Thursday, December 9, 2021

GUILTY: Josh Duggar convicted, could face 20 years in upcoming sentencing hearing

 It was a good day for justice.

People has a pretty thorough article on how it happened.

326 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 326   Newer›   Newest» ~ Administrator said... 1

Federal court, folks. Told you they don't f around. ~ Administrator said... 2

Incredibly relieved at the guilty verdict. Yesterday Jim Bob thanked people for their prayers. How about some prayers for the innocent children who were forced to do unthinkable things to turn on deviants like his son



This is a news story about the sick man who created some of the videos he supposedly tried to access. At least one of the girls DIED at the hands of her perp. DIED, Jimbob. ~ Administrator said... 3

As much as I am grateful that justice was served, I can't help thinking the fact that he was the oldest child and his parents were popping out babies yearly has had a direct effect on his psyche. Consider the fact he was probably required to care for babies and toddlers when he was very young himself. Those parents failed him by not finding healthy outlets for his curiosity.


There is a chance, who knows how much of a chance, that better parenting could have avoided this horrible situation. So in that sense, his parents really are pieces of shit, too. ~ Administrator said... 4

I wonder how much actual time his sentence will be. He probably thinks 5 years tops with that big old smile.


Five years, but he prob thinks he'll be out in 18 months with good behavior.

My money is on this guy going away the full 20. ~ Administrator said... 5

That mugshot what in the world?! Why is he doing sexy eyes and the smirk like it's Calvin Klein?!

Unknown said... 6

Admin @ #3 - Excellent point about his parents!!!!


foxy said... 7

In federal sentencing you do the entire sentence with no time off for good behavior. Twenty years is 20 years.

foxy said... 8

Off topic for a minute...Jussie Smollet was also found guilty today for falsely reporting a hate crime. He faces 3 years in prison. Biusy day for courts and juries.

NJGal51 said... 9

I hope they put him in gen pop!

Mel said... 10

I'm thinking he was in shock/denial. $10 says daddy had assured him that he'd get off.

Doesn't look like he has any comprehension of the impact of this verdict on his or his wife/children's lives.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 11

Admin (#5), maybe it's his Fundie version of Joey Tribbiani: "How YOU doin'?"

Twenty years behind bars for this hypocritical pig would suit me just fine. At least he wouldn't have any more minor daughters in his household. Heck, all 7 of his kids could be married by then.

BlueJay said... 12

I did watch, eons ago, their first special, their mother said she basically did just pass of the new weened baby to a baby. So that right there even then struck me as no only weird but old-fashioned. Maybe if they hadn't been so busy having babies and had been a little more diligent in raising their children this disaster could have never happened.

Ah ha, here it is.

Anonymous said... 13

This guilty verdict carries a MINIMUM 20 year jail sentence. The judge can choose to add more time based on the ages of the victims in the videos, and whether or not Josh has had prior similar offences. ~ Administrator said... 14

I'm confused on the potential sentence. Multiple articles say it's UP TO 20 years, but newsweek is saying up to 20 years for the two counts, which means up to forty years. Where do you see the minimum, Me? If it's a minimum, that's the ball game.

Ingrid said... 15

I found mention of a 5 Yr minimum sentence per count. One on Reddit Fundiesnark.

"General Info We Know
Josh is facing a minimum of 5 years per count. These may be served concurrently (at the same time) or consecutively (one after another). Correction: the lower charge, Possession, gets dropped in sentencing so he is facing 5 years minimum."

And the one below...Don't know if they are to be counted on for accuracy.
"The individual charges carry a minimum sentence of five years."

BlueJay said... 16

I do wonder how long he’ll get.

And what will Anna do now. I don’t want her or her children to have to grow up and struggle. Anyone single, a father or mother it was difficult in my time the few who braved doing it and certainly no picnic today.

I also wonder how on Earth Josh will have to pay that sum of money.

Patsy said... 17
This comment has been removed by the author.
Patsy said... 18
This comment has been removed by the author. ~ Administrator said... 19

I guess I'm not sure I can trust the media report on this. Sentencing is so complex that even judges often do the math wrong. There was an ex convict and then lawyer who spent most of his time in prison reducing sentences because judges had gotten confused. It's more complicated than on paper you get 20, it's like a calculus problem. ~ Administrator said... 20

And what will Anna do now. I don’t want her or her children to have to grow up and struggle. Anyone single, a father or mother it was difficult in my time the few who braved doing it and certainly no picnic today.


She's lucky child protection services is even letting those kids stay in her custody.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 21

Admin (#17), yeah, Anna is in la-la land if she thinks Josh wasn't capable of harming his own daughters. Someone that damaged has no line they won't cross. This wasn't some teenage boy sneaking a peek at nekkid ladies to satisfy his curiosity. It was as perverted as it gets. Good lord, who's to say he DIDN'T molest any of his girls while Anna had her head in the sand? I hope and pray he never did.

Patsy said... 22
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said... 23

Back in September, Jana was charged with endangering the welfare of a minor - 3rd degree!!!

Unknown said... 24

According to the Daily Mail, "Jana Duggar, 31, has been charged with endangering the welfare of a child"......and will appear in court January 10.

When I first saw this I thought of Anna, Josh's wife; but now realize Jana is the oldest Duggar unmarried daughter.


foxy said... 25

The news on various places has reported that Jana Duggar was arrested in September to endangering a minor. They won't say what minor or what the charge is. She is due in court January 10. It seems the Duggars are going to be watched for a very long time.

ncgirl said... 26


What could that mean? Jana takes care of the younger siblings and probably nieces and nephews.

Anonymous said... 27

Jana (Josh's sister) was just charged with endangering the welfare of a child. I wonder what that's about??
M. ~ Administrator said... 28


What could that mean? Jana takes care of the younger siblings and probably nieces and nephews.


That could be ANYTHING. From lack of supervision to physical abuse. The plot thickens. ~ Administrator said... 29

Do you know what’s criminal about the Duggar parents? We can see that they have raised kids who struggle to be appropriate parents themselves in adulthood. That is a failure. You really are raising future parents with a kid.

ncgirl said... 30

The rumor is Jana fell asleep at home, and children under her care got out the house and were found walking down the road. The youngest Duggar sibling turned 12 today so I wonder if the children were Josh and Anna's.

I've always thought the mother put too much on Jana to take care of the household. Mothers in that cult do that. They expect older siblings to take care of the younger ones. It's really not fair to the older ones. If they were Josh's children, it wasn't fair for her to be their unpaid babysitter.

Former Lurker said... 31

* Jana Duggar has been charged with endangering the welfare of a child

* The reality TV star was cited with the misdemeanor charge on September 9 

* The eldest unmarried Duggar has no children of her own; she lives on her family compound with her parents and younger siblings

* An Elm Springs district clerk confirmed that she has entered a plea deal 

* The news comes one day after her brother Josh was found guilty on two counts of child pornography charges 

Former Lurker said... 32

* Jana Duggar has been charged with endangering the welfare of a child

* The reality TV star was cited with the misdemeanor charge on September 9 

* The eldest unmarried Duggar has no children of her own; she lives on her family compound with her parents and younger siblings

* An Elm Springs district clerk confirmed that she has entered a plea deal 

* The news comes one day after her brother Josh was found guilty on two counts of child pornography charges 

Former Lurker said... 33

I knew this sick bastard was going to be protected in jail:

Anonymous said... 34

Re: Jana's case. A lot of details are not being released because apparently this case is also part of a DHS case.

