Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Jon reveals he's doing IT work in a hospital during COVID-19, and calls on Kate to use her nursing license on the front lines

Jon has given an interview during the pandemic about what he is up to, and it turns out he's an essential worker, doing IT for a hospital.

As for Kate? Well, Jon is wondering as much as us why she doesn't using her nursing license, which is still current, to help. "There's people dying in need," Jon told The Sun.

As for their ongoing custody battle, he says the judge has now left it up to the children where they want to live, given their ages. Their next court date (like court dates for most of the country with pending court cases) has been set very far out.

902 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 400 of 902   Newer›   Newest» ~ Administrator said...

Tomorrow marks 14 days since we here in Texas were let back to normal, enough time to start getting a good idea of what this has done to the numbers.

Big shocker, there was no "surge" in cases or "surge" in deaths. The governor's approval rating is through the roof. Harvard researchers studying the state says Texas has enough tests to open safely. The governor is actually TALKING about nursing homes, unlike Newsom, and has committed to testing all nursing home residents in the next 14 days. All but two counties have more than 100 deaths, and most counties have 0-20 deaths. Texas is proof "safer" at home literally made no difference and that social distancing accomplishes the same thing. Everyone is out here, it looks normal. I've dined in twice and gone shopping in Home Goods and Tuesday Morning plus did three hikes including McKinney falls which requires a timed pass to enter booked ahead of time. This reopening could not have gone better. Time to let everyone out. ~ Administrator said...

Another coworker of mine has died of COVID. This one I saw every week.

He has been in his home for six weeks. "Safer" at home didn't save him. RIP. Great man. ~ Administrator said...

Well worth the read:

When the after-action reports for this pandemic are written, the elites are not going to come out looking very good. Why is America in lockdown today? Because despite more than 15 years of warnings that a pandemic was coming, the political establishment in Washington failed to prepare for its arrival — leaving us with inexcusable shortages of masks, gowns, protective equipment and ventilators. And the same politicians who led the drive for globalization — sending millions of manufacturing jobs overseas — also let our supply chains for critical drugs and medical supplies move abroad, leaving us scrambling to ramp up domestic production while the virus raged. The experts who for decades said we could manage China’s rise by integrating Beijing into the global economy left us dangerously dependent on a brutal totalitarian regime whose lies fueled the spread of the virus.
That’s not all. To contain the virus early and prevent the need for broad population-based mitigation measures, we needed to get testing in place quickly. But the experts blew it. Instead of clearing bureaucratic obstacles, the Food and Drug Administration refused to allow private labs to develop tests for six weeks. And scientists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention contaminated the only approved test kits with sloppy lab practices, rendering them ineffective. The delays cost us our only chance to prevent a nationwide lockdown. ~ Administrator said...

As a result, we are now experiencing the worst economic devastation since the Great Depression, with more than 33 million Americans losing their jobs in just six weeks. The brunt of the damage is not being borne by the elites who work in the information economy but by those at the middle and the bottom of the economic ladder — the forgotten Americans who were finally doing better under President Trump until this crisis arrived. Before the pandemic, the U.S. economy had added a half-million manufacturing jobs and low-wage workers were experiencing the fastest pay increases. Most of that progress has been wiped out.
For these Americans, today’s lockdown seems like a return to the nightmare they experienced following the 2008 financial crisis, when they saw persistent job losses coupled with a dramatic rise in deaths of despair — suicides, alcohol and opioid abuse, drug overdoses and chronic diseases concentrated in economically distressed regions of the country. Nobody in Washington seemed to care about their struggles, until Trump came along and promised to fight for them.
Now, these Americans see the same elites dismissing their suffering once again — insisting we must continue draconian lockdown measures that are putting them on the brink of financial ruin. They see the contempt of the media elites who mock the anti-lockdown protests taking place across the country (look at those rubes, they’re not even social distancing while they march!) and who heap scorn on Trump for his focus on reopening the economy. The message they get is: The elites don’t understand the utter devastation I am experiencing, but Trump does. ~ Administrator said...

They also see increasing evidence that the politicians and experts got a lot wrong about how the virus is spreading. In New York, for example, 96 percent of those hospitalized for covid-19 had an underlying medical condition, while only 17 percent were employed and only 3 percent had been taking public transportation. “We were thinking that maybe we were going to find a higher percentage of essential employees who were getting sick because they were going to work,” New York Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo (D) said, but “that’s not the case.” If those who continued going to work are not getting sick, then many unemployed Americans can rightly ask: Why can’t more of us be working with increased safeguards?
The idea that Americans are going to reward the elites who failed so miserably to prepare for and manage this pandemic is a fantasy. To the contrary, the longer this lockdown continues, the more likely it is we will experience a growing populist rebellion against the elites who insist we must continue to impose wreckage on the economy indefinitely. Indeed, the forgotten Americans whose lives and livelihoods are being annihilated may well decide that there has never been more need for disruption in Washington than there is today.

CC said...

Admin said...
He has been in his home for six weeks. "Safer" at home didn't save him. RIP. Great man.
My condolences.

How did he contract it? And when?
It can take six weeks to recover, or die, from it.

I think it’s important to know if he contracted it before he started staying home. Of if he was staying home but people in his home were coming and going and gave it to him. ~ Administrator said...

How did he contract it? And when?
It can take six weeks to recover, or die, from it.

I think it’s important to know if he contracted it before he started staying home. Of if he was staying home but people in his home were coming and going and gave it to him.


I don't know any of those details and the family isn't talking. I imagine they are in shock. He was 60.

I do know he was not in our office because we immediately sent older people in our office home in mid-March. It is extremely unlikely if one contracted it in mid-March they would die a whopping two months later.

NYC found that paradoxically, the vast majority of people getting COVID did not get it at work. Why everyone is ignoring this stat and refusing to let people work is beyond me, since most people aren't getting it at work.

bjm19047 said...

I don’t know why Kate not participating in something for TLC is surprising... am I missing something... she’s got fired!!! No? I don’t understand this conversation


I think you are overlooking the obvious: If they had her in a commercial, she would want to be PAID. Also, since she no longer has a relationship with TLC, I don't think they would contact her anyway.

Just my 2 cents' worth! ~ Administrator said...

So I guess you support the armed militia in Michigan who helped a barbershop open, against the Governor's orders.


Don't you think it's pretty darn ridiculous to assume that because someone has a reasonable and rational opinion that millions of other rational people also have based on data, that it's time to reopen, means they support violence?

Millions of Americans including 45 governors have looked at the data and have either opened or re-opened. A tiny fraction of them are outliers who think we need guns to do it. I don't give them any attention nor follow those stories, but the media loves to alarm you with stories of a handful of people that in no way represent the vast majority of people. But every time your lot lies about the numbers as Elizabeth Warren did yesterday, they only serve to work that group up more. You have only yourselves to blame.

There are crazies in your lot too, we all have them.

Sad but true said...


Anonymous said...

Admin, have you moved to TX permanently?


Layla said...

Sad but true,
Nobody is going to buy Kate's sudden "popularity". She
is buying followers because she's trying to sell herself to some network. Probably WE, since they're the only hope she realistically has left. Problem is, she can buy followers, but she can't buy ratings. Any network is going to look at the numbers and realize that, no matter how many followers she claims to have on IG, those numbers don't equate to high ratings. It's been years and years since any show of hers has gotten over a million, and it's a fair bet that no show featuring her will ever get a million viewers--ever. TLC tried re-branding her and re-packaging her, and it didn't work. People just weren't interested. Add to that the fact that she can't produce kids for filming (except Mady) and she's a big fat loser on the entertainment front. Doesn't stop her from trying though, does it?

We're slowly adjusting to life without Desi. Every day is hard. Words cannot describe how much pets bring to our lives Dmasy, how are you coping? Please check in and let us know how you're doing.

Clack said...

Kate thinks she’s a tv personality. She is not. She’s boring, all she does is bitch and complain. And she’s an entitled witch!
She has zero skill or likability. She can waste all the money she wants for fakes likes, friends or whatever it is. Still doesn’t change the fact that she’s got nothing to offer.

Layla, it’s so hard! They are a huge part of our family, it’s such a void. I would have paid any amount of money to keep my doggy alive and well. I even asked the vet to do a heart transplant. Apparently that’s not a thing. It should be. I think of you and dsmay often, it’s definitely a painful time.

ncgirl said...

Being private is probably for the best. He's allowed to have his feelings but not with a nutty mother who's able to read it. ~ Administrator said...

No anonymous, you were wrong, a governor cannot just do whatever the hell they want during a pandemic without, as i told you three days ago, convening the legislature.

Congrats Wisconsin!!

“The Wisconsin state Supreme Court has ruled against Gov. Tony Evers’ stay-at-home order, ruling that the Democratic governor does not have authority to act without input from the legislature”

Convene your legislature, Gavie.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Outdaughtered has a new season beginning June 2, with the final episode self-filmed by the Busbys. Most parents with young children are busy trying to keep body and soul together during the stress of this pandemic, and these nitwits decide to continue to keep their kids under the microscope. Another TLC science experiment that will pay for some therapist's beach house in 20 years. ~ Administrator said...

"an agency cannot confer on itself the power to dictate the lives of law-abiding individuals as comprehensively as the order does without reaching beyond the executive branch's authority."

"Wisconsinites deserve certainty, transparency, and a plan to end the constant stream of executive orders that are eroding both the economy and their liberty even as the state is clearly seeing a decline in Covid infections." ~ Administrator said...

Ouch, Wisconsin. You got compared to Japanese internment camps. Embarrassing For your governor. Congrats on your new freedom.

In a concurring opinion, Justice Rebecca Bradley cited Korematsu v. United States, in which the Supreme Court allowed the internment of Japanese Americans as a way to “remind the state that urging courts to approve the exercise of extraordinary power during times of emergency may lead to extraordinary abuses of its citizens.”

Anonymous said...

From Dmasy --

Thanks for asking how we are doing.

Sad. I kinda' crumbled on Sunday. We are living surrounded by packed boxes. Organization ended days ago. In the space of 3 weeks, we bought a house, sold a house, priced and sold most of our furniture and Annie died.

I am a linear person who feels most comfortable when I plan, begin and finish any project or thought. The unpredictability of my life and all the loose ends unsettled me to the core. Social distancing and all that involves probably had some influence.

I just adopted the Victorian Lady "vapors" and took to my bed. I cried. I rallied and picked myself back up on Monday. We took on some commitments for other people. Time consuming commitments that got me out of this house. Then, our little 3-year-old buddy came back for childcare.

Tomorrow, Annie will have been gone one week. One lonely, empty, sad week. We donated all her world goods -- including a bag of medications and a donation in her name -- to the local Humane Shelter. Interestingly enough -- their facility was as empty as I have ever seen it.

Our vet said something to the effect that our capacity to grieve is a direct result of our capacity to love. I keep reflecting on those words.

Ingrid said... ~ Administrator said... 18
Ouch, Wisconsin. You got compared to Japanese internment camps.
I was just thinking of those last night but couldn't remember the word internment. (I'm in Wis. so what a coincidence) Can't remember why I was. Camps for some kind of group. I never did well in Civics so most of this law stuff confuses me. I will have to just take it as it goes.

My county only started getting confirmed cases April 23. We are up to 7 but I am sure there will be more.

I am going to find some possibly open flower places besides walmart. (roadside, Amish) for my new flowerbed so I can start filling it up. Used my stimulus to help the small lumber yard, landscaper and flower places. I gotta atleast go drive around a while.

Layla said...

Dmasy, your post made me tear up! I have also had a couple days where I just can't get up and get going. It's been hard on my boys, too. Desi was such a bright light in our lives, and she is sorely missed. I was cleaning under one son's bed last weekend and pulled one of Desi's tennis balls out from under it. He said, "Please put it back. When it's there it kind of feels like she's still here somewhere". I put the ball back. We all have to adjust to our loss in our own way.

As far as Wisconsin is concerned, my cousin's husband ran for governor in 2018 Democratic primary (he lost). I'm not sure whether the loss was a blessing in disguise for him, considering the current situation, or whether he would have been the leader that state needs. Paul was always something of a firebrand. It would have been interesting to see what he did in a situation like this.

BlueJay said...

I don't know if I should be amused or meh about it. My birthday was yesterday and my eldest daughter bought me a present. She said she had gone out to the dollar store we have here and in one of the bins she found a gift she said I would get a kick out of. I rolled my eyes because I couldn't image what on earth she thought I would get a kick out of for my birthday from the dollar store! Not that I'm picky, but I opened it and to be rather honest, I'll admit I spent a good few minutes laughing over it after all.

My daughter apparently bought, all for a $1 and some change from the store was Kate's cookbook. Not like I don't have oh I don't know, a thousand other cookbooks on my shelves. Lord know what I need with another one. Never mind you one that when I sat down for amusement to look through it...I can get those recipes online for the most part. ~ Administrator said...

So glad to see the citizens of Wisconsin getting that "certainty they deserve." I'm sure the non-morons in the state feel much better about their health and safety now.


Welp, this is the problem when you extend orders unreasonably and refuse to let people do anything at all and start making them angry and pent up with no checks and balances on anything. Once you do let people out they want to rebel.

Of course the media doesn’t report on the vast majority of state residents who were released and are being responsible about their interactions outside the home. I’m sure it looks just like here in Texas where we are on the outside but being responsible

The governor has no one to blame but himself for this.

But I have to say it’s not really all that moronic for a twenty-two year old to go to a bar. If they get COVId they’ll have the flu and recover and you won’t even hear about it. Their chances of hospitalization are minuscule to none. Meh, much ado about nothing. If you feel that’s moronic you are free to stay home. Would I go to a bar right now nope. Do I care that other young healthy people are going? Sure don’t. Go. Help herd immunity. It could save YOUR life. ~ Administrator said...

