Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Jon recovering from COVID that put him in the hospital

Jon revealed today he is recovering from a bad case of COVID which put him in the hospital. Jon almost had to be put on a ventilator, and says he was out of it for a solid three days.

Jon and his girlfriend have both been working in health care during the panemic, Jon in IT and Colleen as a nurse practitioner.

We wish you a speedy recovery, Jon, and thank you for all the work you have done for others during this pandemic.  

Jon will be on Dr. Oz to discuss his experience January 14.

340 sediments (sic) from readers:

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foxy said... 1

Oh my...get better Jon.

Nicky said... 2

I'm glad he's ok and recovering from covid - scary stuff.
But I'm so over his narrative of "wishing" he could connect with his other kids, and that all the kids could communicate with each other.
Be the bigger person and take steps to make it happen - the other 4 are still under 18 and he has parental rights.
Stop being so damn lazy already. How different is it for the other kids that Jon didn't fight to have a relationship with them, than Kate not fighting to have a relationship with Colin?
They both have some serious flaws as parents in this whole mess

Layla said... 3

Oh my gosh, how awful for him! Jon, we're all praying for your swift (and complete) recovery here!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 4

So sorry to hear this about Jon. Wishing him a speedy recovery to good health and good spirits. I'm sure it was particularly frightening to C, who was abandoned by his mother, and might have been scared to lose another parent.

I don't think any of us will ever know what Jon tried to do behind the scenes to connect with his kids over the years. Their mother is a vengeful narcissist who poisoned their minds against him. Heck, we've heard and read her say these odius things in public. Can you imagine the ugliness that comes out behind closed doors? Multiplied by the 10 years he's been apart from them and unable to interrupt that narrative?

Nicky said... 5

I don't think any of us will ever know what Jon tried to do behind the scenes to connect with his kids over the years. Their mother is a vengeful narcissist who poisoned their minds against him. Heck, we've heard and read her say these odius things in public. Can you imagine the ugliness that comes out behind closed doors? Multiplied by the 10 years he's been apart from them and unable to interrupt that narrative?

I agree - but he does have rights to have contact with them. I know he's said he doesn't want to force it and make them visit him, but we all know that kids don't always make the best decisions (ie: not wanting to see him, mad at him for something, etc). The visits may be unpleasant for both, but the effort should have been made to make them happen, and that falls on him. He could have at least had them for dinner once a week to keep that connection.
I've followed this story for many years, and have been sympathetic to him in the past, but his recent appearances on Dr. Oz, etc., just show me how whiney and immature he still is. Hoping that your children will want to see you once they turn 18 is not a coherent plan to get those familial connections back.
I don't doubt that Kate has been engaging in extreme parental alienation for years, but what has he done to keep the door open to those kids to step through once they are ready? You can't tell me that any judge would think it was ok that they haven't seen their father in years?
Just lazy and completely clueless - IMO he's almost as bad as her.

MamaC said... 6

I have no expectations of sympathy from his ex, but if she cares about her children at all she will encourage them to reach out and foster communication if not with Jon at least with Hannah and Collin. Life is short. Unfortunately as I recall Jon was(is)a smoker and that probably isn't conducive to a speedy recovery from a disease that affect the lungs. I hope this inspires him to give it up after this. ~ Administrator said... 7

I have no expectations of sympathy from his ex, but if she cares about her children at all she will encourage them to reach out and foster communication if not with Jon at least with Hannah and Collin. Life is short. Unfortunately as I recall Jon was(is)a smoker and that probably isn't conducive to a speedy recovery from a disease that affect the lungs. I hope this inspires him to give it up after this.


I had that thought and we've been saying this for years. Life is finite. Whether it's COVID, or a car accident, or a brain hemorrhage, it can be gone just like that. The children deserve a chance to try to reconcile with their father. There will come a day when there will be no time left to patch anything up. For Jon that day could have been right now, just as easily. ~ Administrator said... 8

Stop being so damn lazy already. How different is it for the other kids that Jon didn't fight to have a relationship with them, than Kate not fighting to have a relationship with Colin?


Jon has explained extensively how he has fought to see his children. A parental alienator is a powerful force and you cannot just knock on the door and collect your estranged child who has been brainwashed to loathe you. ~ Administrator said... 9

Unfortunately as I recall Jon was(is)a smoker and that probably isn't conducive to a speedy recovery from a disease that affect the lungs


You know what's odd about this COVID bastard? Some studies have suggested smokers actually handle COVID better! Makes no sense and I can't even fathom why that is. Smokers in Italy did infinitely better than non-smokers. His weight could be better but I would hardly say he's obese today. Weight remains one of the top factors for your ability to survive COVID.

Sadbuttrue said... 10 ~ Administrator said... 6
Stop being so damn lazy already. How different is it for the other kids that Jon didn't fight to have a relationship with them, than Kate not fighting to have a relationship with Colin?


Jon has explained extensively how he has fought to see his children. A parental alienator is a powerful force and you cannot just knock on the door and collect your estranged child who has been brainwashed to loathe you.

And let's not forget, Kate had a TV NETWORK in her corner. Jon was stupid and naive at the time of the divorce, thinking that both he AND Kate had the best interests of their children at heart. Kate was awarded primary physical custody (with his blessing, I believe), but ONLY because she realized that this was her ticket to keeping the kids (and herself) employed. In a word, Jon was outsmarted from the get-go in his divorce from both Kate AND TLC. I don't think he could have imagined that they would continue filming after A and C were expelled from kindergarten. I think he thought that a judge would HAVE to see that filming and the concomitant embiggening of Diva Kate were detrimental to his kids. He.Was.Wrong.

I think at this point, Jon is well aware of all the mistakes he made. All he can do now is try to find some way to repair what he can. If at some point his children are sentient enough to actually ASK him what he did to try to BE their father, I imagine he can produce several filing cabinets worth of court history. I don't think he can be faulted any more for not prevailing. He was always outgunned in this fight, not least because Kate was hell-bent on extending HER time in the limelight, no matter the cost to their kids. I'm afraid he really didn't see that coming. Who did?

FlimsyFlamsy said... 11

If there's any doubt how dark and twisted TFW is to deal with as a parent, remember this: she INSTITUTIONALIZED her 11-year-old son and gleefully declared on national TV that the child's FATHER did not know where he was.
That boy had a living, breathing parent who was able to help with his troubled son, yet the boy's mother refused to give him that opportunity. And instead, had that boy locked up for years, never to return to his home.

Yes, certainly, Jon has made some poor decisions as a parent. But wouldn't a flawed father have been better for C than no father at all?

LisaNH said... 12

I agree with FlimsyFamsy . No parent is ever perfect, they make mistakes. Jon wasn't given the opportunity to be with all of his kids because of their mother. And you're right Flimsy, Kate had network resources to keep Jon out of the picture. Kate deliberately abandoned her son by cancelling him from the family by putting him away in an institution.

And why does no one ever wonder why Hannah wants to live with her father than her mother? We know at least two of the children want their father in lives, why not others? They may be scared to say anything or they'll end up in an institution too. ~ Administrator said... 13

Wow Jon’s experience with covid was wild. He’s been sick since dec 21. He had an extremely high fever for a week. He lost 17 pounds. They put him on his stomach. It sounds like his doctors were angels. He avoided the questions about how he got this which makes me speculate maybe it was the kids or someone else he’s trying to protect or not blame. He’s concerned it’s done long term damage to his lungs. God bless you Jon.

jakieK said... 14

If something should happen to Jon, Collin & Hannah would likely be forced to return to their mother's custody.

Nicky said... 15

Kate has not had a network behind her for at least the last 2 years. My point was there are things he could demand as a father, such as a weekly dinner.
Kids don’t care about the legal maneuvers that the parent had to do. All they will know and believe is that the parent wasn’t there. Perception is reality for them. That’s my point. ~ Administrator said... 16

Kate has not had a network behind her for at least the last 2 years. My point was there are things he could demand as a father, such as a weekly dinner.
Kids don’t care about the legal maneuvers that the parent had to do. All they will know and believe is that the parent wasn’t there. Perception is reality for them. That’s my point.


I can tell you from going on 13 years of experience (yikes, I can't believe it!) with parental alienation cases now, it just doesn't work that way. First of all a judge has made legal decisions about the children that he can't just disrupt without going to a judge. Every dinner you want first has to be approved by a judge.

Second of all, for estranged kids, you don't just waltz in and "demand dinners." That's not how to fix things, and usually makes things worse. It takes extensive therapy and re-building trust and healing deep wounds to make any dent in this. All the while they live with someone who will undermine this at every turn. At their ages, the kids MUST consent to all this or it will never work. If they're not ready to consent, there is no point. Some may be ready to be open to this at some point in the next 1-2 years, others 10-20, others might never. But coming in like a wrecking ball won't help a thing. ~ Administrator said... 17

If something should happen to Jon, Collin & Hannah would likely be forced to return to their mother's custody.


I'm not sure how frequently Jon pops in to read here, but after this brush with death, he might want to reconsider marriage to Colleen and having her adopt his two children. That way if god forbid anything happened to him, Colleen would have the right to them.

Frankly at this point, I don't think Kate gives two shits if the queen of England adopted her kids. She doesn't care. I bet my bottom dollar she'd sign off.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 18

Admin (#16), isn't it interesting that TFW exploded over that story about Jon and C having a violent incident together and was never heard from again? She seemed outraged that her son -- the one whose custody hearing she didn't even ATTEND -- was being mistreated. She was ready for her close-up, and probably bought some extra waterproof mascara for the Big Interview, but it looks like no one wanted to hear from her.

clack said... 19

If Kate didnt have TLC lawyers on her side i believe Jon could have easily gotten custody of the kids. but it was a losing battle. Now that the kids are older, they've had years of being programmed by her. In their minds, he's an evil man who abandoned them. So, I agree with him not forcing a relationship. I hope they come around some day, but its doubtful. his only hope right now is C or H talking to the others, telling them what the witch is telling them is all lies. if they do come around, i have a feeling they will turn on her.

Flimsy i thought the same thing, how loud she yelled about him being abusive then......crickets! If she wants people to take her seriously, she ought to follow up with what she says.

MikeB said... 20

I don't believe Kate has had her parental rights terminated even though Jon has custody. Can Colleen adopt Collin and Hannah without Kate's permission? What little I've been able to find says it would not work unless Kate was ruled an unfit parent or she voluntarily gave up her rights, but I'm not a lawyer and sure don't know about PA rules. ~ Administrator said... 21

I don't believe Kate has had her parental rights terminated even though Jon has custody. Can Colleen adopt Collin and Hannah without Kate's permission?


They would probably need her permission but I’m saying I bet she would give it.

Sad but true said... 22

MikeB said... 20
I don't believe Kate has had her parental rights terminated even though Jon has custody. Can Colleen adopt Collin and Hannah without Kate's permission? What little I've been able to find says it would not work unless Kate was ruled an unfit parent or she voluntarily gave up her rights, but I'm not a lawyer and sure don't know about PA rules.

I would think K8's absence from Collin's hearing(s) may mean her "rights" v-a-v him have been terminated. Hannah is very probably a different story.

