Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Kate Plus 8 'College Bound' sneak peek

The Kate Plus 8 (um, six? Collin and Hannah are nowhere to be found in the episode) special 'College Bound' is set to air October 1 on TLC.

206 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 206   Newer›   Newest» ~ Administrator said... 1

Not at ALL surprised Mady was appalled at the tiny dorms instead of seeing it as a fun adventure and opportunity to make the best girlfriends of your life.

Sooooo frustrated - same old stuff said... 2

OH SH*T, she doesn't wish on anyone their kids going off to college? Working hard thru high school, making the grade to get into a good college, launching into adult life? She doesn't wish that on anyone???

Normal mothers are proud their kids are starting a new grown up, independent stage of life.

Sure I missed our son but I was proud of him and excited for what college held for him. It is a bittersweet time, but pride outweighed sadness.

The kart is all about me, me, me.

And that poor poor mady having to live like all the other freshmen in a prison cell dorm?! She is just as bad as her gestational carrier. My vote is she does not finish school. She will take the easy way like kart and try for fame.

The "brand" just won't die. Kart and mady will carry on as if they are important or significant....

It will never end..... TLC just keeps pumping money into a losing proposition.... saddest thing I ever saw.

And we're there only 2 of the 4 tups? ~ Administrator said... 3

OH SH*T, she doesn't wish on anyone their kids going off to college? Working hard thru high school, making the grade to get into a good college, launching into adult life? She doesn't wish that on anyone???

Normal mothers are proud their kids are starting a new grown up, independent stage of life.


All the other stuff aside, I just so fundamentally oppose her attitude and approach to life. She would find herself so fundamentally happier if she had a much more positive outlook that involved looking outward and putting others first and not about her own selfish and dark desires.

JustMissy said... 4

Absolutely vile. They must have swiffered the Facebook comments because they were 90% negative yesterday. LAYLA: Love your kitten stories, too. It’s so sad that people treat animals like garbage but it sounds like this kitten hit the jackpot. Spay and neuter everyone. I know I’m preaching to the choir here. And don’t watch that vile woman...

Formerly Duped said... 5

Thanks for posting the clip, Admin. It was typical Kate drama. I almost laughed when she said "family members keep leaving." Are you going to recap this? Good luck! Seems like Hannah is not there. Phew.

Layla said... 44
That is shocking. I never understand why people leave animals and even babies out on the road or in the garbage. There are so many places they could be saved. This kitty is especially lucky! Glad you are all enjoying Piper.

Nicky said... 6

What a weird thing to say that she doesn't wish it on anyone. No big surprise - it's all about me, me, me!

She's just a woman playing a mother on TV. She's saying what she thinks she should, but as always, it's really F'd up.

University isn't about luxury - it's about experiencing life on your own, making friends and becoming a grown up. What if they have to share a bathroom with others? The horror! ~ Administrator said... 7

University isn't about luxury - it's about experiencing life on your own, making friends and becoming a grown up. What if they have to share a bathroom with others? The horror!


And wait until she has to wear flip flops in the shower every morning so you don't get plantars warts.

This is exactly, exactly what we predicted.

By giving your kids "everything" you actually poorly equip them for a full and happy life. I love Ray Dialto's thoughts on this is in his blockbuster book Principles. He lays out in great detail all of the reasons wealthy people should not simply transfer on down all the wealth and perks to their kids, and the choices he made for his own kids to ensure they had as happy a life as he has.

Anonymous said... 8

From Dmasy --

Layla, your rescue story is so heartwarming. That kitty hit the jackpot!

That brief clip is more than I can stomach to watch.

Prison? Two of them have the most bleak outlook on life. Bleak! ~ Administrator said... 9

Thanks for posting the clip, Admin. It was typical Kate drama. I almost laughed when she said "family members keep leaving." Are you going to recap this?


I wouldn't miss recapping Kate Plus Four for the world.

NJGal51 said... 10

The one thing that I found interesting was when she said “We keep having family members leave”. It’s at the very end of the clip. This is very telling on her part because you know that she’s guilting the kids that are still home with a “woe is me, you’re all going to leave me and I’ll be all alone” attitude. Sort of like Albert and his mother in Bye Bye Birdie because she guilt trips him throughout the whole show and most especially when she puts her head in the oven and then they sing “Kids”. At the end of the song Albert says “I’ll never leave you mama, never”. It’s funny in the movie but not so funny because TFW is guilting them in real life and you know there’s one who will probably Be guilted into staying with her.

TLC is most definitely swiffering the comments because all of the negative comments seem to be gone.

Layla - I love that you’re DS had the compassion to save that kitten. You’ve raised him well. ~ Administrator said... 11

“We keep having family members leave”. It’s at the very end of the clip. This is very telling on her part because you know that she’s guilting the kids that are still home with a “woe is me, you’re all going to leave me and I’ll be all alone” attitude


This is EXACTLY what she is doing. It's revolting what she is doing to these kids. Does it occur to her it was AGONY for Collin and Hannah to come to the conclusions they did? About their own MOTHER? She's without a soul.

lurking said... 12

She freakin gave them a guilt trip about having "family members leave". Um, Hannah left because of the way you threw Collin away. That was the story when she refused to go home that time; she was upset with "Kate's treatment of Collin". Collin didn't leave, you threw him away! Then said it was fine because it was like he was at college, now you're guilt tripping two kids for actually going to college. What a psycho!!

JoyinVirginia said... 13

I was HAPPY to help move my teens into college! They both got into schools they LOVED, they both made great friends! it was fun to do shopping for the dorm room. It was fun to visit and see school activities, sports, concerts, performances, meet other parents, all kinds of fun things.
Always count on The Former Mrs Jon Gosselin, now with cockroach DNA! to spread doom and gloom over any happy occasion.

Nicky said... 14

By giving your kids "everything" you actually poorly equip them for a full and happy life.

Exactly - and this is one of Jon's main points regarding all the kids. I always hate when parents say they want to give their kids the best of everything. Why do they always have to have the best? Why can't the generic brand or Old Navy be enough?

We always tell our kids that we work so that they can have everything they need, and the wants are never guaranteed.

Also, both girls are almost 19 - practically a year older than most kids starting Uni right now. Their lack of maturity is startling. You would think that their private school that they spent tens of thousands of dollars at would have prepared them more for this. ~ Administrator said... 15

Exactly - and this is one of Jon's main points regarding all the kids. I always hate when parents say they want to give their kids the best of everything. Why do they always have to have the best? Why can't the generic brand or Old Navy be enough?


These people don't think more than one step ahead. Because they worked hard and feel they deserve "stuff" for it, and because working hard was "hard", they want for their kids to be able to bypass the "hard" bits and get straight to the rewards. Really they just want this for themselves, but they project the feeling onto their kid.

They fail to see that it is the working hard for something that brings a body the most satisfaction, not the thing itself.

Studies have proven this.

Seriously Ray Dialto should be required reading. He breaks down exactly how struggles and pain at least on some level actually leads to happiness and satisfaction.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 16

Nicky (#6), I think you nailed it. TFW is saying what she thinks will make her seem like a loving, caring mother. But her words ring hollow because they don't represent the kind of human being she's shown herself to be.

The teenagers in my life who go away to college have already been spending so much time away from home, so that transition has been gradually underway for years. Between being involved with friends, sports, community service, school plays, senior projects, boyfriends or girlfriends, etc., their families have gotten used to their kids' independence. It is a normal, healthy separation, but TFW's comments -- sincere or not -- seem to label it as some sort of betrayal or personal affront. And that will definitely impact the other 4 still at home. I wonder who she's grooming to be her Grey Gardens housemate for life.

Anonymous said... 17

Anyone else remember zip ties and furnace room?

Giff said... 18

If I were Jon, I would be giving interviews every hour to help people understand how vile Kate really is. Also, does it make sense to put this on the same night the popular show, Outdaughtered is on? Kate Plus 8 is a cautionary tale of the evils of making your kids help support the family on reality TV. Why would they want to encourage comparisons....which many are starting to make anyway, to Jon and Kate Gosselin? In my opinion, all these shows should just go away. If you have to have a reality show to support all of your kids, maybe you should rethink having that many children.

Anonymous said... 19

13 - Joy in Virginia - TFW now with cockroach DNA! LMAO. If she could find a way to market and sell this DNA she could be very wealthy. “Does getting older make you feel insecure in your job? Are you afraid of being laid off? You never have to worry again with TFW cockroach DNA! You can never be fired or laid off with a an infusion of this DNA. Possible side effects: extreme grandiosity, twitching, odd facial expressions, extreme selfishness and no conscience or values.”
Ronnie and Maggie

BlueJay said... 20

What on earth did she expect a college dorm to be? Dorm room should say it all. Dorm room, as in it's basic. It's not suppose to be anything other then basic. My word. She's set her kids up to fail with that golden platter life style all right.

How utterly, utterly sad. But then again, mediocre wouldn't do for her not like the rest of us. Maybe if she had spent time exposing her children to a normal life like most people they would have been prepared for such things like this. Instead of the constant trips and things.

That was painful. Good luck recapping this, I'd take a good glass of gin with this if I was a drinking woman but I'm not.

I'm thinking Mady is going to be appalled by college food if that is also the case. She has to be the only mother who makes it sound like the children are never coming home or that other parents aren't prepared to send their children off to college. How insane.

BlueJay said... 21

Wait I thought the younger kids couldn't film anymore?

Layla said... 22

Funny how Kate cries and whines about the twins leaving for college. She doesn't wish that on anyone??? She certainly didn't shed a single tear over dumping Collin off and leaving him, did she? She's not going to miss M&C, she's going to miss the filming opportunities that come with having a large number of kids at home. 4 kids just won't cut it because having 4 kids is pretty ordinary. She misses the days when she called all the shots and had all the control, and the kids had no choice but to film. She can't produce a large number of kids for filming now, and she can't produce a full set of sextuplets. I'm still stunned by the fact that TLC only made this a single-episode "special". They have never done that before with this show. Between college tours, a vacation, catching up from the last 2 years, and moving the twins to college, they could easily have made this 2 episodes--but they didn't. Hmmmm

I wonder if having the twins gone will keep her from being able to do a second season of K8+D8. The ratings were horrible even with them, and will be worse if they try to pull off the show without them.

Thanks for all the well-wishes for the new kitty! She's so precious and we all love her. Right now my youngest DS--who is like a tornado careening through the house on his way to somewhere (and between school, sports, and friends, he is always on his way somewhere) has come to a screeching halt and is lying on the sofa with Piper sleeping on his chest. She loves sleeping on people. He even asked me to bring dinner to him so he wouldn't have to get up and disturb her. Awww!