I was just thinking of those last night but couldn't remember the word internment. (I'm in Wis. so what a coincidence) Can't remember why I was. Camps for some kind of group. I never did well in Civics so most of this law stuff confuses me. I will have to just take it as it goes.


The Manzanar Japanese internment camp in central CA is beautifulLy done, richly educational well preserved and peaceful. Well worth a stop. Those that follow Sea Gordon will see it’s dog friendly, he visited last year.

The MorePerfect podcast on Karamatzu, who lost his Supreme Court lawsuit, is also well worth your time.

You know from a purely legal standpoint I’ve thought a great deal about the Karamatzu opinion over the last few months and its harsh critics in recent decades. The crux of it is a government without a hearing, facts or science depriving someone of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I do not find myself all that shocked a justice would also bring it up under today’s similar circumstances. Congrats Wisconsin. ~ Administrator said...

Thanks for showing yet again what a selfish asshole l you are. Has it ever occurred to you that that 22 year-old might infect a whole lot of other people, some of whom might not be so lucky? Of course you Think it's just fine and down the for them to think only about themselves because that's what you do. What if that 22 year-old had a job in your father's nursing home? Would yhrir cavalier attitude bevokay wirh you then?


Pure speculation. I could also speculate that if a 22 year old wishes to go to a bar right now, they are also being very careful not to visit their grandmother, they live alone or with a significant other who is also not making contact with the elderly or infirm. I could also speculate that their elderly relatives are not making contact with any family members of their own choice.

I could also speculate that that 22 year old was out of work, and feeling so depressed they were suicidal. I could speculate that up until the moment of the Supreme Court's decision, they were thinking of killing themselves that very day. But being finally able to go out and see their friends again and get reassurance things would be okay, and a few leads on a new job, saved them from death.

We can play the game of speculation all day anonymous, but the fact is that 80 year olds are but one consideration out of many very serious issues many involving life and death too. Cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are falling like a rock across the USA. 45 states are open, most of them almost wide open. When will you acknowledge this SCIENCE?

Layla said...

BlueJay (22)
What a perfect gag gift! Of course, now that we're locked down, those recipes may be of use. Loads of pre-packaged and canned goods thrown together into some kind of barely-edible slop. At least you won't have to go to the grocery store for anything fresh or healthy. May I suggest you try her stellar recipe for (boxed) macaroni and cheese, (canned) tuna, and (frozen) peas? Or maybe the one with about a dozen cans of beans and soups baked with artery-clogging sausage. Or better yet, the (pre-packaged) noodles, (canned/jarred) gravy and ground beef. Ugh, I'm making myself nauseous just thinking about it. We had some pretty lengthy discussions here about the cookbook, and lots of people who tested her recipes. We all agreed that her recipes were disgusting and we'd never feed that slop to our kids. But if dumping cups and cups of lemon juice into your homemade hummus sounds delicious to you, then go for it! ~ Administrator said...

Let's examine that "dropping like a rock" concept in your beloved Texas shall we?


Deaths that occurred in Texas now were from people who got this virus at least 4-6 weeks ago. And when you report all deaths of people who have COVID as COVID deaths, you'd be surprised how much that confuses your numbers. You also conveniently failed to mention that just a few days prior, 12 deaths was one of the LOWEST days. And if you ever took a stat death, you would realize that you need to look at at least an entire week of death numbers to grab the AVERAGE and not any one individual day, as it is purely random on which day any given group of very sick people will die. For instance, by pure chance, all those people could have died on ONE DAY, with zero deaths on all the other days. Would you panic over that, or do you understand the concept? Oh my god, go back to school, please.

If you don't like this, you can stay home. Sorry, everybody else is opening. It's a free country, you may stay home just try not to melt, since you're so precious.

Let's talk about RATES. Over 600,000 tests. And an extremely low infection rate of only about 5%, and still most counties in Texas with 0-20 cases. That hasn't changed.

A judge compared this to JAPANESE INTERNMENT CAMPS. I mean, it's really time for you to get a grip. ~ Administrator said...

The RATE of infection, dear anonymous, in Texas has been as high as 8 percent when this first started. It has now dropped to anywhere from 4-5, occasionally 6 percent. A massive improvement and certainly safe to open up. This is the pattern of all states who are open. Dropping like a rock. It is what it is. I'm sorry you want to root for more deaths and are even willing to lie about it. That is very sick. Get help. ~ Administrator said...

The SS Panic, sorry the SS Mercy, anonymous, is leaving Los Angeles. It sat there empty, not helping people, not taking on the "surge". The surge your lot predicted never happened. 45 states are open and it still hasn't happened. You're still whining about some surge that's going to happen, and it didn't and won't. Your lot caused us to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars and god knows how much pollution getting that SS Mercy to Los Angeles for NO REASON. That is truly embarrassing, a disgrace. ~ Administrator said...

Just so happens that judge is a conservative judge appointed by Republic Scott Walker.

Just another one of your lot.


I hope you're not implying the judge did something improper without evidence. That's a serious accusation, what makes you think something improper happened? A judge's role is to be fair or impartial. I'm sure she is well capable of judging this for what it was, a horrific government overreach with no checks and balances, regardless of where she falls.

And by the way, it's not a "conservative" thing to find the litany of governor's orders with no checks and balances to be illegal. In fact I've heard a whole lot of my liberal friends say this is getting out of hand, and most of them are fine with staying at home. They said something about it being too much like a dictatorship, and hypocritical of them to be okay with it when they have blathered on for years about Trump. Do you consider yourself a hypocrite? ~ Administrator said...

You are one sick human being. Maybe you didn't notice, but over 22,000 people died in New York. Maybe, just maybe, LA hasn't met the same fate because of aggressive mitigation.


NY and LA were equally aggressive. They were maybe, at best, a few days apart in their efforts. Hard to make a scientific argument that a mere few days are the difference between 100,000s and just 1300. Please. Especially when we now know the virus was here since at least December or earlier and nobody was taking any measures.

Maybe, just maybe, population density played a huge role in all this. Maybe, just maybe, making everyone stay at home with their grandmothers was a bad idea, as the NY mayor himself admitted. Can you imagine you MIGHT just MIGHT be wrong about all this? Or is there no scenario in your mind in which "safer" at home was not a grand success?Is it denial, stubbornness, both? Why is it so important to you that this measure was the correct thing to do? Because YOU supported it and YOU don't want to be wrong? That's ego, honey. ~ Administrator said...

The rate of infection has dropped because more people have been tested, not just the very ill.


Oh my god. You really, really don't understand math, do you? Like, you do understand that the more people we find to test who turns out DON'T have it, the better EVERYTHING is.....right? That it's all relative to who DOESN'T have it? Is this honestly this hard for you to understand?

Let me try to make this super simple for you. If ten people test and ten people are positive, we're fucked. But if 1,000 people test and only ten people have it, we're in really fucking good shape. Ya get em? Now you stay inside, and everybody else can come out. ~ Administrator said...

It's no different than the death rate, which I *think* we can both agree was higher originally because fewer people were tested and therefore the number of deaths relative to number of cases was inflated.


I can't believe you just admitted that the death rate is now just about on par with an active flu season (and may also include people who died of other causes but happened to have a mild case of COVID) ~ Administrator said...

Except, it has even more meaning here because even with governments imposing "widespread" testing, very few people are just going in to test for the hell of it for no reason to. The testing is invasive, time consuming and could expose you to the sick. So we're still only getting people who are either feeling sick with something whether it's COVID or not, people who have been around someone with COVID, and essential workers who are at much higher risk than the general public. In other words, high risk folks are STILL, in Texas, coming up mostly 95% clear.

I have no idea why you want this to be worse than it is and I really have no idea why you aren't happy at how optimistic the numbers are looking this month. Is it Trump hate? Clearly governors agree things are much better, even Heir Newsom is willing to open several of his counties now. You're disturbed.

JoyinVirginia said...

People magazine update: No photos or mentions of The Former Mrs Jon Gosselin or birthdays of children.
Interesting that People cover story few weeks back was on Ben and Erin Napier of HGTV Home Town series.
They were college sweethearts and have been married over 10 years. They are on a mission to build up their home town. She wanted an expensive piece of furniture, he learned woodworking to build it himself to save money, and now they have a furniture line. They had a business that was doing well before HGTV ever came calling.
They have a child they do not film for TV! Erin had infertility problems but she didn't take drugs and years later had a surprise pregnancy with one child.
People also has stories every week of nice things people are doing for each other during this pandemic, and about essential and front line workers. And of course how celebs and their families are isolating together. TFMJG didn't make any of those photo spreads either.

Anonymous said...

Dear anonymous, check out Colorado's number of COVID deaths. The Health Deptartment, just yesterday, had to revise their numbers. 1150 people died WITH COVID. 878 FROM COVID. 431 were from nursing homes. One death is one too many, however, stop with bumping up the numbers. One death was someone who tested positive for COVID yet died from alcohol poisoning! He was listed as a COVID death!
Teddie ~ Administrator said...

Dear anonymous, check out Colorado's number of COVID deaths. The Health Deptartment, just yesterday, had to revise their numbers. 1150 people died WITH COVID. 878 FROM COVID. 431 were from nursing homes. One death is one too many, however, stop with bumping up the numbers. One death was someone who tested positive for COVID yet died from alcohol poisoning! He was listed as a COVID death!


Directly from the mouth of my friend who is a nurse in South Carolina: She is being told the cause of death for everyone with COVID is COVID. No buts about it. She has had several people who clearly died from other causes: heart attack, stroke, etc., but tested positive for COVID, asymptomatic. That's a "Covid" death.

The reason for this may be a "heart is in the right place" thing, to get more FEMA funding, but it is FRAUD and freaking SCARING Americans.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

JoyInVirginia (#35), how the mighty have fallen, huh? From reality show superstar to "Kate who?" Remember how insulted she was in the "I want Nobu" article when the interviewer said she was famous "at the moment" (or something like that) and TFW repeated the phrase incredulously?

She was convinced she'd be riding that wave until the tups were 18 and beyond -- with apparently no plan B except for a nursing license she had zero interest in ever using again.

Clack said...

She’s a her own mind

BlueJay said...

Layla, I must tell you it was quite the gift indeed! My husband however said of all the gifts in the world what on EARTH do you need another cookbook for? As he wove his hand and quite enthusiastically pointed out the billions upon billions of cookbooks i have, ahem...sheepishly in my living room. I told him don't worry we'll just use it when the coffee table needs to be stable.

But. I don't go to the store for fresh food often. I happen to enjoy gardening. I grew up on a farm, so with summer I'm used to still planting vegetables and fruits and winter I pickled and canned them. I go to the store what I can't get. Surprised at Kate, she has all those acres of land she could have put to use to be "organic," and grow what have you.

I coupon not excessive and I have decent thought back in my day with three children--waste not want not. So we're alright. But with way Kate talked about how her children eat I frequently wondered did she teach her children how not to waste anything? Wonder if she's fallen back on her coupons.

But alas, I couldn't possibly eat all those beans and such without causing serious heartburn. My goodness. I did see that recipe and my word not one I'm going to try out any time soon. Not appealing. Doesn't fit her organic pitch at all.

I hope you are getting on without your dog dear.

Clack said...

There seems to be a toilet paper shortage, you could put the cookbook to use in case of emergency!

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Just read that the ratings for last week's Little People Big World episode were 2 million. Schmoopy couldn't even scrounge up half as many viewers for her dating fiasco.

Can you imagine how miserable she must be, knowing her relationship with TLC looks like it's well and truly over? I'd rather be under quarantine with a rabid raccoon.

Layla said...

BlueJay (40)
Another cookbook lover, right here! I have a rather embarrassingly large collection--and I couldn't part with any of them. I do have my favorites, though--Ina Garten's (Barefoot Contessa). I have all of hers, and every recipe is amazing. Just last night I made her chicken stew with biscuits (delish!) and this morning I made her lemon cakes. If you don't have any of hers, you must get them! She has a new one coming out in October, and when I told DH that I had pre-ordered another cookbook, he rolled his eyes and said, "Really, honey?". Then I said that it was one of Ina's and he said, "In that case--good choice!". I have a shelf of her cookbooks in my kitchen and I call it my "Great Wall of Ina". When is comes to baking I'm a fan of Dorie Greenspan and Maida Heatter.

I'm also surprised that Kate never used all that land for an organic garden. She always presented herself as a green-living, organic-loving, thrifty person, yet never bothered to put her property to good use. I think it's because she's inherently lazy. She doesn't want to do any actual work if she can possibly help it.

We're slowly adjusting to life without Desi. We miss her every moment of every day, and always will. She was that special.

Layla said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 42
Just read that the ratings for last week's Little People Big World episode were 2 million. Schmoopy couldn't even scrounge up half as many viewers for her dating fiasco.
Did any episode of K+8 ever get 2M viewers? I can only find one--the 10th birthday episode. So many TLC shows have proved that they can stand the test of time but nothing with Kate in it. She's a loser when it comes to entertainment value and her firing was long overdue.

Anonymous said...

This evening, Jon is going to be on Entertainment Tonight:

Jon Gosselin Exclusive
Entertainment Tonight: Season 39, Episode 217
DescriptionChecking in with Jon Gosselin as the sextuplets turn 16; the judges from "American Idol" reveal what viewers didn't see on the big finale; Reba McEntire tells about her life in quarantine; Luke Wilson and Amy Smart ("Stargirl").
Show: Entertainment Tonight
Air date: May 18, 2020
Previous episode: Episode 216

JoyinVirginia said...