Anonymous said... 23

I doubt if the courts would change Collin's and Hannah's long standing living arrangements; especially, considering Kate has made the choice not to even speak to either, never mind doing family therapy with them. The therapists involved with them would have great say in the matter. And the kids themselves would have a major say due to their age (almost 17). By the time this would go from temp arrangements to hearing for perm orders the kids would be adults. Altho, Kate may be ordered to pay child that point Kate may agree to anything to get out of support. Of course,
we assume that Colleen would want to keep kids. We can all say, of course she would, but; we don't know that for a fact. She is not married to Jon and has not made any legal commitments to the kids. Willingness to make legal commitments is still considered, by the courts, preferable and personally to me..."put your money where you mouth is." I have thought in the past that they may not want to get married Jon due to any outstanding financial problems --money and taxes that Jon may still owe. Also she may hold the mortgage on their house. They may be dependent on her credit rating. I would think if the worse happens Jon's brother and family would step up. Actually, they would have more standing with the courts than Colleen; especially for custody. They could then give the kids permission to live with Colleen. Jon should have, if he hasn't, get this all sorted. As someone who was in a situation--ex-spouse with bipolar I and very abusive, I made sure my children were secured both money wise and legally. It was the one issue (after securing protection, divorce and physical and legal custody)that kept me up at night until by kids were 18 (even doing all I could legally). What Jon has to realize is his ex is greedy. If he has life ins. and
leaves kids money Kate will do anything to get her hands on some of it. (Having physical custody she could deplete money by charging the kids for rent, food, medical etc) I think she already has wealth of experience in that) If Jon hasn't taken care of business, he should run not walk to lawyer to do just that. Sadly, there have been cases of covid killing people months later due to damage it did to lungs and other vital organs...Hopefully this will not happen to him and he will continue to get healthy. Has he said if Colleen or the kids tested positive? Covid seems to hit whole families hard.
My finally thought about Colleen is that Kate would hold legal custody of the kids; even if the courts allowed them to live with Colleen. Kate would make her life a living hell. If I were her, I would have to weigh carefully the ups and downs, of this situation. I would think it would be so much better for everyone if brother and family stepped up and offer wall of protection to kids and Colleen. Kate would have to make their lives a living hell; but it would offer some protection for kids and Colleen's everyday life. ~ Administrator said... 24

At the very least, I highly recommend Jon see a lawyer and make sure he has a living will and trust. Make sure he is clear that the children are to go to Colleen IF Katie is unwilling or unable to take them. We all know she wouldn't take them, even if the poor kids lost their dad.

Jon said his lungs STILL aren't recovered from COVID, there have been COVID cases where people have a period of recovery and then relapse. Most people take many months to die. The odds are overwhelmingly in his favor he will be just fine, but it doesn't hurt to be prepared just in case. ~ Administrator said... 25

Chicago is refusing to pay teachers who won’t go back to school. Their school populations are made up of majority minorities and the poor who want and need in person instruction. Nice to see someone finally willing to stand up for the rights of all these kids who are going on a year of isolation now. Thank you Chicago. Get your ass to school teachers, you’re essential workers. Everybody else essential sucks it up and goes in. Don’t like it find some job where you’re not essential and stop ruining these kids’ lives. ~ Administrator said... 26

I would think K8's absence from Collin's hearing(s) may mean her "rights" v-a-v him have been terminated. Hannah is very probably a different story.


In California you can't completely terminate one parent's rights without terminating both. It's either a complete termination of the whole family or none. You can of course give full custody and legal rights to one parent, but the other parent always has the opportunity to try to change that later on as they are not terminated.

Don't know how it is in PA though.

Old poster said... 27

What’s the PA law concerning a parent moving a child without the other parent’s permission?
I can see Kate moving the 6 away from their siblings simply out of spite. Moving the kids also works to further alienate them from their dad and siblings.
Hell, since Hannah didn’t know her ‘childhood home’ was up for sale, she probably doesn’t even know where Kate and the 6 ARE.
Kate’s a vindictive bitch. I can totally see her selling the house and moving somewhere alluring to the 6 so they don’t jump ship.

Sad but true said... 28

Here's the law on involuntary parental termination in PA:

Based on this, there seem to be at least two grounds, possibly more, on which Kate's rights could be terminated, in regard both H and C.

Clack said... 29

Closing was moved to the 26th now. Wow!

Wowser said... 30

Does anyone know where TFW relocated?

Anonymous said... 31

Once again, closing on her house has been moved to 1/26..Can't this woman do anything in a normal way...Geez...grow up Kate... ~ Administrator said... 32

Once again, closing on her house has been moved to 1/26..Can't this woman do anything in a normal way...Geez...grow up Kate...


Lol. That massive termite infestation she never bothered to take care of really put a damper on things huh?

capecodmama said... 33

At this rate, will the closing go through at all. Hope everyone is doing well!

Layla said... 34

Awww, poor Kate. I'm guessing all the things she repaired with scotch tape and super glue didn't get past the inspectors. I bet it's costing her a pretty penny to bring that house up to code. Did she really believe she could hide defects with furniture and rugs, and she'd make it to closing that way? If so, she's dumber than we ever thought. She'd better hope she's got all the repairs done to satisfaction for the 26th closing, or she's going to have to cough up another mortgage payment. And Jon, I hope you're keeping an eye on things so you can make sure H&C get their share of the proceeds from the sale. It is, after all, the kids' house and they are entitled to some of the money.

Clack said... 35

I wonder if her septic failed? With 6 bedrooms, that has to be at least a $50-$60,000 bill! I can’t think of another repair that would hold closing off so long? Her house is 24 or 25 yrs old now, if she wasn’t doing regular maintenance on it, it will fail. Or if she’s a clean freak like she always claimed and used bleach, that’s a big no no with septic systems!
Or, perhaps the house didn’t appraise at what the buyer offered. So they’re either renegotiating or scrambling to come up with a bigger down payment?
Either way, it’s very strange!

Anne said... 36

Or, perhaps the house didn’t appraise at what the buyer offered. So they’re either renegotiating or scrambling to come up with a bigger down payment?
Either way, it’s very strange!


I just had a thought. Maybe the buyer is the party delaying the closing. Maybe their present home didn't sell & they needed the proceeds for closing. Wouldn't it be a shame if TFW ended up stuck still owning the Wernersville house and needing to put it back on the market after she jumped the gun and already moved? NOT. If that happened it would be karma finally come acallin' and giving her a glimpse of what's to come. Can't fault a girl for hoping, can you? lol ~ Administrator said... 37

I just had a thought. Maybe the buyer is the party delaying the closing. Maybe their present home didn't sell & they needed the proceeds for closing. Wouldn't it be a shame if TFW ended up stuck still owning the Wernersville house and needing to put it back on the market after she jumped the gun and already moved? NOT. If that happened it would be karma finally come acallin' and giving her a glimpse of what's to come. Can't fault a girl for hoping, can you? lol


Another downside to upsizing to a house like this and that property--increasing the chances of a problem on sale. There's just so many possibilities of failure, so many things to inspect and find fault with. When you have a simple three bedroom home with a kitchen, living room, laundry room and a couple bathrooms, the odds of things going wrong once you sell are much lower.

BlueJay said... 38

Like we all didn't see this coming on the house. I'm waiting for Kate at some point to set up a GoFundMe Page.

As for Jon, I'm glad he, and anyone for that matter, recovers for Covid and any disease that they go through. All human life matters, as do all people.

NJGal51 said... 39

The inspectors will find every little thing. When we were selling my MIL’s house they wanted to know why the breaker for the smoke detectors was turned off. We’d had one replaced and just forgot to turn it back on. Also, a hinge on a cabinet above the refrigerator was loose and had to be fixed. I’m betting that she had more wrong than that.

Clack said... 40

Looks like it finally closed, $1,085,000. Way more then I thought she’d get and less then what she paid.

Clack said... 41

I checked the realtors site, it’s saying estimated value is $500,000 something? I know they’re usually way off but I wonder if that was the hold up? She couldn’t get it appraised for what she needed? Years ago appraisers would get as close to the sale price as they could. But there’s new regulations now, they can’t do that.

Sad but true said... 42

Looks like she finally closed. Sale price $1.085mm.

PatK said... 43

Zillow shows the house sold on 1/26/21 for $1,085,000.

Layla said... 44

Sad but true (40)
Yikes, she sold it for less than she paid for it 11 years ago. Take off about $100K for her closing costs and who-knows-how-much for repairs, plus the cost of her move, and she's taken a big loss. Looking at amortization tables, she'd still owe about $540,000 on it. She'd have a chunk of cash left over, but it remains to be seen whether the kids get any of it. It was, after all, their house--Kate said so many times. The listed owner was "CWM Revocable Trust". I hope we get to hear about that sometime.

Anonymous said... 45

Good riddance McMansion. Kate left 214,900 on the table. Then add commission/remainder of bank loan & maybe capital gains.We can guarantee she was a realtors nightmare fighting the amount finally agreed upon..hopefully by law kids get a piece of profits. Those kids never have to walk thru those doors to obscurity. Only those kids really know what went on behind that wooden door. .. the cries & screams echo throughout the halls & bounced off of deaf ears. But we knew. We always knew. Damn her .. yes those kids lived in my head for many years fearing for their safety & Kate seemingly getting away with it all. I don’t believe she will ever be on tv in any capacity.. you don’t come back when you literally abandon a child. The public won’t stand for it. I hope wherever they are they are dreaming of turning 18 & run like the wind. And those who don’t well.... the damage was so severe they don’t know any better. So goodbye McMansion... rid yourself of anger.. lies...bruises & broken hearts...NATIVE1111 ~ Administrator said... 46

Letting go of that house is pretty symbolic I think of the true figurative finality of this family.

Show's over. The fat lady sang.

Sad but true said... 47

Hmmm. TLC had stopped posting on K8's FB page back in June of last year. As of January 13, they've started up again, with five posts and counting. Granted, ALL of the posts are referencing innocuous TLCME articles, but they've got plenty of other promo spaces so this just seems odd. I hope they've got NO plans to resuscitate her. ~ Administrator said... 48

Hmmm. TLC had stopped posting on K8's FB page back in June of last year. As of January 13, they've started up again, with five posts and counting. Granted, ALL of the posts are referencing innocuous TLCME articles, but they've got plenty of other promo spaces so this just seems odd. I hope they've got NO plans to resuscitate her.


I wouldn't worry. The intern is probably just on the wrong page. Probably meant to be over on the Duggar page but all these families blend together for most people.

NJGal51 said... 49

Sad but true - If they’re testing the waters to see if there’s any interest in her she’s not getting many “likes” or comments on any of the posts. I don’t think that TLC is even dumb enough to try to revive her. But then we’ve been wrong before.

kris said... 50

That house needs a good smudging (sage cleansing) after she's gone. Rid it of all Kate's "energy"

kris said... 51

I would say she's done on reality tv but I see MTV is bringing back Teen Mom OG. Several of those girls are Kate Gosselin hot mess caliber but MTV has no problem feeding their bank accounts. It's ridiculous. Stop making these train wreaks (more) famous!

Layla said... 52

TLC is probably thinking that since the page exists, they might as well use it for something--on the off chance anyone still looks at it. If TLC still had any interest in filming her, I don't think she would have sold the house. I think that's a clear sign that she knows they are done with her.

My upcoming granddaughter has a name! I'm sworn to secrecy, but if you guessed that it's the last name of a figure skater named Nancy--well, mmaayybbbeee you're right (but don't say it! Nobody is supposed to know!).

Anonymous said... 53

From Dmasy --

Layla, I am waving my arm in the air wildly!!

Well, it seems that Kate navigated the adult world of selling, packing re-locating and managing a mortgage. Hope she didn't have to take to her bed with vapors.

kris said... 54

Layla - Love it!

Layla said... 55

Dmasy--I knew you'd be the first to figure it out! And kris, thank you--we love it too! DH and I gave all our boys family names, so DS and DIL said all they are left with are the last names of past family members. Of course, we didn't hoard all the girl names in the family tree (all boys for us), but the girl names are all awful. We can't wait to meet Baby K--if she's even half as adorable as her big brother, she's going to be a heartbreaker.

BlueJay said... 56

Now, was that so hard? For Kate to have to go back, adjust to the reality of the real world? Sell her house, her kids all adjust to living in the real world--of college just fine, of probably a normal house with nothing special I assume, no being on television, no paparazzi at the end of hat driveway, no more filming.

Look at that, they all went back to being normal, just fine and dandy. Only question remains to be seen is how in the world she's going to support them, and herself still with no income from a job still pay a mortgage or rent a place, put food on the table, keep the lights on, afford clothing, college tuition, schooling at home, you name it and all the other mundane things that we do everyday--gas for the car.

Layla, congratulations on the name of your new granddaughter. I have no news what my newest additional is going to be yet. Let me see, I have an:
E, L, N, O, A, G, and another A,which makes 7 grandchildren so this eighth addition I don't know yet. Never in my dreams did I imagine so many! I have a litter!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 57

Layla, love the name!

Dmasy (#53), you silly girl, you know TFW didn't do all those things! If she did, she would have made sure to whine about it on social media. Victimhood is her brand. Whoever's left in her inner circle (Brownie?) probably did the lion's share of the work.