Apparently, Jana was NOT driving a car. The young child was apparently found on Dowell Rd, which is NOT the street across from the Duggar property. It is actually the road that comes off of that road. So this young child may have wandered quite a ways away.

Unknown said... 35

Now that the mainstream media have been covering Josh's trial and verdict, as well as the charge against Jana, I expect there will be quite a focus on her and the family as a whole. I predict there will be a lot of interest in hearing more about this 31 year old woman, whose only job appears to be raising her parents' children.


Mel said... 36

Who knows if true...I read someplace that it was Josh's youngest at the time, who was around 2 years old at the time. The kid got was found unattended.

Susan1956 said... 37

Anonymous said... 34

Both the child and Jana were lucky. Isn't there at least one pond as well as a swimming pool on the Duggar compound?

LisaNH said... 38

NJGirl...#9 My husband used to work at the NH State Prison back in the 1990's (He hated it so only worked there for 5 years). Anyway, I don't know about federal prisons but he told me that they had PC (protective custody) for certain inmates, so they were not part of the general population. PC was reserved for those convicted of any type of sex crime or child abuse (sexual and physical), prison snitches and famous (or infamous) people.

Again, I don't know if federal prisons do the same thing, have PC for certain inmates, but if they do, Josh probably won't be in general population. As most know (and as my husband witnessed when he was a corrections officer) they have their own justice system among the inmates, so I suspect Josh won't be in general population. Prison inmates do go after child predators and famous people and Josh is both.

But that doesn't mean he'll be any safer in prison. He could face some serious "prison justice". That smirk in his prison photo will wiped off his face pretty quickly. ~ Administrator said... 39

Let’s not forget the lack of supervision that resulted in a Duggar falling 12 feet into an orchestra pit.

Former Lurker said... 40

By the way, with regard to the special election for that Arkansas state Senate seat that Jim Bob is running for, the primary is this Tuesday. From the Daily Mail:

“Jim Bob, who previously served in the Arkansas House of Representatives from 1999 to 2002, announced that he was running for a seat in Arkansas State Senate District 7 on October 29.

Though Jim Bob was the first to announce his candidacy, he has since been joined by several Republican challengers including Navy veteran Steve Unger and the mayor of Springdale's chief of staff Colby Fulfer. 

The Republican primary is set for December 14.

The winner of that race will face off against Democratic candidate Lisa Parks, a child welfare attorney, in the special election on February 8.”

FlimsyFlamsy said... 41

LisaNH (#37), nice to see you posting.

Even if Prince Joshley is given every break available, he's still in jail. The family golden boy can no longer come and go as he pleases. Even that stretch at the family friend's house before the trial was not remotely preparation for the total loss of liberty he has gotten himself into now. And he was so coddled that I can't imagine he doesn't still think his dad can finagle a way out of this. ~ Administrator said... 42

Even if Prince Joshley is given every break available, he's still in jail. The family golden boy can no longer come and go as he pleases. Even that stretch at the family friend's house before the trial was not remotely preparation for the total loss of liberty he has gotten himself into now. And he was so coddled that I can't imagine he doesn't still think his dad can finagle a way out of this.


I had the same thought. It's deeply satisfying to see this sucker in jail period.

Isolation is extremely common in such a case, I don't feel it's any kind of special treatment.

Unknown said... 43

Admin @38 If I recall correctly, when the child fell the TV camera captured some of the Duggar family recording the 'event' on their personal phones instead of immediately calling for an ambulance.

bm ~ Administrator said... 44

Admin @38 If I recall correctly, when the child fell the TV camera captured some of the Duggar family recording the 'event' on their personal phones instead of immediately calling for an ambulance.



That's what I recall too, I don't think the camera crew was there so they all whipped out their phones and started filming. For god sake people have died from falls less than 12 feet. He was seriously injured nonetheless!

I also remember babycakes Ma Duggar being weirdly calm about it all, like children of the corn stares.

Unknown said... 45

It appears that Joshua will remain in jail until his diggity dog! No chance for him to get Anna pregnant again as usual, I think! Poor stupid Anna.

Unknown said... 46

According to the Daily Mail, Jana Duggar reveals she was charged with child endangerment after "kid" she was babysitting "slipped out" of house while she "turned her back for a moment".


bm ~ Administrator said... 47

According to the Daily Mail, Jana Duggar reveals she was charged with child endangerment after "kid" she was babysitting "slipped out" of house while she "turned her back for a moment".



Mm..... no. Kids don't work that way.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 48

Admin (#46), Jana released a snotty statement about how this is only a big deal because of her last name. Maybe that's code for, "because my brother is a convicted sex offender."

I can't stand how these people bask in the adoration of their social media followers, then become irate at negative feedback. If you want to be famous, you're stuck taking the bad with the good. Especially when you're famous for doing absolutely nothing. Don't like the negativity? Get off social media.

Kylie said... 49

Very happy to hear this morning that Jim Bob lost in his primary for his run at the Senate. Enough of these evil people. ~ Administrator said... 50

Jana probably shouldn't talk about the case while it's pending. If she's minimizing what really happened or misrepresenting the facts, they'll bring that up at her court date in January.

They're not the brightest bulbs.

Layla said... 51

Kylie said... 49
Very happy to hear this morning that Jim Bob lost in his primary for his run at the Senate. Enough of these evil people.
I'm seeing reports that Jim Bob "lost by a landslide", and there were only a few hundred votes cast for him. Heck, considering the size of the Duggar clan, the people who voted for him are probably all family. Josh was finally held accountable for his actions, Jim Bob crashed and burned at the polls, and there are finally consequences for forcing the girls to raise everyone else's children (although I feel for Jana). Looks like the Duggar empire is crumbling, and that makes me happy. Jim Bob and Josh's smug faces just irritate the heck out of me. Accountability was long overdue.

I blame TLC for at least part of this mess. They search far and wide for fame-seeking narcissists who have popped out too many kids just to gain attention, then throw money and fame and them. No wonder it all explodes when their heads swell just a little (or a lot) too much. It's hard to remember that TLC was once a respectable channel before Jim Bob/Josh/Kate/Toby Willis came along.

Unknown said... 52

According to the Daily Mail, Jim Bob only received 456 votes. That figure likely represents the Duggar extended family and in-laws. I hope he doesn't hold Jana responsible for his loss.


Former Lurker said... 53

Thank goodness!!

Jim Bob Duggar has lost the primary for an Arkansas state Senate seat after announcing his campaign in October.

The poll results from Tuesday’s election show that Colby Fulfer, who is chief of staff for the city of Springdale, won over 46% of the vote. Steve Unger won more than 36% of the vote. The two will face off in a Jan. 11 primary runoff. Duggar drew roughly 15% of the vote.

Fulfer was elected to the Springdale City Council in 2016 and served until 2020, the Arkansas Democrat Gazette reported. Unger served 31 years in the Navy. Both announced their bids in November.

They and Duggar were among four Republicans seeking their party’s nomination for the seat, which opened up following the resignation of Republican Sen. Lance Eads.

Susan1956 said... 54

FlimsyFlamsy said... 48
Admin (#46), Jana released a snotty statement about how this is only a big deal because of her last name. Maybe that's code for, "because my brother is a convicted sex offender."

I can't stand how these people bask in the adoration of their social media followers, then become irate at negative feedback. If you want to be famous, you're stuck taking the bad with the good. Especially when you're famous for doing absolutely nothing. Don't like the negativity? Get off social media. ~ Administrator said... 50
Jana probably shouldn't talk about the case while it's pending. If she's minimizing what really happened or misrepresenting the facts, they'll bring that up at her court date in January.

