Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Jon reveals he's doing IT work in a hospital during COVID-19, and calls on Kate to use her nursing license on the front lines

Jon has given an interview during the pandemic about what he is up to, and it turns out he's an essential worker, doing IT for a hospital.

As for Kate? Well, Jon is wondering as much as us why she doesn't using her nursing license, which is still current, to help. "There's people dying in need," Jon told The Sun.

As for their ongoing custody battle, he says the judge has now left it up to the children where they want to live, given their ages. Their next court date (like court dates for most of the country with pending court cases) has been set very far out.

902 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 902   Newer›   Newest» ~ Administrator said... 1

Sure, and then when those high risk people can’t go to work, they’ll get fired and not be able to get unemployment. So it’s not really a choice.


How is that any different than now when ALL our jobs are threatened or we've lost them? The hell? And like most Americans who are permitted to work from home, why can't a high risk person continue to work from home??

And the whole everyone got fired thing is simply not true. The vast majority of Americans are still working. The unemployment rate is only about 12 percent. Considering we are all locked in our homes, that's pretty remarkably how low it is. Which means 88 percent of Americans still have jobs, they're either on the front lines or working from home. Stop being so scared by the news. Again, if you want to stay home, stay home, but stop destroying everyone else's lives because of your own selfishness.

Newsom's completely lost control of California, now he's pissed off the teachers unions. Even extremely liberal counties are opening themselves up and relaxing orders left and right in violation of his state orders. It's total mutiny. I'd run for cover if I were him.

ncgirl said... 2

But Kate has to pay for babysitters. She's so famous she can't work. lol

Maybe this will convince the haters who think Jon doesn't work. They think he gets rich off his occasional interview.

Ingrid said... 3

How many patients would want someone like Kate around with her haughty better than you attitude. I would beg to be knocked out.

Layla said... 4

Commenting on the link posted yesterday by Cookie Monster,

Interesting that Jon says he and Kate agreed the kids can just choose where they want to live. Kate fought tooth and nail to get Hannah back, yet now she's just willing to let them decide? What changed? Could it beeeee….filming? She can't film them so they're not worth fighting for. She had those kids so they could work and support her and make her famous. Now that they can't do that, she's not so interested in keeping them with her. Of course, it's possible that she doesn't have the money for legal battles anymore, but I get the feeling that she'd be just fine without the kids. They're not making money for her and she can't just dip into their trusts at will, so she might have to start paying out of her own pocket for some expenses. Not gonna happen. I think she'd be perfectly happy to let them remaining tups go live with Jon. Then she could sell that money-suck of a house and go live in a condo on the beach somewhere. ~ Administrator said... 5

Uh, because if there is no mandate to shelter in place and your employer expects you to come to the office, you cannot simply work from home and keep your job. It's a pretty basic concept.


The people who are over 65 should be close to retiring anyway. The people with health conditions are protected by a host of state and federal laws including FMLA and disabilty.
This is not a third world country. There are protections for people's jobs when it's unsafe for them to work.

If you're not satisfied with that? Our government wrote up legislation in a flash. They can write it again to protect your job. Now stop being so damn selfish.

Also, not all employers are big fat meanies. I have found mine to be extraordinarily understanding and accommodating throughout this. It can't just be me. If you find your ass fired, maybe it's because you're a pain to work with, and COVID was just an excuse. ~ Administrator said... 6

How many patients would want someone like Kate around with her haughty better than you attitude. I would beg to be knocked out.


I still say she could change bedpans, sweep floors, label specimens. Keep her away from those poor patients but DO YOUR PART KATE IRENE. ~ Administrator said... 7

Anonymous, where is your outrage over this incident???

April 29, 2020
2:09 PM EDT
Filed under

News World

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has come under fire for singling out the Hasidic Jewish community after he personally oversaw the dispersal of hundreds of mourners gathered at the funeral of a rabbi who died from COVID-19.

De Blasio took to Twitter Tuesday to condemn the gathering, saying “My message to the Jewish community, and all communities, is this simple: the time for warnings has passed. I have instructed the NYPD to proceed immediately to summons or even arrest those who gather in large groups. This is about stopping this disease and saving lives. Period.” ~ Administrator said... 8

t's not about ME. I'm self-employed. I realize it's impossible for a selfish asshole like you to understand that not everyone thinks only about themselves.


No, you're only thinking of one segment of the population and refuse to see there are plenty of reasonable measures that would protect EVERYONE, not just pockets that you have arbitrarily deemed more important than anyone else. ~ Administrator said... 9

What a load of ageist bullshit. Not everyone nearing 65 is able to retire. Many NEED to keep working and shouldn't be fired or forced to quit their jobs because of selfish assholes like you. Nor should anyone be forced to go on disability because their work environment is unsafe thanks to selfish assholes like you.


No one is forcing anyone. The world is not fair. This happened to attack the elderly. Other diseases attack kids. Both kinds of diseases suck and people die. Everyone has made sacrifices here. But at a certain point we're going to have to go for it, we can't ask everyone to shut down until a vaccine. Society always has made decisions for the greater good of the whole, they are doing so now, and they will continue to do so until the end of time. I'm unclear what your goal is, but this is what the world has decided, and there's literally nothing you can do about it and just watch Newsom try to stop California from opening because it's opening. He looks really dumb right now. He was the one who told us just let the elderly die anyway (and later swiffered that from his web site, oops), so he has some nerve claiming to care about them.

You sound terrified the world is opening. So stay inside, you claim to have a job, stay inside and you won't get it.

NJGal51 said... 10

TFW May have contacted TLC with an idea to film her doing her part and helping during the pandemic. My guess is that no one was interested because they’ve got more to worry about than TFW “playing” at nursing/helping. JMO. ~ Administrator said... 11

No, he's an example of someone with whom you agree.


Governor Noem's name is KRISTI, she is a WOMAN, so I think you can stop lecturing me now when you haven't even bothered to inform yourself about who I'm talking about. You just proved what I always thought, you read headlines from MSNBC and that's about the extent of it. ~ Administrator said... 12

Our ideas of what are and are not reasonable measures are not in alignment. You don't own the patent on "reasonable."


Nope, but the states do, and they're opening, whether you like it or not.

OPENING OPENING OPENING. ~ Administrator said... 13

How do you know whether or not I am outraged?


You seem very bent out of shape about this issue, I'm surprised you haven't posted about it. You've asked me where my outrage was about things I haven't mentioned, I thought it was a fair question. So are you? Are you outraged? Or do you want to see how I feel about it first so you can pick which side you are on, which will be the opposite. I bet you can't guess how I feel about it, and I ain't telling. ~ Administrator said... 14

TFW May have contacted TLC with an idea to film her doing her part and helping during the pandemic. My guess is that no one was interested because they’ve got more to worry about than TFW “playing” at nursing/helping. JMO.


It would have been impossible to film anyway since productions got shut down except if you're news media then you're essential.

Although PA is opening in two days so she may get to film after all. ~ Administrator said... 15

I started work at 5:30am today central time anonymous and just knocked off. Thank you for your creepy concern, it is fun to play police officer like one is five years old, but if you're worried about the taxpayer, you might start with all the money Newsom is blowing during all this, like a fart in the wind. Would you like me to clock in and out with you daily, what's your email?

Layla said... 16

TFW May have contacted TLC with an idea to film her doing her part and helping during the pandemic. My guess is that no one was interested because they’ve got more to worry about than TFW “playing” at nursing/helping. JMO.


It would have been impossible to film anyway since productions got shut down except if you're news media then you're essential.

Although PA is opening in two days so she may get to film after all.
Who would anyone film her? Nobody watches her, so it'd be a waste of both money and effort. There's a reason TLC has only filmed 7 episodes of anything Gosselin-related in the past 3 years, and it's not because of Jon.

NJGal51 said... 17

It would have been impossible to film anyway since productions got shut down except if you're news media then you're essential.
But TFW wouldn’t think that applies to her because in her mind she is essential. ~ Administrator said... 18

I don't give a shit how you feel, you self-involved idiot. And I'm not going to be baited by you.


Uh-huh. Or this story doesn't fit your narrative, so you conveniently have to just ignore it, pretend it didn't happen even though it's literally ALL OVER THE NEWS. Don't you hate when that happens?

FlimsyFlamsy said... 19

It wouldn't surprise me if TFW tried to get herself an episode off of helping in this crisis. You know, because she's "addicted to giving.

BlueJay said... 20

Well let's be fair here, Kate DID say she can't go back. I assume she meant to, "being normal." Even though she also did state, Jon, when they were married said, when she was the one book touring and such such should go get a part time job. So, despite that she has a nursing license that has remained valid she has always stated she is the one who got that nursing license to provide for her future children long before having a reality television show. She could and, yes, should be putting it to use for those in such need at this time.

Jon and his girlfriend? Fiance? I'm not sure which are doing a very necessary and kind thing for all people. Kate has essentially been unemployed, I'm sure I would count living off a reality television as actual work or a real job here. But she has been out of work long before this pandemic by her own personal choosing. Her children aren't babies, toddlers or young children. She's just proven the point she's going to live by her words more or less let's fix that, "I won't go back. Not that I can't go back, I just plumb don't want to go back even if someone were to up and drag me kicking and screaming."

This just makes her look worse for the wear. But, somehow either she's seething over Jon's statement or could it be she no longer cares now because she no longer has TLC to foot her bills?

Hope everyone is good and well under the circumstances!

Pooshanella Goober said... 21

Anonymous - If you don't give a sh*t about what Admin thinks or feels, why do you keep hanging out here? Admit it, you love your work- at -home job as a blog troll. I don't normally feed trolls, but your constant criticism, negativity, etc. is so childish and really, so strange. You will not change anyone's mind or way of thinking by this constant pestering. Go out and serve your community if you need something to do.

Sideline Observer said... 22

If TFW actually floated the idea of filming an episode of her attempting to help out during the epidemic, that lead balloon probably crashed immediately.

TFW probably would've been tossed immediately if she tried to pull any of her on-camera antics. There are people either severely ill or dying, and the last thing anybody needs is see some moron mug for the camera while important work is going on.

TFW's narcissism betrays her lack of empathy. She can't play-act her way past the NYC ER doc who committed suicide. I wouldn't put it past TFW to try to out-tragic Dr. Breen.

Sandylove said... 23

Jon mentioned in another recent article that Hannah and Collin went to different high schools. I thought they both attended that public school near Jon now?

Jbranck1980 said... 24

After reading this article, I do wonder what she is doing. She hasn't been on twitter in at least 2 years, her website is pathetically outdated (some updates are almost 9 years old!) And her IG account hasn't been updated in 7 months. She really has faded into obscurity. I hope her children are not suffering the wrath of her outrage however I'm not optimistic. ~ Administrator said... 25

After reading this article, I do wonder what she is doing.


I actually wonder what she does all day too to be honest. She’s been pretty darn quiet for years and if she were actually doing something productive with her time it would have leaked out by now. What an incredible waste of opportunities and open doors. I’ve never seen someone so disengaged with everything that’s interesting and meaningful in this world. ~ Administrator said... 26


LOL what are you, 5?


This might be a little beyond you, but I was making a play off our idiot governor Gavin Newsom, who posts on twitter REPEAT REPEAT REPEAT stay off the beaches. While doing nothing to actually address the real problems.

He is shutting down the beaches, and a quick scroll of the comments and I couldn't find but one positive one out of the thousands there. He's going to get himself tarred and feathered if he continues to make moves like this that do nothing to stop the virus and everything to just piss everyone off. Pop your popcorn!

Hey Newsom, what are you doing about our institutions, which are responsible for HALF our deaths?

Ingrid said... 27

Layla said... 4

Commenting on the link posted yesterday by Cookie Monster,
I took that article to mean that the guardian ad litem (and maybe judge?) made the decision to give the choice to the kids now that they are as old as they are and Kate and Jon have no say about where each kid chooses to live.

just wondering said... 28

Kate Gosselin would be the very last person I would want to wake up & see getting ready to suction my lungs. And film crews are most definitely not allowed, so why would she bother? I honestly can't think of a single place that would even hire her for anything. She would be such a pain in the ass as an employee.