Anonymous said... 23

It was funny to see that Mady had long hair in one clip, while having shorter hair in another. I wonder how TLC will put this episode together.
Those crocodile tears aren’t because she loves and misses C and M. She’s sad because as each child leaves, the less reverent she will become. She is devoid of a soul and doesn’t have true love for anyone
Gigi Be ~ Administrator said... 24 the Gosselin kids haven't worked hard? For the last decade, the mantra has been that the kids worked their asses off on a television show to support their mother, had to do an exorbitant number of chores, etc., etc. Now they are suddenly entitled rich kids who haven't worked for anything?


I said no such thing. But Kate does spoil them and some of them act hopelessly spoiled and entitled, and it wasn't in return for working. For that they will presumably get their trusts when they are adults.

Giff said... 25

I wonder why TLC waited to air this just one week after the 10 year gag order on Jon was lifted? It could have aired much earlier without all of our worst thoughts about her confirmed. It is almost...ALMOST like TLC wants to see her squirm. Throw her under the bus like the RV episodes to show how horrible she really is. One can only hope.

irish 33 said... 26

oh my god that is god awful...who would watch that boring crapfest

Layla said... 27

Giff (18)
They're putting her show on after a very popular one because they know that's the only way to get some decent ratings. Even then, her shows do not do well in the ratings department. K+D8 was on following a very popular show and probably got the lowest ratings of any new show they have ever had. Even the nasty shows about people who have sex with their cars and lick their cats. Just think about that for a minute....viewers would rather watch that than Kate. I bey she planned on this being 2-3 episodes (or more). There is a lot going on and they have made 2 episodes out of a single vacation before.

Not to be mean, but the younger kids have no screen presence at all. That's just judging by the clip above, but they don't seem interesting at all. People will watch Mady because she has a big personality, but none of the others do. That's okay for normal kids who aren't forced to be on TV, but these kids are expected to film and carry a show. I just don't see that happening.

jolie Jacquelyn said... 28

I can't seem to get the above preview clip to play for some reason. Obviously others haven't had a problem, so I wonder why.

Has Auntie Ann posted lately & I've missed it? Hope everything is okay in her world.

Anonymous said... 29

So, if this is a one episode show, is it only an hour long? If so, accounting for about 20 minutes worth of commercials, it’s only going to be 40 minutes long. Not much for college tours and a vacation.

capecodmama ~ Administrator said... 30

Ray Dalio also talks about how it can be very detrimental to one's happiness and satisfaction to peak early, especially before one has developed wisdom and introspection.

These kids peaked when they were toddlers. They have spent the rest of their lives so far trying to offer that same sort of zing, especially Mady with her forced and unfunny one-liners, and nothing cuts it. The position all of this filming and messy childhoods has left these kids is no better than standing tippy toe on the edge of a cliff.

Concerned about Leah said... 31

Is anybody concerned about the change in Leah's appearance. Her face is very puffy, and looks very similar to what Collin's face looked like when Jon first reunited with him.

Compare her look now to this picture Kate posted on their birthday.

Assuming the couch interviews were filmed recently, how does a child's appearance change that much in just a few months?

Makes you wonder if Leah will be the next Collin.

Layla said... 32

Giff said... 25
I wonder why TLC waited to air this just one week after the 10 year gag order on Jon was lifted? It could have aired much earlier without all of our worst thoughts about her confirmed.
I think TLC threw this together as fast as they could and are airing it to get it over with. They have no idea at this point whether Jon has more to say. Best to just cram whatever they have into one episode, air it, and move on. I have no doubt at all that they had enough on film to make several episodes, but for whatever reason made it only one. I hope that has Kate good and mad. This will make only 10 episodes of any Kate-related show in almost 3 years. She's not raking in the dough the way she used to, that's for sure. I bet she was paid less for K+D8 because M&C now get their own salaries. They'll get their own salaries for this episode, too. Her days of controlling all the money are over.

Meagler said... 33

Mommy Dearest had to put her go gart into the wall so her "little" ( OMG ..they are 15!!!) Wouldnt beat her.

Yes...Mommy Dearest...your family keeps leaving you...and has been doing so for a long only just figured it out now?

Sad but true said... 34

JustMissy said... 4

I looked at that side-eyed as well. I just checked the TLC FB page, and they posted the same clip there at about the same time. Comments over there are 90% negative, which is about normal for K8 FB posts. So yes, I agree that they have been blocking or deleting most of the negative comments on the K8 page. They probably don't have the manpower to attempt to do this on two pages at once, LOL.

Go Away Kate said... 35

It looks like this "special" will be the same old boring, fake s**t and I hope it does even worse in the ratings than Kate Plus Date did.

Anonymous said... 36

Someone needs to remind Kate that the only person who left her was Hannah. Everyone else she booted to the curb. Her kids going to college are not leaving her. They’re just transitioning to the next stage in life. MeMeMe 24/7. It must get exhausting carrying on like that.

I have to say when a Mady talks about her mother, it doesn’t seem like she likes her much.


Wowser said... 37

Ugh. She’s so damn phony. The kids look so different in the clip. Between the footage and the couch interviews they look so different. Kate obviously isn’t rationing anyone’s Food. They all look pretty chunky -which is better than emaciated when she was feeding them one mini muffin and a slice of bacon and 2 strawberries on their heart plates

Formerly Duped said... 38

Mady complaining about the size of the dorm rooms- how did Collin feel when he was institutionalized with a stranger roommate and knowing no one or why he was there.. No fun parks for him on his way "to college." No family to send him off or a special dinner.His stay was almost as long as an undergrad degree! That's the only similarity I see.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 39

Capecodmama (#26), c'mon now, don't rain on TFW's pity parade! She's a Victim, and she needs the world to know that Everyone Leaves Her! Poke! Dab!

Former Lurker said... 40

The last "season" of Khate Plus 8 aired over two years ago and was just three episodes. It was Season 6. I just checked my onscreen program guide and they're listing this episode as Season 6, Episode 4 . Interesting. Just more thrown together filler.

Also, not only will Outdaughtered help her ratings as a lead-in, but it that show's season premiere, which will probably get good ratings. It's a two hour episode, (including their fourth birthday), and it follows an all day marathon of the previous season.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 41

I like it when there are other early morning posters! But it makes me miss Tucker's Mom, who often used to post at this hour.

Former Lurker (#40), well, after a day watching the Busbys, and then their 2-hour season premiere, by 10pm I think America will be sick of the sight of multiples. Poor Schmoopy.

SaraMRN2010 said... 42

jolie Jacquelyn said... 28
I can't seem to get the above preview clip to play for some reason. Obviously others haven't had a problem, so I wonder why.
I had to refresh this page to get it to work. Also, it is on the official TLC Instagram page if you have that.

Anonymous said... 43

FlimsyFlamsy...HaHa. I hope everyone rains on her parade. And while she’s poking and dabbing, I hope she pokes her eye out with one of her talons.


Anonymous said... 44

It’s a gorgeous day here. I’m south of Boston watching my four and two year old grandsons. We’re hanging out in the backyard. While the four year old is content to play and do his own thing, the two year old is a one-man wrecking crew. Talk about exhausting.


Anonymous said... 45

FlimsyFlamsy...I miss Tucker’s Mom too. Her posts were always so insightful. Hope everything is well with her. Back to the one-man wrecker.


Gimme Gimme said... 46


Gimme Gimme said... 47 that competitive as in on DWTS?

NJGal51 said... 48

I really hope that Mady has changed her attitude. If not she won’t have many friends unless she finds and joins the “mean girl” clique, read that as snobby, entitled sorority.

Former Lurker, having Out Daughtered as a lead in may help but the fake date show had the 90 Day Fiancé as a lead in (very popular) and more people turned it off than stayed tuned in. Her only drawing card on this one is that people might be curious to see how the kids have aged.

That striped dress that TFW is wearing during the “last supper” does nothing for her. She looks to have gained a few pounds or just got tired on not eating and gave in to her natural body type. Yes, some of the kids do look like they’ve put on a few pounds but that may just be puberty. Maybe that’s why they had so little food on their plates in the bird picture that TFW posted.

Layla said... 49

Mady's claims about dorm rooms being like prisons with tiny little windows is ridiculous. I have never seen a dorm room with a tiny window like she's demonstrating. The rooms are small, and the windows tend to be very large to give them a feeling of space. That is true of every dorm I have ever been in. Mady is going to Syracuse, and their dorms have tiny rooms and huge windows. The room they are shown in the clip is so drab--why would the school choose that particular room to show visitors? Everyone decorates their rooms and personalizes them. Everyone. Nobody just throws a blanket on their bed and leaves everything else bare. They decorate, put things on the walls and add rugs and throw pillows and personal items. My friend's daughter goes to Syracuse, and I have seen pictures of her room. It's tiny, but decorated beautifully and she put fairy lights all around her (huge) window. Mady certainly takes after her mother, doesn't she? Lies and exaggerations every time she opens her mouth.

Formerly Duped said... 50

Yeah, I don't think TFW would take kindly to the kids gaining weight! Funny Collin ( now) and Hannah look the healthiest, let alone the happiest of the kids

Ingrid said... 51

BlueJay said... 20
What on earth did she expect a college dorm to be?
Something posh and glamorous like Lori Laughlin's daughter had given to her. Maybe Kate is trying to get a company to feel bad for her kids and set them up with freebies like she got all those years.

BlueJay said... 52

I know I should hold my tongue....

But clearly Mady as a young woman does not understand or be aware or whatever of how many other young people in this world who are fortunate enough to go to college who would be grateful for just that one dorm room and how luxurious that dorm room may appear to that other person. I mean really quite honestly there are people in this room who come from places even in the US in this country not just outside this country where that dorm room looks like they hit the jack pot of luxury. It's a clean room, it has a bed to sleep it it comes with basic sheets, it's a complete roof over ones head that doesn't leak at night, it's safe that person doesn't have to you know worry about someone else coming in at the least of their worries is they don't have to share it with but one other person.

I know she grew up with 7 other siblings but it's not like she had to share that one room with all 7 of them crammed into that one room. So to someone else you know what honey that dorm room may look like a haven, a warm decent place that's not a prison cell. You don't know what someone else had to go through to earn that dorm spot in their life. Her ungrateful attitude is just my law is on the floor again ladies. Be grateful for what so have in life. Whether it's handed down to you, whether you had to share your room with a few siblings, if you parents had to serve you leftovers a few nights a week to scrape bye to make that paycheck this is ridiculous.

I went to school back in my day I got through school with two pairs of shoes, a skirt and one dress that was it that was what was afforded on the farm. My children were blessed with hand-me-downs y they were better off then I was. I don't remember them ever being that ungrateful about it. If they had been oh lord...I don't think I'd have had the strength.

Kate I'm sorry you didn't see fit to teach your children to be grateful for what they have been given how sad.