They're not the brightest bulbs.
The Duggars are dim-witted (when it suits them) holier-than-thou pseudo Christians that get snotty when confronted or things don't go their way. They have no interest in reflecting honestly on their behavior because that would derail their next grift. Jim Bob Duggar turned off the commenting feature on his FB pages and issued a mealy mouthed statement after he lost the Senate race last night. He reportedly spent $37,000 on his campaign and received less than 500 votes out of almost 3,000 in the special election.

It also appears Jana has now changed her child endangerment plea to guilty. The Duggar empire appears to be crumbling and I am loving it. D*** TLC for putting these people on TV and enabling this cult after the first news of Josh's assaults on his sister became public knowledge.

ncgirl said... 55

Jill's husband, Derrick, came after Jim Bob. They're the ones who are estranged from the D family. ~ Administrator said... 56

Another thing I wish Jana would reflect on is why at 30 years old she is still "baby-sitting."

Somehow I doubt this is just a one-off thing. I think this is what she does. There's nothing wrong with being a childcare worker--unless you think that's your only option and are letting good opportunities pass you by, which I'm sure is the case here.

Unknown said... 57

Very interesting news contained in a Daily Mail article from some people formerly close to Jim Bob; including Jill's husband Derick. "Jill Duggar's husband Derick slams her father Jim Bob for being 'verbally abusive' and a 'sell-out' - and claims his 'manipulation has resulted in what is akin to human trafficking'.


Jaime 🌴😘 said... 58

That’s not what happened… the child was picked up and Jana was questioned… she said she didn’t know who the kid was… so Jana was lying.. she finally admitted it was a member of her family… that’s why shes in so much trouble

Flight of Kiwi said... 59

Hi people! a quick thought on the Josh Duggar sentencing in April - how likely is it that he gets sentenced to "time served"?

BlueJay said... 60

Is it also likely he’ll be sent to an in-state prison or shipped to an out of state prison?

Lynn W. said... 61

Hi people! a quick thought on the Josh Duggar sentencing in April - how likely is it that he gets sentenced to "time served"?

With a big grin on my face, I'd say APRIL FOOL!

Jaime 🌴😘 said... 62

@Admin. She was groomed to be the stay at home sister… that’s why he stops her from courting. In that cult there is always one that has to stay home, take care of the kids and then take care of the aging parents.. she is doomed to a life of service.. and at the complete mercy of her father …

Unknown said... 63

Jaime @ 62 - Sadly, I agree with your comment.


Kylie said... 64

And that is so sad Jaime. She is by far the prettiest of the girls and I would imagine a lot of young men would agree and wish to meet her but big Daddy Jim Boob won't let any of them near her. It's all so very sad. This totally dysfunctional family that presented themselves as Christians. Disgusting.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 65

This conversation makes me wonder which G kid has been groomed to take care of TFW in her old age. I've always said at least one kid will leave and never come back after becoming an adult. But surely one kid is getting the preferential treatment needed to insure they stick around.

It's been a loooong time since Katie Irene has been on TV. Looks like, contrary to her opinion, you CAN go back. Did that fork finally get stuck into her?

Unknown said... 66

Interesting analysis in the Los Angeles Times, dated Dec. 19, "The Duggars built a wholesome reality TV empire on TLC. Now it's in ruins".


ncgirl said... 67

There will be a documentary on Amazon about the Duggars and other families like them. Maybe people are waking up to how harmful this lifestyle is.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 68

ncgirl (#67), I think the research for this documentary should have begun the moment the Duggars went on national TV with Megyn Kelly and played down Josh's "curious" behavior with his siblings by saying it happens in one out of 3 families. They thought that remark was helpful, but it was absolutely chilling.

foxy said... 69

Flimsy...I wonder where the Duggar's get their stats of 1 oiut of 3 families. I have 6 brothers and 3 sons. Not any of them has molested anybody. We were not suppressed like the Duggars and their cult either. We were taught right from wrong, respect, and consequences. That family is really screwed up. Even a couple of the boys were "courting" at age 17 and married at age 18. That says a lot right there for what their life is.

Ampersmom said... 70

Merry Christmas to the wonderful admin and posters here.

Anonymous said... 71

From Dmasy...
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all the friends here.

Lynn W. said... 72

From Lynn -- Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from soggy Southern California.

Unknown said... 73

Merry and Healthy Christmas to all!! I wonder if TFW kept up her Christmas tradition of leaving her famous sticky buns on top of bins for sanitation workers.

Clack said... 74

Merry Christmas from balmy Pennsylvania. I wondered about Kate’s nasty sticky buns as well. Nothing says yummy like food on a trash bin! We left money for our garbage men, what a concept! ~ Administrator said... 75

Is it also likely he’ll be sent to an in-state prison or shipped to an out of state prison?


I think it's just as likely he could end up anywhere in the country versus local. This is federal court, they don't give two shits your wifey and mommy want you up the road from them.

Ingrid said... 76

I hope everyone has a great New Year and stays safe.
Also RIP Betty White. She was 18 days shy of her 100th birthday. :(

FlimsyFlamsy said... 77

Happy 2022 to all!

Unknown said... 78

The Daily Mail has pictures and video of the HUGE New Year's party which Jim Bob and Michelle threw for family and friends (minus Anna).


Ingrid said... 79

link to daily mail

Layla said... 80

JB and Michelle are trying to prove to the entertainment world that they're still popular and still deserve a show. I had hoped that Josh's conviction and JB's failed campaign would give them a dose of reality (nobody's buying their crap anymore), but they're apparently still trying to find a way to make themselves attractive to a network. Sorry (not sorry) Duggars, people are not going to forgive or forget something so horrible as CP. They need to do what Kate did--just disappear.

I hope everyone is warm and safe out there! We got piles of snow dumped on us here in the DC 'burbs, and there are people who have been stuck in their cars on I-95 in Virginia for nearly 24 hours. That's frightening--no food or water, no bathrooms, probably running out of gas so no heat. My prayers are going out to them.

I wish I could have high hopes for 2022, but...Covid is still rampant, the economy is in terrible shape, crime is soaring, and Biden is in the White House. It's hard to be optimistic. On the positive side, however--we enjoyed our first holiday season with TWO beautiful grandbabies! We have to hope/work for something better--for their sakes.

Marla said... 81

Happy 2022! We all got our long standing wishes that the G-kids are out of the spotlight and away from the cameras!! It’s sad the family is so fractured but maybe in the future the kids will come back together as adults. Admin, your work here is done. You have taken this blog as far as it can go. Other blogs and boards are far more active when it comes to the Duggars and other reality shows. You carried the water for a long time. Rest now. Your followers will understand.

Mel said... 82

Does throwing a huge party seem like an odd reaction to your son being hauled away to prison??

If nothing else, an odd way to acknowledge the loss of a father to his children, and the loss of a wage earner to his wife.

Anonymous said... 83

But Daily Mail just now posted recent pics of Kate putting gas in her car (did she contact them? I wonder why they were right there to take pics). Also pics of one of the kids and one of her dog. Please don't plan a come back Kate.

jakieK said... 84

The Daily Mail has a habit of stalking has-beens and posting candid photos of them looking old and haggard as they're out and about. That's where she is now.

