas is yesterday's news.

Anonymous said... 99

No plan. She’s a piece of shit. She confuses no plan with “his plans and goals aren’t the same as mine.” That is not the same thing you tool!
Gee, you know who else said Jon had no plan/goals when he met Kate? JON.

Layla said... 100

July 10, 2019 at 6:36 AM

Anonymous said... 99

No plan. She’s a piece of shit. She confuses no plan with “his plans and goals aren’t the same as mine.” That is not the same thing you tool!
Gee, you know who else said Jon had no plan/goals when he met Kate? JON.
Yes, well, Jon met Kate 20+ years ago. I think we can get over that already. Jon, from what I have heard, has both a full-time job and his part-time DJ gigs, so I think it's fair to say he grew up and has life plans. Kate, however, has nothing besides praying for more reality TV. If reality TV is something you're good at and you bring in good ratings, then fine, have at it. But Kate is not good at it, and at this point I think it's safe to say she will never bring in decent ratings again. So what is her backup plan? What if TLC decides she's not worth the effort? She has NOTHING. No other network will want her, she'll never get the talk show/fitness show/travel show/cooking show she wanted. She already did her dating show and it's a resounding failure. Her last two books were failed to sell. She failed at running and blogging. Michelle Obama never called back on that kids' fitness thing Kate claimed was being circulated around. Her "source" claims she doesn't even have a valid nursing license.

So, let's see, between Jon and Kate, who is the one with no life plan? The one with two jobs and a years-long, stable relationship--or the one who's sitting by the phone hoping TLC will take pity on her and call so she can feed her kids?

Former Lurker said... 101

Admin, sorry if I stepped on any toes with my lengthy posts about that episode. I know it will in no way compare to your recaps, and I left a lot out as long as my comments were. I had no idea I'd even type that much of it up, but I had to get it all out. Sort of like how you have to vomit after eating some bad food.

I think near the end of the show, TFW and the producers were heavily implying that Jeff is the guy. The "date" went a lot better than the one with Joey. I hope to hell that this Jeff was just acting and not really interested in anything further. Still, I have no idea why he did this fake show. He doesn't seem like the guy who would just do it for p.r. for his business.

I think TFW was being her usual tease because she was hoping that if she could ever get a second season, it would be about her dating Jeff and pursuing a relationship with him. Isn't that what she wanted to do with Jeff Prescott? I just can't see this travel Jeff falling for this crap. He needs to read up on the Jeff Prescott mess, and on TFW in general.

I have a feeling that TFW will continue to tease her few fans on IG and pretend that she might be dating Jeff and there might be another show. Same old, same old.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 102

Gee, you know what Jon didn't have when he met TFW? EIGHT KIDS.

TFW is raising 6 children with no steady source of income, and no apparent ambition to find one beyond the unreliable world of reality TV.
Is this behavior seriously worth defending?

AuntieAnn said... 103

Anonymous Schmoopy said...

Gee, you know who else said Jon had no plan/goals when he met Kate? JON.


That was 23 years ago, Katie. Your plan was to get this dad's money, you unconscionable parasitic leech.

Kylie said... 104

Where are the ratings?????

AuntieAnn said... 105

correction to my previous comment:

*HIS* dad's money

Frickin' auto correct

Anonymous said... 106

She has no time to date....unless of course she's being paid.
The only men she can get to date her are being paid to do so. There are two words to describe people who do that.


AuntieAnn said... 107

FlimsyFlamsy said... 98

If TFW never appeared on the air again, she'd be relegated to an answer at a reality TV trivia pub contest. Her coy-winky suspense mishegas is yesterday's news.


Flimsy, yep, and that's if she even makes it onto a trivia pub contest.

Former Lurker said... 108

Ratings for the fifth episode are in. Total viewers are up slightly. An increase of just 63,000, after last week's decrease of 109,000. The 18-49 Demo went up from .20 to .21, still lower than the first three weeks which were at a .22 share.

Kate Plus Fake Date - July 8:

Total Viewers: 793,000
Demo (18 - 49): .21 share
Rank (in the demo): 23rd

Sad but true said... 109

Monday's numbers: 793K viewers, 0.21 share, ranked 23rd. It's better than I thought it would be, given the seeming lack of interest on her IG, but it's still decidedly mediocre.

Sad but true said... 110

By contrast, 90 Day Fiance, her lead-in, had 1.738K viewers (I think that might be this show's best night thus far) and ranked 9th, with a 0.54 share. So this week she lost 55% of the 90 Day viewers.

Former Lurker said... 111

Recap - Total Viewers, Demo share (18-49), Rank in the Demo (18-49) for the five episodes:

Episode 1 (June 10): 773,000, .22 share, 27th
Episode 2 (June 17): 805,000, .22 share, 27th
Episode 3 (June 24): 838,000, .22 share, 26th
Episode 4 (July 1): 729,000, .20 share, 21st
Episode 5 (July 8): 793,000, .21 share, 23rd

Sad but true said... 112

LOL, someone just posted this on her IG:

I watched the show but way too much alcohol. Its making Kate age on her face and neck. No amount of botox can correct that.

Former Lurker said... 113

This show is going nowhere. I suspect that she's hoping next week's ratings will be better with people tuning in to see which "date" was selected, but even then it's just too late to save this crapfest from the very lackluster ratings.