Jamesvader1194 said... 53

How will Kate explain away Hannah's whereabouts on the show?Or will she typically ignore any question in regards to that and it will force fans to see Hannah being with Jon.Which if thats the case then i wonder what excuse Kate's big fans will come up with explaining Jon being with Hannah and Collin.

NJGal51 said... 54

LOL! This person has TFW’s number.

foxy said... 55

I wonder if Skeeve was the hired driver to do the college runs. You know Katie wouldn't drive pulling a trailer. It is too much work for her. She had to bring the 2 remaining boys for unloading the goods. I see she didn't rent a mediocre U-Haul. It had to be a sleek black one.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 56

NJGal51 (#54), thanks for that link.

Awww, Mommie Dearest made a farewell dinner for the twins. So it was just the 8 of them. Oh, plus 13 crew members and endless retakes and cold food. They probably started filming that dinner right after breakfast. What a tender scene. Poke, dab.

Foxy (#55), just remember, if it's being filmed, then it's all paid for by TLC. Every dime. If there was a Tesla moving van, TFW would've booked it. And even if they do show the boys unloading a couple of boxes, there were production assistants there to do the grunt work. Because realest reality. ~ Administrator said... 57

Ugh. She’s so damn phony. The kids look so different in the clip. Between the footage and the couch interviews they look so different. Kate obviously isn’t rationing anyone’s Food. They all look pretty chunky -which is better than emaciated when she was feeding them one mini muffin and a slice of bacon and 2 strawberries on their heart plates


The danger of all this control over their food is when they are finally able to have a lot of that control back and have to make a bunch of food choices without her having much of a say, they might overeat or eat poorly in rebellion, or even if they want to eat well lack the skills to know how to. Great job, Kate. Just great. ~ Administrator said... 58

Mady's claims about dorm rooms being like prisons with tiny little windows is ridiculous. I have never seen a dorm room with a tiny window like she's demonstrating. The rooms are small, and the windows tend to be very large to give them a feeling of space.


And because of fire codes, windows are usually huge. She exaggerates just like her mother. No Mady there are no sweeping French doors, but the windows in dorms are more than adequate. You're supposed to be studying, not looking out the window. ~ Administrator said... 59

Oh and granted this was like in 1999 but I visited Syracuse and had a friend going there and those by far were the smallest rooms of the 4-5 colleges I visited. I think it was because they divided them in half. That's cool to have a bit of privacy as after awhile I found it awkward to constantly be in the same room as another girl even my friend, but a divider takes away precious space. Not sure if they're still doing that.

Kirkland said... 60

The comments on Facebook are mostly positive, hard to believe. I truly don't understand why TLC keeps giving her a show. Of course, they will have another show when the tups go to college, even if some of them aren't participating. And there will be an update to the dating show, and on and on. I wonder if TLC offered Jon his own show? You know, documenting how he rescued Collin and Hannah. That show would get great ratings! If they did, and Jon turned them down, maybe that's why they retaliated by giving the show to Kate. Heck, that makes for quite a drama, doesn't it

NJGal51 said... 61

The comments on Facebook are mostly positive, hard to believe.
They are swiffering the comments on the K+8 page. I posted a negative comment there with a link to Jon’s interview and it’s gone. Yesterday the comments on the TLC page were 90% negative. I haven’t looked at it today so I don’t know if they’ve started to swiffer there also. Some intern is working to earn OT on this!

I think TLC started filming this in the 2017/2018 timeframe when the twins were doing the college tour thing. They already had it in the can and just had to film a little more as the twins prepared to leave. I wonder if Hannah was filmed on the tour/vacation and if they’ve had to cut her out of the shots which is why this is airing so late.

Sad but true said... 62

NJGal51 said... 61

I think TLC started filming this in the 2017/2018 timeframe when the twins were doing the college tour thing.

And it's noticeable. If you go to that article on The Ashley, they have two photos of the twins, both taken from the clip. In the first, you can tell this is a younger Mady and Cara on the couch, clearly filmed around the time of the college "tour." (And I'm guessing they only went on the one, since they were getting paid to film it.) The photo toward the end of the article is recent. I am sure the differences in the kids will be noticeable, too.

When you get down to it, with all the footage they already had, they were probably able to knock off the staged "last supper" and the twins'/tups' talking heads in a day at the compound. Then of course you need another day so K8 can drone on ... and on ... and on.... I'm betting, though, that the car pulling away from the house when the twins ACTUALLY left was staged. Yes, folks, the realest reality, right here in Gosselinville.

Does anyone recall the name of the place in NC where it appeared they were on a NON-filming vacation? It was July 2017, right?

Anonymous said... 63

Welcome to being on the bottom Mady. Your a freshman. Your class will be the last to get to register for classes and pick dorm rooms this year. Next year you will be second to the last class. Your going to have to get use seniority. It is part of the workforce and many other aspects of adult life.

Andrea ~ Administrator said... 64

Considering that in his recent Guardian interview Jon claimed that in its heyday J&K+8 was the most popular show on television save for "maybe" NFL Sunday football, I don't think it's only her mother who exaggerates.


I never saw a Guardian interview with Jon where he talked about football, blog historian. Can you give us the link?

As far as his comment I'm sure he's being a bit facetious. But he's actually right. Football ratings are tanking. Some of the all-time low's have been in the 8 million range. Jon and Kate have topped 10 million in their heyday. So yeah, they actually were as popular or more popular than football.

Football did themselves in, and those of us who were poo-pooed telling them if they didn't shape up they were going to do themselves in were exactly right. Again. They chose not to listen, and now look at them. I think people finally got sick of multi millionaires spitting back in the face of the country in which they were able to became so successful. Gets old.

Go Away Kate said... 65

Does anyone else remember the Room Project episode when Kate was droning on about how the kids don't appreciate what SHE goes through? She said that when the kids are grown with kids of their own, she expects 8 phone calls saying "Mom.... I never understood!".

Now, Jon has just confirmed that Collin and Hannah have PTSD because of what Kate put THEM through. She is a horrible mother.

Sad but true said... 66

Admin, here's the link to that Daily Mail comment of Jon's:

And here's what he actually said re the NFL:

"He added: 'They wanted me to lie so they could keep their ratings. So they could keep their 11.4.

'It was the number one show in America. There's nothing out there that has 11 points, maybe NFL Sunday.

'And you won't see it again because on every channel there's a reality show now. But back then there was no competition."

Creole said... 67

Been out of the loop for over a year and come back to this. Oh Collin, we don't even know what hell you really went through. Just goes to show how strong he and Hannah really are. They are survivors and fighters and have a loving support group to help them adjust. As for Mady's usual snide comments, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it? And um, I assumed she visited campus and knew what the dorms would be like? What has she got to complain about anyways? It's a college dorm room, not the Hilton. At least she can live on campus instead of having to commute like others may have to. Some students even have a work study program, or work other jobs to supplement having to pay for room and board, books, and enrollment fees. Besides, as a student, you'll be spending a majority of the time during the day anyway in class or in the library or the labs. Oh, and big news flash Mady, in college, most professors couldn't give a flying fig whether or not you study or do your homework. So suck it up, buttercup.

Anonymous said... 68

Thanks NJGal51 for trying to post the link to Jon's interview on tlc's site. I also tried. They need to realize, this is over, Kate's lies resulting in the institutionalization of her son is way beyond "he said , she said". How complicit was TLC in the hiding of Colin from his father, in the abuse of Colin so they could keep filming?
M. ~ Administrator said... 69

So basically Jon’s comment about the nfl is 100 percent accurate. And it’s absolutely true nobody gets ratings like they did anymore. A very successful show may hit all of 3 mil.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 70

I just saw the new People magazine and didn't see any pictures or mention of Mady and Cara. But maybe something will be on the online version next week?

Anonymous said... 71

Gee, a quick peek at last week's ratings shows that the #1 cable show was...NFL football. And the #1 network broadcast show was...
NFL football. ~ Administrator said... 72

No, basically his claim that his show was the #1 show in America was 100% false. Why can't you just admit the obvious?


During the divorce it was extremely popular and broke records. This is not an exaggeration. Their ratings have blown several other shows out of the water. For context episodes during the divorce got more than The Emmys, Breaking Bad, and all of the popular late night shows. And i DID say he was being facetious, so i agree with you. Goodness, this is the point you want to die on?

Layla said... 73

No, basically his claim that his show was the #1 show in America was 100% false. Why can't you just admit the obvious?
IIRC, Jon said it was the #1 reality tv show in America--which it was for awhile. This was when RTV was just starting out, and they were the first HOM family with a show. People watched. No matter how it irritates you to say it, Jon was telling the truth.

Layla said... 74

Update on our rescue kitty--she's doing great! She spent the first few days clinging to either DS or me, but now she's tearing around the house and exploring. She loves hiding behind things and springing out at the dogs when they're not looking, and she's decided that our furniture is just conveniently-placed scratching posts. We'll have to work on that. She eats constantly, and has definitely put on some weight--she's not as emaciated as before. She recognizes all of us and when she hears someone come down the stairs or in the door she runs to greet them. We adore her.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 75

Go Away Kate (#65), I wonder if TFW ever made that "I never understood" call to her own mother? Someone who miraculously raised several children without fame and/or funding from a TV network?

The most we know about TFW's mother is that she "didn't know how to help" her, so she got deleted.

BlueJay said... 76

Layla, oh I'm going to so date myself here. But, has your foster kitten seen that commercial that used to play on television years ago that played to the music of reach out and touch someone? My pets used to play that game to with each other. My old cat who has since passed on, Smokey, would hide under the old wooden stove until our dog, Rusty, would walk by and then it became the joke, "reach out and touch someone," then take off. Used to cause havoc around the house with those two going at it. Glad to see it's still alive and well with pets these days.

I can't understand it. What child would tell their own mother, any parent for that matter that they didn't know how to help them?? That's painful to read and think you would say that. Oh how sad! You know she should be grateful for however she grew up for whatever her parents could afford her. She's done her children no favor exactly in my book how she raised them. But that's my two cents. You can be the wealthiest person on the planet and still the grumpiest meanest old person around.

Anonymous said... 77

Thanks for the update on baby kitty...such a heartwarming story. You must be so proud of your sons' kindness and gentleness. I also have all sons and having a pet cat really encourages gentleness in them. Cats love to lie on your lap for life but respond best to gentleness.

I recall Jon saying in his interview that they had the highest rated reality show. Which they did.


Sad but true said... 78

So TLC has done it again. The new K8 episode is already available on their site as an early premiere. This info was posted on the K8 FB page an hour ago. Unlike the last round, though, it looks like the new Outdaughtered show is ALSO an early premiere. I admit, I am curious as to why they're doing this.

A couple comments from FB:

XXXXX I have been a fan since day one, but these spoiled brats are terrible to their mother. They have lived a wonderful life because of her and their smart mouths are the end for me. Sorry Kate. You deserve beter.

XXXXX Some one at school will pull her down a peg or two, miss eye roll.

