The Gosselin’s marriage dissolves on TV. When the couple weaponize their fame in a messy divorce, they fracture the image of the perfect American family. Watch the full episode here on Vice.
Did Hannah say anything else in the episode? I know she talked about how Collin was frequently separated from the group and that she doesn’t feel he was taught what behavior was appropriate vs. inappropriate (interesting comment, btw). Did she have anything else to say?
I have been thinking a lot about the separation issue and how if you have a son with social struggles, isolating him from his 7 siblings is the WORST possible thing you can do:
1. It gives the other kids reason to fear him and an essentially excuse to ostracize him 2. It negatively impacts his self-esteem 3. It prevents him from practicing appropriate problem-solving and self-regulation.
What exactly did she think was going to happen if God forbid she let Collin have dinner with his siblings? Did she think he would pick them off one by one? Come on. If anything, it’s clear on the show that he desperately seeked his siblings’ approval, as well as Kate’s—remember when he made that comment to Aaden, “We’re the boys!” He also said something to Aaden about how much he loved spending time with him.
So why not have a behavioral therapist come over a couple times a week to monitor Collin’s interactions with his siblings, help him work through his emotions during times of frustration , help him learn healthy means of dealing with conflict? Although it may have been a bit awkward for him at first, it’s sure as hell better than keeping him on an entirely different schedule than his brothers and sisters.
I have been thinking a lot about the separation issue and how if you have a son with social struggles, isolating him from his 7 siblings is the WORST possible thing you can do:
1. It gives the other kids reason to fear him and an essentially excuse to ostracize him 2. It negatively impacts his self-esteem 3. It prevents him from practicing appropriate problem-solving and self-regulation.
It's the worst thing you can do. This is why special education classes stopped being a separate class in most school districts who have any understanding of psychology, and moved toward integration in the 80s and 90s. When you isolate a child who is so highly dependent on their peers and others to form their well being, the isolation itself can worsen the problem you were trying to help in the first place. While brief separation may be necessary to immediately correct an issue and reset, using it as a long term solution is deeply psychologically damaging.
And good point about the message it sent to the siblings. Children are highly suggestible, and the more that you reinforce the fear, the bigger it gets.
Most studies have found that integration helped kids without special needs just as much as it helped those with it, which just proves the above points.
I wonder if the 4 with Kate, the ones who seem incapable of thinking for themselves, will be headed off to college in a couple weeks. Anyone hear what these now adult siblings are planning for their future? They seem so dependent on Kate. M.
@Anonymous (5) IIRC there was a video on instagram where Alexis said she's studying zoology to work for animals.I think Leah said she wants to open a bakery one day.I'm unsure what Aaden and Joel want to do.
Hi flimsyflamsy! Thinking back to the days of St. Tony of the Ballroom who had to drag Shopping Kart around the floor seems so long ago! I hope the now adult children will be able to navigate adulthood. A young man we know went into Marines few years ago and loves it.
I'm so glad at least Collin and Hannah are being exposed to a health relationship in which a good relationship can come to a natural end and you can still love and support each other (and the kids involved) and even welcome in a new and healthy relationship.
His girlfriend sounds mature and sweet.
I'm reminded of Kate's stupid, stupid dating show.
There's something absolutely sinister about blaming Collin for taking time away from his siblings. What if, heaven forbid, he'd had cancer and needed to be taken for chemo? Would she have been pissed off at that, too? Families all over the planet have to work around the challenges of having a child who requires extra attention. And I suspect in many cases, it brings everyone closer together, and siblings learn about patience and compassion and gratitude for the things they do have.
And I can't help but remember TFW writing in her journal how she grabbed Collin by the hair and beat him to the point she wasn't sure she could stop. He was a TODDLER. What heinous act could he have been capable of to deserve that beating? And all these years later, she is still so comfortable casting him as the villain.
It's sinister. And does she think kids struggling like him don't KNOW they're taking time away from their siblings? Of course they know! It's your job as a NOT A SHIT PARENT to reassure and support them that this is not something for them to worry about and to make them feel like their needs are a priority for your attention and not a "piece of the pie that they're stealing away from another kid." And to reassure and support the siblings as well who have their own complicated feelings about things like this.
And she has quite the nerve to talk about taking time away from other kids when she shot for a high risk of multiples pregnancy after already having twins, knowing full well if it was twins or more, there would be very little time for any one individual child as it is.
Whoa, if that is in fact Kate in the beach pic, then she's even chunkier than she was the last time she was pictured (outside the gym in NC). Now, for anyone else it wouldn't be worth mentioning, but after all her nasty fat-shaming of Jon on the show, I think it deserves a mention, don't you? It looks like a couple of the girls on one side of her, and it also looks like there are more chairs on the other side of her--perhaps the boys. I wonder whether the kids dutifully thanked her a million times for this little vacay, or have they finally figured out that they are the ones paying for it. They have to know by now, right?
It seems Jon's former partner Colleen has mad a statement: I recently learned of derogatory statements made about Collin Gosselin and felt compelled to defend him. These statements were made by family members who have been estranged from his life since he was 12. Collin is not only someone I love dearly but has also been a significant figure in my family’s life. He is currently at boot camp for the Marines and he's unable to defend himself. After Jon and I separated, and Jon moved out, Collin lived with me until he turned 18 so I saw him every day He thrived and was always kind and respectful . He never talked back to me. He was never violent and is far from being considered dangerous. He is there for me when I need him, even bringing me white roses every time he visits. I could tag a multitude of people who have spent time with Collin, and they would all attest to what an amazing person he is. He has overcome more challenges than any one person should ever have to endure. Despite being institutionalized for 3 years alone with only 3 visits from his mother and not receiving proper education, he achieved a 4.0 GPA and won the highest GPA award at his ROTC banquet. I'm so incredibly proud of his accomplishments. Collin's dream to join the Marines seemed impossible given his background, but he never gave up. He went off all medication two years ago and continued to thrive in school and working jobs. He sought private psychiatric evaluations as an adult that disproved all the previous diagnoses. It was his determination that led him to the Marines, where he's now fulfilling his dream. He wouldn't be there if he hadn't proved those diagnoses wrong. I have received letters from Collin during his time in boot camp, and he admits that it is challenging, but he is happy and proud to be there. He is a testament to strength and courage, and I am honored to have him in my life. Collin will always be part of my family, and I'll support him, no matter what comes our way. That's what family does. The truth about Collin's character deserves praise, not unfounded accusations from those estranged from his life.
From Dmasy -- Well, that is a very profound statement from Colleen. Testimony to a relationship that ended maturely. Collin has a strong advocate and a loving second mother.
Kate is truly a horrible person to have said what she did.
Colleen you're AWESOME. And I'm very sorry that you've been put in a position where the own biological mother of a child you care about is cutting him down. Thank you for building him back up.
Kate doesn't know what a wonderful young man he has become because she doesn't CARE to know. Colleen knows.
A mother's love need not be from the biological egg donor.
He sought private psychiatric evaluations as an adult that disproved all the previous diagnoses.
This is getting more sinister. Did Kate strong-arm certain evaluations and diagnosis to help get him out of the home? She certainly made no discernible effort to try to get him back. Once he was gone that was it for her.
Having had my own child now, I'm rather astounded at how much the medical establishment relies on self reporting from parents in forming their opinions. In my case it was just some minor nervous system delays that corrected themselves, but it struck me that I could say whatever I want about her and they write that down. The power of that is scary in the wrong hands.
One thing is certain, Kate has backed herself into a corner with her statement. She just proved her hostility towards her son is what created the issues within the home. In any event it did nothing to win the public over to her side and she would have been much further ahead if she had kept silent. I am still reeling that she was unwilling at the time to see if Jon would agree to have him live with him as opposed to having him institutionalized. I guess healthy coparenting was never going to be conducive to filming a "reality" show.
Mady insinuated that Collin has exhibited hate toward minorities/LGBTQ people. But Colleen’s son commented he loves Collin and reposted her post into his story. If you go to his page and his Twitter account he appears to be an openly gay, liberal young man (of color?) lol
“ Having had my own child now, I'm rather astounded at how much the medical establishment relies on self reporting from parents in forming their opinions. In my case it was just some minor nervous system delays that corrected themselves, but it struck me that I could say whatever I want about her and they write that down. The power of that is scary in the wrong hands.”
I’m listening to a podcast right now about Munchausen (factecious) by proxy and they make this point. It’s called “Nobody should believe me”
Mama C (#16), thank you so much for bringing that statement to us. Colleen has nothing to gain by making anything up, so I don't doubt her comments for a second. What lovely things she has to say about Collin!
Dmasy (#17), I think Colleen was Collin's ONLY mother. TFW was his gestational carrier, and semingly not much more. A woman who once admitted if she had it to do all over again -- meaning, having those 6 children -- she wouldn't.
On another note, even if he was currently suffering from mental health issues and was not in the military, it doesn’t make him a bad young man, a bad child, or deserving of Kate’s wrath. The love a child needs, craves, should not be contingent on the things they struggle with, you piece of garbage, Kate.
The love a child needs, craves, should not be contingent on the things they struggle with, you piece of garbage, Kate. *********************** I totally agree with this, and may I add that the love a child needs (and deserves) should not be contingent upon that child's ability to work and support their parent. Kate saw Collin as an impediment to filming, and as a result she cast him aside, just as she did to her family, her friends, her husband. Anyone who gets in the way of filming is an enemy to her, and that includes her own son. Military boot camp is challenging, both physically and mentally. Yet there Collin is, fighting his way through it an apparently doing so successfully. There's no way someone with the profound mental issues Kate describes could make it through that. Mady implied that Collin was prejudices against minorities and LGBYQ, huh? And how would she know? She hasn't seen him since he was 11. All the stories claim he was sent away at 12, but he wasn't there for the 12th birthday episode, which Kate described as the best ever. Anyway, I think it's fair to say that Mady has no idea what Collin thinks or feels about anything. Time for her to shut her mouth and quit talking about things she knows nothing about.
I’m glad too Colleen said family MEMBERS are running their mouth about him. Mady deserves to be included and called out. Instead of going to a therapist or trusted adult to discuss her complicated feelings about her brother she decided to trash his character instead and it was pure and simple wrong. Thank you Colleen again.
proxy and they make this point. It’s called “Nobody should believe me”
On this topic Take Care of Maya on Netflix was worth a watch and definitely struck me as someone who has prosecuted about two I think munchausen by proxy cases over my career. We just don't file them that much, they are very difficult to prove.
In any event it did nothing to win the public over to her side and she would have been much further ahead if she had kept silent
I would have welcomed a short and simple statement saying that she loves him very very much, and she is committed to doing the same hard work in therapy he has done to someday have a healthy reconciliation, if and when HE is ready to see her.
I’m glad too Colleen said family MEMBERS are running their mouth about him. Mady deserves to be included and called out. Instead of going to a therapist or trusted adult to discuss her complicated feelings about her brother she decided to trash his character instead and it was pure and simple wrong. Thank you Colleen again. ****************** Yes! How dare she lash out against a person she hasn't seen or spoken to in 8 years? He was a child when he was sent away, and now he is an adult. But Mady just couldn't help herself, could she? She appears to be a nasty piece of work, just like her mother.
Wow! I am crying happy tears over Colleen’s statement. What an incredible woman and role model. Suck on that, Kate and Mady.
Also, what kind of a mother lets her son join the MARINES without extending any sort of olive branch, any attempt at mending the relationships? I know he’s just in boot camp now, but it’s pretty much nonstop training for recruits, from everything I have heard.
I have no doubt that Collin will be just fine and will return safely someday after his service, but what kind of parent even takes that chance?!
Yes! How dare she lash out against a person she hasn't seen or spoken to in 8 years? He was a child when he was sent away, and now he is an adult. But Mady just couldn't help herself, could she? She appears to be a nasty piece of work, just like her mother.
For her to say no speaking unless it's cleared with all the siblings, and then to turn around and trash Collin, is simply incomprehensible.
I posted here a few times. I am actually living a real Kaye gosselin situation.
We are raising our 3 grandkids. The mom doesn’t give 2 shits. She only cares about herself. Rewind. She’s not my daughter. My son had mental issues & he’s working at it.
Fast forward. 2 of the kids are extreme autistic. I could never in my life think about sending them away. One of the kids was born with a handicap. But he’s normal for him. Their mom never cared for them. We’ve had custody for a few years now. Possibly adopting to keep their mom from screwing them up more.
That said, you don’t give up on your kids. Just, no. Collin is just beginning to heal. It won’t happen overnight. Maybe one day, he might be the kid to put her in a good home. Then he can sit there & read that book back to her. But I think Collin might be better than that. Lol.
Kids grow up. We, as adults, guide them. We don’t own them. You raise kids. You only get on chance to do it too. They are humans. Not your money makers, not your best friend. I’m raising 3 of my grandkids. I don’t get to be granny. (Ok I lied) I play granny sometimes. But I have to be the adult. Something Kate has never done.
I deal with autism daily. It’s not easy or fun. But we don’t give up or send them away.
If at 12 Collin did’nt want to film anymore, she could keep filming and do not show Collin. Same as in the Kardashian when Rob, Kiley or Kendall did not want to film. I sometimes think Collin and Alexis never went with the other four to Jon’s weekend looking forward to spend more one in one time with Mommy. So sad this story. Luna
I've been thinking of those who have hung out on our porch who are no longer with us. Dwindle, who passed away last May, and others. And how much it would have warmed their hearts to see Collin come through this all such a beautiful young man who is now serving his country.
You know another glaring clue that Kate never intended to welcome Collin back was the way she dismantled the chicken coop after he left. That was his baby, and she knew he was going to be gone permanently so she took it down.
So she can stop pretending. Once he was gone, he was gone and she knew it.
I almost feel ill when I consider what might have happened to that poor young man when he turned 18-21 and aged out of institution, or do you not do that as a youth?
I shutter to think what her plan was for him long-term. ~ Administrator said... 38 I've been thinking of those who have hung out on our porch who are no longer with us. Dwindle, who passed away last May, and others. And how much it would have warmed their hearts to see Collin come through this all such a beautiful young man who is now serving his country. ************************ I like to think that Dwindle, GollyGee, and AuntieAnn are now looking on proudly as Collin goes from strength to strength. He has some wonderful guardian angels looking out for him.
Anonymous (36) Thank you for sharing your experiences. You are proof positive of the strength of family love, and also the fact that some people aren't cut out for motherhood. I wish you strength moving forward. Please keep us all posted on how you and your grands are doing.
Colleen is Collin's mother. How wonderful Collin and Hannah have her in their lives. I do wonder though why Collin continued to live with Colleen when she and Jon broke up.
I do wonder though why Collin continued to live with Colleen when she and Jon broke up.
Just guessing but almost certainly to keep him in the same school to finish things out. If he were to move in with Jon and he wasn't in the district boarder and were caught it could be fraud.
I wonder whatever happened to Jodi and Kevin? I'd like to think they might be back in Collin's life.
And remember Beth and Bob, whom TFW bragged, loved them "for all the right reasons?" That seemed like an odd comment, but finally made sense when you realized all of her own relationships were transactional.
So many people who loved and cared and committed to her family were simply "deleted" by Mommie Dearest. Including her own son.
Kate is disgusting as are her army of little minions who I'm shocked are still around considering she has been irrelevant for so long. I just find the entire thing so bizarre and cruel. Mady needs to do a lot of soul searching and ask herself if she really wants to turn out like her mother. I'm afraid she has a cruel side that would rival her mother's. To Collin and Hannah, the best revenge would be to live happy successful lives and basically forget about that thing that called herself a mother.
Giffy said... 45 Kate is disgusting as are her army of little minions who I'm shocked are still around considering she has been irrelevant for so long. ******************* I noticed that too. No matter what has happened in the last 14 years, they still point out the fact that Jon went off the rails for a while. In 2009. How many horrible things has Kate done since then? Too many to count. But Jon's brief period of rebellion is all they have to complain about, so they'll never let that go. Oh, right, and they're still claiming that he never paid a dime of child support, which even Kate has admitted is not true. He paid a huge amount right after the divorce, and then later, even though he didn't pay nearly as much, she admitted that he was paying--but that the amount didn't even cover their lunches. She let him off the hook years later so she could still film them, but that was her decision. The sheeple are still so deep in denial that the truth, even when it is confirmed by Kate herself, is irrelevant. It's truly sickening.
What I rermember most about how Kate treated Collin is how she assigned him to do the filthiest, dirtiest chore - caring for the chickens and cleaning the chicken s**t out of the coop daily (that she likely acquired so she could claim her property was a farm). None of the other kids had to do anything remotely as disgusting as that.
I was just remembering how TFW referred to the workers who came to fill the kids as their "crew daddies." Heifer, your children had a REAL daddy whom you kicked to the curb.
And how interesting that she claimed her kids felt so attached to the crew daddies, yet pooh-poohed the idea that they would miss their own brother...claiming Collin hadn't been around much anyway.
And how interesting that she claimed her kids felt so attached to the crew daddies, yet pooh-poohed the idea that they would miss their own brother...claiming Collin hadn't been around much anyway.
Flimsy that is such a great point and I'm kind of surprised no one has made it before that I recall.
Crew daddies can't leave they'll just miss them so much!! Biological brother--meh.
On other news Josh Duggar lost his appeal case. Another TLC "wonderful" family. Parents willing to sell out their kids for $$ and not get them the proper help they needed.
Ampersmom said... 52 On other news Josh Duggar lost his appeal case. Another TLC "wonderful" family. Parents willing to sell out their kids for $$ and not get them the proper help they needed. **************** Good! Josh Duggar is right here he belongs. Too bad they can't keep him there for life, because he isn't the type to change his ways. He is arrogant like his dad and doesn't seem to think there is anything wrong with what he has done. All he cares about is getting away with it.
If anyone needs a good laugh, there is a show called Cunk on Earth that is on Netflix and it is hysterically funny! One of my sons found it and we're all hooked.
On other news Josh Duggar lost his appeal case. Another TLC "wonderful" family. Parents willing to sell out their kids for $$ and not get them the proper help they needed.
Ha they made short work of that appeal. Wham bam done.
I wish the sentence was longer but it's also sweet justice that his kids will be adults or so old that the risk he could ever hurt them would be very low.
Locking him up is the ONLY way to protect his own kids.
She never thought they’d grow up. That’s what kids do. Grow up & hopefully be productive. She’s probably latching on to a couple of them & crying.
Young adults grow up too. They have their on lives & a family if that’s what they desire.
Most of them will probably need therapy down the road.
