Thursday, October 10, 2019

A judge ruled in 2018 that 'involvement of the children in filming is not in their best interests'

Jon says Kate and TLC violated Judge Rowley's order by allowing the children to be filmed for the College Bound episode last week. Documents from the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry from June 2018 show they denied TLC's requested permits as a direct result of Judge Rowley's order. The children's guardian at litem also did not support filming and worried Kate may have squandered the children's money.

More of the judge's wise comments:

"Based on the limited information available - and in large part because of Mother's and her counsel's repeated failure to provide further information to Father, the guardian ad litem, and the Court - the Court concluded that involvement of the children in filming is not in their best interests....Though several of the children indicate they enjoy filming, one does not and is experiencing physiological symptoms apparently brought on by the general stress of the custodial disputes, and another is in a facility undergoing treatment for mental and emotional issues tied in part to the filming and fame. It is reasonable to be concerned that one or more of the children who currently claim to enjoy filming may at some point suffer negative consequences they cannot foresee now as young teenagers. 
"As the guardian points out, even those children who do not participate in the filming may be negatively affected by the show continuing without them. Indeed, the statements of several of the children to the effect that they need filming to survive, that it is their normal way of life, and that it feels weird not to film, although apparently intended to make filming seem innocuous or positive, raise concerns in the Court's mind as to whether continued filming is healthy for these children. Having a staged second birthday is hardly the normal activity that would occur absent filming....Taken altogether, the Court was faced with limited information, failures by Mother and her counsel to provide more information, real concerns about the mental and emotional effects of filming, and no way to determine whether those concerns are offset by the financial 'benefits of filming. The Court, therefore, concluded filming was not in the children's best interests.

526 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 526   Newer›   Newest» ~ Administrator said... 1

. Indeed, the statements of several of the children to the effect that they need filming to survive, that it is their normal way of life, and that it feels weird not to film, although apparently intended to make filming seem innocuous or positive, raise concerns in the Court's mind as to whether continued filming is healthy for these children


LOL, Mother is such a dumb-dumb. You told the kids to tell the judge they need filming to survive, it's normal and it's weird not to film, and that's the very reason the judge thinks filming is so F-ed up. Kate, you're a doofus.

Thank you Judge Rowley and the GAL for finally saying what Jon and the rest of us have tried to say for a damn decade.

Any Jon haters left? Speak now or forever hold your peace.

I like how she is referred to as "Mother." That's all she is, just their bio "Mother." ~ Administrator said... 2

No finally means no, schmoopy.

She could lose custody over this little stunt. Judge Rowley ain't gonna like his carefully crafted orders to be spit upon.

PatK said... 3

Kate coached them well on needing filming to survive.

What a piece of trash she is. ~ Administrator said... 4

Kate coached them well on needing filming to survive.

What a piece of trash she is.


Yeah good coaching there, trash.

Finally a judge realized wait isn't it kind of unhealthy for a kid to think he needs to be filmed to "survive"? Shouldn't kids not be worried at all about "surviving" in general? WTF!

Rhetorical question. Of course it's f-ing unhealthy.

Jon, go back to court with this violation and go for full custody with monitored visits for Kate. She cannot be trusted to keep the children safe as per a judge's directive.

BlueJay said... 5

He pointed out that Kate admitted that the children would never film their real birthday and instead film birthday episodes a month later.

'Having a staged second birthday is hardly the normal activity that would occur absent filming

Realest of reality show there Katie? You might want to just come clean there dear.

Sad but true said... 6

WOW. Maybe finally there will be some clarity on what's really going on. I can believe Kate would pull this shit, because she thinks she can get away with everything, but TLC? What are they thinking? After the court in 2018 ruled that the two parents BOTH have legal custody, how could they think they'd get away with this? What sort of fine will be levied? And if they don't comply after being fined, can anyone go to jail?

This comment by Jon is killer:

'At the end of the show Kate said that kids keep leaving - kids don't keep leaving, you threw one out. Institutionalized one. So he didn't leave on free will, Collin was kicked out of your house, thrown into an institution, mentally abused by you and the institution, so he didn't leave. Let's just put that on there. My daughter Hannah, she did leave and she chose to live with me.'

Yes, Jon, tell it like it really is.

"In his latest interview he added: 'You know what the saddest part is? Not only did she cut Collin out of her life and institutionalized him, abused him physically and mentally, she publicly cut him out of a photograph on Instagram and that picture is everywhere.

'So now when he Googles it, he sees all his siblings on his mother and then him purposely cropped out of the photograph.

'So now he's truly segregated from the family. And the only thing that people write about is Hannah's left the show. But what about Collin?'"

Absolutely incredible. This whole freaking story. This ought to give these other multiple families under contract to TLC a very long pause.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 7

Radar's got the story. Heifer.

PatK said... 8

The Daily Mail article mentions that the matter was appealed to the Superior Court...which I assume is still pending?

Lynn W. said... 9

About time and WTG! Looks like Jon's team is on the ball and things may change quickly. I think it will take a while for the 4 still in Kate's grip ... I mean custody ... to come to terms with their father, Hannah and Colin.

Anonymous said... 10

Admin.. Jon mentions TLC would pay the fine. Let’s say that happens.. can Kate keep defying a court order & keep paying fines if she continues to film kids? Can Jon then sue her for violating his right as a parent & when on to defied him? Please explain.. your the smart one. Again, sorry for anonymous.

BlueJay said... 11

So what is this all exactly going to mean for Kate?

One, that TLC is just going pay the fine and she's going to just going to continue to film as she always has and dismiss Jon regardless as if nothing matters?

Two, that if he does take her to court over this that TLC will really have to stop filming her and another custody battle will begin over the four remaining children? In which case would mean that Kate would lose basically everything? Her her children, the house, her "career" and need to get an actual job?

Formerly Duped said... 12

I am cautiously optimistic that Kate will pay the price for exploiting and abusing her children and breaking the law. I mean, a lot of this was out in Robert's book and nothing was done by CPS or this GAL who doesn't seem to know much, or anyone else. I doubt the kids would be able to just go to Jon's- they have been brainwashed and are at an age where they can decide where they live. It's going to be messy.I hope for the best though! I did post that Kate cropped Collin out of the TLC picture she put on her IG. She just is an amoral creature.

Sad but true said... 13

PatK said... 6
The Daily Mail article mentions that the matter was appealed to the Superior Court...which I assume is still pending?

I got the sense that it is still pending. But since the PA Labor Dept denied the permits, the fact they were waiting for a higher court to rule should not be a defense for Kate/TLC. They clearly violated PA regulations by not having a valid permit for the kids at the time of filming.

I am a little confused about the eight permit applications. By the time they filmed that NC trip, Hannah was almost certainly living with Jon (she wasn't on the trip) and Collin was still in exile. So why eight?

foxy said... 14

Mady (Kate Jr.) has a write up in Intouch and a heavily photo-shopped picture of herself. I didn't even recognize her. She isn't going to let go of this "fame" quietly. What a mess these poor kids have in their lives. Katie sure did brain wash them. I think there is hope for Cara. She has always been a private person. Maybe one or more of the remaining 4 will also jump ship.

Terri said... 15

Seems to me like Jon would have a very good lawsuit against TLC and Kate. I hope he sues the pants off both of them. ~ Administrator said... 16

I got the sense that it is still pending. But since the PA Labor Dept denied the permits, the fact they were waiting for a higher court to rule should not be a defense for Kate/TLC. They clearly violated PA regulations by not having a valid permit for the kids at the time of filming.


That's right, the appeal is irrelevant. The current court order stands unless the Court of Appeal says otherwise. You can ASK the Court of Appeal to temporarily stay or modify a lower court's order, so Kate would have had every opportunity to ask for such a thing. In fact the letter even invites TLC to please produce a court order that contradicts the April 2018 order. Without that, they were bound to deny the application and TLC knows it, and had no right to film without their permission.

I also hope he sues, and TLC has to pay him back every last red cent they ever stole from him ten years ago.

kris said... 17

So much for Mady wanting to be anonymous and blend in at school, huh? She is going to turn out to be a liar, just like her mom. ~ Administrator said... 18

I mean, a lot of this was out in Robert's book and nothing was done by CPS or this GAL who doesn't seem to know much, or anyone else.


I think this GAL is a different person, and she helped to get filmed banned this time around and raised the issue of money. Kate defied the order but that wasn't the GAL's fault. This GAL is the best the kids could ever hope for. She gets shit done. ~ Administrator said... 19

Admin.. Jon mentions TLC would pay the fine. Let’s say that happens.. can Kate keep defying a court order & keep paying fines if she continues to film kids? Can Jon then sue her for violating his right as a parent & when on to defied him? Please explain.. your the smart one. Again, sorry for anonymous.


Worse than that. It's a judge's order. He can send her to jail for contempt for refusing to follow it. He can take the kids away. He can also fine her in addition to the labor dept. fining her. I'm not sure if violations of an agencies' rulings are criminal in PA but they could be.

That wasn't "pretend" directives, Kate Gosselin. Those were real this time.

Jon can also pursue an injunction forbidding her from doing what she is doing. That's almost like a restraining order and she can be thrown in jail for.

It's the big time, now, Kate. The big time. She is already eligible for jail for what she did because what she did was in contempt of a judge's order.

It's not just a fine this time, Schmoopy. It's jailtime.

Sad but true said... 20

And what's with Kate and/or her attorney refusing to present financial info to the GAL? Was she court-ordered to produce it? How does she get away with this BS?

I do wonder if TLC is going to stand up with her again this time. They may just decide to pay the fine and walk away. Who needs this kind of image-shattering publicity for a show that hasn't broken a million viewers in years?

Sideline Observer said... 21

Now that it looks like TFW is being backed into a corner, is this enough to bring in the forensic accountants?

Is this also enough to order up a psych eval on TFW? It's about time she had an official diagnosis.

Lorrie said... 22

I’m so glad Collin has his dad in his life to defend him. Jon is calling it like it is. Collin’s mother abandoned him & wrote him off, not the other way around. As for Kate, she is a cruel, cruel woman. I hope this is finally it for her.

Giff said... 23

Who the hell does she think she is??? When is she going to be held accountable for the damage she has done to her own children?

Wowser said... 24

It would be just desserts if heifer went to jail (institutionalized and banished like she did to her son), Jon got a huge pay off from TLC and he and Colleen and her kids and the remaining 6 stay in the McMansion.