Layla said... 85

Anon (83)
I checked out the pictures, and man, Kate is looking rough! The article says she's a nurse, but the only supporting information is that she renewed her nursing license in June. She's renewed her license many times over the years without working in nursing, so I'm not convinced that she has a job. She's pictured walking Nanook, but no sign of Mak or Shoka. hmmm.... It looks like Leah has a job at Chipotle--good for her.

The tups will be 18 in just 4 months. Wow. Mommy can no longer sell their childhoods to the highest bidder. Makes me wonder, though--she made it sound like Jon interfered with their ability to film, but now they will be free to film if they choose--unless nobody wants to film them. which I believe is the true situation. She'd never admit that nobody is interested in her, so as always, she blames Jon. No more of that!

Unknown said... 86

While she may have received her North Carolina nursing license, the article doesn't actually say she is working. I pity anyone under the care of Nurse Ratched.


ncgirl said... 87

She's finally living the life she should.

Anonymous said... 88

Layla I bet that's why Kate called the Daily Mail. I bet she's been pitching a birthday/ catch up with the Gosselins special because she can finally film the kids again in May. TLC could bite because they always have. But oh I hope not. At least the tups have regular jobs or so it would seem.

Former Lurker said... 89

I kind of hate the fact that the Daily Mail ran this article. Why are they in NC taking pics of her on what looks like at least three different days? I really never want to hear from TFW again and I hope this is not the beginning of anything. ~ Administrator said... 90

Does throwing a huge party seem like an odd reaction to your son being hauled away to prison??


Not if you feel no emotion.

foxy said... 91

Another Duggar boy went a courtin' and got engaged after knowing the girl for 3 months. They are pictured with a front hug...oh no. He is 23 and the girl is 26. That is rather old for a Duggar.

Former Lurker said... 92

* Josh, 33, was taken into custody at the Washington County Detention Center on December 9 after being convicted of downloading child pornography  

* His wife Anna, 33, is only able to communicate with him through video call or email because all in-person visits have been suspended due to COVID-19 

* She won't be able to see Josh in person until his sentencing in court, which is expected to take place four months from the verdict but hasn't been scheduled 

* Anna - who shares seven children with Josh - called him nearly every day in December after he went away

* Sometimes she'd call multiple times a day and speak to him for nearly an hour 

* While Josh was out on bail, Anna left their children with someone else so she could move in with Josh at a third party custodian's house 

* Sources have said that Anna was raised not to believe in divorce 

Layla said... 93

Former Lurker (89)
I was thinking the same thing. Looking at the clothing changes, it's 2-3 days. Why would anyone spend that amount if time in Podunk, NC taking pictures of a has-been putting gas in her car? I suspect she set it up. Reminding the entertainment world that the tups will be free for filming very soon! Bring your offers! I'm sure she's running short of money by now, and the last thing she wants is to have to go back to nursing. She bought the NC house in April of 2018. that's at the exact time that TLC announced the dating show. She must have thought that she'd get several seasons of that, plus filming of K+8 besides, so she'd have no problem paying for both houses. What a surprise it must have been for her when she only got 6 episodes total of the dating show, and one of K+8 before it all came to a halt. Then came all the expensive court stuff over filming the kids, two mortgages without a job for more than a year, and then the other court case with her former employee. Ouch. She couldn't unload the house in PA fast enough, and even the money she made off the sale will only last so long.

I hate knowing that Leah's job has been made public. Now everyone knows that, even though she's almost 18, she still has Mommy driving her to work. I checked out Mady's TikTok, and she posted there that she bought alcohol and had to show her learner's permit as proof of her age. Mady is 21! Meanwhile the kids with Jon both have jobs, driver's licenses, and cars.

Jaime 🌴😘 said... 94

I would love to know why Anna is allowed to speak to him that many times a day??? Isn’t he in jail?? I thought he was being punished for his crimes

Unknown said... 95

According to the Daily Mail, records show that Jana Duggar paid an $890. fine after pleading not guilty to her child endangerment charge and has avoided her scheduled January 10 court date.


FlimsyFlamsy said... 96

Looking at those pictures made me wonder whatever happened to Chris the Pap. TFW was always camera-ready in his pictures. No gladiator sandals in these Daily Mail shots, huh?

BlueJay said... 97

So either she doesn’t have a job but her kid does and is still the one working, or she actually did finally go back to being a nurse. And had a dose of actuality that you can go back and looks, well, more her age instead of that spin out Barbie ready for her next call.

Anonymous said... 98

Some of the tabloids are saying Kate IS working as a nurse. I wonder if they made that leap based on her nursing license (which she has always kept current) or if they know she actually has a job. Which would shock me.

jamezvader1194 said... 99

Just saw the dailymail pictures.It looks like leah is the tup that works at chipotle.Hope i don't sound mean but she got big.

Layla said... 100


I just hope Kate doesn't torment Leah about her weight. She was absolutely vicious about Jon's weight when they were married. Some of her comments just made me cringe. If it were the other way around--a man berating a woman about her weight--people would have been outraged. But, as always, this is Kate so people overlooked her nastiness. If she said such horrible things on camera, what was she saying in private? Let's hope she has some sort of filter when it comes to her kids.

It's nice to see Leah working in a restaurant/food service environment. She said for years that she wanted to own a bakery someday, and this could be an opportunity for her to learn more about that kind of business. Good luck to her!

BlueJay said... 101


Unfortunately, Kate probably doesn't keep her thoughts to herself. Remember, she use to when Collin was 2-3 years old be astonished how much he could eat? In her book I do remember she was shocked her kids would eat three or four helpings. We all saw the small portions she gave out. I never saw her allow her own children serve themselves even when they seemed capable.

I think her daughter looks fine. Not everyone is or needs to be thin and she's 17 she's still growing. But leave it to Kate I'm sure not to be exactly fair.

ncgirl said... 102

There's an article about Mady talking about her Asian heritage in People. ~ Administrator said... 103

I think that’s the most authentic mady has ever been. I appreciate her vulnerability.

Mel said... 104

Sure hits the heartstrings. And on top of all that she had her lunatic mother acting like a banshee on national TV.

Makes you have even more heartbreak over Colin. Kid didn't stand a chance.

foxy said... 105

Mady is 25% Korean not 50%. Jon is 50% Korean. I wonder if this means she will finally smarten up and see what her mother put all those kids through and make amends with her dad and that side of the family. I hope she continues to mature and becomes less bitter and more enlightened on her childhood. Sad

Unknown said... 106

Good to see Mady has embraced her full heritage.

bm ~ Administrator said... 107

John, who is also of mixed race, would be a great person for Mady to talk about her feelings and experiences with. Truly the part about wanting a blue-eyed doll made me tear up. Too bad her mother destroyed that relationship.

Unknown said... 108

According to the Daily Mail, lawyers for Josh Duggar have asked for an acquittal due to lack of evidence, OR a new trial if an acquittal is denied.


Layla said... 109

I'm a little suspicious of People carrying Mady's story so soon after Kate's photo op. It can't be a coincidence that Kate has her first pap follower in years, and then immediately afterward People picks up a story about Mady. This publicity just happens to come shortly before the remaining tups turn 18 and no longer need Jon's permission to film. It looks like "someone" wants attention, and possibly more. ~ Administrator said... 110

Could be, though I took it as a bit of a knock at Kate, whose child was crying out for support for years for all she was going through internally, and didn't get it. There was nothing in that statement that mentioned but her mom was always there for her, or at least she could talk to her mom, or her mom offered this in the way of support. Mady was on.her.own.