Some of the kids probably won’t give up on her. Like she gave up on everyone that couldn’t “help” her.
She doesn’t deserve them. But I’m sure they love her. It’s all they know. Who knows.
Her not talking to Collin on his graduation day blew my mind. She’s horrid. I hope nothing but the best for that kid. I hope his life is the way he wants it. She doesn’t deserve him. She doesn’t deserve any of them. As far as Maddie? She’s young yet. Not fully grown. Young adults change. That poor girl got a bad rap because of the tlc show. I cut her some slack. It upsets me when people say she’s just like her mom. We don’t know her well enough. Sure, she says stupid stuff. But look who raised her?
I think there's hope for Mady because she did take down some of her posts (beyond just the ones that naturally expired). She thought better of it, which is more than can be said for so much of what Kate has said and done over the years. And at least Mady has the excuse of being very, very young, with the hope that maturity will bring introspection.
Personally I don’t think Mady took down those TicTok videos because she suddenly grew a conscience. I think that she took them down because of the backlash and she was afraid of losing the partnerships (endorsements) that she has. Also, her account is public and in this day and age future employers look at social media accounts. Cara is the smart one. She’s kept her life private.
I don’t know if either of my previous comments went through so here we go again. Sorry if it’s redundant. I don’t think that Mady took down some of her posts because she suddenly grew a conscience. I think she took them down because of the backlash and she was afraid that she’d lose some of her TicTok partnerships (endorsements). Also, her account is public and in this day and age future employers do look at social media accounts. Cara has been the smart one. She’s kept her life private. Admin, feel free to delete if my other comment won’t through.
I agree with NJGal51. Employers might look up people, what does she do again? Media relations? I mean they might think that’s terrible fit for their company. Her behavior. Some might have even told her they didn’t approve of her behavior because their company might have gotten negative attention from all her drama I don’t know if you have social media business in public like that then go to work doesn’t it cause a problem?
What is Mady's degree in? I know someone mentioned Bubble Skincare but I'm thinking it's not the flex Mady wants people to think it is. I know they had Jazz Jennings...also of a questionable, manipulative TLC reality show, promoting their product a few years ago. I never see Mady leaving Kate's side or ever having healthy relationships romantically or even with any children of her own she might have. Actually, I think it was Mady who should have gotten help at a much earlier age than Kate pretended Collin needed. Both Mady and Kate forget it is all on film. No words will ever erase what the world saw with our own eyes.
This whole social media product peddling is one of the worst things to come out of the last decade. It's no better than the 19th century traveling snake oil salesman. I'm embarrassed for these folks.
I was looking at Leah's TikTok. It was all baking videos and she is very talented. But her last video she said she was leaving for college soon and would be changing her content (but didn't say to what. college life i guess?). She has no hate on her comments, all nice, mostly compliments on her creations.
Just guessing but almost certainly to keep him in the same school to finish things out. If he were to move in with Jon and he wasn't in the district boarder and were caught it could be fraud. ——— Totally agree although Hannah was able to stay at the same school. I think it was more about keeping Collin in a consistent, stable environment while he continued to heal. Her home was the first real home he’d had in a very long time. I think Colleen has become his surrogate mom and given her cancer diagnosis at the time, he likely wanted to spend as much time as he could with her. Kudos to both Colleen and Jon that despite their own breakup, they worked together to support Collin and give him what he needed at that time.
I was reading about this awful house explosion near Pittsburg on The Washington Post and Kate’s puffy pink face and reverse mullet showed up in an ad with the capition “hairstyles that aged ladies 10 plus years.” Nothing makes you go from tearful to spitting your Coke faster.
NJGal51, I agree with you. I don't think she saw anything wrong with what she posted, and I don't think she would have bothered to take it down if there wasn't pressure--probably from her employer--to do so. They don't like negative press to reflect on their company, so they would keep an eye on any controversy surrounding their employees. I also don't think it's immaturity that cause Mady to lash out at Collin the way she did. I was baffled as to why she would infer that Collin was hateful towards minorities and the LGBTQ community. Especially since she doesn't appear to have had any contact with him since he was 11. How would she know? Then I realized that the quickest way to "cancel" someone in today's culture is to label them a racist or LGBTQ-phobic. I really think she believed she could just cancel him with a few well-chosen words and that was her intent. But then Colleen's son, who appears to be both minority and a member of the LGBTQ community, came forward to praise Collin and tell of their close relationship. That revealed the fact that Mady was just making up things to attack Collin. I think it is pure nastiness and entitlement on Mady's part that made her speak. And isn't it interesting that the other G kids--even the ones several years younger than Mady--didn't say a word.
How would she know? Then I realized that the quickest way to "cancel" someone in today's culture is to label them a racist or LGBTQ-phobic
Make no mistake, she darn well knows that.
To say such a thing without any specific facts to back it up in this current cancel culture climate is really patently outrageous and if said recklessly enough could even expose her to a defamation lawsuit.
I have given some thought to the future of someone like Mady who really if you think of it has had a terrible role model as a mother and never was able to develop a relationship with her father and she really would benefit from counselling. Actually they all would. I think while it doesn't justify Kate's parenting, her own parents were probably seriously lacking and thus the cycle of obvious abuse. Kate had a wonderful opportunity when she went to Hannah and Colin's graduation and because of her own ego she absolutely blew that. It's still all about hating her ex more than loving her kids.
Mady absolutely is part of a cycle. There does come a time in one's adult life where there is a shift in that their childhood is no longer an excuse for their behavior or problems. That the responsibility now lies on you the adult child to stop the cycle and take some other path in your life for yourself and those around you. Arguably she is at that crossroads now, at her age.
There does come a time in one's adult life where there is a shift in that their childhood is no longer an excuse for their behavior or problems. --------- Yep. At some point, you own the ball. That time is really close for Mady and she won't be prepared.
Whereas Colin and Hannah already took ownership of their balls.
I can’t recommend enough Tiny Beautiful Things to Mady and anyone struggling with their past. It really does advocate a fine balance between accepting how freaking shitty your shit hand was while also empowering you to not let it own your life. To spear it and kill it and do better.
Looks like Jon gave yet another interview addressing Mady and discussing his estrangement with his children.
I always liked Jon okay, and I felt for him because of the way he was treated by Kate, and eventually by TLC. But I wish more than anything that he would stop giving these interviews about his children. It’s redundant, it makes him look desperate for the spotlight, and it’s not going to do anything to help the relationship or change the twin’s and four sextuplets’ tarnished view of him.
He already publicly defended Collin via a statement through a magazine, and Colleen gave a detailed Instagram post beautifully attesting to Collin’s character. That is enough, there was no need to speak on this any further.
He already publicly defended Collin via a statement through a magazine, and Colleen gave a detailed Instagram post beautifully attesting to Collin’s character. That is enough, there was no need to speak on this any further.
Yes I'm sure the sheeple would love that just Kate and Mady get to speak, and everyone else shut up.
Sorry, I forgot to add my name in my last post, didn’t mean to go anonymous.
That’s not I meant at all. Kate and Mady should keep their mouths shut, too, especially since what they say are likely lies and slander. Of course Collin and Jon should defend themselves. I just feel like Jon has said enough and doesn’t need to keep doing these interviews.
preesi (#77), I was just coming here to post the same thing! Tragic, sickening story. May those kids and young adults get the help they need. And may their evil mother pay the price for the damage she did to their bodies and souls.
Looks like Leah is having a great start at college. I wonder if the other 3 are at the same school. It does appear that she has a roommate--there was another bed in her pictures. NCSU is in Raleigh, so she's a few hours away from home. That should give her a little space away from her mother's influence, which has to be a good thing. I noticed Leah has the same flower pillow that my little Boo has, except Boo's pillow plays music when you press the petals. She loves it because she can amuse herself with it while she's supposed to be sleeping. She's such a fun little girl! She has her daddy wrapped around her little finger--and she knows it. She's such a cute mix of girly-girl and total basa$$. She must wear dresses every day (preferably Disney princess dresses), loves having her hair done just-so--and her favorite activity is banging on her drum set and belting out her favorite song, "Zombie" by the Cranberries. Sully started K-3, and it's just killing me. I said, "You're so grown up now! When did you get so big?". And he thought for moment and said, "Ummm...yesterday". He has lots of friends, and they all give each other hugs when they are leaving school for the day. He has a best friend now. He's growing up too fast! I saw the story about the Mormon family. It's absolutely heartbreaking, Why is it that the mothers who shove themselves in the public eye and pretend they're the perfect parents with perfect families--are always the worst parents? Too many kids are being used as commodities these days, and the results can be disastrous. I also hope Paul Peterson speaks out.
Preesi, flimsy flamsy, I read a story about the Mormon mom blogger/ abuser. She also kicked out Dad and things got so bad. Multiple neighbors talked with reporters and said they had reported to CPS multiple times.
ncgirl (#84), and apparently Jill describes her felon brother Josh as a "pedophile." Quite a long way from that TV interview where Jill and Jessa brushed off Josh's attacks as something that happens in most families. Clearly they had been coached by their cult leader -- um, I mean, their father Jim-Bob -- to downplay the whole thing. Big Daddy needed that gravy train to keep chugging' along. What a disgusting, narcissistic coward.
I still get people mag every week. Issue with Jimmy Buffett on cover, picture of Jill on top of cover, nice article about her and husband, upcoming book. Very clear about what contract with producers committed her to filming. She never wanted childbirth to be filmed, but those episodes got great ratings! It was only after marriage that they were asking more questions about where was the money going. Because of her husband she also stopped accepting the status quo.
I still get people mag every week. Issue with Jimmy Buffett on cover, picture of Jill on top of cover, nice article about her and husband, upcoming book. Very clear about what contract with producers committed her to filming. She never wanted childbirth to be filmed, but those episodes got great ratings! It was only after marriage that they were asking more questions about where was the money going. Because of her husband she also stopped accepting the status quo.
Her book is getting a lot of media buzz for its ongoing shocking revelations. I really hope Arkansas has looked into any and all available options to go after Jim Bob and his Baby Cakes. What they did was impose slavery on Jill, which last I checked is illegal.
Admin (#88), wouldn't UT be something if the ultimate Duggar "good girl," who seemed to worship her father, is the one to burn it all to the ground.
Reminds me of Hannah Gosselin -- helpfully identified on the opening credits as "the leader, and Mommy's helper -- leaving Mommy's house the first chance she got.
So apparently Rube Frankes entire family and friend circle are all closet incestuous swingers. They have sex parties Nothing wrong with sex parties. But apparently theres a lot of sex abuse in these mormons families and I think this is why they abuse kids. They take it out on their kids
From Dmasy -- After a ten year adventure in Texas, hubby and I have returned to the Midwest. Unexpected but we are going to embrace the change. Internet was just connected! Boxes every where!
On the long drive ahead of the moving trucks, I read Jill Duggar's book. Much better written than I would have expected. She shares quite a bit and stops just short of salacious details. She is a kind hearted soul who protects her parents while being truthful.
She and her husband seem grounded, with Derrick being a strong guide for her as she navigates from Sweet Jilly Muffin to a more critical thinker.
Who would have predicted that Jill would be the one to break away from the Duggar family in such dramatic fashion? What a nightmare for her insanely controlling father, who somehow thought he'd continue to keep his adult children under his rule. Not anymore, Pops!
I really do have to give Jill's husband a whole lot of credit. It's crystal clear for me he loves her deeply, he appreciates and understands her toxic childhood and toxic parent, and is willing and able to provide her the support she needs to tell her story and move on with healing the damage done to her life. And she really is struggling to rebuild on a foundation that was intentionally stunted for her against her will. Taking on that baggage in a marriage is a mountain to bear and he's done it and done it well.
Can you imagine the blind rage Jim-Bob must feel at the fact his daughter is going to make a substantial amount of money from the book sales and he won't be entitled to one red cent? Out of all the humiliating, emasculating aspects of this story, methinks that is a particularly tough pill for him to swallow.
Can you imagine the blind rage Jim-Bob must feel at the fact his daughter is going to make a substantial amount of money from the book sales and he won't be entitled to one red cent? Out of all the humiliating, emasculating aspects of this story, methinks that is a particularly tough pill for him to swallow.
I wish they would put together a criminal case on his ass. Slavery has been a crime since 1865.
By the way, how do those multiple Indictments strike you? You are, as an attorney of the California Bar, an officer of the courts. I dare you t
Hi there nutty pants. Now now it isn’t about what I think is it. It’s what the votessay and you sure do sound upset that his nomination is a slam dunk. Oh noes! Hilarious.
And there it is. I knew you couldn’t resist. You had to cut my comment very close to make you look “good” (and you still failed) but you still had to respond. You are really so much fun. I know your idol will be the Republican nominee. I am ecstatic! He lost the popular vote in 2016; lost the popular vote and electoral college in 2020; is under indictment in 4 jurisdictions for 91 counts; and his business “empire” is crumbling. I am having fun with people like you- supposed “officers of the court” who are still trying to condone his conduct. It’s pure theater to me. Please keep your Trump Train chugging. You would make me sad if you didn’t!
It really bothers you that I don't care about this. Lol.
I'm interested in Israel, the economy, Ukraine, and my home life, to name some of them.
You couldn't figure out that I missed a space between vote and say thus making it one word? Your blind rage over things that don't matter truly made you blind.
“She’s fallen quite a ways from being one of the country’s top reality stars,” the insider told a magazine. “Kate is currently living a very quiet and boring life in North Carolina. She doesn’t date and has very few friends — actually, her best friends are pretty much her kids."
Such a hypocrite. You formed this blog on the idea that children have the right to privacy and to not be used in any way by their parents yet you chose to use your daughter (and it is horrible I even know she is a girl) for attention on your dying blog.
You're a hysterical buffoon. I challenge you to find a photo of my daughter on the inter webs, or even her name. Oop you can't.
Kate erased everyone that didn’t fall in line, I’m not surprised she’s lonely with no friends. What a sad life!
Anonymous, get a freaking life! Typical person suffering from trump derangement syndrome! Most on here have mentioned their kids/grands, omg clutch your pearls! Who cares!!!! We are proud of our kids and grands. We don’t make profit from our kids, that’s the difference. Go worship your dear leader, Biden. The weak moron losing his mind.
As far as worshipping anyone- you don’t know me at all. I didn’t vote for Biden in the primaries or the general election. I am actually a registered Republican who votes for the best candidate. I don’t find and will likely never find Trump to be a good, much less best, candidate. It is rather telling that you immediately leap to assumptions about my political views and project “worshipping” a person with obvious cognitive decline onto me (and Biden.)
I'm actually shocked you said something I agree with, yet you refuse to see that's how most people think. I'm interested in someone who can fucking keep world peace as was kept quiet handily before the current senile one took office. Now WW3 is raging around the globe. I'm glad you feel good about yourself given what's happened since. I don't vote for candidates that CAN'T LEAD and then little babies get beheaded, thanks. I sleep well at night.
There are American babies getting beheaded? Either you are a terrible attorney or you think I am really stupid. Neither Trump nor Biden nor any American President could have prevented what is happening in the current and tragic conflict nor could any POTUS intervene in any reasonable way.
You are very naive and hopelessly uneducated about the Middle East. You are simply ignorant to not be aware of how our current administration’s handling (f up) of Iran lead DIRECTLY to this disaster. Directly. Get off this blog and start reading something useful to your life. I suggest The Wall Street journal for starters.
ncgirl (101). Interesting article. it says she retreated from the spotlight years ago--as if she did that voluntarily. Not a chance. She was forced out, kicking and screaming. It goes on to say that she's living paycheck to paycheck--yeah, right. We all know that she "borrows" from her kids to survive. That is, if you consider buying a lakeside second home "surviving". And she "misses the spotlight and the money" from being on TV. Of course she does. She was in it for the fame and fortune all along, no matter what lies she was spinning on talk shows. She'd kill to be back where she once was. Narcissists will always long for attention. She's going to miss it forever.
Kate Gosselin once had a bustling household with eight children, but now she’s living all by herself in her Troutman, North Carolina, home after her four remaining children moved out and left for college, according to a new report.
Oh and I'm sure she intends to use whatever back child support she may end up recovering on the adult kids, lol. She'll spend more in attorney fees than she will in money she ever gets. She could, like, GET A JOB, too.
How long is she really going to keep this up? It’s pitiful. Having a pity party are we? By the time she’s my age she’s not going to have an easy time and I almost feel sorry for her. Almost.
I don’t know much about reality television ladies what is to say you can’t wrap that up and get a job? You do whatever is necessary. So you were filmed, now you’re not. Her adult children have jobs why can’t she? What exactly is the difference?
It’s not as if that $132,000 plus estimated will last long anyhow. She could I suppose downgrade that house to something more manageable. My family came to visit we pulled out cots and sleeping bags nobody needed their own guest room. She could get by with a nice two bedroom apartment since it’s just herself.
She's nearing he end of her prime working years and her prime time to maximize her retirement savings.
She spent all this time trying to suck everyone else dry of money they don't have instead of hunkering down and earning it herself. People are living into their 80s and 90s as rule. She's really going to be hurting.
I'm not person to ask regards to relality television, but I would assume after taxes if she put into savings if at all that it just would not pay much realistically like a long-term full-time job would have with better benefits, Social Security, or whatever retirement plan you sign onto. That the state still would have come along and take its cut. I mean it was television. It might have paid well and looked y'know fancy with its "free trips," and promotional gigs and "free swag," perhaps clothing and such, but perhaps left her dry as stated when it's come to that retirement savings. Judging by the fact she's well quote unquote "borrowing," money from her own children.
I also take a look at fact her ex-husband has had jobs, and still works. I would think at some point yes, she would be on a sinking ship as she ages.
Admin said...She spent all this time trying to suck everyone else dry of money they don't have instead of hunkering down and earning it herself. *********** Correct! Didn't she say for years and years that she wouldn't hesitate to go back to work to support the kids? Yet she ever did. If she was so desperate 4 years ago that she had to take $100K from C&H, then what has she been doing since then? I can only guess that she's still "borrowing" money from the kids to "survive". So, what happens when their money runs out? It will only get harder to work as she gets older. Does she still hold out hope that yet another show will drop into her lap? If that's what she's holding out for, she's going to be bitterly disappointed. She needs to figure out how to deal with reality soon, but she seems to have no interest in saving herself.
Layla, perhaps she expects her children to do that surviving for her and then support her in her elder years because, "I did it all for them," so she should expect them to do it all for her in return? She did sort of strike me as a we decided things a family, in a way that she comes off as I expect my kids to band together as a group and be there for me mentality. I wouldn't be surprised if she moved in with her children then her golden years begin.