Kris (#50), I think the new owners will have to burn not only sage, but parsley, rosemary and thyme. And about a dozen of those 3-wick Bath & Body Works. And maybe there's some local shaman who can purify the place.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 58

Native1111 (#45), I appreciated your comment. I was just joking around about the move, but I also want to acknowledge the abuse those poor children endured within the walls of that house (was it ever really a home?). If not physical abuse, then surely emotional. The "mine all mine" mansion paid for by the work of 8 minor children who not only had zero say about their participation in a TV series but actually lived on the set. Eight Little Lab Rats. I wish them all peace.

Clack said... 59

I wonder whatever happened with their dogs? I hope she didn’t just get rid of them. I doubt she really loves them, she’s not capable of loving anyone or thing. But the dogs loved them. Unconditional love.

Layla said... 60

BlueJay (56)
I hope someday I have as many grandchildren as you have! My little Sully is such a joy, just imagine if there were more just like him. He's 15 months, and loves going for walks (no stroller! He is much too big for that!), and he likes to collect things while we walk. Leaves, sticks, rocks. And then he has to show them to everyone when we get home--"See? See?". He recently figured out how to walk backwards, and thinks it's the funniest thing ever. He likes to share everything from his food to his sippy cup to his toys, so when he gets toys out he gives one to everyone. I can't wait to have another little cuddle bug to squeeze!

BlueJay said... 61


I want you to enjoy your one for the moment. Each one is special but that first one in the moment is always going to be a particular treasure.

It's the reason I often looked at Kate, she just never seemed to take any time at all to enjoy her children. Sure enough have a large family is stressful with a lot of children the same age but nobody ever said she had to have her life filmed. Nobody every said she had to be a maniac list maker.

You all miss that once you don't have that noise going on in the house. I hope one day she'll miss those messes she hated. Life isn't worth being that up tight for. Such a pity.

One of my grandchildren likes to collect rocks so for his birthday, I kid you not we sent him a box of rocks. He was happy. Maybe a geologist one day.

Enquiring mind wants to know. said... 62

How is it that no one knows where she went? Did she pull the kids out of their school?

Could she really have just disappeared? Is she smart enough to cover her tracks that well? ~ Administrator said... 63

I wonder whatever happened with their dogs? I hope she didn’t just get rid of them. I doubt she really loves them, she’s not capable of loving anyone or thing. But the dogs loved them. Unconditional love.


Whoa, I had completely forgotten about the dogs. Shoka must be very much a senior now if he's even still kicking.

Because it bears repeating, it's really odd the way Kate disappeared from social media just out of the blue. It's like one day she woke up and was bored with it. Narcissists are a fickle lot.

Enquiring mind wants to know. said... 64

Someone must know. She is simply not clever enough to hide, even if her narcissist personality thinks she can slink away with the kids money, leaving 2 of her kids behind. I am surprised that the kids haven't let slip where they are. John must know, realtors must know.

Someone wondered if she was ashamed of losing the house, not being able to afford it. Do you really think that woman is capable of shame? I don't.

As horrid as she is to the public and her children, it seems unfair that she gets to run away and not answer for her behavior. I worry about the kids being isolated more than they were. I hope they can make it to 18 and leave.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 65

BlueJay (#61), I sincerely believe TFW will not miss the kids when they're gone. She showed her hand years ago when she said, grinning, that a great selling point about their new bigger house was the kids could "disperse." In other words, she didn't have to see them. And that was when they were little and adorable. I can only imagine how much less she was interested in them when they got older and more opinionated and she couldn't just steer them around by the head.

Ronnie and Maggie said... 66

One of the dogs - think it’s Shoka. - is in one of Maggie’s recent TikToks. I wonder if the 2 other dogs and bird are there.

With COVID and virtual learning it has been easier for them to move to an unknown area. By me in northern NJ private schools are in-person and they are picking up enrollment from public school kids that are all virtual and parents say their kids have learned nothing since March. It would be a win/win for K8 to enroll kids in a new public school that is virtual learning and lose the tuition payment.

NJGal51 said... 67

How is it that no one knows where she went? Did she pull the kids out of their school?
Enquiring - Maybe it’s just that no one cares any more.
Layla - Congrats on the upcoming grand! Watch her knees around other kids!
BlueJay - Congrats on your upcoming grand as well!
Ah, the dogs.......I know that the younger dogs would now be almost 5 (they were born around the same time as my bully). Shoka would really be a senior GSD by now. I’d hope that she still has them all because the kids really love(d) them. I’d completely forgotten about the bird. The last time she did an IG post on him was 2018. ~ Administrator said... 68

Covid has made it extremely easy to isolate children. This is one of the worst situations for someone like her. Someone like her loves this as it’s a convenient excuse to separate and isolate further.

Suicide rates are exploding for kids as young as ten years old because they’re not in school. The mental health community is absolutely down on their hands and knees begging schools to reopen. I’m not sure how many times the cdc has to explain that is is statistically extremely safe before schools listen. CNN is running a heartbreaking article this weekend about the issue. Glad to see they’re finally admitting it, I was saying it in April.

Inquiring Minds want to know said... 69

OMG. Is it possible that a court made her sell the house and get off social media for the privacy of the kids? Could an audit of the trust shown findings that indicated she could no longer afford to spend kids money like drunken sailor, and recommended sale and mandated wht she does with the proceeds? That kind of thing would be kept really quiet, right?

Maybe none of this was her choice...

Ann said... 70

I follow mady on tic toc... it looks to me like she hasn’t left the area... the house has a wrap around porch with ceiling fans... it doesn’t look like very big house .... they were decorating a Christmas tree... but its that same old outdated look except worse... it was dark and depressing...also it looked very cold out so I really think she’s still in the area

Layla said... 71

Ann (70)
I saw the video of the kids decorating a tree, and I thought the same thing--kind of a dark and depressing place. Maybe they just didn't have many lights on, but it looked dreary. You could hear a bird in the house, so apparently they still have Zorro. Mady also posted Aaden showering outside in the cold, and it looked like there was a covered pool there.

I do not think this was a voluntary move. She made it clear so many times that she was never going to leave the Heffner Rd house. The kids were going to have their weddings in the yard, the grandkids were going to come over for holidays, etc. But then TLC fired her, she had to turn over H&C's trusts to Jon, the courts started demanding accounting of how the other kids' money was being spent, and of course there was the "mini trial" with Andrea. We haven't heard how that turned out, but she didn't pay certain things related to Andrea's employment, and I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to prove that. So she would have had to pay up and also pay her legal fees for that. Ouch. But, as she said when that therapist dropped her suit against her, "Right/Good always prevails!". Yes, it does. Life as she knew it has ended for good. No more "settling" for free rooms at the Essex House (but only if they met her demands). No more stores shutting down so she could shop alone. No more limos, first-class travel, bodyguards, police escorts, McMansions or beach houses. I do hope the kids still get to stay in their school and go to college, but that remains to be seen.

Welcome to the real world, Kate! You said you can never go back, but in the end you didn't have a choice.

Ronnie and Maggie said... 72

If you look at the tic toc of tree decorating it looks like there is a lake close which would account for wrap around porch to sit on and look at lake.

Clack said... 73

So I did some digging and found out who bought the McMansion. I won’t publish any names. There’s several with the same name so it’s either a man in his 60s from the area or a designer for American eagle. From NY. I’m thinking it’s the designer, loads of people are fleeing the big cities. For obvious reasons.
Still looking on Zillow for recent sold homes near water with a wrap around porch. I can’t find anything. I’m ready to give up.

Layla said... 74

Ronnie and Maggie,
I thought so too. If you look out the window, through the posts on the deck, it does look like there's a lake there. And then hills/woods beyond that. Makes me think they're in North Carolina because they vacationed there so many times, always by a lake or the ocean. Kate frequently said she wanted to live in a warmer climate. My guess is they're in NC...or still in PA. Still in a very dated-looking house (that lighting! Yikes!), and definitely smaller than their old one.

BlueJay said... 75

I never understood Kate's statement of she could never go back exactly.

Does that imply to solely herself? Because when I look at it, her ex-husband went back. He went back to working a real life job. His hometown, I assume, in a regular neighborhood. He pays his own bills. He can go out and about without being photographed as far as I know.

Does it imply to her children? As far as I know her two oldest have gone to college without so much as a peep from them, unless it their choice (Madeleine, Mady). Her other daughter Cara you never hear from. I assume these girls have adjusted to the reality of going back to having to do their own laundry, shopping in stores, maybe ordering online, not going on vacation, not being well known in class without being followed by a camera everywhere. Cooking their own food without helpers around.

Does it imply to her other younger children? Can they not every adjust to living as normal individuals who can grow up and decide to live life without perks of private shopping trips? Private beach vacations? A camera in their house? Helpers, bodyguards? Even famous people live without them I gather, I'm not famous so what do I know.

Maybe it only ever implied to herself that she was just too comfortable to go back to the reality of everyday life because those perks were too comfortable for her to have to face actuality without them?

I also take her disappearance from her beloved social media as this way she doesn't have to answer to anyone. She can still control the narrative this way exactly as she wants it. She can't answer for certain things, she probably knows that so this way walking away gives her the ability to control what she still can--no answer is sometimes an answer. It keeps people that still think she's the greatest thing since slice cheese her original story line, "the poor single mother of some form of multiples with no help financially struggling, who is unemployed."

PatK said... 76

Until the younger kids are 18, wouldn't she need Jon's permission to move them out of state?

To me, the house looks like a rental. Lake/pond or no lake/pond, she wouldn't live in something decorated like that after McMansion life. Unless, of course she's going to do a lot of interior remodeling/decorating.

Sad but true said... 77

This is kind of weird:

And kind of reminiscent of her mother. Although Kate would never say this out loud.

Sad but true said... 78

BTW, at the end of the article is a video with Mady and Alexis, apparently shot at the new house. Ceiling fans on the porch? I'm sensing they're not in PA anymore. I hope Jon at least knows where they've gone. And, obviously, if they're not in PA, then the kids have had to change schools.

Anne said... 79

Could someone help me find the TikTok videos you're all talking about? I'm curious & bored & since it's going to be cold this weekend it'll give me something to do for a few minutes to help pass the boredom. lol


NJGal51 said... 80

Anne @77 - Go on TicTok and look up madygosselin and it should bring up her account. ~ Administrator said... 81

You can browse Mady's tiktok online, I went through them and think I lost some brain cells. Good lord, they need to let kids go back to school. They're wasting away.

Side note--what's with the trend for teens/young 20s to wear sweatpants and sweatshirts as their outfit all day? It makes them look so frumpy, lazy and depressed. This is not just the Gosselins, I see this on all kids. Is this just COVID and going to the extreme end of lazy?

Lynn W. said... 82

Has anyone found out where the family moved to? My hope is that she will rent or lease a house so the kids can finish at their school. Then she can move where ever she pleases.

Ann said... 83

Anne... you have to download the app... it’s easy but... I have to say it’s very addictive... also I follow mady.. her content is boring and strange... and most of it doesn’t make sense.. everyday kids make such good content... you would think she could recognize that being in the biz

Ann said... 84

Admin... personally I can’t believe how bad her content is... I thought she was the creative one... apparently not... my 12 year old can do better

Anonymous said... 85

Just sign up for tik tok. Go to the search bar and type Mady Gosselin. You can’t view any of the videos without signing up first

Yes these tik tok are mind numbingly dumb. Mady is 20, but these videos make her look very immature and unintelligent .. I guess it’s the education system now a days. Looks likes she’s back in “in person” learning at Syracuse though
She lives with a bunch of girls friends there

-Gigi Be ~ Administrator said... 86

Just sign up for tik tok. Go to the search bar and type Mady Gosselin. You can’t view any of the videos without signing up first


I was able to view all her tiktok videos online without signing up, by just googling her user name and tiktok. I might have been on a parent site I didn't really look. This is much nicer than having to sign up for tiktok like I'm 17 years old! lol ~ Administrator said... 87

Yes these tik tok are mind numbingly dumb. Mady is 20, but these videos make her look very immature and unintelligent .. I guess it’s the education system now a days.


There IS no education system. They have taken it away from kids and young adults, for a year!

In all seriousness, we're really starting to see the affects on all ages of not having in person school. Their creativity and intelligence seems to have dropped like an anvil. The best they can do is some initiation tiktok video that is not the least bit funny or interesting.