Don't worry, she doesn't have what hospitals are looking for said... 29

As a retired nurse who worked with recruiter, I can assure you no one will hire her. Too long out of practice, no continuing ed compliance, recruiters now do actual background checks and the lawsuit & court issues would come up, her nursing experience was over 15 years ago and was part-time, her work experience over past 15 years will make her unattractive, no professional references would be forthcoming, she has a 2 or 3 year diploma, most hires now are 4 yr BSN required, she would do VERY poorly in an interview, and most importantly, there are hundreds of BSN qualified, and experienced nurses to choose from. I doubt she would even get a call for interview. Her resume and application would be one big red flag.

Sorry Jon.... OR maybe he knows all this and is just poking her. If so, good move Jon....hahaha

One of the questions is...why do you want to work here?... imagine her answer! Rambling on about divorce and Jon blocking her from getting a real job on TV so she is forced to stoop to mediocre job until she can get TLC to film her "kate plus patient" series.

Keeping her nursing license is just a vanity move.

She is toast in the world of nursing. Not to worry folks, she won't be able to hurt any patients.

CYA: this, of course, is just my personal OPINION.

JR said... 30

In the world of narcissism caring about other people just doesn’t exist... I think every one tends to forget this woman is an extreme narcissist. I have lived with one and I can assure you that she doesn’t give a rats ass who’s dying... she wants to live in her comfortable bubble. I guarantee you this is just an inconvenience to her... how dare you 😂 ~ Administrator said... 31

Oh dear, the poor Governor of California doesn't understand the BASIC photography concept that a telephoto lens compresses what it is taking a photo of, making beaches look more crowded than they were. One must use a 35mm aerial shot in order to get an accurate photo of what was happening and that's all you can use. My god his stupidity is so painful.

The Orange County board BLASTED him just today for punishing them for doing nothing wrong, nothing, and are going to take action to respond, they say. Good for them.

Lynn W. said... 32

Is Kate even qualified to be a Pink Lady? ~ Administrator said... 33

The photographer who took the pic in this article (NOT with a telephoto lens) deacribed the scene as like Where's Waldo? With all the people. But of course you know more than a person actually there who shot the pic that has garnered the most attention.

Good for Newsom. Took away the toy from the spoiled children who can't play by the rules.


And yet the photographer does not try to claim that people were not social distancing. Families are not required to socially distance so it’s silly to say families can’t stay together. Have you actually been to Newport Beach? It’s absolutely gigantic with acres and acres of beach to spread out. And there is zero data, none, to show that it is unsafe to recreate as long as you socially distance.

Yes good for Newsone yea for nanny governments! How about good for Orange County who decided themselves that it was safe to open beaches? I think they are far better able to manage what’s appropriate for the beaches given they have done an incredible job flattening their curve.

What has Newsone done for nursing homes? Jack shit. And Newsom’s order is just a piece of paper, OC has assured us they ain’t enforcing it. Newsom looks like an idiot. And people were afraid trump would be the dictator. Wow just wow. ~ Administrator said... 34

It's also amazing how you are quick to criticize your own governor, but are so lax in criticizing your president. I guess the only reason is that one is a Dem. & one is a Rep.


Projection much??? Um, no, one is locking people up tighter even though their curve has flattened and hospitals are not overwhelmed (the original reasoning behind his lockdown) , and the other is fairly letting people out as of tomorrow. Has nothing to do with political parties, plenty of democratic governors are also correctly letting their residents out, such as Gov Polis of Colorado and Gov Wolf of PA who has been committed to reopening Tomorrow. Both democrats.

Food for thought. Pennsylvania has 2200 deaths. California has 1800. Yet Pennsylvania is opening tomorrow and California never.

Does it occur to you newsom has some big time political motives here? Can you ackowledge maybe that’s possible even a little? I’m tired of being his pawn in his run for presidency. Selfish ass. ~ Administrator said... 35

Unlike you, Newsom is operating in reality. The data show that the rate of new cases in Orange County is doubling at a faster rate than most counties in the state, including Los Angeles.


Newsom is operating on data that is literally changing by the minute and has been wrong over and over. Half of the country is opening and many of those states have far worse numbers than Califrnia, they're operating under the reality a cure isn't coming any time soon and we have no choice.

The cases that went up in Orange county are largely in institutions. There is literally zero evidence that it is related to beaches. None. The so-called "surge" in cases is also related to dramatic increases in testing just this week. And those who are dying this week got the virus 3-4 weeks ago minimum and usually 5-6, they did not get COVID on the beaches this weekend, get a brain.

Santa Cruz up north has had their beaches wide open all this time and have hardly any cases right now. Beaches had nothing to do with it.

Newsom's closure of the beaches was a violation of the separation of powers clause as it was a retaliatory punishment. Only a judge can punish, not a governor. Or didn't you pay attention in 5th grade social studies? He's done. There's no getting around what a vindictive little ass on a power trip he is being and all of California sees it. How embarrassing is it when Orange County tells the governor close our beaches but damn if we're going to bother to enforce your order. Oh my god how humiliating. You sound really jealous that I'm free in Texas and you're still in prison. I'm sorry. ~ Administrator said... 36

Oh, yes, the evidence that Newsom is motivated by politics is SO evident. Every Democrat knows that the road to the White House is paved by pissing off the teachers unions. How right you are.


If you think Newsom isn't running for president in 2024 I got a bridge to sell ya. This entire thing is a test run.

Ah yes the selfish whiny teachers unions. I said on March 16 the kids would have to go to school in the summer, who the hell do they think they are and bullshit they didnt see this one coming.

I don't hate Newsom completely. I absolutely love that he told those ridiculous unions to f off and get these poor kids back in school. Selfish cows. Isn't it so easy to refuse to cooperate with doing WHAT'S BEST for kids so they can keep their summer vacations. I'd be disgusted to be a teacher right now and part of those unions. Shame on them. Shame.

One does not need teacher unions to become president. Look at Trump. ~ Administrator said... 37

UH OH. Huntington Beach city council is holding an emergency meeting tonight to discuss suing the governor. This is not going to end well for idiot Newsom. Big mistake. Huge. ~ Administrator said... 38

That is your opinion, not fact. If it ends up in court, we'll see where it lands.


Um, no, it actually is not an opinion. It is a fact that a governor cannot punish, only the judicial branch punishes. This is not an opinion, this is civics. ~ Administrator said... 39

It might surprise you to learn that I'm not a big fan of teachers unions. However, there is more to this than just selfishness. Schools are not going to look the same when they re-open. There is a ton of planning and reconfiguration to do and whether that can happen in a safe manner by July is open to debate. Of course you won't acknowledge any of that because you think it's fine and dandy to re-open without any care in the world.


I'm glad you see unions the way I do, shows you haven't completely lost your mind.

IT IS.....APRIL. He's asking to open END of July. That is plenty of notice. That is longer than a typical summer. It is completely reasonable to expect, no, demand that schools be ready to open in 90 days. If you can't open your school in 90 days, you need to get out of teaching. Most schools in California are back in August anyway, so this is only asking them to open a few weeks early. I knew they were going to whine dramatically about this and I don't believe for a damn second they are actually concerned about the safety of the school. Please.

What a terrible example they are setting for students. I thought they were supposed to be teaching children to problem solve, to tackle challenged, to reach for what you think is impossible and go above and beyond. When someone asks something of you that will help everyone, rise to the challenge and have a great attitude about it too. They have utterly failed them. Sorry kids, sorry. ~ Administrator said... 40

Omg. Michigan. YOUR lot.


Have you lost your job? Anyone who is getting paid really isn't in any position to judge those whose lives were destroyed by yet another governor angling for the White House.

SaraMRN2010 said... 41

My state is doing a soft opening Monday for restaurants and retail stores. But here is the problem, most of our restaurants have not closed, they did curb side and take out. Yes, certain retail shops did close but the governed would not give the go ahead for small businesses such as hair salons, nail salons, gyms, movie theaters and bars. These are businesses who have been hit hardest. I do agree we need to get back to some kind of normalcy, but if people are delusional and think Covid, Corona or Rona is going away they are in for a rude awakening. This is going to be just like the flu. It will always be around. Hopefully this has taught us though that through better hygiene the virus will not be spread as much.
And regarding Kate helping out, she would be clueless. I work as a nurse and although we haven't been hard hit like other areas, it is so hard for me wearing the same mask from patient to patient. Everything I was taught in nursing school regarding infectious control has been tossed. I am issued 1 mask at the beginning of my shift and I hope and pray nothing gets soiled on it. I know this has been hard on people but hopefully we have learned from it too. ~ Administrator said... 42

here’s the aerial shots of the beach that show not just six feet of distance from others but usually 10-20 or more. Families from the same household sitting together DONT COUNT Newsom. Meanwhile back in the land of reality California has some of the lowest cases per 100k in the country, just a few notches above Texas.

Meanwhile late last night the beach cities in OC voted to file an injunction over this on constitutional grounds. Uhh-oh. ~ Administrator said... 43

With a new study suggesting a very likely scenario is covid is around in various waves for two years every single state should be opening now. Most are or are taking serious steps toward it. Everyone except our insane troll knows we can’t lock people up for two years. If it’s going to be two years anyway the sooner we try to get the economy going again the better. There is no point to being devastated by the disease health wise and lose your job. You might as well keep your job.

We don’t know for sure though. Some diseases suddenly mutate and die off. Nobody knows.

just wondering said... 44

Dear anonymous poster. There is one thing I learned decades ago. Don't try to argue with the person holding the microphone. You will always lose. ~ Administrator said... 45

Meanwhile, back in reality, my position on a slow reopening aligns with the majority in this state. 70% of Californians agree with me. Your view aligns with the right wing fringe, not with "everybody." Bummer that you're out of state as I'm sure you'd have been on the front lines protesting today with the armed militia members and others of "your lot," great freedom fighter that you are.


Several Democratic states whose COVID cases are far higher than California are opening. Troll, you do understand HALF of states are open now with many moving towards opening for weeks now, right? With no noticeable difference in their numbers?

If Orange County were a state, and with its population, it could be, its COVID numbers would rank only behind a few states including Alaska and Montana.

Are you referring to the poll that interviewed 1,000 people? LOL nice sample size there. All that poll showed me is that some Californians 1. can't do math and 2. are easily swayed by a nanny governor who is flat out lying to them. Scary.

And we all know how accurate polls are. You know the ones that said TRUMP was gonna lose in 2016, LOL.

As for fringe groups, the Huntington Beach city council members are about as far away from right wing fringe groups as you can get. And even they are saying this is an unwarranted restriction.

If my friends were a poll, and most of them are far left wing, even they support opening the beaches. Even the LA Times wants to open beaches. How bad is that?

Can you answer my original question, what has Newsom done for nursing homes? You know the places where HALF of cases are. He is such an embarrassing failure. ~ Administrator said... 46

I can't open your LA times link to see your survey, anonymous, because I've exceeded my articles limit and I don't give money to journalists who are far lefties. They lied and said their COVID articles were free. They are not.

Epidemiologists, yes I'll trust them. The ones that told me three weeks ago DON'T wear a mask. Right, good plan.

Newsom has utterly failed the state's nursing homes so you ain't getting me on that one.

Can you find a way to see that maybe, just maybe, California isn't handling this in the best way possible for maximum safety and economic protection? That maybe, just maybe, Sweden has it right? Instead you want to shut up anyone who questions what we're doing.

I'm still waiting for the number of COVID cases that have been attributed to California beaches. Bueler? Bueler?

Do you still have a job? Right, you do. So STFU.

Kelsey O. said... 47

The You Tube channel "Without A Crystal Ball" today talks about Jon and he said that Only J and L talk to H (out of the 6 living with Kate). So sad. Hope in the future all 8 kids have healthy sibling relationships. ~ Administrator said... 48

Dear just wondering: I learned decades ago that liars and bullies shouldn't go unchallenged.


That's what the Huntington Beach city council said when they decided to sue Newsom's ass.

See you in court, Gavie. ~ Administrator said... 49

Even if I lost my job, the last thing I would do is strap on a gun and go protest at my state legislature. But I guess you approve. Are you going to strap on a gun, & go to Gov. Newsom's office to protest, or are you just going to protest here?


I don't own or carry guns and never will but I don't blame someone for wanting to arm themselves for their protection during tyranny which is the entire foundation of the second amendment. Take it up with the Supreme Court if you don't like it.