With the kids all gone, I'm flashing back to when TFW moved into the "mine all mine" mansion and gleefully shared how her kids could "disperse" in such a large house. As Michelle Duggar once admitted about herself, I suspect TFW never had a "heart for children." She loved the attention having those 6 babies gave her, and was happy to use them as her ticket to ride. But raising children, which included "dirty, icky" boys? Not her jam.
And with all her children gone, I'm guessing she doesn't have any dogs anymore. Who would take care of them?
Mady had posted a pic of one of the dogs (I think the white girl dog) a while back. I did ask if Shoka and the other boy dog were still alive but she didn't answer me. I just went back to look for the TikTok but she has cleaned her TT up and took a ton of them down, including all the ones that included the family.
BlueJay (115) You're right, she's one of those people who will expect her children to take on the burden of supporting her. Well, to tell the truth, that's what they've been doing all along. Nobody would have watched the show if not for the kids. The tups ere working since they were infants to provide support for her. And when the audience lost interest, she started "borrowing" from their trusts to "survive". They ere still shouldering the burden for supporting her. Don't you love how that article said she was living paycheck to paycheck now--what paycheck? They also say she isn't working. I can only guess that she's using the proceeds from the sale of her house in PA to live now, but that house was supposed to be the kids' house. That's what she always said, and it was originally owned by their trust (until she changed it). So, that was supposed to be their home, and therefore the proceeds should have been theirs. Do you really think they saw a dime of that money? Of course not.
Those kids will be shouldering the burden of supporting her in the style to which she became accustomed (thanks to them) for the rest of their lives. Because, you know, she gave up soooo much in order to set things up so that they could support her.
kris (117) There have been pictures of the dog published in various places since the move, but none of the male dogs. Shoka would be very old now and probably isn't around anymore, but what about Mak? He is an "icky boy", so he may have been discarded along the way. Hard to tell.
I had 2 boys and 2 girls, I can’t say one is better than the other. They were all amazing in their own ways. Kate’s a royal bitch! I also had male and female dogs, again, I loved them all equally. Right now I have 2 male dogs, I give them voices and personalities of little boys hahhaha My female dog had to be put down 2 yrs ago, she was 15 and couldn’t walk anymore. We had a huge family party the night before, she had cake, brownies, steak, chicken, cookies, etc. it was an amazing send off! Taking her the next day broke me. We had her from 8 weeks old, making the decision to put her out of pain was so hard! What I’m saying is Kate has ice running through her veins, she only cares about the sex, she doesn’t love animals or boys. (Or really herself) My pets are family.
I’m not shocked at all she’s lonely and broke. She made her bed!
I can’t help but wonder what Kate’s gonna do if all the kids marry or move away. What if they follow what she taught them and cut off parents and siblings? What if her kids spouses or significant others don’t like her and don’t want to spend time with her nasty attitude? Time will tell I guess. But if she thinks life is lonely now, it may get way worse.
Clack, I'm so sorry about your pup! We lost one of ours a few years ago and the pain was indescribable. Our dogs are our babies and we just weren't ready to let go yet. It sounds like your girl had the kind of send-off she deserved and she was loved and well cared for throughout her life. She was a lucky girl.
"Kate Gosselin lost a court battle against her ex-husband, Jon Gosselin, after demanding that he cough up more than $132k in alleged back child support."
It so good to see her losing. She won for too long. ****************** I wonder if she decided to try to collect child support from the time after she claimed that she "relieved"Jon of his payments. Apparently she did that so that he wouldn't oppose her filming the kids. Even if this wasn't done through legal channels, she and her lawyer both publicly stated that she did it, so she'd have a hard time trying to claim the money now. If that's not it, then I can't imagine how she believed he owed her that much. It's just interesting to see that the court didn't agree with her reasoning. I'm sure she's not taking it well. No more filming, no more big paychecks, and no 6-figure payout from Jon. What is her next plan to try to collect huge sums of money without working for it? Maybe she'll go after the kids' trusts for the money spent on tuition. Would anyone be surprised if she did?
Admin, can you clarify what an "adverse revival" is? I know she could file a revival to reinstate a former ruling, but an adverse revival? I'm kinda clueless. Still, I'm glad she lost, no matter the terms used. And I hope she had to shell out a pile of cash for her lawyers, too. It's time for her to stop using the courts to bully Jon.
Poor Schmoopy. No more "set the record straight" interviews, no more fish in paper, no more paps on speed dial (*waves to Chris*) to capture the sight of her pumping gas in gladiator sandals. Who's "mediocre" now?
All kidding aside...I wonder if she has any friends, besides her children? Seems like anyone she was close to was on her payroll. And everyone else was kicked to the curb.
Admin, can you clarify what an "adverse revival" is? I know she could file a revival to reinstate a former ruling, but an adverse revival? I'm kinda clueless
I'm not familiar with this term either. I assume she's whining about arrears? I assume it has something to do with awakening a lapsed judgement to enforce it. Maybe someone local knows.
I did a little more reading on the subject and it seems that she wanted child support from 2012-2018 because he sued for custody of Collin and Hannah. In 2012, she relieved him of the requirement to pay--as long as he didn't try to get custody of any of the kids. Then, of course, he got custody of C&H, so Kate wants the child support money he would have had to pay, The recent judge threw it out because he did not agree with the original arrangement. He refused to recognize an agreement that interfered with the parent/child relationship. I completely agree. So, what next? I'm a little worried that she'll try to sue the kids' trusts for the money she spent on their private schooling. I guess it depends on how desperate she is. I can't imagine any parent doing something like that, but then again no other parent would complain about something like that in the first place. After all, it was her choice to send them to that school. If she's really broke, then she needs to sell her latest house, get something more affordable (or maybe an apartment), and support herself for once.
The recent judge threw it out because he did not agree with the original arrangement. He refused to recognize an agreement that interfered with the parent/child relationship. I completely agree.
As I've said for a decade, this little arrangement is illegal and contrary to public policy. You can't waive or bargain away support that belongs to the children, it's not yours to waive. So now she wants the money back from something she illegally set up. Classy. Good for the judge being like, nah.
Oh, suing the trust is coming next make no mistake.
She's got the twins in her pocket - always did. The younger kids were her worker ants and got the worst chores. Collin got the worst of all - cleaning the chicken coop. After she shipped him off she dismantled her entire chicken operation rather than give the horrible job to another child.
I don't know anyone who has clung so hard to money like this from reality television paychecks. It's just so sad.
We talk about how bad it is the Gosselins were filmed, I often wonder about the Busby children. What will happen to them once the cameras go away? Will their parents be as off the rails as Kate?
What is so horrid about her getting a part-time job? Y'know if memory serves me she claims Jon could/should whatever have gotten one. I thought Miss. Thing here was a master organizer, planner all that. Shouldn't she have been a little more financially prepared? She's what in her early 50's?
Yes, by all means...downsize. Not everyone needs a house with a pool. Surely that upkeep is quite a lot. I wouldn't make a career out of suing ones ex-husband for back child support when your children are adults. I'm not an attorney, so it just seems rather pathetic. Not to mention a waste of money. And time. Do people actually do that sort of thing once they have adult children? I don't think I've heard of such nonsense!
SHE didn't show up for custody of that poor boy. HER daughter clearly wanted to live with her father. I suppose I just don't (in normal sense) see the point.
I haven't watched TLC in quite sometime, is it still a hotbed for multiples, home renovations and other unusual families? Or has that tide shifted to other avenues? Perhaps if it has someone should inform Kate she is no longer quite as unusual. Aren't there other families with multiples? I did see a bit of news today some identical triplets was welcomed home, that's very sweet.
The world changes y'know. I don't know what this lady could possibly have to offer anyone.
It is sad. Like watching somebody beg. The amount of money she wants isn’t millions. She could have made the same amount and more in just a few year’s time working a real nursing job.
Oh, suing the trust is coming next make no mistake. ************** I wouldn't be surprised. She said the trust(s) "owed" her the money she spent for the kids' private school tuitions--and she knew exactly how much she had spent. What parent can quote exactly how much they spent on their kids' educations? And why would the kids be responsible for paying for something that SHE chose? Does she think she can convince anyone that it was the kids' choice? Actually, this is someone who thinks people believed that her toddlers "voted" to keep filming, so she probably does. Maybe her pre-school-aged kids came to her and said, "Mommy, we've been considering our educational options and we've decided that private school is the best choice for us. After considering such factors as test scores, class sizes, and availability for filming, we've decided that LCDS is the place we'll be going", Yeah, I'm sure that's exactly how it happened.
I did a search in Zillow for her NC home. 136 Hawks Point Dr, Troutman, NC 28166 It is not for sale but it has the value amount of $1.33 Million on the map. I realize Zillow may not be totally accurate. So sell and take her profit and find a nice smaller empty nest size house 2-3 bedroom about $200K. Doesn't have to have pool, lakeside, etc. Also did she buy the pontoon and jet ski that I saw a corner of in pic/video of her kid. Like she didn't waste money on that too?????
I wouldn't be surprised. She said the trust(s) "owed" her the money she spent for the kids' private school tuitions--and she knew exactly how much she had spent. What parent can quote exactly how much they spent on their kids' educations? And why would the kids be responsible for paying for something that SHE chose? Does she think she can convince anyone that it was the kids' choice? Actually, this is someone who thinks people believed that her toddlers "voted" to keep filming, so she probably does. Maybe her pre-school-aged kids came to her and said, "Mommy, we've been considering our educational options and we've decided that private school is the best choice for us. After considering such factors as test scores, class sizes, and availability for filming, we've decided that LCDS is the place we'll be going", Yeah, I'm sure that's exactly how it happened.
This reminds me, Little People Big World is now on HBO all except the very first special they did which appears to be lost now, I've certainly never been able to find it. And there was a Q and A type behind the scenes episode, and they were discussing why they decided to keep filming. Matt said something completely disturbing to me, that the family was very resistant to continuing on filming but that he kept pushing them to keep doing it to "spread awareness of little people." Knowing Matt, Matt will get his way no matter what anyone else thinks.
There's so much more to say about that whole situation, but while Matt is not Kate, I will say they are both opportunists who when they want something will steamroll even their own family members to get it.
I thought about it ladies, and I'm a tad surprised that nobody has offered Kate a oh what it is it set the record straight, or tell all interview after this Vice and other press that went on like they have before. Could be she's asked and nobody took the bait? Or she actually figured out that since her son can out her she's not going to bother that route? I'm also partial to see if she'll try and write another book.
I could be wrong but I'm going to guess she's too chicken to do an interview. If she's going to say anything about Collin it's going to be calculated and rehearsed and said in a manner that he can't really respond like her last bullshit.
I did watch the last season of LPBW reluctantly because I was so disgusted by the previous season. Matt puts his $$ above his family. Apparently Jeremy originally wanted to buy the farmhouse and Matt rejected his offer. Then Zack made an offer and Matt was highly insulted by his offer and it turned into a feud. Matt's girlfriend was involved and Zack and Tori stopped communicating with them. Then Matt and his gf would go on camera about how hurt they were and just trashing them. If the farmhouse is part of an inheritance, then why fight about it? I understand not 'giving' it away to one of them but I don't feel you should make this huge profit off of your child either. Matt was so sure he was going to be able to sell it for a premium. Well that didn't happen, so instead he short term rents it out. I mean, all of that and you rent it out to various strangers. I know reality tv isn't all reality but there is bad blood there for sure. There was bickering between Matt and Zack on Instagram while the show was airing. I think they are trying to rebuild the relationship because of the grandkids but there was definate strain. Honestly, the season was very depressing. Matt is really so so greedy.
I did watch the last season of LPBW reluctantly because I was so disgusted by the previous season. Matt puts his $$ above his family. Apparently Jeremy originally wanted to buy the farmhouse and Matt rejected his offer. Then Zack made an offer and Matt was highly insulted by his offer and it turned into a feud. Matt's girlfriend was involved and Zack and Tori stopped communicating with them. Then Matt and his gf would go on camera about how hurt they were and just trashing them. If the farmhouse is part of an inheritance, then why fight about it? I understand not 'giving' it away to one of them but I don't feel you should make this huge profit off of your child either. Matt was so sure he was going to be able to sell it for a premium. Well that didn't happen, so instead he short term rents it out. I mean, all of that and you rent it out to various strangers. I know reality tv isn't all reality but there is bad blood there for sure. There was bickering between Matt and Zack on Instagram while the show was airing. I think they are trying to rebuild the relationship because of the grandkids but there was definate strain. Honestly, the season was very depressing. Matt is really so so greedy.
This show has been my background noise for the last 4 months if I want something on while I'm folding socks. I was surprised after watching every single episode again (I'm up to the births of the grandkids) how complex Matt is, and not as much of an asshole as I thought. Amy is passive aggressive and emotionally unavailable, but wants to blame Matt for her own subpar traits she won't work on.
Matt did the bulk of the work on the farm from day one including the paperwork the planning the execution the success. The lazy children and Amy took no initiative and often turned down his requests for help. This is his life's work and retirement, and the children wanted it at a, as I understand it, HEAVY discount. Below fair market value. That's simply unfair and frankly disrespectful to Matt and everything he did to bring it to where it is.
Matt also made an off-hand comment about the farm that I actually think truly worried him. He said he had such a fear that the farm was going to cause fighting between his children and such knowledge would break his heart. So everything he did if he saw it causing any kind of strife, he just kept leaning toward unloading it on someone unrelated and nip that in the bud hard. Sure enough when the sale of the farm was causing conflict, he did just that, removed the farm from the kids table.
Do I think he was coming from a good place? I actually do. I could be wrong but his motives were pure, but the execution of such a complex financial and emotional issue was simply doomed to fail.
Admin - I never saw it the way you're describing, so I see what you're saying and yes, maybe he was avoiding conflict by taking it out of the kids hands. So good foresight there. And I will agree with your assessment of him being the worker bee and not Amy or the kids. But in Amy's defense, she was a very hands on mom so I think she thinks that was her role and the farm was his. Their marriage dynamic was very dysfunctional. I was not one bit surprised when they announced their divorce.
Admin - I never saw it the way you're describing, so I see what you're saying and yes, maybe he was avoiding conflict by taking it out of the kids hands. So good foresight there. And I will agree with your assessment of him being the worker bee and not Amy or the kids. But in Amy's defense, she was a very hands on mom so I think she thinks that was her role and the farm was his. Their marriage dynamic was very dysfunctional. I was not one bit surprised when they announced their divorce.
It's funny if I watch any individual episode I'm Team Amy. But when I consider them as a whole I'm team Matt. Amy was supermom but I also saw time and time again her refusing straight up blocking Matt from her domain managing the kids. There were many times I actually felt sorry for him as she would manipulate the situation to actively block him from taking on a parenting role then turn around and act resentful he wasn't involved.
Mama jun'es daughter Anna ‘Chickadee’ Cardwell dead at 29 following cancer battle.
"Mama jun'es daughter Anna ‘Chickadee’ Cardwell dead at 29 following cancer battle."
What a sad, short life. She was Honey Boo Boo's big sister. She had conflicts with her mother June. She said June's ex boyfriend molested her. She has two young daughters. May she rest in peace.
Hey anti child abuse ppl! If any of yall are following the Jodi Hildebrandt/ Ruby Franke story I need help. We need to get at least one YouTuber to listen. Heres my tweet that highlights the issue.
It looks like Kate is appealing the court's decision to deny her demand for back child support from Jon. No surprise there. Once she smells money, she will never stop trying to get her greedy hands on it. Interesting--Jon's rep says Kate needs to get a job if she needs money--so, maybe she hasn't been working. There are articles that say she is a nurse, but the only backing information is her holding a current license in NC. I'm sure the issue of her employment (or lack thereof) has come up in court, so I tend to believe Jon's rep. And, of course, she has always avoided any kind of actual work with all her might. She won't "go back" until she has exhausted every other opportunity. I can't wait to see how this plays out.
The old clip of Kate lashing out at Jon for breathing too loudly has resurfaced on X, titled "Poor Guy". 15 million views, with the vast majority of the comments sympathetic to Jon. All these years later, a slap-in-the-face reminder of just how awful she really was/is. She should never be allowed to live down her vicious treatment of him, on-camera, no less. Would it be too much to ask that this becomes a trend? More clips of her criticizing, fat-shaming, and generally emasculating him, all resurfaced for a new generation to see. She is vile.
I don’t get her, she’s obviously out of money. And all the money she spends on lawyers and court she could have been working! Get a job you cow! Jon was relieved of his support, why would she think the courts will turn that around now? God she’s a moron! Yes I saw her complaining about his breathing the other day. I agree it should be all over the internet how she abused him.
Literally if she just put all these attorney fees in a money market account all this time she would have long come out ahead. I’m guessing it’s the principle of it for her. She’ll principle it to her grave. ~ Administrator said... 155 Literally if she just put all these attorney fees in a money market account all this time she would have long come out ahead. I’m guessing it’s the principle of it for her. She’ll principle it to her grave. ********************************* Agreed. She has to have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on legal fees over the years, when she would have been better off allowing Jon visitation and putting her money into investments instead. I think control and bullying were a big part of the reason she kept dragging him to court. She knew it was difficult for him to keep up with the court expenses, and that spurred her on. Once he left, it was her only way of bullying him. That and bashing him in the press. A bully must bully. Now the kids are gone, Jon doesn't have to answer to her on custody issues, the press doesn't pay her any attention. There's nobody for her to bully . So this is what she feels compelled to do. She can bully Jon and try to get her hands on some cash at the same time. I hope she loses and the fees bury her once and for all.
When does it end with her? She wants a big check fast. It will never be enough. Here’s a thought, if you refuse to work like mediocre people then sell the damn house. There are plenty of cheaper places in NC that aren’t on lake Norman. Hell I’d like a big cabin in big sky! It ain’t gonna happen! Get real lady, you’re a nobody! You’re just one of is lowly mediocre’s.
Clack, she wouldn't dream of moving somewhere else in NC. Lake Norman is supposed to be where the celebs in the area live--Nascar drivers and even Michael Jordan have homes there. She wants to be among the celebs, even though she isn't one herself. Yet she doesn't want to have to work, so she's looking for a payout. I wonder if she thought she and the kids could film again once they were legal adults and Jon couldn't object. That could be the reason for her doing that special forces show--to "put herself out there" and try to revive some interest. If so, well, nobody took the bait. So now she's got to look for other ways to get her hands on some cash without getting a J-O-B. Once this appeal (hopefully) fails, what will she try next? Most likely she'll continue to "borrow" from her kids until they have nothing left.