If anyone here is on Instagram and Twitter, please spread the word that she doesn't choose anyone in next week's final. She's just teasing for a second season, again. I'd love to see people posting spoilers on her IG so that the few people there can know that it's a joke.

Former Lurker said... 114

The 90 Day Fiancé show had a large increase in total viewers, up 267,000 after last week's slight drop of 79,000. That's their highest ratings in these five weeks. They also scored their best demo share at a .54 share, a significant increase from last week:

90 Day Fiancé - July 8:

Total Viewers: 1.738 million
Demo (18 - 49): .54 share
Rank (in the demo): 9th

90 Day Fiancé Recap - Total Viewers, Demo share (18-49), Rank in the Demo (18-49):

June 10th: 1: 1.386 million, .40 share, 9th
June 17th: 1.539 million, .47 share, 6th
June 24h: 1.550 million, .50 share, 7th
July 1: 1.471 million, .41 share, 7th
July 8: 1.738 million, .54 share, 9th

TFW's Fake Date show is losing almost 1 million viewers from her lead in show! She has a great show as a lead in, with their very good ratings. What a waste of the time slot she was given. I bet TLC can't wait until after next week when they turn this time slot over to their new 90 Day Fiancé spinoff show. I'm looking forward to seeing how the ratings increase for that show in the same time slot that she's currently wasting.

Layla said... 115

90-Day Fiance at 9pm got 1.738 million viewers. K+8 at 10 pm got 793,000. Almost a MILLION viewers deliberately turned off their sets or changed channels when Kate came on. There's all the proof that TLC needs to know that no matter how strong their lead-in show is, it won't help Kate. Nobody wants to watch her. People are expressing their dislike of her using their remotes--let's hope someone at the network is listening.

Anonymous said... 116

The ratings are in:


Gigi Be

Sad but true said... 117

Well, someone is already letting the pennies drop. And I've seen a couple of spoilers on Twitter as well. Next week's finale will end up being the anticlimax of the series.

That kiss with Jeff, what a surprise on your part. Wow!

And I may be wrong, but I know I saw a comment somewhere from a woman who claimed SHE is dating Jeff. I am dead certain she is not dating anyone (besides her usual elbow-holder).

Layla said... 118

Average viewers so far=787,600 per episode, which is just embarrassing (for her. And for whatever moron at TLC green-lighted this crapfest). One episode to go. It's been fun watching her fail once again. ~ Administrator said... 119

No plan. She’s a piece of shit. She confuses no plan with “his plans and goals aren’t the same as mine.” That is not the same thing you tool!
Gee, you know who else said Jon had no plan/goals when he met Kate? JON


Right, when he as 25 years old, when few people have plans. This is a normal statement from a 25 year old.

He grew up. She didn't. ~ Administrator said... 120

And I may be wrong, but I know I saw a comment somewhere from a woman who claimed SHE is dating Jeff. I am dead certain she is not dating anyone


Good, he deserves somebody real, not a reality show.

I'm still in shock they would make the decision to NOT PICK a final date for her. Wow, could she be any more obvious she's trolling for a season two?

JR said... 121

My god when they were sitting on the couch she looked mortified... like she was going to be raped... maybe terrified is a better word.. all because of a lousy kiss... she wanted nothing to do with that... “just pay me and let me get the fuck out of here “.....” SUCKERS!!!!”

Former Lurker said... 122

By the way, I know I said it was a brief kiss, but she did kiss Jeff back. She even put his hand on his neck. I think I have to go puke now...

Obviously, Admin's recap will be better and much more thorough than my posts about the finale yesterday. I didn't take any notes, or pause it or anything. I truly was forcing myself to watch it, and then I just regurgitated what I could remember. I think my dogs were wondering why I was talking back to the TV, (and swearing a bit.) The thing I did most was look at how much time was left. It was torture. Ugh, 39 minutes to go, 27 minutes to go, crap, why is the commercial break only a minute or so, 21 minutes to go, yay six more minutes, please let this be over...

Another thing I didn't mention is that Jeff has a wine cellar that TFW said he built. She was actually impressed. I'll let Admin provide the details, but it was great how Jeff, in a talking head clip, dissed her taste in wine. Like most topics, she really doesn't know anything about wine, but I think she pretends because of that one wine she was introduced to somewhere. Jeff knows better, though.

Also, she has such a bland personality. Even though the Jeff "date" was much better than the one with Joey, she still has nothing to offer. She just isn't fun or interesting in any way. I think that's a reflection of her very isolated and boring life. She's home alone all day, doesn't have any interests or activities, and no social circle. She just has nothing to even talk about. If Admin's pup, Sea Gordon, could talk about all the varied and exciting things he's done, places he's gone, and people and dogs that he's met these last six months, it would be an all day conversation!

JR said... 123

Of course she didn’t pick anyone.. that would mean the show is over...not happening... momma needs her Botox... and to make a boat load of money for being a bitch

Former Lurker said... 124

One more thing. She has no table manners and eats like a pig! She shovels huge amounts into her mouth, and even worse, she talks with food in her mouth. I was appalled!!

Spoiler Alert! said... 125

Jeff does not have his personal FB set to private so it’s fair game since he signed on to the fake date show. On 26 June he changed his profile picture and it’s him with a woman who IS NOT Kate. Here are a couple of interesting convos under the comments for that post. Note that the first comments are made by friends of his and he replied to them.
****That’s no Kate Gosselin. Just sayin.

To which he replied....