Layla, Bluejay, I have a bunch of cookbooks also. I have quite a few of those self published church cookbooks, always fun to find more cake and casserole recipes!
FlimsyFlamsy, TLC helped create the TFMJG monster, by catering to her expansive tastes and getting her an accident who found whatever opportunity she could. and all those wasted opportunities! If she had been a good sport and easy to work with, who knows what she could have done? Even if she halfway tried to keep up her website. Hope she enjoys the obscurity.

Anonymous said...

Here the link with of Jon’s interview

He mentioned that he gets royalty checks whenever tlc replays the show on tv. Kate may as well

Gigi Be

Layla said...

JoyinVirginia (46)
I have a bunch of those church cookbooks too--my aunt gave them to me, and they are great for casseroles and dips and any yummy, gooey dessert you can imagine. I have a bunch of very active boys, so I spend a lot of time cooking--and I need all the help I can get coming up with things to make for them. It's like a plague of locusts descends upon my kitchen on a daily basis. Fortunately for them, they inherited their father's awesome metabolism. Unfortunately for me, I don't have an awesome metabolism. Lockdown means I've spent a lot more time cooking--and eating. I'm now living in yoga pants, and I'm dreading the day that I have to try to get into a normal pair of pants. I doubt that I have anything in my closet that will fit!

I think Kate has always been a monster, but TLC fed her ego and catered to her so much that her narcissism became out of control. I wonder if her firing had something to do with the way she treated others--namely, the crew. The last time she was fired was after the RV episodes. Remember how she expected the crew to "stop playing 'we're filming a TV show and get some real work done, because I'm done here'"? In her mind, they were there to serve her. Right after that was filmed, she was cut loose. Maybe TLC was sick of her attitude and thought she needed some time to get over herself. Then they resumed filming, and from what I read of the Halloween episode, she was back to her old tricks, saying that the crew needed to ask what they could do to help her (or something similar--I refuse to watch it to get the actual quote). TLC only filmed 2-3 more episodes of the show and then fired her again. Did her inflated ego and outrageous demands push them to do it? When you're dealing with that ego and crappy ratings, who wouldn't get rid of her? But of course, it's all Jon's fault. Sure, Kate. ~ Administrator said...

Little Gavie running California had to back off nearly ALL his previous criteria for reopening or face ouster, tar and feathering, or both.

This is seriously embarrassing. Over 50 counties in California can now open after he capitulated left and right realizing he will never ever get reelected again if he keeps up this little stunt of his. Worst governor EVER.

Hospital rates in LA still dropping like a rock. Time to open, Gavie. ~ Administrator said...

He mentioned that he gets royalty checks whenever tlc replays the show on tv. Kate may as well


I'm surprised they were smart enough to negotiate royalties. But to be honest TLC rarely airs this thing anymore. It can't be much. And often the way royalties work it goes down less and less the more it airs. ~ Administrator said...

He mentioned that he gets royalty checks whenever tlc replays the show on tv. Kate may as well


I'm surprised they were smart enough to negotiate royalties. But to be honest TLC rarely airs this thing anymore. It can't be much. And often the way royalties work it goes down less and less the more it airs.

Susan1956 said...

There was also a 2nd interview. Jon was very forthright and open while still protecting the kids' privacy as much as possible. Very natural, he evidently did the interview while on his lunch break, compared to Kate's overly made up face, fake hair and wardrobe. It must infuriate Katie Irene that Jon is sought after by the media and getting good press.

BlueJay said...

Layla, JoyinVirginia

I enjoy cooking--it would be tough if I didn't having had three children and a husband. But the bulk of my cookbooks were also inherited. My sister passed away some years ago, so I inherited most of her cookbooks I just couldn't get rid of them. It was something she touched, wrote in, still has her food stains in because she used the recipe so much. I still have plenty of my mother's hand written farm recipes from back in her days from when she had a wood oven and her hand writing that's something you can't get rid of.

I said a long time ago when Kate wanted to write that cookbook for her children she didn't need to publish it she should have done what we as mother's do, you write the recipe down on index card or you bind them up in a recipe book and that's that. Publish it indeed!

Seeing Jon now with his interviews and that, I see a man who has quite grown you know. From his experiences. I do wonder quite often if indeed the children will write their own books.

I will be taking my mother's chocolate cake over to a neighbor he's going to be passing soon he has pancreatic cancer and he's 86 years old. I'm leaving it with his daughter. I don't need a recipe for that that cake has been made so many times.

I can't imagine how Kate is chewing on her regrets for how shoe chose this path in her life. Very sad, to me anyway. But you reap what you sew honestly.

Anonymous said...

Identical quad boys born in TX during the pandemic. They’ve all got an H name and are known as the 4H’s. I wonder if TLC has contacted the parents yet.


Layla said...

BlueJay (53) said...
I said a long time ago when Kate wanted to write that cookbook for her children she didn't need to publish it she should have done what we as mother's do, you write the recipe down on index card or you bind them up in a recipe book and that's that. Publish it indeed!
Oh, but she HAD to publish it because it wasn't for her kids to begin with. The kids are just a marketing ploy to get people to buy it. She set out from the moment of conception to squeeze every dollar she could get out of those kids. She sold their privacy, their most private moments, and their very childhoods--and only set aside any cash at all for them when she was forced to do so. She's been quiet, but I am absolutely certain that she's frantically trying to find a way to squeeze a little more cash out of them--and sell her mom-of-8 persona to anyone who will give her money and attention for it.

ncgirl said...

"I can't imagine how Kate is chewing on her regrets for how shoe chose this path in her life"

I don't think she feels regret. She just blames Jon for bad things that have happened to her.

BlueJay said...


Oh she needs attention alright. From a therapist! Or a frying pan upside the head. Either one will do the job. Knock some common sense into her.

Didn't this cookbook flop anyhow? I'm waiting for the tide to turn when the world tires of people raising multiples. Not that anything wrong with that but everything has its season and eventually people get bored with the concept you know.

I do believe, me personally, I have never read a book on former reality television stars from TLC and their aftermath. So perhaps one of the Gosselin children will be the first. I could be wrong I just haven't seen a book by anyone. Not that I have looked. You see books my former child stars, but not reality television stars. So there's a market perhaps. That would be something Kate couldn't control of her eventual adult children. She has always said how much the children enjoyed it and on and on. that be worth something to read the polar opposite.

I don't think Kate is prepared for her adulthood without her children being adults of their own. Where she can't be in control when their 18. She's not prepared for that adulthood when she's on her own: financially, unemployed, single and emotionally with no support. It's going to be rough facing the world as a middle age adult who hasn't grown up. And if she thinks those kids are going to be there to prop her up? You may get one or two if she totally brain washed them but my, my how rough that's going to be.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

ncgirl (#56), I agree that TFW feels no regret. And that's why I think she's incapable of change. She sees herself as a victim. Good grief, she even spun C being sent away through the lens of how hard it all was for HER.

Layla said...

Well, I recently joined Instagram (because you can't see others' posts now unless you join yourself). I absolutely need to see the pictures my DS/DIL post of Sully, and I need follow Ina Garten. I also discovered Jennifer Garner's IG, and I love it! She posts regular installments of her "pretend cooking show"--including her cooking/baking mistakes, she reads to her dog, she gardens/keeps bees/raises chickens, and she co-founded a company to provide organic fruit/veggie products to WIC families. She's not afraid to laugh at herself, and she never posts photos of her kids. She's everything KG wants to be--but isn't. The "pretend cooking show", in particular, is something Kate has always wanted (remember "Mommy's cooking show"?) but could never, ever pull off. ~ Administrator said...

Also, you don't even need to be a good cook to put a cooking show on. Amy Schumer Learns to cook is a delight, informative but light. The best word for her and her lovely husband I can think of is simply charming.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Admin (#59), alas, TFW has never been accused of being charming. Most narcissists are better at it than she is -- as a means to an end, that is -- but she can barely fake it. ~ Administrator said...

Incidentally, Amy's husband is autistic. He is high functioning. He has not been discarded by his family or institutionalized. Rather his differences are embraced as what makes him, him. When asked how Amy would cope if their baby son was also autistic Amy responded: "How I cope? I don't see being on the spectrum as a negative thing. My husband is my favorite person I've ever met. He's kind, hilarious, interesting and talented and I admire him. Am I supposed to hope my son isn't like that? I will pay attention and try and provide him with the tools he needs to overcome whatever challenges come up like all parents. I'd be disappointed if he liked the Big Bang theory and nascar not if he has ASD."

Kate, you should be ashamed of yourself.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Admin (#62), that lovely quote from Amy Schumer reminded me of when TFW said she sent her son away so he could become "the best C he could be." If that was true, why didn't she take him back after his time away? Whatever issues he had before his banishment (if he actually had any in the first place), he emerged a thoughtful, articulate, kind and compassionate young man. And the heifer still deleted him from her life.

That little boy was removed from his home 4 years ago -- a home HE helped pay for through the wholesale exploitation of his childhood -- and to this day hasn't been allowed back in. And besides the obvious trauma to him, the damage done to his 7 siblings must have been horrific. ~ Administrator said...

Admin (#62), that lovely quote from Amy Schumer reminded me of when TFW said she sent her son away so he could become "the best C he could be


And isn’t this the difference? One parent doesn’t think their child is the “best” just the way they are. The other knows their child is the best just as he is, he just might need some services to help him along the way. I’m impressed with Amy. ~ Administrator said...

The city of Big Bear Lake has announced it will no longer communicate or enforce Gov. Gavin Newsom’s stay-at-home health order, saying that it has no legal responsibility to impose the state’s restrictions.

“Businesses and residents should take responsibility for their own actions, should thoughtfully consider the governor’s orders and the risks associated with their specific circumstances [including health, legal, financial and licensing], and act accordingly,” officials said in a news release Thursday evening.

With the announcement, Big Bear Lake, a mountain resort town of more than 5,000 people in San Bernardino County, joined other communities that have defied the state’s stay-at-home order and the governor’s plan to reopen California in an ordered approach to prevent new infections of the coronavirus.


There goes another community, LOLOLOL. Almost the entire state now is ignoring the governor. I think he's down to about five counties who are following his order out of 58. Gavie must be so embarrassed! ~ Administrator said...

Lying again. Overc40 counties opening at a faster pace have applied for and received variances. That is not ignoring the governor. Try not to twist the truth once every so often.


Right, right, right. This is sort of like a teenager who “asks” his pushover parent if he can break his curfew to go have sex with his girlfriend and then the pushover parent says sure because they’re too afraid to say no. I mean, they asked. If you’re going to say yes every time to being walked all over why bother Having the rules in the first place? Rules by the way that have had absolutely devastating consequences for most people and i don’t mean just economically.

He has handled this all in an appalling and nonsensical manner, everyone sees it, and I have no idea why you refuse to.

BlueJay said...

Here is an article about the Headrick sextuplets who just turned 18 years old. This family has a total of 7 children, they also had one older child. This makes them a family of 9. They all grew up in a small Kansas town, population of just 450.

You know, there ARE families out there who have multiples who have chosen not to raise them on television. All these children grew up very close it seems like. Without the camera needing to capture their entire childhood for the world to see.

So, frankly, I have never bought Kate's excuse see HAD to film her children to document their childhood or to survive or that all parents would have taken up the offer to do so because here is a grand example of the opposite. Whether this family was offered a reality show, I actually don't know but until today I've never heard of them or seen them on any show. Imagine that.

A nice, normal, none reality family who has 7 children, one a set of multiples. No reality show, who graduated high school. It's possible after all Kate. And in a very small town.

foxy said...

I wonder how the Gosselin 4 did with video schooling. I hope all the kids are doing well. They have 3 more years of high school after this.

foxy said...

I hope the Gosselin 4 at the compound are doing well with video schooling. They have 3 more years after this. It seems all is quiet ~ Administrator said...

I hope the Gosselin 4 at the compound are doing well with video schooling. They have 3 more years after this. It seems all is quiet


One of the worst things you can do to an abused child is lock them up with their abuser and deprive them of any mandatory reporters access. Los Angeles was considering a plan of having the police do random welfare checks on families, but it was scrapped. This is not something most politicians seemed to think about when they instituted "safer" at home at the expense or where the real problem was, nursing homes.

I have heard a few politicians talk about concerns about child abuse, like the incredible governor of Texas. You know the one that has even a fraction of the understanding of the social problems "safer" at home created and why it must end immediately and shift to protecting nursing homes. Folks like me have been raising cain about nursing homes since day one. Now when I read the news, every other article is finally talking about it. Fashionably late to the party, meanwhile thousands died. ~ Administrator said...

Ouch, the CIVIL RIGHTS division of the justice dept sent a letter to LA telling them to end the lockdown. They are calling it arbitrary and unlawful.

So embarrassing LA. So embarrassing. Humiliating. ~ Administrator said...

Lord, you are ridiculous. Why would LA be embarrassed to get a "warning" in an overtly political move from William Barr's corrupt Justice Department?


Anyone who kills thousands of elderly in nursing homes should be humiliated.

LA themselves as appointed an INSPECTOR GENERAL to look into this. All over the news today.

What was I saying two months ago anonymous? Oh, right, that our problem was NURSING HOMES. And you poo pooed me, insisting the young and healthy must remain locked up. You were wrong, why is that so hard to admit? Is it stubbornness?

NJGal51 said...

I’m in Cochise County, AZ and as of this morning we’ve got 62 reported cases of Covid-19 county wide. There’s only been one death and 19 cases are still active. In the county, 36 women have tested positive and 26 men have tested positive. More than half of the cases have been contracted by people 20-44 years of age. ~ Administrator said...