XXXXX I was thinking the same thing. College professors will not be impressed with her eye roll, mouth or attitude which hasn't changed since she was little. Cara on the other hand is a lovely young woman.

XXXXX the girls are so stuck on themselves

Giff said... 79

I saw this...not by my choice. All I will say is, it is Kate at her selfish best. It's not about the twins or the tups. It's about Kate. Kate over reacting while the kids, are emotionless. I don't think any of these kids will miss her when they escape. This was perhaps the most boring episode yet. It just proves Kate plus 8 is no more.

ncgirl said... 80

"Does anyone recall the name of the place in NC where it appeared they were on a NON-filming vacation? It was July 2017, right?.

Lake Norman.

Sad but true said... 81

Giff said... 79

I won't watch. But were the scenes that were filmed 2+ years ago easily differentiated between the ones done this summer? Is this bizarre timeline even mentioned at all, by anyone? Was anything said about visiting colleges besides Belmont Abbey in NC?

ncgirl said... 80

Thanks, I completely blanked on this. :)

Anonymous said... 82

The college bound episode is already up on TLC go. I watched it. H isn’t in it. They are preparing to do college tours at Belmont Abby . This is the only college shown and mentioned .The college of their choice is never revealed A producer asks where H is. And Kate admits she’s living with her dad because it was her choice. Kate looks uncomfortable and turns red. Collin is never mentioned. The 4 remaining tups have really matured . After the tour, they do some activities. Kate, the ever competitive one, gets taught a lesson by the 4. Aaden cuts her off while on the motor cars in order to prevent “ mother” from cutting him off. Kate hits a wall, fracturing her hip. The 4 , give each high fives on the couch for teaching Kate a lesson lol.
—Gigi Be

Anonymous said... 83

Then the twins are shown taking private driving lessons. Kate admits that she never taught them to drive. Mady is upset with this as she wanted to drive a year ago but mother never wanted to teach them. This is a life skill that is essential for growing up. So Kate is still treating them like infants. Kate’s excuse is because it’s too “stressful” . They fast forward to a year later. And the twins are ready to leave for college in a week.A dinner is planned. They decide to eat in the dining room, for the first time ever since living in their house. Kate has to wrap everything in plastic like they are all 4 years old. All the kids seem closer to one another then in the years past. Kate reads a letter to the twins and tearfully says how family members keep leaving. Mady mentions that they will visit. But Kate says they are leaving for the right reasons and plan to always be there for the remaining tups. Without coming out and saying it, she alludes that those have left have abandoned the family and siblings. Overall this episode was very boring. The remaining kids seemed frustrated with Kate and the twins couldn’t wait to get out of the house.
-Gigi Be

NJGal51 said... 84

A lot of the articles seem to be calling it like it is. I guess the old saying that the only bad publicity is no publicity is true in the case of TLC and TFW.

Kate Gosselin is yet to respond to allegations that she's an abusive mother.

But she has decided to try and milk an upcoming family milestone for all the attention and money that she possibly can.

You may go ahead and interpret those two statements/developments/quasi facts however you see fit.

TLC, however, has announced that a special Kate Plus Eight episode will air next week, one that will focus on Cara and Mady, the 18-year-old twins of Kate and Jon Gosselin, as they prepare for life as college freshmen.

Yes, they are finally fleeing the controlling coop.

But not before their mother does all she can to steal the spotlight as her twins go.

To be fair, of course, Mady and Cara did agree too the special, as the ofoficial trailer teases the teenagers being somewhat dismayed over the look of their dorm.

“College dorms are depressing,” Mady says. “Some of the windows are, like, this big and I feel like I’m in prison."

As for the remaining sextuplets still residing with Kate (Alexis, Joel, Leah and Aiden)?

We see in the network promo that they, too, are adjusting to life without Cara and Mady living at home, although mostly due to their mother insisting on “putting up a shrine” of the twins “like they’re dying.”

There's no direct mention of Collin and Hannah now being under the care of their polarizing father, but Kate does get emotional at point point and utter:

“We keep having family members leave. It’s a pain that’s hard. I don’t wish it on anyone.”

Kate, of course, has been back in the news of late because she and Jon signed a 10-year gag order as part of their divorce settlement in 2009.

Those 10 years are now up -- and Jon is speaking out! HARD.

Late this summer, several months after helping to get son Collin out of a special needs facility, Jon told The Daily Mail of his ex-wife:

“Kate … couldn’t deal with him. He was alone for three and a half years with no parents, all alone. It was inhumane."

Pulling nary a punch, Jon added in this interview:

“It’s time America found out the truth about Kate, she isn’t the person you think she is."

Jon went on to detail how Kate was just obessed with their family's former reality show and she lied about him having an affair back in the day.

“I know my children have suffered abuse and I know one day they’re going to tell their own story,’ Jon told DailyMail TV. “And sadly enough, I know what PTSD is. It’s really upsetting.”

Continued to former TLC personality:

"I have watched my children suffer and I have not been able to say a word. Kate wanted the gag order because she didn’t want me speaking the truth.

“I know everything. I lived it with her and without her. So I know every single thing that has transpired and what has been portrayed to the American public, it’s not all true."

Former Lurker said... 85

Layla, I love hearing about your precious little kitty. Boy, is she lucky!

Former Lurker said... 86

That's so funny that TLC already has the episode up. You would think that would depress the ratings, but maybe they figure the online ratings into the official ratings? I have no idea how this works.

Still, it might be good if someone posted about it on her IG so her few remaining fans can watch it early and not add to next week's ratings.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 87

Gigi Be (#82), thanks for filling us in. Sounds deadly dull (the show, that is -- not your description!).

It makes me sad -- and mad -- that that heifer has never served her children in a dining room THEY PAID FOR. What the eff was she saving it for -- a visit from Harry and Meghan? She has 8 kids, but only 2 birthdays to manage each year. Wouldn't that have been a lovely serve them one of their 3 meals that day in that special room? On plates without compartments?

So Kan-Do Kate couldn't take time away from planting her pepper to teach her daughters to drive? So help me, I can see her not doing it as an opportunity to call attention to Jon's absence. "That's a man's job -- too stressful for me! Did I mention I'm a single mom?"

Former Lurker said... 88

Gigi Be, thanks (I think, lol) for that info about the episode. It sounds horribly boring, and predictably all about TFW.

It's kind of weird that this episode is going to have a college tour and vacation from two years ago and then couch segments and going off to college segments from this August. That makes no sense.

We speculated about that sighting at the NC college at the time. I bet the twins had no plans of ever considering that college. It was simply a place that let them film, and it fit in with whatever little vacation TLC could plan for the episode.

I wonder if an old contract with TLC guaranteed they would film specials for significant birthdays, graduations, and leaving for college.

Speaking of graduations, it's interesting that the episode doesn't include anything about their high school graduation. Even if TLC couldn't film it, you would think it would make sense for this one episode to cover maybe a graduation party and then prepping for and leaving for college, instead of another boring vacation.

Former Lurker said... 89

Sad but true said... 78

So TLC has done it again. The new K8 episode is already available on their site as an early premiere. This info was posted on the K8 FB page an hour ago. Unlike the last round, though, it looks like the new Outdaughtered show is ALSO an early premiere. I admit, I am curious as to why they're doing this.

A couple comments from FB:

XXXXX I have been a fan since day one, but these spoiled brats are terrible to their mother. They have lived a wonderful life because of her and their smart mouths are the end for me. Sorry Kate. You deserve beter.


Two corrections to that part I bolded:

1. Their lifestyle and any material goods they've been given is not because of TFW. She has not provided for them at all. Every material thing they have is because she manufactured a HOM pregnancy, then marketed her kids and sold them to TLC. She sold their privacy and their childhoods all for "fame" and money. And, they were forced to film for hundreds of days and thousands of hours.

2. They have not lived "a wonderful life", as far as I'm concerned. What decent normal person would trade off a large house, a pool, private school, and some trips for a completely dysfunctional and fractured family? She should be utterly ashamed of the life these kids have led and the resulting mess, with I'm sure many, many more difficulties to come in life thanks to her narcissistic greed.

Anonymous said... 90

Flimsy and Former Lurker- thanks, I try :) I think you all do an excellent job putting things into words then I do.
Another thing, while the twins complained that Kate never taught them to drive, Cara explained on the couch that she wanted to help with grocery shopping. She explained that having a drivers license would help in this situation. But instead Cara and Kate would drive together, while lazy Kate would sit in the car and Cara would go inside to do all the shopping. Those kids are really going to struggle as adults I’m
-Gigi Be

Mom2two said... 91

Some thoughts
I bet Cara wanted UNC . The out of state acceptance rate is less than 10 percent. Not that Fordam is a bad school! Also Cara talked more, likely to earn that college $ . She did get snarky a few times.
Tbe twins let it slip that Kate never cooks. Likely its premade meals from the supermarket, or the kids cook.
They probably toured Belmont Abbey because they allowed filming.
Leah made it clear she dislikes Alexis.
Mady said she wanted a single. Wonder if Freshmen at Syracuse can get one.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 92

Gigi Be (#90), remember when TFW said you'd never run into her unless you were in her kitchen or at the grocery store? I guess she meant at the parking lot of the grocery store while her teenage daughter does the shopping.

JR said... 93

Couldn’t sleep so I watched it... basically pretty boring... just more overreacting on her part...those kids want “out” dare she say family members leave when she’s the one who made Collin leave... as far as the pain they’ve endured, she was the reason behind a lot of that pain... she is the most oblivious, self absorbed piece of work I’ve ever seen... she’s living in her own head about how things transpired ~ Administrator said... 94

Completely agree. Those materialistic sheeple see this as a wonderful life?? You got a pool and house and vacations but lost some siblings and a father. That’s no fair trade. Of course they’re brats thanks to Kate and I think a lot of their snotty behavior is because deep down the kids are unhappy. ~ Administrator said... 95

She avoids teaching them to drive because it gives up control. ~ Administrator said... 96

ouldn’t sleep so I watched it... basically pretty boring... just more overreacting on her part...those kids want “out” dare she say family members leave when she’s the one who made Collin leave... as far as the pain they’ve endured, she was the reason behind a lot of that pain... she is the most oblivious, self absorbed piece of work I’ve ever seen... she’s living in her own head about how things transpired


She has been saying this for years and years. Everyone leaves her. At a certain point it’s not credible that it’s everybody else’s fault. She will never see this.