Oh anonymous the hyperbole the hyperbole! It’s all so dangerous! And yet absolutely nothing happened in the four years he was present. The nuclear wars and financial catastrophe never happened. We enjoyed incredible peace and financial prosperity and boy did it make you furious to be wrong.
I’m not following this at all. At all. It’s clickbait. They know they get poor saps like you going with the crazy stories and you click and click and click some more. They post more. The fact that you can’t see what a puppet they’re making of you is just sad.
We had a pandemic that could have been lessened had he not dismantled the pandemic team and not disseminated lies; an economy that would have done much better and thankfully was saved by Democrats intervening; and the thwarting of an insurrection led by Trump due to the heroic actions of a few brave and quick thinking people
Apparently you haven’t read anything but propaganda. Are you delusional? Covid ran its course not because of mitigation but because of the natural progression of the disease. There was no controlling it as arrogant as we thought we could. The studies about the lack of impact on any mitigation efforts tried should alarm everyone. Masks didn’t work. Neither did shutdowns. Nor did social distancing. Clinging to this idea that something could have been done at whatever emotional cost is simple unscientific. I thought your lot just loved science or is it only when it’s convenient to you?
As usual, you isolate part of the entire comment and then twist it. Even with your machinations you still fail to make a valid point. You didn’t address any of the salient points of my comment, especially those that pertain to Trump’s threat to engage in dictatorship and his culpability the insurrection.
God your stupidity kills me. I took a look at the comment that has your knickers all in a twist. Trump said it would be a dictatorship just on day one. He was using an analogy to explain he would undue a lot of policies his first day. Which is what every new administration does. He has you flying off the handle about dictatorships over an ANALOGY. He really knows what to say to get you going.
I am not following any of this. What don't you get about this? I have more important things to do than waste away my life following the every move of an election that is two years away or a candidate that has not been in office in two years. It really is a horrible use of my time. And yours. Going cold turkey on election coverage up until actual election season I highly recommend. I've read 10 books this year mostly non-fiction none political and I've made the most of all my free time to spend it with family and friends. Truly, you need to let this go.
I guess you just can’t handle having only one child and balance your job and this blog. My grandmother could handle substantially more, but we are made of much better people than you in every way. You have made that point absolutely clear.
I did not say I could not handle my life much less that I'm struggling to handle the things you mentioned. I said I have more important things to do than follow the minutiae you are following and keep asking me about when I have told you again and again NO I do not follow it. There's a difference between struggling to keep up and CHOOSING what you would like to keep up with. I choose not to follow election coverage now, with it two years away..
I have told you no. Not respecting my no is disturbing and shades of DV.
I happen to think it's terribly unhealthy for most, dare I say, all people, to follow politics to the extreme you are. You're rambling.
I choose not to follow election coverage now, with it two years away.. ***** You’ve said this twice now so clearly it is not a mistake. You might want to check a calendar and do some counting. Choosing not get into the minutiae is one thing; being this ignorant of the National election cycle is another altogether. Not sure why you take such pride in willful ignorance.
Lol well that just shows how much I'm not following it. Yes, I'm aware that the election is in 2024 and that 2024 is in a few days. There are many just as important elections going on before then specifically the Los Angeles DA that are coming first.
My statement stands, a year away and still choosing not to follow it. It's not necessary to follow it this far out or adding anything to my life. Or yours. Jumping in a few months before to catch up is PLENTY of time to make a very informed and sound decision. Why do you care who I vote for anyway? I don't even live in a swing state so my vote doesn't matter. Grow up.
military family- multiple generations including many who had actual front line experience that caused them lifelong trauma- reject your putrid and useless words.
You speak on behalf of your entire family? Wow you're more DV than I thought.
Also wow good for you a military family. My dad served in the Army in Vietnam, my Grandfather served in the Army WW2 and my cousin served in the Navy in Afghanistan. You're not special.
Yeah that's why Trump is so popular with our service men and women.
ou read ten whole books over the last year? How did you manage? You really can’t help making yourself look completely stupid, can you? I read at least four books a month and my choices vary. I also have more children than you and work full time. Did you need picture books to get to the ten?
You're so childish lol. It's not a competition. I don't read when my child is awake. My attention is on her on buried in a book. That leaves about 2 hours in the evening to read, cook for the next day, watch some netflix. So yeah, it's about 10 this year. Would you like some book recommendations that may help get you out of your absolutely unhealthy and disturbing obsession with someone who has not been president in three years? THREE YEARS AGO you won. You got your way. Gloat in it and be happy. Stop wallowing and obsessing, it's strange.
Wow you should get help for TDS, you hit way below the belt! You’re showing your ignorance. Who cares how many books people read? I raised 4 kids, I never had time for myself or current events. Who freaking cares lady! Thanks for the giggle though, dems saved the economy, that was a hoot! Is that why I’ve had to pull money out of savings to pay bills since the corpse was elected? Money we were able to save before him. Hmmmm
Go find some friends, maybe a diverse group of people who don’t think the same as yourself. You might learn something.
Hubby and I are settling into our Indiana home. Life is busy.
Dear Anonymous Detractor, It sounds as if you have a rich family life with an interesting background. We get it. You don't like Admin or Trump. You have made your point.
Your opinions have been noted. Maybe you changed someone's political direction.
What more would you like?
Is it your pleasure to keep attacking Admin with your extensive and insulting vocabulary? Do you wish for us to begin a contest of how many books we can read in a year?
Admin wrote and published a book. I find that inspiring. I have read her novel. It is quite good.
Surely, there is something positive you can find to contribute to make us glad that you are visiting here.
I bet it’s pretty in Indiana. Our dream is Montana, in the mountains. But….. it would far from the grandkids. What’s the book? I would love to read it!
I raised 4 kids, I never had time for myself or current events. Who freaking cares lady!
I'm going to bet you don't regret not following current events. And I bet your kids appreciate a household that wasn't saturated with meaningless drivel.
Especially the way it has become, clickbait, exaggerated drama, and truly preying on the vulnerable and unstable. We can see how deranged this news addiction has made poor anonymous.
Nope! I don’t regret a second of it. My house was messy, I didn’t watch news and we were all happy as clams. My oldest is 42 now, she always talks about how she hopes her kids have fun memories like she does. That’s the greatest compliment!
Nope! I don’t regret a second of it. My house was messy, I didn’t watch news and we were all happy as clams. My oldest is 42 now, she always talks about how she hopes her kids have fun memories like she does. That’s the greatest compliment!
Aww good for you. We're doing the 1,000 Hours Outside challenge this year. Even less opportunities to putz around watching the news. I'm excited for it, a little nervous, but confident.
I don't do much social media but I read on reddit that two of the tups went live recently and it turns out (I'll say allegedly, bc I didn't see the video myself) that all 4 tups that live with mom go to college somwewhere local and live at home and only one kid has a driver's licence, the others "don't need it".
Also, it's good that no sibling is all alone. It sucks that there's a divide and they aren't all in each other's lives but I'm glad each sib has at least one other and at least one parent, nobody is all alone. At least there's that, in this whole mess.
I don't do much social media but I read on reddit that two of the tups went live recently and it turns out (I'll say allegedly, bc I didn't see the video myself) that all 4 tups that live with mom go to college somwewhere local and live at home and only one kid has a driver's licence, the others "don't need it".
Shades of smothered mother.
The most unselfish thing she could do is kick them out, make them stay in dorms freshman year, encourage and support them in building a life that doesn't revolve around her. Learn to live an adult life.
Out of curiosity, I just looked at Pepperdine’s rankings for your year of entry and year of graduation. It ranked lower than ALL of my safety net schools that were ALL offering me big money to attend
It did! Oh wow you must be sooo smart.
My school worked out for me. My bank statement is the proof.
ou are the one who brought up your law school as some sort of bragging right.
Stop gaslighting you dv perp. You’re constantly bringing it up and childishly referring to it as a Costco degree. It’s been consistently number one in the nation for entertainment law and dispute resolution and provides more aid than the other area schools which is why I and many others passed up so called “better” schools to go there. I got into ucla, usc and George mason but chose this one for that and many other reasons including I just LIKED it when I visited and didn’t like the others as much. Impersonal and too cutthroat. Not that it’s any of your business but it worked out, troll. I have an incredibly rewarding career where I actually get to make a difference and I have so much money I’ll never spend it all which means I can leave a nice endowment to my school for other Costco kids. I’m happy. You don’t sound happy. What have you done with your alleged degree.
you should know that it’s very easy to access an attorney’s status. You work for a low rent firm that does DUI, child custody, and personal injury work
That's incorrect. I work for the government have for almost a decade now and as such, my salary is public record. I've never done personal injury in my life, and I still work with children and have so my entire career. Enjoy.
Kate is keeping the kids local because 1, she can’t afford to send them out of state and 2, she has no one in her life but the kids. Which is her own fault. How cruel to make them feel responsible for her loneliness! Hopefully one day they will really see her.
It is truly the ultimate in selfishness to resist your children becoming their own independent people who must separate from you and forge their own path to truly be happy well adjusted adults ready for adult relationships and healthy families of their own. Please don't have kids if you are not willing to support and take joy in this happening when children grow up.
Knowing the starting salary for the same position in my area (which is 3/4 to 1/2 your COLA) compared to yours after a decade or so, I now see your blogs in totally different lights.
Please do share that job posting. I'd love to see it as I know several people who would be interested. This position pays double what all other jurisdictions pay, people looking to get away from the constant crime and homelessness here due to your lot's policies, believe me, have checked. And frankly, I would question the ethics of your alleged jurisdiction paying a government attorney what amounts to a half million dollars a year. Taxpayers should come knocking. If your end goal is so much money you can stuff a mattress with it and bilk tax payers outrageous attorney fees, and for most people who choose this work, it's certainly not, this it not how you do it. It's sad that that seems to be the only thing you value. Unlike your lot, I actually care about the public, tax payers, and the indigent, and have no desire to charge them for my services anything more than the fair market value. I couldn't sleep at night.
Wow, you are quite the altruist. Only the fair market value, huh? I’m curious what indigent person you think can afford an attorney at a fair market value rate? Thank god there are legal aid agencies that actually serve the indigent without charging them “fair market rate.”
Taxpayers, you dumbass. And I've done hundreds of hours of pro bono work over the years. I don't represent the indigent I represent the taxpayers. When I did represent the indigent for SEVEN YEARS, I was FREE. I have never collected a dime from a client. I'm still waiting for you to provide the job posting you claim.
What are you expecting to get out of this? What would you like me to do that would satisfy your bipolar expectations? Is this a round about way of saying you need legal help? I'm here for you.
Anonymous (177), Leah posted videos and photos of her college life and she is definitely living on campus. Maybe when the tups who made the video said they're living at home, the meant they're living in their home state (NC), instead of going out of state like Cara and Mady did I looked at her TikTok and she showed photos of graduation from Lake Norman High School (so no more private schools for them), and many pictures of herself and her same-age siblings in NC State shirts. Do they all go to the same school, perhaps? NC State is in Raleigh, not definitely not within commuting distance of Troutman.
Hannah also posted a video of herself living on a college campus. I’m guessing this college is still in Pennsylvania . Mady is living in a studio apartment in Manhattan . I’m guessing Cara may also be living in that area as well -Gigi Be
Are any of us surprised that TFW is putting her needs before her children's? That's her brand, for crying out loud. Remember how she asked the boys about taking care of her in her old age? They were TINY. Even if she said that in jest, what the heck kind of scary seed was she planting in their little minds? I said long ago she'd be grooming someone to stay at home with her. Didn't realize it'd be more than one kid.
I thought Hannah was going to college in Florida. Both Mady and Cara apparently work in Manhattan. Exciting place to be but wicked expensive. Hubby and I bought an apartment there for family to live in (they rent it from us) and it was outrageous! Can't sell it because family is still there and real estate values are way down in the city.
Layla...I thought that too. But it looks like she's still in PA. Her Gosselin Girl Makeup line hasn't posted anything on the IG page since June of 2022, so maybe that was going to help fund her college (living expenses, books, housing, etc)? I wonder if it's still a thing?
It’s really pathetic the kids have to earn money now for college. That should have been covered and then some after years of working! The greedy bitch could have divided it up “here, you can get X amount for college years, pick wisely” but no, she really thought she was the draw, and she earned it. She could also sell her house so they don’t have to work for schooling. Or, maybe, I dunno, WORK?
I wonder if Hannah stayed in PA due to lack of money. In-state tuition is cheaper, and let's not forget that Kate helped herself to $50,000 of Hannah's college money. In fact, all of the tups seem to be going to in-state schools, whether in PA or NC. It's possible that Kate "borrowed" from the others as well, since she said she would have to continue to borrow from their trusts. Sad that Mady and Cara were the only ones who had the opportunity to go to out-of-state colleges, but then they always received preferential treatment. Collin is very smart in going into the marine reserves, because he may well be getting his college paid for through military benefits. Come to think of it, I believe someone posted something here about Mady having taken out student loans. Anyone have any info on that?
From Dmasy -- I am occupied painting rooms in our new Midwest home. So, I listen to podcasts. Youtube. A wonderful reader (with commentary) Cheree Denise chooses interesting books to share. I am listening to Trailer Park Parable by Tyler Zed. It is so well written. The story of a survivor of childhood trauma created by a flawed father.
My walls look fresh and clean and my brain is filled with someone's inspiring story.
Cheere Denise is a lovely woman with a quick wit. She also read some books about the Royals that I enjoyed listening to. She is on Youtube.
I wonder how on earth Kate is going to maintain affording the house she has now. She's not yet 50, and long-term she's not working if she has financial issues that's just down a rabbit hole of issues for most folks.
If she's sunk her children into loans after all these years claiming they were financially secure but she's been borrowing I suspect, well, obviously, reality television doesn't or wouldn't have paid as well as she thought if you lived high off the hog. She has another good twenty years of needing an income to support herself.
Can't imagine she has what most folks have from working a job, 401K's or pensions, personal retirements things of that nature. She sure sounds like she's done spent every red cent she had burning through looking like a star. For what? Her kids? I doubt they really ever cared what she looked liked.
Those cameras are long gone. The people are long gone to other projects and paychecks. Her kids are in college. Was it worth it? Not that she needs to write another book to prove her point. We know her story. What else could she say? Her kids could write a book, but then I suspect she'd sue them as well.
The following is from a gossip site, a blind item. It may or may not be true, but it sounds like Kate.
This long time reality star has been out of the spotlight for several years now, but needs some money. She is pitching a show that would follow the lives of her older children and their lives after reality fame. Kate Gosselin
ncgirl (196) Yep, that sure sound like Kate. She just can't let go of her reality tv dream, although it may not pay well for her if it focuses on the grown kids. They would have their own contracts and paychecks--that is, if anyone bites, which is doubtful. Fact is, they're very average and not very interesting now. And, of course, she won't be able to produce Hannah, Collin, or (most likely) Cara for filming. Who would bother to watch? Her "hook"--those two sets of adorable little multiples--is gone, and it's no secret that they couldn't pull much of an audience after Jon left the show 15 years ago. But it's likely that she desperately needs whatever extra cash she can get her hands on, so she'll try anything. Good luck with that!
The tups are all in college living their owns lives and along with Cara keep a very low social media profile, so I can't imagine they would want to film again. Mady on the other hand...that wouldn't surprise me. But her tik-toks aren't very entertaining so I don't know how well a show with just her and Kate would do.
One of Cody's kids from Sister Wives committed suicide. Horrible. I vaguely remember in a few episodes this young man being so vocal with Cody about the pain he was inflicting on the family. I never watched the show, but my sister was a big fan, and so when I was over at her place I've ended up seeing bits and pieces of episodes several times over the years. One has to wonder what role if any having to play out the family problems before an audience contributed to his declining mental health.
I’ve never seen that show but did see the story on his suicide. So sad! I think this will happen more and more as parents insist their kids love having their entire lives filmed, even the most personal and embarrassing moments. Looking at you Kate! If you all haven’t seen quiet on the set yet, I highly recommend. It’s very disturbing. I’m sure it happens more then we know (sexual Assaulting children) but the kids are terrified of losing their income. Or not being believed. So happy we had a normal healthy life for our kids!
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297 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 297 Newer› Newest»Did Hannah say anything else in the episode? I know she talked about how Collin was frequently separated from the group and that she doesn’t feel he was taught what behavior was appropriate vs. inappropriate (interesting comment, btw). Did she have anything else to say?
I have been thinking a lot about the separation issue and how if you have a son with social struggles, isolating him from his 7 siblings is the WORST possible thing you can do:
1. It gives the other kids reason to fear him and an essentially excuse to ostracize him
2. It negatively impacts his self-esteem
3. It prevents him from practicing appropriate problem-solving and self-regulation.
What exactly did she think was going to happen if God forbid she let Collin have dinner with his siblings? Did she think he would pick them off one by one? Come on. If anything, it’s clear on the show that he desperately seeked his siblings’ approval, as well as Kate’s—remember when he made that comment to Aaden, “We’re the boys!” He also said something to Aaden about how much he loved spending time with him.
So why not have a behavioral therapist come over a couple times a week to monitor Collin’s interactions with his siblings, help him work through his emotions during times of frustration , help him learn healthy means of dealing with conflict? Although it may have been a bit awkward for him at first, it’s sure as hell better than keeping him on an entirely different schedule than his brothers and sisters.
Any minute The Gosselin kids will be thanking Robert Hoffman for his book
I have been thinking a lot about the separation issue and how if you have a son with social struggles, isolating him from his 7 siblings is the WORST possible thing you can do:
1. It gives the other kids reason to fear him and an essentially excuse to ostracize him
2. It negatively impacts his self-esteem
3. It prevents him from practicing appropriate problem-solving and self-regulation.
It's the worst thing you can do. This is why special education classes stopped being a separate class in most school districts who have any understanding of psychology, and moved toward integration in the 80s and 90s. When you isolate a child who is so highly dependent on their peers and others to form their well being, the isolation itself can worsen the problem you were trying to help in the first place. While brief separation may be necessary to immediately correct an issue and reset, using it as a long term solution is deeply psychologically damaging.
And good point about the message it sent to the siblings. Children are highly suggestible, and the more that you reinforce the fear, the bigger it gets.
Most studies have found that integration helped kids without special needs just as much as it helped those with it, which just proves the above points.