JM said... 25

So the April 5 2018 order that TFW filed her appeal on too late so her appeal was denied, was for joint legal custody of all the kids not just Hannah as we thought. Wow!

Turtle said... 26

If by some miracle and TFW goes to jail, who would visit her? She has banished those that don't know how to help her and those that are no longer of use to her.

NJGal51 said... 27

Reservations have been made for the FW+4 at the Karma Cafe. There is no menu as you get what you deserve!

I am so glad that the gag order has finally been lifted and all that we suspected and speculated on all these years is being proven to be true.

I guess her woe is me missive about all the hard times the kids have been going through is because their father was fighting for what was best for them. She knows that she can’t carry a show on her own and with 2 in college and 2 living with Jon she needs the final 4 and Jon is taking that possibility away too. I shudder to think what she must be filling their heads with now that this article has been published. I hope that the judge holds her in contempt.

Lynn W. said... 28

Oops, I inadvertently misspelled Collin's name (forgot an "l"). I'll do better next time around, Collin.

Anonymous said... 29

I can well imagine TLC paying any fine and saying 'good'bye' but that leaves TFW eligible for jail time and the loss of the four tups living with her. I fear for the "several" children who indicated they "need to film to survive". That clearly was not in the script TFW gave them to read.


Lorrie said... 30

Us Weekly has picked up the story. The more people who learn about this atrocity the better.

BlueJay said... 31

The thought of a real job must have Kate scared out of her mind really as I think about it, never mind the possibility of going to jail o the table.

I mean she hasn't had a job since when 2007? Someone correct me if I'm wrong on that. Having to get up--no more getting up and then going back to bed. Having to report to a boss. Actually know what you're doing. Be responsible for herself, be accountable if she screwed up. No more just relaxing while other people do things for her all day. Then having to run errands after work, then go home, cook dinner, do laundry, clean the house, the dishes, you know all the normal things everyone else always does or did who has a normal job. 5 days a week, occasionally 6 days depending on the type of job.

You get a regular paycheck every two weeks and you live off just that. You pay your bills on just what you make. No extra thrown in unless you live on you know real coupons. You get maybe one vacation every year or few years if you save for it depending on the type of job and its income. No Nobu fish and paper, no nails done, no hair extensions, nothing fancy.

The horror of that would have her speechless. I might go out and splurge on popcorn. That's called a splurge Kate for some people.

Wowser said... 32

I am going to guess that TLC is going to cut TFW out like a cancer after this. It’s all about money. They no longer control Jon, the kids are deflecting, there’s nothing left for TLC with TFW but bad press and the threat of LOSING money. She’s toast. They will spit her out like a bad taste in their mouth. She’s gotta be poopin in her unnerwares.

JM said... 33

This from the GAL is just scathing!
"It is troublesome to me that this family has been working in this industry for at least seven (7) years but is dependent upon this contract to survive."

Sue said... 34

She’ll never get a real job because she’s probably got money well hidden in various accounts and investments. Didn’t Jon say that she had 10 separate accounts at one point? Steve’s wife was working for some investment firm so I’m sure that advice was given.

Pam said... 35

I would love it if Khate had to give Jon the house and he sold it because it was too much and then he and Colleen and the kids picked out a new home. Khate living in a studio apartment would be the cherry on top

Anonymous said... 36

Did TLC think Jon was going to keep his mouth shut once the gag order was up? Did Kate? I really hope Jon gets custody of the remaining four in hopes their lives can get back to normal. Those poor kids. Thank goodness for GAL’s.


Anonymous said... 37

I hope Jon sues TLC for the purpose of making trust funds for all the kids. Trust funds that are independent of Kate. Trust funds that pay for college and funds to support them further on in life (buy modest house, a car exc). Those kids worked and deserve to have their money.

I would also like to see Jon and all of the minor kids be in family counseling together.


FlimsyFlamsy said... 38

JM (#33), and the response was scathing at the thought that the kids had worked for only 7 years. But it's longer than a decade.
Remember when J&K said they had two 6-year-olds and six 2-year-olds? Well, those 6-year-olds just turned 19. And as Mady admitted, "all I've ever known is work."

jolie Jacquelyn said... 39

I still wonder what TFW has on TLC & if she'll use it in her defence. ~ Administrator said... 40

I would love it if Khate had to give Jon the house and he sold it because it was too much and then he and Colleen and the kids picked out a new home. Khate living in a studio apartment would be the cherry on top


Sounds like you're playing Fantasy Gosselins! Nice scenario and not too out there either. ~ Administrator said... 41

This from the GAL is just scathing!
"It is troublesome to me that this family has been working in this industry for at least seven (7) years but is dependent upon this contract to survive."


I think the GAL is mocking Kate. You need one contract for a dumb update special about a college tour to "survive"? This from a woman who lives in a mansion with a pool and deck and three cars? She long ago figured out this is all just a big obsession for Kate and not really about the kids. ~ Administrator said... 42

I like how the judge hammered on the fact that just because some kids may allegedly "like" filming now does not mean they will always feel that way.

Exactly, kids are often perfectly content with lots of various things that may be bad for them when they're kids and many don't realize that was abuse, or something they shouldn't have had to experience, or not best for them, until they are well into their 20s and 30s. This judge sounds very insightful.

Like I've said for years, this isn't worth the risk the kids will look back on their childhoods with contempt. ~ Administrator said... 43

Oh another favorite zinger from the judge's comments was that Jon was REASONABLE to be concerned.

Suck it, sheeple.

NJGal51 said... 44

She’s gotta be poopin in her unnerwares.
To paraphrase Negan (Walking Dead)...“I hope she’s got her shittin' pants on cause she is about to shit her pants.” ~ Administrator said... 45

If by some miracle and TFW goes to jail, who would visit her? She has banished those that don't know how to help her and those that are no longer of use to her.


Maybe Lori Laughlin will swing by her bunk to drop off some extra sanitary napkins.

Kate Plus State Penitentiary has a bit of a ring to it. ~ Administrator said... 46

When I picture those poor four kids left reciting their lines to their GAL. Please let them film they need it to survive. It would be weird otherwise. Please Mrs. Guardian please tell the judge what we want.

Kate's evil.

I can literally see Aaden sitting there so wanting to please his mother, whispering the party line for how he "feels" all because he thinks this is how Kate will love him. It's so sick. ~ Administrator said... 47

And what's with Kate and/or her attorney refusing to present financial info to the GAL? Was she court-ordered to produce it? How does she get away with this BS?


I get what the judge was doing though. Produce your financials or we will be forced to assume the worst when we make our decision about what should happen to these kids.

They called Kate's bluff. She didn't produce, so they ruled against her. He even says a couple times you didn't even want to give me information that could help your case so now you're SOL. That was exactly right. Pony up or lose your case.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 48

Admin (#46), notice the wording was some of the kids "claim" to enjoy filming. Implicit in that word is that what they're saying is not how they really feel.

As they're leading Mommie Dearest away in handcuffs, perhaps she'll whisper to Steve, "This wasn't supposed be a part of this!" ~ Administrator said... 49


As they're leading Mommie Dearest away in handcuffs, perhaps she'll whisper to Steve, "This wasn't supposed be a part of this!"


Maybe we can go down to the courthouse and chant “Lock her up! Lock her up!”

NJGal51 said... 50

The fact that the kids are talking to a GAL sheds a whole new light on the articles last week (early this week? Two weeks ago?) where a source said that TFW was afraid that her kids would turn against her. They may not turn against her but they may inadvertently let the truth slip out. A professional (GAL) will be able to pick up on the fact that they’ve been coached when they’re all parroting the same memorized lines.

lurker said... 51

Any Jon haters left? Speak now or forever hold your peace.

I don't hate Jon. I just wonder why it took him ten years to finally say "NO" to filming. Gag order or not, he apparently signed off for them to film for years.
I'm glad he found his balls. I worry the kids are really going to feel the stress of all of this going public.
It's like poking a bear with Kate. No one will be safe.

Anonymous said... 52

I wonder if Kate lied to TLC and told them that she took care of the work permits. I could see her lying to get what she wanted. It doesn't justify TLC filming. They would still have the responsibility to verify that the work permits were approved.

Andrea ~ Administrator said... 53

I don't hate Jon. I just wonder why it took him ten years to finally say "NO" to filming. Gag order or not, he apparently signed off for them to film for years.
I'm glad he found his balls. I worry the kids are really going to feel the stress of all of this going public.
It's like poking a bear with Kate. No one will be safe.


You’re mistaken. Jon pulling the kids from filming when they most needed it, during the divorce, what started the whole thing in the first place. This has been a ten year battle he finally won and even then when he wins kate refuses to follow the court orders.

“Poking a bear” should never ever be a reason not to do what’s in your children’s best interest. Besides the bear will be as harmless as a mouse from her jail cell.

url said... 54

Kate's not going to jail lol We wish she would but let's face it, she's a white, uppermiddle class woman.

Is family court not under a mandatory gag order? Hope Jon hasn't broken any confidentiality agreement.

This has only just begun. Things are going to get much, much worse. Kate's gotta be livid. I hope the kids remain safe. I hope the outcome is a positive one and worth going public for. What a mess.

just wondering said... 55

Now I have to wonder how much she took from the kids for food, braces, medical, housing, clothing, education, etc.. Did she also tack on heating, electric & pool maintenance? Can't wait to see how she sliced that pie.

So very happy for all but Kate. Hope she loses everything to the kids. Congratulations, Jon. It's truly almost over.

Sad but true said... 56

Anonymous said... 52
I wonder if Kate lied to TLC and told them that she took care of the work permits. I could see her lying to get what she wanted. It doesn't justify TLC filming. They would still have the responsibility to verify that the work permits were approved.

They might end up dodging the whole thing by putting the blame on Figure 8, the producer. If you recall, this is how The Little Couple ended up on hiatus for a couple of years, a big to-do between TLC and that show's production company. Perhaps TLC has "plausible deniability" in this matter, IF it was the responsibility of Figure 8 to secure the work permits.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 57

just wondering (#54), I could see her paying for every single spa visit from the kids' money, based on Beth telling her going to the spa for alone time "makes you a better Mommy." She said she goes monthly.
Multiply that by more than a decade and you're probably talking more than 10 grand. And multiply that by whatever big or small indulgences she treated herself to (trips, cars, physical enhancements, etc.) over the years, and that could've easily wiped out Eight Little College Funds.