Any good mother would pause when their brown haired, brown eyed, mixed race child only wants a blue eyed blond doll. Kate is not a good mother.

foxy said... 111

I have a blond blue eyed niece who wanted a black doll for her birthday. Her mom took her shopping to select the one she wanted, everyone was happy. She said she wanted a black baby doll because they were so pretty.

capecodmama said... 112

foxy….111 My grandaughter is the same as your niece. She has several dolls and a couple of them are black dolls. She loves them.

Unknown said... 113

The Daily Mail On Line has evidence photos from Josh Duggar's trial including video of the police questioning him after his arrest. The pictures show his trash strewn office, where he watched the "worst of the worst" videos of children being abused, complete with a roll of paper towels.


Unknown said... 114

When Josh Duggar was confronted by FBI investigators and even before they told him why they were visiting him, he blurted out, "Has someone been downloading child pornography?"


Layla said... 115

I read the Mady article, and couldn't help but notice that the doll in the picture did not have blonde hair and blue eyes. The trip to American Girl that she mentions was filmed, so I asked my Aunt Win (who was once a big fan) to go back and watch that episode (she has them all on DVD). She confirmed the fact that Mady does not get a blonde, blue-eyed doll at American Girl. Also, Mady says that AG did not have a doll that looked like her at that time. Not true. A friend of mine who is Japanese got an Asian-looking AG doll for her daughter shortly before that episode was filmed. In fact, Mady and Cara's birthday is in October, so that's probably about the time they got their dolls. Nami (my friend's daughter) got hers for her 5th birthday in June 2005. She still has it. So--why did Mady lie? She also lied about being 50/50 white and Korean, as foxy said above--she's actually 75/25. She said she felt shame at looking Asian, but in the episode where Jon cooks bulgogi, she proudly boasts, "I'm the Asian-est person in this family". Getting in touch with her Korean heritage apparently does not include communicating with her Korean father or relatives on his side of the family. And last but not least, she says she makes a kick-a$$ kimchi. There are "quick" kimchi recipes that only take a few days to make, but authentic kimchi takes much longer. I lived in S Korea for a few years while DH was in the military, so I'm familiar with the process. Does she really take so much time and effort to make kimchi, or does she just open a jar? Considering the number of lies in that article, I suspect the latter. If she bothered to have a relationship with Jon's mother, I bet she could learn to make a REAL kick-a$$ kimchi from her.

So...why bother with so many lies? I'm concerned that Mady, like her mother, can't go long without an attention fix and is going a bit nutty without it.

BlueJay said... 116

Layla finally someone else pipped up with my feelings and agrees!

Unknown said... 117

Layla @ 115 - I agree with your conclusion in your final paragraph. Mady is the child most like her attention seeking mother.

bm ~ Administrator said... 118

It is true the American Girl doll collection did have lookalike dolls and Mady said she got one but I do have to say the doll she is holding does have brown hair and eyes, though seems more Hispanic to me than Asian. It would be hard to go back in time to what was available on that line that year and figure out if they had a true Asian doll available, but it's true they have had the lookalike doll line for a very, very long time. I mean, she is remembering something from when she is 5 so it's possible the memory if fuzzy and morphed.

Of interest to me is apparently she put in the comments the kids experienced racism at school. No, not that perfect posh Lancaster Day school! Couldn't be! Guess money can't buy everything.

I still want to know if the kids knew that child murderer who went there, but that's just my morbid curiosity.

Anonymous said... 119

Layla, I share so many of your thoughts. Thanks for your analysis.

Layla said... 120

This brought back memories of our time in S Korea. I remember getting off the plane in Seoul, and a powerful smell hit me. I asked DH (who arrived there a few weeks earlier) what it was, and he said it was kimchi, and don't worry, I'd get used to it and I wouldn't even notice it. He was right. After a few weeks I didn't even notice. Anyway, we lived in Anjongni (Camp Humphreys). Women would grow vegetables and then spread them out on blankets in the sun to dry. We had to take care to step around the blankets spread on the sidewalks whenever we went out in summer. After a few days of drying, the veggies and spices were packed into these big crocks--about 2-3 feet tall--and buried in the ground. I don't know how long they were buried, but at some point they were dug up and set outside the doors to their houses. They would step outside and scoop it out of the crocks for their meals. Every house had a few big crocks of kimchi and a pen of dogs outside for eating. I always avoided eating kimchi because when the vegetables were drying in the sun, stray dogs would occasionally wander by and pee on them. Not appetizing!

Soooo, that's how real kimchi is made. I'm quite certain Mady doesn't do any of that. Also, when DH and I left Korea, we went to Hawaii for a vacation. I was so paranoid that our clothes might smell like kimchi and we didn't notice it that I stayed up all night our first night there, washing all our clothes. Ahhh, memories.

Layla said... 121

OT, but is anyone here from the Nashville area?

Anonymous said... 122

There is a clip of the American Girl visit on YouTube. Mady's doll is unquestionably blonde. Maybe "Aunt Win" needs to get her vision checked. Or maybe "Aunt Win" doesn't exist. I suspect the latter.

She addressed the 50/50 thing in a response on her Instagram, saying that was her DNA result. Since DNA isn't passed down uniformly, that is possible. It's also possible that she misinterpreted her results. But of course here she is immediately labeled a liar.

Layla said... 123
This comment has been removed by the author.
Layla said... 124

Anon (122)
Ahhh, it's you again. I was wondering when you'd pop back up again. I'm so very sorry that you don't have anything better to do with your time than to troll a blog for attention. You must be very lonely. Maybe you should take up a hobby or do some volunteer work. I think it would be much more rewarding than trolling strangers online. You have my sympathy for living such an empty life. Get help. ~ Administrator said... 125

You can if you actually watch the entire clip. Right there in living color is Cara opening her box and you see a close shot of her doll, followed by a long shot of Mady holding a BLONDE doll. By all means though, keep claiming that's not true. Maybe you and "Aunt Win" can get a family discount on optometry services.


The photo of Mady is her holding a brown eyed dark haired doll, hence the confusion.

Why didn't her mother say anything and help this child who was going through such turmoil? It should be a red flag to her that this child wants a lookalike doll who looks NOTHING like her. ~ Administrator said... 126

I wonder if anonymous saw the alarming Johns Hopkins study about how lockdowns in most cases had near statistically inconsequential benefits and in some cases increased deaths. Bury that study.

Oh, I remember you during lockdowns, defending all those policies that were causing suicides and drug overdoses. ~ Administrator said... 127

I watched the youtube clip. It really does make me sad to see Mady so lovingly hug that platinum blonde doll. She was thrilled. At the time. I wonder what the story is behind the original dolls they had that looked rather Hispanic.

Layla said... 128

The two dolls the girls carry around with them are AG "Bitty Baby" Asian/Pacific Islander dolls. I asked Aunt Win if Mady had a blonde doll and she said no--she must have thought I meant the one she carried around all day. Either way, I'm not going to argue with some crackpot about whether my aunt exists. What am I supposed to do, post a photo and identifying information about my 78-year-old aunt? That's all I need is some weirdo troll showing up at her door. Mady had the Asian AG doll, she posted the photo with the Asian AG doll, and apparently was whining about a different doll from the one she posted WITH her complaints? Ugh, whatever. She's creating drama.

I don't even know where to start with the claim that DNA is not passed down uniformly. Mady is not 50/50. That is a fact.