Admin (#3), and to separate a sextuplet from his
5 siblings with whom he shared a womb seems
even more deeply traumatic, as well as incredibly
I wonder if the 4 with Kate, the ones who seem incapable of thinking for themselves, will be headed off to college in a couple weeks. Anyone hear what these now adult siblings are planning for their future? They seem so dependent on Kate.
@Anonymous (5) IIRC there was a video on instagram where Alexis said she's studying zoology to work for animals.I think Leah said she wants to open a bakery one day.I'm unsure what Aaden and Joel want to do.
Hi flimsyflamsy! Thinking back to the days of St. Tony of the Ballroom who had to drag Shopping Kart around the floor seems so long ago! I hope the now adult children will be able to navigate adulthood. A young man we know went into Marines few years ago and loves it.
Jon said he has a girlfriend of two years.
I'm so glad at least Collin and Hannah are being exposed to a health relationship in which a good relationship can come to a natural end and you can still love and support each other (and the kids involved) and even welcome in a new and healthy relationship.
His girlfriend sounds mature and sweet.
I'm reminded of Kate's stupid, stupid dating show.
Is Kate at the beach?
I think that is Kate and some of the girls.
There's something absolutely sinister about
blaming Collin for taking time away from his
siblings. What if, heaven forbid, he'd had cancer
and needed to be taken for chemo? Would she
have been pissed off at that, too? Families all
over the planet have to work around the challenges
of having a child who requires extra attention.
And I suspect in many cases, it brings everyone
closer together, and siblings learn about
patience and compassion and gratitude for
the things they do have.
And I can't help but remember TFW writing in
her journal how she grabbed Collin by the hair
and beat him to the point she wasn't sure she
could stop. He was a TODDLER. What heinous
act could he have been capable of to deserve
that beating? And all these years later, she is
still so comfortable casting him as the villain.
It's sinister. And does she think kids struggling like him don't KNOW they're taking time away from their siblings? Of course they know! It's your job as a NOT A SHIT PARENT to reassure and support them that this is not something for them to worry about and to make them feel like their needs are a priority for your attention and not a "piece of the pie that they're stealing away from another kid." And to reassure and support the siblings as well who have their own complicated feelings about things like this.
And she has quite the nerve to talk about taking time away from other kids when she shot for a high risk of multiples pregnancy after already having twins, knowing full well if it was twins or more, there would be very little time for any one individual child as it is.
Whoa, if that is in fact Kate in the beach pic, then she's even chunkier than she was the last time she was pictured (outside the gym in NC). Now, for anyone else it wouldn't be worth mentioning, but after all her nasty fat-shaming of Jon on the show, I think it deserves a mention, don't you?
It looks like a couple of the girls on one side of her, and it also looks like there are more chairs on the other side of her--perhaps the boys. I wonder whether the kids dutifully thanked her a million times for this little vacay, or have they finally figured out that they are the ones paying for it. They have to know by now, right?
It seems Jon's former partner Colleen has mad a statement: I recently learned of derogatory statements made about Collin Gosselin and felt compelled to defend him. These statements were made by family members who have been estranged from his life since he was 12. Collin is not only someone I love dearly but has also been a significant figure in my family’s life. He is currently at boot camp for the Marines and he's unable to defend himself.
After Jon and I separated, and Jon moved out, Collin lived with me until he turned 18 so I saw him every day He thrived and was always kind and respectful . He never talked back to me. He was never violent and is far from being considered dangerous. He is there for me when I need him, even bringing me white roses every time he visits.
I could tag a multitude of people who have spent time with Collin, and they would all attest to what an amazing person he is. He has overcome more challenges than any one person should ever have to endure. Despite being institutionalized for 3 years alone with only 3 visits from his mother and not receiving proper education, he achieved a 4.0 GPA and won the highest GPA award at his ROTC banquet. I'm so incredibly proud of his accomplishments.
Collin's dream to join the Marines seemed impossible given his background, but he never gave up. He went off all medication two years ago and continued to thrive in school and working jobs. He sought private psychiatric evaluations as an adult that disproved all the previous diagnoses. It was his determination that led him to the Marines, where he's now fulfilling his dream. He wouldn't be there if he hadn't proved those diagnoses wrong.
I have received letters from Collin during his time in boot camp, and he admits that it is challenging, but he is happy and proud to be there. He is a testament to strength and courage, and I am honored to have him in my life. Collin will always be part of my family, and I'll support him, no matter what comes our way. That's what family does. The truth about Collin's character deserves praise, not unfounded accusations from those estranged from his life.
From Dmasy -- Well, that is a very profound statement from Colleen. Testimony to a relationship that ended maturely. Collin has a strong advocate and a loving second mother.
Kate is truly a horrible person to have said what she did.
Colleen you're AWESOME. And I'm very sorry that you've been put in a position where the own biological mother of a child you care about is cutting him down. Thank you for building him back up.
Kate doesn't know what a wonderful young man he has become because she doesn't CARE to know. Colleen knows.
A mother's love need not be from the biological egg donor.
He sought private psychiatric evaluations as an adult that disproved all the previous diagnoses.
This is getting more sinister. Did Kate strong-arm certain evaluations and diagnosis to help get him out of the home? She certainly made no discernible effort to try to get him back. Once he was gone that was it for her.
Having had my own child now, I'm rather astounded at how much the medical establishment relies on self reporting from parents in forming their opinions. In my case it was just some minor nervous system delays that corrected themselves, but it struck me that I could say whatever I want about her and they write that down. The power of that is scary in the wrong hands.
One thing is certain, Kate has backed herself into a corner with her statement. She just proved her hostility towards her son is what created the issues within the home. In any event it did nothing to win the public over to her side and she would have been much further ahead if she had kept silent. I am still reeling that she was unwilling at the time to see if Jon would agree to have him live with him as opposed to having him institutionalized. I guess healthy coparenting was never going to be conducive to filming a "reality" show.
Mady insinuated that Collin has exhibited hate toward minorities/LGBTQ people. But Colleen’s son commented he loves Collin and reposted her post into his story. If you go to his page and his Twitter account he appears to be an openly gay, liberal young man (of color?) lol
“ Having had my own child now, I'm rather astounded at how much the medical establishment relies on self reporting from parents in forming their opinions. In my case it was just some minor nervous system delays that corrected themselves, but it struck me that I could say whatever I want about her and they write that down. The power of that is scary in the wrong hands.”
I’m listening to a podcast right now about Munchausen (factecious) by proxy and they make this point. It’s called “Nobody should believe me”
Mama C (#16), thank you so much for bringing that
statement to us. Colleen has nothing to gain by
making anything up, so I don't doubt her comments
for a second. What lovely things she has to say
about Collin!
Dmasy (#17), I think Colleen was Collin's ONLY
mother. TFW was his gestational carrier, and
semingly not much more. A woman who once
admitted if she had it to do all over again --
meaning, having those 6 children -- she wouldn't.
On another note, even if he was currently suffering from mental health issues and was not in the military, it doesn’t make him a bad young man, a bad child, or deserving of Kate’s wrath. The love a child needs, craves, should not be contingent on the things they struggle with, you piece of garbage, Kate.
The love a child needs, craves, should not be contingent on the things they struggle with, you piece of garbage, Kate.
I totally agree with this, and may I add that the love a child needs (and deserves) should not be contingent upon that child's ability to work and support their parent. Kate saw Collin as an impediment to filming, and as a result she cast him aside, just as she did to her family, her friends, her husband. Anyone who gets in the way of filming is an enemy to her, and that includes her own son.
Military boot camp is challenging, both physically and mentally. Yet there Collin is, fighting his way through it an apparently doing so successfully. There's no way someone with the profound mental issues Kate describes could make it through that.
Mady implied that Collin was prejudices against minorities and LGBYQ, huh? And how would she know? She hasn't seen him since he was 11. All the stories claim he was sent away at 12, but he wasn't there for the 12th birthday episode, which Kate described as the best ever. Anyway, I think it's fair to say that Mady has no idea what Collin thinks or feels about anything. Time for her to shut her mouth and quit talking about things she knows nothing about.
I'm so happy Colleen spoke up and that she's in Collin's life. He deserves it after what he got for a bio mother.
I’m glad too Colleen said family MEMBERS are running their mouth about him. Mady deserves to be included and called out. Instead of going to a therapist or trusted adult to discuss her complicated feelings about her brother she decided to trash his character instead and it was pure and simple wrong. Thank you Colleen again.
proxy and they make this point. It’s called “Nobody should believe me”
On this topic Take Care of Maya on Netflix was worth a watch and definitely struck me as someone who has prosecuted about two I think munchausen by proxy cases over my career. We just don't file them that much, they are very difficult to prove.
In any event it did nothing to win the public over to her side and she would have been much further ahead if she had kept silent
I would have welcomed a short and simple statement saying that she loves him very very much, and she is committed to doing the same hard work in therapy he has done to someday have a healthy reconciliation, if and when HE is ready to see her.
Fat chance.
I’m glad too Colleen said family MEMBERS are running their mouth about him. Mady deserves to be included and called out. Instead of going to a therapist or trusted adult to discuss her complicated feelings about her brother she decided to trash his character instead and it was pure and simple wrong. Thank you Colleen again.
Yes! How dare she lash out against a person she hasn't seen or spoken to in 8 years? He was a child when he was sent away, and now he is an adult. But Mady just couldn't help herself, could she? She appears to be a nasty piece of work, just like her mother.
Colleen. Wow. Good for her!
What a stand up thing to do.
It reminds me of Robert Hoffman, who fought so hard for Colin.
Wow! I am crying happy tears over Colleen’s statement. What an incredible woman and role model. Suck on that, Kate and Mady.
Also, what kind of a mother lets her son join the MARINES without extending any sort of olive branch, any attempt at mending the relationships? I know he’s just in boot camp now, but it’s pretty much nonstop training for recruits, from everything I have heard.
I have no doubt that Collin will be just fine and will return safely someday after his service, but what kind of parent even takes that chance?!
From Dmasy -- a whole breakdown of the Gosselin story is here.
Check out Colleen’s post about Collin. Good for her.
Yes! How dare she lash out against a person she hasn't seen or spoken to in 8 years? He was a child when he was sent away, and now he is an adult. But Mady just couldn't help herself, could she? She appears to be a nasty piece of work, just like her mother.
For her to say no speaking unless it's cleared with all the siblings, and then to turn around and trash Collin, is simply incomprehensible.
I posted here a few times. I am actually living a real Kaye gosselin situation.
We are raising our 3 grandkids. The mom doesn’t give 2 shits. She only cares about herself. Rewind. She’s not my daughter. My son had mental issues & he’s working at it.
Fast forward. 2 of the kids are extreme autistic. I could never in my life think about sending them away. One of the kids was born with a handicap. But he’s normal for him. Their mom never cared for them. We’ve had custody for a few years now. Possibly adopting to keep their mom from screwing them up more.
That said, you don’t give up on your kids. Just, no. Collin is just beginning to heal. It won’t happen overnight. Maybe one day, he might be the kid to put her in a good home. Then he can sit there & read that book back to her. But I think Collin might be better than that. Lol.
Kids grow up. We, as adults, guide them. We don’t own them. You raise kids. You only get on chance to do it too. They are humans. Not your money makers, not your best friend. I’m raising 3 of my grandkids. I don’t get to be granny. (Ok I lied) I play granny sometimes. But I have to be the adult. Something Kate has never done.
I deal with autism daily. It’s not easy or fun. But we don’t give up or send them away.
If at 12 Collin did’nt want to film anymore, she could keep filming and do not show Collin. Same as in the Kardashian when Rob, Kiley or Kendall did not want to film. I sometimes think Collin and Alexis never went with the other four to Jon’s weekend looking forward to spend more one in one time with Mommy. So sad this story. Luna
I've been thinking of those who have hung out on our porch who are no longer with us. Dwindle, who passed away last May, and others. And how much it would have warmed their hearts to see Collin come through this all such a beautiful young man who is now serving his country.
You know another glaring clue that Kate never intended to welcome Collin back was the way she dismantled the chicken coop after he left. That was his baby, and she knew he was going to be gone permanently so she took it down.
So she can stop pretending. Once he was gone, he was gone and she knew it.
I almost feel ill when I consider what might have happened to that poor young man when he turned 18-21 and aged out of institution, or do you not do that as a youth?
I shutter to think what her plan was for him long-term. ~ Administrator said... 38
I've been thinking of those who have hung out on our porch who are no longer with us. Dwindle, who passed away last May, and others. And how much it would have warmed their hearts to see Collin come through this all such a beautiful young man who is now serving his country.
I like to think that Dwindle, GollyGee, and AuntieAnn are now looking on proudly as Collin goes from strength to strength. He has some wonderful guardian angels looking out for him.
Anonymous (36)
Thank you for sharing your experiences. You are proof positive of the strength of family love, and also the fact that some people aren't cut out for motherhood. I wish you strength moving forward. Please keep us all posted on how you and your grands are doing.
Colleen is Collin's mother. How wonderful Collin and Hannah have her in their lives. I do wonder though why Collin continued to live with Colleen when she and Jon broke up.
I do wonder though why Collin continued to live with Colleen when she and Jon broke up.
Just guessing but almost certainly to keep him in the same school to finish things out. If he were to move in with Jon and he wasn't in the district boarder and were caught it could be fraud.
I wonder whatever happened to Jodi and Kevin?
I'd like to think they might be back in Collin's life.
And remember Beth and Bob, whom TFW bragged,
loved them "for all the right reasons?" That seemed
like an odd comment, but finally made sense
when you realized all of her own relationships
were transactional.
So many people who loved and cared and committed
to her family were simply "deleted" by Mommie
Dearest. Including her own son.
Kate is disgusting as are her army of little minions who I'm shocked are still around considering she has been irrelevant for so long. I just find the entire thing so bizarre and cruel. Mady needs to do a lot of soul searching and ask herself if she really wants to turn out like her mother. I'm afraid she has a cruel side that would rival her mother's. To Collin and Hannah, the best revenge would be to live happy successful lives and basically forget about that thing that called herself a mother.
Giffy said... 45
Kate is disgusting as are her army of little minions who I'm shocked are still around considering she has been irrelevant for so long.
I noticed that too. No matter what has happened in the last 14 years, they still point out the fact that Jon went off the rails for a while. In 2009. How many horrible things has Kate done since then? Too many to count. But Jon's brief period of rebellion is all they have to complain about, so they'll never let that go. Oh, right, and they're still claiming that he never paid a dime of child support, which even Kate has admitted is not true. He paid a huge amount right after the divorce, and then later, even though he didn't pay nearly as much, she admitted that he was paying--but that the amount didn't even cover their lunches. She let him off the hook years later so she could still film them, but that was her decision. The sheeple are still so deep in denial that the truth, even when it is confirmed by Kate herself, is irrelevant. It's truly sickening.
What I rermember most about how Kate treated Collin is how she assigned him to do the filthiest, dirtiest chore - caring for the chickens and cleaning the chicken s**t out of the coop daily (that she likely acquired so she could claim her property was a farm). None of the other kids had to do anything remotely as disgusting as that.
I think Collin helped a farmer who lived close to Kate.
ncgirl (#48), oh yes, Farmer Henry!
I was just remembering how TFW referred to the
workers who came to fill the kids as their "crew
daddies." Heifer, your children had a REAL daddy
whom you kicked to the curb.
And how interesting that she claimed her
kids felt so attached to the crew daddies,
yet pooh-poohed the idea that they would
miss their own brother...claiming Collin
hadn't been around much anyway.
And how interesting that she claimed her
kids felt so attached to the crew daddies,
yet pooh-poohed the idea that they would
miss their own brother...claiming Collin
hadn't been around much anyway.
Flimsy that is such a great point and I'm kind of surprised no one has made it before that I recall.
Crew daddies can't leave they'll just miss them so much!! Biological brother--meh.
Apparently, Steve never intervened.
On other news Josh Duggar lost his appeal case. Another TLC "wonderful" family. Parents willing to sell out their kids for $$ and not get them the proper help they needed.
Ampersmom said... 52
On other news Josh Duggar lost his appeal case. Another TLC "wonderful" family. Parents willing to sell out their kids for $$ and not get them the proper help they needed.
Good! Josh Duggar is right here he belongs. Too bad they can't keep him there for life, because he isn't the type to change his ways. He is arrogant like his dad and doesn't seem to think there is anything wrong with what he has done. All he cares about is getting away with it.
If anyone needs a good laugh, there is a show called Cunk on Earth that is on Netflix and it is hysterically funny! One of my sons found it and we're all hooked.
On other news Josh Duggar lost his appeal case. Another TLC "wonderful" family. Parents willing to sell out their kids for $$ and not get them the proper help they needed.
Ha they made short work of that appeal. Wham bam done.
I wish the sentence was longer but it's also sweet justice that his kids will be adults or so old that the risk he could ever hurt them would be very low.
Locking him up is the ONLY way to protect his own kids.
She never thought they’d grow up. That’s what kids do. Grow up & hopefully be productive. She’s probably latching on to a couple of them & crying.
Young adults grow up too. They have their on lives & a family if that’s what they desire.
Most of them will probably need therapy down the road.
Some of the kids probably won’t give up on her. Like she gave up on everyone that couldn’t “help” her.
She doesn’t deserve them. But I’m sure they love her. It’s all they know. Who knows.
Her not talking to Collin on his graduation day blew my mind. She’s horrid. I hope nothing but the best for that kid. I hope his life is the way he wants it. She doesn’t deserve him. She doesn’t deserve any of them. As far as Maddie? She’s young yet. Not fully grown. Young adults change. That poor girl got a bad rap because of the tlc show. I cut her some slack. It upsets me when people say she’s just like her mom. We don’t know her well enough. Sure, she says stupid stuff. But look who raised her?
I think there's hope for Mady because she did take down some of her posts (beyond just the ones that naturally expired). She thought better of it, which is more than can be said for so much of what Kate has said and done over the years. And at least Mady has the excuse of being very, very young, with the hope that maturity will bring introspection.
Personally I don’t think Mady took down those TicTok videos because she suddenly grew a conscience. I think that she took them down because of the backlash and she was afraid of losing the partnerships (endorsements) that she has. Also, her account is public and in this day and age future employers look at social media accounts. Cara is the smart one. She’s kept her life private.