**** funny!! She (Jenn) is much better.
****Very nice - hundred times better than Kate - started watching the ship last week - acting pretty good my fun friend!

To which he replied....

****de acuerdo!! no hay comparacion!

SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!! The cat’s out of the proverbial bag and she can play coy and post as many winky faces as she wants but she’s definitely NOT dating Jeff.

AuntieAnn said... 126

Right, when he as 25 years old, when few people have plans. This is a normal statement from a 25 year old. 


Admin I don't think he was even 25 when the vulture swooped in on him. They met at a picnic in 1997 when he was 20. IIRC he had just come back from hiking (?) through parts of Europe. She spotted him and immediately saw dollar signs because she knew his father was a dentist. I think by that time she'd given up on snatching up a doctor so she settled for the son of one...who (again IIRC) bought them their first house.

AnotherMoM said... 127

I couldn’t care less about what she looks like or how she spends her time. What I do care about is how she was one of this era’s forerunners in exploiting her multiple-birth children. Even on this blog, that’s led to generalized judgements about other parents of multiples. Not to mention the profound impact on her children!

Without the sextuplets, she’s just another divorced mom. Take a look around a restaurant, coffee shop or bar on any given day to see people dating. It’s nothing groundbreaking enough to warrant a TV show.

Though from the recaps, it sounds like Kate spends more time reminiscing about her glory days and trying to garner pity than actually dating. You know, the actual premise of the show.

AnotherMom said... 128

Kate may also want to brush up on what parents of high schoolers do during the day. If she said her days are spent being a therapist and driver to her teens, I could relate.

But by 15, kids are able to feed themselves, do their laundry and complete their homework pretty independently.

I cook a more time-consuming dinner for my 5 high schoolers when enough people are home to warrant it, offer to do everyone’s laundry after a long trip and proofread papers now and then. Those certainly aren’t the tasks that consume my time and energy anymore!

Anonymous said... 129

Jon definitely has plans. It takes planning to buy a nice house. It takes planning to maintain the house. Something Kate has neglected. It takes planning to be able to go on vacation. It takes planning to balance work and family life.


Former Lurker said... 130

Spoiler Alert! said... 125


Ha, I love it!! Thanks so much for posting that info.

Go Jeff! I hope he's with a lovely woman and they have a wonderful future together.

Someone please post this info on TFW's Instagram. Otherwise, she'll keep playing games and teasing her very few followers as long as she can.

Oldposter said... 131

I’m sticking with the blind item from 6/10. Sounds just like Kate and Steve.
Also, I think someone on this site said she got the ring that she wears on her left hand in New Zealand when she and Steve visited. Coincidence much?

Sad but true said... 132

Spoiler Alert! said... 125

Thanks for posting this. I was sure I'd seen something (it wasn't his FB page) but couldn't remember where. Would be great if someone posted this on her IG or the K8 FB page. ~ Administrator said... 133

Thank God Jeff is dating somebody else.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 134

AnotherMom (#128), your engagement in your kids' activities seems balanced and age appropriate. But I suspect TFW spins these hyperbolic tales about how hard she works because she thinks that creates the illusion that she is a good mother. Spoiler alert: she's not. ~ Administrator said... 135

Thanks for posting this. I was sure I'd seen something (it wasn't his FB page) but couldn't remember where. Would be great if someone posted this on her IG or the K8 FB page.


Exactly. Nip this teasing nonsense in the bud with proof this guy is NOT with her.

Former Lurker said... 136

I finally found his Facebook, (thanks again, Spoiler Alert #125).

I mentioned his wine cellar in my post above (#122). On FB, he did a post on August 7, 2018:

"Drove to DC today to see friends this week, and to stock up on wine for the cellar I built in my home, just completed last weekend. It's been in the works for months so I'm thrilled to take this final step! NC friends, come partake soon!...."


So, the "date" with TFW was filmed some time after the beginning of last August. I already figured it was last fall because according to Rachel's IG, she was in NC filming near the end of September, and again in mid November. Actually, Rachel and Adam weren't in NC for the episode, according to the show. But, I still think that the second "date" with Jeff was filmed last fall.

He must have started dating someone not long after that since he just changed his profile pic to include her, People don't usually make it FB official for awhile.

Former Lurker said... 137

I read the comments on Jeff's June 26th FB post with the new profile pic of him and his girlfriend. His friends are all happy for him and congratulating him. One of his friends introduced them, and Jeff said he's forever in his friend's debt. When asked if she speaks Spanish, (like he does), he replies yes, she's actually Latina, and he just pretends to be one.

Someone asked him if there was any news and he replied:

"No official news, just happy to be with a great woman who is a great fit for me!"

Someone commented that he needs to put a ring on it and he replied, "Easy man...all in good time!"

By the way, she actually made a few comments there as well. According to her FB, she lives in the same town as he does in NC.

Former Lurker said... 138

Also, she own a salon in NC. And she has two kids, a girl and a boy.

I can't wait until someone goes after TFW's teasing on IG and tells her, Oh really? Jeff has a new girlfriend and they're very happy together. Plus, he was acting, just like all the other "dates".

What now, Schmoopy? Your ratings suck so bad you'll never get a second season. The ratings would be better if TLC just aired reruns of 90 Day Fiancé in that slot. ~ Administrator said... 139

"No official news, just happy to be with a great woman who is a great fit for me!"

Someone commented that he needs to put a ring on it and he replied, "Easy man...all in good time!"