More than half of the cases have been contracted by people 20-44 years of age.


The more your cases are made up of this age group, the better. Your chances of dying or even being hospitalized in that age group are near 0. It's the 80 plus nursing home cases where the death rates get bad.

LA is going to stop holding daily press conferences. The death rate is so rock bottom now, it gets a little much to drone on and on for two hours every day. The governor has pretty much opened up the state with some parameters like capacity. Even churches are allowed now. San Francisco has had more suicide attempts during safer at home then they generally have ALL YEAR and health officials are ALARMED. "Safer" at home was one big failure being abandoned as quickly as it began.

NJGal51 said...

The more your cases are made up of this age group, the better. Your chances of dying or even being hospitalized in that age group are near 0. It's the 80 plus nursing home cases where the death rates get bad.
You’re right about that Admin. According to the county info 9 have been hospitalized with only 3 requiring admittance to the ICU - don’t know the age group on them but I’m betting they are older. ~ Administrator said...

The “experts” have done it again. Now it’s MASKS they think are stopping the spread. All fifty states are open yet the projected new cases model keeps falling by the tens of thousands.

So basically, we never needed to be locked up in the first place. We could have all just worn masks instead. I’m sure all the people who lost loved ones to suicide this month appreciate that. ~ Administrator said...

Source? I believe you are referring to the report out of Walnut Creek which is about one hospital in a small suburb in a different county, not about the city of San Francisco. Misleading, as per your usual.


You're in denial anonymous. Your safer at home policy you advocated for KILLED PEOPLE.

No, it's not just Walnut Creek, although the situation at that hospital has so alarmed doctors that they say although they were COMPLETELY in support of "safer" at home, they now want an immediate END to it. That's pretty telling, when medical professionals are trying to explain to you that the cure is worse than the disease. Calls to the suicide prevention line COUNTY wide in San Francisco are up. Conveniently for you, suicide rates are notoriously slow to report. But common sense and history (there was an increase in suicides during other pandemics in history) should tell you to be very, very alarmed by this.

Of course you're not though, because then you would have to agree with Trump that this should end now, and you can't bring yourself to do that. Even if it means bodies piling up, your lot can't put aside your pride. Sad. ~ Administrator said...

LOL, Los Angeles changed it's mantra. It's not "safer" at home, now it's "Safer At Work and In the Community."

What a HOT MESS of weenies who F-ed this all up beyond comprehension. ~ Administrator said...

Did you even read it? It still recommends staying at home as much as much as practicable, and provides rules for when you do leave your house. It's part of opening up gradually, not all at once.


A recommendation to stay home is very different than an order.

And look around, nobody is staying home.

And if you want to stay home because you're paranoid or are over 80 or have a health condition, good on ya. It's a free country, no one is stopping you. Stay home. But the rest of us would like to go on with life and stop having the economy destroyed and stop the suicides. Thank you for playing. ~ Administrator said...

Freak dubs himself a 'wartime president'. Well, that was definitely a spectacular fail.

100,000 confirmed covid deaths in America.
Equivalent to 41 PearL Harbors...
Thirty three Sept 11s....

Complete and utter failure as potus.


I guess you don't understand how public health works, which is diverted largely to counties and states, in fact almost exclusively to counties and states.

Trump had no authority to take over this pandemic. He can do a few things, like close borders, which he did (and which your lot complained about), and he can issue health "guidelines" and he can sign off on stimulus checks. And that's about it. He is it the mercy of governors, and if your governor is good, like in Floridan and Texas, you will have a good handle on this epidemic, and if your governor is bad, like in New York in California, you're pretty much f-ed. This is called the separation of powers doctrine, which you might have even learned about in school!

And since almost every other developed country in the world massively failed at this (including many heavily leaning liberal and socialist countries, like Italy and Spain), the idea that you want to just blame Trump just speaks to your obsession and derangement.

Frankly, this epidemic was a freak, once in a hundred years (literally) event. When freak, once in a hundred year events don't happen every day, humans sociologically are ill-prepared to deal with them. This is why most of the world panicked and foundered. The good news is Sweden was right, the best way to deal with this was to NOT lock up, so if there IS a resurge in the fall (and come off it, nobody knows if there will be), we won't have to lock down again.

You sound panicked. There are some good therapists available to talk to if this is really getting to you. There is no shame in asking for mental health help. ~ Administrator said...

Congrats Texas on allowing camping again and on the grand success of your reopening!

“No one is more pleased than us to welcome more outdoor enthusiasts back into state parks as part of the continued reopening of Texas,” said Carter Smith, Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. “Our careful and deliberate approach to phasing in the reopening has served our visitors, volunteers, and staff well as we have continued our emphasis on the safety of everyone in the parks. Even in this limited capacity, we are glad that we can get more Texans and their families safely back on the trails and in the campsites to enjoy all the many unique spaces and places that make Texas state parks so special.”

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Jinger Duggar is pregnant with another girl. I know this because she told People magazine and is profiting off of the news. Her sister Jessa the Duggars weren't a TV family -- just a family who is on TV. Yeah, no. ~ Administrator said...

Los Angeles County on Friday received permission from the state to reopen restaurants for in-person dining, and resume services at barbershops and hair salons, marking a new phase in the region’s efforts to restart the devastated retail economy.

LOLOLOLOLOLOL. So much for our wise governor's "14 days without a death" until you can reopen rule. Guess his advisors told him he better throw that one out or be tarred and feathered by hair dressers. What a doofus.

Layla said...

Maryland is still tightly locked down, and although I don't mind, it's driving my sons nuts! My college boys have been home for months. All school/college aged boys are doing school at home. They all missed their planned spring break trips. Their hair is out of control. DS4's girlfriend was here today and put his hair in a little ponytail on top of his head. Just the top/front portion, of course. It looked cute but I really want my guys to be able to get haircuts! Summer is coming and nobody knows how their summer plans will be affected. We all adore one another, but some space would be good. Sully loves it, though. A bigger audience for him! He does enjoy being the center of attention.

I wonder how Kate and the kids are getting along. Mady made it sound like she was expecting some clashes. Kate hasn't had her long hours of "me-time" every day--that's got to have her on edge. No trips to NYC to have her hair done, so tanning or nails or spa breaks. I feel for Mady and Cara. Young girls with trust funds in New York--they should be having the time of their lives. College life, parties, sports events, study groups--nonexistent. No fun days exploring their new surroundings or shopping with friends. Instead of weekends at the Surf Lodge and eating at The Golden Pear or The Crow's Nest like the other trust fund kids, they're stuck at home with Mother and their younger siblings with nothing to do. Especially with THAT "Mother". Poor Mady thought she was done cooking huge pots of food and scrubbing out huge pots. Reality (the real kind, not the fake kind on TV) can be cruel. Hopefully they're focused on being thankful that they're virus-free.

katykat said...

Has anyone been keeping up with the Myka Stauffer (Kate Wannabe) story? Former nurse,now "influencer" lots of kids, telling you how to be the perfect mom? She garnered sponsors, donors to go adopt a special needs child from China. Made a lot of $ off of him, and now 2 years later she and her husband "rehomed" (her words) him as if he were a dog.

Clack said...

I love when 30 something year olds think they invented parenting! I don’t really know this person? But heard something about the “rehoming”. Didn’t know that was an option? I guess you could say Kate rehomed C? It’s a nice way of saying “you weren’t as loved as you should have been”.
Hopefully this poor little guy will have unconditional love now. Like C has.
I wish these people would put down their damn social media and pay attention to their kids! I must be getting old because I don’t understand influencers? You get paid to be fake? No thanks.

Anonymous said...

According to Buzz Feed News, "The Case of Huxley Stauffer Is Now Being Investigated By Local Authorities".


Sad but true said...

Clack said... 86

Yeah, this is a strange one. An international adoption that became a private one? As in, the child was just "passed" to another family with no formal authority supervising? When custody changes, aren't there authorities involved? This whole thing is a BIG red flag. I cannot believe it is possible to do this legally in the USA.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Sad but true (#88), it all seems fishy. Sickening that a child would be used like that. "Rehomed" like a dog that peed too much on your carpet? What a chilling word.

Anonymous said...

Yes that Myka Stauffer is a real K8 2.0. These YouTube mommy vloggers are exploiting and using their kids in an unregulated arena. She made lots of $ with her adoption story that has now imploded. Katie Joy from Without a Crystal Ball has been doing a lot of investigating regarding the “re-homing”. She has an autistic child so this hits home to her.
Ronnie and Maggie ~ Administrator said...

According to Buzz Feed News, "The Case of Huxley Stauffer Is Now Being Investigated By Local Authorities".



It's completely legally to place your child with another family as long as you make sure the child is well cared for--they are provided for financially and the family has the proper paperwork to take them to the doctor if they need to and enroll them in school.

People do this a lot with troubled teens, just not with 5 year olds. ~ Administrator said...

The good news is Sweden was right,
Sweden has one of the highest per capita death and case rates. Go Sweden! The fact that you think they have been proven right shows yet again that you are guided by a political agenda, not science. The whole idea behind Sweden's approach is that herd immunity will help IN THE LONG RUN. It is way too soon to say they were right.


The CDC doesn't think it's too early to call it as Sweden was correct, and they have already stated we are going to follow the Sweden model when and IF we "surge" in October (a million bucks there will be no "surge" in October). Complain to them you don't like it you big baby.

Layla said...

I have never followed the Stauffers on YouTube, but I've heard about the "rehoming" of Huxley. It sure sounds like the family staged this adoption in order to make money off a small child. I hope that something can be done about this, before more people decide this is a great way to get rich on the backs of children. What's going on with people these days? They seem to look at their children and see dollar signs. Just like Anonymous (90) said, this is Kate 2.0. Make the kids your meal tickets. The whole idea disgusts me. I hope there are consequences for Myka Stauffer, and I hope Kate is never seen on a TV screen again. Let's not reward such awful behavior.

Layla said...

I'm reading all these stories about people calling out Lea Michele for her nasty, diva-like behavior. Sounds like she is a horrible person. Now, if only Kate got called out for her nastiness. There have been stories floating around for more than a decade about how badly she treats people. I wish someone would shine a light on her, too.

Anonymous said...

From Dmasy --

Dear John has begun the second season. Amanda Peet plays Betty Broderick. Two episodes have been released.

We have moved and are busy unpacking boxes. The owners of our former home purchased ALL of our furniture. We are effectively camping here. Purchasing and deliveries are complicated by the virus.

I am going to take a mental health break and watch some true crime drama. ~ Administrator said...

From Dmasy --

Dear John has begun the second season. Amanda Peet plays Betty Broderick. Two episodes have been released.


I've been watching, and so far so good. They are being fair, showing how he very much mistreated her, and also going into her own childhood and messed up mother.

Also for true crime fans, I was in boulder last week and stopped by the house where JonBenet Ramsey was murdered. That was quite something to see it in person after learning so much about the case and years ago I even had dinner with her parents' lawyer Lin Wood. Lovely man. What a sad, sad ending.

Trudy said...

In light of recent conversations, I’d like to share a quote from Anthony Bourdain: “There’s no conversation when everybody is absolutely certain of the righteousness of their argument.”

Just a thought.

BlueJay said...


We all know as much as Kate has been sort of called out on things, with regards to her son, her treatment of her ex-husband and other issues, we all know Kate, as long as she doesn't address it, then it's not real or it doesn't exist so being called out doesn't exist to her in her mind or something along those lines.

I suppose people like that as long as whatever record of events play in their head is their own reality that appears to be all that matter, no so much much with whatever who called them out on whatever by anyone else. Which is why I suspect as long as Kate keeps quiet about events as long as to herself things fit like a puzzle in her mind that's all she cares about now. As long as that endless song in my head keeps going round and I like it I don't care anymore. So to speak. It's not as if anyone is willing to interview her for her half baked truth any longer. I also imagine she's not brave enough to try and cough that up on television, or what is it these days? Zoom? Knowing now that Jon can call her out on it. It was all very nice and a neat tied up spoon full of sugar when he couldn't say anything but now that he CAN I quite imagine it would be twice as hard for her to twist that narrative of "setting the record straight" if she bothered to let the record in her head spin these days to be called out for her lies.

JoyinVirginia said...

We have been enjoying excellent documentaries on ESPN past months. The Last Dance is fascinating and engrossing, story of Michael Jordan and Chicago Bulls championships. really good one on Lance Armstrong and his bicycling career and the rampant use of erythropoietin. Last Sunday, excellent documentary "Be Water" about Bruce Lee and his adult career. We never knew before that Bruce Lee was a child actor in Hong Kong movies! and his widow Linda said he never really talked about that, it was his job as a kid. as an adult he didn't think it was anything special about being in movies as a kid. His father was well known Chinese opera performer. that's how Bruce was born in America, his father's chinese opera company was performing in San Francisco, mom came along, and Bruce was born. he went back to Hong Kong at 3 months old, and returned to the USA at 18. A lot of the documentary is about asian portrayals in Hollywood movies and tv shows. Who could forget john Wayne ad genghis Khan! Kung Fu premise was partly developed by Bruce Lee, but the network didn't believe american audiences would accept a chinese in the lead role. Really interesting look at pop culture history. ~ Administrator said...

pital durin...":

A Surge. How not shocking.


Yawn. Don’t you know covid’s over? We’re on to the media’s most favorite topic: racism!

Go hide under your bed if you’re so scared of a “surge.” Covid is here to stay, life goes on. A tiny, tiny percentage of the total population is getting covid and an even tinier ever end up in the hospital. Relax. ~ Administrator said...