JR said... 97

And wtf she’s a really lazy bitch... she would make her daughter shop for that big family while she sat in the car and did what???? She’s gotten lazier and makes those kids do all the work... she’s a real user in every sense of the word

And if you don’t want to teach them to drive

get an instructor or a friend to teach them... my freaking god.. she does nothing for those kids and only thinks about herself...they’ve earned money to buy themselves a car ... she makes me fucking sick to my stomach.. vile beyond words... those girls couldn’t wait to leave her and I don’t blame them

Also that house is always a dirty mess and she puts plastic down??? Those dogs sleep in her bed for Christ sakes... I wasn’t buying that one... let me stop before my head blows up

FlimsyFlamsy said... 98

Admin (#93), it's the easiest, laziest way for TFW to maintain her status as the perpetual victim. She doesn't realize how bad it makes her look that she is apparently unable to sustain a relationship with even 25% of her own children, let alone friends who aren't on her payroll.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 99

And it's kind of revealing that TFW has shepherded 8 kids through the same school for more than a decade and doesn't seem to have one single school mom friend.

Formerly Duped said... 100

Layla, great update on Piper. Your family seems like a great bunch!

BlueJay said... 101

I don't know why I thought of this just this morning probably because I went to my grocery store this morning where I live. While it's all well and good Kate raised her kids to her golden platter lifestyle (not really).

Her kids are probably going to struggle with the basics, I mean has she taught them: HOW to go to the grocery store like a normal person: How to shop actually, price things, I mean sure she used coupons at one time, but since she admits her children aren't IN a grocery store often, and when they did or do go to the store, they are or were ON camera, she paid with TLC's money, so therefore she didn't really have a budget? Has she taught her children HOW to budget, this brand is cheaper than this one, this item is on sale this week not next week, these fruits are per pound cheaper, this coupon is better deal than this one, it's better deal at this store than this one, there's co-ops whatever, that you actually have to go to the store with OTHER people the store doesn't you know close for you when you shop? Since these children haven't gone to a store often I wonder when their on their own if that's not really going to come as a shock to these children one day since she micro managed them so much.

When my children got older my husband and I dropped them off-heaven knows why--but we did with you know a shopping list and some money--and let them have it. Did they come back with everything? Heavens no, did they find everything? Nope. Did they try and finagle their way into buying what THEY wanted? You bet. But they learned on their own how to navigate a store, how to find what things cost how to shop on what they had, if they couldn't afford it at the register, you had to not buy everything. And you also bet they had to go back to the store if either of us weren't thrilled with the purchase.

There's going to be real rude awakening since Kate has chosen to not suck it up and take all her children to the store and teach them how to shop for food like that. I don't understand why she couldn't teach them how to be prepared on their own how to shop. I've taken all my grandchildren I'm alive it wouldn't have killed her.

I ponder if any of her children know how to USE a coupon...wouldn't that be ironic.

I await a recap of this disaster episode however that way I don't have to watch it. Not that TLC is on in my house.

Layla said... 102

Gigi Be (90)
Sounds like Cara desperately wants to be more independent, and Kate just won't give up control. I saw plenty of comments of TLC's FB saying that both girls are obnoxious, and some of their attitude has to be out of frustration over their lack of freedom and independence. They are adults now, and she refuses to let them out from under her control. Even when they try to help do things like grocery shopping, she has to be right there observing. I bet Cara, especially, is loving college. She can finally do things without her mother watching her every move.

I think Kate's extreme reaction to the twins leaving is the loss of control over them. She has always called the shots, and now she can't micromanage them. She didn't freak out over Collin leaving because that was her choice. Hannah leaving was not, which is why she went to such extremes--including physically hurting Hannah--to keep her. And there has to be some panic on her end over how she's going to continue in reality TV with only 4 kids. I didn't see any comments about the 4 younger kids, and maybe that's a good thing--maybe they don't have their older sisters' nasty attitudes--but they seem very ordinary and normal (just going by what I saw in the preview), which doesn't make for good TV.

thuvia said... 103

The trailer says 'from little girls to college bound, where did the time go" That time could have been spent in rejoicing at milestones of development, riding bikes, school accomplishments, sports, developing interests, even failures. And the nail biting that comes with driving and the relief that Mom doesn't have to do all the pick-ups and left-offs. Then when they become college bound a sense of pride is what I sensed when my four girls left the nest. How much the sad woman has missed. Her children will move on, some more successfully than others but she will be mired in her mind until she passes on. I pity her, she will never be happy and never know why.

Layla said... 104

Blue Jay (76)
My old cat who has since passed on, Smokey, would hide under the old wooden stove until our dog, Rusty, would walk by and then it became the joke, "reach out and touch someone," then take off.
Yes, Piper does that too! She loves to hide and spring out at the dogs and bat at them--then run away. The dogs tolerate it--they are so gentle and patient with her. She sleeps with DS, and every morning they run to his bedroom door looking for her, then when he opens to door they jump up on the bed and sniff her over--like they're making sure she's okay after a long night without them.

I find it funny that Aaden cut Kate off like that. She would have done that to him--or any of the other kids--in a heartbeat, and they know it. Isn't it funny that she's so competitive, yet she can't handle real life? Can't handle a real job, can't handle raising her kids, can't sustain relationships. She is completely inadequate, which is why she wants to compete with her kids. They were always too young to be able to beat her--but it looks like that has changed! Go kids!

Formerly Duped said... 105

I'm not a fan of Cara just because she is quiet and less obnoxious than her twin. She has shown some mean behavior in the past to the tups and Jamie's son. She also acts snooty and rude sometimes and seems angry. She has had her own meltdowns.And she went along with the remarks about her father being toxic and shunned him. Of course we know all this because she was filmed all through her childhood but she does not seem likeable to me- she was a bit in Mady's shadow so college will be good for her. JMO.

Sad to hear that Leah still dislikes Alexis- I was hoping with Hannah gone, the two would grow closer.

Anonymous said... 106

GigiBe...Thanks for the recap. Sounds riveting...NOT! I do, however, love the fact that the kids high-fived over Kate getting cut off. Haha!


Gayle said... 107

The twins let it slip that the crab dinner was the first meal that Kate has cooked in about a year. I guess when Mady said (I don’t remember when) that she was looking forward to not cooking (and cleaning up) for an army she wasn’t kidding. The twins didn’t sound like they were ever going to move back in with Kate. They really seem to be looking forward to being independent. Also the 4 remaining tups got a bit snarky about Kate’s crying and said that it was a bit much. Kate looks like she’s aged quite a bit and seems to have gained weight. I guess when TLC isn’t footing the bill your natural de-aging process reverses itself. She needs to go darker with the hair color because the bleached blonde look just makes her appear older.

JR said... 108

Admin... she can’t see these things because she’s a narcissist...they live inside their own head with little regard for others... in fact her mind doesn’t even “ go there”... she’s not the end of the day they typically cause a lot of damage without empathy... her heart and mind are not connected

JR said... 109

Oh my lord how will she justify being exhausted all the time?

ncgirl said... 110

"Then the twins are shown taking private driving lessons."

Did she wait for filming so TLC could pay for it?

Anonymous said... 111

Family members keep leaving? She appears to include Collin in that remark. Except Collin didn't actually "leave" initially; he was discarded because she didn't want to deal with his "issues".

Layla said... 112

Formerly Duped (105)
It's just ridiculous that so many of the G kids dislike each other. Kate never taught them how to get along or how to treat one another with respect. DH and I have always stressed to our kids that they can disagree, but they must treat one another with respect and also respect the other's opinions. It takes consistent effort, but the results are worth it. My kids all get along so well, even when they disagree. Kate was just too lazy to put any effort into it. The more I hear about her, the more lazy she seems. She always needed nannies and housekeepers, had others to clean, do their laundry, iron, plus the kids have always been loaded with chores, Cara does the grocery shopping, the kids say she doesn't cook. She didn't teach the twins to drive (which means she won't teach the younger kids to drive either). And she hasn't taught her kids tolerance or respect for others. When she says things are too stressful, that's code for "I'm too lazy to do that".

Gayle said... 113

ncgirl said... 110
"Then the twins are shown taking private driving lessons."

Did she wait for filming so TLC could pay for it?
It looked like it was a one-time lesson as a special treat while they were in NC. I could be wrong because the whole show seemed a bit thrown-together and the only way you could tell the then/now was by the hair styles. It’s a shame that the two remaining girls don’t seem to get along with each other and that is by their own admission.

Giff said... 114

I understand it would be stressful to teach your child how to drive, but what about driver's ed in school or private lessons? You are risking your child's life and the life of others by just turning them loose in a car the day they get their license.That was nothing but a control issue on Kate's part. All of these kids are going to have a difficult time in life if they don't get away from her. They are no longer of use to her now. The damage has been done and the best thing that could happen to them would be Kate realizing that and letting them go.

Layla said... 115

Gayle said... 107
The twins let it slip that the crab dinner was the first meal that Kate has cooked in about a year.
Didn't she just say somewhere that the kids are telling her to stop cooking for an army? How can that be when she doesn't cook at all? Sounds like se picks up ready-made stuff (or the kids cook), slops it onto paper plates, and then throws them away when the kids are done eating. How lazy can she get? And this is a woman who wrote a cookbook!

Anonymous said... 116

Leah “hangs out” in Mady’s room and they talk.i think it’s sweet that the age gap between the “littles” and the twins seem to be getting closer. I got the impression Leah is hurt that Alexis doesn’t want to hang out with her. But as it was mentioned by someone above, Kate never modeled tolerance and never taught them to respect each other’s differences. I strongly believe the 4 are sick of Kate and are eagerly awaiting to turn 18. Leah especially! I hope she is the next one to reach out to Jon, as well as the rest of them
-Gigi Be

Go Away Kate said... 117

Layla said... 115

Didn't she just say somewhere that the kids are telling her to stop cooking for an army? How can that be when she doesn't cook at all?


Jon said in his interview that whatever Kate says the kids say is all lies - and I believe him.

One example is the kids saying "no more fun trips?" when the show was first cancelled back in 2009. I bet Collin and Hannah had more fun on their recent summer vacations with Jon than they ever did on any of their so-called "fun trips" with Kate and the TLC crew!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 118

Giff (#114), isn't it interesting that Ms. Organic, who boasted her kids didn't know what a Dorito was, put her kids' health and well being on the back burner when it came to helping them become responsible, safe drivers?

Oh, wait, she built a deck for them for that purpose. My bad.

Roxyahelen said... 119

Leah is hurt that Alexis doesn’t want to hang out with her.

What else was going to be the result of all those years of Hannah and Leah ganging up on Alexis and leaving her out of everything? Sounds like Leah is reaching out to Alexis now that Hannah is gone. I don't blame Alexis for not being thrilled.

To be clear: Their parents shouldn't have encouraged the dynamic and should have fostered better relationship between the three younger girls (well between all the siblings). I am blaming none of the children for how it all turned out. These kids, like most children on these planet, are the result of the parenting they recieved.

just wondering said... 120

Kate seems to have trapped all of the kids together for so long that they are not only aching to be free of her, but also free of each other. None of them ever had other relatives to lean on for breathing space. There was no village raising these kids, only Kate.