He’s too good for Kate!

Rainbirdie said... 140

Layla said... 53
...I have been seeing ads for Dr. Pimple Popper everywhere online--apparently the show comes back on Thursday. That show will get several times the ratings that Kate's does.
Not surprising that more people would rather watch an hour of pimple popping than watch Kate do anything at all on tv. Guess the ratings will prove which show is the grossest...

Layla said... 141

Kate didn't "pick" a man because Jeff wasn't interested in filming a whole fake-relationship spinoff with her. I think the dating show was supposed to end up with her finding a new guy and trying to recapture the magic of J&K+8. Let's say it would have been Jeff and Kate Plus 8. But Jeff wasn't interested in faking a whole relationship, so Kate pretends she didn't settle on anyone, leaving the door open for another season of a dating show. I'll be shocked if she gets another season of this disaster, but you never know when it comes to TLC. They are incapable of saying no to her.

Former Lurker said... 142

A couple more things and then I'll stop (don't want to be a stalker, just curious).

His girlfriend is around his age, 45. Her son and daughter are twins. Ha!

She owns a salon/spa in NC. She has a huge group of girlfriends that she's known for twenty years. She posted something really nice on Facebook about their friendships and relationships last Thanksgiving. Unlike TFW, she seems to have an active, interesting, fulfilling life.

As far as their relationship, she has an Instagram and posted her first pic with him on May 6th. They're at the wine store that he likes and posted about in that August 2018 Facebook post where I said he mentioned his new wine cellar (along with pics at the wine store). The wine store is in Alexandria, Va and it looks like Jeff makes trips there to restock every so often. She posted a pic of the two of them there, and also a pic of them with the owner. She named the store and the owner in her hashtags. Then the owner commented on her IG that it was so wonderful to meet her.

Then on June 26th, she posted a series of five pics with Jeff. That's the same day that Jeff changed his profile pic on Facebook to a pic of them together (Spoiler Alert's post #125 above).

Like in Jeff's Facebook post, her friends commented that she looks so happy and they love seeing her so happy. She replied to the various comments by saying she is so happy and that it feels good. One of her friends commented that it was about time (to post pics of her and Jeff), and she replied, "I know...It been a minute but I feel comfortable sharing now. #Liberating"

They make a cute couple. I'm just relieved because I thought for a second during the finale that Jeff must be acting, he can't be getting sucked in by her. Again, I don't see how anyone could ever be interested in boring, cold TFW who really has nothing to offer.

Alas, Jeff was indeed acting, as were all the others who were cast on this crapfest. In case you missed it, in comment #125, it's clear in the Facebook comment that his friends knew he was acting:

"Very nice - hundred times better than Kate - started watching the show last week - acting pretty good my fun friend!"

I still wonder why Jeff would do this show.

Sideline Observer said... 143

It has already been said that TFW doesn't know who she is, as evidenced by this insincere dating show with BS summary commentary supplied via Queen song titles.

What TFW is too dimwitted to demand is show built around the Lorde song, "Royals", starring her as the song's protagonist. The chorus fits her quite well.

Sad but true said... 144

I wonder if NC Jeff has violated any of the terms of his NDA by posting (especially during the "premiere" run of K8+D8) that he has a girlfriend who is not Kate. Hmmm. "Can we sue?"

Sad but true said... 145

Post on IG:

Watched the final show on TLCGo app. Spoiler alert....what was the purpose of “dating” 10 (9) men and then not telling if you chose any if them to continue dating. Your winky, winky - we’ll just have to see - stay tuned - is kind of juvenile at this point. Sure seems like this whole “season” was for nothing more than a paycheck.

Ooooh, love it!

Anonymous said... 146

Well I posted earlier this morning that Jeff is no longer on the market and is now dating a great gal from his hometown. And I see Kate deleted my comment 😂. Got to keep those fans in the dark long enough to squeeze all the ratings you can out of them. And honesty is important to her? 🤔

Gigi Be

FlimsyFlamsy said... 147

Gigi Be (#145), c'mon, you know TFW is the one who gets to dictate the terms of her realest reality. Your "awnesty" must've knocked her off her pins. As they used to say at McDonald's (not Nobu), I'm lovin' it!

Sad but true said... 148

Gigi Be, I still see your comment. It's posted right above the comment I posted in #145. :)

NJGal51 said... 149

Love, love, love that the tea is being spilled about Jeff being off the market especially since he seems to be the “fan” favorite. Let’s see now, Jeff is in a relationship and Joey just seems to want the publicity for his restaurant. Now, that’s the realist reality.

TFW is such a dope since she’s correcting people telling them that the final episode isn’t on until Monday. They’ve even told her that it’s available on demand but she just doesn’t seem to get it.

Gigi Be - I can still see the spoiler comments.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 150

Whew, now if the finale ratings tank, TFW can blame Jeff. It's about time Jon got to share the burden with someone.

NJGal51 said... 151

Does she even listen to herself when she’s talking?

It has been a decade since Kate Gosselin and her ex-husband Jon Gosselin made headlines for more than their large family, the former couple splashing headlines for their very public and very messy divorce, and while Gosselin is currently looking for new love on TLC’s Kate Plus Date, the question remains whether or not she has plans to ever marry again. Speaking to Fox, Gosselin opened up about the possibility of her walking down the aisle a second time.