Hey anonymous, here's the truth about LA's "surge" I.e. there is no surge:

LA County sees biggest single-day jump in coronavirus cases day before more businesses can reopen
Although the number of new cases reported Thursday was the biggest single-day jump to date, about 600 of them were from a backlog of test results, officials said.

And over the past three weeks our health direction "Dr." Ferrer you know our "expert" has actually shifted her tone and said more cases is actually a GOOD thing, the more cases there are, the faster we get to herd immunity.

Try to keep up.

Layla said...

BlueJay (98)
I think you're right. Kate is incapable of actual reflection, and only thinks things through on the most superficial level. Kind of like how she blames Jon for TLC firing her. In her mind, it can't be any other reason, or a combination of reasons--it has to be just the most recent event. So, to her, ratings have nothing to do with it--because the ratings have been horrible for many years. Her horrible treatment of the crew can't be to blame because she has always treated them badly. Her own bad reputation can't be to blame because she's always had a bad reputation. Same for sending Collin away (that was years ago!) and her poor treatment of the kids. Jon speaking out is the most recent issue, so that must be the one and only reason she was fired. It couldn't possibly be a combination of issues, because she's not smart enough to put it all together And, of course, she never accepts blame for anything, so none of the previous issues can possibly be to blame--because those are all her fault. As always, it's all Jon's fault.

In happy news, it's been an entire year since K+D8 premiered, with no signs of a second season anywhere. I suspect she's been begging every other network in existence to pick that show up or to find some other way to put her on the air, but if anyone has shown interest, it's been kept quiet. I hope this is truly the end of her "career" in the media. She doesn't deserve any of it. She begged for that second chance to "gosh, just hit it out of the ballpark", and she got that chance. She failed even harder than she did the first time. Her time is up. ~ Administrator said...

I do not believe that she said that, but by all means prove me wrong by providing a link.


I don't lie, you POS. Here you go, she said it a mere five days ago, pointing to the dramatically LOW rate of infection. Again, cases don't matter. Only hospitalizations and deaths matter.

"Ferrer said the high numbers of cases aren't necessarily bad news, because they allow health care workers to trace contacts and advise those who might otherwise spread the infection to self-isolate. Only about 4.5% of those getting tested are testing positive, she said."


Structural racism is real. Try to keep up, or at a very minimum take the privileged white chick schtick down a notch.

Ah yes, "structural" racism. LOL, do you mean systemic racism? And right, the very vague, impossible to prove or disprove "systemic" racism is always fallen back on by your lot whenever you cannot actually point to actual incidents of racism.

There is still no evidence the Floyd death was the result of "racism." (Especially since two of the cops who killed him were minorities themselves). More likely, it was the result of bad police policies and a couple cops who should have been fired years ago but were protect by their unions, the very same unions your liberal lot loves. The statistics are what they are. Read Heath McDonald's article about what is actually happening in police departments, in particular all the minority lives cops have saved, and the alarming number of deaths at the hands of MINORITY cops, not whites. Your lot claims to love science and data yet refuses to accept the science and data here. Why? Your lot is protesting something that isn't even true. But by all means, continue to destroy minority businesses and lives. As if minorities haven't suffered enough during COVID. Your lot is utterly, completely disgusting.

No privilege here from this grew up next to railroad tracks white hick. Just hard work and persistence. ~ Administrator said...

This Floyd killing was so sad! It broke my heart he called for his momma. I saw on tv someone said mr. Floyd knew the cops from working at a night club. Something went down mr. Floyd shouldn’t have seen. So basically it wasn’t racist, it was a hit. I don’t know but it would make sense considering it was so brutal for a counterfeit 20.


I've never seen such unity coming together against what happened to George Floyd. Saying his name. Most of the cops at the scene should have been fired ages ago, and no one wants our police force to behave like this. And most don't.

Where there is disagreement is whether any of this is motivated by racism.

Unfortunately, a few bad apples want to burn down peoples' businesses, and a few bad apples would like to ignore how powerful unions are that protect these bad cops. But by all means, keep shouting racism. It really is accomplishing so much for you.

Meh, the protests have already died down to a drip. You've moved on to your next thing. Meanwhile, Floyd's family will suffer for years to come, as will countless others. Your crowd sure is fickle and immature. Is there ANYTHING you can commit to for more than ten days?

Ann said...

Maybe you feel bad for the pregnant woman who he held a gun to... huh??? This country’s gone nuts... why would anyone celebrate a criminals life... now that’s effed up ~ Administrator said...

Maybe you feel bad for the pregnant woman who he held a gun to... huh??? This country’s gone nuts... why would anyone celebrate a criminals life... now that’s effed up


Well, George Floyd didn't deserve to die by strangulation at the hands of a deranged cop with 17. That's not how civilized society works. He should have been arrested, charged and tried and let a jury decide his fate. But he was a criminal, and a criminal who not just beat the ever living daylights out of a pregnant woman, but threatened to kill her baby, too. His case should be investigated and just action taken, but his criminality should not be celebrated. But yes Ann, we are celebrating criminals who beat up pregnant women, yep.

A whopping ten unarmed black men were killed by cops this year. Ten. And eight of those ten were running. Not just in Minnesota, ten NATIONWIDE. Cops killing black men on the streets is not the crisis the .00001 percent of the population insists you believe. So basically, if you don't walk around armed, and if you don't run when the cops want to speak to you, you just reduced your chances of being shot by a cop by 80 percent. If you got rid of their unions so we could fire the tiny percentage of cops who are bad, this problem would be solved in ten seconds flat. But by all means, destroy minority businesses, occupy the streets of Seattle with machine guns, burn to the ground people's homes who were hanging on by a thread because of COVID to begin with. It truly is unbelievable.

The Seattle police chief said I'm not even sure how we will ever recruit another cop to the force again. So when you anonymous piss off your neighbor with your lies and they pull a gun on you, nobody will come. Good job. Good. job.

Heather McDonald's seminal piece on the actual stats for minorities and cops is gaining serious ground, now even the Wall Street Journal has published it. Because if we are going to have a "conversation" as that lot so wants to do, you could at least start by being honest. ~ Administrator said...

I think these people still protesting are’s enough already... now they’re knocking down statues that have nothing to do with this. I honestly stopped watching cause it disgusts me so I don’t even know if they’re still protesting. The thought of celebrating and honoring his life makes me sick to my stomach


There is no doubt in my mind that most of those people have absolutely no idea what they're even protesting, have not spent one moment with the data and stats, have not spent one moment researching any of this. They are people bored from being locked up from COVID, they are people with low self esteem who want to feel involved, they are narcissists, they are opportunistic, they are bandwagon people, they want their selfie for social media and to brag to everyone about how they are part of the movement.

Meanwhile there are those of us who are actually interested in real reform in police departments and union reform, and we're getting drowned out by glass breaking and fires being set. And this is why absolutely nothing will change, because as per the usual that lot acts deranged makes people tune out and ruins everything. Meanwhile people are still going to get killed by cops and cops will still get acquitted for it. This is a tragedy. Everyone has already moved on anyway, protests are over. What a fickle, fickle lot. And ineffective as hell. ~ Administrator said...

Welp they’re burning a Wendy’s down in Atlanta. That’s classy. Those are people’s jobs, you despicable people. People’s livelihoods.

Did they even read the facts of the Rayshard Brooks shooting at ALL or are they just randomly burning shit down every time a cop does their job? Unbelievable.

Ann said...

If they’re gonna react every time there’s an incident without the facts then that’s a real shame...this needs to stop... I don’t think they care about the facts. I’m beginning to think they’re just a bunch of antagonist and trouble makers with nothing else to do.

Ann said...

Admin... 100% correct!!! Just a shame!!! I fell so bad for these cops... you shouldn’t judge because of a few... they complain about racist doing that to them...and here they’re doing the same thing... what a world

Ann said...

I think they feel empowered now to destroy the whole country with their violence and get away with it ~ Administrator said...

There is clear and up close videos of brooks absolutely out of control grabbing the officers taser and shooting at them. He was also under the influence. And their police chief resigns over that and the people burn their city?

So basically what I gather is that officers are to stand there and be tasered, perhaps take a knee, and just let suspects Do as they please.

The people are right about Floyd. They are absolutely wrong about Brooks and it’s diminishing Floyd. But that’s their MO, take everything to the extreme. ~ Administrator said...

Yes Ann that is exactly what happened. They were empowered by nearly everyone to believe that all cops are bad and racism is everywhere. If you did not support this movement you were labeled racist. And the result is theyre burning down a damn Wendy’s. What has any of this accomplished? Absolutely nothing. ~ Administrator said...

Right, they only had two options: kill the man or let him do as he pleased. You are quite the expert on the subject


Did you even watch the videos? They had every right to use force back given how out of control and violent Brooks was behaving and there isn’t a jury in the land who would convict a cop for it. They picked the wrong one to back this time.

Here’s a thought. Don’t steal the taser of the police and taser it at them and you won’t find yourself shot. Seems pretty simple.

Blue lives matter.

Ann said...

This one is a completely different story... they need to stop lumping all of these situations together... it’s not helping their cause. Where I live people are fed up with it...that officer was defending himself. I’m sure that if a gun was available he would have taken that too

Ann said...

I just want to say to people that these cops put their lives on the line everyday ... you can’t say a word unless you’re in their shoes. They have seconds to react.. think about that!! They’re in a very stressful situation. I wonder if these know it alls could handle that pressure. So easy to sit back and judge after the fact ~ Administrator said...

I just want to say to people that these cops put their lives on the line everyday ... you can’t say a word unless you’re in their shoes. They have seconds to react.. think about that!! They’re in a very stressful situation. I wonder if these know it alls could handle that pressure. So easy to sit back and judge after the fact


Part of me wants to just let them dismantle the police force and watch everyone have to fend for themselves or rely on precious social workers trying to talk down somebody raring to shoot. And then watch what happens when you actually need them. God what ignorant, irrational fools.

NJGal51 said...

Amen Ann @116.

Layla said...

Ann (115)
He fired the taser at the police officer. If he could have succeeded in disabling the officer, he would have gone for his gun--no question. This case is in no way equal to the George Floyd case. It bothers me to hear people on the news claiming he was "unarmed". Just because he didn't have an actual gun does not mean he wasn't armed. I really get irritated with all the claims by so-called witnesses. They claimed he was never given a breathalyzer. Police released video of him being administered a breathalyzer. They claimed he didn't fight with the police--and then footage is released of him fighting with the police. I think we all learned from the Michael Brown case that "witnesses" are not always accurate or unbiased. If they can't tell the truth about what happened, then why speak out at all? There is surveillance video everywhere these days. There will be video to disprove the lies.

There are bad cops out there, I won't deny that. I was raised by one. But not all cops are bad. There are bad people out there of every color, every sexual orientation, every nationality, and every occupation. We cannot blame all of them for the actions of a few. ~ Administrator said...

He fired the taser at the police officer. If he could have succeeded in disabling the officer, he would have gone for his gun--no question.


This: period. It doesn't matter WHAT the weapon was, the point was he was attempting to disable the officers, at which point, their lives were in grave risk.

The cops were absolutely justified, they were fighting for their literal lives, and the lot who thinks this was unjustified are disgusting people for burning down people's livelihoods in response and forcing a very good police chief to step down. This is not how the majority of the country feels. It's fringe, anarchist groups. Even mainstream politicians on both sides refuse to support their agenda, they will flutter and die without having accomplished a thing for police departments who badly need reform. Good job. Clap, clap. ~ Administrator said...

And how do you know this? Are you a mind reader? He was running away. He was shot in the back. Why? He wasn't coming at them, he was running away from them.


Ha, that’s the point. The cops aren’t mind readers EITHER. How do THEY he wasn’t gonna taser them then shoot them? He STOLE their taser! You can’t judge these incidents backwards. You can only judge a shooting by that moment and before. Not what happened after that they couldn’t have known.

Did you even watch the video? He was shooting them with the taser as he was backing up clear as day. That is not “running away” that is shooting. Period. He was also heavily under the influence and fighting like a banshee. The situation was terrifying and incredibly dangerous. Not only could the cops have been killed but civilians.

Sorry, but your lot is way off on this one. Sad thing is, I was a hundred percent with you on Floyd. No doubt in my mind your lot was completely right about that. And then you went and started defending this guy and lost all credibility. Well done. ~ Administrator said...

The idiot ca governor now finally admits we can’t lock down it’s too harmful to people’s health. California is now wide open and big shocker there is no surge, no spike. Any rise in cases is directly attributed to rises in testing and hospitalization and death rates are holding steady. Your lot was wrong anonymous, yet again.

Counties are pushing ahead as cases are climbing across the state, which comes as California ramps up testing. More than 5,000 people have died from the virus in California and more than 150,000 people have been infected. But Newsom and state health officials say the key metrics to watch are the state’s hospitalization rate and the percentage of people testing positive for the virus. Both have remained relatively stable in recent weeks, according to state data.

Among people who get tested for coronavirus, between 4% and 5% are shown to have the virus. That’s been consistent since mid-May. ~ Administrator said...

Yes, I watched the video. He wasn't "shooting them". As he was running, he pointed a taser at one cop, who was several feet away. If he "shot" it, the cop showed no symptoms of being "shot"(tased), because he was able to reach for his gun & shoot Brooks in the back.


You left out how he first tackled two, TWO officers to the ground. Then he stole their weapon. Then he shot it at them. By Georgia law the cops can shoot back with deadly force. If people did not like this law, they could have gotten it repealed. They chose not to. That’s on you all. Don’t look at us.

Would you send your son out there to be thrown to the ground tasered and god knows what will happen next? NO ONE Will want their kids to be cops ever again. Good job. Good fucking job.