There are more protests today in very liberal LA, and they are not Trump wackadoodles, they are liberals. Gavie has lost control. I did one better than protests, I left the state. ~ Administrator said... 50

Modoc County in California has opened its doors in direct violation of Gavie's order. Gavin did not respond to their outreach to him in the preceding days questioning whether they could open. If one wants to rudely ignore their emails and mail, what happens after that is on them.

What ya gonna do about it Gavie? What ya gonna do? They have NO cases and never have. ~ Administrator said... 51

Omg thousands of protesters are descending on Huntington Beach right now! It looks like Vietnam!

Good plan, Gavie. Good plan. Why don't you just let them go to their own damn beaches in their own damn towns and then we wouldn't have to deal with mass scale civil unrest.

WORST GOVERNOR EVER. ~ Administrator said... 52

, 75% of residents want the order to continue as long as it’s needed


Well isn't THAT a tricky, slimey little poll as per the usual for the LA Times. I also want stay at home to continue AS LONG AS IT IS NEEDED. The vast majority of people were fine with stay at home, WHEN IT WAS NEEDED. There weren't any protests the first few weeks of this and the only major protests have been the last two weeks.

The issue is, it ISN'T needed anymore. The disease is here to stay, the hospitals aren't overwhelmed, our SS Panic Navy ship is EMPTY, the rest of us with a brain want to move as quickly as we can into the containment phase so that people at minuscule risk can resume financially supporting themselves again and feed their kids.

You still have a job, so STFU.

IRISH 33 said... 53

I'm up here in Boston an we have a great mayor an governor an are locked in as we are being hit one is complaining 1 bit as our health is the number 1 priority ~ Administrator said... 54

Newsom: California could begin lifting some coronavirus restrictions in ‘days, not weeks’

LOLOL this guy is the biggest pussy.

One county completely open telling him to F off. Huge protests at Huntington Beach. He knows he’s lost the state. What an embarrassment.

Sad but true said... 55

IRISH 33 said... 53

Same here, 25 miles north of NYC. There has been a steady downward progression in hospitalizations and deaths here in the last couple of weeks, post-lockdown/pre-reopening. Yet so much about this virus remains unknown, and that is the most disturbing thing about it for me. I have never before seen the CDC at such a loss, ditto ALL the major research facilities in our country and the world. The PPE supply glitches, the delays in gearing up testing, the uncertainty about post-recovery immunity . . . the list goes on and on. At the end of the day, perhaps the death rate will not be 100x worse than the yearly flu, or even 10x. But the unpredictability of how this disease is transmitted, how long it incubates, and how destructive it can be, even for otherwise healthy people, puts this on a whole new level for me. I only leave my home for groceries and prescriptions, and that's ONLY because there have been no home-delivery slots available here for at least the last 6 weeks.

I think you have to acknowledge, Admin, that the virus you're dealing with on the West Coast and what is happening here on the East is not at all the same. Here's hoping they don't meet in the middle. ~ Administrator said... 56

I think you have to acknowledge, Admin, that the virus you're dealing with on the West Coast and what is happening here on the East is not at all the same. Here's hoping they don't meet in the middle.


Absolutely. The east coast was the hardest hit. Each state and even county should be doing a tailor made reopening when the numbers support it. That’s why for the life of me us Californians can’t figure out why we are being treated like nyc and not the 29th ranked state that we actually are.

Oh well the governor caved today. He had his little fun power trip now show‘s over.

These was a number of recent articles and commentary recently speculating that because so much of the mainstream media is based in nyc, their coverage became very alarmist and scewed, when the majority of the country was not seeing anything like their numbers. And then someone said do you think if it were Montana that had nyc’s numbers and not them would this coverage be the same? Sadly I think the answer to that is not in a million years. And i don’t think it’s even malicious. For most.

handinhand said... 57

It's been interesting reading the covid posts. Appreciate it. ~ Administrator said... 58

You made the identical claim several days ago and then flipped to claim CA was never opening.


It's not me that's flipping, it's the governor. One moment he says we're opening the next he's making even tighter restrictions. Now today he's back to saying we're opening in "days". His words. Direct quote.

What a deranged man. Truly certifiable. Something is wrong with him, get him mental health help.

Sad but true said... 59

And then someone said do you think if it were Montana that had nyc’s numbers and not them would this coverage be the same? Sadly I think the answer to that is not in a million years. And i don’t think it’s even malicious. For most.

Of course it's not malicious. The fact is, media, in terms of REAL journalistic reporting, is shrinking exponentially and has been over the past decade or so. At this point, anyone wanting to cover real events in Montana, or Wyoming, or Nebraska more or less has to rely on anecdotal stories as interpreted by local TV news stations OR relayed by social-media sources. The NYT, WP, and virtually all national media have abandoned local coverage of anything outside of major cities, relying on often highly questionable and/or biased local "sources" to cobble together their stories.

Honestly, I think this is how a lot of "fake news" gets started. We no longer have the widespread, credentialed national oversight of "news"--with the perspective that it provided--that we all grew up on. Not saying that this was always "the truth." But what was reported had been vetted and challenged and verified in a way that today's daily "news" stories have not. And I think we are all the poorer for it. ~ Administrator said... 60

Are you blind? Or simply unwilling to see? You're losing touch with reality, dear


Are **you blind? That’s not the calm and collected beach crowd last weekend that was socially distancing. Even assigned lifeguards confirmed everyone was following the rules. That’s the MASS mob protest after the California dictator Newsom decided to punish them for no reason. Any transmitting of the virus that happens now is on him. He caused this protest when he never needed to. Worst governor ever. Let these people go to the beach for god sake and none of this ever would have happened. . ~ Administrator said... 61

Reall?, people over 65 can STAY HOME as a great option to them to stay healthy. People without work have no such option, nothing. It’s not the same thing at all and you know it. Selfish cow.

Also, the average age people are dying is 80. The death rates for those in their 60s and 70s is still outrageously low. Time to open up and get back to work whether you like it or not. If you’re scared STAY home and STFU. “Days” savs Gavin now. Pussy. ~ Administrator said... 62

Right, it's Newsom's fault that these idiots crowded together to cry about not being able to go the beach. They bear no responsibility whatsoever for their reckless behavior.


The fact is it never would have happened had he not closed Orange County beaches. It's irrelevant what level of recklessness the protesters were displaying, it never would have happened but for the governor. And now the media is reporting within the last few hours that people are running up to other counties to go to the beach. Great plan!

Worst governor ever. Dumbass. ~ Administrator said... 63

m up here in Boston an we have a great mayor an governor an are locked in as we are being hit one is complaining 1 bit as our health is the number 1 priority


That could be because you are much harder hit than CA. Massachusetts has FIFTY-FOUR deaths per 100,000. CA only has five. FIVE! California is now ranked THIRTY-FIVE of all the states for deaths. Massachusetts, four. Four!

In the top 50 list of hardest hit counties in the USA, Massachusetts has SEVEN counties on the list. California only has one, Los Angeles, which is the largest county population wise in the U.S., and even then it doesn't even bust the top ten.

If I were in your shoes, I doubt I would be complaining. You actually do have an issue. WE DON'T.

I think it's a misnomer to say health is the number one priority. Not being able to work does affect your health, because you can't afford food, shelter, and medical treatment without it. And it hurts your mental health. All relates to health.

Again, can you explain why a county in California with ZERO cases can't open? Gavin sure can't, and he's ignoring the fact that they've opened. Pussy.

Our governor claims we are driven by numbers. Yet he's treating us like Massachusetts when we are not even CLOSE to their numbers.

Good luck to you all in Mass. Nice state. ~ Administrator said... 64

Of course it's not malicious. The fact is, media, in terms of REAL journalistic reporting, is shrinking exponentially and has been over the past decade or so. At this point, anyone wanting to cover real events in Montana, or Wyoming, or Nebraska more or less has to rely on anecdotal stories as interpreted by local TV news stations OR relayed by social-media sources. The NYT, WP, and virtually all national media have abandoned local coverage of anything outside of major cities, relying on often highly questionable and/or biased local "sources" to cobble together their stories.

Honestly, I think this is how a lot of "fake news" gets started. We no longer have the widespread, credentialed national oversight of "news"--with the perspective that it provided--that we all grew up on. Not saying that this was always "the truth." But what was reported had been vetted and challenged and verified in a way that today's daily "news" stories have not. And I think we are all the poorer for it.


Agree a hundred percent. Before this media situation was just "a shame" but now it actually matters, because people in states with minuscule amount of infections have to dither around with no jobs locked up waiting for the Northeast to get better. What a mess. ~ Administrator said... 65

Of course it's not malicious. The fact is, media, in terms of REAL journalistic reporting, is shrinking exponentially and has been over the past decade or so. At this point, anyone wanting to cover real events in Montana, or Wyoming, or Nebraska more or less has to rely on anecdotal stories as interpreted by local TV news stations OR relayed by social-media sources. The NYT, WP, and virtually all national media have abandoned local coverage of anything outside of major cities, relying on often highly questionable and/or biased local "sources" to cobble together their stories.

Honestly, I think this is how a lot of "fake news" gets started. We no longer have the widespread, credentialed national oversight of "news"--with the perspective that it provided--that we all grew up on. Not saying that this was always "the truth." But what was reported had been vetted and challenged and verified in a way that today's daily "news" stories have not. And I think we are all the poorer for it.


Agree a hundred percent. Before this media situation was just "a shame" but now it actually matters, because people in states with minuscule amount of infections have to dither around with no jobs locked up waiting for the Northeast to get better. What a mess. ~ Administrator said... 66

Yes you would. You've been complaining from day 1. The Bay Area moved early to get this under control because Santa Clara County was a hotspot and you yammered on about how ridiculous it was.


NOWHERE in CA EVER had a problem like Massachusetts. EVER.

Apples and oranges.

I have said all along the Northeast is differently situated. That being said, there is no cure coming, so even most governors in the Northeast are talking very seriously of opening and soon. I guess you disagree with that. Most are democrats. ~ Administrator said... 67

Yes, because California jumped on it early. And that is something you bitched about from the outset


Many experts disagree with you, both here and abroad, including Sweden. And since you have no way to prove what would have happened without a lockdown surely someone as smart as you knows you cannot make such a scientific statement definitively. Many experts believe that cases seem to be almost exclusively related to population density/people in the home, both doctors and some prominent writers including at the New York Times. Wouldn’t you know it the one place in California hit rather hard is Los Angeles and we’ve been on a hard lockdown since March 16. NYC was also hit hard and they’ve also been on hard lockdowns. The virus seems to me much more related to the density of your city than it is to how much you socially distance.

It is a worst case scenario we locked down for nothing and unfortunately many experts now believe that to be the case.

Try to think critically. Just asking you to try. ~ Administrator said... 68

Most experts agree with me although of course there are differences of opinion. Obviously population density is a key factor. There are all kinds of variables at play.


"Most" is a stretch. And it's very prominent people who are trying to explain to you sheep that locking up really has little to no bearing on our numbers, including Nobel prize winners like Professor Michael Levitt a biologist at Stanford's medical school. Hard to poo-poo, as you so want to do. This is likely the reason HALF of states are now opening even though the virus is still out there and most others are discussing opening in the next few weeks, or days.

I think at BEST, we don't know if lockdowns work or don't work. Tokyo is larger than NYC and larger than Los Angeles and never did a lockdown. Bars are wide open and nobody is staying home. Sit with that a couple hours before spitting back your know-it-all reply. ~ Administrator said... 69

. I have a huge problem with what Georgia did and I don't think Texas' approsch was wise either.


LOL, oh you don't approve of Texas? We don't give a shit. The Texas governor ran his plan to reopen by Dr. Birx and she approved it. So I guess you don't approve of Dr. Birx, who has for thirty years been one of the most highly regarded medical experts in the country and universally approved by almost all Americans, and has been right on the money with everything she's ever told us. Right, she's wrong, and Texas is f-ing this up. You're seriously a tool.

Only 5% of people who test for COVID in Texas are positive. That means the majority of people coming in just have a cold. Meh. You oughta come to Texas and talk to the real Americans living here and listen to how this has destroyed their lives. In counties with five cases, in counties where everyone has recovered, in counties with NO cases. I've been doing that, and I've found it humbling, and much more informative than the news or listening to you drivel on about nonsense. ~ Administrator said... 70

LOL, THREE counties in California are now wide open, telling the governor to F off.