NJGal51 said... 88

I actually enjoy TicTok. I follow different chefs/home cooks and have gotten some great ideas. Although I have an account I don’t publish anything. ~ Administrator said... 89

Admin... personally I can’t believe how bad her content is... I thought she was the creative one... apparently not... my 12 year old can do better


I can’t believe it either. There was a glimpse of Leah making something in the kitchen. Speaking of chefs on Tiktok. What would be infinitely more interesting would be to do a video of Leah, what she is making and how. This is the difference between real “content“ and useless brain cell killing “sludge.”

Layla said... 90

Clack (73)
If a designer bought the house, then I'm sure that person will do some major remodeling. It could end up being really beautiful, which is nice because it has so much potential.

PatK (76)
The dated interior of that house won't bother Kate a bit. She has terrible taste in interior decoration. And furniture. And clothes and shoes and...well, you get the idea. The old adage "money can't buy taste" is so true when it comes to her. As far as it being a rental, I tend to agree. She doesn't have any discernable income, so she couldn't have gotten a mortgage. And I doubt she could have paid cash for a new house, otherwise why move before the younger kids finish school?

I agree, Mady's content is awful. She comes off as incredibly shallow. Her "day in the life" showed what she ate and drank, and some mundane things like walking (showing her feet or shopping bag) and plugging in her laptop. Other college girls who post "day in the life" videos show things related to school, homework, maybe part-time jobs. Not Mady. Just like her mother, it's all about her.

Layla said... 91

Whoa, I just saw an add for ANOTHER season of Mama June's train-wreck show. Why would anyone celebrate such an awful person? It's like they're rewarding her for her behavior, and I can't imagine Alana has any chance of growing up to be an emotionally healthy person after so much drama and trauma. They're destroying that child's life for money. It will not end well.

I'm a little surprised that Mama June can still get her face on TV, but Kate can't. I'm positive Kate went to every network in existence to beg for another show. The fact that she's not filming right now is not her choice. Filming is all she ever wanted to do, and she'd sell out anyone to be on TV. Good grief, even Blac Chyna (I had to look her up to see who she is) has a reality show. My only guess is Kate is just too boring for TV these days.

Sad but true said... 92

Layla said... 91
Whoa, I just saw an add for ANOTHER season of Mama June's train-wreck show. Why would anyone celebrate such an awful person? . . .

I don't think she's being celebrated, I think she's being shown as a cautionary tale. The only reason June's still being filmed is for the "yuck" factor, and the only reason Kate's not is, she's not quite there yet. But give her a little time. I'm sure Kate is quite strategically planning her comeback (watch for the People cover), she hasn't yet got any producer desperate enough to get on board yet.

Ingrid said... 93

Sad but true said... 92
The only reason June's still being filmed is for the "yuck" factor,
Similar to the Pimple popper show and others about severe medical defects on TLC. For the yuck or shock value. Like an old time freak show.

clack said... 94

I saw Junes show once or twice, i couldnt stomach watching the family. I think the difference is, June is trailer trash, people look at her like a car accident, you cant look away. Kate is trashy and dumb, yet dolled up with her fakeness. Theres nothing funny about her. she has no sense of herself. not a lick of intelligence, there's nothing going on in her head.
she has nothing to offer but her kids, thankfully jon wont allow them to be on tv again, until they're 18. and no one wants to watch 4 teens, most of us had or have teens, its not earth shattering.
she cant cook, she cant write, she isnt domestic, she's a terrible mother, she's an abuser, so what would her show be about? maybe she can someday star on the ID network?

i'm waiting for people to cover where she moved to. if they dont soon, i suspect she's truly done!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 95

Sad but true (#92) and Ingrid (#93), and I think folks like Mama June make the audience feel a little better about the chaos in their own lives. As in, well, my life may be screwed up, but at least I'm not HER.

I can't remember how old Honey Boo Boo is now (I know one of her older sisters is now her guardian), but would any of us be surprised if she becomes a teen mom? And is then offered her own series about it?

Layla said... 96

clack (94),
It's mid-boggling to think of al the opportunities that have been dropped into Kate's lap, and she was too lazy to take on any of them. If any project takes even the slightest bit of effort, she's not interested. To her, "hard work" mean screaming and having meltdowns while someone films it. That's what she loves. She could have built an empire, just like the Kardashians did, but she was too lazy. Now all she can do is sit back and watch everything she managed to acquire slip away. Money, her house, her "career, fame. Gone forever, along with her friends, family, marriage, and two of her kids. I wonder if she ever takes a moment to reflect and ask herself whether it was all worth it. If she has even the tiniest smidgen of a conscience, she'd have to admit that it wasn't.

BlueJay said... 97

Layla, I think she lives without regrets. Judging by hr bizarre statement of she can't go back, I highly doubt she ponders anything beyond how her scheme collapsed and how to pick up the pieces.

How on earth is she going to support herself not financially but daily once the kids are off to college here soon with the four she has left and she's the one who has to clean, cook and maintain wherever she is living? She can't just assign chores. She won't be able to sit in the car as the kids grocery shop.

The older she gets the harder it's going to get.

jakieK said... 98

Oh, how she complained the paparazzi. She'd probably pay to get them back to get her face on magazine covers.

NJGal51 said... 99

Well TFW finally got a People story about selling her house. Just the basic facts on the house and family because no one cares any more about her.

Ann said... 100

Did mady delete her tic toc??? Unless she blocked me😂😂

Layla said... 101

BlueJay (97)
I'm wondering the same is she going to support herself when they go to college? The kids will need their college funds to pay for their schooling, and I just can't see her willingly taking a "mediocre" job. She really believes she can't do anything other than TV. Maybe she thinks she can get another show once the tups are adults and Jon can't object--or do something on her own. I don't think the interest is there though. She has lost the interest of most viewers, and she's not interesting enough to get it back. People want to watch others they find fascinating. Kate is not fascinating.

Exaample: my niece is fascinated by the "Soho Scammer", Anna Sorokin/Delvey. She just got out of prison, and she has a camera crew following her around and a show coming out on Netflix. She's interesting to so many because nobody can figure out how she scammed so many people and businesses for so long before she was caught. She knows how to draw attention to herself--she walked out of jail wearing a $900 Balenciaga hoodie, which immediately had tongues wagging. She's pictured drinking wine in her Manhattan hotel room, eating caviar while fully clothed in the bathtub, shopping in a Canada Goose coat (I have the same coat! So does my niece). She knows what gets people talking and speculating. All Kate can figure out to do is flap her hands and have meltdowns. Kate's going to have to up her game if she expects to get attention. I don't think she knows how, though....

FlimsyFlamsy said... 102

jakieK (#98), yeah, you better believe TFW misses the "P people." Maybe even more than the son she threw away.

Did it really never occur to her that she'd someday be yesterday's news?

ncgirl said... 103

Interesting article about the house in People. I didn't know she had a spa. Kate Coyne must've had a hand in the article because it was so positive and sounded like an ad. I laughed at "ample built-in storage to display treasured heirlooms" because we know how KG loves treasured heirlooms. Unless they were big money, they went right in the trash. I am glad there was no mention of the twins bashing Jon.

BlueJay said... 104


Anna who? My, my I must not pay attention! I'm certainly going to have to be bothered to look it up.

Personally, I suppose it never crossed Kate's mind that people just up and move on with their own lives at some point. Their own kids are of interest to them and such and such. Not strangers kids on television.

Kate will inevitably, I assume even by now have realized her kids are special. I don't mean to say that every kids isn't special to us each as their parents but in those terms of...well, watching Kate's kids on television was always similar to being subject to watching other people's home movies or those old recorded musical concerts we all recorded for our kids. Nothing special but why would you subject your neighbor and their friends to that for hour and hours? Nobody wants to watch MY family vacations or MY kids birthday parties but us lord knows I wouldn't invite a round of neighbor's every Monday to watch it as my kids squabbled over who got what for Easter, the time my son shoved a Easter jelly bean up his nose on camera and said hey mom look!

I can't believe she still thinks her kids are SO interesting people would still want to sit and watch teenage drama and her continued manufactured drama. I can watch that via Zoom in my own house for free like most of you ladies with kids and grand kids.

But...I wouldn't be above actually watching Kate try and cope in the real world with a hidden camera in the store without TLC's assistance. Now there'd be a show!

Well I'm off to finish making supper and Paczki for dessert. ~ Administrator said... 105

"ample built-in storage to display treasured heirlooms" because we know how KG loves treasured heirlooms.


LOL this made me laugh too. Like how a listing uses code words like "cozy" for way too small. Is this their code word for GREAT HOARDER HOUSE?

Sad but true said... 106

I love how People claims she sold the house for "close to $1.1 million," but then says she put it on the market for $1.2 million. Uh, no. $1.3 million is the only logical rounding for something originally listed at $1,299,999. I wonder what they think they gain by publishing these blatant falsehoods.

Ann said... 107

I never read the listing... but my pool has a built in spa so thats probably what they’re talking about..

Layla said... 108

BlueJay (104)
Don't worry, I was clueless too! Which is pretty normal for me--I'm too old to be tuned into such things. Basically she's a girl who posed as a rich heiress and scammed several banks before getting caught and going to prison. Apparently some people are loving her "I don't give a &%$#" attitude. Is this really what we want our youth to admire? I blame reality TV.

People magazine is trying to make it sound like Kate wasn't so desperate to unload that house that she jumped at the first offer. She sold for more than $200k less than her asking price, and if she could have held out for more--she would have. I'm convinced that her TV career is over and she knows it. She would have held onto the house if she possibly could. She has said for more than a decade that she'd never pull the kids out of their school or their house. Now it looks like she may have done both. The best we can hope is that the kids got their share of the money, but I wouldn't bet on it.

Sad but true said... 109

This was the best story on Anna Sorokin I read:

BlueJay said... 110

Well since her lights have gone out,I suppose the only thing to ponder now is really how are her remaining kids really going to function? If she's pulled them from school, how are they going to cope in college without as much money since I doubt there's much left. Ah, I know how. Just like everyone else.

I assume like this Anna, that young lady. People like that seem to no function with the cards their dealt--a normal run of the mill life they want more and are unable to, well work for it. Kate, Anna, Jon's comment on his children's needs versus wants. It's going to be a whole new ball game folks when they come across being told they're not special so what if you've been on television. I hate she set them up for life like that. Cara and Mady could adjust because they had some of that before.

Ponder not having a store or a movie house shut down for you, not getting free clothes anymore, their vacation days are over. When they're adults having to book their own hotel stays, buy their own birthday cakes and nobody from around the US sends them stuff these days. The crew members don't show up I'm pretty sure. What a life.

Will her kids know how to operate their trust funds without her? Will it have been worth it to them in adulthood to have alienated everyone just like Kate who will probably be far more miserable than ever?

Oh, yes reality television picks youth up to emulate until it drop them like sour grapes.

Sad but true said... 111

LOL, well, thanks ITW.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 112

ncgirl (#103), aha, maybe that's why TFW missed C's custody hearing: she was busy organizing her treasured heirlooms. I don't think she has a sentimental bone in her body.

NJGal51 said... 113

I just read that the “Celebrity Dating Game” is coming to ABC. Maybe TFW can get a spot on that. I can’t imagine that it would pay much but she’d be able to get her mug on TV. It would be interesting to hear her ask the age old question “how do you feel about 8 kids” considering she’s only got 4 at home.

Anonymous said... 114

Ann said... 100

No her tik tok is still there!! 🤣

Gigi be

Ann said... 115

Really? She must have blocked me.. all I said was that it was strange content... boy she’s touchy

clack said... 116

what was the point of the People story? it sounded more like they just cut and pasted from the listing. It may have been helpful if they printed the story when she 1st listed. Maybe she would have gotten full price or more?

ann, didnt Kate block people that disagreed with her? like mother like daughter. thats scary Kate number two is out there.

Ann said... 117

If I knew mady was gonna block me I would have told her what a narcissist pig her was 😂

Ann said... 118

Mother •

kris said... 119

I'm 53 and I love TikTok, lol. Some of the stuff is super clever, some of the dancing is amazing and some of it is stupid. Mady's are for the most part not very good. I don't really get a lot of what she does. Now that may be a generation thing and some young person may 'get' it and think its wonderful. The lighting is always really bad and I can't stand it when the camera is held low and we get a shot of the inside of the nose. Idk, for someone that has been around cameras and filming all her life, you'd think she'd have picked up some stuff along the way. However, she is Kate's daughter and probably just as lazy as Kate when it comes to stuff.