“Everybody keeps saying that and that actually gives me like anxiety and panic honestly," Gosselin told the outlet. “But I mean, again, that's a situation we'll deal with it when we get there and I don't even think that by the time somebody is talking about getting married if it's right, I don't, it's obviously not going to cause me anxiety and panic. So I can't say yes and I can't say no."

Rising into the public eye on Jon and Kate Plus 8, Gosselin had been married to her ex-husband for 10 years before their split in 2009, a divorce that made front pages and sent the former couple down a messy custody battle.

The former couple share eight kids – twin daughters Mady and Cara and 15-year-old sextuplets Aaden, Alexis, Collin, Hannah, Joel, and Leah.

While Jon has moved on with new girlfriend Colleen Conrad, Gosselin only recently started putting herself back into the dating game, and currently stars on TLC’s new series Kate Plus Date, a show centered around Gosselin’s quest to find new love that was put into the works after she realized that she would soon have an empty nest.

“Mady and Cara are going to college. My little kids: They're starting high school. It'll be done in the blink of an eye," Gosselin said. “It was the right time because they're older, more independent and I didn't need a babysitter."

“[The dating show] was my idea so I was definitely on board," she added. “I've been divorced for 10 years and it felt fun and exciting and it was actually my idea because there is more than, I mean there's many single parents out there, and a lot of them are too, like me, too tired to date, too exhausted, busy taking care of your kids and that's how I found myself in that position in the first place."

Gosselin added that although seeing their mother looking for love in the public eye could be awkward, her children are “good with it” and supportive of the series.

Auntie Roxie said... 152

I’ve been reading here forever but posting first time! Has anyone seen the new Progressive Insurance commercial? It’s Fli’s sister, Janice, out in a blind date. She and her date are having dinner in a romantic sort of restaurant, but Janice never puts down her pink iPhone. Date asks her, “What do you do for fun?” Janice replies, “Not this!” And it goes on with Janice showing no interest in her date, and never looking away from her phone. I think Progressive is spoofing Kate! Past ones included Flo visiting Janice in her new mansion-like home. Again, Janice can’t put down the phone while proclaiming, “Cycling is my passion.” And the RV camping spot with Janice sitting by the campfire, scrolling on her phone, staying “I’m so bored I’m dead.” Anyone else think they’re poking fun at TFW? Or am I spending too much time thinking about this!

JM said... 153

“It was the right time because they're older, more independent and I didn't need a babysitter."

Sooo, she can get a regular job now, dontcha think!

Layla said... 154

AuntieRoxie (152)
Welcome! It's great to see you here and I hope you'll post more in the future.

Yes, Janice is so much like Kate it's eerie. I think they were going for a completely self-absorbed character, and that mirrors what Kate actually is. It's supposed to be a caricature, but it's Kate to a T. BTW, my husband loves the cycling commercial--he laughs every time Janice says that "Cycling is my passion" line (While chomping gum and staring at her phone just like you-know-who!). I have to admit, though, I have a total crush on the Allstate mayhem guy. He makes every character so hilarious. Insurance commercials really set the bar these days, don't they? I had never heard of a "she-shed" before but now I want one!

Layla said... 155

Gigi Be (146)
Did you post that on her IG? Too funny that she swiffered it!

Sad but true said... 156

NJGal51 said... 151

“Everybody keeps saying that and that actually gives me like anxiety and panic honestly," Gosselin told the outlet. “But I mean, again, that's a situation we'll deal with it when we get there and I don't even think that by the time somebody is talking about getting married if it's right, I don't, it's obviously not going to cause me anxiety and panic. So I can't say yes and I can't say no." ...

OMG, talk about a word salad! Does anyone even know what that meant? She is so inarticulate. Someone was complimenting the twins on how well-spoken they are---clearly, that did not come from Mommy! She loves to talk about her "gift of gab," this is more like gift of blab.

Sad but true said... 157

FlimsyFlamsy said... 150
Whew, now if the finale ratings tank, TFW can blame Jeff. It's about time Jon got to share the burden with someone.

LMAO, good one!

JR said... 158


AuntieAnn said... 159

“Mady and Cara are going to college. My little kids: They're starting high school. It'll be done in the blink of an eye," Gosselin said. “It was the right time because they're older, more independent and I didn't need a babysitter."

“[The dating show] was my idea so I was definitely on board," she added.


Well uh yeah. If you come up with a show about you dating a bunch of strangers, you kinda sorta hafta be onboard with it. Twit.

And here's another idea for you Einstein...How about instead of calling the four that are going into high school the "little kids", try saying my younger ones. When their 15 years old they're not little kids. Maybe talk to Matt Roloff about that if you're confused.

Sad but true said... 160

Looks like Kate has ramped up to the 25K/month package with respect to IG followers. There is NO way this flood is "organic." I guess maybe she's hoping for enough of an audience that she might be successful in selling them crap. I expect we'll know shortly.

jolie Jacquelyn said... 161

Welcome Auntie Roxie, nice to have you join us!

I haven't seen the commercials you referred to, but from the sounds of them, I'd say they're making fun of TFW for sure!

NJGal51 said... 162

There’s a new article up on TFW (In Touch) where she talks about how her kids tease her. In part it says:

Kate says her children fully supports her dating and have discussed the idea for years now. “My kids have talked about it probably, over the years, more than I have,” Kate said. “It’s a topic of dinner conversation. It’s a topic that comes up more than people probably would realize, and they want me to be happy and they don’t want me to be alone.”