Watching the clip, it's obvious Mady was thrilled with her doll. Hugging the box, hugging her parents. She obviously got exactly what she wanted, yet now she complains. She complained about her unconventional childhood (the unconventional part was filming, yet she chose to continue filming as an adult), she complained about having ADHD, and now she complains about a doll she had when she was 5. Some people complain just for the sake of complaining. ~ Administrator said... 129

Watching the clip, it's obvious Mady was thrilled with her doll. Hugging the box, hugging her parents. She obviously got exactly what she wanted, yet now she complains. She complained about her unconventional childhood (the unconventional part was filming, yet she chose to continue filming as an adult), she complained about having ADHD, and now she complains about a doll she had when she was 5. Some people complain just for the sake of complaining.


No, I get it. I know her type. Everything is a slight. I think in particular for some young people the trend was to raise them to identify slights and call them out but that may have contributed to kids being unable to discern when to just let a slight roll right off their back. Some of the latest calls for banning books because they are making kids feel uncomfortable are just downright alarming. The calls for banning are often coming from the kids themselves. They don't want to feel uncomfortable, but its those areas of sitting with discomfort where growth happens sometimes.

But, she's not wrong to take a look at her young self and ask why a blond doll thrilled her and why she wasn't comfortable getting a doll who truly looked like her, what pressures and emotional issues led to that.

Layla said... 130

Admin said (125)
Why didn't her mother say anything and help this child who was going through such turmoil? It should be a red flag to her that this child wants a lookalike doll who looks NOTHING like her.
Mady already had the AG doll that looked like her. I admit, Kate was/is not a compassionate parent, and probably would have brushed off any red flags about her kids. She had those kids to make her famous. Nurturing them was not part of the deal. We knew, back when she was claiming that they all voted to film, that she lied and that the kids' wishes and well-being were of no concern to her. She failed Collin in so many ways, so it's not hard to imagine that she failed them all. They definitely drew the short stick when it came to their mother.

Layla said... 131

Wait a minute...this is the same "anonymous" who slammed all of us because we were so happy that Josh Duggar got arrested and was off the streets and unable to victimize children, isn't it? Hey, "anonymous", I'm even happier that he's been convicted and can never harm another child again. What do you have to say about that? ~ Administrator said... 132

Kate's commentary during American Girl is very telling. What she is focused on is how it's so nice for the girls to get some time away from the Tups and to get something they really, really wanted, since with all those kids now it was harder to do something like this for them.

That's all true, yes, but man alive is she missing the boat if all she can measure for her girls needs is in gifts and trips. It really says a lot about how she thinks.

Layla said... 133

Admin (132)
man alive is she missing the boat if all she can measure for her girls needs is in gifts and trips. It really says a lot about how she thinks.
Kate measures everything in gifts and trips, so she thought her children would be the same. Instead of dealing with their emotional needs, she just gave them "stuff" and expected them to be happy with that. If stuff didn't do the trick, then off to a special school you go! Collin? Collin who?

I guess it shouldn't be a surprise that some Mady has some unresolved emotional issues. All the things she's complaining about are things her mother should have dealt with long ago. Apparently she didn't, which doesn't really surprise me.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 134

Admin (#132), and of course TFW frames it as if SHE was doing something special for Mady and Cara, to address their need for individual time away from the tups. But it was a freaking EPISODE. The cameras were rolling. Mady and Cara were working -- who knows how many hours.
They may have left with dolls, but Mommie Dearest left with a paycheck.

jakieK said... 135

She ALWAYS favored the twins. The tups were just her little moneymakers. It'll be really interesting once they're grown and can tell their own stories. ~ Administrator said... 136

Kate measures everything in gifts and trips, so she thought her children would be the same. Instead of dealing with their emotional needs, she just gave them "stuff" and expected them to be happy with that. If stuff didn't do the trick, then off to a special school you go! Collin? Collin who?

I guess it shouldn't be a surprise that some Mady has some unresolved emotional issues. All the things she's complaining about are things her mother should have dealt with long ago. Apparently she didn't, which doesn't really surprise me.


Well that's spot on. She hasn't really helped these kids. It really is sad to be deal with this issue of a mixed race child with a blonde doll in your TWENTIES. This is, like, shit that should come out when you're 12 and be resolved by 13.

Unknown said... 137

According to OK Magazine, "Counting On Stars Jim Bob And Michelle Duggan Sell Off $46K Worth Of Their Sprawling Arkansas Property Since Losing Big Bucks Over TLC Show Cancellation."


BlueJay said... 138

Also looks like Kate was spotted shopping again. Why all the sudden interest after a few years? But I'm sure it made her day.

Are the Duggar's in need of money?

And I thought Mady wanted to go to school where not everyone knows her or her business. Well, honey, having your name and your business splashed across People and picked up by the Today isn't doing her any favors while in college. She's doing this to herself at this point.

Layla said... 139

The Duggar girls' lawsuit against their town officials has been dismissed with prejudice. The judge said there is no evidence the information about Josh molesting them was released with malicious intent. This was just two days before a settlement conference was scheduled, so there wasn't any time to spare there. I'm willing to bet JimBob was hoping for a fat settlement amount, which he could then pocket himself or dole out as he pleased. Too bad, JB! I feel for the girls, but I do not think suing the city for releasing heavily-redacted reports in response to a FOIA request was the right way to go. They need to place the blame squarely on Josh, where it belongs.

BlueJay (138),
I read about the Duggars selling property. It's not a large amount, so I don't think it was sold because they needed money. I'd be happy if that were the case, though. JimBob deserves to feel some financial strain after all the years he spent covering for Josh. Josh's defense didn't come cheap, I'm sure, and they lost the $850,000/yr. paycheck for filming, but they had a lot of money invested. It will take time before they start really feeling the pinch.

I had to look for the pictures of Kate shopping. The US sites don't seem to pay much attention to her activities anymore. I have to wonder why anyone would bother heading to NC to take pictures of her--I suspect she has a hand in it, trying to remind people she's still around. Her motives are just too obvious. Thankfully, nobody seems to really care.

Former Lurker said... 140

Judge DISMISSES Duggar sisters' privacy lawsuit against Arkansas city officials who 'released reports revealing they had been molested by brother Josh' - two days before settlement conference

* Judge Timothy L. Brooks on Wednesday dismissed a privacy lawsuit filed by four Duggar sisters against the city of Springdale and Washington County, Arkansas

* Jill Duggar Dillard, Jessa Duggar Seewald, Jinger Duggar Vuolo and Joy Duggar sued over the release of records that revealed their brother Josh molested them

* The sisters claimed their privacy was violated after officials released the reports to InTouch Weekly, in response to a Freedom of Information Act request

* In his ruling, Judge Brooks said there was no evidence the officials intended to inflict emotional distress

* The decision comes weeks after Josh Duggar, 33, was found guilty of receiving and possessing child pornography

FlimsyFlamsy said... 141

Layla (#139), yeah, it seems like Schmoopy has finally achieved has-been status. The gal who claimed they could "never go back" and griped about the paparazzi when she clearly relished every moment of their attention. Bwahaha.

BlueJay said... 142

Don't most reality stars achieve hash-been status? I mean she had to know it seriously wasn't a permanent job! Her kids should be off to college soon. So that leaves...crickets. Her in her mid-40's by herself, single, as a nurse hoping her kids will come home for spring break?

She's not on Twitter not that I am so her twitter friends must have up and found something else to do. I suppose she could write another book. (I hope not.) But I suspect with damage done she's not going to put herself out there unless she can spin it.

I wonder if any of her kids will write books.

BlueJay said... 143

Since I'm all laid up I came across this to read. She really is far more insane.