Ingrid said... 120

Ann said... 100
Did mady delete her tic toc???
I saw it before but now its not there for me either. I hadn't even posted anything to her.

Anonymous said... 121

It’s still there. If you google Mady Gosselin tik tok it comes up. She posted more junk
Gigi Be

Anonymous said... 122

The sun is reporting Mady upload a new tick tock video where she is showing the middle finger. There you have it! Very creative

LisaNH said... 123

Hi everyone!! It's been a long time. I just had to post here tonight because of a dream I had recently. I dreamed that I bought Kate's house, but she was so was nasty and vindictive about having to leave it that she trashed it, broke windows, tore up the carpeting etc... Crazy stuff LOL. I really don't pay much attention to Kate anymore (which is why I don't post here as much as I used to).

Regarding Madie and Tick Tock (sp?). I'm not surprised her vids are not "all that". From the time she was a child she acted an awful lot like Kate. Same attitude of just not being very nice. Now that she's becoming an adult, she's continuing with Mom's attitude, from what I've read about her videos. Mom never put much effort into anything she did, on TV or at home, so she is mimicking her mother. She also mimics her mother when she speaks badly of her Dad. It's just really sad what Kate has done to her kids and to her kids' relationship with their father. But some day it will come back to haunt her. Not that I wish that to happen but you get back what you put out there. So, as Patrick Swayze famously said "Be nice."

Layla said... 124

I'm not surprised to hear that Mady's TikTok is second-rate. She's just like her mother--she has no talent or creativity, and she's lazy. Take, for example, her YouTube channel. The video she posted was obviously someone else's work. The shots, the editing, the music. Someone put some effort into that, and it sure as heck wasn't Mady. Is it any wonder she never posted another video? Of course not. That would take effort. She, like her mother, thinks she's too good to have to put in the work. Same reason Kate never started a YT channel of her own. It takes work, and Kate does not work.

I think Mady always thought (again--just like Kate) that she's special and she'd always be paid just for being her own special self. It must be awful to have had so much--money, fame, attention, special treatment--and then lose it all. It's highly unlikely any of them will ever have any of it back, either. People grew bored of them. Kate set them up for a lifestyle they'll never have. Maybe shutdowns have softened the blow a bit as the kids adjust. Spring Break is coming up, and they won't be going anywhere special--but neither will anyone else. If they can't travel the whole summer long, they can at least comfort themselves in the knowledge that nobody else can. That will change soon, but maybe it softens the transition (from "special" to "mediocre") a bit. At least, I hope. They have many, many decades of mediocre ahead of them.

foxy said... 125

Mady is trying to show off her "talent" in that video she posted. She cannot dance, lip sink correctly, nothing. There is no thought for composition in that tape, just like a 7th grader would do when they experiment with their new cell phone. And she does flip off fingers with both hands. Just like her Mother, she thinks she is all that. She is going to have a rude awakening if she hasn't already. I hope the younger 4 will be fine as they leave home for college in a couple of years.

NJGal51 said... 126

You’re right foxy, Mary’s video dance of Zanzibar was half-hearted at best. I guess she thought it was going to go viral because she’s “Mady Gosselin”. She’s also now shopping at thrift stores (not that there’s anything wrong with that). She did an IG post and the jacket she’s wearing came up. She said it was from a thrift store but the tag said “Croft & Barrow”. Turns out that Croft & Barrow is a brand sold in Kohl’s. My how the mighty have fallen. It is a cute jacket but not up to the small, expensive boutique standards that she shopped in with TFW when TLC was footing the bill. I’m glad to see that she does seem to have roommates since she first proclaimed that she wanted a private room. ~ Administrator said... 127

The Gosselin situation reminds me of child actors hired when they were babies, the show graciously keeps them aboard only to find out by the time they are three or four they are absolutely bumps on a log zero-talent monotone zombies. 7th Heaven is a good example of that. On the other hand, sometimes baby child actors end up being actually charismatic and decently good actors, like the Olsen twins. It's just luck of the draw.

The Gosselins are in the first group. Grew up, and not a one of them is a good entertainer. Some people aren't TV ready and never will be. Doesn't mean they aren't lovely people in real life. Lovely interesting people with productive lives. Not everyone is good at being an entertainer. But what's sad is to watch someone who has been told their whole lives they ARE a good entertainer, that people love to watch them, and watch them continue to pursue something they are absolutely horrible at. It starts to get embarrassing.

Layla said... 128

Mady is probably thrilled that the press still mentions her videos. The mentions don't get a lot of attention, but I'm sure she's happy to take whatever attention she can get. I can definitely see her becoming a train wreck, one of those "has-beens" who will push the envelope as far as she can for some attention. She grew up loving the spotlight and will have a hard time letting go. Cara, on the other hand, is probably thrilled about the relative obscurity of her life right now. We'll have to wait and see about the younger kids.

Mady loved the expensive things she got using TLC's money. Shopping in boutiques, Isabel Marant and Cartier and Golden Goose...I don't think she's at all happy to see it go. If she were more likeable, she could have done something along the lines of showing how a rich NY college kid lives. I mentioned Anna Delvey before, and she seems to be doing just that (although she's not in college). Lounging around her NYC hotel room, getting her hair done, shopping at Sephora, showing off her expensive labels, all with a camera crew following her every move. She'll package the footage into a show about her lifestyle and make some money off it. There's a market for that kind of thing among the younger set, and Mady could have pulled it off with a network backing her. Throw in some restaurants, more shopping, fun activities and parties and school breaks on Long Island and Palm Beach, and my niece (and others like her) would definitely watch. Instead Mady's flipping people off on TikTok. Way to go, Mady.

Ingrid said... 129

Mady probably has no idea how bad her tik tok is. She has 106K followers and 1.3M likes so she thinks she is making good ones

FlimsyFlamy said... 130

LisaNH (#123), nice to see you! I've had several Gosselin dreams over the years. Also some Duggar ones, and I've never seen 5 minutes of their show!

Ah, Mady flipping the bird on TikTok. Keepin' it classy. Sounds like she didn't put much effort into her endeavor. I guess she's her mother's daughter.

Anonymous said... 131

From Dmasy --

Happy first day of March to everyone.

Admin (127), I have watched the the Little House on the Prairie episodes multiple times. I have always thought just what you expressed about the youngest daughter, Carrie. She was an adorable toddler and grew into a child that became a "prop" because unlike the other girls on the show she apparently couldn't act or remember more than a short line of dialogue.

I always felt sad for her as she was surrounded by high-wattage kids.

BlueJay said... 132

Kate quite clearly neglected a very real and important concept when having brought up her children who are in adulthood or approaching adulthood. Which is, in Mady's case--positive and negative exposure. And I don't mean if one is famous or not.

That mid-2000 concept of when one post something of themselves and it's content online people are going to look at that. Such as a potential employer for example is my point. Her behavior with flipping people off will not be well received by many if she goes to apply for a job in the future. Also, honey, nobody cares is you were a B-list reality celebrity when you're applying for a job and you're a Gosselin. At least not usually in the real world.

Herein lies probably Kate's problem with getting a job. Of which, she might have passed on to at least Mady, if not some of her other children. Mady might find herself up a creek without a paddle in some circumstance with that post. If she transfers to another school perhaps, they could look at that and not condone her actions, school kids today get kicked out for lots of things not flipping off per say, but an overall package of being entitled is a possibility I could be wrong. Certainly though an employer might consider her a liability to a company, again I could be wrong. Young people today have such public lives. No concept of separation of work and home.

Kate raised her children to think that being brought up on television, reality television was a way of life. Kate today has no actual job and she might as I said made herself look unappealing to potential companies or employers who look at her and say, "no thanks I've seen your work, personality even if some of it's edited, too many incidents have led us to believe you would not bee a proper fit for our values." This along with her actually being outdated in any actual meaningful work experience.

Perhaps time will tell with Mady as she ages. But hopefully she'll curb her fingers. ~ Administrator said... 133

Admin (127), I have watched the the Little House on the Prairie episodes multiple times. I have always thought just what you expressed about the youngest daughter, Carrie. She was an adorable toddler and grew into a child that became a "prop" because unlike the other girls on the show she apparently couldn't act or remember more than a short line of dialogue.


Ah yes, the poor Greenbush sisters. I think it was a testament to Michael Landon that he kept them on. They couldn't do much, so he gave them maybe one word to say an episode, sometimes none, and that was that. For ten years, that was that.

They're grown now of course, and quite lovely women who have horses.

Anonymous said... 134

So this site has become nothing more than grown women mocking a college student’s tik tok account. How pathetic.
If you want a better cause, follow Claudia Conway. Or the account Justice for Claudia Conway. Daughter of Kellyanne, has tried to emancipate herself because her mother is so verbally abusive. The Justice For account has videos from Claudia, that she since deleted, of her mother verbally abusive to her, and of police coming to the house. KellyAnne, former Trump advisor, posted a semi nude picture of her daughter. Calls her a mental case. Says Claudia is lucky her mother is pro-life. Screams and curses at her. Wants her removed from the home and committed to a hospital. Claudia is a contestant on American Idol this season, which is why she scrubbed her account of the abusive stuff, now it’s just videos of a 16 year old girl who needs saving from herself and her mother.

Layla said... 135

Anonumous (134)

You seem to forget the fact that Mady is a grown woman. I know you and your biddies (oops, sorry! I meant buddies) always loved to clutch your pearls and claim that we were picking on children, but that doesn't work anymore. Mady grew up. She has made the decision to keep her accounts public, knowing that some people will not love her content. If she doesn't have a problem with it, then why do you? Maybe you should try to help people who actually want your help.

As far as the Conways go, let's use your lot's definition of abuse and apply it to that situation. Your lot always claimed that the G kids were not abused because they weren't taken away from Kate. By the same token, Claudia C is not abused because she has not been taken away from her mother. You may not like it, but it's you and your kind who decided that removal from care is the one and only measure of abuse. Deal with it, or maybe admit that you were wrong. You can't have it both ways.

clack said... 136

Madys middle finger was to everyone that said her content is boring and shallow. OH WELL! if it quacks like a duck! my daughter sends me funny tiktok videos, some of them are hilarious. these people put time into their video, it was clearly work. something the gosselins know nothing about.

No one is picking on a child, she's an adult now. her content is boring and stupid. She shouldnt quit her day job, she has no future in social media.

as far as the conway kid, I have a feeling she is acting out because of her parents feuds. every teen is an emotional mess. add being in a famous family with fighting parents, thats a ticking time bomb! Her dad was a founder of the lincoln project, the trump hating group. now there are some really gross accusations about one of the founders. (not mr. conway) I'm sure that isnt helping her mentally either. This kid is living in a fishbowl, she needs mental help, badly!
hey, her life sounds like the Gosselins lives. except her mom is smart, kate aint! ~ Administrator said... 137

Claudia Conway is a private citizen and the court system is involved in her situation. It reminds me a bit of what happened with Sam Elliot's daughter when she was about her age, as it was with his daughter, it could very well be some mental health struggles going on here. I'm not exactly sure what our opinion adds to anything or that, unlike the Gosselin situation, anyone has actively wanted to involve the public in their private lives.

NJGal51 said... 138

I’m going to have to stick up for Mady here. She’s not just flipping the bird to the world and there’s no hidden meaning to it. It’s just part of the Zanzibar Billy Joel Dance challenge on TicTok. She doesn’t do it very well because she doesn’t put much effort into it. If you google it you’ll see that flipping the bird is part of the dance and apparently you’ve got to do the same moves in the challenge. In my defense I read an article on it (I’m a Billy Joel fan) and the girl that started it explained how to do it.

Flight of the Kiwi said... 139

Very infrequent poster here. This blog is about the Gosselins. Mady is a Gosselin. And a young adult. Why would a Gosselin blog need another "cause"?

clack said... 140

Thanks NJ gal, that makes a lot more sense then. as bad as she was at it, i'm glad she isnt being a little snot.

Anonymous said... 141

Tic Toc is a cess pool for the tide pod eaters. Just because its part of the dance, Mady is still flipping the bird on the internet. Not a wise choice for her or anyone that doesn't want to be judged by their internet shenanigan's. It tells me she is immature.

Fenna ~ Administrator said... 142

I got dose one of the vaccine yesterday! I hope you all have been able to get yours if eligible or will soon get it. ❤️

foxy said... 143

I got does 1 of the vax also. I am so happy about it. I hope every one gets theirs quickly too.