Anonymous said... 58

Doesn't the fact that when Collin was unable to film/and was "not good for the brand",Kate sent him away to an institution for years elucidate Kate's obsession with filming, her cruelty to her own child, her pathological selfishness? I hope the GAL/ judge knows this part of the story. Thank God Jon has his muzzle off.

foixy said... 59

It will be interesting to see if Kate gets punished at all for the abusive treatment of the kids. She has been teflon all these years. I doubt she will have to account for anything. Just my opinion ~ Administrator said... 60

Kate's not going to jail lol We wish she would but let's face it, she's a white, uppermiddle class woman.


Wanna bet??

Um, white upper middle class women go to jail all the time. You watch too much tv. ~ Administrator said... 61

Good Advice, I’m glad you’re enjoying Shapiro. You will be much smarter for having given him an hour each day. Unlike the haters on the other side he has always taken each and every subject on a case by case basis and calls it like it is. I have no idea how you got the impression him or even I are some kind of sheeple, and it’s funny to see you gloating over it lol. I haven’t addressed my feelings on hundreds of issues out there because the posters on this blog have politely asked us not to. Let’s email if you want to discuss it further.

Wowser said... 62

Admin you are correct. Ask Martha Stewart. Felicity Huffman. Kate and Lori Loughlin live in the tv bubble. They believe they are not accountable. Kate believes TLC will rescue her and bury Jon like Times past. Lori has done too many hallmark shows where everything has a happy ending for her. They are both going to get a wake up call for sure

NJGal51 said... 63

Her new show can be K8’s D8 With F8 and I will watch.

Jbranck1980 said... 64

I would definitely watch K8 Plus Cellmates🤣

BlueJay said... 65

Bet you Kate wishes she was anonymous now. But her statement of, "we can't go back." Really sort of drives home in a narcissistic way of how she's ended up where she is now in this corner of where she's gotten herself into this mess.

She didn't NEED to film these children--she WANTED to film these children. There is absolutely NO ONE on this earth who told her that YOU under penalty of severeness HAVE TO FILM your children growing up for an income to survive. Absolutely not.

It never actually occurred to her, at all, that she and her children, actually yes, because it's done every day, would have survived fine and dandy on her nurse salary and Jon whether or not they stayed married on her IT salary--just fine. Off television.

It's called living on less then you make. TLC didn't originally FORCE her to film these children, they offered her a show. Not everyone in the whole world would have made that same choice, she just says that because it's what SHE thinks. I certainly wouldn't have. Not for anything in the world.

And now look at the mess on her hands. Is THIS really what you wanted Kate? Is THIS really worth the price of being anonymous and maybe having your children live a comfortable anonymous existence? All because they HAVE to be filmed? For WHO? Strangers? You? Themselves?

Go to Walmart you could have gotten a home video camera. Problem solved all those years ago dear.

just wondering said... 66

K8 Plus Cellmates! Bwaaaaaa!! Best comment EVER!

(I imagine she also charged Collin for his own incarceration)

Wowser said... 67

Blue jay 65- you forgot. You are thinking like a mom who HAD your children because you wanted them to raise and love. She had her children FOR tv. Big difference. It never occurred to her that there would be any other choice for a lifestyle or job because she set out and manipulated to have multiples to exploit them.

BlueJay said... 68

Wowser said... 67

You're right. I do have a hard time wrap my mind around this concept so yes. It is difficult.

I also don't understand since Jon seems so against it how did he end up going along with filming to begin with? Alright maybe one or two specials, fine that's it. But how did he ever agree to the TLC filming that they became known for?

Wowser said... 69

Blue jay- Jon’s balls

Wowser said... 70

Blue jay: jon’s Balls got locked in a vice along with that wedding ring and that control freak shrew owned him. Think about the toys r us episode. If she can treat him like that on national tv, can you even imagine what she was like when the cameras weren’t rolling??

BlueJay said... 71

Wowser, I did seen signs I didn't like, not that I watched the show all that much. I never did watch the Toy's R US show. I suppose I'd have to look at one up. I saw other signs her behavior from time to time that told me, alrighty then, this one's got control issues...

But good lord if I ever treated MY husband that way? Ever, even just once? He'd have up and left me and took our one, two or three children depending on however many we had at the time and told me SEE YA! No way he would have stuck around.

I'm certainly glad he's found more courage yes.

I do find it interesting to note: why would she not have been more forthcoming with her financial information? Everyone knows that's where she gets her earnings is from this train wreck of a show. What's their to hide about that? Ah...she must have spent it on things not appropriate or mishandled it somehow then. I maybe be old but somewhere the money went somewhere she doesn't want it known. I like this judge. That will have to come out I assume?

I don't know what next will come of this but I don't see filming in the future. IF there is I'm going to be very surprised.

Layla said... 72

***Totally off-topic, so skip if you'd like***
Sullivan is here! Things got a little scary at the end, and the doctor ended up inducing. He is gorgeous! 8 pounds even. Mommy's ears and mouth, Daddy's nose and his blond hair. Chubby cheeks and bright blue eyes. Oh, he is amazing! You all have been hearing about his parents for so long, I feel like this is our "blog baby". We discussed his daddy working part-time at Costco (and being amused by the People magazine being turned around whenever the fame ho was on the cover) during college, saving up for his mommy's engagement ring. Then the wedding, the years of fertility treatments. And now, finally, this amazing little human being has arrived and I swear the sun shines a little bit brighter . I walked in this morning and DS, who is a dynamo in every aspect of his life, was getting lessons in swaddling his new little man, cooing and talking to Sully as he practiced. It just melted my heart. Life is good.

BlueJay said... 73

Layla, I hope you take your time to enjoy! I'm waiting on a granddaughter to arrive in a few days. A grandson is already aware this is going to make him the "middle child" of that family. He's convinced the baby is going to come on his birthday and ruin his birthday.

Enjoy Sullivan. Funny Costco story.

NJGal51 said... 74

Congratulations NANA Layla!

Formerly Duped said... 75

Hurray-Our blog baby is here ! Congrats, Nana Layla! Now the fun begins. Sullivan is a lucky little boy to be born into your family. The baby sounds adorable and I trust the parents are doing well and are as happy as can be. Great news. Happy Birthday, Baby Sullivan!

Layla said... 76

BlueJay (71)
Another reason she's trying to keep the finances hidden could be that there is a lot of money. If there's millions stashed away, then there is no financial need for the kids to film, so why is she forcing them to do it? Somehow I don't think this is the correct reason--I think it's more likely that she's been helping herself to the kids' money far too much and doesn't want to answer for it. In her mind, nobody has the right to question anything she does, including the judge and the GAL. So she just ignores them.

I cannot understand why TLC keeps going out on a limb for her. They film shows that they know won't get good ratings. They film without permits, they defy a judge's orders. They know that it has been determined that filming is not in the kids' best interests and could be doing them serious harm. But they just won't give her up. That makes no sense to me.

I find it so disturbing to read that the kids don't feel normal if they're not filming. There is something so warped about that. They have been influenced by their mother to believe that filming is their life, it's their normal, and life is to be lived with a camera in their faces. The younger kids have filmed all of 4 episodes in the last 3 years. That's not much (although too much for kids who have been exploited to the extent that the G kids have). But they still don't feel normal without it? I have no words.

just wondering said... 77

I also don't understand since Jon seems so against it how did he end up going along with filming to begin with?
Jon was very on board with this. His old website offered advise about filming the pregnancy, where to send the audition clips, how to save on taxes, etc. He had their 'wish list' up when they were working the churches. Remember how they ran the church circuit for those first couple of years?

All of this was still up on 'way back machine' until a few years ago when Jon swiffered everything. So he was fully involved with making as much money as Kate for the first several years. I think Kate just became meaner & meaner over the years until Jon woke up.

MzOpinion8d said... 78

That was supposed to say stopped paying for the autistic son at age 16. Typo.

Layla said... 79

BlueJay (73)
Congratulations on your new (upcoming) granddaughter! I don't think the thrill could ever wear off, no matter how many you have. And I am hoping for many, many more.
As for the Costco story--I posted here about his observance (the magazines being turned around) back in 2011 or so. It seems like just yesterday, but things have changed so much!

NJGal51 (74) You remembered! Yes, I am Nana now. The "other grandmother"--DIL's mother--and I got matching sweatshirts with our chosen grandmother names on them, and today we both wore them to the hospital. As soon as we walked in the door, the lady at the check-in desk said,"I know where you two are going!". We're completely embracing the dorky grandma thing.

Anonymous said... 80

Congratulations Layla! My first g-baby (girl) was born this past summer. I haven’t been able to see her last 2 weeks due to my cold. I am in total withdraw and get to see her tomorrow. They make life so much fun!
Nana Ronnie and Maggie

Wowser said... 81

Congratulations Layla. There’s nothing like being a gramma. I have 7 grand children under the age of 5. They are popping out like popcorn. Enjoy. I can hear the excitement in your post 😊

Layla said... 82

Thanks, Formerly Duped! I'm on Cloud 9.

Nana Ronnie and Maggie (80), I don't know how I could make it for 2 weeks without seeing Sully. Everyone cleared out of their hospital room early today so the new parents could get some quality sleep, and we're all texting each other about how much we hate being away from him. ~ Administrator said... 83

I also don't understand since Jon seems so against it how did he end up going along with filming to begin with?


Goodness I don't fault Jon or even Kate for that matter for filming in the beginning. It was fine. In the beginning. We all know what eventually happened.

Introspection and reflection are part of the human experience if you keep an open mind to it, and thank God Jon came to realize the harm being done to his family. Hindsight is 20/20 and knowing what he knows now of course Jon I'm sure would have said no from day one. But no one could have predicted when the kids were toddlers they would be filmed right up until adulthood. ~ Administrator said... 84

I wonder if Kate lied to TLC and told them that she took care of the work permits. I could see her lying to get what she wanted. It doesn't justify TLC filming. They would still have the responsibility to verify that the work permits were approved.



I doubt that. TLC would have wanted those on file like any network would.

I didn't see much other explanation for this other than both TLC and Kate willfully violated both a court order and a ruling by the labor department. ~ Administrator said... 85

Welcome our newest blog baby Sullivan!

BlueJay said... 86

Admin, I did say the one or two specials was fine, but I meant really as time went on, perhaps when they got divorced, was there really nothing he could have done to put a stop it then? Why has it come to this length to get the children off television? I'm not a legal person by any means.It just seems so very to me far fetched that a network and someone's ex wife would entangle a father who has right's to his children to prevent him this far to do so if he's grown as a person and changed his mind. ~ Administrator said... 87

Admin, I did say the one or two specials was fine, but I meant really as time went on, perhaps when they got divorced, was there really nothing he could have done to put a stop it then?