You do realize the entire country thinks you and your group are nuts right? ~ Administrator said...

Exactly. The cops lost control of the situation. There were options available other than shooting to kill. Maybe people should think about why two armed police officers were unable to contain an unarmed drunk man. I don't think this situation was tantamount to George Floyd, but it sure as hell was WRONG.


You're right it was wrong. It's wrong to park your car in the middle of a drive through so that nobody can get through. It's wrong to pass out drunk so that nobody can wake you up and kindly ask you to please move. It's wrong to resist arrest so violently and disturbingly everyone around you is in fear of their lives. It's wrong to throw two cops to the ground. And it's wrong to grab their taser and taser them with it. And you know what's really wrong, getting behind a fucking wheel DRUNK. I've actually lost a friend to a drunk driver. SHE WAS SIXTEEN YEARS OLD. Have you? Do you know what that feels like? Thank GOD for the cops who go out and get the drunks off the road like they did that night. He could have killed someone.

I watched the video from beginning to end. Nobody was out to shoot a black man that night. They had a nice cordial conversation about what he had to drink that night and performed a very typical arrest of somebody drunk behind the wheel.

And that's when all hell broke loose.

No laws were broken, nobody did anything wrong except the one who unfortunately had to die for it. Blue Lives Matter.

You picked the wrong horse to back this time. Literally the entire country is shaking their heads at this one. Bad call. Bad, bad call. ~ Administrator said...

That’s the difference between the 2, George Floyd was killed for a minor incident. He wasn’t resisting, he was begging for his life. He may have had a checkered past, still doesn’t justify killing him over $20.
Rayshard attacked the police 1st. And for no reason, the police were talking to him. They were arresting him because he was drunk. No big deal, then he turned on them. This death doesn’t even compare to George’s.
So what do these people want? For People to be able break the law with zero consequences? Because of the color of their skin? Talk about racist!
Maybe all these radical thinkers should move to chaz or chop or whatever the hell those freaks are calling themselves.


Once you start resisting arrest and attacking police officers, all bets are off. Cops are not evil, they are you and me, they have families, children at home, a mother and a father who would prefer not to see their child carted off in a casket when they are 35 years old. 85 cops are killed on duty a year versus 10 unarmed black men, eight of whom were running. If no cop was ever killed on duty, I might understand letting somebody drunk and dangerous tackle you and taser you and just stand there and let it happen. But that's simply not the case.

And yes Clack, that is what this terrorist group wants. They want no consequences for the law. They want "social work." (Oh right, like social workers are such a better lot, see Gabriel Fernandez) Of course they completely disregard the facts that cops are responsible for saving tens of thousands of minority lives from crime. And that by dismantling police you just put minorities MORE at risk, not less so. Complete irrationality.

Clack said...

We have a friend who’s a city cop, he doesn’t go to work thinking “yea today I’m gonna kill myself a black guy!” He doesn’t set out to kill anyone. He wants to come home to his family.
And a 911 call to a domestic dispute is the most dangerous call for the police. Can you imagine a social worker “talking down” an abuser waving a weapon? A social worker who won’t be allowed to protect his or herself. Riiight! Sounds like a stellar plan. Maybe these snowflakes should sign up for that job. It’s a win win! ~ Administrator said...

I've worked with thousands of social workers in a 12 year time period. They are usually good people, mostly women, and many of them do go into dangerous situations. But they usually ask for backup when they do--from ARMED COPS. the personality of a social worker is not a cop. They would be far too frightened to go about dealing with a drunk man stealing your weapons and taking you down. They are never in a million years going to come up with social workers to take over police duties. They won't do it.

And here's another fact about social workers. It's not a high paying job. That means that for most of them on the front lines they are young, inexperienced, at times make poor decisions. I've worked with many a social worker who has been on the job less than 6 months, and it can be very painful to walk them through things. Is this the person you want out there on the front lines? They then move up to a management position or go somewhere private to make more money.

It's a good idea in theory, proposed by people who have literally no idea what social workers do and who they are. Ignorant fools. ~ Administrator said...

No, not zero consequences, just not DEAD. It's really not that complicated.


I'd prefer my cops not to be dead you know since they're the ones going out there protecting MY life and property every day.

You go out there and deal with Rayshard Brooks. How would YOU handle him? And watch him slam your head to the ground and kill you.

It's not that complicated, don't grab a cop's weapon and you won't find yourself dead. ~ Administrator said...

Lookie here look who is actually DOING something about police reform and not burning down a Wendy’s.

Trump’s executive order would include establishing a database that tracks police officers who garner complaints about excessive use of force in their records, according to two senior administration officials who briefed reporters ahead of Tuesday’s announcement.

It would also establish a national credentialing system that would give police departments a financial incentive to adopt best practices. The two officials briefed reporters on the executive order on the condition that they not be identified.

Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina, the sole African American Republican in the Senate, has been crafting the GOP legislative package, which will include new restrictions on police chokeholds and greater use of police body cameras, among other provisions.

Ann said...

Here we go again... glorifying someone who was in jail for 7 years for child abuse!!!! This is so ridiculous

In my eyes that is a weapon he took from the officer... he even shot the weapon off. Case closed...

Ann said...

Also I don’t understand how burning a Wendy’s down somehow makes them feel better... it’s just more of the same nonsense of justifying what they’re doing... how is that making their lives better or helping their cause? Tell me because I don’t understand it?

Clack said...

Ann, who was in jail for child abuse? I didn’t see that story.
None of us can understand how they’re behaving, it’s certainly not getting their point across. If they want change then start at home! And make intelligent, articulate arguments how things need to change. Not trashing your own neighborhoods.
I read some of the bill trump signed, sounds like a great start to me. What more could they want? The cops who killed Floyd are in going away for a long time. So now what do you want?

Ann said...

@132.... the drunk guy who took the taser was in jail for 7 years for child abuse... and a string of dui’s... of course they’re trying to keep that a secret

Ann said...

What do they want? Damned if I know what will satisfy them without burning the whole country to the ground... I think defunding the police is next on their agenda which will never happen! They’re turning into a joke

Layla said...

Clack said... 132
Ann, who was in jail for child abuse?
Brooks was convicted of cruelty to children, false imprisonment, family violence battery, and several other offenses. He was apparently released due to COVID, and that is the reason he was home. There's also at least one conviction for obstruction of a law enforcement officer on his record.

Ann said...

Oh lord another model citizen...why don’t they talk about their rap sheets?? This country is being overrun by thugs.. and what are we doing? Catering to their every whim

Clack said...

Wow! Thanks for explaining, I didn’t see that on any news reports. But I admit I stopped really listening after a while. Sounds like a hell of a guy!

This is going to turn into a civil war and no one will really know what their goal was. ~ Administrator said...

Brooks was convicted of cruelty to children, false imprisonment, family violence battery, and several other offenses. He was apparently released due to COVID, and that is the reason he was home.


Oh, the lovely prisoner release program. So successful, the first thing the prisoner does is get drunk off his ass and block the entrance of an upstanding business so nobody can get in, takes down two cops and steals their weapon, and now he's dead.

I'm so, so sick of this country catering to the 1 percent. The 1 percent of the crazies on twitter. ~ Administrator said...

"They" want the systemic racism to end.


Ah yes the old "systemic" racism trick. Something that can neither be proven or disproven, kept very general, without specific examples much less evidence or proof. Any time someone asks well what is this racism you're talking about so that we can figure out how to fix it, we get, well, we can't give you an example it's just, it's systemic.

It's almost like you WANT this country to be racist. It's disturbing! You sound like idiots. I'm embarrassed for you.

Hey anonymous, I have a story of a cop being an absolute ASSHOLE to me, wrongly accusing me of something, and I did nothing more than drove my car back from the vet with two hands on the wheel and eyes on the road. Asshole cops are everywhere, but I dealt with it, kept my hands on the wheel and remained polite and didn't end up being shot somehow. The cop was a minority by the way, not that that matters to me.

As Ben Shapiro said last week, give me examples of what this racism is so I can help. ~ Administrator said...

John Greenleaf Whittier’s statue in LA was defaced, BLM graffiti all over it. Everyone here is outraged. And if that ignorant lot would open up a history book once in their life they would see he was an abolitionist. Good lord. ~ Administrator said...

Next Door is pretty darn hilarious. Someone in my town tried to post that the drawing of the school districts is systemically racist and that the more Hispanic heavy districts get less money. Literally everyone responded they’re wrong and supplied the facts 1. There are three districts not two (lol) 2. The population of Hispanics is about even in all districts. (Lololol) 3. The district she thinks is experiencing systemic racism is actually getting more funding than the one she thinks is more white (loLololol) and Finally, the kicker, the district lines were drawn a hundred years ago when the entire population was white. Therefore one couldn’t have possibly intentionally parsed out hispanics. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.

I love to see a BLM majorly schooled. You got served.

In order for a movement to gain any traction those behind it actually need to know what they’re talking about. These folks don’t and it’s hilarious but very sad. ~ Administrator said...

"They" want the systemic racism to end. They've articulated that quite clearly, but the message will never reach those, like you, who refuse to listen.


Wrong. They're not being clear with what they want. I listened to a report from a very fair report on KFI yesterday who was in the thick of the Seattle protests. He asked dozens of people what their demands were. Many wouldn't give him a straight answer, the others were all over the map with what they want. There was no cohesive, consistent message at all. He then tried to discern whether negotiations were going on between Seattle and the protestors, and discovered that Seattle had found it impossible to even embark on any kind of negotiation because no one knew what their platform was.

This is not a dramatic historic movement straight out of an Oscar winning film. Stop being so naive. It's anarchy from narcissistic hoodlums who are bored after being locked up by their government for three months. Nothing more, nothing less. Everyone else sees it, time for you to grow up and wake up.

Ann said...

They only thing they have articulated is they want to run rampant through the streets and steal what they want with no accountability

Ann said...

I wonder what they’ll do next after they knock down all the statues? Why they’re doing that is a mystery to me

Layla said...

Recent events have really driven our country to the brink of...something. There is such desperate hatred out there. Where does it end?

Sometimes you just have to switch everything off, tune it all out, and go to the beach to watch the little snuggle-bug dig in the sand. ~ Administrator said...

Recent events have really driven our country to the brink of...something. There is such desperate hatred out there. Where does it end?

Sometimes you just have to switch everything off, tune it all out, and go to the beach to watch the little snuggle-bug dig in the sand.


One thing I highly recommend is a news fast. Complete cut off from any news usually a week is good. I did it twice during lockdown and spent most of my extra time outside with nature. It was a really great reset. Some people end up doing it permanently like some prominent bloggers and find their lives are no worse off. If something big happens they’ll hear about it. It’s true. ~ Administrator said...

And this is why armed cops need to handle 911 calls:

A team of deputies had been looking for the suspect, who was wanted in connection with a kidnapping, spousal assault and assault with a deadly weapons case, Lt. Robert Westfall of the Sheriff’s Homicide Bureau said.

The deputies spotted a man believed to be the suspect riding as a passenger in a car and tried to pull it over, the lieutenant said.

“When the suspect stopped his vehicle, he opened the door and began shooting at the deputies, and a deputy-involved shooting occurred,” Westfall said.

The suspect was struck multiple times in the upper body and died at the scene, officials said. ~ Administrator said...

My fear is that they’re gonna tie their hands and these officers will be afraid to do anything without getting arrested... and there will be less people wanting to be police officers...


Well that's a real fear. Why would ANYONE want to be a police officer? And I know for a fact, since several of my friends are deputies, that they are being told to do less and less and less when they go out in the field because of this. They have to just stand aside and let people trespass, steal, block public access with their homeless tents, etc., and there's NOTHING they can do about it.

You know what, get rid of the police. And watch what happens. It's bad enough already with California the vagrants and their drugs and violence and nobody willing to put a stop to it. You won't be able to walk the streets with your children and grandchildren, what a wonderful world.

Nicky said...


Obviously, it isn't perfect here either, but good article on focus of de-escalation vs confrontation for police.

Police just need to be better trained. ~ Administrator said...

Police just need to be better trained.


We need to lock up people who would seek to attack our police. In areas where they choose not to, shocker, more deadly incidents with cops occur.

People see incarceration as protection from the public but it’s also protecting the incarcerated from themselves. You let them out and violence ensues. ~ Administrator said...

You know what, get rid of the police. And watch what happens. It's bad enough already with California the vagrants and their drugs and violence and nobody willing to put a stop to it.
You seem to hate this state so much. Why are you here? Surely there are jobs for family law attorneys in your beloved Texas.


Texas is developing the same problems as California once your beloved snowflakes got a hold of it. Now they have a huge homelessness problem just like us because they decided to go the far leftie way. Failure.

We’ll watch how that shakes out. Also i don’t like their weather, too hot. Nice place to visit. I don’t do family law. ~ Administrator said...

Ah, yes, you long for the time when Texas was a haven for White racists. Those were the days.


Yes, anyone who would prefer not to step around giant tents in the middle of public sidewalks and not catch typhus or salmonella or step on needles, must be racist.

You will never accomplish anything if your mindset is “everyone who doesn’t agree with me is a racist.” There are other opinions in the world besides yours and other people just as morally righteous as you fancy yourself who don’t think just like you.

Anonymous said...

Kate posted photo of("mine all mine") backyard

Layla said...

Anonymous said... 153
Kate posted photo of("mine all mine") backyard
That fence is a mess! She needs to cough up a little cash to have someone paint it.

BlueJay said...