There may be one child who still longs for the chance to be the the closest to her, and at one time I think it may have been Collin. I hope he never considers that option again.

Fly free, Gosselin children, fly far and be free.

Formerly Duped said... 121

I hope Leah does not take on Mady's personality! Leah was alwsy a bit bossy and mean to Alexis while sometimes Hannah would make 'allowance' for A, such as when TFW said A had to sleep alone on a couch in Maine while H and L shared bunk beds. This happened before, in Philadelphia. L and H shared a bed while A had to sleep with TFW. She really did not discourage the exclusion of A.

Layla said... 112
Layla, your kids sound great. I am glad mine, in their 20s are very close and have many fond shared memories. It must be hard with more kids and different personalities, but that's family and a parent's duty.Even Piper is now one of the gang at your house!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 122

just wondering (#120), you raise an important point. Through more than a decade of filming, these kids have spent most of their childhoods in such close physical proximity of each other, and not by their own choice. How many weekends did they sacrifice bowling parties or movie plans or a best friend's sleepover only to be stuck with a house full of crew members, waiting for their turn on the interview couch? Then sitting inches away from their siblings, answering questions for hours and hours? We've heard for years it was all okay because that was their "normal." But it was NOT normal. And I guess I can't blame some of them if they're sick of the sight of each other.

I just thought of 6 children with whom the G kids had friendships: their 4 cousins (Aunt Jodi and Uncle Kevin's kids) and Beth and Bob's 2 daughters. Those friendships ended when Mommie Dearest "deleted" those parents from her life. More collateral damage from TFW's relentless pursuit of fame and fortune. ~ Administrator said... 123

To be clear: Their parents shouldn't have encouraged the dynamic and should have fostered better relationship between the three younger girls (well between all the siblings). I am blaming none of the children for how it all turned out. These kids, like most children on these planet, are the result of the parenting they recieved.



I’m beginning to believe the biggest tragedy of all of this if the damage done among the sibling relationships. You can work through and get over child stardom, exploitation, your parents’ divorce, a narcissistic mother. But being robbed of both growing up with some siblings and the divisions created among the ones you are around? That’s forever. And I think made worse by multiples who have a special bond.

BlueJay said... 124

I think this is just a repeat. All from Kate.

Example: Kate doesn't seem all that close to her own siblings. So she seems to have taught that it's alright for her kids not to be close to each other. Or family in general. I don't know what happened to Kate to cause her to up and teach her kids that family is something that is expendable in that you can just delete them up and leave them, drop them off, move them around like chess pieces. But that's what I see from her.

As her kids become older and into adulthood on their own this is going to be their life lessons. And it is going to cost them personally as they learn other relationships: dating, long term relationships, college girlfriend relationships, professional relationships in the working world because as we all known Kate hasn't had or held a real working job where one gets up, has a boss, has equal co-workers and all that that goes with for YEARS.

What her children have experienced instead is: crew members, CREW members who leave,a bodyguard who leaves, a public divorce relationship by in which means you publicly because face it if it's public you're allowed to on television display and have some hand in whatever you want to say have a lack of real actual accountability to yourself or other people. Family members who can be banished with no ability to return, there's no boss or co-workers to report to, have a standard to instead there was TLC who could supposedly "fire her" but then have her come back, in o place in the working world once you're fired perhaps I suppose on the occasion should you sit down and work things out with a rare understanding boss---not many--are you going to back from being fired.

Her children don't have the normalcy of reality where you function---I screw up I have to put my life together, people aren't going to bend to my will in relationships, it's a two way street people aren't going to come at your beck and call if you're snippy, demanding the world isn't TLC who folds to you if you beg and say but that's how I grew up it's not fair.

Layla said... 125

Formerly Duped (121)
I agree, my kids are great. Not perfect, but pretty darn great. It takes a lot of work, lots of monitoring and intervention by the parent. I remember Kate saying something about how she doesn't intervene in the kids' fights because there are so many of them. But that's when so many "teachable moments" occur. That's the parent's opportunity to teach them how to deal with conflict in a constructive and respectful manner. You can even have some fun with it. My friend Kathy used to tell their kids (when their fighting got out of hand) that if they couldn't be respectful of one another, she'd make them sit on the sofa and hold hands. It worked! (Ahem--I may have used that one a time or two myself...).

Funny how Kate's fans always said that the kids were turning out so great due to Kate's parenting. But now that the kids are shown being nasty and obnoxious, it's not Kate's fault (awww, poor Kate!). So, all their positive attributed are from Kate's parenting and all their negative attributes are not Kate's fault--is that how it works? Alright then.

Formerly--I remember many recaps where Alexis was forced to sleep by herself, and IIRC there was one (a birthday with friends?) where nobody would sit with her and Kate just ignored her when she protested. She's used to being ostracized by the other girls by now. Didn't she say she'd rather be with the boys during their last (filmed) birthday party? And she went through the haunted house with the boys, not the girls. Kate says Aaden and Alexis are buddies, and I hope that's true. Alexis needs a friend in the family.

foxy said... 126

The younger kids have 4 more years with Kate even though they will be 18 when they are high school juniors. I remember Kate held them back From entering kindergarten so she could keep filming a lot. She said a couple of them weren't ready for school so she held them all back. Quite a few people questioned the true reasoning on this.

mel said... 127

I watched... Take aways.... We have driven 2000 miles for our daughter to see schools, they saw one and a very small one that needed exposure. I'm not certain she hit the rail so hard to have broken anything, she was well padded. My teen needs 50 hours of driving to get her license so one hour won't cut it in any state. I have two teens and I purchase the same amount of crab that she did (or TLC). She had to teach them how to eat crab so they have never had it before. She makes Cara grocery shop for her. She has no idea how much teens need to eat. She is an absolute loser of a mom if she thinks one clump of crab legs is enough! I eat two clumps my kids 4-5 clumps

NJGal51 said... 128

My son had to take Drivers Ed and Behind The Wheel in school. He also drove with me and his dad and had some privates. He also was required to have a certain number of hours before he could get his license (this is where behind the wheel came in). He had his private/highway driving lessons as an extra that his HS offered (nominal fee). The summer before he left for college he had to re-learn to drive because we got him a cute little Sidekick with manual transmission. He learned on a manual because that’s what we had at the time. Hopefully the twins are getting the training they need to be good and safe drivers. TFW probably doesn’t want them driving because she’ll have to pay the extra insurance.

Giff said... 129

I remember an episode when the kids were young, they were at a beach house and they had crab legs. She said it was one of their favorite things. She and Jon cracked them and pulled the meat out for them. Jon nicked himself on the shell and got screamed at. This show made it look like the kids haven't eaten crab legs since they were 3 years old.

NJGal51 said... 130

128 above - I meant to say that he learned on an automatic because that’s what we had at the time.

Former Lurker said... 131

My memory is a little foggy on this, but wasn't there an episode of Khate Plus 8 where she went with the kids to visit someone, (maybe an aunt and uncle?), somewhere like Maryland? I remember a clip where they went out to eat and had crab legs.

Former Lurker said... 132

This is all I could find when I did a quick check:

"Where did Kate Gosselin visit while she was in Annapolis Maryland?

While in Annapolis, Maryland, Kate Gosselin visited City Dock including the Black Dog and a few other shops.

Gosselin was filming with her twin daughters for an upcoming episode of her reality television series.

Kate Gosselin tweeted that they were visiting.Jon's aunt/uncle."


That's the episode I was talking about. I'm pretty sure they ate crab.

Former Lurker said... 133

I found Admin's recap. It was the D.C. Cupcakes episode, (the one with that paid actor outside the shop):

Recap: DC Cupcakes Visit--8/7/11

Coming up on Kate Plus 8, it’s a two for one sale on child exploitation. Otherwise known as cross promotion. Mady and Cara just happen to love the TLC show DC Cupcakes, so Kate decided to go exploit them over there.


They finally leave and pile into the limo with so many bags of cupcakes it looks like the Beverly Hills shopping montage in Pretty Woman. Embarrassing. They head to Annapolis and meet up with Jon’s aunt and uncle.


They break into some crabs. The girls love this, but Kate is shrieking of course.

Formerly Duped said... 134

They had seafood in Maine but I remember lobsters and Mady ordered one to annoy her mother at a small restaurant. Later they had a home delivery and display of how to prepare and eat them- except H and Kate- they had other seafood and I think crabs were among them so I'm sure they had them other times on the vacation. That was the one where it was obvious A and C were ostracized. And they had namecards at the 'littles' table.

Unknown said... 135

I tried to watch the debacle. As usual, she arranges for the kids to do something very dangerous knowing that all kids are afraid of heights and very conservative when it comes to adventure. I am surprised that she didn't make them all jump. These more recent episodes appear to be very low budget compared to previous and compared to the Little Couple and Busby's. The college tour looked like an infomercial. I couldn't finish. But, somehow she is still in my head. Still got to take a peak at the horror.

MzOpinion8d said... 136 ~ Administrator said... 9

I wouldn't miss recapping Kate Plus Four for the world.


New name for the show: “Fame Whore + 4”

JM said... 137

I watched it on TLC Go. I eagerly await Admin's recap! But I did want to mention one thing. In the beginning, when they are unloading the trailer in NC, the producer asks TFW about H. She says she "chose not to come; this is the 2nd time they have been there (NC) and H chose not to come" (paraphrasing here). I think she also mentions H chose to go with her father.
I believe they were spotted at Belmont Abbey in March 2018 during their school spring break so this was filmed then. The other time they were in NC was in July 2017 at Lake Norman.
So H has been choosing to go/stay with Jon since at least July 2017. I say "Go H" !!!
There are quite a few other things that the twins and tups say (some have already been mentioned) that lead you to believe things are not wonderful at home as TFW would have everyone believe.

Layla said... 138

Former Lurker (132)
While in Annapolis, Maryland, Kate Gosselin visited City Dock including the Black Dog and a few other shops.
She missed out! She didn't get to go to Chick & Ruth's to eat. It's a kind of a greasy spoon diner-type place, but they have the best crab cakes. It's very homey too. The first time I stopped (DS#3 insisted we try it out after seeing it on Diner, Drive-Ins and Dives), and we sat at a booth. Every one of the booths had a bagel hanging from a string over it. I asked the waitress what the bagels were for and she answered, "They're for the elephants". And with that I knew it was my kind of place. And they have a 6-pound milkshake on the menu. Enough said. The shops down there are so cute. We always stop at the Black Dog, and we love Hats in the Belfry.

I saw Jon driving in Annapolis once! I was leaving the Amish market there and while sitting at a stoplight I glanced into the car next to me--and it was Jon. I think his relatives live there, so he must have been visiting.

Anonymous said... 139

MzOpinion8d..Fame Whore + 4. Love it!