Ingrid said... 144

BlueJay said... 143

I bought the book that Robert Hoffman wrote. KATE GOSSELIN: How She Fooled The World – The Rise And Fall Of A Reality TV Queen The first one that wasn't edited like a later version. Pretty interesting.

BlueJay said... 145

Ingrid, I’ve toyed with the ideas of buying it. But I don’t know if I can get my head around her treatment of her own kids. It’s so sad. This was awful.

Ingrid said... 146

My original is on kindle or I would share it. In that one is alot about contracts and such which is why he had to edit it -or get sued I think. If you have access to a library see if it is there rather than giving her money by buying it.

ncgirl said... 147

Josh will be sentenced on April 5.

BlueJay said... 148

I’m be home bound for a bit with a surgery coming up. But we’ll see.

Oh good news! He deserves to be sentenced. Something to look forward to in the spring.

Layla said... 149

I will be so happy when Josh is sentenced once and for all. Sounds like he's made at least one desperate attempt to get the judge to overturn his verdict, but that failed. There's really no hope for this guy. He seems to think that because he is a Duggar, the rules don't apply to him. He's been busted so many times in the past few years, but always walked away free from consequences due to JB's money. This may be the first time they can't buy his way out of something.

BlueJay, I'll keep you in my prayers. Keep us updated on how the surgery and recovery go for you.

I hear some truckers are heading out to my backyard to protest. This could be interesting. Travel on the beltway is almost impossible already. Add in thousands of trucks and nobody's going anywhere. I respect their right to protest and express their views. Heck, maybe I'll bake some cookies for them, although if I do I may be arrested and labelled an insurgent.

BlueJay said... 150

Am I the only one who finds it weird there’s a new judge in a custody case for these kids at 17?

Layla said... 151

BlueJay (150)
When I read your comment I had to go look it up. Why bother changing judges when the kids are turning 18 in a couple months? It doesn't sound like there are any current matters before the court. I did find it interesting that the kids start getting their money when they turn 18--25% at 18, 25% at 21, and the rest at 25 and 30. Yikes, that means Kate has control of the majority of their money for many, many more years. I'd be willing to bet that she'll encourage the younger kids to live at home during college, and then pay herself for their room and board out of their trusts.

Here is the article:

ncgirl said... 152

The article about changing judges which is strange since they are so close to 18. The article had info I had never heard before.

"The kids will receive the money in increments, 25 percent at age 18, 25 percent at 21, and the other half at ages 25 and 30.

A source told The Sun: “Jon has no control over the other kids and is worried whether they will use the money wisely.

“He is hoping they will use the money for schooling but at this point he has no control. He just wants the best for them.

“Jon was so concerned about the kids he has custody of, he had them take finance classes to prepare and luckily they both got As." ~ Administrator said... 153

A new judge is usually just the old one retiring or going to another area of court and all their cases get reassigned.

I'm not sure what else Jon can do at this point as far as custody with only a few months until the kids turn 18. Now it'll be up to the kids what contact they have.

Unknown said... 154

According to OK Magazine, Josh Duggar's legal team now claim both his trial and conviction were "unconstitutional".

Curious said... 155

How much money is Jim-Bob willing to spend on this, do you think?

It must gut him to shell out money for legal team. Instead of accepting reality and cutting his losses, he is digging in his heels like the self-righteous assholery that defines their cult.

I'd be interested to know what his friends and fellow church-goers think of him now. I imagine there is some shunning going on because he raised a pervert and child molester.

foxy said... 156

I wonder if Josh is going to get a slap on the hand or if he will be punished for the horrible things he has done.

jamezvader1194 said... 157

I just realized this because i haven't looked at it in years.Kate's twitter account is no longer verified.I guess ever since she didn't care about it after TLC stopped airing episodes,twitter decided to remove it.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 158

Foxy (#156), I think there's a mandatory minimum sentence for some of his charges. So he won't be just sent off to build a bookcase this time.

Layla said... 159

Kate got bored with Twitter pretty quickly--it was her lifeline, supplying her massive ego with constant adulation from her fans, until 2014 or 2015. Then she got bored with it and moved on to IG,and now...blissful silence. Nobody misses her, that's for sure.

The truckers are here! They say they're going to circle the beltway twice and that it should take 4-5 hours. To which I say, "You're not from around here, are you?". Seriously, it can sometimes take 4-5 hours just to go from 190 to I-95. Add in hundreds of trucks and it'll take an entire day to circle the entire thing twice. But good luck to them!

BlueJay said... 160

Layla, I always assumed Kate dumped social media because she didn't want to have to answer for her poor pathetic treatment of her son, Collin. The boy she just up and forgot about. I wonder if she fears them becoming adults. A time in most parents life you look forward to she might be up a creek. The lady who said I'm in charge that's never going to change. She might have been bored as well.

foxy said... 161

A couple more weeks and Josh finds out his punishment. It will be so interesting to see if he gets slapped on the wrist or if he actually needs to serve time behind bars.

Lynn W. said... 162

We've all been waiting with baited breath .. I'll be so disappointed if it's a slap on the wrist. I do hope the judge throws the book at him. I'm more concerned about their children.

foxy said... 163

I hope it is not time served and he is let loose. The children need to be taken away from that family. Only supervised visits with them.

ncgirl said... 164

Josh's sentencing has been delayed to May:

BlueJay said... 165

Apparently he got his sentence pushed back to May 25

Mel said... 166

Now his sentencing has been delayed until March 25th. A fourth delay was granted by the court at the defendant's request.

They need the time to pursue more information apparently. ~ Administrator said... 167

Apparently he got his sentence pushed back to May 25


He can delay this all he wants, it won't change the end result. He really needs to man up.

Mel said... 168

The defense said it faced delays in scheduling attorney-client meetings by video conference with Duggar at the Washington County jail because of covid-19 precautions.
Does that seem a little bogus? ~ Administrator said... 169

Does that seem a little bogus?



What I've found is that it depends on the facility. Most of these prisons have a decent video conferencing room set up to speak to attorneys and attend court now, the issue is it's not a traveling room usually, so I have had some facilities when you're COVID isolating refusing to let inmates go to that room, since that room isn't part of the COVID isolation quarantine area.

Seems a little unconstitutional to me, but that's another conversation for another day.

The jury's out.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 170

My curiosity about the sentence is killing me. Will there be a joint Duggar family statement once it's official? Is Jim Bob working night and day to find a way to squeeze another show out of it all? Smarmy moron thought this gravy train would chug on forever. Dude, lemme direct your attention to a famous mom of 8 who found out that, indeed, you CAN "go back." Whether you want to or not.

Layla said... 171

The sentencing has been pushed back again??I was just thinking that April 5 seems to be taking forever to come, and now it's going to be even longer. I'm sure the lawyers and Duggar family are still brainstorming, trying to think of some grounds to get the judge to overturn the verdict. They need to give it up--Josh has been convicted and that's that. If they want to try for appeals, well, have at it. But their pathetic attempts to have the verdict set aside are just...well, pathetic. I'm also wondering if JB is still angling for another show and thinks that as long as they're still trying to get the verdict set aside, that will help their chances. In fact, I'm positive he's been trying for another show. He's greedy as heck and he won't give up that $850K per year salary--or his narcissistic fix--without a fight. He wants to be center stage and he'd probably do just about anything to get back there. And of course, there's the money. Josh's defense wasn't cheap, and this time they don't have TLC to pay their bills. There will be appeals, and that will eat away at JB's pot of cash. He can't stand the idea of losing money.