Anonymous said... 144

Jon's going to be on Dr. Oz today (March 5). I'm going to record it. (I'm happy for all of you who have been vaccinated.)
M. ~ Administrator said... 145

I got does 1 of the vax also. I am so happy about it. I hope every one gets theirs quickly too.


I can't describe the psychological boost the vaccine gave me. After twelve months of pretty heavy lockdowns in L.A., to finally be able to do something within my control to help was amazing, and to watch the corresponding dramatic falling of cases and hospitalizations in California as counties rapidly move into tiers that allow them to open up--amazing.

In the end, the vaccine was the only way out.

ncgirl said... 146

An article about Jon on Dr. Oz.

NJGal51 said... 147

My husband and I got our first dose through our doctor’s office. They’ll give us a call when it’s time for the second dose. Quick and easy and no crowds. We had no side effects. Like Admin it really did give us a psychological boost knowing that we were finally able to do something positive.

Lynn W. said... 148

I watched Jon's interview with Dr. Oz. OMG ... that man has been through the fire. Very well done. It sounded to me that, later when talking about the 4 children, he knows where they live.

Anonymous said... 149

Why would a Gosselin blog need another cause? Have you read thru this thing?
Claudia addresses what many of you have said - that CPS wont take a kid away from a white blond high profile woman, regardless of the abuse. She is now living with a friend. She uses tic tok to get her story of abuse into the public, just like you ladies have been waiting for a Gosselin to do. I would think you would support any teen citing an abusive parent. Instead you nit pick maddie's videos, pretending she wants a career in the public eye (no, that's Claudia) and critiquing her every movement. Who will ever care that she gave the finger in a dance sequence? I doubt maddie gives a finger what you think of her videos, snark away, and keep bringing up kate stories from 10 years ago, have at it, if that's your jam. It's just sad that you're still hanging on waiting for vindication from a gosselin tell-all, when there are other teens documenting their abuse on social media. ~ Administrator said... 150

Have you read thru this thing?
Claudia addresses what many of you have said - that CPS wont take a kid away from a white blond high profile woman, regardless of the abuse.


CPS can and will take children away from white blond high profile people. I know, I work for them. That being said, in most counties more than 90 percent of CPS case never result in "taking away the child" and the way that is usually prevented is through cooperation on the part of the family. Because white educated people (and for that matter, educated minorities) tend to have much less distrust of authorities and are more willing to cooperate with their suggestions to keep in touch with them at all times, engage in therapies and treatments with their child, do what they say, etc., it tends to result in far less detentions. It is a family's prerogative not to cooperate, but if everyone cooperated, almost no kids would be detained, ever. It is what it is.

The question is why you think CPS can't handle this problem without your help. They have a tremendous amount of experience with struggling teens and know what service providers to engage and how to preserve the family. Detention is not always a good solution to the problem. ~ Administrator said... 151

NJGal51 said... 147
My husband and I got our first dose through our doctor’s office. They’ll give us a call when it’s time for the second dose. Quick and easy and no crowds.


Mass vaccination sites were set up by local governments for the photo op only, with little regard for how inefficient and hard they are on patients. They don't care that people had to take four hours off from work or that poor people with no heat or air had to sit in their cars for hours and burn gas they can't afford, they just wanted their newspaper photo. They don't really care about the people they claim they care about.

I knew from the beginning if I had other options, I wasn't going to go to the photo op--instead I went to Walgreens. I walked in 15 minutes before my appointment, no one else was there, I had my paperwork done in 10, was vaccinated 5 minutes later, then waited 15 minutes and left. 30 minutes door to door over my lunch hour. Dose 2 is already booked and ready. I couldn't have had a better experience.

NJGal51 said... 152

CVS and Walgreens are not currently giving the vaccines in my area. In the smaller “rural” areas of AZ the only way to get it is to go to a county run event or hope that your PCP gets them in. We were lucky as our PCP got them. Most of the vaccines are going to the larger areas like Phoenix so in places like that, yes, you can walk in to CVS and get it.

Ingrid said... 153

I had always wished they would meet with Jon in therapy from day one, regularly. She has mentioned they have had therapy but I think she coached them or sat in on sessions to make sure they stayed on her side or undermined the therapy suggestions when they got home. Total brainwash.

I got my 2 shots through our county health dept. I live near small towns/cities. THe local Walgreens in a town of about 3000 has them already. The next county over has a bigger population and are setting up a community vaccine place soon.

Anne said... 154

I'm so happy to hear that you're all getting vacccinated! I'm relieved more and more as I hear the numbers that we're going to be victorious over this awful virus!

That said...
I'm (gawd, I hate to admit this in public, lol) 70 yo and can't find a vaccination appointment, period. And, I've been trying - every day I check my doctor's affiliated hospital (doctor's offices in, at least my part of, OH haven't gotten ANY vaccine yet) as well as 2 other hospitals in the area, Kroger, Walgreens, CVS, and an independent pharmacy.

Since vaccines became available I've checked each place at least twice a day, every day and only once have I seen an open appointment, but by the time I could go back to the page and plug in my info someone else had grabbed it. Since then, no available appointments again.

I live in SW Ohio and our governor just can't get enough vaccine here and get it distributed well enough to take care of the people who want it and week after week they open the eligibility to another lower age group, so there has never been a way to catch up and serve the people who have been trying since the beginning.

Each week the providers wait to see if they get the vaccine and if they do, then they open their system for appointments again and within one day usually, they're all gone again until the next week and they start the process over again.

Thankfully, I've been fairly healthy but in general, in fair health, but I'm sick of the 4 walls of my house and of feeling so unsafe and unprotected. So, as F'd up as some of the many state's governments are in various ways, I'm impressed and thankful that so many your states have figured out how to obtain & distribute the vaccine, and innoculate so many citizens so efficiently. I'm just jealous. ;.(

As for Jon on Dr Oz last week, was it a completely new interview or an update from the previous one about his Covid recovery?

Ingrid said... 155

Anne said... 154
I am so sorry for you. Even though our state was 65 and up last month the health dept let me in early. I am 10 months short of 65. I have copd and was very scared how covid could affect me.
I know there are many others in my state commenting on Facebook that they are qualified but can't get an appt. Mostly over on east side around Green Bay, Milwaukee, Racine where is it most populated. I am on opposite side from there. Supposedly now that J&J vaccine is coming there will be more supply so hopefully more will get it.
I hope that helps you and others too. ~ Administrator said... 156

Anne, that is a very frustrating and unacceptable. You are in high need of this vaccine and now. Keep trying!

I'm not sure what I can offer other than I really think myself and some friends of mine who were also in the early eligible group due to being classified as "emergency responders" together figured out the "hack" of the system. We figured out Walgreens posts new appointments every three days between the hours of 6am-7am. We had a group text thread and were all watching for each other and we saw a bunch post last Monday and we all snagged them. 45 minutes later they were gone.

Point being, there was a "trick" to this. Are you a user of Reddit? Get on Reddit and post your story and ask for tips or see if anyone else has been posting tips. There is a hack for you too, you just got to find it. You should not need a degree in computer science to make a vaccine appointment but it's a supply demand thing now. I predict within 4-6 weeks you won't be able to give away these vaccines.

On another note, it was quite an emotional day to see our county recognizing the legal system as emergency responders. To an abused child who is counting on that attorney to make sure they are kept safe, we sure are. Even if you are a 24 year old attorney, you can get the vaccine.

Anonymous said... 157

Anne hang in there. It's going to get easier soon. Jon's interview was completely new. He was with Dr. Oz in person and discussed horrific new health problems brought on by his covid diagosis including a blood clot (DVT)and another trip to the hospital.
M. ~ Administrator said... 158

Anne hang in there. It's going to get easier soon. Jon's interview was completely new. He was with Dr. Oz in person and discussed horrific new health problems brought on by his covid diagosis including a blood clot (DVT)and another trip to the hospital.


Oh my God. Oh Jon.

LisaNH said... 159

I do hope that Jon will be okay after his blood clot. We lost a good friend in December from a pulmonary embolism. He was only 32 years old. Our friend didn't have Covid, it just happened while he was getting ready for work. Ironically his wife is a nurse. Not a Kate type nurse, I mean a real nurse who works at one of the area's best hospitals. There was nothing anyone could do for him.

As for the vaccine, the only reason I would get it is to not bring anything home to my husband (who had open heart surgery 2 years ago) and my 86 year old mother. It's been a year, I haven't even had a cold in all this time. I'll wait it out until after everyone who really needs it gets it then I'll probably get the vaccine. But I'm not lining up in an arena or a shopping mall to get it. Admin you're right about it being a photo op in many cases.

This past weekend they had vaccines at a local speedway. My mother and husband both said "No way are we going to the speedway for a shot." LOL. Kind of stubborn they are. ~ Administrator said... 160

Yeah the blood clot made me gasp. We lost a coworker from that a few years ago. Early 50s. She knew she had it for years and her doctor had told her she’s a ticking time bomb. Sadly she was. ~ Administrator said... 161

Lisa for many weeks I knew I was going to be elligjble for the vaccine next and my gut reaction was I will wait for others to get it, over my dead body I’ll cut in front of someone much higher risk than me. But my feelings changed as I’ve watched the cases drop dramatically and watch us barrel toward herd immunity. I have many encounters with high risk people in my everyday interactions and at this point anyone, healthy or not, who gets vaccinated gets us closer to that. In close I’ll repeat what my good friend’s doctor advised her: if you are given the opportunity to get the vaccine, do it. Do not overthink it, just do it.

But yes, you probably shouldn’t have to line up like cattle at the state fair to do so. Walk into a drug store or doctor’s office like a human being and get it that way.

clack said... 162

Geez I hope Jon is ok! I hope this is a wake up call for his kids, they need to reach out to their dad. you only get one dad. We dont know what happened behind closed doors, but we did see how abusive kate was on camera. imagine what it was like in that house between filming? There is no way he was anywhere near as bad as she was. I cant imagine what she's said to those kids.

Anonymous said... 163

And Dr Oz specifically asked Jon if the other six kids who live with Kate reached out to him when he was so so sick. He said no one did. What has she done to those children?
M. ~ Administrator said... 164

That's quite the rationalization. The bottom line is that there still over 20M people 65+ unvaccinated. You and your friends chose to figure out a hack and scoop up appointments that could have gone to people at higher risk. That is hardly something to be proud of.


There was no "hack" it was simply understanding when new appointments are posted, and following the advice of the experts that when you are asked to get the vaccine, get it, do not overthink it or decide you are a medicine expert who thinks you don't need it. Our group was put in an earlier prioritization along with many other groups that are not made up of 65 year olds. I personally think teachers are being selfish pigs about the vaccine, but I respect that they were called up, and should go. Prioritization groups ARE about saving lives, as they are trying to figure out who has the most exposure, who will spread it the most. They deemed my group high risk spreaders. If you don't like this, you are free to talk to the California authorities about your displeasure. I'm sure they'll give a f.

Since at court I and my "friends" (they are family, but ok) easily encounter 500-800 people a day, it makes sense to put courtroom workers at the head of the line. The state of California has deemed this so. Three courtroom staff in LA alone have died of COVID going to court and thousands others got very sick, and this is with a skeleton crew, it's an extremely high risk place like a busy theme park or stadium, only shutting down means shutting down justice.

Contrary to what you believe, it's not all about YOU. It's about the people you interact with on a day to day basis. Even though I am at extremely low risk of dying from COVID personally, I could spread it to others. I walked into a nursing home dozens of times during COVID and a courtroom dozens of times more. At any time I could have killed someone by this behavior. At this point, EVERYONE who gets the vaccine is saving lives. It is irrelevant how healthy you are. In fact, here in California, the consensus is we are only a few weeks away from opening up the vaccine to everyone, we are this close to herd immunity.

I'm sorry you're so sad COVID is coming to an end and your lot is finally losing all their power and control. Now what will you do? ~ Administrator said... 165

So no justice happened during all the time you and your colleagues have worked remotely? Interesting. I hope you haven't been collecting a paycheck.


We've done the best we can and accomplished more than we ever thought possible. But under the law, you still have a right to an in person hearing, to see your accusers in person and ask them questions in person and have a judge be able to see their face WITHOUT a mask and judge whether they are credible, and that has not happened for A YEAR. A YEAR. If it were you being accused, perhaps falsely, would you want to do a trial over zoom and have the judge not even be able to see the witnesses except on a blurry screen over a bad connection, or go in person? If you think a zoom trial is an equal substitute for an in person court hearing, you don't know what you are talking about.