She could save herself some money Layla, and take up a new hobby and learn to paint it HERSELF. After all, the land is hers, all hers. If you're going to have, I have forgotten, 20 something acres of land the least she could do is be responsible and learn during these times is how to take care of it HERSELF! That's right, poor Kate, no TLC to film her mundane projects she can just you up and learn how to do them herself like the rest of us mediocre folk and learn a new skill, hobby or craft. Paint a fence, then she can, what her daughter said sit there wand watch the paint dry since nobody will be there to film them do anything interesting.

It's hers, all hers. She can take care of it without forking out the cash for someone else to do it. They can do it as a family. If she's so inclined but I doubt she is. She's not a big nature girl, recall Alaska. She makes one of my 3 year old grandchildren look very adult.

Today, I sat and read a very old but still good John Grisham book, I baked some brownies, we're in process of repainting a bathroom and we're pulling up the carpet to go with some wood instead which I've been after my husband to do forever. So Kate can make herself useful and de-clutter her house, learn something new, de-stress (FAT chance!).

Layla said...

BlueJay (155)
Do it herself? Kate? Oh, surely you jest! Kate doesn't do actual work. She "masterminds" while others perform the actual labor. Then she goes to the spa to de-stress when the work has been completed for her. I'm positive she's working the phones night and day, angling for another reality show so she can get some network to pay for it all. It's pretty evident just from pictures that she's not paying for any upkeep on that house. Those awful mismatched wood floors, the hideous paint job on the main floor. Even she admitted that her curtains are hideous. Her furniture is either battered or just plain ugly. Relatives in the area have reported that her property has not been kept up well for years--which means TLC stopped paying for that years ago. She's definitely hoping she can find a new network to fix/replace it all. She'll pitch it as episode ideas. Someone can come in to paint and fix the flooring while Kate freaks out over the disorganization and goes on vacation. They can go to a furniture store to replace all the fugly stuff, complete with flashbacks of when Collin was in such pain in the old episode. Kate will pretend to landscape her yard, which will consist of someone else drawing up plans and doing the actual work while she whines about the stress of it all. Riveting TV, no?

Clack said...

I laughed at that Layla, that’s exactly what she’s doing! I bet she’s trying to get a made for TV movie made about her life. That would be about as interesting as watching paint dry.
She needs to sell off some or most of her land if she’s not taking care of it. She’s never going to sell that house for what she paid! What a dope!

FlimsyFlamsy said...

I can't imagine how miserable TFW must be. First she was stuck at home with the 6 remaining cast members for 3 months. And now they're done with school for the summer, but there is no TLC-funded vacation for her to escape to. Her Royal Heiny has probably spent more time with the kids in the past 3 months than she has since they were born.

Layla said...

Clack (157)
I can't imagine who would want to buy that place. There's a lot of big houses around there that have been sitting on the market for years, dropping their asking prices by hundreds of thousands of dollars and still not selling. It's true that real estate is all about location, location, location--and there's very little around there as far as business or employment opportunities. I can't imagine the kids would want to come back once they finish college--they'll be looking for career opportunities. She'll be stuck in that money-suck of a house, which will be crumbling around her ears, all by herself. We've long predicted a "Grey Gardens"-type future for her, and I think we're right. Except for the fact that the actual Grey Gardens is located in East Hampton, a beautiful and very upscale town, right on the ocean-while Kate's house is located in Ghettoville.

FlimsyFlamsy (158)
Oh yeah, she's got to be losing her mind. It would drive her nuts to have the kids at home with her all the time, yet she's unable to make money off of them. She didn't have those kids to raise them and nurture them. She had them to get rich off them. No wonder she agreed that they could go live with Jon if they want. If she can't make them work, then she has no further use for them.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Layla (#159), I love the beach picture of Sully! I hope his dad has a great Father's Day.

I don't think TFW ever dreamed she would have to maintain that house herself. Remember: it was the SET of her TV show, so I suspect TLC either paid directly, or reimbursed her, for every service regarding upkeep of the property for the past decade. Painters, carpenters houseekeepers, landscapers, gardeners, pool boys, etc. Poor Schmoopy probably never imagined she'd go from reality show celebrity mother of 8 to an ordinary, mediocre middle-aged mother of 6.

Layla said...

FlimsyFlamsy (160)
Can you believe Sully is 8 months old already? He loves the beach, loves the sand, loves splashing his feet in the water. His favorite thing to do now is shake his head "no" whenever anyone asks him something--and then he bursts out laughing. His daddy is thrilled to have his first Father's Day as a dad. I'm so proud of the amazing and completely-involved father he has become. And DH, of course, is thrilled to celebrate being both a dad and a grandfather.

I don't think Kate ever planned to stay in that house. She has said she'll never move, yet a couple years ago Jamie posted something on her IG about moving to a warmer climate together in the future. I think Kate believed the show would go on forever and she'd be able to afford to live wherever she wanted--especially once the kids are all gone. I think she'd prefer something at the beach, or maybe an apartment in her "second home", NYC. And don't forget, she's a "CA girl at heart". She loves anywhere except Ghettoville.

Anonymous said...

Layla....funny!Because it is just so true. I mean what was she thinking? Huge older house, vast property, many expensive vehicles. It will be one problem after another to maintain that money pit with(hopefully)NO TLC coming to the rescue.
Hey Layla, I, like you, have all sons and all grandsons and my one son's wife is pregnant. (I just bought a huge party pack of blue "It's a Boy" pens.)
We are on a roll.

BlueJay said...

I up and gather she missed that life lesson:

Save for a rainy day. Dad gummit, she missed when it started having a few drops and went straight to being dumped on. Now look? It's pouring out and no savings.

Whoops. Even if she has some savings, realistic it's not going last her forever, no savings do. It's not like she's my age where my husband and I pinched most of our savings with two pensions to retire on. Our kids had summer jobs growing up every year when they were old enough.

She has no pension from TLC to retire on! Fat chance! 401K? Doubt it. She's 45 years old. That's a scary thought to be a fired "reality television star," out of a "job," with an out of date nursing license even if you get that up, honey, who is going hire you when things have changed since she last set foot in a hospital to USE it?

It's going to be quite interesting how she is going to afford to live the older she gets with no thought for a job. I do know the older one gets often harder and longer you have been out of a job with no skills, boy is it tough to get a job.

I went back to work when my kids got older but I'm have no sympathy for her. You reep what you sew because she didn't plan a darn thing.

Layla said...

M (162)
Aren't boys the best? I still get asked all the time if I wish I had a girl. Instead of one of my boys? Not a chance. In addition to my boys? Sure! There was a time when DH and I were told that we might never have kids. I think that makes us cherish them all the more. We love the nonstop noise and commotion, finding socks stuffed between the sofa cushions and Lacrosse sticks piled everywhere. Remembering that we could have had no kids, it's hard to let the little things bother you. We also have several nieces, so there's "girl time" too.

BlueJay (163)
Not just no pension from TLC, but she probably doesn't have insurance either. The kids are probably on Jon's insurance, but Kate would have to fend for herself. Expensive! Especially without an income.

I forgot about the cars. She bought the van and her SUV in 2011--and IIRC, the SUV was used. They're old enough to either need replacing or require a lot of maintenance.

I was thinking about the reports from relatives that her property hasn't been maintained well for a few years. I think maybe TLC only covered the maintenance when they included the lawn on the shows. In the recap of the college episode (the "lost episode"), admin mentioned that there was no footage of them packing. Maybe that's how TLC avoided including any footage outside the house and thereby avoided paying for lawn care. I didn't watch the dating show either, but I bet they didn't show any exterior shots of the house in that either. Definite signs that the filming budgets were drastically cut those last few years. The last time they would have paid for lawn care was when they filmed the 13th birthday episode.

We save like crazy for retirement too. Things are tight with kids in college (including a couple nephews), but I'm good at budgeting. We figure we're better positioned to do it now rather than face the consequences later in life.

Ann said...

I think Jon said they residuals.... if they play their shows ~ Administrator said...

It looks like TLC is back to filming at least the Outdaughtered family. They were talking about homeschooling the kids during COVID and the production values look professional. They're in Texas which has less restrictions than some states so it makes sense.

And speaking of filming a LOT of TLC stars were given their own production equipment to film their own homemade episodes. I have to hand it to them, it's actually genius. People will watch something of much lower quality right now if only because it's new. Food Network did the same and is being universally praised for it as being innovative and resourceful, superb pivoting that made them good money.

Of course Kate wasn't a part of this because Kate is lazy.

BlueJay said...

Wouldn't that technically be beneath Kate though, Admin?

Because that would essentially be herself just filming her own kids, which she claimed she never or didn't have the time to film all 8, 6, 4 however you want to structure that now--kids because it was just TOO difficult? Like she's going to want to up and now home video her kids even if all the cool kids are doing it?

Well, she might up and and want to do that, sure. But that would be like swallowing vinegar against what she said earlier. She couldn't hack it then but she sure could now. I suppose she could now if she was filmed.

But, I doubt much they'll let her film herself or her family since she was fired. You don't bring back fired folks. ~ Administrator said...

I had that same thought that kate would think self filming is beneath her. Meanwhile everyone who was willing to give it a try (Pioneer Woman, Amy Schumer, 90 Day FiancĂ©) are producing new content that’s been wildly popular.

Always the bridesmaid never the bride, that’s our Kate.

Layla said...

Kate could never film something herself. She only wants the camera on herself. She'd have to make one of the kids do it so they could capture all her stupid faces and moronic comments. She couldn't stand to have a camera in the vicinity that's not pointed at her. Of course, she'd have to film without "fringe benefits", as she called them, and that's out of the question. No vacations? No home improvements? No shopping trips? She can't work under such conditions! But...she has made it clear that it isn't work. The crew is just "playing 'we're filming a TV show'", so it's all just play! Too bad she got herself fired or maybe they could work something out.

Susan1956 said...

Also, the TLC 'stars' currently filming were probably happy to fill out the paperwork for the minor childrens' filming permits themselves. ~ Administrator said...

I don't come here often because Kate is boring and your political views make me want to barf.

Now you think the country needs to open up? Please, go out, breath in all the droplets you can and take your kind with you. Did you go to Tulsa to worship your God?

When your family members start dying you might realize that opening up the country is not the answer. Thanks for not disappointing me, you're still an idiot


Um, the entire Country is open, dear. Every state. I guess they’re all idiots. Even very liberal governors like Gavie here are defending opening.

You do realize the death rate of this thing is lower than one percent...right? Or do you just watch CNN?

Hey Belinda. A shut down economy kills too. In the form of suicides, depression, seniors in nursing homes without any family or friends for months, domestic violence and intended to health issues.

Try to think more deeply than two plus two next time you think critically about something.

And if you’re scared, there’s plenty of room for you to hide under your bed. By all means, that’s your right.

And please don’t assume I don’t know people who have gotten very sick and/or died. You don’t know me.

BlueJay said...


The crew is just "playing 'we're filming a TV show'", so it's all just play! Too bad she got herself fired or maybe they could work something out.

Goodness, here's a thought, if you get your keester canned on a job that you hawk as that above, that's going to be pretty hard to swing if you ever get your butt hauled into a real boss's office (should she ever work a real day in her life) and explain, "But I was just playing waitress, I was just playing at nursing a patient, I was just playing at being an employee it's not my fault nobody got fed or nobody actually got better or your employee nobody told me I actually had to, y'know DO a real job. What do you mean I can't just sit here while I bark orders?"

Oh yeah...that'll go over real well. For her AND her children when they venture into actuality of school, "what do you mean I actually had to show up? Do stuff? The laundry and stuff doesn't just show up and other people don't bring it? There isn't a crew for that? I have to do it myself?"

Real piece of work. ~ Administrator said...

You don’t know me.

Oh, but we do! Perhaps you don't realize it but you've vomited your entire LIFE through this blog.
We know all sorts of details you've let slip.
I think you'd be pretty shocked at just how much you HAVE told us. Especially in your 'recaps' which are essentially allll about you and how YOU do things. Dating, your family, your college experiences, your finances, sooo many personal details that have really added up over time.
We DO know you. Much more than you think, thanks to you!


Gimme a break.

Well if you pay such close attention to me, stalker, you would know I've talked about two people who died at work.

Care to address the FIFTY governors who have all decided to open their states? Los Angeles opened nursing homes two days ago. Are they "idiots"?

Would you like to address the THIRTY THOUSAND HEARINGS that did not take place in my court alone because of this "lockdown", and the emotional mental anguish that is causing tens of thousands of people including CHILDREN? Or are you sticking to your guns and want us all to keep hiding under our beds?

Until when? What's your parameter, oh great health minister? When can we come out?

You're such a fucking tool. ~ Administrator said...

“There’s a certain point where you have to recognize you can’t be in a permanent state where people are locked away for months and months and months on end, to see lives and livelihoods completely destroyed without considering the health impact of those decisions,” Newsom said at a news conference.


Thank you governor, for finally realizing that the cure is worse than the disease. ~ Administrator said...

Also, the TLC 'stars' currently filming were probably happy to fill out the paperwork for the minor childrens' filming permits themselves.


Interesting legal question, if you just film home movies and then give to TLC to edit into a show, no camera crew in the house, do you need permits?

Amy Schumer learns to cook is adorable. But I wonder if she got baby Gene permits for his brief appearances. I'm thinking doubtful. ~ Administrator said...

Seattle's mayor has said the city plans to take back a district that is being occupied by armed protesters, after three people were shot at the weekend.

Mayor Jenny Durkan said the violence had become "increasingly difficult" for businesses and residents.

She said the city would work with the demonstrators to end the so-called Capitol Hill Occupied Protest zone.


These noble protests the media adores are nothing but violent anarchists who don’t see the irony in SHOOTING people themselves. Dismantle them to the ground, Seattle, and let people return to their homes and businesses.

Layla said...