I'm just anxious for the sentencing to happen. They will appeal, of course, but there's a bit of a feeling of finality when the judge has passed sentence. And I hope the Duggars disappear after that, just like Kate did.

Anonymous said... 172

Hannah has been talking nonstop about getting out of rural Pennsylvania and going to college in Florida.

Hannah was even considering graduating early because she wants to start taking college courses and majoring in business.

“She was approached by a company that has given her a huge opportunity and she is over the moon about it. She can’t wait to tell her friends and announce it to the world.

“She and Jon flew down to Florida for a photoshoot and to settle details on her new business endeavor."

The source said: “Hannah hasn’t seen her brothers and sisters in a long time, since they moved to North Carolina.

“She is ready to leave her small-town life and subzero temperatures and hopes maybe one of her brothers or sisters will choose the same area for college.

Congratulations to Hannah. But I wonder what this business venture is? Something that would thrust her in the spotlight probably. Kate’s head must be spinning. No word on what Collin’s plans are .

-Gigi Be

kris said... 173

It'll be interesting to see how her college is paid for. Money from the show? Scholarships? Grant/Financial Aid? University of Miami is hella-expensive and not easy to get into. Hannah must be a very smart girl. Katie will be kicking herself for not having a relationship with Hannah - we now she always wanted to live somewhere 'warm and sunny" lol

BlueJay said... 174

I think in general her younger kids turning 18 is probably causing Kate's head to have a whirl. She won't have anyone to be in charge of anymore. If they want to speak out, or write their own books, she won't have a say in that.

Layla said... 175

I'm not sure why my recent comments haven't gone through, but--I'm frustrated with Josh's sentencing being pushed back. I was wondering whether JB was planning another last-minute attempt to get the verdict set aside, but that remains to be seen.

BlueJay said... 176

Layla, I assume Josh's sentence will be what it is going to be. We can probably all hope for a long sentence but it probably will depend on the judge or the jury. No matter how much time Josh hopes to postpone his day in court. He'll eventually get sentenced.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 177

It's only a !after of weeks until the sextuplets turn 18. If TFW hadn't kicked her son to the curb, I bet they'd at least get a People article, if not a cover story, on that milestone.

Lynn W. said... 178

It will definitely be interesting to follow as the 6 of them turn 18. I think we'd all hope that they are together but it probably won't happen.

foxy said... 179

Aren't the septuplets Juniors in high school right now? They have another year before graduation and life with the shrew. I hope the 4 with Kate will get to go to college.

Anonymous said... 180

The heartbroken family of 16 year old former Toddlers and Tiaras star Kailia Posey has revealed her death was by suicide.

Anonymous said... 181

It won't be long now that we find out if Joshie gets a slap on the hand, time he has served waiting or a real prison sentence.

ncgirl said... 182

Today is the six Gosselins 18th birthday. Jon sent a message on social media. There's an article about it.

I found another article about Hannah and her beauty brand.

jamezvader1194 said... 183

Hey i just wanted to share this.(and yes her IG is public)Hannah announced that she started her own beauty brand and even has her own website.

Anonymous said... 184

Hannah has been "opening up" in interviews with People, OK, etc.

Anonymous said... 185

Hannah has been speaking out, according to various publications. ~ Administrator said... 186

I’m very happy to hear Hannah at least is texting with her siblings. Interesting that she said she has always been closer to Jon. It was portrayed on the show that she was Kate’s little golden child.

Anonymous said... 187

So Jon said last night on the ET interview he did with Hannah that one reason for the divorce was Kate's "relationship" with someone working with the show. The show tried to keep that quiet. Also of course Kate wanted to keep filming with the kids and Jon didn't want to. He asked Kate to tell the truth to her now adult children.

foxy said... 188

Michelle and Anna Duggar wrote the judge for leniency on Joshie. Michelle SPELLED her signature and used a heart over the "i" instead of a dot. Good grief she is in her 50s.

ncgirl said... 189

The defense and prosecution put out memos for Josh's sentencing. The defense's is a fairy tale. MIchelle and others wrote letters for a lighter sentence. More fairy tales.

foxy said... 190

I meant to say Michelle printed her name instead of cursive writing it and used a heart to dot the "i".

Former Lurker said... 191

Josh Duggar faces up to 20 years in prison after being found guilty of receiving and possessing child porn — but both his mother and his wife are pleading with the judge for a light sentence, citing Josh's 'tender heart' and arguing that he is 'considerate, respectful, quick to forgive, [and] patient.'

Josh has been in prison since he was found guilty on December 9, with his sentencing scheduled for May 25.

This week, his defense team filed its sentencing memorandum, including character references from his mother, Michelle, and his wife, Anna.

In her letter to the judge, Michelle, 55, says her son is 'compassionate toward others,' 'a positive and upbeat person,' and 'an organized and diligent individual' — and should be 'reunited with his wife and family in a timely manner.'

Meanwhile, Anna, 33, describes herself as still 'happily married' to Josh, writing that the convicted sex offender is 'the kindest person I know' and 'loving, supportive, and caring father' to his seven children.


There’s a lot more, including a full copy of the letters from Michelle and Anna. Not surprised that Michelle actually signed her letter to the judge by putting a heart over the “i” in her name. Is she twelve??

Former Lurker said... 192

Foxy #188 and 190: I know! It’s unbelievable that, at her age, she would sign anything that way, but especially a letter to a judge. She needs to grow the hell up! ~ Administrator said... 193

I meant to say Michelle printed her name instead of cursive writing it and used a heart to dot the "


Babycakes, no amount of heart dotting is going to get your son out of this one. He’s toast.

BlueJay said... 194

Well, that done settles it then! Josh can't go to prison because Anna needs him to help sweep up crackers!

Is she for real? Sadly, yeah, I know the truth. I've never been before a judge in my life but I'm pretty sure they might look at his mom's signture and least roll their eyes. It comes off at least as inappropriate or unprofessional. As if this isn't serious to her.

On another note, I am very surprised Kate did nothing for her children's 18 birthday.

Jamezvader1194 said... 195

@Admin I'm not shocked that Hannah is no longer her golden child.Mady has taken her spot.To me, Kate is very similar to my aunt and that she played favorites with her kids.Her youngest(and only daughter)child used to be her favorite,but nowadays her first born has taken the spot.

ncgirl said... 196

"So Jon said last night on the ET interview he did with Hannah that one reason for the divorce was Kate's "relationship" with someone working with the show."

Skeeve? I wonder if he and Kate are still in contact.

The Duggar mess is disgusting. They're praising him for doing things any good father should do. And he used an alarm clock. I guess with the Duggars' loose schedule that's a novel idea.

Anonymous said... 197

Kate always favored the twins. The sextuplets were just her little moneymakers. I still can't get over her treatment of Collin regarding the chicken coop, which she dismantled once she institutionalized him.

Anonymous said... 198

Skeeve? I wonder if he and Kate are still in contact.

Yes he’s referring to Skeeve . Jon made comments long ago about his suspicions and how they were always together. I have a feeling lots more of what has been hidden will come out now that the kids are 18.
Also , kudos to Jon for respecting Collin’s wish to keep his life private and off of social media.

Gigi Be

JTN said... 199

I rarely post nowadays, but this news article reads like bad fanfiction. I don't believe a word of it.

BlueJay said... 200

I never thought I’d see it. He always seemed so proud of what he built and on and on. I assumed it star in the family.

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