If this is true and it does come up in dinner conversation when the kids say that they don’t want her to be alone what they really mean is “We don’t want to have to take care of you!” Also, when they say “Mother, you’re a mess” they mean it literally. The article shows her in that ill fitting blue jersey dress and it looks like her boob is sweating. She’s a mess alright.

Giff said... 163

There are people on her Instagram saying how they hope that she and Jeff are together and they are so excited to see who she picks. I was going to explain that she has made fools out of all of them and is just mocking them at this point. I felt sad for them though. They actually believe the crap this woman is selling. She used them just like she used her children. I don't think anything could be said to change their little minds. Until one or more of the kids expose her for who she really is, they will believe anything she tells them.

Sad but true said... 164

Just posted on K8's IG.

@kateplusmy8 please shut your haters down, there ruining it for many on here🙄

I don't know who this is, but she's been on IG (well prior to the show) defending K8 more strenuously than anyone else. Not quite to Milo's level, but close. Sorry, havanese, you wanna blame someone for "ruining it," talk to TLC. They're the ones who decided to air every episode a week ahead of its scheduled "premiere" date. I do wonder if this was a calculated move on their part, as in, here's a way to get rid of her for good.

Clack said... 165

Auntie Roxie I love the insurance commercials! My favorite is (can’t remember the co) the ones where your becoming your parents. And Jaimie from progressive.

When the Gosselins 1st had their show, my oldest called me “mom, you have to watch this. The mom is such a bitch! She treats everyone like crap”. I watched maybe 5 or so episodes? I couldn’t take it, I love a good train wreck but this was too much. The way she treated people was the only realist part of her show.
I did read the book on her, Hoffman was it? Ugh I’m having brain farts today. I borrowed the book. It was pretty disgusting. I can not wait for the kids to write books on their abusive childhoods. They will make a fortune if they do it! They’ll need it, because I doubt the money they lost their childhoods for, is still there.

I posted as she’s a shithead on the last thread

AuntieAnn said... 166

Sad but true said... 156

OMG, talk about a word salad! Does anyone even know what that meant? She is so inarticulate.


She probably canned her media coach - if she ever had one - because he/she didn't know how to teach her.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 167

That wacky Jeff found love with a woman in his own state? Without the help of a TV network, casting agency or relationship coach? Who'da thunk it?

FlimsyFlamsy said... 168

Aunt Roxie and Clack, welcome!

Anyone else who just reads but is shy about posting...I can only speak for myself, but I say the more the merrier!

Tracy said... 169

Anyone know what Ms. Gosselin means by “coffee talk” and where that was? Is she trying to imply she has meeting with TLC executives? ~ Administrator said... 170

I just love that Jeff’s girlfriend isn’t some young thing like I thought he would find, but Kate’s age. And has multiples! 😂 Suck it Kate.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 171

In one of the interviews posted here, TFW said she left the tups out of this show because she is (*snort*) "hyper-sensitive" about them due to past experiences.
Schmoops, you sent your 11-year-old son away for 3 years, then blew off his custody hearing -- never to have him under your roof again. There's not a human being alive who would accuse you of sensitivity of any kind. ~ Administrator said... 172

In one of the interviews posted here, TFW said she left the tups out of this show because she is (*snort*) "hyper-sensitive" about them due to past experiences.


You know one thing not attractive on a date? A liar.

Formerly Duped said... 173

FlimsyFlamsy said... 168

Aunt Roxie and Clack, welcome!

Anyone else who just reads but is shy about posting...I can only speak for myself, but I say the more the merrier!


I second this sediment! Welcome, all.

Btw, we haven't heard from capecodmama in while, have we?...maybe like me she is not watching this dating farce..or maybe she's enjoying a nice vacation!

Layla said... 174

Tracy said... 169
Anyone know what Ms. Gosselin means by “coffee talk” and where that was? Is she trying to imply she has meeting with TLC executives?
I haven't seen any references to "coffee talk". Where did you see that?

FYI said... 175

I took a look at Joey's FB page. Interesting convo from 4 days ago:

xxxxxx Whoever is your PR person? Please tell them to step up on their contacts. It’s so easy to get you on any food network, FOX5, a date on Bravo.. etc... this is my opinion as a Portuguese NYer. You are better than Kate plus 8 😂

Joey Batista xxxxxx No PR person yet but thank you!

xxxxxx Joey Batista do you want a PR person? I have a few contacts?

Joey Batista xxxxxx Absolutely. Need to better understand this

So it appears that Joey was only in this for the exposure, and now is looking for a PR person. ~ Administrator said... 176

In one of the interviews posted here, TFW said she left the tups out of this show because she is (*snort*) "hyper-sensitive" about them due to past experiences.
Schmoops, you sent your 11-year-old son away for 3 years, then blew off his custody hearing -- never to have him under your roof again. There's not a human being alive who would accuse you of sensitivity of any kind.


ALso I wonder if Kate hears the irony in her own words.

So, she's made a reasoned and thoughtful decision to keep her kids off TV, bullshit as it all is.

Yet when Jon made a reasoned and thoughtful decision to keep his kids off TV during a very contentious divorce, he deserves estrangement.

It's pretty darn hypocritical that only she is allowed to be wary of putting her kids on TV but not anybody else. ~ Administrator said... 177

Joey Batista xxxxxx No PR person yet but thank you!

xxxxxx Joey Batista do you want a PR person? I have a few contacts?