Uh, that was the term YOU used to describe it.


And you took me literally? We didn't do anything nefarious. We logged on at 7am and the appointments were there, which ANYONE can do too. If you logged on at 2:13pm in the afternoon, there were never any appointments. Turns out early bird gets the worm. Good Lord. Have you gotten your vaccine yet? You sound jealous. It's okay, by me getting the vaccine, I am helping you. You're welcome. ~ Administrator said... 166

I said -- accurately -- that you scooped up appointments that those at higher risk could have gotten. That's a fact. You could have waited and you know it, so now your guilty conscience has created a narrative about how you're saving others


No guilt. I am following directions that when I am called up to get it, I get it. How long would you have me arbitrarily wait? I’m in a high risk profession and you sound very very jealous that the state has elevated lawyers to the same category as first responders. That really bothers you because you don’t respect the importance of the legal system since if something doesn’t effect you, you can’t imagine what it’s been like for someone it does.

It is absolutely false that my appointment “takes away” from someone else. We have plenty of vaccines for the tier we are on. We have more than a million sitting on shelves right now. That might make sense for another state that is struggling. We are not. Sure I could have waited, so could a 65 year old have waited who is still at much lower risk than a 75 year old, but those that don’t follow directions in a very complicated and unprecedented mass vaccine make the rollout worse, not better. The sooner all of us in the tier we are on get the shots, the faster we can move on down to the next tier and the next. If we all sat around and decided we know better than the tiers the medical experts have set up, the vaccine rollout would come to a grinding halt. Is that what you want? Maybe you do. When covid’s over you’ll have nothing more to say.

When your number is called, go. Don’t overthink it, don’t arrogantly assume you know better who should go first, who should wait, who should be first middle last. Just go. This is the advice of every medical expert out there, yet you think you know better.

And apparently you’re struggling to keep up— we have so much vaccine available right now Biden is already working on sending all the excess to other countries. It’s a matter of weeks before everyone older or in high risk areas is vaccinated, not months. The pandemic is effectively over before we barely began the vaccination rollout. This is cause for celebration. It’s working. Not criticism of dutiful citizens lining up as they are told to.

I ask you, why shouldn’t a person who frequently visits nursing homes get it? Why would you want me to kill all those people? What’s wrong with you? If I didn’t get the vaccine, you’d call me a vaccine denier looney tune. Can’t win.

Anne said... 167

I thought I should let you all in on my good news after I shared my frustrations about receiving the Covid vaccine with you last week.

While I was on hold with Kroger's tech support - Sunday evening - I was browsing the Univ of Cincinnati's Medical Center's website and out of curiosity about what their appointment page looked like should I ever get to use it, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. They had openings for vaccination appointments for this week. I signed up and it went through and I go today for the first dose. What a relief it is to finally get this started! It seems like it has been hanging over my head forever, and I guess it has.

The best part of it is that I shared the info on a neighborhood website as soon as I found the open appointments and at least 6 others were able to sign up and are also getting their vaccinations this week.

We're making progress here altho slowly and inefficiently. Thanks for ensuring my saga. I've got to run... I have to get ready for my appointment this morning.

Anne said... 168

Thank you all for the info about Jon and for your encouragement to keep plugging away to get a vaccination. In about 2 hours the first step in completing that process will be complete.

Jon has really been through the wringer with Covid and I hope he will soon truly be able to feel and be better. A cautionary tale about the related blood clots - a nurse friend of mine had Covid but it was a mild case and she recovered fully, or so she thought. About 45 days after getting Covid she noticed small "bumps and little bruises" all over her body. Yep, they were blood clots that, depending on their location, could have migrated to a larger blood vessel and then been on the move and gotten bigger and caused her significant health problems. Covid is such an insidious disease. I think we'll be finding many more long term effects of it for many years. And the people who are experiencing it's side effects like blood clots already or lung damage, etc, will probably be dealing with them and possibly worsening for a very long time. ~ Administrator said... 169

Anonymous, I guess you disagree with Clinton, Carter, Bush and Obama, who have now made a public service announcement asking Americans to please get the vaccine when it is their turn. They are right. Please just get the vaccine when you are told it is your turn, as I did. Anything else is a cog in the wheel that could seriously impact the speed of this distribution. ~ Administrator said... 170

Congrats Anne on it being your turn for dose one and glad you got an appointment. Persistence is the order of the day. And good job telling your friends. At the end of the day it was teamwork that got us all in, alerting each other when appointments were showing and where the best place to go was. The sooner we all in the court system get vaccinated the sooner we can reopen safely.

Lynn W. said... 171

Today was my 2nd shot day so I appeared at the appointed tie only to be told that there is a delay in getting Moderna. Good thing I don't live to far from the pharmacy! My plan is to search for another location with openings. I'd like to be through it before my 80th birthday next month. ~ Administrator said... 172

Just following the science. Per Scientific America:

Should you get an authorized COVID vaccine now if you are eligible?
Yes! If you are currently eligible to get a vaccine, go ahead and get it. We really need more people to get vaccinated to build herd immunity and slow the spread of disease. Vaccines are an important part of our toolkit for moving us out of the pandemic. If you have individual reasons for hesitation, talk to your health care provider. ~ Administrator said... 173

And here’s the New York Times weighing in. You disagree anonymous?

“If they call you to get vaccinated, you should go,” said Arthur Caplan, a bioethicist and the founding director of the division of medical ethics at New York University’s Grossman School of Medicine.

There are a number of reasons to get a shot if it’s offered to you. For one thing, there’s no reason to believe that if you forgo your dose, it will go to someone with a higher risk.
“As we’re finding out, that’s not really the way the vaccine allocation systems are being set up,” said Debjani Mukherjee, a psychologist and a medical ethicist at Weill Cornell Medical College. Many vaccines are being distributed by institutions that can’t transfer extra doses elsewhere or to specific populations, explained Kyle Ferguson, a medical ethicist at the Grossman School of Medicine.

Put another way, it’s entirely possible that the vaccination you decline will be given to someone at lower risk than you. Worse, it could get thrown away if it’s not injected into someone’s arm before it goes bad. Discarded doses do no one any good — which is why, after a freezer broke in a Northern California hospital, administrators violated state guidelines and offered the shots to everyone they could, regardless of eligibility.

So the belief that turning down a vaccination or waiting to get it will somehow benefit society — “I think it is just outright false,” Dr. Ferguson said. There’s a “delusion of moral purity and keeping one’s hands clean that’s at work when people are tempted to do that.”

If you turn down a vaccination based on the belief that you’re not particularly high risk, you might also be fooling yourself. It’s difficult for people to accurately measure their own risk level; research has shown that people underestimate their risk in all kinds of situations. These optimistic biases, as they are called, often lead people to perceive, wrongly, that public health campaigns are more relevant to others than to themselves. ~ Administrator said... 174

And it goes on. Thoughts anonymous??

In other words, the notion that other people need vaccination more than you do may simply be a product of irrationally optimistic thinking. After all, the science on Covid-19 is not yet fully understood, and it is evolving rapidly, especially given the emergence of variants of the virus.

When you get a vaccination, you’re not the only person who benefits, either. Scientists aren’t yet sure how much vaccination thwarts the transmission of Covid-19, but preliminary data suggests that it reduces spread to a degree. When you get the shot, then, you’re not only protecting your own health; you’re also likely slowing the spread of infection in your community and reducing the chance of overwhelming hospitals. In addition, if you are inoculated and friends or family members fall ill with Covid-19, you are better able to care for them, since you probably won’t get sick.

Still, people may yell at you for getting a shot when you’re eligible if they feel you don’t deserve it as much as they or their loved ones do. And you may not be able to appease them with rational answers. Deep down, individuals who are angry about unfair vaccine allocation are upset at the system, and understandably so. In that situation, you’re just an easy scapegoat. “I think the best thing to do in a situation like that would be to say that you care for that person and hope they get the chance soon, too,” Dr. Ferguson said.

It’s important not to conflate the systemic problems plaguing vaccine rollout with the choices we make as individuals within this flawed system. Even if you feel it’s unethical that you have been offered a vaccine, that doesn’t mean it’s unethical for you to accept it. You’re not going to fix the broken system by opting out of it. If anything, you might make the situation worse. ~ Administrator said... 175

"hey, healthy younger sure to figure out how to work the system so you can get appointments while those at higher risk continue to wait...even though it is also THEIR turn.


In fact that's exactly what they said. If it is your turn, get the vaccine.

Everyone disagrees with you. Literally everyone. And certainly doctors do and have said so.

If you are up for the vaccine, please just get it. Your misinformation is troubling and fake news. ~ Administrator said... 176

It is absolutely false that my appointment “takes away” from someone else. We have plenty of vaccines for the tier we are on.
It is not false. You yourself said all appointments were gone in 45 minutes so obviously there were not enough appointments for all appointment seekers. The number if doses on the shelf is not the relevant metric. You can have all the vaccine in the world sitting on a shelf. A lot of good that does people.


As the EXPERTS have explained to you, it's absolutely false that someone "healthy" (and I have NO IDEA how healthy I would be if I caught COVID, I never did that I know of) giving up an appointment means it goes to someone more in need. Just listen to the experts.

And as you still don't understand, the tiers that allow younger people to get the vaccine, and many of us have, is about putting us in classes of who is spreading it the most. A young lawyer going into a courtroom of 1500 people a day is much more likely to spread it and cause who knows how many hospitalizations and deaths, than a 75 year old grandmother self isolating at home--who gets it and doesn't spread it to anyone. Age is not the only factor. In any case, in LA county, everyone over 65 has had more than two months to line up at the mass vaccination sites and get their vaccine before they ever added me. Anyone who has not gotten it now has not gotten it for other reasons, like perhaps they did not want to line up. That's their choice. It's not on us to wait for those people before they, correctly, moved on to tier 1b.

I'm sorry you're so jealous I'm in the second group. Your turn will come. Are you an anti-masker too? You're a wackadoodle. ~ Administrator said... 177

Direct quote from Biden tonight “I need you to get vaccinated when it’s your turn and when you can find an opportunity.”

I guess I was just following orders straight from the top. It was my turn and I found an opportunity.

Now what anonymous? You’ve been contradicted by even St Biden. Lol. ~ Administrator said... 178

Hi anonymous. While teachers spent all of the past twelve months whining and suing to NOT go back and help these struggling kids, lawyers were going into courtrooms without complaint, getting sick, dying, and suing TO go back. In fact my own firm joined with two others and sued to go back. We won, until another judge overrode our win. It was a devastating blow but our conscience is clear, we tried. I have never been more proud to call myself a member of the bar. We have handled this pandemic with courage and grace and a fierce sense of duty to the pu clo we serve.

Teachers have behaved like a disgrace and a horrible example of bravery in a crisis. I can’t believe this is a kid’s example. Meanwhile the quiet heroes were lawyers and court staff. A lot of kids are alive today because lawyers were willing to risk their lives to carry on.

You’re welcome.

NJGal51 said... 179

My son has already gotten both of his shots and he’s in his mid 30’s. He’s a juvenile parole officer. Should he have not gotten vacillated because he’s young and healthy Anon? He’s out in the community every day checking on his kids. Some people, regardless of age, need the vaccine.

BTW, our doctor’s office called and scheduled my husband and myself for our second shot next Tuesday. Glad you got yours Anne and Lynn hope that you get rescheduled soon. ~ Administrator said... 180

My son has already gotten both of his shots and he’s in his mid 30’s. He’s a juvenile parole officer. Should he have not gotten vacillated because he’s young and healthy Anon? He’s out in the community every day checking on his kids. Some people, regardless of age, need the vaccine.


That’s exactly why we were classified as to skip the line even ahead of low risk teachers. Because on a DAILY basis I sit just a few feet away from prisoners and we are spreading it like wildfire.

Contrary to anonymous‘a ignorance, the tiers put in by infectious disease transmission EXPERTS are about actually identifying who is spreading this the worst and honing in on getting them vaccinated. We come way ahead of people who go into a small office with a bunch of rich white peoples every day. The tiers they have put in are excellent and working. The proof is in the cases falling like rocks. At this point it’s just arrogant o question it otherwise and falls in the face of the overwhelming evidence that the tiers are correct and are killing this virus dead.