The comment about Mady and why she took down some of her videos was from me. NJGal51
I don’t know if either of my previous comments went through so here we go again. Sorry if it’s redundant. I don’t think that Mady took down some of her posts because she suddenly grew a conscience. I think she took them down because of the backlash and she was afraid that she’d lose some of her TicTok partnerships (endorsements). Also, her account is public and in this day and age future employers do look at social media accounts. Cara has been the smart one. She’s kept her life private. Admin, feel free to delete if my other comment won’t through.
I agree with NJGal51. Employers might look up people, what does she do again? Media relations? I mean they might think that’s terrible fit for their company. Her behavior. Some might have even told her they didn’t approve of her behavior because their company might have gotten negative attention from all her drama I don’t know if you have social media business in public like that then go to work doesn’t it cause a problem?
What is Mady's degree in? I know someone mentioned Bubble Skincare but I'm thinking it's not the flex Mady wants people to think it is. I know they had Jazz Jennings...also of a questionable, manipulative TLC reality show, promoting their product a few years ago. I never see Mady leaving Kate's side or ever having healthy relationships romantically or even with any children of her own she might have. Actually, I think it was Mady who should have gotten help at a much earlier age than Kate pretended Collin needed. Both Mady and Kate forget it is all on film. No words will ever erase what the world saw with our own eyes.
This whole social media product peddling is one of the worst things to come out of the last decade. It's no better than the 19th century traveling snake oil salesman. I'm embarrassed for these folks.
I was looking at Leah's TikTok. It was all baking videos and she is very talented. But her last video she said she was leaving for college soon and would be changing her content (but didn't say to what. college life i guess?). She has no hate on her comments, all nice, mostly compliments on her creations.
Just guessing but almost certainly to keep him in the same school to finish things out. If he were to move in with Jon and he wasn't in the district boarder and were caught it could be fraud.
Totally agree although Hannah was able to stay at the same school. I think it was more about keeping Collin in a consistent, stable environment while he continued to heal. Her home was the first real home he’d had in a very long time. I think Colleen has become his surrogate mom and given her cancer diagnosis at the time, he likely wanted to spend as much time as he could with her. Kudos to both Colleen and Jon that despite their own breakup, they worked together to support Collin and give him what he needed at that time.
Whatever happened to Steve Neild?
I was reading about this awful house explosion near Pittsburg on The Washington Post and Kate’s puffy pink face and reverse mullet showed up in an ad with the capition “hairstyles that aged ladies 10 plus years.” Nothing makes you go from tearful to spitting your Coke faster.
Looks like Cara graduated college and works as a bank analyst in New York . Mady is also employed and lives off campus.
-Gigi Be
NJGal51, I agree with you. I don't think she saw anything wrong with what she posted, and I don't think she would have bothered to take it down if there wasn't pressure--probably from her employer--to do so. They don't like negative press to reflect on their company, so they would keep an eye on any controversy surrounding their employees.
I also don't think it's immaturity that cause Mady to lash out at Collin the way she did. I was baffled as to why she would infer that Collin was hateful towards minorities and the LGBTQ community. Especially since she doesn't appear to have had any contact with him since he was 11. How would she know? Then I realized that the quickest way to "cancel" someone in today's culture is to label them a racist or LGBTQ-phobic. I really think she believed she could just cancel him with a few well-chosen words and that was her intent. But then Colleen's son, who appears to be both minority and a member of the LGBTQ community, came forward to praise Collin and tell of their close relationship. That revealed the fact that Mady was just making up things to attack Collin. I think it is pure nastiness and entitlement on Mady's part that made her speak. And isn't it interesting that the other G kids--even the ones several years younger than Mady--didn't say a word.
How would she know? Then I realized that the quickest way to "cancel" someone in today's culture is to label them a racist or LGBTQ-phobic
Make no mistake, she darn well knows that.
To say such a thing without any specific facts to back it up in this current cancel culture climate is really patently outrageous and if said recklessly enough could even expose her to a defamation lawsuit.
I have given some thought to the future of someone like Mady who really if you think of it has had a terrible role model as a mother and never was able to develop a relationship with her father and she really would benefit from counselling. Actually they all would. I think while it doesn't justify Kate's parenting, her own parents were probably seriously lacking and thus the cycle of obvious abuse. Kate had a wonderful opportunity when she went to Hannah and Colin's graduation and because of her own ego she absolutely blew that. It's still all about hating her ex more than loving her kids.
Mady absolutely is part of a cycle. There does come a time in one's adult life where there is a shift in that their childhood is no longer an excuse for their behavior or problems. That the responsibility now lies on you the adult child to stop the cycle and take some other path in your life for yourself and those around you. Arguably she is at that crossroads now, at her age.
There does come a time in one's adult life where there is a shift in that their childhood is no longer an excuse for their behavior or problems.
Yep. At some point, you own the ball.
That time is really close for Mady and she won't be prepared.
Whereas Colin and Hannah already took ownership of their balls.
I can’t recommend enough Tiny Beautiful Things to Mady and anyone struggling with their past. It really does advocate a fine balance between accepting how freaking shitty your shit hand was while also empowering you to not let it own your life. To spear it and kill it and do better.
Looks like Jon gave yet another interview addressing Mady and discussing his estrangement with his children.
I always liked Jon okay, and I felt for him because of the way he was treated by Kate, and eventually by TLC. But I wish more than anything that he would stop giving these interviews about his children. It’s redundant, it makes him look desperate for the spotlight, and it’s not going to do anything to help the relationship or change the twin’s and four sextuplets’ tarnished view of him.
He already publicly defended Collin via a statement through a magazine, and Colleen gave a detailed Instagram post beautifully attesting to Collin’s character. That is enough, there was no need to speak on this any further.
He already publicly defended Collin via a statement through a magazine, and Colleen gave a detailed Instagram post beautifully attesting to Collin’s character. That is enough, there was no need to speak on this any further.
Yes I'm sure the sheeple would love that just Kate and Mady get to speak, and everyone else shut up.
Sorry, I forgot to add my name in my last post, didn’t mean to go anonymous.
That’s not I meant at all. Kate and Mady should keep their mouths shut, too, especially since what they say are likely lies and slander. Of course Collin and Jon should defend themselves. I just feel like Jon has said enough and doesn’t need to keep doing these interviews.
Hoping the four living with Kate are all away at college enjoying there freedom. L posted a video of her dorm room . She’s going to NC state
-Gigi Be
Hey Admin and Fellow Kate Haters!
Are you following this case of the Mormon YouTube Family Vloggers 8 Passengers?
Sweet Homespun Mormon Child Abuse!
I want Jon to comment. Jon and Paul Peterson.
Admin look it up and post a story
Hey Admin? Whats up with Mady? I tried to read this page but Im not seeing what is going on.
Hey Admin? Whats up with MADY? I tried to read this page and cant find out what is going on with her...
preesi (#77), I was just coming here to post
the same thing! Tragic, sickening story. May
those kids and young adults get the help they
need. And may their evil mother pay the price
for the damage she did to their bodies and souls.
Looks like Leah is having a great start at college. I wonder if the other 3 are at the same school. It does appear that she has a roommate--there was another bed in her pictures. NCSU is in Raleigh, so she's a few hours away from home. That should give her a little space away from her mother's influence, which has to be a good thing.
I noticed Leah has the same flower pillow that my little Boo has, except Boo's pillow plays music when you press the petals. She loves it because she can amuse herself with it while she's supposed to be sleeping. She's such a fun little girl! She has her daddy wrapped around her little finger--and she knows it. She's such a cute mix of girly-girl and total basa$$. She must wear dresses every day (preferably Disney princess dresses), loves having her hair done just-so--and her favorite activity is banging on her drum set and belting out her favorite song, "Zombie" by the Cranberries. Sully started K-3, and it's just killing me. I said, "You're so grown up now! When did you get so big?". And he thought for moment and said, "Ummm...yesterday". He has lots of friends, and they all give each other hugs when they are leaving school for the day. He has a best friend now. He's growing up too fast!
I saw the story about the Mormon family. It's absolutely heartbreaking, Why is it that the mothers who shove themselves in the public eye and pretend they're the perfect parents with perfect families--are always the worst parents? Too many kids are being used as commodities these days, and the results can be disastrous. I also hope Paul Peterson speaks out.
Preesi, flimsy flamsy, I read a story about the Mormon mom blogger/ abuser. She also kicked out Dad and things got so bad. Multiple neighbors talked with reporters and said they had reported to CPS multiple times.
Read this today. Somewhat interesting.
Jill Duggar's book comes out September 12.
ncgirl (#84), and apparently Jill describes her felon
brother Josh as a "pedophile." Quite a long way from
that TV interview where Jill and Jessa brushed off
Josh's attacks as something that happens in most
families. Clearly they had been coached by their
cult leader -- um, I mean, their father Jim-Bob --
to downplay the whole thing. Big Daddy needed
that gravy train to keep chugging' along. What
a disgusting, narcissistic coward.
I still get people mag every week. Issue with Jimmy Buffett on cover, picture of Jill on top of cover, nice article about her and husband, upcoming book. Very clear about what contract with producers committed her to filming. She never wanted childbirth to be filmed, but those episodes got great ratings! It was only after marriage that they were asking more questions about where was the money going. Because of her husband she also stopped accepting the status quo.
I have not read Jill's book, but there's a lot of information about it online. Josh was there for the Meghan Kelly interview. How awful.
I still get people mag every week. Issue with Jimmy Buffett on cover, picture of Jill on top of cover, nice article about her and husband, upcoming book. Very clear about what contract with producers committed her to filming. She never wanted childbirth to be filmed, but those episodes got great ratings! It was only after marriage that they were asking more questions about where was the money going. Because of her husband she also stopped accepting the status quo.
Her book is getting a lot of media buzz for its ongoing shocking revelations. I really hope Arkansas has looked into any and all available options to go after Jim Bob and his Baby Cakes. What they did was impose slavery on Jill, which last I checked is illegal.
Admin (#88), wouldn't UT be something if the
ultimate Duggar "good girl," who seemed to worship
her father, is the one to burn it all to the ground.
Reminds me of Hannah Gosselin -- helpfully
identified on the opening credits as "the
leader, and Mommy's helper -- leaving Mommy's
house the first chance she got.
So apparently Rube Frankes entire family and friend circle are all closet incestuous swingers. They have sex parties
Nothing wrong with sex parties. But apparently theres a lot of sex abuse in these mormons families and I think this is why they abuse kids. They take it out on their kids
From Dmasy -- After a ten year adventure in Texas, hubby and I have returned to the Midwest. Unexpected but we are going to embrace the change. Internet was just connected! Boxes every where!
On the long drive ahead of the moving trucks, I read Jill Duggar's book. Much better written than I would have expected. She shares quite a bit and stops just short of salacious details. She is a kind hearted soul who protects her parents while being truthful.
She and her husband seem grounded, with Derrick being a strong guide for her as she navigates from Sweet Jilly Muffin to a more critical thinker.
Dmasy (#91), congratulations on your move!
Who would have predicted that Jill would be the
one to break away from the Duggar family in
such dramatic fashion? What a nightmare for
her insanely controlling father, who somehow
thought he'd continue to keep his adult children
under his rule. Not anymore, Pops!
I really do have to give Jill's husband a whole lot of credit. It's crystal clear for me he loves her deeply, he appreciates and understands her toxic childhood and toxic parent, and is willing and able to provide her the support she needs to tell her story and move on with healing the damage done to her life. And she really is struggling to rebuild on a foundation that was intentionally stunted for her against her will. Taking on that baggage in a marriage is a mountain to bear and he's done it and done it well.
Can you imagine the blind rage Jim-Bob must
feel at the fact his daughter is going to make
a substantial amount of money from the book
sales and he won't be entitled to one red cent?
Out of all the humiliating, emasculating aspects
of this story, methinks that is a particularly
tough pill for him to swallow.
Can you imagine the blind rage Jim-Bob must
feel at the fact his daughter is going to make
a substantial amount of money from the book
sales and he won't be entitled to one red cent?
Out of all the humiliating, emasculating aspects
of this story, methinks that is a particularly
tough pill for him to swallow.
I wish they would put together a criminal case on his ass. Slavery has been a crime since 1865.
Dmasy...welcome to the Midwest!
October....the month where we start with summer and end with winter. :-)
By the way, how do those multiple Indictments strike you? You are, as an attorney of the California Bar, an officer of the courts. I dare you t
Hi there nutty pants. Now now it isn’t about what I think is it. It’s what the votessay and you sure do sound upset that his nomination is a slam dunk. Oh noes! Hilarious.
And there it is. I knew you couldn’t resist. You had to cut my comment very close to make you look “good” (and you still failed) but you still had to respond. You are really so much fun. I know your idol will be the Republican nominee. I am ecstatic! He lost the popular vote in 2016; lost the popular vote and electoral college in 2020; is under indictment in 4 jurisdictions for 91 counts; and his business “empire” is crumbling. I am having fun with people like you- supposed “officers of the court” who are still trying to condone his conduct. It’s pure theater to me. Please keep your Trump Train chugging. You would make me sad if you didn’t!
It really bothers you that I don't care about this. Lol.
I'm interested in Israel, the economy, Ukraine, and my home life, to name some of them.
a borderline incoherent response
You couldn't figure out that I missed a space between vote and say thus making it one word? Your blind rage over things that don't matter truly made you blind.
You even stupidly chose to disclose your daughter’s existence here. You violated your child’s privacy without her consent.
That was so stupid of me. I disclosed I have a child. What was I thinking! I hope she can forgive this violation of her right to not exist.
“She’s fallen quite a ways from being one of the country’s top reality stars,” the insider told a magazine. “Kate is currently living a very quiet and boring life in North Carolina. She doesn’t date and has very few friends — actually, her best friends are pretty much her kids."
Such a hypocrite. You formed this blog on the idea that children have the right to privacy and to not be used in any way by their parents yet you chose to use your daughter (and it is horrible I even know she is a girl) for attention on your dying blog.
You're a hysterical buffoon. I challenge you to find a photo of my daughter on the inter webs, or even her name. Oop you can't.
Kate erased everyone that didn’t fall in line, I’m not surprised she’s lonely with no friends. What a sad life!
Anonymous, get a freaking life! Typical person suffering from trump derangement syndrome! Most on here have mentioned their kids/grands, omg clutch your pearls! Who cares!!!! We are proud of our kids and grands. We don’t make profit from our kids, that’s the difference.
Go worship your dear leader, Biden. The weak moron losing his mind.
As far as worshipping anyone- you don’t know me at all. I didn’t vote for Biden in the primaries or the general election. I am actually a registered Republican who votes for the best candidate. I don’t find and will likely never find Trump to be a good, much less best, candidate. It is rather telling that you immediately leap to assumptions about my political views and project “worshipping” a person with obvious cognitive decline onto me (and Biden.)
I'm actually shocked you said something I agree with, yet you refuse to see that's how most people think. I'm interested in someone who can fucking keep world peace as was kept quiet handily before the current senile one took office. Now WW3 is raging around the globe. I'm glad you feel good about yourself given what's happened since. I don't vote for candidates that CAN'T LEAD and then little babies get beheaded, thanks. I sleep well at night.
There are American babies getting beheaded? Either you are a terrible attorney or you think I am really stupid. Neither Trump nor Biden nor any American President could have prevented what is happening in the current and tragic conflict nor could any POTUS intervene in any reasonable way.
You are very naive and hopelessly uneducated about the Middle East. You are simply ignorant to not be aware of how our current administration’s handling (f up) of Iran lead DIRECTLY to this disaster. Directly. Get off this blog and start reading something useful to your life. I suggest The Wall Street journal for starters.
ncgirl (101).
Interesting article. it says she retreated from the spotlight years ago--as if she did that voluntarily. Not a chance. She was forced out, kicking and screaming. It goes on to say that she's living paycheck to paycheck--yeah, right. We all know that she "borrows" from her kids to survive. That is, if you consider buying a lakeside second home "surviving". And she "misses the spotlight and the money" from being on TV. Of course she does. She was in it for the fame and fortune all along, no matter what lies she was spinning on talk shows. She'd kill to be back where she once was. Narcissists will always long for attention. She's going to miss it forever.
I guess it's mine, all mine now.
Kate Gosselin once had a bustling household with eight children, but now she’s living all by herself in her Troutman, North Carolina, home after her four remaining children moved out and left for college, according to a new report.
But the article says she's refused to work, even though she's able to as a nurse. She's still trying to squeeze money from Jon.
Oh and I'm sure she intends to use whatever back child support she may end up recovering on the adult kids, lol. She'll spend more in attorney fees than she will in money she ever gets. She could, like, GET A JOB, too.
How long is she really going to keep this up? It’s pitiful. Having a pity party are we? By the time she’s my age she’s not going to have an easy time and I almost feel sorry for her. Almost.
I don’t know much about reality television ladies what is to say you can’t wrap that up and get a job? You do whatever is necessary. So you were filmed, now you’re not. Her adult children have jobs why can’t she? What exactly is the difference?
It’s not as if that $132,000 plus estimated will last long anyhow. She could I suppose downgrade that house to something more manageable. My family came to visit we pulled out cots and sleeping bags nobody needed their own guest room. She could get by with a nice two bedroom apartment since it’s just herself.
Oh I’m sorry that was my comment Admin
She's nearing he end of her prime working years and her prime time to maximize her retirement savings.
She spent all this time trying to suck everyone else dry of money they don't have instead of hunkering down and earning it herself. People are living into their 80s and 90s as rule. She's really going to be hurting.
I'm not person to ask regards to relality television, but I would assume after taxes if she put into savings if at all that it just would not pay much realistically like a long-term full-time job would have with better benefits, Social Security, or whatever retirement plan you sign onto. That the state still would have come along and take its cut. I mean it was television. It might have paid well and looked y'know fancy with its "free trips," and promotional gigs and "free swag," perhaps clothing and such, but perhaps left her dry as stated when it's come to that retirement savings. Judging by the fact she's well quote unquote "borrowing," money from her own children.
I also take a look at fact her ex-husband has had jobs, and still works. I would think at some point yes, she would be on a sinking ship as she ages.
Admin said...She spent all this time trying to suck everyone else dry of money they don't have instead of hunkering down and earning it herself.
Correct! Didn't she say for years and years that she wouldn't hesitate to go back to work to support the kids? Yet she ever did. If she was so desperate 4 years ago that she had to take $100K from C&H, then what has she been doing since then? I can only guess that she's still "borrowing" money from the kids to "survive". So, what happens when their money runs out? It will only get harder to work as she gets older. Does she still hold out hope that yet another show will drop into her lap? If that's what she's holding out for, she's going to be bitterly disappointed. She needs to figure out how to deal with reality soon, but she seems to have no interest in saving herself.