He recently explained maybe in an article a couple months back that after he successfully pulled his kids from the show during the divorce TLC sued the ever living bejesus out of him driving him to near bankruptcy. This blog has chronicled in depth everything he has done over ten years including Kate suing him.

Am I convinced at this point he did what he could within reason? Yes, I am.

Sad but true said... 88

BlueJay said... 86
Admin, I did say the one or two specials was fine, but I meant really as time went on, perhaps when they got divorced, was there really nothing he could have done to put a stop it then?

Jon DID put a stop to it then. He didn't want the divorce to be filmed, and he did not allow cameras on the property during his custody time at the house (when they had separated).

Unfortunately, TLC decided to sue him for breaking the contract (he ended up having to pay them $200K), and then less than a year later, after the divorce was final, Kate and kids were back to full-time filming. The point is, Jon was okay with the filming up until the point that the "reality" started leaking away and "storylines" started to take over. I think the turning point for him was likely the renewal of vows in Hawaii in the summer of 2008 and moving into the compound. At that point, he (and TLC) was well aware he and Kate were living a lie, but the network wanted him to fake it. And he was unwilling to do so.

IRISH 33 said... 89

Is it me or is Kate Irene getting real hard to look at... She's looking real rough

Pam said... 90

I doubt I will ever get a grandbaby. My daughter is almost 30 divorced and "married to her Frenchie" He is less work than her hubby was.

Anonymous said... 91

Congrats Layla!
I read each day but don’t comment coz most of what I think someone else thinks the same!
I wonder, because what has evolved since the last show, is why there was not any ads etc before hand by tic or tfw?
Kia ora

just wondering said... 92

Goodness I don't fault Jon or even Kate for that matter for filming in the beginning. It was fine. In the beginning. We all know what eventually happened.
Except that this was Kate's life goal since she was a teen. Her dream was to have the most babies at once, get as many freebies as possible, & to have a show that would support her. She even called Bobbi McCaughey in 1997 for tips.

Surprisingly, that was the same year she met Jon, the son of a wealthy Dentist. (She had been trying to snag a Doctor but none were interested) She had her "Gosselin Twins" in 2000. (remember her big banner on the stroller? Who does that??)

She realized she had to try harder & ordered the extra injection from Canada to be used along with the one her doctor gave her. (That is a piece of the evidence that Robert Hoffman found in the trash) And since Jon told Robert about the trash I have to consider that Jon may have known about Kate's little scheme from the start.

I knew nothing about these people until the crash in 2008 & lost my job. I decided to go ahead and retire & caught this show on one morning. I nearly swallowed my gum within minutes & knew immediately who & what she was.

I have no doubt that she has money stashed offshore where the children can't touch it. She will cry,be despondent, & tell the kids that they just don't know how expensive it was to raise them. She'll try her best to have the kids chip in to support her because she did 'everything' for them. A couple of them might even fall for it.

Mt first thought after watching her for a few minutes was that she would eat her young if she thought it would benefit her. I have never seen a redeeming quality in her.

just wondering said... 93

And we just had our first great grandson. Xander Ray. X-Ray for short! ~ Administrator said... 94

Except that this was Kate's life goal since she was a teen. Her dream was to have the most babies at once, get as many freebies as possible, & to have a show that would support her. She even called Bobbi McCaughey in 1997 for tips.


I’m not at all convinced Jon realized or even was marginally aware of the extent of her obsession. You don’t exactly get a guy to marry you by telling him you want six or seven babies at once.

Jon basically walks around with his heart on his sleeve and obviously has the capacity to throw himself very deeply in relationships with women and love unconditionally. I believe he did so with Kate, at the time he loved her very deeply and shared the same dream to have a family and did what it took so she and the children were happy, and that’s the extent of it for Jon. He’s really proven he’s not a complicated guy. It’s black and white for him and no bs.

Unknown said... 95

Bluejay and Layla: Kate said in an earlier episode that there would never be enough money. Greedy pig. But in fairness, would you advertise your finances to the world to see? I don’t generally tell people my worth. Kate doesn’t have to tell us inquiring minds. She just needs to be honest about the fact she is doing fine with TLC’s money, has invested a lot and can function somehow, someway without reality TV. But to say she needs to be on TV to survive, that’s when we go apeshit. That’s her ugly famewhore side coming out. The part we despise the most. Thanks Jon for confirming this 100% cause we all knew it!!!!! Heheheheh!


Jamesvader1194 said... 96

@admin (84) My thing is,why is TLC risking this?They broke a judge rule just to film one episode and risk getting sued by Jon?Its not like Kate has been a huge cash cow in years.It gets repeated alot here but TLC refusing to let go of Kate is the most bizarre thing i've ever seen,especially after hearing about Kate and them breaking this ruling.Is TLC really willing to lose possibly millions just to film Kate and the kids?

Anonymous said... 97

What keeps coming to me is how strong Hannah was (and is) to have made the choice she did. To make the conscious decision to leave her siblings, “luxury living”, her mother at that young of an age (being a young teen girl is hard enough under the best of circumstances) shows remarkable maturity and awareness. Wasn’t she “the Golden Child”? I wonder if that caused her to have a bit more insight on how her mother ticks.


Layla said... 98

just wondering said... 93
And we just had our first great grandson. Xander Ray. X-Ray for short!
That is just too cute! One son suggested calling Sullivan "Van", and said while he's little we could call him "Mini Van". Uh, nope! But we gave him thumbs up for creativity.

What really worries me is the fact that the kids said they need to film to survive, that it's normal life for them and that they feel weird if they're not filming. That is so unhealthy! Living a normal life should never feel "weird" to anyone. I know Kate has convinced them of all those things, but they're not going to be filming forever. She has them convinced they need it to survive. These kids are more disturbed than we ever thought they could be. It may already be too late for them. Kate and TLC have shown that they have no intention of ever letting upon them, no matter what the consequences.

Kate applied for 8 filming permits. 8. She fought for Hannah only so she could make her film. She was only going to ever let Collin come home if she could force him to film. The kids mean nothing to her. It's all about filming.

Sad but true said... 99

Layla said... 98

What really worries me is the fact that the kids said they need to film to survive, that it's normal life for them and that they feel weird if they're not filming.

I think at least part of the reason they've said this is because if there is no filming, they would never get out of that house. Without TLC, there are no vacations and nothing to do.

And of course, the whole "survival" thing is purely to do with money. You know they've heard this from Kate time and time again over the years.

Congratulations, Layla, a new baby in the family is cause for joy! Enjoy spoiling him. :)

Anonymous said... 100

Rio @ 97 I am also proud of Hannah's courage to say enough is enough. But I am flabbergasted with Collin's
bravery in getting that letter to his father. Think of the fear he had about possibly being caught. The repercussions he thought about if he did. Think of the joy he felt when his father made contact. Think of the fear he felt about how his "Mother" would react when she found out. Those two young teens have my admiration.
Phreddie ~ Administrator said... 101

I also find what the kids are saying disturbing and I’m disturbed by the picture of Kate sitting them down around the dinner table guilt tripping them that they need to miss their lacrosse game or study group or friend’s birthday party because they need to “survive”. It just couldn’t be more wrong. They have studied child stars who got through just fine and guess what they often had in common? Their parents kept their real jobs and didn’t make them feel like the acting was needed to support anything.

Kids are not mature enough to able to handle the emotional pressures of supporting a family. It’s not natural or beneficial. When they have to it seems to have a severe negative effect on most kids’ psyche. This is why adults have jobs and kids just go to school. If they could handle working we would always put kids to work.

Dishwasherbum said... 102

I’ve been a lurker here since the beginning of the year. I was a Kate defender ever since the divorce all those years ago, completely buying everything she and TLC fed the masses. The struggling single mom act, the Jon bashing, I bought it all. I stumbled on this blog and it completely opened my eyes to all of the lies I believed. I feel ashamed to have ever defended such a vile, absuive human being and I am grateful to everyone on this blog who has dedicated their time to defending what is right and worrying about the wellbeing of these poor children. I’m so rooting for Jon, I truly hope he can repair the bond between himself and his children and rescue them.

Oh and I just checked the TLC Go app and the College Bound episode is no longer available, for me at least.

Anonymous said... 103

Oh and I just checked the TLC Go app and the College Bound episode is no longer available, for me at least.
Yes it’s missing from mine too!
-Gigi Be

Anonymous said... 104

From Dmasy --

Layla -- I can almost see your beaming smile. Bless you all.

Dishwasherbum -- welcome.

Wowser said... 105

It’s still available on YouTubeTV

Anonymous said... 106

You can not buy the special on Amazon. I don't know if you could before. Most TLC shows are available for sale on amazon.

Andrea ~ Administrator said... 107

Uh oh spaghetti-o. They swiffered the episode from my tlc go too. Are they trying to hide the evidence of their illegal filming??? Uh ohhh. ~ Administrator said... 108

I still got it on my DVR suckers! If the judge needs it to throw Schmoopy in jail I’d be happy to screen it for him.

Sad but true said... 109 ~ Administrator said... 107

Too funny about the swiffering! On the K8 FB page, they deleted the link to "Early Premiere" on one of the posts, when you click it there's an error message. But they left up all the other snippets they posted, and all of these include the four minor children in 2019. So much for erasing the evidence, LOL.

NJGal51 said... 110

Hmmmmm, it’s missing from the iTunes store also and it had been available for purchase for $2.99. Maybe, as someone upthread suggested, TLC can claim TFW & Figure 8 didn’t let then know about the court order or the fact that the proper work permits were not in place. That would give TLC plausible denial and they could say “the minute we found out we pulled the show”. In this case the TLC lawyers will be looking out for TLC and TFW may be on her own this time. It looks like TFW is in a pickle this time. COME AND GET YER POPCORN! ~ Administrator said... 111

How can tlc claim they didn’t know when the permit denial is addressed to their own attorney and specifically mentions the family court order as the reason it was denied? Keep obstructing Justice tlc but it’s too late to hide.

Ingrid said... 112

I got the Youtube video to record on my Real player so saved on my computer. lol I guess we all had the same idea. Hope Jon did too.