You don’t know me.

Oh, but we do! Perhaps you don't realize it but you've vomited your entire LIFE through this blog.
We know all sorts of details you've let slip.
Little troll, may I ask why you keep coming here if you don't appreciate anything we discuss? You find Kate boring, you don't appreciate any other discussions, and now you're b@#ching about us sharing details about our lives. Let me explain something; many of us have been posting here for years and years. We've shared loads of details about our personal lives, and we all feel a certain kinship, whether we're longtime posters or new joiners. We may only know each other online, but we really feel as though we know each other. It creates a sense of community. Now, if you don't want to be a part of our community, might I suggest you go find another blog that's more to your liking? Because we're all kind of sick of you and your nonstop complaints. Why would you waste time coming to a blog you hate? Unless you just want to be miserable, in which case--we can't help you there.

Anonymous said...

From Dmasy --

Layla (177) -- Thank you for expressing so well what I feel.

I have always enjoyed the community here. I have shared details of my life. I have actually made friends in more personal ways of communication with many of the ladies who post/posted here. I have met a half a dozen of the posters from this site.

Always, and especially during these difficult days, humor and kindness and making like-minded friends is a blessing.

I wish the troll(s) would stop trying to criticize us, demean us and be so disruptive in this little corner of the internet world. There just has to be something better to do with their time.

I would like to go back to the days of vinegar suggestions and pet discussions.

PS: Layla, thanks for sharing Sully pictures with us.

Lynn W. said...

Thank you Layla and Dmasy for bringing this to light. I doubt that many of us actually enjoy these more contentious conversations. Personally I scroll right on by because I can. I came across the 90 Day lockdown shows and find it hilarious. Stupid sometimes but hey .. it's entertainment for those of us who are staying pretty much at home. I'm sure my 3 cats are bored having me around all the time.

Layla said...

Thank you for the support. I don't have much patience for S#4t-stirrers. Imagine getting so upset about us sharing our personal lives! I have posted actual directions to my house and an open invitation for anyone here to pop in for my annual Halloween movie night/s'mores-fest (which grows bigger every year!). I know my directions are accurate because someone here correctly named the color of my house. There's no fear among friends here.

We discuss many topics here and enjoy it thoroughly. If anyone would like to weigh in, I'm debating whether to subscribe to BritBox or Acorn. Anyone have any opinions about either one? I love my British shows dearly, and I think I'm ready for a more steady supply of shows. I love British mysteries (I'm obsessed with Midsomer Murders--all those beautiful little villages!--and I recently discovered Shetland, which I also love). And I never discovered a Brit comedy I didn't love.

I'm so happy that you enjoy my Sully pictures! You all followed along with the fertility struggles and the excitement of his birth--so much encouragement came from posters here. I feel like he's a part of our community too. He is pure joy!

Layla said...

BlueJay (172)
I have to wonder how the G kids are going to handle "real life" without a show. They've been handed a lifestyle that they can't possibly maintain on a normal working person's salary. They've been taught that the ticket to that lifestyle is filming, and that they need to film to survive. It's possible that they all believe that once they turn 18, they can just start filming again. I don't see that happening. Viewers has tuned them out in droves before they entered their teens. They're just not terribly interesting when they're not little and cute, and there will never be that magical set of 6, ever again.

It would have been healthier for them to see their parents work out budgeting, travel, and relationships. These things won't just drop in their laps as adults and they don't know how to work/save/compromise/plan for real life.

I'm a little surprised that WETV hasn't picked up something with Kate. They tend to take on the cast-offs from other networks. Seriously, they're still filming Mama June, and she's a train wreck! But-I think Mama June still gets ratings, so that makes a difference. Plus she and HBB probably don't treat the crew like servants and demand expensive trips and things in addition to their salaries. ~ Administrator said...

And now you like Newsom? But. He's. A. Democrat!!!!!


Why would I dislike someone merely because they are a Democrat? I assess each policy decision individually. I call balls and strikes. If someone is doing something bad for Californians, I say so. If someone is doing something good for Californias, I say so. I am very very happy with Newsom right now. I wouldn't dare give this guy a vote next time after what he did in March, April and May, but I'm happy with what he is doing in June. Is there a problem with that? Where do you stand? Do you agree or disagree with his reopening?

Oh wait, that's what you do, dislike someone just because they are registered Republican. Instead of actually talking to them and asking them why, or assuming they must automatically be racist. Very classy. ~ Administrator said...

I have always enjoyed the community here. I have shared details of my life. I have actually made friends in more personal ways of communication with many of the ladies who post/posted here. I have met a half a dozen of the posters from this site.


Dmasy and I were able to meet in person last Christmas. We had to give some thought as to whether to share that. She is the first 15 Minuter I ever met.

She and her lovely husband are just that--lovely. She got to meet Sea Gordon and we got to meet Annie.

I am glad we were both willing to share enough personal details to meet in real life. Suck it, troll.

capecodmama said...

Bluebird and I met two summers ago when she was vacationing on the Cape. It was lovely. So as Admin said, Suck it, troll.

Chop in Seattle has turned into a hot mess. When it was formed, the mayor likened it to a summer love fest. Don’t think she thinks that now.

Hope everyone is doing well. Layla, love the pic of Sully. Can’t believe he’s eight months already. When I started commenting on this blog, I had one grandchild and he was two. I now have four and the oldest is twelve! How did that happen! It went by way too fast. I will continue to read here as I enjoy it. I don’t always agree but that’s what makes the world go around.

Admin...Are you still in a Texas as was it a permanent move?

BlueJay said...


I agree. It's rather sad that Kate's kids probably haven't learn work ethic, I mean look at who their example is!

No I wasn't aware June was still filming, last I up and heard she got herself arrested. I had heard one one of her kids had gotten a job working at Walmart, and during this virus. Now, there's you some work ethic. Take note Kate. There's you some inspiration. I think that's rather nice and right decent of anyone. Nobody is above nothing. ~ Administrator said...

Yes, I believe that Trump supporters are racists. Not Republicans, TRUMP supporters. There IS a difference.


Your belief is very strange. But no more strange than my belief the Biden supporters are rapists. ~ Administrator said...

Hey anonymous, Ron Jeremy is a big time Democrat and was a huge Biden supporter. Ya catch the news today? He's a RAPIST. All Democrats are rapists, right?

When you're non-sensical, you're non-sensical. ~ Administrator said...

Admin...Are you still in a Texas as was it a permanent move?


No, I quarantined for a couple months in Texas and came back to California as soon as it opened up!

I am certainly enjoying the MUCH milder sunny days here. ~ Administrator said...

Chop in Seattle has turned into a hot mess. When it was formed, the mayor likened it to a summer love fest. Don’t think she thinks that now.


I love that CHOP was formed to protest excessive police force, and then they took out the guns and started shooting people themselves. They shot and killed a kid, a 19 year old KID. Fucking bastards.

Unfortunately, this entire anti-police movement is crumbling as quick as it started, we are no better off, because folks like them completely ruined it. Good job.

Did you see the Minneapolis police finally spoke out saying they are just appalled at all these accusations and they're good men and women? Good for them, good civil servants should stand up for themselves.

Sad but true said...

Tizzie said... 190

LOL, close, but no. I've always believed that K8 walked into her plastic surgeon's office with photos of Sharon Stone and Kendra Wilkinson and said, I want THIS or THAT. NOOOOOOW! :) She sure as hell doesn't have anything close to the face she was born with. ~ Administrator said...

Nationwide covid deaths have dropped by 90%. Care to comment, anonymous? ~ Administrator said...

Meanwhile, back in reality, the moron that you support just held an indoor rally in front of his maskless minions in a state where COVID is spiking.


Were the BLM protests moronic??? Just checking if you're consistent. Because I sure didn't hear you bellyaching about them these past few weeks. Crickets. COUGH--HYPOCRITE.

Here is the article about 90% lowering of deaths.

Something the incredibly unethical media refuses to report. They have now switched to CASES CASES CASES, conveniently leaving out the incredibly low death rate right now.

It's called fear porn, and you fell for it. You're the perfect subject. You're the one giving all the death and description articles clicks, so they keep making them for you. Disgusting. FEAR PORN CONSUMER, anonymous.

Says Clay: "On Sunday a major positive milestone was reached for the first time, coronavirus deaths declined by 90% in this country from the high set on April 21st. That’s an incredibly positive story about our national battle with the virus. Yet, shockingly, it has received almost no media attention. (UPDATE: On Monday deaths were also down 90% from the April 21st peak, meaning there were two straight days this occurred, again, with almost zero media coverage).

That’s indefensible because this is not complicated data to track down. You can see it yourself on this chart here, on April 21st 2,693 people died of the coronavirus. Yesterday 267 died. Putting that number into perspective, an average of 7200 people died on Sunday of something other than the coronavirus and those deaths received almost no media attention at all. That’s a monstrous 90% drop in deaths the space of two months, a tremendous sign of positivity which clearly suggests that the worst of the coronavirus outbreak has now passed. But the media mostly ignored it in favor of a continuing embrace of fear porn. (For the coronabros out there, yes Sunday tends to be the lowest day of the week, but if you want to use the seven day moving average instead of Sunday, the data still reflects a 70+% decline in mortality, a similarly wildly positive story.)"

Anonymous said...

From Dmasy --

Well, Admin has shared our "secret" meeting. I will add my impressions. Admin is a vibrant and intelligent woman. Her dedication to the children who are her clients runs deep.

We talked non-stop with ease and familiarity. Troll, Admin and I do not agree on all things. We are different woman with different life experiences from different generations. That only enriched the conversation -- it did not make us enemies.

We are real. Our pets were real. Sea Gordon is shy and sweet. Every internet detail we had shared was real. Validation.

Every one of the ladies I have met from this blog are totally delightful and special. We are still in touch and share our life updates.

I will always be so glad that I found this space almost a decade ago.

 ~ Administrator said...

Seems like Texas Gov. Abbot doesn't agree with you! Are you going to start calling him "Greggie"?


Why on earth would I disagree with someone who is reacting appropriately to a sudden spike in hospitalizations (again CASES don't matter, only hospitalizations.)

California's hospitalizations are at an all time low, there is no reason to sound alarm bells here.

And by the way, Texans were ALWAYS recommended to stay home. Since April it has not an order, it is an advisement. It's still not an order.

It's almost like you WANT cases to go up. Do you know how truly deranged that sounds? Like, you do realize people have DIED, right? You sick fuck. ~ Administrator said...

Well, Admin has shared our "secret" meeting. I will add my impressions. Admin is a vibrant and intelligent woman. Her dedication to the children who are her clients runs deep.

We talked non-stop with ease and familiarity. Troll, Admin and I do not agree on all things. We are different woman with different life experiences from different generations. That only enriched the conversation -- it did not make us enemies.

We are real. Our pets were real. Sea Gordon is shy and sweet. Every internet detail we had shared was real. Validation.

Every one of the ladies I have met from this blog are totally delightful and special. We are still in touch and share our life updates.


Aw, very sweet Dmasy. Sea Gordon's impressions were: Annie, just okay, very sorry to hear of your loss :(. Hubby: super cool! Dmasy: take her or leave her. :) The house: perfect place for a nice nap while you all go out to lunch!

I find people who parrot me or say only things I want to hear boring. And goodness how would I be so "intelligent" if I didn't listen to others instead of writing them all off as rapists or racist and plugging my ears to it all. Differences of opinion enrich ones life and make one examine their beliefs more closely and develop their opinions more thoroughly (see RBG) and those who seek to write it off are missing out.

Ann said...

I am disgusted that all of these protesters can congregate and no one worried about COVID or said anything about these people being in close proximity to each other (CNN) but as soon as trump held a rally They jumped on that. Very frustrating

I guess it was ok to breathe all over each other for a good cause🙄

Ann said...

Btw I don’t really follow COVID numbers too much.. I personally just try to be careful but I’m very happy I can go to hair and nail salons... it feels like Christmas ~ Administrator said...

CNN)Despite warnings from public health officials, new research suggests Black Lives Matter protests across the country have not led to a jump in coronavirus cases.

A new study, published this month by the National Bureau of Economic Research, used data on protests from more than 300 of the largest US cities, and found no evidence that coronavirus cases grew in the weeks following the beginning of the protests.


So if the virus didn’t spread at the Precious noble protests why on earth would it spread at a Trump rally? Don’t tell me this virus recognizes a trump supporter.

If they had any credibility left at all the media just lost it. ~ Administrator said...

OC Sheriff, CA

· 1h
#OCSDPIO This morning at approximately 1am, deputies were called to the 22000 block of Loumont Dr in Lake Forest for a residential burglary was in process. Deputies responded and contacted a female across the street from the residence holding what appeared to be a gun. (1/2)
View image on Twitter

OC Sheriff, CA

(2/2) Deputies gave numerous commands to the woman to drop the gun, and a deputy-involved shooting occurred. The female is an Asian woman in her late 20s and was transported to the hospital. A gun was located at the scene.


And this is why what BLM wants is asanine. No social worker in their right mind is going to go out and confront somebody with a gun. They’ll be shot.

They tried to dismantle the campus police by vote yesterday at la school district and fell flat on their faces. Failure. They’ll be glad they didn’t get rid of those police the next time there’s a school shooting. ~ Administrator said...

Btw I don’t really follow COVID numbers too much.. I personally just try to be careful but I’m very happy I can go to hair and nail salons... it feels like Christmas


The majority of covid numbers don’t matter to anything and aren’t worth the time it takes to follow it. The dishonest media doesn’t report That the “surge” in cases are largely the young and asymptomatic. This matters so very little. What matters is is it leading to more deaths. Newsflash, it’s not.

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