My memory could be off here but wasn’t there an episode a few years back where Leah said she was going to move out as soon as she could or was old enough. Please correct if I’m wrong.


Formerly Duped said... 140



Yes ! They were at the table and Leah said she would move out as soon as it was legal or something like that. Mady kind gave a sign of approval.i think it was the episode where they did the room swap but i can't recall for sure.

BlueJay said... 141

I think all this time Kate has just been lying and getting away with it.

Take for example being organic. I think being organic wasn't something she was. Because in their first filmed episode when they were filmed shopping on that Surviving Sextuplets and Twins, I do not believe that goldfish crackers are organic. It's fine if she became organic later but she seems to have been on that wave to suit a base of people just for the heck of it.

Her cooking is another. You cannot claim to be a cook if you never follow a recipe. So...what the heck is a chef doing when they come up with a recipe? Does that make them null and void? Does that suddenly discount this entire base of people? Including herself since she wrote that stupid cookbook that looks like the just copied and pasted a bunch of recipes that I looked through you can just get online anyway?

If she spends so much time in the kitchen cooking organically from scratch, why are her children the ones cooking huge pots of food for example? How do you spend all your time cooking if you haven't cooked in a year?

Why would you send your son a Psychiatric hospital when I do not believe it is such a disorder? Wouldn't that be an out right lie now since she's been outed by her ex husband?

If she was not inspired by as I learned the woman who had those septuplets, the McCaughey septuplets, can you call it a coincidence that she named two of her children the exact same name as two of the McCaughey children--Alexis and Joel?

I also question she has done this "special" not because she owes viewers anything but because she simply needs the money and TLC is the only place she knows where and how to get money pure and simple because getting a regular job nobody would hire her these days.

JoyinVirginia said... 142

Popping in to say Hi everyone! Admin, I wish you the best in recapping the upcoming episode. MzOpinion, the new title o.jf Fame Whore Plus 4 is terrific!

Layla said... 143

Re: post 138,
Sorry, it wasn't Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives, it was the one with the guy who does all the food challenges. Chick & Ruth's has one where you consume a 6-pound milkshake and I think a 3-pound sandwich and you get your meal for free and your picture on the wall if you can do it. DS#4 decided he wanted to try it once. He didn't get far. Lucky for him he has a family of ice cream lovers who were more than happy to help him get through that milkshake. Anyway--if anyone here ends up on Main Street in Annapolis, stop in and have a crab cake sandwich. You won't regret it.

pooshanellagoober said... 144

Speaking of the organic lifestyle that TFW spouted. I think she was probably trying to get in the good graces of her sisters who are big into the organic way of eating. She probably needed them for something, so she all of a sudden joined in their ways of eating organically. (right now the sisters are all on an anti-vaccine crusade. I wonder if this has even crossed TFW's path -- she could blame her troubles (and perhaps C's incarceration
on vaccines!).

Sad but true said... 145

I'm very surprised that there has apparently been no mention of tomorrow's crapfest in People. As we know, TLC and People entered into some sort of relationship a year or so ago, under which, I presume, there would be "marketing"-like stories of all the TLC shows. Yet as of right now, nothing from People on tomorrow's episode, and they completely ignored Jon's end-of-gag-order ruminations. Is this a sign they are finally done with K8? I can't believe they would revisit the dating show format. The potential pool of suitors is just not that deep, LOL.

ncgirl said... 146

"She says she "chose not to come; this is the 2nd time they have been there (NC)"
They've been to NC on the show three times. The Outer Banks, Bald Head Island, and Lake Norman.

Anonymous said... 147

I am so surprised People does not have their usual supportive story on Kate's show yet. I believe now that we all have Collin's heartbreaking letter stating that Kate abused him the situation has changed. How many times has People written that Jon is "toxic". I like to think they are horrified that Kate's lies and manipulations are now public knowledge.

Former Lurker said... 148

We'll never know, of course, but I'd like to think that there was a People cover planned with Mady, Cara, and TFW promoting this milestone episode of the twins leaving for college. With all the recent bad news about the evil witch's treatment of Collin, maybe TLC finally wised up and decided to throw this single episode on the air without promoting it at all.

Plus, it sounds like a cheap, haphazardly thrown together episode with segments taped a year or two years ago with some new stuff thrown in (leaving for college). It must be killing her that she's getting this treatment from TLC. And, that's after her last "season" being just three episodes that aired over two years ago. TFW knows that her glory days are long over.

bjm19047 said... 149

I am wondering if TFW has a non-disclosure agreement with all of the students at the colleges?

FlimsyFlamsy said... 150

Former Lurker (#148), yeah, you know Schmoopy wasn't thrilled that TLC made this such a low-budget affair. No airfare, no closed attractions. The crab sounds like the most expensive part of the episode. Bwahaha!

Giff said... 151

Khate has not promoted this at all. Nothing on Instagram, very little from TLC. I don't know how anyone could find watching this enjoyable or nostalgic after reading a plea for help from her son written in crayon. Sure, she threw in the obligatory clips of all the kids as babies...her poking Collin's little belly, Hannah folding clothes but it's too little too late. She no longer is in control of the narrative and she knows it. Hopefully, she goes away after this and the kids can get the help they need.

ncgirl said... 152

She didn't get the PR trip with Skeeve?

FlimsyFlamsy said... 153

TLC has plenty of other families to keep viewers interested. There are several Duggar babies on the horizon, plus Roloff babies and Amy Roloff's wedding. And their current marquis family the Busbys, who are super media savvy and ready to milk their 15 minutes for all its worth. In other words...Kate Who?

TFW's desperation gives TLC all the power in their relationship. Like the poor side piece she is, she'll wait by the phone for their call. And when they say jump, she'll ask how high. ~ Administrator said... 154

Fame Whore Plus 4 is terrific!


Paper plate award for that.

Giff said... 155

I hate how her fanatics are treating Hannah and Collin. They actually put the blame on the children instead of Kate's horrible choices. To try and spread rumors about minor children to protect some woman they don't even know is sick. To label one as bad, and insinuate things about a 15 year old girl based on the way she dresses is disturbing. They are children and do not deserve that. Kate needs to disappear and take the psychos with her. ~ Administrator said... 156

She says she "chose not to come; this is the 2nd time they have been there (NC) and H chose not to come" (paraphrasing here). I think she also mentions H chose to go with her father.


What kid chooses to ditch a vacation even in a divorced family???

Hannah doesn't even live with Kate anymore even some of the time in order to go on any of these trips to be something she would even be a part of.

And I'm calling it right now, I don't believe Hannah even knew about the trip. I think Kate punished her by not even telling her it was an option, and she'll continue to punish her for her "choice" to live with Jon.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 157

ncgirl (#152), I wouldn't rule anything out just yet. She always seems to get her botoxed mug on one of the entertainment shows. But I don't think there's fish in paper anymore. Except maybe a McDonald's Filet O Fish.

Since she hasn't bothered to promote the dang show, do you think she'll live tweet while it airs? Or is she too scared of questions about C and H? Maybe she'll just have a quiet viewing party with her new BFF Brownie, a box of wine and some stale cereal. ~ Administrator said... 158

The trailer says 'from little girls to college bound, where did the time go"


Funny, I have found their childhoods painfully long, boring and slow. ~ Administrator said... 159

Tbe twins let it slip that Kate never cooks. Likely its premade meals from the supermarket, or the kids cook.


It's unbelievable how full of shit Kate is.

When Jon explained that she lies, he wasn't joking. ~ Administrator said... 160

Your recollection is incorrect. He claimed that it was the top rated show in the country. No qualifiers.


People aren't robots and don't typically speak with the precision of a grad school statistics thesis. But since Jon does not normally exaggerate, I think we can let this one go.

People are funny that way.

Sad but true said... 161

Giff said... 155
I hate how her fanatics are treating Hannah and Collin. They actually put the blame on the children instead of Kate's horrible choices.

Perhaps even worse, I've seen a few actually claiming that Hannah is living at Jon's because Kate ALLOWED HER TO CHOOSE! I guess they didn't read about the year+ of turmoil, physical trauma, public humiliation, and lawyers+court costs that K8 put Hannah/Jon through in order to STOP her from choosing dad. Some of her fans are so blind, it's shocking they can find their way to her FB page to contrive this bullshit.

Sandylove said... 162

I just read that Amy Roloff's mother passed away. How sad for her. Sounds like she was there with her in Michigan when she passed.

Gee, do you think Kate will care when her mom passes, or be by her side beforehand? (Amy's mom was in the hospital).

Sad but true said... 163

TLC did post a second trailer on the K8 FB page at about 8 pm this evening.

"Will it be separate schools for these talented twins? Check in with Mady and Cara on an all-new #KatePlusEight special TOMORROW at 10/9c."

Nothing has gone up on the TLC page today (they have only the first trailer up as posted on the K8 page on 09/24). ~ Administrator said... 164

Sorry to hear about Amy’s mom. It surely was not easy to raise a dwarf child especially back then but she talks about how her parents forced her to do what everyone else was doing and wouldn’t let her feel sorry for herself. They raised a fine woman who went on to become a darn good mother herself.

Anonymous said... 165

Giff, O hate the way people talk about her clothing choices. When I saw her picture, my first thought was about how healthy she looks. It looks like she is athletic. It's great that she had that athletic outlet.

Adults who sexualize her outfits are part of the problem. They perpetuate the rape culture.


Kirkland said... 166

Was the show on tonight? Usually they show it again later the same evening, but I noticed it's not on again. It's not even on On Demand. It's like the episode doesn't exist.

Jamesvader1194 said... 167

I don't know how long youtube is gonna keep this video up but i looked up kate plus 8 on youtube and the first result i got was what appears to be the new episode.

T. said... 168

This episode is even more manufactured than usual. Here's a link to it on YouTube. It's not affiliated with TLC so I'm not sure how long it will take for it to get taken down, but in the meantime you won't be giving TLC any clicks or adding to their ratings.

Here is a great recap of the episode on YouTube. The person who posted it also has a couple of other Gosselin videos and there's no doubt that she has Kates number.

A few highlights:
Steve was definitely on the NC leg of the trip. You can clearly see him helping Kate get out of the go cart and walking away after she gets hurt. She was overly dramatic to say the least.

All of the kids only refer to Kate as "mother", and affection is a rare commodity in that family. They actually shirk away from her and look very uncomfortable whenever she tries to show affection or hug them. Their disdain and dislike for their mother is readily apparent.

I think that the crab fest was catered, and showing Kate cooking the crab was only for show. She even goes out of her way to say how expensive it is, so I suspect it was on TLC's dime. Additionally, why does she have to teach the six tablets how to crack open the crab if it's a "favorite meal ? This might be actually BE "a rare treat".

I found the entire show to be very sad. It's clear, that this is a very broken and unhappy family.