NJGal51 said... 113

How can tlc claim they didn’t know when the permit denial is addressed to their own attorney and specifically mentions the family court order as the reason it was denied?
Beats me. It seems like TLC is in CYA mode at this point. I wonder if they’re even taking TFW’s calls. I can remember when TFW would call upon TLC to “fix it” when she didn’t like something on twitter or IG. Hopefully she’s getting a taste of her own medicine and TLC is telling her “YOU’RE BLOCKED”. I feel do feel sorry for the 4 that are currently at home with her because they’ve got nowhere to run and nowhere to hide (with apologies to Martha and the Vandellas). I wonder if they will reach out to Jon if it gets too bad or if she’s got them so brainwashed that they’d be afraid to. The twins are not home to run interference for them. I also wonder if the twins are sending her calls directly to voice mail. ~ Administrator said... 114

That’s what happens when you task interns with cleaning up the crime scene. Bound to be sloppy.

Anonymous said... 115

TLC is swiffering comments on Instagram post about episode that talk about the episode being shot illegally. It would be smart to swifter the post.

Andrea ~ Administrator said... 116

TLC is swiffering comments on Instagram post about episode that talk about the episode being shot illegally. It would be smart to swifter the post.


I can see the flashlights from across the way and the file cabinet drawers opening and closing.

BlueJay said... 117

Like we all didn't see it coming once this came out that TLC wouldn't start pulling this.

I also gather that the children would say it was their normal because when you do something for so long it does feel normal in a way even if it's not. I also do suspect Kate has fed it them that this is their normal, she has said SHE is loving what SHE IS doing that SHE is the one that really doesn't want to go back. Mady did say thanks to TLC they would have been left staring at the walls without them. Kate is the one who told her ex husband if he was bored HE could go get a part time job--note, not herself. She is the one who seems to have said SHE wants to stay in the quote "entertainment" industry--which would make, you know the very fact this show needs filming permits, film locations and all that--sort of stick out that none of this was ever real life. But separate from their actual real lives. Hence, the separate second birthday party.

Kate, you also have a secondary issue of finances. TLC paid you on commission dear. Last I hear, I'm no attorney--being paid commission should in no way be defined as a salary. A salary is something you get paid by working a real job. Commission sounds like you were compensated for your time in exchange for being filmed for take part in filming. That's not a working salary paycheck. So this in no way is a real job. How do you survive on something that is then not definable as a real career/job that also isn't then defined as your real life because you signed a filming contract for locations, times, schedules, shooting and secondary events not related to your real life?

Giff said... 118

I think I'm going to keep commenting, just so TLC will have to hire extra people to monitor and erase the comments. I don't think they went to this extent with the Duggar scandal. Those girls were brainwashed and even as adults, they refused to say just how bad it really was. No one defected from the script. In this case, there are defectors who have already told their stories to the authorities. Will it really be worth it to TLC to call these kids liars just to give this aging has been a special now and then?

Layla said... 119

I wonder if all this activity means that Jon has gotten an injunction to stop TLC from showing the episode. How did they think they would get away with this? They broke the law--for Kate???? Is it really worth it? I guess the answer has to be "yes", since they did it, but it makes no sense. They had to know that they were filming and airing this episode illegally. Maybe they were trying to see if they could still push Jon around. Maybe they thought they were above the law. Maybe they are just like Kate--she got that "No never means no to me" attitude from somewhere. Or is it possible they didn't know? Figure 8 is the production company, and Kate is a producer. Maybe they got lazy and took her word for it that it was okay to film. Either way, heads have got to be rolling at TLC HQ. Someone screwed up in a big way by green-lighting this mess. They're scrambling to cover themselves right now. I hope the blame falls squarely where it belongs--on Kate. ~ Administrator said... 120

I bet they pulled it voluntarily because every time it airs that’s more damages to pay out.

Layla said... 121

I saw this on Kate's IG, from sandiebellz (a long-time fan):

Don’t you just ❤️ when gag orders expire? I’m now woke.

Way to go, Sandie! How can anyone look at Kate's self-serving post about how she tries to protect the kids vs those who try to destroy them and not be furious? The court is trying to protect them. Jon and the GAL are trying to protect them. It's Kate who is trying to destroy them. She's the one who broke the law in order to force them to work. Protecting them is the last thing on her mind. Her priority is to keep making money off them--at all cost. And she will not stop, even now. The ball is in TLC's court. They can put a stop to this madness. She won't listen to Jon or a judge. She'd rather go to jail. TLC has to decide where their priorities lie. I'd like to know what the legal ramifications are for TLC. At the very least they were negligent in following up on the kids' work permits. I think they knowingly broke the law and I hope they have to pay.

Lorrie said... 122

Like many others before me, I’m still wondering why TLC would risk hefty fines (at the very least) for Kate Gosselin?? She hasn’t been productive or profitable for a long, long time. I can see them ignoring a judge and dealing with the consequences if it was still 2009, and if Kate was still bringing in 10 000 000 viewers. But now? Why are they going through all this trouble for her? I truly can’t understand it.

ncgirl said... 123

I've been on vacation, but I'm just catching up. The word "survive" gets to me. Their mother was a nurse. Their father was in IT. They were not going to go hungry. We knew Kate was brainwashing them, but this is proof.

Kylie said... 124

Admin, thank you so much for keeping this site up and running even when not much was going on. Now we finally get to read and follow the fallout from the great Kate as karma finally finds her. She so richly deserves exactly what is happening now!!

Turtle said... 125

Regarding why TLC still shows K+8, what if...when Kate re-negotiated her contract after Jon refused to film, she inserted language that required TLC to film X number of episodes and/or specials, or film through a specific time period (e.g. June 30, 2020, just an example). This would bind TLC to Kate for a while. By the time Jon bowed out, Kate was aware how the entertainment industry worked. She could have hired an entertainment lawyer to put together the contract. This is all speculation on my part.

Sad but true said... 126

Turtle said... 125

Well, except they fired her in 2011 and brought her back in 2014. When they fired her, they were still filming a great deal. After they brought her back, I don't think they ever filmed more than 8 episodes a year, and far fewer from 2017 on. I think no matter what, TLC always retains the upper hand with these shows, which, when you come right down to it, are a dime a dozen. I don't think they would ever agree to being under obligation to film/air a guaranteed minimum of episodes. The TV landscape just changes too quickly for that. Not to mention, just WHERE is Kate gonna go? All she might find is another limited-run series, like The Apprentice, but could you really see her on Survivor? :)

Private said... 127


I can see that, but I am SURE that TLC has some kind of weasel clause that lets them get out due to crimes, or immoral behavior, or some such thing, don't you think?

Their entertainment lawyer is sure to be better that some "entertainment lawyer" she found on google.

If they are truly swiffering that college special there is a reason.

Hopefully this is just the event they have been waiting for to dump her ass.

Private said... 128

Another thing that bothers me is that Purseboy knew what was going on and facilitated it - I say facilitated it because he did not stop it. He could have pulled the plug on her years ago and stayed in it for the money..... sick.

Anonymous said... 129

dishwasherbum. thank you so much for coming hete and posting. i applaud you

franky (still no caps, under the verandah with a keg of rumspringa waiting for freedom for the 4 and more) just stumble left, i'll catch you ~ Administrator said... 130

I've been on vacation, but I'm just catching up. The word "survive" gets to me. Their mother was a nurse. Their father was in IT. They were not going to go hungry. We knew Kate was brainwashing them, but this is proof.


Trite isn’t it? What first world problems. They had every advantage in life to have a very successful and wealthy by world standards life. The fact that that wasn’t good enough for Kate isn’t the children’s problem. What a relief The GAL doesn’t buy her garbage.

Giff said... 131

I wonder where this leaves Mady in her thirst for fame and fortune? Does she stand behind and defend Mother, knowing that doing so will bring unwanted baggage...or does she pretend she wants nothing to do with her and claim she only stayed to protect her siblings? Save yourself and throw her under the bus Mady. She would do the same if you had gotten in her way.

Turtle said... 132

Private said... 127
Sad but true said... 126
Your comments make sense. Hopefully, the truth will come out sometime in the future. One can hope.

Sad but true said... 133

Giff said... 131
I wonder where this leaves Mady in her thirst for fame and fortune?

I honestly think Mady could go either way. After all, she has plausible deniability (the Stockholm Syndrome defense, and I'm sure there are others), and she figured out a long time ago how to maneuver around Kate. And Kate will undoubtedly try to keep Mady "sweet," as in, "here, have this, and I'll even pay for it out of my OWN money." Mady's not stupid by any means, and she's learned how to lie from one of the best.

I don't think she much cares about her siblings one way or the other at the moment---she's in college, away from the compound, and It's Mady Time. I really don't begrudge her that, if she chooses to stay out of this fray, although if called upon to lie on Mommy's behalf, I hope she'd find some moral backbone and acknowledge what her mother's actions have done to her family. Jon is not blameless, obviously, but he's hardly "toxic" and is proving a good father to the two who have left and/or been abandoned by Kate.

Layla said... 134

I hope this stunt by TLC and Kate is brought to the attention of the appeals court. If a judge needed any further proof that filming is not in the kids' best interests, he/she/they need look no further. Nobody is looking out for these kids. Nobody is protecting them. Nobody is making sure the law is being followed when it comes to using these kids for profit. TLC can't be trusted, and neither can Kate. I hope this costs her a bundle in legal fees--far more than she made filming this episode. She should not profit from breaking the law. Neither should TLC.

Sad but true (126)
TLC has aired 36 episodes (if you include K+D8) since June of 2014, and she was largely unemployed for almost 3 years before that. She's not bringing in the kind of money she is used to making. It's possible that she's in a financial bind and needed more filming to happen right away. M&C's colleges are expensive, and I doubt that they got full scholarships. I have no doubt at all that she's been dipping into the kids' trust funds over the years to cover expenses. It makes me wonder how much money is left for them. Private school is expensive. The house and its upkeep must cost a fortune. She's had ongoing legal disputes over the years, and I doubt that TLC has been paying any of those for her since at least 2011. She made a lot of money, but when you have such huge expenses, it can go fast. It's pretty obvious that there's going to be some major legal expenses coming up really soon. And she has nobody to blame for that but herself.

JR said... 135

Why doesn’t she just pack this in all call it a’s just not worth it... now she’s breaking the law?!? She’s digging a hole for herself because of desperation... it’s over.. can she ever accept that? She needs to move on... sell your house and retire if you can’t get a regular job... go someplace where it’s cheap to live when the kids practical..the kids shouldn’t care about her survival... it’s not fair.. stupid bitch

Sad but true said... 136

Layla said... 134
. . . Nobody is looking out for these kids. Nobody is protecting them. Nobody is making sure the law is being followed when it comes to using these kids for profit.