Modoc, Yubba and Sutter. They've even opened their schools.

Governor's lost control, one county at a time. LOLOLOLOL.

Any Blog said... 71

Wow. That's good for Jon he's using is IT field to help out. Like we all didn't KNOW Kate wouldn't actually, you know, do nothing! Sorry, old time poster stopping by to check things out how much as changed.

I sure as heck wouldn't want to see Kate as MY nurse! I kinda doubt she'd have the know how with how much the medical field has changed in what? 10 years or so since she last worked? That clinic she took the kids to she couldn't even remember how to show the kids how to do something. ~ Administrator said... 72

OMG, mass protests today in New York, Maryland, Washington D.C., and the usual in Michigan in California. I think they've pushed Americans out of work just about as far as they're going to go. Let them back to work. ~ Administrator said... 73

Oh man, a restaurant in San Clemente is now open in defiance of the ca governor’s order. The owner is doing rapid covid testing of employees and limiting capacity to 40%. The owner said if it scares you DONT COME. Seems logical to me.

“I’m in a hurry. If Gavin wants to come pay my mortgage, perfect, come by my building,” Gourley said. “We’re all in a hurry. We need to get back to work.” ~ Administrator said... 74

There goes another one, a 24 hour fitness in Victorville, CA.

The people have spoken.

In Victorville, 24-hour fitness studio the Gym reopened Friday with an 8-by-10-foot printout of the Constitution posted by the front door. Employees changed the colors of the studio's sign to red, white and blue and hung banners that read #GymsAreEssential and #ReopenAmerica, according to owner Jacob D. Lewis.
Lewis said he chose to reopen after hearing from members who were struggling with issues ranging from flare-ups of chronic health conditions to declines in mental health since they had been unable to patronize his gym.
He also feels that some media outlets and government officials have exaggerated the scope of the COVID-19 outbreak to justify what he views as an overblown response that infringes on people's personal freedom.
"This virus is political," he said. "It comes down to our civil rights. There's one thing that people in power forget, one thing that makes us all the same, and that's the Constitution."
The gym has stepped up cleanings and turned off every other piece of cardio equipment to better maintain social distancing. Steam rooms, showers and saunas are still shut down, and group exercise classes remain canceled.
Lewis, who has been vocal on social media about his decision to reopen, said he had received death threats and ominous texts from anonymous phone numbers.
"But on the flip side, I've been receiving calls from around the country saying how inspiring it is," he said.
He estimated that in the last three days, he had spoken to 200 business owners who were seeking advice as they, too, prepare to reopen.
"It's pretty awesome to see that one person can start something," he said.

Sandylove said... 75

I'd like to see how many of those restaurant patrons in San Clemente and gym users in Victorville end up with the Coronavirus. The photos and story I saw on the news at the restaurant showed people shoulder to shoulder and not wearing masks. I say they get what they deserve. ~ Administrator said... 76

I'd like to see how many of those restaurant patrons in San Clemente and gym users in Victorville end up with the Coronavirus. The photos and story I saw on the news at the restaurant showed people shoulder to shoulder and not wearing masks. I say they get what they deserve.


Likely none. When you’re not in an area that has a lot of cases like those areas your risk of even getting it in the first place plummets. As well Death rates are dropping dramatically both in ca and the US. Lots of major publications have the daily counts. (You can’t go by case counts because upticks in testing required to open up make it seem like cases are increasing when only the testing increased not the infection rate.

And if they do, their body their choice. At least that’s what all the pro abortion people have told me for years. If they want to go into an establishment they will get whatever comes. They understand that. If others don’t want to go in, they don’t have to go. It’s a simple as that but I’m not about to arrogantly tell a restaurant owner who is going to be Financially sunk forever that he can’t work when his city’s infection rate is as low as it is, and I’m certainly not going to tell him that while I still get to be paid. That is the height of hypocrisy.

We went out to breakfast today In Texas in a county with one case still. Our choice. Very enjoyable and the beaming smiles on the employees’ faces inside was contagious. I’ve never seen a group of people so happy to be working. We nearly cried.

JR said... 77

I don’t think this is funny.. Jersey has a lot of cases still and a lot of deaths...there’s a lot of people in this state and it’s still very scary... I’ll wait thank you... I think if someone wants to risk their health then let them..... we will see what the spike in cases are in a week... Georgia opened and their numbers went through the roof the next week... there ya go

JR said... 78

The Jewish community in this area refused to listen to stay away from each but continued to have one part after the other ... as a result they have the most cases and deaths in NJ... there’s proof right there ~ Administrator said... 79

Georgia opened and their numbers went through the roof the next week... there ya go


That's not accurate at all. Georgia's DEATH rate continues to fall. Georgia's CASE count has been more or less up and down, with no discernible pattern, but since they opened, they have been testing more than ever. This will cause cases to go UP no matter what you do, but those case rates were there all along, the only thing that changed was the testing. Besides, most people who are testing positive now actually contracted the disease many days or even weeks before (this thing has a 14 day infection rate or longer), so it is WAY too early to connect infections today with a very recent reopening since they have nothing to do with it.

Cases don't matter anyway, since most people get a cold and move on with life. What matters is deaths and hospital admissions. Yeah in a perfect world cases would matter too, but we can't stay locked up forever. It's MAY. We're in worst case scenario land now, where deaths are all that matters since people are going to die from lack of working now too.

My God, people's misunderstanding of the data on this is really frightening. ~ Administrator said... 80

Who cares? They are FREE. That's all that matters. Other people's health? Who gives a shit. It's all about them and overcoming the horrible oppression of not being able to dine out or go to the beach.


Does it bother you at all that people can't work and go to bed terrified every night they can't feed their kids?

Selfish heifer. ~ Administrator said... 81

California's retail opening FRIDAY.

He caved. LOLOLOL. ~ Administrator said... 82 ~ Administrator said... 81
California's retail opening FRIDAY.

He caved. LOLOLOL.
For curbside pickup only. I guess this half-truth was a step above your usual complete lies.


Huh? This is phase two, opening retail to curbside. We're open.

But but, I thought we were data driven, as the governor said. The numbers in LA have been about the same for a week. Why on earth would he think now is the time to move to phase 2?

Or is it because he got a-scared the people of CA are gonna kick his ass out of his office if he continues to starve their children for a death rate that is almost zero for the vast majority of Californians. He's seriously such a pussy. ~ Administrator said... 83

I not know what’s true about the testing in Georgia... I only know it went from 400 cases to 1400 cases after they opened... there’s no way that’s a coincidence .


This is a good example of the media scaring people without giving them the facts. And frankly terribly unethical. That state has only been open four days. In that time, they went from several days of 50, 60, 30 deaths a day to just 6 or 8 once reopened.

But none of that matters, as people dying from COVID today got it four or more weeks ago. And people testing POSITIVE for COVID today got it on average five or more days ago, long before the opening. You're not understanding the way this virus has a long-lead time. You don't wake up from COVID one day and die. It takes WEEKS. Therefore the numbers today are telling us what happened about four weeks ago, not yesterday.

We are WAY too soon in Georgia to attribute any numbers to re-opening. That is why most smart states have people on a 2-week cycle plan. Do one phase of re-opening for two weeks, then the next for 2-weeks. It's the only way to judge cause and effect.

A final point, numbers have gone up even while states have been on very firm lockdowns. If we're going to say numbers have gone up due to no more lockdowns, why wouldn't we also say numbers have gone up due to LOCKDOWNS? You can't have it both ways as our troll wants to. Either the numbers are related to the lockdowns or they're not (they're crystal clearly not), but you can't pick and choose which numbers are related to lockdowns and which ones aren't. They either all are, or they all are not. And if they all are, then lockdowns are a colossal failure. ~ Administrator said... 84

HAHHAHHAHAHAHA the governor reopened Laguna and San Clemente beaches in the O.C. LOLOLOLOL.

So let me get this straight. The beaches were oh so very dangerous yesterday, but now it's just fine? And this "data" driven? Arrogant tool.

Now if anyone is making a reality tv show, it's that idiot. He has completely lost control and he knows it.

JR said... 85

They just updated the number.. from 25000 to 200000 predicted because of easing social distancing... how is the CDC not right and you are ~ Administrator said... 86

They just updated the number.. from 25000 to 200000 predicted because of easing social distancing... how is the CDC not right and you are


I have no idea who is right and who is wrong, but given that the CDC has been WRONG backwards and forwards about all of this, why on earth would you trust that number? Literally every damn number by them has been wrong. Why is no one reporting on the drastic DROP in cases this week, nationwide? The nationwide death rate has near been cut in half. Nobody reports it.

Look at the numbers that have actually happened, not what they THINK is gonna happen because what they THINK is gonna happen has been dead wrong, every time.

CC said... 87

What I’m finding disturbing are the people who don’t want to wear masks and then assault or actually murder the police or store workers who advise them they need to wear masks or practice social distancing. I think some of the people in this world are scarier than the virus.

You don’t want to wear a mask, then don’t. But then don’t think you enter and area where a mask is required. Some people are disgusting. ~ Administrator said... 88

Admin - no matter what side you are on, there is absolutely nothing funny about any of this situation.


I don't agree with that. It's fine to find humor in the absurd. And lots of people think jokes, memes, SNL, parodies, and criticism with an edge of humor are important coping mechanisms during a natural disaster. The SNL ratings were through the roof last week so apparently many Americans also want to laugh. If that's not how you cope with life that's fine.

Texas governor speaking up now, he has a remarkable understanding of what the numbers mean and he's opening us up more. Weddings and funerals okay, hair salons ok, he's still talking. Over 65 asked to stay home or take extra precautions. He made a point I've never heard before: with hospitals shut down to only COVID cases what about all the cancers and other serious illnesses that are going undiagnosed? That concerns him greatly. ~ Administrator said... 89

What I’m finding disturbing are the people who don’t want to wear masks and then assault or actually murder the police or store workers who advise them they need to wear masks or practice social distancing. I think some of the people in this world are scarier than the virus


The only way most governors are going to get on board with letting people out to go WORK is if people cooperate with regulations outside the home. The Texas governor is emphasizing over and over I'm letting you out but you must all continue to socially distance and other various regulations depending on the business, etc.

He came prepared with charts explaining the numbers lest the media tell him he's not being accurate since more panic gets the more ratings, less panic equals ratings going down. Huge conflict of interest. ~ Administrator said... 90

Thank god your "power" is limited to spewing nonsense from your keyboard as millions would be dead if your logic were applied.


You mean how Sweden is wide open, and yet, never had the "millions" dead you are predicting from behind your keyboard? In fact has at best MARGINAL differences in their numbers compared to countries on hard lockdowns?

You're flat out wrong, every single model has been flat out wrong. Why can't you just admit we're all flying blind here and that it's all one big guessing game? Even the pilot admits it.

Anonymous said... 91

From Dmasy --

I am here in Texas. Our little town is still pretty quiet. Hubby and I took advantage of the soft "opening" to get our new glasses prescriptions filled. (They made us wear gloves and masks and took our temperature upon entering. Appointment only.)

We are also in the middle of selling a house and buying a house. All of the paperwork has been electronic so far. Today, a representative from a moving company came into the house to give us an estimate for the move. He wore gloves and a mask.

Seemed like an adventure to re-join the world! I hope all the governors are making safe decisions. I really hope that citizen stay sensible. Some really stupid behavior is being highlighted in the news.

Update on Annie: She is getting better everyday. She is down to two meds -- one for liver function and the other an anti-biotic. Little girl rallied and we get to have her in our lives awhile longer. We are grateful.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 92

Dmasy (#91), so pleased Annie is on the mend! And best of luck with the house. Certainly nice to hear good news during this challenging time.

The tups' 16th birthday is around the corner. Wonder if their gestational carrier will come out of social media hiding to acknowledge the event?

Layla said... 93

Dmasy (91)
I'm so haooy to hear that your Annie is doing well. We were not so lucky--we lost our sweet Desi last Thursday. Things got very bad, very fast. We only had 3 short years with her, and we expected to have at least 10 more. We miss her every moment of every day. ~ Administrator said... 94

Yeah trust the scientists. You mean the same ones that gave us strict orders to lock down and then quickly defied their own dire predictions to go meet the women they were having affairs with? Riiight, sorry I just don’t believe after advising us of such grave consequences they would not heed their own warnings:

A British scientist who worked with the government on its coronavirus response resigned from his advisory role Tuesday after a media report said he defied lockdown measures by letting a woman visit him on two occasions.