AnnieBelle1109 said... 169

I thought her final comment of the College Bound was chilling. She ended with something along the lines of “...I’m still here...and I always will be.” It seemed to be a more spiteful comment directed at her “haters” than a loving mother’s reassurance to her children.

Formerly Duped said... 170

Thanks for the links, guys. I skimmed through this. I noticed the kids call TFW Mother now...but she still calls the tups the 'little kids.' Leah seems bitter. Mady said she would never miss Leah or Alexis but didn't mention the boys or the 'missing' kids. Mady's voice drives me crazy, that nasal affected droning... Old clips did include C and H.It just all seemed so forced and dysfunctional

FlimsyFlamsy said... 171

AnnieBelle1109 (#169), if you're new here, welcome!

Yeah, that sappy sentiment sounds more like a jab at the haters. I wonder how C would feel to hear those words -- "I'm still here, and I always will be" -- from the woman who removed him from his home, and didn't even bother to show up for his custody hearing. She's only playing the part of a loving, caring mother on TV. She is a horrible mother.

Sad but true said... 172

First photo up on K8's IG. Out of the ordinary for her to post so early and risk so much negativity.

College and Crab! Catch it on KATE PLUS 8.. TONIGHT on @tlc 10/9c. #KatePlus8 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀 See you there!!!!!

Lorrie said... 173

Kate has finally offered a half hearted promo for the show tonight on her IG. She posted about an hour ago & has already received almost 2700 likes. 🙄

roxyhelen said... 174

I hope to God Collin and Hannah never see this episode and never read any recaps. That's all I'm going to say. The final 5 minutes are chilling and horrifying.

Lorrie said... 175

"She only posts something when she needs us to watch her show😾👎🏼"... LOL, at least someone on IG can see the light.

NJGal51 said... 176

I had to laugh at this comment on her IG post...

Xxxxxx Hope in UK we only got two episodes of your dating adventures then TLC stopped it??????

At least TLC UK knows when to cut bait. The FW+4 is not answering any questions and Brownie hasn’t popped in yet. I don’t know about the crab fest, but it looks like there’s quite a bit of shell in that bowl. 🤢

Layla said... 177

FlimsyFlamsy said... 157
ncgirl (#152), I wouldn't rule anything out just yet. She always seems to get her botoxed mug on one of the entertainment shows. But I don't think there's fish in paper anymore. Except maybe a McDonald's Filet O Fish.
Today is the day, and I haven't heard of a single promotional appearance. That's a good thing. Judging from the YouTube video Mady posted, they are really given the red carpet treatment when they're promoting the show. Maybe TLC learned from K+D8 that the money they spend on something like that is wasted. The Gosselins just can't deliver anymore.

That household just sounds sad. I read here that M&C said (on K+D8) that their mother wasn't affectionate. None of the kids seem to like their mother, the kids don't seem to like each other. The boys always seemed close, so hopefully that's still true. The kids have made it clear that their mother doesn't do much of anything. She never cooks. Kate goes back to bed after dropping them off at the bus (I can't remember which recap that one was from, but I think the boys said it). The kids do loads of chores. All Mady has ever known is work. It's clear that Kate does very little while the kids are loaded with work in addition to supporting their mother. I bet the twins are so happy to get out of there and focus on their own lives.

Formerly Duped said... 178

Sad that Leah and Alexis don't speak to one another...maybe one will move into the twins' old room.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 179

"College and Crab." Yeah, Schmoopy, your daughters couldn't wait to leave for college to get away from you, you big, botoxed crab.

Nicky said... 180

roxyhelen said... 174
I hope to God Collin and Hannah never see this episode and never read any recaps. That's all I'm going to say. The final 5 minutes are chilling and horrifying.

AGREE 100%! And even more chilling is the fact that there was absolutely no emotion from the kids with her saying that. If she says that on camera, what is she saying in private??

Carole said... 181

I'm embarrassed to admit it, but while watching an interview with an employee of Teen Mom, Amber Portwood, about Amber's 'alleged' domestic violence against her baby-daddy on 7/4, the vlogger talks about doing an episode about TFW, the college bound episode, Collin and the divorce. I haven't listened to much of it yet, but the blogger says she's going to do more video blogs about TFW and discuss Robert's book, more about Collin, etc. I don't know if the blogger has any good sources, inside stories, for the videos about TFW like she does about Amber, though.

Here's the YouTube link to the WithoutaCrystalBall's episode about TFW, if you're interested:

foxy said... 182

That bowl of crab shells looks like their is a lot of crab meat in those shells. I wonder if they really know how to eat those crabs. The King crab legs, if that is what TLC purchased, are super easy to get the meat from the shell and eat it. We have the rock crabs and sand crabs and they are a little more work but just as easy to crack the shells and get all the meat out.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 183

Formerly Duped (#178), oh, I don't think Mommie Dearest will risk upsetting key cast members Mady and Cara by giving up either of their dressing rooms in their absence. Those girls wield lots of power, and at least one of them knows it.

foxy said... 184

I doubt Leah or Alexis will move into one of the twin's rooms. Isn't Kate making those rooms into shrines? Maybe one of them will become one of the cellar dwellers and occupy Collin's former space.

Turtle said... 185

I watched some of the video. What was interesting was not once but twice TFW tried to hug Mady and Mady pulled away from her. TFW had to settle for awkwardly stroking Mady's hair. It was so odd. It was like TFW showed affection when the cameras were rolling and no affection when there weren't cameras. And Mady wanted no part of TFW false affection.

Anonymous said... 186

It's good that TLC catered the crab. I have no doubt that TFW would have over cooked it and not add enough salt to the water. Over cooked crab is rubbery. Under salted crab has no flavor. There is a crab shack near TFW called She's Got Crabs. I found it while I was over there on a business trip. I saw a sign for it and knew I had to visit. The crab is amazing. It's seasonal crab from MD.

I am in Oregon. I am counting the days until November when crabbing season starts again in Newport. It's a fun way to spend a Saturday.


Lorrie said... 187

Still nothing from People magazine. Usually by now they’d at least have a blurb up, complete with a bunch of exclamation marks for effect. I suppose it’s unlucky for Kate that her little show was scheduled for the first couple of days after the Bieber/Baldwin wedding. People currently has six different articles related to that on their site. No room to pay any attention to the Gosselin’s, I suppose!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 188

Turtle (#185), many people have commented on how the kids seem indifferent, or even wary, about their mother's expressions of affection. In C's case, it might actually have been PTSD. Even when they were pudgy little adorable toddlers, she was not particularly touchy-feely with them. Jon was the affectionate parent. And knowing what we do about her personality, I bet she was jealous of that.

I remember one specific instance of TFW being playfully affectionate, but it was transactional. They were about to fly somewhere, and she got J -- whom she dubbed "the forgotten tup" -- to agree to sit next to her. That meant she'd have peace and quiet, because he wasn't going to need anything from her. And she scooped him up and turned him upside down while he giggled.

NJGal51 said... 189

That bowl of crab shells looks like their is a lot of crab meat in those shells.
LOL! Well that will teach me to put my glasses on when looking at the picture. I thought it was just crab meat with a bunch of shells in it. Now I see that it it the shells and they have yet to take the meat out.

Thanks for that link Carole. That vlogger has the FW+4’s number.

Anonymous said... 190

It just like Kate to post a mediocre, half eaten crab shell pic, while doing zero in promoting this episode up till now. It’s apparent that she doesn’t care once her check from TLC has cleared.
Gigi Be

BlueJay said... 191

I can't be the only one here to finds it....uncomfortable....or just flat out strange? That these children call her MOTHER. That's just so formal, and WEIRD.

Right? I mean when I was raising my children and now I hear it from my grandchildren they will say "Mother" in sarcastic tone or when they've been embarrassed by something I've done or whatever as a joke or something like that but I have never been addressed as mother by any of MY children, ever. For any reason.

Saying mother sounds like you are not close at all.

Former Lurker said... 192

I bet TFW knows this is just one lousy episode and she's not going to get many more "specials". I figure that at most, there will be two or three more specials over the next several years. Even though there are just four kids left, she'll probably get a 16th birthday special filmed next spring that will air next summer or fall. After that, the years 2021 and 2022 have no special occasions going on while the younger four are in high school and the twins are in college.

After the16th birthday in spring of 2020, TLC probably won't film again until spring of 2023 when the younger four finally graduate high school, (at age 19), and the twins graduate college. They might be able to squeeze two or three episodes out of that, especially if they cover the younger kids going off to college.

So, I think it's finally dwindling down but definitely not completely over for a few more years.

A three episode "season" in the summer of 2017, followed by one special episode in October 2019, and possibly a special episode (16th birthday) in the summer/fall of 2020, followed by a possible two or three episodes three years later in 2023 is surely not a "reality TV career". Time to get a real job, TFW.

lurking said... 193

T. said... 168
This episode is even more manufactured than usual. Here's a link to it on YouTube. It's not affiliated with TLC so I'm not sure how long it will take for it to get taken down, but in the meantime you won't be giving TLC any clicks or adding to their ratings.

Here is a great recap of the episode on YouTube. The person who posted it also has a couple of other Gosselin videos and there's no doubt that she has Kates number.


Thank you! She's awesome! I love the way she points out that not one person mentioned Collin. Not one! Not to mention, I was thinking how when C left she was all matter of fact, oh well he's where he needs to be it's like college but when her kids are really going to college she's boo hooing. Or talking about Hannah leaving. But Collin has been disappeared. What a bitch

mel said... 194

I don't think the crab was catered... they were way over cooked! A perfectly cooked crab leg should slide right out of the shell. Although I didn't see the corn or potatoes on the table the corn in the pot looked overcooked as well. I find it telling that they all call her "mother" and as a "mother" I think it's sad that the kids can't mention Collin or Hannah. She also looked angry when asked about Hannah, like why is "she" mentioned!?

foxy said... 195

If they film the younger kids going to college, how will she explain only 4 of them? That they chose to live with their dad so they aren't a part of the big off to college thing?

Former Lurker said... 196

MzOpinion8d said... 136

New name for the show: “Fame Whore + 4”


That's perfect!

Anonymous said... 197

FlimsyFlamsy....179. Comment of the day girl! Love it!


Former Lurker said... 198

Didn't TFW always refer to herself as "Mommy" and claim that's what the kids called her? She wanted to make them appear as young as possible, as long as possible.

Formerly Duped said... 199

MzOpinion8d said... 136

New name for the show: “Fame Whore + 4”

Yes ! I was scrolling back for that comment and couldn't find it. Definitely should be the name for the recap.

Former Lurker said... 200

I don't eat crab, but I do surf a lot of cooking blogs and I have to say that her IG pic is just gross. She truly sucks at everything.

The latest comments:

Crossing my fingers it's a full season 🙌

Wow! Why was this not advertised at all? Or was it but I just missed it?! I'll be watching! Thank you, Kate, for the heads up.

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