This brought to mind another question. I know that the law that was proposed by Murt and passed in PA required that money be put aside for the minors. But there were other provisions of that law (on-set guardians?), and I wonder if Figure 8 can demonstrate that all of these requirements were followed for each and every episode filmed. Does anyone remember the specifics?

Also, in regard to Skeve: I agree with Private (128) that this purported "bodyguard" was in a position to have mitigated what was going on with the kids. But he isn't a "mandated reporter" as we understand that term.

OTOH, I wonder whether at the same time he was being paid to "guard" the family by TLC/Figure 8, he was ALSO being paid by Kate? This would explain why he has ALWAYS remained by her side. When she was terminated in 2011, she said he would stay on as "road manager" (whatever that was supposed to mean--what "road" were they traveling without a TV show?). Did he and Kate have a side deal independent of whatever he earned from production? And if so, was his side payment coming out of the kids' "upkeep" funds? I don't think he would have hung around if he was depending solely on a TLC paycheck.

Anonymous said... 137

Not a legal expert but could the defense be that filming was done in NC, therefore they require no permits? I think it is sad and even contemptuous for Kate and TLC to film while the courts refused to allow filming permits. If I am not mistaken years back after the hearings a law was passed and 15% was supposed to be set aside from all filming proceeds. The GAL is requesting an accounting and Kate refuses to provide this information? In fact the GAL states they feel money has been misappropriated and that is why they denied permits. At what point does a judge say you refuse to comply with the GAL and our court orders, and hold her in contempt of court.
Sadly for Kate her trusting followers had dwindled to a limited few.

NJGal51 said... 138

JR said... 135
Why doesn’t she just pack this in all call it a’s just not worth it... now she’s breaking the law?!?
She still thinks that she’s untouchable and that everyone is still falling for the 🐂 💩 that she spouts. Her narcissism will not let her believe that the tables have turned and that people are siding with Jon. I really believe that she still thinks of herself as the media darling that she once was. As far as the kids are concerned, as she said, if they’re not with her they’re against her and We have seen that she really does believe this in her treatment of Hannah and Collin.

Colleen posted a “date night” picture of herself and Jon yesterday. They look very happy.

Sad but true said... 139

Anonymous said... 137
Not a legal expert but could the defense be that filming was done in NC, therefore they require no permits?

The kids were all in the dining room staging Kate's Last Supper scene. There's even a camera shot that shows the "cast" AND crew members holding mikes and cameras that was posted on someone's IG. So no, it's clear that that part, plus the kids' talking heads, were done at the compound. ~ Administrator said... 140

Collin went to the movies with a very pretty girl and gushed about how much he loves her in the caption of his Instagram post. He sounds so happy and normal.

Kate, your ex son has a very nice young life without your nonsense anymore.

NJGal51 said... 141

Collin seems like a happy, healthy and most of all normal teenage boy. Jon and Colleen give him the freedom to be himself and enjoy life. Hannah and Collin may not have all the material things that the other 4 have but with the love and security they have with Jon and Colleen they are far richer. His post is so cute, puppy love at its finest.

Giff said... 142

Aww...Collin is a o sweet. All he seems to want is someone to love and care for. It's sad all of the emotion he wasted on Kate trying to get her to love him. So glad he has people in his life now to help him forget the cruelty his mother showed him. It's amazing she didn't destroy his trust and compassion. She doesn't deserve him and never did. ~ Administrator said... 143

oh come on. That kind of stuff is very sensitive at that age. Did it really need to be broadcast on a public blog? Can we not give collin the tiny bit of privacy he has asked for?? Please. He's lived publicly for YEARS. Give him the boundary he's shown by making his Instagram private. It may seem like nothing to you but this young man has lived in hell. I beg you to let HIM allow who he tells these things to. Please. Please?


He has 4100 followers. He decided to reveal he took a nice friend to the movies. If he wanted that private he or his father can handle it without your help. By the way he seems to be implying this girl is just a close friend as he stated she’s “taken.”

Formerly Duped said... 144

Remember when Collin was about 10 and the boys on the couch interview said he had a girlfriend who liked to ruffle his hair? He liked to dress up for her. He said humorously "you boys are taking this way over the edge" or similar. I thought that was so sweet and also he seemed more mature than his brothers and cared about his appearance. His 'Mother' scoffed at his clothing choices. Most mothers would be glad if their son was interested in his appearance and looking nice. Not an icky boy at all. ~ Administrator said... 145

I honestly think Mady could go either way. After all, she has plausible deniability (the Stockholm Syndrome defense, and I'm sure there are others), and she figured out a long time ago how to maneuver around Kate. And Kate will undoubtedly try to keep Mady "sweet," as in, "here, have this, and I'll even pay for it out of my OWN money." Mady's not stupid by any means, and she's learned how to lie from one of the best.


Agree. Mady will shift gears as she needs to. If Kate thinks Mady will be undyingly loyal to her until the end of time, she must have forgotten what she taught the children about loyalty.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 146

Laya, belated congrats on your long-awaited and already much-loved grandbaby! Wishing you all happiness together. And best wishes to any other of our new grandmas, great grandmas, and, yes, even dog grandmas!

Anonymous said... 147

Its great to see Collin living a normal life. He looks so happy in that picture. He is getting to experience more while living with Jon than he did when he lived with Kate.

Admin, how is Sea Gordon doing this morning?

Andrea ~ Administrator said... 148

Admin, how is Sea Gordon doing this morning?


Already wants to bounce around and be frisky, and he figured out how to take his cone off in one full swoop. It's going to be a long two weeks of restricting his activity! ~ Administrator said... 149

Kate, you also have a secondary issue of finances. TLC paid you on commission dear. Last I hear, I'm no attorney--being paid commission should in no way be defined as a salary. A salary is something you get paid by working a real job. Commission sounds like you were compensated for your time in exchange for being filmed for take part in filming. That's not a working salary paycheck. So this in no way is a real job.


Not sure if I'm following you. I think she did get a salary, per episode, not a commission.

Both are income under the IRS. No difference.

As far as it being a real job though, no it's not a real job even if she made a million dollars doing so. I'm with ya there.

Giff said... 150

I don't think mentioning Collin going to the movies with a girl does any harm. I honestly think he likes and probably needs all the encouragement he gets from his posts. He had a mother who labeled him, "hard to love" and made it sound like he should be locked away from society forever. His posts and interactions show him to be a sweet, mature, NORMAL 15 year old boy. It also highlights that Kate is nothing but a liar and a cruel human being for what she did to him. ~ Administrator said... 151

I don't think mentioning Collin going to the movies with a girl does any harm. I honestly think he likes and probably needs all the encouragement he gets from his posts.


He's definitely a kid in recovery from his many years of rejection at the hands of his biological mother.

He appears to be in a stage of his life where he needs lots of validation to feel loved and supported and encouraged. He is getting that from his father and new mother, sibling and other friends and family. He also appears to be a somewhat uncommon case of a child using social media as an additional way to feel emotionally supported and validated. I would only worry about this being unhealthy if he didn't have such a strong support in his offline life now. I see this as truly a case of every positive comment thrown his way whether offline or online is helping this boy recover and grow into a stable and secure man. I'm as surprised by this as anything else, and believe me the minute I think there is something unhealthy about his social media I'll unfollow him and shut down any comments about it on this blog.

BlueJay said... 152

I assumed commission was different then a salary so I'm sorry. Salary to me is something you earned because you earned the job based on your talent because you were right for the job or career based on your resume after being educated.

Commission from reality television to me sounds like here we'll pay you for free in exchange for you time--not your talent,your abilities, resume or anything else. We're basically going to stick a camera in your face and the face of your children and pay you.

To me it has always looked like she dumped her nursing career she did earn in exchange for--hey this is so much easier I now get to sit on my rear end and get paid for free and I don't have to do anything to actually earn an income. It just has rubbed me the wrong way. And now she's told her children WE all need this to SURVIVE because I don't really want to go back to a job based on where I actually have to work a salary where I get paid based on my abilities of what I'm qualified to do to get paid.

I'm not really clear on how it all gets reported to IRS and all for reality television.

Sue said... 153

By the way he seems to be implying this girl is just a close friend as he stated she’s “taken.”

Admin, I got the impression that she’s his girlfriend based on all the emojis and subsequent comments he made to people commenting to him. All the comments to him have always been very positive and none are prying into his life with Kate. He was smart not to tag the young lady that he had the date with.

BlueJay said... 154

I do wonder though at some point is Kate actually going to have to go to court on the no permits issue with Jon, or the judge, or is this just quietly going to be swept under the rug somehow like most things with her and we're going to see more specials anyway?

Oldposter said... 155

Not sure if I'm following you. I think she did get a salary, per episode, not a commission.——-

I think it was determined she was not a w-2 employee but a contract worker, thereby receiving a 1099-misc.
A 1099 is a bitch- no retirement benefits, no vacay pay, no health benefits. She has to pay all the social security and Medicare herself.

1099’s are a great way for companies to take advantage of contract employees.

Anonymous said... 156

From Dmasy --

It seems as if Kate's super hero power has been her ability to avoid consequences. (With TLC as the wind beneath her wings.)

We have referred to her "teflon" qualities before.

I hope this will be the time that she has to comply with courts and judges and rulings. For the sake of her children and their trust money, there needs to be a legal accounting.

I really hope she isn't treated as "special" as she seems to think she is. ~ Administrator said... 157

I think it was determined she was not a w-2 employee but a contract worker, thereby receiving a 1099-misc.
A 1099 is a bitch- no retirement benefits, no vacay pay, no health benefits. She has to pay all the social security and Medicare herself.

1099’s are a great way for companies to take advantage of contract employees.


I can’t remember to be honest. I’m no blog historian. But if she were a 1099er she was getting hosed big time. What a dumb dumb not to insist on being an employee and that’s tlc pushing the boundaries of the law again. ~ Administrator said... 158

Admin, I got the impression that she’s his girlfriend based on all the emojis and subsequent comments he made to people commenting to him. All the comments to him have always been very positive and none are prying into his life with Kate. He was smart not to tag the young lady that he had the date with.


Yes he might have meant HIM. I’m so happy for him. She’s sweet as a button. He deserves to feel all the feels of teenage life including a young romance.