Joey Batista xxxxxx Absolutely. Need to better understand this

So it appears that Joey was only in this for the exposure, and now is looking for a PR person.


Lol, no shit.

Joey should have thought about getting a PR person before making the decision on his own to sign up for this clusterF. No PR person would have advised it.

Sad but true said... 178

FYI said... 175

I'm wondering IF there is a second season and if Jeff is definitely out as the love interest, will they go back to Joey? Maybe he's being asked to contract for more of this nonsense and he doesn't get it? Of course, if they do bring her and Joey back, then how do we get around the "he can't be younger than me" issue? Wasn't that supposedly a deal-breaker?

I'm thrilled that the person he's talking to is certain he's "better than Kate plus 8." :)

Sad but true said... 179

On Rachel's latest IG post:

You have the best smile , personality ever, you need your own show❤️👏👏😬

@sandyfen aw thank you! From your lips to @tlc’s ears 😂

Wouldn't that send Katie into orbit! The matchmaker she fired getting something on TLC. Karma with a capital K.

Turtle said... 180

Coming in from Lurking-dom. I turned in the Kate Plus Date for all of 20 seconds. Couldn’t handle it any longer. What a saw was TFW trying to be and act younger than her 44 years. The long blond hair doesn’t work. The mugging for the camera and the me me me. Her schtick never changed; poor me, I work so hard taking care of the kids without help, it’s all Jon’s fault, etc. I always thought she was excellent in creating a façade when there was no substance. The dating crap fest just confirmed my thoughts about TFW once again.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 181

How hilarious would it be if Joey Bats and Mama Bats got a series from this? The Food Network passes shows out like candy. They've got Guy Fieri on 12 hours a day -- maybe this dude could break the monotony.

jolie Jacquelyn said... 182

A big welcome to all the new posters. Don't be shy, we love hearing from you.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 183

Turtle/Amy (#180), nice to see you.
Yeah, it's always the same old same old with Schmoopy. She yammers about growth and change, but there is no evidence of any genuine introspection. She thinks she's peachy keen the way she is -- why would she change?

Is it over? Please, let it be over now.... said... 184

So, am I correct in understanding that kart's last "episode" has already shown on demand or you-tube somewhere, and she wink-wink refuses to choose?

Does she even realize that we all know ALREADY that she didn't find true love (oops, I mean a whipping boy replacement for Jon)

And Jeff is dating someone else so we assume she didn't pick him.

And Joey hasn't been seen around the "konpound" and kart has not skyed off to "date" him in his location - she would surely have let it slip on Instagram wink wink....

So this whole show has been - gasp, choke - A FARCE???

Do ya really truly suppose she had no intention of choosing? Oh, say it ain't so...… she deceived her fans and the whole of the US who are so enthralled and waiting with bated breath to hear about her love life.

Once again I have to wonder who she is blackmailing at TLC to keep her old wrinkly neck on the tube.....

What could TLC POSSIBLY have to film after this disaster mercifully ends on Monday?

There are so many other multiples families that simple common sense dictates that the newer fresher kids would be more desirable than old tired, beat-to-death story about her d-i-v-o-r-c-e, again.

I am hoping that this is the end. She is going to HAVE to get a job - her money has got to be running out! But then, I can't help thinking that she could declare bankruptcy, and somehow get TLC to film THAT...

So then my mind wanders to kart working at a regular mediocre job. She can't go back to work as a nurse at this point - does she even have her nursing license? Employers are very adamant about continuing education and she has NONE. She is extinct as far as nursing positions go.

Ah, kart, maybe we might see you in 10 years on some 'where have they been' show....

Concerned Aussie said... 185

Slightly off topic but I’ve been following Collin on Instagram and oh my goodness is he an old soul. This kid will help change the world. So wise and sensitive. Lots of posts about his mission to heal the environment.
I really believe old souls choose a challenging life to learn from and nothing will change the heart of this child. He’s special.

Sad but true said... 186

Turtle said... 180

. . . The mugging for the camera and the me me me. Her schtick never changed; poor me, I work so hard taking care of the kids without help, it’s all Jon’s fault, etc. I always thought she was excellent in creating a façade when there was no substance.

I think this might be why she thinks she can act---it's hard work maintaining a facade for so many years, especially with so much of it being exposed as untrue, many times over.

I LOL when I see these comments about how hard she has worked for her kids, giving up her "social life" for so many years, etc. Had Kate not alienated everyone in her life, and learned to play nice with the other adults connected to her children's school, she might have had quite a nice social life. And as we all know, she has never hesitated for an instant to get out of Dodge when an opportunity has presented itself. She's hardly been chained to the washing machine since the divorce.

Nice to see you coming in from the cold, Turtle. Hope you'll stick around. :)

FlimsyFlamsy said... 187

Sad but true (#186), remember when Ms. Single-Mom-Chained-To-The-Washer jetted off to Vegas with Purse Boy to see a show? She had 8 young children at home at the time. But, well, um, seeing that show made her a better mother, right, sheeple?

Turtle (Amy2) said... 188

Kate could never work a “regular” job. Think about it a minute. What do supervisors want? They want employees that are skilled, competent, able to get along with others, team player, etc. Kate doesn’t have any of these skills. She wouldn’t fit in because she’s a star don’t you know. She would get fired like she did from the Coupon company (can’t remember the name). Employers just don’t have the time or money to train such an inept employee. There are too many other people who have the skills and the desire/need to work. Yep, I sure wouldn’t want Kate working in any company that I was. Kate reminds me a Omarossa sometimes.