Neil Ferguson, a professor at Imperial College in London, stepped down from the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), the body that advises the government in emergencies. He led an academic team at the university that produced a model forecasting the spread of COVID-19 and predicted as many as 500,000 deaths if the government failed to take action.

The projections prompted officials to impose unprecedented social distancing measure

NJGal51 said... 95

Oh Lyla, I am so sorry to hear of your loss Of Desi 🙏🏼🌈

FlimsyFlamsy said... 96

Layla (#93), so very sorry to hear you lost your sweet pup.

capecodmama said... 97 sympathies on the loss of Desi. ~ Administrator said... 98

I’ll say it again... a whole family died here... 20 of them went out for a family celebration and all 20 ended up in the hospital with 4 from the same family dying NOW STFU!!! I don’t want to hear anymore of your unproven spewing... why don’t you go talk to that family and see what they think about your selfish opinions ... enough!! Next subject


I know what family you're talking about, they have a name, the Fuscos. And their family contacted the disease among each other likely in February and four died in mid-March, long before we had a better understanding of how social distancing is helpful and long before the news of the seriousness of COVID was driven home. It is an early tragedy during COVID that if it did anything good, helped wake people up to the realities of it.

The data is what it is. People have died. It's awful. The disease is awful. Would that family want the entire country shut down until a cure and watch families starve to death instead? It's becoming clear we need to move to a period of living WITH the disease, not hiding under our beds from it. We don't have much good other options, I wish we did.

NO ONE is saying open and expect things to be normal. NO ONE is saying open and expect more deaths. On the contrary, the Texas governor has been very strict that there are serious perimeters to opening including sanitation, social distancing, and keeping the numbers in establishments down. These measures will prevent another Fusco situation.

More countries with huge casecounts are opening, including Britain. They want their schools back in June and are announcing opening measures on Sunday. Lockdowns were a nice plan, but almost everyone realizes they are not a long term solution.

The California governor has opened three more beaches in Orange County days after scolding them with his stupid "REPEAT REPEAT REPEAT" tweet. There is simply no evidence one gets COVID at THE BEACH, and in fact evidence is emerging that exercise, sunlight and fresh air are just about the best thing you can do for your body to fight COVID. Where you do get it, is nursing homes. If you take away nursing home deaths in New Jersey and California, the death rate is cut in half. Shocking right? HALF. Data matters. And yet, there those governors sit, refusing to acknowledge how lax they were to shut down nursing homes in the beginning, refusing to discuss this issue, or how weak their "plans" are for nursing homes going forward (I've read the plans, weak sauce). Nope, it's all about the beaches.

Clack said... 99

Layla I’m so sorry to hear that news! It’s so hard going through the day without your shadow and such a break in routine.
Sending you hugs

Formerly Duped said... 100

Layla and dmasy: so sorry to hear about Desi; what a loss.I'm sure the whole family is very sad

...great news about Annie- at this time it is great to hear she'll be ok

Anonymous said... 101

From Dmasy --

Layla, how sad for you and your boys. My heart hurts for you. I will give Annie an extra hug and think of Desi. ~ Administrator said... 102

I'm very sorry to hear that too Layla. It's stressful enough right now to have to go through such an intense loss.

Layla said... 103

Thank you, everyone. We are reeling from our loss--we just didn't expect it. Last Tuesday, after two transfusions, she was looking great but tired, and we were hopeful that she'd be able to rest and come home in a few days. On Thursday, after two more transfusions, she couldn't stand or walk, and was bleeding freely from her mouth and nose. We made a bed in the back of my SUV and were able to cuddle with her. She was in bad shape but she had her big, open-mouthed smile. She was so happy to see her boys. One son--her favorite person in the world--was allowed to go inside with her and be with her until the end. We're all a mess right now. She was a little firecracker--such a huge personality in a rather small girl. The house feels so empty without her.

That's her in my profile picture. She was such a beauty.

Anonymous said... 104

From Dmasy --

Desi is beautiful. My heart is so heavy for you. It is the saddest and most horrible part of pet ownership. I wish we could all give you a real hug. How loving that they allowed your son to be with her to say goodbye.


Anonymous said... 105

Layla I'm so sad to hear about your loss of beautiful Desi. Be kind to yourself....the pain is excruciating because the love is so incredibly real.
M. ~ Administrator said... 106

NO ONE is saying open and expect more deaths.

WTF? Your Dear Leader is saying EXACTLY THAT.


Relax. Breathe. It was a TYPO. I meant NO ONE is saying open and DON'T expect more deaths. If you read my entire post, you would have figured that out, as the entire point of my post was to say that opening is one of a number of bad options available to us right now and there ARE NO GOOD OPTIONS.

Whatever, it's happening. Even California is now rolling out an opening, despite their numbers. They cruelly closed parks for Mother's Day, now they've caved and opened those back up. Thank you California, since thousands of foster children rely on park settings now in order to SEE THEIR PARENTS AT ALL. Good God. Hiking trails are back open as of this weekend, and on Friday they start "phase two" which is the opening of a variety of curbside businesses in much the same manner that Texas did on May 1. It is what it is, when faced with a number of bad options, you might as well start getting people back to work so they can feed their children and keep a roof over their heads. Thank you CA for FINALLY, at long last, getting some sense. Protests do work, and the doing the right thing for the greater good of everyone won out. If you are scared, you may stay home. It's as simple as that.

Even CNN is now admitting that the lockdowns didn't produce the effect we are hoping, top story today, they guess because of the refusal of all states to make them strict like the way China did where you couldn't leave your home at all. So if they are not producing the results you expect, a logical person would STOP DOING THEM.

Ingrid said... 107

Milwaukee area is opening some malls at end of month. ~ Administrator said... 108

Because the government knows best...we should be thankful that we don't have to think for ourselves (written/said with tongue in cheek):


LOL, it's situations like this where I've never been prouder to call myself a libertarian.

People are finally realizing what we've been saying all along about Daddy government. ~ Administrator said... 109

I don’t give a shit what the stats are


How can you not give a shit what the stats are? People's LIVES are getting destroyed over a death rate that for the vast majority of Americans is almost zero. I mean, if governors aren't making decisions based on what the stats are telling them, they really shouldn't be on the job (see Newsom). It took about six weeks, but most of them have finally woken up and are letting people out even though COVID is still very much out there. Could be six weeks too late though for some people who will never get their way of life back. ~ Administrator said... 110

But, but, but...Didn't you say all the data was wrong?


No, I said data PREDICTIONS are wrong, over and over, wrong.

Data from PAST EVENTS is much more reliable. I.e. 50 people died yesterday. As opposed to we are GUESSING 50 people will die next week. Hocus pocus.

That being said, there are plenty of reports out there about how COVID deaths are being grossly over-reported, and there are plenty of individual stories out there proving that, but, in general, past data is far more reliable than future data, give or take the past data's margin of error. ~ Administrator said... 111

Congrats to the schools in Montana and Idaho opening your doors:
"And with the staff on board, we asked the board, took them the numbers, and they said If we can we should make it happen, the kids deserve to be able to finish the school year.” ~ Administrator said... 112

Congrats to my county which finally made masks a requirement in indoor public spaces rather than just a suggestion. It's fun watching the great freedom fighters lose their shit.


Careful, don’t get lulled into a false sense of security. You can find about 10000 articles explaining that masks barely work or don’t work at all are completely ineffective once they’re wet and completely counterproductive because people touch them. Here’s what popular science had to say:
By far your best bet to keep from getting sick isn’t to wear a mask at all—it’s to avoid touching your face and to wash your hands frequently.

Yes it’s so fun to watch people lose their rights Because people like you don’t understand science. You’re sick. ~ Administrator said... 113

Souplantation a wonderful buffet chain I go to at least once a month is permanently closing because it’s going to be impossible to reopen a buffet what with our governor’s impossible regulations. Thousands of lives chewed up and spit out and sent to the bread line.

Still enjoying this anonymous? I wonder how many suicides this governor will cause. Popping your popcorn yet? ~ Administrator said... 114

The Riverside county sheriff is refusing to enforce covid restrictions because he doesn’t want that single mom with three kids to not be able to put food on the table. And pointed out the numbers don’t justify it and business closures are arbitrary. Correct. The Dallas hairstylist was afraid her employees would go Cutting hair underground in private homes to pay their mortgage so she opened up a safe clean space to do so, saving countless lives.

Everyday heroes are among us.

Clack said... 115

Gov Wolf and dr Levine (pa) are refusing to disclose how many of our positive cases and deaths are in long term care facilities. It makes a huge difference where these cases are! This is their way of controlling people.
The economy was going to well, the dems jumped all over this to seize the opportunity. But people aren’t stupid, come Election Day most of us will remember. This will be trumps push for re-election!
If your compromised or are afraid then STAY HOME! easy peasy! If we reopen with all the precautions in place, there is no logical reason to stay closed. Going food shopping or Walmart or target, is a huge risk. Why are these stores any different from small business?

Anonymous said... 116

I live in Montana. Our schools (and the neighboring ones) are all closed for the rest of the school year.
Karla ~ Administrator said... 117

live in Montana. Our schools (and the neighboring ones) are all closed for the rest of the school year.


Several schools opened this week. There's video proof of it.

I imagine it's up to the district whether they want to 1. open or 2. live in irrational fear in a state whose curve has had a steep decline since March 26, down to about 1 case a day, with several days this month being ZERO new cases. What more do they want? ~ Administrator said... 118

Gov Wolf and dr Levine (pa) are refusing to disclose how many of our positive cases and deaths are in long term care facilities. It makes a huge difference where these cases are! This is their way of controlling people.


Ah good ole Daddy government for you, only telling you what they think you should know on a need to know basis. It's such a gross violation of your right as a citizen to an open and transparent public discourse.

Reminds me of Newsom, who continues to refer to data and experts, yet won't say what data or experts he is consulting, what those numbers are, and what numbers he would like to see to reopen. Don't we, as tax paying citizens, have a right to know the source of the advice consulted by the governor who works for US? And then out of the blue opens California, even though the data really hasn't changed much between this week and that week. Is he insane, mentally ill, arrogant, a flip-flopper, all four?

The biggest lie many of our governor officials have told us over the past 6 weeks is that they have ANY idea what they are doing. What a complete and utter scam.

And let's talk about nursing homes. In almost all states, your chances of dying from this is near cut in half if you don't reside in a nursing home or institution. And in most states, a fraction of 1 percent of its residents have died. But sure, let's destroy the lives of the 99.9 percent, instead of actually coming up with a viable plan to protect the vulnerable for the next 12 months while the rest of us go back to work. I have never seen government this bad, this nonsensical, this dishonest, this DUMB. And people like anonymous fall for it hook line and sinker. Amazing. ~ Administrator said... 119

FALSE. The parent company closed all Souplantation/Sweet Tomatoes locations throughout the COUNTRY...yes, even in your beloved Texas.

Newsom Derangement Syndrome strikes again.

I am very sad about Souplantation, but know better than to blame Gavin Newsom.



Since Souplanation is BASED in Southern CA and the vast majority of Souplanation locations are in California and are not sustainable here, if California falls, they all fall. This is a direct result of Newsom not giving a flying fuck about anything but his own election campaign in 2024.

I don't believe for one second you care about Souplanation or its thousands of workers who are going to have to head to the breadlines now. Thank God for Texas and a governor willing to stand up for what's right. Unlike Newsom, who doesn't return calls.

Clack said... 120

If anonymous trusts the gov is doing this with our best interests in mind and they understand this virus then I have a bridge to sell ya! ~ Administrator said... 121

If anonymous trusts the gov is doing this with our best interests in mind and they understand this virus then I have a bridge to sell ya!


Many politicians are in the business for their own ego and narcissism. Once one excepts this, one is compelled to be much more skeptical of their real motives. There is something really sick going on right now with some politicians, Newsom among them, in that they actually seem to be getting off on pushing everyone around and watching us suffer. It's really disturbing to watch. Makes you understand how Nazi Germany happened. ~ Administrator said... 122

Clack, chew on this. More people this year have died of pneumonia who NEVER had COVID, than who died of COVID. Like almost twice as many! And non-COVID flu deaths are still right up there.