It does give me a bit of a pang to see he’s so attracted to a blond hazel eyed girl. Just like his mother. That boy will never stop loving Kate and she threw him in the trash. ~ Administrator said... 159

I thought commission was like extra bonus you get for sales. So you get a base salary and anything you do beyond the base is commission. In TV commission might work like your show brings in like 3 million viewers you might get extra pay and more for 4 and so on. I don’t think Kate was paid in that manner but I’m not sure. I think there is sometimes commission for movie actors when movies break the box office.

Layla said... 160

According to the TLC contracts and tax returns in Robert's book, Kate (and Jon) were paid a per-episode salary, not a regular salary. I don't remember seeing anything about retirement benefits or insurance of any kind. Back in 2014, Kate's "source" said she was being paid more than $40k per episode. So no regular salary, just a per-episode payment. I can't help but wonder whether she's still making that much. It's been years since any episode of a Gosselin show has gotten a million viewers, while back in 2014 she was coming off of a two-part special that averaged more than 2M viewers. Her salary is based on the show's budget, and the show's budget is definitely smaller than it used to be. This last special, from what I read, involved driving to NC, staying for just a few days, one filmed lunch, a free college tour. The activities were low-budget--a platform jump and go-carts. And then a dinner at home. The days of overseas trips and home renovations are over, plus M&C are adults and have to be paid their own salaries. It's still good money for a few days of filming, but doesn't look like a steady source of income in the future. Ratings keep dropping. The kids are growing up and leaving. Yet Kate and TLC are willing to break the law and defy a judge's order to keep it going. I hope there are (at the very least) some major fines involved for both. Enough to make it hurt so that they won't continue to flaunt the rules. If Kate got paid $40K, then her fine should be at least that much. If they fine her, say, $5K, then she still pockets enough money to make it worth it to her.

Giff said... 161

Regarding Collin's Instagram post, I totally agree that he has the love and acceptance of Jon and Colleen and if he was looking solely to social media for this, it would be cause to worry. This is the first time in his life he has seen how loving, normal couples interact. He sees the sweet posts Jon and Colleen do of their "date nights" and I think it shows the positive influence they have had on him and the role model Jon has become to him. I think he just wants to emulate their relationship with his own "date" picture.Kate is a cold hearted person who does not know how to give love or receive love. A child like Collin must be in heaven having the ability to now show his love for others and accept it in return. It's amazing he is not, bitter, withdrawn and untrusting of everyone around him. I hope the other kids can somehow overcome being raised by "Mother." I'm not sure about Mady and Cara. I think the permanent damage may have already been done, but the tups seem easy going like Jon, so there may still be hope for them.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 162

Giff (#161), I loved your comment. What did poor C learn from his gestational carrier about love? That it was a commodity to be given and taken away -- maybe permanently -- on a whim? And how about what he learned to expext from romantic relationships? To go by Mommie Dearest's comments, dating was about some dude taking care of her and policing her wild children. Never once a word about any of the joys and pleasures of love: making each other happy, sharing interests, enjoying being parents together.

Now C has a loving father and mother who are showing him what love is. I won't delude myself into thinking his life will be smooth sailing from here on in, but at least he has a fighting chance. The 4 still at Ms. Gosselin's Home For Exploited Children may not be so lucky. ~ Administrator said... 163

Social media is also a way for Collin to express himself without Kate or tlc controlling it. Social media generally isn’t all that beneficial for kids in anything other than small doses but for him I think so far it’s been a wonderfully healthy outlet. Therapeutic even.

Formerly Duped said... 164

And Collin is so polite, respectful and appreciative of positive comments and just thanks people who mention how he has suffered and hope his life goes well; I think it's s better for strangers on social media to stick to the present and be genuine and upbeat.

Giff- I loved your post too. The only thing I'm not sure of is if the two girl tups are easy going- Leah seem a bit like Mady and Alexis is in her own world. The boys seem laid-back but it was interesting that Aaaden wanted to beat Mother in the car course.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 165

It seems like Auntie Ann hasn't posted in quite a while. I hope she is okay.

just wondering said... 166

The damage Collin is & will continue to suffer is really quite serious. Hannah alone might be able to help him right now. Imagine being mentally tortured & physically singled out by your own mother as the ONE child she can't love. This is a trauma that will take a lifetime to heal. Adoptees at least have the comfort of knowing that their rejection was not personally aimed at them as much as the circumstances of the time, parents ages, parental influence, etc.

But nothing can prepare a child for the absolute rejection from a mother who has known him for his entire life. Collin must stay in therapy for a long time to really understand Kate's illness & Kate's absolute control & power over his life.

Hannah can help by recognizing on some level that by choosing Collin & Jon over her mother validates Collin's worth: That Collin didn't have the problem, but that Kate did. The other kids need to at some point rally with Collin to re-enforce this validation.

They will all need therapy, and their therapist can use their own show, frame by frame to point out Kate's abnormal behavior. They are not ready for it yet, but it will come. Those that don't get therapy will find it impossible to form healthy relationships as they have never been exposed to one. Having Jon fight for Collin is a huge step for Collin, but the rejection of his own mother may take decades of work. The gaslighting must be recognized for what it was & the children really do need to know just how mentally ill Kate is & how TLC, Figure8, & the early court filings were complicit in the continuing trauma they endured for far too long.

Not a doubt in my mind that there will be Psych classes using this family as a case study. (if not already happening) I hope Kate pays some consequences for what she has done in some way or another. It would help the kids to realize that nothing was ever their fault.

As half of their DNA comes from Kate, it will be tricky to navigate their therapy. They must not live in fear of becoming like her, yet they will need a reliable therapist or valued friend to use as a touchstone. Oh, Kate! The damage you have caused!
(They had a defective egg donor with poor to no skills as a mother, (or even as a human) but they don't need to carry that load) ~ Administrator said... 167

And Collin is so polite, respectful and appreciative of positive comments and just thanks people who mention how he has suffered and hope his life goes well; I think it's s better for strangers on social media to stick to the present and be genuine and upbeat.


I don't check his comments that often but when I do they are always so sweet and kind to him. I have never once seen anything negative. If there is he's deleting them. I'm really glad he's able to use social media without it becoming a hot mess.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 168

just wondering (#166), you really summed up the challenges all these kids will face in the years (decades?) ahead. Sadly, a few good months with his dad cannot undue the trauma C experienced. He has to live every day with the knowledge that his defective egg donor (brilliant description) gave birth to 8 children, yet he was the only one she chose to get rid of. This is C's ongoing emotional challenge. Or as his DED might put it, his "realest reality."

FlimsyFlamsy said... 169

Admin (#167), C sure didn't learn those social skills from TFW. I was just remembering when they went to some live bible show for which they had 10 free tickets, and she barely mustered a tepid greeting for the woman in charge. Then when she was allowed to raid the gift store for more freebies, she managed to hug the woman, but was still not present or warm.

Formerly Duped said... 170

Flimsy, true. I remember that episode. And the one at St Jude's where she could barely give the young guide the time of day. Her thanks you's were always cold with no eye contact. Remember, she "doesn't SEE other people!" She was downright rude to many of the tour guides or other people they came into contact with, giving them dismissive names like Mr Water Man, Mr Kiwi Man etc and said the dog breeder was just blah blah blah in her ears.many of these people were grifting things to her or providing a service.

Collin does seem to have exceptional manners- hope he got something our of the facility- maybe some of this? The other kids seem rude, sarcastic and entitled.

Susan1956 said... 171 ~ Administrator said... 107

Uh oh spaghetti-o. They swiffered the episode from my tlc go too. Are they trying to hide the evidence of their illegal filming??? Uh ohhh.
It disappeared from You Tube on Saturday and Google Play on Sunday.
just wondering said... 166

Not a doubt in my mind that there will be Psych classes using this family as a case study.
So true. Add classes in child development, child psychology, abnormal psychology, business law, corporate law, contract law, entertainment law, etc. ~ Administrator said... 172

Collin does seem to have exceptional manners- hope he got something our of the facility- maybe some of this? The other kids seem rude, sarcastic and entitled.


From the glimpses we’ve seen of him he’s an exceptional child. Well mannered, patient, appreciative, loving. An old soul. I can’t believe Kate threw this in the trash. I think deep down she’s scared of him. He’s too perceptive, too in tune. A liability to the scam she’s running.

Something tells me this is more who he is at his core and not really so much taught, though I think he’s had some good influences on him. He’s a particularly demonstrative child who seems very in tune with himself emotionally, which is one of the worst types of kids to be abused because they become so broken by jt. He somehow managed to filter out all the bad and only take the good influences. Remarkable.

Anonymous said... 173

I never saw Collin disrespect his mother on TV, but I can not count all the times Mady mis behave on TV since she was 6 years old. Is weird that she throw away the boy and always protected that Nasty Girl!

Giff said... 174

It is a very odd dynamic that Kate had with Collin. He was the only one of the kids I ever saw, try to have a normal relationship with her. He did everything he could to impress her and be her "helper boy." I honestly don't think she wants that from any of her kids. That type of relationship would interfere with her goals. These children were never born to be loved by their mother. They were born to carry out her fantasy of being famous. They can love her...just don't expect her to go to the trouble to return the favor. For whatever reason, she saw something in Collin that she hated because she didn't know how to handle it or control it. The fact that he is not completely broken and bitter or just completely gave up after all of her abuse probably eats away at her and makes her feel like a failure. She desperately needs help.

BlueJay said... 175

Again I know I say this as a rational mother and parent. But Kate wanted these children, all 8 of them. How in the world could see not LOVE one of them? The bits I saw from time to time what was so difficult about Collin?

Call me crazy but I just think he didn't want to film anymore. Like Hannah got to her own point and didn't seem to want to film anymore.

Whole thing doesn't smell right. I do think she has always come off as very controlling, ME ME ME. My kids, My way, schedules, very closed off, no extended family, not really spontaneous. Distant. Even somewhat robotic in a way.

My husband and I at the time we had two children a girl and a boy. That was pretty much planned, you know one each. And I started to think alright, we need to get a family dog. So I gave my husband a card that said, "now we are going to be a family of five in a few months." I never did see that man bolt out of his chair so fast...

I had gone outside to get groceries and as loud as possible he hollered, and all the neighbors heard I was sure, "What do you mean YOUR PREGNANT?" Irony was I found out few months later I was with our third daughter. We ended up not getting the dog until a few years later.

I don't think Kate could have just been spontaneous in any fashion like that. I watched their specials she seemed to have been in a rush about planning her pregnancies, planning pumpkin carvings, planning shopping trips, packing lunches.