Ingrid said... 181

I am glad for those who are getting their shot.

Lynn W. said... 171 Where I am, they held onto a shot for those who got their first ones so there was no chance of running out when the 2nd shot was due. I hope you find one soon.

I would worry that too long of a stretch between both shots might make the first one weaken and then the 2nd wouldn't do its job. ~ Administrator said... 182

I would worry that too long of a stretch between both shots might make the first one weaken and then the 2nd wouldn't do its job.


In europe they are delaying the second shot because the first is more than 90 percent effective, so they believe it is more important to get more people 90 percent vaccinated versus less people 99 percent vaccinated. It's a reasonable course of action that many scientists support.

However, the companies who made the vaccines are all advising caution delaying it--they say it was only tested on a certain time fre

As it is, Walgreens scheduled my second does almost a full week beyond the 3 week timetable they were supposed to. Pfeizer has said they really prefer you do 21 days....but if you must, 6 weeks out is acceptable. ~ Administrator said... 183

Do you still support tRump? Do you think storming the capitol building was good for this country? Cops dead but that's okay because they were PaTriOtS!!!


Oh wow, it's nice to see a liberal finally care about the cops. They are working day in and day out to keep the poor and minorities safe and in return get to be called racist all day long. Lovely. I don't know a single person who thinks storming the capital was anything but reprehensible. Care to comment on what your lot did to Portland? ~ Administrator said... 184

I am not getting the vaccine. I am a healthy, not high risk group and why would I take an unapproved by the FDA drug for a virus that 99% of people will do get over? The vaccine was rushed, protocols are being changed, like when to get the 2nd dose, and 2 mls is effective instead of 3 mls. There is nothing about this pandemic, this virus, our government I trust anymore. You all take that experimental drug and we will be reading about the side effects in a year or so and you will have ZERO recourse. I will wait for the approved therapeutics and an approved vaccine while the herd perhaps gets us some immunity. I am actually quite surprised you willing took it admin.



It's a personal choice. But unless most of us are willing to get the vaccine, we will never reach herd immunity and the virus will continue to rage for years. You will probably be part of the 99 percent who recover fully and are fine. But that 1 percent will continue to cause us to have to keep shutting down. By you not getting the vaccine and then spreading it, you could cause a business to have to shut down again and someone's livelihood robbed again. You could cause a kid's school to close. It's also killed half a million people, it's time for that to stop. I was tired of contributing to the horrors of the pandemic instead of contributing to the cure.

For me, I go into extremely high risk situations at work around men and women in custody. This is spreading the virus much more rapidly than the average person does, which is why they boosted us to the front of the line. Every time we spread the virus, we have to shut down court, which is extremely disruptive and impacts access to justice. Various courtrooms across LA County got shut down on a daily basis for the past 12 months.

I think it's like anything, if you choose to serve the public in this way, with it does come sacrifices, including if there is a pandemic, you need to get the vaccine they offer you. If you're mostly staying at home and don't interact much in high risk situations, you probably don't need the vaccine as badly as we do.

I was also well satisfied based on the research I read the vaccine was safe. I think calling it "experimental" isn't a correct reflection of what we know about it. The type of this vaccine, RNA has been in development as far back as the 1990s. I was still a child. It's kind of not accurate to say they just came up with it starting last March. In actuality, it's been in development since the 1990s, but it was with the tremendous amount of government funding and support suddenly thrown at the technology (you're welcome) they could develop it on a much quicker timeline than ever before. And, it's paved the way for curing other diseases that have caused a great deal of deaths, including HIV and malaria. Otherwise believe me, nobody gets a vaccine this good in 12 months, or any vaccine at all.

I actually think this may just be the greatest development in this century, and is going to be the beginning of quashing not just COVID, but other serious diseases. For all those reasons, I will happily offer them my arm to stick.

NJGal51 said... 185

Why did I get this “experimental” vaccine? In the immortal words of Jesse Pinkman....”Yeah! Science!” ~ Administrator said... 186

Honestly, getting the vaccine is really about duty to your country. And even the world. There have been many times in generations past people have been asked fo make sacrifices or take risks for the greater good. Now it’s our turn, and I think we honor all the generations before us who took the various risks they did for future generations like us, to do our part now. Maybe we will see side effects in the future. But then look at Jon, he is having side effects long after covid was over for him. Pick your poison. ~ Administrator said... 187

You do realize that the state's experts didn't name court personnel as emergency responders -- that's LA County's interpretation. Many counties -- and states -- are not placing court personnel in a high priority tier. That may or may not be the right decision, but the point is that your claim that the "experts" have all suggested that lawyers and court personnel are high priority is patently false.


Thanks, I am extremely aware it is an LA county classification. I didn't say it was a state classification, they have left it to the counties who belongs to what. LA County also has the biggest problem with COVID in the state, has the biggest court system, and we are the only court system in the state who has experienced as many deaths and quarantines as we have. La County also had the biggest problem with poor and minorities spreading the disease, which make up the bulk of the court system. Thus, it made sense. I'm not sure what your point is. But their tiers are working, despite your arrogance and contention otherwise. Frankly, it's one of the first correct things during covid La County has ever done--the proof is in the numbers.


The last time I was out of state, which was last year, prisoners were on a moratorium being brought into court and we had to just keep continuing their cases, which not only delays justice for them and their family, but costs you tax payers tens of thousands of dollars. They are full on back in court now and they're there on a daily basis and putting everyone at risk. There was only a brief period of time they were not brought into court, which corresponded to the times I was out of state. Thanks for asking.


Setting aside your teacher hatred, how incredibly disrespectful this statement is to your COLLEAGUES in child welfare. I'm sure all those DCFS Social Workers out there would greatly appreciate knowing that lawyers are the real heroes here.


I have no idea what you're talking about. I never said lawyers are the only heroes. I said as compared to teachers, who complained the whole time and looked for what lawsuits they could file to continue to stay at home and work 3 hours a day (literally they are working 3 hours a day, this is in writing in their own statements), lawyers did just the opposite, worked 14-16 hours a day and encountered covid all the time and just kept on trucking AND sued to go back. This is true around the country. As for social workers, they also didn't complain---they have been going into homes and also spreading COVID, which is why they were also designated to be in the same tier as myself. There are many professions who had behaved heroically during COVID, I never said otherwise. But teachers ain't one of em.

I'm sorry you don't like the tiers. They are working, and saving ungrateful asses like yours.

As for hatred of teachers, you bet I do. Any teacher who does not want to go back deserves hatred. They are killing children. As for the group that has bravely defied their union marching drum and pleaded to go back, I salute them, but they need to do more than just saying they want to go back, and take action to disband the despicable people in charge who caused the deaths and long-term negative consequences of tens of thousands of children. We did more than just "Say" we wanted to go back, we filed an actual lawsuit to get a court order to open us up--and won. You're welcome. ~ Administrator said... 188

The tier system is working. Good job, Los Angeles.

If it’s your turn, get vaccinated.

The number of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 in Los Angeles County fell to the lowest point in nearly four months on Saturday, public health officials announced.

Lynn W. said... 189

Ingrid - 181 --- I showed up on the 11th only to be told that there was none available, expect some in 2 weeks. Thank goodness I live where there are many options so I plan to get at it by Monday. One of our large hospitals will take people waiting for the 2nd shot ahead of others, especially if we're on the upper age group. Several neighbors have done this so I'll check on Mon. and hopefully get #2 or an appointment.

Ingrid said... 190

Lynn W. said... 189 That stinks. Our county health and perhaps clinics and others here are making appointments a week in advance once they knew how many vaccines they were getting so I made my appointment and it was there when I came. This is atleast last month when there was less doses available.
Good luck with yours.

Anonymous said... 191

From Dmasy --

OT -- I have a viewing recommendation for our group. Since many of us are binging TV more than normal during our Covid confinement and we are depleting good ideas.

The "Durrells of Corfu" on Amazon Prime. PBS Masterpiece Theatre production. It can get silly sometimes. But, it is a loving and lighthearted look at a British family. A widowed mother and her four "free-range" children move to a Greek island. The series is based on a true story based on a trilogy of books written by the youngest son.

The characters are delightful.

Thinking of each of you and hoping that you are well. Hubby and I are hanging in there. We have decided to wait for the Johnson and Johnson vaccine.

Anne said... 192

Dmasy, I'm glad you've found "Durrells of Corfu" and are enjoying it. PBS, especially their British productions are such a joy. I don't know how or why PBS does and others don't, put out so many well written, acted, produced, productions (instead of some of the junk on tv today). I can't think of one PBS show I haven't enjoyed.

I watched "The Durrells on Corfu" on PBS when it first aired a few years ago and found myself waiting for Sunday nite to roll around each week so I could watch a new episode of the loveable, quirky family's life. So nice that it made it's way to Amazon and found a source of new viewers who are enjoying it as much as the PBS viewers did. Some of the "stars" of "Durrells of Corfu" have appeared on other PBS shows since then - all wildly successful in them, too. ~ Administrator said... 193

Durrells of Corfu is right up my alley. Can't wait.

Layla said... 194

I watched The Durrells of Corfu years ago and loved it! I had forgotten about the show, but now I want to go back and watch it again. Thanks for the reminder!

For those with HBO Max (I didn't even realize we had it until DH told me recently), the series "The Murders at White House Farm" is excellent. It's a true story, and just riveting. You can find some good videos about the murders on YouTube, but there's so much to the story that can't fit into a one-hour video.

Clack said... 195

Layla that was such a sad story! I couldn’t stop watching. Thank you for suggesting it. Durrells is next on my list.
I’ve been watching outlander, it’s a bit corny but the romantic in me likes it. The main character isn’t hard to look at either ha ha!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 196

Can you believe Honey Boo Boo's mom June has yet ANOTHER series coming out?

Layla said... 197

Clack (195)
I know, Jeremy is such a loathsome person. I spent the whole time just wanting to scream, "No! It was him! He did it! Get him!". I haven't watched Outlander--I'll have to check that one out.

FlimsyFlamsy (196) Ugh, what is that network thinking? They're just reinforcing Mama June's bad behavior. It's despicable and I can't imagine anyone wanting to watch her.

I saw the information on the sale of the house. The buyers are a couple from a nearby town, who own a diesel mechanic shop. Interesting to note that the house has always been in the name of the kids' trust--CWM Revocable Trust--but the listed seller is Kate. I guess she can do that--the trust is revocable, so she can take any portion of it away from the kids and put it in her name (not good news for their college funds). I suspect this was a move to allow her to keep all the proceeds for herself. What a crappy thing to do her kids, who worked their entire lives and probably won't have much to show for it.

BlueJay said... 198

Reminds me of Jackie Coogan in a lot of ways. His parents said he was just, "playing." and Kate herself always stated, "the kids just run in and out of frame, they do or don't do activities."

Years later I believe Jackie said he knew full well what he was doing was work. The same can be said when Jon said the kids feel like they, "have to film."

I do not believe for a moment that Kate has really set aside anything, or little for those kids. Just like Mr. Coogan's parents who spent lavishly and wasted his earnings. I doubt many will remember another silent film star, she recently passed last year, known as Baby Peggy, her real name was Diana Cary. Much the same story. She is believed to be the last silent film star.

Kate's finance's are where they are like a lot of parents because they put their children to work and don't see them as children--they see them as $$$ signs. The business might have gotten more regulations aside from reality television but it's still attracting parents to drain their kid's earnings and end up broke or near broke yearning for their heyday and leaving their kids wanting no part of it, some might perhaps. But most of the kids grow up no longer cute or interesting to the business I suspect. Maybe Kate has learned she's not a package deal, cute, interesting. I wish she would treat her children with respect they deserve.

Parenting is a job you have for life, no matter what stage, reality or actual movie glamour shouldn't blind anyone to that. I hope her kids go into college able to obtain normalcy like most Jane's and John's. Perhaps Kate could join the rest of us. She seems to have faded.

Nah...I shouldn't have said that.

Anonymous said... 199

So Kate did move to North Carolina (someone guessed correctly). Housing costs there are much less expensive than the Philadelphia area. Now what?

Enquiring mind wants to know. said... 200

North Carolina?! How do you know?

Jon must have signed off on it, custody wise.

Stunning news if true...

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