I mean why aren't we all sheltering in place so nobody else gets pneumonia or the flu? Asking for a friend.

Source: CDC

Clack said... 123

Funny story, last week we went to Lancaster county to buy female ducks and chickens. We went by Katie’s area. I told my husband, hey we should go by the gosselin house to see if she’s out mowing or gardening. (I know, when pigs fly) he said “who?” I said yes, exactly. Hahahah we didn’t waste our time. ~ Administrator said... 124

You know what’s a huge public health problem nobody talks about? Tuberculosis. Millions a year. It kills you or does serious damage. Meh, not a whiff in the media. Why, because there’s no way to blame Trump for it? Disingenuous. Whatever 45 out of 50 states are in some form open. Congrats to all. ~ Administrator said... 125

LA beaches opening Wednesday. My goodness they are caving like crazy now. Power to the people!

Anonymous said... 126

From Dmasy --

Dear Layla and all the other loving pet owners here...tonight we said goodbye to our Annie. We had a few extra hopeful days with her but in the end her little body just needed to rest.

We are so sad without her. She was tiny but filled our hearts and this house. Layla, I hope she is somewhere with Desi right now.

Thanks for being a place for me to come and share my deep sorrow.

Clack said... 127

Dmasy, I’m sorry to hear that. It’s a very painful experience, pets are family. Hugs!

Barbara from Montreal said... 128

Two comments about Kate returning to work as a nurse during this crisis:
First, I'm really surprised that she still has her nursing licence. My sister-in-law is a RN and when she wanted to take a couple of years off to become a stay-at-home mom, she was told that she would have to take a certain number of continuing education courses and put in a certain number of hours of clinical work every month to keep her licence. She works in Ontario, so maybe the rules in PA are different, but I just don't see how someone can just waltz into a hospital ward after a decade's absence.

Secondly, working as a health care provider during this crisis is hard and dangerous, and requires empathy, selflessness and altruism - three qualities which are conspicuously absent in Katie Irene. Didn't Robert Hoffman write that she only went into nursing in the hopes of marrying a rich doctor? ~ Administrator said... 129

Nearly two dozen counties want to move further, which the state will allow under strict criteria on the number of cases, deaths and tests, Gov. Gavin Newsom said. Still, his administration sent a stern warning later Friday to three Northern California counties that have moved faster than the state allows, threatening them with losing federal disaster money. Yuba, Sutter and Modoc counties have opened businesses such as hair and nail salons, shopping malls and dine-in restaurants.


This guy is truly an evil piece of work. Threatening to take away funding from counties who have already met the criteria he said is necessary to open? WHY? Twenty-one counties in California have NEVER had a single death!

Kelsey O. said... 130

I wonder if Kate is under a gag order..

NJGal51 said... 131

Oh Dmasy, I am so sorry to hear about your Annie. I am sending you virtual hugs and giving my Spike an extra big hug.

Formerly Duped said... 132

Dmasy, so sorry to hear about Annie. What a great loss. May your happy memories sustain you at this time ~ Administrator said... 133

False. They moved beyond what is allowed under those criteria by opening hair salons, etc. Not following a state rule has consequences. That's the it works. You don't get to defy a mandate without repercussions, regardless of how vehemently you disagree with the mandate. I would think a lawyer would have a handle on this very basic concept. We don't have to only obey the laws we agree with.


Neither is a governor's power unlimited. If you were paying any attention in civics you would understand the concept of checks and balances. A governor is not a Nazi dictator. Do you agree a governor's power is NOT unchecked? Why won't Newsom convene his legislature? Why won't he let some checks on this?

And you, the far leftie snowflake who claims to c are so much about the poor and downtrodden, of course doesn't give two shits about them when it actually matters. Newsflash: the three counties opening that do not have a problem with COVID are predominantly POOR. How CRUEL to threaten to deny them funding. How nasty and CRUEL.

Even the LA County Public Health director the other day was pretty much laughing at Newsom's criteria to open. Did he even consider consulting her, given she's the public health director . Not. She was basically like: "ummm, what?"

He's such an embarrassment.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 134

Dmasy and Layla, I'm so sorry for the loss of you beloved Annie ans Desi. I know how hard it is to lose a furry family member. I'm sure they are both playing on the Rainbow Bridge together. Blessings and hugs to both of you.

Layla said... 135

I am so sorry to hear about your Annie. I really hoped she would make it. We're in the same place right now, emotionally. My family is having a hard time adjusting to life without our Desi, and we miss her every moment of every day--just like you with your Annie. We're trying to focus on all the things that made Desi so unique. How, whenever anyone came in the door, she'd appear in a split second, ball in mouth, delighted that you were there to play with her. Her feisty attitude--whenever we didn't live up to her expectations, she'd give the offending person heck. Her huge, open-mouthed smile. The way she'd jump around and play with Sully and make him laugh. We are so lucky to have had our babies, no matter how much it hurts to see them go.

We received the most wonderful gift the other day--a friend gave us some little glass cubes with 3D images of Desi etched into them. I never knew such things existed, and it's such a comfort to see such a realistic image of her. We will never forget her. ~ Administrator said... 136

Smash, sea Gordon and I are so sorry to hear about little Annie. She certainly had some spunk. May you hold the best memories of her forever. ~ Administrator said... 137

Most new Covid-19 hospitalizations in New York state are from people who were staying home and not venturing much outside, a “shocking” finding, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Wednesday.


Shocking??! Noo, I’m just shocked that when you lock a bunch of large families up in tiny nyc apartments, sent kids and college students home to squeeze in next to grandma .... they all got sick. You’re kidding!!

I have no idea why this guy is a hero. Go away. ~ Administrator said... 138

Wake up sheep. Your Dear Leader has threatened to do this to Montana and any other entity that he feels doesn't "like" him. I know your leader is a complete idiot but do you not pay ANY attention to the threats he spews to everyone/thing that he feels threatened by?
You Are A HYPOCRITE. And slow in the mind.
Get help immediately.


That's not what happened by any stretch of the imagination. What was said, is that the bulk of states who have weathered COVID much easier are Republican (huh, wonder why that is!), but would be expected to help bail out the bulk of states who did not fair well that are blue states. It was merely a commentary on whether this was fair, and the question is what is a fair allocation of funding IS at issue and will be thoroughly debated in Congress. It is a live issue. There was no threat. Incidentally, he also said these blue states aren't doing enough to help their restaurants, which is also a fair point.

Contrast this with the cruel dictator Newsom, who sent a specific letter to the three counties with NO CASES specifically threatening to take away their funding if they didn't toe the line over his dictator policies (even though they have). In a county where starving low income families were going to have to stand in bread lines if they didn't get back to work.

One was appropriate commentary, the other was a cruel and nasty threat aimed at poor people who have done nothing wrong. Don't be fooled, progressives can be a truly cruel and heartless bunch and do not stand with the poor when the going gets tough. Instead they send them threatening letters while they are on the brink of starvation and homelessness. Classy. ~ Administrator said... 139

I won't respond to such manipulative drivel except to say this: California has one of the highest poverty rates in the nation, with ~ 7.5M people living in poverty. And the idiot-in-chief that you worship has repeatedly threatened to pull federal funding from CA, including FEMA funding for wildfires on three different occasions, HHS funding and EPA funding for highways. I'm guessing you didn't consider that nasty and CRUEL. Hypocrite.


Meh, that was because California was repeatedly told that their forest management was abysmal. It is. And California has repeatedly ignored this, causing massive destruction and loss of life. At a certain point somebody had the balls to actually call them out on their negligence . So one state murdered people, the other just wants their residents to stop starving. Contrast that with three counties with no cases who are about to starve and be punished for it. Apples and oranges.

Any most of those fires were incredibly wealthy communities with almost all families fully insured to replace everything down to their toothbrush. I personally know three of the families who lost their homes in the Woosley fire, and all three are millionaires. They are fine, and nobody was asking for federal bailouts.

They got the funding, and CA got correctly called out for their murderous negligence. Win win.

As for the legislature, they absolutely have a great deal of control over the governor. It's a funny little thing called checks and balances. They could make laws about COVID, and override any vetoes the governor makes on those laws. They could also spearhead any lawsuits. I ask again, what the problem? Why won't he convene the legislature? Scared little pussy. ~ Administrator said... 140

Anonymous, you can’t get around that Gavin is going after the poorest of the poor in California. Nor can you get around that he single handed tries to bring down the entire Asian American community by accusing them without evidence of being the reason for the first covid case. They are outraged and demanding to see the evidence. He refuses. He’s a racist piece of trash.

Jamezvader1194 said... 141

HOLY SHIT Collin making this sweet post about Collen and he mentions his biological in a very revealing way "Turns out today is Mother’s Day, today we pay love forward to our mothers, but I don’t think mother can describe all the things Colleen has done for me. Yes a mother clothes her children and cooks for them but it’s the best feeling when your mother or mother figure is one of your best friends and always has your back, the one who always shares that laugh of the humor only you guys get. I could call it Mother’s Day, but it’s more than that, Colleen, you are so much more than a mother to me, you are one of my guidelines and one of my guiding lights. Thank you doesn’t say enough, I love you so much and you’ve done so much for me that claims you my strong, happy, loving and awesome mother figure, you’re irreplaceable. Thank you so much Colleen love you so much!!!❤️❤️" Link to the post

Sad but true said... 142

Kate has a new IG post up (photo of a box of Hershey kisses cereal), but I can't read what she wrote since I am not on IG (a new policy). Can someone who is on IG bring over whatever she wrote?

ncgirl said... 143

Today, the Gosselin six are sixteen years old.

Happy 16th Birthday to my half a dozen ‘Hershey Kisses’, as they were called at birth! I love you so much! You’re 6 of the sweetest things to happen to my life! Thanks for making every Mother’s Day extra memorable! (They requested ‘junk cereals’ for their birthday lunch (?!) so I got a bit carried away, as usual, and got them 21 different kinds! 😂😂😂 #Teenagers #AreFun #Sweet16 #HappyBirthdayMyBabies

Jon wished them HB. It was all text, no pictures.

NJGal51 said... 144

Collin is a remarkable young man and his tribute to Colleen was from the heart. He also posted about his birthday and how he’s looking forward to the coming year. He’s also getting ready to take his test for his permit.

I can’t cut and paste from IG on my IPad but TFW wished all 6 a happy birthday and how they were called Hershey’s kisses when they were born. Apparently they requested junk cereal for their birthday so she went overboard and bought 21 kinds (over exaggerate much because somehow I find that hard to believe!). She, of course, brings it back around to being all about her by saying that they always make every Mother’s Day extra memorable.

Formerly Duped said... 145

I looked at TFW's IG post...most of the comments were favorable!!!

I also read Collin's. He's a young man to be proud of. ~ Administrator said... 146

Thank you Colleen for giving that boy the mother he deserves.

SarcasticBella said... 147

IG doesn't seem to allow me to copy and paste, and I can't put the screenshot here, but yes, Collin's tribute was beautiful. Bless Colleen for being the mother that sweet boy never had. She truly has changed the lives of Jon, Hannah and Collin for the better and seems to be a truly beautiful soul. I hope they all had a great day today.

PatK said... 148

No TLC-funded Sweet 16/Mother's Day extravaganza, Kate? You sure dug your own grave by ditching Collin, mis-treating Hannah and filming without permits.

I hope it's a very bitter pill for you to swallow.

Sad but true said... 149

PatK said... 148

And worst of all, not even a mention in People Rag! :)

FlimsyFlamsy said... 150

Well, that was some arm's-length post about her Six Little Ex Cast Members. Guess she can't get it up anymore with the platitudes now that they're not bringing in any income.
Perhaps it's a relief to her to take off the mask.

But sweet C sure found some lovely, heartfelt words to express about his mother Colleen. TFW talked about pressing "delete" on critical emails. She tried her darndest to delete C, but Colleen retrieved him, and now he has the love and respect he so richly deserves. ~ Administrator said... 151

I’m glad Kate is forced to share Mother’s Day with six others. She can’t have the day all to herself, ha ha.