Layla, perhaps she expects her children to do that surviving for her and then support her in her elder years because, "I did it all for them," so she should expect them to do it all for her in return? She did sort of strike me as a we decided things a family, in a way that she comes off as I expect my kids to band together as a group and be there for me mentality. I wouldn't be surprised if she moved in with her children then her golden years begin.
With the kids all gone, I'm flashing back to when TFW
moved into the "mine all mine" mansion and gleefully
shared how her kids could "disperse" in such a large
house. As Michelle Duggar once admitted about
herself, I suspect TFW never had a "heart for
children." She loved the attention having those
6 babies gave her, and was happy to use them
as her ticket to ride. But raising children, which
included "dirty, icky" boys? Not her jam.
And with all her children gone, I'm guessing she
doesn't have any dogs anymore. Who would take
care of them?
Mady had posted a pic of one of the dogs (I think the white girl dog) a while back. I did ask if Shoka and the other boy dog were still alive but she didn't answer me. I just went back to look for the TikTok but she has cleaned her TT up and took a ton of them down, including all the ones that included the family.
BlueJay (115) You're right, she's one of those people who will expect her children to take on the burden of supporting her. Well, to tell the truth, that's what they've been doing all along. Nobody would have watched the show if not for the kids. The tups ere working since they were infants to provide support for her. And when the audience lost interest, she started "borrowing" from their trusts to "survive". They ere still shouldering the burden for supporting her. Don't you love how that article said she was living paycheck to paycheck now--what paycheck? They also say she isn't working. I can only guess that she's using the proceeds from the sale of her house in PA to live now, but that house was supposed to be the kids' house. That's what she always said, and it was originally owned by their trust (until she changed it). So, that was supposed to be their home, and therefore the proceeds should have been theirs. Do you really think they saw a dime of that money? Of course not.
Those kids will be shouldering the burden of supporting her in the style to which she became accustomed (thanks to them) for the rest of their lives. Because, you know, she gave up soooo much in order to set things up so that they could support her.
kris (117) There have been pictures of the dog published in various places since the move, but none of the male dogs. Shoka would be very old now and probably isn't around anymore, but what about Mak? He is an "icky boy", so he may have been discarded along the way. Hard to tell.
Layla - that's true there were some pics with Kate and the girl dog. I hope Kate was good to the boy dogs but we know her track record with boys...
I had 2 boys and 2 girls, I can’t say one is better than the other. They were all amazing in their own ways. Kate’s a royal bitch!
I also had male and female dogs, again, I loved them all equally. Right now I have 2 male dogs, I give them voices and personalities of little boys hahhaha
My female dog had to be put down 2 yrs ago, she was 15 and couldn’t walk anymore. We had a huge family party the night before, she had cake, brownies, steak, chicken, cookies, etc. it was an amazing send off! Taking her the next day broke me. We had her from 8 weeks old, making the decision to put her out of pain was so hard!
What I’m saying is Kate has ice running through her veins, she only cares about the sex, she doesn’t love animals or boys. (Or really herself) My pets are family.
I’m not shocked at all she’s lonely and broke. She made her bed!
Clack - I'm so sorry you lost your fur baby. :( But it sounds like she was sent out how I'd wanna go, lol.
I can’t help but wonder what Kate’s gonna do if all the kids marry or move away. What if they follow what she taught them and cut off parents and siblings? What if her kids spouses or significant others don’t like her and don’t want to spend time with her nasty attitude? Time will tell I guess. But if she thinks life is lonely now, it may get way worse.
Clack, I'm so sorry about your pup! We lost one of ours a few years ago and the pain was indescribable. Our dogs are our babies and we just weren't ready to let go yet. It sounds like your girl had the kind of send-off she deserved and she was loved and well cared for throughout her life. She was a lucky girl.
ncgirl said... 125
"Kate Gosselin lost a court battle against her ex-husband, Jon Gosselin, after demanding that he cough up more than $132k in alleged back child support."
It so good to see her losing. She won for too long.
I wonder if she decided to try to collect child support from the time after she claimed that she "relieved"Jon of his payments. Apparently she did that so that he wouldn't oppose her filming the kids. Even if this wasn't done through legal channels, she and her lawyer both publicly stated that she did it, so she'd have a hard time trying to claim the money now. If that's not it, then I can't imagine how she believed he owed her that much. It's just interesting to see that the court didn't agree with her reasoning. I'm sure she's not taking it well. No more filming, no more big paychecks, and no 6-figure payout from Jon. What is her next plan to try to collect huge sums of money without working for it? Maybe she'll go after the kids' trusts for the money spent on tuition. Would anyone be surprised if she did?
Admin, can you clarify what an "adverse revival" is? I know she could file a revival to reinstate a former ruling, but an adverse revival? I'm kinda clueless. Still, I'm glad she lost, no matter the terms used. And I hope she had to shell out a pile of cash for her lawyers, too. It's time for her to stop using the courts to bully Jon.
Poor Schmoopy. No more "set the record straight"
interviews, no more fish in paper, no more paps on
speed dial (*waves to Chris*) to capture the
sight of her pumping gas in gladiator sandals.
Who's "mediocre" now?
All kidding aside...I wonder if she has any friends,
besides her children? Seems like anyone she was
close to was on her payroll. And everyone else
was kicked to the curb.
Admin, can you clarify what an "adverse revival" is? I know she could file a revival to reinstate a former ruling, but an adverse revival? I'm kinda clueless
I'm not familiar with this term either. I assume she's whining about arrears? I assume it has something to do with awakening a lapsed judgement to enforce it. Maybe someone local knows.
I did a little more reading on the subject and it seems that she wanted child support from 2012-2018 because he sued for custody of Collin and Hannah. In 2012, she relieved him of the requirement to pay--as long as he didn't try to get custody of any of the kids. Then, of course, he got custody of C&H, so Kate wants the child support money he would have had to pay, The recent judge threw it out because he did not agree with the original arrangement. He refused to recognize an agreement that interfered with the parent/child relationship. I completely agree.
So, what next? I'm a little worried that she'll try to sue the kids' trusts for the money she spent on their private schooling. I guess it depends on how desperate she is. I can't imagine any parent doing something like that, but then again no other parent would complain about something like that in the first place. After all, it was her choice to send them to that school. If she's really broke, then she needs to sell her latest house, get something more affordable (or maybe an apartment), and support herself for once.
Oops, the comment above (#130) was me!
The recent judge threw it out because he did not agree with the original arrangement. He refused to recognize an agreement that interfered with the parent/child relationship. I completely agree.
As I've said for a decade, this little arrangement is illegal and contrary to public policy. You can't waive or bargain away support that belongs to the children, it's not yours to waive. So now she wants the money back from something she illegally set up. Classy. Good for the judge being like, nah.
Oh, suing the trust is coming next make no mistake.
She's got the twins in her pocket - always did. The younger kids were her worker ants and got the worst chores. Collin got the worst of all - cleaning the chicken coop. After she shipped him off she dismantled her entire chicken operation rather than give the horrible job to another child.
I don't know anyone who has clung so hard to money like this from reality television paychecks. It's just so sad.
We talk about how bad it is the Gosselins were filmed, I often wonder about the Busby children. What will happen to them once the cameras go away? Will their parents be as off the rails as Kate?
What is so horrid about her getting a part-time job? Y'know if memory serves me she claims Jon could/should whatever have gotten one. I thought Miss. Thing here was a master organizer, planner all that. Shouldn't she have been a little more financially prepared? She's what in her early 50's?
Yes, by all means...downsize. Not everyone needs a house with a pool. Surely that upkeep is quite a lot. I wouldn't make a career out of suing ones ex-husband for back child support when your children are adults. I'm not an attorney, so it just seems rather pathetic. Not to mention a waste of money. And time. Do people actually do that sort of thing once they have adult children? I don't think I've heard of such nonsense!
SHE didn't show up for custody of that poor boy. HER daughter clearly wanted to live with her father. I suppose I just don't (in normal sense) see the point.
I haven't watched TLC in quite sometime, is it still a hotbed for multiples, home renovations and other unusual families? Or has that tide shifted to other avenues? Perhaps if it has someone should inform Kate she is no longer quite as unusual. Aren't there other families with multiples? I did see a bit of news today some identical triplets was welcomed home, that's very sweet.
The world changes y'know. I don't know what this lady could possibly have to offer anyone.
It is sad. Like watching somebody beg. The amount of money she wants isn’t millions. She could have made the same amount and more in just a few year’s time working a real nursing job.
Oh, suing the trust is coming next make no mistake.
I wouldn't be surprised. She said the trust(s) "owed" her the money she spent for the kids' private school tuitions--and she knew exactly how much she had spent. What parent can quote exactly how much they spent on their kids' educations? And why would the kids be responsible for paying for something that SHE chose? Does she think she can convince anyone that it was the kids' choice? Actually, this is someone who thinks people believed that her toddlers "voted" to keep filming, so she probably does. Maybe her pre-school-aged kids came to her and said, "Mommy, we've been considering our educational options and we've decided that private school is the best choice for us. After considering such factors as test scores, class sizes, and availability for filming, we've decided that LCDS is the place we'll be going", Yeah, I'm sure that's exactly how it happened.
I did a search in Zillow for her NC home. 136 Hawks Point Dr, Troutman, NC 28166 It is not for sale but it has the value amount of $1.33 Million on the map.
I realize Zillow may not be totally accurate.
So sell and take her profit and find a nice smaller empty nest size house 2-3 bedroom about $200K. Doesn't have to have pool, lakeside, etc. Also did she buy the pontoon and jet ski that I saw a corner of in pic/video of her kid. Like she didn't waste money on that too?????
Hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday
I wouldn't be surprised. She said the trust(s) "owed" her the money she spent for the kids' private school tuitions--and she knew exactly how much she had spent. What parent can quote exactly how much they spent on their kids' educations? And why would the kids be responsible for paying for something that SHE chose? Does she think she can convince anyone that it was the kids' choice? Actually, this is someone who thinks people believed that her toddlers "voted" to keep filming, so she probably does. Maybe her pre-school-aged kids came to her and said, "Mommy, we've been considering our educational options and we've decided that private school is the best choice for us. After considering such factors as test scores, class sizes, and availability for filming, we've decided that LCDS is the place we'll be going", Yeah, I'm sure that's exactly how it happened.
This reminds me, Little People Big World is now on HBO all except the very first special they did which appears to be lost now, I've certainly never been able to find it. And there was a Q and A type behind the scenes episode, and they were discussing why they decided to keep filming. Matt said something completely disturbing to me, that the family was very resistant to continuing on filming but that he kept pushing them to keep doing it to "spread awareness of little people." Knowing Matt, Matt will get his way no matter what anyone else thinks.
There's so much more to say about that whole situation, but while Matt is not Kate, I will say they are both opportunists who when they want something will steamroll even their own family members to get it.
I thought about it ladies, and I'm a tad surprised that nobody has offered Kate a oh what it is it set the record straight, or tell all interview after this Vice and other press that went on like they have before. Could be she's asked and nobody took the bait? Or she actually figured out that since her son can out her she's not going to bother that route? I'm also partial to see if she'll try and write another book.
I could be wrong but I'm going to guess she's too chicken to do an interview. If she's going to say anything about Collin it's going to be calculated and rehearsed and said in a manner that he can't really respond like her last bullshit.
I did watch the last season of LPBW reluctantly because I was so disgusted by the previous season. Matt puts his $$ above his family. Apparently Jeremy originally wanted to buy the farmhouse and Matt rejected his offer. Then Zack made an offer and Matt was highly insulted by his offer and it turned into a feud. Matt's girlfriend was involved and Zack and Tori stopped communicating with them. Then Matt and his gf would go on camera about how hurt they were and just trashing them. If the farmhouse is part of an inheritance, then why fight about it? I understand not 'giving' it away to one of them but I don't feel you should make this huge profit off of your child either. Matt was so sure he was going to be able to sell it for a premium. Well that didn't happen, so instead he short term rents it out. I mean, all of that and you rent it out to various strangers. I know reality tv isn't all reality but there is bad blood there for sure. There was bickering between Matt and Zack on Instagram while the show was airing. I think they are trying to rebuild the relationship because of the grandkids but there was definate strain. Honestly, the season was very depressing. Matt is really so so greedy.
I did watch the last season of LPBW reluctantly because I was so disgusted by the previous season. Matt puts his $$ above his family. Apparently Jeremy originally wanted to buy the farmhouse and Matt rejected his offer. Then Zack made an offer and Matt was highly insulted by his offer and it turned into a feud. Matt's girlfriend was involved and Zack and Tori stopped communicating with them. Then Matt and his gf would go on camera about how hurt they were and just trashing them. If the farmhouse is part of an inheritance, then why fight about it? I understand not 'giving' it away to one of them but I don't feel you should make this huge profit off of your child either. Matt was so sure he was going to be able to sell it for a premium. Well that didn't happen, so instead he short term rents it out. I mean, all of that and you rent it out to various strangers. I know reality tv isn't all reality but there is bad blood there for sure. There was bickering between Matt and Zack on Instagram while the show was airing. I think they are trying to rebuild the relationship because of the grandkids but there was definate strain. Honestly, the season was very depressing. Matt is really so so greedy.
This show has been my background noise for the last 4 months if I want something on while I'm folding socks. I was surprised after watching every single episode again (I'm up to the births of the grandkids) how complex Matt is, and not as much of an asshole as I thought. Amy is passive aggressive and emotionally unavailable, but wants to blame Matt for her own subpar traits she won't work on.
Matt did the bulk of the work on the farm from day one including the paperwork the planning the execution the success. The lazy children and Amy took no initiative and often turned down his requests for help. This is his life's work and retirement, and the children wanted it at a, as I understand it, HEAVY discount. Below fair market value. That's simply unfair and frankly disrespectful to Matt and everything he did to bring it to where it is.
Matt also made an off-hand comment about the farm that I actually think truly worried him. He said he had such a fear that the farm was going to cause fighting between his children and such knowledge would break his heart. So everything he did if he saw it causing any kind of strife, he just kept leaning toward unloading it on someone unrelated and nip that in the bud hard. Sure enough when the sale of the farm was causing conflict, he did just that, removed the farm from the kids table.
Do I think he was coming from a good place? I actually do. I could be wrong but his motives were pure, but the execution of such a complex financial and emotional issue was simply doomed to fail.
Admin - I never saw it the way you're describing, so I see what you're saying and yes, maybe he was avoiding conflict by taking it out of the kids hands. So good foresight there. And I will agree with your assessment of him being the worker bee and not Amy or the kids. But in Amy's defense, she was a very hands on mom so I think she thinks that was her role and the farm was his. Their marriage dynamic was very dysfunctional. I was not one bit surprised when they announced their divorce.
Admin - I never saw it the way you're describing, so I see what you're saying and yes, maybe he was avoiding conflict by taking it out of the kids hands. So good foresight there. And I will agree with your assessment of him being the worker bee and not Amy or the kids. But in Amy's defense, she was a very hands on mom so I think she thinks that was her role and the farm was his. Their marriage dynamic was very dysfunctional. I was not one bit surprised when they announced their divorce.
It's funny if I watch any individual episode I'm Team Amy. But when I consider them as a whole I'm team Matt. Amy was supermom but I also saw time and time again her refusing straight up blocking Matt from her domain managing the kids. There were many times I actually felt sorry for him as she would manipulate the situation to actively block him from taking on a parenting role then turn around and act resentful he wasn't involved.
They are both type A controlling personalities. The marriage was a bad match from the start. Watching how his fiancée Caryn interacts with him you can see her more diplomatic kinder approach is far and away much easier for Matt to respond to versus Amy's bitterness and snottiness. Caryn is getting the same results Amy wanted much easier.
Mama jun'es daughter Anna ‘Chickadee’ Cardwell dead at 29 following cancer battle.
"Mama jun'es daughter Anna ‘Chickadee’ Cardwell dead at 29 following cancer battle."
What a sad, short life. She was Honey Boo Boo's big sister. She had conflicts with her mother June. She said June's ex boyfriend molested her. She has two young daughters. May she rest in peace.
It is very sad upon anyone’s passing. I hope this family will find peace off camera.
In other news ladies, this gave me a real laugh, boy she just can’t let money go!
Oh dear I’m sorry I published my comment without my name. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Hey anti child abuse ppl!
If any of yall are following the Jodi Hildebrandt/ Ruby Franke story I need help. We need to get at least one YouTuber to listen.
Heres my tweet that highlights the issue.
Hi Admin
Your man Trump has openly said he would be a dictator on “day one”. Are you still a sycophant?
He really gets you going doesn't he? Fun fact. The only three presidents who have not brought us into a war in their term: Carter, Ford. And Trump.
Our military families say thank you.
It looks like Kate is appealing the court's decision to deny her demand for back child support from Jon. No surprise there. Once she smells money, she will never stop trying to get her greedy hands on it. Interesting--Jon's rep says Kate needs to get a job if she needs money--so, maybe she hasn't been working. There are articles that say she is a nurse, but the only backing information is her holding a current license in NC. I'm sure the issue of her employment (or lack thereof) has come up in court, so I tend to believe Jon's rep. And, of course, she has always avoided any kind of actual work with all her might. She won't "go back" until she has exhausted every other opportunity. I can't wait to see how this plays out.
Oops, the comment about Kate's appeal of the child support ruling was mine!
The old clip of Kate lashing out at Jon for breathing too loudly has resurfaced on X, titled "Poor Guy". 15 million views, with the vast majority of the comments sympathetic to Jon. All these years later, a slap-in-the-face reminder of just how awful she really was/is. She should never be allowed to live down her vicious treatment of him, on-camera, no less. Would it be too much to ask that this becomes a trend? More clips of her criticizing, fat-shaming, and generally emasculating him, all resurfaced for a new generation to see. She is vile.
I don’t get her, she’s obviously out of money. And all the money she spends on lawyers and court she could have been working! Get a job you cow! Jon was relieved of his support, why would she think the courts will turn that around now? God she’s a moron!
Yes I saw her complaining about his breathing the other day. I agree it should be all over the internet how she abused him.
Literally if she just put all these attorney fees in a money market account all this time she would have long come out ahead. I’m guessing it’s the principle of it for her. She’ll principle it to her grave. ~ Administrator said... 155
Literally if she just put all these attorney fees in a money market account all this time she would have long come out ahead. I’m guessing it’s the principle of it for her. She’ll principle it to her grave.