Does this woman have any actual enjoyment? Granules of sugar on the counter. I mean good grief. It's baking. Plastic protection on the dining room table. If you can't ever enjoy a meal and learn to live with it what good is having children?

What's with the motto of making memories again? She made memories alright--memories of no messes, no relaxation I'm in charge, my way only and how up tight she is all the time. Those aren't home movies those are scheduled paranoid freak out events that were planned in advance.

lurking said... 176

Remember the episode where she made a big deal out of Collin telling a sister her hair looked ugly? And she did a bad job pretending to help him think it through? Then he did it again or something. I remember thinking why is this a big deal? I bet she was setting up "evidence" for when she sent him away. Not that it was much of any kind of evidence

just wondering said... 177

Remember the episode where she made a big deal out of Collin telling a sister her hair looked ugly?
My nephew shaved his sister's head when sh was about 5 and all any of us could do was laugh.. (and then he got his head shaved, too by means of his little sister with a bit of help from Dad.

But nope, nobody ever thought of giving him away!

Lord, my brother used to throw real darts at my head if I dared to enter while he was in the basement with friends. I really didn't think much of it because his aim was so bad.

Nope, we still kept him.

Another brother actually attempted to strangle or micro-managing mother for a few seconds, but he stayed, too.

Do you remember the lock on the old house's basement door? It was on Kate's side. She would lock them all down in the basement together for hours at a time.

Admin.. These kids were very young during the early endless seasons filming. Every member of the crew must have seen how she treated them. We know Steve saw everything. What kind of legal recourse do they have? They were used & abused, with no rights. As Kate would say, "Can they sue?"

Giff said... 178

I couldn't believe the huge deal she made out of Collin saying his sister's hairstyle was "ugly." I believe one of the girls told on him both times he said it, and it wasn't even the sister that he directed his comment to. It was just telling on him to get him in trouble. These kids have no idea what real sibling relationships should be like. Can anyone imagine telling on and getting your brother in trouble every single time he said something like that? You would spend your entire childhood ratting him out. There would be no time to do anything else.

BlueJay said... 179

Why on earth would any parent lock their young children up in the basement like that? That's oh beyond painful to read. What is Kate THINKING? Why would anyone crew who is filming not say something then??

Is having an open door policy not something she ever considered okay? That's just creepy... ~ Administrator said... 180

I couldn't believe the huge deal she made out of Collin saying his sister's hairstyle was "ugly." I believe one of the girls told on him both times he said it, and it wasn't even the sister that he directed his comment to. It was just telling on him to get him in trouble.


The kids grew up in a constant state of confusion and walking on eggshells. Certain bad behaviors were perfectly okay, like Mady's near constant negativity and resentment about her younger siblings.

Others as benign as an "ugly" comment that many kids will make when they're kids should have either been ignored or gently chided, "hey, be nice." Instead it turned into a lengthy lecture worthy of the worst university professor.

It is not at all surprising at least two of the children have ended up psychologically damaged. They lived in a looney bin.

Sad but true said... 181

Giff said... 178
I couldn't believe the huge deal she made out of Collin saying his sister's hairstyle was "ugly."

I saw this clip somewhere, and I was just amazed at how awful she was to him. So he made a comment about his sister's hair. You'd have thought he set her on fire. She cornered him and proceeded to chew him out, and then had the nerve to say, "No, don't shift your eyes away" or something to that effect, and that's when I knew: he was the chosen scapegoat. She never treated ANY of the others like that on camera. It seemed clear that whatever interaction she had with this kid, it was always confrontational. And he was just trying to avoid it, but she wouldn't let him off the hook.

Like Jon, I bet that kid couldn't BREATHE in that house without her finding some excuse to jump on him. As horrendous and unforgivable as his abandonment was, I am in the camp that trusts he will be better off in the long run for it. NOT that she sent him to a psychiatric institution for his "issues," but that she released him, period. It might in fact be the most charitable thing she's ever done.

BlueJay said... 182

Since the College show seems to have been removed from so many available outlets is a recap even going to be possible? Since you write so entertainingly and engagingly I hope it will still be a possibility. ~ Administrator said... 183

Yes I’ll do a recap it’s just been a busy week. It’s still on my dvr and unless the cleanup crew can manage to put my dvr in a barrel of acid I have the episode.

Formerly Duped said... 184

I feel she was 'mean' to all the kids, especially Joel and Alexis as well as Collin. Some of them just took it but Collin was feisty.

I think the ugly hair episode segment was filmed or staged so viewers could see how 'bad' Collin was and that TFW was 'in charge.' Ironically the sister was Hannah! Leah did the tattling.

Anonymous said... 185

Jamie claims Kate did have permits and the film was old. I told her I hoped she gets subpoenaed one day and she blocked me. Unless they acted the last summer 2 years ago which it didn’t look that old, she’s a liar.


Formerly Duped said... 186

Well, Mady said at one point she leaves 'next Tuesday' and the dinner etc seemed recent so I don't think that's true.Some of it was older; then a caption saying something like several months later... came on the screen.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 187

Formerly Duped (#184), and what an incredible violation of privacy is it to discipline your child with a freakin' film crew in his face? So it's available for the entire world to watch? And you get PAID for this epic parenting fail?

I'm sure many of us have had that awkward feeling at a restaurant or a mall when we're near a parent and child having a private moment near us. But this gestational carrier saw her family's most intimate moments as something not only to be monetized, but to help sustain the narrative that she was some sort of victim. She is a horrible mother.

Susan1956 said... 188

Anonymous said... 185
Jamie claims Kate did have permits and the film was old. I told her I hoped she gets subpoenaed one day and she blocked me. Unless they acted the last summer 2 years ago which it didn’t look that old, she’s a liar.

Wonder if Jamie is now regretting her association with Kate. Were the free trips and getting her mug on TV worth it?
I was clicking around You Tube last night and found this clip dated January 2016. Wasn't Vann one of her dates on Kate + Date? Did it really take 3+ years for Kate and TLC to cobble that dating show together? ~ Administrator said... 189

Jamie claims Kate did have permits and the film was old.


Lol. Wait Jamie are you saying this was all fake?

And I guess she doesn’t know there were sightings of them filming so we know the filming was after the permits were denied. We can also tell because the kids look older. So now they’re lying about their crimes. Add that to the charges. ~ Administrator said... 190

If they had plenty of footage from “before” why bother to request additional permits Jamie? Gosh what a lackey.

Sad but true said... 191

Susan1956 said... 188

No, Vann was the test balloon for #KatePlusDate. I remember her using that tag at the time. This was the date with the helicopter ride in NYC, and it was part of a regular K8+8 "season."
_____ ~ Administrator said... 189

I didn't watch the episode, but I'm pretty sure the filming of the college visit was in the spring of 2018. But I think it might have been prior to the April 5 ruling that stated J and K had joint legal custody. As for the filming of the bungee jump and go-carts, I think that was on this same trip, so again, it was before that ruling. But there are clearly scenes shot at the house---the crab dinner and talking heads---that had to have taken place this summer, and therefore were not appropriately permitted for the four tups. Since the twins were 18 by this point, they wouldn't have needed them.

Sad but true said... 192

Moreover, Jamie, if this was all "old" footage, why did TLC feel the need to pull the episode? Do you think THEY or Figure 8 are confused as to when every minute of this episode was filmed? And if it was all on the up and up, do you think Kate would have hesitated to make a statement calling Jon a liar? I never took her for a stupid woman, but even she's got to see that this version of events just doesn't hold up.

JM said... 193

Sad but True ... I agree on the filming timing. I was curious after the show aired and went back and looked on this site for when they were seen at Belmont Abbey filming, as I recalled it was discussed here. I found it was the first week of March, 2018, which was their school's spring break that year. So that part in NC was all filmed then, I believe. The last dinner and relevant couch parts were filmed more recently. You can see that Mady's hair is shorter; she got that cut earlier this year when they were in NY or CA for their round of interviews about Kate plus date; she posted on her public instagram at that time. The younger kids are in different clothes and sitting in different places in the couch interviews about the dinner and the twins leaving for college. So I think thats the parts being talked about filming without permits and against the court's order. ~ Administrator said... 194

So now they’re lying about their crimes. Add that to the charges.
What is it thst you think Jamie, who did not appear in the episode and would not be responsible for securing work permits anyway, will be charged with? And what statute outlaws lying on social media?


Oh come now you don’t need a statute or law to charge someone with high crimes and misdemeanors. Try to keep up.

Sad but true said... 195

JM said... 193

LOL, yup, I just went back and checked that too. She was in under the wire on that one.

As far as the permits go, Kate+Date was filmed entirely without the tups' participation. Surely that was due to not having permits. So what made K8 and Figure 8 think they would get away without them for this special? I think she just decided she would do it with no thought to the consequences. She's impetuous like that. And I hope the book gets thrown at her and TLC both.

Susan1956 said... 196

Sad but true said... 191
Susan1956 said... 188

No, Vann was the test balloon for #KatePlusDate. I remember her using that tag at the time. This was the date with the helicopter ride in NYC, and it was part of a regular K8+8 "season."
Thank you. It's so confusing at times.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 197

Speaking of is the 10th anniversary of the infamous Ballon Boy con.

Ingrid said... 198

Susan1956 said... 196
I was clicking around You Tube last night and found this clip dated January 2016. Wasn't Vann one of her dates on Kate + Date? Did it really take 3+ years for Kate and TLC to cobble that dating show together?

I think we speculated here that Vann was the replacement in the spot on Kate Plus8 that Jeff Prescott was going to originally do. I think TLC had it all planned and Kate went hunting for help to find a guy for the fake date so she wouldn't lose out on the helicopter ride/fancy date/$$ etc. (btw if you are so afraid of heights how could you ride a helicopter??) Deanna found Vann to fill in.

From link below
~~ET reports that the pair called it quits after fighting over Labor Day weekend, when Prescott allegedly backed out of filming Gosselin’s reality show, Kate Plus 8.~~

Layla said... 199

No way all of the newest episode was old footage. I've only seen clips and photos, but the younger kids look entirely different--especially Leah. There are photos and clips of her standing in a driveway talking with Kate, Mady, and Cara. That might have been filmed in March of 2018, but the pictures of her during the recent couch interviews and the crab dinner show her much heavier than before, and all of the younger kids are clearly older. Even a boot-licker like Jamie can see that there was a long gap between filming, but she's apparently so far along in her hero worship that she's can't see things clearly. Sad.

foxy said... 200

Can the judge in PA or even
the GAL sue Kate for defying the court order not to film the minor children?

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