Realtime Mom said... 152

Dmasy and Layla, you and your families are in my prayers over the loss of your fur babies Annie and Desi. I believe our fur babies are family. <3 <3<3 HUGS <3<3<3 ~ Administrator said... 153

Anyone in the UK whose job cannot be worked from home can go back to work now. Congrats UK on not running your beautiful country and its poor into the shitter. Now if only CA cared what happens to their poor.

NJGal51 said... 154

Mady posted a video of the Mother’s Day/birthday party in the park (IG). Other than TFW, Mady and some woman I didn’t recognize all the kids are wearing masks and gloves. Since it’s not a requirement in PA to wear masks outside. Are they doing it by choice or because TFW can’t post pictures of them. Things that make you go hmmmmmm. My how the mighty have fallen. No extravagant sweet 16 for the 4 because TLC is not footing the bill. ~ Administrator said... 155

Ha they’re like Michael Jackson’s kids back in the day.

Very few teens wear masks around here. I’m guessing it’s considered uncool.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 156

I wonder if Brownie bought the 21 boxes of cereal!

Anonymous said... 157

The Daily Mail online has an article about the glowing tribute Collin paid to Colleen on Mothers' Day. It is truly heartwarming.


Sad but true said... 158

From K8's #1 ass-kisser:

Happy Birthday to my favorite SEXTUPLETS! I love each one of your distinct personalities and can’t wait to give you giant birthday hugs when this is all over! And to my favorite Mama, you’ve been an amazing role model to your 8! I’ve seen it first hand and I couldn’t be more in awe of all you do! Love you all!

". . . when this is all over"??? When WHAT is all over? How long since this one has even seen H and C? She's got some nerve, LOL. Beyond bizarre.

JoyinVirginia said... 159

Hope everyone had a nice Mother's Day. dmasy, zoe sorry about your Annie.
I stopped by to check on any Mothers Day news. Colin is so sweet to colleen, sho glad he and Hannah are happy and safe. ~ Administrator said... 160

Mady posted a video of the Mother’s Day/birthday party in the park (IG). Other than TFW, Mady and some woman I didn’t recognize all the kids are wearing masks and gloves. Since it’s not a requirement in PA to wear masks outside. Are they doing it by choice or because TFW can’t post pictures of them. Things that make you go hmmmmmm. My how the mighty have fallen. No extravagant sweet 16 for the 4 because TLC is not footing the bill.


I'm guessing too that none of them have read enough or listened enough to realize that it's probably not the best idea to wear masks and gloves when you're not around others, such as off in your own family household group in a park away from others. Masks because of their varied level of ineffectiveness the longer you wear them and the wetter they get, and gloves because of the risk of complacency and cross contamination.

They are better off wearing the masks to walk to their spot in case they pass anyone then taking them off once they've arrived, ditching gloves completely and just not touching anything at the park or touch their face, and then washing their hands when they get home. They do this, and they virtually ensure themselves they won't get COVID.

Hey Gosselins, you're not gonna get COVID on your own at the park. Thanks for playing.

Let me guess, they're THAT family wearing a mask indoors or in the car. Sigh.

Formerly Duped said... 161

In the post on IG by Mady, I think that is the woman and her daughter who attended other G functions and helped TFW with the hotel sleepover party, and brought Collin late to the Sky-zone party...neighbors I think? It looks like a bit of an outdoor party for just that small group.I don't see Aaden or Cara there...TFW and the other woman do not have masks on?? ~ Administrator said... 162

BUSTED, there is an unrelated woman behind them at their party. Since Berks County is still under a “red” alert such gatherings are not permitted outside members of your household. Unless kate now has a 40 something woman living with her.

But I don’t care. The PA red counties are getting mad at these unreasonable restrictions. Have your party. Don’t wear masks. The whole stay at home thing was one big exercise in futility anyway, we now know. ~ Administrator said... 163

I also see that Some counties in PA are moving to open with or without the governors approval. Must of learned that one from the embarrassing governor in CA. Power to the people.

We prefer to act with your cooperation, but we intend to move forward with a plan to restore Lancaster County.”

Ingrid said... 164

This was in an article today in local online paper......

Vice President Mike Pence himself self-isolated for the weekend after a staff member tested positive for COVID-19.
Full article

What gets me is Pence was so confidant due to being tested often that he felt no need to wear a mask while visiting Mayo Clinic although it is a requirement.

Pence visits Mayo clinic

It just bugs me that they think they are not going to have a chance of contact by this virus with constant testing. (no matter which party.)

Layla said... 165

There is also an unrelated girl in the background in the video. She's walking away from the table and putting on a mask. So apparently they had other people at the party, even though there weren't many other people. Did Kate require them to all wear masks? If so then why don't the adults (including Mady) wear them?

The post with the box of cereal yesterday was so ridiculous. She just had to point out the fact that she bought 21 boxes of cereal--she has to make it seem like she does soooo much more for her kids than other parents do for theirs. And of course bring back the claims that her kids eat massive quantities of food (multiple boxes of cereal, pounds of bacon, and loaves of bread, just for breakfast--according to her). Of course she wouldn't post a picture of the kids because it would draw attention to the fact that H&C weren't there.

We had a good Mother's Day at my house--we cooked dinner together and made a cake, and Sully kept us all entertained. He's pulling himself up on furniture, and trying to figure out how to walk along things. Still a little hesitant, but determined to do it.

Layla said... 166

Daily Mail has an article about Collin's glowing Mother's Day post for Colleen. Nothing about the other kids' birthday, and no mention of Kate's "21 boxes of cereal" post. I wonder if she came out of social media silence because she saw Collin's post and wanted to draw some attention away from it. And I bet she was hoping that the media would pick up on her post and ignore his. Collin has found his voice, and he is using it. That has to be her worst nightmare--she can't silence him, she can't control him, and she can't make him disappear ever again. He is talking, and people are listening. ~ Administrator said... 167

Nice to see the week starting off with more ignorant drivel from the resident epidemiologist from the world renowned institution of higher education, Google University.


Fun fact: the governor of PA is not an epidemiologist either. Nor is he a doctor! He's just another Phd in political science of all things. Yet he gets to decide what to do for millions of people's health.

The public health director for PA (Berks county doesn't have its own health department), is at least a medical doctor, but in no way has any training in epidemiology. In fact her area of specialty is pediatrics, which happens to be the LOWEST RISK age group and not the specialty we're looking for right now to be helpful.

Fun fact: The public health director making decisions for Los Angeles, a city of ten MILLION, is also just a Phd in social welfare whatever that is. Not a doctor, never has been a doctor, let alone an epidemiologist.

But sure, yes, let's have them be in charge instead of letting the good people of Pennsylvania assess it on a county by county level consulting a variety of sources and medial professionals and reading data like a stats professor and not an alarmist snowflake who watches MSNBC all day and then trolls a blog.

POWER TO THE PEOPLE. LET PA OUT. It's happening, counties are letting themselves out just like in CA. The governor has lost control in PA and CA. ~ Administrator said... 168

It just bugs me that they think they are not going to have a chance of contact by this virus with constant testing. (no matter which party.)


Daily testing would be amazing, it would mean I can finally see my father again. It's one of the best ways to know what's happening with the virus in your circle.

Formerly Duped said... 169

My post did not go through but I mentioned the woman in the IG video looks like the mother and her younger daughter who helped TFW at the hotel sleepover party and also brought Collin late to the Skyzone activity..we thought they were neighbors . I think they also were in the deck party episode .I also said Aaden and Cara were not shown in this birthday clip.

Ingrid said... 170 ~ Administrator said... 159

It just bugs me that they think they are not going to have a chance of contact by this virus with constant testing. (no matter which party.)


Daily testing would be amazing, it would mean I can finally see my father again. It's one of the best ways to know what's happening with the virus in your circle.
We aren;t important enough to get tested regularly because we aren't needed to run the country. (what I read somewhere.

I wish more could get tested or things would calm down to make me less scared to go out. (higher risk for me) I miss my 2 kids and all the grandkids immensely. Haven't seen one family since Nov. due to weather, health and now covid.

Clack said... 171

Admin is correct, dr Levine in PA is a pediatrician. Not at all qualified to make these decisions. This can not continue, more people are suffering and for what? Because people in nursing homes are dying? Although PA still won’t disclose that fact, anyone with a brain knows it.
My county is fighting to open. Wolf threatened to cut money and liability insurance. He’s turned into a piece of shit. I say fuck it, all businesses open. What’s he going to do? Power in numbers!

How does he explain Lowe’s, Walmart, Target, etc being open? You can still get the virus there. Anywhere there are people, there is a chance of getting it. Covid doesn’t care what store is essential or not. ~ Administrator said... 172

What's more anonymous the not-experts you want us to trust have killed people, here's a look at the absolute murder of nursing home residents in Kate Irene's state by the people in charge you put all your faith in. This health director should go to jail for life. Trust me when it's your dad in a nursing home you'll find yourself less of a sheep:

Mastriano specifically targeted Levine for a policy which called for nursing home and long-term care patients who had been hospitalized after testing positive for COVID-19 to be returned to their homes when they were ready for release from hospitals. Mastriano said that contributed to major outbreaks in numerous nursing homes around the state.

“Our secretary of health, Dr. Levine, decided that it would be good to allow COVID-positive patients to be returned to elder-care facitlies. And as a result of that, it broke out like fire,” Mastriano said during a rally with constituents at the base of the Capitol steps Monday.

"The very same people our secretary of health said were going to be vulnerable... It unleashed heck upon our dearly beloved fathers, mothers, grandparents, aunts and uncles. I think that’s unconscionable, unacceptable, and that secretary needs to be held accountable for that awful decision,” Mastriano said. ~ Administrator said... 173

I have a crazy idea for PA, Clack. How about if they consult Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx and follow THEIR recommendations. Their pediatrician doctor can deliver the message but she will defer to them.

That's like asking a divorce lawyer to do your death penalty case or your death penalty lawyer to do a divorce. The law is too vast, so too is medicine too vast. That's why we specialize. We all have our specialties and when something as serious as a pandemic is going on, I'm sorry I don't want someone who specializes in a snot nosed kid's rashes and broken arms taking care of my father in a nursing home. Pediatrics is a wonderful calling but they have no business running a pandemic.

I still cannot get over the Public Health director in LA not even being a doctor. This is outrageous. She might as well be posting on a blog somewhere.

Anonymous said... 174

NJGal51 said... 151

Mady has been posting videos of her siblings on tictoc without any masks . So she’s probably isn’t being restricted

Gigi Be

Clack said... 175

That will never happen! They think they have all the answers, trumps team do not. They took a little information and ran with it. We’d be better off listening to celebrities, since they get off on telling us how we should think and what we should do.
Right, like going to your gynecologist for a broken arm.
NY and PA should be held accountable for the nursing home deaths. Wolf should be removed from office.

Nicky said... 176

I think the problem with opening everything up, is that ppl are not using common sense. There seems to be a battle between 2 extremes - not going out, or going out with no regard that things have changed.
People need to be respectful - I would think that if any business (walmart, target, your local restaurant, etc) requires you to wear a mask and social distance, then ppl should. If you don't want to comply, then don't go in. It isn't your right to enter these businesses any way you please.
This is like "No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service". 99.9% of the population follows this, It's the 0.1% that are total assholes, and think that freedom means they can do as they please whenever they want. Society has rules - most of us follow them. Just follow the damn rules and you'll be able to shop/eat/drink wherever you want. Simple.

Clack said... 177

I don’t have social media so I rely on you all for Kate’s IG posts. I never understood her enormous food purchases? Do you think some of the food is old, but she adds new to it to make it look like “oh poor me, I have to buy 8000 boxes of cereal a week”?
I had 4 kids, when they lived at home I did buy 5-8 boxes per week. Because they would eat it on school mornings and they always had a bowl before bed. That was their “snack”. (Their choice not mine) and my sons would fill the bowls so they were overflowing haha!
We remember Kate’s creepy food portions, there’s no way those kids are eating all the food she claims she has to have. She’s nuts!

Mel said... 178

She should have connected the cereals to their birthday by buying 16 kinds... or 6.

No sense of PR apparently.