Agreed. She has to have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on legal fees over the years, when she would have been better off allowing Jon visitation and putting her money into investments instead. I think control and bullying were a big part of the reason she kept dragging him to court. She knew it was difficult for him to keep up with the court expenses, and that spurred her on. Once he left, it was her only way of bullying him. That and bashing him in the press. A bully must bully. Now the kids are gone, Jon doesn't have to answer to her on custody issues, the press doesn't pay her any attention. There's nobody for her to bully . So this is what she feels compelled to do. She can bully Jon and try to get her hands on some cash at the same time. I hope she loses and the fees bury her once and for all.
When does it end with her? She wants a big check fast. It will never be enough. Here’s a thought, if you refuse to work like mediocre people then sell the damn house. There are plenty of cheaper places in NC that aren’t on lake Norman.
Hell I’d like a big cabin in big sky! It ain’t gonna happen! Get real lady, you’re a nobody! You’re just one of is lowly mediocre’s.
I wonder what finally led Steve to desert her. I think she believed he'd eventually marry her.
Clack, she wouldn't dream of moving somewhere else in NC. Lake Norman is supposed to be where the celebs in the area live--Nascar drivers and even Michael Jordan have homes there. She wants to be among the celebs, even though she isn't one herself. Yet she doesn't want to have to work, so she's looking for a payout. I wonder if she thought she and the kids could film again once they were legal adults and Jon couldn't object. That could be the reason for her doing that special forces show--to "put herself out there" and try to revive some interest. If so, well, nobody took the bait. So now she's got to look for other ways to get her hands on some cash without getting a J-O-B. Once this appeal (hopefully) fails, what will she try next? Most likely she'll continue to "borrow" from her kids until they have nothing left.
Oh anonymous the hyperbole the hyperbole! It’s all so dangerous! And yet absolutely nothing happened in the four years he was present. The nuclear wars and financial catastrophe never happened. We enjoyed incredible peace and financial prosperity and boy did it make you furious to be wrong.
I’m not following this at all. At all. It’s clickbait. They know they get poor saps like you going with the crazy stories and you click and click and click some more. They post more. The fact that you can’t see what a puppet they’re making of you is just sad.
We had a pandemic that could have been lessened had he not dismantled the pandemic team and not disseminated lies; an economy that would have done much better and thankfully was saved by Democrats intervening; and the thwarting of an insurrection led by Trump due to the heroic actions of a few brave and quick thinking people
Apparently you haven’t read anything but propaganda. Are you delusional? Covid ran its course not because of mitigation but because of the natural progression of the disease. There was no controlling it as arrogant as we thought we could. The studies about the lack of impact on any mitigation efforts tried should alarm everyone. Masks didn’t work. Neither did shutdowns. Nor did social distancing. Clinging to this idea that something could have been done at whatever emotional cost is simple unscientific. I thought your lot just loved science or is it only when it’s convenient to you?
As usual, you isolate part of the entire comment and then twist it. Even with your machinations you still fail to make a valid point. You didn’t address any of the salient points of my comment, especially those that pertain to Trump’s threat to engage in dictatorship and his culpability the insurrection.
God your stupidity kills me. I took a look at the comment that has your knickers all in a twist. Trump said it would be a dictatorship just on day one. He was using an analogy to explain he would undue a lot of policies his first day. Which is what every new administration does. He has you flying off the handle about dictatorships over an ANALOGY. He really knows what to say to get you going.
I am not following any of this. What don't you get about this? I have more important things to do than waste away my life following the every move of an election that is two years away or a candidate that has not been in office in two years. It really is a horrible use of my time. And yours. Going cold turkey on election coverage up until actual election season I highly recommend. I've read 10 books this year mostly non-fiction none political and I've made the most of all my free time to spend it with family and friends. Truly, you need to let this go.
I guess you just can’t handle having only one child and balance your job and this blog. My grandmother could handle substantially more, but we are made of much better people than you in every way. You have made that point absolutely clear.
I did not say I could not handle my life much less that I'm struggling to handle the things you mentioned. I said I have more important things to do than follow the minutiae you are following and keep asking me about when I have told you again and again NO I do not follow it. There's a difference between struggling to keep up and CHOOSING what you would like to keep up with. I choose not to follow election coverage now, with it two years away..
I have told you no. Not respecting my no is disturbing and shades of DV.
I happen to think it's terribly unhealthy for most, dare I say, all people, to follow politics to the extreme you are. You're rambling.
Enjoy that Costco law degree,
Pepperdine. Median LSAT of 164 and GPA of 3.8. You're welcome.
I choose not to follow election coverage now, with it two years away..
You’ve said this twice now so clearly it is not a mistake. You might want to check a calendar and do some counting. Choosing not get into the minutiae is one thing; being this ignorant of the National election cycle is another altogether. Not sure why you take such pride in willful ignorance.
Lol well that just shows how much I'm not following it. Yes, I'm aware that the election is in 2024 and that 2024 is in a few days. There are many just as important elections going on before then specifically the Los Angeles DA that are coming first.
My statement stands, a year away and still choosing not to follow it. It's not necessary to follow it this far out or adding anything to my life. Or yours. Jumping in a few months before to catch up is PLENTY of time to make a very informed and sound decision. Why do you care who I vote for anyway? I don't even live in a swing state so my vote doesn't matter. Grow up.
military family- multiple generations including many who had actual front line experience that caused them lifelong trauma- reject your putrid and useless words.
You speak on behalf of your entire family? Wow you're more DV than I thought.
Also wow good for you a military family. My dad served in the Army in Vietnam, my Grandfather served in the Army WW2 and my cousin served in the Navy in Afghanistan. You're not special.
Yeah that's why Trump is so popular with our service men and women.
Your man Trump has openly said he would be a dictator on “day one”. Are you still a sycophant?
You conveniently leave out he said only on day one. Again it was an ANALOGY. God you're so dumb.
ou read ten whole books over the last year? How did you manage? You really can’t help making yourself look completely stupid, can you? I read at least four books a month and my choices vary. I also have more children than you and work full time. Did you need picture books to get to the ten?
You're so childish lol. It's not a competition. I don't read when my child is awake. My attention is on her on buried in a book. That leaves about 2 hours in the evening to read, cook for the next day, watch some netflix. So yeah, it's about 10 this year. Would you like some book recommendations that may help get you out of your absolutely unhealthy and disturbing obsession with someone who has not been president in three years? THREE YEARS AGO you won. You got your way. Gloat in it and be happy. Stop wallowing and obsessing, it's strange.
Wow you should get help for TDS, you hit way below the belt! You’re showing your ignorance. Who cares how many books people read? I raised 4 kids, I never had time for myself or current events. Who freaking cares lady!
Thanks for the giggle though, dems saved the economy, that was a hoot! Is that why I’ve had to pull money out of savings to pay bills since the corpse was elected? Money we were able to save before him. Hmmmm
Go find some friends, maybe a diverse group of people who don’t think the same as yourself. You might learn something.
Happy new year everyone!
From Dmasy -- Happy New Year to everyone.
Hubby and I are settling into our Indiana home. Life is busy.
Dear Anonymous Detractor, It sounds as if you have a rich family life with an interesting background. We get it. You don't like Admin or Trump. You have made your point.
Your opinions have been noted. Maybe you changed someone's political direction.
What more would you like?
Is it your pleasure to keep attacking Admin with your extensive and insulting vocabulary? Do you wish for us to begin a contest of how many books we can read in a year?
Admin wrote and published a book. I find that inspiring. I have read her novel. It is quite good.
Surely, there is something positive you can find to contribute to make us glad that you are visiting here.
I bet it’s pretty in Indiana. Our dream is Montana, in the mountains. But….. it would far from the grandkids.
What’s the book? I would love to read it!
Oh yes a book contest how many have we read! lol
Do toddler books count? In which case I read 365 this year. I win.
I raised 4 kids, I never had time for myself or current events. Who freaking cares lady!
I'm going to bet you don't regret not following current events. And I bet your kids appreciate a household that wasn't saturated with meaningless drivel.
Especially the way it has become, clickbait, exaggerated drama, and truly preying on the vulnerable and unstable. We can see how deranged this news addiction has made poor anonymous.
Nope! I don’t regret a second of it. My house was messy, I didn’t watch news and we were all happy as clams. My oldest is 42 now, she always talks about how she hopes her kids have fun memories like she does. That’s the greatest compliment!
Nope! I don’t regret a second of it. My house was messy, I didn’t watch news and we were all happy as clams. My oldest is 42 now, she always talks about how she hopes her kids have fun memories like she does. That’s the greatest compliment!
Aww good for you. We're doing the 1,000 Hours Outside challenge this year. Even less opportunities to putz around watching the news. I'm excited for it, a little nervous, but confident.
You can do it! It’s fun with a toddler, there’s so much to explore. And no tv noise! I enjoy seeing life through kids eyes.
I don't do much social media but I read on reddit that two of the tups went live recently and it turns out (I'll say allegedly, bc I didn't see the video myself) that all 4 tups that live with mom go to college somwewhere local and live at home and only one kid has a driver's licence, the others "don't need it".
Also, it's good that no sibling is all alone. It sucks that there's a divide and they aren't all in each other's lives but I'm glad each sib has at least one other and at least one parent, nobody is all alone. At least there's that, in this whole mess.
Just some random thoughts.
I don't do much social media but I read on reddit that two of the tups went live recently and it turns out (I'll say allegedly, bc I didn't see the video myself) that all 4 tups that live with mom go to college somwewhere local and live at home and only one kid has a driver's licence, the others "don't need it".
Shades of smothered mother.
The most unselfish thing she could do is kick them out, make them stay in dorms freshman year, encourage and support them in building a life that doesn't revolve around her. Learn to live an adult life.
But she doesn't because she's a selfish cow.
Out of curiosity, I just looked at Pepperdine’s rankings for your year of entry and year of graduation. It ranked lower than ALL of my safety net schools that were ALL offering me big money to attend
It did! Oh wow you must be sooo smart.
My school worked out for me. My bank statement is the proof.
ou are the one who brought up your law school as some sort of bragging right.
Stop gaslighting you dv perp. You’re constantly bringing it up and childishly referring to it as a Costco degree. It’s been consistently number one in the nation for entertainment law and dispute resolution and provides more aid than the other area schools which is why I and many others passed up so called “better” schools to go there. I got into ucla, usc and George mason but chose this one for that and many other reasons including I just LIKED it when I visited and didn’t like the others as much. Impersonal and too cutthroat. Not that it’s any of your business but it worked out, troll. I have an incredibly rewarding career where I actually get to make a difference and I have so much money I’ll never spend it all which means I can leave a nice endowment to my school for other Costco kids. I’m happy. You don’t sound happy. What have you done with your alleged degree.
you should know that it’s very easy to access an attorney’s status. You work for a low rent firm that does DUI, child custody, and personal injury work
That's incorrect. I work for the government have for almost a decade now and as such, my salary is public record. I've never done personal injury in my life, and I still work with children and have so my entire career. Enjoy.
Kate is keeping the kids local because 1, she can’t afford to send them out of state and 2, she has no one in her life but the kids. Which is her own fault. How cruel to make them feel responsible for her loneliness! Hopefully one day they will really see her.
It is truly the ultimate in selfishness to resist your children becoming their own independent people who must separate from you and forge their own path to truly be happy well adjusted adults ready for adult relationships and healthy families of their own. Please don't have kids if you are not willing to support and take joy in this happening when children grow up.
Knowing the starting salary for the same position in my area (which is 3/4 to 1/2 your COLA) compared to yours after a decade or so, I now see your blogs in totally different lights.
Please do share that job posting. I'd love to see it as I know several people who would be interested. This position pays double what all other jurisdictions pay, people looking to get away from the constant crime and homelessness here due to your lot's policies, believe me, have checked. And frankly, I would question the ethics of your alleged jurisdiction paying a government attorney what amounts to a half million dollars a year. Taxpayers should come knocking. If your end goal is so much money you can stuff a mattress with it and bilk tax payers outrageous attorney fees, and for most people who choose this work, it's certainly not, this it not how you do it. It's sad that that seems to be the only thing you value. Unlike your lot, I actually care about the public, tax payers, and the indigent, and have no desire to charge them for my services anything more than the fair market value. I couldn't sleep at night.
Wow, you are quite the altruist. Only the fair market value, huh? I’m curious what indigent person you think can afford an attorney at a fair market value rate? Thank god there are legal aid agencies that actually serve the indigent without charging them “fair market rate.”
Taxpayers, you dumbass. And I've done hundreds of hours of pro bono work over the years. I don't represent the indigent I represent the taxpayers. When I did represent the indigent for SEVEN YEARS, I was FREE. I have never collected a dime from a client. I'm still waiting for you to provide the job posting you claim.
What are you expecting to get out of this? What would you like me to do that would satisfy your bipolar expectations? Is this a round about way of saying you need legal help? I'm here for you.
Anonymous (177),
Leah posted videos and photos of her college life and she is definitely living on campus. Maybe when the tups who made the video said they're living at home, the meant they're living in their home state (NC), instead of going out of state like Cara and Mady did
I looked at her TikTok and she showed photos of graduation from Lake Norman High School (so no more private schools for them), and many pictures of herself and her same-age siblings in NC State shirts. Do they all go to the same school, perhaps? NC State is in Raleigh, not definitely not within commuting distance of Troutman.
Hannah also posted a video of herself living on a college campus. I’m guessing this college is still in Pennsylvania .
Mady is living in a studio apartment in Manhattan . I’m guessing Cara may also be living in that area as well
-Gigi Be
Are any of us surprised that TFW is putting her needs
before her children's? That's her brand, for crying out
loud. Remember how she asked the boys about taking
care of her in her old age? They were TINY. Even if she
said that in jest, what the heck kind of scary seed was
she planting in their little minds? I said long ago she'd
be grooming someone to stay at home with her. Didn't
realize it'd be more than one kid.
I thought Hannah was going to college in Florida. Both Mady and Cara apparently work in Manhattan. Exciting place to be but wicked expensive. Hubby and I bought an apartment there for family to live in (they rent it from us) and it was outrageous! Can't sell it because family is still there and real estate values are way down in the city.
Layla...I thought that too. But it looks like she's still in PA. Her Gosselin Girl Makeup line hasn't posted anything on the IG page since June of 2022, so maybe that was going to help fund her college (living expenses, books, housing, etc)? I wonder if it's still a thing?
It’s really pathetic the kids have to earn money now for college. That should have been covered and then some after years of working! The greedy bitch could have divided it up “here, you can get X amount for college years, pick wisely” but no, she really thought she was the draw, and she earned it. She could also sell her house so they don’t have to work for schooling. Or, maybe, I dunno, WORK?
I wonder if Hannah stayed in PA due to lack of money. In-state tuition is cheaper, and let's not forget that Kate helped herself to $50,000 of Hannah's college money. In fact, all of the tups seem to be going to in-state schools, whether in PA or NC. It's possible that Kate "borrowed" from the others as well, since she said she would have to continue to borrow from their trusts. Sad that Mady and Cara were the only ones who had the opportunity to go to out-of-state colleges, but then they always received preferential treatment. Collin is very smart in going into the marine reserves, because he may well be getting his college paid for through military benefits.
Come to think of it, I believe someone posted something here about Mady having taken out student loans. Anyone have any info on that?
From Dmasy -- I am occupied painting rooms in our new Midwest home. So, I listen to podcasts. Youtube. A wonderful reader (with commentary) Cheree Denise chooses interesting books to share. I am listening to Trailer Park Parable by Tyler Zed. It is so well written. The story of a survivor of childhood trauma created by a flawed father.
My walls look fresh and clean and my brain is filled with someone's inspiring story.
Cheere Denise is a lovely woman with a quick wit. She also read some books about the Royals that I enjoyed listening to. She is on Youtube.
I wonder how on earth Kate is going to maintain affording the house she has now. She's not yet 50, and long-term she's not working if she has financial issues that's just down a rabbit hole of issues for most folks.
If she's sunk her children into loans after all these years claiming they were financially secure but she's been borrowing I suspect, well, obviously, reality television doesn't or wouldn't have paid as well as she thought if you lived high off the hog. She has another good twenty years of needing an income to support herself.
Can't imagine she has what most folks have from working a job, 401K's or pensions, personal retirements things of that nature. She sure sounds like she's done spent every red cent she had burning through looking like a star. For what? Her kids? I doubt they really ever cared what she looked liked.
Those cameras are long gone. The people are long gone to other projects and paychecks. Her kids are in college. Was it worth it? Not that she needs to write another book to prove her point. We know her story. What else could she say? Her kids could write a book, but then I suspect she'd sue them as well.
Jon and Hannah are in the press. He's talking about losing weight. She has a boyfriend.
The following is from a gossip site, a blind item. It may or may not be true, but it sounds like Kate.
This long time reality star has been out of the spotlight for several years now, but needs some money. She is pitching a show that would follow the lives of her older children and their lives after reality fame.
Kate Gosselin
ncgirl (196) Yep, that sure sound like Kate. She just can't let go of her reality tv dream, although it may not pay well for her if it focuses on the grown kids. They would have their own contracts and paychecks--that is, if anyone bites, which is doubtful. Fact is, they're very average and not very interesting now. And, of course, she won't be able to produce Hannah, Collin, or (most likely) Cara for filming. Who would bother to watch? Her "hook"--those two sets of adorable little multiples--is gone, and it's no secret that they couldn't pull much of an audience after Jon left the show 15 years ago. But it's likely that she desperately needs whatever extra cash she can get her hands on, so she'll try anything. Good luck with that!
The tups are all in college living their owns lives and along with Cara keep a very low social media profile, so I can't imagine they would want to film again. Mady on the other hand...that wouldn't surprise me. But her tik-toks aren't very entertaining so I don't know how well a show with just her and Kate would do.
One of Cody's kids from Sister Wives committed suicide. Horrible. I vaguely remember in a few episodes this young man being so vocal with Cody about the pain he was inflicting on the family. I never watched the show, but my sister was a big fan, and so when I was over at her place I've ended up seeing bits and pieces of episodes several times over the years. One has to wonder what role if any having to play out the family problems before an audience contributed to his declining mental health.
I’ve never seen that show but did see the story on his suicide. So sad! I think this will happen more and more as parents insist their kids love having their entire lives filmed, even the most personal and embarrassing moments. Looking at you Kate!
If you all haven’t seen quiet on the set yet, I highly recommend. It’s very disturbing. I’m sure it happens more then we know (sexual
Assaulting children) but the kids are terrified of losing their income. Or not being believed.
So happy we had a normal healthy life for our kids!
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