Giff said... 189

Kate is too infamous now to ever get a job. I would not want her as a nurse or deal with her in a business situation. Her behavior with her children and on Dancing with the Stars, has created a negative image that she can never get rid of. Kate has defined herself with the thinking that she could make money off being the mother of multiples for the rest of her life. Then, she became cocky and believed she could carry a show on her own. She was so secure in her belief, that she threw one kid in an institution he never should have been in, and made life so miserable for another that she left everything to live with her father. I love when people ask her when the kids will be back on. I hope she lays awake at night panicking because she knows that answer is never...or at least never under her control.

Sad but true said... 190

From her IG:

@kateplusmy8 - I watched the nightline interview last night- and you answered my question- you said “ As long as 8 people think I’ve done well then I don’t care what anyone thinks!”

Uhhh, I think it's 6. Maybe 6 and a 1/2.

AuntieAnn said... 191

Turtle (Amy2) said... 188

Kate could never work a “regular” job.


I've always wondered what her co-workers thought of her back when she was an RN and before reality tv rocketed her to *cough* superstardom. Was she just plain obnoxious then as opposed to her present-day obnoxious on steroids? How many of her nursing skills did did she really apply to the job she had and how much work did she slough off and not do? Did she fake it? It's scary when you think about it.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 192

Turtle (#188), and I think one of the things that makes her job prospects so limited is her lousy attitude. Being friendly, accessible and pleasant can outweigh a multitude of character defects in a work setting. A cooperative, kind employee will usually get a break over someone who is surly and difficult to get along with.

Layla said... 193

I wonder if anyone at TLC realizes that if they gave Joey Bats and his mother a show, they'd get higher ratings than anything they could do with Kate. Her days of bringing in the viewers are over, and they need something new to draw people in. Joey and his mama, cooking together in NYC, might just be a winning ticket. At the very least they can't possibly do worse than any of Kate's shows as far as ratings are concerned.

I was looking over the ratings for TLC's other current shows. Outdaughtered, Sweet Home Sextuplets, and sMothered all got between 1.1-1.3M per episode this last week, and the 90-Day Fiance show got over 1.7 million. And then there's K+D8. I still can't understand why this show ever made it to the screen. DH and I just watched a show about Roger Ailes starting Fox News, and the business is pretty cutthroat. No room for slackers. So why does another big media company (Discovery) keep coddling Kate? You'd think they'd recognize the fact that her days are over and cut her loose, but they just won't let go. Maybe with this show they finally get it. Maybe...

Unknown said... 194

That's the show we need to see---"Kate + Kharma! I would love to see it happen.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 195

Layla (#193), I still think TLC is able to come out ahead with TFW, or they wouldn't bother.

Think back to the glory days of J&K+8, when they had to budget for airfare and lodging for the 10 of them, plus Purse Boy. That vow renewal in Hawaii might have cost more than the 6 episodes for the dating show combined. The expense for batting cages, yoga and racquetball and a few dinners, with airfare and lodging for 3 (TFW, Purse Boy and the coach du jour), was probably chump change to TLC, and they got three-quarters of a million viewers. Low, but better than risking new talent who may not even get half a million viewers.

When TFW doesn't know how to help TLC's bottom line, they'll kick her to the curb.

Anonymous said... 196

Pretty soon she will be so desperate she might settle for 90 Day Fiance.

Susan1956 said... 197

Anonymous said... 196
Pretty soon she will be so desperate she might settle for 90 Day Fiance
Or Celebrity Big Brother. Maybe they could do an over 40 and/or former reality tv star edition.

Giff said... 198

I think Kate has made some deal with TLC for future access to the kids. I would not be surprised if we see Mady and Cara's graduation somewhere down the line or even the quad's graduation. Since she lost Hannah and Collin, we won't be seeing six Gosselins walking across the stage together. I find that thought very sad for them, but I love the fact that it was Kate herself, who destroyed so many future opportunities. If you think about the milestones she COULD have sold, instead of the screaming and hysterics of Kate Plus 8, she could have come out ahead. She was just was too selfish to stop filming after the divorce and allow those children to heal and have a somewhat normal life. What a selfish woman she is.

JTN said... 199

No one in their right mind needs another season of contrived painful whatever this is... anyone who uses their own children as their wingman is gross. Any relationship Kate attempts will fail like a burning sun because she hasn't dealt with her own reasons for why she got divorced. She needs to take serious accountability and work on herself. The best thing she could do is a stint in patient therapy to learn how to function as herself and not as a parent of her children. She defines herself by other people. Her ex and children primarily. It's a hollow shell of an existence which will leave her doing a Miss Havisham impersonation in under 15 years. Or, she will try to get one of her kids to produce young so she can try to get another series where she is tasked with raising her grandkids. shudder. With 8 kids, odds are pretty good at least one will reproduce before 25.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 200

Giff (#198), yes, she squandered so any opportunities to strengthen and/or grow on her brand. But she decided digging in her heels was a solid strategy for success.

I still say if she'd admitted even the slightest accountability for C's issues, and walked away from the show, she could've been a hero. She could've taken a year off and returned to a ton of offers: book deal, personal appearances, podcast, cooking show, family/kid-related merchandise development, and awn and awn. She is her own worst enemy.

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