Mel said... 179

Saw this comment under a FB post about their birthday...

she was downright cruel to the nurses and staff the entire time. I’m sure it was a difficult time for her, I don’t doubt that! But she was just brutal to everyone. Other parents with nicu babies weren’t allowed to visit or anything. They had an entire hallway blocked off under her demands. I was very grateful and gracious to ALL the staff that took care of my son! I don’t care what the circumstances are, no one deserves to be treated like that! ~ Administrator said... 180

TLC has an uplifting covid commercial featuring basically everyone from tlc under creation past and present. Except Kate. Interesting.

Sad but true said... 181

Well, K8 did get the obligatory People post about the b'day, the day after. And oddly enough, after steadily declining by about 2K followers over the past 6 or so weeks, down to 416K, her followers today are up to 424.5K and climbing by about 1,000 every few hours, an increase of 8K+ in something like 36 hours. Something's coming.

NJGal51 said... 182

TLC has an uplifting covid commercial featuring basically everyone from tlc under creation past and present. Except Kate. Interesting.
TLC can’t film the 4 kids left with her, Cara doesn’t seem to want to film so that leaves TFW and Mady. Very telling in that TLC seems to have taken a huge pass on them. I didn’t recognize some of the people in the commercial because I don’t often watch TLC. ~ Administrator said... 183

TLC can’t film the 4 kids left with her, Cara doesn’t seem to want to film so that leaves TFW and Mady. Very telling in that TLC seems to have taken a huge pass on them. I didn’t recognize some of the people in the commercial because I don’t often watch TLC.


It was all stuff the tlc stars filmed themselves at home but clearly coordinated around a theme so tlc must have contacted them and asked them to post and they spliced them together. So they either never contacted Kate in the first place or she ignored any request they made to participate 😂 ~ Administrator said... 184

Tesla opened today in California. Throw me in jail says Elon Musk. Governors completely lost control.

Congrats to them. I love my tesla, it is the safest car out there and the company supplies thousands of jobs. Congrats to all.

What ya gonna do about it Gavie??

JR said... 185

I don’t know why Kate not participating in something for TLC is surprising... am I missing something... she’s got fired!!! No? I don’t understand this conversation ~ Administrator said... 186

You yourself are nowhere near qualified to comment on Public Health as you don't have any medical training, yet here you are proclaiming what you perceive to be the right thing to do for public health! Such a hypocrite.


Yes you’re right. Nothing can go wrong when citizens just shut up sit down and do what they’re told.

And I’m not sure a Canadian should be lecturing about who is not qualified to handle all this. Your prime minister is an art teacher if you recall.

I’m sorry every citizen has a right to be heard about this crisis whether you have a medical degree from Harvard or are from skid row in Los Angeles. All voices matter not just the elites.

Susan1956 said... 187

NJGal51 said... 182
TLC has an uplifting covid commercial featuring basically everyone from tlc under creation past and present. Except Kate. Interesting.
TLC can’t film the 4 kids left with her, Cara doesn’t seem to want to film so that leaves TFW and Mady. Very telling in that TLC seems to have taken a huge pass on them. I didn’t recognize some of the people in the commercial because I don’t often watch TLC
It's also very telling that TLC is not running any of the old episodes for filler late at night or early in the morning. I did see Toddlers and Tiaras and some other older shows on my TV schedule. Kate who? ~ Administrator said... 188

I don’t know why Kate not participating in something for TLC is surprising... am I missing something... she’s got fired!!! No? I don’t understand this conversation


I recall recently there were I think court documents blaming Jon for her being fired and Jon was like, "huh?" and we all were like "huh"?

I recall a discussion where we were saying the only thing you can't do Kate is film your kids, Jon is not stopping you from doing a million other things to make good money.

I can't find where this was said though, unfortunately. I'm terrible at that stuff. I thought DailyMail, but I don't see it. ~ Administrator said... 189

Also Jon said if she films the kids again she's going to jail and she's in contempt for the College Bound episode, so maybe TLC thought it would be weird to just include a video of her. People would ask where the kids are. Nothing to see here. ~ Administrator said... 190

There's a really interesting lawsuit in PA brewing.

The arbitrary designations of yellow county red county did what one might expect--pissed off a whole lot of red counties.

Their governor is following the Gavin Newsom school of governor stupidity and REALLY ticking everyone off. Maybe that's why Kate violated his orders during the birthday party, she's one of those who has had it with being in a red county? POWER TO THE PEOPLE. ~ Administrator said... 191

she was downright cruel to the nurses and staff the entire time. I’m sure it was a difficult time for her, I don’t doubt that! But she was just brutal to everyone. Other parents with nicu babies weren’t allowed to visit or anything.


I highly doubt Kate was able to prevent other parents from visiting their own children.

Maybe the times or convenience of it all were disruptive to other parents, but complete loss of access to your newborn is not legal. ~ Administrator said... 192

LOL now you want to follow the advice of Dr. Fauci? You do realize that he doesn't think schools should reopen right now, among other more cautious measures he advocates.


Not exactly what he said. He is a huge proponent of a case by case basis, which is exactly what I support. See his interview on KFI a few weeks ago. I trust his judgement, he is an incredible leader and credentialed, unlike most of them out there telling us what to do. ~ Administrator said... 193

I think the problem with opening everything up, is that ppl are not using common sense. There seems to be a battle between 2 extremes - not going out, or going out with no regard that things have changed.


The vast majority of people are using common sense and following the rules. I couldn't find a single person not wearing a mask, except for a baby, at Target in Austin the other day. I tried. People were also socially distancing, and carts were being disinfected, and cleaning people were a presence. Everyone was being calm and respectful.

The news will report one or two venues where people aren't following the rules and don't report on the 10,000 venues where the rules went off perfectly. Then they will use this to prove that being let out is a bad idea. Sigh.

See how we're in a catch 22 here? We can't be let out because we won't follow the rules. But the more you refuse to let people out the more they will buck the rules. We can't be let out because the curve needs to "flatten", but once the curve flattens, now we can't be let out because we need to KEEP the curve flattened. Same with hospitals. It's such a ridiculous catch 22.

It's clever the corner some of the politicians have backed their people into. I feel for the American people who are increasingly over this. Nobody likes to feel like people are playing games. ~ Administrator said... 194

We aren;t important enough to get tested regularly because we aren't needed to run the country. (what I read somewhere.

I wish more could get tested or things would calm down to make me less scared to go out. (higher risk for me) I miss my 2 kids and all the grandkids immensely. Haven't seen one family since Nov. due to weather, health and now covid.


It's not a matter of importance, we literally don't have the supplies to come up with enough tests for people. We're working on it, but if you don't have the pieces to the part, it's going to be slow. Trust me if politicians could get the parts, they would snap their fingers and do it. They don't like this anymore than you or me, and that goes for both parties.

This is what happens when people support globalization. When the shit hits the fan and all our products are made in China, it's a big fat problem when we need to make something in house. This should be a reckoning on that policy.

BlueJay said... 195

Well in the old days, when you actually got fired, you actually got fired. It meant you no longer worked for a particular company for place of business with nos strings attached whatsoever. So, perhaps TLC wised up and is no longer using Kate, meaning we fired you so we are no longer associating with you in any manner for once. There is no coming back from being fired like in the old days. Regardless if she can film herself without her children.

In her own words, she really is unemployed and she has children to provide for this time. I'd feel sorry for her, but it makes her no different from, pre-virus days when other parents who managed to get themselves fired for doing something they shouldn't have done and still had children to provide for. Such as the Chick fil A guy comes to my mind. You do something you know is wrong, you are an adult, you have to deal with those consequences because your children are minors and don't always understand the full consequences of their screw ups or at least appreciate them yet. You deal with the reality of that outcome. Hence, she has to deal with the reality TLC moving forward without her. Sure, it might hurt but somehow it might be possible Kate no longer care who knows with her flawed logic.

I know if I had bills for such a house to pay and children to clothe, food to put on the table in this world, two back from college I'd be wreck.

@Layla, I do hope the day finds you well on the passing of your dog? I apologize if I didn't read that correctly. ~ Administrator said... 196

Bluejay, well said.

And this whole Jon made her lose her job, this job was ALWAYS unstable and unpredictable, Jon or no Jon. TLC could go under, viewers could lose interest in reality shows or multiples. The next new more interesting families come along. People move on. VERY FEW shows last more than a couple seasons, it's the exception not the rule that your family is on TV forever. If you are a reality star and not an actor and don't have much ability to pivot, you're done. The odds were very much against her that this would ever be a long term career especially with no talent beyond it like in designing or writing or speaking that she could pivot to.

Maybe one could reasonably take a lot more risks with one kid, but she had eight. Get yourself a steady and consistent job that won't go away even in an emergency, I don't know like, say, NURSING, chip away at it and by her age she should have the best shifts of the bunch, a hefty retirement and the works.

LIke you said BlueJay, these were HER CHOICES. I'm sure the judge saw all this, thankfully.

Sad but true said... 197

Hoo-whee! Up another 10K+ IG followers from this time last night, now at just under 534K. To what end, Katie? The comments on your last post are increasing by about one to 250+ followers. You think there's someone out there who's gonna buy this as real growth? Is there anyone out there who pays attention to this stuff who is THAT gullible?

Only you, maybe. :) Talk to Mady. She knows what's what.

Sad but true said... 198

11 pm EST: 434k+ followers vs. my last post at 432.5K---not quite 3 hours elapsed, +1,500 followers. With an increase in comments over the same interval of 8 (EIGHT!).

Is anyone buying this, Kate? Are purchased followers on IG really doing it for you? Grow the F up. ~ Administrator said... 199

It's not at all unusual. LA County also has a Medical Director. Some Public Health Directors are MDs, some are not.


I didn't say it was unusual. I said it was outrageous. You can have a degree in cobbling for all I care and be a public health director. But when it's become clear a pandemic is hitting the world with an alarming rate to the point where you've asked people to remain incarcerated in their homes it's time to call in the real experts and doctors. And repeatedly calling her "dr" Ferrer is just flat out misleading during a pandemic, everyone knows damn well if you refer to someone as doctor in this context you mean MEDICAL doctor not doctorATE in blah-blah. And yes it does extend to everything--I don't trust her decisions one way or the other. But I also can read numbers and since Ferrer repeatedly refuses to tell us the RATE of infections in LA, it is hard to judge her decisions since she doesn't want to give me all of the information I need to do so.

"Doctor" Ferrer made a public embarrassment of herself today by saying LA was going to be shut down 3 months. It was mayhem all day long. The Board of Supervisors had to get involved to take back her statement, and she almost sent LA into a mass panic and riots. She could have killed people. She is a political hack who has no business running something of his magnitude.

My greater point is that you anonymous keep making fun of the general public who dare question this and insist we must just let the officials handle it. I'm pointing out to you, correctly, that many of these officials are no more credentialed than you or me to make these sorts of decisions but because of the chips falling a certain way are the ones in charge of things. Heck as a government worker I actually could have easily worked at public health as their attorneys and easily could in the future, if I asked to transfer there. I like what I'm doing now and that isn't my cup of tea, but the point is with a few mouse clicks anybody could find themselves working at Public Health.

Being in charge is not proof you know what you're doing. ~ Administrator said... 200

And yet your Leader continues, even TODAY, to spout that "everyone who wants a test can have a test".


This is true in Los Angeles. I'm not sure about anywhere else. He did give one billion to the states for testing and we are testing more than anyone else in the world, but because of our population it's not enough. And although there may be enough to test everyone eventually (we're currently about to be testing 300,000 a day, so it wouldn't take long to test everyone), the problem is it's not just one test. Someone may need multiple tests, like the ability to test people DAILY who are essential workers. The testing supply issue is not the fault of Trump or Newsom, it is the fault of progressives who poo-pooed keeping jobs and supplies in house in the USA for the last 30 years. Newsom was practically a child when this policy began and can't be held accountable for it, and Trump was busy building hotels.

Newsom is doing his best all right--to get elected in 2024. He's seriously the worst governor ever. He has half the counties in the state turning against him and opening anyway now so he's lost any authority. He has counties trying to explain to him they should not be penalized when the bulk of the cases in their county are from federal institutions that they literally have no control over OR contact with. Tesla, CA's most prominent industry, is FURIOUS with him and willing to go to jail for what they stand for. He's capitulating like a little girl on that one. That's not leadership. That's douchebaggery, brain cells missing.

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